"Financial Analysis of Reliance Life Insurance" Submitted in Partial Fulfillment For The Award of Degree of Master of Business Administration
"Financial Analysis of Reliance Life Insurance" Submitted in Partial Fulfillment For The Award of Degree of Master of Business Administration
"Financial Analysis of Reliance Life Insurance" Submitted in Partial Fulfillment For The Award of Degree of Master of Business Administration
FINANCIAL ANALYSIS OF RELIANCE LIFE INSURANCE Submitted in partial fulfillment for the Award of degree of Master of Business Administration
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! e"press my sincere than#s to my project guide Mr. Manoj Sharma +,aculty of Mgmt.- for guiding me right from the inception till the successful completion of the project. ! sincerely ac#no ledge him for e"tending their $aluable guidance& support for literature& critical re$ie of project and the report and abo$e all the moral support he pro$ided to me this project. ! ould li#e to than# the supporting staff members of Management .epartment& for their help ith all stages of
and cooperati$e throughout our project. !t is ell/established fact that behind e$ery achie$ement lies an unfathomable sea of gratitude ho ha$e e"tended their support and ithout hom the project ould ne$er ha$e
to those
!& A%9#. C2$/:2A-3 Student of MBA A+,A- #%S.#./." $F "%0#%""-#%0 1 ."C2%$+$034 A+,A- (-A5.! hereby declare that all the information facts and figures produced in this report is based on my o n e"perience and study during my open mar#et research in analy)ing the 7F#%A%C#A+ A%A+3S#S $F -"+#A%C" +#F" #%S/-A%C".8 ! further declare that all the information and facts furnished in this project report are based on my intensi$e research findings. They are first hand and original in nature.
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Anil .hirubhai Ambani 2roup +A.A2- announces the acquisition of 344 percent shareholding in AMP Sanmar 5ife !nsurance 0ompany 5imited. Reliance 5ife !nsurance 0ompany 5imited is officially launched on ,ebruary 3& 6447. This as after obtaining the required regulatiry appro$als from the Registrar of 0ompanies and the !nsurance Regulatory and .e$elopment Authority. Reliance 5ife !nsurance is the part of the Reliance 0apital. sa$ings protection and in$estment need of indi$iduals and corporate. Reliance 5ife !nsurance has plenty of plans on the an$il. !t has also 338 branches& strong presence in South and a bouquet of products catering. The company has already added 744 employees in addition to the 3444 plus staff of the erst hile AMP Sanmar 5ife !nsurance 0ompany 5imited. Reliance 5ife !nsurance aims to be the consumer9s preferred life insurer by understanding and meeting his needs. Thin# Bigger& Thin# Better: ith
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0o$er Page Preface Ac#no ledgement .eclaration ;"ecuti$e Summary
1. !ntroduction to the industry 2. !ntroduction to the organi)ation 3. Research Methodology 1.3 1.6 1.1 1.> 1.= 1.7 1.? Title of the study Objecti$e of the study Types of research .ata 0ollection methods Sampling .esign Scope of the Study 5imitations of the study 17/=? =8 =< 74 73/71 7>/7< ?4 3/< 34/14 13/1=
4. .ata analysis and interpretations 5. ,indings 6. S@OT Analysis 7. 0onclusion 8. Recommendations and suggestions 9. Anne"ure 10. Bibliography