1. Introduction Of Desalter Phase - IV
1-1 Gravity separation
1-2 Chemical treatment
1-3 Heating
1-4 Dilution (washing with water)
1-5 Agitation (mixing wash water)
1-6 Electrostatic coalescing (electrical treatment)
2. Methods of dehydration
2-1 Dehydration
2-2 Desalting
2-3 Objective of install dehydration/desalting plant
3. Theory of emulsion
3-1 Tight emulsion
3-2 Loose emulsion
1. Introduction Of CRU
2. Process Flow Route
2-1 G-101
2-1 G-102
1. Introduction
1-1 Operating Cycle
2. Rosemount DCS
2-1 Rosemount System Description
2-2 Hardware Description
1. Introduction of Gathering Center
Since the oil production of Kuwait oil fields began in the year of 1945.The oil, which
is produced from the reservoir, flow through various well-down-hole equipment and
surface facilities. It is collected in a place called a gathering center.
The oil gatherings system from the wells to the GC may consists of single flow line
from a well to its separation equipment by 6” flow lines. Flow lines are usually
terminated at headers. The crude oil processes, through grove valve and headers into
separators. The separated gas is sent to the Booster Station, where the pressures is
boosted up and send to (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) LPG plant. The crude oil either is
routed to the dry tank or wet tank. The wet crude treated at the desalter plant, where
water and salt removed. The treated crude is then routed to the dry tanks. Finally,
crude oil is pumped from the dry tank to the AHMADI tank form and the tank vapor
gas is routed to the Condensate Recovery Unit (CRU).
There were originally 26 gathering centers distributed in eight KOC (Kuwait Oil
Company) oil fields. The first center to be commissioned was GC#1 at Burgan oil
field and that was on June 7th 1946.
The RCV is provided on each incoming flow line at a remote place inside or outside a
GC, it is used to isolate the well from the GC in case of emergence, maintenance and
rig work.
Used for collecting a sample of oil for salt or water content check. It is normally use
when the salt content in dry separator is very high.
2-4 Orifice box
This is device for measurement of oil flow and it is normally fitted inside with an
orifice plate. But at most GC’s these devices are no longer used.
This is a header pipe, which mixed crude oil from different oil wells and stabilized the
pressure before sending the oil into a separator. There are up to six oil headers in
some GS’s such as:
When both grove valves shut the tank-pressurizing valve will open and the
Condensate Recovery Unit (CRU) will shutdown on any of the main grove closes.
3. Oil Route From Separator To Main Tanks
The crude oil route from separators to main tanks flows through the following.
• Separators
• Tank filling line manifold
• Main Tanks
3-1 Separators
A separator is a vessel in which a mixture of two or more fluids that are not easily
mixing in each other are separated from one another. In GC #1 have horizontal
separator for Hp dry, Hp wet, Lp wet and vertical separator for Lp dry.
Vertical separators
In this type there are two forces work to separate the oil and the gas Gravity Force
(causes the heavier oil to drop to the lower part of the separator and this force is
utilized by reducing velocity so the liquid can settle out in the space provided and
Centrifugal force of the whirling action (causes the heavy oil particles to collect on
the walls of the separator and this force is utilized by changing the direction of flow).
Horizontal separators
This type operates in much the same way as a vertical separator, the unit in a
horizontal position instead of upright. The same gravity and centrifugal force are
used, and the oil is removed from the bottom of the unit and the gas from the top.
Horizontal separators may be of either the single –tube or double design.
These separators are operating at high pressure. Pressure control valves (PCV’s) keep
the pressure in the separators at 280 psig fitted at the gas out let. From the incoming
manifold headers the oil enters into these separators at near mid point of the vessels.
These separators are operating at low-pressure control valves keep the pressure in the
separators at 60 psig fitted at the gas outlet.
3-2 Tank filling line manifold:
Oil passes from separator through LCV’s (Level Control Valves) and tank filling line
are to the filling manifold. From filling manifold the oil go either direction tanks. Hp
wet separators crude is going to wet tank, dry separator crude is going to dry tank.
The purposes of main tanks are to store the Dry crude oil. It considered as 3 rd
stage separator where the pressure is kept 2.5” of water controlled by butterfly.
Gas 36” line connected to CRU and to Lp flare. Normally 10-12 feet’s of level is
maintaining in the dry tanks and this is to keep sufficient crude flow to the crude oil
1. Design Condition
Main tanks equipped with the following Instruments and control units:
Varic unit: it is a relief valve to release the tank pressure at (4.0 for old tanks &
7.0” w.g for new tanks) to atmosphere, and enters air pressure (vacuum) if the
pressure drops down around (5” w.g.)
High level alarm (LSH) and high level shut down (LSHH)
Low level alarm (LSL) and low level shut down (LSLL)
Mercury manometer: to measure tank level
• Level transmitter: to indicate level in DCS
2 pressure transmitter: one for CRU and the other for butterfly
Temperature transmitter: to measure tank temperature
4. Gas Route From Separators To Booster Station
The gas is routed from separators through the following
• Hp gas system
• Lp gas system
The amount of gas comes out from oil in Hp separators varies according to the
amount of oil produced from the wells.
Hp gas outlet from each separator is connected in a common line. The common line is
routed through the following.
Hp gas to Booster station
Hp gas to Hp flare
The Hp gas from Separators to booster station flows through the following.
Hp gas pressure control valve
Hp gas scrubber
Before the pressure control valve one CRU lean gas line is connected to Hp gas
common line.
* Hp gas scrubber:
The purpose is to clean up the gas from oil before going to booster station where the
gas is getting compressed and sent to the refinery.
2. Hp gas to Hp flare:
* Back pressure PCV’s (Pressure Control Valves) are fitted for:
It is same as the Hp system. The LP gas comes from 1st stage separators to LP gas
Lp gas outlet from each separator is connected in a common line. The common line is
routed through the following.
Lp gas to Booster station
Lp gas to Hp flare
The Lp gas from Separators to booster station flows through the following.
Lp gas scrubber
Lp gas pressure control valve
Lp Gas Scrubber:
This function is same as Hp gas scrubber.
2. Lp gas to Hp flare:
After the Lp gas scrubber by 4” Compensating gas line connected to tank filling line
to maintain pressure in the main tanks set at 2.5” w.g.
5. Fuel gas system:
There are two type of fuel gas
• Lean gas
• Rich gas
* Lean Gas:
It is coming from Shuabia with the pressure of 500 psig. This gas is regulate the
pressure control valve to 270 psig and sending the gas to engine gas scrubber.
Lean gas line is divided into three lines. The lines are going to the following
Desalter heaters
Engine gas scrubber
Tank pressuring valve
* Rich Gas:
This is back up to the engine gas pressure. If incase of shuabia gas pressure is getting
drop the PCV from the Hp gas system will open and pressure will backup to engine
gas scrubber.
Lean gas supplies to the Turbine and CRU from engine gas scrubber. The engine
gas scrubber inlet PRV controls the pressure at 175 psig. And the outlet PRV
controls the pressure to the engine at 125 psig.
It opens automatically when Hp headers (ESD) valves shut down due to any reasons
to keep main tanks pressurized at all times through a 3/8 chock
• To prevent the Varic-unit from opening vacuum allowing air inside the tank
and producing explosive mixture in the flare line of the tank.
• To prevent backfire from Lp flare.
7. Test plant
Test plant is used for:
• Production test of one zone or both
• Gas oil ratio (GOR) test of one zone or both.
De-killing a zone
De-pressurizing a flow line.
The oil route from test headers to test tanks flows through the following.
Test header to test separators.
Test plant.
1. Test headers:
2. Test tank:
To measure oil production of a well on test, oil from test tank must be pumped back
by the transfer pump to wet tank usually after each test
Low level shut down (LSLL) for stopping the transfer pump.
• Level transmitter: to indicate level in DCS
Pressure transmitter for measuring the tank vapors
Temperature transmitter: to measure tank temperature
Note: Transfer pump is pumping the oil in test tank to Wet tank.
8. Plant Area Chemicals
Demulsifier system:
All headers area Demulsifier storage in two tanks TK-008 A, B and 8 demulsifier
pumps are used to pump the chemicals into headers.
All headers area Scale Inhibitor is storage in tank TK-009 and 5 Scale Inhibitor
pumps are used to pump the chemicals into headers.
9. Instrument air system And Fire Water System
The instrument air system for plant is maintaining the 60 psig of dry air is used to
operate instruments and equipments.
This system is having one pressure switch. The set point of the switch is 38 psig. If
the pressure is coming bellow 38 psig the will shutdown the gathering center.
There are two instrument air compressor are supplying the air to the system. If one is
on duty the other one will be on stand by. Before the instrument air is sent to system
tit passes through humid dryer to dry the air.
The both compressor has it individual pressure switches for operating the compressors
cut off and cut on.
The use of fire water system is incase of any emergency situation in the gathering
The use of this water for fire fighting and tanks are kept full.
The water is filled through the (A&C valve) and it must be full at all times, when tank
is full shut the (A&C valve) and inform to the operator.
These pumps are operated by diesel engine. It is used to pump the fire water incase of
Desalter Phase - IV
Till recently wet production was a problem and work over were required to shut off
the wet zones. This was locking up recoverable reserve and affecting proper
production. As a solution to this, dehydration/desalting plants were installed in those
mostly affected GC’s to handle the wet production.
A certain amount of each of these factors working together can give a required result
of the treated crude.
The removal of free water or unemulsified water from crude oil, the free water when
given opportunity i.e. residence time and enough space, It readily separates by
gravitational method. The gravity settling out of this free water is mainly
accomplished in separators, wet tanks and desalter vessels.
Demulsifies chemical is added into water in oil emulsion to break or weaken the thick
film of emulsifying agents around water droplets, the breaking of the film allows the
water droplets to come much closer together by the natural of molecular attraction,
forming a large droplet witch is easily separates from oil and settles down faster.
1-3. Heating:
Advantage of heating is to help weaken or break the film around the droplets by:
• Helps to dissolve, weaken or break the skin around the droplet by expanding
the water drop it self
Reduces oil viscosity i.e. making the oil thinner to help water droplets fall faster
(reducing settling time)
Help to spread demulsifier and increasing chemical reactivity in the emulsion
Creates thermal currents that force water droplets to collide thus improving the
rate of emulsion breaking and joining together of droplets.
Softening and melting the skin around the droplet and make it easily soluble in the
crude oil.
Disadvantage of heating:
Addition of less salt water into wet crude is very important and helps to dilute its
highly salt water content.
When wash water is well distributed in crude, it helps join together smaller
droplets and speed up this separation form the crude.
Dissolve crystal salts
It is the most effective method that provides a strong driving force for removing salt
water from crude oil.
The natural composition of the water droplet itself is the basis of this theory. The
water droplet is made up of many polar molecules. Each water molecule has one part
oxygen and two parts of hydrogen. Oxygen has a negative end and hydrogen a
positive end. These polar forces are arranged in a shape very much like a bar magnet
and easily responds to an applied electrical force field.
2. Methods of dehydration
When the produced water in crude is very salty as in our case then, straight
dehydration is not the only solution and so the crude has also to be desalted.
2-1 Dehydration:
Simply it means removing of salt water from crude oil to at least 0.1 of 1 %. This is
accomplished by gravitational method through 3 phases’ separators, wet tanks and
desalter vessels. Gravity settling of free water can easily be achieved if sufficient
retention time is given to the emulsion in the vessels.
2-2 Desalting:
Means removing salt from crude oil by adding less salty water. The less salty water is
relatively fresh than the highly salty formation water produced with the crude.
Addition of this, so called fresh water dilutes and lowers the salt concentration of the
formation water remaining in the crude to an acceptable level. The less salty water
added into crude is known as wash water or dilution water.
The formation water produced with the Kuwaiti cruds normally contains salts in range
of 150,000 to 200,000ppm.
In Kuwait oil fields, KOC used a mobile desalter as test and that was in 1978
3. Theory of emulsion:
An emulsion is a combination of tow liquids that do not mix together under normal
conditions. Three conditions are necessary to make a real and stable emulsion, they
• The liquids must be agreeable to mix
• There must be enough breaking force to spread one liquid as droplets in the
• There must be an emulsifying agent or emulsifier present.
Types of emulsion: normally, there are two types of water in oil emulsion
Tight emulsion
Loose emulsion.
Small water droplets spread in the crude oil, this violent mixing of water in oil can be
caused by submersible pumps big differential pressure drop at well head or at mixing
valve in the desalter plant.
Tight emulsion is very easy to make but difficult to break one because it requires
higher operating temperature, higher chemical injection rates and higher efforts.
Formed of large water droplets and it caused by moderate and sufficient mixing and it
is not difficult to treat.
4-1 Degassing Boot ( V-004)
• The degassing boot provides separation of gas from crude oil before entering
the wet tank. At the 24” feeding line to degassing boot 4” line connected from
make up gas. (Compensating)
• Gas from top of degassing boot flow into wet tank TK-001 through 36’ line.
1. Design condition
Diameter 108.3 ft
Height 49.3 ft
Capacity 80,000 Barrels
Design pressure 10.0 W.G
Design Temp 2000F
Factor 1640 barrels/ft
Lifting at 7.0” w.g and Vacuum at 1.0” w.g
The purpose of feed pumps is to be pumped the wet crude from wet tank to
desalter trains.
• Crude oil from wet tank TK 001 flows to the crude oil feed pumps suction
through 24” line
• At each feed pump suction and discharge valves fitted at 16” suction and 10”
discharge lines
Each feed pump maximum flow rate 55,000 BPD
Demulsifier ¾” line injected into the stream of each feed pump.
At the 24” suction line low suction pressure alarm PAL 002 at 8.0 psi and low
suction pressure shutdown PSLL 003 at 6.8psi that will stop both trains.
Feed pump high discharge pressure alarm PAH 101/201 at 230psi and high
discharge pressure shutdown PSHH 102/202 at 240 psi are provided
FX 101 A/ 201 A provides reset for FRC-102/202 on wash water pump discharge
to control wash water flow rate at fixed ratio between crude oil and wash
water flow rate.
• Feed pump P-001A will automatically stopped if in case of train 1 shutdown
and pump P-001 C will stopped incase of train 2 shutdown.
The spare pump P-001 B can be selected for either of trains by HS-001B and it
stopped by shutdown of selected train.
1. Design condition
After the feed pump control valve crude oil flow through 10” line is preheated in
heat exchanger E 101/201
Heat exchanger is plate type with 10” manual by pass valve and back flashing
facilities on both charge product side.
4-5. Water Bath Heater (F-101/201)
The water bath heater makes use of convective type heat transfer. The water
bath is maintained at a pre-set temperature by firing hydrocarbon fuel into a U
type fire tube immersed in the bath. A coil bundle of carbon steel pipe or
tubing in a serpentine arrangement is immersed in the heater bath. The process
flow through the coil and heat is transferred from the bath to the process.
The heater is designed with a coil bundle, which is removable from one end of the
vessel and a U type fire tube removable from other end.
Crude oil after heat exchanger is fed through 12” line to the water bath heater.
Fresh water is used for both heaters; the bath heater must be always full with fresh
The desatler process stream crude oil temp is controlled at above 1400 F at the
outlet line from bath heater
2. Water bath heater is equipped with the following instrument control and settings:
Fuel gas is taken directly from Shuaibah fuel gas through 1 ½ “ line with pressure
of 250 to 270 psig.
The reducer valves PCV 107/108 are controlled by DCS PIC 107/108 at Train A
and PV 207/208 at train B. These valves are reducing the pressure from 270 to
160 psig.
Fuel gas 1 ½ “ line entering to fuel gas knock out pot V 101/201.
At knock out pot safety valves PSV 105/205 A, B set at 75 psi open to relief flash
vessel V002.
After knock out pot high pressure alarm PAH 104/204 at 75 psi and low pressure
alarm PAL 105/205 at 48 psi
Fuel gas enters to fuel gas filter FL 101/201.
1 ½ “ fuel gas line enters the pre-heating coil inside the water bath heater.
After pre-heating the fuel gas divided in two streams one is pilot gas and other one is
fuel gas to main burner.
Incase of heater shutdown two shut off valves XV 103A/103 C at train1
and XV 203 A/203B train 2 will closed and stop pilot gas flow,
while XV 103B/203B open to vent the gas to atmosphere.
Low pilot pressure alarm PAL 111/211 at 4.0 psi and low pilot pressure
shutdown PSLL 112/212 at 3.0 psi.
Fuel gas pressure to heater burner reduced to 40 psi by control valves PV 119/120
by signal from local pressure controller PIC119/120 from train 1.
The control valves PV 219/220 by signal from local pressure controller PIC
219/220 from train2.
In case of heater shutdown two shut of valves XV140A/104C at train 1, and 204
A/204C at train 2 will closed and stop fuel gas flow, while XV 104B/ 204B
will open to vent the gas to atmosphere.
4-6. 1st Stage (Recycle water injection nozzle - mixing v/v - vessel)
1. Injection Nozzle:
• A 3” recycle water injection line is taken from 2nd stage vessel by recycle
pumps P-003 A, B, C to 1st stage vessel injection spool into crude oil system.
• The injection nozzle is to make the wash water spread well with the crude oil.
2. 1st stage mixing valve PDV-121/221:
Crude oil and recycle water deeply mixed by making differential pressure (10 to15
The mixing valve PDV 121/221 is connected by PDIC-121/221. Its set point is at
DCS in control room setting between 10-15 psi.
Too low pressure drop a cross the mixing valve will cause of efficiency of desalting
operation, due to intimate contact between wash water and crude oil, in this case an
higher salt content in the treated crude stream can be expected.
Too high pressure drop will create a mixture between water and oil with a very high
stability, which will be difficult to separate even in the high voltages electrostatics
field inside the desater, in this case a higher water content in the treated crude stream
can be expected.
Crude oil mixed with water enters to 1st stage vessel through 10” line.
The oil water emulsion is removed by introducing it into a high voltage
electrostatic field by three transformers.
Oily-water interface out from 1st stage S-101/201 through two 3” lines and send to
water /water heat exchanger and then to waste water treatment unit or to wet
At the top of the vessel 1” drain line to be used for degassing the vessel and to
check that the vessel is full of crude oil before starting the transformer.
Two 3” drain line at the vessel bottom connected to sump vessel V-001.
4” sludge drains line connected to line 80 pit or to sump vessel.
4-7. 2nd Stage (Wash water injection nozzle - mixing v/v - vessel)
1. Wash water Injection Nozzle:
Crude oil flows from 1st stage vessel to 2nd stage vessel. Before entering the crude
oil to 2nd stage vessel the wash water from wash water pumps P-002 A, B,C is
injected into 2nd stage injection nozzle.
The injection nozzle is to make the water spread well with the crude oil.
To make more mixing of water with crude oil before entering the 2nd stage vessel.
It is called static mixing.
2 stage vessel oil-water emulsion is removed by introducing it into a high
voltage electro static field by 3 transformer.
Interface level:
The oil water interface level is an important operating parameter since high level can
cause poor oil-water separation.
Increase the water level will reduce oil retention time and increase water retention
time. And in case of low interface level it will increase the AC electrostatic field
between the electrodes and oil-water interface. Also low level can cause higher
content of sludge in discharged of recycle water to 1st stage vessel.
At each desalter vessel electric power system used inside desalter vessel is the
trivolted electrostatic desalting.
Three transformers are provided for each vessel.
Each transformer is connected across two phases of a three-phase power supply, to
ensuring a balanced electrical load.
To ensure that the transformer and the electrical supply system cannot be over
The desalter can remain on line under upset operation condition; in these case
water or emulsion may enter the electrodes system a transient short circuit
High temperature resistant insulating oil and if it is provided with an insulting oil
After the 2nd stage vessel product crude oil through 10” line and flows to heat
exchanger E-101/201(hot side)
1. Purpose:
To give a continuous indication of the B.S.&W content in the dry crude line by
measuring the dielectric constant of the product as it possess through a special
probe in the fluid stream. Changes in the dielectric constant are caused by
variations in the amount of water in the product rather than of solids.
To provide an automatic control, to assure crude oil is recycled to the wet tank,
any time water content exceeds 0.1% (salt content over 5PTB; pounds per
thousand barrels).
The system consists of three parts:
Analyzer indicator/recorder.
The quality of treated crude oil is monitored by the analyzer AIT-101/201 (to
measure the water content in crude) B.S&W.
The analyzer AT-102/202 in is for measuring the salt content in crude.
Diverting valves are installed down stream of the backpressure control valve. The
purpose of the diverting valves is to automatically divert the crude oil flow from the
dry tanks into the wet tanks, any time the salt content exceeds 5 PTB (0.1 volume %
water cut). Diverting signal comes from the B.S&W analyzer transmitter.
The AV-101/201, A. are open to circulate the crude oil through 10” line to wet
• The AV-101/201 B. is open to sent crude oil through 10” line to dry tank.
• Filling line to wash water tank through 4” line from brackish water ring main
• At filling line LCV-006 to control the wash water tank level by tacking the
signal from LIC-006 at DCS normal set pint at 29.0 ft.
• At filling line biocide is injected by ¾” line.
• 12” line to fire raiser connected to wash water tank.
• 6” line from wash water tank connected to fire pumps.
• All the 6” outlet line from wash water tank, ¾” line of oxygen scavenger is
Low level alarm 7.5 ft
Low level shutdown 3.5 ft will shutdown desalter plant
3. Wash water pumps P-002 A,B &C. and flow control instruments:
• To pump the wash water from wash water tank to 2nd stage vessel.
• At the 4” suction line of each pump ¾” scale inhibitor and ¾” biocide are
• Strainers at each pump suction, and differential gauge pressure fitted to check
if the strainers is dirty.
Wash water pump P-002 A will stopped if train 1 shutdown.
• Wash water P-002 C will stop if trains 2 shutdown.
• Spare pump P-002B can be selected by selector hand switch HS-002 B and it
stopped by shutdown of selected train.
• At the 3” discharge line Flow Transmitter FIT-102/202 is sending the signal to
flow recorder and controller FRC-102/202 at DCS.
• The FRC-102/202 is to give the set point to the flow control valve FV-102/202
depending on the ratio set from FX-101A / FX-201 A with the feed pump flow
• The flow control valves FV-102/202 are fitted at the 3” discharge line from
wash water pump to control the wash water flow.
• The water flow is controlled at set ration with feed pumps crude oil flow rate
by a flow ratio controller, and the required ratio is normally set at 4.0 to 5.0 %
and it can be change.
• The wash water pump into the wash water heat exchanger pumps cold wash
water from the wash water tank. Disposal hot effluent water from 1st stage
deslter vessel enters water heat exchanger through the interface level control
valve to exchange heat with the cold wash water before injection into the 2nd
stage desalter vessel.
• 3” wash water line is injected with crude oil inlet line to 2nd stage vessel.
• The recycle water pumps taken their suction from the 2nd stage vessel through
4” line and pumped by recycle pump to 1st stage vessel.
• Three pumps are provided, one for TR,A , one for TR, B and C in common
stand by.
• At the 4” suction line to recycle pump strainer is fitted, and pressure
differential gauge to check if the strainer is dirty.
• Recycle water pump P-002 A will stopped if train 1 shutdown, and the pump
P-002 C will stopped if train 2 shutdown.
• Spare pump P-002 B can be selected by selection hand switch HS-002 B and
will stopped with select train.
• Local hand switch HS-103, HS-003 A, HS-203 for starting and stopping the
recycle pumps.
• At recycle pump 3” discharge line orifice plate FE-108/208 is sending signal
to flow recorder FR-108/208 at DCS. (Low flow alarm FAL-108/208 at 1510
Level indicator transmitter LIT-109/209 at 2nd stagevessel sends the signal to level
controller LIC-109/209 at DCS, which send the signal to level control valve
LV-109/209. (Level set point 45-50%).
Effluent water from 1st stage by 4” line and flows to heat exchanger E-102/202 hot
• The effluent water to WWT system is treated in two stages. In 1st stage (CPI)
large oil particles are being separated by gravity separation inside a special
designed tank. In 2nd stage small oil particles are separated by using air
flotation unit.
WWT units are provided in all desalter plants to reduce the oily particles to
less then 10 ppm. WWT units working on the basic of gravity separation and
flotation principles.
• There are two type of oil in waters one is free oil and the other is emulsified
• At the 14” inlet line to waste water treatment unit, two valves are fitted inlet
valve to (CPI) XSV-050 A, and by pass valve XSV-050 B will by pass the
WWT system and open to disposal pit.
At the 14” inlet line flow recorder FE-009 with flow transmitter FIT-009 sent
signal to FR-009 at DCS.
There are 4 types of plate interceptors used in waste water treatment units.
API: alternate plate interceptor
SPI: Square plate interceptor
CPI: Corrugated plate interceptor
PPI: Parallel plate interceptor
The flotation process is improved by adding coagulant chemical into the effluent
water at inlet of the flotator unit. This chemical breaks oil in-water emulsion, gather
suspended solid, and stabilize the air bubbles from froth that floats on the surface.
7. Chemicals
There are 4 types of chemicals mainly using phase IV desalter plant.
1- Demulsifier chemical
2- Oxygen scavenger
3- Scale inhibitor
4- Coagulant chemical
1. Demulsifier:
Demulsifier chemical is injected into water-in-oil emulsion to break and remove a
thick film of emulsifying agents around water droplets. The dosage ppm of
demulsifier is 20 ppm.
At demlsifier plant area demulsifier store in two tanks TK-003 A&B. and 4
demulsifier pumps P-004 A, B, C & D.
Demulsifier pumps A&B used at
- Normally at train 1 feed pump P-001 A suction line
- At train A 2nd stage vessel S-102 inlet line.
- At bath heater F-101 inlet line.
Demulsifier pumps P-004 C, D used at
- Normally used at train 2 feed pump P-001C suction line
- At train B 2nd stage vessel S-202 inlet line
- At bath heater f-101 inlet line.
2. Oxygen scavenger:
It is injected into wash water system to remove free oxygen to prevent
oxygen corrosion. The dosage ppm of oxygen scavenges is 64ppm.
Oxygen scavenger is stored in tank TKK-005 and two oxygen scavenger
pumps P-007 A&B.
Oxygen scavenger pump P-007 A at wash water tank TK-002 outlet line
and pump P-007 B is spare.
3- scale inhibitor:
It is injected into both wash water system and wet oil system in order to prevent
formation of scale deposits. The dosage ppm of scale inhibitor is 20-30ppm.
At desalter plant scale inhibitor is storage in tank TK-004 and four scale
inhibitor pumps P-006 A, B, C & D. The design condition of TK-004
is same as TK-005.
Scale inhibitor pump P-006 A at train 1 wash water pump P-002 A and
Pump P-006 B at train 2 wash water pump P-002C.
Pump P-006 C at wastewater treatment system inlet line and P-006b is
spare pump for P-006 A, B, C.
4. coagulant chemical:
It is infected into wash water treatment unit at the floatator inlet line. Its purpose is to
break oil in water emulsion.
At desalter plant area coagulant is stored in tank TK-007 and two
coagulant pumps P-008 A,B. the design condition TK-007 is same as
Coagulant pump P-008 B is spare pump for P-008 A
Sump Vessel:
The drain sump is designed to receive only stabilized liquid flows by gravity and not
surge flows under high pressure. The following drain lines are connected to the sump
• Desalter Plant
• Wet Tank
• Test Tank
• Relief Flash Vessel
• Plant Drain Flash Vessel
The main inlet of the sump is connected parallel to the sump tank and line 80 pit. In
normal condition the sump inlet valve XV-027A is opened to sump and XV-027B is
closed to line 80 pit.
If incase of emergency condition or sump level very high comes the high level switch
will actuate and it will give signal to XV-027A sump line will get close, XV-027A line
80 pit valve will open.
There are two pumps is pumping the oil from sump vessel to the wet tank.
Control room:
• Press RESET push button (HS-100 / 200A).
At DCS Console:
• Select alarm history page and verify status of all equipments and process
• Select group display (199 / 200) and put the following settings
• Select Feed pump discharge flow controller FIC 101 / 201 to put in manual
and set the
out put at 30 %.
• Select the 1st stage and 2nd stage mixing valves controller(PDIC-121 / 221for
train A, PDIC-112 / 222 for train B) to put in manual and set the output at
• Select the backpressure controller PIC-103 / 203 to put in manual and set the
output at 75%.
• Select 1st and 2nd stages interface level controllers LIC-106 / 206 and put the
set point at 45%.
• Select the wash water flow controller FIC-102 / 202 and keep in remote.
• Select Heater temperature controller TIC-101 / 201 to be put in manual and set
the o/p at 0%.
• RESET the feed pump (P-001 A, B, C) power supply circuit breaker in the
electrical sub-station and check the fault indication should get OFF.
• In the field manually RESET the following yard solenoid switches
Start the feed pump (P-001A / C) and establish oil circulation through desalter plant
• Start the Wash water pump (P-002 A / C) it is injected with crude oil inlet line
to 2nd stage desalter vessel.
• Start the transformers for both stages
• At DCS control station check 2nd stage train A / B water interface level after
reaching 45% of water level start the recycle pump(P-003 A / C).
Chemical Pump:
• Start the oxygen scavenger pumps (P-007 A / B ) to wash water tank TK-002
and set injection stroke rate percentage as required.
• Start Biocide pumps(P-005 A / B or C / D) and corrosion-cum scale inhibitor
pumps(P-006A / B or C / D) to wash water pumps P-002A & B and set
injection stroke rate percentage as required.
Control room:
• Select the group display (199 / 200) and put the following settings.
• Select and slowly adjust the crude flow rate on FIC-101/201 to required rates.
Raise the set point to match the actual flow and then switch FIC on Auto.
• Select the desalter heater graphic and switch TIC-101/201 to manual and set
TCV Output at 25%.
• Press Shutdown RESET pushbutton on the heater control logic panel.
• After press the RESET button wait until timer moves at zero position. Then
press the burner START button
• Heater start sequence will begin
• Wait until main flame ON lights comes on the heater panel
• In DCS check the heater status should be running indication comes
• In DCS switch temperature controller TIC-101/201 to auto and set at 145
degree F.
• After two hours collect samples from 2nd stage crude outlet if result –0.1% or
less (Water Cut) –5 BTP or less salt.
• RESET the diverting valve HS-110/210
• RESET solenoid valves of diverting classes
:Trouble Shooting Of Desalter
2. High salt content in the 1. Water carry over 1. Check water level
desalted crude. high and lower as
2. Feed salt content
high. 2. Increase wash water
3. Wash water injection rate.
rate low. 3. Increase wash water
4. Crude oil flow rate 4. Reduce crude flow
exceeded design rate to increase
capacity. retention time.
5. Insufficient mixing
of crude oil and wash 5. Increase mix valve
water. differential pressure.
3. High BS&W content in 1. Insufficient mixing 1. Increase mix valve
the desalted crude. of wash water in the differential pressure.
2. High interface level. 2. Check these
i. Check water
level using
try cocks.
Lower level
if necessary.
ii. Check water
rate. Reduce
if necessary.
iii. Check water
dump valve
and adjust if
1. Introduction Of CRU
The process of liquefying the tank vapors/gas is done within a unit, known as C.R.U
(condensate recovery unit). The purpose of CRU is to recover tank vapors in the form
of condensate/ liquid that would otherwise have been flared.
CRU is manly consists of muti-stage compressors a driver and cooling system. The
driver is an internal combustion engine. The engine type mostly used in SEK is a
cooper Bessemer GMWA-8 “V” integral gas engine driving 3 stage compressors.
Inter-stage cooling of compressed process gases is done through shell and tube heat
exchanger. Crude oil from the transit pump system or from the separators is used as
the process-cooling medium. Two forced air draft fans are used to provide cooling
duty for the compressor lube oil and for the engine jacket water.
In this 34 stage compressor the feed gas inlet pressure is normally 2.5”w.g. and out let
pressure is about 600 psig. After 2nd stage some gases change into liquid (condensate),
this liquid or condensate is pumped to the refinery for farther processing into Butan
Propane and KNG (Kuwait Natural Gasoline) products. These by-products are then
stored in special LPG tank within the refinery area before they are exported the LPG
tanks are designed to maintain the products in their liquid form for long period of
• Flow tanks
• Lp flare line
• 36” valve
• Vessel C-101
• Suction bottle
• 1st stage compressor
• Discharge bottle
• E-101 cooler
Vessel C-102
• Suction bottle
2nd stage compressor
• Discharge bottle
E-102 cooler
Vessel C-103
• Suction bottle,
• 3rd stage compressor
• Discharge bottle
• G-101
• E-103 cooler
• Vessel C-104
• G-102
2-1. G-101 pumps:
It pumps the liquid from C103 through E 103 to C104. Discharge pressure is
approximately 700 psig. G101 has a circulating line connected from the pump
discharge line back to vessel C103.
The circulating liquid passes through a small hole 7/64” in an orifice plate fitted in the
circulating line.
The CRU will not shutdown when G101 stops. But if not restarted soon, units will
shutdown on (high level C103).
An auto dump is fitted on each suction of G101 pump if G101 stops and C103 level
reaches a certain high point, auto dump will open dumping extra liquid to main tank
filling line through “K” valve. This is to avoid high-level shutdown.
The check valve fitted on G101 discharge line is to stop the gas in E103 from going
back to C103 when G101 is not running.
It function is also same as G-101 pump. But it pumps out condensate from C-104 to
condensate pipeline system. The discharge pressure is approximately 1000psig
The Cooper-Bessemer GMWA-8 is a stroke cycle “V” type engine using gas as fuel. 8
nos. power cylinders are arranged in 2 banks at an angle of 36 degree between the
centerline of the 2 banks. Thus the name V type being given.
Facing the flywheel end the power cylinders are designated left bank and right bank
and is numbered L1, R1 starting from the end opposite to the flywheel.
The engine rotation is clockwise facing the flywheel. The engine is rated at 2000 HP
at 250 RPM. 4 nos compressor cylinders, 2 on either side of the engine are driven by
connecting rods direct from the engine crankshaft. The engine/compressor unit
(K707) is designed to compress 9 MMCF/day of tank vapors in 3 stages to 595 psi.
3-1. Definition Of CB GMWA-8 Engine:
M: Stands for integral engine (i.e. engine and compressor built together
into one unit).
W: Stands for bore and stroke size( i.e. 18” bore x 20” stroke
It provides in the essential power force required to drive the engine by burning in the
correct ratio of fuel air mixture. The cylinder has gas injection valve, two spark plugs,
air intake ports and gas exhaust ports.
The fuel gas injected into the cylinder head at the proper time and is mixed with the
supply of fresh air that has just been admitted. Since the two ports(intake and exhaust)
are closed, the gas –air mixture is compressed and the pressure inside the cylinder is
increased. This is called the “Compression stroke”. As the piston moves further
toward the cylinder head, the compression of the fuel gas-air mixture continuous until
reaches near top dead center (TDC) where it is ignited by the twin spark plugs, after
which the piston is forced back to the crank end as the combustion charge expands.
This is the “ power stroke”. As the piston approaches the end of this power stroke,
bottom dead end(BDC) the exhaust ports are uncovered again to push out the burnt
gases as mentioned above completing the cycle.
The system lubricating the engine supplies lube oil to all internal moving part accept
power cylinder, air blower and compressor cylinders.
The power cylinder linear and compressor cylinder are lubricated by mechanical
force, feed lubricators and sequential distribution system. (Tarpon lubricator system).
The lubricating oil is stored and collected in the under ground tank and the engine
crank case sump. The engine lubricating system in pressured by Aux. Lube oil pump,
pre lube oil pump and main lube oil pump during engine running.
Before the start up lube oil is supplied to all parts of the engine by pre lube oil pump,
which is air driven. This pump will give 3-5 psi pressure to the system before start up.
* Mine lube oil pump:
It is a rotary gear type; self lubricated pump and chin driven from the engine gas. It is
mounted on the opposite end of ht flywheel. Relief valve set at 75 psig protects the
pump and system against excessive pressure.
The lube oil is pumped from the engine sump through a thermostat to the oil cooler
(fin fan). After the cooler lube oil passes through filter, and strainer to the main lube
oil header. Header in the engine base. Form the gallery lube oil is supplied to all
lubrication point accepts power cylinder, air blower and compressor cylinder.
* Thermostat wall:
According to the temperature it allows oil to by pass or be cooled by the cooler, and
so automatically regulates the temperature.
* Fin fan:
A serous of lube, through which the lube oil and water passé. A fan blower air over
the tube and cools the lube oil.
The cooler consists of two sections. One section is for cooling the water, and the other
section is for cooling the lube oil. The fan is driven by electric motor. If vibration
occurs because of a broken blade, vibration switch will stop the fin fan. Rest button
must be pressed before restarting.
Compressor cylinders are lubricated by GEC 460. And the normal pressure is 100-120
psi. The low pressure set at 40 psi.
If either the power or compressor lubricator reservoirs are fond to be empty, don not
restart the unit, because in this case plungers will be air locked and require
maintenance dept. to disconnect and prime each plunger and lubricating point.
Fuel gas supply to the CRU is from engine gas scrubber at 135 pos. the fisher 99
regulating valve is reduces fuel gas pressure 240 psi and the sensing line is connected
with filter outlet. This filter has an auto dump.
* Vessel C-109:
This vessel is a scrubber to ensure no liquid is allows into the engine. If liquid from
that will dump with the normal drain to a pit. It has a relief valve set at 90 psi.
It shuts off gas supply and vents the fuel gas from the engine during normal and
emergency shutdown. (ESD). During start up, when ignition indicator comes on at
FT-50 panel, instrument air is applied to the diaphragm of the valve to open the gas
port and close the vent port of the valve.
This is the main control valve that regulates the fuel gas pressure to the engine. In
other words it is the valve, which controls the speed of the engine increase or
decrease. It is remotely and manually controlled from the FT-50panel.
During start-up the fuel gas control valve is at the minimum open position (set to
regulate to the light up pressure of 10-12 psi fuel gas). In order to run the engine at
minimum speed of 165 RPM.
They are operated by cam-followers through push rods and rocker arms. A burnt out
gas injection valve will result in heavy smoke and detonation of the engine.
The purpose of ignition system is to furnish is spark in the combustion chamber of the
cylinder to the fire the air/ fuel mixture at the proper point in the stroke sequence to
maintain smooth engine firing. In each cylinder has two spark plugs fired
simultaneously to provide continuous and relay able ignition. Twin spark plugs in
each power cylinder head provide source of ignition at all loads and speed to the
engine. Twin spark means a system in which the two spark plugs fire at the same time.
In the twin spark system, if one of the plugs fail the other plug will fire. The purpose
of the twin spark is to permit more efficient combustion and improve reliability of the
system though base-up ignition.
This new system consists of an ultrasonic generator unit, the ultrasonic unit provides
adequate starting out put at an engine speed 30-50 RPM and ensures free operating
during running period. This ignition system operated during start up, the engine is
cranked for 7 second for purging sequence. After this period a relay on FT-50 panel is
energized and sends out a 24 volt DC signal to the ultrasonic CPV via a really box.
The coils step up the primary voltage from low to high tensioned charge the spark
plugs for a 2 second period. When the ignition on indicator light is on the FT-50 panel
during start up, the following events take place:
• The relay box is energized and the ignition switch inside is open to remove
grounding of the ignitions system.
• The fuel shut off valve is signaled to open to indicate the ignition firing
sequence. The ignition CPV is programmed with the engine firing sequence
logic derived from 360 bar holes drilled along the perimeters edge of the
flywheel, each hole representing one degree. Four magnetic pick-ups are fixed
opposite the rotating side of the flywheel and at opposite the rotating side of
the flywheel and at a distance of 0.15” air gap from the rotating path of the
flywheel to obtain optimum sensing of pluses. Each pick up has its own
separator function, as described below.
4. Gas Compressor
The compressor:
Compressor operation:
The 1st stage has two cylinders, horizontally opposed. The inlet gas is drawn from
C-101 at 2.5”w.g, which is connected to the tank vapor hader.ithe1st stage compressor
the gas and discharges at approximately 58 psig into vessel C-102. The pressure
depends on engine speed and number of unloaders screwed in or out.
The gas is drawn from C-102 at approximately 55 psig into the 2 nd stage compressor
and compressed up to 19 psig. The 2nd stage has only one cylinder. The gas is
discharged into vessel C-104. This 3rd stage also has only one cylinder.
5.Operating Procedures
Separator area:
• Separator plant production not less than 60,000 Bbls/day
• Second stage separate pressure 60 psi.
The pressure drop of the crude oil across the cller inlet to outlet shoud not exceeds 2.5
psi. As this puts unnecessary load on the pumps. The trimming valve controls. This
does not apply to CRU’s where hot oil system is used for cooling.
Fuel system
FT-50 Panel:
Ignition coils charge spark plugs for 2 sec period and ignition indication comes
4. “ FUEL ON ”
• Fuel shut off valve opens
• Fuel control valve allows 10 to 12 psi gas flow to the engine to attain
minimum speed of 165 RPM.
• LP quick vent valve close automatically
• At 90 RPM speed starter motor auxiliary and pre lube oil pumps stops
• Class B shutdown override indicators are cleared
5. “ WARN UP ON ”.
• Warn up timer is energized for 180 sec
• Engine remains running on ideal speed 165 RPM during this period
• When lube oil temperature reaches 110 degree F “ACCEL PERMISSIVE”
light comes ON.
Increase the engine speed to 220 RPM using the raise pushbutton
Slowly close the 6” bypass valve from third stage filling
Put unloaders in as required and watch C-101 pressure
When liquid appears in C-103, prime the G-101 pump and Start the G-101 pump
When liquid appears in C-104, prime the G-102 pump and Start the G-102 pump
Manually stroke C-102 auto dump valve and C-103 and C-104 water dump valves
to ensure they are in working order.
Check the controllers status on the DCS and ensure that C-103, C-104 levels and
C-104 pressure controls are OK.
then before. instrument
department. (For
3. Switch is faulty. checking fault no
temperature not
exceeded 2600F.
Report to maintenance
Sheared coupling.
Report to electrician.
Electric motor is
9. G-102 motor amps are Ampere meter is Electrician to check the
faulty. ampere meter.
too high.
G-102 motor is Take one or more un
overloaded. loaders out.
3. Hand prime the
system, system to
test fail safe
shutdown switch.
15. Engine is detonating. 1. Low scavenges 1. Take un loaders out
air pressure. and report to
2. A burnt gas maintenance
injection valve. department.
2. Stop the unit and
report to
16. Power cylinder 1. Spark plug is 1. Report to
temperature is low. faulty. maintenance
department to
check the gas
2. Gas valve is not 2. Report to auto
working electrician.
3. Report to
3. Ignition CPU Instrument
may not be department.
giving output to
the spark plug
or particular
wire is loose.
17. Engine over speed. 1. Fuel gas valve 1. Report to
is not working instrument
properly. department to
2. Speed sensor Check the fuel gas
faulty. valve, and speed
18. Incomplete sequence. 1. During g start 1. Report to
up if any instrument
procedures are department.
not completed
an in complete
sequence trip is
19. UV detector engine / 1. Welding work 1. Stop the UV
pump actuated. is going inside detectors supply.
the G.C. When welding is
going inside the
2. UV is faulty. 2. Report to
20. Engine vibration High. 1. Switch can be 1. Report to
faulty. instrument
2. Any damages 2. Report to
inside the maintenance Dept.
The Ruston mark TA 1500 gas turbine is used to drive the main crude oil pumps. It
operates on an open cycle. The gas turbine has a power rating of 1260 Break hours
The turbine has the advantage of being able to run for long periods, with little
maintenance cost. It is having a long service life can be obtained by reducing number
of starts and by not exceeding the recommended gas temperatures. The gas turbine
produces continuous flow of compressed air from the air compressor, continuous
combustion within the combustion chamber and continuous power delivery from the
turbine section.
In GC#1 has two transit pumps are driven by gas turbine for dispatching the crude oil.
Both turbines are operating with different control systems. One is Servo oil control
system and other one is equipped with Wood Word excel 250 PLC control system
(programmable logic control). The pump sets is composed of main pump and Booster
pump. Which are arranged in series with each other.
As the air passes to the 13 stages compressor is driven by starter motor. The moving
blades increase the pressure and the velocity of the air, whiles the starter blades
convert some of the increased velocity into further increase of pressure. The
compressed air leaves the compressor at 193 C and at 61 Psi.
The high-pressure airflows through the cross over duct it enters the combustion
chamber. When the main burner is on the heat of energy will be produced by
combustion. The force of this hot stream of gas 7540 C at 60 psi is used to drive the
compressor turbine and power turbine before being released to atmosphere through
the exhaust duct.
The temperature at the power turbine drops to about 5510 C at 24 Psi and the
temperature after the power turbine drops to 4500 C at 14.7 psi.
- Average inter duct temp + (compressor outlet temp- compressor inlet temp)=
Air filter
Mesh screen filters
Compressor inlet casing
Air compressor 13 stages
Crosse over duct
combustion chamber (Elbow type)
Ignition system
Main burner
Compressor turbine
Inter mediate-duct
Power turbine
Reduction gear
Starter motor
Blow-off valve
Over speed trip
Control unit.
Air filter: It is a self-cleaning type and design to clean the air before entering the air
compressor. The screen is rotated through a bath of viscosene oil. The AC motor is
driven and turns for 8 second every 12 minutes.
Mesh screen filter: A mesh screen is fitted between the inlet air ducting and the
compressor air inlet casing to prevent any solid material from entering the
Compressor inlet casing: It is forming the connection between the air inlet ducting
and the 13 stages compressor entry.
Air compressor 13 stages: The 13-stage compressor is connected to the air filter by
ducting. It is an axial flow type compressor. The compression is ration of 4:1. The air
enters the compressor at atmospheric pressure and temperature and leaves at 61 psi at
a temperature of 1930 C the speed range is between 8500 to 1100 RPM depending on
load. The 13-stage compressor is first starting by a starter motor and the air outlet
passes through a diffuser. It reduces a velocity of air and increase the pressure.
Crossover duct: It transfers the air from the outlet of the compressor to the
combustion chamber. Flexible bellows are fitted to allow for expansion with out
causing any damage.
Combustion chamber- Elbow type: It consists of an outer casing, inner flame tube
and a diffuser cone. The incoming air from air compressor is divided into three
Ignition system: It consists of small burner and a spark plug. The spark plug is
supplied with high-tension current from ignition coil (5000 volts). This solenoid valve
is to control the fuel gas flow to small burners its supply the pressure at (2-3 psig).
Main burner: It is a round tube fitted with a nozzle with holes in and screwed into
the combustion chamber, to allow gas to pass into the combustion chamber through
the nozzles. The main burner gas pressure is usually 40 to 60 psig depending on load.
Nozzles partly blocked cause hot spots.
Inter-mediate duct: (Inter-duct) This consists of outer casing and inner cone. It is
fitted between the compressor turbine and the power turbine. The hot gasses flows
along the annulus formed between the cone and the outer casing into the power
turbine. The normal pressure and temperature is (24 psi / 5510C).
Power turbine: It has 97 rotor blades and 92 stator blades on each stage. It is
connected to the reduction gear by a garden shaft. Power turbine speed is 6000RPM,
reduce to 1500RPM by the reduction gear to drive the main crude oil pump through
the output shaft.
Reduction gear: It is fitted between the power turbine and the output shaft. The gears
are lubricated from the main lubricating oil system. Drives the main lube oil pump,
governor and over speed trip. The reduction gearbox reduces the speed of power
turbine to output shaft as flow for turbine TA-1500 -6,600 to 6,600 RPM.
Exhaust: There are two exhaust ducts, which release the burnt gases to atmosphere.
The normal exhaust pressure and temperature is (14.7 psia / 4500 C).
Blow-off valves: Two blow-off valves are fitted on cross over duct. They are always
shut when turbine is turning on normal speed. The small airline is taken from the
cross over duct to flexible diaphragm to close or open the blow-off valves. When
open, they allow the some of the outlet air compressor to go to atmosphere. The two
micro switches are operated: when speed is exceeded the selected set speed by
40 to 60 RPM. Micro switches will be energized and send a signal to air maxseal
valve to vent the air blow off valves will open. When the speed drops to with in 40
RPM of the set speed air maxseal valve will stop venting and blow off valves will
The blow-off valve are opened when ever any of the following condition accrue:
- During starting: one blow-off valve is held open by a spring. After the main
burner is light and compressor outlet pressure rises to 5-psia pressures will
force the blow-off valve to close. This is to prevent a compressor surge and
possible damage.
- Blow-off valve without spring is closed as soon as the 13-stage compressor is
Large load reduction: both blow-off valves are opened when load is reduced
suddenly. This is carried out by signal from the governor (two micro switches) to air
vessel valve to vent the airline on the diaphragm blow-off valves. To open the blow-
off valves, and vent the air from the crossover duct. The dropping of compressor
pressure will reduce turbine speed, and prevent over speed trip
Over speed trip: Gears drive it from output shaft. The over speed trip will happen if
the load decreases so much and speed reaches the over speed set 6200RPM. The
unbalanced ring will over come the forces of the spring and moves to driving shaft,
the trip leaver handle moves down words causing the servo oil to spill. The loss of
servo oil will close the fuel gas shut-off valve, turbine stops. Also the mechanical air
valve opens and went the holding air pressure from the blow-off valves to open. This
is occurred when the micro switches failed to operate.
Governor: The governor fuel valve regulates the gas supply to the main burner to
control the turbine speed.
Governor speed motor: It is a small DC motor, used to increase or decrease the
turbine speed. It is operated by hand switch in control unit panel. It is gear mechanical
which increase and decrease the speed spring forces to regulate the speed as require.
Speed limit switches: Two micro switches limit the output shaft speed. They open to
de-energize the governor speeder motor when the minimum or maximum speed limits
are reached.
Control unit: The control unit controls the operation of the turbine during starting
Electrical section: The control unit contains 8 series of switches operated by cames on
the hand wheel spindle. These switches control the electric circuits necessary for
starting the turbine.
3. Main Systems Of Turbine TA-1500
This includes the following Systems
• Lube Oil System
• Fuel Gas System
• Servo Oil System
• Starting Air System
Lubricating oil is supplied to the system by the three pumps Main lube oil pump, D.C
auxiliary lube oil pump. And A.C aux. Lube oil pump. The normal lube oil pressure is
(20 psi) it is controlled by relief valve. The lube oil type is THB 68. The lube oil is to
supply and lubricating the 13-stage compressor bearing, compressor turbine bearings,
power turbine bearings, main crude oil pumps bearings and gearbox. The operating
control and safety devices in using servo oil system.
It’s supplies to the oil lubricating can servo systems during normal running of the
turbine. The main lube oil pump driven by the gearbox. The 5 psig NRV opens to
allow oil to by pass the main pump, when the DC Aux. Lube oil pump is running.
It is driven by an electric motor it discharges the oil into the suction line of the main
lube oil pump through the 5-psi NRV to ensure that the main pump is always primed
on start-up. The Aux pump has built in relief valve set at 80 psig. It runs after any
shutdown and hand wheel on (Run) position, only for 30 minutes.
It runs when the hand wheel on aux. On position. It runs and stops by pressure switch
(28 psi). When the pressure in the cross over duct is less than 28 psi, the AC lubes oil
pump will continuous running. If it is more than 28 psi it will stop.
In case of power failure, AC pumps and lube oil cooler will not starts, only DC pump
will not continuous running.
3-2. Fuel Gas System:
Lean gas supplies to the turbine from engine gas scrubber. The engine gas
scrubber inlet PRV controls the pressure at 175 psig. And the outlet PRV controls
the pressure to the engine at 125 psig.
- Normal fuel gas pressure is (40-60psig) after governor.
- Low fuel gas pressure shutdown is 80psi.
Before starting the turbine open the drain by pass valve manually to prevent liquids
entering the combustion chamber.
This scrubber is to ensure no liquid is allowed into the turbine. An auto dump to line
80 can damp any liquid formed automatically.
It consists of two chambers upper and lower. A float inside the lower chamber shuts
off the gas flow to stop the turbine if there is a high level. Each chamber has an auto
dump routed to sump tank. From the demister gas outlet, a small supply line is taken
to the igniter through a reducer and a solenoid valve.
It is connected into the main gas line to the burner and acts as a throttle valve to
control the fuel supply to the burner. It is fully open at the beginning of the starting
It is located near the main burner and opened by servo oil pressure when the aux.
Lube oil pump is first started. It is fitted near the main burner to ensure a quick shut
down of the turbine, should any of the safety devices operate.
This valve can be shut to stop the turbine in case of an emergency. It should be kept
shut when the turbine is not running to prevent gas leaking into the combustion
3-3. Servo Oil System:
The servo oil system is used in operating the safety devices of the turbine. It is taken
from main lube oil supply just before the pressuring valve, which keeps servo
pressure about 60 psig. The servo oil supply is divided into the following points.
• Governor
• Control unit
• Load and start limiters
• Two fuel shut off valves
• Low servo oil pressure shut down switch 30 psig
• Solenoid servo valve trip (max seal valve)
• Low lube oil pressure shutdown switch (13psig)
• Over speed trip (6,200 RPM)
2- Restrictors: They ensure quick drop in servo pressure when any of the safety
device operates. The relief valve set at 60 psig and it opened to the sump.
3- Max seal servo release valve (solenoid operated): It is fitted in the servo oil
line and is used by electrically operated safety devices to shut down the
turbine by spilling the servo oil pressure. The solenoid is de-energized to open
the valve.
Starter motor: The starter motor is turned by air supplied from the CRU starting
compressor vessel. When the starter is turned, its teeth and rotor dogs engage to
connect the starter motor with the 13-stage air compressor.
Reducer: It reduces the gas pressure to 90psig for the diaphragm valve.
Solenoid valve: This solenoid is energized to open the valve by a signal from a cam
switch, when the hand wheel is moved to starter on, and allows staring air to open
diaphragm valve.
60-psig pressure switches and 15 seconds timer: It is to prevent the hand wheel being
move to the ignition on position until the turbine is completely purged with air. This is
done when the pressure reaches 60 psig in the down stream of the diaphragm before
the starter motor, a ¼ “ small pip is supplying the 60 psig switch to energize it , and
the 60 psig switch will energized 15 seconds timer relay to delay before (2nd inter
lock) is free.
In GC# 1 has two transit pump sets per dispatching the crude oil to Ahmadi tank form.
A pump set is pump housed of main pump and Booster pump, which are arranged in
series with each other.
The number of pumps in commission depends upon the amount of crude oil to be
dispatch and the pressure in the transit line. The transit pumps are driven by a gas
turbine. The oil flows by gravity from the main tank to the inlet of the Booster pump
(at a pressure of 3-5 psig depending on dry tank oil level) where its pressure is
increased by the centrifugal force, it then passes through to the inlet of main pump
where its pressure is further increased to a high pressure enough to force it into the
transit line.
The booster pump have to reduction gear boxes, the first one is fitted between the
main pump outlet and the booster pump to reduce the output shaft speed from 6000
RPM to 1400 RPM, and the second one is fitted on the booster pump to reduce the
output shaft speed 1400RPM to 1000RPM at booster pump. The gearbox lubrication
is taken from the main lube oil system.
4-2. Main pump:
It is taking suction pressure from booster pump at 35-40 psi and it is giving discharge
pressure to transit line.
* Control room:
- Check the dry tank level in normal (12 ft).
- Reset the turbine on emergency shutdown panel.
- Check the engine gas scrubber outlet pressure control valve set at 130 psig.
* Turbine room:
- Check the screen filter is running (clean)
- Check the lube oil level in turbine room
- Check fuel pressure is demister in 120 psig and drain manually (check all
isolating valves to auto dumps are opened).
- Open insolating fuel valve upstream of main burner.
- Open isolating fuel valve of small burner
- Open isolating starting air valve.
- Reset emergency shutdown push button on relay control panel.
* Pump room:
- Check suction valve to booster pump is open
- Check suction pressure is 3-5 psig
- Check and open main crude pump discharge valve ¼ “ open.
- Prime main crude oil pump
- Check all valves to CRU in and out are opened and by pass is closed (cold
system only).
- Check crude oil pump circulating valve is closed.
- Replace old chart with new chart of crude oil dispatch.
6. Start Up Procedures
1. RESET Fail Safe Panel, ('Ready to Run' light light comes ON)
1. Aux. On:
Lift hand wheel catch and move wheel from Off to Aux. Pump on position.
• AC and DC Aux. Lube oil pumps will start and red indication light will shows
on the controller.
• Wait for lube oil pressure to build up to 20 psig (first interlock withdraws by
teddengton pressure switch when lube oil pressure reaches 13 psig)
• Servo oil pressure will be 60-80 psi.
2. Starter On:
• Electric signal from hand wheel to starting air solenoid valve to passes 90-psig
air pressure from reducer to diaphragm valve force to open.
• Starter moves will become on and drive the air compressor and 13-stage
compressor turbine at 2500-3000 RPM.
Do not attempt to start the turbine if the compressor does not reach 1800 RPM on
the starter.
• Move Hand wheel to 'IGNITER ON' position. Check that the Igniter is lit.
• 24 volts signal from hand wheel to coil to supply 5 KV to spark plug.
• When the Igniter is lit, move Hand wheel to 'MAIN BURNER ON'. Control
Inter duct Temperature below 575 °C.
2. Move Hand wheel to 'START' Position.
• A.C. Aux Lube Oil will stop if Crossover Duct pressure is above 30 Psig.
This system is operating by Excel 250 PLC (Programmable Logic Control System).
PGI-100 Operator Interface Station, call 'OVERVIEW' screen display. (Touch the
Screen Display to clear out Screen Saver Active).
From the 'MAIN MENU' Display, select 'START PERM' object to display start
Permissive Screen. From the 'START PERMISSIVE' displayed Screen, verify the
following Permissive are satisfied:
Re-start Timer (5 Mins.) completed
GG reference at Lower Limit (3,800 rpm)
PT Reference at Lower Limit (3,800 rpm)
No Shutdowns Active
No Light-off (Flame) Detected
GS-3 Valve at Minimum position (5%)
Mode Set (Local/Remote)
Start Permissive from DCS - OK
3. From the Turbine Local Control Panel (LOCP), verify 'READY TO START'
Green light is ON.
4. From the Turbine Local Control Panel (LOCP), press Start Pushbutton and
'MASTER RUN RELAY' will energize the Start sequence as follows:
• Start-up Overall Sequence Timer (Watchdog Timer) of 120 seconds is
• Auxiliary AC/DC Lube Oil Pumps will start and Low Lube Oil
Pressure Shutdown signal is bypassed for 10 Seconds.
• Starter Motor is energized to engage and rotate the turbine 13th Stage
Air Compressor. Starter Motor Timer is activated for 15 Seconds count
b.When GG Speed reaches above 700 RPM, the following will happen:
c.When GG Speed reaches 1,750 RPM, the Pilot Ignition System is energized and
the Pilot comes ON. A 15 Second Ignition Timer is energized for Pilot flame
d.When the Pilot Flame is detected, Ignition Timer is de-energized and the GG
Acceleration Timer of 30 Seconds is started and the following take place:
e.When GG Speed reaches 4,500 RPM (or 7.5 Psi Cross-Over Duct Pressure), the
following take place:
f.When the PT Speed reaches above 3,800 RPM, PT Control Delay Timer of 5
Seconds is energized for 'Sequence Complete' events, ie:
• EGT Control Point is switched from Startup Value Control (1292 °F)
to Normal Value Control (1454 °F).
• EGT Spread Set point is switched from Startup Value (500 °F) to
Normal Value (140 °F).
Turbine side.
Instruments air low pressure 50 psig Shutdown
Crude pump lube oil low pressure 10 psig Shutdown
Table 3
The DCS is therefore the most effective and safer control system available in the
industry today. This system is better than having a single large computer controlling
many loops in a process plant. The control by a single computer in a process plant can
be risky because if it fails the whole plant also fails, and this is just like putting all
your eggs in one basket and loose them all. The DCS system therefore avoids this
type of problem.
• It stores and reports all necessary plant data. i.e.. Trending, shift reports,
periodical logging of crude and gas production figures, data acquisition
condition monitoring of process plant and all main equipments.
2. Rosemount DCS
The control system to be supplied by FRS (Fisher Rosemount System) is based on the
established and proven RS3 distributed control system and its associated technologies.
This will be an integrated system comprising of standard RS3 equipment. The
primary operational objectives of the complete system are as follows.
i- To provide plant wide monitoring and alarming by fast data acquisition
ii- To ensure comprehensive, reliable and secure automatic and remote
manual control.
iii- To enable the systematic and comprehensible display of plant conditions
and major operating parameters to the operators.
iv- To provide a means of recording and storing currant or calculated data for
subsequent retrieval or analysis.
v- To provide means of reporting.
vi- To provide a sound platform for advanced control implementation.
The RS3 system consists of the following main devices inter-connected via a peerway.
- MTCC: multi-tube command console 2 no’s.
- Control file 2-3 no’s.
- HIA: highway interface adapter I no.
These main stations are further connected with separate groups of devices that make
up the total Rosemount RS3 system. The devices are connected under each station one
is follows:
• Printer
• Hard disk
• Tape drive
• CRT cathode ray tube
• Key board
* Control file:
• Analog flex term
• Contact flex term
• Analog marshalling panel
• Contact marshalling panel.
All the devices are linked via a “Peerway” witch is a data transmission cable or better
known with other system as “data Highway”. There are normally two peer ways for
every GC system. One operates as the main and the other as a stand by. Failure of one
peerway will cause all information to be sent over the stand by one automatically.
All field signals like LT, PT, TT, LY, PY, TY, etc are connected to this panel. It is
factions are to direct and commutate these messages received to analog flex term. It
has both input and output channels. Signals received here are analog type.
Digital marshalling panel:
It has the same function as the analog marshalling panel. The only difference is the
type of signals received. It mainly handles digital signals of status condition such as
shutdown and alarm or control signal to energize or de-energize Sov’s (0V/110VAC).
It is received both digital input and output signals.
Control file:
This is the heart of the Rosemount system all devices an line depends on it to pass
them information. It is an electronic card located in cage with control and
commutation section built inside it.
One control file normally has 8 cards with power supply board. And each card has
99 no’s of controller devices which control the process plant and transfers information
to other devices.
The control file is the place where the process control schemes and logics are built.
Instrument engineers create the control schemes required and put them into the
control file for operation use. A simple example of this is when the operator wants to
change the set point of a control loop. The valve of changed memory is stored into
controller memory and compared with the actual process value input. The control file
then process and communicate out put signals to field devices via field buses and
analog or digital Marshalling panels.
• All of the configured programs including process valves details and graphic
• The data base management program that keeps all of the various system
databases in orders.
• The system management program that monitors are health and condition of the
Rosemount system.
This is the operator interface. It provides the interface between process sensors or
actuator and the operator wok station. When operator makes change on process plant,
i.e.. Changing set point or switching controller in manual/auto mode. These
information are handled through MTCC.
MTCC also connects the operator workstation; printer, floppy drive, hard disk and
tape drive with the control file and process plant via the peerway. MTCC has
electronic cords to handle all information that is passed through it. It also temporally
stores process data.
This is a coaxial cable that passes communication messages between MTCC and
control file. The information are transmitted at a speed of 1 million bits per second.
The transmission is in pulse type signals.
Floppy disk:
It stores all information of process plant and Rosemount system details in BIT form. It
has limited capacity.
Tape drive:
It also stores all information of process plant and system details but with high capacity
Hard disk:
This is the main storage bank for all data of process plant and system details. It stores
Configured graphics and other details such as tags, trends, alarm points, scale range
and son on.
Also stores system details such as control files information, analog flex term details
number of peer ways connected and configuration data. All this information is also
stored in a form of bit.
The RS-3 system is provided with power back up unit. It generates 30 Volts DC
power supply to all electronic cards located in MTCC, control files and flex term
during power failure. The duration of supply to the electronic cards is between 30
second to 5 minute maximum. The purpose for this back up supply is to allow all
shutdown and alarms conditions and last process parameters to be stored and saved in
the hard disk.
The power back up unit is provided with long life batteries witch may last for 2 years.
When the battery life is near its end, alarm will be given on the operator workstation
and on the back up unit itself. Red fault light comes on.
Operator should be aware of power back up capabilities at this system and what effect
a power failure or surge will have on their process plant.
term can be connected to each controller and flexterm can be analog contact or PLC. 8
controllers can be connected in each control file.
This card is responsible for transfer of information between controller card and NV
memory card and Peerway buffer card. This information transfer between one
controller to other is taking place through this card. Two cards are provided in the
system one is back up to other. Switch is provided to disable the card. Red indication
is provided for failure of card.
NV memory card:
NV memory card holds all user configuration details. It holds system configuration
details inter communication takes place between controller and NV memory card
continuously. The information is backed up lithium battery.
The system requires 12V, 5V supply for all control file cards. These are generated by
power supply card. Normally two power supply cards exist. One is back up to other.
These cards can be removed in energized condition. Red indication is provided for
failure of card.
15 Analog inputs can be linked in each control block. Analog inputs are linked from
either input block or any control blocks to inputs designated as “A to O”.
16 Digital inputs can be linked in each control block. Digital input are linked from
either input blocks or any control block to inputs designated as “@ a to @ o”.
Input Blocks:
• Assign and adjust alarms to process variables
• Allow Communication with SMART field instruments (Transmitters and
Fluid flow:
Q = AxV
Q= Capacity in cubic feet per second.
A= Area of conduit in square feet
V= Velocity of flow in feet per second.
Pipe Friction:
Friction in pipe will vary with pipe size, capacity, length, and viscosity.
Tables for calculating the friction through a piping system are available in the
hydraulic institute standards; pump manufactures literature, and many handbooks.
Pipeline hydraulics:
In order to positively control pipeline operation and internal conditions, the way
liquids behave with in pipe line system (liquid hydraulics principles) must be
basically explained
Definition of hydraulics:
• Hydraulics is the study of fluids in motion and fluids at rest. In pipe line
operations, it repairs to the movement of liquids through a pipe line.
• Steady-state hydraulics repairs to the state where at any points along the
pipeline pressure and flow rate are constant over time.
• Transient hydraulics repairs to the state where the pressure and flow rate and
at any point can change, instantaneously, with time (such as just after a pump
is started or a valve is closed).
• Density (or mass density) is defined as the mass of liquid(or other substance)
per unit volume(Kg/m3).
• Weight density (specific weight) is defined as the weight of a liquid per unit
volume, it is related to mass density. It is the product of mass density and the
acceleration due to gravity.
(Eq-01 ) Weight density = mass Kg * acceleration due to gravity (g) = Kg/m3
Unit volume(m3 )
Specific gravity:
API gravity:
API gravity is an arbitrary scale device by the American Petroleum institute to expend
the gravity scale for crude oil and petroleum products. With this scale, gravity is
measured in degrees API.
• The viscosity of a liquid is very dependent upon its temperature. As the
temperature of petroleum fluid increases the viscosity decreases an vice versa.
Reynolds number:
The Reynolds number (Re) is a dimension less number used to determine the type of
liquid flow (laminar, turbulent or critical) occurring inside a pipeline. It is calculated
as follows.
(Eq05): Re = 2214 * Q Q = flow rate in barrels per hour(BPH)
d*v d = pipe inside diameter in inches(in)
v = fluid kinematics viscosity in centistokes(cs)
• Laminar flow occurs when Re < 2000
• Turbulent flow occurs when Re > 4000
• Critical or transitional flow occurs for 2000 < Re < 4000.
Friction loss:
• The energy lost when fluid particles in motion rub against each other and the
pipe wall is called friction loss. A pressure drop in the direction of flow can
see this friction loss
Friction loss depends on the following factors: (fluid gravity, fluid viscosity, flow rate
of the fluid, internal pipe diameter, pipe length, internal roughness of the pipe, losses
through fittings such as valves and meters)
Convertion factors:
1 Litre = 0.26 U.S GALLONS
1 Barrel = 42 U.S GALLONS
1USG = 3.786 Litres.
1 BAR = 14.5038 PSIG.
Crude oil from the reservoir is produced, containing varying amount of water. The
volume of water produced along with the crude oil may contain as low as traces of
water and some times as high as 50% or more. This water contains varying quantities
of salts. Sodium, magnesium, and calcium are most common cautious of the salts.
Chlorides, sulphites and carbonates are the typical anions associated with the
captious. The composition and concentration of such salts depends upon the nature of
geological formations from which the oil steams.
Water containing salts in the crude is under sireable as it causes corrosion in the
process equipment and foul heat exchangers etc..
Therefore a limit has been fixed on the amount of salt content.
In KOC maximum permissible salt in the crude dispatch lines from GC’s is 10.0
PTB(pounds per thousand barrels).
The amount of salt content of produced water in crude can be found out as shown in
the following examples.
If produced oil contains I% cut of salt water and the salt content of the salt water is
60,000 PPM. What is the salt content in PTB?
Method 1:
Method 2:
b) If wet crude is dehydrated to a maximum actable level of 0.1%. what will be thesalt
content of the remaining water in treated crude.
C) considering the maximum limit of salt content of Kuwaiti crudes, the above result
of 21 PTB still shows that the desalted crude is far from the actable limit i.e 5PTB.
This means that the crude needs further desalting process and this can only be achived
by adding dilution water to wash out the remaining salt. The effect of wash water is
shown in the following examples.
If 4% dilution water of 8, 000 PPM salinity is added to this same crude, then what
will be the final salt content of the remaining water in dehydrated crude.
• Produced water cut ……………. 1%
• Salt in water cut………………… 60,000 PPM
• Dilution water add……………… 4%
• Salt in dilution water…………… 8, 000PPM
• Crude dehydrated to…………… 0.1%
Total salt of water in crude = 60,000 + 8.000 / 2.857 x 5 / 100 = 1,190PTB.
1,190 x 0.1 / 100 = 1.19 PTB.
It is most commonly used unit for reporting water analysis data. It is measure of
portion of weight, equivalent to a unit weight of dissolved substance per million unit
weights in solution.
It expresses a weight –volume relationship over the temperature range found in most
laboratories. It is independent of the specific gravity
A low concentration of dissolved material less then 7000-PPM Mg/l are substantially
equal to PPM.
The relation ship between the two units, by definition is
For water with a specific gravity of near one, Mg/l and PPM, for all practical purposes
are interchangeable.