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XLRotor 3.

Get More Accurate Results, Faster
Is your current rotordynamics analysis software out of date? Does it require model size reduction, manual intervention, data conversion, and formatting? Do you have new requirements it cannot satisfy? Are you being squeezed by ever-tighter project deadlines and budgets?

WithXLRotoryoucanperformvirtuallyany kindofrotordynamicanalysisonrotor bearingsystemmodels.XLRotorisidealfor useinthedesign,maintenance,evaluation andauditofawidevarietyofrotating equipment. TheheartofXLRotorisaproprietary computationenginebuiltaroundadvanced mathematicalmodelingalgorithms.XLRotor issopowerfulandfastthatmodelsize reductionisNOTrequired,soyougetmore accurateresults,faster,thanwithanyother programonthemarket.

TheXLRotorcomputationengineintegrates withMicrosoftExceltoincreaseversatility, enhanceautomationcapabilities,andreduce valuabletimespentbuildingandgenerating reports.Youcanusethepackagedanalysis modulesandchartsoutofthebox,or customizethemwithyourownformulasand formats.Onceyoucompletetheanalysis,you canflowtheresults,includingchartsand plots,directlyintopopularofftheshelfword processingandpresentationsoftware. XLRotorcomeswithonlinehelpandan extensivesetofsamplefilesthateliminate expensivetrainingandconsultingfeesand helpyougetstartedfaster.Italsoincludes bearingandsealanalysismodulesthatcanbe usedindependentlyorembeddedwithina rotoranalysisfile.
Rotating Machinery Analysis, Inc.

XLRotor 3.1 Benefits

Easy to learn: Familiar, modern interface and extensive online help. Time-saving: Fully automate any or all aspects of program use. Fast, powerful, and accurate: XLRotors proprietary algorithms o Eliminate the need for model size reduction o Speed computation o Deliver more accurate results.

Customizable and extensible: o Adjust formulas to calculate any or all model inputs. o Use company-specific formats for both data input and report output.

RotatingMachineryAnalysis,Inc.(RMA)was foundedin1994toprovideconsultingservices andsoftwaretotherotatingmachinery community.In1995,webeganmarketing XLRotor,asuiteofanalysistoolsforrotating machinerydynamics.Today,engineersaround theworlduseXLRotortosolverotordynamics problemseveryday. RMAiscommittedto deliveringprompt,responsive,andpersonalized supportforanyissuesorquestions. Thisdatasheetcontainsacomprehensivelistof featuresandexamples.Formoreinformation, pleasecontactRMAattheemailaddressbelow.

Rotating Machinery Analysis, Inc. www.xlrotor.com info@xlrotor.com

Xlrotor Software Features

Analytical-Linear o Lateral Compute undamped synchronous critical speeds vs support stiffness Compute free-free natural frequencies vs speed Compute stability vs speed (damped eigenvalues) Compute synchronous imbalance response vs speed Compute asynchronous response to rotating or rectilinear forces vs speed Asynchronous force frequencies can be independent of speed or a multiple of speed Compute operating deflected shapes at any number of speeds in one operation Compute static deflections due to weight Compute static deflections due to arbitrary loads o Torsional Damped and undamped eigenvalues and mode shapes Response to harmonics of speed, amplitudes can be functions of speed Operating deflected shapes Analytical-Nonlinear o Computes transient response to arbitrary time dependent loads o Supports time, position and velocity dependent nonlinearities o Provides identical functionality for both lateral and torsional models o Quasi-nonlinear analysis where linear analysis is done iteratively to satisfy nonlinear constraints o You can Conveniently enter simple nonlinearities as worksheet cell formula functions of time, position and velocity at one degree of freedom. Program general complex nonlinearities in Excel VBA, Microsoft VB, FORTRAN, C and C++ Modeling o Cylindrical beam elements Euler beam flexure and Timoshenko shear o Conical beam elements o General stiffness elements o RIGID, PINNED and GUIDED constraints o Unlimited number of elements o Unlimited number of degrees of freedom o Unlimited number of rotors same or different speeds o Unlimited number of housings o Unlimited number of bearings o Material properties distinct for every beam o You can Define and superpose multiple (stacked) beams Model both rotors and housings Link (relate) any model input to any other model input

Modeling (continued) Enter any model input as a value or as a formula Easily create bearings with minimal input using the Quick Bearings feature Import models from RAPP, RBTS and DyRoBeS (New import filters can be easily created either by RMA, Inc. or by end users) Output model geometry (whole or part) to Autocad DXF file Interface o All model inputs are entered on worksheets o Modeling and analysis options set with tabbed dialog boxes o Extensive context-sensitive online help o All program output is placed on worksheets readily accessible for review, printing, reporting or further analysis o All chart formats are read from customizable templates o You can Customize chart format templates at a project level Change order of input columns by dragging with mouse Change all formatting (font, color, precision, alignment, etc.) Copy and paste all program inputs and outputs to Microsoft Word (or similar) as one time static copies or as autoupdating linked copies. Easily create additional charts from tabulated program output Output computed frequencies in cpm, hz or rad/sec Output computed damping factors as log dec, damping ratio or damping exponent Change frequency and damping units after the analysis is done Compute mode shapes for multiple roots by selecting the roots with your mouse Compute mode shape for one root by selecting the root on a natural frequency map or undamped critical speed map Animate mode shapes on 2d charts, 3d charts, and as full deformation plots of entire model geometry Animate one or more mode shapes simultaneously Work in customary English units (in-lbfsec), strict SI units (m-N-sec) or modified SI units (mm-N-sec)

Rotating Machinery Analysis, Inc. www.xlrotor.com info@xlrotor.com

Charts and Plots o Charts of results are created automatically Model geometry cross section Undamped critical speed map vs support stiffness Undamped free-free natural frequencies vs speed Damped natural frequencies vs speed (cpm, hz or rad/s) Damping factor vs speed (log dec, damping ratio or damping exponent) Root locus plot (damping factor vs natural frequency) 2D mode shapes 3D mode shapes Torsional interference diagram (Campbell) Bode plots of displacement response with or without phase (also Polar plots) Operating deflected shapes plots Transient time history plots of position, velocity and acceleration Transient bearing reaction load plots vs time Transient nonlinear element load vs time Transient applied time dependent load vs time Transient beam element internal element reaction loads vs time o Other special charting features Display synchronous excitation line on natural frequency maps Display bearing stiffnesses on undamped critical speed maps Label response peaks with Amplification Factor and critical speed margin o You can Convert Bode plots to polar plots, and vice versa Overlay model geometry on mode shapes and operating deflected shapes Convert time history plots to FFT spectrum plots, and vice versa Automation o XLRotor can be Fully operated by Visual Basic macros Run from any Microsoft Office application including Excel, Word and Powerpoint Run from stand alone Visual Basic or C programs o Includes numerous working examples o You can Automate report generation Create or change all program inputs Modify all program option settings Execute all analysis commands Fully automate routine analysis tasks like varying bearing clearances and imbalance distributions Perform complex analyses with userdefined loops and iteration control examples are included Use special features to suppress normal user prompts when being run from macros

Customization o You can Add commands to the Xlrotor menu to run your own Visual Basic macros Add or delete buttons from the Xlrotor toolbar Create company and project specific templates for rotor model creation Customize formatting of any program input fonts, color, alignment, precision, numerical format, etc. then save in your template Generate all XLRotor charts from one chart template file xlrgrph.xls (Allows multiple copies of xlrgrph.xls program first looks in directory of your model file, then the Xlrotor home directory) Customize any formatting property of any chart in xlrgrph.xls Add custom content, like logos and project numbers, to the chart templates Integrate your own bearing or seal analysis codes into Xlrotor and Microsoft Excel from any program written in FORTRAN, C or Visual Basic. Bearings o Includes comprehensive set of bearing and seal analysis modules Oil film bearings Plain sleeve Multi-lobe sleeve and lemon bore Partial arc Pressure dam Tilting pad Ball bearings Cylindrical roller bearings Pocketed hydrostatic bearings Incompressible annular pump seals Oil lubricated squeeze film dampers with and without end seals Centrifugal compressor impeller aerodynamic cross coupling Axial flow stage cross coupling (Alfords force model) User defined bearings (stiffness, damping & mass with each up to 4x4 matrix) o Model and analyze individual bearings with type specific worksheet templates o Templates provide both English and SI units o Save bearing worksheets within a rotor model file or as a separate file o Use one bearing worksheet in multiple places o Can reference inputs to a bearing worksheet (i.e., shaft diameter and axial length) directly from a rotor model

Rotating Machinery Analysis, Inc. www.xlrotor.com info@xlrotor.com

Example Files
XLRotor is supplied with 90 example files that solve classic and common analysis problems. You can use these files to get started quickly, and then customize them as your engineering needs dictate. New examples are added periodically. This page lists examples included at the time of production of this data sheet. Basic Lateral Examples 2-level Rotor.xls 2-line rotor illustrating rigid and pinned connections.xls 2-DISK rotor with flexible housing.xls 2-DISK with Command Macro.xls 2-DISK with Pedestals.xls 2-DISK with SFDs.xls 2-DISK.xls Childs sample rotor, page 125.XLS Generator with Bearing Housings.xls Generator with Support DOF.xls Genta gas turbine rotor, page 339.xls Glasgow and Nelson, Stability analysis using component mode Synth, 1979, case4.xls Glasgow and Nelson, Stability analysis using component mode synth, 1979, two spool rotor.XLS Lalanne, 1990, dual rotor, Figure 22.XLS Lalanne, 1990, dual rotor, Figure 23, method 1.XLS Lalanne, 1990, dual rotor, Figure 23, method 2.XLS Lalanne, 1990, dual rotor, run with macro.XLS Lund and Tonnesen, Experiments on Multi-Plane Balancing, 1972.XLS Lund, Sensitivity of critical speeds to design changes, 1979.XLS Lund, Stability paper, 1974, figure 1.xls Lund, Stability paper, 1974, figure 3.xls Nelson and McVaugh, 1976 case a.XLS Nelson and McVaugh, 1976 case b.XLS Nonlinear Spring Iteration with a Macro.XLS Prohl, General Method for Critical Speeds, 1945.xls Salamone and Gunter, Shaft warp and disk skew, 1978.xls Shear and Bending Moment Diagrams.xls Short stubby beam in book by Vance.xls Skew overhung disk.xls Static Deflection due to Gravity.xls Static Deflection with a Misaligned Bearing.xls Stephenson and Rouch, Foundation Structure, 1992.XLS Tonnesen and Lund, Some Experiments on Instability, 1977.XLS Trunnion Example.xls TURB-5P4.XLS TURB-5P5.XLS TURBINE.XLS TURB-KXY.XLS TURB-SI.XLS Transient Examples 2 mass example from Piche.XLS SFD transient force subroutine.xls Transient 2-DISK blade loss.XLS Transient 2-DISK xljrnl 2.XLS Transient Bathe example pg 510.xls Transient Childs & Moes paper, case 1.XLS Transient Childs & Moes paper, case 2.XLS Transient Childs page 175, fig 3.21.XLS Transient Childs page 176, fig 3.22.XLS Transient Childs page 176, fig 3.23.XLS

Transient Childs page 177, fig 3.24.XLS Transient Childs, Simulation Model for Flexible, 1972.XLS Transient Hughes example pg 538, lateral.XLS Transient Hughes example pg 538.xls Transient Hughes example pg 542.xls Transient Jeffcot with deadband.XLS Transient Jeffcot with speed ramp.XLS Transient Nelson and Meacham, rotor 1.XLS Transient Shiau and Jean, Nonlinear Transient analysis of large systems, 1991 .XLS Transient Tonnesen and Lund, 1977.XLS Transient turbocharger, with floating ring bearings.xls Transient uniform beam.XLS Transient Wave Propagation Along Beam.xls Transient Xltorsion Lalanne example pg 211.xls Transient Xltorsion, draft fan with motor short circuit.XLS Transient Yamamoto, pg 160, speed ramp through critical.XLS XLTorsion 3 Mass Transient Example, Vance pg 151.xls Torsional Examples 3 inertia.xls BICERA pg 179.xls BICERA pg 179a.xls Ehrich 1.xls Ehrich 2.xls Ehrich 2a.xls Harris, Fig 38.10.xls MacDuff pg 313.xls Motor & Compressor.xls Proportional damping #2.xls Proportional damping.xls Pump-gearbox-motor.xls Rao pg 14.xls Rao pg 23.xls Steidel 9.14 and 9.16, stress calc.xls Steidel 9.4 and 9.26.xls Steidel 9.7 and 9.28.xls Uniform shaft.xls Wachel & Szenasi, Fig 1.xls Wachel & Szenasi, Fig 31.xls Wachel & Szenasi, Fig 39.xls Wilson, Example 14.1.xls Wilson, Example 14.2.xls Wilson, Example 14.4.xls Wilson, Fig 14.1.xls Wilson, Fig 14.2.xls System Requirements IBM-compatible PC or laptop; 256MB RAM recommended. XLRotor works with all current Windows versions, including Win95, Win98, ME, NT3.5, NT4.0, Windows 2000, and Windows XP. In all cases, XLRotor runs as a native 32 bit application, and is compatible with all 32-bit versions of Excel, starting with Excel 97 (Excel version 8.0). XLRotor requires at least 55MB of free space on the hard disk for installation. 2004 Rotating Machinery Analysis, Inc. All Rights Reserved. All features and specifications are current

as of the production date of this document (9/04). XLRotor is a trademark of Rotating Machinery Analysis, Inc. Microsoft and Excel are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other product names are either trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

Rotating Machinery Analysis, Inc. www.xlrotor.com info@xlrotor.com

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