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Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan

18, Institutional Area, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg, New Delhi - 110 60 .

S!"D# MA!$%IA& ' ()!S

#$A% 010- 011

Class XII
*%$*A%$D +# A(M $DA+AD %$,I)N
Page 1 of 141

S!"D# MA!$%IA& -&ASS .II / IN0)%MA!I-S *%A-!I-$S

-hie1 *atron

Shri A2inash Di3shit -o44issioner KVS, New Delhi Joint -o44issioner 5A6ad78 KVS, New Delhi S4t7 &a3sh4i -hari Assistant -o44issioner KVS,Ahmedabad Region Sh7 M7&7,eda4 Education Officer KVS, Ahmedabad Region Sh7+7 %angasri Education Officer KVS, Ahmedabad Region

*atron Ad2isor



Sh 7 Sree3u4ar M N *rin6i9al, KV, Sil2assa Sh7 Atul %7 !ha3are PG !"om#uter Science$ KV Sil%a&&a Sh7 Sandee9 Arora PG !"om#uter Science$ KV Ra'(ot Sh7 Kashira4 + PG !"om#uter Science$ KV Kribhco , Surat Sh7 Santosh Ne4a PG !"om#uter Science$ KV A)S, *aroda

*re9ared +y

Page 2 of 141

Salient 1eatures o1 this study 4aterial

hi& &tud+ material i& in the form of ,ue&tion ban( com#ri&ing of both &ol%ed and un&ol%ed ,ue&tion& from each unit of the &+llabu&.

-t i& a collection of a number of challenging ,ue&tion& ba&ed on .igh

Order hin(ing S(ill of &tudent&. .owe%er, it &hall #ro%e to be a hel#ing tool for all t+#e& of &tudent&.
-t aim& at #ro%iding hel# to %er+ high &corer &tudent& who ma+ mi&& /00

out of /00 becau&e of not being e1#o&ed to new t+#e of ,ue&tion&, being u&ed to onl+ con%entional t+#e& of ,ue&tion, and not #a+ing attention toward& the to#ic& which are gi%en in the reference boo(& and &+llabu& of -nformatic& Practice& a& #er "*SE guideline&
-t contain& all fre&h ,ue&tion& !&ol%ed 2 un&ol%ed$, which &hall increa&e

the confidence le%el of the &tudent& when the+ &ol%e them.

hi& &tud+ material i& al&o hel#ful to teacher&.

A33 .E *ES

O A33 O4R S 4DEN S555.

Page 3 of 141

S!"D# MA!$%IA& IND$.

Sr7 No 1

"NI! N) -;

!o9i6 : Details +lue *rint Sa49le *a9ers Networ3ing o9en Standards !heoreti6al *art Networ3ing o9en Standards =uestion ' Answer

*age No7 676 8 7 9/ 99 7 :6 :8 7 66 68 7 8: 8; 7 <: <; 7 <6 <8 7 =; =6 7 /// //9 > //< //= 7 /9; /96 > /:/


"nit I



*rogra44ing !heoreti6al *art *rogra44ing =uestion ' Answer (!M& : .M& !heoreti6al *art

? "NI! III

(!M& : .M& =uestion ' Answer %D+MS !heoreti6al *art %D+MS =uestion ' Answer


I! A99li6ations !heoreti6al *art I! A99li6ations =uestion ' Answer

Page 4 of 141

Sa49le *a9er-I IN0)%MA!I-S *%A-!I-$S 5!($)%#8


+&"$ *%IN! !i4e@ < (rs


M7M7 A0
S$-!I)N A VSA SA-I 518 5 8 9!6$ /!9$ /!9$ 9!;$ 9!@$ :!:$ /!/;$ 9!/$


S$-!I)N + VSA SA-I 518 5 8

SA-II 5<8

S$-!I)N VSA SA-I SA-II 5 8 5<8 518

!)!A& &A 5>8 /0!6$ 96!/9$ :0!99$

/ 9 :

Networ(ing and o#en &tandard Programming? Relational Databa&e Aanagement - >A##lication otal

/!:$ /!6$

9!/$ 9!/0$ 96

6!;$ /!9$ 9!@$ 90 :!:$ /!/;$ 9!/$ 96



B$I,(! A,$ !) 0)%M )0 ="$S!I)N@

!#*$ )0 ="$S!I)N Ver+ Short An&wer Short An&wer>Short An&wer -3ong An&wer -)D$ VSASA>SA -3A MA%KS / 9 : ; N) )0 ="$S!I)N 9/ /< : / MA%KS 9/ :8 = ; *$%-$!A,$

:0B 6/B /:B 8B

Page 5 of 141

SAM*&$ *A*$%-1 IN0)%MA!I-S *%A-!I-$S ime? : .our& Aar(&?@0 Note. /. hi& ,ue&tion #a#er i& di%ided into three &ection&. 9. Section>A and Section>* are of 96 Aar(& each. :. Section 7" con&i&t of 90 mar(& ;. An&wer the ,ue&tion after carefull+ reading the te1t. 6. All ,ue&tion& are com#ul&or+. Section 7A 17 Answer the 1ollowing Cuestions@ a) Crite the #ur#o&e of the following? !i$ Re#eater !ii$ Router b) E1#and the following abbre%iation& and e1#lain in brief? !i$ G4- !ii$ OD*" D E D E D E Aa1imum

c) Chat are following &oftware u&ed forD !i$ O#en Office !ii$ AoEilla

d) Differentiate between &tar to#olog+ and Ring to#olog+ . e) Name two communication cable& u&ed in networ(ing and e1#lain an+ one. 7 Answer the 1ollowing Cuestions@


a. -& E Go%ernance. *etter than normal Go%ernance. E1#lain. b. Ch+ e>learning i& u&ed. c. Chat i& the front end and bac( end in Fa%aD d.


Ar. Ram wor(& for the "u&tom& De#artment. .e wi&he& to create control& on

the form for the following function&. "hoo&e a##ro#riate control& from e1t bo1, 3abel, O#tion button, "hec( bo1, "ombo bo1, "ommand button and write in the third column D E Page 6 of 141

S7no /. 9. :. ;.

-ontrol used to Enter la&t name "hoo&e +ou Gender !AG)$ "hoo&e the name of countr+ hat i&&ued #a&&#ort Submit form


<7 Answer the 1ollowing Cuestions@ a) Chat i& the #ur#o&e of A3 ER A*3E "ommandD D E

b) Ch+ do we u&e RO33*A"K &tatementD E1#lain in brief with the hel# of an e1am#le D E c) After creating the H&choolI databa&e +ou want to u&e it. Crite the command that +ou. &hould gi%e7 D1E d) E1#lain the two wildcard character 7 and B u&ed with the 3-KE clau&e e) Chat are 'oin&D Ch+ are the+ u&edD f) Chat i& the im#ortance of grou# function in A+SJ3D D E D E D E

;. A*" School u&e& the following interface built in 'a%a to chec( the eligibilit+ of a &tudent for a #articular &tream from &cience, commerce and humanitie&. he u&er fir&t enter& the total #ercentage and &elect& the de&ired &tream b+ &electing the a##ro#riate o#tion button. An additional 6B i& mar(& i& gi%en to &tudent& of N"".

Page 7 of 141

Brite Ja2a -ode 1or the 1ollowing a) On the Action e%ent of the clo&e button the a##lication get& clo&ed. get cleared. D E D E b) On the Action e%ent of the clear button all the te1t field& and the chec( bo1e& c) On Action e%ent of the button K"alc PercentageL Net #ercentage of the &tudent i& calculated and di&#la+ed in the a##ro#riate te1t filed. Net #ercentage i& &ame a& that of the actual #ercentage if the &tudent doe&nLt o#t& for N"" otherwi&e 6B i& added to actual #ercentage. D<E d) On Action E%ent of the button KRe&ultL, the a##lication chec(& the eligibilit+ of the &tudent&. And di&#la+ re&ult H in the a##ro#riate te1t field. Ainimum #ercentage for &cience i& @0, for commerce 80 and for humanitie& ;0. D<E
?7 Answer the 1ollowing Cuestions@ a) Chat will be the out#ut of the following code &ni##etD D E

int 1M /0N int + M 90N if !!1O+$PP!1M6$ Q /0$ S+&tem.out.#rintln!1$N el&e S+&tem.out.#rintln!+$ Page 8 of 141

b) )ind the &+nta1 error& if an+ in the following #rogramme? int i N &umM0N iM/N while!iMO/0$ R &umM&umSiN iMiS: T S+&tem.#rintln!&um$N


c) Rewrite the following &witch &tatement u&ing if>el&e &tatement and di&#la+ the re&ult u&ing a##ro#riate -DE. &witch!number$R ca&e /? '3able9.&et e1t!Hdigit&I$N brea(N ca&e /0? '3able9.&et e1t!H en&I$N brea(N ca&e /00? '3able9.&et e1t!H.undred&I$N brea(N ca&e /000? '3able9.&et e1t!H hou&and&I$N D E

Page 9 of 141

brea(N default? '3able9.&et e1t!HerrorI$N brea(N T d) Chat i& difference between 'Radio*utton and '"hec(*o1D D E e) Crite the method u&ed to &et &ome %alue in the label D1E f) Chat i& FD*">OD*" in Fa%aD Name the #ac(age that #ro%ide& SJ3 Dri%er for 'a%a7 D E g) Differentiate between 43 and O3 tag& u&ed in . A3 D D1E h) "reate a #age about +our hobbie&!At 3i&t three hobbie&$. On the #age include lin( to intere&ting &ite& that coincide& with +our de&cri#tion. )or in&tance, if +ou li(e &#ort&, +ou might create a lin( to htt#?GGcnn.comGSPOR SG for the benefit of +our u&er&.


S$-!I)N-67 Answer the 1ollowing Cuestions@ (a) Crite the difference between "OAA- and RO33*A"K

D E "on&ider the following table& PROD4" ,ue&tion and an&wer !b$ and !c$ #art of thi&

%elation @*%)D"-!
P"ODE PNAAE "OAPANU CARRAN U P00/ V *P3 P009 V SONU PR-"E S O"K /0000 900 /9000 /60 AAN4)A" 4RE /9>FAN>900< 9:>AAR>900@ : ;

Page 10 of 141


:=000 /00 :<000 /90 /<000 960

0=>APR>900< 90>F4N>900= 9:>AAR>900@

9 9

!b$ Crite A+SJ3 command& for following Statement&


o &how detail& of all the P" with &toc( more than //0. D1E o li&t the com#an+ which gi%e& warrant+ for more than 9 +ear&. D1E

ii. iii.

o find &toc( %alue of the *P3 com#an+ where &toc( %alue i& &um of the #roduct& of #rice and &toc(. D1E o &how number of #roduct& from each com#an+. D1E o count the number of PROD4" S which are manufactured in 900=. D1E o &how the PROD4" D1E name which are within warrant+ a& on date. D>E




(c) Gi%e the out#ut of following A+SJ3 &tatement.

!i$ Select "O4N !di&tinct com#an+$ from PROD4" N !ii$ Select AAV !#rice$ from PROD4" where CARRAN UOM:N !iii$ &elect AVG !#rice$ from PROD4" where "om#an+MISONUIN !i%$ Select A-N !#rice$ from PROD4" where &toc(O900N

A7 Answer the 1ollowing Cuestions@ a8 Stud+ the following table S A)) and Salar+ and write A+SJ3 command for the ,ue&tion& !i$ to !i%$and gi%e out#ut for the !%$ to!%i$ !A+&$@ S!A00 ID /0/ /0; /0@ //; /0= /06 //@ /// /:0 Na4e Siddharat Ragha% Naman Nu#ur Fan%i Rama Fame& *ino+ Samuel D$*! Sale& )inance Re&earch Sale& )inance Re&earch Sale& finance Sale& S$. A A A ) ) A ) ) A $.*$%I$N-$ /9 8 /0 : = /0 : /9 /6

Page 11 of 141

!A+&$@ SA&A%# ID /0/ /0; /0@ //; /0= /06 //@ /// /:0 +asi6 /6000 /@000 /8000 90000 /<000 /6000 /<000 90000 /<000 Allowan6e /600 /900 /000 9900 /000 /900 /@00 /600 /900 -o44ission <00 600 900 660 960 /60 /00 :00 600

(i) Di&#la+ NAAE of all the &taff who i& in SA3ES ha%ing more than /0 +ear e1#erience from the table &taff.


(ii) Di&#la+ the a%erage *a&ic Salar+ of all &taff wor(ing in I)inanceI de#artment u&ing the table &taff and &alar+. (iii) Di&#la+ the minimum A33OCAN"E of female &taff. (iv) Di&#la+ the highe&t commi&&ion among all male &taff (v) Select count!W$ from S A)) where &e1ML)LN (vi) SE3E" NAAE,DEP ,*AS-" )ROA S A)),SA3ARU C.ERE DEP MLSA3ESL AND S A)).-DMSA3ARU.-DN




Answer the Cuestion Fased on the taFle V)!$% gi2en Felow@ !aFle @ V)!$%

-olu4n Na4e VXid Vname Age

Data ty9e *-G-N VAR".AR -N

SiGe < 96 :

-onstraints Primar+ (e+ Not null "hec(Q/@

Des6ri9tion Voter identification Name of the %oter Age &hould not le&& than e,ual

to /@ Addre&& VAR".AR9 :0 Addre&& of %oter Phone VAR".AR /0 Phone number of the %oter (i) Crite the command to delete all the row& of #articular %oter from the table %oter where %oter -D between /0 and 90. D1E
(ii) Delete the table #h+&icall+.

D1E Page 12 of 141

SAM*&$ *A*$% -1 5ANSB$% K$#8

J./ !a$ !i$ Re#eater ?> -t i& a #h+&ical de%ice to &trengthen the &ignal& !ii$ Router ?> -t i& a #h+&ical de%ice that &elect be&t out#ut line that will lead a #ac(et to de&tination. !b$ !i$ G4-?> Gra#hical 4&er -nterface !ii$ OD*"?> O#en Data *a&e "onnecti%it+ !c$ !i$ O#enoffice ?> word #roce&&or, &#read&heet, gra#hic& #rogram, #re&entation etc. !ii$ AoEilla ?> Ceb *row&ing !d$ Star to#olog+ V& Ring o#olog+ ?> !i$ Ring to#olog+ u&er a &ingle &hared cable for connecting all wor(&tation& where a& &tar u&e& dedicated cable for e%er+ wor(&tation !ii$ o form &tar to#olog+ &witch or hub i& re,uired !iii$ -n &tar to#olog+ finding a fault+ &tation i& ea&+. !i% $ )or long di&tance &tar to#olog+ i& not &ugge&ted becau&e &e#arate cable& are re,uired for e%er+ &tation. !e$ "ommunication "able& ? >!i$ wi&ted Pair?> "ategor+>:, "ategor+>6 or "ategor+>8 ! al&o called "A >:, "A >6 or "A >8$ or 4 P "able& !4n&hielded wi&ted Pair$ wo co##er wire& are twi&ted together 'u&t li(e a &tructure of DNA and &uch ; #air& are bundled together called 4 P. RF;6 connector& are u&ed to connect com#uter u&ing 4 P cable& !ii$ "oa1ial "able !iii$ )iber "able J.9 !a$ e>go%ernance ?> Ue&, becau&e it #ro%ide& better control at affordable co&t and in fa&te&t #o&&ible time. !b$ e>learning ?> to teach through technolog+. !c$ front end ?> -t i& interface #art of the a##lication which i& u&ed to interact with u&er &uch a& Fa%a Swing *ac( end?> Databa&e a##lication which &tore& #er&i&tent data. FD*" #ro%ide& thi& facilit+ to connect 'a%a a##lication with Databa&e. !d$ S7no -ontrol used to -ontrol /. Enter la&t name e1t)ield 9. :. ;. "hoo&e +ou Gender !AG)$ "hoo&e the name of countr+ hat i&&ued #a&&#ort Submit form Radio *utton "ombo *o1 *utton

J.: !a$ Alter "ommand ?> -t i& u&ed to modif+ the table &uch a& add or remo%e column , change the data t+#e and &iEe of column or addGdelete con&traint&. !b$ Rollbac( ?> -t i& u&ed to cancel change& made in databa&e. E1am#le RO33*A"KN RO33*A"K CORKN !c$ 4SE &chool !d$ X it re#re&ent& an+ &ingle character B it re#re&ent& an+ number of character&. !e$ 'oining mean& combining two or more table. -f we want to get data from two or more table we need to 'oin them. Page 13 of 141

!f$ here are fi%e aggregate function al&o called grou# function. &um!$, a%g!$, min!$, ma1!$ and count!$ . -t wor(& on multi#le data and return& &ingle %alue re&ult. J.; !a$ S+&tem.e1it!0$N !b$ ' e1t)ield/.&et e1t!H H$ OR ' e1t)ield/.&et e1t!null$ ' e1t)ield/.&et e1t!H H$ OR ' e1t)ield/.&et e1t!null$ ' e1t)ield/.&et e1t!H H$ OR ' e1t)ield/.&et e1t!null$ ' e1t)ield/.&et e1t!H H$ OR ' e1t)ield/.&et e1t!null$ '"hec(bo1/.&etSelected!fal&e$N !c$ int #N #M-nteger.#ar&e-nt!' e1t)ield9.get e1t!$$N if !'"hec(*o1/.i&Selected!$$ #M#S6N ' e1t)ield:.&et e1t!-nteger.toString!#$$N !d$ int #N #M-nteger.#ar&e-nt!' e1t)ield:.get e1t!$$N if! 'Radio*utton/.i&Selected!$$ R if ! #QM@0$ ' e1t)ield;.&et e1t!HEligible for all &ub'ectI$N el&e ' e1tfield;.&et e1t!HNot Eligible for &cienceI$N T el&e if! 'Radio*utton9.i&Selected!$$ R if ! #QM80 $ ' e1t)ield;.&et e1t!HEligible for "ommerce and .umanitie&I$N el&e ' e1tfield;.&et e1t!HNot Eligible for Science and "ommerceI$N T el&e R if ! #QM;0 $ ' e1t)ield;.&et e1t!HEligible for .umanitie&I$N el&e ' e1tfield;.&et e1t!HNot Eligible for an+ &ub'ect I$N T
J.6 !b$ int i H &umM0N iM/N while!iIJ/0$ R &umM&umSiN iMiS< T Syste479rintln5su48H

"orrected code
int i , &umM0N

Page 14 of 141

iM/N while!iOM/0$ R &umM&umSiN iMiS:N T S+&tem.out.#rintln!&um$N

!c$ if !number M M /$
'3able9.&et e1t!Hdigit&I$N el&e if ! number M M /0$ '3able9.&et e1t!H en&I$N el&e if !numberMM/00$ '3able9.&et e1t!H.undred&I$N el&e if!numberMM/000$ '3able9.&et e1t!H hou&and&I$N el&e '3able9.&et e1t!HerrorI$N !d$ 4&ing radio button we can #ro%ide man+ o#tion but u&er can &elect onl+ one Cherea& u&ing chec( bo1 u&er can &elect all, more then one or none. !e$ &et e1t!$ !f$ FD*">OD*" ?> FD*" &tand& for Fa%a Data *a&e "onnecti%it+ and OD*" &tand& for O#en Data *a&e "onnecti%it+. o connect Fa%a ba&ed a##lication for an+ Databa&e FD*" connector& are u&ed. Fa%a.&,l.W i& u&ed to include &,l dri%er&. !g$ 43 i& u&ed to define un ordered li&t wherea& O3 for ordered li&t. !h$ "reate a #age about +our hobbie&!At 3i&t three hobbie&$. On the #age include lin( to intere&ting &ite& that coincide& with +our de&cri#tion. )or in&tance, if +ou li(e &#ort&, +ou might create a lin( to htt#?GGcnn.comGSPOR SG for the benefit of +our u&er& OhtmlQ OtitleQOGtitleQ Obod+Q

Page 15 of 141

Select +our .obbie& Oa hrefMIhtt#?GGwww.cnn.comGcric(et.htmIQ"ric(etOGaQObrQ Oa hrefMIhtt#?GGwww.cnn.comGfootball.htmIQ)ootballOGaQObrQ Oa hrefMIhtt#?GGwww.cnn.comGhoc(e+.htmIQ.oc(e+OGaQObrQ OGbod+Q OGhtmlQ 67 Answer the 1ollowing Cuestions@ !a$ Difference between "OAA- and RO33*A"K -o44it@ hi& command #ermanentl+ commit& all the change& made in the databa&e after la&t commit command wa& e1ecuted. After committing the tran&action, change& made can not be rolled bac(. %oll+a63 @ hi& command roll& bac( !undoe&$ all the change& made in the databa&e after la&t commit command wa& e1ecuted. !b$ %ii. SE3E" W )ROA PROD4" C.ERE PNAAE M KP"L AND S O"K Q //0N %iii. SE3E" "OAPANU )ROA PROD4" C.ERE CARRAN U Q 9N i1. SE3E" PR-"E W S O"K HS O"K VA34EI



Page 16 of 141

!c$ Gi%e the out#ut of following A+SJ3 &tatement. i. ii. iii. i%. ; :=000 /6000 /9000


A7 Answer the 1ollowing Cuestions@ a8 Stud+ the following table S A)) and Salar+ and write A+SJ3 command for the ,ue&tion& !i$ to !i%$and gi%e out#ut for the !%$ to!%i$

I7 SE3E" NAAE )ROA S A)) C.ERE DEP M KSale&L AND EVPER-EN"E Q /0N II7 SE3E" AVG!*a&ic$ )ROA S A)), SA3ARU C.ERE S A)).-D M SA3ARU.-D AND DEP M K)inanceLN III7 SE3E" A-N!Allowance$ )ROA S A)), SA3ARU C.ERE S A)).-D M SA3ARU.-D AND SEV M K)LN IV7 SE3E" AAV!"ommi&&ion$ )ROA S A)), SA3ARU C.ERE S A)).-D M SA3ARU.-D AND SEV M KALN V7 ; VI7 Na4e Siddharat Nu#ur Fame& Samuel D$*! Sale& Sale& Sale& Sale& +asi6 /6000 90000 /<000 /<000


Answer the Cuestion Fased on the taFle V)!$% @ 5i8 D$&$!$ 0%)M V)!$% B($%$ VKID +$!B$$N 10 AND 0H

Page 17 of 141

ii$ D%)* !A+&$ V)!$%H

Page 18 of 141

SAM*&$ *A*$%-II -&ASS .II IN0)%MA!I-S *%A-!I-$S !i4e @ < (ours General -n&truction& ? /. Answer the questions after carefully reading the Questions. 9. Marks are given against the respective questions. S$-!I)N A /. An&wer the following ? !a$ Chat do mean b+ Networ( and e1#lain it& ad%antage&D !b$ E1#lain bu& and ring to#ologie&D !c$ Differentiate between &witch 2 hubD !d$ Crite in brief the #ur#o&e of the following &oftware&? !e$ E1#and the following term& ? !i$ )3OSS !ii$ OSS 9 An&wer the following?. !a$ Chat i& the u&e of method #ow!$ and to3ower"a&e! $D !b$ Chat i& the difference between String and String*uffer cla&&. !c$ E1#lain G4-D !e$ Chat i& )irewallD !f$ Chat i& the difference between ab&tract cla&& and interface. !g$ Chat do +ou mean b+ 3i&t and combo bo1D :. !a$ Chat are the ad%antage& of databa&e o%er con%entional file &+&tem. !b$ Chat i& meant b+ HData inde#endenceID ! c$ Chat i& (e+D E1#lain #rimar+ and foreign (e+. !d$E1#lain the architecture of client>&er%er. !e$ Chat i& Ogg Vorbi&D S$-!I)N -+ !i$ A#ache !ii$ omcat

Mar3s @ A0

9 9 9 9 9

9 9 / / 9 9 : 9 9 9 /

;. .S*" i& a ban(. he *an( #ro%ide& three t+#e& of loan&> "ar loan, .ou&e 3oan, Education 3oan.

Read the following ca&e &tud+ and an&wer the ,ue&tion& that follow? Aa(e a 'a%a &wing frame a& &hown abo%e and acce#t %alue& through ' e1t)ield&. Perform according to following ,ue&tion&?

Page 19 of 141


Cr ite the command to clear all the te1t bo1e&. / b. Crite the command to &et focu& on E1it button and di&able all other button&. 9 c. Crite the command& to &how the intere&t rate according to the following criteria.? 9 "ar loan 7 /0B .ou&e 3oan 7 <.6B Education 3oan 7 6B. d. Crite the code for E1it button to clo&e the a##lication. / e. "alculate the di&count on the amount according to following criteria. ; -f amount Q /0,000,00 and O 90,000,00 then 90B di&count. -f amount Q 90,000,00 then 96 B di&count.

6 !a$ Predict the out#utGerror #roduced b+ the following code? int - M 0N outer ? while !true$ R -SSN inner? for!int 'M0N'O/0N'SS$ R -SM'N if!'MM:$ "ontinue innerN brea( outerN T continue outerN T S+&tem.#rintln!-$N !b$ Predict the out#utGerror #roduced b+ the following code? int -M0N label ? if!-O9$ R &+&tem.out.#rint!H- i& H S-$N -SSN continue labelN T !c $ Chat will be the out#ut the following code fragment if the %alue of ch i& !i$ a !ii$ c !iii$ d !i%$ bD &witch !ch$

Page 20 of 141

R ca&e KaL? &+&tem.out.#rintln!H-t i& a.I$N ca&e KbL? &+&tem.out.#rintln!H-t i& b.I$N ca&e KcL? &+&tem.out.#rintln!H-t i& c.I$N brea(N ca&e KdL? &+&tem.out.#rintln!H-t i& d.I$N brea(N default? &+&tem.out.#rintln!HNot a ,b,c ,and d.I$N T

!d$ During a &#ecial &ale at a &tore, a /0B di&count i& ta(en on #urcha&e& o%er /000G> .Crite a #rogram and de&ign &creen&hot that a&(& for the amount of #urcha&e&, then calculate the di&count #rice. he #urcha&e amount will be in#ut in R&. ? Enter amount of #urcha&e& ? 9000 Di&count #rice ? /<00 ; 8. !a$ Crite a #rogram to calculate factorial of a gi%en number. !b$ -& Aulti#le inheritance i& #o&&ible in 'a%aD -f +e&, .ow D !c $ Crite the u&e of method& charAt!$ and &ub&tring!$ in 'a%a. !d$ S(etch the ba&ic &tructure of an . A3 #rogram. e$ .ow the e>go%ernance benefited the common man. f$ Define the front end in information &+&tem. g$ Define an entit+. @. An&wer the following ,ue&tion& ba&ed on the table "34* gi%en below? A*3E ?"34* "olumn Name AemberXNo AemberXName Addre&& Age +#e )ee& Data +#e Number Varchar9 Varchar9 Number Varchar9 Number SiEe 6 ;0 :0 9 /0 8,9 QM/< "on&traint& Primar+ Ke+ Not Null De&cri#tion Aember number Name of the member Addre&& of he member Age of the member +#e of member&hi# ! em# or Permanent$ Aember&hi# fee& !a$ Crite the SJ3 command to create the table "34* including the con&traint&. 9 !b$ -n&ert two tu#le&. / !c$ Crite the SJ3 command to di&#la+ the detail& of all the member& who&e t+#e i& HPermanentI and fee& i& more than R&. 6000. !d$ Crite SJ3 ,uer+ to add a new column called Phno. !e$ "hange the fee& rate b+ /0B if the member&hi# i& of t+#e H em#I !f$Crite he SJ3 command to di&#la+ all the detail& of all the member& who&e age i& grater than eighteen. / / / / 9 9 9 9 9 9 /

Page 21 of 141

SAM*&$ *A*$%-III In1or4ati6s *ra6ti6es .II

-n&truction& Aar(&? @0

All questions are compulsory.

Read questions carefully before attempting. J/. An&wer according to in&truction&? a. Y/Z b. Y/Z c. Y9Z d. Y9Z Chat i& the difference between -P addre&& and AA" addre&& D Chat i& &noo#ing and #hi&hingD Y9Z Y/Z .ow i& coa1ial cable different from o#tical fibreD E1#and the term ? GN4, P.P Chich networ( to#olog+ re,uire& terminator& at the end& of the line&D


f.Chat are the common threat& to Networ( Securit+D J 9. a.Chich element& are needed to control a 3oo#D

b. A li&t namel+ m+3i&t ha& SelectionAode #ro#ert+ &et to S-NG3E>-N ERVA3. .ow would +ou obtain !i$ the indice& of &elected %alueD !ii$ the &elected %alueD Y9Z c.)ind the out#ut? Y9Z -. int fM/,iM9N do R fWMiN T while!SS- O6$N S+&tem.out.#rintln!f$N J :. a."an +ou a&&ign 'u&tified alignment to a #aragra#h in . A3 b.Chat i& VA3D Crite it& ad%antage&. c.Chat are the &te#& in%ol%ed in FD*" connectionD d.Rewrite the code u&ing Chile 3oo#D int i,'N for!iM/NiOM;NiSS$ Y/Z Y9Z Y9Z Y9Z

Page 22 of 141

R for !'M/N'OMiN'SS$ S+&tem.out.#rintl! H HS'$N S+tem.out.#rintln!$N T e.Crite a #rogram to ta(e in#ut of a %ariable and &how the &um of all e%en number& le&& than that gi%en number in#ut b+ the u&er. Y:Z J ;. A cla&& "AR ha%ing following &tructure -A% String colour String modelN int &#eedN incX&#eed!$ decX&#eed!$N brea(!$N changeXcolour!$N !i$ Crite code to "reate a cla&& "AR with data member a& &#ecified abo%e Y9Z !ii$Crite a con&tructor to initialiEe colour a& HChiteI and model a& HAarutiI for newl+ created ob'ect. Y9Z !ii$ Crite code for method incX&#eed!$ and decX&#eed!$ to increa&e or decrea&e &#eed b+ 6 if e%er+ time the method& are called. Al&o ma(e &ure &#eed &hould not be more then /00 and le&& then 0. Y;Z !i%$ Crite code for brea( method to &et the &#eed a& 0. Y/Z !%$ Crite code for changeXcolour!$ to acce#t new colour from u&er and change it. Y/Z J 6. !A$ a. Define e>go%ernance Y/Z Y9Z Y9Z

b..ow i& *ac( end lin(ed to a Dtaba&e and a Ser%erD

c.Chat are the benefit& of E>*u&ine&&D !*$

a.Uou need to remo%e all the row& from the Sale&X.-S table. Uou want to relea&e the &torage &#ace but do not want to remo%e the table &tructure. Chat i& the &olution to the #roblemD b.Differentiate between ".AR and VAR".AR datat+#e&D c.Predict the out#ut? Y9Z Y:Z Y6Z

Page 23 of 141

i. Select round!9=.9/,/$, round!:9.@8,/$N ii. Select #ower!9,6$N iii. Select = mod 9N i%. Select concat!Kcatch a L ,concat! KfallingL, K&tarL$$N %. Select length!trim! K55..to be continued5L$$N J 8. a. Chat i& &ignificance of Grou# *+ "lau&e in u&ed in SE3E" ,uer+ D b. Define E,ui 'oin and non E,ui 'oin c.Chat do +ou under&tand b+ ran&action "OAA- 2 RO33*A"KD d. Chat i& con&traint.D E1#lain the difference between default and chec( con&traint&. J @. Y9Z Y9Z Y:Z Y:Z

a. "reate table Depart including con&traint&? b.Add one more column Email of datat+#e Varchar and &iEe :0 to the table Depart
c.Select all the de#artment name in de&cending order. d.Select the de#artment name who&e di&tance i& ma1imum. e.-n&ert %alue& in the table a& S/0/, KSale&L, HdelhiL, /90. "olumn Name Ke+ +#e "on&traint Datat+#e 3ength De#t -D Primar+ De#tName De#art3O" Di&tance Varchar 90 Number ;


NO N433 Number Varchar 9 90

Page 24 of 141

"NI! I Networ3ing and o9en standard

K$# !$%MS -o49uter Networ3@ when more than one com#uter i& interconnected with &uitable communication media to tran&fer data. IN!$%N$!? -t i& a network of networks that con&i&t& of million& of #ri%ate, #ublic, academic, bu&ine&&, and go%ernment networ(& that are lin(ed b+ broad electronic and o#tical networ(ing technologie&.

Internet 7 -nternet i& a global Networ( u&ed to tran&mit the dataGinformation u&ing the "PG-P #rotocol. Networ3 De2i6es? "om#uter networ( de%ice& al&o (nown a& communication de%ice& and the+ con&titute a data communication networ(. he&e de%ice& are router&, &witche&, hub&, 3AN card&, gatewa+, modem&, hardware firewall, "S4GDS4, -SDN terminal& and tran&cei%er&. %outer? A router i& a communication de%ice that i& u&ed to connect two logicall+ and #h+&icall+ different networ(&, two 3AN&, two CAN& and a 3AN with CAN. he main function of the router i& to &orting and the di&tribution of the data #ac(et& to their de&tination& ba&ed on their -P addre&&e&. Swit6h@ A Switch i& a de%ice that i& u&ed to &egment networ(& into different &ub networ(& called &ubnet& or 3AN &egment&. Page 25 of 141

(uFs@ he central connecting de%ice in a com#uter networ( i& (nown a& a hub. here are two t+#e& of a hub i.e. acti%e hub and #a&&i%e hub. ,ateway? A gatewa+ de%ice connect& the 3AN with the -nternet. A gatewa+ i& directl+ e1#o&ed to the -nternet &o it &hould be &ecurel+ configured and in and out traffic &hould be monitored. %e9eater@ o Re#eater i& a de%ice u&ed in data communication to &trengthen a &ignal a& it i& #a&&ed along the networ( cable. +ridge? o *ridge i& a de%ice that i& u&ed to connect two networ(& a& well to #a&& the #ac(et& between two networ(& that u&e the &ame networ( #rotocol&. Mode4s@ o A de%ice for tran&mitting u&uall+ digital data o%er tele#hone wire& b+ modulating the data into an audio &ignal to &end it and demodulating an audio &ignal into data to recei%e it. o An ordinar+ modem ha& a data tran&mi&&ion &#eed limit of about 68 (ilobit& #er &econd. -SDN line& allow communication& at o%er twice that rate, and cable modem& and DS3 line& ha%e tran&mi&&ion rate& of o%er a million bit& #er &econd.

Cor(ing of Aodem &AN -ards 3AN card& or networ( ada#ter& are the building bloc(& of a com#uter networ(. 3AN card& are in&erted into the e1#an&ion &lot& in&ide the com#uter. Different 3AN card& &u##ort different &#eed from /0G/00 to /0G/000.

DNS -- 5Do4ain Na4e Syste48 he Domain Name S+&tem i& the &+&tem that tran&late& -nternet domain names into I numbers. A [DNS Ser%er[ i& a server that #erform& thi& (ind of tran&lation. Page 26 of 141

I* Address >> !-nternet Protocol Addre&&$? Sometime& called a dotted ,uad. A uni,ue :9 bit number di%ided into ; octet &e#arated b+ dot&, e.g. /86.//:.9;6.9. E%er+ machine that i& on the -nternet ha& a uni,ue -P number > if a machine doe& not ha%e an -P number, it i& not reall+ on the -nternet. !#*$ )0 N$!B)%K &AN >> !3ocal Area Networ($? A com#uter networ( limited to the immediate area, u&uall+ the &ame building or floor of a building. BAN -- 5Bide Area Networ38 An+ Internet or network that co%er& an area larger than a &ingle building or cam#u&. A 9ersonal area networ3 > *AN > i& a com#uter networ( organiEed around an indi%idual #er&on. Per&onal area networ(& t+#icall+ in%ol%e a mobile com#uter, a cell #hone andGor a handheld com#uting de%ice &uch a& a PDA. Uou can u&e the&e networ(& to tran&fer file& including email and calendar a##ointment&, digital #hoto& and mu&ic.

AAN! 4etro9olitan area networ38 It i& a large com#uter networ( that u&uall+ &#an& a cit+ or a large cam#u&. A AAN u&uall+ interconnect& a number of local area networ(& !3AN&$ u&ing a high> ca#acit+ bac(bone technolog+, &uch a& fiber>o#tical lin(&, and #ro%ide& u#>lin( &er%ice& to wide area networ(& and the -nternet.

Page 27 of 141

MA-@ -n a local area networ( or other networ(, the AA" !Aedia Acce&& "ontrol$ addre&& i& +our com#uter\& uni,ue hardware number. -n com#uter networ(ing, a Media A66ess -ontrol address !AA" addre&&$ i& a uni,ue identifier a&&igned to mo&t networ( ada#ter& or networ( interface card& !N-"&$ b+ the manufacturer for identification, and u&ed in the Aedia Acce&& "ontrol #rotocol &ub>la+er. -f a&&igned b+ the manufacturer, a AA" addre&& u&uall+ encode& the manufacturer\& regi&tered identification number. -t ma+ al&o be (nown a& an $thernet (ardware Address !E.A$, hardware address, ada9ter address, or 9hysi6al address. Bhat is Do4ain Na4e %esolutionL Domain Name Re&olution i& the ta&( of con%erting domain name& to their corre&#onding -P addre&&. hi& i& all done behind the &cene& and i& rarel+ noticed b+ the u&er. Chen +ou enter a domain name in an a##lication that u&e& the -nternet, the a##lication will i&&ue a command to ha%e the o#erating &+&tem con%ert the domain name into it& -P addre&&, and then connect to that -P addre&& to #erform whate%er o#eration it i& tr+ing to do.

Networ3 to9ology Networ3 to9ology It i& defined a& the interconnection of the %ariou& element& !lin(&, node&, etc.$ of a com#uter networ(. Networ( o#ologie& can be #h+&ical or logical. Ph+&ical o#olog+ mean& the #h+&ical de&ign of a networ( including the de%ice&, location and cable in&tallation. 3ogical to#olog+ refer& to the fact that how data actuall+ tran&fer& in a networ( a& o##o&ed to it& #h+&ical de&ign. he &tud+ of networ( to#olog+ recogniEe& fi%e ba&ic to#ologie&?

*u& to#olog+ Page 28 of 141

Star to#olog+ Ring to#olog+ ree to#olog+ Ae&h to#olog+

hi& cla&&ification i& ba&ed on the interconnection between com#uter& > be it #h+&ical or logical. Star Topology
he t+#e of networ( to#olog+ in which each of the node& of the networ( i& connected to a central node with a #oint>to>#oint lin( in a \hub\ and \&#o(e\ fa&hion, the central node being the \hub\ and the node& that are attached to the central node being the \&#o(e&\ !e.g., a collection of #oint>to>#oint lin(& from the #eri#heral node& that con%erge at a central node$ 7 all data that i& tran&mitted between node& in the networ( i& S e r v e r tran&mitted to thi& central node, which i& u&uall+ &ome t+#e of de%ice that then retran&mit& the data to &ome or all of the other node& in the networ(, although the central node ma+ al&o be a &im#le common connection #oint !&uch a& a \#unch>down\ bloc($ without an+ acti%e de%ice to re#eat the &ignal&.

Bus Topology
he t+#e of networ( to#olog+ in which all of the node& of the networ( are connected to a common tran&mi&&ion medium which ha& e1actl+ two end#oint& !thi& i& the \bu&\, which i& al&o commonl+ referred to a& the bac(bone, or trun($ 7 all data that i& tran&mitted between node& in the networ( i& tran&mitted o%er thi& common tran&mi&&ion medium and i& able to be recei%ed b+ all node& in the networ( %irtuall+ &imultaneou&l+ !di&regarding #ro#agation dela+&$.

e r v

e r

Ring Topology
he t+#e of networ( to#olog+ in which each of the node& of the networ( i& connected to two other node& in the networ( and with the fir&t and la&t node& being connected to each other, forming a ring 7 all data that i& tran&mitted between node& in the networ( tra%el& from one node to the ne1t node in a circular manner and the data generall+ flow& in a &ingle direction onl+.

e r v

e r

Page 29 of 141

M$S( !)*&),#? A full+ connected networ(, com#lete to#olog+ or full me&h to#olog+ i& a networ( to#olog+ in which there i& a direct lin( between all #air& of node&. -n a full+ connected networ( with n node&, there are n !n> /$G9 direct lin(&. Networ(& de&igned with thi& to#olog+ are u&uall+ %er+ e1#en&i%e to &et u#, but #ro%ide a high degree of reliabilit+ due to the multi#le #ath& for data that are #ro%ided b+ the large number of redundant lin(& between node&. hi& to#olog+ i& mo&tl+ &een in militar+ a##lication&. REE OPO3OGU? A tree to9ology !hierar6hi6al to9ology$ can be %iewed a& a collection of &tar networ(& arranged in a hierarch+. hi& tree ha& indi%idual #eri#heral node& !e.g. lea%e&$, which are re,uired to tran&mit to and recei%e from one node to other node and are not re,uired to act a& re#eater& or regenerator&. 4nli(e the &tar networ(, the functionalit+ of the central node ma+ be di&tributed. A& in the con%entional &tar networ(, indi%idual node& ma+ be i&olated from the networ( in ca&e of failure, if a lin( connecting a leaf fail&, that leaf i& i&olated. -f a connection to a non>leaf node fail&, an entire &ection of the networ( become& i&olated from the re&t.

!ree !o9ology Bired !e6hnologies@

!wisted *air@ A cable com#o&ed of two &mall>in&ulated conductor& twi&ted together without a common co%ering. Al&o (nown a& co##er #air. he wire& are twi&ted around each other to wi&ted #air& ha%e le&& minimiEe interference from other twi&ted #air& in the cable. bandwidth than coa1ial cable or o#tical fiber.

Page 30 of 141

-oaMial -aFles?

A cable con&i&ting of two concentric conductor& !an inner conductor and an outer conductor$ in&ulated from each other b+ a dielectricN commonl+ u&ed for the tran&mi&&ion of high>&#eed electronic data andGor %ideo &ignal&. A &ingle tran&mi&&ion cable ha%ing a concentric conductor and &hieldingN u&ed for communication& tran&mi&&ion, &uch a& for tele%i&ion &ignal&.

. "oa1ial cable i& u&ed a& a tran&mi&&ion line for radio fre,uenc+ &ignal&, in a##lication& &uch a& connecting radio tran&mitter& and recei%er& with their antenna&, com#uter networ( !-nternet$ connection&, and di&tributing cable tele%i&ion &ignal&. )9ti6 0iFer?

A fle1ible o#ticall+ tran&#arent fiber, u&uall+ made of gla&& or #la&tic, through which light can be tran&mitted b+ &ucce&&i%e internal reflection&. An o9ti6al 1iFer i& made u# of the core, !carrie& the light #ul&e&$, the cladding !reflect& the light #ul&e& bac( into the core$ and the buffer coating !#rotect& the core and cladding from moi&ture, damage, etc.$. ogether, all of thi& create& a fiber o#tic, which can carr+ u# to /0 million me&&age& at an+ time u&ing light #ul&e&.

Page 31 of 141

A bundle of o#tical fiber& one end. $thernet -aFles?

A fiber o#tic audio cable being illuminated at

Ethernet i& u&ed to connect com#uter& in a com#an+ or home networ( a& well a& to connect a &ingle com#uter to a cable modem or DS3 modem for -nternet acce&&.

Bireless !e6hnologies@

A %ariet+ of technologie& to communicate without wire&, namel+ radio tran&mi&&ion&. Cirele&& media allow the #ro#agation of ele6tro4agneti6 wa2es. he tran&mi&&ionGrece#tion of electromagnetic wa%e& re,uire& the u&e of &ome wireless lin3 !al&o called radio lin3, due to the fact that radio broadca&t wa& one the fir&t commercial wirele&& communication &+&tem in u&e$, &uch a& terre&trial microwa%e lin(&, &atellite lin(&, etc. +lue tooth?

+luetooth i& an o#en wirele&& technolog+ &tandard for e1changing data o%er &hort di&tance& !u&ing &hort length radio wa%e&$ from fi1ed and mobile de%ice&, creating #er&onal area networ(& !PAN&$ with high le%el& of &ecurit+.

4&ing radio wa%e&, *luetooth tran&mit& through wall& and other non>metal barrier&. *luetooth i& al&o u&ed in man+ other a##lication&, including wirele&& (e+board&, mice and game controller&. In1ra %ed !e6hnologies@

-R wirele&& i& the u&e of wirele&& technolog+ in de%ice& or &+&tem& that con%e+ data through infrared !-R$ radiation.

Page 32 of 141

-nfrared i& electromagnetic energ+ at a wa%elength or wa%elength& &omewhat longer than tho&e of red light. -R wirele&& i& u&ed for &hort> and medium>range communication& and control.

-R wirele&& technolog+ i& u&ed in intru&ion detector&N home>entertainment control unit&N robot control &+&tem&N cordle&& micro#hone&, head&et&, modem&, and #rinter& and other #eri#heral&.

-R wirele&& cannot #a&& through wall&. in a neighborhood. Mi6rowa2e &in3?

herefore, -R communication& or control i&

generall+ not #o&&ible between different room& in a hou&e, or between different hou&e&

A 4i6rowa2e lin3 i& a communication& &+&tem that u&e& a beam of radio wa%e& in the microwa%e fre,uenc+ range to tran&mit %ideo, audio, or data between two location&, which can be from 'u&t a few feet or meter& to &e%eral mile& or (ilometer& a#art.

Aicrowa%e lin(& are commonl+ u&ed b+ tele%i&ion broadca&ter& to tran&mit #rogramme& acro&& a countr+, for in&tance, or from an out&ide broadca&t bac( to a &tudio. Satellite &in3?

A satellite lin3 i& a communication& &ub&+&tem that in%ol%e& a lin( between a tran&mitting Earth &tation and a recei%ing Earth &tation %ia a communication& &atellite. -o44uni6ations satellite

-t i& an artificial &atellite u&ed to allow telecommunication&, a& b+ reflecting or rela+ing a radio &ignal. %adio &in3?

A radio &+&tem u&ed to #ro%ide a communication or control channel between two &#ecific #oint&. Networ3 Se6urity?

Networ3 se6urity con&i&t& of the #ro%i&ion& made in an underl+ing com#uter networ( infra&tructure, #olicie& ado#ted b+ the networ( admini&trator to #rotect the networ( and the networ(>acce&&ible re&ource& from unauthoriEed acce&&. Page 33 of 141

0%$$ AND )*$N S)"%-$ S)0!BA%$

0ree So1tware@ -t mean& &oftware i& freel+ acce&&ible, free to u&e, changed, im#ro%ed, co#ied, and di&tributed without an+ #a+ment&. )our (ind& of freedom ] )reedom to run the #rogram for an+ #ur#o&e ] )reedom to redi&tribute co#ie&. ] )reedom to &tud+ how the #rogram wor(& ] )reedom to im#ro%e the #rogram and relea&e +our im#ro%ement& to the #ublic. )9en Sour6e So1tware@ Definition? condition&. )eature&? /. )reedom to run and u&e the &oftware 9. Aodif+ the #rogram :. Redi&tribute co#ie& of either original or modified #rogram !without #a+ing ro+altie& to #re%iou& de%elo#er&$. It can be freely used for modifications! but it does not have to be free of charge. Its source code is available. -riteria 1or the distriFution o1 o9en sour6e so1tware /. )ree di&tribution 9. Source code :. Deri%ed wor(& ;. -ntegrit+ of the AuthorL& Source code 6. No di&crimination again&t field& of endea%or. 8. Di&tribution of 3icen&e @. 3icen&e mu&t not be &#ecific to a #roduct <. 3icen&e mu&t not re&trict other &oftware 0)SS 51ree and o9en so1tware8@)ree &oftware> no #a+ment& O#en &ource &oftware> for technical #rogre&& Page 34 of 141 he categorie& of &oftware G #rogram& who&e 3icen&e& do not im#o&e man+

)SS and 0&)SS ] OSS> Source code i& a%ailable !O#en &ource modified and redi&tributed &oftware$ free of co&t or with nominal charge. ] )3OSS> !free libre and o#en &ource &oftware$ 0S0 51ree so1tware 1oundation8 o )ounded b+ Richard Stallman in /=<6 to &u##ort GN4 #ro'ect. o Non>#rofit organiEation created for the #ur#o&e of &u##orting free &oftware mo%ement ,N" 51ree and o9en sour6e8 o Ob'ecti%e? o create a &+&tem com#atible to 4N-V but not identical with it. o Now it offer& a wide range of &oftware, including a##lication& a#art from o#erating &+&tem. *ro9rietary so1tware 5neither o9en nor 1reely a2ailaFle8 o Definition> -t& u&e i& regulated and further di&tribution and modification i& either forbidden or re,uire& &#ecial #ermi&&ion b+ the &u##lier Source code i& not a%ailable. 0reeware o )ree of co&t o "o#+ing and further di&tribution but not modification. o Source code i& not a%ailable o E.g. AS -E

Shareware o Right to redi&tribute co#ie& o After a certain #eriod of time licen&e fee &hould be #aid. o Source code i& not a%ailable. o Aodification& are not #o&&ible. o Ob'ecti%e> to increa&e u&erL& will to #a+ for the &oftware. 3imit& functionalit+ after a trial #eriod of />: month&. So4e So1twares &IN". o 3inu1? > free and o#en &ource &oftware. o -t can be downloaded from www.linu1.org o 3inu1 i& a #art of #o#ular web &er%er #rogram 3AAP !3inu1, a#ache, A+S,l, P.P$. MoGilla Page 35 of 141

o )reeware o No &ource code a%ailable o free internet &oftware -t can be downloaded from www.moEilla.org A9a6he Ser2er o o he mo&t common web &er%er !or . P &er%er$ &oftware on the -nternet.

A#ache i& de&igned a& a &et of module&, enabling admini&trator& to choo&e which feature& the+ wi&h to u&e and ma(ing it ea&+ to add feature& to meet &#ecific need& including handling #rotocol& other than the web>&tandard . P.

o A#ache .

P &er%er i& an o#en &ource web &er%er.

o -t i& com#onent of 3AAP. Denial-o1-ser2i6es atta63s? DoS are tho&e attac(& that #re%ent the legal u&er& of S+&tem from acce&&ing or u&ing the re&ource&, information or ca#abilitie& of the &+&tem. -t ma+ be of following t+#e&? Denial of Acce&& to -nformation? Such attac(& cau&e deletion or changing of im#ortant information to non readable format. Denial of Acce&& to A##lication&? Such attac(& ma(e the a##lication& Such attac(& include& cutting of unu&able or una%ailable for legal u&er of the &+&tem. Denial of Acce&& to "ommunication&? 'un( mail. hreat& to networ( &ecurit+? -t ma+ be of following t+#e&? a. Snoo#ing? -t refer& to unauthoriEed acce&& to &omeone el&eL& data, email or com#uter acti%it+. b. Ea%e&dro##ing? -t refer& to unauthoriEed li&tening G interce#ting &omeone el&eL& #ri%ate communication G dataG information. Standard&? Standard& refer& to an e&tabli&hed &et of rule& or re,uirement& which are a##ro%ed b+ recogniEed bod+ or widel+ u&ed acro&& %ariou& &oftware #latform&. )or e1.? PD) !Portable document& format$ i& a technical &tandard widel+ u&ed b+ the indu&tr+. he+ are of two t+#e&? Pro#rietar+ Standard& and O#en Standard&. Pro#rietar+ &tandard& are tho&e for which u&er& ha%e to bu+ licen&e to u&e them. )or e.g. AS Office format .doc, .##t, .1l& etc Page 36 of 141 communication wire, 'amming radio communication&, flooding a &+&tem with

O#en Standard& are internationall+ acce#ted technical &tandard& that guarantee that data can be e1changed acro&& #latform& and for an+ a##lication&. O#en i& feel+ o#en to all. Ad2antages o1 )9en Standards@ i. ii. iii. Aa(ing the data acce&&ible to all. -t en&ure& data i& a##lication and #latform inde#endence. Di%er&it+ and -ntero#erabilit+ in the -ndu&tr+ i.e. it enable& bu&ine&& and #eo#le to go for an+ technolog+ of their choice a& #er their need& and budget. E.g.? AS"-- "haracter&, . A3 file, Foint Photogra#hic E1#ert Grou#, Portable Networ( Gra#hic etc.

)gg VorFis?

-t i& a new audio com#re&&ion which i& o#en format de%elo#ed b+ Vi#h.org. -t i& roughl+ com#arable to m#:, m#eg>; format& and i& com#letel+ free, o#en and un#atented. .ence it im#o&e& no re&triction& on it& u&age, t+#e& of u&age, di&tribution&, redi&tribution etc. Indian &anguage -o49uting@ -ndian 3anguage com#uting refer& to abilit+ to interact in di%er&e -ndian language on electronic &+&tem.

(ow to re9resent 6hara6ter in Me4oryL

AS"--? American Standard "ode for -nformation -nterchange i& widel+ u&ed al#hanumeric code in mo&t microcom#uter& and minicom#uter& and in man+ mainframe&. -t i& @ bit code hence it can re#re&ent &tandard 9@ M/9< character&. IS-II@ -ndian Standard "ode for -nformation -nterchange !-S"--$ i& an eight bit code ca#able of coding 968 character&. -t retain& all AS"-- character& and al&o offer& coding for -ndian Scri#t&. hu& it i& al&o called a& -ndian Scri#t code for -nformation -nterchange. !ransliteration@

Chen we t+#e -ndian 3anguage word& #honeticall+ in Engli&h &cri#t and tool will automaticall+ con%ert them into corre&#onding language word& called a& tran&literation. "ni6ode 4nicode #ro%ide& a uni,ue number for e%er+ character, no mater what the #latform&, no matter what the #rogram, no matter what the language. 4nicode can re#re&ent =;/;0 character&. 4nicode &tandard ha& incor#orated -ndian Scri#t& under the grou# named Page 37 of 141

A&ian &cri#t&. -ndian &cri#t& included a& De%nagari, *engali, Gurumu(hi, Gu'arati, Ori+a, amil, elgu, (annada, and Aala+alam. 0onts@

A )ont refer& to a &et of di&#la+able te1t character& called gl+#h&, ha%ing &#ecific &t+le and &iEe. here are two categorie& of font? !rue !y9e 0ont and )9en !y9e 0ont. !rue !y9e 0ont? -t i& de%elo#ed b+ A##le and licen&ed to Aicro&oft. -t i& < bit font which i& com#atible with Aicro&oft Cindow& and AA" OS. )9en !y9e 0ont? -t i& the e1ten&ion of the rue +#e )ont )ormat which i& /8 bit& font and &u##ort 866:8 character& !4nicode character&$.

Indian &anguage !eMt $ntry@



ool& G &oftware ha%e been de%elo#ed to facilitate the t+#ing of -ndian here are two t+#e& te1t entrie&?

3anguage te1t.

*honeti6 !eMt $ntry? Cord& t+#ed a& #er their #ronunciation in Engli&h &cri#t and later on con%erted to "orre&#onding !.indiGGu'arati$ language wor( i& (nown a& #honetic te1t entr+. Key 4a9 Fased teMt entry@ Chen +ou t+#e te1t from a (e+board ha%ing (e+ ma##ing of -ndian language character&, i& (nown a& (e+ ma# ba&ed te1t entr+.

Page 38 of 141

-)M"!$% N$!B)%KIN, Very Short Answer =uestions 4ar3sE /. Define a networ(. 9. Crite two ad%antage& of networ(&. :. Crite two di&ad%antage& of networ(&. ;. Chat i& communication channelD Name the ba&ic t+#e& of communication channel& a%ailable. 6. Chat i& AA" Addre&&D 8. Chat i& -P addre&&D @. Chat i& domain nameD .ow i& it alternati%el+ (nownD <. Chat are the %ariou& t+#e& of networ(&D =. Chat i& the difference between AAN and CAND /0. Chat i& meant b+ o#olog+D Name &ome #o#ular to#ologie&. //. Chat are the factor& that mu&t be con&idered before ma(ing a choice for the to#olog+D /9. Chat are the &imilaritie& and difference& between bu& and tree to#ologie&D /:. Chat are the limitation& of &tar to#olog+D /;. Chen do +ou thin(, ring to#olog+ become& the be&t choice for a networ(D /6. Crite the two ad%antage& and two di&ad%antage& of &tar to#olog+ in networ(. /8. Crite the di&ad%antage& if twi&ted #air cable&. /@. Define .ub. /<. Define &witch. Short Answer =uestions /. Chat are the goal& of networ(D 9. Crite the a##lication& of networ(D :. Chat do +ou under&tand b+ domain name re&olutionD ;. Chat are communication channel&D Di&cu&& %ariou& channel& a%ailable for networ(&D 6. Ad%antage& and di&ad%antage& of the following& ? i. ii. iii. o#tic fiber coa1ial cable& twi&ted #air cable& Page 39 of 141 D 4ar3sE D 1-

i%. %. %i.

radio wa%e& microwa%e& Satellite&

8. Di&cu&& and com#are %ariou& t+#e& of networ(&D @. E1#lain mo&tl+ u&ed to#ologie&. <. Chat are hub&D Chat are it& t+#e&D =. Chat i& the role of a &witch in a networ(D /0. Di&cu&& re#eater. //. Chat are common threat& to networ( &ecurit+D /9. Chat are denial of &er%ice& attac(&D /:. .ow can +ou #re%entG counter threat& of networ( &ecurit+D )*$N S)"%-$ -)N-$*!S VERU S.OR ANSCER J4ES -ONS Y / mar(&Z /. Chat i& OSSD 9. E1#and the term&? OS-, )3OSS, )S), GN4, C:", and P.P. :. Chat i& free &oftwareD ;. Define freeware and &hareware. 6. Chat i& o#enoffice.orgD 8. Chat i& fontD Chat i& O )D @. Chat are different font categorie&D <. Define OD). =. Chat i& (e+ ma# ba&ed te1t entr+D /0. Chat i& 4nicodeD //. Chat i& -S"--D /9. Chat i& -ndian Scri#t (e+ ma# (nown a&D S()%! ANSB$% ="$S!I)NS /. Chat i& o#en &ource &oftwareD 9. "om#are )ree &oftware and o#en &ource &oftware. :. "om#are OSS and flo&&. ;. "om#are Pro#rietar+ &oftware and free &oftware. 6. "om#are )ree ware and &hareware. 8. "om#are )reeware and free &oftware @. Crite Short note& on GN4. Page 40 of 141 D 4ar3sE

<. Crite &hort note& on 3-N4V. =. Crite Short note& on AO^-33A. /0. Crite &hort note& on APA".E. //. Crite &hort note& on POS GRE SJ3. /9. Crite &hort note& on P.P. /:. Crite &hort note& on O#en Office. /;. Chat are technological &tandard and it& %ariou& categorie&D /6. Aention &ome ad%antage& of o#en &tandard&. /8. Chat i& the &ignificance of 4nicode in term& of -ndian 3anguage "om#utingD /@. .ow #honetic te1t entr+ i& different from (e+ ma# ba&ed te1t entr+D /<. Chat i& Ogg Vorbi&D Ch+D /=. .ow to re#re&ent character in Aemor+D 90. Chat i& font and it& t+#e&D Answers -)M"!$% N$!B)%KIN, Very Short Answer =uestions An& /? A com#uter networ( i& a &+&tem in which com#uter& are connected to &hare information and re&ource&. An&. 9? Ad%antage&? -. Data or information can be &hared among the u&er&. ii. )a&t communication can be achie%ed. iii. E1#en&i%e hardware or &oftware can be &hared among the u&er&. An&? : Di&ad%antage& of networ(&? i. So#hi&ticated .ardware and &oftware technolog+ i& re,uired. ii. E1#en&i%e to in&tall networ(. iii. hreat to &ecurit+ of data and information. An&;. ? Chat i& communication channelD Name the ba&ic t+#e& of communication channel& a%ailable."ommunication channel& mean the connecting cable& that lin( %ariou& wor(&tation&. here are : ba&ic t+#e& of cable&? wi&ted Pair cable& "oa1ial cable& )iber>o#tic cable& Page 41 of 141

An&.6? -n com#uter networ(ing, a Media A66ess -ontrol address !AA" addre&&$ i& a uni,ue identifier a&&igned to mo&t networ( ada#ter& or networ( interface card& !N-"&$ b+ the manufacturer for identification, and u&ed in the Aedia Acce&& "ontrol #rotocol &ub>la+er. An& 8? /86.//:.9;6.9 E%er+ machine that i& on the -nternet ha& a uni,ue -P number > if a machine doe& not ha%e an -P number, it i& not reall+ on the -nternet. An& @? he uni,ue name that identifie& an -nternet &ite. Domain Name& alwa+& ha%e 9 or more #art&, &e#arated b+ dot&. he #art on the left i& the mo&t &#ecific, and the #art on the right i& the mo&t general. E.g.? mati&&e.net An& <? Networ( can be cla&&ified on the ba&i& of their &iEe, com#le1it+ and geogra#hical &#read. On the ba&i& of geogra#hical &#read it can be cla&&ified a& 3ocal Area Networ(, Aetro#olitan Area Networ( and Cide Area Networ(. An&. =? A 4etro9olitan area networ3 !MAN$ i& a large com#uter networ( that u&uall+ &#an& a cit+ or a large cam#u&. CAN i& a network that co%er& an area larger than a &ingle building or cam#u& &uch a& acro&& the citie& or countrie&. An&. /0? Networ3 to9ology i& defined a& the interconnection of the %ariou& element& !lin(&, node&, etc.$ of a com#uter networ(. -n com#uter networ(ing, to#olog+ refer& to the la+out of connected de%ice&. An& //? *u& to#olog+ Star to#olog+ Ring to#olog+ ree to#olog+ Ae&h to#olog+ A uni,ue number con&i&ting of ; #art& &e#arated b+ dot&, e.g.

"o&t of E1#en&e& re,uired for im#lementation of networ(, Reliabilit+ of a

#articular to#olog+ and fle1ibilit+ of &+&tem for future ad'u&tmentN are the %ariou& factor& that mu&t be con&idered before ma(ing a choice for the to#olog+. An& /9? -n bu& to#olog+ each machine i& connected to a &ingle cable. Each com#uter or &er%er i& connected to the &ingle bu& cable through &ome (ind of connector. Page 42 of 141

ree to#olog+ i& a networ( with the &ha#e of an in%erted tree in which a &ingle lin( between two node&. An&? /:? i. "entral node de#endenc+? -n thi& to#olog+ central node i& a controller of the networ(. -f the central node fail&, the entire networ( will be failed. ii. Difficult to e1#and? he addition of a new node to a networ( in%ol%e& a connection all the wa+ to the central node. An&? /;? -n ca&e if we need le&& connection of wire&, %er+ fa&t communication &#eedN a ring to#olog+ become& the be&t choice for a networ(. hi& i& becau&e o#tical fiber offer& the #o&&ibilit+ of %er+ high &eed tran&mi&&ion& in one direction. An&? /6 i. he &tar to#olog+ i& con&idered the ea&ie&t to#olog+ to de&ign and im#lement. ii. An ad%antage of the &tar to#olog+ i& the &im#licit+ of adding additional node&. An& ?/8? i. A twi&ted #air cable i& inca#able carr+ing a &ignal o%er long di&tance& without the u&e of re#eater&. ii. -t& low bandwidth ca#abilitie& are un&uitable for broadband a##lication&. iii. -t& &u##ort& ma1imum data rate& /mb#& without conditioning and /0 mb#& with conditioning. An& /@? he central connecting de%ice in a com#uter networ( i& (nown a& a hub. Chen data #ac(et& arri%e& at hub, it broadca&t them to all the 3AN card& in a networ( and the de&tined reci#ient #ic(& them and all other com#uter& di&card the data #ac(et&. An&? /<? A Switch i& a de%ice that i& u&ed to &egment networ(& into different &ub networ(& called &ubnet& or 3AN &egment&. Segmenting the networ( into &maller &ubnet&, #re%ent& traffic o%erloading in a networ(.

Page 43 of 141

Short Answer =uestions An&? /. Goal& of networ(? %esour6e sharing? he aim to ma(e all #rogram&, data and #eri#heral& a%ailable to an+one on the networ( irre&#ecti%e of the #h+&ical location of the re&ource& and the u&er&. %eliaFility? A file can ha%e co#ie& on two or more machine&, &o if one of them i& una%ailable due to hardware or &oftware cra&h, the other co#ie& could be u&ed. E.g.? Railwa+ re&er%ation, Airwa+& re&er%ation etc. -ost 0a6tor? Per&onal com#uter& ha%e better #rice G #erformance ratio a& the im#ortant data are &tored on file &er%er machine a%ailable for &haring. -o44uni6ation Mediu4? 4&ing a networ(, it i& #o&&ible for manager&, he change& at wor(ing far a#art, to #re#are financial re#ort of the com#an+. o#eration among them. An& 9? A##lication of networ(&? /. Sharing "om#uter #eri#heral& among the connected u&er&. 9. Sharing Data or information among the connected u&er&. :. Acce&& to remote databa&e? 4&er can acce&& to remote databa&e &itting at hi& home to ma(e re&er%ation for air#lane&, train& hotel& and &o on an+where in the world with in&tant confirmation. ;. "ommunication facilitie&? 4&ing Networ(, u&er can &hare te1t, image&, digitiEed %oice or mo%ie to an+ u&er& an+where in the world. 6. "o&t deduction? 4&ing "om#uter Networ( communication &+&tem, amount re,uired for tra%elling of u&er or data from one location to another can be reduced to %er+ le&& and al&o &a%e& energ+ for the &ame. An& :? Domain Name Re&olution i& the ta&( of con%erting domain name& to their corre&#onding -P addre&&. hi& i& all done behind the &cene& and i& rarel+ noticed b+ the u&er. Chen +ou enter a domain name in an a##lication that u&e& the -nternet, the a##lication will i&&ue a command to ha%e the o#erating &+&tem con%ert the domain name into it& -P addre&&, and then connect to that -P addre&& to #erform whate%er o#eration it i& tr+ing to do. An& 6? "ommunication channel& mean the connecting cable& that lin( %ariou& here are : ba&ic t+#e& of cable&? Page 44 of 141 wor(&tation&.

one end can be immediatel+ noticed at another and hence it &#eed& u# co>

wi&ted Pair cable& "oa1ial cable& )iber>o#tic cable& "oa1ial "able&? A cable con&i&ting of two concentric conductor& !an inner conductor and an outer conductor$ in&ulated from each other b+ a dielectricN commonl+ u&ed for the tran&mi&&ion of high>&#eed electronic data andGor %ideo &ignal&. )iber O#tic "able&? -t i& fle1ible o#ticall+ tran&#arent fiber, u&uall+ made of gla&& or #la&tic, through which light can be tran&mitted b+ &ucce&&i%e internal reflection&. wi&ted Pair? A cable com#o&ed of two &mall in&ulated conductor& twi&ted together without a common co%ering. Al&o (nown a& co##er #air. bandwidth than coa1ial cable or o#tical fiber. Ad%antage& and di&ad%antage& of the following&? An& 6 !i$? )9ti6 1iFer? Ad%antage? i. -t i& free from electrical noi&e and interference ii.-t ha& more bandwidth than co##er wire. Di&ad%antage? -t i& an e1#en&i%e communication medium. An& 6!ii$ -oaMial 6aFles@ Ad%antage ? i. -t #ro%ide& a chea# mean& of tran&#orting multi>channel tele%i&ion &ignal& around metro#olitan area&. Di&ad%antage? E1#en&i%e than twi&ted #air cable&. An& 6!iii$ !wisted 9air 6aFles@ Ad%antage? -t i& ine1#en&i%e. -t i& ea&+ to in&tall and maintain. Di&ad%antage? -t ha& low bandwidth ca#abilitie&. -t i& un&uitable for broadband connection. An& 6!i%$ %adio Ba2e@ A data tran&mi&&ion b+ u&e of radio fre,uencie& i& called a& radio>wa%e tran&mi&&ion. Ad%antage&? i. Radio wa%e& tran&mi&&ion offer& mobilit+. ii. -t #ro%e& a& chea#er communication &+&tem. iii. -t offer& ea&e communication o%er difficult terrain. Di&ad%antage&? i. -t i& an in&ecure communication &+&tem. Page 45 of 141 wi&ted #air& ha%e le&&


Radio Signal& are &u&ce#tible to weather condition li(e thunder &torm&, rain& etc.

An& 6!%$? A 4i6rowa2e 6o44uni6ation syste4 i& a communication& &+&tem that u&e& a beam of radio wa%e& in the microwa%e fre,uenc+ range to tran&mit %ideo, audio, or data between two location&, which can be from 'u&t a few feet or meter& to &e%eral mile& or (ilometer& a#art. Aicrowa%e lin(& are commonl+ u&ed b+ tele%i&ion broadca&ter& to tran&mit #rogramme& acro&& a countr+, or from an out&ide broadca&t bac( to a &tudio. Ad%antage? i. -t i& chea#er communication &+&tem ii. . -t offer& ea&e communication o%er difficult terrain. iii. -t offer& ea&e communication o%er ocean&. Di&ad%antage? i. -t i& an in&ecure communication &+&tem. ii. Radio Signal& are &u&ce#tible to weather condition li(e thunder &torm&, rain& etc. iii. Signal& from &ingle antenna ma+ &#lit u# and #ro#agate in &lightl+ different #ath and hence reduce& the &ignal &trength. Ans 6@ Networ3 to9ology i& defined a& the interconnection of the %ariou& element& !lin(&, node&, etc.$ of a com#uter networ(. -n com#uter networ(ing, to#olog+ refer& to the la+out of connected de%ice&.
o o o o o

*u& to#olog+ Star to#olog+ Ring to#olog+ ree to#olog+ Ae&h to#olog+

An& @? Star to#olog+ i& widel+ u&e due to following rea&on&? i. he &tar to#olog+ i& con&idered the ea&ie&t to#olog+ to de&ign and im#lement. ii. An ad%antage of the &tar to#olog+ i& the &im#licit+ of adding additional node&. An& <? A hub i& hardware de%ice u&ed to connect &e%eral com#uter& together. -t i& of two t+#e& Acti%e or #a&&i%e .ub&. Acti%e hub i& one which am#lifie& the &ignal a& Page 46 of 141

it mo%e& from one connected de%ice to another. Pa&&i%e hub allow& the &ignal to #a&& from one com#uter to another com#uter without an+ change. An& =? A Switch i& a de%ice that i& u&ed to &egment networ(& into different &ub networ(& called &ubnet& or 3AN &egment&. Segmenting the networ( into &maller &ubnet&, #re%ent& traffic o%erloading in a networ(. A &witch i& re&#on&ible for filtering i.e. tran&forming data in a &#ecific wa+ and for forwarding #ac(et& !a #iece of me&&age$ between 3AN &egment&. Switch &u##ort an+ #ac(et #rotocol. 3AN& that are &egmented through &witche& are called &witched 3AN&. An&./0? Re#eater i& a de%ice u&ed in data communication to &trengthen a &ignal a& it i& #a&&ed along the networ( cable. here are two t+#e& of Re#eater?

Am#lifier? -t am#lifie& all incoming &ignal& a& well a& concurrent noi&e. Re#eater? -t regenerate& the #ac(et a& if it i& &tarting from the &ource &tation. An& //? he %ariou& threat& to networ( &ecurit+ are a& follow&? hi& occur& when an unauthoriEed u&er -t ma+ be of following

/. -ntru&ion Problem& G Acce&& Attac(&? t+#e&?

attem#t& to #rotected &en&iti%e G confidential information.

c. Snoo9ing@ -t refer& to unauthoriEed acce&& to &omeone el&eL& data, email or com#uter acti%it+. d. $a2esdro99ing? -t refer& to unauthoriEed li&tening G interce#ting &omeone el&eL& #ri%ate communication G dataG information. 2. Denial-o1-ser2i6es atta63s? DoS are tho&e attac(& that #re%ent the legal u&er& of S+&tem from acce&&ing or u&ing the re&ource&, information or ca#abilitie& of the &+&tem. -t ma+ be of following t+#e& ? a. b. c. Denial o1 A66ess to In1or4ation? Such attac(& cau&e& deletion or changing of im#ortant information to non readable format. Denial o1 A66ess to A99li6ations? Such attac(& ma(e& the a##lication& unu&able or una%ailable for legal u&er of the &+&tem. Denial o1 A66ess to -o44uni6ations? Such attac(& include& cutting of communication wire, 'amming radio communication&, flooding a &+&tem with 'un( mail. Page 47 of 141

An& /9? Denial-o1-ser2i6es atta63s? DoS are tho&e attac(& that #re%ent the legal u&er& of S+&tem from acce&&ing or u&ing the re&ource&, information or ca#abilitie& of the &+&tem. -t ma+ be of following t+#e&? Denial o1 A66ess to In1or4ation? Such attac(& cau&e deletion or changing of im#ortant information to non readable format. Denial o1 A66ess to A99li6ations? Such attac(& ma(e the a##lication& Such attac(& include& cutting of unu&able or una%ailable for legal u&er of the &+&tem. Denial o1 A66ess to -o44uni6ations? 'un( mail. An& /:? hreat& of networ( &ecurit+ can be #re%ented b+ u&ing %ariou& techni,ue&? i. AuthoriGation? -n thi& ca&e 4&er i& a&(ed to enter an authoriEed login>id. -f u&er i& able to #ro%ide legal login>id then heG&he i& con&idered a& authoriEed u&er. ii. Authenti6ation? -n thi& ca&e 4&er i& a&(ed to enter a legal #a&&word. -f u&er i& able to #ro%ide legal #a&&word then heG&he i& con&idered a& authenticate u&er. iii. 0irewall ? )irewall i& a mechani&m to #re%ent unauthoriEed internet u&er to acce&& #ri%ate networ( connected to internet. i%. Intrusion Dete6tion? hi& i& a monitoring &+&tem which detect& unauthoriEed acce&& of data or re&ource& of the networ(. )*$N S)"%-$ -)N-$*!S V$%# S()%! ANSB$% ="$S!I)NS D1 4ar3sE communication wire, 'amming radio communication&, flooding a &+&tem with

An& /? O#en Source Software i& a &oftware a%ailable with &ource code and free to change G edit G redi&tribute and im#o&ed no further re&triction& on #roduct or it& u&age. An& 9? OS-? O#en &ource -nitiati%e )3OSS? )ree 3ibre and O#en Source Software. )S)? )ree &oftware )oundation created for the #ur#o&e of &u##orting free Ao%ement. GN4 ? GN4L& Not 4ni1 Pro'ect e&tabli&hed with an ob'ecti%e to create a &+&tem "om#atible to 4N-V but not identical with it. C:"? Corld Cide CE* con&ortium i& re&#on&ible for #roducing the &oftware &tandard& for Corld Cide Ceb. Page 48 of 141

P.P? .+#erte1t Pre>#roce&&or i& a widel+ u&ed o#en &ource #rogramming language #rimaril+ for &er%er &ide a##lication& and de%elo#ing d+namic web content. An& :? )ree Software mean& the &oftware i& freel+ acce&&ible and can be freel+ u&ed, changed, im#ro%ed, co#ie& and di&tributed to other&. An& ; ? he freeware i& the &oftware a%ailable free of co&t and allow& co#+ing and further di&tribution but doe& not allow& modification a& it& &ource code i& not a%ailable. Shareware i& a& &oftware which i& a%ailable for redi&tribution for &ti#ulated time but after &ome time &ome licen&e fee i& re,uired to be #aid. An& 6? -t i& Office an a##lication &uite which i& free &oftware and directl+ com#ete& with Aicro&oft Office. -t i& com#atible with AS O#erating S+&tem, 4N-V, AA" OS. An& 8? A font i& a &et of di&#la+able or #rintable te1t character& ha%ing &#ecific &t+le and &iEe. O#en +#e )ont? -t i& the e1ten&ion of the rue +#e )ont )ormat which i& /8 bit& font and &u##ort 866:8 character& ! 4nicode character&$. An& @? here are two categorie& of font? rue +#e )ont and O#en +#e )ont. !rue !y9e 0ont? -t i& de%elo#ed b+ A##le and licen&ed to Aicro&oft. -t i& < bit font which i& com#atible with Aicro&oft Cindow& and AA" OS. )9en !y9e 0ont? -t i& the e1ten&ion of the rue +#e )ont )ormat which i& /8 bit& font and &u##ort 866:8 character& ! 4nicode character&$. An& <? OD) i& an O#en Document file )ormat u&ed for e1changing office document& &uch a& memo&, re#ort&, &#read&heet&, databa&e, chart& and #re&entation&. O#en document i& o#en, VA3 ba&ed file format u&ed for e1changing office document& &uch a& memo&, re#ort&, &#read&heet&, databa&e, chart& and #re&entation&. An& =? Chen +ou t+#e te1t from a (e+board ha%ing (e+ ma##ing of -ndian 3anguage& character& i& (nown a& (e+ ma# ba&ed te1t entr+. An& /0? 4nicode #ro%ide& a uni,ue number for e%er+ character, no mater what the #latform&, no matter what the #rogram, no matter what the language. 4nicode can re#re&ent =;/;0 character&. An& //? -ndian Standard "ode for -nformation -nterchange !-S"--$ i& a coding &cheme for re#re&enting %ariou& writing &+&tem& of -ndia. -t encode& the main -ndic &cri#t& and a Roman tran&literation. Chen we t+#e -ndian 3anguage word& #honeticall+ in

Page 49 of 141

Engli&h &cri#t and tool will automaticall+ con%ert them into corre&#onding language word& called a& tran&literation. An& /9? Key 4a9 Fased teMt entry@ Chen +ou t+#e te1t from a (e+board ha%ing (e+ ma##ing of -ndian language character&, i& (nown a& (e+ ma# ba&ed te1t entr+. S()%! ANSB$% ="$S!I)NS An& / ? O#en>&ource &oftware !OSS$ i& com#uter &oftware that i& a%ailable in &ource code form for which the &ource code and certain other right& normall+ re&er%ed for co#+right holder& are #ro%ided under a &oftware licen&e that #ermit& u&er& to &tud+, change, and im#ro%e the &oftware. An& 9? "om#are )ree &oftware and o#en &ource &oftware ? )ree &oftware i& &oftware that ma(e& few or no re&triction& on what +ou can do with it or the &ource code. According to the )ree Software )oundation, in order for &oftware to be con&idered [free[, it mu&t?

Allow u&e of the #rogram for an+ #ur#o&e. .a%e the &ource code a%ailable, to &ee how it wor(& and change it. Allow +ou to di&tribute unmodified co#ie& of the &oftware Allow +ou to modif+ and relea&e the change& to the #rogram.

[O#en>&ource[ &oftware onl+ need& to meet the &econd criteria. Software can ha%e it& &ource a%ailable, but forbid +ou to relea&e it commerciall+, or relea&e modified co#ie& of the binarie& G &ource. . An& :? OSS and flo&&? An OSS ma+ come free of co&t or with a #a+ment of nominal charge& that it& de%elo#er& ma+ charge in the name of de%elo#ment and &u##ort of &oftware. )3OSS !)ree 3ibre and OSS$ i& both free &oftware a& well a& OSS. An& ;? Pro#rietar+ &oftware and free &oftware? Pro#rietar+ &oftware i& the &oftware that i& neither o#en nor free a%ailable. -t& u&e re,uire& &#ecial #ermi&&ion b+ the &u##lier or %endor. Source code of thi& &oftware i& normall+ not a%ailable. )ree &oftware i& free to u&e, modif+ and di&tribute etc a& it& &ource code i& a%ailable free. An& 6? )ree ware and &hareware? )ree ware i& a &oftware which i& a%ailable freel+ and can be co#ied and di&tributed but no modification i& allowed a& &ource code i& not a%ailable. Page 50 of 141

Shareware i& a &oftware which i& made a%ailable with the right to redi&tribute co#ie& for limited #eriod of time and after certain #eriod of time a licen&e fee i& re,uired to be #aid. An& 8? )reeware and free &oftware? )ree ware i& a &oftware which i& a%ailable freel+ and can be co#ied and di&tributed but no modification i& allowed a& &ource code i& not a%ailable. )ree &oftware i& free to u&e, modif+ and di&tribute etc a& it& &ource code i& a%ailable free An&? @. GN4 Not 4ni1 i& a free and o#en &ource &oftware. Ob'ecti%e? o create a &+&tem com#atible to 4N-V but not identical with it. Now it offer& a wide range of &oftware, including a##lication& a#art from o#erating &+&tem. An& <?3-N4V ? 3inu1 i& the name of #o#ular com#uter o#erating &+&tem. -t i& mo&t famou& e1am#le of free &oftware and o#en &ource de%elo#ment a& it i& not onl+ freel+ a%ailable, but al&o it& &ource code i& a%ailable to all and an+one can freel+ o#enl+ u&e it, modif+ it and redi&tribute. www.linu1.org. An& =? MoGilla ] )reeware ] No &ource code a%ailable ] free internet &oftware -t can be download from www.moEilla.org An&./0? APA".E? -t i& the mo&t common web &er%er !or "## &er%er$ &oftware on the -nternet. A#ache i& de&igned a& a &et of module&, enabling admini&trator& to choo&e which feature& the+ wi&h to u&e and ma(ing it ea&+ to add feature& to meet &#ecific need& including handling #rotocol& other than the web>&tandard "## . ] A#ache . P &er%er i& an o#en &ource web &er%er. ] -t i& com#onent of 3AAP. An& //.POS GRE SJ3? Po&tgreSJ3 i& a free &oftware Ob'ect Relational Databa&e Ser%er. -t offer& alternati%e to OOS databa&e &uch a& A+SJ3, and -t can be download from

Page 51 of 141

)irebird a& well a& #ro#rietar+ Software &uch a& Oracle, S+ba&e and Aicro&oft S,l Ser%er. An&./9? P.P? -t i& a .+#erte1t #re#roce&&or language which i& OSS u&ed for &er%er &ide a##lication& and de%elo#ing d+namic web content. P.P allow& ea&+ interaction with large number of relational databa&e &+&tem& &uch A+SJ3, Oracle, D*9, Po&tgreSJ3 etc. P.P run& on mo&t ma'or OS including window&, Aac OS V, 4N-V, 3inu1 etc. An& /:? O#enOffice? -t i& an office a##lication& &uite. -t i& intended to be com#atible with mo&t O#erating S+&tem& li(e Cindow&, Aac OS, 4N-V and 3inu1 and directl+ com#ete with Aicro&oft Office. )ormula editor$ etc. An& /;? Standard& refer& to an e&tabli&hed &et of rule& or re,uirement& which are a##ro%ed b+ recogniEed bod+ or widel+ u&ed acro&& %ariou& &oftware #latform&. )or e1.? PD) !Portable document& format$ i& a technical &tandard widel+ u&ed b+ the indu&tr+. he+ are of two t+#e&? Pro#rietar+ Standard& and O#en Standard&. Pro#rietar+ &tandard& are tho&e for which u&er& ha%e to bu+ licen&e to u&e them. )or e.g. AS Office format .doc, .##t, .1l& etc O#en Standard& are internationall+ acce#ted technical &tandard& that guarantee that data can be e1changed acro&& #latform& and for an+ a##lication&. O#en i& feel+ o#en to all. An& /6? Ad%antage& o1 )9en Standards@ o Aa(ing the data acce&&ible to all. o -t en&ure& data i& a##lication and #latform inde#endence. o Di%er&it+ and -ntero#erabilit+ in the -ndu&tr+ i.e. it enable& bu&ine&& and #eo#le to go for an+ technolog+ of their choice a& #er their need& and budget. E.g.? AS"-- "haracter&, . A3 file, Foint Photogra#hic E1#ert Grou#, Portable Networ( Gra#hic etc. -t include& Crite !Cord Proce&&or$, "alc !S#read Sheet&$, Draw !Gra#hic& #rogram$, -m#re&& !Pre&entation $, Aath !Aathematical

Page 52 of 141

An& /8.Indian &anguage -o49uting@ -ndian 3anguage com#uting refer& to abilit+ to interact in di%er&e -ndian language on electronic &+&tem. 4nicode #ro%ide& a uni,ue number for e%er+ character, no mater what the #latform&, no matter what the #rogram, no matter what the language. 4nicode can re#re&ent =;/;0 character&. 4nicode elgu, &tandard ha& incor#orated -ndian Scri#t& under the grou# named A&ian &cri#t&. -ndian &cri#t& included a& De%nagari, *engali, Gurumu(hi, Gu'arati, Ori+a, (annada, and Aala+alam An&./@.Indian &anguage !eMt $ntry? Aan+ facilitate the t+#ing of -ndian 3anguage te1t. ool& G &oftware ha%e been de%elo#ed to here are two t+#e& te1t entrie&? amil,

*honeti6 !eMt $ntry? Cord& t+#ed a& #er their #ronunciation in Engli&h &cri#t and later on con%erted to "orre&#onding !.indiGGu'arati$ language wor( i& (nown a& #honetic te1t entr+. Key 4a9 Fased teMt entry@ Chen +ou t+#e te1t from a (e+board ha%ing (e+ ma##ing of -ndian language character&, i& (nown a& (e+ ma# ba&ed te1t entr+. An&./< ?)gg VorFis ? -t i& a new audio com#re&&ion which i& o#en format de%elo#ed b+ Vi#h.org. -t i& roughl+ com#arable to m#:, m#eg>; format& and i& com#letel+ free , o#en and un#atented. .ence it im#o&e& no re&triction& on it& u&age, t+#e& of u&age, di&tribution&, redi&tribution etc. An& /=? AS"--? American Standard "ode for -nformation -nterchange i& widel+ u&ed al#hanumeric code in mo&t microcom#uter& and minicom#uter& and in man+ mainframe&. -t i& @ bit code hence it can re#re&ent &tandard 9@ M/9< character&. IS-II@ -ndian Standard "ode for -nformation -nterchange !-S"--$ i& an eight bit code hu& it i& al&o called a& -ndian Scri#t code for -nformation

ca#able of coding 968 character&. -t retain& all AS"-- character& and al&o offer& coding for -ndian Scri#t&. -nterchange. "ni6ode@ 4nicode #ro%ide& a uni,ue number for e%er+ character, no mater what the #latform&, no matter what the #rogram, no matter what the language. 4nicode can re#re&ent =;/;0 character&. 4nicode &tandard ha& incor#orated -ndian Scri#t& under

Page 53 of 141

the grou# named A&ian &cri#t&.

-ndian &cri#t& included a& De%nagari, *engali,

Gurumu(hi, Gu'arati, Ori+a, amil, elgu, (annada, and Aala+alam !ransliteration@ Chen we t+#e -ndian 3anguage word& #honeticall+ in Engli&h &cri#t and tool will automaticall+ con%ert them into corre&#onding language word& called a& tran&literation. . An&.90? 0onts@ A )ont refer& to a &et of di&#la+able te1t character& called gl+#h&, ha%ing &#ecific &t+le and &iEe. here are two categorie& of font? !rue !y9e 0ont and )9en !y9e 0ont. !rue !y9e 0ont? -t i& de%elo#ed b+ A##le and licen&ed to Aicro&oft. -t i& < bit font which i& com#atible with Aicro&oft Cindow& and AA" OS. )9en !y9e 0ont? -t i& the e1ten&ion of the rue +#e )ont )ormat which i& /8 bit& font and &u##ort 866:8 character& ! 4nicode character&$. ()!S 5(I,($% )%D$% !(INKIN, SKI&&S8 on Networ3ing and o9en standard 17 Knowledge Su##lement OrganiEation ha& &et u# it& new centre at Aangalore for it& office and web ba&ed acti%itie&. -t ha& four building a& &hown in the diagram below !;$



Be a !ambda

"entre to "entre di&tance between %ariou& building& Al#ha to *eta *eta to gamma Gamma to 3ambda 60m /60m 96m Page 54 of 141

Al#ha to 3ambda *eta to 3ambda Al#ha to Gamma

/@0m /96m =0m

Al#ha *eta Gamma 3ambda

96 60 /96 /0

"a# Sugge&ting a cable la+out of connection between building &tate with 'u&tification where Ser%er, !9$ "b# he organiEation i& #lanning to lin( it& front office &ituated in the cit+ in a hill+ region where cable connection i& not fea&ible, &ugge&t an economic wa+ to connect it with rea&onabl+ !9$ Ans@ !i$ he mo&t &uitable #lace to hou&e the &er%er of thi& organiEation would be building Gamma, a& thi& building contain& the ma1imum number of com#uter&, thu& decrea&ing the cabling co&t for mo&t of the com#uter& a& well a& increa&ing the efficienc+ of the ma1imum com#uter& in the networ( Di&tance between al#ha to gamma and beta to gamma i& large &o there re#eater will re,uire and hub i& nece&&ar+ for all #remi&e& becau&e it i& u&ed in local networ(ing. high &#eedD Re#eater and hub will be #laced.


%epea er


Be a


!ii$ he mo&t economic wa+ to connect it with a rea&onable high &#eed would be to u&e radio wa%e tran&mi&&ion, a& the+ are ea&+ to in&tall, can tra%el long di&tance&, and #enetrate building& ea&il+, &o the+ are widel+ u&ed for communication, both indoor& and Page 55 of 141

outdoor&. Radio wa%e& al&o ha%e the ad%antage of being omni directional, which i& the+ can tra%el in all the direction& from the &ource, &o that the tran&mitter and recei%er do not ha%e to be carefull+ aligned #h+&icall+. 7 Software De%elo#ment "om#an+ ha& &et u# it& new center at Fai#ur for it& office and web ba&ed acti%itie&. -t ha& ; bloc(& of building& a& &hown in the diagram below?

"enter to center di&tance& between %ariou& bloc(& *lac( A to *loc( * *loc( * to *loc( " *loc( " to *loc( D *loc( A to *loc( D *loc( * to *loc( D *loc( A to *loc( " Number of "om#uter& *lac( A *loc( * *loc( " *loc( D 96 60 /96 /0 60 m /60 m 96 m /@0 m /96 m =0 m

e/$ Sugge&t a cable la+out of connection& between the bloc(&. e9$ Sugge&t the mo&t &uitable #lace !i.e. bloc($ to hou&e the &er%er of thi& com#an+ with a &uitable rea&on. e:$ Sugge&t the #lacement of the following de%ice& with 'u&tification !i$ Re#eater !ii$ .ubGSwitch e;$ the com#an+ i& #lanning to lin( it& front office &ituated in the cit+ in a hill+ region where cable connection i& not fea&ible, &ugge&t an economic wa+ to connect it with rea&onabl+ high &#eedD Ans@ !e/$ !An+ of the following o#tion$ 3a+out O#tion / Page 56 of 141

3a+out O#tion 9

!e9$ he mo&t &uitable #lace G bloc( to hou&e the &er%er of thi& organiEation would be *loc( ", a& thi& bloc( contain& the ma1imum number of com#uter&, thu& decrea&ing the cabling co&t for mo&t of the com#uter& a& well a& increa&ing the efficienc+ of the ma1imum com#uter& in the networ(.

!e:$ !i$ )or 3a+out /, &ince the cabling di&tance between *loc(& A and ", and that between * and " are ,uite large, &o a re#eater each would ideall+ be needed along their #ath to a%oid lo&& of &ignal& during the cour&e of data flow in the&e route&. )or la+out 9, &ince the di&tance between *loc(& A and " i& large &o a re#eater would ideall+ be #laced in between thi& #ath. !ii$ -n both the la+out&, a hubG&witch each would be needed in all the bloc(&, to -nterconnect the grou# of cable& from the different com#uter& in each bloc(. !e;$ he mo&t economic wa+ to connect it with a rea&onable high &#eed would be to u&e radio wa%e tran&mi&&ion, a& the+ are ea&+ to in&tall, can tra%el long di&tance&, and #enetrate building& ea&il+, &o the+ are widel+ u&ed for communication, both indoor& and outdoor&. Radio wa%e& al&o ha%e the ad%antage of being omni directional, which i& the+ can tra%el in all the direction& from the &ource, &o that the tran&mitter and recei%er do not ha%e to be carefull+ aligned #h+&icall+. :. Ram Good& 3td. ha& following four building& in Ahmedabad cit+.

Page 57 of 141

"om#uter& in each building are networ(ed but building& are not networ(ed &o far. he com#an+ ha& now decided to connect building al&o. !a$ Sugge&t a cable la+out for the&e building&. !b$ -n each of the building&, the management want& that each 3AN &egment get& a dedicated bandwidth i.e. bandwidth mu&t not be &hared. .ow can thi& be achie%edD !c$ he com#an+ al&o want& to ma(e a%ailable &hared -nternet acce&& for each of the building&. .ow can thi& be achie%edD !d$ he com#an+ want& to lin( it& head office in GV/ building to it& another office in Fa#an. !i$ Chich t+#e of tran&mi&&ion medium i& a##ro#riate for &uch a lin(D !ii$ Chat t+#e of networ( would thi& connection re&ult intoD Ans@ !a$ otal cable length re,uired for thi& la+out M @6 mt&


o gi%e dedicated bandwidth, the com#uter& in each building &hould be connected %ia &witche& a& &witche& offer dedicated bandwidth&. !c$ *+ in&talling router& in each building, &hared internet acce&& can be made Po&&ible. !d$ !i$ Satellite a& it can connect office& acro&& globe. !ii$ CAN !Cide Area Networ($ ;. Abhi%andan San&(riti in 4dai#ur i& &etting u# the networ( between it& different wing&. here are ; wing& named a& SEN-OR!S$, A-DD3E!A$, F4N-OR!F$ and O))-"E!O$. Di&tance between the %ariou& wing& are gi%en below?

Page 58 of 141

No. of "om#uter&

!i$ Sugge&t a &uitable o#olog+ for networ(ing the com#uter ofall wing&. !ii$ Name the wing where the &er%er to be in&talled. Fu&tif+ +our an&wer. !iii$ Sugge&t the #lacement of .ubGSwitch in the networ(. !i%$ Aention an economic technolog+ to #ro%ide internet acce&&ibilit+ to all wing&. Ans@ !i$ Star or *u& or an+ other %alid to#olog+. !ii$ Cing S, becau&e ma1imum number of com#uter& are located at Cing S. !iii$ .ubG Switch in all the wing&. !i%$ "oa1ial cableGAodemG3ANG "P>-PGDialu#GDS3G3ea&ed 3ine& or an+ other %alid technolog+.

Key *oints@


ID$- Integrated de2elo94ent $n2iron4ent@ o A #rogramming en%ironment, where all the tool& re,uired for #rogramming are a%ailable under one roof i& called -DE.

%AD- %a9id A99li6ation De2elo94ent@ o A #rogramming &t+le which aim& at building #rogram& fa&tl+ through the u&e of tool& and wiEard& i& called RAD.


Page 59 of 141

he &malle&t indi%idual unit in a #rogram i& (nown a& operators.

o(en. Fa%a ha& the

following t+#e& of to(en&? keyword! Identifier! literal! punctuators and Keywords@ o Ke+word& are word& that ha%e a &#ecific #redefined meaning in Fa%a. he+ cannot be u&ed a& %ariable name&. Eg. %oid, #ri%ate, if, while etc. &iterals@ o item& ha%ing fi1ed data %alue& are referred to a& 3iteral&. VariaFle@ o Variable i& a named &torage location in com#uter memor+ who&e content& can change during a #rogram run. Data !y9e@ o Data t+#e hel#& u& identif+ the t+#e and the range of %alue that can be &tored in a %ariable. )or e1am#le a &hort data t+#e %ariable in 'a%a can &tore onl+ non>decimal %alue& in the range >:9@8< to :9@8@. Variou& #rimiti%e data t+#e& a%ailable in 'a%a are b+te, &hort, int, long, float, double, char and *oolean. )9erators@ o O#erator& are &+mbol& or grou# of &+mbol&, which re#re&ent a o#eration in 'a%a. O#erator& in 'a%a can be cla&&ified a& 4nar+ o#erator> o#erator& that re,uire onl+ one o#erand li(e SS, >> etcN *inar+ o#erator 7 o#erator that re,uire two o#erand& li(e S, > W, Q O, MM etc.N ternar+ o#erator 7 which re,uire three o#erand& li(eD?. S6o9e o1 a VariaFle@ Page 60 of 141 integer literals $loating literals %oolean literals &haracter literals 'tring literals (ull literals he+ are al&o (nown a& "on&tant&. Variou& t+#e& of literal& a%ailable in Fa%a are ? he+ are al&o (nown a& re&er%e word&.

o +lo63@

he #art of #rogram where a %ariable i& u&able i& called &co#e of a %ariable.

o A grou# of &tatement enclo&ed in #air of #arenthe&i& RT i& called bloc( or a com#ound &tatement. I1 State4ent@ o -f &tatement hel#& to e1ecute a bloc( of &tatement ba&ed on the re&ult of a condition. -f the condition &et e%aluate& to true on bloc( of &tatement i& e1ecuted otherwi&e another bloc( i& e1ecuted. if !"ondition$ StatementN Yel&e StatementNZ Kel&eL #art of Kif &tatementL i& o#tional, if the u&er doe&nLt #ro%ide an el&e #art and the condition e%aluate& to fal&e, then nothing would ha##en. "om#lier will not #roduce an error in thi& ca&e. Swit6h State4ent@ o A Switch &tatement i& u&ed e1ecute a &tatement from a grou# of &tatement ba&ed on the re&ult of a e1#re&&ion. b+te, &hort, integer or character. Switch!E1#re&&ion$ R ca&e %alue /? &tatement!&$N brea(N ca&e %alue 9? &tatement!&$N brea(N ca&e %alue :? &tatement!&$N brea(N >>>> >>>> Page 61 of 141 he e1#re&&ion mu&t re&ult in either of

>>>> Ydefault? &tatement!&$N T (ote) #he default statement is e*ecuted when none of the above mention case matches with the result of the switch e*pression. Default is optional. &oo9:Iteration@ o loo# or iteration& hel#& to re#eat a grou# of &tatement& number of time& under a condition. Fa%a &u##ort& three (ind& of loo#? while loo#, for loo#, do while loo# $ntry 6ontrol loo9 : *re-!ested loo9: !o9-!ested loo9@ o An entr+ control loo# fir&t te&t the terminating condition and then e1ecute& the loo# bod+. -f the condition i& found true the loo# bod+ i& e1ecute other wi&e the loo# terminate&. -n ca&e if the condition i& fal&e in fir&t time onl+ then the loo# will not get e1ecute e%en once. $Mit 6ontrol loo9 : *ost-!ested loo9: +otto4-!ested loo9@ o An e1it control loo# fir&t e1ecute& the loo# bod+ and then te&t the terminating condition. -f the condition i& found true the loo# bod+ e1ecuted again other wi&e the loo# terminate&. -n ca&e if the condition i& fal&e in fir&t time onl+ then the loo# will &till get e1ecute at>lea&t once. Bhile loo9@ o -t i& an entr+ control loo# while !condition$ R &tatement!&$N T

1or loo9@ o i& a com#act entr+ control loo#, which all the tree #art& of the loo# !i.e. initialiEation, terminating condition, and incrementGdecrement of the counter %ariable$ e1i&t& in a &ingle line. Page 62 of 141

for(initialization ; terminating condition ; increment/decrement) -t i& to be noted that all the #art& of the loo# in the abo%e &tatement are o#tional. -n ca&e if a #rogrammer want& to &#ecif+ more than one initialiEation or incrementGdecrement then it ha& to be &e#arated b+ !,$. for!int iM/N iOM /0N iSS$ for!iM/, ' M /0N iO'N iSS, 'SS$ GG more than one initiali+ation or increment,decrement for!i M /0, 'M 90N iQM / 22 'OM :0 N i>> , 'SS$ ,, more than one condition -oined using .. for!N iOM /0N iSS$ ,,initiali+ation missing still using / for!N iOM /0N$ ,,initiali+ation! inc.,dec. missing still using / do while loo9? o it i& a e1it control loo# do R &tatement!&$N T while !condition$N +rea3@ o brea( i& u&ed to terminate the current &witch &tatement or the loo#.

-ontinue@ o "ontinue &tatement &(i#& the remaining #art of the current loo# and begin& the ne1t iteration of the loo#.

)FNe6t@ o An Ob'ect i& an identifiable entit+, which ha& certain #ro#ertie& !attribute&$ and method& !function&$ a&&ociated with it.

-lass@ o A "la&& i& a grou# of &imilar ob'ect&. -t i& a generaliEation of an ob'ect. method a&&ociated with the cla&&. o ma(e a cla&& we enca#&ulate !'oin to from bundle&$ all the #ro#ertie& and

*a63age@ o A Pac(age i& a grou# of logicall+ related cla&&e&. Page 63 of 141

Method@ o Aethod& are function& a&&ociated to a cla&& or an ob'ect. 0un6tion@ o )unction i& a grou# of &tatement under a name, which are e1ecuted in an order to achie%e a #articular ta&(.

*ara4eter@ o he &et of %alue& #a&&ed a& in in#ut to a function are (nown a& #arameter& to that function. )or e1am#le ' e1t)iled/.&et e1t!HA##leI$N .ere F e1t)ield/ i& an ob'ect of the cla&& ' e1t)iled, &et e1t!$ i& a functionGmethod of the cla&& ' e1t)iled, HA##leI i& the #arameter #a&&ed to the function &et e1t!$. Parameter& are al&o (nown a& Argu4ents7

A66ess S9e6i1ier@ o Acce&& &#ecifier tell& a com#lier about the u&abilit+ of a data member of a cla&& in a 'a%a #rogram. Fa%a &u##ort& three t+#e& of acce&& &#ecifier? Public, Pri ate and Protected.

*uFli6@ o A "la&& member with #ublic acce&& &#ecifier i& u&able out&ide the cla&&. i.e. it can be u&ed in an+ cla&& in the #rogram.

*rote6ted@ o A cla&& member with #rotected acce&& &#ecifier can be inherited b+ a child cla&& but i& not u&able out&ide the #arent cla&&.

*ri2ate@ o Pri%ate member& of a cla&& can 'u&t be utiliEed in&ide the cla&& and are hidden out&ide the cla&& i.e. a #ri%ate member cannot be u&ed in an+ other cla&& other than the cla&& in which it i& declared.

&iFrary@ o A librar+ i& a &et of read+made cla&&e& a%ailable with 'a%a. A #rogrammer i& 'u&t re,uired to im#ort !include in the #rogram$ a librar+ and &im#le u&e the a&&ociated cla&&e&. )or e.g. im#ort 'a%a.io.W

-ontent *ane@ o he area on the frame where all the G4- control& are #laced "ontent #ane. Page 64 of 141 i& called

-o44only a2ailaFle Swing -ontrols in Ja2a N0ra4e@ A )rame i& a container control, in which all the control& can be #lace. N&aFel? F3able allow& #lacing un>editable te1t on the )rameGPanel N!eMt0ield@ F e1t)iled allow& #lacing editable te1t on the )rameGPane. 4&er can enter te1t in a te1t)iled during runtime. NFutton@ i& u&ed to initiate an action when it i& clic(ed. N&ist@ i& a grou# of %alue& or item& from which one or more &election& can be made. N-o4Fo+oM@ '"ombo*o1 i& &imilar to '3i&t but al&o allow to enter editable te1t during run time. -t i& a combination of ' e1t)iled and '3i&t. N*anel@ Act li(e a frame, to grou# one or more control&. N%adio+utton? Allow u& to choo&e a &ingle item from a grou# of 'Radio*utton o#tion&. N-he63+oM@ Allow u& to choo&e one or more item& from a grou# of '"hec(*o1 o#tion&. N*assword0ield@ Allow u& to enter a te1t during the run time but &how& an encr+#ted te1t in&tead of the original te1t N!eMtArea@ F e1tArea i& a multi>line te1t com#onent to enter or edit te1t. 0o6us@ he control under e1ecution i& &aid to ha%e the focu&. he control ha%ing the focu& obtain& in#ut form the u&er. get!eMt58@ get e1t!$ method i& u&ed to obtain the te1t from a ' e1t)iled during the run time. set!eMt58@ &et e1t!$ method i& u&ed to &et or change the te1t of a ' e1t)iled during run time. Inheritan6e@ o he abilit+ of a cla&& to obtain the characteri&tic& of another cla&& i& called inheritance. Need o1 Inheritan6e@ -nheritance hel#& in two wa+&?

Page 65 of 141

&ode Reusability) -nheritance hel#& in adding new feature& to a cla&& without modif+ing it. A #re>e1i&ting cla&& can be directl+ be reu&ed in a new cla&&.

"elps in e*pressing relationship among classes

+ase -lass 5*arent -lass8@ he Pree1i&ting cla&& which i& being inherited i& called the ba&e cla&& or the #arent cla&&. -t i& al&o called a Su9er -lass Deri2ed -lass 5-hild -lass8@ called SuF -lass7 he new cla&& which inherit& the ca#abilitie& from another #re>e1i&ting cla&& i& called the Deri%ed "la&& or the "hild "la&&. -t i& al&o

!y9e o1 Inheritan6e@ o Single Inheritan6e@ A &ingle *a&e cla&& i& being inherited b+ a &ingle deri%ed cla&&. o Multi9le Inheritan6e@ A &ingle deri%ed cla&& inherit& more than one ba&e cla&&.! hi& t+#e of inheritance i& not &u##orted in Fa%a$ o (ierar6hi6al Inheritan6e@ A &ingle ba&e cla&& i& being inherited b+ more than one child cla&&e&. o Multile2el Inheritan6e@ A child cla&& act a& a ba&e cla&& for anther child cla&&. o (yFrid Inheritan6e@ A combination of two or more of the abo%e inheritance #attern. Me4Fer !y9e *uFli6 *rote6ted De1ault *ri2ate *rote6ted *ri2ate 0un6tion )2erriding@ Its )wn 6lass Acce&&ible Acce&&ible Acce&&ible Acce&&ible Acce&&ible Deri2ed -lass Sa4e *a63age )ther *a63age Acce&&ible Acce&&ible Acce&&ible Acce&&ible Not Acce&&ible Acce&&ible Acce&&ible Not Acce&&ible Not Acce&&ible Not Acce&&ible

o -f a deri%ed cla&& method ha& the &ame name a& that of the ba&e cla&& then the deri%ed cla&& method o%erta(e& !get higher #reference$ the ba&e cla&& method. hi& i& (nown a& o%erriding of ba&e cla&& method. *oly4or9his4@

Page 66 of 141

o the abilit+ to inter#rete &ingle me&&age in a number of wa+& i& called #ol+mor#hi&m. Pol+mor#hi&m i& achie%ed through o%erloading. 0un6tion o2erloading@ o wo or more function& in the &ame &co#e ha%ing the &ame name but different &ignature& are &aid to be o%erloaded. )or two function& to be o%erloaded either the+ &hould ha%e different number of argument& or different order of argument&. AFstra6t -lass@ A cla&& that can not be in&tantiated. AFstra6t Method@ A method without im#lementation. -o44only a2ailaFle 1un6tions in String 6lass in Ja2a are@ o eCual5 8@"om#are& two &tring 7 the &tring that call& the function and the argument &tring . -f both the &tring& are e,ual it return otherwi&e fal&e. o length5 8 @ o 6a9a6ity5 8@ o to&ower-ase5 8@ o to"99er-ase5 8@ o toString5 8@ o tri45 8@ o 6on6at5 8@ o suFstring5 8@ -o44only a2ailaFle 1un6tions in Math 6lass in Ja2a are@ o 9ow5 8@ o round5 8@ o sCrt5 8@

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*rogra44ing 0unda4entals
Answer the Cuestions@ /. 9. :. ;. Name two OOP language&D Ch+ i& 'a%a called a #latform inde#endent languageD Elaborate the 'a%a "om#ilation #roce&&. Ch+ do we write a comment in a #rogramD Chat are the two wa+& of writing comment in a 'a%a ProgramD 6. Chat i& a &+nta1 error in conte1t of a #rogramD Gi%e an e1am#le. 8. Chat i& RAD #rogrammingD Ch+ i& #rogram de%elo#ment in 'a%a u&ing Netbean& -DE i& RADD @. Chat i& -DED Name two -DE for Programming in 'a%a. <. Name an+ two t+#e of o(en& a%ailable in Fa%a. =. Chat are #rimiti%e data t+#e&D Name the %ariou& #rimiti%e data t+#e a%ailable in Fa%a. /0. Chat are Reference data t+#e&D //. Chat i& t+#e ca&tingD 12. Name and e1#lain the u&age of an+ two data t+#e& u&ed in Fa%a to &tore number& with decimal&. /:. Chat are Ke+word&D Gi%e two e1am#le& of (e+word& a%ailable in Fa%a. /;. Name and e1#lain the u&age of an+ one relational and one logical o#erator in Fa%a. /6. Chat i& the difference between M and MM o#erator in 'a%aD /8. Name the two t+#e of &election &tatement a%ailable in Fa%a. /@. Crite the #ur#o&e of Switch Statement with the hel# of an e1am#le. Chich Fa%a Statement can be u&ed in #lace of &witch &tatementD -n the &witch &tatement, what ha##en& if e%er+ ca&e fail& and there i& no default o#tionD /<. Chat i& the #ur#o&e of Kbrea(L &tatement in 'a%aD /=. Chat i& the #ur#o&e of KcontinueL &tatement in 'a%aD 20. Chat i& the difference between entr+ controlled and e1it controlled loo# 9/. Differentiate between while and do while loo# of Fa%a gi%ing &uitable e1am#le&. 99. E%aluate the following e1#re&&ion& &e#aratel+ in Fa%a. A&&ume all %ariable to be integer& and initial %alue of a a& /0 and b a& 90 a. 1 M aSS S bSSN b. 1M SSa S SS bN c. 1M SSa S bSSN d. 1 M a G b B bN e. 1M b G a B bN f. 1 M b S aSS B bN g. 1 M aS b Wa W bN 9:. Chat would be out#ut of the following code &egment written in 'a%a. #ublic &tatic %oid main!String YZ arg&$ R int aM/0, bM =N boolean 1N 1 M aSS MM SSbN S+&tem.out.#rint![1 M [S1$N T Page 68 of 141

9;. )ind the out#ut of the following code &ni##et written in 'a%a #ublic &tatic %oid main!String YZarg&$ R int 1M/0, +M6N S+&tem.out.#rintln!1SS$N S+&tem.out.#rintln!SS+$N S+&tem.out.#rintln!!1SS S SS+$$N S+&tem.out.#rintln!!SS1 > +SS$$N S+&tem.out.#rintln!!1SS$ S !SS+$$N S+&tem.out.#rintln!!SS1$>!+SS$$N S+&tem.out.#rintln!!1SS$ S !SS1$$N S+&tem.out.#rintln![1 M [S V S[ +M[S +$N T 96. )ind the out#ut of the following code &ni##et written in 'a%a #ublic &tatic %oid main!String YZarg&$ R long aM@<:;6,&/M0,&9M0,rN while!aQ0$ R rMaB/0N if !rB;MM0$ &/SM rN el&e &9SMrN aGM/0N T S+&tem.out.#rintln![S/ M[S &/$N S+&tem.out.#rintln![S9 M[S &9$N T 98. )ind the out#ut of the following code &ni##et written in 'a%a #ublic &tatic %oid main!String arg&YZ$ R int no/M9,no9M/,iN while!no9OM:$ R iMno/N while!iOMno9$ R no/Mno/WiN iSSN T S+&tem.out.#rintln![No/ [S no/$N S+&tem.out.#rintln![No9 [S no9$N no9SSN T T 9@. )ind the out#ut of the following code &ni##et written in 'a%a Page 69 of 141

#ublic &tatic %oid main!String arg&YZ$ R int 1M/,+M/,EM/,iM/N while!+OM:$ R EM/N while!EOM+$ R 1M1WiN iSSN ESSN T S+&tem.out.#rintln![1M [S1$N +SSN T T 9<. )ind the out#ut of the following code &egment written in FAVA. A&&ume all nece&&ar+ header file& ha%e been included and ignore an+ &+nta1 error if an+. #ublic &tatic %oid main!String YZ arg&$ R int i M :, aM0, bM/, nM6, cN S+&tem.out.#rint!aS H HSbSI H$N while ! i O n$ R cM a S bN S+&tem.out.#rint!cSI H$N a M c > aN b M cN iSSN T T 9=. .ow man+ time& will the following loo# get e1ecuted and what will be the final %alue of the %ariable - after e1ecution the loo# i& o%er. int - M 6N do R - SM :N S+&tem.out.#rintln![- M [S-$N - M - S /N T while !- QM =$N :0. "orrect the error& in the following #rogram &egment written in FAVA. Uou are 'u&t re,uired to write the corrected code, underl+ing the correction& made. Public Static Void Aain !String YZ arg&$ R -nteger No& M /00N while !No& MQ ;6$ R Page 70 of 141

-f !No& B 6 M 0$N No&SM/0N otherwi&e No& S M 90N T T :/. "on%ert the following Kwhile loo#L into it& e,ui%alent Kfor loo# without altering the out#ut of the #rogram. int 1 M /00, a M :0N while ! 1QM /0$ R S+&tem.out.#rintln!INew Amount MIS!1 S a$$N aSSN 1 > M aN T :9. e1t entered in a 'te1t)ield i& of String t+#e. A #rogrammer want& to&tore it in a %ariable of t+#e integer. -& it #o&&ible howD E1#lain. ::. A&&ume the following interface built u&ing Netbean& u&ed for bill calculation of a ice> cream #arlor. he #arlor offer& three %eritie& of ice>cream 7 %anilla, &trawberr+, chocolate. Vanilla ice>cream co&t& R&. :0, Strawberr+ R&. :6 and "hocolate R&. 60. A cu&tomer can cho&e one or more ice>cream&, with ,uantitie& more than one for each of the %ariet+ cho&en. o calculate the bill #arlor manager &elect& the a##ro#riate chec( bo1e& according to the %eritie& of ice>cream cho&en b+ the cu&tomer and enter their re&#ecti%e ,uantitie&. Crite Fa%a code for the following? a. On the clic( e%ent of the button K*illL, the a##lication find& and di&#la+& the total bill of the cu&tomer. -t fir&t di&#la+& the rate of %ariou& ice>cream& in the re&#ecti%e te1t field&. -f a u&er doe&nLt &elect a chec( bo1, the re&#ecti%e ice> cream rate mu&t become Eero. he bill i& calculated b+ multi#l+ing the %ariou& ,uantitie& with their re&#ecti%e rate and later adding them all. b. On the "lic( e%ent of the clear button all the te1t field& and the chec( bo1e& get cleared. c. On the clic( e%ent of the clo&e button the a##lication get& clo&ed.

Page 71 of 141

:;. A*" School u&e& the following interface built in 'a%a to chec( the eligibilit+ of a &tudent for a #articular &tream from &cience, commerce and humanitie&. he u&er fir&t enter& the total #ercentage and &elect& the de&ired &tream b+ &electing the a##ro#riate o#tion button. An additional 6B i& mar(& i& gi%en to &tudent& of N"". Crite Fa%a "ode for the following a. On Action e%ent of the button K"alc PercentageL Net #ercentage of the &tudent i& calculated and di&#la+ed in the a##ro#riate te1t filed. Net #ercentage i& &ame a& that of the actual #ercentage if the &tudent doe&nLt o#t& for N"" otherwi&e 6B i& added to actual #ercentage. b. On Action e%ent of the button KRe&ultL, the a##lication chec(& the eligibilit+ of the &tudent&. And di&#la+ re&ult in the a##ro#riate te1t field. Ainimum #ercentage for &cience i& @0, 80 for commerce and ;0 for humanitie&. c. On the "lic( e%ent of the clear button all the te1t field& and the chec( bo1e& get cleared. d. On the clic( e%ent of the clo&e button the a##lication get& clo&ed.

:6. A &ho# ha& the following interface for calculating di&count and net bill amount for it& cu&tomer&.

Page 72 of 141

:8. Define the following term& in conte1t to OOP? a. "la&&? b. Ob'ect c. Data member& d. Aethod& G Aember function& :@. Chat i& in&tantiating the cla&&D :<. Chat i& the difference between #ri%ate, #rotected and #ublic acce&& &#ecifer&D :=. Chat i& the difference between length! $ and ca#acit+! $ &tring functionD ;0. E1#lain the following &tring function& a%ailable in Fa%a gi%ing &uitable e1am#le& in each ca&e? a. 3ength ! $ b. &ub&tring ! $ c. concat ! $ d. trim ! $ e. toString ! $ f. to4##er"a&e ! $ g. to3ower"a&e! $ ;/. Chat i& a #ac(ageD Ch+ do we de&ign a #ac(ageD ;9. Name an+ four #ac(age& a%ailable in 'a%a. ;:. Name the %ariou& t+#e of inheritance a%ailable in 'a%a. ;;. Chat member& of a cla&& out of #ri%ate, #rotected and #ublic are inheritableD ;6. Chen do we declare a method or cla&& KfinalLD ;8. Chat i& an ab&tract cla&&D ;@. Chen do we declare a method or cla&& ab&tractD ;<. Chat i& the difference between an ab&tract cla&& and an interfaceD ;=. Chat are the %ariou& t+#e of dialog o#tion& &u##orted b+ 'O#tionPane? 60. Name four method& a&&ociated with 'O#tion dialog. 6/. E1#lain the %ariou& #o&&ible %alue for O#tion t+#e #ro#ert+ of 'O#tionPane dialog. 69. Differentiate between FD*" and OD*"D 6:. Chat are the main ta&(& of FD*"D 6;. E1#lain the connection in conte1t to databa&e connecti%it+. Page 73 of 141

66. Name the %ariou& FD*" cla&&e&Gob'ect& u&ed in databa&e connecti%it+ a##lication. 68. Chat are the %ariou& &te#& in%ol%ed in e&tabli&hing a FD*" connectionD 6@. Name the method u&ed to trigger an u#date ,uer+ u&ing FD*".

(I,($% )%D$% !(INKIN, SKI&&S 5()!S8

/. Chat will be out#ut of the following code? b+te bN double dM ;/@.:6N bM !b+te$ dN &+&tem.out.#rintln!b$N 2. Gi%en the %alue of a %ariable, write a &tatement, without u&ing if con&truct, which will #roduce the ab&olute %alue of a %ariable. :. Chat i& wrong with the following code fragmentD Switch !1$ R ca&e /? n/M /0N n9M 90N ca&e 9? n:M:0N brea(N n;M ;0N T ;. Chat will be the out#ut of the following #rogram codeD int m M /00N int n M :00N while!SSm O >>n$N S+&tem.out.#rintln!mSI HS n$N 6. Chat doe& the following fragment di&#la+ String & M HSi1?I S :S :N S+&tem.out.#rintln!&$N Page 74 of 141

8. Chat i& the out#ut of the following codeD String & M new &tring!$N S+&tem.out.#rintln!H& M H S &$N @. Chat will be the out#ut of the following code &ni##etD int 1M /0N int + M 90N if !!1O+$PP!1M6$ Q /0$ S+&tem.out.#rintln!1$N el&e S+&tem.out.#rintln!+$N <. State the out#ut of the following #rogram? #ublic &tatic %oid main!String arg&Y Z$ R int 1 M /0N int + M /6N S+&tem.ou.#rintln!!1Q+$D :./;? :$N T =. State the out#ut of the following #rogram? #ublic &tatic %oid main!String arg&Y Z$ R int 1 M /0N float + M /0.0N S+&tem.ou.#rintln!!1Q+$D true? fal&e$N T /0. Gi%en a #aca(age named ED4.&tudent, how would +ou im#ort a cla&& named e&t contained in thi& #ac(ageD Crite one line &tatement. //. "on&ider the following cla&& definition? "la&& Student R ab&tract double re&ult! $ T

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hi& code will not com#ile &ince a (e+word i& mi&&ing in the fir&t line. Chat i& the (e+wordD /9. "an an ab&tract method be declared finalD Ue& or No. Answers /. "SS and Fa%a 9. Fa%a #rogram can be ea&il+ mo%ed from one com#uter &+&tem to another, an+where an+time. "hange& and u#grade in o#erating &+&tem, #roce&&or& and &+&tem re&ource& will not force an+ change in the Fa%a #rogram. .ence it i& called a #latform inde#endent language. 3. he &ource #rogram i& fir&t con%erted into a Fyte 6ode u&ing a 'a%a com#iler. hi& b+te code i& machine inde#endent i.e. &ame for all the machine&. 3ater the b+te code i& e1ecuted on the machine u&ing an inter#reter. ;. "omment& are added to a #rogram for the following #ur#o&e&?> /. Aa(e the more readable and under&tandable 9. )or future reference& Ce can add comment& in a Fa%a #rogram in the following wa+&? /. Adding GG before the line which i& to be commented. hi& can be u&ed onl+ for &ingle line comment&. 9. u&ing a #air of GW and WG for multi>line comment&. 6. Error in the wa+ of writing a &tatement in a #rogram, re&ult& in a &+nta1 error. )or e.g. for ! iM0, iOM/00. iSS$, will re&ult in a &+nta1 becau&e the #rogram ha& written comma in&tead of a &emi comma in the for loo#. 6. RAD &tand& for %a#id A##lication De%elo#ment. A #rogramming &t+le which aim& at building #rogram& fa&tl+ through the u&e of tool& and wiEard& i& called RAD. Program de%elo#ment u&ing Netbean& -DE i& RAD a& it #ro%ide& G4Pro%ide& online hel# and &ugge&tion& during t+#ing of the #rogram !u&ing ctrlS S#acebar (e+$ Error alert& while t+#ing of the #rogram. Page 76 of 141

@. A #rogramming en%ironment, where all the tool& re,uired for #rogramming are a%ailable under one roof i& called -DE. *lueF <. Ke+word, -dentifier, 3iteral, Punctuator& ad O#erator&. =. Data t+#e& that are directl+ a%ailable with 'a%a are called #rimiti%e data t+#e. Variou& #rimiti%e data t+#e& a%ailable in 'a%a are b+te, &hort, int, long, float, double, char and boolean. /0. Data t+#e& created b+ the #rogrammer u&ing the #rimiti%e data t+#e are called reference data t+#e e.g. "la&&e&, interface& etc. //. "on%erting a %alue form one t+#e to another i& called t+#e ca&ting. )or e.g. int a M 6 . here KaL i& a integer, which can be ca&ed to float a& follow& float b M !float$ aN /9. wo data t+#e& a%ailable in 'a%a for &toring number& with decimal& are 1. float? for &ingle #reci&ion floating #oint %alue& for e.g. float num M /0.0) 2. double) for double #reci&ion floating #oint %alue. hi& i& the default data he+ t+#e for decimal number&. for e.g. double num M /0.0 /:. Ke+word& are word& that ha%e a &#ecific #redefined meaning in Fa%a. cannot be u&ed a& %ariable name&. Eg. %oid, #ri%ate, if, while etc. /;. One relational o#erator in 'a%a i& MM. o#erand& are e,ual otherwi&e fal&e. One logical o#erator in 'a%a i& 22. hi& o#erator i& u&ed to combine two logical %alue&. he re&ult of the 22 will be true if and onl+ if both it& o#erand& are true otherwi&e fal&e. 15. M re#re&ent an a&&ignment o#erator. -t &et& the %alue of the %ariable on it& left &ide with the re&ult of e1#re&&ion on it& right &ide. MM re#re&ent a conditional e,ual to o#erator. -t chec(& for the e,ualit+ of both it& o#erand&. -f both the o#erand& are e,ual, condition e%aluate& to true otherwi&e to fal&e. /8. wo &election &tatement a%ailable in 'a%a are KifL and KSwitchL /@. A Switch &tatement i& u&ed e1ecute a &tatement from a grou# of &tatement ba&ed on the re&ult of a e1#re&&ion. b+te, &hort, integer or character. An Kif statement0 can be u&ed in #lace of &witch &tatement he e1#re&&ion mu&t re&ult in either of hi& o#erator re&ult& in true if both it& wo -DE for Fa%a are Netbean& and

Page 77 of 141

-n a switch statement if none of the &tatement &ati&fie& and e%en there i& no default ca&e then nothing would ha##en. hi& would not re&ult in an+ &ort of error. /<. *rea( i& u&ed to terminate the current &witch &tatement or the loo#. /=. "ontinue &tatement &(i#& the remaining #art of the current loo# and begin& the ne1t iteration of the loo#. 90. Difference between an entr+ control loo# and an e1it control loo#. Entr+ "ontrol 3oo# E1it "ontrol 3o# -t fir&t chec(& or e%aluate& the -t fir&t e%aluate& the loo# bod+ terminating condition and then and then chec(& the terminating e1ecute& the loo# bod+. condition. -f the condition i& found true the loo# continue& otherwi&e the loo# &to#&. -n ca&e if the condition i& fal&e -n ca&e if the condition i& fal&e in fir&t time onl+ then the loo# in fir&t time onl+ then the loo# will not get e1ecute e%en once. will &till get e1ecute at>lea&t once. 9/. Difference between while and do while loo# Chile 3oo# Do while 3oo# Chile 3oo# i& a entr+ control Do while i& a e1it control loo# loo# int 1M /00N while !1Q 0$ R S+&tem.out.#rintln!V$N VM 1> /0N T 99. Out#ut? a. :0 b. :9 c. :/ d. 0 e. 9 f. :0 Page 78 of 141 T while !1Q 0$ int 1M /00N do R S+&tem.out.#rintln!V$N VM 1> /0N

g. ;0/0 9:. Out#ut? 1 M true 9;. Out#ut? /0 8 /< 8 99 8 :9 1M /@ 96. Out#ut? &/M /9 &9M /6 98. Out#ut? No/ 9 No9 / No/ ; No9 9 No/ ; No9 : 9@. Out#ut? 1M / 1M8 1 M @90 9<. Out#ut? 0//9 9=. -nfinite 3oo#, hence it i& not #o&&ible to find the final %alue of :0. "orrected "ode Page 79 of 141 + M/0

#ublic &tatic %oid main !String YZ arg&$ R int No& M /00N while !No& QM ;6$ R if !No& B 6 MM 0$X No&SM/0N el&e No& S M 90N T T :/. int 1, a M:0N for!1M /00N 1QM /0N 1>Ma$ R T :9. Ue&, it i& #o&&ible to &tore a te1t in a ' e1t)ield in a -nteger %ariable. o &tore the te1t, fir&t it mu&t be con%erted into intert+#e u&ing the #are-nt!$ method. int &tudXcntM -nteger.#are-nt!F e1t)iled/.get e1t!$$N -n the a abo%e &tatement, fir&t the get e1t!$ function obtain& the te1t written in the ' e1t)ield/ and then con%ert it into integer t+#e u&ing #ar&e-nt!$ method of a%ailable in -nteger cla&&. ::. #ri%ate %oid '*tn"alculateAou&e"lic(ed!'a%a.awt.e%ent.Aou&eE%ent e%t$ R if!'ch(Strawberr+.i&Selected!$MMtrue$ ' 1tPriceStrawberr+.&et e1t![:6[$N el&e R ' 1tPriceStrawberr+.&et e1t![0[$N ' 1tJt+Strawberr+.&et e1t![0[$N T Page 80 of 141 S+&tem.out.#rintln!INew Amount MIS!1 S a$$N aSSN

if!'"h("hocolate.i&Selected!$MMtrue$ ' 1tPrice"hocolate.&et e1t![60[$N el&e R ' 1tPrice"hocolate.&et e1t![0[$N ' 1tJt+"hocolate.&et e1t![0[$N T if!'"h(Vinella.i&Selected!$MMtrue$ 't1tPriceVinella.&et e1t![:0[$N el&e R 't1tPriceVinella.&et e1t![0[$N ' 1tJt+Vinella.&et e1t![0[$N T int r/,r9,r:,,/,,9,,:,a/,a9,a:,gtN r/M-nteger.#ar&e-nt!' 1tPriceStrawberr+.get e1t!$$N r9M-nteger.#ar&e-nt!' 1tPrice"hocolate.get e1t!$$N r:M-nteger.#ar&e-nt!'t1tPriceVinella.get e1t!$$N ,/M-nteger.#ar&e-nt!' 1tJt+Strawberr+.get e1t!$$N ,9M-nteger.#ar&e-nt!' 1tJt+"hocolate.get e1t!$$N ,:M-nteger.#ar&e-nt!' 1tJt+Vinella.get e1t!$$N a/Mr/W,/N ' 1tAmtStrawberr+.&et e1t![[Sa/$N a9Mr9W,9N ' 1tAmt"hocolate.&et e1t![[Sa9$N a:Mr:W,:N ' 1tAmtVinella.&et e1t![[Sa:$N gtMa/Sa9Sa:N ' 1t otalAmt.&et e1t![[Sgt$N T #ri%ate %oid '*tnclo&eActionPerformed!'a%a.awt.e%ent.ActionE%ent e%t$ R S+&tem.e1it!0$N Page 81 of 141

T #ri%ate %oid '*tn"learActionPerformed!'a%a.awt.e%ent.ActionE%ent e%t$ R ' 1tPriceStrawberr+.&et e1t![[$N ' 1tPrice"hocolate.&et e1t![[$N 't1tPriceVinella.&et e1t![[$N ' 1tJt+Strawberr+.&et e1t![[$N ' 1tJt+"hocolate.&et e1t![[$N ' 1tJt+Vinella.&et e1t![[$N ' 1tAmtStrawberr+.&et e1t![[$N ' 1tAmt"hocolate.&et e1t![[$N ' 1tAmtVinella.&et e1t![[$N 'ch(Strawberr+.&etSelected!fal&e$N '"h("hocolate.&etSelected!fal&e$N '"h(Vinella.&etSelected!fal&e$N T :;. #ri%ate %oid '*tn"learActionPerformed!'a%a.awt.e%ent.ActionE%ent e%t$ R ' e1t)ield/.&et e1t!H H$ OR ' e1t)ield/.&et e1t!null$ ' e1t)ield/.&et e1t!H H$ OR ' e1t)ield/.&et e1t!null$ ' e1t)ield/.&et e1t!H H$ OR ' e1t)ield/.&et e1t!null$ ' e1t)ield/.&et e1t!H H$ OR ' e1t)ield/.&et e1t!null$ '"hec(bo1/.&etSelected!fal&e$N T #ri%ate %oid '*tn"alcPerActionPerformed!'a%a.awt.e%ent.ActionE%ent e%t$ R int #N #M-nteger.#ar&e-nt!' e1t)ield9.get e1t!$$N if !'"hec(*o1/.i&Selected!$$ #M#S6N ' e1t)ield:.&et e1t!-nteger.toString!#$$N T #ri%ate %oid '*tnRe&ultActionPerformed!'a%a.awt.e%ent.ActionE%ent e%t$ R int #N Page 82 of 141

#M-nteger.#ar&e-nt!' e1t)ield:.get e1t!$$N if! 'Radio*utton/.i&Selected!$$ R if ! #QM@0$ ' e1t)ield;.&et e1t!HEligible for all &ub'ectI$N el&e ' e1tfield;.&et e1t!HNot Eligible for &cienceI$N T el&e if! 'Radio*utton9.i&Selected!$$ R if ! #QM80 $ ' e1t)ield;.&et e1t!HEligible for "ommerce and .umanitie&I$N el&e ' e1tfield;.&et e1t!HNot Eligible for Science and "ommerceI$N T el&e R if ! #QM;0 $ ' e1t)ield;.&et e1t!HEligible for .umanitie&I$N el&e ' e1tfield;.&et e1t!HNot Eligible for an+ &ub'ect I$N T T #ri%ate %oid '*tn"lo&eActionPerformed!'a%a.awt.e%ent.ActionE%ent e%t$ R S+&tem.e1it!0$N T :6. #ri%ate %oid '*tm*illActionPerformed!'a%a.awt.e%ent.ActionE%ent e%t$ R double amt, di&, netamtN if !'O#tSil%er.i&Selected!$MMtrue$ di&M 6N el&e if!'O#tGold.i&Selected!$MMtrue$ di&M@N el&e if!'O#tDiamond.i&Selected!$MMtrue$ di&M/0N el&e di&M0N if !'"h(S#ecial.i&Selected!$MMtrue$ Page 83 of 141

di&Mdi&S 9N ' 1tDi&count.&et e1t![[Sdi&$N amtM -nteger.#ar&e-nt!' 1tAmount.get e1t!$$N netamtM amt > amt W di&G/00N ' 1tNetAmount.&et e1t![[Snetamt$N T #ri%ate %oid '*tn"learActionPerformed!'a%a.awt.e%ent.ActionE%ent e%t$ R ' 1tStudName.&et e1t![[$N ' 1tAmount.&et e1t![[$N ' 1tDi&count.&et e1t![[$N ' 1tNetAmount.&et e1t![[$N 'O#tSil%er.&etSelected!fal&e$N 'O#tGold.&etSelected!fal&e$N 'O#tDiamond.&etSelected!fal&e$N T #ri%ate %oid '*tn"lo&eActionPerformed!'a%a.awt.e%ent.ActionE%ent e%t$ R S+&tem.e1it!0$N T :8. a. A cla&& i& u&ed to create new in&tance& !ob'ect&$ b+ in&tantiating the cla&&. b. An ob'ect of a gi%en cla&& i& called an in&tance of the cla&&. he cla&& that contain& !and wa& u&ed to create$ that in&tance can be con&idered a& the t+#e of that ob'ect c. he %ariou& attribute& of an ob'ect enca#&ulated in a cla&& are called it& data member& d. Variou& function& in a cla&& are called it& method&. :@. A cla&& i& u&ed to create new in&tance& !ob'ect&$ b+ in&tantiating the cla&&. :<. Pri%ate !or cla&&>#ri%ate$ re&trict& the acce&& to the cla&& it&elf. Onl+ method& that are #art of the &ame cla&& can acce&& #ri%ate member&.

Page 84 of 141

Protected !or cla&&>#rotected$ allow& the cla&& it&elf and all it& &ubcla&&e& to acce&& the member. Public mean& that an+ code can acce&& the member b+ it& name. :=. 3ength return& length of a gi%en &tring wherea& ca#acit+ return& ma1imum number of character that can be entered in the &tring. ;0. Refer Ke+ Point& ;/. A Pac(age i& a grou# of logicall+ related cla&&e&. Pac(age& are u&uall+ defined u&ing a hierarchical naming #attern, with le%el& in the hierarch+ &e#arated b+ #eriod& !.$ ;9. Some of the common #ac(age& in 'a%a are Fa%a.io Fa%a.net Fa%a.awt Fa%a.a##let Fa%a.lang

;:. *a&icall+ Fa%a &u##ort& onl+ four t+#e& of inheritance? /$ Single -nheritance 9$ Aulti 3e%el -nheritance :$ .ierarchic%al -nheritance ;$ .+brid -nheritance ;;. Protected and #ublic ;6. A final cla&& cannot be &ubcla&&ed. So when we want that a cla&& mu&t not be inherited, we declare it final. efficienc+. ;8. An ab&tract cla&&, or ab&tract ba&e cla&& !A*"$, i& a cla&& that cannot be in&tantiated. Such a cla&& i& onl+ meaningful if the language &u##ort& inheritance. An ab&tract cla&& i& de&igned onl+ a& a #arent cla&& from which child cla&&e& ma+ be deri%ed. Ab&tract cla&&e& are often u&ed to re#re&ent ab&tract conce#t& or entitie&. he incom#lete feature& of the ab&tract cla&& are then &hared b+ a grou# of &ubcla&&e& which add different %ariation& of the mi&&ing #iece&. Ab&tract cla&&e& are &u#ercla&&e& which contain ab&tract method& and are defined &uch that concrete &ubcla&&e& are to e1tend them b+ im#lementing the method&. he beha%ior& defined b+ &uch a cla&& are [generic[ and much of the cla&& will be undefined and unim#lemented. *efore a cla&& deri%ed from an ab&tract cla&& can become concrete, i.e. a cla&& that can be in&tantiated, it Page 85 of 141 hi& i& done for rea&on& of &ecurit+ and

mu&t im#lement #articular method& for all the ab&tract method& of it& #arent cla&&e&. 47. -f we want that a cla&& &hould be inherited, we declare it ab&tract. i.e. a cla&& create to be a &u#er cla&& i& declared ab&tract. ;<. u&ele&&. -nterface& mu&t ha%e im#lementation& b+ other cla&&e& el&e Onl+ an interface can e1tend another interface, but an+ All %ariable in interface& are final b+ default that will be u&ele&& cla&& can e1tend an ab&tract cla&&.. Ab&tract cla&& define& few or none of the method&, but Ab&tract cla&&e& &hould ha%e &ubcla&&e& el&e that will be interface define& all the method&..

;=. Fo#tion #ane &u##ort the following Dialog t+#e&? a$ -n#ut Dialog? #ro%ide& a te1t )ield, "ombo bo1 or a li&t bo1 for the u&er to in#ut an o#tion or %alue. b$ "onfirm Dialog? it hel#& the u&er to in#ut the choice in the form of O(, "ancel, Ue&, No etc. c$ Ae&&age Dialog? -t i& a &im#le dialog bo1 to di&#la+ a me&&age with a OK button. d$ O#tion Dialog? hel#& to create a dialog bo1 according to the re,uirement& of the u&er. 60. &how-n#utDialog!$? to di&#la+ an -n#ut dialog *o1? &how-"onfirmDialog!$? to di&#la+ a confirm dialog *o1? &howAe&&ageDialog!$? to &how a Ae&&age dialog *o1? &howO#tionDialog!$? to &how a o#tion dialog *o1?

6/. Variou& #o&&ible %alue& for O#tion t+#e #ro#ert+ of 'O#tionPane are >/? u&ed to di&#la+ a &im#le OK *utton. Page 86 of 141

0? /? 9?

o di&#la+ both Ue& and No button o di&#la+ Ue&, No and "ancel button, o di&#la+ O( and "ancel button.

52. FD*" !Fa%a Databa&e "onnecti%it+$ i& de%elo#ed b+ Sun Fa%a for the #ur#o&e of connecting 'a%a a##lication& with a %ariet+ of relation databa&e &+&tem& li(e A+SJ3 or Oracle. On the other hand, OD*" !o#en databa&e connecti%it+$ i& a &+&tem de%elo#ed b+ Aicro&oft to connect Aicro&oft ba&ed #rogramming a##lication !li(e %i&ual ba&ic$ with a %ariet+ of relation databa&e&. 6:. Aainl+ FD*" #erform the following? a$ E&tabli&he& a connection with a relation databa&e b$ Send& SJ3 ,uerie&G &tatement& to the databa&e c$ Proce&& the re&ult& obtained from the databa&e &er%er. 6;. A connection i& a lin( between the #rogram and the databa&e. -t i& re&#on&ible for tran&fer of data from a##lication to databa&e and %ice>%er&a. 66. a. Dri%erAanger "la&& b. "onnection Ob'ect c. Statement Ob'ect d. Re&ultSet Ob'ect 68. Variou& &te#& in%ol%ed in connection a databa&e with an a##lication u&ing FD*" are? a. 3oad the FD*" dri%er b. E&tabli&h a "onnection 6@. e1ecute4#date! $

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*%),%AMMIN, 0"NDAM$N!A&S (!M&:.M&

Key *oints@ . A3 &tand& for .+#er Aar(>u# 3anguage. . A3 i& the &ub&et of SGA3 !Standard Generali&ed Aar(u# 3anguage$ he head of the . A3 document i& where +ou enter the title of the #age. he .R tag i& u&ed to draw a horiEontal line. .eading& are t+#icall+ di&#la+ed in larger andGor bolder font& than normal bod+ te1t. . A3 ha& &i1 le%el& of heading, numbered / to 8, with / being the large&t. he *A"KGRO4ND i& the image attribute in O*ODUQ tag where +ou can #lace gra#hic ob'ect to ma(e more attracti%e Ceb #age. he *G"O3OR attribute i& u&ed to &et the bac(ground color of +our Ceb #age with O*ODUQ tag. he numberedGordered li&t OO3Q tag i& u&ed to indicate a li&t item a& contained in an ordered or numbered form. An ordered li&t i& al&o a li&t of item&. he li&t item& are mar(ed with number&. *ulletedGunordered li&t O43Q tag i& u&ed to indicate a li&t item a& contained in an unordered or bulleted form. 3- li&t tag i& u&ed to denote the beginning of each new li&t item. he UPE attribute i& u&ed to change the bulleted &+mbol in a li&t. he attribute ma+ ha%e a %alue of circle, di&c, or &,uare. )or e1am#le, O43 UPEMdi&(Q. he li&t item& are mar(ed with bullet& !t+#icall+ &mall blac( circle&$. he S AR attribute i& u&ed to change the beginning %alue of an ordered li&t. hi& i& an Normall+, the ordered li&t &tart& with /. )or e1am#le, OO3 S AR M /0Q. he -AG S"R tag &#ecifie& an image to be di&#la+ed in a Ceb #age. A3-GN, *ORDER, .E-G. , C-D . and A3 . A table i& di%ided into row& !with the OtrQ tag$, and each row i& di%ided into data cell& !with the OtdQ tag$._ he letter& td &tand& for Htable dataI, which i& the content of a data cell. O"AP -ONQte1tOG"AP -ONQ #lace& a horiEontall+ centered title at the to# or at the bottom of a table. Page 89 of 141 em#t+ element, which i& coded in . A3 document. -t ha& attribute& li(e ? SR",

.+#erlin( lin(& between Ceb #age& i& (nown a& h+#erlin(. he anchor tag OAQ mar(& the te1t a& h+#erte1t lin(. he .RE) attribute &#ecifie& the de&tination of a lin(. he .RE) or the name attribute mu&t be #re&ent in the OAQ tag. A 4R3, ba&icall+, i& a wa+ to tell +our web brow&er !or other #rogram$ where to loo( for &omething. -f +ou want to ma(e a h+#erte1t lin( to a #age. Uou will need it& 4R3. .RE) i& an attribute for the OAQ tag, which i& di&#la+ed in a brow&er, the wor( e1t de&cribing lin( would a##ear underlined and in another order to indicate that clic(ing that te1t initiate& the h+#erte1t lin(.

VA3 i& defined a& an a##lication #rofile of SGA3. VA3 &tand& for eVten&ible Aar(u# 3anguage. VA3 i& a meta>language. A meta>language i& a language thatL& u&ed to define other language&.

(!M& 2ersus .M& / 9 : ; 6 . A3 . A3 document format& and di&#la+& web #ageL& data . A3 tag& are #redefined VA3 VA3 document& carr+ data along with their de&cri#tion. New tag& can be created a& #er our re,uirement&. . A3 ma+ not ha%e clo&ing VA3 mu&t ha%e clo&ing tag&. tag&. . A3 tag& are not ca&e VA3 tag& are ca&e &en&iti%e. &en&iti%e . A3 document& are directl+ VA3 document& are %iewed %iewable in a brow&er. onl+ if #ro#er &t+le &heet file i& al&o a%ailable along with VA3 file. 0eatures o1 .M&@ /. VA3 i& de&igned to carr+ data not to di&#la+ data. 9. VA3 wa& created to &tructure, &tore and to &end information. :. VA3 i& &elf de&cri#ti%e ag& are not #re definedN rather the+ are created to de&cribe the content in a##ro#riate manner. ;. VA3 i& free and e1ten&ible. 6. VA3 i& #latform inde#endent. 8. VA3 can &e#arate Data from . A3 VA3 &tore& and de&cribe& data, which can later be formatted and #re&ented in de&ired wa+. @. VA3 can be u&ed to create new language&, &ince it i& a meta language. <. VA3 i& &u##orted and recommended b+ Corld Cide Ceb "on&ortium !C:"$. Page 90 of 141

Short Answer !y9e =uestions@/. Chat do +ou need to do wor( with . A3D 9. Crite a& . A3 code line to &et the bac(ground image a& "3O4DS.G-). :. Crite an . A3 code line to &et the *G"O3OR a& UE33OC. ;. Crite the . A3 code& to &et the *G"O3OR a& P4RP3E and a te1t H- am in "la&& V>AI a& *34E. 6. Crite the . A3 code& to &et the *G"O3OR a& 3-AE, header / O./Q te1t H e1t E1am#le with &iEe and colorI a& *34E, te1t font &iEe a& :0 and colorMIREDI. 8. Crite the . A3 code& to &et the *G"O3OR a& NAVU, header / O./Q te1t H e1t E1am#le with &iEe color, and font faceI a& C.- E, te1t font &iEe a& 90, color IREDI and font face HAR-A3I. @. Chat i& the method of u&ing comment line in . A3 codeD <. Chat i& the u&e of O)ON Q tag in . A3 codeD Crite an+ two o#tion& u&ed with thi& tag. =. Chich tag i& u&ed to in&ert heading of third le%el on a web #ageD /0. .ow would +ou di&#la+ in the title bar of brow&erD //. .ow O*RQ tag i& different from OPQ tagD /9. Chat i& the #ur#o&e of u&ing the tag O./Q5O.8QD /:. .ow can the font &iEe of a &ingle line on a web #age be changedD /;. Chat will be di&#la+ed on the web #age for the following web #ageD O- Atomic weight ofQ G-Q O O&ubQ 9 ObrQ 15. Chat i& the . A3 command to di&#la+ the following in +our web #ageD V9 S U9 /8. Crite . A3 code to &et the image HPen.'#gI &tored in HA+ Picture&I folder in "?_ a& the bac(ground of +our web #age. /@. Name two common gra#hic& file format& that mo&t brow&er& recogni&e. /<. Crite the difference between O./Q and O.8Q heading tag&. /=. Chat i& the #ur#o&e of u&ing UPE attribute u&ed in 3i&t&D 90. Chat i& the #ur#o&e of u&ing S AR attribute u&ed in 3i&t&D 9/. Chich . A3 tag i& u&ed to in&ert an image in a #ageD Crite an o#tion u&ed with thi& tag. 99. Crite the e1#an&ion& of the following tag& u&ed in . A3D i. O*RQ Page 91 of 141

ii. iii.


i%. OPQ 9:. Chat are the different form& of 3i&t u&ed in . A3D Name them. 9;. he following code i& written to align the image in center in the brow&erL& window. .owe%er, the de&ired re&ult i& not achie%ed. Aention the rea&on. 96. .ow can an image be in&erted in a Ceb #ageD 98. "on&ider the . A3 code O A .RE) M ` introQ -ntroduction OGAQ. in the abo%e code. i. ii. &tored in a file 9<. Named HPhoto.gifI. 9=. -dentif+ error!&$ in the following . A3 code. Al&o write the correct code. OO3Q t+#e M Ha &tart M HdIQ :0. .ow can te1t be di&#la+ed in #lace of image for u&er& who&e brow&er& do not &u##ort image&D :/. Chat i& a OO3Q5OGO3Q tagD Name an+ two attribute& u&ed with thi& tag. :9. Chat i& "E33PADD-NGD ::. Chat i& "E33SPA"-NGD :;. Chat i& h+#erlin(D :6. Chat i& A elementD :8. .ow i& E1ternal lin(ing different from -nternal lin(ingD :@. Chat i& the #ur#o&e of u&ing the attribute .RE) in tag OAQD :<. Crite . A3 code for #lacing an image AON4AEN .G-) at the cente of the web #age. :=. Chat i& the u&e of VA3D Answer to Short Answer !y9e =uestions@/. o wor( with . A3, +ou need an Editor !Note#ad$, -nternet *row&er !-E, )ire)o1, etc.$ and image editing #ac(age. 9. O*ODU *A"KGRO4ND M H"3O4DS.G-)IQ :. O*ODU *G"O3ORMI`)))00IQ ;. O*ODU *G"O3OR M HP4RP3EI EV MI*34EIQ 6. O*ODU *G"O3OR M HUE33OCI EV MI*34EIQ Page 92 of 141 Chat i& the #ur#o&e of `D Chat will ha##en when the u&er clic(& HintroductionID

9@. Gi%e a command to in&ert an image in to the Ceb #age, a&&uming that the image i&

i. O)ON S-^E M H90I "O3ORMIREDIQ ii. O./Q e1t E1am#le with &iEe and color OG./Q 8. O*ODU *G"O3OR M H3-AEI EV MIC.- EIQ i. O)ON S-^E M H90I "O3ORMIP4RP3EI )A"E MIAR-A3IQ ii. O./Q e1t E1am#le with &iEe, color and font face OG./Q @. -n . A3 code, the comment line i& declared a& ? Oa 7 An+ te1t > Q <. he O)ON Q tag i& u&ed to change the &iEe, color and t+#e face of te1t on an . A3 #age. he O)ON Q tag u&e& o#tion& li(e S-^E, )A"E, etc. =. O.:Q /0. he - 3E tag i& u&ed to di&#la+ the title bar me&&age with the web brow&er li(e /. O - 3EQ "la&& 7 V-- e&t Re%iew 90/0 OG - 3EQ //. A line brea( tag, O*RQ, i& &imilar to a #aragra#h tag, but it beha%e& in a &lightl+ different wa+. -t &tart& a new line within the current #aragra#h, but it doe& not &tart a new #aragra#h. 12. .eading& are t+#icall+ di&#la+& in larger and Gor bolder form& than normal bod+ te1t. . A3 ha& &i1 le%el& of heading, numbered / to 8, with / being the large&t. )or e1am#le, i. O./Q .eading le%el One e1t OG./Q ii. O.9Q .eading le%el wo e1t OG.9Q /:. he font &iEe of a &ingle line can be changed b+ u&ing the . A3 code a&? i. OPQ hi& i& O)ON S-^E M S9Qre&iEed OG)ON Q te1t. 14. he web #age will be di&#la+ed a& ? Atomic Ceight of O9. /6. he . A3 command i&? V O&ubQ9OG&ubQ S U O&ubQ9OG&ubQ /8. he . A3 code i& ? O*ODU *A"KGRO4ND M H"?_A+ Picture&_Pen.F#gQ /@. he two common gra#hic& file format& are? .gif and .'#g /<. .eading& are t+#icall+ di&#la+ed in larger andGor bolder font& than normal bod+ te1t. . A3 ha& &i1 le%el& of heading, numbered / to 8, with / being the large&t, for e1am#le,_ i. O./Q .eading le%el One e1t OG./Q ii. O.9Q .eading le%el wo e1t OG.9Q /=. -n a li&t, the UPE attribute &#ecifie& the t+#e of numbering !?AI, etc.$ or bulleting !HcircleI, HDi&cI, S,uareI, etc.$ de#ending on whether the 3- i& in&ide an O3 or 43 li&t. Page 93 of 141 -nternet E1#lorer or Net&ca#e Na%igator, )or e1am#le,


he S AR

attribute i& u&ed to change the beginning %alue of an ordered li&t.

Normall+, the ordered li&t &tart& with /. for e1am#le, OO3 S AR M /0Q 9/. he -AG SR" tag i& u&ed to in&ert an image in a #age. hi& tag u&e& the o#tion& li(e A3 , A3-GN, etc. 99. YaZ 9:. *rea( line i. YcZ O3._ 9;. *ecau&e "enter i& not an attribute of -AG Align. 96. An image can be in&erted in a web #age u&ing the -AG tag. )or e1am#le /. O-AG SR" M Hglobe.gifI A3 M HY e&t -mageZI A3-GN M OPQ 98. YiZ ` i& u&ed to #lace the nchor in &ame document. i. YiiZ Chen the u&er clic(& on -ntroduction, the mar(ed anchor intro will be di&#la+ed on &creen. 9@. O-AG SR" MIPhoto.gifIQ 9<. he O3 tag& attribute& &hould be #laced in between OandQ -n OO3Q li&t, the attribute &tart& with a number and the correct format i& ? OO3 &tart M ; t+#eMI-IQ 9=. -f the brow&er i& unable to di&#la+ the image, it re#lace& it with an+ te1t found in the A3 M Hte1tI attribute. :0. he OO3Q tag i& u&ed to indicate a li&t item a& contained in an ordered or numbered form. )or e1am#le i. OO3Q /. O3-Q A##le& 9. O3-Q Orange& ii. OGO3Q iii. wo attribute& are? S AR , UPE. r+ a few different :/. "E33PADD-NG tell& the brow&er how much #adding i& re,uired in the cell. -n other word& between the &ide of the cell and the content& of the cell. number&. Note that cell and #adding run together and are one word. o control the horiEontal alignment of te1t and image& within table cell& u&e the align attribute i.e., alignMleft, alignMright or alignMcenter. UPE UPE attribute &#ecifie& HAI, HaI, H-I,IiI or H-I. So, YbZ Anchor tag YdZ "omment tag .oriEontal 3ine

he different form& of li&t& are ? ordered and unordered li&t&. )or e1am#le, 43 and

Page 94 of 141

:9. "E33SPA"-NG define& how much &#ace +ouLd li(e in cell&. -t &#ecifie& the amount of &#ace between the frame of the table and the cell& in the table. Note that cell and &#acing run together. ::. :;. he lin( between web #age& i& (nown a& h+#erlin(. -t i& the lin( that lead& from one document to another. he A element i& one of the (w+ di&tincti%e feature& of . A3. -t define& a lin( between re&ource& that allow& web& of information to be created. he .+#erlin( element indicate& a #ortion of te1t andGor an ob'ect that &er%e& a& a hot area for the u&er to acti%ate to 'um# to another location of a 4R3 or both at the &ame time. :6. E1ternal lin(ing lin(& a document with a &e#arate . A3 file wherea& the -nternal lin(ing lin(& a &ection in the &ame . A3 file. 36. .RE) i& u&ed with tag A to &#ecif+ the .+#er te1t Reference lin( to &ome . A3 #ageGCeb&ite. :@. he . A3 code i& a& ? i. O"EN ERQ O-AG SR"MIAON4AEN .G-)IQ ii. OG"EN ERQ :<. he real u&e of VA3, through, i& to de&cribe data. -t i& u&ed, in a &imilar wa+ in which . A3 i&, e1ce#t for the fact that there i& a ma'or difference between the two? :=. . A3 i& u&ed to de&cribe how data i& formatted. u&ed to de&cribe what data actuall+ mean&. &ong Answer !y9e =uestions@/. E1#lain the term . A3. 9. Chat i& the u&e of O*ODUQ tag in . A3 codeD Crite an+ two attribute& u&ed with thi& tag. :. Chich tag do we u&e to change the &iEe and &t+le !face$ of the te1t of an . A3 file %iewed on a web brow&erD Al&o e1#lain an+ two attribute& u&ed with thi& tag. ;. Di&tingui&h between OS4PQ and OS4*Q tag& with e1am#le. 6. Chat i& an unordered li&tD 8. Chat i& ordered li&tD 7. .ow i& OO3Q Different from O43QD <. Gi%e the e1#an&ion of the following? a. FPEG b. O3-Q tag Page 95 of 141 VA3 i&

c. OPQ tag d. .RE) attribute 9. Chat i& tableD Chat are the ba&ic command& for creating a tableD /0. Chat do +ou under&tand b+ A3-NKD E1#lain with an e1am#le. //. Chat i& )ORA tagD E1#lain with e1am#le. 12. Chat i& -NP4 tagD E1#lain with e1am#le. /:. Chat i& the #ur#o&e of &elect tagD ANSB$% !) &ong Answer !y9e =uestions@/. he definition of . A3 i& .+#er e1t Aar(u# 3anguage. .+#er e1t i& the method b+ which +ou mo%e around on the web > b+ clic(ing on &#ecial te1t called h+#erlin(& which bring +ou to the ne1t #age. he fact that it i& h+#er 'u&t mean& it i& not linear 7 i.e. +ou can go to an+ #lace on the -nternet whene%er +ou want b+ clic(ing on lin(& 7 there i& no &et order to do thing& in. Aar(u# i& what . A3 tag& do to the te1t in&ide them. he+ mar( it a& a certain t+#e of te1t !italiciEed te1t, for e1am#le$. . A3 i& a 3anguage, a& it ha& code word& and &+nta1 li(e an+ other language.

9. he O*ODUQ tag contain& the content& of +our document including bac(ground color, te1t color and #age margin&. Al&o, %ariou& mar(>u# element& are allowed within the bod+ to indicate heading&, #aragra#h&, li&t&, h+#erte1t lin(&, image& and &o on. are de&cribed and illu&trated in document& following thi& one. *A"KGRO4ND and *G"O3OR :. )ON tag. S-^E can be /to @. E1am#le ?> O)ON S-^EM6 )A"EMIAR-A3IQ .E33OOG)ON Q ;. S4P i& u&ed for &u#er &cri#t wherea& S4* i& u&ed for &ub&cri#t 6. Refer (e+ #oint& 8. Refer (e+ #oint& @. Refer (e+ #oint& <. a. FPEG?> Foint Picture& E1#ert Grou# b. O3-Q tag ?> 3-S c. OPQ tag Paragra#h Page 96 of 141 he&e he two attribute& are?

d. .RE) attribute .+#er Reference =. able i& a collection of row& and column. )ollowing& are im#ortant tag& O ableQ ?> u&ed to gi%e identification to a table O .Q ?> o #ro%ide heading& in a table O RQ?> ! able Row$ to create Row in a table O DQ ?> ! able Data$ to create column& in a row 10. 3in(& which are currentl+ being %i&ited in web #age are (nown a& Acti%e 3in(& !A3-NK$. E1am#le? O*ODU EV M H`))))))I A3-NKMI`))0000IQ OA OGAQO*RQ OA .RE) M www.cb&e.nic.inQ "entral *oard of Secondar+ Education OGAQ OG*ODUQ //. o create or u&e form& in a web #age O)ORAQ tag i& u&ed. )orm i& mean& to collect data from the &ite %i&itor. -t i& done with the hel# of control& that collect data and &end it o%er. E1am#le? O)ORA method M HPOS I actionMmailto?1+E.abcbgmail.comQ /9. e1t bo1e& are &ingle line te1t in#ut control& that are created u&ing O-NP4 Q tag who&e UPE attribute ha& a %alue a& H e1tI. E1am#le? O)ORA method M HPOS I actionMmailto?1+E.abcbgmail.comQ )ir&t Name? O-NP4 O*RQ 3a&t Name? O-NP4 OG)ORAQ 13. OSE3E" Q tag i& u&ed to create a dro# down bo1 in which man+ o#tion& are a%ailableN u&er can ma(e &election from the li&t. E1am#le? Page 97 of 141 UPEMIte1tI NAAE M HlnameI GQ UPEMIte1tI NAAE M HfnameIGQ .RE)MIwww.(%&angathan.nic.inIQ Kendri+a Vid+ala+a Sangathan

OSE3E" name M H&treamIQ OOP -ON %alueMIScienceIQ ScienceOGOP -ONQ OOP -ON %alueMI"ommerceIQ "ommerce OGOP -ONQ Oo#tion %alueMI.umanitie&IQ .umanitie& OGOP -ONQ OGSE3E" Q ()!S )N (!M& =1 Answer !he 0ollowing a$ b$ Chat i& the difference between the Submit button and Re&et button of a . A3 formD S#ecif+ the tag and attribute& to &end a form to the email addre&& m+mailbemailaccount.com.


Crite the . A3 code to generate a Ceb Page in the format gi%en below?

Page 98 of 141

"on&ider the following while writing the . A3 code /. *ac(ground colour of the #age &hould be HPin(I and %i&ited lin( colour &hould be HGreenI. 9. )ont face of te1t in the #age &hould be HArialI :. e1t colour of main heading &hould be HAaroonI ;. Picture u&ed in the #age i& the file Hma#.'#gI 6. he te1t HN-RVANA .O3-DAUS 3 DI &hould be in HRedI colour and in H*oldI 8. Page& lin(ed to? c Ra'a&than Pac(age& a& Hra'.htmlI c Kerala Pac(age& a& H(erala.htmlI @. he table &hould ha%e a ca#tion H arriffI. <. *ottom me&&age &hould be of &iEe 9. = 7 Answer the 1ollowing Cuestions Fased on (!M&@ a# Chat i& the difference between GE and POS methodD b$ Crite the . A3 code to generate a web #age in the format gi%en below ? "on&ider the following while writing the . A3 code? /. 9. :. ;. 6. 8. @. *ac(ground colour of the #age &hould be HblueI te1t color &hould be itle of the #age i& H COR3D "4P 90>90I e1t color of the main heading on the #age &hould be H+ellowI. )ont face of the te1t in the #age &hould be H ahomaI. Picture u&ed in the #age i& the file H new&u#date.'#gI. 4&e the conce#t& of ne&ted li&t to di&#la+ the gi%en li&t. Page& lin(ed to ? i. Grou#>A ii. Grou#>* iii. Grou#>" i%. Grou#>D <. 9. a& a& a& a& HgA.htmlI Hg*.htmlI Hg".htmlI HGd.htmlI HwhiteI , and %i&ited lin( color &hould be HredI.

he table &hould ha%e a ca#tion H world "u# "ric(et grou#I , a border of *ottom me&&age &hould be of &iEe 9 and lin(ed to

9 #i1el& andthe bac(ground color of the fir&t row &hould be Ha,uaI www.worldcu#90X90.com . =<7 Answer the 1ollowing Fased on (!M&@ Page 99 of 141

a# Chat i& the u&e of .R AGD Name all the attribute& of .R AG . b$ Name the tag and attribute u&ed to &et a chec(bo1 a& &elected b+ default. c$ Crite the . A3 code to generate a Ceb Page in the format gi%en below ? -onsider the 1ollowing while writing the (!M& 6ode /. *ac(ground colour of the #age &hould be HPin(I, te1t color &hould be HAaroonI and lin( colour &hould be HGreenI. 9. itle of the #age i& HOnline Game&I. :. e1t colour of main heading on the #age &hould be HRedI. ;. )ont face of te1t in the #age &hould be HArialI. 6. Picture u&ed in the #age i& the file Hgame.'#gI. 8. 4&e the conce#t of ne&ted li&t to di&#la+ the gi%en li&t. @. Page& lin(ed to ? W PuEEle Game& a& H#uEEle.htmlI W "ard Game& a& Hcard.htmiI W Action Game& a& Haction.htmlI <. he table &hould ha%e a ca#tion HGame& *uEE> o# 6I, a border of 9 #i1el& and the bac(ground color of the fir&t row &hould be HA,uaI.

Page 100 of 141

"nit III 5%elational Data+ase Manage4ent Syste48 Re%iew of "la&& V

+asi6s o1 DataFase Manage4ent Syste4s

Data@ o *a&icGraw fact& about &omething which i& not organiEed, for e1am#le detail& of &ome &tudent& which i& not organiEed. Data Ite4@ o Each #iece of information about an entit+, &uch a& name of a #er&on or addre&&, age or name of a #roduct or the #rice i& a Data -tem. DataFase? o A well organi&ed collection of data that en&ure& &afet+, &ecurit+ and integrit+ of data. Data+ase Manage4ent Syste45D+MS8 ? o "om#rehen&i%e &oftware that #ro%ide& the e&&ential &er%ice& to create, manage and maintain the databa&e&. -n &hort a D*AS #ro%ide& the mean& to &tore the data in the databa&e, to edit or delete the data &tored, to &earch and anal+Ee the data in the databa&e. he+ al&o #ro%ide %ariou& &afet+ and &ecurit+ mechani&m& that en&ure& that in an+ ca&e &tored data will be &afe and acce&&ible. %elational Data+ase Manage4ent Syste45%D+MS8 @ o A Databa&e Aanagement S+&tem that conform& at>lea&t half of the /9 rule& defined b+ Dr. E.). "odd !/=@0$ in hi& re&earch document. -n a relational data model, the data i& organiEed into table& !i.e. Row& and "olumn&$. he&e table& are called Relation&. A row in a table re#re&ent& a relation&hi# among a &et of %alue&. Since table i& a collection of relation&hi#& it i& generall+ referred to u&ing the mathematical term Relation. DataFase Syste4s? o S+&tem& com#ri&ing of Databa&e& and Databa&e Aanagement S+&tem& are &im#l+ referred a& databa&e &+&tem&. Ad2antages o1 DataFase Syste4s@
o o o o o o he+ reduce data redundanc+ !du#lication of data$. he+ control data incon&i&tenc+. he+ facilitate &haring of data. he+ enforce &tandard&. he+ en&ure data &ecurit+ 2 integrit+ he+ facilitate efficienc+ in handling the data.

Data Model@ o A wa+ b+ which data &tructure& and their relation&hi#& are anal+Eed. Di11erent Data Models @
o Relational data model

Page 101 of 141

o o o

.ierarchical data model Networ( data model Ob'ect Oriented data model

%elational data 4odel? -n thi& model data i& organi&ed into tabular &tructure& called relation&. A databa&e ma+ contain man+ relation& #ro%iding a better cla&&ification of data ba&ed on it& nature and u&e. Aulti#le relation& are then lin(edGa&&ociated together on &ome common (e+ data %alue& !foreign (e+$.

+asi6s o1 %elational Model

%elation @ o A tabular &tructure containing data. o be a relation i& mu&t &ati&f+ following four condition&?
Atomicit+ ? At e%er+ row>column inter&ection !"ell$ there mu&t be an atomic %alue i.e. a %alue that can not be further &ubdi%ided. No du#licit+? No two row& of relation will be identical i.e. in an+ two row& %alue in at lea&t one column mu&t be different. Ordering of row& i& immaterial. Ordering of column& i& immaterial.

!u9le @ o A row in a relation i& called a tu#le. AttriFute ? o A column in a relation i& called an attribute. Do4ain ? o Domain of an attribute refer& to the &et of all the #o&&ible %alue& for that attribute. Degree ? o Number of attribute& in a relation i& the degree of that relation. -ardinality @ o Number of tu#le& in a relation i& the cardinalit+ of that relation. -andidate Key? o A &et of one or more minimal attribute& u&ed to uni,uel+ identif+ a tu#le in the relation and which can act a& Primar+ Ke+. A relation can ha%e multi#le candidate (e+&. *ri4ary Key@ Page 102 of 141

A candidate (e+ that i& #rimaril+ cho&en for uni,ue identification of tu#le& in a Relation. An+ &ub&et of Primar+ (e+ &hould not be Primar+ (e+. )or e1am#le? Admi&&ion Number in the Student able, Acce&&ion Number of a *oo( in the *oo( table, Em#lo+ee -d of an em#lo+ee in the Em#lo+ee able, -tem Number of an item in the Stoc( table, )light Number of a flight in the )light Aa&ter able, etc. A table ma+ ha%e more than -n thi& e1am#le there are two table& one candidate (e+& but definitel+ ha& Students and !ar"s, both table& one and onl+ one #rimar+ (e+. contain& the information in a Alternate Key? cla&&ified manner. A& +ou can &ee o "andidate (e+& that not cho&en a& here Students table contain the ba&ic information about all the &tudent& #rimar+ (e+ are the alternate (e+&. wherea& !ar"s table contain 0oreign Key@ &tudent&L mar(& in different &ub'ect&. o Chen the #rimar+ (e+ of one relation Each row in !ar"s refer to a row in Student&, +ou can ea&il+ under&tand a##ear& in another relation, it i& called that if a Student i& not regi&tered in foreign (e+. )oreign (e+ refer& to a tu#le Students table, hi&Gher record in in it& original table. Aar(& table ma(e& no &en&e. .ence %e1erential Integrity? the referred record mu&t e1i&t. hi& i& o Chen a table contain foreign (e+, the referential integrity i.e. when the&e table& in databa&e will be referring to a tu#leGrecord in another related in thi& manner, databa&e will table, the referenced record mu&t be not allow to delete a #arent record if e1i&t. he record in fir&t table ma+ be child record e1i&t& and it will not allow termed a& #arent record while a record a child record to be in&erted if corre&#onding #arent record doe& not in foreign (e+ table i& called the child record. Referential integrit+ en&ure& that a child record will e1i&t onl+ if it& #arent record e1i&t&. "hild record can not be created if #arent record doe& not e1i&t and #arent record can not be deleted if a child record e1i&t&. o

Primar+ Ke+

"andidate Ke+&

Students Table S% No 6;:= 8:;6 :8;6 @66: 9;:; %oll No /9/06 /9//0 //9:0 /0:9: =/:; S% No 6;:= 8:;6 :8;6 @66: 9;:; Na4e A'a+ *harat Nitin Aani&h a Ra'e&h -las s /9 /9 // /0 = (indi @: 86 <9 88 @8 Se6tion A A * " A $nglish =: 8@ <@ <; <=

Referential -ntegrit+> Primar+ Ke+ foreign (e+ relation&hi# )oreign Ke+

Maths <6 @@ <: 8= <@

Marks Table Page 103 of 141

Introdu6tion to MyS=&
A+SJ3 i& a fa&t, ea&+>to>u&e RD*AS u&ed for &mall and big bu&ine&& a##lication&. A+SJ3 i& de%elo#ed, mar(eted, and &u##orted b+ a Swedi&h "om#an+ A+SJ3 A*. A+SJ3 i& relea&ed under an o#en>&ource licen&e &o it i& cu&tomiEable. -t re,uire& no #a+ment for it& u&age.d A+SJ3 i& a %er+ #owerful &oftware to handle RD*AS.
o o o A+SJ3 u&e& a &tandard form of the well>(nown ANS->SJ3 &tandard&. A+SJ3 i& a #latform inde#endent a##lication which wor(& on man+ o#erating &+&tem& li(e Cindow&, 4N-V, 3-N4V etc. And ha& com#atibilit+ with man+ language& including FAVA , "SS, P.P, PER3, etc. A+SJ3 i& a ea&+ to in&tall RD*AS and ca#able of handling large data &et&.

Starting with MyS=&@ -onne6ting !o Ser2er o o &tart wor(ing with A+SJ3, a connection to the databa&e i& re,uired. he fir&t &te# in databa&e management i& to create a databa&e if it i& not e1i&t. o create the databa&e u&er mu&t ha%e the #ri%ilege to create the databa&e.

4ysClO -%$A!$ DA!A+AS$ Jna4e o1 dataFaseOH Now the databa&e with the gi%en will be created. One mu&t be connected to the databa&e before u&ing it a& below? 4ysClO use Jna4e o1 dataFaseOH MyS=& Data !y9es E%er+ column !or data item$ &hould belong to a uni,ue domain !(nown a& data t+#e$. he&e data t+#e& hel# to de&cribe the (ind of information a #articular column hold&. A+SJ3 &u##ort& the ANS- SJ3 data t+#e&. Some of the commonl+ u&ed data t+#e& along with their characteri&tic& are a& follow&? -lass e1t Data !y9e ".AR!&iEe$ Des6ri9tion A fi1ed>length &tring between / and 966 character& in length right>#added with &#ace& to the &#ecified length when &tored. Value& mu&t be enclo&ed in &ingle ,uote& or double ,uote&. A %ariable>length &tring between / and 966 character& 0or4at ".AR!&iEe$ $Ma49le KAath&L K e1 L


VAR".AR !&iEe$

K"om#uterL KAe and uL

Page 104 of 141



-N date DA E

in lengthN for e1am#le VAR".AR!96$. Value& mu&t be enclo&ed in &ingle ,uote& or double ,uote&. -t can re#re&ent number with or without the fractional #art. he &iEe argument ha& two #art& ? precision and scale. recision 1p2 indicate& the number of &ignificant digit& and scale !&$ma1imum number of digit& to the right of the decimal #oint. -t i& u&ed for &toring integer %alue& -t re#re&ent& the date including da+, month and +ear between /000>0/>0/ and ====>/9>:/




:;6 900=>0@> 09

!he Stru6tured =uery &anguage5S=&8 o SJ3 !#ronounced SEJ4E3 for Sim#le Engli&h Juer+ 3anguage$ i& Non> #rocedural uni%er&al data acce&& language u&ed to acce&& and mani#ulate data &tored in nearl+ all the data ba&e& a%ailable currentl+. SJ3 &tandard& are defined b+ ANS- !American National Standard& -n&titute$. SJ3 &tatement& are u&ed to retrie%e and u#date data in a databa&e. SJ3 wor(& with databa&e #rogram& li(e A+SJ3, AS Acce&&, D*9, -nformi1, AS SJ3 Ser%er, Oracle, S+ba&e, etc. Ao&t of the SJ3 databa&e #rogram& al&o ha%e their own #ro#rietar+ e1ten&ion& in addition to the SJ3 &tandarda

S=& -o44ands SJ3 command& can be cla&&ified into the following? Data De1inition &anguage 5DD&8? A databa&e &cheme i& defined b+ &et of definition&, which are e1#re&&ed, b+ a &#ecial &et of command& called Data Definition 3anguage !DD3$. he+ are u&ed to create table&, databa&e&, identif+ data item&, #ro%ide uni,ue name& to the data item& and to define the length and #ro%ide the range of %alue& that each data item can a&&ume. he+ are "REA E A*3E! A3 ER A*3E and DROP A*3E command&. Data Mani9ulation &anguage 5DM&8@ he data mani#ulation language !DA3$ handle& o#eration& &uch a& entering row& into a table, changing data, deleting row&, and e1tracting data from row& and table&. Cith DA3, one doe& not change the table\& Page 105 of 141

&tructure, but rather it& content&. -t contain& command& li(e -NSER ! 4PDA E and DE3E E. Data -ontrol &anguage 5D-&8@ hi& allow& definition of a &ecurit+ mechani&m& for #rotecting data from unauthoriEed acce&&. -t contain& command& li(e GRAN and REVOKE.

Bor3ing with S=&

-reating !aFles

able& are defined with the -%$A!$ !A+&$ command. Chen table& are created it& column& are named, data t+#e& and &iEe& &u##lied for each column. At lea&t one column mu&t be &#ecified. S+nta1?
-%$A!$ !A+&$ J!aFleNa4eO5J-olu4nNa4e1O JData !y9e1O, J-olu4nNa4e O JData !y9e O,P ,J-olu4nNa4eNO JData !y9eNO8H E1am#le? 4ysClO -%$A!$ !A+&$ Students 5 %ollNo D$-IMA&5<8, Na4e VA%-(A%5 ?8 8H Once the table i& created we can in&ert the record in it, edit or delete e1i&ting record&, and al&o we can &earch for de&ired record in a %er+ com#rehen&i%e wa+ u&ing the SJ3 'elect &tatement.

Inserting the re6ord in eMisting taFle he -NSER -N O command a##end a new record to an e1i&ting table and initialiEe& it to de&ired %alue&. S+nta1? INS$%! IN!) taFleKna4e 56olu4nKna4e D,6olu4nKna4eE8 VA&"$S 52alue D,2alueE8H
INS$%! IN!) Students 5%ollNo,Na4e8 VA&"$S 51 <<<,QSureshQ8H

NO E? "olumn name& can be omitted if the %alue& are entered in the &ame order in which the+ a##ear in the table. -n&ert into will gi%e +ou an error if +ou omit to enter a mandator+ %alue !non>null$. Deleting $Misting re6ords 1ro4 the taFle @ he DE3E E command delete& one, man+, or e%en all record& in a table, de#ending on the condition& that +ou &#ecif+. S+nta1? D$&$!$ 0%)M taFlena4e B($%$ sear6hK6onditionsH Page 106 of 141

for e1am#le
D$&$!$ 0%)M Students B($%$ %ollNoO11 ??H

Note@ he delete command i& VERU dangerou&. -f run without condition&, it will delete A33 record& in a table. -n addition, SJ3 ha& no undo function. )or in&tance, D$&$!$ 0%)M StudentsH Cill delete all record& from 'tudents table. hi& i& not li(el+ to be what +ou want.

Modi1ying the 6ontents o1 re6ords he 4PDA E command change& one, man+, or e%en all record& in a table, de#ending on the condition& that +ou &#ecif+ S+nta1? "*DA!$ taFlena4e S$! 6olu4nKna4e I eM9ression D,6olu4nKna4e I eM9ression77E DB($%$ sear6hK6onditionsEH for e1am#le!a&&uming a cu&tomer table$ "*DA!$ 6usto4er S$! 1Kna4e I R!ho4asQ B($%$ lKna4e I RS4ithQ and dateKo1KFirth I R<: :1S8?QH An e1#re&&ion can be either a con&tant %alue !e.g., K homa&L$ or an o#eration done on another column or column& !&ee the e1am#le below, a&&uming a loan table with column rate.$.
"*DA!$ !A+&$ loan S$! rate I rate T 17?H

*ecau&e there i& no condition !i.e., no C.ERE $ all record& will be u#dated. All rate& will be increa&ed b+ /.6. Sele6ting data 1ro4 eMisting taFle @ SJ3 SE3E" &tatement i& a com#rehen&i%e &tatement u&ed to &earchG&elect record& from one or more table&. All the anal+&i& done on a databa&e u&uall+ in%ol%e& &ome form of &elect &tatement. -hoosing all 1ields 56olu4ns8 ? 4&e a a&teri&( !U$ to indicate all field& with the &elect &tatement? S$&$-! U 0%)M taFleKna4eH
S$&$-! U 0%)M 6usto4erH

-hoosing a sele6ted list o1 1ields 56olu4ns8 S$&$-! 6olu4nKna4e D,6olu4nKna4eE 0%)M taFleKna4eH
S$&$-! 1Kna4e, lKna4e, dateKo1KFirth

Page 107 of 141

0%)M 6usto4erH

NO E? he order in which +ou li&t the column& affect& their order in the re&ulting out#ut. -tem& within Y Z are o#tional. !e49orarily rena4ing 6olu4ns in Cuery results S$&$-! 6olu4nKheading AS 6olu4nKna4e D,6olu4nKheading AS 6olu4nKna4eE 0%)M taFleKna4eH
$Ma49le@ S$&$-! 1Kna4e as VNa4eW 0%)M 6usto4erH

In6luding 6al6ulated 6olu4ns in the results S$&$-! dateKdue, rate, 9rin6i9al, rate U 9rin6i9al 0%)M loanH NO E? -f nece&&ar+, u&e #arenthe&e& to clarif+ order of #recedence. $li4inating du9li6ate Cuery results with distin6t -f +ou u&e the (e+word di&tinct after the (e+word SE3E" , +ou will onl+ get uni,ue row&. E1am#le?
S$&$-! rate, 0%)M loanH 5aFo2e #ill display all rate alues mig$t be repeated) S$&$-! distin6t rate 0%)M loanH 5aFo2e #ill display only uni%ue rate alues, no repetition)

Selecting row&? the where clau&e i& u&ed to &#ecif+ the condition for &earching. Onl+ tho&e record& will be retrie%ed that &ati&f+ condition gi%en with where clau&e. S$&$-! S$&$-!Klist 0%)M taFleKlist B($%$ sear6hK6onditionsH E1am#le?
S$&$-! U 0%)M 6usto4er B($%$ 1Kna4e I R-arlQH

*ossiFle Sear6h -onditions "om#ari&on o#erator& !M,O,Q,aM.OQ,OM,QM$ S$&$-! U 0%)M loan B($%$ 9rin6i9al O 100000000H Range& !between and not betweenN inclu&i%e$ S$&$-! U 0%)M loan B($%$ rate +$!B$$N A7? AND 87?H 3i&t& !in and not in$ S$&$-! U 1ro4 -usto4er Page 108 of 141

where 6ity IN 5RAh4edaFadQ, R+arodaQ, RDelhiQ,QMu4FaiQ,Q-hennaiQ8H Null %alue& S$&$-! U 1ro4 -usto4er where 6ity is NullH )% S$&$-! U 1ro4 -usto4er where 6ity is Not NullH

"haracter matche& !li(e and not li(e$ S$&$-! 1Kna4e, lKna4e 0%)M 6usto4er B($%$ lKna4e &IK$ R0osXQH
S$&$-! 1Kna4e, lKna4e 0%)M 6usto4er B($%$ lKna4e &IK$ RKosterQH

HBI !matche& an+ &tring of Eero or more character&$ and HXI !matche& an+ one character$. -n addition to tho&e, brac(et& can be u&ed to include either range& or &et& of character&. "ombination& of #re%iou& o#tion& u&ing logical o#erator& and, or, and not etc.? S$&$-! 1Kna4e, lKna4e 0%)M 6usto4er B($%$ lKna4e &IK$ RSanXQ AND -ity N)! IN 5R+arodaQ,RDelhiQ8H Viewing a taFles stru6tures De&cribeG De&c &tatement i& u&ed to &ee the &tructure of a table? Des6 JtaFlena4eO Des6riFe JtaFlena4eO Sorting re6ords he out#ut of a SE3E" ,uer+ can be &orted in a&cending or de&cending order on one or more column&, the default i& a&cending. hi& i& im#ortant to note that the data in table i& not &orted, onl+ the re&ult& that a##ear on the &creen are &orted.
S+nta1? SE3E" Ocolumn nameQ Y,Ocolumn nameQ, 5.Z )ROA Otable nameQ YC.ERE OconditionQZ YORDER *U Ocolumn nameQ Y, Ocolumn nameQ5ZZN E1am#le? !Sorting on &ingle column$ SE3E" W )ROA EAP3 ORDER *U ENAAEN

Page 109 of 141

E1am#le ? !Sorting on Aulti#le column&$ SE3E" W )ROA EAP3 ORDER *U ENAAE, FO*N

MyS=& 0un6tions
A function i& a &#ecial t+#e of #redefined command &et that #erform& &ome o#eration and ma+ return a &ingle %alue. A+SJ3 &u##ort& function& that can be u&ed to mani#ulate data. Such function& can be u&ed to mani#ulate data. Single-row 1un6tions return a &ingle re&ult row for e%er+ row of a ,ueried table. he+ are categoriEed into? Numeric function&, String function&, and Date and ime function&. Nu4eri6 0un6tions *)B$%58 @ Return& the argument rai&ed to the &#ecified #ower. POC !$ wor(& the &ame wa+. E1am#le? !i$ POC!9,;$N Re&ult?/8 !ii$ POC!9,>9$N Re&ult?0.96 !iii$ POC!> 9,:$ Re&ult? ><

%)"ND58 ? RO4ND!V$ Round& the argument to the Eero decimal #lace, Chere a& RO4ND!V,d$ Round& the argument to d decimal #lace&. E1am#le ? !i$ RO4ND!>/.9:$N Re&ult? >/ !ii$ RO4ND!>/.6<$N Re&ult? >9 !iii$ RO4ND!/.6<$N Re&ult? 9 !i%$ RO4ND!:.@=<, /$N Re&ult? :.< !%$ RO4ND!/.9=<, 0$N Re&ult? / !%i$ RO4ND!9:.9=<, >/$N Re&ult? 90 !%"N-A!$58 ? runcate& the argument to &#ecified number of decimal #lace&. E1am#le? !i$ R4N"A E!@.9=,/$Re&ult? @.9 !ii$ R4N"A E!9@.9=,>/$ Re&ult? 90 -hara6ter:String 0un6tions &$N,!(58 ? Return& the length of a &tring in b+te&Gno.of character& in &tring. E1am#le? 3ENG .!K-N)ORAA -"SL$N Re&ult?// -(A%58 ? Return& the corre&#onding AS"-- character for each integer #a&&ed. E1am#le ? ".AR!86$ N Re&ult ? A -)N-A!58@ Return& concatenated &tring i.e. it add& &tring&. E1am#le ? "ON"A !K-nformatic&L,L K,KPractice&L$N Re&ult ? -nformatic& Practice&L INS!%58@ Return& the inde1 of the fir&t occurrence of &ub&tring. E1am#le ? -NS R!K-nformatic&L,L matL$N Re&ult ? 8!&ince 3m0 of 3mat0 i& at 8th #lace$ &)B$%58: &-AS$58@ Return& the argument after con%erting it in lowerca&e. E1am#le? 3OCER!K-N)ORAA -"SL$N Re&ult ? informatic& Page 110 of 141

"**$%58: "-AS$58@ Return& the argument after con%erting it in u##erca&e. E1am#le? 4"ASE!Kinformatic&L$N Re&ult ? -N)ORAA -"S &$0!58 ? Return& the gi%en number of character& b+ e1tracting them from the left &ide of the gi%en &tring. E1am#le ?3E) !K-N)ORAA -"S PRA" -"ESL, :$N Re&ult ? -N) %I,(!58@Return& the gi%en number of character& b+ e1tracting them from the right &ide of the gi%en &tring. E1am#le ? R-G. !K-N)ORAA -"S PRA" -"ESL,:$N Re&ult ? "ES MID58:S"+S!%58 ? Return& a &ub&tring &tarting from the &#ecified #o&ition in a gi%en &tring. E1am#le? A-D!K-N)ORAA -"S PRA" -"ESL,:,;$N Re&ult ? )ORA &!%IM58 ? Remo%e& leading &#ace&. E1am#le ? 3 R-A!\ -N)ORAA -"S\$L Re&ult? \-N)ORAA -"SL %!%IM58? Remo%e& trailing &#ace&. E1am#le ? R R-A!\-N)ORAA -"S \$N Re&ult? \-N)ORAA -"SL !%IM58 ? Remo%e& leading and trailing &#ace&. E1am#le? R-A!\ -N)ORAA -"S \$N Re&ult? \-N)ORAA -"SL

Date:!i4e 0un6tions -"%DA!$58 ? Return& the current date E1am#le? "4RDA E!$N Re&ult? \90/0>0@>9/\ N)B58 ? Return& the current date and time E1am#le? NOC!$N Re&ult ? \90/0>0@>9//:?6<?//\ S#SDA!$58 ? Return the time at which the function e1ecute& E1am#le? SUSDA E!$N Re&ult? \90/0>0@>9/ /:?6=?9:L DA!$58 ? E1tract& the date #art of a date or datetime e1#re&&ion E1am#le? DA E!\900:>/9>:/ 0/?09?0:\$N Re&ult?? \900:>/9>:/\ M)N!(58 Return& the month from the date #a&&ed E1am#le? AON .!\90/0>0@>9/\$N Re&ult ? @ #$A%58 ? Return& the +ear UEAR!\90/0>0@>9/\$N Re&ult ? 90/0 DA#NAM$58 ? Return& the name of the wee(da+ E1am#le? DAUNAAE!\90/0>0@>9/\$N Re&ult ? CEDNESDAU DA#)0M)N!(58 ? Return& the da+ of the month !0>:/$ E1am#le? DAUO)AON .!\90/0>0@>9/\$N Re&ult? 9/ DA#)0B$$K58 ? Return& the wee(da+ inde1 of the argument E1am#le? DAUO)CEEK!\90/0>0@>9/\$N Re&ult? ; !Sunda+ i& counted a& /$ DA#)0#$A%58 ? Return the da+ of the +ear!/>:88$ E1am#le? DAUO)UEAR!\90/0>0@>9/\$N Re&ult? 909 Page 111 of 141

S=& -onstraints: Integrity -onstraints

Data con&traint& are the rule& that are defined when a table i& created. he+ can al&o be defined or modified after creating the table&. Chen con&traint& are defined an+ data entering in the table i& fir&t chec(ed to &ati&f+ the condition &#ecified in #articular con&traint if it i&, onl+ then table data can be u#dated. -f data u#dationG in&ertion i& %iolating the defined con&traint&, databa&e re'ect& the data !entire record i& re'ected$. Chen a con&traint i& a##lied to a &ingle column, it i& called a column le%el con&traint but if a con&traint i& a##lied on a combination of column& it i& called a table con&traint. )ollowing con&traint& can be defined on a table in SJ3?

-onstraints na4e PR-AARU KEU 4N-J4E NO N433 )ORE-GN KEUG RE)EREN"ES DE)A43

Des6ri9tion 4&ed to create a #rimar+ (e+ to create a uni,ue (e+ to define that column will not acce#t null %alue&. to define referential integrit+ with another table. to define the column& default %alue.

".E"K to define the cu&tom rule. Not Null and Default con&traint& can be a##lied onl+ at column le%el re&t all con&traint& can be a##lied on both column le%el and table le%el&.

-on6e9t o1 DataFase !ransa6tions

Chile wor(ing with the databa&e man+ a time& a &ingle ta&( i& accom#li&hed u&ing multi#le SJ3 &tatement&. Each SJ3 &tatement wor( &e#aratel+. o com#lete a gi%en ta&( &ucce&&full+ all the &tatement mu&t be e1ecuted or none of them &hould be e1ecuted. -f half of them are e1ecuted, thi& will lea%e the databa&e in an incon&i&tent &tate. .ere come& the conce#t of tran&action&. !ransa6tion @ A tran&action i& a logical unit of wor( that mu&t &ucceed or fail in it& entiret+. A tran&action might be a &e,uence of man+ SJ3 &tatement&, but logicall+ #erforming a &ingle ta&(, thu& all the SJ3 &tatement& &hould wor( a& a whole or none at all en&uring the con&i&tenc+ of the databa&e. A tran&action i& an atomic o#eration which ma+ not di%ided into &maller o#eration&. A-ID 9ro9erties @ A databa&e &+&tem mu&t maintain the following four !Atomicit+, -on&i&tenc+, I&olation, 2 Durabilit+$ #ro#ertie& of a tran&action? Page 112 of 141

Ato4i6ity @ 5All or None8 hi& #ro#ert+ en&ure& that either all o#eration& of the tran&action are e1ecuted or none at all. -onsisten6y@ hi& #ro#ert+ im#lie& that if the databa&e i& in con&i&tent &tate before the e1ecution of the tran&action, databa&e mu&t remain in con&i&tent &tate after the e1ecution of the tran&action. Isolation@ hi& #ro#ert+ &ugge&t& that if a tran&action i& being e1ecuted in the databa&e &+&tem, no other tran&action &hould be e1ecuted at the &ame time. -t &im#l+ refer& that if a tran&action i& acce&&ingGmodif+ing &ome data item, that data item mu&t not be a%ailable to other tran&action at the &ame time, &ince it ma+ be in an incon&i&tent &tate. DuraFility @ hi& #ro#ert+ of tran&action en&ure& that after the &ucce&&ful com#eletion of the tran&action the change& made b+ it to the databa&e #er&i&t, e%en if there are &+&tem failure&. !ransa6tion -ontrol -o44ands -o44it@ hi& command #ermanentl+ commit& all the change& made in the databa&e after la&t commit command wa& e1ecuted. After committing the tran&action, change& made can not be rolled bac(. %oll+a63 @ hi& command roll& bac( !undoe&$ all the change& made in the databa&e after la&t commit command wa& e1ecuted. Sa2e*oint @ -n between the tran&action &a%e#oint& can be defined. -f in an+ ca&e rollbac( i& needed but onl+ a few o#eration& are needed to be rolled bac(, &a%e#oint& are u&eful. 4&ing the RO33*A"K O command change& can be undone in re%er&e direction!la&t change to fir&t change$ u#to &#ecified SAVEPO-N .

,%)"*IN, %$-)%DS
A,,%$,A!$ 0"N-!I)NS or ,%)"* 0"N-!I)NS Chen multi#le record& from a table are to be combined together to #erform a calculation, aggregate function& are u&ed. Aggregate function& are #laced with the select clau&e and the column on which the calculation i& to be #erformed i& &#ecified in #arenthe&i&. here are fi%e aggregate function& "O4N !$, S4A!$, AVG!$, AAV!$, 2 A-N!$. -n the&e function with the name of column& we can al&o &#ecif+ D-S -N" or A33. -f we u&e D-S -N" (e+word with the column name, onl+ the di&tinct %alue& will be con&idered while #erforming the o#eration&. -f A33 (e+word i& u&ed all %alue&!di&tinct and du#licate$ will be con&idered while calculating. A33 (e+word i& default. -)"N!5&'olumn name(8 7 Return& the number of row& for which &#ecified column %alue i& not null. S$&$-! -ount5DDIS!IN-! Y A&& E -olu4nKna4e8 0ro4 JtaFlena4eO DwhereJ6onditionOE Page 113 of 141

he mo&t common u&age for thi& function i& to count the number of record&, for thi& we u&e an A&teri&( ! W $ in #lace of column name.
S$&$-! -ount5U8 0%)M JtaFlena4eO

S"M58 > he S4A aggregate function calculate& the total of %alue& in a column. he column u&ing &um mu&t be of numeric data t+#e.
S$&$-! S"M5DDIS!IN-! Y A&& E -olu4nKna4e8 0ro4 JtaFlena4eO DwhereJ6onditionOE

AV,58- he AVG! $ function calculate& the a%erage or arithmetic mean of the %alue& in a numeric column. S$&$-! AV,5DDIS!IN-! Y A&& E -olu4nKna4e8 0ro4 JtaFlena4eO DwhereJ6onditionOE MA.58- he AAV! $ return& the ma1imum %alue of the column data. S$&$-! MA.5DDIS!IN-! Y A&& E -olu4nKna4e8 0ro4 JtaFlena4eO DwhereJ6onditionOE MIN58 > he A-N! $ return& the minimum %alue of the column data
S$&$-! MIN5DDIS!IN-! Y A&& E -olu4nKna4e8 0ro4 JtaFlena4eO DwhereJ6onditionOE

NO E? Chile #erforming aggregate o#eration& no other column& can be &elected e1ce#t the column on which the o#eration i& being #erformed. ,%)"*IN, )0 DA!A Chen we u&e an+ aggregate function on a table, it return& a &ingle row and column containing the re&ult of u&ed aggregate function. Aan+ a time& we need to calculate &ome %alue& in grou#& ba&ed on &ome column& i.e. we want to create grou#& ba&ed on &ome column %alue& and then to #erform aggregate o#eration& &e#aratel+ on each grou#. E.g. in a table Student(SR)o, )ame, 'lass, *eesPaid) if we need to find out the total of fee& #aid b+ each cla&&, we need to create grou#& on column& cla&& i.e. all record& for a #articular cla&& will be (e#t in a &ingle grou# and then the total of thi& grou# will be find out. A& man+ grou#& will be u&ed here a& man+ cla&& %alue& are there in table. So the re&ult of thi& t+#e of &elect &tatement will gi%e u& a& man+ row& in re&ult a& man+ cla&& %alue& are there in the table. Sim#l+ we will find out the cla&& wi&e total of $ees aid column.

"ow to do #his ) o #erform an+ aggregate o#eration in grou#&, we u&e GRO4P *U clau&e with the Select &tatement Page 114 of 141

S$&$-! 1un6tionKna4e5DDIS!IN-! Y A&& E -olu4nKna4e8 0ro4 JtaFlena4eO DwhereJ6onditionOE ,rou9 +y Jna4e o1 6olu4nsO

NO E? /. Chen u&ing GRO4P *U clau&e we can include the grou# column with the &elect &tatement. 9. GRO4P *U clau&e can onl+ be u&ed if an+ aggregate function i& being u&ed in &elect &tatement.
$Ma49le@ 5solution to the 9roFle4 dis6ussed aFo2e, to 1ind out 6lass wise total o1 0$$S*AID8 S$&$-! S"M50$$S*AID8, -&ASS 0%)M S!"D$N!S ,%)"* +# -&ASSH

0I&!$%IN, )N A,,%$,A!$D DA!A

-n &ome ca&e& we ma+ need to filter the data obtained after grou#ed aggregate o#eration&. hi& i& done u&ing .AV-NG clau&e with &elect &tatement. .AV-NG clau&e i& u&ed to filter the data generated after grou#ed aggregated o#eration&.
S$&$-! 1un6tionKna4e5DDIS!IN-! Y A&& E -olu4nKna4e8 0ro4 JtaFlena4eO DwhereJ6onditionOE ,rou9 +y Jna4e o1 6olu4nsO D(AVIN, J6ondition using aggregated 6olu4nOE

NO E? .AV-NG clau&e can onl+ be u&ed if a GRO4P *U clau&e i& u&ed.

$Ma49le@ 5i1 we want to 1ind out the 6lasses 1or whi6h total 1ees 6olle6tion is 4ore than %s7 10000700 8 S$&$-! S"M50$$S*AID8, -&ASS 0%)M S!"D$N!S ,rou9 +y -lass (a2ing S"M50$$S*AID8O10000H

Dis9laying Data 1ro4 Multi9le taFles

-n real world the data of an organi&ation i& (e#t in different table& ba&ed on it& nature !that i& &tudied under data modelling$. Chen the data i& &cattered around man+ table& one ma+ need to &elect the data for a #articular ,uer+ from more than one table &o that a &ingle table re&ult can be generated. Page 115 of 141

Data from multi#le table& can be &elected after 'oining the table&. SJ3 SE3E" &tatement i& al&o u&ed for combining data from more than one table. Chen we combine the data from more than one table, thi& i& called 'oining of table&. J)IN ? A 'oin i& a ,uer+ that combine& row& from two or more table&. -n a 'oin ,uer+, more than one table i& li&ted in )ROA clau&e. Se6tion

Students !aFle %oll Na4e -lass Chen multi#le No table& contain& the
related data, there at lea&t one column i& u&uall+ common in them. hi& column i& u&ed later on to 'oin them u&ing SE3E" &tatement.

S%No 6;:= /9/06 A'a+ 8:;6 /9//0 *harat :8;6 //9:0 Nitin @66: /0:9: Aani&ha 9;:; =/:; Ra'e&h Mar3s !aFle S%No Maths (indi 6;:= <6 @: 8:;6 @@ 86 :8;6 <: <9 @66: 8= 88 :;:= <@ @8

/9 /9 // /0 = $nglish =: 8@ <@ <; <=

A A * " A

Su##o&e we run following ,uer+ on the&e table&?

S$&$-! Student7U,

Mar3s7U 0ro4 Students, Mar3s

he re&ult will be a &ingle tabular &tructure that will contain all the column& from both the table& and all the #o&&ible combination of record& from both the table& !thi& i& the "arte&ian #roduct of table&$. *ut when a record of SR No 6;:= !A'a+$ from Student& table i& combined with a record of SR No @66: !i.e. Aani&ha in &tudent& table$,it ma(e& no &en&e. .ence &ome e1tra condition with SE3E" &tatement u&ing where clau&e i& &#ecified? S$&$-! Student7U, Mar3s7U 0ro4 Students, Mar3s Bhere Students7S%N) I Mar3s7S%NoH hi& will gi%e onl+ meaningful combination& of record& from both table&.

Page 116 of 141

.ere we can ea&il+ under&tand that when multi#le table& are 'oined the+ mu&t ha%e &ome column common in them and in &elect clau&e we can #ut an e,ualit+ chec( to filter onl+ a meaningful combination of record&. -reating !aFles with -onstraints@ PR-AARU KEU and NO N433con&traint? A #rimar+ (e+ i& u&ed to uni,uel+ identif+ each row in a table. NO N433 con&traint en&ure& that a column cannot ha%e N433 %alue. E1am#le? "REA E A*3E S 4DEN !RO33NO -N PR-AARU KEU, >> "olumn 3e%el "on&traint )NAAE VAR".AR!90$ NO N433, 3NAAE VAR".AR!90$ $N Or "REA E A*3E S 4DEN !RO33NO -N , )NAAE VAR".AR!90$ NO N433, 3NAAE VAR".AR!90$ PR-AARU KEU !RO33NO$ $N Adding remo%ing con&traint& to a table A3 ER A*3E &tatement i& u&ed to add con&traint in an e1i&ting table? S+nta1? A3 ER A*3E Otable nameQ ADD Y"ONS RA-N E1am#le? A3 ER A*3E EAP ADD "ONS RA-N #(/ PR-AARU KEU !EAPNO$N Viewing "on&traint& and their "olumn& o %iew the information about how the table wa& created including it& con&traint&, following &tatement can be u&ed? S.OC "REA E A*3E Otable nameQN YOcon&traint nameQZZ PR-AARU KEU !Ocolumn li&tQ$Z >> able 3e%el "on&traint

Page 117 of 141

S)M$ IM*)%!AN! ="$S!I)NS and Answers

/. Chat do +ou mean b+ a Databa&e Aanagement S+&temD .ow doe& a D*AS differ than RD*AS !Relational Databa&e Aanagement S+&tem$D An&?> D*AS i& a collection of #rogram& and file& that allow& a u&er to define &tructure of databa&e, &tore data into it, modif+ the &tructure and mani#ulate data. A#art from thi& it al&o #ro%ide &ecurit+, tran&action management and concurrenc+ control. 9. Chat are the ad%antage& of u&ing a D*ASD An&? Refer (e+ #oint& :. Chat do +ou mean b+ Relational Data AodelD An&?> Refer (e+ #oint& ;. Chat i& a relation in Relational AodelD An&?> Refer (e+ #oint& 6. Chat i& the foreign (e+D An&?> Refer (e+ #oint& 8. Chat do +ou mean b+ referential integrit+D .ow i& it enforced in databa&e&D An&?> -t maintain the integrit+ of the Databa&e. -t doe& not allow an+ data to be deleted accidentall+. @. Chat i& A+SJ3D An&?> -t i& multithreaded O#en &ource Relational Databa&e. <. Chat i& SJ3D An&?> -t &tand& for Structured Juer+ 3anguage 9. Differentiate between DD3 and DA3D An& ?> Refer (e+ #oint&. /0. Chat i& the difference between Single Row )unction& and Aggregate function&D An&? Refer (e+ #oint&

Page 118 of 141

11. Chat do +ou mean b+ con&traint&D .ow to a##l+ them on the tableD An&? "ontraint i& a rule or condition to en&ure data integrit+. he+ are a##lied on a column or more than one column. 12. E1#lain PR-AARU KEU con&traint with e1am#le.

An&? A #rimar+ (e+ i& u&ed to uni,uel+ identif+ each row in a table. NO N433 con&traint en&ure& that a column cannot ha%e N433 %alue. E1am#le? "REA E A*3E S 4DEN !RO33NO -N PR-AARU KEU, >> "olumn 3e%el "on&traint )NAAE VAR".AR!90$ NO N433, 3NAAE VAR".AR!90$ $N Or "REA E A*3E S 4DEN !RO33NO -N , )NAAE VAR".AR!90$ NO N433, 3NAAE VAR".AR!90$ P%()$%* +,* "%-!!.-# #/
/:. Chat do +ou mean b+ a tran&actionD An&? Refer Ke+ #oint& /;. E1#lain A"-D #ro#ertie& for a tran&action. An& ? Refer Ke+ #oint& /6. E1#lain %ariou& tran&action control command&. An&? Refer Ke+ #oint&. /8. Ch+ to u&e a Grou# *+ clau&eD E1#lain with e1am#le.

00 1able !evel 2o34 rai3

An&? o #erform an+ aggregate o#eration in grou#&, we u&e GRO4P *U clau&e with the Select &tatement S$&$-! Su45sal8 1ro4 e49l grou9 Fy NoFH
/@. Differentiate C.ERE and .AV-NG clau&e&. An& ?> Chere clau&e i& u&ed to &elect #articular row& that &ati&fie& condition wherea& ha%ing clau&e i& u&ed in connection with aggregate function, grou# b+ clau&e.

Page 119 of 141

18. .ow to u&e table alia&e&D Ch+ we need table alia&e&D And?> Alia&e& are u&ed to #erform &elf 'oin. E1am#le &elect a.W, b.W from em#l a, em#l b where a.em#idMb.em#idN /=. Chat do +ou mean b+ 'oinD An&?> Refer Ke+ #oint& 90. Stud+ the following table and then an&wer the gi%en ,ue&tion&?

N4A*ER / 9 : ; 6 8 @ <


AGE :; :/ :9 :6 ;9 60 ;; ::

!$A-($%S DEPAR AEN DA EO)FO-N "OAP4 ER .-S ORU AA .S .-S ORU AA .S .-S ORU "OAP4 ER AA .S /0G0/G=@ 9;G0:G=< /9G/9G=8 0/G0@G== 06G0=G=@ 9@G08G=< 96G09G=@ :/G0@G=@

SA3ARU /9000 90000 :0000 ;0000 96000 :0000 9/000 90000

SEV A ) A ) A A A )

Crite SJ3 command& for the following? i. o &how all the information about the teacher of .i&tor+ de#artment. Select W from teacher& where de#artmentML.-S ORUL ii. o li&t the name& of female teacher& who are in .indi de#artment. SE3E" name from teacher& where de#artmentML.-ND-L and &e1ML)L iii. o li&t the name& of the teacher& with their date of 'oining in a&cending order. Select name from teacher order b+ dateof'oin i%. o li&t the detail& of all the teacher& whoL& &alar+ i& between 90000 to :6000. Select W from teacher where &alar+ between 90000 and :6000 %. o li&t Name, age, de#artment of all teacher&. hi& information &hould be &orted on De#artment. Select name, age, de#artment from teacher& order b+ de#artmant %i. o find out the a%erage &alar+ of all the teacher&. Select a%g!&alar+$ from teacher& %ii. o find out the a%erage &alar+ of all the de#artment&. Select a%g!&alar+$ from teacher grou# b+ de#artment %iii. o find out the de#artment& for which the total &alar+ i& more than 60000. Select de#artment, &um!&alar+$ from teacher grou# b+ de#artment ha%ing &um!&alar+$Q60000 i1. o find out the a%erage &alar+ gi%en to each &e1. Select a%g!&al$, &e1 from teacher& grou# b+ &e1 1. Crite command to li&t &tructure of abo%e table. Page 120 of 141

De&c teacher&
99. Stud+ the following table and then an&wer the gi%en ,ue&tion&?

Rtn o / 9 : ; 6 8 @ < = /0 "a# !b$ !c$

!aFle @ S6hool+us AreaXco%ered "a#acit+ Noof&tudent& Di&tance



Va&ant (un' /00 /90 /0 Shi%amtra%el& /00000 .auE Kha& <0 <0 /0 Anand tra%el& <6000 Pitam#ura 80 66 :0 Anand tra%el& 80000 Rohini /00 =0 :6 Anand tra%el& /00000 Uamuna 60 80 90 *halla "o. 66000 Vihar Kri&hna @0 <0 :0 Uada% "o. <0000 Nagar Va&undhara /00 //0 90 Uada% "o. /00000 Pa&chim ;0 ;0 90 S#eed tra%el& 66000 Vihar Sa(et /90 /90 /0 S#eed tra%el& /00000 Fan( Puri /00 /00 90 Ki&an our& =6000 o &how all information of &tudent& where ca#acit+ i& more than the no of &tudent in order of Rtno. Select W from School*u& where ca#acit+ Q noof&tuent& o &how areaXco%ered for bu&e& co%ering more than 90 (m., but charge& le&& then <0000. Select AreaXco%ered from School*u& where di&tanceQ90 and "harge&O<000 o &how tran&#orter wi&e total no. of &tudent& tra%eling. Select &um!Noof&tuden&$, ran&#orter from School*u& grou# b+ ran&#orter

!d$ Add a new record with following data? !//, H Aoti baghI,:6,:9,/0,I (i&an tour& H, :6000$ -n&ert into School*u& %alue&!//, KAoti baghL,:6,:9,/0,L (i&an tour& K, :6000$ !e$ Gi%e the out#ut con&idering the original relation a& gi%en? !i$ Select &um !di&tance$ from &choolbu& where tran&#orterM K Uada% tra%el&LN !ii$ Select min !noof&tudent&$ from &choolbu&N !iii$ Select a%g!charge&$ from &choolbu& where tran&#orterM KAnand tra%el&LN !i%$ Select di&tinct tran&#orter from &choolbu&N An&?> Run the ,uer+ and chec( ()!S on S=& =ueries =71 !A+&$ @ ,%AD"A!$ S7N) / 9 : NAM$ KARAN D-CAKAR D-VUA S!I*$ND ;00 ;60 :00 S"+J$-! P.US-"S "OAP. Sc. ".EA-S RU AV$%A,$ 8< 8< 89 DIV7 Page 121 of 141

; 6 8 @ < = /0


:60 600 ;00 960 ;60 600 ;00

P.US-"S AA .S "E.A-S RU P.US-"S AA .S "OAP. Sc. AA .S

8: @0 66 8; 8< 89 6@


3i&t the name& of tho&e &tudent& who ha%e obtained - D-V &orted b+ NAAE. 5F8 Di&#la+ a re#ort, li&ting NAAE, S -PEND, S4*FE" and amount of &ti#end recei%ed in a +ear a&&uming that the S -PEND i& #aid e%er+ month. o count the number of &tudent& who are either P.US-"S or "OAP4 ER S" graduate&. o in&ert a new row in the GRAD4A E table? //,IKAFO3I, :00, Hcom#uter &cI, @6, / 5e8 Gi%e the out#ut of following &,l &tatement ba&ed on table GRAD4A E? !i$ Select A-N!AVERAGE$ from GRAD4A E where S4*FE" MIP.US-"SIN Select S4A!S -PEND$ from GRAD4A E C.ERE di%M9N !iii$ Select AVG!S -PEND$ from GRAD4A E where AVERAGEQM86N Select "O4N !di&tinct S4*DFE" $ from GRAD4A EN 518 A&&ume that there i& one more table G4-DE in the databa&e a& &hown below? !aFle@ ,"ID$ MAINA%$A P.US-"S "OAP4 ER S" ".EA-S RU AA .EAA -"S ADVIS)% V-NOD A3OK RAFAN AA.ES.

!ii$ !i%$

g8 Chat will be the out#ut of the following ,uer+? SE3E" NAAE, ADV-SOR )ROA GRAD4A E,G4-DE C.ERE S4*FE" M AA-NAREAN =7 Crite SJ3 command for !i$ to !%ii$ on the ba&i& of the table SPOR S !aFle@ S*)%!S

Page 122 of 141

Student NO /0 // /9 /: /; /6

"la&& @ < @ @ = /0

Name Sammer Su'it Kamal Venna Archana Ar#it

Game/ "ric(et enni& enni& "ric(et

Grade * A " A

Game9 S(ating )ootball enni& "ric(et Atheletic&

Grade9 " * A A "

Swimming A

Swimming * *a&(etball A

!a$ Di&#la+ the name& of the &tudent& who ha%e grade K"L in either Game/ or Game9 or both. !b$ Di&#la+ the number of &tudent& getting grade KAL in "ric(et. "c# Di&#la+ the name& of the &tudent& who ha%e &ame game for both Game/ and Game9. !d$ Di&#la+ the game& ta(en u# b+ the &tudent&, who&e name &tart& with KAL. !e$ A&&ign a %alue 900 for Aar(& for all tho&e who are getting grade K*L or grade KAL in both Game/ and Game9. !f$ Arrange the whole table in the al#habetical order of Name. !g$ Add a new column named KAar(&L.

=7< $49id
0/0 /06 /69 9/6 9;; :00 ::6 ;00

Ra%i .arr+ Sam Sarah Aanila Robert Ritu Rachel

$49loyees &astna4e
Kumar Caltor one& Ac(erman Sengu#ta Samuel ondon 3ee

Ra' nagar Gandhi nagar :: Elm St. ;;0 4.S. //0 9; )riend& &treet = )ifth "ro&& Sha&tri Nagar /9/ .arri&on St.

G^* G^* Pari& 4#ton New Delhi Ca&hington G^* New Uor(

Page 123 of 141




// Red Road


$49Salary $49id 0/0 /06 /69 9/6 9;; :00 ::6 ;00 ;;/ Salary @6000 86000 <0000 @6000 60000 ;6000 ;0000 :9000 9<000 +ene1its /6000 /6000 96000 /9600 /9000 /0000 /0000 @600 @600 Designation Aanager Aanager Director Aanager "ler( "ler( "ler( Sale&man &ale&man

Crite the SJ3 command& for the following ? !i$ o &how fir&tname,la&tname,addre&& and cit+ of all em#lo+ee& li%ing in #ari& !ii$ !iii$ !i%$ o di&#la+ the content of Em#lo+ee& table in de&cending order of )ir&tname. o di&#la+ the fir&tname,la&tname and total &alar+ of all manager& from the table& Em#lo+ee and em#&alar+ , where total &alar+ i& calculated a& &alar+Sbenefit&. o di&#la+ the ma1imum &alar+ among manager& and cler(& from the table Em#&alar+.

Gi%e the Out#ut of following SJ3 command&? Select fir&tname,&alar+ from em#lo+ee& ,em#&alar+ where de&ignation M KSale&manL and Em#lo+ee&.em#idMEm#&alar+.em#idN !ii$ Select count!di&tinct de&ignation$ from em#&alar+N !iii$ Select de&ignation, &um!&alar+$ from em#&alar+ grou# b+ de&ignation ha%ing count!W$ Q9N !i%$ Select &um!benefit&$ from em#&alar+ where de&ignation ML"ler(LN !i$ J.; Crite the SJ3 command& for the i$ to i%$ and write the out#ut of the !%$ on the ba&i& of table EA".ER. !aFle@!$A-($% No7 / 9 : ; 6 8 @ < Na4e Fugal Sharmila Sandee# Sangeeta Ra(e&h Sh+am Shi%am Shala(ha Age :; :/ :9 :6 ;9 60 ;; :: De9art4ent "om#uter .i&tor+ Aath& .i&tor+ Aath& .i&tor+ "om#uter Aath& Dateo1ad4 /0G0/G=@ 9;G0:G=< /9G/9G=8 0/G0@G== 06G0=G=@ :@G08G=< 96G09G=@ :/G0@G=@ Salary /9000 90000 :0000 ;0000 96000 :0000 9/000 90000 SeM A ) A ) A A A ) Page 124 of 141

i$ ii$ iii$ i%$ %$

o &how all information about the teacher of .i&tor+ de#artment. o li&t the name& of female teacher& who are in Aath& de#artment. o li&t name& of all teacher& with their date of admi&&ion in a&cending order. o in&ert a new row in the EA".ER table with the following data? =,LRa'aL, 98,L"om#uterL, R/:G06G=6T, 9:000,LAL Gi%e the out#ut of the following SJ3 &tatement&. a. Select "O4N !di&tinct de#artment$ from EA".ERN b. Select AAV!Age$ from EA".ER where SEVML)LN c. Select AVG!Salar+$ from EA".ER where SEVMLALN d. Select S4A!Salar+$ from EA".ER where DA O)FO-NOR/9G0@G=8TN

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"NI! > I! A**&I-A!I)NS

Key *oints@ he )ront End A##lication control& communication between end>u&er&, the ran&fer, and #o&&ibl+ other a##lication&. A bac(>end databa&e i& a databa&e that i& acce&&ed b+ u&er& indirectl+ through n e1ternal a##lication rather than b+ a##lication #rogramming &tored within the databa&e it&elf. A bac(>end databa&e &tore& data but doe& not include end>u&er a##lication element& &uch a& &tored ,uerie&, form&, macro& or re#ort&. e>mar(et& are &im#l+ defined a& Ceb&ite& where bu+er& and &eller& interact with each other and conduct tran&action&. *u&ine&&>to>go%ernment e>commerce i& generall+ defined a& commerce between com#anie& and the #ublic &ector. *u&ine&&>to>con&umer e>commerce, or commerce between com#anie& and con&umer&, in%ol%e& cu&tomer& gathering informationN #urcha&ing #h+&ical good& or information good& and recei%ing #roduct& o%er an electronic networ(. "on&umer>to>con&umer e>commerce i& &im#l+ commerce between #ri%ate indi%idual& or con&umer&. E>Go%ernance i& a networ( of organi&ation& to include go%ernment, non>#rofit, and #ri%ate>&ector entitie&N in e>go%ernance there are no di&tinct boundarie&. E>Go%ernance i& the u&e of a range of modern information and communication technologie& &uch a& internet , local area networ(, mobile& etc. b+ go%ernment to im#ro%e effecti%ene&& of their &er%ice&. E>bu&ine&& i& a term u&ed to de&cribed bu&ine&& run on the com#uter. 4&er interface i& the 'unction between a u&er and a com#uter #rogram. Data %alidation i& the #roce&& of en&uring that a #rogram o#erate& on clean, u&eful and correct data.

Page 126 of 141

E>3earning i& an umbrella term that de&cribe& learning done at a com#uter, u&uall+ connected to a networ(, gi%ing u& the o##ortunit+ to learn almo&t an+time, an+where.

*9* refer& bu&ine&& between bu&ine&&e&. E>3earning i& a deli%er+ of learning, training or education #rogram b+ electronic mean&.

"a&e Stud+ *irth "ertificate Generation E%er+ citiEen of -ndia i& e1#ected to obtain and (ee# official document& li(e *irth "ertificate, Election -dentit+ "ard, etc. Due to lac( of awarene&& and due to time con&traint, #eo#le often mi&& out #rocuring the document& in time. )or in&tance, a& &oon a& the child i& born in a ho&#ital, the detail& are &ent to the concerned de#artment in munici#alit+Gcor#oration or local go%ernment agenc+, from whom the birth certificate could be obtained. Since mo&t of the&e office& ha%e com#uter &etu#&, a &im#le &oftware &olution could be u&ed to in#ut the information and generate the certificate a& re,uired. im#ortant #er&onal document&. he *irth "ertificate i& i&&ued b+ the #ro%incial or territorial go%ernment and i& re,uired a& -dentification to a##l+ for other he information ba&e could be u&ed for foreca&ting and he local -nformation #lanning acti%itie& related to healthcare, welfare mea&ure&, etc. Re,uirement& e Databa&e Aanagement S+&tem e )ront end G4- ba&ed -DE !-ntegrated De%elo#ment En%ironment$ S!$* 1 @ -reate a dataFase with the na4e 6erti1i6ate S!$* @ -reate the 1ollowing taFles in the dataFase 6erti1i6ate

&torage could be lin(ed to the central databa&e& for higher le%el anal+&i& and #lanning.

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Page 130 of 141

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=uestion +an3 @ V$%# S()%! ANSB$% ="$S!I)NS 1. Chat i& front end a##licationD 9. Chat i& bac( end a##licationD :. Chat i& e>Go%ernanceD ;. Chat i& e>3earningD 6. Chat do +ou mean b+ E>*u&ine&&D 8. Data %alidation i& one of the im#ortant acti%itie&. Fu&tif+ the &tatement. @. -n Fa%a and A+SJ3 interfacing, which i& u&ed a& front end which a& bac( endD E1#lain. <. Chat are different (ind& of E>bu&ine&&D =. Chat i& interfaceD /0. li&t "om#onent of data Entr+. S()%! ANSB$% ="$S!I)NS /. Chat are ob'ecti%e& of E Go%ernanceD 9. 3i&t the ad%antage& of E Go%ernance. :. Gi%e the &ocial im#act of E Go%ernanceD ;. .ow E>learning i& u&eful to organi&ation. 6. .ow E>learning i& u&eful to learner. 8. Chat are the %ariou& com#onent& for data entr+D @. Chat i& ad%antage of interfacingD. <. Ch+ E>learning i& #referredD =. Chat are the im#ortance& of E>bu&ine&&D /0. Chat are the different method& of data entr+D

Page 132 of 141

"nsol2ed =uestions@ /. Ar. Ram wor(& for the "u&tom& De#artment. .e wi&he& to create control& on the form for the following function&. "hoo&e a##ro#riate control& from e1t bo1, 3abel, O#tion button, "hec( bo1, "ombo bo1, "ommand button and write in the third column Sno /. 9. :. "ontrol u&ed to ? Enter la&t name "hoo&e +ou Gender !AG)$ "hoo&e the name of countr+ hat i&&ued #a&&#ort 6. Submit form De%elo# a G4- a##lication to #erform data in#ut o#eration u&ing front>end and bac(>end tool&. 9. A*" &#ort& com#le1 want& to com#uteriEe it& com#le1. he+ want to create a form with following function&. "hoo&e a##ro#riate control& from e1t bo1, 3abel, O#tion button, "hec( bo1, 3i&t bo1, "ombo bo1, "ommand button and write in the third column Sno /. 9. :. "ontrol u&ed to ? Enter name of cu&tomer "hoo&e Gender !AG)$ Select an+ number of facilit+ from &i1 a%ailable facilitie& ;. 6. Di&#la+ total fee& to be #aid Submit form Page 133 of 141 "ontrol "ontrol

De%elo# a G4- a##lication to #erform data in#ut o#eration u&ing front>end and bac(>end tool& .

=uestions@- ()!S
/. Chat i& the front end and bac( end in Fa%aD 9. Differentiate between front>end te&ting and bac(end te&ting. :. .ow E>learning i& u&eful to trainer. ;. Ch+ e>learning i& u&ed. 6. -& E Go%ernance. *etter than normal Go%ernance. E1#lain. 8. .ow can Fa%a be interfaced with A+S,lD @. Chat ad%antage doe& e>learning offer& a& com#ared to normal learningD 8. he Aahara'a &#ort& i& a whole&ale item& &ho# in Sil%a&&a. -t &u##lie& &#ort& item& to man+ &ho#& in other &tate&. he &ho# owner want& to e1#and it& o#eration with the focu& on cu&tomer relation&hi# in order to increa&e it& cu&tomer ba&e. he &#ort& &ho# owner want& to com#uteri&ed &+&tem that enable& the &tore manager to obtain information about it& cu&tomer& at the touch of the (e+. Al&o &cince it i& adding lot of Varit+ of &#ort& item, there i& a need to manage all the to+ detail& and retrie%e the &ame on the clic( of the button. All the information &hould be &tored in a com#uter o%er a #eriod of time in a &tructured manner &o a& to enable an ea&+ acce&&. De%elo# a G- A##lication -nterface. 9. Ar. Da& i& wor(ing a& a Aanager in the Shi%am Enter#ri&e&. .e want& to create a form with following function&. "hoo&e a##ro#riate control& from e1t bo1, 3abel, O#tion button, "hec( bo1, 3i&t bo1, "ombo bo1, "ommand button and write in the third column? Sno /. 9. "ontrol u&ed to ? Enter the name, Addre&&, *a&ic &alar+ Select the Gender !AG)$ "ontrol

Page 134 of 141


Select the de#artment from the a%ailable li&t


"hoo&e t+#e of em#lo+ee !Permanent G Regular$


Di&#la+ the #icture of the em#lo+ee

De%elo# a G4- a##lication to #erform data in#ut o#eration u&ing front>end and bac(>end tool& /0. Ar. ha(are i& wor(ing a& a Aanager in the Kendri+a Vid+ala+a. .e want& to create a form with following function&. "hoo&e a##ro#riate re,uired ob'ect t+#e and write in the third column Sno /. 9. :. ;. 6. "ontrol u&ed to ? Enter the )ir&t erm Aar(& Enter the Second erm Aar(& Enter the hird erm Aar(& Enter the Percentage o chec(ed if &tudent ia an N"" cadet 8 @ < = O #ro%ide Stream -nformation !medical or non medical$ o calculate Percentage o calculate grade o clear the entered te1t o e1it Ob'ect +#e

Page 135 of 141

De%elo# a G4- a##lication to #erform data in#ut o#eration u&ing front>end and bac(>end tool&

ANSB$% %) V$%# S()%! ANSB$% ="$S!I)NS /. A Hfront>endI a##lication i& one that a##lication u&er& interact with directl+. )or e1am#le, -nternet *row&er or an+ other &oftware a##lication where an end u&er wor(&. 9. A Hbac(>endI a##lication or #rogram &er%e& indirectl+ in &u##ort of the front>end &er%ice&, u&uall+ b+ being clo&er to the re,uired re&ource or ha%ing the ca#abilit+ to communicate with the re,uired re&ource. )or e1am#le databa&e& li(e A+SJ3, Oracle, OOo *a&e, AS>Acce&& etc. :. E>Go%ernance i& the u&e of a range of modern information and communication technologie& &uch a& internet , local area networ(, mobile& etc. b+ go%ernment to im#ro%e effecti%ene&& of mean& 6. E>bu&ine&& i& a term u&ed to de&cribed bu&ine&& run on the com#uter 8. -f Data Validation i& not done then #rog. Aa+ wor( on wrong data, therefore data %alidation9 i& im#ortant. @. )ront End ? Fa%a <. *9*, *9", "9" "9*, *9* =. 4&er interface i& the 'unction between a u&er and a com#uter Program. -t &et& command or menu& through u&er communicate with a #rogram. /0. e1tbo1, te1t area, button, 3abel, chec(bo1, radio button, combo bo1, li&t bo1 etc. ANSB$% !) S()%! ANSB$% ="$S!I)NS /. a. -m#ro%e& Go%ernment #roce&&e& Page 136 of 141 *ac( End ? A+ SJ3 their &er%ice&. ;. E>3earning i& a deli%er+ of learning, training or education #rogram b+ electronic

b. -ncrea&e& the efficienc+ and &#eed in a tran&#arent manner. c. Sim#lif+ admini&trati%e tran&action&. d. "itiEen can #artici#ate in deci&ion ma(ing #roce&& 9. a. -m#ro%ed ,ualit+ of information and information &u##l+. b. Reduction of #roce&& time. c. "o&t reduction d. -m#ro%ed &er%ice le%el e. -ncrea&ed efficienc+. :. here are %ariou& &ocial be benefit& of e>go%ernance a. o#enne&& and tran&#arenc+ b. Enhanced #olic+ effecti%ene&& c. -ncrea&ed democratic #artici#ation etc d. -ncrea&ed economic com#etiti%ene&&. ;. -t reduced o%erall co&t, learning time reduced, increa&ed retention and a##lication to 'ob. 6. a. -t enable& &tudent& to com#lete training con%enientl+ at off>hour& or form home. b. Self #acing for &low and ,uic( learner& reduce& &tre&& and increa&ed &ati&faction. c. -nteracti%it+ engage u&er&, #u&hing them rather than #ulling them through training etc. 8. e1tbo1, te1t area, button, 3abel, chec(bo1, radio button, combo bo1, li&t bo1 etc. a. -t #ro%ide& wa+& to communicate b. - #ro%ide meaningful feedbac( when error occur and #ro%ide conte1t &en&iti%e u&er hel# facilit+. c. -t #ro%ide& a##ro#riate interaction facilitie& for different t+#e& of &+&tem u&er. <. E>learning i& #referred becau&e it #ro%ide& fa&ter learning at reduced co&t, increa&ed acce&&ed to learning and clear accountabilit+ for all #artici#ant& in the learning #roce&&. Page 137 of 141 @. 4&er interface i& a 'unction between u&er and a com#uter. it ha& %ariou& ad%antage&

=. a. 4&e of web to find #rice& and re%iew& b. 4&e of our web&ite for managing the information in our bu&ine&&. c. )a&t communication with cu&tomer, member& or &u##lier& %ia email etc. d. 4&e of web&ite for re&earch and to find recent trend&. /0. here are two main i&&ue& while de&igning front end interface& the&e are a. .ow can information from the u&er are #ro%ided to the com#uter &+&temD b. .ow can information from the com#uter &+&tem be #re&ented to the u&erD he %ariou& wa+& of data entr+ are a& fallow&. /. Direct Aani#ulation 9. Aenu Selection :. )orm )ill in. ;. "ommand 3anguage 6. Natural 3anguage. Answer to ()!S Cuestion@/. )ront>end mean& which +ou are going to ha%e loo( and feel li(e '&#, &wing&, awt #ac(age, *ac(end mean& which i& going to im#lement bu&ine&& logic for +ou. 9. )ront>end te&ting i& ba&icall+ G4- te&ting or G4- functional te&ting. *ac(end te&ting in%ol%e& databa&e& or an+ bac(end &torage. -tL& ba&icall+ te&ting data while tra%elling from front to bac( end or in bac( end to bac( end onl+. )or e1am#le, if +ou enter &ome data in front end a##lication and it i& getting &tored on &ome databa&e then +ou ha%e to te&t it whether it i& &toring correctl+ +ou can do it b+ writing &,l ,uerie& G &cri#t&.Al&o if a##lication i& not front end !G4-$ for e1am#le, +ou are creating &ome table u&ing 'oining ;0 different in#utG&ource table& then +ou ha%e to te&t it. -n thi& ca&e +ou ha%e write ,uerie& to %alidate &ource and target data between tho&e table u&ing &,l &cri#t&. :. Refer an&wer ; !SAJ$ ;. Refer Ke+ Point&. 6. Ue& , -n man+ wa+& Page 138 of 141

a. "o&t effecti%e b. c. ime &a%ing ran&#arenc+

d. Sim#licit+ in wor( etc 8. Fa%a interface AUSJ3 through FD*". @. E>3earning offer& man+ thing& a& com#ared to normal learning li(e u&e of technolog+, learning on demand, #artici#ation of all etc. <. Refer ca&e &tud+ =. e1tbo1, o#tion button, combo bo1, radio button, 3abel and refer ca&e &tud+ for G4- De%elo#ment Ste#& /0. FF e1tfield, FF e1tfield, FF e1tfield, FF e1tfield F"hec(bo1, FRadiobutton , FRadiobutton Fbutton, button, button, button, button and refer ca&e &tud+.

!I*S 0)% S-)%IN, ,))D MA%KS IN $.AM

Read all the ,ue&tion& carefull+, before an&wering. Attem#t &uch ,ue&tion& fir&t, for which +ou are confident that it will lea%e a good im#re&&ion. DonLt &tretch the an&wer unnece&&aril+. r+ to write an&wer in #oint&. wa&te +our time.

-m#ortant #oint &hould be underlined but be careful donLt

r+ to illu&trate +our an&wer gra#hicall+, if it i& #o&&ible. DonLt lea%e an+ ,ue&tion unan&wered. Sol%e #re%iou& +ear& ,ue&tion #a#er&, it i& %er+ im#ortant ru&t on +our boo( and a%oid referring chea# &tud+ material from the mar(et.
Page 139 of 141

Aa(e #reci&e and conci&e note&, #oint wi&e for e1am time #re#aration.

Plan +our &tud+ 'udiciou&l+. A #ro#er timetable for &tud+ &hould be followed &trictl+.

a(e health+ and timel+ diet during e1amination&. Al&o ta(e &ound &lee# e%er+da+. a(e a brea( from time to time in each &tud+ #eriod. Do not forget to re%i&e all the to#ic& one da+ #rior, to the da+ of e1amination. a(e good care of +our health.

%$VI$B -)MMI!!$$ M$M+$%S

Ad2isor @ Dr7 $7 !7 Arasu Director, ^-E A+&ore Mrs7 %uFy (uria A&&t. Educational Officer ^-E A+&ore Mr7 Vishal ,oswa4i PG "om#uter Science
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SuFNe6t -ontriFutor @

KV A)S Uelahan(a SuFNe6t -ontriFutor @ Mr7 Vi4al Shar4a PG "om#uter Science KV No.9, *elgaum "antt.

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