Add Math p2 Trial SPM SSC 2011
Add Math p2 Trial SPM SSC 2011
Add Math p2 Trial SPM SSC 2011
Kertas 2 D)a *am ti+a ,)-)h minit
1. This question paper consists of three sections : Se.ti/n A, Se.ti/n " and Se.ti/n C0 2. Answer a-- question in Se.ti/n A 1 2/)r questions from Se.ti/n " and t3/ questions from Se.ti/n C0 3. Give only /ne answer / solution to each question.. 4. Show your working. It may help you to get marks. 5. The diagram in the questions provided are not drawn to scale unless stated. 6. The marks allocated for each question and sub part of a question are shown in brackets.. 7. A list of formulae is provided on pages ! to ". 8. A booklet of four figure mathematical tables is provided. 9. #ou may use a non programmable scientific calculator.
alaman !er"eta#
The following formulae may be helpful in answering the questions. The symbols given are the ones commonly used. ALGEBRA 1 2 am 3 am x=
b b 4ac 2a
8 9 10 11 12 13
logab =
log c b log c a
= a m+n
an = a m - n
du dv u v u y = , dy , = d$ 2 d$ v d$ v
dy dy du = d$ du d$
dx or dy
5 $ol!m g n ra% d = =
dx or dy
1 &'(%an" 2 )'d*o'n% (x , +) =
y1 + y 2 $1 + $ 2 , 2 2
& $1 $ 2 % 2 + & y1 y 2 % 2
6. (rea o+ triangle .
1 & $1 y 2 + $ 2 y 3 + $3 y11 % & $ 2 y1 + $3 y 2 + $1 y 3 % 2
3 4
r =
$i + y% $2 + y 2
1 2 3 4 5 6
. . . . . . & .
7 8 9 10
12 13 14
T I%ONOMET & 1 (r" lengt , s . r 2 (rea o+ se"tor , ( . 3 sin 2( / "os 2( . 1 4 se"2( . 1 / tan2( 12 5 "ose"2 ( . 1 / "ot2 ( 6 sin2( . 2 sin("os( 7 "os 2( . "os2( 0 sin2 ( . 2 "os2(11 . 11 2 sin2( 8 tan2( . 13 14 a2 . !2 /"2 1 2!" "os( (rea o+ triangle . 9 sin &(2% . sin("os2 "os(sin2 10 "os &(2% . "os ("os2 sin(sin2 11 tan &(2% .
Solution to this question by scale drawing will not be accepted. <iagram 1 s o:s a re"tangle '()S. y ) S&12,4% ( '&0,1% 0 <=(9>(6 1 9i*en t at t e e5uation o+ t e line ') is 4 y = 4 + 7 $, +ind &a% t e e5uation o+ t e line S) , '3 marks$ &!% t e "oordinates o+ )oints ) and (, '3 marks$ &"% t e area o+ re"tangle '()S. '2 marks$ $
=+ m = "os 25o and n = sin15o , e,)ress in terms o+ one or !ot m and n , &a% &!% &"% "os 40o , '3 marks$ sin 50 , '2 marks$ "os 12 1 2
o o
'2 marks$ 5 ? e ta!le 1 s o:s t e mar#s a"5uired !- a grou) o+ students in a "om)etition. 6ar#s @um!er o+ students ;ind, &a% &!% &"% 6 t e ma,imum *alue o+ $ i+ t e mode mar# is 2, '1 mark$ t e minimum *alue o+ $ i+ t e mean mar# is greater t an 3, t e range o+ *alue o+ $ i+ t e median mar# is 2. '2 marks$ O . '2 marks$ 1 4 ?(2CD 1 2 6 3 2 4 $ 5 1
4107 62 76
<=(9>(6 2 &a% ? e a!o*e diagram s o:s a )endulum released +rom t e )osition *'. =t s:ings +reel- t roug t e angle o+ 65, 52, 41.6 and so on. Aal"ulate t e total angle it "o*ers in 8 s:ings. '3 marks$ ? e se5uen"e 111, 15, 1,BBis an arit meti" )rogression. 8tate t e t ree 4 Ne5t #a+e CONFIDENTIAL
&!% 3472/2
"onse"uti*e terms o+ t is arit meti" )rogression : ere t e sum o+ t ese t ree terms is 93. '4 marks$ SECTION " '40 marks$ Answer 2/)r questions from this section. 7 +se graph paper to answer this question. ?a!le 2 s o:s t e *alues o+ t:o *aria!les, $ and y, o!tained +rom an e,)eriment. ? e *aria!les $ and y are related !- t e e5uation y = x y 42.50 1.40 38.50 1.60 32.01 2.00 ?(2CD 2 &a% 3lot log10 y against $, !- using a s"ale o+ 2 "m to 5 units on t e $1a,is and 2 "m to 0.1 unit on t e y1a,is. Een"e, dra: t e line o+ !est +it. '5 marks$ &!% Fse t e gra) +rom &a% to +ind t e *alue o+ &i% &ii% p, q, '5 marks$ 8 <iagram 3, s o:s a semi"ir"le (2A :it "entre *. 9i*en t at A*- is 1.2 radian and t e lengt o+ *A is 5 "m. A p$ , : ere p and q are "onstants. q
25.50 2.50
13.00 3.80
7.98 4.50
&iii% y : en $ . 15.5
;ind, a% !% "% d% -*. in degrees and minutes, '1 mark$ t e s ortest distan"e !et:een t e "entre * to t e straig t line o+ -., '2 marks$ t e )erimeter o+ t e s aded region, '4 marks$ t e area o+ t e s aded region. '3 marks$ 9 <iagram 4 s o:s )arallelogram *A-. ermid)oint is ' and .' meets *- at (. uuu r uuu r uuu r . ?uuu uuu r o+ Auuu r =t is gi*en t at *A = a , *. = c , *( = *- and .( = .'. % % . ( ' * <=(9>(6 4 &a% &!% D,)ress *' in terms o+ a and c , % % D,)ress &i% in terms o+ H , a and c , % % &ii% in terms o+ I , a and c , % %
'1 mark$
&"% &d%
'3 marks$
'3 marks$ 9i*en t at area o+ triangle *(. is 18 "m , +ind t e area o+ t e )arallelogram *A-.. '3 marks$
<iagram 5 s o:s )art o+ t e "ur*e y . $2 / 3 and straig t line 2y / 3$ . 20. 4 Ne5t #a+e CONFIDENTIAL
y y . $2 / 3
&a% &!% &"% * 8 o: t at k . 2 .
<=(9>(6 5
;ind t e area o+ t e s aded region. '4 marks$ ;ind t e *olume generated, in terms o+ J , : en t e region !ounded !- t e y1a,is, t e "ur*e y . $2 / 3 and straig t line 2y / 3$ . 20 is re*ol*ed t roug 3600 a!out t e y1a,is. '4 marks$ / is a dis"rete random *aria!le su" t at / K-&n , p%. 9i*en t at t e mean and *arian"e o+ / are 6 and 2.4 res)e"ti*el-, +ind &i% &ii% t e *alue o+ p and n, 3& / 2 %. '5 marks$
11 &a%
? e li+e1s)an o+ a t-)e o+ !atter- )rodu"ed !- a +a"tor- is normall- distri!uted :it mean 325 ours and standard de*iation 25 ours. ;ind &i% &ii% t e )ro!a!ilit- t at a unit o+ !atter- " osen at random, as a li+e1s)an !et:een 280 ours and 350 ours, t e )er"entage o+ !atter- t at as a li+e1s)an o+ more t an 320 ours. '5 marks$
( )arti"le mo*es along a straig t line and )asses a +i,ed )oint *, :it a *elo"it- o+ 10 ms 0. =ts a""eleration, a ms ! , t s a+ter )assing t roug * is gi*en !- a . 2t 0 7. &?a#e t e dire"tion to t e rig t as t e )ositi*e dire"tion% &a% &!% &"% ;ind t e "onstant *elo"it- o+ t e )arti"le. '3 marks$ ;ind t e range o+ time +or : i" t e )arti"le mo*es to t e le+t. '3 marks$ ;ind t e total distan"e tra*elled !- t e )arti"le in t e +irst 5 se"onds. '4 marks$
?a!le 3 s o:s t e )ri"e indi"es in t e -ear 2007 !ased to t e -ear 2006, o+ +our di++erent materials A, -, . and 1, in t e )rodu"tion o+ a t-)e o+ a s am)oo. =t also in"ludes t e di*ision o+ t e usages o+ t e materials in t e )rodu"tion o+ t e s am)oo.
6aterial A . 1
=+ t e )ri"e o+ material A is >6 50 in t e -ear 2007, "al"ulate its )ri"e in 2006. '2 marks$
&!% =+ t e "om)osite inde, +or t e -ear 2007 !ased to t e -ear 2006 is 120, +ind t e *alue o+ p. '2 marks$
&"% ;ind t e )ri"e o+ t e s am)oo in 2007 i+ its )ri"e in 2006 :as >6 15.00 '2 marks$ 4 Ne5t #a+e CONFIDENTIAL
&d% 9i*en t at t e )ri"e o+ material A is estimated to in"rease !- 15 M +rom t e -ear 2007 to 2008, : ile t e ot ers remain un" anged. Aal"ulate t e "om)osite inde, o+ t e s am)oo in t e -ear 2008, !ased on t e -ear 2006. '4 marks$
( )ri*ate "ollege o++ers t:o di)loma "ourses, in+ormation te" nolog- and !usiness studies. ? e enrolment o+ students is !ased on t e +ollo:ing "onditions : = : ? e "a)a"it- o+ t e "ollege is 170 students. == : ? e minimum total num!er o+ students enrolled is 80. === : ? e num!er o+ students enrolled +or !usiness studies e,"eeds t:i"e t e num!er o+ students enrolled +or in+ormation te" nolog- at least !- 20 students. 9i*en t at t ere are , students enrolled +or in+ormation te" nolog- "ourse and students enrolled +or !usiness studies "ourse, :rite t ree ine5ualities, ot er t an $ 0 and y 0 , t at satis+- t e a!o*e "onditions. '3 marks$ &!% !- using a s"ale o+ 2 "m to 10 students on ,1a,is and 2 "m to 20 students on -1a,is, "onstru"t and s ade t e region o+ +easi!le solutions o+ $ and y. '3 marks$ &"% !ased on -our gra) , &a% &i% +ind t e ma,imum amount o+ +ees "olle"ted )er mont i+ t e mont l- +ees +or in+ormation te" nolog- and !usiness studies "ourses are >6 100 and >6 80 res)e"ti*el-. &ii% +ind t e range o+ t e num!er o+ students enrolled +or !usiness studies i+ t e num!er o+ students enrolled +or in+ormation te" nolog- is 20. '4 marks$
15 &a%
<iagram 6 s o:s A triangle A-. and triangle A21. A2. is a straig t line. 5 "m 8.5 "m D 8 "m . 15.6 "m 1 S$LIT
<iagram 6 9i*en t at -A. . 60o , A- . 5 "m, -. . 8 "m, A2 . 8.5 "m and 21 . 15.6 "m. Aal"ulate &i% &ii% t e lengt o+ 2., '3 marks$ '2 marks$ &!% <iagram 7 s o:s a rig t )rism :it an isos"eles triangular !ase : ere 12 . 13 . 10 m, 32 . 8 "m and A1 . 7 "m. A . 7 "m 2 3 8 "m 2 <iagram 7 Aal"ulate, &i% &ii% t e angle !et:een t e line o+ A2 and t e !ase 321, '2 mar#s$ '3 marks$
1 10 "m
3A2 .