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type of coral reefs ? Give name them . fringing reef, barrier reef and atoll ISMR - Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall strait of hormuz??why it is in news recently??? Strait of Hormuz - It has Iran at its north coast and - UA and !man at the south coast - "early #$ %ercent of the world&s oil %asses through this straight - Recent tensions are because of the oil sanctions on Iran - 'ue to this Iran has threatenned to close the strait, which would affect the oil su%%ly - Iran has drafted a bill that allows closure of this strait damscus is famous 4? the oldest civilizations flourished Piranha? it is a fish, that mo(es in %ac)s* If it smells blood, it attac)s* It can de(our e(en ele%hants, in minutes* why jet streams orgin from west side only....why not east?? I thin) this is because of +oriolis effect* ,he air at two different tem%eratures, when meet, doesn&t flow freely as %er density* -ecause of +oriolis force the air start mo(ing on the meeting boundary* And if you see there are two ty%es of
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stream .ets /olar stream .et and sub tro%ical stream .ets* this all ha%%ens because of the tem%erature, %ressure and +oriolis force combined* The Buckingham Canal which was declared national waterway of ndia runs !etween which among the following? "#$Cochin to %o&hikode "B$'ijaywada to 'illupuruam "C$%anya %umari to (ameshwaram ")$*one of them 0-12i.aywada to 2illu%uruam Inland 3aterways Authority of India - established in 4567 - has its head office at "oida - functions under Ministry of Shi%%ing, Road ,rans%ort and Highways - main %ur%ose is for the de(elo%ment and regulation of inland waterways - currently there are 8 national waterways #nkeleshwar. is known fr ?? an)leshwar is )nown due to the %resence of 9u.arat Industrial 'e(elo%ment +or%oration - it hosts a number of %harmaceuticals, chemicals and %aint industries +merald sland ?? The Emerald Island is a phantom island reported to lie between Australia and Antarctica and south of Macquarie
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Island. It was first sighted by the British sealing ship Emerald, captained by illiam !lliot, in "ecember #$%#,and the name of the presumed island derives from the name of this ship #ctive volcano in india ?. Barren Island is located in the Andaman &ea,, one of the most easterly of the Andaman Islands. It is the only confirmed active volcano in &outh Asia. Along with the rest of the Andamans, it is a part of the Indian 'nion Territory of Andaman and (icobar Islands, and lies about #)* +m ,$- mi. northeast of the territory/s capital, 0ort Blair. The first recorded eruption of the volcano dates bac+ to #1$1. &ince then, the volcano has erupted more than ten times, with the most recent one which started in &eptember %2#2 and continued through 3anuary %2## 9untur volcano located in west 3ava, Indonesia %a&iranga *atrional Park ?? asam: famous ; one horn rhinos ,acken&ie river ?? +anada* It is the largest ri(er pan plane###/// /ani%lane actually dar<in ) siddhant ) anusar antim bhu-a)riti %radesh hai means sam%ray maidan hai* how -rganic farming r different frm traditional farming ? In con(entional farming, synthetic chemicals are made use of
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to increase the growth of culti(ation* Howe(er, in organic farming is organic wastes and com%ost in the form of fertilizers, which can result in increasing the growth of culti(ation the sun continuously %roduces an enormous amount of energy* this is due toa*nuclear fission b*nuclear fusion c*chemical combustion d*none of these b*nuclear fusion how -rganic farming r different frm traditional farming ? In con(entional farming, synthetic chemicals are made use of to increase the growth of culti(ation* Howe(er, in organic farming is organic wastes and com%ost in the form of fertilizers, which can result in increasing the growth of culti(ation .hat county has the largest army in the world? #. China B. /0# C. (ussia ). ndia C. (ussia A* +hina The country1s first Butterfly Park at?? The country/s first Butterfly 0ar+ was established at the Bannerghatta Biological 0ar+.
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It was inaugurated on &aturday (ovember %*, %224 by 5apil &ibal, 'nion Minister of &cience and Technology. B(#2,-0 is named with two com!inations.*ame them.and what r they? -rahmos is the comination of ri(er -rahma%utra and the Russian ri(er Mos)(a, =from the same ri(er which deri(ed the name of Russia Moscow>
**its .odh%ur referred to as the @-lue +ity@ due to the blue%ainted houses around ,he -rahmans residing there %ainted their houses in blue color to distinguish themsel(es from others* 4-)2P/( is known as suncity ....t or f ? if yes y so ? ,hrough out the year it en.oys sunlight 0ikkim is separated !y the 0ingalila range from *epal in the west5 .................range from Ti!et in the northeast and Bhutan in the southeast. %asturi Chola %amdhenu +hola which of the following soil is known as cherno&em 6 alluvial soil 7 !lack soil 8 laterite soil 4 red soil blac) soil +gmore (ailway station? in tamilnadu garuda airways is.... Indonesia green chromide is ... A fish of fresh water found in Southern India and Aerala
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,he /al) -ay lies between* 9ulf of Aachchh and 9ulf of Ahambhat** 9ulf fo Mannar and -ay of -engal Ba)shadwee% and Maldi(e Islands* Andaman and "icobar Islands* B 3ake %arachay??? Bocated in Russia, a small la)e hugely damaged by the Radioacti(e wastes 'eclared the most %olluted %lace on %lanet earthC
.heeler sland. off the coast !disha Integrate Missile test range** agni 8 missile was launched from this island 9antas is the name of the airlines of a. Germany !. :rance c. #ustralia d. /% Australia *yada is a festival cele!rated in #0sam 5555in the month of decem!er ...... t or f ? !y......tri!s y
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khadki city ? is a city neighbourhood of 0une. It has an army base, two ordinance factories and several breweries. Counter nsurgency ; 4ungle .arfare 0chool <C 4.0= ? ,he +ounter Insurgency and Dungle 3arfare School =+ID3> in 2airengte, Mizoram, India is a training and research establishment of the Indian Army s%ecializing in uncon(entional warfare, es%ecially counter-insurgency and guerrilla warfare* +ID3 is one of the %remier counter-insurgency training institutions in the world* which one of the following is not matched rightly? a.nuclear reactor>enrico fermi neutron>james chadwick proton>rutherford www>ro!ert goddard wwwE robert goddard ,im berners Bee disco(ered 333 n india what is used in nuclear power generation .?? nriched Uranium F ,horium*****India has abundant reser(e of ,horium but we lac) Uranium nuclear power plant in india?>
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3ake #ssal??? A crater la)e located in '.ibouti ,, ,he most saline waterbody on earthC dead sea comes #ndCCC The Blue eye of si!eria??? Ba)e -ai)al is )nown as -lue eye of Siberia Plitvice lake? ,hese are grou% of 47 la)es located in +roatia And they are interconnected (ia waterfalls, a un world heritage site*
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&one of high seismic intensity? himalayan belt n %art of delhi also "orth east as these fall zone 8 of seismic le(els The intensity of insolation depends on 3atitude. t of f ? t insolation means sun heat
3ocal supply of coal is not availa!le to T 0C-5 4amshedpur '035 Bhadravat 2035 )urgapur 2035 Bhila 2SB, -hadra(at Gangtok is located in which district ? east si))im yellow stone national park ? ? ocated in USA famous for its geysers* !ld faithful geyser is famous* wood !uffalo national park ? the largest national %ar) of canada which %rotects -isons which river is known as Ganga of Tly ? "ile 9anga used for those ri(ers which flows %erennial n ma)es that %articular region %ros%erous
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)enu!e river ? ri(er of uro%e, the second longest ri(er after the 2olga* It rises in the -lac) Gorest mountains of western 9ermany also )nown as uro%ean water way and international ri(er* It flows through 44 countries* 9ermany, Romania , Slo(a)ia, Austria, Hungary, Serbia, Aoso(o, -ulgaria, +roatia, U)rane, and Moldo(a, #fganistan is also known as khurasan ...t or f ? y ? so ya its true and iran was also a %art of )hurasan in encient time* This is the costliest city in the world.... ,o)yo singapur with respect to #0ia ? its +a%ital is Singa%ore *its areas is H4$ )m#* its 9o(ernment is Unitary %arliamentary re%ublic %rime minister Bee Hsien Boong has (isited india yesterday ,#riyana trench ? Marianas ,rench is the dee%est %art of the world&s oceans* It is located in the western /acific !cean, to the east of the Mariana Islands* sha%e of antlatic is seems to li)e***********al%habet it has the sha%e of the letter S* It has #$I of the area of the earth or half of that of the /acific* Its area is 6# million s< )m*
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*+panagar is famous for ? Nepanagar . is a industrial township in Burhanpur district in the Indian state of Madhya 0radesh. (epanagar is famous for its newspaper paper mill, (epa Mills 6imited ,earlier +nown as The (ational (ews 0rint 6td.. The word 7(!0A7 is coined from (!wsprint 0Aper,hence the name.This small township falls between Burhanpur and 5handwa and is surrounded by many small villages. wooler lake )asmir me hai india )a sabse bada fresh water la)e 42/, agreeculture Dhum culti(ation is most %racticed on the slo%es of hills in thic)ly forested landsca%es* ,he culti(ators cut the treeto%s to allow sunlight to reach the land* ,hey burn all the trees and grasses for clean and fresh soil* It is belie(ed that this hel%s to fertilize the land, but can lea(e it (ulnerable to erosion* Bater seeds and cro%s are %lanted* /lants on the slo%es sur(i(e the rainy season floods* northeastern states of India li)e Arunachal /radesh, Meghalaya, Mizoram and "agaland and also in the districts of -angladesh li)e Ahagrachari and Sylhet* where is )etroit n y its famous largest city in the U*S* state of Michigan, ,hey are home to 9eneral Motors, Gord, Motown Records,etc* and notorious for 2ery High +rime Rate* rift walley ?
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A rift (alley is a linear-sha%ed lowland between highlands or mountain ranges created by the action of a geologic rift or fault* Rift (alleys are often associated with a number of ad.oining subsidiary or co-eJtensi(e (alleys which are ty%ically considered geologically %art of the %rinci%al rift (alley* The economy of 0ikkim is mainly !ased on ? ,ining 2unting #griculture ,he economy of Si))im is mainly based on agricultural and animal hushandry* A%%roJ* 44I of the total geogra%hical area is under agriculture +nchey5 (umtek and Phodong555what r these names of ? monasteries dance places monasteries is it *******n releted to buddisim ****n budisim is the intergal %art of si))am 0tate #nimal of 0ikkim ? (hinocheros (ed Panda ,usk Red /anda, an endangered s%ecies the IU+" declared in the category as (ulnerable Chu?:aat5@o?,al?3ok5Tendong 3o (um :aat5%inchum?
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Chu?Bomsa are folk dances of ? *epalese Bhutias 3epchas Be%chas nternational (hododendron festival was held in 0ikkim in the year ? 7AAB 7A6A 7A66 its #$4$ 0ikkim merger with the /nion of ndia in the year 6BCD !y the Constitution #mendment no. ? K7th amendment t is the only tea garden in 0ikkim and considered one of the !est in ndia and in the world. #hom Tea Garden ,anjushree Tea +state Temi Tea Garden ,emi ,ea 9arden LLestablished in 4575 by the 9o(ernment of Si))im, is located in South Si))im LL ,he garden is laid o(er a gradually slo%ing hill* ,he tea %roduced in this garden is also %artly mar)eted under the trade name M,emi ,ea f a foreigner has to visit this part of ndia5 he does not
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reEuire to possess a nner 3ine Permit < 3P= 0ikkim #ssam *agaland Inner Bine /ermit---? is an official tra(el document issued by the go(ernment of India to allow inward tra(el of an Indian citizen into a %rotectedNrestricted area for a limited %eriod* LL It is obligatory for Indian citizens from outside those States to obtain %ermit for entering into the %rotected State* LL,he document is an effort by the go(ernment to regulate mo(ement to certain areas located near the international border of India* Arunachal /radesh O Mizoram O "agaland O 0ikkim !ecame the 77nd state of the ndian /nion in the year ? 6BCD 6BCF 6BFA !n 47 May 45H8, Si))im became the ##nd state of the Indian Union, and the monarchy was abolished* LL,o enable the incor%oration of the new state, the Indian /arliament amended the Indian +onstitution* LL Girst, the K8th Amendment laid down a set of conditions that made Si))im an @Associate State,@ a s%ecial designation not used by any other state* Bater, the K7th Amendment
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re%ealed the K8th Amendment, and made Si))im a full state, adding its name to the Girst Schedule of the +onstitution* ,he K7th amendment of the Indian constitution has gi(en consent to enter Si))im as ##nd state into Indian union* with the K8th amendment it became an associate state The G*ational (esearch Centre for -rchidsG5 < C#( nstitute= is located in as unit of I+AR was established in 4557* ,he +entre is located at /a)yong , ast Si))im 0ikkim has how many districts ? name them ; and east,west,north n south Si))im Pang 3ha!sol is a famous 0ikkimese .............? festival sport food /ang Bhabsol festi(al is uni<ue to Si))im* LLIt is celebrated to offer than)s to Mount Ahangchendzonga, the guardian deity of Si))im and to Pabdu, the su%reme commander of Mount Ahangchendzonga LL* It is staged in front of the ,su)la)hang monastery in the former %alace com%ound in 9angto)* 2induism has !een the state1s major religion since the arrival of the *epalisH an estimated IA.B8J of the total population are now adherents of the religion. 0ikkim1s second?largest religion is ? Christianity
slam Buddhism
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-uddhism /admasambha(a and Adisa di%an)ura introduced the conce%t of buddhism in Si))im, -hutan and ,ibet* /admasabha(a was also )nown as Rim%otche* The native 0ikkimese consist of the Bhutias5 who migrated from the %ham district of ........... in the 64th century5 and the 3epchas5 who are !elieved to have migrated from the :ar +ast. *epal Ti!et ,ongolia ,ibat
it is considered as lifeline of 0ikkim ? Ganga Teesta Barak teesta said to be the lifeline of the Indian state of Si))im, flowing for almost the entire length of the state and car(ing out (erdant Himalayan tem%erate and tro%ical ri(er (alleys* LLLoriginates from ,so Bhamo in "orth Si))im at an ele(ation of 8,KK$ m =4H,;6H ft> abo(e sea le(el in the Himalaya*
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In sim%le words, it flows through mountains and adds the scenic beauty, which is main attractant to the tourists* As eco tourism is main form of re(enue for "orth eastern states *ational 2ighway ......... links 0iliguri to Gangtok 66 76 86 national highway K4 and K4A both lin)s siliguri to gangto) .hich pass connects Ti!et with ndia ? 4oji 3a *athu 3a Bhara 3acha "athu Ba--------"athu Ba was re-o%ened in #$$7 for bilateral trade agreements LL"athu Ba is one of the three o%en trading border %osts between +hina and India: the other two are Shi%)ila in Himachal /radesh and Bi%ule)h =or Bi%ulech> in Uttara)hand*Sealed by India after the 457# Sino-Indian 3ar LLboon for si))iam economy Phurchachu5 Kumthang5 Borang5 (alang5 Taram?chu and Kumey 0amdong in 0ikkim are famous ? lakes hot springs rivers yes they the hot s%rings, which ha(e a high sul%hur content, are located near ri(er ban)s: LL some are )nown to emit hydrogen*
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.hich is the only ndian 0tate which !orders 0ikkim ? #ssam .est Bengal #runachal Pradesh 3est -engal LL borders "e%al to the west, LL +hina&s ,ibet Autonomous Region to the north and east LL-hutan to the southeast LLwhile the state of 3est -engal lies to the south ...............the world1s third?highest peak5 is located on 0ikkim1s !order with *epal )haulagiri %7 %anchenjunga ***its Aachen.unga LLits height 6867 LL first climbed on May #8, 4588 by Doe -rown and 9eorge -and, who were %art of a -ritish eJ%edition* .hich is ndiaLs :irst state to !e declared as M0moke :ree 0tateN ? 2aryana 0ikkim /ttarakhand smo)e free state -----si))im smo)e free city -----chandigarh
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smo)e free tourist %ost----- erna)ulam n which +uropean capital would you find the famous *otre )ame Cathedral? %aris world famous F beautifull church n which ndian state is #o mostly spoken? "agaland .hat are diastropic forces Gorces that occur during the deformationn of the earths crust This state of ndia has the largest reserve of /ranium ore. Andhra /radesh Kurva tri!es r frm south india most %robably tamil nadu .hich railway station was previously known as %alimati? ,ata "agar This country has the worldOs largest *uclear reactor.... Russia Cherno!yl is the part of this country.... U)raine
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was a catastrophic nuclear accident that occurred on %4 April #8$4 at the 9hernobyl (uclear 0ower 0lant in '+raine ,then officially '+rainian &&:., which was under the direct ;urisdiction of the central authorities of the &oviet 'nion. An e<plosion and fire released large quantities of radioactive contamination into the atmosphere, which spread over much of estern '&&: and !urope. It is widely considered to have been the worst nuclear power plant accident in history, and is one of only two classified as a level 1 event on the International (uclear !vent &cale ,the other being the =u+ushima "aiichi nuclear disaster in %2##.. 2onduras and ,aldives have !een imposed !an on the killing of this animal... Shar) Colmar ? +olmar is in Grance, in the -as-Rhin de%artment* It is famous for Matthias 9rQnewald&s The main source of income of 0outh 0udan is........ !IB MI"IRABS synodic month r also known as lunar month ......t or f? t synodic month is of #5*8K4 days***** it means d time frm 4 full moon to neJt full moon 0hipki 3a ?? Shi%)i Ba
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- a mountain %ass - ri(er sutle. enters India through this %ass - third border %ost for trade between India and +hina where is the Ti!etian institute of 2igher studies 0ituated in ndia ? (aranasi? The Central University for Tibetan Studies ,9I>T&. is a university institute founded in &arnath,?aranasi, India in #841, as an autonomous organization under 'nion Ministry of 9ulture. The 9I>T& was founded by 0t. 3awahar 6al (ehru in consultation with Tenzin @yatso, the "alai 6ama, with the aim of educating the youths of Tibet in e<ile in "haramsala and the >imalayan border students, as well as with the aim of retranslating into &ans+rit and translating into >indi and other modern Indian languages lost IndoABuddhist &ans+rit te<ts that now e<ist only in Tibetan. .hich one of the following ports of ndia handles the highest tonnage of import cargo? Calcutta %andla ,um!ai 'isakhapatnam Aandla Tipaimukh )am <7A .ords= located in Mani%ur - ma.or %ur%ose is for flood control and hydroelectric %ower generation - is in contro(ersy with -angladesh
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nternational Civil #viation -rganisation < C#-= ? mintreal, canda A s%ecialized agency of the United "ations, the International +i(il A(iation !rganization =I+A!> was created in 45;; to %romote the safe and orderly de(elo%ment of international ci(il a(iation throughout the world* It sets standards and regulations necessary for a(iation safety, security, efficiency and regularity, as well as for a(iation en(ironmental %rotection* #0 ? Archaeological sur(ey of India the %remier organization for the archaeological researches and %rotection of the cultural heritage of the nation Maintenance of ancient monuments and archaeological sites and remains of national im%ortance is the %rime concern of the ASI* -esides it regulate all archaeological acti(ities in the country as %er the %ro(isions of the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 4586* It also regulates Anti<uities and Art ,reasure Act, 45H#* 'uring the regime of +anning the ASI was started* ,he first director was AleJander +unninghum *ational nstitute of -ceanography <* -= The National Institute of Oceanography ,(IB. is one of )1 constituent laboratories of the 9&I: A 9ouncil of &cientific and Industrial :esearch, an autonomous research organization in India. The institute has its headquarters in the coastal state of @oa, and regional centres in 5ochi, Mumbai and?izag. The Institute was established on # 3anuary #844. At the end of over -2 years it has grown today into a large oceanographic
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laboratory of international repute mainly focusing on the understanding of special oceanographic features of the (orthern Indian Bcean Director &hetye, &.:.
what does mean 1moraine 1 Moraine is material trans%orted by a glacier and then de%osited* Transchart is the ?? shi%%ing ministryRs chartering wing* .hich was the first capital of Pakistan ? n old name of it ? frst ca%ital was Aarachi**** the old name was Aolachi -- named after an old woman called Mai Aolachi, who was the head of the (illage****** In 458H it was changed to Islamabad* This river crosses the eEuatorial line twice.... congo or zaire ri(er crosses the e<uator twice,+ongo Ri(er is the dee%est ri(er in the world and the second longest ri(er in Africa .hich pri&e did 4humpa 3ahiri win for her novel 1 nterpreter of ,aladies1? /ulitzer /rize .hat was the capital of ,adhya Pradesh till 6BDI? "ag%ur
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n 6I6A5 which city was founded !y ,alik #m!ar? Aurangabad The (aja5 (ani5 (ocket and (oarer falls together forms which fall? Dog falls or .erso%%a falls on the shara(athi ri(er 3onar lake ?? world&s only salt water la)e in basaltic roc), in maharastra* its a crater la)e 0tratigarphy is the study of layers t or f? t .hich #sian country is the Buddhist monument of Boro!udur located this monument is com%leted during the reign of samaratunga* this is located in )edu %lain also )nown as garden of .a(a rocks Pitru and ,atru ? located in southern most ti% of %eninsular India LL Maditation, Swami 2i(e)anada .i a%t to (isit there ,u!arak ,andi ?? royal residence of mahara.a of DFA 1:estival of Gardens1 ?P festi(al of 9ardens - Hosted by +handigarh - also )nown as Rose Gesti(al - started to attract %eo%le to the rose garden in the city
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- also to eJ%lore (arieties of roses %olar5 in %arnataka r famous 4 ? Aolar is famous for gold mines .hich of these festivals is cele!rated !y the 0ikhs a day after the 2oli? 2olla ,ohalla 3ohri 'aisakhi 3ossar Hola mohalla %arwar Aarwar - town in Aarnata)a - located between sea on one side and western ghats on the other side - it is also one of our "a(al -ase (iver 0haravati ? Ri(er Shara(ati - .og falls is formed by this ri(er - west flowing ri(er - ma.or ri(er basin lies in western ghats - ser(es only one state, Aarnata)a 'olcanic eruptions do not occur in the Baltic 0ea Black 0ea
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Cari!!ean 0ea Caspian 0ea a ,ulatto in geo terms... %erson with one white and one blac) %arent* Time (ovember to =ebruary
t %am!ala festival ? %am!ala festival is an integral part of the rural life in %arnataka.
-n the !ank of which river is the city Trichy situated? Tiruchirapalli (Trichy) Situated in Tiruchirappalli district, on the banks of the River Kaveri (also spelt as Cauvery) is Tiruchirappalli, a city known for its educational institutions, industries, and temples. t is shortly called as !Tiruchi! or !Trichy!. Trichy is the district head"uarters of the district of Tiruchirappalli and has its name for tourist attraction. The city is a thrivin# commercial centre in Tamil $adu and is famous for artificial diamonds, ci#ars, handloom cloth, #lass ban#les and wooden and clay toys. The %andmark &f The City The most famous landmark of Tiruchirappalli is the Rock 'ort Temple, a spectacular monument perched on a massive rocky out crop which rises abruptly from the plain to tower over the old city.
ndian city is also known as %o&hikode? ? Aali)at *ile river has two parts...name them...... white "ile and -lue "ile both r .oin together at AHAR,U!M I" SU'A"
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Coolguardy is known for..... gold de%osits*** austrailia***** )algudy coolguardy* what is the difference !etween geomagnetism and paleomagnetism? /aleomagnetism is the study of record of earth&s magnetic field in roc)s* some naturally occurring roc) com%onents, such as Iron-,itanium !Jide retains the magnetic %ro%erties mainly direction when they were formed* ,his hel%s us to study the nature and strength of arth&s magnetic field in %ast* ,his also hel%s in su%%ort of %late tectonic and %olar re(ersals* 9eomagnetism on the other hand is the study of arth&s natural magnetic field and its %ro%erties* ,his magnetic field is because of li<uid outer core and the charged nature of it* So when this charged core is in motion, magnetic field is created* ,his field hel%s earth to a(oid harmful radiation and solar storms* G)ischargeG term with respect to river ? with the res%ect to the ri(er , the discharge is the (olume of the water of ri(er consisted of any solid %article or any li<uid chemicals .hich was the first nation to legalise +uthanasia? =mercy )illing first legalized in nether lands&> #= /nited 0tates of #merica B= *etherlands C= *orway )= Guatemala !
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ndia receives its major rainfall from which monsoon ? s-w mansoon***** It first gi(es rain to the coast of the Aerala* basically n-e trade winds get attracted by d heatness of thar region when dey are mo(ing in their own direction n after d attraction d direction of n-e trade winds changed its direction to s-w winds** n starts mo(ing to the indian %eninsula** get weted frm d indian ocean n bay of bengal** n den enterd in to d indian region*** basically der are two causes of monsoon in indian** !" is ,HAR ' S R,** n d !,H R !" z HIMABPA** thar creates high tem%* low %ressure zone** where as himalaya sto%s d winds to mo(e further*** after raining K to ; months** these trade wind agn gets der original direction** i*e* "!R,HAS, trade winds** n startys to flow towards e<uator wen d monsoon returning** these winds agn get moist by d bay of bengal** n it rains in tl in winter wid returning monsoon***
The point of origin of earthEuake is called? ,he %oint of origin is the e%icentre,the %oint .ust abo(e the e%icentre on ground is called the focus****C .hich states does the (ihand )am provide irrigation to?? !ihand Dam is a concrete gravity dam located at 0ipri in &onbhadra "istrict in 'ttar 0radesh, India. It is on the border of9hhattisgarh and 'ttar 0radesh. It is on the :ihand :iver which is the tributary of the &on :iver. U%, M/ The Badain 4aran )esert is a desert in +hina which s%ans the %ro(inces of 9ansu, "ingJia and Inner Mongolia* It co(ers
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an area of ;5,$$$ s<* )ilometers =45,$$$ s<* miles>* ,his desert is home to the tallest stationary dunes on arth* Some of the dunes reach a height of 8$$ meters =4,7$$ ft*>* ,he dunes are )e%t in %lace in the arid, windy region by an underground water source* Analyses of the ground water indicates that it is snowmelt that flows through fractured roc) from mountains hundreds of )ilometers away* ,he desert also features o(er 4$$ s%ring-fed la)es that lie between the dunes, some of which are fresh while others are eJtremely saline* ,hese la)es gi(e the desert its name which is Mongolian for @mysterious la)es@* It is also crossed by one ri(er, the Ruo Shui =@wea) water@>, which has formed a great allu(ial %lain in the desert* @#parantaG land. ? 9oa )on)an region is )nown as A%aranta* Aso)a send 'hammara))itta to this region to s%read -uddhism .hich nation is known as G0verigeG in the local language? #= 0wit&erland B= 0uriname C= 0ri 3anka )= 0weden Sweden country 1)alhousie1 is located in 2imachal Pradesh ... t or f ? ,rue ,his Is !ne of the best Hill station of the Himachal %radesh
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Also 'lai Bama =4;th> +ame first tym at this %lace ** he came there in 4586* ,he %m of china tht time was zhou enlai 13oktak1 is a lake ???? write a!out it Its fresh water la)e which is located in Indian State Mani%ur ** ,his is only fresh water la)e in "orth ast India write detail a!out :alkland slands ? Bocated In South Atlantic ocean near -razil *** 'is%ute -etween UA n Arzentina **
%uril slands administered !y QQQQQQQ !ut claimed !y QQQQ as well? Da%an , Russia Galapagos slands ? 9reece , !"# 5H# $ %& ' %() * + ( ,- . () E / + 01 2 ,3 *
.here did the first Coference of Parties <C-P= overseeing implementation of /* Conventions to compact desertification was held #= Geneva B= Gyeongnam C= (ome
)= )akar rome** 455H
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Gujarat ? longest coast line 6IAA km.. #ndhra Pradesh is the second longest coast line BC7 km... t or f t 9/!" -----------9igabit /assi(e !%tical "etwor) whts d contri!ution of aleRndar von hum!oldt toward geography aleJndar (on humboldt com%osed systematic geogra%hy .hy does +arth possess a magnetic field??? it is due to the rotatory mo(ement of the outer "i-Ge core, which is at li<uid state* what is lunar month? ,he a(erage time ta)en for the occurrence of the same %hase of the moon is called lunar month* It is a%%roJmately #5 days, 4# hours and ;;minutes* what is the difference !etween dry adia!atic lapse rate and wet adia!atic lapse rate???? 'ry adiabatic la%se rate is a%%lied for u%lift of unsaturated air columns till the condensation le(el* and 3ABR is a%%lied thereafter for further ascent to the same air column* thus, any
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air column rising from the earth surface thermally =and not due to any barrier li)e one of orogra%hy> cools initially at the 'ABR of 4$ degree centigrade %er )ilometre till condensation le(el, till it is saturated* and after that the air cools at 3ABR which (aries between 8 to 4$ degrees centigrade %er )ilometre* recommended forest area should !e 6. 87 J 7. 88 8. 84 4. 8C on what thing this recommended made according G!R S, 4566 %olicy Fserious im%lementation started from -D/ rule from #$$4* it should be KKI .+0T+(* G2#T0 have !een added to the Prestegious list of /*+0C-1s .orld 2eritage 0ites on 4uly 6. t or f ? more a!out western ghat ? 3estern 9hats cology J%ert /anel =39 /> 39 / head by Madha( 9adgil, constituted by the Ministry of n(ironment and Gorests on ;th March, #$4$* It raises en(ironmental concerns o(er sindudurg and Ratnagiri regions of Maharashtra, and in(o)es the rights of inhabitants here*,he focus was on econological sensiti(e areas and de(elo%mental %ro.ects* Its submitted its first re%ort on March, #$44* kerala is !iggest ru!!er plantations in ndia **t yellow river is 2wangho....t or f n y ? t* +hina&s sorrow 0ea of TranEuility ?? on moon where neil armstrong wal)ed
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.hat is perihelion? /eri means near helion means sun* 3hen the earth is nearest to the sun* It is on .anuary ;* It is nearly 4;H million )m Remember it li)e this***% for %eri***% for %aas**when earth is %aas of sun**%erihelion**C ndian nstitute of Geomagnetism ndian nstitute of Geomagnetism was esta!lished in the Kear 6BC6 in *avi ,um!ai under earth sciences and itLs research areas are focused on Geomagnetism and allied fields. The total num!er of +mployees is 6FA in which research faculties is 4A. ,ercury is d fastest nd smllest planet ... ,ercury is d nearest planet 7 d sun... ,erury r seen in d mrng nd eveng.. t or f? Its true and it has high esca%e (elocity also Bindi!u are natives of Australia nstitute of forest productivity ? Its in ranchi It conducts research in agroforestry and forest %roducti(ity Baku ?? ,he ca%ital of Azerbaizan rich in %etroleum %roducts
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Cherno&ems ? -lac) Regur soil, which is high in humous content* ,hey are high yielding lands 0an 4ose is capital of ? +osta rica the name of forest popularly known as lungs of planet ? amazon due to %roduction of ##I of world oJygen by recycling c$# define lunar eclipse in a single line?? an ecli%se in which the moon %asses into the earths shadow** .hich 6 among the following has the largest shipyard in ndia 6. %olkata 7. %ochi 8. ,um!ai 4. 'isakhapatnam . %ochi The surface of sun which is visi!le during eclipses is a. Chromosphere !. Photosphere c. Corona d. Both a ;! ? +orona
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1Greatest circle1 that can !e drawn on the earth1s surface?? <uator 0hooting stars? Shooting stars are meteorites meteoroid that enters into the earth&s atmos%here is meteor* 3hen a meteor can reach the earth it is meteorite* 'ernal eEuinoR? +EuinoRes are eEual days and nights. They occur twice in the year ,arch 76 and )ecem!er 77. 'ernal is on ,arch )efine solar eclipse? solar ecclipse the sun5 moon and earth are in the sy&ygy5 moon enters in !etween the sun and earth and forms into conjunction. This is termed as 0olar eclipse 0ummer solstice ? solstice means longest day on the earth. 4une 76 in the northern hemisphere and )ecem!er 77 in the southern hemisphere. The line of separation !etween the mantle and crust is known as? The Mohorovii discontinuity, which often is called simply the 'Moho' is the boundary between the crust and mantle. At this point seismic waves increase in velocity. Internal Structure of Earth Internal Structure of Earth
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It is the outermost and the thinnest layer of the earthCs surface, about $ to -2 +m thic+. The crust varies greatly in thic+ness and composition D as small as * +m thic+ in some places beneath the oceans, while under some mountain ranges it e<tends up to 12 +m in depth. The crust is made up of two layersA an upper lighter layer called the &ial ,&ilicate E Aluminium. and a lower density layer called &ima ,&ilicate E Magnesium.. The average density of this layer is ) gmFcc. The "antle of Earth This layer e<tends up to a depth of %822 +m. "antle is made up of # partsG 'pper Mantle or Asthenosphere ,up to about *22 +m. and 6ower Mantle. Asthenosphere is in a semiAmolten plastic state, and it is thought that this enables the lithosphere to move about it. ithin the asthenosphere, the velocity of seismic waves is considerably reduced ,9alled H6ow ?elocity IoneC.. The line of separation bet$een the mantle and the crust is %no$n as "ohoviricic Discontinuity& The Core of Earth Beyond a depth of %822 +m lies the core of the earth. The outer core is %#22 +m thic+ and is in molten form due to e<cessive heat out there. Inner core is #)12 +m thic+ and is in plastic form due to the combined factors of e<cessive heat and pressure. It is made up of iron and nic+el ,(ife. and is responsible for earthCs magnetism. This layer has the ma<imum specific gravity. The temperatures in the earthCs core lie between %%22Jc and %1*2Jc. The line of separation between the mantle and the core is called @utenbergA iechert "iscontinuity. Note Temperature Inside the EarthG In the first #22 +m, #%J increase per +m. In the ne<t )22 +m, %J increase per +m. After that it is #J increase per +m.
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Composition of Earth Made up of over #22 elements. The following $ are importantG Oxygen Silicon 46.5% 27.72%
Aluminium 8.13% Iron Calcium Sodium o!a""ium 5 01% 3.63% 2.85% 2.62%
Continental drift theory ? /ro%osed by Alfred 3egner******* +rust is mo(ing o(er li<uid core, continents had once been .oined, and o(er time had drifted a%art* The line of separation !etween the mantle and the core is? 9utenberg discontinuity
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write all a!out red planet ? "amed after Roman war god, it has similar %olar ice ca%s li)e earth* It has two moons /hobos, 'emos*
)warf planet /luto, +haron, +eres, ris ,he @dwarf %lanets@ are all of those ob.ects which are not one of the eight dominant bodies =Mercury through "e%tune> yet still, at least in one way, resemble a %lanet* ,he best definition heard so far is that a dwarf %lanet is something that loo)s li)e a %lanet, but is not a %lanet* IAU, in the year #$$7 introduced this classification* ,he <ualities area It shall mo(e around the sun, ha(e sufficient gra(ity to to o(ercome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic e<uilibrium, has not clear cut orbit, but not a satellite which of the following is meant for eR?situ conservation of various species 6. her!arium 7. sperm !ank 8. !lood !ank 4. germplasm !ank germ %lasm ban) Jsitu conser(ation is o%%osite to insitu conser(ation* -oth insitu and eJsitu are conser(ation methods of animals, %lants and endangered s%ecies* -ut Jsitu conser(ation %rotects them outside of its natural habitats* Soos, -otanical gardens, and seedban)s or germ%lasm ban)s are eJam%les of this ty%e of conser(ation
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powerful typhoon occurs mainly in china .......t or f ? write more a!out it true*****ty%hoon mainly occurs in china****after touching the /hilli%ins border some time ,,,,,due to the same china ha(e to bear a lot of loss se(eral time .illingdon sland is located in which state of ndia??? LLwhich forms %art of the city of Aochi, in the state of Aerala, India* LL3illingdon Island was claimed from the Ba)e of Aochi, filling dredged soil around a %re(iously eJisted, but tiny natural island* LLIsland was created during construction of modern Aochi /ort in 45K7 with the soil dredged out while dee%ening the 2embanad Ba)e to accommodate the new Aochi /ort* LLnamed after Bord 3illingdon, the erstwhile go(ernor of Madras who ordered to commissioning the %ro.ect* .hich ndian 0tate is often called the heart of ndia? #. .est Bengal B. /ttar Pradesh C. ,adhya Pradesh ). Punja! n y? Madhya /radesh =+entral State>, is better )nown as the &Heart of India& not only for it&s geogra%hical %osition but more so for it&s uni<ue cultural history and its rich natural resources* Its argubaly the most di(erse amongst all Indian states as it has dense forests, a scenic %latue, ancient tem%les, hills and la)es and rich wildlife
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dholaviraa with its significance ?? rchaeological site in gu. last site to be eJca(ed belongs to indus ci(ilization
Tropopause? A boundary between ,ro%o s%here and stratos%here* 3ayers of ionosphere?? ,hermo, Meso, and eJo s%here* ,his layer is im%ortant as it contains ionized %articles, that is useful in the %ro%agation of radio wa(es BDJ of earths crust is made up of........... Igneous roc)s
Challenger )eep? It is in /acific !cean, where the marina trench located It is the dee%est sea %oint that is )nown on the earth&s sea 0tratified rocks5 how are they formed? ,he sedimentary or stratified are roc)s are formed by the mechanical factors and natural factors* A single member, or bed, of a stratified roc), whether thic) or thin, is called a layer, though for %ur%oses of distinction, eJcessi(ely thin layers are called lamince* ach layer or lamina re%resents an uninterru%ted de%osition of material, while the di(isions between them, or bedding %lanes, are due to longer or shorter %auses in the %rocess, or to a change, if only in a
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film, of the material de%osited* A stratum is the collection of layers of the same mineral substance, which occur together and may consist of one or many layers* (oaring forties??? +Rplain the nomenclature. ;$ degree da)shini golardh mai chalne waali %rachand (aayu**** +ommonly called the westerlies*** LL,he nomenclature from ;$ to 7$ is Roaring forties, furious fifties and Screaming siJties
0cirocco and 0olano. .hat are they? sirocco or ghibli is a warm dry wind mo(es along mediterranean sea
a hot and dry wind that flows in S%ain recently5 the golden Euadrilateral highways projects was completed5 which connects? <a= )elhi to 2ydera!ad to Chennai to Thiruvanantpuram <!= )elhi to ,umnai to Chennai to %olkata <c= )elhi to *agpur to Chennai to %olkata <d= *one of the a!ove ? %ro.ect for .oining all ; metro%olitan cities**delhi mumbai chennai Aol)ata
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,-/*T# *0 -: *) #
mplementation of land !oundary protocols. related to &Gramewor) agreement on co-o%eration for 'e(elo%ment& between India and -angladesh? Tipaimukh Project ? ulti%ur%ose hydel %ro.ect in Mani%ur ,he %ro.ect had gi(en rise to misgi(ings in -angladesh, which fears greater eJ%osure to floods during monsoons and low flows during the lean season* As a result, in #$$5, a team of -angladeshi /arliamentarians was airlifted to the site to con(ince %eo%le that the %ro.ect was for hydro%ower and flood control, and not irrigation* Teesta river water sharing?
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India nd -angladesh has some differences regarding the sharing of ,eesta ri(er&s water* Recently both these countries were on the brin) to sol(e this %roblem but Mamata -aner.ee refused to tra(el with the /M to -angladesh* /laan!aatar ? ca%ital of Mongolia -1 2are airport ? chicago, USA* largest 3i&ard in the world ? comodo dragon
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L ,he K6th /arallel di(ides "orth Aorea and South Aorea* L ,he Dohor Strait se%arates Malaysia from Singa%ore L ,he cities of &Hiroshima& and &"agasa)i& are located on Honshu and Ayushu islands res%ecti(ely* L Strait of 9ibraltar se%erates Morroco and S%ain* L After-effect=s> of deforestation 4*Increased run-off leading to soil erosion #*Recharging of ground-water table K*Glash floods* L &Baterite soils& are formed due to leaching* L &!rogenic forces& are res%onsible for the formation ofE 4*-loc) Mountains and #*Gold Mountains* L ,he highest %ea) of Sat%ura Range is 'hu%garh* L &/emba& and &Sanzibar& Islands of Africa are famous for the culti(ation and eJ%ort of +lo(es* L ,he famous &Ang)or 2at& tem%le is situated in +ambodia*
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what is 0talactites and stalagmites? .o u%ar se lata)ta haiE stalactite .o base se laga rahta haiE stalagmite .hich is the national tree of ndia? -anyan .ho laid the foundations of modern minting of coins? 4678 by 3illiam Stanley De(ons, types of dam -ased on structre nd material usd dams r clasified as timber dams,arch gra(ity dams,emban)ment dams or masonry dams ,yristica swaps ? Myristica swa%s E,y%ically found in 3estern 9hats,these fresh water swam%s gets its name from the Myristica trees,the most %rimiti(e form of flowering %lants on earth*,hey are referred to as @the li(ing museums of ancient life@*,heir habitat is now confined to Aerala and some %arts of Aarnata)a and 9oa :rontogenesis and :rontolysis ? Grontogenesis and frontolysis -oth terms refer to atmos%heric conditions created by front* Grontogenesis, in meteorology, refers to the formation or strengthening of an atmos%heric front* 'uring frontogenesis, the tem%erature gradient tightfor and as a result thermal wind becomes imbalanced* 3hile as frTntolysis in meteorology is th dissi%ation or
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wea)ening of am atmos%heric front* /*S* A front is a boundary se%arating two air masses that differ in density, tem%erature, and humidity* %arakoram road <china=. ?????? its a road lin) being built between +hina and %a)istan *** which india has ob.ected ***CC
. 3-C and #3C ?? Bine of +ontrol and Bine of Actual control Bine of control between India and /a)istan Bine of Actual +ontrol between India and +hina* -oth are ceasefire line
%arewas ? ,he term Aarewas refers to all those flat- to%%ed mounds that border the Aashmir (alley on all sides* ,hese are com%osed of fine salty clays with sand and boulder gra(el* <#= Great 2imalayan *ational Park ? 2imachal Pradesh. <B= (ajaji *ational Park ?/ttarakhand. <C= %eoladeo *ational Park ? Bharatpur5 (ajasthan. <)= 'an 'ihar *ational Park? Bhopal5 ,adhya Pradesh datum line ? ? A fiJed, measurable line, used as a reference from which angular or linear measurements are ta)en sir creek !order ? Its a stri% of water between India and /a) in the Rann of Autch in gu.arat with the Sindh %ro(ince of /a)istan* Its named after the british re% who mediated in a dis%ute bet sindh the then %art of bombay and the mahara.a of )utch* Its a marshy land
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/a)istan claims the entire land under bombay go(t resolution whereas india stic)s to the %osition of mid line drawn in 45#8 India su%%orts its stance by citing the thalweg doctrine* ,he law affirms ri(er boundaries bet two states if the two agrees di(ided by mid channel* /a)isthan argue its not im%lemented here because sir cree) is marshy lands Much of the region is rich of oil and gas -&one depletion largely occur on the Poles..hy?? ,he ty%ical en(ironmental conditions tht eJisted in the %oles 7months sun and siJ months night* As the cfc com%ounds need so much time to reach %oles they r tra%%ed by the cold winds %re(ailed they sustain in the same en(ironment until sun comes when the sun shine comes the chemical reaction starts* ,his is what called ozone de%letion* 3here as in e<uator the %ossibility is less what is Coral reefs ???? ela!orate with eRample ,he 9reat -arrier Reef in Australia is the world&s largest coral reef system* ,hey are formed by the decaying de%osits of %oly%s* ,he 9reat barrier reef of Australia nd Ba)shaydwee% islands are eJam%le of coral islands* Baglihar )am ? on chenab ri(er, its a ty%e of run-of-the-ri(er %ower %ro.ect Run-of-the-ri(er hydroelectricity =R!R> is a ty%e of hydroelectric generation whereby little or no water storage is %ro(ided*
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meandering of ri(er
#r!oreal ? animals living in trees 7. 'olant ? flying animals 8. #mphi!ious ? lives !oth on land and water 4. #Euatic ? lives in water .hich island5 a former capital of Port Blair5 remained under 4apanese occupation from 6B47?6B4D? Ross Island .hat is the name of 4apanese art of aesthetic miniaturi&ation of trees5 !y growing them in containers? yes bonsai i)ebana is %lacing dem %ro%erly in a bou<uet The third largest river of the .orld is ? Pangtze ri(er .hat is wetland. dentify the significance of wetland in conservation of geoecology of ndia. 3etlands are areas where water is the %rimary factor
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controlling the en(ironment and the associated %lant and animal life* ,hey occur where the water table is at or near the surface of the land, or where the land is co(ered by water* ,he +on(ention on 3etlands, signed in Ramsar, Iran, in 45H4, is an intergo(ernmental treaty which %ro(ides the framewor) for national action and international coo%eration for the conser(ation and wise use of wetlands and their resources* ,here are %resently 486 +ontracting /arties to the +on(ention, with 4H86 wetland sites, totaling 474 million hectares, designated for inclusion in the Ramsar Bist of 3etlands of International Im%ortance* Ramsar +on(ention is the only global en(ironment treaty dealing with a %articular ecosystem* which region is known as G.orld1s Bread!asketG ? due %rairies +very year on %artik Purnima5 which town host india1s !iggest camel fair? %ush)er conducts the fair* It attracts the thousands of tourists in the world .hich princely state was the first to !e anneRed to the British +ast ndia Company under the )octrine of 3apse policy5 devised !y 3ord )alhousie? Satara - 46;6, Dait%ur - 46;5 sambal%urF-hagat-468$, Uday%ur-468#, Dhansi-468K, "ag%ur-468; and Awadh-4687 ,andovi1 and 1@uari1 are major rivers of which ndian state ? the Suari and mando(i Ri(er is the largest ri(er in the state of
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9oa, India* the angular speed of a whilrwind in a tornado in a tornado towards the centre a= decreases rapidly != increases c= remains constant d= slowly !ecomes &ero
,ilwaukee deep Milwau)ee 'ee%, also )nown is the dee%est %art of the Atlantic !cean and is %art of the /uerto Rico ,rench* 4ava trench Da(a ,rench, also called Sunda 'ouble ,rench, dee% submarine de%ression in the eastern Indian !cean that eJtends some #,$$$ miles =K,#$$ )m> in a northwest-southeast arc along the southwestern and southern Indonesian archi%elago*,he Da(a ,rench is a continuation of the Sunda ,rench, where the oceanic %art of the Australian /late is being subducted beneath the continental urasian /late* A string of (olcanoes has resulted behind the trench, strung out across Sumatra, Da(a, and the Besser Sunda Islands* what is the similarity !etween ,ilwaukee deep5 4ava trench5 and Challenger deep......... a= they all are trenches in the Pacific ocean != they are the deepest points of the atlantics5 ndian and pacific oceans5 respectively c=they all are trenches in the ndian5 ocean d= they all are deeps of the atlantic ocean5
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,hey are the dee%est %oints of the atlantics, Indian and /acific oceans .2K is the river Godavari named so ? Begend has it that Sage 9autama li(ed on the -rahmagiri Hills at ,rayamba)eshwar with his wife Ahalya* ,he rishi )e%t his stoc) of rice in a granary* !nce, a cow entered his granary and ate u% the rice* 3hen the rishi tried to ward the cow away with 'urbha grass, it fell dead* ,he rishi wanted to relie(e himself of the sin of U9ohatyaR* He worshi%%ed Bord Shi(a and re<uested him to bring the 9anges to %urify his hermitage* Bord Shi(a %leased with the rishi a%%eared as ,riamba)a and brought along the ri(er 9anges* Since the 9anges was brought down to ,riamba)eshwar by Sage 9autama, it is )nown here as 9autami* It is also )nown as 9oda(ari because the ri(er hel%ed Sage 9autama to relie(e his sins in the interior of the earth a= the temperature falls with increasing depth != the pressure falls with increasing depth c= the temperature rises with increasing depth d= !oth temperature and pressure fall with increasing depth ,em%* rises wd increasing de%th what is 1(ail!andhu1? the first magazine by the Indian Railways* ,o be distributed for free to %assengers in %remier trains, including the Ra.dhanis and Shatabdis*
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Initiati(e by mamta baner.ee Genoa is the leading sea?port of which country?? Italy !annerghatta !iological park ????P -angalore,Aarnata)a famous for white tigers country&s first butterfly %ar) launched in the same %remises Geosynclines ?????? geosyncline is a term still occasionally used for a subsiding linear trough that was caused by the accumulation of sedimentary roc) strata de%osited in a basin and subse<uently com%ressed, deformed, and u%lifted into a mountain range* 3ongest river which forms estuary in ndia ? "armada** This river passes through Germany5 #ustria5 0lovakia5 2ungary5 Croatia5 0er!ia5 (omania5 Bulgaria5 ,oldova and /kraine.....*ame it ? 'anube ri(er , = uro%e&s second longest ri(er after the 2olga*>
The longest :rench river is ? loire .ho initiated the Ganga #ction plan ?
Ra.i( 9andhi
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source of Cham!al river 2indya range, Mhow #swan dam ? on the ri(er nil key difference !etween a !arrage and a dam ? A dam stores sur%lus flood water and distributes this additional water through the %ower N irrigation tunnels in the dam or through the canals from its reser(oir* In both cases it is the stored water that is distributed, and not ri(er water which continues to flow normally as before* It is at the barrages, for there is neither reser(oir nor storage, that the canals ta)e water directly from the ri(ers* Sim%ly it can be differentiated that 'ams add water , but barrages subtract it* Biggest navaiga!le river in +/(-P+ ?S rhine is right (iver cutting Tropic of Capricon ? Bim%o%o in africa * ,he Bim%o%o Ri(er rises in the interior of Africa, and flows generally eastwards towards the Indian !cean* It is around 4,7$$ )ilometers long
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,he main tributary is the !lifantsNBetaba ri(er = le%hant Ri(er>* ,he %ort town of Vai-Jai, Mozambi<ue is on the ri(er near the mouth* -elow the !lifants, the ri(er is %ermanently na(igable to the sea, though a sandbar %re(ent large shi%s& access eJce%t at high tide* ,he Bim%o%o is the second largest ri(er in Africa that drains to the east after Sambezi Ri(er* ,he Bim%o%o ri(er flows in a great arc, first zig-zagging northeast and north, then turning east and finally southeast* ,hen it ser(es as a border for about 7;$ )ilometres, se%arating South Africa on the southeast ban) from -otswana in the northwest and Simbabwe on the north* the angular speed of a whilrwind in a tornado in a tornado towards the centre a= decreases rapidly != increases c= remains constant d= slowly !ecomes &ero
cha)rawat nimn (ayudaab ) chhetra me aata hai* in)e charo aur san)endriya sam(ayudaab re)haye %ayi .ati hai* inme )endra se bahar )i aur .ane %r (ayudaab )ramash badhta hai* isliye cha)rawat me %aridhi se )endra )i aur ti(ra gati se %awan )a sanchaar hota hai* isme (ayu )a sanchar uttari golardh me ghadi )i sui ) (i%rit disha me tatha da)shini golardh me gadi )i sui )i disha me hota hai** ans b is correct origin of the #ma&on river ?
"e(ado Mismi
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)arling is the longest river of ...... which nation P? Australia %ishtwar town is situated on the !anks ofT <#= Beas <B= Chena! <C= 4helum <)= (avi =-> +henab n the /ttar Pradesh and ,adhya Pradesh 0tates5 the joint 1(ajghat (iver 'alley Project1 is launched on > -etwa Ri(er Tipaimukh dam is a hydro electric project under construction in ,anipur5 ndia5 which5 Bangladesh fears5 will affect Bangladesh1s interest in so far as her river water system will !e most adversely affected.....True or :alse ? t The Grand Canyon is formed !y theT <#= Colorado river <B= (io Grande river <C= 0nake river <)= Kukon river =A> +olorado ri(er river Godavari source brahmagiri mountain near traymbe)swar nasi) 3ongest tunel n ndia Dawahar tunnel in banihal %ass connecting shrinagar to other %arts of india
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*armada river emerges frm ? amar)antha) in ma)al range %aladan (iver...significance ? international ri(er between myanmar and Mizoram 0 *)2/ )#(02#*1....wats that ? festi(al celebrated at Beh in mnth of .une*****celebration of ri(er Indus )eepest river valley in ndia ? ,he ganges Purna (iver...origin ..path..projects ? -aitul dist, M/, astern Sat%ura***Runs %arallel to ,a%ti and meets her at Dalgaon, MH*** Also called /aisani=means ambrosia>, due to its taste*** #$$K, by %lanning commission, hydroelectric and irrigation %ro.ect was underta)en namely &/urna Ri(er /ro.ect DI$$8H#&* .hich of the following river is considered as origination of ndus river a= Gar != 4helum c= Gilgit d= #stol a 3argest river island in ndia ?S Ma.uli***Assam
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.hich rivers are known as five sisters ? Dhelum, +henab, Ra(i, -eas and Sutle. )udhsagar waterfall....location ? border of Aarnata)a and 9oa and located on manda(i ri(er Peacock sland ? benidorm islands, east coast of s%ain* +alled so because of large %eacoc) %o%ulation* Barkana :alls ...location ? 44th highest in India****Shimoga,,,,Aarnata)a .hy are tim!er dams rarely used these days ? s it because of following factors a>,he life of timber dams is short* b> ,he lea)age through a timber dam is <uite high* =c> ,he maintenance cost of a timber dam is high* d> ,imber dams cannot be constructed for great height .2K Ganga )olphin has !een declared as the *ational #Euatic #nimal of ndia ? #lso .2K is this creature called 10usu1 ? *it re%resent the health of ri(ers**s%ecially gangas**it ha( been declared by .airam ramesh*and the dol%hin called susu bcoz of the sound they %roduce* .hat is a delta ?..Give some eRample ?
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Bandform formed where a ri(er enters into ocean,sea,la)e***etc its a much fertile land due to de%osition of ri(er****** eg-ganges delta,nile delta #eroflot is a air foriegn service !elonging to which nation ? Russia %akrapara Project ? nuclear %ower station in surat,gu.arat (ome is situated on the !ank of the river S? ,iber *ational informatics centre in india was esta!lished in year? #. 6BC7 B. 6BCD C. 6BCC ). 6BCB
he National Informatics Centre 'NIC( is the main science K technology organisation of India/s 'nion @overnment ininformatics services and informationAandA communicationA technology ,I9T. applications. The (I9 is a part of the Indian Ministry of 9ommunications and Information Technology/s "epartment of Information Technology formation #814.
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46 tiger reserve in ndia t or f P?? what is the first announced tiger reserve ..n what is the latest one ????? what is the minimum reEuirement to !e a tiger reserve ............ itz false coz dre are ;#* for ac<uiring the status of tiger reser(e minimun K$$ tigers should be accounted for*** latest declared tiger reser(e is Aawal ,iger Reser(e in Andhra i guess* .hich ndian village that is richest in #sia? #. )ongs <Gujarat= B. %araikudi <Tamil *adu= C. 0iligiri <.est Bengal ). ,adapur <Gujarat = It&s d***bt it&s %o%ulation s only 48$$$* basically agriculture is the source****corn ,mangoes n sugarcane are grown largely*****nd besides many residents of madha%ar are wor)ing abroad but they %refer to sa(e money in India***nd that has resulted in ma)in the (illage wealthiest all o(er in Asia***
what is concept of caldera in geo terms......and also discussion of types of caldera...??? A large crater formed due to (olcanic acti(ity or the fall of a (olcanic cone normally bowl sha%ed
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jupiter is a only plane which is cold in the universe....t or f? ny reason ? *URA"US s called as d cold %lanet**Although uranus s nt d farthest %lanet frm d sun it&s d coldst %lanet n our solar system** "eJt to Du%iter nd saturn it&s d largest %lanet n our solar system**wat ma)es d %lanet so cold s tat it has low internal tem%** go!i desert is the #sia !iggest dessert t or f? write more a!out it ,rue***land s made of roc) and gra(el*** It s d 8th largest desert on the earth** 9obi&s a(erage rainfal s les than 6 inchesN yr** It s locatd n northrn china nd southrn Mongolia The most a!undant power resources occur in sedimentary rock t or f? n how? !ur %ower resources li)e coal and %etroleum %roducts are basically hydrocarbons, basically sedimented and fossilated organisms, which are found under the sedimentary roc)s, so yes ur statement is true* @Babrador +urrent@ meeting the 9ulf Stream* ,his current, which originates in the Arctic !cean, is a cold current and the 9ulf Stream, which originates at the ti% of Glorida, is a warm current* As you can imagine, the Babrador +urrent has a cooling effect on coastal "ew ngland and in the s%ring it e(en carries icebergs southward from the glaciers of 9reenland* As the tro%ical cyclones ma)e their way u% the warm 9ulf Stream, they e(entually meet this colder, albeit wea)er, Babrador +urrent, which can really start to slow a large cyclone*
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largest chily market in world U ? 9untur, Andhra /radesh which minerals is found in ,ona&ite sand? ! what is ,ona&ite sand ? thorium*** abundantly found in )erala
.hat is a .2#(: ?
It s a %latform on d shore of a harbour where shi%s may tie u% nd load or unload goods or %assengers .hich one of the following does not form part of the Buddhist circuit in /ttar Pradesh>? a. %apilvastu !. %ushinagar c. 0ankisa
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d. 0hravasti Aushinagar*** ********DI+A=DA/A" I", R"A,I!"AB +!!/ RA,I!" A9 "+P> has agreed # g( loans ; de(l%ment of infrastructre # conect d buddhist circuit n U*/** Boan wil b %ro(ded by DI+A thru union minstry of tourism**;$$ crore wil b %ro(ded ; road construction f bout H5 )ms conectng SAR"A,H n (aranasi, AA/IBA2AS,U n U*/ " /AB bordr and san)isa shra(asti n faru))abad %oyna 2ydroelectric Power project? Ri(er )oyna Maharashtra****** ,here was an earth<ua)e in 457H due to water %ressure what is #viary ????? bird house where is karanjii lake ? )aran.ii la)e-------in the mysore city of )arnat)a **surrounded by a nature %ar) consisting of a butterfly %ar) and a wal)through a(iary***** total area of Aaran.i la)e is 5$ hectares******this la)e is owned by the Mysore Soo Authority The Capital of :inland is a= 'ienna != Budapest c= 2elsinki d= Can!erra c> Helsin)i *ational )octor1s )ay ?
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celebrated on 4st .uly ****** to honour the legendary %hysician and the second +hief Minister of 3est -engal, @'r -idhan +handra Roy@* *** He was born on Duly 4, 466# and died on the same date in 457#, aged 6$ years* 'r Roy was honoured with the country&s highest ci(ilian award, -harat Ratna on Gebruary ;, 4574**** most populous district of india ? 6= howrah 7= north 74 parganas 8= mum!ai 4= delhi ,hane district in Mumbai #vadi <a!!reviation for 1#rmoured 'ehicles and #mmunition )epot of ndia1= ? in tamil nadu
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along with scenes from daily life are created in a loose rhythmic %attern* /ainted white on mud walls, they are %retty close to %re-historic ca(e %aintings in eJecution and usually de%ict scenes of human figures engaged in acti(ities li)e hunting, dancing, sowing ,har(esting, going out, drawing water from well, drying clothes or e(en dancing* .hich of the following was the line of demarcation !etween #fghanistan and the former British ndian +mpire? #= 3eopold 3ine B= )urand 3ine C= Parallel 8I )= Canning 3ine ts durand line signed between H* M* 'urand and Amir Abdur Rahman Ahan R 1City of the Golden Gate1 ? SanGrancisco nto #re!ian sea does river *armada flow ? t or f true 0ardar 'alla!h!hai Patel Police #cademy ? It is located in Hyderabad*,he academy was established on 48 Se%tember 45;6 and was named after India&s former 'e%uty /rime Minister Sardar 2allabhbhai /atel who was the man res%onsible for creating the All India Ser(ices and for establishing a training institution to train I/S officers* .here was the 1Project Tiger15 the tiger protection
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programme5 launched on 6 #pril 6BC8 ? corbett national %ar), uttara)hnad Paradip port an artificial %ort in orissa located between confluence of mahanadi ri(er n bay of -engal ,ithila ?N ,he Mithila is the ca%ital of 2idehas* Dana)a a %hiloso%her )ing associated with this %lace* It is now di(ided between India and "e%al*
n Corriander5 the useful parts are QQQQQQ. #= (oots and leaves B= 3eavers and flowers C= 3eaves and dried fruits )= :lowers and dried fruits -> Bea(ers and flowers ndira Gandhi Canal is the longest irrigation canal in ndia...t or f ..passes frm which state? ,rue %asses through /una.b, Haryana and Ra.asthan*** ,he canal is 78$ )m long and starts from the Hari)e -arrage, a few )ilometers below the confluence of the Sutle. and -eas ri(ers in /un.ab* It flows through /un.ab, Haryana, and Ra.asthan, with the ma.or length of the canal flowing through Ra.asthan* ,he canal terminates near Daisalmer in Ra.asthan*** ,he %ur%ose of the canal is to change ra.asthan&s dhar into %roducti(e area The headEuarters of ,C: <,aster Control :acility=????
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the nerve centre of the entire space craft operations in ndia is atQQQQQQQQQQ. #= 2ydera!ad <#ndhra Pradesh= B= Thum!a <%erala= C= 0riharikota <#ndhra Pradesh= )= 2assan <%arnataka= Hasan in Aarnata)a******* M+G at Hassan in Aarnata)a and -ho%al in Madhya /radesh monitors and controls all the geostationary satellites of ISR!******** M+G carries out o%erations related to initial orbit raising of satellites, in-orbit %ayload testing, and on-orbit o%erations throughout the life of these satellites*N********* ,he o%erations in(ol(e continuous trac)ing, telemetry and commanding, s%ecial o%erations li)e ecli%se management, station-)ee%ing manoeu(res and reco(ery in case of contingencies* #C(P Air%ort coo%erati(e research %rogramme** largest su!marine fan on +ar ,he -engal Gan, also )nown as the 9anges Gan, is the largest submarine fan on arth* ,he fan is about K$$$ )m long, 4$$$ )m wide with a maJimum thic)ness of 47*8 )m*th is ? .hat is 02ellac ?S A rasin secreted by the female lac bug, Aerria lacca )r 0alim #li Bird 0anctuary goa, Tirhuta ?
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scri%t used for Maithili language *evados -jos del 0alado.... is the world1s highest active volcano. ..... located on the Chile and #rgentina !order........t or f? true* T2e tropic of Cancer passes through which states of ndia ? name them ? 9u.rat , Ra.asthan , m%, chhattisgarh, .har)hand,westbengal * ,ri%ura, mizoram * atlantic coast o!server network<acon= *ame the river that divides )eccan ; ,alwa plateau? #. Godavari B. Tapati C. *armada ). 'indhya narmada* .hich is the largest living !ird on +arth? #= +mu B= -strich C= #l!atross )= 0i!erian Crane -> !strich wch continent has no deserts? uro%e*** the whole antarctica is )ind of a ice desert*
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2armattan is a cold wind and %hamsin is a hot wind.....tPf armattan ---------- dry and dusty 3est African trade wind*blows south from the Sahara into the 9ulf of 9uinea between the end of "o(ember and the middle of March =winter>***tem%eratures can be as low as K degrees +elsius** Ahamsin------------more commonly )nown in gy%t as )hamaseen refers to a dry, hot and dusty local wind blowing in "orth Africa and the Arabian /eninsula* Similar winds in the area are sirocco and simoom* Grom the Arabic word for &fifty&, throughout the Be(ant, these dry, dustfilled windstorms often blow s%oradically o(er fifty days, hence the name*** so the final answer is false,,,,,,EE>E> as both winds r hot only .hat is acidic lava and !asic lava after volcanic erruption ? Acidic la(a is felsic, or high in <uartz and %otassium felds%ars* -asic la(a is mafic, and higher in %lagioclase felds%ar* The nternational )ate 3ine is the 6. +Euator 7. A degree 3ongitude 8. FF degree +ast 3ongitude 4. 6FA degree 3ongitude 46$ degree Bongitude********** International 'ate Bine =I'B> is an imaginary line on the surface of the arth, that runs from the north to the south %ole and demarcates one calendar day from the neJt* It %asses through the middle of the /acific !cean, roughly following the 46$X longitude but it de(iates to
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%ass around some territories and island grou%s***the International 'ate line is on the o%%osite side of the arth to the /rime Meridian*******,he /rime Meridian hel%s to define Uni(ersal ,ime and is the meridian from which all other time zones are calculated* ** .hich of the following rivers passes through rift valley ? #= 0utlej B= *armada C= Kamuna )= Godavari "armada canada?????????????????????land of maple egypt???????????????????the gift of the nile The land of thousand lakes????????????finland The hearing pond ??????????????????#tlantic -cean .hat is the )uronto +Rpress? duranto is category of long distance, non sto% between two im%ortant cities F (ery fast train ha(ing yellow green coloured bogies announced in #$$5-4$ rail budget by mamta banar.i 4awaharlal nstitute of Post Graduate ,edical +ducation and (esearch <4 P,+(= is located at which place ?
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=DI/M R> is one of the to% fi(e medical schools in India* It is located in /ondicherry =formally /uducherry>, a union territory town in southern India on the shores of the -ay of -engal ,estd in 457;** 2ow many of the 7D 2ot spots of Biodiversity recogni&ed worldwide are situated in ndia? <a= 6 <!= 7 <c= 8 <d= A b> # the 3estern 9hats and the Himalayas .hich one of the following mountain ranges is spread over only one 0tate in ndia? #ravalli 0atpura #janta 0ahyadri ans is Ara(alli in ra.athan Birhor5 ,undas5 -arons are tri!es frm ? chotanag%ur**Dhar)hand %or!a tri!es have a panchayat known as 1........1 ? Mayari*
T+( ????? International ,hermonuclear J%erimental Reactor - world&s most ad(anced and largest to)oma) nuclear fusion reactor at +adarache in Grance, funded by se(en member countries, U, Grance, +hina, Da%an, India, US, russia, South Aorea, the target is to %roduce the %lasma by #$45*
#gasthyamalai ??
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Agasthyamalai Hills lie at the eJtreme southern end of the 3estern 9hats ******* in Aerala F ,amil "adu, South India* , it continues South of ,amil "adu and Aerala* Agasthyamalai -ios%here Reser(e it is com%osed of "eyyar, /e%%ara and Shendurney 3ildlife Sanctuaries* It is the habitat for #,$$$ (arieties of medicinal %lants, of which at least 8$ are rare and endangered s%ecies* Rare animals include the tiger, Asian le%hant, and "ilgiri ,ahr* Agastyamalai is also home to the Aani)aran, one of the oldest sur(i(ing ancient tribes in the world* *okrek ?? Nokrek (ational 0ar+, or Nokrek Biosphere :eserve, is a national par+ located Appro<imately %+m from Tura 0ea+ in est @aro >ills district of Meghalaya, +om%osition of the Atmos%here ,he %resent atmos%here of the arth is %robably not its original atmos%here* ,he original atmos%here may ha(e been similar to the com%osition of the solar nebula and close to the %resent com%osition of the 9as 9iant %lanets* ,he earlier atmos%here was lost to s%ace, and re%laced by com%ounds outgassed from the crust or =in some more recent theories> much of the atmos%here may ha(e come instead from the im%acts of comets and other %lanetesimals rich in (olatile materials*
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,he oJygen so characteristic of our atmos%here was almost all %roduced by %lants =cyanobacteria or, more collo<uially, bluegreen algae>* ,hus, the %resent com%osition of the atmos%here is H5I nitrogen, #$I oJygen, and 4I other gases* Bayers of the Atmos%here ,he atmos%here of the arth may be di(ided into se(eral distinct layers, as the following figure indicates* ,he ,ro%os%here ,he tro%os%here is where all weather ta)es %lace: it is the region of rising and falling %ac)ets of air* ,he air %ressure at the to% of the tro%os%here is only 4$I of that at sea le(el =$*4 atmos%heres>* ,here is a thin buffer zone between the tro%os%here and the neJt layer called the tro%o%ause* ,he Stratos%here and !zone Bayer Abo(e the tro%os%here is the stratos%here, where air flow is mostly horizontal* ,he thin ozone layer in the u%%er stratos%here has a high concentration of ozone, a %articularly reacti(e form of oJygen* ,his layer is %rimarily res%onsible for absorbing the ultra(iolet radiation from the Sun* ,he formation of this layer is a delicate matter, since only when oJygen is %roduced in the atmos%here can an ozone layer form and %re(ent an intense fluJ of ultra(iolet radiation from reaching the surface, where it is <uite hazardous to the e(olution of life* ,here is considerable recent concern that manmade flourocarbon com%ounds may be de%leting the ozone layer,
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with dire future conse<uences for life on the arth* ,he Mesos%here and Ionos%here Abo(e the stratos%here is the mesos%here and abo(e that is the ionos%here =or thermos%here>, where many atoms are ionized =ha(e gained or lost electrons so they ha(e a net electrical charge>* ,he ionos%here is (ery thin, but it is where aurora ta)e %lace, and is also res%onsible for absorbing the most energetic %hotons from the Sun, and for reflecting radio wa(es, thereby ma)ing long-distance radio communication %ossible* ,he structure of the ionos%here is strongly influenced by the charged %article wind from the Sun =solar wind>, which is in turn go(erned by the le(el of Solar acti(ity* !ne measure of the structure of the ionos%here is the free electron density, which is an indicator of the degree of ionization*
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#nticyclones are so called !ecause ? <a= They are sysytem of divergence and outflow of air <!= They destroy the cyclonic condition <c= They have no pressure gradient <d= They move in a direction opposite to that of cyclones =d> ,hey mo(e in a direction o%%osite to that of cyclones :irst tell wat is #l!edo ? The amount of #l!edo in the atmosphere is a!out ? <a= 6D percent <!= 47 percent <c= DA percent <d= 8C percent It is the ratio of Reflected light and incident ligh******** a(erage Albedo K8I - KHI .hich of the following terms denotes the atmospheric level at which the decrease of temprature with height ceases to prevail ? <a= Tropopause <!= onosphere <c= 0tratosphere <d= Troposphere Stratos%here ,he sha%e of earth can be best described as- 9 !I'**** also
!blate S%heroid**
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)iscuss on the phenomenon of Cam!rian eRplosion V Most ma.or animal grou%s a%%ear for the first time in the fossil record some 8;8 million years ago on the geological time scale in a relati(ely short %eriod of time )nown as the +ambrian eJ%losion ,he theory of the +ambrian J%losion holds that, beginning some 8;8 million years ago, an eJ%losion of di(ersity led to the a%%earance o(er a relati(ely short %eriod of 8 million to 4$ million years of a huge number of com%leJ, multi-celled organisms* Moreo(er, this burst of animal forms led to most of the ma.or animal grou%s we )now today, that is, e(ery eJtant /hylum* It is also %ostulated that many forms that would rightfully deser(e the ran) of /hylum both a%%eared in the +ambrian only to ra%idly disa%%ear* "atural selection is generally belie(ed to ha(e fa(ored larger size, and conse<uently the need for hard s)eletons to %ro(ide structural su%%ort - hence, the +ambrian ga(e rise to the first shelled animals and animals with eJos)eletons =e*g*, the trilobites>* 3ith the inno(ation of structural su%%ort, the early +ambrian %eriod also saw the start of an eJ%losion in the size of many animals* ,he +ambrian J%losion is the outcome of changes in en(ironmental factors leading to changes in selecti(e %ressures, in turn leading to ada%ti(e di(ersification on a (ast scale* -y the start of the +ambrian, the large su%ercontinent 9ondwana, com%rising all land on arth, was brea)ing u% into smaller land masses* ,his increased the area of continental shelf, %roduced shallow seas, thereby also eJ%anding the di(ersity of en(ironmental niches in which animals could s%ecialize and s%eciate*
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)iscuss on difference !etween warm and cold ocean currents? ocean currents which transfer heat are warm ocean currents and they are surface currents* the mo(ement of these currents %roduces a worldwide water circulation that affects all oceans**and thus a flow of cold water in this circulation is cold ocean current* warm ocean currents flow more <uic)ly than cold ocean currents* Give short idea a!out the 0oil TaRonomy used !y /0 soil C-nservation 0ervice VVV It is the %ractice of describing,categorizing nd naming soil****** ,he US+S has three ma.or classification grou%sE =4> coarsegrained soils =e*g* sands and gra(els>: =#> fine-grained soils =e*g* silts and clays>: and =K> highly organic soils =referred to as @%eat@>* old classification was suggested by Marbutt**but due to criticism**this new classification was ado%ted Currents hav a tendency to circulate water waters in clockwise direction in norhtern hemisphere while anti? clockwise in the southern hemisphere SSS.hy so ? bcoz of d coriollis effect***nythng mo(ing freely in nortern hemis%hr is deflected towards its right nd (ice (ersa in southern hemis%hr**** )iscuss d mechanism of formation of clastic rocks V it is a com%osition of silicate minerals and roc) fragments that were trans%orted by mo(ing fluid mostly of <uartz, felds%ar, roc), fragments, clay minerals, and mica*
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o bascially due to de%osition of trans%orted material nd its lithification C )iscuss d diffrence !etween clastic and non clastic rocks ? clastic roc)s are made of ther roc)s wheather non clastic is made by chemical solutions so called by chemical roc)s too )iscuss the C-ntinental )rift theory V it eJ%lains the 9ondwanan distribution of ratites and the Antarctic flora*** gi(en by Alfred 3egener**** also )nown as dis%lacement hy%othesis*it is used for climatic changes****** alfred wegner ga( d conce%t of sial , sima**tal)d abt d united continent %angea**nd dn its brea) u% into angaraland n 9ondwanaland "orth and South America %ulled away from Africa and urasia and drifted to the west* In between the two continental bloc)s, America and Africa, the Atlantic basin a%%eared* Antarctica, Australia, %eninsular India and Madagascar were neatly nested together close to the southern ti% of South Africa* Again they drifted to the %resent %osition, gi(ing way to Indian !cean basin* ,his theory has now been established by the theory of U%late tectonicsR that, continents are mo(ing as %lateaus, on a semi-li<uid surface which su%%orts the continental drift theory* share some idea a!out plate tectonics1s /late tectonics is a theory that describes large scale motions of the earthRs lithos%here**** was %ro%osed by Harry Hess in 457#******* -uilds on the conce%ts of continental drift, %ro%osed by Alfred 3egener in 4548*
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,he tectonic %lates are com%osed of two ty%es of lithos%here first is thic)er continental and other one is thin oceanic*** mo(ement of %lates is ty%ically 8$ O 4$$ mm annually )iscuss the Physical Properties of -ceans V !n a(erage, sea water has a salinity of K*8 I******the a(erage density of sea water is 4*$#8 gNml and has a freezing %oint of -# + !cean currents are measured in 0verdrup <0v=..Tell more a!t this V named after Herald S(erdru%****used to measure units of ocean current*** t its 4 S(Y4$Z7 cubic metresNsec The continental shelf is the eRtended perimeter of a continent which is currently under sea
r full of life n )Na green %astures, a(g de%th 4$$ fathoms, a(g width H$ )m, , economicaly (ery im%t asentire marine food comes frm d shelfnd #$I of world&s %roductn ofoil n natural gas comes frm dm +oastal states also ha(e eJclusi(e rights to li(ing resources MattachedW to the shelf, but not to creatures li(ing there freely ,he continental shelf usually ends at a %oint of decreasing
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slo%e, called the shelf brea)* .hat are -cean Trenches..discuss ? ,he dee%est ocean de%th )nown is the +hallenger 'ee% %oint of the Mariana ,rench in the /acific !cean =4$,544 m> ,ohorovicic discontinuity separates Crust and ,antle. it signifies change in seismic (elocity and roc) com%osition )iscuss on -ceanic !asins...with eRamples V ocean basins are large geologic basins that are below sea le(el* eJam%le Earctic, atlantic %acific oceans are the eJam%le************* ocean basins can be acti(ely changing or inacti(e de%ending on %late tectonics******** ,he Atlantic and Antarctic !cean basins are acti(ely growing while the Mediterranean is shrin)ing* Inacti(e ocean basins include the 9ulf of MeJico, the Sea of Da%an and the -ering Sea .hat is a #!yssal plain ? Abyssal %lain is an underwater %lain on the dee% ocean floor found at de%ths between K$$$ and 7$$$ metres* please list out all the differences !etween asteroids and comets ,he %rimary difference is that comets ha(e a tail, whereas asteroids do not******** comets tend to ha(e eJtremely elongated orbits***asteroids tend to ha(e more circular orbits********* more asteroids are )nown than comets******* asteroids lie between
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mars and Du%iter******** comets are bodies made of ice and dust re(ol(es round the sun with along a shining tail usually # to K cr )m in length*
)iscuss the d Tetrahedral Theory <Topic?? 3andforms= !ne of the features of this theory is the idea that the tetrahedral uni(erse is inside another, much larger uni(erse, which is also tetrahedral* Inside this larger uni(erse are (arious other tetrahedral uni(erses* ,he larger uni(erse is one of many larger uni(erses, all of which are inside an e(en larger uni(erse, and so on* ,here is an infinite series of these uni(erses in uni(erses*
)iscuss d intrusive volcanic activity ? It occurs when there are lines of wea)ness such as faults, .oints, or bedding %lanes in the crust* ,hen magma enters these lines of wea)ness* :eature of acid lava ? Acid la(a is molten material flowing from a (olcanic (ent* Acid la(a is high in silicates, (iscous, and doesnRt flow far* It creates a stee% sided dome* Jam%le of acid la(a dome is Mt Bassen******* it is %oor n metallic minerals ,ajor volcanic eRplosions? ,he largest (olcanic eru%tion in recorded history is that out
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.hat are lava shields? A la(a shield is a shallow-angled dome of la(a from a metre to many )ilometres in diameter*
.hat is a Caldera? caldera is mosly li)e the (olcano and formed by the collision of land following a (olcanic eru%tion**** In 4648, the 9erman geologist Beo%old, he introduced the term caldera into the geological (ocabulary*
)iscuss sostacy ? Isostacyos a state of gra(itational e<uilibrium between the earth&s lithos%here and asthenos%here*It de%ends on their thic)ness and density********** it is wor)s on the %rinci%le of buoyancy********** :ormation of 2-T 0P( *G0 ? Hot s%rings are formed by rainfall, ri(er water and la)e water see%ing into the earth, where it is heated dee% underground before being circulated to the surface again under a%%ro%riate geological and terrain conditions
%ool of usually bubbling mud*sometimes it called as mud %ool or %aint %ot 6st 4uly 7AA4 ? 0aturn or!it insertion of Cassini? 2uygens !egins at A6>67 /TC and ends at A7>4F /TC )iscuss #sthenosphere V Asthenos%here is the region below the lithos%here, (ariously estimated as being from fifty to se(eral hundred miles thic), in which the roc) is less rigid than that abo(e and below but rigid enough to transmit trans(erse seismic wa(es* constitutes the wea)er, hotter and dee%er %art of the u%%er mantle -rogenic !elts> ? +Ramples ? !rogenic beltsE occur when two continental %lates collide and %ush u%ward to form large mountain ranges* gE Himalayas n general5 earthEuakes of magnitude less than 8 are impercepti!le5 and more than C cause serious damage. )iscuss )ynamo Theory P? dynamo theory %ro%oses a mechanism by which a celestial body such as the arth or a star generates a magnetic field
)iscuss 0eismic waves ? these r wa(es of force C******** Seismic wa(es radiate from a brea) or mo(ement in the earth&s crust and can cause damage********* seismic wa(es that tra(el through the earth at
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different (elocitiesE / wa(es =/ressure or /rimary wa(es>E they are longitudinal wa(es that tra(el fastest through solids, and are therefore the first wa(es to a%%ear on a seismogram S wa(es =shear or secondary wa(es>E trans(erse wa(es that tra(el slower than / wa(es* "d these SURGA+ wa(es are slower than / and S wa(es, but ha(e much larger am%litude* ,hese surface wa(es cause most damage during an earth<ua)e eRample where mantle lies eRposed without any crust covering S? Atlantic seafloor********** a near d +arribeans islands C .hat is a ,oment ,agnitude scale ? it is a successor to the Richter scale and is used by seismologists to com%are the energy released by earth<ua)es* ,he absolute magnitude of a <ua)e is re%orted on the Moment Magnitude scale, while %ercei(ed magnitude is re%orted on the Modified Mercalli =MM> scale difference !etween moment magnitude scale and richter scale?? a basic diff -in Richter scale there is a u%%er limit whereas there is none in Moment Magnitude Scale u%%er limit of d highest measurable magnitude
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another 4 MMS is used for smaller <ua)es n Richter for higher <ua)es )iscuss ,id -cean (idges V A mid ocean ridge or mid-oceanic ridge is an underwater mountain range, formed by %late tectonics* formed at the di(ergng %late boundaries mid ocean ridges are geologically acti(e, with new magma constantly emerging onto the ocean floor )iscuss G+K0+(0 ?S 9 PS RSE ,hey r hot s%rings intermittently e.ecting water n steam associated with (olcanoes, deri(ing its name frm 9R A, 9 PSIR,HAUAA'ABUR,I+ BA"'* Gormation is rare due to s%ecial hydrogeological conditions in(ol(ing intense heat =magma>,water n %lumbing system, also (olcanic rhyolite roc)* ,P/ SE4*Gountain geysers that eru%t from %ools #*+one geysers that eru%t from cones r mounds of geyserite =siliceous sinter> JEgrand geyser n old faithful of iceland* B!+A,I!"E 4*yellow stone national %ar),u*s*#*Iceland K*(alley of geysers,Russia*;* l ,atio, +hile* ,au%o (olcanic zone,"ew zealand* 9RA"' 9 PS R is tallest n %redictable geyser of earth*A%art from earth geysers r also obser(ed on "e%tune&s moon ,riton n Saturn&s moon nceladus emitting water (a%our,ice,carbon dioJide,hydrocarbons,nitrogen n ammonia* what is el nino warm ocean currents of (ariable intensity that de(elo%s after late december along the coast o fecuador n %eru, may cause catastro%hic weather conditions**** Ba nina is its contrary
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short term changes in sea le(el can arise from el nino )iscuss the -C+#* C 2#B T#T0 S? coral reefs, roc)y shores, mangro(e forests and salt marshes* +oral reefs are aragonite structures formed by li(ing animal colonies* Aragonite is a carbonate mineral, one of the two ma.or naturally occurring crystalline forms of calcium carbonate =the other being calcite> what is 0upervolcanoes ? u%er(olcanoes are (olcanoes with e.ected material greater than 4$$$ cubic )m, which is millions of times larger than any (olcanic e(ent in )nown history 0iR 0upervolcanoes Lellowstone 6ong ?alley, and ?alles 9aldera in the 'nited &tatesM 6a+e Toba, (orth &umatra IndonesiaM Taupo ?olcano, (orth Island, (ew IealandM and Aira 9aldera, 5agoshima 0refecture, 5yNshN, 3apan
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The eRplosiveness of a volcanic eruption is measured !y ? 2 I - 2olcanic eJ%losi(ity IndeJ* In Scales $ to 6 measured as 2olcanic eJ%losi(ity IndeJ* $ signifies ed Ba(aNash (olume [ 4$$$MK and indeJ 6 signifies (olume ? 4$$$)mK +la!orate on this topic VV
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,he %lanet arth is a miJed li(ing and nonli(ing system* It is the su%rasystem of an su%ranational systems as well as the total ecological system, with all its li(ing and nonli(ing com%onents* ,he arth is studied in this article in terms of a general theory of all concrete systems, with s%ecial attention to the im%ortant subset of li(ing systems* ,he arth is an o%en system, interacting with its atmos%here and with matter and energy in s%ace* Its systemwide %rocesses and the %rocesses of its (arious com%onents, as well as their (ariables and indicators, are discussed* In the light of )nown facts about the arth as a system, consideration is gi(en to future worldwide %roblems which must be dealt with by human %lanners and statesmen*
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,H /BA" , AR,H, from its center to the outer limits of its atmos%here, including e(erything in and on it, is a miJed li(ing and nonli(ing system within the solar system, the Mil)y 3ay galaJy, and, ultimately, the uni(erse* 3hen we say that something is a system, we are saying that it has a set of characteristics that are common to all systems and lac)ing in things that are not systems* A system necessarily has %arts =or units, or com%onents>: these %arts ha(e some common %ro%erties, are interde%endent, and interact within the system* ,he %arts of this system are aggregations of matter and energy that differ greatly in size, in other as%ects of %hysical structure, in beha(ior, and in duration of eJistence* ,hese %arts are obser(ed to interact in eJceedingly com%leJ ways* ,he %er(asi(eness of the interde%endence among all %arts of the arth system is becoming increasingly a%%arent as the wides%read effects of changes in (ariables are traced* what is jet stream? where the jet stream !egins? ,he .et stream is a ri(er of wind that blows horizontally through the u%%er layers of the tro%os%here wt. is the time diff. !Pw india and nepal.................. and india and !hutan.... as #B said that theres 6D minutes diff. !Pw india and nepal !t i thought it is the diff. !Pw india n !hutan.... "e%al is 48 minutes ahead of India * as theres a ; degree diff* bNw bhutan and arunachal** so thers a diff of 47 min a%%roJ***
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ndia1s nfrastructure <)iscussions Geo .hat is ,ou ? Minutes !f Use********* it is unit of measurement eJ%ressed as either holding time or con(ersation time***** ;or telecommunication it is &Minute of use& #* Memorandom !f Understanding K* Ministry of Unification ;* Matching !%tic Units eRamine the reasons for launching )edicated freight corridor project he Dedicated )reight Corridor Corporation of India 6imited ,"=99I6. is a corporation run by the @overnment of India to underta+e planning K development, mobilisation of financial
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resources and construction, maintenance and operation of the "edicated =reight 9orridors. "=99 has been registered as a company under the 9ompanies Act #8*4 on )2 Bctober %224..... hq in new dehli..... :!A&B(AG 4* ,he cost of trans%ortation decreases* And as the trans%ortation eases, 9oods reach the mar)ets in time* #* 'e(elo%ment ha%%ens in and around the freight corridor* K* "ot but the least, the no* of accidents due to which both human and %ro%erty losses occur decreases* strengths and weakness of indian ports? w AA" SS---Bac) of mechanisation:Restrictions arising from limited draft: Sub-o%timal utilisation of s%ace around the %ort: Shortage of staff: Bac) of infrastructure to attract containers: +ustomer ser(ices: I, connecti(ity: +onstraints in night na(igation: Storage area management: Bac) of uniformity in o%erational efficiencies: /rocedural delays,railNroad e(acuation %roblems, ageing wor)force ,delay in %ro.ect im%lementation* distance from ma.or shi%%ing routes limited draft ,shortage of staff in )ey areas , Bac) of eJ%ansion s%ace Bac) of dedicated berth for non-cargo (essel, "2IR!"M ",AB /R!-B MS,+ustoms clearing time ,Bow efficiency and high tariffs le(el,Multi%le regulatory bodies:-ureaucracy and inefficient use of facilities ****%roblems of siltation, dredging***etc etc
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9eogra%hical %osition,3ell maintained dee%-water berths, /rotection from monsoon,a(ailability of large labour**etc advantages of the new transhipment terminal at kochi? Ad(antagesE ,he need for transshi%ment of Indian containers through %orts of other countries will be reduced substantially, with the im%lementation of this %ro.ect, which results in reduced trans%ortation cost and time to the trade* Railways and "ational Highways for trans%ortation between hinterland and %ort will be o%timally utilized* ,he terminal will also facilitate in setting u% of %ort based industries and their allied facilities such as +ontainer Greight Station, Island +ontainer 'e%ots, %ort based S%ecial conomic Sones, trans%ortation of cargo through Inland 3aterways, Bogistics, 3arehousing +enters etc in the State of Aerala which will generate additional em%loyment o%%ortunities* .here first seaplane service will start in india and why? am%hibian sea%lane &+essna #$6A& in Mumbai******** ,he +essna #$6A sea%lane, which has a seating ca%acity of eight %assengers and two %ilots, is +anada-made, siJ years old and costs around Rs* 6 crore* It can tra(el u% to #8$ )m an hour and can land on most calm waters* It can also land using the wheels configuration******** 'r* S*"*A* Saidi, Secretary, +i(il
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A(iation, said the ser(ice would connect /ort -lair and Ha(eloc) and subse<uently other islands in "orth Andaman* MIt will o%erate from the air%ort in /ort -lair, and from a waterdrome in Ha(eloc) and 'igli%ur,W he said* .rite 7A words on civil enclaves in ndia ? is an area allotted at an air%ort belonging to the armed forces, for the usage of ci(il aircraft and ci(il a(iation related ser(ices* +i(il encla(es are common in countries li)e India, Sri Ban)a, and /a)istan .rite 7A words on 0ethu0amudram Project V sethusamudram is an ambitious %ro.ect to build a gateway to the shi%s =cargo s%ecially> to connect eastern and western coasts of India and to %ro(ide a %assage to the shi%s tres%assing around sri lan)a it will also increase the im%ortance of ,uticorin %ort which lies in the loo% line E> the %roblem in %ro.ect is biodi(ersity of the region and the much discussed @adam&s bridge@ Bilateral #viation 0afety #greement <B#0#= ...4uly 7A66.. -ilateral agreements facilitate the reci%rocal airworthiness certification of ci(il aeronautical %roducts im%ortedNeJ%orted between two signatory countries* A -ilateral Airworthiness Agreement =-AA> or -ilateral A(iation Safety Agreement =-ASA> with Im%lementation /rocedures for Airworthiness =I/A> %ro(ides for airworthiness technical coo%eration between the GAA and its counter%art ci(il a(iation authorities* .hat is * #,#( ? "ational Institute of A(iation Management and Research in 'elhi*
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nternational Civil #viation -rgani&ation is located at ? Montreal canada** estd in H dec * 45;; ,,,,, .rite a!t Convention on nternational Civil #viation S? ,he +on(ention on International +i(il A(iation, also )nown as the +hicago +on(ention, established the International +i(il A(iation !rganization =I+A!>, a s%ecialized agency of the United "ations charged with coordinating and regulating international air tra(el* ,he +on(ention establishes rules of airs%ace, aircraft registration and safety, and details the rights of the signatories in relation to air tra(el* ,he +on(ention also eJem%ts air fuels from taJ* #ir ndia and ndian #ir 3ines merging ..eRplain According to information %osted on IA&s website, the increasingly intense com%etition faced by AI and IA from %ri(ate and global airline com%anies, was the main reason for the merger of the two airlines*4# In addition to hel%ing AI and IA tac)le com%etition, the merger was eJ%ected to result in considerable synergies by integrating routes and streamlining o(erla%%ing facilities and infrastructure* A new com%any called the "ational A(iation +om%any of India Btd* ="A+IB> was incor%orated on March K$, #$$H under Sections K54 and K5; of the Indian +om%anies Act, 4587 to facilitate the merger* Under the terms of the merger, all the underta)ings, %ro%erties, and liabilities of AI and IA were to be transferred to "A+IB* ,he decision to merge AI and Indian Airlines, in fact was a necessary ste% at the time* ,he two airlines had conflicting mar)et interests and there was a host of cost sa(ings that could be achie(ed by the synergies of a merger* -ut it was
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ne(er eJecuted %ro%erly* ,he fact that the merger too) four years to be comleted eJ%lains it well* ................... launched ndiaLs first 8G mo!ile services in 7AAF M,"B K9 &Dadoo& december #$$6 onwards ..................... was renamed as Tata Communications in 7AAF 2S"B .rite 7A words on ,T*3 ? mahanagar telecom nigam limited is the go(t underta)ing which %ro(ides ser(ices in delhi and Mumbai huwaie ha(e some contract wid mtnl,and its heard that mtnl is gi(ing bts maintainance to some com%any**** **all the e<ui%ment in M,"B is %ro(ided and maintained by com%any named AB+A, B** .hich company has 3argest optical fi!re network in ndia ? reliance C n 7AA45 ,T*3 esta!lished a fully owned su!sidiary ,T,3 for providing !asic5 mo!ile and long?distance operations in ...............<name d nation= V marutius .hen did nternational Telecommunications /nion !ecome a 0peciali&ed #gency of the /* > <#= 6B4F <B= 6B4I <C= 6B4C <)= 6B4D 45;HN
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:irst Country to introduce 8G? ,he first %re-commercial K9 networ) was launched by ",, 'o+oMo in Da%an, branded as G!MA* It was first a(ailable in May #$$4 as a %re-release =test> of 3-+'MA technology*,he first commercial launch of K9 was also by ",, 'o+oMo in Da%an on 4 !ctober #$$4* ,oday there are about 7$ K9 networ)s across #8 countries* ,he first commercial United States K9 networ) was by Monet Mobile "etwor)s* mtel Baunched the first K9 networ) in Africa* #dvantage of 8G over 7G? the bandwidth in K9 is a%%roz 48 times than that of #9 networ), which enables us to transfer more data .hat is 20P# and .C),#? high s%eed %ac)et access************ wideband code di(ison multi%le access -n what factors does 8G speed depend? S%eed de%ends on handset used, co(erage, networ) traffic and number of users currently using the K9 networ) at that %oint of time* #T;T is company frm which nation ? USA any one know when was first gsm call was made...?? !n Duly 4, 4554, Ginnish /rime Minister Harri Hol)eri made the worldRs first 9SM call, using "o)ia e<ui%ment****frm "o)ia site C in the beginning gsm stands for M9rou%e S%\ciale MobileW then gsm become comman mobile standard 9lobal System for Mobile
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which was port used internationally in free india..?? in 4578, )andla was the first S=eJclusi(e economic zone>********** it seems its Aandla in 9u.arat***first it was Aarachi***but since %artition***their was no o%tion but to built one nd dat is Aandla to dominate d Arabian Sea C .................... are conductors that store energy in a magnetic field5 which is produced in response to an electrical current An almost ideal inductor =] a%%roaching infinity> can be created by immersing a coil made from a su%erconducting alloy in li<uid helium or li<uid nitrogen* C+(T?in 0T#*)s :-(? +om%uter emergency res%onse team of india jnpt was !uilt in ? Dawaharlal "ehru /ort ,rust********** "a(i Mumbai ********* #7 may 4565 why does some B+0T5*,,T !usses hav initial like 4**/(,..?? Dawaharlal "ehru "ational Urban Renewal Mission******* Its a city modernisation scheme brought into action by the central go(t***in e(ery big city,****** In ' BHI ,RA"S/!R, +!r%oration too under it* who is major private firm in maharashtra5especially in mum!ai and pune5which makes road ??? IR- I"GRAS,RU+,UR S 9R!U/** I )now the mumbai %une eJ%ressway was built o%erated and transferred by this firm***and we )now how good it is* Power Transmission in the *) # is divided into five
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regional transmission systems>name dem ? "orthern region =H] 'elhi>E largest in area "orth eastern region =Shillong>E Highest hydroEthermal %ower ratio =4E4> astern region =H] Aol)ata> Southern region =H] -angalore> 3estern region =H]E "ag%ur> ...................is the second largest power generating utility in ndia5 after the *ational Thermal Power Corporation <*TPC= MS -
The largest gas !ased plant in ndia is at ? 'adri %lant in Uttar /radesh =64H M3>
Power transmission in *dia is handled !y .................? Power Grid Corporation of India Limited ,0B !:@:I". is an Indian stateAowned electric utilities company headquartered in @urgaon, India. 0ower @rid wheels about *#O of the total power generated in India on its transmission networ+. 0ower @rid has a pan India presence with around 8-,#$* 9ircuitA+m of Transmission networ+ and #)* nos. of !>?A9 K >?"9 subAstations with a total transformation capacity of 8#,8-* M?A. The InterAregional capacity is enhanced to %%-22 M . 0ower @rid has also diversified into Telecom business and established a telecom networ+ of more than %#,222 +m across the country. 0ower @rid has consistently maintained the transmission system availability over 88.22O which is at par with the International 'tilities.
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In #8$2 the :a;adhya+sha 9ommittee on 0ower &ector :eforms submitted its report to the @overnment of India suggesting e<tensive reforms in the Indian power sector. PPBased on the recommendations of the :a;adhya+sha 9ommittee, in #8$# the @overnment of India too+ the policy decision to form a national power grid which would pave the way for the integrated operation of the central and regional transmission systems. PP 0ursuant to this decision to form a national power grid, 0ower@rid was incorporated on Bctober %), #8$8 under the companies Act, #8*4 as the (ational 0ower Transmission 9orporation 6imited, with the responsibility of planning, e<ecuting, owning, operating and maintaining the high voltage transmission systems in the country. PPThe 9ompany received a certificate for commencement of business on (ovember $, #882. &ubsequently, the name of the 9ompany was changed to 0ower @rid 9orporation of India 6imited with effect from Bctober %), #88%..
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largest hydroelectric project undertaken in ndia !y *2PC ? Aoldam hydro %ower %ro.ect? +hattisgarh .hich of the following ports of india handles highest tonnage of import cargo? #= kolkata B= kandla C= mum!ai )= vishakapattanam mumbai hi hoga 7$I cargo mumbai utrata hai total )a
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n total ndia has how many nuclear reactors ? #$ total nuclear reactors*** Installed at siJ %ower %lants Aaiga,)a)ra%ar,)al%a))am,narora tara%ur and rawatbhata***** ,he #$th is in Aaiga recently installed .ho is 0udhinder Thakur ? Shri Sudhinder ,ha)ur, Jecuti(e 'irector =+or%orate /lanning>***"/+IB "uclear /ower +or%oration of India Bimited .rite 7A words a!t the Paltana Project V?? tri%ura ",/+ %ower %lant* India allowed transit thru bangladesh to carry material for building the %lant ..orldLs first aviation university coming up at> <a= Bangalore <!= *ice <c= Glasgow <d= 'enice it s -angalore C The only land locked country in south east asia is? 6. 3aos 7. Thailand 8. ,alaysia 4. %ampuchea Baos Bengha&i is a port of > ?....nation ? /ort in a northen libya and also .oint ca%ital of libya with ,ri%oli* (amagundanar thermal power project is in which state? a= #ndhra Pradesh <!= Tamil *adu <c= %erala <d= %arnataka
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Andhra %radesh, distt )arimnagar .hich among the following constitutes maRimum share in power generation in ndia? a=*uclear power !=0olar power c=2ydro Power d=.ind Power e=Thermal Power "o doubt thermal GC#( ? Indira 9andhi +enter Gor Atomic Research which located at Aal%))am* The port city of the ndus 'alley people was> #. ,ohenjo W daro B. %hali!angan C. 3othal ). 2arappa lothal .hich one of the following is an. #rtificial har!our ? #. Cochin B. %andla C.,adras ).Calcutta madras ***********now +hennai Cloud float in the atmosphere !ecause of their low> a= temperature != velocity c= pressure d= density its density based mechanism********* density is rgt ans eJ wood and alcohol float on water becase they both ha(e low density com%are with water* PC(# to set up ndiaLs 6st Car!on Credit Centre...write a!t it ? at the /ali teJtile cluster in Ra.asthan* ,his will be the first of 47 such ++A centres %ro%osed to be set u% across the country
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and aim to introduce and %o%ularise +lean 'e(elo%ment Mechanism =+'M> initiati(es in MSM =Micro, Small and Medium nter%rises> clusters under the ,echnology and
]uality U%gradation Su%%ort scheme for MSM s*** /etroleum +onser(ation Research Association .t is #ditya ? ...to whom its related <a= )()- <!= 0(<c= *TPC <d= *PC 3 a s%acecraft to stdy d sun will b goin to launch in #$4#*****to stdy d solar corona***** related # isro