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Mole Concept Notes 2

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Mole Concept

y Chemistry is defined as the study of the Concept Ladder
composition, properties and interaction of
matter. Chemistry, from the ancient
Branches of Chemistry Egyptian word “khēmia”
(1) Physical Chemistry meaning transmutation of
The discipline of chemistry concerned with earth, is the science of matter
at the atomic to molecular
the way in which physical properties of
scale, dealing primarily with
substances depend on and influence their
collections of atoms, such
chemical structure, properties, and reactions. as molecules, crystals, and
(2) Inorganic Chemistry metals.
The discipline of chemistry in which structure,
composition, and behavior of inorganic
compounds. All the substances other than the Rack your Brain
carbon-hydrogen compounds are classified
under the group of inorganic substances. How was mass of single carbon
(3) Organic Chemistry aotm determined?
The branch in which the study of the
structure, composition and the chemical
properties of organic compounds is known
as organic chemistry. Concept Ladder
(4) Biochemistry
The discipline which deals with the structure Antoine Lavoisier is known
and behavior of the components of cells and as father of chemistry. He
the chemical processes in living beings is developed an experimentally
based theory of the chemical
known as biochemistry
reactivity of oxygen and
(5) Analytical Chemistry
coauthored the modern
The branch of chemistry dealing with system for naming chemical
separation, identification and quantitative substances.
determination of the compositions of
different substances
MATTER Definition
y It exists in three physical states, e.g., Solid,
Liquid and Gas. It also has two other states Matter is anything that occupies
namely Bose-Eistein condensite and Plasma mass and space.
Mole Concept

(1) Solids have definite volume and definite
(2) Liquids have definite volume but definite
shape. They take the shape of the container Concept Ladder
in which they are kept.
(3) Gases ahve neither definite volume nor In chemistry, a substance
definite shape. They occupy completelty the is a form of matter that has
container in which they are kept. constant chemical composition
and characteristic properties.
It cannot be separated into
These three states are interconvertible on
components by physical
changing the conditions of temperature and separation methods, i.e. without
pressure. breaking chemical bonds. They
  can be solids, liquids or gases.

Classification of Matter On the Basis of Purity

Matter can be classified broadly as mixture or
pure substances, which can be further subdivided
as shows below.
Mole Concept

(1) Mixture
Generally pure substances are added Definition
together to form a mixture. Also, a mixture
A mixture contains two or more
can be obtained by mixing two mixtures. For
substances present in it in
example, sugar solution in water, air, tea etc.
any ratio which are called its
(2) Homogenous Mixture components.
A mixture in which the components
completely mix with each other and its
composition is uniform throughout. For
example, salt solution, sugar solution, air etc.
(3) Heterogenous Mixture Concept Ladder
A mixture which doesn’t have same
composition throughout and different Alloys are mixtures of two
components sometimes can be observed. For or more metals or a metal
and a non-metal and cannot
example, grains and pulses along with some
be separated into their
dirt (often stone) pieces , mixture of salt and
components by physical
sugar etc. methods. For example, brass is
(4) Pure Substances a mixture of approximately 30%
They have fixed composition, whereas mixture zinc and 70% copper.
may contain the components in any ratio and
its composition is variable. For example, gold,
silver, copper, water, glucose etc.
(5) Element Rack your Brain
Element has only one type of particles, atoms
or molecules. For example silver, copper, How do we judge whether milk,
sodium, hydrogen, oxygen etc. ghee, butter, salt, spices, mineral
(6) Molecule water or juice that we buy from the
When two or more atoms combine molecule market are pure?
is formed. Hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen
gases consists of molecules in which atoms
of same elements combine to give their
respective molecules. Definition
(7) Compound
When two or more atoms of
Compounds are always formed when
different elements combine,
substances combine in different ratios by
Mole Concept

the molecule of a compound is

mass. For example water ammonia, carbon formed.

Mole Concept

monoxide, sodium chloride etc.
Properties of Matter and Their Measurements Concept Ladder
y The properties of a substance have unique
characteristics and are classified into physical Physical properties like melting
and chemical properties. and boiling points can be the
(1) Physical Properties result of the components
Those properties which can be measured present inside a system.
or observed without changing the identity
or composition of the substance are known
as physical properties, .e.g, colour, melting
point, boiling point, odour etc.
(2) Chemical Properties Rack your Brain
Those properties which describe a matter’s
‘potential’ to undergo some chemical How do we judge whether milk,
changes are konwn as chemical properties, ghee, butter, salt, spices, mineral
e.g., characteristics reactions of different water or juice that we buy from the
substances which include acidity or basicity, market are pure?
combustibility etc.
(3) Measurement
Any quantitative observation represented by
a number followed by a unit in which it is
Concept Ladder
measued is called measurement, such as
length, are, volume etc.
There are other unit systems
used for measurement of
different physical and chemical
MEASUREMENT quantities For example, FPS
y 11th general conference of weights and (Foot, poundal, second), CGS
measures recommended the use of (centimeter, gram, second).
international system of units in 1960. SI Units
is abbreviated as (after the French expression
La System International de units).

Rack your Brain

Fundamental Units
y The SI system has seven basic/fundamental
Can you guess what is BTU?
units of physical quantities as follows:
Mole Concept

Physical Quantity Abbreviation Name of unit Symbol

time t second s

mass m kilogram kg

length l metre m

temperature T kelvin K

electric current I ampere A

light intensity lv candela Cd

amount of
n mole mol

Concept Ladder
Derived Units
Fundamental units are the basis
y The units obtained by combination of basic of derived units.. Derived units
units are known as derived units e.g. velocity are obtained when fundamental
is expressed as distance/time. Hence unit is units are divided or multiplied
m/s or ms–1. Some common derived units together but cannot be obtained
are: on addition or substraction.

Definition SI Unit

volume length cube m3

area m2

distance ms–1 per unit

travelled time

speed ms–2 per

changed unit time
Mole Concept

Standard Prefixes

Fraction Prefix Symbol Multiple Prefix Symbol

10–1 deci d 101 Deka da

10–2 centi c 102 Hecta h

10–3 milli m 103 kilo k

10–6 micro m 106 Mega M

10–9 nano n 109 Giga G

10–12 pico p 1012 Tera T

10–15 femto f 1015 Peta P

10­–18 atto a 1018 Exa E

Precision and Accuracy

Precision Concept Ladder
Precision is the closeness of various
measurements done for the same quantity The accuracy of any measurment
Accuracy depends upon two parameters.
Accuracy is the agreement of a subjected First being the device and
second being the skill of
value to the true value.
Ex: Let the true weight of a substance be 3.00g.
The measurement reported by three students
are as follows:

Sudent Measurements/g Average/g

1 2

A 2.95 2.93 2.94

B 3.01 2.99 3
Mole Concept

C 2.94 3.05 2.99

Case of A student
It is the case of precision but no accuracy since
measurements one close but not accurate.
Case of B student
Measurements are very close (precision) and
accurate (Accuracy).
Case of C student
Measurement is not close (no precision) and not
accurate (no accuracy).


Mass and Weight
y It is the quantity of matter present in it while
weight is the force exerted by gravity on an
y The mass of a substance is constant. Weight
varies from one place to another due to
change in gravity.
y SI unit of mass is kg.
y Volume is often quantified numerically using
the SI derived unit, the cubic meter (m3).
y Volume of liquids or solutions is measured by
using burette, pipette, graduated cylinder, or
volumetric flask.
y The mass occupied per unit volume of a
substance is known as Density. The symbol
most often used for density is r
y SI unit of density is kg m–3.
y Other units of density include lb ft–3 and g Volume is the quantity of three-
cm–3. dimensional space enclosed
y Density is usually calculated with respect to a by some closed boundary,
standard substance. This is known as relative for example, the space that a
density. substance (solid, liquid, gas, or
Mole Concept

plasma) or shape occupies or


y Temperature is a physical property of matter
which tell us about the degree of heat content.
y There are three common scales for
measurement of temperature — K (kelvin, °F
(degree Fahrenheit) and)°C (degree Celsius).
y The temperature on two scales is related to
each other by the following relationship:
°F = 9/5(°C) + 32
K = °C + 273-15


y The combination of elements to form
compounds chemically is the result of the
five basic laws:

Concept Ladder

Relation between different

temperature scales.

TC TF  32 TK  273.15

100 180 100

Law of Conservation of Mass

y The law states that matter can neither be Rack your Brain
created nor destroyed.
y This law was given by Antoine Lavoisier in Is law of conservation of mass
1789. valid when particles of light break
Mole Concept

from the packet of quanta?

y He performed experimental studies for
Rack your Brain
combustion reactions for reaching to the
above conclusion.
What will happen when hydrogen
y This law did form the basis for several later
and sulphur combine in the ratio
developments in chemistry. In fact, this was
1:16 by mass?
the result of absolutely exact measurement
of masses of reactants and products, and
carefully planned experiments done by

Q1 Five grams of KClO3 yid 3.04 1 g and 1.36 L of oxygen at standard temperature
and pressure. Show that these figures support the law of conservation of mass
within limits of ±0.4% error.

A1 According to gram-molecular volume law, 22.4 L of all gases and vapours at STP
weight equal to their molecular weights denoted in grams.
32  1.36
\ Weight of 1.36 L of oxygen at STP   1.943 g
Weight of KCl formed = 3.041 g (given)
\ Total weight of product (KCl + O2) = 3.041 + 1.943 = 4.984 g
Error = 5 – 4.984 = 0.001 g
\ % error  0.016  100  0.32

Hence, the law of conservation of mass is valid within limits of –0.4% error. Thus,
the law is supported.
Mole Concept

Law of Definite Proportions
y This law was given by French chemist, Joseph Concept Ladder
y It was stated by him that a given compound Law of constant composition
always contains the same proportion of is not true for all types of
elements by weight. compounds but true only for
y Proust considered two samples of cupric the compounds obtained from
one isotope.
carbonate — one of the samples from natural
origin and the other was of synthetic.
y He found that the composition of elements
present in it was similar for both the samples
as shown below:

% of copper % of oxygen % of carbon

51.35 9.74 38.91

51.35 9.74 38.91

y Thus, irrespective of the source, a given Rack your Brain

compound always contains same elements in
the same proportion. The validity of this law Can we apply the law of definite
has been confirmed by various experiments. proportion in case of non-
It is sometimes also referred to as Law of stoichiometric compounds and
definite composition. polymers?

Q2 0.7 g of iron reacts directly with 0.4 g of sulphur to form ferrous sulphide. If
2.8 g of iron is dissolved in dilute HCl and excess of sodium sulphide solution
is added, 4.4 g of iron sulphide is precipitated. Prove the law of constant

A2 The ration of the weight of iron and sulphur in the first sample of the compound
is Fe : S :: 0.7 : 0.4 or 7 : 4.
According to the second experiment, 2.8 g of iron gives 4.4 g ferrous sulphide, or
2.8 g Fe combines with S = 4.4 – 2.8 = 1.6 g
Therefore, the ratio of the weights of Fe : S :: 2.8 : 1.6 or 7.8.
Mole Concept

Since the ratio of the weights of the two elements is same in both the cases, the
law of constant composition is true.

Law of Multiple Proportions
y The law was proposed by Dalton in 1803. Concept Ladder
y According to this law, when two elements
combine to form more than one compound,
The law, which was based on
the mass of one element that combines with
Dalton’s observations of the
fixed mass of the other element, are in the
reactions of atmospheric gases,
ratio of simplest whole numbers.
states that when elements form
y For example, H2 combines with O2 to form two
compounds, the proportions of
compounds, namely, water and H2O2.
the elements in those chemical
Hydrogen + Oxygen → Water
compounds can be expressed
2g 16g     18g
in small whole number ratios.
Hydrogen + Oxygen → Hydrogen
2g     32g 34g

Q3 Elements X and Y form two different compounds. In the first compound, 0.324
g X is combined with 0.471 g Y. In the second compounds, 0.117 g X is combined
with 0.509 g Y. Show that these data illustrate the law of multiple proportions.

A3 In the first compound 0.324 g of X combines with 0.471 g of Y. In the second

compound 0.117 g of X combines with 0.509 g of Y.
0.509  0.324
Therefore, 0.324 g of X combines with the weight of Y   1.4095 g
Now, the weights of Y that combine with the same weight of X, i.e., 0.324 g of it,
are in the ratio of 0.471 : 1.4095 or 1 : 3. The ratio, being simple, illustrates the law
of multiple proportions.

Gay Lussac’s Law of Gaseous Volumes

y This law was given in 1808 by Gay Lussac.
y It was observed that when gases combine Previous Year’s Question
together in a chemical reaction they combine
in a simple ratio by volume provided all the Equal masses of H2, O2 and methane
gases are at same pressure and temperature. have been taken in a container of
y 1000 mL of H2 combine with 500 mL of O2 to volumes V at temperature 27°C in
give 1000 mL of H2O vapour. identical conditions. The ratio of
H2 + O2 → H2O the volumes of gases H2:O2:methane
1000 mL 500 mL 1000 mL would be
Mole Concept

(1) 8 : 16 : 1 (2) 16 : 8 : 1
(3) 16 : 1 : 2 (4) 8 : 1 : 2

Q4 Air contains 21% oxygen by volume. Calculate the theroretical volume of air
which will be required for burning completely 500 cubic ft of acetylene gas

A4 2C2H2  5O2  4CO2  2H2O  steam

2 vol 5 vol 4 vol 2 vol

According to the above equation:

2 volumes of acetylene require 5 volumes of O2 for combustion.
5  500
\ 500 eu. ft. of acetylene will require O2   1250 cu. ft.

100  1250
Hence, the quantity of air required   5952 cu. ft.

Avogadro law
y Avogadro proposed that when equal volumes
of gases at same temperature and pressure
Mole Concept

they should contain equal number of


y Avogadro gave the distinction between atoms
and molecules which is quite understandable Rack your Brain
in the present times.
y If we consider, reaction of H2 and O2 to produce A container of 5 liter consists
H2O, we see that two volumes of H2 combine CO2 gas. Another container of
half the volume consists O2 at
with one volume of O2 to give two volumes of
same condition. Would it follow
H2O without leaving any unreacted O2.
Avogadro’s law?

J. Dalton gave his famous theory of atom in

1803. The main postulates of this theory
y Atom is considered as a hard, dense and_ the Concept Ladder
smallest indivisible particle of matter.
y Each element consists of a identical kind of Dalton’s atomic theory had
atoms. certain explanation of Laws of
y The properties of elements differ because of Chemical Combination :
difference in the kinds of atoms contained in Law of conservation of mass :
them. Matter consists of atoms and
y This theory provides a satisfactory basis for can neither be created nor
the law of chemical combination. destroyed.
Law of constant composition:
Limitations of Dalton’s Theory When atoms of same or different
y This theory fails to explain why the atoms of elements combine together to
different kinds should differ in mass, valency form compounds, they combine
Mole Concept

in a fixed ratio, a simple whole

number ratios.

y The discovery of isobars and isotopes
demonstrated that atoms of same elements Rack your Brain
may have different atomic masses (isotopes)
and atoms of different kinds may have same Can you find law of multiple
atomic masses (isobars). proportion and law of reciprocal
y The discovery of various sub-aomic particles proportion form Dalton’s Atomic
like electrons, protons, X-rays, etc. during Theory Postulate?
the late 19th century lead to idea that atom
was no longer an indivisible and the smallest
particle of the matter.
y Each element is formed of smallest
particles called ‘ATOM’.
y Atom is derived from Greek language Atoms
means ‘Not to be cut’.
Atomic Mass
y Atomiic mass of an element can be defined
by a number which indicates how many times
the mass of one atom of the element is
heavier in comparison to 1 th part of the
mass of one atom of Carbon-12.

y [Mass of an atom of the element ] Mass of an atom in amu

Atomic mass  
1 1 amu
 [Mass of an atom of carbon-12]
Atomic mass unit (amu) or Unified mass (u)
1 Definition
y The quantity × mass of an atom of C-12 is
Average atomic mass is defined
known as atomic mass unit.
as the average mass of isotopes
y  1 a.m.u.  1.9924  10 kg

of an element naturally present.

Average Atomic Mass (AAM)
y The atomic mass as the weighted average
mass of all naturally occurring isotopes of the
Mole Concept

y  % abundance isotope 1   % abundance isotope 2 

A.A.M.     A1       A 2   ......
 100   100 

Q5 Chlorine is a mixture of two isotopes with atomic masses 35u and 37u and they
are present in the ration of 3:1. Determine average atomic mass of chlorine?

A5 Average atomic mass of chlorine

35  0.75  37  0.25
  35.49 u
0.75  0.25
Concept Ladder

Molecular Mass Mass spectroscopy and osmotic

y Molecular mass is the number which indicates pressure measurements are
how many times one molecule of a substance used for the determination
is heavier in comparison to 1 th of the mass of molecualr weight of any
12 compound.
of one aotm of C-12.
y Mass of one molecule of the substance (in amu)
Molecular mass 
 [Mass of an atom of C-12]
Mass of one molecule of substance (in amu)

1 amu

Q6 Calculate molecular mass of the following molecules:

(i) sulphuric acid (H2SO4) (ii) Glucose (C6H12O6)

A6 (i) Molecular mass of H2SO4

= 2(1.008 u) + 32.0 u + 4 (16.0) u
= 2.016 u + 32.0 u + 64.0 u = 98.016 u
(ii) Molecualr mass of C6H12O6
= 6(12.011 u) + 12(1.008 u) + 6(1600 u)
= 72.066 u + 12.096 u + 96.00 u = 180.162 u

Q7 Calculate molecular mass of glucose (C12H22O11) molecule.

A7 Molecular mass of glucose (C12H22O11)

Mole Concept

= 12(12.011 u) + 22(1.008 u) + 11(16.00 u)

= 342.308 u

Average Molecular Mass (AMM)
y Average Molecular Mass Previous Year’s Question
total mass
lecular mass =
total mole of molecules An element, X has the followign
isotopic composition :
y Let a sample contains n1 mole of molecules 200
X:90% 199
with molecular mass M1 and n2 mole of
molecules with molecualr mass M2, then [AIPMT-2007]
(1) 201 amu (2) 202 amu
n1M1  n2M2 (3) 199 amu (4) 200 amu
n1  n2

Formula Unit Mass

y The mass of a formula unit present in ionic Rack your Brain
compound is known as formula unit mass.
y For example, the formula unit mass of sodium There is a compound XCl2 which is
chloride (NaCl) is 58.5 u. ionic in nature. Can this compound
Gram Atomic Mass (GAM) have molecular mass?
y Gram atomic mass of an atom expressed in
y Number of gram atoms

Mass of element in grams Definition

GAM of element
The atomic mass of an element
Gram Molecular Mass (GMM) expressed in grams is called gram
y That amount of substance having mass in atomic mass.
grams which is equal to its molecular mass of
a substance expressed in grams is known as
gram molecular mass. Definition
y It is also called one gram molecule.
y Number of gram molecules The molecualr mass of a
compound expressed in grams is
Weight of substance
= called gram molecular mass.
GMM of substance
Mole Concept

y A mole is amount of a substance which Previous Year’s Question
consists of as many entities as there are
atoms in 12 g (or 0.012 kg) of the C-12 isotope. If Avogadro number NA, is changed
y The mass of a C-12 was calculated by a mass from 6.022 × 1023 mol–1 to 6.022 × 1020
spectrometer and was found to be equal to mol–1, this would change
1.992648 × 10–23 g. [AIPMT-2015]
y Number of atoms in one mole of carbon (1) the mass of one mole of carbon
(2) the ratio of chemical species to
12 g mol 1 of 12
C each other in a balanced equation

1.992648  1023 g 12
C atom (3) the ratio of chemical species to
each other in a compound
(4) the definition of mass in units of
= 6.0221367 × 1023 atoms mol–1 grams.
≈ 6.022 × 1023 atoms mol–1

Molar Mass
y The numercal value of molar mass of a
substance in grams is numerically equal to
atomic or molecular formula mass in u. Units
of molar mass are g mol–1 or kg mol–1. The mass of one mole of a
\ Molar mass of CO2 = 12.011 + 2(16.0) = 44.011 g substance in called its molar
mol–1 mass.
Molar mass of NaCl = 23.0 + 35.5 = 58.5 g

Molar Volume
y According to Avogadro’s hypothesis, equal
volumes of different gases under similar Concept Ladder
conditions of temperature and pressure
contian equal number of molecules. Loschdmidt Number
y A mole of a gas at STP (standard temperature The number of molecules
present in 1 cm3 of an
and pressure), viz., 1 atm and 273 K (0°C)
ideal gas at STO is called
contains NA molecules (6.022 × 1023).
Loschdmidt number
y 1 mole of a gas at 1 bar and 273 K consiting of
6.022  1023
NA molecules will have a volume of 22.7 liters   2.69  1019
Mole Concept

22400 mL
which is considered to be new STP condition.

To calculate no. of p, n and e–
(a) In case of neutral atom

Atom p e– n

Carbon (C) 6 6 6

Nitrogen (N) 7 7 7

(b) In case of ions

Ion p e– n

Oxide ion (O2–) 8 8 + 2 = 10 8

Nitride ion (N3–) 7 7 + 3 = 10 7

(c) In case of molecule

Ex: CH4
Total number of atoms in CH4 = 5

Molecule Element p e– n

CH4 Carbon 6 6 6

Hydrogen (1
4 4 0
× 4)

Total 10 10 6

Ex: N2
Total number of atoms in N2 = 2

Molecule Element p e– n

N2 2 × 7 = 14 2 × 7 = 14 2 × 7 = 14
(1 × 2)

Total 14 14 14
Mole Concept

(d) In case of Charge on Molecule
Ex: (NH4)+
Total number of atoms in (NH4)+ = 5
(No. of N-atoms = 1, No. of H-atoms = 4)

Molecule Element p e– n

(NH4)+ Nitrogen 7 6 7

4 4 0
(1 × 4)

Total 11 10 7

Mole Concept

y Amount of substance which consist of
Avogadro’s number (6.022 × 1023) of atoms if Previous Year’s Question
the substance is atomic or Avogadro’s number
(6.022 × 1023) of molecules.
Which has maximum molecules?
In case of gaseous substance mole is the
(1) 7 g N2 (2) 2 g H2
amount of gas which has a volume of 22.4
(3) 16 g NO2 (4) 16 g O2
litres at STP.

Examples :
(a) In case of atoms :
y 1 Mole of carbon atoms = NA carbon atoms Previous Year’s Question
1 Mole of carbon atoms = 6.022 × 1023 carbon
Suppose the elements X and Y
combine to form two compounds
y 1 Mole of nitrogen atoms = NA nitrogen atoms
XY2 and X3Y2. When 0.1 mole of XY2
= 6.022 × 1023 Nitrogen atoms
weighs 10 g and 0.05 mole of X3Y2
(b) In case of ions :
weighs 9g, the atomci weights of X
y 1 Mole of O2– = NA O2– ions = 6.022 × 1023 O2– ions
and Y are
y 1 Mole of N3– = NA N3– ions = 6.022 × 1023 N3–
+ (1) 40, 30 (2) 60, 40
y 1 Mole of NH4+ = NA NH4 ions = 6.022 × 1023
Mole Concept

(3) 20, 30 (4) 30, 20

NH4+ ions

(c) In case of molecules :
y 1 Mole of N2 = NA N2 molecules = 6.022 × 1023 Previous Year’s Question
N2 molecules
y 1 Mole of O2 = NA O2– molecules = 6.022 × 1023
The number of moles of oxygen
O2 molecules
in one litre of air containing 21%
y 1 Mole of CO2 = NA CO2 molecules = 6.022 ×
oxygen by volume, under standard
1023 CO2 molecules
conditions, is
(d) In case of Acid/Base/Salt/Double salts :
y 1 Mole of HCl = NA HCl = 6.022 × 1023 HCl
(1) 0.0093 mol
y 1 Mole of NaOH = NA NaOH = 6.022 × 1023 NaOH
(2) 2.10 mol
y 1 Mole of NH4OH = NA NH4OH = 6.022 × 1023
(3) 0.186 mol
(4) 0.21 mol
y 1 Mole of NaCl = NA NaCl = 6.022 × 1023 NaCl
y 1 Mole of FeSO4.(NH4)2SO4.6H2O = 6.022 × 1023

Q8 How many g atoms are there in on atom?

A8 6.023 × 1023 atoms = 1 g atom = 1 mole

1 atom 
6.023  1023
 1.66  1024 g atom or mol

Q9 From 200 mg of CO2, 1021 molecules are removed. How many grams and moles
of CO2 are left.

A9 44 g of CO2 = 1 mol = 6.023 × 1023 molecules

\ 6.023 × 1023 molecules = 44 g of CO2
40  1021  103
1021 molecules 
6.023  1023
Weight of CO2 left = 200 – 73.05 = 126.9=
mg = 0.1269 g
44 g of CO2 = 1 mol
Mole Concept

0.1269 g of CO2 =  0.1269  0.0028 mol

Q10 How many moles of O are present in 4.9 g of H PO ? 3 4

A10 Molecular weight of H3PO4 = 1 × 3 + 31 + 16 × 4 = 98 g

98 g = 1 mole of H3PO4 = 4 mole of O
4.9 g of H3PO4  4  4.9 = 0.2 mole of O

Q11 Calculate the number of moles in each of the following:

(i) 11g of CO2 (ii) 3.01 × 1022 molecules of CO2
(iii) 1.12 L of CO2 at STP

A11 (i) 44g of CO2 = 1 mol

11g of CO2  1  11  1  0.25 mol
44 4
(ii) 6.023 × 1023 molecuels = 1 mol
3.01 × 1022 molecules  1  3.01  10  0.05 mol

6.023  1023

(iii) 22.4L of CO2 = 1 mol

1.12L of CO2  1  1.12  0.05 mol

Q12 What is the volume occupied by one CCl4 molecule at 20°C? Density of CCl4 is
1.6 g mL–1 at 20°C.

A12 CCl4 molecule is liquid.

Mw of CCl4 = 12 + 4 × 35.5 = 154 g
1 molecule of CCl4  154
 25.56  1023 g
6.023  1023
Volume of one molecule 
25.56  1023

Mole Concept

 1.598  1022 mL or cm3

Q13 The volume of a drop of water is 0.04 mL. How many H2O molecules are there
in a drop of water? d = 1.0 g mL–1.

A13 Volume of 1 drop of H2O = 0.04 mL

Weight of H2O = Volume × Density = 0.04 × 1 = 0.04 g
1 mole of H2O = 18 g = 6.023 × 1023 molecules
6.023  1023  0.04
 0.04 g   1.3384  1021 molecules

y The percentage fo any element or constituent
in a compound is the number of parts by mass Previous Year’s Question
of that element or constituent present in 100
parts by mass of the c An organic Compound contains
carbon, hydrogne and oxygen. its
It is calculated as follows: elemental analysis gave C, 38.71%
y First calculated the molecular mass of the and H, 9.67%. The empirical formula
of the compound would be
compound from its formula by adding the
atomic masses of the elements present in 100
(1) CHO (2) CH4O
parts by mass of the compound. (3) CH3O (4) CH2O
y Then calculate the percentage of the element
or constituents by using the relation:
Mass of element × 100 in the compound
Mass% of an element =
Molar mass of the compound

Q14 Calculate the percentage composition of various elements in the following

compoud : Blue vitriol (CuSO4.5H2O).

A14 Molar mass of CuSO4.5H2O = 63.5 + 32 + 4 × 16 + 5 × 18 = 249.5 g

63.5  100
Mass% of Cu   25.45 %
32  100
Mass% of S   12.82 %
16  9  100
Mole Concept

Mass% of O   57.71 %
10  1.008  100
Mass% of H   4.040 %
Rack your Brain
Empirical Formula
y Empirical formula gives the simplest whole
Can we apply percentage
number ratio of the various atoms present in
composition in case of non-
a compound.
stochiometric comopounds like
y For example, the empirical formula of glucose Fe0.95O?
is CH2O, that of benzene is CH, and that of
hydrogen peroxide is OH.
Molecular Formula
y It represents the exact number of different
types of atoms present in a molecule of a
y For example, molecular formual of glucose is
C6H12O6, that of hydrogen peroxide is H2O2.
Relation Between Empirical and Molecular
y The molecualr formula of a compound is a
simple whole number multiple of its empirical
Molecualr formual = n × Empirical formula
where n is any integer, e.g., 1, 2, 3, ..., etc.
The value of n is obtained as
Molar mass
Empirical formula mass
Molar Mass of a Volatile Compound
y It is determined by Victor Meyer’s method.
It is based on the principle that 22.4 L of
vapours of a volatile compound at STP have
mass equal to the gram molecualr mass or by
the relation given below. Concept Ladder
Molar mass = 2 × Vapour density
Calculation of the Empirical and Molecular
There can be certain
substances where
y Conversion of mass percent to grams.
stoichiometry is not
y Convert into number of moles of each
Example – Fe0.95O.
Mole Concept

y To calculate the simplest whole number.

y Writing empirical formula.
y Writing molecular formula.

Q15 A substance, on analysis, gave the following percentage composition: Na =
43.4%, C = 11.3% and O = 45.3%. Calculate the empirical formula.
(Na = 23, C = 12, O = 16)

A15 Percentage
Atomic ratio Least ratio

43.4 1.89
Sodium 43.4 = 1.89 =2
23 0.94

11.3 0.94
Carbon 11.3 = 0.94 =1
12 0.94

45.3 2.84
Oxygen 45.3 = 2.83 =3
16 0.94

Hence, the empirical formula is Na2CO3.

Q16 Assuming the atomic weightof a metal M to be 56, find the empirical formula
of its oxide containing 70.00% of M.

A16 Percentage Whole

Element Atomic ratio Least ratio
composition number ratio

70 1.25
Metal 70.00 = 1.25 =1 2
56 1.25

30 1.875
Oxygen 30.00 = 1.875 = 1.5 3
16 1.25

Hence, the empirical formula is M2O3.

Mole Concept

CALCULTIONS Concept Ladder
y The word stoichiometry is taken from two
Greek words — stoicheion (which means
element) and metron (meaning measurement).
Stoichiometry uses all the
y It deals with the calculation of moles,
laws of chemical combination
molecules masses and sometimes volumes
during calculations.
of the reactants and products involved in a
balanced chemical equation.
y The coefficients of the balanced chemical
equations are called stoichiometric
y Stoichiometric coefficients represent the
number of moles and molecules of reactants
and products in a balanced chemical

Q17 Find out the volume of CO2 produced by the thermal decomposition
of 5 mole of calcium carbonate at STP?
(1) 22.4 litre (2) 2 × 22.4 litre
(3) 5 × 22.4 litre (4) 3 × 22.4 litre

A17 (3)
 CaO(s) + CO2(g)

1 mole 1 mole 1 mole

1 mol CaCO3 : 1 mol CO2
5 mol CaCO3 : 5 mol CO2
At STP 5 mole CO2 will have a volume of 5 × 22.4 litre

Q18 Find out the mass of CaO, obtained from the thermal decomposition of 5 gm
of CaCO3?
(1) 5.6 gm (2) 2.8 gm (3) 3.6 gm (4) 8.6 gm

A18 (2)
 CaO(s) + CO2(g)

1 mol CaCO3 : 1 mol CaO

100 g CaCO3 : 56 g CaO
Mole Concept

1 g CaCO3 : g CaO
5 g CaCO3 : × 5 g CaO
= 2.8 gm 27.
Q19 Find out the volume of CO2 obtained at NTP by the thermal decomposition
5gm of CaCO3?
(1) 22.4 litre (2) 2.245 litre
(3) 33.6 litre (4) 1.12 litre

A19 (4)
 CaO(s) + CO2(g)

nCaCO =
3 100
5 1
= =
2 3 100 20
1 22.4
VCO = × Vm = =1.12 Ltr
2 20 20

Q20 Find out the volume of O2 obtained from the thermal decomposition of 0.1
mole of Potassium chlorate (KClO3) at NTP ?
(1) 1.12 Litre (2) 2.24 Litre
(3) 3.36 Litre (4) 4.48 Litre

A20 (3)
 2KCl + 3O2

2 moles of KClO3 produces 3 moles of O2 according to the above chemical reaction.

So, 1 mol KClO3 forms 3/2 mol O2.
\ 0.1 mole KClO3 will give = 0.3/2 × 22.4 litre of O2 = 3.36 litre

Q21 Find out the mass of O2 obtained from 90 kg of water?

(1) 70 kg (2) 80 kg
(3) 100 kg (4) 50 kg

A21 (2)
2H2O → 2H2 + O2
2 mole H2O forms 1 mole of O2
2 × 18 g of H2O forms 32 g of O2 from above reaction.
1 kg of H2O will form kg of O2
2 × 18
Mole Concept

32 × 90
So, from 90 kg of H2O = kg of O2 = 80 kg of O2
2 × 18

Q22 Calculate the weight of CaO obtained by heating of 200 kg of 95 % pure lime
(1) 212.8 kg (2) 106.4 kg
(3) 318.4 kg (4) 418.4 kg

A22 (2) Lime stone sample 95 % purity 200 kg

of sample = Pure CaCO3 = 200 × 190kg
CaCO3 (s) → CaO (s) + CO2 (g)
1 mole of CaCO3 produces 1 mole of CaO
100 gm of CaCO3 will produces 56 gm of CaO
So, from 190 kg CaCO3 = × 190 kg CaO =
106.4 kg

Q23 Find out the weight of iron which will be converted into its oxide (Fe O ) by the
3 4
action of 18 g of steam?
(1) 21 gm (2) 42 gm
(3) 63 gm (4) 84 gm

A23 (2) From the compound given the following can be deduced
Molar ratio 3 mol Fe : 4 mol H2O
Mass ratio 3 × 56 g Fe : 4 × 18 g H2O
3 × 56 × 18
Using stoichiometry mFe = = 42 gram
4 × 18

Q24 Calculate the amount of water (g) produced by the combustion of 16g of

A24 CH4(g) + 2O2(g) → CO2(g) + 2H2O(g)

(i) 16 g of Methane is equal to one mole.

(ii) From above equation, a mol of CH4(g) gives 2 mole of H2O(g).

Mole Concept

So, mass of H2O = 2 × 18 = 36g

Ideal gas equation :
y PV = nRT
P = Pressure of the gas
V = Volume of the gas
n = mol of gas
R = universal gas constant
T = temperature in K
y Vgas = Vvesel
Vgas = Free available space for motion
R = universal gas constant R=

0.0821 atm L 1.99 Cal

R= or R=
mol K mol K

8.314 Joule
or R=
mol K
y PV = nRT at constant P, T

V1 n
↑ V∝n ↑ =1
V2 n2

y STP / NTP {Standard temp. & Pressure}

y P 1=
= atm T 273 K {Normal temp. &


Q25 Find out the molar volume of an ideal gas at STP/ NTP?

A25 PV = nRT V=
At STP: P = 1 Bar, T = 273.15 K

0.0821 atm L
For n = 1 mole and the value of R =
mol K
Using ideal gas equation
nRT 1 × 0.0821 × 273.51
=V = = 22.7 L
P 0.987
Mole Concept

Volume of 1 mol of an ideal gas at 1 atm = 22.4 L

Limiting Reagent
y If the reactants are not taken in the Definition
stoichiometric ratios then the reactant which
During a chemical reaction
is less than the required amount determines
a substance gets consumed
how much product will be formed.
completely. This substance is
Excess Reagent known as limiting reagent.
y The substance which does not get consumed
completely is known as excess reagent.
y The reactant present in excess is called the
Excess Reagent.
Ex: If we burn carbon in air (which has an infinite
supply of oxygen) then the amount of CO2
being produced will be governed by the
amount of carbon taken. In this case, Carbon
is the LR and O2 is the ER.

Q26 The number of litres of air required to burn 8 litres of C H 2 2

is approximately?
(1) 40 (2) 60
(3) 80 (4) 100

A26 For a chemical reaction of the type given below :

Given mole at t = 0
1A + 2 B  → C + 2D
5 mole 12 mole 0 0
At the completion of reaction the following can be seen, when 12 moles of B
reacts with 5 moles of A.
A + 2 B  → C + 2D
[5-5] mole [12-10] 5 mole 10 mole
0 2 mol excess max max
In this case, A gets consumed completely so it behaves as limiting reagent for
the reaction
C2H2 + O → 2CO2 + H2O
2 2
1 ml : ml
8 ml : ml
Mole Concept

8 ml : 20 ml of O2
20 × 5  Vair
Vair = 100 ml
y The amount of product formed by a chemical Rack your Brain
reaction is less than the amount predicted by
theoretical calculations. Why experimental yield is always
less than theoretical or calculated
y The ratio of the amount of product formed to
the amount predicted when multiplied by 100
gives the percentage yield.

Actual Yield
Percentage Yield   100
Theoretical Yield

Q27 For the reaction, CaO + 2HCl  → CaCl2 + H2O.

1.12 gram of CaO si reacted with excess of hydrochloric acid and 1.85 gm CaCl2
is formed. What is the % yield of the reaction?

A27 CaO + 2HCl  → CaCl2 + H2O

56 gm CaO will produce 111 gm CaCl2
1.12 gram of CaO will produce   1.12  2.22 gm
Thus Theoretical yield = 2.22 gm
Actual yield = 1.85 gm
% yield   100  83.33%

y Depending upon the mass of product, the
Rack your Brain
equivalent amount of reactant present is
determined with the help of given chemical
Percentage purity is so important
equation. When we known the actual amount
in our daily life. How?
of reactant taken and the amount calculated
with the help of a chemical equation, the
purity can be determined.

 Amount of reactant calculated form the chemical equation 

Percentage purity     100%
 Actual amount of reactant taken 
Mole Concept

Q28 Calcualte the amount of (CaO) in kg that can be produced by heating 200 kg
lime stone taht is 90% pure caCO3.

A28 Mass of Pure CaCO3 

200  90
 180 kg
CaCO3   CaO  CO2
100 kg 56 kg
180 x
100 56
  x  100.8 kg
180 x

y It is the special part of stoichiometry. Definition
y In this, we deal with absorption of gases
during a chemical process. The process of determining the
constituents of a gaseous mixture
Some Absorbents of Gases by means of the eudiometer, or
for ascertainnig the purity of the
The absorbent which is used for specific gas
air or the amount of oxygen in it.
is listed below:

Absorbent Gas or gases absorbed

Turpentine oil O3

Alkaline pyrogallol O2

Ferrous sulphate solution NO

Heated magnesium N2

Heated palladium H2

Ammonical coprous chloride O2, CO, C2H2

Copper sulphate solution H2S, PH3, AsH3

Conc. H2SO4 H2O i.e., moisture, NH3

Mole Concept

NaOH or KOH solution CO2, NO2, SO2, X2, all acidic oxides

Q29 90 ml of pure dry O2 is subjected to electric discharge, if only 10 % of it is
converted into O3, volume of the mixture of gases (O2 & O3) after the reaction
will be ______and after passing through turpentine oil will be ________.
(1) 84 ml, 78 ml (2) 81 ml, 87 ml
(3) 78 ml, 84 ml (4) 87 ml, 81 ml

A29 3O2  → 2O

Initially 90 ml 0
After reaction 90 – 9 ml 6 ml
Vmix = 81 ml O2 + 6 ml O3 = 87 ml
Turpentine oil (It absorbes O3 gas)
Vremaining = 81 ml of O2

y A solution is defined as the homogeneous
mixture of two or more substances,
composition of which may vary within the Rack your Brain
y Solution is a special type of mixture in which How does strength of solution
substances are intermixed so intimately change by increase in temperature?
that they cannot be observed as separated
y The substance which is dissolved is called
solute while medium in which solute is
dissovled to get a homogeneous mixture is
called the solvent.
y A solution is termed as binary and ternary
if it consists of two and three components
Mole Concept

Percentage Concept Ladder
y It refers tot he amount of the solute per 100
parts of the solution. It can also be called as % by mass  dsolution  10
parts per hundred (pph). It can be expressed M
be any of following four methods: 2

(i) Weight by weight percentage (%w/w) Where,

M = Molarity of solution
Wt. of solute(g)
  100 dsolution = density of solution
Wt. of solution(g) Mw = Molar mass of solute

e.g., 10% Na2CO3 solution w/w means 10g of

Na2CO3 is dissolved in 100 g of the solution.

(ii) Weight by volume percent (%w/v)

Wt. of solute(g)
  100 Rack your Brain
Volume of solution(cm3 )

e.g., 10% Na2CO3 (w/v) means 10 g Na2CO3 is Is there any effect of change in
dissolved in 100 cm3 of solution. temperrature on %v/v?

(iii) Volume by bolume percent (%v/v)

Volume of solute(cm3 )
Volume of solution(cm3 )

e.g., 10% ethanol (v/v) means 10 cm3 of ethanol

dissolved in 100 cm3 of solution.
Concept Ladder

(iv) Volume by weight percent (%v/w)

Volume of solute(cm3 ) %v/v is used for solution

  100 which contains both solute
Wt. of solution(g)
and solvent in liquid state.
e.g, 10% ethanol (v/w) means 10cm3 of ethanol
dissolved in 100g of solution.
Mole Concept

Parts per million (ppm) and parts per billion (ppb)
Rack your Brain
y When a solute is present in very small quantity,
it is convenient to express the concentration
What is the application of ppm,
in parts per million and parts per billion.
ppb or ppt in daily life?
y It is the number of parts of solute per million
(106) or per billion (109) parts of solution.
y It is independent of the temperature.

Mass of solute
ppm   106
Total mass of solution
Mass of solute
ppb   109
Total mass of solution

Q30 Calculate the parts per million of SO

g of SO gas.
gas in 250 mL water containing 5 × 1004

A30 Mass of SO gas = 5 × 10 g; –4

Mass of H O = Volume × Density = 250 cm 3
× 1 g cm–3 = 250 g
\ Parts per million of SO2 gas 
5  10 4
 106  2
250 g

Molarity (M)
y Molarity is defined as the number of moles
of the solute per liter of solution. Unit of
molarity is mol/dm3 or mol/liter. Rack your Brain
y For example, one molar (1 M) solution of sugar
means the solution contains 1 mole of sugar Can molarity be used to express
concentration for ionic solution?
per litre of the solution. Solution in terms of
molarity is generally expreesd as,
y Mathematically, molarity can be calculated by
following formulas:

No. of moles of solute(n) Wt. of solute(gm) 1000

(i) M   
Vol. of solution in litres gm mol.wt. of solute wt. of solution(ml)
Mole Concept

(ii) If molarity and volume of the solution are
changed from M1, V1 to M2, V2.
Then, M1V1 = M2V2
(iii) (iii)In the balanced chemical equation, if n1
moles of reactant-1 react with n2 moles of
reactant-2. Then,
n1A  n2B  Product
M1V1 M2 V2

n1 n2

(iv) (iv) If two solutions of same solute are mixed

then molarity (M) of resulting solution
M1V1  M2 V2
V 1

Q31 A bottle of commercial sulphuric acid (density 1.787 g ml–1) is labelled as 86%
by weight. What is the molarity of acid?

A31 Molarity of H2SO4 

Wt. of H2SO4 in 1L solution
mol. wt. of H2SO4
But wt. of given H2SO4 per litre   1.787  1000  1536.82 g
Hence molarity of H2SO4   15.68 mol L1

Q32 Amolarity
sample contains I and
of solution if
benzene. The mole fraction of I2 = 0.2. Calculate

(i) density of solution is d gm/ml

(ii) density of I2 & benzene are dI2 & dbenzene

A32 (i) M = 1.77 d

(ii) M  0.2
 50.8 62.4 
Mole Concept

 dI dbenzene 

Formality (F)
y Formality of solution may be defined as the
number of gram formula unis of the ionic
solute dissolved per litre of the solution.

Number of gram formula units of solute

Formality (F) =
Volume of solution in litres
Mass of ionic solute (g)
gram formula unit mass of solute × Volume of solution (l)

Q33 What
will be the formality of KNO 3
solution having strength equal to 2.02 g per

A33 Sterngth of KNO 3

= 2.02 gL–1
strength in gL1 2..02
 Formality of KNO3    0.02 F
g-formula wt. of KNO3 101

Molality (m)
y It is the number of moles of the solute per
1000 g of the solvent.
y Unit of molarity is mol/kg.
y Mathematically, molality can be calculated by
the following formulae,
Number of moles of solute Numbe er of moles of solute
(i) m   1000
Weight of solvent in kg Weight of solvent in gm
Wt. of solute 1000
(ii) m  
Mol. wt. of solute Weight of solvent in gm

M  1000
Molality (m) 
1000d  MMo

Q34 Calculate the Molarity and molality of a 98% by mass of H SO

a density of 1.25 g/cc.
2 4
solution having
Mole Concept

A34 H100g
SO taken = 98%
2 4
of solution contains 98g H SO 2 4.
mass of solution = 100g
mass of solute, H2SO4 = 98g
mass of volvent = 100 – 98 = 2g = 0.002 kg
moles of solute, H SO 98
= = 1
2 4
mass of solution 100
Volume of solution = = = 80 mL = 0.08 L
density 1.25
moles of solute 1
Molarity, M = = = 12.5 M
volume of solution (L) 0.08
moles of solute 1
Molarity, M = = = 500 m
mass of solution (kg) 0.02

Mole fraction (X)

y It is defined as ratio of number of moles of a
component to total moles of all components Concept Ladder
(solvent and solute) present in solution.
Relationship between
y ⚫ It is denoted by the letter X.
molality, moles and
Number of moles of component A is given by,
W molefraction.
nA = A
n2  1000 x2  1000
Number of moles of component B is given by, n1  Mw x 1  Mw
W 1 1
nB = B
n2 = no. of moles of solute
Total number of moles of A and B = nA + nB n1 = no. of moles of solvent
nA Mw = molar mass of solvent
Mole fraction of A, XA  2

nA  nB x2 = molefraction of solute
nB x1 = molefraction of solvent
Mole fraction of B, X 
nA  nB

The sum of mole fractions of all the

components in the solution is always one.
nA nB
XA  XB   1
nA  nB nA  nB
Mole Concept

Q35 Find out the masses of acid and water requried to prepare 1 mle of CH COOH
solution of 0.3 mole fraction of CH COOH.

A35 XCH COOH  0.3


XH O  1  0.3  0.7

Wt. of CH3COOH  XCH COOH  mol. wt.  CH3COOH  0.3  60  18 g


Wt. of water  XH O  mol. wt. H2O   0.7  18  12.6 g


Q36 From 160 g of SO (g) sample, 1.2046 x 10 molecules of SO are removed then
2 2
find out the volume of left over SO (g) at STP.

A36 Given moles = 160

= 2.5
Removed moles = 1.2046  10  2
6.023  1023

Number of moles left = 0.5.

Remaining volume at STP = 0.5 × 22.4 = 11.2 lit..

Q37 When x gram of a certain metal brunt in 1.5 g oxygen to give 3.0 g of its oxide.
1.20 g of the same metal heated in a steam gave 2.40 g of its oxide. shows the
these result illustrate the law of constant or definite proportion

A37 weight of metal = 3.0 – 1.5 = 1.5 g

So, weight of metal : weight of oxygen = 1.5 : 1.5 = 1 : 1
Similarly, in second case,
weight of oxygen = 2.4 – 1.2 = 1.2 g
so weight of metal : weight of oxygen = 1.2 : 1.2 = 1 : 1
Mole Concept

so, them results illustrate law of constant proportion.

Q38 Aasfresh H O solution is labelled 11.2 V. This solution has the same concentration
2 2
a solution which is:
(1) 3.4% (w/w) (2) 3.4% (v/v)
(3) 3.4% (w/v) (4) None of these

A38 V= M
= 11.2
= 1 mol/L
Hence there are 34g H2O2 in 1 litre
i.e., 3.4g in 100mL = Hence 3.4% (wt./vol.)

Q39 Density for 2 M CH3COOH solution is (1.2 g/mL)

(1) Molality
(2) mole fraction of CH3COOH acid
(3) % (w/w) after the solution
(4) % (w/v) for the solution

A39 Let volume & solution = 1 Litre

Molarity =
n solute
v solution

mass of solute
n solute = 2 (CH3COOH) =2
molar mass of solute

mass of solute = 2 × 60 = 120 g.

mass of solution = volume of solution × density of solution = 1200 g
\ mass of solvent = 1200 – 120 = 1080 g = 1.08 kg
moles of solvent = 1080 = 60 mole
(1) Molality = 1.85 M
(2) XCH3COOH = 0.0322

(3) % w/w = 10%

(4) % w/v = 12%
Mole Concept

Chapter Summary

Š Atom is the fundamental unit of matter which is further indivisible i.e. atom can
neither be created nor be destroyed.
Š Actual mass of the mass of one atom or one molecule of a substance is called
as actual mass.
Š 1 amu = × mass of one C-12 atom = 1.66 × 10–24 g or 1.66 × 10–27 kg
Š 1 mole of atoms is also termed as 1 gm-atom, 1 mole of ions is termed as 1 gm-
ion and 1 mole of molecule termed as 1 gm - molecule
Š Relation between the molecular formula and Empirical formula
Š n= Molecular mass
Empirical Formula mass
molecular mass
Š Vapour density =
Š Limiting reagent : Calculating amount of anyone product obtained taking each
reactant one by one irrespective of other reactants. The one giving least product
is limiting reagent.
Š For reversible reaction, the actual amount of any limiting reagent consumed in
such incomplete reaction is given by [% yield × given mole of limit reagent]
Š Measuring volume is equivalent to counting number of molecules of gas
General Concentration term :
(a) Density = mass , Unit : gm/cc
Density of any substan ce
(b) Relative density =
Density of reference substan ce

Density of any substan ce

(c) Specific gravity =
Density of water at 4°C

Density of vapour at some temperature and pressure

(d) Vapour density =
Density of H2 gas at same temperature and pressure

Š Concentration Terms
 v  volume of solute
%   100
V volume solution
Moles of solute
Mole %   100
Mole Concept

Total moles

moles of solute
Mole fraction  Xa  
Total moles
Mole of soulte
Molality M 
volume of solution in litre
moles of solute
Molality m 
Mass of solvent(inkg)
mass of solute
 per million ppm   106
mass of solution

Mole Concept


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