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Thrombocytopenia in Chronic Liver Disease: Lessons From Transplanted Patients

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Journal of Hepatology 47 (2007) 625629 www.elsevier.



Thrombocytopenia in chronic liver disease: Lessons from transplanted patients q

Giacomo La*, Roberto Tarquini, Fabio Marra
` Di Firenze, Viale Morgagni 85 50134 Firenze, Italy Dipartimento di Medicina Interna, Universita

See Article, pages 651657

Patients with advanced cirrhosis have a complex hemostatic disturbance [13], and thrombocytopenia is a common feature of this derangement [13]. The pathogenesis of this phenomenon is complex, and splenic pooling, increased platelet consumption and/or impaired production have been variably suggested to contribute as etiologic factors [13]. Kinetic studies using radiolabelled platelets indicate an increase in platelet sequestration together with a reduction in mean platelet survival [4]. Nevertheless, the mean platelet count in patients with mild disease has been found to be nearly normal, because platelet production by the bone marrow is increased nearly twice above normal values [4]. Several studies have provided evidence for the hypothesis that when liver function progressively fails, reduced synthesis of thrombopoietin (TPO) results in an inappropriate stimulation of the bone marrow, and thrombocytopenia develops [510]. Besides quantitative changes, abnormalities of platelet function are also present in cirrhotics. An intrinsic platelet defect was suggested to be the most likely cause, related to impaired transmembrane signalling mechanisms, together with alterations in TxB2 production and in cholesterol content of the platelet membrane [11,12]. Evidence for an acquired platelet storage pool defect has also been obtained [13]. Extrinsic causes, such as abnormal high-density lipoproteins, reduced hematocrit, or

Associate Editor: Massimo Colombo q The authors declare that they have nothing to disclose regarding funding or conict of interest with respect to this manuscript. * Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 0554296466; fax: +39 055417123. E-mail address: g.la@dmi.uni.it (G. La).

nitric oxide overproduction due to altered platelet-vessel wall interaction, may also contribute to the platelet defect [1416]. Clinical relevance of defective platelet function remains uncertain and recently Lisman et al. have suggested that reduced platelet number and function may be compensated by the presence of elevated levels of von Willebrand Factor [17]. Moreover, Tripodi et al. [18] suggested that when blood coagulation capacity is globally measured using thrombin generation assay, as a function of coagulant and anticoagulant factors, patients with cirrhosis and abnormal standard coagulation tests form thrombin in amounts similar to healthy subjects. On the basis of these data, even the relevance of hemostatic derangement as a major cause of bleeding in liver disease has been questioned [19]. However, in daily practice, patients with cirrhosis are still considered at risk for surgery, and several guidelines indicate dened limits in platelet number below which invasive manoeuvres, including liver biopsy, are not recommended [2022]. In a recent elegant study, Tripodi et al. [23] provided evidence that thrombocytopenia plays a key role in thrombin generation, suggesting the need for correction of this defect in patients with severe thrombocytopenia and risk of bleeding. The study by Nascimbene et al. [5], published in this issue of the Journal, focuses on some interesting aspects related to thrombocytopenia in the transplanted patient, another relevant problem in this scenario, and adds relevant data on the pathogenesis and treatment of this defect. Thrombocytopenia due to hypersplenism is extremely common in transplant candidates, but even after transplantation (OLT) thrombocytopenia is frequent, and during the rst post-operative week a moderate

0168-8278/$32.00 2007 European Association for the Study of the Liver. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jhep.2007.08.006


G. La et al. / Journal of Hepatology 47 (2007) 625629

reduction in platelet count (20,00050,000/ll) occurs in about half of the patients, and counts below 20,000/ll are reported in about 8% of patients [2427]. Spontaneous resolution usually begins during the second week, and by the third week platelet count reaches or exceeds the levels measured before OLT. Persistence of thrombocytopenia increases the risk of bleeding-related complications, and therefore worsens the prognosis of the transplanted patients [2426]. Intra-abdominal bleeding after OLT is a common complication, and an exploratory laparotomy for bleeding is required in up to 14.5% of patients undergoing OLT [24,25]. McCaughan et al. [26] described the occurrence of intracranial hemorrhage in recently transplanted patients with severe thrombocytopenia. Finally, use of liver biopsy in the early post-operative period to diagnose allograft rejection can be precluded. All these aspects highlight the fact that thrombocytopenia may continue to be a relevant problem also after OLT. Several mechanisms may potentially account for thrombocytopenia in the transplanted patient. Post-transplant thrombocytopenia has been attributed to decreased platelet production, increased platelet consumption, or sepsis [2428]. Pre-existing hypersplenism also makes an important contribution, because the spleen gradually shrinks over a period of months, and up to a year after OLT, until a normal portal pressure can be restored [29]. A decrease in platelet count starts after reperfusion and platelet sequestration in the newly grafted liver has been suggested to occur [24]. Nascimbene et al. [5] have performed an accurate and thorough study on platelet turnover before and after OLT, serially measuring thrombopoietin levels and reticulated platelets. They also analyzed specic surface markers which indicate the extent of platelet activation, both in basal conditions and after ADP exposure. Moreover, antibodies directed against human platelet antigens, class I major histocompatibility complex and cardiolipin were also measured. In selected cases, bone marrow aspirate was obtained. An important point is that the authors excluded a pathogenetic role of infection, drug-induced myelosuppression, and autoimmunity, since in all patients antiplatelet antibodies were absent. The data obtained in the present study not only oer novel and compelling information on the pathogenesis of thrombocytopenia in the transplanted patient, but are also valuable to better elucidate the pathogenesis of thrombocytopenia in patients with advanced cirrhosis, awaiting OLT. Nonetheless, a possible limitation of the study is its diculty to explain why in some patients the degree of reduction in platelet count is extremely severe. A combination of chronic peripheral activation in the presence of a central maturation decit are considered the factors responsible for thrombocytopenia in the recently transplanted patient. According to several reports [510], once synthesis of TPO is restored by liver replacement,

platelet count progressively normalizes, despite the persistence of peripheral activation, thus pointing at reduced TPO levels as a cause of thrombocytopenia. On the other hand, although the pathogenesis of platelet activation is complex, the liver graft appears to be the most likely site of platelet activation and sequestration immediately after OLT. This hypothesis is supported by several lines of evidence, including basic science data [30]. Platelets are blood constituents that play a pivotal role not only in hemostais, but also in inammation and wound healing. Upon activation, platelets can release inammatory mediators and growth factors, that can either enhance or limit/repair tissue injury of the liver [31,32]. In this situation, apoptosis has been extensively indicated as an important mechanism of graft failure in the preserved and reperfused liver [33]. Studies on the isolated perfused rat liver model have shown that platelets, sequestered in the ischemic liver after reperfusion, induce sinusoidal endothelial cell apoptosis through a mechanism dependent on platelet adhesion on the sinusoidal lumen [33]. More recent experimental data also indicate that hepatic ischemia and reperfusion are followed by tissue repair and liver regeneration that are mediated by platelets [32]. In an experimental model of orthotopic and heterotopic liver graft in the pig, Porte et al. [34] demonstrated a sharp drop in platelet count in the venous outow of the graft after reperfusion, and histologic examination by electron microscopic of the liver biopsy taken after reperfusion demonstrated, as in a previous study [35], platelet accumulation in the sinusoids, where most platelets showed cell processes and many seemed to have lost their granuli, compatible with their activation. Studies on labelled platelets performed in patients conrm accumulation of platelets in the newly grafted liver [24]. Finally, McCaughan et al. [26], who studied the extent and time-course of thrombocytopenia in a large group of patients undergoing OLT, found that allograft dysfunction (maximum post-operative bilirubin and/or AST/ALT) is the most consistent predictor of the extent and duration of thrombocytopenia. Thus, platelet activation in vivo is conrmed to be a common occurrence in transplanted patients, similar to what has been demonstrated in cirrhotics, although the sites and mechanisms of activation are likely to be dierent. Additional important information is provided by the paper of Nascimbene et al. [5] on the therapeutic approaches for post-transplant thrombocytopenia. For management of thrombocytopenia in transplanted patients, it is rst critical to rule out the occurrence of sepsis, intravascular coagulation, immunological causes and drug-induced thrombocytopenia. Administration of high-dose intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIG) and steroids, although based on anecdotical reports, is the rst line therapy, while plasma exchange has been used to

G. La et al. / Journal of Hepatology 47 (2007) 625629


treat cyclosporine-associated thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura [36] and splenectomy is reserved to severe and persistent thrombocytopenia [37]. High-dose IVIG, the treatment of choice in idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura and other autoimmune diseases, exert their therapeutic eect by modulating Fcgamma-mediated platelet destruction in the spleen [38,39]. In fact, the spleen, the major site of platelet destruction, contains a large number of Fc receptor-bearing phagocytic cells, such as monocytes and macrophages, which can bind and destroy opsonized platelets. The more likely mechanism of action advocated for IVIG is the inhibition of Fcgamma RII and RIII receptors [38,39]. Alternative mechanisms of action, albeit not denitively proven, may be related to the presence of anti-idiotypic antibodies within IVIG, that may mediate the elimination of antiplatelet antibodies [39]. Data obtained by Nascimbene et al. [5] are important in that they provide indication, even though from a retrospective and not controlled study, that IVIG induce a rapid and ecient resolution of non-immune thrombocytopenia in posttransplanted patients. How can these data, obtained in the transplanted patient, provide help for the treatment of thrombocytopenia in cirrhotic patients, a problem that the hepatologist faces every day? At the moment, the available therapeutic armamentarium to correct thrombocytopenia, even in selected conditions such as bleeding, surgery or invasive manoeuvres, is scarce. Platelet transfusion would provide a suitable phospholipid surface to complement the normal thrombin generation provided by plasma, thus securing normal coagulation even in those patients with severe thrombocytopenia [23]. Platelet transfusion is eective when there is a rise of 10,000 plt/ml for each unit transfused [3]. Because of splenic pooling and accelerated consumption, cirrhotic patients seldom respond with this optimal rise in platelet count [3]. Moreover, platelet transfusion may induce alloimmunization and refractoriness to new transfusions, and a low risk of transferring infectious pathogens still exists [2]. Stimulation of megakaryocytes in the bone marrow would appear a promising therapeutic strategy in cirrhotics with defective TPO synthesis. Recombinant human TPO (rhTPO) and pegylated recombinant human megakaryocyte growth and development factor (PEG-rhMGDF) are synthetic peptides available as therapeutic TPOs [40]. PEG-rhMGDF showed good therapeutic ecacy in favouring platelet recovery in patients with ITP, but its administration was followed by development of antibodies against the recombinant drug, cross-reacting with endogenous TPO and causing severe thrombocytopenia [41,42]. The aminoterminal domain of TPO shares a remarkable homology with erythropoietin. This domain is the one that binds to the c-Mpl receptor and is sucient for signalling and to support cellular proliferation [43]. Pirisi

et al. [44] administered a short-term course (720 days) of recombinant human erythropoietin (4000 IU/day s.c.) to 12 patients with chronic liver disease (in 11 of whom diagnosis of cirrhosis was conrmed) and placebo to seven patients with cirrhosis with a platelet count <85 109/L. After treatment, platelets increased in the group treated with rhEPO from 70,000 to 101,250/ll while no dierences were observed in the placebo group. Four of the patients (33%) did not respond to the treatment, and remarkably, these patients had the lower baseline platelet count (58,500/ll vs 75,750/ll). The reduced response could be related to enhanced hemocathartic activity in these patients. Homoncik et al. [45] administered 100 IE/kg erythropoietin or placebo in a randomized, double-blind fashion to 22 patients with alcoholic cirrhosis (platelet count <120 109/L). The treatment increased platelet count by 25% and reactivity, indicated by activator-stimulated expression of Pselectin, was increased by twofold versus baseline. The increase in platelet count was more pronounced in patients with platelet count <80 109/L. Taken together, the data from Nascimbene et al. [5], indicating the relevance of the defect in TPO secretion, highlight the need for a safe and eective agent acting on this pathway. Along these lines, interleukin-11 acts synergistically with IL-3, TPO and stem cell factor to increase the number and maturation of megakaryocytic progenitors. Ghalib et al. [46] administered rhIL-11 to patients with cirrhosis and thrombocytopenia and observed an increase in platelet count. Nonetheless, its wide use is limited by the relevant side eects, such as uid retention, observed in about 60% of treated patients. An additional nal suggestion that may be derived from the study by Nascimbene et al. [5] is the possible use of IVIG in cirrhotic patients. However, more solid data based on controlled trials must be rst obtained in post-transplant thrombocytopenia, before a possible extrapolation to the wide area of patients with end-stage liver disease. In this latter setting, patients with increased hemocathartic activity are the most likely candidates to benet from this approach. The nice study published in this issue of the Journal has the merit of providing non-anecdotical evidence on a severe and difcult complication such as that of thrombocytopenia in liver-transplanted patients, and to focus attention to the needs of the scores of patients with cirrhosis that are at risk of dying of bleeding-related complications.

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