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Dasamahavidya Mimamsa - Prof DR Vishnu Data Rakesh

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Dasamahavidya mimamsa prof dr Vishnu data rakesh (2004) Indian archeologists have referred to proofs of idol worship prevailing

g in india before 3000 bc. page 1 Sankararcharyas diptiction of lalitha Tripura sundari devis body as the body of the universe in soundary lahiri For the purpose of srngara, even mirror theme has been taken up in accordance with statues of Ellora. Here the sun the gem of the sky is considered as the mirror of the goddess bloomed hrt-kamala of a sadhaka. The seat of Anahat hakra is located as Surya Mandala. The 12 lotus petals stand for the 12 types of sun. The inner seated sun orbitied surya mandala is placed as a mirror at the lotus feet of divine mother. pg 6 In the tantra sastra, a yantra sketch symbolizes a small altar of atma-yajna (slf sacrifice). The outer quadrangle of the yantra represents a body which can be approached internally through any way. The Bindu (point) situated in the centre of the yantra is the last halting place of this journey pg 7 Within the Yantra, the signs of bhupura (body), vrtta (circle), dala (petal) and triangle along with that of the three gunatmk Prakriti. The Bindu (point) is the symbol of atma (soul) and the mahabindu is the imperishable brahmapada (seal of brahama) in the form siva shakthi prior to the bindu pg 8 The graphic yantras are saif to be the residing seat of sri vidya who is considered to be a symbol of creation, existence and destruction. A downward triangle hnts at creation, while an upward triangle is indicative of destruxtion. All the tantra granthas faithfully declare that these yantras possess the power of granting all luck and salvation to the seeker pg 10 The 10 mahavidyas are representation of navagrahas including lagna. They also represent 5 bhutas, disa (direction), time (kala), sun, moon and jivatma. The eleven rudras are 10 the 11th being self. Pg 16. It is denoted by the term of Rudra in vedic sastra and mahavidya in the agama. The fact that both stand for tenalso support this secret of this analysis. It is declared by divine mother in mahabhagavath that veda and tantra, nigmama and agama are her arms which uphold the universe. page 17 Kali: Symbolizes kriya shakthi, awards devotees soon Rules time Bhuveneswari: Known as mula prakrithi All names and forms originate from her Chief weapons hook and trap reprezeting control and attatchement. 1there are 10 forms of bhuvaneswari hakthi

In 12 chapter of 12thskanda of cintamanigraha is her residing seat. The brahma, Vishnu and rudra and sadasiva are 4 legs on throne. Which mula prakrithi bhuvaneswari is seated with her 10 attending powers. Bhuvaneswara forms right part of her and left is called bhuvaneswari lajja, ousti, tusti, kirti, kanti, ksama, daya, buddhi, megha, jaya, vijaya, ajita, aparajita, nitya, vilasini, dogghri, aghora and amangla. She grants bhuvenswara lord of universe sarvesa. pg21 10 mahavidyas are ten steps of evolution from kali (1) to Kamala (10) where the unmanifested bhuvaneswari devi adopts the form of the universein her manifest form . kamala is her manifested form and kali her unmanifested potential. Kali associate with time and bhuvaneswari with space. She is chief cause of all beings. She performs 5 acts: creation, maintence, dissolution, concealment and benediction. When 3 muthis are absent of their shakthis they become Preta. The instinct of search or discovery within self is vimarsa (red). That is why sadhaks meditate on her as red coloured. pg22 The hundred eyes of the goddess are the hundred mantras of the yajurveda which is known as the shatrudriya. The adoration of bhuvaneswari as brahma vidya makes one experience the innate meaning of vedic knowledge after killing Durgam, the personification of sloth. Consequently the security of the vedas and yajna is supposed to be the chief aim of the puja of the mother bhuvanesi. pg 30 The word yajurveda consists of 2 letters Yat and Ju. Yat meaning speed symbolizing prana. Ju stands for preservation symbolizing ether. Saraswathi gives birth to pure knowledge af ter the shattering the layers of lust in the form Durgam. pg 31 The Dasamahavidya born out of the goddess bhuvaneswari are procreated for the protection of the vedic and puranic activites. pg33 The Mundamala Tantra establishes a similarity between Dasamahavidya and Dasavataras. In other words KRsna and his ten avatars are noting else but Kali and the dasamahavidyas which are absolutely identical. Krshna is Kali, Rama is Tara, Varaha is bhuveneswari, nrsimha is trioura bhairavi, vamana is dhumavathi, parasurama is chinnamastha, matsya is kamala, kurma is bagalamukhi, Buddha is matangi, kalki is sodasi. pg 35 There is no other devata o this earth as compassionate as divine maheswari satakshi who is ever concerned about the welfare of her suffering children and awards them ceaseless boons for their contentment. pg 36

Tara: She is ever called Tara as she is faed for benedicting salvation or moksha. She also spontaneously awards vak shakthi hence she is befitting called Nila Saraswathi. She is Ugra Tara due to her rash nature and is known as ugra tariniby way of saving her devotees from tremendous suffering. pg38,39. In Vrhad tantra Nila saraswathi has been born of matsya formed sri haris body. She is befittingly given this form to kill hayagriva. pg39 She has 3 eyes, naked, standing on siva, with scissors, skull, lotus and dagger.Naked as she is mula prakrithi. Lion skin symbolizes direction. Slaughtered head is destruction of ego and skull drink represents transcendental bliss/ananda. Dagger stnds for knowledge (pirecing veil of ignorance) and scissors represent liberation from material cluthches. Lotus symbolizes creation while the gong bell hints at siddhi. Chinnamastha: Divine mother along with jaya and vijaya went to a river for bathing. During bathing her attendents repeatedly asked her for food as they were hungry. When they prayed saying she was the most benevolent as she fed her hungry childrendue to her compassion. She chopped off her head with her nail and 3 springs of blood oozed out. The attendents became dakini and varnini. Her attendants represent her tamo and rajo gunas. Bindu represents the solar circle. Lotus flower the cosmos and the kama kala which is gross form of the bliss instint of divine consciousness and initiates the activity of creation, this is shown as the couple engaged in sex. Image depicts the 3 knots to be severed brahma Vishnu and rudra granthi also shown in their colours red, blue, white. It shows the formless brahaman is merged in brahman aloneafter performing its play during creation. i.e. the water outside the lotus is the cosmic waters from where the lotus lies. Vairocana is fire and one concentrates on the manipura chakra while meditating on the form of mother divine. She is called vairocaniya as the shakthi or energy flowes through the vajra nerve during her meditation. Pg43/44 The seed mantra of Tara and Chinnamastha is Hum. In Sri Bhairava Tantra her adoration in her rudest form gets rid of jiva bhava. i.e. the feeling of being mortal and attains siva tattwa. i.e. liberation. He is bestowed with all sorts of material benefits such as progeny,wealth, literature and scholarship. Pg 44 Her head is held in her left hand holding her dagger in right hand. Her hair is split and is merrily drinking the blood oozing out of her head. The left varini is inward instinct for liberation and right daini symbolizes enjoyment t. pg44/45

Bagalmukhi: When a cosmic typhoon raged sri Vishnu performed tapas near haridra pond on lalitha tripurasundari. She came out of the pond as a duckand appeased the typhoon. She is yellow coloured and consist of vaishanava shakthi. She manifested on Tuesday night on 14th day with glow of Vishnu. She is used in mesmerism and for riddance of enemies. Her vidya is used for enjoyment and liberation. She is envisioned as having yellow clothes, ornaments, body smearded with yellow sandal pasteholding a club on right hand and enemies tongue on left hand. She has 5 faces and known as badavamukhi, ulkamukhi, jatavedamukhi, jvalamukhi and vrhadbanumukhi. pg 46 Matangi: Muni Matanga did a penance for charming all beings living in the kadamba forest . He was blessed with a daughter called Rajamatangi. Meat and wine are indispensable in her puja. Dhumavati; Once when siva and parathi were sitting in Kailasa she became overcome with hunger. When she repeatedly asked him for food she devoured siva himself as he didnt acquiesce. On this her body expelled smoky fumes. Siva thensaid she will be called Dhuma vati as she is covered in fumes. She is all alone and her own controller. She is addressed as a widow. She remains without wealth or husband. Her adorer is free from evil influences. In this world there are 4 gods that are responsible for suffering. Rudra fever and burning, yama swooning and limblessness, varuna pain, gout and paralysis and niriti creates suffering, tension and hunger/thirst. pg 50 Dhumavathi and nirrit are same. She is elder sister of Lakshmi, which is why one who is born in jyesth nakshatra is always suffering. 50 Kamala: Incarnated out of churning of milk ocean. She brought fame, wealth, suapicouness to devas and garlanded Vishnu.she is covered in silken garments and lotus flower. She is worshipped for women and sons and wealth. Auspicious to chant sri sukta and kanakadhara stotram. Likes bilva leaves, lotus flower. In Varai Tantra she is calle d Tripura as she is adored by thrimurthis. - 52 Mundamala tantra affirms the fact supported by Vishnu purana that Vishnu ten avatars are dasamahviyas pg57. This very concept has been elaborated in various tantra granthas by clairifying the fact that the goddess Lakshmi is manifested as Kali with Krishna, Tara with rama, bhuvenswari with varaha, bhairavi with narasimha, dhumavathi with vamana, chinnamastha with parasuranma, kamal with matsya, bagala with kurma, matangi with budhaand sodasi with kali.

The word Dogdri has been used for Kamala as she is the fulfiller of all desires. i.e. Kamadhenu. pg64 Sodasi; Also called triourasundari beauty of 3 cities. Her counter is siva called Triura. They reside in Chintamani griha. Rsi durvasa is an ardent devotee. Her puja is performed on sri chakr than idol. She is known as sodasi whose adoration awards all bhoga and moksha plus siddhis. Her chariotter is Tripura bhairavi Tripura bhairavi: /she is the chief diety of secret yogins. She has many forms pertaining to Tripura Bhairavi, Kaulesa Bhairavi, Rudra Bhairavi, Caitanya Bhairavi and Nitya Bhairavi. pg54 She is invoked for drastic deeds. She is red complexioned with red clothes and wears a garland of skulls. Her breasts are covered in red sandal paste.. She is seated on lotus flowers. She holds a book and a garland of victory with mudras. pg54 Her adoration makes one free from suffering. This form has been adored by gods for killing shumba and nishumbha. Her kavach is available in rudrayamala. Hrdaya in saraswathi tantra and 100 name in mahatantranava. pg55 Tantra granthas speak of bhuvaneswari as shakthi of tryambaka siva. In this way the puranic anecdotes reveal the vedic and agamin secrets in all. Durga: All goddess assist durga. Mother Goddess Durga is the chief deity of everybodys wisdom and resides within everyone in the form of antaryamina (in dweller). pg58 Her 9 laettered mantra has been priginated by manu. Her meditation must have nyasa and meditations on mahakali , mahalskhmi and mahasaraswathi. Maha kali must be meditated as 10 legged and 10 face, blue complexion, 3 eyed holding dagger, disc, mace, arrow/bow, spear, triad, goad, skull and conch shell. Destroyer of madhu kaitabh. Mahalakshmi is adored killing mahishasura with her holding rudraksha, rosary, mace, arrow, vajra, lotus, bow, stick, spear, dagger, shield, bell, wine cup, trishul, trap and disc. She has 18 hands. Mahasraswathi must be adored in the form of sat chit ananda who is lion seated and killing shumbha nishumbha. She is white complexioned with eight hands holding gong, trishul and plough, conch shel, disc, bow/arrow. -59

Her yantra has shatkona with 24 petals and eight petals. Eight being ashtamatrikas. 24 hrepresenting: Vishnu maya, cetana, budhi, nidra, ksudha, chaya, parashakthi, trsna, santhi, jati, lajja, ksanti, sraddha, kirti,Lakshmi, dhrti, vritti, sruthi, smrti, daya, tushti, pushti, mata and bhranti. Her upasana awards bhoga and moksha. Indir with vajra in east, ganesh and trishul in south, yama with stick in south west, ksetrapla with dagger in west, varuna with trap in north west, vatuka wit with flag of kubera on north (???) , north east yogini with mace. East side of yantra brahma and saraswathi, Vishnu and Lakshmi in nairitta side and in vayaya angle siva and parvathi should be adored. It can be ascertained that universal mother mula prakrithi goddess superior has manifested herself in form of dasamahavidya. Although she is ever formless she culminates herself into 3 gunas per her free will. She adopts different forms to grace her devotees. g64 She is addressed as rudra. In this way the fundamental tatwa is one and one alone pg 65. One should worship mother divine ceaselessly in order to be free from the traps of birth and death, as she is the seer and the witness of all and is always seated in the self. pg74 By praying to the mother divine that she is the very body of the entire universe which is sabda alone, i.e. her form embodies aksara-braham. i.e. cosmic sound. pg 75 It is believed that the inner puja, i.e. mental ot manasi worship os meant for liberation, while the outer worship or upacara-puja is said to award enjoyment. i.e. bhoga and siddhis. pg 75 The universe in an evolution of chit shakthi called unmilana or unmesa. The chiti having a free will does not require any other help (upadana) for the universal creation. The entire cosmos is already hidden in her womb, that is why it is called unmilana blooming or opening. pg78 Atharva veda calls this full shakthi (remained after creation) as ucchita brahma. The entire universe animate and inanimate world is born of the shakthi and dissolved in it .- pg 78 The pratyabhigya (veda) holds the view that the world is full of varities due to difference in tastes of the enjoyers and the enjoyed ones. pg79 The word prasasana means to control and to administer the world. The controlling power refers to the spirit of the animate sakthi (cetana). The mere sakthi of prakrithi refers to her inanimate power. pg 79

The devi suktha declares that the one animate shakthi has entered into all beings animate or inanimate. All the gods residing in their different abodes, perform al activities for her sake. In the same way one perceives, breathes, hears etc. through her shakthi alone. Markendeya purana declares the fact that the mother divine is all pervading and has permeated the entire world and is the preserving deity of all the beings in the form of caitanya sakthi, i.e. animate power. pg 80 Even the pratyabhijna sutras, i.e. vedic hymns hold the view that the chit sakthi is entirely free in her will and embodies Sat, Chit, Ananda svarupa. Skthi is blissful, free willed, self contented and joy permeated mainly. pg 82 Samaya has got special meaningin the yoga sadhana. Siva, himself is noted as samaya when he is ompletely identified with his shakthi in the inner space. i.e. hrdyakasa through different chakras and adopts five different stages of adhisthana, anustaana, avasthana, nama and rupa. The main aim of the worshipper is to establish a complete identity between sakthi dormant in kundalini andsiva residing in the sahasrara chakra. The meaning of Kula is kundalini and akula refers to siva. The identity of kula and akula is kaula. g 8 4 Kaulas use panchmakras 5 items: meat, fish, liquor, mudra and sex. Juice oozing out of brahma randraa is liquor. Killing of an animal of desire is lust refers to meat. The breathing through susumna is fish and mudra is the constant flow of breath via pranamaya. The union of siva and shakthi is sex. Dakshinacara is without panchamakaras. pg84/85 In Anukalpa tattva, a few hints are available as regards to the alternative uses of pancha makaras. E.g. honey instead of liquor, onion/garlic instead of meat, water chesnut for fish, rice for mudra and mans figure with a shoe flower for sex. Buddhacaryas allowed the use of sex in sadhana. pg 86 Out of five kinds of vamamarga, kaula, vama, cinacara, siddanthi and savara, the kaula has ben held insuper most esteem by merutantra. pg 88 Skatha has 2 subsects: 1- sri kula and 2 kali kula Out of dasamahavidyas kali represents vama marga and sri vidya dakshin marga. Kali is kadi vvidya and triourasundari si hadi vidya. Kali sect is vama marga and sri vidya is dakshin as declared by saktisangama tantra. Pg 92 Kala (time) is the frictional power of kriya sakthi of brahma. Kala is in motion whislt dik is preservation. pg 94 The kala or time has been recognized as the supreme power of transformation related to backward, upward, forward, or downward actions. The power of direction, i.e. dik sakthi affords resistance to motion. -95

Kenopanishad calls it yaksa who is absolute brahman. There are 9 letters from ya to ksa the number 9 is full. Ya is hrdyaya tattva and ksa is anahata chakra. Where uma bagavathi resides with umesa siva. pg98 Hayagriva adored this particular sadhana which is prescribedly bhagavatham as brahmavidya of hayagriva. pg 98

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