TW&T Cheatsheet Page 1 V1.0
TW&T Cheatsheet Page 1 V1.0
TW&T Cheatsheet Page 1 V1.0
Bi &en and Tactical 1nitiati"e (T.1.$ Cost )cco'panied Tea' T.1. Cost *ithin 123 1.T. Cost
Mo!e 1d4 while 9ngaged 1 Mo!e up to )d4 while not 9ngaged 1 Spot with Big Man Bonus (&1) *ire with Big Man Bonus (see +onus) 1 /ssue a radio order (a,,o#pan" radio) 1 per unit or %*' /nitiate an %ssault :e#o!e a -ound 1 per -ound 3npin the 1ea# 2onsolidate 1ea#s fro# sa#e s=uad ) different s=uads (tea#s #ust ha!e no wounds) Onl" 7latoon Leaders ,an 2onsolidate different s=uads8 /f a tea# has 4 or #ore -ounds it is in poor #orale and #a" rout 1 Bi &an Grade 1 ; Grade Grade ) Grade <
Spot (1die) Mo!e (up to ) di,e) *ire (up to ) di,e) :eser!e 5i,e (up to )) T+pe Bonus 7lodder 1d<- to 1d< Solid 1d< to 1d4 /nsperational 1d%! to 1d4&1 Heroi, 1d4 to 1d4&
; Has no inherent 1a,iti,al /nitiati!e8 roll 1d4$ 4 or #ore +reak> (see page )? se,tion @8?)8
%uto @ C 1B
Ran e 6ffecti"e
%uto A 1B 1
? 1B 11 1<
@ 4 ? < )
< < < )
Weapons )d:ust'ent (pips per die$ Ran e Weapon Close 6ffecti"e .on
Bolt %,tion :ifles -1 -1 -1 Self Loading :ifles -1 %ssault :ifles & &1 -1 1 :ifles/SMGs & -1 -1 B 1 1 SMGs &) No *ire 5ispersed B B 1 <ote= %or each die of a tea's #ase 3d6 used to do so'ethin other than firin , su#tract 1 die of fire dice. 1 5ispersed 5ispersed 5ispersed B 1ea#s with Dero di,e #a" still fire with an" pluses or with Big Men dire,ting their fire8 1ea#s who are 5ispersed are re#o!ed fro# the ga#e i##ediatel" when the" rea,h that point . 184 <o 6ffect, 38> Wound, 6 ?ill (roll for leader loss)8
-renades (to hit 4d6$ <o 6ffect if 'iss. T+pe ,and Rifle :ange @ GH 1 G 1arget in Open @ C 1arget in Light 2o!er C C 1arget in Hea!" 2o!er 1B 1B 1arget in IBunkerG 11 11
-1 under 4G -< if ad(a,ent H &1 per <G