The University of Pretoria in A Nutshell
The University of Pretoria in A Nutshell
The University of Pretoria in A Nutshell
Universiteit van Pretoria University of Pretoria Yunibesithi ya Pretoria Pretoria 0002 Suid Afrika South Africa Afrika-Borwa Tel: +27 (0) 12 420 3111
UP2025 3 Overview 3 FaCulties 8 Faculty of Economic and 8 Management Sciences Faculty of Education 10 Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment 11 and Information Technology Faculty of Health Sciences 18 Faculty of Humanities 21 Faculty of Law 22 Faculty of Natural and 24 Agricultural Sciences Faculty of Theology 27 Faculty of Veterinary Science 28 Gordon Institute of Business Science 29 ResearCh anD PostgraDuate 33 EDuCation StuDent ServiCes Client Service Centre Department of Student Affairs Department of Residence Affairs and Accommodation ACaDemiC Support Academic Administration Education Innovation Quality Unit InfrastruCture anD ServiCes Library Services Facilities Management Security Services Department of University Relations TuksSport Campus Enterprises hpc UP Arts 35 35 36 38 40 40 40 41 42 42 43 43 44 45 45 49 51
UP 2025 The University of Pretorias long-term Strategic Plan, UP2025, captures the essence of a shared vision and understanding of the Universitys role and identity, and the strategic priorities it pursues. Central to this strategy, UP aims to sustain its quality and relevance as a university firmly rooted in Africa, and to harness its existing and future diversity potential. At the same time, UP strives to ensure that it is recognised in the global marketplace of knowledge production. Vision To be a leading research-intensive university in Africa, recognised internationally for its quality, relevance and impact, and also for developing people, creating knowledge and making a difference locally and globally.
Mission In pursuing recognition and excellence in its core functions of research, teaching and learning, and integrating engagement with society and communities into these, the University of Pretoria uses quality, relevance, diversity and sustainability as its navigational markers. The University of Pretoria celebrated its centenary in 2008 and has seen its academic tradition and stature mature over the century. In 104 years the University of Pretoria has delivered close to 215 000 alumni. FaCulties anD the business sChool The University has nine faculties and a business school, namely: Economic and Management Sciences; Education; Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology; Health Sciences; Humanities; Law; Natural and Agricultural Sciences;
Theology; Veterinary Science (the only faculty of its kind in South Africa) and the UP Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS). Many of the faculties are subdivided into schools. The academic programmes are offered in 140 academic departments and 85 centres, institutes and bureaux. UPs offering UP offers 230 qualifications involving 1 669 academic study programmes, 1 343 of which are postgraduate programmes. In 2011 13 650 undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, certificates and diplomas were awarded by UP of which 5 197 were postgraduate degrees and included 206 doctoral degrees. The rich cultural diversity of the South African population is reflected in the total student population of almost 62 500 students in 2011. There were almost 45 000 contact students of whom 54.9% are female and 45.9% are black
students. The University has almost 18 000 distance education students, and nearly 4 000 international students, of whom more than 67% are from Southern African Development Community countries. Students had access to more than R500 million in financial study aid. The University has a multilingual student body and teaches through the medium of Afrikaans and English. Sepedi is also used as a general language of communication at the University. In 2010 the University produced 15% of all threeyear bachelors degrees, 14% of all professional four-year bachelors degrees, 18% of all masters degrees and 16% of all doctoral degrees in South Africa. The University also contributed 29% of all engineers (with BEng degrees), 6% of all healthcare professionals, 18% of all natural scientists and all veterinary scientists in the country. (These figures are valid for traditional universities in South Africa.) TuksSport is responsible for ten sports academies and 30 sports clubs, to which approximately 9 000
students belong. The high performance centre (hpc) comprises the TuksSport high school, a hotel and sports training resort that hosts top national and international athletes as well as an applied sports science and medical unit. The Institute for Sports Research (ISR) conducts research and does sports testing to benefit the country as a whole. UP Arts is responsible for the promotion of arts and culture at the University of Pretoria, facilitating and supporting the integration of the art and heritage collections at the University into teaching and research. It has three sections: Museums and a conservation research laboratory, UP Theatres including a costume wardrobe and dcor workshop, and music and dance ensembles. UP Arts provides opportunities for students from all disciplines to participate in cultural activities on Campus. Community engagement Community engagement has been incorporated into the academic programmes in the faculties.
Each faculty is responsible for launching various community engagement projects to provide staff and students with platforms to contribute to and engage with society and to strengthen its stakeholder relationships. Campuses (see map on p 53) The University has nine faculties and a business school, spread over five campuses in Pretoria and one in Johannesburg. The six campuses together comprises 1 214 hectares and there are 781 buildings on this land. The Hatfield Campus houses the faculties of Humanities; Law; Theology; Economic and Management Sciences; Natural and Agricultural Sciences; Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology, in addition to the central administration and a number of womens residences. The L C de Villiers Sports Grounds accommodates the Universitys main sports facilities, most of the mens residences and the Experimental Farm.
The Groenkloof Campus houses the Faculty of Education, a number of residences and sports facilities. The Mamelodi Campus is home to a number of foundation programmes and many of the Universitys community engagement projects. The Prinshof Campus accommodates the Faculty of Health Sciences, which is adjacent to the Steve Biko Academic Hospital that is used by the University. The Onderstepoort Campus houses the Faculty of Veterinary Science, the Universitys Veterinary Academic Hospital and the Animal Teaching Unit. The Sandton Campus in Johannesburg houses the Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS). UP CounCil The University is governed by a Council. The majority of members are not employees of the University, but are drawn from a number of constituencies. These include the members appointed by the Minister of Education (5), those
elected by the alumni (4), elected by the donors (2), those appointed by the local metropolitan authority (1), student representatives (2), those elected by the Senate (3), those elected by academic and non-academic staff members (2), those appointed by the Council on the basis of relevant expertise and experience (6), and those appointed by the executive management (5). The position of Chancellor is a strictly ceremonial one, and carries no governance or management responsibilities. Management The Executive Management comprises the ViceChancellor and Principal, a Senior Vice-Principal, four Vice-Principals (whose main focus is on the academic core business), a Registrar and three Executive Directors (who manage various support functions and institutional advancement). The next management level consists of deans of faculties and directors of support service departments. The Senior Management of the University comprises the executive management, deans of faculties and directors of support service departments.
International partnerships The University of Pretorias international partnerships contribute to its research profile and strengthen its aspirations for international acknowledgement. They reflect the Universitys goal to play a significant role in the development of scholarship, both globally and in Africa. UP engages with institutions abroad, establishes international agreements based on research collaboration, through staff and student exchange, postdoctoral fellowships and enrolment of international students at undergraduate and postgraduate level. The University fosters international partnerships through inter-institutional agreements with higher education institutions across the globe. These agreements facilitate research collaboration and study exchanges, and support the engagement of staff and students in the respective partner institutions. UP currently has more than 160 active agreements with universities and institutions across the world, including:
21 institutions on the African continent 61 in Europe, (including Central and Eastern Europe) 10 in Scandinavia and the Baltic countries 23 in Asia, Oceania and the Middle East 45 in the Americas (North America, South America, and Canada).
degrees with specialisation in Economics and Econometrics. Graduates are typically employed as analysts, consultants, researchers, traders or academics in both the private and public sectors. The government, central bank, private and commercial banks, leading stockbrokers and consultancies, both locally and internationally, employ graduates in Economics. Degrees in FinanCial SCienCes The Department offers BCom to DCom and PhD degrees with specialisation in Investment Management, Accounting Sciences, Financial Management Sciences, Internal Auditing and Taxation. Specialisation in the financial sciences offers career opportunities in professions such as chartered accountancy, investment, auditing, analysis and asset management, financial and cost management and taxation specialisation. The BCom (Accounting Sciences) is an accredited programme that forms part of the requirements for training as a CA(SA), both in and outside public practice and allows registration as a registered auditor (RA). The CA(SA) and RA qualifications
are highly regarded professional qualifications in accounting in South Africa and enjoy international recognition. Degrees in Management SCienCes The departments of Business Management, Human Resource Management, Marketing and Communication Management, and Tourism Management offer degrees in the fields of management sciences, and BCom to DCom and PhD degrees with specialisation in Entrepreneurship, Tourism Management, Communication Management, Human Resource Management, Business Management, Marketing Management and Supply Chain Management. Degrees in PubliC Management anD ADministration The School of Public Management and Administration offers BAdmin degrees in International Relations and Public Management. Students are introduced to the managerial and administrative functions performed in the public sector and are familiarised with appropriate legislative and policy requirements.
In co-operation with other faculties, BCom degrees with specialisation in Statistics, Law, Recreation and Sports Management, Informatics and Agribusiness Management are also offered. Chairs, institutes, centres, units and other entities of the Faculty: Centre for Communication and Reputation Management Centre for Inclusive Banking in Africa Department of Economics South African Reserve Bank Chair in Monetary Economics African Tax Institute Department of Accounting Unit for Forensic Accounting Department of Business Management Chair in Logistics and Entrepreneurship Albert Luthuli Centre for Responsible Leadership Business Clinic Business Incubator For more information on the Faculty, see:
The Faculty has five academic departments namely: Education Management and Policy Studies Educational Psychology Early Childhood Education Humanities Education Science, Mathematics and Technology Education The Faculty houses four research and development centres and one unit, namely: the Centre for Evaluation and Assessment (CEA) the Joint Centre for Mathematics, Science and Technology (JCMSTE) UNESCO the International Institute for Capacity Building in Africa the Centre for Educational Law and Policy (CELP) the Unit for Distance Education The Faculty prepares pre-service students for teaching, using the new national curriculum, from Grade 1 through to Grade 12, with specialisation in science, mathematics and technology education,
early childhood education, arts, languages, human movement studies education, social studies, and many more. The Faculty of Education is internationally recognised and qualifications are reviewed and updated regularly to ensure that students are exposed to the latest developments in education. Selective admission is applicable to all undergraduate and diploma programmes as well as all BEd Hons, masters and doctoral programmes. Centres and units of the Faculty: Centre for Evaluation and Assessment Interuniversity Centre for Education Law and Policy Unit for Educational Research on Aids For more information on the Faculty, see
The SChool of Engineering The School of Engineering is one of the largest of its kind in the country and produces the biggest number of engineering graduates of all South African universities. Undergraduate student numbers have more than doubled since 2000 and new, state-of-the-art facilities on the Hatfield Campus have helped provide additional capacity for lecturing and research activities. The School has close ties with industry through a number of research chairs across all departments. These include chairs in Maintenance Engineering, Pyrometallurgy, Fluoro-material Science and Process Integration, Carbon Technology and Materials, Reaction Engineering, Tribology and Environmental Engineering, Railway Engineering and Broadband Multimedia Communications. The University has established a number of institutional research themes that are aimed at multidisciplinary research across departmental and faculty boundaries. One such theme in this Faculty, seeks to address national energy priorities through projects in advanced materials, nuclear fuel, the environment and renewable energy.
The School of Engineering offers the following degrees: BEng BEngHons MEng PhD BScHons, MSc, PhD in Applied Science These degrees are offered in the following departments: Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering Industrial and Systems Engineering Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering Mining Engineering The Engineering AugmenteD Degree Programme (ENGAGE) An engineering degree is very demanding. The workload is high, the pace is fast and the modules are academically challenging. To address these and other challenges, the School of Engineering
offers a five-year Engineering Augmented Degree Programme (ENGAGE). ENGAGE is available in all the engineering disciplines, and provides a carefully structured curriculum that helps students to adjust to university life and cope with the demands of engineering studies. The GraDuate SChool of TeChnology Management (GSTM) The GSTM offers internationally recognised management development programmes that address different needs in the fields of management of technology, engineering management and project management. Programmes are offered at honours, masters and doctoral levels. The School is involved in community activities and offers several certificate programmes and short courses in collaboration with Continuing Education at University of Pretoria (Pty) Ltd (or CE at UP). The goal is to develop individual and organisational skills gained from research-based knowledge offered by experienced lecturers who are leaders in the industry. A strong focus on research ensures relevance to the market in terms of increased
competitiveness, optimising product life cycles, technology transfer and positioning technological abilities within the international context. The Graduate School of Technology Management offers the following degrees: BEngHons(Technology Management) BScHons(Technology Management) MEng(Technology Management) MSc(Technology Management) MEng(Engineering Management) MSc(Engineering Management) MEng(Project Management) MSc(Project Management) PhD(Technology Management/Engineering Management/Project Management) The SChool for the Built Environment The School for the Built Environment is one of the largest of its kind in the country and like the School of Engineering provides by far the greatest number of graduates of all South African universities. This School covers the entire spectrum of programmes in the built environment and comprises three departments: Architecture,
Construction Economics and Town and Regional Planning. The School for the Built Environment offers the following degrees: BScArch(Architecture) BScInt(Interior Architecture) BScLArch(Landscape Architecture) BArchHons BScHons(Applied Science) BIntHons BScHons(Architecture)(Applied Science) BLArchHons MArch(Architecture) MInt(Interior Architecture) MLArch(Landscape Architecture) MSc(Applied Science)(Architecture) BSc(Quantity Surveying) BSc(Construction Management) BSc(Real Estate) BScHons(Quantity Surveying) BScHons(Construction Management) MSc(Quantity Surveying) MSc(Applied Science)(Quantity Surveying) MSc(Construction Management)
MSc(Applied Science)(Construction Management) MSc(Real Estate) MSc(Applied Science)(Real Estate) B(Town and Regional Planning) M(Town and Regional Planning) and PhD in Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Interior Architecture, and PhD(Architecture)(Applied Science), Quantity Surveying, Construction Management, Real Estate, Town and Regional Planning The SChool of Information TeChnology Established in 1998, the school is a unique institution for tertiary education in the field of information technology and consists of three academic departments: Computer Science, Informatics and Information Science. The School of Information Technology offers the following degrees: B(Information Technology) BCom(Informatics) BSc(Computer Science)
BScIT(Information and Knowledge Systems) BScIT(Information and Knowledge Systems) Four-Year Programme; BIS with specialisation in Information Science, Multimedia, Multimedia Four-Year Programme and Publishing; M(Information Technology) and honours, masters and PhD/DPhil/DCom programmes in all of the abovementioned fields. Chairs, institutes, centres, units and other entities of the Faculty: The Faculty hosts a vast array of research units which are closely aligned with national and industry initiatives to further its teaching and learning activities. There are a number of South African Research Chairs as part of the South African Research Chair Initiative, as well as industry chairs. Research and industry chairs centres, institutes, units and research groups are located in departments of the Faculty. Among these are:
EBIT FaCulty: Institute for Technological Innovation SChool of Engineering Department of Chemical Engineering SARChI Chair in Carbon Technology and Materials SARChI Chair in Fluoro-material Science and Process Integration Institute for Advanced Materials Department of Civil Engineering Chair in Railway Engineering Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering Carl and Emily Fuchs Institute for MicroElectronics (CEFIM) Sentench Chair in Broadband Wireless Multimedia Communication Exxaro Chair in Energy Efficiency Advanced Computing Centre Centre for Advanced Sensor Networks Centre for Electromagnetism Centre for Radio and Digital Communications
Centre for Telecommunications Engineering for the Information Society (CeTEIS) Centre of New Energy Systems SANEDI Hub in Energy Efficiency and Demand Side Management Electronic Defence and Radar Antennae for Communication and Radar Department of Mechanical Engineering Chair in Maintenance Engineering Eskom Power Plant Engineering Institute (EPPEI) Specialist Centre in Plant Asset Management Department of Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering Anglo-American Chair in Pyrometallurgy Bateman Chair in Minerals Processing SAIW Chair in Welding Engineering Xstrata Chair in Modelling of Pyrometallurgical Processes Centre of Excellence in Pyrometallurgy Industrial Metals and Minerals Research Institute
Department of Mining Engineering Sasol Chair in Safety, Health and the Environment Kumba Iron Ore Mine Design Center SChool for Information TeChnology Department of Computer Engineering SARChI Chair in Artificial Intelligence Department of Informatics AST Chair in Informatics Department of Information Science African Centre for Excellence in Information Ethics GraDuate SChool of TeChnology Management Department of Engineering and Technology Management Institutional Research Theme in Energy The Faculty has a vast array of research groups information about which can be obtained from the faculty website, see
The SChool of Dentistry The School of Dentistry is responsible for training dentists and dental specialists and offers training in all the major disciplines of dentistry, such as restorative dentistry, maxillofacial and oral surgery, orthodontics, oral pathology, periodontics and oral medicine and prosthetics. The SChool of HealthCare SCienCes The School of Healthcare Sciences offers students professional, integrated training in clinical as well as in community environments. It consists of five departments: Nursing Science, Radiography, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and the Division of Human Nutrition. A variety of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes are presented in the different disciplines. The SChool of Health Systems anD PubliC Health The School of Health Systems and Public Health provides opportunities for advanced education, research and consultancy in the many fields of public health. Only postgraduate educational
programmes are presented. These focus on disciplines such as epidemiology and biostatistics, health policy and management, monitoring and evaluation, environmental and occupational health, disease control, and health promotion. The SChool of MeDiCine The School of Medicine is responsible for training medical doctors (general practitioners), specialists and medical scientists. It is the largest of the four schools in the Faculty and is also one of the largest of the eight medical schools in South Africa. The School has 28 departments and 11 divisions within the broader surgical, medical and basic medical science disciplines, and is the only School of Medicine in South Africa to offer a Postgraduate Diploma in Family Medicine through distance education. The Steve Biko Academic Hospital was officially opened in 2007. It is an 800-bed tertiary training hospital specifically designed for the training of healthcare professionals and boasts state-of-theart equipment and facilities.
The Skills Laboratory was the first of its kind in South Africa and is widely recognised as a worldclass facility. Here students from the schools of Medicine and Healthcare Sciences acquire their psychomotor skills before exposure to real-life patients. Institutes, centres and units of the Faculty: Institute for Bio-medical Sciences Applied Morphology Research Centre Comprehensive Physical Rehabilitation Centre Forensic Anthropology Research Centre UP Centre for Sustainable Malaria Control Inflammation and Immunity Research Unit Maternal and Infant Health Care Strategies Unit For more information on the Faculty, see, choose faculties and then Health Sciences
editing, language planning, language teaching and training, lexicography (dictionary compilation), translation and interpreting. SoCial sCienCes The Faculty offers social sciences teaching programmes that draw on a variety of disciplines, including anthropology and archaeology, biokinetics, sport and leisure sciences, communication pathology, historical and heritage studies, social work and criminology, philosophy, political sciences, psychology, sociology, and at postgraduate level, augmentative and alternative communication. These social science degree programmes equip students with the knowledge, skills and competencies required in a number of careers in both the public and private sectors, and form the foundation for postgraduate training in a number of fields. Arts The Faculty offers a wide range of advanced professional degrees in Drama and Performance Studies, Music and the Visual Arts. This includes
two four-year BA degrees in Fine Arts and Information Design, a four-year bachelors degree in Music (BMus) and BA degrees in Visual Studies, Music and Drama. All undergraduate packages lead to postgraduate degrees requiring independent research and coursework in diverse fields of specialisation. An Advanced Certificate in Education (Group Music) and a University Diploma in Church Music are also offered. Institutes, centres, units and other entities of the Faculty: Institute for Sport Research (ISR) Institute for Strategic and Political Affairs (ISPA) Institute for Womens and Gender Studies (IWGS) Centre Academia Latina Centre for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (CAAC) Centre for Early Intervention in Communication Pathology Centre for Leisure Studies Centre for Mediation
Centre for Research in the Politics of Language (CentRePol) Unit for Academic Literacy (UAL) Unit for Creative Writing (UCW) Cochlear Implant Unit (UPCIU) Itsoseng Psychology Clinic For more information on the Faculty, see
Constitution and other legislation, and in the reform processes of the African Union and the United Nations. The Faculty hosts a large contingent of foreign students. UnDergraDuate: LLB The Faculty offers one undergraduate programme, the four-year LLB degree. The LLB is the basic requirement for entry into the legal profession. This degree is internationally recognised and comprises compulsory and elective modules. In their final year students may select courses from a wide range of electives, covering areas as diverse as Street Law, International Humanitarian Law and Critical Race and Gender Theory. However, an increasing number of students first complete BCom (Law) or BA (Law) degrees before joining the LLB programme for two years. PostgraDuate: LLM anD LLD The Faculty offers a wide variety of postgraduate programmes consisting of various masters programmes (through coursework or research) and doctoral programmes. LLM coursework programmes include Administrative Law, Child Law, Constitutional Law, Corporate Law, Human
Rights and Democratisation in Africa, Insolvency Law, International Trade and Investment Law, Labour Law, Law of Contract, Mercantile Law, Private Law, Procedural Law, Space Law and Tax Law. Short Courses The Faculty offers a wide range of short courses, focusing on areas such as insolvency law, insolvency litigation and administration practice, advanced labour law, legislative drafting, sport law, and Trust law Departments This Faculty comprises the following academic departments: Jurisprudence; Mercantile Law; Private Law; Procedural Law; and Public Law. Institutes, centres, units and other entities of the Faculty: Institute for International and Comparative Law in Africa Centre for Advanced Corporate and Insolvency Law Centre for Child Law Centre for Human Rights
The Faculty of Law at the University of Pretoria is often described as a Global Law Faculty in Africa, as many alumni are leaders in their respective specialisation legal fields in South Africa and internationally. The Faculty has entered into various co-operative agreements with several leading international universities, and many textbooks and articles on the law of South Africa and of Africa are authored by Faculty members. Faculty members have been involved as experts in legal reform in a range of subject areas in South Africa, including the writing of the current
Centre for Intellectual Property Law Centre for Medicine and Law Sports Law Centre in Africa International Development Law Unit Law Clinic For more information on the Faculty, see
International Researcher), and together represent 40% of the Universitys ten A-rated researchers. The Faculty also manages the Experimental Farm adjacent to the Universitys Hatfield Campus. The Faculty is one of the most diverse science faculties in South Africa. It consists of 17 departments specialising in highly relevant programmes within the biological, mathematical, physical as well as agricultural and food sciences. BiologiCal SCienCes Biological Sciences comprise the following departments: Biochemistry, Zoology and Entomology, Genetics, Microbiology and Plant Pathology, and Plant Science. MathematiCal SCienCes Mathematical Sciences comprise the following departments: Statistics, Insurance and Actuarial Science and Mathematics and Applied Mathematics. PhysiCal SCienCes Physical Sciences comprise the following departments: Geology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, Geoinformatics and Meteorology.
AgriCultural anD FooD SCienCes Agricultural and Food Sciences comprise the following departments: Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development, Plant Production and Soil Science, Animal and Wildlife Sciences, Food Science, and Consumer Science. A variety of three- to four-year degrees are offered, which range from basic natural sciences to applied sciences including biological, agricultural, mathematical and consumer science degrees. Postgraduate studies are offered in all disciplines at honours, masters and doctoral level, and ongoing cooperation and collaboration with industry and other tertiary institutions offer students exciting possibilities for international exposure. The content and structure of qualifications are continuously revised and adapted to keep abreast of world trends and train versatile problem solvers who can easily adapt to changing circumstances. Schools, institutes, centres, units and other entities of the Faculty: Postgraduate School of Agriculture and Rural Development
Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI) Institute for Applied Materials Institute for Food, Nutrition and Well-being Mammal Research Institute UP Water Institute African Centre for Gene Technologies (ACGT with CSIR and Wits) Aon Benfield Natural Hazard Centre Africa Centre for Environmental Economics and Policy in Africa (CEEPA) Centre for Environmental Studies (CFES) Centre for Geo-information Sciences Centre for Nutrition Centre for Sustainable Malaria Control Centre for Wildlife Management Joint Centre for Mathematics and Technology Education SADC Centre for Land Related, Regional & Development Policy Bio-informatics Unit Conservation Ecology Research Unit (CERU) Laboratory for Microscopy and Micro-analysis
STATOMET (Bureau for Statistical and Survey Methodology) Sci-Enza For more information on the Faculty, see
The Faculty has developed strong international (including Africa) strategic alliances, and hosts a number of international conferences and scholars. The Faculty encourages its students to engage in societal issues, and outreach projects are organised annually. These are initiated by the various centres and institutions that investigate issues such as HIV/AIDS, poverty and unemployment, environmental conservation, and ecumenical co-operation. Institutes, centres and other entities of the Faculty: The Institute for Missiological and Ecumenical Research (ISWEN) Centre for Contextual Ministry (CCM) Centre for Public Theology (CPT) Excelsus (Dutch Reformed Church: Centre for Continuing Ministerial Development) Bible and Religious Studies Programme Reformed Theological College For more information on the Faculty see:
The Faculty of Theology is the largest of its kind in South Africa. An important characteristic of the Faculty is its holistic mission which includes nurturing transformative leaders, promoting peace and justice, and engaging with people on the margins of society. The Faculty maintains an exemplary research record and is the largest contributor per capita to the research output of the University of Pretoria. Two accredited academic journals are linked to the Faculty, with HTS Theological Studies/Teologiese Studies and VE (Verbum et Ecclesia) being the first open-access online academic journals at the University of Pretoria.
The Facultys academic, research and community engagement activities are managed and facilitated by the five academic departments, namely Anatomy and Physiology, Companion Animal Clinical Studies, Paraclinical Sciences, Production Animal Studies and Veterinary Tropical Diseases. In addition, the Faculty has 17 specialist laboratories rendering routine and specialist services to the Faculty and the community. The Onderstepoort Veterinary Academic Hospital (OVAH) has world-class facilities, internationally accredited clinicians and skilled support staff, and is a vital part of the Faculty. The Faculty has a library, which is particularly well equipped and serves as a reference library for the subregion. The Faculty has developed close links with faculties of veterinary science in Africa, especially those in the Southern African Development Community (SADC). Increasing numbers of professionals from abroad join the Facultys clinical and preclinical programmes and the postgraduate student body
reflects a strong mix of local, continental and European students. Community engagement programmes are fully integrated with the training programmes of the Faculty at under- and postgraduate levels. A community veterinary clinic at Hluvukani within the Mnisi Traditional Authority near the Kruger National Park provides a unique academic inservice training and community engagement opportunity, as does the newly established clinic on the Universitys Mamelodi Campus. Chairs and centres of the Faculty: Chair in Primary Animal Healthcare (PAHC) The Centre for Veterinary Wildlife Studies The Equine Research Centre (ERC) UP Biomedical Research Centre For more information on the Faculty, see
DoCtorate in Business ADministration (DBA) The GIBS DBA, an advanced study programme that builds on the solid foundation of a firstclass MBA, is the highest qualification awarded by GIBS. Intended for top echelon business scholars interested in deepening their knowledge of selected topics in the field of business science and administration through intensive study and research, the DBA runs over four years and comprises two main parts: directed learning and research. Masters in Business ADministration (MBA) The GIBS MBA curriculum creates an opportunity to become a well-rounded and effective manager and boost the long-term strategic value of their careers through a mix of classroom lectures, case studies, business simulations, company visits and syndicate projects, as well as relevant exposure to the best practices of South African and global leadership. GIBS offers prospective postgraduate students the choice of three world-class, internationally
accredited MBA programmes, including the fulltime Entrepreneurship MBA, and the choice of either a modular block release or part-time evening GIBS MBA programme. From January 2013 a fulltime general management MBA programme will also be offered. A good business school recognises shifting dynamics within the industry and accommodates them in its curriculum. The compulsory global module, a distinctive element of the GIBS MBA programme, allows students to study first-hand how their peers in diverse markets operate. In turn, that learning is translated back into their own companies. Potential destinations include India, Latin America, China, Japan and the East and West Coast of the USA. PostgraDuate Diploma in Business ADministration (PDBA) The PDBA is a one-year modular block release programme that is aimed at fast-tracking highpotential young graduates into the world of business. Covering the same fundamental business principles as the MBA, the PDBA offers an interactive learning process that combines
a broad understanding of business concepts with practical applications, as well as making a significant contribution to the personal growth of those admitted to the programme. Students study 13 subjects spread over six modules. The PDBA offers five full credits towards the GIBS MBA, which is conditional on students attaining a 65% aggregate in these subjects and commencing the MBA within five years of completing the PDBA. In addition to its postgraduate programmes, GIBS also offers a range of certificate programmes including the Programme for Management Development (PMD) and a Certificate in Finance; a comprehensive array of executive education programmes ranging from GIBS Forums and conferences, to one- to three-day short courses; a number of senior executive development courses, including the premier Global Executive Development Programme (GEDP) as well as inhouse, company-specific programmes designed to meet clients specific needs. Over and above the traditional business school offering, the Centre for Leadership and Dialogue offers a series of programmes aimed at bringing
together the emerging and current leadership of South Africa to create a shared vision necessary for the building of a successful nation. Programmes include: Nexus, Leading Women, the Social Entrepreneurship Certificate Programme and Spirit of Youth. For more information on GIBS programmes, or to apply, see
Themes and the building of collaborations with industrial, national, and international partners. ResearCh funDing Research activity at UP was supported by funds amounting to a total of R387.2 million during 2011. The major portion of these funds was from external sources an indication of the recognition that UP is receiving as a leading, researchintensive university. External funding awarded to the University included R83.3 million for research contracts, R39 million from international funders, and R84.4 million from government funding agencies. ResearCh proDuCtivity The University of Pretorias strong performance in research outputs continued in the 2010 reporting year, with the award (by the Department of Higher Education and Training) of 1 187.46 units for research output publications in internationally and nationally accredited research journals, including 23.63 units for books and chapters, and 75.90 units for published conference proceedings.
The highest number of publications was achieved in the fields of agricultural and related biological fields (17%), engineering (10%), health (15%), physical sciences (12%) and social sciences (12%). Long-term analyses show that, among the South African universities, on average over the period 1990 to 2009, the University of Pretoria produced the highest percentage (14%) of the total national research output. National ResearCh FounDation ratings During 2011 the number of NRF-rated researchers on UPs staff increased from 283 to 305.
groupings, led by recognised international leaders in their disciplines. A second tier of Faculty Research Themes (FRTs) involves collaborative participation within faculties. The University of Pretorias research makes excellent contributions in the fields of veterinary, agricultural and biological sciences, and in engineering and the social sciences (according to international databases). The UP Institutional Research Themes (IRTs) are aligned with these strengths in the focus areas of: - biotechnology and the management of animal and zoonotic diseases; - energy; - food, nutrition and well-being; and - genomics. The Faculty Research Themes are based on specific areas of expertise including: - sustainable control of malaria (Faculty of Health Sciences) - molecular medicine (Faculty of Health Sciences) and - international and comparative law (Faculty of Law).
External collaborations and partnerships The University continues to build and strengthen its relationship with South African industry, through research contracting with major companies as industrial partners. In 2011, 17 research contracts with industry were formalised, generating income of R19 million. Innovation The University of Pretoria is committed to adding value through innovation by turning research results into economically viable products and services and developing and applying appropriate technology to complement the operations of the University. During 2011 six new licence agreements were negotiated and concluded, including the licensing of technologies developed by the faculties of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology, and Veterinary Science.
Research collaborations
Institutional ResearCh Themes anD internal Collaboration During 2011 internal collaborations were actively developed through the establishment of the Institutional Research Themes (IRTs). This major new initiative supports and encourages participation from diverse faculties and departments in strong multidisciplinary research
residence placement; applications for study; payments and student accounts; study financing; access cards and parking; graduate career placement of students; international student enquiries; and course consultation. The International StuDents Division (ISD) The ISD is responsible for the pre-care, in-care and post-care of non-RSA citizens who intend to enrol for studies at the University. This service includes the logistics and care of postdoctoral fellows, with services ranging from immigration, banking and medical cover issues to assistance in orientation and other areas of student life.
responsible for organised student life, student support and development. StuDent Support The following services are available at the Student Support division, which focuses on different aspects of students wellbeing: Academic support is offered to students in the form of career planning, career choices, aptitude and vocational tests, reading skills, study methods, handling of academic stress, time management and prioritising. Student Health Services provides comprehensive primary healthcare to students by qualified healthcare professionals on all UP campuses. This includes the fully accredited Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) Clinic for HIV and AIDS that, in collaboration with the Universitys Centre for the Study of AIDS, offers free testing of students. Therapeutic and emotional support are provided to students through services such as psychotherapy and offering assistance with emotional problems that inhibits academic success; life skills development;
support services for special needs students; and a 24-hour crisis line for emergencies. StuDent Development The Student Development division is involved in: the Student Parliament (SP) and Student Representative Council (SRC) Constitutional Tribunal (CT) and the Student Disciplinary Advisory Panel; Student Sport, Student Culture, TuksRag, and the Perdeby (student newspaper) More than 100 societies are registered with the SRC (political, social, academic, sport, religious, cultural and other) Vividus Men, Vividus Women, Zeus and Luminous day houses; Nine faculty houses and The class representative system in collaboration with the various faculties. For more information, studentaffairs. see
The StuDent Representative CounCil (SRC) The Student Representative Council (SRC) is elected by the Student Parliament (SP) from the ranks of students to represent them and serve their interests at a governance level. SRC representatives come from all nine faculties, registered student societies, the residences and day students and serve a one-year term of office. The SRC is the vehicle through which students are represented on UP governance structures such as the University Council, Senate, Institutional Forum and other institutional committees. It plays a key role in the coordination of organised student life and must ensure that the extracurricular programme contributes to the overall development of students. It also fulfils an important communication function on the one hand conveying student needs and interests to the University Management, and on the other hand reporting progress to the student body. In the process it is accountable to the SP, which represents the various constituencies that make up both the SRC and the SP.
Training anD leaDership Development The Department of Student Affairs offers various programmes aimed at achieving the Universitys objective of developing students into well-rounded citizens. This includes workshops, camps, seminars and conferences for the SRC, SP, Executive Committees of the service providers, societies, day houses and faculty houses. Special programmes include the Tuks Top Junior and Top Senior Programme, Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) and Golden Key International Honour Society. Class representatives also receive basic leadership training that is facilitated by the Department of Student Affairs.
the Association of College and University Housing Officials International (ACUHO-I). Several functions and activities are put in place to ensure that the residents stay is comfortable, that they feel part of the TuksRes family, and that the environment is conducive to studying. There are 26 undergraduate and three postgraduate residences and various student houses at the University, which collectively offer accommodation to more than 8 000 students. Quality staff and guest accommodation also forms part of the accommodation portfolio. The residences play an extremely important role in organised student life. Attention is constantly directed at the quality of physical facilities, governance structures and particularly the execution of a value-driven organisational culture. To ensure that efforts to improve residence life for students are successful and to identify possible obstacles, the level of satisfaction is constantly monitored. The University intends increasing its residence capacity so as to maintain, at least, the existing
Education Innovation
UP is committed to top-quality education aimed at enriching students experiences. The University therefore provides induction for new lecturers and continuing professional development opportunities for all lecturers on aspects related to teaching, learning and assessment. It also regularly upgrades its teaching facilities and provides blended learning opportunities through multimedia and an e-learning management system. The University of Pretoria was the first in South Africa to use a technology-enhanced flexible learning paradigm on a large scale by means of e-education, e-assessment, e-information and other methods. Educational transformation is supported through the Department for Education Innovation (EI). The Departments vision is: Creating synergy towards innovative education environments for student engagement and success. It is realised through: making education consultants available to each faculty to liaise with deans, HoDs, lecturers and tutors, and providing relevant
induction and follow-up training in education principles and innovative practices; offering training and support for UPs learning management system, clickUP, and its computer-based testing environments; developing multimedia through creative and instructional design and production of videos, graphics, animations, and so forth; and conducting research into teaching, learning, assessment, educational technology and the student experience.
quality assurance projects in the teaching and learning environment take the form of external evaluation and accreditation by appropriate national and international bodies. National accreditation is done mainly by duly mandated professional bodies, while international accreditation is sought by the University from credible international accreditation bodies. Accreditation by national bodies, such as the Council on Higher Education (CHE), the Higher Education Quality Committee (HEQC) and relevant professional boards, protects the right of the University to offer its programmes. Accreditation by credible international bodies contributes to positioning the University in the international arena as envisaged in the strategic plan, UP2025. which include external evaluation, accreditation and audit; quality promotion projects which ensure that the quality loop is closed through reporting in the required format, assistance with implementation of findings, participation in institution-wide projects, and engagement in
A mobile web site and catalogue (http://www. online access to wide-ranging print and electronic collections the Learning Centre at the Merensky Library on the Hatfield Campus and online assignment support for undergraduate students( index.htm) a Research Commons, which is a dedicated space for postgraduates, researchers and academics an online reference service (Ask-a-Librarian) wireless hotspots in some areas federated search engines to access electronic journals, books and databases, electronic theses and dissertations ( za/UPeTD.htm) an institutional repository ( training in the use of various information literacy skills and programmes a facility for the digitisation of scarce and brittle research material various audio-visual materials
Facilities Management
facilities for the physically challenged; and inter-lending facilities to national and international collections
The Department of Facilities Management is responsible for planning, construction and maintaining the physical infrastructure of the Universitys portfolio of more than 781 buildings, spread over approximately 1 200 ha of land on six campuses. The Department is also responsible for operating services such as electrical reticulation and air-conditioning systems.
On the Hatfield Campus, the University of Pretoria, in collaboration with the City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality, South African Police Service and other stakeholders, is engaged in the development of a City Improvement District (CID), a community court and other projects to ensure the social upliftment of the area. Important contact numbers: 24-hour Operational Management Centre: 012 420 2310/420 2760 24-hour Operational Manager: 083 654 0476 24-hour Crisis Service: Toll-free 0800 00 64 28
Security Services
The University of Pretoria is committed to a safe and secure environment on its various campuses and even outside the Universitys boundaries. Security Services ensure that students can study with peace of mind and that they can participate in a variety of cultural, sporting and other student activities in a safe environment.
University Relations
University Relations comprises two divisions, namely Advancement and Communication and Marketing. Advancement, in turn, has two integrated sub-divisions, namely Alumni Relations and Fundraising. Alumni Relations (TuksAlumni) The TuksAlumni Office is committed to a sustained and well-informed symbiotic relationship with UP graduates (alumni). The University has produced close to 215 000 alumni since its founding in 1908. The alumni continue to play a crucial role in creating growing awareness of the University nationally and internationally. Alumni are represented in the University Council by four members from the Convocation, who give former students a voice in the affairs of their alma mater. UPs alumni belong to an ever-growing and unique network of Tukkie ambassadors, some who leave their mark on societies all over the world. They are the Universitys key products and the most
important manifestation of UPs excellence. The Alumni Association annually acknowledges and rewards the achievements of identified alumni and friends of the University, who have excelled nationally and internationally, with its prestigious Laureate Awards. For more information, see FunDraising The Fundraising Office is responsible for the coordination of all University fundraising activities. In addition to identifying and approaching prospective benefactors in the public and private sector, the office pursues individual giving, corporate giving, grants from foundations and trusts, embassies and alumni and sponsorships as potential sources of funding for strategically identified projects. Other responsibilities include ensuring that gifts and endowments that come to the University are properly managed and reports to donors are submitted on time according to agreements. For more information, see default.asp?ipkCategoryID=7706.
Communication and Marketing The Communication and Marketing division is responsible for managing the internal, external and international corporate communication environment to the best advantage of the University, in line with the Universitys strategic objectives.
TuksSport is a leader in the field of sports participation and management, both locally and internationally. It offers a professional platform for athletes and volunteers who participate in the TuksSport programmes. TuksSport adds value and contributes towards sustainable sports programmes for the broader South African community. TuksSport not only focuses on top performers, but also on club sport and recreational sports participants. It also provides a comprehensive support programme.
With 32 sports clubs, TuksSport offers a home to dedicated sports people and, together with the Universitys world-class sports facilities, gives athletes the best possible opportunity to perform. TuksSport serves between 8 000 and 9 000 participants per week throughout the year on the Sports Grounds. The University also fields a football team in the national Premier Soccer League (PSL).
Campus enterprises
E at UP Enterprises at University of Pretoria Trust (E at UP) is the commercial hub for the development, implementation, management and governance of business activities of the University. E at UP was established to maximise value for the institution and the communities with which the University engages.
The opportunities that exist in an expanded group enterprise structure present themselves in three distinct categories: the provision of services through the establishment of new initiatives that may be easily rendered by virtue of the Universitys stature, position and facilities; the utilisation of the Universitys existing human and physical resources (staff, students, buildings, property and equipment) to enhance the establishment of new ventures to exploit the existing market; and the commercialisation of intellectual property from research activities at the University of Pretoria into start-up companies, where appropriate. The Trust administers the versatile skills set of the academic staff of the University to create an offering that may complement and supplement the operations of the organisations that contribute to the countrys economy. The consulting, commercial research and continuing education capacity that already exists in the group structure
is steadily being augmented by new ventures established by the Trust. For more information, see BE at UP Business Enterprises at University of Pretoria (Pty) Ltd (BE at UP), a company wholly owned by the University, offers industry an innovative and cutting-edge cluster of multidisciplinary consulting and contract research services that add true value. BE at UP acts as a facilitator and offers the business world access to the vast pool of brainpower and resources available at the University. BE at UPs range of services include advanced research in a multitude of fields, such as engineering, construction and ICT-related services; sensory research and food product evaluation; water resource management; agricultural economics research; economic development strategies and plans; statistical data mining solutions; actuarial risk management solutions; client retention strategies; municipal support services; and many other competencies. For more information, see
Consulta ResearCh (Pty) LtD Consulta Research (Pty) Ltd is a specialist marketing and communications research company. Consulta has the ability and capacity to facilitate a wide range of research and consulting projects. The practical experience and strong academic ties provide: access to cutting-edge research methodology; innovative approaches to handle contracts that vary from simple marketing surveys to in-depth studies requiring state-of-theart technology and value-based analytical techniques; and an outstanding range of data collection vehicles. For more information, see CE at UP Continuing Education at University of Pretoria Trust (CE at UP) is fully owned by the University. CE at UP offers quality career-focused courses for personal and professional development. The
courses present proactive and relevant responses to the skills development needs articulated in the skills plans of the various sectors and places of work in the country and the region. The current product portfolio of CE at UP consists of more than 500 courses across 20 selected fields of study. For more information, see Bookmak at University of Pretoria (Pty) LtD Bookmak at University of Pretoria (Pty) Ltd is the official bookstore of the University. This store is a joint venture between E at UP and Avusa Retail (Pty) Ltd, and aligns the strengths of an academic institution with the commercial architecture of a national industry partner to provide students with the highest-quality service related to the needs of an academic study experience. Bookmak has branches on the Hatfield, Groenkloof, Prinshof and Mamelodi campuses. For more information, see
Wannabee Clothing Store at UP Wannabee Clothing Store is the official supplier of UP-branded clothing and accessories. Wannabee is a wholly-owned subsidiary of E at UP and acts as clothing brand custodian on behalf of the University. Wannabee provides a diverse range of merchandise consisting of formal wear, leisure wear, sports clothing and corporate gifts. All merchandise is branded using the Tuks and UP University brands. Wannabee has two retail stores (situated on the Hatfield and Groenkloof campuses) that transact directly with UP staff, students and the public, as well as wholesale to corporate customers, and online via an e-commerce platform to service the greater alumni market. Wannabee also manages, on behalf of Speedo SA, the Speedo retail outlet situated at the swimming pool on the LC de Villiers Sports Grounds. For more information, see www.wannabeeatup. Tuks FM Trust Tuks FM Trust was created to incorporate the
Tuks FM community radio station as part of the group of entities managed under the auspices of E at UP. Tuks FM, which has been operating successfully since 1981, was formally integrated within E at UP in 2011. Tuks FM has an average listenership of 41 000 and its signal area covers the whole of Pretoria, Bronkhorstspruit and the northern suburbs of Johannesburg (an approximate 100 km radius). The footprint will be expanded further in the near future. For more information, see INSiAVA (Pty) LtD INSiAVA (Pty) Ltd was established by the University of Pretoria as the commercialisation vehicle for the INSiAVA (Injection-enhanced Silicon in Avalanche) technology that emanated from ongoing silicon photonics research conducted in the Carl and Emily Fuchs Institute for Microelectronics (CEFIM) in the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering, in the Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology (EBIT) at the University. The South
African Intellectual Property (SAIP) Fund is also a shareholder, while the University of Pretoria remains the majority shareholder of the company through E at UP. The company is the sole owner of the valuable portfolio of intellectual property rights protecting INSiAVA technology in several countries. It is also the exclusive licensee of the applicable background intellectual property of the University. The business of INSiAVA (Pty) Ltd is to develop, commercialise, use and exploit a technical solution to overcome the interconnect delay that arises with the decrease in the dimensions of integrated circuits. For more information, see
sporting champions and the venue of choice for sports professionals and enthusiasts alike. The hpcs unique combination of world-class training facilities, medical services, accommodation, nutritional and scientific expertise, research and hospitality has established its local and international reputation for excellence and success. The hpc is situated on the LC de Villiers Sports Grounds. These facilities annually attract international athletes as well as local sporting bodies for training camps or specific team preparation. The hpc has become the preferred location for Team South Africa pre-departure camps, as well as the preferred centre of specialisation for a significant number of national federations. Within the sporting environment this sporting initiative has been endorsed by several national federations in South African sport. The University sports clubs offer academy programmes for 12 different sporting codes.
In addition, the University extends its sport service offering via the hpcs TuksSport High School that offers a specialised programme for high school learners in a variety of sporting codes. Many African federations have enrolled their talented sportsmen or -women into the different academy programmes. The hpc is a valuable asset, not only to the University, but also to the country, and is a model for future centres of excellence.
cultivation and progression of excellence from primary to high school through to the senior choirs of the University. Learners must also do well academically to join the choirs. The University also hosts community-based learner choirs, including the UP Jacaranda Childrens Choir and the UP Youth Choir. The senior choirs are: the Tuks Camerata (Hatfield), Edu-cantare (Groenkloof) and the OP Campus Choir (Onderstepoort). The choirs are of a very high standard and have won acclaim both in South Africa and internationally. Ovuwa This is a music and dance group that embraces all the official languages/cultures of South Africa. The Ovuwa cultural exchange model is unique to the UP as its composition and working method is transformational. Ovuwa has made its mark both within the country and abroad. Each performance radiates colour, energy and melody. Pamata Pamata (Pan African Music, Art and Theatre Association) is a community-based music and dance group affiliated to UP Arts, and specialises in East African music and performance modes.
UP Arts
UP Arts is responsible for the promotion of arts and culture at the University of Pretoria, facilitating and supporting the integration of the art and heritage resources of the University into teaching, learning and research, and promoting general access to them for the education and enjoyment of the broader community. The Department has three units: music and dance ensembles, museums and theatres. MusiC ensembles The UP Arts choir model is based on the
Most of the performers are young people from disadvantaged communities. Brass banD UP Arts also has a brass band of a very high standard that performs at ceremonies and supports sports teams during games. MeDu Medu is an avant-garde, exploratory and experimental group that brings together talented students from different cultural backgrounds and art forms to work and create together across disciplines and cultures. ColleCtions anD museums The University of Pretoria has a total of 56 collections on its different campuses and UP Arts manages 18 of them. Among them are: the largest sculpture collection in the country comprising 872 pieces; the largest ceramic collection in Southern Africa with about 11 000 items originating from all the continents; the largest and oldest archaeological collection of gold items from Mapungubwe; the largest and oldest art archive in South Africa with 100 000 photographs of South
African artworks; and 3500 South African artworks and 6 000 European artworks. There are four museums: the Mapungubwe Museum, which holds a national heritage collection; the Van Tilburg Museum; the Edoardo Villa Museum; the Van Wouw House; and the only conservation research laboratory at a South African university. UP Theatres This section manages theatres and halls which are widely used by academic departments, student organisations and the student body in general, as well as external clients. The UP theatres are the Aula, the Musaion, the Amphitheatre, the Rautenbach Hall, the Masker and the Lier. UP Theatres provide production management and support services to events held in various venues, including those by University departments, students and external clients. Services include marketing, financial administration, the design and construction of sets and dcor, the design and manufacturing of costumes and props, and technical support, such as sound and lighting. For further information, see