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Practical guidelines on
Dear Colleague,
The expression time is money is never more true than in the case of shipping charterparties. These formal agreements contain clauses providing for the time allowed for loading and discharging cargo, and the penalties to be paid if this time is exceeded. These two aspects of charterparties laytime and demurrage are critical in determining the financial outcome of voyages carrying cargoes, both wet and dry. A detailed understanding is required to maximise the profits of vessel owners and charterers, and to resolve the disputes which can arise. The Certificate in Laytime and Demurrage gives a thorough introduction and detailed overview of the fundamental concepts and practices of these two critical clauses. Starting with a firm foundation in key legal concepts and contractual practices, the course shows how to define and calculate laytime and demurrage, with step-by-step guides for both tanker and dry cargo charters. Your faculty members have years of academic and industry experience behind them, and it is this blend of essential theory with hands-on application which sets the programme apart. A core of legal and contractual knowledge is complemented by current case studies written by highly experienced industry practitioners. Designed for newcomers to the field, as well as those wanting to refresh or formalise knowledge gained on the job, this certificate delivers the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in maritime trade. Share experiences and exchange knowledge with your fellow students from around the world, representing ship owners and charterers, ports and terminals, legal, financial and insurance professionals. Your distance learning experience will be supported online by expert tutors, on hand to guide you through the modules and answer your questions. You can download the course materials to study at a time which suits you, allowing you to fit your education around your work and other commitments. Online tests allow you to check your understanding of each of the six modules until the course ends on the 24th April which is the last day website access will be available. The unique blend of downloadable study modules, expert tutorial support and peer interaction via a dedicated online forum will deliver a thorough and practical understanding of laytime and demurrage, helping you navigate the intricacies of these clauses with confidence. I very much look forward to welcoming you onto the course.
Katerina Konsta Dip Fin, BSc, MSc, PhD (cand)
Katerina was previously Head of the Shipping, Transport and Logistics department at BCA College in Athens (Greece) which collaborates with London Metropolitan University (UK). Her extensive teaching experience has been gained at various colleges and universities, lecturing on undergraduate courses in shipping, maritime business and related subjects. She also has many years experience as an industry consultant, working in Greece and the UK on varied projects in national and international shipping and logistics. Katerina holds a degree in Maritime Business with Maritime Law from the University of Plymouth (UK). Prior to this, she studied Business & Finance at North Hertfordshire College (UK). Her postgraduate studies include International Shipping at the University of Plymouth (UK) and Maritime Studies with International Transport at the University of Piraeus (Greece). Katerina is also a member of the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME), Womens International Shipping & Trading Association (WISTA) and Hellenic Association of Maritime Economists (HAME). Her area of research focuses on shipping policy and strategy, logistics, freight analysis and vessel sale and purchase. She is the author of articles and papers in a range of magazines and newspapers as well as being a reviewer for the Maritime Policy & Management Journal. She is a respected participant in various shipping and logistics conferences and forums.
Lloyd's Maritime Academy has for over 30 years provided training programmes for the maritime and transport industry. Through face-to-face seminars, bespoke training and distance learning courses, Lloyd's Maritime Academy enables career enhancement and progression regardless of work commitments or location. www.lloydsmaritimeacademy.com
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Alcotra SA Atlas Chemical Tankers AS Barry Rogliano Salles Belarusian Potash Company Belgo-Iberian Maritime NV Burrem Engergy Shipping Cargill International SA Carnival UK CSL International Devonia Shipping Donnelly Tanker Management Euro Enterprise Far Eastern Shipping Company Fayette International Holdings Gard AS GB Shipping & Chartering Havrico Insurance SA Intershipping Ltd Kineta Minerals & Metals Ltd Knock Tankers Ltd Kuwait Petroleum (KPC) Levant Oil International Lister Europe ltd Litasco M&C Chrysanthou Marine Services Ltd Malaysia Darul Jaya Maritax Law Office Marvel International Management and Transportation Co Mikael Lund Shipping National Shipping Corporation Navi Chartering Neste Shipping Oy Nigerian Oil Company Pakistan National Shipping Port Balchik SA PTSC Marine Co, Ltd Qatar Petrolium RasGas Company Ltd Ribex Maritime Safety First INC Saint-Gobain Pipeline (China) Sakhalin Shipping Company Scottishpower ST Shipping and Transport Stolt Nielsen Transportation Group Tergran Trade Line LLC Transammonia AG UN World Food Programme UPT United Product Tankers UTC Overseas Inc Vela International Marine Ltd Western Bulk Pte Ltd World Waves Shipping Co
Module One Module Four
Defining Laytime
Types of laytime - Fixed - Customary - Rates of cargo - Worldscale Commencement of laytime - Arrived ship - Readiness - Wet vs. dry cargo Interruptions and exceptions Completion of laytime Averaging and reversing laytime Katerina Konsta Dip Fin, BSc, MSc, PhD (cand) Shipping Consultant, Cosmos Shipping SA Module Three
Calculating Demurrage
The effect of charterparty terms - Shipowners clauses - Charterers clauses Basic calculations Time bar clauses Termination of demurrage Collecting demurrage and despatch Balance payment clauses Insurance Ioanna N. Pentheroudakis Managing Director, Cosmos Shipping SA Module Six
Calculating Laytime
Tankers Dry cargo Step-by-step guides - Statement of facts - Timesheets Multiple charters Case studies and practical examples - Sundays and Holidays Excepted Unless Used (SHEX UU) and Weather Working Days (WWD) - Sundays and Holidays Excepted (SHEX) and Weather Working Days (WWD) - Time lost in waiting for berth to count as loading or discharging time, as the case may be Dr Evi Plomaritou Shipping Consultant in Chartering and Marketing
Bills of Lading Masterclass November 2011 Ship Finance School November 2011 Background to Shipping November 2011
Course Code
Enrol now for practical tips on defusing disputes and maximising charter profits!
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