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Study Guide Public Booklet

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The key takeaways are that ICS offers qualifications and membership that can enhance one's professionalism and career in the shipping industry.

The three study and examination options offered by ICS are Professional Qualifying Examinations, Foundation Diploma, and Advanced Diploma.

Membership with ICS provides networking opportunities, career development, recognition of professional standing, and being considered equivalent to a Master's degree program entry requirement.

Study Guide

Promoting professionalism in commercial shipping worldwide

Improving your
professionalism with ICS

The ICS is unique in its ability to award individuals the recognition of

professional status conferred to those who qualify for membership.
It is authorised for this purpose by Royal Charter. Membership of
ICS denotes a standard of professionalism that will enhance your
career. This brochure describes the steps that can be taken towards
membership as well as study options and other qualifications offered
by the ICS.

For further information about ICS, please see our website at

www.ics.org.uk or e-mail us at enquiries@ics.org.uk

With 25 Branches and 15 Distance Learning Centres throughout the

world, we are bound to be able to put you in touch with someone
near you.


ICS offers three study and examination Offshore Support Industry

Gateway to options designed to lead towards developing Shipping Law
professional qualifications:
Membership Professional Qualifying Examinations (PQE)
Marine Insurance

are the main pathway to membership with the Shipping Finance

of ICS ICS and will provide you with full professional The following Diplomas are stepping stones
status. towards membership of ICS:
To be eligible for membership, you will need Foundation Diploma is ideal for people
to complete a total of seven papers (four with little knowledge or experience of the
compulsory and three optional). This may shipping industry.
be reduced by exemptions if you have other Advanced Diploma suits people who have
recognised maritime related qualifications: more experience of the industry and would
Compulsory Papers like to take a step towards full qualification.
Introduction to Shipping Both Foundation Diploma and Advanced
Legal Principles in the Shipping Business Diploma specialise in the following topics:
Economies of Sea Transport and Dry Cargo Chartering
International Trade
Ship Operations and Management
Shipping Business
Ship Sale and Purchase
Optional Papers
Tanker Chartering
Dry Cargo Chartering
Liner Trades
Ship Operations and Management
Port Agency
Ship Sale and Purchase
Logistics and Multi-Modal Transport
Tanker Chartering
Port and Terminal Management
Liner Trades
Offshore Support Industry
Port Agency
Logistics and Multi-Modal Transport
Port and Terminal Management

The ICS is unique in being able to award
Professional recognition of a professional status that
is approved under Royal Charter, and is
Qualifying accepted and recognised as a desirable
standard of professionalism worldwide.
Examinations The courses that make up the Professional
Qualifying Examinations develop knowledge
and understanding of the shipping industry
and in some cases are equivalent to the level
required for a Masters degree programme.
Seven examinations form the basis of the
qualification. ICS also validates some high-
standard maritime courses in colleges and
universities in both the UK and overseas
and, where proof of success in such courses
is available, exemptions can be granted for
some aspects of the Professional Qualifying
Examinations. Success in these examinations
qualifies the candidate to apply for
membership of ICS.


At a glance...
ICS is unique in being able
to grant a professional
qualification that is approved
under Royal Charter and
is accepted and recognised
as a desirable standard of
professionalism worldwide
It is the only qualification that
leads to membership of ICS
It involves up to seven
examinations taken
over five years
Exams are held annually
around the world in April
Both the number of examinations
and the time taken can be
reduced according to previous
relevant qualifications

Practical knowledge and a solid diploma
Foundation are excellent tools for furthering a career.
Foundation Diploma
The Foundation Diploma is a stand alone
Diploma qualification, but can also count as two exams Dry Cargo Chartering
towards your professional qualification and Ship Operations and Management
pathway to membership. The main paper
you will take is entitled Introduction to Shipping Ship Sale and Purchase
which is accompanied by a second paper, which Tanker Chartering
you can choose from a list of topics according
Liner Trades
to the aspect of shipping that you work in.
This Diploma will provide you with an overall Port Agency
view of the shipping industry, but it will also Logistics and Multi-Modal Transport
serve as the first step towards membership of
Port and Terminal Management
ICS should you wish to continue.
Offshore Support Industry


At a glance...
Foundation Diploma is:
A qualification that is well
respected throughout the
international commercial
shipping community
A course that is completed
in a year
An excellent introduction
to the shipping industry
Foundation Diploma involves
two examinations, taken
around April each year

This diploma is designed for people with
Advanced some industry experience to increase their
Advanced Diploma Topics:
knowledge. Its main focus is a paper entitled Dry Cargo Chartering
Diploma Shipping Business which is combined with a Ship Operations and Management
paper from one of our specialist topics, chosen
Ship Sale and Purchase
according to your particular career interests.
Like the Foundation Diploma, this diploma can Tanker Chartering
stand alone, but it can also be taken as a step Liner Trades
towards full qualification for membership of ICS.
Port Agency
Logistics and Multi-Modal Transport
Port and Terminal Management
Offshore Support Industry


At a glance...
Advanced Diploma is:
A qualification that is well
respected throughout the
international commercial
shipping community
A course that is completed
in a year
A course that provides a
good knowledge of the
shipping industry
Advanced Diploma involves
two examinations, held
around April each year

There are four steps that all students need
The Exam to go through in order to sit exams with the
ICS, whether for the Foundation Diploma,
Process Advanced Diploma or Professional Qualifying
Exams, the process is the same.
1 Choose your topics. This is more straight
forward for the Diplomas where one of
your two topics is already determined. For
the Professional Qualifying Examinations
this can be more involved. The best way
to start is to contact us to find out about
your exemption eligibility. If you are
entitled to exemptions, this will reduce the
number of subjects you need to take and
will help you select subjects.
2 Decide on your method of study. Most
people look to start studying around
September/October/ November every
year, to maximise their study time prior to
the April exams. (Keep reading for more
information on your study options)
3 R
 egister as a student with the Institute.
You need to do this once for every year
you want to sit an exam. Registration
closes every year in early February.
4 E
 nter the subjects you wish to sit. Exam
entry closes every year in early February. If you are from a company where several
people are studying for the examinations, it
may be possible to provide extra support on
a group basis. For information on this please
e-mail enquiries@ics.org.uk


TutorShip is the ICSs own distance learning
Study Options programme. Enrolment in Tutorship brings
Other Studying
access to ICS approved specialist tutors to
guide you through studying. Further, students Some DLCs also organise other training courses,
are issued with the latest Tutorship course revision events and seminars for students and
book and accompanying CD ROM. members. Contact your local DLC or branch
for more local information, or contact the head
Studying through Tutorship not only prepares
office at enquiries@ics.org.uk and well help
you for ICS examinations, but also provides
point you in the right direction.
the benefit of being able to broaden your
understanding of the industry and develop
career potential.
Tutorship courses are written by leading
practitioners in their field and updated annually.
You can enrol in TutorShip via the London
Head Office or at your local Distance Learning
Centre (DLC). DLCs, working on behalf
of the Institute, use TutorShip material to
provide tuition to students in their own
locality. All our tutors, worldwide, are
approved by the Institutes Head Office in
London and they are specialists in their field.
You should take a TutorShip course if you are
looking for:
What can I say, Tutorship was fantastic.
a highly flexible study option that fits around I would recommend it to anyone, good
your work and home life information, great teachers, good friends
a truly portable and international form of and great times.
study that moves and works with you
Angela Hunt
a structured and easy to follow format BHP Billiton
the personal support of an industry expert Marketing BV.


Every year around the end of March, ICS The event starts with registration on Thursday
ICS PREP students descend on Warwick University in evening followed by a meet and greet reception
Coventry (in the heart of the UK) to attend hosted by the lecturers, tutors and staff of the
Weekend the ICS annual residential revision weekend weekend. Sessions will start on Friday morning
known as PREP. and your personal timetable will include a mock
exam, the results of which will be given to you
PREP is an intense and well received event as feedback during the course of the weekend.
and with limited spaces sells out every year. On Saturday night our annual Good Luck
Students come from across the globe with Dinner gives students a chance to socialise and
around half the attendees coming from network before lectures on Sunday morning.
beyond the UK. The weekend concludes with afternoon tea on
The entry fee for the event includes all Sunday afternoon.
lectures, a mock exam, accommodation, meals We start to take bookings for PREP around
and some networking drinks. Aside from the New Year, and when it becomes available
providing students with an intense, interactive youll be able to book through the ICS website
and highly motivating study experience at www.ics.org.uk
tailored specifically towards preparing you for
the ICS exams, its an incredible networking
event. Students who attend PREP find it
thoroughly exhausting and enjoyable and an
excellent way to revise. PREP is open to all
students irrespective of their method of study.
Year on year, the pass rate for PREP sits
about 75% - a true indication of the value of If I hadnt come to Prep I dont think I
the weekend. would have stood a sporting chance of
passing! The tips on the Prep mock exam
and the experience and opportunity to
clarify key points has been brilliant.
Jacqui Buchan
Lloyds Register of Shipping London

Why the ICS?
Membership with the ICS is wholly unique. Gain the Knowledge Develop your Career
Aside from the various professional readings,
and tangible discounts and benefits members Soak up the wealth of experience provided The knowledge gained coupled to
can expect to receive, the ICS point of by the lecturers/tutors majority of membership provides an excellent basis for
difference is that its members enjoy a huge whom are respected practitioners in their improved career development.
number of career based benefits. specialist sector. The ICS point of difference Passing the examinations and becoming a
is our unique connection to the industry member (MICS) is confirmation of ones
ICS membership provides networking
and our practitioner driven approach. professional standing.
opportunities that transcend hierarchies
and borders. The maritime industry, in all Apply the professional knowledge gained Members operate to shared common values
its various aspects, is one of the closest immediately in the workplace. and high standards Our Word Our Bond.
international communities in the world. Once qualified an individual will Promotion to Chartered status as a Fellow
Numerous events are held across the globe have a broad understanding of having added further experience to the
by ICS branches and DLCs including seminars, the shipping business and various substantial knowledge gained as a Member.
dinners, workshops, lectures and training commercial shipping disciplines.
courses. ICS also publishes a monthly e-zine, MICS is the only internationally recognised
Once qualified, an individual will know their shipping business qualification of its kind.
and a quarterly professional magazine, sent
boundary of knowledge and when to seek
to all members to keep them up to date with MICS is considered equivalent to
expert advice. Greater knowledge not only
latest developments and Institute activities and the entry level requirement for
helps in day-to-day affairs, it also greatly
events. admission on to a Masters degree
reduces the margins for errors.
programme at many leading universities
including the CASS Business School,
Take it from us, all other things London and Plymouth University.
being equal, the ICS qualified
candidate will get the job.
Phil Parry
Spinnaker Consulting


Whats Next?
For further information please go
to our website at www.ics.org.uk

Our Customer Support Advisers

will also be very glad to discuss
your options:
please contact them by e-mail at
enquiries@ics.org.uk or call the
office +44 (0) 20 76263 1111

Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers
85 Gracechurch Street

t: +44 (0)20 7623 1111

f: +44 (0)20 7623 8118


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