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Martina Lobova-Forbidden Science

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...our notions of the physical reality can never be final. We must always be ready to change these notions.

Albert Einstein.

Forbidden Science
Marina Lobova 21 January 2013 The Theory of Physical Vacuum by G. Shipov - The Theory and Experiments. In the Modern Quantum Theory. the Physical Vacuum is a primary state of all types of matter (informational particles, energy and material particles) and has got zero physical characteristics in an initial state or 0 0. Meanwhile, Physical Vacuum also has an infinite energy of zeropoint fluctuations. In a scientific method an experiment is an empirical method that arbitrates between competing theories or hypotheses. In order to test The Theory of Physical Vacuum by G.Shipov, we performed two experiments as below: 1. An experiment with 3-D (3-Dimensional) Gyroscope. For hundreds of years, scientists continued their discussions about the weight loss of a gyroscope. Ever since it remained only a phenomena without a proper experiment and a scientific explanation, which could be developed into practical technological applications. Recently we have presented a simple experiment with 3-D gyroscope to demonstrate this phenomena and measuring its weight using METTLER balance (with a precision of 0.01 g). In the figure below, Fig.1.a show the 3-D gyroscope at rest and Fig.1.b shows 3-D gyroscope in precession. Initial weight of 3-D Gyro at rest was 46.45 g. During precession its weight was reduced to 45.30 g, i.e. weight loss reached 0.15g. Besides this 3-d Gyro was producing the light and sound after the initiation by impact.

An article by



Fig. 1. a) 3-D Gyro at rest with an initial weight of 46.45 g; b) 3-D Gyro in precession weights at 46.3 g. Weight loss in this 3-D gyro is due to its precession and can be related to a formula E=m()c2, that describes the dependence of mass on the rotation of its inner elements in a system. This formula was patented in Thailand (Thai patent N 25133) as shown below. The above formula generalizes Einsteins formula E= mc2. The notation () means rotation, spin and torsion nature of mass. It is also designated to symbolize that our project was established in Thailand. 2. An experiment on detection of super cold plasma - the new state of plasma created by the spin of elementary particles created by a torch-like corona discharge (precession of the field gyroscopes) in form of Cooper pairs. According to Shipovs Theory described in Quantum Mechanics as Dynamics of Field Gyroscopes ( , Rus., http://shipov.com/files/130511_44_qauntum.pdf) we decided to measure the energy fluctuations produced by spin of elementary particles created by a torch-like corona discharge in the system of Tesla coils. A pyrometer AR 300 ( -32oC - +400oC) with precision 3oC was used as a measuring tool. The pyrometer registered the minimum temperature of -32oC at a room temperature of 26oC. By increasing the precision of the measuring tools we could register the corona discharge temperatures to be as low as -90oC (minus ninety degrees of Celsius) at the room temperature. Plasma is considered to be a fourth state of matter. The conventional studies and experiments are dedicated to the research of two kinds of plasma states: hot (hundreds and thousands of degrees of Celsius) and cold about 40-50oC (about human body temperatures). Thousands of scientists study hot plasma states with temperatures over hundreds and thousands degrees Celsius. Dozens of researchers study cold plasma with temperatures about 40-50oC. Presently for the first time we have been able to experimentally discover and measure a new state of plasma: super cold plasma characterized by negative temperatures well below 0oC. Notion: The Law of Nature notes that something happens. The theory explains why and how something happens. Scientific theories are generally more complex than laws; they have many component parts, and are more likely to be changed as the body of available experimental data and analysis develops. Remarks: The above two experiments reflects some natural phenomena which can be described by Shipovs Theory of Physical Vacuum, which helps to expand our understanding of Forces of Nature and helps to create new technologies that will benefit humanity and all mankind.

Supporting Evidences for G. Shipovs Theory

a) Former Chairman of Under US Secretary Committee on Defense and Biotechnology, Dr. Christopher "Kit" Green wrote to Marina Lobova in March 3, 2005: Marina, 2

I would be happy to talk on the phone... Who are your funders? It seems commercial products must cost many millions for a lab prototype; and bringing a product to market will cost at least $100,000,000 ... but the benefits to mankind will be worth many BILLIONS of dollars! b)Other references: In Year 2003: In February 2003 Prof. Donald Wilson, a special advisor to Chairman Olarn Chaipravat of Shinawatra University, Pathum Thani, wrote a Report and Recommendations (February 27, 2003) about our 4-D project, based upon the available information, facts, and the testimony or interviews with more than 60 world class research scientists. He noted that there was considerable skepticism about the feasibility and possibility of the 4D Engine Project, based on the personalities involved and professional jealousy not an uncommon thing. Much of that skepticism has proven to be unfounded. Dr. Gennady Shipovs book, A Theory of Physical Vacuum, lays the theoretical groundwork for practical applications. His book cannot be dismissed by the scientists who have challenged it. It has not been proven wrong, and practical applications and demonstrations, previously and now in Thailand, have validated the theoretical basis of the book. I have verified that there is considerable interest, dialogue, discussion, and research on the concepts advanced by Dr. Shipov within the aerospace, aeronautical, energy and transportation industries because of the revolutionary nature of his findings. As would be expected since they are jockeying for commercial advantage they are very guarded, but very interested, in this project. It has been verified that research on this and related concepts are taking place in the USA, Russia, Canada, Australia, Europe, Thailand Thailand needs this type of dynamic environment for creativity, change and innovation It would have the potential to spur academic researchers and resident students to enlarge their vision and become more productive. Year 2005 In 2004-2005 when the anonyms from Pseudoscience committee of Russian Academy of Science (RAS) pressured me to stop supporting Dr. Shipovs experiments, because it should present a false science, I decided to ask the scientists around the world to search for the mistakes in The Theory of Physical Vacuum. Everybody wrote: Oh, yes! With pleasure! and they commenced a search for the mistakes as promised by RAS. We know that to find a mistake, one should read the source, thus everybody began studying the forbidden book. And guess what? They could not find any mistake. The theory was gaining understanding and support for the highest displeasure of RAS committee, who intensified their struggle since then. In 2005 I have sent The Theory of Physical Vacuum to Prof. Moshe Carmeli Albert Einstein Emeritus Professor of Theoretical Physics at Ben Gurion University in Israel, former President of Israel Physical Society, a disciple of Nathan Rosen, who was the only disciple of Albert Einstein. In 1967-1972, he was a Research Physicist, US Civil Service, grades GS-13 and GS-14, Aerospace Research Laboratories, Dayton, Ohio, USA. Prof. Moshe Carmeli was an author and co-author to more than 120 research papers and 9 books, including Cosmological Relativity: The Special and General Theories of the Structure of the Universe 3

, Modern Large-Scale Spacetime Structure of the Cosmos, http://www.paperbackswap.com/Moshe-Carmeli/author/ Biodata at http://physweb.bgu.ac.il/HOMEPAGES/FACULTY/Carmeli/main.html http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/Biographies/Carmeli.html

In April 2005 Prof. Moshe Carmeli sent me a message: Dear Marina, I have followed the book of Dr. Shipov entitled "A Theory of Physical Vacuum", which he had kindly sent me. Dr. Shipov has generalized the ordinary four-dimensional Relativity Theory. He showed that the right-hand sides of the Einstein field equations for gravity and the equations of generalrelativistic electrodynamics can be geometrized successfully, if one uses not a Riemannian geometry but the geometry of absolute parallelism. The new field equations he suggests were written as
R jm

where is a constant, and the energy-momentum tensor is geometric and given by

T jm = 2 1 i i s pn i i s [i T | j|m ] + T s[i T | j|m ] g jm g [i T | p|n ] + T s[i T | p|n ] , ( 2) 2 n T[ jm ] = 0. (3)

1 g jm R = T jm 2


One then finds that the equations (1) are the Einstein's equations if one assumes that =8G/c4, or to the equations of general-relativistic electrodynamics if one assumes that =8e/mc4. As can be seen, the constant in the generalized field equations (1) will be canceled out if one substitutes the energy-momentum tensor (2) into equations (1). Accordingly, the generalized field equations (1) contain no physical constants. This is, of course, the usual procedure of geometrization of the energy-momentum tensor and its constituent fields. We have not included in the above very brief description of Dr. Shipov's theory all the important details, and one should refer to his book for extensive details which seem to be of high interest.

I find the work of Dr. Shipov quite original and creative. His ideas about "Universal Relativity" and "Physics Vacuum" are greatly interesting, and are excellently developed by him to a theory, which seem as a continuation of Einstein's work. I wish Dr. Shipov a lot of success in his work. Sincerely yours, Moshe Carmeli Please note, that Prof. Carmeli compares works of G. Shipov with the continuation of A. Einsteins work! After Prof. Carmeli allowed me to place his message on our website he was rudely attacked by RAS Pseudoscience commission. He informed me by telephone that he cannot even talk to us. Immediately I got a ticket and flew to Ben Gurion University at Ber Sheva, Israel. After our meeting Prof. Moshe Carmeli told me: Marina, now I understand why your project is a success! and he sent another support letter to Dr. Shipov: 4

Sent: Thursday, November 24, 2005 4:54 PM Subject: Your research Dear Doctor Shipov, I have followed the recent correspondence of several authors about your work, and I want to express my own opinion also. From these correspondents, which sometimes are scientific articles by themselves, I can only suggest that your work, both in experiment and in theory, is of high interest and importance. I can only suggest that your work be kept going on in spite of the difficulties you are encountering and I personally have a high opinion on it. I am aware that some colleagues in Russia have criticized your work but I think this is the way science makes progress. Without criticism science would not progress as it should be. Sometimes it is the most qualified people who make the criticism and that is not surprising. I think you should continue with your endeavor to achieve your targets which I assume is very hard. Don't give up. Just continue. I am sure you will succeed in spite of all the difficulties and I wish you all the very best both personally and professionally. Sincerely yours, Moshe Carmeli Support for Dr. G. Shipov came from Emeritus Professor R.M. Kiehn, who wrote a lot of articles with references to The Theory of Physical Vacuum. Please have a look at Prof. R.M. Kiehn references.

Publications (84) S61 THE NEW HIGH ENERGY MATERIALS SCIENCE BEAMLINE (HEMS) AT PETRA III N. Schell, F. Beckmann, H.-U. Ruhnau, R. Kiehn, A. Schreyer Journal: Powder Diffraction - POWDER DIFFR , vol. 23, no. 2, 2008 R. M. Kiehn publications in 2007: Topological Torsion and Topological Spin The Cosmological Vacuum from a Topological perspective Part I. The Cosmological Vacuum from a Topological Perspective Citations (181 times by 72 publications)

His works draw a lot of attention since he worked with Torsion fields: rating increased from 2005 for his studies on torsion fields and number of publications are over 84 as some below:

Marina Lobovas first impressions of Thailand

I came to Bangkok in March 1990 from the former Soviet Union and was enchanted with the life in Thailand and ever since would like to advise Thai people to value their culture, enjoy peace and take care of your wonderful country! At the time of our arrival I felt as if we simply stepped on heavenly soil from a cold and restricted world. It may sound funny to the Thai people, who had never experienced difficulties as we did every day: we discovered that we can easily buy soap, tissues, other basic things in any shop around the corner, like Seven-Eleven around the clock, which were not available in a former USSR for months and people queued hours to buy them. Soviet family with children had suffered even more from being deprived of having basic conveniences to properly wash their children, their cloths, dishes, etc. In contrast, Thailand looked like a paradise to us with the friendly and smiling people, delicious food, comfortable availability of all necessary goods, absence of cold weather, etc. The former USSR was called as Country of Neljzya (Russian word stands for forbidden or not allowed) by many Diplomats living in the former USSR. In the late 1980th early 1990th the Soviet economy was collapsing. Most of basic goods and foods were in short supply or simply not available for indefinitely long periods: no childrens food, no garments, no shoes (imagine: soldiers gumboots all over ladys shoes shelves), no sugar, no butter, no meat (in most districts and regions butchers sections were permanently closed; no books you want to read, except L. Brezhnevs works, Politburo instructions to Soviet people, and similar political literature. People lived in small compartments packed 4-5 people for 20 m2, restricted by standards of 5m2 per person. Where the Academy of Sciences had been with their brightest minds at the most difficult times of collapse of their country in 1990? Why Nobel laureates could not put their minds together to create some useful model to save a country from painful breakup and help people to survive in a more decent way instead of let them fall below the levels of world poorest countries with no Nobel Laureates, National Academies of Sciences and no 60% of population with higher education?

The History of Soviet Science under Bolsheviks, Communist Party and Academy of Sciences.
In the Soviet Union scientific research was under strict political control. Under the thick layer of positive information a number of important research areas were declared bourgeois pseudoscience and forbidden. This has led to significant setbacks for the Soviet science, notably in biology due to ban on genetics and in cybernetics and computer science, which drastically influenced the Soviet economy and technology. A lot of data especially in sociological sciences were significantly affected by falsification or insertion of false data with the intent to confound the West. From 1929 Academy of Sciences experienced Bolshevization of Academy. In 1932 young state of Soviet republics established their commission VAK (Higher Attestation Commission (VAK-Russian) that actually started in 1934 and embodies the Stalinist model of science. Prior to that time higher degrees were awarded directly by colleges and universities 6

similar to a practice existing around the world. The creation of a single body to oversee the appraisal resulted from a general lack of qualified personnel and ideologically fit. VAK repeatedly changed subordination. In Soviet times, VAK was a part of the Ministry of Higher Education and was led by the Minister of the USSR, from 1975 to 1991 was known as the Higher Attestation Commission of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, from 1992 to 1996 was known as the Higher Attestation Committee from 1996 to 1998 - The State of the Higher Attestation Committee. In 1998, it was renamed the Higher Attestation Commission and subordinated to the Ministry of Education. After conversion of the Ministry of Education to the Ministry of Education and Science was subject to the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor) in 2002-2011. From 2011 VAK grants Diplomas of Doctors(Ph.D.) and Senior Researcher of Science. Suppressed research in the Soviet Union refers to scientific fields which were banned in the Soviet Union, usually for ideological reasons. All humanities and social sciences were additionally tested for strict accordance with historical materialism. These tests were alleged to serve as a cover for political suppression, to terrorize scientists who engaged in research labeled as "idealistic" or "bourgeois". The research was subject to censorship. Hence, scientists and researchers were denied access to some publications and research of the Western scientists, or any others deemed politically incorrect; access to many others was restricted. Their own research was similarly censored, some scientists were forbidden from publishing at all, many others experienced significant delays or had to agree to have their works published only in closed journals, to which access was significantly restricted. In the mid-1930s, the agronomist Trofim Lysenko started a campaign against genetics and was supported by Stalin. Between 1934 and 1940, many geneticists were executed (including Agol, Levit, Nadson) or sent to labor camps (including the best-known Soviet geneticist, Nikolai Vavilov, who died in prison in 1943). Genetics was called "the whore of capitalism" ( ) and stigmatized as a "fascist science", hinting at its closeness to eugenics, popular in Nazi Germany. At various times pronounced "bourgeois pseudosciences" were: genetics, cybernetics, theory of chemical composition in organic chemistry, sociology, semiotics and comparative linguistics that were deemed unacceptable from an ideological point of view. Philosophical research in the Soviet Union was officially confined to Marxist-Leninist thinking, which theoretically was the basis of objective and ultimate philosophical truth. During the 1920s and 1930s, other tendencies of Russian thought were repressed (many philosophers emigrated, others were expelled). From the beginning of Bolshevik regime, the aim of official Soviet philosophy (which was taught as an obligatory subject for every course), was the theoretical justification of Communist ideas. Ideological conflict in physics did not go too far as initially planned, because this was recognized as potentially too harmful to the Soviet nuclear program.

"Black Book" of Soviet science

Soviet Marxists declared war on Einsteins relativity theory.


The historic confrontations in the intellectual life of the Soviet Union was the conflict between Einstein's theory of relativity and official Soviet ideology embodied in dialectical materialism. During the pre-Stalin era, Marxist philosophers clashed over the problem of defining dialectical materialism in relation to the ongoing revolution in science. During the Stalin era (1929-1953), conflicting forces in Marxist thinking were eliminated, and complete unity was established and firmly guarded by the state. Marxist theorists declared war on "idealistic" principles built into Einstein's scientific work. State harassment of leading physicists accused of idealistic digressions persisted throughout the Stalinist era. Several leading proponents of Einstein's ideas perished in political prisons. Despite all these pressures, some leading physicists used every opportunity to reaffirm their fundamental agreement with the theory of relativity as one of the fundamental contributions to twentieth-century scientific thought. It eased during post-Stalinist period. During 1970th the former Soviet Union was heading to an economic and political crisis. Thus - Communist Party intensified its control over intellectuals, who were losing hopes in Communist ideals. The main ideologist at that time was M. Suslov, Politburo member, nick name Grey Eminence, who was involved in sad event in Hungary, Lithuania, Czechoslovakia, Afghanistan. He was personally involved in all major decisions about the "dissidents" from expulsion of Solzhenitsyn, Sakharov, links to arrest activists of the "Helsinki Group", etc. The Culture and Science moved backwards from 1970th. As a ridiculous attempt to control peoples minds, in early 1970th Politburo published a brochure:100 answers to 100 questions, a guideline to all Soviet people, what to think and how to answer the questions, if they happen to meet the foreigner. All those events were coordinated and manipulated with the help of Academy of Sciences administration. The official information about Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) The Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) (Russian: , Rossi'iskaya akade'miya nau'k, shortened to ,) consists of the national academy of Russia and a network of scientific research institutes from across the Russian Federation as well as additional scientific and social units like libraries, publishing units and hospitals. With headquarters in Moscow, the Academy (RAS) is declared as a civil, self-governed, noncommercial organization chartered by the Government of Russia. It combines members of RAS and scientists employed by institutions. From the RAS Rules and regulations: Full member of Russian Academy of Sciences elected scientists enriched science studies of the paramount scientific importance. Primary duty of members of the Russian Academy of Sciences is to enrich science with new achievements. http://www.ras.ru/members/personalstaff/fullmembers.aspx After the breakdown of the Soviet Union the Academy of Sciences and VAK remained in mess for about a decade. Academy of Sciences reemerged as Russian Academy of Sciences and was looking for a survival. They searched for a big project to be funded by Russian government. During President Eltsins time it was not easy: he was often drunk, unpredictable and uncontrollable. And the scientific personnel at Academic institutions was not willing to work 8

for miserable salaries as in old Soviet times. RAS came to stagnation period. They were looking for a project! With the purpose to confuse minds of governments, investors, etc. they evoked an old method and established Pseudoscience commission to harass new ideas in science, the strategy and activities, which contradict to the members primary duties as mentioned in the RAS rules and regulations: Primary duty of members of the Russian Academy of Sciences is to enrich science with new achievements. The most active members of this commission became: E.P.Kruglyakov, E.B.Alexandrov and V.L. Ginzburg. The Present of RAS, U.S. Osipov is a member of the Pseudoscience commission. Widely using skeptical approach, they never paid attention to A Skeptical Manifesto and warnings to skeptics: It is important that we recognize the fallibility of science and the scientific method. But within this fallibility lies its greatest strength: self-correction Because of the importance of this self-correcting feature, there is in the profession what Richard Feynman calls a principle of scientific thought that corresponds to a kind of utter honesty a kind of leaning over backwards. Carl Sagan summed up this essential tension (in Basil, 1988, p. 366): If you are only skeptical, then no new ideas make it through to you. You never learn anything new. You become a crotchety old person convinced that nonsense is ruling the world. (There is, of course, much data to support you.) An anti-something movement displays a purely negative attitude. It has no chance whatever to succeed. Its passionate diatribes virtually advertise the program they attack. People must fight for something that they want to achieve, not simply reject an evil, however bad it may be. http://www.skeptic.com/about_us/manifesto.html

Pseudoscience commission in RAS

Refreshing our memories about few basic concepts: morality, science, nonscience and philosophy of physics.
Morality in Science Let us briefly review Jean-Jack Rousseaus Discourse on the Arts and Science claiming that science can lead to immorality. "Rousseau argues that the progression of the sciences and arts has caused the corruption of virtue and morality" and his "critique of science has much to teach us about the dangers involved in our political commitment to scientific progress, and about the ways in which the future happiness of mankind might be secured". Nevertheless, Rousseau does not state in his Discourses that sciences are necessarily bad, and states that figures like Rene Descartes, Fransis Bacon and Isaac Newton should be held in high regard. In the conclusion to the Discourses, he says that these (aforementioned) can cultivate sciences to great benefit, and that morality's corruption is mostly because of society's bad influence on scientists. What is Science and Nonscience? The demarcation problem refers to the distinction between science and nonscience (including pseudoscience); Karl Popper called this the central question in the philosophy of science. Popper argued that the central property of science is falsifiability (i.e., all scientific claims can 9

be proven false, at least in principle, and if no such proof can be found despite sufficient effort then the claim is likely true). Non-science was non-observational and hence meaningless. Philosophy of physics Philosophy of physics is the study of the fundamental, philosophical questions underlying modern physics, the study of matter, energy and how they interact. The main questions concern the nature of space and time and matter. It also included nature of physical laws, causality and determinism. Fool and rule as a non scientific method RAS claims to be the head of Russian Scientific advances while it let closing many institutions, many talented scientists leave the country, it opposed many important patents, even advised to close the Patent Department in Russia. Should all the patents go to the USA for screening?! They worked to restore the control of their group by using old methods of Pseudoscience as a mask to cover up their blackmails, lies, falsification of the facts, disinformation, searching support of Federal Service for Security (FSB), etc. Indeed, in 1973 the academics considered Andrei Sakharov to be a dissident: a letter from 40 members of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR condemned the activities of Andrei Sakharov and his nomination for Nobel Prize in 1973. And today RAS included his name in the list of RAS Nobel Laureates. Another example: Nobel Laureate V. Ginzburg wrote in his article General Relativity Theory: "The assumption of the existence of real space-time, in addition to gravitational field a scalar field "psi" is the main direction in modern physics and cosmology(scalar field psi i.e. torsion field). While at a press conference at the Central House of Journalists he declared: "Some crooks invented some special fields to extort money from fools". The intension was evident to steal and present as his own theory.

Second opinion on activities of Pseudoscience commission (Free on Internet)

In 1999 N. Mikhailov, a researcher from the Institute of Sciences of the USSR,, published an article "Twilight in RAS", where he described abominations which were happening in Academy of Sciences and successfully migrated to the Russian Academy of Sciences. Even in the years of stagnation has been a rapid process of degeneration of academic science. Mikhailov wrote: "The falsification of results, unrestrained self-promotion and intrigues, careerism, mafia type groups, void of "scientific" research, discrimination of Russian personnel, squeezing talented but objectionable scientists, unscrupulousness, envy and moral degradation - this is not a complete list of what was going on under the roof of the Academy. V.F. Sharkov, Cor-r-ruption in science, Member of the Russian Academy of Engineering Sciences after Prokhorov and Russian Academy of Cosmonautics after Tsiolkovsky, wrote: Huge money spent in vain for the army pseudo-scientists and funding their "brilliant" projects were one of the causes of the economic collapse of the USSR. But has anything changed after 11 years? at http://www.trinitas.ru/rus/doc/0012/001c/00122038.htm


Universities patents received during the year. On the first place there is the University of California - about 500 patents a year. Our MSU gets about 25 patents a year. The gap is 20 times impressive. What kind of technological breakthrough may be involved in such a situation with the inventions in Russia? The Kruglyakovs Commission is trying to exterminate the last inventors

Dr. V. Leonov writes on 28 September 2011: Rating determined by the number of U.S.

By Kruglyakov s perverted view, if someone is an inventor, then he should always be a pseudoscientist with false doctrines, not even mentioning the inventors of perpetual motion. I would like to remind that the idea of development of perpetual motion employed the minds of thousands of enthusiasts in the history of mankind, including the genius of Leonardo da Vinci, laying the foundations of modern mechanics http://newsland.com/news/detail/id/508303/ Dr. V. Leonov analyzed the scientific works of E. Kruglyakov. The fundamental theoretical works are absent. all of his activities as an experimental physicist circled ( around controlled thermonuclear fusion (CTF) - fusion. However, for a few decades he has not been able to experimentally demonstrate a reaction of thermonuclear fusion. There were just some promises. In the Cambridge Edition of my monograph shows that the concept of fusion temperature pseudoscientific at its core, and it can never be realized in the laboratory. There are other methods of synthesis that are already working. Then who is Kruglyakov that conduct pseudoscientific direction? The damage from the Commission Kruglyakova more than the benefits, and it should be abolished. http://leonovpublitzistika.blogspot.com/2011/09/blog-post_28.html Dr. V. Leonov was awarded a Russian government prize in the area of science and technology and in 2007 was included in 100 leaders of science and technology of CIS countries. He is author of Quantum Energetics. Volume 1. Theory of Superunification. Cambridge International Science Publishing, 2010, 712 pages On 17 March 2009 Prof. Fedor Mende writes a message to RAS President and cc to Russian President V.V. Putin about serious methodological and physical errors in the works of Landau, Ginzburg, Akhiezer, Tamm, (I do not mention the lesser-known names) that lead to pseudoscientific metaphysical concepts. Those concepts lead to misunderstanding about danger of nuclear test in space: With the explosion of nuclear weapon in space, conducted in the Soviet Union under the "Program K" radio communications and radars were blocked at a distance of 1000 km. As a result of these tests, it was found that high-altitude nuclear explosions accompanied by the emission of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) in a wide range of wavelengths. It was determined that the registration of high-altitude EMP explosion is possible at large (up to 10,000 kilometers) distance from the epicenter... http://corum.mephist.ru/index.php?showtopic=19646


More from Prof. Fedor Mende: FIANS (Physical Institute of RAS- Rus: .. ) Forum moderator V.B. Morozov will be remembered as the national science internet inquisitor ... I am not surprised at Morozovs polemical tricks, who can not distinguish between an abomination or a normal communication. After all, we know in this world there are bad people living as well. But the administration of FIAN amazes me that allows Morozov to disgrace the scientific community of Russia http://sceptic-ratio.narod.ru/po/pn-7.htm What is happening in Physical forums of Russia? In forums there is a dictatorial order aimed at maximum discrediting of alternative movement. If you are an educated man you have to see how detrimental to the development of science in Russia is such an official policy of the RAS. This policy is aimed at discrediting and suppressing alternative motion in physics, the implementation of which involved members of FIAN, including the Nobel laureate Academician Vitaly Ginzburg ... The discussion of scientific issues in a forum should be done by scientists openly without hiding their names or their positions or their scientific achievements. In fact, the discussion of scientific issues by people hiding their true colors under various nicknames of chimpanzees and crocodiles. If you're a scientist and you have their academic and civic position, whether it is good to discuss it openly, not hiding under different nicknames. If you are a coward, and you can discuss these issues only incognito, then discuss these issues at home in the kitchen or on private forums and not on the official forum of the official state organization representing the RAS. http://sceptic-ratio.narod.ru/po/pn-7.htm There are lots of references at those forums. Google translator will help you to understand the basic discussions of Russian scientists. Please, note that those who use very rude language mainly belong to Pseudoscience commission of RAS and their networks. On March 10 in 2010 LDPR (Liberal Democratic Party of Russia) representative at State Duma Valery Seleznev called the commission "an obstacle for innovations" in Russia. In 2010 the Chairman of Russian State Duma and Chairman of the Supreme Council of United Russia Party Boris Gryzlov denounced the activities of Commission on Pseudoscience of Russian Academy of Science as obnoxious (mrakobesy Rus.) that work against development of Russia and her advances. He further named the commissions scientific eloquence as pearls (an ironic substitute for an obscene language used by Commission to intimidate their opponents), which fell down below the intellectual level of top class experts in
science. He got over 6,000 complaints about the Commissions activities.

19.03.2010 14:04 Chairman of the State Duma and Chairman of the Supreme Council of United Russia, Mr. Boris Gryzlov gave an online interview - .Ru Gazeta.ru (remark: Interview disappeared by now), where he commented the activities of "RANS" - the Russian Commission on Pseudoscience. We should remember our past experience concerning our inventors, who were prosecuted, and as a result, their inventions were lost to other countries. Such situations occurred with Popov, Marconi, Yablochkov and Edison. There were other cases where the inventors just left this country, and then the priority claims, say, in helicopters technologies now belong to the U.S. Look at the blue blood, that was administered to save the lives of our soldiers in 12

Afghanistan. And earlier, Dr. Vavilov, who announced about existence of genetics, was prosecuted as well. That case had excellent clinical reports. However Vavilov was forced to commit suicide... and now the priority belongs to the U.S., who exploited the situation where we could not protect our own inventors. Today, I think there exist some certain forces, who do not want RF (Russian Federation) to turn Russia into a country which could get access to high technologies and implement our Presidents plan for Modernization. Those forces act to interrupt any development of new ideas. This is the truth. You have got 3,500 questions and I have got a life journal with over 6,000 messages sent to me, after I commented on the Commission on Pseudoscience as the Commission that is too good to do its job. Nowadays, the inventors are still harassed and intimidated, because the commission on pseudoscience wishes to live long and well and thus any of new invention means a blow to it. Gryzlov stated about his intention to detach the commission from the Academy. I studied this question. The commission does not represent any of the legal departments of the Academy. The commission represents just the interests of few academicians, who stuck together as a group. Judging by the pearls of their eloquences, I may conclude that they do not perform at a level of the highest class professionals. Yes, we have to explain to our people that Grabovoj and Chumacks methods may not fit as entirely scientific methods, and yet, if we speak about certain innovative proposals, then, believe me, at present the discoveries occur at the highest intellectual level, meaning what is happening now is above interdisciplinary discoveries and going up to the higher level of a more sophisticated and integrative/convergence levels. Today you cannot find any references to Gryzlov s interview they are all removed! Some interview just reminds of the event at http://bv-gryzlov.livejournal.com/2010/03/19/. It is dangerous when government (VLASTJ) interferes in Science, replied E. Kruglyakov with a tough advise to stay with your Politics, while he will deal with Science as their monopoly. It reminded me about Nikita Khrushchevs banging his shoe in order to prove that he was not a hypocrite at the United Nations, September 29, 1960

But at least a year later he improved his image and won the ideological game by sending the first astronaut, Yuri Gagarin, to space in 1961. Meanwhile, E. Kruglyakov with his close friend E.B. Alexandrov (a nephew of Acad. A. Alexandrov, a former President of RAN, who resigned after Chernobyl catastrophe, because he accepted this tragedy to be his personal failure as well) established a secret organization to suppress innovative ideas in science. Finally the top secret of RAS commission was revealed, when one of RAS network agents confessed that commission was acting against creative minds in Russia calling them ALTUE (). Alts is a name for the authors, who introduced new theory, which surpasses the outdated knowledge in science that obstructs the technological developments in the country. 13

I was an agent for a year of the RAS Commission to Combat Pseudoscience. I was "recruited" during my final year at a technical college, while I was firmly convinced of the truth that was taught by our teachers of physics. My task was to visit several forums and targeted harassment specific audience. At first it looked like a fun. "Alts" (-Rus) often make funny mistakes, and it always like a pleasure to appear smart, pointing to this nonsense. But later on I saw in the views of my supervisors an orderly system. The mistakes of the inventors were mainly quite small and were committed because due to a haste or a slight carelessness, but and their ideas were original and often beautifully explained the sophisticated physical phenomena. We worked in groups of a few people, but direct contact we had only with own supervisors. Once I went to my supervisor in order to ask some question about whether or not the theory of my ward presents a scientific interest. The boss told me that I should stay at my duty and do not be involved with the ravings of a madman." I did not like it, so I decided to learn more about our organization. It turned out that we have been operating on a large scale. Similar to my ordinary position there were about fifty guys in my group. One day I accidentally walked into the office during a meeting of managers and noticed the lists with familiar names marked "on the verge of discovery", "dangerous", "could be dangerous." I asked about one man with a remark: "On the eve of the discovery". When I asked what does this paper mean, my boss looked confused, and then began inconsistently explaining that it is a jargon which meant "the degree of mental disorders" of "Alts". In a few weeks I learnt a lot more. You cannot imagine how serious the game is. Look at an example, how subtly they managed the quarrel of Z. Doktorovich with F. Mende, who could not even guess that this situation was orchestrated from above. A lot of attention is paid to the fact that the "Alts" should not be seriously involved in mathematical studies, which represent a powerful tool for the construction of physical theories. For example, Mende was persuaded to believe in almost complete uselessness of mathematics. When someone from the "Alts" nears something valuable, the instruction follows instantly to divert his attention and to discredit his idea by all means. No doubt that the Commission RAS is a part of a vast organization to maintain the existing order of things. I do not want to participate in it anymore http://live.cnews.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=56723 A.Vorobiev writes: Pseudoscience commission of Kruglyakov and Alexandrov employed an army of fighters and armed them with Computers, which represent a modern weapon of moral destruction of human lives. But who is behind them all? Who developed such an efficient " strategic plan to harass people and destroy creative minds? Kruglyakov and Alexandrov are not strategists. Just look at rubbish what they write and say! It means there should be somebody behind them a Grey Eminence or a few of them. It could be interesting to learn, who are they? http://newsland.com/news/detail/id/568400/ 14

In 2005, RAS Presidium awarded RAS Prize to E. Kruglyakov for the best work on the popularization of science. Let us have a look at works published by E. Kruglyakov: In defense of science. Pseudoscience. How it threatens to science and society? False teachings and false science threaten to transform Russia into a country of savages Can Russia do without Rasputin way? Global science of creationism and evolution The suppression of scientific dissidence? No, restoring order! Why dangerous pseudoscience Why Antiscience is dangerous? What is happening to us? We do not see any book on popularization of science or on positive scientific developments? On the contrary the titles of his books advise that he just harassed talented scientists, trying to morally kill them by denouncing their concepts as an unofficial science or pseudoscience, which is total nonscience or brain washing. Some people committed suicides. The damage to Russia was enormous. I did not refer to any of the articled by Dr. G. Shipov about RAS Pseudoscience Commission with the purpose to remain neutral. E. Kruglyakov passed away right after our International Seminar in Bangkok, where we discussed some of our findings. I consulted with senior attorneys if it was possible to evaluate the amount of damage caused by this commission to the Russian Federation and her people? That should include lost opportunities for the country due to Academys mismanagement of countrys technological projects, claims from the stolen scientific ideas of private scientists and their moral humiliations, claims from the family members for their losses due to moral humiliation of their family members, from young people, who were mischievously recruited to betray their own country, etc. Should we open such a list here?!

Back to G. Shipov

Let us go back to our original topic of discussions G. Shipov. In 1982 the former Rector of Moscow State University (MSU) the RAS Vice President, member of the Central Committee of Communist Party, A. Logunov (was appointed by M. Suslov), proposed young MSU lecturer G. Shipov to stop his lectures on the developments of Einsteins ideas in modern physics, those lectures attracted over 300-400 hundred students each time. Let us smash Einsteins theory! pathetically said Logunov. It is impossible! Einsteins theory is confirmed by an experiment performed by other scientists! answered the young naive lecturer. Worse for the Experiment then! And for you..! sounded the final judgment from RAS Vice President and active critic of Einsteins theory, A. Logunov. The young lecturer, who decided to dedicate his life to development of Einstein theory was dismissed from MSU and black listed at RAS for good. From 1983 G. Shipov was denied the publications of his works in the scientific journals in spite of 5 important publications in Izvestia of Sciences at earlier period of time.


The world scientists had shown their disdain for A. Logunovs scientific presentation at the International Conference on Antigravity and Cosmology in 1983 in Moscow: Stephen Hawking rushed out at jet speed in his wheelchair in a long and loud run from the Conference Hall, followed by all foreign guests. But G. Shipov remained black listed by RAS. In early 1990th A. Akimov invited G. Shipov to work together, because he liked Shipovs theory, as he explained to me, when I invited them to come to Thailand in 1997. In 1997 G. Shipov published his Theory of Physical Vacuum. In 1999 the Inter Academic Highest Attestation Commission appreciated G. Shipov's theory and awarded him the Diploma of Doctor in Physics and Mathematical Sciences. (After the breakup of the Soviet Union, RAS and VAK partially lost their tight control over sciences for a decade).

In November 2012 Dr. G. Shipov was granted Honorary Ph.D. and Emeritus Professor from the World Peace University (Headquarters in Florida).

After our first breakthrough results with 4-Dimentional (4-D) Gyro in 2000, RAS activated their "brainwashing" techniques or Information warfare on our project. They forbade to use even the term torsion fields, calling them false (please, look at scalar psi fields mentioned by V. Ginzburg). Torsion fields exist in every natural event and phenomena: tsunami, tornado, typhoons, orbitals of either celestial bodies or nano and smaller sizes, rotating elementary particles, etc.

What is Torsion Field?


In the scientific terms we may say that Torsion is contortion of the space time continuum (G.Shipov). Torsion fields: inertial, scalar, spin, rotational, quantum they are present in every interaction and natural phenomena meaning rotate and twist. Indeed in 1986 the Chernobyl catastrophe happened because academics from Academy of Sciences had no knowledge about torsion fields. The President of Academy of Sciences, A. Alexandrov, took that tragedy as his own responsibility and resigned from his post in 1986. Last few years ROSAVIACOSMOS has been losing space crafts and RAS Pseudoscience commission continues to forbid them innovative approaches. The RAS President Acad. V. Osipov does not feel any responsibility for those failures. Moreover as a member of pseudoscience commission he forbade the trial of advanced technologies. If torsion fields presents a false science, why does RAS Pseudoscience commission, including the RAS President Acad. V. Osipov, continues to fight against this theory for so many years since it is worth nothing? There is an old saying: Tell me who is your enemy and I will tell you, who you are! Should we feel honored already?! In 2005, Kruglyakov wrote and e-mail to Dr. Shipov: Seriously speaking, in your place, I would slap the face of such a character as Konkrentny, as well as others. Later on he was quite angry, when we published his private message. Pseudoscience commission created an anonym character Professor Alexander Konkretny to manage the dirty job to harass people, mainly in a rude and obscene psychopathic language (Check up for the rude and obscene psychopathic language in Internet- it is a characteristic of their networks). You can see also many messages in big red fonts with black background. It might be their joint venture assisted by RAS President Acad. V. Osipov, former member of KVN "Club of the Funny and Inventive" (Klub Vesylykh i Nakhdchivykh or KaVe-En). Secretly the research on torsion fields is going on in USA, Canada, Australia, China, South Korea, Russia, with the one in Thailand.


Brief Summary on Findings of Our Project.

Year1999 - We began our project in Thailand. Year 2000. During the first phase of our venture project in Thailand, we created and tested about 8 different 4-Dimensional Gyro models that demonstrated an accelerated motion of a device on a glass surface covered with oil (trying to create the conditions of minimized friction), a capacity of the hermetically sealed device (no propellers, no gears) to move in 3 media on the ground, in water and air (an experiment advised by Jean-Pierre Vigier, a disciple of Louis de Broglie). Project costs were not high and were funded by a private investor, recommended by M.R. Pridiyathorn Devakul. Though the project was abruptly cancelled we still feel grateful to those early investors. Hope they will later understand the meaning of what they have done. Year 2001. The Director of a Russian Scientific Research Institute of Space Systems (subdivision of Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center (KSRPSC) Valery Menshikov contacted us and in February 2002 signed an MOU agreement (signed by Valery Menshikov and Marina Lobova). Since that time they stopped to work with their earlier models based upon Mercury propulsion system and began to work with our 4-D model preparing for the tests in the open space. At the same time Jaime Childress from Boeing Phantom Works expressed interest to our work. We established contacts between all the parties. Year 2003-2004. We set our UVITOR Co. Ltd. (Universal Vacuum Inertial Torsion Technologies) in Thailand, created a Laboratory to continue the experiments with 4-D Gyro. The new model was able to move back and forth due to the internal impact. Year 2004. The group of Russian scientists from Sarov (Arzamas-16) town, a closed center for nuclear research, wished to cooperate with us and tried to test our model, building a model number 9. Their sealed device (no gears ) created a traction force over 11 kg. Year 2005 World Year of Physics. Dr. G. Shipov described and summarized those experiments (2000-2004) in his work Descartesian Mechanics or the Fourth Generalization of Newtonian Mechanics (2005) dedicated to the World Year of Physics-2005, celebrating 100 years of Einsteins Special Relativity and successfully presented at the Seventh International Conference, CASYS 05, Lige, Belgium, August 8-13, 2005 Year 2007 Thai patent was granted on Vacuum Torsion Propulsion System N 25133.

A formula E=m()c2 describes the dependence of mass of rest on the rotation of its inner elements in a system and generalizes Einsteins formula E=mc2. We decided to include index (), which means rotation, spin, etc., and to remark that this project was going on in Thailand. 18

Year 2008 May 2008 - V. Menshikov announced Launch of Jubilejny satellite in early May 2008. At the end of 2008 he proposed us to continue the cooperation with his Institute. We decided to refuse him, because he published all our results under his team without any references to the name of Dr. G. Shipov. Year 2009 Experiments with Tesla technologies were conducted at UVITOR Lab in Bangkok. We were happy to meet Dr. Phichai Tovivich and later Prof. Virulth Sa-yakanit, who read G. Shipovs The Theory of Physical Vacuum and advised his students to seriously study that advanced theory. Year 2010 In 2010 MOU was signed with Faculty of Science of Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. Year 2012 Presentation of two experiments with 3-D gyro experiment and a discovery of super cold plasma with negative temperatures below 0oC at a room temperature to Thai scientific community on 25 October 2012. Each time RAS interfered in our project and harassed our potential investors, we made a successful progress. I sponsored our project with my own resources to stay away from idiots. An Event to be remembered for ever: In 2005 Emeritus Professor Moshe Carmeli advised that Shipovs works look as continuation of A. Einsteins works. This recognition became one of the highest rewards for Dr. G. Shipovs work, dedicated to the development of A. Einsteins scientific program! National Research Council of Thailand Some team of Thai researchers would like to investigate our project. National Research Council of Thailand decided to support this investigation. This is a positive inquiry and 19

complies with the World practice. They asked for our comments on their work. We will be interested to do that. I hope that our project will bring a lot of benefit to the humanity and add one more paragraph to the philosophy of sciences about Wisdom in Nature, that cannot be sensed by people with a compromised Ego. Nature never reveals Her Secrets to those, who fight against Her Laws. teaming with Nature, where the Nature is our Teacher! We hope that RAS cannot forbid Nature to act according to Her Own Laws! We use this opportunity to invite all those, who are interested in learning, or want to cooperate, or invest in new technologies for benefits to mankind or for their own benefits that will be good for the Nature! Our project is

Final Remarks


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