Professional Summary: Project Information
Professional Summary: Project Information
Professional Summary: Project Information
Professional Summary
"round 4+ years o# e$%erien!e in &' indus(r). *orked in C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET lan ua es and +ell ,ersed +i(h -./01 like 01-123 ser,er 2005420085 0)123 and 61 !on!e%(s5 +e7 ser,i!es and *C8. 1(ron in de,elo%in +e7 7ased a%%li!a(ions usin C9 and as%.:e(.
Te hni al Skills Pro!rammin! "an!ua!e# S ri$%in! "an!ua!e# &e' Desi!nin!# Da%a'ase# C95 ;7.:e(, Asp.Net 3.5 <a,a1!ri%( ='035 "1P.:E'5 ">a$ 01 123 1er,er 20084200550)1?l
Professional E($erien e Pre)ious Em$loyer: Ti%le: Da%e of Em$loymen%: Curren% Em$loyer: Ti%le: Da%e of Em$loymen%: Cres( Premedia 1olu(ions P,( 3(d 1o#(+are .e,elo%er 6!(o7er 2009 (o 0a) 2012 C)7a e 1o#(+are P,(. 3(d 1o#(+are .e,elo%er 0a) 2012 (o (ill .a(e
Pro*e % +nforma%ion
Pro*e % + ,Curren% Em$loyerTi%le: 0ains(ree( Commer!e Pro#essional 1er,i!es resour!es "an!ua!es# , C95 " " *C85 *e7 ser,i!es Dura%ion# 15 0on(h Da%a'ase# 123 1er,er 2008 Team Si.e# 9 Des ri$%ion /usiness8lo+ is !loud 7ased hi hl) !on#i ura7le and !us(omi@a7le e-7usiness so#(+are (ha( #uels !om%e(i(i,e ad,an(a es5 dri,es re,enues5 and o%(imi@es %ro#i(a7ili(). 0ains(ree( !lien(s le,era e /usiness8lo+ on a modular 7asis or (o o%(imi@e end-(o-end o%era(ions. /usiness8lo+ ma(!hes or ena7les s%e!i#i! +a)s o# doin e-7usiness (ha( in!lude o%era(ions5 +ork#lo+s5 da(a !a%(ure re?uiremen(s5 %rodu!( 0er!handisin 5 e!ommer!e +e7si(es5 and mul(i-!hannel sales s(ra(e ) and mana es e,er)(hin #rom mul(i%le !a(alo s5 (o mul(i%le e!ommer!e *e7si(es5 (o !all !en(er order en(r)5 (hrou h order mana emen(5 #inan!ial mana emen(5 #ul#illmen( and !us(omer !are.
/o0ule +# &n(ui( 2ui!k/ooks "n)+here - "dd &n #or /usiness 8lo+As "dminis(ra(or en,ironmen( &n(ui( "n)+here is a se( o# !odin !om%onen(s and +e7 ser,i!es (ha( ena7le an a%% (o se!urel) !onne!( (o )our !us(omersB 2ui!k/ooks da(a and ser,i!es #or small 7usinesses (o #ind and use a%%s (ha( +ork +i(h 2ui!k/ooks and +i(h ea!h o(her5 sin le %la!e (o a!!ess all )our a%%s5 mana e se((in s5 and #ind more a%%s (o ro+ )our 7usiness "#(er a%% has 7een %u7lished5 )ou +ill 7ill )ou #or (he !onne!(ions (ha( !us(omers ha,e made (o 2ui!k/ooks5 as des!ri7ed in (he #ollo+in (o%i!s: /illin 5 &n,oi!in 5 and Cus(omer 0ana emen( &m%lemen(ed 'ask +hi!h &m%or(-E$%or( all (he &n,en(or)5 ;endors5 Cus(omers5 1ales (ransa!(ions #rom 2ui!k/ooks (o /usiness8lo+. &m%lemen(ed /a(!h %ro!essin lo i! on 2ui!k/ooks side5 so i( +ill onl) read s%e!i#i! num7er o# ,endors #rom 2ui!k/ooks and %ro!ess (hem in /usiness8lo+ and kee% loo%in (ill las( re!ord in 2ui!k/ooks. &m%lemen(ed (he lo i! o# s(orin (he 0a$ o# 3as( C%da(ed 'ime5 so on :e$( im%or( "dd-&n +ill e( onl) (he ne+l) "dded or 0odi#ied ;endor .a(a. &m%lemen(ed 3o in all (he 16"P -e?ues( D -es%onses. &m%lemen(ed readin !on#i ura(ion ,alues #rom a%%.!on#i #ile &m%lemen(ed Error handlin and lo in .
/o0ule ++# 6rder 0ana emen(: "u(oma(ed :o(i#i!a(ions 0ains(ree( +ill assis( (he Clien( +i(h !on#i ura(ion o# /usiness8lo+ 'em%la(es #or emails5 Pro,ide au(oma(ed no(i#i!a(ions and %ro,ide (he a7ili() (o send a (em%la(e email (o !us(omers #or a sele!(ed lis( o# 1ales 6rder &(ems. 'he %ro!ess +ill kee% (ra!k o# +he(her or no( a i,en order has 7een sen( an email %re,iousl) #or (he 1ales 6rder &(em5 and +ill no( resend no(i#i!a(ion and re!ord (he email (ha( +as sen(. 'he %ro!ess +ill !onsolida(e no(i#i!a(ions #or &(ems on (he same 1ales 6rder in(o one email. "nd i,e %ro,ision o# sear!h #or 1ales 6rder &(ems 7) all o# (he !ri(eria a,aila7le in /usiness8lo+ 6rder 0ana er and in addi(ion 0as(er &(em &.. Con%ri'u%ion: "s a (eam mem7er5 +as res%onsi7le #or Cnders(andin re?uiremen( and es(ima(e (he (ask .e,elo%in 7usiness lo i! !om%onen( usin C9. 'es(in - uni( (es(in E "u(oma(ed (es( !ases - :uni( 5+ri(in C'C. /u #i$in and /u ,eri#i!a(ion Clien( !ommuni!a(ion. Con#i ura(ion !on(roller
Pro*e % + ,Pre)ious Em$loyerTi%le: S$rin!er Ar hi)al Pro*e % sys%em "an!ua!es# ,, C95 *e7 1er,i!e Da%a'ase# 01123-1er,er 20085 0)123 Dura%ion# 9 0on(h Team Si.e# 6 Des ri$%ion: 'he %ro>e!( has 7elo+ men(ioned modules5 ser,i!es #or au(o do+nloadin >o7s #rom 8'P lo!a(ions5 au(o lo in o# >o7s in(o in da(a7ase and assi n +ork#lo+5 desk(o% a%%li!a(ion +hi!h !an +ork on +indo+s %la(#orm +i(h 7a!kend da(a7ase su%%or(. 'he s)s(em is 7ased on +ork#lo+s and au(oma(i! #lo+ o# %rodu!(ion a!(i,i() #rom one %oin( (o o(her. 'his is a !om%le(e (ra!kin s)s(em +here di##eren( (ask %er#orm and %lannin done on %rodu!(ion a!(i,i() is au(oma(ed. "( a sin le o mul(i%le users !an lo in and a!!ess ser,i!es o# (he s)s(em +i(h #ull) au(oma(ed manner. &( has mul(i%le modules like1. 1er,i!es #or au(o do+nloadin >o7s #rom 8'P5 au(o lo in (hose in(o in da(a7ase and assi n +ork#lo+ *e7 ser,i!es 2. 0anual dis%a(!h en(r) #orm- 'he a%%li!a(ion hel%s in main(ainin (he re!ord #or 7ooks dis%a(!hed 7) da(a deli,er) .e%ar(men( in Produ!(ion. F. 3o in s)s(em - a +e7 a%%li!a(ion used #or i,in a!!essin (o (he users (o (he ,arious (ools used in (he Produ!(ion. .e%endin on (he (ool (he en(ries in (he res%e!(i,e da(a7ases is done. 'he a!!ess is 7ased on (he userAs user-id5 em%lo)ee !ode and role o# (he user (o (he (ools. Con%ri'u%ion: "s a (eam mem7er5 +as res%onsi7le #or "nal)sis o# (he s%e!i#i!a(ions %ro,ided 7) (he mana emen(. .e,elo%in 7usiness lo i! !om%onen( usin C9.:E'. 'es(in - uni( (es(in
Pro*e % ++ ,Pre)ious Em$loyerTi%le: -ea!h E "u(hor %roo#in 1)s(em "an!ua!es# C95 " " *C8 Dura%ion# 11 0on(h Da%a'ase# 01123-1er,er5 0)123 Team Si.e# 6 Des ri$%ion 'his is online !ommuni!a(ion s)s(em #or %u7lishin house. *here %ro>e!( mana emen( users (o !ommuni!a(e +i(h au(hors5 edi(ors5 %rodu!(ion edi(ors (o (ra!k (he #eed7a!k and mee( %ro>e!( deadlines. &( is used (o send di##eren( ()%es o# no(i#i!a(ion5 %roo#s. &( uses email as !ommuni!a(ion media. 'he s)s(em has (+o roles admin and user. "dmin !an make (he se((in s like assi nin le((er (em%la(es5 #ile a((a!hmen(s5 reminders and s!heduler (imes.
Cser e(s (he %re,ie+ o# le((er5 +here user has #a!ili() (o edi( and u%da(e le((er !on(en(. 1)s(em au(oma(i!all) sends reminder le((ers5 7a(!h and %rin(er dis%a(!h no(i#i!a(ions. 'his s)s(em !an send (he #iles as a((a!hmen(s or u%load on 8(%. Cser !an sele!( (he #ile send o%(ion de%endin on (he si@e o# #iles. -ea!h also u%da(e (he s(a(us o# >o7 au(oma(i!all) +hen !orre!(ion no(i#i!a(ion re!ei,ed #rom au(hors. "u(hor and Edi(or has mul(i%le o%(ions (o su7mi( #eed7a!k online5 o##line5 #a$5 !ourier e(!. all (here no(i#i!a(ions are handled (hrou h *C8 ser,i!e &( has mul(i%le modules like1. -ea!h 1)s(em - 0ul(i%le users !an lo in (o (he s)s(em (o !ommuni!a(e +i(h "u(hor4Edi(ors. 2. "u(hor Proo#in 1)s(em- 'he a%%li!a(ion desi ned #or "u(hor4Edi(ors #or %er#ormin !orre!(ions on (heir %u7lishin ma(erial. Corre!(ions !an 7e %er#ormed in online and o##line mode. Roles 1 Res$onsi'ili%ies .esi nin and .e,elo%men( Code -e,ie+5 7u 8i$in and Cni( 'es(in "nal)sis o# (he s%e!i#i!a(ions %ro,ided 7) (he mana emen(. Coordina(ion +i(h anal)s( on s%e!i#i!a(ion. .e,elo%in 7usiness lo i! !om%onen( usin C9.:E'. Codin usin C95 " and 123 E 1er,er. Clien( !ommuni!a(ion.
Pro*e % +++ ,Pre)ious Em$loyerTi%le: -ea!h - 6u(look "an!ua!es# C95 *in#orm5 " 6u(look 2007 Dura%ion# 6 0on(h Da%a'ase# 123 1er,er 2005 Team Si.e# G Des ri$%ion 'his is 0i!roso#( 6u(look 2007 "dd in a%%li!a(ion. 'his a%%li!a(ion is used (o make ?ueries rela(ed (o 7ook4>ournal !on,ersion (o au(hors or edi(ors. "( (he (ime o# sendin mail (o au(hors4edi(ors5 +e !an sele!( (he rela(ed 7ook4>ournal num7er and ?uer) ()%e. 'his mail in#orma(ion is s(ored in da(a7ase so (ha( +e !an main(ain (he his(or) o# 7ook4>ournal !on,ersion %ro!ess. *e !an add (he !ommen(s or no(i#i!a(ion like %rodu!(ions s(o%%ed4dis%a(!h s(o%%ed (o an) 7ook4>ournal and send (he mail (o all rela(ed %rodu!(ion de%ar(men(s (hrou h (his s)s(em as +ell. 'he ad,an(a e o# (his s)s(em is (ha( +e !an use all (he e$is(in #ea(ures o# 6u(look 2007 in addi(ion (o our #un!(ionali(). "lso all (he in#orma(ion s(ored in da(a7ase is used #or di##eren( re%or(s %ur%oses. Roles 1 Res$onsi'ili%ies .esi nin and de,elo%men( /u 8i$in and Cni( (es(in E$!el "%%li!a(ion #or sendin sales order de(ails (hrou h mail (o (he s(o!kies(.
/a!helor o# Com%u(er 1!ine!e E 1+ami -amanad 'eer(h 0ara(h+ada Cni,e(si() E 2006 E 75H 0as(er o# Com%u(er 1!ien!e I&n#orma(ion 'e!hnolo )J E .r./a7asahe7 "m7edkar 0ara(h+ada Cni,esi()5 2008 -75H 1CP E 1eed Cer(i#ied Pro#essional E 2009 E"K Lrade
Personal De%ails Da%e of Bir%h: A00ress: 2en0er: Na%ionali%y: "an!ua!es 3no4n: 2G-12-198G. C4o. .r. /. L. :adkarni 5 -an ali 1o!ie()5 Mo(hrud5 Pune - 59 8emale &ndian En lish5 =indi5 and 0ara(hi
Pla!e: Pune
-eshma -. .eshmukh