ShopNotes 02
ShopNotes 02
ShopNotes 02
- Wooden Joiner's
u r n r a t l a EDITOR
Donald B. Peschke Douglas L. Hicks Teny J. Strahman Richard S. Peters Tim Robertson Ted Kralicek C q Christensen Kurt Sehultz C h i s G10~aCld Robert H. Whitmer Ken Munkel Jan Hale Svec Crayola England Steve Curtis
Paul E. Gray Linda O'Rourke Julianne Spears Douglas M. Lidster Cheryl Scott Lori Seibert Ken G a t h
Robert MUW Cindy JackSon w n o V E R SERV~E YQR Laura MeNelly PWECT SUPPLIES Leslie Ann Gearhart Linda Jones TECHNICAL S U P ~ R T Jonathan Garbison SVSTUIS OPEIUTOR Linda Morrow RECEPTIOV~T Keli Lee
Jennie Enos (Supr.), Joy Johnson, Tammi Juhl, Marci NeLson, Doug Neathery, Jeff Janes, Sara Johnson, Chris Lo
here's an interesting dilemma about having a well-equipped shop. If yon had everything you always wanted for your shop.. where would you put it all? Shop storage always seems to be at the top of every woodworker's wish list. It's no different in our shop. All too frequently I hear the cry, where are the No. 8 screws? Screws, like a million other s u p plies are usually in the small box they came in, and that's missing. Okay, I know you can get plastic bins or one of those cases with dozens of small plastic drawers. We even have some in our shop. But deep down, I've always wanted to replace them with some nice wooden boxes. More than that, I wanted a shop storage system. Ideally, this system would solve three nagging problems. First, the boxes would be quick and easy to build. (Nobody likes to spend a lot of time building storage boxes.) Second, I wanted boxes that were transportable. That is, I wanted to carry individual boxes to wherever I was working. Third, I wanted an easy way to get a label on the box that was big enough so I could read it, and easy to change whenever I needed to. Jan Svec (our project designer) came up with exactly the design I was looking for (page 16). It sure has helped organize our shop. NEW IDEAS. One of the advantages of working with a whole staff of woodworkers is the
wealth of ideas and different approaches to everyday problems. For example, I've always l i e d working with cabinet scrapers. (It's a small piece of thin steel used to scrape a surface smooth, rather than using sandpaper.) I used a very traditional method for formingthe edge with a mill file first, then honing with a stone, and finally rolling the edge with a burnisher. Oneday I was grumblingahout this long process, especially the second step (honingwith a stone). So I decided to skip that step. I t worked great. As I was talking about my newfound method, Ken Munkel (our design director) told me about the method he uses that involves reshaping the edge of scraper to make it even faster to sharpen. Now one of my favorite tools is even easier to use. NEW FEMWRE. In this issue, we're introducing a new feature, the Hardware Store. The idea is to present information on individual pieces of hardware, particularly how to install them. This first time out, the Soss Invisible hinge gets the attention. 100,000 SUBSCRIBERS. One last note. When we introduced ShopNotes, we had no idea how it would be received. Well, the response has been phenomenal. We already have over 100,000 new subscribers in the first two months. I want to thank you for giving us a t r y .And a special thanks to those who wrote to us with your comments, praise, concerns, and well-wishes. I hope you enjoy this issue.
No. 5
Drill h s s Caddy fbdial Arm 5aw Fence Cornbustibles
How to prevent spontaneous combustion from occuring in your shop. Also, tips on safe disposal of finishing suoolies and materials. ,
This handy Drill Press Caddy provides instant access to your bits and accessories.
A versatile Radial Arm Saw Fence along with two shopmade fence accessories:a stop block and a hold-down.
Hand Scrapem
Hand Scrapers
Two methods for sharpening a scraper let you create a cutting burr in just a few minutes. (We've also included a burnishing jig to make it even fastec)
%rage System
This wall-mounted storage system features a variety of shop-made bins. The d~fferent-sized bins allow you to customize the system to meet your storage needs.
22 26
Storage System page 16
Laminated construction is combined with lead weights to create a mallet with excellent balance and heft.
The right tools coupled with a simple technique willhave you cutting mortises by hand in no time.
Five shop-tested tips: A Countersink and Bit Organizer, Framing Square Stop, Finishing Stand-Offs, Radial Arm Saw Depth Stop, And an Idea for Gluing-Up.
J o i w ' s Mallet page 22
Hardware, project supplies, and mail order sources for the projects in this issue.
Drill R , , ; Cadzj
toring d r i l l bits is always a problem. Putting them in a The trags of this drawer or cabinet keeps them storage clean and organized. But they're Out and not handy, especially if you're provide instant using a floor-model d r i l lpress. A access @ !-lour tray mounted to the drill press is drill bits and convenient, but you run the risk other acceso&s, of sweeping away the smaller drill bits along with the shavings. To solve this problem, I combined the benefits of the enclosed drawer with the convenience of a column-mounted tray - the result is the shop-made Drill Press Caddy shown in the photo. variety of accessories, see photo. The design is very simple, it's The only unusual thing is the just a pair of trays sandwiched *ant of each tray is made from between a top and a base. Using ll/zM-thickstock. This provides * : a carriage bolt as a pivot, the extra strength for the caniage trays swing open to provide bolt that passes through the konts of the trays as a pivot pin. . . .. .~ . ,... ,:...-: +access to bits and accessories. -. FRONTS. The first step is to THE TRAYS make the ll/zt'-thick f m t s (A). To build the caddy, start by The length of both fronts is the making the two trays. The upper same (51/zN), the only difference tray is shallow and holds a is the width (height) of these variety of bits. The bottom tray is pieces, see Fig. 1. deeper and is sized to hold a BACKSSIDES. the fronts
cut to size, the next step is to make the hacks and sides. To keep the trays as light as possible, I cut the backs (B) and sides (C) from %"-thick stock, see Fig. 1. RABBETS. Next, the ends of the sides (C) are rabbeted to accept the fronts and backs. All the rabbets are 1/4"-deep, but since the front and hack are different thicknesses, the widths of the rabbets are also different, see Figs. 2 and 3.
No. 2
GROOVE. With the rabbets complete, cut a l/s"-deep groove on the inside face of the fronts, backs, and sides to hold the '/st' Masonite bottoms, see Fig. la To determine the size of the bottom, dry damp a tray tc+ gether. Then measure the inside length and width and add 1/4" to each dimension. Next, cut two bottom (D)to size and glue up the trays, see Fig. 1.
I P - 'FIT . . . YO, . - -. .
The only thing left is to drill the holes for attaching the damp to the top cover with lag screws. To make sure that these holes are aligned, lay out the hole locations on both the top cover and clamp at the same time, see Fig. 6. I used an auxiliary fence on the drill press table to support the workpiece, see Fig. 7. With the feucein place, drill two 1/4" shank holes through the clamp. Then, drill two 3/16" pilot holes in the top cover, see Fig. 8.
A carriage bolt passes through th.e caddy. And a lock nut keeps the bolt tight while allowing the trays topivot.
The top cover, trays, and base are joined with a long carriage bolt that serves as a pivot pin for the trays to swing out. PIVOT HOLES. To make sure all the holes for the carriage bolt align in all the pieces, I used a simple positioning jig. It's just a pair of cleats clamped to the drill press table, see Figs. 9 and 10. To position the cleats, first mark the location of the hole on one of the trays, see Fig. 9a. Then r i l l hit directly over position a d the mark and clamp the cleats along the front and side of the tray, see Fig. 9. Next, drill a hole in both trays. Then without moving the cleats, drill a hole through the top cover and base, see Fig. 10. STOPBLOCK To keep the trays aligned when they're closed and to tie the top cover and base together, I added a s t q block (H). This block is cut from 1%"thick stock, and its length is the same as the combined height of the trays (4l/2"), To determine the width of the block, subtract the width of the trays from the width of the top cover (29, see Fig. 11. CJ3AMFER EDGES. Before a 5 sembly, I routed an l/s" chamfer on all the parts. Then I wiped on two coats of tung oil finish. ASSENIBLX. Once the finish is dry,bolt the top cover, trays, and hase together with a Vg"carriage bolt and a lock nut, see Fig. 11. Then position the stop (H) and screw it in place, see Fig. 11. M O m G THE CADDY. All that's left is to mount the caddy to your drill press colunm by attaching the clamp (G) to the top cover (E) with a pair of 4"-long lag screws, see Fig. 12. Note: If your d r i l l press has a ''toothed rack" for raising and lowering the table, mount the clamp above the retaining ring, see Fig. 12.
Radial Arm--Fr-
his radial arm saw fence has a couple of features that set it apart from standard fences. First of all, a T-slot is cut in the top edge of the fence for attaching a hold-down and stop block. (For more on these accessories, refer to page 9. Sources for the hardware are listed on page 31.) This fence is also designed with a replaceable insert where the saw blade cuts through the fence, see Fig. 1. When the insert gets cut up, it can be replaced without making a whole new fence. BLANXS.The fence starts out as two 40"long blanks, see Fig. 1. Each blank is made of two pieces of 3/q1'-thickstock glued together. (I used maple.) To determine the width (height) of the blanks for the fence, first measure the thickness of your table (1"in my case), and then add 2", see Fig. 1. Now rip the pieces to this width and cut them 40" long. CLIT T-SLOT. After you've cut the four pieces to size, the next step is to cut the T-slot. This is a twwstep process. Start by cutting a 3/8" x 3/a" groove in the face of each piece, see Fig. 2. Then turn each piece
A T-slotfor mount ing accessories and a replaceable insert ~ombine to make th&a versatilefence systemfor your radial arm saw.
on edge, and trim 1/4" off the "tongue" formed by the groove. GLUE-W. Now you can glue and clamp together the two halves to form the two blanks. (To
keep the T-slots aligned, see tip at right.) P O ~ T O N G U EWhen . the glue is dry,the next step is to form the tongue that fits into the radial arm saw table. To do this, cut a rabbet on both sides of each blank, see Fig. 2. I cut the rabbets to leave a 3/4"thick tongue, the same thickness as the original fence. And I sized the height of the tongue to equal A wuxed wood the 1"thickness of my saw table, ' k e ~klm " keer, see Fig. 1. they-slotalig&d DUST RELIEF. TOprovide a red u w g glue-up. lief for sawdust, I chamfered the front bottom edge of the two blanks, see Fig. 2.
No. 2
After completing the fences, work can begin on the insert. The insert is trimmed off the right fence, refer to Fig. 1on page 7. The length of the insert is sized so the blade will pass through the insert instead of the fence when making 45' and 90" miter cuts, see Fig. 3. SIZE INSERT. To determine this length, set the blade for a 90" cut, and raise the blade above the fence. Then position the end of the right fence2"to the k j of the blade, and mark the path of the blade on the fence, see Fig. 3. Next, pivot the blade to 45", and then mark this path. Now measure 2"to the right of the end of the blade's 45' line of travel, and cut the insert to this length. (I added 2" on both ends to support the sides of the kerf.) TRIM INSERT. TO allow clearance behind the fence for the blade, youneed to trim theinsert. At 90", the blade on my saw almost touches the top back edge of the insert. To keep kom accidentally cutting the insert, I trimmed off the T-slot, see Fig. 4a.
Then, to allow the blade to insert to the front table. pivot to 45' without scraping the Now replace the spacer board back of the insert, I cut a chamfer and rear table, and tighten the on the top back edge, see Fig. 4 a table clamps, see Fig. 5% Finally, r,:.%. INSTALLFENCE. The last step cut a kerf in the insert for 90' fig is to install the fence. To do this, cuts, 45' miters, and 45' bevels. <%@ ' : > remove the back table and spacer To do this, lower the blade so it I board, see Fig. 5. Then position scores the table, and make cuts. . .: the left end of the insert 2" to the OPTIONAL INSERTS. Dependleft of blade. Next, butt the ends ing on the type of cuts you make : . with your saw, you may want to -I:>.+& of the fences against the insert. To secure the fence, I drilled keep a 'library" of inserts. I use a countersunk shank holes in the separate insert for cutting "tongues" of the right and left dadoes and odd-angled miters. fences and screwed them to the And to ensure smooth ripping, I kont table. Note: To make re- save one insert that doesn't have placement easier, don't screw the any kerfs cut in it at all.
NO. 2
e FenceAccc
T o secure pieces when cutting, I made a hold-down that attaches to the T-slot in the fence, see photo above. When cutting short pieces, the hold-down is a real finger-saver. And when cutting long boards, it keeps the waste end from lifting off the table. The hold-down consists of two pieces: a sum& block and an adjusting arm, see drawing. To make the hold-down, first cut the arm and support bloek to size from '/$"'thick hardwood, see drawing. Then drill a hole in the arm for a threaded insert.
The insert holds a carriage bolt with a wing nut on the end to tighten the head of the bolt down on the workpiece, see photo. To make the hold-down adjustable for different widths, I
cut a slot in the arm. Finally, add a support block to keep the hold-down from rocking when tightened. Glue the support block to the arm. Then attach the hardware, see Sources, page 31.
stop Block
"stop" that positions a board on the saw table. I cut both of these pieces from l/z"-thick hardwood to a width of 21/4". When cutting the stop (vertical) piece to length, I cut it slightly less than the height of the fence to keep it from rubbing on the table top. The top piece has a %"-wide W For crosscutting boards to identical lengths, a stop block is open-ended slot to accept the very handy. Just like the hold- shank of the threaded knob. To prevent sawdust from down, the stop block locks into the T-slot of the fence by tighten- building up between the end of a ing a threaded knob into a T-nut, workpiece and the stop, I cut a small chamfer on the bottom see "O~O above. The stop block is pretty basic. corners of the stop, see drawing. It's just two pieces of hardwood GLUE-UP. Finally, glue the two glued together in an L-shape, see pieces together, and attach the drawing. The vertical piece is the stop block to the fence.
Fire in the shop is something most woodworkers don't want to think about. But proper use and d?3posal of combustibles can reduce the risk.
ike a lot of woodworkers, we the morning after the fire. have a t least a dozen differMETAL WASTE CAN. First of ent cans of finishes and solvents all, we bought an airtight, selfon a shelf in our shop. closing, metal waste can (the kind And like almost everyone, you see in gas stations and mawe've read the warnings over and chine shops). over about how combustible and FIRE EXTINGUISHER Then we flammable some of the products hung a fire extinguisher by the are. Still, I never really believed shop door. We bought a ten pound a fire could happen in our shop. I "ABC" type extinguisher that's was wrong. charged with a dry chemical for One weekend, one of the guys use on either wood, flammable had just finished wiping a last liquid, or electrical fires. coat of tung oil on a desk he was SMOKE ALARM. Finally, we making. Just before closing up picked up a smoke alarm from the the shop for the night, he tossed hardware store and mounted it a few of the rags he'd been using on the ceiling of the shop. into a plastic trash can. But even after we had installed The next morning, the shop these safety devices, I still felt a was filled with black smoke. All little uneasy. What about another that remained of the trash can fire like the one we'd had - one was a few charred fragments. that breaks out when there's no Fortunately, the fire had burned one in the shop? For this kind of itself out on the concrete floor fire, a11 our safety devices were before spreading to the rest of like a band-aid on a broken arm. the shop. The only way to prevent another fire was to find a safe SAFETY DEVICES way to get rid of the used finishIt's a little like closing the barn ing supplies that piled up around door after the cow's gone, but we the shop. I decided to do it right started installing safety devices and called our local f i e marshal.
He said the f i e in our shop was caused by spontaneous combustion - one of the leading causes of workshop fires. HEAT SOURCE. So how does a fire start inapile of used finishing supplies? When the solids in oil finishes combine with the oxygen in the air, they form a polymer a plastic-like substance. This reaction does two things. First, it creates a hard, lasting finish on the project you're working on. Second, i t gives off heat. SOLVENTSEVAPORATE.At the same time as this chemical reaction is occurring, the solvents in the finish are evaporating. If enough heat builds up from the reaction before the solvents have evaporated, the solvents can reach an ignition temperature and spontaneous combustion occurs. (For some solvents this temperature is as low as 250" .)
The key to preventing spontaneous combustion is to remove
No. 2
one of the three parts of the fire triangle: fuel, oxygen, or heat. The obvious question that arises is which one? FUEL. Unless you use waterbased finishes, you'll have the potential of spontaneous combnstion with any finish that has natural oils as one of its ingredients (linseed oil, tung oil, gels, and wipe-on finishes). The problem extends to rags, brushes, steel wool, and other supplies used to finish the project. What about finishing supplies that have been soaked with finishes such as shellacs or lacquers? There's no danger of spontaneous combustion, because the solids in these finishes don't react with the oxygen in the air. As a result, no heat is generated. But there is a chance that the vapors from the solvents can cause a flash f i e while you're applying these finishes. This explains the warnings to extinguish pilot lights or open flames when using these products. OXYGEN. Removing the oxygen seems like the next best bet. Several companies manufacture self-sealing, heavy-gauge . - - metal waste cans that are designed to seal out the air from the shop. Even if the rags ignite (there's still air inside the can), the fire snuffs itself out from lack of oxygen. At least that's the theory. The problem is if the rags do ignite, the waste can may get hot enough to ignite other nearby combustibles, like wall paneling or the sawdust on yourshop floor. To prevent this from happening, a warning is stencilled on the can that reads, "empty every night." The question is where do you dump the contents so you don't just transfer the problem? HEAT. Since eliminating the fuel or oxygen isn't always a workable solution, removing the
heat is the only other alternative. The problem is that it's impossible to remove the heat. Why? Because once the finish has soaked into a rag or brush, the finish solids begin to react. This reaction generates heat. Always. Doesn't the temperature increase cause the solvents to ignite? Not if' the heat from the
The best (and easiest) solution pve found i s to spread out oilrags On a concretefloor.
reaction can escape. The danger ofspontaneous combustionarises when the heat is allowed to build up in a confined area.
To make a long story short, there are several ways to prevent the heat build-up from reaching an ignition temperature. WATER BATH. One way is to limit the amount of heat huild-up by soaking the used finish supplies in a water-bath. This solves the prohlem, at least temporarily. With the rags immersed in the water, there's no heat build-up. But once i o u remove the rags from the water, the moisture evaporates and the finish solids continue to react and generate heat. Plus, you've just created several gallons of contaminated water to get rid of. BURN RAGS. In addition to the water bath, the label on linseed oil (one of the most reactive of finish products) suggests burning the rags. If local ordinances allow you to incinerate waste, this could be a workable answer. SPREAD OUT RAGS. But the best (and easiest) solution I've found is to spread out the rags on a concrete floor, or hang them on a nail or clothesline. (Be sure they're away from kids and pets.) ShopNotes
This allows the combustible solvents in the rags to evaporate. At the same time, it permits the finish solids to react without the confinement that causes heat to build up. DISCARn W S . When all the solvents have evaporated andthe solids have finished reacting, the rags will be dry and stiff. At this - point, they're not a f i e hazard, and you can sa,lydiscard them along with the rest ofthe trash. To see if this was a problem, I called the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. They said waste that has been contaminated with petroleumbased solvents must pass the "paint filter test." To pass this test, the waste must he solid enough so it doesn't drip through a filter that's about as heavy as a coffee filter. Obviously, the dry, stiff rags pass the test. The solvents are the worst pollutants, and they will have already evaporated. At this point, discarding the rags is no different than throwing away a painted board.
But what ifyou want to throw out something that won't pass the paint filter test, like a half can of used lacquer thinner? Pouring the liquid on the ground can pipe the contaminants directly to your drinking water supply. And if everyone flushed these solvents down the sewer, the water treatment plants would soon be overloaded. KITTY LITTER. Instead, you can mix the liquid with an absorbent, non-combustible material like kitty litter and set it outside away from pets and kids. After the solvent has evaporated, package up the solid, and throw it away with the rest of the trash.
No. 2
Using and sharpening a scraper doesn't have to be a mystery. It's easy with the right technique.
hand scraper is the simSHARPENING plest of tools - it's just a thin piece of rectangular steel. For years I used the traditional However, when it's sharpened method to sharpen a scraper to and used correctly it can produce create the cutting bun: This inamazing results. A scraper can volves three steps. First, f i e the quickly remove burns and planer edge of the scraper square to marks on a workpiece (seephotos both sides. Then the edge is below). It's alsogreat for smooth- honed smoothwith an oil or water ing out figured grain and burls. stone. Finally, a burnisher isused to form the bun: (A burnisher is M E BURR a hardened steel rod that's fitted How can a flat piece of steel be an into a handle, refer to Fig. 3.) effective cutting tool? The key is NO STONE. After wearing a the "burr" you put on its edge. groove in my stone and cleaning This burr resembles a small hook up messy honing oil for years, I and runs along the length of the decided to skip the second stepscraper, see drawing in the mar- I stopped honing the edge of the gin on the opposite page. scraper with a stone. By holding a scraper at an Grated, using the stone to angle and pushing or pulling it hone the edge creates a slightly across a workpiece, this burr cuts sharper burr - but only for the a micro-thim shaving much like a first couple of strokes of the hand plane. (For tips on using a scraper. Then things even out. scraper, see page 15.) And not using a stone makes the
sharpening process much faster. (For instructions on this twostep method, see the next page.) BEVELED EDGE. Just when 1 was feeling confident that I had found the way to sharpen a scraper, Ken Munkel (our design director) showed me another method he's beenusing for years. WithKen's method, the edge of the scraper is beveled before it's burnished. This makesit easierto "roll" the edge and create the burr. And the angle of the burr lets you hold the scraper in a more vertical position (which some find more comfortable). The problem with this method is the burr doesn't have as much steel to support; it. Which means the burr tends to dull quicker. Also, this method limits you to one cutting edge on each side instead of two. (For more on Ken's sharpeningmethod, seepage 14.)
A Burn Marks. A handscraperis the A Planer Marks. Handscrapers can tool I reach for most often to remove be used to quickly remove the ridges stubborn burn and saw marks. or marks left by a planer.
A Highly-Figured Grain. Smoothing highly-figured grain and burls is one area where a scraper has no equal.
No. 2
Bevel Edge
I have to admit that I was a bit skeptical when Ken first showed me his sharpening method. But then I watched him sharpen a scraper in just a few minutes. And when he used it to cut delicate shavings, I was impressed. BEVEL TEE EDGE.Ken st& by filing a bevel on the edge of the Aburriseasierto scraper. The trick is to hold the file at about 45' and use iirm roll on a beveled strokes to create the bevel, see edge than on a Fig. 4. (Note: The angle isn't critisquare edge. I"ne cal as long as it's consistent and acute angle you file the edge to a point.) ARer creates a burr the bevel is fled, flip the scraper that's sharp, but over and remove the wire edge. BURNISH THE EDGE. TO refiagile. move the marks from filing, take a few light strokes with the burnisher held at the same angle as the bevel, see Step 1in Fig. 5. Then roll the burr with the burnisher held at about 15'to the bevel, see Step 2 in Fig. 5. Note: Smce it's very easy to roll a burr on a beveled edge, check the burr after making a single stroke.
No. 2
Using a Scraper
No matter which method of sharpening you prefer, it also requires a little finesse to get a scraper to cut shavings rather than just scrape up sawdust. It's just a matter of flexing the scraper into a slight bow while pushing or pullimg it across the workpiece, see Fig. 6. The how prevents the sharp corners of the scraper from digging into the workpiece, see Fig. 6a. And it also allows you to take a "feathered cut" - one that's slightly deeper in the center. This is particularly useful on wide boards where cuts overlap.
Don't be misled by the name. A properly shavened swaper cuts a shaving rather than scraping up sawdust.
Whether youpushorpullis really a matter of personal preference. Pushing a scraper allows you to use your body weight which helps remove stock quickly. And some people find it easier to keep the scraper flexed to a uniforn bow when they push a scraper. But I've found that pullimg a scraper offers more control of the cut. That's because you can pull the burr gradually into the surface of the workpiece. Granted, it doesn't remove the stock as quickly,but I'd rather take a shallow cut and be in control.
that's smooth but uneven. Skewingthe scraper cuts down One last trick that I use is to the peaks and leaves a smooth, "skew" the scraper to the work- even surface. The skewed angle piece. This works especially well also creates less friction when when removing planer marks, you're scraping. Which means a see Fig. 8. cooler cut with less effort. And If you hold the scraper parallel skewing a scraper helps prevent to the planer marks, it tends to the burr &om clogging up with ride up and down the marks like shavings. The shavings curl and a roller coaster, leaving a surface slide out the end of the scraper.
No. 2
Inexpensive and easy to make, this wall-mounted storage system features removable bins so you can take them wherever you need them.
torage that moves -that's the idea behind this storage system. Take a bin, hook it into strips mounted to the wall, or carry it right to your worksite. It couldn't be easier. But the first question I had was, how am I going to cut all those pieces? The secret to making the storage bindis to set up an"assemb1y line" to cut all of the same-size parts at one time. To keep the
total parts to a minimum for the basic system, I limited myself to two bin sizes. ACCESSORIES.We designed this system so you can add accessories. We built a portable canier to hold several storage bins. Then we added at001 b i n to the carrier, see photo below. Another option is to convert the bins for specialized uses, like to hold rolls of masking tape. (See pages 20-21 for more.)
A The back of each bin '7ocks" into a A Use this carrierto takebinsand tools wall-mounted rail. To remove the bin wherever they're needed. When not in use it fits in the rails on the wall. simply lift the front up and pull it out.
A This tape dispenser is another handy accessory. It'sjusta storage bin with a few modifications.
No. 2
stop block and hold-down, see tip box at right. The stop blockholddown is clamped to an auxiliary fence that's screwed to the miter gauge, see Fig. 2. CUT THE SIDES. To cut the
position the stop to cut the correct width (3" for the large bins, 2"for the small bins) at the short end of the side piece, see Step 1 in Fig. 2. Cut one side piece off the blank, then rotate the blank
9 1 1 k
nation stop block cut a shallow rabbet in a 234. For a on a strip of sand
No. 2
Bin Fronts
The onlv other niece needed for the bin: is the'front (G, H). (I To help organ&e used pine for the fronts, but any my storage bins, I 3/4"-thick stock will do.) CUT STRIPS.The fronts are cut cut a from strips Chat are 2" wide for 'lot in ' f the small bins. or 3" wide for the each binfor a large bins, s e e ~ i3. ~. label. DETERMINELENGTH.After the ships are ripped to the correct width, cut the fronts to finished length. To determine the length of the fronts, measure the width of a bin bottom (3l/2"). Then add the combined thicknesses of both side pieces (V4"). (In my case, the fronts are 33/4" long.) CUT TO LENGTEL To cut all the fronts to the same length, I clamped an L-shaped stop block to the table saw rip fence, see Fig. 4. This provides clearance so the cut-off won't bind between the rip fence and the saw blade. RABBETING. After the fronts are cut to length, they're rabbeted to accept the sides and the bm bottom, see Fig. 3. To do this, attach an auxiliary fence to the table saw rip fence. Then set a dado blade to cut a rabbet l/z" deep and wide enough to match
the thickness of the sides (l/sl'), see Fig. 5a. Note: To support the pieces while cutting the rabbets, I use a large push block, see Fig, 5. Next, reposition the fence and rmt another rabbet wide enough to fit over the bottom, see Fig. 5b.
CHAMFERING. I cut a small chamfer on the four outside edges of the binfronts. I also chamfered the top inside edge, see Fig. 3. CkRD H O w m Finally, I muted a dovetailed slot across the front of the bin to hold a cardboard label, see Fig. 6.
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When all the parts are complete, you're ready to assemble them to make the bins. Assembly is really very easy the pieces are just glued and nailed together. The only thing you might want to do is to make a couple of spacer blocks to help center the dividers in the large bins, see Fig. 7. Note: If you're assembling quite afew bins, the assemblyjig shown below is a real time saver.
The bins are mounted to rails made from lengths of 2x4 stock, ripped ll/zt'-wide. The length of the rails is determined by the number of bins you want. To form the retaininglipforthe bins, cut a rabbet in the bottom back edge of each rail,see Fig. 8a. After the rabbets are cut, screw the rails to the wall, spacing them 45/s1'apart. Here again, a spacer block is handy, see Fig. 8.
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Storage Bin
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.This carrier provides a convenient way to hold up to eight bms at once. Or you can make an extra-large tool bin to fit on one side, see photo at right. The carrier consists of three main parts: a center divider, a base, and the rails, see Fig. 1. DIVIDER. The first step is to make the 1/2" plywood di2rtdm. The length of the divider determines the number ofbins you can eany. I made the divider long enough to hold up to four bins on each side (153/4"). After determining the length, cut the divider to shape, see Fig. 2. Then drill and cut out the handle opening. BASE. After the divider is
oomplete, the nexc step is to make the base. Cut the 1/2" plywood base to the same length as the divider (153/4"). Then rip the base to a finished width of 4%". After the base is cut to size, cut anl/$"'deepgroovedown the eenter to hold the divider, see Fig. 1. W.Before assembling the l s carrier, cut two 15V4"-longm &om 2x4 stock Then rabbet the znside edge of each railto hold the
bins. Formoreon this, seepage 19. Now, assemble the carrier, and glue and nail on a couple of end caps made &om 1/53" Masonite, see Fig. 1.
You can add a tool bin to fit the carrier, or to hang on the wall strips. The tool bin is made just like alarge storage bin, except it has a longer back, bottom, and front, see Fig. 3.
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[Tape Dispenser
.The storage bins lend themselves to all sorts of adaptations. One of the fnst modifications we made was to turn a large bin into a tape dispenser. CONSTRUCTION. TOmake the taoe disoenser. start bv cuttinna pfywooi back piece," two Masonite side pieces, and the solid woodfiont to size, see Fig. 1. (To provide clearance for standard rolls of tape, there is no bottom in the bin.) When rabbeting the front piece, you only need rabbets for the sides. There's no need to rabbet the bottom edge (because there is no bottom). Also, you don't have to rout the card slot on the front.
This tape dispenser will hold a couple rolls of tape. And it hangs on the walljust like the storage bins.
penser have an angled slot cut in slots. To do this, clamp an a&ithem for a dowel that holds the ary fence and a support jig to the tape in place, see Fig. 1. table saw rip fence, see Fig. 2. I used a coping saw to cut the BLOCK Next, cut a center slot, see Fig. 1.Then I glued and block from a square piece of nailed the dispenser together. stock, see Fig. 3. Then chamfer CENTER DOWEL. The rolls of the corners until it fits tight intape are held in the bin with a side a roll of tape, and drill a hole to mount the dowel. block and a dowel, see Fig. 3. Thedowelis cut tolengthsoit's Finally, to make it easy to tear the same length as the outside off the tape, screw a length of width of the dispenser (33/4"). hacksaw blade to the front of the Then a tenonis cut on each end dispenser, see Fig. 3.
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The secret $0 th& well balanced the two '@ock'ets"in the laminated ]wad. These pockets are drilled in the core pkes and then 'ILed dth lead wezghts.
here's somethingvery satisfying about using a tool that you've crafted yourself. And this Joiner's Mallet is no exception. Every time I pick it up I enjoy its heft and balance, especially the way the handle fits my hand. That's something you just can't get from a store-bought tool. The heft of this mallet comes from two round "pockets" in the head filled with lead sinkers, see drawing at left. 'Ib prevent the mallet head from marring the surface of a workpiece, I glued leather pieces onto both ends. (For sources ofweightsand leather,seepage 3 1.)
The first step is to make the head of the mallet. The head consists of two core pieces (A) and two sides ( 3 3 1 , see drawing at left. The core pieces are drilled to make the "pockets" and shaped to form the tapered mortise for the handle. COREBUNETomaket h e m pieces (A), start by cutting a 21/4"-wide core blank from 3/411thick stock, see Fig. 1. (I used hard maple.) I cut the blank extra long so I could safely drill the pockets and cut the short: core pieces to length.
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With the blank cut to rough size, lay out hole locations on both ends of the blank, see Fig. la. Then, drill the 11/2"dia. pocket holes at each end. CORE PIECES. Once the holes are drilled, the next step is to cut the corepiecesto length. These are cut at a slight angle (2') to form a tapered mortise for the handle, see Fig. la To do this, set your miter gauge at 2 ' and cut the core pieces off the blank, see Fig. 1. SIDES. With the core pieces cut to length, work can begin on the sides (B). (Here again I 1/zU-thick used hard maple.) Each side is cut the same width as the core pieces (21/4") and 5%" long, see Fig. 1. GLUE-UP. Once the sides are cut, the mallet head can be glued up. To do this, first glue the two core pieces to one side piece, see Fig. 2. Note: Make sure the core pieces form a tapered mortise, see Fig. 2. Thenext stepis to fill the pockets with lead weight. see Fig. 3. I used small lead fishing sinkeysfor this (310 size split-shot). This size makes it easy to pack them tight in the pockets. To keep the sinkers from rattling, pour in some quick-set epoxy. Then, when the epoxy is dry, glue the remaining side in
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to shape the head. I curved the sides ofthe mallet by first cutting a bevel on all four comers, see Fig. 4. Then use a sanding block to shape the sides to a smooth curve, see Fig. 5. Next, sand a slight "crown" on both ends of the
mallet head, see Fig. 6. LEATHER Finally, I glued a leather face to both ends of the mallet head. Using contact cement, apply two coats t o an oversize piece of leather and to the ends of the mallet. Then press the leather in place and trim off the excess, see Fig. 7.
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No. 2
Mallet Handle
I used a piece of straight-grained walnut for the handle (but any hardwood will do). The overall length of the handle (C) is 12". The width and thickness is determined by the size of the mortise in the mallet head. HANDLE BLANK. To determine the size of the handle blank, first measure the mortise at the bot-
and a simple jig to support the blank, see Fig. 8. The jig is just a scrap of 2x4 that's cut i n two and screwed together to form a cross, see Fig. 8. It rides on both the rip fence and the table top to support the cut. WELIGEKERFS. With the tenon cut, the next step is to cut the kerfs for the wedges that hold the head in place, see Fig. 9. To prevent the handle from splitting, cut the kerfs l/s" less than the length of the tenon (21/st'). Position the rip fence so the 1"-widetenon will he divided into three equal parts, see Fig. 9. SHAPE HANDLE.Now that the kerfs are cut, the handle can be shaped to fit your hand, see the drawings at upper left. To do this, I use a file to get the handle to rough shape, see Fig. 10. Then use a scraper or sandpaper to remove the file marks.
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Now that you've completed the handle. work can begin on the wedges that hold th; handle in the mallet head.
I chose maple for the wedges and oriented the grain to run parallel to the sides of the wedge, see Fig. 11. Orienting the grain like this helps to prevent the wedges from breaking off when they're driven into the handle, refer to Fig. 14. To hold the head securely in place, the wedges are tapered. The narrow end of the wedge is cut to match the width of the kerf in the handle. This ensures the wedges won't bottom out in the kerfs before the handle is tight in the mallet head. SET-UP. To cut these small wedges safely, I use a two-step process and an oversized blank. To do this, start by positioning the rip fence on your table saw. Adjust the rip fence so the distance between the blade and the fence is the same as the width of the kerf in the handle. Then, tilt the blade to match the taper of
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the mortise (2") and push the blank alonethe fence. see Fig. 11. To cut ;he wedges to leigth, (and prevent the wedges from binding against the blade), position the rip fence so the wedges fall off to the lee of the blade, see Fig. 12. (Note: The wedges are cut 14,"-longer than the kerf in the handle. This allows you to trim them off for a perfect fit.) Once the wedges are cut to fit the kerfs, you'll need to trim saw to cut the wedges to width, see Fig. 13.
Once the wedges are cut, the mallet can be assembled. To do this, first apply glue to the handle tenon and slide it into the head, see Fig. 14. Then, apply glue to the wedges and drive them into the handle. The trickhereis todrivethemboth in at the same time. To do this, I plated a scrap block over both wedges to tap them in together. with the head,
Cutting mortises by hand isfast and easy. The secret is combining the right tools with a simple technique.
to be cut, I like to do it by hand. There's no substitute for the feel of a chisel as it slices cleanly through apiece of wood. And cutting mortises by hand is surprisingly quick and easy.
The secret to cutting mortises quieWy and easily is the mortise chiseL A mortise chisel is shaped differently than a standard chisel. It has an extra strong blade and a stout handle to take the blows of a mallet, see drawing at left. Many mortise chisels also Mhe chiSekare have a leather "shock-absorber" *@&d by a that'sinserted between the blade S h t bhde. h'Sorne and the handle. To prevent the blade h m even have a leatkr sorb^ n bending when levering out the
standard beveledge chisel to cut mortises, but you'd have to take very light cuts and there would always be the risk of breaking or bending the blade.) CHISEL SIZES.Mortise chisels are commonly availablein 1/16" or lmm increments. They can be purchased individually or in sets (see Sources,page 31). A set of these chisels is expensive, so I'd suggest you start with a 1/4" or 8mm chisel. This is the size I use most often to cut a 1/4" mortise in 3/q1'-thickstock. And this follows the general rule for sizing a mortise and tenon joint - the width of the mortisk should be equal to about one-third of the thickness of the workpiece.
Step 1: Set the pins of the mortise Step 2: Next, adjust the gauge so the Step 3: Now press the fence against
gauge to correspond with the width of pins are centered on the thickness of the blade of your mortise chisel. Then, the workpiece. Then, tighten the screw lock the pins in this position. to lock the beam in place. the edge of the workpiece. Then push orpull thegaugeso thepinsscorelines to mark the cheeks of the morfise. No. 2
With the bevel down, remove a chip. Toprevent crushingthe ends of the mortise, leave %"at each end of the mortise.
s t e p 3. To clean out the remain- Step 4. Conttnue In rnrs manner ing waste, holdthechiselwith the for the entire length of the morbevel toward the low end of the tise. Taking 98" cuts and prying ramp andchiselout '/s"sections. out the waste.
No. 2
Shop Solutions
Countemink and Bit Oganizer
screw I use two Merent size bits to drillashank hole and pilot hole. I drill the shank hole with a bit fitted with a countersink. To keep the screw threads from catching in the hole, I use a slightly larger hit than the screw diameter. The pilot hole is W e d in the adjoiningpiece and is sized so the screw threads will dig in. The problem is remembering which set of bits goes with which screw. So I built an orgaaizer with a cutaway view of the countersunk shank holes to tell me at a glance which bits to use with the common screw sizes (A%, #8, #lo, and #12), see photo above. To make the organizer,fist cut a 2x4 scrap longeenough to hold the bits, see Fig. 1.Then, drill the correct size pilot holes down the center of the piece. (I also drilled
one more hole to hold the Allen sides of the pilot holes, see Fig. 2. wrench that adjusts the counterFinally, to produce the cutar i l l corresponding way view, rip the front edge off sinks.) Next d countersunk shank holes on both the block, see Fig. 3.
holespositionedinthe sameplace on a number of pieces. But seb ting up a fence and stop block to position a workpiece can take a bit of time. Aquickwaytodothisistoclamp a framing square to the drill press table, see drawing at leR. The inside corner of the framing square substitutes for the typical fence
and stop block arrangement, and it's a perfect 90". To use the square, first plaee the drill bit over the hole to be drilled. Then position the framing square around the corner of the workpiece, and clamp the square to the table. To locate the holes on the re maining pieces, just slide each pieceintothe corner of the square.
No. 2
Finishing Stand-0%
.Here's an easy way to keep smallprojeetsup off the bench (or floor) while finishing. Start by sharpening both ends of 1/4" dowel cuboffs in a pencil sharpener.Then punch one end of each dowel into a piece of scrap foam insulation and rest the project on the other end. I use polystyrene (blue or pink) insulation. (This is often used around the foundations of new houses.) Besides holding the dowels, the insulation protects your bench from accidental spills and drips.
Glue-Up Tip
.When gluing up a project, I used to lay wax paper between my pipe clamps and the wood to keep the glue off my clamps. The problem was the wax paper kept sliding off the clamps. Now, I simply run a strip of masking tape along the length of the pipe clamp. Any glue that squeezes out is easily removed along with the tape.
fad se&
SrsopH*, G&
ecently I was installinga set of Soss Invisible Hinges on a cabinet door. Everyone who came in the shop picked up one of the hmges and spent several minutes just opening and closing it, admiringthe action. Then they started to ask questions. Although I've worked with Soss hinges for years, I didn't know much about their origin or history. To find out more, I called Neil Marko of the Universal Industrial Produds Company that mannfactnres Soss hinges. Neil told me the hinges have been around since 1903. Joseph Soss got the idea for a concealed hinge after tripping on a hinge
that projected from the deck of a ship. Before the ship docked. he had designed and built a J type for an invisible hinge. USES. Originally, Soss' best The l a r n i ~ links , ~ ~ of ~ ~ this customers were automakers who installed the hinges on car doors. Soss Invisible Hinge slide inside Today, the hinges are used on the body. This conceals the projects from small music boxes hinge when it's closed. to 500-pound doors. HINGE MECHANISM. The key that arises with this hinge is how to this hinge is the "knuckle" do you cut the mortises? Granted, these are no ordinary mechanism. It's a set of boomerang-shaped links connected by a mortises. The flange of the hinge riveted hinge pin, see drawing fits in a long, shallow mortise, below. As the hinge closes, the while the central body mounts links fold inside the body of the into a deep mortise. When the hinge is screwed in place, it hinge -and disappear. MORTIGE. The first question should fit like a nut in a shell. Cutting a mortise to the close tolerances required is a challenge. I usually use aForstner bit to drill a series of holes to create the two-tier mortise, as shown in the box below. TEMPLATE.Fortunately, loeating the mortise holes is relatively easy because each pair of Soss hinges comes with a template to position the hinge.
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T o install a Soss hinge, position the e%ate~&hM a d elampaEemto mmfingAanp, see P i g , 5 @ lleeess %anplatethat comes &h the hinge t , h driB pregsta61e, see F i g . 2. Now the m t @ &mge blew bba on the doox and *frame, and m k the d d i holes br the & x p mortise to s~~~ d e t d above,) k e l e s f o p . t l t e r n d ~ eFig. s~ 1 . &se&chiselto clean up the house the be$ of fhe hinge. Then align the centerpofake to the Ne&~a~haEl~~ym&iseforthe cheeks &he mortise to fit the hinge-
No. 2
m~hop~ote ~ sh o l ,supplies is through ShopNotes Shop Supoffering some of the hardware plies. These items are also availand supplies needed for the pro- able from some of the other mail order sources listed below. jects in this issue. We've alsoput together alist of SCRAPER Scrapers come in a other mail order sources that wide variety of sizes and aremanhave the same or similar hard- ufactured by several companies. ware and supplies. We are offering a rectangular scraper that is made by Sandvik. WUL ARM SAW FENCE This scraper is made of Swedish There's a hardware kit available steel and comes with a special for the Stop Block and the Hold- sleeve to protect the edges. 56006-163Scraper.........$7.95 Down that we used on the Radial SMOOTE MILL FILE. Before Arm Saw Fence, see page 9. These kits contain hardware you can get a scraper to work properly, the edges need to filed. only (no wood). I use a 10"-smoothmill file. STOP BLOCK HARDWARE KIT. S5001-10310" Smooth Mill (1) TSlot Nut File w/Handle....................$8.95 (1) 5/16'r X 1"staf Knob BURNISHER After filing the *(I) 5/16"Washer edge of the scraper,a burnisheris 56802-100Stop Block Hardware Kit .............................. $4.95 used to compact the steel and to HOLDDOWN HARDWARE KIT. roll the cutting burr. Burnishers This kt contains all of the hard- come in several different shapes. The type you use is a matter of ware listed above plus: personal taste. I prefer a round (1)l/q"x 3"Carriage Bolt burnisher and that's what Shop*(I) 1/4" Plastic Wmg-Nut Supplies is offering. *(I) 1/4"I.D. Threaded Insert 55006-105Burnisher $9.95 *(I) 1/4" Hex Head Nut 56802-150Hold-Down Hardware Kit.............................. $7.95 JOIERI M A W To get the right balance and heft SCRAPERS in the shopmade Joiner's Mallet The following items are availahle (shown on 22), I put lead weight in the mallet head. Then I covered the ends of the mallet head with leather. Shop Supplies is offering a kit that includes: 12 oz. of lead shot (1) 6 oz. piece of leather (large enough for both ends of the mallet). S6802-200Mallet Kit $2.95
On a couple of the projects in this issue (Drill Press Caddy, Storage Bin System) we used a chamfer bit to rout the edge. We also used a dovetail bit to rout a label slot on the front of the storage bins. These bits are high quality carhide tipped and are available through Sh.op Supplies and several of the sources listed below. 51514-170Chamfer Bit V4"shank..........................$21.95 S1512-175 Chamfer Bit 1/2"shank.......................... $23.95 51514-550Dovetail Bit 1/4"shank.......................... $15.95
These special invisible hinges are available through some of the mail order catalogs listed below.
Similar hardware and supplies may be found ilz the following catalogs. Please call each companyfor a catalog or for ordering i n f m t i o n .
Constantine's 800223-8087 Sass H i , Smpos, Bwnishsrs, Router Bits Highlaod Hardware 8002414748 Router Bits Iknd-Lines 800-767-9999 RmUwBits BUCS 80M33-9298 Route7 Bits
Woodrrafk Woodbasen 800-225-1153 800344-1153 Smpm, h n i s h , RmdmBits RouterBits,SossHinges -dyha* T h e w ' 817651-9770 S m Leak 612428-2199 Oarret Wade h m i s h 8002214942 Router Bits, R i f s M , Scrapers, B u r n i s h ,
To order by mail, use the form enclosed with a current issue.The order formineludes information on handling and shipping charges, and sales tax. Send your mail order to:
For fastest service use our Toll Free order line. Open s 0 Monday through Friday, 8 AMto 5:OO PM Centd The. Before calling, have your VISA, MsterCard, or Dis cover Card ready.
W ~ SUP* 800-645-9292
SmP? Router
Nota Prim8 subject t oc h w e aftsr Jum 1,1992.
No. 2
o p turning the bit whileforcing it duwn into wheel on fh t the ~ ~ eFor ea quick . rdurn, the ratchet on tup swings out of fh way so the wheel can be turned by h a d