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August 24 k2

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Apostles Lutheran School

Miss Schleusener
August 24, 2009

Sharing Literature & Listening Comprehension
Books: ABC books, Red Is Best
Big Book: Mary Wore Her Red Dress

Phonemic Awareness
Identify and look for initial sounds (m, j, d, a), blend sounds together mad, jam, dad, am, connect
sounds with words or pictures.

Color words: red, blue, yellow, purple, green

Listen for words that rhyme. Bean/green, shoe/blue, bed/red

• Writing numerals 1,2,3,4
Writing • Exploring the use of math tools
Shared Writing • Sharing ideas, listening to others share
We will begin writing together about what we like. ideas, waiting
• Clean-up
Writing Process
Look for capital letters at the beginning of the
sentence. When we write, we will write what we
think the word looks/sounds like. When you look
at our writing, you might wonder what we are
doing. It may not be seen in the dictionary, but by
the end of the year it will be different.
• Sharing ideas, listening to others sh Social Studies/Science
Independent Writing
Answer questions by writing or drawing How do I learn? How do I
share how I feel?
Label items.
Read two books to your child every night.

Pick one of the following activities to do each night. There are enough activities to do
Monday through Thursday with a few extras. Take 5-10 minutes for homework.

Talk to your child about their day.

Tell me:
• about your favorite story
• who you sat by at snack time or music time
• sing me a song you like
• other
Trace numbers 1,2,3,4 in dry jello, shaving cream, or glitter glue.
Talk about how wonderful your child is. Tell them two things you are thankful that they
Show your child how they can help mom and dad with the recycling.
Look for the sounds d, m, j, a in words. Blend the sounds am, jam, dad, mad.
Play a game with your child.

Jesus Time: This week we will talk

about how God made the world and
everything in it.
Music and Movement
Talk about: Songs: “Where is Thumbkin? “, Where is
• How to stay healthy ______? There he/she is. “Mary Wore
• How to care for others Her Red Dress”, “Head and Shoulders”.
• How to help mom and dad recycle Put the beanbag on your knee, elbow,
hand, etc., , “Let’s Help” (Spanish)
Concepts: Listen for High and Low tones
Book Order
Dear Parents,

Book Orders may be completed by Friday, August, 28. You will find a variety of reading levels available in this reading
order. Perfect for early readers who “memorize” stories or enjoy listening to mom and dad. The book order is great for
beginning readers who read repetitive stories. The order has a fantastic selection for readers who are ready for bigger
Complete the form
1. write child’s name
2. mark selections
3. write a check made to “Scholastic”
Happy Reading!!!

Miss Schleusener

Reading Sign-Up
Parents may sign up to read to the class. We welcome readers on Friday after chapel and recess are over. Check your
schedules, take the class Keeping Our Children Safe class, and sign up to read to us. We look forward to having our first
reader sometime near the beginning of October.

Calendar of Events
Monday Complete forms for milk and lunch orders as desired.

Tuesday Full Day for all of the children.

Wednesday Bible Study for moms 8:45 in the church

Thursday Full Day for all of the children.

Return the milk order form and money. Place it on my desk or have your child give it to me so that I can pass all of the
money onto our school secretary.
Friday Return the folder. Mission Money Envelope
Children are invited to bring money for Jesus. The money will be used to tell others about Jesus who lived a perfect life for
us because we couldn’t, who died a perfect death to erase of the wrong things we do, and who rose from the dead to give all
who believe in Him eternal life in heaven.
This year the money will go to the Apache Mission in Arizona which needs our funding to help other children learn about
August 31-First day of milk, we drink our milk in the morning so the cost is slightly different for us than for the older
children who have it in the afternoon. On Collaberation Day we have milk and the older children do not.
September 3-Vision Screening for K2
September 8-First day of hot lunch
September 14-Hearing Screening for K2
September 16-Picture Day
September 25-Mid-Terms
September 27-Parent Conference Night
October 11-40th Anniversary Celebration of our School
October 23-K1-K2 Opening Entertainment for the Fall Musical Grades 1-3

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