Commissioning of Lubricating Oil Systems
Commissioning of Lubricating Oil Systems
Commissioning of Lubricating Oil Systems
1.1. Although lubricating systems vary widely in size, design, and complexity, certain steps toward proper startup are common to all. The minimum requirement is that lubricating and seal oil systems shall be cleaned and flushed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. t is the intent of this procedure to outline these steps in general, realising that the details must be modified to suit the specific situation. !here the manufacturer"s procedure fails to meet the standards of this procedure it is strongly urged that the higher level be adopted.
#.1. $ydrostatic testing. nterconnected pressure%containing oil piping, which has been field fabricated, must be hydrostatically tested to 1.& times the 'A!( )A( *1+ requirement,. As the presence of water in these lines may pose serious problems in the subsequent flushing process, it is recommended that this test is done with the same oil that is to be used for flushing of the system. -il pipewor. and vessels on both the oil and equipment s.ids should have been tested by the manufacturer, rendering a repetition of the hydro%test of these components unnecessary. #.#. (roper commissioning of lubricating oil circuits is paramount to the successful start%up and continued trouble%free operation of equipment served by the system. t should be noted from the outset that the commissioning of a lubricating system is neither mysterious nor difficult, and that a systematic approach will ensure a clean, functional system in a minimum of time. Two distinct and separate steps are involved, namely/ Physical cleaning Flushing and testing -bviously. the steps must ta.e place in the order shown0 it is a waste of time to attempt flushing and testing of a system which is not properly cleaned. These two steps are briefly outlined below.
1.1. The ob2ect of physical cleaning is to remove all foreign matter from the oil system. 3hell%specified lubricating oil circuits are nowadays always made of stainless steel, including the tan.. Thus, the old requirement for chemical cleaning for the removal of rust and millscale, mechanical cleaning for removal of weld and weld spatter, and general elimination of debris such as welding rods, loose paint, sand, mud, grease, and rags has been largely superseded. 4onversely, smaller clearances, bearing materials with better fatigue resistance, finer filtration and higher speeds bring with them an increased requirement for clean oil. !hile such cleaning is normally done by the manufacturer prior to installation of the equipment at the site, it remains the responsibility of those commissioning the system to verify that the system is clean 2ust prior to flushing and testing, and to effect any additional or supplemental cleaning required. 5erification of cleanliness of the lubricating oil system can be made only by physical inspection of the components, including oil storage tan., coolers, filters, pumps, supply headers and drain headers. 6all valves at dead ends of piping systems require particular attention because debris accumulates in the narrow crevice between the ball and housing. Additionally, components being served by the oil system, such as bearing and seal housings, gear boxes, coupling covers, and turbine governor housings must be inspected and cleaned. 3ystems which have been cleaned prior to installation, and which have been well maintained in the field, may require no more than solvent washing for removal of preservatives. 4onversely, a poorly prepared system, or a system that has deteriorated during installation, may require more elaborate treatment such as chemical and7or mechanical cleaning. 1.#. -il and process piping associated with rotating equipment may require chemical cleaning. f inspection of the system indicates that chemical or mechanical cleaning is required, the elements involved must be removed from the system for cleaning. t is impractical to chemically clean a system by circulating a pic.ling solution because of the probability of damage to ma2or equipment as well as to instruments, control valves and pumps. 8i.ewise, grit%blasting installed equipment is strictly forbidden because of the probability of system contamination. 9or further recommendations reference is made to :;( <=.1=.>=.11%?en. A particular problem may occur with the pipe coating .nown as @Aapanese blac.B. 3earch this name in the best practices section for more information. 1.1. (arts which have been removed from the system for cleaning must be given a protective coating after cleaning to prevent deterioration before reinstallation. This protective coating must be compatible with the lubricant to be
employed in the system. ;C3 3 - 8 C can provide a suitable protective film, in outdoor sheltered conditions, for up to 1# months. t contains no additives that will adversely affect lubricant properties. -nce cleaned and preserved, extreme care must be ta.en in reassembly to ensure that dirt is not re%introduced into the system. 1.+. 4leaning of piping associated with or serving gas seals shall be carried out according to the requirements of the seal manufacturer. (iping already installed and cleaned prior to shipment to site should be sealed off. (iping between filters and seals should not be disturbed without the consent of the equipment manufacturer, in order not to violate the warranty. 1.&. After the system has been physically cleaned, flushing and can be started.
4.1. The ob2ective of flushing and is to prove the cleanliness and soundness of the lubrication system prior to
starting the equipment which it serves. 3pecific accomplishments of this operation are/ 1. To flush any portions of the system which cannot be physically cleaned, such as internal passageways in bearing housings. #. To wash out any residue left in the system after physical cleaning. 1. To provide proof that the cleaning has been effective. +. To chec. the operation of each component of the system including pumps, coolers, filters, valves, and instrumentation. &. To permit operation of the system under pressure to chec. for, and to repair lea.s. *. To permit observation of oil flow to every point served by the lubricating oil system. +.#. Recommended flushing procedure. Cote that the time ta.en for complete flushing is inversely dependent on the flow rate. The absolute minimum acceptable flow rate is that provided by two pumps, typically of the order of # m7s. A preferable flow rate would be > m7s, for which an auxiliary pump is needed. The turbulence provided by such a rate is of great benefit in removing deposits. The period required for thorough flushing with the installed pumps, which can be measurable in wee.s, may be reduced to #=D by the use of an additional pump. The best results are obtained by progressively increasing the extent of flushing, screens for acceptable levels at each stage. nitially circulate oil around the oil only, after replacing control valves with spool pieces. (rogressively add removed control valves, extend the range of flushing to the pipewor. supplying the machine, then to the machine itself. 1. $ave on hand a liberal supply of clean rags, solvent, oil%absorbing material, pipe gas.ets, filter elements, test screens, and lubricating oil. #. The most widely used practice today is to bypass bearings and seals with hoses or pipewor. made up to fit. n some circumstances it may be preferred to remove line bearings, thrust bearings and continuously lubricated couplings. Eemove mechanical seals on compressors where their design permits removal without flooding the compressor casing with lubricating oil during circulation 1. Eemove any restrictions in lubricating oil lines, such as orifices in lubricant and control oil lines to bearings, seals, and turbine valves. +. Eemove any spray nozzles such as those serving continuously lubricated couplings and gears. &. :isconnect the small oil lines to such items which would be damaged by minute amounts of dirt and through which you do not wish to circulate oil until after the system is proven clean. ;xamples of such items are speed transmitters, governors, and mechanical seals which cannot be removed without flooding the compressor casing. 6e
extremely careful not to introduce dirt into these auxiliary units when removing the pipe and immediately blind or plug the connections from which the pipe was removed. After the system has been flushed, these small lines are to be thoroughly cleaned and reconnected. *. nstall temporary strainers at the suction of all lubricating oil pumps. t is important to note that positive displacement pumps, unli.e a centrifugal, will not pass foreign matter without damage. A weld bead, for example, can ruin the pump. <. Eemove elements from the lubricating oil system filters for initial flushing, substituting 1== mesh screens. The very large amounts of debris initially disturbed will bloc. the elements. -nce debris levels deposited on the screens have reduced to acceptable levels, the elements can be replaced. >. 4hec. operation of the lubricating oil tan. level alarm. F. Add the correct grade of lubricating oil to the oil tan.. Cote that flushing should not be carried out with an ;( grade and in this case special arrangements may need to be made. t is generally sufficient to fill to the minimum alarm level. 1=. 6leed air from the system and be sure the lubricating oil pumps are primed. 11. Eotate the lubricating oil pumps by hand at. least ten complete revolutions to ensure that they are free. (roceed with a chec. of each pump to assure that it is operable. mportant items to chec. are/ 1. :irection of rotation. #. 4oupling alignment and lubrication. 1. Eelief valve setting. +. -perating speed of turbine%driven pumps. &. Ability of electric%driven pumps to start up against full discharge pressure of steam%driven pump *. ?eneral pump operation/ bearing temperatures, vibration levels, noise, mechanical seals. 1#. 4hec. the operation of pressure control valves and pressure switches. 11. !ith the main and auxiliary lubricating oil pumps in operation, bleed low pressure steam into the water side of the oil cooler to bring the oil temperature up to >#4 to ><4. 4hec. the nameplate of the exchanger for maximum operating temperature and pressure, and do not exceed the manufacturer's limitations. Alternative heating methods that may be employed include internal electrical tan. heaters and external heating blan.ets. 1+. -n systems employing turbines with hydraulic dump valves or hydraulic overspeed trip valves, open these valves to permit oil to circulate freely through the supply lines for at least two hours. After that time, close these valves and operate the trip%throttle valve hydraulic cylinder over its entire travel a minimum of twenty times to flush the cylinder and its supply lines. 1&. 4irculate the hot oil through the entire system for a minimum of twelve hours. :uring this time, ma.e regular chec.s on the following items ).eep a log,. 1. 4hec. that oil commences and continues to flow through every line by monitoring inlet and exit temperatures. #. 4hec. for lea.s in piping and machines. 1. 4hec. lubricating oil temperature. +. 4hec. the differential pressure across the filter.
introducing air into the lubricating oil supply lines 2ust downstream of the lubricating oil pumps. As noted above, the turbulence generated by high flow rates is most beneficial in this respect. +.1 (rocedure for 1. After twelve hours of continuous flushing with both pumps, install 1== mesh screens as specified in A( *1+, 4lause +.1.1.<.1, at convenient flanges upstream of each bearing and seal of the machines being served by the lubricating oil system. Eestart the pumps and circulate the oil for another twelve hours at the highest possible temperature and flow, but in any case not lower than +& G4. :uring this period pumps shall be repeatedly stopped and started. #. Eemove and inspect each test screen. f foreign material appearing on the screens is less than that specified in A( *1+, it can be assumed that the system is clean, and you may continue with this procedure. f small amounts of foreign matter are collected, remove the test screens and repeat tems +.#.1& and +.1.1. f gross amounts of residue appear on the test screens, it is an indication that physical cleaning of the system was inadequate or ineffective, and it is probably a waste of time to continue the flushing operation. Ee%cleaning of all equipment downstream of the filter elements should be considered. 1. After the system is proved to be clean, and the test screens have been removed, circulate oil for about one additional hour to assure removal of any foreign material which may have been inadvertently introduced in removing the screens. +. Eeplace filter elements &. Eeplace couplings, orifices, spray nozzles, and small headers. 6e extremely careful not to introduce dirt into the system as these items are replaced. !ash all items with solvent prior to replacement. !ash the outside of any flanges with solvent before the flanges. :irt introduced into the system at this time can nullify the effect of the previous cleaning and flushing.. *. !ith orifices replaced, chec. the operation of the trip and throttle valves, mechanical dump valves, and power cylinders on steam turbines. <. 3ee that spray nozzles are properly installed and properly directed. 4hec. that all deliver at the correct flow and pressure. >. 4hec. the automatic start%up of the auxiliary oil pump by tripping the main pump. -bserve the action of alarm and shutdown switches. f the system is in proper order, the only switch that will actuate is the one indicating that the auxiliary pump is running. 8ow oil pressure alarm and shutdown switches should not operate if the auxiliary pump comes on properly. 4hec. that pressure is maintained in control oil circuits when pumps are changed over. F. 4hec. proper operation of pressure control valves with the entire lubricating system in its normal operating condition. 1=. 5arious pac.aged units and lube oil or seal oil s.ids include positive displacement pumps which are equipped with discharge relief valves for pump and7or piping protection. t is normal to test these valves once flushing has been completed. ;very effort should be made to avoid removing and replacing valves from a clean system for testing. n most cases where measurement of the pressure upstream of the relief valve is possible, the valves may be tested in%situ using calibrated pressure gauges. f removal for shop testing is unavoidable, precautions should be ta.en to avoid the ingress of debris into clean systems. 11. :rain off flushing oil and either discard or prepare for further use as flushing oil by filtering to & m. Cever reuse flushing oil as a lubricating oil. Cote that foaming problems may occur if corrosion inhibitors remain in
circulation. 4lean out the tan.s7vessels, again maximum precautions to avoid the re%introduction of dirt. nspect for cleanliness and absence of any foreign matter. 1#. Eefill the system to the normal level with the correct grade of oil