SAN Sizing Guide
SAN Sizing Guide
SAN Sizing Guide
How Many Drives Per RAID Group? plications with mid-to-high disk i/o requirements, i.e. backup
Let’s determine how many drives you need in each RAID group to disk (or VTL), smaller departmental applications. The third
in order to achieve the performance required for your applica- category consists of basic utility applications, i.e. web servers,
tions, such as Exchange, SQL Server or file servers. Let’s also file/print, archiving.
determine when to use SAS vs SATA drives. Some consider-
ations with RAID groups involve the number of drives that can Ultimately, you will need to determine the number of drives to
fail (hot spares) before data loss occurs along with the RAID achieve the correct IPOS. As previously mentioned this can be
type. “eye-balled” based on a servers existing direct attached disks.
As an example you may need to consider whether five 300GB
RAID is essentially a group of disks where data is spread 15k drives will do the job, or if you need more IOPS would ten
across the disk group to allow a combination of performance 146GB 15k drives be a better choice. The obvious trade off is
(striping) and redundancy (parity). Striping increases disk per- with more drives you get more IOPS, but you lose expansion
formance by increasing the number of drives that are spinning capabilities, hence possibly incurring additional costs for
at one time. Parity provides redundant blocks of data spread extra disk shelves/arrays.
across multiple disks. The choice over RAID types provide
varying levels of performance , availability and disk overhead. To summarize, 15k SAS drives should be used for your highest
In terms of capacity, you really only need to consider the performing applications, consider 10k SAS drives for your mid-
overhead of the RAID type, for example for each raw TeraByte tier applications, and 7.2k SATA drives for disk backup or basic
of RAID 5, you can expect to have 800GB of usable data (20% file/print/web services.
overhead). If your RAID array allows global hot spare disks
then you will have less usable space, but more availability. Which RAID Type?
Let us get into the depths of RAID with an overview on se-
You should include your data base and/or email administra- lecting the RAID type best suited to your applications. RAID
tors in discussions to assist you with sizing requirements. If is a method of providing a level of redundancy (parity) to a
you are implementing a SAN for backup to disk (raw disk or storage system, protecting data in the event of drive failures.
VTL), then consult with your IT admin that administers back- Performance can also be increased via striping (RAID 0) data
ups. SAN performance will depend on whether your data across disks. Typical RAID levels allow for a combination of
access consists of sequential reads, random reads, sequential both parity and striping enabling additional redundancy and
writes, random writes or any combinations of these. performance across a disk system. Below is a summary of the
most common RAID types used on a SAN.
When in doubt, and for smaller IT shops you can get away
with selecting disks at the same speed (or higher) as what you RAID 5: Provides more capacity than RAID 1, while ensuring
currently have in your servers as direct attached disks. So if high reliability, improving read performance since more disks
your Exchange server has 5 X 146GB SAS, 10K drives in a RAID are working at the same time. RAID 5 also provides good
5 config, you could safely assume going with an identical drive performance for random data access for applications such as
config, or even faster 15K drives will do the job. streaming media, disk backup or replication for disaster recov-
ery. RAID 5 requires a minimum of three disks.
If you have any doubts, or your applications are currently
not performing as fast you should run the Microsoft utility, RAID 10: Provides block level striping of RAID 0 with the parity
PerfMon, to help isolate the problems. Taking the effort to run of RAID 1. RAID 10 is commonly used for high load databases,
PerfMon will help eliminate bottle necks with your SAN. For since there is no parity to calculate it provides faster write
assistance running PerfMon contact your local sales rep who speeds.
will be able to coordinate this with a sales engineer.
RAID 50: Provides block level striping of RAID 0 with the parity
Choosing the Type of Drives of RAID 5, requiring a minimum of 6 drives. RAID 50 provides
By categorizing your applications into three categories you can better performance than RAID 5, especially during writes,
determine whether to go with 15k SAS, 10k SAS, or 7.2k SATA providing a higher level of redundancy. RAID 50 improves
drives. The three categories are applications with the highest upon the performance of RAID 5 particularly during writes, and
IPOS requirements i.e. Exchange, SQL Server, followed by ap- provides better fault tolerance than a single RAID level does.
Selecting a RAID type 6. Use the ISCSICLI command to bind persistent volumes or
Choosing a RAID type is a balance between capacity, per- the iSCSI Initiator Control Panel tool to permit the iSCSI
formance and availability. Once you have decided upon service to configure the list of persistent volumes.
which RAID types each of your applications require you can
move onto the step of mapping out where to place your SAN Summary
volumes (LUN). For example will you create each LUN on a By taking the effort to plan out your new SAN’s design, taking
separate RAID group, or place multiple LUNs on a single RAID into consideration all the factors which affect performance and
group? As long as you take into consideration the performance availability of data you will ensure your new SAN is a worry
demands applications will place on each LUN, and the IOPs free investment as part of your data protection strategy. The
that each RAID group is capable of it becomes a simple matter correct number of disk spindles and RAID level, along with
of how much availability with the disk subsystem do you want choosing the most appropriate speed and type of drive (SAS,
to build into your SAN design. SATA) will prevent unexpected performance degradation and
the additional costs of fighting fires. Implementing a SAN is
SAN Optimizations for Performance the best way to reduce IT administration costs, improve ap-
Here we summarize a few key points to keep in mind when plication uptime with shared storage and gain enterprise level
designing your SAN infrastructure. These points apply to any features for protecting data, such as snapshots and replica-
type of SAN protocol (FC or iSCSI): tion. A SAN is a key ingredient as part of a disaster recovery
plan, with an affordable cost of entry.
1. Keep data intensive applications on separate RAID
groups. This will ensure dedicated drive spindles for each
of your mission critical applications. About StarWind Software Inc.
2. Plan for performance first, and redundancy second. The StarWind Software is a leading global provider of storage and
theory here is that If the performance is sub standard iSCSI SAN software. StarWind Server converts any Windows
then additional costs of redundancy should be used to server into a reliable, powerful and scalable SAN and is de-
improve the performance. signed for use with solutions such as Microsoft Hyper-V Server
3. Ensure your SAN switch configuration can handle the IOPS 2008, VMware ESX and VMware ESXi and Microsoft Windows
required. Essentially this translates into using enough Server clusters for database applications such as Microsoft
ports on the storage server and on each of your applica- SQL Server, Microsoft Exchange and Microsoft SharePoint
tion servers to sustain the required i/o throughput. You Server. StarWind is an affordable iSCSI SAN solution and
may need to add an additional NIC or HBA (single or dual combines ease of use with enterprise-class features such as
port), not an huge expense, but there is the question of Mirroring and Replication, CDP and Snapshots, Thin Provision-
available slots and unplanned downtime. ing and Virtual Tape Library (VTL). Since 2003, StarWind has
4. Use Gigabit Ethernet for the entire SAN fabric. If you try pioneered the iSCSI SAN industry and has been the solution of
to leverage older 10/100 switches and NICs don’t expect choice for thousands of global customers in over 50 countries,
much in terms of performance, although for small test/ from small and mid-size businesses, to governments, and
dev environments or backup to disk for small environ- Fortune 1000 clients.
ments you might be able to get away with 10/100, it’s still
worth the effort to upgrade to Gigabit Ethernet. Related Links
5. Use the iSCSI command line interface (ISCSICLI) command To download a fully functional FREE edition of the StarWind
to configure a persistent login target or the iSCSI Initiator iSCSI Server for Microsoft Windows or for more information
Control Panel tool to make your volumes persistent. from StarWind Software about the solution outlined in this
paper visit:
Since 2003, StarWind has been the storage solution of choice for thousands of global customers in over 50
countries, from SMBs, to governments, and to Fortune 1000 clients. StarWind has pioneered the iSCSI / IP
SAN industry with its storage virtualization software that converts any Windows Server into a reliable and
scalable shared storage.
Turn Any Server Into a SAN. ©2009, StarWind Software Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any manner whatsoever without the
Enterprise Features. express written permission of StarWind Software, Inc. is strictly forbidden. For more information, contact
SMB Price.TM StarWind. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. StarWind Enterprise Server is a
registered trademark of StarWind Software.