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TR Commercial Cooking NC III

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COMMERCIAL COOKING NCIII ________________________

East Service Road, South Superhighway, Taguig City, Metro Manila

Page No. SECTIO" ' COMMERCI! COO(I") "C III *U! I&IC!TIO" COM,ETE"C- ST!"#!R#S SECTIO" / %asic Co.petencies Co..on Co.petencies Core Co.petencies /0+1 +201' 1+034 '


TR!I"I") ST!"#!R#S /5' /5+ /5/ /51 /52 /5: /56 Curriculu. #esign Training #elivery Trainee Entry Re8uire.ents ist o9 Tools, E8uip.ent and Materials '4+ Training &acilities Trainer;s *uali9ications Institutional !ssess.ent 3'036 37 33 330 '4/ '4/ '4/



'41 '4: '46 '43



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

The COMMERCI! COO(I") "C III Qualification con i t of competencie that a per on mu t achie!e to plan" prepare and pre ent !ariou hot and cold product " including peciali#ed food item " pecialt$ cui ine and %uantit$ food and uper!i e a mall team of cook for gue t in hotel " motel " re taurant " clu& " canteen " re ort " lu'ur$ liner and crui e hip (ithin the compan$) accepta&le tandard * Thi Qualification i packaged from the competenc$ map of the Touris. Sector (Hotels and Restaurants$ a ho(n in Anne' A The +nit of Competenc$ compri ing thi Qualification include the follo(ing, CO#E "O5 -00.///00 -00.////0 -00.///// -00.////2 -00.////. -00.////4 CO#E "O5 TR3.//205 TR3.//207 TR3.//206 TR3.//200 CO#E "O5 TR3-/2.4TR3-/2.45 TR3-/2.47 TR3-/2.46 TR3-/2.40 TR3-/2.-0 TR3-/2.-/ TR3-/2.-2 TR3-/2.-. TR3-/2.-4 %!SIC COM,ETE"CIES 1ead (orkplace communication 1ead mall team 2e!elop and practice negotiation kill 3ol!e pro&lem related to (ork acti!itie + e mathematical concept and techni%ue + e rele!ant technologie COMMO" COM,ETE"CIES Ro ter taff Control and order tock Train mall group 7 ta&li h and conduct &u ine CORE COM,ETE"CIES Plan and prepare food for ala carte and &uffet Plan and control menu8&a ed catering 9rgani#e &ulk cooking operation Prepare pate and terrine Plan" prepare and di pla$ a &uffet 3elect" prepare and er!e peciali#ed food item 3elect" prepare and er!e pecialt$ cui ine :onitor catering re!enue and co t 7 ta&li h and maintain %ualit$ control Appl$ cook8chill8free#e production proce e /
Promulgated April 2007

relation hip


TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

! person who has achieved this *uali9ication is co.petent to =e a>

Chef de Partie ;ead Chef


TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007


Thi ection detail the content of the &a ic" common and core unit of competenc$ re%uired in Co..ercial Coo?ing "C III5 BASIC COMPETENCIES U"IT O& COM,ETE"C- > E!# <OR(, !CE COMMU"IC!TIO" U"IT CO#E > 244/'''43 U"IT #ESCRI,TOR > Thi unit co!er the kno(ledge" kill and attitude re%uired to lead in the di emination and di cu ion of idea " information and i ue in the (orkplace* ,ER&ORM!"CE CRITERI! E EME"T Bold and italicized terms are ela&orated in the Range of <aria&le /* Communicate information a&out (orkplace proce e /*/ Appropriate communication method i elected /*2 :ultiple operation in!ol!ing e!eral topic area are communicated accordingl$ /*. Que tion are u ed to gain e'tra information /*4 Correct ource of information are identified /*- Information i elected and organi#ed correctl$ /*5 <er&al and (ritten reporting i undertaken (hen re%uired /*7 Communication kill are maintained in all ituation 2*/ Re pon e to (orkplace i ue are ought 2*2 Re pon e to (orkplace i ue are pro!ided immediatel$ 2*. Con tructi!e contri&ution are made to (orkplace di cu ion on uch i ue a production" %ualit$ and afet$ 2*4 =oal >o&?ecti!e and action plan undertaken in the (orkplace are communicated .*/ .*2 I ue and pro&lem are identified a the$ ari e Information regarding pro&lem and i ue are organi#ed coherentl$ to en ure clear and effecti!e communication 2ialogue i initiated (ith appropriate per onnel Communication pro&lem and i ue are rai ed a the$ ari e .

2* 1ead (orkplace di cu ion

.* Identif$ and communicate i ue ari ing in the (orkplace

.*. .*4


TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

R!")E O& @!RI!% ES @!RI!% E /* :ethod of communication R!")E :a$ include &ut not limited to, /*/* Non8!er&al ge ture /*2* <er&al /*.* @ace to face /*4* T(o8(a$ radio /*-* 3peaking to group /*5* + ing telephone /*7* Aritten /*6* Internet


TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

E@I#E"CE )UI#E /* Critical a pect of competenc$ A e ment re%uire e!idence that the candidate, /*/* 2ealt (ith a range of communication>information at one time /*2* :ade con tructi!e contri&ution in (orkplace i ue /*.* 3ought (orkplace i ue effecti!el$ /*4* Re ponded to (orkplace i ue promptl$ /*-* Pre ented information clearl$ and effecti!el$ (ritten form /*5* + ed appropriate ource of information /*7* A ked appropriate %ue tion /*6* Pro!ided accurate information 2*/* 9rgani#ation re%uirement for (ritten and electronic communication method 2*2* 7ffecti!e !er&al communication method .*/* 9rgani#e information .*2* +nder tand and con!e$ intended meaning .*.* Participate in !ariet$ of (orkplace di cu ion .*4* Compl$ (ith organi#ation re%uirement for the u e of (ritten and electronic communication method The follo(ing re ource MUST &e pro!ided, 4*/* <ariet$ of Information 4*2* Communication tool 4*.* 3imulated (orkplace Competenc$ ma$ &e a e ed through, -*/* Competenc$ in thi unit mu t &e a e ed through -*2* 2irect 9& er!ation -*.* Inter!ie( 5*/* Competenc$ ma$ &e a e ed in the (orkplace or in imulated (orkplace en!ironment

2* +nderpinning kno(ledge .* +nderpinning kill

4* Re ource implication -* :ethod of a e ment 5* Conte't of a e ment


TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007


> > >

E!# SM! 244/''''4


Thi unit co!er the kno(ledge" kill and attitude re%uired to lead mall team including etting and maintaining team and indi!idual performance tandard *

E EME"T /* Pro!ide team leader hip

2* A ign re pon i&ilitie

.* 3et performance e'pectation for team mem&er

,ER&ORM!"CE CRITERI! Bold and italicized terms are ela&orated in the Range of <aria&le /*/* Work requirements are identified and pre ented to team mem&er /*2* Rea on for in truction and re%uirement are communicated to team mem&er /*.* Team members queries and concerns are recogni#ed" di cu ed and dealt (ith 2*/* 2utie " and re pon i&ilitie are allocated ha!ing regard to the kill " kno(ledge and aptitude re%uired to properl$ undertake the a igned ta k and according to compan$ polic$ 2*2* 2utie are allocated ha!ing regard to indi!idual preference" dome tic and per onal con ideration " (hene!er po i&le .*/* Performance e'pectation are e ta&li hed &a ed on client need and according to a ignment re%uirement .*2* Performance e'pectation are &a ed on indi!idual team mem&er dutie and area of re pon i&ilit$ .*.* Performance e'pectation are di cu ed and di eminated to indi!idual team mem&er


TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

E EME"T 4* 3uper!i e team performance

,ER&ORM!"CE CRITERI! Bold and italicized terms are ela&orated in the Range of <aria&le 4*/* Monitoring of performance take place again t defined performance criteria and>or a ignment in truction and correcti!e action taken if re%uired 4*2* Team mem&er are pro!ided (ith feedback" po iti!e upport and ad!ice on trategie to o!ercome an$ deficiencie 4*.* Performance issues (hich cannot &e rectified or addre ed (ithin the team are referenced to appropriate per onnel according to emplo$er polic$ 4*4* Team mem&er are kept informed of an$ change in the priorit$ allocated to a ignment or ta k (hich might impact on client>cu tomer need and ati faction 4*-* 4*5* 4*7* Team operation are monitored to en ure that emplo$er>client need and re%uirement are met @ollo(8up communication i pro!ided on all i ue affecting the team All rele!ant documentation i completed in accordance (ith compan$ procedure


TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

R!")E O& @!RI!% ES @!RI!% E /* Aork re%uirement R!")E :a$ include &ut not limited to, /*/* Client Profile /*2* A ignment in truction 2* Team mem&er) concern :a$ include &ut not limited to, 2*/* Ro ter> hift detail .* :onitor performance :a$ include &ut not limited to, .*/* @ormal proce .*2* Informal proce 4* @eed&ack :a$ include &ut not limited to, 4*/* @ormal proce 4*2* Informal proce -* Performance i ue :a$ include &ut not limited to, -*/* Aork output -*2* Aork %ualit$ -*.* Team participation -*4* Compliance (ith (orkplace protocol -*-* 3afet$ -*5* Cu tomer er!ice


TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

E@I#E"CE )UI#E /* Critical a pect of competenc$ A e ment re%uire e!idence that the candidate, /*/* :aintained or impro!ed indi!idual and>or team performance gi!en a !ariet$ of po i&le cenario /*2* A e ed and monitored team and indi!idual performance again t et criteria /*.* Repre ented concern of a team and indi!idual to ne't le!el of management or appropriate peciali t and to negotiate on their &ehalf /*4* Allocated dutie and re pon i&ilitie " ha!ing regard to indi!idual) kno(ledge" kill and aptitude and the need of the ta k to &e performed /*-* 3et and communicated performance e'pectation for a range of ta k and dutie (ithin the team and pro!ided feed&ack to team mem&er 2*/* 2*2* 2*.* 2*4* 2*-* 2*5* .*/* .*2* .*.* .*4* Compan$ policie and procedure Rele!ant legal re%uirement ;o( performance e'pectation are et :ethod of :onitoring Performance Client e'pectation Team mem&er) dutie and re pon i&ilitie Communication kill re%uired for leading team Informal performance coun eling kill Team &uilding kill Negotiating kill

2* +nderpinning kno(ledge

.* +nderpinning kill

4* Re ource implication

The follo(ing re ource MUST &e pro!ided, 4*/* Acce to rele!ant (orkplace or appropriatel$ imulated en!ironment (here a e ment can take place 4*2* :aterial rele!ant to the propo ed acti!it$ or ta k


TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

-* :ethod of a e ment

Competenc$ ma$ &e a e ed through, -*/* 2irect o& er!ation of (ork acti!itie of the indi!idual mem&er in relation to the (ork acti!itie of the group -*2* 9& er!ation of imulation and>or role pla$ in!ol!ing the participation of indi!idual mem&er to the attainment of organi#ational goal -*.* Ca e tudie and cenario a a &a i for di cu ion of i ue and trategie in team(ork 5*/* Competenc$ a e ment ma$ occur in (orkplace or an$ appropriatel$ imulated en!ironment 5*2* A e ment hall &e o& er!ed (hile ta k are &eing undertaken (hether indi!iduall$ or in8group

5* Conte't of a e ment



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

U"IT O& COM,ETE"C-> #E@E O, !"# ,R!CTICE "E)OTI!TIO" S(I U"IT CO#E U"IT #ESCRI,TOR > 244/'''''

> Thi unit co!er the kill " kno(ledge and attitude re%uired to collect information in order to negotiate to a de ired outcome and participate in the negotiation* ,ER&ORM!"CE CRITERI! Bold and italicized terms are ela&orated in the Range of <aria&le Information on preparing for negotiation i identified and included in the plan Information on active listening i identified and included in the plan Information on different questioning techniques i identified and included in the plan Information i checked to en ure it i correct and up8 to8 date

E EME"T /* Plan negotiation /*/ /*2 /*. /*4 2* Participate in negotiation

2*/ Criteria for ucce ful outcome are agreed upon &$ all partie 2*2 2e ired outcome of all partie are con idered 2*. Appropriate language i u ed throughout the negotiation 2*4 A !ariet$ of %ue tioning techni%ue are u ed 2*- The i ue and proce e are documented and agreed upon &$ all partie 2*5 Po i&le olution are di cu ed and their !ia&ilit$ a e ed 2*7 Area for agreement are confirmed and recorded 2*6 @ollo(8up action i agreed upon &$ all partie



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

R!")E O& @!RI!% ES

@!RI!% E /* Preparing for negotiation

R!")E :a$ include &ut not limited to, /*/ Background information on other partie to the negotiation /*2 =ood under tanding of topic to &e negotiated /*. Clear under tanding of de ired outcome> /*4 Per onal attri&ute /*/ elf a(arene /*2 elf e teem /*. o&?ecti!it$ /*4 empath$ /*- re pect for other /*- Interper onal kill /*-*/ li tening>reflecting /*-*2 non !er&al communication /*-*. a erti!ene /*-*4 &eha!ior la&eling /*-*- te ting under tanding /*-*5 eeking information /*-*7 elf di clo ing /*5 Anal$tic kill /*5*/ o& er!ing difference &et(een content and proce /*5*2 identif$ing &argaining information /*5*. appl$ing trategie to manage proce /*5*4 appl$ing tep in negotiating proce /*5*- trategie to manage conflict /*5*5 tep in negotiating proce /*5*7 option (ithin organi#ation and e'ternall$ for re ol!ing conflict :a$ include &ut not limited to, 2*/ @riendl$ reception 2*2 Aarm and (elcoming room 2*. Refre hment offered 2*4 1ead in con!er ation &efore negotiation &egin

2* Non !er&al en!ironment



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

@!RI!% E .* Acti!e li tening

R!")E :a$ include &ut not limited to, .*/ Attenti!e .*2 2on)t interrupt .*. =ood po ture .*4 :aintain e$e contact .*- Reflecti!e li tening :a$ include &ut not limited to, 4*/ 2irect 4*2 Indirect 4*. 9pen8ended

4* Que tioning techni%ue



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

E@I#E"CE )UI#E /* Critical a pect of A e ment re%uire e!idence that the candidate, Competenc$ /*/ 2emon trated ufficient kno(ledge of the factor influencing negotiation to achie!e agreed outcome /*2 Participated in negotiation (ith at lea t one per on to achie!e an agreed outcome 2* +nderpinning kno(ledge and Attitude 2*/ Code of practice and guideline for the organi#ation 2*2 9rgani#ation polic$ and procedure for negotiation 2*. 2eci ion making and conflict re olution trategie procedure 2*4 Pro&lem ol!ing trategie on ho( to deal (ith une'pected %ue tion and attitude during negotiation 2*- @le'i&ilit$ 2*5 7mpath$ .*/ .*2 .*. .*/ Interper onal kill to de!elop rapport (ith other partie Communication kill C!er&al and li teningD 9& er!ation kill Negotiation kill

.* +nderpinning kill

4* Re ource implication

The follo(ing re ource MUST &e pro!ided, 4*/ Room (ith facilitie nece ar$ for the negotiation proce 4*2 ;uman re ource Cnegotiator D Competenc$ ma$ &e a e ed through, -*/ 9& er!ation>demon tration and %ue tioning -*2 Portfolio a e ment -*. 9ral and (ritten %ue tioning -*4 Third part$ report 5*/ Competenc$ to &e a e ed in real (ork en!ironment or in a imulated (orkplace etting*

-* :ethod of a e ment

5* Conte't of a e ment



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007


> > ,

SO @E ,RO% EMS RE !TE# TO <OR( !CTI@ITIES 244/''''+ Thi unit of competencie co!er the kno(ledge" kill and attitude re%uired to ol!e pro&lem in the (orkplace including the application of pro&lem ol!ing techni%ue and to determine and re ol!e the root cau e of pro&lem * ,ER&ORM!"CE CRITERI! Bold and italicized terms are ela&orated in the Range of <aria&le /*/* /*2* <ariance are identified from normal operating parameter E and product %ualit$ 7'tent" cau e and nature are of the pro&lem are defined through o& er!ation" in!e tigation and analytical techniques Problems are clearl$ tated and pecified Po i&le cau e are identified &a ed on e'perience and the u e of pro&lem ol!ing tool / anal$tical techni%ue * Po i&le cau e tatement are de!eloped &a ed on finding @undamental cau e are identified per re ult of in!e tigation conducted All po i&le option are con idered for re olution of the pro&lem 3trength and (eakne e of po i&le option are con idered Correcti!e action are determined to re ol!e the pro&lem and po i&le future cau e !ction plans are de!eloped identif$ing mea ura&le o&?ecti!e " re ource need and timeline in accordance (ith afet$ and operating procedure Report on recommendation are prepared Recommendation are pre ented to appropriate per onnel* Recommendation are follo(ed8up" if re%uired /-

E EME"T /* Identif$ the pro&lem

/*.* 2* 2etermine fundamental cau e of the pro&lem 2*/*

2*2* 2*.* .* 2etermine correcti!e action .*/* .*2* .*.* .*4*


Pro!ide recommendation> to manager

4*/* 4*2* 4*.*


TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

R!")E O& @!RI!% ES @!RI!% E /* Anal$tical techni%ue R!")E :a$ include &ut not limited to, /*/* /*2* /*.* /*4* /*-* /*5* /*7* 2* Pro&lem Brain torming Intuition >1ogic Cau e and effect diagram Pareto anal$ i 3A9T anal$ i =antt chart" Pert CP: and graph 3catter gram

:a$ include &ut not limited to, 2*/* 2*2* 2*.* 2*4* Non routine proce and %ualit$ pro&lem

7%uipment election" a!aila&ilit$ and failure Team(ork and (ork allocation pro&lem 3afet$ and emergenc$ ituation and incident

.* Action plan

:a$ include &ut not limited to, .*/* .*2* .*.* .*4* .*-* .*5* .*7* .*6* Priorit$ re%uirement :ea ura&le o&?ecti!e Re ource re%uirement Timeline Co8ordination and feed&ack re%uirement 3afet$ re%uirement Ri k a e ment

7n!ironmental re%uirement



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

E@I#E"CE )UI#E /* Critical a pect of competenc$ A e ment re%uire e!idence that the candidate, Identified the pro&lem 2etermined the fundamental cau e of the pro&lem 2etermined the correct > pre!enti!e action Pro!ided recommendation to manager

/*/* /*2* /*.* /*4*

The e a pect ma$ &e &e t a e ed u ing a range of cenario > ca e tudie > (hat if a a timulu (ith a (alk through forming part of the re pon e* The e a e ment acti!itie hould include a range of pro&lem " including ne(" unu ual and impro&a&le ituation that ma$ ha!e happened* 2* +nderpinning kno(ledge 2*/* Competence include a thorough kno(ledge and under tanding of the proce " normal operating parameter " and product %ualit$ to recogni#e non8 tandard ituation Competence to include the a&ilit$ to appl$ and e'plain" ufficient for the identification of fundamental cau e" determining the correcti!e action and pro!i ion of recommendation 2*2*/*Rele!ant e%uipment and operational proce e 2*2*2*7nterpri e goal " target and mea ure 2*2*.*7nterpri e %ualit$" 9;3 and en!ironmental re%uirement 2*2*4*Principle of deci ion making trategie and techni%ue 2*2*-*7nterpri e information $ tem and data collation 2*2*5*Indu tr$ code and tandard




TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

.* +nderpinning kill

.*/* .*2* .*.* .*4* .*-*

+ ing range of formal pro&lem ol!ing techni%ue Identif$ing and clarif$ing the nature of the pro&lem 2e!i ing the &e t olution 7!aluating the olution Implementation of a de!eloped plan to rectif$ the pro&lem A e ment (ill re%uire acce to an operating plant o!er an e'tended period of time" or a uita&le method of gathering e!idence of operating a&ilit$ o!er a range of ituation * A &ank of cenario > ca e tudie > (hat if (ill &e re%uired a (ell a &ank of %ue tion (hich (ill &e u ed to pro&e the rea on &ehind the o& er!a&le action* e ed through,

4* Re ource implication


-* :ethod of a e ment

Competenc$ ma$ &e a

-*/* Ca e tudie on ol!ing pro&lem in the (orkplace -*2* 9& er!ation The unit (ill &e a e ed in a holi tic manner a i practical and ma$ &e integrated (ith the a e ment of other rele!ant unit of competenc$* A e ment (ill occur o!er a range of ituation " (hich (ill include di ruption to normal" mooth operation* 3imulation ma$ &e re%uired to allo( for timel$ a e ment of part of thi unit of competenc$* 3imulation hould &e &a ed on the actual (orkplace and (ill include (alk through of the rele!ant competenc$ component *

5* Conte't of a e ment


In all (orkplace" it ma$ &e appropriate to a e thi unit concurrentl$ (ith rele!ant team(ork or operation unit *



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007


USE M!THEM!TIC! CO"CE,TS !"# TECH"I*UES 244/''''/ Thi unit co!er the kno(ledge" kill and attitude re%uired in the application of mathematical concept and techni%ue * ,ER&ORM!"CE CRITERI! Bold and italicized terms are ela&orated in the Range of <aria&le /*/ Pro&lem area are identified &a ed on gi!en condition /*2 Mathematical techniques are elected &a ed on the gi!en pro&lem

E EME"T /* Identif$ mathematical tool and techni%ue to ol!e pro&lem

2* Appl$ mathematical procedure> olution

2*/ :athematical techni%ue are applied &a ed on the pro&lem identified 2*2 :athematical computation are performed to the le!el of accurac$ re%uired for the pro&lem 2*. Re ult of mathematical computation i determined and !erified &a ed on ?o& re%uirement .*/ Re ult of application i re!ie(ed &a ed on e'pected and re%uired pecification and outcome .*2 ppropriate action i applied in ca e of error

.* Anal$#e re ult



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

R!")E O& @!RI!% ES @!RI!% E /* :athematical techni%ue R!")E :a$ include &ut are not limited to, /*/ @our fundamental operation /*2 :ea urement /*. + e>Con!er ion of unit of mea urement /*4 + e of tandard formula :a$ include &ut not limited to, 2*/ Re!ie( in the u e of mathematical techni%ue Ce*g* recalculation" re8modelingD 2*2 Report error to immediate uperior for proper action

2* Appropriate action



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

E@I#E"CE )UI#E /* Critical a pect of competenc$ A e ment re%uire e!idence that the candidate, /*/ Identified" applied and re!ie(ed the u e of mathematical concept and techni%ue to (orkplace pro&lem 2*/ @undamental operation Caddition" u&traction" di!i ion" multiplicationD 2*2 :ea urement $ tem 2*. Preci ion and accurac$ 2*4 Ba ic mea uring tool >de!ice .*/ Appl$ing mathematical computation .*2 + ing calculator .*. + ing different mea uring tool The follo(ing re ource MUST &e pro!ided, 4*/ Calculator 4*2 Ba ic mea uring tool 4*. Ca e Pro&lem Competenc$ ma$ &e a e ed through, -*/ Authenticated portfolio -*2 Aritten Te t -*. Inter!ie(>9ral Que tioning -*4 2emon tration 5*/ Competenc$ ma$ &e a e ed in the (ork place or in a imulated (ork place etting

2* +nderpinning kno(ledge

.* +nderpinning kill 4* Re ource implication

-* :ethod of a e ment

5* Conte't of a e ment



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

U"IT O& COM,ETE"C-> USE RE E@!"T TECH"O O)IES U"IT CO#E U"IT #ESCRI,TOR > 244/''''1 > Thi unit of competenc$ co!er the kno(ledge" kill " and attitude re%uired in electing" ourcing and appl$ing appropriate and afforda&le technologie in the (orkplace* ,ER&ORM!"CE CRITERI! Bold and italicized terms are ela&orated in the Range of <aria&le /*/ + age of different technologies i determined &a ed on ?o& re%uirement /*2 Appropriate technolog$ i elected a per (ork pecification 2*/ Rele!ant technolog$ i effecti!el$ u ed in carr$ing out function 2*2 Applica&le oft(are and hard(are are u ed a per ta k re%uirement 2*. Management concepts are o& er!ed and practiced a per e ta&li hed indu tr$ practice .*/ :aintenance of technolog$ i applied in accordance (ith the industry standard operating procedure" manufacturers operating guidelines and occupational health and safety procedure to en ure it operati!e a&ilit$ .*2 +pdating of technolog$ i maintained through continuing education or training in accordance (ith ?o& re%uirement .*. Technolog$ failure> defect i immediatel$ reported to the concern>re pon i&le per on or ection for appropriate action


/* 3tud$> elect appropriate technolog$

2* Appl$ rele!ant technolog$

.* :aintain>enhance of rele!ant technolog$



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

R!")E O& @!RI!% ES

@!RI!% E /* Technolog$ R!")E :a$ include &ut are not limited to, /*/ 9ffice technolog$ /*2 Indu trial technolog$ /*. 3$ tem technolog$ /*4 Information technolog$ /*Training technolog$ :a$ include &ut not limited to, 2*/ Real Time :anagement 2*2 FAIG7N or continuou impro!ement 2*. 2*4 Total Qualit$ :anagement 2*- 9ther management>producti!it$ tool :a$ include &ut are not limited to, .*/ Aritten guideline relati!e to the u age of office technolog$>e%uipment .*2 <er&al ad!i e>in truction from the co8(orker :a$ include &ut are not limited to, 4*/ Aritten in truction>manual of pecific technolog$> e%uipment 4*2 =eneral in truction manual 4*. <er&al ad!i e from manufacturer relati!e to the operation of e%uipment :a$ include &ut are not limited to, -*/ Rele!ant tatute on 9;3 -*2 Compan$ guideline in u ing technolog$>e%uipment :a$ include &ut are not limited to, 5*/ Implementing pre!enti!e maintenance chedule 5*2 Coordinating (ith manufacturer) technician


:anagement concept


Indu tr$ tandard operating procedure


:anufacturer) operating guideline > in truction


9ccupational health and afet$ procedure


Appropriate action



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

E@I#E"CE )UI#E 2 /* Critical a pect of competenc$ A e ment re%uire e!idence that the candidate, /*/ 3tudied and elected appropriate technolog$ con i tent (ith (ork re%uirement /*2 Applied rele!ant technolog$ /*. :aintained and enhanced operati!e a&ilit$ of rele!ant technolog$ 2*/ 2*2 2*. 2*4 2*2*5 2*7 2*6 2*0 .*/ .*2 .*. .*4 A(arene on technolog$ and it function Repair and maintenance procedure 9perating in truction Applica&le oft(are Communication techni%ue ;ealth and afet$ procedure Compan$ polic$ in relation to rele!ant technolog$ 2ifferent management concept Technolog$ adapta&ilit$ Rele!ant technolog$ application>implementation Ba ic communication kill 3oft(are application kill Ba ic trou&le hooting kill

2* +nderpinning kno(ledge

.* +nderpinning kill

4* Re ource implication

The follo(ing re ource MUST &e pro!ided, 4*/ Rele!ant technolog$ 4*2 Inter!ie( and demon tration %ue tionnaire 4*. A e ment package Competenc$ mu t &e a e ed through, -*/ Inter!ie( -*2 Actual demon tration -*. Authenticated portfolio Crelated certificate of training> eminarD 5*/ Competenc$ ma$ &e a e imulated en!ironment ed in actual (orkplace or

-* :ethod of a e ment

5* Conte't of a e ment



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

COMMON COMPETENCIES U"IT O& COM,ETE"C- > ROSTER ST!&& U"IT CO#E U"IT #ESCRI,TOR > TRS2/''+4: > Thi unit co!er the kno(ledge" kill " &eha!ior and moti!ation re%uired to de!elop taff ro ter * Thi role ma$ &e carried out &$ operational uper!i or and manager * ,ER&ORM!"CE CRITERI! Bold and italicized term are ela&orated in the Range of <aria&le /*/ !osters are de!eloped in accordance (ith company agreements and (age &udget * /*2 9perational efficienc$ and cu tomer er!ice le!el are ma'imi#ed (hile (age co t are minimi#ed in ro ter de!elopment* /*. 2utie are com&ined (here appropriate to en ure effecti!e u e of taff* /*4 The a!aila&le kill &a e i utili#ed appropriatel$ to ro ter the mo t effecti!e mi' of taff and to meet different operational re%uirement * /*- Ro ter are pre ented in re%uired format to en ure clarit$ of information in accordance (ith compan$ tandard * /*5 Ro ter are communicated to appropriate colleague (ithin de ignated timeline * 2*/ Time heet and other documentation are completed accuratel$ and (ithin de ignated timeline * 2*2 3taff record are updated accuratel$ and maintained or tored in accordance (ith e ta&li hment procedure *

E EME"T / 2e!elop and implement taff ro ter

2* :aintain taff record



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

R!")E O& @!RI!% ES @!RI!% E /* Ro ter R!")E :a$ &e for &ut are not limited to, /*/ An indi!idual department /*2 A (hole e ta&li hment /*. A pecific pro?ect 2* Compan$ agreement :a$ &e &ut are not limited to, 2*/ Num&er of hour (orked in a gi!en hift 2*2 9!erall num&er of hour allocated to different taff mem&er 2*. Break &et(een hift 2*4 Nature of dutie allocated 2*- + e of permanent or ca ual taff



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

E@I#E"CE )UI#E /* Critical a pect of Competenc$ A e ment re%uire e!idence that the candidate, /*/ 2emon trated kno(ledge and under tanding of the factor and i ue (hich impact upon taff ro tering /*2 2emon trated familiarit$ (ith t$pical format and the ke$ information to &e included /*. 2emon trated the a&ilit$ to prepare taff ro ter (hich meet (age &udget and (hich pro!ide a le!el of taffing ufficient to en ure the deli!er$ of high %ualit$ cu tomer er!ice* 2*/ The role of ro ter and their importance in controlling taff co t 2*2 @actor to &e con idered (hen de!eloping ro ter 2*. @ormat for the pre entation of taff ro ter and detail to &e included 2*4 Fno(ledge on area of operation for (hich ro ter i &eing de!eloped* .*/ 9rgani#e information .*2 Prepare taff ro ter The follo(ing re ource MUST &e pro!ided, 4*/ Pro?ect or (ork acti!itie (hich allo( the candidate to prepare ro ter for a (orkplace and to e!aluate their co t efficienc$ and operational effecti!ene again t nominated tandard 4*2 Preparation of more than one ro ter to meet the taffing re%uirement of more than one operational ituation Competenc$ ma$ &e a e ed through, -*/* 7!aluation of the taffing co t and er!ice le!el at an e!ent for (hich the candidate ha prepared ro ter -*2* 9ral or (ritten %ue tion to a e kno(ledge of pecific factor (hich affect the de ign of ro ter -*.* Re!ie( of portfolio of e!idence and third part$ (orkplace report of on8the8?o& performance &$ the candidate 5*/* Competenc$ ma$ &e a e ed in the (orkplace or in imulated (orkplace en!ironment 5*2* A e ment hall &e o& er!ed (hile ta k are &eing undertaken (hether indi!iduall$ or in a group

2* +nderpinning kno(ledge

.* +nderpinning 3kill 4* Re ource Implication

-* :ethod of A e ment

5* Conte't for A e ment



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007


> > >

CO"TRO !"# OR#ER STOC( TRS/''+46 Thi unit co!er the kno(ledge" kill " &eha!ior and moti!ation re%uired to control and order tock in a range of ho pitalit$ e ta&li hment * Thi role i generall$ carried out &$ uper!i or and team leader *

E EME"T /* :aintain tock le!el and record

2* Proce

tock order

.* :inimi#e tock lo e

,ER&ORM!"CE CRITERI! Bold and italicized term are ela&orated in the Range of <aria&le /*/ "tock le!el are monitored and maintained according to compan$ re%uirement * /*2 3tock ecurit$ i monitored and $ tem are ad?u ted a re%uired* /*. 3tock reorder c$cle are monitored and ad?u ted a re%uired* /*4 Colleague are informed of their indi!idual re pon i&ilitie in regard to the reordering of tock* /*- Record of tock torage and mo!ement are maintained in accordance (ith compan$ procedure * /*5 3tock performance i monitored and fa t> lo(8 elling item are identified and reported in accordance (ith compan$ procedure * 2*/ 9rder for tock are proce ed accuratel$ and in accordance (ith compan$ procedure * 2*2 3tock le!el are maintained and recorded en uring information i complete" correct and current* 2*. Incoming tock i checked again t purcha e and uppl$ agreement and all nece ar$ detail are recorded* .*/ "tock losses are identified and recorded according to compan$ procedure * .*2 1o e are reported in accordance (ith compan$ procedure * .*. A!oida&le lo e are identified and rea on &ehind the e lo e are e ta&li hed* .*4 3olution to lo ituation are recommended and related procedure are implemented to pre!ent future a!oida&le lo e * 26


TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

4* @ollo(8up order

-* 9rgani#e and admini ter tock

4*/ The deli!er$ proce i monitored to en ure agreed deadline are met* 4*2 Continuit$ of uppl$ i en ured &$ liai ing (ith colleague and upplier * 4*. Routine uppl$ pro&lem are follo(ed up or referred to the appropriate per on in accordance (ith compan$ polic$* 4*4 3tock i di tri&uted to agreed location * -*/ 3tock are organi#ed at appropriate inter!al according to compan$ polic$ and procedure * -*2 3tocktaking re pon i&ilitie are allocated to taff* -*. Accurate tock report are produced (ithin de ignated timeline *



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

R!")E O& @!RI!% ES @!RI!% E /* 3tock R!")E :a$ include &ut i not limited to, /*/ @ood /*2 Be!erage /*. 7%uipment uch a maintenance and cleaning e%uipment" office e%uipment /*4 1inen /*- 3tationer$ /*5 Brochure and promotional material /*7 Cleaning upplie and chemical /*6 <oucher and ticket /*0 3ou!enir product 2* 3tock lo e :a$ &e due to the follo(ing, 2*/ 1ack of rotation leading to product deterioration 2*2 Inappropriate torage condition 2*. Acce 2*4 Theft 2*- 9!er tocking &$ pe t or !ermin



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

E@I#E"CE )UI#E /* Critical a pect of Competenc$ A e ment re%uire e!idence that the candidate, /*/ 2emon trated the a&ilit$ to maintain continuou tock uppl$ (ithin a pecific ho pitalit$ indu tr$ en!ironment /*2 2emon trated the a&ilit$ to meet accurac$ and peed re%uirement for completion and maintenance of tock record 2*/ 3tock le!el maintenance techni%ue a appropriate to the indu tr$ ector 2*2 T$pical tocktaking procedure a appropriate to the indu tr$ ector 2*. 3tock recording $ tem 2*4 3tock ecurit$ $ tem 2*- T$pe of tock control documentation and $ tem that ma$ &e applied in the ho pitalit$ indu tr$ 2*5 Rea on for tock lo and damage .*/ .*2 .*. Collect" organi#e and anal$#e information Plan and organi#e acti!itie Application of underpinning kno(ledge

+nderpinning Fno(ledge

.* +nderpinning 3kill 4* Re ource Implication

The follo(ing re ource MUST &e pro!ided, 4*/ Pro?ect or (ork acti!itie that allo( the candidate to demon trate tock control and monitoring o!er a period of time 4*2 + e of real tock item 4*. + e of indu tr$8current tock control technolog$ or documentation 4*4 In!ol!ement of internal>e'ternal upplier Competenc$ ma$ &e a e ed through, -*/ Re!ie( of acti!itie undertaken &$ the candidate to monitor tock for a gi!en period of time for a pecific outlet -*2 Aritten or oral %ue tion to te t kno(ledge of rea on for procedure -*. Re!ie( of (orkplace report and record related to tock control" prepared &$ the candidate -*4 Re!ie( of portfolio of e!idence and third part$ (orkplace report of on8the8?o& performance &$ the candidate ./

-* :ethod of A e ment


TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

5* Conte't for A e ment

5*/ 5*2

Competenc$ a e ment ma$ occur in (orkplace or an$ appropriatel$ imulated en!ironment A e ment hall &e o& er!ed (hile ta k are &eing undertaken (hether indi!iduall$ or in a group



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007


> TR!I" SM! > TRS/''+47


> Thi unit co!er the re%uirement for planning" deli!ering and re!ie(ing training pro!ided for the purpo e of de!eloping competenc$ on a one8to8one or mall group &a i *

E EME"T /* Prepare for training

2* 2eli!er training

.* Pro!ide opportunitie for practice

,ER&ORM!"CE CRITERI! Bold and italicized term are ela&orated in the Range of <aria&le /*/ 3pecific training needs are identified and confirmed through con ultation (ith appropriate personnel# /*2 Training o&?ecti!e are matched to identif$ competenc$ de!elopment need * /*. Training approache are planned and documented* /*/ Training i conducted in a afe and acce i&le en!ironment* /*2 Training delivery methods appropriate to the participantC D need " trainer a!aila&ilit$" location and re ource are elected* /*. "trategies and techniques (hich facilitate the learning proce are emplo$ed* /*4 Training o&?ecti!e " e%uence of acti!itie and a e ment proce e are di cu ed (ith training participantC D* /*- 3$ tematic approach to training i undertaken to meet pecific need of training participantC D* /*/ Practice opportunitie are pro!ided to en ure that the participant achie!e the components of competency# /*2 <ariet$ of method for encouraging learning i implemented to meet the indi!idual needs of participants#



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

4* Re!ie( training

/*/ Participant are encouraged to elf e!aluate performance and area for impro!ement are identified* /*2 Participant H readine for a e ment i monitored and a i tance i pro!ided (ith the collection of e!idence for ati factor$ performance* /*. Training i e!aluated again t o&?ecti!e in the conte't of elf8a e ment" participant feed&ack" uper!i or comment and mea urement * /*4 Training detail are recorded according to enterpri e and legi lati!e re%uirement * /*- Re ult of e!aluation are utili#ed to guide further training*



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

R!")E O& @!RI!% ES @!RI!% E /* Training need R!")E Rele!ant information to identif$ training need ma$ include &ut not limited to, /*/ Indu tr$>enterpri e or other performance competenc$ tandard /*2 Indu tr$>(orkplace training practice /*. Io& de cription /*4 Re ult of training need anal$ i /*- Bu ine plan of the organi#ation (hich identif$ kill de!elopment re%uirement /*5 3tandard operating and>or other (orkplace procedure 2* Appropriate per onnel :a$ include &ut not limited to, /*/ /*2 /*. /*4 /*Team leader > uper!i or >technical e'pert :anager >emplo$er Training and a e ment coordinator Training participant Repre entati!e from go!ernment regulator$ &odie /*5 +nion>emplo$ee repre entati!e .* Training deli!er$ method :a$ include &ut not limited to, /*/ Pre entation /*2 2emon tration /*. 7'planation /*4 Pro&lem ol!ing /*- :entoring /*5 7'periential learning /*7 =roup (ork /*6 Io& rotation :a$ include &ut not limited to, 4*/ Acti!e li tening 4*2 Targeted %ue tioning 4*. Point of clarification 4*4 =roup di cu ion

4*3trategie and techni%ue


TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

-*Component of competenc$

:a$ include &ut not limited to, -*/ Ta k kill -*2 Ta k management kill -*. Contingenc$ management kill -*4 Io&>role en!ironment kill -*- Tran fer and application of kill and kno(ledge of ne( content Characteri tic of training participant ma$ include &ut not limited to, /*/* Cultural" language" and educational &ackground /*2* =ender /*.* Ph$ ical a&ilit$ /*4* 1e!el of confidence" ner!ou ne or an'iet$ /*-* Age /*5* Pre!iou e'perience (ith the topic /*7* 7'perience in training and a e ment

5* Need of participant



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

E@I#E"CE )UI#E /* Critical a pect of Competenc$ A e ment re%uire e!idence that the candidate, /*/* 2emon trated the a&ilit$ to identif$ pecific training need and re%uired competenc$ outcome * /*2* 2emon trated the a&ilit$ to outline the training approach and tep to &e follo(ed* /*.* 2emon trated the a&ilit$ to identif$ training participantC D and deli!er$ methodC D to &e u ed /*4* 2emon trated the a&ilit$ to organi#e and conduct the training* 2*/* Identification of e!idence of competenc$ 2*2* Competenc$ in the unit &eing taught 2*.* Training deli!er$ method .*/* Planning and documenting training approache .*2* Training deli!er$ method .*.* Training trategie and techni%ue (hich facilitate learning proce .*4* Correct u e of e%uipment and pre entation kill appropriate for the training .*-* Communication kill C(ritten and oralD The follo(ing re ource MUST &e pro!ided, 4*/* Pro?ect or (ork acti!itie that allo( the candidate to demon trate planning" conducting and re!ie( of training on a one8to8one or mall group &a i * 4*2* Acce to record " log&ook " report and other ource of information a&out the operation and>or the per onnel* Competenc$ ma$ &e a e ed through, -*/ 2irect o& er!ation of performance in the conduct of the training -*2 7!aluation of the training plan and document prepared &$ the candidate -*. 9ral or (ritten %ue tion to a e kno(ledge in training need anal$ i 5*/ Competenc$ a e ment ma$ occur in (orkplace or an$ appropriatel$ imulated en!ironment 5*2 A e ment hall &e o& er!ed on multiple occa ion in!ol!ing a com&ination of direct" indirect and upplementar$ form of e!idence* .7
Promulgated April 2007

2* +nderpinning Fno(ledge .* +nderpinning 3kill

4* Re ource Implication

-* :ethod of A e ment

5* Conte't for A e ment


TR Commercial Cooking NCIII


> EST!% ISH !"# CO"#UCT %USI"ESS RE !TIO"SHI,S > TRS/''+43

> Thi unit deal (ith the kill and kno(ledge re%uired to manage &u ine relation hip (ith cu tomer or upplier (ithin a touri m or ho pitalit$ conte't* It focu e on the relation hip &uilding and negotiation kill * ,ER&ORM!"CE CRITERI! Bold and italicized term are ela&orated in the Range of <aria&le /*/ !elationships are e ta&li hed (ithin the appropriate cultural conte't in a manner that promote good(ill and tru t &et(een the enterpri e" it cu tomer and upplier * /*2 Tru t and re pect are &uilt in &u ine relation hip through u e of effecti!e communication kill and techni%ue /*. $pportunities to maintain regular contact (ith cu tomer and upplier are identified and taken up* 2*/ %egotiations are conducted in a &u ine 8like and profe ional manner (ithin the rele!ant cultural conte't* 2*2 Negotiation are conducted in the conte't of the current enterpri e marketing focu * 2*. Benefit for all partie in the negotiation are ma'imi#ed through u e of e ta&li hed techniques and in the conte't of e ta&li hing long term relation hip * 2*4 @eed&ack and input from colleague are incorporated into the negotiation* 2*- The re ult of negotiation are communicated to appropriate colleague and takeholder (ithin the appropriate timeframe *

E EME"T /* 7 ta&li h and conduct &u ine relation hip

2* Conduct negotiation



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

.* :ake formal &u ine agreement

4*@o ter and maintain &u ine relation hip

.*/ Agreement are confirmed in (riting u ing formal contract and in accordance to enterpri e re%uirement * .*2 Appropriate appro!al for all a pect of formal agreement are checked and o&tained in accordance (ith enterpri e procedure * .*. The need for peciali t ad!ice in the de!elopment of contract i identified and ought (here appropriate* 4*/ Information needed to maintain ound &u ine relation hip are pro8acti!el$ ought" re!ie(ed and acted upon* 4*2 Agreement are honored (ithin the cope of indi!idual re pon i&ilit$* 4*. Ad?u tment to agreement are made in con ultation (ith the cu tomer> upplier and information are hared (ith appropriate colleague * 4*4 Relation hip are nurtured through regular contact*



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

R!")E O& @!RI!% ES @!RI!% E /* Bu ine relation hip R!")E :a$ include &ut not limited to, /*/ Cu tomer /*2 3upplier /*. =o!ernment agencie /*4 Conce ionaire :a$ include &ut not limited to, 2*/ Informal ocial occa ion 2*2 Indu tr$ function 2*. A ociation mem&er hip 2*4 Co8operati!e promotion 2*- Program of regular telephone contact :a$ include &ut not limited to, .*/ Corporate account .*2 3er!ice contact .*. Agenc$ agreement .*4 <enue contract .*- Rate negotiation .*5 :arketing agreement .*7 Preferred product agreement 4*/* :a$ include &ut not limited to, 4*2* Identification of goal " limit 4*.* Clarification of need of all partie 4*4* Identif$ing point of agreement and point of difference 4*-* Preparator$ re earch of fact 4*5* Acti!e li tening and %ue tioning 4*7* Non8!er&al communication techni%ue 4*6* Appropriate language 4*0* Bargaining 4*/0* 2e!eloping option 4*//* Confirming agreement 4*/2* Appropriate cultural &eha!ior

2* 9pportunitie

.* Negotiation

4* Techni%ue



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

E@I#E"CE )UI#E /* Critical a pect of Competenc$ A e ment re%uire e!idence that the candidate, /*/ 2emon trated the a&ilit$ to conduct ucce full$ &u ine negotiation /*2 2emon trated the a&ilit$ to &uild and maintain relation hip o achie!e ucce ful &u ine outcome /*. 2emon trated the kno(ledge and under tanding of the current en!ironment and ma?or indu tr$ i ue in (hich touri m and>or ho pitalit$ &u ine e operate* 2*/ Bu ine en!ironment including ma?or indu tr$ i ue in (hich the touri m and ho pitalit$ indu tr$ operate * 2*2 1egal i ue that affect negotiation and contract 2*. =eneral kno(ledge a&out contract * .*/ Negotiation and communication techni%ue appropriate to negotiation * .*2 Interper onal kill .*. :athematical kill i*e* calculating profit margin for the contract The follo(ing re ource MUST &e pro!ided, 4*/* Pro?ect or (ork acti!itie conducted o!er a period of time o that all a pect of the unit can &e a e ed* 4*2* Relation hip8&uilding and negotiation acti!itie (ith a range of indi!idual (ith (hom the candidate ha an actual or potential &u ine relation hip* Competenc$ ma$ &e a e ed through, -*/* 7!aluation of negotiation and &u ine relation hip or agreement conducted or made &$ the candidate -*2* 7!aluation of report prepared &$ the candidate detailing ho( the negotiation a pect of a pro?ect (ere managed* -*.* Ca e tudie to a e application of kno(ledge to &u ine ituation * 5*/* Competenc$ a e ment ma$ occur in (orkplace or an$ appropriatel$ imulated en!ironment 5*2* A e ment hall &e o& er!ed on multiple occa ion in!ol!ing a com&ination of direct" indirect and upplementar$ form of e!idence*

2* +nderpinning Fno(ledge

.* +nderpinning 3kill

4* Re ource Implication

-* :ethod of A e ment

5* Conte't for A e ment



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007


> TRS2'+/12 > Thi unit deal (ith the kno(ledge" kill " &eha!ior and moti!ation re%uired to plan and prepare food for ala carte and &uffet ituation * ,ER&ORM!"CE CRITERI! Bold and italicized term are ela&orated in the Range of <aria&le /*/ The ala carte and buffet i planned according to enterpri e and>or cu tomer re%uirement * /*2 Appropriate food item are elected according to ea on" &udget" occa ion and cu tomer re%uirement * /*. @ood co t i calculated in accordance (ith &udget and reporting re%uirement /*4 1a$out and di pla$ of the &uffet are planned" in accordance (ith the t$pe of food" occa ion and de ired theme* /*- Buffet centerpieces & decoration are de igned organi#ed and produced according to enterpri e procedure *

E EME"T /* Plan ala carte and &uffet item



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

E EME"T 2* Prepare" produce and pre ent food for ala carte and &uffet

.* 3tore ala carte and &uffet item

,ER&ORM!"CE CRITERI! Bold and italicized term are ela&orated in the Range of <aria&le 2*/ Appropriate method of cooker$ are u ed to prepare meat " poultr$" eafood and other food for ala carte and &uffet * 2*2 Buffet item are gla#ed (ith a pic or gelatin preparation according to accepta&le enterpri e tandard 2*. 3auce and garni he uita&le for ala carte and &uffet food item are produced* 2*4 :eat are car!ed and er!ed according to enterpri e tandard * 2*- ;ot and cold food are er!ed and pre ented according to health and h$giene regulation * 2*5 Portion control i applied to minimi#e (a tage and ma'imi#e profit* 2*7 @ood item are attracti!el$ and ta tefull$ arranged and pre ented to ma'imi#e appeal* 2*6 2e ert uita&le for ala carte and &uffet pre entation are prepared and produced u ing tandard and>or enterpri e recipe .*/ 3tore ala carte and &uffet item h$gienicall$ and correctl$ &efore and after the er!ice time" at a afe temperature* .*2 Proper portioning for torage mu t &e undertaken" together (ith date to facilitate Jfir t in" fir t outH procedure *



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

R!")E O& @!RI!% ES Thi unit applie to all ho pitalit$ and catering enterpri e (here food i prepared and er!ed uch a re taurant " hotel " clu& " cafeteria and other catering operation * Ala carte and &uffet ma$ &e a ociated (ith function " pecial occa ion and cele&ration " &reakfa t" lunch or dinner er!ice* @ood item for ala carte and &uffet ma$ &e deri!ed from cla recipe and from !ar$ing ethnic origin * @!RI!% E /* Ala carte food ical or contemporar$

R!")E :a$ include &ut not limited to, /*/ 3election of hot and cold di he /*2 Appeti#er " entree " alad " de ert /*. :eat " poultr$" fi h" mall good " alad and chee e :a$ include &ut not limited to, 2*/ 3election of hot and cold di he 2*2 =la#ed food " galantine " forcemeat 2*. :eat " poultr$" fi h" mall good " alad " chee e 2*4 2e ert and pa tr$ Chot and coldD item :a$ Include &ut not limited to, .*/ @loral arrangement .*2 @ruit K !egeta&le di pla$ .*. 3pecial theme item .*4 Candle .*- 3pecial 9cca ion cake .*5 =la (are K er!ice (are .*7 Ice" fruit or !egeta&le" chocolate alt or margarine car!ing

2* Buffet food

.* Centerpiece K decoration



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

E@I#E"CE )UI#E /* Critical a pect of Competenc$ A e ment re%uire e!idence that the candidate, /*/ 2emon trated the a&ilit$ to plan all the detail and re ource for the &uffet including food item " co ting" la$out and di pla$* /*2 2emon trated e'perti e in preparing &uffet di he (ithin t$pical (orkplace time con traint * /*. 2emon trated complete under tanding of the different nature and handling re%uirement for &uffet food item * /*4 2emon trated a&ilit$ to appl$ afe and h$gienic practice in the preparation and er!ice of &uffet * 2*/ 3uita&le t$pe of food and di he for &uffet to meet enterpri e" cu tomer" nutritional and cultural re%uirement * 2*2 Characteri tic of food item uita&le for &uffet and appropriate er!ice condition and temperature to maintain optimum %ualit$* 2*. Nutrition" in particular" the effect of cooking on the nutritional !alue of food" and en uring a nutritional &alance in &uffet menu * 2*4 Culinar$ and technical term commonl$ u ed in the indu tr$ a ociated (ith &uffet * 2*- @ood danger #one 2*5 1egi lation of food afet$ related to er!ice of food for &uffet * .*/ A range of cooker$ kill for !arietie of food item * .*2 Principle and practice of h$giene" particularl$ related to i ued urrounding &uffet er!ice* .*. 1ogical and time efficient (orkflo(* .*4 Pre entation techni%ue for food item that make8up a &uffet* .*- Aa te minimi#ation techni%ue and en!ironmental con ideration in pecific relation to &uffet * The follo(ing re ource :+3T &e pro!ided, 4*/ @ull$ e%uipped operational commercial kitchen including indu tr$8current tool " uten il and e%uipment 4*2 Ingredient

2* +nderpinning Fno(ledge

.* +nderpinning 3kill

4* Re ource Implication



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

-* :ethod of A e ment

Competenc$ ma$ &e a e ed through, -*/ 2irect o& er!ation of the candidate preparing food for &uffet * -*2 3ampling of &uffet item prepared &$ the candidate* -*. Aritten or oral %ue tion to te t kno(ledge a&out uita&le item for &uffet " food afet$ i ue * -*4 Re!ie( of portfolio of e!idence and third part$ (orkplace report of on8the8?o& performance &$ the candidate* 5*/ 5*2 A e ment ma$ &e done in the (orkplace or in a imulated (orkplace etting Ca e ment center D A e ment acti!itie are carried out through T732A) accredited a e ment center

5* Conte't for A e ment



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

U"IT O& COM,ETE"C-> , !" !"# CO"TRO ME"U0%!SE# C!TERI") U"IT CO#E U"IT #ESCRI,TOR > TRS2'+/1: > Thi unit deal (ith the &a ic planning" preparing and controlling of menu8&a ed catering (ithin e ta&li hed enterpri e $ tem * ,ER&ORM!"CE CRITERI! Bold and italicized terms are ela&orated in the Range of <aria&le /*/ 7nterpri e and>or cu tomer re%uirement are identified for menus# /*2 :enu item are determined according to the different menu planning considerations# /*. Co t of menu item are e ta&li hed and compliance i en ured (ith enterpri e co ting con traint * /*4 :enu are prepared a re%uired &$ the enterpri e" t$pe of cui ine or particular ituation /*- :enu are organi#ed and (ritten u ing, Terminolog$ appropriate to the market and t$le of menu* Item de cription (hich promote menu item * 2*/ Appropriate catering control systems are elected and u ed according to enterpri e re%uirement * 2*2 Production chedule are planned gi!ing con ideration to menu con traint " a!aila&le e%uipment" e'perti e of la&or and a!aila&le time* 2*. 1a&or costs are controlled con idering the ro ter" cheduling" a(ard condition and rate * 2*4 Product utili#ation and %ualit$ i optimi#ed through the application of portion control and effecti!e $ield te ting* 2*- 3tock control mea ure are applied &$ follo(ing correct recei!ing and toring procedure 2*5 3ecurit$ procedure in food production and torage area are applied to minimi#e ri k of theft" damage or lo *

E EME"T /* Plan and prepare menu

2* Control menu8&a ed catering



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

E EME"T .* Practice portion control

,ER&ORM!"CE CRITERI! Bold and italicized terms are ela&orated in the Range of <aria&le .*/ Correct portioning acti!itie are identified through Aeight <olume Count .*2 Correct tool portioning are calculated and u ed*



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

R!")E O& @!RI!% ES Thi unit applie to all ho pitalit$ and catering enterpri e (here food i prepared and er!ed uch a re taurant " hotel " clu& " cafeteria and other catering operation * @!RI!% E /* T$pe of menu R!")E :a$ include &ut not limited to, /*/ :enu ma$ &e cla ified according to ho( food item are offered and priced, Ta&le d)hote C3electi!e or Non83electi!eD A la carte /*2 :enu ma$ &e cla ified according to ho( often the$ are changed C$clical @i'ed menu 2a$) menu /*. :enu ma$ &e &a ed on meal t$pe Breakfa t 1unch 2inner 3nack /*4 :enu ma$ &e utili#ed for @unction Buffet Ala carte /*- T$pe of menu Cla ical :odern 7thnic :a$ include &ut not limited to, 2*/ Balance in the !ariet$ of cooking method" color " ta te and food te'ture 2*2 Nutritional !alue 2*. 3ea onal a!aila&ilit$ 2*4 pricing !er u co t 2*- popularit$ inde' 2*5 Re ult of ale anal$ i and cu tomer feed&ack*

2* :enu planning concern



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

.* Catering control $ tem

:a$ include &ut not limited to, .*/ Production planning heet .*2 3ale anal$ i form .*. 2ail$ kitchen report .*4 Aa tage heet :a$ include &ut not limited to, 4*/ 7nterpri e polic$ on menu pricing and gro margin * Budget 4*2 1a&or re%uirement

4* Co ting re traint



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

E@I#E"CE )UI#E /* Critical a pect of 4 Competenc$ A e ment re%uire e!idence that the candidate, /*/ 2emon trated proficienc$ in co ting and pricing menu * /*2 2emon trated a&ilit$ to plan multiple menu to meet differing cu tomer and operational need * /*. 2emon trated e'perti e in planning menu gi!en the con traint on the re ource a!aila&le* /*4 2emon trated a&ilit$ to control co t * /*- 2emon trated adeptne in anal$#ing and appl$ing current indu tr$ data and price 2*/ :enu Planning procedure 2*2 2ifferent t$pe and t$le of menu 2*. ;i torical de!elopment of menu " modern trend in menu 2*4 Quantit$ @ood Production and Co t Control 2*- Principle of nutrition 2ietar$ =uideline for Au tralian Planning nutritionall$8&alanced menu The effect of cooking on the nutritional !alue of food 2*5 Culinar$ term related to menu commonl$ u ed in the indu tr$* 2*7 Recipe>:enu Co ting .*/ <ariou (a$ of e%uencing food item " including cla ical and contemporar$* .*2 9rgani#ational kill and team(ork* .*. 1ogical and time efficient (orkflo(* .*4 In!entor$ and tock control $ tem * .*- Purcha ing" recei!ing" toring" holding and i uing procedure * .*5 Co ting" $ield te ting and portion control* The follo(ing re ource :+3T &e pro!ided, 4*/ @ull$ e%uipped kitchen 4*/ Ingredient appropriate for production 4*2 Recipe co t (ork heet 4*. Aork chedule 4*4 Ban%uet e!ent form in!entor$ Competenc$ ma$ &e a e ed through, -*/ Re!ie( of ample of menu " production chedule " ecurit$ plan and checkli t prepared &$ the candidate* -*2 9ral or (ritten %ue tion to a e kno(ledge of menu item " menu t$pe and characteri tic " portion control and co t control* -*. Re!ie( of portfolio of e!idence and third part$ (orkplace report of on8the8?o& performance &$ the candidate* -/

2* +nderpinning Fno(ledge

2*.* +nderpinning 3kill

4* Re ource Implication

-* :ethod of A e ment


TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

5* Conte't for A e ment

5*/ A e ment ma$ &e done in the (orkplace or in a imulated (orkplace etting Ca e ment center D 5*2 A e ment acti!itie are carried out through T732A) accredited a e ment center



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

U"IT O& COM,ETE"C-> OR)!"IBE %U ( COO(I") O,ER!TIO"S U"IT CO#E U"IT #ESCRI,TOR > TRS2'+/16 > Thi unit deal (ith the organi#ational proce re%uired to organi#e &ulk8cooking operation * It co!er tho e operation (here food i pro!ided to large num&er of people and (here food production $ tem are utili#ed rather than food &eing prepared in a la carte ituation* ,ER&ORM!"CE CRITERI!
Bold and italicized terms are ela=orated in the Range o9 @aria=les

E EME"T /* Plan kitchen operation for &ulk cooking

2* 9rgani#e production of &ulk cooking menu

/*/ Quantitie are determined and accuratel$ calculated according to recipe and pecification * /*2 @ood item are ordered in correct %uantitie for re%uirement * /*/ A mi e en place li t" (hich i clear" complete and appropriate to the ituation" i prepared for food e%uipment* /*4 A (ork chedule and (orkflo( plan i de igned for the rele!ant ection of kitchen to ma'imi#e team(ork and efficienc$* 2*/ 9peration and er!ice of order are organi#ed for the rele!ant ection of the kitchen to ena&le mooth (orkflo( and to minimi#e dela$ * 2*2 The e%uence of di he i controlled to ena&le mooth (orkflo( and minimi#e dela$ * 2*. Qualit$ control i e'erci ed in all tage of preparation (ith focu on de ign" e$e appeal and portion i#e* 2*4 Appropriate recei!ing" toring and cleaning procedure are e ta&li hed and correctl$ follo(ed* .*/ Appropriate food production systems are elected for &ulk cooking according to rele!ant factors# .*2 ppropriate equipment i identified to a i t production and cooking operation *

.* 3elect $ tem for &ulk cooking



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

E EME"T 4* + e preparation and cooking techni%ue appropriate to the &ulk cooking $ tem

Bold and italicized terms are ela=orated in the Range o9 @aria=les

4*/ :enu item " (hich are compati&le (ith the t$pe of $ tem cho en" are elected* 4*2 Specialty recipes are prepared and er!ed taking into account the t$pe of food er!ice $ tem* 4*. @ood i prepared u ing method (hich take into account the effect of different method of preparation on nutrition %ualit$ and tructure* 4*4 3$ tem and e%uipment are afel$ and h$gienicall$ u ed*



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

R!")E O& @!RI!% ES Thi unit applie to all ho pitalit$ and catering enterpri e (here food i prepared and er!ed uch a re taurant " hotel " clu& " cafeteria and other catering operation * The follo(ing e'planation identif$ ho( thi ma$ &e applied in different (orkplace " ector and circum tance * The election of food production $ tem refer to the election of $ tem alread$ in talled in an enterpri e* @!RI!% E /* @ood production $ tem R!")E

:a$ include &ut not limited to, /*/ @re h cook /*2 Cook8chill to fi!e da$ helf life /*. Cook8chill 8 e'tended life /*4 Cook8free#e 2* @actor affecting election of food :a$ include &ut not limited to, production $ tem 2*/ T$pe of food to &e prepared 2*2 Quantit$ of food 2*. Timeframe 2*4 Cu tomer re%uirement 2*- :enu t$pe 2*5 7nterpri e practice .* Appropriate e%uipment to a i t :a$ include &ut not limited to, cooking operation .*/ Recei!ing .*2 3torage .*. Preparation .*4 Cooking .*- Po t cooking toring .*5 Re8thermali#ation (here applica&le .*7 3er!ing 4* 3pecialt$ recipe :a$ include &ut not limited to, 4*/ recipe that are uni%uel$ prepared &$ the e ta&li hment 4*2 food that i popular in the e ta&li hment



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

E@I#E"CE )UI#E /* Critical a pect of Competenc$ A e ment re%uire e!idence that the candidate, /*/ 2emon trated a&ilit$ to produce &ulk food and maintain %ualit$ outcome * /*2 2emon trated a&ilit$ to prepare mi e en place according to e ta&li hed tandard procedure * /*. Applied afe (ork practice in relation to manual handling u e of e%uipment and heated urface * /*4 2emon trated kill in de igning (ork chedule and (orkflo( plan to ma'imi#e team(ork and efficienc$* /*- 2emon trated a&ilit$ to accuratel$ calculate and determine %uantitie for &ulk cooking* 2*/ Theor$ 2*/*/ Principle of Nutrition 2*/*2 @ood 3afet$ 2*/*. Quantit$ @ood Production 2*/*4 @ood Production 3$ tem 2*/*- Principle and practice of h$giene related to food production $ tem 2*2 7%uipment re%uirement for particular food production $ tem * 2*. Culinar$ term commonl$ u ed in the indu tr$ related to food production $ tem * 2*4 Rele!ant legi lation concerning occupational health and food afet$* .*/ 9rgani#ational kill and team(ork* .*2 3kill in afe (ork practice " in particular in relation to &ending and lifting" u ing e%uipment" contact (ith team and heated urface * .*. 1ogical and time efficient (orkflo(* .*4 Purcha ing" recei!ing" toring" holding and i uing procedure in relation to &ulk cooking* .*Co ting" $ield te ting" portion control in relation to &ulk cooking* The follo(ing re ource :+3T &e pro!ided, 4*/ A full$8e%uipped operational commercial kitchen Cincluding indu tr$8current e%uipmentD including full coordination of more than one &ulk cooking operation* 4*2 + e of real ingredient *

2* +nderpinning Fno(ledge

.* +nderpinning 3kill

4* Re ource 5 Implication



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

-* :ethod of A e ment

Competenc$ ma$ &e a e ed through, -*/ 7!aluation of report prepared &$ the candidate detailing the proce e u ed for an actual &ulk cooking operation including ke$ factor for ucce and le on to &e learned for future operation * -*2 2irect o& er!ation of the candidate u ing &ulk cooking e%uipment* -*. 3ampling of di he prepared a part of a &ulk cooking operation* -*4 9ral or (ritten %ue tion to a e kno(ledge of commoditie " techni%ue and feature of &ulk cooking operation to maintain %ualit$" torage" food h$giene* -*- Ca e tudie to a e a&ilit$ to create procedure and $ tem to different &ulk cooking ituation * -*5 Re!ie( of portfolio of e!idence and third part$ (orkplace report of on8the8?o& performance &$ the candidate*

5* Conte't for A e ment

5*/ A

e ment ma$ &e done in the (orkplace or in a imulated (orkplace etting Ca e ment center D 5*2 A e ment acti!itie are carried out through T732A) accredited a e ment center



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007


,RE,!RE ,!TES !"# TERRI"ES TRS2'+/17

> Thi unit deal (ith the peciali t kill and kno(ledge" kill " &eha!ior and moti!ation re%uired to prepare pate and terrine * ,ER&ORM!"CE CRITERI!
Bold and italicized terms are ela&orated in the Range of <aria&le


/* Prepare pate and terrine

2* Pre ent pate and terrine

.* 2e!elop ne( recipe

/*/ A range of pates and terrines are prepared according to tandard recipe * /*2 ppropriate ingredients are elected for production of pate and terrine * /*. 'ining of moulds for pate and terrine are prepared u ing uita&le ingredient * /*4 A range of &inding agent and proce e are u ed in the preparation of =asic 9orce.eat5 /*5 A range of pa trie uita&le for pate en croute are prepared and correctl$ handled to en ure high %ualit$ and attracti!e pre entation* /*7 "pecialized equipment and machinery for making pate and terrine are correctl$ and afel$ operated according to manufacturer) in truction * 2*/ Pate and terrine are attracti!el$ pre ented for !ariou u e including" &ut not limited to appeti#er " entree or &uffet * 2*/ Pate and terrine are appropriatel$ decorated gi!ing con ideration to contemporar$ ta te " color pre entation and e$e appeal* .*/ Recipe for pate and terrine are de!eloped u ing a range of uita&le product gi!ing con ideration to ta te and pre entation* .*2 Ne( recipe for pate and terrine are te ted for ta te" $ield and cu tomer acceptance*



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

R!")E O& @!RI!% ES Thi unit applie to all ho pitalit$ and catering enterpri e (here food i prepared and er!ed uch a re taurant " hotel " clu& " cafeteria and other catering operation * The follo(ing e'planation identif$ ho( thi ma$ &e applied in different (orkplace " ector and circum tance Pate and terrine refer to an$ edi&le food that ha &een ground or pureed to a pa te and et and>or &aked in a container or mould* The$ can &e made from a range of ingredient including meat " poultr$" game" eafood" fruit and !egeta&le * Terrine are generall$ of a coar er con i tenc$ than pate and are &aked in a pot Ca terrineD after (hich the$ are named* Pate en croute are pate or terrine that ha!e &een &aked in a pa tr$ ca ing* A !ariet$ of pate and terrine mu t &e made* The$ can either &e cla ical or modern" and !ar$ing in ethnic and cultural origin * A !ariet$ of ne( recipe for pate and terrine mu t al o &e produced* @!RI!% E /* Pate and terrine R!")E

:a$ include &ut not limited to preada&le pa te made from /*/ meat /*2 !egeta&le /*. fi h /*4 fruit 2* Appropriate ingredient for :a$ include &ut not limited to, making pate " pLtM en croute 2*/ 2air$ food and terrine 2*2 <egeta&le 2*. 9ffal" li!er 2*4 Poultr$ 2*- =ame 2*5 <eal" ham and port 2*7 @i h and hellfi h 2*6 @ilipino nati!e game" 2*0 @ruit and fruit product .* Appropriate ingredient for lining :a$ include &ut not limited to, mould .*/ Pork fat .*2 Pork caul .*. <egeta&le .*4 Pa tr$ .*- 3kin



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

4* Ba ic forcemeat

:a$ include &ut not limited to, 4*/ tuffing 4*2 mi'ture of ra( or cooked ingredient " chopped or minced or ground" u ed to tuff egg " fi h" poultr$" game" meat !egeta&le or pa ta* 4*. three main t$pe of forcemeat are tho e made (ith meat" game or poultr$ tho e made (ith fi h" tho e made (ith !egeta&le * -* 7%uipment for making pate and :a$ include &ut not limited to, terrine -*/ Bo(l cutter or food proce or -*2 @ood mill and &lender -*. :incer



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

E@I#E"CE )UI#E /* Critical a pect of Competenc$ A e ment re%uire e!idence that the candidate, /*/ 7'plained and de cri&ed in detail the different product commoditie uita&le for pate and terrine * /*2 2emon trated e'perti e in preparing pate and terrine to meet enterpri e tandard * /*. 2emon trated kill in pre enting pate and terrine profe ionall$* /*4 2emon trated a&ilit$ in de!eloping ne( recipe for pate and terrine * /*- Applied afe and h$gienic practice in handling and toring of pate and terrine * 2*/ Ingredient uita&le for making pate and terrine and their characteri tic * 2*2 9utcome of the !ariou &inding agent and proce e u ed in the preparation of pate and terrine * 2*. Culinar$ term related to pate and terrine commonl$ u ed in the indu tr$* 2*4 Principle of nutrition" in particular" the food !alue of pate and terrine and the effect of cooking on the nutritional !alue of food* .*/ Pre entation of kill for pate and terrine including pa tr$ decoration" gla#ing" la$ering of ingredient " preci ion cutting and arranging* .*2 3afe (ork practice " in particular in relation to u ing chopping and mincing e%uipment* .*. ;$giene re%uirement particularl$ relating to po i&le &acterial poilage in the preparation" torage and er!ice of pate and terrine product * .*4 1ogical and time efficient (orkflo(* The follo(ing re ource :+3T &e pro!ided, 4*/ 2emon tration of kill in making multiple t$pe of pate and terrine (ithin a full$ e%uipped operational commercial kitchen Cincluding indu tr$8current e%uipmentD 4*2 + e of a range of real ingredient uita&le for making pate and terrine * 4*. Preparation of pate and terrine (ithin commerciall$ reali tic time con traint *

2* +nderpinning Fno(ledge

.* +nderpinning kill

4* Re ource 6 Implication



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

-* :ethod of 7 A e ment

Competenc$ ma$ &e a e ed through, -*/ 2irect o& er!ation of the candidate u ing techni%ue to prepare pate and terrine * -*2 3ampling of pate and terrine " cooker$ techni%ue " e%uipment and food h$giene* -*. Re!ie( of portfolio of e!idence and third part$ (orkplace report of on8the8?o& performance &$ the candidate* 5*/ A e ment ma$ &e done in the (orkplace or in imulated (orkplace etting Ca e ment center D 5*2 A e ment acti!itie are carried out through T732A) accredited a e ment center

-* Conte't for A e ment



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007


, !", ,RE,!RE !"# #IS, !- %U&&ET

> TRS2'+/13 > Thi unit deal (ith the ad!anced kill and kno(ledge re%uired to de ign" plan" prepare and di pla$ a &uffet creati!el$* ,ER&ORM!"CE CRITERI!
Bold and italicized terms are ela=orated in the Range o9 @aria=les

E EME"T /* Plan and de ign a &uffet

2* Prepare for the &uffet

/*/ Total concept" food item and di pla$ are de igned a re%uired" in con ultation (ith cu tomer and other rele!ant per onnel* /*2 Buffet are planned according to the re%uired theme or occasion" in con ultation (ith cu tomer and other rele!ant per onnel* /*. An appropriate range and %uantit$ of food item are elected and organi#ed gi!ing con ideration to %ualit$ and price according to the enterpri e or customer requirements# 2*/ Appropriate er!ice e%uipment" er!ice (are and linen are elected to di pla$ food and decoration * 2*2 Ta&le and er!ice point are planned and arranged o the$ are uita&le for &uffet di pla$ and er!ice according to e ta&li hment re%uirement " occa ion and efficient afe cu tomer> taff acce i&ilit$* 2*. @ood pre entation i prepared or organi#ed (ith arti tic flair and according to e ta&li hment tandard or cu tomer re%uirement * 2*4 Appropriate and attracti!e decorations and centerpieces are elected and prepared or organi#ed a re%uired* 2*- All preparation and arrangement for &uffet are coordinated to all concerned individuals# .*/ @ood item are di pla$ed (ith a en e of arti tr$ to create cu tomer appeal* .*2 =arni he and accompaniment are u ed to enhance ta te and appeal* .*. Buffet er!ice i uper!i ed to en ure that food item are repleni hed and that the total di pla$ remain neat and attracti!e* 5.
Promulgated April 2007

.* 2i pla$ food item *


TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

E EME"T 4* Pre ent &uffet in a afe and h$gienic manner

Bold and italicized terms are ela=orated in the Range o9 @aria=les

4*/ Potential health pro&lem through cro 8 contamination and food poilage are identified and appropriate pre!enti!e mea ure are taken to eliminate the e ri k * 4*2 @ood on di pla$ i kept at temperature le!el a pre cri&ed &$ legi lation*



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

R!")E O& @!RI!% ES Thi unit applie to all ho pitalit$ and catering enterpri e (here food i prepared and er!ed uch a re taurant " hotel " clu& " cafeteria and other catering operation * The follo(ing e'planation identif$ ho( thi ma$ &e applied in different (orkplace " ector and circum tance * Buffet ma$ &e a ociated (ith !ariou occa ion and ituation * The$ ma$ &e indoor or outdoor * @!RI!% E /* <ariou occa ion R!")E :a$ include &ut not limited to, /*/ @unction /*2 Partie /*. 3pecial cele&ration /*4 Breakfa t /*- 1unch /*5 2inner :a$ include &ut not limited to, 2*/ 3election of appropriate food and food item 2*2 Ta&le arrangement 2*. 3er!ice e%uipment 2*4 1inen 2*- 2ecoration 2*5 Candle and lighting 2*7 Centerpiece :a$ include &ut not limited to, .*/ @ruit .*2 <egeta&le .*. @lo(er and plant .*4 3alt .*Ice .*5 Bread .*7 Chocolate .*6 3ugar .*0 2ecorated cake and di pla$ cake .*/0 :argarine :a$ include &ut not limited to, 4*/ Cu tomer >Client or 9rgani#er 4*2 3uper!i or and manager 4*. 2i pla$ arti t and decoration (hole aler 4*4 Interior de igner and decorator 4*9ther cook and chef 4*5 3er!ice taff 5-

2* Cu tomer re%uirement

.* 2ecoration and centerpiece

4* Concerned indi!idual


TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

E@I#E"CE )UI#E A e ment re%uire e!idence that the candidate, /*/ 2emon trated kill to plan and de ign the total concept of a &uffet* /*2 2emon trated the a&ilit$ to organi#e and plan &uffet arrangement including efficient (orkflo(" er!ice and ph$ ical la$out* /*. 2emon trated a&ilit$ to coordinate detail of the &uffet arrangement to all concerned partie * /*4 2emon trated killfulne in food pre entation and garni hing* /*- 9& er!ed and applied afe and h$gienic practice in food preparation" er!ice and torage of food # 2* +nderpinning 2*/ The de ign proce e for &uffet including, Fno(ledge Balance of di h t$pe Nutritional con ideration Color and t$le Appropriatene of food item for &uffet 9perational con traint * Co ting i ue 2*2 1egi lation on food afet$ related to er!ice of food for &uffet* .* +nderpinning .*/ Arti tic kill and creati!it$ relating to de ign and 3kill pre entation of &uffet * .*2 Techni%ue for the attracti!e pre entation and di pla$ of food" centerpiece and decoration * .*. Principle and practice of h$giene" particularl$ related to i ue urrounding &uffet er!ice* .*4 1ogical and time efficient (orkflo(* .*- Aa te minimi#ation techni%ue and en!ironmental con ideration * 4* Re ource The follo(ing re ource :+3T &e pro!ided, Implication 4*/ @ull$ e%uipped kitchen 4*2 Ingredient in the preparation of the pate " terrine and forced meat 4*. +ten il and kitchen tool to prepare the product 4*4 Pro?ect or (ork acti!itie that allo( the candidate to plan and coordinate the actual operation of a &uffet* -* :ethod of Competenc$ ma$ &e a e ed through, A e ment -*/ 7!aluation of a &uffet Ccontent and pre entationD planned and coordinated &$ the candidate* -*2 9ral or (ritten %ue tion to a e kno(ledge of &uffet de ign i ue and option * -*. Re!ie( of portfolio of e!idence and third part$ (orkplace report of on8the8?o& performance &$ the candidate* ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 55
TR Commercial Cooking NCIII Promulgated April 2007

/* Critical a pect of 8 Competenc$

5* Conte't for A e ment

5*/ A e ment ma$ &e done in the (orkplace or in imulated (orkplace etting Ca e ment center D 5*2 A e ment acti!itie are carried out through T732A) accredited a e ment center



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007


SE ECT, ,RE,!RE !"# SER@E S,ECI! IBE# &OO# ITEMS TRS2'+/24 Thi unit deal (ith the kill and kno(ledge re%uired to plan" prepare and pre ent food item at an ad!anced and peciali#ed le!el" u ing a !ariet$ of non8 tandard food item and the related peciali#ed techni%ue * It co!er the preparation and er!ice of pecialt$ cui ine a part of a general menu a (ell tho e offered &$ enterpri e (hich peciali#e in particular menu item * ,ER&ORM!"CE CRITERI!
Bold and italicized terms are ela&orated in the Range of <aria&le


/* 3elect peciali#ed food item

/*/ 3uita&le upplier of specialized food items are ourced a re%uired* /*2 3upplier are elected taking into con ideration the %ualit$ and price of product and enterpri e re%uirement * /*. Appropriate purcha ing and torage procedure are practiced to minimi#e (a tage* 2*/ 3peciali#ed menu and menu item are planned to meet enterpri e and cu tomer re%uirement and appropriate &alance or integration (ith other item i achie!ed* 2"2 :enu or promotional strategies are de!eloped to incorporate or focu on peciali#ed food item * 2*2 :enu item are priced to achie!e ati factor$ profit le!el and ati f$ enterpri e re%uirement * 2*. 3ea onal a!aila&ilit$ i taken into account (hen de!eloping menu and promotional trategie * 2*4 Ne( menu item or di he are created u ing peciali#ed food and taking into con ideration the characteri tic of !arietie of food item " eating characteri tic and ta te*

2* Plan menu and>or promotional trategie



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007


Bold and italicized terms are ela&orated in the Range of <aria&le

.* Prepare and pre ent Cdi he u ingD peciali#ed food item

4* Implement h$gienic and afe practice

.*/ 3peciali#ed food item are prepared en uring appropriate fla!or com&ination " ae thetic characteri tic and ta te* .*2 2i he are cooked in a !ariet$ of t$le a re%uired &$ the menu" enterpri e" cu tomer preference * .*. @ood item are appropriatel$ pre ented to ma'imi#e appeal* .*4 @ood are pre er!ed (here appropriate" u ing uita&le techni%ue * 4*/ Potential h$giene and afet$ pro&lem are identified and appropriate preventative measures are taken to eliminate ri k in the preparation of peciali#ed food item * 4*2 3peciali#ed food item are tored h$gienicall$ and correctl$*



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

R!")E O& @!RI!% ES

Thi unit applie to all ho pitalit$ and catering enterpri e (here food i prepared and er!ed uch a re taurant " hotel " clu& " cafeteria and other catering operation * The follo(ing e'planation identif$ ho( thi ma$ &e applied in different (orkplace " ector and circum tance * @!RI!% E /* 3peciali#ed food item R!")E :a$ include &ut not limited to, /*/ :eat " poultr$" and game other than lam&" &eef" pork and chicken* /*2 9ffal and peciali t meat product /*. +nu ual fi h" hellfi h and other food from ea or fre h (ater* /*4 Aromatic " fla!oring " pice and her& * /*- 3eed and nut /*5 @ungi /*7 Pre er!e " condiment and accompaniment /*6 Commoditie from ethnic cui ine and cultural tradition uch a :e'ican" A ian" :iddle 7a t /*0 @ruit " !egeta&le " flo(er and alad item /*/0 A%uatic plant uch a ea(eed /*// 3peciali t chee e and dair$ product /*/2 Bu h food and nati!e Philippine ingredient /*/. 3peciali t cake " pa trie " &read" de ert " pre er!e and (eet :a$ include &ut not limited to, 2*/ :enu 2*2 J pecial H li t 2*. &lack&oard 2*4 flier and pamphlet 2*2 media relea e :a$ include &ut not limited to, .*/ :arinating" coating .*2 Tenderi#ing .*. ;anging of meat" poultr$ and game .*4 Pre er!ing, 2r$ing" alting" pickling" moking Chot and coldD .*- Techni%ue uch a cooking on alt" u ing pecial o!en and cooking uten il .*5 7arth o!en cooking

2* Promotional 3trategie

.* 3peciali#ed preparation and cooking



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

@!RI!% E 4* Pre!entati!e mea ure

R!")E :a$ include &ut not limited to, 4*/ Identif$ing and di carding poi onou or non8 edi&le part of food item * 4*2 3afe handling of food item (ith potential for in?ur$" uch a pine and thorn 4*. + ing particular cooking techni%ue to ma'imi#e %ualit$ and appeal 4*4 3afe and h$gienic operation of food preparation e%uipment*



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

E@I#E"CE )UI#E /* Critical a pect of 9 Competenc$ A e ment re%uire e!idence that the candidate, /*/ 2emon trated a&ilit$ in electing appropriate cooking method to peciali#ed food product * /*2 2emon trated a&ilit$ to plan peciali#ed menu and menu item * /*. 2emon trated kill in preparing and pre enting peciali#ed food item * 2*/ :enu Planning 2*2 3peciali#ed food item 2*. Purcha ing 2*4 Preparing" cooking and toring peciali#ed food item * 2*- Culinar$ term u ed to de cri&e peciali#ed item and e%uipment* 2*5 ;i tor$ and ignificance of peciali#ed food item * .*/ Ad!anced and>or peciali#ed preparation and cooking techni%ue * .*2 Purcha ing and torage of peciali t food item * The follo(ing re ource :+3T &e pro!ided, 4*/ 2emon tration of kill (ithin a uita&l$ e%uipped food preparation area Ci*e* en!ironment uited to the item in %ue tionD* 4*2 + e of a !ariet$ of peciali#ed food item * 4*. Preparation of peciali#ed menu item (ithin t$pical (orkplace time con traint * Competenc$ ma$ &e a e ed through, -*/ 2irect o& er!ation of the candidate preparing peciali#ed food item * -*2 Ca e tudie to a e a&ilit$ to ugge t and prepare peciali#ed food in re pon e to particular need * -*. 3ampling of food item prepared &$ the candidate* -*4 Aritten or oral %ue tion to te t kno(ledge of peciali#ed food item * -*- Re!ie( of portfolio of e!idence and third part$ (orkplace report of on8the8?o& performance &$ the candidate* 5*/ 5*2 A e ment ma$ &e done in the (orkplace or in a imulated (orkplace etting Ca e ment center D A e ment acti!itie are carried out through T732A) accredited a e ment center

2* +nderpinning Fno(ledge

.* +nderpinning kill 4* Re ource Implication

-* :ethod of A e ment

5* Conte't for A e ment



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007


SE ECT, ,RE,!RE !"# SER@E S,ECI! TCUISI"ES TRS2'+/2' Thi unit deal (ith the kill and kno(ledge re%uired in the preparation and er!ice of a range of peciali#ed item offered &$ enterpri e (hich peciali#e in particular cui ine t$le* ,ER&ORM!"CE CRITERI!
Bold and italicized terms are ela&orated in the Range of <aria&le


/* Plan peciali#ed cui ine


Authentic menu and menu item are planned for a specialized cuisine to meet enterpri e and cu tomer re%uirement * /*2 3ea onalit$ and general a!aila&ilit$ of ingredient are taken into account (hen de!eloping menu and choo ing menu item * /*4 :enu item are priced to achie!ed ati factor$ profit le!el and ati f$ enterpri e re%uirement * /*- :enu and promotional material are de!eloped to focu on menu item (ithin a peciali#ed cui ine* /*5 ()cor and setting are planned according to peciali#ed cui ine" cultural con ideration and enterpri e focu * /*7 Price menu item to achie!e ati factor$ profit le!el and ati f$ enterpri e re%uirement * /*6 2e!elop menu or promotional material to focu on menu item (ithin a peciali#ed cui ine* /*0 Plan dMcor and etting according to peciali#ed cui ine" cultural con ideration and enterpri e focu * 2*/

3elect menu item (hich are appropriate to the cui ine t$le " taking into con ideration %ualit$" price" ea onal a!aila&ilit$ and enterpri e re%uirement * 2*2 3ource uita&le upplier of tandard and peciali#ed food item re%uired* 2*. 3elect upplier according to %ualit$" price and enterpri e re%uirement * 2*4 :inimi#e (a tage through appropriate purcha e and torage" taking into account an$ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7.
TR Commercial Cooking NCIII Promulgated April 2007

2* 3elect and purcha e food for menu item *


Bold and italicized terms are ela&orated in the Range of <aria&le

.* 3elect and u e e%uipment and techni%ue for preparation" cooking and er!ice

.*/ .*2 .*.

4* Prepare" cook and er!e a range of menu item


4*2 4*. 4*4 -* Implement afe and h$gienic practice -*/


pecial re%uirement * Identif$ and u e specialized utensils" and cooking e%uipment to produce authentic menu item * + e appropriate pre entation method and uten il " according to the t$le and re%uirement of the cui ine* 3et and decorate ta&le according to cui ine and enterpri e re%uirement * Prepare and cook a range of authentic menu item " t$pical of a peciali#ed cui ine" u ing preparation" cooker$ and er!ice techni%ue in keeping (ith the cui ine t$le * 9& er!e tep " cultural requirements and ma*or issues in the preparation" cooking and er!ice or peciali#ed cui ine * Prepare appropriate accompaniments and garni he re%uired for pecific menu item * 3er!e menu item in correct e%uence" u ing appropriate accompaniment and garni he * Identif$ potential h$giene and afet$ pro&lem and take appropriate pre!entati!e mea ure to eliminate ri k in producing peciali#ed cui ine * 3tore food correctl$ according to health regulation *



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

R!")E O& @!RI!% ES Thi unit applie to all ho pitalit$ and catering enterpri e (here food i prepared and er!ed uch a re taurant " hotel " clu& " cafeteria and other catering operation * The follo(ing e'planation identif$ ho( thi ma$ &e applied in different (orkplace " ector and circum tance * 2epending on the enterpri e or the conte't" a range of authentic menu item mu t &e produced (ithin a cui ine t$le" co!ering !ariou categorie of food uch a nack " appeti#er " main cour e " palate fre hener " de ert and drink * @!RI!% E /* 3peciali#ed cui ine R!")E :a$ include &ut not limited to, /*/ 3pecialt$ or ethnic /*2 Cla ical /*. Contemporar$ /*4 National or regional /*- <egetarian cui ine :a$ include &ut not limited to, 2*/ @urni hing and fitting 2*2 Color cheme 2*. 1ighting 2*4 2ecoration 2*- 1i!e or mu ic 2*5 2i pla$ of art(ork :a$ include &ut not limited to, .*/ +ten il for preparation" cooking" pre entation" er!ice and eating* .*2 9!en uch a tandoor " (ood8fired" earth .*. 3moking e%uipment .*4 @inger &o(l .*- Napkin :a$ include &ut not limited to, 4*/ :arinade and marinating 4*2 Com&ination of pice and other ingredient " pro!iding authentic fla!oring " color and te'ture * 4*. ;anging and dre ing of meat" poultr$ and game 4*4 Pre er!ing eg* 2r$ing" alting" pickling" moking 4*- Techni%ue uch a cooking in alt" lea!e " paper and &ark* 7-

2* 2Mcor and etting

.* 3peciali#ed uten il

4* Preparation method


TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

@!RI!% E 5* Cultural re%uirement and ma?or i ue

R!")E :a$ include &ut not limited to, 5*/ Prohi&ition " anction and re%uirement related to food item including food t$pe " com&ination " origin " handling" preparation" cooking and er!ing* 5*2 Con ideration of re%uired ritual related to laughter and preparation* 5*. Cultural con ideration uch a com&ination of food " er!ing e%uence" choice * 5*4 Re%uired temperature for different food item * 5*- Ta&le height" orientation and eating* 5*5 Ta&le decoration and etting 5*7 3pecial fea t" national and other cele&rator$ da$ * :a$ include &ut not limited to, 7*/ 3auce and dre ing 7*2 Condiment 7*. Bread 7*4 2rink 7*- 3taple uch a rice" cou cou " noodle

7* Appropriate accompaniment



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

E@I#E"CE )UI#E /* Critical a pect of 10 Competenc$ A e ment re%uire e!idence that the candidate, /*/ 2emon trated a&ilit$ to prepare and pre ent a !ariet$ of menu item (ithin a peciali#ed cui ine* /*2 2etailed under tanding of the cultural dimen ion of a peciali#ed cui ine* Cultural and hi torical &ackground to the rele!ant cui ine including traditional etting " fe ti!al " ingredient " regional !ariation " religiou and cultural cu tom " tradition and anction * 2*2 The effect of method of preparation and cooking on the fla!or and appearance of menu item in a peciali#ed cui ine* 2*. Culinar$ term u ed to de cri&e peciali#ed menu item and e%uipment* .*/ Ad!anced preparation and cooking techni%ue u ed in peciali#ed cui ine* .*2 Principle and practice of h$giene* .*. 3afe (ork practice * The follo(ing re ource :+3T &e pro!ided, 4*/ + e of a (ide range of uita&le ingredient for making a !ariet$ of menu item (ithin a peciali#ed cui ine* 4*2 2emon tration of kill (ithin a full$ e%uipped operational commercial kitchen Cincluding indu tr$8 current and an$ peciali#ed e%uipmentD and on more than one occa ion* 4*. Indu tr$8reali tic ratio of kitchen taff to cu tomer * 4*4 Preparation of menu item for cu tomer (ithin t$pical (orkplace time con traint * Competenc$ ma$ &e a e ed through, -*/ 2irect o& er!ation of the candidate preparing and cooking food item for a peciali#ed cui ine* -*2 3ampling of food item prepared &$ the candidate* -*. Ca e tudie to plan and prepare item from a peciali#ed cui ine to meet particular need * -*4 Aritten or oral %ue tion to te t kno(ledge of menu item in a peciali#ed cui ine* -*- Re!ie( of portfolio of e!idence and third part$ (orkplace report of on8the8?o& performance &$ the candidate* 2*/

2* +nderpinning Fno(ledge

.* +nderpinning 3kill

4* Re ource Implication

-* :ethod of A e ment



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

5* Conte't for A e ment

5*/ 5*2

A e ment ma$ &e done in the (orkplace or in a imulated (orkplace etting Ca e ment center D A e ment acti!itie are carried out through T732A) accredited a e ment center



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

U"IT O& COM,ETE"C-> MO"ITOR C!TERI") RE@E"UE !"# COSTS U"IT CO#E U"IT #ESCRI,TOR > TRS2'+/2+ > Thi unit deal (ith the kill and kno(ledge re%uired to e ta&li h and monitor the co t in!ol!ed in operating a food er!ice operation* ,ER&ORM!"CE CRITERI!
Bold and italicized terms are ela&orated in the Range of <aria&le


/* 7 ta&li h and maintain purcha ing and ordering $ tem


/*2 /*. 2* 7 ta&li h and maintain a financial control $ tem 2*/ 2*2 2*. .* :aintain a production control $ tem .*/ .*2 .*. 4* 3elect and utili#e technolog$ 4*/ 4*2

Appropriate &a ic $ tem for purcha ing and ordering are e ta&li hed and implemented to ma'imi#e %ualit$ and minimi#e co t and (a tage* 3$ tem for toring food item are e ta&li hed and maintained to a!oid deterioration" (a tage" theft and poilage* 3tock record are $ tematicall$ and regularl$ updated follo(ing e ta&li hed tandard operational procedure * 2epartmental and operational income tatement are prepared a per e ta&li hed tandard operational procedure * Budget foreca t are determined (ithin defined fi cal period and an$ !ariation are ade%uatel$ e'plained* @inancial record updated and effecti!el$ utili#ed* @ood control and production chedule are de!eloped and maintained to ma'imi#e efficienc$ and minimi#e (a te* Aork flo( and taff ro tering i de igned to minimi#e unit la&or co t* 2ail$ ale are accuratel$ monitored to make timel$ ad?u tment to menu to reflect cu tomer preference * ppropriate computer systems and &u ine machine are elected and utili#ed for ea e and efficienc$* ppropriately soft+are i elected according to the need of the e ta&li hment*



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

R!")E O& @!RI!% ES Thi unit applie to all ho pitalit$ and catering enterpri e (here food i prepared and er!ed uch a re taurant " hotel " clu& " cafeteria and other catering operation * The follo(ing e'planation identif$ ho( thi ma$ &e applied in different (orkplace " ector and circum tance * Control $ tem ma$ &e computeri#ed or manual and ma$ co!er tock control" on8 line purcha ing" income and e'penditure and ummar$ report of u age* @!RI!% E /* Appropriate computer $ tem 11 and &u ine machine R!")E :a$ include &ut not limited to,, /*/ Point of ale $ tem uch a ca h regi ter * /*2 Integrated computer8&a ed $ tem /*. Calculator /*4 @a' machine :a$ include &ut not limited to,, 2*/ 3pread heet 2*2 Accounting 2*. 2ata&a e 2*4 @inancial planning and tracking 2*- 3tock control 2*5 Ro tering 2*7 3cheduling and production

2* Appropriate oft(are



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

E@I#E"CE )UI#E /* Critical a pect of Competenc$ A e ment re%uire e!idence that the candidate, /*/ 2emon trated a&ilit$ to de!elop and maintain an efficient co t control and monitoring $ tem (ithin a commercial cooker$ en!ironment* /*2 2emon trated kno(ledge of financial $ tem rele!ant to kitchen operation * /*. 2emon trated a&ilit$ to et up a food production $ tem linked to co t and re!enue control $ tem and target * 2*/ The role of the kitchen a a profit center (ithin an o!erall &u ine * 2*2 In!entor$ and tock control $ tem u ed in commercial kitchen * .*/ T$pical record keeping and accounting $ tem u ed in commercial kitchen " their feature and &enefit * .*2 Purcha ing" recei!ing" toring" holding and i uing procedure * .*. Co ting" $ield te ting" portion control .*4 9rgani#ational kill and team(ork* The follo(ing re ource :+3T &e pro!ided, 4*/ Pro?ect or (ork acti!itie conducted o!er a period of time that allo( the candidate to e ta&li h and maintain $ tem for a nominated commercial cooker$ or catering (orkplace* Competenc$ ma$ &e a e ed through, -*/ Re!ie( of food production" co t and re!enue control $ tem e ta&li hed and monitored &$ the candidate* -*2 9ral or (ritten %ue tion a&out t$pical $ tem and their &enefit * -*. Aritten and oral %ue tion to te t kno(ledge of food" co t and re!enue control $ tem and option * -*4 Re!ie( of portfolio of e!idence and third part$ (orkplace report of on8the8?o& performance &$ the candidate* -*- Ca e tudie to a e a&ilit$ to e ta&li h $ tem for different (orkplace need * 5*/ A e ment ma$ &e done in the (orkplace or in a imulated (orkplace etting Ca e ment center D 5*2 A e ment acti!itie are carried out through T732A) accredited a e ment center

2* +nderpinning Fno(ledge .* +nderpinning 3kill

4* Re ource 12 Implication

-* :ethod of 13 A e ment

5* Conte't for A e ment



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

U"IT O& COM,ETE"C-> EST!% ISH !"# M!I"T!I" *U! IT- CO"TRO U"IT CO#E U"IT #ESCRI,TOR > TRS2'+/2/ > Thi unit deal (ith the kno(ledge and kill re%uired to en ure that high tandard of food %ualit$ are e ta&li hed and maintained in a commercial kitchen en!ironment* The e ta k are generall$ undertaken &$ a %ualified cook or chef (ho al o ha ome uper!i or$ re pon i&ilitie * ,ER&ORM!"CE CRITERI!
Bold and italicized terms are ela&orated in the Range of <aria&le


/* 7 ta&li h and implement procedure for %ualit$ control

2* :onitor and ol!e %ualit$ related pro&lem

/*/ Appropriate procedure are applied to en ure the %ualit$ of menu item (ith regard to, Ra( material Cooking proce e Portion control Pre entation /*2 Product and er!ice are en ured con i tent (ith enterpri e re%uirement * /*. @ood item are en ured to match menu de cription * 2*/ Procedures are applied to monitor %ualit$ including, 9& er!ation @ormal audit and re!ie( Ta ting 3eeking feed&ack 2*2 Pro&lem related to %ualit$ control of food are identified and ol!ed according to e ta&li hed tandard operating procedure * *



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

R!")E O& @!RI!% ES Thi unit applie to all ho pitalit$ and catering enterpri e (here food i prepared and er!ed uch a re taurant " hotel " clu& " cafeteria and other catering operation * The follo(ing e'planation identif$ ho( thi ma$ &e applied in different (orkplace " ector and circum tance * Qualit$ procedure ma$ &e manual or computer8&a ed* Qualit$ data ma$ &e collected o!er different time8frame " according to enterpri e re%uirement and practice* @!RI!% E /* Qualit$ procedure R!")E :a$ include &ut not limited to, /*/ @ormal audit again t enterpri e %ualit$ tandard and re%uirement * /*2 @eed&ack from colleague and cu tomer /*. Re!ie( of co t and re!enue :a$ include &ut not limited to, 2*/ :anual 2*2 Computer8&a ed .*/ 7nterpri e re%uirement .*2 practice

2* T$pe of %ualit$ procedure .* Qualit$ data



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

E@I#E"CE )UI#E /* Critical a pect of Competenc$ A e ment re%uire e!idence that the candidate, /*/ 2emon trated a&ilit$ to e ta&li h" implement and maintain %ualit$ control $ tem in a commercial kitchen* /*2 2emon trated kno(ledge of %ualit$ $ tem and option uita&le for a commercial cooker$ or catering enterpri e* 2*/ 2*2 2*. .* +nderpinning kill The role of %ualit$ control in the kitchen and it link to o!erall &u ine performance and profita&ilit$* @eature and &enefit of different %ualit$ control mechani m u ed in commercial kitchen * Fe$ area for monitoring %ualit$*

2* +nderpinning Fno(ledge

.*/ Qualit$ control $ tem .*/*/ I39 000/ .*/*2 I39 /400/ .*/*. ;ACCP .*/*4 -3 The follo(ing re ource :+3T &e pro!ided, 4*/ Acce to a commercial cooker$ or catering (ork en!ironment* 4*2 Pro?ect or (ork acti!itie that are conducted o!er a period of time and (hich allo( the candidate to e ta&li h and implement %ualit$ control $ tem (ithin a real (ork en!ironment* Competenc$ ma$ &e a e ed through, -*/ Re!ie( of documentation related to %ualit$ $ tem " including policie and procedure " audit ummarie and report prepared &$ the candidate* -*2 7!aluation of food %ualit$ in a (ork en!ironment (here the candidate i re pon i&le for %ualit$ control* -*. Aritten or oral %ue tion a&out cho en $ tem and rea oning* -*4 Re!ie( of portfolio of e!idence and third part$ (orkplace report of on8the8?o& performance &$ the candidate* 5*/ A e ment ma$ &e done in the (orkplace or in a imulated (orkplace etting Ca e ment center D 5*2 A e ment acti!itie are carried out through T732A) accredited a e ment center

4* Re ource 14 Implication

-* :ethod of A e ment

5* Conte't for A e ment



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007


!,, - COO(0CHI ,ROCESSES TRS2'+/21


Thi unit applie to the planned proce of food preparation" cooking" chilling" free#ing" torage" tha(ing and re8thermali#ation of food &$ to en ure micro&iological afet$ and palata&ilit$* ,ER&ORM!"CE CRITERI!
Bold and italicized terms are ela&orated in the Range of <aria&le


/* 7n ure good recei!ed conform to the appropriate food h$giene and health tandard

/*/ /*2 /*. /*4 /*-

/*5 2* Prepare and cook food to meet indu tr$ afet$ tandard 2*/ 2*2 2*. 2*4 2*-

2eli!ered good are checked to en ure correct %uantitie " accepta&le u e8&$ date and temperature* Temperature check re ult are recorded according to enterpri e procedure * 3tock i mo!ed %uickl$ to free#er torage" en uring that free#er door are not left open for e'tended period of time* @ree#er temperature are checked and recorded dail$" according to enterpri e procedure * Breache of e ta&li hed enterpri e tandard and procedure concerning receipt of good " temperature check " and tock %ualit$ are reported follo(ing re%uired enterpri e procedure * 3tock i rotated on a Jfir t in8fir t outH &a i to en ure con umption &$ u e8&$ date and a!oid (a tage* Ra( food and ingredient are checked for potential deterioration prior to preparation* ,ood i cooked to pecified internal temperature * :icro&iological and chemical change are kept (ithin afe tolerance * Qualit$ of food i maintained at the optimum le!el in term of ta te and appearance* @ood i portioned and packaged follo(ing re%uired procedure and u ing correct container for free#ing (here nece ar$*



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007


Bold and italicized terms are ela&orated in the Range of <aria&le

.* Chill cooked food

.*/ Time and temperature tandard are met for &la t and (ater8&ath chilling* .*2 @ood %ualit$ i maintained throughout the chilling proce * 4*/ @ood i fro#en in accordance (ith appropriate food afet$ tandard * 4*2 @ood i fro#en in &atche " in accordance (ith enterpri e procedure " allo(ing each free#ing c$cle to &e completed*

4* @ree#e cooked food

-*/ Time and temperature tandard are met for torage* -*2 3poilage i minimi#ed* -*. Appropriate container are elected for torage* -*4 Correct and clear la&eling i en ured* -*- Place food item in appropriate torage once the cook8chill or free#ing c$cle i complete* -*5 Correct torage temperature are maintained* -*7 3torage temperature are monitored and recorded accuratel$* 5* 2i tri&ute cook8chill>fro#en 5*/ Ahere nece ar$" food from production kitchen product to outlet i tran ported &$ refrigerated or in ulated container * 5*2 3afe handling of food i maintained throughout the di tri&ution c$cle* 5*. Temperature le!el are checked and recorded at di patch and recei!ing* 7* Prepare fro#en food for 7*/ Re%uired food item i remo!ed from the free#er reheating and appropriate methods for tha+ing are u ed in accordance (ith enterpri e procedure and food afet$ re%uirement * 7*2 Tra$ are paced to permit air circulation* 7*. Product i tha(ed to 084oC (ithin 24 hour * 7*4 @ood i afel$ tran ported to the point of production and er!ice" maintaining correct temperature * 6* Re8thermali#e CreheatD food 6*/ 9!en i pre8heated to re%uired temperature in product accordance (ith enterpri e procedure and food afet$ tandard * 6*2 @ood product i appropriatel$ prepared for reheating* 6*. Re8heating container are paced to allo( air ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 65
TR Commercial Cooking NCIII Promulgated April 2007

-* 3tore cooked food under refrigeration


Bold and italicized terms are ela&orated in the Range of <aria&le

0* :aintain and er!e re8heated food

flo(* 6*4 !ethermalization or re-heating procedures are follo(ed in accordance (ith manufacturer) recommendation " o!en t$pe" loading procedure and other e ta&li hed procedure of the enterpri e* 6*- Product temperature i checked and recorded in accordance (ith enterpri e procedure * 6*5 Thermometer are cleaned &et(een temperature check of each food item* 6*7 @ull$ fro#en food i reheated (here re%uired in emergencie " in accordance (ith enterpri e procedure and food afet$ tandard * 0*/ Re8heated food i afel$ tran ferred to heated &ain8marie* 0*2 @ood temperature i maintained at 70oC* 0*. Aarm holding are minimi#ed* 0*4 Portion control and er!ing procedure of the enterpri e are follo(ed* 0*- @ood item are er!ed or deli!ered at temperature (hich compl$ (ith food afet$ tandard " enterpri e polic$ and client preference *



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

R!")E O& @!RI!% ES Thi unit applie to all ho pitalit$ and catering operation (here food and related er!ice are pro!ided uch a hotel and re taurant " cafeteria " kio k " canteen " cafe " educational in titution " health e ta&li hment " defen e force " correcti!e er!ice " re idential catering" in8flight and other tran port catering" e!ent catering and pri!ate catering Thi unit applie to the food production &$ cook8chill8free#e method either in an enterpri e (orkplace or in a centrali#ed production kitchen* ;a#ard Anal$ i and Critical Control Point C;ACCPD i a food afet$ program (hich i commonl$ u ed in the food and ho pitalit$ indu tr$ to en ure food and production method are afe and h$gienic and compl$ (ith food regulation and legi lation* The $ tem identifie particular high8ri k point (hich need to &e co!ered &$ clear policie " procedure and %ualit$ check * It i a re%uirement in mo t 1=+) that all enterpri e (here food i either produced or er!ed" ha!e in place a food afet$ plan" (hich i u uall$ &a ed on ;ACCP &ut ma$ al o ma$ &e &a ed on another $ tem* @!RI!% E /* @ood SCO,E :a$ include &ut not limited to, /*/ Bulk food /*2 Plated meal /*. 3ou 8!ide product /*4 :eal 8on8(heel /*- Take8a(a$ meal :a$ include &ut not limited to, 2*/ + e of chiller 2*2 + e of cool room 2*. + e of refrigerator :a$ include &ut not limited to, .*/ 1o( heat con!ection .*2 Infra8red radiation .*. :icro(a!e .*4 Aater &ath .*- Fettle .*5 Com&ination con!ection o!en :a$ include &ut not limited to, 4*/ 1o( heat con!ection 4*2 Infra8red radiation 4*. :icro(a!e 4*4 Aater &ath 4*- Fettle 4*5 Com&ination con!ection o!en 66
Promulgated April 2007

2* Appropriate method for tha(ing

.* Re8thermali#ation

4* Re8heating procedure


TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

E@I#E"CE )UI#E /* Critical a pect of Competenc$

2* +nderpinning Fno(ledge

.* +nderpinning 3kill

4* Re ource Implication

-* :ethod of A e ment

A e ment re%uire e!idence that the candidate, /*/ 2emon trated o& er!ance of ;a#ard Anal$ i and Critical Control Point C;ACCPD or other food afet$ program re%uirement during the entire cook8chill8free#e c$cle* /*2 2emon trated a&ilit$ to operate cook8chill8free#e $ tem and e%uipment* /*. 2emon trated a&ilit$ to produce" package" tore" rethermali#e and er!e food item prepared* /*4 2emon trated kno(ledge of occupational health and afet$ and food h$giene regulation * 2*/ Temperature pecification for the maintenance of food afet$ and %ualit$ in the cook8chill8free#e proce * 2*2 @ree#ing and torage re%uirement in pecific relation to cook8chill8free#e* 2*. ;ealth and afet$" food afet$ and h$giene re%uirement of particular rele!ance to cook8chill8free#e* 2*4 ;ACCP principle * .*/ Principle and method of cooker$" including preparation and cooking techni%ue for all ma?or food group * .*2 Conducting temperature check and recording data* .*. @eature of cook8chill8free#e $ tem and procedure for u ing cook8chill8free#e e%uipment* The follo(ing re ource :+3T &e pro!ided, 4*/ 2emon tration of kill u ing uita&le cook8chill8free#e e%uipment and real food item * 4*2 Production of a multiple cook8chill8free#e food item to meet differing need * 4*. Preparation of cook8chill8free#e food item (ithin t$pical (ork time con traint * Competenc$ ma$ &e a e ed through, -*/ 2irect o& er!ation of the candidate u ing cook8chill8 free#e e%uipment* -*2 3ampling of cook8chill8free#e item prepared &$ the candidate* -*. Aritten or oral %ue tion to te t kno(ledge of uita&le item for cook8chill8free#e $ tem " h$giene i ue related to cook8chill8free#e $ tem and pecification and procedure for cook8chill8free#e* -*4 Re!ie( of portfolio of e!idence and third part$ (orkplace report of on8the8?o& performance &$ the candidate*



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

5* Conte't for A e ment

5*/ 5*2

A e ment ma$ &e done in the (orkplace or in a imulated (orkplace etting Ca e ment center D A e ment acti!itie are carried out through T732A) accredited a e ment center



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007


TR!I"I") ST!"#!R#S

The e guideline are et to pro!ide the Technical and <ocational 7ducation and Training CT<7TD pro!ider (ith information and other important re%uirement to con ider (hen de igning training program for COMMERCI! COO(I") "C III5 The guideline include information on curriculum de ign" training deli!er$" trainee entr$ re%uirement " tool and e%uipment" training facilitie " and trainer) %ualification among other * /5' CURRICU UM #ESI)" Course Title, COMMERCI! COO(I") "o.inal Training #uration> Course #escription> Thi cour e i de igned to enhance the kno(ledge" kill and attitude in cooking in accordance (ith indu tr$ tandard * It co!er the &a ic" common and core competencie needed in uper!i ing a mall team of cook " to include planning and preparing food uch a peciali#ed food item " pecialt$ cui ine and %uantit$ food * It al o include competencie on leading (orkplace communication and mall team " controlling and ordering tock" and e ta&li hing &u ine relation hip * /5' CURRICU UM #ESI)" %!SIC COM,ETE"CIES Unit o9 Co.petency /* 1ead (orkplace

"C evel> III

+4 Hrs5 (%asic$ +1 Hrs5 (Co..on$ +44 Hrs5 (Core$

earning Outco.es /*/ Communicate information a&out (orkplace proce e * /*2 1ead (orkplace di cu ion *

Methodology =roup di cu ion Role Pla$ Brain torming

!ssess.ent !pproach 9& er!ation Inter!ie(

2* 1ead mall team

/*. Identif$ and communicate i ue ari ing in the (orkplace 2*/ Pro!ide team leader hip* 1ecture 2emon tration 2*2 A ign re pon i&ilitie 2emon tration Ca e tudie among mem&er * 3elf8paced 2*. 3et performance e'pectation CmodularD for team mem&er * 2*4 3uper!i e team performance 0/


TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

Unit o9 Co.petency .* 2e!elop and practice negotiation kill 4* 3ol!e (orkplace pro&lem related to (ork acti!itie -* + e mathematical concept and techni%ue 5* + e rele!ant technologie

earning Outco.es .*/ Identif$ rele!ant information in planning negotiation .*2 Participate in negotiation .*. 2ocument area for agreement 4*/ 7'plain the anal$tical techni%ue * 4*2 Identif$ the pro&lem* 4*. 2etermine the po i&le cau e> of the pro&lem* -*/ Identif$ mathematical tool and techni%ue to ol!e pro&lem -*2 Appl$ mathematical procedure > olution -*. Anal$#e re ult 5*/ Identif$ appropriate technolog$ 5*2 Appl$ rele!ant technolog$ 5*. :aintain>enhance rele!ant technolog$

Methodology 2irect o& er!ation 3imulation>role pla$ing Ca e tudie 2irect o& er!ation 3imulation>role pla$ing Ca e tudie 2irect o& er!ation 3imulation>role pla$ing Ca e tudie 2irect o& er!ation 3imulation>role pla$ing Ca e tudie

!ssess.ent !pproach Aritten te t Practical> performance te t Aritten te t Practical> performance te t Aritten te t Practical> performance te t Aritten te t Practical> performance te t



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

COMMON COMPETENCIES Unit o9 Co.petency /* Ro ter taff earning Outco.es /*/ 2e!elop and implement taff ro ter /*2 :aintain taff record 2* Control and order tock 2*/ :aintain tock le!el and record 2*2 Proce tock order 2*. :inimi#e tock lo e 2*4 @ollo(8up order 2*- 9rgani#e and admini ter tock .* Train mall group .*/ Prepare for training .*2 2eli!er training .*. Pro!ide opportunitie for practice .*4 Re!ie( training 4* 7 ta&li h and conduct &u ine relation hip 4*/ 7 ta&li h and conduct &u ine relation hip 4*2 Conduct negotiation 4*. :ake formal &u ine agreement 4*4 @o ter and maintain &u ine relation hip 1ecture> 2i cu ion 2emon tration ;and 8on <ideo <ie(ing 1ecture> 2i cu ion 2emon tration ;and 8on <ideo <ie(ing Aritten Te t 9ral Que tioning Re!ie( of document 2irect o& er!ation Aritten Te t 9ral Que tioning Re!ie( of document 2irect o& er!ation Ca e tudie 2i cu ion 1ecture 3imulation Methodology 2i cu ion Ca e tud$ !ssess.ent !pproach 9& er!ation Inter!ie( Aritten te t Aritten te t Re!ie( of document



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

CORE COMPETENCIES Unit o9 Co.petency /* Plan and prepare food for ala carte and &uffet earning Outco.es /*/ /*2 /*. Plan ala carte and &uffet item Prepare" produce and pre ent food for ala carte and &uffet 3tore ala carte and &uffet item Methodology 1ecture> 2i cu ion 2emon tration ;and 8on <ideo <ie(ing !ssess.ent !pproach Aritten Te t Practical Te t Ci*e :i e8en8 place" Aork Techni%ue " ;$giene and 3anitation" 3en or$ 7!aluation" Plating and Pre entation" Portion 3i#eD 9& er!ation in 1a&orator$ 9ral Que tioning Aritten Te t Practical Te t Ci*e :i e8en8 place" Aork Techni%ue " ;$giene and 3anitation" 3en or$ 7!aluation" Plating and Pre entation" Portion 3i#eD 9& er!ation in 1a&orator$ 9ral Que tioning

2* Plan and control menu8 &a ed catering

2*/ Plan and prepare menu 2*2 Control menu8&a ed catering 2*. Practice portion control

1ecture> 2i cu ion 2emon tration ;and 8on <ideo <ie(ing



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

Unit o9 Co.petency .* 9rgani#e &ulk cooking operation

earning Outco.es .*/ Plan kitchen operation for &ulk cooking .*2 9rgani#e production of &ulk cooking menu .*. 3elect $ tem for &ulk cooking .*4 + e preparation and cooking techni%ue appropriate to the &ulk cooking $ tem

Methodology 1ecture> 2i cu ion 2emon tration ;and 8on <ideo <ie(ing

4* Prepare pate and terrine

4*/ Prepare pate and terrine 4*2 Pre ent pate and terrine 4*. 2e!elop ne( recipe

1ecture> 2i cu ion 2emon tration ;and 8on <ideo <ie(ing

!ssess.ent !pproach Aritten Te t Practical Te t Ci*e :i e8en8 place" Aork Techni%ue " ;$giene and 3anitation" 3en or$ 7!aluation" Plating and Pre entation" Portion 3i#eD 9& er!ation in 1a&orator$ 9ral Que tioning Aritten Te t Practical Te t Ci*e :i e8en8 place" Aork Techni%ue " ;$giene and 3anitation" 3en or$ 7!aluation" Plating and Pre entation" Portion 3i#eD 9& er!ation in 1a&orator$ 9ral Que tioning



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

Unit o9 Co.petency -* Plan" prepare and di pla$ a la carte and &uffet

earning Outco.es -*/ -*2 -*. -*4 Plan and de ign a &uffet Prepare for the &uffet 2i pla$ food item Pre ent &uffet in a afe and h$gienic manner

Methodology 1ecture> 2i cu ion 2emon tration ;and 8on <ideo <ie(ing

5* 3elect" prepare and er!e peciali#ed food item

5*/ 3elect peciali#ed food item 5*2 Plan menu and>or promotional trategie 5*. Prepare and pre ent Cdi he u ingD peciali#ed food item 5*4 Implement h$gienic and afe practice

1ecture> 2i cu ion 2emon tration ;and 8on <ideo <ie(ing

7* 3elect" prepare and er!e pecialt$ cui ine

7*/ Plan peciali#ed cui ine 7*2 3elect and purcha e food for menu item 7*. 3elect and u e e%uipment and techni%ue for preparation" cooking and er!ice 7*4 Prepare" cook and er!e a range of menu item 7*- Implement afe and h$gienic practice

1ecture> 2i cu ion 2emon tration ;and 8on <ideo <ie(ing

!ssess.ent !pproach Aritten Te t Practical Te t Ci*e :i e8en8place" Aork Techni%ue " ;$giene and 3anitation" 3en or$ 7!aluation" Plating and Pre entation" Portion 3i#eD 9& er!ation in 1a&orator$ 9ral Que tioning Aritten Te t Practical Te t Ci*e :i e8en8place" Aork Techni%ue " ;$giene and 3anitation" 3en or$ 7!aluation" Plating and Pre entation" Portion 3i#eD 9& er!ation in 1a&orator$ 9ral Que tioning Aritten Te t Practical Te t Ci*e :i e8en8place" Aork Techni%ue " ;$giene and 3anitation" 3en or$ 7!aluation" Plating and Pre entation" Portion 3i#eD 9& er!ation in 1a&orator$ 9ral Que tioning



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

Unit o9 Co.petency 6* :onitor catering re!enue and co t

earning Outco.es 6*/ 7 ta&li h and maintain purcha ing and ordering $ tem 6*2 7 ta&li h and maintain financial control $ tem 6*. :aintain production control $ tem 6*4 3elect and utili#e technolog$ 0*/ 7 ta&li h and implement procedure for %ualit$ control 0*2 :onitor and ol!e %ualit$ related pro&lem

Methodology 1ecture> 2i cu ion 2emon tration ;and 8on <ideo <ie(ing

!ssess.ent !pproach Aritten Te t Practical Te t 9& er!ation in 1a&orator$ 9ral Que tioning

0* 7 ta&li h and maintain %ualit$ control

1ecture> 2i cu ion 2emon tration ;and 8on <ideo <ie(ing

/0* Appl$ cook8 chill8free#e production proce e

/0*/ 7n ure good recei!ed conform to the appropriate food h$giene and health tandard /0*2 Prepare and cook food to meet indu tr$ afet$ tandard /0*. Chill cooked food /0*4 @ree#e cooked food /0*- 3tore cooked food under refrigeration /0*5 2i tri&ute cook8chill>fro#en product /0*7 Prepare fro#en food for reheating /0*6 Re8thermali#e CreheatD food product /0*0 :aintain and er!e reheated

1ecture> 2i cu ion 2emon tration ;and 8on <ideo <ie(ing

Aritten Te t Practical Te t Ci*e :i e8en8 place" Aork Techni%ue " ;$giene and 3anitation" 3en or$ 7!aluation" Plating and Pre entation" Portion 3i#eD 9& er!ation in 1a&orator$ 9ral Que tioning Aritten Te t Practical Te t Ci*e :i e8en8 place" Aork Techni%ue " ;$giene and 3anitation" 3en or$ 7!aluation" Plating and Pre entation" Portion 3i#eD 9& er!ation in 1a&orator$ 9ral Que tioning



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

food /5+ TR!I"I") #E I@ERThe deli!er$ of training hould follo( the de ign of the curriculum* 2eli!er$ hould &e guided &$ the /0 &a ic principle of competenc$8&a ed T<7T*

The training i &a ed on curriculum de!eloped from the competenc$ tandard E 1earning i modular in it tructureE Training deli!er$ i indi!iduali#ed and elf8pacedE Training i &a ed on (ork that mu t &e performedE Training material are directl$ related to the competenc$ tandard and the curriculum module E A e ment i &a ed on the collection of e!idence of the performance of (ork to the indu tr$ re%uired tandardE Training i &a ed &oth on and off8the8?o& component E Allo( for recognition of prior learning CRP1D or current competencie E Training allo( for multiple entr$ and e'itE and Appro!ed training program are Nationall$ Accredited

The competenc$8&a ed T<7T $ tem recogni#e !ariou t$pe of deli!er$ mode " &oth on and off8the8?o& a long a the learning i dri!en &$ the competenc$ tandard pecified &$ the indu tr$* The follo(ing training modalitie ma$ &e adopted (hen de igning training program , The duali#ed mode of training deli!er$ i preferred and recommended" thu " program (ould contain &oth in8 chool and in8 indu tr$ training or field(ork component * 2etail can &e referred to the 2ual Training 3$ tem C2T3D Implementing Rule and Regulation :odular> elf8paced learning i a competenc$8&a ed training modalit$ (here the trainee i allo(ed to progre at hi o(n pace* The trainer onl$ facilitate the training deli!er$ Peer teaching>mentoring i a training modalit$ (herein fa t learner are gi!en the opportunit$ to a i t the lo( learner 3uper!i ed indu tr$ training or on8the8?o& training i a training approach de igned to enhance the kno(ledge and kill of the trainee through actual e'perience in the (orkplace to ac%uire pecific competencie pre cri&ed in the training regulation 2i tance learning i a formal education proce in (hich ma?orit$ of the in truction occur (hen the tudent and in tructor are not in the ame place* 2i tance learning ma$ emplo$ corre pondence tud$" audio" !ideo or computer technologie 06
Promulgated April 2007


TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

/5/ TR!I"EE E"TR- RE*UIREME"TS Trainee or tudent (ho (i h to enter thi training hould po e follo(ing re%uirement , the

can communicate in &a ic 7ngli h in &oth oral and (ritten form ph$ icall$ and mentall$ fit (ith good moral character can perform &a ic mathematical computation mu t &e competent in the entire Commercial Cooking NCII %ualification either through training" e'perience or certification

Thi li t doe not include pecific in titutional re%uirement uch educational attainment" appropriate (ork e'perience" and other that ma$ &e re%uired of the trainee &$ the chool or training center deli!ering the T<7T program* /51 IST O& TOO S, E*UI,ME"T !"# M!TERI! S Recommended li t of tool " e%uipment and material for the training of 2- trainee for C9::7RCIA1 C99FIN= NC III are a follo( , QTY TOOLS QTY
1 unit %asic cutting ?nives 5 pcs. 3 pcs. 5 pcs. 5 pcs. 3 pcs. 3 pcs. 5 pcs. 3 pcs. 3 pcs. 5 pcs. Paring knife Bread knife @illeting knife Car!ing knife Chef) knife 5H Chef) knife 6H Boning knife 9$ ter knife Clea!er Butcher knife 1 unit 5 units 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit 5 unit 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit Reach8in refrigerator 4 &urner ga range (> o!en 3tock pan &urner 2eep fat fr$er C mall> ingleD :icro(a!e o!en Com&ination of &roiler and griddle 8 mall 7'hau t hood 2i h (a hing machine CoptionalD Blender machine Pre ure cooker 5 pcs. 5 pcs. 3 pcs. 3 pcs. 2 pcs. 4 pcs. 2 pcs. 2 pcs. 4 pcs, 2 pcs. 1 pc.

Reach8in free#er

5 pcs.

3auce pan (> handle" /5 cm* diameter ' 6 cm* height 3auce pan (> handle" 20 cm* diameter ' 6 cm* height 3auteing pan 8 mall 3auteing pan 8 medium 3auteing pan 8 large 3auteing pan 8 hea!$ dut$ Brai ing pan 8 mall Brai ing pan 8 medium Brai ing pan 8 large 3tock pot 8 mall 3tock pot 8 medium 3tock pot 8 large



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

1 pc. 3 pcs. 3 pcs. 3 pcs. 5 pcs. 3 pcs.

/ unit / unit / unit

COOKING UTENSILS QTY 5 pcs. 2 pcs. 1 pc. 1 pc. 1 pc.

5 pcs.

Hand tools Apple corer Aire (hi k 8 mall Aire (hi k 8 medium Aire (hi k hea!$ dut$ Can opener Fitchen ci or 3oup 1adle . o#* 3oup 1adle 5 o#* 3oup 1adle 6 o#* 3oup 1adle /2 o#* Fitchen poon Fitchen poon lotted Fitchen fork Car!ing fork Pocket>pin thermometer Peeler Tenderi#er" medium 3kimmer" fine Aire 3kimmer" mall

:eat licer 8 mall :eat grinder :eat chopper machine CoptionalD / unit 3alamander" griller

@r$ing pan 8 mall @r$ing pan 8 medium @r$ing pan 8 large Colander 8 mall Colander 8 medium Cutting &oard @i h poacher8 medium Ca erole 8 mall Ca erole 8 medium Aok 8 mall Aok 8 medium 2ou&le &oiler 8 medium Paellara =la rack 3oup cup rack Plate rack

3 pcs. 3 pcs. 3 pcs. 3 pcs. 5 pcs. 5 pcs. 3 pcs. 3 pcs. 3 pcs. 5 pcs. 5 pcs. 5 pcs. 3 pcs.

(itchen &urnitureC !ccessories 5 units Preparation ta&le (ith ink Cappro'* 4-H ' 26HD 1 unit Bain :arie 8 ta&le
1 unit 5 unit 1 unit 1 unit 2 unit 5 unit 1 unit

1 pc. 2 pcs. 2 pcs. 2 pcs. 2 pcs. 1 pc. 4 pcs. 2 pcs. 1 pc. 2 pcs.

Aorking ta&le Cfa&ricatedD Condiment ca&inet Aa hing ink 3oak ink +tilit$ hel!ing 3tainle teel rack C- hel!e D 3teel rack +tilit$ cart

1 unit
1 unit 1 unit 1 unit

TR!I"I") E*UI,ME"T 9!er head pro?ector @lip chart Ahite &oard

10 pcs. Baking tra$ 8 mall 10 pcs. +tilit$ tra$ 8 tainle 2 pcs. Roa ting tra$

TR!I"I") M!TERI! S 25 pcs. :arker 25 pcs. Pencil 2 rms Bond paper

C E!"I") M!TERI! S 4 pcs. @loor mop 1 pc. :op 3%uee#er



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

5 pcs. 3 pcs. 3 pcs. 2 pcs.

3kimmer pider 3trainer" mall" fine 3ie!er 3trainer" medium" fine Tongs 7 inche '+ inche TOOLS Turner" .H ' 5H 3patula Aooden poon Pari ienne poon Ge ter Piping &ag Pa tr$ tu&e 3trainer Chinoi 8 mall 3trainer Chinoi 8 medium @unnel 8 mall @unnel 8 medium :ea uring poon :ea uring cup :ea uring urn


2 pcs. 5 pcs. 2 pcs. 2 pcs.

MATERIALS QTY Meat Beef Pork 1am& ,oultry

2u t pan =ar&age &in C4 gal *D 1i%uid oap di pen er Paper to(el di pen er E*UI,ME"T S!&ET@ir t Aid Fit @ire 7'tingui her

5 pcs. 3 pcs. 5 pcs. 5 pcs. 5 pcs. 5 pcs. 5 pcs. 5 pcs. 5 sets 3 pcs. 3 pcs.

1 set 1 pc.

Chicken 2uck Turke$ Pigeon" etc*

Sea9ood @i h 3hellfi h Cru tacean ,erisha=les <egeta&le @ruit 2air$ product Proce ed food

3 pcs. 2 pcs. 5 sets

5 sets
5 sets

#ry )oods ()roceries$ 3auce 3pice 3ea oning Canned fruit Canned !egeta&le



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

TOOLS QTY Miscellaneous 1 pc. Ice cream coop 10 pcs. Chee e cloth 12 pcs. 3er!ing poon 1 pc. @ood mill 3 pcs. Aeighing cale - kg * 5 pcs. Aeighing cale /000 gram


MATERIALS QTY #ry )oods ()roceries$ Noodle Pa ta Rice @lour 3ugar Bean

TR!I"I") M!TERI! SC RESOURCES :anual Book <ideo CC2D

"OTE> Implementation of the training program can &e made po i&le through a MO! &et(een the Training school and Industry for the u e of the facilitie * Thi i in re pon e to the chool limitation on the high co t of e%uipment*



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007


TR!I"I") &!CI ITIES Ba ed on a cla intake of 2- tudent >trainee * !rea in S85 Meters / %* m* 40 %* m* 40 %* m* /- %* m* Total !rea in S85 Meters 2- %* m 40 %* m* 40 %* m* /- %* m* .5 %* m* Total wor?shop area> '2: s85 .5

Space Re8uire.ent 3tudent>Trainee Aorking 3pace 1ecture>2emo Room 1a&orator$ 1earning Re ource Center @acilitie >7%uipment> Circulation Area

SiDe in Meters / ' / m* 6 ' - m* 6 ' - m* . ' - m*


TR!I"ER;S *U! I&IC!TIO"S &OR TOURISM (HOTE S !"# REST!UR!"TS$ SECTOR COMMERCI! COO(I") E "C III TR!I"ER *U! I&IC!TIO" I (T* III$ :u t ha!e completed a Trainer) Training :ethodolog$ Cour e CT: IIID or it e%ui!alent :u t &e ph$ icall$ and mentall$ fit :u t ha!e at lea t .8- $ear ?o&>indu tr$ e'perience :u t &e a holder of Commercial Cooking NC 1e!el III Certificate or e%ui!alent :u t &e of good moral character Aith plea ing per onalit$ :u t ha!e attended rele!ant training and eminar


I"STITUTIO"! !SSESSME"T In titutional a e ment i undertaken &$ trainee to determine their achie!ement of unit of competenc$* A certificate of achie!ement i i ued for each unit of competenc$*



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007



4*/ To attain the National Qualification of COMMERCI! COO(I") "C III, the candidate mu t demon trate competence in all the unit of competenc$ li ted in 3ection l* 3ucce ful candidate hall &e a(arded a National Certificate igned &$ the T732A 2irector =eneral* /*2 Indi!idual a piring to &e a(arded the %ualification of COMMERCI! COO(I") "C III mu t ac%uire Certificate of Competenc$ in all the follo(ing group >clu ter of core unit of the Qualification* Candidate ma$ appl$ for a e ment in an$ accredited a e ment center* 15+5' ,lan and prepare 9oods 4*2*/*/ 4*2*/*2 4*2*/*. 4*2*/*4 4*2*/*4*2*/*5 Plan and prepare food for ala carte and &uffet Prepare pate and terrine Plan" prepare and di pla$ a &uffet 3elect" prepare and er!e peciali#ed food item 3elect" prepare and er!e pecialt$ cui ine 7 ta&li h and maintain %ualit$ control

15+5+ ,lan and prepare 8uantity o9 9oods 4*2*2*/ 4*2*2*2 4*2*2*. 4*2*2*4 9rgani#e &ulk cooking operation Plan" prepare and di pla$ a &uffet 7 ta&li h and maintain %ualit$ control Appl$ cook8chill8free#e production proce

15+5/ ,lan and cost catering services 4*2*.*/ Plan and control menu8&a ed catering 4*2*.*2 :onitor catering re!enue and co t 3ucce CC9CD* 4*. ful candidate hall &e a(arded Certificate of Competenc$

After accumulation and u&mi ion of all C9C ac%uired for the rele!ant unit of competenc$ compri ing a %ualification" an indi!idual hall &e i ued the corre ponding National Certificate*



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007


A e ment hall focu on the core unit of competenc$* The &a ic and common unit hall &e integrated or a e ed concurrentl$ (ith the core unit * The follo(ing are %ualified to appl$ for a e ment and certification,


4*-*/ =raduate of formal" non8formal and informal including enterpri e8&a ed training program * 4*-*2 7'perienced Aorker C(age emplo$ed or elf8emplo$edD 4*5 The guideline on a e ment and certification are di cu ed in detail in the NProcedure :anual on A e ment and CertificationN and N=uideline on the Implementation of the Philippine T<7T Qualification and Certification 3$ tem CPTQC3DN*



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

COM,ETE"C- M!, 0 TOURISM Sector (Hotels and Restaurants$ COMMERCI! COO(I") "C III
Clean and maintain kitchen premises %rganize and prepare food "elect, prepare and cook meat $eceive and store kitchen supplies Prepare stocks, sauces and soups Prepare pastry, cakes, and yeast-based products "elect, prepare and serve specialty cuisines &anage facilities associated with commercial catering contracts Provide effective customer service Prepare, cook and serve food for menus Prepare appetizers and salads Prepare sandwiches Plan and prepare food for ala carte and buffets Apply cookchill-freeze production processes

!""EF !

Prepare vegetables, fruits, eggs and starch products Plan and control menu-based catering Prepare foods according to dietary and cultural


Prepare and cook poultry and game

Prepare and portion controlled meat cuts

Prepare and cook seafood

Prepare hot and cold desserts "elect, prepare and serve specialized food items

Present food

Package prepared foodstuffs

%rganize bulk cooking operations (ransport and store food in a safe and hygienic manner

Prepare pates and terrines Apply catering control principles

Plan, prepare and display ala carte and buffet Develop menus to meet special dietary and cultural needs

&onitor catering revenue and costs Plan the catering for an event or function

'stablish and maintain uality control

"elect catering systems

Design menus to meet market needs

Develop a food safety program


Develop and update industry knowledge Conduct assessment

%bserve workplace hygiene procedures

Perform computer operations

Perform workplace and safety practices

$oster staff

Control and order stock

(rain small groups

'stablish and conduct business relationships

&anage workplace diversity

&anage finances within a budget Practice career professionalis Utilize specialized communicati on skills

&anage uality customer service Practice occupational health and safety practices !ead workplace communicati on Apply problemsolving techni ues in !ead small teams Develop and practice negotiation skills Plan and organize work "olve problems related to work Promote environment al protection


Participate in workplace communicati on Use mathematica l concepts and

#ork in team environment

Use relevant technologies

Develop teams and individuals

Collect, analyze and organize information



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

#E&I"ITIO" O& TERMS /* %ar=ecue A cooking method in!ol!ing grilling food o!er a (ood or charcoal fire* + uall$ ome ort of ru&" marinade" or auce i &ru hed on the item &efore or during cooking* 2* %lanch to cook an item &riefl$ in &oiling (ater or hot fat &efore fini hing or toring it* .* %oil a cooking method in (hich item are immer ed in li%uid at or a&o!e the &oiling point C2/2O@>/00OCD* 4* %raise a cooking method in (hich the main item" u uall$ meat" i then immered in tock to another li%uid in a co!ered !e el* eared in fat"

-* %roil a cooking method in (hich item are cooked &$ a radiant heat ource placed a&o!e the food" u uall$ in a &roiler or salamander. 5* %utcher 8 a chef or pur!e$or (ho i re pon i&le for &utchering meat " poultr$ and occa ionall$ fi h* 7* Cha9ing dish a metal di h (ith a heating unit Cflame or electricD u ed to keep food (arm and to cook food at ta&le ide or during &uffet er!ice* 6* Chop to cut into piece of roughl$ the ame i#e* Al o" a mall cut of meat including part of the ri& 0* Co.=ination .ethod a cooking method that in!ol!e the application of &oth moi t and dr$ heat to the main item Cfor e'ample" &rai ing or te(ingD /0* Cure to pre er!e a food &$ alting" moking and or dr$ing //* #eep 9ry a cooking method in (hich food are cooked &$ immer ion in hot fatE deep8fried food are often coated (ith &read crum& or &atter &efore &eing cooked /2* #ice to cut ingredient into mall cu&e C/>4 inche for mall" />. for medium" P inch for largeD /.* &illet a &onele cut of meat" fi h or poultr$ /4* )arnish an edi&le decoration of accompaniment to a di h /-* )ratine &ro(ned in an o!en or under a alamander* =ratine can al o refer to a forcemeat in (hich ome portion of the dominant meat i autMed and cooled &efore grinding* /5* )rill a cooking techni%ue in (hich food are cooked &$ a radiant heat ource placed &elo( the food* Al o" the piece of e%uipment on (hich grilling i done* /7* Instant reading ther.o.eter a thermometer u ed to mea ure the internal temperature of food * The tem i in erted into the food" producing an in tant temperature read out*



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

/6* Marinade an apparel u ed in cooking to fla!or and moi ten food " ma$ &e li%uid or dr$* 1i%uid marinade are u uall$ &a ed on acidic ingredient " uch a (ine or !inegar" dr$ marinade are u uall$ alt8&a ed* /0* Microwave a method of meat tran fer in (hich electro8magnetic (a!e generated &$ a de!ice called a magnetron penetrate food and cau e the (ater molecule in it to o cillate* 20* Mince to chop into !er$ mall piece 2/* Mise0en0place JPut in placeH* The preparation and a em&l$ of ingredient " pan " uten il and plate or er!ing piece needed for a particular di h or er!ice period 22* ,an=roil a cooking method imilar to dr$ autMing that imulate &roiling &$ cooking an item in a hot pan (ith little or no fat* 2.* ,an9ry a cooking method in (hich item are cooked in deep fat in a killet o!er medium heatE thi generall$ in!ol!e more fat than autMing or tir8fr$ing &ut le than deep8fr$ing* 24* ,asta noodle made from a dough of flour Coften emolinaD" (ater and>or egg * Thi dough i kneaded" rolled and cut or e'truded" then cooked &$ &oiling 2-* ,oach a method in (hich item are cooked gentl$ in immering li%uid 25* ,ressure stea.er a machine that team food &$ heating (ater under pre ure in a ealed compartment" allo(ing the team to reach higher8than8&oiling temperature C2/2O@>/00OCD* The food i placed in a ealer cham&er that cannot &e opened until the pre ure ha relea ed and the team properl$ !ented from the cham&er* 27* Roast a dr$ heat cooking method in (hich item are cooked in an o!en or on a pit o!er a fire 26* SautG a cooking method in (hich item are cooked %uickl$ in a mall amount of fat in a pan on the range top* 20* Si..er to main the temperature of a li%uid ?u t &elo( &oiling* Al o" a cooking method in (hich item are cooked in a immering li%uid* .0* S.o?ing an$ of e!eral method for pre er!ing and fla!or food &$ e'po ing them to moke* :ethod include cold8 moking Cin (hich moked item are not full$ cookedD" hot8 moking Cin (hich the item are cookedD" and moke8roa ting* ./* Stea.ing a cooking method in (hich item are cooked in a !apor &$ &oiling (ater or other li%uid * .2* Stew a cooking method nearl$ identical to &rai ing &ut generall$ in!ol!ing maller piece of meat and hence a horter cooking time* 3te(ed item al o ma$ &e &lanched" rather than eared" to gi!e the fini hed product a pale color* Al o a di h prepared &$ u ing the te(ing method* //5 Stir 9ry a cooking method imilar to autMing in (hich item are cooked o!er high heat" u ing little fat* + uall$ thi i done in a (ok and the food i kept mo!ing con tantl$* /00


TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

The Technical 7ducation and 3kill 2e!elopment Authorit$ CT732AD (i he to e'tend thank and appreciation to the man$ repre entati!e of &u ine " indu tr$" academe and go!ernment agencie (ho donated their time and e'perti e to the de!elopment and !alidation of the e Training Regulation * TOURISM I"#USTR- %O!R# &OU"#!TIO", I"C5 (TI%&I$ 0 EFECUTI@E COMMITTEE
MR5 #!"IE Chairman 5 E#R! I" SEC5 !U)USTO %O%O- S-HUCO Tru tee 2irector =eneral" T732A !TT-5 M!5 @ICTORI! @5 H!SMI" Tru tee #R5 I)"!CIO S5 ,!% O 7'ecuti!e 2irector

MR5 HUM,HRE- O; E!R2eput$ Chairman MR5 ,!U Trea urer IM SO

#R5 COR!BO" R5 RO#RI)UEB 3ecretar$

I"#USTR- <OR(I") )ROU, (I<)$

MR5 HUM,HRE- O; E!RMS5 !"!%E E MORE"O Co8Chair Indu tr$ Aorking Committee MS5 S- @I! S!")CO Chair" Planning 3u&8Committee MS5 -!E &ER"!"#EB MS5 SUS!" E#I O 3tandard 2e!elopment 3u&8Committee MR5 S!"TOS %UE"@E"I#! E")R5 E@E -" ,!"TI) Profe ional and Program 2e!elopment 3u&8 Committee MR5 %IE"@E"I#O C !R!@! A e ment and Certification 3u&8Committee

Ad!ocac$ 3u&8Committee

@IC ! CU!B Placement 3u&8Committee



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

I<) 0 ST!"#!R#S !"# !SSESSME"T COMMITTEE COMMERCI! COO(I") MS5 M!5 CHRISTI"! !*UI"O 1$ceum of the Phil * +ni!er it$" :anila CHE& E"RICO M!)T!"O") Center for Culinar$ Art " :anila Que#on Cit$ CHE& MICH!E -!, Center for Culinar$ Art " :anila Que#on Cit$ MR5 #!@I# ,E !EB Center for Culinar$ Art " :anila Que#on Cit$ CHE& OHIE RE OH Center for Culinar$ Art " :anila Que#on Cit$ CHE& MIC( %O"#OC Cra!ing Re taurant Que#on Cit$



TR Commercial Cooking NCIII

Promulgated April 2007

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