Soccer Specific Aerobic Endurance Training
Soccer Specific Aerobic Endurance Training
Soccer Specific Aerobic Endurance Training
Background: In professional soccer, a significant amount of training time is used to improve players’
aerobic capacity. However, it is not known whether soccer specific training fulfils the criterion of effec-
tive endurance training to improve maximal oxygen uptake, namely an exercise intensity of 90–95%
of maximal heart rate in periods of three to eight minutes.
Objective: To determine whether ball dribbling and small group play are appropriate activities for
See end of article for interval training, and whether heart rate in soccer specific training is a valid measure of actual work
authors’ affiliations intensity.
....................... Methods: Six well trained first division soccer players took part in the study. To test whether soccer
Correspondence to: specific training was effective interval training, players ran in a specially designed dribbling track, as
Dr Hoff, Department of well as participating in small group play (five a side). Laboratory tests were carried out to establish the
Physiology and Biomedical relation between heart rate and oxygen uptake while running on a treadmill. Corresponding measure-
Engineering, Norwegian
University of Science and
ments were made on the soccer field using a portable system for measuring oxygen uptake.
Technology, N-7489 Results: Exercise intensity during small group play was 91.3% of maximal heart rate or 84.5% of
Trondheim, Norway; maximal oxygen uptake. Corresponding values using a dribbling track were 93.5% and 91.7%. No higher heart rate was observed during soccer training.
Accepted Conclusions: Soccer specific exercise using ball dribbling or small group play may be performed as
3 December 2001 aerobic interval training. Heart rate monitoring during soccer specific exercise is a valid indicator of
....................... actual exercise intensity.
hysiological, technical, and tactical skills are all important for long periods of the game at anaerobic threshold, but either
to soccer performance. Factors such as acceleration, run- above the threshold (accumulating lactate) or below the
ning velocity, jumping height, and capacity to release threshold (because of the need for lactate clearance).3
energy are of major importance. Because of the length of a Work economy (CR) is defined as oxygen cost at a submaxi-
soccer match, at least 90% of the energy release must be aero- mal exercise intensity, and as much as 20% difference in CR has
bic1; during a 90 minute match, players run about 10 km2 3 at been found in trained endurance athletes at similar VO2MAX
an intensity close to anaerobic threshold or 80–90% of level.10 However, there is a paucity of research into the effect of
maximal heart rate.1 3 4 improved CR on soccer performance. Helgerud et al3 showed
Aerobic endurance performance is dependent on three that interval training increases CR as VO2MAX increases.
important elements: maximal oxygen uptake (VO2MAX), Furthermore, a recent study showed that CR could be improved
anaerobic threshold, and work economy.5 VO2MAX is defined as by maximal strength training without improving VO2MAX.11
the highest oxygen uptake that can be achieved during This approach could be used in future studies to determine the
dynamic exercise with large muscle groups.6 Previous studies effects of exclusively improved CR on soccer performance.
have shown a significant relation between VO2MAX and Running is usually not the favourite activity of soccer play-
distance covered during a match,1 7 and a rank order ers. However, playing soccer is not believed to provide
correlation between VO2MAX and placement in the league of the sufficient exercise intensity over time to improve VO2MAX very
best teams in Hungary has been shown.8 These findings are much.3 9 During interval training, as reported by Helgerud et
supported by Wisløff et al,9 who have shown a substantial dif- al,3 intensity is normally monitored and controlled by hear rate
ference in VO2MAX in members of the top team compared with monitors. During a game of soccer, however, concentrating on
those in the lowest placed team in the Norwegian elite league. team players and opponents and controlling the ball, or anxi-
Recently, Helgerud et al3 showed that interval training ety caused by training or match situations, may lead to heart
(90–95% of maximal heart rate)—running uphill for four rates above what reflects the actual workload.12 13 To achieve
periods of four minutes, separated by three minutes active rest valid exercise intensities in soccer specific training, the
at 70% of maximal heart rate, twice a week over nine weeks— relation between heart rate and oxygen uptake has to be
increased maximal oxygen uptake by 11% (from 58.1 established.
ml/kg/min to 64.3 ml/kg/min). This resulted in a 20% increase The aim of this study was to (a) design a dribbling track and
in distance covered during a game, a 23% increase in involve- a playing session that fulfils our criterion of effective aerobic
ment with the ball, and a 100% increase in the number of interval training, and (b) determine whether heart rate is a
sprints, highlighting the advantages of a high VO2MAX in soccer. valid measure of work intensity in soccer specific endurance
Anaerobic threshold is defined as the highest exercise inten- training.
sity, heart rate, or oxygen uptake, working dynamically with
large muscle groups, in which the production and clearance of
lactate is about the same.10 Anaerobic threshold in absolute METHODS
terms (ml/kg/min) is important, but is highly dependent on Subjects
VO2MAX, and does not seem to change much in percentage of Six male soccer players from a Norwegian first division team
VO2MAX. Owing to the length of a soccer game, the average exer- volunteered to participate in the three different training modes.
cise intensity cannot be much higher than that corresponding Before the study, each subject reviewed and signed consent
to anaerobic threshold. However, players do not actually exercise forms in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and the
Soccer endurance training 219
30 m
10 m
50 m
10 m
2m B
15 m o
10 m
40 m
220 Hoff, Wisløff, Engen, et al
Soccer endurance training 221