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Profile: Religare Enterprises Ltd (RELG.

BO) Company Profile Religare Enterprises Limited is the holding company for one of India s leading financial ser!ices gro"ps. Religare offers an integrated s"ite of financial ser!ices incl"ding asset management# life and health ins"rance# lending# $ro%ing# in!estment $an%ing# and &ealth management. Religare Enterprises is head'"artered in (e& )elhi and is listed on the Bom$ay *toc% E+change (B*E) and (ational *toc% E+change ((*E) in India. ,he gro"p started its operations in -../ &hen Religare *ec"rities Limited# the gro"p s retail e'"ity $ro%ing arm# $ecame a mem$er of the (ational *toc% E+change. *ince then# the gro"p has e+panded to offer an array of prod"cts and $"ilt a distri$"tion net&or% that spans the length and $readth of India. In 011/# Religare Commodities Limited commenced the retail commodities $ro%ing $"siness. Religare 2in!est Limited# &hich is registered &ith the Reser!e Ban% of India as a (on3Ban%ing 2inance Company ((B2C)# came into its c"rrent form in 0114 and has $een foc"sing on pro!iding gro&th capital to the *mall and 5edi"m Enterprises (*5E) sector. Religare commenced three other $"sinesses in 0114: &ealth management thro"gh Religare 5ac'"arie 6ealth 5anagement Limited# a 7oint !ent"re &ith 5ac'"arie of 8"stralia9 life ins"rance thro"gh 8EGO( Religare Life Ins"rance Company Limited# a 7oint !ent"re &ith 8EGO( of ,he (etherlands9 and the m"t"al f"nd $"siness $y ta%ing o!er a distressed asset manager &hich &as rechristened Religare 8sset 5anagement Company Limited. ,he latest addition to Religare s $o"'"et of offerings# la"nched in :"ly 01-0# is health ins"rance thro"gh Religare ;ealth Ins"rance Company Limited in &hich <nion Ban% of India and Corporation Ban% are e'"ity partners. Religare is $"ilding $"sinesses o!erseas &ith an emerging mar%ets foc"s. Religare Capital 5ar%ets is an 8sia3 and India3foc"sed cash e'"ities $"siness &ith in!estment $an%ing capa$ilities in the region. Religare Glo$al 8sset 5anagement is a m"lti3$o"ti'"e asset management platform that ac'"ires $est3of3$reed asset managers in the alternati!e assets space. Religare Enterprises Limited &as listed on the *toc% E+changes in India in 011=# after a h"gely s"ccessf"l IPO that &as o!ers"$scri$ed ->. times. In the fi!e year period from 011?31= to 01--3-0# Religare s consolidated re!en"es ha!e gro&n ten times 3 from @.0 $illion to @0.> $illion 3 &hile the $alance sheet siAe m"ltiplied 01 times 3 from -1.- $illion to 01@./ $illion. ,he *5E3 foc"sed (B2C is Religare s largest $"siness# contri$"ting >=B to Religare s consolidated re!en"e and acco"nting for >?B of its net &orth at the end of 2C-0. Religare Enterprises Limited is a di!ersified financial ser!ices company. ,he CompanyDs s"$sidiaries# :oint Eent"res and 8ssociates are primarily engaged

in the $"siness of $ro%ing in sec"rities and commodities# lending and in!estments# financial ad!isory ser!ices# c"stodial and depository operations# portfolio management ser!ices# asset management and ins"rance# instit"tional e'"ities and in!estment $an%ing ser!ices to its clients. ,he CompanyDs primary $"siness comprises of $ro%ing in sec"rities and commodities# interest on Loans# 2inancial 8d!isory *er!ices# C"stodial and )epository Operations# Portfolio 5anagement *er!ices# 8sset 5anagement Company (85C) 7oint !ent"re (:E) and Life Ins"rance :E. ,he CompanyDs portfolio company operates across fo"r !erticals: lending# Capital 5ar%ets F 6ealth 5anagement# 8sset 5anagement and Ins"rance.

Company )escription Religare *ec"rities Ltd. (R*L) is a &holly o&ned s"$sidiary of Religare Enterprises Limited (REL)# an emerging mar%ets financial ser!ices gro"p. R*L is one of the mar%et leading sec"rities firms in India ser!ing o!er a million clients across $oth Offline and Online platforms. ,hro"gh its e+tensi!e footprint e+tending to o!er >11 cities# the company offers E'"ity# Commodity and C"rrency $ro%ing ser!ices as &ell as depository participant ser!ices. R*L is a mem$er of the (*E# B*E# 5CG*G# <*E and a depository

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