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Executive Summary

The Human Resources are the most important assets of an organization. The success or failure ofan
organization is largely dependent on the caliber of the people working therein. Without positive and
creative contributions from people, organizations cannot progress and prosper. In order to achieve the
goals or the activities of an organization, therefore, they need to recruit people with reuisite skills,
ualifications and e!perience. While doing so, they have to keep the present as well as the future
reuirements of the organization in mind. Recruitment is defined as, "a process to discover the
sources of manpower to meet the reuirements of the staffing schedule and to employ effective
measures for attracting that manpower in adeuate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an
efficient workforce.#In order to attract people for the $obs, the organization must communicate the
position in such a way that $ob seekers respond. To be cost effective, the recruitment process should
attract ualified applicants and provide enough information for unualified persons to self%select
themselves out. The term "HR recruiter# may sound redundant, as both human resources managers
and recruiters both find $ob candidates and get them hired, this $ob is very specific. Recruiters will
work from resumes or by actively soliciting individuals ualified for positions. & recruiters $ob
includes reviewing candidates $ob e!periences, negotiating salaries, and placing candidates in
agreeable employment positions. Recruiters typically receive a fee from the hiring employers.
Introduction Of the company
India Infoline 'inance (imited is a subsidiary of India Infoline (imited )II'(*. The +ompany was
originally incorporated on ,uly -, .//0 as a private limited company under the provisions of the
+ompanies &ct, 1234 as India Infoline Investment 5ervices 6rivate (imited. The +ompany was
converted to a public limited company with effect from ,uly 1/, .//-.
The +ompany has obtained a certificate of registration dated 7ay 1., .//3 bearing registration no.%
10-843 issued by the R9I to carry on the activities of a :9'+ under section 03 I& of the R9I &ct,
II'( Holdings (imited is the ape! holding company of the entire II'( ;roup, which is a leading
financial services company in India, promoted by first generation entrepreneurs. We have a
diversified business model that includes credit and finance, wealth management, financial product
distribution, asset management, capital market advisory and investment banking. The +ompany is
engaged in the activity of mortgage financing, loan against securities, gold loans, margin funding and
other consumer financing products
They have a largely retail focussed model, servicing over . million customers, including several lakh
first%time customers for mutual funds, insurance and consumer credit. This has been achieved due to
our e!tensive distribution reach of close to 0,/// business locations and also innovative methods like
seminar sales and use of mobile vans for marketing in smaller areas.
<ur evolution from an entrepreneurial start%up to a market leadership position is a story of steady
growth by adapting to the changing environment, without losing the focus on our core domain of
financial services. <ur :9'+ and lending business accounts for 4=> of our consolidated income in
'?18 and has a diversified product portfolio rather than remaining a mono%line :9'+. We are a
leader in distribution of life insurance and mutual funds among non%bank entities. &lthough the share
of euity broking in total income was only 18> in '?18, II'( continues to remain a leading player
in both, retail and institutional space.
To become the most respected company in the financial services space in India.
Strength Of IIFL
7anagerial depth
<ur promoters individually are first%generation Indian entrepreneurs with meritorious academic
backgrounds and impeccable professional careers.
The 6romoters have built the business from scratch, without pedigree of a large family business or
inherited wealth and steered it towards a market leading position by dint of hard work and
We have consistently attracted the best of the talent from across the financial sector @ private sector
banks, foreign banks, public sector banks and established :9'+s. The senior management team have
years of e!perience and backgrounds similar to promoters and leads competent teams. II'( has
uninterrupted history of profits and dividends since listing. We have delivered total shareholder
returns of 80.8> +&;R from listing till 7arch 81, ./18.
We have successfully e!ecuted a number of innovative and disruptive ideas in the financial services
industry to rise from a start%up to leadership position in less than two decades. 'or instanceA
We gave away all our research free on indiainfoline.com and acuired millions of readers
We pioneered online trading and revolutionized broking at lowest rate of 3 basis points
We Inducted a high profile institutional team from a foreign brokerage house in a first of its kind deal
in India broking industry.
Right from inception, II'( has incubated and developed ne!t generation technology for its core
II'(Bs front office software is seamlessly integrated to a highly automated proprietary back office,
risk management and 7I5 software.
II'( Trader Terminal is an entirely home grown proprietary technology, which allows trading in
Cuities +ash D Eerivatives, +ommodities, 'ore!, 7utual 'unds, :'<s and I6<s on a single screen
Well capitalized
The ;roup has networth of around Rs./ billion.
The company has a significantly unutilized capacity to leverage.
#OLD LO$%&
;old loan or loan against gold is the easiest and uickest way for servicing your financial needs. To avail a gold
loan, all you need to do is pledge your gold ornaments with us and we would provide you with a loan amount as per
the market value of your gold. Fnlike other loans, gold loan does not reuire you to provide any income or salary
proof. 7oreover, it has comparatively lower interest ratesG reuires lesser documentation, and hence is processed in
lesser time.
We at II'( provide ma!imum loan against your gold at lowest interest rates. We have a strong presence 6an%India
and have serviced a large number of customers in a very short span. We offer different types of schemes as per your
reuirement and convenience.
'O(E L$O%&
& new home brings with it new hopes, $oys and emotions. &t II'(, we have shared new hopes, $oys
and emotions with our customers. Cvery customer has a specific and uniue concern and our home
loan product is customized to provide you solutions for your uniue concern. II'( group has set up
India Infoline Housing 'inance (td. )IIH'(* to offer highly customized facilities of availing Home
We believe that in order to succeed, we need to offer not only competitive products, but also the best
possible service and value%added features and benefits. In a market where the basic product is largely
similar, the differentiator is our ability to understand the customerHs need completely and structure
the value%adds appropriately.
LO$% $#$I%S! PROPER!)&
:eed cash for business, childrenBs education, marriage or any personal useI Have some property in
your family or in your nameI Would like to leverage your property without giving it on rent or
selling itI
IIFL brings to you (oan against property *L$P+. ?ou can now take a loan against your residential or
commercial property, to e!pand your business, plan a dream wedding, fund your childBs education
and much more.
Healthcare 'inance is a business vertical dedicated at offering a customized financial solutions to Eoctor,
Eiagnostics +entre, Hospitals, :ursing home etc for their funding needs.
;rowing incomes, literacy and awareness bode well for the Indian healthcare services market. +onsidering
that =/> of future Investment in Healthcare is e!pected to come from 6vt 5ector, we at II'( see a lot of
synergies between the Healthcare fraternity and II'( for mutual growthopportunities.
9<&RE <' EIRC+T<R5A
7r. :irmal ,ain ):on%C!ecutive Eirector*
7r. :irmal ,ain, aged 03 years, is a non%e!ecutive Eirector of our +ompany and is one of the
original Eirectors of our +ompany. He holds a 9achelors Eegree in +ommerce from Fniversity of
7umbai.. In 1223 he founded 6robity Research and 5ervices 6rivate (imited )later re%christened
India Infoline* 7r. ,ain subseuently launched www.indiainfoline.com in 1222. He is currently the
+hairman of India Infoline (imited, our 6romoter.
7r. R. Jenkataraman ):on%C!ecutive Eirector*
7r. R. Jenkataraman, aged 03 years, is a non%e!ecutive Eirector of our +ompany and is one of the
original Eirectors of our +ompany. He is a 9.Tech in electronics and electrical communications
engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur and holds a 6ost ;raduate Eiploma in
7anagement from Indian Institute of 7anagement, 9angalore. He has more than ./ years in the
financial services sector. He is the +o%6romoter and an C!ecutive Eirector of our 6romoter. India
Infoline (imited
7s. 6ratima Ram )Wholetime Eirector D +hief C!ecutive <fficer*
7s. 6ratima Ram, aged 41 years, is a Whole Time Eirector of our +ompany. 5he $oined the 9oard of
our +ompany in 7ay ./11. 5he holds a 7asters Eegree in &rts from Fniversity of Jirginia. 5he is a
career banker and has more than 83 years in the financial services sector and has e!tensive
e!perience in +orporate and International 9anking. 6rior to $oining our +ompany.
7r. :ilesh Jikamsey )Independent Eirector*
7r. :ilesh Jikamsey, aged 0= years, is an Independent Eirector of our +ompany. He $oined the
9oard of our +ompany in 7arch .//-. He holds a 9achelorBs Eegree in commerce from Fniversity
of 7umbai. He is member of Review, Reforms D Rationalization +ommittee )"I7+#*, 7ember of
(egal &ffairs +ommittee of 9ombay +hamber of +ommerce and Industry )"9++I#*, member of
&ccounting and &uditing +ommittee of 9ombay +hartered &ccountant 5ociety )"9+&5#*. He is
also an Independent Eirector on the 9oard of India Infoline (imited.
7r. J. K. +hopra )&dditional Eirector*
7r. J. K. +hopra, aged 4- years is an Independent Eirector in our +ompany. He $oined the 9oard of
our +ompany in ,une ./1.. He is a 'ellow 7ember of The Institute of +hartered &ccountants of
India. He has held various top positions during his 82 years of e!perience in 9anksG including 8 years
as +hairman D 7anaging Eirector in +orporation 9ank,
7r. 7ahesh :arayan 5ingh )Independent Eirector*
7r. 7ahesh :arayan 5ingh, aged -/ years, is an Independent Eirector of our +ompany. He $oined
the 9oard of our +ompany in 5eptember .//2. He is a 6ost%;raduate in 6hysics from 9anaras
Hindu Fniversity.
7r. 5unil Kaul )&dditional Eirector*
7r. 5unil Kaul, aged 38 years is a non e!ecutive Eirector of our +ompany. He $oined the 9oard of
our +ompany in &ugust ./1..
-$.#ROU%D OF RESE$R'/S!UD) "
In the growth of modern management science, solid business planning has become the key
differentiator enabling competitive success. It seems unnecessary to point out that planning for a
businessesB most critical resource is essential. &s we move through the .1st century where a
globalized workforce is the basis of competition we find that the principles of human resource
planning and development are of prime importance. The success of a business or an organization is
directly linked to the performance of those who work for that business. Fnderachievement can be a
result of workplace failures. 9ecause selecting the wrong people or failing to anticipate fluctuations
in hiring needs can be costly, it is important that conscious efforts are put into human resource
planning . 6eople are individuals who bring their own perspectives, values and attribute to
organizational life, and when managed effectively, these human traits can bring considerable benefits
to organizations.
<ne of the most significant developments in the field of organization in recent times is the increasing
importance given to human resources. 7ore and more attention is being paid to motivational aspects
of human personality, particularly the need for self%esteem, group belonging, and self%actualization.
This new awakening of humanism and humanization all over the world has in fact enlarged the scope
of applying principles of human resource management in organizations. The development of people,
their competencies, and the process development of the total organization are the main concerns of
human resource management .
Recruitment and selection is the process of attracting individuals on a timely basis, in sufficient
numbers and with appropriate ualifications.Thus recruitment is the process of identifying and
attracting potential candidates from within and outside an organization to begin evaluating them for
future employment. 5election then begins when the right caliber of candidates are identified.
5election is thus the process through which organizations make decisions about who will or will not
be allowed to $oin the organization. The selection process varies from organization to organization,
$ob to $ob, and country to country. 5ome of the processes include screening applications and resumes,
testing and reviewing work samples, interviewing, checking references and background.
<rganizations use these processes to increase the likelihood of selecting individuals who possess the
right skills and abilities to be successful at their $obs. 'ollowing the initial selection of incumbents
they are likely to again be chosen to develop their further interest in the organization and later to
encourage them to apply for other $obs. Fsing appropriate techniues the suitable candidates are
thus, able to be recruited and selected during their career development.
It has been argued that in order for the firm to build and sustain the competitive advantage, proper
staffing is critical. Recruitment and selection is a ma$or HR7 function as it encompasses all
organizational practices and decisions. Recent technological advances, globalization, social trends
and changes within organizations have brought new challenges for recruitment and selection.

Work e!perience and ualifications are measures of competence in relation to an applicantBs
technical skills, whereas the concept of communication skills appears to be a generic term
incorporating many different specific skills. Indeed, communication in the workplace encompasses
team skills,leadership skillsG an ability to negotiate with or persuade othersG problem solving skillsG
organizational skillsG crisis management skillsG and presentation skills. <ther communication
competencies include cultural adaptation, social competence and language proficiency. &n
applicantBs success with $ob seeking is related to their ability to describe their e!periences, skills and
knowledge through a range of media. Thus, effective communication is an essential competency
reuired by all $ob applicants.
To manage a diverse workforce effectively, an organization must hire and promote the most capable
candidate for a $ob, while being mindful of the necessity to build a workforce that is representative of
the greater business community. This may be achieved through using more appropriate and inclusive
recruitment and selection strategies. 9etter recruitment and selection strategies result in improved
organizational outcomes. The more effectively organizations recruit and select candidates, the more
likely they are to hire and retain satisfied employees. In addition, the effectiveness of an
organizationBs selection system can influence bottom%line business outcomes, such as productivity
and financial performance. Hence, investing in the development of a comprehensive and valid
selection system is money well spent.
In many parts of the world, recruitment and selection processes are practiced to some e!tent even
though $ob placements in both public and private organizations are more or less affiliated to
networking and political inclinations. It is vital that organizations select people with the uality
essential for continued success in this competitive global village of today. The only means of
achieving this success is through proper recruitment and selection practices. Recruitment and
selection process is vitally important to any organization desirous of attracting and appointing
ualified personnel. ;etting the right people in the right place at the time doing the right $ob is an
essential element of recruitment and selection process in organizations. In order for the process to
meet desired goals, it must be valid and measurable, with minimum adverse impact. The challenge
for many researchers then have been to demonstrate how scientifically derived recruitment and
selecting practices add value to organizationBs performance. Recruitment and selecting staff is
e!pensive both in terms of time and money, and it is therefore important that the process is carried
out smoothly and efficiently and results in the appointment of a person who fits the $ob.
<rganizations e!ist not because of their desire to be benevolent but to also make profit. Though their
initial concern may be that of image building and winning the goodwill of the public, but the ultimate
goal is the achievement of the organizational goals. This means that there is the need to plan
strategically to cater for the short, medium and long term growth of the organization.
The main ob$ectives for undertaking this pro$ect areA

To understand the recruitment process at II'(.

To know the sources of recruitment at various levels and various $obs

To understand the probable area of improvement to make recruitment procedure more effective

To search or headhunt people whose skills fit into the companyBs value.
The benefit of the study for the researcher is that it helped to gain knowledge and e!perience and
also provided the opportunity to study and understand the prevalent recruitment
Recruitment Process
Recruitment refers to the process of identifying and attracting $ob seekers so as to build a pool of
ualified $ob applicants. The process comprises five interrelated stages, viz,
5trategy development.
Cvaluation and control.
The ideal recruitment programme is the one that attracts a relatively larger number of
ualified applicants who will survive the screening process and accept positions with the
organisation, when offered. Recruitment programmes can miss the ideal in many ways i.e. by failing
to attract an adeuate applicant pool, by underLover selling the organisation or by inadeuate
screening applicants before they enter the selection process. Thus, to approach the ideal, individuals
responsible for the recruitment process must know how many and what types of employees are
needed, where and how to look for the individuals with the appropriate ualifications and interests,
what inducement to use for various types of applicants groups, how to distinguish applicants who are
ualified from those who have a reasonable chance of success and how to evaluate their work.
S!$#E 1" RERUI!(E%! PL$%%I%#"
The first stage in the recruitment process is planning. 6lanning involves the translation of likely $ob
vacancies and information about the nature of these $obs into set of ob$ectives or targets that specify
the )1* :umbers and ).* Types of applicants to be contacted.
:umbers of contactA
<rganization, nearly always, plan to attract more applicants than they will hire. 5ome of those
contacted will be uninterested, unualified or both. Cach time a recruitment 6rogramme is
contemplated, one task is to estimate the number of applicants necessary to fill all vacancies with the
ualified people.
Types of contactsA
It is basically concerned with the types of people to be informed about $ob openings. The type of
people depends on the tasks and responsibilities involved and the ualifications and e!perience
e!pected. These details are available through $ob description and $ob specification.
S!$#E 2" S!R$!E#) DEVELOP(E%!"
When it is estimated that what types of recruitment and how many are reuired then one has
concentrate in
)1*. 7ake or 9uy employees.
).*. Technological sophistication of recruitment and selection devices.
)8*. ;eographical distribution of labour markets comprising $ob seekers.
)0*. 5ources of recruitment.
)3*. 5euencing the activities in the recruitment process.
7akeM or 9uyMA
<rganisation must decide whether to hire le skilled employees and invest on training and education
programmes, or they can hire skilled labour and professional. Cssentially, this is the Nmake or
Nbuy decision. <rganizations, which hire skilled and professionals shall have to pay more for these
Technological 5ophisticationA
The second decision in strategy development relates to the methods used in recruitment and
selection. This decision is mainly influenced by the available technology. The advent of computers
has made it possible for employers to scan national and international applicant ualification.
&lthough impersonal, computers have given employers and ob seekers a wider scope of options in
the initial screening stage.
Where to lookA
In order to reduce the costs, organisations look in to labour markets most likely to offer the reuired
$ob seekers. ;enerally, companies look in to the national market for managerial and professional
employees, regional or local markets for technical employees and local markets for the clerical and
blue%collar employees.
When to lookA
&n effective recruiting strategy must determine when to look%decide on the timings of events besides
knowing where and how to look for $ob applicants.
S!$#E 3" SE$R'%#"
<nce a recruitment plan and strategy are worked out, the search process can begin. 5earch involves
two steps
&*. 5ource &ctivationA
Typically, sources and search methods are activated by the issuance of an employee reuisition.
This means that no actual recruiting takes place until lone managers have verified that vacancy does
e!ist or will e!ist.
If the organisation has planned well and done a good $ob of developing its sources and search
methods, activation soon results in a flood of applications andLor resumes. The application received
must be screened. Those who pass have to be contacted and invited for interview. Fnsuccessful
applicants must be sent letter of regret.
9*. 5ellingA
& second issue to be addressed in the searching process concerns communications. Here,
organisation walks tightrope. <n one hand, they want to do whatever they can to attract desirable
applicants. <n the other hand, they must resist the temptation of overselling their In selling the
organisation, both the message and the media deserve attention. 7essage refers to the employment
advertisement. With regards to media, it may be stated that effectiveness of any recruiting message
depends on the media. 7edia are several%some have low credibility, while others en$oy high
credibility. 5election of medium or media needs to be done with a lot of care.
S!EP 4" SREE%I%#"
5creening of applicants can be regarded as an integral part of the recruiting process, though many
view it as the first step in the selection process. Cven the definition on recruitment, we uoted in the
beginning of this chapter, e!cludes screening from its scope. However, we have included screening
in recruitment for valid reasons. The selection process will begin after the applications have been
scrutinized and short%listed. Hiring of professors in a university is a typical situation. &pplication
received in response to advertisements is screened and only eligible applicants are called for an
interview. & selection committee comprising the Jice%chancellor, Registrar and sub$ect e!perts
conducts interview. Here, the recruitment process e!tends up to screening the applications. The
selection process commences only later.
Purpose of screening
The purpose of screening is to remove from the recruitment process, at an early stage, those
applicants who are visibly unualified for the $ob. Cffective screening can save a great deal of
time and money. +are must be e!ercised, however, to assure that potentially good employees
are not re$ected without $ustification.
In screening, clear $ob specifications are invaluable. It is both good practice and a legal
necessity that applicant s ualification is $udged on the basis of their knowledge, skills, abilities and
interest reuired to do the $ob.
The techniues used to screen applicants vary depending on the candidate sources and
recruiting methods used. Interview and application blanks may be used to screen walk%ins. +ampus
recruiters and agency representatives use interviews and resumes. Reference checks are also useful in
S!$#E 5" EV$LU$!IO% $%D O%!ROL"
Cvaluation and control is necessary as considerable costs are incurred in the recruitment process. The
costs generally incurred areA %
5alaries for recruiters.
7anagement and professional time spent on preparing $ob description, $ob specifications,
advertisements, agency liaison and so forth.
The cost of advertisements or other recruitment methods, that is, agency fees.
Recruitment overheads and administrative e!penses.
+osts of overtime and outsourcing while the vacancies remain unfilled.
+ost of recruiting unsuitable candidates for the selection process.
Eva6uation of Recruitment Process
The recruitment has the ob$ective of searching for and obtaining applications for $ob seekers in
sufficient number and uality. Keeping this ob$ective in the mind, the evaluation might includeA
Return rate of application sent out.
:umber of suitable candidates for selection.
Retention and performance of the candidates selected.
+ost of the recruitment process
Time lapsed data
+omments on image pro$ected.
(ethodo6ogy used for recruitment
Interna6 Sourcing
Internal sourcing is the practice of advertising a new or recently vacated position within a business to
e!isting employees. 7ore businesses have come to use internal sourcing as a method to recruit
employees upward or laterally within the company because little or no training is needed, and
e!penses that include advertising for a new employee and running background checks are spared. It
also fosters loyalty and parity among team members.
Externa6 Sourcing
C!ternal sourcing is a method of recruitment that conducts an employee candidate search through
e!ternal recruitment tools, such as $ob boards, newspaper advertisements and trade publication
announcements. This method favors bringing in $ob candidates that may or may not have direct
e!perience in your small businessH line of workG a candidate within a satellite field may offer a fresh,
out%of%the%bo! perspective to the organization.
C!ternal sourcing is also used when the open position is not able to be filled by a current employee
because of the technicality or specialty of the position. 5mall 9usiness recommends that you know
e!actly what type of $ob candidate you are looking for before advertising the position and accepting
resumes. The ma$or $ob portals used by our company is $obsi$obs.com, naukri.com, D careesma.com
!hird&Party Sourcing
Third%party sourcing involves using a placement agency or headhunter to find ualified $ob
candidates. These third%party sources use various techniues and tools to find appropriate $ob
applicants, such as e!tending offers of improved salary compensation and more fle!ible benefits
&mong the best ways to recruit new employees are throughA
Referrals from current employees
Recruiting at vocational schools and universities
&dvertising in classified sections of newspapers and
in trade and professional publications
,ob fairs
Cmployment agencies
C!ecutive recruiters
(u6tip6e Openings "
It refers to the vacancy for Eesignation available at the company. The position could be any
from the (ower level to the Fpper level. 6osition comes in account when ever there is
vacancy. 5o the +oncerned department get this into the notice of HR department then the
recruitment process starts.
I made the recruitment for many designation after knowing the openings in the company for
;u$rat location. HR team prepares the appropriate ,ob Eescription and ,ob 5pecification. 5o
that the person while recruiting is through with the criteria of the employer and can get the
best potential employees in the organisation.
0o7 Description/0o7 Specification"
-ranch (anager"
0o7 Description&
5hould manage the portfolio for the ;old loanLfinancial 9usiness of its branch.
5hould be able to handle all the branch level activities for the ensuring business growth.
5ystematic planning abilities are reuired for smooth functioning of the branch and for
developing cohesiveness within the company and co%workers.
+oaching, mentoring and training employees and providing them with timely feedback on
their performances.
7aintaining uality the business by tracking and controlling the tea.
6reparing reports related to branch functioning and its performance.
;uiding and motivating subordinates in achieving their goals.
0o7 Specification
;raduatesLpost graduates within minimum 8%0 years of e!perience in dealing with gold
loanLfinancial activities.
9asic knowledge about computers is a must.
5hould be ready to travel e!tensively
5hould possess e!cellent networking skills and communication skills.
RetiredLsenior 9anker from 65F 9anks can also apply.
Re6ationship (anager"
0o7 description&
+lient &cuisition and maintaining client relationship.
9eing a part of large distribution network)branches* for selling third party financial products
like mutual funds, insurances.
7ust be able to handle an alternate channel.
&n opportunity to learn and grow in the finanacial market.
0o7 Specification&
;raduate or H5+ pass with minimum 1 year of e!perience in sales is eligible.
'resh graduatesL 6ost graduates can also apply.
6leasing personality with good communication and interpersonal skills
9asic knowledge about gold loans and financial industry can add advantage.
Recruiting is the first step in the hiring process. The goal is to attract ualified people whose skills
and e!perience meet the demands of the $ob you want to fill. <nce you have an initial pool of
ualified people, you can use interviewing and references to screen for other desirable ualities.
(ater still, you can zero in on candidates who show those ualities to the highest degree.
<f course, in most companies the process begins with an employee reuisition%%the written
document specifying the need for a new worker.
Recruitment 6rocess
HR Round interview
)$ob role, C!perience,
ualification, ctc,
location D family
!'E -ES! ,$) !O DESRI-E $ 0O- !'$! %EEDS !O -E FILLED
(isting all the ualities wanted in a new employee might be the best way to describe the $ob. 9ut
the problem with this method is that it can attract $ust about anyone without drawing in applicants
who meet the most vital reuirements. 'or e!ample, you might think being OcooperativeO is an
important reuirement for a secretarial position %% and it is. 9ut anyone can claim to be cooperative,
and really believe it, too. (isting that reuirement does nothing to attract individuals who have good
6otential +andidate
9usiness Round of Interview
Eocuments Reuired
)+I5, I&5, Resume, &dress
Jerification, 5alary slip,
Relieaving letter
)salary packageL;rade*
Reference check
<ffer &cceptanceL
<ffer ;eneration
:otice 6eriod
typing, shorthand and proofreading skills, which are the skills really needed.
Instead, concentrate on the critical reuirements for the $ob, the few ualifications that are
absolutely essential, no matter which method of recruitment is used. They should be ob$ective
capabilities that anyone can easily and accurately assess in themselves. To recruit a database
administrator who can provide an IE7 knowledge base of both internal and e!ternal parameters for
IE75%E9LEC, say so, and youHll draw in ualified professionals. &t the same time, youHll turn away
people who donHt know what these terms mean.
ItHs also important to include reasons for a prospective employee to consider $oining your company.
7ention your firmHs reputation if itHs well known, its working atmosphere, strong benefits package,
desirable location %% items that will be attractive to prospective employees.
5tart by selecting the most effective advertising medium in your $ob market. ?ou wouldnHt resort to
a television advertisement to recruit computer programmers, for e!ample, because TJ appeals to too
broad a market. 6lacing an ad in a programmersH magazine, or one discussing software, would be a
more likely source.
<nce youHve found the right medium, concentrate on the ad itself, keeping these characteristics in
% Eesign the ad so that it is distinctive in language
and appearance. Fse typography and layout to make
your company and the $ob stand out from other ads on
the page.
% Highlight the ma$or advantages you have to offer.
&ddress a prospective employeeHs most important
needs and concerns.
% 5tate only the most critical $ob reuirements. 7ake
half the ad deal with the $ob itself. Eevote the
other half to selling your organization.
THC 56C+I'I+5 <' & ,<9 &EJCRTI5C7C:T
1. The $ob title. Fse the most familiar term for the
$ob to attract the most readers.
.. & strong opening statement. Fse an attention%getting
opening that highlights the most attractive feature
your $ob has to offer, so people will want to read
8. 5pecifics about the $ob and the $ob reuirements.
0. The additional advantages of taking this $ob.
Include attention%getting information such as the
profitability of the firm, its interesting location,
advancement potential, etc.
+oncentrate on benefits that are important to the type of person youHre seeking. If youHre looking for
professionals or managers, stress a tuition payment plan for advanced degrees. +onversely, donHt try
to sell your pension plan to entry%level applicants.
& selection system is simply an organized hiring plan. It consists of these steps, though the e!act
seuence will vary with the nature of the $obA
1. &dvertising and recruiting
.. Initial screening and evaluations
8. In%depth screening and interviews
0. 6reliminary selection of a candidate to fill the $ob
3. Reference and medical checks
4. ,ob offer
-. Handling of applicants who are not hired
=. <rientation and training
The first step should be to eliminate obviously unualified applicants %% those who do not possess
your most important $ob reuirements %% by reviewing resumes and application forms. 'or e!ample,
if youHre looking for a sales representative who has e!perience selling your product line, a uick
review of the resumes you receive will filter out those who donHt have such e!perience.
Puestions on the application form will vary according to the specific needs of your company but,
in general, this is the kind of information you will want to ask forA
% ;eneral identificationA 'ull name, address, telephone
% Work e!perienceA :ames and addresses of previous
employers. 6ositions held, starting and ending dates.
:ames of immediate supervisors. &sk whether past
employers may be contacted for references.
% 6ersonal references.
% CducationA Include formal schooling, special training,
military training and on%the%$ob courses.
% 5tatement and signatureA Have the applicant sign the
form, including a statement that gives you permission
to verify the application and that the information
is correct to the best of the applicantHs knowledge.
Refer to the ,ob &pplication 'orm, the ,ob &pplication Eisclaimer and &cknowledgement and the
,ob &pplication Fpdate.
9ear in mind that a resume is a selling tool. 7any of them are professionally prepared. They
should be treated as a demonstration of the intelligence, organizational ability and thinking of the
individual it describes.
7ake notes on each resume for yourself. Indicate which areas should be probed during the
interview. Keep handy the list of the $ob reuirements and check them against the knowledge and
skills claimed on the resume.
These four ma$or areas are the most important onesA
1. Cducation %%is it the right kind for the $obI
.. 5pecific work e!perience %% good resumes give
details of achievements as well as descriptions of
main duties and responsibilities. If anything is
unclear, make a note to have it clarified in the
8. 6rogress in each $ob %% look at the numbers of
different positions the applicant has held in each
company, the kinds of positions, and whether the
progressions indicate promotions, lateral moves,
or even demotions. (ook for signs of increasing
0. 5tability %% freuent $ob changes suggest the
candidate easily becomes dissatisfied, though
there may be e!tenuating circumstances that youHll
want to inuire about in the interview.
:ormally, you want to obtain basic work e!perience informationA the dates of employment and
positions held, attendance and performance at various schools.
This information is uite valuable. If something is inconsistent, it can be cleared up at the follow%
up interview. <vert dishonesty about a past $ob is grounds to re$ect the applicant.
C!pect personal references to present favorable pictures of the applicant, but they should be
followed through with a phone call anyway. 5pecific uestions about a particular $ob ualification
may yield a useful reply. &nother thing to considerA 7any applicants list the most important people
they know. These people are often particularly frank and ob$ective. Fse the Telephone Reference
+hecklist and Cmployment Reference Response 'orm.
<ne way to get good information from a personal reference is to ask about some weakness already
discovered. :ormally, youHll get either a confirmation or a detailed denial.
If a reference check raises uestions about a candidate youHve tentatively selected, donHt be too
uick to reverse that selection. 9e particularly cautious if the unfavorable information is inconsistent
with the results of the other reference checks. It may indicate a biased or mistaken reference.
&nother interview should be scheduled where the applicant is asked about it. There may be a
perfectly logical e!planation.
&n &uthorization for Release of 6rior Cmployment Information and Reuest for +ollege Transcript
round out the information needed.
7ake up an &pplicant Rating 'orm for each applicant. It calls for a numerical rating for each of the
ma$or $ob reuirements, plus overall reaction to the candidate.
The hiring process is much the same at each level, though the $ob reuirements for senior managers
are longer and more detailed. They emphasize characteristics important to top management.
?ouHll want to have several senior e!ecutives interview a candidate for a top%level position, while
one or two interviews with the immediate supervisor is usually sufficient for lower%level personnel.
5tyle and personality count more when choosing an e!ecutive, as do leadership ability and the
candidateHs plans for the future of your company. Intangible factors like organizational chemistry
and OfitO with other e!ecutives are also important considerations for e!ecutives.
&fter the decision has been reached on the person to be hired, the selected applicant will be
formally offered the $ob. &t this time, all the details of the offer should be e!plained and any
uestions that the applicant may have about the offer answered.
There should be clear understanding aboutA
1. +ompensation and benefits
.. +onditions of the offer
8. Relocation reuirements )if applicable*
0. Travel reuirements
3. 5tarting date
4. Eeadline for acceptance of the offer
-. 5pecial $ob reuirements
:ormally, an oral $ob offer is followed by a ,ob <ffer (etter.
ItHs always to the companyHs advantage to personally contact those individuals who have been
interviewed but will not be offered a $ob. ItHs possible, for e!ample, that you might want to make an
offer at some future time to one of the applicants, either because your first choice didnHt accept your
offer or didnHt perform up to your e!pectations once he or she took the $ob. <r you might have
another opening suitable for a person youHve re$ected for a different $ob.
9eyond those practical considerations, it is unkind and unethical to totally ignore individuals who
have applied and have taken the time to be interviewed. ItHs also e!tremely poor public relations.
The &pplicant Re$ection (etter can be adapted to your own needs.
& good orientation program can help a new employee realize his or her full promise. &mong the
things an effective program can do are toA
1. 7ake an e!cellent first impression. The new
employeeHs early reactions can set the tone for his
entire career. This is when most newcomers
develop their attitudes toward the company, the $ob
and their supervisors.
.. (ead to better morale and motivation. It can prevent
the errors, misunderstanding and discontent that poor
communication can cause.
8. 6resent accurate information. ItHs to everyoneHs
advantage that a new employee fully understand the
companyHs rules and practices, and the benefits
offered in return. EonHt leave this important
information to chance or the grapevine. 6oor
communications now can lead to serious
misunderstandings later.
0. Improve learning. The well%briefed employee is less
likely to make mistakes and will reuire less
training and supervision on the $ob.
The plan should have several key components, toA
1. (et the new employee know what the company
e!pects of him or her. These are the basic policies
and procedures usually found in employee
handbooks and policy manuals.
.. (et the employee know what the company offers.
8. 6rovide information on whom to see for help or
0. Introduce the new employee to co%workers,
supervisors, and the workplace.
The supervisor plays a vital role in orienting new employees. He or she should personally welcome
each new employee and introduce him or her to other members of the department.
5upervisors should be trained how to carry out this important task. &n <rientation +hecklist for
:ew Cmployees covers the sub$ect.The +onfidentiality &greement should be used if confidential
information will be available to the new employee.
$dvantages of #ood Orientation
+ost reduction, :o chaos, Increase productivity, (ess turnover ratio, It take less time to familiarise, It
creates good adhesion, +reate good impression, Cmployee retention.
In $7sence of Orientation
+ompany image goes down, 'ailure to work with their highest potential, (oss of productivity, (ow
morale, 6oor integration in team, Fneasiness of new employee in the environment of the
&lso it (eads to Carly leaving, High employee turnover, (owering the morale of remaining staff,
&dditional cost for re%recruiting, Eamage the company reputation, &ffect new recruitment, (eaverBs
record is affected.
6&6CRW<RK 5H<F(E 9C 'I((CE <FT &T THC TI7C THC :CW C76(<?CC ,<I:5 THC
& :ew Hire 6ersonnel Eata 5heet should be completed and the 6ersonnel Eepartment should collect
the items described in a 6ersonnel 'ile +hecklist. The employee should sign a :ew Cmployee
&cknowledgement 'orm, acknowledging receipt of personnel literature.
If the employee is a part time or hourly worker, he or she should be given the 6art Time Cmployee
(etter of Fnderstanding or Hourly Cmployee Information 5heet. In the case of an employee
returning to the company, the Rehire 'orm should be used to update records.
<rganization should hire at least 1.
pass students also for the lower
The process time for taking the decision of hiring a candidate should be
reduced if possible because some time we may loss the potential
The lead time between the HR round of interview and 9usiness round of
interview should be should be reduced if possible.
The approval for the candidate $oining should be given as decision are
taken because then it increases the time for offer generation.
They should provide pre placements to the summer Interns they are
Cual work should be allotted to all the Interns
Interns should get something In kind or In cash as an appreciation which
will motivate them to work more in the same company
<n the basis of the survey conducted it is clear that recruitment process is
same for all ;rades,
The HR people are core asset for II'(
There are different sources used to recruit people.
7a$or source of recruitment is $ob portal and consultant.
They conduct &ptitude test, technological test and sales skill test also.
They hire employees on the basis of Pualification, C!perience, ,ob role, 'amily
They also have a well structured system of conducting reference check.
They also have the structured documents system which they maintain of
candidate such as +I5 )candidate information sheet*, I&5 )interview assessment
sheet*, and &JR )address verification Report*.

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