The installation is fully customizable, meaning you can choose exactly which components get installed. Some components are deselected by default and are only installed if you explicitly select them. There are also some cases where you must choose between two (or more) components that serve a similar purpose.
Players: Media Player Classic Home Cinema [version 1.4.2744.0] Media Player Classic Home Cinema [version 1.2.1008.0] Media Player Classic [version .4.!.1 rev. 107] This is a full featured player with many options and useful functionality. !t has internal filters for opening various container formats such as "#$, "atros%a, &'( and )gg. !t is also capable of playing *uic%Time and +eal"edia content if those framewor%s are installed. The ,ome -inema version has internal ./(0 decoders for ,.12$ and (- 3 video. ""ds#o$: ""ds#o$ [revision % %1] ffdshow is a very powerful .irectShow filter that can decode many audio and video formats. !t also contains lots of options for manipulation of the audio and video, such as resizing and post processing. 4xamples of supported video formats are5 .iv/, /vid, "#46 $, ,.12$70(-, "#46 1, (- 3, ,.128, &'(3, &'($, (#8, (#2, Theora, S(*3, S(*8, and "9#46. 4xamples of supported audio formats are5 "#8, 00-, 0-8, .TS, '#-", (orbis, "#3, "#1, 4 0-8, .olby True,., 0"+, Nellymoser, and !"0 0.#-". ""ds#o$ &'( inter"ace (&: decoder that supports many video formats. (&: encoder for a few video formats5 ,.12$, "#46 $, .(, ,.128, "#46 1, "#46 3, "9#46 and a couple more. )*tra pl+,ins ;ernel.eint and Toms"o-omp deinterlacers, .Scaler plugin, x12$ encoder. -irect.#o$ video decodin, "ilters: /vid [version 1.2.2] &or decoding /vid "#46 $ video. This is currently the most popular video format. MP)012 2-.caler34 [version] MP)012 2Cy5erlin64 [version] &or decoding "#46 1 video. :indows (ista and < already contain a "#46 1 decoder by default. So you don=t need to install another one, unless you prefer it over the "icrosoft decoder. 7n2 &P7 [version] &or decoding (#< video. This format is not very common. -irect.#o$ a+dio decodin, "ilters: 8C%9-:.9;PCM9MP19MP2 28C%'ilter4 [version 1. %5] &or decoding 0-8 and .TS audio. 0lso decodes .(. audio. &or5is 2Core&or5is4 [version!] &or decoding (orbis audio. This is the recommended (orbis decoder. 88C 2M7<70=8M4 [version 0.!. .0] &or decoding 00- audio. -irect.#o$ a+dio parsers: ';8C 2mad';8C4 [version 1.!] Source filter and decoding filter for &'0- audio files (.flac). (avPac6 2Core(avPac64 [version 1.1.1] Source filter and decoding filter for :av#ac% audio files (.wv). M+sePac6 2M7<70=8M4 [version 0.!.2.0 9] Source filter and decoding filter for "use#ac% audio files (.mpc). Mon6ey>s 8+dio 2-Coder4 [version 1.0] Source filter with integrated decoder for "on%ey=s 0udio files (.ape .apl). 7ptim'=70 2=ad;i,#t4 [version] Source filter with integrated decoder for )ptim&+)6 audio files (.ofr .ofs). 8M= 2M7<70=8M4 [version]
Source filter and decoding filter for 0"+ audio files (.amr). This filter is also able to encode and mux 0"+ audio. -C1?ass .o+rce [version 1.2.0] Source filter with integrated decoders for the following audio file types5 00- (.aac .m$a) 0'0- (.alac) Trac%er (.it .mo8 .mtm .s8m .umx .xm) True 0udio (.tta) 8C%9-:. .o+rce 28C%'ile4 [version 0.75] Source filter for .ac8 and .dts files. -irect.#o$ so+rce "ilters: 8&I splitter 20a5est4 [version 1.4.2740.0] 8&I splitter 2Haali Media .plitter4 [version 1.10.%48.13] &or parsing the 0(! container (.avi files). MP49%0P9M7& splitter 2Haali Media .plitter4 [version 1.10.%48.13] MP49%0P9M7& splitter 20a5est4 [version 1.4.2740.0] &or parsing the "#$7")(786# containers (.mp$ .m$v .hdmov .mov .8gp files). Matros6a splitter 2Haali Media .plitter4 [version 1.10.%48.13] Matros6a splitter 20a5est4 [version 1.4.2740.0] &or parsing the "atros%a container (.m%v .m%a files) and :eb" container (.webm files). 7,, splitter 2Haali Media .plitter4 [version 1.10.%48.13] 7,, splitter 20a5est4 [version 1.4.2740.0] &or parsing the )gg container (.ogm .ogv .ogg .oga files). MP)01P.9:. splitter 20a5est4 [version 1.4.2740.0] MP)01P.9:. splitter 2Haali Media .plitter4 [version 1.10.%48.13] &or parsing the "#46 #S container (.mpeg .mpg .m3v .m1v files) and the "#46 TS container (.ts .m1ts .m1t .mts files). The ,aali "#46 #S splitter also supports .evo files, but it does not always wor% properly for regular "#46 files. ';& splitter 20a5est4 [version 1.4.2740.0] &or parsing the &'( container (.flv files). =ealMedia splitter 20a5est4 [version 1.4.2740.0] &or parsing the +eal"edia container (.rm .rmvb files). C-/8 =eader 20a5est4 [version 1.4.2740.0] &or reading (-., S(-. and /-. discs. -irect.#o$ s+5title "ilter: -irect&o5.+5 2a.6.a. &.'ilter4 [version 2.%!.3.%] -irect&o5.+5 2a.6.a. &.'ilter4 [version 2.%%] .irect(obSub is a filter for displaying subtitles (ssa7ass, srt and vobsub). >our subtitle file(s) should have the same filename as your video file (for example5 "ovieName.avi ? "ovieName.idx ? "ovieName.sub) and should be in the same folder as your video file. Then the subtitles will automatically be displayed in most players. 7t#er "ilters: Haali &ideo =enderer [version 1.10.%48.13] 4xcellent video renderer that can be used as an alternative for the video renderers that :indows offers. +e@uires a modern graphics card with #ixelShader 3.$ or higher. &'( video codecs: /vid [version 1.2.2] &or encoding video in the /vid "#46 $ format. *2 4 [revision 17!0] &or encoding video in the ,.12$ format. :e do N)T recommend using the (&: system to encode ,.12$ video. #utting ,.12$ video in the 0(! container is not a good idea because of playbac% compatibility issues. !t is recommended to use a -'! based solution, such as "e6A!, which can put the video inside the "#$ or "atros%a container. 7n2 &P [version .4.2.0] &or encoding video in the (#2 format. 7n2 &P7 [version] &or encoding video in the (#< format. ;a,arit# [version 1.%.20] &or decoding and encoding the 'agarith video format. 'agarith is a lossless (no @uality loss) video compression format.
#+""y+v [version 2.1.1 CC) Patc# 0.2.3] &or decoding and encoding the huffyuv video format. huffyuv is a lossless (no @uality loss) video compression format. Intel Indeo 4 [version 4.31.1 .2] &or decoding and encoding the !ndeo $ video format. Intel Indeo 3 [version 3.23 2.13.34] &or decoding and encoding the !ndeo B video format. Intel I.2 % [version ] &or decoding and encoding the !.128 video format. -iv/ [version %.11] &or decoding an old version of the .iv/ "#46 $ video format. This codec is re@uired by :"# for playing certain old video files. @&12 2Heli*4 [version 1.%] &or decoding and encoding the >(31 format. 8CM a+dio codecs: MP% 2'ra+n#o"er4 [version %.4.0.0] &or decoding and encoding "#8 audio in applications li%e (irtual.ub. MP% 2;8M)4 [version %.!8.2] &or encoding "#8 audio in applications li%e (irtual.ub. 8C%8CM [version 1.3] &or decoding and encoding 0-8 audio in applications li%e (irtual.ub. &or5is [version 0.0.%. ] +e@uired for playing certain 0(! files that contain (orbis audio. These files are usually old and very uncommon. .o not use this codec for encodingC -iv/ (M8 [version] Some old .iv/ 8.33 encoded videos use this audio codec. This codec does not get used for decoding normal :"0 audio. :ools: A1;ite Codec :$ea6 :ool [version 4. .1] :ith this multi functional tool you can do many useful things. !t can detect and fix some common problems. !t can generate a detailed list of all installed codecs and filters. !t can reset settings for the codecs from the pac%. !t can bac%up and restore your setting. !t allows you to manage the installed codecs and filters. (in7-.'ilter:$ea6er [version %.7] 0llows setting third party decoders as the preferred filters in :indows <. MediaIn"o ;ite [version 0.7.%7] This tool can analyze a media file and show detailed information about it. 0.pot Codec In"ormation 8ppliance [version 2.70a] 6Spot is a tool that can analyze 0(!, "#46 and "#$ files and tell you which audio and video formats it contains. !t can also perform a render test that shows you which filters are being used to play the file. &o5.+5.trip [version 0.11] :ith this tool you can strip languages from (obSub subtitle files (.idx and .sub files). 0rap#.t+dio [version 0.%.2.0] 6raphStudio is a tool for constructing and analyzing .irectShow filter graphs. Haali M+*er Tool for (re )muxing audio and video into a "atros%a container. 'o+rCC C#an,er The &our-- (&our -haracter -ode) -hanger is a program for changing the &our-- of a video file, which is used to identify which codec should be used to decode the file. This tool is for expert users only. ?itrate Calc+lator This can be used to calculate the bitrate to use when encoding a movie.