Before Installation:: Player
Before Installation:: Player
Before Installation:: Player
It is highly recommended to first uninstall other codec related packages before installing this package. This way your system stays clean and potential problems will be avoided. This installer is able to automatically detect a lot of codec packs and it will ask you if you want to uninstall them. Close all multimedia applications (media players, video editors, browsers, filesharing tools, etc) before installing this pack.
Below on this page you can find some information about all components included in this codec pack. lease read this information thoroughly. !eave all settings in the installer at their default values if you don"t know e#actly what you should install.
After installation:
It is recommended to run the Reset to recommended settings shortcut after the first installation. This should be done on all user accounts, e#cept for the administrator account that was used to perform the installation. This will make sure all filters are correctly configured.
Unattended installation:
$un the setup with the command%line parameter %&ake'nattended to create an unattended setup. ( wi)ard called *'nattended Install &aker* will appear. +ollow the instructions given in the wi)ard.
# means that ffdshow is able to decode the same format(s) as the marked component. ,o you don"t necessarily need to install the marked component if you install ffdshow. # means that &edia layer Classic is able to decode the same format(s) as the marked component. ,o you don"t necessarily need to install the marked component if you install & C and use it as your default player. Player: Media Player Classic [version 6. .!."# $ Mod %y Casimir666 v&.".!."' This is a full%featured player which has internal decoding support for -.-, & /0%123, & 4, & 3, ((C, (C4 and -T,. It also has internal support for opening & 5, &atroska and 6gg containers. &edia layer Classic is also capable of playing 7uickTime and $eal&edia content if those codecs are installed. ffds(o): ffds(o) [revision &*+&' ffdshow is a very powerful -irect,how filter can decode various audio and video formats. +or e#ample8 -iv9, 9vid, & /0%5, :.3;4, :.3;5, & /01, & /03, +!.1, +!.5, &< /0, Cine ack, . 4, huffyuv, Theora, ((C, (C4, -T,, & 1, & 3, & 4 and True(udio. =hen using ffdshow you don"t need to install separate -irect,how filters for all of these formats. ffds(o) ,-. interface +or encoding into various formats8 & /0%5, -., :.3;4, Theora, & /0%3, & /0%1, &< /0 and a couple more. /irect0(o) video filters: CoreA,C [version &.*."."' # +or decoding :.3;52(.C video. MP1234 5Cy%erlin67 [version 6.".".* "4' # # +or decoding & /0%3 video. Cyberlink also support playback of -.- video in =indows &edia layer and =indows &edia Center. =indows .ista (:ome remium 2 'ltimate) already contains its own & /0%3 and -.- decoder. ,o you don"t need to install this one, unless you prefer it over the &, decoder. /irect0(o) so8rce filters:
A,I splitter 59aali Media 0plitter7 [version &.+.&:!.&&' # +or opening audio and video streams in a (.I container (.avi files). MP splitter 59aali Media 0plitter7 [version &.+.&:!.&&' # MP ;M<, splitter 52a%est7 [version &.".".*#' # +or opening audio and video streams in a & 5 container (.mp5 files). Matros6a splitter 59aali Media 0plitter7 [version &.+.&:!.&&' # +or opening audio and video streams in a &atroska container (.mkv .mka files). <gg splitter 59aali Media 0plitter7 [version &.+.&:!.&&' # +or opening audio and video streams in an 6gg container (.ogm .ogg files). -=, splitter 52a%est7 [version &.".".4' # +or opening audio and video streams in a +!. container (.flv files). MP12 P0;>0 splitter 52a%est7 [version &.".".* $ revision 6&&' # MP12 P0;>0 splitter 59aali Media 0plitter7 [version &.+.&:!.&&' # +or opening audio and video streams in a & /0 Transport ,tream container (.ts .m3ts .tp files). +or opening audio and video streams in a & /0 rogram ,tream container (.mpg .mpeg files). The :aali & /0 , splitter supports .evo files, however its support for regular & /0 files is currectly broken. /irect0(o) s8%title filter: /irect,o%08% 5a.6.a. ,0-ilter7 [version 4.*+ # fi?es' # # -irect.ob,ub is a filter for displaying subtitles (ssa2ass, srt and vobsub). >our subtitle file(s) should have the same filename as your video file (for e#ample8 &ovie?ame.avi @ &ovie? @ &ovie?ame.sub) and should be in the same folder as your video file. Then the subtitles will automatically be displayed in most players. >ools: @3=ite Codec >)ea6 >ool [version 4.&."' =ith this multi%functional tool you can (1) detect and fi# some common problems (3) generate a detailed list of all installed codecs and filters (4) reset settings (5) backup2restore settings (A) manage the installed codecs and filters. 20pot Codec Information Appliance [version 4.+"a' 0,pot is a tool that can tell you e#actly which codecs are needed to play (.I and & /0 files. It can also perform a render test (for all types video files) that shows you which filters are being used to play that file. ,o%08%0trip [version ".&&' =ith this tool you can strip languages from .ob,ub subtitle files (.id# and .sub files).