Techno-Commerical Offer - Part I: Sl. No. Description Page No. 1
Techno-Commerical Offer - Part I: Sl. No. Description Page No. 1
Techno-Commerical Offer - Part I: Sl. No. Description Page No. 1
Sl. No. . 2. 3. 4. 5. ". %. '. 9. 1$. 11. Description Notice of Invitation to tender General Rules & Instructions for the guidance of tenderer General conditions of contract Form of agreement afet! code #ecial terms & conditions &echnical #ecifications (##roved ma)e of materials *eviation from &echnical #ecifications +lan sho,ing the location of R-G ingle line diagram Page No. 1 3 9 34 3" 4$ 42 4' 49 5$ 51
ealed tenders on item rate are invited from com#etent .lectrical /ontractors having sound &echnical and financial ca#acit! for rene,al and su##l!0 installation0 testing and commissioning of 1112 3& installations 4vi5. rene,al of R-G unit0 11 12 load 6rea) s,itch and 1112 3& ca6le7 at /anara 8an)0 /ircle 9ffice0 /hennai : "$$ $1'. &ender documents ma! 6e #urchased from /anara 8an) /ircle 9ffice0 &e!nam#et0 /hennai "$$ $1' against #a!ment of Rs.**+,- including ervice &a;. .stimated cost of ,or) .arnest -one! *e#osit < Rs.120$$0$$$=:4Ru#ees &,elve la)hs7 < Rs.120$$$=: 6! ,a! of crossed demand draft = 8an)er>s che?ue in favour of @/anara 8an)0 + & . sectionA #a!a6le at /hennai. < "$ da!s < From $3.$5.2$11 11.$5.2$11 in 6an) Bor)ing hours 6et,een 1$.$$ (.- to 5.$$ #m < 8efore 2.$$ #m on 12.$5.2$11 as #er instructions in tender documents.
+eriod of com#letion *ate of issue of &ender documents Cast date for su6mission of &ender
&ime and date of o#ening of &echnical 8id < 3.$$ +.- on 12.$5.2$11 &he tender shall 6e of t,o cover s!stem = t,o 6id s!stem. +art 1< &echnical s#ecifications0 ?ualifications0 general conditions of contract etc. along ,ith .-* +art 2< +rice 8id 8oth the #arts each in se#arate sealed cover 1 & 2 4 +art 1 D in cover 1 and +art 2 in cover 27 shall 6e su6mitted together in a common sealed cover. &he 8an) ,ill not 6e 6ound to acce#t the lo,est tender and reserves the right to acce#t or reEect an! or all the tenders ,ithout assigning an! reason ,hatsoever. Eligi-ilit. criteria/ 1. &he 6idders shall 6e themselves com#etent .lectrical /ontractors ,ho have e;ecuted similar ,or)s such as su##l!0 installation0 testing and commissioning of 1112 3& installations 4vi5. R-G unit0 11 12 load 6rea) s,itch0 1112 3& ca6ling etc7 at Government and +u6lic sector underta)ings. 2. &he tenderers shall #roduce the follo,ing documents dul! attested along ,ith tender documents. 2
(udited financial statement consisting of financial turnover and #rofit & loss account for the #ast 3 !ears. &hose tenderers ,ho have achieved at least annual turnover of Rs.1.$ crore in all the #ast 3 !ears are onl! eligi6le to tender. 3. &he tenderer shall have minimum of % !ears e;#erience in su##l!0 installation0 testing and commissioning of 3& installations vi5. R-G unit0 2/8 #anel0 3& ca6ling = Eointing0 etc. 4. &he tenderer shall have after sales service unit at /hennai. 5. hould have e;ecuted three similar ,or)s0 i.e. su##l!0 installation0 testing and commissioning of 3& installations vi5. R-G unit0 2/8 #anel0 3& ca6ling = Eointing0 etc. for a value of Rs.25 la)hs and a6ove under single agreement during the last 3 !ears along ,ith #erformance certificate indicating the functioning of s!stems installed 6! them and each ,or) should involve installation of R-G unit0 2/8 #anel0 3& ca6ling and Eointing0 etc. tate
". &he tenderer should #ossess a valid . ( = .( license issued 6! &amilnadu .lectrical Cicensing 8oard.
%. &he firm must have service ta; Registration num6er and +(N num6er. /o#ies of the registration certificate and +(N card to 6e enclosed.
-anager0 +remises & .state ection /anara 8an)0 /ircle 9ffice &e!nam#et. /hennai D "$$ $1'
1. &enders are here6! invited on 6ehalf of /anara 8an)0 +remises & .state ection0 /ircle 9ffice0 &e!nam#et0 /hennai D "$$ $1' for su##l!0 installation0 testing and commissioning of 1112 3& installations 4vi5. rene,al of R-G unit0 11 12 load 6rea) s,itch and 1112 3& ca6le7 at /anara 8an)0 /ircle 9ffice0 /hennai : "$$ $1' at an estimated cost of Rs.120$$0$$$=:
2. /ontract documents consisting of the #lans0 com#lete s#ecifications0 the schedule of ?uantities of the various classes of ,or) to 6e done0 and the set of conditions of contract to 6e com#lied ,ith 6! the #ersons ,hose tenders ma! 6e acce#ted0 and ,hich ,ill also 6e found in the form of tenders0 can 6e seen = #urchased at the office of the -anager0 +remises & .state ection0 /anara 8an)0 /ircle 9ffice0 &e!nam#et. /hennai D "$$ $1' 6et,een the hours of 1$ (.-. to 5 +.-. on -onda!s to Frida!s and 1$ (.-. to 2 +.-. on aturda!s0 e;ce#t on unda!s and 8an) holida!s. &he site for the ,or) is availa6le and can 6e ins#ected 6! the tenderer on an! ,or)ing da!. 3. &he tender conce#t is @&B9 +(R& &.N*.RA and it has to 6e su6mitted as such. It should 6e al,a!s 6e #laced in sealed cover0 ,ith the name of the #roEect ,ritten on the cover mentioning @&echno:/ommercial 8idA and @+rice 8idA as the case ma! 6e in t,o different covers and su6mitted together in a common sealed cover. ealed cover ,ill 6e received 6! the -anager0 +remises & .state ection0 /anara 8an)0 /ircle 9ffice0 &e!nam#et. /hennai D "$$ $1' u#to 2.$$ +.-.on 12.$5.2$11 and ,ill 6e o#ened 6! him in his office on 12.$5.2$11 at 3.$$ +.&he &echno:/ommercial 8id ,ill 6e o#ened in the said office on FFFFFFFFFFFFFF at 3.3$ #m &he date for o#ening the #rice 6id ,ill 6e intimated su6se?uentl! onl! to such firms ,hose technical 6ids are found suita6le. &he tenderer is re?uested to #artici#ate during the o#ening of the tender. 3.1. &he t,o covers are classified as0 417. &he &echno:/ommercial 8id and 427. &he +rice 8id.
3.2. &he first cover su#erscri6ed as @&echno:/ommercial 8idA should 6e su6mitted in a sealed envelo#e containing all the follo,ing documents< i. a. Notice of invitation to tender 6. General rules and instructions for the guidance of tenderer c. #ecimen form of agreement d. General conditions of contract e. afet! code f. #ecial terms & conditions g. &echnical s#ecifications for the R-G unit0 C8 0 etc. h. &echnical s#ecifications to 6e furnished 6! the tenderer i. -aterials a##roved for use in this ,or) E. .-* for Rs.120$$$=: in the form of *emand *raft = 8an) Guarantee ). *eviations 4if an!7 from technical s#ecifications
&he technical features =6rochures of the R-G unit0 C8 0 etc.0 and such other details = data re?uired for the technical evaluation of the entire s!stem offered. 4It is essential that an! technical information considered useful should 6e furnished at the first instance itself in this envelo#e and at latter date an! additional or su##lementar! information shall not 6e entertained unless it is found necessar! and sought 6! the .m#lo!er = /onsultant in form of ,ritten clarification to clear an! #ertinent dou6ts7. &he #rice 6id shall contain the 89G.
4. &he second envelo#e su#erscri6ed as @+rice 8idA should 6e sealed and su6mitted on the same given date and time simultaneousl! along ,ith &echno:/ommercial 8id. Non su6mission of the same along ,ith +art I shall automaticall! render the entire tender 6eing reEected. &his envelo#e should contain dul! filled in 8ill of ?uantities 4enclosed in the tender document7 ,ith values ,ritten in ,ords and figures0 and as detailed else,here in the tender documents. 5. &enders are to 6e on the #rescri6ed form ,hich can 6e o6tained from the office of the r. -anager0 +remises & .state ection0 /anara 8an)0 /ircle 9ffice0 &e!nam#et. /hennai D "$$ $1' on #a!ment of a sum of Rs.552=: 4including service ta;7 in cash = demand draft. &he time allo,ed for the carr!ing out of the ,or) ,ill 6e 2 months from the fifteenth da! after the date of ,ritten orders to commence ,or). ". &he contractors should ?uote in figures as ,ell as in ,ords the rate0 and amount tendered 6! them. &he amount for each item should 6e ,or)ed out and the re?uisite totals given. %. Bhen a contractor signs a tender in an Indian language the #ercentage a6ove or 6elo, and the tendered amount and the total amount tendered should also 6e ,ritten in the same language. In the case of illiterate contractors the rates or the amounts tendered should 6e attested 6! a ,itness.
'. .arnest mone! de#osit amounting to Rs.120$$$=: in the form of 8an) *raft dra,n in favour of
/anara 8an)0 +remises & .state ection0 /ircle 9ffice0 /hennai D "$$ $1' must accom#an! the &echno:/ommercial 8id and the same is to 6e in a sealed cover su#er:scri6ed @&ender for su##l!0 installation0 testing and commissioning of 1112 3& installations 4vi5. rene,al of R-G unit0
11 12 load 6rea) s,itch and 1112 3& ca6le7 at /anara 8an)0 /ircle 9ffice0 /hennai : "$$ $1' D +art I &echno:/ommercial 9ffer
S2-3ission o4 t5e EMD in t5e price -i6 en7elope s5all ren6er t5e ten6er -eing re8ecte6 on t5e gro2n6s o4 non s2-3ission o4 EMD. 9. &he contractor0 ,hose tender is acce#ted ,ill 6e re?uired to furnish 6! ,a! of securit! de#osit for the due fulfillment of his contract0 such sum as ,ill amount< a7 1$.$$H on the first Rs.10$$0$$$=: of the cost of ,or). 67 %.5$H on the ne;t Rs.10$$0$$$=: of the cost of ,or). c7 5.$$H on the ne;t amount u#to Rs.2 crores of the cost of ,or). &he ecurit! *e#osit shall 6e collected as detailed in clause No. 12 of the General /onditions of the /ontract. &he .-* of the contractor ,hose tender is acce#ted0 shall 6e forfeited in full in case he does not remit the Initial ecurit! *e#osit ,ithin the sti#ulated #eriod or start the ,or) 6! the sti#ulated date mentioned in the a,ard letter. 1$. &he acce#tance of a tender ,ill rest ,ith /anara 8an)0 +remises and .state ection0 /ircle 9ffice0 /hennai D "$$ $1' ,hich does not 6ind itself to acce#t the lo,est tender0 and reserves to
itself the authorit! to reEect an! or all of the tenders received ,ithout the assignment of a reason. (ll tenders in ,hich an! of the #rescri6ed conditions are not fulfilled or are incom#lete in an! res#ect are lia6le to 6e reEected. &he 8an) reserves the right to acce#t the tender in full or in #art and the tenderer shall have no claim for revision of rates or other conditions if his tender is acce#ted in #arts. 11. /anvassing in connection ,ith tenders is strictl! #rohi6ited and the tenders su6mitted 6! the contractors ,ho resort to canvassing ,ill 6e lia6le to reEection. 12. (ll rates shall 6e ?uoted on the #ro#er form of the tender alone. 13. (n item rate tender containing #ercentage 6elo, = a6ove ,ill 6e summaril! reEected. 3o,ever0 ,here a tenderer voluntaril! offers a re6ate for #a!ment ,ithin a sti#ulated #eriod0 this ma! 6e considered. 14. 9n acce#tance of the tender0 the name of the accredited re#resentative4s7 of the contractor ,ho ,ould 6e res#onsi6le for ta)ing instructions from the .m#lo!er = (rchitects shall 6e communicated to the .m#lo!er. 15. #ecial care should 6e ta)en to ,rite the rates in figures as ,ell as in ,ords and the amounts in figures onl!0 in such a ,a! that inter#olation is not #ossi6le. &he total amount should 6e ,ritten 6oth in figures and in ,ords. In case of figures0 the ,ords @Rs.A should 6e ,ritten 6efore the figure of ru#ees and ,ords @+A after the decimal figures0 e.g. Rs.2.15#. and in case of ,ords0 the ,ord @Ru#eesA should #recede and the ,ord @+aiseA should 6e ,ritten at the end0 unless the rate is in ,hole ru#ees and follo,ed 6! the ,ords @onl!A0 it should invaria6l! 6e u# to t,o decimal #laces. Bhile ?uoting the rate in schedule of ?uantities0 the ,ord @onl!A should 6e ,ritten closel! follo,ing the amount and it should not 6e ,ritten in the ne;t line. 1". &he 8an) does not 6ind itself to acce#t the lo,est or an! tender and reserves to itself the right of acce#ting the ,hole or an! #art of the tender and the tenderer shall 6e 6ound to #erform the same at the rate ?uoted. &his #articular as#ect should 6e mentioned in the tender notice. 1%. &he contractor shall give a list of his relatives ,or)ing ,ith the 8an) along ,ith their designations and addresses. 1'. No em#lo!ee of the 8an) is allo,ed to ,or) as a contractor for a #eriod of t,o !ears of his retirement from 8an) service0 ,ithout the #revious #ermission of the 8an). &he contract is lia6le to 6e cancelled if either the contractor or an! of his em#lo!ees is found at an! time to 6e such a #erson ,ho had not o6tained the #ermission of the 8an) as aforesaid 6efore su6mission of the tender or engagement in the contractor>s service. 19. &he tender for ,or)s shall remain o#en for acce#tance for a #eriod of 9$ da!s from the date of o#ening of tenders. If an! tenderer ,ithdra,s his tender 6efore the said #eriod0 then the 8an) shall 6e at li6ert! to forfeit .arnest -one! #aid along ,ith the tender. 2$. &he tender for the ,or) shall not 6e ,itnessed 6! a contractor or contractors ,ho himself = themselves has = have tendered or ,ho ma! and had = have tendered for the same ,or). Failure to o6serve this condition ,ould render tenders of the contractors tendering as ,ell as ,itnessing the tender lia6le to summar! reEection.
21. It ,ill 6e o6ligator! on the #art of the tenderer to tender and sign and tender documents for all the com#onent #arts and that0 after the ,or) is a,arded0 he ,ill have to enter into an agreement for each com#onent ,ith the /om#etent (uthorit! in the 8an). 22. &he tenderer0 a#art from 6eing a com#etent contractor must associate himself ,ith agencies of the a##ro#riate class ,ho are eligi6le to tender for a7 .lectrical 67 anitar! and Bater su##l! installations c7 3orticulture +9. The tenderer shall submit a blank copy of price bid indicating quoted / not quoted in the relevant column. This is to enable that the tenderer has quoted against all relevant items in order Tender shall be on prescribed Form only which can be obtained from the office of / MANA !" #"!M$%!S # ESTATE SECTION as 6etaile6 in Notice In7iting Ten6er an6 point + a-o7e. 24. &he time allo,ed for carr!ing out of the ,or) ,ill 6e not e;ceeding the #eriod s#ecified in the NI& i.e. 2 months counted from the 1st da!0 after the date of @ (cce#tance Cetter @ and= or ,ritten orders to commence the ,or). 25. Issue of tender form = documents shall 6e sto##ed 1 da! 6efore the date fi;ed for the o#ening of tenders. 2". &he contractor0 ,hose tender is acce#ted ,ill 6e re?uired to furnish 6! ,a! of securit! de#osit for the due fulfillment of his contract0 such sum as ,ill amount to t,o #ercent of the contract value ,ithin 14 da!s from the date of #lacement of order. 2%. &he .-* of the contractor ,hose tender is acce#ted0 shall 6e forfeited in full in case he does not remit the Initial ecurit! *e#osit ,ithin the sti#ulated #eriod or start the ,or) 6! the sti#ulated date mentioned in the a,ard letter. &he successful tenderer to ,hom the contract is a,arded ,ill have to de#osit as initial securit! de#osit a further sum to ma)e u# 2H of the value of acce#ted tender including the .arnest -one! as detailed in clause No. 12 of the General /onditions of the /ontract. &he acce#tance of a tender ,ill rest ,ith the .m#lo!er ,hich does not 6ind itself to acce#t the lo,est tender0 and reserves to itself the authorit! to reEect an! or all of the tenders received ,ithout assigning an! reason. (ll tenders in ,hich an! of the #rescri6ed conditions are not fulfilled or are incom#lete in an! res#ect are lia6le to 6e reEected. &he em#lo!er reserves the right to acce#t the tender in full or in #art and the tenderer shall have no claim for revision of rates=other conditions if his tender is acce#ted in #art. 2'. (ll rates shall 6e ?uoted on the #ro#er form of the tender alone. Guoted rates and units different from #rescri6ed in the tender schedule ,ill 6e lia6le for reEection. (n item rate tender containing #ercentage 6elo, = a6ove ,ill 6e summaril! reEected. 3o,ever0 ,here a tenderer voluntaril! offers a re6ate for #a!ment ,ithin a sti#ulated #eriod0 this ma! 6e considered.
All ta:es incl26ing Sales ta:$ ;or< contract ta:$ or an. ot5er ta: $ an. ro.alties$ 62ties$ le7ies$ cess$ entr. ta:$ Octroi$ pro4ession ta:$ Sales Ta:$ p2rc5ase ta:$ t2rno7er ta:$ or an. ot5er ta: on 3aterial or 4inis5e6 ;or< in respect o4 t5is contract s5all -e pa.a-le -. t5e ten6erer an6 t5e ;ill not entertain an. clai3 ;5atsoe7er in respect o4 t5e sa3e$ an6 not5ing e:tra s5all -e pai6,rei3-2rse6 4or t5e sa3e s2-se=2entl..
29. Further the tenderer shall agree that until a formal agreement on stam# #a#er is #re#ared and signed0 this tender shall constitute a 6inding contract 6et,een the tenderer and the .m#lo!er. 3$. &he tenderer0 a#art from 6eing a com#etent contractor must associate himself ,ith agencies of a##ro#riate class ,ho are eligi6le to tender for other related ,or)s connected directl! or indirectl! ,ith the contract and em#lo!ed 6! the em#lo!er. &he .m#lo!er does not 6ind itself to acce#t the lo,est or an! tender and reserves to itself the right of acce#ting the ,hole or an! #art of the tender and the tenderer shall 6e 6ound to #erform the same at the rate ?uoted. &enderer are advised to ins#ect and e;amine the site and its surroundings and satisf! themselves 6efore su6mitting their tenders as to the nature of the site and dimensions0 the means of access to the site0 and o6tain all necessar! information as to ris)s0 contingencies and other circumstances ,hich ma! influence or affect their tender. ( tenderer shall 6e deemed to have full )no,ledge of the site ,hether he ins#ects it or not and no e;tra charges conse?uent on an! misunderstanding or other,ise shall 6e allo,ed. u6mission of a tender 6! a tenderer im#lies that he has read this notice and all other contract documents and has made himself a,are of the sco#e and s#ecifications of the ,or) to 6e done and local conditions and other factors 6earing on the e;ecution of the ,or). 31. (ll the com#etitive tenders ,ill 6e received on the s#ecified date and time. 9n the same da! or on s#ecified date & time in event of an! com#elling circumstances0 the tenders ,ill 6e o#ened in the #resence of the availa6le tenderer. 32. 8oth the envelo#e su#erscri6ed as @&echno:/ommercial 8idA and @+rice 8idA ,ill 6e simultaneousl! acce#ted0 6ut the envelo#e su#erscri6ed as @&echno:/ommercial 8id @ alone ,ill 6e o#ened and details of .-* etc.0 shall 6e recorded0 ,hile the +rice 8id shall 6e maintained in the safe custod! of the .m#lo!er. 33. (fter the technical evaluation0 if necessar! after discussions ,ith the tenderer0 such of those tenderer found technicall! acce#ta6le ,ill 6e short listed and their envelo#e containing @+rice 8idA shall 6e o#ened on a given date and time in #resence of the short listed tenderers ,ith #rior notice to them. &he tenderers are e;#ected to attend the tender o#ening and their ina6ilit! in #artici#ating ,ill not in an! ,a! #revent the em#lo!er underta)ing the o#ening of the 6ids. 34. *uring the course of technical evaluation if found necessar! the .m#lo!er = /onsultant ma! see) su##lementar! #rice 6ids to 6ring the evaluation at #ar and an! such #rice 6ids shall 6e #re#ared as stated in the tender and su6mitted in sealed envelo#es su#erscri6ing @ u##lementar! +rice 8id for the #roEect of .....A. uch su##lementar! #rice 6id shall 6e o#ened simultaneousl! ,ith the original #rice 6id on the #rescri6ed date and ta)en into consideration in its evaluation. 2oluntar! su6mission of the su##lementar! #rice 6id 6! the contractor = tenderer shall not 6e acce#ted and su##lementar! 6ids shall 6e limited to the details sought for 6! the .m#lo!er = consultant onl!. (n! other un:related #rice variations furnished in su##lementar! #rice 6ids shall not 6e recogni5ed and might 6e lia6le for reEections if undue information is furnished.
&he defect lia6ilit! #eriod 4*.C.+7 shall 6e 1 !ear from the date of handing over of the installations to the 8an). 35. In case of other un:successful tenderers0 the sealed +rice 6id along ,ith .-* shall 6e returned treating it individuall!. &he .m#lo!er reserves the right to acce#t or reEect an! of the offer>s ,ithout assigning an! reason and no dis#ute or negotiation ,ill 6e entertained in this regard. &he .m#lo!er>s decision ,ill 6e final in the matter. 3". &he notice inviting tender0 general rules & instructions for the guidance of tenderers shall form a #art of the contract document. &he successful tenderer=contractor0 on acce#tance of his tender 6! the (cce#ting (uthorit!0 shall0 ,ithin 14 da!s from the sti#ulated date of start of the ,or) sign on a stam# #a#er the contract consisting of<: a7 tandard form of (greement on stam# #a#er. 67 Notice inviting tender0 all the documents including tender0 dra,ings0 if an!0 forming the tender as issued at the time of invitation of tender and acce#tance thereof together ,ith an! corres#ondence leading thereto. General conditions0 chedules leading to &echnical #ecification0 #ecial /onditions0 &echnical 8rochures in schedules su6mitted 6! the tenderer etc.0 +rice 8id = chedule 8ill of Guantities.
/anara 8an) +remises and .state ection /ircle 9ffice0 /hennai D "$$ $1'
.;ce#t ,here #rovided for in the descri#tion of the individual items in the schedule of ?uantities and in the s#ecifications and conditions laid do,n hereinafter and in the *ra,ings0 the ,or) shall 6e carried out as #er standard s#ecifications and under the direction of the .m#lo!er. . DEFINITIONS , INTERPRETATIONS i7 &he I/ontract> means the documents forming the tender and acce#tance thereof and the agreement dul! e;ecuted 6et,een the .m#lo!er and the &enderer0 together ,ith the documents referred to therein including those conditions0 the s#ecifications0 schedule of ?uantities0 tender agreement0 designs0 dra,ings and instructions issued from time to time 6! the .ngineer:in:/harge. (ll these documents ta)en together shall 6e deemed to form one contract and shall 6e com#lementar! to one another. ii7 In the contract0 the follo,ing e;#ressions shall0 unless the conte;t other,ise re?uires0 have the meanings0 here6! res#ectivel! assigned to them<: a. &he I&enderer> or I u##lier> or I/ontractor> shall mean the individual 1artha0 or -anager of 3JF0 firm or /om#an!0 ,hether incor#orated or not0 underta)ing the ,or)s and shall include the legal heirs=re#resentatives of such individual or the #artners com#osing firm and theirs legal heirs and successors0 or com#an!>s authorised and constituted attorne!s=agents and #ermitted assignees of such firm or com#an!. 6. &he I.m#lo!er> or I8an)> means an! officer of the /anara 8an)0 ,ho is s#ecificall! authorised to enter into contracts in res#ect of the a6ove ,or)s. c. &he I.ngineer:in:/harge> means the enior -anager = -anager0 or 9fficer0 = .ngineer and=or ite .ngineer ,ho shall su#ervise and 6e in:charge of the ,or) or an! other authorised re#resentative or #erson s#ecificall! de#uted 6! the .m#lo!er and = or the /onsultants ,herever the! are em#lo!ed from time to time 6! the .m#lo!er. d. I/ontract +rice> shall mean the final acce#ted rates in the +rice 8id hereto. e. I*ate of /ontract> means the I/alendar date on ,hich the .m#lo!er and /ontractor have signed the (greement on the tam# +a#er. f. @(cce#ting (uthorit!A shall mean &he *ivisional -anager=committee authori5ed 6! a##ellate authorit! of the /anara 8an) 4the .m#lo!er7. g. I(##roval> ,herever used in the s#ecifications or schedule of Guantities shall mean0 res#ectivel!0 a##roved 6! or a##roval of the I(cce#ting (uthorit!> in ,riting. h. I(##ellant (uthorit!> shall mean &he *e#ut! General -anager0 /ircle 9ffice of the 8an) 4the .m#lo!er7. Bho shall also 6e the authorit! to consider an! e;tension of time or com#ensation as defined in clause hereunder. 1$
i. INotice in ,riting> or I,ritten notice> shall mean a notice in ,riting t!#ed or #rinted characters delivered to or sent 6! registered #ost to the last )no,n address #rivate or 6usiness address or registered office address0 and shall 6e deemed to have 6een received ,hen in ordinar! course of #ost it ,ould have 6een delivered0 and=or delivered #ersonall!0 or other,ise #roved to have 6een received. E. I2irtual com#letion> shall mean that the ,or)=installation is com#lete in all res#ects in the o#inion of the .m#lo!er and for ,hich the com#letion=clearance certificate has 6een issued 6! the .ngineer :in:charge = /onsultant and the installation is fit for usage. ). I*ra,ings> shall mean all dra,ings and=or design dra,ings furnished 6! the tenderer = s)etches dul! signed 6! the authorised .ngineer:in:charge or the /onsultant on 6ehalf of the .m#lo!er 6efore commencement or during the #rogress of the ,or). l. ICetter of (cce#tance> shall mean an intimation 6! a letter issued 6! the (cce#ting (uthorit! of the .m#lo!er to tenderers that his tender has 6een acce#ted in accordance ,ith the #rovisions in the said letter. m. @*efect Cia6ilit! +eriodA shall mean a #eriod of 12 months from the certified date of virtual com#letion issued 6! the /onsultant=.ngineer:in:charge and acce#ted 6! the .m#lo!er +. SCOPE OF >OR"S TO !E CARRIED O1T
2.1 &he ,or) consists of the contractor>s o,n design 6ased on technical s#ecifications furnished. &he contractor = su##lier shall 6e res#onsi6le for its functioning according to the design criteria and its #arameters. Not,ithstanding the details furnished0 an! discre#ancies shall 6e 6rought out in the technical 6id highlighting the shortcomings and suggest modifications. 2.2 &3. ,or) to 6e carried out under the contract shall0 e;ce#t as other,ise #rovided in these conditions0 include all la6our0 materials0 tools0 #lants0 e?ui#ment and trans#ort ,hich ma! 6e re?uired in #re#aration of and for and in the full and entire e;ecution and com#letion of the ,or)s. 2.3 &he descri#tions given in the chedule of Guantities shall0 unless other,ise stated0 6e held to include ,astage on material0 carriage and cartage0 carr!ing and return of em#ties0 hoisting0 setting0 fitting and fi;ing in #osition and all other la6our necessar! and for the full and entire e;ecution and com#letion as aforesaid in accordance ,ith good engineering #ractice and recogni5ed #rinci#les. &3. several documents forming the /ontract are to 6e ta)en as mutuall! e;#lanator! of one another0 detailed dra,ing 6eing follo,ed in #reference to small scale dra,ing and figured dimensions in #reference to scale and s#ecial conditions in #reference to General /onditions 2.4 In the case of discre#anc! 6et,een the schedule of ?uantities0 the s#ecifications and=or the *ra,ings0 the follo,ing order of #reference 6e o6served<: a7 67 c7 d7 *escri#tion in chedule of Guantities. +articular #ecifications and #ecial condition0 if an! *ra,ings #re#ared for the design 8I #ecifications 11
2.5 If there are var!ing or conflicting #rovisions made in an! one or more document4s7 forming #art of the contract0 the (cce#ting (uthorit! shall 6e the deciding authorit! ,ith regard to the intention of the document and his decision shall 6e final and 6inding on contractor 2." (n! error in descri#tion or ?uantit! or rate in chedule of Guantities or an! omission therefrom shall not vitiate the /ontract or release the contractor from the e;ecution of the ,hole or an! #art of the ,or)s com#rised therein according to dra,ings and s#ecifications or from an! of his o6ligations under the /ontract. 2.% &he contractor shall forth,ith com#l! ,ith and dul! e;ecute an! ,or) com#rised in such .m#lo!er>s = /onsultant>s instruction0 #rovided al,a!s that ver6al instructions0 directions and e;#lanations given to the contractor>s or his re#resentative u#on the ,or)s 6! the .m#lo!er = /onsultants shall if involving a variation 6e confirmed in ,riting to the contractor=s ,ithin % da!s. No ,or) for ,hich rates are not s#ecificall! mentioned in the #riced schedule of ?uantities0 shall 6e ta)en u# ,ithout ,ritten #ermission of the .m#lo!er = /onsultant. Rates of items not mentioned in the #riced schedule of ?uantities shall 6e fi;ed 6! the .m#lo!er in consultation ,ith the /onsultant as #rovided in clause @2ariation Regarding all factor! made #roducts0 the! shall 6e manufactured as res#ective I code u#dated and all test underta)en at factor! 9. TENDERER SHALL )ISIT THE SITE Intending tenderer shall visit the site and ma)e himself thoroughl! ac?uainted ,ith the local site conditions0 nature and re?uirements of ,or)s0 facilities of trans#ort condition0 effective la6our and materials0 access and storage for materials and removal of ru66ish. &he tenderer shall #rovide in his tender cost of carriage0 freight and other charges as also for an! s#ecial difficulties and including #olice restriction for trans#ort etc. for #ro#er e;ecution of ,or) as indicated. &he successful tenderer ,ill not 6e entitled to an! claim of com#ensation for difficulties faced or losses incurred on account of an! site condition ,hich e;isted 6efore the commencement of the ,or) or ,hich in the o#inion of the .m#lo!er = /onsultant might 6e deemed to have reasona6l! 6een inferred to 6e so e;isting 6efore commencement of ,or). ?. TENDERS &he entire set of tender #a#er issued to the tenderer should 6e su6mitted full! #riced and also signed on the last #age of res#ective cha#ter 4this shall 6e acce#tance of all the #ages of the teneder and its sti#ulations7 together ,ith initials on ever! #age. Not,ithstanding this0 Initials = signature in ever! #age ,ill indicate the acce#tance of the tender #a#ers 6! the tenderer. 4(lso refer #oint no.15 of General Rules & Instruction for guidance of tenderers7 No modifications0 ,riting or corrections can 6e made in the tender #a#ers 6! the tenderer0 6ut he ma! at his o#tion offer his comments or modifications in a se#arate sheet of #a#er attached to original tender #a#ers. #er their
&he tenderers should note that the tender is strictl! on item rate 6asis and their attention is dra,n to the fact that the rates for each and ever! item should 6e correct0 ,or)a6le and self:su##orting. If called u#on 6! the .m#lo!er = /onsultant0 detailed anal!sis of an! or all the rates shall 6e su6mitted. &he .m#lo!er = /onsultant shall not 6e 6ound to recognise the contractor>s anal!sis. &he ,or)s ,ill 6e #aid for as @measured ,or)A on the 6asis of actual ,or) done and not as @lum# sumA contract. (ll items of ,or) descri6ed in the schedule of ?uantities are to 6e deemed and #aid as com#lete ,or)s in all res#ects and details including #re#arator! and finishing ,or)s involved0 directl!0 related to and reasona6l! detecta6le from the dra,ings0 s#ecifications and schedule of ?uantities and no further e;tra charges ,ill 6e allo,ed in this connection. In the case of lum#:sum contracts0 the #a!ment of such items of ,or) ,ill 6e made for the actual ,or) done on the 6asis of lum#:sum charges as ,ill 6e assessed to 6e #a!a6le 6! the .m#lo!er = /onsultant. &he .m#lo!er has #o,er to add to0 omit from an! ,or) as sho,n in the dra,ings or descri6ed in the s#ecifications or included in schedule of ?uantities and intimate the same in ,riting 6ut no addition0 omission or variation shall 6e made 6! the contractor ,ithout authorisation from the .m#lo!er. No variation shall vitiate the contract. &3. &enderer shall 6e deemed to have satisfied himself 6efore tendering as to the correctness and sufficienc! of his tender for the ,or)s and of the rates and #rices ?uoted in the chedule of Guantities0 ,hich rates and #rices shall0 e;ce#t as other,ise #rovided0 cover all his o6ligations under the /ontract and all matters and things necessar! for the #ro#er com#letion and maintenance of the ,or)s. *. SI0NIN0 OF CONTRACT # A0REEMENT // 5.1 &3. successful tenderer=contractor0 on acce#tance of his tender 6! the (cce#ting (uthorit!0 shall0 ,ithin 14 da!s from the sti#ulated date of start of the ,or) sign the contract consisting of <: a7 tandard form of agreement on stam# #a#er0 the notice inviting tender0 all the documents including dra,ings0 if an!0 forming the tender as issued at the time of invitation of tender and acce#tance thereof together ,ith an! corres#ondence leading thereto. 67 tandard tender Form consisting of< General Rules and Instructions General /onditions of contract and clauses of contract along,ith (nne;ures thereto0 li)e s#ecification0 s#ecial conditions etc. 8ill of Guantit! and +rice 8id. Cist of (##roved 8rands=manufacturers a##ended0 if an!. 5.2 &he contractor shall #a! for all stam#s and legal e;#enses0 incidental thereto.
&. PERMITS AND LICENSES +ermits and licenses for the release of materials or its #urchases ,hich are under Government control ,ill 6e arranged 6! the contractor. It ma! 6e clearl! understood that no com#ensation or additional charges can 6e claimed 6! the contractor for non:availa6ilit! of such materials in due time on this account or according to his o,n re?uirements. &he contractor ma!0 ho,ever0 6e eligi6le to a #ro#ortionate e;tension of time on this account ,hich in the o#inion of the .m#lo!er = /onsultant is reasona6le. @. 0O)ERNMENT AND LOCAL R1LES &he contractor shall conform to the #rovisions of all local 6!e:la,s and acts relating to the ,or) and to the regulations etc. of the Government and Cocal (uthorities and of an! /om#an! ,hose s!stem and design is #ro#osed to 6e connected = utilised. &he cost0 if an!0 shall 6e deemed to have 6een included in his ?uoted rates0 ta)ing into account all lia6ilities and shall indemnif! the .m#lo!er against such lia6ilities and shall defend all actions arising from such claims or lia6ilities. (. TAAES AND D1TIES &he tendered cost must include all duties ro!alties0 cess and sales ta; = 2(& or an! other ta;es or local charges if a##lica6le. No e;tra claim ,ill 6e entertained ,ith e;ce#tion herein s#ecified. i. &he tenderers must include in their tendered cost all duties ro!alties0 cess and sales ta; or an! other ta;es or local charges li)e octri etc. if a##lica6le. No e;tra claim on this account ,ill in an! case 6e entertained. 3o,ever0 #ursuant to the /onstitution 4 Fort! i;th (mendment7 (ct0 19'20 if an! further ne, ta;0 ro!alties cess or lev! is im#osed 6! tatute0 and an! /entral .;cise *ut! 6! the /entral Government on the -ain .?ui#ment and not on an! t!#e of su6:com#onents or material involved in its manufacture or on installation materials li)e ducting0 insulations0 #i#ing or electrical ca6ling0 its s,itch gears etc.0 after the date of recei#t of tenders0 and the contractor there u#on necessaril! and #ro#erl! #a!s such ta;es = levies the contractor shall 6e reim6ursed the amount so #aid0 #rovided such #a!ments0 if an!0 is not0 in the o#inion of the .m#lo!er 4 ,hose decision shall 6e final and 6inding on the contractor7 attri6uta6le to dela! in e;ecution of ,or) ,ithin the control of the contractor. 9n account of an! do,n,ard revision of such ta;es = levies0 the 6enefit shall 6e #assed on to the .m#lo!er and shall 6e 6inding on the contractor even ,ithout the claim 6! the .m#lo!er. &he contractor shall )ee# necessar! 6oo)s of accounts and other documents for the #ur#ose of this condition as ma! 6e necessar! and shall allo, ins#ection of the same 6! a dul! authorised re#resentative of the .m#lo!er and = or the .ngineer:in:charge and further shall furnish such other information = document as the .m#lo!er ma! re?uire from time to time. &he contractor shall0 ,ithin a #eriod of 3$ da!s of the im#osition of an! such further ta; = levies0 descri6ed a6ove0 give a ,ritten notice to the .m#lo!er that the
same is given to #ursuant to this condition0 together ,ith all necessar! information relating thereto B. OPTIONAL ITEMS (ll 9#tional items descri6ed in the schedule of ?uantities shall 6e se#aratel! included in the contract #rice as descri6ed in the schedule of ?uantities including all cost and #rofits 6ut not totaled in the final value. &hese items shall 6e e;ercisa6le 6! the .m#lo!er an! time during the course of e;ecution of ,or) and shall 6e 6inding on the contractor similar to the other items furnished in the tender. '. C1ANTIT% OF >OR" TO !E EAEC1TED
&he ?uantities sho,n in the schedule of ?uantities are intended to cover the entire ,or)s as #er the dra,ings = sco#e of ,or)0 and therefore the contractor is 6ound to com#lete the ,or)s at the same ?uoted rates in the event of ?uantit! e;ceeding the s#ecified 6ill of ?uantit!0 6ut the .m#lo!er reserves the right to e;ecute onl! a #art or the ,hole or an! e;cess thereof ,ithout assigning an! reason therefor. . OTHER PERSONS OR A0ENCIES EN0A0ED !% THE EMPLO%ER &he .m#lo!er reserves the right to e;ecute an! #art of the ,or) included in this contract 6! other agenc! or #ersons and contractor shall allo, reasona6le facilities and use of his facilities for the e;ecution of such ,or). &he main contractor shall e;tend all co:o#eration in this regard. Bherever the ,or) is #ro#osed in co:ordination ,ith other agencies0 the contractor shall co: o#erate ,ith the schedule of ,or)s in such a manner as ,or)ed out 6! the /onsultant = (rchitects = .ngineer:in:charge of the .m#lo!er. +. EARNEST MONE%$ INITIAL SEC1RIT% DEPOSIT$ RETENTION MONE% # TOTAL SEC1RIT% DEPOSIT i. .arnest -one! *e#osit< &he tenderer ,ill have to de#osit the s#ecified amount of earnest mone! as detailed in the notice inviting tender at the time of su6mission of tender. No interest ,ill 6e #aid on the earnest mone!. &he earnest mone! of unsuccessful tenderers ,ill 6e refunded ,ithout an! interest soon after the decision to a,ard the ,or) is ta)en or after the e;#ir! of the validit! #eriod of the tender. Initial ecurit! *e#osit < &he successful tenderer ,hose tender is acce#ted shall 6e re?uired to furnish 6! ,a! of Initial securit! a sum ,hich shall 6e e?ual to 2H 4t,o #ercent7 of the acce#ted value of the tender including the .arnest -one! *e#osit 0 ,ithin 14 4fourteen da!s of the date of issue of the letter of acce#tance of his tender0 in cash0 *emand *raft #a!a6le to the .m#lo!er or 6! ,a! of Fi;ed *e#osit or 6! ,a! of 8an) guarantee of an! schedule 8an)0 for the duration of the contract #eriod and defect lia6ilit! #eriod.
&otal ecurit! *e#osit & Retention -one!< ( further sum of 'H 4eight #ercent7 of the Gross value of each interim=final 6ill shall 6e deducted as retention mone! to ma)e u#0 together ,ith the Initial ecurit! *e#osit0 a total ecurit! *e#osit e?ual to.
1$.$ H on the first Rs. 9ne la)h0 %.5 H on the ne;t Rs. 9ne Ca)h and0 5.$ H of the remaining amount of the acce#ted value of the tender su6Eect to a ma;imum of Rs.1$ la)hs. 12.1 &he ecurit! de#osit amount ,ill also 6e acce#ted in cash or in Fi;ed *e#osit Recei#t for the full #eriod of contract or 6! ,a! of 8an) Guarantee of an! cheduled 8an) other than /anara 8an). &he format of the guarantee shall 6e as a##roved 6! the .m#lo!er. Re#a!ment of Retention -one! 4 &otal ecurit! *e#osit 7 < &he retention amount ,ill 6e refunded to the contractor as detailed 6elo, &he retention amount ,ill 6e refunded to the contractor = tenderer su6Eect to follo,ing conditions< Issue of 2irtual /om#letion /ertificate 6! the /onsultant= .m#lo!er>s engineer:in:charge or de#artment:in:charge. /ontractor should remove all their materials0 e?ui#ments0 la6our force0 tem#orar! sheds=stores etc. from the site. /ontractor hould have com#leted all the necessar! testings0 com#iled ,ith the ins#ection remar)s & its rectifications if an!0 su6mission of all the re?uired #articulars0 com#letion dra,ings0 manual of o#eration & maintenance0 test certificates and such other #articulars. Bithin 14 da!s 4fourteen7 da!s after the end of *efect Cia6ilit! +eriod #rovided the contractor has satisfactoril! carried out all the ,or)s and attended to all defects in accordance ,ith conditions of the contract. No interest is allo,ed on retention mone!.
9. i.
CONTRACTOR TO PRO)IDE E)ER% THIN0 NECESSAR% &he contractor shall #rovide ever!thing necessar! for the #ro#er e;ecution of the ,or) according to the intent in consultation ,ith &N.8 officials and meaning of the design #arameters0 technical s#ecifications0 dra,ings and schedule of ?uantities. 8ased on the details furnished in the N.I.&. the contractors should underta)e their o,n assessment and design the #lant and s!stem re?uired. If the contractor finds an! discre#ancies furnished it shall immediatel! 6rought to the notice of the .m#lo!er. &he tenderer shall ta)e full res#onsi6ilit! for ade?uac!0 suita6ilit! and safet! of all the design0 ,or)s and methods of design = installation. &he em#lo!er shall on no account 6e res#onsi6le for the e;#enses incurred 6! the contractor during the #rogress of ,or) at site0 to,ards an! incidental e;#enditure li)e medical amenities to the ,or)ers at site0 securit! arrangement0 liaisoning ,or) &N.8 officials etc. &he em#lo!er shall not 6e res#onsi6le for the safet! of the ,or)ers at site either on account of the ,or)s e;ecuted 6! the contractor or on account of the ,or)s e;ecuted 6! an! other agenc! involved at that time.
ii. iii.
&he .m#lo!er on no account shall 6e res#onsi6le for storage of materials or loss or #ilferage or theft either in res#ect of the material stored or material alread! 6uilt and #aid for 6! the .m#lo!er. &he contractor shall at all times give access to ,or)ers em#lo!ed 6! the .m#lo!er. (ll tools0 e?ui#ments and other re?uired facilities for e;ecution of ,or) shall 6e #rovided 6! the contractor.
v. vi.
vii. (n! facilities availa6le at site shall 6e utilised onl! ,ith #rior #ermission of the .m#lo!er or the in:charge of the site = 6uilding o,ner and cannot 6e ta)en as granted and for such services utilises the .m#lo!er is entitled to charge at his discretion. 13.2 No e;tra charges shall 6e #aid over and a6ove ,hat has 6een ?uoted for an! of the a6ove or for similar such services. ?. TIME OF COMPLETION$ EATENSION OF TIME # PRO0RESS CHART i. Ti3e O4 Co3pletion / &he entire ,or) is to 6e com#leted in all res#ects ,ithin the sti#ulated #eriod. &he ,or) shall 6e deemed to commence from 1st da! from the date of acce#tance letter or date of handing over site0 ,hichever is earlier. &ime is the essence of the contract and shall 6e strictl! o6served 6! the contractor. &he ,or) shall not 6e considered as com#lete until the .m#lo!er = /onsultant have certified in ,riting that the ,or) has 6een virtuall! com#leted and defect lia6ilit! #eriod shall commence from the date of such certificate. ii. Progress o4 >or</ *uring the #eriod of ,or)0 the contractor shall maintain #ro#ortionate #rogress on the 6asis of a #rogram chart su6mitted 6! the contractor or #re#ared 6! the consultant or 6! the (rchitect ,hoever is res#onsi6le for such #rogram of ,or). /ontractor shall #lan for #rocurement of materials0 e?ui#ments ,ell in advance and reflect the same in a #rogress chart so that there is no dela! on the #art of the contractor in com#letion of the #roEect. -aintenance and #roduction of such records as and ,hen re?uired shall 6e the res#onsi6ilities of the contractor. *. LIC1IDATED DAMA0ES // 15.1 If the contractor fails to maintain the re?uired #rogress in terms of the contract or to com#lete the ,or) and clear the site on or 6efore the contract or a##roved e;tended date of com#letion0 he shall0 ,ithout #reEudice to an! other right or remed! of the .m#lo!er on account of such 6reach0 #a! as agreed com#ensation the amount calculated at the rates sti#ulated 6elo, or such smaller amount as ma! 6e fi;ed 6! the em#lo!er on the contract value of the ,or) for ever! com#leted ,ee) that the #rogress remains incom#lete. For this #ur#ose the term I/ontract 2alue> shall 6e value at the contract rates of the ,or) as ordered = acce#ted
/om#letion #eriod 4as originall! sti#ulated 7 not e;ceeding " months K 1 #ercent #er ,ee) For contracts e;ceeding " months 6ut not e;ceeding 24 months as a6ove K $.5 #ercent #er ,ee). +rovided al,a!s that the total amount of com#ensation for dela! to 6e #aid under this condition shall not e;ceed the under noted #ercentage of the /ontract 2alue. /om#letion #eriod 4as originall! sti#ulated7 not e;ceeding " months. 1$ #ercent /om#letion +eriod " to 24 months %.5 #ercent &he .m#lo!er shall have the right to adEust0 = set:off against an! sum #a!a6le to the contractor under this or an! other contract ,ith the .m#lo!er an!,here in India=outside India. &. 1".1 TOOLS$ STORA0E OF MATERIALS$ PROTECTI)E >OR"S AND SITE OFFICE REC1IREMENTS &he contractor shall #rovide0 fi; u# and maintain his esta6lishment in an a##roved #osition at site and clear a,a! on com#letion of the ,or)s and ma)e good all ,or)s distur6ed. &he contractor shall not fi; or #lace an! #lacards or advertisement of an! descri#tion or #ermit the same to 6e fi;ed or #laced in or u#on an! hoarding0 gantr!0 6uilding structure other than those a##roved 6! the .m#lo!er. No fi;tures or materials to 6e #laced in such a manner that can 6e considered dangerous to the installation and to the #ersons ,or)ing or #assing 6! or visiting the site. torage of materials <&he contractors shall ma)e use of e;isting facilities ,ith due #ermission of the .m#lo!er for storage of materials at site0 6ut ,atch & ,ard arrangements for the safet! of materials shall 6e the res#onsi6ilit! of the contractor. NOTICE AND PATENTS OF APPROPRIATE A1THORIT% AND O>NERS// &he contractor shall conform to the #rovisions of an! (cts of the Cegislature relating to the ,or)0 and to the regulations and 6!e:la,s of an! authorities0 and or other /om#anies 4 Indian or International70 and = or tatutor! (uthorities0 ,ith ,hose s!stem and design or technical )no, ho, are=,ere #ro#osed to have connection ,ith this ,or). o also the contractor shall 6efore ma)ing an! variations from the dra,ings or s#ecification that ma! 6e associated to so conform0 give the .m#lo!er = /onsultant ,ritten notices s#ecif!ing the variations #ro#osed to 6e made and the reasons for ma)ing them and a##l! for instruction thereon. &he .m#lo!er = /onsultant on recei#t of such intimation shall give a decision ,ithin a reasona6le time. &he contractor shall arrange to give all notices re?uired for 6! the said (cts0 regulations or 8!e:la,s to 6e given to an! authorit!0 and to #a! to such authorit! or to an! #u6lic officer all fees that ma! 6e #ro#erl! chargea6le in res#ect of the ,or) and lodge the recei#ts ,ith the .m#lo!er. &he contractor shall indemnif! the .m#lo!er against all claims in res#ect of #atent rights0 ro!alties0 damages to 6uildings0 roads or mem6ers of #u6lic in course of e;ecution of ,or) and shall defend all actions arising from such claims and shall )ee# the .m#lo!er aloof and indemnified in all res#ects from such actions0 cost and e;#enses. 19
@. 1%.1
(. 1'.1
CLEARIN0 SITE AND SETTIN0 O1T >OR"S &he site of ,or) sho,n shall 6e cleared of all o6structions0 ,aste materials0 ru66ish of all )inds. (ll material damages on the #lace of ,or) on the ,alls0 ceiling or flooring or an! other connected e?ui#ments0 materials or installations shall 6e re:done to maintain the originalit! and leveled at the contractors o,n cost. &he contractors shall set out the ,or)s and shall 6e res#onsi6le for the true and #erfect setting out the ,or)s and for the correctness of the #ositions0 levels0 dimensions and alignment of all #arts thereof. If at an! time0 an! error shall a##ear during the #rogress of an! #art of the ,or)0 the contractor shall at his o,n e;#enses rectif! such error0 if called u#on to the satisfaction of the .m#lo!er. FIAIN0$ FASTENIN0 OF EC1IPMENTS &he contractor is to fi; the e?ui#ments on the floor 6! means of a##ro#riate method so that such e?ui#ments fi;ed on to the floor shall not fall 6! its o,n or 6! natural movements of ,ind0 air normal human o#erations and shall ado#t the 6est engineering traditions and use a##ro#riate tools in such o#erations. &he contractor ,hile fi;ing an! material or e?ui#ment to 6e sus#ended from the ceiling0 shall use fasteners of suita6le strength to hold the ,eight of the sus#ended s!stem=e?ui#ment or material and such fasteners shall 6e fi;ed 6! means of #o,er drills. &he contractor shall not chi# the ceiling unless ordered & a##roved 6! the engineer:in:charge. &he contractor shall not #uncture the e;isting civil structures li)e 6eams0 columns and shall not underta)e an! t!#e of activit! ,hich could affect the structural sta6ilit!. 3e shall 6e res#onsi6le for an! damages and costs in its rectification.
B. 19.1
+'. CONTRACTOR IMMEDIATEL% TO REMO)E ALL OFFENSI)E MATTERS (ll ,aste materials and other matters of an! offensive nature shall 6e ta)en out once the ,or)s are com#leted. &he contractor shall )ee# the ,or)s free from dangerous materials li)e industrial gases0 ,elding machines and an! such devices or material of to;ic and #oisonous nature shall not carr! ,ithin the site or 6uilding an! material ,hich are e;#losive in nature. (n! such offensive materials ,hich are essentiall! re?uired in course of ,or) shall 6e underta)en ,ith due ,ritten #ermission of the .m#lo!er #rovided such materials are #ermissi6le under Ca,. + . ACCESS (n! authorised re#resentatives of the .m#lo!er shall at all reasona6le times have free access to the ,or)s and = or to the ,or)sho#s0 factories or other #laces ,here materials or e?ui#ments are 6eing #re#ared or constructed for the ,or) and also to an! #lace ,here the materials are l!ing or from ,here the! are 6eing o6tained0 and the contractor shall e;tend necessar! facilit! to the .m#lo!er or their re#resentatives for ins#ection e;amination and testing of the ?ualit! & ,or)manshi# of the materials.
++. MATERIALS$ >OR"MANSHIP$ SAMPLES$ TESTIN0 OF MATERIALS // 22.1 (ll the ,or)s s#ecified and #rovided for in the s#ecifications or ,hich ma! 6e re?uired to 6e done in order to #erform and com#lete an! #art thereof shall 6e e;ecuted in the 6est and most ,or)manli)e manner ,ith materials of the 6est and a##roved ?ualit! of the res#ective )inds in accordance ,ith the #articulars contained in and im#lied 6! the s#ecifications and as re#resented 6! the dra,ings or according to such other additional #articulars0 and instructions as ma! from time to time 6e given 6! the .m#lo!er = /onsultant during the e;ecution of the ,or)0 and to his entire satisfaction. If re?uired 6! the .m#lo!er = /onsultant the contractor shall have to carr! out tests on materials and ,or)manshi# in a##roved material testing la6oratories or as #rescri6ed 6! the .m#lo!er = /onsultant at his o,n cost to #rove that the materials etc. under test conform to relevant I. . standards or as s#ecified in the s#ecifications. &he necessar! charges for sam#le material0 trans#orting0 testing etc. shall have to 6e 6orne 6! the contractor. (ll material must 6e the 6est of their )ind availa6le and the contractors must 6e entirel! res#onsi6le for the #ro#er and efficient carr!ing out of the ,or). am#les of all the materials to 6e used must 6e su6mitted to the .m#lo!er = /onsultant ,hen so directed 6! the .m#lo!er. hould the ,or) 6e sus#ended 6! an! reason0 the contractor shall ta)e all #recautions necessar! for the #rotection of ,or) and at his o,n e;#enses shall ma)e good an! damages arising from an! of these causes.
+9. REMO)AL OF IMPROPER >OR" 23.1 &he .m#lo!er shall during the #rogress of the ,or) have #o,er to order in ,riting from time to time the removal from the ,or) ,ithin such reasona6le time or times as ma! 6e s#ecified in the order of an! materials ,hich in the o#inion of the .m#lo!er = /onsultant are not in accordance ,ith s#ecification or instructions0 the su6stitution or #ro#er re:e;ecution of an! ,or) e;ecuted ,ith materials or ,or)manshi# not in accordance ,ith dra,ings and s#ecifications or instructions. In case the contractor refuses to com#l! ,ith the order the .m#lo!er shall have the #o,er to em#lo! and #a! other agencies to carr! out the ,or) and all e;#enses conse?uent thereon or incidental thereto as certified 6! the .m#lo!er = /onsultant shall 6e 6orne 6! the contractor or ma! 6e deducted from an! mone! due to or that ma! 6ecome due to the contractor. No certificate ,hich ma! 6e given 6! the consultant shall relive the contractor from his lia6ilit! in res#ect of unsound ,or) or 6ad materials or design.
+?. CONTRACTORDS EMPLO%EES 24.1 &he contractor shall em#lo! technicall! ?ualified and com#etent su#ervisors for the ,or) ,ho shall 6e availa6le 48! turn7 throughout the ,or) and shall #artici#ate during site meetings and 6e availa6le to ta)e and com#l! ,ith instructions of the .m#lo!er = /onsultant. In case of electrical ,or)s as #er statutor! (cts & Rules of .lectricit! 8oard0 the #ersons so em#lo!ed shall have the re?uisite su#ervisor! #ermit or ,ireman #ermit for a##ro#riate nature of ,or) underta)en. 21
No C5il6 La-o2r / N9 la6our 6elo, the age of eighteen !ears shall 6e em#lo!ed on the ,or). In case of electrical ,or)s0 the la6our em#lo!ed 6! the tenderer or their su6:contractor should 6e authorised #erson as #ermitted 6! the /hief .lectrical Ins#ectorate office of the res#ective tate Government. &he .m#lo!er shall not 6e res#onsi6le for an! deviation and the tenderers shall indemnif! the .m#lo!er from an! legal action or in an! ,a! directl! or indirectl!.
La-o2r Legislation &he tenderer shall com#l! ,ith the #rovisions of the #a!ment of Bages (ct0 193"0 -inimum Bages (ct0 194'0 .m#lo!ees Cia6ilit! (ct0 193'0 Bor)men>s /om#ensation (ct0 19230 Industrial *is#utes (ct0 194%0 -aternit! 8enefits (ct0 19"10 and the /ontractors Ca6our 4Regulation and (6olition7 (ct 19%$0 or the modifications thereof or an! other la,s relating thereto and the rules made thereunder from time to time.
&he tenderer shall0 not,ithstanding the #rovisions of an! contract to the contrar!0 cause to 6e #aid fair ,age to la6our indirectl! engaged on the ,or)0 including an! la6our engaged 6! his su6:contractors in connection ,ith the said ,or)0 as if the la6our had 6een immediatel! em#lo!ed 6! him. &he tenderer shall indemnif! and )ee# indemnified the .m#lo!er against #a!ments to 6e made under and for the o6servance of the la,s aforesaid and the /ontractors> Ca6our Regulations ,ithout #reEudice to his right to claim indemnif! from his su6: contractors. &he la,s aforesaid shall 6e deemed to 6e a #art of this contract and an! 6reach thereof shall 6e deemed to 6e a 6reach of this contract. 2?.& COMPLIANCE OF LA!O1R RE01LATIONS
&he &enderer shall at his o,n e;#ense arrange for all the safet! #rovisions for the safet! of all ,or)ers and em#lo!ees directl! or indirectl! em#lo!ed on the ,or) 6! the tenderer or his su6:contractors. &he &enderer shall 6e full! res#onsi6le for com#liance at his o,n e;#ense all the la6our regulations and rules to 6e o6served 6! him and his su6:contractors and 6! the .m#lo!er as +rinci#al .m#lo!er of ,or)ers. &he &enderer shall full! indemnif! the .m#lo!er against an! action 6! the state and=or /entral Government for an! default or alleged default 6! the &enderer0 u6:contractor or .m#lo!er of an! of such rules and regulations. If0 due to an! default of the tenderer or his su6:contractors0 the .m#lo!er has to incur an! e;#enditure for com#liance of the rules and regulations or for an! other reason connected ,ith such default0 the .m#lo!er shall 6e entitled to recover from the tenderer all such e;#enditure in full from an! #a!ment due to the tenderer. +*. DISMISSAL OF >OR"MEN &he contractor shall on re?uest of the .m#lo!er immediatel! dismiss or ta)e of from the ,or)s an! #erson em#lo!ed thereon 6! him0 ,ho ma! in the o#inion of the .m#lo!er0 6e unsuita6le or incom#etent or ,ho ma! misconduct himself. uch discharge shall not 6e the 6asis of an! claim for com#ensation or damages against the .m#lo!er or an! of their officers or em#lo!ee.
+&. ASSI0NMENT &he ,hole of the ,or)s included in the contract shall 6e e;ecuted 6! the contractor and the contractor shall not directl! or indirectl! transfer0 assign or underlet the contract or an! #art0 share or interest therein nor0 change in constitution and no su6letting shall relieve the contractor from the full and entire res#onsi6ilit! of the contract or from active su#erintendence of the ,or) during their #rogress. +@. DAMA0E TO PERSONS AND PROPERT% INS1RANCE ETC. // 2%.1 *amages to #ersons< &3. &enderer shall 6e res#onsi6le for all inEur! to the ,or) or ,or)men to #ersons0 animals or things and for all damages to the structural and=or decorative #art of #ro#ert! ,hich ma! arise from the o#erations or neglect of himself or of an! su6:contractor or of an! of his or a su6:contractors em#lo!ees0 ,hether such inEur! or damage arise from carelessness0 accident or an! other cause ,hatsoever in an! ,a! connected ,ith the carr!ing out of this contract. &he clause shall 6e held to include interalia0 an! damages to 6uildings ,hether immediatel! adEacent or other,ise0 and an! damage to roads0 streets0 foot#aths or ,a!s as ,ell as damages caused to the 6uildings and the ,or)s forming the su6Eect of this contract 6! rain0 ,ind or other inclemenc! of the ,eather. &he tenderer shall indemnif! the em#lo!er and hold harmless in res#ect of all and an! e;#enses arising from such inEur! or damages to #ersons or #ro#ert! as aforesaid and also in res#ect of an! claim made in res#ect of inEur! or damage under an! acts of com#ensation or damage conse?uent u#on such claim. *amages to #ro#ert! < &3. &enderer shall reinstate all damage of ever! sort mentioned in this clause0 so as to deliver the ,hole of the contract ,or)s com#lete and #erfect in ever! res#ect and so as to ma)e good or other,ise satisf! all claims for damages to the #ro#ert! or third #arties. &he tenderer shall effect the insurance necessar! and indemnif! the em#lo!er entirel! from all res#onsi6ilit! in this res#ect. &he insurance must 6e #laced ,ith a com#an! a##roved 6! the em#lo!er and must 6e effected Eointl! in the name of the contractor and the em#lo!er and the #olic! lodged ,ith the latter. &he sco#e of insurance is to include loss or damage to the ,or) and ,or)men due to carelessness0 accident including fire0 earth?ua)e0 floods0 etc.0 damage or loss to the contract itself till this is made over a com#lete state. Insurance is com#ulsor! and must 6e effected from the ver! initial stage. &he contractor shall also 6e res#onsi6le for an!thing ,hich ma! 6e e;cluded from damage to an! #ro#ert! arising out of incidents0 negligence or defective carr!ing out of this contract. &3. em#lo!er shall 6e at li6ert! and is here6! em#o,ered to deduct the amount of an! damages0 com#ensations0 costs0 charges and e;#enses arising or occurring from or in res#ect of an! such claim or damages from an! sums due or to 6ecome due to the contractor. If the tenderer or his ,or)ing #eo#le or servants shall 6rea)0 deface0 inEure or destro! an! #art of 6uilding in ,hich the! ma! 6e ,or)ing0 or an! 6uilding0 23
road0 road cur60 fence0 enclosure0 ,ater #i#e0 ca6les0 drains0 electrical ca6les or tele#hone #ost or ,ires0 trees0 grass or grass land0 or cultivated ground contiguous to the #remises on ,hich the ,or) or an! #art is 6eing e;ecuted0 or if an! damage shall ha##en to the ,or) ,hile in #rogress0 from an! cause ,hatever or if an! defect0 or other faults a##ear in the ,or) ,ithin t,elve months after a certificate final or other,ise or its virtual com#letion shall have 6een given 6! the .m#lo!er as aforesaid arising out of defect or im#ro#er materials or ,or)manshi# the tenderer shall u#on recei#t of a notice in ,riting on that 6ehalf ma)e the same good at his o,n e;#ense or in default the .m#lo!er=.ngineer:in:/harge cause the same to 6e made good 6! other ,or)men and deduct the e;#ense from an! sums that ma! 6e then or at an! time thereafter ma! 6ecome due to the tenderer0 or from his securit! de#osit0 or the #roceeds of sale thereof or of a sufficient #ortion thereof. INS1RANCE // In his o,n interest the contractor shall insure the ,or)s and )ee# them insured until the virtual com#letion of the contract against loss or damages 6! fire and=or earth?ua)e0 flood. &he insurance must 6e #laced ,ith a com#an! a##roved 6! the .m#lo!er0 in the Eoint names of the em#lo!er and the contractor for such amount and for an! further sum if called to do so 6! the em#lo!er and lodge recei#ts of #remiums #aid ,ith the em#lo!er ,ithin 21 da!s from the date of issue of letter of acce#tance unless other,ise instructed. &he contractor in case of re6uilding or reinstatement after fire shall 6e entitled to e;tension of time for com#letion as the em#lo!er=consultant ma! deem fit. +(. ACCO1NTS RECEIPTS # )O1CHERS &he contractor shall0 u#on the re?uest of the .m#lo!er furnish them ,ith all the invoices0 accounts0 recei#ts and other vouchers that the! ma! re?uire in connection ,ith the ,or)s under this contract. If the contractor shall use materials less than ,hat is re?uired under the contract0 the value of the difference in the ?uantit! of the materials that ,as re?uired to use and that actuall! used shall 6e deducted from his dues. &he decision of the .m#lo!er shall 6e final and 6inding on the contractor as to the amount of materials the contractor is re?uired to use for an! ,or) under this contract. +B. MEAS1REMENT 8efore ta)ing an! measurement of an! ,or) the contractor shall give reasona6le notice to the consultant or the re#resentatives of the .m#lo!er or the site engineer if an!0 and measurements #articularl! conceala6le in nature shall 6e Eointl! ta)en and recorded and such statement of measurement shall 6e enclosed along,ith the 6ill or running 6ills. In the event of such measurement ta)en directl! 6! the contractor the details shall 6e recorded and routes 6e mar)ed for ins#ection of the consultant or engineer:in:charge. (n! deviation or discre#ancies o6served 6! the engineer:in:charge or the consultant shall 6e 6rought to the notice of the contractor or their re#resentatives and during such ins#ection and measurement if the contractor fails to 6e #resent the certification of the engineer:in:charge or the 24
consultant shall 6e final and 6inding on the contractor and the contractor shall have no right to dis#ute the same. 9'. 9'. PA%MENT TERMS$ AD)ANCE PA%MENT ETC. Pa.3ent Ter3s<
i7. (ll 6ills shall 6e #re#ared 6! the contractor in the form agreed or furnished 6! the .m#lo!er. Normall! @No #a!mentA shall 6e made for a ,or)0 estimated to cost Rs. Fift! thousand or less 6ut for the final 6ill after the ,hole of the ,or) has 6een com#leted and certificate of com#letion recorded. ii7 No advance #a!ment shall 6e made for this ,or). iii7. +a!ments to the contractor ,ill 6e regulated as 6elo,< a. Bith regard to the item 1 and 2 in 89G of the tender0 %5H of the tendered rate to,ards su##l! of R-G unit and C8 shall 6e #aid on deliver! and ins#ections of the e?ui#ments at site. For item 3 to 150 %5H of the tendered rate on materials su##lied and installed shall 6e #aid after installation and #reliminar! ins#ection 6efore commissioning. For all items 1 to 150 15H of tendered rate shall 6e released soon after the satisfactor! testing & commissioning including on o6taining the safet! certificate from /hief .lectrical Ins#ector to Government of &amilnadu = /entral .lectricit! (uthorit! = (##roval from &amilnadu .lectricit! 8oard. 8alance 1$H on all items shall 6e released after the guarantee #eriod = *.C.+. of one !ear vide item 12 of conditions of contract. 3o,ever0 this shall 6e released on furnishing a 6an) guarantee for that value. No interest shall 6e #aid for this retention mone! 41$H of the total contract value7. (n! certificate given 6! the .ngineer:in:charge = consultant relating to the ,or) done or materials delivered forming #art of such #a!ment0 ma! 6e modified or corrected 6! an! su6se?uent such certificate4s7 or 6! the final certificate and shall not 6! itself 6e conclusive evidence that an! ,or) or materials to ,hich it relates is=are in accordance ,ith the contract and s#ecifications. (n! such interim #a!ment0 or an! #art thereof shall not in an! res#ect conclude0 determine or affect in an! ,a! #o,ers of the .ngineer:in:charge=em#lo!er under the contract or an! of such #a!ments 6e treated as final settlement and adEustment of accounts or in an! ,a! var! or affect the contract. +ending consideration of e;tension of date of com#letion interim #a!ments shall continue to 6e made as herein #rovided. (ll the #a!ments0 interim or other,ise 0 are su6Eect to statutor! deductions of Income &a; & its urcharge0 ales ta; deductions as notified 6! res#ective Cocal tate Government=(uthorit! and an! such instructions conve!ed from time to time. From the interim 6ills0 the retention mone! as detailed else,here in this tender shall also 6e deducted.
6. c.
3$.4 3$.5
&he final 6ill shall 6e su6mitted 6! the contractor ,ithin 1 4one7 month from the date of com#letion of ,or) or from the date of certification of virtual com#letion certified 6! the engineer:in:charge = consultant. FINAL PA%MENT / &he &enderer shall su6mit the final 6ill in the same manner as s#ecified in interim 6ills ,ithin one month of #h!sical com#letion of the ,or) or ,ithin 15 da!s of the date of the final certificate of com#letion furnished 6! the .ngineer:in:/harge = consultant ,hichever is earlier. No further claims shall 6e made 6! the tenderer after su6mission of the final 6ill or on acce#tance of the final #a!ment and these shall 6e deemed to have 6een ,aived and e;tinguished. In the event of an! dis#ute0 #a!ments of those items of the 6ill in res#ect of ,hich there is no dis#ute and of items in dis#ute0 for ?uantities and rates as a##roved 6! .ngineer:in:/harge = consultant0 shall 6e made 6! the em#lo!er ,ithin the #eriod s#ecified hereinunder0 the #eriod 6eing rec)oned from the date of recei#t of the 6ill 6! the .ngineer:in:/harge = consultant. << 3$ da!s
9'.@ 417
a7 If the gross amount of the ,or) done under the contract items0 #lus that of additional deviated items is u#to Rs.2 la)hs. 67 : do : c7 : do : 437 e;ceeds Rs. 2 la)hs & is u#to Rs.2$ la)hs e;ceeds Rs.2$ la)hs 6ut is u#to Rs.3$ la)hs
&he final #a!ment is su6Eect to deduction of &otal ecurit! *e#osit to 6e retained during the defect lia6ilit! #eriod as descri6ed in the condition of contract under clause 12.
9 . )ARIATION , DE)IATION &he .ngineer:in:/harge = /onsultant ,ith the s#ecific a##roval of the .m#lo!er shall have #o,er to ma)e alteration in0 omissions from0 additions to or su6stitutions for the original s#ecifications0 dra,ings0 designs and instructions that ma! a##ear to him to 6e necessar! or advisa6le during the #rogress of the ,or)0 and the tenderer shall 6e 6ound to carr! out the ,or)s in accordance ,ith an! instructions given to him in ,riting signed 6! the .ngineer:in:/harge = /onsultant. uch alterations0 omissions0 additions or su6stitution shall form #art of the contract as if originall! #rovided therein and an! altered 0 additional or su6stituted ,or) ,hich the tenderer ma! 6e directed to do in the manner s#ecified a6ove as #art of the ,or)s0 shall 6e carried out 6! the tenderer on the same conditions in all res#ects including #rice on ,hich he agreed to do the main ,or) e;ce#t as hereafter #rovided. a No ,or) ,hich radicall! changes the original nature of the contract shall 6e ordered 6! the .ngineer:in:/harge as a deviation.
In the event of an! deviation 6eing ordered ,hich in the o#inion of the tenderer changes the original nature of the /ontract0 he shall ,ithin fifteen da!s of having 6een so ordered 6ring this to the notice of the .m#lo!er ,ith the reasons 6ut nevertheless carr! it out and the disagreement as to the nature of ,or) and the rate to 6e #aid therefore shall 6e resolved in accordance ,ith /lause under ca#tion @ .&&C.-.N& 9F *I +J&. (N* (R8I&R(&I9NA. c &he tendered rates0 shall hold good for an! increase or decrease in the tendered ?uantities u# to variation of 25H and as sti#ulated else,here for legitimate com#letion of ,or)s as #er original design or sco#e of ,or) and on account of an! modification or alteration suggested and ,here the variation is for the res#ective item is 6e!ond 25H0 the rate for the res#ective item ma! 6e revie,ed on mutuall! agreed terms 9+. S1!STIT1TION hould the contractor desire to su6stitute an! materials and ,or)manshi#0 3e must o6tain the a##roval of the .m#lo!er = /onsultant in ,riting for an! such su6stitution ,ell in advance. In res#ect of -aterials ,hose ma)es are not s#ecified in the tender0 s#ecific a##roval of the .m#lo!er = /onsultant has to 6e o6tained in ,riting 6efore their usage. 99. PREPARATOR% >OR" FOR 1TILISATION OF THE FACILIT% AFTER COMPLETION< &he ,hole of the ,or) ,ill 6e thoroughl! ins#ected 6! the contractor and deficiencies and defects set right. 9n com#letion of such ins#ection the contractor shall inform the .m#lo!er = /onsultant that the! have com#leted the ,or) and it is read! for ins#ection. 9n com#letion the contractor shall clean all the area and its surroundings0 e?ui#ments etc. and ,ill leave the entire area clean and read! for immediate usage to the satisfaction of the .m#lo!er. 9?. CLEARIN0 SITE ON COMPLETION 9n com#letion of the ,or)s the contractor shall clear a,a! and remove from the site all constructional materials0 #lant & e?ui#ments0 tools0 sur#lus materials0 scra#s0 ru66ish and tem#orar! ,or)s of ever! )ind and leave the ,hole of the site and the ,or)s clean and in a ,or)manli)e condition to the satisfaction of the .m#lo!er. In the event of failure to clear the site as re?uired the .m#lo!er have the right to underta)e the same engaging other agenc! and the same shall 6e at the cost of the contractor and lia6le for deductions in the #a!ments due to the contractor and the contractor shall not dis#ute such #a!ments. 9*. 35.1 DEFECT AFTER COMPLETION &he contractor shall ma)e good at his o,n cost and to the satisfaction of the .m#lo!er all defects0 or other faults ,hich ma! a##ear during the defect lia6ilit! #eriod. In case of s#ecialised ,or) 6ased on the contractors o,n design and their standard manufacturing #roduct incor#orated in the ,or)s and in the event of the design of the s!stem 6eing defective or an! com#onents used found to 6e defective on 2%
account of manufacturing defects or other,ise forcing0 an! im#rovement thereof to 6e im#lemented or underta)en to rectif! such inherent defects0 not,ithstanding additional cost of com#onents or design modification0 the! shall 6e underta)en at contractor>s o,n cost. In default0 the .m#lo!er ma! em#lo! and #a! other agenc! or #ersons to amend and ma)e good such damages0 losses and e;#enses conse?uent thereon or incidental thereto such e;#enses shall 6e made good and 6orne 6! the contractor failing ,hich the same shall 6e recovera6le from the #a!ment due to the contractor and in the event of amount retained 6eing insufficient0 recover the 6alance from the contractor from the amount retained under clause no 12. together ,ith an! e;#enses the .m#lo!er ma! have incurred in connection there,ith. 9&. CONCEALED >OR"S &he contractor shall give due notice to the .m#lo!er = /onsultant ,herever an! ,or) is to 6e 6uried or concealed in the 6uilding in the earth0 flooring0 ,alls or other,ise 6ecoming inaccessi6le later on0 in order that the ,or) ma! 6e ins#ected and correct dimensions or measurements ta)en 6efore such 6urial. In default ,hereof the same shall0 in the o#inion of the .m#lo!er = /onsultant 6e either o#ened u# for measurement at the contractors e;#enses or no #a!ment ma! 6e made for such materials. hould an! dis#ute or difference arise after the e;ecution of an! ,or) as to measurements etc. or other matter ,hich cannot 6e convenientl! tested or chec)ed0 the notes = certification of the .ngineer:in:charge = /onsultant shall 6e acce#ted as correct and 6inding on the contractor. 9@. ESCALATION &he rate ?uoted shall 6e firm throughout the tenure of the contract 4 including e;tension of time0 if an! granted7 and ,ill not 6e su6Eect to an! fluctuation due to increase in cost of materials0 la6our0 sales ta;0 octroi etc. unless s#ecificall! #rovided in these documents. 9(. IDLE LA!O1R Bhatever the reasons ma! 6e0 no claim for idle la6our0 additional esta6lishment cost of hire and la6our charges of tools and #lants ,ould 6e entertained under an! circumstances. 9B. S1SPENSION OF >OR"S 39.1 u6Eect to other #rovisions contained0 the .m#lo!er ma! ,ithout #reEudice to his an! other rights or remed! against the tenderer in res#ect of an! dela! in commencing0 com#leting or during the #rogress of ,or) or inferior ,or)manshi#0 ma! serve notice in ,riting a6solutel! determine and cancel the contract in an! of the follo,ing casesL If the contractor having 6een given 6! the .m#lo!er = /onsultant a notice in ,riting to rectif!0 reconstruct or re#lace an! defective ,or) or that the ,or) is 6eing #erformed in an! inefficient or other,ise im#ro#er or un:,or)man li)e manner shall com#l! ,ith the re?uirement of such notice for a #eriod of seven da!s thereafter.
If the contractor 6eing a com#an! shall #ass a resolution or the court shall ma)e an order that the com#an! shall 6e ,ound u# or if a receiver or a manager on 6ehalf of a creditor shall 6e a##ointed or if circumstances shall arise ,hich entitle the court or the creditor to a##oint a receiver or a manager or ,hich entitle the court to ma)e a ,inding u# order If the contractor has ,ithout reasona6le cause failed to commence the ,or) or has sus#ended the #rogress of the ,or) or has failed to #roceed ,ith the ,or) ,ith due diligence so that in the o#inion of the .m#lo!er 4,hich shall 6e final and 6inding7 he ,ill 6e una6le to secure com#letion of the ,or) 6! the date for com#letion and continues to do so after a notice in ,riting of seven da!s from .m#lo!er. If the contractor fails to com#lete the ,or) ,ithin the sti#ulated date or items of ,or) ,ith individual date of com#letion0 if an! sti#ulated0 on or 6efore such date 4s7 of com#letion and does not com#lete them ,ithin the #eriod s#ecified in a notice given in ,riting in that 6ehalf 6! the .ngineer:in:charge= /onsultant If the contractor #ersistentl! neglects to carr! out his o6ligations under the contract and=or commits default in com#l!ing ,ith an! of the terms and conditions of the contract and does not remed! it or ta)e effective ste#s to remed! it ,ithin % da!s after a notice in ,riting is given to him in that 6ehalf 6! the .ngineer:in: charge= /onsultant If the contractor commits an! acts mentioned in terms of tender hereof< (nd ,hen the contractor has made himself lia6le for action under an! of the cases aforesaid0 the .m#lo!er shall have #o,ers a &o determine or rescind the contract of ,hich termination or rescission notice in ,riting to the contractor under the hand of the .m#lo!er shall 6e conclusive evidence. J#on such determination or rescission0 the securit! de#osit of the contractor shall 6e lia6le to 6e forfeited and shall 6e a6solutel! at the dis#osal of .m#lo!er. 6 In an! such event the contractor shall have no claim to com#ensation for an! loss sustained 6! him 6! reason of his having #urchased or #rocured an! materials or entered into an! engagements or made an! advances on account or ,ith a vie, to the e;ecution of the ,or) or the #erformance of the contract. (nd in case action is ta)en under an! of the #rovisions aforesaid0 the contractor shall not 6e entitled to recover or 6e #aid an! sum for an! ,or) thereto or actuall! #erformed under this contract unless and until the .ngineer:in:charge has certified in ,riting the #erformance of such ,or) and the value #a!a6le in res#ect thereof and he shall onl! 6e entitled to 6e #aid the value so certifiedL +rovided further that an! of the recoveries to 6e made ,hen the e;cess cost incurred 6! the .m#lo!er is more than the ecurit! *e#osit to 6e forfeited0 such recoveries shall 6e limited to the amount 6! ,hich the e;cess cost incurred e;ceeds the ecurit! de#osit so forfeited. In an! case in ,hich an! of the #o,ers conferred u#on the .m#lo!er hereof0 shall have 6ecome e;ercisa6le &the same shall not 6e e;ercised0 the non:e;ercise thereof shall not constitute a ,aiver of an! of the conditions hereof and such #o,ers shall not,ithstanding 6e e;ercisa6le in the event of an! future case of default 6! the contractor and the lia6ilit! of the contractor for com#ensation shall remain unaffected. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT !% EMPLO%ER I4 t5e contractor // 29
?'. ?'.
at an! time ma)es default in #roceeding ,ith the ,or)s or an! #art of the ,or) ,ith due diligence and continues to do so after a notice in ,riting of % da!s from the .ngineer:in:/hargeL or commits default in com#l!ing ,ith an! of the terms and conditions of the /ontract and does not remed! it or ta)e effective ste#s to remed! it ,ithin % da!s after a notice in ,riting is given to him in that 6ehalf 6! the .ngineer:in:/hargeL or fails to com#lete the ,or)s or items of ,or) ,ith individual dates of com#letion0 on or 6efore the date4s7 of com#letion0 and does not com#lete them ,ithin the #eriod s#ecified in a notice in ,riting is given to him in that 6ehalf 6! the .ngineer:in: /harge= /onsultantL or shall offer or give or agree to give to an! #erson in 8an) service or to an! other #erson on his 6ehalf an! gift or consideration as an inducement or re,ard for favouring him in relation to the o6taining or e;ecution of this or an! other /ontract for the .m#lo!er orL shall enter into a /ontract ,ith the 8an) in connection ,ith ,hich commission has 6een #aid or agreed to 6e #aid 6! him or his )no,ledge0 unless the #articulars of an! such commission and the terms of #a!ment thereof have 6een #reviousl! disclosed in ,riting to the (cce#ting (uthorit!=.ngineer:in:/hargeL or shall o6tain a /ontract ,ith the .m#lo!er as a result of ,rong tendering or other unethical methods of com#etitive tenderingL or 6eing an individual0 or in a firm0 an! #artner thereof shall at an! time 6e adEudged insolvent or have a receiving order or order for administration of his estate made against him or shall ta)e an! #roceedings for li?uidation or com#osition 4other than a voluntar! li?uidation for the #ur#ose or amalgamation or reconstruction7 under an! Insolvenc! (ct for the time 6eing in force or ma)e an! conve!ance or assignment of his effects or com#osition or arrangement for the 6enefit of his creditors or #ur#ort so to do0 or if an! a##lication 6e made under an! Insolvenc! (ct for the time 6eing in force for the se?uestration of his estate or if a trust deed 6e e;ecuted 6! him for 6enefit of his creditorsL or 6eing a com#an!0 shall #ass a resolution or the /ourt shall ma)e an order for the ,inding u# of the com#an! or a receiver or manager on 6ehalf of the de6enture holders or others shall 6e a##ointed or circumstances shall arise ,hich entitle the /ourt or de6enture holders to a##oint a receiver or managerL or shall suffer an e;ecution 6eing levied on his goods and allo, it to 6e continued for a #eriod of 21 da!sL or assigns0 transfers0 su6lets 4engagement of la6our on a #iece:,or) 6asis or of la6our ,ith materials not to 6e incor#orated in the ,or)0 shall not 6e deemed to 6e su6letting7 or other,ise #arts ,ith or attem#ts to assign0 transfer su6let or other,ise #arts ,ith the entire ,or)s or an! #ortion thereof ,ithout the #rior ,ritten a##roval of the (cce#ting (uthorit!L
4f7 4g7
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4$.1.2 &he (cce#ting (uthorit! ma!0 ,ithout #reEudice to an! other right or remed! ,hich shall have accrued or shall accrue thereafter to the .m#lo!er0 6! a notice in ,riting cancel the contract as a ,hole or onl! such of items in default from the tenderer. 4$.1.3 &he .ngineer:in:/harge = /onsultant shall on such cancellation 6! the acce#ting authorit! have #o,ers to0 for ,hich the contractor shall here6! unconditionall! agree 4a7 to ta)e #ossession of the ite and an! materials0 constructional #lant0 im#lements0 stores0 etc.0 thereonL and = or. 467 to carr! out the incom#lete ,or) 6! an! means at the ris) and cost of the &enderer 4$.2 9n cancellation of the /ontract in full or in #art0 the .ngineer:in:/harge = /onsultant shall determine ,hat amount0 if an!0 is recovera6le from the contractor for com#letion of the ,or)s or #art of the Bor)s or in case the Bor)s or #art of the Bor)s is not to 6e com#leted0 the loss or damage suffered 6! the .m#lo!er. In determining the amount0 credit shall 6e given to the contractor for the value of the ,or) e;ecuted 6! him u# to the time of cancellation0 the value of contractor>s materials ta)en over and incor#orated in the ,or). (n! e;cess e;#enditure incurred or to 6e incurred 6! the .m#lo!er in com#leting the Bor)s or #art of the Bor) or the e;cess0 loss or damages suffered or ma! 6e suffered 6! the .m#lo!er as aforesaid after allo,ing such credit shall ,ithout #reEudice to an! other right or remed! availa6le to .m#lo!er in la, 6e recovered from an! mone! due to the &enderer on an! account0 and if such mone!s are not sufficient the &enderer shall 6e called u#on in ,riting and shall 6e lia6le to #a! the same ,ithin 3$ da!s. If the /ontractor shall fail to #a! the re?uired sum ,ithin the aforesaid #eriod of 3$ da!s0 the .ngineer:in:/harge = /onsultant ,ith the a##roval of the .m#lo!er shall have the right to sell an! or all of the /ontractor>s unused materials0 constructional #lant0 im#lements0 tem#orar! 6uildings0 etc. and a##l! the #roceeds of sale thereof to,ards the satisfaction of an! sums due from the /ontractor under the /ontract and if thereafter there 6e an! 6alance outstanding from the /ontractor0 it shall 6e recovered in accordance ,ith the #rovisions of the /ontract. (n! sums in e;cess of the amounts due to the .m#lo!er and unsold materials0 constructional #lant0 etc.0 shall 6e returned to the /ontractor0 #rovided al,a!s that if cost or antici#ated cost of com#letion 6! the .m#lo!er of the Bor)s or #art of the Bor)s is less than the amount ,hich the /ontractor ,ould have 6een #aid had he com#leted the Bor)s or #art of the Bor)s0 such 6enefit shall not accrue to the /ontractor.
? . SETTLEMENT OF DISP1TES AND AR!ITRATION // 41.1 It shall 6e an inse#ara6le #art of the contract that in matters regarding ?ualit! of materials0 ,or)manshi#0 removal or reEection of im#ro#er ,or)0 inter#retation of the dra,ings and s#ecifications0 measurements of materials and=or items of ,or)0 mode of #rocedure and carr!ing out of the ,or)0 the decision of the .ngineer:in:
/harge= /onsultant ,hich shall 6e given in ,riting0 shall 6e final0 conclusive and 6inding on the tenderer. 41.2 4(7. If the tenderer considers an! ,or) demanded of him to 6e outside the re?uirements of the contract0 or considers an! dra,ings record or decision given in ,riting 6! the .ngineer:in:/harge = /onsultant on an! matter in connection ,ith or arising out of the contract or carr!ing out of ,or)0 to 6e unacce#ta6le0 he shall #rom#tl! ,ithin 15 da!s re?uest the .m#lo!er in ,riting for ,ritten instruction or decision. &hereon0 the .m#lo!er shall give his ,ritten instructions or decision ,ithin a #eriod of t,o months from the recei#t of the tenderer>s letter. J#on recei#t of such ,ritten instructions or decision the tenderer shall #rom#tl! #roceed ,ithout dela! to com#l! ,ith such instructions or decisions. If the .m#lo!er fails to give his instructions or decision in ,riting ,ithin a #eriod of t,o months after 6eing re?uested or if the tenderer is dissatisfied ,ith the instructions or decision of the .m#lo!er0 the /ontractor ma! ,ithin 3$ da!s a##eal to the designated (##ellant (uthorit! of the .m#lo!er ,ho shall afford an o##ortunit! to the tenderer to 6e heard and to offer evidence in su##ort of his a##eal. If he is dissatisfied ,ith this decision0 the tenderer shall ,ithin a #eriod of thirt! da!s from recei#t of the (##ellant (uthorit! of the decision shall indicate his intention to refer the dis#ute to (r6itration0 failing ,hich the said decision shall 6e final and conclusive and not refera6le to adEudication 6! the (r6itrator. (ll dis#utes or differences in res#ect of ,hich decisions have not 6een final0 6inding and conclusive as a6ove shall 6e referred for adEudication 6! the ar6itration 6! a ole (r6itrator a##ointed as follo,s< Bithin one month of recei#t of notice from an! #art! to the contract for a##ointment of the (r6itrator the (##ellant (uthorit!0 in charge of the ,or) at the time of such a##ointment shall send to the tenderer a #anel of three names of #ersons ,ho shall not #resentl! 6e connected ,ith the ,or). &he tenderer shall ,ithin fifteen da!s of recei#t of this list select and communicate to the (##ellant (uthorit! the name of one #erson from the list ,ho shall then 6e a##ointed as the sole ar6itrator 6! the (##ellant (uthorit!. If tenderer fails to communicate his selection of name0 ,ithin the sti#ulated #eriod0 the (##ellant (uthorit! shall ,ithout dela! select one #erson from the list and a##oint him as ole (r6itrator. If the (##ellant (uthorit! fails to send such a list ,ithin one month as sti#ulated0 the tenderer shall send a similar list to the (##ellant (uthorit! ,ithin 15 da!s. &he (##ellant (uthorit! shall then select one #erson from the list and a##oint him as the ole (r6itrator ,ithin 3$ da!s of the recei#t of the list. If the (##ellant (uthorit! fails to do so the tendered shall communicate to the (##ellant (uthorit! the name of one officer from the list ,ho shall then 6e the ole (r6itrator. If the (r6itrator so a##ointed is una6le or un,illing to act or resigns his a##ointment or vacates his office due to an! reason ,hatsoever another sole (r6itrator shall 6e a##ointed in the manner aforesaid. uch #erson shall 6e entitled to #roceed ,ith the reference from the stage at ,hich it ,as left 6! his #redecessor.
I& is term of this contract that the #art! invo)ing ar6itration shall give a list of dis#utes ,ith amounts claimed in res#ect of each such dis#ute along ,ith the notice for a##ointment of ar6itrator and giving reference to the reEection 6! the (##ellant (uthorit! of the a##eal and a co#! of his notice4s7 of intention to refer the dis#ute to ar6itration of such dis#utes as mentioned in +art 4ii7 a6ove failing ,hich the notice for a##ointment of the (r6itrator shall not 6e treated as notice for a##ointing the ar6itrator. It is also a term of this contract that no #erson other than a #erson a##ointed 6! (##ellant (uthorit!0 in charge of the ,or) as aforesaid should act as ar6itrator and if for an! reason that is not #ossi6le0 the matter shall not 6e referred to ar6itration at all. It is also a term of the contract that if the tenderer does not ma)e an! demand for a##ointment of ar6itration in res#ect of an! claims in ,riting as aforesaid ,ithin 9$ da!s of receiving the intimation from the .m#lo!er that the final 6ill is read! for #a!ment0 the claim of the contractor shall 6e deemed to have 6een ,aived and a6solutel! 6arred and the .m#lo!er shall 6e discharged and released of all lia6ilities under the contact in res#ect of these claims. No #art! shall 6e entitled to 6ring an! claim to ar6itration if the ar6itrator has not 6een a##ointed 6efore the e;#ir! of si;t! da!s after defect lia6ilit! #eriod.
41.1$ &he ar6itration shall 6e conducted in accordance ,ith the #rovisions of the Indian (r6itration (ct0 194$0 or an! statutor! modification or re:enactment thereof and the rules made thereunder and for the time 6eing in force shall a##l! to the ar6itration #roceeding under this clause. 41.11 &he ar6itrator ma! from time to time ,ith the consent of the #arties enlarge the time for ma)ing and #u6lishing the a,ard. 41.12 It is also a term of the contract that an! fees &(0 *( and other charges are #a!a6le to the (r6itrator shall 6e #aid 6! 6oth the #arties e?uall!. 41.13 It is also a term of the contract that the (r6itrator shall 6e deemed to have entered on the reference on the date of first hearing. &he venue of the ar6itration shall 6e such a #lace as ma! 6e fi;ed 6! the (r6itrator in his sole discretion. &he fees0 and charges of the (r6itrator shall0 if re?uired to 6e #aid 6efore the a,ard is made and #u6lished0 6e #aid half and half 6! each of the #arties. &he cost of the reference and of the a,ard 4including the fees0 if an!0 of the (r6itrator7 shall 6e in the discretion of the (r6itrator ,ho ma! direct to and 6! ,hom and in ,hat manner0 such costs or an! #art thereof shall 6e #aid and fi; or settle the amount of costs to 6e so #aid. 41.14 &he a,ard of the (r6itrator shall 6e final and 6inding on 6oth the #arties ?+. RI0HT TO A1DIT,TECHNICAL EAAMINATION &he .m#lo!er shall have the right to cause an audit and technical e;amination of the ,or)s and the final 6ills of the contractor including all su##orting vouchers0 a6stract0 etc.0 to 6e made even after #a!ment of the final 6ill and if as a result of such audit and 33
technical e;amination an! sum is found to have 6een over#aid in res#ect of an! ,or) done 6! the tenderer under the contract or an! ,or) claimed to have 6een done 6! him under the contract and found not to have 6een e;ecuted0 the tenderer shall 6e lia6le to refund the amount of over:#a!ment and it shall 6e la,ful for the .m#lo!er to recover the same from him in the manner #rescri6ed in clause 4% or in an! other manner legall! #ermissi6le and if it is found that the tenderer ,as #aid less than ,hat ,as due to him under the contract in res#ect of an! ,or) e;ecuted 6! him under it0 the amount of such under #a!ment shall 6e dul! #aid 6! the .m#lo!er to the tenderer0 ,ithout an! interest thereonL +rovided that the tenderer shall not 6e entitled to #a!ment of an! sum #aid short ,here such #a!ment has 6een agreed u#on 6et,een the .m#lo!er on the one hand and the tenderer on the other under an! term of the contract #ermitting #a!ment for ,or) after assessment 6! the .ngineer:in:/harge= /onsultant.
?9E LIEN a7 Bhenever an! claim or claims for #a!ment of a sum of mone! arises out of or under the contract against the contractor0 the .m#lo!er shall 6e entitled to ,ithhold and also have a lien to retain such sum or sums in ,hole or in #art from the securit!0 if an! de#osited 6! the tenderer and for the #ur#ose aforesaid0 the .m#lo!er shall 6e entitled to ,ithhold the securit! de#osit0 if an!0 furnished as the case ma! 6e and also have a lien over the same #ending finalisation or adEudication of an! such claim. In the event of the securit! 6eing insufficient to cover the claimed amount or amounts or if no securit! has 6een ta)en from the contractor0 the .m#lo!er shall 6e entitled to ,ithhold and have a lien to retain to the e;tent of such claimed amount or amounts referred to a6ove0 from an! sum or sums found #a!a6le or ,hich ma! at an! time thereafter 6ecome #a!a6le to the contractor under the same contract or an! other contract ,ith the .m#lo!er #ending finalisation or adEudication of an! such claim. (n! sum of mone! due and #a!a6le to the contractor 4including the securit! de#osit returna6le to him7 under the contract ma! 6e ,ithhold or retained 6! ,a! of lien 6! the .m#lo!er or an! other contracting #erson or #ersons through .ngineer:in:/harge against an! claim of the .m#lo!er or such #erson or #ersons in res#ect of #a!ment of a sum of mone! arising out of or under an! other contract made 6! the contractor ,ith the .m#lo!er or ,ith such other #erson or #ersons. It is an agreed term of the contract that the sum of mone! or mone!s so ,ithheld or retained under the lien referred to a6ove 6! the .m#lo!er ,ill 6e )e#t ,ithheld or retained as such 6! the .m#lo!er till the claim arising out of or under the contract is determined 6! the ar6itrator 4if the contracts governed 6! the ar6itration clause7 or 6! the com#etent court0 as the case ma! 6e and that the tenderer ,ill have no claim for interest or damages ,hatsoever on an! account in res#ect of such ,ithholding or retention under the lien referred to a6ove and dul! notified as such to the tenderer. For the #ur#ose of this clause0 ,here the tenderer is a #artnershi# firm or a limited com#an!0 the .m#lo!er shall 6e entitled to ,ithhold and also have a lien to retain to,ards such claimed amount or amounts in ,hole or in #art from an! sum found #a!a6le to an! #artner=limited com#an! as the case ma! 6e0 ,hether in his individual ca#acit! or other,ise. EATERNAL INSPECTION # A1DIT (ll ,or)s under or in course of e;ecution or e;ecuted in #ursuance of the /ontract shall at all times 6e o#en and accessi6le to the ins#ection of the Gualit! /ontrol 9rganisation of the .m#lo!er or an! designated auditor = officials of the .m#lo!er and of the /hief &echnical .;aminer>s 9ffice under /entral 2igilance /ommission. IF it shall a##ear to the .ngineer:in:/harge = consultant or to the .ngineer in charge of Gualit! /ontrol or an! designated auditors = officials of the .m#lo!er or to the /hief &echnical .;aminer0 that an! ,or) has 6een e;ecuted ,ith unsound0 im#erfect0 or uns)illful ,or)manshi#0 or ,ith materials or articles #rovided 6! him for the e;ecution of the ,or) ,hich are unsound or of a ?ualit! inferior to that contracted or other,ise not in accordance ,ith the contract0 the contractor shall0 on demand made in ,riting ,ithin the defect lia6ilit! #eriod from the .ngineer:in: /harge = consultant s#ecif!ing the ,or)0 materials or articles com#lained of 35
??. 4E7
not,ithstanding that the same ma! have 6een #assed0 certified and #aid for earlier0 forth,ith rectif!0 or remove and reconstruct the ,or) so s#ecified in ,hole or in #art0 as the case ma! re?uire and #rovide other #ro#er and suita6le materials or articles at his o,n charge and cost. 4iii7 In the event of the contractor failing to do so ,ithin a #eriod s#ecified 6! the .ngineer in:/harge = /onsultant in his demand aforesaid0 the contractor shall 6e lia6le to #a! com#ensation at the same rate as under the clause of defects after com#letion for this default. In such case the .ngineer:in:/harge = consultant ma! not acce#t the item of ,or) at the rates a##lica6le under the contract 6ut ma! acce#t such items at reduced rates as the .m#lo!er or the com#etent authorit! ma! consider reasona6le during the #re#aration of on account 6ills or final 6ill if the item is so acce#ta6le ,ithout detriment to the safet! and ,ithout su6stantiall! affecting the utilit! of the item and the structure or he ma! reEect the ,or) outright ,ithout an! #a!ment and=or get it and other connected and incidental items rectified0 or removed and re:e;ecuted at the ris) and cost of the contractor. *ecision of the .ngineer:in:/harge to 6e conve!ed in ,riting in res#ect of the same shall 6e final and 6inding on the tenderer. Immediatel! on recei#t of order from the 8an)0 the /ontractor shall su6mit detailed dra,ings and technical s#ecifications of the R-G unit for a##roval 6! &N.8. an! incidental e;#enditures incurred to,ards the liaisoning ,or) ,ith &N.8 = o6taining a##roval for the installation of #ro#osed R-G unit shall 6e 6orne 6! the contractor. &he s#ecifications of the R-G and the /& shall confirm to the &N.8 s#ecifications. (n! additions0 alterations0 modifications etc.0 suggested 6! the &N.8 officials in the R-G unit during erection = commissioning shall 6e carried out 6! the contractor at no e:tra cost. &he contractor shall #re#are necessar! dra,ings for a##roval 6! /.IG = /.(0 o6tain a##roval from them0 arrange for ins#ections of the ,or) 6! /.IG = /.( and o6tain the safet! certificate for commissioning the installations from them. (n! #a!ment other than statutor! fees to 6e made to,ards this ,or) to /.IG = /.( shall 6e 6orne 6! the contractor. 8an) ,ill reim6urse the statutor! fees #aid to statutor! authorities against #roduction of original recei#ts.
F9R- 9F (GR..-.N&
&his agreement made the FFFFFFFFFFFFFda! of the month of FFFFFFFFin the !ear 2$$ 8.&B..N0 /anara 8an) a 6od! cor#orate constituted under the 8an)ing /om#anies 4(c?uisition and &ransfer of underta)ings (ct0 19%$0 having its 3ead 9ffice0 at 112 M./.Road0 8angalore : 5"$$$2 amongst others a 9ffice = 8ranch at FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 4hereinafter referred to as the .m#lo!er re#resented = 6! its dul! constituted attorne! hri 8an)7 on the 9N. +(R&L and
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF =*=oFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFResident of FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF the sole #ro#rietor address office of -=sFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF having office at the follo,ing FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF having atFFFFFFFFFFFFFre#resented (ct 195" having its 6! its cor#orate -anaging=dul! office at authorised the -=s #artner.-=s. address an administrative=#rinci#al the #rovisions of the follo,ing
incor#orated under
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0 dul! re#resented at FFFFFFFFFFFFFF dul! re#resented 6! its constituted and authorised -anaging *irector0 hriFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF and 4hereinafter called the &enderer ,hich term shall also 6e called the B3.R.( &3. .m#lo!er = 8an) u##lier or the /ontractor 7 on the other #art.
Eointing etc. have to 6e installed in the /anara 8an) +remises0 /ircle office at &e!nam#et0 /hennai D "$$ $1' as mentioned and called for invitation to tender and the tender dated FFFFFFFFF furnished 6! the tenderer for the su##l!0 installation and #erformance of such ,or)s has 6een acce#ted 6! the .m#lo!er on the terms and conditions as set out therein and interalia others. N9B &3I (GR..-.N& BI&N. .&3 as follo,s<
1. In this agreement ,ords and e;#ression shall have the same meanings as are res#ectivel! assigned to them in the conditions of contract hereinafter referred to. 2. &he follo,ing documents not inconsistent ,ith these #resents shall 6e deemed to form and 6e read and construed as #art of this agreement vi5L a7 Notice inviting &ender 67 General Rules and Instructions for the guidance of tenderers. c7 &he &ender0 Cetter of (cce#tance0 Cetters from & to the tenderer0 if an!0 leading to and #rior to acce#tance letter. d7 General /onditions of contract and clauses of contract along ,ith (nne;ures thereto. e7 chedules ( to / consisting of &echnical #ecifications0 tender dra,ings if an!0 etc. NNote < O tri)e off ,hichever is not a##lica6le P #ecial /onditions0 Guestionnaire0
chedule of ?uantities including +rices and tendered amount )no,n as +rice : 8id. li)e (nnual
g7 &he details su6mitted in technical 6id0 design0 and such other commitments -aintenance /harges for the #eriod mentioned shall 6e #art of the agreement.
3. In consideration of the #a!ments to 6e made 6! the .m#lo!er to the tenderer0 the tenderer here6! covenants and agrees ,ith the .m#lo!er to construct0 com#lete and #erform the ,or)s in conformit! in all res#ects and su6Eect to all terms and conditions=rules as mentioned in the General /onditions as also in the aforesaid documents ,hich shall from #art of this agreement. In ,itness ,hereof the #arties hereto have hereunto set their res#ective hands and seals the da! and !ear first a6ove ,ritten. igned0 sealed and delivered 6! the said tenderer0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFF to the .m#lo!erFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFin the #resence of<
CANARA !AN" PREMISES # ESTATE SECTION CIRCLE OFFICE$ TE%NAMPET$ CHENNAI &'' ' ( SAFET% CODE Sca44ol6s i7 uita6le scaffolds shall 6e #rovided for ,or)men for all ,or)s that cannot safel! 6e done from the ground0 or from solid construction e;ce#t in the case of short duration ,or) ,hich can 6e done safel! from ladders. Bhen a ladder is used0 it shall 6e of rigid construction made either of good ?ualit! ,ood or steel. &he ste#s shall have a minimum ,idth of 45$ mm and ma;imum rise of 3$$ mm. suita6le hand holds of good ?ualit! ,ood or steel shall 6e #rovided and the ladder shall 6e given an inclination not stee#er than Q to 1 4 Q hori5ontal and 1 vertical7. caffolding or staging more than 4 m a6ove the ground floor0 s,ung or sus#ended from an overhead su##ort or erected ,ith stationer! su##ort shall have a guard rail #ro#erl! 6olted0 6raced or other,ise secured0 at least 1 m a6ove the floor or #latform of such scaffolding or staging and e;tending along the entire length of the outside and ends thereof ,ith onl! such o#enings as ma! 6e necessar! for the deliver! of materials. uch scaffolding or staging shall 6e so fastened as to #revent it from s,a!ing from the 6uilding or structure. Bor)ing #latforms0 gang,a!s and stair,a!s shall 6e so constructed that the! do not sag undul! or une?uall! and if the height of the #latform0 gang,a! or stair,a! is more than 4 m a6ove ground level or floor level0 the! shall 6e closel! 6oarded and shall have ade?uate ,idth and 6e suita6l! fenced as descri6ed in 4ii7 a6ove. .ver! o#ening in the floor of a 6uilding or in a ,or)ing #latform shall 6e #rovided ,ith suita6le means to #revent the fall of #ersons or materials 6! #roviding suita6le fencing or railing ,hose minimum height shall 6e 1 m. Bherever there are o#en e;cavations in ground0 the! shall 6e fenced off 6! suita6le railing and danger signals installed at night so as to #revent #ersons sli##ing into the e;cavations. v7 afe means of access shall 6e #rovided to all ,or)ing #laces. .ver! ladder shall 6e securel! fi;ed. No #orta6le single ladder shall 6e over 9 m in length ,hile the ,idth 6et,een side rails in rung ladder shall in no case0 6e less than 29$ mm for ladder u# to and including 3 m in length. For longer ladders this ,idth shall 6e increased at least 2$ mm for each additional meter of length. ( s)etch of the ladders and scaffolds #ro#osed to 6e used shall 6e #re#ared and a##roval of the .ngineer o6tained #rior to construction.
Ot5er Sa4et. Meas2res vii7 (ll #ersonnel of the contractor ,or)ing ,ithin the #lant site shall 6e #rovided ,ith safet! helmets06elts etc. (ll ,elders shall ,ear ,elding goggles ,hile doing ,elding ,or) and all metal ,or)ers shall 6e #rovided ,ith safet! gloves. +ersons em#lo!ed on metal cutting and grinding shall ,ear safet! glasses.
viii7 (de?uate #recautions shall 6e ta)en to #revent danger from electrical e?ui#ment. No materials on an! of the sites of ,or) shall 6e so stac)ed or #laced as to cause danger or inconvenience to an! #erson or the #u6lic.
E:ca7ation # Trenc5ing i;7 (ll trenches0 1.25 m or more in de#th shall at all times 6e su##lied ,ith at least one ladder for each 3$ m in length or fraction thereof. &he ladder shall 6e e;tended from 6ottoms of the trench to at least 1 m a6ove the surface of the ground. ides of trenches ,hich are 1.5 m or more in de#th shall 6e ste##ed 6ac) to give suita6le slo#e or securel! held 6! tim6er 6racing so as to avoid the danger of sides colla#sing. &he e;cavated materials shall not 6e #laced ,ithin 1.5 m of the edges of the trench or half of the de#th of the trench ,hichever is more. /utting shall 6e done from to# to 6ottom. Jnder no circumstances undermining or undercutting shall 6e done. &he contractor shall ta)e all measures on the site of the ,or) to #rotect the #u6lic from accidents and shall 6e 6ound to 6ear the e;#enses of defence of ever! suit0 action or other #roceedings at la, that ma! 6e 6rought 6! an! #ersons for inEur! sustained o,ing to neglect of the a6ove #recautions and to #a! an! such #ersons or ,hich ma! ,ith the consent of the contractor0 6e #aid to com#romise an! claim 6! an! such #erson.
De3olition ;i7 8efore an! demolition ,or) is commenced and also during the #rocess of the ,or)< a. (ll roads and o#en areas adEacent to the ,or) site shall either 6e closed or suita6l! #rotected. 6. No electric ca6le or a##aratus ,hich is lia6le to 6e a source of danger over a ca6le or a##aratus used 6! the o#erator shall remain electricall! charged. c. (ll #ractical ste#s shall 6e ta)en to #revent danger to #ersons em#lo!ed from the ris) of fire or e;#losion or flooding. No floor0 roof or other #art of the 6uilding shall 6e so overloaded ,ith de6ris or materials as to render it unsafe.
Personal Sa4et. E=2ip3ents ;ii7 (ll necessar! #ersonal safet! e?ui#ment as considered ade?uate 6! the .ngineer should 6e )e#t availa6le for the use of the #erson em#lo!ed on the site and maintained in a condition suita6le for immediate use0 and the contractor should ta)e ade?uate ste#s to ensure #ro#er use of e?ui#ment 6! those concerned. a. Bor)ers em#lo!ed on mi;ing as#haltic materials0 cement and lime mortars shall 6e #rovided ,ith #rotective foot,ear and #rotective goggles. 6. &hose engaged in ,hite ,ashing and mi;ing or stac)ing of cement 6ags or an! material ,hich is inEurious to the e!es shall 6e #rovided ,ith #rotective goggles. c. &hose engaged in ,elding ,or)s shall 6e #rovided ,ith ,elder>s #rotective e!esight lids. d. tone 6rea)ers shall 6e #rovided ,ith #rotective goggles and #rotective clothing and seated at sufficientl! safe intervals.
e. Bhen ,or)ers are em#lo!ed in se,ers and manholes0 ,hich are in use0 the contractor shall ensure that the manhole covers are o#ened and are ventilated at least for an hour 6efore the ,or)ers are allo,ed to get into manholes and the manholes so o#ened shall 6e cordoned off ,ith suita6le railing and #rovided ,ith ,arning signals or 6oards to #revent accidents to the #u6lic. f. &he contractor shall not em#lo! men 6elo, the age of 1' !ears and ,omen on the ,or) of #ainting ,ith #roducts containing lead or an! to;ic material in an! form.
Bherever men a6ove the age of 1' are em#lo!ed on the ,or) of such #ainting the follo,ing #recautions should 6e ta)en< i. No #aint containing lead or lead #roducts shall 6e used e;ce#t in the form of #aste or read! made #aint. +aints li)e vin!e and e#o;ies having to;ic fumes should 6e a##lied after follo,ing all #recautions laid do,n 6! manufactures. ii. uita6le face mas)s should 6e su##lied for use 6! the ,or)ers ,hen #aint is a##lied in the form of s#ra! or a surface having lead #aint dr! ru66ed and scra##ed.
iii. 9veralls shall 6e su##lied 6! the contractor to the ,or)men and ade?uate facilities shall 6e #rovided to ena6le the ,or)ing #ainters to ,ash during the cessation of ,or). ;iii7 Bhen the ,or) is done near an! #u6lic #lace ,here there is ris) of dro,nings all necessar! e?ui#ments should 6e #rovided and )e#t read! for use and all necessar! ste#s ta)en for #rom#t rescue of an! #erson in danger and ade?uate #rovision should 6e made for #rom#t first aid treatment of all inEuries li)el! to 6e sustained during the course of the ,or). Hoisting Mac5ines ;iv7 Jse of hoisting machines and tac)le including their attachments anchorage and su##orts shall conform to the follo,ing standards or conditions< a. &hese shall 6e of good mechanical constructions sound material and ade?uate strength and free from #atent defect and shall 6e )e#t in good re#air and the good ,or)ing order. .ver! ro#e used in hoisting or lo,ering materials or as means of sus#ension shall 6e of dura6le ?ualit! and ade?uate strength and free from #atent defects. 6. .ver! crane driver or hoisting a##liance o#erator shall 6e #ro#erl! ?ualified and no #erson under the age of 21 !ears shall 6e incharge of an! hoisting machine including an! scaffolding ,inch or give signals to o#erator. c. In case of ever! hoisting machine and of ever! chain ring hoo)0 shac)le shovel and #ulle! 6loc) used in hoisting or as means of sus#ension the safe ,or)ing load shall 6e ascertained 6! ade?uate means. .ver! hoisting machine and all gear referred to a6ove shall 6e #lainl! mar)ed ,ith the safe ,or)ing load. In case of a hoisting machine having a varia6le safe ,or)ing load0 each safe ,or)ing load and the conditions under ,hich it is a##lica6le shall 6e clearl! indicated. No #art of an! machine or an! gear referred to a6ove in this #aragra#h shall 6e loaded 6e!ond the safe ,or)ing load e;ce#t for the #ur#ose of testing. d. In case of de#artmental machines0 the safe ,or)ing load shall 6e notified 6! the .ngineer. (s regards contractor>s machines0 the contractor shall notif! the safe ,or)ing load of the machine to the .ngineer ,henever he 6rings an! machiner! to site of ,or) and get it verified 6! the .ngineer concerned. ;v7 -otors0 gearing0 transmission0 electric ,iring and other dangerous #arts of hoisting a##liances should 6e #rovided ,ith efficient safeguards. 3oisting a##liances should 6e #rovided ,ith such means as ,ill reduce to the minimum of the ris) of an! #art of a sus#ended load 6ecoming accidentall! dis#laced. Bhen ,or)ers are em#lo!ed on electrical installations ,hich are alread! energi5ed0 insulting mats0 ,earing a##arel0 such as gloves0 sleeves and 6oots as ma! 6e
necessar!0 should 6e #rovided. &he ,or)ers should not ,ear an! rings0 ,atches and carr! )e!s or other materials ,hich are good conductors of electricit!. ;vi7 (ll scaffolds0 ladders and other safet! devices mentioned or descri6ed herein shall 6e maintained in safe condition and no scaffold0 ladder or e?ui#ment shall 6e altered or removed ,hile it is in use. (de?uate ,ashing facilities should 6e #rovided at or near #laces of ,or). ;vii7 &hese safet! #rovisions should 6e 6rought to the notice of all concerned 6! dis#la! on a notice 6oard at a #rominent #lace at ,or) s#ot. &he #erson res#onsi6le for com#liance of the safet! code shall 6e named therein 6! the contractor. ;viii7 &o ensure effective enforcement of the rules and regulations relating to safet! #recautions the arrangements made 6! the contractor shall 6e o#en to ins#ection 6! the Ca6our 9fficer0 .ngineers of the *e#artment or their re#resentatives. ;i;7 Not,ithstanding the a6ove clause from 4i7 to 4;viii70 there is nothing in these to e;em#t the contractor from the o#erations of an! other (ct or Rule in force in the Re#u6lic of India.
Na3e o4 >or</ Rene,al and u##l!0 installation0 testing and commissioning of 1112 3&
installations 4vi5. rene,al of R-G unit0 11 12 load 6rea) s,itch and 1112 3& ca6le7 at /anara 8an)0 /ircle 9ffice0 /hennai : "$$ $1'. SPECIAL TERMS # CONDITIONS TO !E ENCLOSED ALON0 >ITH TENDER SCHED1LE 1. &he ,or) involves rene,al and su##l!0 installation0 testing and commissioning of 1112 3& installations 4vi5. rene,al of R-G unit0 11 12 load 6rea) s,itch and 1112 3& ca6le7 at /anara 8an)0 /ircle 9ffice0 /hennai : "$$ $1'. &he ,or) shall com#rise of entire la6our including su#ervision and all materials0 necessar! to ma)e a com#lete installation and such tests and adEustments and commissioning as ma! 6e re?uired to give a satisfactor! ,or)ing installation0 to the satisfaction of the client = &N.8 officials. &he term Icom#lete installation> shall mean not onl! maEor items of the #lant and e?ui#ments covered 6! the s#ecification 6ut also all incidental sundr! com#onents necessar! for com#lete e;ecution and satisfactor! #erformance of installation ,ith all la6our charges ,hether or not those have 6een mentioned in detail in the tender document in connection ,ith this contract. &he tenderers are advised to have a free ins#ection of the site 6efore tendering to ensure that the #ro#osed R-G unit shall 6e installed in the e;isting location ,ith re?uired clearances around the set as #er norms #rescri6ed 6! /.( = /IG = &N.8. &he #rice ?uoted 6! the tenderer shall 6e inclusive of all ta;es and dut! vi50 e;cise dut!0 2(&0 service ta;0 ,or)s contract ta;0 etc. &he installations should 6e guaranteed against fault! design0 materials manufacture and ,or)manshi# at least for a #eriod of 12 months from the date of handing over of the s!stem to the organi5ation in #erfect ,or)ing condition. &he guarantee should cover free re#lacement of defective #arts0 accessories0 etc.0 and of ,hatever necessitated during the guarantee #eriod. Items found defective during the guarantee #eriod ,ill 6e re#laced 6! ne, one or re#aired free of cost to the full satisfaction of the client. (ll #arts su##lied = re#laced = fitted during the guarantee #eriod shall not attract ,harfage0 trans#ort charges etc. If at an! time during the guarantee #eriod the #lant is out of order for more than a month at a time0 then the guarantee #eriod ,ill 6e e;tended 6! the #eriod of 6rea) do,n. +eriod of com#letion< &he successful tenderer shall su6mit G( dra,ings ,ithin one ,ee) from the date of recei#t of formal su##l! order in consultation ,ith the client = electrical consultant and get the a##roval of the G( dra,ings ,ithin three da!s from the date of su6mission of G( dra,ings from &N.8. (n! corres#ondence 6! #ost in this regard shall 6e totall! avoided. -aterials should 6e su##lied ,ithin 3$ da!s from the date of recei#t of formal su##l! order and erection shall 6e com#leted ,ithin the ne;t 15 da!s. &he a##roval from /.( = /.IG and o6taining safet! certificate for commissioning the installations shall 6e com#leted ,ithin the ne;t 15 da!s. &he offer should 6e for deliver! of entire materials at site0 erecting the same and commissioning the s!stem to the entire satisfaction of the client = &N.8 and the consultants em#lo!ed 6! the client.
4. 5.
'. 9.
+rice ?uoted 6! the tenderer shall 6e firm throughout the contract #eriod. No #rice variation clause shall 6e a##lica6le for this ,or). (ll fittings0 unit assem6lies0 accessories0 hard,are foundation 6olts0 terminal lugs for electrical connections0 ca6le glands and miscellaneous materials or accessories of items of ,or) ,hich are useful and necessar! for efficient assem6l! and ,or)ing of the e?ui#ment shall 6e deemed to 6e included in the tender ,ithin the overall cost ?uoted. &he e?ui#ment shall 6e com#lete in all details ,hether such details have 6een mentioned or not. /o#ies of all documents of routine and t!#e test certificate of the e?ui#ment carried out at manufacturer>s #remises shall 6e furnished0 as re?uired. &he tenderer shall enclose a letter from the manufacturer indicating that the e?ui#ments ?uoted 6! the tenderer are in the current line of #roduction and that the manufacturer ,ill offer service su##ort 6! ,a! of s#ares for a further #eriod of 1$ !ears4min7. ( ,rite u# of ,or)ing of s!stem as a ,hole and the individual com#onents shall 6e enclosed. 9n com#letion of installation0 testing and commissioning0 the e?ui#ments ,ill 6e tested for esta6lishing their #erformance vis:a vis the acce#ted s#ecifications. &he tender shall 6e su6mitted along ,ith tender schedule ,ith enclosures given 6elo, dul! signed. &he tenderers are advised to enclose #hotoco#ies of the follo,ing. 6. &he turnover during the last three !ears c. +revious e;#erience in installing the 3& installations such as R-G unit0 2/8 #anel0 3& ca6ling and Eointing etc.0 ,ith consumer>s full address and #erformance certificate from them. d. &he technical #am#hlets0 literature of the R-G unit0 C8 0 3& ca6ling0 Eointing )it0 rela!s0 meters etc. e. /o#ies of service ta; registration and +(N card.
&he tenderer should ?uote for all items of ,or) furnished in the tender schedule. (n! incom#lete tender = the tender for a #ortion of ,or) shall not 6e considered and shall 6e reEected. &he tenderer should ?uote onl! in the tender schedule furnished 6! the 8an). &he tender in an! other form shall 6e summaril! reEected. /anara 8an) reserves the right to reEect an! or all the tenders received ,ithout assigning an! reasons.
15. 1".
CANARA !AN" PREMISES # ESTATE SECTION CIRCLE OFFICE$ TE%NAMPET$ CHENNAI &'' ' ( TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS &he sco#e of the ,or) is given 6elo,< ince the e;isting R-G unit is ver! old0 &N.8 insists on the re#lacement of e;isting R-G unit. 3ence0 ,or) involves. i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Re#lacement of e;isting 1112 R-G unit 6! ne, 2/8 #anel. Re#lacement of e;isting 1112 C8 6! an air 6rea) ne, one. Incoming 3& feeders 42 nos.7 from &N.8 1112 mains and terminating the 3& ca6le on R-G unit. 9utgoing 3& feeders 4RC+. 1112 ca6le7 from R-G unit to C8 and from C8 to the transformer including end termination. .arthing and earthing connections to R-G unit = C8 etc and testing of earthing. *ismantling of all the e;isting structures such as R-G unit0 C8 0 3& ca6le end termination0 com#lete ca6ling etc and handing over to stores 48u!6ac)7. 96taining a##roval from &N.8 for the detailed dra,ings and technical s#ecifications of the #ro#osed R-G unit and the com#lete liaisoning ,or) ,ith &N.8 officials in connection ,ith the termination of 1112 t,o incoming feeders 4ca6lings7 to the R-G unit. 96taining safet! certificate for commissioning the installation from /.( = /.IG. (n! other items of ,or) 4,hether mentioned in the 89G or not7 that are necessar! for com#leting the installation0 testing and commissioning of the entire s!stem.
viii. i;.
IE RM0 1NIT &he R-G shall 6e totall! enclosed0 sheet steel clad0 floor mounting0 free standing0 dust0 vermin and ,eather #roof0 indoor RING -(IN G.(R suita6le for o#eration on 1112 5$350 3S0 3 ,ire0 5$$-2( (/ s!stem conforming to relevant I s#ecifications and com#rising the follo,ing< (Note& The RMG including CTs, PTs etc. should confirm to TNEBs specifications. Before deli ering the RMG unit, the TNEB officials ma! please "e consulted #ith regard to the detailed specifications of the RMG unit. E en if an! modifications are suggested "! TNEB officials after the deli er! of the RMG unit, the same shall "e carried "! the contractor at no e$tra cost% No. INCOMMIN0 # O1T0OIN0 RIN0 FEEDER EACH FITTED >ITH o 1 No. 12120 "3$ (m#s0 tri#le #ole0 manuall! o#erated0 ?uic) ma)e0 fault ma)e0 air 6rea) Coad 8rea) ,itch having a &R of 31.51(=i ec0 fitted ,ith 2N9 T N/ au;iliar! contacts0 mechanical 9N=9FF indicators0 rotar! front drive mechanical and an integrall! interloc)ed earth s,itch having a &R of 4$1(=1 ec. 1 et /lustered C.* t!#e C8 9N=9FF indicating lam#s. 1 et thermostat controlled anti condensation s#ace heater 1 et C2 control fuses 1 et #o,er = control terminals
o o o o
!1S!ARS/ &he R-G shall 6e #rovided ,ith 1112 "3$(m#s +2/ sleeved0 electrotinned co##er0 mounted on non:h!grosco#ic e#o;! resin case insulators. No. O1T0OIN0 FEEDER FITTED >ITH o 1No 12120 "3$ (m#s0 2".21(=3 ec0 hori5ontal dra,out0 hori5ontal isolation 2acuum /ircuit 8rea)er fitted ,ith 23$2 (/ s#ring charging motor0 11$2 */ closing and tri##ing coils0 4N9T4N/ au;iliar! contacts0 mechanical close=o#en #ush6uttons0 mechanical 9N=9FF and ervice &est #osition indicators0 automatic safet! shutter assem6l!0 24 #in secondar! disconnecting #lug & soc)et and earth contact 1 No 1112=U30 1$$2(=+hase0 /lass $.50 3S0 3 Cim6 e#o;! resin cast0 hori5ontal dra,out #otential transformer ,ith fuses on #rimar! and secondar! ,indings. 3 Nos. (=5:5(0 1112 t,in core e#o;! resin cast current transformers having /ore D 1VV./lass $.50 152( for metering and 4&he /& s#ecification shall 6e #rovided 6! &N.87 #ace #rovision for trivector meter7 /ore D 2VV./lass 5+ 1$0 152( for #rotection o o o 1 No. 3S0 4,ire. 3element test terminal 6loc) ,ith sealing facilit! 1No 11$2 (/ D 11$2 */ "$B. sec #o,er#ac) unit suita6le for 2 tri##ing and 1 closing o#erations 1 et clustered C.* t!#e indicating lam#s for 8rea)er 9N 8rea)er 9FF 8rea)er &RI+ #ring /harged &ri# /)t. 3ealth! o o o : : : : : Red Green (m6er 8lue Bhite
o o
1No 3ealth! &ri# #ush 6utton ,ith series resistor 1No &ri# D Neutral D /lose s#ring return to neutral 8rea)er /ontrol ,itch ,ith se?uence loc)ing device and #istal gri# handle. 1No. com6ined over current and earth fault rela! fitted ,ith 2 9=/ & 1 .=F element having the follo,ing settings0 having an o#erating time of 3 sec at 1$ times current setting0 mounted in a dra,out case. IDMT Setting 5$ D 2$$ H 2$ D '$ H INST. Setting 25$ D 2$$$ H 1$$ D '$$ H
1No. anti #um#ing contactor 1 et thermostat controlled anti condensation s#ace heater 1 No door s,itch actuated cu6icle illuminating lam# 1 et C2 control fuses 1 et #o,er = control terminals +rovision for mounting &9* meter 4&o 6e su##lied 6! &N.87 com#lete ,ith ,iring.
0ENERAL TECHNICAL PARTIC1LARS FFOR O1T0OIN0 RM0E o &he R-G ,ill 6e fa6ricated from 2.5=3.$mm thic) sheet steel0 su6Eected to a % tan) surface treatment #rocess and #ainted in *ar) (dmiralit! Gre! colour to shade "32 of I :5 ,ith #ol!eurothene 6ased #aint. &he degree of #rotection offered 6! the enclosure shall 6e as #er I+:55 of I : 214%. &he R-G ,ill 6e #rovided ,ith the dou6le door arrangement on the front and 6olted t!#e rear cover for each com#artment a#art from a single slo#e cano#! on to#. &he inner front door of the s,itch com#artments ,ill 6e interloc)ed ,ith the res#ective C8 such that the door can 6e o#ened onl! ,hen the main s,itch is 9FF and the earth s,itch is 9N. &he 6rea)er ,ill 6e #rovided ,ith necessar! safet! interloc)s to ensure that the 6rea)er can not 6e inserted or ,ithdra,n in 9N condition. (ll accessi6le live #arts inside the R-G ,ill 6e covered ,ith metallic ,ire mesh to ensure o#erator>s safet! during maintenance. &he metering cham6er0 /&=+& cham6er and ca6le cham6er doors=covers ,ill 6e #rovided ,ith sealing facilit!. (de?uate headroom ,ill 6e #rovided 6et,een the gland #late and #o,er terminals to facilitate eas! termination of ca6les. &he secondar! terminals of the /&s mounted in the 2/8 com#artment ,ill 6e located such that the! are accessi6le from the front after removing the rear cover and ,iremesh. &he R-G ,ill 6e #rovided ,ith 1 no 4$ ; " mm electro tinned co##er earth 6us having #rovision for connection to s!stem earth at 6oth ends. 11$2 */ su##l! for 6rea)er control circuits alone ,ill 6e derived thro> the #o,er #ac). 23$2 (/ au;iliar! su##l! re?uired for s#ring changing motor0 indicating lam#0 cu6icle lam#s and s#ace heaters shall 6e arranged 6! the #urchaser. &he secondar! leads from the +& and /&s ,ill 6e routed through disconnecting t!#e terminal 6loc)s. &he internal ,iring ,ill 6e carried out ,ith "$$=11$$2 grade0 single core0 multistandard co##er ca6les of si5e 1.5 s?.mm for control = #otential circuita and 2.5 s?.mm for /& secondar! circuits. Tests/ o Factor. Tests /om#lete test shall 6e made at the manufacturer>s ,or)s to determine the #erformance and o#erating characteristics of the assem6led circuit 6rea)ers0 and their res#ective accessories and to determine ,hether or not the guarantees have 6een met. &he 6idder shall give a com#lete descri#tion of the #ro#osed test methods. (ll routine tests shall 6e ,itnessed 6! /lient = (rchitect. Jnless other,ise s#ecified0 all tests shall 6e carried out in accordance ,ith I < 1311' and shall include the follo,ing. o Ro2tine Tests FAll 1nitsE -echanical o#eration tests +o,er fre?uenc! voltage test &ests on au;iliar! & control circuits -easurement of IR of the main circuit o Tests
o o o o o o o o o o
o o o
8rea)ing and ma)ing ca#acit! tests hort D time current tests &em#erature rise tests Cightning im#ulse voltage test -echanical o#eration test (ll routine tests shall 6e ,itnessed 6! the +urchaser = /onsultant. &he 6idder shall furnish t,o 427 sets of t!#e test re#orts for all tests along ,ith the 6id. o &he follo,ing accessories ,ill 6e su##l! along ,ith each R-G a. 6. c. d. e. f. NOTE/ &3. /& R(&I9 I &9 8. /39 .N 9NCW 9N &3. 8( I 9F (N/&I9N.* C9(*0 I& I . .N&I(C &3(& +(R&I/JC(R 9F (N/&I9N.* C9(* I IN&I-(&.* &9 W9J 9R ( +.R TNE! E! R.GJIR.-.N&. IIE EARTHIN0/ E 0eneral/ (ll non D current carr!ing metal #arts of the electrical installation shall 6e earthed as #er I < 3$43. (ll metal conduits0 trun)ing0 ca6le sheathes0 s,itchgear0 distri6ution 6oards0 meters0 light fi;tures0 fans and all other metal #arts forming #art of the ,or) shall 6e 6onded together and connected 6! t,o se#arate and distinct conductors to earth electrodes. .arthing shall also 6e inconformit! ,ith the #rovisions of Rules 320 "10 "% and "' of I.R 195". +E Eart5ing Con62ctors/ 2.17 (ll earthing conductors shall 6e of high conductivit! co##er as re?uired = s#ecified and shall 6e #rotected against mechanical damage and corrosion. &he connection of earth continuit! conductors to earth 6us and earth electrodes shall 6e strong and sound and shall 6e easil! accessi6le. &he earth conductors shall 6e rigidl! fi;ed to the ,alls0 ca6le trenches0 ca6le tra!s or conduits and ca6les 6! using suita6le clam#s. 2.27 -ain earth 6us shall 6e ta)en from the main medium voltage #anel to the earth electrodes. &he num6er of electrodes re?uired shall 6e arrived at ta)ing into consideration the antici#ated fault on the medium voltage net,or). 2.37 (ll the su6 D mains and su6 D circuits shall 6e #rovided ,ith earth continuit! conductors as s#ecified and connected to the main earth 6us. .arthing conductors for e?ui#ment shall 6e run from the e;#osed metal surface of the e?ui#ments and connected to a suita6le #oint on the su6 D main or main earthing 6us. (ll s,itch6oards0 distri6ution 6oards and isolators0 disconnect s,itches shall 6e connected to the earth 6us. .arthing conductors shall 6e terminated at the e?ui#ment using suita6le lugs0 6olts0 ,ashers and nuts. 2.47 (ll conduits0 ca6le armouring0 Race,a!s0 rising mains0 metal 6o;es0 #anel 6oards etc.0 shall 6e connected to the earth all along their run 6! earthing conductors of suita6le cross sectional area. #rin)ler #i#es0 C+G #i#es0 ,ater #i#es0 steel structural elements0 lightning conductors shall not 6e used as a means of earthing an installation. &he electrical resistance of earthing conductors shall 6e lo, enough to #ermit the #assage of -ain s,itch o#erating handle .arth s,itch o#erating handle 2/8 dra,n out handle 2/8 s#ring change handle 2/8 loading ram# +anel door )e! : : : : : : 1 No 1 No 1 No 1 No 1 No 2 No
fault current necessar! to o#erate a fuse = #rotective device = a circuit 6rea)er and shall not e;ceed 1 ohm. 9E Pipe Electro6e/ +i#e electrode shall com#rise of a 2.1 meter long 4$mm dia class I8> GI #i#e 6uried verticall! in a #it of 4$cm ; 4$cm si5e and filled ,ith alternate la!ers of charcoal0 salt and connected at the to# to a class I8> GI #i#e of 25mm0 1 meter long ,ith a funnel at the other end0 5 cms a6ove the ground. &he earth lead shall 6e #ro#erl! 6olted to the #i#e electrode ,ith 6rass 6olts0 nuts and ,ashers. &he funnel and earth lead connections shall 6e enclosed in a masonr! cham6er of 45cm ; 45cm ; 3$$ dimensions. &he cham6er shall 6e #rovided ,ith a - frame and - cover. +ro#er #ermanent identification tag = la6el shall 6e #rovided for each electrode using #ainting. ?E Preca2tions/ 4.17 .arthing s!stem shall 6e mechanicall! ro6ust and the Eoints shall 6e ca#a6le of retaining lo, resistance0 even after #assage of fault currents. 4.27 Moints shall 6e ,elded0 6olted or dou6le D riveted. (ll ,elded Eoints are #ainted ,ith cold Xinc galvani5ing #aint. (ll the Eoints shall 6e mechanicall! and electricall!0 continuous and effective. Moints shall 6e #rotected against corrosion. *E Testing/ 5.17 9n the com#letion of the entire installation0 test on earth resistance of electrode shall 6e conducted. 5.27 (ll meters0 instruments and la6our re?uired for the tests shall 6e #rovided 6! the contractor. &he test results shall 6e su6mitted in tri#licate for a##roval. &ests shall 6e conducted in the #resence of .ngineer D in D charge = /onsultant. IIIE HT CA!LE TERMINATION "ITS a7 /a6le termination )its shall 6e of heat shrin)a6le t!#e0 suita6le for RC+. armoured #o,er ca6les ,ith aluminium conductors of si5es s#ecified. 67 &he ca6le termination )its shall conform to I... D 4' D 199$ = I... D 4$4 = 15135%3 D 1992 c7 &he ca6le termination )its shall have necessar! stress relieving cones and anti trac)ing ta#es. &he 3& ca6le termination )its are re?uired for termination of 3& ca6les in 1112 s,itchgear #anels and transformer 32 ca6le end 6o;es. &he termination )its shall have the ca#acit! to ,ithstand ma;imum thermal and d!namic stresses caused due to short circuit in the s!stem should have high mechanical strength & su#erior ,eather resistance #ro#erties ,ithout shelf life limitations u#to 5$$/ d7 &he ca6le termination )its shall 6e tested as #er the test se?uence s#ecified in relevant standards. e7 (ll ca6le termination )its re?uired for the termination of 3& ca6les of s#ecified si5es in 3& s,itchgears and transformer 32 ca6le end 6o;es shall 6e suita6le for the si5es of ca6les indicated. f7 3& & C& ca6le Eointing )it< &he 3& ca6le Eointing )its shall 6e heat shrin)a6le t!#e0 suita6le for RC+. armoured #o,er ca6les ,ith aluminium conductors of si5es s#ecified. C1ANTITIES +a!ment ,ill 6e made for the actual ?uantit! of ,or) e;ecuted vi5. ca6ling0 earthing0 etc. 8idders are instructed to ?uote rates for all measura6le items li)e various si5e of ca6les0 end terminations0 etc. ,hich ,ill 6e measured as #er the finished installations as #er #ricing sheet enclosed.
)E a. 6. c. d. e.
DRA>IN0S AND MAN1ALS &he successful 6idder shall su6mit the follo,ing G( dra,ings along ,ith detailed &echnical #ecifications in three co#ies for a##roval 6! client = &N.8. General arrangement of R-G unit sho,ing fi;ing dimensions0 static ,eight Foundation dra,ing for R-G unit0 if re?uired chematic control diagram for R-G unit (fter a##roval of a6ove dra,ings 6! /.( = &N.8 and after com#leting of erection0 the contractor shall su6mit I(s:8uilt> dra,ings in t,o co#ies ,ith one set of re#roduci6le to 9,ner &,o sets of o#eration and maintenance manuals for the R-G unit and au;iliaries shall also 6e su6mitted to o,ner.
1. R-G 2. Coad 8rea) ,itch 3. RC+. /a6les 4. /&s 5. +& ". /a6le Eointing )its
%. /ontactors & Rela!s '. -eters
1irlos)ar = 1rishna .nerg! = (88 = iemens 1rishna .nerg! = .lectrote)nica = 1irlos)ar //I = NI//9 = Jniversal 1(++( = cientific 1(++( = (. = C&& R(W/3.- heat shrin)a6le
(88 = iemens = -erlin Gerin=C & & = &elemechanic /adal = Rishi6a
(ll .?ui#ment = /om#onents used in e;ecution of ,or) shall 6e #referred ma)e listed a6ove su6Eect to the a##roval of /onsultant = /lient = &N.8. &he /lient reserves the right to choose an! one of the ma)e listed a6ove. &he rates ?uoted a6ove shall 6e valid for an! of the ma)es mentioned a6ove.
DE)IATION FROM TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .No. Reference to item in the tender schedule *eviation Reasons for deviation ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /ertified that 6arring the deviation listed a6ove our e?ui#ment com#lies full! ,ith the s#ecification.