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Small Project Part 4 Minimum Materials, Engineering and Construction Requirements

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Small Project Part 4

Minimum Materials, Engineering and Construction Requirements

1. GENERAL RE!"REMEN#S: The requirements indicated here are minimum performance
requirements. More specific project functional and performance requirements, scope items and expected
quality levels over and aove the standards in !art " are identified in !art # of the $equest for !roposal
or %asic &rderin' ('reement. The )ontractor is encoura'ed to exceed the minimum requirements. The
)ontractor*s performance evaluation +ill e ased in part on enhancements to materials, en'ineerin',
desi'n and construction provided for the contract that exceed minimum requirements.
!art " is a 'eneral section. ,ot all items in !art " +ill e required for this project. -ee !art # for project.
specific requirements. -ee /&rder of !recedence0 para'raph in !art 1 for relationships et+een all parts
of the $2!.
3n 'eneral, unless other+ise indicated, )ontractor shall provide all laor, equipment and materials
necessary to complete the +or4 required for the contract. (ll +or4 shall e in conformance +ith all
applicale referenced criteria, construction standards, la+s and re'ulations, includin' applicale uildin'
and fire, life safety codes.
Rec$cled Materials Considerations%
(n (ffirmative !rocurement !ro'ram has een estalished +ithin the 2ederal 'overnment to
promote the purchase of products containin' recovered materials. This pro'ram promotes the
purchase of products containin' materials recovered from the solid +aste stream. The intent is to
conserve resources and reduce solid +aste y developin' mar4ets for recycled products and
encoura'in' manufacturers to produce quality recycled content products. The contractors shall
use products that meet or exceed the 5!( 'uideline standards for recovered content as required
y the 2ederal (cquisition $e'ulations 62($7. (vailaility lists of manufacturers and 5!(
research on product usa'e are on the )onstruction )riteria %ase 6))%7 at http://+++.cc.or'
under 8ocuments 9irary, ,(:2() )riteria. ( partial list of products containin' recycled
materials for possile use is as follo+s:
$oc4 ;ool 3nsulation
2ier'lass 3nsulation
)ellulose 3nsulation
-tructural 2ieroard and 9aminated !aperoard
)ement and )oncrete . )oal 2ly (sh
)arpet includin' ac4in's and cushions
2loor Tiles
$eprocessed and )onsolidated 9atex !aint.
1.1 MA#ER"ALS AN& ME#'(&S () C(NS#R!C#"(N. &nly ne+ materials and equipment shall e
installed in the +or4. (ll materials, equipment and appliances shall e of the current manufacturers*
products. ,o osolete or discontinued materials, equipment and appliances shall e used, except that
construction materials containin' recycled content as descried in !ara'raph 1 of this !art that
completely comply +ith all materials specifications found else+here in this !art may e used.
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e 1 of "#
The desi'n and construction shall e in accordance +ith estalished construction practices, and the latest
revision/edition of the follo+in' referenced codes and standards. The term <9atest $evision/5dition< is
defined as the version as of the project a+ard date. $eferences are availale at +++.+d'.or'/ndm/.
The advisory provisions of all codes and standards shall e mandatory, as thou'h the +ord /shall0 had
een sustituted for /should0 +herever it appears. $eference to the /authority havin' jurisdiction0 shall e
construed to mean /)ontractin' &fficer0. )omply +ith the required and advisory portions of the current
edition of the standard at the time of contract a+ard. =2) 1.100.01, General Building Requirements is
the uildin' code 'uide and contains references to other =2)s and )odes that are to e used for all
sections in this contract. =2) 1.#00.0>,, Design Procedures, provides desi'n 'uidance and contains
references to other =2)s and )odes that are to e used for all sections in this contract.
1. =nified 2acilities )riteria 6=2)7 1.100.01, General Building Requirements
1. =2) 1.#00.0>,, Design Procedures
#. (merican ?as (ssociation 6(?(7.
". (ssociated (ir %alance )ouncil 6((%)7
5. ,ational 5nvironmental %alancin' %ureau 6,55%7
@. 3nternational Mechanical )ode 63M)7.
A. (merican -ociety of Beatin', $efri'eration, and (ir )onditionin' 5n'ineers 6(-B$(57
C. -heet Metal and (ir )onditionin' )ontractors ,ational (ssociation 6-M(),(7
>. 3nternational !lumin' )ode 63!)7.
10. 3lluminatin' 5n'ineerin' -ociety ,orth (merica 635-,(7 Bandoo4
11. ,ational 5lectrical Manufacturers (ssociation 6,5M(7.
11. 5lectronic 3ndustries (lliance 653(7
1#. Telecommunications 3ndustry (ssociation 6T3(7
1". (merican ;ood+or4 3nstitute
15. (rchitectural ;ood+or4 3nstitute
1@. (!( D The 5n'ineered ;ood (ssociation.
1A. -teel 8oor 3nstitute 6-837.
1C. (merican (luminum Manufacturers (ssociation 6((M(7
1>. ,ational ;ood ;indo+ and 8oor (ssociation 6,;;8(7.
20. NRCA, Roofing and Waterproofing Manual found at
11. (merican Bard+are (ssociation 6(B(7.
11. %uildin' Bard+are Manufacturers (ssociation 6%BM(7.
1#. 2ederal, -tate, )ounty, and local environmental re'ulations.
1". (-B$(5 -td. >0.1, Energy Standards for Buildings Except Low Rise Residential
15. (merican -ociety of Testin' and Materials 6(-TM7
1@. (merican ;ater ;or4s (ssociation 6(;;(7
1A. ,ational 2ire !rotection (ssociation 6,2!(7 )odes and -tandards
1C. 3555 )1, National Electrical Safety Code
1., L(CA#"(N-SPEC")"C C(&ES AN& S#AN&AR&S% -ee !art #
1.4 &"SCREPANC"ES: ;hen discrepancies in the referenced standards and the contract requirements
occur, the more strin'ent requirements shall 'overn. The +ord /should0 in all ,2!( pulications shall e
interpreted as a requirement. The (uthority Bavin' Eurisdiction in the interpretation of the codes and
standards, and approvin' the exceptions allo+ed in the referenced standards, shall e the )ontractin'
&fficer, and the parties desi'nated y the )ontractin' &fficer.
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e 1 of "#
,ote: The para'raph numers used correspond +ith the numers used in =,32&$M(T 33/;or4
%rea4do+n -tructures 6;%-7 as listed in the ;hole %uildin' 8esi'n ?uide, ,avy 8esi'n %uild Master,
accessile at this +esite: +++.+d'.or'/ndm.
2oundations shall e reinforced concrete slas.on.'rade +ith continuous strip footin's or isolated
spread footin's. )oncrete slas shall not e less than " inches in thic4ness and footin's shall not e
less than 1C inches elo+ the lo+est adjacent 'rade. 2oundations shall e desi'ned and constructed
of reinforced concrete. (ll desi'n and construction shall comply +ith 3%) and +ith applicale
requirements in -ection % -hell. 2or the purposes of interpretin' 3%) )hapter 1C, the /&+ner0 and
/%uildin' &fficial0 shall mean the /?overnment0, and the /(pplicant0 shall mean the
/)ontractor/8esi'ner of $ecord0.
1. Contractor-)oundation &esign% The 8esi'ner of $ecord shall evaluate the $2! data, and
otain and evaluate all additional data as required to support the desi'n and construction.
*. Geotec.nical Site &ata required in &esign &ra/ings% The )ontractorFs final desi'n dra+in's
shall include:
a. ,otes identifyin' the soil allo+ale earin' capacity used in desi'n.
. -usurface soil information, e it ?overnment provided or )ontractor otained, that
represents susurface conditions existin' on the project site 6such as orin' lo's, test pits,
laoratory test results and 'round+ater oservations7. The locations of all orin's shall e
indicated on the dra+in's.
,. Per0ormance 1eri0ication and Acce2tance #esting% :erification of satisfactory construction
and system performance shall e via !erformance :erification Testin', as detailed in this part of
the $2!.
a.Eart./or3% !erform quality assurance for earth+or4 in accordance +ith 3%) )hapter 1A.
-ee -ection ?10#0.
%uildin' shell may e of any materials and desi'n allo+ed y applicale codes and standards,
suject to specific requirements that may e applicale to a particular (ctivity, such as the %ase
5xterior (rchitecture !lan 6%5(!7 and =2) ".010.01.
-uperstructure +or4 includes structural frames, earin' +alls, floors, roofs, roof canopies, and
alcony construction. =nless other+ise specified in !art #, superstructures may e desi'ned and
constructed usin' any materials or comination of different materials allo+ed y applicale codes and
standards. (ll desi'n and construction shall comply +ith 3%). -pecial inspection, testin', approvals,
certifications, oservations and quality assurance plans as prescried in )hapter 1A of the 3%) are
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e # of "#
1. Concrete% (ll concrete shall e constructed in accordance +ith ()3 #01. )oncrete shall have a
1C.day minimum compressive stren'th of #,000 psi. -lump shall e et+een 1 and " inches in
accordance +ith (-TM )1"#. !rovide joints as required to minimiGe crac4in'. (ll concrete shall
e reinforced. !rovide joints as required y applicale ()3 standards. =nless other+ise specified
in !art # or as indicated y the contractin' officer, provide steel tro+el finish for all exposed floor
4. Masonr$%
.(ll concrete masonry shall e constructed in accordance +ith ()3 5#0.1. )oncrete
masonry shall have a minimum 1C.day compressive stren'th of 1500 psi. )oncrete masonry
units shall conform to (-TM )>0, 'rade (1. %ro4en loc4s are not allo+ed. =se only
standard siGe and shape loc4s. %loc4 may e cut +hen necessary. Mortar shall e Type -.
c. ;hen used, ric4 shall conform to (-TM )11@. 3n exposed construction, ro4en ric4 shall
not e allo+ed. -tandard siGe ric4 may e cut to fit jo condition. =se Type - mortar.
d.!rovide metal anchors for masonry and ric4, includin' veneer construction as required y
4. Structural Steel% -tructural steel exposed to +eatherin' shall e adequately protected to
prevent corrosion.
5. Steel dec3% -teel form dec4 shall have a ?>0 'alvaniGed finish, and must have a minimum 1@.
'a'e thic4ness. (ll other steel dec4 shall have a ?>0 'alvaniGed finish, and must have a
minimum 10.'a'e thic4ness.
6. Cold-0ormed metal 0raming% )old.formed steel studs, joists and trac4 shall e 'alvaniGed +ith a
minimum thic4ness of 10.'a'e.
7. 8ood 0raming% ;ood framin' memers shall e ne+ lumer, unless other+ise allo+ed y !art
#. Timer can e 8ou'las 2ir, 8ou'las 2ir.9arch, Bem.2ir, -outhern !ine or other structurally
competent species allo+ed y applicale codes and standards. ;ood framin' shall meet the
follo+in' minimum 'radin' requirements:
e.-tuds . H#
f. Eoists and rafters. H1
'.%eams, "x and lar'er . H1
h.!osts, "x and lar'er . H1
i. %loc4in' . H#
j. 2ascia, trim . H1
4. ;ood -tructural !anel -heathin' 65xterior ?lue7
l. $oof . (!( rated +ith span index of 1"/0 D minimum thic4ness I inch
m. ;alls . (!( rated +ith span index of #1/1@ D minimum thic4ness I inch
n.2loorin'. (!( rated +ith span index of "C/1" D minimum thic4ness #/" inch
1. E9terior 8all Per0ormance%
o.1a2or #ransmission Anal$sis% !erform a jo specific vapor transmission analysis in
accordance +ith (-B$(5 >0.1 or ;=23. The conclusion of the analysis shall indicate the
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e " of "#
appropriate locations of needed vapor retarders, air arriers, and anticipated de+.point
locations in the exterior enclosure durin' different critical times of the year.
p.Ma9imum Air "n0iltration% The maximum allo+ale air lea4a'e for any material used as
part of the air arrier system for the opaque enclosure shall e 0.01 9/s/MJ K A5 !a
6liters/second per square meter at A5 !a pressure7 L0.00" cfm / sf at 1.5A psfM, as tested
accordin' to (-TM 5 11AC test protocol.
q.8ind Loads% !rovide +ind load calculations for exterior claddin' in accordance +ith
(-)5.A +ith comparative analysis of the claddin' system to e provided.
r. 8ater Penetration% ,o +ater penetration shall occur at a pressure of #> N'/m
6C psf7 of
fixed area +hen tested in accordance +ith (-TM 5 ##1.
s. "nsulating 1alue% The complete +all system shall have a minimum insulatin' value as
required y the uildin' code and as required to meet (-B$(5 -tandard >0.1 as modified y
the 5ner'y !olicy (ct of 1005.
:. Masonr$ 1eneer E9terior 8all Closure Com2onents% Masonry veneer shall include load
earin' and non.load earin' exterior +alls of the structure, and shall include colored mortar,
special shapes such as sills, headers, trim units and copin's of ric4 masonry, precast concrete,
concrete masonry units, or other approved material. =tiliGe %3( Technical ,otes to desi'n, detail,
and construct ric4 masonry +alls. -ustitute directive lan'ua'e in the place of %3( su''estive
lan'ua'e. The results of these +ordin' sustitutions chan'e this document to required
procedures. The veneer shall e tied to the ac4up +all system +ith a system that allo+s the
veneer to move independently of the ac4up +all system, +hile ein' structurally supported. The
masonry veneer shall allo+ for expansion and contraction of the veneer +ithout crac4in' the
exterior material.
t. Masonr$ 1eneer "nstallation% )onform to ()3 5#0.1 for masonry veneer installation,
includin' cold +eather construction. (ntifreeGe admixtures are not to e used.
u.Mortar% !rovide factory.tinted colored mortar conformin' to (-TM )1A0, unless 8&$
directs other+ise.
v. E92ansion;Control <oints% 9ocate expansion/control joints and seal +ith proper ac4in'
material and (-TM ) >10 polyurethane sealant, or preformed foam or rueriGed expansion
joint closure. )onform to =2) #.100.10 and %3( Technotes 1C, 1C(.
+. +ric3% shall e (-TM )11@, ?rade -;, type 2%-, or type 2%O for detail +or4. (-TM
)@A test ratin' shall e <,ot effloresced<. =se 2%( ric4 only for special architectural effects
requirin' a non.uniform siGe.
x. S2lit )aced or Ground )aced Masonr$% (-TM ) >0
y. Cast Stone #rim !nits% )ast -tone shall meet or exceed the requirements of (-TM )
G. 8all Ca=it$% shall )omply +ith the and %3( Technical ,otes 11(, 11%, 11), 1C%
aa. #.roug.-8all )las.ing Com2onents% Throu'h.+all flashin' +ith +eep holes shall e
incorporated in cavity +all construction. 2lashin' shall e A ounce copper flashin' +ith a #
ounce ituminous coatin' on each side or a fier'lass faric onded on each side of the
copper sheetP 1@.ounce uncoated copper, 1C 'au'e Type #01 or #0" stainless steel is also
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e 5 of "#
acceptale. Q2lexile memrane flashin', plastic or !:).ased memrane flashin' is
. Rein0orcing in 1eneer La$er% $einforcin' in the veneer layer shall e 'alvaniGed in
accordance +ith (-TM ( 11#/(11#M, (-TM (15#/(15#M, or (-TM (@5#/(@5#M, R1A5
6?>07 coatin', and e of sufficient siGe to eliminate dama'e to the veneer layer from +ind
and other live and dead loads imposed on the veneer layer.
cc. Masonr$ Cleaning% )lean the masonry in accordance +ith manufacturerFs instructions
and %3( Technote 10.
1>. Metal 8all Panel E9terior Closure
!anels shall have factory applied, a4ed coatin' to the exterior and interior of metal +all panels
and metal accessories. 5xterior finish topcoat shall e of A0 percent polyvinylidene fluoride
6!:827 resin +ith not less than 0.C mil dry film thic4ness 682T7. 5xterior primer shall e standard
+ith panel manufacturer +ith not less than 0.C mil dry film thic4ness 682T7.
;all system and attachments shall resist +ind loads as determined y (-)5 A, +ith a factor of
safety appropriate for the material holdin' the anchor. Maximum deflection due to +ind on
aluminum +all panels shall e 1/@0. Maximum deflection due to +ind on steel +all panels and
'irts ehind aluminum or steel +all panels shall e limited to 1/110 of their respective spans,
except that +hen interior finishes are used the maximum allo+ale deflection shall e limited to
1/1C0 of their respective spans.
)onformations . ,on.insulated steel or aluminum +all panels shall have confi'urations for
overlappin' adjacent sheets or interloc4in' ris for securin' adjacent sheets and shall e
fastened to frame+or4 usin' concealed fasteners, or choose the option for exposed fasteners
+hen exposed fasteners are acceptale at the installation. 9en'th of sheets shall e sufficient to
cover the entire hei'ht of any unro4en +all surface.
dd. Steel 8all Panels:
17 Material and )oatin': 2orm sheets from steel conformin' to (-TM ( @5#/( @5#M,
-tructural ?rade "0, 'alvaniGed coatin' conformin' to (-TM ( >1"/( >1"M, )lass ?.
>0P aluminum.coated steel conformin' to -(5 (M- 50#@P or steel.coated +ith
aluminum.Ginc alloy conformin' to (-TM ( A>1/( A>1M, except that coatin' chemical
composition shall e approximately 55 percent aluminum, 1.@ percent silicon, and "#."
percent Ginc +ith minimum coatin' +ei'ht of 0.5 ounce per square foot.
17 ?a'e: Minimum 11 =.-. -tandard ?a'e for +all panels, ut in no case li'hter than
required to meet maximum deflection requirements specified.
ee. Aluminum 8all Panels:
17 Material and )oatin' . 2orm sheets of (lloy #00" or (lclad #00" conformin' to (-TM %
10> havin' proper temper to suit respective formin' operations.
17 Thic4ness . Minimum 0.C1 mm 60.0#1 inch7 nominal, ut in no case thinner than that
required to meet maximum deflection requirements specified.
ff."nsulated Aluminum or Steel 8all Panels% 3nsulated +all panels shall e steel or
aluminum factory.faricated units +ith insulatin' core et+een metal face sheets securely
fastened to'ether and uniformly separated +ith ri'id spacers. !anels shall have a factory
color finish. ;all panels shall have ed'e confi'urations +ith interloc4in' ris for securin'
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e @ of "#
adjacent panels. -ystem shall utiliGe factory faricated corners and trim pieces at
intersections +ith other materials. 3nsulated +all panels shall e fastened to frame+or4 usin'
concealed fasteners.
17 3nsulated -teel !anels . Rinc.coated steel conformin' to (-TM ( @5#/( @5#MP or
(luminum.Ginc alloy coated steel conformin' to (-TM ( A>1/( A>1M, (R 55 coatin'.
=ncoated +all panels shall e 0.@1 mm 60.01" inch7 thic4 minimum.
17 3nsulated (luminum !anels . (lloy conformin' to (-TM %10>, temper as required for
the formin' operation, minimum 0.C1 mm 60.0#1 inch7 thic4.
11. Stucco E9terior 8all Closure
''. Portland Cement Plaster% (-TM )150, 'ray !ortland cement Type 33 +ith 1# mm 61/1
inch7 maximum chopped al4ali resistant fier'lass strands, minimum 1.5 percent y +ei'ht to
cementP .@C 4' 61 1/1 pounds7 per sac4 of cement. 9ime shall conform to (-TM )10@, Type
-. -ystem shall utiliGe stainless steel or Ginc corner eads, E.eads and other accessories.
=nless specifically deleted, the system shall utiliGe an acrylic admixture or coatin' to 'ive
additional moisture suppression to control fun'us 'ro+th.
hh. E9terior "nsulation and )inis. S$stem ?E")S@% 53M( TM 101 and 01 53M( TM 101.C@.
532- shall e used as the non.primary or the primary exterior finish material only for projects
+here it is necessary to match existin' 532-.
1*. Precast Concrete 8all Panels% ()3 111.1 and ()3 #01. !)3 M,9.11@ or !)3 M,9.11A.
)oncrete shall have a minimum 1C.day compressive stren'th of 1C1 N'/cm
6"000 psi7. Eoints
shall include properly siGed and placed ac4in' material and fully loaded and tooled sealant joint
of no less than 1/" inch sealant material thic4ness.
1,. (t.er 8all )inis. S$stems
ii. 'oriAontal 8ood Siding% BoriGontal ;ood -idin': 8&) !- 10, exterior, lap type, @
inches +ide, maximum practicale len'ths, 11 mm 6A/1@ inch7 thic4, smooth face. (ll
surfaces of +ood sidin' and trim shall e shop coated +ith an al4yd primer.
-pecies and ?rades 1. ?rade 1 )ommon spruce.pine.firP ,59M(, ,9?(, ;)93%, or ;;!(.
1. ?rade !rime or 8 finish, pressure.preservative.treated hem.firP ,9?(, ;)93%, or ;;!(.
#. ?rade 8 -elect 6Suality7 eastern +hite pine, eastern hemloc4.alsam fir.tamarac4, eastern
spruce, or +hite +oodsP ,59M(, ,9?(, ;)93%, or ;;!(. ". ?rade 8 -elect northern
+hite cedarP ,59M( or ,9?(. 5. ?rade % T %, pressure.preservative.treated southern pineP
jj. 1in$l Siding S$stem% 3nte'rally colored, vinyl sidin' complyin' +ith (-TM 8 #@A>.
44. Manu0actured )aced Panels S$stems E9terior 8all Siding% ?lass 2ier $einforced
)ementitious !anels -ystem: -idin' made from fier.cement oard that does not contain
asestos fiersP complies +ith (-TM ) 11C@, Type (, ?rade 33P horiGontal or vertical pattern
in plain or eaded.ed'e style. Texture: $ou'h sa+n or smooth, factory primed.
14. E9terior 8all +ac3u2 Construction
ll. Concrete !nit Masonr$% !rovide concrete unit masonry to comply +ith ()3 5#0.1. 9oad.
earin' units: (-TM )>0, ,on.load earin'. units: (-TM )11>, Type 3 or 33. !rovide 'round
face units, split.faced units, 'round.faced units, or split.ried units for exposed exterior
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e A of "#
+alls. !rovide +ater repellent admixture to masonry units +here the exterior face of the units
+ill not receive a +aterproof coatin' such as paint
mm. &am22roo0ing% 8ampproof the cavity.facin' +ythe of the ac4up masonry
usin' asphaltic primer accordin' to (-TM 8 "1, if dampproofin' is not provided y a sprayed
on foam or other 8&$.approved memrane insulation system.
14. Load-+earing Metal )raming S$stem
3f permitted, provide load.earin' metal framin' includin' top and ottom trac4s, racin',
fastenin's, and other accessories necessary for complete installation. 2ramin' memers shall
have the structural properties indicated. ;here physical structural properties are not indicated,
they shall e as necessary to +ithstand all imposed loads. 8esi'n framin' in accordance +ith
(3-3 -?.@A#. 3nstallation shall e in accordance +ith 8&$.approved shop dra+in's and
manufacturer*s installation instructions.
15. E9terior Studs%
Max. 8eflection )riteria 5xterior 2inish
9/#@0 )ement !laster, ;ood :eneer, -ynthetic !laster, Metal
9/@00 %ric4 :eneer, -tone !anels
;all deflections shall e computed on the asis that studs +ithstand all lateral forces
independent of any composite action from sheathin' materials. -tuds auttin' +indo+s or
louvers shall also e desi'ned not to exceed 1/".inch maximum deflection and as required in
=2) ".010.01.
17 -tuds . (-TM ( 100#/(-TM ( 100#M, -tructural ?rade 50, Type B minimumP provide
R1C0 6?@07 'alvaniGed coatin' in accordance +ith (-TM ( @5#/(-TM ( @5#M. 8o not
expose studs to direct moisture contact
17 %racin' . !rovide horiGontal racin' in accordance +ith desi'n calculations and (3-3 -?.
@A#, consistin' of, as a minimum, runner channel cut to fit et+een and +elded to the
#7 -heathin' . !rovide sheathin' to +ithstand structural loads imposed on the +all
structure. )over sheathin' +ith either a 15 pound asphalt.impre'nated uildin' paper, or
air arrier as required y the +all moisture analysis. -heathin' shall e one of the
a7 !ly+ood : ).8 ?rade, 5xposure 1P
7 -tructural .=se and &-% !anelsP
c7 ?ypsum : (-TM ) A>/) A>M and (-TM ) 11AA/) 11AAM, 1# mm 61/1 inch7 thic4
fire retardant 6Type O7 15 mm 65/C inch7 thic4P 1.1 meters 6" feet7 +ide +ith square
ed'e for supports "00 mm 61@ inches7 o.c. +ith or +ithout corner racin' of framin'.
?ypsum sheathin' shall e faced +ith materials capale of resistin' six months of
+eatherin' exposure +ithout de'radation of the coverin' or the 'ypsum. -eal all
joints as recommended y the manufacturer.
16. 8ood )raming S$stem% (ll materials shall e 4iln.dried lumer complyin' +ith 8&) !- 10.
3nstallation shall e in accordance +ith (2T!( T11. -ystem shall use preservative pressure
treated lumer at sill plates and other memers in contact +ith concrete and masonry surfaces.
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e C of "#
nn. S2ecies and Grades% !rovide species and 'rades listed: 17 ?rade 1 )ommon spruce.
pine.firP ,59M(, ,9?(, ;)93%, or ;;!(: 17 ?rade 1 )ommon, hem.firP 8ou'las.firP ,9?(,
;)93%, or ;;!(P #7 ?rade 1 )ommon, southern pineP -!3%.
oo. S.eat.ing% -heathin' shall +ithstand structural loads imposed on the +all structure.
)over sheathin' +ith either a 15 pound asphalt.impre'nated uildin' paper, or air arrier as
required y the +all moisture analysis. -heathin' shall e as for Metal -tuds.
17. Cast-in-2lace Concrete S$stem% )oncrete construction must e in accordance +ith ()3 #01.
1:. "nsulation and 1a2or Retarder% 3nsulation, :apor $etarders, and (ir %arrier -ystems in or on
5xterior 5nclosure shall include: insulation, liquid, sheet or continuous film materials installed
separately in or on +all assemlies to provide resistance to heat loss/'ain, and vapor penetration.
pp. 1a2or retarder% )omply +ith (-TM )A55. 3ncorporate in the exterior +all system
+here required y vapor transmission calculations or de+ point analysis indicates the need or
in conditions of hi'h moisture exposure.
qq. +ituminous &am22roo0ing% %ituminous 8ampproofin' shall e (-TM 8"">, Type 3 or
Type 33 ituminous dampproofin' on the exterior surface of the interior +ythe of masonry in a
cavity +all 6ac4.up +all for masonry veneer7.
rr. +uilding Pa2er% 2- ==.%.A>0, Type 3, ?rade 8, -tyle 1.
ss. Air +arrier% %uildin' +rap consistin' of air arrier sheetin' complyin' +ith (-TM 5
1@AA, Type 1, not less than # mils thic4 +ith a permeance of not less than 5A5 n'/!a x s x
sq.m. 610 perms7. %uildin' +rap shall have a flame spread index of less than 15 in
accordance +ith (-TM 5 C". !rovide uildin' +rap over sheathin' of +ood or metal framed
construction to reduce air penetration and airorne vapor penetration. !rovide uildin' +rap
tape as recommended y the manufacturer for sealin' all joints in the uildin' +rap.
3nstallation shall e in accordance +ith manufacturer*s instructions. (ir arrier installation at
+indo+s shall e in accordance +ith (-TM 5 1111.
tt."nsulation S$stems% :ertical and horiGontal polystyrene insulation conformin' to (-TM
)5AC or ri'id polyisocyanurate oard +all insulatin' products conformin' to (-TM )5>1 or
mineral.fier lan4et insulation conformin' to (-TM ) @@5 shall e provided.
*>. Para2ets% (void parapets +hen possile, ut +hen necessary, provide parapets +ith the same
materials as the exterior +all construction. !rovide scuppers and +all ed'e accordin' to
*1. E9terior Lou=ers and Screens% 3f required, provide louvers for -creened 5quipment 5nclosure
or as louvers for exterior doors.
-torm shutters shall comply +ith (-TM 5 1>>@.0#.
**. +alcon$ 8alls and 'andrails% %alcony +alls to match exterior construction. Bandrails to
comply +ith the 3%) and &-B(.
*,. E9terior So00its% 5xterior soffit system.
*4. E9terior Painting and S2ecial )inis.esB (ll paintin' and coatin' materials shall e lo+ :&).
!aintin' practices shall comply +ith applicale federal, state and local la+s enacted to insure
compliance +ith 2ederal )lean (ir -tandards. (pply coatin' materials in accordance +ith --!)
!( 1. --!) !( 1 methods are applicale to all sustrates.
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e > of "#
(ll paint shall e in accordance +ith the Master !ainters 3nstitute 6M!37 standards for the exterior
architectural surface ein' finished. The current M!3, <(pproved !roduct 9ist< +hich lists paint y
rand, lael, product name and product code as of the date of contract a+ard, +ill e used to
determine compliance +ith the sumittal requirements of this specification. !rovide paint
systems tested to /8etailed !erformance 9evel0 standard as defined y M!3.
*4. E9terior <oint Sealant% -ealant joint desi'n, primin', toolin', mas4in', cleanin' and application
shall e in accordance +ith the 'eneral requirements of -ealants: ( !rofessionals* ?uide from
the -ealant, ;aterproofin' T $estoration 3nstitute 6-;$37. (ll sealant shall conform to (-TM )
*5. Sun Control &e=ices% -un control devices shall e manufactured devices to provide sun control
on exterior +indo+s and storefronts. -un control devices shall e desi'ned and installed to
+ithstand the +ind loads prevailin' at the project site.
(ll +indo+s and doors in ne+ or existin' uildin's, +hich are suject to (nti.terrorism -tandards,
must e last.resistant as prescried in =2) ".010.01.
=nless other+ise allo+ed y !art #, +indo+s for ne+ facilities shall e aluminum. 3n uildin'
additions or renovations +indo+s shall match existin' +indo+ materials. 5xterior +indo+s
desi'n, dimension, and construction shall meet or exceed the requirements for (nti Terrorism
2orce !rotection requirements. 3n addition, exterior +indo+s shall meet or exceed 5ner'y -tar
requirements. The desi'n and placement of exterior +indo+s shall ta4e into considerations vie+,
natural li'ht, privacy, and protection for the occupants of the facilities. !rovide operale hard+are
and insect screen for exterior +indo+s. ;indo+s shall e faricated y manufacturers normally
involved in the manufacturin' of +indo+s and shall e of the current ma4e and model. ,o
osolete or discontinued +indo+s shall e used. !rovide +eather strippin', -T) and 33) ratin',
commensurate +ith the intended use of the facility. -umit catalo' information and
manufacturer*s specifications for approval y )ontractin' &fficer prior to purchase of +indo+s.
;indo+s shall consist of fixed and operale sash used sin'ly and in multiples. !rovide operale
sash in spaces occupied y people as a minimum. 3nclude operatin' hard+are, non.corrodin'
framed metal screens for operale sash, inte'rated linds set et+een 'lass panels and security
'rilles. !rovide jam support for lar'er +indo+s +here recommended y manufacturer.
1. Metal 8indo/s% (ll +indo+s shall conform to (,-3/((M(/;8M( 101. Metal +indo+s +ith
insulatin' 'lass shall have thermally ro4en frames and sash. 2actory finish aluminum +indo+s
and provide +ith aluminum frame screens +ith aluminum mesh at operale sash, hard+are and
loc4s, and tinted 'laGin'. (luminum screens shall comply +ith (,-3/-M( 100".
*. 8ood 8indo/s% )lad +ood and +ood +indo+s shall consist of complete units includin' sash,
'lass, frame, +eatherstrippin', insect screen, and hard+are. ;indo+ units shall meet the
requirements of ((M( 101, except maximum air infiltration shall not exceed 0.#0 )2M per linear
foot of sash crac4 +hen tested under uniform static air pressure difference of A.@@ N'/m
,. Store0ronts% !rovide one.story storefront system faricated from formed and extruded aluminum
and 'lass components for exterior use. =tiliGe the specific section of the -tandard 8esi'n.%uild
!erformance Technical -pecifications -ection %101001 for the storefront to e provided.
-torefront framin' shall meet or exceed the structural requirements, as measured in accordance
+ith (,-3/(-TM 5##0: 8esi'n system to +ithstand this as a minimum and comply +ith desi'n
pressure estalished +ithin the required (-)5 A.05 ;ind -peed )alculations determined y the
overall avera'e openin' +ithin the project.
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e 10 of "#
4. GlaAing% All e9terior glaAing s.all Ce insulating glass.
a7 )lear ?lass . Type 3, )lass 1 6clear7, Suality q" 6(7P
7 Beat.(sorin' ?lass . (-TM 10#@, Type 3, )lass 1 Suality q# 6select7 ray framesP
c7 ;ire ?lass . Type 33, )lass 1, 2orm 1, Suality qC Mesh m1 or 2orm 1, Suality qAP
d7 9aminated ?lass . (-TM 11A1, total thic4ness shall e nominally @ mm 61/" inch7P
e7 3nsulatin' ?lass =nits . Typically (-TM ) 10#@, Type 3, )lass 1, Suality q", minimum
@ mmP
f7 Tempered ?lass . (-TM ) 10"C, Nind 2T 6fully tempered7P
'7 !atterned ?lass . (-TM 10#@, Type 33, )lass 1 6translucent7, 2orm # 6patterned7,
Suality qA 6decorative7, 2inish f1 6patterned one side7, !attern p1 6'eometric7 5.55 mm
6A/#1 inch7 thic4.
5xterior doors shall e heavy duty insulated steel doors and frames for service access. 8oor
frames shall have +elded corners. =se heavy.duty overhead holder and closer to protect doors
from +ind dama'e. -teel shall have ?@0 'alvaniGed coatin' in accordance +ith (-TM ( >1"/(
>1"M and (-TM ( @5#/( @5#M +hen the jo site is located +ithin #00 feet from a ody of salt
+ater. !rovide commercial quality, coatin' )lass ( Ginc coatin' in accordance +ith (-TM (5>1
for other steel or steel s4in hollo+ metal doors at other locations. !rovide 4ic4plates on the inside
face of all exterior doors. ;eather.protect all exterior doors and related construction +ith lo+
infiltration +eatherstrippin' and sealants. !rovide threshold +ith offset to stop +ater penetration
+hile maintainin' accessiility compliance. )onform to the desi'n criteria of (-)5 A. -ee the
hard+are schedule for door hard+are requirements.
1. Steel &oors% 5xterior doors shall comply +ith (,-3 (150.C.1>>C 6-83.1007. Bard+are
preparation shall e in accordance +ith (,-3 (150.@. 8oors shall e hun' in accordance +ith
(,-3 (115.1@.
uu. 8oors $equired:
17 -tandard 8uty 8oors . 9evel 1, M-? H 10 63! 0.0#10, 0.C mm7, physical performance
9evel ), Model 1 or 1.
17 Beavy 8uty 8oors D M-? H 1C 63! 0,0"10, 1 mm7, physical performance 9evel %, Model 1
or 1.
#7 5xtra Beavy 8uty 8oors D 9evel #, M-? H1@, 60.05#0, 1.# mm7 physical performance
9evel (, Model 1, 1, or #.
"7 Maximum 8uty 8oors D 9evel " 63! 0.0@A0, 1.@ mm7, physical performance 9evel (,
Model 1 or 1.
vv. 3nsulated steel doors and frames are required for entrances to d+ellin' units, and may
also e specified as a )ontractorFs option to 9evel 1 standard hollo+ metal doors. 8o not use
+ood doors for exterior doors, unless they are fully protected from the elements, an exterior
'rade species, and specially finished. 3f +ood doors are used, provide in accordance +ith
-tandard 8esi'n.%uild !erformance Technical -pecification !ara'raph %10#001 1.
*6. Standard Steel )ramesB (,-3 ( 150.C. 2orm frames +ith +elded corners for installation in
exterior +alls. 2orm stops and eads of 10 'a'e steel. 2rames shall e set in accordance +ith
(-TM (150.11. (nchor all frames +ith a minimum of three jam anchors and ase steel anchors
per frame, Ginc.coated or painted +ith rust.inhiitive paint, not li'hter than 1C 'a'e. Mortar infill
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e 11 of "#
frames in masonry +alls, and infill +ith 'ypsum oard compound at each jam anchor in metal
frame +alls. &nly use surface exposed olted anchors in concrete +alls.
*7. &oor and )rame )inis.es% a7 5xterior 8oors, 2actory.!rimed and 2ield !ainted 2inish . 8oors
and frames shall e factory primed +ith a rust inhiitive coatin' as specified in (,-3 (150.C.
2actory prime doors on six sides of the doorP 7 5xterior 8oors ?alvaniGed 2inish .. -hall e
)ommercial Suality, )oatin' )lass (, Ginc coatin' in accordance +ith (-TM ( 5>1 +hen facility
is located further than >1 meters 6#00 feet7 from the ocean. ;hen facility is located +ithin >1
meters 6#00 feet7 of the ocean, provide ?@0 'alvaniGed coatin' in accordance +ith (-TM (
>1"/( >1"M and (-TM ( @5#/( @5#M.
*:. !2/ard Acting &oors%
=p+ard actin' doors shall e capale of +ithstandin' the desi'n +ind loadin' of (-)5 A.
!rovide 'alvaniGed steel trac4s not li'hter than 1" 'a'e for 50 mm 61 inch7 trac4s and not li'hter
than 11 'a'e for A5 mm 6# inch7 trac4. !rovide a positive loc4in' device and cylinder loc4 +ith
t+o 4eys on manually operated doors.
,>. (=er.ead and Roll-u2 &oors% 9ar'e exterior overhead and roll.up doors system shall consist of
manual or automatic exterior doors and door assemlies.
,1. Rolling Ser=ice &oors and Grilles% )oilin' overhead doors shall have minimum 11 'a'e
thermal insulated slats. 5lectric operators shall have three.utton s+itches conformin' to ,5M(
M? 1, ,5M( 3)- 1, and ,5M( 3)- 1, and auxiliary hand chain operation, +eather.strippin' and
+ind.loc4s. 8oors shall e capale of +ithstandin' the desi'n +ind loadin' of (-)5 A and still
operate normally. 2inish of the door shall e hot.dipped 'alvaniGed +ith a painted finish.
,*. Sectional (=er.ead &oors% -ectional overhead doors shall conform to ,(?8M 101,
$esidential or )ommercial or 3ndustrial door standards. 3f doors are electrically operated,
pushuttons shall e full.'uarded to prevent accidental operation, and include limit s+itches to
automatically stop doors at the fully open and closed positions. 9imit s+itch positions shall e
readily adjustale.
,,. 'ard/are% !rovide the services of a )ertified 8oor Bard+are )onsultant to prepare the door
hard+are schedule.
!rovide all ne+ hard+are +ith satin chrome finish throu'hout. Bard+are shall e commercial
'rade, suitale for the operational requirements and in compliance +ith life safety code and
handicapped accessiility requirements, similar in quality to the hard+are sho+n in )1010
3nterior 8oors and Bard+are elo+.
)oordination: !rovide a master 4eyin' system compatile +ith the existin' ase system.
!rovide an emer'ency access 4ey ox for exterior door fireman 4ey access. )oordinate +ith the
local authority and the )ontractin' &fficer to determine the local requirements for hard+are,
4eyin' and master 4eyin'.
2or repair of existin' roofin', the cuttin' of the existin' roof shall e 4ept to a minimum and, +here
necessary, shall e made in a clean and orderly manner to prevent the appearance of a patch.
$epair all dama'e to existin' and ne+ roofin' caused y the +or4 of this )ontract at no additional
cost to the ?overnment. The +or4 shall e executed in such a manner as to maintain the inte'rity of
the existin' roofin' manufacturerFs +arranty.
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e 11 of "#
1. Pre-Roo0ing Con0erence% !rior to e'innin' roofin' +or4, the )ontractor shall hold a !re.
$oofin' )onference +ith the personnel directly responsile for the roofin' systems +or4, as +ell
as the roofin' manufacturer*s technical representative.
*. Roo0 &esign Assurance% 3f the roofin' project is si'nificant 6-i'nificant $oof D ( sin'le or 'roup
of uildin's 'reater than 1,"00 m
615,000 sf77, or +here extenuatin' circumstances of the roof
project such as uildin' use, content, safety, or visiility require a roofin' consultant, the
)ontractor shall utiliGe the services of a $e'istered $oof )onsultant 6$$)7 certified y the $oof
)onsultant 3nstitute, or a $e'istered !rofessional architect or 5n'ineer +ho specialiGes in roofin',
to approve the roof desi'n. The roof consultant must e en'a'ed in roofin' desi'n and roofin'
construction as his primary endeavor. The roof consultant shall verify in +ritin' that the desi'n
for the project is in accordance +ith the current edition of NRC Roofing and !aterproofing
"anual, =2)*s, and $2!, and standard industry practices and uildin' codes.
3f a $oof 8esi'n (ssurance )onsultant is needed, consider usin' a $e'istered $oof &server as
a S) specialist.
$oof coverin's and procedures shall comply +ith the requirements of =2) #.110.0#, Roofing,
and ,$)(, Roofing and !aterproofing "anual found at
http://+++.nrca.net/rp/technical/manual/manual.aspx as the primary ,(:2() roofin' criteria.
$oof selection shall comply +ith =2) #.##0.01(, Design# Commentary on Roof Systems.
8etermine +ind uplift usin' +ind speed in accordance +ith (-)5.A.
1. S#EEP SL(PE R(() SDS#EMS% -teep slope systems shall e roofs +ith a pitch 'reater than
# in 11. -teep -lope -ystems are slate roofin', (sphalt -hin'les, $oof Tiles, 2oam -et Tiles,
Metal $oof !anels 6(rchitectural -tandin' -eam Metal $oofs on supported sustrate7, and
-tructural -tandin' -eam Metal $oof 6---M$7. (sphalt shin'les can only e used for
residential construction and li'ht commercial construction.
*. L(8 SL(PE R(() SDS#EMS% 9o+ slope systems shall e roofs +ith a pitch # in 11 or less.
9o+ slope roofin' systems shall e uilt.up asphalt roofin' 6a''re'ate surfaced, +ith modified
ituminous components7, modified ituminous memrane roofin' of a minimum of # plies +ith
a''re'ate surface or 'ranular surface modified itumen cap sheet, or structural standin' seam
metal roofin'. =se epdm systems only to match existin' construction.
,. R(() C(MP(NEN#S%
++. "nsulation% 2or existin' structures, provide insulation in accordance +ith (-B$(5 >0.1.
2or ne+ construction, provide $.#0 insulation in the ceilin's, attic spaces and soffit areas for
interior spaces. 3njected polyurethane and =rea 2ormaldehyde 2oam field applied shall not
e used. !rovide acoustical insulation aove +alls separatin' athroom/restrooms and
corridor and adjacent occupied spaces, and et+een offices and corridors. 3nsulation shall
have a minimum sound attenuation ratin' of -T).55.
3nsulation shall e !olyisocyanurate $i'id %oard 3nsulation , Mineral 2ier %lan4et 3nsulation
to conform to (-TM ) >>1, +ith ?lass Mat ?ypsum $oof %oard for use aove the dec4 or
insulation conformin' to (-TM ) 11AA/) 11AAM, +here necessary.
&nly on portions of the roof +here the slopin' of structure does not allo+ the minimum
slopes, provide a factory tapered roof insulation system to provide positive draina'e of roof
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e 1# of "#
system, and to include draina'e around curs, penetrations, and projections throu'h the roof
!rovide ?lass Mat !rotection %oard meetin' (-TM ) 11AA for use as a thermal arrier
6underlayment7 or protection oard for hot.mopped applications.
xx. 1a2or Retarder%D8etermine the need and location in the roof assemly for a vapor
retarder. ;here the mean Eanuary temperature is "0 de'rees 2ahrenheit or less, and the
expected interior relative humidity is "5U or 'reater, use a vapor retarder. &ther+ise, use
(-B$(5 >0.1 for the determination.
17 :apor $etarders as 3nte'ral 2acin' . (lloy conformin' to (-TM % 10>, or :apor
$etarders -eparate from 3nsulation . :apor retarder material shall e 10 mil polyethylene
sheetin' conformin' to (-TM 8 "#>A.
17 ( slip sheet is required to separate the roofin' panels from the insulation facin' +here
the facin' +ould e in direct contact +ith the roofin' panels. 3f a slip sheet is necessary
for use +ith a vapor retarder, use a 5 l. per 100 square feet rosin.siGed, unsaturated
uildin' paper.
yy. EP&M RuCCer +oots% 2lashin' devices around pipe penetrations shall e flexile, one.
piece devices molded from +eather.resistant 5!8M ruer.
GG. Pre0aCricated CurCs and Equi2ment Su22ort% !rovide !refaricated curs and
equipment supports shall e of structural quality, hot.dipped 'alvaniGed or 'alvaniGed sheet
steel, factory primed and prepared for paintin' +ith mitered and +elded joints. 3nte'ral ase
plates and +ater diverter cric4ets shall e provided. Minimum hei'ht of cur shall e C inches
aove finish roof.
aaa. )asteners% -hall meet all requirements of the ,$)( and 2actory Mutual
. 8ood Nailers% ;ood nailers shall e pressure.preservative.treated in
accordance +ith (;!( M1 -tandards, permanently mar4ed or randed, and installed flush
+ith the top of the adjacent insulation oard.
ccc.)las.ing and S.eet Metal% !rovide flashin' and sheet metal +or4 includin' scuppers,
splash pans, and sheet metal roofin'. 2lashin' and sheet metal shall e provided in
accordance +ith roof manufacturer*s printed installation instructions and in compliance +ith
,$)( and -M(),( recommendations. 2aricate 2lashin' and sheet metal components
from )opper, 9ead.)oated )opper sheet, -teel -heet, Rinc.)oated 6?alvaniGed7 . (-TM (
@5#/ ( @5#M, -tainless -teel . (-TM ( 1@A, Type #01 or #0", 18 finish, or !re.2inished
ddd. Gutters and &o/ns2outs% !rovide 'utters and do+nspouts compatile +ith
roofin' material and finish. )oncealed 6interior7 'utters and do+nspouts are prohiited.
!rovide splash 'uards at points of dischar'e.
eee. Roo0 (2enings and Su22orts% !rovide flashin's for roof openin's and
supports as recommended y the ,$)(. (ssure all penetration flashin's extend minimum
100 mm 6C inches7 aove the finished roof surface.
fff. Roof Hatc!"# !rovide roof hatch +here required y &-B(, and as access to roof +hen
roof mounted equipment is used or other routine roof maintenance is required.
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e 1" of "#
'''. GlaAed Roo0 (2enings% -4yli'hts and other 'laGed roof openin's shall e used
only to supplement interior li'htin' levels 6'enerally in steep slope or vertical applications7,
and other+ise, are discoura'ed from use.
hhh. Guards% !rovide rails or 'uards as required y the &-B(, the 3nternational
%uildin' )ode or other applicale safety standards.
iii. #ra00ic Pads% !rovide on roof system to protect roof from foot traffic. !rovide traffic pads
around roof mounted mechanical equipment and underneath removale mechanical
equipment access panels. Traffic pads shall e of compatile material to roof.
,4. (#'ER R(()"NG
jjj. L$%t&$&% P'ot!ct$o&# 9i'htnin' protection component penetrations and attachments
shall e sealed and flashed and anchored in a permanent manner and in a manner to avoid
the de'radation of the +aterti'ht inte'rity of the roof system.
444.Roo0 &rains ?E9isting@% ;here existin' roof drains are to e reused in roof replacement
construction, the contractor shall provide ne+, compatile flashin' materials, a ne+ drain
clampin' rin' and ne+ olts for anchora'e. $euse of existin' clampin' rin' and olts is
1. )i9ed Partitions% +ood frameP li'ht 'a'e steel frameP concrete masonry complyin' +ith ()3
5#0.1/(-)5 @/TM- @01 and associated (-TM -tandardsP or cast.in.place concrete complyin'
+ith =2) 1.100.01, ()3 11A and ()3 #01/#01M. 3n addition, interior partitions shall comply +ith
tales for sound isolation and noise reduction in )hapter 1, /(rchitectural ?raphic -tandards0.
3nclude a statement of adherence to the applicale criteria.
?ypsum oard/stud partitions may e standard 'ypsum oard, moisture resistant, or impact
resistant. =se cement oard in sho+ers and other +et areas. $einforce points +here door4nos
can stri4e a +all and anchora'e points for +all mounted equipment.
,4. &emountaCle or Remo=aCle Partitions% shall e of materials allo+ed y code and shall e
anchored firmly to the structure to carry their o+n +ei'ht as +ell as impact forces and seismic
lateral forces. -ound Transmission )lass 6-T)7 ratin' and 3mpact 3solation )lass 633)7 ratin'
shall e in accordance +ith (-TM 5 >0 or (-TM 5 "1# for frequency data,, and shall meet the
requirements of the intended use in !art #.
,5. GlaAed Partitions and "nterior 8indo/s% shall e of the materials allo+ed y code 3%), and
shall comply +ith fire and smo4e separation requirements. !rovide safety 'laGin' and fire
resistant ratin' +here they are required.
1. 8ood &oors% -tile and rail +ood doors shall e ;8M( 3.-.@(.01, premium or custom 'rade,
heavy duty or extra heavy duty. 2lush +ood doors shall e ;8M( 3.-.1(.0", premium or custom
'rade, heavy duty or extra heavy dutyP or ;8M( 3.-..>A 6!).5 5.ply particleoard core or -)9).
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e 15 of "#
5 5.ply structural composite lumer core7. 8oors adjacent to panelin' or mill+or4 shall comply
+ith correspondin' (;3 mill+or4 'rade. !rovide interior fire doors.
*. Steel doors% shall e (,-3 ( 150.C, 9evel 1, 6occasional use, lo+ ause types such as closet
doors +ithout loc4s7P 9evel 1, 6lo+ use, moderate ause types such as office/storeroom doors7P
9evel #, 6moderate use, hi'h ause types such as %5S sleepin' room doors7P 9evel ", 6hi'h use,
hi'h ause types such as corridors, stair+ays, assemly spaces, and main entry doors7, +ith a
physical performance level of V(*. Maximum door undercut shall not exceed 1> mm 6#/" inch7.
,. Sound "nsulated &oors and )rames% =tiliGe -ound 3nsulated 8oors and 2rames +ith sound
control +eatherstrippin' in rooms requirin' +all assemlies to e sound insulated +ith a -ound
Transmission )lass 6-T)7 ratin' as required. The -T) ratin' for the door and frame assemly
shall e not less than the +all assemly -T) ratin'.
4. Aluminum &oors and )rames% !rovide s+in'.type aluminum doors and frames complete +ith
framin' memers, transoms, side.lites, and accessories. 2aricate of (-TM % 111, (lloy @0@#.
T- for extrusions.
4. Steel &oor )rames% (,-3 ( 150.C. 2orm frames +ith +elded corners for installation in masonry
partitions and 4noc4.do+n field assemled corners for installation in metal stud and ?;%
partitions. 2rames shall e set in accordance +ith -83 105. 2orm stops and eads +ith 10
'au'e steel.
!rovide a minimum of three jam anchors and ase steel anchors per frame, Ginc.coated or
painted +ith rust.inhiitive paint, not li'hter the 1C 'au'e. -ecure frames to previously installed
concrete or masonry +ith expansion olts in accordance +ith -83 11.2. !rovide mortar infill of
frames in masonry +alls, and 'ypsum oard compound infill at each jam anchor in metal frame
5. )ire doors% !rovide in conformance +ith ,2!( C0 an ,2!( 105. 2ire doors and frames shall
ear the lael of =9, 2M or ;B3 attestin' to the ratin' required. 8oor and frame assemlies shall
e tested for conformance per ,2!( 151 or =9 10% 6for neutral pressure7 or =9 10) 6for positive
pressure7. ;ood fire doors shall also comply +ith (-TM 5 151.
!rovide stainless steel astra'als complyin' +ith ,2!( C0 for fire.rated assemlies and ,2!(
105 for smo4e control assemlies.
6. "nterior &oor 'ard/are% !rovide the services of a certified door hard+are consultant to prepare
the door hard+are schedule. =nless other+ise noted, interior doors shall include latch, hin'es,
door stops and door silencers. !rovide closers and 4ic4 plates for fire.rated, corridor, stair+ay
and hi'h.use non.residential doors.
lll. 'inges . %BM( (15@.1, ?rade 1, 10C x 10C mm 6" 1/1 x " 1/1 inches7 +ith non.
removale pin or anti.friction earin' hin'es.
mmm. Loc3s and Latc.es . 2or non.residential uildin's use -eries 1000, &perational
?rade 1, -ecurity ?rade 1 for stair+ays, uildin' entrances, corridors, assemly spaces, and
other hi'h use interior doors. =se -eries "000, ?rade 1 for non.residential locations not
usin' -eries 1000 hard+are. 2or residential uildin's use -eries "000, ?rade 1 for interior
doors. a7 Mortise 9oc4s and 9atches . %BM( ( 15@.1#, -eries 1000, &peration ?rade 1,
-ecurity ?rade 1. 7 %ored 9oc4s and 9atches . %BM( ( 15@.1, -eries "000, ?rade 1, or
?rade 1.
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e 1@ of "#
nnn. E9it &e=ices . %BM( ( 15@.#, ?rade 1. Touch ars shall e provided in lieu of
conventional crossars and arms. =se manufacturer*s inte'ral touch ars in aluminum
storefront doors.
ooo. Card Ee$ Access - !rovide card 4ey type access units for specialiGed entries.
!rovide lithium attery po+ered, ma'netic stripe 4eycard loc4sets that are (,-3/%BM(
(15@.1#, -eries 1000, ?rade 1, mortise or (,-3/%BM( (15@.1, -eries "000, ?rade 1,
cylindrical loc4s, tamper resistant, =9 listed +ith 15 mm 61 inch7 thro+ deadolt, 1> mm 6#/".
inch7 thro+ latch olt, auxiliary dead.loc4in' latch, and @C.A5 mm 61.#/" inch7 ac4set.
!rovide hard+are 4eyin' compatile +ith the existin' ase.+ide 4eyin' system. $eplacement
interchan'eale cores shall e compatile +ith the %est 9oc4 system.
ppp. Ee$ CaCinet% !rovide a Ney )ainet +ith #0U over capacity.
1. Com2artments, CuCicles, F #oilet Partitions% 2- (.(.@000#. !rovide toilet compartments at
multi.fixture toilet rooms of Type 3, -tyle %.)eilin' Bun', ).&verhead %raced, or 2.&verhead
raced.alcove. $einforce panels to receive partition.mounted accessories. =rinal screens shall
e 2- (.(.@000#. Type 333, -tyle (, floor supported and +all hun' or -tyle 8, +all hun'. ;all
hun' urinal screens shall e secured +ith continuous flan'es to urinal screen and +all. -teel and
!lastic toilet partitions shall have a recovered materials content of 10 to #0 percent. )hrome.
plated or stainless steel door latches and coat hoo4s. !rovide one coat hoo4 per compartment
door. 9atches and hin'es for handicapped compartments shall comply +ith =2(- T (8((?.
*. #oilet and +at. Accessories% !rovide toilet and ath accessories and install per (8((? and
manufacturers* requirements.
,. Mar3er +oards and #ac3 +oards% !rovide porcelain enamel mar4er oards fused to a nominal
1C 'au'e steel sheet and tac4 oards of cor4, +ith a tensile stren'th of at least "0 psi +hen
tested accordin' to (-TM 2 151, +ith +oven or vinyl coverin'.
4. "denti0$ing &e=ices% (ll interior doors shall have an identifyin' device. (ll handicap accessile
facilities shall utiliGe si'na'e +hich meets current (8((? requirements +ith re'ard to %raille,
raised characters, finishes 6contrast7, siGe and mountin' hei'ht. 3f room names are suject to
frequent chan'e, provide an interchan'eale strip to e utiliGed to facilitate removal and
,6. Loc3ers% !rovide loc4ers to meet 2- ((.9.00"C@ 6$ev E7, enameled steel +ith special ases.
,7. S.el=ing% !rovide steel shelvin'.
,:. Counters% !rovide solid plastic or plastic laminate counter tops and ac4 splashes, (;3 )ustom
4>. CaCinets% !rovide cainetry and mill+or4 items +ith associated accessories and hard+are.
)ainetry shall e (;3 premium or custom 'rade and have concealed hin'es +ith adjustale
standards for shelves.
41. Case/or3% !rovide all uilt.in premanufactured metal cainetry for specialiGed functions such as
laoratories, liraries, medical and dental facilities. )ase+or4 shall comply +ith Mil -td 1@>1.
4*. Closets% !rovide premanufactured or mill+or4 closets or prefaricated coat closets
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e 1A of "#
4,. )ire E9tinguis.er CaCinets% !rovide fire extin'uisher cainets. -iGe and locate fire extin'uisher
cainets to encase extin'uisher as required y ,2!( 10 T 101. 2ire extin'uishers +ill e
provided y the )ustomer.
44. )iresto22ing Penetrations% !rovide all sleeves, caul4in', and flashin' for firestoppin'
44. Entrance )loor Grilles and Mats% !rovide recessed pan or surface floor mats at main only or all
uildin' entrances.
45. (rnamental Metal 8or3% !rovide ornamental metal+or4
46. (t.er "nterior S2ecialties% MotoriGed projection screen shall e +all or ceilin' or aove.ceilin'
mountin'. !ull.do+n projection screens shall e provided in lieu of motoriGed projection screens
as approved y the (ctivity.
!rovide interior and exterior stair construction. -tair desi'n, materials and construction shall
comply +ith 3%), and applicale codes and standards, includin' ,2!( 101. !rovide refu'e area
at top of stair in accordance +ith applicale (mericans +ith 8isaility (ct 8esi'n ?uide
=nless other+ise noted in the $2!, primary +all finishes shall e painted 'ypsum +all oard.
!rovide fire resistive construction and finishes for fire separation et+een areas of the uildin' in
accordance +ith the latest adopted version of the 3%), and ,2!( 101. !rovide +ater resistant
cementitious oard at floors and +alls of tus and sho+ers.
1. Ceramic #ile% !rovide ceramic tile +all systems as defined in the Tile )ouncil of (merica 6T)(7
handoo4 for ceramic tile installation and materials for the service requirements listed. !rovide
installation and materials in accordance +ith (,-3 (10C/(11C series standards, except do not
use or'anic adhesives. !rovide manufacturer*s full ran'e of colors and styles. Tile shall e a
minimum of one 'rade aove ase 'rade. )oordinate +ith ceramic ath accessories for
modularity. 3nclude all trim pieces, caps, stops, and returns to complete installation.
*. 8allco=ering% :inyl +allcoverin' shall conform to AS#M )6:,, )ate'ory : Type 33, #A1 ' to @1"
' 61#.1 to 11 ounces7 total +ei'ht per square yard and +idth of 1#A0 mm 65" inches7. !rovide
(-TM 2A>#, )ate'ory :3, Type 333, @1" ' 611 ounces7 and aove to cover rou'h textured +alls
such as masonry. Bi'h performance faric +allcoverin' shall e +oven or non.+oven )lass (,
fire resistive material, a minimum of 111> mm 6"C inches7 +ide, +ith a soil repellent finish and a
minimum of #"0 ' 611 ounces7 per square yard exclusive of ac4in'. 0Tac4ale0 +all coverin'
shall e /self.healin'0 from tac4 penetration throu'h the coverin' into the sustrate. (coustical
+allcoverin' shall e textured, +oven or non.+oven, )lass ( fire resistive material +ith an acrylic
ac4in', a minimum of 111> mm 6"C inches7 +ide and a minimum of "5" ' 61@ ounces7 per
square yard. The material shall have an ,$) ratin' of .15 on 'ypsum oard in accordance +ith
(-TM )"1#.

!rovide ne+ floorin' materials as required. (ll floorin' materials, adhesives, finish coats, sealers
and mortar materials shall meet or exceed 5!( requirements for toxic sustance content
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e 1C of "#
restrictions and air quality requirementsP and shall meet or exceed fire protection requirements,
such as smo4e and flame spread requirements. ;hen layin' roadloom carpets and resilient
floorin', use the +idest sheet materials availale to avoid or minimiGe the numer and extent of
seams. ;hen seams are required, locate seams at infrequent traffic areas. )ontractor is required
to sumit seam layout to )ontractin' &fficer for approval prior to installation.
1. Ceramic #ile% !rovide ceramic tile floor systems as defined in the Tile )ouncil of (merica 6T)(7
handoo4 for ceramic tile installation and materials for the service requirements listed. !rovide
installation and materials in accordance +ith (,-3 (10C/(11C series standards, except do not
use or'anic adhesives. !rovide manufacturer*s full ran'e of colors and styles. Tile shall e a
minimum of one 'rade aove ase 'rade.
!rovide ceramic or porcelain tile +ith a minimum rea4in' stren'th of 1014' 6#00 pounds7, (-TM
)@"C, and a maximum asorption rate of 0.5U, (-TM )#A#. Tile shall have a minimum
coefficient of friction 6+et and dry7 of 0.@, (-TM )101C.
*. Resilient )looring% -hall meet or exceed applicale (8( horiGontal requirements, and shall e
installed per manufacturer*s recommended methods and adhesives. !rovide manufacturers full
line of color and pattern selections, includin' multi.color patterns.
9inoleum -heet or Tile 2loorin' shall e 1.5 mm 60.10 inch7 'a'eP minimum 150 psi static load
limit, (-TM 2>A0P and +ith multi.color pattern and color extendin' throu'hout thic4ness, (-TM
210#", Type 3. $esilient homo'eneous vinyl sheet floorin' shall e commercial quality, 1.0 mm
60.0C0 inch7 overall 'a'e, +ith minimum 1.@ mm 6.0@@ inch7 thic4 +ear layer, protective urethane
finish, (-TM 21#0#, Type 33, ?rade 1, )lass (. $esilient vinyl composition tile shall e
commercial 'rade, # mm 6.115 inch7 'a'e, 2- --.T.#11% 617, Type 3:, )omp. 1, )lass 1,
throu'h pattern.
,. Car2et% )arpet manufacturer and installer shall e experienced, estalished and in 'ood
standin' +ith the industry. )arpet, roadloom or tile, shall e installed per the )arpet T $u'
3nstitute*s recommendations. )arpet shall e tufted, textured loop, cut/loop or tip sheared, a
minimum of 1@ oG. face +ei'ht, minimum density of @@00, 100U premium randed yarn. or
solution.dyed, Type @ or @.@ continuous hollo+ filament nylon. )arpet shall e multi.color and
patterned for soil and +ear hidin' properties. )arpet shall have hi'h performance ac4in'
+arranted a'ainst Gipperin', ed'e ravelin' and delamination, e anti.static and anti.microial.
)arpet shall meet 2lammaility ratin'sP 'enerate less than a "50 ratin', (-TM 5@@1P meet the
)ritical $adiant 2lux )lassification of not less than 0."5 ;/sq. cm., (-TM 5@"C. ;here indicated
in the room requirements, provide attached polyurethane cushion or separate polyurethane
cushion for doule stic4 pad installations, (-TM 1@@A and (-TM #@A@.
4. 8all +ase% !rovide porcelain or ceramic tile ase for porcelain or ceramic tile floor. !rovide
solid, throu'h color preformed ruer or vinyl ase for carpeted/resilient floorin' areas. !rovide a
sealant et+een ase and floor finish in all +et areas.
=nless other+ise noted in the room requirements, acoustical ceilin' panels shall e 1" inch y 1"
inch, +ith a minimum li'ht reflectance of .A5, )lass (, flame spread 15 or less and smo4e
development of 50 or less, (-TM 5C". (coustical ceilin' panels shall have minimum @0U
recycled content and conform to (-TM 511@". !anels shall have a factory.applied standard
+ashale painted finish or Type 3: +ith factory.applied plastic memrane.faced vinyl, 2orm: 1, 1
or #. !rovide square ed'e except as noted.
=nless other+ise noted in the room requirements for entrance loy, restrooms and sho+ers,
provide a painted, suspended 'ypsum oard ceilin'. 5xposed structural systems shall e painted.
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e 1> of "#
(ll paintin' and coatin' materials shall e lo+ :&), comply +ith local air quality control la+s and,
re'ulationsP and conform to the Master*s !ainters 3nstitute*s 6M!37 rc$itectural% &nterior Systems
"anual and the M!3*s "aintenance and Repainting "anual recommendations for paint systems,
surface preparation and applications.
!rovide minimum of one prime coat and t+o finish coats. The prime coat shall not e comined
+ith texture or other coatin's. -eal and prime all surfaces to cover underlyin' stains or
discoloration that may affect finish paint. 2inish coats shall provide full covera'e of undercoats
and sustrates. (ll +alls and ceilin's in +et area shall have semi.'loss paint. (ll +ood or metal
cased openin's, door trims and casin's, +indo+ trims and casin', and other finish trim shall have
semi.'loss paint. (ll interior +alls and ceilin's shall have satin or e''shell finish. 2or previously
painted surfaces, prime all surfaces to ensure compatiility of finish coats. 8o not paint
prefinished surfaces except as noted.
!rovide 3nstitutional 9o+ &dor/9o+ :&) 9atex paint or Bi'h !erformance (rchitectural 9atex
systems as defined and approved y the M!3 -ystems Manual for the various sustrates required
to e painted.
Paint;Color Selection% !rovide paint systems tested to /8etailed !erformance 9evel0 standard
as defined y M!3. !aints shall e readily availale for purchase in standard colors.
D10 CONVE)ING 5levators and 5scalators . ,ot used
!rovide plumin' fixtures, appliances, and equipment complete and usale as required y !art #.
(ll plumin' fixtures, appliances and equipment, pipin', valves, accessories, and appurtenances
shall comply +ith 3nternational !lumin' )ode 63!)7 and all other applicale codes and
standards, includin' ener'y, +ater conservation, and local activity re'ulations and standards.
1. &omestic 8ater% !rovide (-TM % CC Type N or 9 copper tuin' and fittin's for pipe siGes "
inches or smaller. !rovide Type 9 tuin' aove 'round +ith solder fittin's. 2or uried pipin',
use Type N tuin' +ith solder fittin's, or )hlorinated polyvinyl chloride 6)!:)7 !lastic pipe,
fittin's, and solvent cement per (-TM 8 1C"@/8 1C"@M for siGes " inches and smaller.
!rovide mineral fier insulation +ith vapor arrier on domestic +ater 6hot and cold7 supply and
recirculation pipin'. !rovide re.circulatin' pumps or instantaneous +ater heaters for hot +ater
systems +ith fixtures 'reater than 100 ft from hot +ater source. !rovide +ater hammer arrestors
per !83 -T8 ;B.110 as required for rapid +ater shut off scenarios. (ll +ater valves except for
fixture shut off valves shall e (,-3 %1@.1C rass, full port all type. (ll plumin' fixtures shall
have separate shut off valves. (ll pipin' shall e concealed in +alls, attic spaces, or in cra+l
spaces under floors. !rovide access panels for valves ehind +alls. ,o under sla +ater pipin'
is allo+ed. 2ittin's for annealed copper tuin' shall conform to (,-3 %l@.11. -older and flux
shall e lead free. 5xposed exterior pipin' is prohiited unless other+ise not practical. !rovide
identification for pipin' and equipment.
*. 8all Penetrations% !ipin' +hich penetrates fire rated +alls shall e completely sealed to
maintain fire resistance inte'rity as required y )ode. !enetrations throu'h +alls that are not fire
rated shall e adequately supported and sealed. !ipe penetrations throu'h exterior +alls shall e
sleeved, caul4ed +ith +eatherproof sealant and provided +ith finish trim.
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e 10 of "#
2ixtures shall e provided complete +ith fittin's, and chromium.plated, or nic4el.plated rass
6polished ri'ht or satin surface7 trim. (ll fixtures, fittin's, and trim, shall e from the same
manufacturer and shall have the same finish. (ccess panels shall e provided for all athtus
and sho+ers, except at exterior and party +alls and +here tu or sho+ers are ac4 to ac4.
!rovide cleanouts in accordance +ith the plumin' code. $otate or extend cleanouts required to
facilitate maintenance and clearin' of loc4a'e in +aste pipin'.
1. )aucets% (ll faucets shall e rass construction, +asherless type, +ith seals and seats
comined in one replaceale ceramic dis4 valve cartrid'e desi'ned to e interchan'eale +ith all
lavatories, athtus and 4itchen sin4s, or havin' replaceale seals and seats removale either as
a seat insert or as a part of a replaceale valve unit. 2aucets provided shall e of the same type
and manufacturer throu'hout the facility, unless other+ise noted. 9avatory faucets shall e =.-.
5nvironmental !rotection ('ency 65!(7 ;atersenseW certified and laeled athroom sin4
*. 8ater Closets% ;ater closets shall e in accordance +ith (,-3 (111.1>.1, +ith trim conformin'
to (111.1>.5. ;ater closets shall e vitreous china and have an elon'ated o+l +ith trip lever,
unlined tan4, close coupled siphon jet, floor outlet +ith +ax 'as4et, flan'e and an anti.siphon float
valve. !rovide +hite closed front seat and cover for private toilets and open front seat cover for
pulic facilities. ;ater consumption shall e no 'reater than 1.@ 'allon maximum per complete
flushin' cycle. !rovide self.closin' meterin' type flush valve on flush valve type +ater closets,
unless electronic control is specified in !art #. Maximum flush volume shall not exceed 1.1C
'allon per flush 6?!27 6".C 9iter per flush 69!277 for sin'le function flush valves. 8ual function
flush valves shall provide a flush of 0.C to 1.@ ?!2 6#.0 to @.0 9!27 or 1.1C ?!2 6".C 9!27
avera'e for 1 lo+ volume flushes and one hi'h volume flush. Tan4 type +ater closets shall e
=.-. 5nvironmental !rotection ('ency 65!(7 ;atersenseW certified and laeled toilets.
*. !rinals% !rovide =.-. 5nvironmental !rotection ('ency 65!(7 ;atersenseW certified and
laeled ceramic.type urinals.
,on ;ater =se =rinals: (-M5 (111.1>.1, +hite vitreous china, +all.mounted, +all outlet, non.
+ater usin', inte'ral drain line connection, +ith sealed replaceale cartrid'e or inte'ral liquid seal
trap insert. The urinal and trap assemly shall maintain a sufficient arrier of a iode'radale
immiscile liquid to provide the trap seal and inhiit the ac4flo+ of se+er 'ases. 2or urinals that
use a replaceale cartrid'e, provide four additional cartrid'es for each urinal installed. !rovide
an additional quart of iode'radale liquid for each urinal installed. !rovide (-M5 (111.@.1M
concealed chair carriers. 3nstallation and testin' shall e in accordance +ith the manufacturers*
recommendations. 8rain lines that connect to the urinal outlet shall not e made of copper tue
or pipe. =rinal desi'n and installation shall e (8( compliant. -lope the sanitary se+er ranch
line for non.+ater use urinals a minimum of 1/".inch per foot. Manufacturer shall provide an
operatin' manual and on.site trainin' for the proper care and maintenance of the urinal.
,. La=atories% =nless other+ise specified y !art #, lavatories shall e inte'ral to the vanity
countertops. 5ach lavatory shall e provided +ith hot and cold +ater tempered y means of a
mixin' valve or comination faucet.
4. Sin3s% (-M5/(,-3 (111.1>.#M sin4, 10 'a'e stainless steel +ith inte'ral mountin' rim,
minimum dimensions of C"0 mm 6## inches7 +ide for t+o compartment or 5@0 mm 611 inches7
+ide for one compartment y 5@0 mm 611 inches7 front to rear, +ith led'e ac4 and undersides
coated +ith sound dampenin' material.
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e 11 of "#
4. 8ater Coolers% ($3 1010, +all.mounted, uler style, air.cooled condensin' unit, ".10 m9 per
second 6".0 'ph7 minimum capacity, stainless steel splash receptor, doule +all heat exchan'er,
and all stainless steel cainet. 3nstall in accordance +ith the manufacturers instructions.
5. S.o/ers% !rovide =.-. 5nvironmental !rotection ('ency 65!(7 ;atersenseW certified and
laeled sho+erheads connected to concealed pipe connected to copper alloy sin'le control type
mixin' valve +ith front access inte'ral scre+driver stops. (nchor the mixin' valves and the pipe
to each sho+erhead in +all to prevent movement. =nless other+ise specified y !art #, sho+ers
shall e supplied +ith +ater at a temperature no more than 110X2 y means of a pressure
alance, temperin' or mixin' valve.
6. Ser=ice sin3s% (-M5 (111.1>.1M, +hite enameled cast.iron or (-M5 (111.1>.1M +hite
vitreous china, +all mounted and floor supported y +all outlet cast.iron !.trap, minimum
dimensions of 5@0 mm 611 inches7 +ide y "5A mm 61C inches7 front to rear +ith 1#0 mm 6> inch7
splashac4, and stainless steel rim 'uard. !rovide (-M5 (111.1C.1M copper alloy ac4.
mounted comination faucets +ith vacuum rea4er and 10 mm 60.A5 inch7 external hose threads
7. Mo2 Sin3s% !re.cast terraGGo or (-M5 (111.1>.1M +hite vitreous china floor.mounted mop
sin4, >1" mm x >1" mm x #05 mm 6#@ inches x #@ inches x 11 inches7. TerraGGo shall e made
of marle chips cast in +hite !ortland cement to a compressive stren'th of not less than 15 m!a
6#@15 !-37 A days after castin'. !rovide rass ody drains +ith nic4el ronGe strainers cast
inte'ral +ith mop sin4. !rovide stainless steel rim 'uard for mop sin4. !rovide chrome.plated
exposed hot and cold +ater faucets (-M5 (111.15.M +all.mounted copper alloy faucets s+in'
spout +ith 10 mm 6#/" inch7 hose connection, vacuum rea4er, and pail hoo4. !rovide mop
han'er on +all aove sin4 suitale for four mops.
:. Laundr$ Sin3s% (,-3 R11".1, plastic, t+o compartment, minimum dimensions of 101@ mm +ide
y 5## mm 6"0 inches +ide y 11 inches7 front to rear, +ith floor.supported steel mountin' frame
secured to +all. !rovide (-M5 (111.1C.1M copper alloy centerset faucets, s+in' spout +ith
aerator, and stainless steel drain outlets +ith cup strainers, and "0 mm 61.5 inch7 adjustale !.
trap +ith drain pipin' to vertical vent stac4.
1>. Emergenc$ E$e/as.% (,-3 R#5C.1, +all.mounted self.cleanin', non.clo''in' eye and face
+ash +ith quic4 openin', full.flo+ valves, stainless steel eye and face +ash receptor. !rovide
copper alloy control valves. !ressure.compensated temperin' valve is required for emer'ency
fixtures, +ith leavin' +ater temperature setpoint adjustale throu'hout the ran'e 15.5 and #5
de'rees ) 6@0 to >5 de'rees 27 unless cold +ater supply meets temperature criteria.
1. Natural Gas or Pro2ane )ired Storage 8ater 'eaters% !rovide hi'h efficiency stora'e type
natural 'as or propane fired +ater heaters per (,-3 R11.10.1 or (,-3 R11.10.# meetin' (?(
requirements. =nit efficiency shall meet or exceed that listed in the Title.1" -tandards. ;ater
heaters shall e equipped +ith 'lass.lined steel tan4s, minimum $.15 polyurethane foam
insulation, replaceale anodes, and adjustale ran'e thermostat to allo+ hot +ater settin's
et+een "# and A1 de'rees ) 6110 and 1@0 de'rees 27. ;ater heater +arranty shall e a
minimum of 10 years. !rovide vent in accordance +ith ,2!( 5". !rovide lo+ ,&x urners that
meet -)(SM8 requirements. 3nstall in accordance +ith manufacturer*s instructions and the
code. ;here earthqua4e loads are applicale, +ater heater supports shall e desi'ned and
installed for seismic forces in accordance +ith the 3nternational %uildin' )ode.
*. Electric 8ater 'eaters% !rovide electric +ater heaters +ith doule heatin' element per =9 1A".
=nit efficiency shall meet or exceed that listed for 25M! or 5,5$?Y-T($, or as listed in
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e 11 of "#
(-B$(5 >0.1, +hichever is 'reatest. ;ater heaters shall e equipped +ith 'lass.lined steel
tan4s, hi'h efficiency type, insulated +ith polyurethane foam insulation, replaceale anodes, and
adjustale ran'e thermostat to allo+ hot +ater settin's et+een "# and A1 de'rees )
,. &omestic 8ater +oilers% %oilers shall e desi'ned, tested, and installed per (-M5 )-8.1
6)ontrols and -afety 8evices7 and (-M5 %!:) 6%oiler and !ressure :essel )ode7. The oiler
shall meet the requirements of the =9 A>5, ,2!( C5, (,-3 RC#.#, and (-M5 )-8. %oilers must
e certified y ,aval !ersonnel or a contractor approved y the )ontractin' &fficer.
(ll ne+ se+ers elo+ concrete sla shall e solid core, minimum schedule "0 68;: Type7, (%-
in accordance +ith (-TM 1@@1. ,e+ +aste and vent pipin' aove floor shall e -chedule "0
!:) 68;: Type7 (-TM 1@@5 or (%- (-TM 1@@1. =se of (%- plastic pipe shall conform to the
3%) and 3!). !rovide pipe siGin', confi'urations, and cleanouts as required y the 3!). )ellular
core plastic pipe is not allo+ed. -&:5,T systems are not allo+ed.
%elo+ concrete sla shall e solid core, minimum schedule "0 68;: Type7, (%- in accordance
+ith (-TM 1@@1. (ove floor shall e cast iron huless, or hu and spi'ot, or -chedule "0 !:)
68;: Type7 (-TM 1@@5 or (%- (-TM 1@@1 as indicated in !art #. !ipe materials shall conform
to the 3%) and 3!). !rovide pipe siGin', confi'urations, and cleanouts as required y applicale
codes and standards.
Natural Gas Pi2ing S$stems% 5xterior aove 'rade natural 'as pipin' shall e schedule "0
'alvaniGed steel pipe +ith threaded fittin's and joints. =nder'round exterior 'as pipin' shall e
polyethylene pipe that satisfies the requirements of ,2!( 5", (-TM 8151#.01, and (-M5 %#1.
C. !rovide +arnin' tape at 11 inches elo+ 'rade directly aove uried 'as pipes. %elo+ 'rade
metal 'as pipin' is prohiited. 3nterior 'as pipin' shall e (-TM ( 5#, schedule "0 lac4 steel
+ith (-M5 %1@.# threaded fittin's and joints. The use of semi.ri'id tuin' and flexile connectors
for 'as equipment and appliances is prohiited except for final connections to the equipment and
appliances +here they shall e provided. !rovide flexile 'as connections in accordance +ith
(,-3 R11."5 and not more than "0 inches lon'. !rovide accessile 'as service +ith shutoff
valve for all equipment. ?as pipin' shall conform to ,2!( 5" and shall e pressure tested in
accordance there+ith. . ?as pipin' is considered a fra'ile utility in the content of =2) ".010.01,
D'D "inimum ntiterrorism Standards for Buildings.
The B:() systems shall comply +ith the latest edition of the 3nternational Mechanical )ode,
3nternational !lumin' )ode, (-B$(5 -tandards, ,ational 5lectrical )ode, ,ational 2ire
!rotection (ssociation !ulications, 3nternational %uildin' )ode, and )alifornia Title 1" or
(-B$(5 >0.1 ener'y efficiency standards 6the more strin'ent of the t+o7 unless other+ise
specified in !art #. (ll equipment, appliances, duct+or4 and accessories shall comply +ith
applicale codes and standards. 2or projects located in )alifornia, also comply +ith )alifornia
5ner'y )ommission 6)5)7 efficiency ratin' requirements as stated in )a. (% >A0 Title 1". The
)ontractor shall certify that the installation is in conformance +ith the applicale codes and
standards at the completion of the contract, prior to final invoice ein' processed and final
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e 1# of "#
1. Equi2ment Clearance% !rovide +or4in' space around all equipment. !rovide all required
fittin's, connections and accessories required for a complete and usale system. (ll equipment
shall e installed per the manufacturer*s recommendations. ;here the +ord /should0 is used in
manufacturer*s instructions, sustitute the +ord /shall0.
*. Material and Equi2ment uali0ications% (ll materials and equipment shall have een in
satisfactory commercial or industrial use for 1 years prior to the id openin'. The 1.year use shall
include applications of equipment and materials under similar circumstances and of similar siGe.
The product shall have een for sale on the commercial mar4et throu'h advertisements,
manufacturerFs catalo's, or rochures durin' the 1.year period.
,. Motors% -in'le.phase fractional.horsepo+er alternatin'.current motors shall e hi'h efficiency
types correspondin' to the applications listed in ,5M( M? 11. -elect polyphase motors ased
on hi'h efficiency characteristics relative to the applications as listed in ,5M( M? 10.
(dditionally, all polyphase squirrel.ca'e medium induction motors +ith continuous ratin's shall
meet or exceed ener'y efficient ratin's per Tale 11.10 of ,5M( M? 1. !rovide controllers for
#.phase motors rated 0.A5 4; 61 hp7 and aove +ith phase volta'e monitors desi'ned to protect
motors from phase loss and over/under.volta'e. !rovide means to prevent automatic restart y a
time adjustale restart relay. 2or pac4a'ed equipment, the manufacturer shall provide controllers
includin' the required monitors and timed restart. !rovide reduced volta'e starters for all motors
15 hp and lar'er.
4. Equi2ment Su22ort% !rovide house4eepin' pads and viration isolators under all floor.mounted
4. Coatings% ;hen required in !art #, provide chiller and air handler coils +ith copper tue/copper
fin coil construction or immersion applied, a4ed phenolic or other approved coatin'. 2ield
applied coatin's are not acceptale. Mechanical equipment casin's shall have painted finishes
that pass a salt.spray test conducted per (-TM %11A for duration of at least 500 hours.
5. Equi2ment "nsulation% !rovide insulation on all chilled +ater equipment. 3nsulate hot and
chilled +ater pumps and equipment as suitale for the temperature and service in ri'id loc4,
semi.ri'id oard, or flexile unicellular insulation to fit as closely as possile to equipment.
!rovide vapor retarder for chilled +ater applications.
47. Acoustical considerations% ,oise levels in all areas served 6supply, return, and exhaust7 y a
mechanical system shall comply +ith (-B$(5 8esi'n ?uidelines for B:() related ac4'round
sound in rooms as indicated in the lasted (-B$(5 2undamentals Bandoo4. The $).ratin'
method shall e utiliGed.
1. +oilers% %oilers shall e desi'ned, tested, and installed per (-M5 )-8.1 6)ontrols and -afety
8evices7 and (-M5 %!:) 6%oiler and !ressure :essel )ode7. The oiler shall meet the
requirements of the =9 A>5, ,2!( C5, (,-3 RC#.#, and (-M5 )-8. 8o not provide +atertue
oiler6s7 for hydronic heatin' +hen siGe permits other+ise. !rovide insulated oiler stac4 in
accordance +ith manufacturerFs recommendations and conform to ,2!( 111 or provide pre.
manufactured, multi.+all stac4s complyin' +ith ,2!( 5" or ,2!( 5C and =9.listed. 9o+
pressure oilers shall e equipped +ith one or more pressure relievin' devices, adjusted and
sealed to dischar'e at a pressure not to exceed the maximum allo+ale +or4in' pressure of the
oiler. The comined capacity of these devices shall e such that +ith the fuel urnin'
equipment installed and operatin' at maximum capacity, the pressure cannot rise more than 5 psi
for steam oilers or 10U for +ater oilers aove the maximum allo+ale +or4in' pressure of the
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e 1" of "#
oiler. !ressure relievin' devices shall e installed as required y the referenced code, e (-M5
stamped and rated, and shall e installed +ith the valve spindle in the vertical position. !rovide
+ith manual liftin' device for periodic testin'. %oilers shall comply +ith the local air quality
re'ulations. %oilers shall e equipped +ith pressure and temperature 'au'es as required for
proper maintenance and operation. Thermometers shall also e provided at the inlet and exit of
the oiler, and shall e visile to the operator from the operatin' area.
*. )urnaces% =9.listed, factory assemled, self contained, forced circulation, furnace. !rovide
electronic i'nition system. =nit shall e desi'n certified y (?(, ?(M( efficiency ratin' certified,
for 'as furnaces and ,2!( #1 for oil furnaces. !rovide +ith coolin' coil as necessary. 2urnaces
shall comply +ith the local air quality re'ulations.
1. C.illers% (ir.cooled chillers shall e type indicated in !art # and meet the requirements of ($3
550/5>0.>C. !rovide control panel +ith the manufacturers* standard controls and protection
circuits. 3f 88) system is required in project, provide a control interface for remote monitorin' of
the chillerFs operatin' parameters, functions and alarms from the 88) control system central
+or4station. !rovide complete start.up and operational testin' of chiller equipment.
*. &irect e92ansion s$stems% !rovide units factory assemled, desi'ned, tested, +ith ducted air
distriution and rated in accordance +ith ($3 110/1"0 or ($3 #"0/#@0. $efri'erant pipin' siGe
shall e per the manufacturerFs recommendations. 3nsulate refri'erant pipin' suction lines and
condensate drain.
,. Re0rigerants% The use of &Gone 8epletin' -ustances 6&8-7 as +ell as the qualifications and
credentials of personnel servicin' equipment that contains &8- is restricted. $efri'erants shall
have an &Gone 8epletion 2actor 6&827 of 0.055 or less. The &82 shall e in accordance +ith the
<Montreal !rotocol on -ustances That 8eplete the &Gone 9ayer<, -eptemer 1>CA, sponsored
y the =nited ,ations 5nvironment !ro'ram.
1. &uct/or3% (ll duct+or4 shall e provided in accordance +ith the latest -M(),( 'uidelines.
2lexile duct len'ths shall not exceed @ feet. !rovide 'alvaniGed sheet metal ducts except for
special exhaust systems and the follo+in':
qqq. 2or fume hood exhaust, 4itchen hood exhaust, and dish+asher exhaust, provide
stainless steel duct+or4.
rrr. 2or sho+er area exhausts, provide aluminum or stainless steel duct+or4 and sloped to
drain provisions. (fter the sho+er exhaust is mixed +ith a volume of 'eneral exhaust air
equal to 100U of the sho+er exhaust rate, standard 'alvaniGed construction may e used.
sss.3nternal insulation.lined duct+or4 is prohiited in all areas. 2or duct+or4 located exterior
to the uildin', provide externally insulated systems +ith sheet metal claddin'. !rovide
external thermal insulation for all duct+or4. 3nsulate duct+or4 in concealed spaces +ith
lan4et flexile mineral fier. 3nsulate duct+or4 in Mechanical $ooms and exposed locations
+ith ri'id mineral fier insulation. !rovide insulation +ith factory applied all.purpose jac4et
+ith inte'ral vapor retarder. 3n exposed locations, provide a jac4et +ith +hite surface suitale
for paintin'. 2lame spread/smo4e developed ratin' for all insulation shall not exceed 15/50.
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e 15 of "#
Minimum insulation thic4ness shall e the minimum thic4ness required y (-B$(5 >0.1.
3nsulate the ac4s of all supply air diffusers +ith lan4et flexile mineral fier insulation.
ttt. The duct+or4 shall e sealed +ith an approved duct sealer and in accordance +ith
-M(),( standards. 3f lea4a'e testin' is indicated in part #, the duct lea4a'e shall not
exceed 1U.
uuu. !rovide manual volume dampers in each ranch ta4e.off from the main duct to
control air quantity. 8ampers shall conform to -M(),( 8)-. 8ampers shall e installed in
accessile locations.
4:. )ire &am2ers% 2ire dampers shall e rated per =9 555. 2ire dampers shall e dynamic type
rated for closure a'ainst a movin' airstream. !rovide fire dampers that do not intrude into the air
stream +hen in the open position.
4>. Pi2ing%
vvv.!rovide insulated, steel pipin' for siGes " inches and lar'er and insulated copper pipin'
for siGes less than " inches for +ater supply and return pipin' to serve the B:() equipment
throu'hout the facility.
+++. !rovide system flushin' and start.up for +ater systems.
xxx.&il pipin': (,-3/(-TM (5# or (10@ pipin' +ith associated (-M5 fittin's or (-TM %CC,
type 9 or M copper tuin' +ith (-M5 %1@.1@ flared fittin's or compression type fittin's.
41. E9.aust )ans And &ucts%
yyy.General% 5xhaust fans shall e siGed to move the volume of air required to comply +ith
3nternational Mechanical )ode for the areas requirin' exhaust.
GGG.+at.room, restrooms and !tilit$ Room E9.aust )ans% 5xhaust fans shall e siGed to
'ive not less than 10 air chan'es per hour in the space to e ventilated. 2ans shall have a
maximum sound level of # sones and e separately s+itched from li'ht.
aaaa. )lues% ;hen required, provide ne+ Type %, =.9. listed, doule +all flues. 2lue
installation shall e in accordance +ith the 3nternational Mechanical )ode.
4*. Air .andling units% Modular construction, doule +all air handlin' units +ith minimum of 15 mm
61 inch7 casin' insulation. !rovide ($3 "#0 certified fans and ($3 certified coils. !rovide
stainless steel, positive drainin' condensate drain pan. 2or 100U outside air units provide
capaility for coolin', heatin', dehumidification and reheat.
1. !nit =entilators% =nit shall e factory assemled unit ventilator capale of up to 100U outdoor
air ventilation and =9.listed.
*. !nit .eaters% (,-3 RC#.C and (?( lael. 5quip each heater +ith individually adjustale
pac4a'e dischar'e louver. !rovide +ith thermostat.
,. )an coil units% =9.9isted, factory assemled and tested fan coils, ($3 ""0 and ($3 certified.
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e 1@ of "#
4. Pac3aged units%
2actory pac4a'ed rooftop units in accordance +ith ($3 "#0 and suitale for outdoor installation.
!rovide +ith manufacturer*s roof cur.
!ac4a'ed throu'h +all units shall e factory assemled air conditioner or heat pump and rated in
accordance +ith ($3 #10 or ($3 #C0 and ($3 certified. =nit shall include heat and operate under
the standard unit controls. =nits shall e desi'ned to allo+ ease of maintenance y use of a
+all sleeve. =nits shall have internal condensate removal 6condensate shall not e externally
1. General% !rovide stand.alone or distriuted direct di'ital controls, as required in !art #.
*. &istriCuted &irect &igital Controls ?&&C@% 88) hard+are shall e =9.>1@ rated. =se
controllers in a distriuted control manner. )ontrollers shall e stand alone +ith an internal cloc4
and modem. The total numer of 3/& hard+are points shall not exceed "C in any controller.
!rovide sufficient memory for each controller to support required control, communication, trends,
alarms, and messa'es. !rovide communications ports for controller to controller, on.site
interface, remote +or4station interface, and telecommunications interface. ;hen providin' a
partial 88) system or connectin' to an existin' 88) system, provide a laptop computer +ith all
necessary soft+are for user interface.
(ll B:() +ater and air systems, oth ne+ and retrofit, shall e T(%ed in accordance +ith ,5%%
or ((%) standards. (s part of any T(% air alancin' effort, acceptale air quantity variations
shall e 0 to D10U for exhaust systems and 0 to Z10U for supply air systems.
!rovide ne+ or extend existin' (utomatic 2ire -prin4ler systems, -mo4e and Beat detection
systems, 2ire (larm and Mass ,otification systems as required. The +or4 for fire sprin4lers, fire
alarm, smo4e detection, and heat detection shall e provided y contractors licensed to perform
such +or4.
Project Requirements% !rior to the start of desi'n, the 8esi'ner of $ecord shall meet +ith the
?overnment*s 2ire !rotection 5n'ineer to determine the extent and types of fire protection
2ire alarm system shall include manual stations, system smo4e detectors, duct smo4e detectors,
heat detectors, audio/visual alarms, connection to ase+ide fire alarm monitorin', electrical
supervision of fire pump controllers, and electrical supervision of all sprin4ler system alarm and
supervisory devices as required.
The +ater supply information is provided for iddin' purposes. The desi'n point of connection to
existin' +ater supply shall require the approval of the )ontractin' &fficer. The 2!5 8&$ shall
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e 1A of "#
conduct additional flo+ tests after contract a+ard prior to any desi'n sumissions. Tests shall e
coordinated throu'h the )ontractin' &fficer.
(reas suject to freeGin' shall e provided +ith a dry pipe system.
!rovide interior electrical +irin', fixtures, s+itches, outlets, and apparatus in accordance +ith
applicale codes and standards. The electrical system shall conform to ,2!( A0. !o+er and
li'htin' circuits shall e separate.
1. 8iring% (ll +irin' shall e in electrical metal conduits and shall e concealed except in the
industrial spaces and at locations indicated in !art #. ,o conductors shall e smaller than ,o. 11
(;?, copper +ires. ;irin' elo+ sla or under'round shall e in -chedule "0 !:) +ith 'round
+ire. 5xposed conduits on the exterior of the uildin' are prohiited. !rovide a 'round
conductor for each circuitP conduits shall not e used for 'roundin'. =se of cale assemlies
Types (), M), or M3 and flat conductors are prohiited. )ircuit rea4ers shall e olt.on type.
-eries rated circuit rea4ers and fusile paneloards shall not e used.
*. (utlet Circuits% 9i'htin' and convenience outlets shall e on separate circuits. 3nstall ?23
protected receptacles at all +et or damp areas. 9ocation of outlets shall e as required y
applicale codes and standards. !rovide extra outlets for maintenance and service staffs in
spaces such as corridors, hall+ays and other pulic spaces as identified elo+. (ll exterior
outlets shall e on separate circuits, shall e ?23 protected, and equipped +ith a cover to prevent
accidental +ater infiltration into the devices.
3n addition to the location requirements specified y ,2!( A0, locate 'eneral purpose and
dedicated outlets in accordance +ith the follo+in':
. Mechanical equipment: !rovide receptacle +ithin A.@ m 615 ft7 of mechanical
equipment on the interior and exterior of uildin's.
cccc. &ffice, staff support spaces, and other +or4station locations: &ne receptacle for
each +or4station +ith a minimum of one for every #050 mm 610 ft7 of +all space. ;hen less
than #500 mm 610 ft7 of +all at the floor line, provide a minimum of t+o receptacles spaced
appropriately to anticipate furniture relocations. 9imit loads to a maximum of four
+or4stations per 10 amp circuit. -ee (ppendix ), Tale )1 for +or4station load data.
dddd. )onference rooms and trainin' rooms: &ne for every #.@ m 611 ft7 of +all space
at the floor line. 5nsure one receptacle is located next to each voice/data outlet. !rovide one
receptacle aove the ceilin' to support video projection device. 5xtend circuit to +all location
for connection to motoriGed screen. ;hen it is expected that a conference room tale +ill e
specifically dedicated to floor space in a conference room, locate a floor.mounted receptacle
under the tale. This receptacle may e part of comination po+er/communications outlet.
eeee. !rovide po+er outlets throu'hout the uildin' to serve all proposed equipment,
includin' 'overnment furnished equipment, and allo+ for future reconfi'uration of equipment
layout. !rovide po+er connections to all ancillary office equipment such as printers, faxes,
plotters, and shredders. !rovide dedicated circuits +here +arranted.
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e 1C of "#
ffff. 3n each telecommunications room provide a dedicated 10 amp circuit +ith a receptacle
adjacent to each rac4 or ac4oard for each of the follo+in':
17 ))T: for trainin' systems
17 ))-T: for security systems
#7 )(T:
"7 :oice systems
57 8ata systems.
''''. !rovide dedicated receptacles as required throu'hout the facility for television
monitors. These outlets +ill typically e located at the ceilin' level for +all mounted television
hhhh. !rovide dedicated receptacles as required throu'hout the facility for tape players
and disc players.
iiii. )orridors: &ne every 15 m 650 ft7 +ith a minimum of one per corridor.
jjjj. Eanitor*s closet and toilet rooms: &ne ?23 receptacle per closet. !rovide ?23 receptacles
at counter hei'ht for each counter in toilets such that there is a minimum of one outlet for
each t+o sin4s.
4444. -pace +ith counter tops: &ne for every 1.100 m 6" ft7 of countertop, +ith a
minimum of one outlet. !rovide ?23 protection of outlets +hen located +ithin 1.C m 6@ ft7 of
plumin' fixtures.
llll. %uildin' exterior: &ne for each +all, ?23 protected and +eatherproof.
mmmm. Nitchen non.residential: &ne for each #.05 m 610 ft7 of +all space at the floor line.
!rovide ?23 protection +hen located +ithin 1.C m 6@ ft7 of plumin' fixture.
nnnn. )hild occupied spaces 6includin' toilets7: &ne for every #.@ m 611 ft7 of +all
space. =se child safety type such as those that require rotatin' an inte'ral surface cover
plate to access current. $emovale caps and plu's are not acceptale.
oooo. (ll other rooms: &ne for every A.@ m 615 ft7 of +all space at the floor line. ;hen
A.@ m 615 ft7 or less of +all at the floor line exists in a room, provide a minimum of t+o
receptacles spaced appropriately to anticipate furniture relocations.
pppp. -pecial purpose receptacles: 8esi'ner of $ecord must coordinate +ith the user
to provide any special purpose outlets required. !rovide outlets to allo+ connection of
equipment in special use rooms.
4,. Ser=ice Entrance Equi2ment% ;hen a s+itchoard or s+itch'ear is required, the 8esi'ner of
$ecord shall utiliGe =2?- -ection 1@ 1# 00, Switc$(oards and Switc$gear, for the project
specification, and shall sumit the edited specification section as a part of the desi'n sumittal for
the project.
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e 1> of "#
1. Lig.ting )i9tures% (ll li'htin' fixtures shall e ener'y conservation compact fluorescent except
+here indicated y !art #.
qqqq. )luorescent )i9tures 0or Administrati=e and Commercial S2aces: 2or
offices, commercial and administrative spaces and facilities provide hi'h efficiency allast,
and instant or rapid start recessed fluorescent fixtures.
rrrr. Three.;ay and 2our.;ay -+itches: !rovide three.+ay or four.+ay s+itchin' of li'ht
fixtures as necessary to facilitate movement et+een adjacent spaces to allo+ efficient
ener'y mana'ement.
44. E9terior Lig.ting )i9tures 0or Large (2en Areas% 5xterior li'htin' fixtures for lar'e open areas
such as par4in' lots, streets and play'rounds shall e ener'y efficient Bi'h.3ntensity 8ischar'e
6B387 or compact fluorescent fixtures and shall comply +ith local re'ulations re'ardin' lo+
li'htin' levels to avoid li'ht pollution.
ssss. !hotocell &verridin' -+itch: !rovide photocell.overridin' s+itch for all outdoor
li'ht fixtures.
1. #elecommunications S$stems% !rovide a horiGontal distriution system includin', ut not
necessarily limited to, all +irin', path+ay systems, connector loc4s, protectors for all copper
service entrance pairs, terminators for all fier optic cales, outlet oxes, telephone jac4s, and
data jac4s cover plates in accordance +ith 53(/T3( standards. !rovide )ate'ory @ =T!
telephone premise +irin' +here telephones are required.
*. PuClic Address S$stems% !rovide a !ulic (ddress system +ith spea4ers in all locations
identified in !art #.
,. "ntercommunications S$stems% !rovide an 3ntercommunication -ystem to allo+ t+o.+ay
communications et+een all locations identified in !art #.
4. #ele=ision S$stems% !rovide television systems to the extent specified in !art #. )oordinate
+ith the local )ale )ompany, 9ocal users and 9ocal (uthority at the (ctivity for other specific
requirements. The interior cale outlets and +irin' shall e complete and ready for use. ;irin'
shall not e run exposed on any surface of the uildin'.
4. Securit$ S$stems% !rovide an 3ntrusion 8etection -ystem 638-7 to sense all perimeter doors
and +indo+s and the interior volume in at least t+o locations. -ystem shall have >0.minute
attery ac4.up and annunciate oth locally and at the %ase -ecurity &ffice via a telephone
dialer. -ystem shall have entry/exit timer. !rovide +all mounted 4eypad control at t+o locations.
1. #ransient 1oltage Surge Su22ression ?#1SS@% !rovide T:-- in accordance +ith =2) #.500.
*. Emergenc$ Generators% ;hen an emer'ency 'enerator is required, the 8esi'ner of $ecord
shall utiliGe =2?- -ection 1@ #1 1#.00 10 for the project specification, and shall sumit the edited
specification section as a part of the desi'n sumittal for the project.
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e #0 of "#
,. Automatic #rans0er and +$2ass;"solation S/itc.es% ;hen an (utomatic Transfer -+itch is
required, the 8esi'ner of $ecord shall utiliGe =2?- -ection 1@ #@ 1#.00 10 for the project
specification, and shall sumit the edited specification section as a part of the desi'n sumittal for
the project.
4. =ninterruptile !o+er -upply 6=!-7 -ystem: ;hen a =!- system is required, the 8esi'ner of
$ecord shall utiliGe =2?- -ection 1@ #1 ##.00 10 and shall sumit the edited specification
section as a part of the desi'n sumittal for the project.
4. 4>> 'ertA S$stems% The 8esi'ner of $ecord shall utiliGe =2?- -ection 1@ #1 1@ or 1@ #5 "# for
the project specification, and shall sumit the edited specification section as a part of the desi'n
sumittal for the project.
Equi2ment and A22liances% !rovide appliances and equipment to fulfill the +or4 for !art #.
;henever possile, all appliances and equipment provided for the facilities in the contract shall
e y the same manufacturer and shall e the current model availale at the time of proposals.
8iscontinued ma4es and models are prohiited. (ll appliances and equipment shall comply +ith
applicale 5ner'y -tar efficiency ratin' requirements and shall e rated as hi'h efficiency
models. (ppliances and equipment on )alifornia projects shall comply +ith )alifornia Title 1"
and e rated as hi'h efficiency. (ll appliances shall e of the same manufacturer and shall e
the same, or similar in color. -umit catalo' information for approval y the )ontractin' &fficer
prior to purchasin', delivery and installation of the appliances at the jo site. 5quipment and
appliances such as dish+ashers, ice machines +ith drains, 'ara'e disposers, and ovens/ran'es
are not considered 22T5.
8indo/ #reatments% =nless other+ise specified in !art # +indo+ treatments shall e as
follo+s: BoriGontal linds shall e aluminum, +ashale, cleanale, installed in all +indo+s except
for athroom, 4itchen, and utility +indo+s. BoriGontal linds shall e installed at all slidin' 'lass
doors. (ll linds shall e scre+ed or securely anchored to +ood ac4in' and shall e inside
mounted except at slidin' 'lass door. -umit catalo' information for approval y the )ontractin'
&fficer. %linds shall have 1.inch aluminum slats, mounted +ithin +indo+ openin'. %linds shall
have separate tilt and hei'ht controls, metal truc4, head channels, +and, and valance. -olar
shades shall e +oven polyester/resin coated fier'lass or polyester faric +ith fade resistance
and dimensional stailityP +ith clutch or motoriGed roller operation. $oller shades shall e
scre+ed or securely anchored to +ood ac4in' and shall e inside mounted except at slidin'
'lass door. -umit catalo' information for approval y the )ontractin' &fficer. %linds shall have
prefinished steel or aluminum roller housin' and valance. ;indo+ treatments are not considered
1. )urnis.ings, )i9tures and Equi2ment ?))FE@% 22T5 shall include furniture, shop equipment,
audiovisual equipment 6excludin' motoriGed screens7, and specialty equipment. ;eapon rac4s,
dryin' ca'es, motoriGed projection screens and loc4ers are not considered 22T5. 22T5 shall e
fully inte'rated +ith the uildin' system.
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e #1 of "#
8esi'n and provide 22T5 for all areas as developed durin' client pro'rammin'. 8esi'n an
22T5 pac4a'e and prepare supportin' plans and procurement data in accordance +ith the
?eneral 3nterior 8esi'n $equirements =2) #.110.10.
The contractor shall have an ,)38S certified 3nterior desi'ner not affiliated +ith any furniture
dealership prepare oth the -38 and 22T5 pac4a'e and participate in desi'n charettes to
develop the uildin' floorplan. The desi'ner must have previous experience in project types
similar to this contract. (s required, the contractor shall otain services of equipment specialists
to specify the audiovisual, shop, or specialty equipment. 5quipment specialists shall not have any
affiliation +ith the product specified.
The contractor*s 3nterior 8esi'ner shall e responsile for specifyin' product and installation for
all 22T5 for the desi'nated facilities uilt under this contract, usin' ,(:-=! %lan4et !urchase
('reements, ?-( federal supply schedules or other 'overnment supply sources and complyin'
+ith priorities found in 2($ !art C."0".
(ll fixed and movale furnishin's selections shall e coordinated +ith -ections )10, /3nterior
)onstruction0 and )#0, /3nterior 2inishes.0 The 22T5 shall e fully inte'rated +ith the uildin'
systems as +ell as the desi'n and construction schedule.
(s an option to the contract/tas4 order, the contractor shall e authoriGed to procure all 22T5 +ith
separate fundin'.
tttt. ))FE Pac3age% !rovide the 22T5 loose furnishin's pac4a'e from ?overnment supply
sources schedules accordin' to 2ederal (cquisition $e'ulations, to include ut not limited to,
systems and modular furniture, trainin' and conference furniture, seatin', tales, art+or4,
+indo+ coverin', specialty furniture and equipment, and accessories. ,(:-=! %lan4et
!urchase ('reements 6%!(7 must e used +henever possile.
The ?overnment +ill provide separate fundin' for procurement of the 22T5 pac4a'e. =pon
receipt of required fundin', the )ontractor shall e authoriGed y the )ontractin' &fficer as
an option to contract/tas4 order to procure all 22T5 usin' predominately ne'otiated price
schedules from ?-( or other 2ederal contracts. The amount of the modification +ill e the
actual cost of these items from the 2ederal price schedules or ,(:-=! %!(s, includin' any
frei'ht and installation char'es from the furniture supplier as +ell as the contractor*s 22T5
Bandlin' and (dministration $ate 6B($7. The B($ includes all of the prime contractor*s
effort related to stora'e, coordination, handlin', administration of sucontractors, and all
other associated costs and profit for the procurement of 22T5. The prime contractor +ill
propose in the contract/tas4 order solicitation the 22T5 B($. The contractor*s proposed
B($ may not exceed 5U of the total 22T5 costs, as noted on the id schedule. ,o other
char'es, expenses, fees, or other mar4ups +ill e authoriGed.
;hen the 22T5 pac4a'e is complete and accepted y the ?overnment, the procurement
option +ill e a+arded ased on the specific line items in the final pac4a'e. The
?overnment*s 3nterior 8esi'ner +ill approve the final 22T5 sumittal. The 22T5 pac4a'e +ill
e presented to the !roject Mana'er and they +ill expect the )ontractor to procure the 22T5
exactly as specified and approved y the 'overnment 3nterior 8esi'ner.
T+o copies of all orderin' documentation shall e provided to the )ontractin' &fficer
includin' purchase orders and +arranty information. The )ontractor shall ta4e maximum
advanta'e of all exemptions from -tate and 9ocal taxation authorities +hether availale to it
directly or availale to the contractor ased on an exemption afforded the ?overnment. The
responsiility for payin' applicale taxes rests +ith the contractor. (ny state and local taxes
applicale to the 22T5 option +ill e included +ith the 22T5 8ealer quote, if applicale..
=nder re'ulation 1511, )onstruction )ontractors performin' +or4 for the =- ?overnment are
not required to char'e the ?overnment sales tax for the purchase of furniture. (ny items
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e #1 of "#
purchased as uildin' materials such as carpet are taxale. 22T5 items are suject to the
%uy (merican (ct. The contractor shall not e required to secure any additional ond for the
a+ard of the 22T5 option item. (ny performance and payments onds required for the 22T5
option +ill e included in the prim contractor*s 22T5 B($.
uuuu. Procurement and "nstallation% =pon completion and ?overnment acceptance
of the desi'n, usin' the %est :alue 8etermination 6%:87 method in association +ith the
?overnment*s 3nterior 8esi'n $epresentative, the ?overnment +ill a+ard the 22T5
procurement option for the )ontractor to purchase the 22T5 pac4a'e. The ?overnment*s
3nterior 8esi'ner shall provide a certification to the )ontractin' &fficer that the process +as
completed. The 8esi'n.%uild )ontractor +ill receive a letter of authoriGation from the
)ontractin' &fficer citin' the name of the furniture dealer and other information to use +hen
accessin' the ?overnment supply sources. The 22T5 pac4a'e includes the installation of all
furniture and furnishin's as specified in the 22T5 pac4a'e. The installation dealer specified
in the 22T5 pac4a'e +ill receive, store, if required, transport to the project site, off load,
inside deliver, unpac4, assemle, place/install, clean, if required, and dispose of all the trash
for all furniture and furnishin's. The )ontractor*s 3nterior 8esi'ner +ill e responsile for
specifyin' installation services and +arehousin', as required, for all collateral equipment. 3t is
the )ontractor*s responsiility to coordinate the uildin' completion, occupancy, and furniture
installation dates +ith the installation dealer specified in the 22T5 pac4a'e. (ny costs
associated +ith storin' or delayin' furniture shipments is the responsiility of the
)onstruction )ontractor. 8avis %acon +a'es do not apply to the 22T5 installer accessed
throu'h ?overnment supply sources. The )ontractor should anticipate providin' a deposit of
et+een #0U and 50U of the furniture costs +hen placin' their order.
(ll movale furnishin's shall e installed in accordance +ith the manufacturer*s instructions
and +arranty requirements. (ll movale furnishin's shall e level and ali'ned and all doors,
dra+ers and accessories shall e level and ali'ned to open, close and other+ise operate
smoothly and securely. (ll systems furniture shall e installed y the systems furniture
manufacturer*s dealer of record and not y the ?eneral )ontractor.
vvvv. )urnis.ings 0or S2ecial )unctions% )ontractor shall coordinate shop
equipment, audiovisual equipment, and specialty equipment, +ith the uildin' systems.
!rovide the desi'n and installation in accordance +ith the =2) #.100.10, rc$itecture and =2)
#.#00.10,, Structural Engineering)
++++. &esign Requirements - The metal uildin' manufacturer shall have (3-) 2)8,
cate'ory M% certification. The Metal %uildin' -ystem desi'n shall e in accordance +ith the
Metal %uildin' Manufacturers (ssociation 6M%M(7 "etal Building Systems "anual. (ll
structural desi'n shall comply +ith the provisions of -ection %10, /-uperstructures0, aove.
xxxx. Additional Roo0 &esign Requirements - $oof 8ec4in' D 3n addition to any
other load requirements, roof dec4in' shall e desi'ned to support a >1 4' 6100.pound7
concentrated load at mid.span on a #00 mm 611.inch7 +ide section of dec4.
yyyy. &e0lection G the maximum deflection for D
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e ## of "#
17 -tructural Memers . main framin' memers shall e 9/1"0.
17 !urlins and $oof !anels: The deflection due to live, sno+, or +ind shall not exceed
#7 2or uildin's +ith masonry infill, limit frame s+ay to 9/@00th of uildin' eave hei'ht.
"7 ;all !anels . Maximum deflection of +all panels due to +ind loads shall e 9/110th of
their respective spans except that +hen interior finishes are used the maximum allo+ale
deflection shall e limited to 9/1C0th of their respective spans.
GGGG. 8all and Roo0 materials G
17 (lum/Rinc.)oated -teel -heet: (-TM (A>1/ (A>1M, (R 55.
17 (luminum -heet: (lloy #00" (lclad conformin' to (-TM %10>.
#7 2ramin' and -tructural Memers D -teel . (-TM (>>1 / (>>1M, (-TM (51>/ (51>M,
(-TM (5A1/ (5A1M, or (-TM (5CC/ (5CCM.
"7 2ramin' and -tructural Memers, (luminum: (-TM %111 or (-TM )#0C
aaaaa. Structural #uCe% (-TM (500 or (-TM %111.
. )asteners . -hall e compatile +ith the materials they are fastenin' to, e
'as4eted +hen exposed to +eather to prevent lea4s, and shall provide oth shear and tensile
stren'ths not less than #,##@ , 6A50 pounds7 per fastener. The main fastenin' system shall
use concealed fasteners, ho+ever, +hen exposed fasteners are needed, color fasteners shall
e color coated to match +all/roof panels.
ccccc. Lig.t #ransmitting Roo0 Panels ?Non-"nsulated@% (-TM 8#C"1, Type 33, ?rade
ddddd. "nsulation: %lan4et.type fier'lass insulation +ith a factory applied facin' on one
side and havin' a permeance ratin' of 0.05 or less in accordance +ith (-TM 5>@. 2lame
-pread $atin' A5 or less, and a -mo4e 8eveloped $atin' of 150 or less +hen tested in
accordance +ith (-TM 5C".
eeeee. Panel )inis. - 2actory )olor 2inish . !rovide factory applied a4ed coatin's to
the exterior and interior of metal +all panels and metal accessories. !rovide exterior primer
standard +ith panel manufacturer ut not less than 0.C mil dry film thic4ness 682T7. !rovide
!:82 exterior finish top coat of A0 percent inor'anic pi'ments +ith 0.C mil 82T. !rovide
factory.applied clear finish over the color topcoat and ed'e coatin' for projects +ithin >1
meters of a +ater shoreline or industrial environments. 2ield apply A0 percent !:82 clear
coat to unfinished panel ed'es or field cut panels. 3nterior finish exposed to sun or rain shall
e the same coatin' and 82T as the exterior coatin'. 3nterior finish protected from sun or
rain exposure shall receive 1.0 mil 82T coatin' of siliconiGed polyester 6-M!7 resin coatin'
+ith or'anic or lended pi'ments and manufacturer*s standard primer.
3n 'eneral terms, demolition +or4 shall include the removal and effective mana'ement and
disposition of existin' construction and or structures. )ontractor shall ta4e care to prevent
dama'e to existin' utilities and construction that are not scheduled for demolition. 3f dama'e
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e #" of "#
occurs, the )ontractor shall ma4e repairs to the satisfaction of the )ontractin' &fficer and at no
cost to the ?overnment. )omply +ith local (ctivity and 3nstallation local requirements re'ardin'
demolition and removal. =nless other+ise specified in !art #, all demolished materials and
equipment must e removed from 'overnment property in accordance +ith applicale la+s and
re'ulations, includin' local (ctivity or 3nstallation re'ulations. -ellin' of demolished or salva'ed
materials and equipment on 'overnment properties is prohiited.
&emolition Plan and En=ironmental Protection Plan: ,o demolition +or4 shall ta4e place until
a 8emolition !lan, 5nvironmental !rotection !lan, -afety !lan 6includin' (ctivity BaGard
(nalysis7, (sestos (atement !lan, and a 9ead (atement !lan have een sumitted to, and
approved y, the )ontractin' &fficer. The !lans shall ta4e into consideration, and indicate
method of removal, disposition, and aatement of environmentally haGardous materials.
8emolition, disposition, and aatement of haGardous materials must comply +ith all applicale
9ocal, -tate, and 2ederal re'ulations and la+s. 3f destructive investi'ation is to occur, the
)ontractin' &fficer shall approve a 8estructive 3nvesti'ation !lan.

;hen haGardous materials such as asestos, lead paint, !)% and other haGardous materials are
involved in the performance of the +or4, the contractor shall aate, remove and mana'e the
haGardous materials in construction and finish materials such as insulation, floorin', +all
materials, ceilin' materials, roofin' materials, heatin', plumin', ventilation, air conditionin'
equipment and installations in accordance +ith ,ational as +ell as local 5nvironmental !rotection
9a+s and $e'ulations.
1. AsCestos in &o& Sc.ools% 2or projects that require removal or disturance of asestos
containin' materials +ithin 8o8 schools, perform +or4 in accordance +ith the edited =2?- 01 C1
1".00 10, s(estos *a+ard Control cti,ities.
*. AsCestos Materials% (sestos shall e removed, transported and mana'ed in accordance +ith
the follo+in' re'ulations: 1> )2$ 1>1@.1101, and "0 )2$ @1.-upart M.
)ate'ory 3 T 33 ,onfriale: 8emolition of )ate'ory 3 T 33 nonfriale asestos containin' materials
6approved to e left in place durin' uildin' demolition7 shall e performed in accordance +ith "0
)2$ @1 D -upart M.
44. Lead +ased Paint in C.ild (ccu2ied )acilities% 2or projects that require removal or
disturance of painted surfaces +ithin a child occupied facility, perform +or4 in accordance +ith
the edited =2?- 01 C# 1>.00 10, Lead Based Paint *a+ard (atement% -arget *ousing and
C$ild 'ccupied .acilities)
45. Paint Containing Lead, Cadmium and C.romium% ;or4 +hich requires the disturance of
paint that have een determined to contain all or any of the follo+in': lead, cadmium and
chromium must e performed in accordance +ith: 1> )2$ 1>1@.@1, 1> )2$ 1>1@.111@ and 1>
)2$ 1>1@.111A.
46. Mercur$ F LLR Com2onents% ;or4 +hich requires removal of mercury and 99$ components
shall e performed in accordance +ith: 1> )2$ 1>10.1000, 10 )2$ 10, and "0 )2$ 1A#.
47. PC+s% ;or4 +hich requires removal of !)% containin' components or materials shall e
performed in accordance +ith 1> )2$ 1>10.1000, "0 )2$ A@1, and "0 )2$ 1A#.
4:. 'aAardous Materials Re2orting%
fffff. &ail$ Re2ort: ,otify the )ontractin' &fficer of +or4 involvin' haGardous materials
aatement and removal, includin' the quantities involved, on daily reports.
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e #5 of "#
'''''. 'aAardous Material "n=entor$ Re2ort: The )ontractor shall provide a list of all
haGardous materials used on the site.
1. General Requirements: Building site work includes site preparation, site improvements,
site civil/mechanical utilities, site electrical utilities, exterior furnishings, landscaping, and
irrigation. Provide site work in accordance with =2) #.100.10,, Ci,il Engineering, +hich
accommodates re'ional requirements 6see para'raph 1.@7.
*. Project Limitations% !rior to the start of desi'n, the contractor shall determine the exact limit.of.
+or4 line for the project periphery, considerin' items such as, ut not limited to, utility +or4,
landscape re.ve'etation of distured areas, and lay do+n areas. The )ivil 5n'ineer and
9andscape (rchitect of $ecord shall determine limit.of.+or4 lines. MinimiGe the impact of
construction activity on operations and nei'horin' facilities.
,. Geotec.nical &ata% ( 'eotechnical en'ineer shall conduct the susurface exploration,
investi'ation/evaluation, testin', and analysis that the 8esi'ner of $ecord deems necessary for
the desi'n and construction of the proposed facilities, includin' uildin' pad, structure, pavement
sections, repairs, overlays, storm+ater mana'ement facilities, utility structure foundations, septic
systems, and other features requirin' soil support.
1. E9isting !tilities% ;hen the )ontractor is to +or4 at a site that has existin' utilities, the
contractor is responsile for coordination +ith )ontractin' &fficer and utility companies for sta4in'
out, cappin', connection and relocation of any existin' utility systems or traffic interruption. ,otify
utility locator service for area +here !roject is located efore site clearin'.
*. "nterru2tion% (ll interruption to the existin' utilities and traffic shall e coordinated +ith and
approved y the )ontractin' &fficer not less than 1" calendar days in advance of such
(andon utility systems in.place conformin' to applicale codes and re'ulations, removin' their
presence from the 'round surface and clearly indicatin' that they have een aandoned.
$emove utilities underneath or +ithin #.0 m 610 feet7 of any ne+ facilities. 2ill aandoned 'ravity
systems +ith flo+ale fill. 2ill aandoned utility system pipin' under pavements suject to
potential vehicle loadin' +ith flo+ale fill.
$emove existin' utility structures to >00 mm 6# feet7 elo+ existin' or ne+ adjacent 'rade,
+hichever is 'reater. %rea4 up ases to permit draina'e. 2ill +ith clean sand.
)omply +ith the requirements of the utility provider concernin' utility relocation.
The 8&$ shall utiliGe =2?- -ection #1 1# 00.00 10 for the project specification and shall sumit
the edited section as a part of the desi'n sumittal. !erform quality assurance for earth+or4 in
accordance +ith =2?- -ection #1 1# 00.00 10. 3f sheetin'/shorin' or de+aterin' is required, the
)ontractor shall provide a re'istered !rofessional 5n'ineer to provide excavation, sheetin',
shorin', and de+aterin' plans and inspection of excavations and soil/'round+ater conditions
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e #@ of "#
throu'hout construction. The 5n'ineer shall e responsile for performin' pre.construction and
periodic site visits throu'hout construction to assess site conditions. The 5n'ineer, +ith the
concurrence of the contractor and the )ontractin' &fficer, shall update the excavation, sheetin',
shorin', and de+aterin' plans as construction pro'resses to reflect actual site conditions and
shall sumit the updated plan and a +ritten report 6+ith professional seal7 at least monthly
informin' the )ontractor and the )ontractin' &fficer of the status of the plan and an accountin' of
)ontractor adherence to the planP specifically addressin' any present or potential prolems. The
5n'ineer shall e availale to meet +ith the )ontractin' &fficer at any time throu'hout the
contract duration.
!rovide site improvements as required to ma4e a useale facility that meets functional and
operational requirements, incorporates all applicale anti.terrorism, force protection and physical
security requirements and lends into the existin' environment.
!rovide site improvements in conformance +ith applicale requirements of the =niform 2ederal
(ccessiility -tandards.
1. Pa=ements% 2or +or4 in and adjacent to existin' pavements, the )ontractor is required to match
the existin' adjacent finish elevation, materials, pavin' section and texture, unless other+ise
indicated in !art # or directed y the )ontractin' &fficer.
!rovide pavement desi'n and pavement section materials in accordance +ith =2) #.100.10,,
Ci,il Engineering.
5>. #ra00ic Control% 3f the site +or4 involves interference +ith normal vehicular and or pedestrian
traffic, the )ontractor shall coordinate +ith the authority havin' jurisdiction, propose and otain
approval for traffic control measures that may e required in performance of the +or4 required y
the contract.
51. Per0ormance 1eri0ication And Acce2tance #esting%
hhhhh. SuCgrade Pre2aration% 3f required y the 8esi'ner of $ecord, perform proof
rollin'. !roof rollin' shall e performed in the presence of the )ontractin' &fficer. $uttin' or
pumpin' of material shall e undercut as directed y the )ontractin' &fficer and replaced
+ith satisfactory soil materials as defined y the ?eotechnical 5n'ineer.
iiiii. +ase Course Per0ormance 1eri0ication% (t a minimum, )ontractor must perform visual
performance verification. -urface shall e smooth +ith no ruts, sloped or cro+ned to not
pond +ater.
jjjjj. +ituminous Concrete Pa=ement Per0ormance 1eri0ication% (t a minimum, )ontractor
must perform visual performance verification. 2inished surface shall e uniform in texture
and appearance, free of defects such as crac4s and creases, and e sloped or cro+ned so
as to not pond +ater.
44444. Portland Cement Concrete Pa=ement Per0ormance 1eri0ication: (t a
minimum, )ontractor must perform visual performance verification. 2inished surface shall e
uniform in texture and appearance, free of defects such as crac4s and spalls, and e sloped
or cro+ned so as to not pond +ater.
lllll. Concrete <oint Per0ormance 1eri0ication% Eoint sealer that fails to cure properly, or fails
to ond to joint +alls, or reverts to uncured state or fails in cohesion, or sho+s excessive air
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e #A of "#
voids, listers, or has surface defects, s+ells, or other deficiencies, or is not recessed +ithin
indicated tolerances shall e rejected. $emove rejected sealer, re.clean and reseal joints.
(ll site furnishin's shall e permanently attached to concrete pads. -ite furnishin's shall
conform to the %ase 5xterior (rchitecture !lan 6%5(!7 or 3nstallation (ppearance !lan 63(!7 for
each (ctivity. 3f no product 'uidance is 'iven, coordinate material, finish and color +ith
architecture 6fier'lass and aluminum are not acceptale7 and provide to the 'reatest extent
possile, materials +ith industrial recycled content, preferaly from re'ionally local
manufacturers. (t a minimum, provide a trash and ash receptacle at each entry and
'atherin'/smo4in' area.
1. Landsca2ing &esign% The desi'n of landscaped areas shall e in accordance +ith !residential
5xecutive &rder 1#1"C of (pril 1000 +ith a 'oal to reduce fertiliGers, pesticides, and +ater use.
(ll non.paved site areas inside the project limits distured y construction operations, after
meetin' plant quantity requirements, shall e covered +ith plant material or mulch. (ll projects
+ith plantin' 6except for seedin', spri''in' and or soddin'7 and or irri'ation areas shall utiliGe the
desi'n services of a 9andscape (rchitect licensed or certified in the -tate of the project.
*. E9isting Plant Material to Remain% 2ence at plant or tree drip lines, and maintain all plant
material to remain to 4eep plants healthy and thrivin' durin' construction operations. -hould any
plants die or are dama'ed durin' this period or durin' the 9andscape 5stalishment !eriod, the
)ontractor, at the direction of the )ontractin' &fficer, shall remove the existin' tree and stump
and replace +ith trees of the same 'enus and species equal to the total caliper of the existin'
tree. Minimum caliper of replacement trees shall e 100 mm 6" inch7. $eplace shrus +ith 1C.>
liter 65 'allon7 siGe container, 'round cover +ith flat containers planted at 100 mm 6C inches7 on
center, and turf +ith sod, all of the same 'enus and species.
,. Seeding, S2rigging, and Sodding% -elect a permanent seed mix. (pply seed at a time est
suited for 'ermination of the selected species. -eeded areas shall achieve a >5.percent
covera'e of the selected species and e +eed free at the end of the 5stalishment !eriod.
-odded areas shall achieve 100U covera'e and e +eed free.
4. !tilities% Trees shall not e placed +ithin 10 feet of any aove or elo+.'rade utility line or
4. Green 8aste Rec$cling% )ontact the !ulic ;or4s 8epartment for potential 'reen +aste
collection, mana'ement, and recyclin' y the ?overnment.
5*. Plant ualit$% (ll plants shall e in a healthy, disease and pest.free condition. (ll seed mixes,
sod and spri's shall e -tate )ertified. )ontractor shall provide native species appropriate for
the locality.
5,. Plant uantities% ;ithin project limits, provide for uildin' periphery, par4in' lot and perimeter
site plantin', not covered y uildin's or pavin', +ith a minimum of one tree and a minimum of C
shrus per C#.@ square meter 6>00 square feet7 of landscape area. !rovide a minimum tree siGe
of 100 mm 61" inch7 ox/50mm 61 inch7 caliper, or if +ithin an anti.terrorism Gone provide a
minimum siGe of >10 mm 6#@ inch7 ox/A@ mm 6# inch7 caliper. 2or shrus provide a minimum
siGe of 1>.liter 65 'allon7, for 'round cover provide a minimum siGe of #.C5.liter 61 'allon7
containers. 2or trees and shrus +ithin concrete or other non.permeale paved area, allo+ a
minimum non.paved area of 1.1 m y 1." m 6" feet y C feet per tree7.
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e #C of "#
54. Edging F Mulc.ing Materials% !rovide #/1@.inch thic4 y ".inch deep 'alvaniGed metal or @.
inch y @.inch )oncrete ed'in' dividin' all turf and shru areas and dividin' all planted and non.
planted inor'anic mulch areas. !lastic ed'in' is not allo+ed. Mulch all plant areas +ith a
minimum #.inch layer of mulch to match local area material.
54. 8eed Control )aCric% !rovide an ultra.violet.resistant +eed arrier faric of polypropylene or
polyester faric specifically desi'ned for +eed control purposes eneath all mulched non.planted
areas +ith a minimum +ei'ht of 0.11 4' per square meter 65 ounces per square yard7 +ith a
minimum thic4ness of 0.50mm 610 mils7 +ith a 10.year minimum 'uarantee.
55. "rrigation% 3f specified in !art #, all plantin' areas shall e automatically irri'ated +ith a
permanent, elo+.'rade system.
mmmmm. "rrigation &esign and #esting% !rovide 100 percent sprin4ler head covera'e.
!rovide pop.up heads in turf and +hen adjacent to turf, +al4s, roads, par4in' lots, and in
sparsely planted landscape areas +here pedestrians may circulate. !rovide pop.up heads
project.+ide on hi'h.traffic sites such as, ut not limited to, dinin', housin', entertainment,
daycare, education and recreation facilities. :erify adequate +ater pressure for irri'ation
purposes and provide ooster pumps and or pressure re'ulation as required. !rovide
minimum 11.inch cover over !:) irri'ation pipe. 1# mm 61/1 inch7 pipe is not allo+ed. The
9andscape )ontractor shall test the entire system in the presence of the )ontractin' &fficer
6and for projects 'reater than 5,000 square feet, the 9andscape (rchitect of $ecord shall
attend,7 to ensure proper performance. (ll irri'ation components shall e commercial or
institutional quality. !rovide rain shut.off device and +aterti'ht splices. -prin4ler heads,
odies and noGGles shall e of the same manufacturer.
nnnnn. "rrigation (2eration and Control% (ssure systems +ill automatically operate on
an /irri'ation +indo+0 et+een 11#0.05#0. !rovide compatile and fully functional control if a
central control system exists on ase. &ther+ise, provide evaporo.transpiration measurin'
control +ith flo+ meter and master valve +ith controller capale of indicatin' visile or
auditory notification, such as a lin4in' li'ht or eepin' sound, of system shut.off.
ooooo. "rrigation Controller C.arts% !rovide one chart for each ne+ controller or
existin' re.sequenced controller. The chart shall e an actual plan reduced to fit inside
maximum dimensions of the controller housin'. =se lac4 line print for chart and a different
color to indicate each station area of covera'e. (fter chart is completed and approved for
final acceptance, seal chart et+een t+o 0.5 mm 610 mil7 pieces of clear plastic. The chart
shall e affixed to the inside of the controller cainet door usin' approved mastic or fastenin'
ppppp. "rrigation Honing% !rovide separate control valves for differin' solar exposures,
for areas +ith differin' irri'ation head types or differin' precipitation rates, and top and
ottom of slopes. !rovide a separate irri'ation ac4flo+ prevention device and +ater meter.
Turf and shrus/'roundcover are not allo+ed on the same valve. !rovide separate concrete
valve ox +ith cast iron lid and valve 38 for each valve and +ire splice. !rovide quic4
couplin' valves at #0m 6100 feet7 on center. !rovide in.head chec4 valves for sloped areas
+ith 150 mm 60.5 feet7 or more in elevation chan'e.
qqqqq. #em2orar$ "rrigation% !rovide ultra.violet resistant pipe and fittin's for aove.
'rade, temporary irri'ation. &nly non.pressure pipe is allo+ed aove 'rade. 3rri'ation
systems intended to remain in place lon'er than one year shall e installed elo+ 'rade.
rrrrr. Non-PotaCle "rrigation% !rovide lavender.colored pipe, sprin4ler head and
quic4 coupler caps, valve ta's, si'na'e, and associated filtration equipment.
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e #> of "#
56. Landsca2e and "rrigation EstaClis.ment Period and Guarantee% !rovide the follo+in'
landscape and irri'ation estalishment period for landscaped areas +ithin the limits of +or4 and
areas distured y construction:
#@5 days: Trees, -hrus, ?round )over, :ines, and &rnamental ?rasses.
110 days: Turf (reas 6(ctive 'ro+in' season7.
The 9andscape (rchitect.of.$ecord shall, alon' +ith the )ontractin' &fficer, attend, approve and
document the start of the 5stalishment !eriod and document quarterly and final inspections.
8urin' this period, the )ontractor shall perform tas4s +hich shall include, ut not e limited to,
+aterin', +eedin', eradicatin' pests, adjust irri'ation and replenish mulch to assure all plant
material is in a healthy and thrivin' condition or the )ontractor shall replace plant material at his
o+n expense. (ll trees, shrus, and 'round covers that die or have 10 percent or more of their
cro+ns that die durin' plantin' operations or the 'uarantee period shall e replaced +ith healthy
plants of the same species or variety. %roadcast seeded or hydro.seeded areas that do not
achieve the >5.percent covera'e of the selected species y the end of the 5stalishment !eriod
shall e reseeded y the same method and e maintained an additional 110 days to assure
covera'e. -odded turf areas should e 100U at the end of the 'uarantee period. Turf shall e
maintained in a manner that promotes proper health, 'ro+th, rich natural 'reen color, and a neat,
uniform, manicured appearance. Mo+ +ee4ly durin' the 'ro+in' season and remove excess
8evelop the site to provide +ater, fire protection, sanitary se+er, storm draina'e, heatin', coolin'
and fuel distriution services that meet the requirements of each utility provider and each
applicale re'ulatory a'ency that 'overns and issues permits for the construction and operation
of these systems.
)oordinate +ith the local utility providers and pay any fees or char'es required to connect to their
!rovide all required fittin's, connections and accessories required for a complete and usale
system. (ll equipment shall e installed per the criteria indicated in this $2! and the
manufacturer*s recommendations. ;here the +ord /should0 is used in the manufacturer*s
recommendations, sustitute the +ord /shall0.
1. 8ater S$stem &esign and Construction% !rovide the ne+ +ater system and connections to the
existin' +ater system in accordance +ith =2) #.100.10,, Ci,il Engineering /paragrap$ 0123P the
utility provider*s requirementsP or the state +ater+or4s* re'ulationsP +hichever is more strin'ent.
*. Noti0ications% ,otify the utility provider of the additional demand 'enerated y the proposed
facility. !rovide a copy of all correspondence +ith the utility provider to the ?overnment*s
)ivil/Mechanical $evie+er.
,. Per0ormance 1eri0ication And Acce2tance #esting% !rovide testin' on +ater mains and
service lines in accordance +ith the state +ater+or4s* re'ulations and the follo+in':
a. 8uctile iron and other materials: (;;( )@00.
. !:): (;;( )@05.
+hichever is more strin'ent. 8o not e'in testin' on any section of a pipeline +here concrete
thrust loc4s have een provided until at least 5 days after placin' of the concrete.
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e "0 of "#
1. Sanitar$ S$stem &esign and Construction% !rovide the ne+ sanitary se+er system and
connections to the existin' sanitary se+er collection system in accordance +ith =2) #.100.10,,
Ci,il Engineering /paragrap$s 014 and 0153P the utility provider*s requirementsP or the state
se+era'e re'ulationsP +hichever is more strin'ent.
*. Noti0ications% ,otify the utility provider of the additional +aste+ater flo+ 'enerated y the
proposed facility. !rovide a copy of all correspondence +ith the utility provider to the
?overnment )ivil $evie+er.
,. 8aste/ater Pum2 Station% ;here required, provide a duplex, 'rinder pump station in
accordance +ith the utility provider*s requirements. !rovide pump station +et +ell of fier'lass
construction. !rovide adjacent valve vault of precast concrete construction.
!rovide automatic control to start and stop the pump system. !rovide automatic level control y
floats in accordance +ith the preferences of the system o+ner to fill and prevent overflo+ of the
+et +ell. !rovide an emer'ency pump connection.
!rovide a telephone dialer in the control panel capale of acceptin' up to C telephone numers.
(t the control panel provide an alarm horn and li'ht +ith attery ac4up. (larms shall include
hi'h liquid +et +ell levelP loss of main po+erP no flo+ as sensed y current sensorP and pump
failure via overload or motor heat sensor trip. !rovide seal failure indicator li'hts and elapsed
time meters.
!rovide electrical connections for a portale emer'ency 'enerator hoo4.up siGed to start up and
maintain the total rated runnin' capacity of the station, includin' the pumps, controls, li'htin', and
other auxiliary equipment.
57. Per0ormance 1eri0ication And Acce2tance #esting%
sssss. -anitary -e+er 8istriution -ystem !erformance :erification: !rovide testin' on
se+er mains and laterals in accordance +ith the state se+era'e re'ulations. (t a minimum,
perform the follo+in':
17 :isual Test: )hec4 each strai'ht run of pipeline for 'ross deficiencies y holdin' a li'ht
in a manholeP it shall sho+ a full circle of li'ht throu'h the pipeline +hen vie+ed from the
adjoinin' end of line.
17 9ea4a'e Tests: Test lines for lea4a'e y either infiltration tests or exfiltration tests, or y
lo+.pressure air tests in accordance +ith the follo+in':
d7 5xfiltration Tests: (-TM ) >@>M 6(-TM ) >@>7 and perform calculations in
accordance +ith its (ppendix.
e7 9o+.pressure (ir Tests: !ipelines: (-TM ) >1"M 6(-TM ) >1"7 and perform
calculations in accordance +ith its (ppendix. !:) plastic pipelines: =%!!( =,3.%.
@ and perform calculations in accordance +ith its (ppendix.
#7 )ross )onnection Tests: )ross connection tests shall e oserved y the )ontractin'
&fficer and the utility providerFs inspector.
a7 !erform a tracer study from the project se+er connection to the first manhole
do+nstream on the active se+er system. =se a nontoxic, non.stainin' se+er tracin'
dye. Testin' shall continue until the dye visually confirms the desi'n connection is
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e "1 of "#
appropriate. 8urin' the test, the contractor shall monitor the storm draina'e system
6structures and outfalls7 do+nstream from the project for any si'n of cross
7 !erform a smo4e test on the project se+er to verify that project storm draina'e inlets
or drains have not een connected to the sanitary se+er.
ttttt. -anitary -e+er Manholes :erification Testin': !rovide testin' on sanitary se+er
manholes in accordance +ith the state se+era'e re'ulations. (t minimum, perform hydraulic
testin' in accordance +ith (-TM ) >@>M 6(-TM ) >@>7.
uuuuu. ;aste+ater !ump -tation :erification Testin': Test the +aste+ater pump
station in accordance +ith the state se+era'e re'ulations. )onduct testin' on dischar'e
pipin' and force main in accordance +ith tests for +ater distriution mainsP see ?#0,
para'raph 1.#.1. Test pumps, controls, and alarms, in operation, under desi'n conditions to
ensure proper operation of all equipment.
1. Storm S$stem &esign and Construction% !rovide the ne+ storm se+er system and
connections to the existin' storm se+er system in accordance +ith =2) #.100.10,, Ci,il
Engineering /paragrap$ 0103P the utility provider*s requirementsP or the state storm+ater
mana'ement la+s and re'ulationsP +hichever is more strin'ent.
The )ontractor shall ma4e necessary adjustments to the draina'e desi'n in order to avoid
disruption to existin' utilities and to protect existin' trees to remain.
)onfirm that the existin' receivin' system has adequate capacity to receive the additional
storm+ater flo+ 'enerated y the project.
5:. Storm Se/er S$stem Per0ormance 1eri0ication% (t a minimum, )ontractor shall perform visual
testin'. )hec4 each strai'ht run of pipeline for deficiencies y holdin' a li'ht in a manholeP it
shall sho+ a full circle of li'ht throu'h the pipeline +hen vie+ed from the adjoinin' end of line.
Gas &istriCution S$stem: $efer to -ection 810 for requirements.
1. Electrical !tilities &esign and Construction% -ite electrical utilities include all exterior
electrical +or4, includin' the connection to the primary distriution system. This also includes
telephone and cale television supplies.
!rovide electrical overhead and under'round, distriution systems in accordance +ith 3555 )1
6,ational 5lectrical -afety )ode7, ,2!( A0, local utilities company requirements, and local
(ctivity 'uidelines.
6>. Coordination 8it. Local !tilities Com2an$ and Local Acti=it$% -ervice meters for electrical
services shall e provided and installed in conformance +ith the local utilities company
requirements and local activity 'uidelines.
61. SuCstations% ;hen secondary unit sustations are required, the 8esi'ner of $ecord shall utiliGe
=2?- -ection 1@ 11 1#, Secondary 6nit Su(station, and =2?- -ection 1@ 1# 00, Switc$(oards
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e "1 of "#
and Switc$gear, for the project specification, and shall sumit the edited specification section as a
part of the desi'n sumittal for the project.
6*. #rans0ormers% ;hen transformers are required, the 8esi'ner of $ecord shall utiliGe =2?-
-ection 1@ 11 1>.10, -$ree1P$ase Pad "ounted -ransformers, =2?- -ection 1@ 11 1>.10,
Single1P$ase Pad "ounted -ransformers, or =2?- -ection ## A1 01.00 10, ',er$ead
-ransmission and Distri(ution, for the project specification, and shall sumit the edited
specification section as a part of the desi'n sumittal for the project.
6,. S/itc.es, Controls and &e=ices% ;hen s+itches or control devices are required, the 8esi'ner
of $ecord shall utiliGe =2?- -ection 1@ 1# 00.00 10, -2@ &nsulated Pad "ounted Switc$gear, or
=2?- -ection ## A1 01.00 10, ',er$ead -ransmission and Distri(ution, for the project
specification, and shall sumit the edited specification section as a part of the desi'n sumittal for
the project.
1. #ele2.one &istriCution S$stem% !rovide all telephone distriution systems in accordance +ith
53(/T3( -tandards, ,2!( A0, and the co'niGant telephone company requirements.
*. CaCle #ele=ision S$stem% !rovide all cale television systems in accordance +ith ,2!( A0,
and the co'niGant cale television company requirements and %3)-3 recommendations.
[[ 5nd of !art " [[
-mall !roject !art " . !a'e "# of "#

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