ADC 2001 Prilims Part 2
ADC 2001 Prilims Part 2
ADC 2001 Prilims Part 2
1. Precipitation of salivary calcium salts to form 5. The predominant cells in the inflammatory
calculus is exudate of an acute periodontal abscess are
4. The location and extent of sub-gingival 8. Regarding dental caries, which of the
calculus is most accurately determined following is correct?
clinically by
A. All carbohydrates are equally
A. radiopaque solution used in cariogenic.
conjunction with radiographs. B. More frequent consumption of
B. disclosing solution. carbohydrates increases the risk.
C. probing with a fine instrument. C. The rate of carbohydrate clearance
D. visual inspection. from the oral cavity is not significant.
D. Increased dietary fat increases the
9. Abrasion is most commonly seen on the 13. An increase of immunoglobulins is consistent
with increased numbers of
A. lingual surface of posterior teeth.
B. occlusal surface of posterior teeth. A. fibroblasts.
C. incisal edges. B. neutrophils.
D. facial surfaces of teeth. C. lymphocytes.
D. plasma cells.
A. cyst formation.
12. Dental caries is associated with B. abscess formation.
C. epithelial hyperplasia.
1. certain strains of streptococci. D. increased calculus formation.
2. certain strains of staphylococci.
3. certain strains of lactobacilli.
4. gram negative rods and certain
anaerobic bacteria. 17. The instrument best suited for root planing is
A. (1) (2) (3)
B. (1) and (3) A. hoe.
C. (2) and (4) B. file.
D. (4) only C. curette.
E. All of the above. D. sickle scaler.
E. ultrasonic scaler.
18. The higher modulus of elasticity of a 22. The majority of nitrous oxide is eliminated
chromium-cobalt-nickel alloy, compared to a from a patient's circulatory system through the
Type IV gold alloy, means that chromium-
cobalt-nickel partial denture clasp will require A. lungs.
B. kidneys.
A. a heavier cross section for a clasp C. liver enzymes.
arm. D. plasma enzymes.
B. a shorter retentive arm. E. intestinal gas.
C. more taper.
D. a shallower undercut.
19. During the setting phase, a dental stone A. increasing the action of histaminase.
mixture will exhibit B. altering the formation of histamine.
C. blocking the actions of histamine by
A. expansion. competitive inhibition.
B. contraction. D. interfering with the degradation of
C. loss in compressive strength. histamine.
D. gain in moisture content.
41. The location of a crown margin is determined 45. A lowering of serum calcium is the stimulus
by for the endogenous release of
A. Frequent ingestion of
42. Which of the following muscles has two B. Frequent ingestion of high sucrose-
separate functions in mandibular movement? containing foods.
C. Severe enamel hypoplasia.
A. Masseter. D. Deficiency of vitamin D.
B. Geniohyoid.
C. External (lateral) pterygoid.
D. Buccinator.
47. Which of the following penicillins is LEAST
resistant to the level of acidity found in the
43. The inorganic ion that is implicated in
primary hypertension is A. Benzylpenicillin (penicillin G).
B. Phenoxymethylpenicillin (penicillin
A. sodium. V).
B. fluoride. C. Amoxicillin.
C. potassium. D. Ampicillin.
D. magnesium.
48. In congestive heart failure, a glycoside that 52. Vestibuloplasty is a preprosthetic surgical
increases the force of myocardial contraction procedure used to
A. facilitate reliable impression making.
A. digitoxin. B. provide adequate posterior inter-arch
B. quinidine. space.
C. amyl nitrite. C. allow placement of teeth over the
D. procainamide hydrochloride. residual ridge.
D. increase the supporting surface area
A. Internal resorption.
B. Reversible pulpitis.
C. Acute suppurative pulpitis.
D. Chronic hyperplastic pulpitis.
E. Diffuse calcification of the pulp.
55. Which of the following is/are characterized by 58. A 60-year old patient requests the
an obliteration of pulp chambers and root replacement of tooth 4.6, which was extracted
canals? many years ago. Tooth 1.6 has extruded
1.8mm into the space of the missing tooth.
1. Ageing. The three unit fixed bridge replacing the
2. Chronic trauma. mandibular first molar should be fabricated
3. Dentinal dysplasia.
4. Taurodontism. A. to the existing occlusion.
B. after extracting tooth 1.6 and
A. (1) (2) (3) replacing it with a fixed partial
B. (1) and (3) denture.
C. (2) and (4) C. after restoring tooth 1.6 to a more
D. (4) only normal plane of occlusion.
E. All of the above. D. after devitalizing and preparing tooth
1.6 for a cast crown.
A. Bleeding time.
B. Clotting time.
C. Prothrombin time.
D. Coagulation time.
68. Normal sulcular epithelium in man is 71. A patient who has until recently been on
prolonged corticosteroid therapy may have
1. non-keratinized.
2. squamous. A. increased bleeding time.
3. stratified. B. hyposensitivity to pain.
4. non-permeable. C. decreased tolerance to physiological
A. (1) (2) (3) D. an increased metabolic rate.
B. (1) and (3) E. high level of plasmatic cortisol.
C. (2) and (4)
D. (4) only
E. All of the above.
72. The treatment for an 11-year old who has
intermittent swelling and pain associated with
a central incisor which was traumatized
69. A large carious exposure occurs on a 6 months ago should be
permanent first molar of a 7-year old. There is
no periapical involvement and the tooth is A. pulpotomy.
vital. The treatment should be to B. pulpectomy.
C. extraction.
A. cap the exposure with calcium D. observation.
hydroxide and place zinc-oxide and
B. perform a pulpotomy and place
calcium hydroxide. 73. Which cells migrate into the gingival sulcus in
C. perform a pulpectomy. the largest numbers in response to the
D. extract the tooth and place a space accumulation of plaque?
A. Plasma cells and monocytes.
B. Polymorphonuclear leukocytes.
C. Macrophages.
70. Periodontal pocket epithelium D. Lymphocytes.
E. Mast cells.
A. is NOT colonized by bacteria.
B. does NOT contain anatomically and
physiologically distinct zones.
C. is a site where immunological 74. The most likely diagnosis for a child with a
elements interact with pocket painful, fiery-red, diffuse gingivitis is
D. does NOT provide a barrier against A. primary herpetic gingivo-stomatitis.
bacterial penetration. B. juvenile periodontitis.
C. idiopathic fibromatosis.
D. aphthous stomatitis.
75. Filters are placed in the path of the x-ray 78. Particulate hydroxyapatite, when placed
beam to subperiostially,
A. mylohyoid muscle.
B. geniohyoid muscle.
82. The area of the tooth that is most sensitive C. genioglossus muscle.
during cavity preparation is D. fibres of the digastric muscle.
A. dentin.
B. cementum.
C. cementoenamel junction. 86. In patients wearing complete dentures, the
D. dentinoenamel junction. most frequent cause of tooth contact
(clicking) during speaking is
A. nervous tension.
83. Which of the following is/are (a) useful B. incorrect centric relation position.
guide(s) in determining a patient’s occlusal C. excessive occlusal vertical dimension.
vertical dimension? D. lack of vertical overlap.
E. unbalanced occlusion.
1. Appearance.
2. Phonetics.
3. Observation of the rest position.
4. Pre-extraction profile records. 87. The addition of platinum to a dental gold
alloy results in increased
A. (1) (2) (3)
B. (1) and (3) 1. strength.
C. (2) and (4) 2. hardness.
D. (4) only. 3. melting point.
E. All of the above. 4. resistance to corrosion.
A. preventing formation of
B. preventing fibrinogen conversion to
C. inhibiting the synthesis of
prothrombin in the liver.
D. incorporating ionic calcium.
95. Enlargement of the thyroid gland can be 98. Benign neoplasms
caused by
1. grow slowly.
A. insufficient fluoride. 2. are generally painless.
B. excess iodine. 3. can be managed conservatively.
C. insufficient iodine. 4. can metastasize.
D. excess calcium.
E. excess sodium. A. (1) (2) (3)
B. (1) and (3)
C. (2) and (4)
D. (4) only
96. Which of the following is the LEAST likely E. All of the above.
primary site for the development of oral
squamous cell carcinoma in the elderly?
A. use a thyroid collar and lead apron. 106. Premature loss of a primary maxillary second
B. apply a radiation protection badge. molar usually produces a malocclusion in the
C. use high speed film. permanent dentition that is characterized by
D. decrease the kilovoltage to 50kVp.
E. take a panoramic film only. A. anterior crowding.
B. labially displaced maxillary canines.
C. delayed eruption of the permanent
first molar.
103. When using the periodontal probe to measure D. a Class II molar relationship on the
pocket depth, the measurement is taken from affected side.
the E. a Class III molar relationship on the
affected side.
A. base of the pocket to the
cementoenamel junction.
B. free gingival margin to the
cementoenamel junction. 107. A 7-year old patient has a left unilateral
C. base of the pocket to the crest of the posterior cross-bite and a left functional shift
free gingiva. of the mandible. The most appropriate
D. base of the pocket to the treatment for this patient is
mucogingival junction.
A. bilateral expansion of the maxillary
B. unilateral expansion of maxillary
104. Which of the following conditions is arch.
characterized by abnormally large pulp C. placement of a maxillary
chambers? repositioning splint.
D. observation until the permanent teeth
A. Amelogenesis imperfecta. erupt.
B. Regional odontodysplasia. E. bilateral constriction of the
C. Dentinogenesis imperfecta. mandibular arch.
D. Dentinal dysplasia Type I.
108. An 8-year old patient with all primary molars 111. Following loss of a permanent mandibular
still present exhibits a cusp-to-cusp first molar at age 8, which of the following
relationship of permanent maxillary and changes are likely to occur?
mandibular first molars. The management of
this patient should be to 1. Distal drift of second premolar.
2. No movement of second premolar.
A. plan serial extractions for more 3. Mesial drift of second permanent
normal adjustment of the occlusion. molar.
B. refer the patient to an orthodontist for 4. No movement of second permanent
consultation. molar.
C. place a cervical headgear to reposition
maxillary molars. A. (1) (2) (3)
D. disk the distal surfaces of primary B. (1) and (3)
mandibular second molars to allow C. (2) and (4)
normal adjustment of permanent D. (4) only
molars. E. All of the above.
E. observe.
134. Following the injection of 1.8ml of 2% 137. A lateral cephalometric radiograph for a
lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine, a patient with a 3mm anterior functional shift
nervous 22-year old male with well controlled should be taken with the patient in
insulin dependent diabetes states that he feels
dizzy and weak. Beads of sweat have A. maximum intercuspation.
accumulated on his forehead and upper lip. B. initial contact.
He is quite pale. The initial management of C. normal rest position.
this patient is to D. maximum opening.
E. protrusive.
A. administer glucagon 1.0mg.
B. administer epinephrine 0.5mg.
C. administer Benadryl
(diphenhydramine) 50mg. 138. A patient with a tumor in the right
D. elevate the patient's legs and infratemporal fossa shows a significant shift
administer 100% oxygen. of the mandible to the right when opening.
E. call 911 and begin CPR. Which nerve is involved?
1. frenum.
2. cyst.
3. mesiodens. 139. Which two muscles are involved in suckin g?
4. normal development.
A. Caninus and depressor angularis.
A. (1) (2) (3) B. Risorius and buccinator.
B. (1) and (3) C. Buccinator and orbicularis oris.
C. (2) and (4) D. Levator labii superioris and
D. (4) only zygomaticus major.
E. All of the above.
140. The floor of the mouth is formed by the 143. The most appropriate treatment of acute
necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis in a
A. digastric muscle. patient with no fever and no
B. genioglossus muscle. lymphadenopathy is
C. mylohyoid muscle.
D. styloglossus muscle. 1. periodontal debridement.
2. antibiotic therapy.
3. oral hygiene instruction.
4. topical steroid therapy.
141. Following root planing, a patient experiences
thermal sensitivity. This pain is associated A. (1) (2) (3)
with which of the following? B. (1) and (3)
C. (2) and (4)
A. Golgi receptor. D. (4) only.
B. Free nerve endings. E. All of the above.
C. Odontoblastic processes.
D. Cementoblasts.
A. root caries.
B. root sensitivity.
C. pulpal involvement.
D. recurrent pocketing.
146. Increased tooth mobility can result from 149. Continued smoking will impair wound
healing following a surgical procedure
1. excessive occlusal forces with normal because of
periodontal support.
2. apical periodontitis. A. stain development.
3. normal occlusal forces with B. increased rate of plaque formation.
inadequate periodontal support. C. increased rate of calculus formation.
4. simple marginal gingivitis. D. contraction of peripheral blood
A. (1) (2) (3) E. superficial irritation to tissues by
B. (1) and (3) smoke.
C. (2) and (4)
D. (4) only
E. All of the above. 150. A 23-year old female complains of bilateral
stiffness and soreness in the preauricular
region. Her symptoms have been present for
the past week and are most pronounced in the
147. For an otherwise healthy patient, with an morning. The most likely cause is
acute localized periodontal abscess, initial
treatment must include A. fibrous ankylosis of the
temporomandibular joints.
A. scaling and root planing. B. nocturnal bruxism.
B. occlusal adjustment. C. early osteoarthritis.
C. prescription of an antibiotic. D. mandibular subluxation.
D. prescription of an analgesic.