٨-٧ ﻲﺒﻫﺬﻟا ﻒﻠﻤﻟا Cerrected by yes we can 2021
٨-٧ ﻲﺒﻫﺬﻟا ﻒﻠﻤﻟا Cerrected by yes we can 2021
٨-٧ ﻲﺒﻫﺬﻟا ﻒﻠﻤﻟا Cerrected by yes we can 2021
A. admix
B. mucostatic
C. plaster stent
D. applegate controlled displacement
B. periodontal surgery then root canal treatment
C. root canal treatment then periodontal surgery
D. scaling and root planing and systemic antibiotic
B. gingivitis
C. diabetes mellitus
D. hereditary gingival hyperplasia
4. Which of the following is most accurate when comparing the crowns of the
primary molars teeth to the crowns of permanent ones?
A. more bulbous
B. larger occlusally
C. wider mesio - dital
D. converging gingivally
A. UNC - 15 probe
B marquis probe
C. Michigan O probe
D. Goldman - Fox / Williams probe
D.scaling and root planing then consider to change the over contoured crown at
# 46
7- A 7 - year - old girl came to the clinic accompanied by her mother. The giri
complained about teeth sensitivity. Clinical examination showed that all first
molars and centralincisors are hypoplastic Which of the following is the probable
A. fluorosis
B. dentinal dysplasia
C. dentinogenesis imperfect
D. molar incisor hypomineration
8- A 14 - year - old patient came to the Dental Clinic for the extraction of lower
retained primary molar. Which of the following is the most appropriate patient
position during extraction?
A. maxillary occlusal plane is parallel to the floor
B. mandibular occlusal plane is parallel to the floor
C. maxillary occlusal plane at 45 degrees to the floor
D. mandibular occlusal plane at 45 degrees to the floor
A. a head gear
B. a functional appliance
C. a protraction face mask
D. fixed orthodontic appliances
10- A 27 - year - old woman came to the Emergency Clinic suffering from severe
pain related to recently placed restoration. Upon examination, the restoration
was high and the tooth tested was vital. Which of the following is the diagnostic
sign of occlusal trauma?
A. fremitus of anterior teeth
B. angular bone loss on the affected tooth
C. increasing mobility of the affected tooth
D. periodontal abscess on the affected tooth
A. occlusal trauma
B. vertical root fracture
C. generalized gingivitis
D. localized stage IV periodontitis
12- A 34 - year - old man, medically fit, came for replacement of missing upper
right central incisor with an implant supported crown. Clinical evaluation was
done for the implant site followed by radiographic evaluation including Cone
beam Computerized Tomography, also upper and lower primary impressions
were taken for fabrication of diagnostic casts mounted on a semi adjustable
articulator. Which of the following is an essential missing investigation?
A. complete blood count
B. magnetic resonance imaging
C. use of a fully adjustable articulator
D. diagnostic waxing and surgical template
13- A dentist is planning to restore a missing maxillary lateral incisor with implant
- supported crown. He has confirmed the availability of the vertical and mesio -
distal spaces for the implant and crown placement. He now proceeds to quantify
the ridge profile / bucco - lingual width of the bones for the placement of implant.
Which of the following methods can relatively better quantify the bucco - lingual
width of the bone?
A. palpation
B. ridge mapping
C. visual assessment
D. intraoral radiograph
14- A hygienist is performing a scaling and root planing procedure. She is using
her non - working hand (see image). Which of the following is the role of the
index finger in the non - working - hand?
A. hemostasis
B. lip retraction
C. Light reflection
D. catching the calculus
✅✅**ﺗﻌﺘﻤﺪ ع اﻟﺼﻮرة
15- Which type of retainer is given to retain a tooth in its position which has been
relived from a crossbite?
A. essix retainer Prevent
B. fixed retainer
C. Hawley retainer
D. no need of retainer
16- When an adult knowingly permits a child to endure pain or suffering or fails to
provide the basic needs for proper development Which of the following types of
abuse is described in this situation?
A. sexual
B. neglect
C. physical
D. emotional
17- Which of the following is the most striking clinical feature of gingival
inflammation during pregnancy?
A. gingival swelling
B. gingival recession
C. periodontal attachment loss
D. pronounced ease of bleeding
C. palatal mucosa
D. incisive foramen
✳✳19. A 6 - year - old boy referred from his pediatrician for dental check - up.
History and clinical examination revealed liver failure and will undergo liver
transplant, plaque accumulation and early enamel lesions on several primary
teeth. Which of the following would be the advice regarding topical fluorides for
this boy?
A to apply 22.6% fluoride varnish every 3 months
B. to apply 22.6% fluoride varnish every 6 months
C. to apply 22.6% fluoride varnish every 12 months
D. topical fluorides are contra - indicated in this case
20. Which of the following events will happen if heavy occlusal forces cause
pressure several enough to force the root against the bone?
A. bone deposition
B. vascular changes
C. widening of the periodontal ligament (PDL) Space
D. necrosis of the periodontal ligament and bone resorption
C. buring mouth syndrome
D. masticatory muscles atrophy
22- A 40 - year - old man walks to the Dental Clinic in preparation for orthodontic
therapy. The dentist takes full mouth X - rays and performs is clinical
examination. Which of the following findings needs to be addressed before
starting orthodontic treatment?
A. Calculus deposits and gingivitis
B. a temporary crown on tooth # 36
C. a temporary restoration on tooth # 45
D. a root canal filling that is 1 mm short in an asymptomatic tooth # 36
23- A 24 - year - old man came to the clinic and stated that he would like to have
his "overbite" corrected. Examination revealed a good facial profile class II molar
relationship with increased overjet, moderate overbite and a well-aligned lower
arch . The patient was referred to an orthodontist. Which of the following would
be the optimal recommended treatment?
A. cervical headgear
B. maxillary protraction facemask
C. mandibular advancement surgery
D. extraction of upper first premolars
24- Which of the following periodontal pathogens is suppressed after systemic
metronidazole and amoxicillin, in combination with scaling and root planing?
A. P. gingivalis
B. F. nucleatum
C. P. intermedia
D A. actinomycetemcomitans
✳✳25- A 39 - year - old man presented to the Dental Clinic with a pocemaker
He was complaining of an increase in the size of his gums. The patient had good
oral hygiene and required treatment of fibrous gingival enlargement Which of the
following is considered the safest treatment option?
A. apically laser gingivectomy
B gingivectomy by electrosurgery
C conventional surgical gingivectomy
D. scaling & root planing by ultrasonic scalar
26- Which of the following would be the most common extraction pattern for a
camouflage treatment for an adult class III patient with no crowding?
A. extraction of upper 4s
B- extraction of lower 4s
C expansion in both arches
D. extraction of upper 4s and expansion in lower arch
27- Which of the following is considered the most cost - effective and reliable
method of reducing the incidence of caries in the general population?
A. fluoridated water
B. fluoride varnishes
C. fluoridated toothpastes
D. dietary fluoride supplements
28- Which of the following is the most common side for infection to spread
around the primary molars the radiographic examination?
A. buccal bone
B. lingual bone
C. periapical bone
D. periradicular bone
29- which of the following is the probing depth of a clinically healthy gingival
A. 0 mm
B. 1-3 mm
C. 3-5 mm
D. 5 mm
C before orthodontic tooth movement
D. during treatment after space closure
32- Which of the following is an indication for using Sodium bicarbonate air
A. caries removal
B. enamel remineralization
C. subgingival calculus removal
D. supragingival plaque removal
B. stage 2
C. stage 3
D. stage 4
34. Which of the following relationships is diagnosed clinically as CLI molar
A. the mesiobuccal cups of the upper molar occludes with the mesiobuccal cups
of the lower molar
B. the mesiobuccal cups of the upper molar occludes with the (mesiobuccal
groove of the lower molar
C. the mesiobuccal cups of the upper molar occludes with the distobuccal cups
of the lower molar
D. the mesiobuccal cups of the upper molar occludes with the distobuccal groove
of the lower molar
A healing cuff
B cover screws
C. abutment screws
D. healing abutment
36. Which of the following pathologies can cause malocclusion by loss of space?
A gingivitis
B. cervical caries
C. proximal caries
D. hypercementasis
37- A 24 - year - old woman came to the Dental Clinic complaining from a mass
in the maxilla. The patient is pregnant in her 28 week and the mass started to
appear in 2 months before her visit but kept increasing in size until it is
uncomfortable. A radiograph was taken for the size of the mass (see image).
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis of this lesion?
A. gingival abscess
B. pregnancy tumer✳✳
C. carcinoma in situ
D. lateral periodontal cyst.
38- Which of the following is the most likely order for hypodontia to occur?
A. second premolars maxillary lateral incisors - third molars
B. maxillary central incisors -maxillary third molars - second premolars
C. second premolars - maxillary lateral incisors - mandibular central incisors
D third molars - second premolars and maxillary lateral incisors - all others
39. Which of the following stages of gingival inflammation develops about 1 week
after the beginning of dental plaque accumulation?
A. stage l: initial lesion
B stage II: early lesion
C. stage III: established lesion
D. stage IV: advanced lesion
40 - A 25 - year - old woman complains of deposits on her teeth, Examination
revealed yellowish colored soft deposits which could not be easly dislodged with
a water spray. Which of the following best describes the patient's complaint?
A. pellicle
B. plaque
C. calculus
D. materia alba
41- An 8 - year - old man presented with a history of auricular pain. He was also
complaining of reduced masticatory efficiency and altered pronunciation of some
letters. He received his new complete depture 2 months ago. On extra - oral
examination, (several wrinkles were seen near the corner of his mouth with slight
seepage of saliva at this area. Reduced facial muscle tone was also detected.
Which of the following is the most probable error in the new denture design?
A. unbalanced occlusion
B. reduced vertical dimension of occlusion
C. Increased vertical dimension of occlusion
D. disharmony between centric relation and centric occlusion
42. An 18 - year - old man is complaining of pain in his mouth for 2 days.
Medically he has a fever, accompanied by lymphadenopathy and malaise. He is
also noticing a foul odor from his mouth. Radiographs taken show normal bone
levels. He is currently going through his final examination week. (see image).
What is the first clinical step in managing this patient's condition?
A. superficial scaling
B. periodontal probing
C. root surface debridement
D. removal of pseudomembrane
43- A 32 - year - old man received anterior ceramic crowns in the maxillary arch,
then started to notice recession of the longer appearance of the crowns. Clinical
examination confirms presence of gingival recessions (see image). Which of the
following is the most probable etiology of the gingival recession that occurred?
A occlusal trauma
B. biologic width invasion
C. over-contoured crowns
D. excessive use of toothbrush
**b or c
ﯾﻌﺘﻤﺪ ﻋﻠﻰ اﻟﺼﻮرة ﻟﻮ ﻣﺎﻓﻲ زﯾﺎده ﻓﻲ اﻟﻜﺮاون
44- During the processing of the heat - cured acrylic resin denture base, scene
discrepancies are hard to be avoided. Although these discrepancies are related
to materials used for the technique of processing. a certain step could be used
to minimize or even remove such discrepancies. Which of the following is this
step called?
A. clinical remounting
B. laboratory remounting
C. intra - oral selective grinding
D. articulator - generated amalgam stops
45- Which measurements of the following cephalometric helps to determine the
anteroposterior position of the mandible relative to the cranial base?
46- Which of the following is a good landmark for the anteroposterior positioning
of the anterior maxillary teeth in a complete denture?
A. Palatal rugae
B. residual ridge
C. Incisive papilla
D. incisal foramen
✳✳47- The dentist plans to perform deep hand scaling for his advanced
periodontitis patient? Which molar root configuration will pose more difficulty
during periodontal treatment?
A. divergent roots with long root trunk
B. divergent roots with short root trunk
C. Convergent roots with long root trunk
D. convergent roots with short root trunk
B. smoking has no negative impact on the long - term outcomes
C. cessation of smoking should be recommended before implants
D. healing of dental implants in smoker patient is faster than non smokers
B. dental floss
C. interdental brush
D. regular tooth brush
B. coronal pulpal inflammation
C. Radicular pulpal inflammation
D. intra - canal abscess formation
51- A patient reported waking up with muscular pain around the TMJ area. Her
posterior teeth show signs of wear however, she is unaware of any
parafunctional activities. Which of the following is the most probable diagnosis?
A. bruxism
B. clenching
C muscular spasm
D. TMJ disc displacement
52 - A 43 - year old healthy man presented to the clinic complaining of dull pain
in relation to a left right tooth. The pain started 2 days ago and the pain severity
is increasing. Clinical examination revealed generalized bleeding on probing,
generalized 2-3mm probing depths with localized probing depth 7mm on tooth
#25 buccal side, tooth #25 was previously treated with root canal treatment, cast
post and crown (see report). Radiographic interpretation: Revealed 10%
horizontal bone loss. Which of the following is the most likely treatment of
A extraction of tooth # 25✳✳
B. scaling and root planing every 6 months
C change the crown on # 25 and redo the root canal treatment
D. inject chlorohexidine mouth wash in deep pockets to reduce the inflammation
53. Which of the following are the predominant immune cells in stage 1 of
gingivitis "initial lesion"?
A. neutrophils
B. plasma cells
C. lymphocytes
D. macrophages
54 - A healthy 6 - year - old boy presents with redness and swelling behind
second deciduous molar. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. abscess
B. viral fever
C. eruption cyst
D. developmental cyst
55 - A 55 - year - old woman with type Il diabetes presented to the clinic
complaining of bleeding gums. Clinical examination revealed generalized
probing depth 7-9 mm, generalized bleeding on horizontal bone loss 50%.
HbA1c 8.5%. Which of the following is the most likely treatment of choice?
A. full mouth clearance then consider implant therapy
B. refer the patient to the physician to control the diabetes
C. use doxycycline to reduce the effect of the diabetes of the periodontal tissues
D. give the patient insulin injection then Open flap debridement to reduce the
56- The dentist plans to perform deep hand scaling for his advanced periodontitis
patient. Which of the following teeth - roots will pose more difficulty for the
A. roots of mandibular canines
B. roots of maxillary 1st premolars
C. roots of mandibular 2 nd premolars
D. disto - buccal root of maxillary 1st molars
57- An 8 - year - old boy is brought to the Dental Clinic with a traumatized
maxillary central incisor 9 months after a traumatic injury. Upon clinical and
radiographic examinations, the pulp was found to be non-vital with no periapical
lesion. Which of the following will be the best management?
A. root canal apexification treatment
B. conventional root canal treatment
C, calcium hydroxide direct pulp treatment
D. calcium hydroxide indirect pulp treatment
58 - A 54 - year old healthy man had 2 implants placed in the lower right
quadrant 4 months ago. During the second stage procedure, the distal implant
displayed 4-5 mm crestal bone loss and exhibited significant mobility. The
mesial implant was within normal limits Which of the following is the most likely
reason for such bone loss?
A. allergic reaction
B. excessive surgical trauma
C. the patient's medical condition
D. healing abutment was not installed
A. necrotizing gingivitis
B. reticular lichen planus .
C. necrotizing periodontitis
D. primary herpetic gingivostomatitis
60- Which of the following anatomical periodontal structures contributes the most
to tooth mobility on intact periodontium
A. gingiva
B. cementum
C. alveolar bone
D. periodontal ligament
✳✳61 - A 45 - year - old man is complaining of bleeding from his gums when
brushing. Medically he is healthy and taking no medications. The clinical
examination reveated gingiva that is edematous, erythematous, and there was
bleeding on probing involving all of his teeth. attachment loss was generally
between 5 to 6 mm (see report). Bitewing radiographs: showed horizontal bene
loss. All teeth seem treatable. Which of the following is the most likely
A. generalized stage I periodontitis grade
B. generalized stage Il periodontitis grade A
C. Generalized stage III periodontitis grade A
D. generalized stage IV periodontitis grade A
** when they ask you about stage you should know 2 things ( cal”attachment
loss” | RBL”radiographic bone loss)
🌕when ask you about grade , they mean percentage % of bone loss /pt age , in
the Q he will mention age of pt , if the result :
62- A 55 - year - old woman presented to the clinic after a scaling and root
planing visit done 2 days ago. Clinical examination showed generalized ulcers
on the gingival margin, bleeding on probing, excellent oral hygiene. Which of the
following is the most likely treatment of choice?
A reassure the patient
B. apply topical antibiotics at infected sites
C. do another round of scaling and root planing
D. apply topical steroids to reduce the inflammation
D. Scaling and root planing and Prescribing a combination of Amoxicillin +
metronidazole antibodies
64 - A 65 - year - old man presented to the clinic complaining of fever and pain
after a scaling and root planing visit done 2 days ago. Clinical examination
showed localized swelling in relation to tooth # 15 with pus, discharge bleeding
on probing, excellent oral hygiene. Which of the following is the most likely
treatment of choice?
A. apply topical antibiotics at infected sites
B. do another round of scaling and root planing
C apply topical anaesthesia to and assure the patient
D. scaling and root planing + prescribe systemic Amoxicillin antibiotics
C. collapsed vertical dimension of occlusion
D. moderate resorption of the alveolar ridge
66- Which of the following is the absolute diagnostic criterion for lack of
osseointegration of an implant?
A. mobility
B. pocket formation
C. bleeding on probing
D. radiographic marginal bone loss
67- Which bone quality would be considered the highest anatomical risk factor for
long - term implant placement?
A. Type I
B. type II
C type III
D. type IV
68- Which of the following is the main advantage of recording centric relation in
complete dentures?
A dependent on teeth contacts
B. easy to master and learn by dentist
C. repeatable and reproducible position
D. fastest record to take in order to save time
A. orthodontic tooth extrusion
B. physiologic mesial migration
C. orthodontic widening of diastema
D. tooth in infra occlusion due to root ankylosis
70 - A 44 - year - old woman presented to the Dental Clinic, She is a known case
of hypertension and she is taking Nifedipine. Clinical examination revealed that
she has generalized drug - gingival enlargement. Which of the following is the
best substitute medication that has no influence on gingival enlargement in this
A. Cardizem
B. feladipine
C. verapsmil
D. isradipidine
71- Which of the following conditions presents with white striations as a striking
clinical feature?
A. linear gingival erythema
B. reticular form of lichen planus
C. pseudomembranous candidosis
D. human papilloma viral infection
72. Which of the following periodontal instruments can be seen in the attached
image (see image)?
A. UNC - 15
B. WHO probe
C. Nabers probe
D. old - dominion explorer
73- A 27-year-old woman attended for prosthetic treatment phase of surgically
placed dental implant # 21. Distal interdental papilla was lost following extraction
of tooth # 21. Which of the following is the ideal distance (in mm) between distal
interproximal contact area and bone crest for papilla regrowth?
A. less than 5
B. less than 6
C. less than 7
D. less than 8
✳✳74 - A patient came to The clinic complaining from cracking sound in the
arthral area after few days of trauma. Which of the following is the most likely
A. articular capsule bleeding
B. condyle ligaments trauma ✳✳
C. mandibular condyle fracture
D. intra - articular disc dislocation
75- A 45 year old patient referred to the clinic following the extraction of a non
restorable tooth # 36. Bone graft was packed and membrane was sutured in the
area to preserve the alveolar bone width Which of the following treatment
modalities describes the procedures in the photos (see images)?
A. socket preservation
B. osseous reconstruction
C. soft tissue augmentation
D. guided tissue regeneration
ﺑﻨﺨﺘﺎرA ﻋﺸﺎن ﻣﺶ ﯾﺤﺼﻞresorption of bone
A. to prevent accumulation of calculus
B. to allow better access to oral hygiene measures
C. because it is favoring the growth of gram -ve bacteria
D. because it is favoring the growth of gram + ve bacteria
77- Which of the following impression materials is the most suitable for final
impressions of implant positions?
A. addition silicone
B. polysulfide polymer
C. reversible hydrocolloid
D. irreversible hydrocolloid
B. the presence of short flanges
C. poor fitting of existing denture
D. the presence of abused tissue
79- Which of the following is measured from the gingival margin to the base of
the periodonts pocket, during the periodontal examination?
A. pocket depth
B. clinical attachment level
C. amount of attached gingiva
D. amount of the gingival recession
80 - A 42 - year - old healthy man presented to the Dental Clinic for a second
opinion about the best treatment options of endodontically treated tooth # 36 .
Clinically, there is a 7 mm pocket mesial to the tooth (see report) Radiograph:
There is a large post in the mesial root which is not confined to the root canal
area. Vertical bone loss was noticed as well. Which of the following is most
likely the reason for this endo - perio lesion?
A. root canal perforation
B. presence of accessory canal
C. presence of mesial root concavity
D. physical injury by the rubber dam
complete overdenture is most commonly chosen by dentist?
A. hypodontia
B. generalized tooth - surface loss
C. radiotherapy induced xerostomia
D. history of persistent exaggerated gag reflex
A. quad helix
B. Haas expander
C. hyrax expander
D. bonded expander
85. Which of the following is the classification if you test a tooth for mobility and it
is positive for a range of about 1.5 mm in a buccolingual direction ?
A. grade I
B. grade II
C. Grade III
D. physiologic
86. Which of the following explains why do flowable resins are more preferred
over package resins preventive resin restorations?
A. Price is cheaper
B. Technique sensitivity is less
C. Time consumption is reduced
D. Micro leakage produced is less
87- A 27 - year - old man presented to the Dental Clinic complaining of pain
related to lower left area. Upon examination, an inflamed fluctuant swelling
covering partially impacted mandibular left third molar was noticed (see image
and report). Periapical radiograph: Shows that the tooth is in a good position,
Initial treatment was performed to resolve the acute condition Which of the
following will be the appropriate management anter resolution of the acute
A. operculectomy
B. apically positioned flap
C. extraction of the involved tooth
D. extraction of the opposing tooth.
88- Which of the following is measured by a periodontal probe?
A crestal bone level
B. depth of root canal orifice
C periodontal sulcus or pocket
D. amount of purulent exudates
89. What advice should be given to the patient by the clinician regarding storage
of his new prosthesis?
A patients are advised to store dentures in tepid water when out of the mouth
B patients should be advised to store denture in cold water when not in use
C patients should be advised to keep the dentures in dry and cold conditions
when not in use
D. patients should be advised to keep the dentures in dry and hot conditions
when not in use.
C. Mini Fives and After Fives
D. Universal and Area specific
91- Which of the following is the most common missing tooth in the permanent
dentition after third molars?
A. maxillary first premolar
B. maxillary lateral incisors ✳
C. mandibular first premolar
D. mandibular second premolar✳
on probing and localized 5 mm pockets. Which of the following should the
dentist do aside from reinforcing oral hygiene measures? ✳
A. full mouth polishing
B. full mouth deep scaling
C. deep scaling of bleeding sites and polishing of deepened sites
D. polishing of bleeding sites and deep scaling of deepened sites
C. it is properly extended and covers the required portion of the pad
D. it is under - extended, as it should rover two thirds of the retromolar pad
95- A 43 - year - old woman walks into the clinic complaining of inflamed gums
and bleeding when brushing and flossing Distal of tooth # 25 is probing 6 mm.
Bitewing was taken (see image) Which of the following local factors is mostly
responsible for the vertical bone loss on tooth # 25?
A. secondary caries on tooth # 24
B. old amalgam restoration on tooth # 26
C. open margin of the crown on tooth # 25
D. open contact between teeth distal to both #25
96- A 30 - year - old woman is complaining of pain and bleeding associated to
her maxillary lateral incisor. Her medical history is insignificant. Clinically her
probing depths ranged from 1 - 3 mm, except for the palatal of tooth # 12, which
was probing 10 mm (see image). What is the most likely cause of the deep
A. localized gingivitis at tooth # 12
B. roet proximity of teeth # 12,11
C. Palatogingival groove at tooth #12
D. necrotizing periodontitis at tooth #12
97 - A 35 - year - old man with high fever presented to the Dental Clinic
complaining of painful gingival infection. Upon thorough examination, he was
diagnosed to have Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis (NUG). Which of the
following will be the appropriate management in the first visit?
A. deep scaling and gingival curettage
B. supragingival scaling and antibiotics prescription
C. open flap debridement and antibiotics prescription
D. oral hygiene instructions and mouth wash prescription
98- Which of the following is the appropriate angulation for subgingival insertion
of a bladed instrument (eg curette)?
A. 0
B. 30
C. 45
D. 90
B. gingival sloughing
C. firm and leathery gingival consistency
D. diffuse puffiness and softening of the gingiva
100- A few days after starting orthodontic treatment, an adult patient came to
clinic with a chief complaint of pain, discomfort, and mouth sores, Examination
reveals protruding arch wire and several areas of ulceration of the cheeks, lips
and tongue Which of the following is the best treatment at this stage?
A clip the wire
B. prescribing a pain killer
C. cover the wire with relief wax
D. use pencil eraser to push the wire
اذﻛﺮوﻧﻲ ﺑﺪﻋﻮة