Encryption Systems With Wandering Keys
Encryption Systems With Wandering Keys
Encryption Systems With Wandering Keys
International Conference on
PREFACE I CONFERENCE DATA SESSION1. GENERAL INFORMATIONAL SECURITY PROBLEMS Cyber Warfare: Threatsand Solutions.ZavalskiIgor - Ministryof Defense of Moldova Evolution of Cyber Crime. Purici Dumitru - GeneralProsecutor Office of Republicof Moldova The Specificsof the Information Security. RusnacAndrei - Informationand Security Service of Republic of Moldova Insuring the Cyber Security at the Newest ElectronicServices Provision.Donos - FreeIntemational Alexandru Universityof Moldova Some Aspects Regarding Information Security in Context of the Globalization Process' Safonov Ghenadie, Hlopeanicov Claudia- Military Academyof Armed Forcesof Moldova CreatingTrust BasedAccess Policiesto Control User Actionson Documents. Danilescu Marcel,BesliuVictor - Technical Universityof Moldova Methodologies and Tools of Information Security Risk Management. Bulai R.odica, BesliuVictor - Technical Universityof Moldova The Security in Internet: the Juridical AspectsRegardingthe Informational Law. Badarau Elena- StateInstitute of the Intemational Relationships from Moldova SESSION 2. TNFORMATION AND TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS SECURITY Autentification in Information Sphere.PogribnoiVadim - lnformationand Security Service of Republic of Moldova Malware. Combateringand Prevention.Catan Mihai - Information and SecurityService :iof Republic of Moldova The Defense Information Network for Terrorist Treats Prevention,Border Securifv and lllicit Materials Traffic Combating. Sofronescu Igor, Cebotarev Oleg - Military Academy of Armed Forces of Moldova Tracking of Motor vehicles From Aerial video Imagery using the OT-MACH correlation Filter. Bangalore Nagachetan, young Rupert, Birch rhilip, chatwin - University Christopher of Sussex, Brighton, UK Digital Document Protection System. BredinschiAnatolie, Cebotari Ana - State University of Physical Education and Sport Protection in the Social Networks. Rusnac Andrei - Information and SecurityServiceof Republic of Moldova o 9
t t
38 43 52 62
71 17 87
9B 103
114 117
124 lnfbrination and 124 Patricia Zghlbartz Building' The Strategy of the Cyber Security Moldova of in the RepLrblic on NATO Center Documentation On the Early Detection of Threats in the Real World Based on Open-Source 133 Olga,Wormlanil. VerslootComd, trnformationon the Internet. BoumaHenri,Rajadell (T|JO), Netheriands Research for AppliedScientific Harry - Organization Wedemeijer 145 Alerandru - Free Donos Internet. Trans Border Space Trust on the Base of the Universityof Moldova International 159 as a Concept. Buclis Mihail, Buruc Alexandru- Military Academy of Defense Cyber Moldova of Forces Armed 168 Ionita Daniel - The Cyber Security- a Fight BetweenThreats and Vulnerabilities. (CERT-RO), Romania Incidents Security to Cyber Response of NationalCentre 176 Dana- TheNationaiCentre RomanianApproach in Cyber Securify.Andronie-Radulescu Romania lncidents, to CyberSecurity of Response 181 Networksin Moldovaand Educational New Trends in SecurityTeamsfor Research Peter Bogatencov Alexandr, Overview of automated toots for a CERT. Golubev RENAM N.G.O. 188 Maj Miroslaw - Cyber the Critical lnfrastructure. for Protecting The Cyber Exercises of Poland Foundation Security Future platform for lnternet of Things. DaradkehYousef - University of Jordan, 192 University, MoscowState NamiotDmitry - Lomonosov Jordan; Russia 202 Some Aspectsof the Chilclren'sSecurity in the Internet. DonosAlexandru Free Universityof Moldova Intemational SESSION4. CRYPTOGRAPHY FOR CYBER SECURITY Andrei - Informationand in PKI Developmentin Europe"Rusnac General Tendencies of Moidova of Republic Service Security PKI IDP Management Systems for Access to Resources of Implementation 'European Peter - RENAM N.G'O.; Pocotilenco Bogatencov E-Infrastructures. R&E of Universityof Moldova Valentin- Technical Encryption Systemswith Wandering Keys. Bulat Mihai, ZguteanuAureliu, Ciobanu Sergiu Cataranciuc andCommunications; Science Computer Iacob- Academyof Transporl, - StateUniversityof Moldova Aboutapplyingderivativesof.Booleanfunctionsinencryptionsystems. andCommunications Science Cotnputer of Transport, Academy Iacob Academyof Ciobanu Polynomial. Zhegalkin of of SomeTerms Determination Communications and Science Cornputer Transport, and Computer Victor - Instituteof Mathematics Shcherbacov in Cryptology. euasigroups of Moldova of Sciences of theAcademy Science RSA-mto Protectthe Informationin Real Time. Techniques The useof Cryptographic l' - Technical B., MoraruD., Fedorov 1.,Izvoreanu A., Kojukhari 4.,-Agaionov Balabanov of Moldova University
SESSION5.INFORMATION SECURITY IN ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS The Structure of Shadow Information Economics. OhrimencoSerghei- Academyof Studies of Moldova;BortaGrigori- NationalBank of Moldova Economical ln(rmation Security Risk Management. Jitnic Victoria - Academy of Economical IT&lS Management" Studies of Moldova. SRL Interaction Between Information Security Managementand System of Internal Lilia - Academy Control. Pavlova of Economical Studies of Moldova Testing as a Method of lnformationa! Systems Security Level Estimation.Storoi Oxana - Academy of Economical Studies of Moldova Vulnerability Life Cycle Analysis.Borta Grigorii - NationalBank of Moldova,Academy of Economical Studies of Moldova Information SecurityIssuesin the Data-OrieirtedCulture. GlobaGalina- Intemational Institute of Management "lMI-NOVA" The SystemEconomicSecurityof Enterprise.Kozachenko Ganna, Lyashenko Olexandra - Vladimir Dahl East-Ukrainian NationalUniversity, Luhansk,Ukraine;.Kavun Sergii KharkivNationalUniversityof Economics, Kharkiv,Ukraine Personnel SecurityBusinesses: Management Insiders. Mihus Irina,Gerasimenko Helen, Krasnomovets Victoria - CherkasyNational University B. Khmelnitsky, Cherkassy, ukraine;Kavunsergii - KharkivNationaluniversityof Economics, Kharkiv,Ukraine SESSION6. EDUCATION IN INFORMATIONAL SECURITY SomeEducationalProblemsin lnformational Security.CapalanaGheorghe, CerbuOlga - State University of Moldova Writing Wikipedia Articles as University Class Assignments. Vladimirov SergeyMoscowInstitute of Physics (State andTechnology University) Preparing of the Specialists in Information Security of License and Master Degr6e Levelsat Free International University of Moldova. Zgureanu Aureliu,Mititelu Vitalie FreeInternational University of Moldova Preparingof the Specialists in Information Securityof Licenseand Master Degree Levels at Technical University of Moldova. Bulai Rodica,Besliu Victor - Technical University of Moldova Information Security in Higher Education Institutions. Dediu Artur, DeinegoNona - HealthCare StateUniversity"Alecu Russo"; Milukas Joseph Subrogation Group,Shelton, USA PhD and DSC SpecialistsPreparing in Information Security. CanterValeriu, Perju Veacheslav, HolbanIon - NationalCouncilfor Accreditation andAttestation of Republic of Moldova - National Information Security Research and EducationCentre. Perju Veacheslav Cor"rncil for Accreditation andAttestation of Republic of Moldova A U T H O RI N D E X
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s.tale unjyersity, Department of Applied Mathematics, chisinau,MD-2009,RepublicofMoidova, Tel:Q7lbl ylaig;-E -*ail; Alexe Mateevicistr.,60, s.cararanciuc(dsmaii.com ABSTRACT In this paperis proposed a systemof encryptinginformation,with keys formed of fragments by parlial derivatives of nonlinear Booleanfunctionsof n variables, *ii.h u"tong to a set o =-|4 rr, ..., Fr| . These fragments are' so-callecl, subsets of column, consisting of elements of the set T ={0'\' "',2'-1},2<r <n. Representation of functions by subsets of columnallowsquicklyfind the fragments of patlial derivativesof functionsof a large nurt., (tens and hundreds)of variables. Due to this encryptionkeys can.le quickly replacedas tirelransition dorn one message to another, as well as during the message, withoit essentiat changingthe info'natron pro"".ring speed but increasing concomitant securityof the system. The securityof this encryption-system are basedon the difficult calculationof Boolean functionsif are known only somefragments of iis partial derivatives. The functionsin o are represented in disjunctive normal form' Are developedformulas for detennination oi fragrrrents of partial derivatives, that are represented by multidimensionalmatrices.Thesefonnulas are o6tainedbasedon ,o* n"* properties of subsets of columnandof partiarderivatives f,r"ti;;;t;; rh;..t o. "f Ke;words: encryption, system, key, private,pubiic,Boolean, function,derivatives, matrices I. INTRODUCTION In [1] was proposed an encryptionsystemin which the key generatorrandornly generates triples of numbers (n1,n2,n3). Based on these rriples buiids theprivare keys D = (D,,....D,,...14;,*h.r.
Dt . = . (* t //
l ^ + t cxis
i J f
. -
when changing the tripletsrray be that the condition ( 1) arenot verified.In this case we needto search another triple' Depending on many factt.rrs situationcan be ."p"ut.a severaltimes and as a resultthe
of tunction in polynomial form (2)' The subsetsof From Table I we obtain all 2" representa.:oi:.s key) of the vector [ =(D1,...,D.1 ,...,Dt) (encryption columnfrom this tablecan serveas componenis [1,8].Tocalculatethepaftialderivatives'inaccordancervith[7]'wecreatetheparlition x n}} },{x,*1,"', {fr ,, I r.}= { {'r1,"','r; sets: on set X = {x1;.-.,xr)andbuildtvvo .1 . ,2 , _ 1 l' = {.r'n } '.t . . . . . ) ' p . . . 1 fLom -71)and to variabies that correspond (formedof binarystates r.r t ,. z r . , -_ Z = { z O. .. . . , 1} to variablesfrom rt2)' that conespond (formedof binary states when In thecase *, . x, we have S ' , i , , = { a 1 , F l \L { a z , F } L " ' L { a p , B p } , { a Fi
and sl = {a,r,a2,...,cr1}
and A by variable x, with (r1,d2,...,&prespectively, binarystates wherc81,82,..', B1oztaneighboring is the symmetricdifferenceof pairs of states'
t*,1 ta"J
when xir,"''xi, ' '7t is applied[4] the relationship higherorderderivatives To calculate a"-1F) a( a'F
=%[a".'-a';J a"t:ar+
w h e r e k= 2 ' ,
esr ) ,
jr=i,andit,iz,"',jqinthebinaryformrepresentans-dimensionalunitcubell'6]' all functionsof @' Time to calculatethe components when choosingthe componentD, ParticiPate of functions4 . As shownin [2] this time of parlialderivatives on the time of calculation D, depends from use the partitionsthat are built on sornevariables may be re,jucedif in the calculationwe
oi" sti = *on , u; ... it is 'For examplein conjunction u = xrlrioxu for n = 6 and r =3 variables x, and x. determine the block I 3 | 3' variablesx4 and x6 determine the indexesof z for which its binary representations contain x+ = 0 and, x6 = 1. Suchindexes are001 and011, i.e. S'l = ^S,'i = {4,6}. we find all subsets of columns of conjunctions of (6) andconstructTable2. Accordingto 17,71in the last line of Table2 are obtained the subsets of columnof functionandthen, with the formulas (3) and (4), are calculatingthe subsets of columns of respectivederivatives.The subsets of column of the conjunctionsrepresent blocks of the parlitionr, .rnpiy sets (Z) or Universe (I). applying Theorems 2 and,4 andproperly st.i , = s-' j ,LS'j ( a(4ar)\' f an)'-- ( aer)
o= n l ^n! =4sl
L a'' J
la" i
we find tit*,,
t I
lax; ) calculate the subsets of columnof partialderivatives and,in consequence, we reduce the overalltime of calculation. of columnsof coniunctions Tadg2 Subsets
d'F I \r=i \i=t / \i=t ) ) I 0x,, ) l}x1rdx,, jq in the binaryform represent an s-dimensional unit cube[1,6]. where4 =2t, jt= j,and jt, j2,..., to (11) from the Table3 we obtainfor any zt: According L{2,3,6,7\ L {2,3,6,7\:{0,7,2,3,4,5,6,J). L{4,6\ A {4,6}a {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) s:t ^ .r = {4,6}L {4,61
l d ' F \ t _ l ) \AxaOx5
" , ) .,=| As.|i, lol ls.'1, lr...al 4s"1' l, "' "' "'
( k
\ ( r
/ k
(I r)
ofbent functions[8]. from the class functions In the set @ areintroduced of column of derivativesmust In additionto this, functionssatisfythe following condition:the subsets contain a minimum number of elementswith the same minimal number of units in their binary representation [3]. r triples of numbers(n1,n2,\) (the public key), where Thekeygeneratorrandomlycompose . n1- numberof functions from the set @; . n2- definesvariablesfor the derivativecalculations; . n3- indexz - numberof subset of column. Thus encryptionkeys wanderson entire matrix from Table 1 with calculationformulaswithout having or randomly. on the specificrequirements to be built this hugematrix sizes.Keys may vary depending 3. ENCRYPTIONSYSTEM softwareprogram"Mathematica"was developedan up facts, in the computational Basedon presented = (nts,...,7/1i,...,7711) of: andis composed 711 the message that sends system encryption triples of numbers(ry,n2,n3). Based on these a) key generator, which randomly generates vector V = (do,....d triples builds r)Ul; vector d =(cs,...,c1) [6] and togetherwith triplets (\,n2,n3) ts b) codifier, which creates to the recipient; transmitted 4 =1d0,...,d,).Onthebasisofthe c) decoder,whichonthebasisoftriplets,constructsthevector . thevectorTt =(mp,...,t11i,...,ffit) restores vectorc d andc thedecoder matrix Ay,Ap three n-dimensional To tlre vectorsm,d andd, areassociate wayasto Ap1@AD = Ac [6,7, B]. andAg in such a
Message decryptiontakesplaceby applyingformula: A6@A, = trr' 4. CONCLUSIONS using blocks is recommended to apply in cases wherethe 1. Method of calculatingthe derivatives (t is (3) (6). it betterto apply formulas plrametere is relativelylarge >7 ). Otherwise during encryptionand this providesincreased the 2. The encryptionkeys are randomlygenerated protection from breaking,since in the forming of the componentsD, involve derivativesof variousfunctionsfrom @. 3. The system is effectivefor largemessages. in other programminglanguages, would be useful the impiementation 4. For practical purposes, suchasC++. REFERENCES
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