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Prof. U.J.Dixit

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1. 2. Name Official Address : :

Dr. ULHAS JAYRAM DIXIT Department of Statistics,University of Mumbai, Vidyanagari,Santacruz(E),Mumbai-400098,India ! : (9122)26526604 Fax: (9122)26526604 D-9,Roy Mansion Co-operative Housing society, Aaram society Lane,Vakola,Santacruz(E),Mumbai MS,India. Phone no. 91 22 26662353 (1) ulhasdixit@statistics.mu.ac.in (2) ulhasdixit@yahoo.co.in 3rd June 1954


Residential Address

4. 5. 6.

E-mail Address Date of Birth Qualifications

: : :

DEGREE SUBJECT UNIVERSITY B.A. Statistics University of Poona M.A. Statistics University of Poona

YEAR 1975 1977



M.Phil. Ph.D. Statistics Statistics University of Poona University of Mumbai 1982 1989 A Estimation of the parameters of Gamma Distribution, under Prof. B.K. Kale On Estimation of parameters of the Gamma Distribution in the presence of Outliers, under Prof. Y.S. Sathe

International Award
YEAR 1/3/93 to 31/3/94 POSITION UNIVERSITY/INSTITUTE st 1 Rothamsted International Fellow Rothamsted Experimental Station, U.K.


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Year 1977-1986 1986-1988 1988-1990 1990 1998 1998-2001 2001-2003 2003 onwards 2003-2007

Position Lecturer Lecturer (Sr. Scale) Lecturer (Sr. Scale) University/College Dr. Ambedkar College of Commerce and Economics, Mumbai. Dr. Ambedkar College of Commerce and Economics, Mumbai. Department of Statistics, University of Mumbai, Mumbai. Department of Statistics, University of Mumbai, Mumbai. Department of Statistics, University of Mumbai, Mumbai. Department of Mathematics and Computing Science, University of South Pacific, Suva Fiji. Department of Statistics, University of Mumbai, Mumbai. Department of Statistics, University of Mumbai. Cont

Reader Professor( On leave for Two years) Senior Lecturer Professor Head

8. Subjects taught for M.A./M.Sc./PGDAS: a) b) c) d) e) f) Measure Theory Elements of Stochastic Process Stochastic Process Queuing and Information Theory Financial Mathematics(PGDS) Design of Experiments e)Distribution and Theory of Estimation f) Non-parametric Inference g) Linear Models h) Multivariate Analysis f) Statistical Methods(PGDS)

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9(A). Participation in Seminar/Conference/Workshop/Summer Program/Training Program:

Nov. 1986


Indian Society of Probability & Statistics Statistics Statistical Inference Multivariate Analysis

Shivaji University, Kolhapur Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore University of Poona

Properties of distribution and estimation of "r in the presence of k outliers for Gamma distribution.

15 May to 10 June 1989 June 1989

Summer School National Seminar 7th International Conference 2nd International Triennial Calcutta Symposium Conference

18-23 Dec. 1992

30 Dec. 1994 to 2 Jan. 1995

Probability & Statistics

Nov. 1997

23 Jan. 1998


5-6 Feb. 1998


Marathi Arthshtra Parishad Extramural Research Schemes of Mathematical Science Statistical Methods for Quality and ProductivityCurrent trends

I.S.I., Delhi University & Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute, Delhi University Calcutta Statistical Association in collaboration with Dept. of Statistics, University of Calcutta New Arts, Commerce & Science College, Ahmednagar Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi

Estimation of the parameters of Gamma distribution in the presence of outliers in right censored samples Bayesian Approach to Prediction in the presence of outliers for Weibull Distribution

On the Estimation of the Power of the Scale Parameter of the Exponential Distribution in the presence of outliers generated from Uniform Distribution Economic problems relating to Maharashtra Study of some inference & related problems with special emphasis on bivariate distributions and exponential distribution having outliers from other distributions Estimation of P(X # Y) in the Negative Binomial Distr.

Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi

Cont. .3.

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9(B). Invited for Seminar/Conference/Refresher Course/Training Program:

Nov 1993



Dept. of Statistics Rothamsted Experimental Station, U.K. Dept. of Statistics, University College London London Dept. of Mathematics University of Leeds, Leeds, U.K. Dept. of Mathematics University of Nottingham Nottingham, U.K. Dept. of Mathematics University of Surrey Surrey, U.K. Dept. of Statistics Banaras Hindu University Varanasi, India. Dept. of Statistics University of Pune, India. Dept. of Statistics Gujarat University Ahmedabad, India. Indian Oil Corpn. Ltd. Mumbai, India.

Estimation of parameters of gamma distributions in the presence of outliers Estimation of parameters of gamma distributions in the presence of outliers in right censored samples On estimation of power of scale parameter of the gamma distribution in the presence of outliers On a recurrence relation for order statistic Characterization of the gamma distribution in the presence of k outliers Bayes Empirical Bayes Estimation

Jan 1994


Jan 1994


Jan 1994


Feb 1994


6-8 April, 1996 14 Nov, 1998 26-27 Nov. 1998 8-9 Sept. 1999 17th Feb. 2000


Conference Refresher Course Training Programme on Productivity Seminar

Bayesian Statistics and Applications Applications of Statistics Statistical Inference Linear Programming &Quantitative Techniques Problems in Teaching and Popularising Statistical Applications Linear Programming &Quantitative Techniques

Evaluation of Junior Colleges in Mumbai Estimation

Probability, Forecasting and Evaluation of Junior Colleges in Mumbai Statistics : Today and Tomorrow

Y. C. Institute of Science, Satara,Maharashtra India

7th Sept. 2000

Training Programme on Productivity

Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.,Mumbai

Forecasting and Multivariate Techniques

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.4. 9(C). Invited for Seminar/Conference/Refresher Course/Training Program :

19-21 Dec 2000 16th Jan 2001 18th Dec 2001 19-21 Dec 2001

International Conference Statistics, Combinatory and related areas Data Analysis and Statistical Applications Teaching Statistics Statistics, Combinatory And related areas Systemic, Cybernetics And Informatics ---------

Indian Institute of Technology , Mumbai 400076. Dept. of Statistics, Shivaji University

Estimation of parameters of an exponential distribution in the presence of outliers generated from Uniform distribution. Statistics: Live projects.


Education Workshop International Conference

14-18 July 2002 12th August 2003 30th August 2003

6th World Conference

University of Data analysis and Evaluation system Wollongong,Wollongong,,In Colleges Australia University of Semi-Bayesian Estimation of the Wollongong,Wollong Scale Parameter of Expoential Australia Distribution in the Presence of Outliers generated from Exponential Or Uniform Distribution Orlando,Florida State, Study of Compressive Strength Of U.S.A. Concrete of Certain Flyovers In Mumbai Department of Journalism Statistics : Opinion poll USP, FIJI Department of Statistics Outliers Review And Probability, National University of Singapore, Singapore Dept. of Statistics Data Analysis : Some case studies. Banaras Hindu University Varanasi, India.

Seminar Seminar

December, 29th 31st 2003

International Conference

4th & 5th June 2004


Recent Statistical Techniques in Life testing, Reliability, Sampling Theory & Quality Control. Statistical Training Factal Analytics Limited, Continuos Random Variable and Programme Mumbai. its distribution. Statistical Training Programme Statistical Tranining Programme Statistical Tranining Programme

25th 26th June Workship 2004 2nd & 3rd July 2004 Workshop

Factal Analytics Limited Unbiasedness, Consistency, Mumabi. Sufficiency and Relative Efficiency. Factal Analytics Limited Elements of Statistical Test, Type-1 Mumbai And 2 error, Common Large Sample Test and Simple Linear Regression Factal Analytics Limited Regression Diagnostics and Mumbai Transformation of variables.

9th & 10th July Workshop 2004

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..5. 9(D). Invited for Seminar/Conference/Refresher Course/Training Program :

YEAR Sept. 2004 Sept. 2005 March 2005

PROGRAMME Seminar Seminar Refresher Course

TOPIC __ __ Application of Mathematics

INSTITUTION Ruia College National College

TALK Data Analysis Actuarial Science


Refresher Course

Education to Teachers

Academic Staff Regression Analysis College Department Of Mathematics, University of Mumbai Academic Staff Evaluation of Colleges by College Department Using Statistical Techniques Of Education University of Mumbai Department of Statistics, Shivaji University , Kolhapur,India Interest Rates, Annuities, Loan Scheduling, Discounting Cash Flow etc.

2nd Nov. to
4th Nov. 2007

Series of lecturers

Financial Mathematics



Actuarial science

Dept. of Statistics What is an Actuarial science? Banaras Hindu University Varanasi, India

1st Jan. to
4th Jan. 2008

International Conference

Statistical Indian Statistical Paradigms : Recent Institute, Kolkata Advances and Reconciliations Statistics Department of Statistics, Shivaji University , Kolhapur,India

23rd Feb. and 24 Seminar th 24 Feb. 2008

Estimation of the scale parameter of the exponential distribution in the presence of outliers using Linex Loss function Sensitivity analysis and Actuarial Science

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9(E). Participated in Seminar/Workshop organized by Department of Statistics, University of Mumbai:

1990 Oct. 1994

National Seminar 1st Refresher Course

Statistical Inference & Survival Analysis Statistics


Participant Estimation

Academic Staff Resource Person College-Department Of statistics, University Of Mumbai Alumni Association Participant

Nov.25-26, 1994 March 1995

Seminar 2nd Refresher Course

Statistics Statistics


May 1995 Dec. 17-20, 1997

Workshop Seminar

Statistical Process Control Deliberations in Statistics & Statistics in Industry and Banking

Academic Staff Resource Person College- Department Of statistics, University Of Mumbai E.R.T.L. Course Coordinator Participant

Statistical Methods -

Feb, 28 2004 Jan, 8 2005 Jan, 28 2006 Feb, 3 2007

Seminar Seminar Seminar Seminar

Current Development In Data Analysis Statistical Application _ To Industry Statistical Applications related _ to Data Analysis Statistical Applications _ To Data Analysis

Organizer Organizer Organizer Organizer

_ _

31st May to 2nd International June 2007 Conference

Recent advances in Statistical inferences, Stochastic Process, Design of Experiments and Data Analysis pdfMachine


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10. Successful Guided Ph.D students: (a) Parviz F.Nasiri : Estimation of the scale Parameter of the Exponential Distribution in the Presence of Outliers Generated from the Exponential Distribution or Uniform Distribution, 2002 (b) Shilpa N. Khare : Estimation of the parameters of Bivariate Exponential Distribution, 2003 (c) Kalpana D.Phal: Estimation in Presence of Outliers, 2006

11. Successfully Guided M.Phil. Students: a) Miss. Shailaja G. Kelkar b) Mrs. Smita D. Chawak : : Empirical Bayes Methods. Study of the Estimation of the Parameter in the presence of an outlier. Prediction Intervals for future observations in case of an Exponential Distribution. A Study of the Burr Distribution.

c) Mr. Rajendra M. Patil

d) Mr. Amrit S. Rajwadkar

12. Completed Project: A major project entitled Study of some inference and related problems with special emphasis on bivariate distributions and exponential distribution having outliers from other distributions, financed by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India, during the year 1996-2000.

13. Statistical Analysis done on following topics in the Department of Statistics,University of Mumbai: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Grading of Colleges (T.Y. B.Sc.). Application of Data Reduction Technique. Evaluation of Mumbai University Department. Study of Compressive Strength of certain Flyovers in Mumbai. Atmosphere in Mumbai. A case control study to investigate etiological factors causing lung cancer among Women. Project on cause specific mortality in Mumbai and evaluating possible risk factors. A pilot project for Union Bank of India on Rural Banking Project on the application of Quality management Principles at the quality assurance department of Godfrey Phillips India Ltd. pdfMachine 10. Hawkers & Metropolian Informal Sector: A Study of Street vending In Mumbai A pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease! 11. Project on Credit Cards

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14. Consultancy Work: a) Prediction of Fe in atmosphere b) Participation of Women in Power c) Opinion Poll in certain Constituencies of Mumbai d) Performance of FCAE Diploma holders at USP e) Entry level of First Year USP students f) National Nutrition Survey g) Deciding advertisement in the Nespapers : : : : : : : Lubricant Oil Company Ltd., Mumbai Rambhau Mhalgi Prabodhini, Mumbai Bhartiya Janata Party The University of the South Pacific,Fiji The University of the South Pacific,Fiji UNISEF & FIJI Government Carat Media Services India Pvt.Lt

15. Membership of Academic Bodies: a) b) c) d) Indian Society for Probability and Statistics, India. Bombay Mathematical Colloquium Indian Association for Productivity, Quality and Reliability New Zealand Statistical Association

16. Membership of Academic Bodies of University: a) Library Committee, University of Mumbai b) Warden of University Hostel, University of Mumbai c) Member of Board of studies, Shivaji University, Kolhapur d) Member of Board of studies, University of Mumbai, Mumbai e) Member of the Board of University Teaching and Research for the faculty of Arts, Science and Commerce, University of Mumbai f) Member of the Research and Recognition Committee for the BOS in Statistics, University of Mumbai g) Member of the Faculty of Science 17. Worked as Referee/Examiner for M.A./M.Sc./M.Tech./M.Phil./Ph.D.: a) b) c) d) e) Indian Institute of Technology, Powai, Mumbai Nagpur University, Nagpur Shivaji University, Kolhapur pdfMachine University of Mumbai, Mumbai A pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease! University of Pune,Pune Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
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f) g) h) i)

Union Public Service Commission, New Delhi,India Maharashtra Public Service Commission,Mumbai,India Reserve Bank of India , Mumbai Banaras Hindu University

18. Book: Statistical Inference and Design of Experiment, Edited by Ulhas J.Dixit and Meena R. Satam, published by Narosa Publishing House,New Delhi ,1999. This Volume contains 20 research papers invited from all over the world and refereed by 32 well known Statisticians. 19. Research Publications: 1. (With Y.S. Sathe), A comment on generalized gamma distribution, Calcutta Statist. Assoc. Bull., 34, 123-124, 1985. 2. Characterization of the gamma distribution in the presence of k outliers, Bull. Bombay Mathematical Colloquium, 4, 54-59, 1987. 3. Estimation of the parameters of the gamma distribution in the presence of outliers, Commun. Statist. Theory and Meth., 18(8), 3071-3085, 1989. 4. (With Y.S. Sathe), On a recurrence relation for order statistic, Statistics and Probability letters, 9, 1-4, 1990. 5. On the estimation of power of scale parameter of the gamma distribution in the presence of outliers, Commun. Statist. Theory and Meth., 20(4), 1991. 6. Bayesian approach to prediction in the presence of outliers for Weibull distribution, Metrika, 41, 127-136, 1994. 7. (With K.L. Moore and V. Barnett), On the estimation of the scale parameter of the exponential distribution in the presence of outliers generated from uniform distribution, Metron, Vol. LIV-n. 3-4, 201-211, 1996. 8. (With Shilpa D. Karadkar), Estimation of the parameters of a bivariate exponential distribution, Statistical Inference and Design of Experiments, edited by U.J. Dixit and (M.R. Satam, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, pp.13-19 1999. 9. (with R.G. Shenoy, V.U. Dixit) Evaluation of selected Junior Colleges in Mumbai in Science Stream: Statistical Inference and Design of Experiments, edited by U.J. Dixit and M.R. Satam, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, pp.146-155, 1999. 10. (Invited) Bayes Empirical Bayes Estimation, Proceedings National Seminar on Bayesian Statistics and its Applications, edited by S.K. Upadhyay and U. Singh, pp. 59-71, 1998. 11. (With Y.S. Sathe), Estimation of P[X # Y] in negative binomial distribution, Journal of Statistical planning and Inference 83-92, 93, 2001. 12. (With Parviz F. Nasiri), Estimation of parameters of the exponential distribution in the presence of outliers generated from uniform distribution, METRON, Vol. LIX n. 3-4, 187-198,2001 13. (Invited) (With Sarode D.D.) Study of compressive Strength of Concrete of Certain Flyovers in Mumbai: The 6th World Multiconference on Systemic, Cybernetics and Informatics,Industrial Systems and Engineering III,Edited by Nagib Callaos,Yigang He and Jorge A. PerezPeraza,Vol,XVII,381-387,2002. 14. (With Reddy M.V.): Study of Performance of First Year USP students with respect to their Form Seven Marks, South Pacific Journal of Natural Sciences,Vol.20,p. 45-47,2002 15. (With Dixit, V.U. and Reddy M.V.) Performance of FCAE Diploma holders at USP, South Pacific Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol. 20, P. 62-63,2002. 16. (With V.U. Dixit), Testing of the parameters of a right truncated exponential distribution, American Journal of Mathematical and Management sciences,Vol. 22,Nos. 3 & 4,343-351,2003 pdfMachine
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17. (With Ali, M. M. and Woo Jungsoo): Efficient Estimation of parameters of a uniform distribution in the presence of outliers, Soochow Journal of Mathematics, Vol.29, No.4, P.363-369, 2003 18. (With Reddy M.V.): Diagnostic Test for Mathematics Students at USP,Fijian Studies 3,No.1,125129,2005. 19. (With Phal, K.D.): On Estimating Scale Parameters of a Truncated Gamma distribution, Soochow Journal of Mathematics, Vol.31, No.4, P.515-523, 2005 20. (Invited) Data analysis : Some Case Studies: Statistical Techniques in LifeTesting,Reliability,Sampling Theory and Quality Control, Edited by B. N. Pandey,Narosa Publishing House,New Delhi,pp: 110-116,2007 21. (with Parviz F. Nasiri) : Estimation of the parameter of a right truncated exponential distribution, Journal: Statistical Papers,49,225-236,2008 22. (with Kalpana D.Phal) Efficient estimation of parameters of an exponential distribution in the presence of outliers generated from Uniform distribution, Submitted for Publication. 23. (with Kalpana D.Phal) Estimation of P[ X > Y] for the Uniform distribution in the presence of outliers, submitted for Publication. 24. Estimation of the parameters of gamma distribution in the presence of outliers in right censored samples, submitted for publication 25. (With Parviz F. Nasiri) Estimation of the parameter of the exponential distribution in the presence of outliers using linex loss function, submitted for publication 26. (with Shilpa Khare) Bayes estimation of the parameter of Gumbels Bivariate Exponential distribution, Submitted for Publication.

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