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FYBSC Microbiology

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Academic Council 25/05/2011 Item No. 4.



Syllabus for the F.Y.B.Sc. Program: B.Sc. Course : Microbiology

(Credit Based Semester and Grading System with effect from the academic year 20112012)

F.Y.B.Sc. Microbiology Syllabus Restructured for Credit Based and Grading System To be implemented from the Academic year 2011-2012
Semester I Course Code USMB101 Title FUNDAMENTALS OF MICROBIOLOGY Credits 2 Credits (45 lectures ) 15 Lectures

Unit I Introduction to Microbiology and prokaryotic cell structure and function. 1.1 Histrory and scope of Microbiology 1.2 Procaryotic cell membranes plasma membranes and internal membrane systems 1.3 Cytoplasmic matrix Inclusion bodies, ribosome. 1.4 Bacterial chromosome and plasmids source of information 1.5 Cell Wall 1.6 Components external to cell wall Capsule, Slime Layer, S Layer, Pili, Fimbriae, Flagella 1.7 Bacterial endospores and their formation. Unit II Eukaryotic cell structure and function. 2.1 Overview of Eucaryotic cell structure and Function. 2.2 The cytoplasmic matrix, microfilaments, Intermediate filaments and microtubules 2.3 Endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus 2.4 Lysosomes and Endocytosis 2.5 Eucaryotic ribosomes, Mitochondria and Chloroplasts 2.6 Nucleus, Nucleolus, Cell division, Mitosis and eiosis 2.7 External cell coverings 2.8 Comparision between Procaryotic and Eucaryotic cell Unit III Microbial Nutrition, cultivation, isolation and preservation. 3.1 Nutritional requirements Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Sulfur and growth factors. 3.2 Nutritional types of microorganisms 3.3 Nutrient uptake mechanisms 3.4 Types of Culture media with examples 3.5 Isolation of microorganisms and pure culture techniques. 3.6 Preservation of microorganisms

15 Lectures

15 Lectures

Course Code USMB102


Credits 2 Credits (45 lectures )

Unit I : Microscopy. 1.1 Concepts 1.2 Lenses & bending of light 1.3 The Light Microscope a) Bright Field Microscope b) Resolution of the Microscope 1.4 The Electron Microscope a) The Transmission Electron Microscope b) The Scanning Electron Microscope 1.5 Newer Techniques in Microscopy a) Confocal Microscopy b) Scanning Tunncling Microscope Eg. The Scanning Tunneling Microscope. The Atomic Force Microscope Unit II : Contrast Enhancement techniques. 2.1 The Dark Field Microscope 2.2 The Phase Contrast Microscope 2.3 The Differential Inerference Contrast Microscope 2.4 The Fluorescence Microscope 2.5 Staining of specimens a) Flaxation b) Dyes & simple staining c) Differential staining d) Staining of specific structures 2.6 Specimen preparation in TEM Staining,Shadowing with metals, Freeze Etching Unit III : Control of Microorganisms. 3.1 Definitions of frequently used terms 3.2 Pattern / Rate of Microbial Death 3.3 Conditions influencing the effectivencess of Antimicrobial Agents 3.4 Physical methods of Microbial Control a) Heat : Moist & Dry b) Low temperature c) Filtration d) High pressure e) Desiccation F) Osmotic pressure g) Radiations 3.5 Chemical methods of Microbial Control a) Phenolics b) Biguanides- Chlorohexidine c) Alcohols d) Halogens e) Heavy Metals f) Quaternary ammonium compounds g) Surface active agents h) Aldehydes i) Sterilising gases j) Peroxygens k) Chemotherapeutic agents 3.6 Evaluation of effectiveness of Antimicrobial agent.

15 Lectures

15 Lectures

15 Lectures

Course Code USMBP1


Credits 2 Credits

SECTION I FUNDAMENTALS OF MICROBIOLOGY Unit I : Safety in Laboratory Assignment : Contribution of a Scientist in the field of Microbiology Unit II : Procaryotic & Eucaryotic cell structuresa)Monochrome Staining b)Negative Staining c)Staining of specific structures:Cell wall, Capsule, Endospores, Metachromatic Granules, Lipids,Flagella, Spirocheates d) Permanent slides of Algae & Protozoa Unit III : Preparation of Culture Media a)Liquid medium(Nutrient Broth) b)Solid Media(Nutrient agar ,Sabourauds agar) c)Preparation of slant ,butts & plates Inoculation techniques and Study of Growth a)Inoculation of Liquid Medium b)Inoculation of Solid Media(Slants, Butts and Plates) c)Study of Colony Characteristics of Bacteria d)Study of Motility (Hanging Drop Preparation) e)Use of Differential, Selective and Enriched Media Superimposed Blood Agar, Determination of Optimum growth conditions a) Temp. b) Ph SECTION - II APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY Unit I : Care of Microscope Study of Compound Light /Phase Contrast/Binocular Microscope Study of Bright Field & Darkfield Microscopy Unit II : Differential Staining- Gram Staining Unit III : Physical Method of control of microorganisms: a) Heat: Autoclaving,Fractional Sterilization,Dry heat b) Bacteria Proof Filteration(Demonstration of membrane filtration) c) Effect of UV rays d) Effect of Dessication e) Effeect of high osmotic pressure Chemical methods of control of microorganisms: a) Effect of Phenolics(Disc Method) b) Oligodynamic action c) Effect of Surfactant ( Tween 80) d) Dyes Disc Method e) Chemotherapeutic agent

Semester II Course Code USMB201 Title FUNDAMENTALS OF MICROBIOLOGY. Credits 2 Credits (45 lectures ) 15 Lectures

Unit I Microbial growth. 1.1 Definition of growth, Mathematical Expression, Growth curve 1.2 Measurement of growth a) Direct microscopic count Breeds Petroff Hausser counting chamber, Hacmocytometer. b) Viable count Spread plate and Pour plate technique c) Measurements of cell consituents. d) Turbidity measurements Nephelometer and spectrophotometer techniques e) Measurements of cell constituents 1.3 Synchronous growth, Continuous growth (Chemostat and Turbidostat) 1.4 Growth yeild 1.5 Influence of environmental factors on growth. 1.6 Microbial growth in natural environment. 1.7 Counting viable non-culturable organisms-Quorum sensing techniques. Unit II Study of Yeast, Molds, Algae and Protozoa. 2.1 Classification, Morphological characteristics, cultivation, reproduction and significance. a) Yeast and molds b) Algae c) Protozoa Unit III Study of viruses, Rickettsia, Chlamydia, Actinomycetes and Archaebacteria. 3.1 Viruses : Classification of viruses, General characteristics, Structure of T4 phage, viral Cultivation, inclusion bodies and their significance, Life cycle of coliphages, lytic cycle and lysogeny. 3.2 Rickettsia : General characteristics, Diseases and vectors 3.3 Chlamydia : General characteristics 3.4 Actinomycetes L General properties, cell wall type, whole cell sugar patterns. Characteristics as per new classification and significance. 3.5 Archaea : Characteristics of major archaeal groups.

15 Lectures

15 Lectures

Course Code USMB202


Credits 2 Credits
(45 lectures)

Unit I: Microorganisms in air and soil. 1.1 Air Microbiology a) Type & significance of organisms b) Techniques of studying Air Microflora 1.2 Microorgnisms in Terrestrial Environments a) Soil as an enviroment b) Soils, Plants & Nutrients c) Diversity of soil microorganisms d) Formation of different soils 1.3 Biogeochmical cycling a) Carbon cycle b) Nitrogen cycle c) Phosphorous cycle d) Sulfar cycle e) Iron cycle f) Manganese cycle g) Metal toxicity. 1.4 The Physical cycling a) The Microenvionment & Niche b) Biofilms & Microbial mats c) Microorganisms & Populations 1.5 Examination of Microbial Populations a) Examination Technique b) Examination of community Structure c) Microbial activity & turnover d) Recovery or addition of individual microbes. Unit II: Microorganisms in water and waste water. 2.1 Marine & fresh water environments a) Water as a microbial habitat b) Nutrient cycling c) Fresh Water environments, Glaciers & permanently frozen lakes Streams & rivers, Lakes d) Marine environments, Estuaries & Salts marshes The Photic zone, The Benthic zone e) Water purification & Sanitary analysis 2.2 Waste water Microbiology a) Measurement of waste water quality b) Waste water treatment. Unit III: Microbial Interactions. 3.1 Types of Microbial Interactions Mutulism, Cooperation, Commensalisms, Predation Parasitism, Amensalism, Competition 3.2 Human Microbe Interactions a) Normal flora of the human body : Skin, Nose & Nasopharynx, Oropharynx, Respiratory tract, Eye, External ear, Mouth, Stomach, Small intestine, Large intestine, Genitourinary tract b) Relationship between microbiota & the host c) Gnotobiotic animals 3.3 Microbial associations with vascular plants a) Phyllosphere b) Rhizosphere & Rhizoplane c) Mycorrhizae d) Nitrogen fixation : Rhizobia, Actinorhizae, Stem Nodulating rhizobia e) Fungal & Bacterial endophytes f) Agrobacterium & other plant pathogens

15 Lectures

15 Lectures

15 Lectures

Course Code USMBP2


Credits 2 Credits

SECTION I FUNDAMENTALS OF MICROBIOLOGY Unit I : Measurement of Microbial Growth : a)Haemocytometer b)Opacity Tubes c)Viable Count d)Growth Curve of E. coli Measurement of cell dimensions-Micrometry Unit II : Cultivation of Yeast & Molds: a) Cultivation on Sabourauds agar b) Static & Shaker Cultures c) Fungal Wet mounts & Study of Morphological Characteristics. Mucor, Rhizopus,Aspergillus, Penicillium, Unit III : Slide Culture technique ( Actinomycetes)

SECTION - II APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY Unit I : Study of air Microflora and Determination of Sedimentation Rate Study of Soil Microflora (Bacteria, Yeast and Molds, Actinomycetes) Winogradsky Column-Demonstation of Sulphur Cycle Study of Azotobacter Study of Rhizobia Crowded Plate Technique Unit II : Bacteriological Analysis of Water, Study of Raw Sewage Unit III : Normal Flora of: a)Skin b)Intestine
References : List of books for USMB 101, 102, 201 & 202. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Prescott ,Hurley.Klein-Microbiology, 5th & 6th edition, International edition 2002 & 2006, McGraw Hill. Kathleen Park Talaro & Arthur Talaro - Foundations in Microbiology International edition 2002| McGraw Hill. Michael T.Madigan & J.M.Martin,Brock ,Biology of Microorganisms 11th Ed. International edition 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall. A.J.Salle,Fundamental Principles of Bacteriology. Stanier.Ingraham et al ,General Microbiology 4th & 5th Ed. 1987, Macmillan Education Ltd.

Allocation of Time per Credit :- 1 Credit = 30 to 40 hours Total contact Hrs :- 468 Hrs. per Semester i.e. 936 Hrs. per year. Ratio of Instruction : Self Study : (i) Theory 1:1, (ii) Practicals 4:1

The time duration per credit is divided into two parts: Approximately fifty percent of the time will be spent on class room instructions including practical as prescribed by the University. Rest of the time spent as notional hours.-30-40 hrs/credit Notional Hours: Module to be selected as per the department requirements. Training for Assignment writing ,extra coaching for vernacular students, Journal writing Student seminars or group discussion Organize lectures or talks on the related subject. Organize open day in the department with the participation of FY students for junior college students Discuss career opportunities Counseling Lecture Industrial Visit, relevant to the subject CD Shows/Film shows E- book learning Visit to an NGO, Science exhibition Training for participation in extra -curricular activities. Interaction with parents. Attending seminars, workshop,& conferences Group activity/Self Study/Quiz.

Credit Assignment: Semester I : Learning Hours(h) Lectures (L) Theory Practical 45 L = 36 h 45 L = 36 h 45 L = 36 h 45 L = 36 h Credits Theory 2 2 4 Practicals 1 1 2

Course I (USMB101) I (USMBP101) II (USMB102) II (USMBP102)

Total / Semester: 90 L = 72 h Semester II : Learning Hours (h) Lectures (L) Theory Practical 45 L = 36 h 45 L = 36 h 90 L = 72 h 45 L = 36 h 45 L = 36 h 90 L = 72 h

Course I (USMB 201) I (USMBP 201) II (USMB 202) II (USMBP 202) Total / Semester

Credits Theory 2 2 4 Practicals 1 1 2

Grand Total / Year

180 L = 144 h

180 L = 144 h

Scheme of Examination: The performance of the learners shall be evaluated into two parts. The learners performance shall be assessed by Internal Assessment with 40% marks in the first part & by conducting the Semester End Examinations with 60% marks in the second part. The Course having Practical training will have Practical Examination for 50 marks at the end of Semester, out of which 30 marks for the Practical task assigned at the time of examination. The 20 marks are allotted as Internal Assessment. The allocation of marks for the Internal Assessment and Semester End Examinations are as shown below:Internal Assessment: It is defined as the assessment of the learners on the basis of continuous evaluation as envisaged in the Credit based system by way of participation of learners in various academic and correlated activities in the given semester of the progamme. Semester End Assessment : It is defined as the assessment of the learners on the basis of Performance in the semester end Theory/ written/ Practical examination. Modality of Assessment : Internal Assessment - 40%

40 marks.

Sr No 1 2 3 4

Sr No 1 2 3

a) Theory 40 marks Evaluation type Marks Two Assignments/Case study/Project 20 One class Test (multiple choice questions objective) 10 Active participation in routine class instructional 05 deliveries(case studies/ seminars//presentation) Overall conduct as a responsible student, manners, skill in 05 articulation, leadership qualities demonstrated through organizing co-curricular activities, etc. b) Practicals 20 marks Evaluation type Marks Two best practicals 10 Journal 05 Viva 05

B ) External examination - 60 % Semester End Theory Assessment - 60% 60 marks i. Duration - These examinations shall be of two hours duration. ii. Theory question paper pattern :1. There shall be four questions each of 15 marks. On each unit there will be one question & fourth one will be based on entire syllabus. 2. All questions shall be compulsory with internal choice within the questions. Each question will be of 20 to 23 marks with options. 3. Questions may be sub divided into sub questions a, b, c, d & e only & the allocation of marks depends on the weightage of the topic. Practical External Assessment 30 marks

Practical Examination Pattern : Semester I: Course : USMBP- 1 SECTION- I SECTION - II Semester II : Course : USMBP- 2 SECTION- I SECTION - II Internal 20 marks 20 marks External 30 marks 30 marks Total 50 marks 50 marks Internal 20 marks 20 marks External 30 marks 30 marks Total 50 marks 50 marks

Internal Practical Examination (20 marks) Semester I-Internal Practical Examination USMBP -1 SECTION- I SECTION - II JournalMarks 05 05 Assignment /Viva Seminar Marks 05 05 Pract test02 Marks 10 10 Total 20 20

Semester II-Internal Practical Examination Assignment /Viva Seminar Marks 05 05 Pract test02 Marks 10 10


JournalMarks 05 05

Total 20 20

External Practical Examination Pattern External Practical Examination -Semester I USMBP - 1 SECTION- I Spots/quiz Special Staining Technique I(Any-1) Isolation on selective media, Preparation of slant/butt/plate, Broth transfer Total SECTION- II Technique II (Any-1) Oligo- dynamic action, Dye Disc method, Chemotherapeutic agent Gram staining Total

Marks 10 10 10 30 20 10 30

External Practical Examination- Semester II USMBP - 2 SECTION- I Technique I Viable count Slide Culture /Wet mount Total SECTION- II Technique II (Any-1) OR Any two (10 Marks each) Isolation of Azotobacter Isolation of Rhizobium /Bacteroid staining Study of soil microflora. Crowded plate technique Normal Flora IMViC Water analysis: MPN,EMB Streaking & BGLB Rate of sedimentation of air Spots/quiz Total Marks 20 10 30 20

10 30

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