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DNA Sequence Data Analysis

Steps Toward Computer Analysis

of Nucleotide Sequences
T h o m a s R. G i n g e r a s a n d R i c h a r d J. R o b e r t s

The search for rules to describe the relation between structures and their properties is a fundamental goal of scientific
endeavor. For the molecular biologist,
this means understanding the information encoded in the sequences of nucleic
acid molecules, a quest requiring both
the elucidation and analysis of these sequences. A problem that long thwarted
these efforts was the extreme length of

from the filamentous coliphage fd (2),

now achievements are measured in kilobases or even tens of kilobases.
In the last few years it was recognized
that manual methods are inadequate for
the manipulation and analysis of this extraordinary amount of data and so began
the alliance of computers and nucleic
acid sequences. Without the extensive
use of computer methods, it seems im-

Summary. Advances in recombinant DNA technology have allowed the isolation of

large numbers of biologically interesting fragments of DNA. Concomitant improvements in methods for nucleic acid sequencing have led many investigators to characterize their clones by sequencing them. This has resulted in the accumulation of such
large amounts of sequence data that computer-assisted methods, with programs directed toward the manipulation of nucleic acid sequences, have become indispensable during the collection and analysis of that data.
most DNA molecules. Fortunately, the
discovery of restriction endonucleases
enabled these molecules to be dissected
in an orderly fashion (/) and, more recently, recombinant DNA techniques
have facilitated the purification and characterization of individual restriction fragments from within extremely complex
mixtures. So successful has this new
technology been that we are now confronted with large numbers of biologically interesting pieces of DNA, and
there is feverish activity to determine
their sequences. Again, major technical
advances have been made for the determination of these sequences. Whereas 8
years ago the longest known DNA sequence was a 20-base pyrimidine tract

plausible that we would be able to progress much further in the collation of our
sequence data, much less be in a position
to analyze it adequately. It is the intent
of this article to report on the developing
role of computer technology in this field.

Assembling DNA Sequences

Sequencing strategy. Most sequencing

projects have begun with the construction of a map of restriction enzyme sites
in the DNA segment of interest. The detail deemed necessary in such a map has,
to some extent, been influenced by the
choice of sequencing method. By far the
most used technique has been the chem-

0036-8075/80/0919-1322501.75/0 Copyright 1980

ical method of Maxam and Gilbert (3).

Because the technical manipulations associated with this method are quite timeconsuming, the construction of detailed
restriction enzyme maps has been advantageous in allowing a sensible but
limited choice of fragments to be labeled
and sequenced. The alternative, the
chain terminator method, developed by
Sanger and his colleagues (4), is less demanding in terms of the technical manipulations required, but it could not easily
be applied to double-stranded DNA molecules before the discovery that exonuclease III could be used to prepare
templates (5). Given the ease of performing the sequencing reactions by this
technique, the requirement for prior and
extensive restriction enzyme mapping is
diminished. The map can be deduced as
sequencing proceeds and, if overlapping
stretches of sequence result, this merely
adds to the confidence with which the final sequence can be viewed.
Restriction enzyme mapping. The construction of restriction enzyme maps by
conventional techniques has already
been discussed (1) and, in general, is
easy when just a few fragments need to
be ordered; it becomes progressively
more difficult as the number of fragments
increases. Stefik (6) described an algorithm that uses a model-driven approach
to construct restriction enzyme maps.
The procedure requires only the sizes of
all fragments produced by one or more
restriction enzyme digestions. The program, called G A I , solves the mapping
problem by inferring structures through
use of an exhaustive model generator.
Most of the models are elimifiated by a
pruning process that derives its rules
from the data supplied by the user (that
is, the number and size of fragments generated by each single, double, or triple
enzyme digest). Many of the ideas inherent in this approach are similar to those
used by the set of programs ( D E N D R A L )
developed to predict the molecular structures of organic molecules (7).
Thomas R. Gingeras is a staff investigator and
Richard J. Roberts is a senior staff investigator at
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor. New York 11724.
S C I E N C E , VOL. 209, 19 S E P T E M B E R 1980

In principle, by performing all possible

combinations of digests with a few restriction enzymes, and measuring the
lengths of the fragments produced, it
should be possible to produce unambiguous maps by this approach. A major
difficulty, which also plagues the conventional methods of mapping, lies in the
accurate determination of fragment
lengths. If these are known exactly, then
mapping reduces to a simple problem of
addition. Unfortunately, this is not the
case. Existing gel systems, upon which
these fragments are fractionated, allow
only ro/igh estimates of fragment
lengths. Occasionally, variation in the
base composition of individual fragments
precludes even the relative ordering of
fragments according to size.
One approach that attempts to overcome these difficulties is a computer program described by Schroeder and Blattner (8). It uses a least-squares method to
improve the accuracy with which the
size of each restriction fragment is
known. From these improved estimates,
restriction enzyme maps can be deduced. By an iterative procedure, the
map can be refined so that the map position for each restriction site minimizes
the sum of the squares of the fractional
(rather than absolute) deviations of each
measured fragment size from its predicted value.
It would be misleading to infer that a
unique restriction map for any enzyme
on any substrate can be the guaranteed
product of either one or both of these
programs at the present time. Rather, the
programs should be viewed as providing
a small number of possibilities for each
map by using some well-defined mathematical principles. A few select experiments can then be performed to decide
among the candidates.
The primary data. The nature of the
primary data from which nucleic acid sequences are assembled is shown in Fig.
1, an autoradiograph of a sequencing gel
that contains a ladder-like pattern of
bands displayed in four basic channels.
Each channel contains a band that corresponds to a particular base located at a
particular position in the DNA sequence.
In reality, the band measures the distance between some fixed point in the
DNA sequence (most often the 5' end of
a restriction fragment) and a particular
base in that sequence. Since the resolving power of the gel enables fragments
that differ in length by one nucleotide to
be clearly resolved from one another, it
is possible to read the sequence directly
from the gel merely by noting the position among the four channels of the next
longest fragment. The development of

very thin urea-containing polyacrylamide gels (9) has permitted the resolution of products, resulting from a single
sequencing reaction, up to a chain length
of 250 to 300 nucleotides per loading.
The partial sequences, read from this
and similar gels, are then recorded and
compared in order to reconstruct the entire sequence. Two sources of trivial error are associated with this stage: one involves careless reading of the gel (for example, mistaking channels, skipping a
band); the other involves errors introduced when manually recording the



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We have been attempting to overcome

errors at this stage by automatically
transferring data directly from the original autoradiograph into a computer. Our
approach uses a digitizing tablet (Fig. 2)
that allows the sequence to be read directly into the memory of the computer.
The tablet operates by sending to the
computer the location of any point on the
surface of the pad once this point has
been touched by a signal pen. The location is represented in the form of a digitized set of X and Y coordinates. The
autoradiograph is placed on the pad and
the channels are identified by touching
each of their four corners with the pen.
For each channel this defines a rectangle
such that any location in the rectangle
subsequently touched by the pen is automatically assigned the appropriate base.
The gel is then read by touching each
band with the pen and the location is recorded as the corresponding base. By repeating this process several times, the
readings can be compared and discrepancies highlighted by the computer,
thus allowing immediate checking of the
appropriate region of the gel. Other areas
of the digitizing tablet, which are not
covered by the autoradiograph, can be
used to send signals to the computer to
invoke various useful functions. For instance, they may call an editor to correct
the sequence just read, request programs
to compare the newly entered sequence
with other blocks already resident, or
identify previous gels that contain sequences complementary to or homologous with the newly entered data.
There are several significant advantages in this approach, not the least of
which is the removal of trivial errors that
accompany the manual reading of auto-

Fig. 1. An autoradiograph of a sequencing gel.

The data were produced by using the chain termination procedure (4). A small restriction
fragment (primer) was denatured and annealed to a DNA template prepared by resection with exonuclease III (5). The primer was
then extended with the use of the Klenow
fragment of DNA polymerase I in the presence of four aW-labeled deoxynucleoside triphosphates and one unlabeled dideoxynucleoside triphosphate. Incorporation of the dideoxynucleoside causes chain termination
and results in a DNA fragment of unique
length. One end is defined by the 5' terminus
of the priming restriction fragment, and the
other is defined by the incorporation of the
chain terminator. In the channels labeled A,
the chain terminator was dideoxyadenosine
triphosphate and each band corresponds to
the location of an adenosine residue in the sequence. The sequence is read from the bottom
to the top of the figure by noting the channel
containing the next highest (longer) band. Duplicate channels for each base facilitate the
correct ordering of the bands.

Fig. 2. A simple, semiautomated gel reading station. This station has a translucent digitizing
tablet and a cathode ray tube terminal used for display. An autoradiograph is positioned on the
surface of the tablet and the sequence is read from the autoradiograph (by the signal pen) directly into memory. The nucleotide sequence is displayed on the terminal screen. The limit of
resolution for this tablet is 0. I ram. A menu of other functions (editing, homology searches) is
encoded on the surface of the tablet in an area not covered by the autoradiograph. These functions can be activated by touching the designated areas with the signal pen.

radiographs. One important feature,

which we consider highly desirable, is
that the experimenter remains in close
proximity to his data. The actual reading
still depends on his experience and wisdom. Those areas of the gel in which
compression of bands occurs, usually attributed to secondary structure, can be
noted and the unexpected results, which
so often lead to new insights, may still be
found. This would not be true if a completely automated gel reading system
were devised. We have explored an automated gel scanning device, one designed to read two-dimensional protein
gels (10), but for the present we view this
alternative with caution because it effectively separates the investigator from
the examination of his primary data.

Reconstruction of large sequences.

The primary data from a set of sequencing reactions consist of a number of short
sequence stretches that may be up to 250
nucleotides in length. The next stage is
to order these short segments to find
overlapping stretches of common nucleotides and, finally, to join them together
into one long block of sequence that represents the primary structure of the original molecule.
Two sets of computer programs (11,
12) have been written to aid in this process. These programs provide three essential functions. The first is to direct
each new piece of sequence data into a
master archive, which can be used for future reference. The second function allows the identification of those blocks of

sequence that contain homologous or

complementary stretches--the overlaps.
In both programs, the stringency of the
overlap can be set by the user. The program developed by Staden (11) has a
very useful feature in that characters
other than the usual adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), or thymine (T) can
be used to represent nucleotides that are
difficult to determine. For instance, occasionally it is difficult to distinguish real
bands from artifacts. In the chain termination procedure, some structural feature may cause elongation to stop prematurely, giving rise to bands in several
channels. Alternatively, in the chemical
method, the discrimination between C
and T may be too poor to allow for an
unambiguous decision. These ambiguities can be denoted by a special set of
characters (for example, R is A or G) in
the sequence and can then be taken into
account during the search for overlaps.
In both programs, the strings of nucleotides sharing overlapping sequence can
be printed in a format that aligns t h e
areas of homology (Fig. 3).
The third function is that of melding
any two strings of nucleotides that contain overlapping sequence. If discrepancies occur at certain positions, diacritical marks are placed above the nucleotides concerned. This serves to identify
those positions in a sequence where either new data are needed or some reevaluation of the old data is required. As the
sequencing project continues, the original stretches of short sequence gradually

become-melded into longer and longer

blocks until the reconstruction of the
original molecule is accomplished.
Checking the sequence. A most important step in nucleotide sequence determination comes when a complete sequence
has been assembled and its accuracy
must be assessed. Since DNA is double
stranded, sequence can be obtained independently from both strands and thus,
even during the assembly of the sequence, its accuracy can be continually
checked. If a discrepancy appears in the
sequence of either strand, it is, of
course, unclear which strand is incorrect. Such discrepancies can result from
a number of causes, some technical, in
which case the experiment may have to
be repeated, and some systematic. For
example, certain stretches of sequence
are able to form very strong secondary
structures that result in anomalous mobilities (compressions) during gel electrophoresis. The exact positions and extent of these compressions often vary
from one strand to another such that perfectly good sequence may be read from
one strand while the other is indecipherable. Alternatively, the relative location of available restriction sites may
preclude sequence data from being gathered from both strands; in this case the
sequence assignment must be based, for
short regions, on only one strand of data.
In any event, there is an alternative
way to assess the accuracy of the sequence by using restriction enzymes.
First, restriction enzyme maps deduced
before sequencing should be confirmed
by the final sequence. Second, other restriction enzyme sites used for fragment
preparation during the sequencing operation should also be confirmed. Finally,
and perhaps most importantly, with a
complete sequence in hand, it is possible
to predict the fragmentation patterns that
should be observed upon digestion of the
original molecule with the known restriction enzymes. These patterns can be
generated experimentally very rapidly
and can serve to randomly check the integrity of the sequence. Computer programs that scan the sequence and identify the location of restriction enzymes
sites abound and represent one of the
more straightforward and practical uses
of the computer in nucleic acid sequence

Analysis of Nucleic Acid Sequences

Once a large segment of accurate sequence is available, it is usually desirable
and necessary to identify those features
of the sequence that determine its biologSCIENCE, VOL. 209

ical properties. Such analysis falls into

two discrete stages: The first involves
the straightforward search for sequences
with known properties, such as the identification of start points and stop points
for transcription or translation and perhaps, also, RNA processing sites. Usually, additional experimental data are
needed to accurately determine these positions. The second stage, which is both
more interesting and more challenging,
involves attempts to detect subtle and
less straightforward sequence patterns.
These patterns may reveal controlling
elements such as promoters for RNA
transcription, or previously unsuspected
properties, for instance, additional RNA
species or protein products. These predictions can then be tested experimentally. The final result will be a catalog of
sequence patterns that are related to
function and that can then be compared
to other such catalogs. Perhaps common
features will be apparent and new hypotheses will emerge and become the
basis for yet more experimentation. As
the total amount of sequence data from
many sources grows, it can serve as an
experimental resource, both for deriving
new hypotheses and also for testing
them. Computer programs have aided in
both stages of this analytical process.
Straightforward analysis. Virtually all
aspects of sequence analysis begin with
simple search routines to locate specific
patterns of interest. Algorithms for this
purpose are easily devised and many laboratories have developed their own. The
end product is a list noting the locations
at which the pattern occurs, and output
may vary from a simple table to a detailed graphic display. Two fairly comprehensive collections of programs,
which include such cataloging features,
have been described. One of these, developed by Korn and Queen (13), includes such features as printing the sequence in a format that indicates the occurrences of various patterns, either
from a standard list or as directed by the
user, and translating all or part of the sequence into its polypeptide equivalent.
One useful feature of these search programs is that, although perfect matches
with the input sequence are always
found, imperfect matches may also be located at the user's discretion. Furthermore, the probability of finding any given sequence by chance is assessed by the
computer, thus giving a preliminary indication of the possible significance of
nonrandom distribution of particular patterns. This last portion of the program
has been significantly modified by others
(14) so as to reflect the base composition
of the input sequence.



SEGMENTS C - 1 ( 0 9 / 1 8 / 7 9 / )










~ gAgCAgCT@A
,* g A g C A g C T g A

CCA< > T T A C

TG< >CTOCA < A g C A > g g g g


TTAG@@< > T A T A T g C A < A A





Fig. 3. A sample printout of the results generated by the nucleotide sequence assembly program
called ASSEMBLER(12). A table detailing the positions of the overlapping sequences is presented
above the printed sequences. In this example, this table indicates that there are seven regions of
homology between the two sequences (C-I and C-44B) that are being compared. These overlapiaing sequences begin with nucleotide 1 of C-I and nucleotide 42 of C-44B. This match lasts
for a length of 44 bases when it is interrupted by a mismatch of three nucleotides at position 45
of C-1. Such areas of mismatch are denoted in the aligned sequences printed below this table by
a set of brackets. The rest of the overlapping segments between C-1 and C-44B are summarized
by the remaining lines of the table. An asterisk is placed above the sequence whenever an N (an
unidentified nucleotide) occurs in either or both sequence elements.

During the sequencing of ~bX174, the

first set of computer programs designed
to assist a DNA sequencing project was
written (in ANS COBOL) by McCallum and
Smith (15). These were followed by an
extensive collection (in FORTRAN) (16)
containing many of the basic features alluded to above. These programs provide
useful facilities for storing, editing,
and manipulating long strings of sequence, and they use common subroutines, each of which represents a basic
component in the analytical process.
This feature is valuable because many of
the routines can be used as the basis for
more sophisticated programs. Since
these programs are written in FORTRAN,
they are easily transported from one machine to another and can be readily understood and modified by anyone with a
little experience in FORTRAN. We have
found this latter aspect most helpful and
have often taken advantage of various
subroutines in our own programs. We
would not wish to give the impression
that FORTRAN is a language ideally suited
for the analysis of nucleic acid sequences. There are other languages,
such as SNOBAL (used for character
string manipulation) or Pascal (noted for
its high degree of strticture), that may be
more suited for this type of analysis.
However, FORTRANhas been most widely used thus far because it is a language
with which most people are familiar. As
more people become interested in sequence analysis and use their own machines for this purpose, it is likely that

new algorithms will be developed, and

many will wish to incorporate them into
their programming reservoir. Such analytical programs should be viewed as another tool for molecular biology and, as
with all tools, their communication and
improvement are an important consideration.
Less straightforward analysis. A second aspect to the analysis of nucleic acid
sequences arises when simple search and
catalog functions become intertwined
with otfier routines. Often, all possible
occurrences of a specific type of pattern
will need to be examined. Some rules
will be applied, and the particular subset
of occurrences that obeys the rules will
be selected. Further pruning may then
occur until one, or a few, possibilities remain. These will then be used either to
test the validity of the rules or to provide
some new hypothesis, or perhaps both.
A good example of this is found in the
computer programs written to generate
secondary structure models for RNA
transcripts (17-20). By using the wellknown base pairing rules for polynucleotides and measurements of the free energy contributions of these paired structures (21), programs have been written
that will construct models to describe the
possible configurations of a variety of
single-stranded RNA molecules. Such
models can then form a basis for hypotheses relating secondary structure to biological properties and so lead to new
lines of experimentation.
With the exception of a few specific in1325

Table !. Computer programs used during nucleic acid sequencing.



Program name*


Presequencing preparations
Least-squares method for restriction mapping:l:
Nucleic acid sequence analysisll

Restriction enzyme mapping

Reverse translation




Collection and assembly of sequences

Semi-automated autoradiograph reading
Automated autoradiograph reading
Sequence assembly








(11 )

Nucleic acid sequence analysisll

DNA-handling program:l:

PL/I and SAILttt



" M O N I T O R " t t ' ***



Scanning program**

Analysis of nucleotide sequences

Printing, editing, storage, and manipulation
Search routines (restriction enzyme sites, direct repeats, true and dyad symmetries)
Restriction enzyme recognition site predictions
Transfer RNA gene prediction
Secondary structure prediction
Tertiary structure modeling

Secondary structure program
Secondary structure program II II
3D Molecular modeling

(17, 19)

*Listing in quotation marks is a program title; the other names are brief descriptions, tSumex System, Stanford University, P. Friedland, D. Brutlag, L.
Kedes. :~Universityof Wisconsin, J. L. Schroeder, F. Blattner. ColdSpring Harbor Laboratory, R. Blumenthal, R. J. Roberts (unpublished).
Institutes of Health, C. Queen, L. Korn.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, T. R. Gingeras, P. Rice, R. J. Roberts (unpublished).
Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, Germany, S. Provencher, R. Vogel, V. Dovi, H. Lehrach. fftColdSpring Harbor Laboratory, T. R. Gingems, J. Milazzo, R. J.
Roberts. :~$MRCLaboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, England, R. Staden. SyracuseUniversity, G. Pavlakis, J. Vournakis.
California at Los Angeles, G. M. Studnick G. M. Rahn, I. W. Cummings, W. A. Salser. NationalInstitutes of Health, R. J. Feldmann. ***Universityof
Wisconsin, C. Fuchs, E. C. Rosenvold, A. Honigman, W. Szybalski. tttThis version is available from the Sumex System at Stanford University.

s t a n c e s - - t h e correlation between the

computer-generated secondary structure
model for transfer R N A (tRNA), the xray crystallographic results (20), and the
use of Sl and TI nucleases as probes for
the presence of single-stranded regions
predicted from computer-generated secondary structure models (22)--rather
little has been done to demonstrate the
actual existence of many of the secondary structure models proposed in the literature. M o r e o v e r , the rules for assigning free energy contributions for R N A
secondary structures are, at best, approximations, and it is clear that the predictions generated by the existing computer programs must be viewed with
great caution. The t R N A cloverleaf, first
proposed by H o l l e y et al. (23), does
seem to have withstood the test of time.
H o w e v e r , the fascinating three-dimensional structure revealed by x-ray crystallography (24) most surely points to the
importance of structural considerations
other than simple base pairing, and it
would be quite b e y o n d our present capabilities to accurately predict such a structure when only the primary sequence is
known. More frustrating is the dearth of
experimental e v i d e n c e allowing an accurate description of secondary structure
in solution, let alone evidence implicating such structure in a biological function. If such experimental e v i d e n c e
could prove that a certain secondary
structure feature exists in a long R N A
sequence, it should be possible to derive

the rules that allow this structure to form

rather than others. The greatest hope for
the application of c o m p u t e r programs in
this area may lie in designing algorithms
aimed at improving the rules that predict
secondary structures.

Restriction enzyme recognition sites.

We and others (25) have attempted to
use the known sequences of viral genomes to predict the recognition sequences for new restriction endonucleases.
This is achieved by cleaving D N A ' s of
known sequence with the new restriction
endonuclease and measuring the length
of the fragments produced. The computer is then asked to produce a set of theoretical fragmentation patterns for that
D N A sequence by using all possible tetranucleotide, pentanucleotide, and hexanucleotide
Many of these combinations of nucleotides already define the recognition sequences of existing restriction e n z y m e s
(26). By comparing the o b s e r v e d pattern
with these theoretical patterns and eliminating those that differ significantly, one
is usually left with a small number of potential recognition sequences. Ordinarily, the larger the number of fragments
produced by the e n z y m e , the greater the
likelihood that this program will arrive at
a unique candidate sequence. The predicted recognition sequence can then be
tested experimentally either by cleaving
another substrate of known sequence or
perhaps by mapping one or more of the
cleavage sites in the known sequence.

The value of this approach is that new

and potentially useful recognition sites
can be identified quickly, and often
simple experiments can be devised to
prove (or disprove) the predicted sequence.
The tRNA genes. The sequences of
many t R N A molecules are known (27)
and show certain characteristic features.
In particular, they share a similar secondary structure (the cloverleaf) and a
constant number of bases in particular
portions of the molecules. Staden (28)
has devised a program that can identify
putative t R N A genes in a long D N A sequence by searching for stretches of seq u e n c e displaying these c o m m o n features. This has been applied to stretches
of D N A sequence from the human mitochondrial g e n o m e as determined in Sanger's laboratory. It is known that this gen o m e encodes many t R N A genes, and
two o f these have been located by the
use of this program (29). It is rather interesting to note that these mitochondrial
t R N A genes differ in several significant
respects, although they also bear some
structural resemblances to other t R N A
genes. These differences might have precluded their detection had the set of rules
used by the program been overly stringent.
It will be clear from the foregoing discussion that although computers have
now b e c o m e an integral part of nucleic
acid sequence analysis, only limited use
has been made, thus far, of their analytiSCIENCE, VOL. 209

cal abilities. A summary of programs

tain primary sequence data by a "shotcurrently available and known to us ei- gun" approach (3!).
ther through publication or personal
Undoubtedly, the greatest scope for
communication is presented in Table 1. computer-assisted method lies in the acSeveral obvious gaps exist; however,
tual analysis of complete sequences. At
some of the missing programs may al- present we know few of the rules that
ready exist in unpublished form. Many
dictate the biological activity of nuclegroups who have written programs for otide sequence. Indeed, given an untheir own use believe that these pro- known piece of DNA sequence, we
grams are too trivial to warrant pubwould be hard pressed to predict whethlication. This is unfortunate since it er it came from a eukaryotic or proprobably means that there will be much
karyotic source, much less the RNA
duplication of effort, and many useful al- molecules transcribed from it or the
gorithms ~,ill enjoy only limited circula- polypeptides it might encode. Until retion. More disturbing is the realization cently, this type of problem was rarely
that many of the algorithms, which have
encountered because sequence determibeen freshly developed for the analysis nation was sufficiently difficult that it
of DNA sequences, are ones used com- was usually undertaken only after the
monly in other disciplines (for example, particular RNA or protein encoded by
pattern recognition).
that sequence was known, and details of
Future directions. In recent years the DNA sequence were required to prothere have been dramatic improvements vide a structural basis for its expression.
in optical scanning devices, and it would That situation has now changed. Alseem obvious that this technology could though most sequence projects begin
be applied to the automated reading of with some prior knowledge of propersequencing gels. Such development,
ties, there has been an increasing awareboth in scanning devices and computer ness that surrounding (and intervening)
software, is currently proceeding (30). sequences are also important. FrequentAlthough this would certainly ease the ly a sequence of several kilobases will be
burden on the investigator, it does carry determined, and only a small fraction
inherent disadvantages by separating the
can be immediately associated with funcexperimenter from his data. Neverthe- tion. Thus there is great need for further
less, as larger and larger sequencing programs to assist in the analysis of
projects are attempted, it seems likely these sequences. Such programs could
that automated methods will become a make limited predictions and hence sugnecessity, if only to relieve the boredom gest further experiments to test thevalidassociated with the collection of se- ity of those predictions.
quence data.
One area in which we are actively enWithin this same context, there is a gaged concerns the phenomenon of RNA
great need for more flexible programs to splicing in eukaryotes. From the existing
analyze, sort, and store the primary data data, the only common features that ocduring the assembly of DNA sequences.
cur at all splicing sites are the presence
Quite aside from the sequence data it- of a GU (U, uracil) dinucleotide at the 5'
self, there is a wealth of additional infor- end of the intervening sequence and an
mation that can help in its ordering and AG dinucleotide at the 3' end of that secan be used to direct further experi- quence (32). It is clear that other informents. This is particularly true for the mation, be it primary sequence or some
chain termination method where the size structural feature dependent upon that
of the primer fragment, the nature of the primary sequence, is also necessary
restriction enzyme that produced it, and since not all GU, AG combinations are
the strandedness of the sequence are all joined. We are approaching this problem
known. At present this information may by using the computer to generate potenbe used manually, but more often it is tial messenger R N A ' s (mRNA's) from a
discarded or considered only after the DNA sequence by making all possible
complete sequence has been deduced. It pairwise combinations of GT and AG.
seems likely that the computer can be The task then becomes one of finding a
used effectively in the initial stages to an- rule or rules to apply~to distinguish coralyze and correlate a great deal of ran- rect splicing events from incorrect ones.
dom sequence information and then in- The program is highly interactive and
dicate those experiments that can most has two distinct aspects. On the one
profitably be performed to fill remaining hand, if the actual splice points are ungaps. The increasing need for this type of known at the nucleotide level, but
program is well illustrated by a recent known approximately by electron microdeveloPment in sequencing technology scopic measurements, then only a subset
that uses the M13 cloning system to ob- of all possible m R N A ' s are generated on

the basis of the approximate positions

known to be involved. Each mRNA is
then translated and the molecular
weights of the predicted polypeptides
may be used to further limit the search if,
for instance, the actual size of the protein product is known. Yet further restrictions may be placed by requiring
that certain sequences be present or absent from the final mRNA or that certain
tryptic peptides be present. The second
part of the program is still under development and is used when the actual
splice points in the sequence are known.
At this point, the task is to find sequence
elements that provide a unique environment for the two ends of the splice junction and would thus allow discrimination
between the splice points and the rest of
the sequence. The essence of the idea is
to remove from consideration any features that occur both at the splice point
and elsewhere in the sequence.
A more challenging prospect concerns
the fact that both DNA and RNA are
three-dimensional molecules. By depicting a DNA sequence as a featureless
one-dimensional string, we often forget
that this is a naive perspective when
seeking to explain its properties. The
finding that (dG-dC)a (dG, deoxyguanylate; dC, deoxycytidylate) crystallizes
with a left-handed helical conformation
(33) provides an extreme example of the
fact that the DNA double helix is not
perfectly smooth and regular. Much experimental evidence exists to show that
local distortions will result from the influence of primary sequence (34, 35), and
these may be the very elements by which
other macromolecules interact with
DNA. It is already apparent that structures recognized by RNA polymerases
can be defined by several quite different
sequences (36). Undoubtedly, these can
eventually be cataloged, but we must be
aware that the " b o x e s " postulated by
Pribnow or Hogness (37) may reflect our
desire for simple rules. The experimental
data concerning recognition by RNA polymerase (36) demonstrate quite clearly
the importance of a three-dimensional
approach and confirm ideas developed
previously (34, 38). In a similar vein, the
computer programs developed by Trifonov (39) address the question of DNA
folding around the nucleosome and raise
the possibility that patterns existing in
the primary sequence have been designed to facilitate such folding.
The kinds of three-dimensional structures that can be formed by D N A molecules are severely constrained by the
loss of flexibility associated with its
double-stranded nature. This is not true

for single-stranded RNA molecules

which, a priori, have many more structural possibilities because of their inherent flexibility. We are slowly becoming
accustomed to the two-dimensional representations of RNA, although the actual
structures taken up by these planar
stems and loops are difficult to visualize.
The need for better algorithms to predict secondary structures was mentioned
above. It would also seem sensible to investigate the rules for additional interactions in light of the x-ray crystallographic results for tRNA (24).
Computer programs that examine the
three-dimensional properties of macromolecules have been devised by Feldmann (40). However, at present, they
rely upon x-ray crystallographic data to
provide the basic parameters and use
computer graphics to depict and transform the structures. Clearly, we are
some way from being able to define the
rules that relate primary sequence to
three-dimensional structure; much further experimentation is necessary. However, if we are ever to understand the nature of the interactions that control the
behavior of macromolecules it will be essential to expand both our experiments
and our theories into this third dimension. Computer graphics is likely to
prove an important tool in these endeavors.

Only a casual look at the literature is
required to appreciate the growth of interest in DNA, RNA, and protein sequences. There is no indication that this
interest is about to subside. Rather, it
seems to be gaining momentum (41).
This poses severe problems for those
who wish to analyze the data since few,
ff any, of us have the capacity to absorb
the subtle features inherent in each individual sequence. It is inevitable, there-


fore, that we should call upon computers

to assist in this task. The programs developed so far have proved useful and
valuable in analyzing individual sequences, but they represent only a first,
hesitant step toward the more complex goal of correlating sequence with
tertiary structure and eventually with
References and Notes

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37. D. Pribnow, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 72,
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38. M. C. O'Neill, Nucleic Acids Res. 4, 4439
39. E. Trifonov, personal communication.
40. R. J. Feldmann, D. H. Bing, B. C. Furie, B.
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ibid. 77, 1278 (1980).
41. At a meeting organized by NIH and held in
Washington, D.C., on 14 and 15 July 1980, the
question of organizing a central data bank for
nucleic acid sequences was discussed. It was decided that until such time as a formal bank can
be established, an interim bank of published (or
in press) sequences could be started. Initially,
the sequences would be gathered from individual collections already on computer tape and
would be distributed through the MOLGEN group
over the SUMEX network. Anyone who has such
a collection of sequences is urged to send a copy
to Dr. Elke Jordan, Genetics Program, National
Institute of General Medical Science, Bethesda,
Maryland 20205. At a similar meeting at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL),
Heidelberg, Germany, 23 to 25 April 1980, it was
also decided to establish a central data bank at
the EMBL.
42. The authors thank J. Milazzo, who introduced
them to the potentialities provided by the computer and wrote the code for several programs
mentioned in this article, R. Blumenthal, L
Brooks, and G. Albrcht-Buehler for suggestions and critical readings of this manuscript,
and M. Moschitta for help in preparing this manuscript. Supported by National Cancer Institute
grant CAI3106 and NIH grant lROI-CA2727501.
20 June 1980


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