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Share Capital Period 13 (Audited Accounts) RM'000 2012/13 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY 130. Opening Balance 131.

- Effects of changes in accounting policies 132. - Prior year adjustment As restated 134. Profit/(loss) for the financial period 135. Other comprehensive income for the financial period Total comprehensive income/(loss) for the financial period 137. Dividends paid to non-controlling interest 138. Final Dividend paid in respect to previous FY 139. Interim Dividends paid/payable in respect to current FY 140. Special Dividends paid/payable 141. Issue of shares 142. Acquisition of additional interest in subsidiary companies 143. Acquisition / Disposal of subsidiaries 144. Others (to specify) Closing balance 100,000



Commentary for (a) to (c) (a). Other Reserves (to provide details and show movement for the year) (b). To disclose the PYA - restricted only for the changes on accounting policies and fundamental errors (F (c). If there is issuance of new shares ( via bonus, cash, etc.), to provide details.

Pref Share Period 13 (Audited Accounts) RM'000

Share Premium Period 13 (Audited Accounts) RM'000

Merger reserves Period 13 (Audited Accounts) RM'000

counting policies and fundamental errors (FRS 108) / Effect of adopting FRS 139 o provide details.

Capital reserves Period 13 (Audited Accounts) RM'000

Currency Translation Reserves Period 13 (Audited Accounts) RM'000

Available-for-sale Reserves Period 13 (Audited Accounts) RM'000 4,735

4,735 (4,827) (4,827)


Capital Redemption Reserve Period 13 (Audited Accounts) RM'000

Share of Assoc. Co. Reserves Period 13 (Audited Accounts) RM'000

Share of Subsi. Co. Statutory Reserve Asset Revaluation Reserve (Acq. of subsi co) Period 13 (Audited Accounts) Period 13 (Audited Accounts) RM'000 RM'000 19,380



Fair Valuation Reserve (Investment Property) Capital Contribution Reserve Period 13 (Audited Accounts) Period 13 (Audited Accounts) RM'000 RM'000

Goodwill Written Off Reserve Period 13 (Audited Accounts) RM'000

Other Reserves (to specify) Period 13 (Audited Accounts) RM'000 2,198

Retained Earnings Period 13 (Audited Accounts) RM'000 155,469

2,198 1,432 1,432

155,469 76,331 76,331




Equity attr. to owners of the company Period 13 (Audited Accounts) RM'000 281,782

Non-controlling Interest Period 13 (Audited Accounts) RM'000

281,782 76,331 (3,395) 72,936



Total Changes In Equity Period 13 (Audited Accounts) RM'000 281,782

281,782 76,331 (3,395) 72,936



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