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Baldur"s Gate 2 Végigjátszás

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For ease of use, make sure your browser is displaying all the numbers on the line below. 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 o======================================================================o | | | Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn & Throne of Bhaal | | | o======================================================================o "Beating Baldur's Gate 2 in 1024 Easy Steps!" Version 1.03 Written by: Nathan Garvin Edited by: Lee Kadel Email: Theendbringer (at) Hotmail (dot) com. If you're going to email me about this guide, make sure you put "BALDURS GATE 2" in the title, or I'll probably end up deleting it as junk. Guide Information <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This FAQ was made in Notepad, and is best viewed in a simple text editor. The default text is Lucida Console at size 10 font, but any fixed-width font will work... if not with the intended aesthetics intact. Note that this is an incredibly large FAQ, and depending on your computer, internet speed, and the restlessness of computer gremlins, you may have to refresh this file several times to get the whole thing to load. Look for the ***END OF FILE*** line at the bottom to ensure you've got the whole thing. Legal <----------------------------------------------------------------------> I have no affiliation with Bioware, Black Isle, Interplay, Atari, or any other parties involved with this game. This is a not-for-profit fan-made guide. If you wish to post, mirror, or quote this guide, feel free to do so. Credit would make me happy, an email would make me feel good. Let your conscience be your guide, just like all good people. Supporting HaeravonFAQs <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Now, I know this is a not-for-profit FAQ, but FAQ writing is time consuming work. If you wanted to show your appreciation for this FAQ and/or support for future FAQs by donating to my PayPal account, that would be an above-and-beyond gesture. If every person who downloaded my FAQs donated a penny... well, it would help out immensely (not really, since it won't even cover PayPal's fees, and in fact, very, very few people out of my 2,000,000 hits donate anything-it's hyperbolic speech, people). Now, without any more PBS-style solicitation... https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=delirious devil%40hotmail%2ecom&lc=US&item_name=HaeravonFAQs&currency_code=USD&bn =PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted Alternatively, you can use the PayPal button on my webpage, at www.haeravon.com (Note: For you funny souls who donated exactly $.01... thanks for calling me out on my hyperbolic speech. The real idea behind that statement is the fact that, with over 2,000,000 hits on GameFAQs.com

alone, such a paltry investment on the part of everybody who benefited from my guides would immensely contribute to my ability to create more guides.) HaeravonFAQs on Facebook <----------------------------------------------------------------------> If you liked this FAQ, if you like talking about video games, if you think sunshine was for people who were born before they had the good sense to invent pixels, then you're not alone. Check out my Facebook page at (www.facebook.com/HaeravonFAQs) for mindless video game chatter, information about updates and upcoming FAQs, or for just a more direct connection to yours truly, so you can tell me in person about all the mistakes, typos, and other imperfections you've found. Haeravon.com <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Yeah, there's a website, of course there's a website. You KNEW there would be a website eventually. If the meagre pickings of Facebook doesn't do it for you, if you want full articles, stories, opinion pieces, reviews, and even more in-depth gaming information provided by Haeravon and fellow contributors (die-hard nerds, one and all) check out Haeravon.com, a gaming community that really is made for-and bygamers. Table of Contents o======================================================================o >>>>>>>>>>>>>>GAMEPLAY INFORMATION<<<<<<<<<<<<<< I. Introduction {INT001} 1. Using this FAQ {INT002} 2. Continuity {INT003} 3. Items {INT004} 4. Rewards {INT005} 5. Traps {INT006} 6. Active Pause {INT007} 7. Scaling Enemies {INT008} 8. Mods {INT009} 9. Patching {INT010} II. 2nd Edition Dungeon and Dragons Mechanics (Character Creation) {DND000} 1. Composition {DND001} 2. Gender {DND002} 3. Race {DND003} 3.1 Class Restrictions by Race{DND004} 3.2 Human {DND005} 3.3 Elf {DND006} 3.4 Half-Elf {DND007} 3.5 Gnome {DND008} 3.6 Halfling {DND009} 3.7 Dwarf {DND010} 3.8 Half-Orc {DND011} 4. Class {DND012} 4.1 Dual-Classing {DND013} 4.2 Multi-Classing {DND014} 4.3 Dual-and-Multi-Classing in{DND015} Baldur's Gate 2 4.4 Class Kits {DND016} 4.5 Barbarian {DND017} 4.5 Bard {DND018} 4.6 Blade {DND019} 4.7 Jester {DND020}

4.8 Skald 4.9 Cleric 4.10 Priest of Talos 4.11 Priest of Helm 4.12 Priest of Lathander 4.13 Cleric/Ranger 4.14 Druid 4.15 Totemic Druid 4.16 Shapeshifter 4.17 Avenger 4.18 Fighter 4.19 Berserker 4.20 Wizard Slayer 4.21 Kensai 4.22 Fighter/Cleric 4.23 Fighter/Druid 4.24 Fighter/Mage 4.25 Fighter/Mage/Cleric 4.26 Fighter/Mage/Thief 4.27 Fighter/Thief 4.28 Mage 4.29 Mage/Cleric 4.30 Mage/Thief 4.31 Monk 4.32 Paladin 4.33 Cavalier 4.34 Inquisitor 4.35 Undead Hunter 4.37 Ranger 4.38 Archer 4.39 Stalker 4.40 Beast Master 4.41 Sorcerer 4.42 Thief 4.43 Assassin 4.44 Bounty Hunter 4.45 Swashbuckler 4.46 Thief/Cleric 4.47 Wild Mage 4.48 Wild Surge Table 5. Alignment 5.1 Reputation Effects 6. Abilities 6.1 Strength 6.2 Dexterity 6.3 Constitution 6.4 Intelligence 6.5 Wisdom 6.6 Charisma 6.7 Improving Your Abilities 6.8 Suggested Abilities by Class 7. Skills 7.1 Weapon Proficiencies by Class/Level 7.2 Weapon Proficiency Perks by Rank 7.3 Fighting Style Perks by Rank 7.4 Proficiency Selection by Class

{DND021} {DND022} {DND023} {DND024} {DND025} {DND026} {DND027} {DND028} {DND029} {DND030} {DND031} {DND032} {DND033} {DND034} {DND035} {DND036} {DND037} {DND038} {DND039} {DND040} {DND041} {DND042} {DND043} {DND044} {DND045} {DND046} {DND047} {DND048} {DND049} {DND050} {DND051} {DND052} {DND053} {DND054} {DND055} {DND056} {DND057} {DND058} {DND059} {DND060} {DND061} {DND062} {DND063} {DND064} {DND065} {DND066} {DND067} {DND068} {DND069} {DND070} {DND071} {DND072} {DND073} {DND074} {DND075} {DND076}

8. Thieving Skills {DND077} 8.1 Pick Pockets {DND078) 8.2 Open Locks {DND079} 8.3 Find/Remove Traps {DND080} 8.4 Move Silently {DND081} 8.5 Hide in Shadows {DND082} 8.6 Detect Illusion {DND083} 8.7 Set Traps {DND084} 9. Hit points {DND085} 10. THAC0 and Armor Class {DND086} 10.1 THAC0 by Class/Level {DND087} 10.2 Armor Class Modifiers by {DND088} Weapon Type 11. Saving Throws {DND089} 12. Starting Spell Selection {DND090} 12.1 1st-Level Spells {DND091} 12.2 2nd-Level Spells {DND092} 12.3 3rd-Level Spells {DND093} 12.4 4th-Level Spells {DND094} 13. Lore {DND095} 13.1 Lore by Class/Level {DND096} 14. Experience Point (EXP Cap) {DND097} 15. Throne of Bhaal {DND098} 15.1 Epic Feats by Class {DND099} 15.2 Warrior (Fighters, {DND100} Rangers, Paladins, Barbarians, Monks) 15.3 Cleric {DND101} 15.4 Druid {DND102} 15.5 Thief {DND103} 15.6 Bard {DND104} 15.7 Wizard/Sorcerer {DND105} 15.8 Epic Feats {DND106} 15.9 Alchemy {DND107} 15.10 Assassination {DND108} 15.11 Aura of Flaming Death {DND109} 15.12 Avoid Death {DND110} 15.13 Comet {DND111} 15.14 Critical Strike {DND112} 15.15 Deathblow {DND113} 15.16 Dragon's Breath {DND114} 15.17 Elemental Summoning {DND115} 15.18 Elemental Transformation{DND116} 15.19 Energy Blades {DND117} 15.20 Enhanced Bard Song {DND118} 15.21 Evasion {DND119} 15.22 Globe of Blades {DND120} 15.23 Greater Elemental {DND121} Summoning 15.24 Greater Evasion {DND122} 15.25 Greater Deathblow {DND123} 15.26 Greater Whirlwind Attack{DND124} 15.27 Hardiness {DND125} 15.28 Implosion {DND126} 15.29 Improved Alacrity {DND127} 15.30 Magic Flute {DND128} 15.31 Mass Raise Dead {DND129} 15.32 Power Attack {DND130} 15.33 Resist Magic {DND131} 15.34 Scribe Scrolls {DND132} 15.35 Set Exploding Trap {DND133}

Set Spike Trap {DND134} Set Time Trap {DND135} Smite {DND136} Storm of Vengeance {DND137} Summong Deva/ {DND138} Fallen Deva 15.41 Summon Planetar/ {DND139} Dark Planetar 15.42 Tracking {DND140} 15.43 Use Any Item {DND141} 15.44 War Cry {DND142} 15.45 Whirlwind Attack {DND143} 16. My Protagonists {DND144} 16.1 The Fighter/Mage {DND145} 16.2 The Fighter/Mage/Thief {DND146} 16.3 Importing your Character {DND147} from Baldur's Gate 1 III. Characters {CHR000} 1. Character Starting Stats {CHR001} 2. Aerie {CHR002} 3. Anomen {CHR003} 4. Cernd {CHR004} 5. Edwin {CHR005} 6. Haer'Dalis {CHR006} 7. Imoen {CHR007} 8. Jaheira {CHR008} 9. Jan {CHR009} 10. Keldorn {CHR010} 11. Korgan {CHR011} 12. Mazzy {CHR012} 13. Minsc {CHR013} 14. Nalia {CHR014} 15. ??????? {CHR015} 16. Valygar {CHR016} 17. Viconia {CHR017} 18. Yoshimo {CHR018} 19. Table of Character {CHR019} Attributes 20. Chart of Characters by Role {CHR020} 21. Suggested Parties by Role {CHR021} 22. Good Party versus Evil Party{CHR022} 23. Character Builds and Weapon {CHR023} Loads IV. Spell Tactics {SPT001} 1. Healing Spells {SPT002} 2. 1st Level Cleric Spells {SPT003} 3. 2nd Level Cleric Spells {SPT004} 4. 3rd Level Cleric Spells {SPT005} 5. 4th Level Cleric Spells {SPT006} 6. 5th Level Cleric Spells {SPT007} 7. 6th Level Cleric Spells {SPT008} 8. 7th Level Cleric Spells {SPT009} 9. 1st Level Druid Spells {SPT010} 10. 2nd Level Druid Spells {SPT011} 11. 3rd Level Druid Spells {SPT012} 12. 4th Level Druid Spells {SPT013} 13. 5th Level Druid Spells {SPT014} 14. 6th Level Druid Spells {SPT015} 15. 7th Level Druid Spells {SPT016} 16. 1st Level Arcane Spells {SPT017} 17. 2nd Level Arcane Spells {SPT018}

15.36 15.37 15.38 15.39 15.40

3rd Level Arcane Spells 4th Level Arcane Spells 5th Level Arcane Spells 6th Level Arcane Spells 7th Level Arcane Spells 8th Level Arcane Spells 9th Level Arcane Spells Spell Buff Order Buff Combo: Spell Buff to the Max! 27. Buff Combo: Dragons and Demons 28. Buff Combo: Illithids 29. Buff Combo: Liches, Beholders, and other pesky Mages 30. Buff Combo: The Throne of Bhaal General Buff V. General Tips

18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.

{SPT019} {SPT020} {SPT021} {SPT022} {SPT023} {SPT024} {SPT025} {SPT026} {SPT027} {SPT028} {SPT029} {SPT030} {SPT031} {TIP000}

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>MAIN WALKTHROUGH<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< VI. Chapter 1 1. Sequence #1 {WLK001} Escape from Irenicus' Dungeon (33 Steps) VII. Chapter 2 1. Sequence #1 {WLK002} Five Finger Discounts (10 Steps) 2. Sequence #2 {WLK003} Random Encounters in Athkatla (10 Steps) 3. Sequence #3 {WLK004} Recruiting Korgan, Viconia, and Jan (9 Steps) 4. Sequence #4 {WLK005} Jammin' with Jan (Jan's Family Quest) (8 Steps) 5. Sequence #5 {WLK006} Mae'Var's Guildhall Quests (Recruiting Edwin) (24 Steps) 6. Sequence #6 {WLK007} Thieves' Guild Quests (Optional) (5 Steps) 7. Sequence #7 {WLK008} The Book of Kaza and the Nether Scroll (Securing Korgan and Edwin) (30 Steps) 8. Sequence #8 {WLK009} Unseeing Eye Quest (Recruiting Anomen and Keldorn, Securing Keldorn)

(32 Steps) 9. Sequence #9 {WLK010} Family and Honor (Keldorn and Anomen's Family Quests) (14 Steps) 10. Sequence #10 {WLK011} Cleric Temple Quests (Optional) (6 Steps) 11. Sequence #11 {WLK012} Astral Prison Quest (Recruiting and Securing Haer'Dalis) (22 Steps) 13. Sequence #12 {WLK013} Bard's Playhouse Quests (Optional) (9 Steps) 12. Sequence #13 {WLK014} Obtaining Celestial Fury (2 Steps) 14. Sequence #14 {WLK015} Circus Tent Quest (Recruiting and Securing Aerie) (8 Steps) 15. Sequence #15 {WLK016} Planar Sphere Quest (Recruiting and Securing Valygar) (27 Steps) 16. Sequence #16 Mage Stronghold Quests {WLK017} (Optional) (13 Steps) 17. Sequence #17 {WLK018} de'Arnise Keep (Recruiting and Securing Nalia) (17 Steps) 18. Sequence #18 {WLK019} Fighter Stronghold Quests (Optional) and Nalia's Quest (15 Steps) 19. Sequence #19 {WLK020} The Skinner Murders (20 Steps) 20. Sequence #20 {WLK021} Umar Hills (Part I) (Recruiting and Securing Mazzy, Mazzy's Family Quest) (21 Steps) 21. Sequence #21 {WLK022} Trademeet (Recruiting and Securing Cernd, Cernd's Family Quest) (37 Steps) 22. Sequence #22 {WLK023}

Druid Grove Quests (Optional) (5 Steps) VIII. Chapter 3 1. Sequence #1 {WLK024} Siding with Bodhi (17 Steps) 2. Sequence #2 {WLK025} Siding with Gaelan Bayle (26 Steps) [End of Chapter 3 Stats] IX. Chapter 4 1. Sequence #1 {WLK026} Brynnlaw (11 Steps) 2. Sequence #2 {WLK027} Spellhold Dungeon (32 Steps) 3. Sequence #4 {WLK028} To the Underdark (19 Steps) X. Chapter 5 1. Sequence #1 {WLK029} Exploring the Underdark (18 Steps) 2. Sequence #2 {WLK030} The Illithid City (18 Steps) 3. Sequence #3 {WLK031} Beholder Den (7 Steps) 4. Sequence #4 {WLK032} Ust Natha (44 Steps) 5. Sequence #5 {WLK033} Escaping the Underdark (7 Steps) [End of Chapter 5 Stats] XI. Chapter 6 1. Sequence #1 {WLK034} Settling into Surface Life/Romancing Jaheira (Baron Ployer's Curse) (The Harper Hold Quests) (28 Steps) 2. Sequence #2 {WLK035} Kangaxx the Demilich and The Twisted Rune (8 Steps) 3. Sequence #3 {WLK036} Slavers in the Slums (Copper Coronet Quest) (Slaver Stockade Quest) (22 Steps) 4. Sequence #4 {WLK037} Clerical Competition (Sir Sarles' Quest) (Dawn Ring Quest) (Fallen Paladins Quest) (21 Steps) 5. Sequence #5 {WLK038}

Umar Hills (Part II) (14 Steps) 6. Sequence #6 {WLK039} Ranger Stronghold Quests (13 Steps) 7. Sequence #7 {WLK040} Firkraag (37 Steps) 8. Sequence #8 {WLK041} Paladin Stronghold Quests (9 Steps) 9. Sequence #9 {WLK042} Illithid's Under Athkatla (Obtaining Crom Faeyr) (5 Steps) 10. Sequence #10 {WLK043} Limited Wish Quests (14 Steps) 11. Sequence #11 {WLK044} Exploring Outside of Athkatla (North Forest, Small Teeth Pass, Forest of Tethir) (12 Steps) 12. Sequence #12 {WLK045} Showdown with Bodhi (13 Steps) XII. Chapter 7 1. Sequence #1 {WLK046} Suldanessellar (20 Steps) 2. Sequence #2 {WLK047} Hell (18 Steps) [End of Chapter 7 Stats] XIII. Chapter 8 (THRONE OF BHAAL) 1. Sequence #1 {WLK048) The Prophecy Begins (8 Steps) 2. Sequence #2 {WLK049} Saradush (25 Steps) 3. Sequence #3 {WLK050} Gromnir Il-Khan (20 Steps) 4. Sequence #4 {WLK051} Watcher's Keep, First Level (15 Steps) 5. Sequence #5 {WLK052} Watcher's Keep, Second Level (13 Steps) 6. Sequence #6 {WLK053} Watcher's Keep, Third Level (18 Steps) 7. Sequence #7 {WLK054} Watcher's Keep, Fourth

Level (17 Steps) 8. Sequence #8 Watcher's Keep, Fifth Level (15 Steps) 9. Sequence #9 Yaga-Shura (21 Steps) XIV. Chapter 9 1. Sequence #1 Amkethran (13 Steps) 2. Sequence #2 Sendai (18 Steps) 3. Sequence #3 Abazigal (16 Steps) 4. Sequence #4 Balthazar (7 Steps) XV. Chapter 10 1. Sequence #1 Throne of Bhaal (7 Steps) [End of Chapter 10 Stats] Total Walkthrough: 1024 Steps



{WLK057} {WLK058} {WLK059} {WLK060}


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>MISCELLANEOUS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< XVI. Items {ITM000} 1. Finding Recorded Items in {ITM001} the Walkthrough 2. Item List {ITM002} 3. Item Description {ITM003} 4. Book of Infinite Spells {ITM004} 5. Deck of Many Things {ITM005} 6. Wand of Wonder {ITM006} 7. Crafted Items {ITM007} XVII. List of Mage Spells {SPL000} 1. 1st-Level Mage Spells {SPL001} 2. 2nd-Level Mage Spells {SPL002} 3. 3rd-Level Mage Spells {SPL003} 4. 4th-Level Mage Spells {SPL004} 5. 5th-Level Mage Spells {SPL005} 6. 6th-Level Mage Spells {SPL006} 7. 7th-Level Mage Spells {SPL007} 8. 8th-Level Mage Spells {SPL008} 9. 9th-Level Mage Spells {SPL009} XIII. Experience List {EXP000} XIX. Updates/Thanks {UPD000} *Note: When searching for items in the FAQ, be sure to include the {} brackets. When I reference other parts of the FAQ outside of the index, I put them in [] brackets, so as to make general searches using the index more efficient. For example, when I tell you in the Characters section of the FAQ to look at the Walkthrough to find more information on an Character quest, I'll refer to that section as [WLK###], when it should be understood to search for {WLK###}. This is an organizational scheme used to prevent you from having to scroll through several

referential brackets in order to find what you're looking for, as I reference other parts of the FAQ much more frequently in this guide than I do in other FAQs I have written. o======================================================================o | | | Introduction {INT001} | | | o======================================================================o With the FAQ up for the first game there was little to do but start on the second. If you're following through, welcome to the sequel, if you're new to my FAQ... well, still. Welcome to the sequel! This guide will help you make your way through Baldur's Gate 2 in 1024 steps of varying length, complexity, and importance! Holy crap! This is a huge game! Err... anyways, we are now deep in our adventure through the Baldur's Gate games, which combined make one of the greatest RPG experiences in the world of gaming, as far as I'm concerned. Such high adoration and respect for this game are what inspired me write a FAQ in the first place... and after writing several other FAQs I realized that I could, indeed, manage to write a FAQ for a game of this magnitude. Baldur's Gate 2 is everything the first game was and so much more. It's higher level, higher stakes, and much more immersive. That also means that we don't just have to deal with all the spells, levels, and classes of the first game, but all the new ones as well. The first game was a pretty hefty RPG in itself, but the sequel is another monster entirely. I will do my best to get you through the game in one piece, but this is a huge game, with many different ways of doing things. I will be playing through with a Fighter/Mage (good party) and a Fighter/Mage/Thief (evil party) I imported from the first game, recording items, monsters, characters, traps, encounters... pretty much everything as I go along, as well as giving general advice and strategies. This should at least give you a heads up on what to look for in each area, and if you follow my lead you should be able to make your way to the end of the game... and collect some really cool loot along the way. Using this FAQ {INT002} o======================================================================o Below I will list some of my quirks, organizational methods, and various other tidbits that will help you navigate this guide. For starters, during the main FAQ I'll break up the various chapters and organizational components of the guide with a large heading: o======================================================================o | | | Large Heading | | | o======================================================================o During the FAQ, I'll break up different areas with a thick line: Thick line o======================================================================o Multiple parts of a mission in the same area will be broken up with a thin line. This breaks up the missions into a series of steps, and limits how much unbroken text you'll have to read at once. Nobody likes wordiness: Thin line <---------------------------------------------------------------------->

Of course, I reserve the right to break my own rules during the FAQ... mostly due to being scatter-brained and working on the FAQ in shifts over the course of time. Life and all. So cut me some slack. Besides, this organizational scheme is mostly for consistency and ease-of-use. I'll sometimes substitute the thick area transition line for a thin line. I usually do this when entering and leaving the same areas multiple times in a short time frame, or when we briefly enter-or pass through-an area, but do not explore it in detail at that time. Or if I consider the area somehow minor or insignificant. Sequence of Events <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Unlike some of my other guides, this FAQ does hold your hand through the game. As I go through areas I will list what I do sequentially. To help streamline the guide and make your life easier, I've included a list of steps at the beginning of each section, so you can see in what order I am about to do things. Each different Sequence of Events is separated by a large heading, while each step is divided by a thick line (if we travel to a different area) or a thin line (if we don't.) Continuity {INT003} o======================================================================o If you're playing a character imported from Baldur's Gate 1 (highly recommended) there will be a few differences... Namely, you can't take advantage of some of the new classes in Baldur's Gate 2. As there was no Monk class in Baldur's Gate 1, it goes without saying that there's no way you can import a Monk into the sequel. So, I'm assuming we'll be playing one of the core classes from the first game. If you're a single classed character you CAN change your 'kit', which will be described in detail below. Other changes abound. There are more Thief skills in Baldur's Gate 2 than in Baldur's Gate 1, some of the spells have changed, and some of the charaters have different attributes. The class changes are the only serious changes, and if you imported... well, chances are they're not going to affect you. Dual-classing and multiclassing is still a superior option to single-classing, so if you followed sound advice in the original game and are playing a Fighter/Mage, Fighter/Thief, or Fighter/Mage/Thief, or some dual-class character, you won't miss these new classes. Items {INT004} o======================================================================o I'll list items found in containers-bookshelves, chests, environmental bodies, etc.-in the ***ITEMS*** category, I'll also list the (x=, x=) coordinates the container is found at. The container could be quite large, but I try to find areas in the 100s or at least the 10s if possible. For example, I wont give you (x=1996, y=217) when I could give the coordinates (x=2000, y=200). I'm not going to be as thorough in this FAQ as I am in others-there's no reason for me to go around telling you every crate that has a handful of gold in it-but I will typically be more thorough in dungeons and what-not. If it's important, I'll record it; if not, I'll ignore it. Largely this means you'll be free (and expected) to go about towns looting as your heart desires. Just be careful about stealing... the watch doesn't like it. If you open a lock with your Thief skills you'll get 400, 950, or 1550 experience per lock, which is the only real incentive to use a Thief rather than to use a Knock spell. Note that much of the loot you'll find throughout the game is random. Gold coin values will almost certainly be different from game to game, but it's also possible that you'll find different gems or jewelry in some containers (for example, in Irenicus' Dungeon I found a Tchazar Gem

on one playthrough, and a Laeral's Tear Necklace on another-a huge value difference.) Don't be surprised if what you find is somewhat different from what is listed-there's a bit of randomness involved. The major items should be the same (you'll always find the Pommel Gem to the Equalizer in the same area, for example), so don't sweat the small stuff. The biggest problem the randomness causes is when I tell you one scroll will drop and you get another, but still, many of the better scrolls are static loot, dropped from enemies, or bought from stores, so you shouldn't find (or miss) anything game-breaking. Rewards {INT005} o======================================================================o When you complete a quest, or otherwise gain some story award, I will list it in the ***REWARDS*** section in the appropriate step in the FAQ. I won't go out of my way to label the start and end of quests, as some quests have long stretches of game in between their assignment and completion. I will tell you to go activate the quest (even if you don't need to activate it to complete it), but I typically include the reward upon the quest's conclusion, occasionally requiring you to go back to the assigner on your own. Traps {INT006} o======================================================================o I list the location of traps in a section similar to the items section, except it's wisely called ***TRAPS***. I didn't bother recording what sort of trap it was, I intended to disarm traps I come across, and frankly, it's just too much of a bother determining the sort of trap. If you think you can figure out how to use traps to cause collateral damage, that's fine with me, I'll point as many out to you as I found. Note that in Baldur's Gate 2 you get experience for disarming traps, either 1750, 2750, or 3250 experience per trap. Active Pause {INT007} o======================================================================o You can pause the game any time by pressing the 'space bar'; Unlike in Baldur's Gate 1, the game will remain paused while you're in the inventory screen. You'll use this option often to reorganize during battles, select new targets... you know, make tactical decisions. It's not just helpful, it's vital. If you plan to play any other old school Black Isle games, like Planescape or Icewind Dale, they'll also use the same system. Scaling Enemies {INT008} o======================================================================o I'll tell you what enemies I faced on the way through the game, but keep in mind that as you progress in levels, some encounters might scale in difficulty-either by adding more enemies, stronger versions of the enemies that normally appear in the area, or both. If you want to be absolutely sure that you'll fight what I fought when I fought it, do the quests exactly in the same order I do them. It shouldn't make a huge difference, as most 'random' or variable encounters aren't terribly difficult. Sure, having to fight a Lich instead of a group of normal undead, some Beholders where there were formerly Gauth, or Adamantine Golems when you would have fought Stone Golems at lower levels kinda sucks, but at higher levels, you'll ideally have better gear and characters more suited for the challenges ahead. Just be aware that your encounters might not exactly match mine, but the set battles with unique characters should remain static. Mods {INT009} o======================================================================o

I didn't mention it in the first game because I didn't use any... but there are many useful mods for Baldur's Gate 2. Firstly I'd like to mention the Jaheira romance. Let's just say it's... complicated, it takes place over a long period of time, and it is very easy to screw up. If you want to romance Jaheira, it would be a good idea to get a mod that fixes the romance. Frankly the Banter Pack Mod is a great addition to any game if for nothing else than the fact that it speeds up banters, allowing you to experience them more frequently. This takes a large bit of the problems out of Jaheira's romance by itself, ensuring your don't skip or miss any required banters. Another great addition is the BG2 Tweak Pack. It hosts a whole slew of game changes, most of which are purely beneficial and either make the game more playable without altering the intended gameplay or game balance. Anything from changing the colors of spells cast to changing the color palette of NPCs, to making your avatar change whether you're wearing robes or armor. It fixes some romance bugs, dialogue bugs, adds the nearly-essential bonus merchants Joluv and Diedre, and sets many things to the core PnP rules (like weapon grandmastery). Nerfing that just seems... wrong, but that, and the Hit Point loss many allies will suffer are just some evils we'll have to deal with in the name of game balance conservation. Besides cosmetic mods I'll list various interesting mods below, and mark the ones I used with an *: Collectors Edition Merchants* You should get this by installing the latest patch, but you can also get it from several mods out there (including the BG2 Tweak Pack.) It'll add a merchant named Deidre to the Adventurer's Mart who will sell you various items, many of which are from Planescape: Torment. These items had been regarded with a bit of suspicion before by conservative gamers, especially such things as the Shield of Balduran and the Robe of Vecna. As far as I'm concerned by putting it in the official patch Bioware is essentially saying that these are not over-powered and unintended items. They are now safely in the realm of VITAL and LEGIT items. They said before that they were roughly the equivalent of other high-powered loot in the game, but you show me something else like the Robe of Vecna. Since Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale used the by-the-book grandmastery rules, I'm rather predisposed to implementing this cheat as well, game balance be damned. One of the few tangible bonuses a Fighter had was to be able to grandmaster. Alas... This one is a bit tricky. On one hand, having BG2-only PCs with maximum Hit Points is lame. On the other hand, some characters that I played through BG1 with (Jaheira, Minsc, Imoen, Viconia, Edwin) HAD maximum Hit Points by the end of the game. You can either look at it as maintaining the Hit Points you imported with, or as cheating. Too bad there's not an option to give this to BG1 characters only, eh? Cheating? Yeah, sure. But one of the reasons most people play these games isn't for the thrill of inventory management. Still, it does

PnP Grandmastery

Maximum PC Hit Points

Bottomless Bags of Holding

limit the amount of crap you carry around, so for the sake of objectivity, I won't use this mod for the FAQ walkthrough. Unlimited Ammo Stacks For the same reason I didn't use the Bottomless Bags of Holding mod, I won't use this. In a playthrough where I wasn't recording a FAQ, I'd use it, if for no better reason that to keep the containers where I stash my loot from filling up with ammunition (like Kagain's shop in Baldur's Gate 1 did), but I can clearly see how being able to carry around 1000 Arrows +2 would benefit me in the early-going... of course, I could just steal them, stash them somewhere, and head back to my stash when I needed them to pretty much the same effect. See above. See above.

Unlimited Jewelry and Gem Stacks

Unlimited Potion Stacks

Unlimited Scroll Stacks See above. Happy Patch If you want to have a party of any composition, this is for you. I did NOT personally use it myself, but if you wanted, say, Viconia, Edwin, Korgan, and Keldorn in your party, this is a way to do it. Face it, some of you don't want to play the game multiple times just to see all the romances. If you want to experience them all without having to make a new character, this is the way to go. My own use of romance mods was to ensure that I would, in fact, experience the romances completely so I could record them for this FAQ. It also might have had the unintended consequence of allowing me to experience the romances-at least in part-in an untimely manner. The important thing is, the romance events will be listed in chronological order in the FAQ, you might just experience them during a different part of the guide than where I listed it. This will also be true if you did more or fewer quests than I did, or otherwise took more or less time. To compensate for this admittedly haphazard approach to romances, I will talk (in brief) about the flow of the romance in the character's description. That way you'll at least know vaguely what to do, and be somewhat clued-in to the chain of events. I use the Ease of Use version of this mod, which allows a character of any class to acquire as many different strongholds as they wish. The reason I use this is quite simpleI love this game, but not enough to play through with a Paladin, Ranger, Druid, Fighter, Mage, Cleric, and Thief. This just allowed me to see (and record) all of these quests for

Romance Cheats* (Banter Pack) (Jaheira Romance Mod)

Multiple Strongholds*

this guide. I suggest this for anybody playing this game, who wants to see as much as possible during their playthrough. Most of these quests are pretty lame, but some should not be missed. If you're worried about what benefits a character will have from doing all these quests... well, you'll get some extra experience from the quests, and a few magical items that aren't all that useful, so don't fret if you don't install this, it won't change the game much, it'll just give you a few more things to do. Allow Arcane Spellcasting in Heavy Armor Does not change the type(s) of armor a spellcaster can wear (Fighter/Mage, etc), however this mod will allow that character to cast spells while wearing armor, with a penalty to casting success; the heavier the armor, the greater the penalty. Penalties apply to armor and shield use, and is cumulative. See above.

Allow Stealth and Thieving Abilities in Heavy Armor Wear Multiple Protection Items Identify All Items

Removes the restriction on wearing/using more than one magical protection item at a time. Eliminates the need to identify magical items, except for those unique items that require identification as part of a quest or story progression. Removes the chance for failure when learning (scribing) new spells. There are two variations of this mod - the first grants 100% success at spell scribing, the second also removes the cap on the number of spells that can be scribed.

Easy Spell Learning

Xoo=========================================ooX ||/If you want a great site for FAQs, mods, \|| ||cheats, voices, portraits, and anything || ||else relating to Baldur's Gate 2, go visit:|| || || || http://www.sorcerers.net || || || ||It comes highly recommended by this humble || ||writer. You're likely to find something || ||there to make your gaming experience more || ||\ enjoyable. I know I sure did. /|| Xoo=========================================ooX Xoo=========================================ooX ||/ Editor's Note \|| || || || I also use || || || || http://www.gibberlings3.net || || || || This site is dedicated to the Infinity || || Engine gaming series, and contains many ||

|| mod-packs, tweak-packs, and fix-packs for || || Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, and other || ||\ games written on the Infinity Engine. /|| Xoo=========================================ooX Note from Lee: as with all things, use mods with caution. While they are fully tested before posting, some of the mods WILL introduce bugs into the game, or at least change the gameplay enough so that things will not always happen as expected. And, as our author suggested, some of these mods do amount to cheating. Patching {INT010} o======================================================================o Also be sure to install the latest version of the official Shadows of Amn or Throne of Bhaal patch. Do this before you mod, and whether or not you actually mod. There's an "appears busy" bug you'll get a lot on later versions of Windows where NPCs-particularly outdoor merchants-will not initiate dialogue with you. This can be really frustrating when you are, say, trying to get scrolls from Galoomp the Bookkeeper or buying loot from Diedre. Speaking of which, with the official patch you'll get access to the aforementioned merchant. Huzzah! o======================================================================o | | | 2nd Edition Dungeons and Dragons Mechanics | | (Character Creation) {DND001} | o======================================================================o Below are some suggestions for character creation in Baldur's Gate 2, Along with a number of tables, charts, and rules used by the game. Either blindly follow my lead or read up on the section below and make your own choices. I'll give opinions and brute facts, but I won't be rating anything. Feel free to make your own-informed-decisions. Note: In the class-description sections, all spell-charts are taken right from the Baldur's Gate 2 Throne of Bhaal manual. Composition {DND002} o======================================================================o Unlike in Icewind Dale, you only create one character-the protagonist. This means your character will need some help on their journey through Baldur's Gate I & II. In any D&D game you need a Cleric, Fighter, Mage, and a Thief, the four 'base' classes. No matter what character you make, you NEED one representative of each of those four base classes in your party. A party without a front line, spell buffs, healing, and trap finding is a party that is probably losing. Gender {DND003} o======================================================================o Gender is pretty irrelevant, the only time I can think of where it comes into play is during romances. If you're male you can't romance Anomen (even though I wonder about him sometimes...) and if you're female you can't romance Aerie, and so on. If you want romances, and you don't want to use a mod to remove limitations, I'd suggest not playing a Dwarf, Gnome, Halfling, or Half-Orc. No promises any of the in-game PCs will go for that kind of fling. Aerie (Female) Lawful Good, Elf Anomen (Male) Lawful Neutral, Human Jaheira (Female) Neutral, Half-Elf Viconia (Female) Neutral Evil, Elf (will not romance Elves!)

Race {DND004} o======================================================================o Only Humans can dual class. Only Elves and Half-Elves can multi-class into a Fighter/Mage. Elves can only begin play with a maximum Constitution of 17, which will make them slightly harder to get off the ground. Still, I make my Fighter/Mage (good) protagonist an Elf, and my Fighter/Mage/Thief (evil) protagonist a Half-Elf. Some races are restricted in what classes they can choose. Only Humans can be every class, but they cannot multi-class. Only Humans can dual-class, but they cannot dual-class into something that cannot be multi-classed. Class Restrictions by Race {DND005} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> |Human | |Elf | | |Half-Elf | | | |Gnome* | | | | |Halfling | | | | | |Dwarf | | | | | | |Half-Orc o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o Barbarian | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Bard | x | | x | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Cleric | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Cleric/Mage | d | | x | x | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Cleric/Ranger | d | | x | | | | x | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Cleric/Thief | d | | | x | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Druid | x | | x | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Fighter | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Fighter/Cleric | d | | x | x | | x | x | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Fighter/Druid | d | | x | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Fighter/Mage | d | x | x | x | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Fighter/Mage/Cleric | | | x | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Fighter/Mage/Thief | | x | x | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Fighter/Thief | d | x | x | x | x | x | x | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Mage | x | x | x | x | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Mage/Thief | d | x | x | x | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Monk | x | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Paladin | x | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Ranger | x | x | x | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Sorcerer | x | x | x | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|


| x | x | x | x | x | x | x | o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o

* = Instead of a Mage, they are always an Illusionist. x = Race/Class combo is allowed. d = Can dual class, not multi-class. Human {DND006} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Humans are the vanilla race of the fantasy genre. I'll bet most of my readers are Human (the rest are whatever race Anne Coulter belongs tothe reptillians), which begs the question... why play it? Doesn't it just inject a bit of mundanity into a fantasy setting? And why would you do that? Whatever, the only thing special about Humans is that they can (and should) dual-class. Oh, and they can be every class in the game. So if you're really hard up for a Monk, Paladin, or some types of specialist Mage... well... this is your only option. Elf {DND007} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Everybody hates Elves these days. Probably because of Orlando Bloom. Anyways, Elves are a staple of the fantasy genre. Without giving anything away, playing an Elf adds a bit of... tension... with the antagonist of this game... At least, it does in my mind, which is what matters. Elves have some solid multi-class options, and are decent characters all around. The Dexterity bonus is nice... but it's not nearly as helpful as the Constitution bonus is harmful. Still, considering all the stat boosts you'll find in the game, it's not a big deal. Elves have the following traits: --> 90% resistance against charm and sleep magics. --> Infravision. --> +1 THAC0 bonus with bows and long swords. --> +1 Dexterity, -1 Constitution. Half-Elf {DND008} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> The bastard off-spring created by Humans and Elves... nobody seems to care that an Elf boning a Human is just kind of... weird. I mean, how much older is the Elf, on average? It would make for great a fantasy Maury show... They've got a few bonuses that Humans don't have-stuff you won't really miss-but they trade the ability to dual-class for the most extensive multi-class options in the game. They're a great choice for any protagonist. Half-Elves have the following traits: --> 30% resistance against charm and sleep magics. --> Infravision. Gnome {DND009} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Gnomes are retarded and everybody should hate them. They're nothing but incompetent Dwarves without any of the cool Dwarfiness. Gnomes have one advantage over Dwarves-they can become Mages. But... since they default to Illusionists, it's not so great of a bonus.

Gnomes have the following traits: --> +2 bonus to Saving Throws vs. Rod/Staff/Wand and vs. Spell. --> Additional Saving Throw bonuses based on Constitution. --> Infravision. --> +1 Intelligence, -1 Wisdom. Halfling {DND010} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> If you wanted my opinion on Halfings... well... look at my opinion about Gnomes. It's not a short person thing, I'm not too tall myself, but... their class options suck and their racial traits just aren't very good. Honestly, I've always hated Halflings. They seem like a waste of a race, and in my gaming sessions, I've never been able to find a use for them. What are they, always? Wandering thieves and pranksters. Almost without variation. Who always plays them? The annoying kid who just wanted to be a pain in the ass and slow things down. Halflings have the following traits: --> +2 bonus to Saving Throws vs. Paralyzation/Poison/Death, vs Rod/Staff/Wand, and vs. Spell. --> Additional Saving Throw bonuses based on Constitution. --> +1 THAC0 bonus with slings. --> +1 Dexterity, -1 Strength, -1 Wisdom. Dwarf {DND011} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Now Dwarves are where it's at. Who doesn't love Dwarves? They're always awesome. Nothing's better than a heavily-armed, ill-tempered, hairy, drunk demi-human. Fortunately for you, the game does a decent job in supplying you Dwarves to tag along with-leave the Dwarfing to your allies and pick stronger multi-or-dual-class options, instead. Dwarves have the following traits: --> +2 bonus to Saving Throws vs. Paralyzation/Poison/Death, vs. Rod/Staff/Wand, and vs. Spell. --> Additional Saving Throw bonuses based on Constituion. --> Infravision. --> +1 Constitution, -1 Dexterity, -2 Charisma. Half-Orc {DND012} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Not much to say about this class-they have the same appeal as Dwarves in my book. Fugly warriors that almost always seem to fall into a welltrod stereotype. In this, they excel, and if you plan to make any single-class warrior type, go with a Half-Orc. You won't miss that Intelligence. Half-Orcs have the following traits: --> +1 Strength, +1 Constitution, -2 Intelligence. Class {DND013} o======================================================================o

Since you can recruit a character that pretty much covers whatever you may lack, you have the freedom to create a character that plays how you want. Versatility and power are my goals in character creation, and that pretty much cries out for dual-or-multi classing. Also, if the developers were so kind as to provide you with a recruitable ally with their own unique voice, portrait, history, and statistics, why bother making a similar character? Since dual-or-multi class characters are invariably stronger in Baldur's Gate 2, they are what I suggest. You simply get stronger, more versatile characters if you dual-or-multiclass. A Fighter/Mage is arguably the strongest class in the game by the end of Baldur's Gate 2. Magic in Baldur's Gate is incredibly important and deep, and controlling a protagonist who cannot cast spells seems rather.. blasphemous. And if you can destroy any foe in melee combat as well, all the better. Alternatively there's the Fighter/Mage/Thief, who isn't as much of a Fighter or Mage, but you don't have to rely upon a recruitable Thief to do your trapfinding. There's also the Fighter/Cleric, but the spell buffs a Mage can cast are more powerful, and a Mage wont be limited to blunt weapons like a Cleric. If you're at all interested in making a Fighter/Cleric, try a Ranger/Cleric instead. Pretty much the same thing in terms of weapon selection, and Hit Points, but they'll also get Druidic spells, in addition to their Clerical spells. This means Insect Plague, Elemental Summoning, and Iron Skins... it's something to get excited about, trust me, I've never played as a Fighter/Mage/Cleric, but... it certainly sounds interesting. In the end I feel a Fighter/Mage is a great protagonist, a great play, and certainly a good choice to write a guide around. For the evil party play-through (Version 1.02 of the original Baldur's Gate 1 guide) I created a Fighter/Mage/Thief so I could use many of the strategies with which I am familiar, but also because of how desperately the evil party needs a Thief in Baldur's Gate 2. My girlfriend's choice was much the same, except she used a Fighter as her protagonist and created a Fighter/Mage/Thief sidekick in the sequel to overcome the crippling Thief-shortage. It might be cheap, but it's better than dragging around Haer'Dalis. Dual-Classing {DND014} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> To dual-class you must be a Human, and you must be at least 2nd level in the class you started out as to dual-class. You must have a 15 in the prime requisites of your current class, and 17 in the prime requisites of the class you want to change to. The prime requisities for each of the four base classes are as follows: Cleric: Fighter: Mage: Thief: Wisdom Strength Intelligence Dexterity

Once you dual-class the experience of your previous class will be capped at the minimum required to meet the last level you attained, and it will go inactive. You can no longer gain levels in this class, or use any of the class abilities. The only thing you keep from that class are the Hit Points, you temporarily lose weapon and armor proficiencies, skills, spells, THAC0, and even saves. You now begin advancing as your You pick new proficiencies, and applicable. For example, if you Mage, you would be bound by the second spells were a weapon class, following all its rules. or thief abilities, if Fighter and dual-classed into a and armor restrictions of the

Mage. You'd have the saves, THAC0, proficiencies, and spells of a 1st level Mage, but you'd have your Fighter Hit Points. Once your level in your new class exceeds your level in your old class, your old class becomes active again. You cannot gain experience in your old class, but you gain back any previously attained abilties, weapon and armor proficiencies, skills, spells, THAC0, and saves, if they are better than what you have now. Keep in mind that proficiencies are not cumulative. For example, take the following case. Start out with a level one Fighter and you'll get four weapon proficiencies to spend-you can spend up to two points (become Specialized) in any one weapon class or fighting style. Let's say the proficienies were allocated as follows: Long Sword Two-Weapon Style ++ ++

At level two, the character dual-classes to a Thief. They temporarily lose those proficiencies, but being a brand-spanking almost new Thief, they get two points to distrubte. Let's say it goes as follows: Katana Short Sword + +

Once the newly dualed Thief becomes level three, they'll get their Fighter stats back... at least until their Thief THAC0 and Saving Throws surpass whatever their Fighter level gave. Their proficiencies now look like this: Katana Long Sword Short Sword Two-Weapon Style + ++ + ++

So, when dual-classing, do NOT overlap proficiencies. Any overlap results in wasted points. A good tactic is to start out as a Thief and gain their Find Traps skill, get it as high as you need, and then dual-class into something more useful, like a Fighter or Mage. This gets you the essential Thief skill without having to waste an entire character on a class that, frankly, isn't great on its own. Another option is to make a Fighter, get up to a high level and attain its high Hit Points, THAC0, and maybe even Grand Mastery, then dual-class into something else to retain those excellent combat stats to make a more 'hardy' version of that class. The experience gained by the first class does count towards your total experience, and hence towards the experience cap. If you dual-class a character, be sure to dual class early enough so you have enough experience left to exceed your previous classes' level with your new class. If you never exceed your first class with your second, it will never become active, making the whole process a waste and stunting your character. This is obviously more of a preparatory tactic for the sequel, as you will not gain enough experience to get the most out of dual-classing for some combos in the first game. If you want to make a dual-class Fighter or an Assassin/Fighter, you'll have to play through this game as a single-classed character. For characters like Imoen, dual class away, but for your main character I do not suggest dual-classing until the sequel. Multi-Classing {DND015} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Mutli-classing is a bit simpler than dual-classing. Most races besides Human can multi-class into something, but Half-Elves are by far the

most versatile multi-classers. Whereas dual-classing means dropping one class in favor of another, only to gain the benefits of the previous class back after you exceed its level with the second class, multiclassing means pursuing both classes simultaneously. You get the better choice of THAC0 and saves between the classes, meaning a Fighter/Mage would use their better Fighter THAC0 instead of their worse Mage THAC0 or some composite. Hit points, however, are a composite, essentially halving the dice rolls of both classes and giving them to you. If a Fighter/Thief levels up in both classes, they get a maximum of eight Hit Points (10 + 6 = 16/2 = 8.) Note, however, that if you are a Fighter multi-class, you get the highest benefit of your Constitution, meaning a Fighter/Cleric with a Constitution score of 18 would get a +4 bonus to their Hit Points per composite level, instead of only +2 as a singleclassed character would. Triple-class characters work the same way, except their Hit Points per class/level is split three ways. For example a Fighter/Mage/Thief only receives six Hit Points per composite level (10 + 6 + 4 = 20/3 = 6.67~, always rounded down = 6). Experience is split evenly between the two (or three) classes, which can level up independently. This results in a slower rate of leveling than a single-classed character. Multi-classed characters typically make up for it with versatility, being able to effectively combine multiple class abilities to maximum effect. After all, a Thief who can hide in shadows and backstab with a Fighter's THAC0 and higher weapon proficiencies is better than just a Thief, and a Fighter who can use Mage spells to spell buff themselves with Mirror Image, Haste, Stoneskin, and Improved Invisibility will be MUCH more effective than just a Fighter. Multi-classed characters must abide by the restrictions of BOTH classes. A Fighter/Mage could wear Fighter armor, but not cast spells while so doing. A Fighter/Cleric could not use Swords or Bows. A Thief/Cleric could sneak, but not in heavy armor, and so on. But on the plus side, a high level multi-classed character will be able to pick epic feats from both trees. A Fighter/Thief could spend all their epic feats on Whirlwind and Greater Whirlwind, for example, if they so wished, instead of having to pick between the two (i.e. Thief feats on Thief levels, Fighter feats on Fighter levels.) This gives them another massive benefit over dual-classed characters. Dual-and-Multi-Classing in Baldur's Gate 2 {DND016} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> There is one significant advantage to multi-classing over dual-classing in Baldur's Gate 2, namely in the selection of Epic Level Feats. Upon reaching a certain experience threshold (and every level thereafter) you'll get to pick a feat, many of which are phenomonally strong. If you dual-class, you'll never again level up with your dormant class, meaning you'll never get these feats. A dual-class Fighter/Thief might have all the perks of a Fighter, and unimpeded progresion in thieving skills as well, but they will never get the Epic Fighter feats. A multi-classed Fighter/Thief will, however. Of course another thing to keep in mind with multi-classing is that you will not get as many of these feats for each class as a single-classed or dual-classed character will. It's a fair balancing act I think, and a good addition to a game that ultimately penalizes single-classed characters too harshly. Consider yourself duly warned-if your 'uber' Fighter/Thief turns out to be a sissy late in the sequel because you can't get Greater Whirlwind Attack(s)... it's on you. Class Kits {DND017} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> In Baldur's Gate 2 most single-classes have 'kits' which are basically

variants of the normal class. These include everything from shape shifting Druids, combat-focused Bards, Paladins skilled at thwarting Mages, sword saint Fighters, and Rangers who are truly dedicated archers. For the most part the kit functions like the normal class, with a few advantages and disadvantages thrown in. Note that you cannot multi-class with a kit, but you can start out with a kit or specialization and then dual class into a class without a kit or specialization. o==========================o |Barbarian | {DND018} o==========================o Hit points per Level: "d12" (really d10) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> A Barbarian certainly looks like a viable choice for any warrior starting anew in Baldur's Gate 2. They aren't defensive warriors, as they can't use the heaviest armor in the game, and one of their key abilities actually lowers their Armor Class, so don't rely on them to 'hold the line', although the extra Hit Points gained from raging will certainly help, despite the fact that their supposed d12 to their Hit Points seems to be... well, bogus. Their rage ability raises their Strength and Constitution by 4 points, which is HUGE, but since it lasts only five rounds... well... you'll need to burn through a lot of them just to finish a fight, while a normal Fighter could do just fine with potions of giant Strength. All things considered, it might be better to just get a Fighter with Grandmastery. They keep those combat bonuses all the time, and can wear heavier armor. Unless you're really into roleplaying a baba, I can't really recommend them over a Fighter, even though they move faster and get up to 20% resistance to slashing, piercing, crushing, and missile damage. Of course, if you're patient and you get your hands on some sweet White Dragon Scale armor, those Armor Class woes will become a thing of the past... Barbarian Level EXP HP <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 1 n/a 1d10 2 2,000 2d10 3 4,000 3d10 4 8,000 4d10 5 16,000 5d10 6 32,000 6d10 7 64,000 7d10 8 125,000 8d10 9 250,000 9d10 10 500,000 9d10+3 11 750,000 9d10+6 12 1,000,000 9d10+9 13 1,250,000 9d10+12 14 1,500,000 9d10+15 15 1,750,000 9d10+18 16 2,000,000 9d10+21 17 2,250,000 9d10+24 18 2,500,000 9d10+27 19* 2,750,000 9d10+30 40 8,000,000 9d10+93 Advantages: - They move at 2 points faster than the usual character. - Barbarians are immune to backstab.

- Can rage once per day every 4 levels (starts at 1st level with one use). Rage gives them +4 to Constitution and Strength for 5 rounds. Gives a 2 points Armor Class penalty and +2 to saves vs magic (for 5 rounds). Rage also gives immunity to all charm, hold, fear, maze, and confusion and level drain spells. - At 11th level the barbarian gains 10% resistance to slashing, piercing, crushing, and missile damage He gains an additional 5% at levels 15 and 19. - The barbarian rolls d12 for Hit Points instead of a Fighter's d10. (supposedly) Note: I created a fresh Barbarian in Shadows of Amn. They started at level 7 with a Constitution of 10 and 80 Hit Points-obviously more than the Fighter's 1d10 could have achieved. However, when I leveled them up, they received a maximum of 10 Hit Points for their level. At this point I'm more than satisfied to blame the often-screwy Hit Point calculations made by this game upon character creation for the over-abundant early Hit Points, and say definitively that Barbarians do indeed receive merely a d10 for Hit Points per level. The Constitution was immaterial, when I made another Barbarian with 18 Constitution, they just ended up with 108 Hit Points (80 + 4 per level, 7 levels). Looking at the 2DA files pretty much puts this question to rest-there are several files that determine Hit Point rolls-HPWIZ, HPWAR, HPROG, HPPRS, and HPMONK. Notable absent are any extended Hit Point tables for the Barbarian-they just don't exist. The d12 the Barbarian is supposed to receive is just a myth. Disadvantages: - A barbarian cannot wear full plate, plate mail. - A barbarian cannot specialize past normal specialization o==========================o |Bard | {DND019} o==========================o Hit points per Level: d6 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Bards were a good class in Baldur's Gate 1, mixing light armor with a decent spell selection that went all the way up to 4th level spells, providing extra spell power in a pinch. However, they'll reach their spellcasting zenith in Baldur's Gate, and while 4th level spells might have stacked up well against 5th level Mage spells in Baldur's Gate 1, a Bard with 6th level spells will be unimpressive against 9th level Mage spells in Baldur's Gate 2. They're segregated more than ever into a support roll, able to cast buffs like Haste and and a few defensive spells to keep them handy, but they'll never contribute to a fight as much as a Fighter, Cleric, or Mage will. The game does say they are jacks-of-all-trades, masters of none, and they mean it... but by now specialization is paying big dividends to single-classed characters, and multi-and-dual-classed characters are excelling in two or more fields. Simply put, a Fighter/Thief and Fighter/Mage... or especially a Fighter/Mage/Thief just leave the Bard far behind. You can grab the Enhanced Bard Song feat when you get access to epic feats and make the Bard that much more effective at what they do best: supporting the party. While it's an impressive ability, it's poor compensation when you look at a Fighter/Mage who can Time Stop and use Greater Whirlwinds. Bard

Level EXP HP Spells Pick Pockets <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 1 n/a 1d6 25% 2 1,250 2d6 1 30% 3 2,500 3d6 2 35% 4 5,000 4d6 2/1 40% 5 10,000 5d6 3/1 45% 6 20,000 6d6 3/2 50% 7 40,000 7d6 3/2/1 55% 8 70,000 8d6 3/3/1 60% 9 110,000 9d6 3/3/2 65% 10 160,000 9d6+2 3/3/2/1 70% 11 220,000 9d6+4 3/3/3/1 75% 12 440,000 9d6+6 3/3/3/2 80% 13 660,000 9d6+8 3/3/3/2/1 95% 14 880,000 9d6+10 3/3/3/3/1 100% 15 1,100,000 9d6+12 4/3/3/3/2 100% 16 1,320,000 9d6+14 4/3/3/3/2/1 100% 17 1,540,000 9d6+16 4/4/3/3/3/1 100% 18 1,760,000 9d6+18 4/4/4/3/3/2 100% 19 1,980,000 9d6+20 4/4/4/4/3/2 100% 20 2,200,000 9d6+22 4/4/4/4/4/3 100% 21 2,420,000 9d6+24 5/4/4/4/4/3 100% 22 2,640,000 9d6+26 5/5/4/4/4/3 100% 23* 2,860,000 9d6+28 5/5/5/4/4/4 100% 40 8,000,000 9d6+62 5/5/5/5/5/5 (max at level 38)(max at level 14) Blade {DND019} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> A Blade might seem like a good idea on paper, as it gets Offensive Spin and Defensive Spin, but think about it. Offensive Spin doesn't stack with Haste, so it's really only giving you a +1 bonus to attack and +2 damage, which will not make a you a competitive front-liner, even if the max damage is nice. Defensive Spin might not go past -10, but for a Bard that's still a pretty hefty benefit. Your Bard song sucks anyways, and you can just grab Enhanced Bard Song to break even with the best a normal Bard has to offer. Pick Pockets can be raised with potions, and won't be a huge issue, and Lore is pretty useless anyways. Keep in mind that these benefits are largely going to be redundant by the time you reach Throne of Bhaal, your -10 Armor Class isn't going to protect you much, and Offensive Spin will not compete with Whirlwinds. A Bard is better off casting defensive spells and using Enhanced Bard Song, making this kit rather useless. Advantages: - May use 'Offensive Spin' and 'Defensive Spin' abilities once per day per 4 levels. - Offensive Spin: lasts 24 seconds, granting the Blade +1 to hit, +2 to damage, and an extra attack. As well, all of his attacks do maximum damage for the duration. Offensive spin cannot be used in conjunction with haste or improved haste. - Defensive Spin: lasts 24 seconds, roots him to the spot but gives -1 AC per level of experience. The Armor Class bonus does not go over -10. - May place 3 slots into two weapon fighting style. Disadvantages: - Only has one-half normal Lore value.

- Only have one-half Pick Pockets percentage. - Bard Song does not become better over time. Jester {DND020} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> So instead of having an ability to help their allies, they get a somewhat unlimited access to a very weak version of a 4th level spell? Wouldn't a normal Bard be better off casting a Confusion when it mattered at a -2 Save, rather than casting a bunch of +4 Save versions? And it's every opponent within 30 feet, meaning this only affects enemies fairly close to the Bard. Generally you want to keep vulnerable characters OUT of combat range. Advantages: - Jester's song does not help allies. Instead, it affects every opponent within 30 feet, and they must save vs. magic at +4 once per round or be confused. (Note: According to the latest patch the Jester's bardsong ability gains the slow and stun effects.) Disadvantages: - None. Skald {DND021} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Now if you want a melee handy Bard, this is the way to go. +1 to hit and damage all the time beats a Blade's offering. And what about their Bard song? That looks a lot like... wait... it IS Enhanced Bard Song! They already get it! Pick Pockets is useless anyways, so don't worry about having a low value there. You can always use potions when you need to. Advantages: - +1 to hit and +1 to damage with all weapons. - The skald's song is different from the typical bard song and varies with level: 1st: gives allies +2 to hit, +2 to damage and -2 to AC. 15th: gives allies +4 to hit, +4 to damage, -4 to AC, and immunity to fear. 20th: gives allies +4 to hit, +4 to damage, -4 to AC, and immunity to Fear, Stun, and Confusion. Disadvantages: - Pick pockets ability one-quarter normal. o==========================o |Cleric | {DND022} o==========================o Hit points per Level: d8 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Clerics are essential to any party, being good buffers and healers, and while generally not as good at dealing damage, ripping through spell defenses, and debuffing as a Mage, there are instances in which they shine. They get great spells against undead, namely Sunray, which is your best chance of taking down Liches. They also get good offensive spells such as Greater Command, Holy Smite, and Finger of Death, not to mention their defensive spells like Death Ward, Chaotic Commands, Defensive Harmony, Protection from Evil 10' Radius, and Dispel Magic. And yes, they get healing Spells such as Heal and Restoration, both of which are indispensable. They can also typically hold a battle line, being able to equip shields and plate armor, even if they can't hold

up quite as well as Fighters. When you hit epic levels you can get some really awesome abilities, such as the defensive Globe of Blades, Aura of Flaming Death, and Summon Deva abilities, which further improves their defensive capabilities. Frankly, however, it's a poor choice for a main character. Firstly, it seems silly for the child of a dead god to be worshiping another deity, especially with so much potential... but really, Anomen already beat us to the punch, being a dual-classed Fighter/Cleric. And no main character can equal Viconia's natural resistance to magic. Don't worry, the game already has plenty of great recruitable Clerics. Clerics also get the ability to turn undead, but it's not too great of an ability. Big things won't be affected, and little things can just be smote. Unlike most classes there is no reason to not pick a Cleric kit... they're all beneficial with no downside. When a Cleric hits 25th level they gain a holy symbol from their deity, which gives them +1 to Strength, 5% magic resistance, and allows them to memorize another 6th and 7th level spell. For Clerics with high Strength, this can put them over the top, letting them go around without having to worry about Girdles of Giant Strength and the like (read: Anomen). Cleric Level EXP HP Spells <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 1 n/a 1d8 1 2 1,500 2d8 2 3 3,000 3d8 2/1 4 6,000 4d8 3/2 5 13,000 5d8 3/3/1 6 27,500 6d8 3/3/2 7 55,000 7d8 3/3/2/1 8 110,000 8d8 3/3/3/2/1 9 225,000 9d8 4/4/3/2/1 10 450,000 9d8+2 4/4/3/3/2 11 675,000 9d8+4 5/4/4/3/2/1 12 900,000 9d8+6 6/5/5/3/2/2 13 1,125,000 9d8+8 6/6/6/4/2/2 14 1,350,000 9d8+10 6/6/6/5/3/2/1 15 1,575,000 9d8+12 6/6/6/6/4/2/1 16 1,800,000 9d8+14 7/7/7/6/4/2/1 17 2,025,000 9d8+16 8/8/8/8/5/3/2 18 2,250,000 9d8+18 9/9/8/8/6/4/2 19 2,475,000 9d8+20 9/9/8/8/6/4/2 20 2,700,000 9d8+22 9/9/9/8/7/5/2 21* 2,925,000 9d8+24 9/9/9/9/8/6/2 25 3,825,000 9d8+32 9/9/9/9/9/7/3 <-- Holy Symbol Obtained 40 8,000,000 9d8+62 9/9/9/9/9/8/7 (max at level 38) Holy Symbol: When a character reaches 25th level as a Cleric, they will receive a unique 'ring'. This Holy Symbol differs in name based upon alignment, evil characters will have a Holy Symbol of Talos, good characters will receive a Holy Symbol of Lathander, and neutral characters obtain a Holy Symbol of Helm. Regardless of which one they get, they're all alignment-conditional Cleric-only items with the same properties. If you're a multi-classed character you won't reach this total until you max your experience, but single-classed Clerics should obtain this Holy Symbol early in Throne of Bhaal. Each one gives a +1 bonus to Strength, 5% Magic Resistance, and a bonus 6th and 7th level spell slot. Priest of Talos {DND023}

<----------------------------------------------------------------------> Lightning Bolt isn't a great spell, but Storm Shield provide some interesting bonuses to your resistances, at least. Once per day per ten levels of the caster means... once or twice, in Shadows of Amn.. but at least it lasts a long time. Advantages: - May cast 'Lightning bolt' once per day per 5 levels of the caster (starts at 1st level with one use.) - May cast 'Storm Shield' once per day per 10 levels of the caster (starts at 1st level with one use), as detailed below. STORM SHIELD: This spell lasts 6 seconds per level of the caster. It protects the caster from lightning, fire, cold, and normal missiles. Disadvantages: - None Priest of Helm {DND024} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> The Priest of Helm may be the best variant, especially for evil parties. Having some extra True Sight spells cannot be underestimated. Seeking Sword is a little lame, but it does give you a +4 weapon, allowing you to hit things like Kangaxx the Demilich and many demons. Its damage doesn't stand up, but it does give you three attacks per round, even though it takes away your ability to cast spells for its duration, which blows. Advantages: - May cast 'True Sight' once per day per 5 levels (starts at 1st level with one use). - May cast 'Seeking Sword' once per day per 10 levels (starts at 1st level with one use), as detailed below. SEEKING SWORD: This spell creates a sword in the players hand (that cannot be dropped or unequipped). The sword is +4 for purposes of determining what it can hit (but this bonus does not apply to damage), and it deals out 2-8 damage to any target it hits. The weapon sets the number of attacks of the Cleric to 3. It lasts for 1 round per level of the caster. When equipped the wielder cannot cast further spells. Disadvantages: - None. Priest of Lathander {DND025} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Another good Cleric kit, if you really don't like undead, this is worth a glance. Hold Undead is decent at stopping some undead, but it probably won't work terribly often. The Boon of Lathander, however, is a very nice ability, making the Cleric more potent for its fairly lengthy duration. There are few enough good ways to make yourself immune to level drain in Shadows of Amn... unless you're a Mage of some sort, or better yet, a multi-or-dual-classed Mage who can take on undead while protected. Having this kit and the Boon of Lathander ability will give you a character fully capable of taking the fight to Vampires, Wraiths, and various Mists without flinching. Advantages: - May cast 'Hold Undead' once per day for every 5 levels of the caster

(starts at 1st level with one use). - May cast 'Boon of Lathander' for every 10 levels of the caster, as detailed below (starts at 1st level with one use). BOON OF LATHANDER: This spell lasts for 6 seconds per level of the caster. It gives the caster +1 to hit, +1 to damage, +1 on all saving throws and gives the caster 1 extra attack per round. It also protects the recipient from level drain. Disadvantages: - None. o==========================o |Cleric/Ranger | {DND026} o==========================o Alright, full disclosure: I was completely wrong about the Cleric/Ranger multi-class, and everything that I'm going to say below has been revised based on better research. All of this information is due to the e-mail I got from Rick Taylor, who tipped me off to the merits of this class combo. Now that I got that shameful admission out of the way, the Cleric/Ranger is very similar to the Fighter/Cleric. You'll essentially get a stronger, healthier, more melee-competent Cleric with a slower spell selection. But the Ranger/Cleric has one huge bonus over its Fighter/Cleric counterpart: they'll get the full selection of Drudic spells each level as well as all the Cleric spells. Granted, there's a lot of overlap, but you'll have all the combat perks and spells of a Fighter/Cleric, with the addition of spells like Insect Plague and Iron Skins... the latter of which is a huge contribution to the character's defenses, being essentially the Cleric version of Stoneskin. You'll get more spells than a Fighter/Cleric, you'll get much better fighting abilities (better Hit Points, THAC0, and feats) than a Cleric, and as compared to a Druid you'll have faster spell progression AND better fighting abilities. Not to mention you can also sneak (if you wear light armor) and you will start out specialized in the Two Weapon Style, if you're interested in taking full advantage of your awesome melee prowess by wielding, say, Flail of Ages and Crom Faeyr. This is the best class to pick if you want to combine fighting prowess and divine spells... which is to say, if you want divine spells at all, you'll be doing yourself a huge favor by playing a Cleric/Ranger. o==========================o |Druid | {DND027} o==========================o Hit points per Level: d8 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Druids, well... let me be frank. Druids suck. They gain their own set of divine spells, but most of them are wholly inferior to the Cleric's spell selection. In addition they're not able to wear heavy armor or use most weapons... even the Cleric's own limited martial selection will be welcome after seeing the Druid, unless you just like Clubs and Quarter Staffs. They can use Scimitars, but with their crappy Armor Class, that is just asking for trouble. They get some buggy shapeshifting abilities that let you transform into monsters that aren't very strong in a sad attempt to counter their lack of martial prowess. Is that going to make up for it when a Cleric can use things like Crom Faeyr and Flail of the Ages, along with enchanted shields and armor which bring their Armor Class down to Fighter-esque levels? No, it's not. A Druid can, however, wear unconventional armors, such as Ankheg Plate Mail, Red Dragon Scale, and Shadow Dragon Scale, since these are not made out of metal.

Unfortunately this only brings them to the doorstep of combateffectiveness, as they still cannot use a shield like Clerics can. The only reasonable counter to this is to load them up with defensive equipment to bring their Armor Class up to snuff, or better yet, to make them specialize in Spears, of which several useful specimens exist in both Shadows of Amn and Throne of Bhaal, although in my mind, Spears are decidedly weaker than Halberds over the course of both the main game and the expansion. And of course the fact that they won't get Whirlwind makes them patently inferior to any warrior, but at least they can-eventually-become useful enough in combat not to scoff at... even though a Shielded Cleric with Flail of the Ages or Crom Faeyr well out-classes an unshielded Druid, even with Ixil's Nail. On the other hand, a Druid is a pretty good class to dual-or-multi class with, as a Fighter's martial selection will do wonders to ease the Druid's Armor Class woes. Unfortunately, Jaheira already exists, so why bother? At least they get immunity to poison and 10% resistance to cold, fire, electricity and acid (up to 30% at level 24), which somewhat offsets their defensive deficiencies. I feel compelled to point out the Druid's erratic experience spikes, and the massive boost to their spells they get if they do manage to climb those hurdles and reach levels 13, 14, and 15. Sometimes I think all classes should be like that, every level takes twice as much as the previous level, but each time you level up you get dramatically stronger. What's the difference between an 14th and 15th level Thief? Not much. What's the difference between a 14th and 15th level Druid? Well. Look for yourself. Druid Level EXP HP Spells <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 1 n/a 1d8 1 2 2,000 2d8 2 3 4,000 3d8 2/1 4 7,500 4d8 3/2 5 12,500 5d8 3/3/1 6 20,000 6d8 3/3/2 7 35,000 7d8 3/3/2/1 8 60,000 8d8 3/3/3/2 9 90,000 9d8 4/4/3/2/1 10 125,000 9d8+2 4/4/3/3/2 11 200,000 9d8+4 5/4/4/3/2/1 12 300,000 9d8+6 6/5/5/3/2/2 13 750,000 9d8+8 6/6/6/4/2/2 14* 1,500,000 9d8+10 6/6/6/5/3/2/1 15 3,000,000 9d8+12 6/6/6/6/6/6/6 31 8,000,000 9d8+44 9/9/9/9/9/7/7 (max at level 25) Totemic Druid {DND028} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> You can summon weak monsters, but you can't shapeshift into weak monsters. Huzzah. Advantages: - May summon a special 'spirit' animal once per day per 5 levels of experience. Spirit animal is randomly selected from 'Spirit Bear', 'Spirit Wolf', 'Spirit Lion' and 'Spirit Snake'. Disadvantages: - Cannot shapeshift. Shapeshifter {DND029}

<----------------------------------------------------------------------> You can become a Werewolf, and eventually a Greater Werewolf, which is unfortunately nerfed. Still the Greater Werewolf can't hurt things that require +3 weapons to harm... unless you have the BG2 Tweaks installed to fix the Greater Werewolf, in which case you get a much heftier version of the ability. As it stands, however, it's just a matter of choosing between a weak transformation that causes you to lose what little armor you can wear. Advantages: - May shapeshift into the form of a Werewolf once per day for every 2 levels (starts at 1st level with one use). Stats: Strength 19, Dexterity 16, Constitution 15, Armor Class -1, Magic Resistance 20% - At 13th level gains the ability to change into a Greater Werewolf once per day. Stats: Strength 21, Dexterity 20, Constitution 25, Armor Class -10, Resistance to all Elements 50%, Magic Resistance 40% Disadvantages: - No other shapeshifting abilities due to the effort required maintaining balance in his primary forms. - Cannot wear ANY armor. Note: If you want to make the Shapeshifter work, you should install the Baldur's Gate II Tweak Pack to fix the Werewolf and Greater Werewolf transformations. Below is a table taken directly from their readme detailing what you were supposed to receive (and presumably what values the Tweak Pack restores the transformations to) and what you actually received. o===============================o===============================o | Werewolf | Greater Werewolf | o===============o===============o===============o===============o | You Were | You Actually | You Were | You Actually | | Supposed to | Received... | Supposed to | Received... | | Receive... | | Receive... | | o===============o===============o===============o===============o | Base Magic | Magic | | | | Resistance | Resistance | THAC0 of 6 | Nothing | | of 20% | Locked at 20% | | | |---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| | Immunity to | Nothing |Saves 1/1/1/2/1| Nothing | |Normal Weapons | | | | |---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| | Paw does 1d12 | Paw does 1d6 |Base Elemental | Elemental |Slashing Damage|Piercing Damage| Resistance of | Resistance o===============o===============o 50% | locked at 50% | |---------------|---------------| | Base Magic | Magic | | Resistance | Resistance | | of 40% | locked at 40% | |---------------|---------------| | Immunity to | Nothing | | Normal Weapons| | |---------------|---------------| | Paw is +3 | Paw is +2 |

| |

| Weapon | Weapon | |---------------|---------------| | Paw does 2d8 | Paw does 1d6 | |Slashing Damage|Slashing Damage| |---------------|---------------| |Regeneration of| | | 3 Hit Points | Nothing | | per second | | o===============o===============o Avenger {DND030} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Well, I'll admit that Improved Invisibility, Chaos, and Chain Lightning are all good additions, but the shapechanges are worthless. And losing the Strength and Constitution? The Constitution isn't bad for a singleclassed Druid as they can't exceed a +2 bonus at 16 anyways, but the Strength? That hurts. It's not a like a Druid was going to be very strong anyways, so the loss of one point of to hit and damage isn't very severe, and nothing a Giant Strength item can't fix, and losing access to Studded Leather Armor is, well, annoying, but there's not a huge difference between one sucky suit of armor and the next anyways. It's rather hard to critique this subclass at all, given the whole feeling of 'who cares' when talking about the Druid in general... Still, while the 4th, 5th, and 6th level all spells are decent, Improved Invisibility can be duplicated by a Ring of Air Control, Chaos will have to compete with Insect Plague, and Chain Lightning is a mediocore damage-dealer. At the end of the day, you're probably better off being able to wear better armor than being able to cast Improved Invisibility, which is easily duplicated and will be quickly dispelled later in the game, and there are plenty of Mages to cast Chaos-but only Druids can cast Insect Plague, so why not stick to what they're good at? This class is essentially a dubious defensive trade-off in return for a spell you won't need to memorize and an okay damage-dealer. It has its good points, sure, and is clearly the least-offensive Druid kit... but at the end of the day you're still stuck with playing a Druid. - May shapechange into normal forms, as well as those of Sword Spider, Baby Wyvern, and Fire Salamander. - 6 Mage spells are added to his repertoire, all the way up to 6th level. These are listed below: 1st: Chromatic Orb 2nd: Web 3rd: Lightning Bolt 4th: Improved Invisibility 5th: Chaos 6th: Chain Lightning Disadvantages: - May not wear better than Leather Armor. - On character creation he receives a -2 penalty to Strength and Constitution. o==========================o |Fighter | {DND031} o==========================o Hit points per Level: d10 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> The best perk of a Fighter is that they can gain Grand Master in a weapon. This allows them to do the most damage, wear the best armor,

and generally outclass every other character in melee combat. The Barbarian might have rage, but the perks of picking a Fighter don't last merely 5 rounds. The Fighter is also the safe, if dull choice, as there's not much strategy involved in playing one. You pick a weapon, you put as many points as you can in it, and you hold the line. That said, this is a great dual-or-multi class option, and Fighters only get stronger with Throne of Bhaal, which gives them access to Greater Whirlwind, the feat that makes them better at what they do best: hitting things. If you have the default rules of Baldur's Gate 2, their bonuses from Grand Mastery are a pathetic +1 bonus to attack and +1 bonus to damage over Specialization, and a slight bonus to their weapons' speed factor. If you use a mod to get the tables back to the PnP values, a Fighter becomes worth playing again. Fighter Level EXP HP <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 1 n/a 1d10 2 2,000 2d10 3 4,000 3d10 4 8,000 4d10 5 16,000 5d10 6 32,000 6d10 7 64,000 7d10 8 125,000 8d10 9 250,000 9d10 10 500,000 9d10+3 11 750,000 9d10+6 12 1,000,000 9d10+9 13 1,250,000 9d10+12 14 1,500,000 9d10+15 15 1,750,000 9d10+18 16 2,000,000 9d10+21 17 2,250,000 9d10+24 18 2,500,000 9d10+27 19* 2,750,000 9d10+30 40 8,000,000 9d10+93 Berserker {DND032} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> If you want to be like your pal Minsc, this is the way to go. Berserk is a decent ability that gives you a bonus to hit and damage, but imposes an Armor Class penalty. 60 Seconds is a fairly long time, and since you get many of them, you'll be able to keep yourself juiced up. I think every Fighter should have a ranged option, however, and not being able to specialize in ranged weapons... well, you could always use a Throwing Axe or something similar. It's a decent kit, although even with Korgan I hardly ever use the abilities it provides. Note that you gain 15 'temporary' Hit Points when you use enrage. Temporary is not the same as free. If you lose any of these Hit Points, you'll suffer when you come out of enrage, this just allows you to weather a little more damage before you die. Advantages: - May use 'enrage' ability once per day per 4 levels. The enraged state lasts for 60 seconds. - While enraged: +2 to hit, +2 to damage, -2 AC. - While enraged: immune to charm, hold, and fear, maze, imprisonment, stun, and sleep.

- While enraged: gains 15 Hit Points. These Hit Points are temporary, and are taken away at the end of his berserk spree, possibly killing the berserker. Disadvantage: - Becomes winded after berserking. While he's winded he receives a -2 to hit, -2 to damage, and a +2 penalty to Armor Class. - Cannot specialize in ranged weapons. Wizard Slayer {DND033} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> The Wizard Slayer is good against spell casters, but weak against everything else. Their lack of the ability to use any magical equipment save weapons and armor might actually make them more vulnerable to Mages than a straight Fighter! And they do mean ANY magical items except armor. Fortunately this allows them to wear Helmets and use Shields, but no Cloaks, Rings, Bracers, Girdles or Necklaces. Advantages: - For each successful hit on an opponent, 10% cumulative spell failure penalty is applied. - 1% magic resistance per level. (In TOB the Wizard Slayer gets a +5% resistance at every even level at and after 20th level, this maxes out at 84%.) Disadvantages: - May not use any magic items except for weapons and armor. Kensai {DND034} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Again, I prefer all my characters to have a ranged option, and this class takes some of the better options away from my characters. Granted a Two Weapon Style Fighter will probably not use a ranged weapon very much, but there are more severe problems than that. A -2 bonus to Armor Class does not counter the lack of wearing any armor at all, and the fact that you can't wear gauntlets or bracers means you can't even shore up your defenses with Bracers of Armor. Sure, there are plenty of items that increase your Armor Class marginally, but the Kensai is going to be chewed up in combat nonetheless. Its bonuses are good, but in my mind I just don't think a maximum of +6 to hit and damage and five rounds of the 'kai' ability make up for the total lack of armor. Note that this means ALL armor, even armor which isn't encumbering enough to block spells such as Bladesinger Chain. There is one exception though... the Big Metal Unit, which will bestow upon the character a phenomenal armor class, if you can make it to the end of Throne of Bhaal, anyways. By then you're pretty much done with the game though. Advantages: - Bonus +1 to hit and +1 damage for every 3 levels. - Bonus -2 to AC. - Bonus -1 to speed factor for every 4 levels. - May use 'kai' ability one time per day for every 4 levels (starts at 1st level with one use): this ability lasts ten seconds and makes all attacks do maximum damage

Disadvantages: - May not use missile weapons. - May not wear armor. - May not wear gauntlets or bracers. o==========================o |Fighter/Cleric | {DND035} o==========================o <----------------------------------------------------------------------> An interesting combination with slightly higher fighting skills than the Cleric and some defensive buffs to supplement the Fighter. Frankly, however, a Cleric doesn't have as good of a defensive spell selection as a Mage, and by itself a Cleric is already a pretty stout Fighter. Sure it helps to add more attacks and damage, but it's just not quite as potent as the Fighter/Mage. For one, you don't get Time Stop. But at least neither of your classes are hurt by wearing heavy armor, so you don't need the spell buffs quite so much. A very good thing about this combination is they will get both the Fighter and Cleric feats. Having a strong melee Fighter who can go up in combat with an Aura of Flaming Death, a Globe of Blades, and then use Greater Whirlwind Attacks is a thing of beauty. Especially if they can retreat from combat and use Heal on themselves before jumping right back into the fray. They can't decimate enemies quite as well as a Fighter/Mage, but they can certainly make an impact. Unfortunately you'll be regulated to a few types of weapon because of the Cleric. You can either go with Flail of the Ages or Crom Faeyr and use the Sword and Shield Style, or go with both using the Two Weapon Style and really lay waste to enemies. Note that with this combo you will still get enough experience to get your holy symbol at level 25. Nice. o==========================o |Fighter/Druid | {DND036} o==========================o This combination works almost exactly like the Fighter/Cleric, except that you will of course have Druid spells instead of Clerical ones, and you will have the Druid weapon selection, which includes Scimitars, but doesn't allow War Hammer, Maces, and Flails. The game provides you with a perfectly fine recruitable Fighter/Druid in Jaheira, so I don't know why you'd ever need to make your own. Note that as a Fighter/Druid you'll still get enough experience to get the really good Druid levels, making this combo in every way preferable to a single-classed Druid. o==========================o |Fighter/Mage | {DND037} o==========================o <----------------------------------------------------------------------> My favorite class, and possibly the strongest in the game. You can't wear armor and cast spells, but that's hardly an issue in this game, where you have many ways to improve your Armor Class without having to wear armor. Bracers of Defense are one, obvious way, but in this game you will also get your hands on Elven Chain Mail, which allows you to cast spells while wearing it. With the better weapons and combat styles of Baldur's Gate 2 I drop any and all pretenses of being an archer and go for the Two Weapon Style. Thanks to my Fighter levels, I can afford to do this, and the amazing defensive spells a Mage has keeps me safer than a single-classed Fighter, armor be damned. The best thing of all is that a Fighter/Mage can access both Fighter and Mage feats, allowing them to pull off Time Stops and Greater Whirlwinds in unison. This is a versatile character who can debuff and cast offensive spells at enemies,

or go toe-to-toe with most anything in melee combat once fully spell buffed. It almost makes you feel sorry for the single-classed Mages and Fighters you'll slaughter. Almost. o==========================o |Fighter/Mage/Cleric | {DND038} o==========================o <----------------------------------------------------------------------> An interesting option, this class combines the power of two strong spell casters with the solid backing of the Fighter class. Keep in mind that your progression will be horribly slow with a triple class character, meaning you'll always be one or two spell levels below a single-classed character. This class actually has a slightly better hit point range than the Fighter/Mage, but worse weapon selection and the same lack of armor. I feel this class might be a bit too much, honestly. Not as in over-powered, but you're only one character, with one action a round just like everybody else. Even having such variety there's only so much you can actually DO in a given span of time. It's probably best to do fewer things better. I mean, are you ever going to actually get out a significant number of Cleric and Mage spells, and then still have a battle left to fight? It's a good concept, but this class might just be trying to do too much at once. As for weapons and tactics, you're probably better off trying to do what the Fighter/Mage does, but with Cleric-allowed weapons. Note that with this build you will not get 9th level spells, negating the whole Time Stop tactic that the Fighter/Mage can employ. Also, you won't get access to any of the Mage feats, like Comet and the bonus 6th, 7th, and 8th level spell slots. o==========================o |Fighter/Mage/Thief | {DND039} o==========================o <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This class suffers from many of the problems the Fighter/Mage/Cleric suffers from, but to a lesser degree. Firstly, most Thief skills are only useful out of combat, or as telling first strikes. It's not another host of spells you're trying to cast in a finite window of time, meaning the Thief actually enhances the Fighter and the Mage. Also, the Thief is capable of using a much greater selection of weapons than the Cleric, allowing you to diversify your weapons and tactics much more. A Fighter/Mage/Thief in essence works like a combination of the Fighter/Mage and Fighter/Thief. Go in with Two Weapon Style, attempt to score backstabs, and use defensive spells to compensate for your lack of armor. A Fighter/Mage/Thief will not get 9th level Mage spells. Also, a Fighter/Mage/Thief will not gain any of the Mage feats. No Comet, no extra 6th, 7th, and 8th level spells slots. For the evil party, making your protagonist a Fighter/Mage/Thief is the best solution to the distinct lack of recruitable Thieves in the game. You'll be able to pull off many of the Fighter/Mage tricks (uber spell-buffing in order to become nearly invulnerable to enemy spell casters) and handle all the thieving requirements your party will need. You won't be able to pull off the devastating Greater Whirlwind/Timestop combo, but being able to spell-buff and perform Greater Whirlwind attacks is still quite respectable. o==========================o |Fighter/Thief | {DND040} o==========================o <----------------------------------------------------------------------> As you may have learned in Baldur's Gate 1, the Fighter/Thief was a potent combo, easily matching a Ranger's skill with weapons while having the same quirks. Some important differences remain, a

Fighter/Thief can disable traps and backstab, while a Ranger cannot. This makes a Fighter/Thief in my eyes every bit more powerful than a Ranger. Sure, the Ranger will have higher Hit Points and some minor Druid spells, but a Fighter/Thief can access both the the Fighter and the Thief feats. Things only get better for the Fighter/Thief in Baldur's Gate 2 as their backstab reaches a mighty x5 and a deeper melee system allows them to abuse it to its fullest advantage. Going for a Fighter/Thief with the Two Weapon Style is a very fun thing to do in this game. o==========================o |Mage | {DND041} o==========================o Hit points per Level: d4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Firstly I just want to say that there is no reason to make a single classed Mage protagonist. Edwin out-guns you. Period. If you must make a Mage, make a Fighter/Mage or Fighter/Mage/Thief, which increases your options immensely. Other than that, if you make a Mage, make a Conjurer. They get an extra spell per day per spell level and lose a handful of spells that aren't even all that good. The best ones I can think of are Identify-which can be replicated with items that have unlimited uses, and True Sight, which is more of a significant loss. Still, if you have Jaheira and Anomen/Viconia in your group you have two other casters who can provide that spell, not to mention the possibility of Keldorn, and the Book of Infinite Spells. If you must make a Mage, start out as something else first. A Fighter can get to level 8 and dual-class into a Mage without wasting a single experience level of the Mage, giving you a high hit point Mage who can use Bows, Swords, or whatever your little heart desires. A Thief can get to level 9 before dual-classing into a Mage, again without using a single level. This negates the need for a Thief at all, as you can build a Mage who can Find/Remove Traps on his own, as well as having a few more Hit Points and the ability to use Short Bows. It is MUCH better to dual-class into a Mage than to go straight Mage. Note that if you dual-class into a Mage you cannot legitimately dual-class into a Conjurer, or any other type of Specialist. This perplexes me to no end, as it was entirely possible to do this in Baldur's Gate 1. If you want to do this, you'll have to cheat with a save game editor like Shadow Keeper. Oh, and don't bother playing a Wild Mage. All their spells have a chance to do something bonkers, and a Mage will be casting a lot of spells through the game. Why shoot yourself in the foot? Specialist School Opposition School <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Abjurer Abjuration Alteration Transmuter Alteration Abjuration, Necromancy Conjurer Conjuration/Summoning Divination Diviner Divination Conjuration/Summoning Enchanter Enchantment/Charm Invocation Illusionist Illusion Necromancy Invoker Invocation Enchantment/Charm, Conjuration/Summoning Necromancer Necromancy Illusion Wild Mage Wild Magic N/A Mage Level EXP HP Spells <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 1 n/a 1d4 1 2 2,500 2d4 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17* 31

5,000 10,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 90,000 135,000 250,000 375,000 750,000 1,125,000 1,500,000 1,875,000 2,250,000 2,625,000 7,875,000

3d4 4d4 5d4 6d4 7d4 8d4 9d4 9d4+1 9d4+2 9d4+3 9d4+4 9d4+5 9d4+6 9d4+7 9d4+8 9d4+22

2/1 3/2 4/2/1 4/2/2 4/3/2/1 4/3/3/2 4/3/3/2/1 4/4/3/2/2 4/4/4/3/3 4/4/4/4/4/1 5/5/5/4/4/2 5/5/5/4/4/2/1 5/5/5/5/5/2/1 5/5/5/5/5/3/2/1 5/5/5/5/5/3/3/2 5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5/4 (max at level 34)

o==========================o |Mage/Cleric | {DND042} o==========================o <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Not only do you have an ally who fits this role, I'm not entirely convinced it's a role worth fitting. It's a good thing to have a character who can pump out Horrid Wiltings, Time Stops, Hastes, Finger of Death, and other great Mage spells and then to be able to heal up the party after the fight is over... that's nice. But I remain doubtful whether the two spell types rolled into one character is terribly practical in combat-again, they might have more spell selection, but they still can only cast one spell at a time. Having four characters who can cast one type of magic well is going to work out better than having two who can cast both poorly. Despite being a Cleric, being hampered by a lack of armor, as slower progression, and worse Hit Points will all but eliminate them from a combat role. On the other hand, adding some powerful defensive Mage spells to mingle with the epic level Cleric spells is a devastating combination. Your THAC0 will be lower than a Fighter, and your AC will suffer from lack of armor. If you're willing to invest Bladesinger Chain to this character and deal with the poor weapon selection and slow proficiency progression, you may at least be able to stand up in combat... but why pick two spell casting classes if that's what you want to do? o==========================o |Mage/Thief | {DND043} o==========================o <----------------------------------------------------------------------> I find it hard to imagine any case in which a Mage/Thief would be particularly useful, especially compared to a Fighter/Mage or Fighter/Thief. Being able to use Bows is fine and all, but Mages should have something better to do in most combats than shoot things. And you never need to hide if you have Invisibility. Imoen has it right, this is best done as a dual-class option for the sake of versatility. There's nothing wrong with getting a Mage with some Thief abilities, especially since you get get plenty of ranks into Find Traps while sacrificing no potential Mage levels. You can get to 9th level as a Thief (110,000 experience) and dual-class into a Mage and reach the maximum level of 31 (7,875,000 experience) for maximum effect. Frankly, if you're even going to bother making a Mage as your main character, I'd suggest doing this. At least then you can dispense with having a Thief altogether. And you'd have extra Hit Points and THAC0 to boot. You lose nothing and gain a great deal.

o==========================o |Monk | {DND044} o==========================o Hit points per Level: d8 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Ah, the Monk. There's nothing that frees a player from thought quite as much as this class. They're easy to roll up and they can only be Humans, which is easily the white-bread choice of the game. They don't require a big investment of equipment, and there are no choices to make as to how they progress. A Monk needs no gear, they simply go around pummeling everything with their fists, and at this they excel. The one problem is the fact that they can never control the upgrades to their unarmed attacks. They gain damage, speed, and magical enhancement bonuses as they level, but this is typically well behind the weapons the rest of the party will have access to. For example, you can't even hit anything that requires a +4 or better weapon to hit until level 25. That's a HUGE handicap, although you can learn to use Thief weapons, but you'll never be better at fighting with them than a single-classed Thief, and that's not what you played a Monk for, is it? If you can handle not being able to attack creatures that require magical weapons to hit, the Monk is actually a very solid choice of character. They're fast, they're strong, and they just get better as they level up. At level 20 they'll have a base Armor Class of -1. With a good Dexterity score, some Bracers of Armor, and a protection item, this could potentially take their Armor Class very low. Add that to the fact that they get +1 to all saves, +2 to saves versus spells, and up to 78% magic resistance and you have a very good defensive character. On top of this they gain extra bonuses against missiles, up to a presumed +6 to Armor Class at level 18. They can't be hasted, however, but with their speed and high number of attacks they'll be hitting more often than most anybody else anyways. Oh, yeah, and a Monk gains access to warrior feats, meaning they get Whirlwind Attack. This is a good thing. Last and not least, Monks can sneak. Sure, they can Detect Traps, but they can't do anything about them, which makes me wonder... why bother spending points in it? Monk Level EXP HP <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 1 n/a 1d8 2 1,500 2d8 3 3,000 3d8 4 6,000 4d8 5 13,000 5d8 6 27,500 6d8 7 55,000 7d8 8 110,000 8d8 9 225,000 9d8 10 450,000 9d8+2 11 675,000 9d8+4 12 900,000 9d8+6 13 1,125,000 9d8+8 14 1,350,000 9d8+10 15 1,575,000 9d8+12 16 1,800,000 9d8+14 17 2,025,000 9d8+16 18 2,250,000 9d8+18 19 2,475,000 9d8+20 20 2,700,000 9d8+22 21* 2,925,000 9d8+24 40 8,000,000 9d8+62

Advantages: - The monk can make 1 unarmed attack per round; he gains 1/2 an additional attack every 3 levels. (Max four attacks.) - As the monk increases in levels, the damage his fists inflicts does as well: Level 1-2: 1-6 Level 3-5: 1-8 Level 6-8: 1-10 Level 9-11: 1-12 Level 12-14: 1-12 Level 15-17: 1-20 Level 18+: 1-20 - A monk's natural Armor Class gets better as he goes up in levels. His Armor Class starts off 9, and then it decreases by one 1 for every 2 levels. (AC -1 at level 20, after which the rate slows, giving a further bonus at 21st, 24th, 27th, 30th, 35th, and 40th levels.) - Stunning blow, once per day for every 4 levels. All attacks in the next 6 seconds force the victim to save or be stunned: NOTE: this special ability automatically modifies a Monk's normal attack, no targeting needs to be done. - Monks have the Deflect Missiles ability. This gives them a -1 to their AC vs missiles for every three levels. - The monk gains a +2 to save vs spells - A monk starts off moving at +2 move, then +1 move every five levels. - 5th level: Immunity to all diseases, and cannot be Slowed or Hasted. - 7th level: Lay on Hands to heal 2 Hit Points per level. - 8th level: -1 to speed factor. - 9th level: +1 to all saves. Immune to charm. The monk's fist is considered a +1 weapon (+2 at 12th, +3 at 15th). (In TOB this improves to +4 at 25th level.) - 11th level: Immune to poison. - 12th level: Another -1 to speed factor. Fists are considered +2 weapons. - 13th level: Quivering palm spell once per day. This spell gives them one hand attack. If they hit an opponent, the opponent must save or die. NOTE: this special ability automatically modifies a Monk's normal attack, no targeting needs to be done. - 14th level: The monk gains 3% magic resistance per level (ie 42 at 14th level.) (In TOB this maxes out at 78% at 26th level.) - 15th level: Fists are considered +3 weapons. - 20th level: Immune to non-magical weapons. Disadvantages: - The monk cannot wear armor.

- A monk can only use weapons available to the Thief class (except 2 handed.) o==========================o |Paladin | {DND045} o==========================o Hit points per Level: d10 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Paladins are holy warriors, and as such they gain a slew of abilities to help them combat evil. They aren't as combat savvy as Fighters, only being able to buy two ranks in any weapon proficiency, and they cannot multi or dual class. In exchange you'll get the ability to lay on hands (heal a character 2 Hit Points per level), detect evil (useful for telling which NPCs are bad or not and detecting enemies on the map before you even scout), protection from evil, and they can turn undead as if they were a Cleric two levels lower than their paladin level. Paladin's make great party leaders due to their high minimum Charisma (17). In Baldur's Gate 2 you might as well get proficiency points in Two Handed Swords, because the best sword in the game is such a weapon, and it's only for Paladins. Frankly though, since Keldorn is on the scene there's really no reason to make your own Paladin. Paladin Level EXP HP Spells <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 1 n/a 1d10 2 2,250 2d10 3 4,500 3d10 4 9,000 4d10 5 18,000 5d10 6 36,000 6d10 7 75,000 7d10 8 150,000 8d10 9 300,000 9d10 1 10 600,000 9d10+3 2 11 900,000 9d10+6 2/1 12 1,200,000 9d10+9 2/2 13 1,500,000 9d10+12 2/2/1 14 1,800,000 9d10+15 3/2/1 15 2,100,000 9d10+18 3/2/1/1 16 2,400,000 9d10+21 3/3/2/1 17* 2,700,000 9d10+24 3/3/3/1 34 7,800,000 9d10+75 3/3/3/3 (max at level 20) Cavalier {DND046} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This is a pretty nice kit, even given the lack of missile weapons. Having immunity to fear, charm, and poison are all very nice abilities, and getting +3 bonus to hit versus Demons and Dragons is great too. You might not come across Dragons much, but Demons are fairly common, and you're going to want every bonus you can get against them. Having Remove Fear once per day per level essentially means that at any time this character can get your party back in line, which is almost as good as having a party that's immune to fear as well! It certainly means that your Clerics and Mages don't have to focus so much on keeping fear effects subdued. A very nice kit indeed. Advantages: - Bonus +3 to hit and +3 to damage against all demonic and draconic

creatures. - May cast 'remove fear' 1 time per day per level. - Immune to fear and morale failure. - Immune to charm. - Immune to poison. - 20% resistance to fire. - 20% resistance to acid. Disadvantages: - May not use missile weapons. Inquisitor {DND047} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This is probably the best kit in the game, and certainly the best of the Paladin kits, even though the other two aren't bad. Being able to cast Dispel Magic at TWICE your Paladin level means Inquisitors will rip through spell defenses, and will be able to do it often. True Sight is a fairly high level debuff, and a very good one. No more can creatures get away with Improved Invisibility, Shadow Door, Mirror Image, or anything of the sort, and they will try. This frees up spell casters to prepare other spells. The disadvantages might seem bad, but you can get plenty of healing elsewhere without Lay on Hands, and the turn undead and Paladin priest spells are both weak anyways. Would you trade a handful of low level Priest spells for two very powerful, very useful, mid level spells? I would. This is the class Keldorn is, and it's one of the reasons he's so good. Advantages: - May use 'Dispel Magic' ability once per day per 4 levels (starts at 1st level with one use): ability is used at speed factor 1 and acts at twice his actual level. - May cast 'True Sight' once per day per 4 levels (starts at 1st level with one use). - Immune to Hold and Charm spells. Disadvantages: - May not use 'lay on hands' ability. - May not cast priest spells. - May not turn undead. Undead Hunter {DND048} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Being immune to level drain is nice, but there are spells that do the same... granted, there are spells that do the same things that the other kits do... but +3 to attack and damage versus undead can't compete with the massive debuffs that the Inquisitor has, nor the slew of resistances that the Cavalier has. And what's the strongest undead anyways? A Lich. +3 to attack and damage isn't going to help you kill a Lich as much as disabling it's defensive spells will. Frankly, the Inquisitor is a better Undead Hunter than the Undead Hunter when it comes to big game hunting! The Undead Hunter will, however, excel against Vampires.

Advantages: - +3 to hit and +3 to damage vs. undead. - Immune to hold. - Immune to level drain. Disadvantages: - May not use 'lay on hands' ability. o==========================o |Ranger | {DND049} o==========================o Hit points per Level: d10 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Rangers are defenders of the wilderness, hunters, scouts, and outdoorsmen. They can only get two ranks in a weapon proficiency, but in compensation they can use stealth, charm animals, and eventually cast druid spells. The stealth ability can only be used in light armor, Leather, Studded Leather, or Hide, but it makes them invaluable for scouting ahead of the party. Being strong enough to fight their way out of trouble helps too. The charm animal ability sucks, but once in a while if you want to play with it and charm a bear or something... eh... they'll still turn hostile on you when it's over, so why bother? The druid spells are a long time in coming, but it's somewhat nice to be able to cast Cure Light Wounds or Entangle, although the level cap in Baldur's Gate doesn't really allow this feature to pan out. Ranger Level EXP HP Spells Stealth <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 1 n/a 1d10 15% 2 2,250 2d10 20% 3 4,500 3d10 27% 4 9,000 4d10 33% 5 18,000 5d10 40% 6 36,000 6d10 47% 7 75,000 7d10 55% 8 150,000 8d10 1 62% 9 300,000 9d10 2 70% 10 600,000 9d10+3 2/1 78% 11 900,000 9d10+6 2/2 86% 12 1,200,000 9d10+9 2/2/1 94% 13 1,500,000 9d10+12 3/2/1 99% 14 1,800,000 9d10+15 3/2/2 99% 15 2,100,000 9d10+18 3/3/2 99% 16 2,400,000 9d10+21 3/3/3 99% 17* 2,700,000 9d10+24 3/3/3 99% 34 7,800,000 9d10+75 3/3/3 99% (max at level 16)(max at level 13) Archer {DND050} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Now this is a kit. Take something and do it VERY well. The bonuses to hit and damage with arrows eventually increase to +6 at level 18, and by the end of Throne of Bhaal it's up to +9, which is a HUGE bonus to your rolls. Somebody who is specialized in bows to that extent isn't going to want to use metal armor anyways, and besides, you're a Ranger, you want to be able to sneak. The lack of proficiency with melee weapons hurts though, as that costs us half an attack if we ever need to

get into melee. Keep in mind one tiny little problem. There are no +4 Arrows, so you'll never be able to hit anything that requires a +4 or better weapon to hit with your bow. Also, +3 Arrows aren't unlimited. The best unlimited ammo you get are +2 Arrows, and by Throne of Bhaal many things won't be bothered by those. In big fights against powerful enemies, your Archer isn't going to be able to contribute, at least not against the main event. Balors, Greater Wolfweres, Greater Mummies, Pit Fiends, and some Vampires will all be out of your league. Note, however, that this class improves all missile weapons, so you could use a Sling or throwing weapon instead. The only problem there is for a thrown weapon, you will only be able to become proficient, and you will not attack particularly fast with it. It's a shame there aren't better arrows out there, as this class was clearly designed for a bow. It's also a shame you can't pick what your called shot does. In higher end encounters, taking down an enemies' Strength or THAC0 is much better than two more points of damage Advantages: - +1 to hit, and +1 to damage with any missile weapon for every three levels of experience. (In TOB this slows down to +1 every five levels after level 18.) - Every 4 levels he gains the ability to make a called shot once per day. When he activates this ability, any shot made within the next 10 seconds is augmented in the following manner (according to the level of the archer): 4th level: -1 to THAC0 of the target. 8th level: -1 to save vs magic of target. 12th level: -1 to Strength of target. 16th level: +2 bonus to damage Disadvantages: - An archer can only become proficient in Melee weapons; he may never specialize. - An archer cannot wear any metal armor. Stalker {DND051} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> The 'may not wear armor greater than studded leather' disadvantage isn't too bad, as that's the highest grade of armor I tend to throw on a Ranger anyways, so let's look at the advantages. 20% to Stealth is nice, but there's always a chance of failure, and with 34 levels, any Ranger is going to be good at stealth. The backstab modifier is very nice, as it allows a Ranger to play like a Thief, although... and correct me if I'm wrong, a x1 multiplier does... nothing... so you really need to get to 9th level before backstabbing has any effect at all. Haste is a good spell for any character to have, and Minor Spell Deflection might come in handy. It wont save the Ranger from Imprisonment or Horrid Wilting, but it will stop Disintegrate and Finger of Death, and a whole host of other annoying low level spells (like Charm, Chaos, and Hold Person). This kit might just be better than the normal Ranger for a change. Advantage: - +20% to stealth ability. - May backstab for a lesser amount than the Thief class (level 1-8: x1, level 9-16: x2, level 17+ x3). - Has access to three Mage spells at 12th level. They are Haste, Protection from Normal Missiles and Minor Spell Deflection.

Disadvantages: - May not wear armor greater than studded leather. Beast Master {DND052} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> And again with the suck. Who wants to play a Ranger that is more like a Druid? Druids suck, and Animal Summoning sucks. Don't even give this kit a glance, it's not worth your attention. Advantages: - +15% to stealth ability. - Enhanced spell ability with regard to the following spells: May cast the 4th level Druid spell Animal Summoning 1 at 8th level. May cast Animal Summoning 2 at 10th level. May cast Animal Summoning 3 at 12th level. Disadvantages: - Cannot use metal weapons (such as swords, halberds, hammers, or morning stars.) o==========================o |Sorcerer | {DND053} o==========================o Hit points per Level: d6 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> If you're familiar with 3rd Edition Sorcerers, you'll be familiar with Baldur's Gate 2's Sorcerer, they're just alike. That said, I never liked Sorcerers. They function like Mages, except they can only know a handful of spells, from which they can cast any of their known spells without having to memorize them, although they are still limited to a maximum number of spells per day. Ultimately a Sorcerer can know only several spells of each spell level, and for many spell levels that's fine. Chances are you won't find too many more 9th level spells, at least not ones you'll use often. On the other hand this takes down their tactical flexibility a great deal. You either know the spell, or you don't, there's no learning it from a scroll or preparing it for a big fight when needed. They do get one more spell per day per spell level than a normal Mage, but what do they have that Edwin doesn't have? He gets two spells per day per spell level over a normal Mage AND has tactical flexibility. On the other hand, when you get right down to it, there are only a handful of spells each level that get used frequently, and not having to choose the exact number of each to prepare can be helpful. Sorcerer Level EXP HP Spells (Known) Spells (Cast) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 1 n/a 1d4 2 3 2 2,500 2d4 2 4 3 5,000 3d4 3 5 4 10,000 4d4 3/1 6/3 5 20,000 5d4 4/2 6/4 6 40,000 6d4 4/2/1 6/5/3 7 60,000 7d4 5/3/2 6/6/4 8 90,000 8d4 5/3/2/1 6/6/5/3 9 135,000 9d4 5/4/3/2 6/6/6/4 10 250,000 9d4+1 5/4/3/2/1 6/6/6/5/3 11 375,000 9d4+2 5/5/4/3/2 6/6/6/6/4 12 750,000 9d4+3 5/5/4/3/2/1 6/6/6/6/5/3

13 14 15 16 17* 31

1,125,000 1,500,000 1,875,000 2,250,000 2,625,000 7,875,000

9d4+4 9d4+5 9d4+6 9d4+7 9d4+8 9d4+22

5/5/4/4/3/2 5/5/4/4/3/2/1 5/5/4/4/4/3/2 5/5/4/4/4/3/2/1 5/5/4/4/4/3/3/2 5/5/5/5/5/5/5/4/4

6/6/6/6/6/4 6/6/6/6/6/5/3 6/6/6/6/6/6/4 6/6/6/6/6/6/5/3 6/6/6/6/6/6/6/4 6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6 (max at level 20)

o==========================o |Thief | {DND054} o==========================o Hit points per Level: d6 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> The Thief isn't as combat savvy as the Cleric, and they don't have spells. What's the draw then? Their thieving abilities. These allow them to pick pockets, find and disarm traps, open locked objects, and hide from enemies. Of these skills, one is essential, so some character or another with thieving abilities is required in any party. As for combat, they can only wear the lightest armors, but they do have access to a variety of weapons. Most importantly, as they gain levels they get the ability to 'backstab'. If they are hidden and attack an enemy they multiply the damage they deal by their backstab modifier. They are a waste of a class on their own, but it is a great dual or multi class option, as it gives any class the ability to be more lethal by backstabbing... and if you make your own, you don't have to drag around a character to do the thieving for you. A Fighter/Thief is a potent combination, and so is a Fighter/Mage/Thief. For more information on Thief abilities, see [DND046]. Thief Level EXP HP Backstab Multiplier <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 1 n/a 1d6 x2 2 1,250 2d6 x2 3 2,500 3d6 x2 4 5,000 4d6 x2 5 10,000 5d6 x3 6 20,000 6d6 x3 7 40,000 7d6 x3 8 70,000 8d6 x3 9 110,000 9d6 x4 10 160,000 9d6+2 x4 11 220,000 9d6+4 x4 12 440,000 9d6+6 x4 13 660,000 9d6+8 x5 14 880,000 9d6+10 x5 15 1,100,000 9d6+12 x5 16 1,320,000 9d6+14 x5 17 1,540,000 9d6+16 x5 19 1,760,000 9d6+18 x5 20 1,980,000 9d6+20 x5 21 2,200,000 9d6+22 x5 22 2,420,000 9d6+24 x5 23 2,640,000 9d6+26 x5 24* 2,860,000 9d6+28 x5 40 8,000,000 9d6+62 x5 (max at level 13) Assassin {DND055} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> You'll be slower with your Thief skills progression, but that seems a

worthy trade for the x7 backstab multiplier! +1 to hit and damage is nice too, but it's totally out-shadowed by the backstab. This is a great class to dual-class into a Fighter with. Get your Thief skills in place and enjoy your bonus THAC0, damage, and backstab multiplier. There is nothing preventing you from poisoning your weapon before you backstab, either, although the poison is by itself fairly weak, any little bit helps, especially with such a resounding first strike. The only problem is you need to make it fairly far as a Thief to get that juicy x7 multiplier. Thankfully, however, the Thief is the lowest class to raise. Getting to level 13 will only take 660,000 experience, leaving enough left over for you to reach level 37 as a Fighter, which is more than enough. It'll be a long time hitting level 14 to get your Thief skills back... probably not a thing a new player wants to attempt. But worthwhile if you pull it off. Advantages: - May coat his weapon in poison once per day per 4 levels. The next hit with that weapon will inject the poison into the target, dealing out 1 damage per second for 24 seconds (3 damage for the first 6 seconds). A saving throw vs. poison limits damage to 12 total. - Bonus +1 to hit and +1 damage - Backstab reaches x7 instead of x5. Disadvantages: - Only 15% per level to distribute on abilities. Bounty Hunter {DND056} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Traps suck, at least until you get some of the epic feats. A trap that slows, holds, casts Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, and mazes an enemy is a novelty, not a strategy, especially since there's no save penalty. Here's a better idea. Use the actual spells instead. There are no save penalties, and when you hit a high level you Maze a target? Most things are going to resist it, and powerful enemies tend to be smart enough that this will not even last long. Not to mention by level 21 all Thieves have access to the much better epic feats and their traps. This isn't a worthy kit. Advantages: - +15% to trap setting. - He can lay special traps (other than the ones that all thieves receive). The traps are more powerful than the typical Thief trap, and the effect varies according to level. The effects are listed below: 1st: the trap deals out damage and slows the target (if save is failed). 11th: the trap holds the target if a save is failed. 16th: the trap erects an Otiluke's Resilient Sphere around the target (if a save is failed). 21st: the trap mazes the target. Disadvantages: - gets only 20% to distribute between Thief abilities each level. Swashbuckler {DND057} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This is at least a legitimate attempt to make a character who is not a Fighter actually able to fight. The bonus to Armor Class and attack and damage are both pretty good, and almost overcome the handicap a Thief suffers against a Fighter in armor and THAC0. The ability to specialize

is very welcome, especially in the Two Weapon Style. The only down sides are the fact that the Thief loses the backstab ability, and for all its trying, a Fighter it is not. Namely they're still losing sorely in the Hit Point department. This makes me wonder one thing. Why not make a Fighter/Thief instead of a Swashbuckler? You'll have the better THAC0 of a Fighter, better Hit Points than a Thief, the ability to specialize in weapons, including all the Fighter weapons, and you get to keep your backstab. It's a nice offer, but frankly multi-classing still wins. Advantages: - Bonus +1 to AC. - He gains another +1 bonus to his Armor Class ever 5 levels. - He gains +1 to hit and damage every 5 levels. - He can specialize in any melee weapon that a Thief can use. - May place 3 slots into the proficiency 'two weapon fighting style.' Disadvantages: - No backstab multiplier. o==========================o |Thief/Cleric | {DND058} o==========================o <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Well, might as well mention it eh? The Thief/Cleric is an odd, and at odds with itself character. You won't be wearing any heavy armor if you want to keep your Thief skills, but you can certainly wear light armor with no problem. Of course, you're stuck with the Cleric's selection of weapons, but you'll be able to use all the Thief skills, including backstab. Honestly the Mage spells seem a better fit for a Thief, which is more of a stay back out of the way kinda class, as opposed to the Cleric, which is often a decently armored character who can stand up in combat. This might be an interesting dual-class, provided you don't care that your Cleric won't be as tough as if you had dual-classed with a Fighter. o==========================o |Wild Mage | {DND059} o==========================o Hit points per Level: d4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> You take a normal specialist Mage, remove their prohibited school, and add massive randonmess to everything they do, and you've got the Wild Mage. I know that when I cast spells, I always find myself wistfully wishing that I had a chance to change my gender or cast a Fireball on myself. Seriously though, the odds of having Wild Magic doing something beneficial actually isn't that low. Having it do the RIGHT beneficial thing to the right target, however, is rather uncommon. You're essentially trading the known penalty of a prohibited spell school for the random 5% chance to... well... check out the table below [DND060]. Suffice to say, I don't find randomness helpful when it comes to my Mages. We already have to deal with targeting, Magic Resistance, Saving Throws, and the possibility of getting interrupted by damage. Magic is busy enough already. On top of that, every spell they DO successfully cast without triggering a Magic Surge also fluctuates by up to five levels (plus or minus) the caster's level. At level one, this doesn't matter much-you really only stand to gain, but as you level up, this adds serious uncertainty to the duration and damage of many spells. All

in all, what does a Wild Mage have over a Conjurer? Identify, True Sight, and massive randomness to everything they do, that's what. Wild Mage Level EXP HP Spells <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 1 n/a 1d4 1 2 2,500 2d4 2 3 5,000 3d4 2/1 4 10,000 4d4 3/2 5 20,000 5d4 4/2/1 6 40,000 6d4 4/2/2 7 60,000 7d4 4/3/2/1 8 90,000 8d4 4/3/3/2 9 135,000 9d4 4/3/3/2/1 Wild Surge Table {DND060} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This table was taken straight from the Throne of Bhaal manual. o====o=================================================================o |Roll| Wild Surge Effect | o====o=================================================================o | 1 | Repulsion field centred on the caster | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 2 | Wild colour changes upon the caster | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 3 | Squirrels appear around caster | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 4 | The caster becomes itchy | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 5 | The caster glows | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 6 | A fireball centres on the caster | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 7 | The casters sex is changed | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 8 | The casters colour changes | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 9 | Every one in the area changes direction | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 10 | Explosion centred on caster | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 11 | Entangle spell centred on caster | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 12 | Slow spell centred on target | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 13 | Target polymorphed into a wolf | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 14 | Caster held | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 15 | Caster hasted | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 16 | Caster changed into a squirrel | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 17 | Gold on the caster is destroyed |

|----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 18 | Target weakened | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 19 | Sunfire spell centred on caster | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 20 | Movement rate lowered on target | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 21 | Fireball centred on caster | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 22 | Caster held as per the spell Hold Person | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 23 | Fear spell centred on target | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 24 | Roll twice more. Both effects apply | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 25 | Entire area explored | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 26 | Globe of invulnerability centred on target | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 27 | Silence 15 foot radius centred on caster | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 28 | Caster dizzy | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 29 | Target invisible | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 30 | Pretty sparkles! No other effect | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 31 | Caster is spells target | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 32 | Caster becomes invisible | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 33 | Colour spray from caster | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 34 | Birds appear around the caster | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 35 | Fireball centred on caster. No damage done | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 36 | Gems created on caster | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 37 | Combat music starts | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 38 | Goodberries created on caster | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 39 | Fireball flies toward target | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 40 | Charges drained on area effect around target | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 41 | Random treasure created on caster | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 42 | Caster is combat ready (+2 THACO +2 Damage) | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 43 | Teleport field spell centred on caster | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 44 | Teleport field spell centred on target |

|----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 45 | Area effect hiccups centred on target | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 46 | All doors in area of effect open. If there are no doors, then | | | roll twice and use both effects | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 47 | Caster polymorphs into wolf | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 48 | Change target randomly | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 49 | Caster recuperates as if he rested | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 50 | Monsters summoned by target | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 51 | Start snowing if outside, otherwise roll twice more | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 52 | Loud noise. Target must save or be stunned | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 53 | Targets hit points doubled | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 54 | Summon demon to attack target | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 55 | Spell fired but with squealing noise | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 56 | Spell goes off but duration is halved | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 57 | Strange visual effect, but the spell fizzles | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 58 | Projectile speed halved | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 59 | All weapons in the area glow | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 60 | No saving throw is allowed against the spell | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 61 | Target is held as per the Hold Person spell | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 62 | Detect magic spell centred on target | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 63 | Roll 4 more times. All effects happen | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 64 | Slow spell centred on target | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 65 | Instead of the chosen spell, a different spell of the same level| | | goes off | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 66 | Lightning bolt spell cast at target | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 67 | Target strengthened | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 68 | Heal centred on the target | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 69 | Entangle target | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 70 | Caster weakened | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 71 | Fireball spell centred on target | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 72 | Flesh to stone on target | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------|

| 73 | Spell fired. Caster also recuperated as if rested | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 74 | Heal spell centred on caster | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 75 | Target dizzy | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 76 | Sunfire centred on target (caster unaffected) | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 77 | Target held | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 78 | Target blinded | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 79 | Target charmed | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 80 | Gems created on target | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 81 | Targets movement rate reduced | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 82 | Random treasure created on target | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 83 | Target polymorphed into squirrel | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 84 | Silence 15 foot radius centred on target | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 85 | Targets sex changed | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 86 | Fake explosion (no damage) centred on target | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 87 | Stinking cloud centred on target | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 88 | Cow falls from sky on the target | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 89 | Target dizzy | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 90 | Spell has 60 foot radius at target (change projectile) | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 91 | Target itchy | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 92 | Casters hit points doubled | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 93 | Target held | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 94 | Target hastened | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 95 | Destroy all gold on target | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 96 | Spell casts at double effectiveness | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 97 | Spell cast, -4 to targets saving throw | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 98 | Targets colour changed | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 99 | Spell cast at double level | |----|-----------------------------------------------------------------| |100 | Spell casts normally | o====o=================================================================o

Alignment {DND061} o======================================================================o The alignment of your protagonist only matters so much in the first game. In the sequel the allies you choose will react to your alignment more, so you should try to choose party members who have an alignment similar to yours. Where alignment really matters is between your NPCs. Evil characters will react poorly to good characters, and vise-verse, and in some instances violence may erupt between two allies. This is less of a problem in the first game than in the sequel, but spare yourself the aggravation and choose party members of like alignment. If your protagonist is good-aligned, choose good or neutral characters. If your protagonist is evil-aligned, choose evil or neutral characters. If your protagonist is neutral, pick either good, or evil, but not both. Another reason for having some continuity of alignment within your party is your reputation. Good characters will be happy with a high reputation and unhappy with a low reputation, while evil characters will be happy with a low reputation and unhappy with a high reputation. At a neutral reputation, nobody is happy. If your reputation gets too high (19+), your evil characters will disband. If your reputation gets too low (2-) your good characters will disband. Since a high reputation will earn you discounts at shops, it's always a good idea to keep your alignment in the teens, at least. Discounts are good, and you can't really afford to be pure 'evil' anyways, as a reputation of 1 will earn you some pretty serious harassment by groups of Cowled Wizards and Knights of the Heart. That's right, even evil characters will want to keep their reputation reasonable... fairly high, even, for the purpose of purchasing items. Speaking of reputation and alignment, your starting reputation varies depending upon your protagonist's alignment, as follows: o===============o===============o | Alignment | Starting | | | Reputation | o===============o===============o | Lawful Good | 12 | |---------------|---------------| | Neutral Good | 11 | |---------------|---------------| | Chaotic Good | 11 | |---------------|---------------| |Lawful Neutral | 10 | |---------------|---------------| | True Neutral | 10 | |---------------|---------------| |Chaotic Neutral| 10 | |---------------|---------------| | Lawful Evil | 9 | |---------------|---------------| | Neutral Evil | 9 | |---------------|---------------| | Chaotic Evil | 8 | o===============o===============o Reputation Effects {DND062} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> These are derived from the manual... save that the manual misprints the required donation at reputation values of 13 and 14 as 200 gold and 500 gold. They should be 1200 gold and 1500 gold, respectively.

o======================================================================o |Reputation|Item Cost|Donation Required| Additional Effects | o==========o=========o=================o===============================o | 20 | -50% | -|+4 Reaction Adjustment | | 19 | -40% | -|+3 Reaction Adjustment | | 18 | -30% | -|+3 Reaction Adjustment | | 17 | -20% | 5000 |+2 Reaction Adjustment | | 16 | -10% | 2500 |+2 Reaction Adjustment | | 15 | -10% | 2000 |+1 Reaction Adjustment | | 14 | base | 1500 |+1 Reaction Adjustment | | 13 | base | 1200 |N/A | | 12 | base | 900 |N/A | | 11 | base | 700 |N/A | | 10 | base | 500 |N/A | | 9 | +10% | 400 |N/A | | 8 | +20% | 300 |N/A | | 7 | +20% | 200 |-1 Reaction Adjustment | | 6 | +30% | 400 |-2 Reaction Adjustment | | 5 | +40% | 500 |-3 Reaction Adjustment | | 4 | +50% | 1000 |-4 Reaction Adjustment | | 3 | +100% | 1000 |-5 Reaction Adjustment* | | 2 |will not | 1200 |-6 Reaction Adjustment* | | 1 | sell | 1500 |-7 Reaction Adjustment* | o======================================================================o *Indicates that at this reputation you may get attacked by Cowled Wizards and Knights of the Heart. This is not a good thing, and you should try to ensure that your reputation stays above this mark. Item Cost: The rate of increase or decrease of the cost of items in a store. It's funny, you'd think a thieves guild or dark elves would reward a low reputation, or simply not know about your reputation at all. Either way, the principle is simple, the higher your reputation, the cheaper things will be. Donation Required: Just like in Baldur's Gate 1, the lower or higher your reputation the more it costs to increase your reputation. The costs are a bit steeper in the sequel, however. Again, you'd think donating to a 'bad' temple like the temple of Talos would lower your reputation... Abilities {DND063} o======================================================================o Your abilities define what your character is good at. I prefer to call them attributes, so if I mess up and refer to them as attributes later, well, I'm talking about abilities. You have six abilities, and you can re-roll them until you get what you want... or close to it. Take advantage of it, get comfortable, and get rolling. Before that, let me explain them a bit, so you know what to shoot for. Strength {DND064} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Strength is important for many reasons-obvious reasons. The stronger

you are, the more likely you are to deal effective blows, and the more damage you deal in combat. To hit and damage bonuses are good things, and higher carry weight can reduce annoying trips back to town. Also, your Strength limits what arms and armor you can equip. For that reason any and all characters who wish to compete in melee should strive for an 18 Strength. Period. Mages can afford to use this as a dump-stat, but even Thieves and Bards are going to want to have enough Strength to wear some armor, wield swords and bows, and whatnot. Warrior types (Barbarians, Fighters, Paladins, Rangers, single, multi, or dual-classed) will automatically get exceptional Strength if they start out with a Strength score of 18. This is a randomly generated percentile from 1-100, commonly known as exceptional Strength. While it becomes moot when you get the Manual of Gainful Exercise (thus bypassing exceptional Strength altogether an boosting your Strength by a point-ideally from 18 to 19), for single-classed warriors starting out with a high exceptional Strength should be something to shoot for. I mean, a Fighter only needs three attributes at 18, which is easy enough to do. For multi-classed Warrior, however, don't sweat the exceptional Strength percentile. It's more important to get 18's in your Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and whatever other attribute your class would be aided by (Intelligence for Fighter/Mages, Wisdom for Fighter/Clerics, etc.). o========o=====o======o======o=====o | Score |THAC0|Damage|Weight|Bash%| o========o=====o======o======o=====o | 3 | -3 | -1 | 5 | 3 | | 4 | -2 | -1 | 15 | 4 | | 5 | -2 | -1 | 15 | 4 | | 6 | -1 | 0 | 30 | 6 | | 7 | -1 | 0 | 30 | 6 | | 8 | 0 | 0 | 50 | 8 | | 9 | 0 | 0 | 50 | 8 | | 10 | 0 | 0 | 70 | 10 | | 11 | 0 | 0 | 70 | 10 | | 12 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 12 | | 13 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 12 | | 14 | 0 | 0 | 120 | 14 | | 15 | 0 | 0 | 120 | 14 | | 16 | 0 | +1 | 150 | 16 | | 17 | +1 | +1 | 170 | 18 | | 18 | +1 | +2 | 200 | 20 | |18/01-50| +1 | +3 | 220 | 25 | |18/51-75| +2 | +3 | 250 | 30 | |18/76-90| +2 | +4 | 280 | 35 | |18/91-99| +2 | +5 | 320 | 40 | | 18/00 | +3 | +6 | 400 | 45 | | 19 | +3 | +7 | 500 | 50 | | 20 | +3 | +8 | 600 | 55 | | 21 | +4 | +9 | 700 | 60 | | 22 | +4 | +10 | 800 | 65 | | 23 | +5 | +11 | 1000 | 70 | | 24 | +6 | +12 | 1200 | 75 | | 25 | +7 | +14 | 1600 | 80 | o========o=====o======o======o=====o Dexterity {DND065} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This affects your Armor Class and your THAC0 adjustment for missile weapons. EVERY character should get an 18 Dexterity for the wonderful

-4 Armor Class modifier. Period. Anybody highest bonus a PC can legitimately have Armor Class shy of the Armor Class bonus in 2nd Edition (25, -6)? Ah, 2nd Edition

else find it odd that the (18, -4) is only two points of gained by the fastest critters was funny...

o=======o=======o=======o | Score |Missile| Armor | | |Adjust.| Class | o=======o=======o=======o | 0 | -20 | +5 | | 1 | -6 | +5 | | 2 | -4 | +5 | | 3 | -3 | +4 | | 4 | -2 | +3 | | 5 | -1 | +2 | | 6 | 0 | +1 | | 7 | 0 | 0 | | 8 | 0 | 0 | | 9 | 0 | 0 | | 10 | 0 | 0 | | 11 | 0 | 0 | | 12 | 0 | 0 | | 13 | 0 | 0 | | 14 | 0 | 0 | | 15 | 0 | -1 | | 16 | +1 | -2 | | 17 | +2 | -3 | | 18 | +2 | -4 | | 19 | +3 | -4 | | 20 | +3 | -4 | | 21 | +4 | -5 | | 22 | +4 | -5 | | 23 | +4 | -5 | | 24 | +5 | -6 | | 25 | +5 | -6 | o=======o=======o=======o Note: Your Dexterity will also affect your Thief abilities... if you have any, of course. See [DND046] for more information. Constitution {DND066} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This attribute gives you Hit Points. Hit points are good. At 16, you gain a +2 bonus to Hit Points gained per level, which for non-warriors is the highest bonus possible. The number to the right lists the bonus for warriors (Fighters, Paladins, Rangers, and their kits), which is +4 at 18. All warriors should have an 18 Constitutuion, but non-warriors only really need a 15. Once they get the Manual of Gainful exercise, they'll raise to 16, and be good to go. o=======o===============o=======o | Score |Hit Points per |Regen. | | | Level | Rate | o=======o===============o=======o | 1 | -3 | 0 | | 2 | -2 | 0 | | 3 | -2 | 0 | | 4 | -1 | 0 | | 5 | -1 | 0 | | 6 | -1 | 0 | | 7 | 0 | 0 |

| 8 | 0 | 0 | | 9 | 0 | 0 | | 10 | 0 | 0 | | 11 | 0 | 0 | | 12 | 0 | 0 | | 13 | 0 | 0 | | 14 | 0 | 0 | | 15 | +1 | 0 | | 16 | +2 | 0 | | 17 | +2/+3 | 0 | | 18 | +2/+4 | 0 | | 19 | +2/+5 | 0 | | 20 | +2/+5 | 60 | | 21 | +2/+6 | 50 | | 22 | +2/+6 | 40 | | 23 | +2/+6 | 30 | | 24 | +2/+7 | 20 | | 25 | +2/+7 | 10 | o=======o===============o=======o Note: In the Regeneration Rate column, what the hell do those numbers mean? Well, they're a measure of the time it takes to regenerate a lost Hit Point... but not REAL time, no, that would be too simple-it's the number of game-time seconds it takes to regenerate a lost Hit Point. So for a Constitution score of 20, it takes 60 seconds-one minute-of game-time to recover one Hit Point. One minute of game-time is 2.5 seconds of real time, so our rate of time-lapse difference is 60/2.5 = 24:1. This makes sense, doesn't it? It means that one hour spent playing in real-time is one day of game-time. So divide all those numbers by 24, and that's how many seconds it takes to recover a lost Hit Point. Intelligence {DND067} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> If you're a Mage, get an 18, if not, it's a dump stat. By 'dump stat', I mean lower it to 10 or so to put the excess points in other attributes you actually need. 'Max Spell Level' refers to the highest level of spell you'll be able to cast if you're a Mage. Note that if you're a triple class Mage, you only need a 15 Intelligence as you'll never be able to memorize 9th level spells anyways (the tome will raise your intelligence high enough to cast 8th level spells.) 'Max Spells per Spell Level' is the maximum number of different spells you can have in your spell book per level. This will never be a deciding factor as you can simply drink a potion to temporarily allow you to scribe more spells than your spells per level allowance. In fact, you can just use potions in a timely manner to scribe all the spells you wish, allowing you to have as low of an Intelligence as you please regardless of your natural 'Max Spell Levle or 'Max Spells per Spell Level'. Still, it's just more convenient to have the natural Intelligence instead of having to rely on potions all the time and scribing spells all at once. If you fail at scribing a scroll, simply reload until you succeed. Lore is your ability to identify magical items. You'll legitimately never get high enough to identify everything, so you'll always need the Identify spell, making lore a non-issue. o=======o=======o=======o===============o=======o | | Learn | Max |Max Spells per | | | Score | Spell | Spell | Spell Level | Lore | | |Chance | Level | | | o=======o=======o=======o===============o=======o | 0 | 0% | | | -20 |

| 1 | 0% | | | -20 | | 2 | 0% | | | -20 | | 3 | 0% | | | -20 | | 4 | 0% | | | -20 | | 5 | 0% | | | -20 | | 6 | 0% | | | -20 | | 7 | 0% | | | -10 | | 8 | 0% | | | -10 | | 9 | 0% | 4th | 6 | -10 | | 10 | 35% | 5th | 7 | 0 | | 11 | 40% | 5th | 7 | 0 | | 12 | 45% | 6th | 7 | 0 | | 13 | 50% | 6th | 9 | 0 | | 14 | 55% | 7th | 9 | 0 | | 15 | 60% | 7th | 11 | +3 | | 16 | 65% | 8th | 11 | +5 | | 17 | 75% | 8th | 14 | +7 | | 18 | 85% | 9th | 18 | +10 | | 19 | 95% | 9th | All | +12 | | 20 | 96% | 9th | All | +15 | | 21 | 97% | 9th | All | +20 | | 22 | 98% | 9th | All | +25 | | 23 | 99% | 9th | All | +30 | | 24 | 100% | 9th | All | +35 | | 25 | 100% | 9th | All | +40 | o=======o=======o=======o===============o=======o Wisdom {DND068} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> If you're a Cleric or a Druid, you want an 18. If you're a Mage, you might want at least a 14 to use the Wish spell effectively in Baldur's Gate 2. Otherwise, it's a dump stat. For Clerics and Druids you don't have a spell level maximum for a low Wisdom in 2nd Wdition, but higher Wisdom nets you bonus spells. Definitely a draw for single class characters, but if you simply cannot spread your points out enough to get a great Wisdom, it's not that big of a deal. And keep in mind, there are three tomes in the game that add a 1 point bonus to this stat. The bonus spells are listed by level, at 17 you'd get 2 first level spells, 2 second level spells, and 1 third level spell. o=======o===============o=======o | Score | Bonus Spells | Lore | o=======o===============o=======o | 3 || -20 | | 4 || -20 | | 5 || -20 | | 6 || -20 | | 7 || -10 | | 8 || -10 | | 9 |0 | -10 | | 10 |0 | 0 | | 11 |0 | 0 | | 12 |0 | 0 | | 13 |1 | 0 | | 14 |2 | 0 | | 15 |2/1 | +3 | | 16 |2/2 | +5 | | 17 |2/2/1 | +7 | | 18 |2/2/1/1 | +10 | | 19 |3/2/1/2 | +12 | | 20 |3/3/1/3 | +15 |

| 21 |3/3/2/3/1 | +20 | | 22 |3/3/2/4/2 | +25 | | 23 |3/3/2/4/4 | +30 | | 24 |3/3/2/4/4/2 | +35 | | 25 |3/3/2/4/4/3/1 | +40 | o=======o===============o=======o Charisma {DND069} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Charisma affects NPC reactions to you and determines shop prices. Rarely you'll get a better reward for having a higher Charisma. It's a dump stat for everybody except Bards, who should get an 18 in it, and Paladins, who don't really have much of a choice when it comes to Charisma. To get the best discounts, make sure to have your character with the highest Charisma as party leader when interacting with the shopkeeper. o========o========o | Score |Reaction| o========o========o | 3 | -5 | | 4 | -4 | | 5 | -3 | | 6 | -2 | | 7 | -1 | | 8 | 0 | | 9 | 0 | | 10 | 0 | | 11 | 0 | | 12 | 0 | | 13 | +1 | | 14 | +2 | | 15 | +3 | | 16 | +4 | | 17 | +4 | | 18 | +5 | | 19 | +8 | | 20 | +9 | | 21 | +10 | | 22 | +11 | | 23 | +12 | | 24 | +13 | | 25 | +14 | o========o========o Increasing Your Abilities {DND070} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> In Baldur's Gate 1 there were lovely little books that increased an attribute by one when read... no such luck for Baldur's Gate 2, but even though you won't be reading your way to superiority, there are some ways to improve your attributes in Baldur's Gate 2, which I will list below. Most of them are kind of questy, so if you're skittish about ***SPOILERS*** you might want to stop reading. Oh, and this list only includes permanent attribute increases, and, in a few instances, potentially unavoidable losses. --> After being captured by Irenicus in Spellhold, during the Candlekeep dream sequence immediately after losing your soul, you'll have to talk to a Demon at the entrance to the Candlekeep Library. This Demon will require an attribute sacrifice. It's a quest in the main story, and there is no way

to avoid this loss, so just pick the least harmful loss you can. Attribute LOSS: [Dexterity -1] or [Constitution -1] or [Intelligence -1] or [Wisdom -1] --> After defeating Irenicus in Suldanesselar you will arrive in Hell, where you must complete several tests. If you pick the evil path during the Test of Fear, you will gain Constitution.

Attribute GAIN: [Constitution +2] --> After defeating Irenicus in Suldanesselar you will arrive in Hell, where you must complete several tests. If you pick the good path during the Test of Selfishness, you will lose Dexterity. (Note: There is an exploit to avoid the Dexterity loss here.) Attribute LOSS: [Dexterity -1] --> After defeating Irenicus in Suldanesselar you will arrive in Hell, where you must complete several tests. If you pick the evil path during the Test of Wrath, you will gain Strength, or, if you pick the good path during the Test of Wrath you will gain Wisdom and Charisma.

Attribute GAIN: [Strength +2] or [Wisdom +1] and [Charisma +1] --> With the Deck of Many Things, if you draw the 'Star' card, that character will gain on attribute point, depending upon their class. (Note: For multi-classed combos, the Fighter class is considered secondary to every other class. A Fighter/Thief will gain Dexterity, a Fighter/Mage will gain Intelligence, and a Fighter/Cleric will gain Wisdom.) Attribute GAIN: [Strength +1] (Warriors) [Desterity +1] (Bard/Thief) [Intelligence +1] (Mage) [Wisdom +1] (Cleric/Druid) --> or or or

In Watcher's Keep you will find the Machine of Lum the Mad. If you input the following code: Circle, Blue, Long, you will gain Intelligence.

Attribute GAIN: [Intelligence +1] --> In Watcher's Keep you will find the Machine of Lum the Mad. If you input the following code: Circle, Red, Long, you will gain Constitution.

Attribute GAIN: [Constitution +1] --> In Watcher's Keep you will find the Machine of Lum the Mad. If you input the following code: Circle, Square, Triangle, you will gain Wisdom.

Attribute GAIN: [Wisdom +1] --> In Watcher's Keep you will find the Machine of Lum the Mad. If you input the following code: Square, Blue, Short you will gain Dexterity.

Attribute GAIN: [Dexterity +1] --> In Watcher's Keep you will find the Machine of Lum the Mad. If you input the following code: Square, Short, Medium, you will gain Strength.

Attribute GAIN: [Strength +1] Suggested Abilities by Class {DND071} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Below are the starting abilities I would suggest rolling for each class at a minimum, ignoring racial modifiers and class modifiers. All classes include their kits-an Inquisitor needs the same abilities as a Paladin, a Skald needs the same abilities as a Bard, etc. This list is not set in stone-especially for dual-class combos. An Assassin/Fighter, for example, need not worry about warrior-esque Constitution (17+) if they plan to gain more than ten levels as an Assassin, early dual-classing Mages need not worry about high Intelligence, etc. Note that it is possible-but extremely time-consuming-to surpass even some of the tougher suggestions here-I've rolled up a Fighter/Mage with the suggested stats below plus four points to spare before. Three 18's is easily attainable if you roll a bit, four 18's is difficult-but possible if you're willing to spend... an hour or so. Anything more, and... good luck. I know, I know, who wants to spend all day rolling up a character? But if you plan to play both Baldur's Gate games with one character, that's a lot of time in itself... might as well make sure you've got a character who's up to snuff before you start, I say. Barbarian Bard Cleric Cleric/Mage Cleric/Ranger Cleric/Thief Druid Fighter Fighter/Cleric Fighter/Druid Fighter/Mage Fighter/Mage/Cleric Fighter/Mage/Thief Fighter/Thief Mage Mage/Thief Monk Paladin Ranger Sorcerer Thief Wild Mage STR 18(91+) 10~ 18 18 18(xx) 18 18 18(91+) 18(xx) 18(xx) 18(xx) 18(xx) 18(xx) 18(91+) 10~ 10~ 18 18(91+) 18(91+) 10~ 10~ 10~ DEX 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 CON 18 15 15 15 18 15 15 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 15 15 15 18 18 15 15 16 INT 10~ 13~ 10~ 18 10~ 10~ 10~ 10~ 10~ 10~ 18 18 18 10~ 18 18 10~ 10~ 10~ 18 10~ 18 WIS 10~ 10~ 18 18 18~ 18 18 10~ 18 18 10~ 10~ 10~ 10~ 10~ 10~ 10~ 13~ 14~ 10~ 10~ 10~ CHA 10~ 18 10~ 10~ 10~ 10~ 15~ 10~ 10~ 15~ 10~ 10~ 10~ 10~ 10~ 10~ 10~ 17~ 10~ 10~ 10~ 10~

Skills {DND072} o======================================================================o You have a selection of skills... or rather, weapon proficiencies to

choose from, which has been greatly expanded from the first game. By expanded I of course mean separated, so you simply need more points now to achieve the same thing. For example, Large Swords has been broken up into Two Handed Sword, Long Swords, Scimitars, and Bastard Swords. I'll list some suggestions by class for what weapons you might want to look out for, and hence, what kinds of proficiencies you want to buy. Weapon Proficiencies by Class/Level {DND073} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Warrior 4 - 1 - - 1 - - 1 - - 1 ...+1/3 levels Wizard 1 - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 ...+1/6 levels Priest 2 - - 1 - - - 1 - - - 1 ...+1/4 levels Rogue 2 - - 1 - - - 1 - - - 1 ...+1/4 levels --> --> --> --> --> --> --> Priest includes Druids and Monks. Rogue includes Bards. Warrior includes Barbarians, Paladins and Rangers. Wizard includes Sorcerers. Single or dual classed Fighters can spend five ranks in a proficiency. Multi classed Fighters and rangers can spend two ranks in a proficiency. Everybody else can only spend one point in a proficiency, unless specifically noted otherwise in their class description.

Weapon Proficiency Perks by Rank {DND074} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> These are the bonuses you gain by become specialized in a weapon type, taken straight from the Baldur's Gate 2 manual. According to the manual moving from Master (3) to High Master (4) improves the weapons' speed factor (which determines your initiative rank in combat) making you attack earlier in a round, not more often. o===============o=======o=======o=======o===============o | Level | Ranks |To Hit |Damage | Attacks/Round | o===============o=======o=======o=======o===============o | Proficient | 1 | +0 | +0 | 1 | |---------------|-------|-------|-------|---------------| | Specialized | 2 | +1 | +2 | 3/2 | |---------------|-------|-------|-------|---------------| | Master | 3 | +2 | +2 | 3/2 | |---------------|-------|-------|-------|---------------| | High Master | 4 | +2 | +2 | 3/2 | |---------------|-------|-------|-------|---------------| | Grand Master | 5 | +2 | +3 | 3/2 | o===============o=======o=======o=======o===============o --> --> Bards, Clerics, Druids, Mages, and Thieves can only reach the rank of Proficient. Paladins, Rangers, and multi-classed Fighters can only reach the rank of Specialized.

--> -->

The bonus attacks per round only applies to melee weapons. Non-warriors (Barbarians, Fighters, Paladins, Rangers, multi, single, or dual-classed) do not gain bonus attacks per round, according to the game text. Of course... outside of the aforementioned warriors, only the Swashbuckler (Thief kit) can become Specialized in a weapon class, so it's mostly a moot point, anyways.

This is the table used for PnP, and in the original Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale. These are the REAL rules, and it might be worth using a mod to change to this table if you can. See how much more rewarding Grand Mastery is? It's what makes being a Fighter work. o===============o=======o=======o=======o===============o | Level | Ranks |To Hit |Damage | Attacks/Round | o===============o=======o=======o=======o===============o | Proficient | 1 | +0 | +0 | 1 | |---------------|-------|-------|-------|---------------| | Specialized | 2 | +1 | +2 | 3/2 | |---------------|-------|-------|-------|---------------| | Master | 3 | +3 | +3 | 3/2 | |---------------|-------|-------|-------|---------------| | High Master | 4 | +3 | +4 | 3/2 | |---------------|-------|-------|-------|---------------| | Grand Master | 5 | +3 | +5 | 2 | o===============o=======o=======o=======o===============o --> --> --> Bards, Clerics, Druids, Mages, and Thieves can only reach the rank of Proficient. Paladins, Rangers, and multi-classed Fighters can only reach the rank of Specialized. The bonus attacks per round only applies to melee weapons.

This is, of course, entirely bogus if you're a Fighter. Instead of the +2 THAC0, +3 damage, and 1/2 attack per round you're supposed to get for Grand Mastery (as compared to Specialization), you instead only get +1 THAC0, +1 damage, and a lower speed factor. Feel cheated yet? Take into consideration that Rangers and Paladins will also get access to Whirlwind, and you've got a very good reason to never play a singleclassed Fighter. Even if you un-nerf Grand Mastery, Whirlwind does negate the difference between your number of attacks... but still, at least the Fighter will have a little more THAC0 and Damage. Fighting Style Perks by Rank {DND075} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Of course, there's more to proficiencies than just the weapon classesthere's also fighting styles! They don't give stock bonuses like weapon class proficiencies, and they aren't weapon specific-instead, they potentially affect bonuses derived from fighting with a variety of weapons. Here it doesn't matter what you use, so much as how you use it. All fighting styles have two ranks, save Two-Weapon Style, which has three ranks. In the case of the latter, you're not gaining bonuses so much as you're eliminating penalties-being able to fight with two weapons simultaneously is enough of a benefit. Two-Handed: This fighting style allows the character to use a two-handed ----------- weapon and receive special bonuses.

Proficient (1 rank): The wielder gets a +1 bonus to damage rolls, a -2 bonus to Speed Factor, and the ability to score critical hits on a roll of 19 or 20 (instead of just 20) when using a two-handed weapon. Specialized (2 ranks): The wielder gets a further -2 bonus to Speed Factor. Sword and Shield: Anyone can pick up a shield and get its basic ----------------- protection bonuses, but by spending slots on this fighting style, an adventurer can maximize the benefits received. Proficient (1 rank): The wielder gets a -2 bonus to AC against missile weapons. Specialized (2 ranks): The wielder gets a -4 bonus to AC against missile weapons. Single-Weapon: This fighting style is for characters who do not wish to -------------- use a shield but want some bonuses when using a onehanded weapon. Proficient (1 rank): The wielder gets a -1 bonus to AC and inflicts critical damage on an attack roll of 19 or 20. Specailized (2 ranks): The wielder gets a -2 bonus to AC and inflicts critical damage on an attack roll of 19 or 20. Two-Weapon: This fighting style allows the character to use two weapons ----------- at the same time with fewer penalties. A character wielding two weapons without a slot in this fighter style would incur a -4 penalty to attack rolls with the main weapon and a -8 penalty with the off-hand weapon. Proficient (1 rank): The wielder's penalties are reduced to -2 with the main weapon an -6 with the off-hand weapon. Specialized (2 ranks): The wielder's penalties are reduced to 0 with the main weapon and -4 with the off-hand weapon. Master (3 ranks): The wielder's penalties are reduced to 0 with the main weapon and -2 with the off-hand weapon. Proficiency Selection by Class {DND076} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Below you'll find listed the different weapon types in Baldur's Gate 2, and the classes who can use them. Remember that in the case of multi-and-dual-classed characters, weapon proficiencies are additive-you get the best selections of all your classes... unless you're a Cleric or a Druid, then it's restrictive. A Fighter/Mage gets all the proficiency options of a Fighter. A Fighter/Druid is restricted to using Druid-allowed weapons. |Barbarian | |Bard | | |Cleric | | | |Druid | | | | |Fighter | | | | | |Mage | | | | | | |Monk | | | | | | | |Paladin

| | | | | | | | |Ranger | | | | | | | | | |Sorcerer | | | | | | | | | | |Thief | | | | | | | | | | | | o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o Bastard Sword | x | x | | | x | | | x | x | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Long Sword | x | x | | | x | | x | x | x | | x | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Short Sword | x | x | | | x | | x | x | x | | x | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Axe | x | x | | | x | | | x | x | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Two-Handed Sword | x | x | | | x | | | x | x | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Katana | x | x | | | x | | x | x | x | | x | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Scimitar, etc. | x | x | | x | x | | x | x | x | | x | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Dagger | x | x | | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| War Hammer | x | x | x | | x | | | x | x | | x | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Club | x | x | x | x | x | | x | x | x | | x | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Spear | x | x | | x | x | | | x | x | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Halberd | x | x | | | x | | | x | x | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Flail | x | x | x | | x | | | x | x | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Mace | x | x | x | | x | | | x | x | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Quarterstaff | x | x | x | x | x | x | | x | x | x | x | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Crossbow | x | x | | | x | | | x | x | | x | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Longbow | x | x | | | x | | | x | x | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Shortbow | x | x | | | x | | | x | x | | x | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Dart | x | x | | x| x | x | x | x | x | x | x | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Sling | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Two-Handed Weapon Style | x | x | x | x | x | x | | x | x | x | x | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Sword and Shield Style | x | x | x | x | x | x | | x | x | x | x | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Single-Weapon Style | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Two-Weapon Style | x | x | x | x | x | x | | x | x | x | x | o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o --> --> The Blade (Bard kit) may can Master (three ranks) in the TwoWeapon fighting style. The Kensai (Fighte kit) cannot allocate any ranks into missile weapons of any kind-crossbow, longbow, shortbow, dart, or sling, nor can they put any ranks into the Sword and Shield fighting style.

--> -->

The Berserker (Figher kit) can only become Proficient (one rank) in missile weapons-crossbow, longbow, shortbow, dart, or sling. The Cavalier (Paladin kit) cannot allocate any ranks into missile weapons of any kind-crossbow, longbow, shortbow, dart, or sling. The Ranger (and Ranger kits) can Master (three ranks) in the Two-Weapon fighting style, and automatically start out Specialized (two ranks) in the Two-Weapon fighting style. The Archer (Ranger kit) cannot rise above the level of Proficient (one rank) in any melee weapon class. The Beast any metal following shortbow, Master (Ranger kit) cannot allocate any ranks into weapons. They can only allocate ranks into the weapon classes: club, quarterstaff, crossbow, longbow, dart, sling, and the fighting styles.


--> -->


The Swashbuckler (Thief kit) can Specialize in all the weapon classes a Thief can allocate ranks into, and they can attain Mastery (three ranks) in the Two-Weapon fighting style.

Thieving Skills {DND077} o======================================================================o In case you're wondering where to allocate your Thief skill points, I'll cover that here. In general though, you'll want to shoot for Find/Remove Traps. Once you have 100% Find Traps, you can move onto other things. Find/Remove Traps is the only thing that thieves can do that a spell cannot. Note that 100% isn't going to be quite enough to disarm every trap in the game, but it should suffice for most of them. The maximum value of all thieving skills is 250 plus-or-minus racial and Dexterity values. |Pick Pockets | |Open Locks | | |Find Traps | | | |Move Silently | | | | |Hide in Shadows | | | | | |Detect Illusion o=============o | | | | | |Set Traps | Race | | | | | | | | o=============o=====o=====o=====o=====o=====o=====o=====o Human | 15 | 10 | 5 | 10 | 5 | 0 | 0 | <-------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Dwarf | 15 | 20 | 20 | 10 | 5 | 5 | 10 | <-------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Elf | 20 | 5 | 5 | 20 | 15 | 0 | 0 | <-------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Gnome | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 10 | 10 | 5 | <-------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Half-Elf | 25 | 10 | 5 | 15 | 10 | 0 | 0 | <-------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Halfling | 20 | 15 | 10 | 25 | 20 | 0 | 0 | <-------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Half-Orc | 15 | 10 | 5 | 10 | 5 | 0 | 0 | <-------------o=====o=====o=====o=====o=====o=====o=====o |Pick Pockets | |Open Locks

| | |Find Traps | | | |Move Silently | | | | |Hide in Shadows | | | | | |Detect Illusion | | | | | | |Set Traps | | | | | | | | o=========o=====o=====o=====o=====o=====o=====o=====o 9 | -15 | -10 | -10 | -20 | -10 | - | -10 | <---------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| 10 | -10 | -5 | -10 | -15 | -5 | - | -10 | <---------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| 11 | -5 | - | -5 | -10 | - | - | -5 | <---------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| 12 | - | - | - | -5 | - | - | - | <---------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| 13-15 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | <---------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| 16 | - | +5 | - | - | - | - | - | <---------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| 17 | +5 | +10 | - | +5 | +5 | - | - | <---------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| 18 | +10 | +15 | +5 | +10 | +10 | - | +5 | <---------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| 19 | +15 | +20 | +10 | +15 | +15 | - | +10 | <---------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| 20 | +20 | +25 | +15 | +18 | +18 | - | +15 | <---------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| 21 | +25 | +30 | +20 | +20 | +20 | - | +20 | <---------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| 22 | +30 | +35 | +25 | +23 | +23 | - | +25 | <---------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| 23 | +35 | +40 | +30 | +25 | +25 | - | +30 | <---------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| 24 | +40 | +45 | +35 | +40 | +30 | - | +35 | <---------|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| 25 | +45 | +50 | +40 | +35 | +35 | - | +40 | <---------o=====o=====o=====o=====o=====o=====o=====o Pick Pockets {DND078} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> There aren't too many items you'll want to pick pocket in this game, and you can pretty much steal anything with a low score provided you're willing to reload a lot. Of course, you can always pop potions for when you really need to steal something. Still, Find Traps is essential and Stealth helps with combat, so Pick Pockets should take a back seat to those two. Open Locks {DND079} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> You can use Open Locks to... well... open locks. Of course, once you get the knock spell you won't need this anymore. Sure, it's nice to have a Thief who can pick locks without having to use up 2nd-level spell slots, but it's not essential. You can ignore this skill unless you are just overflowing with points to spend. Find/Remove Traps {DND080} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This is the essential Thief skill. Clerics can find traps with a spell, but they can't disarm them. To safely eliminate traps, you need a Thief with this skill, and traps can be a problem in this game. In fact, this skill is really the reason you need a Thief in your party at all. No

matter who you have, get their Find Traps to 100% before you do anything else. Move Silently {DND081} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> One of the two skills that used to comprised 'Stealth'. I guess they (correctly) realized that they didn't have enough Thief skills to put points into for an expanded level cap. If you want to sneak successfully you're going to need equal ranks in both skills. I will still refer to it by the terms 'sneaking', 'stealth, and 'hiding'. Hide in Shadows {DND082} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> The other of the two skills that used to comprised 'Stealth'. I guess they (correctly) realized that they didn't have enough Thief skills to put points into for an expanded level cap. If you want to sneak successfully you're going to need equal ranks in both skills. I will still refer to it by the terms 'sneaking', 'stealth, and 'hiding'. Detect Illusion {DND083} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> You can use this ability to dispel illusions as if you were using True Sight. To activate it, just detect traps and if your score is high enough those bad illusions will vanish. Of course, we have many characters who can use True Sight, and while you're busy detecting illusions, you can't attack. Set Traps {DND084} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This ability allows you to... wait for it... set traps. Traps are static and can't be set during combat, which vastly limits their effectiveness. I assume this score makes you more likely to succeed at setting your traps, but honestly, I don't care enough to play around with it. Hit points {DND085} o======================================================================o These are important- if you run out of Hit Points, you die. Multi-classing averages your Hit Points/level across your classes. A Fighter/Mage multi would gain 7 Hit Points a level (10+4)/2 - 5 Fighter, 2 Mage. A multi-classed character will still get bonus Hit Points for having a Fighter class (up to 4), but a dual-class character can start out 9 levels of Fighter, get all 9d10+36 Hit Points, and dual class into something else. This is in every way favorable. In Baldur's Gate 2 you can choose to take maximum Hit Points per level, which removes the pain in the ass reloading from the first game. The downside? Well... you're mostly done with random Hit Point rolls. THAC0 and Armor Class {DND086} o======================================================================o THAC0 is an acronym for 'To Hit Armor Class 0'. This is the roll on a d20 (a 20 sided dice) that you'd need to hit somebody with an Armor Class of 0. Statistically, each point is a 5% chance to hit Armor Class 0, and a roll of 20 is ALWAYS a hit, and a roll of 1 is ALWAYS a miss, regardless of your THAC0/their Armor Class. Fighters get a lower THAC0 quicker (hence a better chance to hit) than other classes, and Mages have the worst THAC0 progression. A lower THAC0 and lower Armor Class are better-which seems counter intuitive, but that's 2nd Edition for you. (Nostalgia for a moment here.) Having a negative Armor Class essentially raises the enemies' THAC0. For instance, if my Paladin has a base THAC0 of 5 (-2 with all her proficiencies, Strength, the bonus on the weapon, etc), and my Ranger/Cleric has an Armor Class of -13, my

Paladin would need an 11 on a d20 to hit her (-2 +13 = 11). That's a 55% chance to miss-a 45% chance to hit. So, for a general rule, lower THAC0 and lower Armor Class are good. Unless the enemy has them. Then it's not so good. THAC0 by Class/Level* {DND087} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> *This is taken straight from the 2nd Edition Dungeons and Dragon's Players Handbook. LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 20 20 20 19 19 19 18 18 18 17 17 17 16 16 16 15 15 15 14 14 20 20 20 18 18 18 16 16 16 14 14 14 12 12 12 10 10 10 8 8 20 20 19 19 18 18 17 17 16 16 15 15 14 14 13 13 12 12 11 11 includes Monks and Druids. Priest includes Druids. Rogue includes Bards. Warrior includes Barbarians, Monks, Paladins and Rangers. Wizard includes Sorcerers.

Warrior Wizard Priest Rogue +Priest --> --> --> -->

Multi-class characters use the best THAC0 progression of either of their classes-Fighter/Mages use the Fighter's THAC0 progression, and the Cleric/Thief use the Thief's THAC0 progression. Dual-class characters use the THAC0 of their active class if they haven't regained their bonuses from the previous (inactive class). If they have, they use whichever gives them the best THAC0. Armor Class Modifiers by Weapon Type {DND088} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Different armor types are strong against different attack types. It might seem like information overload, but keep it in mind when picking between various types of armor. A suit of Leather Armor +3 versus a suit of Studded Leather Armor +2 might both give the same armor class, but because of the modifiers the Studded Leather is by far the better choice. It comes up. Oh, and remember, in 2nd Edition AD&D, a negative number reduces your Armor Class, hence making your more difficult to hit, and a positive number increases your Armor Class, which is a bad thing. o===============o===============o===============o===============o | Armor | Slashing | Piercing | Bludgeoning o===============o===============o===============o===============o | Leather Armor | 0 | +2 | 0 | |---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| |Studded Leather| -2 | -1 | 0 | |---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| | Chain Mail | -2 | 0 | +2 | |---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| | Splint Mail | 0 | -1 | -2 | |---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| | Plate Mail | -3 | 0 | 0 | |---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| | Full Plate | -4 | -3 | 0 | o===============o===============o===============o===============o |

Saving Throws {DND089} o======================================================================o There are some things that speed and armor just can't protect against. This typically means magic, in some form or another, and really, a Fireball doesn't care about your Plate Mail Armor. An enchantment can't be blocked by a shield, and being fleet of foot won't stop a Lich from using vile necromancy to rip the soul from your body. Nope, for that, we resort to Saving Throws, needlessly sorted into five categories that aren't always as self-explanatory as they seem to be. When your character is forced to making a saving throw check against something, they 'roll' a d20 and must exceed their Saving Throw. So like Armor Class, the lower the better. Paralysis/Poison/Death |Rod/Staff/Wand | |Petrification/Polymorph | | |Breath Weapon | | | |Spells o=======o=======o=======o=======o=======o | 14 | 16 | 15 | 17 | 17 | | 13 | 15 | 14 | 16 | 16 | | 11 | 13 | 12 | 13 | 14 | | 10 | 12 | 11 | 12 | 13 | | 8 | 10 | 9 | 9 | 11 | | 7 | 9 | 8 | 8 | 10 | | 5 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 8 | | 4 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 7 | | 3 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 6 | |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------| | 14 | 11 | 13 | 15 | 12 | | 13 | 9 | 11 | 13 | 10 | | 11 | 7 | 9 | 11 | 8 | | 10 | 5 | 7 | 9 | 6 | | 8 | 3 | 5 | 7 | 4 | |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------| | 10 | 14 | 13 | 16 | 15 | | 9 | 13 | 12 | 15 | 14 | | 7 | 11 | 10 | 13 | 12 | | 6 | 10 | 9 | 12 | 11 | | 5 | 9 | 8 | 11 | 10 | | 4 | 8 | 7 | 10 | 9 | | 2 | 6 | 5 | 8 | 7 | |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------| | 13 | 14 | 12 | 16 | 15 | | 12 | 12 | 11 | 15 | 13 | | 11 | 10 | 10 | 14 | 11 | | 10 | 8 | 9 | 13 | 9 | | 9 | 6 | 8 | 12 | 7 | | 8 | 4 | 7 | 11 | 5 | |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------| | 10 | 14 | 13 | 16 | 13 | | 9 | 13 | 12 | 15 | 12 | | 7 | 11 | 10 | 13 | 10 | | 6 | 10 | 9 | 12 | 9 | | 5 | 9 | 8 | 11 | 8 | | 4 | 8 | 7 | 10 | 7 | | 3 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 6 | | 1 | 5 | 4 | 7 | 4 | o=======o=======o=======o=======o=======o

Warrior Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Wizard Level Level Level Level Level Priest Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Rogue Level Level Level Level Level Level Monk Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level

1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 15-16 17+ 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21+ 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-15 16-18 19+ 1-4 5-8 9-12 13-16 17-20 21 1-3 4-6 7-8 9 11-12 13-15 16-18 19+

--> --> -->

Priest includes Druids. Rogue includes Bards. Warrior includes Barbarians, Paladins, and Rangers.

Note: Multi-classed characters take the lowest Saving Throws offered by any of their classes. For example, a high level Fighter/Mage uses the better Fighter Saving Throws versus Paralysis/Poison/Death, and the better Mage Saving Throws versus Rod/Staff/Wand. Starting Spell Selection {DND090} o======================================================================o If you're playing a Bard, Mage, or Sorcerer, you'll get to choose what spells your character has in their spellbook... essentially what spells your character knows and can choose to prepare and, eventually, cast. You'll have to do this again even if you already made your character and imported from Baldur's Gate 1. Yeah, you lose all your spells, but you can freely pick a number of different spells of each level... provided they're not prohibited by your class (specialist Mage, for example). The number of spells you'll get by level are as follows: o===o===o===o===o |1st|2nd|3rd|4th| o===o===o===o===o | 6 | 5 | 4 | - | |---|---|---|---| | 7 | 6 | 5 | 5 | |---|---|---|---| | 5 | 3 | 2 | - | |---|---|---|---| | 8 | 7 | 6 | 6 | |---|---|---|---| | 8 | 7 | 6 | 6 | o===o===o===o===o

Bard Mage Sorcerer Specialist Mage Wild Mage*

*Wild Mages must pick the class-specific spells Nahal's Reckless Dweomer (1st-Level) and Chaos Shield (2nd-Level). 1st Level Spells {DND091} o----------------------------------------------------------------------o Spell Priority Description Blindness (5th) It'll out-last combat and severely impair one creature in melee, which is good at low levels for bringing down tough customers. You can use it to kill trolls, if need be. Make one enemy your friend for a while. Not a good idea on NPCs you want to keep alive, but in a pinch it takes from the bad guys and adds to you. At 7th level and above (which nearly every spell caster starts out at or above) it deals

Burning Hands Charm Person

(3rd) (7th)

Chromatic Orb


some damage and has a small chance to take an enemy out. Identify Magic Missile (1st) (2nd) Lets you know what magical items do. Guaranteed 10-25 damage at 9th level, great for whittling down enemies and disrupting spells. Not really a great spell anymore, as most critters who are actually dangerous are too strong to be affected by Sleep. Still, a few foes in the early-going might be hindered by it... and you really can't expect too much from 1st-Level spells.



2nd Level Spells (Bard 5, Mage 6, Sorcerer 3) {DND092} o----------------------------------------------------------------------o Blur (3rd) Makes all attacks take a -3 penalty and gives you a +1 bonus to your saves. A basic defensive spell you'll use a lot, especially if you're a dual or multi class Mage. Knock (2nd) Opens locked things and allows thieves to focus on other skills. Absolutely essential. It can put trolls down for good and deals continuous damage that can disrupt spellcasters. Not as strong as in Baldur's Gate, you can now be hit instead of an image. but it still gives enemies a much greater chance to hit an image It never hurts to have another character who can dispel fear. Capable of incapacitating groups of enemies and setting them up for missile attacks. It won't win every fight like it did in the first game, but it'll come in handy once in a while.

Melf's Acid Arrow


Mirror Image


Resist Fear Stinking Cloud

(6th) (4th)

3rd Level Spells (Bard 4, Mage 5, Sorcerer 2) {DND093} o----------------------------------------------------------------------o Dispel Magic (1st) Has a chance to dispel all spell effects on a creature, useful defensively or offensively. Tear down an enemies' buffs or remove debuffs from your party. You really need this spell.



Good for crowd control, and for blazing lots of trolls at once. Most enemies will survive this, so it's not the problem-solver like it was in the first game, but it's good for softening baddies up until you get Chain Lightning and Horrid Wilting. You get double the attacks and movement speed, essentially doubling your offensive power. It leaves you fatigued afterwards, but it has enough duration to last most major fights. This spell is one of the essential spell-buffs for this game. Enemies save at a -4 penalty or they are reduced to half their attacks and movement speed, and suffer a -4 penalty on their attacks and Armor Class. This is a death sentence for a melee character, and used on a group of strong Fighters can have as detrimental an effect as Haste has a beneficial effect. Dispels all low-leveled spell protections on a character.





Spell Thrust


4th Level Spells (Mage 5) {DND094} o----------------------------------------------------------------------o Confusion (4th) Enemies save at -2 or become confused. Confused creatures might still attack you, but Mages won't cast spells and they are just as likely to attack each other or wander about aimlessly. This spell wins fights. Greater Malison (3rd) Makes all enemies save at -4 for 2 rounds/level. This should be used at the beginning of every big fight, making Confusion, Chaos, Insect Plague, Finger of Death, and Vorpal effects all much more likely to succeed. An indispensable offensive debuff. Enemies cannot target you with spells, and they take a -4 penalty to attack rolls. You also get a +4 bonus to your saves. One of the best defensive spells in the game.

Improved Invisibility


Minor Sequencer


Allows you to instantly cast any two first and/or second level spells. String along two Magic Missiles to quickly deal 20-50 damage, or better yet, a Blur and Mirror Image to bring your defenses up in a pinch. One of the reasons you need Dispel Magic, this gives you (and enemies who can cast it) A number of 'skins' equal to one every two levels. Each skin essentially negates a melee or ranged attack. Stacked with Greater Invisibility, Blur, and Mirror Image and you can see how characters with defensive spells become hard to kill.



Lore {DND095} o======================================================================o Lore is a minor statistic that rates your ability to identify unknown magical items. Bards have the best lore, but the identify spell is the great equalizer. So long as you get a high enough lore on a character to identify minor items that you receive a lot of (such as ammunition) you're fine. Lore is even more redundant in Baldur's Gate 2, as 1st level Mage spells slink further back into obscurity. You even get glasses that let you identify things a number of times per day near the beginning of the game! Lore by Class/Level {DND096} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Everybody Else 1 Lore/Level Mage 3 Lore/Level Thief 3 Lore/Level Bard 10 Lore/Level Experience Points (EXP Cap) {DND097} o======================================================================o You kill things, you complete quests, you earn Experience Points. You gain Experience Points, you Level up, you gain Levels, you get stronger, you can kill more stuff. Fun. In Shadows of Amn you have a maximum experience cap of 2,950,000, which is pretty damn high. In Throne of Bhaal they just say screw it and let you go wild, up to 8,000,000 experience points. This gives you nearly unrestricted level achievement in this game... even I had to grind to hit the maximum, which is a welcome change from the first game. Below is a list of the maximum levels that can be achieved by the various classes with the two stated experience caps. Note that once Throne of Bhaal is installed the experience cap is moved to 8,000,000. Like in Tales of the Sword Coast you do not actually have to reach the expansion to benefit from the expanded experience cap. o==========o==========o |Shadows of|Throne of | | Amn | Bhaal | o==========o==========o | 19 | 40 | | 23 | 40 | | 21 | 40 |

Barbarian Bard Cleric

Cleric/Mage Cleric/Ranger Cleric/Thief Druid Fighter Fighter/Cleric Fighter/Druid Fighter/Mage Fighter/Mage/Cleric Fighter/Mage/Thief Fighter/Thief Mage Mage/Thief Monk Paladin Ranger Sorcerer Thief

| 14/13 | 25/20 | | 14/12 | 25/21 | | 14/16 | 25/28 | | 14 | 31 | | 19 | 40 | | 13/14 | 24/25 | | 13/13 | 24/21 | | 13/13 | 24/20 | | 11/12/12 | 18/17/19 | | 11/12/14 | 18/17/22 | | 13/16 | 24/28 | | 17 | 31 | | 13/16 | 20/28 | | 21 | 40 | | 17 | 40 | | 17 | 40 | | 17 | 31 | | 24 | 40 | o==========o==========o

Throne of Bhaal {DND098} o======================================================================o Throne of Bhaal doesn't only add new dungeons and raise the experience cap, it fundamentally changes the way the rest of the game plays by adding 'High-Level Class Abilities'. This was a meager attempt by the staff at BioWare to enhance the product and tie it more with 3rd Edition without actually converting. I will use the term 'Epic Feats', since they are gained near epic level for single-classed characters, and many emulated 3rd Edition feats. Also, they've added many changes to characters who reach above 20th level, which are noted in the class entries. Note that in the expansion you cannot wear Red Dragon Scale Armor with magical protection items (like Rings of Protection +2). You also get the ability to erase spells from your spell book. Epic Feats by Class {DND099} o======================================================================o In AD&D, reaching level 20 was generally considered 'epic level', and since you get bonus feats when get near 20th level (as a single-classed character, anyways), I dub the new abilities 'Epic Feats.' It certainly sounds more elegant and potent than 'High-Level Class Abilities', I think. Below is a list of the feats available the various classes. Note you actually get epic feats when you reach around 3,000,000 experience points, whether you're single, dual, or multi-classed. This typically means you'll get your first of these feats when your level exceeds the maximum allowed in Shadows of Amn. For example, the Fighter/Mage gets their first feats at levels 14/14, and a Paladin will get theirs at level 18. Warrior (Fighters, Rangers, Paladins, Barbarians, Monks) {DND100} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Critical Strike (requires Power Attack) Deathblow Greater Deathblow (requires Deathblow) Greater Whirlwind Attack (requires Whirlwind Attack) Hardiness Power Attack Resist Magic Smite (requires Power Attack and Critical Strike) Track (Rangers Only) Cleric {DND101}

<----------------------------------------------------------------------> Aura of Flaming Death Elemental Summoning Energy Blades Globe of Blades Implosion Mass Raise Dead Storm of Vengeance Summon Fallen Deva (evil and neutral Clerics) Summon Deva (good and neutral Clerics) Druid {DND102} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Aura of Flaming Death Elemental Summoning Elemental Transformation (fire) Elemental Transformation (earth) Energy Blades Globe of Blades Greater Elemental Summoning (requires Elemental Summoning) Implosion Mass Raise Dead Storm of Vengeance Summon Fallen Deva Summon Deva Thief {DND103} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Alchemy Assassination Avoid Death Evasion Greater Evasion (requires Evasion) Scribe Scrolls (requires Use Any Item) Set Spike Trap Set Exploding Trap Set Time Trap Use Any Item Bard {DND104} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Alchemy Avoid Death Enhanced Bard Song Evasion Greater Evasion (requires Evasion) Magic Flute Scribe Scrolls (requires Use Any Item) Set Spike Trap Set Exploding Trap Set Time Trap Use Any Item Wizard/Sorcerer {DND105} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Comet Dragon's Breath Energy Blades Improved Alacrity Summon Dark Planetar (evil Mages) Summon Planetar (good, neutral Mages)

Epic Feats {DND106} o======================================================================o This is a list of the Epic Feats and what they do. Also my opinions of them, because without that this wouldn't be much of a guide, would it? Alchemy {DND107} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Classes: Thief, Bard With Intelligence innate to the class, an experienced rogue has seen enough potions in his or her adventuring career to simulate the creation of one. With the Alchemy skill, the rogue can create one of eight types of potions, once per day. The potions a rogue can create are randomly chosen from the following list: 1) Potion of Master Thievery 2) Potion of Perception 3) Potion of Extra Healing 4) Potion of Superior Healing 5) Potion of Regeneration 6) Antidote 7) Oil of Speed 8) Potion of Frost Giant Strength, only useable by thieves or bards One, it's random, although I guess you could just wait around and stock up. Still, these are all items you can buy from stores, and many of the potions can be replicated with spells, or aren't very useful by the time you get unlimited access to them anyways. The only interesting one, the potion of Frost Giant Strength, can be permanently gained with girdles on your main Fighters, and since it's only usable by thieves and bards, it really only is useful on multi-class thieves. Assassination {DND108} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Classes: Thief, Bard Using every clever trick an experienced Thief has learned in countless battles, this ability allows every strike in the next round to act as a backstab, using the Thief's existing backstab modifier to determine damage This is more like it. Every attack counts as a backstab? Obviously the more Fighter you have backing this up, the better, and with Haste it becomes truly devastating. This is a must-have for thieves. Bards... I'm not sure what backstab modifier it's using, exactly. Keep in mind that many big bad things in this game are, sadly, immune to backstabs. Aura of Flaming Death (Evocation, Alteration) {DND109} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Level: Quest Casting Time: 4 Range: 0 Area of Effect: The Caster Duration: 1 round/ 2 levels Saving Throw: None This spell causes the caster to be enveloped by an aura of intense flame that both injures opponents and protects from damage This shield not only grants the user 90% fire resistance and grants a +4 AC bonus, but

also protects the caster from attacks made within a 5' radius around the caster. An opponent that hits the caster with any weapons or spells within this radius suffers 2D10 +2 fire damage In addition, the intense heat protects the caster from all non-magical weapons, melee or missile. This is a buffed up versions of Fire Shield, which Clerics can normally can't access. Being able to access a very good defensive spell is a nice way to spend a feat, even if it won't last for terribly long. One or two will see you through most any fight. Clerics don't have much in the way of defense... at least not compared to a Mage, making this is a must have ability. Avoid Death {DND110} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Classes: Thief, Bard With a superhuman effort, a high-level rogue can avoid almost certain death. The effect lasts for 5 rounds and during this time the rogue gains a +5 bonus to save vs. death, his Hit Points are increased by 20 and the rogue becomes immune to death magic for the duration of the ability. Eh. I suppose. It only lasts for five rounds, so you really have to know that those death effects are coming, and even then, why not just pop on a Death Ward spell? It really would protect against, what? Poison? Negative Energy? If it lasted longer, it would be useful, but its duration makes it iffy. Comet (Any School) {DND111} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Level: 10 Casting Time: 9 Range: 90 yards Area of Effect: 30' radius Duration: Instantaneous S Saving Throw: None A more powerful and specialized version of Meteor Swarm, a huge meteor or comet strikes the earth damaging all enemies in its path and sending out a powerful shockwave that knocks away all foes in the area of effect. Those knocked down must save vs. paralyzation or be stunned for 1D4 rounds. The comet itself does 10D10 damage This spell will not harm party members. 10d10 is a nice chunk of damage, and it has a good radius, and it can stun and knock enemies down as well? This opens them up for further abuse, or at least gets them off of you for a while, allowing you to make a telling first strike followed by opportunistic warriors or further spell abuse. Any Mage worth their spell-books should get this. The best part is, however, it won't cause any collateral damage! It's an upgrade over Horrid Wilting to be sure. What it might lack in damage it makes up for in stunning and in not allowing the enemy to save for half against what damage it does do. Critical Strike {DND112} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Classes: Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Barbarian, Monk. Special Requirements: You must know the Power Attack. You can only choose this ability once. A high-level warrior's intimate knowledge of vital spots on opponents

allows him to, once per day, concentrate all of the attacks in one round to strike a vital area every time. With this ability, every attack roll made in the next round is a natural 20, a critical hit. Huh. And here I thought that a warrior was ALWAYS concentrating his attacks on vital areas? I guess most of the time they're just screwing around trying to score flesh wounds. The best thing about it is that it ensures you hit every time in the next round. The criticals are nice, but sadly, many things are immune to critical hits. Deathblow {DND113} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Classes: Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Barbarian, Monk. The Deathblow ability allows the warrior to blow through the defenses of any lesser creature. For the next 2 rounds, any creature of 8th level or lower is instantly killed when struck by the warrior. I just have one question here... By Throne of Bhaal, what, exactly, is below 8th level? Almost nothing. And if it is you can kill it just fine without using a feat. This is useless. Dragon's Breath (Any School) {DND114} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Level: 10 Casting Time: 3 Range: Visual range of caster Area of Effect: 30-foot radius Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Special This spell causes a disembodied head of red dragon to appear and breathe fire with the Strength of an adult red dragon. In addition to the enormous 20D10 fireball, the force of the dragon's breath knocks an opponent off their feet and away from the caster. The victim can save vs. breath to take half damage and not be blown backwards. This spell will not harm party members. Well... one glaring problem is it's lack of a save penalty, meaning that more likely than not they'll be taking half damage, or 10d10, instead of 20d10. Also, there's no chance to stun, so why not just pick Comet instead? Elemental Summoning {DND115} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Level: Quest Casting Time: 1 round Range: 10 yards Area of Effect: Special Duration: 10 rounds Saving Throw: None Drawing power from the environment, this spell summons 2 16HD elementals randomly chosen from earth, air or fire. The elementals stay for 10 rounds and will obey the caster as long as they remain summoned. There is a 10% chance that a randomly chosen Elemental Prince will be summoned instead. The Elemental Princes rule over other elementals in their respective planes. The Elemental Prince of Air is Chan. The Elemental Prince of Earth is Sunnis. The Elemental Prince of Fire is Zaaman Rul.

Ten rounds for two 16HD elementals? Not worth it. But it is a prerequisite for another, better spell. Elemental Transformation (Earth), (Fire) {DND116} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Level: Quest Casting Time: 4 Range: 0 Area of Effect: Caster Duration: 5 turns Saving Throw: None Harnessing the power of the earth, this powerful shapechange ability allows the druid to become a 24HD earth elemental of immense Strength. The elemental form has an AC of -5, a THAC0 of 2 and does 2D10 crushing damage with its attacks. When the druid returns to human form, he is also healed 3D10 damage Harnessing the power of fire, this powerful shapechange ability allows the druid to become a 24HD fire elemental of immense Strength. The elemental form has an AC of -5, a THAC0 of 2 and does 1D10 normal and 1D10 fire damage with its attacks. When the druid returns to human form, he is also healed 3D10 damage A THAC0 of 2 is pretty good... unless you consider the fact that every Fighter will surpass it with ease, especially when you include their magical weapon bonuses, which you won't have. Also a -5 Armor Class is not very good. If you're a single-classed Druid, you're beyond help already, and this isn't going to change things. Energy Blades (Any School) {DND117} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Level: 10 Casting Time: 3 Range: Special Area of Effect: Special Duration: 4 turns Saving Throw: None An energy blade is a discus made of pure energy. The disc gives +10 to THAC0, and when thrown does 1D4+5 missile damage as well as 1D10 additional electrical damage This spell creates 1 energy disc per level of the caster and sets the caster's attacks to 9 as long as the discs are held. This spell allows you to do 1d4+5 plus 1d10 damage per blade to one creature. This allows you to do a range of 7-19 damage per Energy Blade, and fire off up to nine blades in one round... That's 63-171 damage if you hit with each attack, which you may just do thanks to the THAC0 bonus. Of course, you are wasting time throwing things when you COULD be casting more spells, but during a Time Stop sequence this will allow you to do some serious damage to one creature. Of course, using a Spell Sequencer with three Flame Arrows deals 60d6 damage (60-360 damage) with a minimum on a save of 36d6 damage (36-216 damage) Or even look at the humble Magic Missile with the same spell, which would do a happy 30-75 damage. The point? It's not worth a feat. Both of the alternative spells I mentioned don't require a to-hit roll and are much lower level. Enhanced Bard Song {DND118} <---------------------------------------------------------------------->

Classes: Bard This is a powerful aid to both the bard and to his allies. The song gives the bard himself a 10 point bonus to his AC and 10 % magic resistance bonus due to the power of the song. The song also gives his allies +4 to hit, +4 to damage, +4 to AC, immunity to Fear, Stun and Confusion, +5 % magic resistance and immunity to normal weapons. This ability replaces the current Bard Song. A Bard in Baldur's Gate 2 is essentially a support character. And if this isn't a superior support ability, I don't know what is. +4 to hit, damage, and Armor Class is a VERY good thing. I can't imagine any reason for any Bard to skip on this. Evasion {DND119} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Classes: Thief, Bard A rogue's natural sense of preservation becomes heightened with the use of the Evasion ability. Evasion gives a +4 bonus to AC and +2 to all saving throws. The effect lasts for 3 rounds. The best thing to say about it is that it's a requirement for Greater Evasion. Other than that, it's about the equivalent of Improved Invisibility, but with much worse duration and no protection against magic. Globe of Blades (Evocation) {DND120} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Level: Quest Casting Time: 9 Sphere: Guardian/Creation Area of Effect: Special Range: 0 Saving Throw: Special Duration: 1 turn The priest employs this spell to set up a globe of razor-sharp blades. These whirl and flash around the caster, creating an impenetrable barrier. Any creature attempting to pass through the blade barrier suffers 10D10 points of damage Creatures within the area of the barrier when it is invoked are entitled to a saving throw vs. spell at -2. If this is successful, the blades are avoided and no damage is suffered. The barrier remains for ten rounds. It's better than Blade Barrier, but it can't help but make me wish the save was for half instead of none... Still, that gripe aside it's worth grabbing. Just keep your companions out of the meat grinder. In conjunction with Aura of Flaming Death it really makes it painful for enemies to attack your Clerics. As well it should be. Greater Elemental Summoning {DND121} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Level: Quest Casting Time: 1 round Range: 10 yards Area of Effect: Special Duration: 10 rounds Saving Throw: None Druids, having a more powerful link to the elements, can cast a stronger

version of Elemental Summoning. This spell can summon the Elemental Princes themselves, randomly chosen from earth, air or fire. The Elemental Princes stay for 10 rounds and will obey the caster as long as they remain summoned. Summoning the freakin' Elemental Princes themselves? That seems a bit much, but if you can get it... You won't find better tanks in the entire game, even if it's just for a turn. It's worth it. Greater Evasion {DND122} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Classes: Thief, Bard Special Requirements: You must know the Evasion ability. A more powerful version of Evasion, this ability gives +6 to AC and +3 to all saving throws. In addition, Greater Evasion allows the rogue to move so quickly that his movement rate is increased by 2 and normal missiles have no chance of striking him. Greater Evasion lasts for 5 rounds. A little better, I guess. Better than Improved Invisibility but weaker still in duration and magic defense. It at least faster, and makes you immune to normal missiles. It'll help defensively, but if you've got spells as well, you probably it. in power, makes you a Thief out won't need

Greater Deathblow {DND123} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Classes: Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Barbarian, Monk. Special Requirements: You must know the Deathblow ability. Like Deathblow, this ability allows the warrior to vanquish lesser foes with a single blow. When struck with a Greater Deathblow, any creature of 12th level or lower is instantly killed. The ability lasts for 2 rounds. 12th level is a little better than 8th, but still too low to make a huge difference, even if it lasts twice as long. Greater Whirlwind Attack {DND124} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Classes: Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Barbarian, Monk. Special Requirements: You must know the Whirlwind Attack ability. A more powerful version of the Whirlwind Attack, Greater Whirlwind Attack gives the Fighter the same bonuses without penalties. Their number of attacks per round are set to 10 for one round. If you hit things with melee weapons, you need this feat. You need it many times over. Period. Ten attacks a round? It almost makes up for them nerfing grandmastery. In fact, it makes me wonder what the big deal was with grandmastery if they were going to throw this monster in? It's awesome enough for a Fighter, but think of what it can do for a Fighter/Mage who is using Time Stop? Absolutely magnificent. It's the combo of winners. Hardiness {DND125} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Classes: Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Barbarian, Monk. Calling upon hidden reserves of Strength during times of danger, a

warrior can use the Hardiness ability to gain 40% resistance to all forms of physical damage The ability lasts for 1 round for every 2 levels of the warrior. Well, if you don't have any other way to defend yourself, here you go. It's great for single-classed Barbarians, Fighters, and Monks, none of which can cast spells. When you hit level 40 it'll last some 20 rounds, which is phenomenal. This means you only need to get it once, as it'll last you pretty much an entire fight. If you're a Fighter/Mage, Fighter/Cleric, Ranger/Cleric, Fighter/Druid, Fighter/Mage/Thief, or otherwise have some means of putting up defenses, you really don't need to waste a pick. Implosion (Evocation) {DND126} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Level: Quest Casting Time: 9 Range: Visual range of caster Area of Effect: 1 creature Duration: 2 Rounds Saving Throw: Special This spell creates a rift in the earth beneath the target which implodes and closes in upon itself, crushing and burning the target and holding it for 1 round. The spell does 10D10 fire damage and 10D10 blunt damage The victim can save vs. spell for half damage That's... not quite what the Implosion spell is meant to do, but okay. It's like the Dragon's Breath spell, but it only affects one creature. In other words, it's full of suck. Improved Alacrity (Any School) {DND127} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Level: 10 Casting Time: 2 Range: Unlimited Area of Effect: Special Duration: 2 Rounds Saving Throw: Special Improved Alacrity essentially erases the pause between casting spells. When cast, the Mage can begin casting a new spell the instant his is finished casting his current spell. The effect lasts for 2 rounds. Or you could just cast Time Stop. Longer effect, same results, and you don't waste a feat. Magic Flute {DND128} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Classes: Bard This ability creates a magic flute made of pure magical energy. When played, the flute can be used to cast the following spells: Resist Fear (Party) - 1 charge Globe of Invulnerability - 1 charge Delayed Blast Fireball - 3 charges The spell-like abilities on the Flute are used in the same way that a wand's powers are used. The Flute lasts for 1 day.

What ass. Really? Resist fear is a low-level spell, Globe of Invulnerability isn't going to protect you from anything in Throne of Bhaal, and... well, Delayed Blast Fireballs are kinda nice, but it's not worth sacrificing a feat over. Getting the bonus spell slots for a Mage is one thing... it allows you to prepare any extra spell of that level, and is a prerequisite for the 10th level spells, but this? Pass. Mass Raise Dead (Necromancy) {DND129} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Level: Quest Casting Time: 2 Sphere: Necromantic Area of Effect: Up to 5 party members Range: Sight of the caster Saving Throw: Special Duration: Permanent A more powerful version of Raise Dead, this spell brings up to 5 party members back to life and heals 3D10+1 per level of the caster points of damage They can regain the rest of their Hit Points by natural healing or curative magic. This spell restores life to dwarves, gnomes, half-elves, halflings, elves, half-orcs and humans. What are your characters doing dead in the first place? Try harder. This spell sucks. If only you could have been given a straight Mass Heal type spell instead. Power Attack {DND130} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Classes: Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Barbarian, Monk. A Power Attack allows the warrior to strike blows so forceful that they stun an opponent for 2 rounds if it fails its save vs. death at a -4 penalty. The ability lasts for 2 rounds. I suppose you can't can delay Whirlwind if you followed it up with a Whirlwind Attack... no really, Coup'de'Grace in Baldur's Gate 2, so stunning is useless. It an enemy, but wouldn't you rather use another Greater instead? Why stun when you can kill?

Resist Magic {DND131} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Classes: Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Barbarian, Monk. This ability allows the warrior to temporarily tap a great inner Strength and fight off the effects of malevolent magic. For 4 rounds the warrior's magic resistance is set to 50 %. This is not cumulative with other forms of magic resistance so if the warrior already has 50 % magic resistance or greater, the ability is useless. The ability is useless. They got that right. Four rounds? That's pathetic. Scribe Scrolls {DND132} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Classes: Bard, Thief Special Requirements: You must know the Use Any Item ability This ability allows a rogue to create low and mid-level spell scrolls. The scrolls that the rogue can create are randomly chosen from the following list:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9)

Magic Missile Haste Fireball Dispel Magic Dire Charm Invisibility Cone of Cold Monster Summoning II Monster Summoning III

By Throne of Bhaal what use are half of these spells? Magic Missile, Dire Charm, Monster Summoning II and III are parlor tricks. Maybe back in Durlag's Tower this would have been handy, but not now. It doesn't do anything a Cleric, Druid, or Mage can't do better and more readily. Set Exploding Trap {DND133} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Classes: Thief, Bard This ability allows the rogue to set a powerful trap that unleashes a fireball which causes 10d6 damage (save vs. spells for half damage) and will knock its victims off their feet. I generally think traps are pretty useless. Are traps really going to help you against Beholders, Dragons, and Liches? I doubt it. 10d6 damage? That's a fireball, a 3rd level spell. Don't waste your feat. Set Spike Trap {DND134} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Classes: Thief, Bard This ability allows the rogue to set a powerful spring-loaded spike trap that does 20D6 damage to the unsuspecting creature that sets it off. Now this is a little better. 20d6 is hefty damage, and dealing that will actually bother a powerful creature. If you want to do hit and run tactics, this is an option. Set Time Trap {DND135} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Classes: Thief, Bard This ability allows the rogue to set a magical trap that casts a weaker version of the high level Time Stop spell. For 10 seconds, the flow of time slows for all but the rogue. Often, a rogue will use this trap to get behind an opponent for a free attack. This is also an interesting ability. 10 seconds is just over one combat round, during which time a Thief can hide in shadows, like the description says, or if they're multi-classed they may... say... pop out a Whirlwind Attack? Just a thought. Smite {DND136} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Classes: Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Barbarian, Monk. Special Requirements: You must know the Power Attack and Critical Strike Abilities. With the Smite ability, the warrior gains the ability to strike a mighty blow, knocking an opponent back for a considerable distance and stunning the opponent for 1 round. All attacks made in the first round are

critical hits. The ability lasts for 2 rounds. Large creatures such as a dragons or giants will not be knocked back or stunned. This ability isn't terrible. At least it's always going to stun applicable creatures, and if they're near a wall or boxed in, you can attack in unison with other characters, potentially knocking a dangerous foe back long enough for other Fighters to get ready to Whirlwind Attack. I still have to balk at wasting a total of three feats to get this, however. I'd rather just hit them with more Whirlwind Attacks. They can't do any damage to me if they're dead. Storm of Vengeance {DND137} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Level: Quest Casting Time: 8 Range: 90 Yards Area of Effect: 30 foot radius Duration: 3 rounds Saving Throw: Special Casting this spell causes the earth to shake and the heavens to boil with blood and energy. All enemies of the caster are stuck down by acidic rain, earthquakes and lightning. All enemies of 6th level or lower are slain instantly. The survivors are struck by acidic poisonous rain and lightning. The storm lasts for 3 rounds. Each round, the victims suffer 1D6 electrical damage, 1D6 fire damage and 1D6 acid damage They are also poisoned in the first round. 3d6 damage per round for three rounds? 9d6 damage? What a waste. If you can't think of something better to pick, you need to be smacked about the face and neck. Summon Deva/Fallen Deva (Conjuration/Summoning) {DND138} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Level: Quest Casting Time: 5 Range: 40 yards Area of Effect: Special Duration: 4 rounds + 1 round/level Saving Throw: None This spell opens a celestial gate and calls forth an angelic Deva to fight at the caster's side until the spell expires or the Deva's earthly avatar is slain. This spell opens an abyssal gate and calls forth a demonic Deva to fight at the caster's side until the spell expires or the Deva's earthly avatar is slain. There's less competition for high-end opposed to the high-level Mage spells so I'd suggest getting a Deva instead wouldn't you rather give up a Sunray, of Death rather than a Time Stop? Cleric and Druid spells as that Summon Planetar will take up, if at all possible. After all, Greater Restoration, or Finger

Summon Planetar/Dark Planetar (Any School) {DND139} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Level: 10 Casting Time: 5

Range: 40 yards Area of Effect: Special Duration: 4 rounds + 1 round/level Saving Throw: None This spell opens a abyssal gate and calls forth a fallen Planetar to fight at the caster's side until the spell expires or the Planetar's avatar is slain. This spell opens a celestial gate and calls forth a Planetar to fight at the caster's side until the spell expires or the Planetar's avatar is slain. A nice spell indeed, but frankly it doesn't equal a Time Stop, and it can be done just as well by a Cleric summoning a Deva. Tracking {DND140} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Classes: Ranger With an intimate knowledge of his surroundings and the creatures that live within them, a Ranger can use the Tracking ability to give himself a general idea of what creatures are in an area and which direction they are. Red arrows at the edge of the screen will point in the general direction of the creatures in the area. Or you could just follow my guide. :) Use Any Item {DND141} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Classes: Thief, Bard Rogues take pride in their ability to adapt and make clever use of whatever is at hand. This ability is an extension of that basic skill. Once learned, the effect is permanent. The ability allows the rogue to use any item, even items that are typically restricted to one class. This allows the rogue to use everything from wands and scrolls to mighty weapons that none but a Fighter could otherwise use. This ability is a prerequisite to the Scribe Scroll ability. Well... you never know what is going to be class restricted, but if you are a Fighter/Thief, you can already use those mighty weapons, and if you're a Thief/Mage, you can already use those wands, right? Not always. There are a few instances where this comes in handy, and Haer'Dalis should always get it. For a Fighter/Thief or Fighter/Mage/Thief protagonist, this is also a must-get. It'll allow you to use such gear as Montolio's Cloak or Wondrous Gloves. War Cry {DND142} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Classes: Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Barbarian, Monk. With a War Cry, the warrior emits a powerful and frightening yell that will leave all opponents in a 30' radius stunned with fear if they don't make their save vs. spell. Or... a Mage could cast Chaos, which takes enemies out of the fight and saves at a -4. Then the Fighter can go use the Greater Whirlwind he saved by not wasting his time with this feat. Everybody wins. Whirlwind Attack {DND143}

<----------------------------------------------------------------------> Classes: Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Barbarian, Monk., Swashbuckler This ability allows the warrior to unleash a flurry of super-fast blows. The ability sets one's number of attacks per round to 10 but one's THAC0 and damage suffer a -4 penalty. The whirlwind attack lasts for one round. Get it as a pre-requisite for Greater Whirlwind, and then ignore it. If it weren't for Greater Whirlwind, this would be the go-to feat, even with its penalties. My Protagonists {DND144} o======================================================================o I've played this game quite a few times, and have had many protagonists over the years... but for these guides I've focused on the strongest, most power-gamey characters out there, characters who are individually powerful, unique, and fit well into various party setups. I first started built this guide around a Fighter/Mage protagonist leading a good party, but later added information for you evil folks out there. The evil party was, by necessity, led by a Fighter/Mage/Thief protagonist. The Fighter/Mage {DND145} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Fighter/Mage Elf, Male True Neutral Strength: Dexterity: Constitution: Intelligence: Wisdom: Charisma: (base) 18/66 19 17 18 13 10 (imported) 19 20 18 19 16 11

Overview: --------At the end of this game, the Fighter/Mage is arguably the strongest character there is. I don't argue it, but I'm sure somebody might. As far as I'm concerned, it's as strong of a protagonist as you can get. Since this is your protagonist-the only character whose creation you get to determine-you might as well make sure they've got the best possible attributes. The ideal is to start out maxed in Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Intelligence... which I've done. This character is further boosted by tomes obtained in the first game, and if you're following through with me, yours will be, too. It gives us an extra advantage that surely befits our protagonist's paternity, and starting out with a 19 Strength really helps this character shine. The Dexterity and Constitution give him the ability to survive better, since he will not, for most of the game, have much in the way of armor. Intelligence is more of a matter of simplicity, as with a 19 Intelligence our Fighter/Mage will not be restricted by a maximum number of spell per level, and only rarely by failure when scribing scrolls... the latter of which can be negated just by shifting the difficulty down to normal or by save/loading. What does this character do, you ask? A Fighter/Mage is what it sounds like, a hybrid of fighting power and magic. Seems cliche, and these hybrid characters never work anymore... but go back to the turn of the

millenium, when 2nd Edition Dungeons and Dragons ruled the land... or was so recently subverted that it was still fresh in one's mind, at least. The Fighter/Mage really does get the best of both worlds, and these are two domains made stupidly strong in Baldur's Gate 2. Weapons have never been meaner, and melee attacks soundly leave missile attacks in the dust in Baldur's Gate 2, generally having more potent effects and requiring no specialized magical ammo to harm creatures. Also, freed from the confines of Baldur's Gate 1's level cap, our warriors are free to rack up multiple attacks per round and drop their THAC0s to stupidly low numbers. Nothing kills quite so quickly or dependably as a high-Strength melee character with a good weapon in this game. But that's just one side of the coin. The other, of course, is magic. On its own, a warrior would be largely incapable of bypassing the defenses of many creatures in this game, or surviving their onslaughts. Stoneskin has a way of nerfing a warrior's potency, and an Illithid-who kills by draining Intelligence instead of chisling away Hit Points are just threats a warrior isn't built to handle. The Fighter/Mage, however, is equipped to handle anything. Depending on the foe, they can buff themselves with the appropriate magics to make themselves resistant (or out right immune) to attack in ways a warrior can only dream ofarmor be damned. Thus protected, they've got a better chance of cutting or smashing their way through any opposition, where a single-classed Mage or Fighter could not. To say that their magic is purely defensive and in service to their melee, however, is not accurate. Certainly spells like Stoneskin protects and thus protected, allows the Fighter/Mage to endure and destroy, and spells like Haste only increase their death-dealing, but without spells like Dispel Magic and Breach, they, like any single-classed warrior, would be unable to harm certain foes at all. When necessary, however, they can just outright play the Mage card. Lobbing out a Chaos or Slow will hinder enemies more than anything any warrior could hope to do in a single round, and while it's true that most of the death-dealing will be done with the Fighter/Mage's weapons, it's the magic that allows them the security (and deprives the enemy of any) to do so. The ultimate expression of the Fighter/Mage synthesis is realized late in the game (as a multi-class character, no levels are redundant for the Fighter/Mage, who is always improving in significant ways long after single-classed warriors have stopped gaining anything but Hit Points) with the Time Stop/Greater Whirlwind combo. A single-classed Mage with Time Stop and Horrid Wilting is a brutal thing, as is a single-classed warrior with Greater Whirlwind. But together, you get an attack of such breath-taking potency that even late-game bosses have no choice but to topple over and die in front of it. And of course, the Fighter/Mage can always just mimic the tactics of either of their component classes, as well, when it suits them. The Fighter/Mage is the most defensively and offensively powerful character out there. How to Use the Fighter/Mage Effectively: ---------------------------------------To start out the game, he picks the spells he'll need to get him started listed in [DND091]. For his proficiencies, he'll get three ranks in Two Weapon Style to reduce two weapon penalties by as much as possible. He'll also get two ranks into Katanas (since Celestial Fury is one of the best and most easily obtainable one-handed weapons in Shadows of Amn) and one rank into Flails (since we'll obtain Flail of Ages soon enough to make this a priority.) I could give the Flail of Ages to Anomen, but honestly, I prefer him with Crom Faeyr, and this way my protagonist has a blunt weapon. Later on in the game he'll get another point into Flails, and start working on Axes. This will allow him to ditch Celestial Fury sometime in Throne of Bhaal so he can equip the Axe of the Unyielding. The entire Fighter/Mage potency thing I drooled

over above depends on two things-having the best weapons, and the right spells. I intend to make sure it happens. The Fighter/Mage/Thief {DND146} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Fighter/Mage/Thief Half-Elf, Female Neutral Evil Strength: Dexterity: Constitution: Intelligence: Wisdom: Charisma: (base) 18/73 18 18 18 10 10 (imported) 19 19 19 19 13 11

Overview: --------The Fighter/Mage/Thief is a compromise-but not a bad one. The evil party needs a Thief, so my typical Fighter/Mage combination puts on a Thief hat. Simple as. Instead, however, of making a poor copy of my Fighter/Mage and adding in some Thief, we should look at this class as an opportunity, rather than as a burden. True, it's the Fighter in the name that does the killing, and the Mage that allows it to happen, just like with the Fighter/Mage, but the Thief's offerings are capable of boosting the former. The idea here is simple-the best offensive benefit added by a Thief is the backstabbing, so the Fighter/Mage/Thief should, at every opportunity, strive to backstab. It's not easy to achieve in Baldur's Gate 2, however, a game where nearly every Mage will gleefully expose you with True Sight and some foes are just outright immune to backstabs. Also, since my Fighter/Mage/Thief acts as the party tank and specialized troubleshooter, it's difficult to work in a backstab when you're drawing the attention... something going invisible would work against, even if you could do so without being detected. This does eventually come to fruition, however, when my evil protagonist obtains the Dagger of the Star +5, which has a 15% chance to turn the user invisible every time they hit a foe. A bit of micromanagement, or simply keeping them behind foes to start with, and you can rely on the massive x5 backstab bonus damage to occur. A single such hit with a high-Strength evil protagonist will likely seriously wound or even outright kill most foes in the game. Additional tactical flexibility is made possible with the 'Use Any Item' ability. Again, taking the glasshalf-full approach, since the Fighter/Mage/Thief is denied access to Mage epic feats, getting Thief and Fighter, instead. This ability allows the Fighter/Mage/Thief to wear items they would otherwise be prohibited from using, allowing them to gear up in ways impossible to the Fighter/Mage. I'm not going to lie and claim this makes the Fighter/Mage/Thief equal to the Fighter/Mage. It doesn't. Spell selection and the ungodly Time Stop/Greater Whirlwind combo will always be points in favor of the Fighter/Mage, but the Fighter/Mage/Thief is potent in its own right, and in its own way. How to Use the Fighter/Mage/Thief Effectively: ---------------------------------------------My Fighter/Mage/Thief will likewise pick what spells are best suited towards a combat-active Mage's survival, then follows the Fighter/Mage by getting two ranks into Katanas and three ranks into the Two Weapon Style. She'll spend her last proficiency into Long Swords, instead of Flails, however, as Viconia will be using the Flail of Ages for the

evil party (she just has no business having 25 Strength with one attack per round.) Korgan will dual-wield the Axe of the Unyielding and Crom Faeyr, meaning Axes are out in the long run. Instead, my evil protagonist puts another point into Long Swords and uses the Equalizer as her off-hand weapon of choice throughout Shadows of Amn. Afterwards, she focuses her energy on Daggers in anticipation of the mighty Dagger of the Stars, which will turn her into a back-stabbing monster, and switches out the Equalizer for Angurvadal when it becomes useful to do so. As a Thief, she gets her Find Traps up to 100 so she can detect and disarm pretty much any trap in the game. She also gets her Open Locks up to 100 to negate the need for any Knock spells. Lastly, she starts to partition her remaining points between Hide in Shadows and Move Silently until they are both 100, in preparation for future backstabbing. In the meantime, a lower score and Boots of Stealth will do just fine. As for Pick Pockets... Haer'Dalis works just fine for that purpose... it's certainly better than wasting my protagonist's points on it. Importing Your Character from Baldur's Gate 1 {DND147} o======================================================================o It's quite simple to import from Baldur's Gate 1. Just go to the directory in which your Baldur's Gate 1/2 games are saved. It should be something like C:\Program Files\Black Isle\Baldur's Gate. Find your Save folder in Baldur's Gate 1 and copy the desired save game (ideally the Final Save) and move it into the Save folder of your Baldur's Gate 2 game. You can also export your character from within Baldur's Gate 1 and move the character file over from the Characters folder in Baldur's Gate 1 to the Characters file in Baldur's Gate 2. When in character creation in Baldur's Gate 2 just click the 'Import' button and pick the selected save/character. Note that sometimes Baldur's Gate 2 is... kinda weird with the import process. Me and my fiance have both had characters import into the game with Hit Point values MUCH higher than they should normally be. She was playing a Fighter/Mage/Thief who imported into Baldur's Gate 2 with over 100 Hit Points. I also had a Fighter/Mage whose Hit Points actually doubled when I imported from 77 to 154. This is one time where Shadow Keeper came in handy for the side of good. As tempting as it is to play a character with 77 extra Hit Points, I set it back down to the normal value so I could sleep at night. My Fighter/Mage/Thief also had a similar problem, but on a much smaller scale-she had 74 Hit Points when she should have had 69, a five-point error. If you don't have the desired portrait and sounds from the first game you'll need to move those from the Baldur's Gate 1 folder to the Baldur's Gate 2 folder. Note that Icewind Dale sound files will NOT work in Baldur's Gate. If, however, you have both Icewind Dale 1 & 2 you can get a sound converter from Sorcerers.net to get you on your way. o======================================================================o | | | Characters {CHR000} | | | o======================================================================o You'll notice that there are new friends and old to be recruited in Baldur's Gate, but most of them, with the exception of Mazzy and ??????? can be found fairly early on in the game. You'll also notice that there are fewer characters in Baldur's Gate 2. What they lack in numbers they make up for in personality, an immeasurably favorable exchange. As there are less characters there are less choices, but there are also fewer dead-weight characters in this game. Even the characters from the first game have typically been buffed up a bit.. and why not? Your main

character certainly gained some attribute points over the course of the first game, right? Most characters have quests associated with recruiting and/or securing them, but many also have some quests that need to be completed when they are traveling with you. They are mentioned in brief in each character's description, mostly to point them out and let you know where to find them in the Walkthrough, since their inclusion can be somewhat... whimsical... at times. It made sense to me when I was writing, honest. ***SPOILERS*** While I've avoided them as much as possible in the character descriptions, note that the "Romance" sections of the various character descriptions are rife with spoilers. If you don't want to suffer the indignity of spoilers, don't read the 'romancing' section under the applicable characters. Character Starting Stats {CHR001} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> The starting attributes of recruitable characters can vary wildly depending upon when you recruit them. Like in Baldur's Gate 1, they will gain experience to scale to your level when you reruit them... to an extent, anyways. The computer is never as smart about Hit Point rolls or proficiency allocation as you will be, however, so try to get to these characters early before the computer nerfs them too much. Aerie {CHR002} o======================================================================o Female, Elf, Cleric/Mage, Lawful Good Str 10, Dex 17, Con 9, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 14 Starting Proficiencies: Club + Mace + Quarter Staff + Sling + Overview: --------Enter Aerie, both a divine and arcane spell caster as well as a possible romantic interest for male protagonists. For reasons I've discussed before, I don't really find her very useful. I'm tempted to say that with some patience she could pay off, eventually, but I'm restrained from such optimism with the following question: who would you replace Aerie with in the good party? This depends, of course, on what role you want her to play, either filling in for a Cleric, or a Mage. If you try to fit her in as a Cleric (in place of Anomen), you're significantly weakening the fighting ability of your party. Since Aerie has to play by Mage rules (no heavy armor), she's not much for melee combat... and I'm sure not taking defensive gear from my Fighter/Mage to accomodate her. Her Dexterity means that, technically, she could be moderately well-protected in combat, but her Constitution and Strength just ruin her. She would, at best, be a much, much more vulnerable version of Viconia (lighter armor, no Magic Resistance, lower Dexterity), but honestly, Viconia is only in combat in the first place because of her defensive performance, and even then, only with a Strength-boosting item devoted to the cause. As a multi-class character Aerie will develop too slowly to really serve as a stand-alone Cleric, much less one that will need the THAC0 and Hit Points to handle melee combat. If you want to her to replace Imoen, the problem is even more acute-then

you need a Thief for the party, on top of the fact that a multi-class Mage is not sufficient for the party caster. It would be near the end of the game before she got any 9th-level spells, and while I'll suffer this downside for a Fighter/Mage, who can contribute mightily in melee, I will not suffer it in what is supposed to be our dedicated party Mage. Even Imoen is on the cusp of too slow for the position. Failing that, we can insert her instead of Minsc, where she can contribute mostly with buffs (since her low level will inhibit both her spell selection and potency.) In place of Minsc's bow... eh... it's a wash, really, but if you're at all attracted to dropping Minsc for ??????? at any point, dragging out Aerie is pointless. She certainly can't compare with ???????'s melee prowess. Recruiting Aerie: ----------------You can find Aerie in the bewitched circus tent in Waukeen's Promenade (AR0604). You'll need to go in and free her to recruit her, and defeat Kalah and finish the Circus Tent quest to keep her-which really isn't too much more of a requirement. This quest is located in the walkthrough at [WLk015]. How to Use Aerie Effectively: ----------------------------Aerie comes ready to go with Slings, which is fine. It' how she'll be able to contribute to fights without casting spells. Of course, since she's a mutli-class Cleric/Mage, if she's not casting a spell at any given moment, she's not being used optimally. Her best use for most of Shadows of Amn is as a buffer and healer... the equivilent in the evil party is Haer'Dalis, save that unlike Haer'Dalis, her caster level will be too low to bother with some spells. This does not, however, prevent her from using True Sight, Breach, Haste, Slow, or Chaos... when she eventually gets them. Her spell progression will be on par with the Fighter/Mage's, and hence the easiest fit is to replace Minsc with her, and use her as a poor man's Viconia. Give her a suitable melee weapon (Flail of the Ages seems profoundly wasted on her), and supplement her poor Armor Class with Stoneskin and Blur. She can always inherit the Bracers of Defense A.C. 3 after you obtain Bladesinger Chain, which... well, is something. Midway through Throne of Bhaal should could actually get quite potent, once she can contribute with Horrid wilting, Sunray, and Spell Triggers, and she will eventually get Time Stop if you were careful to obtain all the scrolls you can find. For most of the game, however, she is a buffer/debuffer and a healer, a secondary spell-caster through and through. Romancing Aerie: ---------------It might just be me, but I find Aerie to be incredibly annoying. If you romance her, you'll have to put up with her constant whining-typically about her wings, but other subjects arouse her sense of self-pity, too. If there's one word to describe Aerie's romance, it's whine. She'll do so consistently, and it's your job to treat her like glass. Handle her with kid gloves, try and be optimistic, and when that fails, tell her to be strong. That said, her romance is actually pretty easy. Her responses (and your required counter-responses) don't have the same ambiguity as Viconia's romance, nor does it have the lengthy inter-related quests of Jaheira's romance. Just avoid being dismissive, and otherwise be as sympathetic as possible and you'll be fine. After a while Aerie will want to sleep with you, and afterwards she decides she's moving too fast. Don't pick dialogue option #1, as she'll leave your party to go 'figure herself out' or 'experience the world' or some other inconvenient crap. Beg her to stay and she will.

Anomen {CHR003} o======================================================================o Male, Human, Fighter/Cleric, Lawful Neutral Str 18/52, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 13 Starting Proficiencies: War Hammer + Mace ++ Sling ++ Sword and Shield Style + Overview: --------Anomen has several perks which makes him the best combat Cleric in the game. First, he's a dual-classed Fighter, and while his dumbass didn't stay a Fighter long enough (and didn't spend her proficiency points wisely enough) to get the most out of it, he will have multiple attacks per round and the ability to Specialize in weaponry. He's also got a passable Constitution and a high Strength score, meaning you can wait quite a while before handing him any Strength-boosting items. Of course, at 25th-level he'll automatically get a Holy Symbol which boosts his Strength, so really, you never need to concern yourself with Strength. His Dexterity, however, is poor for a warrior, and while he might benefit from the Gloves of Dexterity, Korgan or Keldorn will benefit more-both of them are worth neglecting a shield with, and hence, Anomen will just have to make do with heavy armor and a shield. He can technically fit into either party, provided you take his story quests down the right (or wrong) route, but honestly, a good party playthrough with Anomen is all I can stand. The thought of dragging him around with me through every playthrough is enough to make me want to poke my eyes out and chop off my hands. Not that he's a bad Cleric, he's not, he just has a bit of a personality disfunction, and he wears on me... not enough, however, that I avoided dragging him around with my evil party for a while. You know, so I could explore his romance and record it for the guide (and so my evil protagonist could get her fuck on.) Although I tout Anomen's melee prowess, he is, first and foremost, a Cleric. A good one, too. He's not any worse for the position than Viconia, save a few inconsequential extra spells due to Wisdom and somewhat slower progression due to his Fighter levels, but nothing that will be an issue down the road. How to Use Anomen Effectively: -----------------------------Anomen is pretty simple-get him some heavy armor and put a blunt weapon in his hands. Fortunately for us, he knew he'd be dual-classing into a Cleric some day, and hence, he avoided putting any ranks into edged weapons. Huzzah. He really excels with either a Flail or a War Hammer, however. Yeah, either the Flail of the Ages or Crom Faeyr, what else would I be talking about? Either one would work for him, but I prefer to give him Crom Faeyr and let my protagonist abuse the best two one-handed weapons in the game. He also could potentially dual-wield, but since this would critically deprive him of Armor Class (and take half of forever for him to accumulate enough proficiencies to bother with it), I don't suggest it. Recruiting Anomen: -----------------Anomen can be found in the Copper Coronet (AR0406) at (x=1530, y=1660). In Anomen you'll find all the naive charm of Ajantis. Really, who sits around in a sleazy bar in the slums asking people if they are courageous

and good? In any event, assure him that you are both and he'll offer to join your quest. He seeks to prove his worth so he can join the Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart, and with what this game has in store for him, he'll get the chance to prove such many times over. Romancing Anomen: ----------------Anomen is an obnoxious, petulant, arrogant, boastful, would-be knight, and he spares you none of his personality faults if you romance him. His romance sequence is only less annoying than Aerie's, and frankly, not all that interesting. You'll have to put up with plenty of his war stories, moral quandaries, and temper tantrums. Simply listen to him, and tell him how awesome he is, and you're fine. The only interesting part of the romance comes with his family nonesense, and there are two ways to succeed. The first is to convince him not to take vengeance on Saerk. This leads to him being disowned by his father, and obtaining the knighthood he has worked so hard for. After the romance matures, he'll eventually get a letter from the Magistrate of Athkatla-the lady in the Government District we spoke to earlier about the murder investigation-Bylanna Lanulin. The letter informs Anomen that Saerk was indeed found to have been connected with the murder of his sister, and afterwards his father, Cor, died trying to murder Saerk in revenge. Anomen now feels compelled to kill Saerk himself and avenge his family, and will leave the party to do so. Follow him to the Estate of Saerk Farrahd in the Bridge District. Within, he'll be ready to make good on his goals. Convince him to spare Saerk to avoid becoming like his father, and promise that you will be by his side to help him overcome his all-too-apparent inner demons. The other route involves convincing Anomen to take vengeance, fail to enter the Order, and turn Chaotic Neutral... obviously not an option if you're traveling with Keldorn. After all that, Anomen will eventually get a letter from his father, exposing that the killers were not affiliated with Saerk, his revenge was-while profitable to Cor himself-misguided. As a parting slap in the face, Cor disowns Anomen to protect his business. This compels Anomen to leave the party and go to his father's house to 'atone' with him. To continue the romance-and Anomen's life-you need to convince him that killing his father would be bad, and that he can look forward to spending the rest of his broken life with you. Anomen's Quest: --------------After traveling with Anomen for a while, you'll have to deal with Anomen's family quest. It's best if you prompt Anomen to stay virtuous and ignore his father's request for revenge. It won't help his family life, but it will allow him to join the Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart. If he fails at this, his often antagonistic relationship with Keldorn will turn downright divisive. If you want both in your party, you have to prevent Anomen from taking justice into his own hands, however unsatisfactory the results. You'll find this quest described in full in [WLK010]. If Anomen stays on the right track and joins the High Hall of the Radiant Heart his alignment will change to Lawful Good and his Wisdom will increase from 12 to 16. Cernd {CHR004} o======================================================================o Male, Human, Shapeshifter, True Neutral Str 13, Dex 9, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 15 Starting Proficiencies: Scimitar + Dagger +

Quarter Staff Sling

+ +

Overview: --------I'm not even going to try to be partial here. Cernd sucks. His stats suck, and his class sucks. Sure, he can shapeshift into a Werewolf, and eventually a Greater Werewolf. Unless you've got a fix installed, however, it's horribly nerfed, and even if you unnerf it, I still doubt its potency compared to, say, a well-armed Jaheira. His spells are fairly effective, but he's not going to cut it as your party's Cleric (no Druid really can.) As a Werewolf he's serviceable so long as you're committed to giving him nearly every Armor Class boosting item you get. He can't wear armor, and a -2 Armor Class just doesn't cut it. Also keep in mind he can't cast any Druid spells once he's committed to shapeshifting. So what I want to ask is this; why take Cernd over Jaheira? Jaheira can wear armor, which gives her a vastly improved Armor Class without having to give her preferential treatment. A suit of Full Plate Mail +1 and a Large Shield +2 is great early-game defense for her, and it requires no real special investment of unique gear. Her THAC0 will be lower (or at least comparable) to Cernd's in werewolf form, and she doesn't have to shapeshift to get these combat stats. Best of all, she can cast spells while being combat-able. She won't get quite as many Druid spells as Cernd, but her ability to obtain Greater Whirlwind Attacks makes her far and away a better combatant by the end of the game. There's just absolutely no good reason that I can think of to pick Cernd over Jaheira. At least he doesn't need stat-boosting items. You might think he would, but since he's only combat-savvy as a werewolf, he can just augment his stats by transforming. Eventually Cernd will be able to get the Elemental Transformation ability, and really, to contribute in a fight he'll need it. Still, with a THAC0 of 2 and -5 Armor Class, he'll still be eclipsed by all his party members and-more importantlyhis enemies. By the time Jaheira was ready to get her first high-level ability, she had a THAC0 of 1 and a -8 Armor Class-without transforming into anything. Not to mention she had more Hit Points than Cernd could have hoped to attain, and she could still cast spells while maintaining her good combat stats. On top of that, she can grab Whirlwind Attack and further widen the gap between herself and Cernd. How to Use Cernd Effectively: ----------------------------Anything that can boost his Armor Class-Rings of Protection, the Cloak of the Sewers, he's going to need it. He can't wear armor, and even if he could, he can't bring it with him when he shapechanges, which is where all his offense lies. Given his attributes, it's something he will have to rely on pretty much all the time. In all honesty, though, he's probably better off used as a casting Druid. His shapeshifting abilities just aren't good enough to bother putting him in melee combat. Yeah, his defenses get fairly good, but he'll never have the THAC0 to compete with the game's best... or even mediocre, for that matter. As a caster, he does alright... not that Druid spells are so good that the deserve a dedicated caster. Melee is, and always will be, his core issue. I refuse to waste a spot on my roster for a non-fighting Druid, and shapechanged or not, Cernd just can't make a good show for himself in combat. Even if you toss him a Strength-boosting item, White Dragon Scale, and the Staff of the Ram +6, he won't be up to snuff. On the other hand, as a Greater Werewolf, his Armor Class is decent, but his melee prowess still leaves much to be desired. The sheer fact that he can't hit creatures requiring a +3 weapon or better while shapeshifted makes it a useless transformation in Throne of Bhaal, really.

Recruiting Cernd: ----------------Cernd finds himself in a precarious position in Trademeet (AR2000), where a group of hostile Druids have been attacking. Cernd, trying to defuse the situation, becomes a scapegoat. On your word (and promise to set things straight) Cernd will be released into your custody. Cernd's primary interest is resolving the strife between Trademeet and the nearby Druids, which is covered in [WLK022]. Cernd's Quest: -------------When you return to Athkatla with Cernd in your party (after dealing with the Druids of Trademeet) he'll have to deal with the ghosts of the life he left behind-namely the wife and child he abandoned. The only way you can mess this up (besides simply not doing it) is to abandon him when he confronts the antagonist of this quest. This quest is covered in full in the Walkthrough [WLK022]. Edwin {CHR005} o======================================================================o Male, Human, Conjurer, Lawful Evil Str 10, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 10 Starting Proficiencies: Dagger + Quarter Staff + Overview: --------Edwin is a little stronger and wiser than in the first game, but he's still the same glass-cannon he ever was. He is in no way a melee character, and his Dexterity ensures he'll never do well in ranged combat either. He is, however, the best Mage in the game, and unlike Clerics or Druids, I don't expect, nor do I require melee competence form my Mages. Edwin is a Conjurer, the best specialist Mage there is, and he gets several bonus spells per level. He is, quite simply, a better Mage than anything you, or I, or anybody could roll up. How to Use Edwin Effectively: ----------------------------Have him learn to use Darts and he's all set. Really, being a Mage makes it pretty easy when it comes to proficiencies. The only downside to Edwin is that he can't use Divination spells. As far as applicable uses goes, this means he can't cast Detect Invisibility or True Sight. Still, with Viconia and/or Jaheira in tow, they can handle our True Sight needs. Still, he comes with a well-stocked spellbook, and what little he lacks can be bolstered by some potion-assisted stealing sprees. He really just is the best Mage in the game, from the moment you start exploring the Docks District until the end of the game. Recruiting Edwin: ----------------You can find him in the Docks District of Athkatla, in Mae'Var's Guildhall (AR0304) at (x=850, y=350). To recruit him you need to do a bit of work, however. Accept Renal Bloodscalp's mission to investigate Mae'Var and do some work for both Mae'Var and Edwin, who will both give you two missions. After the second Mae'Var mission he'll offer to help you take Mae'Var down, allowing you to recruit him. Edwin's Quest: --------------

Even after taking down Mae'Var, Edwin's not in it for the game yet, however, as you'll need to track down the Nether Scroll before he'll stay for good. Fortunately this is near the same area (AR8002) you need to explore to find the Book of Kaza that Korgan wants. Once obtained... well, Edwin will begin translating the damn thing, of course, which leads to more trouble. Don't rat him out (but don't refrain from teasing him), and if you help him overcome a fellow Red Wizard named Degardan, he'll be yours for the rest of the game. This quest is fully covered in [WLK008]. Haer'Dalis {CHR006} o======================================================================o Human, Tiefling, Blade, Chaotic Neutral Str 17, Dex 17, Con 9, Int 15, Wis 13, Cha 16 Starting Proficiencies: Short Sword ++ Dagger + Dart + Two Weapon Style ++ Overview: --------Haer'Dalis is a poor compromise of a character that might just end up in an evil party due to a simple lack of options. He's got a high enough Strength to start out, but to do anything meaningful in combat, he's going to need a Strength-boosting item. His Dexterity is passable, but his class and Constitution both conspire-by depriving him of good armor and Hit Points-to keep him off the front lines. At the end of the day he might as well be viewed as a poor substitute for a Fighter/Mage, with less potential Armor Class, Hit Points, THAC0, spell selection, and epic level feats. Which is to say that he'll fit into that role about as well as an elephant fits into a size-0 bikini. Add to this the fact that he has about the most useless starting proficiencies of any recruitable character, and we've got a serious... ah... 'fixer upper'. Although he only gets up to 6th-level spells, this is good enough to get him some essentials-Blur, Mirror Image, Dispel Magic, Haste, Stoneskin, Fireshield, Breach, Chaos, Pierce Magic, and True Sight. This will help make up for the fact that my Fighter/Mage/Thief protagonist doesn't advance very quickly, and Edwin simply can't cast True Sight. By Throne of Bhaal, however, Viconia has enough True Sight to make up for Edwin, and my protagonist is now a high enough level that we can safely discard Haer'Dalis for ???????, which what I intend to do. How to Use Haer'Dalis Effectively: ---------------------------------My suggestion is you get him out of melee combat as soon as you get him. He's going to have to level a bit, but once he does, give him a Crossbow and keep him back as an archer/support Mage. Of course, while he might not be able to contribute in combat himself, he always has his bard-song, which at least allows him to do something. When he levels up, have him become proficient in Two-Handed Swords first, and Halberds later. In many fights later in the game, having an extra hand in combat will be more useful than having a bard-song, even with the Enhanced Bard Song feat. To this end, having a powerful weapon with reach will allow him to deal damage without putting himself too much at risk... and did I mention he'll make a great support Mage throughout Shadows of Amn? His high level means he'll be a better buffer than pretty much anybody else, so if you need a Haste or Dispel Magic, he's the one to go to. Recruiting Haer'Dalis:

---------------------To get Haer'Dalis you'll have to rescue him from the Mage Mekrath, who has a lair in the sewers (AR0705). You can either kill Mekrath, or help him get a mirror back from a wayward imp. Once Haer'Dalis is reunited with his misfit troupe back at the Five Flagons Inn (AR5010) they'll attempt to planeshift away from their pursuers. Wouldn't you know it, the bad guys show up and take them hostage. This forces you to complete the Astral Prison quest, after which Haer'Dalis is yours for good. Imoen {CHR007} o======================================================================o Female, Human, Mage/Thief, Neutral Good Str 9 (10), Dex 18 (19), Con 16, Int 17, Wis 11, Cha 16 Starting Proficiencies: Dagger + Quarter Staff + Short Bow + Dart + Overview: --------Imoen makes it back for Baldur's Gate 2, and like in the first game she's the first recruitable character you'll meet. She's a bit of a chore to hang onto, however, as she'll need to be rescued shortly after you escape, forcing parties who want her back to have to jump deep into the story sooner than they might otherwise wish. I sure know I like to fool around a lot before doing any major story stuff... just look at my guide for Baldur's Gate 1. It took me forever to get to the Nashkel Mines! Anyhow, Imoen has apparently made the same career move that we made in the first game, and has become a Thief/Mage dual-class. This allows her to fill both the Thief and Mage role for a good party, although with less potency than Edwin by far. She starts out with the ability to use Short Bows, which is good for us, but her Find Traps is only 85%... not quite high enough for every trap in the game. It's passable, and certainly better than dragging a Thief along, but if your protagonist is a Thief (single, multi, or dual-classed) you might not be too impressed with Imoen. Although she pales in comparison to Edwin, Imoen allows me to play a Fighter/Mage, so as far as I'm concerned, she is absolutely indispensible for the good party. How to Use Imoen Effectively: ----------------------------Imoen, unlike most Mages, can actually contribute to combat effectively with Short Bows. Sadly, she will be absent for a large chunk of Shadows of Amn, forcing you to drag along an understudy like Nalia or Yoshimo. Once she's back, however, load her up with a Short Bow and she's good to go. Once you get back to Athkatla you'll be able to assemble the Short Bow of Gesen, which is a potent little item that will allow Imoen to excel at a range throughout the rest of the game. As I said earlier, her Find Traps score is only passable. Equipping a Ring of Danger Sense on her (perhaps only when necessary) resolves that issue, however. Of course, Imoen's not really a Thief, is she? She's a Mage. At that role, she... well, she's better than Jan or Aerie. She pales in comparison to Edwin, but who doesn't? Her progression will be slower (due to the fact that she tends to miss out on half the experience in Shadows of Amn), and she gets fewer spells per level than her red-robed counterpart. She will never have the tactical versatility of Edwin, and it'll become apparent when the evil party is smiting Umber Hulks with impunity thanks to Edwin's Death Spells, and Imoen is... well, really wishing she had more Death Spells, I imagine. You can save yourself some trouble by

storing spell scrolls you find early in the game, so that when reunited, Imoen will be able to fill up her spellbook. This will go a long way towards catching her up to speed. If you're very enterprising, drop everybody else out of your party (save your romantic partner, to be safe) and have Imoen scribe (and with Throne of Bhaal installed, erase and rescribe multiple copies) spells, which will net a fair bit of experience. Recruiting Imoen: ----------------Imoen joins you at the beginning of the game, springing you from your cage in Irenicus' Dungeon. After escaping from Irenicus' Dungeon, however, she'll be... well, the subject of the main story for a few chapters. You'll have to raise money and take a leisure cruise by boat to get her back, and that's just the beginning... ***SPOILERS*** In Throne of Bhaal, Imoen will start developing Bhaalspawn abilities like we did during Baldur's Gate 1. Whatever Irenicus did to her, it apparently unlocked her innate Bhaalspawn powers. She'll develop her powers two at a time, and inform you via banters about her changes. First she'll develop the Cause Serious Wounds and Cure Serious Wounds abilities. Next she'll gain the Neutralize Poison and Draw Upon Holy Might abilities, and she'll get a one-point boost to her Strength and Dexterity. Each time she gains new abilities, the party will gain 1000 experience. Jaheira {CHR008} o======================================================================o Female, Half-elf, Fighter/Druid, True Neutral Str 15, Dex 17, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 15 Starting Proficiencies: Scimitar + Club ++ Quarter Staff + Sling + Sword and Shield Style + Overview: --------Another ally from the first game, and certainly one of the more interesting females in gaming... at least as far as I'm concerned. She's been given a considerable Dexterity boost in the sequel, taking her from almost getting a bonus, to a +3 Armor Class bonus. This is a wonderful change, and makes her a much more defensible character. Unlike a single classed Druid she can use Plate Armor and Shields, which makes her in a different league altogether. She's comparable to a Cleric, but without actual access to Cleric spells and with better combat abilities. She does, however, gain access to Druid spells, although her progression will be painfully slow. Once she gets access to 5th level spells she can start throwing out Insect Plagues, which is THE winning spell for most of Shadows of Amn, it'll do for you what Stinking Cloud did in Baldur's Gate 1. And unlike a single-classed Druid, when she's not casting Insect Plague she can contribute to the fight. She's not strong enough to get bonuses in combat, and this paired with her slower Fighter progression means she's in dire need of a Strength-boosting item. Fortunately, one can be provided rather early in the game, after which point Jaheira really has no downsides. She'll not only be one of your best warriors, but a good healer... not to mention being the only servicable Druid in the game.

How to Use Jaheira Effectively: ------------------------------Get her a Strength-boosting item-like the Girdle of Hill Giant Strengthfrom the Adventurer's Mart as soon as you have the scratch. It'll bump her up from a mediocre warrior to a great one in short order. Of course, her proficiencies also need some work. There are a few good Scimitars in Shadows of Amn, but Daggers are really the power weapons for her, so work on getting her Specialized in Daggers. Once you get toys such as Boneblade +4 or Fire Tooth +3, she'll be all set, and one of the few character adept at both ranged and melee combat, to boot. In Throne of Bhaal you'll find an absolutely fantastic Scimitar, so as soon as you're Specialized in Daggers, get her another rank in Scimitars. Jaheira might require the investment of a choice item or two, but not any moreso than Keldorn. In the evil party, however, it's not really possible to favor Jaheira over Viconia, whose Strength concerns are severe enough to prevent her from being armed and armored appropriately. Jaheira will have to wait a good while to bring her Strength up to snuff... but hey, it'll happen some day. Recruiting Jaheira: ------------------Jaheira can be found in Irenicus' dungeon (AR0602), in a cell (x=3850, y=2650) in the same room you start out in. Romancing Jaheira: -----------------Jaheira is the most difficult romance to complete-it requires you to make progress through most of the main story, some outdoor rest, the purchase of a locket, and two separate quests dealing with Baron Ployer's Curse and the Harpers. In the middle of all this you'll have to avoid kicking her out of the party and hope everything falls in place at the right time. Downloading a fix for this romance is highly recommended, and if that's not an option, leave the game paused. The game timer will continue to run, which determines when 'party' events like banter and romance updates take place. The conversations aren't too tricky, just be nice to her and don't guilt her about Khalid too much. After a while you'll need to rest outside, during which you'll be attacked by bandits. Don't be a sissy-defend Jaheira. You'll take some damage, and Jaheira will be protectively angry afterwards, but it's the right move to make. Later, in the Docks District you'll be able to buy a 'Keepsake Locket' from a merchant named Jahaboam for 20 gold. Not surprisingly, getting your girlfriend something nice is a good idea. Then there are two quests that need to be tackled, the first of which is Baron Ployer's Curse. In the Sea's Bounty in the Dock's District you'll run afoul of Baron Ployer, who will use his last remaining resources to inflict Jaheira with a rotting disease. Chase him down and deal with him to save Jaheira from the curse. The second quest is longer and more complicated, and the romance will stall after a certain point until you complete it. While wandering around in Athkatla you'll get a chance to rescue a man named Renfeld. Bring him to the Harper Hold in the Docks District and leave him in the care of Rylock, who stands near the door leading to the Harper Hold. Later, Xzar will ask you to find a way into the Harper Hold and rescue Montaron. To convince Rylock to let you in you'll need to do another quest for him-kill the monsters being bred in 'Prebek's Home'. Afterwards you can gain entrance, recover Montaron from the Harper Hold, and bring him back to Xzar. After Xzar gets what he deserves, Jaheira will be summoned away from the party for a while. Rest up, and when Jaheira returns your presence will be requested at the Harper Hold. Join her, and deal with Galvarey and his Harper buddies. After this Jaheira's romance should start up

again as normal, and she'll be naturally conflicted over what happened in the Harper Hold. After a few more banters you'll be bothered again by a Harper named Reviane next time you rest in the wilderness. If you have a reputation of 16 or higher, you can avoid a fight, but otherwise you'll have to put Reviane and her Harper buddies down as well. Afterwards Jaheira will openly struggle with betraying her kin, and the alternative of betraying you. Trust issues arise, and a small argument will ensue. As long as you're nice and try and argue for the sake of your trust as mildly as possible, you'll be fine. Later on, her mentor Dermin will show up and confront her. A fight won't ensue this time, but if you are negative it could well result in Jaheira leaving the party. Either way, the least she does is renounce her Harper status. Jaheira continues to doubt herself, and more especially you. She'll even begin asking you some fairly stupid questions-you need to call her out on it, but avoid being too harsh. Eventually Dermin will show up again and tell Jaheira that she's been declared an enemy of the Harpers, and that we can expected relentless assaults unless she turns herself in for good old Harper justice. Next time you rest, she does just that, and a man named Terminsel will show up and procure a letter he found from Jaheira. Head over to the Harper Hold and kill a few Mercenaries. You'll find Jaheira on the second level, where she has determined that the absence of the Spectral Harpists indicates that she was in the right. Accept her back into your party and leave-destroying another batch of petty Mercenaries along the way. You've pretty much got everything secure with Jaheira by now, there are a few more banters where the relationship will deepen, but most of the drama and quest nonsense is now over. Eventually Dermin will show up a third and final time, and Jaheira will expose him for the serpent he is. A fight ensues, and afterward Jaheira will spend some banters being angry at Dermin. Cheer her up, and eventually the romance will proceed to its only logical conclusion. Finally, Terminsel will show up again and ask Jaheira if what she did was right. Her response depends on your party reputation at the moment-a 16+ and she'll defend her actions, if it's lower than 16 she'll hesitate. Either way, for completing this string of quests and romancing Jaheira your protagonist will gain a whopping 100000 experience points. If Jaheira didn't hesitate she'll also gain a Harper Pin. Both are pretty nice rewards, and further benefits to completing Jaheira's romance. Jaheira's Quest: ---------------Jaheira has two quests associated with her. First is Baron Ployer's Curse, which is pretty simple; find and kill Baron Ployer before time runs out and Jaheira succumbs to his curse. The second is a lot more complex, and involves the Harpers located in the Docks District of Athkatla. These quests are listed in great detail in the ***ROMANCING JAHEIRA*** section, so I won't belabor the point by mentioning them again here. You'll find both of them in [WLK034]. Jan {CHR009} o======================================================================o Male, Gnome, Illusionist/Thief, Chaotic Neutral Str 9, Dex 17, Con 15, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 10 Starting Proficiencies: Short Sword + Dagger + Quarter Staff + Cross Bow + Overview:

--------Jan is, at best, a sub-par Mage who will never be able to cast Necromantic spells such as Finger of Death or Horrid Wilting, and his Intelligence doesn't do him any favors either. He is a potential substitute for Imoen, and for an evil party, his blend of thieving and magic might be the only option for an otherwise Thief-less party. Frankly, however, I prefer Imoen to him in every way. She'll become a much better Mage (since she's a dual-classed Thief, and not multi-classed like Jan) and she's got better Dexterity, Constitution, and Intelligence. Heck, when playing a protagonist who has levels of Thief I'd even prefer Aerie, who is less annoying and more versatile. He's not a terrible character, really, but I'm rather adverse to having a multi-class Mage as my primary party Mage. He could, in the evil party, substitute for Haer'Dalis (with the same goal of getting replaced by ???????), but this hardly gives us the ability to dispense with the Fighter/Mage/Thief in the long run, and really, I have to wonder how much difference there would be, gameplay wise. At the end of the day, if it comes to hearing Jan talk about turnips, or hearing Haer'Dalis call me raven, I'd rather take the fruity Bard. How to Use Jan Effectively: --------------------------If you do play with Jan... well, he works much like Imoen. Get him Short Bows and ignore his silly crossbow nonsense when he gets a proficiency point to spend. Just keep in mind he is the weakest recruitable Mage the game offers. Recruiting Jan: --------------Jan can be found in the Government District of Athkatla (AR1000) at (x=2730, y=1750). Trax, a representative of the Amnian Revenue and Tax Board will show up and try to nab Jan for selling illegal merchandise. You can either lie and cover for Jan and get some experience, or you can sell Jan out for 100 gold. If you want him in your party you'll either have to lie for him (not a hard thing to do, considering the experience involved) or pay his 800 gold piece bail and suffer a net loss of 700 gold... but so annoying is Jan that the Prison Keeper will spot you 200 gold to get rid of him. Jan's Quest: -----------After traveling with Jan for a while we'll be bothered by one of his numerous relatives, Beeloo, who will tell Jan that a former love of his is now staying at the Jansen family home. Go meet with this Lissa, and you'll discover that her abusive husband has apparently injured their daughter severely, and we need to get help. Jan stays behind and refers us to his Uncle Gerhardt, who tells us to look for the 'Hidden'. To find the 'Hidden' we need to go to the Government District, talk to Lady Jysstev, then head into the sewers under the Copper Coronet. The Hidden will promise to help us if we kill a pair of its pursuers. So head to the Sea's Bounty, talk to The Thumb, then travel to the Five Flagons Inn and kill a pair of Githyanki. Return to the Hidden to learn that the girl has been healed, then return to the Jansen home to witness an unhappy turn of events. Keldorn {CHR010} o======================================================================o Male, Human, Paladin (Inquisitor), Lawful Good Str 17, Dex 9, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 18 Starting Proficiencies:

Long Sword Two Handed Sword Cross Bow

++ ++ ++

Overview: --------Somewhat weaker, but healthier, than Anomen, Keldorn has one glaring weakness. His Dexterity is ass, and since he's built for Two Handed Swords he won't be using a shield. Simply put, he absolutely requires the Gauntlets of Dexterity. His Strength is decent, but not stellar like Anomen, Korgan, or Minsc, so he'll need some Strength-boosting item, eventually. This is, admittedly a lot of equipment for a single character, so why bother with him? Several reasons. First, his high Charisma makes him a natural party leader, although on the flip side, his Paladinhood makes him unusually liable to interrupt when you're trying to be naughty. Then again, as an Inquisitor he has the innate ability to cast Dispel Magic and True Sight, essential debuffs that make him very capable of taking on enemy Mages. Having these abilities will make all Mage fights for your party much easier, as he can easily dispel the buffs Mages rely on the defend themselves when conventional spell casters may struggle, and he'll certainly have access to True Sight much sooner than any Cleric or Mage you'll recruit. And of course, he gets Carsomyr +5, a Holy Avenger, that can only be used by Paladins. Short of making your protagonist a Paladin, there's no other way to utilize this awesome weapon. Well, I mean, you could make your own Inquisitor, but why? The game already gives you one! With the admittedly hefty investment of the Gauntlets of Dexterity and a Girdle of Giant Strength, you'll get a great party leader who can debuff at a whim and see through defensive illusions, is very magic resistant, and can support the party with Cross Bow fire when needed. The fact that he can select Summon Deva as an Epic Feat also makes him more versatile, as it saves you from wasting a Cleric's 7th-level spell slot on the ability. Keldorn truly is win, and if you're shooting for a good party, you won't find a better Mage-killing party leader. How to Use Keldorn Effectively: ------------------------------Keep on rolling with the Two-Handed Swords, he has no reason to switch. Crossbows are also golden, and really, Keldorn comes well-prepared with good weapon proficiencies from the start. You might, however, want to get him some ranks in Halberds, as there aren't many great Two-Handed Swords in the early game, and you'll need a +3 weapon sooner than you think. Once done, get him ranks in Two-Weapon Style to enhance his primary weapon, and you're good to go. He really does need the Gauntlets of Dexterity, though, if you want him to survive in melee combat. Recruiting Keldorn: ------------------When you visit the Temple District of Athkatla, you'll be witness to a theological debate of sorts. One shifty, lying, fantasy-peddling bullshit dealer will do a better job at convincing the sheep that his brand of nonsense is better than another, and the losing side will ask you to investigate this 'cult'. Not getting into the atom-thin difference between a cult and a religion here... you'll find Keldorn in the sewers under this district (AR0701), sent to investigate the cult before you. He'll join willingly enough, but he'll only stick around for good if you see this cult off. Keldorn's Quest: ---------------When you arrive at the Government District with Keldorn in your party

he'll express his desire to go see his family. Indulge him, and you'll find that all is not well at home, and you'll have to go around and try and deal with his wife's infidelity. Keldorn will struggle with his need to avenge his honor, and his love for his wife. Direct him on the course that will make him the most content-reconciliation with his wife. Don't, however, be so helpful as to free him from service so he can see to his family affairs, he'll do just as well promising that this will be his last expedition. For more information on this quest, see section [WLK010] of the Walkthrough. Korgan {CHR011} o======================================================================o Male, Dwarf, Fighter (Berserker), Chaotic Evil Str 18/77, Dex 15, Con 19, Int 12, Wis 9, Cha 7 Starting Proficiencies: Axe +++++ War Hammer + Overview: --------Ah Korgan... I guess instead of throwing Kagain into Baldur's Gate 2, they decided to replace the whiny evil greed-Dwarf with a psychotic evil murder-Dwarf. Korgan is not a nice guy, and if you provoke him in banters he'll even turn hostile on you! Still, he's the best Fighter in Shadows of Amn, as well a Dwarf should be, and if you can keep from provoking him and complete his quest in the timely manner he'll be an invaluable asset. He's strong enough, but not so strong that he couldn't do with a good boost to his Strength, and he really needs the Gauntlets of Dexterity to bring his Armor Class up. His Strength score will allow you to ignore him in favor of other characters, and his Hit Points are typically high thanks to being a Dwarf with phenomenal Constitution. How to Use Korgan Effectively: -----------------------------He starts out with Grand Mastery in Axes. This isn't as great as Grand Mastery is supposed to be, but it's still a very good thing to have. The selection of Axes is slim until Throne of Bhaal, at which point one of the best weapons in the game-the Axe of the Unyielding-is obtained. Spend his proficiency points in War Hammers until he Grand Masters in those as well, allowing him to use Crom Faeyr. This takes care of any Strength issues he may have had. Then have him learn the Two Weapon Style. When you obtain the Axe of the Unyielding have him dual-wield it with Crom Faeyr as an off-hand weapon to have a vorpal weapon with a Strength of 25. There is simply no stronger combo in the game. He's one of the simpler-seeming characters, but the weapons in the game dictates a fairly radical shift in fighting style. Anything less than a total offensive juggernaut is a waste of Korgan's potential, however, and it is fun to see him shift from a modest (and well-defended) axe-and-shield character to the Axe of the Unyielding/Crom Faeyr offensive phenom. Recruiting Korgan: -----------------You'll find Korgan in the Copper Coronet (AR0406) at (x=950, y=1870), making him fairly easy to reach and recruit. Agree to help him track down the Book of Kaza and he'll join up with you. If you delay, he will of course go find others more interested in helping him out. It's not a terribly hard quest, and it doesn't venture out of Athkatla. Best of all it's in the same area Edwin's quest takes you, so you can handle both jobs in one journey.

Mazzy {CHR012} o======================================================================o Female, Halfling, Fighter, Lawful Good Str 15, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 14 Starting Proficiencies: Short Sword: +++ Short Bow ++++ Overview: --------First let me start out by saying that Mazzy is a perfectly fine character. Her Strength sucks, but since most Fighters need 18(xx) or more to be optimal, she's only a girdle of giant Strength away from being potent. Her Dexterity is outstanding, and her Constitution is very good as well. There are only three things that suck about Mazzy. First, she's proficient in Short Swords and Short Bows. Short Bows are what Thieves use to contribute to battles, not the weapon of a fullfledged Fighter, and Short Swords... well, they tend to suck too. So you're going to have to completely take her proficiencies in another direction to make her strong. Sure, she's an investment, but who's not, you say? The second problem is the fact that she's hidden in the Fallen Temple of Amaunator in the Temple Ruins area (AR1401), which requires you to trek all the way out to the Umar Hills and partially complete a lengthy quest there. Certainly not ideal. But you have to do the same with Valygar, you say? Sure, but Valygar's quest doesn't require you to deal with a DRAGON. The last and most damning thing I have against Mazzy is... well, the other good-or-neutral aligned characters you can recruit. Mazzy might, with the investment of some levels (and new proficiencies) and a girdle of giant Strength be a good Fighter, but is she better than Keldorn with his Inquisitor kit, Anomen and his dual-classed Cleric spells, or Jaheira and her... well, her Insect Plague? No, she isn't. She might outcompete Minsc and Valygar (especially if you're playing with a good or neutral Thief-protagonist), but I never bring her along. I have considered using her as a 'good' Korgan, but the amount of proficiencies it would take for her to be able to use Axe of the Unyielding and Crom Faeyr as well as learn the Two Weapon Style are just prohibitive, although you could start her out on War Hammers early. By the time you actually obtain Crom Faeyr she'll likely be at least specialized in their use, and Anomen can just use the Flail of the Ages. How to Use Mazzy Effectively: ----------------------------Good question... one I've pondered a bit, myself. You really have two options-make a poor man's attempt at Korgan, either weapon and shield or two-weapon style. The latter is... probably just a pipe dream, as it would require... oh... thirteen extra proficiencies to pull off. There just aren't enough levels in the game for it, and it seems like a bit of a waste to strap a shield on a character with such a good Armor Class, though. The compromise? Have her use a superior mainhand weapon (Axe of the Unyielding or Flail of the Ages) in her mainhand, and the Short Sword of Mask in her offhand... or perhaps take the Short Sword of Mask as a mainhand weapon (have her use a shield throughout Shadows of Amn) while building up War Hammers and Two-Weapon Style, then switch to a Short Sword of Mask/Crom Faeyr combo. It's not the ideal setup, but it works. Still... it just makes me wish I was using a different character. Mazzy's Quest: --------------

Mazzy has a rather traditional and uninspired quest that'll pop up after a few days of traveling with her. Her sister, Pala, has been poisoned, and you need to return to Trademeet to hunt down the poisoner-and perhaps an antidote. For more information about this quest, refer to [WLK021]. Minsc {CHR013} o======================================================================o Male, Human, Ranger, Neutral Good Str 18/93, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 6, Cha 9 Starting Proficiencies: Two Handed Sword ++ Mace ++ Long Bow ++ Two Weapon Style ++ Overview: --------Our favorite miniature giant space hamster friend, and his Ranger sidekick Minsc! The fact that in Mass Effect 2 you can buy a Space Hamster that, if interacted with responds with the same uncanny Intelligence and sophistication as Boo merely goes to show how endearing these characters are to have transcended time and space. That aside, Minsc has improved a bit from the first game, as he now has a better Dexterity and Constitution, making him a much sturdier character. He has also, for some reason, become proficient in the Two Weapon Style, which is a complete and utter waste for him. He's not protected enough for protracted front-line action, so the thought of giving him a weapon without reach is just silly. He's more of a secondary warrior, striking with reach or ranged weapons, as needed. Anything that doesn't require +3 weapons can be shot down with bows, and anything that requires a +3 or better weapon... well, just switch to an appropriately-enchanted melee weapon and let Minsc at 'em. Of course, you could just ignore the Ranger stealth outright, strap Minsc in heavy armor, and treat him like a front-liner, but the good party has a busy enough front-line already, so I'm fine with having him contribute at a range. The fact that he doesn't need the Gauntlets of Dexterity or any Strength-enhancing gear makes him a good fit into the good party. He can still Berserk in this game, raising his Strength to 20 and his Dexterity to 18, just make sure you have the Hit Points for the endeavor, as he takes 15 damage when it ends from his 'improved' Hit Point total. This should last long enough to make a difference in most fights, but it should be viewed as wholly inferior to, say, gulping a Potion of Giant Strength. The only real questions about Minsc are, do you prefer Valygar (I don't) and will you bench him in favor of ??????? in Throne of Bhaal? How to Use Minsc Effectively: ----------------------------Get him points in the Two-Handed Weapon style and let him learn how to use Halberds so he can equip one of the best weapons in the game. He'll find plenty of Two-Handed Swords to keep him occupied in the mean time... usually hand-me-downs from Keldorn, but very good ones, nonetheless. He's also a decent archer, although ranged combat rightfully takes a backseat to melee combat in this game. Keep him from being the focus of enemy attacks and he'll serve you well as a not-quite-front-line Fighter. Recruiting Minsc: ----------------Minsc can be found in Irenicus' dungeon (AR0602) in a cell

(x=4000, y=2750) in the same room you start out in. Nalia {CHR014} o======================================================================o Female, Human, Mage/Thief, Chaotic Good Str 14, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 17, Wis 9, Cha 13 Starting Proficiencies: Short Sword + Dagger + Quarter Staff + Short Bow + Overview: --------Nalia is bafflingly identical to Imoen, making me wonder if the only reason she's included is to tide you over until you get Imoen back. She has only four levels of Thief, and because of it she'll never be as good as Imoen in combat or with Thief skills, but she does at least come with a barely passable Find Traps skill. Anything I said about Imoen applies for Nalia, really... But since you can recruit Imoen, why would you ever care to recruit Nalia? Imoen is infinitely more connected to the main story than Nalia, and while you have to do quests to get both of them, Imoen's is mandatory. If Nalia were at least a romance option, then there might be a purpose for her, but instead she's just a clone of Imoen. Or if she was Neutral or Evil instead of a bleeding heart noble, she could at least fit into Evil parties, but again, no such luck. How to Use Nalia Effectively: ----------------------------She'll use a Short Bow, and will serve a dual role as the party's Thief/Mage. Just... get her a Short Bow, and eventually the Gesen Bow... The only perk she has over Imoen is the fact that she will not go on a main-story inspired hiatus which prevents her from gaining a great deal of experience, and you need not save up spell scrolls for her... just, scribe at will. Of course, her Find Traps score is hardly sufficient, even with the Ring of Danger Sense, so she can barely even serve in the capacity of a Thief. Recruiting Nalia: ----------------Nalia, like so many other characters, hangs out in the Copper Coronet (AR0406). You don't even need to find her-she'll find you and desperately try to induce you into helping her liberate her captured family castle. Agree and do so, and she'll stick around for the rest of the game. This quest is covered in [WLK018]. Nalia's Quest: -------------Nalia's quest begins after you rescue the de'Arnise Keep-although it won't begin within the de'Arnise Keep. After wandering around with her for a bit, a messenger will show up and tell her of some problems arising with a funeral. Accompany her there and meet some of the more unsavory nobles which presumably caused her to disparage her fellow aristocracy. A little later, the trouble-maker from the funeral, Isaea Roenall will show up and have Nalia arrested. Afterwards a man named Khellor Ahmson will show up and point you in the direction of some evidence that may incriminate Isaea. The rest of the quest involves following obvious leads and talking to various characters in your quest to find dirt on Isaea. When you do, head to the Council of Six building and present the evidence to Corgeig Axehand and Nalia will be

returned to you. The full details of this quest can be found in [WLK019]. ??????? {CHR015} o======================================================================o Male, Human, Fighter (Deathbringer), Chaotic Evil Str 18/00, Dex 17, Con 18, Int 17, Wis 10, Cha 15 Starting Proficiencies: Two Handed Sword +++++ Halberd + Cross Bow + Two Handed Weapon Style ++ Overview: --------??????? is the best Fighter in the game. Look at those stats! He doesn't need any Strength-boosting items, no Gauntlets of Dexterity, nothing but a Two-Handed Sword and something to kill! That said, you don't get him until Throne of Bhaal starts, which is too bad, because he would have been great through Shadows of Amn. Note that you can change his alignment over the course of the game by generally being trusting, kind, and good to him, showing him a superior example, and all that good stuff. Just keep that in mind if you're a good party, and want his alignment to become more fitting. If you're playing an evil party... well, just keep being the bastard you've always been, and have fun. How to Use ??????? Effectively: ------------------------------??????? starts out with Grandmastery in Two-Handed Swords, so give him something suitable to use and build up his proficiency in Halberds. Once he gets the Ravager, switch him over and keep on killing. It's as easy of an equipment setup as there is. Recruiting ???????: ------------------After entering your Pocket Plane for the first time (a mandatory step near the beginning of Throne of Bhaal) ??????? will appear and offer to help you out... for part of your soul. An insubstantial part, as it turns out, just enough to give ??????? what he wants without inconveniencing (or threatening) you. Win-win, right? ??????? sure seems to think so, and offers to join up. He can see the way the wind is blowing, and is more than content to take some of the table-scraps from your epic climb to power. Smart, smart man... ***Changing ???????'s Alignment*** Thanks to Infinity Explorer, I've been able to look into the data files and see how all this works. That said, it's probably a good idea to explain in more detail how to change ???????'s alignment. Over the course of Throne of Bhaal, your new ally will chat with you, as all companions in Baldur's Gate 2 do. If you say good things, show trust, and express good morality, your behavior will rub off on ???????. Have at least two positive alignment global variables while conducting the third banter, and you can get ???????'s alignment to change to Chaotic Good. Note that it's possible to be... less encouraging, and effect ???????'s alignment negatively, but this part of the guide is about changing ???????'s alignment to fit into the good party, I'll ignore all but the optimum responses. Also, I've kept the name of this character replaced by question marks, but I've included some lines of dialogue in full, below. The more astute of you may be able to figure out who this character is by reading the following... so if you're an idiot, read on

with no fear. If you're smart, beware of spoilers. Or, just wait until the beginning of Throne of Bhaal to bother with this at all. o=========o |Banter #1| o=========o ??????? says:

"So. I yet remain at your side. I am surprised. But from your constant wary glances, it seems that you do not trust my presence, yet."

If you made ??????? take an oath in the Pocket Plane before joining you, pick any option regarding the oath. When you get a chance to make another response, pick "No, not really. You paid for what you did". Afterwards, either say that "No. You're not the same man, are you?" or "Perhaps. But I already took my revenge. Now you get the benefit of the doubt." Either will improve ???????'s alignment. If you didn't make him take an oath, you'll get three different dialogue options, all inconsequential. After he says "It eats away at me, then, as to why you would agree to take me with you and not force some form of compliance from me through an oath. I told you that oaths had real power in our father's realm." you'll get another chance to respond. Don't pick the response "I take you with me because you may be of use. But I don't need an oath of servitude." Afterwards say either "You paid for what you did. You're a new man, free to make new mistakes, if you wish." or "You might. But everyone gets a second chance, ???????. Even you." o=========o |Banter #2| o=========o ??????? says:

"It appears the seeds that our sire sowed long ago are about to come to fruition. For good or ill, the issue will be finally resolved very soon."

Pick whatever dialogue option you wish-if you made him take the oath before joining you, he'll mention the oath, otherwise he'll say the more neutral term, 'usefulness'. Afterwards he'll ask what you intend for him after it's all over. You can pick one of three responses-and really, it doesn't matter what you pick, but to make life easier on myself, if you pick "So? What about it?" You'll get one of four choices to pick later. Pick "You'll be free to go, as you wish.", then pick "Your destiny is your own to forge, ???????. Make the same mistakes, if you must." to improve ???????'s alignment by one. In response to this he'll ask "And do you believe that I have another choice?" Pick either "Another choice than being evil? Always." or "It all depends on whether or not you want to end up in the same place, ???????." to improve ???????'s alignment again. o=========o |Banter #3| o=========o ??????? says:

"The end draws closer. We both know this to be true. Listen to a proposition, then, that I have given much thought to as of late."

Pick any option other than "I'm not interested in what you have to say." and ??????? will comment on your alignment before rambling on, finally getting to the point by suggesting that you take over as the new Lord of Murder, claim your birthright... and allow ??????? to stand by your

side. He's canny enough to realize that if you can't wield godly power yourself, you might as well bask in its favor. Pick option "I have other plans, ???????. Forget it." and a whopping eight dialogue options will pop up. Pick any option other than "It doesn't matter what happens to me, ???????... you won't be involved, regardless." or "It's none of your business, ???????." to get six more dialogue options. Don't pick "There are better things than power, don't be a fool." or "I'm not going to discuss this with you, as they don't go anywhere, and don't pick "It don't know. But it doesn't have to be used for self-serving, evil purposes." That leaves us with "You can't take an empire with you when you die. You should know that.", "There is much good that can be done with that power. That is more important.", and "With that power comes great responsibility." All three of these options will improve ???????'s alignment by one. He'll respond by saying "After... after all you've been through? With the taint in your soul, you still believe this?" Respond "I do." If you have at least two positive alignment increases at this time, ??????? will say "I believe your words may have merit, <CHARNAME>. My own methods did not end well... and I have no desire to return to the Abyss when I perish next." At this time, ???????'s alignment will change to Chaotic Good and he'll say "Perhaps it is time to rethink my views. I shall have to think on your words most carefully." o=========o |Banter #4| o=========o If you had at least one point towards changing ???????'s alignment for the better and followed my advice during banter #3, you should get the following for banter #4. ??????? says: "I... have been considering your words. I have changed my outlook, and think perhaps it may be a good thing. I feel I must thank you."

You have three options-but they all result in the same responses from ???????... this is just a "hey, I'm a good guy now!" banter. Valygar {CHR016} o======================================================================o Male, Human, Ranger (Stalker), Neutral Good Str 17, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10 Starting Proficiencies: Katana ++ Dagger + Spear ++ Long Bow ++ Two Weapon Style ++ Overview: --------Notice that his physical stats are identical to Yoshimo's... anyways, Valgyar is a good Ranger, so you won't be using him in any legit evil party. Also he's got the Stalker kit, which makes him good at backstabbing and gives him the ability to cast Haste, which is always handy. There are few downsides with him, in fact, so few that he's a very considerable substitute for Minsc if you're willing to invest an item of Giant Strength in him. He comes built for two-weapon fighting, and despite his need to stay in lighter armor, his Dexterity makes this

a real possibility. Nothing really bad to say about Valygar, really, save his location kind of sucks... and he'll be waiting for gear for a long time. Waiting for Katanas to open up, waiting for items of Giant Strength... he needs a lot of gear set aside for other characters, but he'll eventually get all he needs-and more-in Throne of Bhaal. I'm also indisposed towards picking him over Minsc, who is, after all, an old friend from Baldur's Gate 1. How to Use Valygar Effectively: ------------------------------See that 18 Dexterity? See those proficiencies? They give you good incentive to actually follow through on the Two-Weapon Style dual-Katanas thing. The only problem is, of course, that I've co-opted Katanas for my protagonist, so what to do? Well, he's already got a rank in Daggers. Get Specialized in Daggers, and Master in Two Weapon Style. This will allow him to use whatever Daggers Jaheira isn't using (she certainly doesn't need BOTH Boneblade +4 and Fire Tooth +3, if Valygar is needy.) All in all, it's a great set-up. He'll have to use second-rate Katanas for most of the game, but he'll survive well enough-there are plenty of +2 Katanas that my protagonist will not have any use for, like Malakar +2, Dak'kon's Zerth Blade, or hell, even his own Corthala Family Blade. In Throne of Bhaal, my protagonist will hand off Celestial Fury, which is a good upgrade for Valygar, and in the long run he can aspire to dual-wielding the Dagger of The Star +5 and Hindo's Doom +4. Give him the White Dragon Scale and he'll have a -6 Armor Class with nothing else equipped, and once Jaheira hands down her Girdle of Hill Giant Strength, he'll be doing pretty well. He's not as potent with the whole backstabbing thing as our Fighter/Mage/Thief protagonist will be, and he's probably not even as lethal in melee as Minsc or ??????? with the Ravager +6, but that doesn't mean he's a waste of a character. If you prefer having another front-line melee warrior with a backstab dynamic over Minsc's more traditional range and reach approach, Valygar does that quite well. Recruiting Valygar: ------------------You can find him in the Umar Hills area (AR1100) in his house marked on the map as 'Valygar's Cabin' (AR1101). To keep him, you're going to need to take him back to Athkatla and deal with the Planar Sphere in the Slums District [WLK016]. Viconia {CHR017} o======================================================================o Female, Elf, Cleric, Neutral Evil Str 10, Dex 19, Con 8, Int 16, Wis 18, Cha 14 Starting Proficiencies: War Hammer + Mace + Sling + Overview: --------Our old Dark Elven gal-pal has become a bit wisersince the first game... not wise enough to avoid nearly getting burnt to crisp by bigots, but still... This will give her a few more low-leveled spells, but otherwise not much has changed. She still has her great Dexterity and her Magic Resistance keeping her safe, but in Baldur's Gate 2 Magic Resistance is purely beneficial... no more will you resist healing and spell buffs from your own party members. If anything, this makes Viconia even more potent this time around. She does have two glaring weaknesses

however, and you should be able to spot them just by looking over her attributes. Her Strength wasn't an issue in the last game, mostly because there was no Strength requirement on gear. Now, however, she won't be able to equip many suits of armor until you get her Strength up, making a girdle of Giant Strength practically mandatory. Also her low Hit Points offset her Dexterity and Magic Resistance a bit, but they shouldn't be so low as to cause a problem, all things considered. As far as melee combat goes, she will never be in the same league as Jaheira or Anomen, but with her Magic Resistance and Armor Class she can at least compete. Get her good armor, a good shield, and some Strength and she's a great defensive character. She's also a romantic option this time aroud, provided you can put up with her provocative stories, mood swings, and general hatred of the fact that she's falling for you. How to Use Viconia Effectively: ------------------------------When you have a point to spend, get her a proficiency point in Flails so she can use the Flail of the Ages. A better weapon for her you will not find, as Crom Faeyr is a bit of a waste on her. Her high Charisma, good defensive qualities, and ability to equip the Sensate Amulet all combine to make her a decent party leader. Recruiting Viconia: ------------------Good old Viconia can be found in the Government District of Athkatla (AR1000) at (x=1820, y=1080). Once again, she's gotten herself in trouble. In the first game you had to save her from a Flaming Fist Mercenary, but in this game she's gotten captured by an angry mob. It makes me wonder why she left your company after the first game... In any event to recruit Viconia you'll have to save her. If you screw around too long she'll be burned alive and you'll have lost access to the best evil Cleric in the game. Click on the logs next to her twice to set her free. You'll have to fight three Fanatics-none of which are very strongfor letting her go. Afterwards she'll ask to join up. If you take her along you'll lose two points of reputation, just like in the first game, but this is a minor penalty for such a good Cleric. Romancing Viconia: -----------------Viconia can be a little tricky to romance. Not in the same way as Jaheira, mind you, where the game is just buggy and the conditions to keep the romance alive can be fairly draconian. Viconia's romance is pretty abusive at times, and you must walk a fine line to weather Viconia's aggressive 'courting'. Sometimes you'll need to be fairly mean to her, but overly-passive or excessively aggressive responses can ruin the relationship. Endure her manic hot-and-cold attitudes, and her cruel tongue, and you'll be fine. Be ambitious, and refuse to dismiss her or your relationship and eventually she'll come to see things your way. Remember, her pessimistic nature wants to find fault in you. It's a safety mechanism, but don't tell her to piss off (no matter how much you'll want to). After a while you'll get the choice to have halfhearted tired sex with her, or just comfort her while she sleeps. Show her that you don't need sex to show affection and you'll be doing fine. A while later she'll start talking about how she feels her former life catching up to her. It's not an exaggeration-a Handmaiden of Lolth and a Yochlol will show up to 'reclaim' Viconia, who spends the duration of the fight unconscious. After the encounter she becomes more and more paranoid about Lolth, until she attempts to leave. Beg her to stay, and when she seems set on ending the relationship, ask her to stay in the party. Telling her that you need her help against Irenicus is the way to go.

Yoshimo {CHR018} o======================================================================o Male, Human, Thief (Bounty Hunter), True Neutral Str 17, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 14 Starting Proficiencies: Katana + Dagger + Short Bow + Single Weapon Style + Overview: --------Well, he's a Thief, and the lamest of the Thief Kits at that. He's got good stats otherwise though, and his Find Traps skill starts out at 100, which is all you'll ever really need. His Pick Pockets is only 25 however, so to do some early game stealing you'll need to invest some Potions of Master Thievery into him. Really, he'll have to chug them by the half dozen to do any stealing. He's also promising because you can dual-class him into a Fighter and make him significantly more useful. Alas, I wouldn't put too much stake in him, as he will not accompany to the end of the game. Take him with you until you get Imoen back, but the evil party is left bereft of a Thief still. How to Use Yoshimo Effectively: ------------------------------I wonder if there's really any point to this section? Yoshimo is... well, I better keep up appearances, eh? As a single-classed Thief, Yoshimo sucks. Fortunately, he's got a 17 Strength, and hence, is capable of dual-classing into a Fighter, which is a far, far superior build than continuing as a Thief. Given Yoshimo's short-term status, however, you might not want to bother. You'll need him as a Thief, and you probably won't get enough experience to make the dual-class option pay off. Equip him with Short Bows and let him shoot at foes, disarm traps, and generally act as a marginal character until you get Imoen back. Recruiting Yoshimo: ------------------After making your way to the second level of Irenicus' Dungeon (AR0603), you'll run across Yoshimo, who is only too eager to join up with your party and get the hell out of there. ***SPOILERS*** You have been warned, if you don't want spoilers don't read ahead. Yoshimo is a promising Thief, at least if you dual-class him into a Fighter. But he suffers from one crippling, inextricable, problem. He is going to betray you if you take him to Spellhold, as Irenicus has geased him. Without getting into it too deeply, one of two things happens to Yoshimo. He attacks you at Spellhold and you're forced to kill him, or if you leave him behind, he'll die upon sight of the party once they return from Spellhold. I have heard of one way to get around this. You MUST leave him behind in Athkatla instead of taking him to Spellhold. When you come back you must talk to him BEFORE he can die and have him rejoin your party. Then when he dies (and he will) you can simply raise him. He has no more banters, and nobody will interact with him, but you CAN keep Yoshimo with this exploit. Since it's clearly outside what the creators of the game intended, I write him off as a dead man after Spellhold, but if you're an evil party who is in desperate need of a

Thief, this is a way to keep Yoshimo. If you keep him alive you'll get a character with great fighting stats and crappy proficiencies. Whether you have a good or evil party, I'd suggest dual-classing him into a Fighter and getting him as many ranks into Halberds and the Two Handed Style as possible, allowing him to use the Ravager Halberd you'll eventually get. In a good party he'd replace Minsc, and in the evil party he'd fill a hole that otherwise needs to be plugged with a protagonist Thief or player-created side-kick. He's certainly more useful than Jan. In any event, if you bring Yoshimo along with you to Spellhold, at least you'll get a ton of experience for it-eventually. Table of Character Attributes {CHR019} o======================================================================o For reference purposes, here's a list of the attributes of the characters you may recruit in the game. It should help you compare their strengths and weaknesses of the, and plan for item distribution accordingly. I also threw in some useless 'averages', just because it interested me, and by deduction, every other sentient being in the universe. o=======o=======o=======o=======o=======o=======o======o | Str | Dex | Con | Int | Wis | Cha | Total| o=======o=======o=======o=======o=======o=======o======o | 10 | 17 | 9 | 16 | 16 | 14 | 82 | |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|------| | 18/52 | 10 | 16 | 10 | 12 | 13 | 79 | |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|------| | 13 | 9 | 13 | 12 | 18 | 15 | 80 | |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|------| | 10 | 10 | 16 | 18 | 10 | 10 | 74 | |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|------| | 17 | 17 | 9 | 15 | 13 | 16 | 87 | |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|------| | 9 | 18 | 16 | 17 | 11 | 16 | 87 | |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|------| | 15 | 17 | 17 | 10 | 14 | 15 | 88 | |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|------| | 9 | 17 | 15 | 16 | 14 | 10 | 81 | |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|------| | 17 | 9 | 17 | 12 | 16 | 18 | 89 | |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|------| | 18/77 | 15 | 19 | 12 | 9 | 7 | 80 | |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|------| | 15 | 18 | 16 | 10 | 13 | 14 | 86 | |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|------| | 18/93 | 16 | 16 | 8 | 6 | 9 | 73 | |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|------| | 14 | 18 | 16 | 17 | 9 | 13 | 87 | |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|------| | 18/00 | 17 | 18 | 17 | 10 | 15 | 95 | |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|------| | 17 | 18 | 16 | 10 | 14 | 10 | 85 | |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|------| | 10 | 19 | 8 | 16 | 18 | 14 | 85 | |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|------| | 17 | 18 | 16 | 13 | 10 | 14 | 88 | |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|------| | 14.41 | 15.47 | 14.88 | 13.47 | 12.53 | 13.12 | 83.88| o======================================================o

Aerie Anomen Cernd Edwin Haer'Dalis Imoen Jaheira Jan Keldorn Korgan Mazzy Minsc Nalia ??????? Valygar Viconia Yoshimo "Average" PC

Note: The average result of a 3d6 dice roll is 10.5 (3.5 per d6).

Bioware is using some loaded dice to come up with a lot of those attributes. Then again, if these were 'average' characters, they wouldn't be worthy traveling companions, right? It's also obvious that many of these characters are blatant archetypes, but we all love archetypes. Still, we don't get some of the randomness that we saw in some of the Baldur's Gate 1 characters... or in real Dungeons and Dragons. The great thing about anomalies, however, is the possibility to dual-class, and in Baldur's Gate 2 major character-building is largely-and rightfully-over. It also amuses me that the stats that Bioware found the least useful-Wisdom and Charisma-are the stats that I found the least useful in my days as Dungeon Master. (If I bothered to average out stats for Baldur's Gate 2 characters, you can bet I have spreadsheets of old campaigns and characters of my own). Many characters that are fun to play aren't nice (everybody likes to play a jackass, from time to time) and/or they aren't wise. Crazy characters... or more politely, dangerously uninhibited characters... are often more fun to play than characters who are responsible, cautious, and deliberate. I think these are universal traits that most long-time players will discover if they bother to average out their PC and NPC attributes. I must also point out that the characters in Baldur's Gate 2 are decidedly superior to the Baldur's Gate 1 characters, being close in two of the six attributes, and a point on average superior in Strength, Constitution, Wisdom, and Charisma, and having an average total of 83.88 compared to 79.84 in the last game. The main reason for this is the fact that there are much fewer 'junk' characters in this game-higher stakes require stronger allies. Only three of the potential allies in this game have a total attribute spread of less than 80 points, while eight of the twenty-five recruitable characters in Baldur's Gate 1 had less than 80 points. It also doesn't hurt that many of the Baldur's Gate 1 characters who made it into the sequel have higher attributes in the sequel. Out of 25 characters in the first game, three had exceptional Strength. Only one of them made it into the sequel. In the sequel four out of seventeen characters have exceptional Strength. Out of seventeen characters, only four do not receive a bonus to Armor Class from their Dexterity. Of the thirteen characters who have a bonus to their Armor Class, six of them have a +4 bonus to Armor Class. No character in the game has a higher-than-useful Constitution (a Mage with 17 or 18 Constitution, for example.) No characters receive a penalty to their Hit Points from Constitution. Only three Characters do not receive a bonus to their Hit Points from Constitution. Seven of the seventeen characters in the game have a Constitution score of 16. Seven of twenty-five characters had a Charisma score of less than ten in the first game. Only two have a Charisma of less than ten in this game. We're a prettier bunch, all around. Chart of Characters by Role {CHR020} o======================================================================o Below is a list of all the recruitable characters in the game and the different roles they fill. This will list what roles-both in combat and out-each character is best suited for. In addition, below this chart I will explain the roles more in-depth, and include why some characters meet certain qualifications whereas others do not.

Aerie Anomen Cernd Edwin Haer'Dalis Imoen Jaheira Jan Keldorn Korgan Mazzy Minsc Nalia ??????? Valygar Viconia Yoshimo

Fighter |Cleric | |Mage | | |Thief | | | |Leader | | | | |Gauntlets of Dexterity | | | | | |Needs Giant Strength | | | | | | |Good | | | | | | | |Neutral | | | | | | | | |Evil | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o | | X | X | | | | | X | | | o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o | X | X | | | | X | | | X | | o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o | | X | | | | | | | X | | o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o | | | X | | | | | | | X | o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o | | | | | | | X | | X | | o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o | | | X | X | | | | X | | | o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o | X | X | | | X | | X | | X | | o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o | | | X | X | | | | | X | | o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o | X | | | | X | X | X | X | | | o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o | X | | | | | X | | | | X | o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o | X | | | | X | | X | X | | | o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o | X | | | | | | | X | | | o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o | | | X | X | | | | X | | | o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o | X | | | | X | | | | | X | o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o | X | | | | | | X | X | | | o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o | X | X | | | X | | X | | | X | o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o | | | | X | | | | | X | | o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o===o

Fighter: Characters who can meet foes in melee combat with regular success. These characters typically have decent Hit Points, a good THAC0, and multiple attacks per round. Heavy armor for an exceptionally low Armor Class is also a must. A Cleric is typically better at fitting into this category than a Ranger or Thief, since they do not work as well with heavy armor... and the main point of a Fighter is to tank. A character who is a multi-class Cleric may not meet the criteria to be a Fighter (such as Aerie) because she cannot wear heavy armor and get into combat, and her lower Hit Points and THAC0 progression make her in every way a less appealing combatant than, say, Viconia, who might not be ideal, but is otherwise comparably superior. Although Cernd and

Haer'Dalis are weak in armor like Minsc and Valygar, the latter two have better options with their proficiencies (such as specialization) a lower THAC0, and better Hit Points. Most importantly, they will both get Greater Whirlwind, where Cernd and Haer'Dalis do not, making them much better at fitting into a Fighter role, despite their lack of heavy armor. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Cleric: In order to meet this classification, a character must not only be able to heal, but be able to cure poisons, diseases, restore drained levels, and cast higher level Clerical spells. A Druid fits into this category just fine in Baldur's Gate 2 thanks to the expanded variety of healing spells. Clerics in Baldur's Gate 2 are pretty simple, if they have the class, they work. In this regards, a Cleric is almost like a Thief, it's almost useless on its own (and a poor choice for a main character). You should pick what Cleric you want to use not because you need one, but because of what other things in addition to Clerical power the Cleric brings to the table. Anomen has the benefits of a dual-classed Fighters THAC0 and Hit Points. Jaheira is a multi-classed Fighter/Druid who can specialize in weapons and learn Greater Whirlwind. Viconia has magic resistance and a great Dexterity, making her a superior defensive character. Aerie, in addition to her Clerical abilities can cast Mage spells, although she suffers in weapon and armor selection. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Mage: The requirements for a Mage are much steeper in Baldur's Gate 2, a Bard no longer cuts it... and a triple-class character might not either. Ideally a Mage should be able to cast Finger of Death, Horrid Wilting, Spell Trigger, Time Stop, and Comet. If they can't cast those, they need not apply. Edwin is the best pure Mage in the game. In fact, he's the only single classed Mage in the game! Imoen/Nalia will satisfy your need for a Thief, as well as provide the second most potent selection of Mage spells in the game. Aerie is multi-classed, which will slow her down, and overall she's not as good of a Mage as either Edwin or Imoen/Nalia, but since she's not a specialist she does place ahead of Jan, who cannot cast Necromantic spells. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Thief: A Thief only needs to be able to find and disarm traps. Everything else can be done another way. Thus, Bards and Rangers do not qualify as Thieves, even though they can use some Thief skills. A Thief is in all honesty a waste of a class. With dual-or-multiclassing it's a valuable asset to be able to hide and backstab, but not on its own. You'll notice that very few characters can actually fit this role, the best of which is Yoshimo. Since he's not in it for the long haul, we are left with Jan or Imoen. Imoen's prowess as the second best Mage in the game makes her a shoo-in for a good party, but evil parties are left with Jan. He's serviceable, and with a bow is a decent addition, probably better than Haer'Dalis, in any event. The best thing an evil party can do, however, is to either have a main character who is at least in part a Thief (Fighter/Thief, Fighter/Mage/Thief, etc), or was dual-classed from a Thief at one point. If that's too much for you, you can always make two custom-characters and play both of them in place of the poor-quality Thief PCs you can recruit. This is exactly what my fiance did, playing with a singleclassed Fighter as her Protagonist while including a side-kick Fighter/Mage/Thief of her own making. She even played through them both in Baldur's Gate 1 and imported them both into Baldur's Gate 2. She had

a great time with Korgan, Viconia, Jaheira, and Edwin. To do this simply create a multi-player game and create (or import) two characters of your own choosing. Start the game up normally, save it, and quit. Then go into your system folder (C:/Program Files/Black Isle/ Baldur's Gate 2 for example) and find the folder called 'MPSave.' Inside should be your saved game, which you can simply move over to the normal Save folder to have it function just like a normal campaign. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Leader: Technically anybody can be a leader, but to be a good leader, you need to have a high Charisma, and you need to be durable enough to survive in the front. This narrows our selection down a bit, but with the Sensate Amulet and the Armor of Balduran, even a modest Charisma of, say, 14 can get up to snuff. This role isn't a huge deal, as you can simply switch out a character with low Charisma for one with higher Charisma when you need to do some shopping. Of course, the Ring of Human Influence makes this role available to anybody able to endure the punishment of being in front-provided they've a ring slot to spare. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Gauntlets of Dexterity: This character needs the Gauntlets of Dexterity to excel. These are typically Fighters with a low Dexterity (and hence, a poor Armor Class). Ideally almost every character could use these, but this category is for otherwise decent characters who become much stronger by equipping the gauntlets. This is not a category for characters who do not fit into a fighting role, or characters who will still perform poorly in combat with them. It's also not for characters who really don't need these gauntlets to excel. If it's not lowering their Armor Class by three or four points, they probably don't need it. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Giant Strength: These characters need a boost to their Strength to be at peak efficiency, pretty much regulating this to Fighter-role characters. Since there are multiple such items in the game, including Gauntlets of Ogre Power, a Girdle of Hill Giant Strength, a Girdle of Stone Giant Strength, a Girdle of Frost Giant Strength, a Girdle of Fire Giant Strength, Crom Faeyr, Angurvadal, and the Runehammer, to name a few, you have lots of opportunities to address this problem. Your goal should always be to match the best benefits with the best warriors. Obviously a character with two attacks a round will make better use of a higher Strength than a character with one. Practically, however, most of these items come later in Shadows of Amn or in Throne of Bhaal, so this guide is more to give you an idea of who to equip the Girdle of Hill Giant Strength and Gauntlets of Ogre Power on, rather than clue you in to who will eventually need a Strength-boosting item. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Good: Characters of Good alignment. These characters can travel with Neutral characters, but might fight with characters of Evil alignment (especially Keldorn). <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Neutral: Characters of Neutral alignment. Note neutrality is secondary to Good and Evil. Chaotic and Lawful characters do not cause problems. A Neutral character can travel with either Good or Evil characters, although not without some friction. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Evil: Characters of Evil alignment. These characters can travel with Neutral characters. but might provoke Good characters. This doesn't mean all Evil characters will get along peachy, but it does mean that they won't defect. Suggested Parties by Role {CHR021} o======================================================================o These are my suggestions for characters, based on their Strengths. The

order of the character DOES indicate how well I feel they'll fit their role (i.e.: Keldorn is a better party leader than Viconia because he's named first.) Although keep in mind this doesn't really rate their overall usefulness (Korgan's brute Strength over Keldorn's Dispel Magic, True Sight, and Holy Avenger) it just rates how well they fill a role. Overall it's nothing to get your panties in a twist over. Somebody had to come first, and with how few characters there are and with the variety of pros and cons they have it's mostly a matter of opinion. Also, you'll obviously have to exclude a party member to make room for your main character, although whom you exclude will pretty much be resolved by what class your protagonist is. Leader (1): Fighter (2): Cleric (1): Mage (1): Thief (1): Keldorn, Viconia, Jaheira, ???????, Mazzy Korgan, Keldorn, ???????, Jaheira, Minsc, Valygar, Mazzy, Anomen, Viconia Viconia, Anomen, Aerie, Cernd Edwin, Imoen, Nalia, Aerie, Jan Jan, Imoen, Nalia

Example Evil Party Leader: Viconia Fighter: Korgan Fighter: Yoshimo/Haer'Dalis/??????? Cleric: Jaheira Mage: Edwin Thief: Yoshimo Viconia takes the leader spot pretty much by default, as she's one of the few Evil characters in the game with a good Armor Class and Charisma. Korgan is probably the best Fighter in the game, although Haer'Dalis is more or less a space-filler. Sure, he's got access to some low-end Mage spells, but he's not a good enough Mage or Fighter to really get excited over. To that end, dual-classing Yoshimo into a Fighter/Thief is a good enough fix. Sure, using Yoshimo has its own problems, but since you can complete most of the quests in the main game before running off to Spellhold, you won't really be hurting for very long. Once you get to Throne of Bhaal you can recruit ??????? and finally have a second Fighter worthy of the title. Jaheira's versatility and neutral alignment makes her a natural second Cleric (and good Fighter, in a pinch) that's really indispensable for any party. Edwin is by and far the best Mage the game has to offer, leaving only the Thief... Naturally, if you keep Yoshimo you have nothing to worry about. Unfortunately, he can be... fickle... and sans Yoshimo the only good option the Evil party has is for a Thief-classed protagonist, since Imoen and Nalia are both Good-aligned. Example Good Party Leader: Keldorn Fighter: Jaheira Fighter: Minsc/??????? Cleric: Anomen Mage: Imoen/Nalia Thief: Imoen/Nalia Keldorn is a great party leader, as his Paladin class ensures he's got a good Charisma. Also he's relatively well-off in the Armor Class department, although he needs the Gauntlets of Dexterity to bring him up to snuff, especially considering he won't be carrying a shield. His ability to Dispel Magic and use True Sight makes him phenomenal for destroying enemy Mages, and he's an overall great character. Jaheira can specialize in weapons, wear heavy armor, and use a shield. With her

improved attributes she also has a good amount of Hit Points and Armor Class, making her a good Fighter. She might not be as great as Keldorn and Anomen, but her compliment of Druidic spells puts her well above any competition she might have. Minsc is a secondary Fighter, and can be substituted for Valygar, who serves much the same role. There are some issues with Valygar that make me pick Minsc over him, however. He's a good bit off the beaten path, whereas you get Minsc right in the first dungeon. Oh, his lower Strength makes him more of a liability, too, and the fact that he's built to fight with two katanas means he won't be staying out of melee like Minsc (not to mention the competition he'll provoke for other katana-users.) ??????? makes a good replacement for Minsc, if you don't mind doing a little roleplaying to change ???????'s alignment, and if you won't miss the stealth too much. Anomen is pretty much the mandatory Good Cleric... there just isn't another one in the game besides Jaheira, and it's always best to have two characters who can heal. That's not to say he's baggage, mind you. His high Strength and starting proficiencies means he'll be as deadly as... well, as most Fighters, even if he won't have access to Whirlwind Attack. Stick Crom Faeyr on him, or his holy symbol, and you've got a pretty damn strong 'Cleric'. Lastly, we have Imoen/Nalia, who are practically identical. Again, the lack of a dedicated Thief makes one of them mandatory, as well the fact that there's no Good Mage in the game. They fill dualroles, both of which the Good party desperately needs filled. And no, I don't consider Jan a viable replacement. If you don't need a Thief... well, I'd suggest you still stick with Imoen/Nalia, but even Aerie is a better choice than Jan. Only the Best Party: Leader: Keldorn Fighter: Korgan/??????? Fighter: Jaheira Cleric: Anomen/Viconia Mage: Edwin/Imoen/Nalia Thief: (Main Character) Unlike in the original Baldur's Gate you'll have to cheat to make a party like this. Keldorn is simply awesome for his ability to debuff and Korgan is the best straight Fighter in the game. He's probably better than ???????, although his attributes are somewhat inferior. ??????? is made for two-handed weapons, and uses the Ravager to good effect. You will, however need to consider that Korgan can readily use the Axe of the Unyielding and Crom Faeyr. In order to answer this potency ??????? must be given a valuable Girdle of Giant Strength, but on the other hand ??????? doesn't require the Gauntlets of Dexterity, which Korgan and Keldorn both need. In the end, it's a toss-up. Jaheira's versatility makes her a great addition even to this epic party, and best of all she has no gear conflictions with anybody. Anomen gets the nod over Viconia because of his much greater prowess in melee, although if you give Korgan Crom Faeyr Anomen will have to use the Rune Hammer or the Flail of the Ages, which in conjunction with the holy symbol he gets at 25th level is enough to raise his Strength to a respectable 19. If you keep ??????? Anomen is then free to use Crom Faeyr, but ultimately the fact that you don't get ??????? until Throne of Bhaal makes Korgan a much more attractive choice. Nobody can argue that Edwin is the best Mage in the game, but you can only use him if your protagonist is a Thief. Ideally enough levels of Thief (perhaps with the Assassin Kit to get up to x7 backstab) to get 100 ranks in Find/Remove Traps. Then if you dualclass into a Fighter you'll be a truly awesome character. A Fighter/Thief and Fighter/Mage/Thief are also valid and potent multiclass options for a protagonist in the epic build. If you don't care to have the best recruitable Mage in the game, bring along Imoen/Nalia.

It's a matter of opinion whether a Fighter/Mage with Imoen/Nalia is a better combination than a Fighter/Thief with Edwin. Since you're already cheating to get keep this party combination together, disable the level cap and play a Fighter/Mage/Thief with Edwin to have the best of both worlds. Sure, it will be a long time before you can pull off the Time Stop/Greater Whirlwind trick, but it's worth it. Good Party versus Evil Party {CHR022} o======================================================================o Now, hopefully I've stated enough about your potential allies and their relevence in a party to help you build up an idea of what to expect from each party member-and in combining all the characters in the game, what to then expect from your party as a whole. However, in case it wasn't clear enough, I've made this section to cover the differences between the parties so you'll know exactly what's going on. Note that much of this information is found throughout the Walkthrough itself, and in the character and party descriptions above. This is merely a condensed and direct comparison of the strengths, weaknesses, and resulting tactics covered above. Party Composition <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This shouldn't be so very complex. In my mind, the game decides who you will travel with as soon as you pick your alignment-with a few exceptions. First, let me reiterate. You get five party members plus your protagonist, which is well shy of the total number of characters in the game. However, since good and evil don't mix, you can only pick so many to take with you. If you grab Keldorn, you're not travelling with Korgan, Edwin, or Viconia, and so on. Throw in some useless allies like Cernd and Jan, and consider that Nalia is just a cheap copy of Imoen, and you've thinned the ranks. Then there are the dubious charactersHaer'Dalis, Mazzy, and Aerie, who are hard to fit into a party for various reasons-mostly because, although they're decent, they're just over-matched. Yoshimo is a long-term bust (don't plan a party around him) and that leaves us with only one real choice... do we bring along Minsc or Valygar in the good party? Much, much later on in the game, ??????? joins up, at which point you must decide... ditch whatever extra characters you're dragging along in the evil party (likely Haer'Dalis), or in the good party ditch Minsc/Valygar, or tell ??????? to take a walk. The Protagonist <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Ideally a protagonist is simply the strongest character on the screen at any given time-a Fighter/Mage is really the way to go, in my opinion. Being able to hold the front-line is good, but being able to lend Mage support while you're at it is even better, and the Time Stop/Greater Whirlwind tactic just isn't fair... In a good way! As far as gear is concerned, a Fighter/Mage can soak up the attacks of enemy spellcasters (read: Liches) without getting scratched once the Cloak of Mirroring is obtained. Ilithids are another foe that is best handled almost exclusively by a Fighter/Mage. With good combat stats, a decent Armor Class, and protective spells like Mirror Image and Blur, there really is no better character for weathering psionics and surviving Intelligence drain. Last but not least, our protagonist Fighter/Mage can handle Vampires once the Amulet of Power is obtained. This isn't quite as exclusive as the Illithid tactic, since other classes (Clerics) can pick up the slack. Still, a Fighter/Mage is more lethal in combat (better weapon selection and Greater Whirlwind Attack) and has better defensive spells-all in all, it's the best anti-vampire character you'll be able to easily build. That's three very dangerous

foes that can be completely negated by our protagonist. Of course, they're not capable of handling everything-sometimes a Fighter is needed for brute work, or a Mage is needed to caster higher-level spells (or numerous low-level spells) that the Fighter/Mage just can't access-yet. When you slap the Helm of Vhailor on a Fighter/Mage, all those perks are doubled. Of course, there is one tiny fly in the ointment if you plan to play an evil character. The recruitable Thieves in Baldur's Gate 2 are laughable. Imoen barely cuts it for the good party, but as far as I'm concerned the evil party is just out of luck. And no, I do not consider Jan a serious option. How then, do we obtain those awesome perks of being a Fighter/Mage and still introduce a decent Thief into the party? Easy, make a Fighter/Mage/Thief instead. Is it as good as a Fighter/Mage? No, your spell progression will be even more stunted, as will your Hit Points and THAC0 progression, and you'll never get 9thlevel Mage spells (without cheating). On the other hand, all the tactics otherwise fit seamlessly (save Time Stop/Greater Whirlwind, obviously), and the Fighter/Mage/Thief gains a few very important benefits. First, being able to create your own Thief is much better than borrowing an recruitable Thief. Imoen can't upgrade her Thief skills any-but you can. No stupid kits (Yoshimo) and no annoying turnip-Gnomes (Jan). Second-and best of all-is the backstabbing. Adding x5 damage to an already potent Bhaalspawn almost ludicriously strong. Of course, many enemies will be immune (no cheap-shots on that dragon!) but for most enemies... it'll make you forget that you're playing what I view as the weaker of two alternatives. Jaheira <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Jaheira is not an optional character in my mind. Not in Baldur's Gate, or in Baldur's Gate 2. Since she's become even stronger in the sequel, this is a no-brainer. Every party should have Jaheira. She can assist the Clerics in healing and buffing, her Hit Points are some of the best you'll find on a recruitable character, she has the THAC0 and armor to compete in melee, and she's neutral-every party can have her (albeit, with some friction.) Her Druid levels allow you to gain the benefits of a Druid, without actually having to suffer the crappiness of an actual Druid. And Insect Plague just wins... well... much of Shadows of Amn, really. It's the go-to spell of the early-to-mid game. When Jaheira levels up, her tactics change, but if anything she gets even stronger. When she starts getting high level abilities, she'll be able to compete with the best Fighters in the game with her Greater Whirlwind Attacks, and if she learns Summon Elemental Prince she can call upon one of the strongest summoning spells in the game. Finally, a high Armor Class and Iron Skins makes her the closest thing to a Fighter/Mage the game offers in terms of brute survivability. Fighters <----------------------------------------------------------------------> As far as I'm concerned, this is a real easy choice. Keldorn can gain access to a very powerful exclusive weapon and whatever he lacks in attributes, he makes up for with True Sight and super-powered Dispel Magic. An easy choice for the good party. Korgan is the best pure Fighter in the game. Enough said, and an easy choice for the evil party. Clerics <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Here you have some options-watch as I whittle them down. Cernd doesn't count for much as a Cleric. Not that Druids can't compete... wait...

they really can't. Well, that's settled. That leaves us with Aerie, Anomen, and Viconia, and when push comes to shove, Aerie clearly loses the contest. Viconia and especially Anomen are decent Clerics, although Viconia is the fastest-progessing Cleric thanks to her single-classed status. Still, this is a matter of a marginal bit of experience, in exchange for which Anomen has much higher Hit Points, lower THAC0, and all the other perks of dual-classing as a Fighter. What they both can do that Aerie cannot is participate in melee combat from the moment you recruit them. Sure, Anomen's Dexterity sucks, and Viconia has Hit Point and Strength issues, but a Girdle of Hill Giant Strength fixes Viconia's problem, and Anomen can just strap on a shield. Aerie, however, has to mind her Mage limitations, and offers no easy solution. Aerie's slow progression kills whatever usefulness she might have hadshe's not a good candidate as either the party Mage or the party Cleric. On the other hand, Viconia's Armor Class and magic resistance make her a potent defensive character, and Anomen's Hit Points and Strength make him a sturdy front-liner. Anomen for the good party, Viconia for the evil party. Mages <----------------------------------------------------------------------> We have a variety of Mages to choose from, but let me expel two right off the bat. Aerie's slow progression makes her less-than-ideal as either the party Mage or Cleric. In particular, Edwin, Imoen, and Nalia all out-progress her. Jan suffers from the same problem... and on top of that, he's a specialist Mage whose class prohibits him from ever casting any of a variety of potent Necromancy spells. No thanks. Now that we're done with that, we have the aforementioned three. Edwin is the evil party Mage pretty much by default. He'll cast more spells per day than any Mage you can make, and this allows us to ignore his lack of Identify and True Sight. On that note, since Edwin just has so much more spell-power than the good-party candidates, the evil party will make much more use of spell-assaults, especially in the early-going. Having two-extra spell-slots per level and unimpeded progression as a Mage just allows Edwin to throw out a Slow or Chaos spell just about any time he wishes-not to mention other late-game greats like Horrid Wilting, Comet, and debuffs like Breach and Pierce Magic. Our goodparty candidates on the other hand includes a pair of dual-classed Thieves... practically clones, in fact. This makes me think Nalia only exists to supply you with an Imoen while the real Imoen is out of reach. So that being the case, why not just go with Imoen? She's a bit stunted when compared to Edwin, and you'll really notice how many more spells per day Edwin gets. Even with a Fighter/Mage on the good party versus a Fighter/Mage/Thief on the evil party, Edwin tips the spell-power balance towards the evil side. And of course, Imoen has better Thief abilities, making her absolutely necessary for a good party. True Sight <----------------------------------------------------------------------> One main tactic in the game for breaching enemy defenses and keeping them honest is to use True Sight. You'll do this quite early in the game, and it'll be necessary until the end credits roll. How you do it, however, depends on who you've brought along. In this regards, the good party has a huge advantage in Keldorn. His Inquisitor kit allows him to use True Sight very early in the game, and quite often. He's really all you need to bust enemy illusions. Of course, Jaheira will also be able to pitch in, as will our Clerics, Anomen/Viconia. All that's left are our Mages, and here Edwin shows one of his few-yet conspicuousshortcomings. Edwin can never learn Divination spells, and for the most part, who cares? Sadly, one of the few spells (and certainly the

most harmful for Baldur's Gate 2) prohibited is True Sight. That means the standard evil party will have no Keldorn, and their Mage-despite his staggering number of spell-slots, can never memorize True Sight. This leaves True Sight entirely up to Viconia and Jaheira. It's a limitation, to be sure, but one that can be overcome. Thieving <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Already touched upon in the Protagonist section is the issue of Thief skills. The good party has Imoen, who is just good enough. The best answer for the evil party is to have a Thief protagonist. The Sixth Wheel <----------------------------------------------------------------------> The sixth wheel is that extra character that sort of solidifies an area already bolstered by other party members better suited to the role. For the good party you can add one of two Rangers-Minsc or Valygar. Minsc is my favorite choice, as... well, he doesn't need any Strength-boosting gear, he's hilarious, and he was in the first game. Both have some bad points, namely their absurd proficiencies. Both at least have Long Bows, but they both also have two ranks wasted on Two Weapon Style. Neither really has the Armor Class to pull it off, although Minsc's Two Handed Sword specialization makes him more attractive, compared to Valygar's Spear. My only guess is that, since Baldur's Gate 2 found itself pressured by the release of 3rd Edition Dungeon and Dragons, the developers decided to give both their Rangers Two Weapon Style. While it's a feature of the class in 3rd Edition, in Baldur's Gate 2, it's just a waste of points. Both can pull off stealth for scouting purposes, both are decent warriors who will ideally contribute at a range, and when proficiencies allow-with reach weapons that keep them out of direct melee. Valygar can backstab (albeit poorly) and has a better Dexterity. Misnc has better armor selection, and better Strength. The evil party has a more difficult time of things. After Edwin, Jaheira, Korgan, and Viconia, the well is really running dry. Jan and Cernd both suck, and pretty much everybody else is good-aligned. That leaves... Haer'Dalis, who sucks, but there just may be no good alternative other than to drag him along. Play him like the Rangers, above. Mind his poor Armor Class, lower Hit Points, and only allow him to participate via spells, missiles, or weapons with reach. For either party, once you reach Throne of Bhaal you can recruit ???????, who is a great improvement over Haer'Dalis... and more of a direct front-line fighter than Minsc or Valygar could ever hope to be. By now that Stealth nonesense isn't fooling anybody anyways, and brute force might just be more useful than what Valygar and Minsc have to offer. Character Builds and Weapon Loadouts {CHR023} o======================================================================o This is a section where I'll discuss some high-level tactics which will become available for us once we start accumulating loot and levels. Ideally, this is a section where I'll discuss various weapon load-outs for various PCs. For most of the game, you'll use what you find, and honestly your equipment will be more or less cobbled together haphazardly in the early-going through mid-game. The gear you'll equip will be determined by opportunity and starting proficiencies, and this is obviously not an ideal way to make it through the game. However, as we play through the game, you'll be developing your characters to obtain the proficiencies they'll need to equip some of the best weapons in the game. To that end, this section will describe these weapons and

their various combinations in some detail. If you don't want to know what awesome weapons we'll be finding in this game, don't read any more. And as an aside, this isn't an elitist gear rant, putting the right gear on the right character is indeed a great deal of the strategy this game requires, but building a character to suit the gear is more foreknowledge, and not quick-thinking or adaptive practice. Spell-buffing and micro-management are much more important tools for surviving the few challenging encounters in this game... and of course, knowing what you're facing, and what will hurt what you're facing, and sheer luck. In large part, using good gear is a matter of common sense. Anybody with two brain-cells to rub together will realize that Crom Faeyr is an awesome off-hand weapon for the Strength-boost alone, and that Celestial Fury is an over-powered weapon for how easily it can be obtained. These are-in all honesty-fairly obvious builds, but it doesn't take a keen intellect to realize that vorpal weapons are meant to be used in the main-hand, followed by debilitating weapons (like Flail of the Ages), and defensive or boosting items (like Hindo's Doom, Crom Faeyr, and Angurvadal) make great off-hand weapons. Best of the Best Two-Fisted Fighter <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Flail of the Ages + Axe of the Unyielding or Flail of the Ages/Axe of the Unyielding + Hindo's Doom/Angurvadal Suggested Characters: Korgan, Mazzy, Protagonist Flail of the Ages is clearly the best one-handed non-edged weapon in the game. At its best it deals 10 elemental damage per hit, gives its user Free Action, +5% magic resistance, and has a 33% chance to Slow without a save. On the other hand, you have Axe of the Unyielding, which has a 10% chance to kill outright with no save, +1 Armor Class, +1 Constitution, and a regeneration rate of three Hit Points per round. Both offer considerable defensive bonuses-which can be obtained just as well on the off-hand, so what we have is an offensive comparison. In this case, it seems that the Flail of the Ages' 10 damage per hit and 33% chance to Slow an enemy out-competes even the vorpal property of Axe of the Unyielding. For big fights, it's not like you can't just switch over to the Axe of the Unyielding as a main-hand weapon after the enemy has been Slowed. You can even combine the two as primary weapons, and just use Angurvadal as your constant off-hand weapon for the Strength and negative plane protection, or Hindo's Doom for the magic resistance and Death Ward. Crom Faeyr Cleric <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Crom Faeyr Suggested Characters: Anomen Crom Faeyr is obviously a great weapon, for no better reason than the fact that it boosts your Strength to a ludicrous 25. Of course, it serves this role just fine as an off-hand weapon, but for lack of options it'll work as a primary weapon as well. Especially if you want to keep a shield and have other uses for the Flail of the Ages. Sure, it doesn't provide any useful offensive or defensive bonuses (by Throne of Bhaal, Trolls, Ogres, and Ettins will be the least of your problems), but the sheer damage boost gained from having a 25 Strength is more than most weapons give. Flail of the Ages Cleric <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Flail of the Ages Suggested Characters: Anomen, Viconia

A better solution for equipping your Cleric is to use Flail of the Ages and a shield. For Anomen, when he hits level 25 he'll get a Holy Symbol which will boost his Strength from 18 to 19, with all the awesome benefits that apply. Viconia will need some help-ideally the Girdle of Hill Giant Strength, and with her Holy Symbol she'll go from 19 to 20 Strength. Holy Avenger <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Carsomyr Suggested Characters: Keldorn Another simple weapon build. You see Carsomyr? If you had anybody who could wield it, why would you not equip it? 50% magic resistance? That's all the spell defense anybody could ever need, and the fact that it casts Dispel Magic on targets means you can rip through enemy spell casters. It's certainly one of the better reasons to drag Keldorn along, and it makes creating your own Paladin a somewhat interesting proposition. Perfect Swordsman <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Angurvadal + Hindo's Doom (Spectral Brand + Hindo's Doom/Angurvadal) Suggested Characters: Protagonist, Valygar This build is especially useful if you're playing with Korgan and Viconia, with the implications that you won't have access to Crom Faeyr, the Axe of the Unyielding, or Flail of the Ages. The Perfect Swordsman begins with points into Katanas, Long Swords, and Two Weapon Style. They'll get Celestial Fury early on, and Namarra, Dak'kon's Zerth Blade, and Malakar make decent early-to-mid game off-hand weapons. When you reach the end of Shadows of Amn you'll add Daystar to your arsenal (great against Undead) and the Equalizer, although Celestial Fury remains the weapon to beat in Shadows of Amn. By the time you get to Throne of Bhaal, however, Celestial Fury is losing its edge, and replacements abound. Unfortunately, nothing really steps up to takes its place, as there really aren't any great debilitating swords (no vorpal one-handed swords, and nothing that forces a save at a negative penalty.) In this case, I give Angurvadal the nod over other weapons, like Hindo's Doom, simply because of the fire damage... Hindo's Doom works just as well as an off-hand weapon. If you don't mind depriving Jaheira of a great weapon, grab some proficiency points in Scimitars. You can then use Belm through much of Shadows of Amn, and when you reach Throne of Bhaal switch to the Spectral Brand as a main hand weapon, which more or less removes the need for Angurvadal. If you're using this build for your protagonist (with the implication that you imported with a 19 Strength) you might as well just use Hindo's Doom as your offhand weapon for the Magic Resistance. It's just an idea, whether Angurvadal's 1d4 +1 fire damage and 22 Strength is better than Spectral Brand's 1d6 cold damage.. well, the two seem close enough that one or the other doesn't make a huge difference. Ravager <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Ravager Suggested Characters: Haer'Dalis, Minsc, ???????, Valygar The Ravager Halberd is easily one of the best weapons in the game... in fact, it may be THE best two-handed weapon in the game. Of course, I prefer Axe of the Unyielding in straight comparison (both are vorpal,

but the Axe of the Unyielding also boosts Armor Class, gives regeneration, and increases your Constitution.) Still, for a two-handed weapon wielding character, you really can't get any better, unless you're a Paladin, and even then it's debatable. It is preferable to Psion's Blade and Gram, which is why most two-handed warriors shun Two Handed Swords for Halberds near the end of Shadows of Amn. The Silver Sword will see them through Shadows of Amn and a bit of Throne of Bhaal, but this is the weapon to shoot for. A +6 Halberd with a 10% chance to kill with no save? That's a no-brainer, and it's great for dedicated two-handed weapon users like ???????, as well as weaker characters who should distance themselves from the front-lines, but who shouldn't avoid combat entirely. Spearman/Staffman <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Ixil's Spike/Staff of the Ram Suggested Characters: Cernd, Protagonist This is more of a compromise for a Druid than anything else. They can't use shields, and they just aren't strong enough or well-defended enough in melee combat to do well without some distance. Since they can't use Halberds, this is the next best option. The Staff of the Ram can stun and knockback, and deals 12 crushing damage and 1d4 piercing damage while Ixil's Spike can immobilize an enemy for three rounds, while doing 1d6 +5 damage each round. The Staff of the Ram seems the superior offensive weapon, even though Ixil's Spike provides Free Action, and for most of Shadows of Amn Spears are superior to Quarter Staffs... although on the other hand, you can buy the Staff of Rynn +4 from the Adventurer's Mart at the beginning of the game... The Bludgeoner <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Flail of the Ages + Crom Faeyr Suggested Characters: Anomen, Protagonist This is an idea I've toyed around with, but I've never actually put into action. In my mind, a Fighter/Cleric or Cleric/Ranger protagonist would make a great candidate for this, but honestly, Anomen would work just as well (although Viconia might not have the proficiencies to see this through, and she's certainly not nearly a good enough Fighter for it.) This build combines the awesome power of Crom Faeyr with the disabling properties of the Flail of the Ages, which never loses its potency throughout the game, indeed, it only gets stronger. This almost begs for a multi-class Fighter/Cleric, who can take advantage of the extra proficiencies, use Greater Whirlwind, and scrape together some defensive items to make up for their lack of a shield. On top of this, a Cleric/Ranger can add Iron Skins to their defenses, making them almost comparable to a Fighter/Mage defensively. Eh... at least against physical attacks, anyways. Ultimate Assassin <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Dagger of the Star + Angurvadal/Hindo's Doom Suggested Characters: Protagonist, Valygar There's only one real purpose to this build-to take advantage of the Dagger of the Star's ability to bestow invisibility on its wielder In the hands of a Thief (preferably a Fighter/Thief protagonist) it becomes an awesome weapon of mass destruction, as backstabs will flow liberally. The off-hand weapon in this case is merely a boosting or defensive item, Angurvadal will boost your Strength, while Hindo's Doom will boost your

magic resistance, as the situation demands. In most situations, Angurvadal will be the best choice, as the Strength boost will exponentially increase the damage done by the backstab.. although if you're using this build on a protagonist, they may not NEED the Strength boost so much... especially if they're evil (secrets implied). Vorpal Juggernaut <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Axe of the Unyielding + Crom Faeyr Suggested Characters: Korgan, Mazzy One of the more obvious builds in the game, unless you're planning for it early, it can be difficult to get the proficiencies for this build to work in a timely manner. Korgan is by and far the easiest character to fit into this build, as he's a Fighter (and hence will get lots of proficiencies) and already starts out with Grand Mastery in Axes. Since he already starts out Proficient in War Hammers, it almost feels like the game is nudging us in the direction of this build. Gauntlets of Dexterity will in large part cover his Armor Class woes, and Crom Faeyr will give him all the Strength he needs. Axe of the Unyielding further adds to his Armor Class, gives him regeneration, and best of all gives him a vorpal weapon to attack with. Mazzy can fit into this role as well, but she requires a lot more work. Get her one point into War Hammers in Shadows of Amn and try and boost her Two Weapon Style. When you get Crom Faeyr.. you should probably just keep it as an offhand weapon, and have her use a Short Sword in her main hand. By Throne of Bhaal, look to get her proficient with Axes, and then continue to build up both Axes and War Hammers (favoring the former, as it is, of course, her main weapon) and switch off to the upgraded Axe of the Unyielding as soon as possible. It'll take her longer, but she will get there, and she doesn't need the Gauntlets of Dexterity like Korgan does. o======================================================================o | | | Spell Tactics {SPT001} | | | o======================================================================o This section was added by request, since I had provided detailed information on how to equip and build your characters, a similar section was requested to discuss how to build up your spellbooks. I think that what was desired were suggestions on what (and how many) spells to memorize, so with that in mind, let me mention a few things about this section. First, let it be known that most (if not all) of this information can be found-sometimes in greater detail and always in more pertinent form-in the Walkthrough. When you encounter enemies that require certain spell tactics to defeat, they are laid out in detail when you fight them. For example, when you deal with Illithids, you'll know to have Chaotic Commands at the ready. This, in my mind, pretty much covers everything you'll need to know, when you need to know it. This section, then, is to provided detailed, general information about the spells themselves so that all the information scattered throughout the Walkthrough can be consulted here. Note, however, that I won't bother suggesting how many spells to memorize, since this is really subjective to the enemies at hand, and the caster in question. Obviously Edwin will have luxuries that Imoen doesn't, and when fighting a dragon they'll want a different spell-loadout than they will when fighting a Lich. Healing Spells {SPT002} <---------------------------------------------------------------------->

I tend to have a subtractive, rather than additive view towards the inclusion of healing spells in my spell-books. Healing spells are good, nobody doubts that, but how many should you get? In my mind, it varies by spell-level. Cure Serious Wounds is clearly better than Cure Light Wounds, but the competition for 1st-level Cleric spells is much less intense than for 4th-level spells. So, how do I determine what to get? I get all the spells I want besides healing spells, then fill up left-over slots with healing. Therefore, most of my 1st-level Clerical spells tend to be Cure Light Wounds (with a token Remove Fear on every caster, just in case) while on the other hand, I have almost no Cure Serious Wounds, as I'd rather have Defensive Harmony, Protection from Evil 10' Radius, and so on. The only healing spell unworthy of this second-class status is Heal, which is the ultimate healing spell, and really, one of the best things about a Cleric or a Druid. Too bad you can't get that spell in this game, eh? 1st Level Cleric Spells {SPT003} o======================================================================o ***TOP SPELLS*** Armor of Faith: Blocks 5% of damage per five levels. --Cure Light Wounds: Heals 8 Hit Points. --Remove Fear: cures and prevents fear effects for one turn. *Armor of Faith <----------------------------------------------------------------------> A simple defensive spell that will remain in your list of memorized spells throughout both games... simply because good defensive Clerical spells are so rare. This spell absorbs 5% of all damage the caster would otherwise sustain from physical and magical attacks, and protects against another 5% for every five levels of the Cleric. Which means... up to 10% in this game. That doesn't sound like much-and it isn't-but losing one point in ten of damage isn't horrible, and it has a decent duration, too. By the time you hit Throne of Bhaal and your Clerics are pushing 20th level, it'll be seriously reducing damage. Bless <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Bless gives all allies within a 30-foot radius a +1 bonus to attack rolls and a +1 bonus to saves versus fear. I'll be honest, I rarely use it, but it's not that bad of a spell. Your THAC0 won't be low enough to ignore a +1 bonus... but its six-round duration is just lame. You have better buffs to use. Command <----------------------------------------------------------------------> You can attempt to make an enemy 'die' (go to sleep) for one round. Anything under six Hit Dice (about 48 Hit Points) gets no save against the effect, but anything with six Hit Dice or more are entitled to a Saving Throw vs. Spells. This spell was useful in the first game, but by now, pretty much everything you fight will have over six Hit Dice... and besides, you have Greater Command, so why bother with this under-powered spell? *Cure Light Wounds <----------------------------------------------------------------------> The essential healing spell, you'll probably want to keep several instances of this spell ready at all times.

Detect Evil <----------------------------------------------------------------------> It's.. not a great spell, and I wouldn't keep one prepared, but Ajantis can use it as a special ability. It's got quite a range, and nearby enemies will be detected as evil in your dialogue box. Want to know if some Black Talons are currently lurking in Larswood, or want to know if those humble-looking fishermen are up to no good? Give this spell a go. Doom <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This curse bestows a -2 penalty to saves and attack rolls upon a single enemy. This is actually a decent spell to cast on tougher enemies, as that -2 save penalty can end up paying off in a big way if the critter then falls victim to some spell or weapon effect. Of course, Greater Malison affects multiple creatures and bestows a -4 penalty to their saves, making it a far superior cast. Magic Stone <----------------------------------------------------------------------> You enchant a small pebble, which flies out and hits a foe for... 1d4 damage. It counts a magical (+1) weapon, but otherwise gets no bonuses to damage. Compare this to, say, Magic Missile and marvel at how much this spell sucks. Protection from Evil <----------------------------------------------------------------------> A handy little personal buff that gives the target +2 bonus to Saves and Armor Class... of course, when you've got Protection from Evil 10' Radius, why would you ever bother with this? *Remove Fear <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Enemy Mages love using Horror. This spell prevents such magics from working, and will counter it if you're affected by fear. Always keep one prepared on each Cleric. Sanctuary <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Gives the priest temporary immunity to prosecution by foes, during which time he can heal/buff themselves (but they cannot affect other creatures without ending the spell). I don't see the point. If you're getting hurt, retreat and cast a healing spell. Why waste two rounds doing what can be done in one? Shillelagh <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Creates a +1 cudgel that deals 2d4 damage. You won't spend much of the game with a permanent weapon worse than this, so why bother? 2nd Level Cleric Spells {SPT004} o======================================================================o ***TOP SPELLS*** Draw Upon Holy Might: Boosts Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. --Hold Person: Paralyzes one living, humanoid foe. --Resist Fire and Cold: 50% Resistance to Fire and Cold. --Silence 15' Radius: Shuts up spell-casters. ---

Slow Poison: Cures poison. Aid <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Bestows the effects of Bless and heals 1-8 Hit Points. Since it only effects one creature, I don't bother with it. Barkskin <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Grants a target an Armor Class of six, which improves (decreases) by one for ever four levels of the caster... This can effectively give you an Armor Class that's comparable to Full Plate Mail at higher levels, but by then, you've certainly found better, permanent, armor. Chant <----------------------------------------------------------------------> It affects a 30-foot radius, and gives your allies a one-point bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and saves, and imposes a one-point penalty to the same onto your enemies. A decent spell, even though it takes a full round to cast... I'm almost never using my Clerics to buff in combat, and the first-strikes are handled almost exclusively by my Mages... and with a five-round duration, I tend to ignore the spell in favor of Defensive Harmony and Protection from Evil 10' Radius. *Draw Upon Holy Might <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This is actually a decent spell for some Clerics... alright, it's useful for Anomen (and possibly a protagonist with good attributes). At first it won't give much of a bonus, but boosting Anomen's Strength up to 19 is worthwhile up until he gets his hands on a permanent Strength-boosting item. Once you're late in Shadows of Amn or Throne of Bhaal, this spell will start adding serious points to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution (up to a +6 bonus at 18th level). This can be a serious boost to a Cleric's combat prowess, and should not be ignored. Find Traps <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Detects traps in a very close range. This spell doesn't disarm them, however, so it's rather pointless. Flame Blade <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell allows the caster to create a flaming blade, which the caster is considered Proficient with. It deals 1d4 slashing damage, plus 1d2+4 fire damage. Despite being a magical blade of flame it does NOT count as a magical weapon for determining what it can hit-makes sense to me. *Hold Person <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Another spell that should be good, that I just don't use. It affects everybody within a 7.5-foot radius, but most often you'll be using this on one character. It only affect man-sized humanoids, but fortunately, they're common. No save penalty, and it only lasts 10 rounds... which is long enough to kill them and then some, to be fair. Still, almost anything I would use this on, I could just nail with Chaos or Greater Command, instead. Know Alignment <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Like Detect Evil, except it detects... everything. Evil things glow red,

neutral things glow blue, and friendly things glow green... like those little circles under your feet! *Resist Fire and Cold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> You won't fear the elements too often, but when dealing with fire or cold happy foes, this spell can cut their damage in half. I wouldn't keep it ready all the time, but it'll come in handy once in a while. *Silence 15' Radius <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Enemy Mage or Cleric getting you down? Not if they can't cast spellswhich is exactly what this little beauty does. It boasts a 15-foot radius, a duration of two rounds per level, and forces the save to be made at -5... which means it works often. It saw more use in the first game, but now, uber-powerful Mages (like Liches) will probably have Magic Resistance to avoid it. Failing that, almost every Mage with any real power will have Vocalize, which counters this spell handily. This makes it decidedly inferior to other Mage-bashing tactics, like Insect Plague, which is nearly fool-proof... but it doesn't hurt to cast at a group of casters. Cleric have little way to counter it, and forcing a Mage to waste time casting Vocalize gives you another round to hit them with another spell. *Slow Poison <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Slow Poison is being humble. This spell eradicates the effects of most poisons in the game. Keep at least one handy on each Cleric all the time. Spiritual Hammer <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Conjures a magical hammer, which may be used as an implement of righteous smiting. It counts as a +1 weapon from 1st-6th level, as a +2 weapon from 7th-12th level, and a +3 weapon at 13th level and beyond. You'll find more powerful weapons than this spell conjures. You should never need to use it. 3rd Level Cleric Spells {SPT005} o======================================================================o ***TOP SPELLS*** Cure Disease: Cures disease, blindness, and feeblemind. --Cure Medium Wounds: Heals 14 Hit Points. --Dispel Magic: Remove buffs/debuffs in an area. --Holy Smite: Deals 1d4 damage/level to evil creatures. --Protection from Fire: Grants 80% Resistance to Fire. --Remove Paralysis: Curse paralysis/hold effects. Animate Dead <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Ah... Animate Dead... this was a great spell in Baldur's Gate 1, but its hour has passed. Skeleton Warriors are nothing special anymore, and the Stinking Cloud/Animate Dead tactic has been surpassed by superior spells. You'll find better minions who are stronger and can take more abuse, so remove this spell from your spellbooks and move on.

*Cure Disease <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Diseases suck. They function like Poison, but take much longer to deal their damage, and tend to last much, much longer. Unless you're injured, you rest, or travel across the world map, your chances of dying due to disease are pretty low... But having to run back to a temple to get a character cured is no good solution, and Mummies aren't uncommon in this game. It's a good idea to always have one of these prepared. *Cure Medium Wounds <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell restores 14 Hit Points. *Dispel Magic <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Bad guys cast spells too-buffing themselves, or debuffing you. Just as a Chaos spell can win a fight for you, if it's cast on you, it can also result in casualties if the enemy gets one on you... unless you're wise enough to keep a Dispel Magic handy. This spell is just wonderful, and everybody who can cast it should always have one prepared. Glyph of Warding <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Creates a static 'trap' that explodes when an enemy comes close, dealing 1d4 damage/level to foes within range. This spell is party friendly, so it should be used-not defensively, as the description suggests, but offensively, like Fireball. Still, the Cleric has better 3rd-level spells to cast, and the Mage has far, far superior damage-dealers. *Holy Smite (Good characters Only) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> One of the rare alignment-specific spells in Baldur's Gate, Holy Blight deals 1d4 damage per level of the caster to all evil foes in a 20-ft. radius. A fair number of enemies are actually neutral, which limits this spell's effectiveness, but there are plenty of evil foes to bring holy doom down upon. This spell is party-friendly... provided you're not traveling around with evil folks. Invisibility Purge <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Like the Arcane spell 'Detect Invisibility' this spell will allow you to detect-and therefore thwart-sneaking enemies. You're better off springing for True Sight. Miscast Magic <----------------------------------------------------------------------> You'll see the enemy cast this spell a few times, but I never bother with it. If the enemy fails at a Save vs. Spells (save at -2), they'll suffer an 80% spell casting failure rate. Of course, Silence 15' Radius can affect multiple foes, imposes a -5 save, and makes spell casting 100% impossible for affected creatures... and Insect Plague is superior to Silence. This puts Miscast Magic pretty low on my list of anti-Mage spells. *Protection from Fire <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Like the Resist Fire/Cold, but it protects you from 80% of fire damage. Excellent in a few areas. Remove Curse

<----------------------------------------------------------------------> You should NEVER need to cast this spell. It's grand purpose? Getting icky cursed items out of your hands. This guide tells you what items you're getting, and you should never equip unidentified items in the first place. *Remove Paralysis <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Paralysis isn't a terribly uncommon affliction in Baldur's Gate 2, and while it's not the main tactic the enemy will be using on you anymore, it's still common enough that it's worth having one of these spells prepared at all times. Rigid Thinking <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Another spell you'll more often see when it's cast on you than when you actually waste the time to cast it-it affects one critter and inflicts confusion. It lasts one turn, and can be negated by a simple Save vs. Spells. Compare this to the 4th-level Arcane spell Confusion, and you'll see what a butt-nutter this pansy version is. Strength of One <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Gives the entire party a Strength score of 18/75, and lasts for a turn. It might seem nifty at first, but once you get the Gauntlets of Ogre Power, or any of the other Strength-boosting items in the game, this spell will actually hinder you in combat. For natural heavy-hitters like Minsc or Korgan, this spell is a meagre bonus from the outset. Unholy Blight <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Like Holy Blight, but with different alignment effects. This spell deals 1d4 damage per level of the caster to all good foes in the area of effect (20-ft. radius). The spell deals half damage on a successful save, but on a failed save, it also imposes a -2 penalty 'to all their rolls' for four rounds. This spell is massively less useful than Holy Blight, since most foes you'll fight are either neutral or evil... Meaning few enemies will be affected by this spell at all. Zone of Sweet Air <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Dispels spells like Stinking Cloud or Cloudkill. Honestly, I tend to be the Cloudkill/Stinking Cloud caster, the computer rarely uses such spells... and if they do, I'm more than happy to cast Animate Dead and let the computer trip over their own spells. I have never bothered with this spell. 4th Level Cleric Spells {SPT006} o======================================================================o ***TOP SPELLS*** Death Ward: Makes character immune to death magic. --Neutralize Poison: Cures poison, diease, blindness, deafness, and heals. --Protection from Evil 10' Radius: Long-lasting party buff. Animal Summoning I <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Low-level summoning spell suck in Baldur's Gate 2, where the quality of the foes you'll be facing demands higher-quality minions. Think it

doesn't suck? You'll summon one or two of the following creatures when you cast this spell-a Dire Wolf, or a War Dog. Yeah. Pass on it. Cause Serious Wounds <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Touch a bad-guy, and deal 17 damage to them. Seriously? There are many better ways to deal 17 damage to a creature-ONE creature. Cloak of Fear <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell creates as three-foot radius fear effect centered on the caster. I'm always dubious about spells that require the proximity of the caster... but this spell has no effective radius (if your Cleric is surrounded, maybe, but good luck getting the spell off) and imposes no save penalty. Even worse, it only causes fear for four rounds. How is this spell in any way comparable to the 2nd-level Arcane spell, Horror? Cure Serious Wounds <----------------------------------------------------------------------> A more potent version of Cure Light Wounds, it must compete with many great 4th-level Cleric spells. At the end of the day, healing is just not strong enough in this game to save you during a fight, the way the 'Heal' spell will. 17 Hit Points is just a band-aid, not a life-saver in the heat of battle. *Death Ward <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Death Ward is a wonderful, indispensible, must-have spell for every Cleric in Baldur's Gate 2. You will have lots od death-spells thrown your way. Liches and Beholds are especially fond of throwing effects at you like Disintegrate and Finger of Death. Want to ensure that a certain character won't get offed by a certain enemy? This is the way to counter such death-effects. Defensive Harmony <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell gives you a +2 bonus to Armor Class for ten rounds-the perfect last preparation before a big fight. +2 Armor Class is the same as 10% miss chance, and it affects the whole party. Kind of the opposite of Death Ward, I use it frequently in the first game, but almost never in Baldur's Gate 2. Armor Class can get quite low naturally in Baldur's Gate 2, but by Throne of Bhaal, we're contending with foes who have THAC0s of -10... which renders most Armor Class considerations moot. It might be worth a cast once in a while in Shadows of Amn, but... really, the duration just sucks so much I don't ever bother with it. Farsight <----------------------------------------------------------------------> You could this spell... or you could simply sneak around with a Thief, Ranger, or invisible character. You'll see more, and it wastes-at besta 2nd-level Arcane spell. Free Action <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell comes in handy any time you encounter Carrion Crawlers, Ghouls, Ghasts, Greater Ghouls, or butthole Clerics who like to cast Hold Person. Of course, it's just as easy to strap on a Ring of Free Action and save yourself the 4th-level spell slot. Holy Power <---------------------------------------------------------------------->

A weak attempt at Tenser's, save it allows the caster to keep their spell casting powers. This spell is a mix of good and mediocrity. First, one Hit Point per level will not a Fighter make. Second, while it grants a massive bonus to combat prowess, it does not increase the Cleric's attacks per round... again, 18/00 Strength and a good to hit does not a Fighter make. On the other hand, it's still a welcome boost for those melee-heavy fights where another competent warrior could tip the balance... cast on a 7th-level Viconia, it raised her Hit Points from 52 to 59, dropped her THAC0 from a wretched 15 to a respectable 10, and increased her damage range from 3-8 to 9-14. It duration means it won't be worth casting all the time (like Protection from Evil 10' Radius will be), but for big fights, it's worth considering. Hybrid characters like a Fighter/Cleric will arguably make better use of itthey already have the THAC0, but the Strength bonus helps, especially with their superior attacks per round. Ultimately, this spell is decent at times in the first game, but in Baldur's Gate 2, it'll be utterly eclipsed by Draw Upon Holy Might. Lesser Restoration <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell will remove energy drain on the target, but will fatigue the caster outright. Energy drain is quite common in this game, but you don't usually need to keep this spell prepared, and my tactic for dealing with energy draining foes tends to be... well, preventing any energy drain in the first place. But, nothing is perfect, and you might well find yourself in need of this spell. Still, it's not like disease or poison, where somebody will die if it's not cured quickly, so you can always just prepare it after you need it, cast it, and replace it with something else when everybody is good to go. Mental Domination <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Like the Arcane spell Domination... but Clericy. It allows you to take control of a critter and command it. I never bother with these spells, as there's always a better debuff to cast. Negative Plane Protection <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell seems like it might be useful, save for a few sad facts. First, it only affects one person. Second, it lasts for only five rounds... which is absurd. If you need such protection, you're better off casting the 7th-Level Mage spell Limited Wish, which will do the same thing for the whole party. *Neutralize Poison <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Don't let the name fool you-this spell provides a suite of curative effects. It cures poison, sure, but is also cures diseases, blindness, deafness, and heals 10 Hit Points. Until you get access to the Heal spell, it's the best panacea you've got, and it won't hurt to keep one handy... as it cures a variety of afflictions. Poison <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Deals variable damage, but the target receives a Saving Throw vs. Poison at no penalty to negate all effects, as follows: o===============o===============o |Caster's Level | Poison Damage | o===============o===============o | 7th-9th | 2d8 + 2/round |

|---------------|---------------| | 10th-12th | 3d8 + 3/round | |---------------|---------------| | 13th-14th | 4d8 + 4/round | |---------------|---------------| | 15th-16th | 6d8 + 5/round | |---------------|---------------| | 17th+ | 8d8 + 6/round | o===============o===============o As you can see, its damage scales as you level, but it scales just slow enough to be too weak to bother casting at every level. Really, 68-108 damage sounds like a lot, but since you need to reach 17th-Level to get that damage, and it takes ten rounds for this spell to deal it... well, it sounds less impressive, doesn't it? *Protection from Evil 10' Radius <----------------------------------------------------------------------> One of the best all-purpose buffs in the game, it always deserves a 4th-level spell slot. Enemies suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls, and your saves against spells and attacks made by such creatures receive a +2 bonus. At a turn per level, this spell will last long enough for any encounter... or perhaps several encounters. Protection From Lightning <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Makes the recpient entirely immune to lightning. It's handy in a few instances where a Lightning Bolt trap can be used to cause collateral damage, or where a hostile Mage is likely to fling such magic at you, but otherwise it's forgettable. 5th Level Cleric Spells {SPT007} o======================================================================o ***TOP SPELLS*** Chaotic Commands: Makes target immune to mind-affecting effects. --Flame Strike: 1d8 damage per level to target. --Greater Command: Puts to sleep all creatures in a 20-foot radius. --True Sight: Dispels illusion. Party-friendly. Animal Summoning II <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Just like Animal Summoning I, but with slightly stronger summons. Still, it's competing against True Sight, Chaotic Commands, and Greater Command. Far, far superior spells. You can summon either a Black Bear, a Brown Bear, a Cave Bear, or a Jaguar. Wee. Cause Critical Wounds <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Deal 27 damage to a creature with a successful touch attack... or there is Flame Strike, which deals 1d8 damage per level. Champion's Strength <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Another Clerical spell that boost the fighting abilities of a character. This time, you cna choose the recepient, and the spell actually has a passable duration of three rounds per level. When cast, it improves the target's THAC0 by one point per three levels (up to a maximum of +6 at

18th level) and increases (or decreases) the target's Strength to 18/00. The downside? Your Cleric can't cast spells while this spell's in effect. Losing your Cleric's spell-casting abilities is NOT worth the benefits this spell's bestows... not to mention the fact that, for much of the game your warriors will have Strength scores in excess of 18/00. *Chaotic Commands <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Oh, Chaotic Commands, how I love you... this little spell makes the target immune to... pretty much every mental effect out their. Hold, Charm, Domination, Suggestion, Psionics, Confusion, all of it. Many enemies use these attacks and spells, and so, this spell will come in handy often. Best of all, it has a duration of one turn per level. Always keep one handy. Cure Critical Wounds <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Heals for 27 Hit Points. *Flame Strike <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Target a critter and make 'em toasty, that's what this spell does. I wouldn't compare it with any of the better Mage damage-dealers, but for a Cleric... well, they just don't have much else like it. It deals 1d8 damage per level, allowing a save for half damage. If you've got some free 5th-level spell slots, it might be worthwhile to give your Cleric the extra firepower. *Greater Command <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Like Command, except it doesn't have a Hit Dice limit and affects all creatures in a 20-foot radius, it's a great mind-affecting spell, but it does have one problem-it is not party friendly. Aim with caution... and if you can, use in conjunction with spells like Greater Malison. Magic Resistance <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Gives the caster 2% Magic Resistance per level, up to a maximum of 40% at 20th level. Note that it does not RAISE your current Magic Resistance to this amount, it SETS it to this amount, potentially even lowering it, if it's higher (Viconia, for instance, has a base 50% Magic Resistance). It might prove useful, but I don't consider it an essential buff. There are, after all, better ways to shield the party from magic... Mass Cure <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Heals all allies within a 30-foot radius of the caster for 1d8+1 damage per caster level. Honestly... the healing just isn't enough to bother with. If you have scrapes and bruises, use a Ring of Regeneration. If you need serious healing... well, use Heal. Raise Dead <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Revives a dead character... albeit, with one Hit Point. I have a better idea-don't die. Repulse Undead <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Knocks undead back when they get too close... really, this is as much of a hassle for you in combat as it is for your foe, as it'll disrupt your attack formation and force you to go chasing enemies. If you think

it might be a way to counter energy draining foes, know now that it's not. It acts in 'pulses', which often doesn't occur frequently enough to outright prevent attacks... and of course, it does nothing to Liches, or other undead that are just dandy with the idea of pelting you with spells or other ranged attacks. Righteous Magic <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Yet ANOTHER I-wanna-be-a-warrior spell, this one gives one Hit Point per level of the Cleric (up to a maximum of 20) and increases the Cleric's Strength by one point per three levels (again, up to a maximum of six points). It also makes all their attacks do maximum damage. It has a healthy duration of one round per level, but there are still issues... it doesn't address the Cleric's poor number of attacks per round, and honestly, how much better is it than Draw Upon Holy Might? Slay Living <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Touch a living creature and make 'em dead. After casting, the Cleric has three round (18 seconds) to touch a creature, at which time they must Save vs. Spell or die... taking 2d6+9 damage on a successful save. Honestly, I'm not a fan of the touching thing, and no save penalty suck. I'd stick to Finger of Death. *True Sight <----------------------------------------------------------------------> An essential debuff, True Sight is the bane of all illusions, which enemy Mages will use constantly. A party without True Sight is a party that's ill-prepared to deal with many of the stronger creatures in the game. Have one prepared at all times on every character able to cast it. 6th Level Cleric Spells {SPT008} o======================================================================o ***TOP SPELLS*** Bolt of Glory: Deals variable damage based on target type. No save. --Heal: Fully heals target and cures a variety of status effects. Aerial Servant <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Conjures an Aerial Servant for the caster to control. As we should remember from Baldur's Gate 1, Aerial Servants aren't terrible strong, and really not worth a 6th-Level spell. Animal Summoning III <----------------------------------------------------------------------> The highest-level of all the Animal Summoning spells, it still sucks. It'll have to compete against Heal, which is not really a good spell to compete against. You can summon a Lion, a Winter Wolf, a Cave Bear, or a Polar Bear. Blade Barrier <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Creates a wall of 'circling, razor-sharp blades' that 'create an unpenetrable barrier'... except not, for the last part. Anything (friend or foe) attempting to pass through the barrier (like, to make a melee attack) suffers 8d8 points of damage. It's just not enough damage, really, and the fact that your Cleric-who you might need to heal poeple-might hurt your own party members... it really makes me

think it's not worth the bother. *Bolt of Glory <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Against a few, select, enemies, this spell is very useful. It only affects one creature, but there's no save, and the damage is pretty good. Against normal creatures or elementals it's not worth casting, but against undead it'll deal 8d6 damage, and against demons it really shines, dealing 10d6 damage. No save, no missing. Before you have wide access to highly enchanted weapons, this can be a life-saver, and when you just need a sure way to deal some damage, this is a great option. Still, I wouldn't keep it prepared unless I knew for certain that I would have to fight such creatures. Conjure Animals <----------------------------------------------------------------------> ...essentially Animal Summoning IV. In fact, in Infinity Explorer, the Animal Summoning spells are listed as 'ANISUM01', 'ANISUM02', etc. This literally is 'ANISUM04', whereas Animal Summoning III is 'ANISUM03'... so, yeah, it's Animal Summoning IV. It allows you to summon a Polar Bear or two. Really, really not worth the 6th-Level spell slot. False Dawn <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Essentially an area-of-effect spell that only harms undead. 6d6 damage, no save, and it confuses undead the following round. 6d6 just isn't a whole lot of damage, even if the fact that this spell is partyfriendly helps. Another downside, although I rarely complain about it, is that its casting time is horrible for the type of spell it is. It doesn't matter anyways, the real reason you should ignore this spell is Sunray, which is just far superior. Harm <----------------------------------------------------------------------> The opposite of Heal, it reduces a target's Hit Points to one. It does, of course, require a touch attack to work, which makes me less inclined to bother with it. But, in case you're enthralled with the damage potential, I'll work some math to show you why you shouldn't bother with this spell. First, and obviously, it takes a round to cast the spell. Then you must make an attack with it to to work-that's two rounds to do what Finger of Death attempts to do in one. Second, you must actually hit a target unarmed for the spell to work. For most Clerics, it'll be easier to overcome an enemy's Save vs. Spells with Finger of Death than it will be to overcome their Armor Class with Harm. *Heal <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This is the best healing spell in the game, and it really makes all other healing spells obsolete. It fully cures any one creature regardless of how much damage they've sustained and cures all diseases, and a variety of other effects. Most of your 6th level Cleric/Druid spell slots should be occupied by Heal spells. Physical Mirror <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Creates a barrier that reflects missile attacks back at the attacker... while allowing you to make ranged attacks freely. Ranged attacks aren't nearly as threatening in Baldur's Gate 2 as they were in the original Baldur's Gate, so I really can't recommend taking this extra defensive measure. Besides, it only lasts nine rounds... which is probably enough

to see out a fight, but seriously, ranged attacks are rarely a source of serious danger by the time you get 6th-Level spells. Sol's Searing Orb <----------------------------------------------------------------------> The caster chucks a glowing orb of fiery not-niceness, which deals 6d6 damage and blinds the target for 1d6 rounds... if it hits. That's right, it's another damage-dealer that requires a to-hit roll. Worse still, the target can save for half damage (a successful save also negates the blindness). That being the case, why would you ever use this stupid spell? Harm deals much more damage, and gives no save. Flame Strike deals more damage, is a ranged attack, and doesn't require an attack roll. Oh, the spell deals more damage to undead and blinds them longer. This spell still sucks. Wondrous Recall <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Allows you to recall two spent spells of 5th-Level or lower... which, if used to recover important 4th-or-5th-level spells seems like it might be useful, right? Sure, save one problem. It picks the spells you recover randomly. So... unless you feel particularly lucky, this spell is of minimal tactical value. 7th Level Cleric Spells {SPT009} o======================================================================o ***TOP SPELLS*** Aura of Flaming Death: Protects and deals fire damage to attackers. --Finger of Death: Enemy must save at -2 or die. --Greater Restoration: Cures status effects and fully heals target. --Summon Deva/Summon Fallen Deva: Summons a Deva to fight at your side. --Sunray: Undead in area take damage and must save or die. *Aura of Flaming Death <----------------------------------------------------------------------> An improved version of Fireshield, this spell grants a four-point bonus to Armor Class, 90% resistance to fire damage, and deals 2d10+2 points of damage to attackers. You should always keep one ready for big fights. Confusion <----------------------------------------------------------------------> We all know about Confusion-as a 4th-Level Mage spell, it's pretty awesome... or it was, in the first game... or something. As a 7th-Level Cleric spell, however, it's a bit of a waste. Earthquake <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell might sound promising, just looking it over. It releases three tremors of varying potency. The first deals 6d6 damage to all creatures in a wide area (not party-friendly) and if they fail to save at -6 they are knocked down for four rounds. The second does 3d6 damage (save at -2), and the final deals 2d6 (normal save). So, three saves for a total of 11d6 damage and a chance to knock down. The real damning thing about this spell, save the fact that enemies get so many saves to reduce damage, is the fact that it's not not party-friendly. I've never had it deal spectacular damage, and worse still, there's a chance that you'll provoke an Earth Elemental. At the end of the day, there are just

better 7th-Level spells to cast. Elemental Summoning <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Summons a pair of 16 Hit Dice elementals (of a random type) to fight for you, with a 10% chance to summon an Elemental Prince. This spell is a decent summoning spell, but it pales in comparison to Greater Elemental Summoning. Alas for Clerics, only Druids get it. *Finger of Death <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell instantly snuffs out the victim's life force. It's a killer, and I love it. It imposes a -2 penalty on the victim's save, which makes it a compotent killer, if not a spectacular one, but if you help them along with Greater Malison, you actually stand a chance at snuffing out baddies. Even if it fails, they still take 2d8+1 damage, which isn't much, but it's better than nothing. I always have one ready. After all, if you do not play, you cannot win. Firestorm <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Deals 2d8+1/level damage to everything in the 20-foot radius area of effect, and lasts for four rounds. It... has a rare use, perhaps, but unless you can keep foes in the area, it's of little value. Also, the fact that it's not party-friendly doesn't help. Gate <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Gate is a summoning spell with serious liabilities. Unless you have a Protection of Evil spell cast on your caster (and anybody else you don't want the Pit Fiend to attack) the Pit Fiend will view them as fair game. On one hand, you should be used to using Protection From Evil 10' Radius frequently... but on the other hand, having a summon who will turn on you if a Dispel Magic is tossed around doesn't strike me as a good idea. Besides, there are plenty of other, superior summoning spells out there. Ones not coated in liability sauce. Globe of Blades <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell deals 10d10 points of damage to creatures (friendly or not) adjacent to the caster, and lasts a turn. In combination with Aura of Flaming Death it can make attacking the caster very, very painful. Just beware of friendly fire. *Greater Restoration <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell cures all level drain, corrects pretty much every status effect, and full heals any character it's cast upon. It'll tire the caster, but sometimes it's worth casting to bring severely damage allies back from the brink. Holy Word <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Smites all creatures of evil alignment in the spell's 30-foot radius area of effect, depending upon the target's level: o===============o===============================o |Target's Level | Effect | o===============o===============================o | > 4 | Death | |---------------|-------------------------------|

| 4 - 7 | Stunned for one turn | |---------------|-------------------------------| | 8 - 11 | Slowed for 1 turn with 75% | | | spell failure |---------------|-------------------------------| | < 12 | Deafness for 1 turn with 50% | | | spell failure o===============o===============================o

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As you can see, the spell's effects wane as the targets get stronger. If your idea of a good time is to smite Goblins, then this is the spell for you. If you want to smite strong foes, you'll need to look elsewhere. Implosion <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Deals 10d10 fire and 10d10 bludgeoning damage to a single target over the course of two rounds. Save for half. It's great damage... even if it only affects one creatures and, with no save penalty you're probably only going to deal 10d10 damage. This of course, makes me wonder how much better this spell is than Flame Strike... probably not worth a 7th-Level spell slot. Mass Raise Dead <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Remember what I said about Raise Dead? Yeah, that plus extra. Don't suck and you won't need this spell. Regeneration <----------------------------------------------------------------------> So... it gives the recepient regeneration of three Hit Points per second over the course of one round per two levels. Wouldn't a Heal spell do more, and more quickly? Rhetorical question. It would. Resurrection <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Like Raise Dead, except it fully heals the taget thus revived. Again, don't suck and you won't die. Shield of the Archons <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Creates a shield that protects the caster from a number of spells equal to half the caster's level... potentially blocking quite a few spells at higher levels. Of course, it's not proof against area-of-effect spells, so it's like conjuring a low-quality, temporary Cloak of Mirroring. It might prove to be a useful defensive measure for some people, but I've never bothered with it. Storm of Vengeance <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Instantly kills foes of 8th-Level or lower... which will not be worthy foes by the time you get this spell. Against foes of higher quality, it will deal 1d6 acid, 1d6 electrical, and 1d6 fire damage each round for three rounds. A non-party-friendly spells that takes three rounds to deal 9d6 damage? Yeah, it sucks. Oh, it has a chance to poison on the first round. I don't care. *Summon Deva/Summon Fallen Deva <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Summons a Deva-a potent angel (or fallen angel) to fight for the caster. Strong ally, good duration, no liabilities... yep, it's a great

summoning spell for the Cleric, alright. The Deva is hardy and strong, and has a number of useful spells it can cast. Good stuff. *Sunray <----------------------------------------------------------------------> The ultimate anti-undead spell, it deals 1d6 points of damage per caster level to undead within a 20-foot radius, and the undead must save vs. spells or be destroyed. It's a great way to blast away Liches... or any other undead creature in general. It's party friendly, too. Once you get it, use it to cheap-shot any troublesome undead you encounter. It also affects non-undead, but it's not worth wasting it on such foes. Symbol: Death <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Inscribes a magical symbol that, when approached, causes all creatures in the area to Save vs. Death or die. Unfortunately it doesn't work on any foes with 60 Hit Points or more, so... yeah. I wipe my ass with this spell. Symbol: Fear <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Another Symbol spell, when something enters the area of effect it triggers, attempting to cause fear (save at -4). It, like all Symbol spells are plagued by the fact that they're not party-friendly... but, the range is decent, the save penalty good, and if you prepare with Remove Fear, it might not be a terrible spell to cast. Symbol: Stun <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Everything within a 30-foot radius must save at -4 or be stunned for two rounds, +1 round/3 levels of the caster. Keep in mind that the spell is not party friendly. Unholy Word <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Unholy word acts exactly like Holy Word, but it only affects good creatures. This spell is useless for the same reason that Unholy Blight is useless-there just aren't many good foes in the game. Oh, and the fact that even if there were good creatures worth smiting, this spell would probably just tickle them, anyways. o===============o===============================o |Target's Level | Effect | o===============o===============================o | > 4 | Death | |---------------|-------------------------------| | 4 - 7 | Stunned for one turn | |---------------|-------------------------------| | 8 - 11 | Slowed for 1 turn with 75% | | | spell failure |---------------|-------------------------------| | < 12 | Deafness for 1 turn with 50% | | | spell failure o===============o===============================o

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1st Level Druid Spells {SPT010} o======================================================================o ***TOP SPELLS*** Armor of Faith: Blocks 5% of damage per five levels. ---

Cure Light Wounds: Heals 8 Hit Points. *Armor of Faith <----------------------------------------------------------------------> A simple defensive spell that will remain in your list of memorized spells throughout both games... simply because good defensive Clerical spells are so rare. This spell absorbs 5% of all damage the caster would otherwise sustain from physical and magical attacks, and protects against another 5% for every five levels of the Cleric. Which means... up to 10% in this game. That doesn't sound like much-and it isn't-but losing one point in ten of damage isn't horrible, and it has a decent duration, too. By the time you hit Throne of Bhaal and your Clerics are pushing 20th level, it'll be seriously reducing damage. Bless <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Bless gives all allies within a 30-foot radius a +1 bonus to attack rolls and a +1 bonus to saves versus fear. I'll be honest, I rarely use it, but it's not that bad of a spell. Your THAC0 won't be low enough to ignore a +1 bonus... but its six-round duration is just lame. You have better buffs to use. *Cure Light Wounds <----------------------------------------------------------------------> The essential healing spell, you'll probably want to keep several instances of this spell ready at all times. Detect Evil <----------------------------------------------------------------------> It's... not a great spell, and I wouldn't keep one prepared, but Ajantis can use it as a special ability. It's got quite a range, and nearby enemies will be detected as evil in your dialogue box. Want to know if some Black Talons are currently lurking in Larswood, or want to know if those humble-looking fishermen are up to no good? Give this spell a go. Doom <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This curse bestows a -2 penalty to saves and attack rolls upon a single enemy. This is actually a decent spell to cast on tougher enemies, as that -2 save penalty can end up paying off in a big way if the critter then falls victim to some spell or weapon effect. Of course, Greater Malison affects multiple creatures and bestows a -4 penalty to their saves, making it a far superior cast. Entangle <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Like Stinking Cloud and Web, this spell is no longer terribly useful. We have better spells to debilitate our foes with. Shillelagh <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Creates a +1 cudgel that deals 2d4 damage. You won't spend much of the game with a permanent weapon worse than this, so why bother? 2nd Level Druid Spells {SPT011} o======================================================================o ***TOP SPELLS*** Resist Fire and Cold: 50% Resistance to Fire and Cold. --Slow Poison: Cures poison.

Barkskin <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Grants a target an Armor Class of six, which improves (decreases) by one for ever four levels of the caster... This can effectively give you an Armor Class that's comparable to Full Plate Mail at higher levels, but by then, you've certainly found better, permanent, armor. Charm Person or Mammal <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Like the Arcane spell, Charm Person, save it also can affect a few quadrapeds, as well. It's utterly negatable by a single save at no penalty, so I wouldn't bother with it. Find Traps <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Detects traps in a very close range. This spell doesn't disarm them, however, so it's rather pointless. Flame Blade <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell allows the caster to create a flaming blade, which the caster is considered Proficient with. It deals 1d4 slashing damage, plus 1d2+4 fire damage. Despite being a magical blade of flame it does NOT count as a magical weapon for determining what it can hit-makes sense to me. Good Berry <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Creates five magical berries that each heal for one Hit Point. They last forever, so it's like creating a weak healing potion to use... just as long as you don't expect them to be worth anything in combat. They take time to use in combat, and since they can only be consumed one at a time... yeah, one Hit Point of healing per round will not win you any fights. If for some reason you cannot rest, you could conceivably give thirty of the weightless things to each party member... but I can't think of a single instance where this is necessary. So, no combat uses, takes forever to actually use them all, and there's no point in time where you'd need to do it. Useless spell. Know Alignment <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Like Detect Evil, except it detects.. everything. Evil things glow red, neutral things glow blue, and friendly things glow green.. like those little circles under your feet! *Resist Fire and Cold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> You won't fear the elements too often, but when dealing with fire or cold happy foes, this spell can cut their damage in half. I wouldn't keep it ready all the time, but it'll come in handy once in a while. *Slow Poison <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Slow Poison is being humble. This spell eradicates the effects of most poisons in the game. Keep at least one handy on each Cleric all the time. 3rd Level Druid Spells {SPT012} o======================================================================o ***TOP SPELLS*** Cure Medium Wounds: Heals 14 Hit Points. ---

Dispel Magic: Remove buffs/debuffs in an area. --Protection from Fire: Grants 80% Resistance to Fire. Call Lightning <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell calls down lightning to randomly strike foes. Once per turn you'll summon one bolt per four levels of the caster, each dealing 2d8 damage +1d8 per level of the caster. It sounds awesome enough-an 8th-level caster can call down two bolts a turn, each dealing 10d8 damage. Still, you can only target the first bolts, and what fight lasts longer than a turn? None, really. Ultimately, I just find this spell too damn random to bother with. *Cure Disease <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Diseases suck. They function like Poison, but take much longer to deal their damage, and tend to last much, much longer. Unless you're injured, you rest, or travel across the world map, your chances of dying due to disease are pretty low... But having to run back to a temple to get a character cured is no good solution, and Mummies aren't uncommon in this game. It's a good idea to always have one of these prepared. *Cure Medium Wounds <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell restores 14 Hit Points. *Dispel Magic <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Bad guys cast spells too-buffing themselves, or debuffing you. Just as a Chaos spell can win a fight for you, if it's cast on you, it can also result in casualties if the enemy gets one on you... unless you're wise enough to keep a Dispel Magic handy. This spell is just wonderful, and everybody who can cast it should always have one prepared. Hold Animal <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Another hold spell-it only affects 'normal and giant-sized' animals, pointedly exempting Wyverns and Ankhegs, for no good reason. That leaves... what? Cave Bears? Who cares? This spell just doesn't have enough potential targets to make it worthwhile, nor are the foes it affects worth keeping it prepared. Invisibility Purge <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Like the Arcane spell 'Detect Invisibility' this spell will allow you to detect-and therefore thwart-sneaking enemies. You're better off springing for True Sight. Miscast Magic <----------------------------------------------------------------------> You'll see the enemy cast this spell a few times, but I never bother with it. If the enemy fails at a Save vs. Spells (save at -2), they'll suffer an 80% spell casting failure rate. Of course, Silence 15' Radius can affect multiple foes, imposes a -5 save, and makes spell casting 100% impossible for affected creatures... and Insect Plague is superior to Silence. This puts Miscast Magic pretty low on my list of anti-Mage spells. *Protection from Fire <---------------------------------------------------------------------->

Like the Resist Fire/Cold, but it protects you from 80% of fire damage. Excellent in a few areas. Rigid Thinking <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Another spell you'll more often see when it's cast on you than when you actually waste the time to cast it-it affects one critter and inflicts confusion. It lasts one turn, and can be negated by a simple Save vs. Spells. Compare this to the 4th-level Arcane spell Confusion, and you'll see what a butt-nutter this pansy version is. Strength of One <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Gives the entire party a Strength score of 18/75, and lasts for a turn. It might seem nifty at first, but once you get the Gauntlets of Ogre Power, or any of the other Strength-boosting items in the game, this spell will actually hinder you in combat. For natural heavy-hitters like Minsc or Korgan, this spell is a meagre bonus from the outset. Summon Insects <----------------------------------------------------------------------> A very, very weak version of the absolutely devastating 5th-level Druid spell, Insect Plague. A single target must Save vs. Breath Weapons (at a -2 peanlty) or take one damage per two seconds of duration... why such a weird number? I don't know-it deals three damage per round, for seven rounds. More importantly, the target suffers a -2 penalty to THAC0 and Armor Class, and has a 50% spell-casting failure. Ultimately, I'd rather use Animate Dead and/or Silence 15' Radius to deal with enemy spells, and a Slow spell retards melee combat far more effectively. Zone of Sweet Air <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Negates the effects of Stinking Cloud and Cloudkill... two spells that are quite uncommon, and really not a severe threat anymore. 4th Level Druid Spells {SPT013} o======================================================================o ***TOP SPELLS*** Death Ward: Makes character immune to death magic. --Neutralize Poison: Cures poison, diease, blindness, deafness, and heals. Animal Summoning <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Low-level summoning spell suck in Baldur's Gate 2, where the quality of the foes you'll be facing demands higher-quality minions. Think it doesn't suck? You'll summon one or two of the following creatures when you cast this spell-a Dire Wolf, or a War Dog. Yeah. Pass on it. Call Woodland Beings <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell might have been useful in the first game, but in Baldur's Gate 2, it'll take more than the promise of a Confusion spell to make me waste a spell slot on it. Cause Serious Wounds <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Touch a bad-guy, and deal 17 damage to them. Seriously? There are many better ways to deal 17 damage to a creature-ONE creature. Cloak of Fear

<----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell creates as three-foot radius fear effect centered on the caster. I'm always dubious about spells that require the proximity of the caster... but this spell has no effective radius (if your Druid is surrounded, maybe, but good luck getting the spell off) and imposes no save penalty. Even worse, it only causes fear for four rounds. How is this spell in any way comparable to the 2nd-level Arcane spell, Horror? Cure Serious Wounds <----------------------------------------------------------------------> A more potent version of Cure Light Wounds, it must compete with many great 4th-level Druid spells. At the end of the day, healing is just not strong enough in this game to save you during a fight, the way the 'Heal' spell will in the sequel. 17 Hit Points is just a band-aid to a late-game warrior, not a life-saver in the heat of battle. *Death Ward <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Death Ward is a wonderful, indispensible, must-have spell for every Cleric in Baldur's Gate 2. You will have lots od death-spells thrown your way. Liches and Beholds are especially fond of throwing effects at you like Disintegrate and Finger of Death. Want to ensure that a certain character won't get offed by a certain enemy? This is the way to counter such death-effects. Defensive Harmony <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell gives you a +2 bonus to Armor Class for ten rounds-the perfect last preparation before a big fight. +2 Armor Class is the same as 10% miss chance, and it affects the whole party. Kind of the opposite of Death Ward, I use it frequently in the first game, but almost never in Baldur's Gate 2. Armor Class can get quite low naturally in Baldur's Gate 2, but by Throne of Bhaal, we're contending with foes who have THAC0s of -10... which renders most Armor Class considerations moot. It might be worth a cast once in a while in Shadows of Amn, but... really, the duration just sucks so much I don't ever bother with it. Farsight <----------------------------------------------------------------------> You could this spell... or you could simply sneak around with a Thief, Ranger, or invisible character. You'll see more, and it wastes-at besta 2nd-level Arcane spell. Negative Plane Protection <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell seems like it might be useful, save for a few sad facts. First, it only affects one person. Second, it lasts for only five rounds... which is absurd. If you need such protection, you're better off casting the 7th-Level Mage spell Limited Wish, which will do the same thing for the whole party. *Neutralize Poison <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Don't let the name fool you-this spell provides a suite of curative effects. It cures poison, sure, but is also cures diseases, blindness, deafness, and heals 10 Hit Points. Until you get access to the Heal spell, it's the best panacea you've got, and it won't hurt to keep one handy... as it cures a variety of afflictions. Poison <---------------------------------------------------------------------->

Deals variable damage, but the target receives a Saving Throw vs. Poison at no penalty to negate all effects, as follows: o===============o===============o |Caster's Level | Poison Damage | o===============o===============o | 7th-9th | 2d8 + 2/round | |---------------|---------------| | 10th-12th | 3d8 + 3/round | |---------------|---------------| | 13th-14th | 4d8 + 4/round | |---------------|---------------| | 15th-16th | 6d8 + 5/round | |---------------|---------------| | 17th+ | 8d8 + 6/round | o===============o===============o The damage it deals is... passable, but I find little merit with spells that have no save penalties. Also, that juicy damage that might be enticing you isn't going to happen in this game. You'll have to weigh it's merits on 2d8 + 2/round damage... or 22-36 damage over one turn, to one creature, that's negated by a single save. Doesn't sound so epic when you do the math, does it? Protection From Lightning <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Makes the recpient entirely immune to lightning. It's handy in a few instances where a Lightning Bolt trap can be used to cause collateral damage, or where a hostile Mage is likely to fling such magic at you, but otherwise it's forgetable. 5th Level Druid Spells {SPT014} o======================================================================o ***TOP SPELLS*** Chaotic Commands: Makes target immune to mind-affecting effects. --Insect Plague: Deals damage, prevents spell casting, causes panic. --Iron Skins: Creates a number of skins that prevent physical damage. --True Sight: Dispels illusion. Party-friendly. Animal Summoning II <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Just like Animal Summoning I, but with slightly stronger summons. Still, it's competing against True Sight, Chaotic Commands, and Greater Command. Far, far superior spells. You can summon either a Black Bear, a Brown Bear, a Cave Bear, or a Jaguar. Wee. Cause Critical Wounds <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Deal 27 damage to a creature with a successful touch attack... Seriously? This spell is nowhere near competition for awesome 5th-level Druid spells like Chaotic Commands, Insect Plague, Iron Skins, or True Sight. *Chaotic Commands <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Oh, Chaotic Commands, how I love you... this little spell makes the target immune to... pretty much every mental effect out their. Hold, Charm, Domination, Suggestion, Psionics, Confusion, all of it. Many

enemies use these attacks and spells, and so, this spell will come in handy often. Best of all, it has a duration of one turn per level. Always keep one handy. Cure Critical Wounds <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Heals for 27 Hit Points. *Insect Plague <----------------------------------------------------------------------> One of the best reasons to include Jaheira is Insect Plague, and this spell really just dominates Shadows of Amn. You target a single victim, and after affecting them the plague will 'jump' to nearby enemies until six are affected. The damage is a worthy consideration, as it deals one point of damage every two seconds for the duration of the spell, but the real reason to use it is that it prevents spell-casters who are affected from casting spells. It only lasts six rounds, but this gives you plenty of time to hit enemy Mages with Breach and take them down with your fighters. It also has a chance to make enemies run around in a panic, which can further break up groups of enemies. It's not exaggeration to say that in Shadows of Amn, whenever a spell-caster rears their ugly magic at you, Insect Plague can effectively handicap them. Always keep one ready. *Iron Skins <----------------------------------------------------------------------> An indispensible defensive spell for the Druid, it's essentially the Druidy version of Stoneskin. Since Stoneskin is one of the best defensive spells in the game... well, this is a very good spell to have. If only there was a multi-classed Druid somewhere who could take this defensive spell into combat... perhaps a Fighter/Druid? That would be grand... Magic Resistance <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Gives the caster 2% Magic Resistance per level, up to a maximum of 40% at 20th level. Note that it does not RAISE your current Magic Resistance to this amount, it SETS it to this amount, potentially even lowering it, if it's higher (Viconia, for instance, has a base 50% Magic Resistance). It might prove useful, but I don't consider it an essential buff. There are, after all, better ways to shield the party from magic... Mass Cure <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Heals all allies within a 30-foot radius of the caster for 1d8+1 damage per caster level. Honestly... the healing just isn't enough to bother with. If you have scrapes and bruises, use a Ring of Regeneration. If you need serious healing... well, use Heal. Pixie Dust <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Makes all allies in a 30-foot radius invisible, as per the Invisibility spell. Invisibility sucks compared to its superior counterpart, the aptly-named Improved Invisibility. Also... well, this is Baldur's Gate 2. Just watch how fast enemy casters sniff you out and cast True Sight. Raise Dead <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Revives a dead character... albeit, with one Hit Point. I have a better idea-don't die.

*True Sight <----------------------------------------------------------------------> An essential debuff, True Sight is the bane of all illusions, which enemy Mages will use constantly. A party without True Sight is a party that's ill-prepared to deal with many of the stronger creatures in the game. Have one prepared at all times on every character able to cast it. 6th Level Druid Spells {SPT015} o======================================================================o ***TOP SPELLS*** Conjure Fire Elemental: Summons a 12, 16, or 24 Hit Dice Elemental. --Heal: Fully heals target and cures a variety of status effects. Animal Summoning III <----------------------------------------------------------------------> The highest-level of all the Animal Summoning spells, it still sucks. It'll have to compete against Heal, which is not really a good spell to compete against. You can summon a Lion, a Winter Wolf, a Cave Bear, or a Polar Bear. Conjure Animals <----------------------------------------------------------------------> ...essentially Animal Summoning IV. In fact, in Infinity Explorer, the Animal Summoning spells are listed as 'ANISUM01', 'ANISUM02', etc. This literally is 'ANISUM04', whereas Animal Summoning III is 'ANISUM03'... so, yeah, it's Animal Summoning IV. It allows you to summon a Polar Bear or two. Really, really not worth the 6th-Level spell slot. *Conjure Fire Elemental <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Druids gain access to this spell at 6th-Level, and it is in every way superior to the Mage version. There's simply no chance that your elemental is going to break from your control and run amok. Using the 5th-Level Mage spell might be necessary simply due to the fact that you will get it earlier, but once you can pull this off, use it instead. As for what it does... it summons a 12, 16, or 24 Hit Dice Elemental to do your bidding. The big draw of an Elemental is that it's immune to weapons that don't have an enhancement bonus of +2 or better. Fire Seeds <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Creates four 'fire seeds', which will appear in the caster's inventory, which can then be thrown at targets, dealing 2d8 damage per hit, and allowing a save for half. Do I really need to go on ranting about why this spell sucks? Yes, I do. 2d8 damage is sucky damage. No save penalty sucks. The fact that you have to throw and hit targets sucks, and you probably won't even be able to get all four out in a single round sucks. Jaheira using the Fire Tooth +3 Dagger will do far superior damage without wasting any spell slots. Harm <----------------------------------------------------------------------> The opposite of Heal, it reduces a target's Hit Points to one. It does, of course, require a touch attack to work, which makes me less inclined to bother with it. But, in case you're enthralled with the damage potential, I'll work some math to show you why you shouldn't bother with this spell. First, and obviously, it takes a round to cast the spell.

Then you must make an attack with it to to work-that's two rounds to do what Finger of Death attempts to do in one. Second, you must actually hit a target unarmed for the spell to work. For most Clerics, it'll be easier to overcome an enemy's Save vs. Spells with Finger of Death than it will be to overcome their Armor Class with Harm. *Heal <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This is the best healing spell in the game, and it really makes all other healing spells obsolete. It fully cures any one creature regardless of how much damage they've sustained and cures all diseases, and a variety of other effects. Most of your 6th level Cleric/Druid spell slots should be occupied by Heal spells. Physical Mirror <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Creates a barrier that reflects missile attacks back at the attacker... while allowing you to make ranged attacks freely. Ranged attacks aren't nearly as threatening in Baldur's Gate 2 as they were in the original Baldur's Gate, so I really can't recommend taking this extra defensive measure. Besides, it only lasts nine rounds... which is probably enough to see out a fight, but seriously, ranged attacks are rarely a source of serious danger by the time you get 6th-Level spells. Wondrous Recall <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Allows you to recall two spent spells of 5th-Level or lower... which, if used to recover important 4th-or-5th-level spells seems like it might be useful, right? Sure, save one problem. It picks the spells you recover randomly. So... unless you feel particularly lucky, this spell is of minimal tactical value. 7th Level Druid Spells {SPT016} o======================================================================o ***TOP SPELLS*** Aura of Flaming Death: Protects and deals fire damage to attackers. --Greater Elemental Summoning: Summons an Elemental Prince for one turn. *Aura of Flaming Death <----------------------------------------------------------------------> An improved version of Fireshield, this spell grants a four-point bonus to Armor Class, 90% resistance to fire damage, and deals 2d10+2 points of damage to attackers. You should always keep one ready for big fights. Druids should think of this spell even more fondly than Clerics, since they can combine it with Iron Skins for extra-potent defense. Confusion <----------------------------------------------------------------------> We all know about Confusion-as a 4th-Level Mage spell, it's pretty awesome... or it was, in the first game... or something. As a 7th-Level Cleric spell, however, it's a bit of a waste. Conjure Earth Elemental <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Summons a 12, 16, or 24 Hit Dice Earth Elemental to fight for the Druid. Something like this was fine last level, but there are far, far superior things for a Druid to cast at 7th-level... like, why not summon an Elemental Prince, instead? Creeping Doom

<----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell is like Insect Plague on crack, but with two important weaknesses... first, the 5th-level spell is a 5th-level spell, not a 7th-level spell. Second, it deals double the damage. Score! But it only lasts half the time. Since the major benefit of Insect Plague was that it interrupted spell-casters, wouldn't you, you know, want that effect to last longer? Elemental Summoning <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Summons a pair of 16 Hit Dice elementals (of a random type) to fight for you, with a 10% chance to summon an Elemental Prince. This spell is a decent summoning spell, but it pales in comparison to Greater Elemental Summoning. Fire Storm <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Deals 2d8+1/level damage to everything in the 20-foot radius area of effect, and lasts for four rounds. It... has a rare use, perhaps, but unless you can keep foes in the area, it's of little value. Also, the fact that it's not party-friendly doesn't help. Globe of Blades <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell deals 10d10 points of damage to creatures (friendly or not) adjacent to the caster, and lasts a turn. In combination with Aura of Flaming Death it can make attacking the caster very, very painful. Just beware of friendly fire. Earthquake <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell might sound promising, just looking it over. It releases three tremors of varying potency. The first deals 6d6 damage to all creatures in a wide area (not party-friendly) and if they fail to save at -6 they are knocked down for four rounds. The second does 3d6 damage (save at -2), and the final deals 2d6 (normal save). So, three saves for a total of 11d6 damage and a chance to knock down. The real damning thing about this spell, save the fact that enemies get so many saves to reduce damage, is the fact that it's not not party-friendly. I've never had it deal spectacular damage, and worse still, there's a chance that you'll provoke an Earth Elemental. At the end of the day, there are just better 7th-Level spells to cast. *Greater Elemental Summoning <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Possibly the best summoning spell in the game, it summons an Elemental Prince. A great ally, indeed. It only lasts a turn, so only use it in the most pressing of fights. Nature's Beauty <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Transforms the Druid into the ideal of beauty. Onlookers must Save vs. Spell (at a +3 bonus) or die. If they pass the save, they are merely blinded. It's party friendly, but you know... I really just don't think blinding foes is worth a 7th-Level spell slot. Regeneration <----------------------------------------------------------------------> So... it gives the recepient regeneration of three Hit Points per second over the course of one round per two levels. Wouldn't a Heal spell do more, and more quickly? Rhetorical question. It would.

Shield of the Archons <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Creates a shield that protects the caster from a number of spells equal to half the caster's level... potentially blocking quite a few spells at higher levels. Of course, it's not proof against area-of-effect spells, so it's like conjuring a low-quality, temporary Cloak of Mirroring. It might prove to be a useful defensive measure for some people, but I've never bothered with it. 1st Level Arcane Spells {SPT017} o======================================================================o ***TOP SPELLS*** Identify: Identifies magical items. --Magic Missile: Up to five bolts that unerringly deal 2-5 damage each. Armor <----------------------------------------------------------------------> A simple cast that drops your Armor Class to six (as if you were wearing Scale Mail) and lasts for nine hours. Of course, when you realise you can buy Bracers of Defense A.C. 3 right at the beginning of the game... yeah, this spell's got nothing. *Blindness <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Like most low-level debuffs, this spell has seen the end of its usefulness... this spell attempts to blind one enemy. If they fail to save (at no penalty) they'll take a -4 penalty to attack rolls and to their Armor Class. You're far better off with Slow. Burning Hands <----------------------------------------------------------------------> A simple offensive spell that deals 1d3+2 damage damage per caster level, up to a maximum of 1d3+20. Unfortunately, it doesn't have much range and isn't party friendly, so it can't be safely cast from behind more sturdy characters. It might come in handy once in a while against Trolls... but you can always just buy Arrows of Fire. instead. Charm Person <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell attempts to charm-or befriend-a neutral or hostile foes (man-sized humanoids only), but whatever usefulness it might have once had has been severely reduced in Baldur's Gate 2. Simply put, any debuff without a save penalty is rarely worth casting. Chill Touch <----------------------------------------------------------------------> A horrible, horrible damage-dealer, for two reasons-first, the caster has to touch the foes in order to deal the damage. Second, this requires the caster to actually 'make a successful melee attack'. Two things Mages are not built for-being where enemies can hit them, and trying to hit foes in melee. On top of that, the 1d8 damage and no save penalty side effect of a -2 THAC0 penalty is nothing special. Chromatic Orb <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Chromatic Orb is a handy little spell that deals damage and afflicts an enemy with status effects. At fourth level the spell can blind, at fifth it can stun for three rounds, and at seventh level it will

paralyze for 20 rounds. Of course, by that time you'll have better disabling spells, and if you want to deal damage, the 10-25 damage Magic Missile causes will probably be more reliable than a chance to stun. Color Spray <----------------------------------------------------------------------> We should consider this spell like a debuff version of Burning Hands... you emit a party unfriendly effect in an arc in front of you. Instead of damage, however, it'll knock foes out (unless they save at no penalty, or they have more than four Hit Dice) for five rounds. A few obvious problems... Okay, one, really big problem. Nothing worth killing has fewer than four Hit Dice. Find Familiar <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Ah... a very odd spell, indeed. We all know what Familiars are, they're wizardry lore by now, so onto the spell. First, it can be cast only by the Protagonist (that's the guy or gal you made at the beginning of this mess) and you can only have one Familiar at a time. The spell lasts... indefinately, up until your Familiar dies, which is something you want to avoid at all costs... but we'll get to that later. In essence, it's a permanent summoning spell that creates a critter you completely control. The type of creature is determined by your alignment, and they vary widely in capabilities (and I dare say, quality.) Most have 24 Hit Points, but the Dust Mephit (Neutral Evil) version has merely 18. Armor Class ranges from -4 to 6, and Magic Resistance is likewise variable from 10% to 75%. If this sounds like a sturdy little critter, you're suffering from a severe case of the newbies. Some have spells they can use, others have Thief abilities, while another has special melee attacks... but they are all short-term benefits and long-term liabilities. The benefits are simple-you get a 7th-wheel who does whatever you tell it to do. Also, you get 1/2 of the Familiar's Hit Points as a bonus to your Mage's Hit Points. For example, when my True Neutral Fighter/Mage tested this spell out for this guide, he went from 72 to 84 Hit Points. Huzzah. Now for the crippling downside. When (not if) your Familiar dies, you'll suffer damage equal to half the Hit Points your Mage got out of the deal... not too bad, right? That's six damage, if you're math-tarded, in my example. Oh, and you also lose a point of Constitution permanently. In Baldur's Gate 2, where Dragon breath, death magic, and titanic spell battles ensue, this little critter is nothing but a walking Constitution handicap waiting to happen. There is one redeeming quality to this spell, however. If you summon your Familiar and export your character, then reimport said character into a new game, you'll lose the Familiar, but keep the bonus Hit Points... in theory, it's possible to repeat this process as many times as you please. Of course, it's also possible to replay the game multiple times with one protagonist to boost all your attributes up to 25... but this guide is for legit, single-playthrough characters. Still, whatever you consider fun, right? Friends <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell can be useful when shopping, as it raises your Charisma by six points temporarily-long enough to lower prices. Keep in mind that this spell doesn't seem to have an effect if your Charisma is over 20. Grease <---------------------------------------------------------------------->

Much like Web and Stinking Cloud-superior 2nd-level spells-this is an area-of-effect spell that hampers anything caught in the area... albeit, after a Saving Throw to attempt to negate the effects. Those who fail are forced to move quite slowly for the rest of the round, and must save every round to avoid the movement impediment. This spell was hardly a consideration in the first game, but in the sequel, it's far beyond obsolete. *Identify <----------------------------------------------------------------------> You'll always some of these spells prepared, as they... identify magical items. Sure, having a high Lore skill can do the same, but most strong magical items require a higher Lore score than you'll probably have... and it's not worth playing a Bard just to identify crap. Combat use? None. But it'll save you 100 gold that you would have wasted identifying items at merchants. Considering how many magical items abound in the game, this is a necessary money-saver. Infravision <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Cast this spell, and the creature affected gains infravision, which in this game makes creatures glow orange. Of course, if you have anybody with infravision naturally, you can simply turn on the 'Group Infravision' option and use it at will. It's not terribly useful anyways, either naturally or as a spell, and at 10 turns, this spell's duration isn't terribly enviable. Larloch's Minor Drain <----------------------------------------------------------------------> A mediocre damage-dealing spell, this spell deals a measely four points of damage and heals the caster for the same amount. On the plus side, it's got range and doesn't allow a save, so I find it superior to Burning Hands or Chill Touch, at least. Heck, it's even comparable to Magic Missile... up until Magic Missile starts getting additional missiles. Since every Mage in this game will have multiple-missile Magic Missiles... yeah, this spell is useless in Baldur's Gate 2. *Magic Missile <----------------------------------------------------------------------> The essential damage-dealing spell you'll use through most of the game... it deals 1d4+1 points of damage, and while that sounds paltryand it is-it gains an additional missile at 3rd, 5th, 7th, and finally 9th level. On top of that it has a casting time of one, it always hits, and allows no save. At 9th level, that's 10-25 damage per casting... not bad for a 1st-level spell. Honestly, I rarely use this spell, but it does come in handy during a few fights... chaining multiple copies of this spell via sequencers, Spell Trigger, etc., can be quite potent. Nahal's Reckless Dweomer <----------------------------------------------------------------------> A Wild Mage-only spell, this spell gambles on the Mage's wild surge ability, which this spell intentionally triggers after you select another spell. The Wild Mage attempts to shape the energy into the desired form... in other words, into the spell you tried to cast. The odds of you casting the desired spell, however, are very slim-on the normal table you have a 1% chance of casting a spell normally during a wild surge. Of course, since you're not screwing up, you're intentionally channeling wild magic, you add your level to the roll on the wild surge chart... which means, presumably, you've got a chance to cast the desired spell equal to 1% plus your level. Even near the end of Baldur's Gate 2, you'll be lucky to get this spell to work when you need

it, much less to use it regularly. My suggestion? Don't bother with it. Protection from Evil <----------------------------------------------------------------------> A low-level buff that protects the recepient...against evil! Attacks against the protected character are made at a -2 penalty, while saves made by the protected character are made at a +2 bonus. You're better off just letting a Cleric do this for the entire party with Protection From Evil 10' Radius. Protection from Petrification <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Petrification attacks aren't an issue in Baldur's Gate 2... in fact, I can't remember a single Basilisk in the entire game... you don't need this spell. Reflected Image <----------------------------------------------------------------------> A poor man's Mirror Image, it give you one image that mimmics the caster. Foes attacking the caster have a 50% chance to hit the image, and a 50% chance to hit the caster... if the image is struck, it vanishes. Sounds useful, but considering that Mirror Image does the same thing-but with two-to-eight images, you're better off just waiting. Shield <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Like Armor, this spell drops your Armor Class. Unlike Shield, Armor, however, this spell drops your Armor Class to four against melee attacks, and two against missile attacks... that's a six or eight point bonus. It also renders you immune to Magic Missiles! Score. Unfortunately, it-like Armor-doesn't stack with whatever mundane armor you may be wearing, and you'll have better permanent armor shortly into the game. Shocking Grasp <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Another crappy 1st-level damage-dealer, it deals 1d8+1 point of damage per level and the opponent has to be touched for the spell's damage to be done. You miss, you wasted the spell. Me? I'd rather take the sure damage of Magic Missile any day. Sleep <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Sleep is one of the best low-level Mage spells in the game. It'll force all critters within a 15-foot radius to save at -3 or fall asleep for five rounds per level.. an insane amount of time, and more than enough time to kill any and all affected critters. Against high-level enemies (those with 4+3 Hit Dice or more) it's useless... which means despite all its merits in the first game, it's useless now. Spook <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell causes one creature to Save versus Spells are run away scared for the duration of the spell. The target suffers a -1 save penalty against the effect for every two levels of the caster, up to -6 at 12th level... which is actually pretty decent. What's not decent, however, is the aforementioned duration, a mere three rounds. You have far better debuffs to cast.

2nd Level Arcane Spells {SPT018} o======================================================================o ***TOP SPELLS*** Blur: Gives caster bonus to Armor Class and Saving Throws. --Knock: Open locked containers/doors. --Mirror Image: Creates 2-8 illusory images which confound attackers. --Resist Fear: Removes fear effects in area. Agannazar's Scorcher <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell creates a 15 foot long jet of flames that deals 3-18 damage to everything in its path. Technically, it's possible to hit several foes in one cast, but this requires some good luck as to where the foes place themselves. Frankly, there are many, many other 2nd-level spells worth casting long before your need to settle for a mediocre damager like Agannazar's Scorcher... for instance... Blur <----------------------------------------------------------------------> ...Blur. One of the best defensive spells a Mage has to offer, this spell forces enemies to suffer a -3 penalty to attack rolls, and gives the Mage a +1 bonus to Saving Throws. At four rounds +2 rounds per level, it should last an entire encounter once you hit higher levels. Granted, for most of the first game it won't really be worth casting, but once your Armor Class and level improves, it'll be a spell you'll lean on heavily before any large encounter. It might seem over-shadowed by spells like Improved Invisibility, but actually the game's AI actually favors Blur. Why, you ask? If you're invisible, you will provoke a True Sight from many enemy spell-casters... which of course, dispels all your illusions. This is almost guaranteed in Throne of Bhaal, to the point where Improved Invisiblity actually compromises your defenses. Spells like Blur and Mirror Image, however, will not provoke such a response. Chaos Shield <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell is a booster for Nahal's Reckless Dweomer, boosting your roll on your magic surge table by 15. This turns your pathetic odds to... well, still pathetic, but somewhat plausible. Still, a booster spell for another spell that I don't consider worth the trouble, what do you think my suggestion is? Deafness <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell affects one creature and it attempts to deafen the foe, which gives them a 50% chance of spell failure. Honestly, however, I'd rather just let my Clerics cast Silence 15' Radius, which imposes a -5 save penalty, is an area-of-effect spell, and outright prevents affected creatures from casting... which makes Silence 15' Radius superior in every category, really. Even better still is Insect Plague, so you can safely ignore this spell. Detect Evil <----------------------------------------------------------------------> It's... not a great spell, and I wouldn't keep one prepared, it might prove interesting from time to time. If you follow my guide, however, you will know who to attack and who to leave alone, alignment be damned.

Detect Invisibility <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Why would you ever use this half-measure when you could cast True Sight? Ghoul Touch <----------------------------------------------------------------------> A thoroughly bad debuff, this spell attempts to paralyze a foe... as if you were a Ghoul, see? Unfortunately, you need to touch an enemy for the spell to work and it imposes no save penalty whatsoever. Glitterdust <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Gold! Glitterdust creates a cloud of adhesive, glowing, golden particles that cover foes in the area of effect if they fail a save with a -4 penalty. Affected creatures are blinded (-4 penalty to attack rolls, Saving Throws, and Armor Class) and invisible creatures are revealed. More good news? It's party-friendly! Unfortunately it only lasts four rounds, and we need not ever consider 2nd-level spells when we've got access to far superior debuffs like Slow and Chaos. Horror <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Horror was one of the most overly-abused trump cards the computer employed in the first game... now it's more of a property than a spell most foes will employ (ignoring Symbol: Fear, which is a superior spell.) As for you, and this spell... it's day is done. You have better, higher-level spells you can cast if you want to break up enemy groups. Invisibility <----------------------------------------------------------------------> An interesting spell... it makes the caster... well, invisible, of course. It might seem somewhat useful, strategically, as your Mage would be better able to get into position while invisible, no? Sure, but remember that in Baldur's Gate 2 the computer has access to True Sight, and many spell-casters will employ it to expose invisible or sneaking characters. That being the case, it's probably not going to prove interesting very often. *Knock <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Another essential Mage spell that has absolutely no use in combat. You need to unlock something? Use Knock. If you're blessed with a Thief of any quality, you can skip on this spell, but considering the diminished status of 2nd-level spells in Baldur's Gate 2, you really don't have anything better to fill your spellbook up with. Know Alignment <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Want to know somebody's alignment? Cast this spell. Simple as. Of course, why do you care anyways? If they're not evil, you don't need to worry, and if you follow my guide, you'll know what to do without having to pry into everybody's alignment. Luck <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell absolutely reeks with suckness. It gives a '5% bonus' to any and all actions... whatever the hell that means. I have to assume, however, that on a d20 system... 5% equals a +1 bonus. See? I can do math. The real suck, however, is that it's a low-powered buff that only

affects one person, and lasts all of three rounds. It's hard to imagine a more underwhelming buff. Melf's Acid Arrow <----------------------------------------------------------------------> It might have been an average damage-dealer in the first game, but now, it just takes too long to do too little damage. Honestly, I prefer Magic Missile, and I'd rather save my 2nd level spells slots for defense (Mirror Image, Blur) or utility (Knock). *Mirror Image <----------------------------------------------------------------------> You conjure 2-8 images which mimic the caster and confuse enemies. Attacks made against the caster have a chance of hitting the caster, or a chance of hitting one of the images... presumably proportional to the number of images you have. On it's own, it's a pretty good defensive spell. Combined with Blur and Stoneskin, it makes a Mage nearly invulnerable to melee attacks. Power Word: Sleep <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Introducing the Power Word spells-they allow no save, affect one creature, and deal various forms of badness. The only defense against them is being above their Hit Point threshold. In this case, the threshold is twenty Hit Points. Everything with fewer Hit Points than this is put to sleep-period. Undead, of course, are not affected... and honestly, most foes in the game will be too powerful for this. Ray of Enfeeblement <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Cast this bad ray at a creature and they must make a Saving Throw vs. Spells (at no penalty) or have their Strength reduced to five for one round per level. No penalty, one target? No thanks. *Resist Fear <----------------------------------------------------------------------> If an enemy gets off a Symbol: Fear spell, or you succumb to a dragon's or demon's fear aura, it can easily end in a reload. If you have one of these spells prepared, however, you have nothing to fear... or at least, you need not fear fear. A great protective spell, I tend to just make my Clerics prepare Remove Fear, as 2nd level Mage spell slots are more precious, and 1st-level Cleric spells are much less so. Stinking Cloud <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Stinking Cloud creates nauseating clouds in a 15-yard radius that forces enemies to save or be rendered helpless for 1d2 rounds. Lasting one turn, this spell might not keep enemies down as long as Sleep, but it has no Hit Dice limit. It used to be one of the best early debuffs in the first Baldur's Gate, but it's far less useful in Baldur's Gate 2 as compared to higher-level spells. Strength <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This crappy spell sets the Strength score of the target up to 18/50... or rather, sets it to 18/50, potentially lowering their Strength if it's higher. For some characters with mediocre Strength-Jaheira and Keldorn, come to mind-this spell might prove to be a useful buff, but it's really unnecessary for most fights, and where it'll prove useful, Potions of Giant Strength abound, and later on, you'll find many items that improve your Strength while worn.

Vocalize <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Allows the caster to cast spells without making use of its verbal component... or in other words, you can cast spells silently. The practical implications of this spell? It allows you to cast spells while silenced. It only lasts a turn, however, and very few enemies cast Silence. I have never found a use for this spell. Web <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Web funcitons alot like Stinking Cloud-at least in its overall effect. Creatures in the area-of-effect who fail their Saving Throw are helpless. Good stuff. It's got a five yard per level radius (up to a 30 foot radius), lasts two turns per level, and imposes a -2 save penalty. It can't, however, compare to higher level spells which we'll have in abundance. 3rd Level Arcane Spells {SPT019} o======================================================================o ***TOP SPELLS*** Dispel Magic: Removes buff/debuffs from all creatures in area. --Haste: Doubles movement speed, gives an extra attack per round. --Slow: Slows targets, massive penalties to attack rolls and Armor Class. Clairvoyance <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell removes the fog-of-war in any outdoor area, but it does not show creatures, and it does not allow you to 'see' what's in the area, exactly. Again, it just removes the fog-of-war... you know, all that black crap that's everywhere in a new area? Instead of casting this spell, why not just walk around? Seriously I can't think of a single time where this spell is useful. Detect Illusion <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Detect Illusion dispells illusion spells of 3rd level or lower in a 20-foot radius... which means Invisibility, Mirror Image, Blur... the weakest, but also fairly common illusion spells. Of course, many foes also use Shadow Door, Mislead, Improved Invisibility, etc., which this spell does nothing against. Just think instead of this, you could prepared a shiney new Dispel Magic, which works on almost all spells. Even better, you could go for True Sight, the REAL illusion-buster in Baldur's Gate 2. Dire Charm <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Just like Charm Person, but with no save bonus for targets. There are far more useful 3rd-level spells to prepare. *Dispel Magic <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Any time you fight spellcasters, they'll attempt to buff themselves and hit you with debilitating spells. Dispel Magic should therefore be memorized at least once by every spellcaster in the game, as it gives you a chance to take down a protected Mage, or free your characters from the effects of another spell. Dispel Magic is your magical safety net, and every caster should have one prepared at all times.

Fireball <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Fireball has its uses, as might be expected from an iconic Mage spell. The first time I played this game, I was much less refined in my tactics, and was overjoyed by this brute force option. Still... experience has taught me that buffs like Haste and debilitative spells like Chaos are much better spells. That being the case, I rarely bother using this spell. Flame Arrow <----------------------------------------------------------------------> A single-target damage-dealer that's far easier to control, and hence, more useful than Fireball in some circumstances. It deals 4d6 fire damage and 1d6 piercing damage, but the target can save for half the fire damage. Like Magic Missile, you obtain another missile-for this spell, once every 5th level-so that's two bolts at 10th level, three at 15th, four at 20th, and so on... This spell is like a beefier Magic Missile, and it has the same usefulness. On its own, it's fairly weak, but if you chain a few of them together with Spell Trigger, it can become monstrously strong... It gets a place of honor in one fight late in the game, but otherwise, it's ignorable. Ghost Armor <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Yeah, you knew there'd be more of these spells, didn't you? Like the old 1st-level Armor spell, I consider these spells useless for single-class Mages. They should be kept out of combat anyways, but for multi-or-dual-class Mages? Well, let's be honest... you can get better permanent armor than these spells provide. Ignore Armor, and ignore Ghost Armor. *Haste <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Haste is the best buff in the game, hands down. In every somewhat difficult encounter, you should employ Haste. It just doubles your offensive power. Literally, it gives an extra attack per round and doubles you movement speed. Good stuff, indeed. Keep one ready on every character who can cast it. Hold Person <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Just like the 2nd-level Cleric spell, this spell attempts to 'hold', or paralyze a target, and also affects nearby targets in a 7.5-foot radius. It only affect man-sized humanoids, but fortunately, they're common. No save penalty, and it only lasts 10 rounds... which is long enough to kill them and then some, to be fair. Still, almost anything I would use this on, I could just use Chaos on instead. Bigger radius, save penalty... Yeah, you don't need this spell. Hold Undead <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Just like Hold Person, but for undead, which are normally immune to these types of spells. It affects all enemies in a 10-foot radius, which is a decent radius, but it imposes no save penalty. There are better ways to deal with undead. Invisibility 10' Radius <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Like Invisibility, but for everybody in an area! It's just as likely to be dispelled with True Sight, and there's only one time in the entire

game where I suggest its use. Lightning Bolt <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This is an interesting damage-dealing alternative for enclosed spaces, where you can try and bounce it off walls to deal outrageous damage. Multiple hits will dispatch most enemies. It's a gimmick, however, and I rarely ever use it, as I'm just not good at aiming it, and generally find it unreliable. Melf's Minute Meteors <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell creates one globe per level of the caster, which can then be thrown by said caster (with a +5 bonus to hit). Each 'meteor' that hits deals 1d4+3 points of damage, plus three fire damage, and the caster can hurl five such 'meteors' per round. Quick, somebody explain to me how, exactly, this spell is superior to Magic Missile? More damage? Sure, a bit, but it's a 3rd-level spell-I'm not using up a 3rd-level spell slot for 7-10 damage instead of 2-5 per missile. Also, you have to actually hit the target with all five missiles-attack rolls and all that, which is something a Mage can't exactly count on, can they? I'll stick to Magic Missile, myself. Minor Spell Deflection <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell absorbs a number of spells directed at the caster, up to four spell levels worth... unless it's an area-of-effect spell, or a stationary spell effect like Cloudkill or Web. Considering that many spells you'll encounter in this game are area-of-effect spells... you might as well just ignore this spell... Monster Summoning I <----------------------------------------------------------------------> If you think summoning one or two weak monsters will help you out, you're in for a rough time... just ignore this useless spell. Non-Detection <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell makes you immune to scrying attempts, spells like Clairvoyance, Invisibility Purge, etc. You know how many foes will use these spells? None. You will never need this spell. Protection From Cold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Protection From Cold does just that-reduces the cold damage that comes your way by 50%. You'll face cold attacks very rarely, so preparing a 3rd-level spell to do so is just a waste. Just use the 2nd-level Cleric spell 'Resist Fire and Cold' instead. Protection From Fire <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Like Protection From Cold-it protects you against 50% of fire damage that comes at you. Fire damage is more common than cold, but still, I suggest the Cleric spell 'Resist Fire and Cold' instead. Protection From Normal Missiles <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Makes a target invulnerable to normal (non-magical) missiles for five turns. This spell is pretty useless in this game. Any foe shooting mundane missiles at you probably isn't much of a threat, and any foe with magical missiles will ignore it.

Remove Magic <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Hailed as the 'combat version' of Dispel Magic, it functions exactly the same way... save that it only removes buffs/debuffs on foes. This might sound handy, and it is-if you have the extra 3rd-level spell slots. On the other hand, it won't save you if you have debuffs affecting your party, so it's got much less utility overall than Dispel Magic, if you have any aim. I'll be honest, I've never found a need for this spell. General party-buffs amongst your foes are rare, and there are better spells for taking down more potent, individual buffs. Skull Trap <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Create a... skull trap that explodes when enemies get too close to it, dealing 1d6 points of damage per level to all critters in a 20-foot radius. Honestly, I prefer Fireball. I can aim it, and decide what gets hit, when. No need to lure foes into a trap with the hope that it'll affect a good number of them. *Slow <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell affects all enemies in a 30-foot radius, and any melee character affected might as well be dead. It forces them to move and attack at half the normal rate, and imposes a -4 penalty to attack rolls and Armor Class. Enemies save against this effect at a -4 penalty. When faced with a group of sturdy melee enemies, there's little better to cast. Spell Thrust <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Removes a number of spell defenses, including Minor Spell Deflection, Minor Globe of Invulnerability, Spell Immunity and Minor Spell Turning. Spell Immunity can be particularly troublesome, since it can prevent more sophisticated take-down tactics and debuffs, but it's a rare cast by enemies in this game, and the other spells are much less fearsome. Vampiric Touch <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Deals 1d6 damage per every two caster levels (up to 6d6 damage), and heals the caster for that amount. Unfortunately, it's a touch spell (see the word 'touch' in the name?) so its utility for a single-classed Mage is dubious, at best. 4th Level Arcane Spells {SPT020} o======================================================================o ***TOP SPELLS*** Confusion: Foes in area are confused unless they save at -2. --Greater Malison: Reduces saves by 2, softening up foes. --Improved Invisibility: Recepient can't be targeted by spells. --Minor Sequencer: Chain two spells of 2nd-level or lower. --Stoneskin: Negates physical attacks entirely. *Confusion <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Confusion is a great debilitating spell, but inferior to Chaos, which

outshines it in every way. Still, it forces all enemies in a 30-foot radius to save at -2 or wander around, go berserk, or simply stand there. Simply put, it breaks up all effective resistance and wins fights. Contagion <----------------------------------------------------------------------> A fourth-level debilitator with no save penalty? How well do you think this spell is going to do? Ah well, let's get it over with... this spell attempts to cause 'major disease and weakness' in a creature. The target suffers a -2 penalty to Strength, Dexterity, and Charisma, and they are slowed. One target. No save penalty. Compare this spell to, say, Slow. Wouldn't you be better served by slowing a group of foes at a -4 save penalty? You would. Ignore this spell. Emotion, Hopelessness <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Like Confusion, but with no save, and enemies 'sleep' (lie down and remain helpless) for the duration of the spell. If it weren't for the lack of a save penalty, it would be a great spell. Enchanted Weapon <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Creates a +3 weapon that can be used by anybody-either a Mace, Axe, Long Sword, or Short sword. Or... you could just get a permanent weapon. Farsight <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Allows you to see an unexplored section of map, much like Clairvoyance. Something else that reveals unexplored sections of map? Exploring it. Save the spell-slot, just sneak around with a Thief or Ranger. Fireshield (Blue) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> An aggressive form of defense, this spell surrounds the caster with a shield of 'ice flame'. Yeah, makes sense to me. The caster gains 50% Cold Resistance and foes that strike in melee suffer 1d8+2 points of damage per hit. It's decent damage, but a single-classed Mage really can't accept the damage trade-off. A Fighter/Mage might be able to handle the abuse, however, but where it really shines is combined with Stoneskin, where you take no damage, and the enemy suffers for removing each skin. Fireshield (Red) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Same thing as Fireshield (Blue), save that Fireshield (Red) is... well, actually a FIREshield. It grants 50% resistance to fire damage and deals 1d8+2 fire damage each time an enemy strikes you in melee. *Greater Malison <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Hit enemies with this before casting other spells that allow saves and you'll stand a greater chance of affecting your enemies. If it's used to soften up foes before hitting them with Chaos, Insect Plague, Finger or Death, or a Vorpal weapon, it becomes downright unfair. Ice Storm <----------------------------------------------------------------------> A direct-damage dealing area of effect spell that allows no save. Sound good? Here we go-it only deals 2d8 damage per round (lasting four rounds) and is not party friendly. So... why cast something with less

damage potential than an 9th-level Mage's Fireball? *Improved Invisibility <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Another great defensive spell, it imposes a -4 penalty to the attack rolls of enemies, and gives the caster a +4 bonus to saving throws. Best of all, you can't be targeted with spells until the invisibility is dispelled. It does, however, have one Achilles heel-the spell True Sight, which will be employed against you if you've got an invisible character. By Throne of Bhaal, this counter is so widespread that this spell is all but useless... in the mean time, however, abuse it. Minor Globe of Invulnerability <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell makes you immune to 1st-3rd level spells... alas, since most dangerous spells are now higher-level affairs, this is no longer the defensive spell it used to be. Most foes will refrain from casting such weak spells until they're out of superior spells... and if you can't kill a Mage slinging Melf's Acid Arrows at you... well, you deserve to lose. *Minor Sequencer <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell can be quite useful, as it allows the caster to chain two spells of 2nd-level or lower together in one quick cast. Want to pelt a foe with two Magic Missile spells in one round? Or instantly bring up a Mirror Image and Blur? This is the way to do it. Best of all, you can cast this spell, prepare the Sequencer, remove this spell, and the spells you are chaining together, as well. The only limitation is that you must have the spells you want to sequencer memorized at the time you cast the sequencer. The only real limitation this spell has? Well, you don't get it until awfully late in the game... Monster Summoning II <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Like the 3rd level spell, but it'll summon a few more Hit Dice of monsters... still not enough to make it useful, however. Otilukes's Resilient Sphere <----------------------------------------------------------------------> I'll admit, I like the idea of this spell. Taking a foe out of a fight long enough to deal with its buddies makes me feel all strategyful, and stuff. But it's just not a good spell. Otiluke's Resilient Sphere captures a single foe in a 'globe of shimmering force', which prevents the trapped critter from affecting the outside world, and vice versa. Still, it's a single creature, the spell has no save penalty, and it only lasts a turn... granted, probably enough time to resolve any fight... but... Slow, Confusion, or Chaos would all be superior casts. Polymorph Other <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Turns another foe into a Squirrel... still, it imposes no save penalty and only affects a single target. It's more of a humorous spell, than a serious tactical solution to any fight. Polymorph Self <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Allows the caster to assume the form of another creature, which you can select from a short list of the following (as per the spell's in-game description):

Gnoll: wields a magical +1 halberd (+1 fire damage and strikes as an enchanted weapon +3) Mustard Jelly: capable of slowing opponents (if they fail a Saving Throw when hit) Ogre: capable of causing massive damage with its fists Spider: causes poison when it hits an opponent. You can also assume the form of a Brown Bear, Black Bear, or Wolf... but these shapeshifts suck. Just ask any Druid. So, let's look at these in depth, shall we? First, you can change to any of these creatures at will-and back againfor the entire duration of the spell, a passable one turn, plus three rounds per level, so you can change your form as events necessitate. Your statistics and attributes are affected by each form, which is not mentioned by the spell, but which I will show below. Also, you cannot cast spells while polymorphed-something to keep in mind, to be sure. Your natural Armor Class may change, as well-magical protections will still be counted, but armor will not. You can equip and unequip clothing, jewelry, and armor at will, but not weapons. Flind Armor Class (Base): 2 Strength: 17 Dexterity: 17 Constitution 12 Mustard Jelly Armor Class (Base): 4 Strength: 14 Dexterity: 9 Constitution 9 Cold Resistance: 50 Electrical Resistance: 100 Magic Resistance: 125 Magic Cold Resistance: 50 Slashing Resistance: 30 Crushing Resistance: 30 Piercing Resistance: 100 Missile Resistance: 85 Ogre Armor Class (Base): 5 Strength: 18/00 Dexterity: 9 Constitution 18 Spider Armor Class (Base): 1 Strength: 16 Dexterity: 16 Constitution 9 So... there everything is, all pink and naked. Honestly, I don't see the point in turning a Mage into a melee creature, especially one that's likely to be rather weak compared to your mainstay warriors... If anything, however, the Mustard Jelly is interesting for its resistances, if nothing else. I never make use of this spell, but if

you feel like giving it a go... eh... it's your Mage's funeral. Remove Curse <----------------------------------------------------------------------> You pick up a shiny new ring and stupidly put it on your finger not knowing what it is, and boom! Wertle-wertle-woo for you. Honestly, that's really the only way to get cursed in this game, save for perhaps short-term spells like Doom, and who cares about that anyways? You can always go to a church to have curses removed, but this is cheaper. You probably will never need to use this spell. Secret Word <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Dispels one spell protection of 8th-level or lower, including Minor Spell Turning, Minor Globe of Invulnerability, Spell Immunity, Spell Deflection, Spell Turning, and Spell Shield. It's... an option if you don't want to use Spell Thrust, but there are far too many good 4th-level spells to bother with this. Spider Spawn <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Allows you to summon one (80%) or two (20%) spiders of types that vary by level. At 8th-level or lower, you summon wussy Giant Spiders, at 9th-11th levels you'll summon Phase Spiders, and at 12th-level and higher you'll summon Sword spiders. None of these creatures really have the muscle you'll want in a summoned creature. Spirit Armor <----------------------------------------------------------------------> The strongest of the armor spells, this particular version creates an intangible suit of armor that grants an Armor Class of one. It doesn't stack with other armor, but it will stack with Dexterity bonuses, magical protections, and shields. When the spell ends, it'll deal 2d4 points of damage to the caster. It's actually potentially very nice armor, but honestly, it'll only drop the Armor Class of a well-equipped Fighter/Mage by a few points. *Stoneskin <----------------------------------------------------------------------> The ultimate physical defensive spell, Stoneskin makes the caster outright immune to physical damage. It'll absorb a number of attacks equal to the number of 'skins' or layers it has. The caster has one skin per two levels, which means a high-level Mage could ignore over a dozen melee attacks. These skins last until absorbing (and negating) attacks, or until its whopping 12-hour duration ends. On its own, it's wonderful physical defense. Mixed with a good Armor Class, and other defensive spells like Blur and Mirror Image, and it'll make the Mage nearly invulnerable to melee damage. It's the best thing a Fighter/Mage can cast in most fights, and really, you should keep one prepared at all times... which essentially means it's my 4th-level spell of choice for my Fighter/Mage. It's less useful on single-classed Mages, since their Armor Class is inferior and they don't tend to be exposed to physical assaults often, but it's still useful for them, as well. Teleport Field <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Randomly teleports all foes in the area of effect to... another spot in the area of effect. I really can't think of a great use for this spell, as the radius is actually rather small (it sure doesn't look like a 30-foot radius on screen, to me). I suppose indoors you could get lucky and teleport a foe into another room, hence costing them... I don't

know, a round to walk back and continue attacking? Or perhaps you'll teleport a vulnerable spell-caster closer to your hungry warriors. Ultimately, it's just too random for me to bother with. Yes, random in a way that Saving Throws are not. Shut up. At least with spells like Horror, Slow, Confusion, or Chaos, I know that there's a good chance at least one foe will be affected in a way that helps my cause. Wizard Eye <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Creates an invisible sensory organ that... essentially allows him to spy around and explore the level. Like all other Mage-spy spells, why not just explore? Why waste a 4th-level spell slot to do what a hidden Ranger or Thief can do? 5th Level Arcane Spells {SPT021} o======================================================================o ***TOP SPELLS*** Breach: Dispels all combat protections on a target. --Chaos: Foes in area are confused unless they save at -4. --Lower Resistance: Lowers targets Magic Resistance by 10% + 1%/level. --Spell Immunity: Makes caster immune to spells from one school. Animate Dead <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Just like the 3rd-Level Cleric spell of the same name, this spell allows you to summon undead to fight for you. In Baldur's Gate 2, with the level range you'll be dealing with, it pretty much means you'll be summoning a Skeleton Warrior. A fairly beefy foe... in Baldur's Gate 1, it's no longer much in the way of a threat to... much of anything, really. The game has changed and victory now favors new tactics. *Breach <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Dispels all 'specific and combat protections on a target creature', including Shield, Protection Circle, Resist Fear, Protection From Fire/Cold, Fireshield, Protection From Acid, Protection From Electricity, Protection From Magic Energy, Protection from The Elements, Protection From Energy, Protection From Normal Missiles, Protection From Normal Weapons, Protection From Magic Weapons, Stoneskin, Armor, Ghost Armor, Spirit Armor, Absolute Immunity, Mantle, and Improved Mantle. No save, no check, no magic resistance, it's just gone. That's alot of spells, and you new gamers out there might not know the signifigance of this spell... but that's what I'm here for, right? Almost every Mage in Baldur's Gate 2 will, in combat, throw up a Stoneskin and/or Protection from Magic Weapons. Since your warriors are probably the characters most likely to chop down these Mages, these spells can effectively retard their ability to harm the Mage, which in turn will allow said Mage to make your life miserable by casting spells. This spell should be used any time a Mage brings up one of those two spells, and really, it's just essential to Mage take-down tactics in this game. Every Mage who can cast it should have at least one prepared at any time, and potentially a few more, if expecting Mage-heavy opposition. It is worth noting that the only effective way to counter Breach is with Spell Immunity that protects against Abjuration. Don't worry, however. You will almost always be on the casting end of this spell. *Chaos

<----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell is one of the go-to debilitator for Baldur's Gate 2... Forcing a save at -4 is just not fair. Otherwise it works just like Confusion. Get used to hearing about this spell, as I'll be comparing 5th-level spells to it at every turn. Cloudkill <----------------------------------------------------------------------> The only effective use of this spell that I can think of is in conjunction with Animate Dead and Stinking Cloud. Your Skeleton Warriors can simply distract enemies and cause them to take damage while they remain within the Cloudkill. Still, at 1d10 damage per round, it's not a great way to destroy enemies... not when you can just hit them with Chaos, instead. Cone of Cold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Creates a... cone of cold, dealing 1d4+1 damage per level to all creatures in the area. Not party friendly, but what do you expect? Creatures inside the area can save for half. It's not a bad damage dealer, really, but it's not exceptional, either. Conjure Lesser Air Elemental <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Conjures an 8 Hit Dice Air Elemental to do the caster's whim until the spell expires. Note that there are two problems with this spell. First, an 8 Hit Dice Elemental is not the strongest of summoning spells in the game, and will quickly become obsolete. Second, immediately after casting the spell the caster becomes locked in a 'psychic contest' with the elemental for three rounds, during which he attempts to establish control. Three rounds of inactivity from your Mage is a terrible price to pay for any spell, and on top of that there's a 15% chance your Mage will not come out on top... that being the case, your summoned elemental will... well, attack you. And isn't that kind of the opposite of what you were going for? Ultimately, I really can't suggest such a spell when Clerics and Druids get superior, less tempermental elemental summoning spells. It still might be worth casting a few situtation early in the game, as all elementals have one unique defensive property worth considering... they are immune to mundane and +1 weapons. So... when there are a bunch of foes who don't have the requisitie equipment to play, these spells are essentially cheap ways to take them out. It's a tactic that quickly stops bearing fruit, however, but since it's one Edwin can potentially employ from the second you recruit him... Conjure Lesser Earth Elemental <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Conjures an 8 Hit Dice Earth Elemental to do the caster's whim until the spell expires. Note that this spell has the same liabilities as Conjure Lesser Air Elemental. Conjure Lesser Fire Elemental <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Conjures an 8 Hit Dice Fire Elemental to do the caster's whim until the spell expires. Note that this spell has the same liabilities as Conjure Lesser Air Elemental. Domination <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Control a creature's actions while affected by this spell. It's essentially the same as any Charm spell, but it imposes a -2 penalty to their Saving Throws. Oh, and it only lasts eight rounds. Again, I'd

rather disable an entire group of foes with Chaos (at a -4 save!) than control one. Feeblemind <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Cast this spell for stupid-making. It's like watching to Fox News! The target saves at a -2 penalty and lasts indefinately-unless dispelled. This spell lowers the target's Intelligence to three. On most foes, it's nothing serious, but if you hit a Mage with it... well, they won't be casting anything, will they? Still, I'd rather... you guessed it, just use Chaos. A foe affected by Chaos is not going to cast anything, the save penalty is -4, and it affects a group. Hold Monster <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Like Hold Person, but it affects pretty much any critter. It imposes a -2 save penalty and affects any foes within a very small 7.5-foot area of the target... which is, for all intents and purposes, adjacent. Chaos is still superior. *Lower Resistance <----------------------------------------------------------------------> A fair spell that should see its way into your spellbook from time to time... at least until you have access to Pierce Magic, but I digress... Lower Resistance does exactly what its name implies-it lowers the Magic Resistance of a foe by 10% + 1% per caster level. Even a mid-level casting of this spell will knock off about 25% Magic Resistance, and if you chain two of them and a Breach into a Spell Trigger... yeah, it's worth using to soften up some of the bigger foes in the game. Minor Spell Turning <----------------------------------------------------------------------> I typically stay away from spell turning spells simply because... well, I just don't find them all that useful, really. If you need real defense against spells-the best defense is a good offense. Take them down quickly with Breach and sharp, pointy things. Failing that, the next best defense is an impenetrable defense, which this spell simply is not. Rely on Spell Immunity and the Cloak of Mirroring and laugh as your foes exhaust themselves trying to harm you-to no avail. This spell doesn't contribute to either strategy, so I ignore it. Monster Summoning III <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Like the lower spells, but with stronger monsters. Still, not strong enough to bother summoning. A single conjured elemental will certainly be strong enough to finish off anything this spell summons. Oracle <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Dispels all illusion/phantasm spells of 5th-level or lower in the area, including Reflected Image, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Non-Detection, Improved Invisibility, and Shadow Door. Party Friendly. It also has a huge radius, and considering that the only spell this really leaves out is Mislead... it seems like a good spell. And it is, but 5th-level spells are absurdly good throughout the entire game-you're always going to want Breach, and probably a few copies of it. 6th-level spells are significantly less impressive, and one of them is True Sight, a superior anti-illusion spell that has much less competition. Alas, Oracle, you tried well, but just didn't make the cut. Phantom Blade

<----------------------------------------------------------------------> Creates a... yeah, a phantom blade that acts a +3 weapon, which the caster is automatically proficient with. It deals +10 damage to undead, but is otherwise not noteworthy. A possibility for a Fighter/Mage, but a single-classed Mage is wasting their time... and since you can get your hands on permanent +3 weapons fairly early into the game, even a combat-focused Mage can ignore this spell. Protection From Acid <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Confers complete invulnerability to acid. Fair enough, but you'll only encounter acid-using foes a few times in the game, and only once or twice are they potent enough to even consider this spell. Protection From Electricity <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Confers complete invulernability to electricity. Again, you will seldom encounter electric damage, and... you know, I can only think of a single enemy that uses electricity potently or exclusively enough for this spell to be worth casting... and even then, it's near the end of Throne of Bhaal, where you will doubtlessly have superior, more all-encompassing elemental protection, like Protection From the Elements. Shadow Door <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell is essentially a 5th-level version of Improved Invisibility, save with a longer duration. 4th-and-5th-level spells are highly contested, but a Mage will certainly find it easier to spare a 4th-level spell slot for Improved Invisibility than they will a 5th-level spell slot for Shadow Door. *Spell Immunity <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This is the best spell-defense in the game. Enemies tend to use a handful of tried-and-true spells to destroy your party, and it can be pretty frustrating if you don't know how to protect against them. Unwary players might fall victim to various Symbol spells when they inadvertantly stumble upon their first Lich (speaking from painful experience here.) But fear not, for this is the solution. When you cast this spell you'll be prompted to choose what school to protect against. The best ones are Abjuration (Breach, Imprisonment) Conjuration (Symbol spells, Power Words), Necromancy (Horrid Wilting, Wail of the Banshee, Finger of Death), and Transmutation (Flesh to Stone). If you cast multiple instance of this spell, you can make yourself immune to multiple spellschools. A character wearing the Cloak of Mirroring, with three or four instances of Spell Immunity-Abjuration Conjuration, Necromancy, and Transmutation-is virtually immune to anything an enemy Mage can throw at them. Just sit back, wait for them to deplete their arsenals, and then destroy them. Spell Shield <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell will protect you from one attempt to debuff your spell protections, protecting against spells like Breach, Lower Resistance, Pierce Magic, and Spell Thrust. If an enemy uses it, give them the old try, try again treatment. It's rare that an enemy will use Breach or other spell-strippers on you, however, so you probably won't need this spell... and Spell Immunity (Abjuration) offers superior protection against all these spells.

Sunfire <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Like a Fireball centered around the caster, it deals 1d6 damage per level (up to a maximum of 15d6 damage). A protected Mage might make use of this spell, or perhaps a Fighter/Mage, but honestly, I'd rather just use a Fireball. Puts the Mage-and his allies-at much less risk. 6th Level Arcane Spells {SPT022} o======================================================================o ***TOP SPELLS*** Death Spell: Kills weaker monsters and summons, no save. --Pierce Magic: Dispels spell protections, lowers Magic Resistance. --True Sight: Dispels all enemy illusions in wide area for one turn. Carrion Summons <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Life just wouldn't be complete if we didn't start things out with a crappy summoning spell, right? This spell summons one or two buffed-up (but still weak) Carrion Crawlers to fight for you. Pass. Chain Lightning <----------------------------------------------------------------------> At 1d6 points of damage per two levels, it can get up to a hefty bit of damage, but note that it won't be until 20th level that it matches humble Fireball, and almost all enemies struck will only take half damage from being hit by an arc, instead of the main blast-and many will save against that to halve the damage yet again. Still, no friendly fire, which means you can use it at will. Keep in mind, however, that Horrid Wilting is vastly superior once you get access to 8th level spells, and breaking up a group of foes with Chaos is probably better than dealing a bit of damage with Chain Lightning. Still, until Pierce Magic becomes necessary you might as well fill up your 6th level spell slots with something. Conjure Air Elemental <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Didn't we just do this spell? Blah. It's the same as the 5th-level 'lesser' version of the spell, but you've got a 60% chance of conjuring a 12 Hit Dice elemental, a 35% chance of conjuring a 16 Hit Dice elemental, and a 5% chance of conjuring a 24 Hit Dice elemental. Still, three rounds wasted in a staring contest after summoning, and a 15% chance it'll go berserk. There's also a good chance that, by the time you can cast 6th-level spells, the novelty of immunity to +1 weapons has worn off. Conjure Earth Elemental <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Same as the previous spell, but with Earth Elementals. Wee... Conjure Fire Elemental <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Yeah, yeah, we get it... Contingency <----------------------------------------------------------------------> I personally don't use Contingency often, as I'd rather control when my buffs kick in, and honestly, the 'responses' we can pick for the Contingency's trigger aren't very great. Enemies use it frequently,

however, and it can be useful to pop on a Stoneskin, Mirror Image, and Blur on when the caster is threatened. It allows you to prepare up to 18 spell levels of spells, using no more than three spells, of up to 6th level. All the spells must target the caster, so this is purely a defensive measure. Death Fog <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Conjures up an acidic fog, dealing eight points of acid damage per round. It also has the added bonus of killing any and all summoned creatures in the area, regardless of power or resistances. Score. Still, cloud spells tend to suck, since it's never easy to get foes to hang around in them... and I'm not fond of delayed gratification when it comes to damage. *Death Spell <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Although it only affects creatures with 8 Hit Dice or less (by the book rules, a Hit Dice for a monster is set at 1d8 Hit Points per die, or up to 64 Hit Points) this actually manages to be a great early-to-mid game spell. It won't kill many of the more dangerous foes we'll have to fight, as the high quality adventurers (like the ones in the sewers under Athkatla, and those in the slaver compound in the Temple District) are simply higher than 8th level, it doesn't affect undead, and it's probably wasted on grunts, guards, and other low-quality foes. But then, what use does it have? First, it's an excellent way to dispatch dangerous foes like Illithids, Trolls, and Umber Hulks, which are quite strong and dangerous to engage in melee. Second, it dispatches summoned creatures instantly, which can be useful against summon-happy Mages. If you're playing a good party, you probably won't have access to it terribly early, but Edwin can get it early, and often, and abusing it is a great idea. As you get deeper into Shadows of Amn, however, it becomes less useful as foes routinely become too powerful to be affected by it. Disintegrate <----------------------------------------------------------------------> You can instantly knock off a creature with this spell, and at first it seems pretty great... but it's not. First, whatever gear the target has can often be lost with it. Do you want to risk losing gear over this spell? Second, it has no save penalty, so chances are it's not going to be terribly effective. Don't waste your time, or worse, gear. Just wait until you get access to 7th level's Finger of Death. Flesh to Stone <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Yeah, it might be novel to be on the afflicting end of petrification for a change, but this isn't a great spell. First, no save penalty. Second, gear is petrified with it... meaning you'll have to cure the petrification if you want the petrified creature's gear. That being the case, against many foes it's less of a death spell, and more of an over-glorified Otiluke's Resilient Sphere. Globe of Invulnerability <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Like the 4th-level spell Minor Globe of Invulnerability, but less minor. Tihs spell grants immunity to 1st-4th level spells. Honestly, many enemy spell-casters you encounter throughout Shadows of Amn fall into two categories-mediocre casters easily slain by Breach and physical attacks, or overwhelmingly strong casters (like high-level Mages and Liches) who probably will never bother with anything less than a 5th-level spell

until the fight is mostly decided. In either case, this spell isn't useful. Sorry, kids. Baldur's Gate 2 is just a higher spell league. And think, really, what 4th-level and lower spells are you really afraid of? The best spells in those levels tend to be buffs, which are not what you want to stop. Improved Haste <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Unlike Improved Invisibility, the 'Improved' part of this spell is deceptive. As far as a personal buff goes, it actually does double the attacks of the affected character each round. When you're getting four attacks per round, doubling that can be... brutal. Unfortunately, it doesn't affect the whole party like Haste does, making it a less effective buff. Still, if a Fighter/Mage were to work it into a Spell Trigger... it could be part of a great buffing sequence. As usual, Edwin makes this spell handy by sheer abundance of spell-slots. He can prepare enough to boost choice fighters before any significant battle... for most fights, however, Haste is more than enough. Invisibile Stalker <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Yay... you get to summon another Baldur's Gate 1 critter for fight for you. Too bad this is Baldur's Gate 2, and creatures from the first game are a little less than fodder now. Mislead <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Like Shadow Door, it gives you Improved Invisibility, but unlike the former, it creates a little clone of you to fool enemies. I don't see the point. True Sight still fixes matters. *Pierce Magic <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Remember when I said later enemies would have spell defenses as well as magic resistance? Here is your answer to them. Pierce Magic lowers an enemy's magic resistance by 1% per caster level and removes one of a various group of spell defenses, like Spell Deflection, Spell Turning, and Spell Immunity. Use it on dragons, and critters with too many defenses before starting with Breach and other spell assaults. Later on in the game, replace Lower Resistance with this spell. Power Word: Silence <----------------------------------------------------------------------> I would call this spell a poop-master, or something similar... but it's actually a decent spell. Using it silences a character-no save, no Hit Point threshold, and it lasts seven rounds... not an eternity, but still longer than most fights tend to last. The downsides? It does allow Magic Resistance, so you're probably not going to get it to work on a Lich. Also, by looking at the spell lists of foes on Infinity Explorer, one thing becomes abundantly clear-the developers anticipated the use of silence effects to shut down Mages, and hence, nearly every Mage of substance in the entire game has Vocalize prepared, ready to counter this spell. The upside is the fact that they only tend to have one, so if you could keep applying pressure-perhaps hit them with this spell, then when they countered with Vocalize, hit them with Dispel Magic and cast this spell again... but you're better off following other Mage busting tactics. It's a good spell, and you might find it useful on Clerics or the odd Mage who isn't protected, but most of the time you'll want to use it, the computer will have a counter. Protection from Magic Energy

<----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell makes a Mage immune to non-elemental, magical damage, such as the damage dealt by Magic Missile and Horrid Wilting. Yeah, we'll be using it against the latter of the two. 6th-level spells are fairly easy to give up, and this spell lasts a whopping turn per level, so nobody should be terribly unhappy using up one 6th-level spell slot on this. That said, it's mostly useful in Throne of Bhaal, when we might encounter strong spell-casters who can cast Horrid Wilting, and either the fight takes place where full party attendance is mandatory, or they have strong enough allies that leading with a single character otherwise protected by the Cloak of Mirroring is ill-advised. In most encounters where you might need this spell, it's the third best option for dealing with such attacks, the others being, of course 1) Killing the enemy spell-caster before they can cast Horrid Wilting, 2) Leading with a character wearing the Cloak of Mirroring, and hence immune to Horrid Wilting. It's best used as a fairly complete magical-damage defense in conjunction with the 7th-level 'Protection from the Elements'. Edwin can, of course, skip both those spells and just prepare the 8th-level 'Protection from Energy', as he will likely have more 8th-level spell slots than he needs. Still, this is an infrequent cast, at the very best. Protection from Magical Weapons <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Chances are you'll see the enemy use this more than you will. It makes you immune to magical weapons for four rounds. A short time, but later on almost all enemies will use magical weapons. Used by an enemyparticularly an enemy who is naturally immune to weapons of low enchantment, it makes them all but immune to physical attacks. Breach still takes care of the problem, however. All in all, I'd rather just use Stoneskin. Spell Deflection <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Another spell-defense I find wanting. Again, like Minor Spell Turning, I find this spell rather low-down on my ways to deal with enemy magic, the two leading options being, of course to 1) overwhelm the Mage quickly, or 2) lead with a character well and truly protected against magic... which calls for Spell Immunity, not Spell Deflection. Stone to Flesh <----------------------------------------------------------------------> A remedy for Flesh to Stone or other forms of petrification... I never use Flesh to Stone offensively, and if a character is petrified, I tend to reload, so I have no use for this spell. Summon Nishruu <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Summons a magical creature that feeds on magical energy, this minion is interesting because of its properties... first, it is proof against magic-actually healed by it, rather. On the other hand, it's not a warrior, and stands no chance in melee combat. Its usage, then, is obvious-it's an anti-Mage summon. Brought to bear on an enemy Mage, it'll quite literally suck up their memorized spells. If it seems too good to be true, a real Mage-slayer... well, that's because it is. Despite being immune to magic damage, it is NOT immune to spells, and a simple Death Spell will see it off. It's a spell most potent enemy Mages have. Still, there are a few instances where this spell comes in handy. Just note that the Nishruu sucks up charges from magical items that targets may be carrying.

Tenser's Transformation <----------------------------------------------------------------------> The ultimate god-maker in Icewind Dale, it can still be a powerful spell in Baldur's Gate, but with one signficant difference. Spell-play in Icewind Dale was rather stunted, compared to the rich strategic options in Baldur's Gate 2. Icewind Dale was literally a spell-buffers paradise, there was little in the way of counters, no sophisticated spell-casters that required specialized take-down tactics, and nary a single spell sequencer to keep things interesting. In that situation, it was fine to buff up and then go nuts with Tenser's. Tenser's, in a nutshell, tries to make a warrior out of a Mage. It is largely unsuccessful for the same reason that the plethora of Cleric spells that attempt the same are-it doesn't increase your attacks per round. That's the reason why Viconia is never to be considered a true warrior, despite her absurd Armor Class and Flail of the Ages, while Anomen, lazy, clumsy, stupid Anomen can be. ...but of course, we have a solution, don't we? A Fighter/Mage already has the attacks, the THAC0, the specialization, and 3/4 the Hit Points of a true Fighter. Take what Tenser's does for a Mage-doubles the Hit Points and boosts the Armor Class-and give that to a Fighter/Mage, and we're talking about a whole different level of power-play here. My late-game Fighter/Mage, when he applied Tenser's, went from 132 Hit Points to 264, and from a -9 Armor Class to -13-the spell's maximum of -10 be damned, apparently. This, of course, made him a juggernaut that not even Korgan would compare to. Of course, it disables their Mage spells while cast, so the Icewind Dale rules would have to apply-buff first, then Tenser's. But in Baldur's Gate 2, I find myself requiring my Fighter/Mage to keep the Mage part of his class. One Stoneskin might not last him, especially since he becomes a late-game tank, and you never know when you'll need a True Sight or Breach. Lastly... when it comes down to it, Time Stop/Greater Whirlwing is a better tactic than buffing and Tenser's... although I wouldn't say my Fighter/Mage/Thief wouldn't find the latter tactic useful, especially since she's incapable of the former... It's an interesting spell, to be sure, but not so grand as to be worth negating the spell arsenal of a late-game Mage. *True Sight <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell instantly removes all hostile illusions within a large radius of the caster. This removes Blur, Mirror Image, Shadow Door, Mislead, and, of course, Improved Invisibility. It's absolutely essential for defeating Mages, who will constantly cloak themselves and wreck havoc upon your party-safely immune to spell reprisals until you tackle their invisibility. Remember, you can't target enemies with spells until you take down their invisibility, and even if you can see them to attack them, you can't use Breach to take down their Fireshield, Protection from Magical Weapons, and Stoneskin. You need True Sight like you need Dispel Magic-every spell caster needs at least one, all the time. Better safe than sorry. Wyvern Call <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Summons a Wyvern to fight for you... Wyverns are, of course, prequel monsters, and hence, not up to snuff. 7th Level Arcane Spells {SPT023} o======================================================================o ***TOP SPELLS*** Finger of Death: Kills foe unless they save at -2.

--Limited Wish: Summon a Dao to grant a variety of wishes. --Spell Sequencer: Chain three spells of 4th level or lower. Cacofiend <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Summons a powerful demon to go on a rampage... anybody, even your own party, not protected by Protection from Evil will be at risk. It's a lesser version of the Gate spell, and shares the same liability-if a Dispel Magic drops your Protection from Evil, your cuddle little Cacofiend will become... well, less cuddly and more summocidal. I'd rather indulge in more reliable summons, myself. Control Undead <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Essentially charms several undead with no save allowed... if the undead are undead three Hit Dice. What freakin' undead in this game will have less than three Hit Dice, you ask? None. Otherwise, it allows a save at no penalty. This spell is poop. Delayed Blast Fireball <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Delayed Blast Fireball can function as a magical trap of sorts... but I prefer to just use it like Fireball and drop it right on foes. In that role, its 15d6 damage easily surpasses Fireball's 10d6... but Horrid Wilting is just around the corner, guys... if you're having trouble filling up 7th-level spell slots, it might be worth a go, but I'd just rather pack up some Fingers of Death, instead. *Finger of Death <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Speak of the devil! This spell instantly snuffs out the victim's life force. It's a killer, and I love it. It imposes a -2 penalty on the victim's save, which makes it a compotent killer, if not a spectacular one, but if you help them along with Greater Malison, you actually stand a chance at snuffing out baddies. Even if it fails, they still take 2d8+1 damage, which isn't much, but it's better than nothing. I always have one ready. After all, if you do not play, you cannot win. Khelben's Warding Whip <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This debuffer lasts for three rounds and dispels one spell protection up to 8th-level each round. The affected spells include Minor Spell Turning, Minor globe of Invulnerability, Spell Immunity, Globe of Invulnerability, Minor Spell Deflection, Spell Turning, Spell Deflection, Spell Shield, and Spell Invulnerability. Spell Invulnerability? What the shit is that? Oh right... it doesn't exist. Ooops, Bioware. Frankly, in any situtation where I might want to cast this, I find Pierce Magic more useful, instead. Who wants to wait three rounds? And if a foe has a specific buff that bothers me, I'll specifically counter it... and lower their Magic Resistance, too. *Limited Wish <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell has many uses, but mostly I use it to protect my entire party from level drain. There are a few cases when it will be absolutely vital to protect yourself in this manner, but it's nothing you need to keep a constant slot tied up for. Also, a number of interesting effects can be obtained by making 'one time only wishes', which are covered in the walkthrough at [WLK043].

Mantle <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Protects the caster from all weapons with an enchantment bonus of less than +3... but it only lasts for four rounds. You know, Stoneskin protects against all weapons, and lasts eight hours. Why not just use that, instead? If it wears down, cast another. Easy. Mass Invisibility <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Essentially a very potent party-wide spell-buff, with Edwin's sheer amount of memorization capacity, the regular use of this spell becomes a real option. It will give the benefits of Improved Invisibility to everybody within a 30-foot radius, namely a four point bonus to Armor Class and a four point bonus to Saving Throws. Huge, huge bonuses. The only problem? By Throne of Bhaal, enemies regularly expect-and can counter-your Illusion spells. And since a single True Sight can waste this spell-buff, it's not something I use often. Mordenkainen's Sword <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Mordenkainen's Sword is a fairly useful spell that happens to find itself fortunately placed in our books as a 7th-level spell. I don't find it to be a game-breaking spell on its own, but since you really only need so many 'Finger of Death' spells, it tends to find itself prepared. With it, you summon a floating magical sword, which counts as a +4 weapon and deals 5-20 damage. The enhancement bonus is pretty nice, but the damage and duration (one round per level) aren't anything to get worked up over, but the fact that it's nearly impossible to damage is. It can be 'slain' by death effects, but it's nearly impossible to hit, and immune to physical and elemental damage. This makes it an ideal distraction, and you could certainly summon weaker things to draw the attention of enemies. Just don't rely on it to deal too much damage, it's THAC0 isn't very good. Power Word: Stun <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Stuns a creature for a variable duration depending upon their current Hit Points, as follows: o===============o===============o | Hit Points | Duration | o===============o===============o | > 29 | 4d4 rounds | |---------------|---------------| | 30 - 59 | 2d4 rounds | |---------------|---------------| | 60 - 89 | 1d4 rounds | |---------------|---------------| | 90+ | unaffected | o===============o===============o No save is otherwise allowed. The best way to use this spell is to blast a foe with some dependable damage-dealer (a sequencered series of Magic Missiles, or Horrid Wilting, for example) then follow up with this spell. And that's exactly what the computer will try to do, quite often, actually. Ultimately, it's a spell that the computer gets more use out of. Liches with contingencies and natural immunities and resistances can afford such tactics, while being immune to them, in turn. Our party will get better mileage out of other tactics.

Prismatic Spray <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Creats a long cone of prismatic light that has varying effects on all caught within it, depending upon the color they were struck with. All creatures with less than 8 Hit Dice (64 Hit Points) are blinded for 2-8 rounds regardless of whatever else happens: o=======o=======================================o | Color | Effects | o=======o=======================================o | Red | 20 damage (save for half) | |-------|---------------------------------------| |Orange | 40 damage (save for half) | |-------|---------------------------------------| |Yellow | 80 damage (save for half) | |-------|---------------------------------------| | Green | Save vs. Poison or die, 20 damage on | | | successful save | |-------|---------------------------------------| | Blue |Save vs. Petrification or be turned to | | | stone |-------|---------------------------------------| |Indigo | Save vs. Wand or go insane | o=======o=======================================o

As you can see, the effects are highly variable, and the spell is not party friendly, but if you're careful, it might be worth a gamble against a group of foes. My experience with the spell, however, has just been underwhelming. It's simply too random to be of much use in most fights. Project Image <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Makes an illusory copy of the casting wizards, which can cast the same spells and has the same Hit Points as the casting Mage... but it makes the Mage immobile during the spell, so don't think you're getting to double your fun from this spell. Also note the word 'illusory'. It's a word that means 'True Sight will counter it', and so it shall be. Protection from the Elements <----------------------------------------------------------------------> A rare cast for me, but it has a very, very, important function. When you have vulnerable characters with low Hit Points (like, say, Mages, for example) and angry critters that cast mean spells or use breath weapons, this spell is the answer. It confers 75% immunity to all elemental attacks. 75% won't stop the hurt entirely, but it will prevent devastating loss of Hit Points. The 8th-level spell 'Protection from Energy' covers magical damage (like Horrid Wilting) too, but a 7th-level spell-slot is easier to give up than an 8th-level spell slot... unless your name is Edwin. Used in combination with the 6th-level spell 'Protection from Magic Energy' the two provide better protection than the 8th-level 'Protection from Energy', and in all honesty, it's easier to give up a 6th-and-7th-level spell than it is to give up an 8th-level spell. Ruby Ray of Reversal <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Dispels one spell protection of any level, favoring the highest level one if there are numerous. This includes the following spells: Minor Spell Turning, Minor Globe of Invulnerability, Spell Immunity, Globe of Invulnerability, Minor Spell Deflection, Spell Turning, Spell Shield,

Spell Deflection, and Spell Trap. Really? Did we need this AND Khelben's Warding Whip in the same level? I've got the same response to this one, too; use Pierce Magic, instead. *Spell Sequencer <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Like Minor Sequencer, but it can queue up three spells of 4th level or lower. This allows you to chain up three Flame Arrows to really hurt something. Another good option for our Fighter/Mage is to chain Improved Invisibility, Stoneskin, and Mirror Image. You can also chain up a 'super slow', a Greater Malison and two Slow spells, when it just needs to work. Still, we're not quite at the heavy tactical stage. That, like all things good, must wait until level eight. Spell Turning <----------------------------------------------------------------------> ANOTHER one of these? Okay, to be fair, it's not a Spell Deflectionit's Spell TURNING... which in this case does the same thing, except negated spells are turned back on their caster. Save of course, area of effect spells. Again, I don't find a use for it. Many of the more dangerous casters (Liches) are likely to be immune to their own spells, and it doesn't do one of the two better options for fighting Mages, which, in case you forgot, are 1) kill them quickly, or 2) render a character lastingly immune to their spells. Sphere of Chaos <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Magical effects run rampant in a spherical area for one turn. Every round a foe is in the sphere they must save (at no penalty) or suffer one of the following effects: polymorphed into a squirrel, confusion, burst into flames, paralysis, disintegration, healed for 20 Hit Points, randomly teleported a short distance, rendered unconscious, or Hasted. Considering that one of the effects can cause the loss of equipment (disintegration), one is useless (teleportation) and two are actually beneficial to the enemy (healing and Haste), why would you ever cast this? Summon Djinni <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Summons a Djinn to fight for you. They have a selection of a few offensive 1st-3rd level Mage spells, but nothing to get excited about, and are sub-par melee combatants. All in all, you're better off summoning an Efreeti instead. They're somewhat more hardy and have the same spells. Summon Efreeti <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Like the previous spell, but the Efreeti has a few more Hit Points and the same spell selection. Still, it's not a very powerful summon. Summon Hakeashar <----------------------------------------------------------------------> A more potent version of Summon Nishruu, the Hakeashar has more Hit Points (92 versus 72) better THAC0, and immunity to non-magical weapons. If you have the option, and the need, summon a Hakeashar instead, but it still won't survive a Death Spell... 8th Level Arcane Spells {SPT024} o======================================================================o ***TOP SPELLS***

Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting: High-damage, party friendly, area effect. --Spell Trigger: Simultaneous cast up to three spells, 6th level or less. *Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This is one of the best damage-dealing spells of the game, made even more useful for the fact that unlike Comet, it doesn't use up a precious 9th level spell slot, or a high level ability. Let's discuss, shall we? It deals a whopping 1d8 damage per caster level, far outpacing the next nearest damaging spell out there. It imposes a -2 penalty on the saves of an enemy trying to mitigate the damage, further improving the odds of it hurting extra. Lastly, it's party friendly. What more could you ask for? Learn it, memorize it, use it, love it. It really shines against various high-level Mages in Throne of Bhaal, who usually don't have the spell defenses or Hit Points to survive too many of these. Bigby's Clenched Fist <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Summons a giant fist which will hinder and harm the target for several rounds. First round it deals 3d6 damage with no save and holds the target. Second round the foe can save at -2 to escape, or suffers 4d6 damage. Third round the target gets another save at no penalty, or suffers 6d6 damage. The problems with this spell are simple to seefirst, it allows Magic Resistance, so if you think you're going to confound any Liches, think again. Second, the saves aren't too difficult, and once a save is made, the spell ends. Third, the damage isn't great. I don't see why anybody wouldn't just use a Finger of Death, instead. Kills if they fail a save at -2, and deals 2d8+1 damage as a consolation prize if they survive. Improved Mantle <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Yeah... Improved means it protects against +3 weapon (but not +4 or higher), not that it lasts longer. It doesn't. Four rounds is all you get, and I still have the same remark-Stoneskin doesn't care if it's a +3 or a +4 weapon, it just works. It lasts longer. Use Stoneskin, instead. Incendiary Cloud <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Deals 1d4 points of damage per level of the caster per round to all foes in the area for its one-turn duration. That damage is actually not bad, and it can really add up if you can keep a foe in the area for a while (perhaps with a summoned Fire Elemental, or a character protected by Protection From Fire? This spell has merit, so I won't call it mean names, but I won't get it an '*', either. It's no Horrid Wilting, and it should lose out to Horrid Wilting every time. Maze <----------------------------------------------------------------------> You'll see this spell in action, oh yes... it's a favorite of enemy Mages. Why? Well, it offers no save, and... well, it just works. The affected creature is 'mazed' taken to an extra-dimensional maze for a variable number of rounds depending on their Intelligence (presumably, the dumber you are the more time it takes you to solve the Maze and escape): o===============o===============o | Intelligence | Duration | o===============o===============o

| > 3 | 2d4 turns | |---------------|---------------| | 3 - 5 | 1d4 turns | |---------------|---------------| | 6 - 8 | 5d4 rounds | |---------------|---------------| | 9 - 11 | 4d4 rounds | |---------------|---------------| | 12 - 14 | 3d4 rounds | |---------------|---------------| | 15 - 17 | 2d4 rounds | |---------------|---------------| | 18+ | 1d4 rounds | o===============o===============o Cast on a dumbass like Anomen, this spell could last quite a whileprobably longer than a late-game fight will take to win-or lose. So, it's stritly a way to pick on warriors too dumb to escape, essentially removing them from the battlefield so you can deal with greater threats. Still, there are superior ways to do this, and at the cost of an 8th-level spell slot... it's an awful lot to ask me to pass up on a Spell Trigger or Horrid Wilting. I'm convinced the spell has strategic merit, even though it'll work less often for you than the computer (most of them have Magic Resistance, and most of your party will not, you see), but I'm not convinced it ranks as one of the best 8th-level spells. Pierce Shield <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Like Pierce Magic, but marginally better. Still, not enough better that I'd waste an 8th level spell slot on it. It's got a few more spells it can dispel, and reduces the enemy's magic resistance by another +10%. On the other hand, Pierce Magic can be used with a Spell Trigger, so why would you ever use Pierce Shield? Power Word: Blind <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Stun is 7th-level and blind is 8th? Oookay... Power Word Blind allows no save and affects all creatures within a 10-foot radius of the target foe, inflicting blindness upon them all... unless they have Magic Resistance (which they will). It could prove useful against some tougher melee foes, like Fire Giants... but I have to question how much better it is for this than Slow or Chaos. Sure, they both allow saves... but at a crippling penalty. And they don't take up an 8th-level spell slot... Besides, a Fire Giant with a base THAC0 of 0 will be hardly affected by a few point penalty to their THAC0, but Slow or Chaos? Slow will reduce their number of attacks, and Chaos might prevent them from attacking altogether. All in all, I'd say this spell just doesn't bring enough to the table. Especially not with a six-round duration. Protection from Energy <----------------------------------------------------------------------> A rare cast for me, but it has a very, very, important function. When you have vulnerable characters with low Hit Points (like, say, Mages, for example) and angry critters that cast mean spells or use breath weapons, this spell is the answer. It confers 75% immunity to all energy attacks-which in this case means elements or magic damage (like Horrid Wilting). 75% won't stop the hurt entirely, but it will prevent devastating loss of Hit Points. In practice, Edwin can use this spell whenever he's at risk, but other Mages need to be more stingy-typically

resorting to the 7th-Level 'Protection from the Elements' to deal with elemental damage, or the 6th-level 'Protection from Magic Energy'. It's not as complete of a defense, but the instances where we might get hit by both a Horrid Wilting and potent elemental attacks are rare. In theory, every Mage could qualify for that sort of dual-threat, but such Mages are rare until Throne of Bhaal, they typically start throwing out Horrid Wilting long before they bother to cast elemental spells (all of which are invariably lower-level attacks). Point of the matter is, if they're casting elemental spells, they're doing so because they've exhausted their initial spell barrages-and most Mages don't tend to last more than a few rounds against me. Not boasting, I make it a point to kill Mages first. It's a little thing we call 'strategy'. Simulacrum <----------------------------------------------------------------------> A powerful spell that I tend to under-rate for one... or perhaps two reasons... First, Vhailor's Helm allows you to create a Simulacrum once per day, free of charge. It's a wonderful thing to be able to conjure up a copy of an uber powerful Fighter/Mage, complete with his own buffs, Greater Whirlwinds, and premium gear... but of course, if we have Vhailor's Helm we've got no reason to waste an 8th-level spell slot, too. As for our Mages, then, who might actually end up wanting to prepare one... this spell has mixed results, really. As far as the spell's description is concerned, it's supposed to create a Simulacrum at 60% the caster's level. Take a level 28 Edwin, and cut him down to 60%... you get about a 16th-level Edwin. Fair enough, but it's not the same league of potency by a long-shot. Your Simulacrum will be able to cast a few Breaches, a Finger of Death or two, which can be pretty useful, but not game-breaking. Imoen, on the other hand... well, I sense a bug. Her Simulacrum comes packed with up to 9th-level spells, which makes it very worthwhile for her to cast this spell. Why is her Simulacrum so much stronger than anybody else's? I suspect it might be because of her dual-classed status. Take my level 26 Imoen, who at 60% should produce a Simulacrum of 15th level (rounded down)... or roughly on par with Edwin's. This is not, in fact, what we see. But if we add Imoen's seven dormant Thief levels into the equation, we get her acting as a 33rd-level Mage for the purposes of this spell, 60% of which is 19th-level (rounded down)-enough to cast 9th-level spells. I haven't done an exhaustive trial on this idea, but it seems to fit. In any event, Simulacrum's usefulness is highly variable. On a well-equipped phenom like my Fighter/Mage, it's invaluable... as an item-accessed spell. On your Mages, it might be worthwhile if you're very, very high-leveled, and your name is Imoen. *Spell Trigger <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell is where you really get to play with your multi-spell tactics. It allows you to chain up to three spells, of sixth level or less. Three Chain Lightnings is a pretty awesome combo, but my favorite is my one-shot defense breaker. Typically consisting of two Pierce Magic spells and a Breach, or a Pierce Magic, Breach, and Greater Malison. Start out fights with powerful, well-protected enemies with this combo to leave them open to both physical and magical attacks. You'll learn to love it, and during Throne of Bhaal you should strive to always have one ready to go. Summon Fiend <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell is just like Gate or Cacodemon, and has the same problemthe summoned demon is too unpredictable, and with a single Dispel Magic becomes a liability instead of an ally.

Symbol: Death <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Inscribes a magical symbol that, when approached, causes all creatures in the area to Save vs. Death or die. Unfortunately it doesn't work on any foes with 60 Hit Points or more, so... yeah. I wipe my ass with this spell. Symbol: Fear <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Another Symbol spell, when something enters the area of effect it triggers, attempting to cause fear (save at -4). It, like all Symbol spells are plagued by the fact that they're not party-friendly... but, the range is decent, the save penalty good, and if you prepare with Remove Fear, it might not be a terrible spell to cast... it just fails for taking up an 8th-level spell slot. Symbol: Stun <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Everything within a 30-foot radius must save at -4 or be stunned for two rounds, +1 round/3 levels of the caster. Keep in mind that the spell is not party friendly. 9th Level Arcane Spells {SPT025} o======================================================================o ***TOP SPELLS*** Comet: 1d10 damage, party-friendly, chance to stun and knock down foes. --Time Stop: Gives caster three free rounds to act. Absolute Immunity <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Might as well be called 'Ultimate Mantle', it protects against even +5 weapons... and it's a rare foe indeed who can penetrate that. Of course, you know god-damn well what I'm going to say, don't you? Four round duration, and we've been stopping weapons of all enhancement bonuses since we first got Stoneskin. Stoneskin is king, and won't eat up a 9th-level spell slot. Bigby's Crushing Hand <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Oh Bigby's how you suck, let me count the ways... first, it has a maximum damage of 9d10 damage to ONE foe, spread over the course of three rounds. The spell gives them three chances to save, just like Bigby's Clenched Fist, and if they manage, it negates all future damage. First save is at -4, second is at -2, third is at no penalty. Why in the hell would ever cast this when you could cast Comet? Black Blade of Disaster <----------------------------------------------------------------------> The only thing disasterous about this spell is that it happens to be a 9th-level spell. It counts as a +5 weapon, which you are a Grand Master at wielding. It deals 2d12 damage per hit and every time it hits the creature must save (at a generous +4) or be disintegrated... which is, if anything, a liability in my eyes. Also, it has a 10% chance to drain four levels from the target and heal the wielder (you!) for 20 Hit Points. Sounds decent, but when you think of all the damage you could do with a single Comet or all the mischief you can cause during a Time Stop, and this spell seems pretty patry, indeed.

Chain Contigency <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Releases three spells under preset conditions, all of which must be 8th-level or lower. Seems pretty awesome, but since it triggers reactionarily, instead of voluntarily, the spells must all be defensive, and the best defensive spells are 5th-level or lower. So... you really don't need the power of this spell. Also, it's a 9th-level spell. You need to be packing a whole lot of badass to make it into my list of prepared 9th-level spells. Speaking of badass... *Comet <----------------------------------------------------------------------> ...10d10 damage marginally out-does Fireball, but this spell has three great advantages that makes it the best damage-dealer in the game. First, it offers no save against the damage. Second, it doesn't hurt party members. Third, it has a chance to stun enemies for 1d4 rounds and knock them down. It's great for dealing a good chunk of damage to a lot of enemies, and breaking them up a bit so your fighters can get some breathing room. While Horrid Wilting is potentially more damaging, Comet's ability to change the course of a fight in a single cast make it a better cast on a spell-for-spell basis. Dragon's Breath <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Another 9th-level damage dealer, this spell has the allure of dealing a possible 20d10 damage to all foes in a 30-foot radius and knocking them back. Of course, there is no save penalty for this spell, and a save negates the knock-back. All in all, I'd rather use Comet, as in all likelyhood they're going to do the same damage, and I'd prefer a chance to Stun and knock down for 1d4 rounds, instead ofjust knocking a foe away from me. Energy Blades <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Creates a number of energy blades which can be thrown at foes. Yes, thrown. Still, this spell has the good sense to gives a +10 bonus to THAC0 and each one deals 1d4+5 damage, as well as 1d10 additional electrical damage. The Mage gets one disc per level to throw, and can throw nine per round. Still, the fact that you must hit foes to do any damage makes this spell of dubious worth in my eyes. Ultimately, assuming no misses, the potential damage of this spell per round is 9d4+5 (36-81) plus 9d10 (9-90), or 45-171, which sounds fine and all... but when you think of how much damage Comet could do if employed against a group of enemies, plus the stun and knock-down... You know, I really have to wonder if this spell is any better than a high-level Flame Arrow. Think about it, at level 20 you'd get four arrows, each doing 5d6 damage. Thats 20-120 damage with no attack roll. Even if the foes saves, they're still going to take 12-72 damage, barring any fire resistance (which isn't a valid criticism, considering that much of Energy Blade's damage is from equally-resistable electrical damage). And you could link three Flame Arrows with a Spell Trigger! Why waste a 9th-level spell slot doing what a 3rd-level spell can do almost as well? Energy Drain <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Take two levels from the enemy and laugh. No save allowed, and chances are, the computer will not have a Cleric handy. Still, two level isn't much, and a single casting of this spell won't seriously diminish any foe, much less win fights like Comet or Time Stop can.

Freedom <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Counters Imprisonment or Maze. I tend to reload if a character is Imprisoned, and Maze wears off. You never really have a reason to cast this spell. Gate <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Gate is a summoning spell with serious liabilities. Unless you have a Protection of Evil spell cast on the caster (and anybody else you don't want the Pit Fiend to attack) the Pit Fiend will view them as fair game. On one hand, you should be used to using Protection From Evil 10' Radius frequently... but on the other hand, having a summon who will turn on you if a Dispel Magic is tossed around doesn't strike me as a good idea. Besides, there are plenty of other, superior summoning spells out there. Ones not coated in liability sauce. Imprisonment <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This spell sucks for the same reason Flesh to Stone sucks. It removes an enemy from the fight, sure, but it also takes out their gear, too. If you are confident that the foe has no equipment of value on them, by all means, Imprison away, there's no saving throw, so it will probably work... I mean, except for the fact that quite a few foes have Magic Resistance. If you want to retrieve an Imrisoned creature later, you'll have to go through the trouble of casting a Freedom spell, and I just can't be bothered... Improved Alacrity <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Allows a Mage to cast spells more quickly. Normally, a Mage can only cast one spell per round. With this spell, the Mage is presumably only limited by casting time... which means you'll get variable mileage out of this spell depending upon your chosen spells. Of course, the effect only lasts two rounds... honestly, I'd stick to Time Stop. That gives you three rounds to do whatever you wish... under normal speed rules, of course. Meteor Swarm <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Despite the awesome-sounding name, this spell leaves a bit to be desired in a damage-dealer. Everything-friend or foes-in a 30-foot radius will take 4-40 damage if they are hit by one of the meteors. Ultimately, this spell is capable of quite a bit of damage, but it's also highly variable. Ultimately a factor of randomness I don't find fitting for a 9th-level spell... not when Comet is guaranteed to do twice as much damage to all foes in an area and not harm any of your party members. Power word: Kill <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Kills one creature... unless their current Hit Points are higher than 60. Since this means pretty much every creature worth casting this on, you can safely ignore it. Shapechange <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Like Polymorph Self, the caster can change freely into-and out of-a variety of creatures. Namely, a Mind Flayer, Iron Golem, Greater Wolfwere, Earth Elemental, Fire Elemental, or Giant Troll. By the time you can do this, however, there is no real attraction to it. All the

Shapechange options are likely to be more vulnerable than your Mage was (except perhaps the Iron Golem). In any event, you didn't make a Mage so you could pummel things, did you? No, so stick to blasting things with spells, buffing, and debuffing. It's what you're good at. Spell Trap <----------------------------------------------------------------------> I'll admit, Spell Trap is quite the hefty spell defense, absorbing up to 30 spell levels... it could take a while for a mage to penetrate it. On the other hand, it will be all but impossible for a Mage to ever penetrate three or four Spell Immunities, and that's where the problem lies. My Fighter/Mage will never have many 9th-level spell slots, and I'd rather save the few I have for Time Stop, rather than waste them on Spell Trap when I can just use a few 5th-level spell slots. Spellstrike <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Dispels a number of spell protections including: Minor Spell Turning, Minor Globe of Invulnerability, Spell Immunity, Globe of Invulnerability, Minor Spell Deflection, Spell Turning, Spell Shield, Spell Deflection, Spell Invulnerability, and Spell Trap. You know, doesn't Pierce Magic do almost the same thing? Yeah, it doesn't take down ALL of them, but the odds of a Mage having more than one or two up at a time is uncommon, and this spell doesn't do anything to their Magic Resistance. Again, I say stick to humble old 5th-level Pierce Magic. Summon Planetar/Summon Dark Planetar <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Summon a badass celestial minion to help you. These critters come loaded with spells, both Druidic (like Insect Plague), Clerical (Heal, Cure Disease, Globe of Blades) and Mage (Chaos, Haste). They also come with a Silver Sword (not the Vorpal weapon we got from the Gith, just a 2d10+3 weapon) and the attacks, THAC0, Armor Class, Hit Points, and Strength to make an impression in melee. It's the strongest thing a Mage can summon... shame, then, that I feel it's not worth a 9th-level spell slot. I say leave the summoning to the Clerics and the Druids. Let the Mages stick to Time Stop and Comet. *Time Stop <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This is probably the best spell in the game. When cast, you get three rounds to do whatever you wish. If you cast spells, those spells will all take effect when the Time Stop ends-not during it. If you want to sequence spells, you'll need to be a little sneaky. If you cast one spell closer to an enemy than another spell, the closer spell will reach first, allowing you to thus chain spells that just need to worklike Pierce Magic or Breach. Three favorite tactics of mine-and they aren't complex, but they are effective-are as follows. First, just using three Horrid Wiltings can obliterate enemy opposition, especially low Hit Point enemy Mages, who can do little but die under the onslaught. Second, use a Spell Trigger to blast an enemy with a combination of spells that destroys their defenses, then use a Spell Sequencer and Minor Sequencer to hit them with various damage-dealing spells, like Flame Arrow, or Magic Missiles. Don't underestimate the damage that five Magic Missiles can do on a single unlucky enemy... no creature in the game can ignore 50-125 damage. Third, I just cast Time Stop and have my Fighter/Mage use up three Greater Whirlwind attacks30 attacks-on a wretched victim. Wail of the Banshee

<----------------------------------------------------------------------> Honestly, I can't remember ever using this spell, or having it used against me. Perhaps it's the lack of a save penalty? Maybe by the time I get it, in Throne of Bhaal or damn near it, I'm not worried about killing off groups of weak enemies, and have better tools to do it with? Why waste a 9th-level spell slot on it? Wish <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Wish... ah, Wish is a very peculiar spell, indeed. See, you are attempting to bend cosmic forces to your whim, and apparently this can't be done without some wretched Djinni (in place of the typical asshole Dungeon Master) trying to distort your intentions while still honoring your words. Deliberate misinterpretation, in other words. The effectiveness of this spell depends solely on the caster's Wisdom score, which will determine what effects you are able to choose from after haggling with the Djinni. Without going into too much detail, a good number of the options the spell presents are unfavorable, either because they harm the party exclusively, or they harm both the party and enemies, or they help both the party and enemies. Having a high Wisdom gets your more favorable responses, but it doesn't remove any negative ones. So... what you get after 'negotiating' are five options, randomly chosen from the list of options appropriate for your Wisdom. Some are quite good, like casting Breach on all foes in the area, or Improved Haste on all allies, or casting a double-length Time Stop and Improved Alacrity on the caster, Restoration on the party, or restoring the party as if they had rested a full night, restored spells and all. You also get the bad ones, of course, but you can chose any of the five options you get. Odds are you won't get a terrible option on any casting of the spell, but it's not guaranteed you'll get something good, either. Ultimately, it's just far too random to bother using Wish. If it comes through, it can really help the party, but most likely its results will be mediocre. At the end of the day, I really can't justify gambling with Wish when a guaranteed Time Stop can be prepared instead. Spell Buff Order {SPT026} o======================================================================o Now you know what spells to have, and why to have them, but apparently this isn't enough for some people. Some people know who they are, but I tolerate them because they're usually right when it comes to these things. Anyhow, in this section we'll discuss what spells to use-when, and in what order you should cast your buffs. What kind of lazy ass FAQwriter wouldn't put this information in the walkthrough, you know, when you fight creatures that require buffing? Beats me, I made sure to put it in the walkthrough, but here you'll find a stable, easy-to-find location that discusses spell-buffing in more detail. I see the appeal, I follow FAQs myself (on games I can't bother to learn everything about myself or play twice-JRPGs, for example) and it's a pain in the ass to have to scroll through a walkthrough to find the author's off-hand comments on how to do something that should really be mentioned in its own context. Also note that many of these buff combos either require-or are vastly improved by having-a multi-class Mage of some sort. In case you didn't get it earlier, I have pushed the Fighter/Mage = Godly angle throughout the guide. While it might not have been obvious in Baldur's Gate 1, it will become quite obvious in Baldur's Gate 2. Your Fighter/Mage is your combat tactician, the versatile crux upon which most-if not allsophisticated take-down strategies turn. A Fighter/Mage/Thief works nearly as well, and Thief/Mages, Cleric/Mages, and Fighter/Cleric/Mages are also passable. Any character who can fight and spell-buff with Mage

spells (many of which are exclusive to the caster). Sure, there are other ways to win fights, but the buff combos using a Fighter/Mage or Fighter/Mage/Thief are arguably the easiest way to go through the game. Buff Combo: Spell Buff to the Max! {SPT027} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Requires: 1) Two divine spell casters (Cleric/Druid) 2) Two arcane spell casters (Bard/Mage) 3) Summoning Items 4) Buffing items You'll see this phrase used a few times throughout the guide-the phrase came before the section, honest. This is the general spell-buffing you will use in most major fights. It's name is rather deceptive, since all other specific buff combos actually include using MORE spells, not less. However, since this is the big, general buff combo, it'll bear the most explanation. Round #1: Iron Skins/Stoneskin (These are the longest-lasting buffs in the game, so they should ALWAYS go first.) Round #2: Blur/Protection from Evil 10' Radius (Again, two general buffs that last a long time. At 1 turn/level, Protection from Evil 10' Radius is more of a level-lasting buff than a fight-per-fight buff. Cast it when you start an area, and it should stick the whole time. Blur is more modest at 4 + 2 rounds/level, but it's a great Armor Class and Saving Throw booster.) Round #3: Armor of Faith/Mirror Image (Now for more personal spell-buffs. Armor of Faith and Mirror Image are both decent personal buffs with durations of 3 +1 rounds/level.) Round #4: Summons (Use items, especially Vhailor's Helmet and whatever other trinkets you have, like the Black Spider Figurine, the Silver Horn of Valhalla, and the Efreeti Bottle. Later on in the game, the last three items are not worth the trouble. Summon an Elemental Prince if you have them, and have Keldorn summon a Deva, or have Viconia summon a Fallen Deva.) Round #5: Aura of Flaming Death/Dual Golem Manual/Haste/Item Buffs (Now we're on some serious time constaints-many of our summons will only last a turn, or ten rounds. My protagonist-who always wields the Golem Manual and Vhailor's Helm, now uses the former, and so does the Simulacrum we summoned last round. Your dedicated Mage (Edwin or Imoen) should cast the Haste immediately after the Golems appear, and the Divine spellcasters bring up Auras of Flaming Death. If you have the Short Sword Ilbratha and/or Rings of Air Control, now is the time to use them.) Round #6: Final Buffing/Attack! (Buffing is pretty much over-it's time to start combat. If your Simulacrum is a Fighter/Mage or Fighter/Mage/Thief like mine, it might be a good idea to see what spells they have and pop out a Blur or Stoneskin, although I'm not nearly as concerned about their survival as any of my party members.) Buff Combo: Dragons and Demons {SPT028} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Requires: 1) Two divine spell casters (Cleric/Druid) 2) Two arcane spell casters (Bard/Mage) 3) Summoning Items

4) Buffing items Dragons and Demons require a little extra work. The former employ devasting breath weapons that can outright kill weaker party members. They absolutely need protection. Against stupid fire-breathing Dragons we can buff the whole party with cheap, long-lasting elemental spells, but against other Dragons, it just takes too much time-putting up a half-dozen 7th-level 'Protection from the Elements'... well, not really, but I'm lazy, so I rarely tend to do it. It's just easier to cast a Heal spell in the middle of combat. Right before combat, cast 'Remove Fear' on your party and their summons. Dragon fear can end fights before they begin. Some Demons also use fear, as well. Round Round Round Round #1: Iron Skins/Stoneskin #2: Blur/Protection from Evil 10' Radius #3: Armor of Faith/Mirror Image #4: Elemental Buffing (Dragons tend to use breath weapons, which are not your friend. To counter that, we need to defend ourselves from them. Against fire, you have an easy time, the 3rd-level spell 'Protection from Fire', or, at higher levels, 'Aura of Flaming Death'. The best all-purpose Mage buff is the 7th-level 'Protection from the Elements'. Sure, there's the 8th-level 'Protection from Energy', but 8th-level spells are precious, and it doesn't add and real protection against what we need it for. In higher-level fights, I tend to just have my Mages buff themselves with 'Protection from Energy', since they're the most vulnerable (and perhaps it's worthwhile to take an extra round out to protect Jaheira/ Viconia, who are more vulnerable.) Round #5: Summons Round #6: Aura of Flaming Death/Dual Golem Manual/Haste/Item Buffs Round #7: Final Buffing/Attack! (Again, have your Simulacrum buff themselves however they can, but there's a special buff necessary before combating Dragons and many demons-the humble 1st-leve 'Remove Fear'. Make sure it gets all your summons, too. They're absolutely useless if they are running around in fear-same with your party members.) Buff Combo: Illithids {SPT029} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Requires: 1) Fighter/Mage or Fighter/Mage/Thief who can cast 5th-level Mage spells (9th-level Mage). 2) Divine Spell caster (Cleric/Druid) who can cast 5th-level Cleric/Druid spells (8th-level Cleric/9th-level Druid) Illithids are an odd sort of creature that requires different, less generalized spell-buffing. First, I tend to keep most of my party back in reserve, safely using missile weapons. The only character who engages the Illithids in melee combat is my protagonist. Why? Illithids drain Intelligence every time they hit, at least several points at a time. Even my 19+ Intelligence Fighter/Mage can't weather a half dozen hits, and box-of-rocks Intelligence warriors like Keldorn, Anomen, and Korgan will only survive three or so. My entire strategy therefore becomes about making one character as hard to hit as possible-the only character that can do this well is a Mage combo. Blur, Greater Invisibility, Mirror Image, and Fighter-esque armor will make Illithids survivable... as long as you protect yourself against their psionics, and have a staunch offensive effort to keep combat short. Round #1: Blur/Chaotic Commands

(Chaotic Commands is absolutely essential for any character wishing to engage a Mind Flayer in melee. Fortunately, every divine spell-caster can use it, and it lasts one turn per level, so you'll probably only need to use it once. Of course, we all know about Blur and its Armor Class bonuses, as well as its duration.) Round #2: Mirror Image (Take a breather this round and have your protagonist buff himself (or herself) with wonderful, wonderful Mirror Image. Illusion is the name of the game with this buff combo.) Round #3: Greater Invisibility/Haste (Have your protagonist cast 'Greater Invisibility' on themselves, or use a Ring of Air Control. It'll lower their Armor Class, but note that the point is NOT to avoid becoming a target. Also, catch your entire party in Haste. A good offensive is the best defense, and all that. Seriously though. Dead Illithids aren't eating any brains.) Round #4: Combat/Death Spell/Ranged Support (Scout out Illithid groups with your invisible Fighter/Mage, and use Death Spell to start out fights. Illithids usually come with Umber Hulks, and Death Spell will smite them unerringly. Once your Protagonist has safely engaged (oxymoron alert!) and absorbed the inevitable psionic assault Illithids begin fights with, having your Hasted party come up and shoot at anything attacking your baitagonist. If your protagonist is taking too many hits, withdraw and lure the Illithids around by running. Hopefully you'll be able to recover some Intelligence or shoot the Illithids down.) Alternatives: This strategy still floats if you don't have a multi-class Mage, but it'll take a specific set-up. First, take a strong Fighter (Keldorn or Korgan, for example) and cast Chaotic Commands on them. Make them use Ilbratha (for Mirror Image) and a Ring of Air Control (Greater Invisibility). It's the best you can do, just be very, very attentive to their Intelligence. Buff Combo: Liches, Beholders, and other pesky Mages {SPT030} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Requires: 1) Multi-class Mage who can cast 5th-level Mage spells, ideally a Fighter/Mage or Fighter/Mage/Thief. 10th-or-11thlevel Mage is preferable. 2) Divine Spell caster (Cleric/Druid) who can cast 5th-level Cleric/Druid spells (8th-level Cleric/9th-level Druid). Note that a Cleric can cast all the required buffs, but a Druid cannot. 3) The Cloak of Mirroring The first time I played this game, nothing gave me more trouble than Mages-especially Liches. It's a symptom of not knowing what quests to do, what areas to explore, when, and what spells to use-all things that this guide helps with! Of course, there are several good ways to take down Mages-Insect Plague, the awesome 5th-level Druid spell, is one of the easiest and simplest. Backstabbing Mages with a party Thief is also possible (if not terribly easy, due to the prevelence of True Sight-any Mage worth taking down this way is also usually capable of countering it. This buff combo isn't just for any Mages, though, but very, very strong, well-prepared Mages we'll typically face. This buff combo is great for taking down Liches and other uber-Mages, but you know the saying, the high tide raises all boats... err... perhaps the wrong saying, but the point is, if you can use it to kill Liches, you can use it to kill anything the is dependent upon spells. This buff combo

REQUIRES a multi-class Mage, a melee competent one is a plus, but not necessary. It's also greatly simplified if you have the Cloak of Mirroring-not a direct requirement-if you have a higher-level Mage and/or are willing to rely on some luck-but it's a definate plus. Round #1: Stoneskin (Stoneskin? For Mage take-downs? Sure. First, it lasts forever, so it doesn't really complicate things. Also, many spell casters are not squeamish about summoning things, so it pays to have some melee defense.) Round #2: Chaotic Commands/Protection from Evil 10' Radius (You should have two divine spell casters in your party, and hence, these two buffs can go at once. Jaheira can cast Chaotic Commands, which should be pretty self-explanatory-it'll stop nasty spells like Charm, Confusion, and Maze. Anomen/Viconia can cast Protection from Evil 10' Radius, which has a very special purpose; Liches are prone to using Gate to summon in a Pit Fiend. With Protection from Evil 10' Radius on, the Pit Fiend won't attack you. In fact, it'll often turn on its summoner!) Round #3: Death Ward/Remove Fear/Spell Immunity #1 (Death Ward seems like an obvious cast, too, as it'll stop evil death spells. It's preferable to Spell Immunity: Necromancy because it also stops Disintigrate (which is an Alteration, not Necromancy.) Remove Fear is another obvious cast, as you wouldn't want to be immune to so many deadly spells, but fall victim to Horror, or something stupid like that. Finally, your first Spell Immunity, the backbone of this strategy. Cast Spell Immunity: Conjuration, which will block all Power Word and Symbol spells. Liches use these quite often.) Round #4: Spell Immunity #2 (Now for your final buff, and arguably the most importantSpell Immunity: Abjuration. This will block spells like Breach, Dispel Magic, and Spell Thrust which otherwise might conspire to strip your spell defenses. Also, another important funciton of this spell is to protect you from Imprisonment spells, a gameender that Liches love.) Round #5: Mage Bane (You're as invulnerable to magic as you can hope to be, and with the Cloak of Mirroring, your pretty much ARE immune to magic. No direct damage-dealing spell can harm you through the Cloak of Mirroring. You're also immune to death spells, dispelling, Imprisonment, Symbol and Power Word spells. One of the few things that can bother you are summons-if the enemy summons an Efreeti (which isn't uncommon), but of course, most of the Efreeti's attacks won't work on you, either. Now the strategy is simple-absorb everything the Mage has to throw at you, and when their spell-arsenal is depleted, smite them. Or you can be more pro-active. A competent Fighter/Mage or Fighter/Mage/Thief can use Breach and True Sight to keep the Mage vulnerable and cut them down while they waste magic on you.) Buff Combo: The Throne of Bhaal General Buff {SPT031} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This one is simpler than many of the other buffs-it's general buffing for Throne of Bhaal, buffs you'll want to keep on for most fights. It's like the spell buff to the max!, minus the max! Round #1: Stoneskin/Iron Skins (You have no reason not to have these spells on all the time. It's the best defense against melee attacks in the entire game. It doesn't hurt that if you pair it with a good Armor Class, it

only makes you more invulnerable.) Round #2: Blur/Protection from Evil 10' Radius (More long-lasting buffs that will protect you.) Round #3: Haste (The best spell-buff in the game. Haste makes all fights easier.) o======================================================================o | | | General Tips {TIP000} | | | o======================================================================o Save often. There is a lot of trial and error in this game. If you walk into an encounter you weren't ready for, there's a good chance you can lose characters. And of course, there is always just bad luck. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> To find objects on the map that can be searched or interacted with hold down the 'Tab' key. This will reveal doors, containers, your party's Hit Points, and other useful information. Sure beats waving the mouse cursor around madly, hoping to find a hidden bit of loot, ala Baldur's Gate 1. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Lead with pretty. Take your character with the highest Charisma and make them party leader. That way they will use their reaction adjustment to influence people they talk to, getting you better reactions, rewards, and prices. Paladins make great natural party leaders, as they are both strong and have a high Charisma. Evil parties will have to improvise. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Lead with steel. Of course, pretty isn't the only consideration to make. Your front line characters will be under fire more often than any other characters. Put your most well protected allies up front, taking into consideration Armor Class and Hit Points. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> The Ring of Human Influence helps the 'lead with pretty, lead with steel' rules above. Wearing it increases the wearer's Charisma to 18, all but negating Charisma as a noteworthy attribute in any sense. Put this ring (and a few other Charisma-boosting items) on a well-defended, high Hit Point party leader, and you're all set. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Spread the wealth. Don't load up good gear all on one character, even though it might be tempting to spoil your main character. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Diversify. This makes spreading the wealth easier. If everybody is clamoring for long swords, you'll never have enough to go around. This shouldn't be too hard, as most recruitable characters come tailor-made to use specific weapons. You think Anomen was meant for anything other than War Hammers, and Maces, or that Korgan really wants to fight with something other than a Battle Axe? <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Travel with like-minded characters, or rather, characters of the same (or similar) alignments. In Baldur's Gate 1 this was less of a problem, but in Baldur's Gate 2 characters of different alignments could end up fighting. Notoriously Viconia and Keldorn will not last together in a party, and Aerie and Korgan cause problems as well. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Manipulate your reputation. Good parties will want to have a high reputation just to keep folks happy, but evil parties will want the discounts high reputations bring. Just don't go over 17 or you'll face desertion. Go to temples to raise your reputation before major shopping sprees. If it gets too high, go kill a peasant in a house. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Manipulate your Charisma. If it was a good enough tactic in Planescape:

Torment, it's good enough in Baldur's Gate 2. Equip the 'Ring of Human Influence' on a Mage and make them your party leader. Then have them cast the spell 'Friends' and equip whatever other Charisma-boosting gear you have (like the 'Nymph Cloak'). You'll get a nice discount while on your shopping spree with 25 Charisma. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Stealing might be bad for your soul, but it's good for your wallet. Steal early and steal often, there's no 'karma' meter in this game and you only lose reputation if you get caught. By stealing you can get yourself early access to moderately useful gear and much more useful single-use items like scrolls, potions, and ammunition. It'll make completing the early quests that much easier, allowing you to raise legitimate gold you'll need to buy things from Diedre and Ribald. A minimum Pick Pockets skill of 140% is suggested. Use Potions of Master Thievery to this end, they last three hours, raise your skill by 40% each, and are a much better alternative to spending points on the Pick Pockets skill. It's not like those potions or that skill is useful for anything else anyways. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Scout ahead. If you can find danger before it finds you, you can prepare for it and get the drop on it. Difficult encounters can turn into snore fests if you make a resounding first strike. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> First strikes win fights. Mark enemy locations with a character who has stealth, then at the edge of the fog of war-just before you can see the enemy-target the area with an area of effect spell. Web, Stinking Cloud, Entangle, and Silence 15' Radius, Confusion, Horrid Wilting, whatever. It'll make the encounter much easier if you start with a decisive magical strike. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Haste is probably the most powerful spell buff in the game. You act faster in combat, gain an extra attack per round, and your movement speed is doubled. It is, essentially, a way to vastly increase your offensive power for a short amount of time. Use it before every major fight. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Spell-buff before big fights. Any fight that sucks will suck less if you cast Protection from Evil 10' Radius, Defensive Harmony, and Haste. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Insect Plague is THE spell to use for Shadows of Amn. The least it will do is deal one damage every two seconds to enemies caught inside of it and make spell casting impossible for them, with a save to see if they run in fear as well. This destroys enemy spell casters, even whole parties of adventurers, and it really makes having a Druid a good thing. It only affects six enemies, but most fights don't involve many more than that, and it only lasts six rounds, but that's longer than most fights take. Use it and take down the spell casters and other vulnerable enemies, then you can deal with the survivors with ease. Oh, and being invisible doesn't protect enemies from it. Score. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Hang on to +3 weapons! It doesn't matter what KIND of weapon it is, only that it's of +3 or better enhancement. Many creatures are immune to +2 or less weapons... well not many, but when one comes around it's typically strong enough to cause problems, problems that might be more than one character can handle. Any +3 weapon you can equip for, say, a Balor will be one more character that can hurt it, regardless of whether they are proficient or not. Being unproficient with a weapon that can damage an enemy is infinitely better than being specialized with a weapon that can't. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Summoning spells have been changed for Baldur's Gate 2. No longer will

you conjure up a horde of weak minions when you cast Summon Monster, instead now only one or two will appear. This is just as well, as a horde of War Dogs would die with one Death Spell, Fireball, or Dispel Magic, all things your enemies can throw about with abandon. Now the focus is on powerful singular summons. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Conjuring Elementals is a good tactic to use early in the game, as you will summon up a relatively potent ally who is immune to anything less than a +2 weapon... which most foes early in Shadows of Amn are not equipped to handle. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Summon Nishruu and Summon Hakeashar are also great choices for the Mage, especially against other Mages, as these creatures are both immune to magic. A timely summon Nishruu can make a Mage powerless as it sucks out their memorized spells one by one, so long as the Mage doesn't have any buddies able to harm it physically. Just be careful not to use this spell against enemies that have magical gear on them, as the Nishruu/ Hakeashar will feast on magical items once it's done absorbing enemy spells. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Depending on what class you are, you'll get offered a variety of guilds or strongholds throughout the game. These are Mae'Vars Guildhall (Thieves), the de'Arnise Keep (Fighters), the Planar Sphere (Mages), Cleric's Temple (Clerics), Five Flagons Playhouse (Bards), and the Druid Grove (Druids). Normally you'll get offered one, but a multiclassed character can potentially get two. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Spell Immunity can, in conjunction with other spells, make a character nearly impervious to magical attack. While there are just too many different Spell Schools out there to protect against all of them, you can at least block the spells that the enemy tends to use most often. Using Spell Immunity: Conjuration blocks all Symbol and Power Word spells, Necromancy will protect against Finger of Death, Wail of the Banshee, and Horrid Wilting, Alteration will negate Flesh to Stone and Disintegrate, and Abjuration prevents the enemy from using Imprisonment. Combined with Chaotic Commands, Death Ward, and similar spells, you can really make it hard for enemy spell-casters to harm you. The best part is, although you have to cast the spell once per school, multiple castings stack. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Dispel Magic is a low level spell that is vital to your survival. It's not party friendly, but removing Confusion from some party members is more important than keeping their Haste. It can also debuff enemies, taking away defensive protections and offensive aids alike. It's effectiveness increases or decreases depending on whether your level is higher or lower than an enemies', but every spell-caster should always keep one prepared. Multi-classed characters will likely have much less luck with Dispel Magic than singled-classed characters, and Clerics can expect to be a higher level than Mages with equal experience, but since there's always a chance of success, it's worth using. Many enemies will be around or below your experience level, but the odd Lich and high level Mage might not be impressed with your Dispel Magic. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Keldorn's Inquisitor kit gives him the ability to Dispel Magic at twice his actual level. Even at mid-levels, his Dispel Magic is more than a match for the buffs and debuffs of most enemies! <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Two common enemy defenses: Stoneskin and Protection from Magical Weapons, can be overcome with Breach. This is preferable to Dispel Magic because you won't remove your own spell-buffs and there's no chance of failure... and as a 5th-level spell, it really only competes with Chaos.

<----------------------------------------------------------------------> Enemy Mages will commonly use spells like Mislead, Shadow Door, and Improved Invisibility to buy themselves time and protection. Use True Sight to instantly dispel these effects in an area. It's party-friendly, and it'll also remove defensive illusions like Mirror Image. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> More powerful Mages later on in the game will put up more effective spell-defenses, like Spell Immunity Abjuration and Spell Deflection, which blocks Breach, as well as using Stoneskin, Protection from Magical Weapons, and Mantle. Use Pierce Magic before you use Breach, either in tandem with another Mage, via a Spell Trigger, Time Stop, or through a Wand of Spell Striking. Or failing that, on subsequent rounds. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Early in the game, strong enemy Mages can be a huge problem, when you lack the stopping power to kill them quickly, the spell arsenals to take down their defenses, the saves to resist their spells, or the Hit Points to weather them. An effective tactic for when you know such a fight is approaching is to scout the area and find the Mage in question, and then summon as many creatures as possible (typically through the use of infinitely rechargable summoning items) near the Mage. Keep your own party out of sight and let your summons soak up the early offensive... After all, if an enemy Wizard uses his Horrid Wilting on your summons, they can't use it on your party. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> If you're not using an infinite bag of holding mod, you'll need to find somewhere to stash your loot. Strongholds are an ideal location-you tend to earn money there, and it's hard to forget such things. Just be sure not to stash anything in your strongholds until AFTER you have obtained them. Many get 'repopulated' after the quests involving them, and this includes the containers within. Mae'Var's Guildhall, the de'Arnise Keep, and the Planar Sphere are all good choices. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Cluttered up with Mage spell scrolls? Have Throne of Bhaal installed? No problem. You can erase known spells from your spell-book and rescribe them. It gets useless extra copies of spells out of your inventory, and it earns you experience. Just don't forget that other Mages that you might want to recruit later will need those spells... so get your party Mage(s), learn them all the spells they can, and then go ahead and rescribe your scrolls for extra experience. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Stealth is not fool-proof. Enemy Mages will cast True Sight if they suspect a sneaking foe nearby. Also, some enemies aren't fooled by stealth due to extremely acute senses-Fell Cats and Fire Trolls will 'smell' you out, and Hive Mothers... well, they're a big ball of eyeballs. Kinda hard to hide from that. o======================================================================o | Chapter 1 | o======================================================================o | | | Escape from Irenicus' Dungeon | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK001} 1) You Should Survive the Process 2) Minsc 3) Jaheira 4) Gearing Up 5) The Mephit Machine 6) Aataqah's Game 7) Goblins

8) Stasis Room 9) Sewer Golem Room 10) Relieving Rielev 11) Tales Dead Tell 12) The Sewage Chamber 13) The Master's Room 14) The Dryads Three Make a Plea 15) The Master's Wife's Room 16) The Library 17) Ilyich 18) Cambion Containment 19) The Genie's Request 20) Retrieving the Flask 21) The Sword of Chaos 22) Yoshimo 23) Mephit Spawning Room 24) Escaped Clone 25) To the Wand Room 26) The Wand Room 27) The Vampire's Display 28) The Smithy 29) Freeing Frennedan 30) Attacked by Assassins Dungeon, Part 1 (AR0602) o======================================================================o 1) You'll be approached by some Mage who will proceed to perform 'experiments' upon you. Not very nice ones either, judging from the death speeches your character makes and from all the fire. A Golem will eventually arrive, drawing the man's attention and leading him away to deal with 'intruders'. Imoen will show up and spring you from your cage, joining your party immediately afterwards. She'll tell you about some weapons to the northwest before the game auto-saves and the camera pans to the northeast to reveal two captured people. Imoen doesn't start out too great in the way of spells. Have her memorize some Magic Missiles and maybe a Chromatic Orb. It won't take much more than brute force to get out of here. As for 2nd level spells, get a Mirror Image, a Melf's Acid Arrow, and a Stinking Cloud. We won't fight many large groups of enemies, and even when we do we don't have an unlimited supply of ammunition to use on them, so Stinking Cloud isn't too important just yet. Melf's is best against trolls and spell casters, which won't be a problem for a while yet, but at least it contributes to the fight. For 3rd level spells get Haste. It might be fun to Fireball some baddies, but really, Haste is going to help you out more in a fight. As for 4th level spells, we won't be letting Imoen get hit, so don't bother with Fire Shield, and if we do let her get hit, Stoneskin would be better anyways. Improved Invisibility can go on anyone, so keep it handy to spell-buff your front line Fighter. You don't want to let Imoen scribe any scrolls you find, as... it'll be a while before she can put them to good use. Save them up for your main character, Edwin, or failing that, for Imoen to use at a later date. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 2) Go over to the man at (x=4000, y=2750) to find your old friend Minsc. The captivity really hasn't made him any saner... or more insane, for that matter. Some things are beyond torture. You will eventually provoke his wrath to the point where he breaks his 'permanently welded cell'. He then accuses you of provoking him to unleash his berserker might. Uh, yeah! Sure. Regardless of your intentions he thinks you're one clever fellow and offers to join you. By all means take him along, you could certainly use his Hit Points and Strength to get out of here. You can

always ditch him later if you're so inclined. Minsc is, if anything, even more hilarious in the sequel. It's just another perk of bringing him along. ***REWARD*** (For 'encouraging' Minsc to escape from his cell) EXP 3000 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 3) Over at (x=3850, y=2650) you'll find another cage with another former traveling companion, the Harper agent Jaheira. She's just as hot-headed and mouthy as ever, and will give you a run down of your story. The game assumes, of course, that you actually traveled with her in the prequel. It's possible to blow her off and leave her behind, but you might just want her healing power for this dungeon, even if you don't plan to keep her. Note that if you turn on her and leave her behind she will say some rather disparaging things about you 'turning'. It is all too similar to the way others of her ilk will look at you later... but now I'm foreshadowing. To get her free go up to the room to the northwest and search the table at (x=3050, y=2800). You'll find, along with many weapons, a Jail Cell Key. Take the key and open the door. ***ITEMS*** (x=3050, y=2800) Long Sword, Short Sword, Quarter Staff, Mace, Battle Axe, Spear, Halberd, Jail Cell Key, War Hammer, Two Handed Sword, Katana ***REWARD*** (For freeing Jaheira from her cage) EXP 3000 Have Jaheira get plenty of Cure Light Wounds. You can get Entangle, but it by now has long since run its course as a useful spell. Armor of Faith is a decent defensive spell that will cause Jaheira to ignore 10% of the damage she takes at her present level, and lasts long enough to be considered as a good defensive buff. Bless can also provide a temporary buff to your entire party's attack rolls, but I'd prefer Armor of Faith. 2nd level is very slim pickings, as Barkskin does not stack with armor. You'd be better off just wearing the Splint Mail. You should, however, always carry a Slow Poison on you, just in case. For 3rd level spells, get a Dispel Magic-every spell caster who can cast this spell should have one prepared-and a Cure Medium Wounds. Finally come 4th level spells, of which you have the very nice Death Ward, which has no applicable use just yet. For now either grab Defensive Harmony, which is a good spell buff, or Cure Serious Wounds for extra healing power. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) Go back into the room where you found the Jail Cell Key. As previously noted you can find weapons on the table at (x=3050, y=2800). Equip your main character with whatever they're good at. Minsc gets the Two Handed Sword, Jaheira suffers with a Quarter Staff for now. I set Jaheira up as my front-liner, as she's got the Dexterity and the ability to wear the heavier armor I need to succeed. Loot the chest for some armor. I give Jaheira the Splint Mail, and I have Minsc don the Chain Mail. For now getting through the place is more of a priority than taking advantage of his ability to Sneak. Besides, he can always take it off to scout ahead. Finally, the painting at (x=3130, y=2700) has stuff behind it, but be sure to search for traps. This is your introduction to traps in this game, and this one isn't very powerful or hard to disarm. It is, however, a warning. It's the second room in the game, and there's a trap. Oh yes, kiddies, there will be traps in this game, enough to ruin your day if you don't bring about a Thief. The Dagger +1... eh...

well, it can go on Imoen, but it's really just a waste. If you stick it on Jaheira you'll raise her THAC0 by one, but then she can use the Small Shield to bring her Armor Class down. And of course, if you imported your main character with the Golden Pantaloons in their inventory, you will find those in here as well. You can talk to the Golem in this room but it has little to say. The tunnel to the north leads to a door (x=2420, y=2180) we can't open yet. There's also an annoying Smoke Mephit down there, which isn't particularly dangerous, but it can blind you temporarily. ***ITEMS*** (x=3000, y=2750) Helmet, Leather Armor, Studded Leather Armor, Small Shield, Buckler, Splint Mail, Chain Mail, Buckler (x=3130, y=2700) Dagger +1, Potion of Healing x3, Golden Pantaloons ***TRAPS*** (x=3130, y=2700) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) Head to the southwest. I'd suggest sneaking in with Minsc or Imoen, as there is a machine in the middle of the room that creates Lightning Mephits which shoot... well, lightning at you. Click on the machine's controls at (x=2850, y=3050) twice to turn the machine off and stop it from spawning more Mephits. ***REWARD*** (For disabling the Lightning Mephit spawning machine) EXP 2000 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 6) Continue up to the northwest to find a genie named Aataqah, who initiates dialogue with you. If you blow him off he'll leave, if you humor him he'll ask you to answer a hypothetical question. If you say you'll push the button he'll summon an Ogre Mage for you to fight. If you say you won't he'll summon four fearful Gibberlings. I prefer the Ogre Mage path, as it at least gets you some experience... and you don't have to chase down a bunch of stupid Gibberlings. He'll tell you to seek out Rielev after you kill his monsters. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 7) If you go north you'll find a tunnel leading to the east, with a Goblin guarding it. The passage ends in a locked door (x=2150, y=1900) we can't open. Typical. So head west instead to find some Goblins. Most of them will carry Battle Axes, but a few will sit back and fire arrows at you, leaving behind Composite Long Bows when they die. How is a Goblin firing a Composite Long Bow? Who knows. It's as good an excuse as any to get yourself some Bows and Arrows though. I put a bow on Minsc so he has a ranged option. Continue heading up the passage until you come to two doors, one to the northeast (x=900, y=2200) and one to the southwest (x=600, y=2400). <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 8) In the southwestern room you'll find a number of containment vats, inside of which are various creatures both living and dead. There's nothing you can do with them just yet, but there are two Mephits you can actively make more dead. Once they're done loot the room. The Short Bow goes to Imoen so she can participate effectively in combat, and the Quarter Staff +1 goes to Jaheira. ***ITEMS*** (x=670, y=2700) Arrows x5, Short Bow, 1 gold (x=820, y=3050) Bullets x5 (x=1050, y=3000) Quarter Staff +1

***TRAPS*** (x=1050, y=3000) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 9) Through the northeastern door you'll find a Radiant Mephit which needs to be put down. You'll also find a Sewage Golem (x=1070, y=2050) you can't interact with yet. You can, however, loot the room. Jaheira will be much better off with the Medium Shield and the Scimitar. My protagonist scribes Flame Arrow immediately, but I save the Scroll of Dispel Magic for later. ***ITEMS*** (x=1050, y=2100) War Hammer, Medium Shield, Scimitar, Long Sword +1 (x=900, y=2000) Arrows x4 (x=900, y=1950) Potion of Healing, Scroll of Flame Arrow (x=1200, y=2100) Scimitar, Potion of Extra Healing x3, Spear, Scroll of Dispel Magic <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 10) Now head up to the northwest, then follow the tunnel to the northeast. You'll pass a door (x=520, y=2000) with two Lesser Clay Golems inside. Again, you can't bother them now, but they will become hostile towards you later in the level if you let them live, so it's a good idea to just bump them off now... Unlike the other Clay Golems you'll fight later on, these ones can be hurt by non-magical and non-blunt weapons. Head northeast some more. You'll come under attack by some Goblins at the first intersection to the northwest. Kill them, and then continue northeast through a door (x=1020, y=1750). Inside you'll find another vat, inside of which is a... creature... called Rielev (x=1170, y=1500). Talk to him to find out a bit about Rielev and his master. He'll mention the master being 'cast out' and 'one of us no longer'. He'll also mention something being taken. Offer to release him from his torment and he'll tell you to take some power crystals, with which you can talk to other experiments and possibly find out how to escape. ***ITEMS*** (x=1250, y=1600) Activation Stone (x=1280, y=1400) Potion of Extra Healing x2, Sling, Bullet x8, Halberd, War Hammer ***REWARD*** (For relieving Rielev from his torment) EXP 1000 ITEM Energy Cells <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 11) Head back to the room with the stasis vats and talk to the various beings, the 'Tortured Ones' (x=400, y=2500), (x=450, y=2900), (x=750, y=2700), (x=1200, y=3100), to learn that-if nothing else, your captor can inspire some pretty fanatical devotion. If you go back to the Sewer Golem room you can activate it with that Activation Stone you found and get it to open the door to the sewage chamber, which causes it to merrily run off and open the doors at (x=2420, y=2150), (x=2220, y=1700), and (x=2150, y=1900). ***REWARD*** (For activating the Sewage Golem) EXP 3000 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 12) Head through any of the aforementioned doors to reach the Sewage Chamber, the simplest way is to go through the door north of where you met Aataqah. In the Sewage Chamber you'll find an Otyugh, something I honestly expected to find in the sewers in Baldur's Gate 1, but was nonetheless thrilled to find in the sequel. It can't fit through

the doors, so if you have a Thief main character you can sneak, run in, backstab it, and run back out for an easy time. It's not too rough in any event. When it dies grab the Wand of Frost Key and loot the room. Minsc enjoys having a Helmet of Infravision again. Go through the door to the northeast (x=2800, y=1700). ***ITEMS*** (x=2700, y=1720) Oil of Speed, Splint Mail, Potion of Healing x2 (x=2750, y=1800) Potion of Healing x2, Light Crossbow, Bolt x10, Scroll of Vocalize (x=2900, y=1870) Potion of Healing x3, Helmet of Infravision, Scroll of Clairvoyance ***TRAPS*** (x=2750, y=1800) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 13) Head northeast through another door (x=3500, y=1250), killing some Goblins as you go. You'll find an oddly lavish room - a welcome, if ominous change from the dungeons behind you. The game will even warn you of the traps ahead, so get to disarming and looting. The Air Elemental Statue will get us into another area. It's good to have our Helm of Balduran back, too. This time it goes on Jaheira, as my main character will soon find a better helmet to see him through the game. My main character does, however, retain the Amulet of Metaspell Influence. In the room to the northwest you'll find some Goblins and two lootable containers. There's also a portal (x=3000, y=550) we need to find a key for. ***ITEMS*** (x=3550, y=900) Scroll of Chromatic Orb, Helm of Balduran (x=3600, y=880) Wand of Lightning Key, Scroll of Burning Hands (x=3780, y=900) Air Elemental Statue (x=3930, y=970) Amulet of Metaspell Influence (x=320, y=820) Scroll of Fireball (x=3340, y=800) Bullets x20, Scroll of Armor ***TRAPS*** (x=3700, y=1000) (x=3550, y=900) (x=3930, y=970) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 14) Venture southeast to find three Dryads, Elyme, Ulene, and Cania, who will beg you to help them escape by taking their acorns to the Fairy Queen. They'll also give you the name of your tormentor, Irenicus. Their acorns are held by a mean creature named Ilyich, the clan chief of the master's duergar slaves. They'll also promise to tell you how to escape if you free them. All in good time. First head past them to the south. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 15) You'll find a very nice circular room that is covered with traps. When you set foot in the room an alarm will sound, summoning the two Lesser Clay Golems from before, who will-eventually-make their way to you and attack for entering the 'chambers of the the master's wife'... unless, of course, you killed them earlier. The Portal Key opens the portal in the room north of the room where we found the Helm of Balduran. My main character enjoys the Bracers of Defense, as would any Mage hurting for Armor Class. And be sure to grab the Pommel Jewel of the Equalizer! You're going to want that weapon. Now that we're done here head back to the Sewage Chamber and go northwest through the door at (x=2220, y=1700).

***ITEMS*** (x=3100, y=2300) Portal Key (x=3060, y=2220) Potion of Extra Healing, Bracers of Defense A.C. 8, Pommel Jewel of the Equalizer (x=3160, y=2460) Scroll of Dire Charm (x=3000, y=2370) Potion of Master Thievery, Scroll of Summon Monster I ***TRAPS*** (x=3400, y=2300) (x=3400, y=2350) (x=3300, y=2250) (x=3140, y=2300) (x=3100, y=2300) (x=3060, y=2220) (x=3160, y=2460) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 16) You'll find a room with... more Goblins, and a Dust Mephit. There are also lots of bookshelves to loot, which I will note ignoring all the useless books on the shelves. ***ITEMS*** (x=950, y=750) Agna Mani Necklace (x=850, y=850) Potion of Healing x5, Scroll of Larloch's Minor Drain (x=1100, y=800) Scroll of Know Alignment (x=1500, y=800) Oil of Speed (x=1650, y=950) Potion of Extra Healing <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 17) Go northwest and follow the passage around to get to a large room with Duergar milling about. Further in you'll find Ilyich, who will not spare much dialogue before attacking. He's got some crossbowmen and a Mage with him. Either use a Haste and set upon them, shooting the Mage down to size, or use a Stinking Cloud. Either way, a simple spell should see you through this fight with ease. Most of the duergar don't have anything interesting on them, but Ilyich will drop a suit of Leather Armor, a Medium Shield, Bullets x40, Acorns, Mail of the Dead +2, Battle Axe, Sling, and 87 gold. Jaheira slaps on the Mail of the Dead +2. During the looting you should find enough weapons and armor to pretty much equip everybody the way you want. Especially be sure to strap those Helmets on, you don't want to suffer from critical hits. You could give Jaheira that Club, but I want to pretend she doesn't even have any proficiency points in Clubs at all. ***ITEMS*** (x=1240, y=400) Throwing Axe x5, Potion of Extra Healing x2 (x=1530, y=250) Chain Mail, Helmet, Medium Shield, Battle Axe, Two Handed Sword, Scroll of Grease (x=1780, y=400) Throwing Dagger x20, Dart x30 (x=1850, y=500) War Hammer, Leather Armor, Helmet, Small Shield, Quarter Staff, Flail, Sling, Bullet x40, Scimitar (x=1900, y=600) Bastard Sword, Long Sword, Short Sword, Arrows x6, Short Bow, Potion of Extra Healing x2, Club, Flail, Morning Star <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 18) Head down a tunnel to the northeast and go past a door at (x=1960, y=260). Disarm the trap in the tunnel southeast and continue on until you find a room with an odd machine in it and a Cambion (x=2600, y=1040), who is inside some sort of magical barrier. If you activate the machine (x=2350, y=1000) you can take down the Cambion's barrier, allowing him to attack you... and allowing you to attack him. Before you do so encircle the Cambion and caste some defensive spell buffs and Haste. He shouldn't be too much of a problem, but why not

start out prepared? When it's dead loot the Cambion for a suit of Chain Mail, a Bastard Sword +1, and 146 gold. Now go back up the hallway and through the door at (x=1960, y=260), which we can access thanks to our possession of the Air Elemental Statue. ***TRAPS*** (x=2300, y=500) The Elemental Plane of Air (AR0601) o======================================================================o 19) Travel northwest and you'll meet a pack of Mephits. I always found this encounter annoying... but it might be just because I find Mephits annoying in general. To the west are two more Mephits and a container for you to loot. Northwest of the entrance ramp you'll find a large circular area with more Mephits. Spell buffing is suggested, Haste in particular. Go up another ramp to the west to find the proverbial genie bottle at (x=300, y=550). Activate it to get Irenicus' Genie to show up. He will offer to give you an item that used to belong to you if you free him from his bonds, which you can do by finding the real flask the Genie is bound to, a twin of the one here. He'll mention one of the possible locations as one of Irenicus' Dryad concubines. See where this is going? Time to head back to the Dryads. ***ITEMS*** (x=200, y=1220) Scroll of Conjure Air Elemental <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 20) Bring the Dryads their acorns and they'll tell you that you must travel up to the next level of the complex using portals... perhaps the one we found north of Irenicus' room? (That or the one east of the prisons, it doesn't really matter.) Talk to them again and ask for the Genie's flask and they'll simply give it to you. Now head back to the door leading to the genie. ***REWARD*** (For talking to the Dryads after recovering their acorns from Ilyich) EXP 9500 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 21) Now return to the Genie and give him his flask for a hefty experience reward and the Sword of Chaos-Sarevok's sword from Baldur's Gate 1... or what's left of it, anyways. Even though most of it's power died with Sarevok, it's still a Two Handed Sword +2, and perfect for Minsc. Now head back to the main level of the dungeon and go through a portal, either the one at (x=3000, y=550) or (x=3900, y=2400). ***REWARD*** (For freeing the Genie) EXP 15000 ITEM Sword of Chaos +2 Dungeon, Part 2 (AR0603) o======================================================================o 22) When you appear you'll instantly be approached by Yoshimo, who asks to join your party. Regardless of your end goals as far as party composition is concerned, I suggest you take him along. It'll... open up options when you get out of this dungeon, and if you don't have a Thief as a main character, you'll need him for a while. He'll tell you about some room with portals to the east that continuously spawn enemies, and beyond that is a room with mounted wands. ***ITEMS*** (x=320, y=2880) Scroll of Hold Person

<----------------------------------------------------------------------> 23) Go through the door to the northeast at (x=880, y=2800) to find a room with Mephits and Mephit Portals. Our favorite! Ignore the Mephits and concentrate on the portals, which will simply spew out more Mephits as you kill them. The Scroll of Protection from Normal Weapons is interesting, as from time to time you'll fight monsters that can't harm you, lacking in magical weapons and all. It's not an indispensable spell, and soon loses its potency, but it is a defensive option for when we get 5th level spells. As you head to the east Jaheira will make a most unfortunate discovery. Unfortunate for her. Now that Khalid is out of the picture, the Jaheira romance opens up. Of course, you must be careful not to say anything disparaging about her dead husband at this crucial first step. Go through the door to the north at (x=1120, y=2350) and continue up a tunnel to the northwest. ***ITEMS*** (x=900, y=2650) Gold Ring, 4 gold (x=800, y=2650) Tchazar Gem, Cursed Scroll of Weakness (x=1050, y=2530) Potion of Extra Healing, Arrow of Detonation, Wand of Cloudkill Key (x=1350, y=2580) 2 gold, 8 gold, Bolt +1 x3 (x=1400, y=2500) Wand of Summoning Key, Scroll of Protection from Normal Weapons (x=1250, y=2350) Wand of Fire Key, Bastard Sword, Arrow x5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 24) You'll come to another room with stasis vats, where you'll find an Assassin and an Escaped Clone fighting. The clone will typically win this fight and, after a short dialogue, will go hostile on you too, apparently being another one of Irenicus' concubines. She'll cast some spells, but she's not too much of a problem. Kill her and take her Wand of Missiles Key. ***ITEMS*** (x=750, y=2170) Pearl Necklace, Arrows x7 (x=180, y=2150) Scroll of Fireball, 1 Gold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 25) Go back to the Mephit Spawning Room and through another door at (x=1300, y=2220). You'll find another Assassin fighting a losing battle against Mephits, and northwest of that another group of Goblins. Who are these assassins that are so incompetent they can't even kill a Mephit, and how are they troubling Irenicus so? It is a question for somebody wiser than I. Go through the door at (x=550, y=1400) and cross a bridge, disarming the trap as you go. ***TRAPS*** (x=720, y=1300) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 26) You'll come into a room with a colorful mosaic floor, which an Assassin will try to cross to get at a Duergar with a crossbow. You'll see what happens, and why this is not a good idea. Strike the Duergar down with missile weapons and spells. This is the wand trap room, and it's beyond time we used those wand keys. Don't bother trying to disarm the traps in the middle of the room, as you'll just get hurt, instead play with the pillars to the north to deactivate the traps across the floor. You'll get a wand for each trap you disarm, as noted below, but these wands only have one charge each and aren't good for much besides selling. Search the statue at the far eastern end of the room to get ahold of a Ring of Protection +1. I put this on my main character... it's going to be some time before they get themselves some armor. Now go through a door to the northwest (x=1320, y=600).

***ITEMS*** (x=2000, y=350) ***TRAPS*** Deactivated At Receive (x=1200, y=920) (x=950, y=900) Wand of Missiles (x=1300, y=820) (x=1180, y=700) Wand of Frost (x=1400, y=750) (x=1290, y=650) Wand of Fire (x=1500, y=650) (x=1420, y=550) Wand of Monster Summoning I (x=1700, y=620) (x=1520, y=500) Wand of Lightning (x=1900, y=600) (x=1630, y=400) Wand of Cloudkill <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 27) You'll arrive on the scene just in time to see a Vampire named Ulvaryl go to town on some more Assassins, this time declaring themselves as Shadow Thieves. She'll then turn into mist and disappear. Great, Irenicus has Vampires on his side. Who wants to bet those will become a pain in the ass sooner or later? If you are very quick and a little lucky you can attack Ulvaryl while she's focusing on the Shadow Thieves. If you kill her you'll get a nice bit of experience (8000 experience total), and you might as well try. She won't attack the party and only leaves if she kills all the Shadow Thieves. She's also not immune to non-magical weapons as she should be. Anyways, once that's done with there are three tunnels in the wand room leading south to explore. The western one gets you out of here in short order, but go down the eastern passages for some loot, starting with the eastern-most passage, then the middle passage, and finally the western passage. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 28) Go down the tunnel until you come to a smithy with Goblins inside. To the east you'll find some Duergar. Focus your missile fire on the Mage and wipe the Duergar out. In this room you'll find some things worth looting. The Girdle of Bluntness is a nice little toy, and it'll go good on any character who needs to go toe to toe with Giants, Golems, and any other enemy that deals bludgeoning damage. I prefer to put it on Anomen, Viconia, or Korgan, as they typically wield blunt weapons which are effective against Clay Golems. Still, it'll go just as well on Jaheira for now. When you're done, go down the middle tunnel. ***ITEMS*** (x=3500, y=850) Dagger, Potion of Extra Healing x2, Scroll of Charm Person, 100 gold (x=3600, y=680) Mace, Potion of Healing x3, Chain Mail, Girdle of Bluntness (x=3600, y=700) Arrows x40, Bolt x20, Splint Mail (x=3380, y=630) Heavy Crossbow, Bolts x20, Bolts +1 x7, Short Bow, Arrows x40 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 29) Go into a room to the south and somebody named Frennedan will ask you to release him from his glass prison. If you decline him he'll turn into a little boy and ask you. Something obviously isn't right with our friend Frennedan. Unfortunately there's loot back there we want, so you should open the door to his cell anyways. He'll follow you around for a while if you let him, but he'll turn into a Doppleganger and attack you given time. If you refuse to let him accompany you out he'll attack sooner rather than later. Once that's done let's head out of this dungeon once and for all. ***ITEMS*** (x=2220, y=1350) Key to Frennedan's Room, Potion of Healing x5, Scroll of Knock (x=2250, y=1400) Scroll of Protection from Electricity, Potion of Firebreath (x=2500, y=1200) Elixir of Health x4, Scroll of Invisibility

(x=2820, (x=2850, (x=2850, (x=2800,

Scroll of Color Spray, 101 gold Bolt +1 x4, Scroll of Blindness Arrows +1 x4 Curse Scroll of Foolishness, Oil of Speed, Scroll of Blur (x=2700, y=1600) Bullets +1 x5, Potion of Extra Healing x2 ***TRAPS*** (x=2220, y=1350) (x=2500, y=1200) (x=2800, y=1540) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 30) You'll come across a trio of Assassins, who will not listen to whatever you say and attack. The one who initiates dialogue will cast some spells to boost two others who are hidden when the battle starts. When they're dead continue southeast through the room and down some stairs into a sewer. Now would be a good time to take everything off Imoen you want to keep. Head northeast past all the dead Shadow Thieves until you find an area transition at (x=3400, y=1300). ***REWARD*** (For escaping from Irenicus' Dungeon) EXP 34500 (each character) o======================================================================o | Chapter 2 | o======================================================================o | | | Five Finger Discounts | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK002} 1) Imoen and Irenicus Incarcerated 2) Gooooooooal! 3) Lady Beth 4) Gaelan Bayle's Offer 5) Gaelan Bayle and An Introduction to Larceny 6) Shorekeep Stealing 7) Cohrvale and Bregg 8) Robbing Galoomp the Bookkeeper 9) Armor Courtesy of Arnolinus 10) Robbing Lady Yuth 11) Diedre's Selection 12) Ripping Off Ribald's Ring of Regeneration 13) To the Copper Coronet 14) A Note on Random Encounters 1) Now Chapter 2 has begun... You'll be treated to a cutscene announcing your arrival on the scene of the battle between the Shadow Thieves and Irenicus. Irenicus promptly smites a group of impudent Shadow Thieves and a group of Mages when they appear. Eventually, however, more will gate in and Irenicus concedes to be taken by them... so long as they take Imoen as well, who cast spells at Irenicus during the fighting. You'd think that these Mages would be happy to receive any aid they could against Irenicus, but they probably just wanted to subdue him, whatever the cost. So it seems that although interrupted, Irenicus has managed to have Imoen taken from you. If you want her in your party, you'll have to go and get her back. Jaheira insightfully points out that Irenicus most likely wants to be pursued, and indeed going after Imoen is the way to advance the main story. Chapter 2 is, however, dedicated

y=1420) y=1450) y=1500) y=1540)

towards assembling your party, much as the beginning of Baldur's Gate 1 was. Who you want in your party will directly determine what quests need to be done and how long it'll take you to get to Imoen. Of course, if you don't want Imoen in your party then there's no rush to go get her. Still, there are things to do before we even rush off after party members... Before we even explore the Promenade we now stand in, in fact! In the mean time be sure not to cast any Mage spells out in the city. You can cast any Priest or Druid spells you wish, and you can cast anything if you're indoors, but as we've seen the Cowled Wizards do not take kindly to arcane magic being practiced without a license. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 2) We now have an immediate goal: to raise enough money to effect the release of Imoen.. or get assistance in reaching Irenicus, the two goals seem to be one and the same. First though, we need to assemble our parties. Most party members come with quests that need to be resolved before they'll remain in the party, and most of these quests involve killing things and crawling through dungeons... you know, the kind of activities that generally end in us earning money. We can kill two birds with one stone! The first party members we should look for are Anomen and Keldorn for good parties, and Korgan, Edwin, and Viconia for evil parties. Viconia needs only to be found before she'll join, but the other four all have quests that need to be done... but nothing so extreme that we can't handle it. Other characters like Nalia, Valygar, Cernd, Haer'Dalis, and Mazzy require quests that are either difficult or far-off, and should be recruited only after the previously mentioned characters are recruited... if you even want them at all. Before we head off to the Copper Coronet however, let's go get some loot, spells and experience. Waukeen's Promenade (AR0700) o======================================================================o 3) Over at (x=3080, y=1080) you'll find Lady Beth, who will help you get your bearings if you talk to her. She'll tell you about some guild war, apparently between Irenicus (or someone tied to Irenicus) and the Shadow Thieves, name the wizards that took Imoen away as the Cowled Wizards, and mention that you might be able to find out how to get a license to practice magic in the city if you visit the Government District. She'll also name your location as Athkatla, the capital city of Amn. Slums District (AR0400) o======================================================================o 4) Head southwest to exit the Promenade by clicking anywhere on the edge of the map. Travel to the Slums District, as it's the only place you have access to as of yet. As soon as you arrive you'll be met by a rogue named Gaelan Bayle, who will tease you with information as to Imoen's location. He'll escort you back to his house and promise you aid in rescuing Imoen and finding the Mage Irenicus... for a price of 20,000 gold. He'll then direct you to his nephew Brus, who will lead you to the Copper Coronet, where you should be able to find work; work which will allow you to raise the money you need to pay for the assistance offered by Gaelen's friends. Note that with the beginning of Chapter 2 you'll start getting dreams involving Imoen and Irenicus when you rest. They are part of the story and there's no wrong way to go about them, just try to appreciate the lessons Irenicus is trying to teach you. Or not. Gaelan Bayle's House (AR0311)/(AR0312) o======================================================================o 5) Stealing is the name of the game. Okay, not really, it's Baldur's

Gate 2, but in the sequel you can score yourself a lot of cash by simply stealing. In the first game you could steal... what? Some Large Shields +1, a Ring of Free Action, and a few spell scrolls? In this game you can get a lot more mileage out of stealing, but with one important note: You need a VERY high Pick Pockets score to pull it off. Poor, stupid Yoshimo has only a 25%, which is not going to get us anything. Head up the stairs at (x=150, y=350). Upstairs you'll find Arledrian (x=530, y=360), who will sell you various things. Namely he sells Potions of Master Thievery. Sell off all the crap from Irenicus' Dungeon with any value-like gems, jewels, cursed scrolls, armor, and bows... and those stupid one-charge wands. This gets me a total of 3500 gold, which I immediately use to buy all the Potions of Master Thievery he has (three). Now if you have your own Thief character, you might not need as many (this is one of the areas where my evil Fighter/Mage/Thief protagonist shines), but Yoshimo chugs all three (and the one we found in Irenicus' dungeon) to bring his Pick Pockets up to 185%. Now we're in business. You need at least 100% to steal... anything, really, in this game, and about 140% to expect to succeed once in a while. At 180%+ you can steal with relative impunity, although you'll still get caught from time to time, so save often. Keep in mind when stealing you wont be able to sell fenced goods to honest merchants, so don't steal EVERYTHING hoping to sell it back and make a profit. Besides, the fact that you always have a chance to get caught makes stealing minor items more of a pain in the ass than it's worth. If you DO want to steal for unlimited cash flow-rejoice! Not all merchants are honest! A variety of fences exist, including the fence at the Shadow Thief guild, Gorch, in Mae'Var's Guildhall, and Roger the Fence, in the Sewers under the Temple District, just to name a few off the top of my head. There are a few specific items that are worth stealing and reselling (due to their high sell price), which we'll get to later. For now, steal things that you will not want to sell back... Potions and ammo you will use, Scrolls you will scribe, and items you will equip. If you don't have the unlimited ammo stacks mod activated, it's still worthwhile to steal a good bit of ammo, you'll just have to store them in a container of some sort until you need them. Arrows and Bullets +2 are good for hitting magical beasties and Arrows of Acid are great against Trolls... they will save you lots of trouble if you get them. I also steal the Scimitar +1 for Jaheira to use, a Composite Long Bow +1 for Minsc, a Short Bow +1 for Yoshimo, a pair of Katanas +1 for my main character, the Glasses of Identification, and the Gem Bag. The Glasses of Identification will make preparing Identify spells optional, as you can just use these to identify your loot, albeit three times per day. I wouldn't consider it a requirement to steal so much for this game... but it sure does make life easier in the short run. If you weren't supposed to steal and this was akin to cheating I have the following questions to ask: 1) Why would you have a Pick Pockets skill in the first place if you weren't supposed to use it? 2) Why would you be able to steal from Vendors? 3) Why would you be able to use multiple Potions of Master Thievery to boost your Pick Pockets skill so high? If you plan on stealing-and this guide will assume that you did-you will need to steal only what you plan to equip or scribe immediately, or you will need to find a place to store your excess loot (like Arrows +2, Bolts +2, Bullets +2, extra scrolls, potions, etc). The Copper Coronet makes a fine place to do so, as well as all the strongholds you can acquire. Just make sure you don't store loot in a future stronghold before you actually control it. Some areas (particularly thinking of Mae'Var's Guildhall here) restock their containers once after you gain

control of them. When you're done stealing from Arledrian's shop you can steal from him personally to receive a Potion of Invisibility, a Potion of Extra Healing, and 29 gold. If you've got an exceptionally high Pick Pocket skill (over 120 will make the process easier) you can steal from Gaelan Bayle to receive two Potions of Invisibility, two Potions of Extra Healing, Bolts x20, and Bolts +1 x10. Also be sure to loot before you leave. When all that is done leave the building. We've important things to do before Yoshimo's Potions of Master Thievery wear off. ***ITEMS*** (AR0311) (x=350, y=200) Chain Mail, Battle Axe (x=670, y=250) Silver Necklace (AR0312) (x=300, y=250) Wand of Magic Missiles, Pearl Necklace, Moonstone Gem, 110 gold (x=400, y=150) Aquamarine Gem, Throwing Dagger x10, Dart +1 x10, History of Amn (x=500, y=250) Water Opal, Tchazar Gem, Horn Coral Gem ***TRAPS*** (AR0312) (x=300, y=250) (x=400, y=150) (x=500, y=250) Slums District (AR0400) o======================================================================o 6) When you exit you'll be approached by Brus, who will tell you about a quest and offer to take you to the edge of the district, or to the nearest tavern (Copper Coronet). Decline and walk down to the south until you find a female storekeep (x=3500, y=1980) who will be our second target. Steal a Sling +2 and a suit of Full Plate Mail for Jaheira and a suit of Studded Leather Armor +2 for Yoshimo. Also note that along the way you can loot the wall at precisely (x=3345, y=1660) and obtain a Scroll of Protection from Magic Energy. ***ITEMS*** (x=3345, y=1660) Scroll of Protection from Magic Energy <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 7) Continue southwest to find two ruffians named Cohrvale and Bregg. They're somewhat sturdy, but not sturdy enough to cause you trouble. Bregg leaves behind a suit of Studded Leather Armor, a Short Sword, and 10 gold. Cohrvale will drop a suit of Chain Mail Armor, a Helmet, a Medium Shield, a Battle Axe, and 41 gold. Wee. At least they give good experience. Head to an area transition and go back to the Promenade. Waukeen's Promenade (AR0700) o======================================================================o 8) When you get to the Promenade hit 'M' to bring up your map and look for the marker labeled 'Spell Store'. It's time to do some more... ah... shopping. Yeah... You'll find Galoomp the Bookkeeper at (x=3330, y=300), who will sell a variety of scrolls. Of course, I have no intention of actually buying any of them. Steal as many as you wish, but keep in mind the more you steal the better off Imoen's and Edwin's spell arsenals will be. Once you've stolen your hearts content (for me this was everything) there's another tactic to employ. If you have ToB installed you can erase scrolls from your spell book and rescribe them... earning yourself a good bit of experience. The primary goal isn't to

significantly level up your party-there are better ways to do that-but to get Jaheira to 9th level as a Druid. To better your chances of accomplishing this kick out any characters you can besides her and your main character so the experience is only split two ways. On my game she needed about 11,000 experience... after dividing that between her classes and the rest of the party it meant earning about 110,000 experience from spells, which seems like a lot until you think about the fact that you can earn 5000 from a single scroll. Here's a list of the spells you should be sure to pick up: Blur Chaos Cloudkill Confusion Dispel Magic Enchanted Weapon Flame Arrow Fireball Friends Greater Malison Haste Hold Monster Improved Invisibility Knock Magic Missile Mirror Image Slow Stinking Cloud web You should ideally have many of these if you are a Mage yourself, but keep in mind you've got allies to think about. And the experience always helps. What good are spell scrolls going to do on an NPC merchant anyways? Hell, you might as well make the most of your Potions of Master Thievery Speaking of which, another merchant named Hes (x=330, y=320) is just to the west, but he doesn't have must of anything worth stealing. You could nip some Plate Mail from him, but that's really not necessary. Especially not with so many other fine merchants around to steal from. There's a Weaponsmith marked on your map on the other end of the Promenade, but all he sells of interest are Arrows +2 and Bullets +2. Armorer/Fletcher (AR0706) o======================================================================o 9) Head over to the shop marked Armorer/Fletcher on your map (x=1770, y=1200). Inside you'll find Arnolinus (x=420 y=350) the armorer, and Perter (x=620, y=230) the Fletcher. Perter only has Arrows +2, but Arnolinus has two suits of Full Plate Mail, a Large Shield +2, a Medium Shield +2, and a Small Shield +2 which will all go a long way to making our party more formidable. When you've taken what you want from him, head over to the Adventurer's Mart (x=2200, y=1600), which has much richer pickings. Adventurer's Mart (AR0702) o======================================================================o 10) Lots of interesting things to see, I know, but first head to the back of the store to find Lady Yuth (x=180, y=410). She sells more scrolls which you should certainly steal. I know this is a bit of a long and tedious process, but it is immeasurably helpful to get access to as many spells as possible. She'll also tell you to see somebody named Corneil of the Cowled Wizards in the Government District if you want to

acquire a license to use magic. Below are some spells of note you should pick up, namely ones we couldn't find in Galoomp's shop: Lower Resistance Stoneskin When you're done perusing her spells explore the rest of the Adventurer's Mart. We should have all the spells we need for now... or at least all the spells we can get our hands on. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 11) At (x=500, y=460) you'll find Diedre; a bonus merchant you can get from various sources that shipped with the Collector's Edition of the game. There's really no excuse not to have her, as even the latest patch will put her in the game. She sells a variety of wonderful items we can only dream of for the moment, described below: Dak'kon's Zerth Blade This is a +2 Katana that was expressly designed to be used by a Fighter/Mage... after all, that's what Dak'kon was in Planescape: Torment. It bestows a +1 bonus to Armor Class and gives an additional 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th level spell. It's not as good as Dak'kons blade eventually could get, but it's still a nice off-hand weapon for any Fighter/Mage, even if it does become obsolete fairly quickly. Unless you've found yourself an over-abundance of money, I wouldn't bother with it, although it does serve as a decent off-hand weapon until you get the Equalizer. Sensate Amulet An amulet that gives you permanent protection from evil, +5 Hit Points, and +2 Charisma. This really works well on Viconia, who has a pretty good Charisma and thus can serve as a party leader. If anything the hit points and protection from evil will do any Cleric good. Vhailor's Helm One of the best items Diedre sells and possibly the best helmet in the entire game. It gives you a one-point Armor Class bonus and allows you to cast simulacrum once per day. Simulacrum creates a duplicate of the character casting the spell, who is at about half the creator's level. Be that as it may they still have access to all of the creator's items, including the Cloak of Mirroring, weapons, and armoreven summoning items! That's right, you can create a simulacrum via Vhailor's Helm, then use the simulacrum itself to summon an ally. The Efreeti Bottle and Golem Book come readily to mind. This is a good item to put on any character, as duplicating a high level Fighter with plenty of Greater Whirlwinds and a vorpal weapon or a high level Cleric and their Auras of Flaming Death has obvious benefits. It really gets out of hand when it's on a multi-classed character, however. Duplicating a Fighter/Cleric capable of popping out Auras of Flaming Death and Greater Whirlwinds is an obvious improvement over the scenarios mentioned above, as is getting two Fighter/Thieves. If each of the Fighter/Thieves are wielding the Dagger of the Star they can both unleash backstabbing destruction on your foes. It really gets fun with the Fighter/Mage, where you'll get two characters who can spell-buff themselves to nigh-invulnerability and then go after enemies with Greater Whirlwind attacks. The tactics might be somewhat blunt and repetitive, but it's also brutally effective. Plate of Balduran It's armor with an Armor Class of -1, it gives +4 Hit Points, and +1 to Charisma. Need I say more? Keldorn would love this. Granted, its -1 Armor Class doesn't make it much better than Full Plate Mail +1 (which

we'll find/steal in abundance, don't you doubt), especially for the price... But if you have tons of money just burning through your pockets later on, it might be something to consider. Also keep in mind that this item sells for quite a bundle-in fact, it's one of the highest-selling items in the main game. You have to buy it, of course, to be able to steal/sell it to a fence, but once you do, you'll be able to easily steal/sell grind for unlimited cash. Mercykiller Ring A ring that improves your Set Snares, Hide in Shadows, and Move Silently abilities by 20%. Not essential, but still nice. Robe of Vecna Possibly the best item sold by Diedre, it lowers casting speed by 4, making most spells cast instantaneously. It cannot be over-stated how much it helps to be able to get off a spell before the enemy can, particularly a debuff or defensive spell. Oftentimes the tempo (and outcome) of a battle is set by who gets the first spell off. It makes casting every spell that much more effective. It also has an Armor Class of 5 and 10% magic resistance, giving it some practical defensive implications as well. For Edwin and Imoen, there is no better robe in the game. Shield of Balduran It imparts a penalty to Strength, but for, say, Jaheira, that's a minor concern, since it won't lower her combat effectiveness any. With an Armor Class bonus of four it's a pretty solid shield on its own, but it really shines because it reflects Beholder rays, turning one of the most fearsome monsters in the game into push-overs. It'll come in very handy for the Unseeing Eye quest, and should probably be the first item we get. As you can see these items run between 10,000 and 40,000 gold, making them well out of our price-range for now. You can't even steal them, either! Oh well. It's something to work towards, at least. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 12) At (x=600, y=700) you'll find Ribald Barterman, owner of the Adventurer's Mart. It's interesting that he allows so many other merchants to ply their trade in his establishment... in any case, he's got some good items on him, like a reasonably priced Sling +2, a Short Bow +2, several interesting suits of armor that could go well on any light-armor wearing character, the Fortress Shield +3, the Reflection Shield +1, Bracers of Defense A.C. 3, Potions of Master Thievery, Scrolls of Breach, a Girdle of Hill Giant Strength, the Ring of Air Control, and plenty of magical ammunition. Depending on who you get in your party, some or all of those items should interest you, but specifically every party should plan on getting the two shields, the Girdle of Hill Giant Strength, and the Ring of Air Control. There are also various blunt weapons that would go well on Anomen or Viconia, but we have much more important things to buy by far. When you're done gawking at all the things you can't afford, pick pocket Ribald to obtain a Ring of Regeneration. I don't usually invest this item into any one character, especially not at this point in the game when there are so few rings to go around. Give it to whomever is hurt to get some passive healing. It'll cut down on healing spells expended and rest times required. Even though its rate of healing is so slow that it won't turn a battle in your favor, it will make exploration that much simpler. Fortress Shield +3 With a +7 bonus versus missile weapons and an Armor Class bonus of four this is a far superior version of the Large Shield +1, +4 vs Missiles

from the first game. It's a superior shield, and we'll use it a long time... at least until we reach Throne of Bhaal. A defensive item that you can get this early that'll keep that long is a good investment indeed. Reflection Shield +1 While not as powerful as the Fortress Shield +3, it'll come in very handy once in a while. Girdle of Hill Giant Strength Another item that will last us a long time, through the entirety of Shadows of Amn at least. No matter who you include in your party, there is always somebody who will benefit from having a higher Strength. Keldorn, Jaheira, and Viconia are all especially in need of this item. Ring of Air Control While seeming somewhat lack-luster, there is no underestimating the defensive implications of an item that allows you to cast Improved Invisibility once per day. Put it on a Thief main character to allow them to get out of trouble or to get another backstab ready. Or put it on an character with a poor Armor Class to give them a boost for big combats. It'll become obsolete later in Shadows of Amn, and especially in Throne of Bhaal, as there will almost always be an enemy ready to tear down illusions with True Sight. Scroll of Breach Just look at all the defenses that this spell takes down. It is your primary debuffing spell against... well, most anything. You can always use a Dispel Magic to do much of the same, but this is a more definite means of leaving an enemy open to attack, without risking your own spell buffs. Bracers of Defense A.C. 3 Equal to a suit of Plate Mail, these bracers are good for every class that is normally deprived armor, especially Monks and Mages. If you are a Fighter/Mage, however, it becomes especially vital. Mages are well defended by keeping their distance, but you're going to want to get into combat-and survive. These allow you to do so admirably, and will be your armor for most of the game. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 13) We still have one more thieving target ahead before these potions wear off, but before we get to him, it's time to start forming our party. There are still a few other merchants around that have various things to steal, but we should have obtained all we really need. Most of the random merchants hanging around will sell-at best-a few +1 weapons and some +2 ammunition. Granted the latter can be nice, but it's not essential at this point. Just remain open to future stealing sprees, but don't waste the Potions of Master Thievery, they're not (to my knowledge) easy to come by until you complete the Mage's Stronghold. Since non-Mages can't even obtain this quest it really means you should try and get the most out of your Potions of Master Thievery. To that end, let's not dawdle and waste the potions we already have in effect. Our next goal is the Copper Coronet, in the Slums. So travel to the Slums District (AR0400) and enter the Copper Coronet at (x=2490, y=2270)... but before we get there, there's something I should mention... <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 14) As veterans of Baldur's Gate 1 will remember, going from area to area was always a little risky, but in Athkatla there's a guild war going on between the Shadow Thieves and another upstart guild that just happens to have plenty of Vampires to throw around. In the next few

event sequences I will make a note of various random encounters that can be had-either by just setting foot outside at the wrong hour (usually night) or while traveling between districts. Mind you that depending on your nocturnal activities it might take a long time to see all these, if you ever do. They're not very important, I just feel it's better to record them than not. If you don't care to read them and just want to get on with it (I can't help but think about Monty Python's 'Holy Grail' when I read that...) skip to [WLK004]-which is where I'll cover the Copper Coronet and our future party-building plans. Just don't whine to me later when you get snarfed by a Vampire and don't know why. o======================================================================o | | | Random Encounters in Athkatla | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK003} 1) Arbane's Sword 2) Helping Harpers 3) Xzar's Quest 4) Hareishan's Warning 5) Salia and the Shadow Thieves 6) Parisa's Persuasion 7) Tanova's Inquiry 8) Sansuki's Salvation 9) Slaver Smite 10) Delon's Plea Enroute in Athkatla I (AR0045) o======================================================================o 1) Every time you travel between areas in Athkatla you run the chance of encountering Slavers (among other things). In this particular encounter one is named Suna Seni and another is named Eldarin. Immediately focus your fire on the female wizard, and then focus on Suna Seni when she goes down. They can be rough on a new party, but brute force and attacking the spellcasters first should be more than enough to win. Loot the Slaver Mage for a Scroll of Minor Globe of Invulnerability, a Scroll of Vampiric Touch, a Scroll of Domination, a Scroll of Shocking Grasp, a Scroll of Magic Missile, and a Scroll of Flame Arrow. Loot the Slaver Cleric for a Necklace, a Potion of Frost Giant Strength, a Potion of Stone Giant Strength, and a Mace +1. Suna Seni has a suit of Leather Armor, a Scroll of Charm Person, and Arbane's Sword +2. The Slaver with the bow has a Silver Necklace, Arrows +1 x20, a Composite Long Bow, and 65 gold. Finally Eldarin drops a Bloodstone Amulet, a suit of Plate Mail +1, Arrows +1 x40, a Composite Long Bow, and 623 gold. Arbane's Sword is a fair little short sword that offers immunity to hold person and allows a character to use haste for two rounds once per day. It's not spectacular, but you might as well hold onto it, seeing as how having any +2 weapons will be a good thing for a while. Enroute in Athkatla II (AR0045) o======================================================================o 2) It seems like a good time to mention another random encounter you might run into while traveling between districts... You know, since we're on this topic. A group of three Thugs and a Mage will be found near a wounded man. They decide to kill the witnesses (you) and a fight ensues. They are woefully out-classed, and when they die the injured man (Renfeld) asks for your help. Agree to take him to his friends' house

in the Docks District. Don't waste much time getting there.. just long enough to loot the bodies. The Mage will drop a Scroll of Strength, a Scroll of Chill Touch, a Scroll of Power Word Sleep, a Scroll of Haste, a Scroll of Ghost Armor, a Scroll of Ghoul Touch, and a Scroll of Summon Monster I. One of the Thugs will leave behind a Bluestone Necklace, a Potion of Genius, a Potion of Defense, and two Daggers +1. Another will drop three Potions of Extra Healing and 85 gold, and the last Thug will leave behind an Oil of Speed, a Potion of Insight, and 67 gold. Docks District (AR0300) o======================================================================o 3) Go to the Galvery Estate in the southwestern corner of the area and talk to Rylock (x=1450, y=2950). Give Renfeld to Rylock for some coins and experience. When you head back up north you'll be approached by your old friend Xzar, who names the people you just dealt with as Harpers, and asks for your assistance in going inside and retrieving Montaron. Agree to do it or not, either way, it's something we'll be postponing for a long, long time. ***REWARD*** (For Bringing Renfeld to Rylock) EXP 14550 Gold 125 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) A vampire named Hareishan will destroy a trio of Shadow Thieves. Wait, wasn't there a Mage in the Cloakwood Mines named Hareishan? I'm sure it's just a coincidence. She'll tell you to bugger off, mentioning that until you choose your side the Mistress doesn't want you to come to harm. Sure. Loot the dead Shadow Thieves for a suit of Leather Armor, a Black Opal, a Water Opal, a Scroll of Contingency, a Note, a Short Sword, and 173 gold. Another will have a suit of Leather Armor, a Sphene Gem, a Bloodstone Amulet, a Scroll of Spell Thrust, a Dagger, a Scroll of Stoneskin, and a Short Sword. The last one will leave behind a suit of Leather Armor, a Pearl Necklace, a Dagger, a Short Sword, and 94 gold. Not a bad bit of loot considering we didn't lift a finger. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) If you go out at night you might just see a vampire named Salia talking to two Shadow Thieves, obviously trying to lure them into the new guild. Unfortunately they notice you and attack while Salia slips away. When they die loot them. One has a suit of Leather Armor, a Gold Necklace, a Sphene Gem, a Scroll of Disintegrate, a Note, a Short Sword, and 68 gold. The other has a suit of Chain Mail, a Pearl, a Garnet, a Scroll of Find Familiar, a Scroll of Minor Spell Turning, and a Bastard Sword. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 6) You'll find a Vampire named Parisa trying to convince a Shadow Thief to come join the new guild. When they refuse, she uses Dire Charm to settle matters, and then threatens you before running off. You can kill the charmed Shadow Thief for some experience if you wish. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 7) At night you may be questioned by a vampire named Tanova. At any early point in the game, you'd be well served by saying you do NOT work with the Shadow Thieves, as other responses will provoke Tanova into attacking. Vampires are bad enough, but Tanova requires +3 weapons to hit, and for a low-level party, that's just too much to overcome. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 8) A Shadow Thief named Sansuki will approach and ask for help, but before anything useful can be communicated the source of his woes will arrive. A Vampire named Del and two subordinate Vampires will show up and warn you to stay uninvolved. Again, it's best if you simply let the

Vampires have Sansuki, as your odds against a handful of Vampires aren't very good. Sorry Sansuki. If you do bother to help him out, all he will do is thank you, and walk away. Really not worth the hassle. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 9) In the Slums of Athkatla you might come across a Slave being escorted by a pair of Slaver Guards outside the Copper Coronet. The slave will beg for aid and if you kill his guards you'll get a little experience reward. Inside the Copper Coronet, you can talk to the proprietor of the establishment named Lehtinan (x=400, y=1220) and ask him about the obvious slave escort from his tavern. He'll play stupid, and Anomen suggests we smite him right away. Somebody certainly doesn't believe in a trial-by-jury. Lawful Neutral my ass. What's extra funny is that later on Anomen will suggest that we should leave a slave in his cage... so Anomen believes we should kill slave-masters, but keep unruly slaves enslaved. Does this guy have two brain cells to rub together? Anyways, we'll deal with this slavery issue much, much, much later... well, not so much later if we're an evil party, but otherwise, my muches stand. ***REWARD*** (For freeing the slave) EXP 5500 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 10) This isn't a guild-related meeting, but if you have Minsc in your party after enough time has passed, you'll be approached by a little boy named Delon. He'll tell you-well, Minsc, rather-about the troubles of his village Imnesvale in the Umar Hills. He'll mark the area on your map and tell you to go to Imnesvale and talk to Minister Lloyd. This starts the Umar Hills quest, which is a very rewarding -yet far too difficult for us now-quest. Needless to say, I'll be putting it off for a while. o======================================================================o | | | Recruiting Korgan, Jan, and Viconia | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK004} 1) Amalas' Challenge 2) Nalia in Need 3) Korgan's Quest 4) Joluv's Wares 5) Buying from Bernard 6) Guild War Worries 7) Viconia at Stake 8) Jan Jansen's Gibberish 9) Good ol' Garrick Now that we're at the Copper Coronet it feels like a good time to talk about what our immediate and future goals are. We know we need to raise 20,000 gold to get Imoen back and to strike at Irenicus, and while we're raising the money we might as well recruit the allies we'll need to succeed. This is where the 'good' and 'evil' parties make a serious departure, as who you recruit affects what quests you need to do to keep them. For example, if you don't want Keldorn there's really no reason to go do the Unseeing Eye quest yet, and if you don't care to recruit Valygar you have no reason to enter the Planar Sphere. That said, no matter who you wish to recruit you should recruit them before going after Imoen and Irenicus. For the purposes of providing you-the readerwith this information I will complete most of the character-related quests before heading off after Imoen. This will comprise about half of the quests that can be performed in and around Athkatla, and if you're

in a rush to get Imoen back, this is not a great path to take. If you want to follow in the direct footsteps of this FAQ and recruit all the PCs in the game (whether you intend to use them or not), then by all means, follow me in the order in which I plan to progress. A more practical way of playing the game is to just recruit the characters you wish to take with you and head off after Imoen. After all, the more quests you do before you run off after Imoen, the less you'll have left to do when you return with her. Of course, an evil party who doesn't care to keep Imoen long-term (why would they? They have Edwin!) can do as much as they please. You only really need to rush if you want Imoen, and even then, if you care how far behind she gets in experience. Decide who you want in your party and make those characters a priority. Below is a list of the characters and their related quests which will take up the next part of the FAQ: o=======o=======================================o======================o |WLK### | Objectives | Suggested For... | o=======o=======================================o======================o |WLK004 | Recruit Korgan, Viconia, and Jan | Evil Parties | |-------|---------------------------------------|----------------------| |WLK005 | Jan's Quest. | Stupid People | |-------|---------------------------------------|----------------------| |WLK006 | Mae'Var's Guildhall (Recruit Edwin), | Evil Parties, | | | Obtain the Thieves' Guild. | Thief Protagonists | |-------|---------------------------------------|----------------------| |WLK007 | Thieves' Guild Quests | Thief Protagonists | |-------|---------------------------------------|----------------------| |WLK008 | The Book of Kaza (Secure Korgan) | Evil Parties | | | The Nether Scroll (Secure Edwin), | | | | Obtain the Pale Green Ioun Stone | | |-------|---------------------------------------|----------------------| |WLK009 | Recruit Anomen, The Unseeing Eye | Good Parties, | | | (Recruit and Secure Keldorn), | Slow People, | | | Obtain the Gauntlets of Dexterity, | Cleric Protagonists, | | | Kill the Bandits in the Sewers, | Ambitious Parties | | | Obtain the Cloak of the Sewers | | | | Obtain Saving Grace +3, | | | | Obtain the Cleric's Stronghold | | |-------|---------------------------------------|----------------------| |WLK010 | Keldorn and Anomen family quests. | Good Parties with | | | | Keldorn and Anomen, | | | | People who like quest| | | | experience. | |-------|---------------------------------------|----------------------| |WLK011 | Cleric's Stronghold Quests | Cleric Protagonists | |-------|---------------------------------------|----------------------| |WLK012 | Astral Prison (Recruit and Secure | Impatient People, | | | Haer'Dalis), Obtain the Boots of | People Who Like | | | Speed, Obtain the Wave Shaft, | Halberds, Bards | | | Obtain the Bardic Playhouse | | |-------|---------------------------------------|----------------------| |WLK013 | Bardic Playhouse Quests | Bard Protagonists | |-------|---------------------------------------|----------------------| |WLK014 | Obtain Celestial Fury | People Who Like | | | | Katanas | |-------|---------------------------------------|----------------------|

|WLK015 | The Circus Tent (Recruit and Secure | Good Parties, | | | Aerie), Obtain the Ring of Human | Ugly People | | | Influence | | |-------|---------------------------------------|----------------------| |WLK016 | The Planar Sphere (Recruit and | Good Parties, | | | Secure Valygar), Obtain the Gauntlets | Weak People, | | | of Ogre Power, Obtain the Ring of | Mage Protagonists | | | Acuity, Obtain the Ring of Danger | | | | Sense, Obtain the Mage Stronghold | | |-------|---------------------------------------|----------------------| |WLK017 | Mage Stronghold Quests | Mage Protagonists | |-------|---------------------------------------|----------------------| |WLK018 | The de'Arnise Keep (Recruit and | Good Parties, | | | Secure Nalia), Obtain the Flail of the| Fighter Protagonists,| | | Ages, Obtain the Ring of Earth | People Who Like | | | Control, Obtain the Battle Axe +3, | Flails, People Who | | | Frostreaver | Like Axes | |-------|---------------------------------------|----------------------| |WLK019 | Fighter Stronghold Quests, | Fighter Protagonists,| | | Nalia Quests | People Who Like | | | | Clones | |-------|---------------------------------------|----------------------| |WLK020 | The Skinner Murders, Obtain the Boots | Completionists | | | of Avoidance | | |-------|---------------------------------------|----------------------| |WLK021 | The Umar Hills, Part I (Recruit and | Good Parties | | | Secure Mazzy) | | |-------|---------------------------------------|----------------------| |WLK022 | Trademeet (Recruit and Secure Cernd) | Druid Protagonists, | | | Obtain the Druid Grove, Obtain the | People Who Don't Mind| | | Cloak of Displacement, Obtain the Belt| Stealing | | | of Inertial Barrier, Obtain | | | | Tansheron's Bow +3, Obtain the Dwarven| | | | Thrower +3, Obtain Belm +2 | | |-------|---------------------------------------|----------------------| |WLK023 | Druid Grove Quests | Druid Protagonists | |-------|---------------------------------------|----------------------| |WLK043*| Limited Wish Quests, obtain the | Enterprising Evil | | | Boomerang Dagger +2, Obtain a second | Parties with an | | | pair of Glasses of Idenfication, | Edwin who can Cast | | | Obtain a suit of Full Plate Mail +2 | 7th Level Spells. | |-------|---------------------------------------|----------------------| |WLK051*| Watcher's Keep (Level 1 only) | Greedy parties who | | | Obtain Quiver of Plenty, Case of | want to score some | | | Plenty, Ammo Belt, Crimson Dart +3, | Throne of Bhaal loot | | | Golem Manual | early. | o=======o=======================================o======================o *These two quests occur much later in the walkthrough, as they are not completed until much later in the guide. First, we're simply not strong enough to make it through more than the first level of Watcher's Keep until near the end of Shadows of Amn... but I postpone it until we're established in Throne of Bhaal, when it's easiest to explore in both terms of party experience and story progression. Also, although I strongly advocate at least partial exploration of the first level of Watcher's Keep as our last endeavor before heading off to pursue Irenicus and rescue Imoen I decided not to break up Watcher's Keep into

seperate parts in the Walkthrough for simple continuity... as opposed to Umar Hills, which I broke up in order to lump all our recruiting quests into the pre-Chapter 4 portion of the guide. A good party should head to Watcher's Keep to obtain a few choice items while completing as few quests as possible, whereas an evil party can-and is benefited byexploring the entire first level. This leads to the Limited Wish quest, which is ignored entirely by the good party on the grounds that they will simply not have enough experience to cast that spell before going after Imoen, and the Limited Wish quests cannot otherwise be completed again until Chapter 6, hence its chronological placement in the guide until the good party can complete it. To make life simpler, again, you can just follow the guide sequentiallyno matter what alignment your party will be. There's no reason an evil party can't just leave Keldorn behind and do the Unseeing Eye quest, and there's no reason a good party can't play with Korgan/Edwin long enough to get their specific quests (the Book of Kaza and the Nether Scroll, respectively) out of the way. If you want to just follow the guide-it's okay. Imoen ends up fine. If, however, you really, really don't want to do anything extraneous in this game, here's a short suggestion of what each party should do at the minimum: --GOOD-[WLK009] [WLK010] [WLK014] --EVIL-[WLk004] [WLK006] [WLK008] [WLK012] [WLK014]

Go recruit what characters you wish in whatever order you wish, after which we'll have more than enough money to pick our poison and go after Imoen. If you recruit characters you do not wish to keep, disband them and send them back to the Copper Coronet when possible. I wouldn't suggest doing this in two circumstances. Firstly, don't disband a character you haven't secured. For example, don't send Korgan off before completing the Book of Kaza quest, and don't send Valygar away before completing the Planar Sphere. Also don't disband characters you want to romance, as this will likely kill the romance. If you want to play with good characters or otherwise don't care to recruit and secure Korgan and Edwin skip to [WLK009]. For now, however, let's explore the Copper Coronet and deal with-or at least acknowledge-all the minor events within. Copper Coronet (AR0406) o======================================================================o 1) At (x=1100, y=1880) you'll find Amalas. If you talk to him he'll try to provoke you into a fight. If you fight him, you'll get to go one on one with Amalas, who shouldn't be too tough as long as you have some levels of Fighter. Jaheira won't approve of your antics, however. If you decline and have Minsc in your party Minsc is riled to attack Amalas. Overall it's more profitable to duel Amalas. ***REWARD*** (For beating Amalas in a duel) EXP 9500 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 2) You'll find a woman named Nalia in the tavern... or rather she'll find you. As soon as you're in sight she'll come initiate dialogue, hopelessly aristocratic and asking for help. Her quest takes you out of Athkatla and is somewhat difficult, but to keep her happy you'll have to do it. If it wasn't for this and the fact that she is practically a

clone of Imoen I'd consider taking her along. We'll deal with her and her quest later. Much later. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 3) Over at (x=950, y=1870) you'll find Korgan. Talk to him if you want the best evil Fighter in the game on your side. Agree to help him find the Book of Kaza and he'll join with you. We won't delay too long, however, as we don't want Korgan to grow impatient and leave. We'll get to his quest shortly. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) At (x=1350, y=1750) you'll find Joluv... at least, you will if you've got the latest patch and hence the bonus merchants. Deidre sold Planescape: Torment inspired items, and Joluv sells Icewind Dale inspired items. Overall, I don't find his gear nearly as useful as Deidre's. Joluv mostly sells an assortment of +2 and +3 weapons that will come in handy in the mid-game (Chapters 2-5), but will be outclassed by the items we'll find later. Since that's the case, it's probably a good idea to ignore his loot and save yourself the 20,000~ or so gold each item will cost. The sole exception is the Sling of Everard +5, which is a pretty damn nice sling that has a +5 THAC0 bonus and +2 damage bonus, and it doesn't require bullets, greatly improving your inventory situation. You'll find a Sling later which is pretty nice, and returning Hammers, Axes, and Daggers all exist, but there is some merit to the Sling of Everard +5. It's worthy of consideration if you ever find yourself too rich... if such a thing exists. Also there's the Scarlet Ninja-To +3, which is more of a tease than anything else. Its stats are comparable to (and superior than) Belm +2, a nice Scimitar we'll find later... but since it can can only be used by Monks, it'll just have to remain with Joluv. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) There are plenty of things to do in the Copper Coronet still, but all of these quests can wait until later. You can go buy (steal) some things from the bartender Bernard. He'll sell better things later in the game, but until then we can at least nab a Sword of Flame +1, which will help with Nalia's quest a good bit. Note that Bernard is ridiculously hard to steal from, often requiring a Pick Pockets of 180+ to succeed. Now that we're done in here for now let's head over to the Government District. Note: If you want to be a little ahead of the curve, you can complete the Copper Coronet Quest now (see [WLK036] for complete coverage). The main reason to do this is to get Bernard to sell you better loot, including the Sling of Seeking +2, and the Battle Axe +3, Stonefire, among other things. And yes, all of these can be stolen, so you don't even need money if you've got some Potions of Master Thievery. This is by no means necessary... but that loot Bernard has for sale/steal will benefit you a lot more now than it will later. When playing with an evil party, I typically tackle the Copper Coronet after securing Edwin and Korgan (after [WLK008]). With a good party, I feel no real hurry to grab the Battle Axe +3, Stonefire, and hence I don't bother with this quest until its sequential location in the walkthrough. Government District (AR1000) o======================================================================o 6) If you arrive in the Government District at night you'll find some Amnish Soldiers in the northern central part of the district. They'll question you about your identity and mention a guild war going on in the streets between the Shadow Thieves and a new guild... presumably a continuation of the fight that allowed your egress from Irenicus' Dungeon. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 7) Head southwest to find a mob of citizens around a familiar dark elf. Viconia (x=1820, y=1080) has landed herself in trouble again, and

is standing on the wrong end of an angry mob. More specifically the side that's standing on a pile of logs and is about to be burned alive.. And this isn't a spectator sport. Screw around too long and the mob will burn her alive. Click next to her to free her, Which will provoke the mob and force you to waste three Fanatics, who are push-overs anyways. One Fanatic has a suit of Plate Mail Armor, and another has two Potions of Extra Healing. It might not be much, but they should leave behind enough to improve some of the armor you're wearing, and give Viconia some rudimentary equipment. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 8) From here travel southeast to find a Gnome named Jan Jansen (x=2730, y=1750). He'll describe himself as a part-time adventurer/part time turnip salesman. Right. Don't blow him off and he'll try to sell you a 'Flasher Master Bruiser Mate'. Shortly thereafter a man named Trax will show up to apprehend Jan for the illegal sale of illegal items in an illegal manner. Whatever you do, do NOT goad Trax into summoning the guard down on you.. it's a fight we don't need to fight, especially not with the reputation loss involved. If you cover for Jan you'll get some experience. If you turn him in you'll get 100 gold from Trax. Of course, to bail out Jan later you'll need to pay 800 gold, so it's a net loss to do this. Get Jan on your side and do what you will with him. If you keep him in your party you'll eventually have to deal with a quest that pops up. This is common with recruitable characters, and I'll make a habit of including the quests that accompany the various PCs in the same sequence of events in which the character is recruited, even though in all likelihood they will occur much later. Of all the PC quests, Jan's is perhaps the most disruptive for this Walkthrough, undoubtedly due to the fact that he is recruited so early in the game as it'll take you to many areas that I don't intend to cover for a long time. I suppose I could have restructured the FAQ to make Jan a better fit.. but overall I find it best to leave the PC quests in the section where they are recruited for organizations' sake. This really only negatively effects Jan, as most characters have the good sense to have less troublesome quests, and at the end of the day.. it's Jan. I can't be bothered to make things more convenient for a character I never play and whose worth I seriously doubt. The rest of this sequence will cover Jan's story quest-most sane people will never bother with this, and if you're one of them, skip to [WLK006] if you want to set about recruiting Edwin. ***REWARD*** (For covering for Jan and prevent him from being sent to jail by Trax) EXP 8500 ***REWARD*** (For recruiting Jan into the party) EXP 11500 Note from Lee: you can accept Jan into the party, drop pretty much anyone to do it, get the experience, then re-accept the dropped person back into the party and drop Jan for free experience without actually having to put up with Jan and his crap. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 9) This is just an aside, but over in the southeastern corner of the map you can find a lady knight named Lady Irlana (x=3000, y=3600), who is being wooed by Garrick-presumably our Garrick from Baldur's Gate 1. Of course, he seems to have lost his edge and is being fed flattering lines by one Cyrando. It's a debacle, of course, but an amusing one, nonetheless. o======================================================================o

| | | Jammin' With Jan | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK005} 1) Jan's Lost Love 2) The Daughter's Sickness of the Mind 3) Uncle Gerhardt's Help 4) Finding the Hidden 5) The Hidden 6) Thumb's Up 7) Hunting the Hunters 8) The Mother's Sickness of the Mind 1) Now, if you travel with Jan for a while you'll get a visit from a relative of his named Beeloo Jansen, who tells Jan that he recently escaped from prison and that some lady named 'Lissa' is staying at the Jansen family home. After Beeloo leaves, Jan will elaborate-Lissa is his childhood friend and former love interest that never panned out. She married another Gnome named Vaelag, a far more serious and successful criminal than Jan. Agree to help him out and follow him back to his house in the Slums District (AR0400) (x=3550, y=1350). The Jansen Home (AR0401)/(AR0402)/(AR0403) o======================================================================o 2) Jan will provide a bad example for his cousin's twins and talk to his mother, who fills him in a bit on the Lissa situation. She apparently brought her daughter with her, and she has a problem, of course. Her daughter has taken ill, but instead of a physical ailment she apparently has some kind of mental impairment, possibly due to her father's prevailing abuse. Jan will tell us to talk to Uncle Gerhardt in the basement, while he leaves the party to stay by Lissa's side. ***ITEMS*** (AR0401) (x=320, y=220) 1 gold (x=250, y=200) Elixir of Health (x=720, y=320) Potion of Freedom (AR0402) (x=480, y=220) (x=440, y=220) (x=400, y=210) (x=200, y=400) 3 1 1 1 gold gold gold gold

(AR0403) (x=700, y=390) Short Sword, History of Durpar and Var, 5 gold (x=270, y=250) Scroll of Identify (x=150, y=250) Potion of Extra Healing (x=200, y=370) tainted Antidote <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 3) Head downstairs and talk to Uncle Gerhardt (x=650, y=350). Wade through his circular dialogue and he'll tell you that you need to seek out something called 'The Hidden'. A lady named Jysstev can point you in the right direction, her estate can be found in the Government District of Athkatla. Seems like we're not done with the Government District right now after all. ***REWARD*** (For talking to Uncle Gerhardt) EXP 3300

Jysstev Estate (AR1006) o======================================================================o 4) Return to the Government District and enter the Jysstev Estate (x=2900, y=2900). You'll find Lady Jysstev wandering around within. Talk to her and ask her about 'The Hidden' and she'll arrange a meeting with you and tell you to go to the sewers under the Copper Coronet. Now, with a good-aligned protagonist, I don't bother with the Copper Coronet and its quests yet, and I certainly don't have a reason to drag Jan along with me long enough to start this quest. On the other hand, as an evil party I deal with the Copper Coronet early to get some better loot. For more information on dealing with the Copper Coronet (in part, or in its entirety) see [WLK036]. ***REWARD*** (For getting Lady Jysstev to arrange a meeting with the 'Hidden One') EXP 8900 Sewers (AR0404) o======================================================================o 5) Head to the Copper Coronet in the Slums District and talk to Lehtinan to gain access to his back rooms. Once you've obtained this access you can safely head to the back of the Copper Coronet. There's a secret door at (x=2150, y=900) that leads to the sewers (x=2070, y=670) in question. Again, if you decided to take Jan along with you-and hence this quest became obligatory and led you into these sewers-refer to [WLK036] for everything you might encounter along the way. You'll find Hidden at (x=1070, y=2230), who will agree to heal Lissa's daughter if you deal with two 'creatures of evil intent' that are chasing him. To uncover them we'll need to go talk to the proprietor of the Sea's Bounty in the Docks District (AR0300). Sea's Bounty (AR0313) o======================================================================o 6) By the time Jan's quest occurs we'll hopefully have already explored the Docks District-at least crudely (as covered in the next Sequence of Events). So, without elaborating further head over to the Sea's Bounty (x=2100, y=2100). Be sure to leave Jaheira outside to avoid starting another time-sensitive quest, Baron Ployer's Curse. Inside the Sea's Bounty you'll find The Thumb, the proprietor we're looking for. Talk to him and pick dialogue option #2 to get him to tell you that the folks you're looking for are in the Five Flagon's Inn in the Bridge District, in a room on the second floor. Five Flagons Inn, Second Level (AR5011) o======================================================================o 7) So, head over to the Bridge District (AR0500) and into the Five Flagons Inn (x=3200, y=2000). Go up the stairs at (x=600, y=300) to find two Githyanki, which can be rather strong for a very low-leveled, under-staffed party. Return to the Hidden and he'll tell you that the girl is healed before revealing itself to be an Illithid. It'll leave without incident, and we'll be free to return to the Jansen home. ***REWARD*** (For performing the task of the Hidden) EXP 17500 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 8) Once home, you'll find all is not well. Being the useless bitch that she is, Lissa will thank Jan for helping her daughter before telling us that Vaelag is downstairs. When Jan goes to investigate the turn of events, follow. Vaelag demands Lissa's return, makes some threats, and

Lissa only bothers to thank Jan briefly before leaving with Vaelag. Jan will attempt to procure from us a promise of aid in the future, if he discovers that Vaelag has continued to be abusive. Dude, let the bitch go. ***REWARD*** (For saving Lissa's daughter) EXP 15500 o======================================================================o | | | Mae'Var's Guildhall Quests | | (Recruiting Edwin) | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK006} 1) Independent Practice 2) Submit to Cyric! 3) Thieve's Guild Fence 4) Infinite Money Exploit 5) Meeting Mister Bloodscalp 6) Robbing Gorth 7) Mae'Var's First Assignment 8) Temple Thieving 9) Referred to the Red Wizard 10) Thieving Tests 11) Edwin's First Task 12) Mephit Murdering 13) Golem Grinding 14) Rayic Gethras 15) Edwin's Second Task 16) Marcus' Documents 17) Mae'Var's Last Task 18) Embarl's Loyalty 19) Edwin's Evidence 20) Reporting to Renal 21) Purging Mae'Var's Guildhall 22) Making Mae'Var Meet His Maker 23) Renal's Reward 24) Valen's Offer Docks District (AR0300) o======================================================================o 1) When you arrive in the Docks District you'll get a confession from Yoshimo. He'll tell you that he got caught practicing his trade in the city by the Shadow Thieves, and was supposed to report to Renal Bloodscalp. He hints that there might a reward involved for completing the independent mission he was supposed to get started on. We might as well, right? <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 2) Head to the southwest and go down some stairs. You'll be approached by a Mad Cleric who will demand that you embrace Cyric. If you decline he'll attack you. When he dies he'll drop an Onyx Ring, a Jasper Gem, a Quarter Staff, and 20 gold. Shadow Thief Guildhall (AR0305)/(AR0306) o======================================================================o 3) Over at (x=1350, y=980) you'll find a Shadow Thief, who will welcome you inside being as you're a friend of Gaelan and all. Righty-o. Head inside the door at (x=1330, y=900). At (x=950, y=790) you'll find a Black Market Thief. You can sell stolen goods to her, which is an invaluable service. You can buy (steal) a variety of scrolls from her if

you wish, including Fireshield (Blue), which is a great defensive spell, especially for a Fighter/Mage. After all, a Mage who doesn't get attacked in combat isn't likely to put the shield to full effect. Head up the stairs at (x=200, y=350). ***ITEMS*** (x=850, y=800) Potion of Healing x2, Potion of Invisibility, Potion of Master Thievery (x=900, y=750) 1 gold (x=950, y=700) Dagger, Long Sword (x=1100, y=700) 3 gold (x=750, y=620) Tchazar Gem, 234 gold (x=900, y=570) Moonstone Gem, 39 gold (x=1150, y=630) Waterstar Gem, Zircon Gem, 26 gold, Dagger (x=350, y=470) Dagger, Bastard Sword (x=200, y=400) Iol Gem <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) Note that you can sell stolen goods to the Black Market Thief, and you can also steal from her. Can you see the cyclic flow of money at work here? Sell her anything valuable you want, steal it back, sell it again, repeat until satisfied. This works best with a very expensive item, as you'll always have a chance to get caught, and stealing multiple cheaper items will get frustrating. On the other hand, sell/stealing the Plate of Balduran will see you with enough money to buy anything you want in short order. Because you can buy/sell/steal from her in an infinite loop, I prefer to sell her all the items I accumulate in the game. This is practical, in case you sell anything you later want or need, as you can just steal it back. It sure beats having to rebuy loot from Ribald. And, of course, it also helps to favor one merchant since you'll always remember who you sold your stuff to. Keep in mind, however, that as you sell more items to one merchant, the less they'll pay for that item in the future. There's a rather generous cutoff point, but if you want to maximize your profits, sell in bulk. On that note, this level of the Thieves' guild has plenty of containers within which you can store your accumulated loot. No wonder I pick this spot as my mercantile headquarters, eh? And just one more note, although I preach the merits of infinite money, on these walkthroughs I did not practice them. I could pretend the reason had something to do with gaming purity, but as you've noticed if you've been reading along, I'm quite content to use my theiving skills to rob merchants blind. No, the reason is much more practical. Good loot equals stronger characters, and stronger characters influence what quests we can do, and when. For the sheer sake of organization, not using any infinite money tricks allows the economy of the game to influence (to some degree) what order we do quests. Do the Thieves' Guild quests first, get some money, buy the Shield of Balduran, do the Unseeing Eye Quest, get some more money, and so forth. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) You'll find Renal Bloodscalp at (x=820, y=530). Yoshimo and Renal will trade barbs for a bit before Renal decides that he is more interested in you than Yoshimo. Long story short Renal wants you to investigate a guild leader he suspects of treachery by the name of Mae'Var. If you're a Thief he'll also offer you to take up the guild in Mae'Var's place if you find something and are forced to... remove Mae'Var. Agree and leave via the exit at (x=100, y=600) to get directly outside. Head to Mae'Var's Guild (x=3050, y=2500). ***ITEMS*** (x=300, y=500) 1 gold (x=350, y=650) Garnet Gem, Diamond (x=400, y=480) Potion of Extra Healing x5, Potion of Fire Resistance x2

(x=800, y=770) Pearl x3, 350 gold (x=970, y=650) Jasper Gem, 39 gold (x=1190, y=725) Light Crossbow, Bolt x60, Bolt +1 x2 (x=400, y=270) Dagger, Studded Leather Armor, Lynx Eye Gem, De'Tranion's Balor Ale (x=470, y=250) Potion of Extra Healing x5, Potion of Agility (x=600, y=250) 3 gold (x=750, y=330) Iol Gem, 217 gold ***TRAPS*** (x=970, y=650) (x=470, y=250) Mae'Var's Guildhall (AR0321)/(AR0322)/(AR0323)/(AR0324) o======================================================================o 6) Over at (x=430, y=580) you'll find Gorch, who will try to peddle you some wares. Tell him you're here to see Mae'Var and he'll give you the go-ahead to go into the guild in the back. Gorch is the latest in a long line of merchants we need to rob, and if you weren't messing around your Potions of Master Thievery should still be in effect. In particular grab some Maces +2 (enough for each Fighter to wield one regardless of proficiency), and some Bullets +2. We'll be needing some +2 weapons sooner rather than later. Also grab a Sling +2 and a Short Bow +2. You know, since stealing is cheaper than buying them from Ribald. Also, since it's 'free', steal the Leather Armor +3 if you still need some light armor for somebody. Also nab the Ring of Protection +1, the Nymph Cloak, the Bracers of Defense A.C. 6, Potions of Master Thievery (to keep our stock up!), and the Rogue Stone. We'll out-grow this gear, but we can always sell it back to the Black Market Thief in Renal's Guild. Even if you're not really into stealing, you should rob Gorch. As a friendly warning, he's not long for this world, and anything you don't steal from him will go to waste. Yoshimo happily accepts the Short Bow +2 and I give the Sling +2 to Viconia, who is less potent in melee combat than Jaheira. The Nymph Cloak goes to your preferred party leader. I give Korgan the Ring of Protection, as his Armor Class is horrible right now. Also, the Bracers of Defense A.C. 6 are an improvement for my main character. Head down the stairs at (x=400, y=400). ***ITEMS*** (x=350, y=420) (x=500, y=500) (x=600, y=600) (x=600, y=200) (x=700, y=150) (x=650, y=500) 190 gold Tainted Oil of Speed, 8 gold Scroll of Strength Sunstone Gem Quarter Staff, 12 gold Scroll of Minor Globe of Invulnerability

Note: Do not sell the Rogue Stone you just stole. It's pretty, sure, but it'll give us access to an area from which we can obtain the most powerful staff in the game-a real treat for your Mages. It will be a while yet, and you'll find several other Rogue Stones while you travel, but as a respectable FAQ-writer it seems important to warn you now, rather than have you send me unhappy E-mails because you can't get an item that really should not be missed. Note from Lee: Gorch is a dumbass - I stole/sold/restole/resold the Bracers AC6, the Rogue Stone, and as many Maces +2 as I could hold over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and ended up with over 200k in gold - well more than enough to pick up

some extremely nice items from Dierdre. Of course having this much cash triggers Valen and Brus earlier than "normal", but it doesn't really affect the storyline (provided I don't visit the graveyard at night). <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 7) You'll find Mae'Var at (x=970, y=300). If you thought Renal was ambiguously hostile, you'll find that Mae'Var is much less ambiguous. He'll give you a job to go steal a religious item from a church, either the temple of Lathander or the temple of Talos depending on your alignment. Head off to the Temple District. ***ITEMS*** (x=400, y=650) Skydrop Gem (x=400, y=850) 5 gold (x=500, y=800) 16 gold (x=630, y=700) Turquoise Gem (x=630, y=680) 1 gold (x=1000, y=400) Dagger, Small Shield, 5 gold (x=740, y=240) Dagger, 4 gold Temple District (AR0900)/(AR0902)/(AR0904) o======================================================================o 8) Enter either the Temple of Lathander (AR0902) (x=2850, y=1500) or the Temple of Talos (AR0904) (x=1900, y=2200). Either way you'll need to wait until night for the temples to clear out. When you have either the Statuette of Lathander or the Necklace of Talos head back to Mae'Var. ***ITEMS*** (AR0902) (x=1250, y=1500) 99 gold (x=1400, y=1450) Sunstone Gem, Statuette of Lathander (x=1350, y=1450) Sunstone Gem (x=1400, y=1450) Lynx Eye Gem (x=1800, y=950) Potion of Extra Healing x2 (x=750, y=600) Potion of Extra Healing x2 (x=470, y=850) Jade Ring, 23 gold (x=320, y=750) Scroll of Protection from Poison (AR0904) (x=1500, y=360) Potion of Extra Healing x2, Antidote (x=1650, y=400) Potion of Extra Healing x5, Wand of the Heavens, 210 gold (x=700, y=1000) Potion of Insight, Necklace of Talos (x=500, y=300) Scroll of Protection from Cold, Potion of Storm Giant Strength (x=400, y=250) Bloodstone Gem, Potion of Insulation (x=250, y=250) Bloodstone Amulet, Antidote x2, 6 gold Mae'Var's Guildhall (AR0321)/(AR0322)/(AR0323)/(AR0324) o======================================================================o 9) Mae'Var will brush aside your act of skulduggery and you'll get a nice experience reward. He then decides he's too busy for you and refers you to his right hand man, a 'bloody good spellcaster' named Edwin. Oh boy. Head back upstairs and take the stairs to the second level (AR0323) at (x=1100, y=400). ***REWARD*** (For returning to Mae'Var with your stolen artifact) EXP 29500 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 10) Upstairs you'll find a room to the east that has a bunch of locked doors and safes designed to test your Thief skills. If you still have

Potions of Master Thievery active you should definitely pick these locks. Altogether they give a good bit of experience and loot. The ones on the north wall are trapped as well, further boosting the experience you'll get. when you're done looting head up the stairs at (x=1000, y=500) to reach (AR0324). ***ITEMS*** (x=300, y=490) Antidote, Pearl Necklace (x=400, y=460) 22 gold (x=600, y=200) History of the Drow, 1 gold (x=600, y=790) Skydrop Gem, Zircon Gem (x=500, y=600) 10 gold (x=550, y=600) 20 gold (x=600, y=550) 30 gold (x=630, y=500) 40 gold (x=650, y=500) 50 gold (x=700, y=450) 60 gold (x=770, y=400) 70 gold (x=900, y=500) 2 gold (x=900, y=300) 80 gold (x=950, y=300) 90 gold (x=1000, y=250) Potion of Master Thievery x3, Waterstar Gem, Ziose Gem, 300 gold (x=1050, y=250) Emerald, 100 gold (x=1050, y=300) Potion of Perception (x=1110, y=330) Rogue Stone (x=1170, y=300) Lynx Eye Gem, Fire Agate Gem (x=1200, y=350) Short Sword +2, Buckler +1, Studded Leather Armor +1 ***TRAPS*** (x=1050, y=250) (x=1050, y=300) (x=1110, y=330) (x=1170, y=300) (x=1200, y=350) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 11) Edwin is over at (x=850, y=350), and he's as haughty as ever. He wants you to kill a Cowled Wizard by the name of Rayic Gethras. Seeing as how we're not getting along with the Cowled Wizards, knocking off one of their members is a welcome job. Leave Mae'Var's Guildhall and enter Rayic Gethras' house (AR0315) to the west (x=1500, y=2220). ***ITEMS*** (x=1050, y=420) Bastard Sword +1, 35 gold (x=1020, y=250) Dagger, 19 gold (x=820, y=260) Fire Agate Gem, 63 gold (x=500, y=370) Bastard Sword, 13 gold (x=670, y=750) Potion of Healing x2 (x=370, y=550) Gold Ring (x=330, y=500) Spear +1 Rayic Gethras' House (AR0315)/(AR0316)/(AR0317) o======================================================================o 12) Inside you'll find two Fire Mephits, two Magma Mephits, and two Ice Mephits. These require no special tactics to bring down. Loot the room and make sure you're rested and prepared before you head up the stairs at (x=150, y=350). Haste and Protection from Evil 10' Radius is probably a good idea, as is Defensive Harmony. Equip whatever +2 weapons you have. For me this means those Maces +2 I stole, and Bullets +2 and Arrows +2 where available. Resting in this house was where I encountered my first dream, by the way.

***ITEMS*** (x=500, y=250) History of the Red Ravens, Scroll of Protection from Magical Energy (x=440, y=150) Scroll of Clairvoyance, Cursed Scroll of Weakness ***TRAPS*** (x=440, y=150) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 13) Upstairs you'll find much more worthy foes than Mephits. Two Stone Golems-which are fairly rough at this stage in the game-await you. They aren't push-overs in melee, they have the ability to slow party members, and they can only be hurt by +2 weapons. With all the gear we've been stealing, however, they fall readily enough, especially with us being spell-buffed. Before I loot this level I head upstairs while my spell buffs hold (x=400, y=700). ***ITEMS*** (x=400, y=270) 115 gold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 14) Rayic Gethras isn't much for talking, and he goes hostile after just a bit of chatter. By now Jaheira has hit 9th level as a Druid, and has an Insect Plague prepared just for this fight, she casts it as soon as she can. As soon as combat starts Rayic will let loose with a Spell Trigger, protecting himself with Protection from Magical Weapons and Protection from Normal Missiles. He'll also get a Globe of Invulnerability and a Stoneskin up. He is, safe to say, one rough customer at our level. However, if Jaheira gets her Insect Plague off he will be unable to cast spells for a few precious rounds... long enough for my party to whittle through his Stoneskin and for his Protection from Magical Weapons to wear off. His first move is to cast Symbol, Fear, which will pretty much be game over if he doesn't get hit with an Insect Plague, or even if he does, if he affects your whole party. One way around this is to just head up with the main character and Jaheira. My main character attacks and Jaheira stays back and casts her spell. If he gets his Symbol, Fear off, the rest of the party can then jump in when Insect Plague has rendered him helpless and beat him down. When he dies Rayic Gethras will leave behind Bracers of Defense A.C. 7, a Scroll of Charm Person, a Quarter Staff +2, and 40 gold. Rob his house and leave. ***ITEMS*** (x=250, y=500) Scroll of Mislead, 1 gold (x=550, y=400) Wand of Fire, 220 gold ***TRAPS*** (x=250, y=500) (x=550, y=400) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 15) Head back to Mae'Var's Guildhall and talk to Edwin. Next he'll ask you to get some documents from a merchant named Marcus at the Sea's Bounty. Head back outside and enter the Sea's Bounty (AR0313) (x=2100, y=2100). Whatever you do, do not bring Jaheira in with you. It starts a quest we really have no need to complete just yet. ***REWARD*** (For reporting in to Edwin after killing Rayic Gethras) EXP 20000 Sea's Bounty (AR0313)/(AR0314) o======================================================================o

16) You'll find Marcus at (x=530, y=430), and there are many ways to deal with him. If you're fast and strong enough you can simply snap his neck without raising a fuss. You can pay him 250 gold.. or negotiate it down to 200 for the documents. Or you can threaten him for them. Of course you can always try to pick his pockets, but with Yoshimo that means he's going to have to use some Potions of Master Thievery to succeed. Report back to Edwin and he'll inform you that you have one last task to complete, this time from Mae'Var. ***REWARD*** (For bringing Marcus' documents to Edwin) EXP 10000 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 17) Go downstairs and pay Mae'Var a visit. He'll give you one last mission; head back to the Sea's Bounty and kill a traitor named Embarl, bringing back his dagger as proof. This time enter the door at (x=2250, y=2050) to reach the upper level of the Sea's Bounty. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 18) You'll find Embarl at (x=580, y=320). You again have multiple choices. First you can just kill him and grab his Leather Armor, Potion of Invisibility, Elixir of Health, Embarl's Dagger, and 36 gold. Or you could just let Embarl go in exchange for his dagger. Either way take the dagger back to Mae'Var and you'll get rewarded, albeit dismissively. He'll tell you to go see if Edwin has any use for you. ***REWARD*** (For bringing Embarl's Dagger to Mae'Var) EXP 18750 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 19) Edwin guesses that you're not here as an obedient recruit for Mae'Var and offers to help you find the hard evidence that Renal wants. He will offer his magical services to you now, along with the key to the strongbox in Mae'Var's suite. If you're playing an evil party you should happily accept Edwin into your party. For all Edwin's potency, he does have some rather glaring omissions from his spellbook. Have him scribe Blur, Knock, Invisibility, Stinking Cloud, Dispel Magic, Slow, Improved Invisibility, Stoneskin, Greater Malison, and Confusion to bring him up to speed. Head downstairs and open the cabinet at (x=500, y=300) to find Mae'var's Letter and Boots of Stealth. Yoshimo puts the boots on by default. With the evidence in hand head off to tell Renal. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 20) Renal will be delighted to see you, even more-so when you give him evidence of Mae'Var's treachery. You'll get a hefty experience reward, and one last mission from Renal Bloodscalp; go kill Mae'Var. With pleasure. ***REWARD*** (For bringing Renal proof of Mae'Var's treachery) EXP 48250 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 21) I suggest spell-buffing before returning to Mae'Var's Guildhall, as all the Shadow Thieves within are now hostile. They are fond of getting backstabs, and will use Potions of Invisibility and Oils of Speed to buff themselves in Combat. I've had Zyntris deal 82 damage with a single attack before, which is well more than ridiculous. Needless to say, keep unprotected characters safe... perhaps even outside. It only takes one bad backstab to ruin your day. One tactic you can use to blunt the offensive of the Thieves is as follows: head inside with one protected character. In this case I used my protagonist spell-buffed with Stoneskin, Blur, and Mirror Image. The Thieves directed their lethal backstabs at them to no avail, then I brought in the rest of my fighters

to take them down, leaving my weaker characters (like Edwin) outside. Head up the levels clearing out Shadow Thieves as you go. It's possible to repeat the process above on the next floor, as well. Note from Lee: I recommend going up the exterior stairs and entering on the third floor (x=3425, y=2150), then working your way down. There are no attackers on the third floor at all, and you enter the second floor in a strategically superior position. Plus you don't have the problem of new attackers coming at you from both the floors above and the floors below. If you have at least two characters equipped with ranged weapons, you won't even need spells (or buffs) to clear the second floor. By standing at the foot of the stairs, if you do happen to get into trouble, you're poised to go back up and regroup (or ambush and take out attackers one at a time if they follow). Same with moving down from the second to the first floor, and again down to the lower level. I got thru this without spell buffing at all, although I did take some damage in the final fight with Mae'Var. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 22) Once the upper levels are clear head down into the cellar to confront Mae'Var. Mae'Var has some Assassins with him and a Priest of Cyric, but for all that, this is a very easy fight. You have two options to win this fight hassle free. Use Edwin to conjure a Lesser Fire Elemental, which will be immune to their weapons. Then just let the elemental kill them all on its own. Or you can use Jaheira's Insect Plague to eliminate their spell casting and send many of them fleeing. Or do both to ensure a complete rout. Loot Mae'Var for Shadow Armor (great for Yoshimo!), Arrows x40, a Scroll of Oracle, a Pearl, a Sphene Gem, a Water Opal, a Horn Coral Gem, a Short Sword, a Composite Long Bow, and 769 gold. In one of the cells you'll find a prisoner named Kamuzu (x=600, y=500). Do what you will with him, but if you're nice, he might just come back and lend you a hand one day... When you're done go report to Renal. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 23) You'll get your reward all right. Each character will receive 45500 experience and the party gets a huge sum of gold... so much so that you should be close to what Gaelan requires (if so, see Step #22, next). If you're a Thief you'll also be given ownership of Mae'Var's Guildhall. You can play with your guild if you wish, but time is of the essence. Before we deal with it we should secure Korgan and Edwin's loyalty [WLK008]. Since, however, you may or may not be recruiting the individuals in question, it's my organizational method to include the guild/stronghold quests immediately after completing the quest where you obtain said guild/stronghold. Skip about as you please. ***REWARD*** (For reporting to Renal after killing Mae'Var) EXP 45500 (each character) Gold 10500 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 24) The following encounter will occur now that we have so much money15,000+ to be precise, and after the reward we just received, it's very likely you'll have this amount. When you leave the building a woman named Valen will show up and talk to you. She's got a better offer for you, or so she says, and asks you to meet her Mistress in the Graveyard after sundown. Brus will show up shortly thereafter and tell you that Gaelan wants to sweeten the deal before you meet your new contact. Looks like both sides are very keen on what we're doing. You might see other altercations between the two guilds traveling around at night like the encounter you had with Hareishan, and another later encounter you might have with another vampire named Salia. If you pay Gaelan a visit he'll

tell you that the bosses have changed their minds and decided that 15,000 gold is enough for their aid. How curious. Anyways, both sides want our money-and our allegience, but I'm not yet ready to make any such decisons. There are two ways to avoid seeing Valen's mistress, who waits for us in the Graveyard district-our next destination. First, spend some of that money we got until we're under 15000 gold, or second, just go to the Graveyard during the day. Simple enough. Resting up for our run into the Graveyard triggers my second Irenicus dream. o======================================================================o | | | Thieves' Guild Quests | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK007} 1) Introduction to the Guild Hall 2) Rattell the Fence 3) Jariel the Taskmaster 4) Ama's Revenge 5) Whodunit? Your Guildhall (AR0321)/(AR0322)/(AR0323)/(AR0324) o======================================================================o 1) If you are playing a Thief (single, multi, or dual-classed), or if you have the Multiple Strongholds mod installed, you will be offered Mae'Var's Guildhall following his timely demise. It's a good way to make money, and it offers you a few more things to do, but nothing too extravagant. This section of the FAQ will cover this guildhall, to be pursued when you have the time and inclination. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 2) First things first. You'll find a man named Rattell (x=430, y=570) standing where Gorch was, who is willing to fence goods for you. He doesn't have the selection Gorch does, but he does have some interesting scrolls you can pick up. Or at least Invisibility 10' Radius, which will come in handy once in a while. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 3) The thing to do in the Thieves' Guild is to talk to Jariel (x=720, y=320), who will give you the run-down of how this works. You have a stable of thieves and you can direct them to do a variety of jobs with varying degrees of risk. The riskier the job the more money it makes, but the more likely they'll get put in prison. If a Thief gets put in jail you'll have to bail them out, which costs you money. See the gamble involved herein? All of these success and fail rates are handled with dice rolls under the hood and you'll get news of their successes roughly every week. Pick settings you like and if they aren't bringing you a profit change them as needed. You must pay your dues to Renal, however, so keep in mind depending on the prowess of your thieves and Renal's humor you might actually lose money. This typically only happens if a few of your thieves get caught and you don't bail them out, reducing the operatives you have on the field and thus the potential income they might bring. Going with low-risk jobs typically gets you more than enough to pay Renal and keep some pocket change, as well. When you need to pay Renal a Thief named Joster (x=700, y=290) will show up, at which point you really need to pay him off. Note: Unlike most events in this game that seem random but aren't, this one actually is. After you change the variables of each Thief's mission, a simple random number is rolled and checked against the difficulty of the mission. It's a simple 100-scale percentile roll, and oddly enough, it's checked immediately after you give your orders-not when they come

back. Anyways, the more difficult the mission, the less likely they are to succeed... which typically involves you paying a bribe to get that Thief back in action. If you play it safe and pick the lowest difficulty options every time you'll make the least money... but you'll be guaranteed success. Performing low-risk missions, I typically made a steady income of 1600 gold per five days. Joster will ask for 300, 500, or 900 gold every time dues are due. This will earn me anywhere from 700-1300 gold per week, so it's not a bad bit of business. If you fail to pay Renal's representative in time, you'll lose your guild. For some reason this didn't stop me from collecting money from my thieves' jobs, it just meant I couldn't do any more quests... and it also meant that I didn't have to pay Renal anymore. Anyways, if you lose your guild, you can go pay Renal 4000 gold to get it back. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) You will also find Lathan (x=600, y=270), who will tell you when problems arise that require your personal attention. You'll be told that there is nothing at this time that requires your attention, only to have somebody named Ama show up and ask you to serve as a decoy contact for a politician who is causing the guild trouble. If you freed Kamuzu from Mae'Var's Prison he'll show up and warn you about Ama, saying she was... close... to Mae'Var, and she is not to be trusted. Good to know. Let's deal with this little problem then, shall we? When you arrive at Waukeen's Promenade you'll find Ama, who will implore you to wait. Eventually a man named Sir Greshal will arrive and Ama will spring her ambush. A number of Muggers will pop out and fight in a similar fashion as the Shadow Thieves. Still, one Insect Plague should win this fight in short order. When Sir Greshal dies he'll leave behind a suit of Splint Mail, a Small Shield, a Bloodstone Gem, a Mace +1, and 21 gold. On Ama you'll find a suit of Studded Leather Armor, Potions of Invisibility x2, a Potion of Extra Healing, a Horn coral Gem, Poisoned Throwing Daggers x20, a Dagger, and 340 gold. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) Go back to Lathan, who will apologize for his lapse in security. If you kick him out you will-as he warns-not be able to complete the rest of the guild quests. I grudgingly keep him aboard. You will be told that Kretor has been paying his dues to you out of his own pocket, as one of the pickpockets underneath him has been skimming the profits. Apparently they know who it is, but aren't coming forward with the information as they don't trust you yet. You'll have several options to deal with the situation. Let Kretor deal with it himself. Kill them all. Randomly kill one of them. Or dock all of their pay. If you dock all their pay the guilty one will turn up dead, and everything is resolved. That's it for the SHadow Thief guild... you can still collect your money and assign missions, but the quests are over. Seems kind of underdeveloped, doesn't it? Especially compared to some of the other guilds... oh well. o======================================================================o | | | The Book of Kaza and the Nether Scroll | | (Securing Korgan and Edwin) | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK008} 1) Edwin's Ambition 2) Adoptor-Seeking Arenthis 3) Tomb (AR0811) 4) Wellyn's Rest 5) Tomb (AR0810) 6) Uncle Lester's Revenge 7) Tomb (AR0812) 8) Stein and Company 9) Tomb (AR0813)

10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28)

Tomb (AR0807) Buried Alive Sethle's Confession Tomb (AR0805) Tomb (AR0806) The Lower Tombs Spider Central Pai'Na's Den Finishing the Lower Tombs I Hate Level Drain, I To the Split Sarcophagi Skeleton Nevaziah Sniped by Shagbag! To Pimlico's Estate Shagbag Strikes Again Korgan's Revenge Edwin's Translation Edwin's Transformation Edwin's Tracker

Graveyard District (AR0800) o======================================================================o 1) When you arrive Edwin will mention the Nether Scroll-which Edwin is sure lies in the lower tombs in Athkatla. This is the first area in the game we'll explore in a traditional fashion... you know, going around, exploring all the places, collecting quests, and otherwise doing adventure-y type things, in contrast to briefly running through like we have been doing. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 2) Over at (x=2350, y=1880) you will find Arenthis, a priest of Lathander and his charge Risa (x=2370, y=1930). He'll ask you to find a caretaker for Risa. Fortunately, just such a thing exists right here in the Graveyard District. Over at (x=920, y=820) you'll find Kamir, a Paladin mourning the loss of his adopted son, Stefan, who was killed by bandits in Kamir's absence. If only there were SOME way he could, I don't know, get another orphan? After all, if at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Suggest Risa to Kamir and you'll get an experience reward. Wait a while for Kamir to get over to Arenthis and Risa and you'll get a bit more experience. ***REWARD*** (For finding a adoptive parent for Risa) EXP 12250 + 3000 Tomb (AR0811) o======================================================================o 3) Go in the tomb near Arenthis and Risa at (x=2400, y=1850) and loot the Sarcophagus at (x=450, y=400). The Staff of Curing is a staff which is poor in combat but it can in a pinch cure disease, poison and heal for 3-18 +3 Hit Points. ***ITEMS*** (x=450, y=400) Lynx Eye Gem, Staff of Curing <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) Leave and head northwest to find some Halfling 'Mourners' at about (x=1620, y=1730). They are Wellyn's parents, whose ghost will be here at night. There are ways to get this quest now without having to advance the story (namely by being too poor to pay for the help of Valen's mistress), and I'll mention the quest here just to complete the Graveyard District. At night you'll find Wellyn wandering around his

grave-or rather, he'll find you and initiate dialogue. He'll tell you that he was killed by a Thief, and he needs his bear, Littleman, so he can rest. The Thief is one 'Llynis', who spends most his time at the Copper Coronet. To reach Llynis you'll have to get access to the back rooms, which you can achieve by talking to Lehtinan (x=400, y=1220) and selecting dialogue options #1, #2, #2, and #1 (among other options). Llynis is at (x=660, y=550), and you can talk him into giving you the bear... but why not just kill the bastard? Regardless of how you do it, get Littleman back and give it to Wellyn. If you wait until day and talk to Wellyn's parents you'll get some more experience for your trouble, but no reputation increase... the kind of reward you think such a good deed would warrant... ah well. ***REWARD*** (For giving Wellyn his bear, Littleman, so he can rest in peace) EXP 15500 ***REWARD*** (For talking to Wellyn's parents) EXP 5000 Tomb (AR0810) o======================================================================o 5) Anyways, now that the Halflings are gone, continue into the tomb at (x=1450, y=1850). Inside are two Skeleton Warriors... nothing as terrible as the ones in Baldur's Gate 1, however. They won't hit you much, and aren't immune to non-magical weapons. They do, however, still have Two Handed Swords +1, which will sell well. ***ITEMS*** (x=450, y=400) 29 gold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 6) Exit the tomb and head northwest to find a scared peasant named Nevin, who begs you to help put down his dead uncle Lester. Uncle Lester will show up and the two will argue. Note that the voice of Uncle Lester is the same actor who does Harold, from the Fallout series. Uncle Lester will then attack Nevin, and you can jump in to save him, if you wish. ***REWARD*** (For saving Nevin from Uncle Lester) EXP 6500 Tomb (AR0812) o======================================================================o 7) Ignore the tombs at (x=900, y=1650) and (x=650, y=1800) as they are ways to get to where we're going, and it should not be explored before we're done with the rest of the graveyard. Instead go into a tomb at (x=1350, y=1200). Korgan grabs the Battle Axe +2. ***ITEMS*** (x=400, y=350) Battle Axe +2 (x=350, y=300) Bloodstone Amulet, 1 gold ***TRAPS*** (x=400, y=350) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 8) Near the middle of the level, at night, you can find Stein (x=1720, y=1050) near the Crypt at (x=1670, y=1000). Talk to him, and pick option #2 to question his activities. If you threaten to put him down, he'll summon two of his buddies. They're weak, and really don't

drop anything of value. Tomb (AR0813) o======================================================================o 9) Go up some stairs and into another tomb (x=1670, y=1000) to find two Shadow Fiends and a Mummy. Everybody has magical weapons by now, so this isn't a hard fight, just watch out for the Mummy's ability to disease you and the Shadow Fiend's paralysis. Both of which can be cleared up easily enough with Clerical spells, but in the middle of a fight it can be annoying. ***ITEMS*** (x=400, y=350) Gold Ring, Skydrop Gem Tomb (AR0807) o======================================================================o 10) At (x=2250, y=1100) you'll find another tomb, this one has two nobles standing outside of it by the name of Arthur (x=2240, y=1200) and Maggie (x=2150, y=1150) who will reminisce over their deceased butler Jeeves. Go inside, loot, and leave. ***ITEMS*** (x=400, y=350) 34 gold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 11) Go up some stairs to the northwest and you'll get the following message: "Nearby you see sound emit from is clearer now. coming from the an open grave. A chill runs up your spine as you hear a it. You shake your head and continue walking. The sound You are not imagining it. Muffled cries for help are grave."

Click at (x=1000, y=670) to help the poor soul. The man in the grave, Tirdir, will talk to you, thanking you for rescuing him. He'll tell you that some men held him hostage and buried him alive when they received the ransom money they asked for. He'll tell you one of the men wore a bright red shirt, and give you a piece of it to help in your search and he'll tell you that the Gravekeeper spoke to this red-garbed man. Edwin will complain about doing something as useless as helping a peasant out... Wait... Red clothes? Nah, couldn't be.. Anyways, if you want to finish this quest now, you'll need to skip over to [WLK021], Steps 10-12. ***REWARD*** (Rescue Tirdir from his grave) EXP 6500 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 12) Speaking of a Gravekeeper... Over at (x=1550, y=400) you'll find Sethle the gravekeeper. Talk to him and threaten him a bit and he'll eventually capitulate and spill the beans, telling you that the man in red you're looking for can be found in the Bridge District. Tomb (AR0805) o======================================================================o 13) Go in the tomb near Sethle at (x=1450, y=400). Inside you'll find two Mummies and a Skeleton Warrior. Give the Mummies priority, because again, they can cause disease. Pummel them, loot, and leave. ***ITEMS*** (x=450, y=400) Silver Necklace, Scroll of Identify, 6 gold

Tomb (AR0806) o======================================================================o 14) Head over to the tomb at (x=750, y=850) where you'll find the Crypt King. He's got a lot of Hit Points and can dish out some serious damage He's immune to non-magical weapons but thankfully he's got a fairly low Armor Class. It wouldn't be a bad idea to Haste up and use some Clerical spell-buffs before taking him on, as at this point he'll likely do some damage to your characters. He's not hard in the grand scheme of things, but when the best of my characters is boasting a -4 Armor Class he can do a lot of damage. When he dies he'll leave behind a Helmet, a Garnet, and Namarra +2. Namarra is a Long Sword +2 that can cast Silence 15' Radius three times per day. Not only is a +2 weapon an improvement over my Fighter/Mages' Katana +1, but it also serves a useful purpose in being able to foil enemy spell casters. It's not a great weapon by itself, but its ability to cast Silence 15' Radius means it might be a good idea to keep it on hand long after it's melee usefulness has been eclipsed by more powerful weapons. ***ITEMS*** (x=400, y=350) 9 gold (x=350, y=300) Ziose Gem, Scroll of Summon Efreet Lower Tombs (AR0801) o======================================================================o 15) Now it's time to get down to the Lower Tombs. I prefer taking the entrance marked on your map at (x=2600, y=850). You'll have to be careful down here, as there are a fair number of traps. In the cavernous chamber immediately to the west are a variety spiders and Ettercaps. You should view Ettercaps as much more severe threats at this point. Swords Spiders can't really do much more than harass you, but Ettercaps can poison you, which is much more annoying. Work your way around to the south and Korgan will tell you that you're close to the tombs he's interested in. These tombs can be found by taking the area exit at (x=2700, y=3300), but we should finish off (AR0801) before we head to (AR0802). ***TRAPS*** (x=3550, y=1900) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 16) North from the exit to (AR0802) you'll find another exit. When you approach a Sword Spider, Phase Spider, and Wraith Spider will show up. Kill them and spell-buff before before you head to the ominous web-dome to the north (x=2400, y=1400). Pai'Na's Den (AR0804) o======================================================================o 17) Once you arrive you'll be bothered by a Dark Elf named Pai'Na in a place reminiscent of where you fought Centeol in the first game. She'll summon a host of weak little spiders to help her, which a Fireball will kill admirably. I hit her with Namarra's Silence 15' Radius ability and chop her down. Insect Plague also works well, and it's just as good at killing her Spiders as it is for stopping her spells. Have some Slow Poison spells ready, as her Spiders do some outright stupid poison damage. When Pai'Na dies she'll leave behind a Black Spider Figurine and a Quarterstaff. The spider summoned by the figurine isn't terribly strong, but having anything that can distract enemies is good. Loot her web for some more toys, namely the Pale Green Ioun Stone. It won't protect you from critical hits and it doesn't give you an Armor Class bonus, but it's still a nice item to put in your helmet slot. Put it on a character that struggles with Hit Points and THAC0, but otherwise has a good Armor Class. Also, since it does not protect you from critical

hits it should go on a more... secondary Fighter. Viconia stands out as the best choice for this item, but Jaheira is a good choice as well. In the latter instance she can pass off the Helm of Balduran to a stronger Fighter. The Scroll of Spell Immunity is also rather useful in certain situations. For example, if you know an enemy is going to try something sneaky like cast an Imprisonment spell you can use this spell to become immune to Abjuration spells, or if you know an enemy is going to hit you with death spells you can become immune to Necromancy. You can even prepare multiple instances of the spell to become immune to multiple schools of magic... In fact, this spell is the back-bone of my antiLich strategy, and is perhaps the best defensive spell against magic in the entire game. Paired with the Cloak of Mirroring, you can-for all intents and purposes-become immune to enemy spells... or at least all the ones that matter. ***ITEMS*** (x=600, y=380) Pale Green Ioun Stone, Scroll of Spider Spawn, Scroll of Spell Immunity Note from Lee: in my case, the Pale Green Ioun Stone goes on Edwin. My party is very well protected, due to having steal/sold over 300k worth of items to Gorch in Mae'Var's Guildhall and then purchasing all of the best weapons and armor available at this point in the game. Since Edwin cannot wear a helmet, and I don't want to lose the critical hit safety on the rest of the party, it's the best choice. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 18) Head back out to (AR0801) and continue west to find some more spiders, traps, and loot. You'll also find entrances to the outside, and to the north you'll find a door you can't open yet. As for the scroll of Horrid Wilting we'll find; Horrid Wilting is one of the best direct damage-dealing spells in the game for several reasons. Firstly, it simply out-powers spells like Fireball (10d6 versus 20d8). Secondly it's not fire damage, so fewer creatures are immune to its effects. And lastly, and most importantly, it won't affect party members. Since you can throw it into combat with impunity it'll become one of your most effective weapons... just as soon as you can cast 8th level spells. Save it for Imoen or Edwin to scribe later. You definitely don't want to have a character learn it who you won't play with, and being a multi-classed Mage, my main character isn't going to be able to cast it for a long, long time. When you're done looting head over to (AR0802). ***ITEMS*** (x=1100, y=3000) Scroll of Ray of Enfeeblement, Scroll of Minor Spell Deflection, Wooden Stake, Arrows x80, Throwing Axes x30, Bolts x80 (x=900, y=3570) Scroll of Abi Dalzim's Horrid Wilting, Gold Ring, Scroll of Color Spray, Scroll of Protection from Fire (x=420, y=3350) Bluestone Necklace ***TRAPS*** (x=1100, y=3000) (x=1150, y=3150) (x=900, y=3570) (x=750, y=3700) Southern Dungeons (AR0802) o======================================================================o 19) This room sucks. Ahead of you is a mosaic of a person's bust, on top of which are several traps. If you go forward too far you'll provoke an attack by assorted undead, the worst of which are Wights, which can cause level drain. I must say that I HATE level drain, it's just a pain

in the ass to cure, and it annoys me nearly as much as losing one of my characters. The best defense against it at this point in the game is ranged attacks and spells, as we do not yet have gear that grants us immunity-and Negative Plane Protection just has a laughably short duration. Failing that, rely on spell buffs like Blur and Mirror Image, but keep in mind that while Stoneskin might negate damage, it won't negate the level drain. I summon a Lesser Fire Elemental right on the mosaic's forehead, and summon Kitthix via the Black Spider Figurine near the statue to the south, each one will intercept a Wight while my party takes them out with Magic Missiles and missile fire. After the Wights die it's just a matter of clearing up the rest of the undead. There is also a Vampyre in the far corner which, while not as strong as a normal Vampire can still level drain, and three freaking levels a hit at that! So long as you don't go too far forward you shouldn't draw it into your fight while the Wights are still alive. Either take it out with your Fire Elemental or prepare for it with some spells, this is what we'll call our 'vampire Strategy.' Have a Cleric cast Chaotic Commands (a 5th level spell) and Negative Plane Protection (4th level) on a Fighter. I typically choose my main character, who can spell buff with additional magics. Then I engage with my main character while the rest of my party lets loose with magical ammunition. Note, this is also my strategy for dealing with Illithids, and once I obtain the Amulet of Power I can dispense with Negative Plane Protection when fighting leveldraining foes. The Fire Elemental trick works fine here, but keep in mind that it will probably be drained down to nothing on its own. Use it to draw the Vampyre in, but then send your party in to kill the Vampyre. My evil party summons Kitthix via the Black Spider Figurine, and my protagonist and Edwin shoot the Vampyre down with Magic Missiles, since my party is admittably weaker in traditional missile power than it should be. ***ITEMS*** (x=960, y=260) Pearl Necklace, Scroll of Protection from Electricity, Bullets +1 x40, Darts +1 x40, 100 gold ***TRAPS*** (x=820, y=490) (x=870, y=450) (x=900, y=530) (x=1050, y=650) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 20) Opposite where the Vampyre came from you'll find a secret door (x=900, y=800). Head through it to find some Mummies. Further down the hallway you'll find Shadows, a Shadow Fiend, and Wraiths. Thankfully, no Wights. Continue on until you come to a fork, one path leading east and another leading south. ***ITEMS*** (x=530, y=1300) Silver Necklace, Fire Agate Gem, Onyx Ring, Arrows +1 x40, 70 gold. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 21) To the east you'll find a trap in front of the sarcophagus at (x=820, y=1320). Disarm the trap and activate the sarcophagus to open it. A Skeleton Warrior will appear, which can then be lured back to the open area where you fought the Wraiths and easily dispatched. Search it for a Battle Axe +2 and the Spear +1, Halycon. ***TRAPS*** (x=820, y=1400) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 22) Continue further down the eastern tunnel to find a group of Mummies

and Ghasts. Fireball and Holy Smite work well to hinder them before engaging, just don't catch party members in them. You'll eventually find a Lich named Nevaziah if Edwin is in your party. Edwin demands the Nether Scroll, Nevaziah declines, and a battle ensues. Nevaziah, although a Lich of sorts, isn't nearly as dangerous as a true Lich. Get on top of him with your Fighters, Edwin for his part interrupts him as often as possible with Magic Missiles. A True Sight spell will keep most of his mischief at bay, or at least prevent him from getting respite via Shadow Door and protection with Mirror Image. When he falls Edwin will claim his Nether Scroll. He's not quite done with the Nether Scroll just yet, but it'll take him time to read and interprate it. Now Edwin is satisfied, go back to where the path split and head south. ***ITEMS*** (x=2070, y=1250) Dagger +1 (x=2100, y=1200) Silver Ring, Moonbar Gem, Wand of Fear, Scroll of Reflected Image, Bolts +1 x40 ***REWARD*** (For claiming the Nether Scroll) EXP 11750 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 23) Disarm the slew of traps on your way south until you come to an open room where a Mummy, declaring itself to be a student of Nevaziah, will attack the party for defiling the tomb and stealing the Book of Kaza. Unfortunately it seems Korgan's old buddies have beat us here, and Korgan is beside himself with rage. Search the tomb and leave. Korgan wants to go to Pimlico's and try to head off Shagbag and his crew. Onward, to the Temple District. ***ITEMS*** (x=1230, y=2130) Throwing Axe x10, Composite Long Bow, Arrows +1 x8 (x=870, y=2370) Potion of Defense, 110 gold ***TRAPS*** (x=300, y=1600) (x=450, y=1800) (x=700, y=2060) Temple District (AR0900) o======================================================================o 24) Pimlico's Estate is northeast of the Temple of Lathander (x=4200, y=1000). Go through the temple in order to avoid triggering the start of the Unseeing Eye quest... Not that it's really all that important, I just don't want to cover it now. Enter the Temple of Lathander (AR0902) at (x=2880, y=1500), and exit via the door at (x=1800, y=1500). Pimlico's Estate (AR0905) o======================================================================o 25) Pimlico is indeed dead when you arrive, although why Korgan's crew would kill their boss is a mystery (although people who would travel around with Korgan can't be very nice folk.) He suggests finding them at the Copper Coronet, where they are off celebrating. Loot Pimlico's Estate for some meager treasure and head off to the Slums District. ***ITEMS*** (x=550, y=250) (x=750, y=110) (x=450, y=420) (x=350, y=470) History of Tethyr, 2 gold Oil of Speed, 20 gold Tchazar Gem, 7 gold Potion of Extra Healing x2, Dart of Wounding x1

(x=220, y=550) Greenstone Ring, 134 gold ***TRAPS*** (x=220, y=550) ***REWARD*** (For discovering Pimlico's fate) EXP 8750 Slums District (AR0400) o======================================================================o 26) Go to the Copper Coronet and head up the stairs to the roof to find Shagbag (x=2020, y=1730) and company. Korgan and him will exchange pleasantries, after which cheeky hostility verily doth ensue. I hit them with two Silence 15' Radius (one from Namarra and one from Viconia) to ensure that their Cleric doesn't cause any trouble. I also summon Kitthix next to him, which will hopefully distract a few of them. Jaheira gets off an Insect Plague and the fight is well in hand. I loot Shagbag for a suit of Chain Mail, a Helmet, a Medium Shield, the Book of Kaza, a Short Sword, and 250 gold. Scrooloose has a suit of Chain Mail, a Helmet, a Medium Shield, a Short Sword, and 200 gold. The Cleric has a Quarter Staff and 49 gold, while the two Goons each have a suit of Chain Mail, a Helmet, a Medium Shield, a Short Sword, and 100 gold. Korgan is now yours to keep for as long as you want him. He will ask the party to go see to some business he is interested in with some fellow named Madeen in the Government District, but unless you flat-out deny him he'll stick around... even if you let time pass. Frankly at this point in the game I could care less about Madeen, and less about Korgan's image. Oh, and the Book of Kaza is simply something you can sell. ***REWARD*** (For locating Shagbag and his posse) EXP 5000 I now head over to a merchant and sell my accumulated wealth, bringing me over 30,000 gold. I can now buy most anything I want, but considering what's coming up next... it's time to get the Shield of Balduran from Diedre in the Adventurer's Mart. I also get the Bracers of Defense A.C. 3 more or less because it's the only other item I can afford. I put the Shield of Balduran on Jaheira, as her Strength is a useless 15, and she won't lose a thing by dropping down to 14. The Bracers go to my main character, of course. This brings his Armor Class down to an acceptable -2. If you're playing an evil party and you don't care to drop Korgan, Viconia, and/or Edwin off, by all means skip down to the Slave Lords quest. Otherwise, head over to the Copper Coronet. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 27) Before I drop anybody off it's time to let Edwin get done with his Nether Scroll business. Go and rest for a few days, at which point Edwin will exclaim that he has translated the Nether Scroll. He will get a good chunk of experience before letting you continue on. Note that in between resting be sure to check on your Thieves' Guild lest you lose it. Pursuing the Thieves' Guild quests is an alternative to just frittering away time resting. Note from Lee: It's best not to be in the Copper Coronet for Edwina's second encounter with Degardan. When I hit this encounter while in the bar, the entire place turned hostile and I literally had to kill everyone (including Bernard, after which I couldn't buy/sell shit there). I just go on with the next quest (Unseeing Eye) and deal with Edwina's problems when they

come up. ***REWARD*** (For Edwin translating the Nether Scroll) EXP 50000 (Edwin only) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 28) Rest another day and Edwin will discover a spell of transformation in the Nether Scroll, which he thinks is akin to the transformation of a Mage into a Lich. He of course, being an ambitious Red Wizard of Thay, has no qualms about becoming an undead monster if it means gaining eternal life and the powers of a Lich. Unfortunately Edwin's spell doesn't go quite to plan, and you end up with... Edwina. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 29) This next step takes some time, so sit back, rest up, and have fun watching your comrades taunt Edwin. To my knowledge Yoshimo is the first and only character to actually refer to Edwin as 'Edwina'. Eventually a Mage by the name of Degardan will show up and inquire about Edwin, who is apparently not in good standing back home. The surprises never end... Don't sell Edwin out or he'll turn hostile and there's no getting him back. Wait some more and Degardan will show up again, spotting Edwina for who she is. He'll dispel Edwin's unfortunate change of state, after which a fight ensues. Degardan is fairly rough, but if you have Breach and True Sight ready you'll be much better off. Degardan starts out with a Spell Trigger unleashing a Stoneskin and Protection from Magical Weapons. Again, you best friend is Insect Plague, along with True Sight to keep him honest. When Degardan dies he'll leave behind two Potions of Extra Healing, a Wand of Monster Summoning, a Scroll of Death Spell, a Small Shield +1, a Quarter Staff +2, and 73 gold. Now we're done with Edwin and Korgan for good. If you're following the guide to the letter it's time to switch off to the good party members and recruit Anomen and Keldorn and complete the Unseeing Eye quest. If you want to keep the party the way it is now or otherwise don't care to get Anomen and Keldorn either tackle the Unseeing Eye quest without them or skip ahead to the Astral Prison Quests [WLK012]. For an evil party, it's a great time to deal with the Copper Coronet quests we ignored earlier [WLK036]. With a good party, my destination is also the Copper Coronet-but to recruit Anomen, not to do any sort of questing therein. This involves leaving two of the following behind: Edwin, Korgan, or Viconia. The safe choices are Edwin and Korgan, as they won't mess up any romances you might have... but Edwin's spells will sorely be missed. In any event, if you're an evil party following along this need not be a permanent thing. The party should remain peaceful long enough to finish the Unseeing Eye quest, regardless of your composition. o======================================================================o | | | The Unseeing Eye Quest | | (Recruiting Anomen and Keldorn, Securing Keldorn) | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK009} 1) Anomen 2) The Wages of Faith is Stupidity 3) Oisig's Request 4) Soliciting Sir Sarles 5) Priestly Paternity 6) Ahh... Kobolds 7) Cloak of the Sewers 8) Roger the Fence 9) Roger's Troll Problem

10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) 31) 32)

Oozes, Slimes, and Jellies Keldorn Axing the Hatchetman The Old Tunnels The Gas Room Gaal's Request Looting the Cult Sassar's Request I Hate Level Drain, II The Lower Reaches Yuan-Ti Tunnel The Guardian's Riddles Guathicide and an Old Friend The Diseased Ones Empathetic Manifestation Tad's Secret Tunnel Ghoul Town Gauntlets of Dexterity Looting the Pit of the Faithless The Blind Priests End of the Unseeing Eye Destroying the Rift Device Collapse of the Cult

The Copper Coronet (AR0406) o======================================================================o 1) Anomen is at (x=1530, y=1660) and will ask you some really stupid questions when you talk to him... kinda reminds us of Ajantis in his naivete. Instead of "Halt! Be ye friend or foe?" We have this dork asking if we're brave and if we're on the side of good. Get him to join and give him some better armor, a shield, and one of the Maces +2 we stole a while back. It also might be a good idea to shift the Helm of Balduran to him, considering that his Dexterity is putrid. Now that we have Anomen, let's head over to the Temple District once more. Temple District (AR0900) o======================================================================o 2) Head southeast of the Temple of Lathander to find a man named Gaal (x=3250, y=1820) preaching to a group of below-average intellects who think invisible critters will make life better for them if they do unnatural and harmful things to themselves that otherwise make no sense and if anybody else asked them to undergo such hardships for a reward that may not be forth-coming they'd tell them to go... *ahem*... anyways, he'll try and convince people to join his cult. Dawn Master Kreel argues against Gaal with mixed success. One con-man doesn't like another huckster cutting in on his business it seems. After the conversation is over Gaal lures the foolish away and High Watcher Oisig will come to the party, saying he wishes to hire you as mercenaries in the service of Helm. The everseeing eye versus the unseeing eye? Now that's fun religion there. Eh, I'll bite. Head into the temple at (x=2050, y=1000). Note: If you're evil, Stormherald Nallabir will give you the quest, demanding that you serve as a vassal of Talos' wrath. If you're good High Mornmaster Arval will be the quest-giver. Temple of Helm (AR0901) o======================================================================o 3) Go inside the Temple of Helm to find High Watcher Oisig again (x=700, y=570). He'll ask you to put an end to this cult, as blindness is offensive to his vigilant god. He'll also tell you that they hide in

the sewers somewhere, and that a warrior named Keldorn is looking into things as well, and you should seek his aid. He's certainly right on that last statement. Sir Donalus (x=880, y=460) sells a variety of armor and shields, all of which are fairly nice. You can't steal them, and they're nothing you shouldn't already have stolen from Arnolinus, so don't bother. ***ITEMS*** (x=350, y=200) Helmet, Chain Mail, 2 gold (x=400, y=110) 1 gold (x=1220, y=770) 1 gold (x=1350, y=820) 1 gold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) Over at (x=700, y=700) you will find Guardian Telwyn, who will ask you to do a job. He wants you to recruit an artist by the name of Sir Sarles to create a work of art which will bring glory to Helm. Of course, it can't be too expensive, and Sarles is refusing to work in anything other than pure illithium, a very valuable substance. Sir Sarles can be found in the Government District at the Jysstev estate. It's just another little quest to do when we get around to it. Note that you can steal the Helm of Glory from Guardian Telwyn, if you're not a fan of delayed gratification. And really, why kid ourselves? Nobody is a fan of delayed gratification. It's a great choice for the party leader, with its Armor Class bonus and Charisma bonus. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) Head over to the sewers at (x=2550, y=2620). You'll find a prophet near the sewer who will spout nonsense about his non-god. You'll also see a woman named Miranda accost a priest of Talos named Talon Nirkhas until the 'daughter', Lanie, spills the beans. Oops. If you talk to her she'll accuse you as well. You can pay her 100 gold if you wish, but there's no real point to this encounter. Sewers (AR0701) o======================================================================o 6) Head southwest to where the path splits and deal with a Green Slime. There are tunnels leading northwest, south, and southwest. Now is a good time to get back into the practice of scouting ahead, so as to not run into dangerous encounters unprepared. To the northwest is a fight with a group of adventurers we don't want to have just yet, so spellbuff and head southwest. Be wary as you adventure around for groups of Kobolds. Like in Baldur's Gate 1 these little reptiles seem drawn to sewers, and while not dangerous on their own they can whittle down health and be annoying. The exception is with Kobold Shamans. For some reason my party is inclined to fail their saves against Hold Person spells, even though by my level the odds should favor me... <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 7) Ahead you'll find a group of Kobolds, including Kobold Commandos. More importantly you'll find a Raksasha standing in a depression, who has fair Hit Points, a good Armor Class, spell resistance, and immunity to non-magical weapons. For all that, however, he's really just a tank who'll cause trouble only if the spell-casting Kobolds nearby-the Witch Doctor and Shaman-get spells off. If you start the fight out with a Fireball and exterminate whatever Kobolds are left this allows you to focus on the Raksasha without fear of spells like Hold Person. Keep in mind that the enemies here have few answers to a creature who is immune to non-magical weapons, like say, a Fire Elemental? When the Raksasha dies it'll drop a Long Sword and the Cloak of the Sewers. This is one of those items that gives you a bonus to Armor Class regardless of whatever other magical protections you have on... needless to say, it's something you'll probably wear through the rest of the game. Give it to a front liner with a lower Armor Class, like Korgan or Anomen (or Keldorn, when

we get him!), or a secondary Fighter who can't wear heavy armor. One of the Kobolds will also drop a Short Sword +1. ***ITEMS*** (x=1230, y=1450) Scroll of Conjure Earth Elemental, 3 Gold, Dart of Wounding x20, Arros +2 x20, Bolts +2 x20, Bullets +2 x20 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 8) From the center of the level (where the Raksasha was) head south to find Roger the Fence (x=1690, y=2300) who will sell you stuff... and of course, he'll buy things, too, including stolen merchandise. He'll also tell you about a Sea Troll wandering about the sewers, and will pay you 500 gold to get rid of it. You can also buy (steal) a variety of potions from him, including a host of Potions of Giant Strength, Potions of Master Thievery, and potions of Magic Shielding and Magic Blocking. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 9) Go northwest until you find a Otyugh, which isn't too tough despite the fact it can disease and slow you. Nearby you'll also find Roger's Sea Troll. Beat it up and use a spell like Burning Hands, Melf's Acid Arrow, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Fireball, Flame Arrow, or something similar to deal the last blow when it falls after reaching the 'Near Death' status. If you stole a Sword of Flame you could use that, or some of those Arrows of Fire you got from the Kobold Commandos. Return to Roger to claim your reward. ***REWARD*** (For killing Roger's Sea Troll) EXP 9500 Gold 500 Note from Lee: In 6 times playing thru this game, I've only once found an Otyugh here. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 10) Head north from where you fought the Otyugh to find a chamber with an Ooze Mephit, Green Slimes, and an Ochre Jelly. All you really have to worry about here is the Stinking Cloud the Mephit will unleash at the beginning of the fight. Note from Lee: As above, I only found these foes here once. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 11) Continue north to find Keldorn, who promptly slays a Zombie and then addresses the party. Since the only reason we're here this early in the game is to recruit Keldorn, you might as well bring him along. If you are an evil party and don't care to recruit Keldorn, then by all means ignore him. I can't imagine why any good party wouldn't want a warrior of Keldorn's caliber on their side, however. He comes pretty well equipped with a Two Handed Sword +2 that deals 5 points of magic damage to an attacker every time Keldorn is hit and a special suit of Full Plate Armor +1 with Free Action. Note that when taking damage his sword emulates a Fireshield: Blue, which stupidly counts as casting a spell and can get you in trouble with the Cowled Wizards. Just something to keep in mind when you get to the surface. Anyways, with or without Keldorn work your way around to the east. It's time to confront the enemies northwest of where we entered. Ignore the secret door at (x=1100, y=500), as it leads us to where Haer'Dalis is kept. If you want him as part of your party, go to [WLK012]. As for me, I prefer to complete the Unseeing Eye quest and lock-in Keldorn, first. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 12) Scout ahead to find a group of adventurers consisting of the following folks: Rengaard-a Cleric, Gallchobhair-an elven archer,

Gaius-a Mage, Tarnor the Hatchetman-a dwarven Fighter, Draug Fea-another dwarven Fighter, and Zorl-another Cleric. As you can plainly see they're equal to any adventuring party you could cobble together, with plenty of fighting power and spells. What's worse is at this point in the game they're likely higher leveled and better equipped. So we'll just have to out-smart them. Head up to the group with one character to trigger Tarnor the Hatchetman to demand you pay 1000 gold to pass. Decline his generous offer and quickly run back to your party. If a few of the enemies followed you, spell buff and try to take them out piecemeal. More likely they'll bunch up to spell-buff, which suits me just fine. Creep forward with a hidden character to map their location. Watch out for Gaius, as he's easily the most dangerous character there. Not only can he cast high level spells, but he'll use True Sight if he even suspects an invisible or hidden character nearby. Once they are marked spell buff your party and cast as many area of effect spells at the edge of their group as you can (without bringing them into sight). Greater Command, Chaos, and Slow are all great-first strike spells. Failing that a Holy Smite will have to suffice. Unlike in Baldur's Gate 1, the enemy will not sit back and let you hit them with spells, so as soon as your first wave of spells go off the enemies still around will respond. Set your Fighters to intercept their Fighters while whatever spellcasters you have prepare a second round of spells, most importantly Jaheira casts Insect Plague, ideally hitting the spellcasters. This will, of course, prevent them from casting spells and possibly cause them to panic. With a little luck you can take out the dwarves and then focus on killing their spell casters. This is one of the first noticable fights in the game where the evil party excels. Edwin's spellcasting abilities allow me to pepper them with Chaos and Slow spells throughout the encounter. I simplly rush up to them, hit them with a pair of Chaos spells (from Edwin and my protagonist) and an Insect Plague. Then I rush Gaius, and when he falls, I work my way through the rest of the spell-casters. All the while, Edwin keeps the baddies pacified with Chaos and Slow spells, rendering them completely unable to respond in any meaningful way. When they die they'll leave behind the following loot: Draug Fea: Plate Mail +1, Helmet of Charm Protection, Small Shield +2, Wyvern's Tail +2, Gold Necklace and 192 gold. Gaius: Scroll of Warding Whip and 34 gold. Gallchobhair: Full Plate Mail, Arrows x40, Silver Necklace x2, Jade Ring, Composite Longbow and a Long Sword. Rengaard: Plate Mail, Laeral's Tear Necklace and a War Hammer. Tarnor the Hatchetman: Full Plate Mail +1, Small Shield +2, Elixir of Health, Gold Necklace, Hangard's Axe +2 and 119 gold. Zorl: Plate Mail, Large Shield, Skydrop Gem, Mace and 19 gold. Now that's a haul! The Full Plate Mail +1 can go on just about anybody... except Keldorn, who has better already. I put the Helmet of Charm Protection on Jaheira and if you kept Korgan, Hangard's Axe is a great ranged weapon. Most of the other items I can't find a use for, but they will at least get us a good hunk of gold. Anyhow, head over to the exit to the Old Tunnels (x=100, y=400). Note from Lee: I split up my party into three groups for this encounter, each consisting of a fighter-type and a spell caster; send one around and

approach from the west, another around and approach from the east, and the third straight up the middle from the south - this will prevent their area spells from affecting more than two characters at a time. It may take a try or two before you can get them all situated as close as possible without starting the encounter, but once you do, spell buff to the max and save. I normally initiate the encounter from the middle, but it really depends on where your strongest fighter is. At any rate, start the encounter and cast disabling spells from the sides (Chaos, etc) while casting a Fireball or similar high impact spell from the center. While this is going on, use your ranged weapons to start dealing out damage, even if it's minor. Once that round of spells is complete, repeat the process with a Breach or two to take down their defenses, and have Jaheira throw out an Insect Plague. After that, swap out ranged for melee weapons and let them come to you; they will have to split up, and they are much easier to defeat in smaller groups than all at once. Old Tunnels/Upper Reaches (AR0202) o======================================================================o 13) To the southwest is an Otyugh and a locked door (x=2770, y=500) which we can't open yet. So head down a tunnel to the southeast and kill a few Shadows. You'll come to a room with some alcoves, and southwest of this room is a chasm bridged by makeshift bridges with more Shadows inside. Disarm the trap and some Ettercaps will appear. Note from Lee: To the southwest, I normally encounter either a Carrion Crawler or an Otyugh at about (x=2760,y=650). After killing it, continue south to the window at the end of the passage to cause the two Shadows to come around and meet you in the hallway. This is a good time to use the hallway combat strategy - while they are moving thru the dungeon to get to you, you have plenty of time to arrange the party to put the three strongest fighters in front. They can usually take out both enemies by themselves, but a spell or two can't hurt. Either way, kill them both before heading back north and then east to continue this step in the Ettercap room. I use the doorway strategy here - get my strongest fighters in the doorway with ranged weapons backing them up, then run across, disable the trap, and run back to safety before the Ettercaps can catch my thief - the Ettercaps are easy for 2-3 fighters who only have to fight 1-2 at a time. Have a couple Antidotes ready for after the fight. ***TRAPS*** (x=3300, y=920) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 14) Continue southwest until you find a door (x=3100, y=1750) that leads to a room with a valve in the middle (x=2950, y=1920). Only take your Thief inside. As soon as you approach the center two Vampiric Mists will show up and a Cloudkill spell will trigger. Go pick the door out and lead the Vampiric Mists to the rest of your party where they can be smote in detail. These critters are pains in the ass, as they can drain levels from you. To make matters worse, while they'll start out fights in a fairly straight-forward manner, once they take a bit of damage, they'll go invisible and try and seek out the weakest, least-defended member of your party (for me this is typically Imoen/Edwin). They'll even try to do this if said party member is on the other side of the level, or even in another sub-area! What assholes. At this point in the game your best bet is to have them attack a character protected by Blur, Mirror Image, and Improved Invisibility, and hopefully they'll go down without managing to drain any levels. Shooting at them with enchanted missiles and popping out a few Magic Missile spells before they reach the party is also a good idea.

Note from Lee: If you have a spare Potion of Mastery Thievery handy, I recommend drinking it before sending your thief in. Once, I got stuck in here and Yoshimo couldn't pick the lock to get back out (useless idiot). Equipping a Restoration Scroll or two isn't a bad idea either, just in case. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 15) Continue southwest into a room where you'll find Gaal and a couple of his guards (x=2500, y=2170) from whom you'll learn that the Unseeing Eye is a Beholder. For the record, for all of you folks out there who don't know much about AD&D, a Beholder is a floating orb of a monster with numerous eye stalks that cast spells and a large central eye that negates magic. Some Beholders will intentionally blind their largest eye so they can learn to cast spells. Some even become Liches of a sort, which is just a mix of two types of bad. Such a thing might be strong, but it certainly is no god... Still, it's bad news. Ask to do a service for the Unseeing Eye and Gaal will tell you to go seek an artifact that the Unseeing Eye cannot locate himself. He'll give you a key to open a door back the way you came and tell you the artifact you're looking for is a part of a rod. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 16) Behind the door Gaal is near you'll find a huge pit surrounded by some rather organic looking walls. To the north you can see a cultist fail his ocular deprivation initiation. You'll also find Tad (x=1520, y=2020) over by the pit where the faithless are thrown. Other than that there's some looting to be done. When you've taken all there is to take, head back to the hallway leading to the sewers and travel southwest to find a door at (x=2770, y=500). Note from Lee: I usually just send in Yoshimo to loot the area - his PoMT should still be active from the previous encounter. After all, what's the point of dragging the entire party thru here if you really don't need to? ***ITEMS*** (x=2050, y=2200) Ziose Gem, Bullets +1 x40, Darts +1 x40 (x=1800, y=2350) Scroll of Protection from Normal Missiles, Scroll of Slow, 980 gold (x=1170, y=1670) Scroll of Animate Dead, Scroll of Cone of Cold, 130 gold (x=1300, y=1350) Arrows of Ice x40, Bolts of Biting x40, 73 gold (x=1520, y=1200) Scroll of Cloudkill (x=1700, y=1140) Arrows of Piercing x20, 57 gold (x=2050, y=1100) Moonstone Gem, Darts of Wounding x30, 109 gold (x=2200, y=1120) Scroll of Non-Detection, Andar Gem, Skydrop Gem, 24 gold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 17) Go through the door, down a trapped tunnel, and into another room to find a man named Sassar (x=2000, y=520). He and his fellows were former worshipers of the Unseeing Eye, but they left once they learned the depth of the Beholder's evil. He'll also tell you that the Beholder came here for the sole purpose of acquiring the artifact you've been sent to retrieve, with which it could wreak terrible destruction. If you were to retrieve the half of the rod the Beholder wants, however, you could use it to slay the Unseeing Eye. Once you find the missing half of the rod Sassar will tell you where the Unseeing Eye keeps its half, leaving our primary objective unchanged as of yet. Sassar will warn you not to tamper with the sarcophagus in the middle of the room (x=1700, y=500), and it's sound advice. We've no need to tangle with a Lich yet. To the northeast you'll find two more former cultists who have little to say

and two chests you can loot. ***ITEMS*** (x=2320, y=270) Bolts +2 x40, 26 gold (x=2100, y=220) Scroll of Lower Resistance, 1 gold ***TRAPS*** (x=2450, y=550) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 18) Head southwest to find a trapped tunnel with some Shadows and Wraiths lurking around. Yeah, more damned undead that can level drain. Just lead with your best Armor Class and try not to engage them all at once... if for no other reason than to prevent having to cast a Restoration. Go past a secret door (x=900, y=1100) that we can't open yet to find some stairs (x=100, y=1400). Into the breach, and all that rot. ***TRAPS*** (x=1200, y=1100) Lower Reaches (AR0204) o======================================================================o 19) Walk forward a ways to trigger an ambush by some Huge Spiders, which are sword-fodder by now. Keep heading north until you find a statue that 'appears to be screaming'. Disarm the trap to trigger a Wandering Horror and two Sword Spiders to pop up. The Wandering Horror can stun opponents and cause fear, as well as cast Death Fog, and really, the enemy strategy in this encounter is just a simple tactic that was common-place in the first game. The Wandering Horror disables a partymember (or several), and the Sword Spiders quickly pick off helpless victims. It can still work, although with a stronger Baldur's Gate 2 party it's much less likely to succeed. If you click on the statue around the lootable portion you'll get some pop-up text telling you that 'The mouth of this statue seems to be screaming', which will respawn this encounter. You can trigger this encounter a total of five times, if you want to grind for extra experience. Considering that the Wandering Horror gives 5000 EXP and the Sword Spiders each give you 2000 EXP, you can get 9000 EXP per encounter... or a total of 45000 EXP if you keep respawning it. It's a nice hunk of experience, especially early in the game. Once they're dead loot the statue for some scrolls and gems before heading to the east. ***ITEMS*** (x=1280, y=2500) Scroll of Vampiric Touch, Scroll of Hold Undead, Scroll of Enchanted Weapon, Scroll of Tenser's Transformation, Star Diopside Gem, Shandon Gem, Aquamarine Gem, Garnet Gem ***TRAPS*** (x=1280, y=2500) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 20) Continue down a passage to the southeast to find some Mutated Gibberlings, followed by a group of Yuan-Ti later on. Yuan-Ti aren't tough on their own, but they tend to come in groups including a Yuan-Ti Mage. Of these you only need to worry about the Mage, as it'll typically start out battles with a Stoneskin, and likes to pop on another Stoneskin when its Hit Points fall to 50%. It will also cast Chaos, which as we know from experience can win a fight by itself. They also employ Shadow Door if they are in trouble. This fight gives Keldorn a lot of opportunity to show his worth, as he can cast an awesomely powerful Dispel Magic (to counter the Chaos) and True Sight to negate

Shadow Door. There's not a lot the Yuan-Ti Mage can do that Keldorn can't simply counter. ***TRAPS*** (x=3100, y=2670) Note from Lee: I have run into Ghasts and Mummies here instead of the Yuan-Ti on a couple of occasions. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 21) Head eastward onto a structure, taking care to disarm the trapped first step. Activate the... uh... roof? (x=3300, y=2300) and you'll be forced to answer some riddles by a Guardian. "The bridge has fallen and ends in death. Call forth the name to summon the path. What is the bridge?" Answer: Life is my answer. "You are not alone on the bridge. Call forth the name to summon the path. It travels with you, and through it you travel, and yet it does leave you behind. Who is with you?" Answer: Time is my answer. "The Bridge is not stable, and the end changes place. Call for the name to summon the path. Choose the most difficult step on the bridge." Answer: The current one, for it alone is my choice. Once you answer the last riddle the bridge will mend itself and you'll be able to move onward. You'll also get some juicy quest experience. ***REWARD*** (For answering the guardian's riddles) EXP 42250 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 22) Go across the bridge with only the character bearing the Shield of Balduran. At this level you should be facing some Gauths, who are like Beholders but much weaker. They have the power to cast Lightning Bolts, Cause Serious Wounds, Slow, and Paralyze, all of which will be reflected back at them by the Shield of Balduran. You need only stand there and let them kill themselves. Thank them for playing and loot the coffer on the wall of the bridge structure to find your old friend, the War Hammer +2 'Ashideena'. How it got from Basillus, to you, to all the way down here, and back to you is probably quite a story. Regardless of the unlikelihood of this reunion, Viconia takes back her old weapon, even if just for a little while. You'll find some Shadows and Shadow Fiends along the path to the north, as well as a trap over a bridge spanning some water. ***ITEMS*** (x=3720, y=2470) War Hammer +2 'Ashideena', Scroll of Identify ***TRAPS*** (x=3400, y=1500) Note: If you're doing things out of order, you may here than is mentioned. Enemies level up with you, standard low-level encounter is a Gauth or two, if you may run afoul of several Beholders, as well as run into more trouble and while the you're a higher level Gauth. Still, with

the Shield of Balduran there's nothing they can do to you, but it's something to be wary of. Note from Lee: I end up having the Shadows and Shodow Fiends rush me almost every time before I ever get done with the Gauths. For this reason, I leave the rest of the party way behind (west of the raised platform) and draw them back to me, then kill them. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 23) Around this city over the water you'll find its inhabitants, morose 'diseased ones'. They speak of duty, and immortality, and of hating that which sustains them. The most important one is at (x=2430, y=930) who will pretty bluntly tell you everything. They were put here to guard something - what, why, and by whom they cannot remember, but they have apparently been too successful and guarded it for too long. So much so that they no longer care to guard their charge and hate the one who put them here and gave them the curse of immortality. Enter the temple behind him (x=2300, y=800). Ancient Temple (AR0203) o======================================================================o 24) Inside you'll find an Empathetic Manifestation (x=600, y=500), a demon created by the hate of the diseased ones outside. Since it's a creature born of malice and hate, it cannot be harmed in the conventional sense, as it only feeds off of such aggression. Instead, kill it by casting all the healing spells you can muster and an Avatar will appear. It will tell you that it is the remains of a god reduced in power, set to guard a device that is not as dangerous as it once had been. Over time the 'diseased ones', the followers of this god grew to hate their duty and their god, eventually the loss of faith caused this god to fade, and the demon to form, which simply compounded problems. Now to the part where this ties with our quest: The Avatar will tell you that those who sent you to seek this device intend to kill you, and that the Avatar would prefer to gain both pieces of the artifact so he can destroy it. Your job is to instill faith in his servants by telling them they are to be released, go steal the other half of the rod from the Unseeing Eye and use it to kill it, then bring the rod back to the faded god in order to destroy it. When you leave the chatty diseased one will question you about the device. He seems unimpressed, whatever you say. Head back up to sewers. ***ITEMS*** (x=270, y=170) Scroll of Skull Trap, Scroll of Cure Serious Wounds x2, Moonbar Gem, Black Opal <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 25) As you approach Sassar will tell you how to retrieve the second half of the rod, telling you to go speak to a friend in the cult and say 'the eye is blind'. You will then be shown how to get to the Beholder's lair without being slain by its minions. Note that if you do give the rod to Gaal he WILL turn on you. You'll then have to fight the cultists and the Unseeing Eye itself. While this is a fight that can be won, it's easier and more rewarding to go speak to Tad instead. Talk to him and say the password and he'll show you the secret passage to reach the cave at the back of the Beholder's lair. Exit the area at (x=1450, y=2100). Be ready, as you won't be coming back this way once you go down. ***REWARD*** (For giving Gaal the artifact) EXP 75000 Ghoul Town (AR0201)

o======================================================================o 26) Ignore the ominous dead bodies when you arrive and head northwest to find a group of Ghasts and Mummies, two creatures that shouldn't be too troublesome. Kill the Ghasts first. A Mummy's disease can harm you, but getting paralyzed can be deadly in a close encounter like this. Ahead of you will be a Zombie, who will run off to tell the 'mayor' about your presence. More Ghasts and Mummies will be on the bridge to the northeast. I suggest you lure them to more open ground rather than fight them in the natural bottleneck of the bridges, where a paralyzed character will quickly be overwhelmed. Once they're dead head into the cavern at (x=900, y=1100). ***ITEMS*** (x=1350, y=1610) 1 gold Undead City (AR0206) o======================================================================o 27 Across a bridge you'll encounter two Zombies and a Ghoul Lord. Lead with Keldorn, as he can't be paralyzed while he's in his basic armor. Over to the northeast you'll find Theshal, the 'mayor' of this undead city. He'll beg you to leave, as the smell of food drives them crazy. It doesn't matter what you ask him, the conversation will end with Theshal going berserk and attacking. Other than Theshal and the previously mentioned undead are Shadow Fiends, Skeleton Warriors, as well as more Ghoul Lords, Ghasts, and Mummies. So long as you don't lure them all to you at once, you should be fine. when Theshal dies he'll drop Skin of the Ghoul +4, which is excellent armor for Minsc, Yoshimo, or hell, even Viconia what with her low Strength and all. And best of all, it's free! Take that, Adventurer's Mart. Also loot the pile of bones over at (x=600, y=460) to find, among other things, the Gauntlets of Dexterity. Slap these on Keldorn or Korgan and they'll do wonders for their armor class. With an Armor Class of 0 Keldorn was taking a beating, but now that he's at -4 he's in much better shape to hold up the front line. Korgan was doing a little better, seeing as his Dexterity isn't quite as bad and he uses a shield. Overall this little area did wonders for our Armor Class. Leave this area and continue across some more bridges to the northeast. You'll encounter one last group of Ghasts and Mummies before you find the entrance to the Pit of the Faithless (x=2200, y=700). ***ITEMS*** (x=600, y=460) Gauntlets of Dexterity, Scroll of Dire Charm, 6 gold (x=1350, y=620) Scroll of Friends, Arrows of Fire x30, Bolts of Lightning x30 The Pit of the Faithless (AR0205) o======================================================================o 28) With the Shield of Balduran this level is extremely easy. Scout forward with a hidden character to mark the locations of the enemies and send Jaheira ahead by herself (or whoever has the Shield). Between her martial prowess and the Shield of Balduran she should have no trouble killing all the beasties on her own. Be sure to grab Dragon Bane +3, if for no other reason than the fact that it's a +3 weapon. Do NOT loot the Unseeing Eye's stash (x=3000, y=1500) until you're ready to face the critter (see Step #30). It will show up when you steal its half of the Rift Device... and we have another encounter to deal with, first. ***ITEMS*** (x=300, y=1000) Conjure Lesser Fire Elemental, Aquamarine Gem, Bolts +1 x40 (x=2000, y=300) Scroll of Protection from Acid, Zircon Gem, Iol Gem,

Dragon's Bane +3, Arrows +1 x40 (x=1800, y=330) Long Sword +1, Dart +1 x40 (x=2350, y=1110) Gold Ring, Throwing Axe x40, Throwing Dagger x40 (x=1300, y=2300) Scroll of Secret Word, Bloodstone Gem, Andar Gem, 326 gold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 29) Near (x=1720, y=1320) you'll find a group of Blind Priests. Needless to say that no matter how strong your Shield of Balduran bearer is, they don't want to be facing six Clerics. We'll use the same tactic against them we used on the adventurers in the sewer. Spell buff, then hit them will disabling magic, especially focusing on anti-magic spells such as Silence 15' Radius, although you can never go wrong with a Chaos spell. When they come after you, have Jaheira do her thing. An Insect Plague spell can just about win this fight on its own. After three Silence 15' Radiuses, a Slow, and an Insect Plague they go down without even scratching my party. How can blind people cast spells anyways? I wouldn't call this out normally... but don't we use Improved Invisibility (and similar spells) because it makes casters unable to target us with spells? You know... because they can't see us? Oh well... <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 30) When you're done looting and killing head over to the Unseeing Eye's stash (x=3000, y=1500) and search the pulsating organ to find the 'Rift Device Part', the second half of the artifact you're looking for. The two pieces will fuse together and you'll be prompted to equip it into a quick item slot immediately. I put it on Jaheira and go back down the tunnel. You'll find the Unseeing Eye, who will start the fight by spell-buffing itself with defensive magic. With the Shield of Balduran this isn't too tough of a fight, but with the Rift Device Jaheira is able to simply blast it once, bringing it to 'Near Death' status. The rest of the party moves up and quickly subdues the Beholder, which drops an Amulet of 5% Magic Resistance. Throw it on a character with crappy saves versus spells. It's a nice enough amulet for now, but it'll get eclipsed soon enough by better things. Exit the level at (x=1800, y=2100). ***ITEMS*** (x=3000, y=1500) Rift Device Part, 227 gold ***REWARD*** (For reassembling the Rift Device) EXP 26250 Item Rift Device <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 31) You'll surface back in the sewers just southwest of Sassar, head back down the stairs and travel back to the faded god's temple. Talk to the diseased one outside and tell him that you're here to destroy the device. He won't believe his trials are nearly over, and will decide he must see this for himself. The diseased ones will gather into the temple, where you can convince them to call out the name of their faded god. He'll appear and destroy the device, and the diseased ones will finally have their rest. You'll be rewarded with some experience and the Saving Grace +3, an excellent shield for Korgan or Anomen. The Unseeing Eye quest nears its completion... all that is left is to deal with Gaal and whatever followers remain loyal to their dead 'god'. ***REWARD*** (For returning the Rift Device to Amaunator's Avatar) EXP 47250 Item Saving Grace +3 Note from Lee:

This is when I get the Yuan-Ti party, heading up the path to the east on the way back to the temple. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 32) You'll find Gaal trying to keep his cult together. Largely failing in this he decides to take his frustrations out on you. Gaal himself can be problematic, but he fortunately decides to focus on offensive spells rather than disabling ones. Any defenses he can pop up are easy prey to Keldorn's Dispel Magic and True Sight. The real difficulties in this fight are due to his Elite Guards, who are plate-armored Fighters, and due to the location, which forces you to go from the gas chamber into a bottleneck. Still, spells like Chaos, Haste, Slow, and Insect Plague really do a lot of good here, the latter of which can win the fight in one casting. The Elite Guards will all drop suits of Plate Mail and plenty of Bolts. The Elite Guard Captain has a Heavy Crossbow of Accuracy and Bracers of Defense A.C. 7 in addition to his normal gear. Gaal will drop a Girdle of Fortitude, a Silver Necklace, and a Quarter Staff. The Girdle of Fortitude would have gone great on Shar-Teel, but as she's not in this game, Viconia will benefit from it almost as well. I don't know why it couldn't be a constant effect.. it doesn't affect game balance compared to, say, Gauntlets of Dexterity or Girdles of Giant Strength. Still, it can be used to bring a character's Hit Points up to snuff for eight hours, which is plenty of time. Keldorn accepts the Heavy Crossbow of Accuracy, as he's really the only one in any position to use it. Head back up to the surface and return to the Temple of Helm. Tell High Watcher Oisig about your triumph and claim your reward. If you are a Cleric you'll also be offered a position as one of Helm's priests... Of course, I believe your alignment also affects what temple will accept you. If you're Good you end up in the Temple of Lathander, if you're Evil you end up in the Temple of Talos, and if you're Neutral you'll get accepted into the Temple of Helm. I'll admit I'm not certain if completing the Unseeing Eye quest is enough to get accepted into the Temple of Talos or Lathander, you may also have to complete the quest involving Sir Sarles. If you want to play around with your new Cleric Guild, I'll include that section next. If not, or if you're not a Cleric, sell off loot and let's get ready to recruit Haer'Dalis. In any event Keldorn is yours. Keldorn will have some family issues that pop up when you head to the Government District, and Anomen will likewise have to deal with family troubles when enough time passes. We'll discuss those matters to finish up the next Sequence of Events [WLK010], even if they occur later. If you don't have Anomen or Keldorn, feel free to skip to [WLK011] for the Cleric Stronghold quests, or [WLK012] for the Astral Prison Quest. ***REWARD*** (For destroying the Cult of the Unseeing Eye) EXP 45740 (each character) Gold 8000 o======================================================================o | | | Honor and Family | | (Keldorn and Anomen's Family Quests) | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK010} 1) Keldorn the Cuckold 2) Rekindling the Love 3) Anomen's Family Trouble 4) Sins of the Father 5) Storming Saerk's Estate 6) Anomen's Revenge

7) Light of His Father's Eye 8) Anomen the Unworthy 9) Atonement for Two 10) Breaking the Chain 11) Bureaucracy is the Price we Pay for Impartiality... 12) Anomen the Knight 13) Maria's Murderer Unmasked 14) Anomen's Inner Demons Firecam Estate (AR1003) o======================================================================o 1) Head over to the Government District, where we can pick up the quest. First, however, if you have a party including Keldorn, you'll have to deal with him. Once you arrive he'll talk about his family living near here. Agree to go with him and head over to the house at (x=1550, y=1950). It's blatantly marked on your map as the Firecam Estate... you can't miss it. Keldorn will even tell you when he's near it. Once inside, Keldorn will have a chat with a maid before bringing out his wife and kids. Once Lady Maria starts talking, things start going downhill. Apparently Keldorn is a bit of a workaholic, and it hasn't been good for his marriage. His wife will tell him that she's been seeing a man by the name of Sir William of Thorpe. Keldorn will send his wife away and speak to you. Don't pick the option goading him to consult the courts, instead advise confronting William. If Keldorn goes to the courts, he'll tell you to meet him at the Radiant Heart building in the Temple District in three hours. His wife will be imprisoned and William will be hanged. But what's the fun in that? Instead, head over to Waukeen's Promenade. ***ITEMS*** (x=920, y=360) Bullet +1 x2 (x=850, y=450) 20 Gold (x=350, y=350) Pearl Necklace, Gold x35 Mithrest Inn (AR0704) o======================================================================o 2) Head over to (x=3020, y=420) to find the Mithrest Inn. Sir William is at (x=350, y=450). When you get close he and Keldorn will talk. Pick option #1 or #3 and head back to the Firecam estate and talk to Lady Maria. She'll talk with Keldorn and the two will apparently make up. At this point you really can't mess this up. You'll get an experience reward for whatever option you pick and-if you let Keldorn go, he'll be back at his house after a while, ready to be recruited. ***REWARD*** (For allowing Keldorn to return to his wife and family) EXP 15500 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 3) And since we're dealing with one party member's family problems, I'll include Anomen's here too... for organizational purposes, see? After traveling with Anomen for a while you'll be approached by a man named Terl, who will tell Anomen that his sister was murdered and he is requested home by his father. So, off we go to the Government District of Athkatla, where we'll find the Delryn Estate at (x=4300, y=2200). Delryn Estate (AR1001) o======================================================================o 4) Go talk to Cor Delryn at (x=600, y=240) with Anomen (he won't talk to other characters), and listen with bemusement as Cor and Anomen work together to air the Delryn family's dirty laundry. Of course Anomen's dad is an abusive drunk, you saw that coming. Everything about Anomen

just screams inadequacy and daddy issues... which is probably why he reacts so poorly to Keldorn's tendency to portray himself as a father figure for the rest of the party. Anyways, the drunkard blames some Calimshite named Saerk, who is obviously the traditional Delryn family nemesis. At least, of this generation. Cor blames Anomen for the death of Moira, after all, even though he proclaims himself the man of the house, the blame should fall on Anomen for not being omniscient and preventing Moira's murder. If only Anomen hadn't driven his mother to an early grave and caused his father to drink away all the family's prestige and wealth! How dare he go out and try and join the Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart! The shame... To further cinch his spot as father of the year, Cor demands that Anomen seek out and kill Saerk and his son as retribution. Stepping outside the law is surely going to impress the Order, but at least Anomen has the sense to speak with you about it. If Keldorn is around he'll argue that the law must be upheld, while pretty much everybody else will advocate a more direct and sure solution. For Anomen to coexist with Keldorn, you need to keep him on the straight and narrow, unless the Paladin's chastising finally gets under Anomen's skin. Anomen's already feisty enough, allowing him to fail his knighthood will make Keldorn unbearable and result in a broken good party... which we don't need. Still, for the sake of being a completionist, I'll include both paths, starting with the vengeful route (Steps #5-#9). The suggested good paths are described in Steps #10-#12. If you romanced Anomen and took the good path, the story continues in Steps #13-#14. ***ITEMS*** (x=450, y=400) 1 gold (x=350, y=450) Skydrop Gem (x=220, y=550) Flamedance Ring Estate of Saerk Farrahd (AR0505) o======================================================================o 5) Advocate Anomen to take revenge by picking options #1 or #3 and continue to convince him that his vows to the Order are less important than his family. He'll tell his father that he's going to kill Saerk, and Cor will conveniently procure a key which will gain us entry into the Estate of Saerk Farrahd, which can be found in the Bridge District at (x=2050, y=1850). Inside you'll have to fight you way through some Guards, who aren't much of a threat to anybody. Go through secret doors at (x=1000, y=1300) and (x=770, y=1200) to score some loot, and head to the northeast to penetrate deeper into the estate. ***ITEMS*** (x=1200, y=1380) 7 gold (x=1250, y=1400) Greenstone Ring, 1 gold (x=570, y=1170) 2 gold (x=450, y=1250) Sunstone Gem (x=220, y=1150) 6 gold (x=370, y=1050) History of the Dragon Coast, 7 gold (x=350, y=950) 4 gold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 6) When you head to the northeast a cutscene will occur where Anomen confronts the Farrahd family, including Saerk, his son Yusef, and his startled daughter Surayah. While Saerk won't admit to killing Moira, he certainly doesn't present himself favorably at all, and he's downright delighted that Anomen-the son of his enemy-has barged into his house and presented himself to be killed with justifiable self-defense. His son is no better, and the two practically drool over the opportunity to kill Anomen and hence grind their heel further into the defeated Cor. Anomen, however, jumps the gun and kills Surayah in revenge for Moira.

Keldorn is aghast and you lose two points of reputation, and of course, a fight ensues between your party and the surviving Farrahds. Saerk casts spells, and Guards are summoned from either side to present missile fire upon the party, but this fight can be entirely won by a simple Insect Plague. After being defeated, Yusef will teleport away, and you can easily mop up the rest of the Guards. Saerk Farrahd will leave behind a suit of Full Plate Mail, Bullets +1 x10, two Potions of Extra Healing, a Potion of Fire Giant Strength, a Scroll of Tenser's Transformation, a Morning Star +1, a Sling +1, and 455 gold. Surayah will also leave behind some trinkets, and one of the guards dropped me a Bastard Sword +1 and a suit of Plate Mail Armor. The rest of the Guards will, of course, drop some Arrows and low-quality loot. Before we go, we might as well loot the other half of the house. It's not like some burglary is going to really be bothersome after Anomen's slaying. ***ITEMS*** (x=2400, y=750) History of Tethyr, History of Waterdeep, Potion of Invisibility, Potion of Master Thievery x2 (x=1800, y=720) Elixir of Health x3, Antidote x4 (x=1540, y=400) 1 gold (x=1330, y=330) 4 gold (x=1700, y=400) Tiger Cowrie Shell Necklace (x=1670, y=570) Star Sapphire, Ruby Ring, 1250 gold (x=1800, y=500) Composite Long Bow, Long Bow, Short Bow, Arrows x40 (x=1850, y=450) War Hammer, Bastard Sword, Two Handed Sword, Flail +1 ***TRAPS*** (x=1670, y=570) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 7) After smiting Saerk and dealing a grievous blow to the Farrahd family for which Yusef has rightfully promised revenge, return to the Delryn Estate and report to Cor. Cor is proud of Anomen, for a change, for doing what Cor wasn't man enough to do himself and ending his rivalry with Saerk. The little fish always thrives in the absence of competition, eh? ***REWARD*** (For killing Saerk Farrahd and avenging Moira) EXP 10500 High Hall of the Radiant Heart (AR0903) o======================================================================o 8) After some time passes a Paladin named Sir Ryan Trawl will show up and greet Anomen. The time has come for him to return to the High Hall and be judged in Helm's light for his deeds and Strength of arms. If only it were just the latter, eh? Head over to the Temple District and enter the High Hall of the Radiant Heart (x=3300, y=3350) and watch a cutscene describing Anomen's judgment by the Order. It's... pretty harsh, but Anomen's actions only acknowledge the fact that he had no business being here. Anomen leaves in disgrace and you get a small experience reward. Outside Anomen will complain bitterly at his treatment, and even entertain the idea of returning to the High Hall to seek vengeance against those who judged him unworthy. How very knightly of him. If you encourage him to further wrong-doing, he'll leave the party and attack, blaming you for leading him down this path. Pick options #1, #2, and #1 to calm the broken shell of a man that was Anomen down, and convince him to continue with you. Keldorn will have two more banters if they're kept in the same party before Anomen decides to take his frustrations with the Order out on Keldorn. To denote his new change in outlook, Anomen's alignment shifts to Chaotic Neutral.

***REWARD*** (For watching Anomen's expulsion from the Order) EXP 5000 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 9) During the next few banters Anomen will struggle with his rejection and eventually come to the conclusion that he is now free of the Orderfree to indulge his vices. If your protagonist is female and you have been romancing Anomen, you will become his drug of choice. All is not well, however. Eventually, a messenger will come and give Anomen a note from his father, stating that two workers actually killed his sister. Cor continues to be a rat-bastard by thanking Anomen for killing Saerk and family, as it has been a great boon to business, but having a wanton murderer in the family might be bad for business. After being disowned, Anomen will leave the party, ominously saying that he's going to atone for himself, and his father. Head back to the Government District to find Anomen ready to confront-and kill-his father. Either let him continue with his murder-suicide, or talk him down. Afterwards, if he's still alive, he'll rejoin the party. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 10) On the other hand, if you are a good friend and convince Anomen to go down the path of good (options 2, 2, 2), he'll listen to reason and decide not to be petty and vengeful like his father wishes. After all, if she was really murdered, wouldn't somebody have investigated? He'll go inform his father of his decision, who will of course be angry. Angry enough, even to disown Anomen. Anomen bears it in stride, and suggests we go to the Council of Six building and talk with one Bylanna Ianulin, the magistrate who can get something done about this. While we're dealing with this, let's go see what Madeen and his master wants, and get our magic license see [WLK016], below, Steps 1-3. In this case, the good party's activities mesh well with our next goal of finding Valygar, but since you don't necessarily have to be good to be traveling around with Anomen (and hence, doing Anomen's family quest) we'll keep the two discreetly separate. ***REWARD*** (For guiding Anomen to uphold his vows to the Order) EXP 10500 Council of Six Building (AR1002) o======================================================================o 11) Make your way over to the Council of Six building (x=3150, y=900), inside of which you'll find Bylanna (x=530, y=600). The bureaucratic process is predictably frustrating, as there is no real evidence to link Saerk to the murders. Anomen swallows his pride and comforts himself with petty thoughts of post-life divine retribution for Saerk and decides to put all this mess behind him. ***REWARD*** (For attempting to go through the proper legal channels) EXP 7500 High Hall of the Radiant Heart (AR0903) o======================================================================o 12) Again, some time will pass and eventually Sir Ryan Trawl will come fetch Anomen to have his worth judged by the Prelate of the Order of the Most Radiant Heart. So head on over there. Since Anomen wasn't in the business of slaughtering innocent girls with this approach, he's accepted into the Order. Really though, one has to think how near a miss this was-a bit of bad advice from a traveling companion and he'd have been expelled... But I guess that's life, right? Talk to Sir Ryan

Trawl, who allows Anomen to continue traveling with you. Everybody wins, it seems. Anomen's alignment shifts to Lawful Good, his Wisdom increases from 12 to 16, and whatever friction was between him and Keldorn now fades. Apparently Keldorn doesn't rankle Anomen so much now that they're brothers in arms of the Order-instead of the shining example of all Anomen aspires to be-or failed to be, if you did this the bad way. Oh, and Anomen becomes 'Sir Anomen'. What a douche. Now most players can continue on with life and happily ignore Anomen, but if you are romancing him, the story has a few twists left, which I will detail in the following steps. Again, the following will only occur if you are romancing Anomen and he was knighted by the Order-meaning no vengeance. ***REWARD*** (For watching Anomen's knighthood) EXP 10000 EXP 50000 (Anomen) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 13) After some time passes, and your romance with Anomen becomes more... intimate... in nature, Anomen will be approached by Terl, the bearer of Anomen-related news in this game. Terl will pass on a note from Bylanna Ianulin, which Anomen will read aloud for our benefit. Apparently Saerk WAS responsible for hiring those who murdered Anomen's sister, and when Anomen's father found out he attempted-and failed-to take justice into his own hands. Now without any family whatsoever, Anomen decides his vows to the Order mean little, and paranoid that Saerk's wealth will prevent him from being brought to justice, feels compelled to rectify his earlier inaction by taking vengeance on Saerk. He will, of course, attempt to blame you for advising him to leave justice to the law, but with some apologizing he'll forgive you, and leave the party to be decidedly un-knightly. Estate of Saerk Farrahd (AR0505) o======================================================================o 14) So, head over to the Estate of Saerk Farrahd, in the Bridge District at (x=2050, y=1850). Inside, Anomen is apparently on steroids, as he will have dispatched all the guards in the place single-handedly, and at the moment is already confronting Saerk. After some dialogue, Anomen will notice you and question your intent. Tell him that you're here to stop him, then tell him either option #1 or #3. This will prompt him to doubt his current course of action, and contemplate his inner demons. Next pick option #1, or #2 to reassure him that you'll be by his side. Anomen will concede to do the right thing, then moralize Saerk, who will of course suddenly discover that he has a conscience. It's so predictable, it hurts, I know. You might as well loot the place before you go... especially all the Guards Anomen killed along the way. Good thing for Anomen the Order doesn't care that he murdered a dozen nameless Guards, so long as he left Saerk unmolested. o======================================================================o | | | Cleric Temple Quests | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK011} 1) A Note on Petitioners 2) Glinden the Cuckold 3) Ti'Vael the Dueler 4) Rania the Faithless 5) Cotirso the Malcontent

6) Peace of the Gods Note from Lee: I was given the Sir Sarles and Dawn Ring quests here (WLK037), before any of the Temple Quests started. While I didn't have some of the magical items needed to follow the guide exactly (most notably the Amulet of Power), I was more than powerful enough to complete these quests without sustaining any real damage (thanks again to having stole/sold stuff to Gorch and buying all the awesome weaponry). I also do the Copper Coronet quests here (WLK036) to get Bernard to sell better stuff. There's a lot of time to kill waiting for the Temple quests, and this is a great way to use the time. 1) No matter what temple you end up in, most of the quests run the same way. You've got to see petitioners and help them resolve their problems. Just like in real life, people can't help but go to ostentatious buildings dedicated to invisible beings to talk to folks who claim to hear these invisible beings in order to find guidance and advice. Unlike in real life, however, these gods grant spells and manifest themselves, so they might actually have some clout. Your job is to answer the petitioners that come to you in a way that best represents your deity Of these quests, the priest of Talos has it easiest. You always advise folks to kill or destroy. Priests of Talos will also be bothered by Inspector Ardis, as a legal response to the less-than-lawful responses you give to your petitioners. Dealing with him-and double-crossing the folks who came to you for advice-is definately the greedy, evil, chaotic, Talosy thing to do, and it nets you extra cash. Just head over to the government district after each petitioner carries out your advice to tell him about the crimes you advocated. If you're a priest of Helm, look for such giveaways as the words 'duty'. Priests of Lathander need to be on the lookout for the nicest path, promoting forgiveness, renewal, and reconciliation. You'll get your 'results' in every few days. You'll know you made the right choice if you get an experience reward for your answer, so save/loading is a fine way to get through this. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 2) Your first petitioner will be a merchant named Glinden, whose wife is cheating on him. As a neutral character I tell him to remind his wife of their vows. As an evil character I tell him to kill his wife and her lover, and as a good character I tell him to forgive his wife and let her come to her senses. In a few days return to the temple and you'll be updated on the results, and rewarded for a correct response. ***REWARD*** (For telling your petitioner to follow the will of your god) EXP 20000 Gold 200 (Talos only) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 3) Next you'll be visited by a Dwarf named Ti'Vael, who killed a man in a duel when he could have spared him. As a neutral character I tell him to turn himself in and let the courts decide. As an evil character I tell him to kill the witnesses, and when he returns, I kill him myself and turn him in for the reward. As a good character I suggest he pay restitution to the family for their loss. ***REWARD*** (For telling your petitioner to follow the will of your god) EXP 20000 Gold 500 (Talos only) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) A woman named Rania will approach and admit she's losing faith in

the church, and needs some reassurance. As a neutral character I helpfully remind her of her duty to the church, and as an evil character I simply attack her. As a good character I tell her that it's fine for her to take her time to think about it. Imagine that... by Bioware's standards, a Cleric telling somebody that doubt is fine is considered good, and killing a heretic is evil. Think about it, religious folks. Where does your religion stand? ***REWARD*** (For dealing with the heretic appropriately) EXP 20000 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) A man named Cotirso will approach, angry about your position and determined to win it from you with a duel. If you're good turn down the duel, if you're evil kill him. Neutral characters should deflect the duel until Byron can come, then duel Cotirso once formally challenged. ***REWARD*** (For dealing with the upstart appropriately) EXP 20000 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 6) Now you've a task to perform that has nothing to do with hearing whiny petitioners. The Talosites plan to attack the priests of Lathander. It's obvious what you must do if you're aligned with either of those two factions, but if you're neutral you must defend the priests of Lathander from the Talonites without allowing them to destroy each other. Once you've killed who needs to be killed you'll get a larger experience reward, and your temple quests are completed. ***REWARD*** (For settling the score) EXP 35000 Gold 1000 o======================================================================o | | | The Astral Prison Quest | | (Recruiting and Securing Haer'Dalis) | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK012} 1) Enroute in Athkatla III 2) Bridge District Blues 3) Five Flagons 4) The Playhouse 5) Raelis'Shai's Request 6) Durlag's... err... Mekrath's Tower! 7) Mekrath's Mission 8) Bad Imp! No Mirror! 9) Rescuing Haer'Dalis 10) Astral Abduction 11) The Astral Prison 12) Talking to Tagget 13) Astral Prison Chamber (AR0520) 14) Astral Prison Chamber (AR0521) 15) Thrashing Thralls 16) Astral Prison Chamber (AR0517) 17) The Master's Pet 18) The Master of Thralls 19) Astral Prison Chamber (AR0518) 20) Astral Prison Chamber (AR0519)

21) The Warden 22) Rescuing the Sigil Troupe Now we have access to Keldorn, Korgan, and Edwin, the 'core' allies who have quests that must be resolved before you can keep them. The other PCs I generally view as optional or less-than-ideal in some way. For most players, this should satisfy your need for party-making, as Anomen is a better Cleric than Aerie, Edwin is a better Mage, and Korgan and Keldorn make up the best recruitable warriors for the evil and good parties, respectively. Of course, if you need to fill another party space, or you'd prefer Valygar over Minsc, or you don't really care to go rescue Imoen, there are still plenty of things to do and characters to recruit. Haer'Dalis is the next I'd recruit, as this will also give us the peace of mind of completing another part of the sewers. I sell off all my accumulated wealth and with the money raised from the Unseeing Eye quest I buy Vhailor's Helm from Diedre. This allows me to pop out a second character once a day, a summon that will only get stronger as I do. If you don't care to buy this item, get another useful item... you can't go wrong with a Girdle of Hill Giant Strength. This will allow Jaheira to really take off as a Fighter, and will allow Viconia to wear heavier armor and shields. When you've purchased what you want, head over to the Bridge District (AR0500). If you want Keldorn and Anomen in your party, keep them around. Just like with Korgan and Edwin there are still mini-quests to do with them first. If anything it gives us incentive to delay going after Imoen until those are done. Enroute in Athkatla III (AR0046) o======================================================================o 1) On my way to the Bridge District I was attack by Slaves and several Orogs. one Slaver had some Arrows +1 and a Short Sword +1, but other wise there's not much reason to go looking for this encounter. Bridge District (AR0500) o======================================================================o 2) When you arrive you'll be bothered by Lieutenant Aegisfield, who will tell you that there is a murderer about preying on paupers. Skinning them alive in fact. He'll warn you not go looking for trouble, but will mention two witnesses, Old Rampah and Rose, which makes it just that much harder to stay out of trouble. It's a quest that... you guessed it, we can delay for later. Five Flagons Inn, Main Floor (AR5009) o======================================================================o 3) Head southwest until you find a door at (x=3190, y=2000), which leads to the Five Flagons. Inside you can find numerous patrons-most of which don't have anything interesting to say. Samuel Thunderburp (x=350, y=410) will chat about the affairs of the day-the war between the thieves guilds, the murderer on the bridge district, and about the Cowled Wizards' prison. Head down the stairs at (x=100, y=700). Five Flagons Inn, Basement (AR5010) o======================================================================o 4) Once downstairs you'll be bothered by a Receptionist, who will tell you the next show is about to start. Donate five gold for a ticket-or not-and head in to witness the Sigil Troupe's... er... lacking performance. Biff the Understudy bungles his lines (and really, how could somebody named Biff be expected to do anything right?) to the derision of the patrons. Raelis Shai will show up an apologize, and ask for any who know of those who are skilled in sword and adventure to ask such individuals to come speak to her. Swords? Adventure? Hey! That's us!

<----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) You can find Raelis Shai at (x=1320, y=250), near the rest of the actors. She'll tell you that their usual 'Rodrigo' the tiefling named Haer'Dalis, has been kidnapped by a Amnish wizard. Mekrath, by name, he can be reached through the sewers-the very same sewers we were just exploring while pursuing the Unseeing Eye quest. The best reward they can offer-besides encouraging you to pillage Mekrath's lair-is 300 gold, 600 if you bring back Haer'Dalis' gem. Head back to the Temple District and head back into the sewers. ***ITEMS*** (x=250, y=1100) (x=1450, y=170) (x=1650, y=320) (x=1770, y=715) (x=1730, y=830) 101 gold 34 gold 34 gold, Scroll of Protection from Energy Bloodstone Gem, Flamedance Ring Scroll of Ghost Armor, Scroll of Confusion, Scroll of Stoneskin

Mekrath's Lair (AR0705) o======================================================================o 6) You'll pass a secret door at (x=1100, y=500) that leads to a Secret Entrance (x=1200, y=150). Upstairs you'll find.. Durlag's Tower! Not really, but it sure looks like it, right? There are a bunch of Mephits to smite and in a room to the east you'll find a Salamander, an Ice Salamander, and a Yuan-Ti Mage. Of these three, you only need to worry about the Mage. Note from Lee: Lure the Salamanders out one at a time and deal with them in the main (half-circle) room. The Yuan-ti Mage will only follow you out as far as the first small room off the main room, but a Dispel Magic or two, along with a Greater Malison into that room will weaken him nicely. After he's sufficiently de-buffed, send in your Hasted fighters to... well... kill him. ***ITEMS*** (x=600, y=550) Scroll of Contingency (x=600, y=450) Scroll of Spell Deflection (x=1200, y=700) Chyrsoberyl Gem, Necklace of Form Stability, Gold Ring (x=1300, y=700) Silver Necklace, Gold Necklace, 89 gold (x=1450, y=550) Oil of Speed, Scroll of Carrion Summons, 400 gold (x=1400, y=140) Portal Gem, Harp of Discord, Laeral's Tear Necklace (x=600, y=800) Scroll of Ghoul Touch, 63 gold (x=500, y=770) Potion of Invulnerability, Potion of Stone Form, Potion of Genius, Scroll of Aganazzar's Scorcher (x=220, y=280) 17 gold (x=150, y=250) Potion of Mind Focusing, Potion of Genius, Wand of Cloudkill, Rod of Resurrection ***TRAPS*** (x=1200, y=700) (x=1300, y=700) (x=1450, y=550) (x=1250, y=200) (x=1400, y=140) (x=500, y=770) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 7) Up at (x=950, y=160) you'll find Haer'Dalis, who doesn't have much to say just yet. Mekrath is over at (x=200, y=350), and he's none too friendly. Pick options #1, #2, #2, and #1 to opt to go on a mission to recover a magic mirror from a wayward imp in exchange for Haer'Dalis.

Why turn down a quest, right? If you decide you don't want to be peaceful, Mekrath is easy to provoke. He'll start up with Stoneskin and Protection from Normal Weapons-which is pretty useless. Then he'll cast an Animate Dead followed by more protections, such as Mislead. He can cast some pretty powerful spells, including Finger of Death and Maze. Haste up your party and hit him with a Dispel Magic and get on top of him early to prevent him from causing you trouble. Use True Sight if you have it when he uses Mislead and Shadow Door. To this end, Keldorn makes this fight laughable, as his high-level Dispel Magic and True Sight are just too much for Mekrath. Given the nature of the narrow hallway, it's probably best to lead with a hasted melee character or two, and just make the rest of the party stand band and use ranged-preferably magical -weapons. When he falls, Mekrath will leave behind two Potions of Extra Healing, a Gold Necklace, a Mage Robe of Fire Resistance, a Quarter Staff +1, and 25 gold. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 8) Head back down to the sewers and head east then south to find the Imp (x=2520, y=2140), who thankfully isn't very talkative or friendly. It'll come with a Lesser Earth Elemental-which can only be hit by magical weapons. Kill it, and the Imp-which can cast a few minor spells, and grab 'Mekrath's Mirror' when it dies. Return it to Mekrath for some juicy experience. ***REWARD*** (For returning Mekrath's Mirror) EXP 18750 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 9) Once Mekrath is gone, or once he has his mirror back and teleports away Haer'Dalis will be freed and will speak with you. Accept him into your party if you wish, or turn him away. Either way, your goal now is to collect Haer'Dalis' gem from the alter at (x=1400, y=140), which is just as simple as going over and grabbing it. It's a wonder he couldn't do it himself, eh? Good thing though, as there's some loot worth keeping (and selling) along with it. Once you're done head back to the Bridge District. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 10) Find your favorite group of ill-bred thespians again in the Five Flagons. You can extract an extra 1200 gold from Raelis Shai if you hold out on her, but going for more will provoke a fight. If you just hand it over, you'll get the gold you previously agreed upon, as well as 700 gold and some experience. Haer'Dalis will explain what the Portal Gem is while Raelis Shai messes with the gem, eventually spilling that they're planning to move to another plane. During this process of finding a new stage, you'll be asked to fend off some unwelcome visitors that will come through the portals they're summoning up. Agree to help them and fight off two Quasits, a Lesser Fire Elemental, and a Shadow Fiend. Eventually a Bounty Hunter will show up and whisk your chums away. Looks like you're going to have to go through that ominous planar portal (x=900, y=450) and save them. Note that if you do not help them fend off the extra-planar invaders, you will not see what became of them, and there will be no portal for you to enter through. It might be a good idea to spell-buff before going through the portal. ***REWARD*** (For returning the Portal Gem to the Sigil Troupe) Gold 300 + 700 or 1200 EXP 21250 Astral Prison (AR0516) o======================================================================o 11) When you make it through the portal, a person named Aawill will

be yelling at a thrall named Tagget. Once you are noticed, Aawill will turn his attention onto you, and a fight ensues thereafter. Send a strong Fighter to occupy Aawill and his bounty hunters, while the rest of your party focuses their attention on the Yuan-ti behind the party, who is easily the most dangerous single opponent there. Take his spell defenses down as he raises him and kill him quickly. The rest are just melee Fighters, and no serious threat to you. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 12) Tagget will talk to you after the fight, telling you that the only way out of here is by killing a creature known as the Warden. Of course, it's not that simple, as the warden has a number of Thralls kept as slaves. Heading east and killing the Master of Thralls will free the thralls and make besting the Warden much easier. Loot the bodies-the powerful Yuan-ti to the west will drop a Cloak of the Shield, Bracers of Defense A.C. 8, a Scroll of Death Spell, a Scroll of Chain Lightning, Quarter Staff, 25 gold. The other Yuan-ti will drop a suit of Chain Mail Armor and a Wand of the Heavens. One of the humanoid Bounty Hunters will drop Studded Leather Armor, a Small Shield +1, Pixie Prick +3, and Boots of Speed. The other two humanoid Bounty Hunters each have a suit of Leather Armor +1, some Arrows of Fire and Arrows of Ice, a Long Bow, and a Long Sword. Finally Aawill leaves behind Melodic Chain +3, two Potions of Extra Healing, a Scroll of Tenser's Transformation, a Scroll of Flesh to Stone, and a Two-Handed Sword +1. Wow. First things first, the spell scrolls should be given to Edwin or saved for Imoen. The Boots of speed should go on a front-line Fighter-either Keldorn or Korgan. Since my Fighter/Mage is arguably the strongest character in the party when spell buffed and good at countering nearly every threat, they go to him in my game. I keep the Pixie Prick +3 on hand, since I'm short of +3 weapons, and the Melodic Chain +3.. well, if you're going to keep Haer'Dalis, having a suit of armor for him is a good start. He'll be wearing this for a long time, indeed. Astral Prison Chamber (AR0520) o======================================================================o 13) To the north are two pulsating flesh nodes that will transport characters to a chamber if they're caught by the opening diaphragm. Yeah. I'd suggest you go ahead and explore these when you find them just to get them out of the way, but the ones to the north (x=1550, y=1450) and (x=1500, y=1300) are close enough to the Warden that you could provoke some unwanted attention by exploring them. In the first one you'll find two Prison Captains and four Minotaurs, which are little more than an experience bank by now. One Prison Captain will drop a Two-Handed Sword +1 and Bracers of Defense A.C. 8, and the other will drop a Long Sword +1. Astral Prison Chamber (AR0521) o======================================================================o 14) In the second chamber (x=1500, y=1300) you'll find three Prison Captains, a Stone Golem, and a Clay Golem. Two of the Prison Captains will immediately start out with spell-buffs, and you need to get on them quick with an Insect Plague to make this go smoothly.. well, as smoothly as it can go. As we know from experience Clay Golems and Stone Golems require special attention that makes this precarious fight even more bothersome. Also consider that provoking the Warden is almost a certainty by going up here, which is something I can do without. When they die the Prison Captains will drop the following loot; a Ring of Protection +1, a Mace +1, a Long Sword +1, and a Wand of Fire. Nice, but not worth the trouble. Oh, and if you exit this chamber, and I'm sure you'll want to do eventually, you'll appear next to the Warden. The bad part is, once you kill the Warden you can't go visit these chambers anymore.

<----------------------------------------------------------------------> 15) So instead, let's head over to the east where you'll find a Thrall Leader who will talk only long enough to let you know you're in for a fight. Focus on the spell-caster in the back, as she's the only one who can cause you any real trouble, then kill the other two. They'll all drop Thrall Collars and the Thrall Leader will drop a Medium Shield +1. Ignore the 'brazier' (x=2500, y=1900) in the center of the room for now and continue east until you find a opening fleshy-valve in the center of the hallway east. ***ITEMS*** (x=2300, y=1800) Arrows of Biting x40, Arrows x160, Bolts x120, Bullets x120, Darts x80, 1 gold Astral Prison Chamber (AR0517) o======================================================================o 16) You can avoid these chambers by running across the fleshy part at the right time, but chances are somebody will get caught, and it's just better to take care of them-besides, we like experience and loot, don't we? I spell buff my Fighter/Mage and send him in alone-include a Chaotic Commands in addition to his normal buffs. Inside are some Githyanki, including one Gish, three Warriors, and a Knight. They'll all start out by hitting you with psionics, followed by going invisible before unleashing a second round of psionics. Getting knocked unconscious by the psionic attacks would not be a good thing, hence the Chaotic Commands. Once the two rounds of psionics is done, send in the rest of the party. The Knight and Warriors drop Plate Mail Armor and Two-Handed Swords (and possibly a Potion of Extra Healing), while the Gish will leave behind.. a bunch of Darts. ***ITEMS*** (x=300, y=400) Bullets x80, Bolt x80, Arrows x80, Darts x80, Throwing Daggers x40 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 17) Leave the chamber and continue east, where you'll find a Yuan-ti Mage, a Salamander, and an Ice Salamander. To the north there are two more troublesome Thralls and a Wyvern who will likely bother you while you attempt to kill the snake-bodied bastards. It's a good time as any to use an Insect Plague and hopefully neutralize one group or the other, just don't let either have the freedom to cast spells. Once they're dead loot the Female Thrall for a suit of Chain Mail Armor, Gauntlets of Weapon Skill, a Ring of Protection +1, a Medium Shield, Kundane +2, and a Thrall Collar. The Thrall will leave behind Bracers of Defense A.C. 8, a Wand of Lightning, a Potion of Extra Healing, and a Thrall Collar. Who do the Gauntlets go to? Well, Korgan/Keldorn has the Gauntlets of Dexterity, and Jaheira/Viconia has a Girdle of Hill Giant Strength, so just give them to the Fighter with highest (worst) THAC0 until there's better to be had. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 18) Now we turn northwest for a change, where the Master of Thralls will threaten us before summoning some Air Elementals. Be spell buffed and keep in mind that you need +2 or better weapons to hit the Air Elementals. As for the Master of Thralls, just be wary of his ability to paralyze you and his 'death gaze'. He didn't really cause me any trouble. When he dies, pick up the Staff of Air +2 and the Mastery Orb that he leaves behind. ***ITEMS*** (x=3000, y=950) Moonstone Gem, Dart of Stunning x40 Astral Prison Chamber (AR0518)

o======================================================================o 19) The Warden lies to the west-behind several more pulsating flesh-nod chambers. The first (x=2250, y=1100) contains four Wolfweres and a Greater Wolfwere. I'd suggest focusing on the Greater Wolfwere firsthe's not anywhere near as strong as the Loup Garou of Baldur's Gate 1, but he's still the toughest enemy in this area. Astral Prison Chamber (AR0519) o======================================================================o 20) The next chamber (x=1940, y=1020) contains three Efreeti, who can be pretty damn annoying. Another situation where my Fighter/Mage handles it himself-this time with the added benefit of a Protection from Fire spell. With that little number, there's just not much they can do, even though their Flame Arrow spells will strip you of Mirror Images rather quickly. Once dead, they might go into a Gaseous Form, during which time they're immune to damage. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 21) Now to deal with the Warden. Go down to the 'brazier' near the Githyanki chamber (x=2500, y=1900) and activate it to destroy the Orb. If you just rush in and take on the Warden, his pack consists of three Thralls, three Warden Thralls, a Salamander, an Ice Salamander, a Yuan-ti Mage, and of course, the Warden himself. Destroy the Mastery Orb, the Thralls will turn on the Warden, and making this fight much easier. Of course, if you have to fight all six of the Thralls, you've got some serious spell power to worry about. First thing to do is hit them all with a Dispel Magic, as the Warden and most of the Mages will put up defenses to make themselves annoying. Immediately afterwards, have Jaheira hit them with an Insect Plague. If the Thralls are already neutralized, it should only take one-targeting in the Yuan-ti Mage-to make this fight a cinch. If the Thralls are still hostile, it merely takes two to (hopefully) neutralize their magic. Have everybody run in and focus on the Warden, and use Keldorn to keep him honest-that and Breach-which will be your best friend for tearing down his spell buffs without dispelling the Insect Plague. The Warden likes to start out with Symbol, Stun, and he can also cast Horrid Wilting. After that, him and a few of his Thralls are fond of Finger of Death, which can make a reload mandatory by itself. It's highly recommended you destroy the Mastery Orb, although I'll be honest, the most challenging thing about this fight are the stupid flesh chambers. After they're dead Tagget will come and tell you the obvious. The Warden Thralls have Long Swords +1, and one of the Thralls (the Cleric) has a Warhammer +1. The Warden has three Star Sapphires, two Emeralds, the Wave Shaft (like the Equalizer, part of an artifact weapon), Adjatha the Drinker +2 (a worthy compliment for Namarra +2), the Planar Prison Cell Key, and 2577 gold. ***REWARD*** (For destroying the Mastery Orb) EXP 24750 ***REWARD*** (For defeating the Warden and freeing the Thralls) EXP 5000 ***ITEMS*** (x=1250, y=1150) Bolts of Lightning x40, Bullet +1 x40, Throwing Dagger x30, Throwing Axe x40, 1 gold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 22) Head over to the northwest, where Raelis Shai will thank you for saving them-and you'll get a hefty experience reward. Haer'Dalis will elect to stay behind and explore the Prime, and if you're a Bard Raelis'Shai will offer you the deed to the playhouse. Either way, you'll

appear back in the playhouse below the Five Flagons, where Haer'Dalis will offer to join you for good. The next section will cover the playhouse, if it interests you. I'll admit, I didn't spend as much time learning all the results as I should have. If you don't want to (or can't) do the Bard's quest, there's still plenty to do. We still can recruit Cernd, Mazzy, Nalia, and Valygar. Valygar and Mazzy require us to tread to the Umar Hills, Cernd requires us to tread all the way to Trademeet, and Nalia necessitates a visit to the De'Arnise Keep. Of course, if you want to keep your rural virginity intact for this game, we can still recruit one more character within city limits-Aerie [WLK015]. Before any of that, however, let's go off and grab one wonderful weapon that's now well within our ability to obtain-the katana Celestial Fury [WLK014]. ***REWARD*** (For freeing the Sigil Troupe from the Astral Prison) EXP 44000 (each character, including Haer'Dalis) o======================================================================o | | | Bardic Playhouse Quests | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK013} 1) New Ownership 2) The Lead Actress 3) More Actress Drama 4) Zaren's Improvisation 5) More Improvisation 6) The Turmish Curse 7) The Missing Score 8) Bothered by Barbarians 9) The Show Must Go On.. Or Not. Note from Lee: I try not to leave the city confines until all the various stronghold quests are complete, so I do the last part of [WLK037] here (the Fallen Paladin quest). It takes damn near forever for these stupid actors and directors to get this play going. Five Flagons Inn, Basement (AR5010) o======================================================================o 1) Samuel Thunderburp will show up and discuss the running of the playhouse with you, after which he'll send in Higgold, who will tell you that it'll take a week to get some actors, and six weeks for rehearsals, after which the playhouse will start making a profit. Keep in mind that this quest takes place over a long length of game-time. Every so often you'll get bothered by a runner who will tell you that something has come up and you're needed at the playhouse. Do other things between each event, or just rest repeatedly to pass the time. Once some time has passed a boy named Meck will bother you, telling you that Higgold has the actors. Keep in mind that your decisions do affect the quality of the play-a higher-quality play will net you a greater reward at the end of the quest. Essentially, all your decisions either have no effect on play-quality, a small effect (+1 or -1 to the global variable 'playquality') or a significant effect (+2 or -2 to 'playquality'). <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 2) Return to Higgold and he'll give you the first task right off-picking

a lead actress. There's also some mention of a curse on the play you're performing. Choose either Iltheia (a pompous but experienced elf) or Jenna (a naive and less experienced human actress.) Pick whomever you wish and then comes the hard part-funding the play. You can pay as little as 1000 gold, or as much as 10,000. The better the funds, the better the advertisement, props, and costumes, and generally the better reviews you'll get and the more money you'll receive later. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 3) After a while you'll get another visit from Meck calling you to visit the playhouse and deal with another crisis. If you made Iltheia the lead: Iltheia is complaining about her lack of recognition-basically, the pompous twat wants more money. Jenna just wants to see something done. You can pay Iltheia more (100 gold does nothing for the play's quality, 500 increases the play's quality, and refusing to pay her more decreases the play's quality), threaten to kick her out of the play (which decreases the play's quality), give the job to Jenna, instead (decreases the quality of the play) or tell the women to solve the problem themselves (which significantly decreases the quality of the play). If you made Jenna the lead: Iltheia is upstaging Jenna, and wants a bigger role. You can capitulate and let Iltheia have the lead (which increases the quality of the play), tell Iltheia to stop screwing around and just play her role as it was meant to be (which also increases wthe quality of the play), expand Ilthea's role (decreases the quality of the play), or tell them to fix it themselves (which significantly decreases the quality of the play). ***REWARD*** (For letting Iltheia expand her role) EXP 6750 ***REWARD*** (For threatening to fire Iltheia) EXP 6750 ***REWARD*** (For putting Iltheia/Jenna into the leading role) EXP 6750 ***REWARD*** (For promising to pay Iltheia more) EXP 11500 ***REWARD*** (For regulating Iltheia to her role) EXP 15750 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) A few days later you'll be summoned again. This time Zeran thinks he's too good to follow the script. Damn actors and their disobedience! Zeran will defend himself, saying he can make the play better. Either let him change the script (significantly improves the quality of the play), tell Higgold the rest of the actors will have to keep up with improvisation (slightly improves the quality of the play), or tell Zeran to cut it out (decreases the quality of the play). ***REWARD*** (Allow Zaren to improvise)



***REWARD*** (Allow Zaren to change the script) EXP 15750 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) Let some more time pass and Higgold will again send for you. This time ALL the actors are 'in a state'. Apparently they all have ideas on things to change with the script, and something needs to be done one way or another. If you tell them to trust in Zaren, and your Charisma is less than 17, you will decrease the quality of the play, If you tell them to trust in Zaren and your Charisma is 17 or greater, the quality of the play will increase. Same goes if you tell them there will be no changes-your Charisma determines the outcome. If you bribe them with 500 gold, you'll increase the quality of the play. If you rewrite the play yourself with a Charisma of less than 16, the quality of the play will decrease. If you rewrite the play with a Charisma of 16 or 17, the quality of the play will remain the same. If your Charisma is 18 or higher, you will increase the quality of the play by rewriting it yourself. Finally, if you threaten to fire everybody, the quality of the play will take a HUGE hit. ***REWARD*** (Pay the actors 500 gold to stop whining) EXP 11500 ***REWARD*** (Don't allow the changes, with a Charisma score of 17+) EXP 11500 ***REWARD*** (Allow the changes, with a Charisma score of 17+) EXP 11500 ***REWARD*** (Rewrite the play yourself) EXP 11500 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 6) Meck will bug you again after a while, and this time it sounds like something serious is taking place. Head back to Higgold and he'll tell you about some 'hauntings' and other strange events going on. He'll bring in Shvanana, a priest who'll promise to stave off the 'curse' for a mere 1000 gold. You can pay the 1000 gold for your actors' peace of mind (increases play quality), try and get the price lowered to 500 (if you have a Charisma score of 17 or higher, but this will not increase play quality), realize that you've got Clerics too (will not increase play quality), and just get them to do it, or you can tell Shvanana to shove off (which will significantly reduce the play's quality). Finally, if you legitimately do not have 1000 gold, you can tell Higgold you cannot afford Shavanna-if your Charisma is 18 or higher, you'll increase play-quality by doing this, if it's less than 18, you'll significantly reduce the play's quality this way. ***REWARD*** (Have less than 1000 gold, and a Charisma score of 18 or higher) EXP 11500 ***REWARD*** (Pay Shavanana) EXP 11500 <---------------------------------------------------------------------->

7) Again time will pass, and again you'll be summoned-this time something is wrong with the music. Again, you have options. You can get Balmitance to do it for 500 gold (which greatly improves the quality of the play), you can get Marcus to improve the music and get him to rewrite the score (which significantly decreases the quality of the play), or you can get Marcus to play and rewrite the score yourself. This last approach will save you some money, but your Intelligence will determine the outcome. If your Intelligence is less than 14, you will significantly reduce the quality of the play. If your Intelligence is 14 or 15, you will slightly reduce the quality of the play. If your Intelligence is 16 or 17, the quality of the play won't be harmed at all. If your Intelligence is 18, the quality of the play will slightly improve. If your Intelligence is above 18, the quality of the play will significantly improve. ***REWARD*** (Hire the harpist Balmitance) EXP 15500 ***REWARD*** (Rewrite the score yourself, with an Intelligence of 16 or 17) EXP 6500 ***REWARD*** (Rewrite the score yourself, with an Intelligence of 18) EXP 11500 ***REWARD*** (Rewrite the score yourself, with an Intelligence of 19+) EXP 15500 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 8) More time passes and Meck returns, this time claiming 'barbarians' have taken over the playhouse. This time you'll find Higgold outside of the playhouse (so resting in the Five Flagons won't work to advance this next plot point.) Head inside to confront the Turmish who are refusing to let the play take place. A fight ensues, but it's nothing spectacular. Kill them, and loot them for the following goodies: The Turmish Leader will leave behind Studded Leather Armor +2, a Two-Handed Sword +1, a Helmet, and 37 gold. The Turmish Thief drops a Short Sword +2, and Leather Armor +1, and a Light Crossbow, and a Scroll of Identify. The two Turmish Thugs will each cough up a suit of Studded Leather Armor, a Helmet, some Arrows, a Short Bow, a Bastard Sword, and some minor wealth. Finally the Turmish Sorceress leaves behind a Quarter Staff, Bracers of Defense A.C. 7, and 40 gold. ***REWARD*** (For removing the Turmish barbarians) EXP 15500 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 9) Wait for a day, then return to the playhouse at Meck's request to go see the dress rehearsal. Watch the monster you've created, then go waste another week doing.. whatever. What are the odds that things won't go smoothly, do you think? After a while Meck will return, and Higgold tells you that some councilman is there, and that Zaren is too ill to perform-you'll have to fill his shoes. If you cancel, your playhouse is as good as wasted (Samuel Thunderburp will pay you 5000 gold to compensate you for the playhouse). I'll assume you'll play the part, however, as it's much more lucrative for you to do so. Best dialogue responses Scene #1 (with Karenina): #2, #1, #1

Scene #2 (with Karenina): #1, #2 Scene #3 (with Marcus): #1, #2, #1, #2 Scene #4 (Monologue): #1 First, you'll get an experience reward depending upon your performance in the play: ***REWARD*** (For refusing to perform) Gold 5000 ---OR--***REWARD*** (For putting on a poor performance of the Turmish play) EXP 19500 ---OR--***REWARD*** (For putting on a good performance of the Turmish play) EXP 35500 ---OR--***REWARD*** (For putting on a great performance of the Turmish play) EXP 49500 ITEM Azlaer's Harp Then you'll get another reward depending upon the quality of the play, itself. This depends upon the choices you made throughout the quest. (These are all the choices that seemed 'bad' to me.) Leading Actress: Iltheia Funding: Nothing Jenna vs. Iltheia Nothing Improvisation: Don't allow any changes Script Change: Call their bluff on walking out Curse: Nothing Music: Marcus performs and rewrites score (These are all the choices that seemed 'good' to me. When all else failed, I simply followed the experience point rewards. After all, getting more experience for a course of action has to mean something good, right?) Leading Actress: Funding: Jenna vs. Iltheia Improvisation: Script Change: Curse: Music: Jenna 10,000 gold Force Iltheia to stick to her role Allowed Zaren to change the script Rewrite the script myself (w/high Charisma) Hire Shvanana for 1000 gold Rewrite the score myself (w/high Intelligence)

***REWARD*** (For establishing an average playhouse) EXP 19500 Gold 1000

---OR--***REWARD*** (For establishing a good playhouse) EXP 29500 ---OR--***REWARD*** (For establishing a great playhouse) EXP 50000 Finally, after completing the play, you'll get crowd feedback-one moron peasant always likes it, and the other three following the first will have varied reactions. For all that, however, this can only really end two ways. Either the play goes on, or it doesn't. Typically the play only flops if you had a very poor play quality, or if your protagonist refused to act at all on opening night. If that's the case, you'll get 5000 gold as consolation from Samuel Thunderburp. If the play goes on, no matter the quality, Higgold will offer to buy the playhouse off of you for 10,000 gold. If you accept, you'll get a lump sum and get to go on with your merry life. If you refuse, you'll get weekly proceeds from the playhouse, like the De'Arnise Keep. o======================================================================o | | | Obtaining Celestial Fury | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK014} 1) Glabrezu and Friends 2) Obtaining Celestial Fury Guarded Compound (AR0906) o======================================================================o 1) Go to the Temple District and head over to the 'Guarded Compound' to the east (x=4200, y=2100). Spell-buff before you head in, and make sure you have some +2 weapons at the ready. Inside you'll be welcomed by Sion and Ketta, who will discuss how they will endeavor in the future to better ward the door. Either pick a fight or pretend you came here by accident, either way they'll teleport away. If you go northeast towards the stairs some enemies will gate in, including an Efreeti, two Ettercaps, an Ogre Berserker, an a Nishruu on one side, and a Glabrezu on the other. The Glabrezu and Efreeti are the two somewhat worrisome enemies, and the two sides will happily attack the other. The Glabrezu's victory is a foregone conclusion, since none of the other enemies have the +2 weapons needed to harm the Glabrezu. Trigger their appearance then retreat, allowing the Efreeti to cast its Fireball and Flame Strike on the Glabrezu before hitting it with a Dispel Magic or Breach and stepping in to put them down. If you're in good condition, continue upstairs. If you're injured or your spellbuffs have worn off, retreat and recover before continuing to the upper level (x=1000, y=500). ***ITEMS*** (x=550, y=950) Acid Arrows x4 (x=450, y=1000) Bloodstone Gem, 15 gold (x=400, y=1050) Morning Star +2, 38 gold (x=300, y=1100) Moonstone Gem (x=200, y=1150) Iol Gem, 8 gold (x=150, y=1200) Bloodstone Ring

(x=750, y=1250) (x=730, y=1250) (x=670, y=1300) (x=620, y=1500) (x=1650, y=620) (x=1650, y=200) ***TRAPS*** (x=400, y=1050)

Scroll of Mislead Andar Gem 1 gold Silver Necklace 15 gold 38 gold

Guarded Compound, Upstairs (AR0907) o======================================================================o 2) Upstairs you'll find a rough party consisting of Sion, a Mage, Stalman, a Cleric, Koshi, a kensai (Fighter), Olaf Rassmusen, an Orog, Maferan, a Minotaur, and Ketta, a Thief. They've got a well-balanced party, they'll start out with some spell buffs (particularly Stalman), and they will use potions to beef themselves up before combat. Ketta begins hidden, and will use Potions of Invisibility to hide with the sole goal of hitting you with as many backstabs as she can. On top of that you've got traps near the stairs that will keep you from advancing. Turn off your party AI if it's on, as this fight requires some micromanagement. I send Keldorn up by the pillar and hit them all with a pre-emptive Dispel Magic just to frustrate their early efforts. My main character (and/or Edwin) follow up with Greater Malison, while Anomen/Viconia cast Greater Command. Jaheira immediately begins casting Insect Plague and Yoshimo beings searching for traps. After the first round of spells go off, Jaheira lets loose with a second Insect Plague if anybody is up, and Edwin/protagonist use Chaos to further soften any potential resistance. Once they're afflicted, Breach takes down spell effects and I focus on taking out Sion first, then Stalman. If those two go down, there's a very good chance you'll win this fight. It also won't hurt to cast a Slow spell to inhibit their Fighters, as they're all fairly capable of hitting a -5 Armor Class at will, and Koshi can stun you with a hit, which can be a death sentence. When they fall, loot them to reap the following rewards: Ketta: Leather Armor +3, Short Sword +2, Potion of Invisibility and 140 gold. Koshi: Celestial Fury, Katana +1, Potion of Extra Healing x2, Speed, Helmet and 120 gold. Oil of

Meferan: Full Plate Mail +1, Helmet of Defense, Large Shield +2, Battle Axe +2 and Potion of Extra Healing x3. Olaf Rassmusen: Full Plate Mail +1, Helmet of Charm Protection, Two-Handed Sword +2 and Potion of Extra Healing x3. Sion: Adventurer's Robe and 75 gold. Stalman: Plate Mail +1, Mace +2 and 20 gold. For the second time in the game we've disposed of a rival group and gained-in one battle-loot comparable to what we found in the entire first game. With the two suits of Full Plate Mail +1, everybody in your party wanting for good magical heavy armor should be satisfied, and the Large Shield +2 is sure to help a bunch, not to mention the two magical helmets. For all that, however, the real prize is Celestial Fury, a +3 Katana with a chance to stun enemies and a chance to deal 20 extra lightning damage A katana-wielding character is now set for a long, long time. Jaheira (in the good party) or Viconia (in the evil party)

wears the Helmet of Defense. They both have decent Armor Class, but the bonus to their saving throws is a welcome boost for characters that I rely on to reverse debuffs on my other party members. Of course, the resistances don't hurt, either. In any case, I prefer the protection from critical hits and other bonuses given by the Helmet of Defense to the Hit Points and THAC0 bonus given by the Pale Green Ioun Stone, which goes to Haer'Dalis, Edwin, or some other character who can't wear a helmet and needs some protection. Don't be afraid to rob the place now that you've overcome its owners. ***ITEMS*** (x=1330, y=350) (x=1530, y=400) (x=1700, y=400) (x=1670, y=570) (x=1800, y=500) (x=1850, y=450) (x=2350, y=700) (x=2400, y=750) Bullet +1 x8 56 gold 9 gold Wand of Fear, Arrows of Fire x4, 666 gold Potion of Insight, Spear +3 Spear +3 History of the North, History of the North, 4 gold History of the Vast, History of the Unicorn Run, History of the North, Skydrop Gem (x=1250, y=1400) Sling +2, Bullets +2 x10 (x=1200, y=1370) Last March of the Giant, History of the Moonsea (x=570, y=1170) Wand of Paralyzation, Arrows +1 x9, Arrows of Piercing x8 (x=450, y=1250) Asp's Nest x7, Bolt +2 x10, Bolt of Lightning x20 (x=220, y=1150) Wand of Frost, Dart of Wounding x10 (x=370, y=1050) Scroll of Shocking Grasp, 2 gold ***TRAPS*** (x=1100, y=540) (x=1000, y=590) (x=680, y=800) (x=600, y=890) (x=1850, y=450) (x=570, y=1170) (x=450, y=1250) (x=220, y=1150) o======================================================================o | | | The Circus Tent Quest | | (Recruiting Aerie) | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK015} 1) There's Something Foul Afoot... 2) Genie Riddles 3) Into the Circus Tent 4) Aerie the Ogre 5) Aerie the Elf 6) Werewolves and Shadows 7) Kalah's Chamber 8) Back to Reality Waukeen's Promenade (AR0700) o======================================================================o 1) Head over to Waukeen's Promenade and make your way to the Circus Tent area in the center of the map. At (x=2800, y=1550) you'll find a young boy named Giran, who will complain that his mother went inside the tent and never came out. What kind of mother leaves her son behind to go see a circus act? Talk to the guard by the entrance to the circus tent

(x=2970, y=1570) and he'll tell you that something bad happened in the tent-and he'll suggest evil magic is involved. Nobody has come out save one of the animal trainers, and nobody sent in after the disturbance has returned. Ask for permission to enter and he'll move out of the way sure enough. Over at (x=2700, y=1920) you'll find Fearghus, whom-as the first half of his name suggests-is terrified of what happened in the circus tent. His story seems to confirm some bad magic as the cause, and some 'special performance' as a possible catalyst. Head into the tent at (x=2950, y=1500). Circus Tent, Exterior (AR0600) o======================================================================o 2) As soon as you enter a Genie will bother you with some riddles. Haven't we done this before? Anyways, answer the riddles so that you can cross the bridge and see some 'Kalah' creature, which apparently you need/want to do. Or so the Genie assumes. "A princess is as old as the prince will be when the princess is twice as old as the prince was when the princess' age was half the sum of their present age. Which of the following, then, could be true?" Answer: The prince is 30 and the princess is 40. If you answer the first riddle correctly you'll get a decent experience reward. If not, the nice Genie will give you a second, less mathintensive riddle. "The poorest have it, the richest need it, but if either was to eat it they would certainly perish. Tell me what it is!" Answer: Nothing. If you bomb both tries the Genie will turn hostile and attack, immediately starting out with Stoneskin and various other defensive spells. Offensively, he's fond of turning a character to stone before attacking in melee. Still, it's more rewarding (and safer) to just answer the Genie's riddle. ***REWARD*** (For answering the Genie's riddle) EXP 19500 (first riddle) or 14500 (second riddle) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 3) You can now cross the bridge and enter a large domed structure (x=1300, y=1500). If you head around the sides of the building you'll find some Shadows and Werewolves. You won't get any experience for killing the latter, and when they die you'll get some 'illusion dispelled' text, and they'll turn back into people. All things considered, it might not be worth it to kill them. Circus Tent (AR0604) o======================================================================o 4) When you arrive on this level you'll be approached by an Ogre named Aerie. Being the super-sleuth that you all are, I'm sure by now you realize Aerie isn't really an Ogre. She claims to be a member of a race of winged elves who works at the circus with her uncle, Quayle. It couldn't possibly be... nah... anyways, she tells you that somehow Kalah has created this place, affecting everybody with illusions-deadly illusions. She'll ask you to free her, which involves getting a sword that's a key from some commoners who aren't common. Over at (x=250, y=500) you can find a 'spider', who turns out to be Hannah, Giran's mother. She'll give you a bit of information for talking to her.

<----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) Up at (x=750, y=280) you'll find a pair of 'Peasants' who'll attack you. As you strike them they'll turn into 'Orcs'. Kill them and take 'The Ogre's Sword' off of one of them. Take the 'sword' back to Aerie and give it to her (refusing to give it to her provokes her into attacking.) Give her the key and free her, however, and you'll get a reward, as well as a new party member, if you're so inclined. Aerie's one of the worst Mages in the game-certainly below Edwin, Imoen, and Nalia, and she won't get along with Korgan. Anyways, continue on past a 'Pleasure Slave' who has little interesting to say, and enter the next area at (x=1050, y=400). ***REWARD*** (For restoring Aerie to her true form) EXP 18500 Circus Tent, Tower (AR0605) o======================================================================o 6) This level is fairly uninteresting, being populated by some Shadows and Werewolves. There are two vases to loot, but frankly, it might be best to head up to the next level and leave the illusions at peace. As you ascend the stairs a Genie will bother you and simply annoy you by asking if you wish to proceed. ***ITEMS*** (x=930, y=400) Scroll of Protection from Petrification, Scroll of Dispel Magic (x=830, y=350) Scroll of Web Circus Tent, Kalah's Chambers (AR0606) o======================================================================o 7) At the top of the tower you'll find Kalah, who starts out the conversation fairly threateningly. Quayle (the Ooze in the corner) will talk to you and tell you not to acknowledge the illusions by attacking them, or they'll become quite real to you. Simple enough, Haste up and rush Kalah, who dies extraordinarily quickly (I swear, 47 Hit Points of damage was all he could take, which was just two hits from my main character.) After Kalah dies you'll be whisked away to the inside of a rather normal-looking circus tent. Circus Tent (AR0607) o======================================================================o 8) Kalah, now forced back into his real form of a rather pathetic Gnome illusionist, tosses out a few insults and whines a bit before dying. Aerie and Quayle talk a bit before Quayle decides Aerie needs to experience life outside of the circus. Take Aerie with you-or not (she'll remain here for you if you decline)-and loot Kalah's corpse for a Girdle of Piercing (great for characters like Korgan or Keldorn who come under missile fire a lot and don't have a shield to protect them), a Ring of Human Influence (makes any character fit to lead the party, pretty-wise), 20 Bullets, a Garnet, a Flail, a Scroll of Identify, a Scroll of Infravision, a Scroll of Magic Missile, a Scroll of Stinking Cloud, a Scroll of Stoneskin, a Sling, and 724 gold. Talk to Hannah (x=100, y=300) and she'll thank you and you'll get a downright meager experience reward. Go outside and talk to Giran and you'll get the rest of the reward... which still isn't very much. Ah well, at least now we have Aerie at our disposal. For me, I take this literally and leave her behind. Anyways, now it's time to leave Athkatla in search of new party members. At this time I set my eyes on recruiting Valygar, which also includes taking care of the Planar Sphere... and marginally exploring the Umar Hills dungeons to dig out Mazzy. This means heading over to

the Government District, and after all this adventuring we'll probably have to deal with Keldorn's family crisis. If so, consult [WLK010]. ***REWARD*** (For rescuing Giran's mother from the circus tent) EXP 500 + 2500 o======================================================================o | | | The Planar Sphere Quest | | (Recruiting and Securing Valygar) | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK016} 1) Madeen's Message 2) Magic License 3) Tolgerias' Request 4) Valygar's House 5) Another Call for Heroes 6) A Note on Over-World Travel 7) Trouble in Umar Hills 8) Finding the Fugitive 9) Valygar's Cabin 10) Into the Sphere 11) The Golem's Arm 12) Solamnic Knights 13) Sahuagin Room 14) Cannibalistic Halflings 15) Golem Room 16) Furnace Room 17) Finishing the Golem 18) Subduing Lavok 19) Garden Room 20) Lizard Man Room 21) The Lower Planes 22) The Rune Room 23) Tolgerias' Reckoning 24) Fire Room 25) Ice Room 26) Engine Room 27) Returning Home Government District (AR1000) o======================================================================o 1) Now head over to the Government District, where stupid cuckold Paladins will no longer bother us with their marital problems. Over by the Council of Six building you'll find Madeen, who will tell you that he's a representative of one of the leaders of the Cowled Wizards. Sounds like just the guy we need to talk to about this Imoen thing! Agree to meet with his master, a wizard named Tolgerias, and head inside the aforementioned Council of Six building (x=3150, y=900). Council of Six Building (AR1002) o======================================================================o 2) There are lots of people here to talk to, although only two have anything worth listening to. Just follow the robes-you have Corneil at (x=580, y=800) who you can talk to about that whole bothersome magic license business. If you pay a ghastly 5000 gold, you'll be able to sling spells about within city limits. This isn't a license to kill, of course, but by now we have the money for it (or at least, you should). No more worrying about the Cowled Wizards when we cast Haste, and no more relying solely on Insect Plague to win fights!... well, not really.

<----------------------------------------------------------------------> 3) As for our quest at hand, we can find Tolgerias at (x=770, y=770). He'll promise you magical trinkets, money, and information about Imoen in return for your agreement to help him with some matters. Accept and he'll tell you that a man named Valygar Corthala has slain some Cowled Wizards, and Tolgerias needs you to track him down. First things first, let's rule out his presence in Athkatla before we go running off to the Umar Hills. Head to the docks district and enter the house at (x=2450, y=1150), constructively called 'Valygar's Home' on your map. Outside of the house at (x=1270, y=1130) Valygar's House (AR0325)/(AR0326) o======================================================================o 4) In Valygar's house, at (x=500, y=280) you'll find Hervo. Tell him you're a friend of Valygar's and ask about what happened with the Cowled Wizards. He'll let slip a comment about the Umar Hills, and about Valygar being a formerly gifted scout of sorcerous ancestry. In case you somehow haven't gathered what's up, loot around the house and upstairs to find a Corthala Tax Notice, which clearly mentions a cabin in the Umar Hills. Yeah, yeah, we get it. Off we go! ***ITEMS*** (AR0325) (x=400, y=300) Zios Gem Studded Necklace, 8 gold (x=550, y=150) Potion of Insight, 10 gold (x=300, y=270) 12 gold ***ITEMS*** (AR0326) (x=400, y=150) Bloodstone Ring, History of Dambrath (x=300, y=250) Bloodstone Gem, Dagger, Corthala Tax Notice, 23 gold City Gates (AR0020) o======================================================================o 5) Head over to the City Gates (AR0020) where you'll find a man named Flydian (x=480, y=680). He'll ask you if you can come to Trademeet and meet with one Lord Logan Coprith to discuss resolving that town's problems. Since it has to do with recruiting Cernd we'll pick up the location of Trademeet now and agree to help him. Continue on to the gate, where you'll see a corrupt Soldier get bribed by a ne'er-do-well. Oh well, such is life. Exit the city at (x=1100, y=300). <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 6) Now, a note on the overworld map. Just like in Baldur's Gate 1, you can get ambushed on your way between areas. To my knowledge, none of these encounters are anywhere near as threatening as in Baldur's Gate 1. By now, you're just beyond the ken of simple bandits. Areas are further apart and more significant now-no more trawling through half-empty forests for a handful of simple encounters. I know, I miss it too. You also don't need to search the corner of every area to make sure you find every place-most of the game areas you'll get through quests and talking to NPCs, not random discovery. Right now we should have three areas on the map for our perusal: Umar Hills, Trademeet, and Watcher's Keep. The latter we won't discuss for a good long time, but if you wish to scope it out early nobody will blame you-as long as you go there to shop, and don't seriously think you're ready to clear it out. I will admit, I did head over there to grab the Potion Case sold by Sister Garlena. Hauling my potions around with me was just becoming a chore. Umar Hills (AR1100) o======================================================================o 7) When you arrive you'll find Minister Lloyd trying to calm down a group of irate and scared townsfolk. You'll hear mention of everything from Ogres, to Wolves, and the witch Umar herself. Over at

(x=4380, y=3200) Nelleck, who will talk a bit about the murders, and over to the west are three merchants-Elence Fielding (x=3580, y=2880), Beherant Diir (x=3450, y=2900), and Min Mining (x=3450, y=2990) who have more to say on the matter, and a little worth buying (or stealing). <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 8) As fascinating as all this Umar witch business and people turned inside out nonsense is, it's not what we're here for yet. Head up, over, and around the Umar Inn to the east, cross a steam, then cross another one to the north. Dispose of the local wildlife and head up some natural stone steps. You'll be intercepted by a trio of Rangers, who seek to prevent you from finding Valygar. Tell them you mean no harm or kill them. They give good experience for only a little bit of trouble, although they don't really drop anything fantastic. Valygar's Cabin (AR1101) o======================================================================o 9) Head up into Valygar's Cabin (x=1400, y=550) and search the back room to find the elusive Valygar himself. He'll tell you that the Cowled Wizards lied to you, that they wanted him to get inside a giant Planar Sphere that appeared in Athkatla some time ago. Apparently the sphere is owned by his ancestor Lavok, who parasitically inhabits the bodies of his relatives to keep himself alive. The Cowled Wizards want to get inside the sphere, and apparently Valygar's body is the key. When he refused to help them (and really, who wouldn't?) they attacked him. Naturally he's been on the run ever since. In traditional form for this guide, let's discuss the less-than-ideal options for dealing with this situation. First, you can kill Valygar and take his body back to Tolgerias. So long as you don't try and hold out for more money, he will more or less live up to his bargain. Of course, there are consequences to this action that make it less than ideal. First, if Keldorn is in your party he'll abandon you for attacking Valygar (this can be solved by simply not having Keldorn in your party at the time). More importantly you'll never get access to the Planar Sphere if you give away Valygar's body, which means you'll never get some great items... like the Gauntlets of Ogre Power, and hence, Crom Faeyr. You can also kill Valygar and take his body into the Planar Sphere yourself, which works just fine. Of course, we came here to recruit Valygar, so I'll assume you'll take him along... or at least you'll find your way into the Planar Sphere, with Valygar alive or not. ***ITEMS*** (x=130, y=370) Scroll of Infravision (x=250, y=140) Rainbow Obsidian Necklace, Arrows +1 x10, Arrows x40 (x=350, y=100) Katana, Composite Long Bow, Spear +1 ***REWARD*** (Convince Valygar to join you) EXP 9500 ***REWARD*** (For giving Valygar's body to Tolgerias) EXP 11250 Reputation -1 Gold 500 Item Ring of the Ram <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 10) With Valygar (or pieces of him) in tow, head back to the Slums District of Athkatla (AR0400). Head to the northern part of the level, and when you get near the sphere Valygar will speak a bit. Go through the doorway at (x=670, y=700) to reach the exterior of the sphere and enter it at (x=200, y=600).

The Planar Sphere (AR0411) o======================================================================o 11) Through the locked door at (x=3100, y=2500) you'll find a room with a Steam Mephit and a scrying pool. Interesting, but not very useful. Go through the doors to the west to find a circular room with a Clay Golem inside. Clay Golems tend to haste themselves before engaging, they hit hard, and require magical blunt weapons to harm. If you stole some Maces +2 from Gorch back at Mae'Var's Guild Hall you should be fine, just be sure to equip your Fighters with them before provoking the Golem. Once you've got the Planar Key, activate the northwestern door to initiate planar travel and gain access to the rest of the sphere. Now the only way out is to clear the Planar Sphere. ***ITEMS*** (x=2300, y=2750) Coal, Scroll of Conjure Lesser Air Elemental, Scroll of Minor Spell Turning, Bullets +2 x40 (x=2250, y=2750) Scroll of Polymorph Other, Bolts +2 x40 (x=2150, y=2800) Golem Arm, Planar Key, Scroll of Breach, Arrows x120 Bolt x120, Bullet x120, Dart x120 (x=2150, y=2850) Scroll of Haste, Emerald, Arrows +2 x40 ***REWARD*** (For activating the Planar Sphere) EXP 17500 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 12) Head through the doors to the northwest where you'll find three Solamnic Knights led by one Reyna, who will initiate dialogue with you. Yay, crossover from Dragonlance. Who cares. They'll tell you about some 'cannibalistic Halflings' ahead that apparently caused the Solamnic Knights some trouble. Talk to the other two knights-Ancan will talk of 'fish that walk as men' to the north and Onvo will mention a 'damaged Golem' past the 'bone room.' ***ITEMS*** (x=2400, y=2200) Scroll of Warding Whip, Golden Necklace, Throwing Axe x40 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 13) In the room to the north you'll find two Sahuagin, two Sahuagin Priestesses, two Sahuagin Baronial Guards, and a Sahuagin Baron. It's another fight that Insect Plague wins with ease. Even without Insect Plague, they're just not much of a challenge, despite their Clerical debuffs and poisoned bolts. Aside from Paralytic Bolts and Bolts of Biting, the Baron will drop of a Cloak of Protection +1. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 14) Head through the door to the southwest, where you'll find some of the Halflings that the Solamnic Knights mentioned. The Halfling Warriors aren't much of a threat, and each carry a Morning Star, a suit of Chain Mail Armor, and a Helmet. Ahead you'll find four more Halfling Warriors standing in front of a land bridge-behind them is another, more powerful runt named Togan. When you come into view, Togan will retreat, and beyond the bridge will join up with Kayardi, Entu, and Mogadish. This can be a rough fight, as you probably won't be able to stop Mogadish from getting off a Symbol, Stun. The best advice I can give? Lead with a summon and hope Mogadish targets it with the Symbol, Stun. Have Keldorn hit the enemies with a Dispel Magic to take down their spell buffs (if you have him) and use Jaheira to cast Insect Plague. Mages should cast Chaos and Clerics should try out Greater Command. The more enemies you can incapacitate the better your chances of survival. You can also absorb the Symbol, Stun with a Spell Immunity (Conjuration), and a capable Mage can actually weather the entire group of cannibal Halflings

well enough (with the aid of Stoneskin, Improved Invisibility, and Blur) to provide the rest of your group with enough cover to get out the spell assault I've listed above. If you don't have Keldorn use Edwin to debuff the enemies with Breach after a round or two of Chaos spells. Once Mogadish and Kayardi are vulnerable go after them, as they're the real threats. After they're dead, loot them for the following goodies: Togan: Chain Mail, Helmet, Arrows x40, Flail and Ripper +2. Entu: Chain Mail, Gauntlets of Ogre Power, Coal and a Mace. Mogadish: Chain Mail and a Club. Ripper +2 will go great on Minsc (or any archer capable of using Composite Long Bows), as it's easily the best bow we've found yet. The Gauntlets of Ogre Power are the real prize, however. Put them on the next weakest front-line Fighter, typically Keldorn or Viconia, depending on party composition. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 15) Go through the door at (x=400, y=1550) to find a pair of Sword Spiders and a pair of Ettercaps. There's more to do in this room, but since you don't have the poor Golem's head, you'll have to continue exploring. ***ITEMS*** (x=500, y=1450) Golem Building Book, Coal, Emerald, Dart of Wounding x40 ***TRAPS*** (x=880, y=1300) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 16) Through the northern door you'll find another group of Halflings, including a pair of Halfling Warriors, a Mage named Taibela and another spellcaster named Necre. This fight isn't nearly as hard as the last Halfling fight, as Necre and Taibela are not nearly as well protected. Keldorn tears down their spell effects, and the rest of my party simply destroys them. Necre will leave behind the Stiletto of Demarchess +2, for what it's worth. In this room you'll find three furnaces (x=500, y=500), (x=700, y=700), and (x=300, y=700). Put a piece of coal into each one-a Fire Elemental will show up after you light each one up. ***TRAPS*** (x=800, y=650) (x=1120, y=550) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 17) Go east to find a gear room occupied by a pair of Stone Golems. Kill them and grab the Golem Head-we can now return to the Golem room and fix the Golem (x=300, y=1300). Once the Golem is free it'll declare that there is an intruder and head to the east. Follow it, where it'll open a previously locked door (Irenicus' Dungeon much?). Continue following it east through a rune room and into a room occupied by an Elder Orb. After the Elder Orb makes a defiant-but-futile-statement, it'll attack the Golem. Try your best to get the last hit on the Elder Orb for a juicy experience reward, which is fairly risk-free considering the Elder Orb won't focus on you with the Golem around. Head through the door at (x=3000, y=600) to reach the 'Navigator's Room'. Time to pay Valygar's ancestor a visit. ***ITEMS*** (x=1620, y=500) Golem Head, Coal, Tchazar Gem x10, Arrows of Piercing x40 (x=2440, y=580) Scroll of Spell Thrust, Diamond x2, Moonbar Gem x3,

Scroll of Breach, Throwing Daggers x40 ***REWARD*** (For repairing the Golem) EXP 23500 Navigator's Room (AR0410) o======================================================================o 18) Before heading through the door ahead of you, spell buff-at the very least cast Haste. Lavok is pretty unhappy that you caused the Planar Sphere to move and ruined his 'escape.' If Valygar is with you he'll have some words with Lavok, who will mention something about your intrusion causing the sphere to leap back to his own dimension. Afterwards a fight ensues. Just get on Lavok early and hit him with a Breach and Insect Plague to tear down his spell defenses and render him helpless, then pummel him into submission. After Lavok loses, he'll mention that some being had possessed him, and asks one boon of you-or Valygar-that he be allowed to see the sky one last time. In return he'll tell you how to return home. To get back, you just need to go get yourself the heart of a powerful demon. Might be pretty hard trapped in this sphere, but fortunately the sphere warped back to some lower plane when you entered. You might have stopped Lavok, but you're not out of the woods yet! Or sphere, rather. Garden (AR0419) o======================================================================o 19) First go through the door to the west and exit the area (x=100, y=550) to find a garden area, occupied by two Spore Colonies and the Myconids they'll summon. ***ITEMS*** (x=900, y=450) Quarter Staff +1, Sling +2, Bullet +1 x40, Potion of Extra Healing x10, 150 gold Lizard Man Room (AR420) o======================================================================o 20) Head back to the Navigator's Room and go north, exiting the map at (x=500, y=50) to find a triangular room occupied by four Lizard Men. Not very epic, but we might as well grab the loot, right? ***ITEMS*** (x=500, y=250) Battle Axe +2, Protector of the Second +2, Ninja-To +1, Dart +1 x60, Bolt of Lightning x40, 350 gold Lower Plane (AR0414) o======================================================================o 21) Okay, enough picking on pansy enemies and grabbing easy loot. Head back to where you entered the Planar Sphere and head outside (x=3400, y=3100) to reach... well, no place good. This level is populated by Fire Mephits, Imps, Maurezhi, Quasits, Salamanders, and the odd powerful Tanar'ri. The latter are the only real threats, especially the unique Lea'liyl. Spell-buff to the max before engaging them, send summons first to provide extra targets, and hope their 'death gaze' doesn't paralyze anybody... Yeah, that's right, they're like Aec'Letec from the first game, except their Death Gaze doesn't turn you into a Ghoul and perma-kill characters. Keeping Remove Paralysis handy comes highly recommended. Lea'liyl is at (x=1920, y=1340), another Tanar'ri is at (x=1100, y=2050) and the last is at (x=2150, y=1750). The last is probably the easiest to deal with, as it won't summon reinforcements, but if you're brave you can test all three, as they each give good experience. Besides their 'death gaze' they're fond of using

Vampiric Touch and Silence 15' Radius, and when all else fails, they're fairly strong melee combatants, at least at this point in the game. Kill one, kill two, or kill them all, but get a sweet, sweet Demon Heart and head back into the Planar Sphere. Note from Lee: Didn't even have to spell buff much here. Double-hasted the party and rushed the Tanar'ri - they went down pretty easily, and mopping up their "reinforcements" was a breeze. I had a plethora of Healing Potions, so getting back to full strength after each was easy. Once they were all dead, I rested back inside the sphere. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 22) Now return to the rune room. To activate the runes, touch the northern one first (x=1500, y=1120), then the southern one (x=1300, y=1500), then the eastern one (x=1600, y=1370), and finally the western one (x=1200, y=1220). The door south will open, allowing you to head to the lower level (x=1700, y=1800). The Planar Sphere, Lower Level (AR0412) o======================================================================o 23) Go through the door to the northeast to find Tolgerias and a companion Cowled Wizard. You know the whole 'screwing them over' thing that you're doing? Yeah, they're not fans. Naturally, a fight ensues, and it would be wise of us to be careful, being rather low-leveled and all. Their strategy is as follows. Besides the requisite spell-buffing they'll do (Stoneskin to start, True Sight if you try to be sneaky, and other defensive buffs like Mirror Image if the fight draws out) their main goal is for Tolgerias to hit you with a Horrid Wilting (nearly fatal to any character at this level) followed by Power Word: Kill, which will almost certainly kill any one character who survived the Horrid Wilting due to the damage they just sustained. Afterwards, Tolgerias will cast several Power Word: Stun spells, while his Mage buddy summons critters to take advantage of any characters who might be stunned. Tolgerias's stunning will, of course, be more effective by the virtue of the damage done by his Horrid Wilting. It's a simple scheme, but it can be brutal. An easy way to blunt their offense? Mark their locations with an invisible or sneaking character, then summon something near them (making good use of replenishable summon items like the Black Spider Figurine.) Tolgerias will then be obligated to use his Horrid Wilting on your summon. Afterwards, Haste up, and rush Tolgerias. Use Jaheira to cast Insect Plague, and use a Mage to try and take down his defenses with Breach. If you manage to hit them with Insect Plague at this point, the fight is probably over, and his subordinate Mage is much less capable of causing party-destroying mischief. Once they're dead, loot Tolgerias for a Ring of the Ram, an Angel Skin Ring, and a Quarterstaff. Not very epic loot for such a potent opponent, eh? Ah well. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 24) To the northeast you'll find a 'fire room'. That's right, it's the elemental part of the planar sphere. Inside is a Greater Fire Elemental, an Efreeti, two Salamanders, two Fire Mephits, a Magma Mephit, and a Smoke Mephit. I suggest luring them out if possible-why risk traps and the bottleneck of a doorway if you don't have to? ***ITEMS*** (x=1900, y=930) Scroll of Globe of Invulnerability, Scroll of Spirit Armor, Large Shield +1, +4 vs. Missiles, Staff of Fire +2, Arrows of Fire x40 ***TRAPS***

(x=1650, y=940) (x=2100, y=870) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 25) Through the door to the north-or rather, the large chunk of ice that serves as a door-you'll find three Ice Salamanders, three Ice Mephits, and a Troll. Remember to use fire or acid to finish the Troll off once you've put it down. Again, luring some of them out is probably going to make your life a little easier. ***ITEMS*** (x=700, y=550) Scroll of Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Helmet of Defense ***TRAPS*** (x=700, y=760) (x=550, y=500) Engine Room (AR0413) o======================================================================o 26) Now to get to the Engine Room. You can reach the Engine Room via a door north of the fire room (x=1700, y=300), or north of the ice room (x=1100, y=50). In the engine room you'll encounter a Clay Golem and some Stone Golems will spawn as you move about. Use the narrow walkways to ensure you're only attacked by one Golem at once if possible, and be sure to get all the magical blunt weapons you can on the Clay Golem. Grab the Ring of Danger Sense (which will bring Imoen and Nalia up to snuff when it comes to detecting traps) and the largest cash payout we've had yet in this game. Dump your hard-won Demon Heart in the power core (x=800, y=800) to get a nice experience reward for your effort. ***ITEMS*** (x=1200, y=350) Ring of Danger Sense, Bloodstone Amulet, Black Opal x3, Ziose Gem x2, King's Tears, 6666 gold ***TRAPS*** (x=1200, y=350) ***REWARD*** (For powering up the Planar Sphere) EXP 45500 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 27) Return to Lavok and either choose to let him die here, or take him with you outside. It is MUCH more rewarding to take him outside, but either way he'll give you the Planar Sphere when you're done (so long as you're a Mage and haven't taken another stronghold yet.) Valygar will talk with you once Lavok dies and ask to remain with you. He's now yours for the rest of the game. Loot Lavok and grab his Ring of Acuity before heading off on our next quest. ***REWARD*** (For letting Lavok die on his home plane) EXP 45500 (each character) Next up is to recruit and secure Nalia, which will also nab us the Fighter's Stronghold. Before that, however, I'll cover the Mage Stronghold quests (messing around with your new Planar Sphere.) Also, since I've accumulated 34,000 gold over the last several quests, it's time to go spend some of it. Since the end of my time here in Athkatla is approaching, I buy what I really need before chasing off after Irenicus-including Bracers of Defense A.C. 3, the Fortress Shield +3, and the Ring of Air Control. Sure, I'd like to get my hands on the Robe of Vecna, the Sensate Amulet, and the Reflection Shield, but I have the

cheaper defensive items, and that'll do for now. o======================================================================o | | | Mage's Stronghold Quest | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK017} 1) Working With the Enemy 2) Slaying the Solamnic Knights 3) Sanctuary for the Solamnic Knights 4) Sending the Solamnic Knights Home 5) The First Task 6) The Second Task 7) The Third Task 8) Graduation 9) Assault of Argrim's Anti-Magic Fanatics 10) A Bad Day for Hanj... 11) Gossip 12) Imprisoning Argrim 13) Potion Payout Planar Sphere (AR0411) o======================================================================o 1) Return to the Planar Sphere, where Reyna of the Solamnic Knights will ask you to return her and her companions home. After she leaves, a Cowled Wizard named Teos shows up, ready to offer you a deal. Because of your seizure of the Planar Sphere (and subsequent smiting of Tolgerias) the Cowled Wizards have decided to take you seriously. They'll allow you to operate the sphere, and in return you do some mercenary work in situations in which they cannot act. He will offer to look into Imoen for you, but by now you should realize that this is always a dead end. And of course, you might be working for the Cowled Wizards, but it won't change how the cowled Wizards treat you in the city (you'll still get in trouble if you cast spells in the city without a license, for example.) If you ask him about the Solamnic Knights, he'll tell you to just kill them and be done with it-or failing that, go ask Ribald at the Adventurer's Mart or the knights or the Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 2) Well, first things first, we can just kill the Solamnic Knights. They give 2000 experience each and drop mundane gear, so it's not much of a solution. For a REAL reward, look into either going with the Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart or Ribald instead. High Hall of the Radiant Heart (AR0903) o======================================================================o 3) Head over to the Temple District and go to the southeastern corner to find the 'High Hall of the Radiant Heart' (x=3300, y=3400). Find Prelate Wessalen (x=350, y=590) and talk to him about it. He'll offer to allow them to stay here-not exactly what they wanted, but a bunch of stupid paladins should be happy enough hanging around with a bunch of other stupid paladins, right? Go back to the Planar Sphere and tell Reyna that she can shack up with the Radiant Heart, and she'll resolve herself to make the best of it. It's a start-45000 experience beats 6000 any day, but we can do better... if you have some money. ***REWARD*** (For getting the Solamnic Knights to join the Radiant Heart) EXP 45000

<----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) Travel to the Adventurer's Mart and talk to Ribald. He'll say he knows a wizard who can help get the Solamnic Knights back-for a fee. 9000 gold, in fact. Yes, that's a lot of gold, but this crazy FAQ writer must have something in mind if I think this is the best way to resolve the quest. Just have some faith. Or better yet, keep reading and you'll have knowledge, which is infinitely better than faith. You'll be told that this Mage whose services you just procured will be at your Planar Sphere in a day. So head on over to the Planar Sphere and rest for a while-chances are you'll be bothered by Teos before your Mage will show up, but that's fine (see Step #5). After a while, Khollynnus Paac will show up and offer to take them away. Before they go, you'll be given a Golden Girdle as a gift, as well as an experience reward. 9000 gold sound a little steep for a Golden Girdle? Maybe, but these things don't grow on trees, and gold is only as useful as what you buy with it. It's better to ante up the gold now than wish you had a girdle later on, when you've got plenty of money and nothing to spend it on. It'll happen. ***REWARD*** EXP 45000 Item Golden Girdle <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) About a day after claiming the Planar Sphere and speaking with Teos the first time, he'll show up again and promptly unload three apprentices on you-Morul, Larz, and Nara. You know they're disposable because of their short names. Right Teos? After the introductions are over you'll be whisked away to the Golem room, where the apprentices will discuss what their first task-the enchantment of a magical itemshould be. You have the following options: Dagger of [Character Name] (250 gold) The Wand of the Apprenti (1000 gold) Ring of Protection +1 (2000 gold) Now, this is pretty much going to be the model for all your apprentice missions-they'll ask you what they should create, and you'll pay them to make the item. Some items are more difficult than the others and you can always follow the cost to determine the difficulty. There's a brute percentage chance whether each object will be successfully created by your apprentices (so save before you assign and reload if you don't get anything out of it!) However, magic is dangerous business-there's a chance that one or more of your apprentices will die trying to make these items. And by 'chance' I mean pre-determined outcome. The goal of this exercise is to get all your apprentices out of their training alive-at least, you'll get the best experience reward at the end if all three are still breathing. That said, it's also an opportunity to get yourself some loot, so we'll need to balance our greed for equipment with our greed for experience points. Also, keep in mind that if you lose an apprentice in an earlier step, you'll have no chance of getting any of the better gear later... and of course, you'll forfeit the experience at the end. Trying to make the Ring of Protection will always get Larz killed, so go for something else instead. None of the items are very powerful, so there's not much point in paying a lot of money for one or getting anybody killed over it. I suggest going for the Dagger this time around, as it's the least expensive item. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 6) After completing the first item, they'll next move on to scrolls. These are your options: Scroll of Mislead (250 gold)

Scroll of Horrid Wilting (1000 gold) Scroll of Meteor Swarm (2500 gold) The Scroll of Mislead and the Scroll of Horrid Wilting are both doable, and the latter is one nice spell, indeed. Going for the Scroll of Meteor Swarm will always result in Nara's demise... although it IS possible to actually get it. Still, it's not a great spell, so go for a lesser scroll, instead. Note from Lee: While waiting for these stuipd apprentices to complete their work, I go off and do the Skinner Murders [WLK020] here. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 7) The final test is a serious enchantment, your apprentices want to tackle one of the following options: Robe of the Apprenti (250 gold) Ring of Wizardry (3000 gold) Staff of Power (10000 gold) There's no way to get everybody out of this alive, unless you tell them not to even try. If you're willing to get Larz killed (or Nara, if Larz is already dead, or Morul, if both are already dead) you can score the Robe of the Apprenti, which gives you an Armor Class of 3... but it's nothing that Bracers of Defense can't do, and it's certainly not better than the Robe of Vecna. Going for the Ring of Wizardry will get at least both Nara and Larz killed, but again, there's a chance you'll actually get a Ring of Wizardry out of this (which gives a bonus 5th, 6th, and 7th level spell). The Staff of Power, however, is a pipe-dream. This one is actually kind of tricky... 50000 experience is pretty nice, but then again, so is a Ring of Wizardry. If you've got a Mage-heavy party, it might be worthwhile to go for it. Still, there are plenty of good rings out there, so it's not like there's any real chance of somebody's finger getting cold. We'll find another one of these rings, and it's debatable whether this ring is better than the ring of Acuity (a bonus 5th-level spell is a good thing, but so are bonus 3rd and 4th level spells... 6th and 7th... not so much). Then again, 50000 experience is child's play come Throne of Bhaal. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 8) About a day and a half after the completion of the last task (add on the normal four days wait if you told them to skip the last craft) Teos will show up. If you've got any apprentices left they'll have a rather silly graduation ceremony, and you'll get a reward if all three are still alive. By now you've gotten a crappy wand or a crappy dagger, and a Scroll of Mislead or Horrid Wilting. At a cost of 500-2000 gold, it's not a bad trade just for the items (especially if you scored yourself a Scroll of Horrid Wilting!) but the experience really makes this worthwhile. ***REWARD*** (For successfully mentoring all three apprentices) EXP 50000 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 9) About two days after the graduation ceremony you'll be approached by a Sergeant Natula, who will tell you that Teos needs to see you in the Planar Sphere immediately. After returning Teos will gate in and ask you why the hell you asked for him. Uh... Sergeant Natula and a group of buddies will show up and attack, while Teos bravely flees. None of them are spell-casters, which means they're all but helpless once you start dishing out spell-buffs, and as usual a single Insect Plague or Chaos spell will have this fight well under way. Sergeant Natula will drop a

suit of Full Plate Mail Armor and Alnarow will drop some Potions of Invisibility, but the rest of what you'll get is junk. At least they're worth a good bit of experience. After the fighting is over Teos will return and sheepishly explain his departure. He'll also say that one Lord Ketlaar Argrim is a fanatic opposed to magic, and will conveniently have a rune of imprisonment on hand that will trap Argrim for eternity. How nice. Question him about it and he'll admit that Argrim was 'encouraged' to find you. Time to pay Argrim a visit at the Crooked Crane. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 10) When I enter the City Gate District this time, I find a merchant being hassled by a ne'er do well named Hanj. If you encourage Hanj to kill the merchant, he'll wuss out and leave, if you let the merchant be bullied, Hanj will have a good day. If you help the merchant and run Hanj off he'll offer you a discount. You can only buy from the merchant if you help him out, and after you're done shopping he'll leave. He sells Arrows +2, Bullets +2, Potions of Hill Giant Strength, and a variety of interesting scrolls, including Minor Spell Deflection, Breach, Lower Resistance, Conjure Lesser Fire Elemental, Chain Lightning, Disintegrate, Contingency, and Spell Deflection. If you have a Pick Pockets skill of 180~ or so, you can steal from him pretty much at whim. I am only too happy to rob him of thousands of gold (and experience points) worth of wares. A bad day for Hanj is not a bad day for me. Crooked Crane, Downstairs (AR0021) o======================================================================o 11) Enter the Crooked Crane at (x=220, y=450). Do NOT enter the secret door you may or may not discover at (x=500, y=150), as a messy death is all that awaits you there. Once you enter some dink named Rilmi will babble about Aulava and Tiiro are breaking up. It's really something I don't care to deal with right now. Head upstairs at (x=100, y=500) Crooked Crane, Upstairs (AR0022) o======================================================================o 12) Once you get upstairs you'll see the drama of Aulava and Tiiro play out. *Sigh* I guess we have no choice. Tell them what you think and they'll stay together-or not. In the next room you'll find Lord Ketlaar Argrim (x=300, y=450). He'll claim to recognize you for the magical abominations that you are. It doesn't matter what you say, a fight ensues. Equip the 'Rune of Imprisonment' into your quick-item slot, and use it on Argrim. Your character will get close to him and take their sweet ass time casting the spell. Once the deed is done and Argrim is imprisoned, mop up his guards and head back to the Planar Sphere. Report to Teos and you'll get your reward. Teos will also tell you one pertinent word regarding Imoen: Spellhold. ***REWARD*** (For killing Argrim) EXP 7500 ***REWARD*** (For imprisoning Argrim) EXP 7500 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 13) If you successfully imprisoned Argrim, Morul will return and ask if he can stay in the Planar Sphere. In return he'll brew you potions every week. It's not quite as nice as cash, but it's something. He'll make batches of five potions, which he'll randomly give you when they're ready. The batches are random, but the potions within are not. Here's a list of the various batches I've encountered:

Potion Potion Potion Potion Potion

of of of of of

Genius Invulnerability Frost Giant Strength Regeneration Stone Form

Potion of Master Thievery Potion of Perception Tainted Potion of Invulnerability Potion of Insight Potion of Extra Healing Elixir Potion Oil of Potion Potion of Health of Fire Resistance Speed of Genius of Genius

Potion of Defense Potion of Cold Resistance Potion of Agility Potion of Firebreath Empty Potion Bottle o======================================================================o | | | de'Arnise Keep | | (Recruiting and Securing Nalia) | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK018} 1) Nalia's Plea 2) The Palisade 3) Being a Servant Sucks 4) Deliberating with Daleson 5) Flail Head (Cold) 6) Clearing the Level 7) Lowering the Drawbridge 8) Splitting Trolls 9) Flail Head (Acid) 10) Lady Delcia Caan 11) The Golem Chamber 12) Dog Stew 13) The Flail of the Ages 14) Dog Food and Ultimate Weapons-Check 15) Umber Hulk Melee 16) Feeding Time 17) TorGar the Troll Copper Coronet (AR0406) o======================================================================o 1) Now it's time to recruit and secure Nalia-the Imoen clone. Head back to the Copper Coronet and hear her out this time. She'll complain that her home is under attack, and these ungrateful common folk won't do anything to help. And after all she's done for the poor, too! You'd think that they'd be more grateful that she was giving back her father's tax money-tax money generated by noble land-owners preying on their serfs-but still! You can take her with you to the keep, or send her on ahead and meet up with her there. I almost always send her ahead and complete the quest without her in my party, but for this playthrough I'll make an exception and take her along. In my 'good' party she takes

the place of Yoshimo, and with the Ring of Danger Sense, she'll serve well enough in his place for now. Before you exit the city, you may wish to get Nalia some fire-based spells if you take her along. She comes with Burning Hands, Melf's Acid Arrow, and Flame Arrow, but getting her Fireball might not be a bad idea either. Also if you have some money lying around, you might consider heading over to Watcher's Keep. The Firetooth +4 Crossbow is expensive, but it is incomparably effective at clearing the de'Arnise Keep. Also note that Bernard in the Copper Coronet sells all the Arrows of Fire and Arrows of Acid you'll ever need (400 or so of each.) Although at 20-25 gold pieces per arrow (750-1000~ per 40) it might be easier on your finances to steal them. de'Arnise Keep, Exterior (AR1300) o======================================================================o 2) When you arrive, Nalia will notice a palisade to the west and assume the worst. The crucified corpses in front of the keep don't help ease her mind either, I'm sure. Now she'll tell you what scourge has befallen the keep: Trolls and 'snake creatures' have attacked. Head over to the west to find the palisade, since there's no way we're getting in the front gates. You'll find Captain Arat at (x=670, y=3330), who will tell you about what happened here in full detail. He confirms the Trolls, Yuan-ti, and 'tunneling beasts', and tell you that the secret side entrance is the only way in. He'll also mention that if you get the drawbridge down he'll lead his men to the attack, which will hopefully distract some of the enemy. Then he'll give you 20 Arrows of Fire and send you off on your way. Head northeast to find a secret door at (x=1300, y=2700). de'Arnise Keep, Servants Quarters (AR1302) o======================================================================o 3) Upon entering the keep Nalia will tell you to find Daleson, then lower the drawbridge. Sure. Continue through some rooms until you find a secret door at (x=600, y=1400). In the next room you'll find a Troll abusing a servant, who is promptly mulched when you enter. Oh well, can't save everybody, right? Kill the Troll and once it is 'dead' it'll fall down and be 'Near Death'. During this time use fire or acid to kill it-either a Arrow of Fire, Arrow of Acid, Burning Hands, Melf's Acid Arrow, Agannazer's Scorcher, Fireball, Flame Strike, and so forth. I know we've met a Troll or two before by now, but this place is crawling with them, so knowing how to deal with them is essential. ***ITEMS*** (x=530, y=1550) Potion of Extra Healing x5, Scroll of Agannazar's Scorcher, Bullet x120, Dart x80, 1 gold (x=350, y=1550) Potion of Defense, Arrows +2 x20, Heavy Crossbow, Bolt +2 x20, Bolt of Lightning x20, Light Crossbow +1 (x=850, y=1250) Scroll of Protection from Normal Weapons, Bullet +2 x4, Throwing Axe x20, Throwing Dagger x60 (x=800, y=1380) Scroll of Identify, Bolt of Lightning x6, Bolt +2 x10, Bolt x40, Bullet x40, Bullet +1 x10, Dart +1 x20 (x=950, y=1450) Scroll of Simulacrum, Bullet x10, Bullet +2 x2, Dart +1 x9 (x=1000, y=1400) Bloodstone Gem, 12 gold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) Go through the secret door at (x=700, y=1200) to find Daleson. Well, that was easy. Watch as Nalia desperately tries to act chummy with the commoner, then defends her aunt's noble status in a turn. Ahh... Hypocrisy... They'll mention some flail that Nalia's father never got reassembled, and talk about the 'cellar', where Lord de'Arnise was apparently taken.

***ITEMS*** (x=700, y=1140) Composite Long Bow, Long Bow, Long Bow +1, Arrows x120, Arrows of Acid x12, Arrows of Fire x10, Bolt x120, Bolt +1 x20, Throwing Axe x40 (x=500, y=1000) Spear, Quarter Staff, Quarter Staff +1, Spear +1, Halberd, Arrows of Fire x40, Bolts of Biting x40, Bullet +2 x40, Dart of Wounding x40 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) We still have no need to barge into the middle of the level. Go through two secret doors, one at (x=400, y=950), and the other at (x=370, y=720). You're now in a forge room, which will come in handy later. Loot the chest and continue through yet another pair of secret doors at(x=650, y=400) and (x=720, y=350) to reach a room with some animal statues inside. Loot one of the lions (x=950, y=200) for a Flail Head (Cold), as well as a Ring of Earth Control. I put the latter on Keldorn, since it can be worn with magical armor and Keldorn doesn't have a shield to boost his Armor Class. As for the Flail Head? Keep it handy. It's not worth forging yet, but it will be shortly. ***ITEMS*** (x=550, y=400) Scroll of Find Familiar, 37 gold (x=950, y=200) Ring of Earth Control, Flail Head (Cold), 810 gold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 6) Now this might seem rather unceremonious, but backtrack and clear out the entire level... Yeah, I'm being lazy, but this level isn't that interesting anyways. In the middle of the level you can expect to find several Trolls, whom can be bottle-necked quite nicely by simply not going down to them. Make sure to grab the Star Sapphire from the latrine and head out into the courtyard via one of the two entrances (x=2000, y=1200)/(x=1600, y=1300). Note from Lee: I do this with just my main character, Keldorn, and Yoshimo - I have all the melee power I need with my character and Keldorn, and Yoshimo brings up the rear with Arrows of Fire to finish off the Trolls after melee (and to disable the trap at (x=1420, y=1370)). The rest of the party stays safely back in Daleson's Room. Moving clockwise from the door at (x=625, y=1025) I can clear the level cleanly, then reassemble the party to move on with Step 7. ***ITEMS*** (x=1420, y=1370) Dagger +2, 450 gold (x=1790, y=680) Dart of Stunning, 1 gold (x=1765, y=505) Star Sapphire (x=1320, y=420) Silver Necklace, 1 gold (x=1250, y=370) Silver Ring (x=1170, y=320) Arrows x40 (x=1250, y=240) Bolts x40 (x=1420, y=250) Bullets x30 (x=1520, y=520) Scroll of Protection from Normal Weapons, Scroll of Breach ***TRAPS*** (x=1420, y=1370) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 7) Once outside kill Rover, Rex, Spot, and Sparky and collect their delicious Dog Meat. Daleson said that to feed the burrowing creatures in the cellar he made some dog meat stew, requiring... exactly four dogs. Convenient, that. There's also an Otyugh around and some trolls as you make your way up the walls. The wheel that operates the drawbridge is at

(x=2850, y=1850). Activate it to lower the drawbridge and get some reinforcements-and better yet, some experience. Head back down to the ground level of the courtyard and kill some Yuan-ti and Trolls that have appeared to do battle with some de'Arnise Guards-guards armed with Arrows of Fire, I might add. Go back up the stairs and head through the door at (x=2450, y=1200) to get to the roof, where you can find more foes to slay. Up here you'll find a door (x=1770, y=1200) leading to the upper level of the de'Arise Keep. ***REWARD*** (For lowering the drawbridge) EXP 29750 de'Arnise Keep, Upper Level (AR1303) o======================================================================o 8) You'll appear in a room surrounding a Yuan-ti Mage, who also has some Trolls nearby. If you jump on the Yuan-ti, this fight'll be over in a pinch. Nalia will tell you to find her aunt's room, as there is a secret passage (surprise...) to the 'cellar' there. One of the Trolls here will split into two mini-trolls as you fight it, which is silly. Grab the Keep Key from the bookshelf (x=1600, y=1380) before exploring the rest of this level. ***ITEMS*** (x=1600, y=1380) Scroll of Conjure Lesser Earth Elemental, Keep Key, Bolt +1 x20 (x=1700, y=1550) Scroll of Minor Spell Turning <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 9) Go through a door to the northeast and circle up and around counterclockwise. Head into the room beyond the door at (x=1550, y=650), wherein Nalia will speak and mention the curious lack of bodies lying around. In this room you'll find a secret door to the south at (x=1500, y=800) which will lead to another secret door (x=1370, y=1400). Go through a trapped and locked door (x=1250, y=1350) to find Glaicas. Nalia claims he's been charmed. Charmed or not, he's in the way. He's fairly strong, but a Slow spell really takes the bite out of him. Once he dies, loot him for a suit of Full Plate Mail, two Potions of Extra Healing, a Flail Head (Acid), a Two-Handed Sword, and 20 gold. ***ITEMS*** (x=1990, y=1090) 16 gold (x=2100, y=770) Silver Necklace, Fire Agate Ring, Arrow x80, Bolt x80, Throwing Axe x50, Throwing Dagger x40 (x=1670, y=770) Dart x60, Bullet x80 (x=1200, y=520) Wand of Frost (x=1200, y=1370) Scroll of Spell Thrust, Arrows of Acid x20, Bolt of Lightning x20, 57 gold (x=1200, y=1400) Andar Gem, Bullet +2 x40, Dart of Stunning x20 ***TRAPS*** (x=1200, y=520) (x=1250, y=1350) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 10) Backtrack to the hallways around the perimeter of the level and continue counter-clockwise. You can go up some stairs (x=1200, y=300) to the roof and kill some more Yuan-ti if you wish, but there's no point to it besides the experience in it. Continue through a room with a fountain and enter a room (x=570, y=1200) containing Lady Delcia Caan (you'll need the 'Keep Key' we found in Step #8 to gain entry to her room). She's worse than the Trolls, but you'll suffer a large reputation hit if you kill her, so just endure her uselessness. There's a room to

the south (x=1300, y=1700) you can loot, but to continue on you'll need to search Lady Delcia Caan's room. ***ITEMS*** (x=1400, y=1500) Scroll of Detect Illusion, Sunstone Gem, Arrows of Piercing x20 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 11) In Lady Delcia Caan's room you'll find a secret door at (x=850, y=1050). Go through another secret door at (x=900, y=850) to find a room lined with Golems. At my modest level (about 960,000 experience per character) there were two Flesh Golems, two Stone Golems, one Clay Golem, and one Iron Golem. This is much more than I wish to be facing at this time, so we'll have to be... sneaky. For the sake of convenience, let's list the Golems by their location, numbering them by where they stand. #1 is the Golem (whatever type it may be) closest to the secret door, and #6 is the Golem closest to the statues. The Golems activate (and attack) when you mess with the statues are the far end of the room-namely, certain Golems get touchy when you molest certain loot. If you grab the Battle Axe +3, Frostreaver, Golems #6 and #4 will attack. If you fondle the Warhammer +1, +4 vs. Giantkin, Golems #1 and #2 will become irate. If you 'borrow' the Elven Court Bow +3, Golems #3 and #5 will attempt to kindly convince you to desist. Since #3 is the Iron Golem, this is the group to watch out for. Finally, if you just want to have a closer look at that Flail Head (Fire)... well, the Golems don't give a crap about the most potent artifact they guard. Lazy Golems! It should be pretty obvious how we can handle this encounter simply-take one magical item at a time (saving that bow for last) to provoke the Golems, and dispatch them piecemeal. Or.. you could just manually attack a Golem without bothering with its loot first. The attacked Golem will fight back, of course, but you can simply slaughter them one at a time this way. In any event, the big threat here is the Iron Golem. I suggest killing off its buddies, then provoking it. Once done, run back out the door where the Iron Golem can't reach me. Sure it's not very brave, but that's not the point here. The Iron Golem requires +3 weapons to hit, and thankfully I've kept the Dragon Bane +3 Halberd. Keldorn equips it, then attacks the Iron Golem, which simply cannot reach him to retaliate. It'll take half of forever to kill it, but it'll die eventually. Failing that, Celestial Fury and the Battle Axe +3, Stonefire, can be used to harm it-you'll just have to withdraw injured characters to heal them. Now, for the loot we've just acquired... The bow is great for Minsc, the Warhammer should be kept on hand just for occasions when a highly enchanted weapon is needed (by the way, Trolls count as giants, so slap it on Anomen for now), and the Battle Axe +3, Frostreaver will do wonders for Korgan. It was a generous room, indeed. There is another secret door at (x=1100, y=850) and stairs down at (x=1250, y=900), but before you go there are a few things you may want to do. Head back to the Servant's Quarters by heading back down the stairs at (x=2200, y=900) to complete a few tasks that'll make your life easier. ***ITEMS*** (x=350, y=500) Warhammer +1, +4 vs. Giantkin, Flail Head (Fire) (x=450, y=450) Elven Court Bow +3 (x=570, y=370) Battle Axe +3, Frostreaver <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 12) Back in the Servants Quarters (AR1302), activate the kitchen (x=2050, y=700) four times to scrape all the Dog Meat into a cauldron and make a stew. The game gives away the fact that the burrowing beasties below are Umber Hulks, but at least now you have something to distract them.. and some experience.

***REWARD*** (For making Dog Meat stew) EXP 11500 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 13) Now head over to the forge (x=400, y=500) and activate it. You should have all three Flail Heads in your inventory and ready to go. Once activated you'll get an experience reward, and the best flail in the game. It's a +3 weapon that deals an extra point of acid, cold, and fire damage, and it has a chance to slow creatures when striking. The only downside is I don't really have a character who has the Flail/Morningstar proficiency right now. Still, it's a great weapon for Viconia or Anomen, when they become proficient. Anyways, at least we have it, and once we can use it well-watch out, game! ***REWARD*** (For reconstructing the Flail of the Ages) EXP 22350 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 14) Dog-food and ultimate weapons-check, now it's time to return to the upper level (AR1303). Head up the stairs at (x=2300, y=900) to get there, then head back to where we slaughtered the Golems. Go through a secret door at (x=1100, y=850), then down the stairs at (x=1250, y=900). de'Arnise Keep, 'Cellar' (AR1301) o======================================================================o 15) Loot this room, then head southeast and kill the Trolls in the next.. not-torture chamber. Before going through the next door, I spell buff my protagonist to the fullest, but I include Chaotic Commands to his normal defenses. Beyond the door you'll find several Umber Hulks, who typically like to start out combat with confusion gazes. This can really break up an attack, and having my main character with Celestial Fury, Korgan or Keldorn out of the fight (or worse, attacking my own party!) can really make things go bad fast. A fully spell-buffed Fighter/Mage, however, just waltzes in and endures their attacks. After the first round of gaze attacks, the rest of my party walks in and puts the beasts down. A lower-leveled party (like one trying to score loot early or trying to secure Nalia) might want to try and lure them out one at a time. ***ITEMS*** (x=880, y=250) Shield Amulet, Scroll of Identify, Arrows x80, Arrows of Fire x10, Bolts x80, Bullets x80, Throwing Daggers x30, Darts x100 (x=1080, y=150) Arrows x80, Bolts x80, 12 gold (x=980, y=500) Dart of Wounding x20, Arrows of Fire x40, Arrows of Acid x40, 1 gold (x=1150, y=550) 6 gold ***TRAPS*** (x=880, y=250) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 16) Head to the southwest and enter a cell that has been clearly tunneled into. If you search the tunnel you'll find some 'dog bones'. This is the game going *hint-hint*. Put the dog stew we brewed earlier here (x=650, y=1100) and you'll get some experience. It doesn't really matter that we already killed the Umber Hulks, extra experience is always good. You can search the rest of the cells if you want, but there's nothing in there. All the good stuff is in the Umber Hulk room. ***ITEMS*** (x=1750, y=720) Scroll of Infravision, Orc Leather +3

(x=1900, y=750) Bolt of Biting x40, Bolt +2 x40, 9 gold (x=2070, y=900) Bullet +2 x40, Bullet +1 x40, 1 gold (x=1900, y=1000) Scroll of Mordenkainen's Sword, Throwing Axe x40, Dart +1 x60 ***REWARD*** (For luring the Umber Hulks) EXP 18750 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 17) Before you head through the door to the northeast, spell buff to the max. I know, two straight battles in which I told you all to spell buff, I must be mad. Once you're ready go through with just one character (for me this was my Fighter/Mage, who is my one-man problem solver/tank.) At (x=2500, y=440) you'll find TorGal, the top Troll. He'll spill some interesting information before attacking, not all of which will make much sense. He'll come with friends, which can present a bit of a problem at higher levels, but at my current, modest, level he had only a pair of Giant Trolls with him. I ran back to the Umber Hulk room and when the first Troll crossed the threshold I met them, bottle-necking them at the door. After they're dead, search the room they were in to find Nalia's dad, who is rather dead. After you make your way out of the keep you'll get a rather hefty quest reward, in both experience and gold. This gives my Viconia just enough experience to hit level 12, and hence, get a proficiency point to spend into Flails. Better late than never, right? ***ITEMS*** (x=2600, y=350) Scroll of Feeblemind, Bloodstone Gem x5, Bloodstone Amulet, Moonbar Gem, Water Opal, 2126 gold ***REWARD*** (For clearing the de'Arnise Keep) EXP 45500 (each character) Gold 10650 If you're a Fighter, Nalia will pester you about her problems, saying that she's betrothed to a snooty noble named Isaea Roenall. Now that her father is dead she's set to marry this noble and fall into a life of quiet servitude. Of course, she has a scheme-take control of the de'Arnise Keep and she'll be safe from the unwanted marriage. Sounds like a win-win, you get control of a fortress, and she doesn't have to marry an arrogant lordling. The missions pertaining to the de'Arnise Keep will be discussed in the next Sequence of Events. It will also include the Nalia-specific quests, since I traveled around with her for a little while. It seems like a good enough place to include them, and as far as this FAQ is concerned, I won't bother separating the two. (Even though the two are indeed separate. Just keep Nalia around while you do the Fighter's Guild quests to replicate the section below.) o======================================================================o | | | Fighter's Stronghold Quests | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK019} 1) The Regent of de'Arnise 2) Bandit Problems and Pushy Merchants 3) Philosophical Ponderings 4) Temple of Tempus 5) Lord de'Arnise's Funeral 6) Isaea Roenal's Power Play

7) Lord Roenal's Power Play 8) Barg Blathering 9) Dirth's Dirge 10) The Roenal Estate 11) Initiating Isaea's Investigation 12) Her Lord's Blessing 13) An Easy Mark 14) Financing the Flood 15) Winning the War De'Arnise Keep (AR1302) o======================================================================o 1) After accepting to lead the keep you'll be taken to see the Major Domo. He'll talk to you about day to day functions of the keep, taxes, and other terribly interesting things. You'll be told that you'll be making about 500 gold pieces a week, and that every couple of weeks you should check in. And of course, you'll be summoned when big things need your attention. One bit of good news, however, is the fact that Lady Delcia Caan will not be staying. Anyways, check back every time you get the message 'gold has been placed in your keep'. Chances are you'll have some task you can perform. Like most strongholds, you can trigger most quests by simply resting in your keep, but some require you to be outside. I'll try and let you know, but if you just go around and adventure like normal and just check back every time you make money, you'll be fine. You can also talk to the Major Domo about quickly raising taxes at the expense of the commoners. This will net you an instant 1000 gold each time you do it, but it'll piss of the peasantry, and as time goes on your own staff will begin resigning. Spoiled serfs, this is why you don't treat them well, they get all indignant and free-willed for later tyrants! Thanks Lord de'Arnise. Extort money like this nine times, and your peasants will revolt and you'll lose the de'Arnise Keeppermanently. Also Nalia isn't too proud of how you ran things, and will leave your party, too. So let's try and balance our greed in the short term with our greed in the long term, hmm? Talk to the Major Domo and select option #4 "Tell me how things fare." and he'll tell you the general disposition of the peasants, which typically increases the more benevolent things you do, and drops the more cruel things you do. Following the experience rewards is usually the best option, but there are some things you can do that'll make the peasants love or hate you more regardless (typically involving you spending money to help somebody for no reward.) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 2) After about a week the Major Domo will tell you that a merchant named Tolmas Bendelia is demanding to see you. Apparently his caravan was waylaid by bandits when passing through the region and he is none too happy about it. First, actually choose to see him. Doing nothing is almost always the worst solution. He'll storm in and as a merchant he naturally wants restitution. If you don't please him he threatens to never travel through these lands again and to foreclose on every farm he holds a debt for. To protect against more bandit threats, the Major Domo says you'll have to hire mercenaries-you've lost too many guards to the Trolls to clear out the bandits with your own men. It'll cost you either 500 gold, or 250 for more.. delayed results. As for the merchant your options seem numerous, but boil down to a few simple things. Either compensate the merchant for his caravan fully (1000 gold), partially (500 gold), or not at all. Or you can buy your farmer's debt off of him (1000 gold). Lastly, you can have him executed for being such an ingrate. The real experience-earner is the mercenaries, where you have the option to pay 500 gold for adequate forces (the best option)

250 gold, or nothing. You get bonus experience for having the merchant executed. ***REWARD*** (For hiring adequate mercenaries) EXP 15000 ***REWARD*** (For having the merchant executed and hiring adequate mercenaries) EXP 15500 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 3) In time talk to the Major Domo and he'll tell you that Captain Cernick wishes to see you. He'll tell you that a guard named Lastin has been caught red-handed stealing from the manor, and Cernick is unsure of how to deal with him. He's an ineffectual pansy who wants to make you make all the hard decisions. The Major Domo warns you that people who oppose your rule are watching, so be a careful judge. Yeah, yeah.. If you ask Cernick about the precedence he'll mention that in the past one of the servants was stealing tax money-and was executed. Let Lastin have his say and he'll give you the sob story about his wife getting sick and him needing medicine to heal her. Medicine he could not ever afford on his salary. Ah, how many times have I heard this in my philosophy classes? Stealing is wrong, but stealing to save a life might be less wrong? Bad Bioware, for throwing elementary philosophical prime examples at us. If you execute Lastin you'll get no reward, so it's probably not the right thing to do, right? You can also fire Lastin, pardon him, or pay for his wife's medicine. Let thy experience reward be thy guide. Paying for his wife's medicine doesn't get you anything extra, but it is good for your soul. Eh... but since that probably doesn't exist, do what you wish. ***REWARD*** (For firing Lastin) EXP 11500 ***REWARD*** (For pardoning Lastin) EXP 15500 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) After more time passes the Major Domo will inform you that a burly man who claims to be a priest of Tempus wishes to speak with you. Enter Bolumir, priest of Tempus, who wishes to set himself up here in the de'Arnise keep. Keldorn will vouch for him, but Anomen seems to feel differently, and the Major Domo will recall that he was ejected from his last parish. Your choices here are relatively simple. If you deny him rudely you'll get nothing, if you deny him.. less rudely, you'll get an experience reward, and if you allow him to set up kip here you'll get the best reward. If you want to go see him later, he'll be up in what used to be the Golem room. You can buy a few things off of him, potions, priest scrolls, a Helmet of Charm Protection, and Boots of Grounding, if you still have a need for some boots. ***REWARD*** (For dismissing Bolumir somewhat less rudely) EXP 11500 ***REWARD*** (For allowing Bolumir to set up a temple) EXP 15500 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) Now, if you have Nalia in your party a Messenger will come find her

and give her a message. She's not specific, but it has to do with her father's funeral. Well, we can't in good conscience leave her to her own devices or delay this most important of matters. After all, we're just chasing after a friend who's in grave peril, and for all we know Nalia's father's grave is in peril! Oh yeah, you just read that. Head over to the Graveyard district and the Messenger will meet you again, and whisk you away to a tomb, where he says "they are waiting for you upstairs." Kay. Head up into the tomb (x=1620, y=750). Upstairs you'll find a collection of nobles, talk to them all, and have Nalia nearby. Eventually Isaea will start talking to Nalia and as you can expect, it doesn't end very well. Afterwards Nalia will fume for a bit before resolving to leave. Note that this will not happen in the de'Arnise Keep, so go wander around Athkatla until the Messenger shows up. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 6) Shortly thereafter I was met by Isaea Roenal on my way back to the de'Arnise Keep, who presumes to have Nalia imprisoned for.. well, lack of judgement, really. He'll use his station as a noble and as a member of the military to get this to pass. Nalia will be taken away, and we'll need to recover her-if for no other reason than because of Isaea's smugness! Afterwards a man named Khellor Ahmson will show up, and conveniently provide you with a lead. He'll direct you to go to a man named Barg at the docks. He'll also tell you to check Isaea's personal records, which are in his home in the Government District, and to bring anything you find to Corgeig Axehand-Isaea's commander. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 7) Of course, now that Nalia has been removed from my party I'll immediately get bothered by a Messenger telling me that Lord Roenal is waiting for me at the de'Arnise Keep. Wonderful. When I get there he's about as nice as you'd expect-he demands I give over the estate or else. If you refuse to see Lord Roenal, or if you refuse to give up the keep you're in for a fight with him. Well, while we wait for him to get his 'army' here, let's go get Nalia back. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 8) Head down to the Dock District and talk to Barg (x=2380, y=2500). Ignore his reference to the Canterbury Tales and he'll readily spill information about Isaea supporting piracy and slavery, and mention a man named Dirth over at the Sea's Bounty. You know, with how easily it is to find dirt on Isaea, the rest of the city must be actively looking the other way. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 9) Head down the stairs to the Sea's Bounty (x=2100, y=2150) again, leaving Jaheira behind so she doesn't come into contact with Baron Ployer-yet. Talk to Officer Dirth and (x=350, y=620). He's not quite the same level of moron that Barg was, and will fight you if you throw out the name Isaea. Kill him and loot him for Isaea's Slavery Document. Note that this letter mentions the slavers we killed in the Temple District earlier. Roenal Estate (AR1009) o======================================================================o 10) Now go to the Government District and enter the Roenal Estate, (x=2800, y=150). The house is blissfully empty. Go grab Isaea's Financial Statements (x=450, y=400) and leave. ***ITEMS*** (x=220, y=550) 38 gold (x=350, y=470) Black Opal (x=450, y=400) Isaea's Financial Statements <---------------------------------------------------------------------->

11) Head over to the Council of Six building (x=3200, y=950) and talk to Corgeig Axehand (x=520, y=730). Show him the evidence you've collected-the gem smuggling, the piracy, and the slaving. Individually they are apparently unworthy of investigation, but all together, they add up to a big problem for Isaea. You'll be told that you'll find out what the score is in a day. Thankfully the game auto-skips ahead. Isaea is indignant about the inquiry, but the good guys seem to have won, this time. ***REWARD*** (For exposing Isaea Roenal) EXP 7000 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 12) Now it's time to return to the de'Arnise Keep and deal with the elder Roenal. I'll put this whole family in hell yet! But first.. we have to deal with a problem with a maid named Chanelle. Two men want to marry her, and as the new lord of the estate you need to give one of them your blessing. Have them brought in and Chanelle will tell you what's up. Jessup, a ranger from the local area has been courting Chanelle for a while, but Malvolio-a land owner from Roenal lands-has decided he wants her. Malvolio isn't the one Chanelle loves, but he will pay you 500 gold for her hand. Jessup, on the other hand is rather broke, and there's the issue of the dowry that Lord de'Arnise promised to pay that now, of course, is on you. Here we go again with this status issue again. The experience rewards say be benevolent, and the fact that I'm not quite a fan of Roenal folks right now really pushes me in that direction out of spite. Giving them the dowry on top of it doesn't net you more experience, but it does make the peasants more happy. After this act of benevolence, the peasants are overjoyed with me as their leader. Bring it on, Roenal. ***REWARD*** (Give Chanelle to Malvolio and refuse the gift of 500 gold) EXP 11500 ***REWARD*** (Let Chanelle marry Jessup) EXP 15500 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 13) Next up, a well-dressed couple will ask for an audience with you. You should know to be wary when they talk and they're identified as 'Moneylender'. They're here to collect a debt of 2000 gold owed to them by the late de'Arnise. Like the last extortionist, they threaten to call in debts in the area if you refuse to pay. They profess knowledge of what happened to the last guy who tried this, and yet they somehow won't see their own fates mirrored until you order their execution. Once you do, their facade cracks and they reveal themselves as crooks. An easy mark, indeed. After they're escorted away, the matter of the very real debts your people have arises. You can leave them to their fate, pay up partially (500 gold) or pay up the full debt to protect your people (1000 gold). ***REWARD*** (For paying off half of the debt your people owe) EXP 11500 ***REWARD*** (For paying off the full debt your people owe) EXP 15500 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 14) The next thing the Major Domo has to report is damage done to a road

by a flood. *sigh* This sounds expensive. What's the point of owning a keep if you have to spend all the money you make on it! Peasants will show up and whine, threaten, and give sob stories. After it's over, the Major Domo will tell you it'll cost 5,000 gold to rebuild. If you don't plan to pay, at least pick the second option to pay a portion. It'll get you some experience, and then you can just opt out. On the other hand, if you choose to do a partial rebuild, do NOT then choose to pay the whole thing. You'll get an additional 8500 experience... but it's still less than the full 15500 you would have had if you just chose to fully rebuild from the start. You can rebuild in increments of 1000, up to 5,000 gold (the full cost of the rebuild.) ***REWARD*** (For partially rebuilding) EXP 4500 ***REWARD*** (For partially rebuilding and giving 2,000 gold) EXP 2500 ***REWARD*** (For partially rebuilding and giving 3,000 gold) EXP 4500 ***REWARD*** (For partially rebuilding and giving 4,000 gold) EXP 6500 ***REWARD*** (For partially rebuilding and giving 5,000 gold) EXP 8500 ***REWARD*** (For fully rebuilding, at an expense of 5,000 gold) EXP 15500 Next it's the dikes, which will cost 2,000 gold to rebuild. This one is more cut and dry, either pay the 2,000 gold, or pay nothing. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 15) Finally it's time for the fight with Roenal. Major Domo is panicked, and apparently we're out numbered and out matched. Follow Captain Cernick outside-his bright idea is that we kill Roenal quickly so his army loses spirit and dissolves. Of course he'd suggest something that didn't involve him doing the work. Head out past the bridge and find Roenal, who will threaten you before attacking. He's horribly outmatched, a simple Haste spell and brute force is far too much for him to handle. He does have a Mage who might cause you a bit of trouble, but it's just a matter of tearing down his defenses with a True Sight and Breach. After Roenal dies the battle ends, so you might want to save him for last in order to get the max experience from his minions. Once he's dead you'll be whisked back into the keep and praised for being the awesome fellow that you are. You'll get an experience reward, and the keep is yours forever more... or until you over-tax it and the peasants revolt. Head back outside and loot the vanquished. Many of the troops will have Arrows of Fire, and Roenal's stronger guards will leave behind Arrows of Fire and Arrows of Ice, as well as Chain Mail +1. Roenal's Mage will leave behind Bracers of Defense A.C. 8 and a Wand of Lightning, while Roenal himself drops a suit of Full Plate Mail +1, a Bastard Sword +1, and 50 gold. ***REWARD***

(For defeating Lord Roenal and holding onto the de'Arnise Keep) EXP 50000 Anyways, we've secured all the somewhat prominent PCs in the game, and this leaves us only with Cernd and Mazzy. Since we've already partially explored Umar Hills, we'll go after Mazzy first. Before any of that, however, head over to the Bridge District, where we still have some unfinished business that will tie into the Umar Hills quest. o======================================================================o | | | Skinner Murders | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK020} 1) The Skinner Murders 2) Mugging at Midnight 3) Rampah's Hide 4) Rose's Odor 5) Bel Dalemark 6) Faraji's Witch 7) Missus Cragmoon 8) Robbing the Robber 9) Silver Horn of Valhalla 10) The Balthis Estate 11) Ankheg Shell House 12) Warehouse 13) Battle Over Bubbles 14) The Man in Red 15) Routing the Ransomers 16) A Good Deed.. or Silver Pantaloons 17) The Murderer Exposed 18) A Skinny Shirt 19) Riverside Escape 20) Collecting the Reward Before we begin, let me just say that this is going to be a slightly unorthodox part of the FAQ. By now you should be used to not completing every quest as we encounter it chronologically, but this is even more extreme. This section covers much of the ancillary exploration in and around Umar Hills, but at this point I have no real intention of completing this quest at all. This part of the FAQ is merely for recruiting Mazzy, after which I'm more than happy to abandon the Umar Hills quest. I will not resume and complete the Umar Hills quest until after recovering Imoen. Bridge District (AR0500) o======================================================================o 1) That our Umar Hills explorations starts in the Bridge District of Athkatla might seem odd, and really it's only marginally related. Doing this quest now saves us the bother of back-tracking later, and it even affects some events in Trademeet, so it's worth the bother. If you remember, Lieutenant Aegisfield recommended we talk to Old Rampah and Rose, and that's what we should do now. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 2) Along the way I was assaulted by Muggers, this is a random encounter which I'll note here mostly because... well, this is when and where it happened. It's really only notable because one of the Muggers initiated dialogue with me and demanded I hand over my money. He then had the nerve to only give me 20 experience when he died. <---------------------------------------------------------------------->

3) Rampah is at (x=2630, y=1200). He will try to get you to buy something he found, asking for 100 gold. Say you don't have that much and he'll accept half-40 gold-in return for which you'll get an 'Exotic Hide'. He'll also refer you to the 'seller that buys'. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) Now head over to Rose (x=2950, y=1970), near the Five Flagons. Money talks, as usual. If you're nice to her (option #1) she'll ask for 20 gold, if you're rude (option #2) she'll ask for 40. Pay her and she'll tell you that she distinctly smelled Guril berries when she happened upon the murder. If you bring her some more, she claims she'll be able to identify the smell. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) Since Rose and Rampah both suggested it, you might as well talk to Bel Dalemark (x=2650, y=2050). If you ask about the slayings he'll talk about the flayings being precise, not like the work of some beast. Show him the 'Exotic Hide' you bought from Rampah and he'll identify it as elephant hide. Who would have such a thing, you ask? A tanner. He'll mention one Rejiek. Ask about Guril berries and he'll mention three things with a similar odor-Guril berries, 'the bark of the oak', and solik berries. Of the three, the bark is used to make tannin, which is used for curing skins. Your merchant will give you a sample of each free of charge and again suggest talking to Rejiek. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 6) Return to Rose and get her to smell what the merchant gave you. She'll identify the smell as tannin. Now we could report the information to Aegisfield, but let's talk to Faraji (x=1400, y=2800) first. Give him some coins and ask about the murders and he'll mention that he found the body of 'old Bilver', and he'll implicate a mean old witch named Missus Cragmoon. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 7) Head over to (x=320, y=2670) and talk to the mean cookie-hoarding witch. She'll admit to being a witch, but otherwise seems pretty benevolent. What's the point of all this? Nothing much, but once you're done talking to her talk to her again and she'll sell you some potions. Namely Potions of Frost Giant Strength, Potions of Stone Giant Strength, and Potions of Master Thievery. They're pretty easy to steal, if you don't want to spend any gold. I was fairly successful with a Pick Pockets score of only 115%. Note that if you tell Aegisfield that Missus Cragmoon is a witch she'll promptly disappear. Those Cowled Wizards are nothing if not quick, eh? Later on you'll be attacked by a group of Adventurers led by one Strachan Fireblade whom has a note from Missus Cragmoon on him. They're pushovers and they have no exceptional gear. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 8) If it's night time you'll find a cutpurse at (x=660, y=2500) who actually sells a variety of good stuff. Namely Arrows +2, Bolts +2, Potions of Master Thievery, and a variety of scrolls, the notable ones are listed below. Despite being a Thief himself, it's very easy to steal from him. Wait until night if possible and time it so you can steal from both Missus Cragmoon and the cutpurse in order to conserve Potions of Master Thievery. I don't know if it was just a random bug or not, but he did not turn hostile when he caught me stealing. What a nice guy! Death Fog Fireshield (Red) Improved Haste Minor Sequencer Protection from Cold Protection from Magic Weapons Spell Immunity Spell Thrust

Now, for some entirely unrelated exploration. As you may have noticed, there are some houses in the north half of this district that we might as well explore (or at least discuss) since we're canvassing the area. Wealthy Home (AR0527)/(AR0528) o======================================================================o 9) Over at the house at (x=3000, y=770), you can find a fair amount of loot (and traps) hidden around. It's probably the most wealthy house in this district that we'll explore for no good reason. The best item you can find is, of course, the Silver Horn of Valhalla, which is really a poor summoning item, but it's still nice to have it. ***ITEMS*** (AR0527) (x=500, y=250) 87 gold (x=430, y=170) Wand of Magic Missiles (x=600, y=200) Agni Mani Necklace (AR0528) (x=200, y=320) (x=300, y=270) (x=400, y=350) (x=500, y=250) (x=450, y=150) (x=630, y=230) ***TRAPS*** (AR0527) (x=350, y=350) (x=430, y=170) (AR0528) (x=300, y=270) (x=500, y=250) Balthis Estate (AR0506) o======================================================================o 10) In the Balthis Estate (x=4300, y=950), you'll be bothered by Pip, a diminuative butler, a host of Amnish Bodyguards, and the typically unfriendly Acton Balthis. There's a bit of minor loot in here, but nothing worth fighting guards over. Ankheg Shell House (AR0531) o======================================================================o 11) Over at (x=3730, y=1400) you'll find an apparently quaint home with some nasty traps in it. The best item in here is an Ankheg Shell, from which you can make Ankheg Plate Mail. Frankly, however, your fighters should all have Full Plate Mail or Full Plate Mail +1. It's just not worth the cost to have it made. Remember to loot at night if you want to avoid witnesses, guards being called, and all that fun. ***ITEMS*** (x=630, y=200) (x=570, y=200) (x=400, y=200) (x=250, y=300) ***TRAPS*** (x=630, y=200) Warehouse (AR0530) Ankheg Shell Turquoise Gem x2, Andar Gem Healing Potion x3 1 gold Moonbar Gem, Fire Agate Gem Potion of Insulation, Potion of Hill Giant Strength 4 gold Silver Horn of Valhalla 8 gold Bolt +2 x2, Onyx Ring

o======================================================================o 12) Sick of looting unguarded houses? Me too. So enter the building at (x=4000, y=1500), within which you'll find a group of hostiles. There's Pitre, the priest, Dracandros, a Mage, Falahar, a Fighter, and Valeria... she throws darts, and wears heavy armor... so she's a Fighter, too, just not a very good one. By now, we all know what we're going to do. Edwin/protagonist hits them with Chaos, and Jaheira targets Dracandros with Insect Plague. Then I eliminate Dracandros and Pitre, before dispatching the fighters at my leisure. Pitre will leave behind a suit of Plate Mail, a Large Shield, a Mace, a Scroll of Identify, and 30 gold. Falahar forfeits a suit of Chain Mail, a Helmet, a Halberd, and a Scroll of Identify. Dracandros drop some Bracers of Defense A.C. 7 and 43 gold, while Valeria volits a suit of Plate Mail, some Darts, a Bastard Sword, and 34 gold. To say they were poorly equipped is an understatement... but at least they gave good experience. And now you can loot the building... which is quite profitable. ***ITEMS*** (x=350, y=550) Medium Shield, Mace, Two Handed Sword (x=620, y=200) Star Sapphire, Black Opal, Laeral's Tear Necklace, 460 gold (x=570, y=170) Scroll of Spirit Armor, Scroll of Lightning Bolt, Scroll of Protection from Electricity, Scroll of Breach (x=220, y=250) 1 gold ***TRAPS*** (x=620, y=200) (x=570, y=170) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 13) As another (yes, another) aside, over at (x=1300, y=2190) you'll find a lady of the night named Bubbles, who has two lovers by the names of Carbos and Shank. Surely you must remember your very first victims in the first game? I'm sure they just have the same names. Anyways, they argue over their lady, then resolve to fight each other over her. Eventually one will win, and a disinterested Bubbles will wander off. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 14) And since we're here, let's knock off one more quest. Over at (x=1680, y=3520) you'll find a man named Am-Si, who is dressed in a very, very red outfit. Question him about his tendency to bury people alive and eventually he'll run off into the house at (x=1420, y=3600). Leave most of your party outside the house, then send one character in. House, Downstairs (AR0507) o======================================================================o 15) Am-Si will talk to a Dwarf named Camitis before they notice you. Once they do, however, Catimis kills Am-Si and makes a break for it, along with his buddy Reti. They will, of course, run into the rest of your party. Attack them and kill them and grab Retis' Boots of Avoidance. You might remember these from Baldur's Gate 1, they're an incomparable defensive item for use against missiles. You might as well stick them on whatever character you'll use to draw missile fire, either Keldorn or Korgan. They'll probably hand these off to less wellprotected characters later on. Search the house after you're done killing its inhabitant. Once done, head upstairs at (x=200, y=400). ***ITEMS*** (x=300, y=280) Turquoise Gem, 3 gold (x=550, y=150) 1 gold House, Upstairs (AR0508) o======================================================================o

16) Up here you'll find Lady Elgea, who demands to be freed. If you want to be a nice guy you can let her go for some experience. Note if Keldorn is in your party you have no choice but to free her. Trying to do otherwise will prompt Keldorn to overrule you-and will get you a lesser experience reward. Of course, you can always just leave him downstairs and do as you please. If you're evil, or interested in obtaining the Big Metal Unit at some point, you'll be better served by ransoming her. Loot the cabinet at (x=400, y=200) and grab the 'Ransom Note'. Read it to discover the location of the exchange, which is in front of everybody's favorite Copper Coronet at nightfall. You'll find Welther at (x=2030, y=2670), who will cough up the Silver Pantaloons in return for the location of Lady Elgea. You'll lose two points of reputation for doing this, but that can be cured with a little donation or two. ***REWARD*** (For freeing Lady Elgea) EXP 16750 ***REWARD*** (For freeing Lady Elgea.. eventually) EXP 8500 ***ITEMS*** (x=400, y=200) Ransom Note (x=400, y=340) 157 gold (x=300, y=420) Short Sword Tanner's Shop, Upstairs (AR0501) o======================================================================o 17) Anyways, it's time to get back to the Skinner Murders. Report your findings to Aegisfield and he'll run off to go check out the tanner. Jaheira wisely suggests that since the tanner is our top suspect for a series of grisly murders we should probably go with Aegisfield. Head over the building marked 'Tanner Shop' on your map (x=2700, y=2600). Once inside our friendly neighborhood tanner will tell us that he's closed, and will play innocent about the murders. Press him a bit and he confesses before running down the stairs (x=300, y=360). Follow him. ***REWARD*** (For discovering the identity of the Skinner Murderer) EXP 23250 ***ITEMS*** (x=550, y=150) Andar Gem, 19 gold (x=660, y=120) Shandon Gem, Potion of Regeneration Tanner's Stop, Downstairs (AR0502) o======================================================================o 18) Once downstairs your companions may comment on the corpse-strewn room. Disarm the traps in the room and search around to find the Inspector's Body, and the 'Tanner's Letter'. The latter object directs you to a contact in the Umar Hills. See? I told you there was a connection. Search one of the beds (x=400, y=300) and you'll find a.. shirt made of human flesh. Wonderful. Once you have all three objects go down the stairs at (x=550, y=400). ***ITEMS*** (x=700, y=400) Inspector's Body (x=200, y=400) Potion of Fire Resistance, Moonbar Gem, Black Opal, 130 gold (x=400, y=200) Scroll of Protection from Electricity, Tanner's Letter

***TRAPS*** (x=500, y=650) (x=500, y=420) (x=600, y=430) (x=200, y=400) (x=400, y=200) Tanner's Shop, Riverside Room (AR0503) o======================================================================o 19) When you reach the next level you'll find that it connects directly to the river, apparently to facilitate quick escapes by boat. More threateningly you'll find a trio of Ghasts and a Mage named Vellin Dahn. A fight soon ensues, and a pair of 'Rune Assassins' and a Bone Golem will show up, while Vellin Dahn disappears. The Rune Assassins can be pests, as they are fond of going invisible to score cheap backstabs. Once they're dead, loot around to obtain the Gesen Bow Shaft. Nice. We're just about done with this quest, but there's just one more thing that needs to be done. Time to get rid of Aegisfield's body. ***ITEMS*** (x=500, y=400) Gesen Bow Shaft, Hide Armor (x=670, y=450) Scroll of Improved Invisibility, Scroll of Monster Summoning II, Tchazar Gem (x=700, y=250) 6 gold ***TRAPS*** (x=500, y=400) (x=670, y=450) Council of Six Building (AR1002) o======================================================================o 20) Head over to the Government District and enter the Council of Six building. Inside, find Chief Inspector Brega (x=1120, y=500) who will take Aegisfield's body off of you. More importantly, he'll reward you for solving the crime. Well, that was fun and all, but now it's time to pursue our contact to the Umar Hills. And do a few other things and grab Mazzy while we're there. ***REWARD*** (For solving the Skinner Murder crimes) EXP 45000 Reputation +1 Gold 500 o======================================================================o | | | Umar Hills (Part I) | | (Recruiting Mazzy) | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK021} 1) His Name Was Darcin Cole 2) The Bla... err... Umar Witch Project 3) Minister Lloyd 4) Daar-Daar-Daar! 5) Jermien's Task 6) Idle Hands in Imnesvale 7) Tales Farmers Tell 8) Things Farmers Hide... In Chickens 9) Making Peace with Madulf 10) Umar Cave

11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21)

Addled Mines in Imnesvale A Golem Gone Awry Marcella's Cabin Anath's Vengeance Wolf Den Anath's Demise Grave Robbing is Bad Mazzy Pala Poisoned A Word with Wallace The Predictable Ending

Umar Hills (AR1100) o======================================================================o 1) Now if you remember, people have been disappearing... after being found turned inside out, of course. Some people think it's the wolves, some people think it's an Ogre and his band, and other think it's Umar herself. I think you should talk to Fael (x=3500, y=2860) and buy a copy of 'History of the Zhentarim'. After purchasing it he'll talk to you and ask you to call him by the name he used before (as pertaining to the riddle on the Tanner's Letter.) Select the following option: "Darcin Cole was your name." And he'll continue to chat with you. He'll say that he'll add the finishing touches to the human skin (presumably making it into a potent suit of armor) once you do one simple task. You merely need to retrieve the blood of a Silver Dragon. Simple, right? Obviously this is an evil act, but it'll be a while before we have the opportunity to get this blood, so you need not worry about it at the present. Also, buy some ale from Min Mining and three Bastard Swords from Elence Fielding. We MIGHT just need them shortly. Umar Inn (AR1105) o======================================================================o 2) Head into the Umar Inn (x=3750, y=2650), which you'll discover is somewhat crowded, at least at night. This Umar witch nonsense isn't bad for everyone's business, it seems. Talk to Vincenzo the Innkeep (x=600, y=600), who has a bit of a story to tell about the Umar witch... by now we should realize that this is a spoof of some cheesy low-budget witch film. Fortunately Willet the Stableboy keeps us down to earth. ***ITEMS*** (x=750, y=250) Wand of Fear, 24 gold (x=620, y=420) 448 gold (x=160, y=550) Umar Witch Project Journal x10, Antidote x2, Potion of Extra Healing x2 ***TRAPS*** (x=750, y=250) Minister Lloyd's House (AR1104) o======================================================================o 3) When you're done messing around at the Inn head outside and into the house at (x=4970, y=2550) and talk to Minister Lloyd (x=680, y=400). He'll tell you less stories and more fact, and mention that their Ranger, Merella, has vanished recently, leaving them all but defenseless. He'll reiterate everybody's fears, restating the culprits and mentioning that he hired the 'famous knight' Mazzy Fentan to look for the source of the problem.

***ITEMS*** (x=910, y=410) 3 gold (x=170, y=400) 7 gold (x=250, y=500) 7 gold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) Head outside and find Daar (x=4300, y=2050), who is in love with a local girl named Colette. Unfortunately Colette's dad is a powerful wizard named Jermien, and like all good dads, he doesn't want anybody messing with his daughter. He's not interested in trying to kill the guy, so it looks like Daar is at an impasse. Head into the house at (x=4440, y=2050). Jermien's House (AR1103) o======================================================================o 5) Jermien will question you when you enter the house, and although he's gruff he's not outright hostile. Well, except for the whole magic missile comment. Ask him about his Golem and he'll brighten up and cheerfully tell you about it. At length he'll ask you if you can find the blood of some mimic for him, which you might as well accept. You can talk to Colette to get her side of the story, but she doesn't have much to say right now. Don't loot the place, as Jermien will go hostile if you touch his valuables. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 6) Leave the house and go north, where you'll be accosted by a trio of over-eager village boys named Dirbert, Valsben, and Neler. They want you to buy them some Bastard Swords and ale-the start of all great adventures. Don't be a prude and agree to buy them their contraband. You'll get 200 gold for the task, which is more than enough. Hey, look at that! Somehow you just happened to know ahead of time to buy these items! You must be omniscient or something. For aiding in the delinquency of the minors you'll get some experience. Huzzah. ***REWARD*** (For aiding idle hands in Imnesvale) EXP 2000 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 7) To the west you'll find Jeb (x=3770, y=1550), who'll tell you a tale for 30 gold (although you can argue him down to 20 gold). After paying he'll tell you that Hendrick's daughter used to be an adventurer, and that after an encounter with some adventurer's he saw Hendrick trying to 'stuff somethin' down the gullet of one of them chickens he keeps out back.' South of Jeb you'll find Groos the Herder, Atta, Dale the Herder, Margie, and Kaatje, all of whom have an opinion about the killings. Of them, Kaatje actually has the most interesting story-since it's backed up by an eyewitness account of something wicked at Marella's cabin. The eyewitness account of a kid, but still... <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 8) To the west you'll find Erlin Hendrick (x=3220, y=1900) and his wife Enna Hendrick (x=3150, y=1800). Talk to the former, where you'll have several options. First, you can just strong-arm the Hendrick into giving up what he hid in the chicken. Second you can buy the chickens off of him for 10, 50, or 100 gold, depending on how generous you feel. Either way you'll score a Beljuril gem, which is worth far more than the gold you spent on it. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 9) Travel past Jeb to the north over a stream until you find Madulf at (x=3300, y=720). You can talk to him and provoke a fight, but if you don't explicitly go out of your way to do so, he'll ask you to bring terms to the villagers. Madulf wants to stay nearby and perhaps protect the village against Orcs in the mountains, and trade once every moon. Well, somehow I don't think these guys are the killers, especially since

they're losing members to whatever stalks out in the forests. Return to Minister Lloyd and tell him about the deal and he'll agree to go and talk to Madulf. Since it's obviously not the Ogre that's killing people, Minster Lloyd tells you to investigate Marella's cabin. All in good time. Rest, then talk to Minster Lloyd again and he'll have magically gone and met with Madulf, and will thank you for setting up the negotiations. Return to Madulf and he'll tell you about a struggle he saw near Meralla's cabin. More importantly, he'll give you the Shield of the Lost +2, which is a fair enough shield for this point in the game. Even more-so considering how little work we had to do to get it. ***REWARD*** (For setting up friendly relations between Madulf and Imnesvale) EXP 27500 Item Shield of the Lost +2 (from Madulf) Umar Cave (AR1106) o======================================================================o 10) West of Madulf you'll find Umar Cave (x=1600, y=1300), wherein you'll find a perfectly unguarded and totally not suspicious treasure chest (x=950, y=1050) just lying there for the looting. Don't mind the corpses lying around it. Send one character forward and try and loot the chest, whereupon everybody within range (which should be only the one character) will be subject to the 'chests' mimic glue, which holds characters regardless of free action. Kill the mimic and loot it for its juicy Mimic's Blood. Further north into the cave are two Umber Hulks waiting to be slaughtered-as in D'Arnise Keep, use Chaotic Commands on a strong fighter to absorb their initial Confusion attack, then go in and kill them. ***ITEMS*** (x=950, y=1050) Mimic's Blood, Diamond, Bullets +1 x40, Darts +1 x40 (x=900, y=300) Greenstone Ring, Flamedance Ring, Short Sword +1, War Hammer, Bolts +1 x40, Arrows +1 x40, Throwing Dagger x40, Throwing Axe x40, 42 gold Note from Lee: I often had multiple characters 'held' upon opening the chest. The Mimic is no big deal to kill, just don't be surprised if you only have 1-2 characters to fight it. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 11) This is more of an aside, but if you return to Umar Cave later, when there are no quests involved with it, you'll find the three kids you bought ale for earlier (Dirbert, Valsben, and Neler). They've apparently encountered a 'Dragon', and in their inebriated state, they have even less sense in their heads than usual. They'll flee, and if you explore you'll discover a Mutated Gibberling lurking in the cave... not quite a Dragon. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 12) Return to Jermien's house and give him his precious Mimic's Blood. An overjoyed Jermien will give you a sword for your trouble and merrily set off to complete and activate his Golem, so as to ensure his daughter remains unmolested. Unfortunately the Golem goes crazy and attack Jermien. Step in and save him, and afterwards Jermien decides that he might not be quite as knowledgeable as he previously thought. This prompts him not to stand in the way of Daar and Colette anymore, and after they take off, he will too. This grants you yet another experience reward and the ability to loot Jermien's house free from fear of reprisal. The sword you were given, Ilbratha, isn't very good in combat, but the fact that it you can use it to throw on a Mirror Image means it's worth putting in one of your Fighter's quick-weapon

slots. Before big fights they can use this baby to boost their defenses, then switch back to a more potent weapon. Minsc, Keldorn, Valygar, and Korgan are all good choices for this defensive item. ***REWARD*** (For giving Jermien the Mimic's Blood) EXP 19250 Item Ilbratha +1 ***REWARD*** (For saving Jermien from his Golem) EXP 21250 ***ITEMS*** (x=150, y=200) Potion Potion (x=550, y=250) Scroll Scroll (x=500, y=330) Silver (x=600, y=400) 3 gold of Fire Resistance, Potion of Clarity, of Genius of Power Word Sleep, Scroll of Contingency, of Protection from Normal Weapons Ring, Scroll of Identify

Marella's Cabin (AR1102) o======================================================================o 13) Now that we've done everything in Imnesvale we can possibly do, it's time to stop delaying and head over to Marella's cabin (x=600, y=2800). Make sure to grab Marcella's Journal off the table and then grab 'A Note from Mazzy Fentan' off the floor in the bedroom. The journal will point to some shadowy wolf-like creatures and intrusive voices. Spooky. Mazzy seems to believe it's the wolves too, and both have drawn maps to help you find this wolf den. Ignore the messy corpse on the bed and leave the house, exit via the edge of the map and travel to the 'Temple Ruins' area to the north. ***REWARD*** (For obtaining Marella's Journal) EXP 22500 ***ITEMS*** (x=950, y=370) (x=550, y=600) (x=450, y=550) (x=500, y=450) (x=460, y=375) (x=500, y=200) 1 gold Marella's Journal 1 gold 1 gold, Bolts of Lightning x20 A Note from Mazzy Fentan 1 gold, Acid Arrows x20

Temple Ruins (AR1404) o======================================================================o 14) In this level, you'll periodically come across Shadows, Shade Wolves, and Greater Shade Wolves. By now we can certainly knock off any mundane explanation for the murders, although the 'wolves' do seem to be involved, but by now I don't think we can safely call them 'wolves' anymore. You'll find a cave at (x=600, y=600), outside of which a werewolf named Anath will proclaim that you won't steal her vengeance. Okay. Head inside the cave to find out what this is about. Wolf Cave (AR1403) o======================================================================o 15) Anath stands at (x=700, y=470), and considering all the corpses lying around, she looks awfully guilty. You can pick a fight here, but since she's not a Shadow or some other form of undead, you should probably give her the benefit of the doubt. Also she can't be hurt by...

pretty much any weapon you can get your hands on in Shadows of Amn, so unless you have a boatload of Magic Missiles, you might not want to tangle with her. Anath blames one 'Shade Lord' for the unnatural and unholy darkness in this area, as well as for the belligerence of her pack. She also states that the temple to the east has been perverted, what was once a temple to Amaunator, a god of the sun, is now the sanctuary for this Shade Lord. We remember Amaunator, right? We helped him out during the Unseeing Eye quest! She'll admit to killing a man to gain Strength enough to fight the Shade Lord, so she's no saint herself, but since she's the enemy of our enemy, I let her go try and get her vengeance. She'll tell you to meet her by the temple when you're ready. Loot the pool and leave. ***ITEMS*** (x=900, y=400) Silver Ring, Gold Necklace, Onyx Ring <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 16) Head to the northeast to find the temple, which is just crawling with shadows. Anath will be there and will tell you that it's a trap, and will suggest using a mirror (x=4150, y=300) to beat back the undead. After telling you this helpful information, she'll continue to be helpful by dropping dead, which saves us the trouble of having to kill her. Manipulate the mirror until the area near the crystal lights up. Every wretched Shadow that moves into the light will be destroyed, and if you move your party into the light the Shadows will gladly chase you to their doom... I guess they're not very... bright? Ah-hah. I kill myself... Now that you've secured the entrance to the temple, rest up and head down the stairs (x=4500, y=200) when you're ready. Fallen Temple of Amaunator (AR1401) o======================================================================o 17) Continue down a tunnel and go through a door at (x=1850, y=950) to find a room full of Shade Wolves and Skeleton Warriors. Massacre them and continue through another doorway to the northwest. We could grab Amauna's Bones (x=1850, y=950), but since I have no intention of completing this quest right now I prefer to leave them alone. They're less likely to get lost if they stay where they are, and they won't clutter up my inventory. ***ITEMS*** (x=1850, y=950) Amauna's Bones, Arrows x80, Bolts x80, Darts x40, Throwing Axes x40 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 18) Through the doorway awaits more Shadows and a Shadow Jailor, who will proclaim that you will not steal his master's consort. Whatever. Kill it and loot its body for a 'Shadow Prison Key' with which you can prove him wrong. Go through the door at (x=1450, y=550) to find Mazzy (x=1500, y=510). You can gallantly rescue her, or try to leave her behind (although Keldorn will object to the latter if he's with you.) It's her goal to defeat the Shade Lord, and if you ask she'll tell you... well... pretty much everything there is to know about the situation. Apparently you'll need to pass Amaunator's tests to collect 'Sun Gems' which will open the doors in this temple. This will allow you to reach the bowels of the temple and reach the corrupted altar of Amaunator, now more ominously dubbed the 'Shadow Altar'. You also need three parts parts of a key that opens a door leading the the 'horror' the Shadow Lord commands-a Shadow Dragon. According to Mazzy, the Shadow Lord inhabits the body of Meralla and planned to use Mazzy as his next vessel when the former faltered. In a nutshell you need to find Sun Gems and parts of a key, sneak past a Shadow Dragon, and smash a Shadow Altar and kill the Shade Lord. See why we're not doing this quest now? It's possible that after doing all the quests we've

done that we might indeed be powerful enough to kill the Shadow Dragon, but it's something I prefer to wait for. Anyways, you can recruit Mazzy now if you wish, or send her off to her family home in Trademeet if you don't want her in your party. Either way, we're off to Trademeet as well. If you carry Mazzy around with you for a while you'll eventually get a quest involving her, which I'll cover below... you know, since this part of the Walkthrough is dedicated to recruiting Mazzy, might as well keep her quest here, too. ***ITEMS*** (x=1360, y=380) Bolts x40, Bullets x80, 1 Gold, Tombelthan's journal (2nd half) Note from Lee: I never - I repeat, never - take Mazzy along. She is arguably the most useless character in the game, and her family quests are worthless. I do, however, complete the rest of the temple quest (WLK038) as well as the Ranger Stronghold quests (WLK039) here. My party is powerful enough to tackle the Shadow Dragon (thanks to having stole/sold my way to all the best weapons, etc), although it is far more difficult now than it would be later. Not recommended for first-time players-you really have to know how to micro-manage a major battle to think about attempting this... <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 19) After a bit of traveling (this quest seems to trigger more through game-time, rather than real-time, which determines banters) Danno Fairfoot will show up and tell Mazzy that he accidentally poisoned her sister, Pala, with a love potion he bought from some huckster in Trademeet. Apparently we're going to Trademeet regardless of what we wish to do next! Still, full disclosure here, I expect few enough people to actually play with Mazzy that I have no real discomfort including her family trouble in Trademeet here, while having the official exploration of Trademeet just below this. Ignore the goofiness engulfing Trademeet for now (or better yet, mix this Sequence of Events with the next) and head over to the Fentan Home (x=2750, y=1000). Fentan Home (AR2002) o======================================================================o 20) When you arrive, Vara Fentan, Mazzy's mother, will tell you that Pala has been poisoned by the old Gnome peddler, Wallace, although why remains a mystery. You'll find Wallace in Trademeet at (x=2000, y=2820), and he'll show some surprise at Pala's poisoning. He explains that he has a new supplier, a priest at the temple of Waukeen named Barl. Mazzy accepts him at his word, and you gain a bit of experience for merely finding him. ***REWARD*** (For chatting with Wallace) EXP 6750 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 21) Now it's time to pay a visit to the Temple of Waukeen (x=850, y=2000), within which you'll find Overgold Renwellyn (x=550, y=350). Be cordial and he'll agree to disregard Barl's right to privacy if it helps discover whether he is evil or not. A quick investigation of Barl's room will turn up some 'suspicious paraphernalia' including an alchemy set and a symbol of Talona, the 'Mistress of Poison'. Can't really get much more cut and dry than this, can it? Barl shows up, and his demeanor is laughably confrontational. In what is surely some of the more lackluster dialogue in this game, Barl blusters and admits to the misdeed before attacking. He'll summon some Poison Mists to help him, but they're nothing that can't just be

chopped down. After he dies, Mazzy hopes for a magical cure for her sister, and lo', we discover a vial on his body, after which we'll be whisked back to the Fentan Home. The cure, of course, seems to be working, and Mazzy will leave your party for a while to stay by her sister's side. Wait a day and return and all will be well. Why would a Priest of Talona, 'Mistress of Poison' bother carrying around an antidote? It's his religious obligation to inflict pain and suffering upon people, and if anybody uses the 'blackmail' excuse, I'll hit them with a stick. Nobody attempting to murder somebody with poison would carry an antidote. This whole quest is just short-sighted and silly, and does nothing for my disdain of Mazzy, or of Halflings in general. Stupid Halflings! ***REWARD*** (For exposing and killing Barl) EXP 25000 o======================================================================o | | | Trademeet | | (Recruiting and Securing Cernd) | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK022} 1) Assaulted by Animals 2) Genie Monopoly 3) Khan Zahraa's Fugitive 4) Rahee and Salahee 5) The Family of Rom 6) Tall Tales in the Pleasure Tent 7) Exploding Bhaalspawn, Vyatri's Pub 8) Annoying Neeber 9) Itona's Information 10) The High Merchant's Request 11) Cernd 12) Pauden 13) The Troll Mound 14) Trolls and Shadow Druids 15) Kyland Lind and More Shadow Druids 16) Ogre's Tower 17) Adratha's Cabin 18) Dalok and Even More Shadow Druids 19) Showdown with Faldorn 20) The High Merchant's Reward 21) Khan Zahraa's Reward 22) The Terror of Tiris of Trademeet 23) The Caravan Merchant 24) Treasures of Trademeet 25) The Smithy 26) The Heroes of Trademeet! 27) Family Feud 28) The Tale of Tiris of Trademeet 29) Skin Dancing 30) Picking Sides 31) Trademeet Tomb 32) Delivering the Mantle 33) Cernd's Child 34) Home Sweet Home 35) In Cernd's Absence.. 36) Reckoning with Deril 37) Extra Exploration

Trademeet (AR2000) o======================================================================o 1) When you arrive at Trademeet you'll immediately find yourself in the middle of a battle between wild animals and the townsfolk of Trademeet. Kill everything that's hostile and after the carnage has ended the Militia Captain will speak with you, telling you that you should leave. Offer to help with the animal attacks and you'll be referred to the High Merchant, Lord Logan Coprith. Caravan Merchant's Tent (AR2015) o======================================================================o 2) Of course, there's a lot to see and do here in Trademeet, so let's start out by exploring the southern end of the map from east to west. Start by entering the tent at (x=3680, y=3100) and talking to the Caravan Merchant (x=400, y=370), who will inform you they have nothing to sell do to the interference of some genies. ***ITEMS*** (x=300, y=300) 1 Gold (x=450, y=300) Sunstone Gem Note from Lee: The second item is apparently random; I've gotten a Scroll of Identify here before. The Dao Djinni Tent (AR2014) o======================================================================o 3) Genies, he says? Just north of his tent you'll find one such creature named Taquee (x=3420, y=2950) from whom you can steal an Efreeti Bottle. Head inside the tent (x=3500, y=2900) and talk to Khan Zahraa (x=420, y=320). You know he's special because he's got legs. He'll say they've come here from Calimshan hunting a Rakshasa by the name of Ihtafeer. Since they're proven inept thus far at finding the Rakshasa, they've decided to blockade all the trade into Trademeet by buying all incoming goods (using spells to 'convince' the sellers, if necessary) then jacking up the prices to effectively strangle the good folk of Trademeet. They hope the people will get sick of it and find their Rakshasa for them-which under normal circumstances might just work, but with the animal attacks.. it's a bad combination for Trademeet. Offer to bring him Ihtafeer's head and thus resolve this problem. You can also purchase some items from the genie. His goods are expensive, but not mind-bogglingly so, if you need some +2 ammunition, Potions of Master Thievery, or something of the sort. You cannot steal from him. If you wanted to resolve this quest the brutish way, you could always just kill them-but what's the fun in that? Rahee and Salahee's Tent (AR2016) o======================================================================o 4) Over at (x=2600, y=3250) you'll find Raafee's tent, within which reside Raafee (x=350, y=320) and his wife Salahee (x=520, y=320). They just complain about the genies. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) Over to the west you'll find the family of Rom, consisting of Kveroslava (x=1050, y=3030), Mastav (x=950, y=3030), Jidek (x=850, y=3050), and Rinin (x=750, y=3030). The first will tell you your fortunes for 10 gold-something that we know by now is rough on the fortune teller. Talk to Jidek a couple of times to involve yourself in some family troubles. Jidek has been struck by wanderlust, and thinks Athkatla is some wondrous metropolis where the streets are littered with gold. Either indulge his fantasies, crush them, play the middle ground, or refuse to get involved. If you tell him it's not a bad

place he'll set off for Athkatla immediately. Pick any other option and he'll just go for a walk. Oh, and along the way, you'll find some crates you can loot. Thanks to Lee for that. ***ITEMS*** (x=1470, y=3040) Helmet x7 (lots of variety!), 1 gold (x=1390, y=3080) Potion of Extra Healing, 3 gold The Pleasure Tent (AR2017) o======================================================================o 6) In the tent at (x=320, y=3000) you'll find Wilfred the Red (x=420, y=280) who claims to have slain a dragon. The Mistress of this brothel-tent and the last remaining working girl both seem to have serious doubts about this claim, however. Be a ball-buster and challenge him to duel and he'll confess the truth. To keep you quiet he'll pay you off. ***REWARD*** (For getting Wilfred the Red to confess) EXP 1000 Gold 1000 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 6) After our unexpected and entirely undeserved payday, head into the western side of Trademeet and talk to the Merchant at (x=1680, y=2820). He has nothing to sell, but he'll tell you more about the animal attacks, saying that a druid has been arrested and is being kept in the High Merchant's manor. He'll also tell you about the genies, and tell you to talk to Guildmistress Busya about the situation. ***ITEMS*** (x=970, y=2600) Fire Opal Ring Note from Lee: This merchant is only here during the day - not at night. Vyatri's Pub (AR2010) o======================================================================o 7) Head into Vyatri's Pub (x=2200, y=2350), where you'll find Viekang, who identifies you as a child of Bhaal. Before anything else can be forthcoming, however, there's an explosion and Viekang is gone. Okay. Talk to Vyatri (x=770, y=400) to find out some info about the animal attacks and the genies-but by now it's nothing you don't already know. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 8) Now head up to the town center, near the fountain, where you'll be accosted by Neeber (x=2430, y=1230). Neeber... Noober...? Naw, it can't be.. Endure his annoying line of questioning and he'll eventually give you some 'rocks' that other people threw at him. ***REWARD*** (For enduring Neeber's moronic questions) EXP 1000 (each character) Item Bullets +2 x5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 9) Head out the northeastern gate of town (dispatching some animals along the way) to find a Thief named Itona (x=3750, y=70). She'll offer to tell you the location of the Rakshasa, free of charge. Why? Simple, the Shadow Thieves can't steal from the genies who hold all the wealth in Trademeet, and to get their hands back into other people's pockets, the businesses need to be freed of their Djinni monopoly. She'll name an old woman, Adratha, as your Rakshasa.

Mayor's House (AR2007) o======================================================================o 10) We've explored Trademeet enough for now. There are still people to talk to and places to visit, but they're not very interesting at the moment. Enter the Mayor's House (x=1300, y=2300) and talk to Guildmistress Busya (x=700, y=500). She alludes to Trademeets problems without really telling you anything. She will, however, tell you to talk to her about the Djinni problem after the animal attacks are halted. Since she seems like the rewardy type, we should probably delay the rakshasa hunt and focus on the animals. Now go find High Merchant Logan Coprith (x=1220, y=420). He gets right to the point and asks you to escort the druid he has in custody to the grove of the local-and now hostile-druids. That or investigate them yourself, which I greatly prefer. Head down the stairs at (x=550, y=350). ***ITEMS*** (x=850, y=450) 16 gold (x=910, y=170) Potion of Extra Healing x2, 1 gold (x=1010, y=240) 31 gold (x=1300, y=450) History of Dambrath, History of Luiren, History of Halruaa, Potion of Invisibility Mayor's House, Dungeon (AR2009) o======================================================================o 11) The only thing to do here is talk to Cernd (x=330, y=300) who is being held 'captive' more for his own safety than anything else. He will tell you that he was sent from the north to investigate why this grove has cut ties with the hierarchy. He suspects a change in leadership as the cause. Take him with you-or not. If you don't have a Druid in your party you might just want to. Frankly, however, Jaheira is far and away a better character, so she'll serve in his stead. It's time to leave troubled Trademeet behind and travel to the Druid Grove. Note: If your alignment is evil you'll be approached by a Halfling named 'Lord Khellon Menold', who will offer you a more permanent solution to the Druid problem. Although his reasons seem more personal than practical, he wants you to 'exorcize' the spirit of the Druid Grove, hence eliminating it once and for all. To do this you need to poison the 'holy font' in the grove with 'sulfurous poison'. ***ITEMS*** (x=350, y=420) 6 gold Note from Lee: The amount of gold here seems to be somewhat random - I only got 3 Druid Grove Area (AR1900) o======================================================================o 12) Fair warning, there are Trolls lurking about. Be sure to have some way to deal with them. To the northwest you'll find Pauden, who's really trying to be nice-but firm. Mention Cernd and he'll tell you that this grove has been usurped by a Shadow Druid named Faldorn. Yep. The same Faldorn from Baldur's Gate 1. Well, it looks like we've found the source of our Druid problem. If you provoke Pauden some Druids (led by Dalok) will overhear and attack. These Druids will normally be encountered later in the level. Troll Mound (AR1904) o======================================================================o 13) Head to the far southwestern corner of the map, killing Spiders

and Trolls as you go. Near the Troll Mound I encountered a new sort of Troll-the Spirit Troll (if you were higher level during the de'Arnise Keep, you'd have fought them there.) Spirit Trolls require magical weapons to hit (like Spectral Trolls) and begin battle with an Improved Invisibility effect on them. They also drain Strength every time they hit-like a Shadow. The effect is temporary, but annoying. Anyways, spell-buff and enter the Troll Mound (x=900, y=2500), where you'll find Trolls, of course. Kill all the Trolls and loot one pile of skulls for some gold and the Spear of the Unicorn +2, and another for Bracers of Archery and more gold. I don't have much use for the Spear of the Unicorn +2, but characters who contribute primarily with ranged attacks (like Minsc, Imoen, Nalia, Yoshimo, etc.) will be well-served by these. ***ITEMS*** (x=930, y=700) Spear of the Unicorn +2, 46 gold (x=600, y=880) Bracers of Archery, 421 gold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 14) Leave the skull that is the Troll-Mound and head north, then east. You'll happen across a group of adventurers fighting Trolls. You can sit back and watch, or help the adventurers. After the Trolls are down, they'll turn on you, being in league with Faldorn as they are and all. The Fighters have some Arrows +1 and Arrows of Fire, and the Druid has Leather Armor +1, but it's nothing to get worked up over. Note from Lee: On one play-thru the Trolls actually won this fight, killing the good guys and leaving a single Troll for me to dispose of. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 15) Over at (x=2850, y=1530) you'll find a group of Druids led by one Kyland Lind, who is decidedly opposed to your presence here. Since they are capable of presenting a lot of spell power against me, I decide to treat them as if they are threats. An Insect Plague, two Silence 15' Radii, and two Chaos spells make them considerably less threatening. They don't drop anything, but it's good experience, nonetheless. Ogre's Tower (AR1905) o======================================================================o 15) Continue eastward over some rocks and across a bridge. As soon as the bridge ends go south. It looks impassable, but you can go there. Continue on until you find the large door leading to the Ogre's Tower (x=4800, y=1200). Inside search the hay (x=380, y=200) for Belm +2, a +2 Scimitar that grants an extra attack per round. Perfect for Jaheira, who finally finds an excuse to drop that Staff Mace she had been using. 5 attacks/2 rounds is much better than 3 attacks/2 rounds, after all. ***ITEMS*** (x=380, y=200) Silver Ring, Belm +2 Note from Lee: I got a Scroll of Grease, instead of the ring. Adratha's Cottage (AR1902) o======================================================================o 16) Head back up to the bridge and continue northeast to find Adratha's 'Cottage'. One hell of a cottage. Maybe it's just the towers throwing me off? Spell-buff and enter the cottage (x=4400, y=900), inside of which you'll find 'Adratha' (x=480, y=530), who is, in reality, . Talk to Adratha/Ihtafeer and she'll 'smell' the Djinni on you, which naturally provokes her into attacking. She'll be joined by Saadat and Jalaal. Just focus on Ihtafeer. She can take a lot of punishment, but she can't really deal retaliate against my spell-buffed party. Jalaal and Saadat

will amuse themselves with petty magics, and when Ihtafeer dies... well, their experience rewards really does measure their relative level of threat. Saadat will drop a Cleric's Staff +3 and a Long sword, Jalaal will leave behind a Long Sword, and Ihtafeer drops a Periapt of Proof Against Poison, a Long Sword, and Ihtafeer's Head. You'll need the latter to prove you've done the Djinni's dirty work. ***ITEMS*** (x=620, y=200) Jade Ring, Arrows of Fire x40, Acid Arrows x40, Bolts of Biting x40, Bolts of Lightning x40 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 17) Head north over another bridge, which terminates in a bunch of mushrooms. Nobody should be surprised that several Spore Colonies lie nearby, ready to spawn Myconids. Continue to the west where you'll find Cernd waiting (x=2420, y=600), provided that you didn't bring him with you. Talk to him and tell him you discovered that a Shadow Druid named Faldorn now runs things here. He'll tell you that only a Druid can face Faldorn, as it's unlikely she'll leave the grove, within which she is nearly invulnerable. She is honor-bound, however, to accept the challenge of another legitimate Druid. You can either take Cernd or Jaheira with you for the purpose. Note that this will be an unarmed fight, one which Cernd is actually probably more capable of handling than Jaheira (what with his werewolf shapeshift and all.) Still, Jaheira is more than capable. Make sure you have some Druid or another in your party and continue to the west. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 18) You'll come across another group of Druids led by Dalok (x=1100, y=670). This is your last obstacle before encountering Faldorn. A few spells will soften them up, but I required no special strategies to defeat them. Dalok will drop a Flame Tongue, 3 gold, and a Club +2, Gnasher, which is an interesting weapon Jaheira could use, but I'd just as well keep Belm +2. Why a Druid was carrying around a sword he can't use is beyond me. Before I enter the Druid Grove (x=850, y=250) I have Jaheira prepare an Iron Skins, and a Conjure Fire Elemental. Druid Grove (AR1901) o======================================================================o 19) Explore the grove until you find Faldorn (x=330, y=580). She has little of interest to say, so challenge her for the grove. After which your applicable character will be stripped of all their items and placed into a rather small pit with Faldorn. Jaheira casts Iron Skins and then conjures herself a Fire Elemental before shapeshifting into a Brown Bear. You could also cast an Insect Plague, but Faldorn isn't very keen on using spells. Whittle away Faldorn's 90 or so Hit Points and victory is yours. Cernd will then talk and say that a Druid named Verthan will serve as the head of this grove until the time comes when a new Great Druid can be chosen. If you're a Druid yourself, command of the grove will be offered to you. If you accept (and why wouldn't you?) you'll receive a Staff of Thunder and Lightning. Master Verthan will tell you to rest in the grove when you're ready to 'accept the joyous burden the Spirit offers'. Oh yeah, and he tells you to pick up whatever crap you dropped before the fight with Faldorn. We'll get to the Druid Grove quests in a bit, but first it's time to wrap things up in Trademeet. If you accepted the poison earlier, you need to activate the 'holy font' at (x=1100, y=300). This will provoke Cernd, Jaheira and Keldorn to leave your party and attack, as well as all the Druids in the grove. I can only imagine what Aerie, Mazzy, and Minsc will do in response to this, but the point remains-don't do this with good party members present! If you wanted to see what could unite Druids and Shadow

Druids... well, this is it. Note from Lee: Battle trick... Strip Jaheira/Cernd/Main Character (depending on who will fight Faldorn) of all their gear and give it to another character before issuing the challenge. Once you appear in the battle pit, move your Druid as close to the edge of the pit as possible, and the carrying character as close as possible to your Druid. Pause, and you should be able to re-equip the Druid with everything except armor (can't change armor in battle), but you'll have all your weapons, magic items, and other gear for the fight. Not that you really need it - Faldorn is a pussy - but hey... why not? <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 20) Exit the Druid Grove and head west to exit the area and return to Trademeet. Waste little time in returning to the Mayor's House, where Logan Coprith is waiting to reward you. He'll then tell you about Trademeet's other problem-the Djinni-which unbeknownst to him you've already resolved. He'll tell you about the Djinni and refer you to Guildmistress Busya, who is now presumably in a better mood to deal with you. Indeed, she'll tell you to convince them to leave, or destroy them if that fails. She'll offer gold and a magical item for your help. ***REWARD*** (For eliminating the Shadow Druid menace) EXP 18000 (each character) Gold 2000 If, on the other hand, you poisoned the grove you'll lose a point of reputation. Babies. To get any reward you need to travel to Vyatri's Pub and talk to Lord Khellon Menold, who waits outside (x=2080, y=2320). Your reward from this greedy halfling is significantly less than it would have been from the High Merchant. ***REWARD*** (For poisoning the Druid Grove) Gold 1000 Item Shield of Harmony +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 21) Head over to the Djinni tent and talk to Khan Zahraa. In return for Ihtafeer's head he'll give you a Scimitar +2" 'Rashad's Talon', as well as an experience reward. Didn't we find this thing on top of Durlag's Tower? How'd it get all the way down here, and in the hands of a Djinni, no less? If you haven't stolen the Efreeti Bottle from Taquee outside, it's too late to do so after returning the head to Khan Zahraa. Also be sure to have purchased everything you want from the Khan before you complete this quest. ***REWARD*** (For delivering Ihtafeer's head to Khan Zahraa) EXP 10000 Item Scimitar +2, Rashad's Talon <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 22) Upon leaving the tent you'll be bothered by a lady named Jenia, who will tell you that her son Tiris is too frightened to leave their home. This certainly doesn't seem like something worth bothering adventurers of our caliber over, but we might as well go check it out. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 23) Before we return to Mistress Busya, I'll discuss the shops in Trademeet that have now reopened. First we have access to the Caravan Merchant in the tent south of the Djinni Tent (AR2015). He sells gear that is identical to the stuff the Cutpurse in the Bridge District of

Athkatla sold-namely a Staff Spear, Potions of Master Thievery, and some useful spell scrolls. All of this can be had at a five-finger discount, of course. Note from Lee: If you do nothing else, steal the Wand of Fire from him. These are arguably the best wand-type item in the game, and I pick them up at every opportunity. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 24) Next is the merchant we gained so much information from earlier (x=1680, y=2820). His wares are honestly quite nice: Club +3, Blackblood A possible upgrade for Jaheira, it's enchantment bonus makes it considerable, and the +3 acid damage is a bonus. In most fights, I prefer Belm +2, but it's worth carrying around. Dwarven Thrower +3 This would be a good weapon for Anomen-if he were a dwarf. As it stands, it's a consideration for Korgan, although he already has Hangard's Axe +2. As Korgan becomes more proficient with Hammers, however, you'll appreciate having a +3 ranged weapon. Especially against giants. Ras +2 A +2 Long Sword isn't very special by now, but the cool thing about Ras is that it can fight on its own for four rounds. Treat it as a summoned monster rather than a melee weapon. Tansheron's Bow +3 One of the better weapons this merchant sells, it's a +3 Short Bow that doesn't require ammo. It'll serve you well as you chase after Irenicus, and really it's the best Short Bow you're going to find until you create the Gesen Bow. Cloak of Displacement You should remember this from the first game, it gives a +4 Armor Class bonus against missile weapons, and a +2 bonus to saves versus death, breath, and wands. Stacked with a shield (like the Shield +1, +4 versus Missiles of the Fortress Shield) the Boots of Avoidance, and the Girdle of Piercing, this can make a character almost invulnerable to ranged attacks. On the other hand, it can also spread out the bonuses to other characters. In particular, I tend to put it on Viconia or Anomen, depending which one of them I bring along. The fact that it also boost their saves is just an added reason to put it on a Cleric. Belt of Inertial Barrier This belt gives a +5 bonus to saves vs. breath weapons, 25% resistance to missile damage, and 50% resistance to magic damage Not magical fire or magical ice, but magic like Magic Missiles and Horrid Wilting. Wizards, with their low Hit Points make natural benefactors of these bonuses, since they're most likely to be maligned by missiles, magic, and breath weapons, rather than melee attacks. Stealing all 175%. It's a thousands of put yourself the loot from him was a breeze with a Pick Pockets of small investment in potions for literally tens of gold worth of loot. Steal from him liberally, and you'll ahead for the next few chapters.

The Smithy (AR2001) o======================================================================o

25) You can't really expect the rest of the merchants in the city to top the last one. Wallace (x=2000, y=2820) and the Peddler (x=2520, y=2000) sell a few potions, and mundane gear, but nothing exceptional. Head to the Smithy (x=1950, y=800) if you want to buy some +2 ammunition and some useful spell scrolls (listed below). He also has a Robe of the Good Archmagi, but it's expensive, and inferior to the Robe of Vecna. Unfortunately you can't rob him, either. Breach Conjure Lesser Fire Elemental Fireshield (Red) Pierce Magic Protection from Cold Protection from Magic Energy Spell Thrust True Sight ***ITEMS*** (x=500, y=400) 1 gold (x=600, y=150) Scroll of Protection from Cold (x=800, y=280) Tchazar Gem, Black Opal <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 26) Return to Guildmistress Busya for another well-deserved reward, mostly in the shape of loot. The Shield of Harmony can replace any Large Shield +2 you may yet be carrying, it's resistances are nice, but it's bonus to Armor Class is only moderate, and soon to be eclipsed. The gold reward is nice, too, being half the money you needed to raise in order to find Imoen. Return to the High Merchant and he'll declare you the Heroes of Trademeet! The reward is... less practical, but still, how many other people have statues of themselves hanging out by a fountain? Not you, that's for sure. ***REWARD*** (For peacefully convincing the Djinni to leave) Gold 7500 Item Shield of Harmony Item Rogue Stone Item Diamond Item Jade Ring Item Pearl <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 27) The High Merchant will give a little speech and you'll get the real reward for saving Trademeet. Of course, an adventurer's work is never done. Before the ceremony ends you'll be bothered by Lady Lilith Lurraxol and Lord Skarmaen Alibakkar, two nobles who claim to be descendents of the founders of Trademeet. They're diametrically opposed, it seems, and they both want you to meet them at their mansions. You'll now get a suitable reward for becoming the Heroes of Trademeet. Before we involve ourselves in this new quest, let's go check on Tiris, first. ***REWARD*** (For becoming the Heroes of Trademeet) EXP 25250 (each character) Gold 10750 Reputation +1 Tiris' Home (AR2006) o======================================================================o 28) You can find Tiris' home at (x=1300, y=900), where Tiris himself cowers (x=270, y=170). He'll tell about how he was ambushed by a skinless man while out with his love Raissa, whom he bravely left

behind when he fled. He'll ask you to try and rescue Raissa, and will mention the name of the skinless man's accomplice-one Rejiek. It appears our skinner made his way here from Athkatla. See the connection between the Bridge District and Trademeet? There's reason to my madness, sometimes. ***ITEMS*** (x=330, y=170) Dagger, 2 gold (x=170, y=150) Fire Agate Gem, Silver Ring, Short Sword, Leather Armor (x=580, y=120) Dagger, Sling, History of Amn, 7 gold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 29) Head over to the southwestern gate, where this ambush apparently occurred. You'll meet a man outside the gate named Darsidian Moor, who claims to be hunting a Skin Dancer. He believes the Skin Dancer lairs north of the eastern gate. Head over to where the large mosaic of Waukeen is to find Darsidian Moor, who claims to have rescued Raissa and to have knocked the Skin Dancer's accomplice unconscious. They'll both beg you to kill the unconscious Rejiek Hidesman. This sure seems fishy, eh? Talk to Rejiek to discover that this is actually Raissa, and the other two are your villains. Rejiek grows impatient and decides to attack. Take them down, they're not very strong, and talk to Raissa. Raissa will rise and occupy her own skin again. That's right, you read that. Poor Raissa has been cursed to become a Skin Dancer herself, that is, unless she gets a Restoration spell cast on her. You can either cast it yourself or use a scroll to cast it. The latter can be purchased from the Temple of Waukeen, or purchased/stolen from the Caravan Merchant (AR2015). At this point in the game I prefer to steal a Scroll of Restoration and cast it on her. It's much more rewarding than killing her. Return back to Tiris' house and talk to his parents to complete the quest. ***REWARD*** (For saving Raissa from her affliction) EXP 30000 Reputation +1 Note from Lee: For some reason, I didn't get the Reputation bonus the last time I went thru this step. Not that I raelly needed it - my Reputation is 19 at this point anyway. Alibakkar Estate (AR2011)/Lurraxol Estate (AR2012) o======================================================================o 30) We now have only one quest left to do, which involves paying a visit to one of Trademeet's supposed first families. Whichever one you choose to side with matters not a bit. To show how arbitrary this choice is, I picked to work for the Lurraxols because their name is cooler. And because I'd rather please the ladies. Anyhow, they both want you to recover an item from the tombs in Trademeet called the 'Mantle of Waukeen, which they think will prove their legitimacy as the first family of Trademeet. Of course the tombs are haunted, which is why they're bothering to hire you. Both will offer 1000 gold, and both will give you the 'Trademeet Tomb Key' to facilitate your infiltration. ***ITEMS*** (AR2011) (x=400, y=360) Pearl Necklace, 35 gold (x=850, y=450) 20 gold (x=920, y=370) Bullets +1 x2 Trademeet Crypt (AR2013) o======================================================================o

31) Head over to the Trademeet Crypt (x=3200, y=500). After you open the doors the High Merchant will show up and offer you another deal. To preserve the peace in Trademeet he wants you to give him the Mantle of Waukeen, as bloodshed seems inevitable if you give it to either of the noble families. It's the common video game moral dilemma-money versus doing a good deed. Regardless of what you do, you need the Mantle, first. Head inside the tomb and kill the Skeletons and Skeleton Warriors within, one of which will drop the Mantle of Waukeen. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 32) Now, if you return it to one of the noble families, the other will show up and attack. Looks like the High Merchant was right about the bloodshed thing. You'll be caught in the middle of the fight and will have to fend off both sides, which inevitably means you need to kill both the nobles. After they're dead the High Merchant will come in and comment on the sorry state of affairs. The big draw of killing the nobles is that Lord Alibakkar will drop a suit of Elven Chain. By now it's only so useful (and unnecessary if you plan to side with Bodhi later), but it's still something. You also get more gold and comparable experience (6000 from just the two nobles). If you give it to the High Merchant, you'll get an experience reward, a quarter of the gold the nobles will pay, and a reputation increase (which, depending on where your reputation is, can equal or exceed the monetary value the nobles offer. Best of all, we're now done with Trademeet. If you're a Druid, the next section will cover the Druid Grove quests, if not, or if you don't care to do these quests now, skip to [WLK024] if you want to side with Bodhi, or [WLK025] if you want to side with Gaelan Bayle and the Shadow Thieves. In the rest of this section I'll cover Cernd's quest, for those who are interested. ***REWARD*** (For giving the Mantle of Waukeen to the Alibakkars/the Lurraxols) Gold 1000 ***REWARD*** (For giving the Mantle of Waukeen to the High Merchant) EXP 8000 Gold 250 Reputation +1 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 33) You'll find Cernd wherever you left him, or hanging out near the Druid Grove (AR1900) (x=2440, y=600). Accept him back into your party and head back to Waukeen's Promenade, where you'll be bothered by a man named Igarol. Apparently he was Cernd's neighbor before Cernd left to become a Druid. What, you think people are born Druids? Of course not! Becoming a Druid typically involves some family or social strife (like Jaheira) or a few blows to the head (like Cernd). Igarol is decidedly unfriendly, and accuses Cernd of abandoning his responsibilities-namely his pregnant wife. Cernd decides he has to go speak to his wife-Galiaand see what Igarol is hinting at. Cernd's Former Home (AR0708) o======================================================================o 34) Head over to Cernd's Former Home (x=1900, y=2850) to find the squatter Catis. He's rather abrasive, but he does at least tell you where you can find out where Cernd's wife is, he'll refer you to Fennecia, Cernd's old serving girl. Thanks, guv. I'll send it to me kids. I knows where mine are. Ouch. Burn. Outside Cernd will give another one of his stupid nature parables. Whatever, you can find Fennecia's house at (x=1800, y=900). ***ITEMS***

(x=250, (x=450, (x=570, (x=620, (x=650,

y=300) y=200) y=200) y=220) y=200)

History of the Western Heartlands Composite Long Bow, Arrows x40 Fire Agate Gem Dagger, 19 gold History of Amn, 1 gold

Fennecia's Home (AR0710) o======================================================================o 35) Inside, Cernd will get more of the same from Fennecia-she'll accuse him of running out on his wife (like becoming a Druid is a legitimate excuse!) and tell him to leave. He will, however, discover from Fennecia that Galia is dead. Since she won't speak while Cernd is around send him outside and talk to her with another character. She'll reveal that Galia found comfort with a noble named Deril, who apparently treated her poorly. A few months ago Galia turns up dead, and Fennecia suggest that Deril is responsible. ***ITEMS*** (x=600, y=200) Bluestone Necklace Deril Estate (AR1004) o======================================================================o 36) Now it's time to go pay this Deril a visit. Head over to the Government District and enter the Deril Estate (x=3500, y=2650). Inside you'll be accosted by a Golem named Glut, whom Cernd will handle in a decidedly aggressive manner. At length Glut runs off to inform Deril of his 'guests'. A Fireball in the distance should give you the distinct impression that Deril really doesn't want to be bothered. He'll show up and wonder who is foolish enough to interrupt his party. After Deril and Cernd are done talking you'll get some options. Pick options #1 or #4 and you can end up fighting Deril, who is a powerful Mage... although probably not powerful enough to survive a Breach and a good rush. Pick option #2 and Deril will hand over Cernd's son. Pick option #3 and Cernd will fight Deril on his own-and lose. Told you Cernd sucks. Both Deril and his Lich-friend Lagole Gon will give you 26000 experience, although left to his own devices Lagole Gon will just ignore you and hand over the baby after Deril is slain. Still, if you're feeling frisky you can attempt to take on the Lich, but at this point in the game I wouldn't recommend it. When Deril dies he'll drop a Jade Ring, a Quarterstaff, and 30 gold. Lagole Gon drops nothing. Hardly inspiring loot. After you have Cernd's child he'll depart for the Druid Grove, and you'll get some quest experience-although Cernd gets the lionshare. Return to the Druid Grove and Cernd will rejoin your party, if you wish to have him. ***REWARD*** (For reclaiming Cernd's child) EXP 50000 (Cernd) EXP 20000 It's time to go find Imoen and Irenicus, and I'll warn you now, this is not going to be a short trip in any sense of the word. You have two options: side with the Vampires terrorizing the Shadow Thieves, or side with the Shadow Thieves. You cannot do both, so make your choice and stick to it. I prefer to side with the Shadow Thieves, personally, as I prefer to keep that guild fence around.. also, the Shadow Thieves will provide aid to you later in the game if you get cozy with them now, whereas the Vampires.. will be somewhat less cordial. I will cover the Vampire route first [WLK024], and the Shadow Thieves immediately aftewards [WLK025]-but both begin again in Brynnlaw [WLK026]. Also note that after you cough up the 15,000 gold, chapter three starts. Farewell,

chapter two, it was... well, long. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 37) Now for some extra exploration. Depending on your appetite for good loot we shouldn't have access to yet you can explore the first level of Watcher's Keep. Compared to the rest of Watcher's Keep, the first level is pretty easy (my evil party was able to clear it with little trouble with only 600,000 experience per character.) Now, the good party might want to abstain a bit, considering that Imoen is still out of reach. Any experience we obtain here now is experience that Imoen will not have. Still, even for the good party it'll be an immense help if you at least grab Firetooth +4 for Keldorn, and the Quiver of Plenty. Best of all, it doesn't require that you make much progress through the area. On the other hand, evil parties should head to Watcher's Keep and complete the first level in its entirity to score a hefty extra bit of loot and experience, including the Golem Manual-a device that allows you to summon a Flesh Golem once per day, the Quiver of Plenty and Case of Plenty-which produces infinite Arrows +1 and Bolts +1 (respectively), and the Crimson Dart +3-a returning dart that will serve as Edwin's primary method of non-magical offense throughout the rest of the game. The Crimson Dart +3 is Edwin's best means of contributing to fights when he's not bothering to cast spells-and will remain so for the rest of the game. The Golem Manual, however, isn't really ground-breaking at this point in the game, but it's still nice to have another summon to call upon... and of course, you can always buy Firetooth +4 for Haer'Dalis, if you have enough money. Either way, if you wish to explore the first level of Watcher's Keep now check out the Watcher's Keep walkthrough section [WLK051]. If you're more experienced, and your Edwin can cast 7th level spells, you might also consider completing the Limited Wish quests now. With the good party, there's no way my Fighter/Mage protagonist has hit 14th level as a Mage (which would require 3,000,000 experience points). But at this point in the game, it's possible that the evil party may have done so-if they completed every quest in the walkthrough to this point. For reference, my evil party playthrough Edwin had 1,520,000 experience... just barely enough to hit 14th level. The rewards for doing these quests now? Fairly paltry. It does provide a chance that the Boomerang Dagger +2 might be useful for a while, and having a suit of Full Plate Mail +2 is a tiny advantage for a short amount of time. o======================================================================o | | | Druid Grove Quests | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK023} 1) The Root of the Problem 2) Neutralizing Nilthiri 3) The Founder's Progeny 4) Driving Out Chaos 5) Great Druid Druid Grove (AR1901) o======================================================================o 1) To start these quests off return to the Druid Grove and rest there. When you wake up, a 'Spirit of the Grove' will show up and speak to you. Accept to become the leader of the grove, restore balance, and all that good crap and it'll tell you that a new leader of the Troll Mound has

arisen, one Nilthiri the Shamaness, and she needs to be taken out. You'll be given the club 'The Root of the Problem', heh, and sent off to go find Nilthiri, who is east of the Troll Mound. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 2) You'll find the Troll Nilthiri at (x=2320, y=2640), who will threaten you a bit before attacking. She's somewhat stronger than normal Trolls, but not so strong that you should lose sleep over it. Kill her and her Troll consorts and return to the Druid Grove. Or just wait, either way the Spirit of the Grove will find you and reward you for restoring balance. ***REWARD*** (For putting down Nilthiri) EXP 18500 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 3) Return to the Druid Grove and rest for a while. After, oh, let's say a week or so, the Spirit of the Grove will show up to give you your second quest. It'll punish you for taking on these quests by telling you a long story about Marek-the founder of the grove. Long story short, one of Marek's ancestors-and inheritors of his 'spirit'-is in Trademeet, and it's only a matter of time before the vague forces of chaos pounce and kill this kid. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) As your journal states, you should travel to Trademeet and search around outside of town. You'll find him standing out in the open at (x=2950, y=3330). Talk to the boy and convince him to cast out the spirits that haunt him so you may do battle with them. After some prompting, he'll do so, and you'll get to fight 'Chaos'. It can cast a few Druid spells, but it wasn't strong enough to overcome my Hasted party. After it dies the Spirit of the Grove will talk to you again, thanking you for driving out Chaos and promising not to bother you again until you're ready to challenge for ascension within the Grove (when you're a 14th level Druid.) Since this requires 1,500,000 experience, it's not something I'm really even remotely prepared to pursue just yet. ***REWARD*** (For driving Chaos out of Loren) EXP 20500 (each character) Item Golden Lion Figurine <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) After quite a while I return with more than enough experience to challenge for the position of Great Druid. For the sake of continuity it's included here, but most likely this won't occur until Chapter 6. Talk to Master Verthan and announce you're challenging for the title of Great Druid, after which you'll be teleported into the combat pit where you killed Faldorn. Here you'll get to do battle with a Druid who'll start out with Barkskin, Ironskin, and other defenses before summoning some animals and casting offensive spells (including Insect Plague, one of the few times in the game where we may be subject to our own trump card). After he falls you'll be proclaimed Great Druid, and you'll get a hefty gold reward, as well as some experience, a Cleric's Staff +3, and a Ring of Protection +2. ***REWARD*** (For gaining the title of Great Druid) EXP 20000 Item Cleric's Staff +3 Item Ring of Protection +2 Gold 10000

o======================================================================o | Chapter 3 | o======================================================================o | | | Siding with Bodhi | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK024} 1) Deal With the Devil 2) Mugging Mook 3) Bodhi's Lair 4) The 'Unseemly' Task 5) The 'Heroic' Task 6) Bodhi's Last Task 7) Coo! A Key 8) Breaking into the Basement 9) Freeing Tizzak 10) The Bridge Room 11) The Mock City Room 12) Pressing the Button 13) Haz's Key 14) Aran Linvail's Sanctum 15) Slaying the Shadow Master 16) Sailing to Spellhold 17) Saemon's Escort Graveyard District (AR0800) o======================================================================o 1) Head over to the Graveyard District at night to find Bodhi. Or rather, she'll find you. She'll start out by making light threats and slandering the Shadow Thieves-the typical business of somebody who can't be trusted. 15,000 gold and some tasks that involve 'killing and terrorizing' and you'll have Imoen and Irenicus, she promises. If you don't accept her offer she'll depart with a threat, if you do side with her she'll tell you to go find and 'confiscate' a shipment of supplies coming in. Bodhi will tell you that the Shadow Thieves already know of your treachery, and that you might as well just regard them as enemies. That was quick, eh? After talking to Bohdi chapter three officially begins. ***REWARD*** (For siding with Bodhi) EXP 36750 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 2) Head to the Docks District and go find Mook at (x=1700, y=3630). She'll call for the help of someone named Arkanis, who will show up to try and backstab you. It's not a very challenging fight, due to their lack of spell power and all. Some of the Shadow Thieves will throw Poisoned Throwing Daggers at you, but they also carry Antidotes to make up for it. Kill Mook and loot her body to obtain the 'Smuggled Shipment'. Arkanis Gath will leave behind a Short Sword +2, and the Rifthome Axe +3, which is a clear upgrade over Hangard's Axe +2. Why would such an insignificant Thief have such a weapon? Who knows. Lower Tombs (AR0801) o======================================================================o 3) Now it's time to return to Bodhi. Go back to the Graveyard District and enter the tomb at (x=600, y=1000). There are several people to talk to, but most of them are just nutters, and not really worth the time. Walking around slightly will dispel any illusions about who you're dealing with. Let's just say only a certain kind of critter loves tombs

and blood so much-but this is no surprise, of course. You'll find Bodhi at (x=1400, y=830), who will take the package off your hands. You'll get a decent experience reward and another quest, or rather, two different quests-a heroic task, or an unseemly task, as the game puts it. It's somewhat misleading-the heroic task forces you to kill more people than the unseemly task, but I suppose it's the 'who' involved and not the 'how many'. Be sure to search the blood pool at (x=400, y=700) to claim a Mace of Disruption +1. It won't do us much good right now, since we're siding WITH the undead, but it could have its uses later... ***REWARD*** (For returning the Shadow Thief package to Bodhi) EXP 28500 (each character) Vulova Estate (AR1007) o======================================================================o 4) If you pick the 'unseemly task' she'll tell you to murder Senior Armagaran, who has ties to the Shadow Thief guild. She also wants you to leave a cloak and dagger in the fountain of the house to implicate the Shadow Thieves. Kinda cliche, but what the hell. Head to the Government District and enter the Vulova Estate (x=2400, y=120). The man you're looking for, Senior Armagaran Vulova, is at (x=600, y=600), and he's guarded by a brute named Laen Torg and a Vulova Wizard. You can kill him, or allow him to flee. Either way, he'll sic his guards on you. Do what you will, but leave the Shadow Thief Dagger and Shadow Thief Cloak in the fountain (x=900, y=500). Note that if you wuss out you get no experience for this quest. ***REWARD*** (For murdering Senior Armagaran Vulova) EXP 28500 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) The heroic task requires you to go save a Thief by the name of Palern Flynn. Apparently he betrayed the Shadow Thieves and Bodhi wants him rescued before he comes to harm. Head over to the Docks District and go to the Shadow Thief Guildhall (x=1000, y=2000), killing whatever Shadow Thieves you find along the way. Inside you'll be attacked by a mob of Shadow Thieves, but it's a straight out melee at first. There is a Shadow Thief Mage lurking around, but they were fairly ineffective at causing me harm. The Shadow Thief Mage will drop a Mage Robe of Fire Resistance and some Darts +1, while the rest of the goons will leave behind fairly mundane gear. Over at (x=550, y=250) you'll find Palern Flynn. Talk to him and free him and head back to Bodhi. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 6) No matter what quest you do, when you return to Bodhi she'll dismiss it. It was more a test of your capabilities and disposition than any sort of task that really needed doing, apparently. You'll get some quest experience and your next task: this time she wants you to kill the Shadow Master, Aran Linvail. Of course, it's not as easy as just walking in and killing him, you'll need to get a key to reach the basement of the guildhall. She suggests paying your old associate Gaelan a visit. Also there's a missing associate of hers named Tizzak who might know how to access Aran's sanctum. ***REWARD*** (For rescuing Palern Flynn) EXP 28500 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 7) So let's pay Gaelan Bayle a visit. Return to the Slums District and enter his house (x=3150, y=1200). He's understandably not happy to see you, and actually seems genuinely upset by your betrayal. Kill him and

loot his body for some goodies, including a suit of Leather Armor +3, a Cloak of Protection +1, Bolts of Biting x10, Bolts +1 x10, Bolts x20, two Potions of Extra Healing, the Shadow Thief Cellar Key, a Short Sword +2, a Light Crossbow +2, and 142 gold. You might as well go up stairs and kill Arledrian, who'll drop Arrows +1 x10, a Potion of Extra Healing, and a Short Sword +1, and 7 gold, along with other mundane loot. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 8) Return to the Dock District and enter the Shadow Thief guild, this time to reach the ground floor. Kill whatever Shadow Thieves you find and go to the northeast, where you'll find a secret door at (x=1400, y=350) which leads to the Shadow Thief Basement. Shadow Thief Guild, Basement (AR0307) o======================================================================o 9) The room you enter into will have several Shadow Thieves within, two with bows, three with melee weapons. None are a threat. Go to the door at (x=1350, y=2200) to find Tizzak, who will ask you to kill the torturer, who apparently has the keys to the door. Head to the southeast to find Booter, who will attack you. He's not too rough, kill him and grab his Two-Handed Sword +2 and his Shadow Thief Prison Key. Talk to Tizzak, who will tell you that Aran's sanctum is behind two magic doors that cannot be picked or bashed. You'll need to press a button to get past one, and find a key for the other. The button is behind a trapped corridor to the northeast, and a wizard named Haz might have the key. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 10) Go through the doorway at (x=1100, y=1600) to reach a hallway that splits northeast/southwest. The south room is occupied by a trio of Shadow Thieves, including a somewhat powerful wizard. Kill them and loot the Mage for some gems and gold. To the northeast is a room made up of wooden bridges. When you get close an armored man named Dedral will tell his troops to disable the guillotines so he can get through. Fun. There are enough archers and traps around here to be a chore, what with the poor party navigation and all. I prefer to take a Thief to search for traps while a heavily armed characters-Korgan or Keldorn, for instance, goes with them. They answer ranged attacks with ranged attacks, and at this Korgan especially excels, what with his new axe and all. Avoid the first landing to the northeast, as it has a Cloudkill trap on it that just won't be detected. Go northeast instead. You'll come across some archers on high ground and a Priest of Mask, which shouldn't trouble you too much. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 11) Continue on until you reach a room set up like a mock city. There are traps right in the middle of the area, so be sure to disarm them before exploring. When you walk into the room, Dedral and a group of his lackeys will show up and attack. Dedral's the only dangerous one, but he doesn't really have good enough support to make the most of it. Loot Dedral for a suit of Full Plate Mail, a Ring of Lock Picks, and a Scroll of Summon Djinni. His subordinates only carried mundane gear. ***TRAPS*** (x=2300, y=1250) (x=2200, y=1420) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 12) Now you have two ways to go, through a door to the southeast, or up some stairs to the northeast. Up to the north you'll find a pair of traps in a hallway before a room clearly designed to test, ah, Dexterity. Run over the first two rotating spike columns and stop on the landing beyond long enough to disarm a trap. Continue onto the third column and press the button (x=3550, y=300) to open one of the magic

doors. Well, that wasn't so bad. Head back to the mock city room and go southeast. ***TRAPS*** (x=2700, y=920) (x=2900, y=820) (x=3300, y=500) ***REWARD*** (For opening one of the magic doors to Aran Linvail's sanctum) EXP 17500 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 13) Go down a long hallway, disarming a Lightning Bolt trap as you go. Go through a circular room and through a doorway to the northeast into another hallway where you'll find a Fireball trap waiting for you. Disarm it and continue down another hallway to the west. You'll run into another Priest of Mask and some Shadow Thieves. Kill them and continue on to Haz (x=3820, y=1170), who isn't nearly as threatening as he thinks he is. Kill him and take his Key to Aran's Lair. ***TRAPS*** (x=2600, y=1750) (x=3750, y=1700) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 14) Now head back to the room in which we entered and go through a secret door at (x=1600, y=1800). Follow the tunnel to the southeast, killing the stupid Orcs you find waiting for you. Really, Orcs? Disable the Flame Strike trap in the tunnel and continue on until you run afoul of some Shadows and an Air Elemental. You'll eventually come to a circular room with a bridge spanning it. Spell buff and open the final door between you and Aran Linvail at (x=4400, y=1950). ***TRAPS*** (x=2350, y=2250) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 15) Aran Linvail and his squad aren't slouches. Many of them are spell casters and you're forced to go through a bottleneck (doorway) to reach them. Send in your strongest Fighters only, and have Mages and Clerics cast spells like True Sight to cancel out the illusions they'll bring up, and Chaos to hopefully take a few out of the fight. Jaheira hitting them with an Insect Plague is, like in all big fights, pretty important. You can also expect them to summon a Nabassu, so be ready for it. If you're lucky with your debuffs, you should make it out intact, but spell battles are touchy. Once they're dead, loot them. Most of them carry crap, but Aran Linvail will leave behind a suit of Elven Chain Mail +1, an Amulet of Power Bolts of Biting x10, Bolts +1 x20, Bolts x20, a Potion of Invisibility, three Potions of Extra Healing, a Wand of Fear, a Ring of Protection +2, a Short Sword +2, a Light Crossbow +2, and 142 gold. The Elven Chain is pretty cool, especially for a Thief or Mage multi-or-dual classed character, but it's not better than the Bracers of Defense A.C. 3 we bought earlier, and certainly not with Aran's Ring of Protection +2 equipped. The Amulet of Power is one of the items you don't have to worry about too much, as you'd get this by working with the Shadow Thieves. It's really a great item for a Fighter/Mage, as it offers Magic Resistance (every little bit helps), Vocalize (essentially immunity to Silence), it decreases the casting speed by 1, and it makes the wearer immune to level drain. The last perk will come in handy when Vampires become a problem. It'll allow my protagonist to buff up and meet them in combat without having to worry about losing levels. Good stuff all around.

***ITEMS*** (x=4500, y=1920) Katana +2, Ring of Djinni Summoning (x=4750, y=1850) Silver Necklace, 29 gold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 16) Return to Bodhi. You'll get a pretty hefty quest reward, and Bodhi will say that the destruction of the Shadow Thieves was more of a test for you than a political goal for herself. Bodhi will now talk of Irenicus, saying that he is her brother, and that Irenicus wasn't trying to torture you and Imoen, he was trying to unlock your potential as a child of Bhaal. She wants you to recover Irenicus so that he may be of use to her, and will tell you that he's being help in the 'Residence for the Magically Deviant'-aka Spellhold. You need merely sail over there and infiltrate an asylum operated by the Cowled Wizards. Tell Bodhi you're ready to leave, and again, keep in mind that you won't be coming back any time soon. You'll get to watch another cutscene about Irenicus and Imoen before you appear at the docks with Bodhi. She'll tell you to behave with the crew before you're introduced to Saemon Havarian, the captain of the ship you're taking. Endure some banter and you're off to Spellhold. ***REWARD*** (For receiving Bodhi's assistance) EXP 50000 (each character) Brynnlaw (AR1600) o======================================================================o 17) By siding with Bodhi you'll endure a quiet voyage. Once on shore Bodhi will tell Saemon to give you a tour around town. This he does insomuch as he leads you to the Vulgar Monkey tavern, where he'll refer you to somebody named Sanik. o======================================================================o | Chapter 3 | o======================================================================o | | | Siding with Gaelan Bayle | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK025} 1) The Lesser of Two Evils 2) A Den of Thieves 3) Interred Achon 4) The Torture Tutor 5) The Coat Room 6) Thieves' Playground 7) Target Shooting 8) Don't Push the Red Button! 9) Hide-and-go-Tag 10) Ring of Lockpicking 11) Aran's First Mission 12) Meeting Mook 13) Aran's Second Mission 14) Where Evil Dwells... 15) Aran's Last Mission 16) Into the Vampires' Lair 17) Lassal's First Challenge 18) Staking Some Vampires 19) Blood-Pool Presents 20) Lassal's Ambush 21) Lassal's Second Challenge 22) Lassal's Last Stand

23) Battle With Bodhi 24) Aran Linvail's Confession 25) Sailing to Spellhold Galean Bayle's House (AR0311)/(AR0312) o======================================================================o 1) Head over to the Slums District and into Gaelan Bayle's house (AR0311). Talk to Gaelan and accept the new offer for a nice experience reward and the end of Chapter 2. Gaelan will tell you that the next step in this enterprise is to meet with Shadowmaster Aran Linvail. Looks like you get to meet him no matter who you're siding with. It should be noted that you earn more experience for siding with Gaelan Bayle than you would have if you sided with Bodhi. Inconsequential in the grand scheme of things, but interesting nonetheless. In many ways, siding with Bodhi is the easy way to do this-although I certainly wouldn't go so far as to say the most rewarding-financially or otherwise. Gaelan will give you a 'key to the Shadowmaster' and tell you where to find the Thieves' Guild in the Docks District, as if you didn't already know. Watch a cutscene of Irenicus' and Imoen's exploits in Spellhold, and head over to pay a visit to everybody's favorite Shadow Thieves. ***REWARD*** (For siding with Gaelan Bayle) EXP 45000 (each character) Item Shadow Thief Cellar Key Shadow Thief Guild, Basement (AR0307) o======================================================================o 2) There are several ways to find this guild, one of which is by entering the main guildhall (AR0305) and exiting at (x=1400, y=350). You'll enter into a room occupied by Tassa, Cuchul, and Mitsu. This place has plenty of people to talk to, a few things to loot, and really, little worthy of our attention... but, for the sake of being a completionist (and because Lee told me I probably should) I'll cover all the scripted events you can encounter here. If you just want to get on with your life, see Steps #10 and #11 (and onward), which contain the most useful bits of information. We'll use this room as our orientation device for this area... and that's about the only interesting thing about it, as its occupants aren't terribly interesting, nor is the loot anything to get excited over. ***ITEMS*** (x=1100, y=1850) 1 gold (x=1300, y=1900) 1 gold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 3) Go through a door at (x=1350, y=2200) to find the dungeon-any good guild has a dungeon, after all, one of the ironies of working for an organization of criminals is that if you break the law, you can end up behind bars. If you cross the law-breakers, you can end up behind bars. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Inside are several prisoners, and Achon (x=1130, y=2550). The prisoners complain about time, but Achon is more talkative-which is not, to say, more interesting. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) From the main room where we entered the level, head down a tunnel to the southeast to find the torture chamber, another fixture of both benign legal organizations and illegitimate criminal organizations alike. Here you'll find a prisoner undergoing treatment here, and a Dwarf named Booter trying to show a young apprentice the ropes. Unfortunately for teachers everywhere, 'Apprentice Torturer Douglas' just doesn't have the disposition for a little learning, and runs off. You can talk to both of them, but if you speak to Douglas, he'll have

another bout of squeamishness and disappear. ***ITEMS*** (x=2300, y=2600) Dagger <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) Go through a door to the northwest at (x=1100, y=1600), head up a tunnel, and when you reach a perpendicular tunnel, head southwest to find another nefarious room. A coat room. But, being in a Thieves' Guild, it's doubtlessly nefarious. Or at least the coats are. Here you can find Missy (x=200, y=1570), who is clearly stressed by her job... Her job of handling the coats. You try and keep track of dozens of coats in a Thieves' guild-a room full of pockets in a sanctuary to pick-pockets. These coats are more at-risk than a troop of Tiger Scouts spending a day in the Vatican! ***ITEMS*** (x=500, y=1650) 90 gold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 6) Head northeast to find a room full of platforms, bridges, and guillotine traps. Not conventional traps, mind you, they can't be disarmed, and won't harm you. These are the flavorful, environmental traps everybody loves so much. All in all, it's a playground for Thieves. Keep traveling across the room to the northeast to find a pair of Thieves hard at play. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 7) Go through a doorway to find a fake city-scape, although Thiefplayground. When you enter you'll get to see Pelanna instructing a trainee as he shoots down targets. Afterwards, she'll end up talking to you, you'll disclose who you are, and she'll tell you where to find Aran. You can then loot the dead Shadow Thieves for their Bastard Swords, for what that's worth. ***ITEMS*** (x=1870, y=1270) 9 gold (x=1280, y-1350) 1 gold (x=2100, y=1250) 1 gold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 8) Head up some stairs to the northeast until you find another Thieves' playground-this time consisting of spiked rollers, platforms, and bridges. These rollers can harm you if you stand on them too long, and if you make your way across you'll get to see a trainee victoriously complete the course-and suffer for his indiscretion. Don't follow his example, and leave the overly-obvious red button at (x=3550, y=300) alone. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 9) Return to the fake city-scape and head through a doorway and down a tunnel to the southeast. Open a door at (x=3250, y=2150) and you'll get to see more trainees playing-this time it's a time-honored tradition of hide-and-go-tag. Follow them through the doorway to the north and continue until you find a room... er... also to the north. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 10) Now for a useful encounter, there's a Shadow Thief at (x=3770, y=1230). Talk to him and he'll suggest overthrowing Aran Linvail, only to be overheard and promptly attacked by another Shadow Thief. Kill the traitor, or let the other Shadow Thief do it. Either way, loot the traitor's corpse for a Ring of Lock Picks. ***ITEMS*** (x=500, y=1650) 90 gold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 11) To get to Aran Linvail, return to the first room (where we entered)

and go through the secret door (x=1600, y=1800). Head southeast, then continue to the northeast until you find Aran (x=4600, y=2050). He'll talk to you and offer you some magical trinkets in exchange for your gold-and will try and placate you by saying that only a few 'minor points' need to be addressed before you'll get what you paid for. As if it wasn't enough that you had to pay them huge sums of gold, but you now have to work for them. Ah well. Aran will tell you that strange things are afoot in the Docks District; missing shipments and missing employees. Since you've already burnt bridges with Bodhi, Aran guesses that you won't waste your investment with the Shadow Thieves by betraying him, so you naturally make a trustworthy source of muscle. He wants you to go down to the docks and meet with somebody named Mook. He'll also make good on his promise to give you some loot before you go; a Ring of Protection +2, and an Amulet of Power. Frankly, these items are almost worth the money we paid the Shadow Thieves, especially with a Fighter/Mage protagonist. I equip the Amulet of Power on my main character, as it's about to prove to be useful. If that's not quite enough, however, you can steal a Light Crossbow +2, Bolts +1 x20, four Wooden Stakes, Bolts of Lightning x10, and Bolts x10 from Aran. ***ITEMS*** (x=4350, y=2000) History of the Fateful Coin, 2 Gold (x=4350, y=2000) Greenstone Ring, 1 Gold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 12) Wait until night and head down to the seaside docks to find Mook (x=1700, y=3630). She'll mention that she's seen a man casing the area. With you here as backup, however, she'll be able to do a more thorough investigation. Some time will pass and a Vampire will show up. Mook will go confront him and after they exchange words Mook will be killed, leaving you to fight this 'Lassal' by yourself. I send my main character forward, who is protected by his new Amulet of Power. He'll take some damage, but he won't get level-drained, which is the real problem Vampires pose. If you get charmed just dispel it... or cast Chaotic Commands at the start of the fight. Of course, you should feel encouraged to have the rest of your party contribute with ranged weapons whenever fighting creatures like Vampires and Illithids-both of which are best handled by our protected protagonists. Once Lassal is beaten he'll flee, and it's time to report to Aran. You can loot Mook's body for a suit of Studded Leather Armor, a Short Sword, and 12 Gold. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 13) Once Aran is informed you'll get an experience reward. Aran will then promptly send you on another quest. This time you need to find two Shadow Thieves named Jaylos and Caehan who are planning to defect. You need to head over to the Five Flagons and pretend to be a new recruit of the enemy guild and hopefully find out where the enemy guild is located. ***REWARD*** (For reporting to Aran Linvail about the events at the docks) EXP 28500 (each character) Five Flagons Inn, Upstairs (AR0511) o======================================================================o 14) Saunter over to the Bridge District and enter the Five Flagons Inn (AR0522) and head upstairs (x=600, y=250). Might as well loot the place while we're here, although the pickings are slim. You'll find Jaylos at (x=420, y=590) and Caehan at (x=370, y=720). It doesn't matter what you say, they want a fight. Fortunately Caehan is an idiot and mentions the name of their contact, one 'Gracen'. They don't put up much of a fight. Once they're dead, the 'Guild Contact' will show up and initiate dialogue. It doesn't matter what you say, a fight will ensue. Kill this

Gracen and loot his corpse for a suit of Plate Mail Armor, a Helmet, a Potion of Extra Healing, two Potions of Invulnerability, a 'Contact's Note', and a Two Handed Sword +2. Read the note-which is from your old pal Lassal-to find out that the rival guild is located in the Graveyard District. ***ITEMS*** (x=150, y=750) 23 Gold (x=280, y=770) 1 Gold (x=800, y=360) 1 Gold (x=750, y=1120) Potion of Insight, Bloodstone Amulet (x=1300, y=380) 47 gold Note from Le: I got a Scroll of Stone to Flesh and a Halberd +1 at (x=750, y=1120) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 15) Return to Aran and inform him of your latest exploits. You'll get another experience reward and your last mission from the Shadow Thieves: exterminate the rival guild. You had to have seen that coming. Aran will dispatch a Mage to help open the doors to the Vampire's lair, but the rest is up to you, of course. He's nice enough to give you five Wooden Stakes, at least. Hold onto them and head over to the Graveyard District. ***REWARD*** (For telling Aran Linvail the location of the rival guild) EXP 28500 (each character) Lower Tombs (AR0801) o======================================================================o 16) Return to the Lower Tombs by entering the door at (x=2580, y=880) in the Graveyard District. This is a place you should be well aware of if you recruited Edwin and Korgan. Head north of the central web structure where we found Pai'Na much earlier and find Haz at (x=1730, y=1480), who is relieved that you showed up. He'll sick his Flesh Golem on the door and the party will run into Lassal again, who will command some 'Grimwarders' to attack you. These are similar to the Doom Knights and Skeleton Warriors in the first game, and by now shouldn't be too much of a bother. Haz, however, might disagree. After the Grimwards are put down, loot our dead Mage chum for some gold and a Staff Mace. Note from Lee: I re-enter the Lower Tombs via the door at (x=900, y=1660). This comes up at the closest point to our destination, due west of the web dome. Also, on my last play-thru, Haz didn't get killed, and simply followed me around thru the rest of this area. Kind of annoying, really... <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 17) Continue through a doorway to the northwest, where Lassal will challenge you to face him in the inner sanctum. He's obviously trying to lead you somewhere, and he can wait. Go through a doorway to the northeast where you'll find a Fledgling Vampire and a Vampire named Tanova. My ideal Vampire strategy is as follows: I let my main character, who is spell-buffed and protected against level drain due to his Amulet of Power, do all the work. Simple, eh? The rest of my characters debuff enemies and provide ranged support, although characters like Keldorn and Minsc use their melee weapon with reach to attack without opening themselves to reprisals. Another option is to use Negative Plane Protection on Fighters being sent into combat, but with a duration of five rounds per casting, it's not really ideal. Putting the Amulet of Power on Anomen, Jaheira, or Viconia also works, although since they can't spell-buff as well, they won't be quite as effective on

their own. Tanova will drop a Potion of Insulation and some gold when she dies. At the northern end of the room you'll find another Fledgling Vampire and a Greater Ghoul, both of which can be dispatched rather easily. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 18) Head down a tunnel to the southwest (opposite the tunnel where we fought Tanova) and kill the Vampire Gellal who stands in your way. You'll eventually find a room to the southwest that contains a Clay Golem guarding some Sarcophagi. By now a lone Clay Golem shouldn't really be too much of a bother to us (especially if you completed the Trademeet quests). Dispatch it and stake whatever Vampires have fled back here (you can tell because your cursor will change to the "attack" icon when over applicable sarcophagi.) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 19) Once you've staked whatever Vampires you can, go through the secret door at (x=450, y=1250). Beyond which I find a Fledgling Vampire, a Vampire named Durst, and a Greater Ghoul, which are fodder to my Fighter/Mage. Search the pool of blood at (x=400, y=700) for a Mace of Disruption +1. Ideally it would be great against undead, but my protagonist doesn't do Maces, and Anomen/Viconia are susceptible to level drain, so it just sits in my inventory and looks pretty. I make sure there's nothing left to stake in the previous room, then I head through another secret door at (x=700, y=750). This just takes me back to the main room with the table in the middle. It's time to go after Lassal (x=1600, y=550). ***REWARD*** (For staking a Vampire) EXP 9000 Vampire's Sanctuary (AR8003) o======================================================================o 20) Head down a tunnel to the southeast and dispatch a pair of Greater Ghouls. Through a door you'll find a room with two Fledgling Vampires and numerous Grimwarders. You have two conflicting needs here-you need to kill the Vampires with a protected character to avoid level drain, but you need to focus as much of your might on the Grimwarders as possible. The best thing to do is bottleneck them at the door (Vampires are quicker than Grimwarders, so they'll probably reach you first) with a protected character, while your spell-casters blast enemies in the room beyond. Holy Smite works well here with a good-aligned party. Of course, spell-buffing to the max helps make everything go smoother. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 21) Once the populated room is... depopulated... you've two ways to go. First go through a door (x=1120, y=300) to find a room with some loot in it. At this point in the game, it's nothing to go crazy over, although the armor was clearly designed for Rangers. Go through the door at (x=1570, y=300) and Lassal will tell you to find him in the room of blood and blades. Oh, am I so going to enjoy staking him. ***ITEMS*** (x=930, y=200) 8 gold (x=1050, y=200) Ashen Scales +2, Katana +2 ***TRAPS*** (x=1050, y=200) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 22) Head back upstairs to the main room. Instead of rushing in and allowing my party to get mauled by the spikes in the room (which is northeast past where we fought Tanova) I decide to take a more conservative tactic. Now, this might be a bit unorthodox, but my plan is

to spell-buff my main character and let him do all the work. I know, we never do that! Anyways, he goes alone to confront Lassal (x=3320, y=320). For those of you without the benefit of a Fighter/Mage, spell-buff a Mage and send them in alone. Instead of duking it out with Lassal, however, lure him out into the hallway where you fought Tanova. I promptly and decisively smite Lassal and head back to the sarcophagus room, where he endures a well-deserved staking. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 23) Bodhi will appear to the north. I send the rest of my party out into the hallway so my main character can fight her alone. He's still spellbuffed from the last fight (Lassal was entirely out-classed), and so is still in fine condition to go toe-to-toe with her. Her Hit Points won't last as long as my Stoneskin and Mirror Image will. Once she falls she'll taunt you a bit before leaving. Of course, let's not be foolhardy, if she's more than you can handle, by all means attack her with characters wielding weapons with reach. It's time to return to Aran Linvail. His rival guild has been subdued, at least for now, and it's past time we saw some return for all the money we gave him. ***REWARD*** (For defeating Bodhi) EXP 18750 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 24) Report back to Aran Linvail, where you'll receive a suitably large experience reward. Even if you don't question him about what Bodhi said, Aran will come clean. By now it's no surprise that the Shadow Thieves were the ones who attacked Irenicus' lair under Waukeen's Promenade. In fact, I wasn't even aware this was supposed to be a secret. Anyways, the Shadow Thieves are genuinely enemies of Irenicus. Not because of what he did to you, of course, but because of his connections with Bodhi, and Bodhi was anything but friendly to the Shadow Thieves. The gold served a dual-purpose for the Shadow Thieves-first to ensure your commitment (who would pay that much money if they weren't really after Irenicus?) and second because that Shadow Thieves genuinely needed the money. Warring with a guild of Vampires is expensive, it seems... Irenicus and Imoen both reside within Spellhold. You want to get there for Imoen, or for whatever power Irenicus thinks he can unlock within you, and the Shadow Thieves want answers. All in all, after talking to the Shadow Thieves you feel like you're getting a clearer picture of what transpired at the beginning of the game; the only remaining questions (and answers) lie with Irenicus. It's a much more fulfilling feeling than you get at the end of Bodhi's quests, where you're sure of only one thing: that she's playing games with you. ***REWARD*** (For receiving the Shadow Thieves' assistance) EXP 50000 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 25) Collect whatever you need for the trip, sell off or stash all excess gear, and be sure that you have whatever party members you need with you. You will not be returning any time soon. Once you're ready talk to Aran Linvail and tell him you're ready to go. You'll be treated to another Irenicus-Imoen cutscene before you appear at the docks. Aran Linvail will chat with the less-than-trustworthy captain he's hired to take you to Spellhold, one Saemon Havarian. You know it's not an ideal situation when the Shadow Thieves decide they need to include a bit of 'insurance' on the ship to ensure things go smoothly. And frankly, we should know better by now than to get on a boat. Look at what happened in Tales of the Sword Coast! EVIL PARTY STATS: END OF CHAPTER 3

o======================================================================o Jaheira Fighter 11/Druid 13 Experience: 844202/844202 Max Hit Points: 114 Armor Class: -7 Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: Weapon Proficiencies Scimitar Dagger Club Quarter Staff Sling Sword and Shield Style Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon: 5 9 8 8 10 + + ++ + + +

Full Plate Mail +1 Gauntlets of Weapon Skill Helm of Glory Periapt of Proof Against Poison Belm +2 (THAC0: 4) Boomerang Dagger +2 (THAC0: 5) Shield: Shield of Harmony +2 Ring 1: Ring of Human Influence Ring 2: ... Cloak: Nymph Cloak Boots: Boots of Avoidance Belt: Girdle of Hill Giant Strength Misc 1: ... Misc 2: ... Misc 3: ... <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Korgan Berserker 14 Experience: 1613524 Max Hit Points: 150 Armor Class: -10 Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: Weapon Proficiencies Axe War Hammer Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon: -1 (-2) 0 (-2) 4 (-2) 3 (-2) 1 (-2) +++++ +++

Full Plate Mail +1 Gauntlets of Dexterity Helmet of Defense Amulet of 5% Magic Resistance Battle Axe +3, Frostreaver (THAC0: 1) Ras +2 (THAC0: 6) Ilbratha +1 (THAC0: 7) Dwarven Thrower +3 (THAC0: 1)

Shield: Saving Grace +3 Ring 1: Ring of Regeneration Ring 2: Ring of Earth Control Cloak: Cloak of the Sewers Boots: Boots of Speed Belt: Girdle of Piercing Misc 1: .. Misc 2: .. Misc 3: Silver Horn of Valhalla <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Viconia Cleric 15 Experience: 1612369 Max Hit Points: 84 Armor Class: -10 Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: Weapon Proficiencies War Hammer Flail Mace Sling Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon: 2 6 7 8 9 + + + + (-3) (-3) (-1) (-3) (-1)

Full Plate Mail +2 Gauntlets of Ogre Power Helm of Balduran Sensate Amulet Flail of Ages +3 (THAC0: 5) Sling of Seeking +2 (THAC0: 6) Shield: Fortress Shield +3 Ring 1: ... Ring 2: Ring of Holiness Cloak: Cloak of Displacement Boots: ... Belt: Girdle of Bluntness Misc 1: ... Misc 2: ... Misc 3: Black Spider Figurine <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Protagonist Fighter 10/Mage 11/Thief 12 Experience: 601984/601984/601984 Max Hit Points: 106 Armor Class: -4 Weapon Proficiencies Long Sword Katana Two Weapon Style Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: ++ ++ ++ 6 5 7 7 6 (-2) (-2) (-2) (-2) (-2)

Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon:

Knave's Robe Bracers of Defense A.C. 3 Vhailor's Helm Amulet of Power Celestial Fury (THAC0: 4) Namarra +2 (THAC0: 5) Shield: Blade of Roses +3 (THAC0: 6) Ring 1: Ring of Protection +2 Ring 2: Ring of Acuity Cloak: Cloak of Non-Detection Boots: Boots of Stealth Belt: Golden Girdle Misc 1: ... Misc 2: ... Misc 3: Golem Manual <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Haer'Dalis Blade 16 Experience: 1533053 Max Hit Points: 72 Armor Class: -1 Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: Weapon Proficiencies Short Sword Two Handed Sword Dagger Cross Bow Dart Two Weapon Style Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon: 10 8 9 13 9 ++ + + + + ++

Melodic Chain +3 Bracers of Archery Pale Green Ioun Stone Metaspell Influence Amulet Lilarcor (THAC0: 7) Firetooth +4 (THAC0: 2) Shield: ... Ring 1: ... Ring 2: ... Cloak: ... Boots: ... Belt: Girdle of Fortitude Misc 1: ... Misc 2: ... Misc 3: Harp of Discord <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Edwin Conjurer 14 Experience: 1580711 Max Hit Points: 64 Armor Class: 4 Paralyze/Poison/Death: 10 (-1) Rod/Staff/Wand: 6 (-1) Petrify/Polymorph: 8 (-1)

Breath Weapon: Spells: Weapon Proficiencies Dagger Quarter Staff Dart Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon:

5 (-6) 7 (-1) + + +

Robe of Vecna ... ... Edwin's Amulet Cleric's Staff +3 (THAC0: 13) Crimson Dart +3 (THAC0: 13) Shield: ... Ring 1: Ring of Protection +1 Ring 2: ... Cloak: ... Boots: Boots of Grounding Belt: Belt of Inertial Barrier Misc 1: ... Misc 2: ... Misc 3: Efreeti Bottle <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Evil Party Stat Notes: Jaheira keeps the Club +3, Blackblood in her inventory for instances when she needs to hit Clay Golems, Trolls, or critters that require +3 or better weapons. Jaheira has the Boomerang Dagger +2, Korgan has the Dwarvern Thrower +3, Viconia has the Sling of Seeking +2, Haer'Dalis has Firetooth +4, and Edwin has the Crimson Dart +3 for ranged options. Only my protagonist lacks a ranged option, and with her spell-buffs and Celestial Fury, why would I want to keep her out of melee combat, anyways? The Ring of Regeneration moves around the party as needed, it has no stable home. Jaheira gets the Gauntlets of Weapon Skill because she receives more attacks per round, and Haer' Dalis gets the Bracers of Archery because he's pretty much a full-time archer at the moment, while Edwin will usually be using spells, rather than the Crimson Dart +3. Haer'Dalis keeps the Case of Plenty +1 equipped in his 'quiver', and he can use it to shoot +1 bolts to drop his THAC0 by another point, if necessary. If anything, with the early trip to Watcher's Keep and the 'shopping' at Trademeet, my evil party has a stronger ranged presence than my good party does. This will eventually change when Korgan decides to dual-wield and drops all pretenses of using a ranged weapon, and when Imoen obtains the Gesen Bow she'll outclass Edwin. Jaheira's inferior Armor Class will be made good after the Underdark, whereas Korgan needs all the protection he can get, as he'll suffer defensively when he drops his shield to dual-wield. While my good party was struggling with Nalia, Haer'Dalis actually proved to be a useful addition to the evil party. His contribution in most battles was limited to taking one shot per round with Firetooth +4, to mediocore effect, at best. Usually I took Yoshimo along just to get the experience reward later, but I'll be damned if Haer'Dalis doesn't actually have some merit. First of all, his decent innate Pick Pocket ability made it so that my Protagonist could focus on other things, and drastically reduced the number of potions I needed to use at every thieving opportunity. Best of all, when he started building up levels and accumulating spells, he was able to contribute to spell-assaults with Chaos, and his higher caster level meant that it was actually better for him to caste buffs like Haste than it was for Edwin. Also, Viconia and my protagonist often had better things to do in battle than stay wary of illusion. Haer'Dalis, however, became my go-to debuffer once he obtained True Sight. In fact, in some Mage

battles he acted in tandem with Edwin, the latter using Breach while Haer'Dalis cast True Sight to keep them honest. Eventually Edwin and my Protagonist will obtain enough spell-power between them to make Haer'Dalis's contributions less helpful (especially compared to the offensive might of ???????), but for Shadows of Amn, this guy is gold. GOOD PARTY STATS: END OF CHAPTER 3 o======================================================================o Keldorn Inquisitor 12 Experience: 1195065 Max Hit Points: 123 Armor Class: -6 Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: 3 5 4 4 6 (-2) (-2) (-2) (-2) (-2)

Weapon Proficiencies Long Sword ++ Two Handed Sword ++ Cross Bow ++ Two Handed Weapon Style + Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon: Firecam Full Plate Armor Gauntlets of Dexterity Helm of Glory Amulet of 5% Magic Resistance Hallowed Redeemer (THAC0: 4) Ras +2 (THAC0: 4) Firetooth +4 (THAC0: 1) Shield: ... Ring 1: Ring of Regeneration Ring 2: Ring of Earth Control Cloak: Nymph Cloak Boots: Boots of Grounding Belt: Girdle of Hill Giant Strength Misc 1: ... Misc 2: ... Misc 3: ... <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Jaheira Fighter 10/Druid 12 Experience: 604797/604797 Max Hit Points: 112 Armor Class: -7 Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: Weapon Proficiencies Scimitar Dagger Club Quarter Staff Sling 3 (-3) 7 (-3) 8 (-1) 6 (-3) 10 (-1) + + ++ + +

Sword and Shield Style + Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon: Full Plate Mail +1 Gauntlets of Ogre Power Helmet of Defense Periapt of Proof Against Poison Belm +2 (THAC0: 6) Club +3, Blackblood (THAC0: 4) Shield: Saving Grace +3 Ring 1: ... Ring 2: Ring of the Ram Cloak: Cloak of Displacement Boots: ... Belt: Girdle of Piercing Misc 1: ... Misc 2: ... Misc 3: ... <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Anomen Cleric 13/Fighter 7 (Inactive) Experience: 1149047/64000 Max Hit Points: 112 Armor Class: -6 Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: Weapon Proficiencies War Hammer Mace Sling Sword and Shield Style Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon: 4 (-1) 8 (-1) 7 (-1) 10 (-1) 9 (-1) ++ ++ ++ +

Full Plate Mail +1 Gauntlets of Weapon Skill Helm of Balduran Sensate Amulet Mace +2 (THAC0: 5) Sling +2 (THAC0: 7) Shield: Fortress Shield +3 Ring 1: ... Ring 2: Ring of Holiness Cloak: Cloak of Sewers Boots: Boots of Avoidance Belt: Girdle of Bluntness Misc 1: ... Misc 2: ... Misc 3: Silver Horn of Valhalla <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Protagonist Fighter 10/Mage 11 Experience: 663534/663534 Max Hit Points: 103 Armor Class: -4 Weapon Proficiencies Katana Flail ++ ++

Two Weapon Style Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon:

+++ 6 5 6 7 6 (-2) (-2) (-3) (-2) (-2)

Adventurer's Robe Bracers of Defense A.C. 3 Vhailor's Helm Amulet of Power Celestial Fury (THAC0: 3) ... Shield: Flail of Ages +3 (THAC0: 6) Ring 1: Ring of Protection +2 Ring 2: Ring of Acuity Cloak: ... Boots: Boots of Speed Belt: ... Misc 1: ... Misc 2: ... Misc 3: Golem Manual <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Minsc Ranger 12 Experience: 1207729 Max Hit Points: 117 Armor Class: 2 Weapon Proficiencies Two Handed Sword Halberd Mace Long Bow Two Weapon Style Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon: ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ 3 8 2 7 9 (-4) (-1) (-1) (-1) (-1)

Skin of the Ghoul +4 Bracers of Archery Helmet of Defense ... Dragon's Bane +3 (THAC0: 3) Ilbratha (THAC0: 8) Elven Court Bow +3 (THAC0: 0) Shield: ... Ring 1: ... Ring 2: ... Cloak: Cloak of Non-Detection Boots: Boots of Stealth Belt: ... Misc 1: Boo Misc 2: ... Misc 3: ... <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Nalia

Mage 13/Thief 4 (Inactive) Experience: 1190290/5000 Max Hit Points: 73 Armor Class: -1 Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: Weapon Proficiencies Short Sword Dagger Quarter Staff Short Bow Dart Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon: 9 5 7 4 6 + + + + + (-2) (-2) (-2) (-7) (-2)

Robe of Vecna Glove of Pick Pocketing Pale Green Ioun Stone Amulet of Metaspell Influence Cleric's Staff +3 (THAC0: 12) Tansheron's Bow +3 (THAC0: 10) Shield: ... Ring 1: D'Arnisse Signet Ring Ring 2: Ring of Danger Sense Cloak: Cloak of the Shield Boots: Boots of Grounding Belt: Belt of Inertial Barrier Misc 1: ... Misc 2: ... Misc 3: Efreeti Bottle <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Good Party Stat Notes: As we do not have access to Limited Wish like the evil party does, Jaheira just has to wait until she has a good ranged option. Keldorn has Firetooth +4 for situations in which it'll be safer for him to fight at a range, and Minsc and Nalia (soon to be Imoen) mostly stick to ranged weapons... although Misnc will take up his Halberd when he needs to. My protagonist is much more hardy and dependable in the good party, and equipped with the Flail of the Ages and Celestial Fury, he's almost as quick of a killer as my other three front-liners combined. Add to that his defensive spells, and for a short time, he's the single strongest weapon I have... until his Stoneskin wears off. For this reason, he takes the Boots of Speed, which help him get from foe to foe quicker, a position Korgan has in the evil party. My good party's superior protagonist makes up for an otherwise inferior front-line Armor Class. Finally, I usually take Yoshimo with me through the game (and I did in the first walkthrough around which most of this guide was written) but for the 2nd goodparty walkthrough where I recorded the stats at the end of various chapters, I took Nalia. You know, to make the transition to Imoen easier? I regretted it every time I had to pick a lock or disarm a trap. Nalia is simply inadequate to the challenge of handling many of the tasks a party thief needs to handle. The only good solution was to try and get to the Planar Sphere earlier than I would like, and obtain the Ring of Danger Sense. Perhaps I was spoiled by having a Fighter/Mage/Thief who could handle anything, but honestly, I'll take Yoshimo if I have to do it again. That way when I get Imoen back, I'll be able to give her the Ring of Lock Picks and the Ring of Danger Sense and thus avoid any obnoxious situations where I find my party

Thief inadequate to the task at hand. Note from Lee: I always play a Good party, and thanks to the Happy Patch I can have Edwin instead of Nalia, and Yoshimo instead of Minsc. Also, having completed several of the later quests before this point, I am at a slightly higher level with most characters. Without going into the same level of detail, here is what my party looks like: Keldorn: Inq13, HP 129, AC -8, Joril's Dagger +3, Helmet of Charm Protection, Gauntlets of Dexterity Jaheira: F11/D11, HP 121, AC -9, Belm +2, Shield of Harmony +2, Amulet of Power, Girdle of Hill Giant Strength, Boots of Speed Anomen: C15/F7, HP 116, AC -7, Flail of the Ages, Saving Grace +3, Gauntlets of Ogre Power, Cloak of Displacement Protagonist: F13/M13, HP 118, AC -5, Blade of Roses +3, Celestial Fury, Vhailor's Helm, Gauntlets of Weapon Skill Edwin: Conj14, HP 70, AC 0, Sling of Everard +5, Staff of Rynn +4, Pale Green Ioun Stone, Robe of Vecna

Yoshimo: BH18, HP 96, AC -3, Skin of the Ghoul +4, Bracers of Archery, Tansheron's Bow +3, Efreeti Bottle, Boots of Stealth Everyone has Rings of Protection and other similar magic items, and there are other things in inventory that are not listed, but these are the main components of the party make-up. For what it's worth, the party has over 175k in Gold, so we're not hurting for money. o======================================================================o | Chapter 4 | o======================================================================o | | | Brynnlaw | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK026} 1) Saemon's Excuse 2) Seeking Out Sanik 3) Things to do in Brynnlaw 4) Infiltrating the Brothel 5) Rescuing Ginia and Ason 6) The Front Door 7) The Back Door 8) Reaching Galvena 9) Killing Galvena 10) Perth the Not-So Adept 11) Getting Incarcerated 12) Within Spellhold, One Way or Another For the first time since we escaped from Irenicus' Dungeon, all players regardless of their character's class, alignment, and party composition now have the same goal. We're looking for somebody named 'Sanik', whom can be found in the Vulgar Monkey tavern. Quite frankly it's rather refreshing (from my perspective) to have a singular purpose for this walkthrough again. Even better, this unity will last for quite a while. We're not coming back to Brynnlaw in this game, so in this part of the walkthrough we'll make sure to do everything there is to do

before we head into Spellhold. Brynnlaw (AR1600) o======================================================================o 1) All goes well... until you land. Saemon Havarian excuses himself and Sime expresses her distrust of him. The fact that you can't save because 'monsters are about' should tip you off that something's up. I spellbuff and send my main character off the boat to the north. Saemon will talk to you and apologize for what must come, and several enemies will appear. Three Vampires-Valen, Parisa, and Del, will attack you. All three of them are not enough to take down my Fighter/Mage. Astute players should realize a few things from this encounter. First, Bodhi, while beaten, is not without resources. More worrisome is the fact that Vampires have lairs, and they wouldn't be able to travel so far from them as to randomly ambush you here, which means Bodhi's Vampires and presumably Bodhi have a stronghold here. After the fight talk to Sime (x=850, y=2420), who will tell you to find somebody named Sanik at the local tavern. Vulgar Monkey Tavern (AR1602) o======================================================================o 2) You'll find the Vulgar Monkey tavern at (x=2000, y=1550), inside of which you'll find plenty of friendly pirates and Sanik (x=500, y=500). Before you and Sanik can get down to business, an assassin will appear courtesy of Lady Galvena and do what assassins do. He'll then foolishly attack you. Put him down, after which the Innkeeper will pipe in and give you some information regarding what just occurred. Apparently Sanik here crossed the local Mistress of Brynnlaw and this was her response. Unfortunately for her, his 'bride' might be the only person who knows how to get into Spellhold, which means Lady Galvena just crossed the wrong person. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 3) Over at (x=2550, y=1600) you'll find a Temple to Umberlee. From which you can buy a Girdle of Bluntness and a Wand of the Heavens, as well as other, less interesting items. There's a Shopkeep at (x=1300, y=1100), who sells some magical weapons and armor, but nothing you really need by now. And if you rushed here early... well, it's still probably nothing you need, nor can afford. Finally there's a house at (x=650, y=1450) which contains some curiously nice loot. ***ITEMS*** (AR1600) (x=3325, y=1530) Wand of Paralyzation ***ITEMS*** (AR1606) (x=280, y=380) Zircon Gem (x=550, y=200) Rogue Stone, 7 gold (x=400, y=150) Flamedance Ring ***TRAPS*** (AR1606) (x=400, y=150) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) Well, that was a fun diversion, but now it's time to find a way into Spellhold. Let's just say it's going to take more than good walking shoes to get there. Head over to Lady Galvena's Festhall (x=1050, y=1450). You can just barge in and massacre everybody, but there are more... subtle ways to get in as well. Talk to the courtesan outside of Lady Galvena's Festhall (x=1180, y=1530). Of course, to complicate things there are several ways to gain access to the Festhall. First, you can pay the courtesan 100 gold (he or she can be bargained down to 50 gold) to get into her room (AR1609) under the pretenses of perusing her services. Secondly you can press her to reveal a way to get

in. She'll capitulate for 200 gold (don't threaten her or she'll walk off), or for your promise that you won't tell anybody what she says. She'll inform you that you can gain admission to the brothel if you obtain a medallion from one of Galvena's courtesan masters. She'll suggest that you look for somebody named Chremy for your medallion. Another way to start this medallion quest is to ask about Claire and say that you're planning on killing Galvena. If you're going to barge on in skip to step #6, if you're going to pay the courtesan to take you to her room, skip to step #7, and finally, if you want to obtain the medallion continue with step #5. Frankly I think the most interesting way to do this is to obtain Galvena's Medallion from Chremy (freeing Ginia and Ason in the process), and accompanying the courtesan into her room. From here you can devise a scheme to poison the guards in (AR1608) and the guard captain (AR1613). You'll get plenty of quest experience this way, but honestly its gains over simply storming the place are negligible at best. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) Since we're going to get the medallion, we might as well help Ginia, too. At (x=570, y=1170) you'll run into a little boy named Ason. Or rather he'll run into you, and steal 10 gold from you. Question the little guy about it and he'll seem repentant, but also too afraid to give you the money back. Of course, if you threaten him he'll cough it up. Hmm... Head over to courtesan named Ginia (x=3450, y=1700) who'll tell you her sob story. Apparently she's suffering in the 'employ' of a man named Chremy, a lieutenant of the pirate who runs this town-one Desharik. Apparently the Ason we ran afoul of earlier is Ginia's insurance, Ginia can't flee or disobey without Ason suffering for it. If you're a nice guy you can offer to help her and Ason escape. You'll have to pay the smuggler, Calahan (x=1600, y=1750) and deal with Chremy (x=1820, y=1460). Go to Calahan and pay him 200 gold so he'll smuggle away both Ginia and Ason for a small experience reward. Now go pay Chremy a visit. He'll turn hostile if pressed on the Ginia/Ason issue. Kill him and loot his body for a suit of Studded Leather Armor, Galvena's Medallion, a Bloodstone Ring, a Bastard Sword, and 112 gold. Now go report the good news to Ginia to complete the quest and get another experience reward. Return to the courtesan with the medallion in your possession and she'll offer to take you to her room (skip to step #7), or you could just go on your own (continue with step #6). ***REWARD*** (For paying for Calahan's smuggling services) EXP 2000 ***REWARD*** (For saving Ginia and Ason) EXP 9000 Lady Galvena's Festhall (AR1611) o======================================================================o 6) Enter the festhall, whereupon you'll be bothered by Front. If you obtained Galvena's Medallion from Chremy earlier, you can use it to convince him to let you past. If not, find the secret door at (x=500, y=150) after he's done talking. Opening the door (which is locked) will provoke Front to call upon two Guards and attack. Front spends most of his time spell-buffing, and they're all pretty easy to take down. Either way you do it, proceed to the next area (AR1608), (step #8). Lady Galvena's Festhall, Courtesan's Room (AR1609) o======================================================================o

7) The simplest way of reaching this area is by paying the courtesan to take you to her room. Under this approach she'll threaten to call the guards if you insist on performing any misdeeds, although she can be pacified by paying her 100 gold or mentioning Claire. On the other hand if you accompanied the courtesan here after obtaining Galvena's Medallion from Chremy, she'll tell you about some sleeping draught they brew here to incapacitate richer clients. She suggests convincing the cook to put some in the guards' food to get past them without fighting. Exit at (x=200, y=450) to reach the Hallway area of the Festhall (AR1608). Lady Galvena's Festhall, Hallway (AR1608), Kitchen (AR1612), and Galvena's Room (AR1613) o======================================================================o 8) In this area you'll find a pair of guards milling about. If you barged on in here they'll summon the guard captain in a futile attempt to stop you. If you gained admittance to this area by sneaking in through the Courtesan or by using Galvena's Medallion you can convince the guards you're a customer, or a new recruit. Still, you need to get Galvena's Key (see below) from the guard captain, which provokes them, so it's not really a superior solution to just fighting your way in. Kill them and loot them, as one carries a Halberd +2. After they're dead go into the room at (x=350, y=200) (AR1613)-which is pretty swanky, by the way. Loot the dresser (x=150, y=300) to obtain Galvena's Key, then go back to (AR1608) and open the door at (x=100, y=100). If you conspired with the courtesan and obtained the Sleeping Draught enter the room at (x=550, y=330) (AR1612) and convince the cook, Ellie to poison the guards. Follow the courtesan out and she'll deliver the guards their poison, which will promptly render them unconscious. You can now kill the guards without resistance. By killing them via the poison, you'll get less experience from the guard captain, all the guards will have the poisoned ale on them, and instead of a Halberd +2 you'll get a pair of Halberds +1. ***REWARD*** (For convincing Ellie to poison the guards) EXP 1000 ***REWARD*** (For poisoning the guards) EXP 4000 Lady Galvena's Festhall, Dungeon (AR1610) o======================================================================o 9) Continue down to the next level and go through a door to the northeast to find Galvena, Claire, and her pet wizard Vadek. Naturally a fight ensues. Kill them and loot them, Galvena donates a suit of Leather Armor +3 and a Flail +2, while her stooge leaves behind a Quarter Staff +2, a Dart +1, and 25 gold. Find where Claire ran off to and talk to her. She'll suggest talking to Sanik's captain, one Captain Golin, who will tell you of two ways to get into the Asylum-convince the pirate Desharik to commit you to the Asylum, or obtain a ward stone from a local representative of the Cowled Wizards named Perth the Adept. Of course, why not do a little of both? ***REWARD*** (For closing Lady Galvena's Festhall-permanently) EXP 10000 ***REWARD*** (For bringing Claire to Captain Golin) EXP 2000

Perth the Adept's House (AR1605) o======================================================================o 10) Let's go visit Perth the Adept, who lives in the house at (x=2950, y=1200). Once you get inside you'll notice he acts somewhat... mechanically. He'll mumble about the Warden, and then merrily decide to test your limits... or get violent, rather. Get on top of him quickly, as he's a very powerful Mage. With Keldorn in tow it's child's-play to strip his spell defenses and pummel him to death, but evil parties, (especially low-level evil parties) should tread with some caution. When he dies he'll reward you with 20000 experience points, and he'll drop the 'Wardstone for Asylum', as well as the Book of Infinite Spells. This book can be used to cast one spell, once per day, and unlimited number of times, and anybody can use it. The catch, however, is that if you turn the pages of the book so as to (hopefully) access a better spell, you're stuck with that spell until you turn the pages again. That means no flipsies-backsies, and as the description warns once you reach the last page of the book you're stuck with whatever spell was on that page. The book starts out with the 'Fireball' spell active, which is a pretty decent spell to be able to cast. Of course, it can be turned to Spell Turning and True Sight... which are arguably better. For more information about this book, refer to its entry in [ITM004]. ***ITEMS*** (x=650, y=400) Potions of Extra Healing x4 (x=400, y=300) Horn Coral Gem, History of the Drow (x=170, y=150) Gold Ring, 7 gold ***TRAPS*** (x=170, y=150) Pirate Lord's Home (AR1601) o======================================================================o 11) Now it's time to pay Desharik a visit (x=1000, y=650). Talk to the Pirate Door Guard (x=1120, y=670) outside and either throw Captain Golin's name out, or pay him 300 gold to gain entrance. Loot the house before talking to Desharik (x=660, y=550). Don't tell him you're trying to storm the place, or rescue a friend, and don't try to bribe him, as he'll have none of it. Saying that you're the child of a god and you struggle with your nature will convince him if you're insistent, however. Also note that if you have Minsc in your party... well, let's just say that Minsc has an uncanny ability to convince people he's nuts. Go figure. If you don't wish to get incarcerated, you can enter Spellhold manually (see step #12). ***ITEMS*** (x=630, y=200) Potion of Extra Healing (x=390, y=300) Potion of Extra Healing, 109 gold (x=180, y=330) Potion of Extra Healing x2, Light Crossbow +1, Bolts +2 x5, 50 gold (x=1200, y=400) Potion of Extra Healing, Long Bow +2, Arrows +2, 70 gold ***TRAPS*** (x=170, y=320) (x=1200, y=400) ***REWARD*** (For convincing Desharik to incarcerate you) EXP 38500 (each character) Spellhold, Exterior (AR1500)

o======================================================================o 12) Of the two ways to enter Spellhold, getting incarcerated earns you an experience reward. You can just walk on in by exiting Brynnlaw at (x=3500, y=20). Sime awaits near the area transition (x=3480, y=130), and if you got the Wardstone from Perth the Adept you can update her on your progress, at which she'll rush off to see if she can obtain some aid. Once outside of Spellhold cross a bridge to the north. This bridge would be rather fatal if you didn't have Perth's Wardstone, but with it you'll cross unmolested. At the far end of the bridge are some Lizardmen, and upon Spellhold itself is a Lesser Air Elemental. Enter the door at (x=600, y=1050) to finally enter Spellhold. Even with the kills in this area, the experience pales compared to what you'd receive from convincing Desharik to incarcerate you. If you enter on foot you'll be greeted by a Coordinator, who'll introduce you to a variety of inmates, including our old friends Dradeel (from Tales of the Sword Coast, on the Isle of Balduran) and Tiax, everybody's favorite diminutive megalomaniac. If you're incarcerated you'll be greeted by Lonk the Sane, who'll free you for recreation time-and with promises of cookies to come. You'll be free to talk to a variety of inmates, as follows (their locations will vary depending on which route you took to enter Spellhold): Aphril: A girl who can see all things, across the planes and time. You'd be freaked out too. Talk to her again and she'll allow you to see what she sees, if just for a moment. She's interesting for two reasons. First, because of the little rant Edwin will go on if him and Viconia are in the party, and second, because of the blatant Planescape references she makes. A walking corpse talking to a pile of skulls? Nameless One and Morte. Dradeel: Our friend from the Baldur's Gate 1 expansion Tales of the Sword Coast. He was the companion of Balduran stranded on the island populated with Werewolves and Wolfweres. It seems like the centuries of seclusion and Werewolf attacks got to him. He'll rail against doggies, give you another useless recipe, and try and teleport out. He's amusing, if not useful. Naljier Skal: Talks about his 'pretties' a lot, supposedly lost his sanity when he tried to look too deeply at the nature of existence. Talk to him a few times and he'll conjure some very real gems for you, I was even gifted with a Rogue Stone. What a nice fellow! Tiax: He's still small, angry, and possessed by delusions of grandeur, everything we loved in the first game. Not enough to take him with us, but still... Listen to him rant, you know you want to. Eventually he'll try to mark your forehead for bothering him, and will end up shrinking his undergarments. Just as well, they probably don't need to be very big anyhow. Wanev: The former warden of Spellhold, he'll refer you to the coordinator, and will babble some authoritative office speak. He'll eventually devolve into handing you an endless supply of 'memos'. If you have Yoshimo in your party, remove ALL items from him now; he'll be "leaving" soon, and you don't want to lose an of the items he's carrying. Eventually the coordinator will reveal himself to be Irenicus. If you were incarcerated, just rest and Irenicus will show up. Either way, Yoshimo will be revealed as a traitor within your midst if he's with

you. Watch a cutscene, rant futilely at Irenicus, and you'll end up falling unconscious. You'll wake up in a position you saw Imoen in earlier, trapped in a container with captive Shadow Thieves lining the room around you. Irenicus will taunt you and explain how Saemon poisoned you and allowed for him to overcome you so easily, and how he orchestrated and predicted your arrival here. Irenicus will explain that Imoen-like you-is a child of Bhaal, and that he plans to steal your divine soul for himself. As he already stole Imoen's for Bodhi-his sister-he's somewhat optimistic that you'll survive the experiment, at least for a while. He also mentions understanding your anger, as he has experienced the same. I guess it's a partial explanation for why he needs your soul, and it explains the descriptions of him early in the game as 'empty' by the Dryads he captured and by Imoen. The guild war Bodhi started wasn't for power, or at least not just for power, but for Shadow Thieves. Why he needed Shadow Thieves specifically instead of random peasants is curious, but perhaps that can be explained by the nature of your divine soul. He needed the souls of killers and thieves to force out of the soul of a child of Bhaal, the God of Murder? As always with Irenicus, he leaves us with more questions than answers. o======================================================================o | | | Spellhold | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK027} 1) To Know Yourself 2) Master the Taint 3) The Hunt Begins 4) Reunited With Imoen 5) The Bag of Holding 6) Goblins and the Placement Puzzle Room 7) The Pit Fiend in the Portal 8) Put Your Hand in My Mouth 9) Tome of Monsters 10) Kobolds and Crystal Shards 11) Gibberling Room 12) Greeted By Undead 13) A Few New Spells 14) Dace Sontan's Demise 15) Umber Hulk Ambush 16) Deeper Into the Dungeon 17) Trolls and Tokens 18) Minotaurs and Monster Paintings 19) The Room of Orbs 20) The Slayer Awakens 21) Minotaurs and Gauth 22) Activating the Minotaur Statue 23) The Monster Gallery 24) Golem-Guarded Room 25) Turning in Tokens 26) The Test of Sanity 27) Apparitions and Another Riddle 28) Momentary Relapse 29) Judgment 30) Saemon's Warning 31) Assaulting Irenicus 32) Back to Brynnlaw Candlekeep Dream (AR0028) o======================================================================o

1) After Irenicus' experiment you'll wake up in Candlekeep, being pestered by Imoen. After she's done talking head up to the keep to find a Demon (x=2100, y=1660) waiting for you. As you approach it'll talk to you and demand that you 'give of yourself that you will know yourself'. You'll have to sacrifice an attribute point to reach your 'core', the depths of your soul. For most characters (especially Baldur's Gate 1 veterans) I imagine that Intelligence or Wisdom would be the easiest attributes to part with. If you're a Mage, give up Wisdom, if you're anything else, sacrifice Intelligence. Once that is done the Demon is sated, that within the weakness you will find Strength. Head through the arch at (x=2000, y=1500). Note: According to Infinity Explorer, there is a dialogue option to be had with the Demon (PPDEMON) as follows: "I give of my skill, forgetting some of what I have learned." The result of this option is to reduce your experience by 50,000... far favorable to losing an attribute point. Unfortunately, this dialogue option has never come up for me, and since it has a conditional trigger (unlike the rest of the options) I must assume that it exists as a safety of sorts... in case the protagonist's attributes are too low to reduce. Remember, a zero in an attribute is a game-over, and forcing a game-over here... well, nobody likes show-stoppers. Also, if, say, you're a class with minimum attribute requirements, you might get this option instead of breaking your class requirements. Candlekeep Dream Library, First Floor (AR0012) o======================================================================o 2) Explore the level until Imoen finds you. She'll continue to babble cryptically, mentioning that together you can overcome your instincts, where alone you would fall. You need to lure 'the creature' here so you can battle it together. Head back outside and travel around the south-western side of the keep to find Bhaal (x=1030, y=1770). No matter what you say, 'Bhaal' will turn hostile and attack you. Run from it and head back into Candlekeep and return to Imoen's side. Once you, Imoen, and Bhaal are all on the same screen Imoen will exclaim that she knows how to make the beast vulnerable. You can now engage and defeat the beast. It'll complain once it's defeated, and after being hounded by your nature for the entirety of the first game, it's nice to finally get to take some action against it, metaphysical though it may be. Imoen will spaz out again and you'll wake up. Now that you're soulless, you'll lose all the special abilities you acquired in the last game, although most of them were fairly obsolete by now anyways. Irenicus will talk some more and you'll get a quest reward before Irenicus nonchalantly discards you. His one great failure, however, is underestimating us. He of all people should know how driven and dangerous somebody who has been deprived of their immortal soul can be. ***REWARD*** (For mastering your taint) EXP 48500 (protagonist) EXP 28500 (each character) Spellhold Dungeons, Part I (AR1512) o======================================================================o 3) You'll find yourself in Spellhold's friendly dungeons, with Bodhi on higher ground. Irenicus may have been smart enough to avoid the villain's expose, but Bodhi isn't wise enough to avoid the second fatal flaw of most villains. She's decided that since she's been ordered to dispose of you she might as well have some fun with you while she's doing it. Notice how she also gives away much of Irenicus' intentions, mentioning him obtaining revenge for his banishment. She dangles the

carrot of freedom and revenge in front of you, and informs you that she will be coming after you to feed. And so the hunt begins... <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) After Bodhi leaves Imoen will talk to you and tell you that she feels 'empty and dying'. In Imoen's opinion it's only a matter of time before your mortal body dies after being deprived of your immortal soul. Accept her back into the party or tell her to get lost. Either way, it's more imperative now than ever before that we hunt down Irenicus. You can safely ignore Bodhi's threats, however. She won't come after you no matter how slowly you progress through the dungeon. Also, you don't have to fear dying for lack of a soul (although the game might indicate otherwise.) You can take as much time, explore as many places, and complete as many quests as you wish before finally going after Irenicus again. I give Imoen Tansheron's Bow, the Belt of Inertial Barrier, Boots of Stealth, Bracers of Archery, the Ring of Danger Sense, and any other gear I've accumulated for her. Most importantly, I have Imoen Scribe the scrolls I've gained. She's got 400,000 experience by now, which, depending on how much you did before coming to Spellhold could make her ahead of you, or far behind. Either way, she's going to need spells to be of much use. Of course, her Intelligence can be a limiting factor, but for this intensive scribing session the investment of a Potion of Genius comes highly suggested for the dual purpose of increasing the number of spells she can know per spell level, and for making her more likely to succeed at scribing (although turning down the difficulty temporarily works better for the latter.) After I was done scribing Imoen had 500,783 experience, showing that it can be a profitable-if time consuming-chore. If you want to want to extend your experience gains as far as possible, be sure to kick out non-necessary, non-romantic party members. For me, this means Keldorn, Anomen, and Minsc. When you're done scribing, have them join back up. If you have Throne of Bhaal installed, and you have extra scrolls sitting around, don't be afraid to erase spells and rescribe them for even more experience. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) Venture to the northeast and go through the doors at (x=2500, y=1000), beyond which a Clay Golem awaits. By now we know how to kill them, lead with characters wielding magical bludgeoning weapons as they're the only ones who can hurt it. We've at least got ourselves plenty of Maces +2 from Gorch, way back in the beginning of the game. Loot the room for a Bag of Holding, among other things. This is a wonderful item that indiscriminately stores loot and renders the weight of stored loot negligible. It is easily the single most useful inventory management item in the game. Of course, it holds a finite number of items (unless you've installed the Unlimited mod), but still, until now you've had no good way to store arms and armor you wanted to keep nearby, if not in your inventory. Make sure you grab the Opal Stone, and return to the room where you confronted Bodhi. Don't bother traveling up the passage to the northwest, as it contains a crushing wall-trap that I've never had a character capable of disarming. It's instant death, and it's beyond our abilities. Just go around it. ***ITEMS*** (x=2660, y=800) Opal Stone, Rogue Stone, Arrows of Piercing x40, Arrows +2 x40, Scroll of Prismatic Spray, Arrows x240, Bolts of Biting x40, Bolts +2 x40, Bolts x160 (x=2470, y=770) Bag of Holding, Dart of Wounding x40, Dart of Stunning x40, Darts x80 ***TRAPS*** (x=2470, y=770)

<----------------------------------------------------------------------> 6) Head up the stairs to the northwest and go through the door at (x=1350, y=950), where you'll find a group of Goblins (or randomly Gibberlings) that need to be exterminated. And here we thought we were beyond such things. Loot the room and especially make sure to grab the Ruby Stone before leaving. Go through the door at (x=770, y=1050) to find... a puzzle room! Loot the chest at (x=580, y=1200) to find a whole bunch of useless junk. The statues that line the room each have a bowl into which an object can be placed, with the obvious goal being to match the right object to the riddle each statue gives. Either use your massive logic to figure the puzzle out, or consult the table below. Or do the latter and pretend it was the former, nobody will know anyways, except you, and you're a liar anyhow. Nah, you're alright. The order listed is clockwise from the door. When the riddle is solved and all the pieces placed you'll be informed that something is within the chest that wasn't before. Loot it to claim your prize. The Dusty Rose Ioun Stone is of limited usefulness, as it gives a bonus to Armor Class, but it won't protect against critical hits, so it shouldn't grace the head of a front-line Fighter. It works fine on Edwin or Imoen, however, or perhaps a secondary fighter like Minsc, or support character like Haer'Dalis. Note: It has been brought to my Bards cannot normally wear this Shadows of Amn-only issue. With put this Ioun Stone on anybody, attention that Mages, Thieves, and Ioun Stone. This is, I suspect, a Throne of Bhaal installed, you can as it should be.

o===============o======================================o===============o |Statue Location| Riddle |Object Required| o===============o======================================o===============o |(x=810, y=1100)|Try to defeat me by try in vain. When |Grinning Skull | | |I win I end your pain. | | |---------------|--------------------------------------|---------------| |(x=850, y=1150)|I have two heads but one body. The | Hourglass | | |more I stand still, the faster I run. | | |---------------|--------------------------------------|---------------| |(x=740, y=1220)|Always do I tell the truth, yet cannot| Mirror | | |speak. Look at me and see what really | | | |is. | | |---------------|--------------------------------------|---------------| |(x=650, y=1280)|Name me and you shall break me. |The Gagged Man | |---------------|--------------------------------------|---------------| |(x=600, y=1260)|I will save your life by yet can you |Sword Medallion| | |die by me. I will settle disputes yet | | | |not with words. | | |---------------|--------------------------------------|---------------| |(x=520, y=1200)|To those within the dungeon I am joy. | Sun Medallion | | |To those fully beneath my gaze, I can | | | |be Hell. | | |---------------|--------------------------------------|---------------| |(x=440, y=1150)|I have seen the mountains rise. I have| Sundial | | |seen the fall of Netheril. You shall | | | |die but still I march on. | | |---------------|--------------------------------------|---------------| |(x=400, y=1110)|Here, in this place, you swallow me. | Jar of Water | | |Yet, were I more, I could swallow you.| | |---------------|--------------------------------------|---------------| |(x=480, y=1040)|Brothers we are, great burdens we |Worn Out Boots | | |bear, all day we are bitterly pressed;| | | |Yet this I will say - we are full all | |

| |the day, and empty when we go to rest.| | |---------------|--------------------------------------|---------------| |(x=600, y=970) |No beginning. No end. I am a symbol of|Golden Circlet | | |the world's cycles. | | |---------------|--------------------------------------|---------------| |(x=660, y=1000)|At night I come without being fetched,|Star Medallion | | |at day I am gone without being stolen.| | o===============o======================================o===============o ***ITEMS*** (x=1520, y=900) Ruby Stone, Bullets x200, Bullets +1 x40, Bullets +2 x40, Spear +3, 548 gold (x=1500, y=820) Composite Longbow, Arrows x40, Arrows +1 x40, Throwing Axe x60, Throwing Knife x90, 210 gold ***REWARD*** (For solving the statue placement puzzle) EXP 20000 Item Dusty Rose Ioun Stone Item Sapphire Stone <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 7) Now leave the placement puzzle room and go through the doors to the northwest (x=750, y=800), beyond which lies a Raksasha named Ruhk and some Mephits. Kill them by focusing on Ruhk first, as the Mephits are really nothing more than distractions by now. There's a portal at (x=200, y=450) which, if you activate it with the various stones in your possession will summon forth various critters. Two of them are simply hostile, but are worth some experience, and one will earn you some... mediocore loot. If you don't want to summon a particular critter, just drop the corresponding stone on the ground, but who can turn down free experience? With the Opal Stone in your possession you will summon forth a Greater Wolfwere. It'll require +3 weapons to harm it and it can regenerate fairly quickly, so make sure you're up to the task before summoning it. You might have encountered such a critter in one of the fleshy 'cells' in the Astral Prison. If that's the case, you should be quite prepared to handle it. It's worth 15000 EXP, and my evil protagonist starts out the fight in a big way with a backstab by hiding before summoning it. With the Ruby Stone in your inventory will summon forth a Pit Fiend. These guys can be bad news, especially if you're light on +3 weapons. You just found a Spear +3, and you should have Celestial Fury and perhaps the Flail of the Ages (if you recruited Nalia). I was fortunate and stunned it with Celestial Fury, which allowed me to take it down without a scratch. Click on the portal a final time with the Sapphire Stone in your inventory and you'll summon a Genie, who will reward you with Doomplate +3. It's not any better than Full Plate Mail +1, but it's lighter, and red, and that's got to count for something. Note from Lee: I go up the hall far enough to goad the Mephits into attacking, then retreat and bottleneck them at the door. Might have to do this twice to get them all, but afterwards you can go after the Raksasha with no distractions. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 8) Now go through the doors at (x=1050, y=700) to reach an octagonal room with numerous stone faces leering about. Again, clockwise from the door, click on them and they'll tell you to "Put your hand in my mouth." Click on them a second time and you'll be teleported in the middle of the room and you'll be asked a riddle. Consult the following table for the solutions to this puzzle, although they're pretty easy. After answering all the riddles you'll get an experience reward and a second

Ring of Regeneration, which floats around the party as needed just as the first one does. If you continue to the northeast you'll come across a group of Yuan-Ti led by a Yuan-Ti Mage. Do not bother trying to loop around to the south, however, as there is a trap in the hallway that can't be disarmed and instantly kills you. You'll just have to walk back to the central room, unless you like getting crushed by wall mechanisms. o===============o======================================o===============o |Mouth Location | Riddle | Answer | o===============o======================================o===============o |(x=1030, y=400)|Lighter than what I am made of, more | Ice | | |of me is hidden than is seen, I am the| | | |bane of the mariner, a tooth within | | | |the sea. Speak my name. | | |---------------|--------------------------------------|---------------| |(x=1100, y=350)|A spirited jig it dances bright, | Fire | | |banishing all but darkest night. Give | | | |it food and it will live; give it | | | |water and it will die. | | |---------------|--------------------------------------|---------------| |(x=1170, y=300)|The man who invented it, doesn't want | A Coffin | | |it for himself. The man who bought it,| | | |doesn't need it for himself. The man | | | |who needs it, doesn't know it when he | | | |needs it. | | |---------------|--------------------------------------|---------------| |(x=1300, y=250)|The life I lead is mere hours or less,| A Candle | | |I serve all my time by being consumed.| | | |I am quickest when thin, slowest when | | | |fat, and wind is the bane of the gift | | | |that I bring. | | |---------------|--------------------------------------|---------------| |(x=1400, y=250)|The more that there is, the less that | Darkness | | |you see. Squint all you wish when | | | |surrounded by me. | | |---------------|--------------------------------------|---------------| |(x=1500, y=250)|They come to witness the night without| Stars | | |being called, a sailor's guide and a | | | |poet's tears. They are lost to sight | | | |each day without the hand of a Thief. | | |---------------|--------------------------------------|---------------| |(x=1480, y=500)|I can have no color, though there may | A Hole | | |be darkness within. I have no weight | | | |and hold nothing, and if placed in a | | | |container it becomes all the lighter. | | |---------------|--------------------------------------|---------------| |(x=1450, y=550)|Of all your possessions, I am the | A Secret | | |hardest to guard. If you have me, you | | | |will want to share me. If you share | | | |me, you no longer have me. | | |---------------|--------------------------------------|---------------| |(x=1400, y=600)|Alive as you but without breath, as | Fish | | |cold in my life as in my death; never | | | |a thirst though I always drink, | | | |dressed in mail but never a clink. | | |---------------|--------------------------------------|---------------| |(x=1350, y=600)|I am free for the taking through all | Breath | | |of your life, though given but once at| | | |birth. I am less than nothing in | |

| |weight, but will fell the strongest of| | | |you if held. | | |---------------|--------------------------------------|---------------| |(x=1250, y=600)|I have holes throughout, from back to | A Sponge | | |front and top to bottom to core. More | | | |nothing than something within, and yet| | | |I still hold water. | | |---------------|--------------------------------------|---------------| |(x=1200, y=600)|They follow and lead, but only as you | Shadows | | |pass. Dress yourself in darkest black,| | | |and they are darker still. Always they| | | |flee the light, though without the sun| | | |there would be none. | | o===============o======================================o===============o ***REWARD*** (For solving the stone face riddle puzzle) EXP 5000 (each character) Item Ring of Regeneration Spellhold Dungeons, Part II (AR1513) o======================================================================o 9) We're done with this level for now, so head southeast of the room where we found the Bag of Holding and exit at (x=2700, y=1220). Go through the doors at (x=2200, y=350) and enter a room which is otherwise empty except for a tome (x=2350, y=510). If you click on it you can turn its pages, which will summon monsters, the more times you turn it the more powerful the monsters become. First you'll fight a Kobold Captain, which we can kill in our sleep. Second we'll face a Sword Spider. Still nothing to get your heart rate up. The third enemy will be an Umber Hulk, so cast Chaotic Commands on a sturdy Fighter and send everybody else out of the room. Once its gaze is safely wasted you can bring the whole party to bear against the beast, should you desire. Switch all your characters over to ranged weapons save the one with Chaotic Commands and keep them at a distance. Then cast Blur, Mirror Image, and Improved Invisibility, or as many of them as you can get on that character, anyways. Turn to the next page to summon a Mind Flayer. These critters are just no damn good. They like to use mind-affecting effects on you (hence the Chaotic Commands) and they can drain Intelligence when they hit. If your Intelligence drops to zero they've sucked out your brain, and you're rather dead. These critters are another good reason to have a Fighter/Mage. First, defensive buffs like Mirror Image, Blur, and Improved Invisibility help retard their ability to hit you, and thus drain your Intelligence. Second a Fighter/Mage can safely lead a party and draw the attacks of the Mind Flayers while the rest of the party stays back and uses ranged weapons. Third, as a Mage the Fighter/Mage will have enough Intelligence to weather a few hits from a Mind Flayer. My fiance had considerably more trouble fighting Mind Flayers with her Fighter than I did with my Fighter/Mage, as I was better defended and had about twice the Intelligence. Still, a spell-buffed character supported by a party buffed with Haste, Protection from Evil 10' Radius, and Defensive Harmony should have little to fear from a lone Mind Flayer. If you suffer any Intelligence drain, it'll go away over time. Before your buffs expire, re-gear your party for melee and bring them into the room. Click on the tome again to summon a Beholder. If you did the Unseeing Eye quest then you're well aware of why these critters are bad, and anything that can kill you with a single spell is inherently dangerous and unpredictable, but a spell-buffed party should be able to just muscle it into submission. After the Beholder falls click the book one more time to obtain your reward. It's taken us a while to get one back, but we again have a

Ring of Free Action, which is great for Mages and Clerics especially. If anybody else gets paralyzed, your Cleric can always rescue them, hence it's just good sense to make your Cleric immune to paralysis. ***REWARD*** (For completing the Tome of Monsters) Item Ring of Free Action Item Scroll of Simulacrum Item Scroll of Summon Fiend <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 10) Now go through the secret door at (x=2020, y=500) and proceed into a cavern populated with Imps, Quasits, and Kobold Commandos. Dispose of them and continue into the room to the south, which is crawling with a variety of Kobolds and dominated by a large crystal in the center of the room. After all the Kobolds are slain more will show up and apparently converse with the 'Altar'. These new Kobolds are stronger than normal, but still Kobolds. Kill them and you'll be rewarded with 'Kurtulmak's Crystal Shard'. Loot their bodies for a Wooden Stake, which you'll need shortly, some Short Swords +1, and Arrows of Fire. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 11) Return to the Tome of Monsters room and head southeast to find a room with a variety of Gibberlings inside. We've faced Goblins, Kobolds, and Gibberlings now, as well as a Mind Flayer, a Greater Wolfwere, a Pit Fiend, and a Beholder. Some of the weakest and strongest enemies in the game in the same dungeon. Anyways, annihilate them and loot the room before heading down the hallway to the southwest. ***ITEMS*** (x=2920, y=900) Scroll of Spirit Armor, Bullets +1 x40, Bullets x80, 215 gold (x=3000, y=1000) Bullets +2 x80, Scroll of Simulacrum, Dart of Wounding x40 (x=3120, y=1070) Scroll of Monster Summoning III, Bolt of Lightning x40, Bolt x80, 12 gold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 12) At the end of this hallway is a door opposite the Gibberling room, as well as a hallway that branches off to the northwest. Undead lie down either route. At my level my enemies consisted of a pair of Ghasts to the northwest accompanied by three Mummies, and beyond the door were two Skeleton Warriors, a Bone Golem, and a Greater Mummy, which can only be hurt by +3 or better weapons. I decided to lure both groups down the hallway to the Gibberling room, where I bottle-necked them in the hallway. I then proceeded to decimate them with Holy Smites and superior force. One of the Skeleton Warriors (who insisted on using a bow and Arrows of Ice despite the fact that it was clearly a sword-wielding armored behemoth) was kind enough to drop me a Laeral's Tear Necklace. After they're dead loot the room beyond the door. ***ITEMS*** (x=1950, y=2000) Jasper Gem, Scroll of Resist Fear, Bullets x40, 152 gold (x=2050, y=2070) Emerald, Cleric's Staff +3, Darts of Wounding x40, Dart x80, 39 gold (x=2080, y=2100) Arrow of Biting x30, Bolt of Biting x30, 51 gold Note from Lee: I had two Greater Mummies, two Skeleton Warriors, and a Lich (!). This is one of the disadvantages of doing the later quests early - you get stronger enemies in the early parts of the game. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 13) Go through the doorway to the northwest at (x=1750, y=1950), which

contains a fair bit of loot. The Scroll of Finger of Death is a wonderful one-hit-kill spell that should become Edwin or Imoen's go-to 7th level spell. It's especially great on powerful enemies like Dragons, especially once they've been softened up with Greater Malisons. In fact, during such fights that should be the primary focus of your Mages, aside from debuffing enemies with spells like Breach and keeping up buffs such as Haste. Power Word Stun can be effective too, as enemies get no saving throw against it. The only catch is the enemy has to be reduced to under 90 Hit Points for the spell to work. Typically even the strongest of foes are susceptible to this if their condition is 'Injured' or worse, which makes it a consideration against strong enemies. ***ITEMS*** (x=1450, y=1850) Scroll of Finger of Death, Scroll of Power Word Stun, Dart of Stunning x40, 1 gold (x=1500, y=1820) Scroll of Ray of Enfeeblement, Arrows of Piercing x40, Arrows +2 x40, 232 gold (x=1700, y=1750) Bolt +2 x40, 70 gold (x=1770, y=1800) Moonbar Gem, Bullet +2 x40, Bullets x80, 1 gold (x=1800, y=1800) Arrows x40, Arrows +1 x40, Bolts x80, 564 gold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 14) Head to the southwest, then turn northwest to come to a door (x=1050, y=2100). Beyond this door you'll find the creator of this maze, Dace Sontan, whom Bodhi mentioned. He's quite bonkers, like most people here are, and has delusions that he possesses some measure of control over his maze still. He'll mention the crystal he left with the Kobolds before he attacks. I simply fight him one on one with my protagonist, who is protected from his level drain. After he's fled to his sarcophagus (x=700, y=1850) I stake it with the Wooden Stake I found earlier. After he's truly dead and gone his spirit shows up and thanks you. More importantly, with his hand you now can progress further through this dungeon. ***REWARD*** (For killing Dace Sontan) EXP 9000 Item The Hand of Dace <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 15) Now return to the hallway that leads to the Gibberling room and take the hallway to the northwest which was formerly abundant in undead. When you reach a room at the end of the tunnel stop and spell buff. You want to spread around as many Chaotic Commands as you can and be fully prepared before continuing into an identical room to the northwest. After you enter a gate will separate the two rooms and three Umber Hulks will appear in each room, so be sure to get all your party members on one side or the other. One way to do this is to simply leave most of your party in the southern room with the Chaotic Commands recipients standing in front of the unprotected characters. Then take a sneaking or invisible character into the northern room to trigger the Umber Hulks. Mop up one trio of Umber Hulks then move on to the second. My evil party again makes use of Edwin's spell power to win this fight easy-like. I sneak up through the two Umber Hulk rooms with my Fighter/Mage/Thief protagonist and pick the locked door leading to the north. Opening one door opens the other, to the south. With the way now cleared, I summon up a critter (the Flesh Golem from the Golem Manual being my favorite, being immune to the confusion-effects of the Umber Hulks) and have them lure all the Umber Hulks into one area. Thus lured, Edwin walks up and casts a Death Spell at the edge of their line of sight, and with one shot dispatches all six of them. Awesome. Once they're all dead you can exit the level at (x=600, y=620).

<----------------------------------------------------------------------> 16) You're now back in the room where you were taunted by Bodhi. From from here head to the southwest. This leads us to a room with several Umber Hulks and a Minotaur, the former of which can be annoying. Send in a character protected by Chaotic Commands to draw their confusion gazes, then follow with the rest of the party. My evil party just summons every critter they can bring forth with their items, and while the Umber Hulks are temporarily distracted, Edwin tries to nail as many of them as possible with Death Spell. It's a tactic my evil party can employ that my good party just couldn't, and so I'll abuse it roundly. After they're dead loot the urn and interact with the giant stone head (x=700, y=2100). With the Hand of Dace and Kurtulmak's Crystal Shard in your possession the mouth of the statue will open, granting you access, as well as a quest reward. Continue through the mouth to the next part of the Dungeon (x=450, y=1900). ***ITEMS*** (x=900, y=2000) Scroll of Project Image, Dart x10, Scroll of Delayed Blast Fireball, 3 gold ***REWARD*** (For accessing the deeper depths of the dungeon) EXP 29500 (each character) Note from Lee: I got three Yuan-Ti Mages, two regular Yuan-Ti, and a Greater Yuan-Ti. An Insect Plague and a Hasted party took them out with little effort... Spellhold Dungeons, Part III (AR1514) o======================================================================o 17) Head southeast into a room with two doors on the southern side. First go through the western door (x=650, y=800) and proceed down the hallway to the first bend to find a pair of secret doors, one to the northwest (x=600, y=1000), and one to the southeast (x=800, y=1000). Go through the southern one and activate a horseshoe shaped wheel (x=950, y=1020) to open the secret door to the north. Go through the door we just opened to find some Trolls, including a Spirit Troll. Kill them and search the room they were guarding to find an urn (x=170, y=1020) contain two Mythril Tokens, among other loot. We'll be collecting these tokens throughout the level so we can exchange them for treasure later. ***ITEMS*** (x=170, y=1020) Mythril Tokens x2, Scroll of Breach, Arrows +2 x40, 432 gold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 18) Head back out into the hallway and follow it south until you find another door at (x=660, y=1500). Enter the room beyond to find a quartet of Minotaurs. Loot the brazier (x=620, y=1570) for two more Mythril Tokens, then go through the door to the northeast (x=1000, y=1450). The pool in the middle of the room (x=1150, y=1350) contains two more Mythril Tokens, a Minotaur Horn, and a Mind Flayer Painting, all of which should be collected. Also in the room are three statues from which you can obtain more paintings, which will come in handy. The only catch is that the statues are all trapped and cannot be disarmed. The statue at (x=1050, y=1250) will yield the Troll Painting, but will result in triggering a Disintegrate spell. Use Death Ward or Spell Immunity: Alteration to avoid its effects... or just make your saving throw. The second statue at (x=1150, y=1200) holds the Umber Hulk Painting, but will unleash a Acid Fog spell. The final statue is at (x=1250, y=1250) and will bestow a Djinni Painting upon you, as well as

a Fireball. ***ITEMS*** (x=620, y=1570) Mythril Tokens x2, Scroll of Sunfire, Bolts +2 x40, 78 gold (x=1150, y=1350) Mythril Tokens x2, Minotaur Horn, Mind Flayer Painting, Bolts +1 x40, Bolt of Lightning x40 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 19) Return to the Minotaur room and go through the southern-eastern door (x=950, y=1650). Dispose of some Trolls along the way and head into a room with statues adorning the walls. If you get a character to stand on the black circle in the middle of the room you can activate the orbs near the statues, which cast different spells, as follows: (x=1400, (x=1500, (x=1700, (x=1850, y=1590): y=1520): y=1520): y=1600): Slow Cure Medium Wounds Haste Lightning Bolt

If you want free healing or buffs, activate the correct orbs. When you are done playing with them send your protagonist to the northeast... alone. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 20) In the next room you'll encounter Bodhi, who obviously had no real intention of allowing you any chance of escape. She has decided that the game is over and it's time for you to die. After a short fight you will lose control and undergo a transformation into the Slayer, or as Bodhi puts it "A creature of death and darkest shadow!" And this coming from a Vampire! Bodhi will take off to tell Irenicus of the unexpected transformation. Wait until your character returns to normal, as you will attack anything-friend, foe, or otherwise, while the Slayer. When you rest again you'll get an explanation of what happened, of how you became a Slayer, and what lies in store for you unless you get your soul back. Imoen will tell you that the Slayer is an avatar form of Bhaal. Coolies. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 21) Go through the door to the northwest (x=1950, y=1150) to find a room with Minotaurs and a pool (x=1900, y=1000) that contains four more Mythril Tokens. To the northeast, in a natural cavern you'll find a Gauth and more Minotaurs. If you have the Shield of Balduran, the Gauth is no threat at all, otherwise lead with the character possessing the Ring of Free Action which will protect you from three of the Gauth's attacks, including Paralyze, Slow, and Hold Person. Trust me, you don't want to be paralyzed or held in front of a group of Minotaurs. ***ITEMS*** (x=1900, y=1000) Mythril Tokens x4, Scroll of Chain Lightning, Bullets +1 x40, Bullets +2 x40, 365 gold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 22) From the room where you encountered Bodhi head southeast down a winding passage until you come to a door (x=2250, y=1750), beyond which is a pack of Minotaurs. Eliminate them and loot the urn (x=2150, y=1770) for two more Mythril Tokens and another Minotaur Horn. Now that we have both, return to the room where you fought Bodhi and activate the Minotaur statue (x=2100, y=1300) to open the door to the northeast. You'll get an experience reward for opening the way into the next-and last-area of the Spellhold Dungeons, but before you move on it's time to cash in those Mythril Tokens we've been finding and use those monster paintings. ***ITEMS***

(x=2150, y=1770) Mythril Tokens x2, Minotaur Horn, Scroll of Limited Wish, Arrows +1 x40, Acid Arrows x40, 119 gold ***REWARD*** (For accessing the deepest depths of the dungeon) EXP 29500 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 23) Return to the room just south of where you entered the level and go through the unmolested doors at (x=900, y=600). Go through another set of doors beyond the first to discover a room occupied by another group of Yuan-Ti led by a Yuan-Ti Mage. Slay them and note the four doors along the northeastern wall, each of which has a painting of a creature on it. Now that you've obtained the paintings you can open these doors and battle the beasts beyond. At (x=1400, y=250) is the Mind Flayer door, beyond which is a Mind Flayer. At my level it was an Ulitharid, which is just an upgraded version of a Mind Flayer. Kill it and it'll drop the Flame of the North, a Two Handed Sword with 10% Magic Resistance and bonus damage against Chaotic Evil enemies. Still, it's a marginal upgrade over Keldorn's Hallowed Redeemer, at best. At (x=1500, y=300) is the Troll door, behind which waits a Spirit Troll. Kill it and claim the Katana Malakar +2 that it drops. It's only a +2 weapon, but its +2 Armor Class bonus against Slashing Weapons makes it an interesting off-hand weapon. The door at (x=1600, y=400) is the Umber Hulk door and beyond which is an upgraded Umber Hulk. Finally there's the Djinni door (x=1700, y=500), beyond which is a Noble Djinni who possesses a Scroll of Cacofiend. (At a lower level, the Noble Djinni was merely a Djinni, and it dropped a Potion of Invisibility-scaling encounters and random loot...) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 24) Beyond the Umber Hulk door is a tunnel to the southeast. Follow it and turn northeast until you come to a room with three Clay Golems inside. What do you suppose the odds are that they'll attack if you loot around? Pretty good, I'd say, and three Clay Golems can be trouble, what with their Haste and immunity to anything but magical blunt weapons. I spell-buff as much as possible and leave my Fighter/Mage in front as a decoy for the Golems Hopefully they'll waste a lot of their time attacking him while his defenses hold, and while my characters with bludgeoning weapons whittle them down. Open the chest at (x=2600, y=340) and sure enough, it provokes the Clay Golems. Grab the four Mythril Tokens, the Gesen Bow String, and the Star Sapphire within, then fend off the Clay Golems. Fortunately they're not as strong as normal Clay Golems, and my strategy works well to kill them off quickly. ***ITEMS*** (x=2600, y=340) Mythril Tokens x4, Gesen Bow String, Star Sapphire (x=2280, y=180) Bullet +1 x45, Diamond, Dart +1 x40, Scroll of Phantom Blade, Arrow of Biting, Bolt of Biting <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 25) Now return to the southwest and go through a door at (x=2020, y=500). Kill a Stone Golem and loot this room for five more Mythril Tokens (bringing our total up to 21). The Scroll of Maze functions like Otiluke's Resilient Sphere in the fact that it takes an enemy out of the fight for a while (as determined by their Intelligence) but is superior because it doesn't allow a saving throw. Ultimately... I never use it, but that doesn't mean you won't see it once in a while. The computer is crazy for this spell. It thinks it's a grand tactic... and it might be, if we fought fairly. But I digress... Continue through another door at (x=1620, y=800) to reach a room with an odd machine in the middle (x=1450, y=1000), which is nothing more than a glorified shoe

dispenser. Activate it and you'll get the following options to dispose of your burdensome tokens: 5 Tokens: Boots of the North 10 Tokens: Boots of Grounding 15 Tokens: Boots of Speed 20 Tokens: Jester's Chain +4 The Jester's Chain +4 isn't great armor, even if you're a Bard. It's Armor Class is one, which is only one point better than the Melodic Chain +3, and with Bracers of Armor Class 3 and a Ring of Protection +2 we get the same thing. For everybody else it's not even considerable, as they're already wearing better. Fighters have better armor and it doesn't allow Thieves skills or Mage spells. Boots of Grounding are fairly useful, since Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning attacks do happen. Boots of the North aren't a better alternative, as cold attacks are pretty rare, but since they only cost 5 tokens you can purchase them and the Boots of Speed, which are the real deal. Having two characters who can move from spot to spot quickly is a good thing. Certainly better than resistances that are only useful once in a while and armor that's already obsolete. Once you've claimed your items return to the room where you fought Bodhi and exit at (x=2300, y=1150). ***ITEMS*** (x=2070, y=600) Mythril Tokens x3, Throwing Dagger x80, Throwing Axe x60 (x=1950, y=500) Mythril Tokens x2, Diamond, Scroll of Maze, Dart of Wounding x40, Dart x40 Spellhold Dungeons, Part IV (AR1511) o======================================================================o 26) You'll be pestered by some Goblins and Kobolds when you enter this level. When they're all dead an Apparition will appear and proclaim that the tests of madness, sanity, and clarity are underway. If you act crazy you'll be forced to fight a group of unseemly creatures including a Greater Otyugh, some Myconids, and some Mephits. If you're good you'll just have to fight a Spore Colony and whatever Myconids it summons. Either way, After the fight the Apparition will appear and ask you a riddle: "'Twas in the wood that I got it, so I sat me down to seek it. I could not find it no matter how hard I looked, and so I took it home with me. What is it?" Answer: A splinter? <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 27) After answering correctly you'll be whisked away to a rather cozy looking banquet where four Apparitions sit. Before talking to anything, loot the table in the middle of the room. The Cloak of Reflection will go nicely on characters that are frequently targeted by electrical attacks, usually your front-line Fighters. After you're done looting talk to one of the Apparitions, who will mumble amongst themselves for a bit before one poses you yet another riddle. "It is better than the best of things and worse than the worst of things. You love it more than life. You fear it more than death. The rich have need of it, and the poor have it in endless supply." Answer: Nothing The Apparition is giddy, but opens the floor for other Apparitions to

ask you a question, an opportunity one will gladly accept. "It runs as it will, but never does it walk. There is a mouth to see, but never does it talk. A bed it surely owns, but never does it sleep. Possesses it a head, but not a one that weeps." Answer: A river The third Apparition will now ask its riddle. "I make you weak at the worst of all times, but in the end I keep you safe. You'll sweat in my presence even as you grow cold. I dwell with the weak, rarely the brave, but without me, who could tell the difference?" Answer: Fear And onto the fourth and final Apparition we go. "It brings back the lost as though never gone, shines laughter or tears, with light long since shone. A moment to make, a lifetime to shed, valued when, but lost when you're dead." Answer: Memory Note: If you answer any of the riddles incorrectly you'll have a Sahuagin Baron and a pair of Sahuagin Baronial Guards, which hardly even a fight at this point. You won't get teleported to 'Momentary Relapse' area (AR1506) and thus will not be able to the Club +2, +3 vs. Undead. ***ITEMS*** (x=500, y=400) Cloak of Reflection, Scroll of Friends (x=150, y=458) 29 gold Momentary Relapse (AR1506) o======================================================================o 28) After you answer the last riddle you'll be whisked away once more, appearing on a barren landscape. Head over to the northeast and kill some Trolls, Trolls who oddly enough cast spells. When they're dead grab the Giant Trolls' Head that one of them drops. Continue to the northeast to find another Apparition (x=1750, y=600), who will tell you that this place is a momentary relapse. Whatever. Tell him to wait so you can mess with the altar (x=1600, y=450). Place the Giant Troll Head on the altar and you'll get a reaction. Now take the Club +2, +3 vs. Undead from the altar. This isn't a terrible weapon for Jaheira if you already haven't obtained the Club +3, Blackblood or Belm. Once you're done go talk to the Apparition, who'll take you away to be judged. Judgment (AR1508) o======================================================================o 29) The Apparition will admit that you probably weren't intended to survive the tests. Since you survived, however, you'll get a huge experience reward. If you were fiesty at the beginning of the test of sanity (and hence had to fight the Greater Otyugh) you'll have to fight a Mind Flayer before the Apparition decides you've passed the test-and you'll receive less experience for doing so. Either way, loot and exit the level at (x=700, y=200). ***ITEMS*** (x=980, y=380) Waterstar Gem to fight are the obtain

***REWARD*** (For satisfying the Apparition and passing its tests) EXP 51250 (each character) ***REWARD*** (For disappointing the Apparition and passing its tests) EXP 41250 (each character) Spellhold Asylum, Irenicus' Lab (AR1516) o======================================================================o 30) When you arrive in this level you'll be greeted by Saemon Havarian. The same Saemon who brought you here and poisoned you. This time, however, he claims to be helpful. He'll tell you that Irenicus is, frankly, beyond your abilities, and that you'd need an army to defeat him. The good news? Spellhold is crawling with psychotic Mages who might be inclined to attack Irenicus. He's right, too. If you confront Irenicus now, he'll simply cast a Wish and kill the party. Wait... you can't use Wish spells to do that! Any DM worth their salt would try their damnedest to turn that back around on him... Oh well, looks like we gotta do what the game wants us to do. Search the level (make sure to grab Irenicus' Journal!) and head down the stairs at (x=1450, y=200). ***ITEMS*** (x=2150, y=950) Flamedance Ring, Bolts +1 x40, Bolts x160, 334 gold (x=1720, y=550) Arrows x160, Darts x80, Arrows +1 x40, Arrows of Dispelling x5, Darts of Wounding x60, 90 gold (x=1770, y=480) First Journal of Jon Irenicus, Bullets x120, Bolts x120 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 31) Head downstairs and you'll be confronted by Lonk the Sane. You can convince him to let the inmates go (if you don't threaten him) by promising to destroy Irenicus. You can also bribe him to give you the keys (2000 gold will do, 200 is too low, and 10000 just convinces Lonk that you're crazy.) Or you could just kill him, he's worth 20000 experience points, after all. Once you're past Lonk you'll find yourself in a room with the inmates. You really can't screw this up, just talk them into fighting Irenicus and Wanev will eventually teleport the lot of you into his experimentation chamber. Irenicus will admit surprise at your resourcefulness, before dismissing you as a non-threat just as quickly. Do not follow your knee-jerk reaction to rush Irenicus, as he's up near an experimentation chamber and can only be attacked by a handful of party members. Don't bother spell-buffing either, you'll need to use enough debuffs on Irenicus that spell-buffing is pretty much a waste of time. Irenicus will start out by casting 'Spawn Clones', which will unleash some copies of your party. They're unarmed, however, so just ignore them. After summoning them, Irenicus will come down the stairs if you haven't blocked him in. Once he's more open, surround him with your party and do your best to tear him down quickly. Keep your eye on Irenicus. He'll put up spell-buffs (Fireshield, Stoneskin, etc.) after which he'll start going on the offensive with spells like Horrid Wilting, and Power Word: Kill, the former of which can deal wicked damage to your entire party, and the latter of which can (and after a Horrid Wilting, probably will) kill a character outright. As soon as he starts spell-buffing, hit him with Dispel Magic, Breach, and True Sight and keep on him. Your pack of crazies will help out (especially Wanev) with Symbol spells and even a Wail of the Banshee, which will probably disable some of the clones, but you shouldn't trust them to lend much of a hand with Irenicus. If you're lucky you can take him out before he can really hurt you with his spells. After you've nearly killed him, Irenicus will curse himself for fighting a pointless battle. Pointless to Irenicus, anyways. He'll admit

defeat and demean you in the same line before leaving you with some assassins and teleporting away. Yoshimo will be part of this group if he turned on you earlier. Kill the murderers and exit the level at (x=1450, y=200). Make sure to grab Yoshimo's Heart before you go-really, a rather gruesome task if you think about it... but it's worth a lot of experience later on, so we might as well. ***REWARD*** (For defeating Irenicus) EXP 68500 (each character) Spellhold Asylum (AR1515) o======================================================================o 32) Now it's time to explore this level! Until, that is, you run into Saemon Havarian again. This guy is like a bad odor. He'll continue his unlikely trend of helpfulness, telling you that Irenicus is heading to his hometown-the elven city of Suldanessellar, and that he expects to become more powerful than the gods. Seems far-fetched, but it doesn't really matter what Irenicus hopes to accomplish, so long as you're there to greet him. To this end Saemon will offer to help you, under the excuse of self-preservation. Since the only other option is to follow Irenicus through a magical portal leading to the Underdark, joining with Saemon seems like a somewhat less suicidal option. He even offers to throw in a token of goodwill. Saemon's offer is, of course, more than it seems, but it's ultimately much more rewarding in both experience and gear to accept his offer, even if the anti-Saemon route is quicker. If you are just rabidly opposed to Saemon, grab Jon's Key and head back to (AR1516). Unlock the door at (x=1700, y=1350) and go through the portal at (x=2000, y=1400). You'll get a cutscene of Irenicus, with Bodhi at his side, interacting with some Dark Elves, and chapter five starts soon thereafter in (AR2100). I really don't recommend this course, however. I like experience, and awesome gear. You do not want to forfeit one of the best defensive items in the entire game, do you? If you follow Saemon, which this guide will assume you do, he'll get you past Irenicus' wards and to the exterior part of Spellhold and tell you to meet him at the local tavern. Head back into Spellhold (x=600, y=1100) and loot (AR1515) before heading back to Brynnlaw. The Horn of Silence is pretty nifty, as it gives a character the ability to cast 'Silence, 15' Radius' three times per day, which is nice for a character who otherwise has no debuffing ability, like Korgan or Minsc. ***ITEMS*** (x=700, y=700) 212 gold (x=750, y=1150) Rogue Stone, 1 gold (x=1750, y=900) First Journal of Jon Irenicus, Second Journal of Jon Irenicus (x=1770, y=850) Staff of Thunder and Lightning (x=1350, y=700) Rogue Stone, Jon's Key (x=1470, y=590) Horn of Silence ***REWARD*** (For pursuing Irenicus into the Underdark) EXP 20000 (each character) o======================================================================o | | | To the Underdark | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK028} 1) Saemon's Plan

2) Stealing the Pirate Horn 3) Free Labor 4) Saemon's New Ship 5) Boarded by Githyanki! 6) Down to the Sahuagin City 7) Proving Your Worth 8) The Heart of the Problem 9) Saving the Sahuagin 10) Sahuagin Spell-Shopping 11) The Drow Quarter 12) The Imps' Game 13) The Spectator's Technicality 14) Slaying Sahuagin 15) Cloak of Mirroring 16) The Sea Zombie Lord 17) The Sealed Door 18) Picking Sides 19) Down to the Underdark Vulgar Monkey (AR1602) o======================================================================o 1) Head back to Brynnlaw and enter the Vulgar Monkey (x=2000, y=1550). You'll find Saemon Havarian waiting at (x=770, y=370). He'll start out by regretfully telling you that he has no ship with which to get you off Brynnlaw, and that the only other serviceable ship belongs to the Pirate Lord Desharik. While it's painful to subject ourselves to more of Saemon's crap, killing Desharik will at least be some consolation. Saemon wants you to obtain a signal horn which will open the sea gate and grant you your egress. During the day the horn is in the care of Desharik, and at night it can be found with a consort of Desharik named Cayia. Cayia's House (AR1606) o======================================================================o 2) Now, the game gives you the illusion of a choice, but there really isn't one to be made. Head over to the house at (x=600, y=1500) at night and head inside. You'll find Cayia inside the house sharing a bed with a man named Algor. They'll talk-at great length-and reveal the likely reason for Saemon's present difficulties. Sneak in and loot the table at (x=550, y=200) to claim the Pirate Horn, or, if you wake them up they'll flee and you'll have to kill several wussy pirates. Just make sure you don't kill the lovers, or you'll lose reputation for it. Sometimes this game can be awfully silly about what hurts your reputation. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 3) Leave Cayia's house and head to the docks. On the way you might come across some Pirates looking for some cheap (read: free) labor. Disappoint them and they'll attack you. Focus on the Pirate Mage and chop the rest down. They'll drop a bit of gold, and the Pirate Leader and Pirate Mage will both drop some weak magical gear. Once that minor diversion is over, you can find Saemon at (x=2950, y=2500). Make sure you're fully healed and have all your spells, abilities, and items available before talking to Saemon, as you'll have to fight a few more times before you get to rest again. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) Saemon will be dodgy, but once he has the horn you'll find yourself on Desharik's ship. As can be expected, a rather angry Desharik shows up to stop you, entirely regardless of whether you were caught stealing the horn or not. After Desharik relieves us of Cayia's company forever, Saemon encourages you to do all the work fighting Desharik and his goons. Now, Desharik isn't hostile, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't kill him

anyways, and grab the magical gear he has on him. Once everybody is dead Saemon will insist that you take a blade as a token of his goodwill before setting off. Hey, maybe he's not such a bad guy after all. Note: You can kill Desharik before doing this quest for Saemon, and he'll still appear at the docks to challenge Saemon. Maybe he was raised from the dead, or perhaps it's Desharik's twin? Or maybe it's just lazy programming. Who knows? Either way, you can score 11,000 experience for killing him before giving the Pirate Horn over to Saemon, and an extra 11,000 here. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) You'll be treated to another narrated bit of text before your midsea encounter. A band of Githyanki will board your ship and make short work of much of the crew. They're apparently looking for some 'relic of holies' that they're certain Saemon stole... which of course is none other than the blade he gave to you. Unfortunately for Saemon, however, his attempts to frame you are quite wasted, as the Githyanki intend to kill everyone on board. Since this would naturally prevent you from stopping Irenicus, a fight ensues. Don't bother beating on the Githyanki Captain, as he's immortal. If you want to gain some experience from this debacle, target his subordinates, instead. Before long the ship will be boarded again, this time by Sahuagin. It appears all this excitement is just a bit too much for the vessel. As the ship begins to sink, Saemon uses magic to save his own hide. You, however, are not quite as fortunate. I just knew there would be a shipwreck somewhere in this game! We just have no luck with boats. Note: I've had this encounter mess up before, where the Githyanki and Pirates didn't interact as they were supposed to. Instead of decimating the Pirates with magic and slowly exterminating their way on board, the Githyanki merely appeared as hostiles. Saemon didn't speak either, which is probably where the problem was, and when I did talk to him on the boat, he responded as if we hadn't stolen Desharik's ship and set sail yet (he repeated the same dialogue he says right before you set sail, where he gives you the Silver Blade.) Thankfully it was easy to fixjust talk to Saemon and the narrated cutscene will re-trigger, and you will 'reappear' on the boat, this time with Saemon speaking and all that good stuff. If Saemon never speaks, the Githyanki Captain will never show up in front of you, and the boat will never sink. You'll just sit there smacking an immortal Githyanki Captain around until you get bored and reload. City-of-Caverns (AR2300) o======================================================================o 6) Another narration ensues before the game reveals your new location, a Sahuagin city of some sorts. How nice of them to build a city that's so hospitable to surface folk! Royal High Priestess Senityili and Captain Feerlattiys will speak gibberish at you before the former decides to cast a spell that allows you to understand their stupid language. Long story short, Senityili thinks you're part of some stupid shark-prophecy, and wants you to meet with their king, Ixilthetocal. Naturally, it's more worthwhile to hear them out than it is to be defiant. After all, you can't get quest rewards if you don't accept-and therefore don't complete-any quests. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 7) After you accept to meet their king, you'll be transported before him. He doesn't seem impressed by your awesomeness, and a meddlesome 'Baron Thelokassyil' and 'High Priestess Tlyysixxous' both advocate for your destruction. The king is obviously deranged (any shark-man king who goes 'tee hee hee' obviously isn't right in the head) and decides to test your power by making you fight an Ettin. You can get the king to

allow you some healing before the fight, but that's as much help as you're going to get. Just as well, as an Ettin is hardly a fearsome foe anymore. Kill it, and the king will decide that you are the one the prophecy spoke of, and Tlyysixxous will be led off to be sacrificed instead. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 8) Now the king gets down to business... sort of. He wants you to destroy some rebels. Senityili argues on the basis that there just aren't enough Sahuagin left to survive without the rebels. The Baron wants the rebels killed, and the king agrees, promising you wealth in return for the heart of the rebel leader, Prince Villynaty. Agree to do this, and Senityili will ask you to speak to her before going off. If you side with the king later, you can still get into his treasury since you'll have the key. You now have free reign of the city. Save, sleep, whatever, then go back to Senityili (x=1350, y=180). Also note that any gear that dropped while on the boat will be near the Sahuagin King. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 9) Senityili will sacrifice her rival to Sekolah before turning to speak to you. Apparently we, being the stupid land-dweller we are, need to get a tooth that can open the way to the Prince. More than that, however, she wants us to side with the Prince instead of siding with the king, on the grounds that the king is quite obviously nuts. Why can't the Prince come to us? Well, that would ruin a perfectly good fetch quest. It's also worth noting that if you refuse to play nice with the Sahuagin and they all go hostile, that you don't need the stupid tooth to reach the Prince anyways. Agree to at least meet with the Prince for now and she'll give you the Rebel's Orb, which will mark you as a friend of the rebels and allow you to meet with the Prince. You can, of course, always change your mind later. Still, in the interest of loot and experience, it's worth dragging this quest out a little longer, regardless of who you ultimately decide to side with. If you expose Senityili's plot to the king, he'll kill her, you'll lose the Rebel's Orb, and get nothing in return. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 10) There's also a Priestess nearby (x=870, y=300) who will sell you a variety of potions, ammo, and scrolls. Unfortunately for me, I already knew all the spells she had to sell save Invisibility 10' Radius. An unfortunate side-effect of doing so many quests before coming here. Buy whatever spells the Priestess sells that you don't already have-one of the good things about Baldur's Gate 2 is that spells are arranged alphabetically in your spell books, so just compare the books your Mages have and see if somebody has a lower-level spell that another does not. This is, in all honesty, more likely to benefit Imoen more than anybody else, as Edwin and Nalia should already have a respectable collection of spells-not to mention your protagonis, if they are Mages. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 11) Head southwest past the court of the king and turn southeast, past the arena where you fought the Ettin until you come across two Royal Guards. One of the Sahuagin will speak and inform you that this is indeed the old home of the 'blackened elves', and that traps abound beyond. Continue east, then go down some stairs and disarm the first of the traps you were warned about. Beyond the trap are a pair of Sword Spiders and Ettercaps, and little further down you'll find a Bone Golem. Continue southwest past the Bone Golem and turn northwest, disarming a trap at the entrance of the path to the northwest. Continue northwest then northeast to find some Imps. ***TRAPS*** (x=1650, y=2750) (x=750, y=3400)

<----------------------------------------------------------------------> 12) The Imps are delighted that you've arrived to play their game, promising Drow treasure as a reward for completing the game. why do you need to play their game to get the treasure? Because guarding the treasure is a 'nasty-nasty' that'll steal your soul if the imps don't protect you (and they're not lying!) Agree to play the game and the imps will explain the rules. It's essentially a celebrities of Faerun accessory matching game, where you have to talk to each of the five famous folks, get an accessory from them, and put the accessory into the chest behind the person to whom the accessory belongs. First disarm the traps lurking around the room, then talk to all the famous people standing around to get all the items. If you've read any Forgotten Realms books, or have a passing familiarity with the game world, this will be much easier for you. Still, it's pathetically easy to guess what people need-this was certainly one of Bioware's less impressive riddles. I'll comment needlessly below, and provide you with a table, should you not care to guess or strain your brain any. Elminster: I am Elminster... you know me, friend, the oldest sorcerer to have walked the land. In my heart, I am but an old man... and I require an item to while away time's sand. I give to you this curved sword, I am too old to fight. Give it to another warrior, one whose skin is black as night. Yes, we all know Elminster, one of the earliest and most visible characters of the Forgotten Realms. While I'll bet he's nowhere near as iconic as Drizzt, he did regularly serve as the 'face' character of the Forgotten Realms of old. Everybody knows Elminster fits the typical elder wizard role, robed, big white beard, pointy hat, and of course, a pipe. Alustriel refers to the owner of the pipe as 'a man, instead, one older even than I.' Perhaps she specifically mentions age because it's an obvious quality one of the famous people? --Khelben: I am Khelben, a wizard of great power... one of the rulers of the finest city of the north. I need the item that supplies my fondest name... and an extra leg as I walk forth. I give you this pendant of silver, for it belongs to another. Place it around the neck of one who is Sister, but not Mother. Khelben "Blackstaff" might not be the most influential wizard in the Realms, but he's definitely in the top ten. He's one of the 'secret' Lords of Waterdeep, along with Piergeiron, who's not quite so secret. I don't know who in Waterdeep would be surprised. How many archmages live in cities and don't bother with politics? Even if you didn't know the "Blackstaff" part of his name, the 'extra leg' comment leaves us with one of two possible items... and let's just be glad his name is "Blackstaff", and not something else. --Alustriel: I am Alustriel, a daughter of Mystra, one of Seven. Lady of the 'Moon, give me my symbol of the sword bequeathed from her home in heaven. I give you this pipe of root and magic... it's power is strong, I will not lie. Bequeath it to a man, instead, one older even than I. Alustriel is one of the Seven Sisters and the ruler of Silverymoon. While she gained a great deal of attention in the Drizzt books by R.A. Salvatore, I wasn't very familiar with her before them. Characters like Storm and the Simbul received more attention in the books I

read, I suppose. Still, she's one of the strongest of the Seven sisters, and hence, one of the strongest Mages in the 'Realms. Her hair is silver, she's the ruler of Silverymoon... you have to be able to guess what her item is. Even if you can't, somehow, Khelben tells you to give it to 'one who is Sister, but not Mother'. Any other females here? No? Well, that was simple. --Piergeiron: I am Piergeiron, a paladin of Tyr's faith and the Open Lord of my northern land. If you will, place a symbol of my rule within my hand. I give to you this staff of darkest hue, which has faced many an evil foe. It is not mine, I tell you now, it belongs to one I know. The darkest hue? As in black? He's the 'Open Lord', meaning he's the one admitted 'Lord of Waterdeep', his northern city. The 'one he knows' is, of course, Khelben, a fellow Lord of Waterdeep. Drizzt gives you a helmet, which of course belongs to somebody. Perhaps somebody wearing armor? --Drizzt: I am Drizzt, a Drow who left my hated home below to become a hero true. I require something with which I have vanquished many, one of two. I give you a helmet, here... a symbol, so I'm told, of rulership on the surface land, in a city far North and cold. Drizzt might be the most famous character in the Forgotten Realms, and perhaps in all of Dungeons and Dragons. Dragonlance fans, your vote doesn't count. His item is, of course, the Scimitar, of which he wields two. If you didn't know that little bit of information, then Elminster's 'one whose skin is black as night' comment should be a dead giveaway. o=======================o===============o=======================o | Famous Person | Item Given | Item Required o=======================o===============o=======================o | Elminster | Scimitar | Pipe | | (x=450, y=2920) | | (x=400, y=2950) | |-----------------------|---------------|-----------------------| | Khelben | Pendant | Staff | | (x=470, y=2790) | | (x=400, y=2750) | |-----------------------|---------------|-----------------------| | Alustriel | Pipe | Pendant | | (x=650, y=2720) | | (x=650, y=2650) | |-----------------------|---------------|-----------------------| | Piergeiron | Staff | Helmet | | (x=850, y=2820) | | (x=950, y=2800) | |-----------------------|---------------|-----------------------| | Drizzt | Helmet | Scimitar | | (x=820, y=2950) | | (x=900, y=3000) | o=======================o===============o=======================O After you've put the right objects in the right chests, the imps will be upset that the game is over, but they'll keep their end of the bargain. They'll let loose a Spectre from the chest, who will whine that it can't reach your life force. The imps laugh at the 'nasty nasty', which dies. Done with their game, the imps take off, leaving you to loot the chest (x=600, y=3050), which Boots of Etherealness and a Cloak of Protection +2. I throw the latter on Imoen, who has too many rings to wear already. Along with Elven Chain Mail (obtained from Tradesmeet), her Armor Class drops to -2. The Boots of Etherealness just take up |

space in my inventory, or keep one of my characters' feet warm, temporarily. By now, most enemies have magical weapons, and we always have Conjure Fire Elemental for when we want to take advantage of enemies without magic. ***TRAPS*** (x=450, y=2850) (x=650, y=2850) (x=700, y=2720) (x=750, y=2950) (x=850, y=2800) (x=850, y=2700) ***REWARD*** (For winning the Imps' game) EXP 18500 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 13) Beyond the imps to the northeast is a Spectator, a Beholder summoned to guard over the chest belonging to the dead Drow who invaded the city long ago. The Spectator is a pleasant enough fellow, who doesn't seem to mind chatting to you in the slightest, although he warns you not to touch the chest. Pressure him about the chest and you'll win him over. He's there to guard the chest, not anything inside of it. Convince him to open the chest for you and then loot it for Sekolah's Tooth. The Spectator will be upset that he spent 60 years guarding a tooth, and decide that, since the chest is now empty (and not very pretty, in any case) he doesn't need to bother sticking around for the remaining 40 years of his contract. Everybody wins, you get Sekolah's Tooth and the Spectator gets to go home. To reflect this win-win situation, the deal is further sweetened by a quest reward, which is much greater than the reward you'd get from killing the Spectator, by the way. ***REWARD*** (For obtaining Sekolah's Tooth and freeing the Spectator) EXP 15000 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 14) Now that we have the tooth, we can go find the prince at our leisure. Northeast of where Senityili is you'll find some hostile Rebels, and southeast of them near the top of the map you'll find a group of Sahuagins fighting more Sahuagin Rebels. Some of the Sahuagin on either side are spell-casters, but they are capable of only minor spells. Southwest of this group of combatants is another, each side is again led by a Mage. They will summon some friends if the fight persists too long, but they otherwise busy themselves with Mirror Image, Chromatic Orb, Flame Arrow, and other lower-level spells. Other encounters can be found along the eastern side of the map, mostly with groups of several archers. It's a good way to stock up on Bolts and crappy trinkets, if nothing else. Note from Lee: I equip as many characters as possible with ranged weapons, and take out all the various enemies without sustaining more than a miniscule amount of damage. No spells, no melee except for the Sea Zombies and Lacedons in the pit (Step 16). There, I use two characters with Boots of Speed to run down, draw them up the stairs a couple at a time, and cut them down at my leisure. I ended up clearing the entire level this way. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 15) Near the middle of the map (southeast of Senityili) you'll find an altar located within a gigantic stone maw. Clever architecture, that. When you stand in the circular platform in the center of the shrine a

group of Sahuagin will appear and attack you, including a pair of Rebels with crossbows out in the water where you can't reach them in melee, and a Priestess who screams 'kill me first!' by starting out with Blade Barrier, Chant, and Strength of One spells. I tend to gather my party on the landing between the stairs east of the shrine, while my protagonist runs in to trigger the enemies to show up. My protagonist then casts Stoneskin, while Imoen/Edwin cast Haste on the party, who focus on the nearby Priestess. After she dies-and against an onslaught like that she has no real choice-the rest of the Sahuagin are easily mopped up. Just be sure that whatever you do, you don't cast direct-damage dealing spells on the Priestess. Loot the Priestess for one of the single most powerful defensive items against spells in the game-the Cloak of Mirroring. This bad-boy makes you immune to spell-damage, be it Magic Missile, Fireball, or Horrid Wilting, it can't touch you. Status affecting spells and death spells still work, however, but you are now at least immune to being whittled down with spell damage. While this item is good for anybody... except perhaps Keldorn and Viconia, who can obtain a very high amount of Magic Resistance, it should be saved primarily for your vanguard characters. For me, this means my Fighter/Mage. He already has an impressive arsenal to protect him from attacks, but now that he's immune to damaging spells, he can use Spell Immunity to focus on the spell-schools that enemies can still effectively employ against him-typically Conjuration (Symbol Spells, Power Words), Necromancy (Finger of Death, Wail of the Banshee), and Alteration (Disintegrate, Flesh to Stone) and Abjuration (Imprisonment). When he's fully spell-buffed with Stoneskin, Haste, Mirror Image, Blur, and Improved Invisibility, there's a very good chance that he can run in, engage whatever enemy he wishes to engage, and draw all the fire away from the rest of the party. The Cloak of Mirroring isn't a game-winner on its own, but with the other defensive spells at our disposal, it plugs a major hole in a characters' defenses. Some players may decry the Cloak of Mirroring as the 'Cloak of Cheese'. So be it. Let them play the game without it. In fact, let them dispose of all the gear the designers put into the game. Using stuff makes the game too easy. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 16) From the path running through the maw-altar, head southeast until you cannot proceed in that direction further, then turn southwest. Shortly you'll find some stairs leading down into a bloody pit, which is the home to a Sea Zombie Lord, some Sea Zombies, and some Lacedons/Greater Lacedons, which are essentially aquatic Ghouls. The Sea Zombie Lord is the real pain, as he has a low THAC0 and can deal some pretty mean damage, as well as level drain. It's still nothing a spell-buffed Fighter/Mage with some support can't handle. When the Sea Zombie Lord dies he'll let out a Cloudkill, to further harass you. He'll also drop some potions and gold when he dies. Not a very epic reward, but it's something. A fun way of dealing with this encounter is to cast a spell like Death Fog or Fire Storm (if you have it) near the enemies, then cast an invisibility spell to protect the caster from prosecution. Most of the enemies will sit around in the area of effect and die, or at least get very injured, while you wait safely above. You can also use a conjured Fire Elemental as a decoy, since they can't harm enemies that require magical weapons to hurt, although if you leave your poor little Fire Elemental alone, the Sea Zombie Lord will likely level drain it to death eventually. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 17) From the bloody pit, head northeast until you're at the top of the level, then go as far southeast as you can-killing Sahuagin Rebels as you go-before going down some stairs at (x=4600, y=1200). In this lower section of the city you'll find a pair of smug bastard Sahuagin who are out of melee range. Have your characters switch to ranged

weapons and shoot them down before continuing to the southwest, where four more Sahuagin await on the land, and two more stand out of reach. Kill them and head through a door at (x=3700, y=2300), beyond which a Sahuagin Chieftain awaits, willing to take you to the prince. You know, if they had just put this guy one room earlier, they'd have saved us a lot of trouble... and ammunition, and saved them some Sahuagin. Survival of the fittest, I suppose. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 18) Agree to go meet this prince. If you refuse now, they'll assume you're up to no good and you'll lose your chance. The prince is rather pragmatic... almost Machiavellian, even. He doesn't care about this prophecy and saving the Sahuagin nonsense, he just wants the throne, and to accomplish this, you need to take a fake heart to the king. When their guard is lowered, the rebels will attack, and together you'll... something, something... to victory! You get the idea. Do all the work, put another guy in power, and get some trinkets. That's politics, above and below the sea. No more putting it off, now you need to decide whether to side with the prince, or the king. If you kill the prince and bring his heart to the king, the king will reward you, not to mention you can loot the prince for the Wave Blade, the second and final part of the Wave Halberd, and the Spear +3, Impaler. If you side with the prince you'll be given a 'Fake Rebel's Heart' to give to the king. The king is initially quite pleased with the fake trophy, and has a feast prepared to celebrate. Unfortunately, the Rebels are soon detected, and the king realizes you betrayed him and attacks. Kill them all and the prince shows up just in time to miss the action. You'll be thanked, however, and given access to the king's treasury, as well as rewarded for the quest. The King will also drop the Spear +3, Impaler and a Magical Rope, and in addition you can rob his treasury (x=450, y=650), which contains another Magical Rope, a Rod of Lordly Might, some Sahuagin Scribe's Notes, and a Scroll of Protection from Elements. Siding with the prince gets you more experience (2000 more per character, or 12,000 for a full party), but 2000 less gold, and you don't get the Gauntlets of Crushing. Frankly, in this case I prefer to go meet the prince, but side with the king. The Sahuagin rebels around the prince more than make up for the difference in experience, and the king gives a better reward. Of course, if you side with the Prince, you can then kill him afterwards and claim most of the loot you would have gained from the king, save the Gloves of Crushing. So, the question becomes whether you'd rather have the Gloves of Crushing and 2000 gold, or 2000 experience per character and a note and scroll from the treasury. Since the king runs off after you bring him the Rebel's Heart, you can't just kill the king and access his treasury... but if you picked his pockets earlier, you get the best of all possible outcomes. In any event, the Spear +3, Impaler is pretty damn nice, I just don't have any character who uses spears to give it to. Minsc could technically use it, but the Two Handed Swords we have yet to discover will vastly outclass this spear. The Rod of Lordly Might may be a very small upgrade if Anomen is still using a Mace +2 (mine was). Note: If you wait to steal from the king until just before you turn in the prince's heart, you'll have enough time to use the Potions of Master Thievery on a upcoming merchant, too. Waste not, want not, right? A measly Pick Pockets score of 125% was enough to steal from him at will, which was about three potions for Imoen. Also, if you rob the king and loot his treasury before you talk to him, it not only saves you the bother of walking back to his court, but you also get another Rod of Lordly Might. If the king gives you the Rod of Lordly Might as a reward before you loot the treasury, it won't be there later. ***ITEMS***

(x=450, y=650) Magical Rope, Rod of Lordly Might, Sahuagin Scribe's Notes, Scroll of Protection from the Elements ***REWARD*** (For bringing the prince's heart back to the king) EXP 58500 (each character) Gold 2000 Item Rod of Lordly Might Item Gauntlets of Crushing Item Magical Rope ***REWARD*** (For siding with the prince and killing the tyrant) EXP 60500 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 19) The political problems of these Sahuagin are now resolved... for now. In any event, it's time to head back to the Prince's Stronghold and use our new-found Magical Rope to descend into the Underdark. This is the area where the folks who took the portal in Spellhold were teleported to, past the Cloak of Mirroring, Cloak of Protection +2, and the Silver Blade, not to mention the 60,000+ experience per character we've gained by going the long way. It's a costly detour to snub Saemon Havarian, to be sure. Exit the Sahuagin city-and chapter four-by clicking the hole at (x=4600, y=2700). Watch a cutscene of Irenicus dealing with some Drow, and a small movie showing you around. ***REWARD*** (For reaching the Underdark) EXP 20000 (each character) o======================================================================o | Chapter 5 | o======================================================================o | | | Exploring the Underdark | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK029} 1) Denizens of the Underdark 2) Carlig and Company 3) Elemental Extermination 4) Freeing Vithal 5) Drow Patrol 6) Lost Souls 7) Myconid Massacre 8) Therndle's Reward 9) The Book of Rituals 10) Portal Guardians 11) Stingy Vithal 12) Tolkien Trouble 13) Balor Battle 14) Blackenrock's Bounty 15) Kuo-Toa Killing 16) Drow Raiding Party 17) Adalon's Demand 18) Attacking Adalon (optional, not suggested) Underdark (AR2100) o======================================================================o 1) The Underdark can be rather dangerous, as the game leads you to

believe. Groups of Kuo-Toa can harass you by shooting you with Kuo-Toa Bolts, which can stun you. Drow and Mind Flayers, however, are more severe threats. Mind Flayers almost necessitate the use of Chaotic Commands, as their psionics can disable several characters sickeningly quickly. Even after their pisonics are neutralized, they drain points of Intelligence every time they hit. Once your Intelligence hits 0, it's an auto-kill. This means that your Warriors are actually very vulnerable against Mind Flayers in close combat. One solution is to spell-buff a Fighter/Mage and hope that, through a combination of low Armor Class and spells like Mirror Image, Improved Invisibility, and Blur, that the character can hold off long enough, while the rest of the party stays back and uses ranged weapons. Drow typically come in groups, and although they're fairly dangerous in melee, the fact that they have to play by the rules and whittle your Hit Points down like normal makes fighting them more conventional. That said, they tend to come loaded with spellcasters, and are resistant to magic themselves. This means that dispelling their buffs (and keeping them from debuffing you) becomes easier than the old tactics of Silence 15' Radius, Greater Command, Insect Swarm, Chaos, and Slow. They aren't immune to these spells, but when you encounter a group of hostile Drow, just expect each spell to affect half the number of enemies it used to affect. If you're going to spell-assault them, spell assault them heavily. Also, most of them come equipped with heavily enchanted Drow armor, which makes them very well protected against your attacks. Of course, once you kill a couple of them you can nab this armor for yourself, which will greatly improve the Armor Class of your party for the duration of your stay in the Underdark. You just gotta love Drow Full Plate +5. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 2) Head east, then southeast to find a trio of Duergar, Carlig, a trader (x=1600, y=3700), Finderlig, who is just superstitious (x=1660, y=3820), and Uder Mordin (x=1770, y=3800), who has a story to tell you about an imprisoned Mage to the north. Hmm... Imprisoned you say? Check out Carlig's stock and sure enough, you'll find a Scroll of Freedom, along with many, many other very nice... very expensive spells. I've got plenty of gold, but we can still go for a five-finger discount, which we'll do later, when we have access to more of the Underdark. We need to stretch those Potions of Master Thievery out, after all. For now, just buy one Scroll of Freedom. Note: If you used your Potions of Master Thievery and stole from the Sahuagin king right before you presented him with the Rebel's Heart, you will still have plenty of duration left to steal as many scrolls from Carlig as your heart desires. The 125% Pick Pockets is enough to get the job done if you're patient, but chugging another potion might be necessary if Carlig is detecting you too often. I plan to steal everything, but here's a list of the good stuff: Freedom This spell really only exists to counter Imprisonment, and, to a lesser degree, Maze. While there are enemies out there who will use those spells on you, it's often easier to just cast a Spell Immunity: Abjuration to avoid the effect altogether. More practically, it's useful as a scroll for freeing the imprisoned Mage nearby. Still, if nothing else it's worth 9000 experience to scribe it. Spell Sequencer Allows you to chain up to three spells of fourth level or lower. Sort of like Contingency, except you can use it whenever, and you can link up multiple offensive spells. For example, my Fighter/Mage could use this spell like Contingency, to pop on Stoneskin, Improved Invisibility, and Fireshield all at once. More useful, however, you could also string

together three Flame Arrows to deal ridiculous damage to one enemy, or three Greater Malisons to decimate their defenses. True Sight I have had this spell with Keldorn and on my Clerics for a while now, but this is the first chance I've had to steal one for my Mages. By now we know how essential this spell is. ***ITEMS*** (x=1660, y=3600) 1 gold (x=1600, y=3820) 1 gold (x=1830, y=3800) 8 gold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 3) Before we use our scroll, however, let's make this area safe for humanity, (or at for least us) and pick up some experience along the way. At (x=900, y=2800) you'll find a portal, near the portal is a symbol upon which an Air Elemental constantly spawns. Move your party up and kill about ten of them, until no more appear. Over to the east is another portal (x=2450, y=3200), near which Earth Elementals spawn. Again, kill about ten and they'll stop appearing. Repeat the process one more time near a third portal (x=2800, y=2900) just above the Earth Elemental portal, this time killing off Fire Elementals. Why do this now? Because if you free the imprisoned Mage the Elementals seem to stop spawning, and that's a good 60,000 experience for the Fire Elemental portal, 60,000 experience for the Earth Elemental portal, and 70,000 experience for the Air Elemental Portal, or a grand total of 190,000 experience (or 31,666~ experience per character.) My Fighter/Mage/Thief protagonist has a good time with these critters, testing out her new boots of speed to do hit-and-run backstab tactics. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) Once the elementals have been exterminated use the Freedom Scroll in the area between the Air Elemental portal and the Earth Elemental portal (you don't have to be terribly precise) and a Mage named Vithal will appear at about (x=1950, y=2900). You'll get a small experience reward, and Vithal will offer to cut you in on a plan he was working on before he ran afoul of a local. He's pretty vague, but he promises you a share of magical loot if you help him out. First, however, you need to retrieve his book of rituals, which he believes was discovered by some Svirfneblins (Deep Gnomes) to the north. He will, in the mean time, mess around near the Earth Elemental portal. ***REWARD*** (For freeing Vithal from his imprisonment) EXP 10000 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) Head north and west and you'll run afoul of a group of Drow, including several Priestesses. This fight can be a pain, as they've got plenty of spell power on their side. You can approach from the east, if you're careful not to provoke the Kuo-Toa over there, which is probably easier as you've got more space to maneuver. Hit them with as many debilitating spells as you can-I got off two rounds of spells (Chaos and Slow from the Mages, Silence 15' Radius and Greater Command from the Clerics, and of course Insect Plague) before I engaged in melee and mopped up. The Drow seem more content to put up Blade Barriers, Mirror Image, and cast weak summoning spells. Once they're all dead, loot them for what armor they have. I was able to recover two suits of Drow Elven Chain +3 and a suit of Drow Full Plate +5. Note: Drow gear is one of the great perks of adventuring around the Underdark. It's highly enchanted, powerful stuff that largely outclasses everything you've found up until now. Drow typically carry

+3 weapons and either Elven Chain +3, Drow Chain Mail +5, Drow Full Plate Mail +5, and Drow Shields +3. This will probably drop the average Armor Class of your party by several points, which is a very good thing. Unfortunately, you only get to keep this stuff while you're in the Underdark. Once you get back into sunlight, all this beautiful loot is ruined. Note from Lee: I also had a Mind Flayer show up here - came at me from the East. Not a big deal, really - he died rather easily - but it was a surprise. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 6) Now that the fighting has stopped, rest up and investigate what these damned Drow were guarding so fervently. There's an odd device nearby, which has several souls trapped within. The chamber at (x=2020, y=1900) contains the soul of Bedlen Daglefodd. If you let him go, he'll tell you to come find his father, Therndle Daglefodd. We were planning to visit the Svirfneblins anyways, I wonder if this will come back to us in a good way? Another soul is trapped at (x=1850, y=1870) which if released manifests into Madman Aganalo, who has been too long imprisoned and as his name implies, is quite mad. Kill him and claim Jhor the Bleeder +2 from his body. Next release the soul at (x=1880, y=1900) to inflict upon yourself the company of a Drow wizard named Raevilin Strathi, who will quickly attack. He starts out with Stoneskin, True Sight, and a Fireball. Just rip down his defenses and keep pummeling him. After a while he'll pop out another Contingency, including a Spell Turning, Mislead, and Stoneskin. Remove those protections and finish him off. He'll leave behind a Quarter Staff, a Scroll of Conjure Earth Elemental, and a Scroll of Summon Efreet. At (x=1920, y=1920) you can release the soul of a Githyanki named Riti, who apparently thinks it's a good idea to release the disgrace of his capture by attacking his savior. Stupid Githyanki. Kill him and take his Spear +3, Backbiter. A fitting weapon for him. Now there's one last chamber left (x=2000, y=1900), and for this one, it's time to put our new-found defensive strategy to the test. I cast Death Ward, Chaotic Commands, Spell Immunity: Conjuration, Abjuration, and Alteration on my main character and move the rest of the party away. Then I release the last soul, which belongs to the Lich Alchra Diagott. He'll naturally decide to take his aggression out on us before finding the Drow that imprisoned him. He's fond of using Symbol spells (which Spell Immunity: Conjuration protects against) as well as various death spells (Death Ward). His damaging spells are negated by the Cloak of Mirroring (and he'll almost certainly use a Sunfire and a Horrid Wilting). And lastly, if he tries to cast Imprisonment, I'm protected from it by Spell Immunity: Abjuration. My main character also casts Improved Haste to allow him to rip through the Lich every time he lets his guard down. From a distance, Keldorn uses True Sight when Alchra tries to hide, and Imoen uses Breach when Alchra puts up a Stoneskin or Protection from Magical Weapons. In this way my main character can safely rip the Lich to pieces, while a few party members debuff. He'll drop a Scroll of Delayed Blast Fireball, a Scroll of Spell Turning, and a Scroll of Summon Nishruu when he falls. Note: This was incredibly weird, but for some reason when the Drow Raevilin Strathi died, a little chunk of him persisted in attacking me, even continuing to cast low level spells (mostly Charm Person, but he threw a Slow at me, too.) He couldn't move, but would attack in melee once he ran out of spells and I stood too close. The game recognized him as an enemy (I couldn't rest or save nearby). but he couldn't be attacked by melee attacks or ranged attacks. Spells, however, could target him, but had no effect unless it was an area-ofeffect, like Fireball. I eventually killed him off using Cloudkill.

I can't make this crap up, and the little piece of gore that continued to harass me after Raevilin Strathi died even gave me experience (hence the unusual recording in the Experience List). I have no idea how this happened, but it happened twice. Note from Lee: I take on the Lich Alchra Diagott first (well, second - I release the stupid little gnome first). I spell buff as described and simply put him down (he's not that difficult really); but now I have all my spell buffs intact for the other encounters (not that you really need them, but what the hell - waste not, want not, right?). I got thru this and suffered no damage at all. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 7) Now that we're done with the soul cage, cast Chaotic Commands on a strong Fighter, Haste them up, and send them to the west. You'll find several Spore Colonies which spawn Myconids... which in turn try to Confuse you. Kill them, kill their king, and kill their little spores, too. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 8) Continue to the north and you'll find a trio of Swirfneblins guarding a bridge. Talk to the one named Odendal (x=630, y=1180), who will let you in if you're nice, even though he doesn't like Viconia one bit. Head through the town (which doesn't have much to see) and loop around until you find the entrance to the building marked as the 'Swirfneblin Settlement'. Inside you'll find Therndle Dagelfodd (x=1770, y=600). Mention that you saved his son, and he'll reward you. He also sells some gear-mostly +1 armor and weapons, but he also has some Potions of Master Thievery and scrolls. If you were really quick earlier, you might still be under the affects of the potions you chugged earlier. If that's the case, don't hesitate to steal Therndle's Potions of Master Thievery and whatever spell-scrolls you desire, as he does sell some uncommon spells, even if they're not the most useful (like Invisible Stalker). If not, just buy the Potions to replenish your stock. Note that Therndle is another one of those odd merchants who doesn't get pissy if he catches you stealing. Also, if you loot around the city you can find various random trinkets and a Ring of Folly. ***REWARD*** (For saving Therndle Dagelfodd's son) EXP 10000 Item Bracers of Defense A.C. 4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 9) At (x=1650, y=770) you'll find an Innkeeper, the current owner of Vithal's book of rituals, which he'll relinquish for 300 gold. You might be able to steal it from him, but since that's going to require a Potion of Master Thievery, I just hand over the money. Book of Rituals in hand, I return to Vithal, who was around the Earth Elemental portal (x=2380, y=3320). If you refuse to hand over the book, he'll try to take it by force, and let's just say it's more rewarding to let him actually get the treasure he's been mentioning-if you kill him, you have no way to get the treasure yourself, so let's keep him alive and give him his book. Note from Lee: I do the Balor here (Steps 12 & 13) before returning to Vithal with his Book of Rituals. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 10) Once Vithal has his book of rituals back, he'll tell you about the second part of the plan-he needs to enter three portals, and within each one there will be a guardian. Guess who's job it is to dispose of the guardian? That's right. Ours. Agree to help him and he'll work on the

first gate, the guardian of which is a Greater Earth Elemental, which isn't too rough. After it's dead Vithal will teleport off and return shortly with some of the treasure. Now we head to the Fire Elemental portal to repeat the process. The guardian of this portal is, of course, a Greater Fire Elemental. Again Vithal teleports away, and again he returns with treasure. Now it's time to head over to the Air Elemental portal and repeat the process one final time. If you can't guess what the guardian is... there's no hope for you. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 11) Vithal returns for the third-and final-time, declaring his victory. You gain a quest reward for helping him out, and he gives you a Rod of Absorption, which is pretty cool, I guess... except that it only has one measly charge left, and even this lasts four rounds. That's right, all that work and Vithal wants to stiff you with a rod that can absorb a total of nine spell levels over four rounds. Hold out for more and he will toss in a Scroll of Simulacrum and a Scroll of Horrid Wilting, too. Of course, the bastard still insists that the lionshare should go to him. He would still be imprisoned if it weren't for us, and he certainly wouldn't have survived the guardians! Insist that this doesn't suffice and a fight ensues. If you're lucky, he was injured by the guardians, if not, he's still nowhere near as strong as the Lich we killed earlier. Standard Mage tactics apply, keep on him and tear down his Stoneskins with Breach and his illusions with True Sight. If you're lucky you'll take him down before he gets any major spells off. If not, he'll start out with a Time Stop followed by some Imprisonments. That's right, that bastard who we saved from Imprisonment has the gall to try and Imprison us, in turn! It's a well-deserved death that he earns, and when he dies he'll leave behind a Skull of Death, a helmet that can pop off a Death Spell once per day. It sounds neat, and it can have its uses against Mind Flayers and Kuo-Toa, but it's not anything to get worked up over. On the other hand, the scroll he drops are; he'll leave behind a Scroll of Incendiary Cloud, a Scroll of Wail of the Banshee, and a Scroll of Time Stop. Three very good, very useful, and fairly rare high-level Mage spells. These will eventually find their way into Imoen's/Edwin's spellbooks, since they will be able to cast 8th and 9th level spells far earlier than my Protagonists. He also drops a Waterstar Gem and his Book of Rituals, for what it's worth. Now let's return to the Swirfneblin town and resolve their problems. ***REWARD*** (For helping Vithal retrieve the extra-planar treasure) EXP 20000 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 12) Over at (x=2030, y=850) you'll find Goldander Blackenrock, who has an usually deep voice for a gnome. Maybe that's why they're called Deep Gnomes? Anyways, the Gnomes have unearthed some evil by digging too deeply, and since Gandalf is nowhere to be found, they need your help to keep it at bay. Naturally the gnomes can't offer much of a reward, but they can help you get into the Drow city, which, if you were following the dialogues, we need to do to find Irenicus and Bodhi. This they can do by referring you to one 'Adalon'. Go kill the evil they awakened and they'll give you a gem, which will illuminate your way to this Adalon and let you deal with her. Before you go he'll give you a 'Stoneshape scroll', which will seal the creature in after you've defeated it. It's always fun fighting things that lie buried deep in the earth, that might survive a cave-in, and even after being defeated in combat are so terrifying that they need to be buried. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 13) Head over to the Svirfneblin at (x=3620, y=700), who will let you pass now that you've been granted permission by Blackenrock. Now go near the ladder at (x=3250, y=400) and spell-buff up. In addition to

your normal preparations, be sure to have cast a Remove Fear or Resist Fear, Free Action, and equip any and all +3 weapons you have in preference to any other weapons. If you're a low level party (i.e. you didn't go around recruiting everybody) you may only have a few weapons of +3 quality or better. By now even the least adventurous gamers should at least have the Spear +3, Imapler, Celestial Fury, and a Cleric's Staff +3. I really don't have too much sympathy for you at this point in the game if you haven't accumulated a few usable +3 weapons by now... I've certainly done my best to remind you to do so. Even I don't have enough +3 weapons to arm everybody, but I can at least ensure that half of my party is ready to go, and that'll have to do. Really, if you just have a Fighter/Mage with Celestial Fury, you've got a chance, but we've passed by numerous Spears +3 by now, at the very least. Anyways, that's all for my guilty/consolatory speech, now it's time to get to business. Now that we're spell-buffed, activate the pit and a Balor will show up. There are two main dangers with this thing, first that it'll immobilize your Fighters with Symbol, Stun (hence the Free Action) and the fact that your offensive power is probably severely limited by the fact that you need +3 weapons to hit it. You can contribute with spells (having Imoen/Edwin pop out some Magic Missiles or Anomen/Viconia use Bolt of Glory at least allows them to contribute.) Otherwise, it's not overly dangerous, and a spell-buffed Fighter/Mage of any quality should be able to destroy it before they run out of spell-buffs. When it's dead use the Stoneshape scroll to seal the pit. Note: If it's just not working for you, there's one more good chance at getting the resources you need to kill the Balor. In step #16, you will obtain numerous +3 weapons and some armor that'll make killing the Balor easier-provided you can, of course, liberate them from their owners. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 14) Return to Blackenrock and he'll grant you a decent experience reward, the Light Gem you need to reach Adalon, and Skullcrusher +3, a mace that's almost certainly better than what Anomen is using. We could have used this before we fought that Balor, you know. Ah well. It's time to pay this Adalon a visit. ***REWARD*** EXP 25000 (each character) Item Light Gem Item Skullcrusher +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 15) Head east of where you found the device containing the trapped souls and you'll eventually come to a bridge guarded by Kuo-Toa. This time, a break down in communication (and the general violence of Kuo-Toa) results in a fight. While they might be individually insignificant, in numbers they can be a pain. Some have Kuo-Toa Bolts, which have a chance to stun their targets, and others happen to be spell-casters who attempt to cast Hold Person on the party. Sprinkled amidst the archers and spellcasters you have the odd warrior who likes to take advantage of defenseless characters. Of course, they're not too strong if they can't wreak havoc with their Hold spells. I just enter into combat with them, and if they hold some of my characters, I eliminate the threat with a timely Dispel Magic. In the end, they're just not worth spell-buffing for, and once they've wasted their Hold Person spells, they die quick enough in a straight melee. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 16) Now that the Kuo-Toan distraction is out of the way, there's a path to the north just before the Kuo-Toa bridge that leads to an odd platform. Once you step on it, a mini-cutscene occurs and a Drow raiding party appears, which can suck if your party gets scattered crossing the bridge to the platform. There's one spell-caster amongst them, but

otherwise this group is not the equal of the one we demolished earlier. A simple Haste is enough power to allow me to destroy them fairly easily, but if you're caught in a bad way, it can't hurt to throw out a Slow or Chaos, too. When they're all dead, you can harvest their ridiculously powerful equipment-if you were having trouble with the Balor, but took out these Drow, you should find yourself plenty of new magical arms and armor, which includes numerous +3 melee weapons. Here's a list of the loot you'll obtain: Drow Drow Drow Drow Drow Drow Drow Drow Drow Drow Drow Drow Drow Adamantine Chain +5 Crossbow of Speed Crossbow of Speed Flail +3 Flail +3 Full Plate +5 Full Plate +5 Full Plate +5 Full Plate +5 Longsword +3 Longsword +3 Shield +3 Shield +3

You'll also find some Drow Bolts, whose number depends on how many shots the Drow get off. Suffice it to say, you'll have armor for all your front-line Fighters and enough +3 weapons to handle anything. The best thing about Drow armor is the fact that everything except the Full Plate allows you to use your Mage spells and Thief skills, which is really good news for those dual-and-multi-classed Mages and Thieves out there. Adalon's Lair (AR2102) o======================================================================o 17) Now head north until the path splits. Stick to the western-most path and exit the map at (x=4100, y=1000). Continue down some stairs to find Adalon-the Silver Dragon-at (x=1500, y=1500). She'll explain that she's the guardian of a temple on the surface that marks the sight of where the Drow first descended into the Underdark. Her job is to keep the peace between the two sides, a role which she is currently unable to fulfill. Apparently Irenicus stole her eggs and is holding them hostage, giving the Drow free reign to attack the surface at their whim. We can only imagine that this distraction also benefits Jon and his plans to strike back at his home town. Adalon wants you to rescue her eggs, and in return she'll show you a way to escape the Underdark, as well as give you a gift from her hoard. To facilitate this rescue attempt, she'll transform you into Drow, disguised as a group she recently dispatched. This should allow you to enter the Drow city of Ust Natha, find out what Irenicus is doing, and allow you to rescue Adalon's eggs. It doesn't really matter what you say, Adalon transforms you anyways. She spells it out fairly enough afterwards-help her, or else. If you try and run away without doing her task the illusion will fail before you breach Drow lines and you'll be hopelessly outnumbered. If we try to get her back by sabotaging the rescue, we'll have pissed off a Silver Dragon, which isn't a good thing. Finally, we can't just wait this out, for obvious reasons. We're stuck between a rock and a hard place-a silvery, dragon-shaped hard place-and the best course of action for us is to help Adalon out. On an optimistic note, there are plenty of quests to do, experience to gain, and items to buy and find by infiltrating Ust Natha. Also, Ust Natha is just one letter away from being part of the bestest name ever, so it has to be worth exploring. My reasoning skills are boundless and unassailable; it's best not to even bother. Keep the Light Gem throughout the following quests-if you lose that gem, you

won't find your way back to Adalon once you have her eggs, which means no reward. Note: Now is a fine time to infiltrate the Illithid City (AR2400) or Beholder Den (AR2101), or both. We'll get the time to come here after Ust Natha, and we'll be explicitly forced to go to one or the other during the quests in Ust Natha, but since we'll be pressured by time limits on our outstanding quests in Ust Natha, now is a perfect time to get at least one of these cleared while we're still free with our time. In particular, the Illithid City seems to be a good choice for conquest, as being able to rest at leisure will make surviving Mind Flayers much easier. The Beholder Den, on the other hand, should already be cake, since we possess the Cloak of Mirroring. I'll include the Illithid City here in the FAQ, and leave it up to your discretion when to tackle it. (Like I could force you to do anything in any order, anyways!) The Kuo-Toa Ruins (AR2402) are left out of this discussion primarily for the fact that we'll end up exploring them as we leave the Underdark anyways, so why bother doing it now? Note from Lee: I do both of these quests here, before entering Ust Natha. I normally end up gaining a level for a couple party members, and so... why not? <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 18) Now, a note on fighting Adalon, if you're inclined to attempt anything quite so suicidal. Even at my best I've got just over two million experience points, which means my Clerics have a few Fingers of Death, but my Mages (Imoen and my protagonist, anyways) are in no real position to do much, magically. Most of the awesome gear we'll use in later Dragon fights has yet to become available to us, or I just haven't bothered going there yet... you know, because I'd rather grab some of the good Underdark stuff before tackling Dragons on the surface. Needless to say, we're under-equipped, even if we're not under-leveled. On top of that, Adalon is probably the strongest Dragon in Shadows of Amn. She'll use several Stoneskins over the course of the fight, as well as invisibility (although the latter seems to be a one-shot deal), and she'll protect herself with Death Ward if she gets the feeling you're tearing down her defenses to go for a quick-kill. When she commits to melee (where she'll do 20-30 damage a hit) she'll help herself out with Haste. On top of that she's got a stellar magic resistance and a very high Armor Class, she seems to regenerate, and has plenty of Hit Points. Add to this the fact that she can one-hit kill you with her breath weapon (unless anybody in your party is packing over 130 Hit Points), paralyze with her 'Silver Dragon Paralyzation', and cast Hold Person, and you've got a real mess. My girlfriend seems to have had more luck with this fight than I did... but she was playing with two custom characters (a Fighter and a Fighter/Mage/Thief) and had the evil party, which included Korgan and a high-level Edwin. I started the fight as I would start a fight with any Dragon, and this is pretty much going to be our Dragon strategy... with alterations for when we obtain better spells and gear. First and foremost you must absolutely cast Remove Fear, as Dragon Fear can cause you to lose a fight before it ever even begins. Then the typical spell-buffs begin, Mirror Image, Stoneskin, Improved Invisibility, Haste, Defensive Harmony, etc. Against Dragons I make the following preparations: I load up my spellbook with Lower Resistance, a Greater Malison, and for my protagonist-a lot of Stoneskins. He'll be the one who needs to endure the Dragon's offense if anybody needs to heal, or while I debuff the Dragon/rebuff the rest of the party. Protection from Evil 10' Radius is typically another spell buff I use, but it won't do much good against

Adalon. Also specific to Adalon is the need for some Remove Paralysis spells, as she likes to paralyze. Dragons also have a breath weapon, and the individual preparations for these vary depending on the Dragon in question. Many simply have elemental attacks, and for this Protection from Energy is typically the go-to spell, as it reduces the damage you take from elemental and magical attacks by 75%-just enough to keep Edwin and Imoen alive, if not well. Adalon, however, has a cold-based breath weapon, and we probably don't have the ability to cast Protection from Energy. In this case, Protection from Cold and Resist Fire/Resist Cold will have to do, which will block 50% of the damage dealt by Adalon's breath weapon... which is less than ideal, but it's better than nothing. As far as execution is concerned, summon as many allies as you can and surround the Dragon-if they feel too much pressure in melee, they'll wing buffet, which knocks everybody back. If you attack from one direction, your entire party will be knocked back. Surrounding the Dragon limits the number of attackers affected. It also spreads out your party, making them less susceptible to their breath weapon and Remove Magic, which most Dragons tend to employ. I'll be honest, my strategy for Adalon was not very inspiring. I started out like normal, spell-buffing, summoning, and attacking her with everything I had. Brutal experience taught me that at this level, I was really no match for Adalon. The best I could do was have everybody-save my protagonist-equip +2 ammunition and fire at Adalon from a distance. My protected protagonist ran up and attacked in melee. When Adalon popped on a Stoneskin, Imoen ripped it down with Breach. When the pressure became too great and my summons were all but dead, I beat a hasty retreat back to the entrance of Adalon's cave, where the Dragon cannot reach us. Keldorn hits her with a Dispel Magic before running away, hopefully removing her spell buffs like Haste, Stoneskin, and Death Ward. It's possible, but incredibly cheap, to pummel Adalon to death from here with +2 missiles. It's also possible to hit her with several Lower Resistance spells, some Greater Malisons, Doom, and then, with her saves and magic resistance lowered to try and nail her with a Finger of Death, Slow, and other debilitating magic. With Edwin in your party, it's not inconceivable that Edwin might have enough experience to cast 8th-level spells, and even if he's not, using a Scroll of Horrid Wilting to hit Adalon can really do some damage. Also using Spell Sequencer to chain up some Magic Missiles and Flame Arrow spells can likewise deal some pretty impressive damage. With my THAC0, weapons, and Adalon's Armor Class, the best chance I have is to start up the fight with at least a pair of Lower Resistances and try and go for the quick take-down by hitting her with direct-damage dealing spells. Of course, without Edwin neither the great damage of Horrid Wilting or the cumulative damage we can deal with Spell Sequencer is possible... Minor Sequencer is a poor substitute. When she falls she'll leave behind the 'Blood of a Silver Dragon', a Note with which you can escape from the Underdark, and 3000 gold. Not really such an epic reward for such a difficult fight... o======================================================================o | | | Illithid City | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK030} 1) Captured! 2) Bad Guy Mistake #1: Failure to Disarm 3) Umber Hulk Battle 4) Simyaz's Scheme

5) It's Harder When They Talk... 6) Mercy Killing 7) Illithid Serum 8) Control Circlets 9) Turnabout is Fair Play 10) Mind Flayer Rout 11) Brine Potions 12) Mind Flayer Cannae 13) Killing More Captives 14) The Secret Room 15) The Last Portal (aka: The End of Irving) 16) The Master Brain 17) Escape! 18) Slaying Simyaz Illithid City (AR2400) o======================================================================o 1) From the main area of the Underdark (AR2100) exit the map along the southeastern corner (X=5100, y=3400) (marked as the 'Eastern Tunnels' on the map) to reach the Illithid City. This quest is better done before we get involved with Ust Natha, as we'll suffer from constant time restraints once we start interacting with the Drow. There are two ideal times to do this-before Ust Natha (before you interact with the door guard and gain entrance) or after the events of Ust Natha. You can return to the Underdark at a later date, but why not just knock this out now? It's also possible to do this during the events of Ust Natha, as the timeliness of various missions sometimes leaves us a few days to play around with, but why deal with any time restraints at all? Anyways, I've made my case, you'll do this when it's right for you. You should focus on support spells, rather than debuffing and offensive spells. Death Spell is particularly useful against Illithids and their pets. Inside the Illithid City you'll be quickly subdued by groups of Illithids who appear and blast you with their psionics. Really, how else did you think this would go? <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 2) You'll awaken in a cell, with the game attempting, as always, to be ominous with text. Eventually an Ogre will show up and tell you that you've gotta fight for the amusement of the Illithids to earn your keep. If you don't, you'll be killed, and if you piss off the Mind Flayer's, they'll kill you with their thoughts-being on home turf apparently has amplified their powers. Thankfully, however, they let us keep our weapons. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 3) Your first fight is against a trio of Umber Hulks. If you're doing this quest as part of the Ust'Natha questline, then taking a lot of damage is-in this case-preferable to using up spells. I lead with my heavily armored party members and hope for the best with their saves. I'm more worried about my own party members becoming a threat to me, than a target for the Umber Hulks! If you take a lot of damage, just strap a Ring of Regeneration on the injured character to conserve spell power. For your victory in the arena, you'll be given five Potions of Extra Healing, which should go a long way towards keeping your Hit Points high. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) Go through the door to the north to find a group of Githyanki, led by one Simyaz (x=2660, y=1400). We're not on good terms with the Githyanki, but given their history, I'm sure they're willing to put small differences aside for now. They'll admit they were sent here to retrieve your Silver Blade, but for now the Illithids are the greater threat, being the hated enemies of the Githyanki, and all. See? Who was right? Probably the guy who played this game a half dozen times already. Shut

up self. After Simyaz is done talking, they'll be taken away to fight, leaving you more time to wait (and regenerate). Once they return (with two of their number missing) Simyaz will propose a plan. Despite your troubles, they can use their psionics to weaken the Illithids around the arena, giving you enough time to escape through one of the doors. With the help of the Githyanki, you may just have a chance of fighting your way out of here. No matter what you say, they'll obstinately declare that they're going to try and escape whether you like it or not, and really, why wouldn't you make the attempt? <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) Your Ogre jailer will return so as to gather you for your imminent fight with the Githyanki. He even prefers you over them, what with their sour faces and all. With a cheerleader of this quality, how can we have anything less than utter success? Once you're in the arena, you'll find that it's a three way battle, with Simyaz and the Githyanki to the north, some Kuo-Toans to the wast, and yourself to the east. Kill the fish-men and exit through the door at (x=2520, y=1900), which may require a Knock spell or a good bash. Kill your unfortunate jailer... he was right.. it is harder when you talk!... and grab the Hilt of the Equalizer from the table at (x=2800, y=1600). ***ITEMS*** (x=2630, y=1805) 525 gold (x=2800, y=1600) Hilt of the Equalizer <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 6) Now that you have run of the place, you can go free some of your fellow inmates behind the doors at (x=3380, y=1780) and (x=3250, y=1500). And by free them, I mean 'from life'. The first door contains a pair of Kuo-Toa Warriors, and the second contains a Sahuagin Prince and a Sahuagin Baronial Guard. They're better off dead than in the custody of Illithids, and all the more-so because we gained some experience from it. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 7) Now for my Mind Flayer strategy. Its brilliance will be matched only by its simplicity... or perhaps it's not so brilliant, but it is simple, indeed. Everybody save my protagonist equips ranged weapons, and my main character is protected by Chaotic Commands. He then spell-buffs with whatever defenses he has-Mirror Image, Blur, and Improved Invisibility being the top choices. Everybody gets Hasted. My Fighter/Mage then leads the way, acting as bait for the Mind Flayers. Hopefully he'll engage as little as he can, leading Mind Flayers on a merry chase while the rest of my party shoots them dead. If they target anybody else, my protagonist will step in and earn their attention. Since we have access to remarkable Drow armor here in the Underdark, we can spell-buff our Fighter/Mage, then strap of Drow Full Plate Armor +5 to lower our Armor Class to -12... and with all the other buffs active, my Fighter/Mage can cut a bloody swath through anything we'll run into. Mind Flayers, Ulitharids, and Umber Hulks alike. My first victims are to the east, through a door at (x=3370, y=1600). I keep most of my party in the room where I killed the Ogre jailer and head down with my protagonist-alone, then when I have the Mind Flayers' attention I run back to the rest of my party, who open fire upon the Mind Flayers as soon as they present themselves as targets. This eliminates the bother of trying to shoot them down from inside a narrow hallway, and the Illithid didn't even make it to my Fighter/Mage. Morale failure for the win. Keep in mind that if you've gone through the trouble to obtain Firetooth +4, the Quiver of Plenty, and the Crimson Dart +3 from Watcher's Keep it'll be much easier to shoot down Mind Flayers. My evil party employs a different, and even simpler tactic. My Fighter/Mage/Thief protagonist can, with the benefit of Chaotic Commands and some Boots of Speed, perform hit-and-run backstab attacks

on various Mind Flayers. Deal some brutal damage, run out of sight, hide again, and repeat. The only time I abandon this tactic is when Mind Flayers come with Umber Hulk pets. Continue to the east to find a room full of vats containing suspect fluids. Get near any one of them and click on it twice to gather up a dose of fluid, or 'Illithid Serum'. We'll need this in a bit. Note from Lee: My main character and Kendorn each with Boots of Speed and protected by Chaotic Commands can take down all these Mind Flayers by themselves. I leave the rest of the party in the Ogre Room and clear out the rooms with just those two characters, suffering almost no damage at all (having two Rings of Regeneration really helps here too). This same strategy works well throughout the rest of this section (provided, of course, you can either complete it before your Chaotic Command spells wear off, or your Clerics and/or Druids have enough to re-cast if necessary). <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 8) From the Ogre jailer's room, head south through a pair of doors at (x=3050, y=1950) and (x=3200, y=2250), where you'll find another pair of Illithids. The same tactic we used on the single Illithid earlier works just as well against these ones. Kill them and continue through a door to the east (x=3600, y=2460) to reach a room with numerous unconscious Human Slaves. With the Illithid Serum in hand, interact with one of the many machines around the room until you insert the Serum. Freed from their slumber, one of the slaves-Camaris of Highcastle of Myratma-will thank you, and explain how he got here and what the Illithids were doing. Seems they were using these folks to power the machine over at (x=4400, y=2300), which creates Control Circlets that the Illithids use to control their slaves-you know, like the Thrall Collars in the Astral Prison. They even look the same! Help yourself to four of them, after which the machine has the power to produce no more. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 9) Equip one of the 'Control Circlets' into a quick-item slot and head back into the room with the crimson vats to find that another Illithid has shown up. Wonderful, just what we needed! use the Control Circlet on the Illithid to bring it under your control. Turnabout is fair play, after all. With your new friend in tow, return to the Ogre Jailer's room again and go through a pair of doors to the north at (x=3050, y=1460) and (x=3050, y=1250). Unfortunately the door out is locked, and the game proclaims that "only a powerful mind or godly Strength will force this door open." I guess half-godly Strength doesn't cut it. Loot the object at (x=3000, y=900) for Methild's Harp, which if you have a Bard can be put to good effect. Move the captured Mind Flayer to one of the doors and both will open. Your Mind Flayer buddy will turn on you, and the Githyanki will gate in. Put the Illithid down and speak to Simyaz (x=3030, y=1100), who will explain that they are free. Unfortunately, this doesn't include you, since you can't teleport around and whatnot. Only by killing the 'elder brain' can you dispel the power of the Illithids that keeps you prisoner. He wish you well... as well as he can bring himself to wish you, anyways, and leave. At least you'll get enough experience to make this worthwhile. Note: Only Mind Flayers can open the doors in this area. Ulitharids apparently do not count, even though they are superior. So don't waste your Command Circlets on anything other than a Mind Flayer. ***REWARD*** (For helping the Githyanki escape from the Illithid City) EXP 25000 (each character)

***ITEMS*** (x=3000, y=900) Methild's Harp <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 10) Since there's only one way left to go, head west through a pair of doors at (x=2850, y=950) and (x=2100, y=1000). I now dispense with the notion that I'm too proud to use any spells, as through the next door a pair of Umber Hulks, a Mind Flayer, and three Ulitharids await me. I use the spell-preparations mentioned above and sneak up on the enemies and cast a Death Spell just outside of their sight radius. With any luck the Mind Flayer and Umber Hulks will be affected. The remaining enemies-now provoked, set upon my Fighter/Mage. I run back to the party, Haste, and wait for them to reach the room where I last met the Githyanki. Once there, I hit them with everything I have. My Fighter/Mage runs around, trying to distract the Ulitharids while avoiding combat as much as possible. Even fully spell-buffed, a few bad hits can reduce his super-human Intelligence, and that's a crappy way to die. My evil party is all too ready to bombard the Mind Flayers and Umber Hulks with Death Spells, after which I resort to my hit-and-run solo protagonist sneak-attack tactic mentioned above. It's alot safer than what my Fighter/Mage has to endure. Note: I said it in the guide prior to the walkthrough, but since I know people don't read that formative crap that tells them how to play the game, how the guide is structured, and other trivial information, I'll say it again here, now that it's about to bludgeon you in the face: as you level up, some enemies do, too. While this isn't the wholesale direct scaling like in Dragon Age and Final Fantasy VIII that I despise so much, it does mean that the higher your level, the stronger some enemies will be. Instead of Mind Flayers, for example, you might run into Ulitharids, instead of Beholders, you might find Elder Orbs, and instead of Mummies, you might find Greater Mummies, or Liches, to name a few, important, examples. Also, the number of enemies may increase in a given encounter. I mentioned this before during the Unseeing Eye quest, and I'll probably mention it again when we clear out the Umar Hills Dungeon. Fortunately, stronger enemies mean more experience, and it keeps us from becoming too complacent while playing. At our higher levels, we have the luxury of popping out Death Spells to negate Mind Flayers and Umber Hulks, so we deserve a few Ulitharids to keep us in check, and we have Sunray, so if we have to fight an extra Lich or ten, it's nothing we can't handle... in theory. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 11) Go through the door to the northwest (x=1750, y=950), as the one to the southwest leads to our freedom, and we don't want that. Another door awaits at (x=1600, y=650) behind which you'll find a pair of Mind Flayers and an Ulitharid. This battle should be cake compared to the one we just fought. Kill them and search the room, within which are numerous containers filled with some reddish fluid or another, overgrown with plant growth. Activate these containers, which are apparently Illithid birthing pods, to gather some 'Brine Potions', of which you can obtain a total of eight. These will temporarily make you immune to psionics, which is good, because my Chaotic Commands is bound to expire sooner or later... Not that I couldn't just cast another one and save these Brine Potions. Note from Lee: Save the Brine Potions, eh? Hhmmm... I wonder... Could we have a use for these later? <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 12) Return to the site of our first large-scale Mind Flayer massacre and go through the door to the southwest (x=1700, y=1200) to find a passage south that leads to the audience part of the arena. Interesting,

but it serves no purpose. If you continue west you'll find another crushing group of Illithids, this time including two Umber Hulks, three Mind Flayers, and three Ulitharids. Same tactic as before, except I cross my fingers extra hard and equip +2 ammunition if I must. In the end, micromanagement pays off. Spells like Protection from Evil 10' Radius and Defensive Harmony will further increase my survivability, and there's really no reason not to go all-out for this fight. ***ITEMS*** (x=1460, y=1300) Laeral's Tear Necklace <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 13) From the room occupied by the half-dozen Illithids we just slew, head through the door to the south (x=1050, y=1650) and continue south until you reach a room with three capsules. The one at (x=1000, y=2000) hides an Umber Hulk. The middle one (x=1250, y=2100) houses an Insane Dwarf Warrior, who will drop a suit of Leather Armor, a Medium Shield, Bullets x20, a Battle Axe, a Sling, a Ring of Fire Control, and 87 gold, and finally the capsule at (x=1300, y=2320) contains a Kuo-Toa Priest. The Ring of Fire Control gives you 50% of Fire Resistance, which is nice for front-line characters who will-unfortunately-often be subjected to fire spells... sometimes the enemy is mean, and sometimes I need bait. Keldorn/Viconia will both get great magic resistance, so I see no need to further burden them with this ring. Jaheira and Anomen, on the other hand are both good candidates, as either one would be well-served by having some fire resistance. Anomen in particular makes a good case, since he has to rely on Slings for missile damage, having the ability to pop out another Flame Strike will help his ranged attack out a bit. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 14) Return to the room where we decimated that last smug bunch of Illithids and go through the secret door at (x=1150, y=1300) and through another not-quite-so-secret door at (x=1300, y=100). Inside this room are a pair of Mind Flayers, an Ulitharid, and an Umber Hulk. We probably don't even need a Death Spell this time, just lure them into the room to the south and shoot them down. If you can, use a Control Circlet on one of the Mind Flayers-we'll need another one very soon. Loot the room and return to the site of our crushing victory over the foolish Illithid-our Mind Flayer Cannae. ***ITEMS*** (x=1200, y=700) Staff of Command <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 15) Look at the map, we have to be getting near the end now, there's almost no more room left for anything else! Send your captive Mind Flayer up to the door to the north at (x=950, y=1250). If you killed all of them in the last fight, you can find another one in the room where we found the Ilithid Serum... and our last victim/friend. The door opens, as we expected it would, and the Mind Flayer turns hostile and needs to be put down. It's a shame, too. I named mine Irving. Another door waits beyond the first (x=770, y=950), and although this door is also locked, it's open to more traditional means of bypass. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 16) Inside this last room is 'The Master Brain' (x=550, y=800), which is big, ugly, and stinky; just like a Master Brain should be. It is accompanied by a Mind Flayer, an Ulitharid, and an Umber Hulk. Lure them out into the southern room and dispose of them in the traditional manner. Once they're dead, equip melee weapons on your party (back to the good old gear) and rush The Master Brain. Once it takes a bit of damage it'll close (and lock) the door to the room and summon some 'Brain Golems' to defend it, which will just keep re-spawning until it's dead. Focus your undivided attention on The Master Brain until it dies, then mop up the Brain Golems. Note that the Brain Golems are immune to

non-bludgeoning weapons, so adjust your equipment accordingly. Despite that, they're nowhere near as strong as Clay Golems, since they don't have the ability to Haste themselves (or maybe it's just my new Drow armor?) Either way, they're still worth lots of experience. You'll automatically receive 'Elder Brain Blood' when The Master Brain is destroyed. Keep it on you for now, as it's part of a later quest in Uth Natha. The Master Brain will also leave behind an impressive assortment of gems, including 53 Shandon Gems, a King's Tears, three Diamonds, two Emeralds, and 540 gold. You'll also get a huge experience reward-we'll take both as payment for doing a service for the world by eradicating these creatures. ***REWARD*** (For eradicating The Master Brain, and making the world a better place) EXP 40000 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 17) Return to where you entered (x=3900, y=800) and you'll find that the Slaves you've freed have made their way to the entrance. Their leader will thank you, promising to repay you if you ever reach the surface before departing. It might not be loot, but you'll still get a nice quest reward for this act of nicitude. It's a word now. When you're done exit the Illithid City at (x=3900, y=800). Unlike Hannibal, we not only crushed the Mind Flayers on their home turf, but we actually managed to get a gate open, too. Eat it, Carthage! ***REWARD*** (For freeing the Illithid's Slaves) EXP 45000 Reputation +1 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 18) Now there's only one thing left to do before we head to Ust Natha.. or wherever you're going. Head over to (x=2750, y=2470) to find Simyaz. It doesn't matter what you say, you can't avoid a fight with Simyaz, which is a shame. I really felt a bond, you know? His scruples demand that he reclaim the Silver Sword... and if you kindly give it up, his racism dictates your demise anyways. So, he has his scruples, and we have ours-not getting killed by treacherous Githyanki, for example. They have plenty of spells at their disposal, so respond in kind. A double-shot of Chaos and Insect Plague (just for fun, really) pretty much ends the fight. Each of the Githyanki will drop some gold and a Bastard Sword. o======================================================================o | | | Beholder Den | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK031} 1) Between an Elder Orb and a Beholder 2) Menage a trois: Drow, Beholders, and You 3) Preparation is 9/10ths the Battle 4) Menage a trois: Illithids, Beholders, and You 5) More Cheap Kills 6) Ways Around Imprisonment 7) Some Money For Our Trouble? Beholder Den (AR2101) o======================================================================o 1) Again, keeping in mind the time restraints placed upon us during Ust Natha, it might be a good idea to tackle the Beholder Den (AR2101) now. We'll get time to do this quest as part of another quest in Ust Natha...

but there's no reason why we can't do it early and be ahead of the game. Whenever you choose to do it, I'll list in it here in the FAQ. Head over to the southeastern corner of the map (marked as 'Southern Tunnels' on the map) and exit at (x=4100, y=3700). Before I head into the Beholder Den, however, I make some spell preparations, since at my level I will be greeted by an Elder Orb and a Beholder. My party will appear in an incredibly disadvantageous position, and let's just say my tactic for fighting Beholders does not involve playing fair, much less playing disadvantaged. I cast Invisibility 10' Radius on my entire party, and Jaheira takes out her Shield of Balduran. In addition, she puts on the Cloak of Mirroring, since some of the Elder Orbs also use spells. This makes her as immune to Beholders as a character can be. Focus on the Beholder first, as it'll be more likely to target other party members. It's only a matter of time before the Elder Orb gets off a True Sight, so move the entire party (save Jaheira, of course) on the stairs and safely out of sight. Once the Beholder is dead (killed by a combination of Jaheira in melee, and the rest of my party using missiles), Jaheira can focus solely on the Elder Orb, and the Elder Orb can kindly return the favor. When the Elder Orb dies, it'll leave behind an Amulet of Spell Warding, the Blade of the Equalizer (we now have the entire thing!), and an Eyestalk of an Elder Orb, an object which will come in handy when we're in Ust Natha. I give the amulet to Jaheira, since she has the worst save vs. spells amongst all my spell-casters. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 2) Head up to the north, then east, with your Beholder-proof character (for me this is, of course, Jaheira) and you'll find a Beholder being plagued by five Drow. For the most experience, attack the Beholder, kill it, and then run back to the beginning with the surviving Drow in tow, then kill them, too. If you did the Unseeing Eye quest earlier, you'll remember the various pockets of random loot stashed in various niches within the organic walls of the tunnels. They're here, too, so keep an eye out for them (or just keep an eye on this FAQ!) Make sure to pick up the Sling of Arvoreen +4 (x=1210, y=770). You won't find a better sling in Shadows of Amn. If Jaheira already has the Fire Tooth +3 dagger, this weapon goes to either Viconia or Anomen, whichever one you have. What if you deviously have both? Give it to Viconia, as Anomen is the better melee combatant. If you're doing this quest before venturing to Ust Natha, however, give the weapon to Jaheira for now. ***ITEMS*** (x=790, y=600) Scroll of Flesh to Stone, 6 gold (x=1210, y=770) Sling of Arvoreen +4, 47 gold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 3) Continue to the south. If you trend towards the southeast you'll encounter a random grouping of Beholders, depending on your level. For me, this was three Gauth and three Beholders. Merely having Jaheira present herself was enough to defeat them, but she also stabbed them a bit for good measure. To speed things up, it's advisable to have the rest of your party fire at the Beholders from a distance. It's not quite as safe, as there's always a chance a Beholder will decide to be a jerk and target an unprotected character (if you can shoot them, they can shoot you) but they should focus on Jaheira, for the most part. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) Keep going south and you'll run across a group of Mind Flayers fighting some Gauth. This takes a little more effort than just Beholders, as all my equipment can do nothing against Illithid psionics. Jaheira casts Chaotic Commands on herself and uses Flame Tooth +3/Sling of Arvoreen +4 to attack the Mind Flayers from a distance. The Gauth typically gang up on Jaheira and try and kill her in melee (a tactic that would be most successful if Jaheira had the poor sense to get stunned). As it stands, however, they just uselessly gnash away at her

-10 Armor Class while she daggers or slings the Mind Flayers to death. Once the Illithids are all dead, she merrily switches to Belm +2 and finishes off the Gauth. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) I now head east until I reach some forks in the road occupied by a pair of Beholders. As I fight, more Gauths and Beholders will come from the adjoining tunnels, but it's really just more experience for me. Whatever you do, avoid the tunnel to the southeast, as that takes some additional preparation, which we'll get to in a moment. When the dust settles, five more Beholders lie dead, along with two Gauth. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 6) Now for the tunnel to the southeast. There's an Elder Orb down there who, in addition to his eye rays enjoys employing spells. The real problem here is the fact that he's fond of using Imprisonment, against which Jaheira has no effective defense. One way of dealing with this is to hand the Shield of Balduran and the Cloak of Mirroring to my protagonist, who casts Spell Immunity: Abjuration on himself. Then the worst the Elder Orb can do is Maze him, which will give it a handful of rounds of reprieve, but will only delay the inevitable. Another option is to spell-buff to the max, send the whole party down (Jaheira leading the way) and shoot it down before it gets off an Imprisonment, using Imoen or Edwin to rip down its Stoneskins and other defense as the need arises. An even sneakier option is to let Jaheira use the Vhailor's Helm to create a Simulacrum. Both the gals head down to fight the Elder Orb, but the real Jaheira pulls pack once contact has been made and leaves her Simulacrum to do the fighting and suffer the Imprisonment. Either way, what should be made abundantly clear is the fact that we have options. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 7) Once that battle is effectively over, we've really stamped out all the meaningful opposition in the Beholder Den. Now it's just time to loot our way up north along the eastern edge of the map. Along the way we'll find our old friend, the Greenstone Amulet, and two packs of Gauth, one pack has two Gauth, and the other has three, and neither one is more than a bother for Jaheira. I really don't have a use for the Greenstone Amulet in this game, to tell you the truth. I can always just use Chaotic Commands and Resist/Remove Fear to get the same effects, with no charges and for a much longer duration. The massive stash of gold and gems, however, is a much less dubious prize. There are no spells that create wealth! Return and exit via where you entered (x=300, y=1300). ***ITEMS*** (x=2500, y=1100) Garnet, 1 gold (x=2510, y=570) Greenstone Amulet, Silver Necklace (x=2150, y=150) Emerald x5, King's Tears x3, Gold Ring, 5610 gold (x=1820, y=200) Scroll of Shocking Grasp, Scroll of Cacofiend o======================================================================o | | | Ust Natha | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK032} 1) Infiltrating Ust Natha 2) Money is for Chumps 3) Carlig, Restocked and Re-stolen 4) Time is Not on Our Side 5) Freedom, at No Too Great a Price 6) Buying Experience 7) The Terrible Trouble of Telling Tall Tales 8) The Fighting Pit

9) Dueling Lasaonar 10) Crushing Chalinthra 11) Mage Duel #1 12) Mage Duel #2 13) Mage Duel #3 14) Other Forms of Entertainment 15) Sight-Seeing in Ust Natha 16) Solaufein's First Mission 17) An Odd Assortment of Ambushers 18) Rescuing Phaere 19) Well Deserved R&R 20) Food for Thought 21) Killing Qilue 22) Tavern Rendezvous 23) The Beholder Smuggler 24) A Lesson That Must Be Learned 25) Phaere's Problem 26) The Solaufein Question 27) Meeting the Matron 28) Blood of Thy Neighbors 29) The Gilded Rope 30) More Lich-Talk 31) Intrigue with Jarlaxle 32) Destroying Deirex 33) Deirex's Stash 34) A Slimy Situation 35) Sacking House Jae'llat 36) Liberation 37) A Reagent for the Ritual 38) Phaere's Plot 39) Solaufein's Scheme 40) Adalon's Eggs 41) Setting the Field 42) Feint Within a Feint 43) Escape or Extermination 44) Adalon's Reward 1) If you haven't already, visit Adalon and get yourself some nice new illusory bodies. Leave Adalon's lair and return to the main section of the Underdark and at the split head east into the unexplored. When you get near the door of Ust Natha a Drow will run ahead of you and into the city. In your sparkly new Drow disguise, when you approach the gate the door will open and a Drow will confront you. If you have Viconia in your party, she knows the correct thing to say to gain entrance. On your own, you'll get four options. Pick option #4, as any other action is either too strong, too weak, or simply obviously stupid and results in a fight. Once you're accepted he'll tell you to seek somebody named Solaufein, who is part of the Male Fighter's Society. when you're done chatting with the gate guard, enter the city at (x=4900, y=100). Ust Natha (AR2200) o======================================================================o 2) Upon entering the city, a Drow will decide one of his Duergar servants has outlived his usefulness, and will dispose of it. For his impudence, a Drow Priestess shows up and informs him that he, too, has overstepped his bounds and outlived his usefulness. The Drow Priestess smites her son with a spell and leaves. Yeah, yeah, we get it. Drow are bad news. But they've got good stuff to sell! There are three merchants standing around, one at (x=1050, y=3350) sells scrolls, another Drow at (x=1020, y=3100) sells some interesting weapons, armor, and some scrolls, and the last one (x=1020, y=3000) sells a few interesting

trinkets and potions. All can be robbed, and all should be. This is the first task I set about completing in Ust Natha. If you have morality problems, just think, you're stealing from bad Dark Elves. This is a super justified round of stealing! I go ahead and chug four potions of Master Thievery to ensure the ease of this bout of stealing. Here are the goodies I set my eyes on (although, being a habitual pick-pocket and hoarder of useless game items, I'll probably steal everything that's somewhat useful): Merchant at (x=1050, y=3350): Finger of Death I already had one to scribe, but now both my Mages can cast it. There aren't any better 7th level spells for a Mage to keep on them constantly. Instant death and the enemy has to save at -2? Good stuff. Incendiary Cloud We found one scroll earlier when we dealt with Vithal, but now both Mages have access to it. It's not my go-to 8th level spell, as it's not as versatile as Horrid Wilting, but sometimes it just pays to cast a lingering cloud-effect spell. Spell Sequencer We just got one of these earlier from Carlig, and now, both Mages have one. Merchant at (x=1020, y=3100): Harbinger +3 A Two Handed Sword +3? Is it a dream come true? Not quite. Although its enchantment is up to snuff, it has the annoying property of unleashing a 10d6 fireball 5% of the time. This makes this a decidedly unfriendly weapon to your party and any allies or innocent bystanders nearby. Its property of killing Ogres is also fairly dubious. How many Ogres have we fought so far? And how many of them are even really a threat anymore? It might be worth picking up if you just want to collect as many unique weapons as possible and you have the inventory space, but it has some serious drawbacks that prevents Keldorn/Minsc from using it regularly. Fire Tooth +3 This weapon is excellent for Jaheira (if you allowed her to become proficient in Daggers), or failing that, Edwin. In both cases, it fulfills their need for a +3 weapon AND for a ranged weapon. As for a primary melee weapon, Fire Tooth's 2d4 +3 damage is blatantly superior to Blackblood's 1d6 +3, and for some reason Fire Tooth seems to get more attacks per round than it should-rivaling Belm. At the end of the day, everybody but Jaheira will find a better weapon to use at some point in the game. Imoen gets the Gesen Bow and Edwin can just use the Crimson Dart +3, but there are no +3 Scimitars in Shadows of Amn. I make this weapon Jaheira's ranged and melee weapon for the rest of the game. And note... do not confuse this dagger, Fire Tooth +3, with the Crossbow Firetooth +4. I guess the developers liked the name so much they had to use it twice? Sure, fire is cool, and so are teeth... but it just seems like a missed opportunity to name one of them 'Fire Fang', instead. Sure, it means the same thing, but then at least one of them would have a different name, and alliteration is always cool. Ah well. Robe of the Evil Archmagi If poor Edwin doesn't have the Robe of Vecna yet, you might consider grabbing this for him... So long as you get it for free. After all, Edwin won't benefit from the Drow Elven Chain that Imoen and Nalia can

wear. Even if you've slapped some Bracers of Armor on him, the magic resistance and saving throw bonus helps. Sentinel +4 This shield is just brute Armor Class, giving a whopping +5 bonus. It might not have the missile resistance of the Fortress Shield +3 or the immunities of the Shield of Harmony +2, but it sure outclasses Saving Grace +3. Spear of Withering +4 The best that can be said about this weapon is that it's got a +4 enchantment. Otherwise, I'd take the Impaler's ten piercing damage over this weapon's four poison damage Staff of Earth +2 Well, there's a staff for every other element, why not earth? You probably won't end up using it, but it can come in handy in select situations where Earth Elementals are involved. Maze While it's nowhere near as useful in general as Horrid Wilting, on occasion you might find yourself bothered by a heavy-hitter who uses his head to hold a helmet more than anything else. In these cases, popping off a Maze to take it out of the fight for several rounds may be better than just dealing some damage. The fact that the enemy doesn't get to save is a bonus, too. Merchant at (x=1020, y=3000): Kaligun's Amulet of Magic Resistance It has double the amount of Magic Resistance given by the Amulet of 5% Magic Resistance, which makes it a fairly nifty accessory. I put it on Keldorn, as he's one of my main Mage-debuffers. He can't really function at using True Sight and Dispel Magic to save the party and confound enemies if he's under some kind of debilitating spell effect. In an evil party Viconia serves a similar role. Also, I just like to keep the magic resistance on a few characters so I can count on them to resist spell effects. That approach pretty much calls for Keldorn and Viconia. Potion of Master Thievery He's only got two, but it'll partially replenish our stock to steal these. I steal so I can steal. Rod of Smiting This rod acts as a +3 Quarterstaff that deals ten bonus damage against Golems and forces them to save vs. death or be destroyed each hit. If you remember how we struggled against the Iron Golem in the de'Arnise Keep, you'll realize that Golems can, indeed, be a pain... And we've yet to find any Adamantine Golems! Previously our Mages just had to sit back and hope the rest of the party could handle things-Golems being immune to spells and all. Now, they can actually take an active hand in dealing with Golems, provided they're well-protected. Since this rod can only be used by Clerics and Mages, it's not a general substitute for your front-liners. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 3) Steal anything (and everything) you want. At 165% Pick Pockets I was able to fleece just about at will... although there's always a chance you'll get caught. Once you're done, we have a bit more stealing to do. Head back out into the Underdark and visit Carlig, who treats you noticeably different now. He'll also 'sell' you some new items, including new scrolls and four more Potions of Master Thievery. Steal

whatever you wish and replenish your stock of Potions of Master Thievery. Carlig is more on guard this time, and won't be as easy to steal from as he was earlier. Still, I make sure to obtain his potions to ensure that I end with a net gain in stealing supplies from this venture. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) Return to Ust Natha. We're done stealing for a while, it's time to get down to business. But before we bother doing anything in the city, a word about the following missions. The Drow are fairly pissy about having their tasks done in a timely manner. If you screw around too long, you will draw the matron mothers upon you, and that is not a good thing, to say the least, as it'll blow your cover and turn the Drow hostile against you. For this first task, we've got about four daysthat's twelve rest sessions, or 96 hours. This is why I felt fairly comfortable with stealing from those merchants, which wouldn't take up more than one of our rest periods, at the most. There's still plenty of time to go clear out the Illithid City (AR2400) or Beholder Den (AR2101) should we desire. The former will be made easier with the acquisition of Fire Tooth +3. If you already cleared these areas, or plan to do them later, we've still got some time, so let's do a few things around Ust Natha, just to get our feet wet. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) Over at (x=1930, y=3190) you'll find a Djinni named Dola Fadoon, who is being maliciously tortured-and then healed-by Drow, who are careful to keep him alive, if not well. If you do what the Djinni wants and kill him, you'll get the proper experience for killing one of his kind, but the Overseer Handmaiden will not be pleased, and you'll be left with two options-provoke her into a fight, which blows your cover, or pay her 4000 gold. If you do this quest much, much later (after Step #28) you can play the 'House Despana' card to argue her down to 2000 gold. Still, 2000 gold for 5000 experience? No thanks. Sorry Dola Fadoon, next time try not to suck so much. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 6) At (x=900, y=2860) you'll find a Drow who is selling the services of some beasts, which will follow you around for a while and presumably helping in combat... but you can't take them out of the city or into buildings, which makes them fairly useless. Of course, you can always buy them and kill them for their experience value, which is probably the best use you can put them to. You can purchase a Gnoll (500 gold, 34 EXP), a Troll (750 gold, 1400 EXP), a Spirit Troll (1000 gold, 8000 EXP), and an Umber Hulk (1500 gold, 4000 EXP). Obviously the most cost effective monster is the Spirit Troll, which gives an 8-to-1 EXP-to-gold payoff. Still, EXP is more plentiful than gold, so why bother? Drow Tavern, Downstairs (AR2202) o======================================================================o 7) Head north into a building at (x=1800, y=2550), which is nothing less than your typical Drow watering hole. In the large central room a group of Drow trade tales, which largely just fill you in on the history of the Ust Natha, and somewhat on the general history of the Drow. There are also interesting tales of Adalon to hear, which will go a long way towards explaining her antipathy towards the Drow, and the significance of her eggs. Merinid (x=1170, y=1170) has a particularly humorous story to tell, but in the telling he offends another patron, Tathlyn, who attacks him and will, in all likelihood, kill him. Shame. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 8) Szordrin (x=1450, y=850) runs the fighting pit, where you can test your mettle against enslaved beasts for the glory of Lolth... and some gold. Make sure to send a strong (and preferably spell-buffed) character

into the fight. For me, this is a simple matter, my Fighter/Mage is by far the most versatile and lethal single character in my party. Your first foe is an Umber Hulk, not a trivial opponent, but no match for my protagonist. Kill it and return to Szordrin for your reward of 250 gold. The second foe is a Nabassu-you know, like Aec'Letec from the first game. If it doesn't paralyze you with its gaze, it has no chance to defeat you in melee combat. Your reward for this fight is 500 gold. Next up is a Sahuagin Prince, which seems fairly weak compared to a Nabassu. It is, however, like Szordrin promises, a powerful opponent, capable of striking my -5 Armor Class with no great difficulty. Still, Stoneskin and Mirror Image just gives me too many advantages. Return to Szordrin and collect your reward-750 gold. Even Szordrin isn't eager about the next fight, which will pit you against a fairly strong Beholder. Even with the Cloak of Mirroring, make sure you have Chaotic Commands, as it can still hit you with Domination and Fear... both of which are more annoying than threatening. When it's dead, head back to Szordrin for your predictable reward of 1000 gold. You can now ask Szordrin some questions, but he doesn't say much that the storytellers already haven't. If you attempt to challenge him to a fight, brave Szordrin will admit he's no match for you and run off to go find something worth your time. Wuss. Note: If enemies in the pit aren't appearing, stand near the gate. The game apparently wants you to wait on your side of the arena-near the entrance-before the enemies will spawn. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 9) Sondal awaits at (x=570, y=1130). Talk to him and he'll tell you about the dueling arena, where Drow fight other Drow. Watch as Lasaonar destroys four lesser Drow before returning outside. Now's your chance to take on Lasaonar, whenever you're ready. I simply go in with my protagonist and cut Lasaonar to pieces. He's got a lot of Hit Points, but otherwise, he's just not up to snuff. Before you kill him, he'll yield, giving up his sword. To sweeten the deal, you'll also get a nice experience reward. It's also worthwhile to grab the gear of his defeated foes while you're here. ***REWARD*** (For defeating Lasaonar) EXP 30000 Item Blade of Searing +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 10) Immediately after defeating Lasaonar his benefactor, Chalinthra, will show up and challenge you to a duel. You can dismiss her and fight other duelists, instead, but why not pummel this impudent female? She's a fairly potent priestess, but she focuses her initial efforts in spellbuffing, as much as a Cleric can spell-buff. If you're lucky you'll stun her with Celestial Fury and chop her down in short order, if not, she'll get of a Sanctuary and cast Heal when she's hurt. Still, after her sanctuary runs out you can continue attacking her. Since her spells can't hurt you, and since I'm more powerful than her in melee combat, she doesn't really stand a chance. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 11) Next up we have some Mages to fight, who will only accept the challenge of other Mages. Since my protagonist technically counts, I can always send him in, or there's always Edwin and Imoen. Either way, I make sure whomever is sent is wearing the Cloak of Mirroring, as it will vastly improve their odds. In a straight spell-battle, I'm at a disadvantage against Drow, as they have Magic Resistance where my Mages do not. The Cloak of Mirroring overcomes this handicap and more. Once protected against their offensive spells (but note, not their statusaffecting spells) I have several methods in mind for exiting victorious.

The most obvious is simply going after them with my Fighter/Mage, who should be able to ignore most of their spells and cut them to pieces. Edwin and Imoen use Summon Nishruu to deplete the enemy of their spells, while tearing down their spell defenses with Breach. Using Lower Resistance opens them up to spell assaults, and summoning monsters (with spells or with items) can distract them. It's especially pleasing to use the Black Spider Figurine we found earlier. What better to kill a Drow than a spider? Of course, Edwin can use the Fire Tooth +3 we 'bought' earlier as well, and Imoen always has her bow. Give them a Ring of Free Action and cast Chaotic Commands on them and they should be able to shrug off anything the Mages can throw at them. The first Mage begins with Protection from Normal Missiles and Mirror Image on, but he is otherwise laughably weak. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 12) The second Mage begins with Shadow Door, which will prevent you from targeting them with spells unless you use a True Sight or Detect Invisibility to bring it down. He then summons some monsters and attempts to spell-buff them with Haste before resorting to offensive spells that are incapable of harming us, thanks to the Cloak of Mirroring. Just remember that a single Death Spell will eradicate his summons, and that beyond that, he can't really touch anybody wearing the Cloak of Mirroring. I don't even bother using any other spells, I let him Shadow Door, then I kill his summons with a Death Spell, and pick him apart with whatever weapons I have equipped. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 13) The third Mage also begins with Shadow Door, which they'll use to safely cast Spell Turning and Summon Nishruu. How dare they turn our tactics against us! My main character can smite the Nishruu in melee combat easily enough, but Imoen and Edwin will have to use another Death Spell to achieve the same end. While we deal with the Nishruu, the Mage will attempt to remove our spell protections with Khelben's Warding Whip (of course, this does nothing against our Cloak of Mirroring) before finally resorting to offensive spells. Once the Nishruu is gone, there isn't much this Mage can do to us. Once her Hit Points get low she'll get off a Spell Sequencer that'll put up a Fire Shield, Stoneskin, and give her some Melf's Minute Meteors to attack with. Unfortunately we aren't immune to her Fireshield, but at this point it's the most dangerous thing she can put up against us. When she inevitably dies we'll be done with the dueling pit. Drow Tavern, Upstairs (AR2203) o======================================================================o 14) Head upstairs (x=500, y=850) to reach the second level of the tavern. At (x=660, y=700) you'll find a male Drow who will entertain you with 'the arts of oiled massage and other exotic pleasures'. Over to the east you'll find a trio of imprisoned Drow, who were apparently refugees from house De'Vir seeking sanctuary in Ust Natha. Again with R.A. Salvatore... one gets the impression there wouldn't even be Drow if it weren't for him. Granted there were old Dungeons and Dragons Modules where they appeared, and they had an entry in the Fiend Folio, and the first gaming appearance I remember of them was in a game on the Sega Genesis, but they certainly wouldn't have gained such widespread usage without the Drizzt Books. Still, that doesn't mean that everything has to borrow from them... Anyways, there's not much you can do, but if you talk to the closest of the captive males, he'll commit suicide. Finally, at (x=1100, y=490) you'll find a Drow who controls what is obviously the pinnacle of dark elven entertainment... aside from tormenting their down-on-their-luck fellows. You get to see him press a button, after which a slave walks out onto a rune and explodes. He'll demonstrate for free, but if you talk to him again you can witness the brutality over and over again for a mere 100 gold. You can do this three times, and

each time you pay for this spectacle, you'll lose a point of reputation. If you're beaten up, or otherwise not at your peak, and you have some time left, it pays to rest at the tavern (the barkeep is on the lower level, on a raised platform north of the fighting pit). After we meet with Solaufein, our fun time will be significantly reduced. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 15) Return to Ust Natha. There are some slave pens to the northwest, but since we really can't do anything with them yet, head northeast instead. You'll find a dark elf engaged in diplomacy with some Mind Flayers. Don't talk to her too much, or she'll get pissy and attack youblowing your cover in the process. Continue east to the Female Fighter's Society. It's empty right now, and there's only a few gold coins of loot inside, so it's not really worth exploring. The house on the next level is outright inaccessible, although the map and the Drow outside name it as Qilue's home. We'll deal with it later. To the southeast a surface Elf will run by, followed later by the Drow who are hunting her for sport. They'll ask you where she went, and you'll get the chance to point her out, or send them the wrong way, neither of which seem to lead to anything. If you go into the spire at (x=2500, y=1800) you'll surface on the upper levels. Enter another doorway at (x=2150, y=1500) to reach the top-most platform, and continue northeast, then southeast, until you find the way blocked by some Drow males herding a trio of Duergar. A female impatiently waits for the Drow to move their slaves, and when this takes too long, she promptly smites them all and walks on. Each Drow will leave behind a suit of Chain Mail, a Dagger, and 120 gold. Over at (x=4650, y=1140) you'll find a 'Spelljammer Drow', who owns a planar-ship. He'll offer to hire you on as crew if you're around in a few months, which, unfortunately, we won't be. To the southwest some slaves will fight (and ultimately feed) some Giant Spiders. Return to the ground level of Ust Natha. We could explore to the southeast, but both the points of interest in that direction (Deirex's Tower and the Temple of Lloth) aren't worth exploring yet, and there are no encounters to speak of. Head northeast instead, towards the Male Fighter's Society, where you'll find your man Solaufein at (x=3530, y=1650). <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 16) Solaufein will tell you that you're to meet with a Handmaiden near the gates of the city. Apparently, you've already got a job to do. If you have Viconia with you, she'll warn you about the Drow. Be obedient, don't screw around, and kill everybody beneath you. Yeah, great advice, Viconia. You can loot the Male Fighter's Society for a handful of gold, if you wish, but since there's not much to do in Ust Natha right now, return to the bazaar near the city entrance and find Solaufein (x=1530, y=3330) and Imrae (x=1450, y=3280). You'll be told that due to the preparations of the army, the city is a little short-handed right now, and this is the only reason you're being given a chance to prove yourself, instead of being enslaved. I'm sure we can see a huge difference between slavery and servitude. Solaufein takes over after Imrae is done threatening, and tells us that our job is to intercept a group of 'devourers', or Mind Flayers, that have captured one of the Matron Mother's daughters, and rescue her. You've got twelve hours to reach the ambush site outside of the entrance to the Illithid tunnels. So, let's hope you took my advice and rested up at the tavern after completing the fighting pit and dueling arena! <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 17) A short ways outside of Ust Natha, just past the bridge leading to the tunnels that run to Adalon and Ust Natha, you'll find a group of enemies. This group of misfits consists of a Skeleton, an Ogre named Boz, a Cleric named Chandrilla, a War Dog, a Mage named N'ashtar, a Goblin named Simbja, a Thief named Damien and an Imp named Pitch. Unfortunately for them, they don't have much in the way of detecting

invisible enemies, allowing you to blast them with area-of-effect spells before heading into combat with them. It's obvious that their intent is to send the weaker enemies to distract you, while the Mage and Cleric in the back pester you with spells. My Fighter/Mage lets loose a Greater Malison, Imoen fires off a Chaos, and Anomen or Viconia targets the Skeleton with a Greater Command. It won't affect the Skeleton, but it'll affect everything else! Once done, only the Skeleton, N'ashtar, Damien, and Pitch remained in fighting condition. Imoen casts Haste and Keldorn runs off on his own to attack N'ashtar, or whatever other spell-caster might be roaming about (his Drow Full Plate +5 reduced his Armor Class to an obscene -10, which allows me to play him bolder than I otherwise might.) My party gangs up on Damien and works their way down through any enemies that are still conscious, finally smiting any hapless, and helpless, foes that remain. It is with only a small amount of boasting that I admit that they didn't manage to even scratch me, and all you need worry about is Damien. If he's not affected by your initial spell barrage, he'll be keen on chugging Potions of Invisibility and targeting your Mage... still, a simple Stoneskin spell renders him impotent: Damien: Potions of Invisibility x3, Potions of Healing x3 and Oil of Speed. Boz: Full Plate Mail, Helmet, Dragon's Breath +4 (Minsc or Keldorn will gladly use this Halberd if a +4 weapon is required) and 32 gold. N'ashtar: Quarterstaff, Potion of Icedust x2... weird... and a Scroll of Horrid Wilting. Chandrilla: Plate Mail Armor, Medium Shield, Bullets x40, Mace and a Sling. Simbja: Hide Armor, Arrows x60, Dagger, Shortbow and 23 gold. Note: Looking at Infinity Explorer, you'll find that this party is an odd bunch. Damien is Neutral Evil, Boz is Chaotic Evil, N'ashtar and Chandrilla are both Chaotic Good, and Simbja somehow has no alignment at all. Such a silly game... <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 18) Continue to the area marked on the map as the 'Eastern Tunnels' to find Solaufein (x=4700, y=3100). Make sure to rest up and talk to Solaufein. He'll tell you the Illithids are approaching. This will give you several rounds to spell-buff. Move your party east of Solaufein, as the Illithids will spawn all around him to the north, west, and south. Switch to missile weapons and get up as many Chaotic Commands as you can. Focus on defensive spells like Mirror Image, Blur, and Invisibility, as Stoneskin won't help you much. When Solaufein is done, three Mind Flayers appear (mostly west of Solaufein) and three Umber Hulks (one north, two south). It's doubly imperative to have Chaotic Commands, as a confused character is just that much easier for a Mind Flayer to kill. I immediately have my protagonist and Imoen hit the enemies with a Death Spell (using the Skull of Death might, on this one occasion, prove useful). With three death effects all targeting the central Illithid closest to Solaufein, all six of the enemies succumbed to the necromantic onslaught. I used my main character (well-defended, of course) as bait, but in hindsight it may be better to just use summoned monsters. They won't last long, but they'll last long enough to get the Death Spells off. After all the enemies are dead, Phaere will, as Solaufein predicted, be rather contemptuous of your efforts. Phaere decides to make her way back to Ust Natha alone, after showing

some interest in your protagonist. Solaufein will curse at her after she leaves, and follow her to make sure she doesn't screw up your mission by getting killed. I think they are friends. ***REWARD*** (For rescuing Phaere) EXP 20000 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 19) Return to Ust Natha, where you'll find Imrae and Solaufein in the bazaar, in the same place they were standing before you went off to rescue Phaere. Talk to Solaufein, and you'll be rewarded.. kind of.. with text... so not really. Phaere demands your presence in the tavern in a day's time, and she also demands that Solaufein and your party rest and relax in the tavern as a reward. If you have to be demanded to partake in something, does it still count as a reward?... Apparently it does... <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 20) A Duergar (x=1050, y=3150) will intercept you and tell you that his 'master', apparently the creature in the tank next to him, wants to talk to you. If you refuse to speak with the creature, which is an Aboleth, a fish-creature that is highly intelligent and capable of telepathy, it'll broadcast your thoughts to the entire city, tipping the Drow off. It's not bluffing, so head over to the tank and talk to it (x=800, y=3000). It wants to know more about the religion of the Drow, and the power that it brings them, and instead of cracking open a book like a good fish, it wants you to kill a priestess named Qilue and bring her brain to the Aboleth, from which it can add her memories to its own. Lazy, gross fish! You can hardball it by refusing to do its task and threatening to reveal its plans to the Drow if it reveals your identity, but it's more fun to kill Qilue. ***REWARD*** (For countering the Aboleth's threat) EXP 12000 Qilue's House (AR2206) o======================================================================o 21) We have a whole day to get this done, so head over to Qilue's House (x=2720, y=1900), which is near the Female Fighter's Society. Inside is Qilue, who is already hostile, so there's no real reason to worry about diplomacy. She has two Drow Servants with her-both of which are Mages. I immediately fall upon the one in front of the door, while Keldorn again bravely rushes Qilue. If her second Drow Servant gets off a Symbol: Fear, it should only affect Keldorn, and it can be safely dispelled. I then hit the second Mage with Breach and direct all my violent attention upon him. After those two are dead, Qilue will dimension door to the east, where three more Mages await. I cast Chaotic Commands on my protagonist, who goes east alone to kill the other two Mages. They'll uselessly target him with their spells, and my other party members will take down their spell defenses with Breach, and soften them with missile fire. When Qilue is the only one left, I finally bother to focus my attention on her. She goes down surprising quickly. For the evil party, Edwin advertises his indisputable superiority as a Mage by softening up both groups of Mages with Horrid Wilting, Haer'Dalis uses Breach to take down their Stoneskins, and my protagonist takes advantage of vulnerable Mages, while the rest of my party simply destroys the first Mage at the door. Loot her corpse and lay your hands on another suit of Drow Adamantine Chain +5, a Drow Shield +3, a Drow Flail +3, Boneblade +4 (a great weapon for Jaheira if she's proficient in Daggers, it'll allow her to damage creatures otherwise immune to lesser weapons), Qilue's Brain, a Scroll of Conjure

Fire Elemental, and one gold. Her house has some very minor loot inside of it, and the Drow Servants will drop a paltry amount of gold. Return the brain to the Aboleth, which will be ungrateful, as is typical of denizens of the Underdark. You'll get a small experience reward and the critter will leave you be. Note that even though the experience reward is only 10,000 EXP, we earned 57,000 EXP from killing Qilue and her bodyguards, as well as obtaining the Boneblade +4. All in all, it's a net gain of 55,000 EXP and one +4 weapon. Not bad. ***REWARD*** (For bringing Qilue's brain to the Aboleth) EXP 10000 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 22) Return to the tavern where we vanquished our enemies, both Drow and beast, and find Phaere at (x=1000, y=750). Phaere is decidedly nicer to you, and it becomes painfully evident that she and Solaufein have a distinctly antagonistic relationship. Love-hate seems to miss the mark by a four-letter word starting with 'L'. In any case, this works out well for you, as Phaere is content to be somewhat less of a complete bitch during this conversation. She'll tell you that since you and Solaufein (emphasis on the 'you' is presumed) kick so much ass, you're going to be rewarded with more dangerous work. Climbing the ladder is fun! If you're flirty with her, you'll certainly get a negative response from your romantic interest, if you have one. In any event, you have several days to start this next quest... starting after Phaere leaves the tavern. Talk to Phaere and she'll boast grandiose about the future of her house, and herself in particular, promising that if you stick with her, you'll invariably be caught in the updraft. Apparently House Despana is planning something that will bring them to a position of absolute power within Ust Natha. You can talk to Solaufein, too, who is decidedly less interesting this time around. Rest up and head to Phaere when you're ready... she'll be in the bazaar near the entrance to the city, where Solaufein and Imrae were before-she substitutes for Imrae. You have nearly three days to play with, if you wish. You could tackle the Illithid City (AR2400) or the Beholder Den (AR2101) in this time, if you didn't do so already and are now so inclined. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 23) When you're ready to continue with the Ust Natha quests talk to Phaere, who will tell you that a Beholder has infiltrated the city and is smuggling precious Adamantine on its Spelljammer ship. Phaere says it's located on one of the platforms along the southeastern part of Ust Natha. Head to the large circular platform southeast of Deirex's Tower to rendezvous with Phaere and Solaufein. Before I talk to Phaere (x=4020, y=3390) I cast Chaotic Commands and Remove Fear on my Fighter/Mage, and move the rest of my party away from the stairs leading from the platform to the city, as that's where the Beholder will appear. When it shows up, my protagonist engages, utterly immune to all its attacks. Once it dies, there's brief celebration followed by an experience reward and, of course, another demand made by Phaere to meet in the tavern-this time you have three days, and again, it's another opportunity to explore some areas outside of town. Note: I had this quest mess up before. When talking to Phaere and Solaufein near the city entrance, do not talk to Phaere again after she tells you to meet her at the platform to the southeast. It could cause the next phase of the conversation to trigger down here, without triggering the Beholder's arrival. At the end of everything, you could end up with Phaere and Solaufein reappearing where the quest continues, but continuing to talk to Phaere will only yield the response 'Phaere has nothing to say to you.' This essentially makes the quest fail to move forward, and all you can do is wait for time to expire. Not a good

situation. Fortunately, however, Shadow Keeper saves the day again. If this happens to you, make a save you can edit and open up Shadow Keeper. Go to the 'Global Variables' tab and find the entry 'PHAERESPEAKBEHOLD' (the entries are listed alphetically, so it shouldn't be too hard to find.) If the quest is giving you the trouble mentioned above, the value should bet set to '1'. Change it to '0', save via Shadowkeeper, and exit. Restart the game, and Phaere should talk, as appropriate. Once again, I have to say that Shadow Keeper is a wonderful companion for this game. It sure saved me a lot of frustration here. ***REWARD*** (For killing the adamantine-smuggling Beholder) EXP 20000 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 24) Return to the tavern and talk to Phaere, who is in her usual spot. She'll tell you that both you and Solaufein have been tasked with teaching the Svirfneblins a lesson. Apparently they're just not quite afraid enough of the Drow (and indeed, our time in the Gnome village showed that they were just a bit too cheery, all things considered.) Solaufein complains about having to degrade himself by such menial labor. Keldorn will complain if he's part of your group, but it doesn't strike Phaere as odd enough to look into. Solaufein wants this job over with quickly, so don't mess around. Exit Ust Natha and travel to (x=900, y=2200) where Solaufein awaits. Of course, you have some options, you can do this the 'good' way, or the 'evil' way. This is easy for you, since you really just need to choose whatever strikes your fancy, but for your poor, beleaguered FAQ-writer, I have to play through all options so you can be well informed. Just letting you know how much more difficult and time-consuming this-and the next few stepsare going to be for me... damned options! Anyways, despite my whining, this step isn't too consequential. Talk to Solaufein and if you want to save the Gnomes, tell Solaufein to take a hike and he will gladly depart, to spite Phaere, if for no better reason. If Solaufein is still around when the Svirfneblin arrive, they will be hostile and there will be no room for diplomacy, but if he's gone, you can talk to their leader and save the Gnomes while satisfying the Drow. Ask for the leader's helmet to prove that you completed the deed and the Gnomes will head off. The Gnomes will give decent experience, but the only loot worth mentioning are the Darts of Stunning some of them drop. Still, you don't lose reputation for killing them, and you don't gain more experience for saving them, so it's really up to you. Like I said, pretty inconsequential. Return to Phaere for your reward, which seems inordinately large for the trouble of wandering outside and asking a Gnome for his helmet. Phaere is extra testy today, and it even spills out on you-but just a bit. She demands your presence at the Female Fighter's Society within the hour, so make haste and head over there. ***REWARD*** (For returning the Patrol Leader's Helmet to Phaere) EXP 28000 (each character) Female Fighter's Society (AR2204) o======================================================================o 25) Head into the Female Fighter's Society (x=2500, y=2050) and talk to Phaere (x=750, y=1020). Phaere is fed up with Solaufein, and his continued insolence has become more than an annoyance to Phaere-her continued tolerance of Solaufein could jeopardize her position. Simply put, she wants you to kill him and bring back his piwawfi cloak as proof, and she gives you three days to complete the task. If Jaheira is in your party, she points out that sparing Solaufein might have some

merit-after all, we faked the murder of a Gnome patrol and got away with it. It doesn't seem outside the realm of possibility that we could also fake Solaufein's demise. I hope you enjoyed the novel sense of choice and consequence we had when dealing with the Gnomes-from now on, our choices have real consequences. You have three days to deal with Solaufein, and if you haven't cleared either the Beholder Den or Illithid City, now would be a very good time to do so. When you're back and ready to continue on with your Ust Natha quests, rest up and prepare some Sunray spells if you have them, and some Spell Immunity spells. Male Fighter's Society (AR2205) o======================================================================o 26) Head over to the Male Fighter's Society (x=3500, y=1550), and talk to Solaufein (x=700, y=920). Killing Solaufein is the easy task. He's not terribly strong (in fact, my Fighter/Mage alone, with no spell-buffs was more than a match for him), but there are considerations to be made. Explaining what happens involves a little bit of spoilers, but it's necessary in this case to make you see why I have reservations with killing Solaufein. No matter who we side with, (Phaere or Solaufein), there are only two real momentous outcomes of this whole ordeal-we either save Adalon's eggs, or we don't. If we don't, we have to deal with a very angry Silver Dragon, and regardless of what we do, our cover in Ust Natha is bound to be blown as things get complicated. Our priorities should therefore be to eliminate as many enemies as we can while recovering Adalon's eggs. This means siding with Solaufein, who will help us later-but only if he's alive. Even if you're undecided on what you want to do later, you can always change your mind and be as bad as you want to be, but if you kill Solaufein now, you limit your options in the future. Since the difference between his life and death is a mere 6000 experience and a few items that'll disintegrate on the surface, I really have to advocate that everybody-good or evil-spare Solaufein. Besides, it's not like evil people wouldn't occasionally show mercy if they knew it was just to earn greater rewards later... it's not about the actions, it's about the motive. In any case, if you kill Solaufein he'll drop typical Drow gear, along with the rare Drow Scimitar +3. Most importantly he'll drop his Drow Piwawfi Cloak, which does great things. It would be wonderful to keep, but alas, we cannot, and even if we could, it wouldn't do us any good on the surface. If you decide to spare Solaufein, he'll tell the story about him and Phaere, and give up his Piwawfi Cloak willingly. The more you tell Solaufein, the more he'll reveal, in turn, going so far as to admit that he worships Eilistraee-not Lloth. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 27) Return to the Female Fighter's Society and hand Solaufein's Piwawfi Cloak over to Phaere, who is naturally quite pleased, and rewards you with another overly large experience reward. She then decides to take you aside-alone, and her intentions are decidedly adult in nature. If you're in a relationship, you can avoid sleeping with Phaere by picking dialogue options #1, #3, and #1. If you're not, or you just don't care, then it doesn't really matter, does it? Jaheira or Viconia will certainly have a talk with you afterwards. Jaheira is understanding if you use the 'maintaining our disguise' ruse. Viconia is more violent... towards Phaere, not you. She seems rather amused in your apparent inability to turn down some dark elven lovin'. In any event, You're to head to the Temple of Lloth and meet with Mother Ardulace. Apparently Phaere isn't the only one you've impressed. ***REWARD*** (For delivering Solaufein's Piwawfi Cloak to Phaere) EXP 30000 (each character)

Temple of Lloth (AR2201) o======================================================================o 28) From the Female Fighter's Society head southeast, then turn northeast at Deirex's Tower to reach the Temple of Lloth (x=4200, y=2300). Head forward to find Matron Mother Ardulace at (x=1100, y=1220). Funny how we were spotted by one brainy fish, but we can prance merrily through a temple of Lloth unimpeded, no? Lazy spider goddess-eight eyes, and no way to see what really goes on in your own temples... or perhaps she just doesn't care? Ah... capricious, chaotic, demonic deities... Anyways, when you approach Ardulace seems decidedly unimpressed, but Phaere defends your worth quite uncharacteristically. Ardulace will decide to let you prove yourself-as if we had done anything else since we entered this city. You're to retrieve the blood of one of the 'noble' neighbor races, blood belonging to their strongest members. She means, of course, Beholders, Illithids, or Kuo-Toa. Phaere's assassination of the Beholder earlier was a botched attempt to kill an Elder Orb for this very purpose, and since Phaere screwed up, it's up to us to get it right. Our options are to get Elder Brain Blood (Illithid City), Eyestalk of an Elder Orb (Beholder Den), or Kuo-Toan Blood (Kuo-Toa Ruins) which you could have, of course, done before ever entering Ust Natha. If you gathered one or more of the components previously, do NOT give them to Ardulace now, as that will set her plans in motion and deprive us of some side quests that have just opened up in Ust Natha. Speaking of which, accept to go hunting for Ardulace's grisly components and leave the Temple of Lloth. You have three days, as usual, to gather whichever one you desire. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 29) Head up towards the Female Fighter's Society and you'll be bothered by a Drow named Visaj (x=3000, y=2270), who will try to sell you a golden rope. This 'relic of no small power' supposedly belonged to Jarlaxle-yet another character from R.A. Salvatore's books. Long story short, this rope is supposed to protect one from the powers of Deirex, a Drow Lich living in Ust Natha. Perhaps in the area marked on your map as 'Deirex's Tower'? He wants 1000 gold for it, but can be talked down to 500... or you can just threaten him and he'll give it up for free. I like free. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 30) Now, before we rush in and do anything foolish, it's time for a primer on Lich fights. They're like most other fights with Mages, and now that we have the Cloak of Mirroring, we stand a good chance of winning.. so long as we can force the Lich to focus on the character with the Cloak of Mirroring. For me, that's my protagonist, who can become absolutely spell-proof with a few good Spell Immunities. Remember when we beat up that chump Lich, Alchra Diagott? Same rules apply. For higher-leveled parties, we can take a more offensive approach. While our spell-immune character soaks up magic, our Clerics can sit back and try their luck with Sunray (so long as we keep True Sight on so we can target the Lich). It should at least do some damage, and with a little luck, kill it outright... hence why I told you to prepare back in Step #25. Deirex's Tower, Level 1 (AR2207) o======================================================================o 31) Head up to Deirex's Tower (x=3700, y=2800), which you can now enter thanks to the 'Gilded Rope' you got from Visaj. Once inside, however, things don't go exactly as planned, as the rope only gains you entranceit does nothing to prevent the Lich from hitting you with Imprisonment. Or 'Banishment', as the case may be. Instead of a game over, or anything so depressing, you end up in a rather nice room talking to Jarlaxle, who will admit that Visaj-one of Jarlaxle's lieutenants-arranged for you

to get the rope and barge in on Deirex (damn my insufferable brutishness and aggressive loot-seeking!) What Jarlaxle wants is simple-go retrieve the gems within which the souls of some of his men are trapped. How you get them, and whether you kill Deirex and then, what you do with the House Jae'llat Wardstones are of no concern to Jarlaxle. Of course, to compel you to at least do what he wants, Jarlaxle warns you that he knows your true identity, and like the Aboleth, he threatens to blow your cover if you don't do what you want. Unlike with the Aboleth, you have no way to counter Jarlaxle, but like the Aboleth, it's more beneficial to do what your blackmailer wants. Note: There is a bit of a bug with the Deirex encounter... one that works in our favor. If you have the game set to auto-pause when you see an enemy (I do, it's good stuff to prevent the enemy from getting the drop on you) or if you just pause manually as soon as you enter, you can direct your party to attack him. No big deal, right? Sure, except for one problem-Deirex is scripted to walk towards you and cast his Imprisonment spell once he reaches a set destination. If you rush him as soon as you enter, some of your party members might impede his progress. Granted, they are scripted to stop attacking once Deirex is done talking, and you will lose control over your party, but this does not seem to affect your protagonist, who will continue to attack while Deirex moves (slowly, and perhaps futiley) towards his scripted casting spot. It's entirely possible to kill Deirex without him ever casting his Imprisonment spell, without him even being able to lift a finger to defend himself. If that happens, wait a few moments and you'll be teleported to talk to Jarlaxle as if you had been imprisoned-everything works out fine, but when you reappear in Ust Natha and head back to Deirex's Tower, he'll still be dead. There is absolutely no downside to this, as far as I can tell. You continue the quest, get the experience for killing Deirex (and his loot), and you don't even have to bother with the messy business of him being able to defend himself. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 32) So, now it's time to spell-buff up and head inside Deirex's Tower, and this time hopefully meet with a little more success. Unfortunately the idea of sneaking in and stealing from the Lich seems wildly impossible to me, since you must take your whole party in, and any invisibility will be countered by True Sight. Might as well just prepare to kill him. One way to do this is to simply waltz in and hit him with Sunray and hope to kill him. If you're not quite there yet level-wise, you'll have to do the Alchra Diagott strategy, except you must immediately grab your party (save your spell-eater) and run them somewhere safe. After all, your spell-immune character won't help very much if they aren't being targeted, will they? Deirex will start out with True Sight, Protection from Magical Weapons, and Spell Trap. In typical Lichy fashion, he'll then cast Time Stop, and use the free time to cast Death Spell (to clear out any summons, I presume) and Symbol spells. He's also not above casting spells like Wail of the Banshee, to score some cheap kills. When he takes some damage, he'll unleash a Chain Contingency which consists of Mislead and Spell Turning, and his last, final, desperate gasp involves a Contingency that'll put up another Protection from Magical Weapons. When Deirex dies, loot him for a Lich's Tooth, which claims to open up the other levels of this tower, and the Jae'llat Wardstone, which we can use to obtain some more loot. The Armor of the Viper is pretty decent armor for Minsc or Valygar. Sure, the -2 penalty to saves vs. poison/paralyzation sucks, but most effects that hold, stun, or poison are saves vs. death or magic. The only thing that I can think of that actually requires a save vs. paralyzation are Paralytic Bolts. Then again, their Armor Class isn't terribly important, since I tend to use them as archers for most fights. Once you grab Deirex's Gems, Jarlaxle will retrieve you and relieve

you of your new-found gems. He'll reveal that he really only wanted the gems as payment. House Jae'llat owed him, after all, and killing Deirex, a member of House Jae'llat and their ally was punishment enough for stiffing Bregan D'aerthe. Unfortunately, your responses to Jarlaxle are rather limited, and all around unsatisfactory (you have no choice but to be a poor sport, it seems). In any event, Jarlaxle thanks you for playing along, and encourages you to finish looting Deirex's Tower, and candidly suggests that you attack House Jae'llat, too. Jarlaxle promises us some money for our trouble, but none is forthcoming. At least we get a bit of experience, though. ***REWARD*** (For helping Jarlaxle even the score) EXP 10000 ***ITEMS*** (x=850, y=850) Bloodstone Gem, Scroll of Wizard Eye, Scroll of Deafness, Scroll of Glitterdust (x=1600, y=870) Scroll of Grease, Scroll of Remove Magic, Scroll of Contagion (x=1100, y=700) Armor of the Viper +5 (x=1550, y=550) Deirex's Gems, Scroll of Limited Wish, Scroll of Melf's Minute Meteors, Scroll of Spook ***TRAPS*** (x=1100, y=700) Deirex's Tower, Level 2 (AR2210) o======================================================================o 33) Despite Jarlaxle using us for his own ends, I see no reason whatsoever why we shouldn't finish off Deirex's Tower and then sack House Jae'llat. If this makes Jarlaxle happy, so be it. It'll make us richer in loot and experience, and isn't that really what life is all about? I've got a minor in Philosophy, trust me, it is. Enter the door near the Drow Wizard at (x=3470, y=2750) to find a rather large cavern. Loot the pool in the middle for a considerable bit of loot. More than enough, in fact, to make this entire quest worth completing. None of the items, however, make it into my character's hands. The best item, the Crossbow of Affliction +4, retards the melee capacities of the wielder, and since Keldorn is primarily a melee Fighter, we can't have that. I take the description of the weapon as a cautionary tale and decide to sell it as soon as I hit the surface. When you're done cackling with glee over your new loot, head over to the Male Fighter's Society, which you won't quite reach before something else snags your attention... ***ITEMS*** (x=500, y=800) Ring of Clumsiness, Crossbow of Affliction +4, Rogue Stone, King's Tear x2, Moonbar Gem x3, Pearl x5, Wand of Magic Missiles, Wand of Frost, Short Sword +2, Two Handed Sword +2, Spear +3, scroll of Cacofiend, Scroll of Ruby Ray of Reversal, 1128 gold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 34) While wandering around you'll again be bothered by a Drow, this time a female named Taso Kala (x=2480, y=2100), who waits outside of the Female Fighter's Society. When you walk pass she'll harass you, and tell you that Lloth requires your services. By this, I suspect she means the mortal servants of Lloth, and not actually Lloth herself, what about you? A sect of Ghaunadaur worshipers have been found in the city, and you need to eradicate the remnants hiding in the city. Head back down to the southeast, past Deirex's Tower to the large platform where you

smote the Beholder with Phaere and Solaufein. Here you'll find a Ghaunadaur Priest, a Ghaunadaur Priest Leader, a Mage named Relonar, two Otyughs, two Green Slimes, two Mustard Jellies, two Ochre Jellies, and two Gray Oozes. Fun. These folks suffer for their lack of counterscouting techniques, and I lay into them with three Fireballs to start things off (one from my protagonist, one from Imoen or Edwin, and one from whomever has the Book of Infinite Spells.) I then retreat back to near Deirex's Tower, where I left half of my party, and bottleneck them on the stairs. I hit the spell-casters with an Insect Plague, and then just kill what opposition remains in melee. The Drow drop typical Drow gear... none of which we really need anymore. Return to Taso Kala, who will decide that your continued existence is reward enough. Typical... Head over to House Jae'llat like we originally intended. House Jae'llat (AR2209) o======================================================================o 35) With the Jae'llat Wardstone in your inventory, you can enter House Jae'llat (x=3250, y=1450), but you should spell-buff outside before you do. (You can also enter at (x=3500, y=1350), but either route takes you to the same place.) Outside of House Jae'llat, search one of the windows to find some Bracers of Binding. They're cursed, but at least now you can't accuse me of not pointing them out. Inside you'll find various members of House Jae'llat, including Rilloa Jae'llat (a Cleric) along with several Jae'llat Guards. Jump on Rilloa as soon as you enter and she should go down quickly, then mop up the rest of the Jae'llat Guards nearby. Once they're all dead head to the east, then turn north to find Hindra Jae'llat and Ist'tar Jae'llat, the former of which is another Cleric, and the latter of which is a Fighter. Target the former, and if the latter is causing you too much trouble consider targeting him with a debuff like Chaos or Slow. Once they're all dead, loot them. Hindra will leave behind four Diamonds, and of course everybody will drop Drow gear, which we don't need. Loot the house for some more significant loot. The Scimitar +3 'Water's Edge' is really just a +3 Scimitar, but since the developers decided to name it, I'll include it as a somewhatunique weapon (as opposed to a simple Spear +3). And of course, the gems and gold are welcome, too. Make sure you have everything before you leave, you won't be able to come back without the Jae'llat Wardstone. ***ITEMS*** (AR2200) (x=3350, y=1400) Bracers of Binding ***ITEMS*** (AR2209) (x=620, y=600) 12 gold (x=350, y=800) Scimitar +3 'Water's Edge' (x=300, y=750) 1 gold (x=220, y=750) Emerald x4, Pearl x45 (x=170, y=800) 2500 gold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 36) Now there's only one thing left to do before returning to Phaere and Ardulace, it's time to rescue some slaves. Over at (x=1100, y=1800) you'll find a Drow Slave Trader. Ask to buy some slaves and, now with the favor of House Despana secured, he'll agree. If you want them unarmed you can get them for 1000 gold, but if you want them armed, you'll need to pony up 2000 gold. You can argue him down to 500/1500, but that's as low as it goes. But what to do with them? If you buy them you can hunt them down for some experience... for whatever reason, you won't lose any reputation. You can free them unarmed, but as the Slave Leader points out, they've got little hope of making it back to the surface alive. No kidding, this crap is hard! On the other hand if you arm them and then free them, you've significantly improved their odds for survival. You'll get a heftier experience reward and a

point of reputation. Of course, if you just hunt and kill them you'll get roughly 4946 experience if you catch them all. Do whatever your alignment dictates. Okay, so there's one more thing to do: sell off the armor and other crap you've accumulated during your stay here. You don't need it, and it's better to sell it off now than let it disintegrate on the surface... ***REWARD*** (For freeing the slaves-without weapons) EXP 5000 ***REWARD*** (For freeing and arming the slaves) EXP 7500 Reputation +1 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 37) Now that we've cleared the Beholder Den, the Illithid City, and done all the side quests in Ust Natha that can be done, it's time to bring the Matron Mother her component. Talk to Phaere (who is, of course in the Temple of Lloth (AR2201) and they'll collect whatever components you have (no sense carrying them around anyways). Ardulace will then decide to seal the city during the ritual, to prevent the potential interference from a certain testy dragon. Phaere, of course, demands that you meet her in her personal quarters quick-like. ***REWARD*** (For delivering the blood of a noble race to Matron Mother Ardulace) EXP 22000 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 38) Return to the Female Fighter's Society and talk to Phaere, who tells you that she has a plan to take over House Despana-an arrangement that would also be very beneficial to you, were you actually a Drow. After all, why not be the favored male of a Matron, rather than just the favored male of a Matron's eldest daughter? Before she'll tell you her plan you have to say that you're willing to betray the Matron Mother. And why wouldn't you be? The Drow seek to summon a powerful demon to aid them in their attack on the surface elves-which is not merely just a raid, but a full-out war. To get the demon's attention the blood of a noble beast was needed, but giving it Adalon's eggs would entice it to aid them fully. Taking the eggs hostage also prevented Adalon from attacking the Drow soldiers as they mustered their forces. Once they have the services of a greater demon, they wouldn't need to fear Adalon, either. Whatever Jon wants with those surface elves, he's willing to release Drow and all of their schemes upon them, so we can assume it's really nothing good. Since Irenicus wants the elves dead, it would make sense to view them as friendly-the enemy of our enemy, and all that. Phaere has no problem with any of that; in fact, that's what is going to escalate her house into a position of pre-eminence. She wants you to sneak into the House Despana treasury and switch out the real eggs with her fake eggs. When Matron Ardulace offers the phony eggs, the demon will naturally be offended and kill the Matron Mother, at which point Phaere will present the real eggs and gain all the glory. She'll give you the 'Fake Dragon Eggs (Phaere's)', and the 'Despana Treasury Key'. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 39) Head over to the Temple of Lloth and Solaufein will appear if you spared him. To repay you for your mercy he'll give you a second set of fake eggs-these ones will fool Phaere. Solaufein claims not to care about the Drow and their war against the surface, he just wants to

screw Phaere and her house... and not the way he used to! The operative idea is that you take the real eggs, replace them with Phaere's, and then give Phaere Solaufein's fake eggs, resulting in the death of both Phaere and Matron Ardulace... and leaving you with the real eggs. With the 'Fake Dragon Eggs (Solaufein)' in hand, head into the Temple of Lloth. Note: If you have any thoughts about siding with Phaere or Matron Ardulace, you need to make some pretty serious adjustments to your prepared spells. Get as many Bolt of Glory spells prepared as you can, and for your Mages, focus on Magic Missile, Melf's Acid Arrow, Flame Arrow, Greater Malison, and especially Lower Resistance. That is, unless you have some +5 weapons stashed away that I don't know about. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 40) Head to the central main chamber, and head south down a ramp, which curves around back to the north and terminates at a guarded treasury door (x=2100, y=800). If you open the door, the guards will attack-this is inevitable, so just open the door and head into the treasury and kill the Egg Guards inside, where it's less likely other Drow will see them. Inside this room you can see an obvious problem. Five of them, in fact. Besides the Egg Guards, who were just about the weakest Drow ever, are five Golems: two Clay Golems, and three Stone Golems. Gather a strong bunch of melee Fighters and arm them with bludgeoning weapons... Imoen or Edwin can equip the Rod of Smiting and use the range of the weapon to attack from the back. Once your defenses are up, run into the treasury and loot the eggs (x=2100, y=350) and grab the 'Dragon Eggs'. If you leave the room, the Golems won't follow you out, but what fun is that? Dispose of the Golems (which should be pretty easy if you can knock even one out with the Rod of Smiting) and leave. Now, if we have both sets of fake eggs (Solaufein's and Phaere's) and the real eggs, we can take one of several paths, depending on whose eggs you keep and whose eggs you give to whom. To prevent any mistakes and to understand the options before you, be sure to read Steps #41 and #42 before doing anything. Note from Lee: I've had some trouble with this step before - I've found that the best way to handle it is to move as close to the door as possible (to get out of sight range of other Drow Guards), and then kill the two Egg Guards before opening the door. With their demise, there is nobody to sound an alarm, and all seems to go smoothly. If, however, you try to draw them into the room with you, you'll end up with five Golems and two Drow Guards, and the entire place will go hostile (along with some parts of the city). Apparently they won't alarm the other guards if you engage them in straight melee (before opening the door), so just kill them and then proceed with the rest of the sequence. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 41) If you take the eggs to Matron Ardulace (x=520, y=1150) and show her both the real eggs Phaere made you steal, and the fake eggs Phaere planned to replace them with, she'll believe you and bring Phaere in, who is promptly killed. Note that you can give Ardulace Solaufein's fake eggs instead of the real ones. If you don't want to betray Phaere to Ardulace, you can net some extra experience by returning to Phaere at the Female Fighter's Society and giving her the real eggs. And again, you can, of course, give Phaere Solaufein's eggs, as well. If you end up without the real eggs, an Imp will show up and warn you that Adalon can see what's going on, and you had better get those eggs back or else Adalon will be very... unhappy (Lee says I should comment on the Imp talking like Yoda, but I will NOT be pressured when it comes to pointless jokes!) If you have the eggs, the Imp (and presumably Adalon) are pleased, but you're told that Matron Ardulace must be killed before you can get out of the city... since it's sealed and all. If you gave

Phaere either the real eggs, or Solaufein's eggs, return to the Temple of Lloth and meet with her there. If you betrayed Phaere, after Adalon's Imp leaves, a Ritual Guard will show up. Either way, you'll be whisked to the ritual room. ***REWARD*** (For giving Phaere the real eggs) EXP 10000 ***REWARD*** (For giving Phaere Solaufein's fake eggs) EXP 20000 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 42) Ardulace will begin the rite to summon the demon, and sure enough a Lesser Demon Lord shows up. Don't let the 'lesser' fool you, focus more on the 'Demon Lord' part. If you played a switcheroo on Matron Ardulace, however, she'll be smote by the demon. If Phaere is still alive, she will interject and attempt to placate the demon by offering it the real eggs... or what she thinks are the real eggs. Again, if she has fake eggs she'll be smote by the demon, too. If Ardulace has the real eggs, she offers them up to the demon without a hitch, and the demon will reveal your disguise, and they'll all attack (Phaere is worth 12000 experience, Ardulace is worth 16000, and the Lesser Demon Lord is worth 26000, or 54000 total). If Ardulace was killed and Phaere attempts to give the demon the eggs, you'll get a chance to interject. Both of them will turn hostile anyways, but you'll be able to loot the real eggs off Phaere's corpse this way. If Phaere succeeds in giving up the real eggs, the demon will reveal your disguise and both Phaere and the demon will attack you. Finally, if you gave them both fake eggs, or if you had Phaere killed and gave Ardulace fake eggs the demon will leave without a fight. Finally... if you're evil, you can bargain with the demon yourself after the two Drow are dead... unless you have either Jaheira or Keldorn in your party, then they'll object and the demon will leave, and you'll have to deal with a hostile Keldorn and/or Jaheira. If you have a party full of moral relativists, you can ask the demon for a vast amount of wealth, or power beyond belief... but the demon will just kill you instead. He'll also kill you if you try and change your mind. If you ask for escape, he'll escort you out of the city, killing every Drow you encounter along the way. If you ask for a 'powerful magic item' the demon will give you Blackmist +4, a Halberd that can cast darkness three times per day. Unfortunately, Adalon has a better deal for us. So what to do? If you want to kill as much as possible, you could give Phaere the real eggs, then interrupt her ritual and kill her and the demon (12000 experience, and 26000 experience, respectively, plus the 10000 experience for giving Phaere the eggs.) The demon is invulnerable to anything less than a +5 weapon... which we don't have. His Hit Points, however, aren't insurmountable. If you can hit him with several Bolt of Glory spells he'll go down. If you're lower level, hit him with at least two Lower Resistance spells, which will open him up to other offensive spells (magic missile, etc.) He might be strong, but he is far from unbeatable if you take his magic resistance down. On the other hand, if you do a double-switcheroo by replacing the real eggs with Phaere's fake eggs, and then give Phaere Solaufein's fake eggs, you'll get a hefty quest experience reward which far outstrips what you'd get from fighting. Frankly, this is my favorite option. Even the loot-monger in me can admit that Blackmist +4 isn't worth fighting Adalon over, since it will be soon out-classed by loot we will find when we're back on the surface. It also prevents us from getting the quest experience for returning Adalon's eggs, which is pretty damn generous. Loot Matron Ardulace for some truly quality loot, including Gorgon Plate +4. With an Armor Class of -1 it's one of the best suits of armor in Shadows of Amn.

I typically put it on one of my shield-carrying characters with a decent amount of Dexterity, as it's Armor Class isn't quite as good as some of the other high-end armors we'll find. For me, this typically means either Jaheira or Viconia. She also drops a Ring of Spell Turning, which casts Minor Spell Turning once per day-it'll block up to four spell levels worth of spells, or up to one 7th level spell... which doesn't really make it worth wearing around. In addition, she drops three Rogue Stones, five Moonbar Gems, six Black Opals, and 3500 gold. ***REWARD*** (For tricking Phaere and Matron Ardulace to their demise) EXP 25000 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 43) Now we only have a few minutes to escape the city before our cover is blown (provided it wasn't blown by the demon earlier). But the obvious question remains... why do we care? Most Drow are worth several thousand experience apiece, and we can fight them in relatively small groups. If you want to get as much experience as you can, just go through Ust Natha killing the Drow. You won't be coming back here, so there's really no point in sparing anybody or anything. You can expect to earn tens of thousands of experience.. even if you won't find any good loot. You can also cast Haste on your party and try to make a break for it... perhaps aided by Invisibility 10' Radius? As an Elf, however, I just can't resist the chance to turn the tables on the Drow. Note: After you leave Ust Natha, it's a good time to visit Carlig and sell some junk. You can also visit the Gnomes for more shopping. You might want to consider buying some +2 ammunition, if you don't have any lying around. This will come in handy during an encounter later. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 44) Leave Ust Natha and enter Adalon's cave... you do still have that Light Gem, right? Let's hope so. Go up to Adalon with her eggs in hand and give them to her. She'll be delighted and rewards you as promisednot only with the largest experience reward so far, but with Necaradan's Crossbow +3 as well. It's a decent Crossbow, but its +3 THAC0 and damage isn't worth trading the +5 THAC0 and +2 damage of the Heavy Crossbow of Accuracy. Adalon will reveal that she lied-you could have fought your way out, but it doesn't really matter anymore. This was far more rewarding. She now fulfills the last part of her bargain-taking you to the surface... Farewell Underdark! ***REWARD*** EXP 78500 (each character) Item Necaradan's Crossbow +3 o======================================================================o | | | Escaping the Underdark | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK033} 1) The Drow Gate 2) Crushing Kuo-Toa 3) Kuo-Toa and Beholders 4) The Shrine of Demogorgon 5) The Elven Shrine 6) Black and White 7) Freedom at Last! Kuo-Toa Ruins (AR2402) o======================================================================o

1) Okay, so we're not quite out yet. Adalon takes us to the gates, but not quite out. As soon as we arrive some Drow yell at us (we can no longer understand their tongue, and Viconia, if she's there, isn't able to bring any favorable results.) A fight ensues, with you, a Drow Mage, a Drow Priestess, a Drow with a Crossbow, and two over-powered Skeletons. Adalon decides to help you-in elven form-primarily by casting Lower Resistance spells on the enemies. After the Drow are dead Adalon will wish you farewell and leave you to your own devices. Sure, we can begin to cut our way through the Drow between us and the exit, but we still haven't searched the Kuo-Toa Ruins, and it would be very profitable for us to do so. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 2) Head over to the southeast and dispose of a Kuo-Toa Whip, a Kuo-Toa Warrior, and a Kuo-Toa Wizard. Keep an eye out for their bolts, which can stun, and the Wizards are fond of using Hold Person. Leading with a character wearing a Ring of Free Action might not be a bad idea. Continue southeast until the path forks to the northeast/southwest. Go northeast first to find a room filled with Kuo-Toa, including a Warrior, two Whips, a Captain, a Priest, and a Wizard. When they're dead head into another room to the southeast to find two Monitors and a Kuo-Toa Prince. They may have already been provoked by fighting in the previous room, but if not... well, kill them now. These fights required no special strategies on my part, just Haste and leading with a character wearing a Ring of Free Action... and if any of my characters were stunned or held, I had a Dispel Magic ready. When the Prince dies, loot his corpse for Kuo-Toa Bolts x30, a Spear, eleven Garnets, five Water Opals, some Kuo-Toan's Blood (which we no longer need), three Pearls, seventeen Horn Coral Gems, 4540 gold, and Bracers of Blinding Strike, which cast Improved Haste on the wearer once per day for twenty seconds... or a few rounds. These won't grant a great bonus to any character, but since a character who has a Ring of Free Action can't be hasted normally, these might be useful once in a while. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 3) Journey back to the natural caverns and explore to the previously neglected southwest, where you'll find another group of Kuo-Toans. Again, they're cheese. Just massacre them and keep going south until the tunnels split to the east and west. Head west first. If you keep going west, you'll eventually reach the tunnel that will take you back to the main Underdark area. To the north there are two artificial rooms, the easternmost one contains more lame Kuo-Toa, and the westernmost one contains a Beholder and two Gauth. Jaheira straps on her Shield of Balduran and smites them. Note: You can loot the pool (x=1200, y=950) in the southern chamber to obtain some 'Corrupted Tadpoles'. You can then put them in the pool in the room with the Kuo-Toan Prince (x=3100, y=500) to spike their healthy youngin's with these diseased, inferior ones. This is supposed to make the Kuo-Toans weaker, but since it involves going through the area in a different way then I care to, as well as sneaking the tadpoles past Kuo-Toans, I never bother. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) Travel east as far as you can-there's a trap along the narrow walkway between the water, just beyond the rune-although my Imoen was apparently not up to the task of disarming it-and go through a door at (x=2800, y=1650) to reach a shrine of Demogorgon. Now that's a demon! Click on the statue at (x=2900, y=1000), which will tell you "Place an animal sacrifice before great Demogorgon and awaken his children from their long sleep." Any 'children' of Demogorgon's can't be good news. Rest up and spell-buff to the max just outside the door. Equip ranged weapons with +2 ammunition (this is why you were told to buy some earlier!) and, when ready, summon a monster (from a spell or item)

at the feet of the statue of Demogorgon. Five Demonknights will appear and attack the party, and this time they're fond of using level drain. They also won't refrain from throwing out spells like Symbol: Fear, Power Word: Stun, and Power Word: Kill on your party, so you might need to buff up your brave summoning character before you provoke the Demonknights. After their initial spell assault, however, they'll tend to stick to melee attacks, which are bad enough in their own right. I run my protagonist into the doorway to be the first line of defense for my party, while they shoot at the Demonknights who engage my protagonist. Taking refuge near the door serves two purposes-first, many of the Demonknights may not engage immediately, and secondly only one or two will be able to assault my protagonist at the same time, third, when they use Remove Magic, it might only hit my protagonist, and with any luck most of his defenses will remain intact... or at least Stoneskin. With this tactic I don't suffer even a single point of damage (having numerous Stoneskins to raise once they chop through them is the large reason why), and more importantly-no level drain. Four of the Demonknights will drop a Two Handed Sword +1, but the north-most one near the statue has some special loot for you-Soul Reaver +4, a Two Handed Sword +4 that can't be used by good characters. It also drops the THAC0 of an enemy hit by it by two points every time it hits... It's just a shame that Keldorn and Minsc can't use it. It also drops the Girdle of Frost Giant Strength, which raises the wearer's Strength to 21. It's a fantastic item, although we won't keep it forever-it'll do Keldorn or Korgan a great service for a while. The last premium item the Demonknight drops is Armor of the Hart +3, which gives an base Armor Class bonus of -2. I put this on Keldorn/Korgan, since they need the Armor Class more (since they don't use shields... or in Korgan's case, because he won't be using a shield forever.) Besides... it just seems like the kind of armor that Keldorn should wear, what with the bravery and all. ***ITEMS*** (x=3280, y=1150) 15 gold (x=3200, y=1070) Scroll of Protection from Evil Elven Shrine (AR2401) o======================================================================o 5) Now that we've claimed such tremendous loot, it's time to head back to the door where Adalon left us. Exit the Kuo-Toa Ruins at (x=950, y=400) to enter the Elven Shrine that Adalon was supposed to be protecting. Lazy dragon. Not surprisingly it's crawling with Drow, and a fight ensues as soon as you enter. There's a Drow Mage lurking above, and I have Keldorn hit him with a Dispel Magic, followed by my protagonist engaging him in melee. Once he's eliminated it's a straight melee between you, the Drow, and their pet spiders. Note from Lee: Before exiting the Underdark altogether, I return to Carlig via the exit at (x=250, y=1850) and sell off ALL the drow gear. After the next couple of steps it's going to disintigrate, and my regular armor, etc, is sufficient to get me thru these steps. Once again wearing my 'normal' gear, I return here and exit as described. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 6) After those Drow are smote, continue north, where you'll find a War Elf trying out some bravado. Once you enter the first room the War Elf will tell you to get to the surface and report to one 'Elhan'. Sure. But that doesn't mean we can't smite every Dark Elf we see along the way. Go through the door at (x=850, y=350) to find a trio of Dark Elves fighting some War Elves. After the Drow are dead one of the Elves will again tell you to find Elhan, and to avoid becoming a casualty. How sweet.

<----------------------------------------------------------------------> 7) Go through the door at (x=800, y=500) to find another, larger, Drow-on-Elf engagement. One of the Elves is kind enough to tell you to get the hell out of here and... talk to Elhan. Yes, we get it. Kill the Drow and continue through another door (x=500, y=700). Note that if you do this room first (before the room in Step #6) the Elves here have a nasty habit of turning hostile for no reason... but it doesn't seem to cause any problems down the road, so don't sweat it. In this last room, you can finally escape the Underdark-and Chapter 5, by exiting at (x=200, y=600). You might as well take off all your wonderful Drow armor, as it's about to turn to dust... I know, I know... life isn't fair sometimes. But at least you got two pretty nice suits of armor in the Underdark to somewhat deaden the pain of returning to laughable surface gear. ***ITEMS*** (x=620, y=570) Iol Gem EVIL PARTY STATS: END OF CHAPTER 5 o======================================================================o Jaheira Fighter 13/Druid 13 Experience: 1484330/1484330 Max Hit Points: 116 Armor Class: -10 Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: Weapon Proficiencies Scimitar Dagger Club Quarter Staff Sling Sword and Shield Style Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon: 5 7 6 5 8 + ++ ++ + + +

Gorgon Plate +4 Gauntlets of Weapon Skill Helm of Glory Periapt of Proof Against Poison Boneblade +4 (THAC0: -2) Fire Tooth +3 (THAC0: -1) Shield: Sentinel +4 Ring 1: Ring of Human Influence Ring 2: Ring of Regeneration Cloak: Nymph Cloak Boots: Boots of Avoidance Belt: Girdle of Frost Giant Strength Misc 1: ... Misc 2: ... Misc 3: ... <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Korgan Berserker 19 Experience: 2893721 Max Hit Points: 165 Armor Class: -12

Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: Weapon Proficiencies Axe War Hammer Two Weapon Style Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon:

-2 (-2) -2 (-2) 2 (-2) 2 (-2) -1 (-2) +++++ +++ ++

Armor of the Hart +3 Gauntlets of Dexterity Helmet of Defense Kaligun's Amulet of Magic Resistance Battle Axe +3, Frostreaver (THAC0: -5) Ras +2 (THAC0: 0) Ilbratha +1 (THAC0: 1) Dwarven Thrower +3 (THAC0: -5) Shield: Saving Grace +3 Ring 1: Ring of Regeneration Ring 2: Ring of Earth Control Cloak: Cloak of the Sewers Boots: Boots of Speed Belt: Girdle of Piercing Misc 1: .. Misc 2: Book of Infinite Spells Misc 3: Silver Horn of Valhalla <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Viconia Cleric 20 Experience: 2892364 Max Hit Points: 94 Armor Class: -10 Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: Weapon Proficiencies War Hammer Club Flail Mace Sling Sword and Shield Style Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon: Shield: Ring 1: Ring 2: Cloak: Boots: -1 (-3) 3 (-3) 4 (-1) 5 (-3) 6 (-1) + + + + + +

Full Plate Mail +2 Bracers of Blinding Strike Helm of Balduran Sensate Amulet Flail of Ages +3 (THAC0: 2) Sling of Arvoreen +4 (THAC0: 1) Fortress Shield +3 Ring of Free Action Ring of Holiness Cloak of Displacement Boots of the North

Belt: Girdle of Hill Giant Strength Misc 1: ... Misc 2: ... Misc 3: Black Spider Figurine <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Protagonist Fighter 12/Mage 12/Thief 14 Experience: 1035301/1035301/1035301 Max Hit Points: 111 Armor Class: -4 Weapon Proficiencies Long Sword Katana Dagger Two Weapon Style Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon: ++ ++ + +++ 5 5 6 6 6 (-2) (-2) (-2) (-2) (-2)

Knave's Robe Bracers of Defense A.C. 3 Vhailor's Helm Amulet of Power Celestial Fury (THAC0: 4) Namarra +2 (THAC0: 5) Shield: Blade of Roses +3 (THAC0: 6) Ring 1: Ring of Protection +2 Ring 2: Ring of Acuity Cloak: Cloak of Mirroring Boots: Boots of Speed Belt: Golden Girdle Misc 1: ... Misc 2: ... Misc 3: Golem Manual <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Haer'Dalis Blade 22 Experience: 2812823 Max Hit Points: 84 Armor Class: -1 Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: Weapon Proficiencies Short Sword Two Handed Sword Dagger Halberd Cross Bow Dart Two Weapon Style 9 6 8 12 7 ++ + + + + + ++

Armor: Melodic Chain +3

Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon:

Bracers of Archery Pale Green Ioun Stone Amulet of 5% Magic Resistance Soul Reaver +4 (THAC0: 4) Firetooth +4 (THAC0: -1) Shield: ... Ring 1: ... Ring 2: ... Cloak: Cloak of Reflection Boots: Boots of Etherealness Belt: Girdle of Fortitude Misc 1: Methild's Harp Misc 2: Horn of Silence Misc 3: Harp of Discord <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Edwin Conjurer 17 Experience: 2860476 Max Hit Points: 67 Armor Class: 1 Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: Weapon Proficiencies Dagger Quarter Staff Dart Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon: 8 3 5 2 4 + + + (-2) (-2) (-2) (-7) (-2)

Robe of Vecna Bracers of Defense A.C. 4 Dusty Rose Ioun Stone Edwin's Amulet Cleric's Staff +3 (THAC0: 12) Crimson Dart +3 (THAC0: 12) Shield: ... Ring 1: Ring of Fire Control Ring 2: ... Cloak: Cloak of Protection +2 Boots: Boots of Grounding Belt: Belt of Inertial Barrier Misc 1: ... Misc 2: ... Misc 3: Efreeti Bottle <----------------------------------------------------------------------> My front-line fighters now have more even Armor Classes, but I am still pampering Korgan for the day when he gives up his shield so he can dualwield Axe of the Unyielding and Crom Faeyr. Another bit of gear info to make note of is the sad fact that we will be giving up the Girdle of Frost Giant Strength and the Gauntlets of Ogre Power to obtain Crom Faeyr. At that point, Viconia will get the Girdle of Hill Giant Strength that Jaheira has worn most of the game, but never fear, a better girdle will be obtained soon for Jaheira. Once obtained our front line will boast a Strength of 20/25/19. If Viconia obtains her holy symbol any time soon, it will further boost her Strength. Other noteworthy gearchanges coming up before the end of the game include the Ring of Gaxx for my protagonist, as well as the long-awaited suit of magic-friendly armor near the end of the game. We'll be creating the Equalizer shortly,

which will serve as my protagonist's off-hand weapon for the rest of Shadows of Amn, and we'll obtain Daystar, which will be an alternate main-hand weapon for my protagonist which will allow her to (hopefully) cheap-shot undead throughout the rest of the game. Haer'Dalis will get the Vorpal Silver Sword... which he probably won't use very often. Edwin will get the Staff of the Magi, Korgan will get Crom Faeyr, and Viconia will switch out her Full Plate Mail +2 for some Red Dragon Scale, which won't lower her Armor Class, but will give her some nice fire resistance. Oh, and the Rings of Regeneration are starting to become more static in their placement. Jaheira and Korgan now both have a way to regenerate with them on, and when my protagonist receives the Ring of Gaxx, she'll regenerate, too. Once he receives the Axe of the Unyielding, Korgan will hand his Ring of Regeneration over to ???????, leaving Viconia as the only melee character who doesn't regenerate. GOOD PARTY STATS: END OF CHAPTER 5 o======================================================================o Keldorn Inquisitor 15 Experience: 2394012 Max Hit Points: 135 Armor Class: -8 Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: 1 3 2 1 4 (-1) (-1) (-1) (-1) (-1)

Weapon Proficiencies Long Sword ++ Two Handed Sword ++ War Hammer + Cross Bow ++ Two Handed Weapon Style ++ Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon: Armor of the Hart +3 Gauntlets of Dexterity Helm of Glory Kaligun's Amulet of Magic Resistance Flame of the North (THAC0: -1) Ras +2 (THAC0: -1) Firetooth +4 (THAC0: -3) Shield: ... Ring 1: Ring of Regeneration Ring 2: Ring of Earth Control Cloak: Nymph Cloak Boots: Boots of Grounding Belt: Girdle of Frost Giant Strength Misc 1: ... Misc 2: ... Misc 3: ... <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Jaheira Fighter 14/Druid 14 Experience: 1552524/1552524 Max Hit Points: 118 Armor Class: -9 Paralyze/Poison/Death: 2 (-3) Rod/Staff/Wand: 4 (-3)

Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: Weapon Proficiencies Scimitar Dagger Club Quarter Staff Sling Sword and Shield Style Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon:

5 (-1) 2 (-3) 7 (-1) + ++ ++ + + +

Gorgon Plate +4 Gauntlets of Weapon Skill Helmet of Defense Periapt of Proof Against Poison Boneblade +4 (THAC0: -2) Fire Tooth +3 (THAC0: -1) Shield: Sentinel +4 Ring 1: Ring of Regeneration Ring 2: Ring of the Ram Cloak: Cloak of Displacement Boots: Boots of the North Belt: Girdle of Hill Giant Strength Misc 1: ... Misc 2: ... Misc 3: Black Spider Figurine <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Anomen Cleric 18/Fighter 7 (Inactive) Experience: 2347951/64000 Max Hit Points: 132 Armor Class: -6 Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: Weapon Proficiencies War Hammer Mace Sling Sword and Shield Style Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon: Shield: Ring 1: Ring 2: Cloak: Boots: Belt: Misc 1: Misc 2: Misc 3: 3 7 6 9 8 ++ ++ ++ ++ (-1) (-1) (-1) (-1) (-1)

Doomplate +3 Gauntlets of Ogre Power Helm of Balduran Sensate Amulet Skullcrusher +3 (THAC0: 2) Sling of Arvoreen +4 (THAC0: 4) Fortress Shield +3 Ring of Free Action Ring of Holiness Cloak of Sewers Boots of Avoidance Girdle of Bluntness ... ... Silver Horn of Valhalla

<----------------------------------------------------------------------> Protagonist Fighter 14/Mage 14 Experience: 1621150/1621150 Max Hit Points: 110 Armor Class: -4 Weapon Proficiencies Katana Flail Two Weapon Style Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon: ++ ++ +++ 3 5 4 3 6 (-2) (-2) (-3) (-2) (-2)

Adventurer's Robe Bracers of Defense A.C. 3 Vhailor's Helm Amulet of Power Celestial Fury (THAC0: -1) ... Shield: Flail of Ages +3 (THAC0: 2) Ring 1: Ring of Protection +2 Ring 2: Ring of Acuity Cloak: Cloak of Mirroring Boots: Boots of Speed Belt: ... Misc 1: ... Misc 2: ... Misc 3: Golem Manual <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Minsc Ranger 16 Experience: 2406238 Max Hit Points: 129 Armor Class: 0 Weapon Proficiencies Two Handed Sword ++ Halberd ++ Mace ++ Long Bow ++ Two Handed Weapon Style + Two Weapon Style ++ Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon: 5 5 4 3 6 (+1) (-1) (-1) (-1) (-1)

Armor of the Viper +5 Bracers of Archery Helmet of Defense Amulet of 5% Magic Resistance Dragon's Bane +3 (THAC0: -1) Ilbratha (THAC0: 4) Elven Court Bow +3 (THAC0: -4)

Shield: ... Ring 1: ... Ring 2: ... Cloak: Cloak of Non-Detection Boots: Boots of Stealth Belt: Girdle of Bluntness Misc 1: Boo Misc 2: Horn of Silence Misc 3: Book of Infinite Spells <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Imoen Mage 15/Thief 7 (Inactive) Experience: 2206822/40000 Max Hit Points: 78 Armor Class: -1 Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: 9 5 7 4 6 (-2) (-2) (-2) (-7) (-2)

Weapon Proficiencies Dagger + Quarter Staff + Short Bow + Dart + Two Handed Weapon Style + Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon: Robe of Vecna Glove of Pick Pocketing Pale Green Ioun Stone Amulet of Metaspell Influence Cleric's Staff +3 (THAC0: 12) Tansheron's Bow +3 (THAC0: 10) Shield: ... Ring 1: Ring of Fire Control Ring 2: Ring of Danger Sense Cloak: Cloak of the Shield Boots: Boots of Grounding Belt: Belt of Inertial Barrier Misc 1: ... Misc 2: ... Misc 3: Efreeti Bottle <----------------------------------------------------------------------> First thing to notice is the fact that my good party doesn't have nearly as good of a defensive front-line as my evil party. Viconia just has a much greater Dexterity than Anomen... although Keldorn's lack of a shield will be-in Throne of Bhaal-mimicked by Korgan. Another thing to note is the omission of a few items (Full Plate Mail +2 and the Golden Girdle, as examples). These differences can both be attributed to one cause-the desire to do fewer quests before heading off after Imoen... and the fact that I couldn't cast 7th level Mage spells with my good party before heading off to Spellhold. Just like with my evil party, the Gauntlets of Ogre Power and the Girdle of Frost Giant Strength are strictly temporary-both will be used up to create Crom Faeyr soon enough. This will give Anomen all the Strength he'll ever need... and will leave the Girdle of Hill Giant Strength on Jaheira. Keldorn will switch back to the Girdle of Piercing when we obtain Crom Faeyr, but he'll ultimately ditch it for the Girdle of Stone Giant Strength later on. Anomen is thankfully due for an armor upgrade, first the Full Plate

Mail +2, then the Red Dragon Scale... it won't make him comparable to what the least of the evil party boasts, but it'll at least improve on his relatively poor -6 Armor Class. Last but not least, we'll obtain the Gesen Bow and Staff of the Magi for Imoen, the Ring of Gaxx (which will go on my protagonist), and Carsomyr for Keldorn... as well as whatever goodies have already been mentioned. It's a busy chapter, indeed. Like the evil party, our front-line Strength scores will end up being 20/25/19... except that this will apply to (in order) Keldorn, Anomen, and Jaheira (as opposed to Jaheira, Korgan, and Viconia.) Note from Lee: Protagonist: F16/M15, HP 123, AC -7, Blade of Roses +3, Celestial Fury, Vhailor's Helm, Gauntlets of Weapon Skill Jaheira: F13/D14, HP 122, AC -9, Scimitar +3, 'Water's Edge, Saving Grace +3, Amulet of Power, Girdle of Hill Giant Strength Keldorn: Inq17, HP 141, AC -9, Joril's Dagger +3, Helmet of Charm Protection, Gauntlets of Dexterity, Girdle of Frost Giant Str Anomen: C20/F7, HP 130, AC -8, Flail of the Ages, Sentinel +4, Gauntlets of Ogre Power. Ring of Free Action Edwin: Imoen: Conj17, HP 67, AC -1, Sling of Everard +5, Staff of Rynn +4, Dusty Rose Ioun Stone, Robe of Vecna M14/T7, HP 73, AC -4, The Night's Gift +5, Bracers of Archery, Tansheron's Bow +3, Boots of Stealth

As before, everyone has Rings and/or Cloaks of Protection and other similar magic items, and there are other things in inventory that are not listed, but these are the main components of the party make-up. At this point, we have over 300k in gold. The two Rings of Regeneration and the two Boots of Speed are passed around to various party members as the need arises. o======================================================================o | Chapter 6 | o======================================================================o | | | Settling into Surface Life | | (Baron Ployer's Curse and the Harper Hold Quests) | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK034} 1) Elhan's Interrogation 2) Our Immediate Goals 3) Drow and Dreams 4) Jaheira's Hostage Situation 5) Companions of the Pink Hammer 6) Last Gasp of the Githyanki 7) Have a Heart... 8) Ribald's Updated Stock 9) Returning to Deidre 10) More Braggart Adventurers 11) Crafting with Cromwell 12) Discussing Future Goals 13) Jahaboam's Romantic Sale 14) Baron Ployer's Curse 15) The Pirate Cave

16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28)

Baron Ployer's Companions Baron Ployer's Collapse Rylock's Monster Bash Entering the Harper Hold Rescues are for the Birds The Double Play Summoned to the Harper Hold Galvarey Condemnation Revaine's Revenge Dermin's Warning Rescuing Jaheira Dermin Revealed Jaheira's Redemption

Underdark Exit (AR2500) o======================================================================o 1) You'll get another narrated cutscene announcing the transition of Chapters before you appear on the surface, surrounded by Elves. One Elven Warrior will talk to you and will-at length-take you to Elhan... or rather his stooge, General Sovalidaas. He's a trustworthy chap who eventually displays the boundless decision-making skills that proved so instrumental in rising to the rank of General by referring you to Elhan. When you finally get to speak to Elhan (a rather deep-voiced Elf, if I do say so) you'll be questioned, and the veracity of your answers will be tested by some snooty sages. Answer however you please, you really can't mess this up. At length Elhan will get around to telling you his problems, like we need them. Apparently the city Irenicus was after-Suldanessellar-has vanished, leaving these Elves fighting the Drow cut off from home, and all the supplies and reinforcements that home can send. Apparently Irenicus wanted the Drow to split the forces of the Elves and occupy those outside of the city to prevent whatever concealment he placed around it from being breached. He's stalling for time, and time is one thing we don't have (supposedly). To reach Irenicus (that soul-stealing bastard) you need to find an item called the Rhynn Lanthorn, a lantern that would allow you to find your way to Suldanessellar. The problem? Somebody stole it when the Drow attacked, and since we cut up all the leading Drow, it wasn't them. Now, who would Irenicus trust with the only item that could thwart his plans? Barring some mysterious new ally, it would seem to be Bodhi, who probably wouldn't be anywhere near these Elves... If I were a crazy Vampire bitch, where would I be? Well, I certainly wouldn't have returned to my old hiding place, that would be too obvious... right? Ask Elhan for some supplies (stakes, holy water, that jazz), to gain four Wooden Stakes and three vials of Elven Holy Water. He'll also suggest that we speak to old friends. If we sided with the Shadow Thieves earlier, I can think of no better group to ask. If Bodhi is back in town, they would know. If Viconia is in your party he'll decide that she needs to be.. neutralized. This will end with Viconia being geased to ensure her faithfulness to your cause, something you can be sure Viconia vehemently hates. Aww... poor girl, she'll get over it. Note: You remember when I told you that killing the Elves in Step #7 wouldn't cause any problems? As far as I know, I was right, but wantonly killing your Elf buddies is still not a good idea. A fellow reader of this FAQ encountered a problem where he would be questioned by Elhan, and everything would go down just fine... until the conversation ended, when he would be called a traitor and promptly executed. Since turning your Elf-buddies hostile is a game-breaker, the developers just made it a death-worthy offense. If Elhan reaches your protagonist and enters dialogue, it'll result in an auto-kill. If you're going around camp killing the Elves of Suldanessellar, you deserve this. You pick a game-

breaking fight, you deserve a game over... or a broken game. But as far as my reader knew, he did no such thing-and obviously, the surface Elves didn't initially think so, as they weren't hostile at the outset. Long story short, he either had a messed up variable, or (more likely) had accidently killed a goodly Elf at some point without knowing. Since it happened once (and therefore might happen again to any of my readers) and since I spent time trying to help troubleshoot this problem, I might as well relate the solution here-after all, it's not intially apparent when this has occured... until you end up dead after talking to Elhan. If this is happening to you, make an alternate save before surfacing (and hence being forced to talk to Elhan) and open this save with Shadowkeeper. Go to the 'Global Variables' section and look for a variable called 'GOODELFKILL'. If it's there at all, you killed somebody you shouldn't have... the value shouldn't matter. Simply delete the variable line entirely and reload. With any luck, you won't be killed by Elhan. It worked for my reader, so hopefully it'll work for you, too. Again, Shadowkeeper proves to be an invaluable tool... but a better moral of the story is that tiresome RPG refrain-save your game often, and keep multiple saves. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 2) Anyways, we have our next main quest... but we won't pursue Bodhi until we've done everything there is to do in Shadows of Amn. There's still a few high-level dungeons left, and some general exploration that just wasn't worth doing earlier. We've got great gear, good enough to start gathering the best weapons and armor in the game. My next goal? It's time to return to Athkatla, have Cromwell forge us some of the weapons we've collected, and complete all the areas in detail. We shall leave no stone unturned! At least... this FAQ won't, you turn whatever stones you wish. There's also new stuff at the Adventurer's Mart, and we still didn't get everything from Deidre that we could have.. now that I have 100,000+ gold (and plenty of junk to sell!) we would be wellserved by buying anything that caught our fancy. We spent the first half of the game (Chapter 2) recruiting characters, and we'll spend most of this chapter unearthing epic loot and generally finishing up areas for our peace of mind. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 3) Before we go off exploring, rest near the entrance to the Underdark. Eventually a Drow squad will show up, including two Drow Mages and a Fire Elemental, along with three normal Drow. Kill them and loot them, each of the normal Drow have suits of Elven Chain +1 and a Long Sword +2. At the very least it'll sell good. If you sleep long enough, you might get another dream, where a 'Dream Vision' talks to you on a giant tree and tells you that you must reclaim your missing soul. Yeah.. we kinda figured that part out already. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) Did I also mention that now that we're free from the Underdark, our romances will resume again? That imminent fear of death all around doesn't do good things for the spirit, you know. Once you get far enough along in the Jaheira romance, you'll be ambushed by a thug named Ertof Dand while you rest, who will take Jaheira captive. The correct and manly thing to do is to offer yourself up instead of Jaheira. Afterwards you'll get shot by someone named Kracer, which will take about half of your Hit Points away. A fight will then ensue. Despite their armor, they're not much of a threat against, say, Insect Plague. Focus on Wurn first, as he's the one who'll cast spells and make life hard for you. Once he's down it's a straight melee, which a Haste and Slow will make a laugh. They'll drop nothing of real value or interest. After the fight Jaheira will check on you, mixing concern and anger as she typically does. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) Now we're ready to move back to civilization... mostly to purchase

things. If you still have anything to buy at Trademeet, head there (provided you already completed Trademeet). If not, there's new stuff at the Adventurer's Mart, and there are still things to buy from Deidre. Both tasks require us to return to Athkatla, so head to Waukeen's Promenade. On your way, you'll probably encounter Drizzt and his friends. This isn't really a fight worth getting into, as Keldorn and Jaheira will abandon you if you pick a fight.. and they're a pain in the ass to defeat, being largely magic immune and all. I couldn't even take down one of them at this point in the game. If you helped him in the last game you can convince Drizzt and his buddies to join your fight against Bodhi and her Vampires. If you attacked him in the last game, he'll question your motives. If you tell him that you've changed since then, or that you attacked him because you were afraid he'd turn on you after the Gnolls were dead, he'll accept your apology. If you say that you fight for what's right, he'll still join you against Bodhi, even though you've shown him such a poor reception in the past. This might be alignment or reputation conditional, but I'm just too lazy to find out for sure. Especially since I consider a forced cameo by Drizzt and company to be incredibly silly and forced, but taking them along with you to fight Bodhi? It just seems cheap, and stupid. And did I mention forced? Waukeen's Promenade (AR0700) o======================================================================o 6) Back in Waukeen's Promenade for the first time in... a long time. Head over to the Adventurer's Mart and you'll be accosted by a Githyanki named Kruin (x=2200, y=1930). He's a bit... odd... but he'll eventually get around to asking for the Silver Blade. This is one rare case where you can actually hand it over without a fight... but you've made it this far, you might as well keep it. You should probably spell-buff to the max before you get over there, they've got lots of spell-power and you would be well-advised to respond in kind. When you ultimately refuse to hand over the Silver Blade Kruin will be joined by Gish, Knights, Anti-Paladins, a Captain, and a Warlock. They're fond of casting Lightning Bolt, which can be even more unpredictable in Waukeen's Promenade, and they're not above using Potions of Invisibility to hide and attack weaker party members. Use True Sight to keep them honest, and keep in mind, a Chaos and Insect Swarm used to good effect will pretty much win the fight. Of course, be wary of their own Chaos spells. When they're dead, loot them for various Potions of Invisibility and Potions of Extra Healing (the quantity depends on how many the greedy Githyanki drank), numerous suits of Plate Mail Armor, and the Silver Hilt. Now we can turn this stupid Silver Blade into an useful sword, rather than a Githyanki magnet that just takes up space... Note: You can be accosted by Kruin and his fellow Githyanki in many different places around Athkatla, not just in Waukeen's Promenade. You will not, however, be bothered if you do not have the Silver Blade in your possession. Temple of Ilmater (AR0703) o======================================================================o 7) Anyways, while we're here let's solve our Yoshimo problem and open up some of our inventory. Really, how long have we been carrying around this festering organ? Too long, let's leave it at that. Head over to the Temple of Ilmater (x=3250, y=700) and talk to the Priest of Ilmater (x=520, y=350). Pick option #4, and either of the following options to give him Yoshimo's Heart, which can be cleansed of his geas and hence, free Yoshimo from his guilt. For this act of selfless soul-saving you'll get the largest single experience point reward of the entire game (not counting the cumulative experience gained by 'each character'

from some quests.) ***REWARD*** (For taking to Yoshimo's Heart to the Temple of Ilmater) EXP 200000 Adventurer's Mart (AR0702) o======================================================================o 8) Now that we've settled our Githyanki problem and our Yoshimo problem, head into the Adventurer's Mart. It's now time to talk to Ribald and buy what 'normal' gear we haven't purchased yet. For me, this included the Reflection Shield, which may come in handy from time to time. Pay 50 gold to see his new 'special stock'. These are the items I found interesting, and why: Helm of Brilliance It doesn't increase your Armor Class, but it does allow you to cast a variety of spells, including Fireball, Sunray, and Prismatic Spray. It could, conceivably, come in handy, but by now we can just cast these spells on our own. T'rachcie's Plate +5 With an Armor Class of -2, it's one of the more defensive armors in Shadows of Amn... however, the decrease of five points of Charisma could be a problem... and the -2 Constitution penalty is definitely trouble. If you had a character with neutral Constitution, it might be useful without harming the character too much-Viconia, for example, but there is better armor out there. We don't need to pay for the pleasure of strapping on cursed armor. Crimson Chain +5 With an Armor Class of 0, this is pretty much as good as it gets without being Plate Mail. Of course, you can't cast spells or sneak in it, so you might as well just wear whatever Plate Mail you can find. Warblade +4 Here's the +4 Two Handed Sword we've been looking for... and it has an improved damage ranged of 1d12. Unfortunately, we just got the second piece of the Vorpal Silver Sword, and we're imminently going to obtain another, greater weapon. Heartseeker +3 This bow, with its' +4 THAC0 and +2 Damage is a clear improvement over the Elven Court Bow +3. You might actually consider getting this for Minsc or Valygar... or you could just wait until we find one later, or another, better bow. There are also plenty of 8th and 9th level spells worth purchasing (especially Time Stop), but they are rather pricey... Get what you want, so long as that includes Time Stop. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 9) As I mentioned in Step #2, it's also time to purchase all those wonderful things from Deidre we couldn't afford before-she doesn't have any new loot on her, so you don't need to worry about that. I purchase the Sensate Amulet and the long-awaited Robe of Vecna. I now have some much happier Clerics and Mages. Den of the Seven Vales (AR0709)/(AR0712) o======================================================================o 10) Now let's visit the Den of the Seven Vales (x=3330, y=430), where you can find an enterprising Mage attempting to be a Bard, Alatelo De

Bonito (x=500, y=520), whose efforts are ultimately unappreciated. There's also the owner, Patricia (x=620, y=420), who really doesn't like men (but she's pretty cordial with females who talk to her.) All of this is terribly interesting, of course, but what we really want to do is head up the stairs at (x=200, y=700), where we'll find a group of relaxing adventurers, including Mencar Pebblecrusher, Smaeluv Orcslicer, Sorcerous Amon, Brennan Risling, and Pooky. They're contemptuous braggarts who seem to think that picking a fight with you will improve their life expectancy. It really won't. We could have cleared out this den of buffoons as soon as Jaheira had Insect Plague, but there's no reason we can't do it now. An Insect Plague and a Chaos or two go a long way towards putting them down, but at this level, I find it works just as well to have Keldorn put up a True Sight. My Fighter/Mage then rushes Sorcerous Amon, who dies disturbingly quickly due to my attentions. Pooky is the next to go, as he is actually more of a magical threat than he might seem. We don't need him casting his own Chaos on us, at any rate. To counter the threat he represents, my Fighter/Mage/Thief protagonist starts out the battle with a sneak attack against Pooky. Smaeluv and Mencar are just Fighters, but Brennan is fond of chugging Potions of Invisibility, then sneak attacking. Once they're all dead, you can loot them for some goodies. Mencar volits a suit of Full Plate Mail, two Potions of Extra Healing, a Potion of Fire Giant Strength, an Iol Gem, a War Hammer +1, a Helmet, and 80 gold. Smaeluv possess a suit of Hide Armor (probably where the name 'Smelly' came from), an Angel Skin Ring, our old friend, the Cursed Berserking Sword +3, and 42 gold. Sorcerous Amon reunites us with another Baldur's Gate 1 item, the Cloak of Non-Detection (which I have no use for), a Wand of Lightning, a Potion of Extra Healing, a Silver Necklace, and 102 gold. Finally, Brennan drops a suit of Studded Leather Armor +1, yet another old friend, the Ring of Invisibility (now replaced by the Ring of Air Control), an Angel Skin Ring, two Potions of Extra Healing, a Short Sword +1, and 32 gold. Loot the room for whatever goodies the chests are hiding, then leave. ***ITEMS*** (x=400, y=500) Arrows +1 x4 (x=270, y=320) Scroll of Protection from Petrification, 212 gold (x=170, y=400) Garnet, 1 gold ***TRAPS*** (x=400, y=500) Cromwell's House (AR0334) o======================================================================o 11) Now, the purpose of this Sequence is to buy new gear, and sell all the junk we gathered on Brynnlaw, in Spellhold, and in the Underdark. We also needed to get a few encounters out of the way, and kill those miscreants in Waukeen's Promenade, which completes that area (unless some quest or another forces us to go back there, but what are the odds of that happening?) But there's another thing we really should do now that we're back on the surface... it's time to turn some of these artifact components into top-notch weapons. Head over to the Docks District and enter Cromwell's House (x=4080, y=2450), within which you'll find... wait for it... Cromwell! (x=500, y=330) He's a smith that only works on commission, which means you won't be buying crap from him. On the other hand, if you bring him special components he'll forge arms and armor out of them... think Taerom Fuiruim, from the Thunderhammer Smithy back in Beregost in Baldur's Gate 1, but set to a much higher standard. Cromwell is, after all, a Dwarf. Let him rummage through your backpack to see if you have anything he can reforge. At this point in the game, if you've done EVERYTHING listed

above in the Walkthrough, you should be able to reforge the following items: The Equalizer (7500 gold) (Blade of the Equalizer) (Hilt of the Equalizer) (Pommel Jewel of the Equalizer) This is a great Long Sword for, say, my Fighter/Mage/Thief, who just so happens to enjoy using Long Swords. I wouldn't dream of giving up Celestial Fury, but since most enemies aren't True Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, or Lawful Neutral, (save animals, and who cares?) it'll do at least +2 to hit and +4 damage, and against many foes it'll act as a +3 to hit and +6 to damage weapon. I use it as my off-hand weapon for the rest of Shadows of Amn, at the very least its immunity to charm and confusion are welcome. My Fighter/Mage, on the other hand, will just keep using Flail of the Ages, instead. Short Bow of Gesen (7500 gold) (Gesen Bow Shaft) (Gesen Bow String) A +4 Short Bow that adds two additional piercing damage and 1-8 electrical damage to make up for its seeming lack of a brute damage bonus. The 20% electrical resistance is a nice perk, too. It's the best Short Bow in the game, Nalia or Imoen need not worry about their ranged weapon again... and if they do worry, it's too damn bad, they're not getting anything better. Halberd +4: Wave (7500 gold) (Wave Blade) (Wave Shaft) The big draw of this weapon is the fact that it instantly slays Fire Elementals, Efreet, and Salamanders. Just switch over to it when you encounter such foes and laugh with glee as they die in one hit. Against more conventional enemies, it will deal an extra 15 damage 15% of the time. Good stuff. Silver Sword (7500 gold) (Silver Blade) (Silver Hilt) Aka the Vorpal Silver Sword. It's a +3 Two Handed Sword that has a 25% chance to force enemies to save vs. death (at a -2 penalty) or die instantly. If you mix this with Greater Malison, you can cut down even the strongest enemies instantly... Or devastate groups of lesser enemies. Even though its enhancement bonus is only passable, its vorpal quality makes it a winner for Shadows of Amn. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 12) You may ask yourself, "why did this moron FAQ-writer wait until now to do these quests?" It's a valid enough question, and here's my excuse: The quests we did earlier in the game (Chapter 2) revolved specifically around recruiting party members, obtaining strongholds, and gathering what choice gear and solving what low-level quests were along the way. Some quests (like the Jaheira quests) I skipped because they fit better into this section-where we finish off all the quests in Athkatla (and beyond) than it fit into the party-securing section of the FAQ. Other quests were either just too out of the way, or too difficult to easily complete before now. We have some of the best gear in the game, and running after the main story will deny us the opportunity to complete

side-quests, so there really is no better time than now to finish every remaining Shadows of Amn quest. Of course, anybody who has yet to recruit certain characters or otherwise do anything mentioned earlier in the FAQ should go ahead and get that done now. This includes Trademeet, the Unseeing Eye, the Astral Prison, the de'Arnise Keep, and all that fun stuff. I will assume you've got the gear and experience for the parts ahead, so don't come crying to me if you ignore some of the easier quests and continue with this section of the FAQ and get killed by some large, winged, reptile that you weren't prepared to face. Nah, I'm just jokin', you should be fine. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 13) While in the Docks District, you may just find a merchant named Jahaboam, who will be around if your romance with Jaheira has progressed far enough (usually requiring you to get ambushed by Ertof and his gang, first.) He'll hawk some magical romantic gifts upon you, obviously showing that you and Jaheira aren't nearly as transparent as you two pretend to be. Buy the locket off of him for 20 gold and tell Jaheira to shut up and take it. Is that a cue? Perhaps. The next couple of quests will involve Jaheira specifically. If you don't have her with you, but want to do these quests, go get her. If you don't care about doing these quests, just skip to the next Sequence. Otherwise, read on. These quests aren't necessarily romance-specific, but they allow the romance to proceed, and I won't bother separating the romance and nonromance parts of the quests ahead. Sea's Bounty (AR0313) o======================================================================o 14) Now it's time to head over to the Sea's Bounty (x=2100, y=2100). We've gone here before, but notice how we've always left Jaheira behind. It's because of a little quest that begins if you bring her into contact with one of the Sea's Bounty's patrons, one Baron Ployer (x=480, y=350). He'll begin speaking to Jaheira as soon as she enters, and the fact that he has a voice should tip you off to the fact that he's important. Jaheira plays coy until Baron Ployer admits to being a slaver, at which point the nature of the past dealings with one another becomes apparent. Baron Ployer has apparently planned to punish Jaheira for causing his downfall, and two Mages show up-Gracien and Terrece, who inflict Jaheira with a wasting curse before teleporting away with Baron Ployer. Jaheira then curses and resolves to hunt Baron Ployer down. If you like her, you should probably make this your top priority, and not tell her to get over it or solve it herself. Jaheira mentions three leads-the Cowled Wizards, the Slums District, and Belgrade. You'll notice all of Jaheira's stats (save Wisdom and Charisma) have taken a one-point hit, so this isn't a bogus curse. Every day after being cursed Jaheira will lose another point from all her afflicted stats until her Intelligence reaches 0 and she dies. Let's try and avoid this unfortunate consequence of wasting time, and make the resolution of this quest our first priority... Sea's Bounty Pirate Cave (AR0310) o======================================================================o 15) ...well, almost our first priority. The secret door in the lower level of Sea's Bounty (AR0313) is just too appealing to ignore any longer. Open the secret door at (x=500, y=150) and head on through. Inside you'll find a Pirate Captain and his crew. Of course you were going to find some Pirates, you KNEW you were going to find Pirates. Needless to say, they're none too happy you stumbled in on their meeting and resolve to kill the spies. They're accompanied by a Mage who'll cast Mirror Image and Protection from Normal Missiles, but he's not smart enough to cast Stoneskin. Head over there and smite him, the mop up the sorry survivors. The Pirate Captain will drop a Long

Sword +1, and the rest will drop garbage. Loot the pool at the end of the room and head on out, sated with some new loot. ***ITEMS*** (x=900, y=400) Pearl Necklace, Pearl x2, 1100 gold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 16) Head over to the Government District, enter the Council of Six building (x=3170, y=900) and talk to Corneil (x=580, y=800). He is, of course, extremely unhelpful, and I don't know why we thought he'd be any different now. Once you leave Terrece will come speak to you-one of the Mages who cursed Jaheira-and will make an offer for you. It appears that even freelance Mages who curse people for coin find Baron Ployer despicable, and are willing to abandon him. For one thousand gold they'll promise that when you find Baron Ployer (and they seem pretty certain you will) they'll leave him to you. For 2000 gold, they'll go kill him themselves. You can argue him down to 500 gold to abandon Ployer, and considering the quest experience you get for it, it's not a bad deal... but killing them is worth slightly more, and it's goldpositive. No matter what you want to do, go complete the next step. ***REWARD*** (For paying Ployer's mercenary Mages to abandon him) EXP 10250 ***REWARD*** (For paying Ployer's mercenary Mages to kill him) EXP 19750 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 17) Now return to our favorite watering-hole, the Copper Coronet. You can find Bernard wandering around to the northwest. Talk to him and he will-at length-reveal that Belgrade died just like Jaheira will, and that his body was found in the eastern part of the Slums. Head outside and enter the Derelict Home (x=2420, y=700) near the Slaver Stockade. Wow, dead Harpers on the street and a Slaver Stockade next door? Ployer can't possibly be stupid enough to live here... unless he wants to be found, that is. Head inside and indeed, you'll find your man, who admits that he wanted Jaheira to find him, too weak to fight back, and he nurtures some insane hope that Jaheira will beg for her life. He clearly doesn't know Jaheira. If you didn't deal with Terrece earlier, he'll gate in, along with Malacazar and Gracien and attack. If you bribed the Mages to abandon Baron Ployer, they won't show up when he calls for them, and you'll be free to put him down on your own. If you paid them to kill him, when he calls them they'll show up, and he'll die. If you have to fight the Mages (and you should, because you get 12000 experience for killing them, 6000 for Baron Ployer, and the quest reward, not to mention the money you'll save) just get on them early, hit them with Breach and Keldorn's Dispel Magic ability and take them down. An Insect Plague works well, too. Ployer is, on his own, not a threat at all, just deal with his Mages and cut him down. Terrece will drop Bracers of Defense A.C. 6, a Quarter Staff +1, a Golden Necklace, a Silver Necklace, 20 Darts, and 20 gold. Gracien will part with a Cloak of Protection +1, a Quarter Staff, 20 Darts, and 67 gold. Malacazar forfeits a Potion of Healing, a Quarter Staff, 20 Darts, and 30 gold. Finally, loot Baron Ployer for a suit of Leather Armor, a Lock of Jaheira's Hair, a Greenstone Ring, a Two Handed sword, and 20 gold. Take the lock of hair and Jaheira's curse will be lifted, and just like she says, she'll get better in time. ***REWARD*** (For lifting Baron Ployer's Curse) EXP 21250

***ITEMS*** (x=360, y=210) Note, 20 gold (x=650, y=240) 1 gold Prebek's Home (AR0407) o======================================================================o 18) Now it's time to deal with the Harper Hold... the big orange building in the Docks District, in the southwestern corner of the map. This is where Xzar wanted us to look for Montaron, and where we brought the poisoned Renfeld a lifetime ago. Talk to Rylock (x=1440, y=2950) who stands outside near the door. It seems your goodwill in bringing back a poisoned Harper wasn't good enough to get you in, and lying won't do the trick either. Toss out the word Harper and Rylock will play stupid. If Jaheira is with you, she'll interject, which leads to Rylock assigning you with a quest to destroy some 'vile experiments' being concocted in a house to the north. Head up to the house marked as 'Prebek's House' on your map and enter at (x=1880, y=1250). Inside you'll find two Mages, one named Sanasha and the other named Prebek, along with a trio of Goblins. They'll mention their 'master', who is obviously not a nice guy (nor terribly balanced) and attack. They start out with some defensive spells-Stoneskin and Mirror Image. Just tear them down with Dispel Magic and Breach and pummel them into submission. Sanasha spills a Scroll of Knock, a Scroll of Dispel Magic, a Scroll of Cone of Cold, a Quarter Staff, and 28 gold, while Prebek pays up a Wand of Magic Missiles, a Potion of Insight, a Scroll of Color Spray, a Scroll of Sleep, a Scroll of Fireball, a Dagger, and 26 gold. Needless to say, they've got some nice low-level spell scrolls... but with my pick-pocketing regimen we hardly needed them, even at the beginning of the game. ***ITEMS*** (x=370, y=210) 1 gold (x=550, y=150) Scroll of Detect Invisibility, Scroll of Invisible Stalker, 52 gold (x=660, y=240) War Hammer +1, Scroll of Resist Fear, Scroll of Conjure Fire Elemental, Scroll of Horror, 70 gold ***TRAPS*** (x=550, y=150) (x=660, y=240) Harper Hold, Level 1 (AR0308) o======================================================================o 19) Now return to Rylock and tell him of your good deed. He'll agree to let you into the Harper Hold, but warn you to stay on the first floor. Damned Harpers and their expectations! Who wants to guess that Montaron isn't on the first floor? Anyways, help yourself to a nice little experience reward and continue into the Harper Hold (x=1330, y=2900). Inside the Harper Hold you can talk to some of the Harpers standing around. Harpers are a bunch of dinks that try to 'keep the balance'. Not content to fight evil and mischief, they feel it's their business to stand up to anything that gets too strong... and this is why everybody still goes around in Plate Mail swinging swords, because everybody loves the status quo too much to advance. Another word for 'balance' and 'neutrality' is 'conservative'... Troglodytes... Anyways, what you should glean from their chatter is that their amulets are unusual for Harpers (who typically tend towards the inconspicuous, and don't often sit around for long periods of time in large, rich, orange buildings) and that the guardians are 'Spectral Harpists'. Unfortunately

for the Harpers, they let you have free roam of the place, and sure enough, there's a Harper Amulet just waiting for you over in the desk at (x=1000, y=300). Take it-if you wish-and head upstairs (x=660, y=400). ***ITEMS*** (x=1400, y=570) Potion of Extra Healing x2, 110 gold (x=1220, y=500) History of the Dragon Coast, Potion of Mind Focusing, Scroll of Conjure Lesser Air Elemental (x=1400, y=440) Helmet of Charm Protection (x=1100, y=400) Potion of Insight, History of Durpar and Var (x=1000, y=300) Harper Amulet ***TRAPS*** (x=1400, y=570) (x=1400, y=440) ***REWARD*** (For gaining access into the Harper Hold) EXP 14500 Harper Hold, Level 2 (AR0309) o======================================================================o 20) So long as you have the Harper Amulet in your inventory, the Spectral Harpists won't bother you. At this stage of the game, it hardly matters, however. They're not sufficiently strong as to really threaten you. If you're recognized as a friend they'll chat with you a bit, and reveal that thieves who invade the Harper Hold are kept as birds. Of course, they don't come right out and say that, they try to be clever with riddles, but they're hardly obscure. After listening to the spectres talk the only sensible thing left to do is to loot the place.. but don't worry, you're not 'stealing', the Harpers clearly have too much money and you're just trying to impose some 'balance' on them. There's a Note that mentions a Thief which may interest you, and some low-end loot lying around. When you're done go through the doorway at (x=900, y=500) to find a large aviary. Open the door and step in and activate the object at (x=950, y=300) to catch one of the birds. Now that you have Montaron, leave the Harper Hold. ***ITEMS*** (x=250, y=650) History of the Unicorn Run, Bolt of Biting x40 (x=200, y=700) Scroll of Phantom Blade (x=400, y=700) History of Waterdeep, Potion of Extra Healing x5 (x=450, y=750) History of Waterdeep, 1 gold (x=700, y=1200) Note, Iol Gem (x=1030, y=1100) 1 gold (x=1100, y=1000) 40 gold (x=1500, y=700) 1 gold (x=1440, y=650) Bloodstone Ring, Bullets +1 x40, 107 gold (x=1350, y=600) Bloodstone Ring, Arrows of Acid x40 (x=1500, y=500) Dart +1 x40, 3 gold (x=1570, y=550) Scroll of Detect Evil, Scroll of Knock (x=1660, y=620) Bloodstone Ring (x=1100, y=250) 1 gold ***TRAPS** (x=1350, y=600) ***REWARD*** (For rescuing Montaron from the Harper Hold) EXP 20000 <---------------------------------------------------------------------->

21) Now return to Xzar, who is wherever you left him earlier. You'll get a nice experience reward for giving over Montaron (which is one of the main reasons why we bother to do these quests in the first place.) Our rescue is extra timely, since apparently we slew Xzar's creations. Honestly, was there any doubt that Sanasha and Prebek's master was Xzar? Before you get your monetary reward, however, Xzar decides to turn Montaron back into... well, Montaron, to make sure you're not finching him. Err... filching him. Unfortunately for Xzar, it's not Montaron that appears, but a Harper named Lucette (quite probably the '-L' from the note we found regarding the thief in the Harper Hold), who promptly smites Xzar before pestering you. It seems you were just a pawn in an elaborate ruse. The Harpers used you to get close to Xzar, who was creating monsters and hence, needed to be exterminated. Jaheira is decidedly annoyed that her own organization decided to manipulate her, but at least this quest is over with. Loot Xzar as fair compensation for a job well-done. He sure won't be needing the Bracers of Defense A.C. 6, the Pearl, the Black Opal, the Water Opal, the Scroll of Slow, the Scroll of Vampiric Touch, the Scroll of Friends, the Flamedance Ring, the Staff Spear +2, nor the 907 gold he leaves behind. ***REWARD*** (For returning 'Montaron' to Xzar) EXP 35500 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 22) Shortly thereafter, a Harper named Meronia will appear and bother Jaheira, telling her that her presence is required at the Harper Hold. Jaheira will leave and promise to return soon, so go find somewhere to rest for a while (the Sea's Bounty, perhaps, or your Thieves' Guild, if applicable). After a rest session, Jaheira will show up again and be somewhat excited to see you (uncharacteristically so). She informs you that we need to go to the Harper Hold in Athkatla, so accept Jaheira back into your party and head on over there. It might not be a bad idea to spell-buff before you enter... not that anything could ever go wrong with the Harpers. Note: You can postpone this meeting indefinitely, as far as I have been able to tell. Jaheira will whine at you, and the third time she does so you'll get a chance to respond, but she will not simply quit the group the way many pissy allies will. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 23) Once inside a Harper named Galvarey will begin chatting with Jaheira, who is upset that they were summoned here with a Herald's authority-yet with no Herald present. Galvarey is obviously too big for his britches, and they are something just shy of hostile with one another (at one point, depending on how you respond, Galvarey mentions Khalid, at which Jaheira threatens to remove Galvarey's tongue. A welloiled machine, these Harpers..) In any event, Galvarey's questions are vague, and his interpretations of them are perhaps even more unfair than the judgment that Elhan passed down on Viconia earlier. It's obvious that Galvarey is here to subdue you by means of an Imprisonment spell to bolster his own political standing in the Harpers by neutralizing an agent of chaos. Whatever the fact of the matter is, every Lich in the game has been gunning to do the same thing, and none of them have yet succeeded. If Jaheira likes you, she'll defend you at every turn (to no avail, of course). Eventually a fight breaks out, and when one does, don't send Jaheira away or she'll decide to volit the field. Anyways, this battle isn't too difficult by now. They've got plenty of spell-power, but then again, so do you. I start out with an Insect Swarm (aimed at Nadinal), two Chaos spells, and a Greater Command (aimed at Kail). When the first

round is over, there's not a single enemy that isn't unconscious or confused, and the Insect Swarm just seals the fate of their Mages. When they're all dead, loot the corpses: Nodinal: Cloak of Protection +1, Bracers of Defense A.C. 6, Ring of Wizardry (gives one extra 5th, 6th, and 7th level spell), Gold Ring and a Quarter Staff +1. Galvarey: Plate Mail +1, Arrows +1 x10, Arrows x20, two Potions of Extra Healing, Oil of Speed, Composite Longbow, Two-Handed Sword +1 and 105 gold. Kail: Potion of Extra Healing x2, Potion of Fire Giant Strength, Silver Necklace, Katana +1 and 67 gold. Bessen: Bracers of Defense A.C. 6, Garnet, Darts of Stunning x2, Darts x10, and 29 gold. Iko: Studded Leather Armor, Bolts +1 x10, Bolts x20, two Potions of Invisibility, Potion of Extra Healing, Light Crossbow, Short Sword +1 and 55 gold. Clearly the prize from this fight is the Ring of Wizardry, which goes on my full Mage (either Imoen or Edwin) without delay. With Edwin I might be more disposed towards letting my protagonist have it, as he already has tons of spells to choose from, but it's really up to you. Note: I had issues with getting Nadinal to give me any experience in early versions of the guide, so, finally, I got on Infinity Explorer to see exactly how much experience Nadinal was worth, and why the game never gave me any for killing him. Turns out on his CRE file, he's actually set to be worth 0 experience. Oops. Well, mystery solved. So if you're wondering why he's not in the Experience Lists... well, he just isn't worth any. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 24) Certainly the fight in the Harper Hold is going to bother Jaheira, and the next several of her banters pretty much consist of Jaheira second-guessing herself and lamenting her split from the Harpers. The next event occurs when you travel to, or rest in, a location outside of Athkatla, after several such banters. In the meantime, you might want to continue with some other quests while you wait for these to occur. For the sake of organization, however, I will continue the rest of Jaheira's quests here. Eventually a Harper named Reviane will show up, along with some buddies, to confront Jaheira. If your reputation is 16 or better, you can allow Jaheira to tell Reviane about you and choose to stand down, which will prompt Reviane to depart without a fight. If you are somewhat less of a saint a fight will be unavoidable... but hey, at least there's always loot: Revaine: Plate Mail, Ring of Protection +1, Potion of Extra Healing x2, Potion of Invulnerability, Angel Skin Ring, Halberd +2 'Suryris Blade' and 67 gold. Harper (Cleric): Plate Mail, Helmet, Small Shield +1, Bullets +1 x10, Bloodstone Ring, Flail +1 and a Sling. Harper (Harper): Full Plate Mail, Helmet, Ring of Protection +1, Large Shield, Potion of Extra Healing x2, War Hammer +1 and 105 gold. Harper (Mage): Cloak of Protection +1, Bracers of Defense A.C. 6, Quarterstaff +1, Darts of Stunning x2, Darts +1 x6 and 38 gold.

Harper (Thief): Studded Leather Armor +1, Arrow of Biting x2, Arrow of Fire x5, Arrow of Slaying x2, Arrows +1 x10, Oil of Speed, Potion of Invisibility, Short Bow +1, Poisoned Throwing Daggers x3, Short Sword and 29 gold. We've fought off our second group of Harpers, but for poor Jaheira it looks like things are going to get worse before they get better. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 25) After more time passes Jaheira will have a happy run-in with her mentor Dermin Courtierdale-the very guy who introduced her to the Harpers. Okay, so it's not such a happy coincidence, since Dermin was sent to kill her... which is really quite cruel to both of them, if you think about it. Pick options #1 or #4 the first time you're given a chance to speak. Picking the other two options will make Jaheira doubt herself and decide to take a middle course-removing herself from both the Harpers and your party. I guess that whole revenge for Khalid thing isn't that important in the long run, eh? Being nice to Jaheira here again pays off, as she'll just renounce her Harper status. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 26) Another long series of banters will follow before Dermin will show up again and inform Jaheira that she's been deemed a traitor and murderer of Harpers. Harper attacks will now become more severe and numerous, unless of course, Jaheira submits to Harper justice. It seems the Harpers can understand the fact that I killed a bunch of them, but for Jaheira, that's apparently another story. Jaheira will determine to think on it, and sure enough the next time you rest Jaheira will leave. Some weirdo named Terminsel (by now we've faced name-related word jumbles plenty of times, so see if you can guess who this is) will show up and give you a note he found, and give a big hint-hint about not losing important things. Yeah, he's about as subtle as a maul. Return to the Harper Hold, wherein you'll find a group of Mercenaries. Dispose of them and loot them (you'll get a few Potions of Extra Healing, some gems/jewelry, and a suit of Studded Leather Armor +1) before heading upstairs. Jaheira is there, waiting for you. She has determined that since the Spectral Harpists are gone, that no true Harpers inhabit this place anymore, and the ones we killed earlier (as well as those we may yet have to kill) were justifiable as self-defense. Jaheira warns you that this may have been a trap. Accept her back into your party and head back downstairs, come what may. A few more Mercenaries await you, and although they have some spell-power this time, they're not even as dangerous as the two Harper groups we encountered earlier. Again, you'll score some Potions of Extra Healing (and perhaps a Potion of Invisibility), some Bullets +1, Arrows of Acid, a Flail +1, a Sling +1, a suit of Leather Armor +1, some Bracers of Defense A.C. 6, some Bracers of Defense A.C. 7, the Dagger +2: 'Heart of the Golem' (which is really just a Dagger +2 with a name), as well as the odd assortment of random jewelry, gems, scrolls, gold, and whatnot. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 27) More time will pass, and another banter or two, before Dermin will show up a third-and final-time. Dermin exchanges some venomous words with Jaheira, who sticks to her belief that she is in the right. Dermin will incriminate himself before attacking. He's joined by the Dwarf Thenry, the Mage Jeremon, a Cleric named Chrost, and Lennah. All things considered, they're about as strong as Galvarey and his goons, which means a Chaos or two and an Insect Plague will do them in: Dermin: Amulet of Protection +1, Bracers of Defense A.C. 5, Bolts of Lightning x2, Bolts of Biting x2, Bolts +1 x15, Potion of Extra Healing x3, Short Sword +1, Light Crossbow +1 and 55 gold.

Thenry: Full Plate Mail, Helmet, Ring of Protection +1, Potion of Heroism, Large Shield, Potion of Extra Healing x2, Scroll of Death Spell, War Hammer +1 and 67 gold. Jeremon: Cloak of Protection +1, Bracers of Defense A.C. 6, Gold Ring, Quarterstaff +1, Darts +1 x5 and Darts of Stunning x2. Chrost: Plate Mail, Helmet, Small Shield +1, Bullets +1 x10, Flail +1, Sling and 47 gold. Lennah: Studded Leather Armor +1, Arrow of Slaying x2, Arrow of Biting x2, Arrow of Fire x5, Arrows +1 x10, Jade Ring, Short Bow +1, Poisoned Throwing Daggers x3, Oil of Speed, Potion of Invisibility and a Short Sword. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 28) After your final, fatal encounter with Dermin, you'll have to deal with a few more banters that conclude the romance. Eventually Terminsel will show up again and talk to Jaheira. He will, at length, ask if Jaheira did the right thing. Again, 16 is the operative reputation for a good result-if your reputation is high enough Jaheira answers without hesitation that she did the right thing. Otherwise she'll hesitate and Terminsel will decide that her doubt is punishment enough. Either way, you'll get 100000 experience points for completing the Harper Quests and romancing Jaheira. If Jaheira answered favorably, Terminsel will give her a sign of the Harper's favor-a Harper Pin-and take off. Jaheira guesses Terminsel's identity, and will give you the word anagram if you still haven't figured it out for yourself. In addition, when I sold all the loot the Harpers and their mercenaries dropped me, it was worth about 27,500 gold. Those Bracers of Defense really add up! In any event, the Harper Pin gives Jaheira a number of useful protections, including +5 saves vs. spells and 100% Resistance to Electricity. The NonDetection is pretty useless, and immunity to Magic Missiles is very Baldur's Gate 1, but overall it's a great amulet, and will serve Jaheira well for the rest of the game. ***REWARD*** (For completing the Harper Quests unburdened by doubt) EXP 100000 (protagonist) Item Harper Pin ***REWARD*** (For completing the Harper Quests plagued by doubt) EXP 100000 (protagonist) o======================================================================o | | | Kangaxx the Demi-Lich and the Twisted Rune | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK035} 1) Daystar 2) Kangaxx the Cursed 3) The Shade Lich 4) The Elemental Lich 5) The Twisted Rune 6) Kangaxx the Demi-Lich 7) Abandoned Warehouse Ammo 8) The Last of the Docks District Discoveries Crooked Crane, Secret Chamber (AR0087) o======================================================================o

1) While we wait for Jaheira's banters to come and allow us to continue her Harper quests (or if we don't have Jaheira or don't otherwise care to pursue her quests...) we've got plenty of quests to do around Athkatla. Since we're so very close to having to Docks District done, let's tackle a quest that'll help us achieve that end. Head over to the City Gates District and enter the tavern at (x=220, y=450). There's a secret door (x=500, y=150) that I warned you to avoid earlier when we were doing the Mage's Stronghold quests. If you weren't privy to those quests... then you had no reason to come to this little piss-hole tavern in the first place. Anyways, rest up and prepare one of two Lichstrategies, either the Sunray rush, or the spell-immunity tactic and head inside... either with just your spell-immune character, or your Cleric(s). The Lich will start out with Mantle, Mirror Image, Stoneskin, Fire Shield (Red), and Globe of Invulnerability, making it perhaps the most well-protected enemy we've faced yet. Of course, it matters little if you have Spell Immunity: Conjuration, Abjuration, Alteration, Death Ward, and Chaotic Commands, or if you nail it with a Sunray or two. By now you know what to expect, the Lich will throw out all manner of death and destruction (and this one is partial to summoning a Pit Fiend). Use Breach and True Sight to open its defenses after you soak up some of its spells and it should go down soon enough. Loot the chest at (x=350, y=300) to obtain the Long Sword, Daystar, which is a +2 Longsword (+4 vs. Evil) that does double damage against undead and can cast Sunray once per day. It's an invaluable weapon against all sorts of undead, but we'll be putting it to good use shortly against more Liches. It's just one more weapon in our arsenal-one more way to bring another Sunray out quickly. And of course, it's great for slicing up undead should our Sunray fail. The Lich itself will leave behind a Ring of Invisibility, a Wand of Cloudkill, a wand of Lightning, a Wand of Fire, and the Rod of Terror. Frankly, I want to keep my Mage out of fighting, where they can typically do better things (like cast spells). Plus, we already have the Rod of Smiting, so we don't need another +3 Quarterstaff. Especially not one that has a chance of dropping our Charisma. Note from Lee: On one of my playthroughs, I was completely unable to enter the City Gates district any more - the whole game crashed hard and I had to restart. As I was unable to retrieve Daystar the 'normal' way, I ended up using the command console to get it: LUAConsole:CreateItem("sw1h31"). This is the only time I used the console, but if the software won't allow any other option... Note from Nathan: Lee's problem was probably due to the mods he had installed. Another source of problems seems to be having an electronic version of the game. Still, it's worth noting simply because if it happened once, it can happen again. If using console codes make you squeamish, you can also add Daystar via Shadowkeeper. It's better to cheat to get a great item like Daystar, than it is to miss out because of a bug. ***ITEMS*** (x=350, y=300) Zircon Gem, Daystar Mysterious House (AR03300/(AR0331) o======================================================================o 2) Now return to the Docks District. Near Mae'Var's Guildhall is an unmarked house (x=2700, y=2250). Head through the locked and trapped doorway into the house (AR0330). Inside, smite the trio of pathetic Minotaurs and loot the level. When you're ready, head down the stairs at (x=250, y=350). In the middle of the room is a sarcophagus. If you're

having deja'vu, it's because we passed through a room identical to this one in the sewers during the Unseeing Eye quest (bonus points for you if you gathered that we're heading there next.) Interact with the sarcophagus at (x=700, y=450) to talk to a golden skull named Kangaxx. It claims to have been cursed by its enemies, and promises you rewards if you reclaim its body-and a rain of death and a thousand years of suffering for every one it spent imprisoned if you don't. The usual... It is certain of one thing, however, its enemies are within the city, lying within tombs like Kangaxx's own. See why we went and got the Daystar, first? Honestly this is an unnecessary step in the quest, but for the sake of good questing, talk to Kangaxx first to activate the quest. ***ITEMS*** (x=550, y=150) Andar Gem, 19 gold (x=660, y=150) Shandon Gem, Potion of Regeneration ***TRAPS*** (AR0300) (x=2700, y=2250) Old Tunnels (AR0202) o======================================================================o 3) Head on over to the Temple District and head down one of the sewer entrances (x=2550, y=2620), and from there enter the Old Tunnels (x=100, y=400). Head over to the 'Lair of the Cult Outcasts' on your map, where you'll find a sarcophagus at (x=1700, y=500). Remember how we were told not to disturb the sarcophagus earlier? Well, get your party ready to fight another Lich and disturb it. Either wait for the Lich to arrive with Clerics and the wielder of Daystar ready with Sunray, or send a spell-immune character in alone. Once you molest the sarcophagus a Shade Lich will appear-the guardian of Kangaxx's arms and legs. For trying to gather Kangaxx's body, the Lich will attack, and in typical Lichy fashion it'll start out combat with Mislead, Stoneskin, Fire Shield (red), Spell Turning, and Globe of Invulnerability before attacking with a party-disabling Chaos. It'll then begin its by-now routine tactic of Time Stop followed by Symbol spells, in turn followed by some death spells. A few Mazes follow before it falls back on direct damage spells like Sunfire and Horrid Wilting, then it mops up with Finger of Death and Prismatic Spray. Once it summons an Efreeti, you can be pretty confident that most of its major spell-power has been spent, except for perhaps a Disintegrate and Domination or two. When it dies loot the sarcophagus for Golden Arms and Legs. Mysterious House (AR0525)/(AR0526) o======================================================================o 4) Our next destination is the Bridge District, where there is another unmarked house south of 'Delosar's Inn'. Disarm the trapped doors (x=1800, y=3350), (x=1600, y=3350) and head on inside the southern-most door (x=1600, y=3350). You'll note that this house is identical to Kangaxx's, even the loot is the same! Now that's just lazy. Head downstairs (x=250, y=350) to find another sarcophagus room-again identical to Kangaxx's-and activate the sarcophagus (x=700, y=450) in the middle. This time the Sunray rush strategy is better than the spellimmunity strategy, as the Lich that comes forth can possibly target party members, and we can't protect everybody from a Liches wrath. Position Anomen/Viconia and whomever has the Daystar to the south of the sarcophagus, on the landing on top of the stairs, and as soon as the Lich appears nail it with a double-shot of Sunray. If you start casting as the Elemental Lich is forming up, you can hit it right after it's done talking. With any luck it'll die... if not, it should be hurt,

try and tear down its defenses with True Sight, Dispel Magic, and Breach and kill it quickly. When it dies, loot the sarcophagus for the Golden Torso. We were told that Kangaxx was separated into three pieces-one of which is the golden skull that IS Kangaxx, so we're ready to return triumphantly to Kangaxx. ***ITEMS*** (x=550, y=150) Andar Gem, 19 gold (x=660, y=150) Shandon Gem, Potion of Regeneration ***TRAPS*** (AR0500) (x=1800, y=3350) (x=1600, y=3350) Twisted Rune (AR1008) o======================================================================o 5) Now, we're ready to head back to Kangaxx for our undoubtedly well-deserved reward, but since we're here, and there was another trapped door just around the corner, why not explore it? I'll warn you, inside is one of the tougher fights in Shadows of Amn, but by now, as I near 3,000,000 experience and have some of the better loot in the game, I feel up for it. Of course, after picking on Liches it would be a good idea if I rested, first. When ready, go through the doorway at (x=1800, y=3350). If you have a Rogue Stone in your inventory, it'll disappear and you'll be teleported away. Head into the room to the north, where you'll be confronted by a Lich named Shangalar, who will tell you that you're not in the Bridge District anymore. Anyways, for trespassing Shangalar decides that you need to be taught a lesson, and will summon the rest of the 'Twisted Rune', which includes a Beholder named Vaxall, a Vampire named Shyressa, a Warrior named Revanek, and another powerful Mage named Leyane. To deal with these varied threats and immense amount of spell-power, I render my protagonist spell-immune, and I cast a few buffs on Jaheira, too (Chaotic Commands, Death Ward, Free Action, Protection from Fire, etc.) while the rest of my party gets a basic dose of Remove Fear, Haste, and Protection from Evil 10' Radius. Jaheira straps on the Shield of Balduran and along with my protagonist heads into the room where Shangalar will appear. Once he attacks, he'll teleport into the room where I entered. My protagonist immediately runs back into the room and uses Daystar to cast Sunray, along with Anomen/Viconia, while Jaheira attacks Vaxall. I have to be careful not to let Shyressa attack Jaheira, so I try and keep my protagonist between the two rooms-close enough to hit Shangalar with Sunray, but not so close that Shyressa is tempted to attack Jaheira. With any luck, Shangalar will fall after a double-shot of Sunray (and if I'm very lucky, Shyressa will be caught and destroyed in one, too!) If not, my protagonist switches to Daystar and cuts the Vampire down, then moves on to help Jaheira with Vaxall. Layene will cast a Time Stop, followed by a Meteor Swarm (probably focusing on Jaheira, being closest, hence the Protection from Fire) and Gate before her Time Stop ends. Keldorn takes the opportunity to hit her with a Dispel Magic. With any luck it'll take down some of her spell defenses and-most amusingly-her Protection from Evil, which will make her focus a bit on the Pit Fiend she just summoned! After Vaxall dies I focus all my effort on Layene, dispelling her illusions with True Sight and hitting her with Breach to open her up. Finally, I focus on Revanek, who is just fodder for my sword by now. The evil party doesn't deviate from the good party in any meaningful way in this fight. Jaheira is Jaheira, and my protagonists fit similar roles. Haer'Dalis ends up casting Dispel Magic on Layene instead of Keldorn, but otherwise Korgan, Haer'Dalis, and Edwin are content to contribute with ranged attacks.

Loot Layene for the Staff of the Magi and 25 gold, Vaxall leaves behind a Beholder Eye, and Shangalar drops 3890 gold-fair compensation for wasting one of our Rogue Stones. Seriously though, the Staff of the Magi is the real winning item here. It counts as a +5 weapon for determining what it can hit, gives its wielder Invisibility, Immunity to Charm, and Protection from Evil while it's equipped, can cast a Fireball-Lightning spell three times per day, Spell Trap (absorbing 30 spell levels) once per day, and inflicts Dispel Magic on every hit. Honestly, can you think of a better weapon for a Mage? Well, I'm sure you can, but this is still pretty damn good. The best thing about it is its ability to allow the wielder to go invisible at will-just select a different weapon and reselect the Staff of the Magi and boom-you're invisible. Now to escape. Activate the cauldron at (x=1350, y=400) to dispose of the Beholder Eye and activate the machine at (x=750, y=300). You'll find yourself mercifully teleported back to the Bridge District, one Staff of the Magi richer. Note from Lee: Party spell buffs include Defensive Harmony, Protection from Evil 10', Haste, Invisibility 10', and Resist Fear; individual spell buffs are varied and somewhat task specific - most importantly Death Ward, Chaotic Commands, Spell Immunity: Abjuration, Protection from Fire, Fire Shield (Red), etc, on my protagonist and Keldorn, since they will actually be moving in and attacking. I send Keldorn (double Hasted + Boots of Speed) in to initiate dialog and start the encounter while my protagonist and Edwin summon as many creatures as they can to the left and right of Keldorn, using Wands of Monster Summoning (faster casting time). As soon as the dialog is over, Keldorn runs back into the room with the rest of the party and helps cut down Shangalar while I send my summoned creatures up the left and right sides to delay Shyressa and Layene. Once Shangalar is dead (it could not have taken more than three rounds), I send in Jaheira with the Shield of Balduran to deal with the Beholder, while my spellslingers cast a few magic removing spells on Layene. So now I have a dead Lich, a dead Beholder, and an angry Pit Fiend who is attacking his summoner. The Pit Fiend takes out Layene handily while the party moves up to kill Shyressa. I must have had my timing exactly right, as well as getting the party positioned perfectly (just out of the fog of war), because the Fiend didn't come after me when he was done playing with Layene. With all the toughest combatants gone, it was then fairly easy to destroy the Pit Fiend and Revanek. If you time this all right, and get a bit of luck on your side, you can avoid the Meteor Swarm - or at least be able to minimize the damage from it. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 6) Now return to the Docks District and revisit Kangaxx. How many of you are expecting a peaceful resolution to this quest? Nobody? Good... Give Kangaxx his body back and he will show up near the sarcophagus. He'll promise you sweet painful death and begin to attack. During this phase of the battle Kangaxx fights like most any other Lich. I hit him with Sunrays and hope that puts him down, just like the Elemental Lich. When he is smitten, he'll reveal that he needed to be freed-then destroyed-to take his true-form, which is that of a Demi-Lich. It's essentially the remains of a Lich who has lived too long, although Kangaxx violates the Monster Manual II version by being somewhat more aggressive and concerned with the physical world... although to be fair, I am going by the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons version, not any 2nd Edition sources (I prefer the word of the almighty Gary Gygax to later writers, rest in peace.) Anyways, there are three things to watch out for with Kangaxx. First, he can only be harmed by +4 or greater weapons, of which we have a

variety... namely the Bone Dagger +4, the Staff of the Magi, and the Halberd +4: Wave. This leaves us with three choices for our attacker. Jaheira, Imoen/Edwin, or Keldorn/Minsc. Also, Kangaxx attacks with only two spells-Imprisonment, and Demilich Howl (which is like wail of the Banshee), both of which he can infinitely cast. Needless to say, an unprepared party won't last long against it. Scrolls of Protection from Magic will effectively make you immune to Kangaxx for a while, while on the other hand a Death Ward and Spell Immunity: Abjuration does the same thing. I prefer to use a Scroll of Protection from Magic on Jaheira and send her forward with the Bone Dagger +4 to dispatch Kangaxx, which she can do with relative ease. Once Kangaxx dies you'll get a hefty experience reward, and you can loot his body for the Ring of Gaxx, 23 gold, and a Silver Necklace. The Ring of Gaxx is probably the best ring in the game, as it bestows a +2 bonus to Armor Class, a +2 bonus to Saving Throws, 10% magic resistance, immunity to disease and poison, regeneration at twice the rate of a Ring of Regeneration, and allows the wearer to cast Invisibility once per day, and more importantly, Improved Haste three times per day. There's no debate here-it goes on my protagonist. Why give it to my main character? Favoritism, plain and simple. In the first game it was better to spread gear around, but in Baldur's Gate 2, it can be quite beneficial to have one character who can tank for the party-as we have clearly seen. More importantly, my main character would often switch out his Ring of Protection +2 and a Ring of Regeneration, as needed. Now he need not bother. Also, since he performs tanking and shock-assault attacks, making him immune to poison and disease makes him that much harder to take down, and Improved Haste allows him to make more of an impact when he goes after an enemy. With the Cloak of Mirroring, Boots of Speed, and the Ring of Gaxx (not to mention his impressive spell-casting powers) he has become a dynamic offensive character who can pulverize opposing Mages and Fighters alike, as well as a character capable of frustrating well-protected spell-casters by spell-buffing himself to near invulnerability. Note from Lee: Kangaxx will appear at (x=615, y=515) - I place my protagonist nearest the sarcophagus and surround the spot where he will appear with Anomen and Keldorn. If your party is a different makeup, use your three strongest fighters, but make sure at least one of them can cast a Daystar. I place my other three party members (Jaheira, Edwin, and Imoen in my case) on the platform to the west; their job is simply to cast spells. Spell-buff with everything you can load on, and activate the sarcophagus to summon Kangaxx. Hit him immediately with a Daystar, and chop him down as quickly as possible. This first sequence is fairly easy, but when he turns into a Demi-Lich it gets interesting... When he transforms, I hit him with two more Daystars, then immediately afterward Edwin casts Time Stop and proceeds to remove all his magic protections (I can usually get Pierce Magic, Breach, and Lower Resistance off before the Time Stop expires). Once his protections are gone, I can go in a cut him down, along with some spell-based help. Abandoned Warehouse (AR0318) o======================================================================o 7) Now, if you want to be completionists there are a few more places to go around the Docks, and a few people to talk to. There's a 'Lost Girl' near Mae'Vars Guildhall (x=3280, y=2700). If you treat her poorly, it will provoke a little argument between Viconia and Jaheira. Or you can give her a gold coin and she'll wander off. How epic. North of the

Shadow Thief Guildhall is an abandoned house (x=1700, y=500) wherein you can find some cheap loot lying around, including a sparse collection of magical ammunition. ***ITEMS*** (x=620, y=200) (x=570, y=170) (x=400, y=350) (x=170, y=370) Arrows x40, Arrows +1 x8, Bullets x30, Bullets +1 x10 Bolts x60, Bolts +1 x9 Dart +1 x7, 1 gold Dart x30

Temple of Oghma (AR0319) and Barracks (AR0332)/(AR0333) o======================================================================o 8) Over at (x=2850, y=950) you'll find a Temple of Oghma, where you can find a Priest of Oghma who'll sell you some potions, a Ring of Animal Friendship, and provide other typical Clerical services. Excited yet? No? Good, you have no reason to be. Finally there's a Barracks at (x=3500, y=1050), wherein you'll find numerous containers, some holding gold or some cheap jewelry. So unimpressive is the haul, however, that it doesn't even bear mentioning. Now we'll head off and complete more areas of Athkatla. These quests won't be nearly as demanding-nor as rewarding as the ones we just completed, but this guide isn't about doing things in a logical sequential order... it's about doing them in MY random order. And if I said somewhere earlier in the FAQ that there is some order to this nonsense... well, what are you going to do, stop reading this far into the game? No, I didn't think so. ***ITEMS*** (x=470, y=300) Potion of Invisibility, 30 gold o======================================================================o | | | Slavers in the Slums | | (Copper Coronet Quest and the Slaver Stockade Quest) | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK036} 1) Lecherous Lehtinan 2) People in the Pub 3) Purchased Employees 4) Restricted Area 5) Hendak's Plea 6) Tattling on Hendak 7) Double-Crossing Lehtinan 8) Killing the Beastmaster 9) Bernard's New Toys 10) Lend Me a Hand 11) Hobgoblins? 12) The Lover's Ring 13) The Myconid Lair 14) The Shaman's Staff 15) The Glowing Pool 16) Quallo's Riddle 17) Lilarcor 18) Captain Haegan 19) Troll Food 20) Freeing More Slaves 21) The Last of the Slavers 22) Hendak's Reward Copper Coronet (AR0406) o======================================================================o 1) Now, let's go do some quests in the Slums district, which is

festering with things to do. Head over to the Copper Coronet and talk to Lehtinan (x=400, y=1220). He's rather... creepy... Pick dialogue options #3, then #2 and he'll mention a variety of other 'services' offered by his establishment. Asking about a specific one may cause him to ask for a bribe, as Lehtinan thinks you 'look like trouble'. If you Charisma is high enough, you'll be able to get away without paying, otherwise you'll have to shell out some gold. This will allow you to enter the back rooms to an extent without causing trouble. Now, before we dive headlong into a quest, let's look at some of the things we can do and some of the people we can talk to. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 2) Over at (x=520, y=1320) you'll find Salvanas, who fancies himself a ladies' man. Chat him up with some of your female party members to see him get shot down in an amusing fashion. If your own protagonist is female, you can be somewhat more receptive... which will only reveal that Salvanas is all talk, no action. At (x=750, y=1300) is Garoll, who will mention some of Lehtinan's back-room entertainment, if you buy him a drink. Finally, talk to Tiana at (x=960, y=1260), who is looking for her husband, Lord Rumar. Go up through the door at (x=850, y=880) to find Lord Rumar (x=1120, y=680). If you talk to him you can then report back to Tiana, and if you tattle Tiana will head to the back to confront her husband and his mistress. Priss doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut, and ends up getting into a fight with Tiana, who will almost certainly kill her. Afterward Tiana collects her wayward husband and makes off triumphantly. Her husband wisely obeys. We might as well loot the back rooms while we're here, and deal with Llynis, Wellyn's murderer and possessor of Littleman, if you haven't done that already (of course, if Wellyn has gone ignored thus far, you'll have to wait until after the fight with Bodhi to do it). ***ITEMS*** (x=600, y=500) Emerald, Greenstone Ring, Silver Ring, Scroll of Luck, Scroll of Resist Fear (x=750, y=600) Gloves of Pick Pocketing, Potion of Extra Healing, Scroll of Melf's Acid Arrow, History of Shadowdale ***TRAPS*** (x=750, y=600) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 3) Now go through the door at (x=1700, y=1550) to reach the audience portion of the indoor arena. You'll be greeted by a well-dressed guy named Frankie, who will tell you that the fights in the arena beyond are man versus beast. Purchased employees, indeed. Continue to the arena, where an announcer will begin... well... announcing. A Dwarven gladiator will complain to no avail, and if you have him in your party, Anomen will again clamor for justice. A Troll will be set into the arena with the Dwarf and.. well, let's just say you probably wouldn't do well against a Troll armed with just your fists, either. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) Head back into the tavern proper and go through the doorway at (x=1580, y=1350). Continue down a passage past two secret doors. The first (x=2000, y=1000) leads to a black lotus den, and the second (x=2150, y=900) leads to some as-of-yet unexplored sewers (x=2070, y=670). We'll get there soon enough, but first go through the door at the end of the hall (x=2500, y=700), beyond which you'll be pestered by a Copper Coronet Guard. Pick any options other than the last one and he'll attack... and even picking the last one only gives you time enough to leave. When he turns hostile, some buddies of his will show up, two Mages and two Fighters. By now, our party is so strong that they just really don't have an answer for us, but you can throw out a Chaos or Insect Plague if it'll make you feel better about

butchering them. They'll have some junk jewelry on them, and low-level Mage scrolls, but in all fairness, their loot really matches the level threat they posed to us. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) When you pass near the middle cell, a man named Hendak will speak to you, begging you to free him. If you decline, he'll be understandably upset. Anomen thinks that leaving the slaves confined is the right thing to do, as they are rabble. Keldorn is more altruistic, and it just goes to show how Lawful Neutral and Lawful Good can make a world of difference. It is much more profitable to help Hendak, however, so hear him out. He'll ask you find the Beastmaster, who has a key to the cells on him. All well and good, but for steps #6 and #7, we'll look at tattling to Lehtinan-just to cover all options, and after you see the quest rewards, you can decide what, exactly, you wish to do. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 6) Now, if you want to be a bastard you can go tell Lehtinan that Hendak plans to escape. As as reward you can coerce him to give you a suit of Plate Mail Armor (wee...) He'll then ask you to go kill Hendak for his audacity, and give you the 'Beastmaster Key' with which to open the cell. If you go back and kill Hendak, you'll get a small quest reward. Return to Lehtinan when the deed is done and he'll sweeten the deal by giving you a Bastard Sword +1, +3 vs. Shapeshifters, but you'll lose a point of reputation. Don't worry about that Bastard Sword +1, +3 vs. Shapeshifters, there's another way the good-guys can obtain it. Overall, it's immensely more beneficial to side with Hendak, as you'll see by following the experience trail. ***REWARD*** (For killing Hendak and putting down the slave revolt) EXP 7500 Item Plate Mail Armor Item Bastard Sword +1, +3 vs. Shapeshifters Reputation -1 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 7) Of course, you can always double-cross Lehtinan once you have the Beastmaster Key and use it to free Hendak. You'll get an identical experience reward (the real deal must be using the key to open the door, regardless of what you do afterwards) and Lehtinan will lead an attack on the Copper Coronet. Unlike most useless NPCs, he decides to go after Lehtinan himself. Fight your way through Copper Coronet Guards (or not), and eventually Hendak will reach Lehtinan and challenge him. Hendak will most assuredly win, and afterwards he'll announce that he's taking over the Copper Coronet. You'll get a much more substantial quest reward this time around, and Hendak will ask you to embark upon another quest-to exterminate the slavers in Athkatla. He'll tell you that it's in a dry-docked boat in this district.. you know, the area marked on your map as the 'Slaver Stockade'. He'll suggest that an indirect route may exist between the Copper Coronet and this Slaver Stockade through the sewers-the entrance to which we've already uncovered. Which begs the question.. why were they transporting slaves over the city streets earlier? Ah well, I suppose we'll find out, eh? Be sure to loot Lehtinan, as he'll drop a Diamond, a Water Opal, three Emeralds, a Scroll of Summon Nishruu, a Scroll of Death Fog, a Dagger, and 1287 gold. ***REWARD*** (For double-crossing Lehtinan and freeing Hendak) EXP 7500 Item Plate Mail Armor ***REWARD***

(For freeing Hendak and overthrowing Lehtinan) EXP 48750 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 8) Now, if you want to do this the conventional way go through the door at (x=2720, y=880) to reach the arena floor. Cross the arena to the southeast to find the beast cells. If you want to spare yourself some trouble, kill the beasts along the way before you meet the Beastmaster. They're cheese, but why fight them all at once? Along the way are some Mutated Gibberlings, a Panther, a Grizzly Bear, a Black Bear, a Leopard, and a Minotaur. Kill as many as you can, at the end of the hallway the Beastmaster and his pet 'Tabitha' await. You can delay a fight by claiming to be one of Lehtinan's guests, then promising to leave. Put down the Beastmaster and his pets, and loot his body for a suit of Plate Mail Armor, a Helmet, Arrows x20, the Beastmaster Key, a Scroll of Stone to Flesh, the Tuigan Bow +1, a Spear, and 144 gold. The Tuigan Bow +1 might have been moderately useful at low levels, what with its fast attack speed, but we've long since had better Short Bows. Go and free Hendak and the other slaves and the quest proceeds the same way it did in Step #7. The Copper Coronet Guards turn hostile, Hendak kills Lehtinan and sets himself up as owner, and asks you to clear out the slavers. ***REWARD*** (For killing the Beastmaster and freeing Hendak) EXP 7500 ***REWARD*** (For freeing the child-slave) EXP 2500 x2 ***REWARD*** (For freeing Hendak and overthrowing Lehtinan) EXP 48750 Note: If you're low-leveled, you can always wait with your party in the arena and lure out the animals so they can be destroyed piecemeal. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 9) The best part about completing the Copper Coronet quest is that Bernard will now sell you new gear-regardless of whom you sided with. The standouts include the Blade of Roses +3, which is mostly good just because it's a +3 Long Sword you can get for 5000~ gold. Next is the Mauler's Arm, a +2 Mace that raises the wielder's Strength to 18. I've used this on Viconia in early-game situations before, so she'd have the Strength necessary to equip heavier armor and shields and whatnot. The Sling of Seeking +2 is a decent low-level Sling, and even at this point in the game, the fact that it gives a Strength bonus to damage makes it considerable as a weapon. The Battle Axe +3, Stonefire is another good +3 weapon that can be purchased for less than 4000~ gold, and apart from the Battle Axe +3, Frostreaver, it's one of the best Axes in all of Shadows of Amn. He'll also sell you some nice Mage scrolls, like Chain Lightning, Spell Sequencer, Prismatic Spray, and Incendiary Cloud. Best of all, this loot can be stolen if you've got the patience and the Potions. I typically just go ahead and chug five of the suckers for this, so I have a Pick Pockets score of 225. 180~ works, but it's aggravating as hell, and frankly my hoarding has left me with more Potions of Master Thievery than I know what to do with. Sewers (AR0404) o======================================================================o 10) Now that we're done with the Copper Coronet, head off to the

entrance to the sewers (x=2070, y=670). First go to the southwest to find a large circular room inhabited by an Otyugh, an Ochre Jelly, and a Mustard Jelly. Smite them and inspect the grate in the center of the room (x=500, y=950). For your trouble you'll take some damage, and be rewarded with a desicated hand. Wonderful. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 11) From where you entered the sewers head southeast to find a group of Hobgoblins, of all things. They include some tougher versions than we used to face in Baldur's Gate 1, including a Hobgoblin Captain and some Hobgoblin Shaman. Still, this is Baldur's Gate 2, not Baldur's Gate 1, what are Hobgoblins anymore? You just need to watch out for the Shaman, lest they hold anybody. Kill them and continue southeast. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 12) Just behind the Hobgoblins you'll find some skeletons stuck on the wall (x=1650, y=850). Activate the skeletons to obtain 'The Lover's Ring'. Nice. Now continue into another hallway to the northeast until you reach some stairs guarded by a Mustard Jelly. Smite it and continue up the stairs (x=2200, y=600). Myconid's Lair (AR0418) o======================================================================o 13) Up here you'll find an 'Andorian' fighting some Myconids. Help it out and it'll eventually die, but it'll distract the Myconids somewhat in the meantime. Apparently it was part of a group that wasn't so lucky or well-equipped as us. Oh well. Return to the sewers. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 14) Follow the tunnel perpendicular to the one you originally came from, continuing to the southwest, then turning to the southeast. You'll reach a doorway leading to a more conventional sewer tunnel running southwest/northeast. Disarm the trapped door bridge in the middle of the tunnel and head to the northeast to find a group of Kobolds, who will warn you to leave. They won't, however, actually attack, so you'll need to be the aggressor here. When they're dead, grab the Shaman's Staff from the talkative Shaman. ***TRAPS*** (x=1660, y=1850) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 15) Head back south and smite a Carrion Crawler for no good reason, then head down the tunnel to the southeast opposite the doorway by which you first entered the Sewers. Head northeast to find another group of Kobolds in these tunnels, but they're not what we're here for. Go through the door at (x=2670, y=1900) and a 'Glowing Pool' will talk to you and give you a riddle: "Four locks are cast and made Four wards will hold the blade In what order shall thou place the keys? Four deaths await thee" It'll mumble some things about scratching rhymes on the wall, and will tell you to go talk to Quallo. Who's Quallo, you ask? Head back to the southwest (disarming a trap along the way). ***TRAPS*** (x=1900, y=2400) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 16) Find Quallo at (x=2250, y=2750). He'll talk about a lot of nonsense, including a hidden sword, his crazy Carrion Crawler companion, and some clues left by 'The One'. Kill his Carrion Crawler companion and loot it for the 'Blood of Quallo's Friend'. Now talk to

him again and tell him you've found his clues. Ask him about the various objects you've found to glean some clues about the order in which you have to place them. Where they go shouldn't need any questioning, by interacting with the pipes in the room where you met the 'Glowing Pool' you'll get some riddles, which are moronic in their simplicity. Lover's Ring: It is not first, nor does Shaman's Staff: The staff shall seal the Hand: It was Vallah's hand that His suffering is of prime it belong in the third pipe. bargain and prove your worth. cast the One into the depths. importance.

So we know that the Shaman's Staff goes last, (4th) since it 'seals the deal', and we know that the Hand goes first (1st) being of 'prime importance'. If the Lover's Ring doesn't belong in the first or third pipes, it either belongs in the second or fourth. Since the Shaman's Staff is fourth, the Lover's Ring must be second (2nd). This leaves only the Blood of Quallo's friend, which Quallo neglects to mention. It obviously goes third (3rd). All we need now is a handy table to sum everything up and... oh, there's one! o=======================o===============================o==============o | Pipe | |Item Required | | Location | Childish Riddle | (Order) | o=======================o===============================o==============o | (x=2900, y=1770) |Vallah is no more | Hand | | |But he has left a thing behind | | | |Give me a hand | | | |And I shall help you in return | (1st) | |-----------------------|-------------------------------|--------------| | (x2770, y=1670) |They wailed and sighed | Lover's | | |Then they died | Ring | | |From the grave I've had my kiss| | | |Bring me now the lover's gift | (2nd) | |-----------------------|-------------------------------|--------------| | (x=2850, y=1720) |No sacrifice will do | Blood of | | |But the blood of a friend, | Quallo's | | |true. | Friend | | |But guilt will leave its stain | | | |If you wish to have the blade | (3rd) | |-----------------------|-------------------------------|--------------| | (x=3000, y=1820) |Smell of dog | Shaman's | | |Skin of lizard | Staff | | |To find the staff | | | |Kill the wizard | (4th) | o=======================o===============================o==============o <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 17) Go put the right items in the right pipes in the right order, according to the chart above and you'll get an experience reward, as well as an ominous bit of text concerning your new-found sword. Behold, the mighty Lilarcor! And by mighty, I mean mighty annoying. It's a good sword, bearing a +3 enchantment and granting immunity to charm and confusion, but... well, just use it for a while and see how long you can put up with it. You can spend some time conversing with the sword, for what good that's worth. Honestly though, it'll bother you more often than you'll bother it, it'll even act as another party member if you have it equipped... or rather, it'll whine about being bored. Keep it around as long as you can stand it. If you return to Quallo, he'll be

released by whatever spell was keeping him down here, although Jaheira rightfully cannot guess how this idiotic sword was able to dominate anybody. When you're ready to leave, head up the stairs at (x=2900, y=2500). ***REWARD*** (For solving the sewer riddle and claiming Lilarcor) EXP 18000 (each character) Item Lilarcor Slaver Stockade (AR0405) o======================================================================o 18) As soon as you arrive you'll meet Captain Haegan, who wonders just why in the hell you're trying to ruin his lucrative slave trade. I mean, besides the obvious reasons that slavery is bad, and the fact that a rich slaver is probably worth killing and robbing-morality aside. He's joined by a Priest of Cyric and some guards. Focus on the priest first, as he's the one with spells and hence, the one who can cause you trouble. Hitting them with a Chaos can just about win this fight on its own, although once the Priest of Cyric is defeated, it's really just a matter of mopping up the warriors. Once they're dead, loot them for the minor gold they've got on them. Some of the Slavers will drop Composite Long Bows +1 and Arrows +1. Loot Captain Haegan for Studded Leather Armor +2, a Helmet, two Potions of Extra Healing, a Potion of Frost Giant Strength, Haegan's Key, a Two Handed sword, Throwing Axes (varies), and 31 gold. ***ITEMS*** (x=1800, y=1330) Jasper Gem, Andar Gem, Turquoise Gem, Iol Gem, Chyrsoberyl Gem, Splint Mail, Helm, Flail, 14 gold (x=1490, y=1350) Arrows x20, Short Bow, Arrows of Fire x20 ***TRAPS*** (x=1700, y=1270) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 19) Now head through the door at (x=2120, y=1200) to find a room with two Trolls and a helpless girl (x=2420, y=900). Kill the Trolls (use the Arrows of Fire we got from the Kobolds in the sewers if you must) and talk to the girl. She'll tell you that her and the other slave-kids (I don't see any others, do you?) were of no use to the slavers anymore, so they were more or less being fed to Trolls for sport. Free the slaves and you'll get some experience and a point of reputation. If you give the girl 100 gold... you'll get the same reward, although abstaining will make Anomen and Jaheira argue with each other-even threaten each other with violence! Jaheira is apparently touchy over this whole slave thing. ***REWARD*** (For freeing the child-slaves) EXP 3500 Reputation +1 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 20) Head up stairs and into a hallway that is lined with cells. Go into both cells and talk to the children inside to free them and claim more experience. Continue through the tunnel to the northwest and disarm a trap on the other side of the doorway. Go into the room to the northeast and dispatch a pair of Yuan-ti before looting and leaving. ***REWARD*** (For freeing more child-slaves) EXP 2500



***ITEMS*** (x=1660, y=260) Scroll of Protection from Evil, 14 gold (x=1700, y=300) Arrows +1 x2, Potion of Extra Healing, Scroll of Shocking Grasp, 312 gold (x=1300, y=530) Potion of Healing, Arrows x20, Bolt x1, Scroll of Shield (x=1250, y=500) Flail, Flail, Light Crossbow, Bolt x20, Spear (x=1020, y=650) Club, Oil of Speed ***TRAPS*** (x=1300, y=770) (x=1660, y=260) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 21) Now go through the doorway to the southwest to find a more formidable group of slavers, including two Slaver Wizards. One will whine about the guards pestering them before realizing that you're not any form of legal authority and attacking. Hit them with Dispel Magic and/or Breach (the Dwarf will certainly start out with Stoneskin and Mirror Image) and cut them down before they can hit you with Hold Person and other such bothers. One Slaver Wizard will drop a Cloak of Protection +1, a Quarter Staff, Darts x20, and 15 gold. The other will drop three Potions of Icedust, a Quarter Staff, Darts x20, and 14 gold. There are also two more archers with Composite Long Bows +1 and Arrows +1. Loot and head down the (trapped) stairs. There's a little looting to be done to the south, exit at (x=800, y=1950) when you're ready to leave. ***ITEMS*** (x=950, y=720) Wand of Fear, Dart +1 x4 (x=850, y=720) Arrow of Acid x1, Gold Ring, Silver Ring, Bloodstone Gem, Scroll of Dire Charm, Scroll of Sleep, Scroll of Chill Touch (x=1200, y=1700) Sling, Bullets x20 (x=840, y=1800) Scroll of Lightning Bolt, 101 gold ***TRAPS*** (x=950, y=720) (x=550, y=1200) (x=1200, y=1700) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 22) Now return to Hendak, who will be thrilled that you killed the slavers. Everybody will get a hefty experience reward, as well as some other choice loot and money. We end up getting all the loot Lehtinan would have given us, plus 3900 gold, and a great deal of experience. What's not to like? Anyways, we're now done in the Slums District. ***REWARD*** (For ending slavery in the slums of Athkatla... for now) EXP 38000 (each character) Item Plate Mail Armor Item Bastard Sword +1, +3 vs. Shapeshifters Gold 3900 Reputation +1 o======================================================================o | | | Clerical Competition | | (Sir Sarles' Quest, the Dawn Ring Quest, Fallen Paladins Quest) | o======================================================================o

Sequence of Events: 1) Art and Religion 2) Sir Sarles' Demand 3) Murderous Masquerading Merchants 4) Jerlia the Ore Merchant 5) Art is Interpretation 6) The Source 7) Unger's Excuse 8) Reunited with Neb 9) Mace of Disruption +2 10) Satisfying Sir Sarles 11) Neb's Bounty 12) For the Glory of Helm 13) More Meddling 14) Talassan Thievery 15) Travin the Con 16) Reclaiming the Dawn Ring 17) High Hall of Pretentiously Long Names 18) Posing Paladins 19) Turf War 20) Anarg's Cup 21) Order Restored


Temple of Helm (AR0901) o======================================================================o 1) Remember Guardian Telwyn (x=700, y=700) in the Temple of Helm (AR0901)? He wanted us to get a guy named Sir Sarles to create some art to jazz up the temple and make stuffy old Helm cool with the kids. Anyways, the trouble with Sir Sarles is that he's charging an outrageous commission fee and will work with nothing less than pure illithium, which is expensive in itself. Your job is to convince Sarles to accept a more modest commission and to secure the illithium... and chase off any other meddling churches, if the need arises. You need to work quick to beat the other churches to the punch, and with the promise of compensation in mind, head off to the Jysstev Estate in the Government District. Note: Depending on your alignment, different temples, and therefore different characters will assign this quest. Everything besides who gives you the quest, and who you return to once the quest is completed remain the same. If you are evil, this quest will be given by Talon Yarryl (x=330, y=320) in the Temple of Talos, and if you are good you'll need to talk to Dawnmaster Sain (x=630, y=630) in the Temple of Lathander. Also note that you must have at least started the Unseeing Eye quest for this quest to be offered, regardless of your alignment. Jysstev Estate (AR1006) o======================================================================o 2) The Jysstev Estate is at (x=2900, y=2900) in the Government District. If you've done Jan's quest, you've been here before, but for most of us, I suspect this is our first visit. Inside you'll be bothered by a rather rude Butler. Find Sir Sarles at (x=700, y=200). He doesn't really care about the commission at all-he's got it made as the favored artist of the day, ever since some Prism died up north (hmm...), but he refuses to change his mind on the whole illithium thing. He'll refer some lady named Jerlia, an ore merchant from Waukeen's Promenade. You have to somehow obtain 200 pounds of this crap. There's a few things to loot in this house, but note that the chest at (x=350, y=450) registers as trapped (and can be disarmed) but it cannot be unlocked. Oh well. ***ITEMS***

(x=220, (x=450, (x=600, (x=800,

y=550) y=400) y=220) y=200)

120 gold 29 gold Dart +1 x2, 3 gold History of Sembia, Waterstar Gem

***TRAPS*** (x=350, y=450) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 3) On my way to Waukeen's Promenade I was attacked by a group of brigands who posed as my party members. I assume this had something to do with my heightened reputation. They had a considerable amount of low-level spell-power, but they typically just used it to hit me with Melf's Acid Arrow, Fireball, and Magic Missile. Some had Heavy Crossbows with which they attacked at range (and carried Bolts +1), others just had Long Swords, and one had a Scroll of Mislead, a Scroll of True Sight, and a Scroll of Death Spell. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) Anyways, continue on to Waukeen's Promenade and find Jerlia the Ore Merchant at (x=730, y=2200). She'll complain about the outrageous demands of Sir Sarles (tell us about it) saying that her source only gives her 50 pounds a season. Since we really don't have a year, we've got two options: go haggle with her source, or give Sir Sarles a cheaper substitute. Of course, what have we learned about doing things the lazy way? We usually get a significantly worse outcome, as far as quest rewards go. Still, Step #5 will cover the fake illithium approach, while the subsequent steps will cover the more complicated and approach. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) If you want to give Sir Sarles some crap metal, agree to pay Jerlia 200 gold and go wait a day. when you return she'll inform you that other churches have been sniffing around this deal, and that since the demand has risen, so too, have the prices. This is another indication that this won't end well, as now you'll have to pay 500 gold for the alloy. Accept and head back to Sir Sarles. Unfortunately, he's not nearly as clueless as Jerlia assumed he was, and he'll detect that the supposedly unblemishable illithium is not quite right-or, if you have Keldorn in your party, the stupid Paladin will outright admit that it's fake. Either way, the prissy artist will become incorrigible and decide to leave the city immediately in the face of this apparent insult. Well, at least this way no other temples will be able to one-up them, right? Head back to the temple, where the quest takes an unexpected turn... apparently a lump of shapeless illithium can carry symbolic meaning to these guys. You'll get some experience and the choice between a Ring of Holiness, the Armor of Faith, or a Staff Spear. The Ring of Holiness is decent, but we've got better spells than 1st-4th level in this game, and if there's one thing your Clerics aren't going to need in Throne of Bhaal it's more low-level spells. The Armor of Faith is decent Splint Mail, with an Armor Class of 1 and a bonus to all Saving Throws, but any suit of Full Plate +1 will exceed its Armor Class bonus, and we're set to obtain some of the best suits of armor in the game-at this point in the game there's just nothing all that special about this armor. And of course, there's the Staff Spear +2... of which we've found several already. If we're not using those, why would we take this one? Anyways, pick one and it'll be brought to you eventually. You'll also be informed that there's another task you can perform. ***REWARD*** (For presenting the fake illithium to the Temple of Helm) EXP 10000 Item Ring of Holiness or Item Armor of Faith +3

or Item

Staff Spear +2

***REWARD*** (For presenting the fake illithium to the Temple of Lathander) EXP 10000 Gold 1500 Item Periapt of Life Protection ***REWARD*** (For presenting the fake illithium to the Temple of Talos) EXP 10000 Gold 1000 Item Ardulia's Fall +1 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 6) On the other hand, if you want to do the quest the right way, ask to meet Jerlia's source. She'll demand compensation for revealing her source (it'll take 1000 gold), so pay up. She'll tell you that her source is a Duergar named Unger Hilldark who hangs around at the Copper Coronet. Note: There's absolutely no reason you can't get both the alloy and pursue the pure illithium. If you want the Mace of Disruption +2, you'll have no option but to turn in the alloy... which actually isn't a bad idea. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 7) Head over to the Copper Coronet, where you can find Unger Hilldark at (x=300, y=1400). Despite Jerlia's warnings, he really can't be provoked. Talk to him and he'll tell you that there's no illithium to be had-his entire stock was stolen by some Hill Dwarf who has holed up in the Bridge District. The only way you're getting some illithium is if you head over there yourself and take it back. Sounds simple enough, for a change. The name of this Dwarf we're seeking is Neb, who is on the run from Baldur's Gate. Why does that sound familiar...? Derelict House (AR0529) o======================================================================o 8) Travel to the Bridge District and enter the 'Derelict House' at (x=500, y=2550). Actually, only enter the house with the character protected by the Amulet of Power. That's right, there's level drain involved within, and my best response to it is to simply avoid the bad undead with everybody save my protagonist. Inside you'll find Neb, who will question you before summoning some 'children' and quaffing a Potion of Invisibility. Kill the Child Spirits, who aren't very strong against a character protected against level drain. They do require +2 or better weapons to hit, but by now this isn't an issue. When they're all dead I bring in Keldorn (or a Cleric) and cast True Sight to reveal Neb, whom I set upon with my party. It's overkill, but it's no less than Neb deserves. He'll continue to try and quaff Potions of Invisibility, and then backstab while invisible. Note that if you kill Neb BEFORE killing all the Child Spirits, they'll vanish and thank you, and you'll get 2500 experience for each one alive, as opposed to the 1500 you get for killing them. When Neb dies, loot his body for Neb's Head, Potions of Invisibility (1-5, depending on how many he drank), two Potions of Extra Healing, Illithium Ore, an Iol Gem, Neb's Nasty Cutter, and 30 gold. Each Child Spirit will also drop a Pearl. Loot and leave, but for the record, I couldn't disarm the trap at (x=300, y=300) with a Find/Remove Traps score of 170. You'll just have to weather it. The next step is entirely optional, and is concerned with the crafting of the Mace of Disruption +2 (at the cost of the 21750 experience and the 1000 gold we would get by turning in the pure ore to Sir Sarles.)

***ITEMS*** (x=200, y=380) (x=300, y=300) (x=450, y=250) (x=750, y=270)

Potion of Invisibility, Potion of Extra Healing Moonstone Gem, Silver Necklace, Angel Skin Ring, 452 gold 11 gold 1 gold

***TRAPS*** (x=300, y=300) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 9) Now you can take the Mace of Disruption +1 we got a lifetime ago and the illithium ore over to Cromwell and he'll offer to upgrade the former. It'll cost you the traditional 7,500 gold and a day of labor, and you'll get the Mace of Disruption +2. The real perk of this weapon is the fact that its wielder is immune to level drain, and its +2 enchantment means it's just strong enough to harm lesser Vampires. How this takes up all 200 pounds of illithium, I have no idea, and why the alloy can't be used further baffles me. Oh well, you'll have to chooseMace of Disruption +2, or the full quest reward. Read on and compare the results before you make your decision. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 10) Return to Sir Sarles and give him his damn ore. You'll get a sizable experience reward, and the stupid artist is finally happy with the commission. ***REWARD*** (For giving Sir Sarles the Illithium Ore) EXP 21750 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 11) Since we're already in the Government District, let's head over to the Council of Six building (x=3200, y=950). Talk to Chief Inspector Brega (x=1120, y=500) and give him Neb's Head. For bringing this murderer to justice you'll gain some gold and a reputation increase. ***REWARD*** (For turning in Neb's Head) Gold 2500 Reputation +1 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 12) Finally, return to the Temple of Helm and tell Guardian Telwyn of your success. You'll get another experience reward and more gold, as well as your choice of one of three items, as described in Step #5. Either take the Ring of Holiness, Armor of Faith +3, or Staff Spear +2. See how this is a much better reward than if you had cheated Sir Sarles? Of course, you'll have to decide if this is worth the Mace of Disruption +2 (roughly 21750 experience and 1000 gold, not considering what you'll spend on the Mace of Disruption +2 itself). Honestly, however, at this point in the game the experience and gold might not be worth the sacrifice of the Mace of Disruption +2, which will make the upcoming fight against Bodhi much easier. It's up to you though, the priests of Helm seem just as happy with their lump of shapeless illithium alloy as with a piece done by Sir Sarles. Note that you will get different item rewards, depending on the temple that you were working for. ***REWARD*** (For securing the services of Sir Sarles for the Temple of Helm) EXP 20000 Gold 1000 Item Ring of Holiness or

Item or Item

Armor of Faith +3 Staff Spear +2

***REWARD*** (For securing the services of Sir Sarles for the Temple of Lathander) EXP 20000 Gold 2500 Item Periapt of Life Protection ***REWARD*** (For securing the services of Sir Sarles for the Temple of Talos) EXP 20000 Gold 1000 Item Ardulia's Fall +1 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 13) Whatever you do, talk to Guardian Telwyn, and he'll tell you that the priests of Lathander and the priests of Talos are bickering again, and will refer you to Dawnbringer Sain for more information. Your job is, of course, to maintain balance in the situation by helping the side that has currently gained the upper hand. The quickest way to get rid of the Temple of Helm? Get rid of all the other temples, then they wouldn't have any meddling to do. Note: If you're good, talk to Dawnbringer Sain directly to obtain the quest. If you're evil, you'll get this mission from Talon Yarryl, again. In the latter case you'll be tasked with retrieving the Dawn Ring from the Thief Travin, which was stolen in revenge for Stormherald Nallabir's humiliation at a theological debate. Just a different motivation to obtain the same ends. Temple of Lathander (AR0902) o======================================================================o 14) Head over to the Temple of Lathander (x=2900, y=1500) and find Dawnbringer Sain (x=650, y=620). Apparently the Talassans have hired thieves to steal the Dawn Ring. They were successful, and our job is to intercept the thieves in the Slums District before they can deliver the artifact to the Talassans. We're looking for a Thief named Travin. If it's night time, head over to the Slums District, if not, rest up, waste some time. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 15) You'll find Travin near the northern District Exit, standing at (x=520, y=770). It doesn't matter what you say to him, you really can't mess this up-just don't pay him 400 gold, it's a scam. Eventually he'll tell you to go to the red brick house on top of the Copper Coronet, where you're supposed to meet a man named Borinall. Borinall's House o======================================================================o 16) Enter Borinall's House at (x=2250, y=1600), where you'll find, of all people, Borinall. Go figure. He'll give you the ring if you do a simple thing: swear your devotion to Talos. The reasoning is simple: if you were a worshiper of Talos, you'd have no qualms about saying it. On the other hand, if you weren't, you'd probably be smart enough to realize the crossing the god of storms and destruction isn't a good idea. If you swear to Talos, you'll be struck by lightning. Indoors, even! If you refuse and insist he hands the ring over, he will attack, along with some goons. Of course, if you get struck by lightning he'll realize you're full of it, and attack anyways, so you might as well avoid blaspheming the gods. Borinall and his crew are laughable, smite them and take the Dawn Ring off Borinall's corpse. Loot the house and

leave, return triumphantly to Dawnbringer Sain, who'll reward you appropriately. Of course, if you're here on behalf of the temple of Talos you can make that oath without consequence. Doing so will allow you to claim the ring without a fight, and take it to Talon Yarryl for a nice reward. ***ITEMS*** (x=660, y=400) (x=400, y=300) (x=600, y=140) (x=170, y=150) 9 gold War Hammer +1, 70 gold 3 gold 52 gold

***REWARD*** (For returning the Dawn Ring to Dawnbringer Sain) EXP 16250 Gold 1000 ***REWARD*** (For returning the Dawn Ring to Talon Yarryl) EXP 16250 High Hall of the Radiant Heart (AR0903) o======================================================================o 17) Now that we're done with Sir Sarles and the Dawn Ring, let's head over to the High Hall of the Radiant Heart (x=3300, y=3400), where you might have been before if you dealt with Keldorn's marital problems or helped the Solamnic Knights in the Planar Sphere. In any event, outside you'll catch another segment of the ill-fated Lady Irlana-Garrick romance, written by Cyrando, with color commentary by Sir Cadril. Inside you'll be bothered by Squire Cathras, who will ask you what your business is. Tell him that you need to speak to the Prelate in private, we can deal with Bodhi later. ***ITEMS*** (x=440, y=1480) Potion of Fortitude, 7 gold (x=620, y=1480) Potion of Healing x8 (x=280, y=1370) Dart +1 x4, Dagger, Small Shield <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 18) Over at (x=820, y=1220) you'll find Sir Ryan Trawl, who will ask you to help the High Hall of the Radiant Heart. Apparently a former Paladin named Anarg was implicated in slave smuggling and was expelled from the order. Unfortunately he took other Paladins with him and has gone back to his evil ways, masquerading as a Paladin all the while. Since a bunch of armored Paladins approaching might tip them off, they need outside help to deal with Anarg. Edwin is particularly giddy about the opportunity to fling spells at these former Paladins. Before you go, why not rob the place? Paladins don't need wealth. We're, ah, helping them fulfill their vows of poverty and avoid temptation. ***ITEMS*** (x=1890, y=1250) Bolt +1 x10, Bolt x20 (x=1800, y=1170) Bullet +1 x5, Buckler, Angel Skin Ring (x=1760, y=1200) Arrows +1 x10, Arrows x40 (x=350, y=520) Potion of Heroism x2, Garnet <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 19) Head over to the Bridge District and go east from the gate to find a group of Paladins led by Reynald de Chatillon, who will strike down a group of smugglers led by a character named Rindus. After the smugglers are slain, Reynald will turn his attentions onto you and ask what your business is, which leads to him asking-at length-if you want to join up. Well... we are here to infiltrate their order, and since Anarg isn't in

sight yet, we'd best do their job so we can meet number one. You can loot the bodies of the dead Smugglers, for what little wealth they have. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 20) You'll be told to retrieve Anarg's cup from the High Hall of the Radiant Heart. A cup? Really? Oh well, head back to the HHRH and talk to Sir Ryan Trawl to get the cup. He'll make you promise to return it when you're done with it... which shouldn't be too hard to promise, since it's just a freaking cup! <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 21) With Anarg's cup in hand, return to the Bridge District and present it to Reynald. Anarg will show up and sniff out Keldorn-or at least your cause-and attack. Taken together, they're strong melee Fighters, but they've got no spell-power whatsoever. Haste yourself, and hit them with a Slow or Chaos and this fight is over. After the fight, loot them, as they all have moderately valuable suits of Plate Mail. In addition, Reynald has some Worn Out Boots (why he and one of the Smugglers had these I have no idea) two Potions of Extra Healing, a Potion of Fire Giant Strength, a Two Handed Sword, and 57 gold. Anarg drops a Helmet, two Potions of Extra Healing, a Potion of Invulnerability, a Halberd +1, a Two Handed Sword, and 147 gold. Return to Sir Ryan Trawl for your reward. As a bonus, their armor and Anarg's Halberd +1 sold for a combined 1320 gold, so at least you'll get some monetary reward for your trouble. ***REWARD*** (For bringing Anarg's cup to Reynald) EXP 10250 ***REWARD*** (For disposing of the Anarg and his Fallen Paladins) EXP 17500 (each character) Item Gloves of Healing Reputation +1 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 22) Now, we've done most of the quests in the game by now, certainly if you've completed everything previously mentioned. If so, then you, like me, have just started to obtain Epic Feats. Sure, I mentioned them in their own section, but now it might be worth talking about which ones to actually get. Obviously Whirlwind and Greater Whirlwind are great for your warriors, and in the case of Korgan the decision is pretty simple. On the other hand, there are defensive considerations to be made for some characters, and your multi-classed characters will certainly have plenty of options. I generally consider summons to be better choices in the short-term, since some of the Epic Feats allow you to obtain truly potent allies, even if it's for a short amount of time. We probably won't be getting too many more levels in Shadows of Amn, so being able to cast Summon Deva for 20 rounds is probably better than using a Whirlwind Attack once. Keldorn is a case in point, as he can grab the Summon Deva ability and use it as an innate ability, whereas other characters must prepare it as a 7th level Clerical spell. Of course, keep in mind that you can only have one such creature summoned at a time, so don't stock up on Summon Deva or Summon Planetar spells. If you don't have Keldorn in your party, you'll just have to bite the bullet and get the ability with your strongest Cleric (ideally Anomen or Viconia). Jaheira's Greater Elemental Summoning is another good choice, as being able to whip out a Summon Deva and Greater Elemental Summoning really adds some tanking power to your party. Another consideration are defensive spells, like Aura of Flaming Death. Being able to become 90% immune to fire for a while can really make an upcoming fight easier.

o======================================================================o | | | Umar Hills (Part II) | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK038} 1) Bones of the Prophet 2) Morn Ritual Note and Sun Gem 3) The Fire Pit Room 4) Noontide Ritual Note 5) Dawn's Light Symbol 6) Undead Encounter 7) Walking the Path 8) Lightstone Symbol and Dusk Ritual Note 9) Completing the Ritual 10) Thaxll'ssillyia, the Shadow Dragon 11) The Shade Lord 12) Crappy Armor 13) More Crappy Armor 14) Shadow Dragon Scale Armor... Not So Crappy! Fallen Temple of Amaunator (AR1401) o======================================================================o 1) We've now finished most of everything there is to do in Athkatla, but there are still a few quests to do outside, and some extra areas on our map to explore. First and foremost, however, it's finally time to return to the Temple Ruins near Umar Hills and finish what we started when we came to recruit Mazzy. If you didn't do that already, then do the first half of the Umar Hills quest [WLK021] and return here for the rest. If you forgot what we were up to, we were trying to kill some creature called the Shade Lord, who is apparently responsible for all the murders in the Umar Hills area. And then there was the Shadow Dragon, the Shadow Altar, some key, some Sun Gems... light versus darkness, and so on. Enter the first room to the north and loot an altar at (x=1850, y=950) for Amauna's Bones, which I had previously decided to leave in place. Continue to the prisons where we found Mazzy and loot the rubble at (x=1360, y=380), if you didn't loot it during our previous visit, to score Tombelthen's Journal (2nd half) as well as some ammo. Don't get too bent out of shape by this note. It hints at treasure, but it has to do with the Ranger Stronghold. Unless you're a ranger, you can safely ignore this item. Now we are ready to proceed with our exploration of this dungeon as normal. ***ITEMS*** (x=1850, y=950) Amauna's Bones (x=1360, y=380) Bolts x40, Bullets x80, 1 Gold, Tombelthan's journal (2nd half) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 2) Head into the room southwest of the prisons and loot the pillar at (x=1050, y=850) to obtain the Morn Ritual note. Continue to the southwest and grab the Sun Gem from its pedestal at (x=750, y=1300). You'll be rushed by some Shadows, but they weren't too bothered by the light anyways. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 3) With the Sun Gem in your possession return to the hallway that leads to the exit and continue west down the hallway through the shadow door at (x=1500, y=1100), which now opens before you. Go through the doorway to the east and cross a wooden bridge that defies the laws of physics and kill some more shadow beasties along the way. You'll enter into a

room with a large fire-filled pit in the middle. Of course, there are goodies to loot within. Just remember that fire = hot, so don't be surprised if you take a bit of damage crossing the pit. ***ITEMS*** (x=2050, y=1360) Pearly White Ioun Stone, Bolt of Lightning x40 (x=2170, y=1520) Arrows of Ice x40, 1 gold (x=2250, y=1330) Wand of Lightning, Darts of Stunning x80 ***TRAPS*** (x=2250, y=1330) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) Across the pool of fire-through a doorway to the northeast-you'll find a group of undead. At my level this included a Skeleton Warrior (another one of the retarded arrow-shooting types) a more conventional Skeleton Warrior, a Bone Golem, and a Greater Mummy. Instead of walking your party over the fire and bottle-necking them at the door I prefer to run in with one character (perhaps my regenerating protagonist with the Boots of Speed?) and lure them out into the fire-pool room, where I safely kill them near the bridge. After all, why should we have to stand on fire to fight them when we can coerce them to come to us? When they are dead, loot the trapped pillar (x=2500, y=1250) in the room to obtain the Tome of Amaunator and the Noontide Ritual note. Note from Lee: I do Step 5 before Step 4 by going down the edge of the fire pool, then follow with Step 4 using the doorway to this room instead of the wooden bridge to bottleneck the baddies. Main character, Boots of Speed, Ring of Regeneration, stop on the way over to grab the loot at (x=2170, y=1520). Once the creatures are dead (and they WILL run into the fire pit to sustain some free damage), I send my thief around the southern edge of the fire pit to reach the room and the trapped pillar while suffering no damage. Also, on my latest time thru here, I encountered a Lich in the room with the other enemies, who was fond of casting Time Stop and other various nasty spells - it made this a very interesting encounter. ***ITEMS*** (x=2500, y=1250) Scroll of Wyvern Call, Tome of Amaunator, Noontide Ritual Note, Bullets +1 x40 ***TRAPS*** (x=2500, y=1250) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) Now go into the room southwest of the fire-pool room to find two spirits, Dettseh (x=1850, y=1600), and Badon (x=1770, y=1670). They'll talk to you and ask you for Amauna's Bones, and will tell you a bit about the fallen child-prophetess if you ask. After taking the bones they'll die, and Amauna will show up and thank you, and tell you how to avoid the Shadow Dragon-as if we'd want to do that! Loot Dettseh for 250 gold, and be sure to loot Amauna's sarcophagus for some more loot, too. ***ITEMS*** (x=2000, y=1550) Scroll of Pierce Magic, Sunstone Bullet +1 x20 ***REWARD*** (For returning Amauna's Bones to their proper resting place) EXP 17750 Item Shadow Dragon Wardstone Item Dawn's Light Symbol

<----------------------------------------------------------------------> 6) Continue southwest over a stone bridge overpassing a natural rock chamber at the far side of which you'll find a continuation of the main winding tunnel that connects to the entrance. Since we can't get through the second shadow door to the northwest, we might as well go southeast and head northeast the first opportunity we get. In the narrow hallway we'll run into another group of undead. This time I had to fight two Greater Mummies, two Skeleton Warriors, and a Lich. We should by now have Sunray, it's no longer a luxury, it's pretty much necessary now that Liches are going to show up as random enemies. Failing that, we need to Haste up and hit the Lich with Breach and/or Keldorn's Dispel Magic to take down its Stoneskin and try to kill it as fast as possible. Your odds of killing it will be much greater if you at least cast Spell Immunity: Conjuration to absorb its Time Stop assault with the defended character. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 7) Continue into the room past the random undead and you'll get the following message: "As you approach the letter-tiled floor, a voice intones: Only the Name of the Master shall keep thee from the Power of the Darkness!" Well, there's no way to spell 'Shade Lord', and the puzzle promises to protect us from the 'Power of Darkness', so we should just assume that the puzzle refers to the original master of this place-Amaunator. So cross the letters stepping on the letters that spell the name, starting with the 'A' to the east and ending on the 'R' in the middle. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 8) Go through the doorway at (x=2660, y=1750) to find an imprisoned Shadow. It'll offer to tell you some secrets that'll help you take the Shade Lord down if you take the critter across the traps in the room we just crossed. Pick dialogue option #1 to outright agree, and you'll get the chance to make it tell you its secrets before you let it tag along (option #3). If you do so, it'll tell you that it stole a key from the nearby chapel and hid it in this cell. Sure enough, at (x=2720, y=1670) you'll find the Lightstone Symbol. Loot the altar in the next room (possibly killing a Bone Golem in the process) for more loot, including the Sun Gem, the Sling +3: 'Arla's Dragonbane', and the Dusk Ritual note. The first and last are items we need to navigate this place, and the Sling is an old friend from Baldur's Gate 1. It just seems to bounce from dungeon to dungeon, doesn't it? Cross the tiles in reverse order to reach the other side safely. Your ungrateful Shadow will appear again and attack you. No big loss. ***ITEMS*** (x=2720, y=1670) Lightstone Symbol (x=2620, y=1620) Scroll of Protection from Magic Weapons, Scroll of Disintegrate, Sun Gem, Sunstone Bullets x10, Sling +3: 'Arla's Dragonbane', Dusk Ritual note <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 9) Return to the room northwest of where Mazzy was kept captive and speak to the Statue at (x=900, y=200)-some shade creatures may have respawned during our absence, so kill them along the way. It's got something we need, and we need to take the test of the Holy Ritual before we can loot it. Check out the three notes we've found-the Morn Ritual, Noontide Ritual, and Dusk Ritual-to see what clues we have so far: Morn Ritual 1) ??? 2) Hold the Holy Tome up to the Sun and my Power shall bless it.

3) Reflect as thou perceive the victory of Light over the Dark. Noontide Ritual 1) Let thy voices sound the glorious songs of thy Lord. 2) ??? 3) Rejoice on the Glory of the Light as it reigns over the Dark. Dusk Ritual 1) Recite the Tenets of the Faith. They shall give you Strength until I come again. 2) Hold high your children that they may longer see the Sun before it slips beyond the realm. The Sun shall give them courage against the fears of the Night. 3) ??? The Statue will ask us three questions for each ritual, and we know two of the answers for each ritual. Each question will consist of three possible answers. You job is to provide the answers in the correct order. Each answer is only correct once, so if the Statue asks us a question and two of the answers are part of another ritual, we know they're wrong. For example, the possible answers to the first question are as follows: 1) I shall sing a hymn to the Sun Lord. 2) I shall say a prayer to the Light. 3) I shall recite the Tenets of Faith. Since #1 is part of the Noontide Ritual, and #3 is part of the Dusk Ritual, we know the correct answer is-by process of elimination-#2. Of course, if you have the Cloak of Mirroring on the Statue's reprisal for a wrong answer-a Flame Strike-is ineffective. The answers that are already 'known' aren't as clear-cut as they might seem, since the Statue doesn't mimic them word-for-word. Just keep an eye out for key words and pick what fits best. The answers for the 'unknown' questions are as follows: Morn Ritual, 1st Question: "I shall say a prayer to the Light." Noontide Ritual, 2nd Question: "I shall raise my hands to the Light" Dusk Ritual, 3rd Question: "I shall mourn as I watch the Sun give way to the onslaught of night." For completing the three rituals you'll get a nifty experience reward and the 'Sun Ray Symbol', which is the last part of the fragmented 'Symbol of Amaunator'. If all three are in your inventory at once they'll fuse and you'll get the full symbol, which we need to proceed. ***REWARD*** (For solving the Statue's riddles) EXP 45500 Item Sun Ray Symbol ***REWARD*** (For reassembling the Symbol of Amaunator) EXP 21250 Shadow Dragon Lair (AR1402)

o======================================================================o 10) Now head east down the hallway from where the trapped-tile room was (crossing the fire-pit again on the way) until you reach another shadow door at (x=2900, y=1800), which can be opened with your new Sun Gem and continue until you exit the level at (x=3150, y=1450). You'll find yourself in a new area, an unsettlingly large temple that should just scream 'big fight!' to you. If you want to be a chump you can slink over to the west and exit at (x=600, y=850), but any gamer worth their salt will want to take on the Shadow Dragon in this area. Our Dragon Strategy should work much better against this critter than it did against Adalon. We're more powerful, we have better gear, and most of all, the Shadow Dragon is nowhere near as powerful as Adalon, which is why-unlike Adalon-we'll actually fight it. Oh, and it's not massively more worthwhile to avoid the Shadow Dragon, like it was with Adalon. Spell buff to the max with Haste, Blur, Mirror Image, Protection from Evil 10' Radius, Defensive Harmony, Armor of Faith, and most importantly, Remove Fear. Also be sure to summon as many creatures as you can, for fodder purposes. Beware that the Shadow Dragon, Thaxll'ssillyia, loves to use Death Spell to get rid of your summons, but with an Elemental Prince or Deva, it's just wasting its time. Try and cast Haste and Remove Fear after summoning critters, so you can catch your summons in these effects, too. Finally, unlike most other Dragons, the Shadow Dragon will inflict severe level drain (temporarily) upon party members with its breath weapon, which can greatly weaken them. A character who is highly level drained doesn't have the Hit Points to survive melee with the Dragon, nor the THAC0 to deal damage, not to mention the havoc that spellcasters suffer from losing levels-and hence, most of their spells. To counter this, have Imoen/Edwin cast Limited Wish, ask for a repeatable wish, and ask for protection gainst the undead, which will give the entire party negative plane protection for a while. Be sure to cast this last. Once thus prepared run up to Thaxll'ssillyia and talk to it. It'll boast about feasting on your innards and such garbage before turning hostile and will immediately start out with a Stoneskin, Protection from Magical Weapons, (both of which can be taken down with a simple Breach spell) and Remove Magic, but at this point in the game, with a protagonist who has Whirlwind, and a simulacrum with Whirlwind, a Deva, and an Elemental Prince, this Dragon just doesn't stand a chance. It then typically uses Wing Buffet and its breath weapon before bothering with melee. If it focuses on a character that's not protected by Stoneskin, it can do some damage very quickly, but it should be too preoccupied to give injured characters more than a half-hearted chase when they retreat to heal. It also may get out a Chaos spell, if it lives long enough. Besides some extensive spell-buffing and a Breach, I don't even have to use any offensive spells to bring it down, and it only deals incidental Wing Buffet damage to me. Alternatively, with the evil party, I had an entirely different tactic in mind. Edwin had just hit 3,000,000 experience, and thus, just reached level 18... good enough to get four 9th-level spell-slots. This induced me to try my luck with a purely magical assault to see if I could, in fact, kill this Dragon without having to resort to melee at all. You know, you play the game a dozen times, and you start to wonder just how many different ways you can kill something... anyways, this is how it went. Edwin casts Stoneskin and my party buffs as usual (in case something goes awry), then Edwin heads forward alone and starts out the fight by casting Time Stop-his first of two. He uses this Time Stop to cast Pierce Magic and two Lower Resistance spells (normally it would be worth chaining these together, but I don't yet have Spell Trigger or anything potent enough to allow me to chain these spells.) After the

first Time Stop ends, I resign myself to enduring the Dragon's initial attacks, which usually includes Remove Magic, Wing Buffet, and its breath weapon. After my characters are standing again, Edwin launches his second Time Stop and casts two Comets (hence using up his final 9th-level spell) and Horrid Wilting. This should outright kill the Dragon... but if it doesn't, I have more Horrid Wilting spells to throw at it. I don't really recommend using Edwin to blast down the Dragon, as it's just easier to mimic the good party's tactics of spell-buffing, summoning fodder, and using overwhelming force to chop the Dragon down. Loot the dead Dragon for some Shadow Dragon Scales, two Moonbar Gems, a water Opal, a Black Opal, a Sphene Gem, a Pearl, the Crom Faeyr Scroll, and 3299 gold. Hold onto the scales and the scroll-both can be used to create some pretty good items. Victorious, I take my triumphant party through the doorway at (x=3150, y=1450). I should be able to still confront the Shade Lord with some spellbuffs, and after killing its Dragon, how tough can it be? Note from Lee: I enter the chamber, but stay by the entrance and prepare for the fight to come. I summon as many 'helpers' as I can manage at one time (there apparently is a limit), and include them in all spell buffs. Cast every defensive spell possible and Haste everyone until their hearts are about to explode, then move the 'helpers' a little ways away from the main party. SAVE - for the love of Amaunator, SAVE! I send Keldorn with Dragon's Bane +3 along with the 'helpers' forward to sight the beast, and soon as I have him spotted I do the following: Jaheira casts Insect Plague, Anomen hits him with a blast from his Wand of the Heavens, my Protagonist and Edwin each cast Lower Resistance, while Yoshimo hits him with an Arrow of Detonation. Round 1 complete, and he hasn't even initiated dialogue yet (or just barely)... Next, Jaheira does another Insect Plague (more is better, right?), Anomen casts Flame Strike, Edwin and Protagonist hit him with Breach, and Yoshimo switches to Arrows of Biting, while everyone else attacks. At this point he's at Badly Injured status, and we can just rush him in melee. He actually dies quite easily after having all his defenses removed or lowered, although it took several attempts to actually kill him and win the fight. Temple Ruins (AR1404) o======================================================================o 11) When you arrive the Shade Lord threatens you before attacking. Wee. It's joined by Shadow Patrick, the Shadow Altar, and Shadows will continuously show up. The Shade Lord is the only 'threat' here, and it can cast some decent spells, like Symbol, Stun. Rush it and chop it to pieces. It'll also use a level drain attack that can be annoying... which is just another good reason to focus on it. After it's dead, smite the Shadow Altar to keep more enemies from showing up. After all the enemies are dead, the lost Ranger Merella will be where the Shade Lord fell. Go talk to her and she'll promptly die, and spill some loot. Grab the King's Tears, the Rogue Stone, the Cloak of Stars, and the 4872 gold that she drops, and loot Shadow Patrick for Darkmail +3, the Halberd +2, Duskblade, a Composite Long Bow, and 40~ Arrows. By now Darkmail is wildly inferior to everything I have equipped, and its 20% resistance to fire is hardly enticing enough to overcome its Armor Class deficiencies. The Halberd +2, Duskblade has likewise been long since obsolete... we found a better Halberd during the Unseeing Eye quest! Lastly, the Cloak of the Stars creates six +5 Darts per day... but that's not really enough to get much of anything done. So all the gear we got from the Shade Lord was a dud, but at least we got some good experience. Light returns, the map changes, birds chirp, and everybody is happy. Yay. Time to return to town for our reward.

***REWARD*** (For defeating the Shade Lord and smashing the Shadow Altar) EXP 44250 (each character) Minister Lloyd's Home (AR1104) o======================================================================o 12) Return to Umar Hills (AR1100) and enter Minister Lloyd's Home (x=5000, y=2550) and talk to Minister Lloyd (x=660, y=380). Tell him what happened with the Shade Lord and Merella and you'll get the The Night's Gift +5. Honestly, look at this armor. Is it really much better than Shadow Armor? A little better Armor Class, 5% less Hide in Shadows. Meh. He'll also offer you Merella's Cabin if you're a Ranger... and we know what that means.. next up are the Ranger Stronghold Quests. Well, after we deal with some armor, kindly donated by some Dragons we may have slain. ***REWARD*** (For stopping the evil and saving Imnesvale) Item The Night's Gift +5 Reputation +1 Umar Hills (AR1100) o======================================================================o 13) If you killed Adalon earlier, you might as well go visit Fael near the Umar Inn (x=3500, y=2860), and give him the Shirt Made of Human Flesh and the Blood of a Silver Dragon. He'll tell you to return in four days to collect the completed armor. In four days you'll indeed get your armor, but Fael knows you're not the tanner, and he'll call in three Mage buddies to attack you. One has to wonder why he gives you the armor and THEN attacks. Anyways, some of the Mages are moderately powerful, able to cast Horrid Wilting and other annoying spells. They are, however, in very close order, and can easily be taken down with one Insect Plague. Unfortunately, for all this work the armor is somewhat... underwhelming. Okay, it's not bad, its Armor Class is three, which is just one lower than Shadow Thief Armor, and it gives a whopping +4 bonus to your saves and 20% magic resistance, making it good all-round defensive armor. The down side is that its Armor Class is inferior to other light armor we are going to obtain soon, and it can only be worn by evil characters. Name me an evil Thief who might want to use this armor...? That's right, there aren't any. So there are no good candidates for this armor unless you have a Thief protagonist, and frankly, there's better armor out there. Fael will drop some gold, a Warhammer, and a suit of Leather Armor +1. One of the Mages dropped a Potion of Mind Focusing, another leaves behind a Bloodstone Amulet, and the third dropped a Zircon Gem and 25 gold. Overwhelmed by the awesome loot? Don't worry, the next armor is better. Return to the Docks District of Athkatla and pay Cromwell a visit. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 14) With the Shadow Dragon Scales in hand, Cromwell will offer to make you the Shadow Dragon Scale Armor for a scant price of 5000 gold. It's Armor Class is only one point worse than Full Plate Mail +1 and imparts a +50% resistance bonus to acid. Best of all, it counts as light armor and can be worn by Rangers and Thieves without interfering with their ability to sneak. You won't find better light armor in Shadows of Amn... unless you're a Mage multi-class, in which case, the hunt is still on. o======================================================================o | | | Ranger Stronghold Quests | | |

o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK039} 1) Best Wishes from Imnesvale (Please Stay!) 2) Mairyn's Mission 3) Tombelthen's Family Treasure 4) The Violent Option 5) The Mithril Medallion 6) Appeasing Tombelthen 7) Mairyn's Reward 8) More Trouble in Imnesvale 9) Orog Assault 10) Rescuing Madulf 11) Umar's Return 12) Mairyn's Plea 13) Saving the Forest Ranger Cabin (AR1107) o======================================================================o 1) Okay, you beat the Shadow Dragon and the Shade Lord, so you're a pretty badass Ranger. Of course, since you're a Ranger, Baldur's Gate 2 hates you. Nobody else had to beat up a Dragon to get their stronghold, after all. Don't worry, though, the Ranger Quests are actually some of the more interesting class-related quests. They sure beat the lame-ass Cleric Quests, in any event. The first order of business is to head off to the 'Ranger Cabin' (x=650, y=2800) in the Umar Hills. You'll find that the place has been restocked, so go loot around. It's not anything great, but it does somewhat make up for the poor reward we got from Minister Lloyd for saving his town. Read the note they give you, which just says 'thanks for saving our asses, here's some crap, enjoy your cabin... please stay?' Aww, heck, I can't resist some good old begging... ***ITEMS*** (x=950, y=380) Bullets x40, Bullets +1 x10, Bullets x2 x10 (x=650, y=350) Long Sword +1, Flail, Composite Long Bow +1, Short Bow, Sling +2, Battle Axe, Throwing Axe x10 (x=620, y=400) Arrows x60, Arrows +1 x20, Arrows of Biting x5, Arrows of Fire x10 (x=450, y=550) Potion of Hill Giant Strength, Potion of Healing x5, Antidote x2, Potion of Extra Healing x3 (x=550, y=600) Note from Imnesvale, 300 gold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 2) Rest for a while and a green lady-a spirit of the forest, no lessnamed Mairyn will show up and beg for your help. As the local Ranger, it looks like it's up to you to deal with the problems of creepy animist spirits. Now that we've made the woods safe and brought light back to the former temple of Amaunator, some Humans have moved in and are tearing up the place, causing considerable damage to the forest-and its spirits-in the meantime. They are apparently looking for something, and if they're all the way out there it's probably something valuable.. we can expect a warm reception, surely. She'll then teleport outside and wait there for the good news. Can't blame her, this house is creepy. Unlike most quests in this game you really have the option to fail this one-you can just go talk to Mairyn (x=650, y=3000) and tell her that you don't feel like doing the quest. She decides you're not much of a Ranger and leaves to go try to deal with the problem herself. I don't know about you, but I can't tell a pretty green chick that she's on her own. Maybe I'm too gallant and chivalrous, and stuff? Ruined Temple (AR1400) o======================================================================o

3) Return to the Ruined Temple area (AR1400) and head over to (x=2520, y=2000) to find one Lord Igen Tombelthen. If experience has taught us anything, it's that people named 'Lord' something-or-other are going to be haughty pains in the ass. Sure enough, he's entirely rigid about the class thing, as if his 'nobility' mattered a bit in the middle of the forest. Still, he's not entirely inflexible. He does outright refuse to leave, but you can persuade him to let you look for some mithril one of his ancestors hid away here. He'll even give you Tombelthen's Journal (first half) to aid you in your search. Unfortunately for Igen, this is the ass half of the note, giving only the general description 'far to the northwest of Imnesvale village, in a forest --'. The second half is much more precise. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) Of course, it's much easier to resort to violence, and the game seems to try and entice you down this path by making it an option at nearly every step of the conversation with Igen. If you provoke them, the only one really worth watching is Tamorlin, who is a Mage, and hence, has the power to at least be annoying, which is more than can be said for the rest of them. Lord Tombelthen will leave behind a suit of Full Plate Mail, a Helmet, Bolts x20, a Two Handed Sword +1, a Heavy Cross Bow, and 26 gold. Tamorlin drops some Traveler's Robes, Bracers of Defense A.C. 6, a Quarter Staff, and 6 gold. The soldiers merely carry Large Shields, Chain Mail Armor, and Bastard Swords. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) If you're being merciful and helpful, and not succumbing to the whole 'murder' thing in your blood, head to the east, where you'll find some Skeletons led by a Skeleton Warrior. They're laughably weak by this point of the game, so smite them and loot the stone columns at (x=3900, y=2300) to obtain 'Lord Tombelthen's Note' and a Mithril Medallion. If this is what Igen is looking for.. it had best hold some sentimental value, or mithril must be worth a fortune. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 6) Return to Igen, where his reaction lets you know that mithril is, in fact, not quite so valuable that a simple medallion is worth this expedition. He'll offer you 1000 gold for finding it for him. If you try and hardball he'll drop down to 500 gold, and if you don't give it to him at all he'll attack. If you decline any monetary reward, you'll get 10000 experience, instead. ***REWARD*** (For giving the Mythril Medallion to Igen) EXP 10000 --or-Gold 1000 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 7) Now that you've gotten rid of the defilers (one way or another) return to Imnesvale and talk to Mairyn. You'll get an experience reward for helping her out, if nothing else, although she'll lament that you killed Igen, if you did. If not, everybody's happy. Either way, it's the same experience reward. ***REWARD*** (For getting rid of Tombelthen and saving the forest) EXP 21500 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 8) Your next mission will happen about a week later. Delon will be sent to find you, and tell you that some Orcs are threatening Imnesvale, and that they'll be there in three to four days at the most. Sooo.. return to Imnesvale and find Minister Lloyd, who'll tell you that Ogron

are attacking... Ogrons/Orcs, close enough. Our buddy Madulf has been fighting the good fight, but he seems to be getting the bad end of things, and has retreated into a cave with a shepherd named Atta. Looks like a rescue mission is in order. Note that Minister Lloyd says we must save Atta, and make sure Madulf doesn't die in vain.. how would he know that Madulf is dead, and that Atta wasn't? Or is he just being hopeful? Note: If you fail to attend to this quest in a timely manner, the situation will resolve itself-poorly. You won't get an explanation or an update, but when you talk to Minister Lloyd again, he'll rudely tell you that you're no longer welcome in town, no longer deserving of the cabin, and no longer the Ranger of Umar Hills... which prematurely ends the Ranger Stronghold quests. So be sure to make it to Umar Hills before three days have passed. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 9) Head over to the Umar Cave (x=1600, y=1300) where you'll find a group of Icewind Dale rejects-an Orog Leader, three Orogs, and two Orc Archers. Laughably weak, smite them and loot them. The Orc Archers have some Arrows of Fire if you kill them fast enough, and the Orog Leader will drop a suit of Studded Leather Armor +2, a Small Shield, a Scroll of Infravision, a Bastard Sword +1, and 370 gold. Umar Cave (AR1106) o======================================================================o 10) Enter the cave and talk to Madulf (x=720, y=1150), who isn't in a great way, but is far enough from dead. He'll thank you for your timely rescue, and prove his virtue again by having protected the shepherd, Atta, from the Orogs. He'll leave to go find his friends, and you'll get a quest reward. Return to Minister Lloyd for more juicy rewards. ***REWARD*** (For driving off the Orogs and saving Madulf) EXP 21750 ***REWARD*** (For saving Imnesvale from the Orogs) EXP 25000 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 11) Another week will pass, and another danger will threaten Imnesvale. Delon finds you again and asks you to return and talk to Minister Lloyd, apparently Umar herself has decided to plague the town. Minister Lloyd tells you that Umar-or at least a very convincing impersonator-showed up and told the townsfolk to leave 'her lands'. The black balls of fire and the demons she summoned were enough to convince shaky old Imnesvale, but we... we... have seen some things, and if a city full of Drow couldn't stop us, neither can some sleepy-town witch. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 12) So... let's return to the Ruined Temple and head over to the ruins of the temple of Amaunator (x=4500, y=200)-you know, where the Shade Lord and his minions were holed up. Near the stairs you'll find Mairyn, who will add her pleas to those of the townsfolk-whatever this 'Umar' is, it's poisoning the land around here, too. She will helpfully wait outside, of course. Restored Temple of Amaunator (AR1401) o======================================================================o 13) Inside the ruined temple of Amaunator you'll find that it has been repopulated with undead. Undead of a less shadowy, more corporeal nature, but undead nonetheless. Within are also numerous fiery, demony critters, which don't get along well with the undead. Near the entrance you'll find Skeletons, Zombies, a Salamander, and in the room where we

found Amauna's Bones, a Glabrezu and a Spectre, the latter of which can level drain. Head over to where we found Mazzy and sweep around until you reach the room where we obtained the Sun Gem, exterminating Zombies, Skeletons, a Skeleton warrior, another Spectre, and finally, an Imp before reaching 'Umar' (x=740, y=1240). If you get too close, she'll turn hostile and attack. She is, however, no ancient witch or Lich or anything of the sort-she can't even keep her minions from fighting! She starts out with Mislead and Stoneskin before she tries to go for a Greater Malison/Chaos combo. Still, she's not nearly dangerous enough to warrant any real worry. When dead, she'll volit a Mage Robe of Fire Resistance, Bracers of Defense A.C. 6, Wand of Lightning, Dagger, 25 gold. When you leave the temple Mairyn will reward you with a rather potent figurine that summons Cerebus, a powerful companion that can use various abilities, including the Moon Dog Howl, a combination of Remove Fear and Protection from Evil, Moon Dog Sight, a combination of True Sight, Detect Traps, and Detect Evil, as well as more typical spells like a Healing Lick (Cure Light Wounds), Improved Invisibility, and Mirror Image. It might not be able to survive as well as, say, a Deva or Elemental Prince, but it still is one of the more useful summons around. ***REWARD*** (For dispatching 'Umar' and saving the forest) EXP 26750 Item Moon Dog Figurine Reputation +1 o======================================================================o | | | Firkraag | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK040} 1) Firkraag's Offer 2) Monster Murder 3) Sanctuary 4) Iltha Abducted 5) Firkraag's Challenge 6) They Don't Need it Anymore... 7) Pack Attack 8) Ankhegs and Other Random Monsters 9) The Fairy Queen 10) Hobgoblin Assault 11) Vampiric Mist Cave 12) Lord Foreshadow 13) Kobold Kamikazes 14) Under a Hail of Arrows.. 15) The Golem Engagement 16) Orcs of a Feather, Beg Together 17) The Culinary Arts 18) Undead Infestation 19) Teaming up with Samia 20) The First Guardian 21) The Director 22) Reassembling the Mask 23) Tools of the Trade 24) Treacherous Samia 25) Doggies 26) Dragon Helm 27) More Masquerading Mutts 28) Dissent

29) 30) 31) 32) 33) 34) 35) 36) 37)

Golem Guardians Orogs and.. Golems? Tazok Returns Iltha Imprisoned Face to Face with Firkraag Betraying Garren Windspear Freeing Iltha Out of the Frying Pan and into the Firkraag Unconventional Armors

1) Okay, now we're ready to take on one of the signature quests in Shadows of Amn. Head over to the Copper Coronet in the Slums District of Athkatla and talk to Lord Jierdan Firkraag (x=720, y=1400). He's been pestering us with floating text for a while now, but since he wasn't nearly as annoying as Nalia (and because of this FAQ writer's knowledge) we've been avoiding him. He'll tell you that he needs a 'creature' such as you to drive off some Ogres and Trolls that are causing him trouble, and he'll offer you a whopping 10000 gold for the task. His offer remains open for you to peruse at your leisure-hardly seems like much of an emergency-and the Windspear Hills will be added to your map. We shall all receive exactly what we deserve, indeed. Windspear Hills (AR1200) o======================================================================o 2) The Windspear Hills are east of Trademeet, and it'll probably be a good idea to stop at Trademeet and rest before you head over to the Windspear Hills.. oh, and you need to exit the side of an adjacent map to travel to the Windspear Hills anyway, a la Baldur's Gate 1. Once you arrive you'll find a curious group of monsters including a Gnoll Elite, a pair of Ogres, an Ogre Mage, and a Baby Wyvern. We've seen stranger things, though. Of course, one of the Ogres talks to you and seems to think that YOU are the monsters... it doesn't matter what you do, they'll attack and you'll be forced to put them down. Further evidence that this is an unusual event will surface as you kill them and receive an inordinately large experience reward, and the fact that they wear metal armor. Once they're all dead a man named Garren Windspear will show up and inquire as to who you are, and how you can change your form from man to beast at will. Then the truth will become apparent-you've killed some knights by accident! Garren suggests that you follow him to his home until you can make sense of this-the Knights of Helm won't be so forgiving. Windspear Cabin (AR1204) o======================================================================o 3) If you agree to go with Garren Windspear you'll appear outside of his cabin. Enter at (x=800, y=3150) and talk to Garren... or rather, get talked to by Garren. He'll tell you that he used to be the lord of this land until he lost everything to Lord Jierdan Firkraag, the apparent cause of our collective troubles. He'll leave to talk to the Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart on your behalf and his daughter-Iltha-will show up and thank you for giving her father the chance to help somebody, as if we had a choice. Note: If you're playing a female protagonist, Garren will have a son named Taar, who will take the place of Iltha in all things. Clearly, they're trying to play into your sexual sympathies. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) Your party will rest and a Halfling named Jum will show up and scream bloody murder about some bandits approaching. Before you can deal with them, they'll show up in the house and abduct Iltha/Taar before attacking you. They're a motley bunch, led by a Mage named Plath

Rededge, who openly admits to working for Firkraag. Their intentions are quite simple: they've abducted Iltha/Taar and plan to frame you for that crime, doubtlessly an attempt to further your reputation as merciless marauders. Whatever we did to Firkraag, he's got it in for us something fierce. The only clue Plath gives us is that it's 'revenge against those beyond reach, against friends of yours that were enemies long past.' Which could really be anybody from Baldur's Gate 1. When she finally shuts up, the bandits will attack, including Plath Rededge, a Dwarven Bandit, and two Orcs. Needless to say I focus all my attention on Plath and strike her down almost instantly, then it's just a matter of mopping up the unfortunate melee enemies. When they're dead, loot Plath Rededge for a Bloodstone Amulet, a Quarter Staff, and 20 gold. The Dwarf drops a suit of Plate Mail Armor, a Helmet, a Large Shield, a Silver Necklace, a Battle Axe, and 30 gold. The Orcs will typically drop some random gems, jewelry, or gold, as well as a scroll. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) As can be expected, Garren Windspear shows up just after the last enemy dies. He's distraught, but he just manages to avoid blaming you. He'll tell you that despite your lackluster defense of Iltha/Taar, he was successful with the Radiant Heart, and they have decided to pardon you-so long as you seek out justice for the slain. As if we needed more encouragement to go after Firkraag. Jum will show up and give you a letter, and the very name, 'Firkraag's Challenge' is provocative enough. Whoever this Firkraag is, he's at least arrogant enough to let you know where he is, and has the gall to express his boredom with this little 'game' of his. Note the exaggeration on the word 'person' in his own letter. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 6) Garren and Firkraag's letter both suggested the ruins to the northeast, but as is typical, I prefer to explore the area before committing to a dungeon. Just northwest of the cabin you'll find a crack in some rocks worth looting. If you want to loot the bodies of the dead knights, they sure haven't gone anywhere. Head over to the northwestern corner of the map where you entered the level to score a few suits of Plate Mail Armor to sell. Murder and robbing the dead? Well, in for a penny, in for a pound. You can also loot some nearby bushes, for what it's worth.. ***ITEMS*** (x=200, y=2075) Star Sapphire (x=300, y=540) 63 gold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 7) Just north of the center of the map you'll find a group of unarmored Fighters killing some Gnolls. After all the Gnolls are dead they'll end up chatting amongst themselves for a while, and the canine puns are numerous and obvious enough that it should be no surprise when they tire of their meaningless musing and turn into Werewolves. Unfortunately for them, we fought through an entire island of Werewolves when we were half the level we are now, these mangy critters don't stand a chance. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 8) East of Windspear Cabin I encountered an Ankheg, one of our long lost friends from Baldur's Gate 1. Those things were everywhere before, but now they're rare, and no real threat. If Taerom Fuiruim could make you a suit of Ankheg Full Plate in the first game, it should be no surprise that Cromwell can do the same in this one. Of course, we've long since outgrown the need for such weak armor. In addition to the random Ankhegs that'll pop up, you also might run across groups of Goblins, Gibberlings, and other pointless encounters. ***ITEMS*** (x=2260, y=2690) 11 gold

<----------------------------------------------------------------------> 9) In the southeastern corner of the map you'll find Vaelasa, the Fairy Queen (x=4040, y=3050), who'll talk to you. You're supposed to give her the Dryad acorns we found in Irenicus' Dungeon, all the way back near the beginning of the game. If you do, you'll get a nice experience reward for the trouble. ***REWARD*** (For giving Vaelasa the Acorns of her Dryad sisters) EXP 32500 ***REWARD*** (For freeing Elyme, Ulene, and Cania from Irenicus' clutches) EXP 9750 Windspear Dungeon, Level 1 (AR1201) o======================================================================o 10) After returning the Acorns, killing some Werewolves, and grabbing an Ankheg Shell head to the northeastern corner of the map and enter the dungeon at (x=4400, y=500). When you get inside you'll be greeted by an Orog named Chieftain DigDag, who orders his minions to attack, then leaves. Dispatch his sorry collection of Hobgoblins in his absence, which consist of a Hobgoblin Captain, a Hobgoblin Archer, two Hobgoblin Elites, a Hobgoblin Wizard, and a Hobgoblin shaman. The Shaman will drop some Potions of Healing and a Scroll of Cure Serious Wounds. The Archer will drop some Arrows +1, and the rest of the Hobgoblins will drop useless gear and random loot. Continue to the northeast and exterminate another group of Hobgoblins, which are just as unimpressive as the last group was. I was also molested by some Vampiric Mists between the two groups, which I dispatched by engaging them with my main character in melee, and shooting at them with the rest of the party. True Sight also helps for when they inevitably turn invisible and attack less well protected party members. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 11) Head to the northwest, where you'll find a group of weak humanoidseither Orcs or Hobgoblins. If it's Orcs, you'll find Orcs and Orc Archers. If it's Hobgoblins, it'll be an even more diverse group, including spell-casters. They're pathetic opposition by now, dispatch them however you wish. In a cavern to the southwest you'll find more annoying enemies-Vampiric Mists. I tend to just send my Protagonist down there alone, let them swarm around me, and use Daystar to cast Sunray and hopefully dispatch as many of them as possible. If you go fight them normally, they're fond of turning themselves invisible if they're heavily injured.. and while invisible, they will-more often than not-target party members that are not protected from their level drain. Once they're all gone, search the cave the mists came from for some minor loot. ***ITEMS*** (x=800, y=1600) Amulet of Protection +1, Aquamarine Gem, Horn Coral Gem x2 (x=770, y=1430) Waterstar Gem <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 12) Head to the northwest (opposite the Vampiric Mist cave). Off to the side will be a large chasm. Investigating it gives you the clue that a large creature burned and dug its way down, forming the pit. If you interact with the pit you'll knock a pebble down into the depths and hear an indignant snort. Subtle, huh? You might also find more petty humanoid foes over here. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 13) Continue on until you find a Ruhk Transmuter, who is surrounded by

several Kamikaze Kobolds. He'll sic them on you, then retreat. Be sure to kill them with ranged weapons, as they explode into Fireballs when slain. After that little threat has been neutralized, rush the Ruhk Transmuter and cut him down. He'll be kind enough to leave behind a Ring of Fire Resistance.. which will come in handy soon enough. Put it on a character who doesn't yet have fire resistance, or easy access to spells that grant fire resistance. Head through the door at (x=2350, y=900) to reach the lower level of the dungeon. Windspear Dungeon, Level 2 (AR1202) o======================================================================o 14) When you arrive you'll be shot at by a bunch of butthole Orc Archers. You can either shoot down the Orcs with counter-fire, barge in on their positions via secret doors at (x=1600, y=2100), and (x=1900, y=2350), or run through the middle door at (x=1880, y=2200). If you kill them they'll each leave behind a suit of Plate Mail Armor, some Arrows, and some Arrows of Fire. A second door awaits you at (x=2250, y=1900). Note that all the doors mentioned above are locked, so make good use of your Thief to get through them... or a Knock spell, whichever. Note from Lee: A Fireball into each side chamber will severely injure, if not kill outright, all the buttholes. Chaos is also interesting, as they don't have a lot of room to move, and they continually run into each other like bumper cars. Doesn't really hurt them, but it's fun to watch... <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 15) The hallway ahead of you is blocked by several Golems, and at this point in the game, we've got to deal with an Adamantine Golem. It's accompanied by two Stone Golems, but fortunately, only the latter can fit through the small doorways to reach us. Lure the two Stone Golems into the wider room and smite them. Adamantine Golems are immune to anything less than +3 weapons, and take very little damage from weapons regardless of their enchantment. Still, we can easily surround it with competent melee Fighters and hack it to death, or attempt to cheap-shot it with the Rod of Smiting, if you are so inclined. Of course, I was just as inclined to have Jaheira kill it at a distance with her Fire Tooth +3. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 16) Go through the doors to the northwest at (x=2050, y=1660) and (x=1950, y=1600) to find a room containing two rather pathetic Orcs. Derg the Orc will beg for his life, and promise not to eat children or kick old people anymore... at least not as a job.. as a hobby, however... There's no good reason to let him live, and if you kill him you'll get a suit of Leather Armor, an Angel Skin Ring, a Bloodstone Ring, a Bastard Sword, and 47 gold. Then there's Flayan the Orc (x=1660, y=1660) who is just as pathetic as Derg. He will, however, offer you some information about the place, although it's nothing you don't already know. Firkraag has Iltha/Taar with him, and wants you to come to him. Oh, and Flayan has no confidence in your abilities when it comes to Firkraag, who he seems to think is all-powerful. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 17) Now head through the doorway on the opposite end of the Golem hallway (x=2660, y=2100), wherein you'll find a Troll Cook (x=2880, y=2300), who will kindly ask you to 'jump onto that grill over there.' He's a Troll Cook you see, and it would sure be helpful if you got on the grill so he could, well, cook you. Don't want to be cooked? Then you shouldn't have applied for the job. When the conversation ends he'll summon some Hobgoblin buddies to try and apprehend you. Smite them all (Jaheira's Fire Tooth +3 does wonders against Trolls, as does the Firetooth +4, if you bought it). When they're dead, loot the table

in the middle of the room for an Orcish Cookbook and some +2 ammunition, if you dare. The Orcish Cookbook is more rambling musings, hints about monsters in the dungeon, and a treasure guide, than an actual cookbook. Through another pair of doors to the south (x=2520, y=2400) and (x=2450, y=2550) you'll find an Otyugh, the typical, indispensable cleaning utility for dungeons everywhere. ***ITEMS*** (x=2700, y=2330) Orcish Cookbook, Jade Ring, Bolts +2 x40, Arrows +2 x40 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 18) Return to the hallway where the Golems were and go through the door at (x=2350, y=1800). Engage and exterminate another group of Orcs and go through the door at (x=2700, y=1600). To the southeast I ran afoul of a veritable horde of undead, including six Vampires, three Mummies, and two Ghasts. I send in my main character-alone, and use Daystar's Sunray power to thin the herd. Note that these Vampires are fairly strong as a whole, but are not uniformly so. It'll be a handful for my protagonist, even with Stoneskin, Whirlwind, Haste, and an impressive first strike with Daystar. The party can (and might should) assist with missile fire... or at least Imoen with the Gesen Bow, Jaheira with Fire Tooth +3, and Keldorn with Firetooth +4, if he has it. Before your buffs run out, head to the southeast and go through a door(x=3450, y=2450) to reach a room full of Shadows, Shadow Fiends, Wraiths, Greater Wraiths, and the like. They're not as numerous or dangerous as the undead we just faced, but with the Wraiths some caution is still called for. Make sure to grab the Chapel Key in the Wraith room, if nothing else. ***ITEMS*** (x=3270, y=1750) Polymorph Other, Gold Ring, Dart of Wounding x20, Arrows x120, Bolts x120 (x=3130, y=2620) Chapel Key, Bullets +2 x40, Dart of Stunning x20 ***TRAPS*** (x=3270, y=1750) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 19) Head back northwest and go through the door at (x=2600, y=1400), beyond which you'll find Samia. She's here looking for information about the long-dead King Strohm III of Tethyr. The only problem is, she seems to be unable to forge forward, which she blames on magic that prevents her entry due to her heritage. Her plan? Make you do all the work and compensate you for whatever you dig out. It's not like we have anywhere else to go, so we might as well accept. You'll need to defeat seven guardians, the last of which is invisible and protected from even the strongest magics. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 20) First, go find the traps on the doors in the hallway where you met Samia. Go through the one untrapped door at (x=2600, y=1300), then go through another at (x=2700, y=1130), and finally through a door at (x=2550, y=950) to find the first Guardian (x=2470, y=900), all of which are Efreeti. This is a great opportunity to get some use out of the Halberd +4: Wave, if you have anybody proficient in its use. Also, since most of their attacks are fire-based, doubling up the Ring of Fire Resistance and the Ring of Fire Control pretty much makes you immune to everything they've got to throw at you. When it dies, loot its body for a 'Piece of Burial Mask'. Also note that in the room with the lootable stack of books, you may run across a Fell Ghast. I suppose it's the Baldur's Gate 2 version of the suped-up Greater Ghouls from Durlag's Tower in the first game... only a Ghast. Remember back then, when enemies who could paralyze us were legitimate threats in their own right? Yeah... not so much anymore.

***ITEMS*** (x=2650, y=920) Book of King Strohm III, Scroll of Wizard Eye, Scroll of Stone to Flesh ***TRAPS*** (x=2150, y=1100) (x=2350, y=1100) (x=2450, y=1200) (x=2880, y=1100) (x=2400, y=850) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 21) Now have whichever character is protected by the Cloak of Mirroring head through the door at door (x=2750, y=900) to reach another hallway full of doors. Behind the locked door at (x=2880, y=800) you'll find the Director, a Beholder who only seems to use the spell Slow as an eye ray attack. Otherwise, it prefers to attack with Magic Missile, Burning Hands, and Ice Storm, which are all deflected by the Cloak of Mirroring. My protagonist easily smites the creature. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 22) Let's get rid of the remaining Guardians now. Their locations are listed below, as well as the locations of the doors beyond which they lie. They're weak enough that we need not discuss any sort of strategy about them, just smack them with the Halberd +4: Wave. Make sure to pick up the 'Piece of Burial Mask' they drop, listen to their vague clues when they talk, and keep an eye out for the trapped doors that lead to nowhere. Avoid the door at (x=3250, y=550), as beyond it you'll find the lead Guardian, which cannot be seen (and therefore, attacked) until you have the rest of the mask assembled. Guardian Guardian Guardian Guardian Guardian (x=3030, (x=3200, (x=2950, (x=3350, (x=3650, y=500), behind the door at (x=3100, y=550) y=880), behind the door at (x=3300, y=950) y=1330), behind the door at (x=3150, y=1200) y=1470), behind the door at (x=3440, y=1400) y=1250), behind the door at (x=3570, y=1300)

***TRAPS*** (x=2900, y=700) (x=3070, y=950) ***REWARD*** (For reassembling the Mask of King Strohm III) EXP 24550 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 23) When you obtain the 6th and final piece of the mask, it'll automatically reassemble itself in your inventory. If you didn't gather from the babbling Guardians, Strohm died fighting off Drow and their pet Red Dragon. Now head through the door at (x=3250, y=550) and engage the final Guardian with whatever character is most suited for the task. Since it's got the form of a Fire Elemental, you might as well put the Halberd +4: wave to more good use. Just be sure that whomever is engaging the beast is wearing the Mask of King Strohm III, or they won't be able to strike it. When it's dead, go through the door at (x=3530, y=350) and loot the... ground... to obtain some more tools of the trade. The Dragon Scale Shield +2 has a respectable Armor Class bonus of three, and the 25% resistance to fire, cold, and electricity is welcome, if not overwhelming defense against the elements. Against critters fond of using any of those elements, this shield might be more worthwhile than the Shield of Harmony or the Fortress Shield, but as a general-use shield, it's already been eclipsed. The Dragon Slayer Sword is another weapon that may come in handy against Dragons. It grants immunity to fear, regenerates Hit Points (even if it's at a

pathetic rate), and scores double damage against Dragons. It may be a more worthy off-hand weapon for my protagonist when dealing with Dragons, but since many Chromatic Dragons we'll be facing are Lawful Evil or Chaotic Evil (if they follow the book rules, anyways) the Equalizer will give a respectable +3 bonus to THAC0 and +6 damage... and I shouldn't have to point out how the Flail of the Ages trumps the Dragon slayer Sword. ***ITEMS*** (x=3400, y=100) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 24) Of course, shortly after claiming the loot Samia will show up with a band of ne'er-do-wells. Her plan all along was to get you to do all the work, then kill you and take all the treasure. Of course... dear Samia... if we were competent enough to make it here, what makes you think we're not up to the task of killing you, too? Samia is joined by Akae, Chak, Legdoril, Ferric Ironblade, and a Mage named Kaol. Jaheira shows off her Insect Plague spell, and Imoen/Edwin let loose a Chaos, which by and large wins the fight by itself. Despite my rather dismissive description of this group, they can be somewhat dangerous. Just be sure to keep an eye on Kaol, as any Mage can cause trouble, and Legdoril, who can harass you with spells of the Clerical variety. Still, our party buster spells work fine, and Haste will speed up the inevitable: Akae: Katana and a Wakizashi (both unenchanted, despite his formidable combat abilities), Silver Necklace, Potion of Extra Healing x2 and an Oil of Speed. Samia: Plate Mail +1, Medium Shield +1, Potion of Extra Healing x2, Iol Gem and a Scimitar. Kaol: Scroll of Infravision, Wand of Fear, Potion of Extra Healing and a Quarterstaff. Ferric Ironblade: Studded Leather Armor +2, Arrows x20, Potion of Extra Healing x2, Potion of Frost Giant Strength, Long Sword, Shorbow and 50 gold. Chak: Large Shield +2, Battle Axe +2, Bluestone Necklace and 40 gold. Legdoril: Plate Mail Armor, Small Shield, Mace and 38 gold. That's right, they dropped us nearly nothing of substance; they were just well-leveled folks with crap gear. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 25) Return to the hallway where we met Samia and go through the door at (x=2450, y=1400). Continue down the tunnel to the northwest, where you'll encounter a group of Dread Wolves and Greater Wolfweres. They're can be rough in melee if they gang up on a party member in an enclosed space, but since we all have +3 weapons or better and are a much higher level than we were in Spellhold, they're really just so much fodder. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 26) Go through another door at (x=1570, y=1150) and dispatch some Orogs. At least we're finally back to killing Firkraag's minions. Investigate the well at (x=1250, y=1250) and raise up the water pail to obtain the Dragon Helm. You'll also be attacked by an Air Elemental for your trouble, but such a creature is little more than free experience for us by now. The helmet doesn't give a bonus to Armor Class, but it does improve your resistance to fire, cold, and electricity by 25%. Combined with the Dragon Scale Shield +2, that's 50% resistance to three of the

game's most common elements. Unfortunately, this helmet is slightly out-competed by the Helmet of Defense. I'd take a +1 bonus to my saves over 5% resistance to elements any day. Note from Lee: I usually see the Orogs and Golems from Step 30 show up here, but the Adamantine Golem blocks their path across the bridge, so it's safe to ignore them. Of couse, why do that when you can simply kill them and clear the path for later...? Either way, I don't do those steps until after 27-29, as listed in this guide. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 27) Head through a locked door across the stone bridge at (x=1100, y=1450). Through another door (x=850, y=1630) you'll find a warrior named Grancor, who attempts to lead you away to treat some injured companions of his. Of course, if you doubt him his story doesn't hold water, and he'll soon grow impatient, turn into a Greater Wolfwere, and attack. Kill him and his companion and go through the door at (x=1000, y=1850), where you'll find more Wolfweres in need of some death. Loot the first room, and go through another door at (x=1050, y=2000) and loot this room, too. The Horn of Blasting is a decent area of effect item that does a bit of damage and has a chance to stun creatures effected. Unfortunately, it always centers its blast on the user, meaning you're going to harm yourself every time you use it. ***ITEMS*** (x=800, y=1630) Scroll of Chaos, Dart of Wounding x20, 44 gold (x=700, y=1700) Bloodstone Gem, Bolt of Lightning x20, Arrows of Ice x40 (x=900, y=2100) Scroll of Domination, Scroll of Hold Monster, Bolt of Biting x40 (x=800, y=2000) Scroll of Hold Undead, Horn of Blasting, Bullet +2 x40, Arrows of Piercing x40, Dart of Wounding x20, 2120 gold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 28) Return to the small room before you met Grancor and head northwest through the hole in the wall to reach a cavern. Inside you'll spot a 'Captain' berating some critters for failing to clean 'the master's' favorite Golems. The Captain will turn into a Wolfwere and attack the servants-a Hobgoblin named Gerg and a Troll. If you kill the Captain, the other two will leave, but helping out the Captain only earns you his hostility, afterwards. The Captain drops a Silver Ring and a Silver Necklace. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 29) Anyways, continue past them until you find a secret door (x=500, y=1000) beyond which lies 'the master's' Golems, what else? This is just another typical grouping of an Adamantite Golem and two Stone Golems, the former of which can't squeeze out of the secret door, so smite it at a distance like we did the first one and cut the Stone Golems up in melee... or just shoot them all to death, if they crowd around the secret door and the Adamantite Golem blocks the other Golems. Why do more work than we have to? When they're all dead, head safely into their cavern and loot the wall at (x=800, y=450) to claim the Heartseeker +3, a Beljuril Gem, and a pair of Moonbar Gems. ***ITEMS*** (x=800, y=450) Heartseeker +3, Beljuril Gem, Moonbar Gem x2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 30) Return to the stone bridge where we found the Dragon Helm and head across the crude wooden bridge-the bridge upon a bridge, as it were-to the north and up a corridor, where you'll find more Orogs to sate your killing urges to the east. Sometimes a group of Golems (an Adamantite

Golem and two Stone Golems) showed up in the corridor leading to the Orog room, other times, they did not. If you run afoul of some Golems, just run back across the bridge, cut down the Stone Golems, and shoot the Adamantite Golem (who can't cross the bridge) to death. If they didn't show up the first time through, they'll certainly show up the second. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 31) Go through the locked door (x=1600, y=750), and then through another door (x=1950, y=850) to reach a prison. Inside is a very special friend of ours-the Ogre Tazok-now in the employ of Firkraag. Apparently this Firkraag sought out Tazok for his special relationship with us. Firkraag resurrected him for the sole purpose of meeting us here, so for Kivan's sake, let's give Tazok the warm welcome he deserves. Chieftain DigDag is also there, but he seems rather... who cares, to me. I bottleneck them at the doorway and cut them down. Not because of their fearsome might, but just because it's good tactics. In fact, I have my protagonist bottleneck them at the door and cut them all down himself. Tazok deserves no less. Tazok might be a bit stronger in this game than he was in the first, but I am much, much, stronger still. Chieftain DigDag will leave behind Delver's Plate +2, a Helmet, a Large Shield, and a Bastard Sword. Delver's Plate, despite being slightly lighter than Full Plate Mail +1, it's not nearly as protective, so it serves us no purpose at this point in the game. Tazok leaves behind a suit of Full Plate Mail +1, two Potions of Extra Healing, a Sewer Key (with which we'll finish off Athkatla), a Zircon Gem, a Flamedance Ring, a Two Handed Sword +2, and 430 gold. ***ITEMS*** (x=2100, y=650) Fireshield (Red), Star Sapphire x2, Arrows x80, Bolts x80, Bullets x80, Darts x80, 240 gold (x=1950, y=650) Scroll of Minor Sequencer, Scroll of Teleport Field, Rogue Stone x2, King's Tears, Laeral's Tear Necklace, 680 gold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 32) Over at (x=2370, y=700) you'll find Iltha/Taar, safely imprisoned behind bars we don't have the key for. Talk to her/him and she/he will tell you that the Mage who brought her/him here has the key, but she/he has no idea how to get it. She/He begs you to not fight Firkraag-just get the key and flee. Head to the next area by entering the cavern at (x=1800, y=350). Firkraag's Lair (AR1203) o======================================================================o 33) Head down the overly large stairs and you'll find yourself in an overly large chamber, where Firkraag lurks (x=1500, y=1500). It should now become quite apparent why none of Firkraag's minions thought we'd stand a chance, and why Firkraag so brazenly challenged us. Being a Red Dragon should give one sufficient reason to be arrogant. His interest in you was two-fold, powerful creatures seem to be drawn to you, being a Bhaalspawn and all. On top of that, Gorion crossed him back in the day, and since he can't do anything to Gorion, picking on his kid is the next best thing. It turns out that Firkraag's reasons for troubling us aren't so grand, just curiosity, boredom, and a bit of revenge. Of course, on close examination we Bhaalspawn aren't significantly different from other mortals, so Firkraag has decided to let us be so we can hunt down Irenicus. Too bad for him, I don't intend to grant him the same leisure. First, however, he'll allow you to attempt to save Iltha/Taar, as more of a test for his minions than for any other reason. If you're feeling evil, you can side with Firkraag and offer to go get him Garren Windspear's deed. Both alternatives will be covered below. <---------------------------------------------------------------------->

34) If you decide to betray Garren, Keldorn will leave your party-and rightfully so. This is no more than an act of pure malice and greed. Iltha/Taar will be slain by Conster on your way back to Windspear Cabin. When you arrive, just kill Garren, don't bother talking to him or he'll leave. Loot the 'Deed to the Windspear Hills' from his body and return to Firkraag. He'll give you a single item from his horde-and not surprisingly, one of the weakest. You will, however, get a pretty large experience reward. Yep... that's all there is to it. Not very exciting, right? Now, for the suggested anti-Firkraag route. ***REWARD*** (For bringing the Deed of the Windspear Hills to Firkraag) EXP 40500 (each character) Item Cloak of the Shield <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 35) Return to the previous level in your attempt to beat Conster to Iltha/Taar. Conster will challenge you when you reach the prison. He might be fanatically servile to Firkraag, but he's not terribly strong. Hit him with a Dispel Magic or Breach to take down his obligatory Stoneskin, then rush him and cut him down. Loot his body for the Firkraag Prison Key, a Scroll of Magic Missile, a Quarter Staff, and 25 gold. Key in hand, open the door at (x=2350, y=700) to free Iltha/Taar. She/He will tell you to meet her/him back at her/his father's house and leave. Do as she/he suggests and you'll get another experience reward. If you're a Paladin, Garren Windspear will suggest that you return to the Most Noble order of the Radiant Heart. That's right, it's another series of Stronghold quests coming up-but first, let's see Firkraag off in fitting manner. Of course, if you're a Paladin you should really do the Paladin Stronghold quests first, since dealing with Firkraag is part of that string of quests. On the other hand, if your protagonist isn't a Paladin, you have no reason to bother, just go fight Firkraag now. ***REWARD*** (For freeing Iltha/Taar) EXP 23750 ***REWARD*** (For returning back to the Windspear Cabin after rescuing Iltha/Taar) EXP 44500 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 36) Standard Dragon fight rules apply: spell buff to the max, and include spells like Protection from Fire to your normal preparations. Firkraag's breath is no laughing matter. Fireshield (Red) and Aura of Flaming Death are also good defenses against this scourge. Other than that.. summon whatever critters you have, the more targets, the better. Edwin/Imoen equips the Ring of Fire Resistance or Ring of Fire Control so there's at least a chance that they'll survive Firkraag's breath-but they should be kept back, in any case. Surround Firkraag liberally, for several reasons. First, he'll almost certainly use Remove Magic, and the fewer characters this hits, the better off you'll be. Second, when pressed he'll wing buffet, and the fewer characters knocked back, the better off you'll be. Third, it'll keep him from hitting everybody with his breath weapon, and the fewer... well, you know. Imoen/Edwin and my main character start out with Lower Resistance, followed by Greater Malison, hopefully making him more vulnerable to the Silver Sword, Celestial Fury, Flail of the Ages, or Finger of Death. Unfortunately, with such powerful summons, good start-up defenses, and Whirlwind Attacks, Firkraag does little more than roll over and die. When he falls, loot his carcass for some truly epic loot. He'll leave

behind some Red Dragon Scales, Carsomyr +5, a Holy Avenger that will serve Keldorn for the rest of the game, a Cloak of the Shield, a Scroll of Simulacrum, a Gold ring, and 1500 gold. Keldorn gleefully equips Carsomyr +5 and gains a +50% bonus to his magic resistance. Re-equip his amulet and it raises to its rightful 60%. Three more Dispel Magic spells and the ability to Dispel a target every hit further enhances Keldorn's innate Mage-killing powers, and the +5 damage against chaotic evil foes helps him punish the baddest of baddies. As an added bonus, selling off all the magical (but not useful) loot I found in this Sequence I earned another 8000 gold. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 37) Before we run off and fight the good fight with the Paladins of the Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart.. or do whatever else there is to do if you're not a Paladin... let's pay Cromwell another visit. With the Red Dragon Scales and 5000 gold, Cromwell will forge for you the Red Dragon Scale Armor. With it's Armor Class of -1, and inherent 50% resistance to fire, it's some of the better armor in the game. In Shadows of Amn, it allowed you to wear another magical item with it-like a Ring or Protection. However, in Throne of Bhaal the developers fixed the oversight (after all, if the Shadow Dragon Scale Armor didn't allow it, why should the Red Dragon Scale Armor?) I give this armor to Korgan in the evil party, or Anomen in the good party. In the good party, Keldorn doesn't need the fire resistance (due to his high magic resistance) but he does need the armor class from the Armor of the Hart +3. In the evil party, Viconia likewise doesn't need the fire resistance, and in either case, I'm comfortable just leaving the Gorgon Plate +4 on Jaheira. You can also turn your Ankheg Husk into Ankheg Plate Mail for 5000 gold, although compared to the best armor in Shadows of Amn, it's really lacking. o======================================================================o | | | Paladin Stronghold Quests | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK041} 1) Joining the Order 2) The Odd Couple 3) Saving the Knights 4) Publicity Stunt 5) Inconvenient Truth 6) Let Your 'Detect Evil' be Your Guide.. 7) Last of the Morningales 8) An Imperfect Symbol 9) Reclaiming the Holy Avenger High Hall of the Radiant Heart (AR0903) o======================================================================o 1) Take Garren Windspear up on his offer and visit the High Hall of the Radiant Heart (x=3300, y=3400) in the Temple District of Athkatla. Go talk to Prelate Wessalen (x=350, y=590), who will direct you to one William Reirrac (x=1180, y=1120). Your first task is actually quite urgent, and he'll instruct you to leave within the hour. Ask about the particulars and he'll talk about the conflict with the Sythillisian Empire. Apparently all is not well, and one of the order outposts is under attack. It's your job to go relieve the outpost and rescue the Amnish garrison. You may have heard a bit about this war if you talked to any Town Criers at any point. Of course, this is all meaningless back-story if you're not a Paladin, but hey, if you are, it actually has some bearing on the game. Who knew? Our destination is the Umar Hills.

<----------------------------------------------------------------------> 2) Note that on the way to or from the Order of the Radiant Heart you may see the final segment of the Garrick-Lady Irlana romance if you've experienced the two previous exchanges and haven't neglected to talk to Cyrando when he was standing outside by himself. It seems that the smooth gnome, Cyrando, has won Lady Irlana's heart. Garrick, according to their accounts, got the consolation prize of one of the bridesmaids at the wedding. Everybody wins! <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 3) When you arrive at the Umar Hills, you'll be greeted by one Sir Alynar, who will take you to the site of the battle. The combatants include two Ogre Mages, two Ettins, and several Orcs. Despite the low-level spells of the Ogre Mages, you should attend to the Ettins, first, as they are the greatest threat to your fellow Knights of the Order. When all the baddies are dead Squire Elotte will speak to you and thank you for your rescue, after which you'll get a small experience reward. ***REWARD*** (For saving the garrison) EXP 8000 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) Return to the High Hall of the Most Radiant Heart and report to Sir William Reirrac. He'll be quite pleased with how things turned out (provided you didn't let people die, that is) and will give you your second mission. Some Baron Metrich wants some squatters removed from his land, and it's our job to restore order. This is, of course, little more than an over-glorified public relations stunt, but hey, a job's a job. ***REWARD*** (For reporting your success to Sir William Reirrac) EXP 10000 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) Now head back to the Umar Hills area again, where you'll find a man named Crolus, who'll escort you to your meeting with Baron Metrich. He points out that the Baron would rather you not talk to any of the squatters along the way... which means that we probably should. Over at (x=4150, y=2620) you'll find Moreno, who says that they did indeed attack Metrich's men... after he burned their crops. He'll accuse Metrich of being a newcomer, more interested with setting up private hunting grounds than respecting the farmers of the land, and taxing, burning, and raiding to get what he wants. Next talk to Brunson over at (x=3950, y=2720) and Pardo over at (x=3900, y=2920). You'll get all the points of view of the resistance, from the aggressive Moreno, the moderate Brunson, and repentant Pardo. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 6) When you enter the bar, a lady named Lanka will speak to you, mostly serving as a catalyst for the conversation with Metrich. Metrich will demand that you remove the squatters, and if you decide to side with him, they'll leave without a fight. This is one instance where there is no moral ambiguity, however. Baron Metrich is evil, as a simple Detect Evil will reveal, and siding with him will give you a sub-optimal response from Sir William Reirrac. Confront him with the knowledge of Metrich's antics, and Lanka will waver in her support of the Baron. As you continue to press him, Metrich becomes more belligerent, and it's obvious that he just wants to use the moral and military authority of the order to effect the egress of the 'squatters' from lands he wants to claim. When a fight breaks out, attack Sorcerous Amin, first. Being the sole spellcaster in the enemy ranks, he's the obvious threat that must be dealt with. I wonder if Sorcerous Amin is related to Sorcerous

Amon? Ah well, after he dies it becomes a straight melee, which is just an unwinable situation for our foes. Sorcerous Amin will leave behind a Scroll of Friends, Darts x20, a Quarter Staff, and 12 gold. The Metrich Yeoman will leave behind some Arrows of Fire among other junk, and Baron Metrich will leave behind a suit of Plate Mail Armor, a Long Sword, and 7 gold. Yeah, yeah, our cup runneth over, right? Return to Sir William Reirrac for the reward that you deserve. ***REWARD*** (For supporting Baron Metrich and running off the 'squatters') EXP 15000 ***REWARD*** (For supporting the 'squatters' and killing Baron Metrich) EXP 25500 Note from Lee: I just couldn't help but think of Cartman from South Park when Baron Metrich exclaims "You will respect my authority!" <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 7) Your next mission immediately follows. Sure, we get little time to rest, but at least we don't have to wait a week between every mission like those lazy Rangers. Anyways, the one decent family in Athkatla-the Morningales-have paid a heavy price for opposing the slave trade that runs rampant in the city: they've been murdered down to the last member. The survivor, a shining bright example of her family's righteousnessTyrianna-is being put into your care until she can be smuggled from the city. You need to go to the safehouse-a building in the Docks District near the temple-and await her godparent, an upstanding man from Baldur's Gate named Hurgis Baltezan. Safehouse (AR0415)/(AR0416) o======================================================================o 8) When you reach the Docks District, head into the house beside the Temple of Oghma (x=3350, y=1050), where you'll be accosted by Franco, the guy you're relieving. He'll hint at some problems with the job that made him so edgy, but leave you to discover the particulars. When Tyrianna shows up, she'll make the source of Franco's discomfort all too clear. To put it simply, Tyrianna is a spoiled brat who has no business being the symbol of morality she clearly doesn't embrace. After she bugs you a second time, some Assassins will show up and attack, although they're not very dangerous. After they're dead, Tyrianna has nothing better to do but whine about the blood on the carpeting... and your lack of cleanliness. She'll then try and leave, certain that her godparent is outside. Send her upstairs and her godparent will show up, and you'll find where she gets her brattiness from. Surely such an upstanding figure wouldn't be so rude and confrontational? Of course, we have a way to check if somebody is evil or not, don't we? Use Detect Evil and find out if Hurgis Baltezan is, in fact, evil or not. If he is evil, don't hand Tyrianna over to him, if he's not evil, hand her over, despite your misgivings. You'll have to talk to Tyrianna, tell her either to stay upstairs or go down to her godfather, then return downstairs and talk to Hurgis one last time to either see them off (if he's not evil and hence you sent Tyrianna down) or to tell him he's not getting Tyrianna and thus provoke him to a fight (if he is evil). If you kill Hurgis (the real one or the evil one), you'll get some experience for it when you talk to Tyrianna and tell her, but if you killed the real (non-evil) Hurgis you'll be expelled from the Order when you talk to Sir William. Likewise if you give Tyrianna to an evil Hurgis, you'll find out that he was an imposter and that Tyrianna was killed, and you'll be kicked out of the Order. So let's not do that, hmm? Once you're done, return

to Sir William Reirrac, who will reward you with a Large Shield +2 and the Pride of the Leigon +2, armor with a decent Armor Class of -1. Still, it has no other redeeming qualities, and the Armor of the Hart, the Red Dragon Scale, and the Gorgon Plate are all better than it. Note that if you encountered an evil Hurgis, you'll get a better reward than if you did not. It's not fair, and it's really just luck whether you get the real Hurgis or an impersonator, but that's the way it is. ***ITEMS*** (AR0416) (x=400, y=200) Mace, Potion of Heroism, Jasper Gem ***REWARD*** (For being paranoid and killing Hurgis Baltezan) EXP 5000 ***REWARD*** (For delivering Tyrianna into Hurgis' care) Item Pride of the Leigon +2 Item Large Shield +2 ***REWARD*** (For exposing the Hurgis impersonator and protecting Tyrianna) EXP 25000 Item Pride of the Leigon +2 Item Large Shield +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 9) Now that you're such a well-respected and obviously potent Paladin, Sir William Reirrac gives you one last task-the Red Dragon of the Windspear Hills is an abomination that must be destroyed. Being evil is bad enough, but the overgrown iguana also has a Holy Avenger as part of his horde-and it's up to you to retrieve this priceless holy weapon. For information on how to stomp Firkraag, see Step #36 in the previous Sequence. when you return to Sir William Reirrac, he'll reward you by... well, praising you and letting you keep the Holy Avenger, Carsomyr +5. You'll also get some experience to sweeten the deal. ***REWARD*** (For recovering the Holy Avenger from Firkraag) EXP 35000 o======================================================================o | | | Illithids Under Athkatla | | (Obtaining Crom Faeyr) | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK042} 1) Who Dares Wins 2) Illithids Under Athkatla 3) Murdering Mind Flayers 4) Claiming the Prize 5) Crom Faeyr Sewers (AR0701) o======================================================================o 1) Now that we have the Sewer Key (which we obtained from Tazok) there is another quest we can do in Athkatla. Head to the Temple District and make your way down to the sewers. Way back in the FAQ we defeated a group of adventurers down here. Near where they were you'll find a secret door (x=1900, y=450) which can only be opened with this key. It's kind of cryptic, and the game only tells you that the key opens something in the sewers, so it's got to lead to good stuff, right?

Enter and head down a tunnel. The bodies along the way are a hopeful sign, as is the 'psychic force' that blasts you. This is the game warning you to tread lightly. After the Twisted Rune and Firkraag, however, what do we really have to fear in Shadows of Amn? Head up the stairs at (x=2600, y=200) Illithid Stronghold (AR0711) o======================================================================o 2) You'll arrive at an area that has some... unfortunately familiar decoration. That's right, Illithids. Head through the door to the west (x=2150, y=1100) to reach a room containing a number of baddies, including some Adventurers (an Assassin, two Fighters, two Archers, a Mage, and a Cleric), an Umber Hulk, and a Mind Flayer. I run up with my protagonist, let them see me, and run back to the entrance. Protected by Chaotic Commands, Stoneskin, and the Cloak of Mirroring, he really doesn't have to worry about reprisal. My party waits for the enemies in the first room and the enemies typically bottleneck themselves in the hallway leading to it. An Insect Swarm largely settle matters, although I'm not above using Chaos, as well, to ensure complete victory. When the Illithid and Umber Hulk show themselves I hit them with a Death Spell and hope for the best. If the Mind Flayer is still kicking, I have most of my party shoot at it, while my protagonist casts Mirror Image and engages in melee. When they're all dead, loot for some minor trinketsthe Assassin has a Short Sword +1, and the Cleric will drop a suit of Plate Mail Armor. Note from Lee: If you still have the Brine Potions from the Illithid City quest (in the Underdark) they come in real handy here, and for the next few steps, as do the Control Circlets. I render my whole party immune to psionics with the potions, and my main character and Keldorn use the Control Circlets on a couple of the Mind Flayers, turning them into allies. Makes this entire section a cake-walk, and When you're done with your new allies, you can simply kill them. I send my protagonist and Keldorn, immune to the various psionics and other mind affecting magics, ahead alone to kill off all the Mind Flyers, etc, then bring the rest of the party up room by room. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 3) Now go through the door at (x=1700, y=900) and continue down a tunnel through another door at (x=950, y=950). Beyond the latter door you'll find a large and imposing collection of Mind Flayers, Ulitharids, and Umber Hulks. I hit them with a double shot of Death Spell (after all, time isn't of the essence as much as it may have been back in the Illithid City, I can rest as much as I damn well please) and lure them back into the previous room. Fighting groups of Mind Flayers is always tricky, but with the better ranged weapons we have now, it's less of an ordeal for my protagonist to keep them occupied long enough to kill them. With my evil protagonist, I can't avoid a good game of hit-andrun, and Illithid lairs seem to be well-built for such endeavors. If you're too timid for such fun, however, simply using defensive spells and ranged weapons works fine for either party. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) Another room, another pair of doors (x=600, y=1000), (x=450, y=650) beyond which lie another group of Mind Flayers and Umber Hulks-this time led by an Alhoon, and undead Illithid spellcaster. It'll spellbuff itself before attacking, and that's about the only difference I noticed. Again, I provoke them with my protagonist and run back to the room where my party is entrenched, where they shoot anything that moves. Imoen hits the Alhoon with a Breach, and I then proceed to shoot it down as normal. Just because it's new doesn't mean it has to be challenging, right? Ideally only a few creatures chase me at a time,

but even if they attack in a group, my protagonist can certainly block them off at the doorway while my party shoots them down. I've always got Blur, Mirror Image, and Improved Invisibility to help protect against the Illithid Intelligence drain. When everything it dead, loot the fountain in the middle of the room the Alhoon was in for some choice gear. The note pretty much just says you've foiled whatever plans the Illithids had, it doesn't lead us on another quest or anything, so let's look at the loot. The Wand of Wonder is... well, the game warns you that it's unpredictable in its description. I've tried to determine what it does as best as my interest and patience would allow, but the bottom line is, if you ever feel that you might need to use the Wand of Wonder in a fight, all is not well, you may as well just reload and try again. More information on it is in the Item section of the FAQ [ITM006]. The best that can be said about it is the fact that it sells for the absurd price of 15000 gold, making it one of the more valuable items in the game. Of course, the price will drop afterwards, making it a poor choice for the sell/steal exploit, but for a one-time sell, it doesn't get much better than this. The Hammer of Thunderbolts +3 is a +3 Warhammer that was meant to be used in tandem with Gauntlets of Ogre Power and a girdle of giant Strength. With it in hand, let's pay Cromwell another visit... ***ITEMS*** (x=400, y=350) Hammer of Thunderbolts +3, Wand of Wonder, Illithid Correspondence, 8 gold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) With the Hammer of Thunderbolts, the Gauntlets of Ogre Power, the Girdle of Frost Giant Strength, and the Crom Faeyr Scroll, Cromwell can forge the best hammer in the entire game-Crom Faeyr. Of course, you're sacrificing two Strength-boosting items for a Hammer, but we'll find replacements in time. This weapon instantly kills Stone Golems, Clay Golems, Ettins, and Trolls in a single hit, and raises the wielder's Strength to 25-the highest value in the game. For either Anomen or Korgan, it doesn't get any better than this. Korgan now may as well switch to a two weapon fighting style, if you've been making him proficient like I suggested-the Strength boost far outweighs the Armor Class bonus he'd gain from a shield... and Jaheira will have to wait a little before she gets another Strength-boosting item. Anomen simply slips Crom Faeyr on and is set for the rest of the game, and Keldorn is left without a Strength-boosting item... although Keldorn in the good party, with his 17 Strength, weathers it better than Jaheira in the evil party does, with her 15 Strength. Now that we're done with that, there are more quests we can do-quests of a magical nature. Prepare Limited Wish and get ready to have some more fun. o======================================================================o | | | Limited Wish Quests | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK043} 1) I Wish to be Rich 2) I Wish to be Anything I Desire 3) I Wish to be Prepared for Anything 4) I Wish to be More Experienced 5) I Wish for a Powerful Magical Item 6) I Wish that All My Enemies Will Die 7) I Wish to See All as it Really is 8) I Wish for Control Over Time 9) I Wish for an Adventure... 10) The Gong Dispute

11) 12) 13) 14)

Roger's Troll Trade Roughing Up Grae Bartering with Drush ...Like None I've Ever Experienced Before

1) Calling these steps part of some 'quest' is largely inaccurate, but it's something to do, and do it we shall. We all know and love Limited Wish. It gives us Negative Plane Protection without being all arrogant like Wish is. Cast it, and when the Dao appears, ask for a one-time wish. Let's get the less interesting wishes out of the way first. If you wish to be rich, the Dao will give you an Emerald, a Black Opal, a Pearl, and a Horn Coral gem. Not bad. Note: Some wish options require the caster to possess a certain Wisdom score in order to select them... I assume because a less-wise caster wouldn't have the common sense to ask for control over time? In any event, of the Mages you have available for you, Nalia has the worst Wisdom (with a score of 9), so I won't bother looking for Wisdom requirements below that number... even this laughably low Wisdom score allows you to make the first four wishes (steps 1-4), as well as the quest-related wish (steps 9-14). If you find your Wisdom to be lacking, quaff a Potion of Insight before casting Limited Wish... it'll give you all the Wisdom you need, and then some. Wisdom Requirement: 9+ <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 2) If you wish to be 'anything you desire', you'll get the ability to shapechange into a Mind Flayer, an Iron Golem, a Giant Troll, a Greater Wolfwere, a Fire Elemental, and an Earth Elemental. This will last until the next time you rest... or at least for a span of several hours. If anything, it's interesting to see the attributes and resistances of various enemies, for what good it does you. This is just a replication of the 9th-level spell, Shapechange. Using one-time wishes to duplicate 9th level spells will, unfortunately, be a common feature of this spell. Wisdom Requirement: 9+ <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 3) If you wish to be prepared for anything, the Dao will just allow you to cast another 9th-level spell, Chain Contingency. Excited? I didn't think so. This must have been more interesting to players back before Throne of Bhaal came out-when the only way you could cast 9th-level spells was off a scroll, or via Limited Wish. Wisdom Requirement: 9+ <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) Before you wish to be more experienced, go somewhere with narrow hallways, passages, or something similar. I prefer the roofs over Mae'Var's Guildhall, personally. I separate Imoen/Edwin from the rest of the party, use this wish while standing on the narrow walk-ways and bridges on the roof of Mae'Var's Guildhall, then when the Dao summons some Golems-a Sand Golem, an Adamantite Golem, and a Juggernaut Golem at my level-I re-equip the Staff of the Magi to quickly become invisible and rejoin the rest of the party. I then lure the two smaller Golems to the party, where they are dispatched without much trouble. Once the little ones are dead, I return with all my characters who have a decent ranged weapon and easily dispatch the helpless Adamantite Golem. Fight well and experience you will earn, indeed. Wisdom Requirement: 9+ <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) Continue to be greedy and wish for a powerful magical item with your

next wish. This time you'll gain a suit of Full Plate Mail +2, which is nice, if not terribly useful anymore. Why didn't I tell you to do this earlier? Even with a lot of questing prior to heading off to rescue Imoen, I barely had more than 1,000,000 experience before heading off to Spellhold. At that point in the game, we're imminently ready to obtain the Drow arms and armor that will see us through most of the Underdark. By the time we reached the surface, we had Gorgon Plate and Armor of the Hart. By the time you have enough experience for this wish, you're largely past needing it... unless, of course, you're an overachieving evil party. Wisdom Requirement: 11+ Note from Lee: What a piece of crap - this armor only sells for 30 gold. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 6) If you wish for all your enemies to die, the Dao will allow you to cast Wail of the Banshee. Again, another one-time only 9th-level spell. Next. Wisdom Requirement: 12+ <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 7) And for a change of pace, if you wish to see all as it really is, you'll be given another pair of Glasses of Identification. Easily the best item you'll get from wishing, having a second pair is pretty cool... Although it's a bit unnecessary to have another infinitely-rechargable item. Still, if you don't mind the inventory clutter, you'll really never need to bother with preparing another Identify spell. Note that the game will only 'read' the charges of the first set of Glasses of Identification in your inventory... the first being those furthest to the left. After using three charges, the 'Scroll' option will be greyed out, as if you had no more charges to use. Simply swap the spent set of glasses with the fresh ones to use the other three charges. Wisdom Requirement: 12+ <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 8) By wishing to have control over time the Dao will cast Time Stop. It functions just like the 9th level spell we'll be abusing later. Honestly, I never found a situation so dire that I needed to use a one-time-only 7th-level spell to duplicate the effects of a 9th-level spell. Wisdom Requirement: 14+ <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 9) Now wish for 'an adventure like none I've ever experience before.' Shortly after casting the spell, a glass bottle will roll into your foot, and the note inside will give us our wished-for quest. Read the note, from one Captain Dennis, which politely asks someone named Vittorio to return some gong. Since the note names Delosar's Inn, we might as well start our search there. Wisdom Requirement: 9+ Delosar's Inn (AR0513)/(AR0514)/(AR0515) o======================================================================o 10) Head over to the Bridge District, where you'll find Vittorio over at (x=1820, y=2870). He'll ask you to shake down Captain Dennis, who offered to pay off his bartap in return for gong lessons. Gong lessons? Anyways, agree to help him and head into Delosar's Inn (x=2050, y=3050). Inside you'll find out that Vittorio did indeed teach

Captain Dennis some of the finer points of... ah... gong playing, but before finishing the lessons he ran off with Captain Dennis' mother's gong-a valuable family heirloom, apparently-and traded it for booze money. Vittorio meekly asks you to go find this gong and make things even. He sold it to a fence named Roger, who hangs out in the sewers. Don't worry about looting Delosar's Inn right now-seeing as how the Mercenaries of Riatvin will go hostile and call the guards if they catch you-but we can pick some locks for cheap experience. ***ITEMS*** (AR0513) (x=100, y=650) Iol Gem (AR0515) (x=400, y=550) Scroll of Fireshield (Red) (x=400, y=420) 9 gold Sewers (AR0701) o======================================================================o 11) Return to the Temple District and crawl back into the sewers (x=2550, y=2620). Wait, weren't we just here? Ah well.. short-sighted stupid FAQ-writer... anyways, go find our old pal Roger at his usual spot (x=1690, y=2300). Since we already helped him with his Sea Troll, Roger will readily tell us where the gong is-he sold it to a Troll Shaman named Grae, who lives in the Troll Mound outside of Trademeet. How...? Why...? Ah hell, nevermind. To the Druid Grove! Druid Grove (AR1900) o======================================================================o 12) At (x=1330, y=2200) you'll find Grae, and the fact that she starts out hostile should clue you in to the fact that you're going to need to beat the quest progress out of her. Do so, and she'll capitulate, promising to tell you where the gong is. She'll tell you that she sold it to an Ogre Magi named Drush, who lives in a tower to the northeast. Note from Lee: Make sure you don't accidentally kill Grae before she speaks again and tells you where the gong is. If you do, then Drush will not be in the tower, and you'll have no way to retrieve the gong. Ogre Tower (AR1905) o======================================================================o 13) Ever wonder why that place where we found Belm was called the 'Ogre's Tower'? Because of this little quest, of course. Head over to the tower (x=4800, y=1200), inside of which you'll find Drush, who is rather sensible and peaceful for an Ogre Mage. Be nice to him, and he'll be nice in return. He wants a Wand of Frost in return for Dennis' Mother's Gong, which he uses to shovel dung. If you have one, hand it over for an experience reward, if not just kill him and take the gong. He tends to drop some jewelry (I got a Laeral's Tear Necklace from him) as well, making it worth your while. Of course, if it's still around you can always trade that Wand of Frost we found in Irenicus' Dungeon, which only has one charge left anyways. If you're extra stingy you can always make the trade, then kill Drush, take your wand back, (and whatever loot he has besides) and have the best of both worlds. He will mention Adratha as a possible source for a wand of Frost if you don't have one, but I have long since resolved that quest, and didn't care to postpone it until I could cast this spell, in any case. ***REWARD*** (For trading a Wand of Frost to Drush for Dennis' Mother's Gong)

EXP 12250 Item Dennis' Mother's Gong <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 14) Return to Delosar's Inn and give Captain Dennis back his... gently used... gong. He'll be appreciative enough to drop his trouble with Vittario, and pay off half of the drunkard's tab. Actually, that's pretty nice of him, considering. You'll also get a decent reward, including the Boomerang Dagger +2, which is a weaker substitute for the Fire Tooth +3. If I have both Jaheira and Edwin in a party, I'm rather disposed towards having him use this weapon, while Jaheira uses Fire Tooth +3, which I consider to be the best weapon for her in Shadows of Amn. If you don't have Edwin, or have already obtained the Crimson Dart +3, then this weapon is completely useless. In any event, you can now loot this level of Delosar's Inn. ***ITEMS** (x=170, y=400) Scroll of Identify (x=270, y=330) 8 gold (x=400, y=500) War Hammer, Arrows x20, 91 gold ***REWARD*** (For reuniting Captain Dennis and his... gong) EXP 16500 (each character) Gold 1500 Item Boomerang Dagger +2 o======================================================================o | | | Exploring Outside of Athkatla | | (North Forest, Small Teeth Pass, Forest of Tethir) | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK044} 1) Exploring the Forests of Amn 2) Genie Grave Guardians 3) The Best Defense is a Good Spell Rush 4) Other Beasties in the North Forest 5) Slaughter in Small Teeth Pass 6) More Mists 7) Tree Traveling 8) The Mana Bow 9) Wyvern Cultists 10) A Quest from the Past (That Doesn't Rhyme...) 11) Mist Cabin 12) Love Triangle 1) Now, as I'm sure you've already noticed, since we returned to the surface there have been a few forest areas around Trademeet for us to explore. Now's the time to go deal with these areas, and the order in which I will cover them is the North Forest, Small Teeth Pass, and the Forest of Tethir. We've postponed these areas for now mostly because... well, generally they're not that interesting, with a few exceptions, and they're certainly not nearly as lucrative as the quests that earned us Carsomyr, the Red Dragon Scale Armor, and Crom Faeyr. I use Imoen (safely rendered invisible by the Staff of the Magi) to explore. My evil protagonist can, of course, do the job for her party. North Forest (AR1800) o======================================================================o 2) When you arrive in the North Forest, head south and you'll find an Efreet and a Dao defending a sarcophagus. Kill them (yet another area

where the Halberd +4: Wave comes in handy) and loot the sarcophagus. Alternatively, if you arrive here at night you could find a pair of Vampires guarding the sarcophagus. ***ITEMS*** (x=1550, y=520) Skydrop Gem x2, Gold Necklace, Scroll of Spell Sequencer, Scroll of Stone to Flesh, Scroll of Protection from Undead, 73 gold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 3) Just a short walk to the southwest you'll find an unsavory group of adventurers including a Mage, a Priest of Cyric, an Orog Mercenary, an Archer, a Duergar, a Thief (who starts out invisible, and is using the 'Detect Illusion' Thief skill to keep you honest), a Mist Mephit, and a Skeleton Warrior. Even though they can technically see through illusions, this doesn't stop us from getting a telling first-strike, as we can safely target the ground near them, without bringing them into view. We need to be careful of one thing with this fight-the Mage has in his possession a Scroll of Time Stop, which he will use if given the chance. While this probably won't lead to your defeat, it's bad enough that this moron will waste such a valuable scroll. A simple solution? By now, you should be able to cast Incendiary Cloud. Prepare one, and equip the Staff of the Magi to turn your Mage invisible. Cast Incendiary Cloud at the edge of your sight-radius, just without having any of the enemies on the screen. Re-equip the Staff of the Magi to go invisible again, and wait for the Incediary Cloud to do its work. With any luck, none of the enemies will be able to detect you, and they will all stand around stupidly in the middle of the spell and die... save for the Skeleton Warrior, who will probably just be immune to the spell. Their gear is as follows (allowing for discrepancies, depending on how much ammunition they used and how many potions they drank): Archer: Hide Armor, Acid Arrows x6, Arrows +2 x20, Arrows of Ice x10, Potion of Insight, Dagger, Shortbow and 1 gold. Duergar: Splint Mail, Helmet, Medium Shield. Mage: Mage Robe of Cold Resistance, Wand of Paralyzation, Scroll of Time Stop and a Quarterstaff. Mercenary: Full Plate Mail, Lynx Eye Gem, Two Handed Sword +2 and 20 gold. Priest of Cyric: Plate Mail +1, Mace +1, Bullet x40, Mace and a Sling. Thief: Leather Armor, Potion of Invisibility x3, Potion of Healing x3, and a Dagger +2. The big gain of this fight is the Scroll of Time Stop. You have now obtained two-one for Edwin/Imoen, and one for your protagonist, if applicable. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) On other playthroughs, I've found a Greater Wyvern to the south, and a pack of mists to the east, which included Vampiric Mists, Poison Mists, and Crimson Deaths. Hooray for random encounters! Fucking mists... Small Teeth Pass (AR1700) o======================================================================o 5) This area is just a collection of low-to-mid level encounters, none of which give any noteworthy loot. I have encountered Wolfweres, groups

of mists including Vampiric Mists, Crimson Death, and Mist Horrors, and Ankhegs. Explore as much as you care to, and kill whatever you find. Forest of Tethir (AR2600) o======================================================================o 6) You'll enter this area in the middle of the northern edge of the map. Just south from where we start I encountered another group of damned mists, including two Poison Mists, a Mist Horror, a Vampiric Mist, and two Crimson Deaths. By now, we know how I'm going to deal with this-my protagonist leads and smites them all... protected against their level drain by the Amulet of Power. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 7) After that group is dead, note that the way to the east is blocked by a giant tree. This is the case for much of the area, so head west from where you found the mists to find another fallen tree blocking the way, this one perpendicular to the one in the east. You can get on top of this western tree, however, by walk up another, smaller tree. When all else fails, just find accessible areas by moving your cursor around. With any luck, just click on accessible areas and let pathfinding do the work for you. (The tree-bridge you're looking for to get on top of the larger tree to the west is at roughly (x=2400, y=1620). On top of this tree you'll encounter more mists, and some local wildlife-for me this was a Panther and some Spiders.) Cave (AR2602) o======================================================================o 8) If you go south along the trunk-then use a smaller fallen tree as a bridge to the east-you'll reach the mysterious land beyond the large fallen tree that blocked our passage to the east. Another pair of Mists block my way, and a group of Orcs were milling around outside of a shelter built into a hill (x=4500, y=2200). Head inside and loot the pool (x=400, y=800) to obtain some loot including the Mana Bow +4, the best Long Bow in Shadows of Amn. ***ITEMS*** (x=400, y=800) Bullets +2 x10, Darts of Wounding x10, Mana Bow +4 Note from Lee: I found a group of about a half-dozen Kua-Toa in here, including a Mage and a Shaman. The first group was in the northeast part of the area, and the second appeared when I returned to the main chamber. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 9) Return to the huge western tree that bisects the level. It is in turn covered by smaller trees, which serve as bridges to the west. There is one to the south (near the middle of the level) and one to the north. The lower tree leads to more bridge-trees, which in turn leads to a lot of dead ends, wasted time, and perhaps a few more mists. The only notable encounter along the southern branch is a pair of Wyvern Cultists (one warrior and one Mage) a Baby Wyvern, and one Greater Wyvern. The Mage will drop a Quarter Staff +1, and 32 gold, while the warrior will leave behind a suit of Studded Leather Armor +2, a Spear +2, and 30 gold. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 10) On the other hand, the northern-most tree-bridge to the west will lead to a Cabin, near which we'll find our old friend Coran (x=830, y=1130). He'll tell you that his love, Safana (remember her?) was kidnapped by a pack of Wolfweres, and that he needs your help to save her. Since Coran and Safana were some of the less useless NPCs in Baldur's Gate 1, I'll oblige them. Cabin (AR2603)

o======================================================================o 11) First, however, let's loot the Cabin he was near (x=600, y=900). After all, I'm sure those Wolfweres are the patient sort of lycanthropes. I only send my protagonist in (and perhaps Anomen/Viconia, if we got the Mace of Disruption +2 earlier), because the Cabin is filled with Mists. Two Mist Horrors, two Vampiric Mists, a Wandering Horror, and three Crimson Deaths will greet you. My protagonist promptly uses Daystar to smite them... or to smite some of them, and put many on the brink of smitten. You could cast Limited Wish and get Negative Plane Protection for your whole party before going in, but since some of the critters use Chaos (not to mention fear, stun, and all the other effects that make us love Mists), I find it less of a headache to just head in with my protagonist, who-with a dose of Chaotic Commands-is immune to everything they can throw at me... save physical damage, and there's always Stoneskin. Loot the profitable Cabin, then leave. Note that you can enter the Cabin individually, but to leave you have the bring the party in. Weird. ***ITEMS*** (AR2600) (x=370, y=1000) Jade Ring (AR2601) y=350) Potion of Healing x3 y=370) Bullet +1 x10, Bullet +2 x20 y=150) Potion of Extra Healing x3, Potion of Healing x2 y=170) Chain Mail +2, Wand of Lightning, Potion of Healing x2 Potion of Extra Healing x3, 75 gold (x=250, y=150) Large Shield +1, Bolt +1 x10, Bolt +2 x20 (x=350, y=100) Long Bow +1, Arrows +2 x10, Arrow of Biting x3, Arrow of Piercing x2, Arrows x20 (x=150, (x=100, (x=500, (x=200, ***TRAPS*** (x=200, y=170) (x=250, y=150) (x=350, y=100) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 12) Now we're ready to go rescue Safana. Head over to the area marked on your map as the Wolfwere Camp... you know, where you entered the level. You'll find the Wolfweres, who are lead by one Lanfear, and Safana is indeed there, apparently their captive. Of course, Safana is only too eager to see you... and not in a good way. Apparently she has made some deal with a 'wizard' who will pay the pack dearly for our demise. At this point in the game, I can only think of one wizard that would be quite so eager for our demise... it seems Safana has thrown her hand against us in a manner which historically leads to a swift and bloody death. Coran, on the other hand, shows up and seems quite opposed to the idea. Unfortunately for Safana, Lanfear has his own goals-he doesn't care about us, only that Safana said that *Coran* would bring us. Things proceed the only natural way: with the death of everything and everyone opposed to us. Lanfear kills Safana, then makes a proposition to Coran which is ultimately refused. Lanfear goes hostile and attacks Coran, and if you're quick you can kill Lanfear and her Wolfweres before Coran falls. This feat is much easier if you take the time between the conversations (during Safana's death) to move up between Lanfear and Coran. I also cast Improved Invisibility on Coran between the conversations (or at least got the spell started), reducing his likelihood to become a target. After the fight Coran will thank you, and decide to drown his sorrows with wine and women. He'll be fine. o======================================================================o | |

| Showdown with Bodhi | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK045} 1) Calling All Allies 2) Abducted by Bodhi 3) Stealin' Stein 4) Aided by the Order 5) Purifying the Pool 6) Supported by the Shadow Thieves 7) Another Half-Dozen Vampires 8) Spikes and Mist 9) Re-exploring the Lower Tombs 10) Clearing the Way 11) Battle With Bodhi 12) 'Tis Better to Have Loved and Regained... 13) The Road to Irenicus 1) Well, we've done everything there is to do in and around Athkatla. It's time to go find Bodhi, who needs to be taught a lesson in why it's foolish to put herself up as a barrier between an angry god-child and Irenicus. First, however, let's appeal for help around Athkatla. After all, why do all the work if we have chumps who will share the load with us? First visit whatever temple you helped, if possible. In my game High Watcher Oisig was fairly unhelpful, and only referred us to the Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart. On that note, Prelate Wessalen is much more helpful, and promises us the aid of a group led by Sir William Reirric... err... Reirrac, rather. If you sided with the Shadow Thieves earlier, they'll be more than happy to help you exterminate Bodhi for good, so you might as well go pay Aran Linvail a visit, if he's still alive. He'll commit Arkanis and Yachikio, and other of the guilds' best assassins to the cause. Graveyard District (AR0800) o======================================================================o 2) Now save your game, rest up, and head over to the Graveyard District. You may want to cast Haste and use Limited Wish to protect yourself from undead before you go. For story purposes, the game dictates that it'll be night when you arrive. Bodhi will talk at you, and eventually decide to teach you a lesson by taking something dear to you. She'll summon several Vampires and abduct your romantic partner before running off. Yeah, that'll stop us, Bodhi-give us more reason to go after you. We all can see why Irenicus calls the shots, right? After the Vampires are dead, make sure to pick up the gear your abducted ally dropped-it won't do us any good to lose all that gear. In the next steps, be mindful that you won't have your romantic partner, whomever that was. If I mention a step involving said character... well, you'll just have to improvise. It does seem, however, that you've most likely lost one of your front-line, heavily armored healers (since Anomen, Jaheira, and Viconia all fit that description and are romantic possibilities). possibly limiting our access to Heal and Sunray spells... not an ideal situation for the steps up ahead, but we'll make do (and rest often, if need be.) Note from Lee: I'm not sure why, but Bodhi simply Dimension Door'd away and left four Vampires for me to fight. My Hasted party took them out easily, but nobody was abducted. I ran this six times and got the same result (non-result?). Since there's no reward for actually rescuing the abducted character it's not a big deal, but as my experience differed from what is listed I thought it best to mention it.

<----------------------------------------------------------------------> 3) You know by now, however, that nothing is too pressing, no straits too dire, that we can't waste a little time on a distraction. Over at (x=1700, y=1050) you'll find Stein, who is quite obviously up to no good. Talk to him, and it'll become apparent that he and his crew are doing a little grave-digging. If you decide to be all moral-like, a fight will ensue, and Stein will be joined by two of his Mugger buddies. They're weak, and don't drop anything worth mentioning. Lower Tombs (AR0808) o======================================================================o 4) It's pretty obvious where we'll find Bohdi hiding. She's clearly the predictable, uninventive sort. Enter the building at (x=600, y=950) to return to her lair again. When you arrive, if you obtained the aid of the Order of the Most Radiant Heart, William Reirrac will show up along with Branet Al-Thon, Nerit, and Eric Vanstaaten. Having this many extra bodies should really help in our fight with the Vampires. Note that this area was (AR0801) earlier in the game; it has now been replaced by (AR0808). It should go without saying, but I lean heavily on my protagonist here. As either my Fighter/Mage/Thief, or Fighter/Mage, I'm immune to level drain, and fully capable of buffing with Blur, Mirror Image, Improved Invisibility, Haste, and Stoneskin. Thus prepared, I can chop down anything that gets in my way-while the rest of my party hangs back and supports my protagonist with ranged fire. If you have Keldorn and Minsc in your party, they'll have a little banter here where Keldorn notes Minsc's hatred of Vampires... and Minsc responds with his typical 'stomping undead' racket. Fun stuff. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) Around the first corner I run into Valen, who I promptly smite. From the secret door to the west a Fledgling vampire attacks, and Del joins the fray shortly. Even sans Anomen/Jaheira/Viconia, I'm still more than a match for these critters... My friendly Paladins didn't even have to get their hands dirty yet! Go through the secret door Valen and Del came out of to reach the sarcophagus room again. Go north to reach the room with the blood fountain (where we originally obtained the un-upgraded Mace of Disruption +1) where I'll find Drizzt and his friends. Together we smite Salia, Meredath, and another Fledgling Vampire. I now pour one of Elhan's vials of Elven Holy Water into the pool at (x=400, y=600) to purify this pool... supposedly to weaken the remaining Vampires. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 6) I now continue to the northeast to reach the central room dominated by the large table. Inside you'll find a host of Vampires (at least six full Vampires, two Fledgling Vampires, Hareishan, and Tanova). I lead with my protagonist, who isn't shy about using Daystar to cast Sunray to dispose of some of the Vampires. In this room you'll be joined by Arkanis, Kachiko, Gofus, and Yeanasha, the assassins the Shadow Thieves promised us. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 7) Continue northeast to the spike chamber where we fought Lassal a lifetime ago. The hallway will be blocked by another half-dozen Vampires, and a Guard will promise you some pain. My protagonist leads the way again, this time popping on a Stoneskin to buy him some time while Anomen/Viconia follows behind and lets loose with his own Sunray. The Guard will cast some spells, but after the Sunray his Vampire meatshield will crumble, allowing us to concentrate fully on him (leading with my protagonist made it more likely that the Guard would target him with its spells.) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 8) In the spike pit room you'll find several Vampiric Mists... meaning once again I'll lead with my protagonist (well protected with Stoneskin,

as the spikes in this room can do hellish amounts of damage.) Kill them and loot the central blood pool (x=2800, y=500) for some Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise and a Wooden Stake... in case you don't have any of your own. Look at your list of characters and check their THAC0s, and give these gloves to the front-line Fighter with multiple attacks who has the lowest. For my good party, this was Jaheira. She'll trade off her Gauntlets of Weapon Skill to Minsc when we get her back and put these on (Keldorn had an imposing -5 THAC0 with Carsomyr, Anomen had -9 with Crom Faeyr, and my protagonist had -2/1 with Celestial Fury/Flail of the Ages, compared to Jaheira's -1 with Fire Tooth +3.) For my evilparty, this was also Jaheira, pretty much by default. Korgan had a THAC0 of -12/-12, which is absurd, and besides my protagonist, I had no other multiple-attack per round characters. Note from Lee: If you stay close to the outer wall you can navigate this room without encountering the spikes (and thereby suffer no damage from them). The mists will come to you, and you can simply move around the outer perimeter to clear the room. ***ITEMS*** (x=2800, y=500) Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 9) Before we continue our assault on Bodhi and her henchmen, loot those chests near the beginning of the level... and everywhere else. This is, after all, being considered a new area. Head south from the central room with the large table, past the dead Vampires and Shadow Thieves, over the web bridges in the huge cavern dominating the level, and to the east. You'll find some weak Skeleton Warriors to smite, more traps to disarm, and chests to loot. Now return to the Vampire's den and stake any Vampires that may have fled into their sarcophagi (x=600, y=1300), (x=600, y=1500), and (x=300, y=1300). Now it's time to go down to the Vampire Sanctuary (x=1600, y=550), where Bodhi is doubtlessly skulking in abject terror... if she's got any sense in that festering head of hers. ***ITEMS*** (x=700, y=1700) Scroll of Symbol, Death (x=840, y=1840) Scroll of Finger of Death, Wooden Stake x2, 15 gold (x=1100, y=3000) Scroll of Enfeeblement, Wooden Stake, Scroll of Minor Spell Deflection (x=900, y=3550) Scroll of Ruby Ray of Reversal, Bloodstone Gem, Wooden Stake x2, Scroll of Protection from Fire, 47 gold (x=630, y=5230) Scroll of Symbol, Stun ***TRAPS*** (x=1120, y=3100) (x=900, y=3550) (x=750, y=3700) (x=3550, y=1900) ***REWARD*** (For staking some Vampires) EXP 9000 (for each Vampire staked) Vampire's Sanctuary (AR8009) o======================================================================o 10) Again note that this used to be (AR0803), but it's now (AR0809). Whatever. Only the best of the best of your companions have bothered to continue with you to this point, including Drizzt, Arkanis, and... Eric Vanstaaten? Whatever again. That butthole Arkanis will show off his

Thief skills by disarming some traps ahead of us unless we beat him to the punch. When the gang's all gathered before the doors to the inner chamber, spell buff like you mean it and head through the doors (x=1100, y=600). ***TRAPS*** (x=550, y=700) (x=900, y=800) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 11) At the far end of the room you'll find Bodhi. She has used the time you spent carving your way through her minions to turn your romantic partner into a Vampire. She will also get indignant when you mention Elhan, or the elven city in general. It seems we'll need to have a few words with Elhan when we get back, but despite Bodhi's vague, useless, and bitter cursing of the elves, it doesn't change the fact that we've got to kill her to obtain both the Rhynn Lanthorn and Imoen's Soul. Another instance of Limited Wish to grant us resistance to level drain might be necessary, but I send Anomen toward the 'bat' that will appear to the east of the door, while my protagonist charges Bodhi. Protected as he is, and with a Greater Whirlwind at his disposal, Bodhi can only do moderate damage to him before she falls. Still, using more of the Elven Holy Water on any of the five pools in the room should help things out a bit. Once everything is dead be sure to loot your dead companion for their body. I give Imoen a Wooden Stake and have her do the honors of staking Bodhi (x=1700, y=100). It is, after all, her soul that Bodhi stole. We'll get not one, but two large experience rewards, it's just a shame that our romantic interest isn't around to gain these rewards. Make to to keep both Bodhi's Heart and the Rhynn Lanthorn. Imoen will express relief at her restoration. Well, good for her. Loot the place, Cutthroat is a Short Sword +4, which is the best we can expect from Shadows of Amn. If you went to Watcher's Keep you can get the Short Sword of Mask +4, which is all Mazzy has to look forward to, as far as Short Swords are concerned. Anyways, who cares about Mazzy, we have a lover to revive! The books in the trapped chest hint at how this is done, but you don't need hints, you have a FAQ! (Because you're awesome like that.) ***ITEMS*** (x=1700, y=150) Cutthroat +4, Scroll of Symbol, Fear, Scroll of Horrid Wilting (x=1050, y=200) Dea Vampir Becomos, Conjur Ota Servanta, The Vampiricus Omnibus: Unabridged **TRAPS*** (x=1050, y=200) ***REWARD*** (For killing Bodhi) EXP 55000 (each character) Item Bodhi's Black Heart ***REWARD*** (For recovering the Rhynn Lanthorn) EXP 48500 (each character) Item Rhynn Lanthorn Restored Temple of Amaunator (AR1401) o======================================================================o 12) With the corpse of your lover, some awful mock-latin titled books, and Bodhi's Black Heart, head over to the Temple Ruins. You know, the Shade Lord, Shadow Dragon, Temple of Amaunator? Yeah, that place. Head

into the dungeon and travel the 'Statue of Amaunator' marked on your map (x=2620, y=1620). Place your lover's corpse on the statue, along with Bodhi's Black Heart, and the altar will light up, and your companion will be revived. That's it for most of Shadows of Amn. Finish up whatever quests you've left undone, as you won't get another chance to do anything once you go after Irenicus. That's right, it's endgame time, folks. Sell everything off you don't need, buy whatever else is left that you want. You won't be coming back to Athkatla or its environs after you speak to Elhan. We could tackle Watcher's Keep now, in part or in full, but I'd rather wait until Throne of Bhaal starts... We'll pull a good bit of loot out of there, but we won't be able to upgrade most of it into a useful form until we get access to Cespenar. Sorry Cromwell, you're just not up to snuff. I must, however, advocate that if you didn't visit and purchase Firetooth +4 for Keldorn yet, that you do so before finishing up Shadows of Amn. Ideally you purchased this awesome crossbow before tackling the de'Arnise Keep. Also, if you want to upgrade some gear when you hit Throne of Bhaal, purchase a Scroll of Invisibility, a Scroll of Improved Haste, and a Scroll of Protection from Normal Weapons. Anyways, when you're ready to move on... Note from Lee: Since nobody was abducted from my party in Step 2, there was no need for me to travel to the Temple Ruins. I did it anyway, but nothing happened when I placed the items on the statue. A huge wasted trip... Underdark Exit (AR2500) o======================================================================o 13) Return to the Underdark Exit and go find Elhan (x=840, y=1100). If you press Elhan for information (every response seems to do this, ah... the illusion of freedom...) he'll refer to Irenicus and Bodhi as 'The Exiles'. Elhan refuses to tell you more-apparently we're good enough to save his city, but not good enough to know why Irenicus has gone through these great lengths to get his revenge, at great personal cost to ourselves. He tells us to talk to some priestess, who remains in Suldanessellar. Of course, he can't take too many of his troops away from the fight with the Drow, so, as usual, this is up to us. You'll get a huge experience reward when you give the Rhynn Lanthorn to Elhan before being whisked away to the Forest of Tethir, atop the great tree that hangs over the eastern edge of the level. Elhan will use the Rhynn Lanthorn and open up a doorway in the tree, which will lead us to Suldanessellar-and Chapter 7. We'll get another tremendous experience reward and Elhan will implore us not to waste time. That's a total of 149,000 experience per character in this Step alone. Since my characters have about 3,000,000 experience at this point, that's roughly equal to 5% of the total experience we've earned in the entire game until this point. Crazy. When you're ready, take the plunge and enter the doorway at (x=4300, y=500). ***REWARD*** (For giving the Rhynn Lanthorn to Elhan) EXP 74500 (each character) ***REWARD*** (For using the Rhynn Lanthorn and opening the way to Suldanessellar) EXP 74500 (each character) o======================================================================o | Chapter 7 | o======================================================================o | |

| Suldanessellar | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK046} 1) Suldanessellar Under Siege 2) A Good Golem is a Dead Golem 3) House of the Horn 4) More Golem Fun 5) The Priest's House 6) The House of the Talisman 7) Reaving Raamilat 8) Demin's House 9) The Harpist's House 10) Showdown with Nizidramanii'yt 11) House of the Moon 12) Reirra the Healer 13) Beating the Balor 14) Routing Rakshasa 15) Temple of Rillifane 16) Lazy Avatars! 17) The Palace 18) Ellesime's Plea 19) Parasites Lost 20) The Reckoning with Irenicus Suldanessellar (AR2800) o======================================================================o 1) You'll be treated to a movie, a narrated Chapter break, and then be forced to endure some of Elhan's whining. Apparently Irenicus is working with Rakshasa. Why he's surprised after Bodhi turned into a Vampire and the two of them sided with Drow is beyond me. He'll tell us to seek out somebody named Ellesime-another god-child, but related to a benevolent deity. Rub it in why dontcha? Failing that, we need to look for the high priestess Demin, who is supposed to tell us about Irenicus and Bodhi-you know, give us the answers that Elhan could give us, but won't. Hmm... which should we view as less honest, a religious person, or a military person? Now that's a tough one. Oh well, at this point I'll settle for anything. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 2) To the northeast is the 'House of the Horn' (x=4650, y=2500). North of this is an Iron Golem (as is typical, if you're a high level, this Iron Golem could be an Adamantine Golem) who is just too bulky to make its way around the building... aww... too bad. Shoot it down to secure your northern flank. Now get a character with some Boots of Speed and send them to the small platform northwest of Elhan, then to a larger dead-end platform to the north. Lure the Adamantite Golem and the two Stone Golems back to the House of the Horn. Hide your party away north of the 'House of the Horn', and dispatch the Stone Golems. Sadly, the Adamantite Golem can't make it past the supports for the stairs, or the base of the staircase itself. Aww... Still too bad. Shoot it down too. Sure, my party is well beyond strong enough to smite these Golems in a fair fight, but why take the damage if you don't have to? Anyways, now enter the 'House of the Horn'. House of the Horn (AR2802) o======================================================================o 3) Inside we'll find more... Golems! Have Anomen/Korgan bravely step forward and smite the Clay Golem with one righteous smack of Crom Faeyr, then just cut down the two Stone Golems. My over-eager protagonist does get a little mauled here, but it's nothing the Ring of Gaxx won't

fix. After the constructs are dead, some elves will talk to you and tell you that they last saw Demin in the southwestern part of the city. ***ITEMS*** (x=240, y=250) (x=630, y=250) (x=700, y=300) (x=700, y=350) Arrows of Ice x40, 1 gold Cloak of Elvenkind Stone Horn, Dart of Wounding x20, Dart +1 x20 Bolt of Lightning x40, Throwing Dagger x60, Throwing Axe x30, 23 gold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) We might as well go there now, as we don't have any other leads. First, head to the large platform northwest of where Elhan is, where you'll find another group of Golems that need to be dispatched... a task which I'll leave to your imagination. The platform containing 'The Priest's House' and 'The House of the Talisman' is southwest of here, but before you go that way, some extraneous exploration. On a smaller platform southeast you'll find a group of Elves fighting some Trolls. On top of the construct in the center of this platform you'll find two Elven children. Direct them to head back to Elhan before continuing to the southwest. The Priest's House (AR2810) o======================================================================o 5) The platform containing 'The Priest's House' and 'The House of the Talisman' is unoccupied, for a change. Head into 'The Priest's House' (x=2200, y=2900) and loot it. The Scroll of Time Stop is always nice, as having extra will allow you to use them up in the big fights waiting for us in Throne of Bhaal. The Elven Priest Stone gives us a clue to the puzzle waiting for us in the next house. ***ITEMS*** (x=200, y=250) Elven Priest Stone, Scroll of Time Stop (x=630, y=250) Sunstone Gem (x=700, y=300) 2 gold The House of the Talisman (AR2809) o======================================================================o 6) Now head over to 'The House of the Talisman' (x=2100, y=3250). Note the swirly spell effects over to the east, and the numerous dead Elves around an altar. Activate the container (x=700, y=300) to learn that it holds five pressure plates, each one adorned with some symbol or another. That's right, you got to press the plates in the right order. For this order, consult the Elven Priest Stone we found earlier: "From Corellan, all began. Rillifane grew From the branches of Rillifane the Water flowed, Granting life to the Tree Suldanessellar owes all to the Tree." So, #1) #2) #3) #4) press the pressure plates in this order: Rune of Correllon Lotharian Symbol of Rillifane Elven Symbol of Water Rune that Denotes the Tree of Life

After pressing the first four, the game doesn't jerk you around, and you automatically press the fifth rune, representing Suldanessellar. For raiding this container you'll obtain the Talisman of Rillifane. Score.

***ITEMS*** (x=300, y=250) 8 gold (x=400, y=200) Scroll of Meteor Swarm <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 7) Now head across the bridge to the west, where you'll find some more Elves fighting a losing battle against some Skeleton Warriors. Continue northwest to the platform housing Demin's House and you'll find a Nabassu waiting for you, along with a Drow named Raamilat, who tries to be official about killing you. Ramilaat will begin the fight by spell buffing. He'll put up a Fire Shield (Red), a Globe of Invulnerability, Improved Mantle, Stoneskin, and Mirror Image. Imoen and Keldorn conspire to rip his defenses down with Dispel Magic and Breach, while my protagonist goes to work. Note that you can lure away his Nabassu and take them out piecemeal, but that's sissy fighting. (As sissy as my Golem strategy? Shut up.) Loot his corpse for a Quarter Staff +1 and 9 gold. Demin's House (AR2801) o======================================================================o 8) Once the guardians are dead, head up into Demin's House (x=770, y=2100). Within are a Rakshasa, a Rajah, and a unique Rakshasa named Adsaan. This time, I appoint two characters to occupy each of them. Keldorn/Viconia and my protagonist fight Adsaan, Anomen/Korgan and Minsc/Haer'Dalis attack the Rajah, and Jaheira and Imoen/Edwin focus on the Rakshasa, to prevent them from casting spells. Once they're dead talk to Demin (x=400, y=300), who will finally provide us some answers. Irenicus, the Exile, was cast out from Suldanessellar (indeed, had his very Elven nature stripped from him) for daring to try and merge with the Tree of Life. What's surprising about this is, if anything, that Bodhi was the whispering voice in the background that apparently drove Irenicus to do this. She'll tell you that, in addition to constructs and demons, Irenicus also has a Black Dragon at his disposal. Ellisme and Irenicus are in the palace, and Demin suggests that one task will allow us to enter the palace and clear out Irenicus' minions. We'll need to summon some 'spirit defenders' by awakening some Leaflord, but in order to do this we'll need to retrieve a Talisman of Rillifane (check), a Golden Cup, and a Moonblade. Once we have those, we'll need to put them on the altar in the Temple of Rillifane. Before we leave in pursuit of our next goal, loot the house, but especially be sure to pick up the Girdle of Stone Giant Strength from Adsaan's corpse. Who do we give it to? It's a simple process of elimination. In the good party, Jaheira already has the Girdle of Hill Giant Strength, Anomen has Crom Faeyr, my protagonist has a natural 19 Strength, Minsc uses a bow most of the time and has exceptional Strength, in any case... this just leaves Keldorn. Of course, considering that Keldorn has a better weapon, you can give him Jaheira's Girdle of Hill Giant Strength, and have her use the Girdle of Stone Giant Strength. whichever you prefer. For my evil party, matters are even more simple. Korgan has Crom Faeyr, my protagonist has 19 Strength, which leaves two girdles to split between Jaheira and Viconia... seeing as how Viconia only gets one attack per round, however, I'm fine with leaving the Girdle of Hill Giant Strength on her and giving the Girdle of Stone Giant Strength to Jaheira. Note: If you're trying to be evil, you CAN pick a fight with Demin and take a note off her body detailing how to summon the Avatar, although Jaheira will turn on you if you attack Demin. Therefore, I honestly haven't taken this path to its conclusion. ***ITEMS*** (x=300, y=250) Arrows +1 x80, Arrows of Biting x40, Bullets +2 x40, Darts of Stunning x40

(x=400, y=200) Scroll of Absolute Immunity, Bolt +1 x40, Bolt +2 x40, 3 gold The Harpist's House (AR2811) o======================================================================o 9) Now head up along the western side of the map to reach the platform holding 'The Harpist's House'. Nearby you'll find two Iron Golems, a Sand Golem, and a Stone Golem massacring some Elves. I would be cautious, but the Elves should provide enough of a distraction for me to walk up and smite the Iron Golems. One of the Elven Warriors-should any survive the Golem onslaught-will question your origin, and hopes that you give Irenicus what he deserves: death and an eternity in the abyss. Now that's a wish worth granting. The Golem threat being eliminated, head up into 'The Harpist's House' (x=1050, y=600). Grab the Stone Harp and leave. ***ITEMS*** (x=200, y=250) (x=500, y=180) (x=630, y=250) (x=700, y=350) Stone Harp 1 gold 1 gold Greenstone Ring

Nizidramanii'yt's Clearing (AR2807) o======================================================================o 10) Now, who's ready for a good old Dragon fight? We are! Head over to the bridge northwest of 'The Harpist's House' and spell-buff like you mean it. If you have Protection from Acid (5th level Mage spell) you may consider using it, but I'd rather keep Lower Resistance, Breach, and other spells, instead. We'll just have to weather the Dragon's breath weapon with grit and determination. Besides, we're not a bunch of armless droopy-eyed school-children anymore, we've got epic feats and plenty of Hit Points. Spell-buff as usual, but save your summoning for when you arrive at the next area (x=50, y=500). When you arrive, summon your critters and continue south until you meet Nizidramanii'yt. It'll complain about having to guard a cup, when it should be doing something grander than simple guard duty. Discontent though it may be, it's not angry enough to turn on Irenicus. It starts out with Stoneskin, and will probably use Haste soon thereafter. Imoen/Edwin hits it with Breach to tear down its Stoneskin, while Keldorn/Korgan and my protagonist attempt to hit it with Greater Whirlwinds (my protagonists simulacrum also joins in with a Greater Whirlwind of its own.) It can cast some Druidic spells, like Plant Growth, which is an over glorified Entangle, but my tactics are pretty simple-kill the damn Dragon before it hits us with too many breath weapon attacks or Summon Insects. When it dies it'll leave behind a Star Sapphire, the Golden Goblet of Life we need, a Diamond, a Pearl Necklace, a Laeral's Tear Necklace, a Bloodstone Amulet, Bladesinger Chain +4, and 345 gold. With this armor, my Fighter/Mage no longer has to rely on Bracers of Defense. Of course, Bards, Thief/Mages, and other characters also benefit from this, too, but it's hard to get excited about that... House of the Moon (AR2808) o======================================================================o 11) Return to Suldanessellar and head over to the platform holding 'The Harpist's House'. From there continue southeast to the platform with 'The House of the Moon' on it. Outside you'll find a group of Elven Battle Mages in a shouting match with some Rakshasa. Eventually violence begins, and you can step in and help the Elves. When they die, these particular Rakshasa will drop Scrolls of Mislead, Scrolls of True Sight, and Scrolls of Death Spell. Once they're dead, head into 'The House of the Moon' (x=1850, y=1450) and witness the last stand of

an Elven Warrior against a Balor. At least one of these Elves did something useful. Loot his body for a suit of Elven Chain Mail and the Moonblade we need. You might as well also loot the house while you're in here. Those Boots of Elvenkind will do more good in our inventory then they'll do here in Suldanessellar. You might as well grab the Scroll of Gate, too. Although I think Time Stop is-in almost every situation a better cast, it's still worth 9000 experience to scribe... and it'll make your spellbook look all complete-like. ***ITEMS*** (x=400, y=200) Boots of Elvenkind (x=480, y=200) Scroll of Gate, 1 gold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 12) If you head to the northeast from the 'House of the Moon' you'll encounter an Elven Warrior guarding a gate. Talk to him and gain access and continue to find another platform (I've typed platform more in the last hour...) upon which is a statue and a loitering band of Elves, including Captain Aduo'on, two 'Wounded Elves' (one conscious, one not), and Reirra. The Captain and the standing Wounded Elf will chat with you, and Reirra will offer to heal you, as well as tell you about summoning the Avatar and gaining access to the palace. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 13) If you continue northeast and explore outside of the palace, you may encounter a group of Elves desperately trying to fend off a Balor. They'll implore you for aid, and really, without you they have no chance of beating this demon... and it's distracted and worth a fair amount of experience, so it's worth killing. If you're lucky (or if you hold back) the Balor will kill off some of the Elves, which will drop some loot. what do we need their crappy gear for at this stage in the game? We don't, but one of the Elven Warriors dropped the Longsword +2: 'Varscona', our old friend from the first game, and candidate for the best sword in Baldur's Gate 1. Of course, in this game, it's more of a novelty than a useful weapon. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 14) Now travel south along a bridge running down the eastern end of the level to reach the platform upon which lies 'The House of the Horn'. From here, head northwest to reach a platform housing the 'Temple of Rillifane', outside of which you'll find five Rakshasa, (three Maharajah and two Rajah). I send my protagonist forward, who will ignore their spells thanks to the Cloak of Mirroring, and will be able to survive them in combat. Keldorn, Jaheira, and Imoen move up and attack at a range to help him out. They're fond of Chain Lightning, but as I said earlier, I'm immune, and they just don't do enough damage in melee combat to cause me concern. When they let loose with Cloudkill, I simply retreat back to the bridge. Temple of Rillifane (AR2803) o======================================================================o 15) Now that the door guards are down, head into the Temple of Rillifane (x=4000, y=1800). Inside you'll find a Rakshasa, a Mage named Suneer, an Iron Golem, and a Glabrezu. Suneer will talk briefly before attacking, and really, what is there to be said? One of us will soon be dead, anyways. My protagonist charges at Suneer, while any character with a reliable ranged weapon targets him, as well. Keldorn/Viconia rushes the Rakshasa, while Anomen/Korgan moves against the Glabrezu. With any luck the Iron Golem will get caught on Suneer. When he puts up his spell buffs (Stoneskin, Improved Mantle, Mirror Image) which I promplty tear down with Breach. My goal is, of course, to smite the Mage as fast as possible, and against such an assault he has little choice but to die. Now I just have to avoid the Glabrezu's paralysis (and use a Remove Paralysis spell if it affects anybody), so the demon becomes my next

target. Keldorn's melee prowess and magic resistance keep the Rakshasa at bay, and when the Glabrezu is dead I focus on the Iron Golem. Who needs spell buffs? Loot Suneer for a Quarter Staff +1, then place the Talisman of Rillifane, the Golden Goblet of Life, and the Moonblade on the altar (x=500, y=500)-the word 'altar' here is used loosely. You'll get a hefty experience reward and an 'Avatar of Rillifane' appears. ***REWARD*** (For summoning the Avatar of Rillifane) EXP 65000 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 16) Well, now that we have an avatar of a god here, we can just sit back and... nah, you guessed it, the stupid thing can't touch Irenicus due to his stupid magic. Apparently it's using Ellesime as a conduit through which to draw from the Tree of Life. Once drained completely, Irenicus hopes to join the elven pantheon as a deity. Not with our soul, he won't! The Avatar will open up the gates to the palace, and you'll get to watch a cutscene of the Elven Spirits we helped summon going to work. Pat yourself on the back once-but only once-for a job well done. We've still got to kill Irenicus, and musn't waste too much time with idle patting. Outside of the temple Reirra will show up and sell you junk we don't need anymore. Distractions, all! To the Palace. You might be harassed by the odd minion or two along the way, but Elven Spirits meander about, disintegrating every baddy they touch. If you talk to Demin again, she'll tell you that you need a Stone Horn and a Stone Harp to pass through the palace, which we have already collected. Along the way you'll be thanked by weakling Elves, who are glad you were able to do what they, themselves, could not. Whatever. Enter the Palace at (x=3400, y=600). Palace (AR2804)/(AR2805) o======================================================================o 17) An Elven palace, and what's the in the first room? A tree, of course. Investigate the tree (x=1350, y=850) several times to obtain some Tree of Life Nuts and the Staff of the Woodlands +4. The edible nuts heal a fair amount of Hit Points, but are otherwise unexceptional. Go through the door at (x=1220, y=700) and continue until you reach a room with a fountain. Activate the statue at (x=300, y=550) to replace the Stone Harp, and the statue at (x=170, y=570) to replace the Stone Horn. With their powers combined... the waters will stop and you can now proceed down the stairs to reach whatever is beneath the palace (x=500, y=500). Before you do, however, you'll get to have a final chat with your party members. Note, again, that the palace is now (AR2805). ***REWARD*** (For returning the Stone Harp to its statue) EXP 3000 ***REWARD*** (For returning the Stone Horn to its statue) EXP 3000 Tree of Life (AR2806) o======================================================================o 18) When you arrive at the area beneath the palace, you'll be greeted by Ellesime, queen of Suldanessellar. Or an image of her, rather. The real Ellesime is trapped by Irenicus at the heart of the tree by corruptive magics. That's the problem with Irenicus, always corruptive this, evil that. He should use eco-friendly, clean-burning magic. She'll tell you that Jon is using some sort of magical-corruption parasites

to steal energy from the Tree of Life, and these must be destroyed so Ellesime can be freed, and Jon cut off from the tree. While siphoning energy from the Tree of Life, Jon is all but invincible. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 19) Now, to hunt down some parasites. You'll find the first parasite to the west at (x=1400, y=150). Click on it to provoke it and it'll summon a pair of Earth Elementals. Kill the guardian elementals, then click on the parasite to kill it. This is the way we'll deal with all of the parasites-find one, provoke it, kill two elementals, kill the parasite. You don't even have to use the acorns, they'll use themselves when you reach an appropriate spot! Another parasite awaits its demise at (x=3900, y=2000), and it'll summon a pair of Fire Elementals if provoked. The final parasite lies at (x=1200, y=1500) and will summon some Air Elementals. Once you kill the elementals, and the parasite, you'll be whisked away to greet Irenicus. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 20) He's naturally angry that you disrupted his plans, although for most of the conversation you're forgotten while Irenicus and Ellesime speak to each other. The only upshot of witnessing this lover's spat is the last bits of illumination into Irenicus' past. We don't really need to question what Irenicus was searching for with Imoen, or that clone we dispatched at the beginning of the game, nor how he tried to rekindle his dead affections with captives, clones, Dryads, and who knows what else. The 'shattered one' he may be, but he's using our soul as glue, and we're both implacable in our need for revenge. A fight naturally ensues, and despite some tough talking on the part of our party, my first move is to run back up the northwestern branch where we smote the last parasite. To take on Irenicus without spell-buffs is not a good idea. Once we're out of sight, we can prepare our antiMage strategy. So long as you have a Mage of some sort, the Cloak of Mirroring, and plenty of instances of Spell Immunity, this works fine. Protect your Mage with Spell Immunity: Abjuration, Alteration, and Conjuration, as well as Death Ward, Chaotic Commands, and Remove Fear. Put on the Cloak of Mirroring and send them to face Jon-alone. He'll show off why he's the baddest Mage in the game by unleashing a torrent of spells at you. Horrid Wilting, followed by numerous Power Word: Kill spells, Power Word: Stuns, Mazes, all the while being protected by a variety of defensive spells that make him nearly impossible to harm... and all for naught, since he can't touch our spell-immune Mage. You'll know he's running out of answers when he strings together six Cones of Cold, followed by seven Flame Arrows, terminated by seven Melf's Acid Arrows. Finally, when he's out of spells he'll start firing off Magic Missile spells rapid-fire. For all that, Jon doesn't have a great number of Hit Points. If you want to be brave and take him on conventionally... well, you should still run away and spell-buff, but after that, try and return with one character, who will soak up Jon's Spellstrike and other dispelling efforts. This should ideally be Keldorn or Viconia, both of which have enough Magic Resistance on their own to potentially weather Jon's spells. If they're wearing the Cloak of Mirroring for this purpose, they can also soak up the Ice Storm/Horrid wilting combo which paves the way for his Power Word: Kill assault. After this, a general melee is engaged. Imoen/Edwin devote themselves to tearing down spell defenses with Breach, while Keldorn or some other caster makes sure to keep True Sight up, each and every time Irenicus tries to slip away with Mislead. The battle is fought in stages, thanks to Irenicus' contingencies, so every time he's left vulnerable you'll be free to do some damage before he rebuffs. If you survived his Power Word: Kill onslaught (and by assumption, avoided taking the damage that made it possible) you'll survive his Power Word: Stun assault... so long as you

have over 90 Hit Points, anyways. With any luck, you'll take him down before he starts Mazing characters, or failing that, before he starts throwing out Cones of Cold. Either way, once he dies you'll find yourself following suit-the battle for your soul isn't over, it has just begun. o======================================================================o | | | Hell | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK047} 1) Into the Abyss 2) Challenge #1: Test of Pride 3) Humility (Good) 4) Pride (Evil) 5) Challenge #2: Test of Fear 6) Courage (Good) 7) Bolstered Bravery (Evil) 8) Challenge #3: Test of Selfishness 9) Selfless (Good) 10) Selfish (Evil) 11) Challenge #4: Test of Greed 12) Charity (Good) 13) Greed (Evil) 14) Challenge #5: Test of Wrath 15) Mercy (Good) 16) Murder (Evil) 17) The Final Battle with Irenicus 18) Safety in Suldanessellar Hell (AR2900) o======================================================================o 1) Connected to your soul as you were, you couldn't help but follow it when Jon died. Unfortunately for your traveling companions, they were forced to come along for the ride. Behold another party speech, Imoen asks some fairly useful questions, and her musings are the only answers you'll get for why you're here. There are five paths that await us, five tests, five challenges... and they probably have something to do with that five-eyed gate behind us. Every time we complete a challenge, we'll get a tear of Bhaal. There are two ways to complete each challenge: the good way, or the evil way (although you'll be usually tempted to do evil). Each time you complete a challenge you'll get a Tear of Bhaal, which will open the way for you to continue. The challenges typically require you to make some sort of sacrifice or another if you wish to be good, while the evil characters can indulge their greed and bloodlust as they will. When you obtain a tear, you can turn it in at the gate, where you'll get some reward or another depending on what path you took. For the evil character, this is just more gain, as you can freely choose to do good when it benefits you. If you want to be a good character (or if you want to remain neutral), you must perform the good action (or rather, in the case of neutrality, it should be better said that you must avoid the evil...) at every test, or have your alignment changed to Evil. Note that this alignment change only affects the good/evil range, not the lawful/chaotic. Yes, your alignment WILL change depending on what you do here-this place is Bhaal's realm, the seat of power for the insidious, corruptive influence that is part of you-this realm is your inheritence, as it were, and the struggle with Irenicus is over your very soul. The trials you'll face here for the Tears of Bhaal will help define your very soul. How could this not affect such a change?

Test of Pride (AR2902) o======================================================================o 2) I see no reason why we shouldn't just go clockwise. Head to the east and go down the stairs at (x=3400, y=1000). When you arrive, a demon named 'Pride' with a rich chocolatey voice will address you. It will elaborate a bit on your predicament, which is a welcome change from those asshole Elves in Suldanessellar, what with their secrets and everything. This is Bhaal's realm, and your blood-or Bhaal's-holds sway here. Since Irenicus stole part of your soul, the two of you are tethered together here, at the brink of oblivion. One of us will leave, with the full share of the divine soul that was stolen from us, while the other... well, you remember what happened to Sarevok at the end of Baldur's Gate 1? Such is the fate of Bhaalspawn who fail. ***ITEMS*** (x=400, y=350) Potion of Invulnerability x2, Potion of Extra Healing x2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 3) For this challenge, you are told by Pride that you must vanquish a powerful foe to obtain your tear, although it's rather elusive when you ask what kind of creature it is, and why it deserves death. If you continue to be a pacifist, Pride will note that there's no pride in you, and depart. Talk to the Dragon at (x=1000, y=600) to obtain your Tear of Bhaal. When you activate the five-eyed gate you'll receive a +20% resistance to fire, cold, and electricity. For a character wearing the Cloak of Mirroring, this is kind of a waste. Ah well. Note that you can talk your way out of a fight, and then kill the Dragon anyways. You wont get the Scrolls, the Ring, the Robe, or any of that, but you'll get the good reward, and the 22,000 experience the Dragon itself is worth. It's better than nothing, right? ***REWARD*** (For sparing the beast and proving you live without pride) Upgrade-+20% resistance to fire, cold, and electricity. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) If you want to be evil, readily agree to smite the creature, and Pride will gleefully leave you to your bloody business. Ahead is a Green Dragon, easily the weakest Dragon in the game. Still, be safe, spellbuff, and rush it. No flashy tactics are required, it'll die easily enough under a direct melee onslaught. Once it's dead, loot it for a Tear of Bhaal, a Scroll of Time Stop, a Scroll of Wail of the Banshee, a Scroll of Sphere of Chaos, Bolts of Lightning x20, Arrows of Dispelling x20, a Ring of Protection +2, a Robe of the Evil Archmagi, and 100 gold. The scrolls are nice, but honestly, I could care less about the experience here. We can always level up other ways... although the 200,000 experience for the protagonist is equal to roughly 1,200,000 party experience. ***REWARD*** (For indulging your pride and slaying the beast) EXP 200000 (protagonist) Test of Fear (AR2901) o======================================================================o 5) From the main level of hell, head to the southeast and go down some stairs at (x=3000, y=1900). When you arrive at the next area you'll be greeted by a demon named Fear, who will offer you two paths-to the south is an apparently unguarded room which contains the tear you seek, but you'll be struck by fear when you go into the room. The room to the east is guarded by two Gauths and three Elder Orbs. Your goal is to make it past the obstacles and claim the Tear of Bhaal (x=1000, y=800). To this end, Fear offers you the Cloak of Bravery-an item made from the skin of

innocent Nymphs-which will make you immune to the fear in the room to the south. ***ITEMS*** (x=560, y=660) Potion of Invulnerability x5, Potion of Extra Healing x4, Potion of Fire Giant Strength x5 ***TRAPS*** (x=560, y=660) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 6) The good path is really quite easy. Refuse the Cloak of Bravery and cast Remove Fear on a character, then send them past the fear field and claim your tear. Or better yet, take up the Shield of Balduran and smite the Beholders in the room to the east for the juicy experience they'll give. The reward, however, is painful this time around. That Bladesinger Chain +4 will upgrade to make you immune to non-magical weapons in Throne of Bhaal, and in any case, it's not like being immune to +1 weapons or weaker is any big deal anymore. Most enemies from here on will have weapons with which to hurt you... and it's not like we couldn't just summon a Fire Elemental to gain the same power. On the other hand, evil characters gain +2 Constitution. This would have moved my Constitution from 18 to 20, and increased my Hit Points by nine. It's not a huge boost, but it's still better than the good reward. ***REWARD*** (For relying on your courage, and not giving in to fear) Upgrade-You have become immune to +1 weapons and less. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 7) The evil path is easier still, and more rewarding to boot. Take the cloak, put it on, walk over and grab your tear. You might as well kill the Beholders for the experience, too. Then cash your Tear of Bhaal in for a hefty two-point bonus to your Constitution. ***REWARD*** (For allowing your courage to be bolstered through evil means) Upgrade-+2 Constitution Test of Selfishness (AR2904) o======================================================================o 8) Onward, to the next test (x=2100, y=2200). You'll be greeted by a demon called Selfish, and as soon as it starts talking about choices, selfishness, self sacrifice, and so forth, you know as a good character, you're about to get screwed. You again have two paths to take-the path to the demon's left (east) is selfish, and the path to the demon's right (west) is selfless. One of your party members in then whisked away, and you are left to choose. ***ITEMS*** (x=600, y=1200) Potion of Extra Healing x3, 914 gold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 9) The good path here can be painful. You'll need to go through three doors to the west, and like the demon promised, you'll lose something at each door. The first door takes away two Hit Points from your maximum-permanently. The second reduces your Dexterity by one, and the third lowers your experience points by 75,000. But your companion remains unharmed, and you will gain your Tear of Bhaal. Too much, you say? I agree. There is an exploit we can use to satisfy the good goal, and not suffer the stat losses. I can't remember where I heard this, what board, forum, or post, and if I could trace down the source of this divine Wisdom, I would certainly credit them for their devious attempts to undermine the game's morality test. Save your game as soon

as you enter the level and note what character Selfish takes. It'll always take that same character. Reload and give that character some Boots of Speed. when Selfish is done talking, immediately pause the game, select the stolen character, and have them run like hell for the western door. Once it's open, Selfish reacts as though the protagonist opened the door, and kindly hands over the Tear of Bhaal. You'll lose experience, but 75,000 experience is easier to lose than Hit Points and Dexterity. Your reward for being good... or good enough, rather, is an innate 10% bonus to your magic resistance. ***REWARD*** (For being selfless and sacrificing yourself for your companion) Upgrade-+10% magic resistance. Note from Lee: This exploit would not work for me, and not wanting to be turned evil I gave up the Dexterity, Hit POint, and Experience. Bah... <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 10) If you go down the evil path, you will be unharmed, but your companion who was taken away will reappear at the end of the path-Held and helpless. When you reach the demon, it'll destroy your companion and give you the Tear of Bhaal. You can then simply raise your companion and continue on your way. Your reward for misbehaving? A +2 bonus to Armor Class. This is a nice reward, but it's no better than the magic resistance from the good path. Think about it, on a roll of a d20, each number represents 5%, so 10% magic resistance is the same for spells as 2 Armor Class is for physical damage. Since I have Blur, Mirror Image, Improved Invisibility and Stoneskin, I feel a bit of contempt for a measly Armor Class bonus. On the other hand, the Cloak of Mirroring and Spell Immunity conspire to make me immune to most magic, but it's just easier to throw on a Stoneskin than it is to prepare the three Spell Immunities I need to gain decent protection against magic. ***REWARD*** (For being selfish and sacrificing your companion to spare yourself) Upgrade--2 Armor Class Test of Greed (AR2903) o======================================================================o 11) Now head southwest to the next test (x=800, y=1800). Down in this pit of hell you'll meet the demon named Greed, who warns you of a powerful foe nearby which is in possession of the Tear of Bhaal. It'll offer you a weapon, which it claims you need to defeat this foe. The weapon, 'Blackrazor' is certainly an interesting sword, but since the demon riddles that you need to determine how to use this weapon, and since it is, after all, the test of Greed, I wouldn't get too attached to it. Unless you're evil, of course, then get attached as much as you please. It's a +3 Longsword that protects the wearer from Charm and Fear, regenerates one Hit Point every five seconds, and it has a 15% chance to drain four levels each hit, thus healing you by 20 Hit Points, Hasting you for 20 seconds, and increasing your Strength by three points for 20 seconds. As nice as it sounds, we'll find much better shortly, in Throne of Bhaal. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 12) With the particulars of the riddle in mind, head over to the south west to find an Enslaved Genie (x=370, y=920). Be nice and ask if it has the Tear of Bhaal, then question the conditions of its enslavement and it'll give you a riddle: "Ye who hold the razor's blade

forged of darkest iron quenched by blood and fear, know that ye hold the key to the one who guards Bhaal's sacred murdered tear." Keep questioning it and it'll tell you that if you give it the sword, it'll be free. Also, merely by obtaining the sword you can kill the Genie and release it, with or without the sword. You'll get some extra experience for giving the Genie Blackrazor, which is a good action. The reward for the good action this time outweighs the evil-a +2 bonus to all saving throws is roughly a +10% chance to make any save. In Throne of Bhaal, spell assaults don't relent, so having good saving throws is paramount to survival. ***REWARD*** (For showing charity and giving the Genie the sword Blackrazor) EXP 20000 Upgrade-+2 to all of your saving throws. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 13) The evil path is simple, just kill the Enslaved Genie (x=370, y=920). Just be wary, the critter is stronger than it looks, as it'll start out by using a Spell Trigger to pop on some defensesmost of which can be knocked out by Breach. It also has access to spells like Meteor Swarm, Gate, Horrid Wilting, and all that fun stuff, so you may want to treat it more as an enemy Mage, rather than a simple Genie. Since you only get to keep a sword which will soon be obsolete, and a measly 11,000 experience for killing the Enslaved Genie, the real deciding factor here for the evil character should be the reward. In this case, 15 Hit Points is a little more than 10% of my protagonist's total. On the other hand, my saves could use a bit of work. I'll gain more Hit Points, but my saves probably aren't getting any lower... besides, having 15 extra Hit Points isn't as good as having an extra 10% chance to save against... everything. Hit Points won't do you much good if you're confused, afraid, held, or stunned. I can't really see a situation in which I'd be tempted to take the Hit Points over the saves. ***REWARD*** (For using the sword Blackrazor to kill the Enslaved Genie) Upgrade-+15 Hit Points. Test of Wrath (AR2905) o======================================================================o 14) Now it's time for the fifth and final test. Head over to the western edge of the main level of hell (x=600, y=900) to reach the location of this final challenge. When you arrive, no demon awaits you. Instead, it's everybody's favorite half-brother, Sarevok. There are only two options here-mercy, or murder, and it should be fairly obvious which is good and which is evil. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 15) To go the good route, you'll end up fighting Sarevok-but intention is everything. Turn down a fight with him, and at the end of his conversation string, say that you pity him. He's very strong, indeed, but if you're taking the good path then you've presumably taken the good route every other time. As such, you should be immune to weapons of +1 quality or less. Sarevok simply can't touch you. My protagonist thrashes Sarevok soundly and turns in the tear for a +1 bonus to Wisdom and Charisma. I really, really, envy the evil characters out there right now...

***REWARD*** (For feeling pity for Sarevok) Upgrade-+1 Wisdom and +1 Charisma <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 16) The evil path is very lucrative, but Sarevok is no push-over. He's been beefed up for this fight, but nothing that some spell-buffs can't handle. If you treat him like a Dragon (sans the fear and breath weapon) you'll be fine. Just buff up, summon some beasties, and withdraw injured characters. Of course... if you got the immunity to weapons of +1 quality or less for your protagonist, Sarevok can't touch you. That'll teach you to bring a poorly enchanted weapon to a late-game fight in Shadows of Amn! Turn in the tear you get off of Sarevok for a +2 bonus to Strength. It's an awesome bonus, indeed. Note: Sometimes the game would raise my Strength by three points instead of two. This only happened when my protagonist had 19 Strength-if I had 18 Strength, the game correctly raised my Strength to 20. If I had 19 Strength, however, the game was giving me 22. I edited my score down to the appropriate level in Shadowkeeper. Also keep in mind that this isn't a bonus to your base Strength-it's more of an enhancement bonus. This means that if you use Strength-boosting items like Girdles of Giant Strength, Angurvadal, etc., those items will increase your base Strength to whatever amount, and then you'll receive this +2 bonus on top of it. For example, Angurvadal would normally give you 22 Strength, but with this bonus it would instead give you 24. ***REWARD*** (For taking your wrath and anger out on Sarevok) Upgrade-+2 Strength <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 17) Return to the door and save your game, rest, and spell-buff before activating it again and blinding the fifth and final eye. General spellbuffs will suffice, but include Chaotic Commands and Remove Fear wherever possible. The door opens and you're all knocked back to witness Irenicus' grand entrance. He's unrepentant, and says what really doesn't need to be said. This fight is for more than just life and death, its for our very soul. The winner lives and is freed, while the loser faces an eternity of torment in the abyss. Irenicus will turn into the Slayer and summon two Balors and two Glabrezu-and don't be fooled by our past encounters with these critters, their experience rewards should let us know that they are much stronger than we're used to them being. I immediately have Keldorn/Viconia summon a Deva to the left where Jaheira is. She can withstand the Balor for a bit, thanks to her Iron Skins, but I don't want to leave her exposed. On the other side, my protagonist summons his simulacrum, then it, my protagonist, Imoen/Edwin, Minsc/Haer'Dalis, and Anomen/Korgan attack the Glabrezu. Jaheira falls back and summons an Elemental Prince to support the Deva, while Keldorn/Viconia assists the majority of the party in the fighting to the east. The Glabrezu and the Balor to the east should fall fairly quickly against my assault, and once the Deva and the Elemental Prince are summoned in the west, things should be well in hand. There's always a chance that a Glabrezu will stun somebody and ruin my plans, but that's just the way things are, Remove Paralysis can save you if you're lucky (and quick). Once the opposition in the east collapses, my party turns around and smites the Glabrezu and Balor to the west. After Irenicus' pet demons are destroyed, Keldorn uses True Sight and dispels Irenicus' Mislead. The next step is simple-my party rushes Irenicus, and Imoen hits him with Breach every time he tries to throw up a Stoneskin or Protection from Magical Weapons, or other such mischief. Eventually he'll turn back into Irenicus so he can die in his true form. One Elven Warrior back in Suldanessellar is going to be awfully happy about Jon's

fate, indeed. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 18) After defeating Irenicus, you'll wake up in Suldanessellar, in the care of Ellesime, who reports you've been 'dead' for several days. Some time passes and your character will partake in a ceremony celebrating your triumph, although Ellesime can't help but apologize for Jon, and make a separation between Jonaleth and Irenicus when there probably really wasn't so much of one. Ah, coping mechanisms. Despite her promises, the Amulet of Seldarine isn't so great of a reward as to count as reparations for what Irenicus put you through. Ah well. Next you'll get to watch a satisfying movie showing Jon fitting in to his new home, and playing with his neighbors, followed by an overly spooky and uninformative movie introducing the next chapter in the saga. The Five are approaching, and the time of the prophecy is at hand. See you in Throne of Bhaal. EVIL PARTY STATS: END OF CHAPTER 7 o======================================================================o Jaheira Fighter 16/Druid 14 Experience: 2015923/2015923 Max Hit Points: 120 Armor Class: -10 Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: Weapon Proficiencies Scimitar Dagger Club Quarter Staff Sling Sword and Shield Style Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon: 4 6 5 4 2 (-5) ++ ++ ++ + + +

Gorgon Plate +4 Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise Helm of Glory Harper Pin Boneblade +4 (THAC0: -4) Fire Tooth +3 (THAC0: -3) Shield: Sentinel +4 Ring 1: Ring of Human Influence Ring 2: Ring of Regeneration Cloak: Nymph Cloak Boots: Boots of Avoidance Belt: Girdle of Stone Giant Strength Misc 1: ... Misc 2: ... Misc 3: ... <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Korgan Berserker 23 Experience: 3956850 Max Hit Points: 177 Armor Class: -7 Paralyze/Poison/Death: -2 (-3)

Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: Weapon Proficiencies Axe War Hammer Two Weapon Style Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon:

-2 (-3) 2 (-3) 2 (-3) -1 (-3) +++++ +++ +++

Red Dragon Scale Gauntlets of Dexterity Helmet of Defense Kaligun's Amulet of Magic Resistance Battle Axe +3, Frostreaver (THAC0: -12) Ras +2 (THAC0: -7) Ilbratha +1 (THAC0: -6) Shield: Crom Faeyr +5 (THAC0: -12) Ring 1: Ring of Regeneration Ring 2: Ring of Earth Control Cloak: Cloak of the Sewers Boots: Boots of Speed Belt: Girdle of Piercing Misc 1: .. Misc 2: Book of Infinite Spells Misc 3: Silver Horn of Valhalla <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Viconia Cleric 24 Experience: 3749755 Max Hit Points: 112 Armor Class: -11 Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: Weapon Proficiencies War Hammer Club Flail Mace Quarter Staff Sling Sword and Shield Style Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon: Shield: Ring 1: Ring 2: Cloak: Boots: Belt: Misc 1: -1 (-3) 3 (-3) 4 (-1) 5 (-3) 6 (-1) + + + + + + +

Armor of the Hart +3 Bracers of Blinding Strike Helm of Balduran Sensate Amulet Flail of Ages +3 (THAC0: -1) Sling of Arvoreen +4 (THAC0: -2) Fortress Shield +3 Ring of Free Action Ring of Holiness Cloak of Displacement Boots of the North Girdle of Hill Giant Strength ...

Misc 2: ... Misc 3: Black Spider Figurine <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Protagonist Fighter 13/Mage 13/Thief 16 Experience: 1364193/1364193/1364193 Max Hit Points: 124 Armor Class: -6 Weapon Proficiencies Long Sword Katana Dagger Two Weapon Style Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon: ++ ++ + +++ 1 3 2 1 4 (-4) (-4) (-4) (-4) (-4)

Bladesinger Chain +4 Guantlets of Weapon Skill Vhailor's Helm Amulet of Power Celestial Fury (THAC0: 0) Daystar (THAC0: 1) Shield: The Equalizer (THAC0: 5) Ring 1: Ring of Gaxx Ring 2: Ring of Acuity Cloak: Cloak of Mirroring Boots: Boots of Speed Belt: Golden Girdle Misc 1: ... Misc 2: ... Misc 3: Golem Manual <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Haer'Dalis Blade 27 Experience: 3875619 Max Hit Points: 94 Armor Class: -1 Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: 7 4 6 10 5 (-2) (-2) (-2) (-2) (-2)

Weapon Proficiencies Long Sword ++ Short Sword ++ Two Handed Sword + Dagger + Halberd + Cross Bow + Dart + Two Handed Weapon Style + Two Weapon Style ++ Armor: Melodic Chain +3

Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon:

Bracers of Archery Helmet of Defense Amulet of Seldarine Silver Sword (THAC0: 6) Firetooth +4 (THAC0: -1) Shield: ... Ring 1: ... Ring 2: Ring of Fire Resistance Cloak: Cloak of Reflection Boots: Boots of Etherealness Belt: Girdle of Fortitude Misc 1: Methild's Harp Misc 2: Horn of Silence Misc 3: Harp of Discord <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Edwin Conjurer 20 Experience: 3923256 Max Hit Points: 70 Armor Class: 0 Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: Weapon Proficiencies Dagger Quarter Staff Dart Sling Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon: 8 3 5 2 4 + + + + (-2) (-2) (-2) (-7) (-2)

Robe of Vecna Bracers of Defense A.C. 3 Dusty Rose Ioun Stone Edwin's Amulet Staff of the Magi (THAC0: 9) Crimson Dart +3 (THAC0: 11) Shield: ... Ring 1: Ring of Wizardry Ring 2: Ring of Fire Control Cloak: Cloak of Protection +2 Boots: Boots of Grounding Belt: Belt of Inertial Barrier Misc 1: ... Misc 2: ... Misc 3: Efreeti Bottle <----------------------------------------------------------------------> The changes made between the end of Chapter 5 and the end of Chapter 7 should have been explained well enough in the 'End of Chapter 5' section-so I won't bother pointing out the new gear we've obtained. Some notes, however, are still pertinent. The Amulet of Seldarine we obtained at the end of the game goes on Haer'Dalis-he could really use the saves more than most characters could, and the Amulet of 5% Spell Resistance is finally retired, as is the Amulet of Metaspell Influence, as 2nd-level spells have long since been inconsequential. Another thing to note about Haer'Dalis is that he obtained the high level ability 'Use Any Item', and hence, is proudly wearing a Helmet of Defense-the immunity to critical hits, saves, and resistances are preferable to the Hit Points and THAC0 bonus from the Pale Green Ioun Stone. My

protagonist, in her shiny new Bladesinger Chain +4, gives her Bracers of Defense A.C. 3 to Edwin, and puts on Jaheira's old Gauntlets of Weapon Skill. Taa-daa. Finally, note that Viconia will be shortly hitting 25th level as a Cleric, which will give her the Holy Symbol of Talos-a nice little ring that is certainly superior to the Ring of Holiness she's got equiped. Any odditities in my protagonist's stats can be ascribed to the bonuses gained in hell, as follows: Test Test Test Test Test of of of of of Pride: Fear: Selfishness: Greed: Wrath: +20% resistance to fire, cold, and electricity. +2 Constitution +10% Magic Resistance. +2 Saving Throws. +2 Strength.

GOOD PARTY STATS: END OF CHAPTER 7 o======================================================================o Keldorn Inquisitor 20 Experience: 3889718 Max Hit Points: 150 Armor Class: -8 Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: 0 2 1 1 3 (-2) (-2) (-2) (-2) (-2)

Weapon Proficiencies Long Sword ++ Two Handed Sword ++ War Hammer ++ Cross Bow ++ Two Handed Weapon Style ++ Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon: Armor of the Hart +3 Gauntlets of Dexterity Helm of Glory Amulet of Seldarine Carsomyr +5 (THAC0: -8) Ras +2 (THAC0: -5) Firetooth +4 (THAC0: -8) Shield: ... Ring 1: Ring of Regeneration Ring 2: Ring of Earth Control Cloak: Nymph Cloak Boots: Boots of Speed Belt: Girdle of Stone Strength Misc 1: ... Misc 2: ... Misc 3: ... <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Jaheira Fighter 16/Druid 14 Experience: 2198317/2198317 Max Hit Points: 120 Armor Class: -9 Paralyze/Poison/Death: 1 (-3) Rod/Staff/Wand: 3 (-3) Petrify/Polymorph: 4 (-1)

Breath Weapon: Spells: Weapon Proficiencies Scimitar Dagger Club Quarter Staff Sling Sword and Shield Style Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon:

1 (-3) 1 (-6) ++ ++ ++ + + +

Gorgon Plate +4 Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise Helmet of Defense Harper Pin Boneblade +4 (THAC0: -4) Fire Tooth +3 (THAC0: -3) Shield: Sentinel +4 Ring 1: Ring of Regeneration Ring 2: Ring of the Ram Cloak: Cloak of Displacement Boots: Boots of the North Belt: Girdle of Hill Giant Strength Misc 1: ... Misc 2: ... Misc 3: Black Spider Figurine <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Anomen Cleric 25/Fighter 7 (Inactive) Experience: 3847759/64000 Max Hit Points: 146 Armor Class: -7 Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: Weapon Proficiencies War Hammer Mace Sling Sword and Shield Style Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon: 1 5 4 7 6 ++ ++ ++ ++ (-1) (-1) (-1) (-1) (-1)

Red Dragon Scale Gauntlets of Weapon Skill Helm of Balduran Sensate Amulet Crom Faeyr (THAC0: -9) Sling of Arvoreen +4 (THAC0: -3) Shield: Fortress Shield +3 Ring 1: Ring of Free Action Ring 2: Ring of Holiness Cloak: Cloak of Sewers Boots: Boots of Avoidance Belt: Girdle of Bluntness Misc 1: ... Misc 2: ... Misc 3: Silver Horn of Valhalla <---------------------------------------------------------------------->

Protagonist Fighter 17/Mage 16 Experience: 2229453/229453 Max Hit Points: 115 Armor Class: -6 Weapon Proficiencies Axe Katana Flail Two Weapon Style Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon: ++ ++ ++ +++ -1 (-4) 1 (-4) 0 (-4) 0 (-4) 2 (-4)

Bladesinger Chain +4 Bracers of Defense A.C. 3 Vhailor's Helm Amulet of Power Celestial Fury (THAC0: -4) Daystar +4 (THAC0: 0) Shield: Flail of Ages +3 (THAC0: -1) Ring 1: Ring of Gaxx Ring 2: Ring of Acuity Cloak: Cloak of Mirroring Boots: Boots of Speed Belt: Golden Girdle Misc 1: ... Misc 2: ... Misc 3: Golem Manual <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Minsc Ranger 21 Experience: 3905505 Max Hit Points: 144 Armor Class: -1 Weapon Proficiencies Two Handed Sword ++ Halberd ++ Mace ++ Quarter Staff + Long Bow ++ Two Handed Weapon Style ++ Two Weapon Style ++ Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon: 2 4 3 3 5 (-1) (-1) (-1) (-1) (-1)

Shadow Dragon Scale Bracers of Archery Helmet of Defense Kaligun's Amulet of Magic Resistance Silver Sword (THAC0: -6) Halberd +4: Wave (THAC0: -7)

Mana Bow +4 (THAC0: -9) Shield: ... Ring 1: Ring of Fire Resistance Ring 2: ... Cloak: Cloak of Elvenkind Boots: Boots of Stealth Belt: Girdle of Bluntness Misc 1: Boo Misc 2: Horn of Silence Misc 3: Book of Infinite Spells <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Imoen Mage 19/Thief 7 (Inactive) Experience: 3498200/40000 Max Hit Points: 82 Armor Class: -3 Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: 8 3 5 2 4 (-2) (-2) (-2) (-7) (-2)

Weapon Proficiencies Dagger + Quarter Staff + Short Bow + Dart + Sling + Two Handed Weapon Style + Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon: Shield: Ring 1: Ring 2: Cloak: Boots: Belt: Misc 1: Misc 2: Misc 3: Robe of Vecna Bracers of Defense A.C. 3 Pale Green Ioun Stone Amulet of Metaspell Influence Staff of the Magi (THAC0: 12) Short Bow of Gesen (THAC0: 10) ... Ring of Fire Control Ring of Wizardry Cloak of Protection +2 Boots of Grounding Belt of Inertial Barrier ... ... Efreeti Bottle

Note from Lee: Protagonist: F18/M16, HP 124, AC -9, The Equalizer, Celestial Fury, Daystar, Vhailor's Helm, Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise, Ring of Gaxx, Amulet of Power Keldorn: Inq21, HP 153, AC -9, Carsomyr +5, Halbard +4: Wave, Helmet of Charm Protection, Girdle of Stone Giant Strength, Gauntlets of Dexterity, Ring of Regeneration Anomen: C25/F7, HP 140, AC -9, Crom Faeyr, Flail of the Ages, Sentinel +4, Gauntlets of Weapon Skill, Ring of Regeneration Jaheira: F15/D16, HP 126, AC -9, Scimitar +3, 'Water's Edge, Sling of

Arvoreen +4 Saving Grace +3, Amulet of Seldarine, Girdle of Hill Giant Strength, Gloves of Healing Edwin: Imoen: Conj20, HP 70, AC -1, Sling of Everard +5, Staff of Rynn +4, Dusty Rose Ioun Stone, Robe of Vecna, Ring of Wizardry M16/T7, HP 75, AC -7, Shadow Dragon Scale, Bracers of Archery, Short Bow of Gesen, Boots of Stealth, Staff of the Magi, Pearly White Ioun Stone

Imoen is a very much lower level in my game than in the FAQ, because I went thru several of the later quests early (while she was still in Spellhold). This is the biggest of the disadvantages to doing this, and I really don't recommend it unless you've been thru the game a few times and are comfortable with taking her along at this lower level. Sure, you are much more powerful for the Spellhold/Underdark/Drow City quests, but Imoen never really has a chance to get caught up once you're reunited. Also, I don't know why Jaheira's level is so much lower; in previous playthroughs she was roughly equivalent to the stats listed in the FAQ. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> The changes made between the end of Chapter 5 and the end of Chapter 7 should have been explained well enough in the 'End of Chapter 5' section-so I won't bother pointing out the new gear we've obtained. Some notes, however, are still pertinent. The Amulet of Seldarine we obtained at the end of the game goes on Keldorn, and he hands over Kaligun's Amulet of Magic Resistance to Minsc, and the Amulet of 5% Spell Resistance is finally retired. My protagonist, in his shiny new Bladesinger Chain +4, no longer needs his Bracers of Defense A.C. 3, and hands them over to his sibling. Imoen can still pull out the Gloves of Pick Pocketing, should we still need them. Finally, Anomen will have-upon hitting level 25 as a Cleric-obtained the Holy Symbol of Lathander, which gives him a bonus 6th and 7th level spell, 5% magic resistance, and additional Strength (which is wasted on him with Crom Faeyr). Since this occured so late in the game, however, I didn't bother equiping it before Throne of Bhaal. Just keep it in mind, as you'll probably be switching it out sooner rather than later. Any odditities in my protagonist's stats can be ascribed to the bonuses gained in hell, as follows: Test Test Test Test Test of of of of of Pride: Fear: Selfishness: Greed: Wrath: +20% resistance to fire, cold, and electricity. Immune to +1 weapons and less. +10% Magic Resistance. +2 Saving Throws. +1 Wisdom and +1 Charisma. (sigh...)

Note: The Amulet of Seldarine is sometimes lazy on Keldorn, and doesn't want to stack with his 50% magic resistance granted by Carsomyr. Fortunately, there's an easy fix. Unequip the Amulet of Seldarine, and put it back on. Check the character record screen to make sure his magic resistance is 60%. o======================================================================o | Chapter 8 | o======================================================================o | | | Throne of Bhaal | | | o======================================================================o It's not an easy life, being a child of Bhaal. First, we had our simple notions of security shattered when Sarevok, our half-brother,

began a crusade of murder along the Sword Coast and drove us from the security of Candlekeep. After our foster father, Gorion, was murdered by Sarevok, we became embroiled in the politics of Baldur's Gate, where the Iron Throne was manipulating the iron trade in order to set themselves up as a regional power. Sarevok was, in turn, manipulating the Iron Throne, pursuing a scheme that wouldn't put him in a good financial position-but instead made himself an Arch Duke of Baldur's Gate. He used this position to blame Amn for all of Baldur's Gate's woes, and was on the brink of initiating a full scale war-a war of sacrifice and murder that would have made him the new God of Murder... or so Sarevok thought. However, in provoking us Sarevok bit off more than he could chew. We ruined his operation in the Nashkel Mine and killed the mine's overseer, Mulahey. Then we tracked down the bandits that were stalking the sword coast, led by Tazok, and smote the crude collection of mercenaries and ne'er-do-wells. Following the paper trails, we uncovered the Iron Throne's mines in the Cloakwood Forest, which they mined using slave labor in order to provide a cheap alternative to the iron they were sabotaging and stealing in the area. We stormed the mines, slew the overseer, Davaeorn, flooded the mines, and put an end to the Iron Throne's operations. We then made our way to mighty Baldur's Gate and began a bout of mercenary work for Scar, where we discovered that the Iron Throne was sabotaging their merchant competition by killing off their leadership and replacing them with Dopplegangers. Finally, we stormed the Iron Throne compound and smote Sarevok's acolytes. With the information gleaned from the Iron Throne headquarters, we were referred to Duke Eltan, who sent us to intercept the Iron Throne leaders in-of all places-Candlekeep. Back home, we discovered all was not right. We met Sarevok, posing as 'Koveras' and were framed for murdering the leaders of the Iron Throne. Whatever our actual guilt, we were condemned, and only some charity on the part of Tethtoril saved us from a messy execution. Only after fighting our way our of the catacombs underneath Candlekeep and returning to Baldur's Gate did we discover that Sarevok had screwed us and the Iron Throne over together. He had Eltan poisoned and had his puppet, Angelo, named the interim leader of the Flaming Fist mercenaries who all but controlled Baldur's Gate. He also used the Iron Throne's stores of iron stockpiled from the Cloakwood Mines to fund his candidacy for Grand Duke, rescue Baldur's Gate from the iron shortage, and spread his message of war. We decided to lay low in Ulgoth's Beard, and while there we discovered the truth of Balduran's demise, escaped an island of Werewolves, an island of wild magic that acted as a natural trap for Mages, and plundered Durlag's Tower. Finally we returned to Baldur's Gate, saved Duke Eltan, foiled an assassination attempt on the other Grand Dukes at Sarevok's coronation ceremony, and chased Sarevok into a buried city under Baldur's Gate. Sarevok made his stand in a Shrine to Bhaal, joined by his cohorts Tazok, Angelo, and Semaj. In the end, we overcame Sarevok and prevented a war between Amn and Baldur's Gate. For all of our fame and prestige, we were driven from Baldur's Gate as suspicions arose about our paternity and our relation to Sarevok came to light. Retreating to Amn, we were ambushed by the outcast Elven Mage, Jon Irenicus, who sought a way to restore himself by stealing our divine soul. Fortunately, one of the components-lots of living test subjects-and Bodhi's own belligerence drew the attention and ire of the Shadow Thieves (the source of many of the unfortunate victims to be used by Irenicus later). They attacked his underground dungeon and in the confusion, we made good our escape. Shortly after fighting our way to the surface we witnessed a fight between Irenicus

and the Cowled Wizards, a coven of Mages whose primary public service for Amn was to police other, unaffiliated Mages. The fight showed us that we were severely outclassed, despite all our heroics in the north. For using magic during the fight, Imoen was whisked away to the same asylum as Irenicus, who was content to let the Cowled Wizards take him away and used vague promises and Imoen as bait. Lost in Athkatla, capital city of Amn, we searched for a way to find Irenicus and Imoen, and ended up working for Gaelan Bayle, who promised that a scant 20,000 gold would buy us the aid and answers we needed. In our attempts to earn this money, we smote an ancient Beholder and his cultists who were searching for artifacts of ultimate destruction that were best left untouched. We involved ourselves in the politics of the Shadow Thief guild and slew Mae'Var, a traitor. We saved Trademeet by killing our old companion Faldorn, who had corrupted a local Druid Grove, and convinced some Djinni to leave who were strangling the economy of Trademeet. We traveled to Umar Hills and discovered the source of a rash of recent murders, smiting a Shadow Dragon in the process. We also drove out the corrupt ownership of the Copper Coronet and eliminated a group of slavers in the Slums. We tracked down the Ranger Valygar for the Cowled Wizards and accompanied him (or at least his body) into the Planar Sphere, slew the Mage operating the sphere, and made our way back to Athkatla. We saved Aerie from the demented machinations of an over-teased Gnome who weaved illusions to make himself the god of his own little circus tent realm. We entered an Astral Prison and saved a Tiefling Bard and his troop of misfits from Sigil, and rescued a fortress under siege by Trolls. With all that done, we had increased our power and wealth exponentially, and became embroiled in another political struggle, this time between the Shadow Thieves and a mysterious new guild of Vampire upstarts. One way or the other, we secured the aid of a group of murderers and boarded Saemon Havarian's ship bound for Brynnlaw. Once there, we immediately began causing a stir in our quest to gain access to Spellhold, and gain access we did, only to discover that Irenicus had taken over the asylum. He took us prisoner, performed a nefarious ritual upon us that stripped us of our divine soul, and left us in the dungeons beneath the asylum for Bodhi to hunt and kill at her leisure. Down but not out, we made our way through the dungeon, chased Bodhi away by transforming into the Slayer-an avatar of Bhaal-and united the insane Mages of the asylum in an attack on Irenicus, who was driven off in disarray. We then made our way back to Brynnlaw and obtained the aid of Saemon Havarian, who proved to be of dubious trustworthiness again when his ship was attacked and sunk by Githyanki, searching for a Silver Blade he conveniently gave to us prior to the attack. We went down with the ship, something the good captain failed to do, and found ourselves in a Sahuagin city. Again, we got involved in the politics into which we've been thrust and aided either the insane king, or the rebel prince who wished to overthrow the corrupt regime. By supporting one side or the other, we got a magical rope that allowed us to descend into the underdark, where we freed a trapped Mage and killed a Balor plaguing some Swirfneblin. We then sacked an Illithid City and a Beholder Den before we encountered Adalon, a Silver Dragon who disguised us as Dark Elves so we could infiltrate the Drow city of Ust Natha and rescue her eggs, which were being held hostage in exchange for Adalon's good behavior. While the Drow held Adalon at bay and pillaged the surface, we worked for Solaufein and Phaere in an attempt to earn the trust of the Drow and gain access to Adalon's eggs. Eventually we discovered that the Drow planned to sacrifice the eggs to obtain the favor of a Demon Lord. With the help of Solaufein we used the common

treachery of the Drow against them and disrupted their plans to summon the Demon Lord, and made off with Adalon's Eggs. In exchange, Adalon helped us escape, and we fought our way to the surface. Back under open skies, we discovered that Irenicus has made his way to Suldanessellar to take his revenge on his people, and that the only way to follow him and regain our soul was to take the Rhynn Lanthorn from Bodhi's undead clutches. In the meantime, we smote Firkraag, a Red Dragon masquerading as a human in the Copper Coronet who decided to take his revenge on Gorion the only way he still could-by causing trouble for his child. We entered the Twisted Rune and killed the members therein, obtaining the Staff of the Magi, crushed an Illithid enclave under Athkatla, and destroyed Kangaxx the Demi-Lich. After all that, we gathered what allies we could and destroyed Bodhi, but not until she abducted our lover and turned them into a Vampire. After reviving them at the Temple of Amaunator, we returned to Elhan, the elven commander of Suldanessellar and with the Rhynn Lanthorn we finally were able to resume our chase of Irenicus. When we arrived, Suldanessellar was already well under siege. We found the Priestess Demin, who told us to retrieve a Talisman of Rillifane, a Golden Goblet of Life, and a Moonblade to open the way to Irenicus. We killed Irenicus' pet Black Dragon and retrieved what Demin sent us to find, which allowed us to summon an Avatar of Rillifane and drive off Irenicus' minions. The way now clear, we made our way to the palace and exterminated some parasites Irenicus had absorbing the energy from the Tree of Life, thus freeing Queen Ellesime. She promptly severed Irenicus' link from the Tree of Life, leaving him vulnerable to attack. We killed him, and then were dragged down to the Hells to do battle for our soul. First, however, we were forced to take some tests conjured by our own perceptions of ourselves to better understand ourselves, and bring us closer to our soul. Afterwards, we confronted Irenicus in hell and defeated him again, reclaimed our soul, and banished him to an eternity of torment in the abyss. Our troubles seemed to be over with the death of Irenicus, and we settled into the life of a hero in Suldanessellar. That is, until a group of mighty Bhaalspawn called 'the Five' began murdering and pillaging their way down the Sword Coast, apparently searching for other Bhaalspawn to slay. Everywhere a Bhaalspawn lurked, the army came, leaving devastation in its wake, and predictably anybody suspected of being a Bhaalspawn was cast out. Unfortunately, Suldanessellar isn't any different, and amidst an uproar we've been sent to a sacred grove to consult the oracles there about our fate-and the upcoming prophecy. The life of a Bhaalspawn is never easy, and there's always some other foe that needs to be killed... Forest of Tethir (AR4000) o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK048} 1) The Time of Prophecy 2) Illasera the Quick (and the Dead) 3) Sermonizing Solar 4) Sarevok Lives 5) Long Lost Companions 6) Cespenar! 7) Asyferlund Elven Chain +5 8) The Trial of Retribution 1) Get ready for a fight and click on any one of the numerous stone faces lying about to receive a prophecy. If anything the prophecy seems

more ominous to 'The Five' than it does to you. Ah well, I guess we should be wary of traitors and all that. The game is overly helpful with floating text and clues, and this is for a reason. To appeal to those lazy gamers who due to some sickness of the mind only purchased Throne of Bhaal, the developers made the initial parts of this game very easy... as sort of a... *sigh* ...a tutorial. Even Irenicus' Dungeon wasn't this mothering. If I was Bioware, I'd have kept up the difficulty-and hence the integrity-of the game, to rightfully smite those who decided to only play the latter game. That'd teach them to ignore Shadows of Amn! <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 2) After more than enough time to spell-buff has passed a lady named Illasera will show up, and it doesn't take more than one response to discover that she's hostile. She's come hunting her fellow Bhaalspawn, in this case, you. It doesn't matter what you say, a fight ensues, and it seems in this case Illasera has been woefully uninformed about what she was dealing with. I prefer to think of her as the weakest of the five, sent as chattel-an obligatory sacrifice-by her much stronger fellows to test my Strength. It sure beats the truth, that this is the first fight of Throne of Bhaal and she's a weak encounter sent to carry on the story. After all, this fight has to be winnable for fresh, new characters with an under-leveled, under-equipped party. Even though her Strength was negligible, her loot sure isn't. In fact, I prefer to kill and loot as many of her Black Reavers as possible, saving Illasera for last. Be sure to loot her when she falls quickly-like, you don't have the luxury of waiting around! The Black Reavers will all drop magical weapons of low quality, while Illasera will leave behind a suit of Sylvan Chain +2 (like Bladesinger Chain +4, but not as good), Boots of Speed (finally, Jaheira has a pair), a Ring of Protection +1, a Dagger +2, and two Potions of Extra Healing. A short while after she dies, your main character will have another fit, and you'll awaken in... Pocket Plane (AR4500) o======================================================================o 3) ...the Pocket Plane. I hope you like it, you'll be spending a lot of time here. When you arrive a Solar will bother you. What's a Solar? An angel of the highest order. It seems we've finally gained some real attention. Look away, you sad, few Throne of Bhaal-only players. You haven't earned this, yet. It doesn't really matter what you say, this critter is here to advance the story, not to allow you to do anything trivial like make choices. It's here to oversee the unfolding of Alaundo's prophecy, and it will name this place, this Pocket Plane, as the very same lair of hell where you fought Irenicus. Although it was altered by your consciousness at the time, it's still pretty nifty to have your own hunk of the Abyss as a home base. The Solar is mostly here to be vague and cryptic, and to comment pointlessly after significant story events in Throne of Bhaal. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) After the Solar departs, everybody's favorite half-brother will show up. That's right, Sarevok is back, and he wants to make a deal with you. In return for knowledge Sarevok wants the spark of life returned to him; the merest fraction of your soul to revive himself. You can have Imoen make the sacrifice instead, but I feel that's just cheap. First, you don't lose anything, and second... our bond with Sarevok runs deeper than that. In some respects, I don't think anybody with a voice that awesome deserves to suffer having part of Imoen's soul. Sarevok tells me two things that make me lean towards reviving him (we don't really have a choice, but still, it's easier to do if it doesn't seem forced): first, he won't be a legitimate Bhaalspawn, since his taint long ago went back to the source. He won't be a political problem later down the road, and he'll be stripped of much of the ambition that led him to

become our enemy in the first place. Second, he openly admits that he wishes to avoid crossing you again, and that he's uncertain of what to do with life, once granted. Perhaps he can be turned away from evil? Failing that, he's got phenomenal stats and is a great replacement for Minsc, and especially for Haer'Dalis. Ranged attacks are weaker than ever, now that many foes require highly enchanted missiles that simply don't exist. Returning weapons often have the enchantments we'll need, but +3 ammunition is going to be a luxury. It's time to go melee as far as possible, and save for a high-level Korgan wielding the Axe of the Unyielding and Crom Faeyr, Sarevok is as good as it gets. If you didn't guess, he's the ??????? character listed above in the FAQ, and I refused to spill the beans earlier on in the guide and hence reveal a major spoiler. Of course, nothing stops you from reading ahead and finding out who the mystery character is, but I refuse to be held accountable for that. Don't dig if you don't want to find dirt. Anyways, give Sarevok the spark he needs and he'll revive in a very epic exclamation of resurrection. After that, he keeps his promise and tells you how to leave the Pocket Plane, and why the Pocket Plane exists at all. He'll continue to be helpful by opening one of the sealed barriers, which contains another challenge we'll need to overcome before we can continue. Also, he points out a 'spirit' that can summon companions we left behind in Shadows of Amn, and may want again. As if that wasn't enough, he'll tell us about the struggle between the Bhaalspawn that is set to culminate in the Tethyrian city of Saradush. Finally, Sarevok will ask to travel with you-he knows more about the prophecies of Alaundo than anybody else we have access to, that's for sure. Personally, I almost always take him with me, as I prefer his combat abilities to Minsc, Valygar, Haer'Dalis, or anybody else that may be taking up space in the party. Also, the fact that he's a Baldur's Gate 1 character gives him clout-granted, he was our enemy in that game, but what's cooler than traveling around with the prequel's end boss? Nothing, that's what. If you're evil, let his continuous prodding and glory-seeking inspire you to greater ambitions and Sarevok will be only too happy to follow in your wake. Be suspicious, greedy, and mean and keep Sarevok the heartless bastard we know and love. On the other hand, show him kindness, trust, and set a good example for him and over the course of the game, his alignment will change to reflect your influence. There will be some friction at first, but ultimately Sarevok can be enticed to fit into any party, good, evil, or otherwise. Analysis: Sarevok versus Minsc Since this is a radical, and, honestly, very late proposed shake-up of our parties, I feel that I should go into a little more detail here, explaining the merits of Haer'Dalis and Minsc versus Sarevok... you'll find advice for keeping both, and getting rid of both here, and hopefully you'll use that evolved fish-brain that natural selection gave you to make whatever choice seems most appealing to you. First is the comparison between Minsc and Sarevok, which seems simpler to me, since both fill similar roles in the party. On that note, Minsc will probably start out with more experience than Sarevok, meaning he'll have some high level abilities (namely Greater Whirlwind Attack) that Sarevok won't have. To balance it out, Sarevok will have two more Hit Points per level, and two points lower Armor Class, thanks to his Constitution and Dexterity, and superior proficiency allocation. He begins as a grandmaster in Two Handed Swords and has ranks in Two Handed Style and Halberds. He's poised to start out with the Silver Sword and upgrade his Halberds throughout Throne of Bhaal until he gets the Ravager. There's just no comparing Minsc to Sarevok as a warrior-Minsc is simply out-classed. The three things you'll give up in Minsc-low-level Druid

spells, stealth, and Misnc's humor-well, the first two aren't terribly useful anymore, and the third... trading the silliness of Minsc for the awesomeness of Sarevok seems a fair trade to me. One issue I didn't mention-for good reason-is the Strength difference. When you obtain the Girdle of Fire Giant Strength, Minsc/Sarevok will end up with the Girdle of Hill Giant Strength (remember, the ranks of Strength-boosting items in the good party goes as follows: Keldorn --> Jaheira --> Minsc/ Sarevok. Anomen has Crom Faeyr, and hence, doesn't need anything.) Both will end up with 19 Strength, regardless. Of course, Minsc can wear Montolio's Cloak... which mitigates somewhat the Armor Class difference between the two... although not enough to recommend him over Sarevok. Analysis: Sarevok versus Haer'Dalis The evil party has a trickier time with things, since the two aren't in direct comparison... Sarevok as a Fighter surely out-classes Haer'Dalis in combat, but it's an obvious, and overly simplistic observation. What we're looking at here is a balance of power-melee power versus magical power-in the evil party. Will the evil party benefit more from having another power-house melee character more than they will by having a mediocore spell-caster? Korgan is the best Fighter in the game-with Axe of the Unyielding, Crom Faeyr, decent armor, and the Gauntlets of Dexterity, I'd pick him above anybody else out there. However, the evil party just doesn't have a great secondary offensive Fighter the way the good party does. Viconia just isn't the same kind of killer that Anomen is, and my Fighter/Mage will certainly out-kill my Fighter/Mage/Thief, higher Strength and backstabs notwithstanding. Sarevok will be another low Armor Class, high Hit Point killer, great on both offense and defense. Haer'Dalis, however, provides several useful spells-namely Haste, Dispel Magic, Breach, Pierce Magic, True Sight, Chaos, and Death Spell. Sure, with the exception of True Sight Edwin has enough spellslots to provide all of them, but Haer'Dalis allowed us to cast low-tomid level spells pretty much on a whim, and his higher level meant he was actually a superior buffer to Edwin and the protagonist. Still, Edwin is getting more and more spell-slots to the point where he can provide almost everything Haer'Dalis could... not to mention our evil protagonist, who is actually starting to become a respectable caster in her own right-not enough to stand on her own two feet as a Mage, but enough to make Haer'Dalis seem more obsolete. On the other hand, Edwin has better things to cast, and our protagonist will always be stuck struggling between the desire to spell-buff, going on the melee offensive, and casting offensive spells. Having another hand to let loose some spells is always useful. Conclusion? Haer'Dalis is becoming more and more obsolete by the battle, and really, it's Viconia's merits that seal the deal for me-not just Sarevok's. Viconia has been strong enough to give us the illusion that she's something of a front-line Fighter. She's not. With the new Throne of Bhaal weapons and the accumulation of high level abilities, she'll show that she's not much of an offensive melee character. Haer'Dalis is even worse, and although his defensive spells might lure you into thinking he might actually be somewhat survivable, without good Hit Points or Armor Class to back it up, it's a poor defense-and most importantly, he really can't be expected to kill off most enemies that might harass him. What I ultimately propose is that Sarevok should take his place. He'll soon get weapons and armor good enough to make him... not quite Korgan-strong, but reasonably close. Haer'Dalis is just another character we'll have to baby-sit, and we already have Edwin. Enemies will often come in hordes, spawning all around our party, and often with the ambition to pick off the weaker characters. Haer'Dalis' inability to defend himself, added to his inability to do serious damage to almost any of the stronger enemies you'll be facing in the game makes him more of a liability than an asset. Viconia drops back in formation to fill the roll Haer'Dalis

served-in most fights, she melees adequately with Flail of the Ages. In larger fights, she either serves as a defensive Fighter, holding ground (with some support), a debuffer (Remove Paralysis, Dispel Magic, True Sight), and, of course, a healer. She's more capable in melee, we won't need to protect her as much, and she's just as capable of doing most of what we needed Haer'Dalis to do. Note from Lee: This is/was a HUGE dilemma for me... I have four high-level melee characters, each with a strength of at least 19, and two spellcasters with enough spell power to take on just about anything. If I look at the overall class combinations that make up my party, I have four fighters, a cleric, a druid, three mages, and a thief. Quite frankly, giving up any of them for Sarevok just seems like a waste, so I have him wait in the Pocket Plane "until I need him"... <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) Interact with the... rocks... at either (x=2300, y=1000) or (x=1800, y=1000). Long story short, interacting with these is how you summon long-lost companions from Shadows of Amn. These characters come rudely equipped, and boosted to about 2,500,000 experience. This allows you to level them more or less as you please. It also allows you to accept them back into the party, grab whatever loot they have that you want, and sell it. Also note that you gain 2000 experience for each character you summon. It's not much, but it's something. Some quasirare gear also accompanies them. First, each one of them seems to carry with them five Potions of Extra Healing. Aerie, Cernd, and Edwin all possess a Cleric's Staff +3, Haer'Dalis is sporting a suit of Elven Chain Mail, and several characters have +3 weapons. And, of course, all of that character specific gear they started the game with-regardless of what you did with it-is back on them. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 6) Finally, go find the imp flying around to the southwest of where you talked to Sarevok. Meet Cespenar, Bhaal's former butler, now lured by the formation of this new Pocket Plane into your service. He'll be for you what Cromwell was in Shadows of Amn, and the lack of his services was the main reason we postponed Watcher's Keep. After all, what's the point if we gather all those wonderful new items and we can't upgrade them to surpass the gear we already have? And just to be helpful, there are several containers around the Pocket Plane where you can store your loot. And everybody likes storing loot. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 7) Now that we're in Throne of Bhaal and have access to Cespenar, there are a few things we can make. Namely, with a whopping 40,000 gold and a Scroll of Protection from Normal Weapons we can upgrade the Bladesinger Chain +4 into Aslyferund Elven Chain +5. This is as good as it gets for my Fighter/Mage... or my Fighter/Mage/Thief.. or Haer'Dalis. You can also make the Improved Cloak of Protection +2 for 20,000 gold, a Scroll of Improved Haste, and a Scroll of Invisibility, but I don't really have anyone besides Imoen who could wear it, and she doesn't need the upgrades... not for that price, anyways. Also, if you went through the first level of Watcher's Keep back in Shadows of Amn, you may also be able to upgrade the Quiver of Plenty +1 and the Case of Plenty +1 into their +2 versions-a costly, but much-needed improvement for any characters still using ranged weapons (something Minsc will do less and less as he becomes more well-armed and armored). Last and least, you can upgrade the Paladin's Bracers and make Blessed Bracers... if you just have money to throw away at useless loot. A full list of upgradable items can be found at [ITM007]. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 8) Once you're sufficiently comfortable with your new Pocket Plane, head over to the challenge Sarevok helped you unlock. Once you head up the

stairs, you'll be bothered by Gavid, a typical example of what the Bhaalspawn taint manifests as. Bhaalspawn vary greatly in power, like any other mortal, and Gavid was a petty commoner who murdered for sport. After he's done exposing his crimes, he'll die and leave you to fight off hordes of enemies, apparently your 'retribution'. If you're good (you chose the good path all five times when acting against Irenicus in Hell) you'll fight Kobold Commandos and Dopplegangers first. The second wave will consist of Sahuagin, Gnoll Captains, and Ogre Mages. So long as you focus on the Ogre Mages here, you'll be fine. The third wave will pit you against Drow, and here you need to watch out for the occasional Drow Priestess who will show up and cast spells. The last figure who will show up is an incredibly weak Jon Irenicus. For the evil party (or anybody who chose any evil actions in hell), the first round of foes will be weakling Commoners of every race. The second round will be goodly surface elves in Elven Chain, including melee and ranged varieties (but unlike the Drow, no spell-casters). For the third wave you'll have to fight Knights of the Order which are strickly swordand-shield weakling. The final fight will be against Ellesime, who is every bit as pathetic as Irenicus for the good party-she might get off a silence spell before she dies. Overall, the evil party has a better time with this trial, as they face easier foes, and their enemies drop Long Swords +1 (I collected twenty of them). Smite your foes and Gavid will show up again and be cryptic. For completing the first challenge you'll get a nice bit of experience, but more importantly your protagonist will gain the ability to enter and leave the Pocket Plane at their whim. Rest up and head through the doorway at (x=2000, y=1000) to get on with the game. ***REWARD*** (For overcoming the trial of retribution) EXP 25000 (each character) Special Ability: Pocket Plane (protagonist) o======================================================================o | | | Saradush | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK049} 1) 'Spies' in Saradush 2) Meeting Melissan 3) Dead Dad 4) The Harlot's Plea 5) Bhaalspawn Clout 6) Searching for Sanctuary 7) Temple of Waukeen 8) Arcana Archives 9) The Tankard Tree Tavern 10) Womanizers 11) Petje's Paranoia 12) Miscellaneous Minutiae 13) Crime Doesn't Pay 14) Crime Pays! 15) Mateo's Trial 16) Framed for Treason 17) Countess Santele's Cause 18) Kiser's Tall Tale 19) Killing the Countess 20) Errard: Extermination or Exposure 21) Defending the Walls: Endless Experience 22) Killing Kiser

23) Tunnel Mage 24) Rescuing Ardic 25) Storming Gromnir's Barracks Saradush (AR5000) o======================================================================o 1) After leaving the Pocket Plane you'll be treated to a movie showing us an army besieging the town of Saradush. Fire Giants? That's just not fair. Anyways, some peasants led by a woman named Mellisan will create drama outside of the gates leading to the stronghold of one Gromnir Il-Khan. The dispute is about to turn bloody just as we arrive, and the soldiers, already riled up, decide that we're spies and attack. Despite the fact that this is a straight melee, keep in mind that this IS Throne of Bhaal. The fights where you won't have to use some spells to escape relatively unscathed are few and far between. Even with a nice new -7 Armor Class, my protagonist will get chewed up if he gets involved in a melee-but that's what Stoneskin is for, right? <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 2) After the fight, you'll get to talk to Melissan, who seems to know a bit too much about you. As everybody does, these days... Anyways, she describes herself as a 'guardian' of the Bhaalspawn who seeks to prevent Bhaal's resurrection. Translation: she's a self-righteous moralist who thinks she knows what you-and others like you-should be doing with your lives. She will, however, tell you something useful: the city of Saradush, ourselves included, are being besieged by the army of one Yaga Shura, who seeks to exterminate all the Bhaalspawn in the city. Gromnir was brought here by Melissan to guard over the other Bhaalspawn (a title Gromnir himself shares), but Melissan has lost control over the general, to say the least. Long story short, if Saradush is to have any chance of fending off Yaga Shura, we need to deal with Gromnir. Be sure to loot the bodies of the dead Il-Khan Soldiers before you go, many of them have Plate Mail Armor, Potions of Extra Healing, and two of them carried a Halberd +2. If our first upgrades from Cespenar let us know anything, it's that upgrading items in Throne of Bhaal is going to be expensive... Anyways, like most cities, Saradush has people to talk to, conflicts to resolve, and all that other typical kind of nonsense. So let's get those encounters out of the way, and perhaps earn a wee bit of experience and maybe even gain some useful information. As you explore, beware of the random catapult shots that will plague you. They can do some pretty bothersome damage (up to 40 points!) and can knock a character unconscious for a short while, which is more annoying than anything else. If you're taking too much of a beating, flee to the Pocket Plane and rest up. ***ITEMS*** (x=1970, y=1850) Scroll of Magic Missile, Scroll of Armor (x=1800, y=1950) 1 gold (x=1750, y=1950) 16 gold (x=1220, y=1050) Lynx Eye Gem, 13 gold (x=720, y=1650) Scroll of Protection from Petrification, 4 gold (x=700, y=1700) 16 gold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 3) Over at (x=2430, y=1430) you'll find a boy whining about his dead dad. By now you've surely noticed that there's a siege taking place, and you may have been the victim of a random shot of a catapult's payload, yourself. Anyways, if you have a Rod of Resurrection you can attempt to raise the boy's dad... or if you have a Cleric with the resurrection spell prepared, talk to the boy with said Cleric and they will cast the spell. For bringing the guy back to life you'll get a laughable experience reward, and a reputation increase. If you pick dialogue option #3 when talking to the boy ("Your daddy was right -

I'm here to eat you! RARRR!") the kid will run off and you'll lose a point of reputation. ***REWARD*** (For resurrecting Tazit's dad) EXP 1000 (each character) Reputation +1 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) At (x=1400, y=1480) you'll find a Harlot who doesn't really seem so comfortable in her role. If you point out her apparent nervousness or inexperience, she'll admit she was just trying to get your attention so she could implore you to kill Gromnir, who apparently had her family murdered. Of course, if you shoot right for a price, she'll actually go through with the act before she tries to get you to kill Gromnir. Now that's some commitment! This is, of course, a great way to screw up your romances (except for Viconia, she seems to think that you scoring with other girls will only make you realize how much better she is), but beyond that it mostly just serves to point out the prisons as a possible means of reaching Gromnir. Note: The global variable that is set if you sleep with the Harlot is called 'ProScore'. Heh. Oh old Bioware, you always knew how to make me chuckle... <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) Near the Temple of Waukeen you'll find Oris Nimblefinger whining about his plight as a Bhaalspawn. More interestingly you'll find a group of Dwarves and Humans standing between the temple and the docks exchanging words. You can side with one group or another, and kill the opposing race for paltry experience, or if you threaten them they'll recognize you as a Bhaalspawn, and decide that this isn't worth dying over. Finally, we get the respect we deserve! ***REWARD*** (For breaking up the Human-Dwarven racists) EXP 1000 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 6) West of the tavern at (x=620, y=1420) you'll find Alexander Ralisar, a fellow Bhaalspawn of the more timid variety who will tell you about several topics, including Gromnir and Melissan. North of the tavern you'll find some more Il-Khan Soldiers harassing some Elves, apparently trying to secure for themselves some Elven women. If you decide to sit back and watch the fun, you'll lose a point of reputation, and all the hard-line do-gooders in your party (Keldorn, Anomen, Jaheira) will leave and turn hostile. That seems... a little severe.. anyways, if you throw around the word 'Bhaalspawn' they'll run off and you can talk to the Elves to discover that they need somewhere to stay. Or of course, you can just kill the guards by picking a fight. They're nowhere near as strong as the ones outside of Castle Saradush. Temple of Waukeen (AR5004) o======================================================================o 7) Well, let's go check out the Temple of Waukeen (x=1250, y=1900) and help the Elves at the same time. Two birds, and all that. You'll find Sister Farielle (x=480, y=520) inside. Merely ask her if the Elves can seek sanctuary within the temple and she'll welcome them. If you ask about gaining access to Gromnir, she'll tell you (if the character speaking to her isn't of evil-alignment) that she sealed up the entrance to the city jail some years back in order to keep some powerful undead at bay. Of course, she can't tell you exactly what kind of undead, for some stupid reason. She suggests taking some Holy Water with you, and when an NPC makes a blunt suggestion like that, you know you had better

do it. Loot, leave, and tell the Elves they have a place to stay for another experience reward, and another point of reputation. ***REWARD*** (For convincing Sister Farielle to give you the key to the prison) EXP 1000 (each character) Item Key ***REWARD*** (For finding sanctuary for the Elves) EXP 3000 (each character) Reputation +1 ***ITEMS*** (x=950, y=550) Ziose Gem x2, Scroll of Protection from The Elements (x=700, y=350) Laeral's Tear Necklace (x=350, y=350) Water Opal Arcana Archives (AR5011) o======================================================================o 8) Head over to Arcana Archives (x=700, y=1300) and talk to the proprietor, Lazarus Librarus (x=330, y=330) a man of obvious scholastic quality. Despite his stately name, however, his spellbook has recently been stolen. Offer to recover it, and in exchange he promises that with it he can craft the greatest of scrolls, of any spell, as many as you desire-for a reasonable price, at that. He accuses Hectan, a ne'er-dowell that frequents the local tavern. Besides the Mage's suspicions, however, the only clue are some muddy footprints, far too small to be those of Hectan. Tankard Tree Tavern (AR5003) o======================================================================o 9) Now it's time to head into the tavern (x=1050, y=1550), which was, in my mind, our goal all along. Damn sidetracking! Before we get caught up in any more trouble, talk to the Bartender and peruse his wares. He'll sell a collection of +3 arms and ammo, and a variety of magical armor, as well. Frankly, however, everything we have weapon-wise is superior to what he's selling, and failing that, we're certain to find better gear soon enough anyways. Note that this is one of the last places where you can put a good Pick Pockets score to use. Of course, if you haven't played Shadows of Amn you won't have the Potions of Master Thievery to do this, and if you did play Shadows of Amn, you won't have the need to do this. Also, it's best if we wait until we get Lazarus' spellbook back to chug any Potions of Master Thievery, so we can use our nefarious talents to rob him-a much more lucrative mark. The best item he has to buy/steal are the Boots of Speed. Our fourth pair, they might seem to be of dubious value, but with them I can speed up every potential frontline character in the party, allowing every melee Fighter I have to go from spot to spot (or withdraw from severe adversity) with great speed. Also of note, the Yamato +4 is a +4 Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninja-To that gives a boost to Armor Class. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 10) Now it's time to get involved in everybody's business! Near the door you'll find two Il-Khan Soldiers doing what soldiers do-pestering the serving wenches. They're at worst annoying, unlike some of the soldiers we've killed outside. Anyways, you can pay them money to make them leave (they want 1,000, but will accept 500). It's somewhat more cash-flow positive to provoke them, however. They're nowhere near as strong as the first batch of Il-Khan Soldiers you faced, and one drops a suit of Splint Mail +1, a Large Shield +2, and a Long Sword +3, while the other drops a suit of Full Plate Mail +1, a Mace +2, and a War

Hammer +3. Afterwards, talk to one of the waitresses, who mentions that Gromnir's Soldiers are known to run around in the sewers from time to time-she suspects because there's an entrance to the castle from there. Why open the main gates when you can force your troops to run through sewage during a siege situation, right? <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 11) For an alternative route into the Prison (and hence into Castle Saradush) talk to Peltje (x=930, y=850), who will tell you that some Courtesans started to disappear during the siege, only to reappear later-as Vampires. Apparently Sister Farielle's solution to the undead problem in the Prison wasn't a very good one, and Peltje will tell you that you just need to wait until night and hire one of the Courtesans to gain access to the prison. If you want to take this route, you will indeed find two courtesans (one of each gender!) on the raised deck in the north =-western part of the tavern. For a mere 20 gold they'll take you to the Prison, where you'll have to do battle with four Vampires. For my protagonist, this isn't too much trouble, as he's wearing the Amulet of Power and is more than a match for a handful of Vampires. Note that you must approach them with your protagonist, they'll reject everybody else. It's that tasty, tasty Bhaal-blood, you see. So make sure you're up to snuff (and protected from level drain!) Of course, now that I have the key from Sister Farielle (and the pathetic experience reward that obtaining it granted) I might as well entice some Vampires to attack me. Hey, more experience. Before I bother with that, however, I have more stuff to do 'round Saradush... don't worry, I'll tempt creepy Vampire sex later, as it's my prefered way to access Castle Saradush... just keep it in mind until Step #1 of the next Sequence of Events. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 12) Over at (x=1080, y=820) you'll find your old pal Viekang. Remember him? We briefly met him in Trademeet before he vanished in a spectacular manner. We can continue more useless dialogue with Pyrgam Aleson (x=800, y=650), the proprietor of this establishment. Just west of Pyrgam, some Elves and Dwarves will be at odds with one another, but it's nothing you can bother with. Along the northern end of the tavern a cat named Tepid will occasionally harass some rats. Wee. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 13) We'll find our man Hectan at (x=1070, y=530). His alibi is solid... too solid, and when somebody knows enough to make sure to have an alibi that excludes them from a specific crime, we know that they are, in fact, complicit. Like my reasoning? It's impossible to be innocent! Besides, he's got a Thief character model, and we all know by now that means he is up to no good. Head outside and talk to a kid named Squip (x=950, y=1120), who will do a poor job of hiding his guilt. He wants you to pay him 1000 gold for the information, but he's more than happy with five... and if you threaten him, you won't have to pay him a dime. Return to Hectan, who admits to getting Squip to steal the book after confronted with the latter's confession. He'll say that he stole the book only to get the teleportation scroll he believes is within. Despite what he says about you never getting the book back if you kill him, that's not the case at all. I find it more fitting to do as he wishes, however. Return to Lazarus, who will gladly trade the scroll for his spellbook, but he warns you of Yaga Shura's imprisoning wards and of the grisly fate that awaits anybody trying to teleport out of the city. He leaves it up to you whether or not you wish to tell Hectan about it, however. If you give the scroll to him and warn him, you'll get Lazarus' book, and Hectan will reason that if teleportation would work, Lazarus would have saved himself already. If you don't tell him, Hectan tries to use the scroll to leave the city, and promptly explodes into bits and pieces. If you don't tell him, you'll lose a point of reputation. My evil party is perfectly happy watching Hectan splatter... besides,

my reputation is a bit too high anyways. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 14) Return the Spellbook to Lazarus, who'll thank you with a quest reward, and allow you to peruse his wares. Now it's time for our last, great, stealing spree. Lazarus has every spell in the game in his inventory, and a few interesting items to boot. Rather than wishing I had some spell or item later, I decide to steal everything I can to ensure that Imoen/Edwin, Haer'Dalis, and my protagonistS have all the spells that can be scribed. I am not going to bother to tell you what spells are good, which ones to look out for, or any of that spell information I usually share. I'll reiterate: You should have EVERY spell Lazarus sells before you leave. If I tell you to string together a Pierce Magic, a Lower Resistance, and a Greater Malison into a Spell Trigger, I'm going to just assume you have it, and every other spell that might need to be cast. Since purchasing all these scrolls is prohibitively expensive, the only good way to get all the spells you'll want is to steal them. He's another difficult merchant and requires well over 160% pick pockets to regularly steal from, but around 200% you can steal at will. Gamers jumping into Throne of Bhaal without finishing Shadows of Amn will just have to buy the Potions of Master Thievery from Lazarus, and use them to relieve him of his stock. Besides the scrolls, he has a few other items which are worth noting: Bag of Holding Another Bag of Holding? Yes please. The ultimate item in inventory management... twice over! Just more pampering for that lazy ToB-only crowd, but while it's an essential item for them, us SoA players can still benefit. Boots of Speed The fifth, and final pair of boots in the game. They must have thrown three of these things into the beginning of Throne of Bhaal just to make up for players who didn't complete Shadows of Amn. There's really no need for five pairs, however. One of my characters (Viconia or Anomen, depending on who I'm playing with) already has a Ring of Free Action, which negates these boots. And Imoen/Edwin doesn't really need to move faster. I still steal them, but that's because I'm an item collector/horder. Golden Ioun Stone While it's not worth wearing on a long-term basis, it does help Imoen with scroll-scribing, and increases the maximum number of spells/level she can scribe. Robe of the Evil/Good/Neutral Archmagi If you've been through Shadows of Amn, you either already have some of these, or better yet, you have the Robe of Vecna. Either way, you don't need them. If, however, you've just started Throne of Bhaal, you might as well steal some of these, as they're the best Mage Robes you're going to find. Also, if you have an evil party set-up like mine (you have an evil Fighter/Mage/Thief and are traveling with Haer'Dalis, with the implication that your protagonist is wearing the Aslyferund Elven Chain +5 and Haer'Dalis is still wearing Melodic Chain +3) you might want to consider getting any one of these robes for Haer'Dalis. As long as he has the 'Use Any Item' ability, he can wear it, and honestly... if you elect to get the Ring of Protection +3 later, it'll be better for him to retire the Melodic Chain and wear a Robe of the Archmagi with the Ring of Protection +3 (same Armor Class, better saves, magic resistance).

Ring of Fire Resistance Another item I grab, even though I don't intend to keep it equipped on anybody. There will be a few cases where having more Fire Resistance might be useful. In those cases, this ring is equipped. It spends most of its time taking up space in my inventory, however. I also make sure to steal the Yamato +4 and the Boots of Speed from the Bartender at the Tankard Tree Tavern... just so I have them. Note: It costs about 540,000 gold to buy every scroll from Lazarus, plus the Bag of Holding, Golden Ioun Stone, Boots of Speed, and Ring of Fire Resistance-you know, the good stuff. This amount should, if anything, help justify my stealing suggestion, as it's just not practical to raise that much money. Of course, if you played through Shadows of Amn, you won't really need every scroll to bring all your Mages up to snuff. Still, to complete the spellbooks of any two Mages expect to spend at least 100,000 gold... unless you steal. Note also that the figure given at the begining was for a party with 20 reputation being led by a 21 Charisma Keldorn. Evil parties will pay more. ***REWARD*** (For returning Lazurus' Spellbook to its rightful owner) EXP 5000 (each character) Militia Headquarters (AR5015) o======================================================================o 15) Now it's time to wrap up one more little quest after our last big stealing spree. Head over to the Militia Headquarters (x=1750, y=800), where you'll witness a man named Mateo being tried for treason. Even though we all know people named 'Mateo' are too shifty to be trusted, Mateo does profess his innocence. The accusations of Mirnielle Santele are too much, however, and to the delight of Kiser Jhaeri, Mateo is taken away. Well, we know there's more to this than meets the eye, I mean, Kiser had the 'Thief' character model. He's obviously up to no good. Or maybe he started out as a Thief, but later dual-classed into a less shifty profession, but was scarred forever due to his initial, uninformed career-choice, perhaps brought on by economic hardships? We'll find out. Talk to Captain Samand, and he'll admit that he doesn't believe that Mateo is the traitor, and despite Mirnielle Santele's confession there were three suspects: Mateo, Ardic Santele, and Kiser Jhaeri. Of course, one of those three-Ardic, disappeared, and Mateo was accused by Ardic's mother. Since there's obviously something going on, offer to help investigate the case. There's got to be some good loot and experience involved in a Throne of Bhaal quest, right? Head through the door that Captain Samand opens at (x=500, y=200). ***ITEMS*** (x=700, y=150) Potion of Superior Healing x2 Militia Headquarters, Dungeon (AR5016) o======================================================================o 16) Once downstairs talk to the Saradush Jailer (x=450, y=390) and get him to open the door for you so you can speak to Mateo. Mateo is behind the door at (x=600, y=300), and pretty much just tells you that you need to go speak to Countess Santele, herself. ***ITEMS*** (x=350, y=400) Scroll of Identify, Bluestone Necklace (x=570, y=100) Potion of Superior Healing x5, 47 gold

Countess Santele's House (AR5010) o======================================================================o 17) So, let's head over to Countess Santele's House (x=1370, y=1370) and talk to Mirnielle Santele (x=670, y=550). She'll readily admit that Kiser kidnapped her son, Adric, to force her to testify. Now that she's testified, however, Kiser has reneged on his deal. Mirnielle now fears that Kiser has no intention of ever returning Ardic to her. And honestly, if he's willing to betray the town and let in Yaga Shura's soldiers, what possible motivation could he have for returning Ardic? She'll tell you to go talk to Kiser and perhaps see if he won't free her son. Ah, the hopeful optimism of a desperate mother... Anyways, we have our avatar-answer, anybody and everybody with the Thief model is a bad person. ***ITEMS*** (x=400, y=370) 1 gold (x=170, y=370) Laeral's Tear Necklace Kiser's Home (AR5008) o======================================================================o 18) Well, we have no other leads, so head over to Kiser's Home (x=2100, y=1800). Kiser is standing at (x=700, y=470), and he'll tell you that a Mage by the name of Errard is the real traitor. Since Errard can cover his tracks, however, it was naturally the inclination of Captain Samand to incriminate Kiser. To cover himself until he could unearth the real evidence against the real traitor, he took Ardic hostage and forced Countess Sentele to finger Mateo. All to buy time, you understand. After Kiser's story of fairies, aliens, and wonder ends he'll suggest that you kill Errard. If you do this, you'll remove Kiser's need to keep Ardic a hostage, remove a traitor, and punish the guilty party. And you'll probably cure cancer, too. If you're evil, Kiser is more forthcoming with his guilt and downright suggests that you kill Errard to further his schemes of betraying the town-or alternatively, he'll suggest you kill Countess Sentele to shut her up for good. I'll cover killing Countess Sentele below (Step #19), and dealing with Errard and Kiser in the following steps (Steps #20-23). ***ITEMS*** (x=700, y=200) Bullet +1 x5, 10 gold (x=620, y=120) Scroll of Mislead, Bloodstone Ring, Arrows +1 x5 (x=1100, y=650) 8 gold (x=1150, y=550) Angel Skin Ring, Skydrop Gem, 35 gold ***TRAPS*** (x=620, y=120) (x=1150, y=550) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 19) If you want to kill Countess Sentele, just be warned that numerous guards will show up to defend her, and some of your party members (Jaheira and Keldorn, at least) will turn hostile. Return to Kiser for an experience reward, a good bit of gold, and the key with which you can rescue Ardic for a reduced experience reward. On the plus side, the guards summoned by the Countess all drop suit of Splint Mail +1 and Two Handed Swords +1 for your selling pleasure. If you're not evil or you just don't want to kill the Countess, see the following steps, instead. ***REWARD*** (For disposing of Countess Sentele) EXP 5000 (each character) Gold 10000

Item Secret Jail Door Key <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 20) If you talk to Countess Sentele, she'll tell you that killing Errard is a distinctly bad idea-far from being a traitor, it seems that Errard is a good man, and perhaps the only thing keeping Yaga Shura out of Saradush. Kiser apparently expects us to do his dirty work for him. Head to the walls over Castle Saradush to find Errard (x=2370, y=700). If you want to kill him for Kiser, note that he's a fairly strong Mage, but nothing a Breach and a True Sight can't fix. If you provoke Errard, all the militia will turn hostile, which can in turn provoke townsfolk, which... simply put, results in a huge mess. On the other hand if you talk to Errard about Kiser, the betrayal of Saradush, and all that other fun stuff, he'll ultimately decide to use his divination magic to find where Ardic is hidden. We're all surprised when his magic reveals that Ardic is somewhere in Kiser's house, and that we will have to go rescue him ourselves. ***REWARD*** (For disposing of Errard) EXP 5000 (each character) Gold 2000 Item Secret Jail Door Key <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 21) This is an aside, but since I noticed this during this point in the quest with my evil party, I figured I'd point it out here. Along the battlements north of Errard you'll see the common sight of Militia Guards merrily firing away at Fire Giants (presumably too far away or below the walls to be seen). What might not be immediately apparent is the fact that your characters can-if AI controlled-fire at the Fire Giants, too. These giants aren't quite as strong as later varieties you'll be facing, but they don't seem capable of fighting back, and they give you 8000 experience points per kill. The Fire Giants infinitely respawn (even though they are never visible), hence providing your characters with an endless shooting gallery-and source of experience. Set all your characters with a ranged weapon to have the 'Standard Attack' script, turn AI on, and let your characters grind while you... do whatever you wish. Take your vulnerable characters (like Mages) and characters without good ranged options and put them indoors somewhere, as this will protect them from the odd catapult shots that might still bother you from time to time. As for the other characters... give them Rings of Regeneration (you should have two of them), the Ring of Gaxx, and perhaps the White Ioun Stone, if you need more than three regeneration items. This should make good any damage that your ranged attackers might suffer from the odd hostile catapult, even though they shouldn't pester you too much on top of the wall. This will go considerably faster if you've set the frame rate to 60 in the configuration settings (hence, the game runs at double speed. Handy stuff if you're playing through the game for the millionth time and you're trying to speed things up.) Doing this I had gained about 1,200,000 experience in a mere fifteen minutes (200,000 per character), and this would probably go even faster with more/better archers. I can only imagine the gains that could be made if you let your characters grind over night or while at work or school. Just be warned that your characters will occassionally have banters that pause the action. Kiser's Home, Basement (AR5014) o======================================================================o 22) Return to Kiser's Home and you'll find that Kiser has wisely retreated. Head down the stairs at (x=800, y=300) to find Kiser and two cronies. The former will promise a gruesome demise for both you and Ardic, but fortunately they don't have the means to back up their

intentions. Just watch our for backstabbing Thieves with too many Potions of Invisibility and too much inclination to use them. The majority of your foes will drop suits of Leather Armor +1, Daggers +2, Short Swords +2, Potions of Extra Healing, and Potions of Invisibility. Kiser drops a +3 Short Sword, rather than a +2 Short Sword, as well as the Secret Jail Door Key, and the Shakti Figurine. This item turns a non-Fighter into a Hasted warrior for four rounds, once per day. It drops their Armor Class (or rather, sets it) to -5, and allows them to attack twice per round with a +4 Short Sword as if they were specialized with the weapon. By now, I'm hard-pressed to think of a character who is weaker in combat than that already. Certainly Imoen contributes well enough with the Gesen Bow +4, and Edwin does well enough with the Crimson Dart +3. Before you go, disarm the trap at (x=1120, y=500). I honestly don't know what that stupid trap did, much less the gears behind it, but the game seems to think that it was important. ***ITEMS*** (x=1100, y=420) 2 gold (x=790, y=260) Potion of Master Thievery, Potion of Perception (x=650, y=350) King's Tears, Starfall Ore (x=550, y=600) 17 gold ***TRAPS*** (x=1120, y=500) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 23) Continue northwest through the doorway that Kiser was guarding to encounter a rather high-level Mage. This is just a case of bad scripting here, as the Mage is loathe to leave the hallways that she's in. We know from experience that it's a bad idea to bottleneck ourselves in front of a Mage, so don't. Just run around the corner until she starts casting something, then run back around the corner. You can waste a lot of her spells like this, and if you use a character like Keldorn or Viconia, chances are they won't be affected by the few area effect spells she'll throw at you. You can-at the very least-waste her Time Stop sequence this way. When she is obliged to chase you, lead her into the larger room where you entered and attack her with your entire party. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 24) From where the Mage was, continue to the northeast to find Ardic Sentele (x=880, y=250), who thanks you briefly and departs... but not before you get an experience reward for your trouble. Return to Countess Sentele, and she'll provide another reward. If you killed Countess Sentele earlier, you can still rescue Ardic without having to fight anybody in Kiser's basement (or gaining any of the loot or experience associated with fighting them.) If you tell him you killed his mom, he'll attack you. If you just tell him she's dead, he'll rush off to see and you'll get an experience reward. If you just killed Errard to effect Ardic's release, you'll get an experience reward, although Ardic isn't too happy about it. ***REWARD*** (For rescuing Ardic Sentele) EXP 7000 (each character) ***REWARD*** (For reporting to Countess Sentele after rescuing Ardic) EXP 5000 (each character) Gold 2000 ***REWARD*** (For rescuing Ardic Sentele-after killing his mother or Errard)


5000 (each character)

Gromnir's Barracks (AR5005) o======================================================================o 25) Now it's time for one last fight before we go after Gromnir. And fittingly, we're going to harass some of Gromnir's men. Head over to Gromnir's Barracks (x=650, y=1800) and head inside. You'll be chastised by an Orog, and you can either leave, or pick a fight. Well, we didn't come here for tea. The Orog is joined by other guards, including four Orcs, four Humans, and an Orog. It's a straight melee fight, which means, of course, they don't stand a chance. More waves of enemies will continuously pour in, but they're weak enough that they shouldn't cause you any real concern. Edwin uses a Horrid Wilting to pretty much kill off a screen-full of enemies... he's got six of them, he can afford to have some fun every once in a while. The key, if you're wondering, opens the grates to the sewers outside, if you wanted to bypass the Prison. ***ITEMS*** (x=400, y=550) (x=150, y=450) (x=200, y=400) (x=300, y=350) (x=220, y=300) (x=370, y=300) (x=450, y=250) (x=520, y=200) (x=550, y=100) (x=500, y=100) (x=750, y=250) 2 gold 8 gold Potion of Extra Healing, 1 gold 12 gold 20 gold 1 gold, Key Sunstone Gem Potion of Superior Healing, 100 gold 15 gold 6 gold 8 gold

o======================================================================o | | | Gromnir Il-Khan | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK050} 1) Into the Prison 2) Vampires and Ghosts 3) Putting the Prison Spirit to Rest 4) Phlydian's Last Stand 5) Sneaking Through Castle Saradush 6) Freeing Vinke 7) Freeing More Prisoners 8) Strike First or be First Struck 9) Not so Elite... 10) Shadow Smite 11) Exterminating Yaga Shura Soldiers 12) Fear the Shadows, Face the Reaper 13) Full Circuit 14) Storming Castle Saradush 15) Showdown With Gromnir Il-Khan 16) Another Day, Another Bhaalspawn 17) Finishing Up Saradush 18) Merchant Murder 19) First Fire Giant Fight 20) Accessing the East Prison (AR5006) o======================================================================o 1) We're done messing around in Saradush, now and forever, and we have

several ways to proceed. Of them, I prefer to go through the Prison via the Vampires. My protagonist can easily smite them for their juicy, juicy experience, and it's really the only way into the Prison/Sewers that entails anything more interesting than simply walking in. After the four Vampires that attack are dead I bring the rest of my party into the Prison. ***ITEMS*** (x=800, y=520) Arrow +3 x5, Bolt +3 x5, 3 gold (x=750, y=400) Bullets +3 x10 Note from Lee: No vampires - I'm disappointed... <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 2) Go northeast through a door (x=950, y=450) to find... more doors to the northeast. Through the southernmost door (x=1170, y=470) you'll find another Fledgling Vampire, which my protagonist promptly destroys in a straight fight. Through the middle door (x=1050, y=400) you'll find a locked secret door (x=1050, y=300). Beyond you'll be bothered by a 'Prison Spirit', who pantomimes his request to you. Acquiesce and loot the barrel at (x=1330, y=330) and grab the skull. ***ITEMS*** (x=1330, y=330) Angel Skin Ring, Skull <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 3) My protagonist continues alone through the door at (x=850, y=250) and smites some more Vampires. I go through another door (x=450, y=450) and kill some more Vampires and am greeted by the Prison Spirit again, this time his gestures indicates that some necklace is nearby. Appease it by looting the bed at (x=500, y=720) and grabbing the Rusted Amulet. Now go through the door at (x=470, y=600) and you'll get a message informing you that a defiled grave in the corner contains a skeleton bereft of its skull. Search the bed at (x=330, y=680) and place the Skull and the Rusted Necklace on it and the Prison Spirit will show up again, obviously requesting that you sanctify the grave with Elven Holy Water, which we purchased earlier at the Temple of Waukeen. If you have it in your inventory, it will automatically be used and the spirit will lead you to a locked door (x=920, y=300) which we couldn't open earlier. It'll open the door for us. Inside we'll find a Vampire and a cot which contains a Bronze Ioun Stone. I don't have a use for it just yet, but it'll come in handy, soon enough. ***ITEMS*** (x=500, y=720) Rusted Necklace, 3 gold (x=950, y=250) Bronze Ioun Stone <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) There's a secret door at (x=550, y=900) in the cell south of the cell where we found the Rusted Amulet. Go through it (or through the somewhat less secretive northern route to reach another hallway, where I run into another Vampire who needs to be smote.) Either pick or knock the door at (x=330, y=830), or go through the secret door at (x=250, y=800). You will eventually find a Vampire named Phlydian, who's somewhat stronger than normal Vampires, who will decide to make a desperate last stand. She, unlike the rest of the Vampires, knows better than to mess with a Bhaalspawn, but realizes she has no real choice in the matter. I cut her down along with whatever Vampires she has nearby. Once done, I head through the door at (x=100, y=1000). Of course, if you want to keep Castle Saradush sacred you can always leave the Prison, head back to Saradush, and make your way through the Sewers now. It doesn't really matter, since I plan to tackle the Sewers regardless of whether I hit Castle Saradush first or not. You know, loot, experience, and most

importantly for this FAQ writer-completionism. ***REWARD*** (For penetrating Gromnir's castle) EXP 3000 (each character) Castle Saradush, Dungeon (AR5007) o======================================================================o 5) At (x=1970, y=1000) you'll find a Bhaalspawn named Asmay Jahag, who will tell you that she's fleeing from Gromnir, who has gone mad with paranoia. She'll warn you about traps, patrols, and other hazards, but we're of a different mettle than she is. Yes, it is possible to sneak through this place without starting a fight. There are, however, small traps which simply cannot be disarmed, which you'll just have to avoid. As for the other traps which can be disarmed, you'll have to be quick with your Staff of the Magi to disarm them, then quickly become invisible again, and without a Thief/Mage like Imoen, I wouldn't bother. Still, if you disarm the trap outside the first door, cast Invisibility 10' Radius on your party, and sneak through the level marking the traps, you can indeed get to the upper levels of the castle without a fight. But who wants that, really? These guards are some of the stronger ones, which means magical weapons to sell and good experience rewards to glut ourselves with. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 6) Go through the door at (x=1600, y=1300) and disarm the trap beyond it at (x=1600, y=1330). At this task, Imoen excels, since she can just reequip the Staff of the Magi to hide behind her invisibility after opening doors, disarming traps, and whatnot. My Fighter/Mage/Thief protagonist also has a bit of fun with this area. It might seem like a great place to let her go crazy with her hit-and-run backstabs, but keep in mind that some of these critters have quite a bit of Hit Points. A mediocre backstab might not be enough to put down the typical Il-Khan soldier wandering around. Anyways, disarm another trap (x=1250, y=1050) and go through another door to find a prisoner named Vinke (x=1300, y=950). If you talk to him (and you might need to be very quick with your Staff of the Magi to stay hidden if the Orc Fighters are standing near the door) you'll get a reputation boost. Why is this guy named, but none of the other prisoners? I don't know. Don't bother going through the door at (x=1000, y=950), as the guards will always go hostile if you do. No taking shortcuts if you want to remain hidden. ***REWARD*** (For freeing Vinke) Reputation +1 ***TRAPS*** (x=1600, y=1330) (x=1250, y=1050) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 7) Now head southeast and turn the corner to the southwest and disarm or avoid the traps at (x=1520, y=1390) and (x=1460, y=1480). Why avoid them? My Imoen was apparently not up to the challenge of disarming these traps. Go through the door at (x=1170, y=1570) and talk to a Prisoner (x=1050, y=1630) to get another point of reputation. Continue to the northwest and disarm/avoid more traps (x=1140, y=1420), (x=970, y=1400) and enter the door at (x=1830, y=1330). Avoid the trap inside the cell at (x=770, y=1460) and talk to the final prisoner (x=750, y=1400) to gain your final point of reputation. ***REWARD*** (For freeing a Prisoner)

Reputation +1 ***REWARD*** (For freeing another Prisoner) Reputation +1 ***TRAPS*** (x=1520, y=1390) (x=1460, y=1480) (x=1140, y=1420) (x=970, y=1400) (x=770, y=1460) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 8) Now that all the prisoners have been freed, this is when I'd head back, cast my Invisibility 10' Radius, and sneak through the traps to freedom... if that's what I wanted to do. Which it isn't. Instead I sneak my invisible party over to the door at (x=700, y=1150) and surround the Mage. I begin with a prompt, and thoroughly fatal attack on the Mage, after which it's just a straight melee with the surviving guards. Most of the Fighters will use Oils of Speed to Haste themselves, and Thieves will use Potions of Invisibility to score backstabs, but I've more muscle than they can imagine. As long as I keep True Sight up and make sure nobody is getting ganged up on, I'm fine, even if these are some of Gromnir's stronger lackeys. My Fighter/Mage/Thief protagonist starts things out with a resounding backstab on the Mage, dealing 80 points of damage and killing her outright. I now loot the dead guards for their potions, magical arms, and Plate Mail Armor. ***ITEMS*** (x=970, y=1250) Bullets +3 x20, Potion of Extra Healing x3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 9) Go into the room to the northwest and dispatch a pair of Elite Orcs and an Elite Orog. After the enemies we just killed, they don't seem very elite to me. At least they all carry Battle Axes +1. Continue to the northeast and kill another pair of Elite Orcs and a pair of Elite Orogs. Finally, in the last room to the northeast you'll find a trio of Elite Orcs, and a pair of Elite Orogs. It's sure a lot easier going through the Sewers, it seems. We can now reach the upper levels of Castle Saradush by going up the stairs at (x=1600, y=400), but I prefer to explore the Sewers (x=300, y=550), first. Yeah, I'm listing them in reverse order, and well later than some people may explore them, but I already admitted to preferring the Prison route due to the Vampire ambush we can orchestrate at the beginning. It's my FAQ, we'll do this my way. ***ITEMS*** (x=520, y=1000) Bolts x160 (x=350, y=900) Fflar's Scabbard, 1 gold (x=550, y=720) Wand of Lightning (x=600, y=700) Arrows x160 (x=700, y=700) Acid Arrows x20, Arrows of Ice x20 (x=280, y=610) Bullets +1 x40, Bullets +2 x20 (x=470, y=600) Bullets x160, Darts x120 (x=1250, y=350) 14 gold (x=1560, y=260) Bolt +2 x20, Bolt of Lightning x40 ***TRAPS*** (x=550, y=720) (x=1560, y=260) Sewers (AR5013)

o======================================================================o 10) From the stairs leading to Castle Saradush, go through a secret door at (x=2100, y=500). Immediately beyond the door awaits some Devil Shades, pesky undead that can level drain, and when they die they turn into two Shadow Fiends. My protagonist and Anomen (with his Mace of Disruption +2) step forward to deal with the problem directly while everybody else switches to a ranged weapon. If the situation is getting out of hand, I just use Daystar to hit the enemies with a Sunray. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 11) To the northwest you'll find a group of Yaga Shura soldiers, including a Duergar Sapper, an Orc Archer, and an Umber Hulk. The Orc Archer can use the 'Called Shot' ability from the Archer Kit of the Ranger Class. The Duergar will drop a War Hammer +2, and the Orc Archer will drop a Composite Long Bow +1, a multitude of Arrows +1, and Studded Leather Armor +2. Continue to the southwest and you'll find a similar group, this time joined by two Elite Orogs. They actually bear the description 'elite' at least a little better, as they'll drop Plate Mail Armor, a Battle Axe +2 and some gems and/or jewelry, as well as some Potions of Extra Healing. To the south is a Yaga-Shura Mage, who despite his spell-buffs isn't really capable of surviving a Breach followed by a direct melee assault (or an 84-damage backstab from my evil protagonist, for that matter). Continue south and exterminate another Elite Orog, two more Orc Archers, and a Duergar Sapper. If you hadn't guessed already, this area is another great backstab playground for my evil Fighter/Mage/Thief protagonist... lots of corners to run around to facilitate her hit-and-run tactics. In fact, it's so successful here, that aside from the undead in Step #10, my evil protagonist clears this entire level by herself... you know, for fun. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 12) If you keep going south you'll find another exit back to Saradush, so go east along the southern edge of the map. When you reach a tunnel running north-south, kill the Elite Orog, Duergar Sapper, and their pet Umber Hulk and head south, then east, kill another Umber Hulk, and then travel northwest to reach the middle of the map. An Orog will worry about the return of some shadows, and his subservient Duergar will remind him of the delicate nature of sapping. When they notice you, they'll attack, but some Shadow Fiends will show up to distract them. More Shadows and Shadow Fiends will show up the longer the fight runs, but you shouldn't let that get in the way of the experience you'll get for killing the Yaga-Shura troops, yourself. If things get too out of hand, there's always Sunray. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 13) We're now exactly north of where we killed our last group of Yaga Shura troops. To the northwest we'll find an exit from the sewers, beyond familiar territory. Head to the northeast and dispatch another group of Yaga-Shura troops, including a Duergar Sapper, an Elite Orog, and a Yaga-Shura Mage, who again succumbs readily to Breach. If you continue to the northeast, you'll find another exit to Saradush. We're done with the Sewers, and while we may not have found anything unique, we did get some good experience, and loot to sell. Castle Saradush (AR5001) o======================================================================o 14) Head back up into the dungeons of Castle Saradush and make your way to the staircase leading up to the next level. Before I go I cast another Invisibility 10' Radius. Once upstairs we'll run into a group of Gromnir's soldiers, including an Il-Khan Battle Mage, an archer, and three Fighters. The point of the Invisibility was to oblige the Battle Mage to cast True Sight. While he's casting I immediately attack him, and since he's in the middle of casting he probably won't live to

get off any defensive spells. That's one down without any trouble, and since the remaining four have no magic support, there's really not much to worry about. Sure, they're strong melee Fighters, but we can always withdraw injured characters. Amusingly enough, only the spearwielding warrior has a weapon which can hurt my protagonist. If you picked the good path in Shadows of Amn, pay the spear-user special attention after the Mage bites the dust and you can cheaply kill the remaining three. Spellbuff and heal before you head upstairs (x=900, y=400). Castle Saradush, Throne Room (AR5002) o======================================================================o 15) Once upstairs you'll be treated to a lengthy conversation between Gromnir and Melissan, who Gromnir now suspects of treachery. After his rantings are over and Melissan is taken away by his guards he'll turn his attentions onto you, and he doesn't even bother giving you a chance to speak. Just as well, branching dialogue just means more work for me. He's accompanied by two high-powered Mages, Karun the Black and an Il-Khan Battlemage. At your flank he's also got a Fighter named Berena Elkan, a Thief named Eler Had, and an archer. Your fifth and sixth party members will be at the flank, near the stairs, and as soon as the battle starts most of my party head to the south, away from the stairs, while Edwin/Imoen heads to the platform where Gromnir and the two Mages are and begins casting Time Stop. With the Robe of Vecna, I should get off Time Stop before the enemy Mages get off any offensive spells of their own. Even though they'll certainly get off some contingencies, they've got one fatal hole in their defenses-they will not put up any high-end spell protections which block Horrid Wilting. Imoen casts a Greater Malison and two Horrid Wiltings, while Edwin just casts three Horrid Wiltings. This should outright kill the two Mages, and hurt Gromnir a good bit. If you can catch more enemies in the area, by all means, but remember the goal is to kill the Mages. After that, it becomes a straight melee. Keldorn activates True Sight to neutralize Eler Had, who is overly fond of backstabbing, but really, the fight is over for a well-prepared party once the two Mages bite the dust. Note From Lee: I have Jaheira cast Creeping Doom on one mage while Edwin casts Horrid Wilting on the other; the rest of the party goes after the fighters by the stairs. The two spells are all that's needed to clear the platform, and the fighters die without getting in more than a couple hits. ***REWARD*** (For ending Gromnir Il-Khan's reign of terror in Saradush) EXP 30000 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 16) Once Gromnir and his Bhaalspawn servants are dead, Melissan shows up, predictably too late to stop the slaughter, but well enough in time to send you on a mission to kill more Bhaalspawn. It seems perfectly reasonable that we could evacuate all the Bhaalspawn and Melissan via our Pocket Plane, but Melissan insists that we save the city of Saradush. To do that, we're going to need to take out Yaga Shura, a powerful Fire Giant Bhaalspawn who is apparently immune to all the harm we could bring to him. Perhaps if we visited his birthplace, the Forest of Mir, we could discover where he developed this power-and disrupt it. And if that fails, we'll need to go to the Marching Mountains to find some of his fanatics, who may know the secret behind Yaga Shura's invulnerability. Melissan leaves you to your business now, which means, of course, looting. Here's what we'll find:

Berena Elkan: Plate Mail Armor, Spear +3, Potions of Extra Healing x2 and 10 gold. Eler Had: Grandmaster's Armor +6, Potions of Invisibility (varies), Dagger +1, Potions of Extra Healing x2 and 10 gold. Gromnir Il-Khan: Full Plate Mail +2, Morning Star +3, Roranach's Horn, Lavender Ioun Stone, Ice Star +4, Rogue Stone, Potion of Extra Healing x2, Potion of Superior Healing x5 and 1200 gold. Il-Khan Battle Mage: Adventurer's Robe and a Quarterstaff +2. Il-Khan Soldier: Studded Leather Armor +2, Composite Long Bow +1 and Arrows +1 (varies). Karun the Black: Adventurer's Robe and a Quarterstaff +2. Alright, the Grandmaster's Armor +6 is pretty nice armor for a Thief, Ranger, or Druid. It easily beats out the Shadow Dragon Scale, in any case, and you can now replace your Boots of Speed with something else. The Ice Star +4 is a powerful weapon, but it's weaker than both Crom Faeyr and the Flail of the Ages, so I never bother using it. Roranach's Helm could come in handy if we fight lots of enemies that use blunt weapons, but we have better helmets, and better ways of resisting damage. The Lavender Ioun Stone easily out-competes the Dusty Rose Ioun Stone, but for melee characters, I prefer something that protects against critical hits, especially with the outrageous damage they can do in Throne of Bhaal. If Anomen can land a critical for 50 points of damage, there's no reason a Fire Giant can't. A Helmet of Defense provides this, some elemental resistances, and a bonus to all saves. All in all, the best of the gear we got here is only useful in the short-term. Ah well. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 17) Before I leave I go sell all the loot I've found during my stay in Saradush. Merchants aren't exactly easy to find in Throne of Bhaal, if you haven't noticed, and I'd rather lighten my load than store stuff in the Pocket Plane. All in all, everything I accumulated sells for about 90,000 gold. Hey, it pays to sell in bulk. While I'm in the tavern I talk to Viekang again, and tell him I've discovered a way to spark his power. He teleports off when he gets scared, so the natural solution would be to cast a Horror spell on him! Prepare one up and give it a go, and wouldn't you know, Viekang vanishes as explosively as he did in Trademeet. And best of all, I get some experience for doing it. If you talk to the Harlot near Countess Sentele's House you'll get another small experience reward for avenging her parents. ***REWARD*** (For avenging the Harlot's parents) EXP 1000 (each character) ***REWARD*** (For helping Viekang overcome his bravery) EXP 2000 (each character) North Forest (AR6400) o======================================================================o 18) Return to your Pocket Plane when you're done in Saradush and leave again. You'll get three options-return from whence you came (which right now would be Saradush), return to Saradush (duh...), or head to the Marching Mountains. I know, how about that place we've never been before? When you arrive at the Marching Mountains you'll find a group

of Merchants being slaughtered by some weak Yaga-Shura Soldiers. Kill them and the surviving Merchant, Karthis al-Hezzar, will talk to you after the killing is done and offer to show you his wares. If you're nice to him when you greet him, you'll improve your reputation, and he'll give you a small reward. If you demand a reward, you'll get significantly more money, but no reputation. If you threaten him... well... he'll turn hostile and run away. Amusingly, he'll have a burst of speed right after he turns hostile, and he has decent Hit Points, making him somewhat harder to kill than a normal NPC. He'll leave behind a suit of Leather Armor, Potions of Superior Healing x2, an Oil of Speed, a King's Tears Gem, a Moonstone Gem, a Two Handed Sword, and 6095 gold. If you shop, he's got the typical Throne of Bhaal collection of magical weapons that puts the entire arsenal of Baldur's Gate 1 to shame, but aside from the Obsidian Ioun Stone, he really doesn't have anything unique. As for the Yaga-Shura troops, most drop mundane arms and armor and some gold. One drops a Two Handed Sword +1 and some Potions of Superior Healing, but that's the best of the bunch. Still, all that Plate Mail Armor sells. ***REWARD*** (For saving Karthis al-Hezzar and demanding payment) Gold 4240 ***REWARD*** (For saving Karthis al-Hezzar... just because you're nice like that) Gold 1000 Reputation +1 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 19) Once you're done playing with merchants, head south and cross the lake to the east. On the eastern shore we'll find our first Fire Giants of the game... provided you didn't venture too far into Watcher's Keep. Anyhow, just because this is our first fight doesn't mean it has to be a fair one. Instead, keep your group on the rocks leading across the water, where the Fire Giants are too big to cross. It's the same strategy as with the Adamantite Golems, go somewhere too small for them to follow and shoot them to death. After you're done, pick up their juicy Fire Giant loot. Note from Lee: After killing one Fire Giant, the second one said, "No more" and walked away when he hit Badly Injured status. I tried to chase him, but he just disappeared. Pussy... <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 20) Continue to the east and exterminate whatever Yaga-Shura troops you find. No special tactics are required until you cross the bridges to the east because no special enemies show their faces until then. At the end of the bridges is a Yaga-Shura Mage, who is really just a pushover. North of the Mage are numerous fodder foot-soldiers, and north still is a house, near which you'll find more footman-fodder, two Clerics of Talos, and two more Fire Giants. The Clerics aren't really strong enough to cause much of a problem, and they should be sufficiently spread out so that you won't have to fight all the enemies nearby at once. After any spellcasters I see are dead, I focus on the Fire Giants, who can hit pretty hard, but they don't really have the Armor Class to be overwhelmingly threatening. The Clerics of Talos will drop some Potions of Superior Healing, and the Yaga-Shura Officers near the house will drop Two Handed Swords +1 and some Potions of Superior Healing. The real loot, however, is dropped by the Fire Giants, who are fond of dropping Star Sapphires (among other loot). This works out great, since I'm fond of possessing Star Sapphires. Save all of the Star Sapphires you find, however, we'll need some later. When you're

done with this area, exit along the eastern edge of the map to access the Forest of Mir - The Temple area and the Marching Mountains area. Of course, I have no intention of pursuing Yaga Shura now. It was my goal to tackle Watcher's Keep as soon as we got access to Cespenar, and as soon as the story allowed us to return to Watcher's Keep. That would be now. Don't worry about the story for now, sieges take a long time, I'm sure Saradush will still be standing when we're done, and we'll be all the stronger for sacking Watcher's Keep. After all, what better way is there to prepare for large showdowns with half-siblings than to pillage some terrible dungeon somewhere? If it was good enough in Baldur's Gate 1, it's good enough in Baldur's Gate 2, I say. Oh, and don't try to be cute and attack the Siege Camp of Yaga Shura. The game isn't messing around with its primary points here. Yaga Shura's army is immaterial, and will crumble once its leader is gone, but Yaga Shura himself is impervious to our attacks right now. The only thing you'll achieve by fighting Yaga Shura now is to get overwhelmed by hordes of Fire Giants and Yaga Shura Soldiers. It is, however, a decent way to grind for experience if you have the stomach or the need for it. Just don't go too far west off the bridge and you won't draw Yaga Shura into the fight. At this point in the game I had just over 4,000,000 experience, and I saw no real need to bother leveling up. If I lose a fight, it'll be because I under-prepared, or because of poor execution, not because I was under-leveled. o======================================================================o | | | Watcher's Keep, Level 1 | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK051} 1) The Knights of the Vigil 2) Sister Garlena Shopping 3) Into the Keep 4) The Western Library 5) A Sign of Things to Come 6) Main Chamber 7) The Eastern Library 8) The Priest's Room 9) Lighting the Fires 10) The Archivist's Gratitude 11) Grumpy Old Priest 12) Golem Bashing 13) Performing the Ritual 14) Subduing the Statues 15) Crafting with Cespenar I Watcher's Keep (AR3000) o======================================================================o 1) Watch the little cutscene describing Watcher's Keep. Whether you're here during Throne of Bhaal or sometime during Shadows of Amn, a few things remain the same: Do not explore past the first level until you have a very strong, well-equipped party. I wouldn't suggest attempting it with a party who isn't at least near the end of Shadows of Amn. A new party in Throne of Bhaal should put this quest off until they've managed to grab some gear from the expansion. Still, if you're just here to shop and loot the first level a bit... well, anybody can do that safely. You'll find the Knights of the Vigil, and more particularly their leader Odren at (x=1800, y=2200). He'll kindly tell you that they're servants

of Helm sent here to guard against some great evil imprisoned within. The great evil, he'll say, cannot forever be held by this prison, and has corrupted the keep to the point that they can no longer make their way to the ritual chamber to renew the seals on the evil within. Enter a brave group of heroes willing to clear the way for them-hey, that's us! Agree to help them and you'll be whisked away to the top of Watcher's Keep, to work your way down. Before you get busy, talk to Brother Pol (x=1150, y=500) and he'll give you the Vigil Stone and the Ritual Scroll, as well as talk your ear off. There are five levels, and each is sealed, requiring you to perform a specific task before you're able to open the seal to the next level and continue on. As you breach the lower levels of the keep, you'll get access to some of the side-doors, which prevent you from having to wander down through earlier levels to reach your desired, lower level. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 2) Also talk to Sister Garlena (x=980, y=700) to get access to the gear the Knights of the Vigil have. As for scrolls they have a fair selection of the low-and-mid level essentials, but after our stay in Saradush, we're not wanting for spells. Unfortunately you can't rob them, so you'll have to buy your spells. You should already have most of these, and if not there's still plenty of chances to get them without paying. But you should certainly be sure to get them all one way or another before continuing on. For the late-game characters, consider the Firetooth +4 crossbow, which is easily the best crossbow in the game. Haer'Dalis, Keldorn or ??????? will be sure glad to have it, in any event. Of course, the best thing she sells for those of us who are trespassing here during Shadows of Amn is the Potion Case. Pick it up and make your life a little easier. Note: Beyond this point I'll detail the interior of Watcher's Keep. If you're running here from Shadows of Amn to score some Throne of Bhaal loot early, keep in mind that due to the chronological order of the FAQ, I will assume that you're here with me, in Throne of Bhaal. When I comment on items, areas, and monsters, it will be with that context in mind. Still, the majority of the first level isn't so hard that an enterprising Shadows of Amn party can't complete most of it (if not all of it) with ease. Watcher's Keep, First Level (AR3001) o======================================================================o 3) When you're ready, enter the keep at (x=1000, y=500) and go through the door at (x=2000, y=1800) to find a room full of loot and occupied by a wandering Archivist who complains about the cold. Grab the loot, including the Paladins Bracers, which can be upgraded into Blessed Bracers for a significant amount of money. They're still not worth wearing, however. ***ITEMS*** (x=2050, y=1900) Paladin's Bracers, Bullet +1 x40, Bolt +1 x40, Bolt x80, Arrow x80, Bullet x80, Dart x80, Antidote x6 (x=1900, y=1800) Potion of Extra Healing x4, Wand of Sleep, Bloodstone Amulet, 250 gold (x=1880, y=1800) Books, Throwing Dagger x60, Throwing Axe x60 (x=1850, y=1850) Books, 371 gold ***TRAPS*** (x=2050, y=1900) (x=1900, y=1800) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) Continue through another door to the southwest (x=1770, y=2000) and kill a Stone Golem before continuing through yet another door to the

northwest (x=1550, y=2000) and smiting a group of Orogs. After the fight you'll find yourself in a library. Search the shelves for a variety of books, the four interesting ones are as follows: Tattered Parchments, more ritual notes which will describe a procedure we'll perform shortly; Elminster's Ecologies, a book which details rare enemies we'll find later in the keep; and a Handwritten Note, essentially a series of codes we'll use later on in the keep. The Golem manual is a nifty book which summons a Flesh Golem for 10 rounds. Flesh Golems are pretty weak by now, but we can upgrade the book into strategic relevance, later. ***ITEMS*** (x=1600, y=1800) Tattered Parchment, Elminster's Ecologies: Appendix IIIa (x=1500, y=1700) Handwritten Note (x=1300, y=1600) Golem Manual, 8 gold (x=1200, y=1550) Tattered Parchment, Darts of Wounding x20, 2000 gold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) Continue through another door at (x=900, y=1550) to enter a room with a rather ominous statue. Any Dungeons and Dragons veteran worth their salt knows just by looking what particular critter that is, but I won't ruin the surprise for you if you don't. Anyways, this room contains some decent loot, the Crimson Dart +3 is a nice ranged weapon for Edwin. It sure beats giving him Fire Tooth +3, which should always stay on Jaheira as her ranged option. Also you'll find your first infinite ammo case, just too late to be of any use. After all, Firetooth +4 shoots off its own unlimited supply of '+2 Fire Arrows'. Make sure to grab the Bell, which just screams 'quest related', and note that there's another copy of Elminster's Ecologies-they really expect you to know how to kill those critters listed therein. ***ITEMS*** (x=770, y=1200) Bullet +3 x10, Crimson Dart +3, Iol Gem, Potion of Superior Healing, Chain Mail Armor +2, History of the Imprisoned one (x=600, y=1150) Case of Plenty +1, Elminster's Ecologies: Appendix IIIa (x=500, y=1220) Bell ***TRAPS*** (x=770, y=1200) (x=600, y=1150) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 6) Go through the door at (x=850, y=1200) and explore the main chamber of this level, which is lined by statues. Who's guessing they won't remain inactive forever? You may run into a few Mephits here, smite them and note the two prominent features in this room. In the middle of the level at (x=1450, y=1150) you'll find the inactive gate to the next level. Its inactivity probably has something to do with the statue at (x=700, y=700) depicting a figure with a book, a bell, and a candle. One down, two to go, eh? Don't grab the Holy Book just yet, as the two statues nearby will animate and attack. We'll deal with them shortly, and there's no harm in leaving the Holy Book alone until we have the bell and the candle. ***ITEMS*** (x=800, y=800) Holy Book <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 7) Return to the main chamber and head across to the the first door after the entrance (x=2000, y=1100). It's time to hit the eastern side of the map. Through the door you'll face a collection of Shadow Fiends and Shadows, and if they didn't trouble you in the Sewers under

Saradush, they won't trouble you now. Grab the Wardstone and head through the door to the southeast (x=2770, y=1200) and loot the room in the southeastern corner to score a second Wardstone and another Tattered Parchment. Go through yet another door to the southwest (x=2600, y=1400) and destroy a Spellhaunt. More looting awaits you, including another Handwritten Note and a Key. ***ITEMS*** (x=2250, y=900) Wardstone (x=2450, y=1050) Potion of Superior Healing (x=2550, y=1300) Tattered Parchment (x=2800, y=1220) Wardstone, Potion of Superior Healing, Scroll of Sphere of Chaos, Small Shield +2 (x=2400, y=1520) Handwritten Note (x=2600, y=1500) Key, Potion of Extra Healing x4, King's Tears <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 8) Now return to the room where you killed the Shadows, disarm the trap (x=2000, y=900) and go through the door to the northwest at (x=2000, y=750). Note the plaque at (x=1950, y=800) which mentions 'Giltham', who enjoyed curling up near the kitchen fire with a good book. Disarm the multiple traps in this room and loot it. The Ammo Belt is just another of various storage devices, the Tinderbox will help us out later on, and the Scribbled Note mentions using the Tinderbox to light the kitchen fires. ***ITEMS*** (x=2000, y=600) (x=1900, y=600) (x=1850, y=600) (x=1650, y=750) Tinderbox, Ammo Belt Scribbled Note, Potion of Superior Healing x2 Quiver of Plenty +1, Handwritten Note Gold Ring, Old Slippers

***TRAPS*** (x=2000, y=900) (x=1800, y=750) (x=2000, y=600) (x=1850, y=600) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 9) If you haven't gathered from the multitude of hints the game has given, it's time to go to the kitchen. Go back into the main chamber and go through the door at (x=660, y=900) to reach the room in the northwestern corner of the level. In this room you'll find an Ooze Mephit, three Green Slimes, and an Ochre Jelly. All you really have to watch out for is the Ooze Mephit's Stinking Cloud, but this shouldn't be of too much concern. Reduce them and go into the room, where you can claim the Candle. Two down. Light the fireplace at (x=300, y=1100) for some yummy quest experience. ***ITEMS*** (x=700, y=950) Bullets +2 x20, 1 gold (x=600, y=900) Wand of the Heavens (x=350, y=1050) Candle, Arrows +3 x20, Bolts +3 x20, Bullets +2 x20, 9 gold ***REWARD*** (For lighting the fires in the kitchen) EXP 4000 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 10) After lighting the fires, the Archivist will appear and thank you. He'll tell you about another ghost here, that of an old Priest who has become forgetful in his old age. He warns you that the Priest has developed quite a temper, and can be placated with his Old Slippers

(which we already have). He will also tell you that to gain access to the lower level, we have to complete a ritual, first. Return to the main chamber and head over to the large double doors at (x=1400, y=700). These doors can be opened with the key we found in Step #7. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 11) Head inside and ignore the imposing pair of Guardian Golems on either side of the room. Activate the tomb at (x=1400, y=400) to summon the Priest. He'll be very cranky, and will attack when you summon him... unless, of course, you brought his slippers. He's an undead Cleric, but far from being a bother like a Lich, he doesn't have the spell defenses to make him truly threatening. He'll summon some Skeleton Warriors to help him, but the Golems apparently decided they had better things to do than bother me. Still, it's more rewarding to give him his slippers. He'll even let you look through his sarcophagus! Nobody likes having cold feet. Don't dwell on the fact that, in terms of overall experience, you just gained about twice as much experience for handing over a pair of Old Slippers as you did for killing any Dragon thus far encountered. ***REWARD*** (For placating the Priest by giving him his Old Slippers) EXP 20000 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 12) Once the Priest is dealt with, one way or another, search his sarcophagus again to take a peek at his ceremonial robe, which will allow you to see the Holy Ritual - Chapter XII, Verse XIV, as well as earn you some experience. Well, there is only one thing left to do. There's a statue that can be looted... some Golems that still haven't gone hostile yet... we all know what's going to happen. Loot the statue at (x=1050, y=400) and the Golems... do nothing. Huh. Umm... Oh right, the Wardstones. Put them on the ground and the Golems will finally turn hostile. Run to any smaller doorway and shoot them to death. Or if they're extra dumb, they'll get caught on one another. Either way, dispose of them for some experience. They're not nearly as strong as Adamantite Golems, since they lack the damage resistance, but they're still worth the kill. Stupid, obedient, wardstone-controlled Golems... ***REWARD*** (For searching the sarcophagus and learning the last part of the ritual) EXP 8000 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 13) Now it's time to perform that ritual. Head up to the large statue at the end of the main chamber (x=700, y=700) and search the altar (x=900, y=800). It already contains the Holy Book we need, so place the other two components (the Bell and the Candle) on the altar. The two Statues nearby will animate and attack, but they're just melee enemies... Smite them and loot one for the sword Foebane +3. The 'Guardian' will ask you to complete the ritual. The answers you need to give are listed below, in order: Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer #1: #2: #3: #4: #5: Ring the bell Ring the bell Light the Candle Open the Book Ring the bell

***REWARD*** (For completing the ritual) EXP 25000 (each character)

Note From Lee: Watch out for the Insect Plagues from the statues at (x=920, y=1050) and (x=1200, y=850); having it used against you will demonstrate just how potent this spell really is. I split the party into three groups, the strongest of which goes after those statues immediately to prevent them from casting their spells. Note: During my first playthrough with the good party (the one around which I based the original version of this guide) Foebane +3 did not drop. I had remembered this weapon (useless, though it may be) from previous playthroughs. Of course, since I didn't receive it, I couldn't comment on it, and as a rule I refuse to look things up in wikis and other resources for omissions my guides might have. Fortunately, it dropped with my evil party. Long story short, sorry for the omission of this weapon previously, for those of you who followed v1.00 of this FAQ. I was aware of it, and I did get around to correcting it-eventually. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 14) Once the ritual is complete, the remaining four statues will react and attack. This includes the Gnoll Statue, the Golem Statue, and the two Thief Statues, one of which is an archer, and the other of which attacks in melee. I saw no real need for a special strategy, I let them come to me and when they did, I had my protagonist cast Stoneskin. He went to engage the archer, while the rest of my party ganged up on the others and cut them all down one at at time. The melee Thief Statue will drop Usuno's Blade +4, which really wants to be Celestial Fury, but alas, it is not. The Archer Thief will drop an assortment of Arrows +3, Arrows of Fire, Arrows, a Long Bow +3, and another Halberd +2: 'Suryris' Blade'. You can now go through the portal to the next level at (x=1450, y=1150). <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 15) Before you go, however, there are a few new items Cespenar can create for us: Blessed Bracers (10000 gold) (Paladin's Bracers) First, if we're willing to spend 10000 gold we can upgrade the Paladin's Bracers into Blessed Bracers. For that price, the bracers gain the ability to cast Cure Critical Wounds once/day, and cast Resurrection once/day. First, Cure Critical Wounds a day is nice, but not nearly as nice as the Armor Class the Gauntlets of Dexterity give Keldorn, and second... we all know how I feel about Resurrection. If you don't die, you won't need it. Case of Plenty +2 (5000 gold) (Case of Plenty +1) If you have Firetooth +4, you don't need this... except, however, that the THAC0 bonuses from the bow stack with the ammunition. That's right, at the point at which my Keldorn had this upgrade available, his THAC0 was -9 for Firetooth, and -11 if he was using these arrows. What's 5000 gold in exchange for a reduced THAC0? Note that this also applies to the Quiver of Plenty +2. Imoen's THAC0 with the Gesen Bow was a base of 6, but with the Quiver of Plenty +2, it went down to 4. Win. Foebane +5 (5000 gold) (Foebane +3) (Fflar's Scabbard)

Finally, I'm able to record this weapon for version 1.01, after it didn't drop the first time around in my version 1.00 playthrough. This Bastard Sword is actually pretty damn good... its ability to cast Larloch's Minor Drain each hit is tantamount to regeneration, stealing four Hit Points per hit from the target and giving it to the attacker. Good stuff. Also, this weapon deals extra damage against undead, shapeshifters, and extra-planar beings... a huge host of creatures that we'll be fighting a lot of... at least the undead and extra-planar critters. The +1 bonus to saving throws is just icing on the cake. Note that while the Larloch's Minor Drain isn't subject to a saving throw, it is subject to magic resistance. I wouldn't consider this weapon competition for other great one-handed weapons we'll get later like the upgraded Flail of the Ages, Crom Faeyr, or the Axe of the Unyielding... I wouldn't even say it's as good as Angurvadal, Spectral Brand, or Hindo's Doom, but it's a decent brute-damage weapon, in any event. Quiver of Plenty +2 (10000 gold) (Quiver of Plenty +1) (Rogue Stone) Although it's expensive, this is pretty much obligatory for Minsc, or any other dedicated archers who aren't fortunate enough to possess a bow that creates highly enchanted arrows for them. Even though missile fire is going extinct in the face of returning weapons and increasingly devastating melee weapons, the THAC0 boost is nice, overall. o======================================================================o | | | Watcher's Keep, Level 2 | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK052} 1) The Elemental Level 2) Information Imp 3) Activating the Air Lab 4) Air Library 5) Smashing Spiders 6) Slime Library 7) Sacking the Slime Lab 8) Infecting the Ice Lab 9) Mist Murder 10) Ice Library 11) Freezing Fire Elementals 12) Chromatic Demon 13) Crafting with Cespenar II Watcher's Keep, Second Level (AR3016) o======================================================================o 1) As soon as you arrive on this level a 'Chromatic Demon' will initiate dialogue. It has been trapped in its cage for the last 1000 years, and is understandably upset by this. If you promise to free it, it'll tell you more about the level, and since it insists it has to activate the gate for you to continue, we might as well agree. It'll tell you that four Mages used the powers of the elements to bind it here, and you need to recover the Mage's four scepters to unlock its cage. Yep, that's right kids, it's an elemental level. Doesn't it seem like we did something like this before? Rituals, guardians, elemental levels... Durlag's Tower? Ah well, go through the teleporter at (x=1700, y=1450) if you want to open the side route to this level. The Chromatic Demon may be stuck here, but we're not.

<----------------------------------------------------------------------> 2) Go through the door to the northwest (x=1700, y=1300) and exterminate a pair of Fire Giants. After they're dead, disarm the traps lying around the room, then head to the northeast to find an Imp, who has been waiting around for a very, very, long time. Since you told it that the masters are dead, it'll tell you a bit about the level-first, the Chromatic Demon apparently caused the conflict that killed the Mages who imprisoned it. Second, the four elements used by the oft-competing Mages are Air, Slime, Cold, and Fire. Slime? Whatever. Each Mage's creations, pets, and guardians were segregated to their own labs, and thanks to the Chromatic Demon's insinuations and lies, the Mages conspired against each other. You'll need to use one Mage's elemental powers against the creatures of another to kill them. First, however, we need to get the fans started to power up the level. The Fire Library Note will let you know that the Chromatic Demon is weak against fire when it's in its ice incarnation. The Wand of Cursing might seem like a nifty item, but since all of its effects can be negated by one save (with no penalty) it's rather obsolete by now. I've said it before, but why not just use Chaos, instead? Repeatable, multiple targets, and they save at -4. ***ITEMS*** (x=1400, y=1050) Potions of Superior Healing x6, Throwing Axes x50, 8 gold (x=1200, y=1200) Silver Necklace, 1 gold (x=1000, y=1050) Silver Necklace, Dart of Wounding x20, Arrows of Fire x40, Arrows of Ice x40, Acid Arrows x40, Bolt of Lightning x40 (x=1000, y=950) Throwing Dagger x40 (x=1100, y=880) Antidote x4, Elminster's Ecologies: Appendix IIIa, Handwritten Note (x=1260, y=760) Potion of Cloud Giant Strength, Arrows +3 x40, Potions of Superior Healing x5, Bolts +3 x40, Bullets +4 x20, Wand of Cursing (x=1360, y=860) Fire Library Note, Dart of Stunning x20, Dart +1 x20, Dart of Wounding x20 ***TRAPS*** (x=1350, y=1000) (x=1150, y=950) (x=1260, y=760) (x=1360, y=860) (x=800, y=1400) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 3) Go through the door to the northeast at (x=1800, y=650) to reach the air lab and activate the wheel in the center of the room (x=2050, y=500). Once the fan starts up, Greater and Lesser Air Elementals and the Guardian of Air will show up and lightning will shoot all over the place. If you send Jaheira in to do this alone, she'll be protected from damage due to her Harper Pin... at least from the electricity. Run back to the fire library and gang up on the Elementals and the Guardian with your full party. Kill them and grab the Air Scepter from the remains of the Guardian of Air. Return to the air lab with Jaheira and have her activate the wheel again to turn the fan setting up to high-which should also get rid of the annoying lightning. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) Now close the door separating the fire library and the air lab, leave the fire library and head back to the central room. Go through the door to the northeast (x=2400, y=1300) to enter the air library. Kill the Golems guarding the Air Library (for me it was two Clay Golems, a Stone Golem, and an Iron Golem-most of which Anomen/Korgan merrily

smote with a single swipe of Crom Faeyr), then open the dorr to the north-west. The whole point of this is to get the air flowing from the air lab, through the air library, and down into the slime lab. Grab the Air Library Note and it'll mention two things worth noting-first, that the Chromatic Demon's slime incarnation is vulnerable to lightning. Second, that we need to open the southwestern door to the slime lab to blow the poison mist out of the room and leave the creatures in the slime lab vulnerable. So open the door connecting the air library and the slime lab (x=3400, y=1400) and retreat-feel free to kill whatever Poison Mists and Green Slimes venture out of the lab after you, but do not head into the lab yourself. If you insist on heading into the slime lab, you'll find that the enemies have very high damage resistance, and Green Slimes constantly respawn. Head back to the central room. Note: You may also encounter two Ice Golems, two Iron Golems, and a Sand Golem-a pretty rough fight. ***ITEMS*** (x=2600, y=1000) Silver Ring, Bullets +3 x20, Bullets +2 x40, Bolts of Lightning x40 (x=3000, y=900) Air Library Note (x=3100, y=950) Dart +1 x40, Bullets +1 x40, Sunstone Bullets x20, Antidote x3, Bolts of Lightning x40, 1 gold (x=3100, y=1000) Elminster's Ecologies: Appendix IIIa, Handwritten Note ***TRAPS*** (x=2650, y=1150) (x=2800, y=1050) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) From the central room, head through the door to the southeast (x=2400, y=1800) to reach the slime library. Don't go in too far, as traps abound, instead creep forward to see what greets you. In this case it's a handful of Mutated Spiders, a pair of Vortex Spiders, and a pair of Sword Spiders. Don't let their size fool you, the Mutated Spider's poison is lethal, and they hold up fairly well in melee combat, too. My protagonist, however, is immune to poison thanks to the Ring of Gaxx, and is once again my response. Any damage he might sustain can be negated by Stoneskin, or more lazily, regenerated after the fight due to the Ring of Gaxx. Vortex Spiders can create a 'Vortex Web' that inflicts Slow upon a character, but overall, they're not that threatening. Is there anything that can kill my protagonist? Yes. But I've made it very hard for most things to kill him. Since we know where the enemies are ahead of time, Edwin simply tosses out a Horrid Wilting to speed things up. Note: The creatures in this lab do not appear until you approach one of the doors leading to the slime lab. Since we did this in Step #5, you should have friends waiting for you in the slime library. In fact, most of the library encounters seem to work like this-so if the library is apparently empty when you first visit, check back after visiting adjacent labs. Also note that instead of the encounter listed above, you could instead have to face six Mutated Spiders. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 6) Once the spiders are dead, I begin slowly searching the room for traps, as is mandatory in dungeons like this. After we've disarmed the traps, loot and read your pilfered Slime Library Note. It'll tell us that the Chromatic Demon is weak against acid and poison in its air incarnation, and that we can kill whatever lurks in the ice lab by blowing the poison mist from the slime lab through the slime library and into the ice lab.

***ITEMS*** (x=2550, y=2100) Elminster's Ecologies: Appendix IIIa, Arrows of Piercing x40 (x=2900, y=1900) Key, Antidote, 73 gold (x=3000, y=2200) Bolt of Biting x40, Acid Arrows x80, Antidote x2, 38 gold (x=3200, y=2100) Slime Library Note, Potion of Extra Healing x5 ***TRAPS*** (x=2650, y=2100) (x=2800, y=2100) (x=2900, y=2100) (x=2700, y=2300) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 7) I keep everybody but my protagonist in the central room and open the door to the slime lab at (x=3400, y=1700), which can be opened with the key we found in the slime library. The poisonous gases in the slime lab should blow harmlessly past my protagonist and begin to foul up the slime library, leaving the slime lab free of toxins and safe for my party to plunder. They head up to attack the slime lab through the air library, and once they begin fighting in the slime lab, my protagonist joins them from the south. The Giant Snake is the 'boss' of the lab, and will drop the Slime Scepter when it dies. It can also stun if it hits, so make it your priority in combat. Be sure to loot the central slime pit (x=3600, y=1600) for the Flail Head (Poison) yet another part of the wondrous Flail of the Ages, which has long needed-and now receivedan upgrade. Note that this pit in the middle of the room can deal damage to you if you stand too close (you'll know this is happening if the Melf's Acid Arrow symbol is on a character and they are... you know, dying.) My protagonist, wearing the Cloak of Mirroring, is immune to this effect and can safely approach-and loot-the acid pool. ***ITEMS*** (x=3600, y=1600) Flail Head (Poison), Antidote x5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 8) My protagonist heads back into the slime library, which is now filled with the poison mist from the slime lab. I head through quickly so I don't suffer much damage and open the door to the ice lab at (x=2350, y=2500). Once the door is open and the mist is in the lab, I bring forth any character with a highly-enchanted ranged weapon. Since the Ice Mists and the Ice Golem won't leave their lab, I just shoot them to death. If you don't send in the poison mist, the Ice Golem and Ice Mists are just outright immune to damage. Note that even with the poison mist, the Ice Golem is still immune to anything less than a +3 weapon. Also note that despite the benefits granted by the various unlimited ammo items, they do make otherwise powerful weapons, like the Gesen Bow, count as +2 when they normally count as +4. Adjust as necessary. Grab the Ice Scepter from the remains of the Ice Golem, as well as a Horn. If you choose to do battle inside the ice lab (not recommended) you'll take damage from the poison mist, and you'll be slowed-apparently from the cold. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 9) To reach the ice library, I close the door separating the slime lab from the slime library so I can safely walk through the ice lab. I send my protagonist through the door (x=1800, y=2500) alone, as he'll encounter some mists in the ice library. A pair of Vampiric Wraiths, a Wandering Horror, and a Poison Mist are my greeting party, and since the Vampiric Wraiths like to go invisible when they're hurt and chase after Imoen/Edwin, I close the door behind me and cast True Sight. THEY can't open doors, those lazy incorporeal bastards. <---------------------------------------------------------------------->

10) Once they're dead, I disarm the traps in the room and loot as normal. The Wand of Spell Striking is a handy Mage-killer, since it blasts the enemy with Breach and Pierce Magic at the same time. Sure, we can Spell Trigger better defense-breaching spell assaults, but it's handy in a pinch. Also grab the second horn. I wonder if it goes on something, something unadorned, that could use two horns on it. A helmet, perhaps? Finally, the Ice Library Note gives us the obvious advice that the Chromatic Demon in its natural, or 'fire incarnation' can be harmed by cold. It'll also tell you that to kill the Fire Giant in the fire lab, you need to lure the Fire Elementals in the lab into the ice lab, and kill them there. ***ITEMS*** (x=1300, y=2350) (x=1600, y=2150) (x=1350, y=1950) (x=1300, y=2050) Arrows of Ice x40, Arrows of Fire x40, 6 gold Handwritten Note Wand of Spell Striking, Star Sapphire Zircon Gem, Bolt of Lightning x40, Bolt +2 x40, Elminster's Ecologies: Appendix IIIa (x=1000, y=2100) Horn, Lynx Eye Gem, Arrows of Dispelling x5, Arrows +2 x40, 1 gold ***TRAPS*** (x=1400, y=2250) (x=1350, y=1950) (x=1100, y=2100) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 11) Well, let's put that plan into motion. Open the door at (x=700, y=1800) and wait for a Greater Fire Elemental to spawn. Avoid the Fire Giant and lure the Elemental into the ice lab. This isn't difficult, because the Fire Giant won't wander too far form the lab. Once they enter the ice lab they'll freeze, you'll gain 22,000 experience, and you can then shatter them with a single blow. Once four Elementals have bit the dust you'll be able to tackle the Fire Giant. Since he won't leave the fire lab for long, you can kill it with ranged weapons (or do hit-and-run backstabs). When it dies, loot its body for the Fire Scepter, the Helm of the Rock-hey, that's where the Horns go!-and 100 gold. ***ITEMS*** (x=500, y=1600) Potion of Fire Resistance x3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 12) Now it's time to free the Chromatic Demon. But first, let's prepare, just in case it decides to-against all odds-turn hostile on us. I know, why would a trapped demon ever turn on its rescuers? But still, better safe than sorry. The Chromatic Demon randomly shifts its form, which opens it up to various types of damage, and makes it immune to everything else. Instead of preparing spells for every form, I instead focus on one form. I prepare as many fire spells as I can and wait for it to turn into its ice incarnation. Why fire? Fire has some of the best, direct damage, single target spells, like Flame Arrow and Flame Strike. Also, Keldorn and Jaheira readily do damage with Fire Tooth +3 and Firetooth +4, and Aura of Flaming Death and Fire Shield (Red) allow us to deal damage defensively! Naturally, I'll have to focus all the magic I can on the Chromatic Demon in order to take it down quickly, as if it shifts form... well, trouble may ensue. Before I free the critter, I prepare multiple cases of fire-damage spells, then chain up the spells via Spell Trigger and Spell Sequencer (which can each instantly shoot off three Flame Arrows). I wait until the Chromatic Demon turns into the ice incarnation and quickly activate the cage (x=2100, y=1400). When he comes out, he'll decide to take his anger out on us. Truly, I am astonished. Anyways, as soon as the fight starts Imoen/Edwin begins

casting Time Stop, while my protagonist lets loose his Spell Trigger. During the Time Stop sequence, Imoen/Edwin fires off a Spell Trigger, Spell Sequencer, and Minor Spell Sequencer all in one go (alternatively, Edwin has the luxury of simply casting three Incendiary Clouds in one Time Stop sequence-a very effective technique, especially if he's got somebody to serve as bait. Korgan in Red Dragon Scale armor with a Ring of Fire Resistance, for example, or Viconia with such a ring and Aura of Flaming Death active). This should be more than enough to kill the Chromatic Demon. Loot the dead demon for the Circlet of Netheril, the Portal Key, and Ixil's Spike, a rather weak 'Dagger' that is part of a very powerful weapon. We can now access the portal at (x=2400, y=1400). ***REWARD*** (For unleashing the Chromatic Demon from its prison) EXP 20000 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 13) First, however, I need to pay Cespenar a visit. He can create a few new toys for us, including: Circlet of Netheril (5000 gold) (Circlet of Netheril) (Bronze Ioun Stone) What Mage wouldn't be better off with ten more Hit Points and a bonus 7th and 8th level spell? Well, I'll keep Vhailor's Helm, but Imoen/Edwin, or any other helmet-shy Mage will surely benefit from the Circlet of Netheril. Flail of the Ages +4 (5000 gold) (Flail Head (Poison)) (Flail of the Ages +3) First and foremost, the vague 'a chance' to inflict Slow becomes a flat 33% chance with no save. 1/3rd of all hits are going to Slow an enemy, and they can't do anything about it. Nice. Also, it goes up to a +4 weapon, with all the benefits that brings. Oh Flail of the Ages, how I love you so... Helm of the Rock (5000 gold) (Helm of the Rock) (Horn) (Horn) Eh... so it gets the ability to cast Aura of Command three times per day. It still doesn't say that it protects my skull from critical hits. Frankly, I want to kill enemies, not scare them, and a -2 save still doesn't beat Chaos. o======================================================================o | | | Watcher's Keep, Level 3 | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK053} 1) Yakman 2) Yakman's Abode 3) Unraveling the Maze 4) Making the Best of a Baatezu Situation 5) Tiefling Attack 6) Goodnight Ladies, Ladies Goodnight

7) More Demonknights 8) The Purifier 9) Quasits Gone Wild 10) Glabrezu, Red and Blue 11) Terrorizing Tahazzar 12) Ka'rushing Ka'rushur 13) Destroying the Demon Wraith 14) Aesgareth's Game 15) The Half-Demon in the Details 16) Sigil Smackdown! 17) Crafting with Cespenar, III 18) The Deck of Many Things Watcher Keep, Third Level (AR3003) o======================================================================o 1) As soon as you enter the level head south... or rather, south according to the compass on the floor in front of you, which we'll use to orient ourselves for this level (even though it's actually southeast). At (x=920, y=700) you'll find Yakman, who will deduce that you are demons wearing illusions, and run to the south. Head after him to find a portal (x=1350, y=1100). Yakman's Abode (AR3011) o======================================================================o 2) The portal will take you to another part of the level (or rather, to a different map altogether). Grab the Bard's Gloves off the ground (x=620, y=630) and loot the looney Elf's makeshift shelter to obtain his Journal and the Scepter of Radiance. One makes navigating the maze easier, and the other makes escaping this level possible. Talk to crazy Yakman, and if you are talking to him with an Elf (Viconia or Aerie, for example) or a character with a Charisma greater than 15 (Keldorn for example) he'll tell you that the level is populated with Demons, Demons that often are more interested in killing each other than in killing interlopers. He'll also tell you that he broke the way out, and you need to fix the portal he broke with a rod (the Scepter of Radiance) but unfortunately the rod is broken, too. It's missing three gems, which we'll undoubtedly have to wrest from the hands of the denizens of this dungeon. If you have not spoken to him with an Elf or a high-Charisma character, you will have to cast Heal on him (thus restoring his sanity) before you can talk to him. Since you gain a bit of experience for it, every party should cast heal on Yakman. Once you're done dealing with Yakman/Tamolin, you're ready to mess with the portals nearby. If you head through the portal to the north, you'll be returned back to the beginning of the area. On the other hand, if you go through the portal to the south (x=900, y=700) you'll be transported outside of Watcher's Keep. That's right, Yakman was camping right near the exit portal the whole time... if only he had the Vigil Stone with which he could have effected his egress... ***ITEMS*** (x=850, y=350) Madman's Journal, Diamond, Dart of Stunning x5, Studded Leather Armor +1, Long sword, Scepter of Radiance, 42 gold ***TRAPS*** (x=850, y=350) ***REWARD*** (For restoring Tamorlin's sanity) EXP 5000 (each character) <---------------------------------------------------------------------->

3) Now, one of the great things about writing a FAQ (from the FAQ writer's perspective) is how much more you learn about the game. Something about writing things down, trying to make it legible and easy to understand, and to test every possibility just seems to add to one's knowledge. Funny thing, that. Difficult battles, complex-seeming character relationships, and in-game mazes and puzzles are of particular interest to me. The more detail a writer can provide, the more confident you can be that said writer actually understands the game (and this makes following the writer's advice easier to stomach). So, instead of just providing you with a step-by-step walkthrough of this dungeon, I feel compelled to provide a map, to show you how it works. And yeah, you guessed it, creating this unwieldy beast did much to improve my understanding of this part of the game. o===============================================o | Key | o===============================================o (AR3000) Outside Watcher's Keep (AR3003) Compass Room (AR3004) Baatezu Room (AR3005) Tieflings (AR3006) Succubus and Alu-Fiends (AR3007) Cambion and Demonknights (AR3008) Cornuguns vs. Balor (AR3009) Quasits Playing with Wild Magic (AR3010) Glabrezu Summoners (AR3011) Yakman's Abode (AR3012) Tahazzar and Company (AR3013) Ka'rashur and Company (AR3014) Demon Wraith and Slave Wraiths (AR3015) Aesgareth's Enclave [DEAD] Dead Magic Zone-All Spell Fail [NORM] Magic Functions Normally [WILD] Wild Magic Zone o========o o========o o========o | | | | | | |(AR3003)| |(AR3012)|<---|(AR3004)| | [NORM] | | [NORM] | | [DEAD] | o========o o========o o========o ^ ^ | | | | o========o | o========o | o========o | | | | | | | | |(AR3008)| | |(AR3016)| | |(AR3008)| | [DEAD] | | | | | | [DEAD] | o========o | o========o | o========o ^ | ^| | ^ | | || | | | | || | | | | |v | | o========o o========o o========o o========o o========o | | | | | | | | | | |(AR3004)|<---|(AR3009)|<---|(AR3003)|<---|(AR3008)| |(AR3012)| | [DEAD] |--->| [WILD] | | [NORM] |--->| [DEAD] |--->| [NORM] | o========o o========o o========o o========o o========o ^| ^| | | || || | | || || | | |v |v v v

o========o o========o o========o o========o | | | | | | | | |(AR3006)| |(AR3011)| |(AR3006)| |(AR3004)| | [NORM] | | [NORM] | | [NORM] |--->| [DEAD] | o========o o========o o========o o========o ^| ^| | || || | || || | || |v V || o========o o========o o========o || | | | | | | || |(AR3000)| |(AR3008)|<---|(AR3006)| || | | | [DEAD] | | [NORM] | || o========o o========o o========o || || || || || o========o || | | || |(AR3015)| || | | || o========o || ^ || | || | || | || o========o || | | || |(AR3014)| || | | || o========o || ^| || || || || |v |V o========o o========o o========o o========o | | | | | | | | |(AR3013)| |(AR3007)|<---|AR(3007)| |(AR3003)| | [NORM] | | [NORM] |--->| [NORM] | | [NORM] | o========o o========o o========o o========o | ^| ^ | || | | || | v || | o========o o========o || o========o | | | | || | | |(AR3010)| |(AR3013)| || |(AR3010)| | [NORM] |--->| [NORM] | || | [NORM] | o========o o========o || o========o || | || | || | |v V o========o o========o o========o o========o o========o | | | | | | | | | | |(AR3009)| |(AR3005)| |(AR3003)|<---|(AR3005)|<---|(AR3010)| | [WILD] |--->| [WILD] | | [NORM] | | [WILD] |--->| [NORM] | o========o o========o o========o o========o o========o Helping Ka'rashur Route:

(AR3003) (AR3013) (AR3006) (AR3014)

--> --> --> -->

(AR3011) --> (AR3003) --> (AR3008) --> (AR3006) --> (AR3008) --> (AR3012) --> (AR3004) --> (AR3009) --> (AR3013) --> (AR3010) --> (AR3005) --> (AR3007) --> (AR3015) (AR3003) (AR3006) (AR3004) (AR3007) --> --> --> --> (AR3008) (AR3013) (AR3006) (AR3014) --> --> --> --> (AR3012) --> (AR3006) --> (AR3013) --> (AR3015)

Helping Tahazzar Route: (AR3003) --> (AR3011) --> (AR3004) --> (AR3009) --> (AR3004) --> (AR3012) --> (AR3010) --> (AR3005) --> Good Party Round-the-Maze (AR3003) --> (AR3011) --> (AR3004) --> (AR3009) --> (AR3005) --> (AR3007) -->

Route: (AR3003) --> (AR3008) --> (AR3012) --> (AR3006) --> (AR3013) --> (AR3010) --> (AR3014) --> (AR3015)

Of course, I'm not just writing this to provide confusing, probably useless maps, I'm supposed to tell you-in a specified sequence of events-how to go about exploring each level. I know, I know. Before we go wandering off, however, some notes about this level. Each portal takes you to a new area, but each area has its own rules governing magic. Some areas are magic dead zones (the blue rooms), where you'll suffer a 100% spell casting failure rate. Others are wild magic zones (red rooms), where magic becomes... unpredictable. For either one, you should consider the area a no-magic zone, since wild magic is at least as harmful as just not casting anything at all, and potentially much worse. What route you want to take will depend on your alignment. This maze houses two powerful groups of hellions, a group of Tanar'ri led by Tahazzar (AR3012), and a group of Baatezu led by Ka'rashur (AR3013). If you are evil or neutral, and you pick dialogue option #3 when dealing with either one of them, they'll go ask you to kill the other one. Once you've spoken to one, the other will 'smell' the other on you and attack. There's a decent reward for neutral or evil parties if you bring the heart of one back to the other, and note, it's your protagonist's alignment which matters, not anyone else's. The reward is the same either way, so what's your motivation for picking one over the other? Baatezu are lawful, and Tanar'ri are chaotic. That's about it. The best thing to do is to side with one or the other, get the reward, and then exterminate the group you sided with, too. They are, after all, evil creatures, regardless of whether they're chaotic or lawful. If you have a good protagonist, you'll just have to fight them when you meet them. It doesn't always pay to be good, it seems. Which you want to side with, if either, will affect your route through this place, as listed above. Since, however, this is your game and I don't feel like writing three different routes, I will detail each area in order by its (AR####), and let you pick your own route through the maze. With my suggestions and map, above, this shouldn't be too much trouble for you. Baatezu Room (AR3004) [WILD MAGIC] o======================================================================o 4) This room kinda just sucks. It's got wild magic, meaning any spellbuffs you have on will disappear as soon as you enter, and recasting them is perilous, at best. Inside are two Cornugons who are going to cause trouble with their fear, a Pit Fiend, and two Velithuu, who have ranged attacks and like to prey on characters running around in fear. This is one of the few fights where I just rely on luck and some Greater Whirlwinds to simply out-muscle the opposition. There are traps in front of the portals in this room, but the trap near the portal you'll appear at (x=500, y=450) just slows you for a few seconds, so it's not really worth worrying about.

***TRAPS*** (x=500, y=450) (x=1100, y=470) (x=1100, y=850) (x=500, y=850) Tieflings (AR3005) [WILD MAGIC] o======================================================================o 5) Another supposedly wild magic room, although the Tiefling spellcaster inside will seem to have little trouble getting off her spells. The other Tieflings have the right idea, two of them are Fighters who will use Whirlwind Attack, and another is a Thief who will use Assassinate. I send in my protagonist to distract the three melee Tieflings, while every character with a ranged option attacks the Mage. Hopefully I can stay away from the enemies with my protagonist and provoke them into using-and wasting-their abilities. If push comes to shove, however, I respond with overwhelming Greater Whirlwind attacks of my own, and by now my protagonist, Keldorn, Korgan, Minsc/Sarevok, and Jaheira can all contribute. They'll also have a dog, Aranthis, with them, but I'll be damned if I could see what it did other than bark and get in the way. It sure didn't put up much of a fight. Both of the Tiefling Fighters dropped a pair of Battle Axes +2, a Potion of Fire Giant Strength, some Potions of Superior Healing, a suit of Plate Mail Armor, and 48 gold. The Tiefling Thief dropped a suit of Leather Armor +3, a Dagger +2, a Short Sword +2, two Potions of Superior Healing, and 242 gold. Aranthis dropped a Dagger +1... makes me wonder where he kept it... and the Mage left behind a Bloodstone Amulet, a Wand of Spell Striking, a Cleric's Staff +3, and 110 gold. Succubus and Alu-Fiend Room (AR3006) [NORMAL MAGIC] o======================================================================o 6) You can reach this room from (AR3004), (AR3008), (AR3009), or (AR3013). Either way is fine, although I usually come through (AR3008). Inside this room is a Succubus, who will offer to take you through the maze safely in exchange for a kiss. Succubus kisses inflict level drain, but if she sets her eyes on my protagonist, I can safely reach (AR3015) this way. But that's for sissies, and bypasses a lot of good loot, as well. Instead, I refuse and start a fight. The biggest threat here is that the Succubus and her Alu-Fiends will try to charm party members. Think Sirines, from Baldur's Gate 1. My party is led by my protagonist, who is immune to charm effects thanks to the Equalizer, and Keldorn, who has a 60% resistance to magic, so I feel fairly safe. My protagonist heads in and attacks the Succubus, while the rest of the party helps out with ranged weapons. Keldorn uses True Sight to keep them honest, and, with their primary means of attack removed they go down fairly easily, although if they're dealing too much damage to my protagonist, I may have to use Stoneskin. The Alu-Fiends will drop Potions of Extra Healing and Oils of Speed when they die, and they will all drop some minor loot, besides. Cambion and Demonknights (AR3007) [NORMAL MAGIC] o======================================================================o 7) As soon as I enter this room, I move Anomen/Viconia to the front line (if I have the Mace of Disruption +2) or just my protagonist. A Cambion occupies this level, but he's the least of our concerns, as four Demonknights will gate in to help him. My front line presents a level-drain proof shield for the rest of my party, who equips whatever ranged weapons they have and fires at the Demonknights. To start the fight, my protagonist heads forward to present himself as the sole target of the inevitable round of Remove Magic, Symbol: Fear, and Power Word spells. If they fail to remove my defenses and inflict fear

upon my protagonist, I'm gold. From then on I just use Anomen and my protagonist to chop them down as quickly as possible, with the rest of my party providing ranged support. The Cambion, for his part, is of no real concern. He always seemed more interested in hiding than fighting, and only crawled out to face me once Keldorn had thrown up a True Sight. Of course, with a well-built protagonist I was able to just spam Greater Whirlwind attacks and kill two Demon Knights a round. The best defense, and all that rot... Each Demonknight will drop a Two Handed Sword +1, while the Cambion will leave behind a suit of Chain Mail Armor, a Bastard Sword +1, and some gold. Balor/Cornugon Room (AR3008) [DEAD MAGIC] o======================================================================o 8) This room can be reached by going east from the Compass Room (AR3003), which means you can safely spell-buff and put up Remove Fear before you enter, which will negate the fear effect that Cornugons produce. It can also be reached by (AR3004), (AR3006), and (AR3012). This room contains a Balor and three Cornugons. The three Cornugons will team up on the Balor, but that experience would better aid us, don't you think? Attack the Balor quickly and cut it down, then turn on the Cornugons. They can cause you to bleed, produce a fear effect, and will certainly try to lower your magic resistance. Don't bother casting any spells, however, as this is a dead magic room-all spell casting has a 100% chance of failure. Now, notice the huge rock in the middle of the room (x=600, y=500)? If you activate it, you'll get the following message: "WITH MY LAST BREATH I PLACE MY GREATEST PRIZE FOREVER BEYOND THE REACH OF ALL THE EVIL AROUND ME." This barrier is as good as solid to a neutral or evil character, but activate it with a good character-say, Keldorn-and you'll obtain a very nice Bastard Sword, the Purifier +4. It gives 20% magic resistance, and deals four additional damage to chaotic evil creatures. It's definitely trying to be a one-handed Carsomyr, but it just doesn't quite stack up. Both Carsomyr and the Purifier can be upgraded with an item we'll get later... and something tells me that Carsomyr is going to win when I have to decide which weapon to upgrade. Quasits in Wild Magic Room (AR3009) [WILD MAGIC] o======================================================================o 9) In this room you'll find a number of Quasits that seem to think throwing around spells in a wild magic room is a good idea. Honestly, I just turn the AI on and let my party mop them up. They'll get off some spells, and some really weird crap can happen. They've summoned a pack of hostile squirrels before, and turned my protagonist into a wolf for a few rounds, one even summoned up a cache of gems, which I obtained when it died. Most of the things they'll do are low-level effects, and chances are they'll hurt themselves as much as they'll harass you. Glabrezu Summoners (AR3010) [NORMAL MAGIC] o======================================================================o 10) Only two enemies initially present themselves: a pair of Glabrezu. The red one summons Greater Fire Elementals, and the blue one summons Ice Salamanders. To prevent things from getting unmanageable, quickly jump on the red Glabrezu and chop it down, then focus on the blue one, and finally mop up whatever opposition is left. They will both only summon several minions before they cast Stoneskin, a Fireshield (red for the red one, blue for the blue one) and attack. You can get a little bit of grinding done here, if you want to let them summon

their minions. Tahazzar's Chamber (AR3012) [NORMAL MAGIC] o======================================================================o 11) In this chamber you'll find Tahazzar (x=700, y=650), a powerful Baatezu who will ask for Ka'rashur's Heart if you're evil or neutral and you pick dialogue option #3. If you're good, or if you've spoken to Ka'rushur previously you'll be attacked at the end of your conversation. Tahazzar is joined by three Glabrezu, three Quasits, a Succubus, a Yochlol, which looks like a Dark Elf, for some reason (I smell lazy developers...) and a pair of invisible Maurezhi. I prefer to side with Tahazzar if at all possible, as he is only approachable through two wild magic zones, meaning you won't get a chance to spell-buff before you come here. If I'm forced to fight, I cast Stoneskin on my protagonist, Remove Fear on the party via Anomen/Viconia, and Haste via Edwin/Imoen. Keldorn uses True Sight to keep the Yochlol and various other demons from disrupting my attack strategy with invisibility. My protagonist immediately runs forward after hostilities start, straight at the Yochlol, which can level drain. With any luck, I'll draw the attention of two of the Glabrezu and perhaps Tahazzar himself. Keldorn, Imoen, Jaheira, and Minsc all concentrate fire on the Succubus to prevent her from charming anybody, and Anomen confronts the Glabrezu opposite the Yochlol. When the Succubus dies, I have Minsc focus on one of the Maurhezi, while Imoen and Jaheira tackle another. Keldorn equips Carsomyr and heads straight at Tahazzar, and as more characters finish off their targets, they focus on Tahazzar. The real annoying part is after all the heavy hitters are dead, when you have to clear out the Quasits, who for some reason are on hyper invisibility. They'll blink in and out, staying around just for a second before disappearing. I let the AI handle them at this point, since they're more annoying than threatening. If you side with Tahazzar, you can simply head to your Pocket Plane after giving him Ka'rushur's Heart, spell buff, return, and attack on your own terms. Much easier. This is, of course, the tactic my evil party adopts, since they have the luxury of siding with one of them... otherwise the strategy remains mostly the same, just substitute Keldorn for Korgan, Imoen for Edwin, Minsc for Haer'Dalis or Sarevok, and Anomen for Viconia... standard operating procedure. Also, starting out with a backstab certainly can't hurt things. If you kill Tahazzar he'll drop his heart and a Scepter Gem, and if you give him Ka'rahur's Heart, he'll just hand over the Scepter Gem... and the Thieves' Hood. ***ITEMS*** (x=650, y=300) Arrows +3 x10, Potion of Superior Healing x2, Throwing Dagger x2, 1920 gold ***TRAPS*** (x=650, y=300) ***REWARD*** (For bringing Ka'rushur's Heart to Tahazzar) EXP 20000 (each character) Item Specter Gem Item Thieves' Hood Ka'rushur's Chamber (AR3013) [NORMAL MAGIC] o======================================================================o 12) Ah, now this is the hellion I prefer to fight. If you've spoken to Tahazzar already, or if you're good, you'll be attacked at the end of the conversation. If you're neutral or evil and haven't spoken to Tahazzar, however, Ka'rushur will talk with you. Pick dialogue option

#3 to offer to get him Tahazzar's Heart. Since you can approach him through (AR3006), however, you can spell-buff before fighting him and his minions, whereas with Tahazzar you cannot. I cast the typical spell-buffs before entering, especially Remove Fear, as the Cornuguns will cause me grief if I don't. After that, this fight is largely melee in nature. There's no Yochlol, no invisible Maurezhi, and the Erinyes doesn't worry me as much as the Succubus did. If you attack, the Baatezu will be joined by a trio of Bone Fiends and a Velithuu. This gives them a lot of melee power, but my protagonist presents a convenient target, and if he's been well spell-buffed, they won't rip down his defenses until their numbers have been significantly reduced, if at all. Ka'rushur will leave behind his heart, and a Scepter Gem, while the Erinyes will drop a Long Sword +1. ***ITEMS*** (x=970, y=370) Potion of Superior Healing, Laeral's Tear Necklace, Star Sapphire, Arrows +3 x10, Throwing Axes x5, Studded Leather Armor +2, 450 gold ***TRAPS*** (x=970, y=370) ***REWARD*** (For bringing Tahazzar's Heart to Ka'rashur) EXP 20000 (each character) Item Specter Gem Item Thieves' Hood Demon Wraith and Slave Wraith Room (AR3014) [NORMAL MAGIC] o======================================================================o 13) Before this pain in the ass fight, I cast a Remove Fear and use Limited Wish to bestow protection from undead while in the relative safety of the Cambion and Demonknight Room (AR3007). Once I enter this room I'll be confronted by a Demon Wraith, who will summon up five Slave Wraiths, which can drain levels. The Demon Wraith will make things difficult by unleashing a Time Stop sequence, followed by Symbol: Stun and Symbol: Fear. On top of that, the room is trapped, and crossing it before disarming the traps is likely to end in trouble. Lastly, the Demon Wraith itself is 90% resistant to physical damage, has 75% magic resistance, is immune to all normal elements (although it's merely 90% immune to magical elemental damage, however), and isn't hurt by anything less than a +4 weapon. Even at this point in the game, that excludes many of my characters from even bothering to attack it... What, then, to do? Imoen/Edwin immediately begins casting Time Stop, and my protagonist begins casting Pierce Magic. With the Robe of Vecna, Imoen/Edwin will finish first. I immediately have my Mage cast Pierce Magic to remove its Spell Turning and lower its magic resistance, then I hit it with Lower Resistance to all but eradicate its magic resistance. This double-shot of Pierce Magic ensures that when the Time Stop sequence ends, the Demon Wraith is defenseless for my next spell assault. If I have any time left before the Time Stop ends, I'll have Imoen scan for traps and attempt to disarm the one surrounding the portal (x=500, y=530). When the Time Stop ends, I immediately have my Mages start up their second assaultpreprepared Spell Triggers and Spell Sequencers linking three Magic Missiles apiece. That's right, the Demon Wraith has the Sarevok weakness. The missiles do full damage, and after a Spell Trigger and Spell Sequencer from each of my Mages (or about a dozen Magic Missile spells) the Demon Wraith falls. Often the Magic Missiles will knock the Demon Wraith out of its casting, and once you've removed its defenses and blasted it with some Magic Missiles, the only thing that can go wrong is if it finishes its Time Stop and manages to

incapacitate your Mages. Even then, as long as you can free them quickly with a Dispel Magic, you're still in the game. I've tried this strategy several times, and although the timing can be tricky, it does work, and it works well. No level drains, no damage, nothing. It's as painless of a method as I've devised for killing this creature. Once it dies, all its Slave Wraiths go with it, earning you 5000 experience for each one. We're now free to disarm the traps at our leisure and grab all the loot off the ground. ***ITEMS*** (x=500, y=400) Plate Mail +1, Scroll of Mantle (x=570, y=480) Bolt +2 x20, Potion of Superior Healing x2, Wand of Spell Striking, Bloodstone Ring (x=730, y=430) Journal, Rogue Stone, 1 gold (x=760, y=530) Spear +1, Potion of Agility (x=1000, y=460) Plate Mail Armor, Agni Mani Necklace, 47 gold (x=340, y=640) Bastard Sword +1, White Dragon Scales ***TRAPS*** (x=500, y=530) (x=600, y=500) (x=600, y=630) (x=620, y=800) (x=900, y=630) Aesgareth's Enclave (AR3015) o======================================================================o 14) You've all but made it through the maze by now, but when you arrive, a Cambion from Curst named Aesgareth is waiting for you. All in all, he's a nice enough guy who enjoys gambling. He just won a Deck of Many Things from his uncle, and wants to play a few hands against us for the device that exits this place... or other things. He, on the other hand, has various items we can try and win. Some very, very nice items, at that. Save your game and speak to him again. The rules are simple, we each draw a card, and whomever survives the effects of the card and ends up with the highest card, wins the round. The following tables list what we can wager, and what we can win. o===============o=======================================o | Our Wager | Effect | o===============o=======================================o | |If you lose, Aesgareth will ask for the| | |Scepter of Radiance. You can refuse to | |pay up and provoke a fight, or give it | The Way Out |to him. He and his companions will | | |leave, and he will (true to his word) | | |leave the Scepter of Radiance with you | |when you're done, as well as the | | |Scepter Gem you need. What a nice guy! |---------------|---------------------------------------| | |If you lose, Aesgareth will cast | | |'Energy Drain', which will take away | | Experience |10000 experience from the character who| | |played him. This effect will be blocked| | |by the Cloak of Mirroring. | |---------------|---------------------------------------| | |If you lose, Aesgareth will cast | | |'Vitality Drain', which will | | Vitality |permanently drop the player's Hit | | |Points by 10% (rounded up). This effect|

| | | |

| |will also be blocked by the Cloak of | | |Mirroring, however. | o===============o=======================================o | His Wager | Effect | o===============o=======================================o | |An absolutely fantastic Scimitar-at | | least once it's upgraded. It's the best | |Spectral Brand |weapon in the game for Jaheira, and if | | |you love her half as much as I do, | | |you'll get it for her. |---------------|---------------------------------------| | |Pretty self-explanatory, there are only| |Scroll of Wish |two such scrolls you can get in the | | |game-either buy one from Lazarus, or | | | win this one. | |---------------|---------------------------------------| | |You'll need this to continue through | | |Watcher's Keep. If you win this from | | Scepter Gem |Aesgareth, he decides to be a poor | | |sport and attack you... but he'll give | |you the Scepter Gem anyways. He will | | |only wager this against the way out. | o===============o=======================================o

Now, to make things simpler for us. Aesgareth will only play three games against us (win or lose), and on the third play he will insist we play for the way out. There are two items we want, and we have two games in which to win them. The Scroll of Wish is nice, but not necessary, but you should absolutely try to win the Spectral Brand. Of course, there's no reason we can't win both. If you lose, reload. Because of an inquiry by the magnificent Lee Kadel, I looked into how this little game works using the wonderful Infinity Explorer program. Since I bothered to discover how it works, I feel compelled to explain it, for you curious people out there-and to show off that I do, indeed, strive to understand this game. For you impatient folks... here's the quick version: 1st Draw: Bet your vitality or experience against the Scroll of Wish. You have a 25% chance to win this round-you must draw the 'STRIFE' card, and he must draw 'TRIUMPH'. 2nd Draw: Bet your vitality or experience against the Spectral Brand. You have a 50% chance to win this round-if you draw the 'STRENGTH' card, you will win. 3rd Draw: You must bet the way out against Aesgareth's Scepter Gem. You have no chance of winning this round. Seriously, he will always draw the 'WHEEL' card and beat you. Either gracefully conceed defeat, or fight him over it. The latter is the better option, because you then gain the Deck of Many things for yourself. Impatient people, you are done. If you were cursed or otherwise adversely affected by something you drew, Remove Curse or Heal should fix you right up. Go to Step #16 for details about the fight. Curious folks, go to Step #15. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 15) This game is actually pretty simple when you get a good peek at it. There are only eleven different cards that can be drawn during the game-you can draw six, Aesgareth can draw five. You will always get one of two cards (randomly determined) each draw, save the third draw, where Aesgareth only has one possible draw. Therefore, the number of games you've played is the greatest (read: only) factor in determining

what cards you and Aesgareth can draw, and hence, your odds of success. All cards are rated by a simple global variable on a scale of one to six, to determine whether your card wins, or Aesgareth's card wins, as follows: 'SetGlobal("CambionDraw","GLOBAL",1)'. This variable means, simply, that Aesgareth's card has a value of one. On the other hand, the player uses: 'SetGlobal("PlayerDraw","GLOBAL",1)'. Again, this just means the player has a card with a value of one. In the case of a tie, the game always rewards the draw to Aesgareth. On the tables below are all the possible outcomes per round. o======================================================o | 1st Round | o===============o=======o===============o=======o======o | Your Draw | Value | His Draw | Value |Result| o===============o=======o===============o=======o======o | Plague | 1 | Triumph | 1 | LOSS | |---------------|-------|---------------|-------|------| | Plague | 1 | Construct | 4 | LOSS | |---------------|-------|---------------|-------|------| | Strife | 3 | Triumph | 1 | WIN | |---------------|-------|---------------|-------|------| | Strife | 3 | Construct | 4 | LOSS | o===============o=======o===============o=======o======o As you can see, on the first round we only have a 25% chance to win against Aesgareth. Only the 'STRIFE' > 'TRIUMPH' combo will win. o======================================================o | 2nd Round | o===============o=======o===============o=======o======o | Your Draw | Value | His Draw | Value |Result| o===============o=======o===============o=======o======o | Guile | 2 | Defiance | 2 | LOSS | |---------------|-------|---------------|-------|------| | Guile | 2 | Empress | 3 | LOSS | |---------------|-------|---------------|-------|------| | Strength | 6 | Defiance | 2 | WIN | |---------------|-------|---------------|-------|------| | Strength | 6 | Empress | 3 | WIN | o===============o=======o===============o=======o======o Here we have an honest 50% chance to win, as you'd expect from a game of chance. If you draw the 'STRENGTH' card, you win. o======================================================o | 3rd Round | o===============o=======o===============o=======o======o | Your Draw | Value | His Draw | Value |Result| o===============o=======o===============o=======o======o |High Priestess | 4 | Wheel | 5 | LOSS | |---------------|-------|---------------|-------|------| | Emperor | 5 | Wheel | 5 | LOSS | o===============o=======o===============o=======o======o On the third and final draw, Aesgareth will always draw 'WHEEL'. In the global variables, you tend to see lines like the following...: Global("CambionDraw","GLOBAL",1) GlobalLT("PlayerDraw","GLOBAL",2) ...Which determines who wins and who loses. In other words, the example

given above triggers a line of dialogue when your draw (value > 2) is compared to Aesgareth's draw (value = 1). This is the 'PLAGUE' < 'TRIUMPH' hand, and it results in a loss (and the consequences thereof.) However, on the third draw, when Aesgareth invariably draws 'WHEEL', the global variable is as follows: Global("CambionDraw","GLOBAL",5) Doesn't even need to check what you have. If he gets a card with a value of 5, the 'WHEEL' card, he wins. Period. So, the roundup is simple. You have two items you want, and two chances to play for them. Aesgareth always insists on playing for the way out on the third hand, and he always draws 'WHEEL' on the third hand, and wins. You can bet the way out for his gem on draw one or two, and win, but he will be a poor sport and attack. So, the solution is simple; bet for the Scroll of Wish and the Spectral Brand on the first two draws. You have a 25% chance to win the first draw, and a 50% chance to win the second. Save/load until you've emptied his pockets, then play him, lose, and refuse to pay up. This starts a fight, of course, but getting his two goodies and killing him is the most rewarding way to go through this encounter, since it not only nets you the Scroll of Wish and the Spectral Brand, but you can also claim the Deck of Many Things for yourself, which will yield further rewards. If, during the game you suffer a negative effect from a card you drew, use Remove Curse to get rid of it. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 16) After playing him twice (and winning!), prepare for a fight after the third game, which again, you will always lose. Surround the Tiefling at (x=770, y=620) with Fighters (Korgan, Keldorn, Anomen, Viconia, Jaheira, Sarevok, Minsc, etc), as Mages always tend to be the greatest threats. I spell-buff my protagonist with Stoneskin, Mirror Image, Blur, and of course, hit the whole party with Haste and Protection from Evil 10' Radius. I then confidently play Aesgareth again, lose, and refuse to pay up. When the fighting starts, the surrounded Tiefling Mage dies almost immeidately, after which I focused on the Cleric Tiefling, (the one in armor with a shield), then I indiscriminantly all of Aesgareth's minions. Save Aesgereth for last, as his minions will flee if Aesgareth dies. The Tiefling Mage will drop a Cleric's Staff +3, a Jade Ring, a Potion of Healing, and a Robe of the Good Archmagi. The Fighter Tieflings will drop Long Swords +1, the Thief Tiefling coughs up a Dagger +2, Studded Leather Armor +2, a Long Sword +3, some Potions of Extra Healing, some Potions of Invisibility, and 47 gold. The archer Tiefling will leave behind a suit of Chain Mail +3, Arrows +3 x20~, Arrows +2 x20~, a Helmet, two Potions of Superior Healing, two Potions of Extra Healing, a Potion of Fire Giant Strength, an Oil of Speed, a Composite Long Bow +2, a Scroll of Mordenkainen's Sword, and 80 gold. The Cleric Tiefling bequeaths a suit of Full Plate Mail +1, a Helmet, a Large Shield +2, a Flail +2, Bullets +3 x20~, a Sling +1, some Potions of Superior Healing, and 94 gold. Finally, Aesgareth himself will drop us a suit of Chain Mail +3, a Two Handed Sword +2, a Scepter Gem, a Scroll of Pierce Shield, 9 gold, and the Deck of Many Things, which is what we were after all along. Feel bad about killing him? Well, if it makes you feel better, he would have attacked you if you had won his Scepter Gem from him, so don't feel too bad about it. Now all that's left to do is head through the portal at (x=1950, y=600). ***REWARD*** (For escaping the maze) EXP 10000 (each character)

***REWARD*** (For winning the Scroll of Wish from Aesgareth) EXP 25000 (each character) ***REWARD*** (For winning the Spectral Brand from Aesgareth) EXP 25000 (each character) ***REWARD*** (For playing for the way out) EXP 20000 (each character) ***REWARD** (For reassembling the Scepter of Radiance) EXP 25000 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 17) But first, let's see what Cespenar can make for us after this last level: Thieves' Hood (10000 gold) (Thieves' Hood) (Ring of Invisibility) (Antidote) An interesting helmet, it makes the wearer immune to backstabs and poison, and allows them to cast True Sight three times a day. It's an anti-Thief Thief helm! I would consider having Imoen use it, but she's better off wearing the Circlet of Netheril, and my Fighter/Mage/Thief protagonist is still better off with Vhailor's Helm. I'd rather have a constant bonus to critical hits than protection from backstabs-which are prevented quite handily by Stoneskin, in any event. White Dragon Scale (5000 gold) (White Dragon Scales) Easily the best armor in the game that allows its wearer to sneak, with that Armor Class, it's practically Fighter armor! Thieves and Rangers can't ask for better, and they can safely retire that Shadow Dragon Scale. Why did the Scales from the weakest Dragon type make the strongest armor? Your guess is as good as mine. Whenever I take Sarevok with me, I put him in this armor so as not to shake up any established equipment load-outs... and since him and Minsc compete for the same spot in my party, it also makes sense that they both end up with this armor. Simplicity itself. Wondrous Gloves (5000 gold) (Bard's Gloves) (Diamond) (Emerald) (Rogue Stone) (Star Sapphire) If you're a Bard... shame on you! No really, if you're a Bard, you're going to love these gloves. They give +1 THAC0, +1 Armor Class, and a bonus 2nd, 3rd, and 4th level spell. This just about makes them the best things you can wear on your hands in the entire game.. if you're Bard, at least. Of course, with the 'Use Any Item' ability, my Fighter/Mage/Thief protagonist can use these, too-and anybody can see how she would stand to benefit from the bonuses these gloves provide... besides, since Haer'Dalis also has the 'Use Any Item' ability, there's

some other gloves I have in mind for him later... <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 18) Of course, we found something else in that level, didn't we? That's right, the Deck of Many Things. No sense in letting it rot in our packs, we might as well use it to squeeze the best possible rewards from it that we can. I have my mind set on two things: magical items that I can't get anywhere else, and permanent character upgrades. The other two useful things I could gain from the Deck of Many Things are money and experience. I don't need the latter (since I have over 100,000 gold still) and I can grind for the latter. In fact, at almost 5,000,000 experience per character, I'm not worried about hitting my eventual goal of 6,000,000 experience (for the whopping upgrades Jaheira will receive). There's still plenty of game left. I'm not going to get too deep into the details of how the Deck of Many Things works here, if you want to see my best attempt at dissecting the inner workings of this item, see [ITM005]. We'll get three draws from the deck, and each time we draw we can get one of six cards. Obviously we want the best draws overall, so save before you draw and reload until you get what you want. Here's what I do: First Draw: First I have a Mage cast Spell Immunity: Abjuration and draw from the deck until they get the 'DONJON' card. This wastes the first draw, but we need to sacrifice the crappy cards of the first draw to get better cards in the second and third draw. Second Draw: Now we have two options, we can upgrade one attribute of a character by having them draw from the Deck until they get the 'STAR' card. Unfortunately, you can't choose what attribute gets upgraded, and it's not random, so you can't fish for it, either. It's based upon your class, Fighters will get Strength, Mages will get Intelligence, and so forth. The only useful thing I can imagine doing with this is to get a character with 18 Strength and use the deck to raise them up to 19, and hence negate any need they might have for Giant Strength. If you're not sold on that, you can try and get the 'KEY' card, instead, which will give you a Ring of Protection +3. This is useful for any Mage, who won't be wearing armor and hence will be the only characters that really need to wear this. The bonus to Armor Class and saving throws sure beats the Cloak of Protection +2, in any case. An interesting move to make is to have Haer'Dalis wear Robes of the Archmagi (I say Robes of the Neutral Archmagi, but any will do. You can steal them from Lazarus in Saradush, and they are wearable by Haer'Dalis thanks to the 'Use Any Item' high level ability) along with the Ring of Protecton +3. The ultimate Armor Class bonus will be the same as if he were wearing his Melodic Chain, but his saves will be much better (four points better per save, in fact), not to mention the 5% magic resistance. If you have a Fighter/Mage/Thief and therefore are wearing the Aslyferund Elven Chain +5, it's the best Haer'Dalis can hope for. Third Draw: There are two real choices here, too. We can try to get the 'THRONE' card, which will score us 1,000,000 experience points. It's a pretty hefty slice of experience, but we can get experience anywhere. On the other hand, if we get the 'MOON' card, the character who drew will get +10 Hit Points. Can you think of any downside? I can't either. There's no character who has enough Hit Points that they can't benefit from more. I'll be honest here, I'm very prone to babying my protagonist here. I know, there's no sequel to this game where they can take their

stats to, but when push come to shove, I prefer to give the permanent upgrades to my protagonist. Anyways, make your three draws and put the Deck of Many Things away... or use it a fourth time to have it vanish, either way. o======================================================================o | | | Watcher's Keep, Level 4 | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK054} 1) Carston, Lord of the Level! 2) First Illithid Rod 3) Moribund Apprentice 4) Second Illithid Rod 5) Red Oil and Vampiric Illithids 6) Flint and Tinder 7) Killing Githyanki 8) Purple Oil and Angurvadal 9) The Demi-Lich 10) Saladrex 11) Blue Oil and Magic Golems 12) More Mimics 13) Lighting the Braziers 14) Rock and Garock 15) "Freeing" Carston 16) The Machine of Lum the Mad 17) Crafting With Cespenar, IV Watcher's Keep, Fourth Level (AR3017) o======================================================================o 1) When you arrive on this level you'll witness a group of Githyanki fighting a group of Mind Flayers, all the while a Mage in some device cackles. Eventually, however, the Mage grows bored and disrupts the fight by sending out a demon to chase off the belligerent combatants. When they're gone, you'll be introduced to Carston-Lord of the Level! He proclaims that he's immortal so long as he stays in the Machine of Lum the Mad. After he declares his immortality and scoffs at your juvenile insinuations that he's trapped, you'll get to make three innocuous-seeming responses. If you pick options #1 or #2 he'll summon up four Mind Flayers to attack you, but if you mention his apprentices, he'll hit you with a Chain Lightning. You can pester him further, but he finds pretty much every question boring and will simply hit you with a 'Minor Lightning Bolt' for your impertinence. Make sure to grab some of the mundane weapons from the container at (x=3350, y=1550). You'll need them before we're done with this level. Note that you can exit Watcher's Keep and open the side passage to this level by heading through the portal at (x=2400, y=1700). Note that you may encounter some Devil Shades and Shadow Fiends near this portal, or if you're more fortunate, it'll just be Yuan-Ti. ***ITEMS*** (x=3400, y=1600) Potion of Fire Giant Strength, Potion of Insight, Elminster's Ecologies: Appendix IIIa, Arrows of Piercing x40 (x=3350, y=1550) Bolt +1 x40, Arrows +1 x80, Full Plate Mail +1, Bastard Sword, Long Sword, Short Sword, Scimitar, Katana, Ninja-To, Wakizashi, Two Handed Sword, Dagger, Battle Axe, Spear, Halberd, Quarter Staff, Club, Flail, Mace, Morning Star, War Hammer, Arrows x80, Bolts x80, Sling, Darts x40

(x=3250, y=1500) Zircon Gem, Bolt +1 x40, Bolt +2 x40, Antidote x10 (x=3200, y=1500) Elminster's Ecologies: Appendix IIIa, Rainbow Obsidian Necklace, Bolts of Lightning x40 ***TRAPS*** (x=3400, y=1600) Illithid Stronghold (AR3021) o======================================================================o 2) We still have places to explore in this area, but it makes more sense sequentially to explore the areas to the north and south, first. You'll see. I exit the level via the northern passage (x=2400, y=1400) first. Before you go, you might want to prepare some Death Spells and make sure you have Chaotic Commands ready. If you thought we were done fighting large enclaves of Illithids just because Shadows of Amn ended, you were wrong. I send my protagonist down to the southeast, with the rest of my party following at a safe distance with missile weapons equipped. The game might have changed, but our tactics have not. My protagonist, with a better Armor Class and deadlier offensive capabilities is more capable of slaughtering Mind Flayers. As in the Underdark, he leads protected by Chaotic Commands, as his high Intelligence and Mirror Image spells enable him to withstand otherwise crippling Mind Flayer assaults. In this first room we'll find a Mind Flayer and four Umber Hulks, which should be a warmup, more than anything else. Edwin softens the enemies up with a Death Spell, and my evil protagonist mops up-this is going to be yet another level where she abuses her ability to perform hit-and-run backstabs, protected only by Chaotic Commands and perhaps a Death Spell courtesy of Edwin whenever several Umber Hulks await. Go through the door to the west (x=1450, y=500), trounce a trio of Umber Hulks, then loot the room to claim your first Illithid Rod. ***ITEMS*** (x=800, y=660) Iol Gem, Illithid Rod, Wand of Cursing <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 3) Go through the door to the south at (x=1700, y=700) and you'll encounter another group similar to the one we just dispatched. My protagonist blocks the door, the rest of the party shoots everything down. Loot around and head through two doors (x=2020, y=1050), (x=2150, y=900) to reach a room wherein you'll find an Apprentice (x=2020, y=730) who has seen better days. He was, of course, an apprentice of Carston, before Carston decided to fiddle with that Machine of Lum the Mad. Subsequently Carston was trapped, and his further meddling panic led him to blindly mess with the machine, the effects of which killed most of his apprentices and populated the dungeon with the Illithids we now face, and their Githyanki foes to the south. The apprentice will also give two relevant bits of informationthat machine opens the way to the next level, and he knows how to breach it. He won't talk, however, due to his hatred for Carston, and dies before telling us anything overly useful. We'll gain some experience for being witnesses. ***ITEMS*** (x=1950, y=1000) Potions of Extra Healing x5, Gold Ring, 23 gold (x=1600, y=900) Potions of Extra Healing x5, Andar Gem, Gold Necklace, Handwritten Note (x=1400, y=800) Potions of Superior Healing x5, Bloodstone Amulet, Arrows +3 x40 (x=2050, y=700) Wand of Magic Missiles, Potions of Superior Healing x2, 73 gold

***TRAPS*** (x=1400, y=800) ***REWARD*** (For talking to the apprentice) EXP 1000 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) From the operating room there are two paths to take, down a tunnel to the south, or to the west. I go south first, disarming a trap just past the doorway leading from the operating room (x=1700, y=1450). Go through a door at the end of the tunnel (x=1550, y=1700) to provoke three Mind Flayers, an Ulitharid, and two Umber Hulks. I provoke them with my protagonist and run back up to the doorway leading to the operating room, where my protagonist blocks the enemies off, and the rest of my party shoots them down. Pick up the Illithid Rod that the Ulitharid will drop, and the two pieces of the rod will fuse together. We can now explore the western side of the area. ***ITEMS*** (x=1400, y=1880) Potion of Insight, Bullet +4 x10, Bullet +3 x40, Arrows +3 x40 ***TRAPS*** (x=1400, y=1880) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) Now repeat the process down the western tunnel. You'll find the trap in this tunnel just beyond the halfway point (x=1000, y=1000). Now that we have the complete Illithid Rod we can open the door at (x=850, y=1050). Loot the blood pool at (x=500, y=1000) to obtain the Red Oil. Once you grab it, the two sarcophagi in the room will open and a pair of Vampiric Illithids will appear and attack. My protagonist, moderately spell-buffed, smites them with a Greater Whirlwind. ***ITEMS*** (x=500, y=1000) ***TRAPS*** (x=1000, y=1000) Githyanki Encampment (AR3022) o======================================================================o 6) Return to the level where Carston and the device are and exit the level to the south at (x=3900, y=2700). When you arrive you'll be harassed by a group of Gith including an Anti-Paladin, a Knight, and a Warrior. Maybe it was just bad rolls, but man, did these guys get tougher? Their experience rewards say no. Remember, however, that Githyanki use a more extensive arsenal of spells than Illithids. Chaotic Commands on the protagonist is not enough to weather every fight. Grab the Flint and Tinder, which is what we need to continue quest-wise. We had the special colored oil, but we still needed flint and tinder to light a bunch of braziers. Sure, we can cast Incendiary Cloud, Fire Storm, Meteor Warm, and all other sorts of fiery death, we can even summon the Elemental Prince of fire, but we still need flint and tinder to light some damned braziers. ***ITEMS*** (x=1150, y=330) Wand of the Heavens, Adventurer's Robe, 47 gold (x=900, y=530) Potion of Invisibility, Dart +1 x20, Dart of Stunning x20, Potions of Superior Healing x2 (x=900, y=550) Flint and Tinder

***TRAPS*** (x=900, y=530) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 7) Head through the door to the-southeast (x=1500, y=800) and smite an outmatched group of Githyanki comprised of three Warriors, two Knights, and an Anti-Paladin. Loot, leave, and continue through the door to the southwest (x=900, y=800) and exterminate another group of Githyanki, this time consisting of two Warriors, a Gish (spellcaster), and an Anti-Paladin. ***ITEMS*** (x=1500, y=990) Potions of Extra Healing x5, Arrows +3 x40 (x=1850, y=800) Sunstone Gem, Fire Agate Gem, 57 gold (x=400, y=850) Bullet +3 x40, Tchazar Gem, 6 gold (x=400, y=950) Bolt +3 x40, Wand of Spell Striking, Bloodstone Gem, Handwritten Note <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 8) Go through the door to the southeast (x=900, y=1200) where another group of Githyanki await. Four Warriors, a Knight, two Gish, and two Anti-Paladins await their demise. Some spell-buffs might be called for here, and pay special attention to the Gish, lest they get off some debuffs and make this troublesome. Once they're dead, go kill their Captain to the south. He'll make as if he wants to talk, but dismisses your answer, whatever it is. Looks like they were making some kind of ship, out of some... very large Dragon bones. The Githyanki have all been dropping us rather ordinary Githyanki loot-Plate Mail Armor, Two Handed Swords, Potions of Extra Healing and Potions of Invisibility (when they haven't drank them all fighting us), but the Captain has something special for us. Loot him for a suit of Plate Mail Armor, some Potions of Extra Healing, the Diary of Carton's Apprentice (which tells us how to break the glass around Carston, even if it doesn't tell us where to procure the Crystal Mallet we'll need to do it), and the Long Sword Angurvadal +4. It's a +4 weapon that deals some fire damage and increases the users Strength to 22 for 60 seconds. It's not ready to be used yet, but it's nice just having it. Be sure to grab the Purple Oil (x=1550, y=1700), as we'll need it for questy-times. It's not like we could have mixed the Red Oil and the Blue Oil to make Purple Oil, is it? Make sure to grab Montolio's Clasp, as it's another component we'll use later... and yet another Drizzt reference. ***ITEMS*** (x=1550, y=1700) Purple Oil (x=1400, y=1550) Bullet x5, Montolio's Clasp Demi-Liches' Chamber (AR3027) o======================================================================o 9) Did I just say that Angurvadal wasn't ready for use? I did, I meant it wasn't ready for FULL TIME use. I strap that sword on my protagonist, cast Spell Immunity: Abjuration, and Death Ward on him, and send him into the area exit at (x=700, y=2000). In this area awaits a Demi-Lich, and we know what mischief they like to cause. Death Ward protects us from its Demi-Lich Howl, and Spell Immunity: Abjuration prevents Imprisonment. Angurvadal allows me the hurt the damn thing. My protagonist, thus protected, merely walks in and cuts the Demi-Lich down. Loot it for some rewards far exceeding the difficulty of the fight we just won, including the Dagger of the Star +4, a Silver Necklace, and 20023 gold. The Dagger of the Star is the best Thief weapon in the entire game, and it's relatively easy to upgrade, too. If you have five Star Sapphires, 10000 gold, and you really, really like to backstab things, go head back to the Pocket Plane and upgrade it. We'll just... pretend you waited until the end of this level to do

it. ***ITEMS*** (x=440, y=400) Ziose Gem x2, Skydrop Gem, Laeral's Tear Necklace, Scroll of Stone to Flesh, Potion of Fortitude Saladrex's Lair (AR3018) o======================================================================o 10) Head back into the Githyanki Encampment and go through the door at (x=1850, y=1950). Exit the area at (x=1900, y=2000) to reach an area that look exactly like Adalon's Lair. Instead of Adalon, however, it's the home of a Red Dragon named Saladrex. Unlike Firkraag, this Dragon isn't so bad. He's arrogant, sure, but if you were a giant, firebreathing, flying agent of destruction, you'd be arrogant, too. He'll tell you his story, why he doesn't care to leave, and even bother answering some questions, provided you play the suck-up. Of course, we didn't come here to suck up to a Dragon, did we? No, if it's a Dragon, and it's got a horde, no matter how talkative, we kill it. Saladrex is rougher than Firkraag, however. For one, he's more aggressive with his breath weapon, he'll always start out with a Remove Magic (after all, removing our party's buffs hurts us a lot more than putting up a Stoneskin). Also, unlike Adalon we can't just run up the stairs and hide if we're getting trounced, his breath weapon takes the form of a Fireball-type effect, and he can hit you with it pretty much anywhere on the level. Lastly, if you cast too many spells near him (for example, you try to spell-buff) he'll turn hostile and attack. So let's buff up by the stairs and rush Saladrex with everything our Throne of Bhaal party has. The typical spell-buffs prevail, and in addition I pop on Aura of Flaming Death for extra fire resistance, and my Mages all use Spell Immunity: Abjuration to block Remove Magic. As soon as the fight starts, Imoen/Edwin immediately casts Time Stop and hit Saladrex with a prepared Spell Trigger of Pierce Magic, Lower Resistances, and Greater Malison, in that order. Typically I'd throw in a Breach instead of Greater Malison, but Saladrex doesn't like to buff himself much. Afterward, Imoen/Edwin can try to go for the kill with Finger of Death, and Minsc's/Sarevok's Silver Sword still is a threat. Edwin, for his part, immediately launches a second Time Stop Sequence and tries to hit Saladrex with as many Fingers of Death as he can... and he's got a lot of them. Still, if Saladrex survives, my warriors (including my Simulacrum) unleash Greater Whirlwinds and promptly chop Saladrex down. Alas, is nothing a match for our fully prepared party? Let's hope not. When Saladrex dies he'll drop a Rogue Stone, a Tchazar Gem, a Gold Ring, and Angel Skin Ring, 1573 gold, and the Staff of the Ram +4. So far that's the best Long Sword, the best Dagger, and the best Quarter Staff we've found down in this Githyanki Encampment. I'm willing to say that this was far more rewarding than the Illithid place. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 11) Return to the level with the Machine of Lum the Mad. Go through the large doors over at (x=3600, y=1600). To the north you'll find Mutated Spiders (or alternatively, some Yuan-Ti and a Troll), and to the south you'll find some Shadows and Shadow Fiends. Dispatch them, loot, and continue through the door at (x=4100, y=1300). Beyond these doors await a pair of Magic Golems, who can only be harmed by mundane weapons, as we read in Elminster's Ecologies, Appendix IIIa. They attack at a range, and deal a pretty hefty amount of damage when they hit. My protagonist equips a Katana and a Long Sword to deal with this problem... he hasn't been so equipped since we started poking around Irenicus' Dungeon. Grab the Blue Oil from the pool in the middle of the room (x=4500, y=1100). ***ITEMS***

(x=4200, y=1570) Elminster's Ecologies: Appendix IIIa, Bullets +1 x80, Bullets +2 x40 (x=3500, y=1200) Sunstone Bullets +1 x20, Bullets +4 x20, Zircon Gem (x=3550, y=1150) Arrows of Biting x30, Skydrop Gem, 1 gold (x=4500, y=1100) Blue Oil (x=3850, y=950) Arrows of Ice x40, Gold Ring (x=4000, y=800) Wand of Magic Missiles, Bullets +4 x10, 17 gold (x=4050, y=800) Silver Ring, Flamedance Ring, Bolts of Biting x40 ***TRAPS*** (x=3500, y=1200) (x=4000, y=800) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 12) Return to where the Machine of Lum the Mad is and go west through the doors at (x=2600, y=2300). To the south will be a half dozen Mustard Jellies, and to the north will be some Killer Mimics. As long as you take the latter foes seriously enough to attack with your entire party, you'll be fine. If you want to be absolutely safe, attack them at range so you can avoid getting close enough to be paralyzed. Through the door at (x=2100, y=2700) are some Shadows and some braziers. We've got three types of oil and some Flint and Tinder, how about we give this a go? ***ITEMS*** (x=2850, y=2600) Potion of Healing x10, Potion of Extra Healing x5, Potion of Superior Healing x5 (x=2400, y=2250) 987 gold (x=2250, y=2150) Arrows +3 x30, Bullets +3 x30 (x=2150, y=2100) Wand of Spell Striking, Globe of Invulnerability, Potions of Superior Healing x4 (x=1950, y=2300) Chain Mail +1, Bolts +3 x30, 1 gold <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 13) Now, how to go about solving this massively complicated puzzle? In the first rooms on either side of the level (the room northeast of the brazier room and southwest of the room where we fought the Magic Golems) you'll find three triangular objects. In the northeast, they're blue, purple, and red, and in the southwest they're red, red, and purple. Light the braziers to match this arrangement Once the braziers are all lit you'll get an experience reward and the door to the northeast will open, allowing you to continue through another door (x=1200, y=2400). (x=1400, y=2700): RED (x=1500, y=2770): RED (x=1600, y=2850): PURPLE (x=1650, y=2500): BLUE (x=1750, y=2600): PURPLE (x=1900, y=2650): RED

***REWARD*** (For lighting all the braziers correctly) EXP 10000 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 14) In this large room you'll find two Minotaurs named Rock and Garock. Their speaking roles in Throne of Bhaal are short and to the point, and a fight ensues. They're both fairly strong melee combatants. Garock will use Power Attack and Dimension Door if he gets into too much trouble, while Rock will use Greater Whirlwind Attack. I respond in kind, and present an Iron Skinned Jaheira as a target. Imoen casts Greater Malison and my protagonist casts Slow to greatly diminish their combat effectiveness. They'll be joined by some Ice Salamanders, but these are just sideshows. Ignore them and focus on taking out the brothers, one at a time. Despite their abilities, melee competence, allies, and reliance on potions, these two Minotaurs are heavily out-matched. When

they die, loot Garock for a Potion of Superior Healing and a Battle Axe +3. Rock leaves behind another Potion of Superior Healing, a Battle Axe +3, and the Axe of the Unyielding +3. While it's still a decent axe even in this form, it hasn't really come into its own yet. Korgan replaces his old friend, the Battle Axe +3, Frostreaver, with the Axe of the Unyielding +3. My good party puts the Axe of the Unyielding in storage until it can be upgraded. ***ITEMS*** (x=800, y=2000) Crystal Mallet, Bullets +3 x20, Bolts +3 x20, Arrows +3 x20 (x=900, y=1900) Tchazar Gem, Gold Necklace, Silver Ring, Scroll of Summon Efreet, Clay Golem Page, 1000 gold ***TRAPS*** (x=800, y=2000) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 15) With the Crystal Mallet in hand, head over to Carston and activate the glass (x=3300, y=2000). Strike the glass with the Crystal Mallet six times and it'll dissolve, leaving a whining, sniveling Carston groveling at your feet. You can kill him and take his journal, or let him go and he'll give it to you. Since you get slightly more experience for letting him go, I decide to to that. Carston's Journal merely tells us how to use the machine to open the portal, but there's so much more we can do with this machine... Triangular Button, Red Wheel, Medium Lever ***REWARD*** (For sparing Carston) EXP 10000 Item Carston's Journal <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 16) Now it's time to play with the Machine of Lum the Mad. As this level has made abundantly clear, randomly messing around with the machine can be rather dangerous. However, those tattered notes we've been finding all over the place are, in fact, recipes for this machine. The character inputting a particular recipe will be the one who benefits from the upgrades (or suffers the consequences of an incorrect input.) There are various upgrades you can get here, so check your party stats and compare the bonuses your party members will gain. Having a character go from 18 Strength to 19 is obviously the best way to upgrade that particular stat, while going from 17 to 18 Dexterity is more useful than going from 18 to 19. Non-warriors don't need a Constitution higher than 16, non-Mages don't need Intelligence, party leaders should get Charisma (although it's rather moot at this point in the game) and Clerics, Druids, and Wish-using Mages are good choices for Wisdom. Or just be lazy and give everything to your protagonist. It's not the most efficient way of doing things, but we all know they're the most important. Given my standard protagonists (Fighter/Mage for the good party and Fighter/Mage/Thief for the evil party) and my standard party composition, here's what I suggest for each party: Good Party: I gave all the upgrades save Consitution and Wisdom to my protagonist. Charisma doesn't really matter anymore, and neither does Intelligence. When Imoen needed more Intelligence, I just used Potions of Genius and the Golden Ioun Stone. Those days, however, are past. On the other hand, raising my Strength to 20 makes me feel better about using the Axe of the Unyielding and the Flail of the Ages instead of Angurvadal. Being an Elf, his Dexterity raises from 20 to 21, giving him another point of Armor Class. Also, his Constitution could raise from

18 to 19, giving him an extra ten Hit Points... but if he's going to use an upgraded Axe of the Unyielding (which also gives a bonus to Constitution) he doesn't need this upgrade, as raising Constitution from 19 to 20 will not give me any more Hit Points. Jaheira gets the Wisdom bonus, which will get her an extra 2nd level spell... wee. Also note that Jaheira and Minsc (if you kept him) can benefit from the bonus to Dexterity and Constitution, too. Jaheira had a -9 Armor Class at the time, and will hit -11 upon the acquisition of new armor later. Minsc, however, just got his ultimate armor and was still had a mediocore Armor Class of -4 (an item down the line will drop it to -5, but that's still not much to boast about for a front-line warrrior). Ultimately, I practice favoritism for my protagonist with Dexterity, but it could go either way. Minsc has a reach weapon, and thus isn't expected to expose himself to the same amount of danger that... say... Jaheira, Anomen, and my protagonist routinely expose themselves too. On the other hand, he doesn't have Stoneskin, Iron Skins, Aura of Flaming Death, or any other kind of defensive magic to protect himself with. Still-I use my protagonist to spear-head my offense, what with Time Stop/Whirlwind combos, and Stoneskin is only made more formidable of a defense by having a good Armor Class behind it, hence, favoritism with a mind towards prolonging the life of the only character whose death results in a game-over screen. As for the coveted Constitution bonus... it ultimately goes to Jaheira. Minsc had 147 Hit Points, Jaheira had 121. I know, Jaheira has better Armor Class and spell defenses, but she's also a healer-keeping her alive helps keep everybody alive, so she gets the Constitution. Evil Party: Korgan has 25 Strength from Crom Faeyr, and when we obtain the Girdle of Fire Giant Strength we'll be able to set up our other characters to have 23 Strength, 21 Strength, and 19 Strength... Strength scores that will make whatever upgrade you take here inconsequential. So, even though my protagonist has 21 Strength already I give her this upgrade, too. It won't do me any good if I'm using Angurvadal, but if I go with Hindo's Doom instead, it'll be worthwhile. Also, since the Charisma and Intelligence upgrades don't matter anymore, they go to my protagonist as well, in a bout of selfish favoritism. As for Dexterity, we have options. We'll obtain very good armor that will increase Dexterity by one-if you put it on Jaheira as-is, she'll get an Armor Class bonus of two (and hence won't need this upgrade). If you raise Viconia's Dexterity here, she'll also gain a two-point bonus to Armor Class from the Dexterity-boosting armor... but I prefer to consolidate her magic resistance by giving her another suit of armor. This leaves Sarevok or Haer'Dalis as the next best options... although Haer'Dalis doesn't really need the Armor Class boost, since I prefer to keep him out of melee combat entirely. Jaheira gets the Constitution upgrade, since it'll actually improve her Hit Points (and she needs the Hit Points more than Sarevok, in any event). Viconia gets the Wisdom upgrade, as it'll give her a bonus 1st-and-4th level spell, which is better than giving Jaheira another 2nd level spell. o===============================o======================================o | Code | Effect | o===============================o======================================o |Blue, Green, Long | +5% Magic Resistance. | |-------------------------------|--------------------------------------| |Circle, Blue, Long | Intelligence increased by one. | |-------------------------------|--------------------------------------| |Circle, Red, Long | Constitution increased by one. | |-------------------------------|--------------------------------------| |Circle, Square, Triangle | Wisdom increased by one. | |-------------------------------|--------------------------------------|

|Red, Green, Short | Charisma increased by one. | |-------------------------------|--------------------------------------| |Square, Blue, Short | Dexterity increased by one. | |-------------------------------|--------------------------------------| |Square, Short, Medium | Strength increased by one. | |-------------------------------|--------------------------------------| |Triangle, Green, Medium |Party obtains the Mace, Storm Star +3.| |-------------------------------|--------------------------------------| |Triangle, Red, Medium | Opens portal to next level. | o===============================o======================================o Note: You can only activate these sequences once, afterwards the input will count as an incorrect sequence. Of course, what happens if you put in something wrong, or you mess around trying to find random inputs? Typically something bad, but once in a while, you'll get rewarded. Below are a list of 'incorrect' input results. It doesn't matter what you actually do, as long as it's an incorrect sequence (not one of the ones listed above) you'll get one of the follow results: The Party gains a Potion of Superior Healing. User gains 100,000 experience. User is Imprisoned. User is Level Drained 15 levels. User is Petrified. User is Poisoned. User is engulfed in flames (50 damage). User is struck by a Lightning Bolt (75 damage). User's Dexterity is permanently lowered by one. User's Intelligence is permanently lowered by one. Note: You can get these penalties/rewards multiple times. If you want to be incredibly cheap, this is a way to grind for experience. Just continuously activate the machine, input random codes, and if you get the experience, save. If not, reload. ***REWARD*** (For activating the portal leading deeper into Watcher's Keep) EXP 25000 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 17) When you're done toying around with the machine, input 'Triangle, Red, Medium' to activate the portal to the next level (x=2900, y=1400), and earn yourself some experience. Now we can continue on, but first, let's see what Cespenar has for us: Clay Golem Manual (5000 gold) (Clay Golem Page) (Golem Manual) The Clay Golem is in every way preferable to the Flesh Golem, being immune to anything but bludgeoning weapons. It's a little late in the game now to be taking advantage of enemies this way, and a Clay Golem isn't a fearsome enough combatant and it won't last long enough to do any serious damage, but it's a fairly hardy summon nonetheless. At least there's a chance in some fights, against enemies who are illequipped to harm a Clay Golem, that the Golem won't be destroyed in short order. You've probably noticed that your Flesh Golem just wasn't up to snuff. Dagger of the Star +5 (5000 gold)

(Dagger of the Star +4) (Star Sapphire x5) This dagger is absolutely devastating for any character with a backstab multiplier. Its damage (1d4+5) tends towards the insignificant, it doesn't cause any status effects, and only has the somewhat paltry ability to cause 1d8 fire and 1d8 electrical damage 5% of the time, but all this is out-shadowed by the 15% chance to cause the wielder to go invisible. Position your Thief behind an enemy and have them use this weapon as their main-hand weapon and you've got a decent chance each round that they'll score a backstab. That damage sure takes on a different aspect when it's subjected to a x5 multiplier, and a Fighter/Thief or Fighter/Thief/Mage imported from the previous title with a modest, say, 19 Strength who is specialized in Daggers will easily be doing 1d4+14 damage, or about 75-90 damage on a backstab. This allows you to topple most normal enemies with glorious ease, and although some enemies are immune to backstabs, it's still a good equipment load-out for most fights. Just equip a good off-hand weapon to go with it, particularly one that gives you more defense (like Hindo's Doom) or more stopping power (an upgraded Angurvadal, for example, will raise your Strength to 22 and make the Dagger of the Star +5 that much more destructive.) Keep in mind that this weapon requires a bit of micro-management. The game will not tell you when you've gone invisible, and you'll have to manually position yourself behind an enemy to perform a backstab (if you're not already behind them, that is). Just keep an eye on your protagonist, and if they turn transparent, pause the game and move them to take advantage of their newfound invisibility. Staff of the Ram +6 (5000 gold) (Roranach's Horn) (Staff of the Ram +4) Ah, the first +6 weapon that comes available to us in this game... at least the way I play it. If you're into staves, this is by far the best melee staff in the game, to the delight of Druids everywhere. I personally prefer the Spectral Brand for Jaheira, and the Ravager for two-handed weapons in general, but if you're a Druid who has been missing a shield, this is just for you. It has a 15% chance to stun, knock enemies back, and it always deals a whopping base of 1d6 +12 crushing, +1d4 piercing damage. It's a good weapon by any definition. Storm Star +5 (5000 gold) (Starfall Ore) (Storm Star +3) Storm Star +3 was kind of meh, but Storm Star +5 is a genuinely decent weapon in Throne of Bhaal. Still, I find it far outclassed by the Flail of the Ages, as the Storm Star is pretty much just a brute damage weapon. On that note, I still find Crom Faeyr's Strength-boost more appealing as far as brute damage goes. I really don't have a use for this weapon. If, however, for some reason you find both the Flail of the Ages and Crom Faeyr tied up and you have a sad Cleric, Storm Star might be the answer. o======================================================================o | | | Watcher's Keep, Level 5 | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK055} 1) Seals, Keys, and Wheels

2) Messing With More Machines 3) Guardians of the Mind 4) Test of the Heart 5) Test of Perseverance 6) Test of Courage 7) Test of Wisdom 8) A Game of Coins 9) Guardians of the Heart 10) Spirit Warrior's Maze 11) Through the Maze 12) Guardians of the Spirit 13) Crafting With Cespenar, V 14) The Imprisoned One 15) Defeating Demogorgon Watcher's Keep, Fifth Level (AR3019) o======================================================================o 1) Once you've used the Machine of Lum the Mad, feel free to go on to the next level via the portal at (x=2900, y=1400). You'll find yourself in a large, triangular chamber with three doors. In the middle of the room is the symbol of Helm which can be activated, surrounded by three pedestals which contain the seals we need to break. We need to find a key for each pedestal, however, and once all three are unlocked we can turn a wheel to open the final seal. Three doors, three keys, we can all see how this level is going to play out. If you want to leave and open the last side-door to Watcher's Keep, you'll find your portal at (x=1850, y=1500). <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 2) I feel compelled to start by going through the door at (x=1250, y=1600). Immediately upon opening the door you'll be attacked by a swarm of Mutated Spiders, which my protagonist (and the party with ranged weapons) can handle with ease. Beyond we'll find a machine of sorts, surrounded by four pedestals, in turn surrounded by four colored tubes. Activate the machine (x=650, y=1500) to get the details. You need to activate the machine, obtain some colored globes which need to be placed in one of the color containers. The globes contain liquid, which can be consumed as a potion, and have varying effects. If you use a globe as a potion, however, you'll have to reactivate the machine to get another, and face a stronger enemy for it. Eventually you'll get an orb that cannot be consumed, which should be the one we place into the tube. Of course, the correct and proper thing to do is get as many orbs as possible, smite the increasingly powerful monsters, and make off with as much loot and experience as we can. Each time you obtain an orb you'll gain 1000 experience for each character, and since you can get four of each color, that's 16,000 experience for everybody in the party, on top of whatever the monsters give you. Put the four dud globes into their tubes and you'll get a quest reward and the 'Mind Key'. All in all, everybody walks away with 26,000 experience, and the party gains an additional 455,496 experience to split amongst themselves from the monsters we killed. That's a little over 100,000 experience per character. Not bad, I say. Most of the monsters aren't too troubling. To claim the blue globe you'll need to smite a Mage. Keldorn hits her with Dispel Magic and Imoen uses Breach and she dies without much further effort. If you set your party around where she appears, the chances are good you can just cut her down before she gets off any bothersome spells. For the Mutated Spiders, I just send my party north of the machine (between the red and purple tubes) and have my protagonist stand to the side (between the red and green tubes) and summon the critters. My protagonist checks them in melee and my party fires away. This tactic also works to safely dispose

of the Umber Hulks, Devil Shades, and the Vampires. For the Beholders, another strategy is called for. I move all my party into the large triangular room where we entered save Keldorn/Viconia, Jaheira, and my protagonist. With their magic resistance, the Shield of Balduran, and the Cloak of Mirroring they stand a chance of doing what needs to be done. As soon as the Beholders are summoned, I send all three to attack the Elder Orb, as it will cast Imprisonment after a while. Once it goes down, everybody save Jaheira flees the room, and Jaheira methodically cuts down the Hive Mother and Death Tyrant. She can still take some damage from the spells of the Hive Mother, but it should be nothing more than a Ring of Regeneration and/or some healing spells can't fix. For the Liches, I again send everybody out into the triangular room save my protagonist. He applies the typical anti-Lich strategy, Spell Immunity: Abjuration, Conjuration, Alteration and Death Ward. Once the Liches appear, he hacks away until they die, using Daystar on them as necessary. The Elemental Lich will doubtlessly summon a Pit Fiend, but by now my protagonist is more than strong enough to dispose of such a creature effortlessly. o===============o=======================o=======================o | Globe | Enemies Summoned | Potion Effect | o===============o=======================o=======================o |Red Globe #1 |Hobgoblin Elite, | Fireball, centered on | | |Hobgoblin Shaman, | target. | | |Hobgoblin Warrior, | | | |Hobgoblin Wizard | | | |(196 EXP) | | |---------------|-----------------------|-----------------------| |Red Globe #2 |Kuo-Toa Captain x2 | Heals user. | | |Kuo-Toa Priest | | | |Kuo-Toa Wizard | | | |(12000 EXP) | | |---------------|-----------------------|-----------------------| |Red Globe #3 |Giant Troll x2 | Temporarily increases | | |Spectral Troll | party's saving throws | | |Spirit Troll | by one. | | |(18300 EXP) | | |---------------|-----------------------|-----------------------| |Red Globe #4 |Greater Wolfwere x4 | N/A | | |(60000 EXP) | | |---------------|-----------------------|-----------------------| |Blue Globe #1 |Mage |Cone of Cold, centered | | |(11000 EXP) | on target. | |---------------|-----------------------|-----------------------| |Blue Globe #2 |Mage | Fatigues user. | | |(14000 EXP) | | |---------------|-----------------------|-----------------------| |Blue Globe #3 |Mage | N/A | | |(20000 EXP) | | |---------------|-----------------------|-----------------------| |Blue Globe #4 |Mage |Protection from Normal | | |(6000 EXP) | Missiles on user. | |---------------|-----------------------|-----------------------| |Green Globe #1 |Mutated Spiders x4 | N/A | | |(36000 EXP) | | |---------------|-----------------------|-----------------------| |Green Globe #2 |Umber Hulks x3 | Melf's Acid Arrows on | | |(12000 EXP) | target. | |---------------|-----------------------|-----------------------| |Green Globe #3 |Greater Earth | ????? | | |Elementals x3 | |

| |(30000 EXP) | | |---------------|-----------------------|-----------------------| |Green Globe #4 |Death Tyrant, | Summons a Shambling | | |Hive Mother, | Mound to serve the | | |Elder Orb | party. | | |(78000 EXP) | | |---------------|-----------------------|-----------------------| |Purple Globe #1|Skeleton Warriors x4 | Strength increased | | |(16000 EXP) | temporarily. | |---------------|-----------------------|-----------------------| |Purple Globe #2|Devil Shade x4 |Invisibility on target.| | |(48000 EXP) | | |---------------|-----------------------|-----------------------| |Purple Globe #3|Vampire x4 | N/A | | |(50000 EXP) | | |---------------|-----------------------|-----------------------| |Purple Globe #4|Lich, Elemental Lich | Mass Cure on target. | | |(44000 EXP) | | o===============o=======================o=======================o ***REWARD*** (For obtaining a globe) EXP 1000 (each character) ***REWARD*** (For obtaining the Mind Key) EXP 10000 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 3) Now go use the Mind Key on the pedestal at (x=2400, y=1750) to gain some experience. The game ominously warns you about some guardians, so be sure to spell-buff before you activate the pedestal a second time. Five 'Ferrumach Rilmani' will appear, along with one 'Aurumach Rilmani'. I situate my party northwest of the seals (near the portal), and summon a Deva, an Elemental Prince, a Simulacrum (via the Helm of Vhailor) and two Golems (via the Golem Manual-which both my protagonist and their Simulacrum can use). Then I hit us all with Protection from Evil 10' Radius and Haste (having cast other, not quite so time-sensitive personal spell-buffs like Stoneskin, Iron Skins, Blur, Armor of Faith, etc., before summoning anything). When we hit the seal, our foes will appear, and our first order of business is to quickly and decisively kill the Aurumach Rilmani, as he's a powerful Mage. If he gets off his Time Stop sequence, he can easily cause trouble with repeated bouts of Cone of Cold, Prismatic Spray, and Symbol spells... Or he might just beat you to death with his staff (which, after peeking with Infinity Explorer turns out is a Staff of the Ram +4, which he doesn't drop. With this, and his base Strength score of 20, he can be quite a bruiser in melee). After he falls-and with my party and their summons in an advantageous position to pounce on him, he'll fall quite quickly-the Ferrumach Rilmani can cast some annoying spells, like Dispel Magic, Remove Magic, Silence 15' Radius, Ice Storm, and Blur, but they are otherwise not nearly as worrisome as the Aurumach Rilmani. Loot the dead Aurumach Rilmani for the Club of Detonation +3. For the same reason I didn't use Harbinger earlier, I won't use this. Who needs Fireballs going off in the middle of melee combat? I don't. ***REWARD*** (For using the Mind Key on the pedestal) EXP 20000 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) One seal down, two to go. Now you must head south through the door at (x=2500, y=2500). Beyond you'll find a Helmite Ghost, which will

tell you that you need to be worthy in heart, spirit, and mind before you can obtain the key. Apparently this ghost is tasked to test your perseverance, courage, and Wisdom. And our patience, doubtlessly. Since we've been doing this level from west to east, let's give this particular trial the same order. Go through the door at (x=2300, y=3000) and exit the area at (x=2300, y=3100). Test of Perseverance (AR3025) o======================================================================o 5) In this area you'll find a host of Orcs, including wussy Orc Archers, beefed up Orcs, and Orc Mages, who can cause you trouble through sheer numbers. Start out with True Sight, as their plans are to cast Shadow Door, put up some defensive buffs like Mirror Image, then reappear to launch Fireballs and Lightning Bolts. I Haste the party and have Keldorn use True Sight, giving the Mages priority death when they show up. After killing enough of the critters, the Helmite Ghost will show up and reward you. Loot the pool at the far end of the room to obtain Ixil's Nail +4, with which we can create the strongest Spear in the game. The Orcs themselves will drops various amounts of gold, gems, jewelry, as well as the odd potion and scroll. Return to the previous level when you're done looting. ***ITEMS*** (x=900, y=400) Potions of Extra Healing x5, Arrows +3 x40, Bolts +3 x40, Bullets +3 x40, Bluestone Necklace, Ixil's Nail +4, 1 gold. ***REWARD*** (For passing the test of perseverance) EXP 21000 (each character) Test of Courage (AR3024) o======================================================================o 6) Now go through the door at (x=2600, y=3000) and exit to the next area at (x=2700, y=3100). Just by looking at this place, you should be able to tell what's coming next. It's another Adalonish chamber, and what better to test your courage against than a Dragon? Spell-buff up, summon some allies, and cast Remove Fear before confronting the Dragon. This particular specimen will taunt you before attacking, mentioning the 'Warrior's Skull', which we'll need to proceed later. This Dragon doesn't focus on buffs, save True Sight. Other than that, it uses its Wing Buffet an awful lot, and will cast Summon Insects, like Nizidramanii'yt did. All in all, it's not too much trouble for a powerful, well-prepared party to cut down. My protagonist even managed to kill this Dragon "by himself". He spell-buffed, used the Vhailor's Helm to create a Simulacrum, and then both him and the Simulacrum used the Clay Golem manual to create a Clay Golem. They then attacked the Dragon. The Golems provided enough of a distraction for the protagonist and his Simulacrum to get off multiple Greater Whirlwind Attacks (even though some where wasted because of its Wing Buffet.) By now my protagonist had five Greater Whirlwinds. The Dragon survived three. When it dies, loot it for the Warrior's Skull, Hindo's Doom +3, a decent off-hand weapon once it's upgraded, a Gold Ring, a Bloodstone Ring, and 1500 gold. The Helmite Ghost will show up again and give you another reward. ***REWARD*** (For passing the test of courage) EXP 21000 (each character) Test of Wisdom (AR3026)

o======================================================================o 7) One more test to go. Head back to the previous area and go through the door at (x=2900, y=2900) and exit the level at (x=3000, y=3000). I like it when the numbers match, don't you? Inside this area you'll be pestered by an Imp, who wants to challenge you to a game of riddles. And no, you don't have any choice in the matter. The riddle and its answer are as follows: "I have as many brothers as sisters, but my brothers have twice the number of sisters as brothers. How many children do my parents have?" Answer: Seven ***REWARD*** (For answering the Imp's riddle) EXP 10000 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 8) The Imp now wants to play a game of coins. There are 11 coins, and you and the Imp will alternate taking one, two, or three coins at a time. Whoever takes the last coin loses. The way to win this is to avoid leaving the Imp with four coins or less to pick from, as it can then pick three or lower, and leave you with one. Therefore endeavor to get the Imp down to five coins, without getting down to five yourself. If you pick three at the beginning, it will pick three, and you'll be screwed. If you pick one, however, the Imp will pick one, leaving nine coins. Whatever you pick next, the Imp will pick the correct amount to leave you with five. You must pick two coins on the first round, then whatever the Imp picks will put it in the situation of leaving you within striking distance of five. Left with five coins left, the Imp will have to pick one, two, or three, which leaves you to take the remaining coins save one, and thus win the game. After being defeated the Imp will leave to avoid your gloating, and you'll get an experience reward from both the Imp and the Helmite Ghost. Loot the place and leave. ***ITEMS*** (x=500, y=250) Sunstone Bullet +1 x20, Acid Arrows x20, Bolt of Lightning x20, Potion of Superior Healing x4 (x=440, y=150) 81 gold (x=600, y=200) Scroll of Identify, Ziose Gem, Bullets +4 x10 ***TRAPS*** (x=600, y=200) ***REWARD*** (For beating the Imp at a game of coins) EXP 10000 (each character) ***REWARD*** (For passing the test of Wisdom) EXP 21000 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 9) Return to the previous area the Helmite Ghost will reward you yet again and pass off the Heart Key. Insert the key into the pedestal (x=2150, y=1800) in the main room for even more experience. The guardians for this seal are no joke, they include a Succubus named Nalmissra, a Marilith named Y'tossi, a Hive Mother, Xei Win Toh, a Drow Cleric named Ameralis Zauviir, and an archer named The Huntress. The key to this fight, as every large fight, is preparation. Spell-buffs are mandatory, but good positioning will go a long way, as well. Jaheira stands just to the west of the lowest pedestal and equips the Shield of

Balduran-she'll go toe-to-toe with the Hive Mother. Keldorn, my protagonist, and Imoen all go north of the symbol of Helm in the middle of the room so they can pounce upon Nalmissra, then tackle Y'tossi. Anomen/Viconia and Minsc wait a little ways east of Jaheira, along with whatever summons (Deva, Clay Golems, and an Elemental Prince) we can bring up to hold off the other three. When the seal is activated, the Hive Mother, Nalmissra, and Y'Tossi will all throw up defenses, including Stoneskin, Protection from Magical Weapons, and Improved Mantle. Y'tossi uses True Sight, which makes illusions useless as spell defense. Imoen responds by hitting Nalmissra with Breach, and Keldorn and my protagonist hack away. Imoen could use a Time Stop, but most of these monsters have very high spell resistance, and it's just not practical for her to bother trying to rip the defenses of one of them down to open them up to spell assault, nor is it particularly fruitful to hit them with multiple Horrid Wiltings and Comet and hope for the best. My Mages will serve best by tearing down enemy defenses. By the time Nalmissra falls, Y'tossi's protections should have worn off, or or at least be nearing the end of their duration. If not, Imoen always has another Breach. My summons, Anomen, and Minsc all focus on Xei Win Toh, and when she falls they move on to Ameralis Zauviir. Y'tossi and the Drow die at nearly the same time, and my party moves on to the survivors-the Hive Mother in the west, and The Huntress in the east. After they fall, it's time to loot. Nalrissa will drop a Scroll of Wish and a Diamond, Y'tossi coughs up Gauntlets of Extraordinary Specialization, a Rogue Stone, and 73 gold, Xei Win Toh gives us a Star Sapphire and a King's Tear, Ameralis Zauviir relinquishes a Ziose Gem, a Scroll of Stone to Flesh, and 1230 gold, while the Huntress leaves behind Taralash +4, a Skydrop Gem, a Diamond, and a Black Opal. The Gloves of Extraordinary Specialization are wonderful for any warrior, but a few things affect its destination. First, Keldorn/Korgan are out because they need the Guantlets of Dexterity. I also rule out my evil protagonist because she can wear the Wondrous Gloves, which aren't as good, but my party is better overall by putting the Wondrous Gloves on her, and letting these go somewhere else. For my evil party, I tend to put them on Haer'Dalis (who also has the 'Use Any Item' ability) to bump his attacks per round up to two. When I'm not playing with Haer'Dalis... they go on Sarevok. An extra attack per round will mean an extra shot at scoring a vorpal hit, once he gets the Ravager +6. For the same reason these go on my good protagonist, who wields the Axe of the Unyielding and hence, can score vorpal hits. Taralash's is a bit easier to dismiss-it's increased movement speed isn't better than the Mana Bow's magic resistance, so it is of no immediate use to me. ***REWARD*** (For obtaining the Heart Key) EXP 10000 (each character) ***REWARD*** (For using the Heart Key on the pedestal) EXP 20000 Spirit Warrior's Maze (AR3023) o======================================================================o 10) Two seals down, the door at (x=2900, y=1300) beckons. As soon as you open the door a nest of Shadow Fiends and Devil Shades will attack. With the Warrior's Skull in hand, activate the altar (x=3300, y=1050). Part of you will be whisked away and a portion of your consciousness will be spent to control the body of the 'Spirit Warrior'. It's our

job to navigate this maze using the Spirit Warrior. If the Spirit Warrior dies, you die, so let's try to keep him alive, eh? He's got about 50 Hit Points, so keep an eye on how he's doing. You know the drill, another maze, another map, oriented by the compass rose on the floor: o===============o o===============o | | | | | Mummy |-------| Blue Potion | | | | o=======10======o o=======11======o o===============o | Gibberling | |-------| | | o=======12======o | | | o===============o o===============o o===============o | Ghost | | | | Poisoned Desk | | Magical Helm |-------| Empty |-------| Bracers | | | | | | | o=======7=======o o=======8=======o o=======9=======o | | | | | | o===============o o===============o o===============o | Poisoned | | | | war Dog | | Fountain |-------| Gibberling |-------| Blue Potion | | | | Scroll | | Iron Key | o=======4=======o o=======5=======o o=======6=======o | | | | | | o===============o o===============o o===============o | | | | | Skeleton | | Maze Start |-------| Goblin |-------| Wand of Magic | | | | | | Missiles | o=======1=======o o=======2=======o o=======3=======o

This maze is nothing like the one we encountered earlier in Watcher's Keep. Our only goal is to guide our little Spirit Warrior through the maze and complete an infantile dungeon. Along the way we'll earn some experience, kill some monsters, and gather some loot-all the things that adventurers should do. It's like an old text-based adventure game, you tell your Spirit Warrior what to do and he does it until the task is complete. You'll reach a room and you'll get the option to search it, continue going another direction to reach another room, loot an obvious object within, or attack a monster. As you acquire loot, you may also be given the chance to use it before fighting. For the most part, your Spirit Warrior will be more than a match for most enemies in the maze, and you'll be healed at several points. Unless you're incredibly unlucky, you should be fine. Note: The only way to find the area number (AR####) for this place is via Infinity Explorer... or similar programs. Anyways, as a fun side note, the Mini-map for this location is a staff photograph of the Throne of Bhaal team. Ah, those silly kids... <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 11) From room #1 go east and kill a Goblin in room #2. Then continue east to find room #3, which contains a chest. When you mess with the chest a Skeleton will animate. Kill it and loot the chest for a Wand of Magic Missiles. Head north to room #6 and kill a War Dog, then search the room to obtain a Blue Potion (Cure Medium Wounds, 14 Hit Points), which you'll use immediately, and an Iron Key. Go west to

reach room #5 and search it to obtain the Gibberling Scroll before continuing to the west and into room #6. This room contains a fountain, but if you use it you'll take 5 damage. Go north into room #7 to encounter a Ghost, which is by far the strongest monster you've fought with the Spirit Warrior. Kill it, and loot the room for a Magical Helmet. Continue east into room #8, which is empty, and into room #9. Search the room and loot the desk for a pair of Bracers that improve your combat skills. You'll take a bit of damage from some poison on the desk, but never fear, we'll make good on it before we get to the end. Now go north to room #12, where you'll find a Gibberling, which is stronger than you might think. Use the Gibberling Scroll on it to scare it off without a fight. Now continue west to reach room #11, which contains a chest which can be opened with the Iron Key we found earlier. Inside is another Blue Potion (Cure Serious Wounds, 17 Hit Points) which will be used automatically-a good thing, since the final room is up next, through the 'ominous archway' to the west. Finally you've reached room #10, the last room, which contains the exit to the maze and a Mummy. Use up that Wand of Magic Missile and kill the Mummy to complete the maze. After completing this microcosm of an adventure you'll be return to your body, gain the Spirit Key, and another quest reward. That was an easy 47,000 experience points per character. ***REWARD*** (For obtaining the Wand of Magic Missiles) EXP 4000 (each character) ***REWARD*** (For obtaining the Blue Potion and the Iron Key) EXP 4000 (each character) ***REWARD*** (For obtaining the Gibberling Scroll) EXP 4000 (each character) ***REWARD*** (For obtaining the Magical Helmet) EXP 4000 (each character) ***REWARD*** (For obtaining the Bracers) EXP 4000 (each character) ***REWARD*** (For using the Gibberling Scroll to scare off the Gibberling) EXP 3000 (each character) ***REWARD*** (For obtaining the second Blue Potion) EXP 3000 (each character) ***REWARD*** (For obtaining the Spirit Key) EXP 21000 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 12) Use the final key in the final pedestal (x=2300, y=1950) for the predictable experience reward. This time your guardian will be a Lich named Azamantes and some Flaming Skulls. The Flaming Skulls, as their name implies, like using fire attacks, including Fireball, Burning Hands, Aganazzar's Scorcher, and Incendiary Cloud. They're also protected by Fire Shield (Red) and explode into a Skull Trap when they die. The Lich is typical save for the fact that he has a fear effect

that necessitates the use of Remove Fear. He's otherwise fond of Maze, Finger of Death and fire-spells like Meteor Swarm and Summon Efreeti. I meet them only with my protagonist, who beefs himself up with Spell Immunities and has Remove Fear and Death Ward cast upon him. He's now safely protected from Azamantes, and the Flaming Skulls can do nothing to penetrate his Cloak of Mirroring. I cut down the Flaming Skulls, since they're more mobile and would just love to hit my party with Incendiary Cloud and other fire-based attacks. After that, I pummel Azamantes until he drops. When he dies he'll leave behind the Erinne Sling +4, and the Serpent Staff. The Erinne Sling isn't really any better than the Sling of Arvoreen... at least not until Cespenar upgrades it, but it does produce 5 Bullets +4 a day, which allows Slings to effectively be used in Throne of Bhaal. As long as you're willing to rest a lot, use the Sling, and build up your stash of Bullets +4. The Serpent Staff, on the other hand is useless as a weapon. A +2 weapon with only a 5% chance to poison an enemy with no save penalty? Wasn't the Dagger of Venom in Baldur's Gate 1 about as powerful? Still, hang on to it, it's part of another, much more powerful weapon. Now we're ready to confront the 'Imprisoned One'. Activate the wheel at (x=2300, y=1700) and a portal will open (x=2300, y=1800). ***REWARD*** (For using the Spirit Key on the pedestal) EXP 20000 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 13) Cespenar should again be consulted to upgrade the gear we've found in the last level. Every little bit will help in the upcoming fight: Club of Detonation +5 (5000 gold) (Club of Detonation +3) (Ring of Fire Resistance) Well, if you really like Clubs... then you're just out of luck. The 30% chance to deal 15 extra fire damage is nice, but it's not enough to cancel out the 5% chance to unleash a dangerous Fireball. Not by a long shot. The good news is, if you're a Druid, you already have the Staff of the Ram +6 or Ixil's Spike +6, and if you're a Fighter/Druid, you can just use Spectral Brand and a shield, which is much better. Erinne Sling +5 (5000 gold) (Erinne Sling +4) For 5000 gold you'll upgrade a +4 weapon into a +5. It's now the best Sling in the game by a point. If only all upgrades were this easy... Viconia/Anomen gladly accept an... upgraded sling they'll probably never use. Ixil's Spike +6 (5000 gold) (Ixil's Nail +4) (Ixil's Spike +2) Ixil's Spike is the best spear in the game, which makes it one of the best weapon a single-classed Druid can get their hands on. It gives you Free Action while equipped, and has a chance to pin an enemy for three rounds (and inflict an additional 1d6 +5 damage each round they are pinned). Of course, the Staff of the Ram can stun enemies with no save, and it deals its damage whether the enemy saves or not. It's close, but I'd go with Staff of the Ram +6. The Imprisoned One's Chamber (AR3020) o======================================================================o

14) Go through the portal to reach the lair of the Imprisoned One. It will tell you that your are being deceived by the Knights of the Vigil, and that you will be sealed within this prison if you use the Ritual Scroll. If you believe it, the Imprisoned One will ask you to help it out and tell the Knights of the Vigil that you killed it. Naturally they'll go investigate, and the being can take its revenge on them. If you use the Ritual Scroll you'll find out that the Imprisoned One was not bluffing - the portals aren't active anymore. It'll try and deal with you once more, offering you the same deal it offered before. It has gained power enough over the eons to effect your escape, but not its own. If you lure the Knights of the Vigil to go investigate, a Ghostly Apparition will appear atop Watcher's Keep and give you Helm's Scroll, which will seal Demogorgon-the Imprisoned One-in Watcher's Keep, along with Odren and the Knights of the Vigil. Of course, nothing prevents you from screwing over the Imprisoned One and leaving it trapped in Watcher's Keep, at which point you can spare the Knights of the Vigil for some experience and a point of reputation or demand a reward from them for some gold and a lesser experience reward... after which you can spare them for a point of reputation, or kill them. If you return to claim your promised reward from Demogorgon, you'll naturally be attacked by the Prince of Demons. It was Odren's ritual, and once he dies, the wards locking Demogorgon away have failed, and the only thing preventing him from rampaging across the world is your party. Killing Demogorgon is far more rewarding than skipping out on him, as it provides us with a 100,000 point experience reward for each character, the largest single reward in the game. And I know I didn't travel through five levels of Watcher's Keep to avoid a fight at the end. The best path, as far as I'm concerned, is to use the Ritual Scroll for the 80,000 experience, then challenge Demogorgon to a fight and kill him. Now you can leave the portals (since the Imprisoned One is gone, there's no reason to keep the prison active, eh?) and confront the Knights of the Vigil, who are beyond surprised that you killed Demogorgon and escaped their trap. You'll either get the 10,000 for sparing them, or the 7,000 for demanding a reward as well as 10,000 gold and a reputation boost for letting them leave. If you were screwing Demogorgon over, that would be all you got, but since we killed him, we get an extra 50,000 experience. That's a quest reward of 237,000-240,000 for each character, with additional experience varying depending on what demons you killed while fighting Demogorgon. Note: If Demogorgon is proving to be too much of a hassle, feel free to skip engaging him for now and continue on to [WLK056], [WLK057], and perhaps [WLK058]. Doing these three Sequences is arguably easier than killing Demogorgon, and you'll get the Axe of the Unyielding +5, Carsomyr +6, the Spectral Blade +5, and the Ravager +6 (among other things), which will make killing Demogorgon easier... although I've never had any serious trouble killing Demogorgon now. ***REWARD*** (For using the Ritual Scroll) EXP 80000 ***REWARD*** (For accepting Helm's Scroll from the Ghostly Apparition) EXP 25000 (each character) ***REWARD*** (For using Helm's Scroll and sealing Demogorgon in Watcher' Keep) EXP 80000 (each character)

***REWARD*** (For escaping Demogorgon and sparing the Knights of the Vigil) EXP 10000 (each character) Reputation +1 ***REWARD*** (For demanding a reward from the Knights of the Vigil) EXP 7000 (each character) Gold 10000 Reputation +1 (If you spare the Knights of the Vigil after the reward) ***REWARD*** (For killing Demogorgon in combat) EXP 100000 (each character) ***REWARD*** (For killing Demogorgon and sparing the Knights of the Vigil) EXP 50000 (each character) Reputation +1 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 15) Now for the actual fight with Demogorgon. One of the perks of doing things my way is after you use the Ritual Scroll, Demogorgon will wait for you to talk to him again. This allows you to spell buff to the max before talking to him. Do so, and include as many instances of Chaotic Commands to protect as many of your characters as possible from Demogorgon's Insanity Gaze, which can inflict a character with Confusion and Feeblemind. Demogorgon is also fond of using Implosion, which can do some serious damage to a single character. Another thing you're almost certain to encounter is the rotting effect you'll suffer (in the form of a disease) that Demogorgon inflicts by striking you. This can be cured with a Heal spell, and it can be most fatal in the heat of battle with Demogorgon and his demons continuing to deal extra damage as the disease also adds up. Demogorgon's also immune to Time Stop, so don't bother casting it. He'll summon a pair of Mariliths to start the fight, and if they go down, he'll gate in several Glabrezu at a time, which use Remove Magic, Dispel Magic, Confusion, and can cast Power Word: Stun on you-which is in every way worse than the Mariliths, who are content to use Stoneskin and Protection from Magical Weapons before attacking. Focus on Demogorgon, you'll have the freedom to summon all the allies possible-namely a Deva, Elemental Prince, a Simulacrum, and two Clay Golems and place them near Demogorgon. Hopefully they'll draw some of Demogorgon's attacks and the attention of his demons. Once the fight starts, Imoen/Edwin immediately uses Breach on Demogorgon, and my Fighters start up with Greater Whirlwinds. If he gets up any more buffs, tear them down with Breach or Wands of Spell Striking and continue to keep up the pressure. Demogorgon is tough, so keep an eye on everybody's Hit Points. If he and some of his demons decide to focus on a character, you can see 80-100 Hit Points vanish in a single round. Watch out for the disease symbol, and if somebody is afflicted, take them to the side and heal them with another character. Two or three rounds of constant Greater Whirlwind pressure should defeat Demogorgon, after which the mop-up of his minions begins. Once every demon is dead, I head through the portal at (x=500, y=300) and confront the Knights of the Vigil. I then demand a reward, claim the experience and gold from them, then I let them go for additional experience and a reputation increase. If you just can't spare the Knights of the Vigil, they'll drop three suits of Plate Mail +1, a Quarter Staff +2, three Maces +2, a Bastard Sword +2, a Flail +2, and two Potions of Extra Healing. They might seem somewhat tough, but like

Gromnir's minions, they have a severe weakness. Imoen/Edwin can dispatch most-if not all of them-with a Time Stop sequence consisting of a pair of Horrid Wiltings and a Comet. Still, the loot and experience they give isn't worth the 7,000 experience for each character, the 10,000 gold, and the boost to reputation-not to mention the 50,000 experience for each character that follows. We're now done with Watcher's Keep and are ready to return to deal with Yaga Shura. We've gained well over a million experience, and some great items, particularly Angurvadal, the Axe of the Unyielding, the Dagger of the Star, the Flail of the Ages +4, Hindo's Doom, the Spectral Brand, and the White Dragon Scale Armor. Most of these weapons will reach their ultimate forms while we're dealing with Yaga Shura and beyond. o======================================================================o | | | Yaga Shura | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Event: {WLK056} 1) The Master Wraith 2) Skeleton Defenders 3) Heartless Nyalee 4) Fire Giant Grinding 5) Chinchilla and Company 6) Door Guards 7) Hammer Wardstone 8) Skull Wardstone 9) Activating the Spheres 10) Blood Wardstone 11) Flame Wardstone 12) Yaga-Shura's Heart 13) Yaga-Shura's Concubine 14) Imix, Prince of Fire 15) Nyalee's Change of Heart 16) Crafting With Cespenar, VI 17) Showdown With Yaga-Shura 18) Meeting Mother 19) Melissan's Next Mission 20) Putting Down a Possible Past 21) The Tethyrian Affair Forest of Mir (AR5202) o======================================================================o 1) Now it's time to head to the Forest of Mir, which is about as pleasant of a place as it sounds. Before you advance cast Mass Invisibility so it effects your whole party-save your protagonist. When done, head northwest to encounter... Gorion? 'Gorion' will accuse you of leaving death and destruction in your wake, and generally say mean things (doing a bit of damage to you at certain points to punctuate his assertions). It'll also pick on your romantic interest, whomever that may be and summon either Aerie's mom (for Aerie), Khalid (for Jaheira), Valas (for Viconia) or Moira (for Anomen). Eventually the creature masquerading as Gorion will lose the battle of wills with you and will summon a host of level draining assholes and attack. His minions include a trio of Devil Shades, two Swamp Horrors, a pair of Vampiric Wraiths, and the Master Wraith, itself... of which everything save the Swamp Horrors can level drain. My party save my protagonist immediately withdraws to a safe distance where Imoen/Edwin cast Limited Wish and give the party protection from negative energy. If anything looks like

it's trying to slip past my protagonist to engage my unprotected party, my protagonist will engage them-but hopefully our invisibility will keep them safe. My protagonist uses Daystar to cast Sunray, when Imoen/Edwin can help out (after protecting the party) with a Time Stop/Comet sequence. Still, my protagonist has always been more than a match for all these monsters, and by using Mass Invisibility before the fight, I've been able to prevent level drain every time (even though I'm certain the Master Wraith can see through it, and probably some of the mists, as well, the Devil Shades apparently can't, and they're in the best position to harass the party, whereas everything else typically views the protagonist as the primary target). Once everything is settled down, continue to the northwest. ***REWARD*** (For resisting the Master Wraith) EXP 5000 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 2) In the chamber beyond the Master Wraith you'll find a collection of over-powered Skeletons, including some stronger-than-normal Skeleton Warriors, a Skeleton Priest, a Skeleton Mage, and a Skeleton Assassin. I don't bother charging in at them, instead I turn around and let them come to me, just outside the building. The biggest problems in this fight are the Skeleton Warriors, which can do significant damage even to a character with a -8 Armor Class. The faster I take them down, the freer I'll be to take on the Cleric and Mage. The Assassin will be a pain in the ass in the typical ways-using potions, going invisible, backstabbing for x4 damage, and using poison. Once they're dead, loot the Skeleton Warriors for Two Handed Swords +2, and the Skeleton Assassin for a Dagger +2, a Short Sword +2, and Leather Armor +1. Grab the Nymph's Tear before you head up the stairs. ***ITEMS*** (x=750, y=1250) Bullets +3 x40 (x=1450, y=500) Nymph's Tear, Scroll of Protection from Poison, Scroll of Flesh to Stone <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 3) Upstairs you'll find Nyalee (x=550, y=620), the Witch of the Glade. She identifies you-as did others before her-as the spawn of the dead master. Too bad Bhaal's cult didn't die with him. Nyalee will reveal that she stole Yaga Shura as a babe, realizing what he was. After raising him and teaching him, however, he left her here 'to rot'. She taught him how to remove his heart, and so long as he keeps it afire he is immortal. We need to quench Yaga Shura's heart to remove his invulnerability-an act Nyalee knows how to perform, if we bring her Yaga Shura's Heart. To use the powers that will allow her to do this, however, we need to also get Nyalee's heart back, which Yaga Shura apparently stole to prevent her from removing his invulnerability. So, off to the Marching Mountains we go, to search for a pair of hearts. Marching Mountains (AR5200) o======================================================================o 4) This area is mainly populated by two types of enemies-Fire Giants, which we're fairly familiar with by now, and Burning Men, which are new. Because of the fear effect of the latter, you must keep Remove Fear on your party at all times, lest characters become afraid, run amok, and get cut down by Fire Giants. Burning Men also like to use a 'Cinder Shower' attack which deals a fair amount of damage, and can blind party members. Over to the east you'll find a Fire Giant carrying a Long Sword, a Katana, a Scimitar, a Club, a Two Handed Sword, a Spear, and a Halberd. To the north are two Burning Men. North of where you entered are two groups of two Fire Giants, which carry more appropriate

gear, including Full Plate Mail, a variety of Gems, and some Potions of Extra Healing and a Potion of Superior Healing, which they won't hesitate to chug if they're hurt. Note that this is an exceptional place to grind, and whenever I felt the need to boost my experience, I typically did so here. Fire Giants will spawn in pairs frequently, and they'll each give a respectable 16,000 experience when they die... over 2,500 experience per character per kill. Sure, that means most characters will have to kill over 100 giants per level, but a major draw of grinding here is that Fire Giants also typically drop potions, Full Plate Mail, as well as a King's Tears and an Emerald. It's a great way to fatten your purse as you boost your experience. At this point, however, I was nearing 6,000,000 experience and had over 100,000 gold still, so I felt no real compulsion to grind. If you want to farm Bullets +4 via the Erinne Sling, this is another good place to do that, considering the wealth and experience involved with resting here. If you get other, less desirable encounters while resting, just reload. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) If you head north, then east, you'll find a group of Bhaalspawn... a most unusual group of Bhaalspawn. They're led by a Bhaalspawn Chicken named Chinchilla (x=950, y=600), and consist of a Kobold named Merlinious, a Goblin named Tibbit, and a Xvart named Toop the Brave. We've seen Elven, Dwarven, Gnome, Human, Half-Orc, and Fire Giant Bhaalspawn (and even odder things lie ahead), so why not Goblins, xvarts, Kobolds, and... uh... Chickens? Bhaal really would screw anything! I head forward with my protagonist first, as Chinchilla starts out the fight with Confusion. Try to kill as many as you can, as they'll flee when too many of them fall... and Chinchilla and Toop the Brave are FAST. Yaga Shura's Stronghold, Level 1 (AR5201) o======================================================================o 6) Head into the cavern at (x=2200, y=300), wherein you'll immediately be greeted by a door-guard of six Fire Giants, some of which are Elite Fire Giants. I quickly have my protagonist throw on a Stoneskin, and Imoen/Edwin casts Haste, followed by a Time Stop sequence where they string together as many Horrid Wilting spells as possible. I'm also not afraid to let loose with some Whirlwind Attacks, considering how many Fire Giants are assaulting me, and how quickly one or two of them can chop down one of my warriors-much less six. Once they're dead do a scan for traps in the area, and avoid standing on vats of fire, it's not healthy. Now that we're in the thick of fire monsters, it might be a good idea for Minsc/Sarevok to equip the Wave. ***TRAPS*** (x=1270, y=2800) (x=1260, y=2200) (x=1600, y=1520) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 7) Continue up the stairs to the northeast, searching for traps as you go, until you find a 'strange device' at (x=1950, y=1150). Ignore it for now, and instead go up the stairs to the northwest. Disarm the traps and loot a container at (x=1200, y=700) to obtain the Hammer Wardstone, Bolts +2 x40, the Girdle of Fire Giant Strength, and another Elminster's Ecologies: Appendix IIIa, in case you didn't get enough in Watcher's Keep or otherwise forgot how to kill Fire Trolls. The Girdle of Fire Giant Strength is the greatest Strength-boosting girdle in the game. Who gets it? The Fighter who has the lowest THAC0, all things considered. For my good party, this was Keldorn, who had a -10 THAC0 with Carsomyr after the Girdle boosted his Strength to 22. Jaheira also had a -10 THAC0 with Spectral Brand with the Girdle of Stone Giant Strength. Fair's fair. On my evil party this had to go somewhere, so

Jaheira gets it pretty much by default. She hands her Girdle of Stone Giant Strength to Sarevok (if you have him) or Viconia (if you don't). If you have Haer'Dalis, he now obtains Viconia's Girdle of Hill Giant Strength. ***ITEMS*** (x=1200, y=700) Hammer Wardstone, Girdle of Fire Giant Strength, Bolt +2 x40, Elminster's Ecologies: Appendix IIIa ***TRAPS*** (x=1200, y=850) (x=1350, y=750) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 8) Now go across the room and up the stairs to the southeast. Another large group of Fire Giants guard this container, so prepare accordingly. Once they're dead you'll get to loot the next container, which contains the necessary Skull Wardstone. Make sure you have a character wielding mundane weapons before you loot, however, as the guardians that show up this time are an Adamatine Golem, a Magic Golem, and a Clay Golem. My protagonist goes after the Magic Golem with mundane weapons, while the Clay Golem is quickly smote by Anomen/Korgan, courtesy of Crom Faeyr. The rest of the party tackles the Adamantine Golem. (x=2700, y=1450) Skull Wardstone, Darts of Wounding x30, Elminster's Ecologies: Appendix IIIa <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 9) Return to the beginning of the area and explore the two side rooms we ignored earlier. There are two spheres which we can now activate with the Skull Wardstone (x=1700, y=2620) and the Hammer Wardstone (x=450, y=2000), which open up the rooms on the flight of stairs just above. ***REWARD*** (For activating the sphere by using the Hammer Wardstone) EXP 5000 (each character) ***REWARD*** (For activating the sphere by using the Skull Wardstone) EXP 5000 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 10) Head upstairs and explore the room to the southeast, which is now devoid of its barrier. Inside you'll find a Flaming Skull, a Burning Man, two Fell Cats, and three Fire Salamanders. Make sure your Remove Fear is up and smite them. Loot the container in the middle of the room (x=2150, y=2300) to gain the Blood Wardstone and summon up a pair of Bone Fiend and an Erinyes, which can be easily dispatched. Psion's Blade +5 is a nice Two Handed Sword that makes the wielder immune to confusion and psionic attacks... it would have made dealing with Mind Flayers much easier. Alas, most of those fights are behind us now, and I'd prefer Carsomyr... even the Silver Sword, over this weapon, +5 or not. ***ITEMS*** (x=2150, y=2300) Blood Wardstone, Potion of Insight, Psion's Blade +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 11) Now head across the hallway to confront a similar collection of fire-based guardians in the other room. Once they're dead loot the container (x=600, y=1550) for the Flame Wardstone. The Guardians you'll have to face this time are two Burning Men and a Greater Fire Elemental. Go upstairs again the fiddle around with the 'strange device' at (x=1950, y=1150). Now that we have the wardstones we can activate it

and gain access to the next level (x=2400, y=600). ***ITEMS*** (x=600, y=1550) Flame Wardstone, Potions of Superior Healing x2, Arrows of Fire x20 Yaga Shura's Stronghold, Level 2 (AR5204) o======================================================================o 12) Head up the stairs when you arrive and you'll meet a pair of Fire Giants. I prefer to meet them on the stairs, as they can only reach me one at a time. Granted, I can't do much better, but I'm comfortable enough putting two of my front-liners against a Fire Giant. To the southeast or northwest you'll find a fire-lined channel leading into the large room to the northeast, within which you'll find Fell Cats, a small army of Fire Giants, and Berenn, a Fire Giant Priest who can cast some fairly high-level spells, like Finger of Death, although he also will cast Flame Strike, Conjure Fire Elemental, and Hold Person. They suffer from a traditional Fire Giant weakness, however. They can't fit through the doors! I run in with my protagonist-lure out the Fell Cats, which are much faster than the Fire Giants, slay them-then return to lure the Fire Giants to the door, where my party shoots them down at a range. Alternatively, my Fighter/Mage/Thief protagonist can easily just perform hit-and-run backstabs and kill everything within by simple virtue of their inability to pursue her... although it'll take a while, and they'll use up all their healing potions if you don't fortify your backstabs, say, with a bout of Greater Whirlwind. I cast Death Ward on my protagonist, and he lures out Berenn the same way. Finger of Death is ineffective, and offensive spells don't work. If he manages to hold anybody, he can't make it through the door to capitalize. I just have to watch out for the critters he'll summon. When he dies, he'll drop a Laeral's Tear Necklace, three Potions of Superior Healing, a Potion of Insight, a Rogue Stone, an Emerald, a Pearl, and best of all, Baalor's Claw. Once that's done, I go loot. There are a pair of Potions of Fire Giant Strength lying around and three containers to loot. Most importantly, grab Yaga-Shura's Heart (x=2100, y=1100). ***ITEMS*** (x=2500, y=1800) Diamond, Star Sapphire, Horn Coral Gem, Greenstone Ring, Bloodstone Ring (x=1750, y=1450) Scroll of Summon Fiend, Potion of Insight, Silver Necklace (x=1000, y=1050) Tiger Cowrie Shell Necklace, King's Tears, Scroll of Mantle, 1 gold ***TRAPS*** (x=1300, y=1900) (x=1700, y=1570) (x=1550, y=1200) (x=2900, y=1500) (x=2200, y=1220) (x=1900, y=1100) ***REWARD*** (For obtaining Yaga-Shura's Heart) EXP 20000 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 13) Go through the huge doors to the northeast at (x=2900, y=1300) to find a 'Slave Woman' (x=3170, y=2000), who demands that you free her. Do so and she'll decide to even the score by telling you what she knows. She's Yaga Shura's concubine and she came here to join Yaga Shura's looting and pillaging (despite her less-than-ideal reasons for coming

to work for Yaga-Shura, she's apparently doesn't have an evil alignment). Unfortunately for her, Yaga Shura had something else in mind. I don't even want to think about the logistics of that... maybe she's really tall? She'll also mention Nyalee, and mention something about a golden box Yaga Shura keeps under his bed. Yaga-Shura's heart apparently has something in common with my old sneakers! ***REWARD*** (For freeing Ehlastra, Yaga Shura's concubine) EXP 15000 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 14) Continue to the northwest and loot the wall for the Stone Golem Page, which will... well, downgrade our Golem Manual. Loot Yaga-Shura's Bed for a Beating Heart (Nyalee's wayward organ), his journal, and a Bag of Plenty, which is by now thoroughly obsolete considering we can make our own supply of Bullets +4. I continue past Yaga-Shura's bed tentatively to the northwest, where some Burning Men and Imix, the Prince of Fire awaits. I prefer to lure them to me using my protagonist, as the ground they occupy is trapped. With Remove Fear and the Cloak of Mirroring, my protagonist is immune to their first strikes. Once they engage, I lead them back to my party, where they can safely be smote. Imix will be kind enough to drop us the Amulet of the Master Harper which finally replaces Imoen's laughably outdated Amulet of Metaspell Influence. Her deficient Find/Remove Traps score is now a slightly less pathetic 135, and her Armor Class drops down to a -4 (-5 if you obtained the Ring of Protection +3 earlier, which can replace the Ring of Danger Sense for most situations.) It's also worth considering as a replacement for the Amulet of Power for a Fighter/Mage/Thief protagonist, what with Angurvadal's protection from level drain. This would then allow you to replace Viconia's Sensate Amulet with the Amulet of Power. Let's face it, the Charisma, Hit Points,and Protection from Evil isn't really all that impressive anymore. Thus, Viconia gets faster casting speed and immunity to level drain, while my evil protagonist's Armor Class drops to an enviable -11. Imix will also drop the Ravager +4, which we'll be able to upgrade shortly into the best two-handed weapon in the game. ***ITEMS*** (x=3050, y=850) Scroll of Protection from Fire, Ruby Ring, Two Handed Sword +2, Stone Golem Page, 3047 gold (x=2500, y=700) Beating Heart, Yaga-Shura's Journal, Bag of Plenty +1 ***TRAPS*** (x=3050, y=850) (x=2500, y=700) (x=2000, y=520) (x=1750, y=350) (x=1650, y=550) (x=1550, y=400) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 15) Now it's time to return to the Forest of Mir, where we can get Nyalee to remove Yaga-Shura's invulnerability. Talk to her with both hearts in your possession and she'll extinguish Yaga-Shura's heart. Afterwards, however, she'll find herself stricken by pangs of sentimentality by the reunion of her heart. Realizing the obvious, that you intend to hurt her son, she'll change her tune and attack, summoning up a pair of Shambling Mounds, a pair of Nymphs, and a Vortex Spider to help her out. Shambling Mounds can be rough, as they're immune to non-slashing weapons, can Entangle foes, and do pretty mean damage in combat. Nymphs will, of course, harass you with Charm spells. Imoen/Edwin make this fight a laugh by launch a Time Stop sequence loaded with Horrid Wilting spells. After the spell assault I mop up and

loot Nyalee for a Ring of Animal Friendship, a Cleric's Staff +3, a Ziose Gem, and a Tchazar Gem. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 16) We can finally go after Yaga-Shura himself, and few beings have deserved a good smite more than him. First, however, it would be in our best interests to return to the Pocket Plane and have Cespenar craft a few things for us: Axe of the Unyielding +5 (5000 gold) (Axe of the Unyielding +3) (Baalor's Claw) The best axe in the game, and candidate for the best one-handed weapon in the game. It gives a one-point bonus to Armor Class, regenerates three Hit Points per round, and increases the wielder's Constitution by one. Best of all, it's a +5 vorpal weapon, which instantly kills an enemy via decapitation 10% of the time. No save. Just death. For this reason it's a great main weapon, and my protagonist will get three attacks a round with it... three chances to score an instant kill. This is of course, all the more lethal with Greater Whirlwind Attack. On the other hand, it's hard to argue with Flail of the Ages' slow power and sheer damage. To my mind, however, going for the kill is better than going for slow. Of course, my Fighter/Mage protagonist sees no reason not to just use both. Korgan pairs the Axe of the Unyielding with Crom Faeyr and becomes the baddest Dwarf that ever existed on any video game ever. Bag of Plenty +2 (10000 gold) (Bag of Plenty +1) (King's Tears) It's a little late in the game for this, and really, we've had access to Everard's Sling for so long that this was never really necessary, especially not now that we have access to unlimited Bullets +4 via the Erinne Sling. Ravager +6 (5000 gold) (Ravager +4) (Serpent Staff) What better to accompany one of the best one-handed weapons in the game than one of the best two-handed weapons in the game? And the only other vorpal weapon, to boot. It's a vorpal holiday! Ignore the poison damage, the Cloak of Fear, and all that other crap, this is a +6 weapon that kills the target instantly 10% of the time. For Minsc, Sarevok, or any other character using a two-handed weapon save Carsomyr, it doesn't get better than this. Minsc and Sarevok are now set for the rest of the game... and Haer'Dalis... well, he'll use it when he absolutely must. Stone Golem Manual (10000 gold) (Clay Golem Manual) (Stone Golem Page) Honestly, I liked my Clay Golem Manual, and I consider Clay Golems with their Haste ability and their immunity to non-blunt non-magical weapons superior to the Stone Golem. I don't bother upgrading this yet, instead I wait until another page comes along so that I'm actually getting an upgrade. Siege Camp (AR5203) o======================================================================o

17) When you arrive at the siege camp you'll be treated to some narration predictably letting you know that Saradush has been sacked. Maybe we shouldn't have harvested so many Bullets +4? Nah, don't worry, it wasn't timed. Head southwest across a bridge where some Yaga-Shura Soldiers will be shooting down some fleeing Peasants. It seems to be a popular past-time for them. As you cross the bridge you'll be informed that you've got the attention of Yaga-Shura's army, and that you need to cut off the head of the army if you want to stand any chance of survival. Translation-kill Yaga-Shura, as his soldiers are endless. Defensive spells like Stoneskin and Ironskin are invaluable here, as are buffs like Haste and Protection from Evil 10' Radius. Endurance fights call for long-lasting buffs that can be thrown up quickly and negate damage or increase your prowess. Cut your way through your foes to the southwest to find Yaga-Shura, who still seems to think he's untouchable. Don't expend too much energy on him now, cut him up a bit and he'll run off. Survive until he returns shortly with a Lieutenant Cleric, a Lieutenant Fighter, a Lieutenant Mage, and a Lieutenant Thief in tow. Naturally soldiers will also keep spawning all the while. Imoen/Edwin begin with a Time Stop sequence, during which they'll use two Horrid Wiltings and a Comet to devastate the opposition. My protagonist also uses his recently-earned Time Stop (which will follow shortly after the Mage's) to unleash several Greater Whirlwind Attacks and go after Yaga-Shura, himself. Keldorn uses True Sight to prevent any mischief, and the rest of my party attacks. Yaga-Shura will not survive this onslaught, and when he dies we're whisked away to the Pocket Plane, to be bothered by our Solar. Pocket Plane (AR4500) o======================================================================o 18) This time you'll be educated about your past. The Solar will reveal your origins by showing you the apparition of your mother, who was a disciple of Bhaal. Gorion shows up and elaborates on what fate was supposed to befall you, if you mother had her way-you were to be sacrificed so that your essence would go towards bringing Bhaal back. Fortunately for us, Gorion's Harper meddling inspired him to attack the temple and intervene. He killed our mother and saved us, but others were not so lucky. Sarevok was there too, and used the chaos to flee. Had fortune smiled on him and Gorion grabbed Sarevok instead of us, our fates could well have been reversed. Food for thought, to be sure. Another chamber will be unlocked in our Pocket Plane, which we'll explore later. ***REWARD*** (For enduring the Solar's revelations) EXP 10000 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 19) Once the Solar is done telling you useless information you'll reappear back on the field, where Melissan just so happens to show up. She's got just the best timing, doesn't she? She'll talk about how Yaga-Shura slew all the Bhaalspawn in Saradush, 'right where we want them' according to Yaga-Shura's journal. Anyways, with her uncanny prescience she just so happens to know that a Tethyran army is on its way to deal with the Bhaalspawn menace, making you a wanted person. Your only hope, she says, is to deal with Yaga-Shura's surviving allies, Sendai and Abazigal, who together might be a match for you, but singly are defeatable. wait... Illasera, Yaga-Shura, Sendai, and Abazigal... that's only four out of five. Oh well, I'm sure we'll find the missing fifth member sooner or later. She'll suggest that you head to Amkethran, a city in Tethyr that is within striking distance of both Sendai and Abazigal, and where one of her allies, a monk named Balthazar can be found.

If you've been romancing Viconia, she'll remark on the carnage strewn all around you with lusty glee, quite pleased that you're powerful enough to cause such destruction-as well as inspire others to cause it in search of you. If you agree, you'll be treated to what is arguably one of the most gratifying evil companion dialogues in the game, but if you rebuke her gently you can start the conversion process to turn Viconia's alignment. Either way, loot around. Yaga-Shura's lieutenants dropped a variety of sellable-if not useful-loot. The big man himself leaves behind Shuruppak's Plate, three Potions of Extra Healing, the Shield of the Order +4, and the Runehammer +4. Shuruppak's Plate is one of the best suits of armor in the game, with a base Armor Class of -2. It also bestows +20% fire resistance and increases the wearer's Dexterity by one. So who gets it? Easy, a character who will gain extra Armor Class from the Dexterity boost. This means either Jaheira, Korgan, or Sarevok. If you put this armor on Korgan, he can dispense with the Gauntlets of Dexterity... but since nobody else really needs them in an evil party, I just give the armor to Jaheira, instead. It's the best Armor Class allotment all around. The shield should go on either Anomen or Jaheira, sentimentally Anomen, since it is a Shield of the Order, after all. Also, his saves suck more. Also again, the Shield of the Order is red, which matches Anomen's Red Dragon Scale, and Sentinel +4 is green, which matches with Jaheira's... Druid-ness. Aesthetics is important too, people. In the evil party, it's a no-brainer. Viconia has worse saves than Jaheira, so Viconia gets the Shield of the Order +4, and finally retires the Fortress Shield +3. Finally, we have the Runehammer +4. Although it's not fully upgraded yet, it's still worth using, as it adequately replaces the Mace of Disruption +2. I put it on Korgan in the evil party, so he can finally contribute to fights involving level draining enemies. In the good party, Anomen keeps it on hand when the need arises. ***ITEMS*** (x=2350, y=1550) Arrows of Fire x40, Sunstone Bullets +1 x40, Bolts of Lightning x40, Arrows x80, Bolts x80, Darts +1 x40, Bullets x40 ***REWARD*** (For crushing Yaga-Shura) EXP 40000 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 20) Now seems like a good time to head back to the Pocket Plane and finish off that new area we just unlocked. In a desert oasis you'll encounter yourself as you might have been had you and Sarevok shared different fates. It's a repeat of the final battle of Baldur's Gate 1, except your evil clone takes the place of Sarevok. Joining him are Tamoko, Angelo, and Semaj, all of which have been beefed up for this encounter. Especially Tamoko, despite what her experience says. Anybody who can hit an Armor Class of -10 with a roll of seven and deal 20+ damage per hit is not a push-over. She single-handedly out-fought Jaheira, but my protagonist scored vorpal hits on his alter-ego, Angelo, and Tamoko to seal the easy victory. When they're defeated the oasis will turn into a more fitting abyssal landscape and the entire party will gain some experience. Note: If you're evil (you picked any of the evil paths in hell at the end of Shadows of Amn) the natural state of this room will be... well, hellish. Dark stone, lava pits, that old thing (and remember, fire is hot, so don't stand in it). If you're good (you picked all of the good

paths in hell at the end of Shadows of Amn) the natural state of this room will be of an oasis. Whatever the case, it'll appear as its opposite during your fight with your Sarevok-self. ***REWARD*** (For defeating what might have been) EXP 30000 (protagonist) EXP 25000 (each character, save the protagonist) Oasis (AR6300) o======================================================================o 21) Once that's done, rest up, level up, prepare spells, and whatever else you need to do before heading off to the Oasis. Once there you'll be confronted by Jamis Tombelthen. Tombelthen... Tombelthen...? The surname of the noble that bothered us during the Ranger quests? If you're a Ranger, anyways. This one is apparently more successful, as he is the general of the Tethyrian army in front of you. Whatever you say leads to a fight, and he's joined by a host of Tethyrian soldiers of various classes and equipment load-outs. The first fight here is the most bothersome, since afterwards you have more room to maneuver. That being the case, I don't hold back. Imoen/Edwin unleashes a Time Stop sequence consisting of three Horrid Wilting spells, which eliminates all the enemies save a pair of archers to the south. Jamis Tombelthen drops us a suit of Full Plate Mail +2, the Answerer +4, a Note, a Gold Amulet, a Potion of Fire Giant Strength, and a Long Sword +3. The Tethyrian army sure comes well-equipped, eh? Captains will drop Potions of Extra Healing x2, suits of Full Plate Mail, and a Bastard Sword +3. Pikemen will drop Potions of Extra Healing x2, Full Plate Mail, and a Spear +2. The Battlemage will drop a Bounty Notice-we're worth 100,000 gold in Tethyr, it seems. Finally, a bounty worthy of our power! Archers will drop Studded Leather Armor +2, a Composite Long Bow +3, and up to 40 Arrows +1. Once you've killed the initial group of soldiers you can travel northeast, killing the remainders of the 'army' at your leisure. When you're done killing and looting, exit the map at (x=3000, y=400). Bid farewell to Chapter 8 and make your way to Amkethran. ***ITEMS*** (x=750, y=820) Horn Coral Gem, 75 gold (x=1200, y=700) Bounty Notice, Scroll of Summon Djinni, 44 gold (x=1600, y=350) Bounty Notice, Kings Tears, Tiger Cowrie Shell Necklace, 2032 gold o======================================================================o | Chapter 9 | o======================================================================o | | | Amkethran | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK057} 1) Meeting With Balthazar 2) Mercenary Firing Range 3) Saemon Strikes Again! 4) When Tempers Flare... 5) Steal From the Rich, Payback's a... 6) Zekee's Tavern 7) Carras' Stock 8) Kerrick's Smithy 9) Marlowe's Plea 10) Vongoethe's Revelation

11) Sealing the Deal 12) Turning the Tables 13) Crafting With Cespenar, VII Amkethran (AR5500) o======================================================================o 1) Head north and and eventually you'll come across a Monk, who will take you to meet Balthazar, Melissan's contact here and the leader of the monastic order-and the city of Amkethran itself. He'll give you the locations of the enclaves and tell you not to step on his toes. Melissan has already come and gone, it seems. It's not the friendliest welcome we've had, but it's sure not the most hostile, either. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 2) Southeast of the gates to the monastery you'll find a Mercenary Captain overseeing a duel between two Mercenaries. Further southeast still you'll find one Captain Erelon (x=1880, y=2230) summoning an infinite supply of monsters (randomly, a Minotaur or an Umber Hulk, both worth a paltry 1000 EXP) for a group of Mercenaries to shoot down. If you wish, you could grind these things as long as you wish, just let the AI do all the work and go find something else to do. If you pester Captain Erelon too much, he'll declare you the new targets for the session. Kill him and his buddies-the other mercenaries don't seem to mind. All of these mercenaries we just killed will drop Chain Mail +3, Arrows +2, a Long Sword +1, and a Long Bow +1. Captain Erelon himself will drop a suit of Elven Chain +1, a Two Handed Sword +2, and the Darkfire Bow +4. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 3) Continue to the east to find Saemon Havarian (x=2600, y=1900), of all people. He's in trouble again, apparently running a smuggling operation here in Amkethran that has earned the ire of some of the mercenaries in town. When you come near, Saemon will shift the blame unto you and leave you to clean up his mess. These mercenaries drop Chain Mail +3, a Long Sword +1, a Medium Shield +2, and a pair of Potions of Extra Healing. Temple of Waukeen (AR5503) o======================================================================o 4) South of where you cleaned up Saemon's mess you'll find a Priest of Waukeen (x=2960, y=2420) arguing with one of Balthazar's Monks. Apparently the Priest thinks keeping this village alive is more important than Balthazar's blatant army-building. Words turn to violence, and you can either step in and attack the Monk, or leave the Priest to his fate. I find it more profitable to attack the Monk and save the Priest. A Mage will show up and stop the fight, plucking the Monk from certain demise and warning us not to interfere with Balthazar's business. Yeah, like he's gonna stop us. Him and what army? Oh... right. Anyways, the Priest will thank you, and give you a quest reward, including the Oaken Ring. If you give him 1000 gold to feed the needy of Amkethran you'll get a better reward. If you sit back and let the Monk kill the Priest, you can just grab the Oaken Ring from the Priest's body. You can now go explore the Temple of Waukeen (x=2600, y=2450), such as it is, where you'll find a priest named Chyil (x=300, y=220). He'll tell you that Sendai is a Drow, and that he believe Balthazar is raising his army to deal with Sendai and Abazigal. He also believe Melissan is responsible for the Monk decision to build this army. He'll also provide typical temple services. ***ITEMS*** (x=220, y=150) Waterstar Gem x5 (x=360, y=150) Water Opal x2 (x=520, y=260) Pearl

***REWARD*** (For saving the Priest) EXP 2000 (each character) Item Oaken Ring ***REWARD*** (For saving the Priest and giving 1000 gold to help the starving people) EXP 3000 (each character) Item Oaken Ring Reputation +1 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) Now head north past where you met Saemon to find a girl named Asana Hasaad (x=2330, y=1250), daughter of Omar Haraad, the mayor. She was caught stealing money from the mercenaries to buy food for the poor folk of Amkethran. Yeah, yeah, we get it, lots of people starving. Here's an idea-don't live in the damned desert! Anyways, if you turn down the pleas of her father and let Asana get executed you'll lose a point of reputation, and unless you're an evil party at the brink, this is never a good idea. If you want to avoid a fight, you can pay off the girl's debt-originally 2000 gold, but the blood price to buy them off is increased to 4000 by the greedy mercenaries, plus 1000 gold for the 'inconvenience', however you can talk them down to 3000. Or you can just kill them, which is cash-flow positive. Saving the girl is definitely more rewarding than letting her die, in any case. ***REWARD*** (For saving Asana) EXP 5000 (each character) Gold 100 Item Montolio's Cloak Reputation +1 Zekee's Tavern, The Zephir (AR5501) o======================================================================o 6) Northwest from here you'll find a 'Boy' (x=1900, y=1000) who will tell you about a 'stranger man' with a sick daughter and some restless undead in the cavern beyond. A cavern which Balthazar has sealed and only magic can induce entry. He'll tell you that the man can be found in Zekee's tavern (x=2750, y=1370). Sure enough, once inside the tavern a man named Marlowe will show up, spew some intrigue, and tell you to meet him at his house for more information. While we're here, we might as well talk to the various workers, wenches, and warriors who frequent this joint. Zakee Rafeha himself has some interesting things to say. Balthazar is another Bhaalspawn, it seems, who was brought here by Melissan, who is apparently the same kind of protector for Bhaalspawn that Elminster is for Harpers... except that Melissan has a decidedly worse record at keeping her charges safe. Sendai is confirmed as a Dark Elven assassin, and he links the words 'Abazigal' and 'Dragon', although he doesn't know much else about him. Marlowe is apparently a stranger whose daughter fell ill, an illness being blamed on some undead in the caverns where the folk of Amkethran inter their deceased. You can also shop here, although the only somewhat interesting item he sells is the Silver Ioun Stone. Most importantly, make sure you sell off everything you've been gathering since Watcher's Keep. You're going to need money shortly, and being underfunded could cost you to miss out on some good gear. From stashing and selling in bulk all the loot I've found since Watcher's Keep I'm able to scrape together another 180,000 gold, which is many times more than I'll need. ***ITEMS*** (x=500, y=220) Scroll of True Sight

Smuggler's Den (AR5504) o======================================================================o 7) We'll deal with Marlowe's problem in a moment, but first, let's go explore that cavern on the lower level. Zekee mentioned that the smugglers claimed to have stolen into Balthazar's Monastery, and such information might come in handy later. Inside the cavern we'll find a group of Monks bullying an honest smuggler named Carras, one of Esamon's-Saemon Havarian's-associates. You can pick a fight with the Monks or let them go about their business of shutting the smugglers down. It's much more rewarding to kill the Monks, however, for their juicy experience, what little loot they drop, and the pleasure of buying items from Carras. Although he promised me a discount, I saw no such drop in prices. Oh well. Make sure you have plenty of money, and make sure you buy everything you want, as Carras and his smugglers will be gone shortly. This is the last big shopping spree of the game, and here's what's interesting: Enkindu's Full Plate +3 Another suit of armor with a base Armor Class of -2. It also makes the wearer immune to backstab and offers a 5% boost to Magic Resistance. Perfect for our spell-tanks, Keldorn or Viconia. Gargoyle Boots Useless except for their protection from backstabs. We'll be dealing with plenty of Thieves shortly (or rather, Fighter/Thieves), so protecting a character from backstabs is more important than, say avoiding missiles. Sure, we'll be dealing with archers too, but archers don't score quadruple damage. I put these on Viconia/Anomen, characters likely to see combat and also characters who-by using the Ring of Free Action-weren't using Boots of Speed anyways. Glasses of Identification It never hurts to have another pair, right? K'lorgarath +4 A returning +4 axe that has a chance to knock an enemy down and deal 2d6 extra damage each hit? Yes please. It's the best ranged weapon for Korgan or any other axe-wielding characters in the game. Of course, he can't use it while dual-wielding, but he can keep it in his inventory for when the need arises. Note that you cannot steal from this merchant, so don't get hopeful. If you've got a great reputation and a character with a high Charisma, you might only need about 25,000 gold to get what you want. Carras also sells gems of various quality, which are required to upgrade some items. If you needed five Star Sapphires for the Dagger of the Star +5, Carras sells them. ***ITEMS*** (x=770, y=370) Rainbow Obsidian Necklace (x=880, y=350) Rainbow Obsidian Necklace, Greenstone Ring, 1 gold (x=970, y=350) Scroll of Mantle, Potions of Extra Healing x3 (x=1100, y=400) Potions of Superior Healing x3 ***TRAPS*** (x=770, y=370) (x=1100, y=400) Kerrick's Smithy (AR5502) o======================================================================o

8) Now go into the house at (x=3200, y=1420). There's some loot to be had here, but if you steal from the townsfolk you'll lose a point of reputation and they'll turn hostile (unless you come by at night, when they are sleeping). It's just a few gold anyways, nothing we really need anymore. Head up the ladder (x=350, y=100) to reach the roof and continue across ladders to reach a ladder down into the building at (x=3050, y=850). Inside you'll find Lazarus Librarus, who will still sell you scrolls and Mage-crap (although his stock will not have recovered from earlier) and Kerrick the Smith, who seeks to unlock the power of undergarments. There's not much we can do here now, so return to the surface. Marlowe's Home (AR5507) o======================================================================o 9) Enter Marlowe's Home at (=x3650, y=450) and Marlowe will talk to you. If for some reason you decide to pick a fight with Marlowe, his daughter will die for no reason and he'll turn hostile. I can't imagine why you would do this, however. I guess Bioware was just appealing to the mindlessly violent crowd? Anyways, hear out his tale and he'll tell you that a Lich named Vongoethe took his daughter's soul, being a pure, young, virgin and all that. Is it just me, or in fantasy settings is a lady's soul interchangeable with the status of her hymen? Oh wait, it's like that in the real world, too. Anyways, he bribed the guard down by the cavern to let Marlowe-or anybody Marlowe wishes-in, so off we go. ***ITEMS*** (x=200, y=200) Silver Necklace, Bluestone Necklace (x=450, y=200) Potion of Superior Healing Graveyard (AR5509) o======================================================================o 10) Go talk to the Monk over at (x=1700, y=950) and head inside the cavern (x=1900, y=700). Head north a bit and you'll find Vongoethe, who will appear in typical creepy Lich fashion. If you're obstinate in pursuing a fight you'll succeed, although Vongoethe will consume Malla's soul and no reward will be forthcoming. Play a more neutral tone, however, and he'll tell you that Marlowe promised to give the Lich his soul in return for twenty years of good fortune, and now that the time to pay up has come, Marlowe refuses to pay. The Lich isn't a saint by a long-shot either, dealing in souls and willing to kill first Marlowe's wife and now his daughter to force Marlowe to live up to his end of the bargain. Since the Lich promises to give up Malla's soul if we bring Marlowe to him, and since Marlowe did lie to us, we should go pay him another visit before we make any decisions. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 11) Return to Marlowe and he'll readily admit to all of Vongoethe's accusations, and agree to go with you to pay his end of the bargain. You'll be given Malla's Soul Stone, to do with as you please, since you are after all, the neutral party. Malla's Soul Stone is in effect an Ioun Stone that gives a one point bonus to Dexterity, Constitution, and can cast Neutralize Poison once per day. Still, I have trouble finding any use for it since there's almost nobody would would benefit from both the boost to Dexterity and Constitution, much less the fact that it doesn't protect against critical hits... hence, I don't bother keeping it. If you restore Malla's soul you'll get 10,000 experience per character, and a point of reputation if you give her 5,000 gold to help her get started with her new life. Since all I gain is some experience by letting Vongoethe take Marlowe's soul, I choose to interfere after obtaining Malla's Soul. Understandably angry, Vongoethe summons a pair of Skeleton Warriors, a

pair of Banshees, and some Skeleton Archers to help him out. The Banshees can be a pain since... well, you know that 9th level spell? Yeah, that's something they do. This can kill off characters with poor saves, and for that reason, I suggest that you cast Death Ward on your entire party before talking to Marlowe in his house for the second time (or at least on compromised characters-typically meaning your Clerics, Mages, and Haer'Dalis). To help keep Marlowe alive, you might want to cast Death Ward on him, too. In fact, if you spell buff entirely before talking to Marlowe, this fight will likely be cake. My entire party walks up to Vongoethe and attacks-using True Sight and Breach as necessary. Also, using Daystar to cast Sunray (with a companion Sunray from Anomen/Viconia is also a good way to thin the herd). Vongoethe almost always falls under the onslaught of my Sunrays, and the one time he didn't my protagonist nailed him with a vorpal hit from the Axe of the Unyielding. I love that axe, I really do. Everybody then runs back to the entrance and smites whatever Banshees may still be around. Afterwards, my good protagonist heads north and smites the archers on the platforms by himself as he's immune to their attacks thanks to the upgrades he got in hell... my evil protagonist will just have to rely on Stoneskin to keep her safe. After the fight Marlowe will thank you for saving him (if he's still alive). If you decide to keep his daughter's soul stone, however, you'll get a small experience reward and lose two points of reputation. If you fork it over, you'll get the biggest reward possible (15,000 experience points per character) and a reputation increase. Sure, you can get a total of 16,000 for letting Vongoethe kill Marlowe and then restoring Malla yourself, but then the reputation boost will cost you 5,000 gold. The best part about the last route is you get to kill Vongoethe and claim the Ring of Anti-Venom. Yeah, it's nothing to go crazy over, but I still prefer it to Malla's Soul Stone. You can go up the ladders to reach the platforms most of the Skeleton Archers were on, but most of the doors up there just wrap around to more doors along the platforms. Most of them are trapped, however, and can be disarmed for some experience. I put this ring on Keldorn/Korgan, Korgan wears it full-time, whereas Keldorn (who doesn't have the Axe of the Unyielding and hence, needs his Ring of Regeneration) only uses it when necessary. Note From Lee: This fight was tricky, but not really all that difficult. Spell-buff as suggested BEFORE TALKING TO MARLOWE, and then initiate the sequence. Since the dialog will interrupt the ability to position the party, I move everyone back by the entrance and cast Breach, Pierce Shield, Pierce Magic, and other buff removal spells on Vongoethe immediately. By the time the spells get off the Banshees are moving in, so kill them first, then rush Vongoethe before he has a chance to re-buff. The archers above can be a pain in the ass, but there's really no way to avoid them so I simply ignored them until Vongoethe was dead, then switched two characters to ranged weapons and took them out while the rest of the party mopped up the remaining combatants on the platform. DO NOT give Vongoethe an opportunity to re-buff, or to start casting attack spells, as this will make the fight WAY more difficult. Timing is everything. ***TRAPS*** (x=330, y=300) (x=450, y=250) (x=550, y=200) (x=700, y=200) (x=970, y=200)

(x=1100, y=250) ***REWARD*** (For forcing Marlowe to live up to his end of the bargain) EXP 6000 (each character) Item Malla's Soul Stone ***REWARD*** (For saving Marlowe from Vangoethe and giving him Malla's Soul Stone) EXP 15000 (each character) Reputation +1 ***REWARD*** (For keeping Malla's Soul Stone after saving Marlowe) EXP 6000 (each character) Reputation -2 ***REWARD*** (For restoring Malla) EXP 10000 (each character) ***REWARD*** (For giving Malla 5000 gold to help her start a new life) EXP 10000 (each character) Reputation +1 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 12) Before we leave we can be a little experience hungry by messing with the 'tables' in the area. The practical application of these is to disarm the traps on the upper levels, but since everybody should have a Thief, this isn't a problem. Still, experience is experience. The table at (x=720, y=720) will summon a pair of Ice Golems, the table at (x=950, y=550) summons three Fission Slimes, which can be destroyed with fire (Comet works just fine.) The table at (x=750, y=400) summons four Greater Air Elementals, and the fourth and final table at (x=500, y=550) summons four Greater Fire Elementals. Ignoring the Fission Slimes, which give negligible experience, we stand to gain 110,000~ experience. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 13) Now we're done with Amkethran for now, it's time to head to either Abazigal's Lair or to Sendai's Enclave... but which one? Fortunately, there's an easy enough way to resolve this. Sendai's Enclave drops components that will upgrade weapons that three of my character use, or would use if the weapon were upgraded. Since we'll become significantly stronger by going after Sendai first, we'll be that much better off when we go after Abazigal. First, however, another session with Cespenar: Heartwood Ring (5000 gold) (Nymph's Tear) (Oaken Ring) It's a ring that can only be used by Druids, and it gives them a bonus 6th and 7th level spell. Jaheira replaces the Ring of Holiness, as she has plenty of 1st-4th level spells, and 6th and 7th level spells are far better, in any case. Montolio's Cloak (5000 gold) (Montolio's Clasp) (Montolio's Cloak) Clearly designed for a two-weapon Ranger, Montolio's Cloak is only

usable by Rangers and gives a +1 bonus to Armor Class, a +1 bonus to all saving throws, and +2 THAC0 with the off-hand. It's a great item for Minsc or Valygar, and if they're wearing the White Dragon Scale as well, their Armor Class should be in very good shape. o======================================================================o | | | Sendai | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK058} 1) Woodcutter's Welcome 2) Ambushed Outside of the Enclave 3) Ambushed Again 4) Woodcutter's Ruse 5) Forcing Your Way Through 6) Sacking the Guard Room 7) North Tunnels 8) South Tunnels 9) Staging Our Own Ambushes 10) Odamaron's Lair 11) Diaytha's Challenge 12) Diaytha's Demise 13) Dueling Captain Egeissag 14) Murdering Mithykyl the Mind Flayer 15) Crafting With Cespenar, VIII 16) Showdown With Sendai 17) Talking to Ourselves 18) Doubting Doubt Woodcutter's Cabin (AR6111) o======================================================================o 1) When you arrive you'll see a Woodcutter (x=1800, y=1450) with two enchanted axes and Elven Chain Mail. A quick 'Detect Evil' reveals that there are an awful lot of evil and magic resistant animals about! If you talk to the Woodcutter he'll tell you he saw some Dark Elves in the southwestern corner of the forest, and implore you to go see. First, loot his house for various goodies, including the Rune of Clangeddin, which upgrades the Runehammer. Note: Try to avoid pissing off the Woodcutter or... well, those evil little animals and the humble woodcutter will reveal that all is not as it seems. I know, surprise, surprise, but if you provoke him now, you won't be able to trigger the encounter in Step #4. ***ITEMS*** (x=600, y=400) 3 gold (x=500, y=330) Arrows +3 x20, Bolts +3 x20, Bullets +3 x20, Long Sword +3, Medium Shield +2, Rune of Clangeddin (x=550, y=250) Potions of Superior Healing x5 (x=500, y=200) 1 gold (x=150, y=200) 102 gold Sendai's Enclave, Exterior (AR6100) o======================================================================o 2) Take his advice and go north from his cabin and note a pair of hastily-erected gravestones in the northeastern corner of the area which were apparently designed to look old. From there you need to go west, then south. I send Jaheira over there alone, with the Shield of Balduran equipped and Chaotic Commands in place. My reasons become abundantly clear once a pair of Umber Hulk Elders (with enough Hit Dice

to be immune to Death Spell) a pair of Drow, and a Hive Mother appear. Jaheira quickly runs back to the party, and the Umber Hulk Elders and Drow will follow her to their demise. Once they're cut down Jaheira heads back south and kills the Hive Mother by herself. I loot the Drow for their Elven Chain +1, their Katanas +2, and some Potions before I head back to the Woodcutter. Note: Since most of the Drow will drop Elven Chain +1, I will no longer record individual instances of it in the Items Section of the guide. It might have been rare enough to note in Shadows of Amn, but it has now largely become mandatory armor for the rank-and-file of Throne of Bhaal. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 3) This time he tells us that he heard some voices over by the graves to the north. Alright, so head back up there. Again I lead with Jaheira bearing the Shield of Balduran by a short distance. A pair of Gauth will show up along with five Drow. I attack the Drow in the front-middle first, to prevent him from casting spells while the Gauth pointlessly attack Jaheira. They should prove no trouble, and two of them will drop the same gear as the other two did earlier, while two of them will drop some Bolts +1, Bolts +3, Elven Chain +1, and Heavy Cross Bows +3, along with Antidotes, which the game is trying to give you plenty of (hint!). <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) Before I talk to the Woodcutter again I do some light spell-buffing (Stoneskin, and Haste). Once you survive another ambush he'll get tired of the disguise and attack you, and the various animals nearby will turn into Drow as well. My protagonist immediately starts casting Time Stop, while the rest of the party charges the Drow Wizard to the east to quickly kill him. The Drow Warriors need to be respected here, as they can use a variety of abilities, some can backstab (if we can dual-andmulti-class, why can't they?) and/or use attacks like Kai, Called Shot, Smite, and worst of all, Greater Whirlwind Attack. Once the Drow Wizard to the east meets his messy demise the rest of my part surges west to meet the Drow Warriors advancing. My protagonist finishes his Time Stop and begins a series of Greater Whirlwind attacks which outright kill three Drow Warriors, leaving only mop-up to be done once the sequence ends. I don't have the 9th level spell slots to do that often, but since I can move on Sendai after this fight at my leisure, I decide to smite these Drow with excessive force. Once they're all dead the entrance to Sendai's Enclave will reveal itself. Go up there and dispose of the three Drow Warriors outside. I just want you to note that the Drow Warrior captain took almost 150 damage to kill, and with high magic resistance and access to the same feats that we've been using all along, we need to take these upcoming fights more seriously. Fire Giants were bad news, sure, but Fire Giants didn't use Greater Whirlwind Attacks. Note From Lee: Make sure to take the party all the way around in front of the cabin, as there are a couple of asshole Drow with ranged weapons that will appear to the north. By moving to the front of the cabin, the party will be out of their range, at least initially, and you can focus on the Drow Wizard without suffering any damage from missiles. I place Edwin in the cabin doorway, which acts as a natural shield for all attacks from the north and west. Jaheira and Anomen take positions near the "deer" at (x=2000, y=1600), and my protagonist, Keldorn, and Sarevok surround the Woodcutter. Once the Woodcutter and his "animals" turn hostile, Edwin, Jaheira and Anomen kill the Drow Wizard (nee deer), while the others take out the Woodcutter. After that (1-2 rounds), I can slay the rest easily, keeping Edwin back out of harms way. I didn't even need to spell-buff for this fight, although I can see how using some

simple buffs couldn't hurt... ***REWARD*** (For killing the Drow Captain and opening the way to Sendai's Enclave) EXP 10000 (each character) Sendai's Enclave, Entry Tunnels (AR6101) o======================================================================o 5) Enter Sendai's Enclave at (x=1500, y=100) after disarming the trap in front. Inside, Haste your party and continue down the stairs to the northeast. You'll have to cut your way through a throng of Myconids, who will be joined in time by various Spiders and Umber Hulks, so keep on your toes and be wary of the poison and confusion flying your way. Continue killing Umber Hulks and Spiders as you head northeast, until you reach a platform containing six Drow and two Umber Hulk Elders. These Drow aren't as potent as the group we just faced, massacre them, loot and look around. There are three platforms adjacent to this one, the one to the northwest contains two doors we can't access, and the one to the southeast is... well... facing south, so it can't really have a door, given the 2D-Isometric perspective. Since our choice is made for us, we need to continue onward, to the northeast (x=2900, y=700). Make sure to spell-buff, first. ***TRAPS*** (x=1400, y=150) Guard Room (AR6109) o======================================================================o 6) In this area you'll be assaulted by about a dozen Drow, including a Drow Priestess and a Drow named Thelynn'ss. Other Drow have capabilities beyond the norm that go unmarked, as some of the Drow are Mages, some will use Called Shot and other abilities. Imoen and my protagonist both cast a Time Stop, while I summon a Deva and an Elemental Prince in the middle of the room to distract the Drow and draw them together. Imoen goes first, and although the Drow have magic resistance two still perish under her onslaught of Horrid Wiltings and Comet, and many more are injured. Shortly afterward, my protagonist goes, uses Greater Whirlwinds, and kills no less than five Drow, including Thelynn'ss, thus removing their greatest threat. After that, it's all mop up. They'll drop the same loot we've come to expect from these Drow-valuable, but not worth wearing. Thelynn'ss will drop an Amulet of Cheetah Speed, which I can't find a home for, since every character is already wearing better, and the Drow Guard's Key, which we need to proceed. As you go to leave you'll be treated by a cutscene showing that Sendai is rather busy at the moment, and not fully appraised of just what doom approaches her. She sets loose some slaves in the north tunnels and her pets in the south, which she thinks sufficient to stop us. This far into the game and we're still being underestimated? Ah well. Take your pick, slaves or pets. Then when you're done killing what you chose, head into the other tunnels and kill the other creatures, too. Unless you're too good to bother getting all that experience and exploring. ***REWARD*** (For obtaining the Drow Guard's Key and forcing Sendai to respond) EXP 5000 (each character) North Tunnels (AR6102) o======================================================================o 7) Enter the north tunnels at (x=2370, y=550) where you'll witness a Slavemaster encouraging some slaves to attack. In this case, it's some

Derro Berserkers, and what you have here is essentially another endurance trial. Kill the Derro Berserkers and keep advancing, as they will respawn endlessly. Eventually the Derro Berserkers will be joined by Derro who use Crossbows, and about halfway through, Orogs will show up. Keep moving, killing, and chasing the Slavemaster. At the end of the tunnels he'll be waiting for you with a trio of Umber Hulks. Once the Slavemaster dies, everything else will stop re-spawning and you can safely loot the massive amounts of dead lying around... if you for some reason still need any money. The Slavemaster will drop a pair of Battle Axes +2, Full Plate Mail +1, two Potions of Extra Healing, an Oil of Speed, a Potion of Invulnerability, and a Potion of Storm Giant Strength. Each Orog will forfeit a suit of Plate Mail +1, a Two Handed Sword +2, a Helmet, and two bits of random loot (some coins, a gem, a scroll, a potion, or some jewelry). Derro Berserkers leave behind a suit of Chain Mail, a Helmet, some loot, and a Drow Halberd +3. Finally, the Derro leave us some Bolts, Bolts +1, Chain Mail, a Short Sword +2, a Light Cross Bow +1 (or a Heavy Cross Bow +1), and some loot. Now, to prove a point I went far out of my way, wasted a lot of time and effort, and discovered that the loot I obtained just in this room was worth about 200,000 gold. Heck, with a high Charisma and reputation, each Orog's gear sold for 4,400 gold. What's the point, you ask? Money isn't an issue anymore in this this game after this... and really, it shouldn't have been since Throne of Bhaal started. Even late-arrivers to the game shouldn't have any serious concerns about Cespenar's upgrade costs, which is really the only thing left to spend money on anyways. Note: On my last playthrough, I spell-buffed before entering the North Tunnels, then as soon as I was in, sent my party to kill the initial Derro we encountered... all save my protagonist, who ran down the tunnel ignoring all the enemies and triggering the Slavemaster's appearance. I kept going until at the end of the tunnel the Slavemaster showed up and decided to stand his ground. Then I used a Greater Whirlwind attack, ran up, and smote him. After he was dead, I ran back to my party, since all the enemies were after my protagonist (and let's face it, he's strong, but not that strong). Once I regrouped, I turned to face the massive horde of enemies tailing my protagonist. A Time stop/triple Horrid Wilting combo all but ended the fight. South Tunnels (AR6103) o======================================================================o 8) Now I backtrack to the previous area and enter the south tunnels (x=2620, y=450). The monsters in this area are finite, so they won't stress your endurance too much, but other threats abound. What else would a Drow keep as pets but Spiders, and Spiders mean poison. I lead with my protagonist, who is immune to poison via the Ring of Gaxx, Keldorn/Korgan, who are sporting the Ring of Anti-Venom, and Jaheira, who is innately immune to poison, being a high-level Druid and all. And in classic Baldur's Gate style, where there's a spider lair, there are traps. As long as you stay on the path, however, you'll be safe. The one unique creature in this place is the spider Lashar'ra, whose poison can kill instantly. However unlikely this is, her poison still does something along the lines of 16 damage per second on a successful save, so only engage with characters who are immune to poison. Lashar'ra can also use a variety of clerical abilities: I've seen it use Heal on itself several times in one fight, and it can cast Summon Spiders. It also has a Vortex Web ability similar to what Vortex spiders have, which can slow characters. All in all, this route is a little easier than the northern tunnels if you have the right equipment. Exit to the next area at (x=2800, y=100). ***TRAPS***

(x=700, y=550) (x=850, y=500) (x=900, y=640) (x=900, y=900) (x=1100, y=500) (x=1300, y=700) (x=1480, y=600) (x=1800, y=1300) Sendai's Enclave, Hub (AR6104) o======================================================================o 9) Head northeast until you reach a platform with four bridges extending off of it, one continues to the northeast, another lead to the northwest, yet another extends to the southeast (which just leads back to the north tunnels)... and finally, of course, is the path back to the southwest leading back the way we came. In this area we'll find some monsters milling about, to the northwest are two groups of eight Drow, and to the northeast are two Umber Hulks and two Umber Hulk Elders. The best thing about this area is the fact that we can sneak up on these enemies! It's been a while, I know, but I assume we still know how to mark their location and hit them with area-of effect spells like Horrid Wilting and Incendiary Cloud. Odamaron's Lair (AR6110) o======================================================================o 10) I head northwest first, into the building at (x=950, y=700). Once inside, I refrain from taking the obvious approach and running to the center of the room, as there are a pair of traps which block the stairs up. Instead, I scan for traps, disarm them with an invisible character, and bring the Lich Odamaron into view. He'll put up some spell-buffs and begin to cast True Sight, wasting his first turn. As soon as the traps are removed I quickly charge with my protagonist and a Cleric, who both immediately set off a Sunray, which should outright kill the Lich, or at least bring victory within easy grasp. I thank Odamaron for playing and loot his body for the Eye of Tear, a Drow Wardstone, and the Heart of the Damned. Two upgrade components from one critter? Not bad. Loot the pipe near the stairs where you entered to score the Skull of the Lich. Make that three upgrade components. As you leave, you'll get another cutscene involving Sendai, who is informed of just who, exactly, is assaulting her. That makes her react a little more respectfully, and she sends her priestess, Diaytha to stop you after she... uh... relieves her Guard Captain of command. Note From Lee: I don't know if I just got lucky, or if this is a sound strategy, but I simply waited at the entrance and let him cast his Time Stop and other shit. Once he's done with that, he moves forward to engage and I cut him down in 1-2 rounds. Anomen was stunned during the assault, but other than that I suffered no damage or other impairment. ***ITEMS*** (x=800, y=100) Potions of Superior Healing x2, Skull of the Lich, Potions of Extra Healing x3, Potion of Master Thievery (x=250, y=200) Arrows +3 x20, Bolts +3 x40, Bullets +4 x40 (x=220, y=600) Sphene Gem, Tchazar Gem ***TRAPS*** (x=750, y=280) (x=800, y=280) (x=800, y=100)

***REWARD*** (For forcing Sendai to send Diaytha to halt your advance) EXP 5000 (each character) Sendai's Enclave, Antechamber (AR6105) o======================================================================o 11) Now head to the northeast (x=2550, y=600), where you'll find Diaytha. Despite what Sendai says, she seems utterly content to underestimate you, since you're not Drow. And hey, why not, it's not like we've killed scores of Drow and all but obliterated an entire Drow city. Anyways, she challenges you to meet her in Ogremach's chamber, and if you defeat him, she'll deign to confront you. We might as well, since it's the only way we can go. Go through the door to the southeast to find Ogremach, Prince of Earth. I prefer to lure him and his Greater Earth Elementals out, since the room is trapped. Also, we can bottleneck them at the door and impose a severe disadvantage upon them. Ogremach is nothing special, he'll use Stoneskin and Earthquake, has a lot of Hit Points, and is immune to crushing weapons, but he's just a melee enemy that the party can gang up on and kill. I engage him with my protagonist first, who is protected by Stoneskin and hence should come out of the fight fairly unscathed. Just be sure to withdraw characters as he injures them, as he can deal an awful lot of damage very quickly. Still, it's nothing that can't be blocked by Stoneskin, and a few Greater Whirlwind Attacks should suffice to put him down. ***ITEMS*** (x=1200, y=1000) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 12) With Ogremach dead, the door to the northwest opens. After spellbuffing, I send my protagonist (and his simulacrum) up first to meet Diaytha, who is joined by a Vampire, a Demon Knight, an Abishai, and a Hive Mother. I lead with the simulacrum, and I don't bring Diaytha into sight. She has some things to say, but won't address a summon. The rest of her group, however, will respond, and my simulacrum uses Greater Whirlwind(s) to quickly cut down the Vampire, Demonknight, and Abishai. If he dies, so be it, it's just a simulacrum. Now my protagonist withdraws, who was just there to spot for the simulacrum anyways. Jaheira puts on the Shield of Balduran and leads the second charge into the room. Diaytha speaks, and Jaheira heads straight for the Hive Mother to occupy it, while the rest of the party falls upon Diaytha, who would have taken great delight in hitting us with an Insect Plague if we gave her the chance. My party then cuts down the Hive Mother. Another variant of this, which is more proactive, involves my protagonist bringing Diaytha into sight while spotting for his simulacrum. She talks, my protagonist retreats into the hallway before the room and casts Time Stop, while my expendable simulacrum cuts down the rabble. Diaytha should hit the simulacrum with her Insect Plague, which is too far away to spread to the rest of the party. My protagonist completes his Time Stop and proceeds to cut down both Diaytha and the Hive Mother with Greater Whirlwinds. The Demonknights each drop a Two Handed Sword +1, and Diaytha leaves us a suit of useless Drow Full Plate +5, and the Darksteel Shield +4, which goes on Jaheira since Anomen/Viconia both have worse saves, and hence are using the Shield of the Order +4. Big surprise, another tough-talking mortal who was no match for us. Head through the door at (x=900, y=500). Arena (AR6106) o======================================================================o 13) In this area you'll be confronted by another foolish mortal, Captain Egeissag, who hasn't learned from Diaytha's mistake. Nearby is your friendly Spectator buddy that we met in the Sahuagin city. The

Spectator seems somewhat certain that we'll squash Egeissag into 'so much mush', and will suggest to Egeissag that he challenge the protagonist to a one-on-one fight so he can claim credit for defeating the infamous Bhaalspawn all by himself. Egeissag-suffering from a lapse of sanity-seems to think this is a good idea. If we refuse, we can just smash Egeissag the old fashioned way, but we'll have to deal with his archers, which are in unreachable locations. I'd rather not bother getting into a shooting match with a bunch of Drow I can't reach, so I accept. Whoever loses dies, along with all of their allies in the room. The Spectator's True Sight will decidedly work against us, and Captain Egeissag is a high enough level Fighter that he can use some abilities. Still, with Stoneskin on he can't touch me, and with Greater Whirlwind, I can certainly touch him. By the way, did you know that Egeissag backwards is Gassiege? I don't get it, but what a crappy name. He dies in one round, Hardiness didn't help him much. After he dies, his Drow archers follow suit, and the Spectator complains about Drow summoning him for their moronic tasks. He'll thank you again for freeing him from the Sahuagin city and kindly ask that you wait for it to leave before you collapse the roof to this place. Another Sendaicutscene ensues. She sends out her only standing ally left, Mithykyl the Mind Flayer. Loot Captain Egeissag for some Drow crap that will just turn to dust shortly, two Potions of Superior Healing, and the Bowstring of Gond, with which we can upgrade a variety of weapons Illithid Chambers (AR6107) o======================================================================o 14) Head out the door at (x=1000, y=400) and smite an Ulitharid and an Umber Hulk when you arrive. Time to switch to typical Mind Flayer tactics. Chaotic Commands on the protagonist, ranged weapons for everybody else... or hit-and-run backstab bonanza, whichever you prefer. Through the door to the southeast (x=600, y=750) you'll find a Vampiric Illithid waiting for you to come along and smite it. Through the doors to the northeast (x=600, y=500) and (x=750, y=400) you'll find Mithykyl, some Ulitharid buddies, and some Umber Hulk pets. They're not strong or numerous enough to really give you much challenge. I retreat into the first room and bottleneck them in the door way with my protagonist while the rest of the party shoots away. Good tactics never need to change. For my evil party, this place is a breeze. My Fighter/Mage/Thief is sporting an Armor Class of -11 (-14 with Blur), and she is, quite frankly, nearly untouchable by these critters. ***ITEMS*** (x=600, y=600) Garnet, Bloodstone Amulet, Potion of Insight, Bolt +2 x40, Arrows of Ice x40, Bullets +3 x30, Liquid Mercury <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 15) The fight with Sendai is imminent, but before we go confront her, there are some items we should make. We've obtained the Eye of Tyr, the Skull of the Lich, the Heart of the Damned, the Bowstring of Gond, and Liquid Mercury. With those items in hand I will upgrade three items I've been using for a while now, and with the Liquid Mercury I'll finally create a worthy off-hand weapon for my protagonist: Angurvadal +5 (10000 gold) (Angurvadal +4) (Liquid Mercury) Now this is more like it. It raises your Strength to 22 and protects you from level drain when equipped. For Fighter/Thieves and other two-weapon Fighters, this is the protection from level drain you've been waiting for. Late, sure, but here, nonetheless. Angurvadal +5

functions as a weaker Crom Faeyr, its bonuses make it appealing as an off-hand weapon more than anything else. My evil protagonist warmly embraces the Strength boost, and retires the Equalizer. With her bonus Strength from the trials in hell at the end of Shadows of Amn, her strength is 24 while wielding Angurvadal. Not too shabby. Carsomyr +6 (5000 gold) (Carsomyr +5) (Eye of Tyr) There's no real brain-work to be done here, this upgrade takes the best Paladin weapon in the game and makes it just a little bit better. One might say, it doesn't seem fair, Carsomyr was already godly before. And they're right. It's not fair. But it's not fair in a way that benefits us. Keldorn cries tears of righteous fury for all evil critters in his path, I'm sure. Darkfire Bow +5 (5000 gold) (Bowstring of Gond) (Darkfire Bow +4) Supposedly the best Short Bow in the game... I prefer the Short Bow of Gesen, myself. Less THAC0, more damage, and it doesn't use up the Bowstring of Gond, which is the most competed-over component in the game. Firetooth +5 (5000 gold) (Bowstring of Gond) (Firetooth +4) Now this is better. The Bowstring of Gond doesn't make Firetooth much better, but unlike its competitors-Darkfire and Taralash-Firetooth is already a weapon that's good enough to be used. I don't think that Darkfire or Taralash beat the competition even with the Bowstring of Gond, so why bother using it on weapons that aren't up to snuff when I can use it on a great weapon like Firetooth and make it greater? Purifier +5 (5000 gold) (Eye of Tyr) (Purifier +4) This weapon is really, really trying to be Carsomyr, and with the upgrade... it actually comes close. If you're a Paladin married to a shield, this is the best you can get, and really, it's not bad. 30% magic resistance, Dispel Magic twice/day, Mass Cure once/day, and +5 damage versus Chaotic Evil foes immitates Carsomyr... Only Carsomyr Dispels Magic each hit, has 50% magic resistance, and gets up to a +6 enchantment. It makes a respectable attempt... Still, Carsomyr it is not. Runehammer +5 (5000 gold) (Runehammer +4) (Rune of Clangeddin) The Runehammer +5 gains the ability to raise your Strength to 22 once per day (I don't see why this couldn't have been a permanent effect), protects you from fear, casts Mass Cure once per day, and deals two more points of damage to undead. Best of all, it goes up to a +5 enchantment. Spectral Brand +5 (5000 gold)

(Skull of the Lich) (Spectral Brand +4) An instrument of unholy death it may well be, but I put it in the hands of my Druid, nonetheless. Jaheira can't really ask for a better weapon, which is good, because there's not one out there for her. It now gives her Negative Plane Protection while equipped and can boost her THAC0 by ten for three rounds. The +5 enchantment and extra cold damage helps, too. Sword of Mask +5 (5000 gold) (Heart of the Damned) (Sword of Mask +4) Well, this is the best Short Sword in the game, and big surprise, it's not too impressive. Sure the the Entanglement for 24 seconds (four rounds) is nice, but compared to other common debilitating weapons, it just doesn't stack up. Also the 15% chance to level drain seems decent at first, but think of the level most enemies are now. Think of how many hits that would take to significantly weaken them, much less kill them? I mean, Axe of the Unyielding and the Ravager have a 10% chance to KILL, and Flail of the Ages has a 33% chance to Slow an enemy. Entangled enemies can still fight back. Dead ones cannot, and slowed ones are at a severe disadvantage. If you're not sold on this, there's another weapon we'll find that can be upgraded with the Heart of the Damned. Taralash +5 (5000 gold) (Bowstring of Gond) (Taralash +4) Another bow upgrade which fails to impress me. I still prefer the Mana Bow's magic resistance to Taralash's increased movement rate. I prefer it so much, that like the Gesen Bow, I'm willing to accept a +4 weapon over a +5 weapon. There's better uses for the Bowstring of Gond. Well, that's one heaping helping of new gear, including as many essential and potent upgrades as we've received at once since the beginning of the game. With this new arsenal, how could Sendai possibly hope to stand against us? Okay, a few +1 bonuses to attack and damage aren't going to change the game, but a little encouragement can go a long way. Rest up and head back to Sendai's Enclave, now substantially better equipped than we were when we left. Sendai's Sanctum (AR6108) o======================================================================o 16) Spell-buff as much as possible and head through the door at (x=1100, y=100). Sendai is, of course, not happy to see you, but at least she prepared a surprise for you. You don't get to just fight Sendai herself, you get to fight a number of statue-Sendai of varying classes before the real Sendai shows up. They come at you one at a time (fortunately) and every time you kill one some Drow will show up at the western exit. And not the weaker Drow, but Drow with spells, Hardiness, Greater Whirlwind, and all that other bad news. The key is preparation-have as many instances of Breach and Pierce Magic as you can get. When Sendai's statues put up defenses, rip them down and kill them. You'll also need plenty of True Sight spells. The biggest task you have to accomplish to to stem the flow of Drow from the west, which can be accomplished by summoning a Deva and an Elemental Prince and using them to hold off the Drow. One won't last an entire fight,

however, so Jaheira prepares two. While the summons hold the west, the party focuses their full and undivided attention on Sendai. In this fight it's a good idea to keep some characters firing at a range, since the pedestals upon which Sendai's statues stand can only be assailed by a few characters at once. Don't just click to attack Sendai and expect your mindless party members to make space for each other, either. The first two Sendai statues are spell casters, while the third is a Thief. Next you have to face a Berserker, then another spell caster who'll try to break up the party with Symbol spells, a Fighter, then another Thief. Once they're all dead Sendai herself will show up. She can summon Invisible Stalkers to harass you, and if she's under pressure she'll 'twist her onyx ring' to teleport away. This is when Edwin/Imoen use a Time Stop to debuff her and hit the room with some offensive spells, and my protagonist does his best to follow up with a Time Stop/Greater Whirlwind sequence of his own. Stay on top of Sendai, and when she dies, the fight ends. Note: I've had Sendai glitch out on me before. As I was fighting her, she apparently became immortal and remained stuck at 'Near Death' status. She stopped attacking, but there really wasn't much I could do besides reload. I suspect this was because Minsc scored a vorpal hit on her and somehow her dying conversation didn't trigger. ***REWARD*** (For defeating Sendai) EXP 40000 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 17) Once you stand victorious you'll be whisked away to deal with the Solar again. Now you'll deal with your present, not your past. Gee, I wonder what our next topic will be? The Solar will continue with its vagueries, you'll counsel yourself, and when you're done learning nothing you'll get some experience and another part of the Pocket Plane will open up. Finally you'll be returned to Sendai's Enclave to do the best part of any battle-the looting! You'll get more Katanas +2 and Potions of Superior Healing than you can shake a stick at, along with Drow crap, Onyx Rings, Gold Rings, and other various potions as they suited Sendai's statues. Sendai herself drops a lot of Drow crap, but of interest she'll leave behind a Wand of Cursing, Wong Feis' Ioun Stone, and Studded Leather of Thorns +6. The Ioun Stone actually seems like it might be worth using, as its Armor Class bonus, +15 Hit Points, and regeneration are awfully enticing, even though it doesn't protect against critical hits. Still... one untimely critical hit can affect a negatively battle more than its bonuses witll benefit us. The Armor of Thorns is quite obsolete compared to the White Dragon Scale, however. Go through the portal at (x=650, y=600) to teleport to the forest outside of Sendai's Enclave. The Bhaalspawn left to hunt are getting thinner by the day. Before we pick on Abazigal, however, let's head back to the Pocket Plane to finish the next challenge. ***REWARD*** (For enduring more revelations) EXP 10000 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 18) Head south into the new challenge area, where you'll confront yourself again. This time, the aspect of you that needs to be overcome is doubt. Doubt kept you humble, innocent, and away from the taint. Of course, it also kept you weak, naive, and vulnerable. To have doubt now is to sacrifice everything we've gained, and jeopardize our future ambitions, be they greedy or benevolent Once you deny doubt, one way or the other, it'll turn into a Slayer and attack. Put it down and this challenge is over.

***REWARD*** (For overcoming your doubt) EXP 30000 (protagonist) EXP 25000 (each character, save the protagonist) o======================================================================o | | | Abazigal | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK059} 1) Draconis 2) Abazigal's Lair 3) Breath Potion 4) Olhydra, Prince of Water 5) Moribund Monk's Mission 6) Eyeball Extermination 7) Iycanth's Request 8) Retrieving the Eyestalk 9) Violence Always Solves Everything 10) Role Reversal 11) Earning Experience 12) Fll'Yissetat's Lair 13) Showdown With Abazigal 14) There Can Be Only One 15) Crafting With Cespenar IX 16) Fending Off the Favored Abazigal's Lair, Exterior (AR6000) o======================================================================o 1) Leave the forest outside of Sendai's Enclave by the means most convenient to you and travel to Abazigal's Lair. I cast some of my longer-lasting spell buffs like Stoneskin, Blur, and Remove Fear before continuing forward to meet Draconis (x=780, y=880), Abazigal's son (technically, he's also our nephew!) and the first guardian we'll need to dispose of. I approach with only my protagonist, as Draconis' first several acts will be to cast Stoneskin, Haste, Symbol: Fear, Mislead, and let loose a Horrid Wilting which I really don't need to catch my party in. After his first assault is over with Keldorn uses True Sight, Imoen uses Breach, my protagonist casts Haste and I attack in earnest. I ignore the Invisible Stalkers he summons, and when he puts up his first Protection from Magical Weapon Imoen hits him with Breach again and the party should finish him off. After defeating his humanoid form, he'll taunt us and transform into a Dragon. We could summon some allies at this point, but many of them would fall to Draconis' dragon fear, so there's little point. Instead, Edwin/Imoen cast a Time Stop and hit Draconis with two Pierce Magics and a Breach, which should remove his defenses. Then my melee Fighters run up and try and hit him with as many Greater Whirlwinds as possible. Draconis is an odd sort of Dragon, as he uses Wing Buffet fairly often, along with Remove Magic. He's also fond of going invisible, so he needs to be kept honest with constant True Sight spells. Hit him when and where you can. When he becomes 'Badly Injured' my protagonist ideally tries to get off his Time Stop/Greater Whirlwind sequence to put Draconis down. The evil party has a much harder time with this fight than the good party, thanks to Keldorn's ability to quickly use True Sight whenever needed, whereas the evil party has to spend a good bit of time casting. Also, there's no hope of a Time Stop/Greater Whirlwind sequence near the end to seal the dealyou'll just have to stay on him, expend a whole lot of True Sights, and hope for the best. When he falls, loot his body for Tzu-Zan's Bracers,

which can only be used by Monks. Of course, my Fighter/Mage/Thief could also use them with the 'Use Any Item' ability... but I prefer the Wondrous Gloves... Also grab Draconis' Head, which we'll need to get into Abazigal's Lair. Pretty gruesome key, don't you think? Thank Michael Bell for his voice work with Draconis and enter Abazigal's Lair (x=500, y=700). Abazigal's Lair (AR6001) o======================================================================o 2) As soon as you enter the area, have your Thief detect traps, as you are literally standing on one, and any movement forward with any character save the unfortunate front-character (party position slot #4) will result in it triggering. This problem is intensified by the fact that you'll be attacked by a Greater Werewyvern and some Lesser Earth Elementals, the former of which can cause trouble for a single, unsupported Fighter. When the Greater Werewyvern dies, loot its body for a Scroll of Stone to Flesh and an 'Empty Breath Potion Flask'. Given the unusual drops, we should assume they're meant for something. ***TRAPS*** (x=1070, y=900) (x=660, y=280) Frost Salamander Cave (AR6008) and Breath Potion Room (AR6012) o======================================================================o 3) There are four hot-springs in this room which can be explored, and since Abazigal locked his doors, these underwater tunnels are indeed our only work-around. Most of them can't be traversed yet, since we just can't hold our breath long enough, so head into the spring at (x=300, y=600) to surface in a room full of Frost Salamanders (AR6008). Kill them and exit at the southwestern end of the cavern (x=200, y=800) to reach a rather well-furnished room occupied by a pair of Bone Fiends. Smash them and loot the room before activating the pool at (x=300, y=450) to obtain the Breath Potion. Note From Lee: The entrance to the chamber (where you first appear to fight the Frost Salamandars) is a great place to grind for experience. Resting triggers three of the buggers, and they aren't nearly as hard to kill as their 9000 XP each would seem to indicate. ***ITEMS*** (x=420, y=150) Arrows +3 x40, Bolts +3 x40, Bullets +3 x40 (x=500, y=250) Scroll of Stone to Flesh (x=600, y=200) Arrows x120, Bolts x120, Bullets x120, Darts x120 ***TRAPS*** (x=420, y=150) Kuo-Toa Chambers (AR6002) o======================================================================o 4) Return to the first chamber and investigate the hot springs. Two of them still require us to obtain a rope so we can navigate them, so, despite the illusion of choice, the only way we can proceed is to head into the spring at (x=900, y=750). When you surface, you'll be confronted by a mob of Kuo-Toa Archers and Warriors that foolishly charge through a narrow tunnel. I equip many of my characters with ranged weapons just so they can participate. Hitting the Kuo-Toa with area-of-effect spells doesn't hurt, either, although they are resistant to Horrid Wilting, so go with Comet, if you have the option. Why are fish-men resistant to dehydration? You'd think that they'd be

particulary susceptible to Horrid Wilting... Ah well. In the room to the west is a Kuo-Toa Priest and two Greater Water Elementals (which resemble Water Weirds more than anything else). You can't attack the Water Elementals in melee, so I just bring forth my protagonist (protected by Stoneskin to serve as a target) and let my ranged attackers safely take the elementals down. To the north you'll find a Kuo-Toa Captain and two more Greater Water Elementals. From here, head west to confront another Kuo-Toa Priest, two Greater Water Elementals, and Olhydra, who can decimate characters at close-range (especially with its aura), but unlike the Greater Water Elementals it doesn't seem to have a ranged option. For it's lack of foresight, I shoot it to death from a safe distance. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) Now head to the east and dispatch a Kuo-Toa Whip guarding a Monk. Pick/Knock the locked door and approach to coax him to initiate dialogue with you. He'll tell you that Abazigal's caverns are connected by underground tunnels (I think we knew that already...) and that we need a rope to explore the longer, darker, more convoluted tunnels. Fortunately, the Monk just so happened to be able to hide a rope which is long enough to allow you to navigate through the tunnels. How did he hide a rope that must be scores of feet long? Don't think about it too much. Not only that, but he'll tell you that he brought a 'Scroll of Reversal' with him which serves a two-fold purpose. First, a sheDragon is geased to serve Abazigal and the scroll can free it. Second, the scroll will dispel the wards keeping Abazigal's sanctuary sealed. Without this most fortuitous encounter, we'd have had no way to reach Abazigal's chamber, much less breach it. The Scroll, however, was taken from him and (he can hide a huge bundle of rope, but not a piece of paper?) and likely lies within the dungeon somewhere. After telling you all that, the Monk dies and the game makes certain to note that healing him was impossible and his death most permanent. As opposed to all the other deaths in this game that we took for granted as permanent? He'll leave behind Hindo's Hand when he dies, so be sure to pick it up. Cavern of Iycanth the Mad (AR6003) o======================================================================o 6) Return to the main chamber and go into the northernmost of the two unexplored springs (x=600, y=650). In this cavern you'll find a host of eyeball enemies milling around. Seekers cast low-level spells like Magic Missile, Aganazzar's Scorcher, Melf's Acid Arrow, and Flame Arrow, and Eagle Eyes shoot missiles at you, which appear to be normal missiles but are, in fact, magical. Neither one can overcome the Cloak of Mirroring, however, and we know what that means-my protagonist sweeps the area while the helpless enemies attack to no avail. Sentinels summon low-level enemies, and Vigilants... I have no idea, float around and make magical effects appear on you? <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 7) Continue to the north until you run across Iycanth the Mad, who is well deserving of the title. If you're nice and direct and ask him for the Scroll of Reversal, he'll tell you that around here adventurers work for their scrolls of reversal, and ask you to retrieve the eyestalk of an invading Gauth he chased away a few days ago. You can certainly choose the violent route, but in this instance it's far more amusing and rewarding to go along with it. Say that this task is beneath you (being an uber-powered Bhaalspawn and all) and he'll suggest sub-contracting the job to the three petrified adventurers nearby. First I'll discuss the violent, unimaginative route (Steps #8-9), then I'll deal with the preferable route. Gauth's Chamber (AR6011)

o======================================================================o 8) Go through the hot spring at (x=1100, y=700) to encounter the Gauth and his Kobold companions-or were they Elder Orbs? Unfortunately, they were Elder Orbs, and there's no real chance to force them to attack a specific party member, like Jaheira. Instead, cast Death Ward on everybody and Haste the party up and try and destroy the Elder Orbs as fast as possible. Using a Time Stop/Greater Whirlwind sequence may help, too (my protagonist regularly was able to kill two Elder Orbs in one sequence, Stoneskins and all, and sometimes he was able to nail three, if he scored a vorpal hit with the Axe of the Unyielding). At our level we can come through this with no casualties, so long as we have just a little luck and are rather aggressive. Once they're dead loot the Gauth for its eyestalk. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 9) Return to the previous area and go through the hot spring at (x=500, y=800) to reach Iycanth the Mad. If you chased him away with hostility before, he'll immediately turn hostile and summon allies. If you were nice, however, you can talk to him and commence hostilities, which is in every way preferable since you can then choose who to approach him with. Having him focus on my protagonist is far more useful than having him pick on my 5th and 6th party slot characters. He'll summon an Eagle Eye, a Sentinel, a Gorgon Eye, an Eye of the Dead, and an Eye of the Beholder. The Eye of the Dead summons various weak undead to bother you, while the Eye of the Beholder acts... just like a Beholder. The Gorgon Eye shoots out ranged attacks that can affect the whole party with Flesh to Stone, although it has to hit the character it's attacking to force the rest of the party to save against the effect (save vs. spells). If it focuses on the character wearing the Cloak of Mirroring, however, its attacks will be utterly ineffectual. My plan for this fight? I move my Mages from the back of the party to the front, so they're nowhere near the enemies when the fight starts and so my most well protected characters (my protagonist with the Cloak of Mirroring and Jaheira with the Shield of Balduran and a -11 Armor Class) are in the back of the party roster-and hence near where the enemies will spawn. Edwin/Imoen then casts Time Stop and proceeds to blast the enemies with as many Comets as possible, and Horrid Wilting, which together should destroy all of the eyeball monsters, and leave Iycanth alone and vulnerable, if not dead. Why bother building up an elaborate strategy if you can just blast the enemies into oblivion? Iycanth will leave behind the Scroll of Reversal when he dies. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 10) On the other hand, for a more amusing and rewarding experience use a Scroll of Stone to Flesh on one of the petrified adventurers to free them all. Bondari, Tim Goldenhand, and Nanoc the Barbarian are now at your service, and you find yourself taking the opposite role you've been accustomed to occupying these two games-you're now the mysterious quest-giver, and they, the eager, power-hungry adventurers looking to make a name for themselves. I cheese this up as much as possible, allowing my protagonist to make grand, sweeping narrative strokes as he sends these out-matched adventurers on what is truly a minor little fetch-quest. I offer them 100 gold for the task, at which they can barely contain their excitement to get under way. Several days later, they return, scheming as I'm sure we so often have schemed. They suppose (correctly) that, being a powerful quest-giving character, we must have good loot, and perhaps it would be more rewarding to just kill us for our stuff than complete the quest. Of course, their innovative tactics of Magic Missile, backstab, and attack are not nearly enough to take on our super-Bhaalspawn protagonist, who turns into the Slayer and kills them all. Bondari, realizing that this was not such a good idea promptly reloads the game and decides to just give us the the

Gauth's Eyestalk we sent them after... as well as the Bronze Pantalettes. After that, they depart, ending what is perhaps the most amusing RPG segment outside of Summoner's (PS1) idle-title cutscene. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 11) Take the Gauth's Eyestalk to go through the hot spring at (x=500, y=800) to reach Iycanth the Mad. Talk to him and give him his Gauth's Eyestalk for a suitable reward (far more experience than if you had just kill the Gauth and Elder Orbs yourself (which you can still go do, by the way). You can also fiddle around with some eggs (x=440, y=400), which will spit out various eye minions (Eye of the Beholder, Eye of the Dead, or a Gorgon Eye). You can summon up ten enemies in this way, and since each one gives either 12,000 or 15,000 experience, it's a good 120,000+ experience. What's more, you can now dispose of Iycanth, and you can do so on your own terms. I approach with my protagonist, who is more or less invulnerable to whatever the eyeballs can throw at him. Imoen/Edwin casts Time Stop and hits the enemies with several Comets and/or Horrid Wilting spells to decimate the hostiles (see Step #9 for more information). Between the eyeball eggs, Iycanth and his minions, and the Elder Orbs, we can earn ourselves a hefty 250,000~ experience, not including what we gained from giving Iycanth the Gauth Eyestalk. Now that's some experience! ***ITEMS*** (x=500, y=300) Andar Gem, Potion of Superior Healing (x=600, y=250) Scroll of Stone to Flesh, Juggernaut Golem Page ***REWARD*** (For giving Iycanth the Gauth's Eyestalk) EXP 30000 (each character) Item Scroll of Reversal Fll'Yissetat's Lair (AR6004) o======================================================================o 12) Exit the level at (x=1250, y=1800) and go into the hot spring at (x=600, y=850) to reach Fll'Yissetat, the Green Dragon Abazigal has geased into guarding his chambers. Use the Scroll of Reversal to free the Dragon for some experience, or kill it. Better yet, do both by freeing her, then telling her to show you some respect afterwards. Standard Dragon fight rules apply-if you spell-buff before you get too close. If you spell-buff nearby, she-like Saladrex-will attack. She fights alot like Nizidramanii'yt did back in Shadows of Amn-keep an eye out for Plant Growth (which acts like Entangle) and Creeping Doom. Also, she uses a rather potent acid breath weapon with the area-of-effect of Saladrex's fiery breath. Prepare some Protection from the Elements spells to protect your weaker party members and prevent her from oneshotting them with her breath weapon. Keep up the pressure and use a few Greater Whirlwind attacks and she'll fall easily enough. She'll leave behind Abazigal's Wardstone and a Ring of Improved Invisibility. ***REWARD*** (For using the Scroll of Reversal to free Fll'Yissetat) EXP 10000 (each character) Abazigal's Lair (AR6005) o======================================================================o 13) Head over to Abazigal's Lair (x=100, y=1000). Before we even consider attacking Abazigal, scout around the room and note where the Frost Salamanders are. Our first order of business is to hunt them down and kill them. My good protagonist attacks them in melee with ranged support while my evil protagonist just does hit-and-run backstabs. Kill all of Abazigal's minions without bringing him into view. Since he's

located in the middle of the level, this isn't very difficult to do. Once all his minions are dead, I position myself along the southern edge of the area and cast my longer-lasting spell-buffs (Blur, Stoneskin, Iron Skin, Remove Fear, and the obligatory Haste). You should also consider preparing up and casting as many instances of Protection from Electricity (a 5th-level Mage spell) as you can-or if you find yourself short of Breach spells, settle for Protection from the Elements instead (7th-level Mage spell). The former is preferable due to its duration-at one turn per level, there's no chance of it ending before you're done with Abazigal... although the one round per level on Protection from the Elements might suffice. After clearing out his minions and buffing, I take my party north (leading with my protagonist) and engage Abazigal (after the obligatory shit-talking). Protected by Stoneskin, my party can gang up on Abazigal and take him down without my protagonist suffering any damage. Like Draconis, after his biped form dies he'll turn into a Dragon and attack. Now I summon allies and attack Abazigal in earnest. The reason we attacked from the south instead of charging from the east where we entered is simple-when he Wing Buffets, I don't want him to knock my characters into the narrow entrance area. He can block that entire area with his body, and fighting a Dragon without room to maneuver is not a good idea. He starts out with Improved Haste, Righteous Magic, Spell Turning, and Armor of Faith active. Imoen/Edwin start out with a Time Stop sequence, followed by Pierce Magic, Breach, and Lower Resistance to remove as many of his defenses as possible and open him to further spell abuse. Still, it's most likely going to be melee that wins the day, and with a full compliment of summons and all my warriors using Greater Whirlwind Attack, it's only a matter of time before he goes down. My protagonist withdraws once Abazigal hits 'Injured' status or lower and begins his own Time Stop sequence with the goal of smashing Abazigal with Greater Whirlwind Attacks. When he falls, he will, like Sendai, proclaim himself victorious in death and you'll be whisked away to your Pocket Plane. Since we killed Abazigal second, we'll be treated to a cutscene showing Balthazar turning on Melissan, thus spelling out our next target. ***REWARD*** (For defeating Abazigal) EXP 40000 (each character) ***REWARD*** (For... watching Balthazar imprison Melissan?) EXP 4000 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 14) This time the Solar speaks to you about the remaining part of the prophecy, but fortunately it summons Yaga-Shura to tell us about the Five. The Five, Sarevok, and ourselves presumably controlled the most of Bhaal's essence, and the more of our siblings that died and 'returned to the source' as it were, the closer Bhaal's resurrection came. Now there are just two of us left-ourselves and Balthazar, and a reckoning is inevitable. We get more experience for just listening to the speech, and when its done, we're returned to Abazigal's Lair, to loot as we will. Abazigal will leave behind Gram the Sword of Grief +5, the Flail Head (Electric), and Blue Dragon Scales. Once you've gathered these items, head through the portal at (x=800, y=400) to exit Abazigal's Lair. Elminster will show up and tell us-at length-that we need to get inside Balthazar's monastery and bring the fight to him, before he brings the fight to us, and that Saemon Havarian, our old friend, might just be our key. ***REWARD*** (For enduring even more revelations)

EXP 10000 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 15) Of course, before we return to Amkethran, however, let's pay Cespenar another visit: Blue Dragon Plate (5000 gold) (Blue Dragon Scale) There's not much to say about this armor, it's essentially the same thing as Red Dragon Scale, with the same Armor Class bonus, and the same restrictions (no sneaking, no spells.) There's only two differences, instead of 50% fire resistance you get 90% lightning resistance. Fire is arguably more common than lightning, but even more prevalent in Throne of Bhaal are death spells, Horrid Wilting, and status-effecting spells, so the difference is rather moot. The other difference? It's blue, not red. Let your aesthetics be your guide. By the way, is it just me, or is making armor out of your brother's hidedragon or not-just a little creepy? Flail of the Ages +5 (5000 gold) (Flail Head (Electrical)) (Flail of the Ages +4) The awesome get awesomer... more awesome? Either way, this last head exceeds all our expectations by not just adding another head and boosting the Flail of the Ages to a +5 weapon, it also increases all the elemental damage by a point as well. 1d6 +5, +4 elemental damage (10-16 damage) becomes 1d6 +6, +10 elemental damage (17-22 damage). Not only that, but the Flail of the Ages +5 now adds a cherished +5% to Magic Resistance and gives the user Free Action, freeing up the need for a Ring of Free Action. Truly, it's hard to imagine a better weapon for a Cleric... or a Fighter, or anybody, for that matter. This might just be the best one-handed weapon in the game, but if you refuse to choose between the Flail of the Ages and Axe of the Unyielding, just use both. Gram the Sword of Grief +5 (5000 gold) (Gram the Sword of Grief +5) (Heart of the Damned) Now this is more like it. It gives a chance to drain a level every hit (not the 15% chance like the Short Sword of Mask +5) with a save of -5. In effect, that's about a 25% chance to drain a level, which is blatantly superior to the Short Sword of Mask. Call me crazy, too, but I prefer the 2d12 poison damage over the Entanglement any day. Lastly, Magic Resistance is always nice, and something to keep an eye out for, especially in big magic battles that characterize Throne of Bhaal. Unfortunately, the Ravager +6 is by far the best two-handed weapon in the game, and Gram, as much as it tries, just can't compete. Against enemies immune to vorpal effects, (think bosses) it might be better to try and weaken them with this weapon, then fish for the one-hit kill that will never come. Still, it's a better weapon than the Short Sword of Mask, and hence a better use for the Heart of the Damned. Hindo's Doom +4 (5000 gold) (Hindo's Doom) (Hindo's Hand) You really can't argue that Hindo's Doom is a fine weapon, although its merits lie mostly with its defensive properties, as a +4 Katana with no bonus damage doesn't impress anybody anymore. On the other hand, its

10% magic resistance and immunity to death magic is worth looking at. Since it's a defensive weapon, this means one thing-it's worth looking at in the off-hand, as our main-hand weapon (which receives most of our attacks per round) is dominated by great offensive weapons like Axe of the Unyielding and Flail of the Ages. I compare this weapon to Angurvadal, the leading competitor for my off-hand... but it's difficult to argue against the Strength boost offered by Angurvadal. Juggernaut Golem Manual (15000 gold) (Juggernaut Golem Page) (Stone Golem Manual*) The final upgrade for the Golem Manual, and this time it actually is an upgrade, although it's still a mixed blessing. First, since I ignored the Stone Golem 'upgrade' earlier, I saved myself 10,000 gold, since the manual can skip upgrades. The Juggernaut Golem itself is a fair bit more potent than the Clay Golem, as a look at its stats will clearly indicate. It also absorbs hits for the summoner, like Stoneskin does, and this is the contentious point for this summon. For a Mage like Edwin or Imoen, it works fine-they won't be getting hit much anyways. But I had been using the manual with my Fighter/Mage, who was able to use Vhailor's Helm to create a simulacrum which could in turn summon another Golem. Cheap, but effective. But after absorbing five hits the Golem will vanish, and its long been my strategy to absorb punishment with my protagonist. This effectively reduces the Golem's lifespan, since my protagonist is likely to sustain five hits rather quickly in most fights. Of course, I can still do the double-summon and send my Golems up first and let them go out the good old-fashioned way; by taking damage or after 10 rounds. It's a change of strategy, sure, and it's not an entirely helpful one, but the combat stats on the upgraded Golem should more than make up for this potential defect. On the plus side, Iron Golems take up a huge amount of space and can block enemy advances, they're resistant to damage, deal a tremendous 8d8, +2d6 damage (10-60 damage) and can stun enemies, and with a THAC0 of -1, they might even land a hit or two. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 16) Now, as is normal for our post-Cespenar session, it's time to complete the test that was opened up for us. I send my party down into the new southeastern chamber, where Cyric will meet us. The current Lord of Murder wants to check up on the potential competition, and at length he decides that a 'test' isn't out of bounds for this place. He'll tell you to prepare, and prepare I shall. I give my protagonist the Gargoyle Boots for this fight and spell-buffs himself as much as he can, while the rest of the party hides on the stairs to the northwest. Three 'Favored of Cyric' will appear and attack, and they're high level assassins who can go invisible constantly and cut down strong Fighters with astonishing speed. They should, however, attack my protagonist. He's compelled to attack when he can and keep up Stoneskin constantly. The rest of the party attacks and should be able to slay them, now that they're focused on my protagonist. When the last one dies, you'll get the typical experience reward. ***REWARD*** (For overcoming your father's successor) EXP 30000 (protagonist) EXP 25000 (each character, save the protagonist) o======================================================================o | | | Balthazar | | |

o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK060} 1) Big Metal Unit 2) Saemon's Snare 2) The Direct Route 3) Faheed and Majira 5) Showdown with Balthazar 6) Amelyssan the Usurper 7) Potential Kerrick's Smithy (AR5502) o======================================================================o 1) Return to Amkethran. First thing we should do is head to Kerrick's Smithy (x=3050, y=850) and talk to Kerrick. If you have the Golden Pantaloons, the Silver Pantaloons, and the Bronze Pantalettes he'll put them through the Pantaloon Ergo-Magical Transmogrifier and make a set of Power Pantaloon Battle Armor-or the Big Metal Unit. This 'armor' bestows an Armor Class of -10, and by installing the Big Metal Rod (acts as a Bow or Crossbow, for determining who can use it) allows the wearer of the armor to use a variety of ammunition. Of course, it makes you look and move like a big freaky Adamantite Golem. Anyways, use it or not, the most important thing about this Step in the guide is the fact that I can now combine the two files that comprise this FAQ. What, you didn't think I had the Walk-though and the Indexes on the same file while I wrote this, did you? Silly goose, I'm far too lazy to scroll up and down every time I kill a new monster or find a new item that needs to be recorded. Anyways, it's a solemn moment that indicates to me that this FAQ is almost done, and I just thought I'd share it with my future readers. You're welcome. There are three ways to enter the Monastery, which I'll detail below. The only way to do all three is to follow Saemon's route first, then leave the Monastery grounds and kill all the Mercenaries and Monks that spawn, then go get the key to the Graveyard from Jaheed and Majira. Of course, there's no need to do this unless you're in desperate need of experience, but still. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 2) Perhaps the least appealing way to reach Balthazar is via Saemon Havarian. Enter the Smuggler's Cave at (x=2800, y=700) and talk to Saemon. If you decide to work with him you'll find that his master plan is to use some outfits he found to disguise yourselves. With the disguises and Saemon's knowledge of what to say, you should be able to convince the guards to let you in. His other route is to refer you to Faheed and Majira (see Step #4, below.) Agree to follow Saemon's plan and he will indeed get you inside the gate. Once inside the Monastery grounds, however, it'll be revealed that Saemon was collaborating with Balthazar. Like earlier in the game we were to be drugged by Saemon and delivered to our enemies. Unfortunately for Balthazar, however, he earned the ire of Saemon, who chose to not drug us this time. This time Saemon's shifty nature works in our favor, and he leaves us-quite in command of our senses and dangerous-to fight two Fighters, a Monk, and two Mages. It sounds like it could be rough, but a single Time Stop Sequence ends all effective resistance, as Imoen/Edwin blasts the Mages to death with Comets and/or Horrid Wilting, and the survivors are mopped up by our melee Fighters. Enter the Monastery at (x=1450, y=400) or leave the Monastery grounds (x=400, y=900). <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 3) If you walk right up to the gates (or leave the grounds after Saemon sneaks you in) you'll have to fight hordes of Monks and Mercenaries. They might seem endless, but they're not, and if you survive their damage and Quivering Palms, it's a good way to net some

late game experience. Since I'm still only at 7,000,000 experience points, I welcome every bit of experience I can get as I near the end of the game. One of the many corpses can be looted for a Monastery Gate Key, which can now be simply breached (x=800, y=1300). Faheed and Majira's House (AR5508) o======================================================================o 4) Go talk to Zakee Rafeha in his tavern and ask if he knows a way into the Monastery, and he'll refer you to a pair of adventurers named Faheed and Majira. They live at the house at (x=3400, y=250), and if you talk to them they'll admit to having a key with which you can gain access into the Monastery. Either tell them you're looking to kill Balthazar or kill them and take the key. Their loot and experience is a perk, but it's not so great that there's any real impetus to kill them. When they leave the house (or this life), you can safely loot the house. Like it matters anymore. Leave Faheed and Majira's House (Khalid and Jaheira?) and enter the Graveyard at (x=1900, y=800). Go up the ladder and through the casket at (x=800, y=200). Note that characters with a low Dexterity might fail to climb the ladder and take some damage. Just keep trying and they'll get up there eventually. ***ITEMS*** (x=200, y=200) 120 gold (x=520, y=220) Rogue Stone, Emerald, Diamond x2, Pearl x3, Plate Mail +1 Balthazar's Monastery (AR5505) o======================================================================o 5) Once in Balthazar's Monastery, spell-buff up. You'll be fighting lots of Monks just dying to hit you with Quivering Palm, so be prepared and keep your characters with low saves safe. Balthazar will exchange words with you, pointing out Melissan as the mastermind of the conspiracy that formed the Five-and apparently destroyed it. Balthazar, however, is a different sort of Bhaalspawn. His intent is to destroy the rest of the Bhaalspawn, then kill himself, thus preventing the taint of Bhaal from ever returning. Naturally, a fight ensues. Balthazar has a host of abilities, but I use a Greater Whirlwind Attack with all my Fighters and rush him, which is sufficient to kill him. It's an incredibly uninspiring fight. The only things you need to watch out for is his Lunar Stance, which can lower your saves and make it much more likely that you'll get nailed by a Quivering Palm. Other than that, just focus on Balthazar himself and ignore his cronies. ***REWARD*** (For defeating Balthazar) EXP 40000 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 6) Again you'll be returned to the Pocket Plane for another session with your Solar. This time it will summon up Melissan and reveal the plans of the puppet master herself. She'll reveal herself to be Amelyssan the Blackhearted, High Matriarch and Deathstalker of Bhaal. During the Time of Troubles Bhaal came to her, his greatest mortal servant, and entrusted her with the rites that would resurrect Bhaal when the time came. Of course, the downside of being an evil deity is that your servants work for the cause itself, out of fear, and most of all-for power. Melissan has decided to take that power for herself, the more Bhaalspawn that died, the more power she had at her disposal. She led the Bhaalspawn to Saradush, where they were destroyed by Yaga-Shura, then she set us upon the Five, whom we killed one by one. All that remains for us to do is dismiss our Pocket Plane and confront Melissan at the Throne of Blood.

***REWARD*** (For enduring the Solar one final time) EXP 10000 (each character) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 7) You'll find yourself back in Balthazar's Monastery. You can loot his body for a Garnet, two King's Tears, an Emerald, three Diamonds, and 204 gold. Wee. Return to the Pocket Plane and head to the east, where the last test begins. You'll encounter the Ravager, the representation of your powers. It can summon Bone Blades, which can-in their numbersbe more damaging than The Ravager itself. Use Hardiness, Stoneskins, Iron Skin, Armor of Faith and anything else that'll protect you, as this is a straight melee fight. Comet and Horrid Wilting might get rid of some of the Bone Blades, but they'll just return. Use Greater Whirlwind Attacks and keep on top of The Ravager and it'll fall, eventually. Your last love-talk will occur, and all that's left is to rest up and prepare for the final fight. There's no finesse involved, it's going to be a pure endurance struggle against multiple rounds of foes. Buffs should be your primary focus-prepare plenty of Stoneskins, Iron Skins, and other defensive and debuffing spells. When you're ready, exit the Pocket Plane at (x=2000, y=1000). If you want to go level some more, by all means, go somewhere hostile and rest. Other than reaching the experience cap, however, there's nothing left to do. ***REWARD*** (For realizing your potential) EXP 30000 (protagonist) EXP 25000 (each character, save the protagonist) o======================================================================o | Chapter 10 | o======================================================================o | | | Throne of Bhaal | | | o======================================================================o Sequence of Events: {WLK061} 1) Melissan I 2) Yan-C-Bin 3) Melissan II 4) Cyronax 5) Melissan III 6) Infernal Females 7) To the Victor go the Spoils 1) As soon as we arrive in the Throne of Bhaal, Melissan will be there to welcome us. She'll throw up a Stoneskin and summon a pair of Bone Fiends. I expend no special effort or resources on this fight, my party rushes Melissan and beats her around until she flees. At which point Melissan will retreat to absorb more of Bhaal's essence and a path will appear to the southwest. Things will work like this for this entire level-defeat Melissan, then a part of the level will open up, guarded by some enemies. Kill them, cut off the pool that supplies her with power, and fight Melissan again. After each Melissan fight and each pool fight, heal up as necessary. She'll return stronger every fight. She ignores elemental damage (at least from weapons), can't be killed by vorpal hits (what a crappy end-boss that would be...), and resists about half of the physical damage she sustains. She's also got an impressive collection of spells, can do knockback attacks (like a Dragon's Wing Buffet) and is pretty dangerous in melee, too. Still, with overwhelming force she can be subdued, and by now many of my

Fighters have nearly a dozen Greater Whirlwind Attacks, and my Clerics can cast several Heal spells each. It will come in handy. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 2) To the southwest you'll find Yan-C-Bin, Elemental Prince of Air, who will summon some Vampiric Wraiths and Greater Air Elementals. There's not too much in the way of tactics involved here: Use your characters protected from level drains to focus on the Vampiric Wraiths, then smite the rest of the elementals in melee. Once everything is dead, activate the pool at (x=600, y=1400). <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 3) Melissan will show up again, this time she'll summon a Shadow Slayer to aid her, as well as some Bone Fiends. Since she's nastier this time around, I use a Greater Whirlwind with my Fighters to put the hurt on her, withdrawing wounded characters as necessary. With any luck, she'll focus on my protagonist, who is healing at six Hit Points per round and is therefore unlikely to need healing. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 4) Now the pool to the southeast opens up, which is guarded by another Elemental Prince-Cyronax, Elemental Prince of Ice. He'll summon up some Blizzard Trolls and Frost Salamanders. Again, it's a straight melee, and I try to use my protagonist to soak up as much damage as he can to avoid having to use healing magic. This is one of the few fights where offensive spells will pay off, and hitting Cyronax and his cronies with a Comet might be a good idea. Before the next round of combat I expend my first spell-buffs, Protection from Evil 10' Radius, Haste, and Stoneskin/Iron Skin. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 5) Activate the next pool (x=2000, y=1400) to bring Melissan back. I have Imoen/Edwin use the Staff of the Magi to go invisible (thankfully the Shadow Slayers cannot see invisible creatures) and immediately send the rest of my party to the north. Melissan will summon several Shadow Slayers, which I ignore. I focus on Melissan-who will teleport to the north behind the beam of energy-and try to hit her as much as possible. Her goal is to cast a Time Stop and wreak havoc on the party by summoning demons, casting Storm of Vengeance, or just attacking (perhaps mixed with a Power Word: Kill). In my experience, if she gets off this Time Stop, you might as well reload. After I'm sure she's been interrupted (I'm alive after a few moments) I use Greater Whirlwind Attacks with all my Fighters and quickly pummel her until she flees. <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 6) Now head to the northeast to encounter a powerful group of enemies, including an Alu-Fiend, a Succubus, a pair of Mariliths, and a Fallen Solar. I summon a Juggernaut Golem near them to draw their attention while the rest of my party quickly crosses and attacks the Solar with the sole intention of killing her before she gets off Creeping Doom. Then I focus on the Alu-Fiend and Succubus, who will try and Charm our party members ceaselessly. I ignore the Mariliths and endure their abuse for now, as they're just the lesser of the evils. Once everything else is dead they get my attention. I spell-buff to the max, summon some monsters to the south near where Melissan will spawn and hit the final pool (x=2000, y=450). <----------------------------------------------------------------------> 7) Melissan shows up for the last time and grudgingly acknowledges that you've exceeded even her expectations. This is the last round, and I found this fight to be much easier than the last-perhaps because I poured resources into it this time. As soon as she appears Imoen/Edwin hits her with Breach, and all my Fighters (including my simulacrum) use Greater Whirlwind Attack. Under such pressure there's little she can do but die. After she falls the Solar will show up and tell her that the gods have decreed this contest is over. Melissan will ultimately fail to control the stolen Bhaalspawn essences within her and will

collapse. Imoen now must make a choice-and she willingly gives up her Bhaalspawn taint, leaving us with the entire share of Bhaal's power. Now we must choose our destiny-we can either give up the taint which will be destroyed along with Melissan and live out our lives as a mortal being, or we can keep the power, and ascend to godhood. Watch the end movie we've earned and read the character bios for the party members we finished the game with. The Baldur's Gate saga is over. EVIL PARTY STATS: END OF CHAPTER 10 o======================================================================o Jaheira Fighter 22/Druid 19 Experience: 3600095/3600095 Max Hit Points: 140 Armor Class: -12 Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: Weapon Proficiencies Scimitar Dagger Club Quarter Staff Sling Sword and Shield Style Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon: 2 5 4 4 1 (-5) ++ ++ ++ ++ + ++

Shurrupak's Plate Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise Helm of Glory Harper Pin Spectral Brand +5 (THAC0: -10) Fire Tooth +3 (THAC0: -6) Shield: Darksteel Shield +4 Ring 1: Ring of Regeneration Ring 2: Heartwood Ring Cloak: Nymph Cloak Boots: Boots of Speed Belt: Girdle of Fire Giant Strength Misc 1: ... Misc 2: ... Misc 3: ... <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Korgan Berserker 36 Experience: 7114037 Max Hit Points: 216 Armor Class: -8 Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: Weapon Proficiencies Bastard Sword -1 (-2) -1 (-2) 2 (-2) 2 (-2) -1 (-2) +++

Axe War Hammer Two Weapon Style Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon:

+++++ +++++ +++

Red Dragon Scale Gauntlets of Dexterity Helmet of Defense Kaligun's Amulet of Magic Resistance Axe of the Unyielding +5 (THAC0: -14) Ras +2 (THAC0: -7) Ilbratha +1 (THAC0: -6) Runehammer +5 (THAC0: -14) Shield: Crom Faeyr +5 (THAC0: -12) Ring 1: Ring of Anti-Venom Ring 2: Ring of Earth Control Cloak: Cloak of the Sewers Boots: Boots of Speed Belt: Girdle of Piercing Misc 1: .. Misc 2: Book of Infinite Spells Misc 3: Silver Horn of Valhalla <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Viconia Cleric 38 Experience: 6917649 Max Hit Points: 135 Armor Class: -12 Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: -2 (-4) 2 (-4) 3 (-2) 4 (-4) 5 (-2)

Weapon Proficiencies War Hammer + Club + Flail + Mace + Quarter Staff + Sling + Two Handed Weapon Style + Sword and Shield Style + Single Weapon Style + Two Weapon Style + Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon: Shield: Ring 1: Ring 2: Cloak: Boots: Belt: Misc 1: Misc 2: Misc 3: Enkidu's Full Plate +3 Bracers of Blinding Strike Helm of Balduran Amulet of Power Flail of Ages +5 (THAC0: -4) Erinne Sling +5 (THAC0: -5) Shield of the Order +4 Ring of Free Action Holy Symbol of Talos Cloak of Displacement Gargoyle Boots Girdle of Stone Giant Strength ... ... Black Spider Figurine

<----------------------------------------------------------------------> Protagonist Fighter 17/Mage 16/Thief 21 Experience: 2428477/2428477/2428477 Max Hit Points: 146 Armor Class: -11 Weapon Proficiencies Long Sword Katana Dagger Two Weapon Style Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon: ++ ++ ++ +++ -1 (-4) 1 (-4) 0 (-4) 0 (-4) 2 (-4)

Aslyferund Elven Chain +5 Wondrous Gloves Vhailor's Helm Amulet of the Master Harper Dagger of the Star +5 (THAC0: -9) Daystar (THAC0: -6) Shield: Angurvadal +5 (THAC0: -7) Ring 1: Ring of Gaxx Ring 2: Ring of Acuity Cloak: Cloak of Mirroring Boots: Boots of Speed Belt: Golden Girdle Misc 1: Wand of Spell Striking Misc 2: ... Misc 3: Juggernaut Golem Manual <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Haer'Dalis Blade 41 Experience: 7043086 Max Hit Points: 121 Armor Class: -3 Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: 2 (-7) -1 (-7) 1 (-7) 5 (-7) 0 (-7)

Weapon Proficiencies Bastard Sword + Long Sword ++ Short Sword ++ Two Handed Sword + Katana + Scimitar + Dagger + Halberd + Quarter Staff + Cross Bow + Dart + Two Handed Weapon Style + Two Weapon Style ++

Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon:

Robe of the Evil Archmagi Gauntlets of Extraordinary Specialization Helmet of Defense Amulet of Seldarine Ravager +6 (THAC0: 0) Firetooth +5 (THAC0: -2) Shield: ... Ring 1: Ring of Protection +3 Ring 2: Ring of Regeneration Cloak: Montolio's Cloak Boots: Boots of Speed Belt: Girdle of Hill Giant Strength Misc 1: Methild's Harp Misc 2: Horn of Silence Misc 3: Wand of Spell Striking <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Edwin Conjurer 28 Experience: 7090662 Max Hit Points: 88 Armor Class: 1 Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: Weapon Proficiencies Dagger Quarter Staff Dart Sling Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon: 8 3 5 2 4 + + + + (-2) (-2) (-2) (-7) (-2)

Robe of Vecna Bracers of Defense A.C. 3 Dusty Rose Ioun Stone Circlet of Netheril Staff of the Magi (THAC0: 8) Crimson Dart +3 (THAC0: 10) Shield: ... Ring 1: Ring of Wizardry Ring 2: Ring of Fire Control Cloak: Improved Cloak of Protection +2 Boots: Boots of Grounding Belt: Belt of Inertial Barrier Misc 1: ... Misc 2: ... Misc 3: Efreeti Bottle <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Okay, some characters haven't changed much (Edwin) while others have changed a whole lot (my protagonist). There's no game left, so instead of talking about what will be let's talk about what was. Both Jaheira and Viconia found new armor, and reached a very good Armor Class of -12... that many enemies were hitting at will anyway. Oh well. Korgan of course led the game in Hit Points and THAC0, with a stupendous 216 Hit Points and a THAC0 of -14/-12. With all the Whirlwind Attacks he obtained, he was a real beast in combat. Jaheira ended up with a THAC0 of -10, and my protagonist was right behind with a THAC0 of -9/-7.

What's most pleasing is her Armor Class, which dropped to -11, making her a very survivable character. Haer'Dalis... we did the best we could with him, but a THAC0 of 0 with a weapon like the Ravager +6 is nothing to be proud of. Now, to note some oddities. Haer'Dalis got a Dexterity upgrade from the Machine of Lum the Mad, and my Protagonist got a Constitution and Strength upgrade from the same source. Also, using the Deck of Many Things further boosted her Hit Points to Fighter-esque levels. If you went with Sarevok instead of Haer'Dalis, note some of the following changes: Sarevok would have obtained the Dexterity bonus from Lum the Mad, not Haer'Dalis, and he would have used the Gauntlets of Extraordinary Specialization instead of Haer'Dalis. Also, we wouldn't have needed the Ring of Protection +3 (unless we wanted to give it to Edwin). Viconia gives the Girdle of Stone Giant Strength to Sarevok, and she keeps the Girdle of Hill Giant Strength. GOOD PARTY STATS: END OF CHAPTER 7 o======================================================================o Keldorn Inquisitor 31 Experience: 6952303 Max Hit Points: 183 Armor Class: -8 Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: -1 (-2) 1 (-2) 0 (-2) 0 (-2) 2 (-2)

Weapon Proficiencies Bastard Sword ++ Long Sword ++ Two Handed Sword ++ War Hammer ++ Halberd ++ Cross Bow ++ Two Handed Weapon Style ++ Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon: Enkidu's Full Plate +3 Gauntlets of Dexterity Helm of Glory Amulet of Seldarine Carsomyr +6 (THAC0: -11) Ras +2 (THAC0: -7) Firetooth +5 (THAC0: -12) Shield: ... Ring 1: Ring of Regeneration Ring 2: Ring of Earth Control Cloak: Nymph Cloak Boots: Boots of Speed Belt: Girdle of Fire Strength Misc 1: ... Misc 2: ... Misc 3: ... <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Jaheira Fighter 22/Druid 19 Experience: 3724742/3724742 Max Hit Points: 140 Armor Class: -11

Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: Weapon Proficiencies Scimitar Dagger Club Quarter Staff Sling Sword and Shield Style Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon:

-1 (-3) 2 (-3) 3 (-1) 1 (-3) 0 (-6) ++ ++ ++ ++ + ++

Shuruppak's Plate Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise Helmet of Defense Harper Pin Spectral Brand +5 (THAC0: -9) Fire Tooth +3 (THAC0: -6) Shield: Darksteel Sheild +4 Ring 1: Ring of Regeneration Ring 2: Heartwood Ring Cloak: Cloak of Displacement Boots: Boots of Speed Belt: Girdle of Hill Stone Strength Misc 1: ... Misc 2: ... Misc 3: Black Spider Figurine <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Anomen Cleric 38/Fighter 7 (Inactive) Experience: 6910186/64000 Max Hit Points: 172 Armor Class: -8 Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: Weapon Proficiencies War Hammer Mace Flail Club Quarter Staff Sling Sword and Shield Style Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon: Shield: Ring 1: Ring 2: Cloak: 0 4 3 6 5 ++ ++ ++ ++ + ++ ++ (-1) (-1) (-1) (-1) (-1)

Red Dragon Scale Gauntlets of Weapon Skill Helm of Balduran Sensate Amulet Crom Faeyr (THAC0: -9) Runehammer +5 (THAC0: -5) Sheild of the Order +4 Ring of Free Action Holy Symbol of Lathander Cloak of Sewers

Boots: Gargoyle Boots Belt: Girdle of Bluntness Misc 1: ... Misc 2: ... Misc 3: Silver Horn of Valhalla <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Protagonist Fighter 23/Mage 20 Experience: 3772991/3772991 Max Hit Points: 144 Armor Class: -9 Weapon Proficiencies Long Sword Axe Katana Flail Two Weapon Style Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon: ++ ++ ++ ++ +++ -1 (-4) 1 (-4) 0 (-4) 0 (-4) 2 (-4)

Aslyferund Elven Chain +5 Gauntlets of Extraordinary Specialization Vhailor's Helm Amulet of Power Axe of the Unyielding +5 (THAC0: -10) Daystar +4 (THAC0: -8) Shield: Flail of Ages +5 (THAC0: -8) Ring 1: Ring of Gaxx Ring 2: Ring of Acuity Cloak: Cloak of Mirroring Boots: Boots of Speed Belt: Golden Girdle Misc 1: ... Misc 2: Wand of Spell Striking Misc 3: Juggernaut Golem Manual <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Minsc Ranger 31 Experience: 6967195 Max Hit Points: 174 Armor Class: -5 Weapon Proficiencies Two Handed Sword ++ Spear ++ Halberd ++ Mace ++ Quarter Staff ++ Long Bow ++ Two Handed Weapon Style ++ Two Weapon Style ++ Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: 1 3 2 2 (-2) (-2) (-2) (-2)

Spells: Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon:

4 (-2)

White Dragon Scale Bracers of Archery Helmet of Defense Kaligun's Amulet of Magic Resistance Ravager +6 (THAC0: -10) Psion's Blade +5 (THAC0: -9) Mana Bow +4 (THAC0: -10) Shield: ... Ring 1: Ring of Fire Resistance Ring 2: Ring of Fire Control Cloak: Montolio's Cloak Boots: Boots of Speed Belt: Girdle of Bluntness Misc 1: Boo Misc 2: Horn of Silence Misc 3: Book of Infinite Spells <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Imoen Mage 27/Thief 7 (Inactive) Experience: 6559836/40000 Max Hit Points: 93 Armor Class: -7 Paralyze/Poison/Death: Rod/Staff/Wand: Petrify/Polymorph: Breath Weapon: Spells: 7 2 4 1 3 (-3) (-3) (-3) (-8) (-3)

Weapon Proficiencies Long Sword + Dagger + Quarter Staff + Short Bow + Dart + Sling + Two Handed Weapon Style + Armor: Gloves: Helmet: Amulet: Weapon: Robe of Vecna Bracers of Defense A.C. 3 Circlet of Netheril Amulet of the Master Harper Staff of the Magi (THAC0: 8) Short Bow of Gesen (THAC0: 6) Shield: ... Ring 1: Ring of Protection +3 Ring 2: Ring of Wizardry Cloak: Cloak of Reflection Boots: Boots of Speed Belt: Belt of Inertial Barrier Misc 1: ... Misc 2: Wand of Spell Striking Misc 3: Efreeti Bottle <----------------------------------------------------------------------> My good party has, overall, a better Armor Class spread than my evil party-although honestly my evil party had better Armor Class where it mattered. As stated earlier in the guide, Keldorn kept the Ring of Anti-Venom handy for when poisonous beasties showed up (he only really

used it in Sendai's dungeon, however). Anomen kept the Erinne Sling +5 in his inventory (as well as the Bag of Plenty +2) in case he ever needed a ranged option-he didn't. In general, they were just superior in melee, with five characters at or around the -10 THAC0 range. This translated to easier fights against Dragons and other Bhaalspawn, where melee-particularly Greater Whirlwind Attacks-win the day. My protagonist here has boosted Hit Points due to the Deck of Many Things. He also enjoys a boost due to the Axe of the Unyielding and he obtained a Dexterity upgrade thanks to the Machine of Lum the Mad. Jaheira has higher Hit Points due to a Constitution upgrade, courtesy the Machine of Lum the Mad. Note from Lee: Protagonist: F24/M21, HP 150, AC -22, Angurvadal +5, Foebane +5, Daystar, Helm of Balduran, Gauntlets of Extraordinary Spec, Ring of Gaxx, Ring of Protection +2, Amulet of Power, Big Metal Unit Keldorn: Inq32, HP 195, AC -11, Carsomyr +6, Ravager +6, Helmet of Charm Protection, Girdle of Fire Giant Strength, Gauntlets of Dexterity, Ring of Regeneration, Ring of Protection +1 Anomen: C40/F7, HP 180, AC -11, Crom Faeyr, Flail of the Ages, Runehammer +5, Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise, Ring of Regeneration, Ring of Protection +2 Jaheira: F22/D24, HP 126, AC -12, Spectral Brand +5, Erinne Sling +5, Darksteel Shield +4, Amulet of Seldarine, Girdle of Stone Giant Strength, Gauntlets of Weapon Skill, Heartwood Ring Edwin: Imoen: Conj29, HP 89, AC -2, Sling of Everard +5, Staff of Rynn +4, Circlet of Netheril, Robe of Vecna, Ring of Wizardry M25/T7, HP 84, AC -12, Grandmaster's Armor +6, Bracers of Archery, Short Bow of Gesen, Boots of Stealth, Staff of the Magi, Dusty Rose Ioun Stone, Amulet of the Master Harper

o======================================================================o | | | Items {ITM000} | | | o======================================================================o Below is a list of the various rare or unique items you can find in the game. If the item has a name or is otherwise unusual you'll find it in the section below, regardless of its quality. Therefore I'll record named items of dubious quality (Halberd +2: 'Suryris' Blade') , but magical items of the same quality may not be recorded (Halberd +2). Perhaps I just like to think that the developers had a reason for naming the item? Finding Recorded Items in the Walkthrough {ITM001} <----------------------------------------------------------------------> You can simply do a search of the item's name to find the item's location in the FAQ, or you can search the area number listed by the item. It must be stressed that the latter method can be tedious, as different events occur in areas at different times in the game. For example, by looking at the location of the Cloak of Displacement you might be tempted to make a quick journey over to Trademeet to obtain it. Of course, you might not be aware that you need to complete several quests in order to gain access to the merchant who sells it. Combine

this with the fact that I don't necessarily list the area number of places I visit on subsequent visits, and it can be rather difficult to find an item with just the area number. On the other hand, searching for the name could prove fruitless as well if the full name is broken up by a line change in the Walkthrough. This can be overcome by searching for a key word in the name (i.e. 'Unyielding' in the Axe of the Unyielding.) Of course, even this isn't fool proof, as some items that appear multiple times or are otherwise unworthy of comment (especially unexceptional items in stores) won't be mentioned in the Walkthrough, or on the other hand might be mentioned several times, thus making it difficult to find the actual part of the FAQ where the item is acquired, as opposed to where it's just mentioned. Then you have cases such as the aforementioned Cloak of Displacement, where the key word 'Displacement' appears as a spell that may be mentioned without any connection to the item. It's not a perfect system by any means, but having an index dedicated to the items is better than nothing at all, even with all its flaws. Of course if you actually read the Walkthrough you'll get everything worth getting, so you really have no *real* reason to gripe, do you? In the 'Found' section, items marked with -------- indicate that these items are not found, they are crafted, reforged, or upgraded. In this case, their components are listed below them in parentheses (excluding mundane components such as gems, scrolls, etc.) Finding all the components of an item should be sufficient enough information for the purposes of this FAQ. Items with (varies) in the 'Found' section typically refer to items obtained from random encounters. Since these encounters can occur in a variety of locations, I just leave them openended, rather than putting the location where I personally found them. This way, you'll at least know at a glance that they aren't in a specific area. Other, traditional objects with genuine locations will be listed in alphabetical order, and multiple items of the same sort will be listed by lowest to highest area number, for organizational purposes. Item List (Alphabetical) Item Type Found {ITM002} o======================================================================o o===o |(A)| o===o Adjatha The Drinker +2 Aeger's Hide +3 Ammo Belt Amulet of 5% Magic Resistance Amulet of Cheetah Speed Amulet of Metaspell Influence Amulet of Power Amulet of Seldarine Amulet of Spell Warding Amulet of the Master Harper Angurvadal +4 Angurvadal +5 (Angurvadal +4) (Liquid Mercury) Ankheg Plate Mail (Ankheg Shell) Answerer +4, The Arbane's Sword +2 Ardulia's Fall +1 Long Sword Armor Miscellaneous Amulet Amulet Amulet Amulet Amulet Amulet Amulet Long Sword Long Sword Long Sword Component Armor Component Long Sword Short Sword Mace (AR0516) (AR0702) (AR3001) (AR0205) (AR6109) (AR0602) (AR0329) (AR2803) (AR2101) (AR5204) (AR3022) -------(AR3022) (AR6107) -------(AR1200) (AR6300) (AR0045) (AR0904)

Armor of Faith +3 Armor of the Deep Night Armor of the Hart +3 Armor of the Viper +5 Ashen Scales +2 Aslyferund Elven Chain +5 (Bladesinger Chain +4) Axe of Hrothgar +3 Axe of the Unyielding +3 Axe of the Unyielding +5 (Axe of the Unyielding +3) (Baalor's Claw) Azlaer's Harp Azuredge o===o |(B)| o===o Bag of Holding Bag of Holding Bag of Plenty +1 Bag of Plenty +2 (Bag of Plenty +1) Bastard Sword +1, +3 vs Shapeshifters Battle Axe +3, Frostreaver Battle Axe +3, Stonefire Belm +2 Belt of Inertial Barrier Big Metal Unit (Bronze Pantalettes) (Golden Pantaloons) (Silver Pantaloons) Black Spider Figurine Blackmist +4 Blackrazor Blade of Roses +3 Blade of Searing +3 Bladesinger Chain +4 Blessed Bracers (Paladin's Bracers) Blue Dragon Plate (Blue Dragon Scales) Boneblade +4 Book of Infinite Spells* Boomerang Dagger +2 Boots of Avoidance Boots of Elvenkind Boots of Etherealness Boots of Grounding Boots of Grounding Boots of Grounding Boots of the North Boots of Speed Boots of Speed Boots of Speed Boots of Speed Boots of Speed Boots of Stealth Bow of Arvoreen Bow of Arvoreen

Armor Armor Armor Armor Armor Armor Armor Axe Axe Axe Axe Component Miscellaneous Axe

(AR0901) (AR0702) (AR2402) (AR2207) (AR0803) -------(AR2807) (AR0406) (AR3017) -------(AR3017) (AR5204) (AR0523) (AR0406)

Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Ammunition Ammunition Ammunition Bastard Sword Axe Axe Scimitar Belt Armor Component Component Component Miscellaneous Halberd Long Sword Long Sword Bastard Sword Armor Gloves Gloves Armor Component Dagger Miscellaneous Dagger Boots Boots Boots Boots Boots Boots Boots Boots Boots Boots Boots Boots Boots Short Bow Short Bow

(AR1512) (AR5011) (AR5204) (AR5204) (AR5204) (AR0406) (AR1303) (AR0406) (AR1905) (AR2000) -------(AR6003) (AR0602) (AR0400) (AR0804) (AR2201) (AR2903) (AR0406) (AR2202) (AR2807) -------(AR3001) -------(AR6005) (AR2206) (AR1605) (AR0514) (AR0507) (AR2808) (AR2300) (AR0902) (AR1303) (AR1514) (AR1514) (AR0516) (AR1514) (AR4000) (AR5003) (AR5011) (AR0303) (AR1401) (AR4500)

Bracers of Archery Bracers of Binding Bracers of Blinding Strike Bracers of Defense A.C. 3 Bracers of Defense A.C. 4 Bracers of Defense A.C. 4 Bronze Ioun Stone

Gloves Gloves Gloves Gloves Gloves Gloves Helmet

(AR1904) (AR2200) (AR2402) (AR0702) (AR0702) (AR2100) (AR5006)

*More information on this item can be found under its entry in the below, [ITM004]. o===o |(C)| o===o Carsomyr +5 Carsomyr +6 (Carsomyr +5) (Eye of Tyr) Case of Plenty +1 Case of Plenty +2 (Case of Plenty +1) Celestial Fury Chaos Blade Chaos Blade Circlet of Netheril (Bronze Ioun Stone) (Circlet of Netheril) Clay Golem Manual (Clay Golem Page) (Golem Manual) Cleric's Staff +3 Cleric's Staff +3 Cleric's Staff +3 Cleric's Staff +3 Cleric's Staff +3 Cleric's Staff +3 Cleric's Staff +3 Cleric's Staff +3 (up to three) Cleric's Staff +3 (up to four) Cleric's Staff +3 Cloak of Bravery Cloak of Displacement Cloak of Elvenkind Cloak of Mirroring Cloak of Protection +2 Cloak of Reflection Cloak of the High Forest Cloak of the High Forest Cloak of Non-Detection Cloak of the Sewers Cloak of the Shield Cloak of the Shield Cloak of the Stars Club +2, +3 vs. Undead Club +2, Gnasher Club +3, Blackblood Club of Detonation +3 Club of Detonation +5 (Club of Detonation +3) Corthala Family Armor Two Handed Sword(AR1203) Two Handed Sword-------Two Handed Sword(AR1203) Component (AR6110) Ammunition (AR3001) Ammunition -------Ammunition (AR3001) Katana (AR0907) Short Sword (AR0705) Short Sword (AR4500) Helmet -------Helmet (AR5006) Component (AR3016) Miscellaneous -------Component (AR3017) Miscellaneous (AR3001) Quarter Staff (AR0904) Quarter Staff (AR1513) Quarter Staff (AR1604) Quarter Staff (AR1901) Quarter Staff (AR1902) Quarter Staff (AR3005) Quarter Staff (AR3015) Quarter Staff (AR4500) Quarter Staff (AR5003) Quarter Staff (AR5202) Cloak (AR2901) Cloak (AR2000) Cloak (AR2802) Cloak (AR2300) Cloak (AR2300) Cloak (AR1511) Cloak (AR2009) Cloak (AR4500) Cloak (AR0712) Cloak (AR0701) Cloak (AR0516) Cloak (AR1203) Cloak (AR1404) Club (AR1506) Club (AR1900) Club (AR2000) Club (AR3019) Club -------Club (AR3019) Armor (AR1101)

Corthala Family Armor Corthala Family Blade Corthala Family Blade Crimson Chain +5 Crimson Dart +3 Crossbow of Affliction +4 Cursed Berserking Sword +3 Cutthroat +4 o===o |(D)| o===o Dagger of the Star +4 Dagger of the Star +5 (Dagger of the Star +4) Dak'kon's Zerth Blade Dark Elven Chain Darkfire Bow +4 Darkfire Bow +5 (Bowstring of Gond) (Darkfire Bow +4) Darkmail +3 Darksteel Shield +4 Daystar Deck of Many Things* Defender of Easthaven +2 Delryn Family Shield Delryn Family Shield Delver's Plate +2 Doomplate +3 Dragon Helm Dragon Scale Shield +2 Dragon's Bane +3 Dragon's Breath +4 Dragonslayer Drow Adamantine Chain +5 Drow Crossbow of Speed Drow Elven Chain +3 Drow Flail +3 Drow Full Plate +5 Drow Halberd +3 Drow Lance +3 Drow Longsword +3 Drow Scimitar +3 Drow Shield +3 Dusty Rose Ioun Stone Dwarven Thrower +3

Armor (AR4500) Katana (AR1101) Katana (AR4500) Armor (AR0702) Dart (AR3001) Crossbow (AR2210) Two Handed Sword(AR0712) Short Sword (AR0809)

Dagger Dagger Dagger Katana Armor Short Bow Short Bow Component Short Bow Armor Shield Long Sword Miscellaneous Flail Shield Shield Armor Armor Helmet Shield Halberd Halberd Long Sword Armor Crossbow Armor Flail Armor Halberd Spear Long Sword Scimitar Shield Helmet War Hammer

(AR3027) -------(AR3027) (AR0702) (varies) (AR5500) -------(AR6106) (AR5500) (AR1404) (AR6105) (AR0087) (AR3015) (AR0406) (AR0604) (AR4500) (AR1202) (AR1512) (AR1202) (AR1202) (AR0205) (AR1200) (AR1202) (varies) (varies) (varies) (varies) (varies) (varies) (varies) (varies) (varies) (varies) (AR1512) (AR2000)

*More information on this item can be found under its entry in the below, [ITM005]. o===o |(E)| o===o Efreeti Bottle Elven Chain Mail Elven Chain Mail Elven Chain Mail Miscellaneous Armor Armor Armor (AR2000) (AR2011)/ (AR2012) (AR2808) (AR4500)

Elven Chain Mail +1 Elven Chain Mail +1 (up to three) Elven Chain Mail +1 Elven Chain Mail +1 (numerous) Elven Court Bow +3 Enkindu's Full Plate +3 Entropy Entropy Equalizer, The (Blade of the Equalizer) (Hilt of the Equalizer) (Pommel Jewel of the Equalizer) Erinne Sling +4 Erinne Sling +5 (Erinne Sling +4) Everard's Morning Star +2 o===o |(F)| o===o Firecam Full-Plate Armor Firecam Full-Plate Armor Fire Tooth +3 Firetooth +4 Firetooth +5 (Bowstring of Gond) (Firetooth +4) Flail of Ages (Flail Head (Acid)) (Flail Head (Cold)) (Flail Head (Fire)) Flail of Ages (Flail Head (Acid)) (Flail Head (Cold)) (Flail Head (Fire)) Flail of Ages +3 (Flail Head (Acid)) (Flail Head (Cold)) (Flail Head (Fire)) Flail of the Ages +4 (Flail Head (Poison)) (Flail of the Ages +3) Flail of the Ages +5 (Flail Head (Electricity)) (Flail of the Ages +4) Flame of the North Flame Tongue Flasher Launcher Foebane +3 Foebane +5 (Foebane +3) (Fflar's Scabbard) Fortress Shield +3 o===o |(G)| o===o Gargoyle Boots Gauntlets of Crushing

Armor Armor Armor Armor Long Bow Armor Short Sword Short Sword Long Sword Component Component Component Sling Sling Sling Morning Star

(AR0329) (AR2500) (AR5500) (AR61xx) (AR1303) (AR5504) (AR0705) (AR4500) -------(AR2101) (AR2400) (AR0602) (AR3019) -------(AR3019) (AR0406)

Armor (AR0701) Armor (AR4500) Dagger (AR2200) Crossbow (AR3000) Crossbow -------Component (AR6106) Crossbow (AR3000) Flail -------Component (AR1303) Component (AR1302) Component (AR1303) Flail -------Component (AR1303) Component (AR1302) Component (AR1303) Flail -------Component (AR1303) Component (AR1302) Component (AR1303) Flail -------Component (AR3016) Flail -------Flail -------Component (AR6005) Flail -------Two Handed Sword(AR1514) Long Sword (AR1900) Crossbow (AR1000) Bastard Sword (AR3001) Bastard Sword -------Bastard Sword (AR3001) Component (AR5007) Shield (AR0702)

Boots Gloves

(AR5504) (AR2300)

Gauntlets of Dexterity Gauntlets of Extraordinary Spec. Gauntlets of Ogre Power Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise Gauntlets of Weapon Skill Giant Hair Crossbow +3 Girdle of Bluntness Girdle of Bluntness Girdle of Bluntness Girdle of Fortitude Girdle of Fire Giant Strength Girdle of Frost Giant Strength Girdle of Hill Giant Strength Girdle of Piercing Girdle of Stone Giant Strength Glasses of Identification Glasses of Identification Glasses of Identification* Gloves of Healing Gloves of Pick Pocketing Golden Girdle Golden Ioun Stone Golden Lion Figurine Golem Manual Gorgon Plate +4 Gram the Sword of Grief +5 Gram the Sword of Grief +5 (Gram the Sword of Grief +5) (Heart of the Damned) Grandmaster's Armor +6 Greenstone Amulet

Gloves Gloves

(AR0206) (AR3019) Gloves (AR0411) Gloves (AR0808) Gloves (AR0516) Crossbow (AR0702) Belt (AR0603) Belt (AR0904) Belt (AR1604) Belt (AR0202) Belt (AR5201) Belt (AR2402) Belt (AR0702) Belt (AR0607) Belt (AR2801) Miscellaneous (AR0312) Miscellaneous (AR5504) Miscellaneous -------Gloves (AR0903) Gloves (AR0406) Belt (AR0411) Helmet (AR5011) Miscellaneous (AR2000) Miscellaneous (AR3001) Armor (AR2201) Two Handed Sword(AR6005) Two Handed Sword-------Two Handed Sword(AR6005) Component (AR6110) Armor (AR5002) Amulet (AR2101)

*You can obtain another pair of Glasses of Identification by casting Limited Wish and asking for the ability to be able to "see all as it really is." The caster will need a Wisdom score of 11+ to be able to make this wish. o===o |(H)| o===o Halberd +2, Duskblade Halberd +2: 'Suryris' Blade' Halberd +2: 'Suryris' Blade' Halberd +2: 'Suryris' Blade' Halberd +4: Wave (Wave Blade) (Wave Shaft) Hallowed Redeemer Hallowed Redeemer Hammer of Thunderbolts +3 Handmaiden's Mace Hangard's Axe +2 Harbinger +3 Harmonium Halberd Harp of Discord Harp of Pandemonium Harper Pin Heartseeker +3 Heartseeker +3 Heartwood Ring Halberd (AR1404) Halberd (AR0702) Halberd (AR3001) Halberd (varies) Halberd -------Component (AR2300) Component (AR0516) Two Handed Sword(AR0701) Two Handed Sword(AR4500) Warhammer (AR0711) Mace (varies) Axe (AR0701) Two Handed Sword(AR2200) Halberd (AR0702) Miscellaneous (AR0705) Miscellaneous (AR0702) Amulet (varies) Long Bow (AR0702) Long Bow (AR1202) Ring --------

(Nymph's Tear) (Oaken Ring) Heavy Crossbow of Searing +1 Heavy Crossbow of Accuracy Helm of Balduran Helm of Brilliance Helm of Charm Protection Helm of Charm Protection Helm of Charm Protection Helm of Charm Protection Helm of Charm Protection Helm of Glory Helm of the Rock Helm of the Rock (Helm of the Rock) (Horn) (Horn) Helmet of Defense Helmet of Defense Helmet of Infravision Hindo's Doom +3 Hindo's Doom +4 (Hindo's Doom +3) (Hindo's Hand) Holy Symbol of Helm Holy Symbol of Lathander Holy Symbol of Talos Horn of Blasting Horn of Silence Human Flesh +5 (Blood of a Silver Dragon) (Shirt Made of Human Flesh o===o |(I)| o===o Ice Star +4 Ilbratha +1 Improved Cloak of Protection +2 (Cloak of Protection +2) Ixil's Nail +4 Ixil's Spike +2 Ixil's Spike +6 (Ixil's Nail +4) (Ixil's Spike +2) o===o |(J)| o===o Jansen AdventureWear Jansen AdventureWear Jansen Specroscopes Jansen Specroscopes Jansen Techno-Gloves Jansen Techno-Gloves Jarrod's Mace Jester's Chain +4 Jhor the Bleeder +2 Joril's Dagger +3

Component Component Crossbow Crossbow Helmet Helmet Helmet Helmet Helmet Helmet Helmet Helmet Helmet Helmet Helmet Component Component Helmet Helmet Helmet Katana Katana Katana Component Ring Ring Ring Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Armor Component Component

(AR5202) (AR5500) (AR0702) (AR0202) (AR0602) (AR0702) (AR0308) (AR0701) (AR0902) (AR0907) (AR1303) (AR0901) (AR3016) -------(AR3016) (AR3016) (AR3016) (AR0412) (AR0907) (AR0602) (AR3024) -------(AR3024) (AR6002) (varies) (varies) (varies) (AR1202) (AR1515) (AR1100) (AR2102) (AR0502)

Morning Star Short Sword Cloak Cloak Spear Dagger (Spear) Spear Dagger

(AR5002) (AR1103) -------(AR2300) (AR3025) (AR3016) -------(AR3025) (AR3016)

Armor (AR1000) Armor (AR4500) Helmet (AR1000) Helmet (AR4500) Gloves (AR1000) Gloves (AR4500) Mace (AR0406) Armor (AR1514) Bastard Sword (AR2100) Two Handed Sword(AR0406)

Juggernaut Golem Manual (Juggernaut Golem Page) (Stone Golem Manual) o===o |(K)| o===o K'logarath +4 Kachiko's Wakizashi +3 Kaligun's Amulet of Magic Resistance Karajah's Leather Armor Kundane +2 o===o |(L)| o===o Large Shield +1, +4 vs. Missiles Lavender Ioun Stone Light Crossbow of Speed Lilarcor Longsword +2: 'Varscona' o===o |(M)| o===o Mace of Disruption +1 Mace of Disruption +2 (Illithium Ore) (Mace of Disruption +1) Mail of the Dead +2 Malakar +2 Malla's Soul Stone Mana Bow +4 Martial Staff +3 Martial Staff +3 Mauler's Arm +2 Melodic Chain +3 Mercykiller Ring Methild's Harp Montolio's Cloak (Montolio's Clasp) (Montolio's Cloak) Moon Dog Figurine o===o |(N)| o===o Namarra +2 Neb's Nasty Cutter Necaradan's Crossbow +3 Necklace of Form Stability Necklace of Missiles Night's Gift +5, The Nymph Cloak o===o |(O)|

Miscellaneous -------Component (AR6003) Miscellaneous --------

Axe Wakizashi Amulet Armor Short Sword

(AR5504) (AR0406) (AR2200) (AR0702) (AR0516)

Shield Helmet

(AR0412) (AR5002) Crossbow (AR0406) Two Handed Sword(AR0404) Long Sword (AR2800)

Mace Mace Component Mace Armor Katana Helmet Long Bow Quarter Staff Quarter Staff Mace Armor Ring Miscellaneous Cloak Component Component Miscellaneous

(AR0801) -------(AR0529) (AR0801) (AR0602) (AR1514) (AR5509) (AR2602) (AR0400) (AR2000) (AR0406) (AR0516) (AR0702) (AR2400) -------(AR3022) (AR5500) (AR1401)

Long Sword (AR0806) Dagger (AR0529) Crossbow (AR2102) Amulet (AR0704) Amulet (AR2015) Armor (AR1104) Cloak (AR0302)

o===o Obsidian Ioun Stone Orc Leather +3 o===o |(P)| o===o Paladin's Bracers Pale Green Ioun Stone Pearly White Ioun Stone Periapt of Life Protection Periapt of Proof Against Poison Pixie Prick +3 Plate of Balduran Pride of the Leigon +2 Protector of the Second +2 Psion's Blade +5 Purifier +4 Purifier +5 (Eye of Tyr) (Purifier +4) o===o |(Q)| o===o Quiver of Plenty +1 Quiver of Plenty +2 (Quiver of Plenty +1) o===o |(R)| o===o Ras +2 Ravager +4 Ravager +6 (Ravager +4) (Serpent Staff) Red Dragon Scale (Red Dragon Scales) Reflection Shield +1 Rifthome Axe +3 Ring of Acuity Ring of Air Control Ring of Animal Friendship Ring of Animal Friendship Ring of Animal Friendship Ring of Animal Friendship Ring of Animal Friendship Ring of Animal Friendship Ring of Animal Friendship Ring of Anti-Venom Ring of Clumsiness Ring of Danger Sense Ring of Djinni Summoning Ring of Earth Control Ring of Energy Ring of Fire Control Long Sword Halberd Halberd Halberd Quarter Staff Armor Component Shield Axe Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring (AR2000) (AR5204) -------(AR5204) (AR3019) -------(AR1203) (AR0702) (AR0300) (AR0410) (AR0702) (AR0319) (AR0702) (AR1010) (AR2008) (AR5004) (AR5202) (AR5503) (AR5509) (AR2210) (AR0413) (AR0329) (AR1302) (AR0702) (AR2400) Ammunition (AR3001) Ammunition -------Ammunition (AR3001) Gloves Helmet (AR3001) (AR0804) Helmet (AR1401) Amulet (AR0902) Amulet (AR1902) Dagger (AR0516) Armor (AR0702) Armor (AR0903) Armor (AR0420) Two Handed Sword(AR5201) Bastard Sword (AR3008) Bastard Sword -------Component (AR6110) Bastard Sword (AR3008) Helmet Armor (AR6400) (AR1301)

Ring of Fire Resistance Ring of Fire Resistance Ring of Folly Ring of Free Action Ring of Gaxx Ring of Holiness Ring of Human Influence Ring of Improved Invisibility Ring of Invisibility Ring of Invisibility Ring of Lock Picks Ring of Protection +2 Ring of Protection +2 Ring of Protection +2 Ring of Protection +3 Ring of Regeneration Ring of Regeneration Ring of Spell Turning Ring of the Ram Ring of Wizardry Ring of Wizardry Ripper +2 Robe of the Evil Archmagi Robe of the Evil Archmagi Robe of the Evil Archmagi Robe of the Good Archmagi Robe of the Good Archmagi Robe of the Good Archmagi Robe of the Neutral Archmagi Robe of Vecna Rod of Absorption Rod of Lordly Might Rod of Resurrection Rod of Resurrection Rod of Resurrection Rod of Reversal Rod of Smiting Rod of Terror Root of the Problem, The Roranach's Horn Runehammer +4 Runehammer +5 (Runehammer +4) (Rune of Clangeddin) o===o |(S)| o===o Saving Grace +3 Scarlet Ninja-To +3 Scimitar +2, 'Rashad's Talon' Scimitar +3 'Water's Edge' Sensate Amulet Sentinel +4 Serpent Staff Shadow Armor Shadow Dragon Scale (Shadow Dragon Scales) Shatki Figurine Shield Amulet

Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Long Bow Armor Armor Armor Armor Armor Armor Armor Armor Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Quarterstaff Quarterstaff Club Helmet War Hammer War Hammer War Hammer Component

(AR1201) (AR5011) (AR2100) (AR1513) (AR0331) (AR0901) (AR0607) (AR6004) (AR0087) (AR0712) (AR0329) (AR0329) (AR1901) (AR2902) (varies) (AR0702) (AR1512) (AR2201) (AR0412) (AR0308) (AR0411) (AR0411) (AR2200) (AR2902) (AR5011) (AR2001) (AR3015) (AR5011) (AR5011) (AR0702) (AR2100) (AR2300) (AR0702) (AR0705) (AR6400) (AR5504) (AR2200) (AR0087) (AR1901) (AR5002) (AR5203) -------(AR5203) (AR6111)

Shield Ninja-To Scimitar Scimitar Amulet Shield Quarter Staff Armor Armor Component Miscellaneous Amulet

(AR0203) (AR0406) (AR2014) (AR2209) (AR0702) (AR2200) (AR3019) (AR0301) -------(AR1402) (AR5014) (AR1301)

Shield of Balduran Shield of Harmony +2 Shield of the Lost +2 Shield of the Order +4 Short Bow of Gesen (Gesen Bow Shaft) (Gesen Bow String) Short Sword of Mask +4 Short Sword of Mask +5 (Heart of the Damned) (Short Sword of Mask +4) Shurrupak's Plate Silver Horn of Valhalla Silver Ioun Stone Silver Sword (Silver Blade) (Silver Hilt) Skin of the Ghoul +4 Skullcrusher +3 Skull of Death Sleeper +2, The Sling +3: 'Arla's Dragonbane' Sling of Arvoreen +4 Sling of Everard +5 Sling of Seeking +2 Soulreaver +4 Spear +1, Halycon Spear +3, Backbiter Spear +3, Impaler Spear of Kuldahar +3 Spear of the Unicorn +2 Spear of Withering +4 Spectral Brand +4 Spectral Brand +5 (Skull of the Lich) (Spectral Brand +4) Staff Mace Staff Mace Staff Mace Staff Mace Staff of Air +2 Staff of Arundel Staff of Command Staff of Curing Staff of Earth +2 Staff of Fire +2 Staff of Rynn +4 Staff of Striking Staff of Striking Staff of Striking Staff of the High Forest Staff of the High Forest Staff of the Magi Staff of the Ram +4 Staff of the Ram +6 (Roranach's Horn) (Staff of the Ram +4) Staff of the Woodlands +4 Staff of Thunder and Lightning Staff of Thunder and Lightning

Shield Shield

(AR0702) (AR2000)/ (AR2007) Shield (AR1100) Shield (AR5203) Short Bow -------Component (AR0503) Component (AR1514) Short Sword (AR3000) Short Sword -------Component (AR6110) Short Sword (AR3000) Armor (AR5203) Miscellaneous (AR0528) Helmet (AR5501) Two Handed Sword-------Component (AR1600) Component (AR0700) Armor (AR0206) Mace (AR2100) Helmet (AR2100) Morning Star (AR0406) Sling (AR1401) Sling (AR2101) Sling (AR0406) Sling (AR0406) Two Handed Sword(AR2402) Spear (AR0802) Spear (AR2100) Spear (AR2300) Spear (AR0406) Spear (AR1904) Spear (AR2200) Scimitar (AR3015) Scimitar -------Component (AR6110) Scimitar (AR3015) Quarter Staff (AR0702) Quarter Staff (AR0801) Quarter Staff (AR0904) Quarter Staff (AR1604) Quarter Staff (AR0516) Quarter Staff (AR0406) Quarter Staff (AR2400) Quarter Staff (AR0811) Quarter Staff (AR2200) Quarter Staff (AR0412) Quarter Staff (AR0702) Quarter Staff (AR0902) Quarter Staff (AR1303) Quarter Staff (AR2000) Quarter Staff (AR2009) Quarter Staff (AR4500) Quarter Staff (AR1008) Quarter Staff (AR3018) Quarter Staff -------Helmet (AR5002) Quarter Staff (AR3018) Quarter Staff (AR2805) Quarter Staff (AR1515) Quarter Staff (AR1901)

Staff Spear +2 Staff Spear +2 Staff Spear +2 Staff Spear +2 Stiletto of Demarchess +2 Stone Golem Manual (Clay Golem Manual) (Stone Golem Page) Storm Star +3 Storm Star +5 (Starfall Ore) (Storm Star +3) Strong Arm +2 Studded Leather of Thorns +6 Sword of Arvoreen Sword of Arvoreen Sword of Balduran Sword of Chaos +2 Sword of Flame +1 Sword of Flame +1 Sylvan Chain +2 o===o |(T)| o===o T'rahcie's Plate +5 Tansheron's Bow +3 Taralash +4 Taralash +5 (Bowstring of Gond) (Taralash +4) Thieves' Hood (Thieves' Hood) (Ring of Invisibility) (Ring of Invisibility) Tuigan Bow +1 Tzu-Zan's Bracers o===o |(U)| o===o Usuno's Blade +4 o===o |(V)| o===o Vhailor's Helm o===o |(W)| o===o Wand Wand Wand Wand Wand of of of of of Cursing Cursing Cursing Spell Striking Spell Striking

Quarter Staff (AR0300) Quarter Staff (AR0500) Quarter Staff (AR0902) Quarter Staff (AR2015) Dagger (AR0411) Miscellaneous -------Miscellaneous -------Component (AR5204) Mace (AR3017) Mace -------Component (AR5014) Mace (AR3017) Long Bow (AR0702) Armor (AR6108) Short Sword (AR1401) Short Sword (AR4500) Long Sword (AR0702) Two Handed Sword(AR0601) Long Sword (AR0604) Long Sword (AR0702) Armor (AR4000)

Armor Short Bow Long Bow Long Bow Component Long Bow Helmet Helmet Ring Ring Short Bow Gloves

(AR0702) (AR2000) (AR3019) -------(AR6106) (AR3019) -------(AR3012)/ (AR3013) (AR0087) (AR0712) (AR0406) (AR6000)





Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous

(AR3016) (AR3021) (AR6108) (AR3005) (AR3014)

Wand of Spell Striking Wand of Spell Striking Wand of Wonder* War Hammer +1, +4 vs. Giantkin War Hammer +2, 'Ashideena' War Hammer +2, +1 Electrical... Warblade +4 White Dragon Scale (White Dragon Scales) Wondrous Gloves (Bard's Gloves) Wong Fei's Ioun Stone Wyvern's Tail +2

Miscellaneous (AR3016) Miscellaneous (Ar3017) Miscellaneous (AR0711) War Hammer (AR1303) War Hammer (AR0204) War Hammer (AR0702) Two Handed Sword(AR0702) Armor -------Component (AR3014) Gloves -------Gloves (AR3011) Helmet (AR6108) Morning Star (AR0701)

*More information on this item can be found under its entry in the below, [ITM006]. o===o |(Y)| o===o Yamato +4 Scimitar (AR5003)

Item Descriptions {ITM003} o======================================================================o Below I have added the descriptions of every item mentioned above, their stats taken directly from the descriptive text of the game. (Whether the stats listed by the game matches what the item actually does is another story!) o===o |(A)| o===o Adjatha The Drinker +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: Wielder immune to charm and domination spell. Special Abilities: Each hit heals the wielder of 1 hit-point damage THAC0: +2 bonus Damage: 1d8 +2 Damage Type: Slashing Weight: 3 Speed Factor: 3 Proficiency Type: Long Sword Type: 1-handed Requires: 6 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage Aeger's Hide +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Bonuses: +15% resistance to fire, cold, and acid. Immune to Confusion. Armor Class: 3 Weight: 35 Requires: 6 Strength Not Usable By: Mage Amulet of 5% Magic Resistance <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Magic Resistance: +5%

Amulet of Cheetah Speed <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Abilities: Increase movement rate by 2 Casts Improved Haste on the wearer once/day Amulet of Power <----------------------------------------------------------------------> While Equipped: Magic Resistance: +5% Vocalize Decrease Spell Casting Speed by 1 Immunity to Level Drain Not Usable By: Thief Fighter Amulet of Metaspell Influence <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special: Memorize one extra second level spell. Amulet of Seldarine <----------------------------------------------------------------------> +10% to Magic Resistance +1 bonus to all saving throws Amulet of Spell Warding <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Abilities: +2 bonus to all saves vs. spells Amulet of the Master Harper <----------------------------------------------------------------------> +20% to Find Traps and Pick Locks +3 bonus to AC Wearer is immune to silence Usable By: Bard, Thief

Angurvadal +4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special Abilities: Once per day increase user's Strength to 22 for 60 seconds. THAC0: Damage: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Not Usable By: +4 bonus 1d8 +4, +1 fire damage Slashing 2 0 Long Sword 1-Handed 6 Strength Druid, Cleric, Mage

Angurvadal +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special Abilities: Increase users Strength to 22 when equipped. User is immune to level drain when equipped. THAC0: Damage: +5 bonus 1d8 +5, 1d4+1 fire damage

Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Not Usable By:

Slashing 2 0 Long Sword 1-Handed 6 Strength Druid, Cleric, Mage

Ankheg Plate Mail <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class: 1 Weight: 25 Requires: 8Strength Not Usable By: Bard, Druid, Mage, Thief Answerer +4, The <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Each hit lowers opponents Magic Resistance by 15%. Each hit applies a penalty of -2 to opponents AC. THAC0: Damage: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Not Usable By: +4 bonus 1d8 +4 Slashing 2 9 Long Sword 1-Handed 6 Strength Druid, Cleric, Mage

Arbane's Sword +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: Wearer is immune to hold person. Special Abilities: Once per day can haste the character for 12 seconds. THAC0: +2 bonus Damage: 1d6 +2 Damage Type: Piercing Weight: 2 Speed Factor: 1 Proficiency Type: Short Sword Type: 1-handed Requires: 5 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage Ardulia's Fall +1 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Ability: A creature hit by this mace must make a saving throw vs. spells at +3 or slowed for 12 seconds. THAC0: +1 bonus Damage: 1d6 +2 Damage Type: Crushing Weight: 8 Speed Factor: 6 Proficiency Type: Mace Type: 1-handed Requires: 10 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Mage, Thief Armor of Faith +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Bonuses: +1 bonus to all saving throws.

Armor Class: Weight: Requires: Not Usable By:

1 15 8 Strength Bard, Druid, Mage, Thief

Armor of the Deep Night +4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class: 3 Weight: 7 Requires: 6 Strength Not Usable By: Mage Armor of the Hart +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class: -2 Weight: 45 Requires: 15 Strength Not Usable By: Bard, Druid, Mage, Thief Armor of the Viper +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Penalties: -2 penalty to all saves vs. poison/paralyzation Armor Class: 2 Weight: 6 Requires: 6 Strength Not Usable By: Mage Ashen Scales +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class: 2 Weight: 18 Requires: 9 Strength Not Usable By: Bard, Druid, Mage, Thief Aslyferund Elven Chain +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> While worn, user is completely immune to all normal weapons. Armor Class: Weight: Requires: Not Usable By: 0 15 5 Strength Druid, Mage

Axe of Hrothgar +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: +1 Charisma +1 Wisdom THAC0: +3 bonus Damage: 1d8 +3 Damage Type: Slashing Weight: 5 Speed Factor: 4 Proficiency Type: Axe Type: 1-handed Requires: 10 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief Axe of the Unyielding +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities:

Improves AC by 1 User regenerates 1 hp/round THAC0: +3 bonus Damage: 1d8 +3 Damage Type: Slashing Weight: 7 Speed Factor: 4 Proficiency Type: Axe Type: 1-handed Requires: 10 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief Axe of the Unyielding +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: Improves AC by 1 User regenerates 3 hp/round Increase user's Constitution by +1 Combat Abilities: 10% chance of instantly killing an opponent by decapitation with each successful attack. THAC0: Damage: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Not Usable By: +5 bonus 1d8 +5 Slashing 5 2 Axe 1-handed 10 Strength Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief

Azlaer's Harp <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special Abilities: Dispel Fear Area of Effect: 30 foot radius Usable By: Bards Azuredge <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Ability: 1-6 +4 extra damage to undead, plus they must make a saving throw vs. death (-4 penalty) or be utterly destroyed. Damage: 1d6 Damage Type (melee): Slashing Damage Type (thrown): Piercing Special: Returns to user's hand once thrown Weight: 2 Speed Factor: 1 Proficiency Type: Axe Type: 1-handed Requires: 4 Strength Not Usable By: Any Neutral or Evil Character, Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief o===o |(B)| o===o Bag of Plenty +1 <---------------------------------------------------------------------->

Unlimited +1 sling bullets Bag of Plenty +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Unlimited +2 sling bullets Bastard Sword +1, +3 vs. Shapeshifters <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +1 bonus Damage: 2d4 +1, +3 vs. Shapeshifters Damage Type: Slashing Weight: 8 Speed Factor: 7 Proficiency Type: Bastard Sword Type: 1-handed Requires: 11 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief Battle Axe +3, Frostreaver <----------------------------------------------------------------------> +1 point of cold damage to target +1 point of acid damage to target THAC0: +3 bonus Damage: 1d8 +3 Damage Type: Slashing Weight: 7 Speed Factor: 4 Proficiency Type: Axe Type: 1-handed Requires: 10 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief Battle Axe +3, Stonefire <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +3 bonus Damage: 1d8 +3, +2 points of fire damage to target Damage Type (melee): Slashing Weight: 7 Speed Factor: 4 Proficiency Type: Axe Type: 1-handed Requires: 10 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief Belt of Inertial Barrier <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Abilities: +5 to saves vs. breath weapons. +25% resistance to Missile Damage (Missile Attacks will do three quarters of full damage) +50% Resistance to Magic Damage (Magic Attacks (Such as Magic Missile, Abi Dalzim's Horrid Wilting, etc.) will do half of full damage) Belm +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Abilities: sets attacks to +1 per round THAC0: +2 bonus Damage: 1d8 +2 Damage Type: Slashing Weight: 3

Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Not Usable By:

0 Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninja-To 1-handed 10 Strength Cleric, Mage

Black Spider Figurine <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special Abilities: Summons a huge spider for five minutes, once each day. The spider can Phase during combat. Kitthix can also use its Web Tangle ability, which sprays a stream of webbing at one target. If the target fails its save, it will be held by the webbing for two rounds. Kitthix's melee attack is poisonous. Blackmist +4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special Abilities: Blindness: Three times a day save vs. spell Area: 10 foot radius THAC0: Damage: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Not Usable By: +4 1d10 +4 Piercing 10 5 Halberd 2-handed 13 Strength Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief

Blackrazor <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Ability: Regeneration: 1 hp every 5 seconds. Immunity to Charm and Fear. With every hit it has a 15% chance of draining 4 levels, healing the wielder by 20 Hit Points, and hasting him for 20 seconds as well as increasing his Strength by 3 points for 20 seconds. THAC0: +3 bonus Damage: 1d8 +3 Damage Type: Slashing Weight: 4 Speed Factor: 2 Proficiency Type: Long Sword Type: 1-handed Requires: 6 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage Blade of Roses +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: Charisma: +2 bonus THAC0: +3 bonus Damage: 2d4 +3 Damage Type: Slashing Weight: 3 Speed Factor: 2 Proficiency Type: Long Sword Type: 1-handed Requires: 6 Strength

Not Usable By:

Druid, Cleric, Mage

Blade of Searing +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Abilities: 1 extra point of fire damage THAC0: +3 bonus Damage: 2d4 +3 Damage Type: Slashing Weight: 5 Speed Factor: 5 Proficiency Type: Bastard Sword Type: 1-handed Requires: 11 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief Bladesinger Chain +4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class: 1 Weight: 15 Requires: 5 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Mage Blessed Bracers <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Cast Cure Critical Wounds once/day Cast Resurrection once/day +10 to maximum HP total while equipped Weight: 1 Useable By: Paladins

Blue Dragon Plate <----------------------------------------------------------------------> +90% resistance to all lightning and electrical attacks. Armor Class: Weight: Requires: Not Usable By: -1 20 15 Strength Bard, Druid, Mage, Thief

Boneblade +4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +4 Damage: 1d4 +4 Damage Type: Piercing Weight: 1 Speed Factor: 0 Proficiency Type: Dagger Type: 1-handed Requires: 3 Strength Not Usable By: Cleric Boomerang Dagger +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Abilities: Dagger returns to the thrower. THAC0: +3 bonus Damage: 2d4 +2 Damage Type: Missile (piercing) Weight: 1 Speed Factor: 1 Proficiency Type: Dagger

Type: Requires: Not Usable By:

1-handed 3 Strength Cleric

Boots of Avoidance <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class Bonus: +5 vs. missile weapons. Weight: 4 Boots of Elvenkind <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Abilities: Move Silently: +30% bonus Usable By: Thieves Boots of Etherealness <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Use Abilities: Etherealness: These boots can make a wearer ethereal for 30 seconds (once per day). This makes the wearer immune to normal weapons. Spells may still be cast, and weapons may still be used. Boots of Grounding <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Electricity Resistance: +50% Weight: 4 Boots of Speed <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Ability: increases movement rate Boots of Stealth <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Move Silently Bonus: +20% Hide in Shadows Bonus +15% Weight: 4 Note usable by: Fighter, Mage, Cleric, Druid Boots of the North <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Cold Resistance: +50% Weight: 4 Bow of Arvoreen <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +2 bonus Weight: 2 Speed Factor: 6 Proficiency Type: Short Bow Type: 2-handed Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage Bracers of Archery <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +2 (missile weapons only) Weight: 2 Not Usable By: Druid, Mage, Cleric Bracers of Binding <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special: Casting failure 75%

THAC0: +5 penalty Damage: -5 penalty Bracers of Blinding Strike <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Abilities: Improved Haste once per day for twenty seconds Bracers of Defense AC 3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class: 3 Weight: 2 Bracers of Defense AC 4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class: 4 Weight: 2 Bronze Ioun Stone <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Memorize bonus 7th level spell when equipped. Usable By: o===o |(C)| o===o Carsomyr +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: 50% Magic Resistance Dispel magic 3 times per day Combat Abilities: +5 damage to chaotic evil opponents in addition to other bonuses. Dispels magic whenever the sword strikes an opponent. THAC0: +5 bonus Damage: 1d12 +5 Damage Type: Slashing Weight: 7 Speed Factor: 5 Proficiency Type: Two Handed Sword Type: 2-handed Requires: 14 Strength Usable By: Paladins Carsomyr +6 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: 50% Magic Resistance Dispel magic 3 times per day Combat Abilities: +6 damage to chaotic evil opponents in addition to other bonuses. Dispels magic whenever the sword strikes an opponent. THAC0: +6 bonus Damage: 1d12 +6 Damage Type: Slashing Weight: 6 Speed Factor: 4 Proficiency Type: Two Handed Sword Type: 2-handed Requires: 14 Strength Mage, Bard

Usable By:


Case of Plenty +1 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Unlimited +1 Bolts Case of Plenty +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Unlimited +2 Bolts Celestial Fury <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: Lightning Strike: Once per day Blindness: Once per day Combat Abilities: Booming Thunder whenever the sword strikes an opponent (Stun, Save vs. Spell) Shocking Blow chance when sword strikes an opponent (5% chance of 20 additional damage) THAC0: +3 bonus Damage: 1d10 +3 Damage Type: Slashing Weight: 3 Speed Factor: 1 Proficiency Type: Katana Type: 1-handed Requires: 6 Strength Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage Chaos Blade <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special Abilities: Target loses 2 points of Dexterity each hit duration: 30 seconds). THAC0: +2 bonus Damage: 1d6 +2 Damage Type: Piercing Weight: 2 Speed Factor: 0 Proficiency Type: Short Sword Type: 1-handed Usable By: Tieflings Circlet of Netheril <----------------------------------------------------------------------> +10 to maximum Hit Points Memorize one additional 7th and 8th level spell Usable By: Mage

Clay Golem Manual <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Summon a Clay Golem for 10 rounds, once/day. Usable By: Mages, Bards

Cleric's Staff +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +3 bonus Damage: 1d6 +3 Damage Type: Crushing

Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires:

3 1 Quarter Staff 2-handed 5 Strength

Cloak of the Bravery <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: Immunity to fear and panic. Cloak of Displacement <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class: +4 vs. missile weapons Saving Throws (death, breath, wand): +2 bonus Weight: 3 Cloak of Elvenkind <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Hide in Shadows: bonus 50% Cloak of Mirroring <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Deflects all spell damage This includes, but is not limited to offensive spells like magic missile, but not disabling (non-damage) spells such as hold person. Cloak of the Non-Detection <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special: Non-Detectable by magical means such as detect invisibility and scrying. Weight: 3 Cloak of Protection +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class: +2 bonus Saving Throw: +2 bonus Weight: 3 Cloak of Reflection <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special Abilities: Reflects all electrical damage back to the source. Cloak of the High Forest <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class: +1 bonus Saving Throw: +1 bonus Weight: 3 Cloak of the Sewers <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class: +1 bonus Special Abilities: Polymorph self: Once a day, the wearer can change into a rat, a troll, or a mustard jelly. Cloak of the Shield <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special: +5 Armor bonus vs. missile weapons Special: +1 Armor bonus vs. all other weapons Duration: 1 turn Number of Charges: Unknown Weight: 4

Cloak of the Stars <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special Abilities: Create six +5 darts each day. Club +2, +3 vs. Undead <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Always considered to be of +3 enchantment when determining what it can hit. THAC0: +2, +3 vs. Undead Damage: 1d6 +2, +3 vs. Undead Damage Type: Crushing Weight: 3 Speed Factor: 4 Proficiency Type: Club Type: 1-handed Requires: 5 Strength Not Usable By: Mage Club +2, Gnasher <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +2 bonus Damage: 1d6 +2, slivers add 2 points of extra damage each round for four rounds Damage Type: Crushing Weight: 3 Speed Factor: 4 Proficiency Type: Club Type: 1-handed Requires: 5 Strength Not Usable By: Mage Club +3, Blackblood <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +3 bonus Damage: 1d6 +3, +3 acid damage Damage Type: Crushing Weight: 3 Speed Factor: 4 Proficiency Type: Club Type: 1-handed Requires: 5 Strength Not Usable By: Mage Club of Detonation +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Abilities: 20% chance target will take an additional 10 points of fire damage with each successful attack. 7% chance a Fireball will automatically detonate with each successful attack. THAC0: Damage: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Not Usable By: +3 bonus 1d6 +3, +3 fire damage Crushing 3 4 Club 1-handed 5 Strength Mage

Club of Detonation +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Abilities: 30% chance target will take an additional 15 points of fire damage with each successful attack. 5% chance a Fireball will automatically detonate with each successful attack. THAC0: Damage: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Not Usable By: +5 bonus 1d6 +5, +5 fire damage Crushing 1 4 Club 1-handed 5 Strength Mage

Corthala Family Armor <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: Immune to Charm Bonuses: +25% Resistance to fire, acid, and magic damage Armor Class: 2 Weight: 9 Usable By: Valygar Corthala Family Blade <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Abilities: 2 points of additional bleeding damage on target every round for 2 rounds THAC0: +2 bonus Damage: 1d10 +2 Damage Type: Slashing Weight: 4 Speed Factor: 2 Proficiency Type: Katana Type: 1-handed Usable By: Valygar Crimson Chain +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class: 0 Weight: 7 Requires: 8 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Mage, Thief Crimson Dart +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Dart Returns instantly to user's hand after being thrown. THAC0: Damage: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Not Usable By: +3 bonus 1d3 +3 Missile (Piercing) 0 0 Dart 1-handed Cleric

Crossbow of Affliction +4

<----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: -2 Strength penalty THAC0: +4 bonus Damage: +4 (Missile) Weight: 9 Speed Factor: 6 Proficiency Type: Crossbow Type: 2-handed Usable By: Cleric, Druid, Mage Cursed Berserking Sword +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +3 bonus Damage: 1d10 +3 Damage Type: Slashing Special: Causes the wielder to go Berserk Can only be removed with a 'remove curse' spell Weight: 15 Speed Factor: 10 Proficiency Type: Two Handed Sword Type: 2-handed Requires: 14 Strength Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief Cutthroat +4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +4 bonus Damage: 1d6 +4 Damage Type: Piercing Weight: 2 Speed Factor: 1 Proficiency Type: Short Sword Type: 1-handed Requires: 5 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage o===o |(D)| o===o Dagger of the Star +4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Abilities: 5% chance of making the user go invisible for 60 seconds after each successful attack. THAC0: Damage: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Not Usable By: +4 bonus 1d4 +4 Piercing 1 0 Dagger 1-handed 3 Strength Cleric

Dagger of the Star +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Abilities: 15% chance of making the user go invisible for 60 seconds after each successful attack.

Star Bolt - each successful hit has a 5% chance of causing an extra 1d8 fire and 1d8 electrical damage THAC0: Damage: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Not Usable By: +5 bonus 1d4 +5 Piercing 1 0 Dagger 1-handed 3 Strength Cleric

Dak'kon's Zerth Blade <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: +1 AC bonus able to memorize one extra 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th level Mage spell THAC0: Damage: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Not Usable By: +2 bonus 1d10 +2 Slashing 4 2 Katana 1-handed 6 Strength Druid, Cleric, Mage

Dark Elven Chain <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class: 4 Weight: 8 Requires: 5 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Mage Darkfire Bow +4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: Once per day may cast Improved Haste. 5% bonus to Fire and Cold resistance. THAC0: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Requires: Not Usable By: +4 1 2 Short Bow 3 Strength Druid, Cleric, Mage

Darkfire Bow +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: Once per day may cast Improved Haste. 5% bonus to Fire and Cold resistance. THAC0: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Requires: Not Usable By: +5 1 1 Short Bow 3 Strength Druid, Cleric, Mage

Darkmail +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Bonus: +20% Resistance to fire damage Armor Class: 2 Weight: 9 Requires: 8 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Mage, Thief Darksteel Shield +4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> +10% resistance to fire, cold, acid, and poison. Armor Class Bonus: Weight: Requires: Not Usable By: 5 8 15 Strength Bard, Druid, Mage, Thief

Daystar <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special Abilities (once per day): Sunray Damage: 3d6 (save vs. spells or be blinded for 10 rounds). Undead: an additional 1d6 points of damage per level of caster (save vs. spells or be destroyed). Range: 20 ft Area: 20 ft radius THAC0: +2 bonus, +4 vs. evil creatures Damage: 1d8 +2, +4 vs. evil creatures, does double damage against undead Damage Type: Slashing Weight: 2 Speed Factor: 3 Proficiency Type: Long Sword Type: 1-handed Requires: 6 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage Defender of Easthaven +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: +1 AC bonus +20% resistance to slashing, piercing, and blunt damage THAC0: +2 bonus Damage: 1d6 +2 Damage Type: Crushing Weight: 12 Speed Factor: 5 Proficiency Type: Flail/Morningstar Type: 1-Handed Requires: 13 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Mage, Thief Delyrn Family Shield <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special: Fire Resistance: +30%, Cold Resistance: +30% Armor Class Bonus: 2 Abilities: 3 times per day can cast protection from missiles on bearer. Delver's Plate +2 <---------------------------------------------------------------------->

Armor Class: Weight: Requires: Not Usable By:

1 25 12 Strength Bard, Druid, Mage, Thief

Dragon Helm <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Abilities: Sets fire, cold and electrical resistance to 25% Armor Class Bonus: None Weight: 2 Not Usable By: Mage, Bard, Thief Dragon Scale Shield +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Abilities: Sets fire, cold and electrical resistance to 25% Armor Class Bonus: 3 Weight: 5 Requires: 12 Strength Not Usable By: Bard, Druid, Mage, Thief Dragon's Breath +4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Abilities: +1 point of cold damage +1 point of fire damage +1 point of electrical damage +1 point of acid damage +1 point of poison damage THAC0: +4 bonus Damage: 1d10 Damage Type: Piercing Weight: 12 Speed Factor: 5 Proficiency Type: Halberd Type: 2-handed Requires: 13 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief Dragon's Bane +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +3 bonus Damage: 1d10 +3, +6 vs. dragons Damage Type: Piercing Weight: 12 Speed Factor: 9 Proficiency Type: Halberd Type: 2-handed Requires: 13 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief Dragonslayer <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: Immunity to Fear Regenerate 1 Hit Point every 10 rounds Special Abilities (once per day): Detect Invisible THAC0: Damage: +2 bonus 1d10 +2, double damage against dragons

Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Not Usable By:

Slashing 3 3 Longs Sword 1-handed 6 Strength Druid, Cleric, Mage

Drow Adamantine Chain +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class: 0 Weight: 12 Requires: 5 Strength Not Usable By: Mages, Druid, Kensai Drow Crossbow of Speed <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +3 bonus Damage: +3 (missile) Special: 1 extra attack per round Weight: 5 Speed Factor: 1 Proficiency Type: Type Crossbow Type: 2-Handed Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief Drow Elven Chain +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Abilities: +5 Magic Resistance -1 to casting time of all spells Armor Class: 2 Weight: 12 Requires: 5 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Mage, Kensai Drow Flail +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +3 bonus Damage: 1d6 +3 Damage Type: Crushing Weight: 15 Speed Factor: 4 Proficiency Type: Flail/Morningstar Type: 1-Handed Requires: 13 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Mage, Thief Drow Full Plate +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class: -4 Weight: 70 Requires: 15 Strength Not Usable By: Bard, Druid, Mage, Thief Drow Halberd +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +3 bonus Damage: 1d10 +3 Damage Type: Piercing Weight: 15 Speed Factor: 6

Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Not Usable By:

Halberd 2-Handed 13 Strength Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief

Drow Lance +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +3 bonus Damage: 1d6 +3 Damage Type: Piercing Weight: 5 Speed Factor: 3 Proficiency Type: Spear Type: 2-Handed Requires: 5 Strength Not Usable By: Cleric, Mage, Thief Drow Longsword +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +3 bonus Damage: 1d8 +3 Damage Type: Slashing Weight: 4 Speed Factor: 2 Proficiency Type: Long Sword Type: 1-Handed Requires: 6 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage Drow Scimitar +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +3 bonus Damage: 1d8 +4 Damage Type: Slashing Weight: 3 Speed Factor: 2 Proficiency Type: Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninja-To Type: 1-handed Requires: 10 Strength Not Usable By: Cleric, Mage, Thief Drow Shield +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class: 4 Weight: 7 Requires: 12 Strength Not Usable By: Bard, Druid, Mage, Thief Dusty Rose Ioun Stone <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class Bonus: +1 Weight: 2 Dwarven Thrower +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Abilities: Returns to thrower. THAC0: +3 bonus Damage: 2d4 +3, +3 damage to giants and ogres Damage Type: Crushing Weight: 4 Speed Factor: 1

Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Not Usable By: o===o |(E)| o===o

War Hammer 1-Handed 9 Strength Non-dwarves, Druid, Mage, Thief

Efreeti Bottle <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special Abilities: Summons an Efreeti once a day. Elven Chain Mail <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class: 5 Weight: 7 Requires: 5 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Mage Elven Chain Mail +1 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class: 4 Weight: 8 Requires: 5 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Mage Elven Court Bow +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +3 bonus Weight: 2 Speed Factor: 4 Proficiency Type: Longbow Requires: 6 Strength Type: 2-handed Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief Enkindu's Full Plate +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Immune to backstab while equipped. +5% Magic Resistance. Armor Class: Weight: Requires: Not Usable By: -2 45 15 Strength Bard, Druid, Mage, Thief

Entropy <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special Abilities: 3 points of poison damage if target fails save THAC0: +2 bonus Damage: 1d6 +2 Damage Type: Piercing Weight: 2 Speed Factor: 0 Proficiency Type: Short Sword Type: 1-handed Usable By: Tieflings Equalizer, The <---------------------------------------------------------------------->

Always considered +3 when determining what it can hit. THAC0 & Damage: vs True Neutral: +0 to hit, +0 damage vs Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Neutral: +1 to hit, +2 damage vs Neutral Good, Neutral Evil: +2 to hit, +4 damage vs other alignments: +3 to hit, +6 damage Damage Type: Slashing Weight: 3 Speed Factor: 3 Proficiency Type: Long Sword Type: 1-Handed Requires: 6 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage Erinne Sling +4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: Can create 4 +4 bullets once/day. THAC0: Damage: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Not Usable By: +4 bonus +4 (missile damage) 0 0 Sling 1-handed 3 Strength

Erinne Sling +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: Can create 4 +4 bullets once/day. THAC0: Damage: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Not Usable By: +5 bonus +5 (missile damage) 0 0 Sling 1-handed 3 Strength

Everard's Morning Star +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Ability: 50% chance per hit of making targeted spellcaster lose one spell from memory. THAC0: +2 bonus Damage: 2d4 +2 Damage Type: Crushing Weight: 9 Speed Factor: 5 Proficiency Type: Flail/Morning Star Type: 1-handed Requires: 11 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Mage, Thief o===o |(F)| o===o Firecam Full-Plate Armor <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class: 0

Weight: Requires:

70 Only wearable by Keldorn

Fire Tooth +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Abilities: Dagger returns to the thrower. THAC0: +3 bonus, 1d2 fire damage Damage: 2d4 +3 Weight: 1 Speed Factor: 1 Proficiency Type: Dagger Type: 1-handed Requires: 3 Strength Not Usable By: Cleric Firetooth +4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Automatically shoots +2 Fire Arrows THAC0: Damage: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Not Usable By: +6 bonus (+4 crossbow, +2 Fire Arrow) 1d8 +4, +2 Fire damage 5 1 Crossbow 2-handed Druid, Cleric, Mage

Firetooth +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Automatically shoots +2 Fire Bolts THAC0: Damage: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Not Usable By: +7 bonus (+5 crossbow, +2 Fire Arrow) 1d8 +5, +2 Fire damage 5 1 Crossbow 2-handed Druid, Cleric, Mage

Flail of Ages (One Head) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Damage: 1d6 +2, +1 Acid, or +1 Cold, or +1 Fire Damage Damage Type: Crushing Weight: 10 Speed Factor: 6 Proficiency Type: Flail/Morning Start Type: 1-handed Requires: 13 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Mage, Thief Flail of Ages (Two Heads) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Damage: 1d6 +3, +1 Acid Damage, +1 Cold Damage or +1 Acid Damage, +1 Fire Damage or +1 Cold Damage, +1 Fire Damage Damage Type: Crushing Weight: 10 Speed Factor: 7 Proficiency Type: Flail/Morning Start Type: 1-handed Requires: 13 Strength

Not Usable By:

Druid, Mage, Thief

Flail of Ages +3 (Three Heads) [Best SoA version] <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Abilities: A chance each hit that target will be slowed (no saving throw). THAC0: +3 Damage: 1d6 +4, +1 Acid Damage, +1 Cold Damage, +1 Fire Damage Weight: 10 Speed Factor: 4 Proficiency Type: Flail/Morningstar Type: 1-handed Requires: 13 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Mage, Thief Flail of the Ages +4 (Four Heads) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Abilities: 33% chance with each successful attack that the target is slowed (No Save). THAC0: Damage: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Not Usable By: +4 1d6 +5, +1 Fire Damage, +1 Cold Damage, +1 Acid Damage, +1 Poison Damage 9 3 Flail/Morningstar 1-handed 13 Strength Druid, Mage, Thief

Flail of the Ages +5 (Five Heads) [Best ToB version] <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: Free Action 5% bonus to Magic Resistance Combat Abilities: 33% chance with each successful attack that the target is slowed (no Saving throw). THAC0: Damage: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Not Usable By: +5 1d6 +6, +2 Fire Damage, +2 Cold Damage, +2 Acid Damage, +2 Poison Damage, +2 Electrical Damage 8 2 Flail/Morningstar 1-handed 13 Strength Druid, Mage, Thief

Flame of the North <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: 10% magic resistance. THAC0: +2 bonus Damage: 1d10 +2, +4 extra damage to chaotic evil opponents Damage Type: Slashing Weight: 10

Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Usable By:

8 Two Handed Sword 2-handed 14 Strength Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief

Flame Tongue <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Damage: 1d8 +1, +2 vs. regenerating creatures, +3 vs. cold/fire creatures, +4 vs. undead Damage Type: Slashing Weight: 4 Speed Factor: 3 Proficiency Type: Long Sword Type: 1-handed Requires: 6 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage Flasher Launcher <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +1 bonus Weight: 10 Speed Factor: 3 Proficiency Type: Crossbow Type: 2-handed Usable By: Jan Jansen Foebane +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +3 bonus Damage: 2d4 +3, +6 damage vs. undead, shapeshifters, and all extra-planar beings (demons, planetars, etc.) Damage Type: Slashing Weight: 7 Speed Factor: 5 Proficiency Type: Bastard Sword Type: 1-handed Requires: 11 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief Foebane +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Statistics: Special Abilities: +1 bonus to all saving throws when equipped Combat Abilities: Each successful hit casts Larloch's Minor Drain on the target (no save) THAC0: Damage: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Not Usable By: Fortress Shield +3 +5 bonus 2d4 +5, +6 damage vs. undead, shapeshifters, and all extra-planar beings (demons, planetars, etc.) Slashing 5 5 Bastard Sword 1-handed 11 Strength Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief

<----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special: +7 AC bonus vs. missile weapons Armor Class Bonus: 4 Weight: 3 Requires: 15 Strength Not Usable By: Bard, Druid, Mage, Thief o===o |(G)| o===o Gargoyle Boots <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Stoneskin 2 times/day (2 skins per use). Immune to backstab. Gauntlets of Crushing <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +4 bonus when attacking with fists Damage: +4 bonus when attacking with fists Gauntlets of Dexterity <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Dexterity: set to 18 Weight: 2 Gauntlets of Extraordinary Specialization <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Adds one extra 1/2 attack/round. THAC0: +1 bonus Damage: +2 bonus Weight: 1 Usable By: Fighters, Paladins, Rangers

Gauntlets of Ogre Power <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Strength: set to 18/00 Weight: 2 Not Usable By: Thief, Mage Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +1 bonus Damage: +2 bonus Weight: 1 Gauntlets of Weapon Skill <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +1 bonus Weight: 2 Giant Hair Crossbow +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +3 bonus Damage: +5 (missile) Weight: 11 Speed Factor: 7 Proficiency Type: Crossbow Type: 2-handed Requires: 15 Strength

Not Usable By:

Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief

Girdle of Bluntness <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class Bonus: +4 vs. blunt weapons Weight: 2 Girdle of Fortitude <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special Abilities (once per day): Constitution: set to 18 (lasts for eight hours) Weight: 2 Girdle of Fire Giant Strength <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Strength: set to 22 Girdle of Frost Giant Strength <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Strength: set to 21 Girdle of Hill Giant Strength <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Strength: set to 19 Girdle of Piercing <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class Bonus: +3 vs. piercing weapons Weight: 2 Girdle of Stone Giant Strength <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Strength: set to 20 Glasses of Identification <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Identify three times per day. Gloves of Healing <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special Abilities: Heal up to 10 Hit Points of damage and any poison effects, once per day. Gloves of Pick Pocketing <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Pick Pocketing: +20% Bonus Golem Manual <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Summon a Flesh Golem for 10 rounds once/day Usable By: Mages, Bards

Golden Girdle <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class Bonus: +3 vs. slashing weapons Weight: 2 Golden Ioun Stone <----------------------------------------------------------------------> +1 to Intelligence when equipped.

Golden Lion Figurine <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special Abilities: Summons a lion for five minutes, once each day. Gorgon Plate +4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class: -1 Bonus: 15% resistance to fire and acid Weight: 30 Requires: 12 Strength Not Usable By: Bard, Druid, Mage Gram the Sword of Grief +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Abilities: 10% Chance of 2d12 poison damage THAC0: Damage: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Not Usable By: +5 bonus 1d10 +5 Slashing 9 5 Two Handed Sword 2-handed 14 Strength Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief

Gram the Sword of Grief +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special Abilities: 5% Magic Resistance when equipped. Combat Abilities: 10% Chance of 2d12 poison damage Each hit target must save vs. death (with a -5 penalty) or lose 1 level. THAC0: Damage: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Not Usable By: +5 bonus 1d10 +5 Slashing 9 5 Two Handed Sword 2-handed 14 Strength Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief

Grandmaster's Armor +6 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Abilities: Increase movement rate as Boots of Speed. Armor Class: Weight: Requires: Not Usable By: 1 5 6 Strength Mage, Monk

Greenstone Amulet <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special Abilities: This amulet confers the wearer protection against all charm, confusion, fear, domination, ESP, detect alignment, hold, stun, psionics, sleep

and feeblemind. However the protection effect uses one charge each time it is used and will only last for 1 turn. o===o |(H)| o===o Halberd +2, Duskblade <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +2 bonus Damage: 1d10 +2, +2 points of cold damage Damage Type: Piercing Weight: 12 Speed Factor: 7 Proficiency Type: Halberd Type: 2-Handed Requires: 13 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief Halberd +2: Suryris' Blade <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +2 bonus Damage: 1d10 +2 Damage Type: Piercing Weight: 12 Speed Factor: 7 Proficiency Type: Halberd Type: 2-Handed Requires: 13 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief Halberd +4: Wave <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Abilities: 15% chance of draining victim of water (+15 damage) Slays Fire Elementals, Efreet, Salamanders (no save) THAC0: +4 bonus Damage: 1d10 +4 Damage Type: Piercing Weight: 12 Speed Factor: 5 Proficiency Type: Halberd Type: 2-Handed Requires: 13 Strength Not Usable By: Monk, Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief Hallowed Redeemer <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: 5 points of magic damage to any who deal out any damage to the wielder. THAC0: Damage: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Usable By: +2 bonus 1d10 +2 Slashing 8 8 Two Handed Sword 2-handed Keldorn

Hammer of Thunderbolts +3

<----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +3 bonus Damage: 2d4 +3 Damage Type: Crushing Weight: 4 Speed Factor: 1 Proficiency Type: Warhammer Type: 1-Handed Requires: 18 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Mage, Thief Handmaiden's Mace <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Abilities: A creature hit by this mace must make a saving throw vs. poison of suffer 2 points of damage each round for 10 rounds. THAC0: +2 bonus Damage: 1d6 +3 Damage Type: Crushing Weight: 8 Speed Factor: 6 Proficiency Type: Mace Type: 1-handed Not Usable By: Any who are not either Elf or Half-Elf Evil Clerics Hangard's Axe +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Abilities: Axe returns to the wielder's hand instantly after an attack is made. THAC0: +2 bonus Damage: 1d6 +2 Damage Type (melee): Slashing Damage Type (thrown): missile (piercing) Special: Returns to user's hand once thrown Weight: 3 Speed Factor: 2 Proficiency Type: Axe Type: 1-handed Requires: 4 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief Harbinger +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Abilities: Fireball There is a 5% chance per hit that a 10d6 fireball explodes, centered on the target. Flesh to stone All Ogres when hit must save vs. spells or be turned to stone. THAC0: +3 bonus Damage: 1d10 +3 Damage Type: Slashing Weight: 10 Speed Factor: 7 Proficiency Type: Two Handed Sword Type: 2-handed Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief Harmonium Halberd <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: +1 Strength

-1 Intelligence -1 Wisdom THAC0: Damage: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Not Usable By:

+3 bonus 1d10 +3 Piercing 12 9 Halberd 2-handed 11 Strength Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief

Harp of Discord <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special Abilities: 3 times a day can cause confusion to all creatures within listening range (save vs. spells to avoid the confusion). The bard and fellow party members are not affected by the confusion. Harp of Pandemonium <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special Abilities: 3 times a day can cause Pandemonium: all enemies must make a saving throw vs. spells or be tossed away from the bard as well as confused for three rounds. Usable By: Bards

Harper Pin <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: +5 bonus on saves. vs. spells Non-Detection Immune to Magic Missile 100% Resistance to Electricity Heartseeker +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Abilities: Once per day can increase bow's aim to an additional +7 to hit for nine second. THAC0: +4 bonus Damage: +2 Weight: 7 Speed Factor: 4 Proficiency Type: Longbow Type: 2-handed Requires: 18 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief, Bard Heartwood Ring <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Memorize on additional 6th and 7th level Druid Spell. Usable By: Druids

Heavy Crossbow of Accuracy <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +5 bonus Damage: +2 (missile) Weight: 10 Speed Factor: 7 Proficiency Type: Crossbow Type: 2-handed

Requires: Not Usable By:

12 Strength Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief

Heavy Crossbow of Searing +1 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +1 bonus Damage: +3 (missile), +2 fire damage Weight: 10 Speed Factor: 9 Proficiency Type: Crossbow Type: 2-handed Requires: 12 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief Helmet of Balduran <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class Bonus: 1 Hit Point Max: +5 Saving Throws: +1 bonus THAC0: +1 bonus Special: Protects Against Critical Hits Weight: 1 Not Usable By: Mage, Bard, Thief Helm of Brilliance <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: Protects Against Critical Hits Fire Resistance Special Abilities (once per day): Ability 1: Effect: Fireball Damage: 6d6 (save vs. wands for half) Range: 90 ft Area: 30 ft radius Ability 2: Effect: Prismatic Spray Effects vary as per 7th Level Wizard spell Ability Effect: Damage: Undead: 3: Sunray 3d6 (save vs. spells or be blinded for 10 rounds) an additional 1d6 points of damage per level of the caster (save vs. spells or be destroyed) Range: 20 ft Area: 20 ft radius Armor Class Bonus: Weight: Not Usable By: None 2 Mage, Bard, Thief

Helm of Charm Protection <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class Bonus: None Special: Protects Against Critical Hits Wearer is immune to charm Weight: 4 Not Usable By: Mage, Bard, Thief

Helm of Glory <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class Bonus: +1 bonus Charisma: +1 bonus Special: Protects Against Critical Hits Weight: 2 Not Usable By: Mage, Bard, Thief Helm of the Rock <----------------------------------------------------------------------> +25% resistance to fire, cold, acid, and electricity. Usable By: Fighter

Helm of the Rock <----------------------------------------------------------------------> +25% resistance to fire, cold, acid, poison, and electricity. - Cast Aura of Command 3 times per day (enemies save vs spell at -2 or flee in terror). Usable By: Fighter

Helmet of Defense <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class Bonus: None Saving Throws: +1 bonus Electrical Resistance: +20% Cold Resistance: +20% Fire Resistance: +20% Special: Protects Against Critical Hits Weight: 3 Not Usable By: Mage, Bard, Thief Helmet of Infravision <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class Bonus: None Special: Protects Against Critical Hits Grants wearer infravision up to 120 ft Weight: 3 Not Usable By: Mage, Bard, Thief Hindo's Doom +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special Abilities: Cast Lesser Restoration once/day. THAC0: Damage: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Usable By: +3 bonus 1d10 +3 Slashing 3 1 Katana 1-handed 6 Strength Druid, Cleric, Mage

Hindo's Doom +4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special Abilities: Cast Greater Restoration once/day. 10% Magic Resistance when equipped.

Immunity to all forms of death magic when equipped. THAC0: Damage: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Usable By: +4 bonus 1d10 +4 Slashing 2 0 Katana 1-handed 6 Strength Druid, Cleric, Mage

Holy Symbol of Helm <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Grants an additional 6th and 7th level spell. 5% Magic Resistance while worn. +1 to Strength while worn. Usable By: Neutral Clerics Holy Symbol of Lathander <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Grants an additional 6th and 7th level spell. 5% Magic Resistance while worn. +1 to Strength while worn. Usable By: Good Clerics Holy Symbol of Talos <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Grants an additional 6th and 7th level spell. 5% Magic Resistance while worn. +1 to Strength while worn. Usable By: Evil Clerics Horn of Blasting <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special Abilities (once per day): Sonic wave, everyone in area takes 2-20 Hit Points damage and are stunned for two rounds (save vs. paralyzation for half and to avoid being stunned). Horn of Silence <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special Abilities: Silence everyone in area (unless they make a saving throw vs. breath weapon) for one minute. Human Flesh +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class: 3 Saving Throws: +4 bonus Magic Resistance: 20% bonus Weight: 5 Requires: 3 Strength Not Usable By: Mage, Non-Evil Characters o===o |(I)| o===o

Ice Star +4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> +20% Fire Resistance THAC0: Damage: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Not Usable By: +4 2d4 +4 +1-4 extra cold damage Crushing 8 4 Flail/Morningstar 1-handed 11 Strength Druid, Mage, Thief

Ilbratha +1 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special Abilities: Casts Mirror Image once per day THAC0: +1 bonus Damage: 1d6 +1 Damage Type: Piercing Weight: 2 Speed Factor: 2 Proficiency Type: Short Sword Type: 1-handed Requires: 5 Strength Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage Improved Cloak of Protection +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Cast Improved Haste once/Day Cast Improved Invisibility once/day Armor Class: +2 bonus Saving Throw: +2 bonus Weight: 3 Ixil's Nail +4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +4 bonus Damage: 1d6 +4 Weight: 5 Speed Factor: 6 Proficiency Type: Spear Type: 2-handed Requires: 5 Strength Usable By: Cleric, Mage, Thief Ixil's Spike <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Damage: 1d4 +2 THAC0: +2 bonus Weight: 1 Speed Factor: 0 Proficiency Type: Dagger Type: 1-handed Requires: 3 Strength Usable By: Cleric Ixil's Spike +6 <---------------------------------------------------------------------->

Equipped Abilities: Permanent Free Action. Combat Abilities: With each successful hit, the opponent must save or be pinned for 3 rounds, taking an additional 1d6+5 damage each round. THAC0: Damage: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Usable By: o===o |(J)| o===o Jansen AdventureWear <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special Abilities: 25% resistance to physical damage Armor Class: +5 bonus to missile attacks Usable By: Jan Jansen Note: Dryclean only Jansen Spectroscopes <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special Abilities: detect invisibility once per day Disarm Traps +25% Detect Traps +25% Detect Illusions +20% Jansen Techno-Gloves <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Lockpicking: +20% Pick Pockets +20% Jerrod's Mace <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +2 bonus, +5 vs. demons Damage: 1d6 +3, +5 vs. demons Damage Type: Crushing Weight: 7 Speed Factor: 5 Proficiency Type: Mace Type: 1-handed Not Usable By: Druid, Mage, Thief Jester's Chain +4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class: 1 Weight: 8 Requires: 8 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Mage, Thief Jhor the Bleeder +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Abilities: 2 extra Hit Points damage every round, until 10 hit points of damage done. +6 bonus 1d6 +6 Piercing 5 2 Spear 2-handed 5 Strength Cleric, Mage, Thief

THAC0: Damage: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Not Usable By:

+2 bonus 2d4 +2 Slashing 7 6 Bastard Sword 1-handed 11 Strength Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief

Joril's Dagger +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Abilities: 25% chance of each hit confusing an opponent for three rounds (save vs. spells to negate effect). THAC0: +3 bonus Damage: 1d10 +3, +1 cold damage Damage Type: Slashing Weight: 10 Speed Factor: 7 Proficiency Type: Two Handed Sword Type: 2-handed Requires: 13 Strength Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief Juggernaut Golem Manual <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Cast Juggernaut once/day (see below). This spell causes an Iron Golem to appear at the caster's side for 10 round. The Golem serves two purposes: First, it will attack any enemies it can see. Second, the Golem acts as a magical shield for the wizard, absorbing all melee damage inflicted on the caster for up to 5 blows. If the caster is struck 5 times the Golem is dispelled. Juggernaut Golem: AC: -2, hit only by +2 or better weapons. HP: 99 THAC0: -1, fists act as +2 weapons. Damage: 8d8, +2d6 and stunned if target fails save vs spell. Usable By: o===o |(K)| o===o K'logarath +4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Abilities: Axe returns to the wielder's hand instantly after an attack is made. Target must save vs death or be knocked down and take 2d6 extra damage with each successful hit. THAC0: Damage: Damage Type (melee): Damage Type (thrown): Special: Weight: +4 bonus 1d6 +4 Slashing missile (piercing) Returns to user's hand once thrown 1 Mages, Bards

Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Not Usable By:

0 Axe 1-handed 4 Strength Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief

Kachiko's Wakizashi +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Ability: drains 2 points of target's Wisdom (lasts two rounds) on each hit. Target may save vs. death to avoid Wisdom loss. THAC0: +3 bonus Damage: 1d8 +3 Damage Type: Piercing Weight: 2 Speed Factor: 0 Proficiency Type: Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninja-To Type: 1-handed Requires: 5 Strength Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage Kaligun's Amulet of Magic Resistance <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Magic Resistance: +10% Karajah's Leather Armor <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class: 5 Weight: 4 Requires: 3 Strength Not Usable By: Mage Kundane <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +2 bonus Damage: 1d6 +2 Damage Type: Piercing Weight: 2 Speed Factor: 0 Proficiency Type: Short Sword Type: 1-handed Requires: 5 Strength Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage o===o |(L)| o===o Lavender Ioun Stone <----------------------------------------------------------------------> +1 bonus to AC +4 bonus to all saves vs death Large Shield +1, +4 vs. Missiles <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class: +1 bonus, +4 vs. Missile Weapons Weight: 12 Requires: 15 Strength Not Usable By: Bard, Druid, Mage, Thief Light Crossbow of Speed <---------------------------------------------------------------------->

THAC0: Damage: Special: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Not Usable By:

+1 bonus +1 (missile) 1 extra attack per round 5 3 Crossbow 2-handed 8 Strength Druid, Cleric, Mage

Lilarcor <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Damage: 1d10 +3 THAC0: +3 bonus Damage Type: Slashing Equipped Abilities: Immunity to Charm Immunity to Confusion Weight: 10 Speed Factor: 8 Proficiency Type: Two Handed Sword Type: 2-Handed Requires: 14 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief Longsword +2: 'Varscona' <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Damage: 1d8 +2 Special: +1 Cold Damage THAC0: +2 bonus Damage Type: Slashing Weight: 3 Speed Factor: 3 Proficiency Type: Long Sword Type: 1-handed Requires: 6 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage o===o |(M)| o===o Mace of Disruption +1 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Abilities: 2-12 +4 damage to Undead, plus they must make a saving throw vs. death (-4 penalty) or be utterly destroyed. THAC0: +1 bonus Damage: 1d6 +2 Damage Type: Crushing Weight: 8 Speed Factor: 6 Proficiency Type: Mace Type: 1-Handed Requires: 10 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Mage, Thief Mace of Disruption +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Abilities: 2-12 +4 damage to Undead, plus they must make a saving throw vs. death (-4 penalty) or be utterly destroyed.

Immunity to Level Drain THAC0: +2 bonus Damage: 1d6 +3 Damage Type: Crushing Weight: 8 Speed Factor: 6 Proficiency Type: Mace Type: 1-Handed Requires: 10 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Mage, Thief Mail of the Dead +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class: 3 Weight: 10 Requires: 8 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Mage, Thief Malakar +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +2 bonus Armor Class: +2 bonus against slashing weapons Damage: 1d10 +2 Damage Type: Slashing Weight: 4 Speed Factor: 2 Proficiency Type: Katana Type: 1-handed Requires: 6 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage Malla's Soul Stone <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Abilities: +1 to Dexterity +1 to Constitution Cast 'Neutralize Poison' once/day. Armor Class Bonus: None Weight: 2 Not Usable By: Those of Good Alignment Mana Bow +4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: +20% to resist magical damage THAC0: +4 bonus Weight: 2 Speed Factor: 3 Proficiency Type: Longbow Type: 2-handed Requires: 6 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief Martial Staff +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +3 bonus Damage: 1d6 +3 Damage Type: Crushing Weight: 4 Speed Factor: 1 Proficiency Type: Quarter Staff Type: 2-handed


5 Strength

Mauler's Arm +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Ability: Increases wielder's Strength to 18. THAC0: +2 bonus Damage: 1d6 +3 Damage Type: Crushing Weight: 7 Speed Factor: 5 Proficiency Type: Mace Type: 1-Handed Not Usable By: Druid, Mage, Thief Melodic Chain +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class: 2 Weight: 12 Requires: 5 Strength Usable By: Bard Mercykiller Ring <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: +20% to set snares +20% to hide in shadows +20% to move silently Usable By: Thief

Methild's Harp <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special Abilities: Three times a day the harp can dispel hold-like effects on a single target. Usable By: Bards Montolio's Cloak <----------------------------------------------------------------------> +1 bonus to AC +1 bonus to all saving throws +2 THAC0 with off hand Usable By: Rangers

Moon Dog Figurine <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special Abilities: Cerebus may be summoned once per day, for five minutes, and has the following innate powers: Moon Dog Howl: used once per summoning, the howl damages and instills fear in enemies who are evil, while also dispelling fear and casting Protection from Evil on party members. Healing Lick: heals 8 HP of damage and cures Disease, Deafness, Blindness and Poison. Moon Dog Sight: the moon dog can see through (and therefore dispel) all forms of illusion and invisibility, detecting traps and evil in the vicinity. Improved Invisibility: as per the spell Mirror Image: three times per day, as per the spell o===o

|(N)| o===o Namarra +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special Abilities: Casts Silence 15' radius three times a day. THAC0: +2 bonus Damage: 1d8 +4 Damage Type: Slashing Weight: 3 Speed Factor: 3 Proficiency Type: Long Sword Type: 1-handed Requires: 6 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage Neb's Nasty Cutter <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Ability: Target must make a saving throw vs. poison or suffer 2 points of damage per second for 10 seconds. THAC0: +2 bonus Damage: 1d4 +2 Damage Type: Piercing Weight: 1 Speed Factor: 0 Proficiency Type: Dagger Type: 1-handed Not Usable By: Cleric, Non-Evil Alignments Necaradan's Crossbow +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +3 bonus Damage: +3 (missile) Weight: 5 Speed Factor: 2 Proficiency Type: Crossbow Type: 2-handed Requires: 8 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage Necklace of Form Stability <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special Abilities: +5 bonus to all saves vs. polymorph Necklace of Missiles <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Missile Blast: Range: 50 ft Area of effect: 30 ft. radius Damage: 6d6 (save vs. spell for half) Night's Gift +5, The <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Bonuses: +20% to hide in shadows. Armor Class: 3 Weight: 5 Requires: 3 Strength Not Usable By: Mage Nymph Cloak <---------------------------------------------------------------------->

Charisma: +2 bonus Weight: o===o |(O)| o===o

Obsidian Ioun Stone <----------------------------------------------------------------------> +1 to Constitution when equipped. Orc Leather <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Bonuses: +10% Resistance to missile attacks Penalties: -1 to Charisma Armor Class: 4 Weight: 7 Requires: 6 Strength Not Usable By: Mage o===o |(P)| o===o Paladin's Bracers <----------------------------------------------------------------------> +10 to maximum HP total while equipped Weight: 1 Useable By: Paladins Pale Green Ioun Stone <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: +10% bonus to Hit Points +1 bonus to THAC0 Armor Class Bonus: None Weight: 2 Pearly White Ioun Stone <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Abilities: Regenerate 2 Hit Points every minute Armor Class Bonus: None Weight: 2 Periapt of Life Protection <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Abilities: +3 Bonus to all saves vs. death. Periapt of Proof Against Poison <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special Abilities: Cure Poison once per day. Equipped Abilities: Immune to poison. Pixie Prick +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Ability: Target must make a saving throw vs. poison or fall asleep for two rounds. THAC0: +3 bonus Damage: 1d4 +3 Damage Type: Piercing Weight: 1

Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Not Usable By:

0 Dagger 1-handed 3 Strength Cleric

Plate of Balduran <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: +4 Hit Points +1 Charisma bonus Armor Class: -1 Weight: 50 Requires: 15 Strength Not Usable By: Bard, Druid, Mage, Thief Pride of the Leigon +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class: -1 Weight: 45 Requires: 15 Strength Not Usable By: Bard, Druid, Mage, Thief Protector of the Second +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class: 6 Weight: 5 Requires: 4 Strength Not Usable By: Mage Psion's Blade +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Grants immunity to confusion and all Psionic attacks when wielded. Damage: THAC0: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Not Usable By: 1d10 +5 +5 bonus Slashing 9 5 Two Handed Sword 2-handed 14 Strength Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief

Purifier +4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: 20% Magic Resistance Combat Abilities: Additional +4 damage versus chaotic evil opponents THAC0: Damage: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Usable By: +4 bonus 2d4 +4 Slashing 6 4 Bastard Sword 1-handed 11 Strength Paladin

Purifier +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: 30% Magic Resistance Cast Dispel Magic twice per day Cast Mass Cure once per day Combat Abilities: Additional +5 damage versus chaotic evil opponents THAC0: Damage: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Usable By: o===o |(Q)| o===o Quiver of Plenty +1 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Unlimited +1 Arrows Quiver of Plenty +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Unlimited +2 Arrows o===o |(R)| o===o Ras +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special Abilities: Dancing sword can attack on its own for 4 rounds. THAC0: +2 bonus Damage: 1d8 +2 Damage Type: Slashing Weight: 3 Speed Factor: 3 Proficiency Type: Long Sword Type: 1-handed Requires: 6 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage Ravager +4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Cast Cloak of Fear twice/day. THAC0: Damage: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: +4 bonus 1d10 +4 Piercing 12 5 Halberd 2-handed 13 Strength +5 bonus 2d4 +5 Slashing 5 3 Bastard Sword 1-handed 11 Strength Paladin

Not Usable By:

Monk, Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief

Ravager +6 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Cast Cloak of Fear three times/day. Combat Abilities: 3-18 bonus damage each hit unless target saves vs. poison. 10% chance each hit of decapitating opponent (no save). THAC0: Damage: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Not Usable By: +6 bonus 1d10 +6 Piercing 10 3 Halberd 2-handed 13 Strength Monk, Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief

Red Dragon Scale <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Bonuses: +50% Fire Resistance Armor Class: -1 Weight: 30 Requires: 8 Strength Not Usable By: Bard, Mage, Thief Reflection Shield +1 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Ability: Reflects missile weapons back to their user Armor Class Bonus: 2 Weight: 3 Requires: 4 Strength Not Usable By: Bard, Druid, Mage, Thief Rifthome Axe +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Abilities: Axe returns to the wielder's hand instantly after an attack is made. THAC0: +3 bonus Damage: 1d6 +3 Damage Type (melee): Slashing Damage Type (thrown): missile (piercing) Special: Returns to user's hand once thrown Weight: 2 Speed Factor: 1 Proficiency Type: Axe Type: 1-handed Requires: 4 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief Ring of Acuity <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Spells: Gives two extra second level spells, one extra third level spell and one extra fourth level spell. Only usable by: Mage Ring of Air Control <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special Abilities:

Charm Air Elemental (+2 bonus to elementals saving throw) Improved Invisibility once per day Duration: 10 rounds Area: 1 creature Ring of Animal Friendship <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special: Charm animal unless save vs. wands Range: 40 ft Area: 1 animal Duration: 10 turns Ring of Anti-Venom <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Wearer is immune to all poison. Ring of Clumsiness <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Dexterity: reduced by 50% Stealth: reduced by 50% Spells: 75% casting failure Special: can only be removed by a 'remove curse' spell Ring of Danger Sense <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special Abilities: +25% to trap detection Ring of Djinni Summoning <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special Abilities: Summons a Djinni once a day. Ring of Earth Control <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: AC: +1 bonus Special Abilities (once per day): Charm Earth Elemental Save: (+2 bonus to elemental's saving throw) Duration: 45 seconds Stone to Flesh Save: None Ring of Energy <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Damage: 2d6 (no save) Range: 120 ft Area: 1 creature Ring of Fire Control <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: 50% Fire Resistance Special Abilities: Charm Fire Elemental (+2 bonus to elementals saving throw) Casts Burning Hands once per day

Damage: Range: Area:

1d3+2 0 The caster

Flamestrike once per day Damage: 6d8 Range: 60 yards Area: 5-foot radius by 30-foot column Ring of Folly <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Intelligence: set to 3 Wisdom: set to 3 Special: infects the wearer with a feeblemind that can only be removed with a 'remove curse' spell Ring of Free Action <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special: The wearer is immune to everything, magical and otherwise, that affects mobility in any way. This includes haste and slow spells. Ring of Gaxx <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class: +2 Bonus Saving Throws: +2 Bonus Magic Resistance: +10% Bonus Special Abilities: Immunity to Disease and Poison Equipped Abilities: Wearer regenerates 1 Hit Point ever 3 seconds Special Use: Invisibility, once per day Improved Haste, three times per day Ring of Holiness <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Spells: Grants an extra spell of each level from 1st to 4th. Only Usable By: Cleric, Druid Ring of Human Influence <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: Raises wielder's Charisma to 18 Special Abilities: Charm person once per day Ring of Improved Invisibility <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special: Cast Improved Invisibility on the wearer once/day. Ring of Invisibility <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special: Wearer becomes invisible until an attack is made. This ability may be used once per day. Ring of Lock Picks <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special Abilities: +25% to lock picking Usable By: Thief Ring of Protection +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class: +2 bonus Saving Throws: +2 bonus Ring of Protection +3

<----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class: +3 bonus Saving Throws: +3 bonus Ring of Regeneration <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: Wearer regenerates 1 Hit Point every 6 seconds. Ring of Spell Turning <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special Abilities: Casts minor spell turning once per day Ring of the Ram <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Damage: Once per day, 5-30 Hit Points of damage to an opponent. Ring of Wizardry <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Spells: Gives one extra fifth level spell, one extra sixth level spell and one extra seventh level spell. Only Usable By: Mage

Ripper +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +2 bonus Damage: +2 bonus Proficiency Type: Longbow Weight: 8 Requires: 18 Strength Speed Factor: 5 Type: 2-handed Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief, Bard Robe of the Evil Archmagi <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class: 5 Magic Resistance: 5% Saving Throw: +1 Bonus Only usable by: Mage (single, dual, and mult-class), Evil-aligned characters Robe of the Good Archmagi <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class: 5 Magic Resistance: 5% Saving Throw: +1 Bonus Only usable by: Mage (single, dual, and mult-class), Good-aligned characters Robe of the Neutral Archmagi <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class: 5 Magic Resistance: 5% Saving Throw: +1 Bonus Only usable by: Mage (single, dual, and mult-class), Neutral-aligned characters Robe of Vecna <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: Armor Class: base set to 5

Improves casting speed by 4 +10% Magic Resistance Only usable by: Mage (single, dual, and mult-class) Rod of Absorption <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special Abilities (one charge): Spell absorption for four rounds. Usable By: Ceric, Mage Rod of Lordly Might <----------------------------------------------------------------------> This rod may transform into any of the following weapons when used. Each weapon many also change back into the rod at will. Mace +2 Special Abilities: Target must save vs. spells (+5 bonus) or be affected by fear for four rounds. THAC0: +2 bonus Damage: +2 Flaming Long Sword +1 Special Abilities: Target must save vs. spells (+5 bonus) or be held for five rounds. THAC0: +1 bonus Damage: +1 Spear +3 Special Abilities: Target must save vs. spells (+6 bonus) or take 2d4 points of magical damage THAC0: +3 bonus Damage: +3 Usable By: Warriors Rod of Resurrection <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special Abilities (one charge): Resurrection Rod of Reversal <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Cast Ruby Ray of Reversal (1 charge/use) Usable By: Fighters, Rangers, Paladins

Rod of Smiting <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Abilities: If a Golem is struck by the rod, the Golem must make a saving throw vs. death or be destroyed. THAC0: +3 bonus Damage: 1d8 +3, +10 vs. Golems Damage Type: Crushing Weight: 3 Speed Factor: 1 Proficiency Type: Quarterstaff Type: 2-handed Usable By: Mage, Cleric Rod of Terror <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Abilities: Target must make a saving throw vs. spells (+4 bonus) or flee in terror (lasts four rounds).

THAC0: Damage: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type:

+3 bonus 1d6 +3 Crushing 3 1 Quarterstaff 2-handed

Root of the Problem, The <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Always considered to be of +3 enchantment when determining what it can hit. THAC0: +1 bonus, +3 vs. unnatural creatures Damage: 1d6 +1, +3 vs. unnatural creatures, +1 acid damage Damage Type: Crushing Weight: 3 Speed Factor: 3 Proficiency Type: Club Type: 1-handed Requires: 5 Strength Not Usable By: Mage Roranach's Horn <----------------------------------------------------------------------> +50% resistance to blunt weapons. Not Usable By: Monk, Mage, Thief, Bard, Kensai

Runehammer +4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: Negative Plane Protection Combat Abilities: 4-16 +8 damage to Undead, plus they must make a saving throw vs. death (-4 penalty) or be utterly destroyed. THAC0: Damage: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Not Usable By: +4 bonus 2d4 +4 Crushing 3 0 War Hammer 1-handed 16 Strength Druid, Mage, Thief

Runehammer +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: Negative Plane Protection. Immunity to Fear. Fire Giant Strength once/day. Mass Cure once/day. Combat Abilities: 4-16 +10 damage to Undead, plus they must make a saving throw vs. death (-4 penalty) or be utterly destroyed. THAC0: Damage: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: +5 bonus 2d4 +5 Crushing 2 0

Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Not Usable By: o===o |(S)| o===o

War Hammer 1-handed 16 Strength Druid, Mage, Thief

Saving Grace +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class Bonus: 4 Weight: 5 Requires: 12 Strength Not Usable By: Bard, Druid, Mage, Thief Scarlet Ninja-To +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Ability: one extra attack per round. Combat Ability: Poison damage of 6 Hit Points per round, for two rounds, if target fails a saving throw versus poison. THAC0: +3 bonus Damage: 1d8 +3 Damage Type: Slashing Weight: 2 Speed Factor: 1 Proficiency Type: Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninja-To Type: 1-handed Requires: 6 Strength Usable By: Monks Scimitar +2, Rashad's Talon <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +2 bonus Damage: 1d8 +2 Damage Type: Slashing Weight: 4 Speed Factor: 3 Proficiency Type: Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninja-To Type: 1-handed Requires: 10 Strength Not Usable By: Cleric, Mage, Thief Scimitar +3 'Water's Edge' <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +3 bonus Damage: 1d8 +3 Damage Type: Slashing Weight: 3 Speed Factor: 4 Proficiency Type: Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninja-To Type: 1-handed Requires: 8 Strength Not Usable By: Cleric, Mage, Thief Sensate Amulet <----------------------------------------------------------------------> While Equipped: +5 bonus to Hit Points +2 bonus to Charisma Permanent protection from evil

Usable By:


Sentinel +4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class Bonus: 5 Weight: 3 Requires: 12 Strength Not Usable By: Bard, Druid, Mage, Thief Serpent Staff <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Abilities: 50% chance of poisoning opponents with every successful attack. The poison lasts for 1 round, and does 2 hp of damage/second unless the target makes a save vs death. THAC0: Damage: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: +2 bonus 1d6 +2 Crushing 3 1 Quarter Staff 1-handed 5 Strength

Shadow Armor <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class: 4 Special: +15% Hide in Shadows Weight: 8 Requires: 6 Strength Not Usable By: Thief (single, multi, and dual class) Shadow Dragon Scale <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Bonuses: +50% Resistance to Acid Armor Class: 1 Weight: 10 Requires: 6 Strength Not Usable By: Mage Shakti Figurine <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Usable once per day Duration: 4 rounds Set AC to -5 Hastes user Attack twice per round with a +4 shortsword as if possessing 2 proficiency points in shortsword. Not Usable By: Fighters

Shield Amulet <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Uses (1 Charge): Armor Range: 0 Area of Effect: Self Armor Class: Base set to 4 Special: Bonus +2 AC vs. missile attacks Duration: 5 turns

Shield of Balduran <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: Reflects beholder rays -1 penalty to Strength Armor Class Bonus: 4 Weight: 5 Requires: 12 Strength Not Usable By: Bard, Druid, Mage, Thief Shield of Harmony +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Abilities: Immunity to charm, confusion, domination, and hold person Armor Class Bonus: 3 Weight: 2 Requires: 4 Strength Not Usable By: Bard, Druid, Mage, Thief Shield of the Lost +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class Bonus: 3 Special: +5% magical resistance Weight: 5 Requires: 12 Strength Not Usable By: Bard, Druid, Mage, Thief Shield of the Order +4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> +1 bonus to all saving throws. Armor Class Bonus: Weight: Requires: Not Usable By: 5 8 9 Strength Bard, Druid, Mage, Thief

Short Bow of Gesen <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +4 bonus Damage: 2 piercing, 1-8 electrical Effects: Grants user 20% resistance to electrical damage Weight: 2 Speed Factor: 4 Proficiency Type: Short Bow Type: 2-handed Requires: 3 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage Short Sword of Mask +4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Abilities: 15% chance with every hit that opponent is entangled for 24 seconds, no save. THAC0: +4 bonus Damage: 1d6 +4 Damage Type: Piercing Weight: 2 Speed Factor: 0 Proficiency Type: Short Sword Type: 1-handed Requires: 5 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage

Short Sword of Mask +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Abilities: 15% chance to drain 1 level from opponent with every hit. 15% chance with every hit that opponent is entangled for 24 seconds, no save. THAC0: Damage: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Not Usable By: +5 bonus 1d6 +5 Piercing 2 0 Short Sword 1-handed 5 Strength Druid, Cleric, Mage

Shuruppak's Plate <----------------------------------------------------------------------> +1 to Dexterity +20% Fire Resistance Armor Class: Weight: Requires: Not Usable By: -2 15 12 Strength Bard, Druid, Mage, Thief

Silver Horn of Valhalla <----------------------------------------------------------------------> .. This horn will summon forth a fifth level berserk warrior who will fight for the summoner for one minute. The horn may be used once per day. Silver Sword <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Abilities: 25% chance each hit that target must make a saving throw vs. death (-2 penalty) or die. THAC0: Damage: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Not Usable By: +3 bonus 1d10 +3 Slashing 15 10 Two Handed Sword 2-handed 14 Strength Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief

Silver Ioun Stone <----------------------------------------------------------------------> +1 to Wisdom when equipped. Skin of the Ghoul +4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Bonuses: +3 bonus to all saves vs. paralyzation/poison Armor Class: 4 Weight: 4 Requires: 3 Strength

Not Usable By:


Skullcrusher +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +3 bonus Damage: 1d6 +4, +2 extra damage to humanoid creatures Damage Type: Crushing Weight: 6 Speed Factor: 4 Proficiency Type: Mace Type: 1-handed Requires: 10 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Mage, Thief Skull of Death <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Abilities: Effect: Death Spell Damage: Death Range: 10 Yards Area: 30ft Cube Armor Class Bonus: None Weight: 2 Not Usable By: Mage, Bard, Thief Sleeper +2, The <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Ability: Any human or demi-human, excluding elves, hit by the Sleeper must save vs. poison with a +4 bonus or fall asleep for 18 seconds. THAC0: +2 bonus Damage: 2d4 +2 Damage Type: Crushing Weight: 9 Speed Factor: 5 Proficiency Type: Flail/Morningstar Type: 1-Handed Requires: 11 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Mage, Thief Sling of Arvoreen +4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Abilities: Sonic boom once per day. Must save vs. spell or be stunned for three rounds. Area: 60 feet THAC0: +4 bonus Damage: +4 (missile damage) Weight: 0 Speed Factor: 2 Proficiency Type: Sling Type: 1-handed Requires: 3 Strength Not Usable By: Sling of Everard +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: does not require bullets THAC0: +5 bonus Damage: +2 (missile damage) Weight: 0 Speed Factor: 0

Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Not Usable By:

Sling 1-handed 3 Strength

Sling of Seeking +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +2 bonus Damage: +2 (missile damage), plus Strength bonus Weight: 0 Speed Factor: 4 Proficiency Type: Sling Type: 1-handed Requires: 3 Strength Not Usable By: Soul Reaver +4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Abilities: Each hit makes the target receive a cumulative 2 point penalty to their THAC0. Duration: 20 rounds THAC0: +4 Damage: 1d10 +4 Damage Type: Slashing Weight: 10 Speed Factor: 6 Proficiency Type: Two Handed Sword Type: 2-handed Requires: 14 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief, Good Characters Spear +1, Halycon (Halycon Spear +1) <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +1 bonus Damage: 1d6 +1, +1 electricity damage Damage Type: Piercing Weight: 3 Speed Factor: 5 Proficiency Type: Spear Type: 2-handed Requires: 5 Strength Not Usable By: Cleric, Mage, Thief Spear +3, Backbiter <----------------------------------------------------------------------> *CURSED* THAC0: +3 bonus Damage: 1d6 +3 Damage Type: Piercing Special: 3 (piercing) damage inflicted upon the wielder upon every successful hit. Weight: 5 Speed Factor: 6 Proficiency Type: Spear Type: 2-handed Requires: 5 Strength Not Usable By: Cleric, Mage, Thief Spear +3, Impaler <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +3 bonus

Damage: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Not Usable By:

1d6 +3, +10 piercing damage Piercing 3 3 Spear 2-handed 5 Strength Cleric, Mage, Thief

Spear of Kuldahar +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Ability: +8 to max Hit Points. THAC0: +3 bonus Damage: 1d6 +3 Damage Type: Piercing Weight: 3 Speed Factor: 3 Proficiency Type: Spear Type: 2-handed Requires: 5 Strength Not Usable By: Cleric, Mage, Thief Spear of the Unicorn +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: Immunity to charm and hold person, +3 to all saves vs. death. THAC0: +2 bonus Damage: 1d6 +2 Damage Type: Piercing Weight: 3 Speed Factor: 4 Proficiency Type: Spear Type: 2-handed Requires: 5 Strength Not Usable By: Cleric, Mage, Thief Spear of Withering +4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +4 bonus Damage: 1d6 +4, +4 poison damage Damage Type: Piercing Weight: 5 Speed Factor: 6 Proficiency Type: Spear Type: 2-handed Requires: 5 Strength Not Usable By: Cleric, Mage, Thief Spectral Brand +4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Summon spectral blade once/day. This dancing sword fights on behalf of the one who wields Spectral Brand for 4 rounds, attacking once per round and doing 1d8+3 damage with each hit. Damage: THAC0: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: 1d8 +4, +1d4 cold damage +4 Slashing 2 1 Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninja-To 1-handed

Requires: Not Usable By:

8 Strength Cleric, Mage

Spectral Brand +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Negative Plane Protection while equipped. Summon spectral blade once/day. This dancing sword fights on behalf of the one who wields Spectral Brand for 4 rounds, attacking once per round and doing 1d8+3 damage with each hit. Combat Abilities: Armor Piercing Strike once/day. Raises the THAC0 bonus to +10 for three rounds. Damage: THAC0: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Not Usable By: 1d8 +5, +1d6 cold damage +5 Slashing 2 1 Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninja-To 1-handed 8 Strength Cleric, Mage

Staff Mace <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +2 bonus Damage: 2d4 +2 Damage Type: Crushing Weight: 4 Speed Factor: 2 Proficiency Type: Quarter Staff Type: 1-handed Requires: 5 Strength Not Usable By: Monks Staff of Air +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Abilities: If an air elemental is hit it must save vs. spells or be destroyed. Abilities: (cost 1 charge) Summon an 8hd Air Elemental Duration: 1 hour THAC0: +2 bonus Damage: 1d6 +2 Damage Type: Crushing Weight: 3 Speed Factor: 1 Proficiency Type: Quarter Staff Type: 2-handed Requires: 5 Strength Staff of Arundel <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: +10% resistance to fire and cold. Wielder memorizes one extra fifth and one extra sixth level spell. Duration: 1 hour THAC0: +3 bonus Damage: 1d6 +3 Damage Type: Crushing

Weight: Speed Factor: Type: Requires: Usable By:

3 0 2-handed 9 Dexterity Druids

Staff of Command <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Abilities (one charge): Domination THAC0: +2 bonus Damage: 1d6 +2 Damage Type: Crushing Weight: 3 Speed Factor: 1 Proficiency Type: Quarter Staff Type: 2-handed Requires: 5 Strength Not Usable By: Monk Staff of Curing <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Abilities (one charge): Cure: 3-18+3 Hit Points, Disease and Poison. AC: +2 bonus THAC0: +1 bonus Damage: 1d6 +1 Damage Type: Crushing Weight: 4 Speed Factor: 4 Proficiency Type: Quarter Staff Type: 2-handed Requires: 5 Strength Not Usable By: Thief, Fighter, Mage Staff of Earth +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Abilities: If an earth elemental is hit it must save vs. spells or be destroyed. Abilities: (cost 1 charge) Summon an 8 hit dice Earth Elemental Duration: 1 hour Stone to Flesh Revert effects of a petrification attack THAC0: +2 bonus Damage: 1d6 +2 Damage Type: Crushing Weight: 3 Speed Factor: 1 Proficiency Type: Quarter Staff Type: 2-handed Requires: 5 Strength Staff of Fire +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Abilities: If a fire elemental is hit it must save vs. spells or be destroyed. Abilities: (cost 1 charge) Summon an 8 hit dice Fire Elemental Duration: 1 hour Fire Shield (Red) A protective shield that surrounds the wielder of the staff as per the

4th level wizard spell THAC0: Damage: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires:

Fire Shield (Red). +2 bonus 1d6 +2 Crushing 3 1 Quarter Staff 2-handed 5 Strength

Staff of Rynn +4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +4 bonus Damage: 1d6 +4 Damage Type: Crushing Weight: 3 Speed Factor: 1 Proficiency Type: Quarter Staff Type: 2-handed Requires: 5 Strength Staff of Striking <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Damage: 1d6 +9 Weight: 4 Speed Factor: 1 Proficiency Type: Quarter Staff Type: 2-handed Requires: 5 Strength Staff of the High Forest <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: Regenerate 1 Hit Point every 12 seconds THAC0: +2 bonus Damage: 1d6 +2 Damage Type: Crushing Weight: 3 Speed Factor: 1 Type: 2-handed Usable By: Cernd Staff of the Magi <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class: +2 bonus Saving Throws: +2 bonus Equipped Abilities: Invisibility Immunity to Charm Protection from Evil Fireball-Lightning Damage: combined lightning and fireball damage Range: 150 feet Use: Three times a day Abilities: Trap Spell Duration: 8 hours or until 30 spell levels have been trapped Use: Once a day Combat Ability (each hit): Dispel Magic THAC0: +1 bonus (strikes as a +5 weapon)

Damage: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Type: Requires: Usable By:

1d6 +1 Crushing 4 4 2-handed 5 Strength Mages

Staff of the Ram +4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Abilities: 10% Chance opponent is knocked back and stunned. Large creatures such as dragons or giants will not be knocked back or stunned. THAC0: Damage: Weight: Speed Factor: Type: Requires: +4 bonus 1d6 +10 3 1 2-handed 5 Strength

Staff of the Ram +6 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Abilities: 15% Chance opponent is knocked back and stunned. Large creatures such as dragons or giants will not be knocked back or stunned. THAC0: Damage: Weight: Speed Factor: Type: Requires: +6 bonus 1d6 +12 crushing, +1d4 piercing 2 1 2-handed 5 Strength

Staff of the Woodlands +4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> AC: +3 bonus Equipped Abilities: Barkskin (AC 3) Use Abilities (cost 1 charge) Summon Shambling Mound Enhanced Charm Animal Duration: 5 minutes Saving Throw: save vs. spells with a -4 penalty THAC0: Damage: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Type: Requires: Usable By: +4 bonus 1d6 +4 Crushing 2 1 2-handed 5 Strength Druids

Staff of Thunder and Lightning <---------------------------------------------------------------------->

Abilities (one charge): Lightning Bolt Damage: 10d6 Range: 140 yards Saving Throw: Spells for half damage Call Lightning Lightning strike hits the target Damage: 3d8 per strike Melee: Thunderclap (10% chance on a successful strike) Range: Melee Saving Throw: Save vs. spells or be stunned for two rounds THAC0: Damage: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Usable By: +2 bonus 1d6 +2 Crushing 4 4 Quarter Staff 2-handed 5 Strength Clerics, Druids

Staff Spear +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +2 bonus Damage: 1d8 +3 Damage Type: Piercing Weight: 4 Speed Factor: 4 Proficiency Type: Quarter Staff Type: 2-handed Requires: 5 Strength Not Usable By: Monks Stiletto of Demarchess +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Abilities: Hold Person: a 20% chance each hit that victim must save vs. death or be held for two rounds. asleep for two rounds. THAC0: +2 bonus Damage: 1d4 +2 Damage Type: Piercing Weight: 1 Speed Factor: 0 Proficiency Type: Dagger Type: 1-handed Requires: 3 Strength Not Usable By: Cleric Stone Golem Manual <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Summon a Stone Golem for 10 rounds once/day. Usable By: Mages, Bards

Storm Star +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +3 bonus

Damage: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Not Usable By:

1d6 +4, +1d6 electrical damage Crushing 6 4 Mace 1-handed 10 Strength Druid, Mage, Thief

Storm Star +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: +20% to electrical resistance Combat Abilities: 5% chance of casting Chain Lightning on target with each successful attack. THAC0: Damage: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Not Usable By: +5 bonus 1d6 +6, +1d6 electrical damage Crushing 4 2 Mace 1-handed 10 Strength Druid, Mage, Thief

Strong Arm +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +3 bonus Damage: +3 bonus Weight: 7 Speed Factor: 4 Proficiency Type: Longbow Type: 2-handed Requires: 19 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief, Bard Studded Leather of Thorns +6 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Thorn Damage - each successful hit on the wearer inflicts 1d4 points of fire damage to the attacker. Armor Class: Weight: Requires: Not Usable By: 1 5 6 Strength Mage, Monk

Sword of Arvoreen <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Abilities: Target must save vs. wand or have movement rate slowed by 2 (for 45 seconds). Wielder of the sword is immune to slow and stun effects. THAC0: +2 bonus Damage: 1d6 +2 Damage Type: Piercing Weight: 3 Speed Factor: 1 Proficiency Type: Short Sword Type: 1-handed Usable By: Halflings

Sword of Balduran <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: +10% to lore +10% to Magic Resistance THAC0: +2 bonus Damage: 1d8 +2 Damage Type: Slashing Weight: 3 Speed Factor: 3 Proficiency Type: Long Sword Type: 1-handed Requires: 5 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Thief Sword of Chaos +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Abilities: each hit drains one Hit Point from the target and transfers it to the wielder. This will not heal beyond the wielder's maximum. THAC0: Damage: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Not Usable By: +2 bonus 1d10 +2 Slashing 10 8 Two Handed Sword 2-handed 14 Strength Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief, Monk

Sword of Flame +1 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +1 bonus Damage: 1d8 +1, +1 fire damage Damage Type: Slashing Weight: 4 Speed Factor: 5 Proficiency Type: Long Sword Type: 1-handed Requires: 6 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage Sylvan Chain +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class: 3 Weight: 10 Requires: 5 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Mage o===o |(T)| o===o T'rahcie's Plate +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Penalties: Cursed Reduces Charisma by 5 points and Constitution by 2 points. Armor Class: -2 Weight: 35 Requires: 12 Strength

Not Usable By:

Bard, Druid, Mage, Thief

Tansheron's Bow +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Ability: This powerful bow requires no ammunition. THAC0: +3 bonus Weight: 2 Speed Factor: 3 Proficiency Type: Short Bow Type: 2-handed Requires: 6 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage Taralash +4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Ability: Increase Movement Rate by 2. THAC0: +4 bonus Weight: 2 Speed Factor: 3 Proficiency Type: Long Bow Type: 2-handed Requires: 6 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief Taralash +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Ability: Increase Movement Rate by 2. THAC0: +5 bonus Weight: 1 Speed Factor: 2 Proficiency Type: Long Bow Type: 2-handed Requires: 6 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief Thieves' Hood <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Equipped Abilities: Immunity to backstab and poison Cast True Sight 3 time per day Usable By: Thieves

Tuigan Bow +1 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Abilities: 3 shots per round. THAC0: +1 bonus Damage: +1 Weight: 2 Speed Factor: 5 Proficiency Type: Short Bow Type: 2-handed Requires: 6 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage Tzu-Zan's Bracers <----------------------------------------------------------------------> +15 to maximum Hit Point total +1 Bonus to AC Weight: 1

o===o |(U)| o===o Usuno's Blade +4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special Abilities: 10% chance of doing 2d10 electrical damage with each hit (save for half). THAC0: Damage: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Not Usable By: o===o |(V)| o===o Vhailor's Helm <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special Abilities (once per day) cast simulacrum Armor Class Bonus: 1 Weight: 2 Not Usable By: Mage, Bard, Thief o===o |(W)| o===o Wand of Cursing <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Cast Blindness, Deafness, and Silence on target, 1 charge (save negates all effects). Wand of Spell Striking <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Cast Breach (uses 1 charge) Cast Pierce Magic (uses 1 charge) Usable By: Mage, Bard +4 1d8 +4 Piercing 1 0 Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninja-To 1-handed 5 Strength Druid, Cleric, Mage

War Hammer +1, +4 vs. Giantkin <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Always considered to be of +4 enchantment when determining what it can hit. THAC0: +1 bonus, +4 vs. giants Damage: 1d4 +2, +5 vs. giants Damage Type: Crushing Weight: 8 Speed Factor: 2 Proficiency Type: War Hammer Type: 1-handed Requires: 10 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Mage, Thief, Monk, Beast Master

War Hammer +2 'Ashideena' <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +2 bonus Damage: 1d4 +3, +1 electrical Damage Type: Crushing Weight: 5 Speed Factor: 2 Proficiency Type: War Hammer Type: 1-handed Requires: 9 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Mage, Thief War Hammer +2, +1 Electrical: 'Borok's Fist' <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Abilities: +1 electricity damage THAC0: +2 bonus Damage: 1d4 +3 Damage Type: Crushing Weight: 5 Speed Factor: 2 Proficiency Type: War Hammer Type: 1-handed Requires: 9 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Mage, Thief Warblade +4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> THAC0: +4 bonus Damage: 1d12 +4 Damage Type: Slashing Weight: 11 Speed Factor: 6 Proficiency Type: Two Handed Sword Type: 2-handed Requires: 14 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage, Thief White Dragon Scale <----------------------------------------------------------------------> +50% Cold Resistance Cast Cone of cold 3 times/day Armor Class: -2 Weight: 15 Requires: 8 Strength Not Usable By: Mage Wondrous Gloves <----------------------------------------------------------------------> +1 THAC0 +1 Bonus to AC Bonus 2nd, 3rd, and 4th level spell. Weight: 1 Usable By: Bards

Wong Fei's Ioun Stone <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Armor Class: +1 Bonus Equipped Abilities: +15 to Max Hit Points Wearer Regenerates 1 Hit Point ever 6 seconds.

Usable By:

Monk, Fighter, Kensai

Wyvern's Tail +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Combat Abilities: Victims must make a saving throw vs. poison or take 5 Hit Points of poison damage THAC0: +2 bonus Damage: 2d4 +2 Damage Type: Crushing Weight: 9 Speed Factor: 5 Proficiency Type: Flail/Morning Star Type: 1-handed Requires: 11 Strength Not Usable By: Druid, Mage, Thief o===o |(Y)| o===o Yamato +4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Special Abilities: Grants a +1 bonus to AC when equipped. THAC0: Damage: Damage Type: Weight: Speed Factor: Proficiency Type: Type: Requires: Not Usable By: +4 1d8 +4 Piercing 1 0 Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninja-To 1-handed 5 Strength Druid, Cleric, Mage

Book of Infinite Spells {ITM004} o======================================================================o The Book of Infinite Spells is an item that will allow any character to cast one spell, once per day. The spell they can cast is determined by what page the book is flipped to. It starts out with Fireball, but the book can be flipped to other spells. The catch is that you can never flip back to previous spells, and if you reach the last page of the book you're stuck with that spell. You cannot scribe scrolls from the spells in the book. So to sum it up, you can infinitely cast one spell, once per day and you can change the spell that you can cast a finite number of times. The spells are chosen at random from a list of the following: Start Spell Random Spells End Spell <----------------------------------------------------------------------> Burning Hands Farsight Fireball Invisibility Fireball ------> Lightning Bolt ------> Burning Hands Protection from Evil Spell Turning Stinking Cloud

True Seeing Wyvern Call The number of times you can change the page are random as well as the spell it changes to. However, the spell 'Burning Hands' seems to always be the last spell in the book, unless it just happened to turn to that spell in all my tests by chance. As far as I'm concerned, there are several good ways to use this book. First, using it as is with Fireball provides a ranged option to a character that might not already have one. Popping out a Fireball is always useful, even though its potency declines as enemies become stronger. Turning to Spell Turning and using the book as a defensive item is also a consideration. Then there's the obvious benefit of having another character with the ability to cast True Sight once per day. This is probably the best use of the book, especially if you don't have Keldorn in your party. By later levels, Invisibility is a parlor trickand few characters will get any real benefit out of having such an ability at their finger tips, especially when the Ring of Air Control allows you to do the same thing with Improved Invisibility. Finally there's Wyvern Call. I'm generally favorably disposed towards summoning items, but it's really unnecessary considering that there are other, better items that summon creatures to your side. Wyverns will cease being a threat to your enemies sooner than you'd like, and it's just a poorly matched reusable ability compared to Fireball, Spell Turning, and True Sight. Deck of Many Things {ITM005} o======================================================================o The Deck of Many Things is one of those double-edged magical items, as many Dungeons and Dragons players will know. You can draw a card from the deck, and will gain various bonuses or suffer various... setbacks... depending on what you draw. After so many draws the Deck vanishes to go wreck mischief elsewhere. In this case, Bioware wisely decided to create their own alternative deck so as to control the cards. We get three draws before the Deck vanishes, so we should make the most of each draw, right? Of course, things are more complicated than that. Depending on our first draws, our latter draws will have different cards available. If you pick cards the game considers 'bad' on the first or second draw, better cards will be available during later draws. Since most of the cards we can pick the first time suck anyways, we should sacrifice the first draw to get significant draws the second and third time. There are six different possibilities each time you draw from the Deck, depending upon your previous draws. o======================================================================o | Deck of Many Things: First Draw | o===============o======================================================o |Draw |Effect | o===============o======================================================o |Donjon* |User is Imprisoned unless they save versus death. | |---------------|------------------------------------------------------| |Euryale |User's Saving Throws are permanently worsened by one. | |---------------|------------------------------------------------------| |Flames |Summons a Balor and four Fire Elementals, which | | |attack the party. All of these creatures are a bit | | |stronger than normal. 94,000 Experience Points. | |---------------|------------------------------------------------------| |Gem |User gains a Rogue Stone, a King's Tear Gem, |

| |a Star Sapphire, an Emerald, and a Diamond. | |---------------|------------------------------------------------------| |Jester |User gains 50,000 Experience Points. | |---------------|------------------------------------------------------| |Ruin* |Party loses all its gold. | o===============o======================================================o *Indicates that this is considered a 'bad' draw by the game. o======================================================================o | Deck of Many Things: Second Draw | | (No Previous Bad Draws) | o===============o======================================================o |Draw |Effect | o===============o======================================================o |Knight |Four Demonknights show up and attack the party. | | |64,000 Experience Points. | |---------------|------------------------------------------------------| |Magician* |User is Polymorphed into a rabbit (can be dispelled). | |---------------|------------------------------------------------------| |Rogue |Charms user to turn hostile, can't be dispelled. (For | | |some reason this never worked on Keldorn, but worked | | |readily on Imoen.) | |---------------|------------------------------------------------------| |Sun |Party gains 300,000 Experience Points. | |---------------|------------------------------------------------------| |Vizer |User is protected by a Mantle spell for 24 hours. | |---------------|------------------------------------------------------| |Void* |User must save versus death or be disintegrated. | o===============o======================================================o *Indicates that this is considered a 'bad' draw by the game. o======================================================================o | Deck of Many Things: Second Draw | | (Previous Bad Draw) | o===============o======================================================o |Draw |Effect | o===============o======================================================o |Key |User gains a Ring of Protection +3. | |---------------|------------------------------------------------------| |Rogue |Charms user to turn hostile, can't be dispelled. (For | | |some reason this never worked on Keldorn, but worked | | |readily on Imoen.) | |---------------|------------------------------------------------------| |Star |User gains a bonus to one attribute, depending on | | |their class. | |---------------|------------------------------------------------------| |Sun |Party gains 300,000 Experience Points. | |---------------|------------------------------------------------------| |Vizer |User is protected by a Mantle spell for 24 hours. | |---------------|------------------------------------------------------| |Void* |User must save versus death or be disintegrated. | o===============o======================================================o *Indicates that this is considered a 'bad' draw by the game. o======================================================================o | Deck of Many Things: Third Draw | | (No Previous Bad Draws) | o===============o======================================================o |Draw |Effect |

o===============o======================================================o |Comet |User permanently gains +5% Fire Resistance. | |---------------|------------------------------------------------------| |Erinyes |User gains +1 bonus to all attributes for 24 hours. | |---------------|------------------------------------------------------| |Fool |User is Confused and their Wisdom drops to 3. The | | |Confusion can be dispelled, and the Wisdom can be | | |restored with Remove Curse. | |---------------|------------------------------------------------------| |Moon |User gains +10 Hit Points permanently. | |---------------|------------------------------------------------------| |Skull |A 'Death Shade' shows up and attacks the user. The | | |rest of the party cannot harm the Death Shade. | | |20,000 Experience Points. | |---------------|------------------------------------------------------| |Talon |User and all party members within 10 feet of user are | | |blinded. Can be cured with Remove Curse. | o======================================================================o o======================================================================o | Deck of Many Things: Third Draw | | (Previous Bad Draw) | o===============o======================================================o |Draw |Effect | o===============o======================================================o |Comet |User permanently gains +5% Fire Resistance. | |---------------|------------------------------------------------------| |Erinyes |User gains +1 bonus to all attributes for 24 hours. | |---------------|------------------------------------------------------| |Fool |User is Confused and their Wisdom drops to 3. The | | |Confusion can be dispelled, and the Wisdom can be | | |restored with Remove Curse. | |---------------|------------------------------------------------------| |Moon |User gains +10 Hit Points permanently. | |---------------|------------------------------------------------------| |Skull |A 'Death Shade' shows up and attacks the user. The | | |rest of the party cannot harm the Death Shade. | | |20,000 Experience Points. | |---------------|------------------------------------------------------| |Throne |Party gains 1,000,000 Experience Points. | o======================================================================o As you can see, getting a bad draw early allows you to card or the 'STAR' card on the second Draw, and/or the the third draw. As far as I'm concerned, there are two First have a Mage cast Spell Immunity: Abjuration, and 'DONJON' card on the first draw. get the 'KEY' 'THRONE' card on good options: then draw the

Give the deck to a character who needs an attribute boost and have them draw until they get the 'STAR' card. This is a good idea for a character like Minsc, ???????, and Korgan-characters with 18/xx Strength, who will benefit from having their Strength raised to 19. This will free up a Strength-boosting item. Of course, you can't micromanage this bonus-it's assigned based on the character's class. For dual-or-multi-classed characters, their spell-casting class, if any, seems to take precedence (my Fighter/Mage gains a bonus to Intelligence, not Strength, for example.) If you don't need or want the stat-boost, go for the 'KEY' card, instead. The Ring of Protection +3 can't be used by too many characters, as even the Fighter/Mages, Thieves, Bards, Druids, and

other armor-light classes now have magical armor of some sort. Mages, however, are wearing the Robes of Vecna, and for Edwin, he has nothing better to put on his finger. Honestly though, every Mage can benefit from the Armor Class, but particularly the saves. Imoen/Nalia can switch out this ring and the Ring of Danger Sense when the need arises. On the third draw, either draw until you get the 'MOON' card or the 'THRONE' card. Let's be honest, 1,000,000 experience is nice, really nice, but there are plenty of ways to gain experience. The +10 Hit Points, however, you can't really duplicate. Down the line you'll probably wish you had the Hit Points, rather than the experience points. Wand of Wonder {ITM006} o======================================================================o The Wand of Wonder is a silly little item that has long since plagued Dungeon Master's Guides everywhere. Apparently Bioware couldn't resist afflicting us with this scourge in a video game, as well. For all ntents and purposes, the Wand of Wonder acts as a normal wand with 50 charges. Unfortunately, the exact effect the wand will have is random. Sometimes it'll cast a buff like Stoneskin or Haste, and other times it'll cast Flesh to Stone or Fireball. It also randomly just makes the user glitter and creates a 'stun' effect under the target similar to the stun effect of Celestial Fury... nothing actually happens, however, it just makes pretty spell effects. Since none of the effects go above 6th level in effect, and everything this wand does can be easily and safely done another way, it really serves no purpose but to make some Dungeons and Dragons players giggle at its inclusion. Here's a list of the following effects I've noticed: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Fireball (area effect targeted on selected character) Flesh to Stone Haste (single character, not an area effect) Lightning Bolt Lights (no effect, just creates a 'stun' spell effect under target) Stinking Cloud (area effect targeted on selected character) Stoneskin Strength (temporarily raises Strength by 4 points) Web (area effect targeted on selected character)

So, by looking at the effects you have a 1-in-3 chance of actually doing something beneficial for the character targeted, a 1-in-9 chance to petrify them, a 2-in-9 chance of damaging them, a 2-in-9 chance of hitting them with a debilitating spells like Web or Stinking Cloud, and a 1-in-9 chance of doing nothing. Of course, if you do something other than use the Wand of Wonder, you'll probably fare much better, but if you must use it, the odds are clear: point it at somebody you don't like. Crafted Items {ITM007} o======================================================================o Below is a list of all the items in the game (both Shadows of Amn and Throne of Bhaal) that can be created, upgraded, or reforged by a craftsperson. Cromwell is your go-to guy in Shadows of Amn, and he can be found in the Docks District, in his home, while Cespenar will do the work in Throne of Bhaal. Many of the best items in the game must be created in this fashion, requiring you to find multiple components and pay to have an item created. Some items are assembled as part of some quest or another, not by Cromwell or Cespenar (Flail of the Ages +3, Human Flesh +5). You can typically spot these items out by their conspicuous lack of a gold piece cost.

Angurvadal +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (10000 gold) (Angurvadal +4) (AR3022) (Liquid Mercury) (AR6107) Ankheg Plate Mail <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (5000 gold) (Ankheg Shell) (AR1200) Aslyferund Elven Chain +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (40000 gold) (Bladesinger Chain +4) (AR2807) (Scroll of Protection from Normal Weapons) Axe of the Unyielding +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (5000 gold) (Axe of the Unyielding +3) (AR3017) (Baalor's Claw) (AR5204) Bag of Plenty +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (10000 gold) (Bag of Plenty +1) (AR5204) (Kings Tears) Blessed Bracers <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (10000 gold) (Paladin's Bracers) (AR3001) Blue Dragon Plate <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (5000 gold) (Blue Dragon Scales) (AR6005) Carsomyr +6 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (5000 gold) (Carsomyr +5) (AR1203) (Eye of Tyr) (AR6110) Case of Plenty +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (5000 gold) (Case of Plenty +1) (AR3001) Circlet of Netheril <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (5000 gold) (Circlet of Netheril) (AR3016) (Bronze Ioun Stone) (AR5006) Clay Golem Manual <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (5000 gold) (Clay Golem Page) (AR3017)

(Golem Manual) (AR3001) Crom Faeyr <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (10000 gold) (Hammer of Thunderbolts) (AR0711) (Gauntlets of Ogre Power) (AR0411) (Girdle of Frost Giant Strength) (AR2402) (Crom Faeyr Scroll) (AR1402) Club of Detonation +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (5000 gold) (Club of Detonation +3) (AR3019) (Ring of Fire Resistance) (AR1201) or (AR5011) Dagger of the Star +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (5000 gold) (Dagger of the Star +4) (AR3027) (Star Sapphire x5) Darkfire Bow +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (5000 gold) (Bowstring of Gond) (AR6106) (Darkfire Bow +4) (AR5500) Erinne Sling +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (5000 gold) (Erinne Sling +4) (AR3019) Firetooth +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (5000 gold) (Bowstring of Gond) (AR6106) (Firetooth +4) (AR3000) Flail of the Ages +3 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (Flail Head (Acid)) (AR1303) (Flail Head (Cold)) (AR1302) (Flail Head (Fire)) (AR1303) Flail of the Ages +4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (5000 gold) (Flail Head (Poison)) (AR3016) (Flail of the Ages +3) Flail of the Ages +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (5000 gold) (Flail Head (Electricity)) (AR6005) (Flail of the Ages +4) Foebane +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (5000 gold) (Fflar's Scabbard) (AR5007)

(Foebane +3) (AR3001) Gram the Sword of Grief +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (5000 gold) (Gram the Sword of Grief +5) (AR6005) (Heart of the Damned) (AR6110) Halberd +4: Wave <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (7500 gold) (Wave Blade) (AR2300) (Wave Shaft) (AR0516) Heartwood Ring <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (5000 gold) (Nymph's Tear) (AR5202) (Oaken Ring) (AR5500) Helm of the Rock <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (5000 gold) (Helm of the Rock) (AR3016) (Horn) (AR3016) (Horn) (AR3016) Hindo's Doom +4 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (5000 gold) (Hindo's Doom +3) (AR3024) (Hindo's Hand) (AR6002) Human Flesh +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (Blood of a Silver Dragon) (AR2102) (Shirt Made of Human Flesh) (AR1100) Improved Cloak of Protection +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (20000 gold) (Cloak of Protection +2) (AR2300) (Scroll of Improved Haste) (Scroll of Invisibility) Ixil's Spike +6 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (5000 gold) (Ixil's Nail +4) (AR3025) (Ixil's Spike +2) (AR3016) Juggernaut Golem Manual <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (15000 gold) (Juggernaut Golem Page) (AR6003) (Stone Golem Manual) Mace of Disruption +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (7500 gold) (Illithium Ore) (AR0529)

(Mace of Disruption +1) (AR0801) Montolio's Cloak <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (5000 gold) (Montolio's Clasp) (AR3022) (Montolio's Cloak) (AR5500) Purifier +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (5000 gold) (Eye of Tyr) (AR6110) (Purifier +4) (AR3008) Quiver of Plenty +2 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (10000 gold) (Quiver of Plenty +1) (AR3001) (Rogue Stone) Ravager +6 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (5000 gold) (Ravager +4) (AR5204) (Serpent Staff) (AR3019) Red Dragon Scale <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (5000 gold) (Red Dragon Scales) (AR1203) Shadow Dragon Scale <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (5000 gold) (Shadow Dragon Scales) (AR1402) Short Bow of Gesen <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (7500 gold) (Gesen Bow Shaft) (AR0503) (Gesen Bow String) (AR1514) Short Sword of Mask +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (5000 gold) (Heart of the Damned) (AR6110) (Short Sword of Mask +4) (AR3000) Silver Sword <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (7500 gold) (Silver Blade) (AR1600) (Silver Hilt) (AR0700) Spectral Brand +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (5000 gold) (Skull of the Lich) (AR6110) (Spectral Brand +4) (AR3015) Staff of the Ram +6

<----------------------------------------------------------------------> (5000 gold) (Roranach's Horn) (AR5002) (Staff of the Ram +4) (AR3018) Stone Golem Manual <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (10000 gold) (Clay Golem Manual) (Stone Golem Page) (AR5204) Storm Star +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (5000 gold) (Starfall Ore) (AR5014) (Storm Star +3) (AR3017) Taralash +5 <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (5000 gold) (Bowstring of Gond) (AR6106) (Taralash +4) (AR3019) The Equalizer <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (7500 gold) (Blade of the Equalizer) (AR2101) (Hilt of the Equalizer) (AR2400) (Pommel Jewel of the Equalizer) (AR0602) Thieves' Hood <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (10000 gold) (Thieves' Hood) (AR3012)/(AR3013) (Ring of Invisibility) (AR0087) or (AR0712) (Antidote) White Dragon Scale <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (5000 gold) (White Dragon Scales) (AR3014) Wondrous Gloves <----------------------------------------------------------------------> (5000 gold) (Bard's Gloves) (AR3011) (Diamond) (Emerald) (Rogue Stone) (Star Sapphire) o======================================================================o | | | List of Mage Spells {SPL000} | | | o======================================================================o Below is a list of all the Mage spells in the game... or at least all of the spells I was able to find. This is for referential purposes, and since divine spells are all automatically learned (or obtained through purchasing select feats) I feel no real need to include them. You want a full list of Cleric/Druid spells? Look at a Cleric/Druid,

respectively. Spells gained via epic feats won't be included, since they can't be missed. I've also provided a handy-dandy checklist, if you care to use it. Haer'Dalis has been excused from this list because he can only go up to 6th level spells, scrolls of which you should find in abundance. Characters who have their checklist marked with a ----indicates that this spell is prohibited by their Mage specialization. You ever notice how almost all the recruitable Mages in this game have five-letter names? Oh, and by the way, PRTGN stands for 'Protagonist', in case you have an arcane spell-caster of your own. 1st Level Mage Spells {SPL001} o======================================================================o o===================================o |AERIE|EDWIN|IMOEN| JAN |NALIA|PRTGN| o===================================o Armor | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Blindness | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Burning Hands | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Charm Person | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Chill Touch | | | |-----| | | |-----------------------------------| Chromatic Orb | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Color Spray | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Find Familiar | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Friends | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Grease | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Identify | |-----| | | | | |-----------------------------------| Infravision | |-----| | | | | |-----------------------------------| Larloch's Minor Drain | | | |-----| | | |-----------------------------------| Magic Missile | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Protection from Evil | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Protection from Petrification | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Reflected Image | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Shield | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Shocking Grasp | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Sleep | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Spook | | | | | | | o===================================o 2nd Level Mage Spells {SPL002} o======================================================================o

Aganazzar's Scorcher Blur Deafness Detect Evil Detect Invisibility Ghoul Touch Glitterdust Horror Invisibility Knock Know Alignment Luck Melf's Acid Arrow Mirror Image Power Word Sleep Ray of Enfeeblement Resist Fear Stinking Cloud Strength Vocalize Web

o===================================o |AERIE|EDWIN|IMOEN| JAN |NALIA|PRTGN| o===================================o | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | |-----| | | | | |-----------------------------------| | |-----| | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | |-----| | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | |-----| | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | |-----| | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | o===================================o

3rd Level Mage Spells {SPL003} o======================================================================o o===================================o |AERIE|EDWIN|IMOEN| JAN |NALIA|PRTGN| o===================================o | |-----| | | | | |-----------------------------------| | |-----| | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------|

Clairvoyance Detect Illusion Dire Charm Dispel Magic


| | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Flame Arrow | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Ghost Armor | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Haste | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Hold Person | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Hold Undead | | | |-----| | | |-----------------------------------| Invisibility 10' Radius | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Lightning Bolt | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Melf's Minute Meteors | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Minor Spell Deflection | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Monster Summoning I | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Non Detection | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Protection from Cold | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Protection from Fire | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Protection from Normal Missiles | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Remove Magic | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Skull Trap | | | |-----| | | |-----------------------------------| Slow | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Spell Thrust | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Vampiric Touch | | | |-----| | | o===================================o 4th Level Mage Spells {SPL004} o======================================================================o o===================================o |AERIE|EDWIN|IMOEN| JAN |NALIA|PRTGN| o===================================o | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | |-----| | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | |-----| | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------|

Confusion Contagion Emotion Enchanted Weapon Farsight Fireshield (Blue) Fireshield (Red)

Greater Malison

| | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Ice Storm | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Improved Invisibility | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Minor Globe of Invulnerability | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Minor Sequencer | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Monster Summoning II | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Otiluke's Resilient Sphere | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Polymorph Other | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Polymorph Self | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Remove Curse | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Secret Word | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Spider Spawn | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Spirit Armor | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Stoneskin | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Teleport Field | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Wizard Eye | |-----| | | | | o===================================o 5th Level Mage Spells {SPL005} o======================================================================o o===================================o |AERIE|EDWIN|IMOEN| JAN |NALIA|PRTGN| o===================================o Animate Dead | | | |-----| | | |-----------------------------------| Breach | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Chaos | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Cloudkill | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Cone of Cold | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Conjure Lesser Air Elemental | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Conjure Lesser Earth Elemental | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Conjure Lesser Fire Elemental | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Domination | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Feeblemind | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Hold Monster | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------|

Lower Resistance

| | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Minor Spell Turning | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Monster Summoning III | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Oracle | |-----| | | | | |-----------------------------------| Phantom Blade | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Protection from Acid | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Protection from Electricity | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Protection from Normal Weapons | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Shadow Door | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Spell Immunity | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Spell Shield | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Sunfire | | | | | | | o===================================o 6th Level Mage Spells {SPL006} o======================================================================o o===================================o |AERIE|EDWIN|IMOEN| JAN |NALIA|PRTGN| o===================================o | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | |-----| | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------|

Carrion Summons Chain Lightning Conjure Air Elemental Conjure Earth Elemental Conjure Fire Elemental Contingency Death Fog Death Spell Disintegrate Flesh to Stone Globe of Invulnerability Improved Haste Invisible Stalker Mislead Pierce Magic

Power Word Silence

| | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Protection from Magic Energy | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Protection from Magical Weapons | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Spell Deflection | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Stone to Flesh | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Summon Nishruu | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| Tenser's Transformation | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| True Sight | |-----| | | | | |-----------------------------------| Wyvern Call | | | | | | | o===================================o 7th Level Mage Spells {SPL007} o======================================================================o o===================================o |AERIE|EDWIN|IMOEN| JAN |NALIA|PRTGN| o===================================o | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | |-----| | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | |-----| | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------|

Cacofiend Control Undead Delayed Blast Fireball Finger of Death Khelben's Warding Whip Limited Wish Mantle Mass Invisibility Mordenkainen's Sword Power Word Stun Prismatic Spray Projected Image Protection From The Elements Ruby Ray of Reversal Spell Sequencer Spell Turning Sphere of Chaos Summon Djinni

Summon Efreeti Summon Hakeashar

| | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | o===================================o

8th Level Mage Spells {SPL008} o======================================================================o o===================================o |AERIE|EDWIN|IMOEN| JAN |NALIA|PRTGN| o===================================o | | | |-----| | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | o===================================o

Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting Bigby's Clenched Fist Improved Mantle Incendiary Cloud Maze Pierce Shield Power Word Blind Protection from Energy Simulacrum Spell Trigger Summon Fiend Symbol: Death Symbol: Fear Symbol: Stun

9th Level Mage Spells {SPL009} o======================================================================o o===================================o |AERIE|EDWIN|IMOEN| JAN |NALIA|PRTGN| o===================================o | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | |-----| | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | |

Absolute Immunity Bigby's Crushing Hand Black Blade of Disaster Chain Contingency Energy Drain Freedom Gate Imprisonment

Meteor Swarm Power Word Kill Shapechange Spell Trap Spellstrike Time Stop Wail of the Banshee Wish

|-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------| | | | |-----| | | |-----------------------------------| | | | | | | | o===================================o

o======================================================================o | | | Experience List {EXP000} | | | o======================================================================o This is a list of the experience rewards given by different characters and creatures when slain. It is not a complete list, I didn't go around killing every NPC to record how much experience they give. However, if you killed somebody while following the instructions of this guide, they should be listed... unless I forgot to add them. In any case, it's not a big deal. o===o |(A)| o===o Aawill Abishai Adalon Adamantite Golem Adherent Adsaan Adventurer Aerial Servant Aesgareth Air Mephit Air Elemental Akae Alcha Diagott Alu-Fiend Alhoon Alibakkar Guard Alnarow Ama Amalas Ameralis Zauviir Amnish Bodyguard Anarg Anath Ankheg Anguiliian Ancan Angelo 7000 12000 54000 25000 6000 15000 270, 350, 400 9000 21000 420 7000 8000 22000 9000 10000 174 4000 2000 1800 23000 700 9000 2200 974 3000 2000 12000

Anishai Anti-Paladin Aran Linvail Aranthis Archer Ardic Sentele Arkanis Gath Arledrian Assassin Aurumach Rilmani Azamantes o===o |(B)| o===o Baby Wyvern Balor Balthazar Bandit Banshee Baragh Barl Baron Metrich Baron Ployer Baron Thelokassyil Beastmaster Beholder Berena Elkan Berenn Bessen Black Bear Black Reaver Blizzard Troll Bodhi Bone Blade Bone Fiend Bone Golem Booter Borinall Bouncer Bounty Hunter Boz Brain Golem Bregg Brennan Risling Brother Pol Brown Bear o===o |(C)| o===o Caehan Cambion Captain Captain Captain Captain Captain

2000 7000 17000 9000 2000, 5000 550 1400 800 14, 270, 750, 900, 1000, 2000, 4000, 6000, 7000 27000 25000

450, 6000 26000, 46000 40000 650, 974, 1400, 2500 4000 974 5000 3650 6000 974 2000 9000, 14000 12500 40500 2500 174, 200 5000 5000 91000 2500 12000, 22000 18000 1400 100 14 1400, 4000, 6000, 11000 6000 10000 4000 4000 18000 420

Alyittyl Egeissag Erelon Haegan

1400 6000, 12000 1800, 5000, 7500 3000 20000 10000 580

Carras Carrion Crawler Carston Catimis Chak Chalinthra Chandrilla Chaos Chieftain DigDag Child Spirit Chinchilla Chremy Chromatic Demon Chrost Clay Golem Cleric Cleric of Lathander Cleric of Talos Cohrvale Commoner Conster Copper Coronet Guard Cornugon Cotirso Crimson Death Cyronax o===o |(D)| o===o Dace Sontan Damien Dalok Darsidian Moor Dawnbringer Alvanna Dawnmaster Kreel Death Tyrant Dedral Degardan Deirex Del Demi-Lich Demonknight Demon Wraith Derg the Orc Deril Dermin Courtierdale Derro Derro Berserker Desharik Devil Shade Diaytha Dire Wolf Director Diseased Gibberling Doa Dola Fadoon Doppleganger Dracandros Draconis

500 420, 974 6000 3000 6000 12000 4000 12000 2000 1500 18000 1100 55000 3000 5000, 8000 120, 2000 5400 1400 6000 24, 150 6000 14, 1000, 2000 10000, 20000 2000 9000 56000

8500 4000 3000 1400 480 680 14000 10000 8500 22000 8500 55000 16000 25000 14 26000 5000 12000 12000 11000 9000 14000 124 10000 50 5000 5000 420 8000 61000

Dragon Draug Fea Dread Wolf Drow Drow Bartender Drow Patron Drow Priestess Drow Servant Drow Torturer Drow Warrior Drow Wizard Druid Drush Duergar Duergar Sapper Dunbar Dunbar the Fifth Durst Dust Mephits Dwarf o===o |(E)| o===o Eagle Eye Earth Elemental Embarl Efreeti Egg Guard Eldarin Elder Orb Elemental Lich Eler Had Elite Fire Giant Elite Guard Elite Guard Captain Elite Orc Elite Orog Ellesime Elven Warrior Entu Ertof Dand Escaped Clone Enslaved Genie Erinyes Errard Ettercap Ettin Executioner Eye of the Beholder Eye of the Dead o===o |(F)| o===o Faafirah Fael

22000, 62000 7000 650 650, 750, 974, 1274, 3000, 4000, 4500, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 11000, 12000 650 150 2000, 4000, 5000, 6000 10000, 11000 6000, 7000, 9000 4000, 6000, 7500 1400, 6000 2000, 10000 650 370, 420 6000 650 100 14500 420 1400

6000 6000 750 8000 100 480 14000 22000 12500 26000 2200 2500 650 850, 6000 12000 2000 5000 2500 1250 11000 15000 20000 650 5000 9000 15000 12000

5000 200

Faheed Falahar Faldorn Fallen Paladin Fallen Solar Fanatic Favored of Cyric Fell Ghast Female Thrall Ferric Ironblade Ferrumach Rilmani Fighter Fire Elemental Fire Giant Fire Mephit Fire Salamander Fire Troll Firkraag Fisherman Fission Slime Flaming Skull Flayan the Orc Fledgling Vampire Flesh Golem Fll'Yissetat Frennedan Front Frost Salamander o===o |(G)| o===o Gaal Gaelan Bayle Gallchobhair Galvarey Galvena Garock Gauth Gerg Gellal Genie Ghast Ghaunadaur Priest Leader Ghaunadaur Priest Ghoul Lord Giant Lynx Giant Spider Giant Troll Giaus Gibberling Gish Githyanki Glabrezu Gladiator Gnoll Gnoll Captain Gnoll Elite Goblin

12000 12000 14000 2000 32000 1000, 25000 850 2000 8000 8000 2000, 15000 6000, 8000, 420 3500 3000 64000 150 64 9000, 14 8500 2000 60000 3000 500 9000

1700, 2000

6000, 6500, 8000, 10000, 12000 16000


14000 1300 7200 4000 4000 10000 9000 34 14500 5000 650 10000 7000 3000 174 450 1400 4000 14, 34 2000 2000, 3000, 5000 12000, 12500, 20000, 24000 14 34, 400 350 5000 20, 60

Goblin Commando Golin Goon Gorch Gorgon Eye Gorvin Gracien Grae Graican Gray Ooze Greater Air Elemental Greater Earth Elemental Greater Fire Elemental Greater Water Elementals Greater Ghoul Greater Lacedon Greater Mummy Greater Otyugh Greater Shade Wolf Greater Werewyvern Greater Wolfwere Greater Wraith Greater Wyvern Greater Yuan-ti Green Slime Grimwarder Grimward Archer Grizzly Bear Gromnir Il-Khan Guild Contact Guard Guard Capt Guardian Guardian Golem Guardian of Air Guardian of the Source o===o |(H)| o===o Halfling Warrior Handmaiden of Loloth Handmaiden of Lolth Hareishan Harper Haz Hectan Hendak High Priestess Tlyysixxous Hindra Jae'llat Hive Mother Hobgoblin Archer Hobgoblin Captain Hobgoblin Elite Hobgoblin Shaman Hobgoblin Warrior Hobgoblin Wizard Huge Spider Human

34 1650 164 14 12000 444 3500 1400 9500 274 11000 10000 10000 10000 2000 1800 8000 8000 650 15000 15000 8000 5500 5000 64 4000 4000 1150 22500 1400 750, 1000, 1250, 2000, 4000, 5000, 8500 6000, 7500 8000, 10000 13000 12000 4000

1000 5000 6000 8500 3000, 3500 8000 14 420 5000 14000 50000 34 420 94 34 34 34 270 650, 1400

Huntley Hurgis Baltezan o===o |(I)| o===o Ice Golem Ice Mephit Ice Mist Ice Salamander Ice Troll Ihtafeer Iko Il-Khan Battle Mage Il-Khan Soldier Illasera Ilmryn Ilyich Imix Imp Insane Dwarf Warrior Invisible Stalker Iron Golem Ist'tar Jae'llat Iycanth the Mad o===o |(J)| o===o Jae'llat Guard Jamis Tombelthen Jalaal Jalin Tax Jarden Jaylos Jon Irenicus Juggernaut Golem o===o |(K)| o===o Ka'rashur Kail Kalah Kangaxx the Demi-Lich Kaol Karthis al-Hezzar Karun the Black Kayardi Ketta Khan Zahraa Killer Mimic King Ixilthetocal Kiser Jhaeri Knight Knight of the Order Kobold Kobold Captain

480 3500

13000, 25000 420 8000 3000 174 15000 3000 21500 1400, 12000, 12300, 12500 10000 974 520 50000 240, 1400, 7500 1750 3000 13000 16000 20000

6000 10000 3000 6000 2500 1400 12000 16000

46000 3000 2000 55000 8000 1000 21500 6000 8500 5000 3000, 5000 4000 6500 2000 4000 6, 400 14

Kobold Commando Kobold Shaman Kobold Witch Doctor Koshi Kruin Kuo-Toa Archer Kuo-Toa Captain Kuo-Toa Lieutenant Kuo-Toa Monitor Kuo-Toa Priest Kuo-Toa Prince Kuo-Toa Warrior Kuo-Toa Whip Kuo-Toa Wizard Kyland Lind o===o |(L)| o===o Lacedon Lady Lilith Lurraxol Laen Torg Lagole Gon Lanfear Lashar'ra Lassal Lavok Layene Lea'liyl Legdoril Lennah Leopard Lesser Air Elemental Lesser Clay Golem Lesser Demon Lord Lesser Earth Elemental Lesser Fire Elemental Lich Lightning Mephit Lieutenant Cleric Lieutenant Fighter Lieutenant Mage Lieutenant Thief Lizard Man Llynis Lonk the Sane Lord Igen Tombelthen Lord Keltaar Argrim Lord Roenal Lord Skarmaen Alibakkar Lurraxol Guard o===o |(M)| o===o Mad Cleric Madman Aganalo Madulf Mae'Var

14, 34, 124 64, 270 14, 64 9000 8000 5000 4000, 6000 1400 1400 2000, 4000 4000 174, 1000, 5000 420, 2500 2000 4000

1000 4000 4000 26000 8000 18700 11500 28750 4000 16000 6000 3000 270 3000 2000 26000 2000 2000 22000 420 25000 25000 25000 25000 270 650 20000 6000 1974 12000 2000 174

750 6000 1750 14000

Magma Mephit Mage Magic Golem Mahar Maharajah Majira Malacazar Man-at-Arms Marilith Master of Thralls Master Verthan Master Wraith Matron Mother Ardulace Matron's Guard Maurezhi Meferan Mekrath Mencar Pebblecrusher Mephit Portal Mercenary Mercenary Captain Meredath Merlinious Metrich Footman Metrich Yeoman Militia Guard Mind Flayer Minotaur Mirnielle Santele Mistress Ada Mist Horror Mist Mephit Mithykyl Mogadish Monk Mook Morning Knight Mountain Bear Mountain Lion Mugger Mummy Murderer Mustard Jelly Mutated Gibberling Mutated Spider Myconid Myconid King o===o |(N)| o===o Nalmissra N'ashtar Nabassu Neb Necre Nevaziah

420 620, 974, 1000, 2000, 6000, 7000, 7200, 8000, 10000, 11000, 14000, 15000, 20000 8000 6000 15000 12000 3500 2000 23000 16000 2000 30500 16000 4000 6000 6000 14000 10000 5000 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 8000, 11000 11000 8500 6000 3400 2650 500, 650 9000 1000, 1400, 3000 14 1650 3000 420 19000 14000 10000, 23000 500 4000 650 270 20, 1000 3000 1400 2000 14 9000 420 1200

25000 4000 16000 3500 11000 8000

Nilthiri Nishruu Nizidramanii'yt Noble Djinni Nyalee Nym Khalazza Nymph o===o |(O)| o===o Ochre Jelly Odamaron Odren Officer Dirth Ogre Ogremach Ogre Berserker Ogre Mage Ogrillon Olaf Rassmusen Olhydra Onvo Ooze Mephit Orc Orc Archer Orc Mage Orog Orog Leader Otyugh o===o |(P)| o===o Pai'Na Panther Parisa Party Member/Protagonist Clone Peasant Perth the Adept Phaere Phase Spider Phlydian Pirate Pirate Captain Pirate Leader Pirate Mage Pit Fiend Pitch Pitre Plath Rededge Poison Mist Pooky Prebek Priest Priest of Cyric Priest of Mask Priestess Priestess of Lolth

10000 1000 52000 10000 2700 1800 2400

270 22000 10000 3200 270, 5000, 6000, 10000 56000 424 650, 750, 5000 174 6000 27000 2000 420 94, 150, 500, 650, 2000 34, 174, 1000, 6000 1000 174, 600, 650, 1200 174 650, 5000

4000 420 8500 650 974 20000 12000 1400 19500 500, 650, 974, 4000, 6000 6000 3400 3000 9000, 28000 420 6000 3500 3500 4000 2500 22000 1400, 2000, 12000 2000 8000 2000

Priestess of Sekolah Prince Villynaty Prison Captain Protagonist Alter-Ego o===o |(Q)| o===o Qilue Quasit o===o |(R)| o===o Raamilat Rabid Dog Radiant Mephit Raevilin Strathi Raevilin Strathi Chunk Rajah Raksasha Raissa Ranger Rayic Gethras Rebel Rejiek Hidesman Relonar Rengaard Reti Revanek Reviane Rex Reyna Reynald de Chatillon Rilloa Jae'llat Riti Ritual Guard Rock Roenal Guard Rover Royal High Priestess Senityili Ruffian Ruffian Captain Ruhk Ruhk Transmuter Rune Assassins o===o |(S)| o===o Saadat Saerk Farrahd Sahuagin Sahuagin Baron Sahuagin Baronial Guard Sahuagin Chieftain Sahuagin Priestess Sahuagin Prince

2000 2000 3000, 5000, 6000 15000

4000 2000, 3000, 6000

16000 34 420 20000 974 7000 3000 14 3200, 5000 9000 174, 2000, 3000 14 4000 6000 1250 6000 3500 34 2000 5000 8000 8000 5000 15000 1250, 2000, 8000 34 5000 25 1000 7000 7000 4500

3000 9000 174, 2000, 3000 974 270 420 650 2000

Sahuagin Royal Guard Saladrex Salamander Salia Samia Sanasha Sand Golem Scrooloose Sea Troll Sea Zombie Sea Zombie Lord Seeker Semaj Sendai

3000 64000 2000 8500 9000 2500 14000 1950 1400 420 6000 6000 12000 6000, 12000, 14000, 15000, 16000, 18000 Senior Armagaran Vulova 14 Sentinel 6000 Sergeant Natula 8000 Shade Lich 22000 Shade Lord 25000 Shade Wolf 500 Shadow 420, 450, 620 Shadow Druid 974, 2000, 4000 Shadow Fiend 2000 Shadow Jailor 620 Shadow Patrick 7000 Shadow Thief 14, 140, 250, 750, 1200, 1400, 1700, 2400, 3000, 8000 Shagbag 4000 Shambling Mound 16000 Shangalar 50000 Shapeshifters (Posing as Party Members) 3000 Shyressa 10500 Simbja 5000 Simyaz 8000 Sion 6000 Sir Greshal 1600 Sister Garlena 10000 Skeleton 64, 150, 974, 2000 Skeleton Archer 500, 750 Skeleton Assassin 6000 Skeleton Mage 7200 Skeleton Priest 10000 Skeleton Warrior 1150, 2200, 4000, 10000 Slave 750, 1274 Slave Boy 74 Slave Girl 74 Slave Leader 1274 Slave Wraith 5000 Slaver 86, 110, 480, 724 Slaver Guard 134, 164, 420 Slaver Wizard 480 Slavemaster 9000 Slayer 25000 Smaeluv Orcslicer 4000 Smoke Mephit 420 Solaufein 6000 Sondal 974 Sorcerous Amin 8000 Sorcerous Amon 6000 Sorsha 2000

Sparky Spectator Spectral Harpist Spectral Troll Spectre Spellhaunt Spelljammer Drow Spider Spirit Troll Spore Colony Spot Spotted Lion Stalman Statue Steam Mephit Stone Golem Storm Knight Strachan Fireblade Succubus Suna Seni Suneer Svirfneblin Svirfneblin Leader Swamp Horror Sword Spider Szordrin o===o |(T)| o===o Tabitha Tahazzar Taibela Talon Nirkhas Talon Zogas Tamile Tamoko Tamorlin Tanar'ri Tanova Tarnor the Hatchetman Tazok Terrece Tethyrian Archer Tethyrian Battlemage Tethyrian Captain Tethyrian Pikeman Thaxll'ssillyia The Elder Brain The Huntress The Ravager Thelynn'ss Thenry Theshal Thief Thrall Thrall Fighter Thrall Leader Thug Ti'Vael

34 4000 9000 3500 3000 2000 7000 10 8000, 12000 420 34 974 8000 20000 420 8000 4000 474 14000 4480 16000 1250 4000 7000 1250, 2000 4000

650 46000 8000 600 400 1500 6000 974 10000 8500, 10000 8000 6000 5000 3500 4000 7300 5000 45000 10000 20000 50000 15000 3500 1050 4000, 10000 2000, 3000 650 1400 200, 324, 444 1400

Tibbit Tiefling Togan Tolgerias Tombelthen Soldiers Toop the Brave TorGal Troll Troll Cook Turg Turmish Leader Turmish Sorceress Turmish Thief Turmish Thug Tyrian o===o |(U)| o===o Ulitharid Ulvaryl Umar Umber Hulk Umber Hulk Elder Uncle Lester Unseeing Eye o===o |(V)| o===o Vadek Valen Valeria Vampire Vampiric Illithid Vampiric Mist Vampiric Wraith Vampyre Vaxall Velithuu Vigil Knight Vigilant Vilhelm Vithal Vongoethe Vortex Spider Vulova Wizard o===o |(W)| o===o Wandering Horror Warden Warden Thrall Warlock Warrior Werewolf Wight

6000 14000, 16000, 18000 5000 18000 650 6000 15000 700, 1400, 2400 1400 2500 4000 4000 4000 650 4000

11000, 19000 8000 4000 1000, 4000, 10000 18000 1000 30000

8000 8500 12000 8500, 9000, 10500, 12500, 14500 14000 1000 9000 2000 14000 28000 10000, 15000 7500 6000 20000 25000 2700 2600

5000 10000 1400 4000 650 420 174

Wild Dog Wild Tiger Winter Wolf Wolfwere Wraith Wraith Sarevok Wraith Spider Wurn Wyvern Wyvern Cultist o===o |(X)| o===o Xei Win Toh o===o |(Y)| o===o Y-Tossi Yaga-Shura Yaga-Shura Elite Yaga-Shura Mage Yaga-Shura Officer Yaga-Shura Soldier Yan-C-Bin Yochlol Yuan-Ti Yuan-Ti Mage o===o |(Z)| o===o Zombie Zorl Zyntris

34 650 974 420, 1400 2000 20000 1400 2500 4000 4000, 6000


23000 30000 6000 2000, 14000 1400 650, 2000 56000 11000, 19000 1500 7000

974 2000 1200

o======================================================================o | | | Updates/Thanks {UPD001} | | | o======================================================================o Version 1.00 Information: Completed 6/18/2011, (1,710,047 bytes) Version 1.01 Notes o======================================================================o Well, it's been about a year since I originally released this FAQ (it was finished 6/18/2011, but it didn't make it onto Gamefaqs.com until 6/20/2011), and I've been working on an update for this game for nearly as long. In the meantime, I've finished up my Witcher FAQ, and updated nearly every other FAQ... my inability to focus on a single project has delayed this much-needed update, which is not to say that the update from version 1.00 to version 1.01 hasn't been a bit of work just by itself. Version 1.00 was a pretty hefty 1.61mb-making it the largest FAQ I wrote (even topping the behemoth Fallout 3 FAQ, weighing in at a none-too-modest 1.48mb). Version 1.01 is, by comparison 1.89mb, marking a difference of about .28mb... which makes the update to this

FAQ about the size of some of the Character Creation guides I wrote. Simply put, my largest FAQ deserved-and got-my largest single update. It takes time to play through this game two more times, proof-read everything again, and graduate from college in the meantime. As a plus, the amount of time it took to do all this work allowed me to compile more feedback (most notably from Lee Kadel, who did a great deal of unsolicited work which greatly benefited this guide, and for that, he has my thanks)... which of course, took more time to test, and implement. Last but not least, while preparing to start working on a Planescape: Torment FAQ, I came across Infinity Explorer, which allows one to see... pretty much everything you could care to see about how the game works. This prompted me to sift through files and learn in greater detail how various global variables work-namely the Bardic Playhouse, and converting an ally from Chaotic Evil to Chaotic Good.. and it was all I could do to stop myself from posting the attributes and statistics of various monsters in the game... mostly because I couldn't decide what enemies to record, what ones to omit, and I didn't want to bother calculating their THAC0. Anyways, it's been over a year of sporadic work, but here it finally is. Enjoy. Note (11/22/2012): Sadly, my v1.01 update for Baldur's Gate 2 is no longer my largest single update to any FAQ. My first guide-an Icewind Dale walkthrough was... well, compared to my later FAQs, it wasn't really up to the same standards. So I gave it a shiney new v1.03 update, essentially rewriting it. As of the time of this note, my Icewide Dale FAQ has gone from 347,138 bytes in v1.02 to over 1,000,000 bytes in v1.03. Yeah, it changed a lot. o======================================================================o Version 1.00 to 1.01 changes: Completed 7/23/2012, (1,985,102 bytes) o=o Fixed more typos, merged or split Steps when necessary, made some of my charts look more pretty, and in general just made a bunch of grammatical, cosmetic, and compositional changes that nobody really cares about. Finally fixed the incorrect usage of the term 'NPC' throughout the guide. The words 'allies', 'characters', and 'recruitable' have spread in its place. In any event, the term NPC now rightfully only refers to Non-Player Characters, whereas the term PC now refers to characters that go places and attack things when you click some buttons... although to be fair, the game's own 2DA files refers to recruitable characters as NPCs... Added the 'List of Mage Spells' section to provide a checklist for the Mage spells in the game. Carried over my evil character from v1.02 of the Baldur's Gate FAQ, adding more in-depth evil-party strategies. Updated the 'Limited Wish' section of my FAQ by adding the full range of wish options, and by including the Wisdom requirements the caster will need to access those wishes. Added the 'Spell Tactics' section, as requested. Updated and improved the 'My Protagonists' section to include the evil protagonist Fighter/Mage/Thief, and included more information, namely on where to allocate starting proficiencies and Thief skills.


o=o o=o o=o

o=o o=o


Added various party stat benchmarks throughout the guide, so you could see my party strength and equipment loadouts at various points throughout the game. These occur at the end of Chapters 3, 5, 7, and 10... generally after a significant amount of loot and experience has been accumulated. Added the weapon 'Foebane +3' and its upgraded version to numerous sections of the FAQ. Sorry for its omission earlier, it didn't drop for me during the v1.00 playthrough, and it took another playthrough to find it, and hence, comment on it. Expanded the Bardic Playhouse section... it's easily the most complicated of all the class-specific quests in the game, and this time, I just used Infinity Explorer to look into the dialogue files, which allowed me to see all the rewards, triggers, and variables that change during the quest. Added information about changing ???????'s alignment in Throne of Bhaal. This was another little addition made possible by using Infinity Explorer to see the global variables change. Added a new infinite experience trick to the Saradush section of the walkthrough (begining of Throne of Bhaal). Made numerous changes and added alternative strategies as suggested by Lee Kadel.




o=o o=o

o======================================================================o Version 1.01 to 1.02 changes: Completed 11/22/2012, (2,049,566 bytes) o=o o=o Fixed more typos throughout the guide. It's a never-ending task, but I'm only human. Except on Tuesdays. Edited Steps as I felt necessary, either by changing wording to improve coherence, or by adding information to improve structure. Made many more changes, as suggested by Lee Kadel, particularly in Throne of Bhaal. Finally got around to recording the number of Steps in the guide, to continue with my theme of "Beating (insert game name) in (insert number here) Easy Steps!". It's catchy, and you'll be seeing it again in my Icewind Dale and Planescape: Torment FAQs. Split the former [WLK003] (now [WLK004]) into three sequences[WLK003] 'Random Encounters in Athkatla' now segregates various random encounters into its own section, for easier perusal, and [WLK005] 'Jammin' with Jan' segregates Jan's quests into their own section. [WLK004] now deals solely with recruiting Korgan, Viconia, and Jan.

o=o o=o


Split the former [WLK007] (now [WLK008]) into two Sequences, the new [WLK010] 'Honor and Family' now details Keldorn and Anomen's family troubles seperately from the Unseeing Eye quest. o=o Added the 'Spell Buff Order' section (and subsections) to help people apply the right buffs, at the right time, against the right foes. No lefties allowed.



Changed many directional references in the guide to more accurately match the map layout. This usually means 'north' has become 'northeast'. Yeah, the game is designed on a diagonal axis, and I was lazy when I intially wrote it... I thought constantly saying 'northeast', 'southwest' would get cumbersome for the reader. According to feedback, it's more cumbersome when the guide is vague. Updated the conversation with Yakman, providing more accurate information about his dialogue options. Explained in much greater detail how the Deck of Many Things encounter with Aesgareth works (hint: the odds do NOT favor you!) Added the 'Saving Throws' section. Updated the Abilities tables, to make them more presentable and factual. Added a few notes to the 'Class' section. Added tables to the 'Thief Abilities' section, detailing the effects the character's race and Dexterity have on Thief skills.

o=o o=o

o=o o=o o=o o=o

o======================================================================o Version 1.02 to 1.03 changes: Completed 2/17/2013, (2,263,039 bytes) o=o Numerous changes made by Lee Kadel, whose notes now litter this document, providing alternate strategies, notes on variable encounters and loot, or just the odd comment. He also went through the guide and spell-checked it, something I can just not be bothered to do. Finally, he added his own party stats (though not in as great of detail) at my regular benchmarks. Quite a bit of work, really, this update is analogous to v1.04 of my Baldur's Gate 1 FAQ, both of which should be considered Lee updates. Changed various information in the '2nd Edition Dungeons and Dragons Mechanics' (Character Creation) section of the guide, most of which were improvements made during the Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition guide that I shamelessly copied and pasted here. Took another addition from my Enhanced Edition guide and copied it here-the Class Kits in the 'Classes' section of the guide now have search keys, as do Thief skills, Epic Feats, and Starting Spell Suggestions. Added the Wild Mage class and the Wild Surge table. Added the 'Fighting Style Perks by Rank' section. Added the 'Proficiency Selection by Class' section. Added information about permanent attribute gains and losses found throughout the guide to the 'Abilities' section. Updated and expanded the 'Characters' section of the guide, matching similar changes I made to the recently-released



o=o o=o o=o o=o o=o

Enhanced Edition FAQ for the first game. o=o o=o o=o o=o Expanded the 'Spell Tactics' section. Now every spell in the game has it merits (or lack thereof) discussed. Changed some loot descriptions to make them more readable. Broke up overly-long text-walls in the walkthrough. Paragraphs are good. Made a note in the guide about potential experience loss (instead of permanent attribute loss) in Spellhold.

Minor v1.03 changes: (3/8/2013) (2,266,113 bytes) o=o o=o o=o Edited all the boring crap at the top of the guide that nobody reads anyways. Adding the 'Healing Spells' section to 'Spell Tactics'. Corrected numerous typos... like switching lets with let's, debilitate with debilitate, weild with wield, and other stupid brain-dead quirks I have.

Special Thanks o======================================================================o o=o My girlfriend, for putting up with me for all these years and allowing me to waste so much time working on these games. Even better, since she's played through many of these games herself, she's often been able to proof-read my guides and offer advice based on her own gameplay experience. Could a guy ask for a better girlfriend? No. For all you guys out there who have settled for some snippy bitch who hates your gaming-dump her and find someone better. You can find a girl who loves you AND loves to game, if you bother to look. Lee Kadel, for putting more work into this guide than any sane person would. What started with him bugging me about a... bug... in Baldur's Gate 2 has, over time, led to scores of E-mails. These E-mails have prompted several version updates, based upon his astute suggestions and resulted in these guides becoming truly gold-standard works. Every FAQ-writer should be so lucky to have a contributor like Lee. Dmitry Jemerov, the creator of Infinity Explorer. This program reveals the game's inner workings, which in turn allows me to write a more detailed, more accurate guide. I mostly used this program to view dialogue files to understand what variables were being checked by the game during conversations... but its usefulness (and uses) are boundless. Aaron O'Neil, the creator of Shadow Keeper. His mods have been a blessing for the Infinity Engine games, including Gate Keeper (Baldur's Gate) and Dale Keeper (Icewind Dale). I used Shadow Keeper more extensively than his other mods-again for cosmetic reasons, but also to check global variables, which helped me troubleshoot a couple of bugs. Misty Mouse, for pointing out the fact that the Cleric/Ranger has access to Druidic spells, making them vastly superior to





Fighter/Clerics. ***END OF FILE***

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