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SAP Workflow Interview Questions & Answers: What Are The Different Types of WF Agents?

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SAP Workflow Interview Questions & Answers

What are the different types of WF Agents? 1.Possible Agents Users who are authorized to exe ute the task !onfigured during Task definition "#rg Unit$ Position$ User$ Work !enter$ %ole$ %ule& If a 'ask is onfigured as (eneral 'ask$ then all users be o)e *ossible users.

+.%es*onsible Agents 'he users to who) the work ite) needs to be sent. 'his is set during Step definition. ,ote that Possible agents are defined during 'ask definition. "#rg Unit$ Position$ User$ Work !enter$ %ole$ %ule$ !ontainer -le)ent& ,ote. 'he work ite) re i*ients is deter)ined b/ interse tion of Possible Agents and %es*onsible Agents. 0.A tual Agents A tual user who exe uted the dialog task 1.-x luded Agents Users who are not su**osed to exe ute the dialog task "even if the/ are in *ossible agents& A very good Book for learning and Practicing Workflo w Pra ti al Workflow for Sa* +ed What are the agent determination techniques? %ule %esolution with res*onsibilit/. 2el*ful when a set of stati *ositions are res*onsible for a tion. %ule resolution with 3un tion "34&. 2el*ful when agents are deter)ined d/na)i all/ fro) business logi . %ule resolution with #4. Usuall/ used in !%4. 2ave not used %ule resolution with 3un tion$ but as/n hronousl/. 'his is through a lass and a )ethod. Initiall/ WI is reated in status read/ without agent. 5ater agent is assigned. 'his is suitable for agent deter)ination having o)*lex logi . Users. %arel/ used. %ole. -x. A6AP78-9-5#P-% #4 ob:e ts "Position$ #rg Unit$ work enter& -x*ression. A ontainer ele)ent ontaining the agents. Containers Workflow !ontainer. 'ask !ontainer. SW!7(-'7!#,'AI,-% SW!7(-'7'A65SW!7S-'7!#,'AI,-% SW!7S-'7'A65-vent !ontainer. 4ethod !ontainer. %ule !ontainer. 3or resolving rules Business !"ects ;e/ 3ields. Attributes. 8atabase. Auto)ati all/ gets *o*ulated b/ s/ste) ode 9irtual. <ou deter)ine the ontent and use SW!7S-'7!#,'AI,-% to *o*ulate 4ethods. !an be reated using 34$ 'ransa tion$ %e*ort$ 8ialog 4odule$ #ther S/n hronous. 3inish exe ution before handling the ontrol ba k to the task. As/n hronous. %eturn the ontrol ba k i))ediatel/. !annot have ex*ort *ara)eters. 'he/ de*end on events to return results ba k to the alling *rogra). 8ialog. So)ething to user 6a kground. !annot have )essages or ex e*tions What are the options to implement method of a B ?

34 6API ' ode 8ialog 4odule %e*ort #ther "6# *rogra)& #o$ to e%tend a B ? (ot SW#1 and enter a 6# that /ou want to extend. !li k on =,ew Subt/*e> (ive all the details. (o ba k to SW?1$ enter the 6#$ and goto Settings 8elegate. -xa)*le. 6US@?A1. ,otifi ation$ 6US1??1. 4aterial$ 6US+?1+. Pur hase #rder$ 6US1?BA. -)*lo/ee &arious status of B 4odeled. ,ot a essible at runti)e I)*le)ented. ,ot read/ to be used$ Internal use onl/ %eleased. 3or usto)er to use #bsolete. 8on>t use an/)ore To change attri!ute values from methods of a B SW!7(-'7!#,'AI,-% SW!7S-'7!#,'AI,-% -vents. #o$ to create 'vents? 2% 'ables. SW-2%+C0 A6AP !ode user -xit. SW-7-9-,'7!%-A'!hange 8o u)ent. SW-! Status )anage)ent. 4essage !ontrol. -vent 5inkage. SW-+ Su!type( ;e/ field annot be reated. 4ethods and attributes an be reated. )elegate( If /ou want to hange the fun tionalit/ of a )ethod$ define a sub t/*e$ redefine the )ethod$ delegate the *arent business ob:e t to hild ob:e t. *nterface Interfa e is a o)bination of Attributes$ 4ethods and -vents$ to redu e the redundan / in definition. I3SAP. !o))on interfa e for all 6#s. It has following )ethods 4ethod. 8is*la/ 4ethod. -xisten e !he k AttributeD #b:e t'/*e )ifferent Workflo$ Steps activities !ondition. 4ulti*le !onditions. Until 5oo*. 3ork. Send 4ail. !ontainer #*erations. -vent !reator. Wait -vent. Pro ess !ontrol )ifferent deadline conditions %eEuested Start. When this date is )et$ onl/ then the work ite) will start exe ution$ or available for taking a tion "dialog&.

5atest Start. When a date )entioned here is )et$ it an send an e)ail$ or an be )odeled to do so)ething a tion. %eEuested -nd. Sa)e as 5atest Start 5atest -nd. Sa)e as 5atest Start *mportant Tcodes Workflow 'oolbox. SWUS Si)ulate -vent. SWU? 6usiness #b:e t %e*ositor/. SW?1 -vent 'ra e. SW-5 "S& Workite)s *er task. SWI+73%-Q SWU-. -vent si)ulate SW-5. -vent log SW-5S. Set event log #, SW-+. 5inkage between -vent and Workflow SW-2%+. -vent linkage in 2% SWU0. Workflow usto)izing SWU7#6U3. S/n hronize buffers SWIA. 5ook into other user>s S6WP What are the *mportant !ackground +o!s for $orkflo$?( SWW82-F 3or deadline )onitoring SWW-%%3or error 4onitoring SW-QS%9 3or -vent Queue 8eliver/ Workflo$ e%perience( What are the workflows reated b/ /ouG Worked u*on b/ /ouG Function ,odule that creates $orkflo$ SAP7WAPI7S'A%'7W#%;35#W. SAP7WAPI7!%-A'-7-9-,' SAP7WAPI7W#%;I'-47%-!IPI-,'S SAP7WAPI7(-'7W#%;I'-478-'AI5 When a infotype action is performed- an event should trigger- and a $orkflo$ su!sequently. #o$ can * configure it? Answer. ' ode SW-2%+ When a infotype action is performed- an F, should trigger- and a $orkflo$ su!sequently. #o$ can * configure it? Answer. ' ode SW-2%+ Workflo$ is not triggering... $hat can !e the reason? What are the different wa/s of triggering a workflowG 'riggering -vents$ whi h are set u* in SW-+ "generi &$ SW-2%+ "2%& SAP7WAPI7S'A%'7W#%;35#W Workflo$ triggered- !ut it did not come to the user- $hy? What are the difference !et$een a Business !"ect and a Class?

#o$ to achieve dynamic parallel processing? 'here are three wa/s a *arallel *ro essing an be i)*le)ented 8/na)i *arallel *ro essing using a )ultiHline ontainer ele)ent 3ork "0 out of A& Work Eueue In d/na)i *ro essing the t/*e of ea h entr/ in the table have to be of sa)e t/*e. Sa)e task will be *ro essed for ea h line of the )ultiHline ontainer. It an be a dialog or ba kground task. 8eadline )onitoring$ binding$ agent deter)ination will be sa)e for ea h work ite) generated 'o a hieve$ go to I4is ellaneousJ in the a tivit/$ and enter the )ulti line ontainer ele)ent. #o$ to notify a user immediately in /01 that he has got an email? 4ark the *riorit/ as =1> -x*ress

#o$ can $e de!ug a $orkflo$? If it is a dialog task$ /ou an set break*oint in the )ethod alled b/ the task If it is a )ethod that /ou want to debug$ use SW#1$ and reate a instan e of the ob:e t and debug the )ethods If it is a ba kground task$ and /ou are in develo*)ent lient$ /ou an do the following. !reate an infinite loo* in the )ethod /ou want to debug. (o to S4A? "*ro esses overview& and sele t the relevant ite)$ and sele t debug fro) o*tion. #uge num!er of events is getting created in a short duration of time- and thus creating a huge load on the system and making it very slo$. Solution? -nable event Eueue. It will ensure that triggered events are re eived in a *hased )anner. 'his needs to be done while *roviding event linkages. Why 2Process Control3 is used? What are its features? =Pro ess !ontrol> is used to )ani*ulate another work ite) of the workflow during runti)e. =Pro ess !ontrol> is usuall/ used to )odel the workflow when deadlines are rea hed. SAP offers 1 standard behaviors as *art of *ro ess ontrol. !an el Work ite). 'arget WI is logi all/ deleted. SubseEuent tasks are not exe uted. Pre ondition is that Pro ess ontrol and the target WI have to be in different bran hes of the sa)e fork. Set Work ite) to obsolete. 'he target WI is set to o)*lete$ and *ro essing ontinues in the bran h *ro essing obsolete. !an el Workflow. !urrent workflow is set to =!o)*lete>. If this is the sub workflow$ then the ontrol goes to su*erH ordinate workflow. !o)*lete "ter)inate& Workflow. Sa)e as above$ but the bran h of su*erHordinate workflow whi h ontains the urrent subHworkflow will not be ontinued. !an el Workflow in luding all allers. Sa)e as above$ but all allers also will be =!#4P5-'->d. What is the integration point $ith 'SS Portal? ' ode SW39ISU Portal onfig file for UW5 What are the types of $ork items? 8ialog Work ite) H W 6a kground work ite) Workflow work ite) Work Eueue work ite) 4issed deadline work ite). When a deadline is )issed a )issed deadline workite) with the )essage a**ears in inbox What are the different statuses of a $ork item? Waiting %ead/ %eserved In*ro ess -xe uted "= onfir) end of *ro essing> in task definition& !o)*leted 5ogi all/ deleted -rror )ifference !et$een Asynchronous and Synchronous methods in a task A work ite) reated as *art of s/n hronous in lo ked until end of the )ethod exe ution. 6ut in as/n hronous$ work ite) is lo ked onl/ until start of )ethod exe ution. At least one ter)inating event is reEuired for a task using As/n hronous task What is the use of secondary methods in an Activity? A )odal all 6efore work ite) exe uting After work ite) exe ution What is the B method called for the task $hich calls 4W5 W) screens? Why? -F'S%9 HHK P%#!-SS What are Programmer e%its? And $hy are they used?

What is the use of 6Advance $ith dialog7? If this indi ator is set for an a tivit/$ workflow s/ste) he ks if the *ro esser of urrent task is also a re i*ient for next task. If /es$ then the next task will be exe uted i))ediatel/.

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