Table of Contents
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................3 Target Audience .............................................................................................................................3 Learning Objectives ........................................................................................................................3 Getting the Most from this Workbook ............................................................................................3 STOP HERE: Prerequisites ...............................................................................................................4 Documentation ..............................................................................................................................4 Overview of SAP BusinessObjects Mobile ...........................................................................................5 Setting up your BI Deployment and iPad for Mobile Access .................................................................5 Activity 1 Deploying a WAR file .......................................................................................................... 5 Activity 2 Creating Mobile Categories................................................................................................ 6 Activity 3 Installing SAP BusinessObjects Mobile and SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for iPad ......... 8 Activity 4 Import sample reports for SAP BusinessObjects Mobile ................................................... 9 Activity 5 Log in to SAP BusinessObjects Mobile ............................................................................... 9 Activity 6 Create a SAP BI URL .......................................................................................................... 11 Activity 7 Log in to SAP BusinessObjects Mobile ............................................................................. 12 Activity 8 Interact with tables and charts ........................................................................................ 16 Create BI Content for SAP BusinessObjects Mobile............................................................................ 19 Activity 9 Save a Web Intelligence document for SAP BusinessObjects Mobile.............................. 19 Activity 10 Create a Web Intelligence document with Line Charts ................................................. 20 Activity 11 Format traffic, arrow, and status icons .......................................................................... 23 Activity 12 Format Micro Charts called Sparklines .......................................................................... 29 SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for iPad .............................................................................................. 31 Activity 13 - Connect manually connect ............................................................................................. 31 Activity 14 Search and explore information spaces ......................................................................... 33 Workbook Evaluation....................................................................................................................... 38 BI Activity Workbook Training Questionnaire ................................................................................ 38 Copyright ......................................................................................................................................... 41
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This workbook has been designed to provide you with practical, hands-on, experience using SAP BusinessObjects Mobile BI solutions. While completing the activities in this workbook, you will set up and configure an SAP BusinessObjects system for mobile access, install SAP BusinessObjects Mobile for iPad and SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for iPad, access and interact with BI content on an iPad, and develop BI content such as Explorer information spaces and Web Intelligence documents for mobile devices. As you work through the activities in this book, consider how the features and functionality can be applied to solve business problems for your business or your clients.
Target Audience
This workbook is suitable for anyone new to the SAP BusinessObjects Mobile BI who will be involved in selling, demonstrating, or developing business intelligence solutions or content. Many end users will also find these activities useful in learning the applications.
Learning Objectives
After completing this workbook you will be able to: Configure SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform for mobile access Install SAP BusinessObjects Mobile and SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for iPad Access and interact with content on mobile devices Design Web Intelligence documents and Information spaces for mobile devices.
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Instructions to install the required software are provided in the SAP BusinessObjects B1 4.x Installation Job Aid. Please note that valid license keys are required. If you are using this workbook as part of a course, or corporate training, your instructor may provide you with instructions to access a hosted system or customized VMware image. In this case usernames and passwords may vary from the solutions in the guide.
User Guide: Admin Guide: Release Notes:
Page 5
Overview of SAP BusinessObjects Mobile Setting up your BI Deployment and iPad for Mobile Access
Activity 1 Deploying a WAR file In this activity, you will manually deploy the MobileBIService.war file, which is required to enable mobile access for SAP BusinessObjects Mobile for iPad 4.0.3. In future releases manually deploying the war file will not be required. Documentation 4.2 Installing SAP BusinessObjects Mobile Server in the SAP BusinessObjects Mobile for iPad 4.0.3 Installation, Configuration and Deployment Guide
Instructions 1. Stop the Tomcat Server 2. Copy the MobileBIService.war file in the installation folder. [Install directory]\Mobile14\Client Note: If you set up your system following instructions in the previous workbook you will find the file here: C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\Mobile 14\Client 3. Paste the file into the [Tomcat home directory]\webapps folder: Note: If you set up your system following instructions in the previous workbook you will find the webapps folder here: C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\Tomcat6\webapps 4. Restart the Tomcat Server 5. To confirm that the War file is deployed correctly type this URL http://localhost:8080/MobileBIService/MessageHandlerServlet?message=GetVersion You may substitute localhost:8080 with the IP address or name of the server.
Page 6 If you see this XML then the war file is configured correctly.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> - <Result status="success"> <version productVersion="" internalVersion="1.0" /> </Result>
Note: the productVersion indicates the version of the war file. Activity 2 Creating Mobile Categories In this activity, you will configure categories for mobile access. Only documents in a category that has been configured for mobile access will be accessible on mobile devices. By default the BI platform is configured to allow documents assigned to a category named Mobile to be made available for mobile devices. You can modify the configuration to allow documents in other categories to be available for any mobile device, or a specific device type such as an iPad or iPhone.
Instructions 1. Open the Central Management Console (Click Start > Programs > SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0 > SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise > Central Management Console) 2. Login as Administrator with the password Welcome1.
3. Click Categories
5. Click Personal Categories a. Click Administrator b. Click Manage > New > Category c. Type Mobile and click OK. d. Click Manage > New > Category e. Type Mobile Design and click OK. 6. Close the Central Management Console 7. Double-click the file located in the [Tomcat_Home]\webapps\MobileBIService\WEB-INF\ folder, and edit it in Notepad or a similar text editor.
Page 8 Note: If you set up your system following instructions in the previous workbook you will find the file here: C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\Tomcat6\ MobileBIService\WEBINF\ 8. Edit the file by adding the highlighted text. default default.corporateCategory=Mobile, Mobile Design default.personalCategory= Mobile, Mobile Design ipad ipad.corporateCategory= Mobile, Mobile Design ipad.personalCategory= Mobile, Mobile Design 9. Save the file.
Documentation 4.2.1 Configuring Categories for iPad in the SAP BusinessObjects Mobile for iPad 4.0.3 Installation, Configuration and Deployment Guide
Activity 3 Installing SAP BusinessObjects Mobile and SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for iPad In this activity, you will install the SAP BusinessObjects Mobile BI app on your iPad. The SAP BusinessObjects Mobile client is supported on iPad 1 and iPad 2. You can install SAP BusinessObjects Mobile client application on your iPad device in two ways. You can download the SAP BusinessObjects Mobile client application from the App Store via the iTunes software. Then synchronize the downloaded application with your iPad device. You can download the SAP BusinessObjects Mobile client application directly from the App store to your device.
Page 9 Instructions 1. Open the App Store on your iPad. 2. Search for SAP BusinessObjects. 3. Install the following applications: a. SAP BusinessObjects Mobile b. SAP BusinessObjects Explorer
Activity 4 Import sample reports for SAP BusinessObjects Mobile In this activity, you will import a Web Intelligence document which includes multiple reports. 1. 2. 3. 4. Download the eFashion report.wid document. Open the report in the Web Intelligence Rich Client. Save the report in Public Folders in a new Mobile Reports subfolder. Assign the report to the Mobile category.
Activity 5 Log in to SAP BusinessObjects Mobile In this activity, you will test connectivity between your iPad and BI Server. In addition, you will create a connection and log in to your SAPDEMO BI server. 1. Open Safari on iPad 2. Type http://server_ip:8080/ Replace server_ip:8080 with the IP address of your image server and port. You can get the IP address by opening a command prompt and typing ipconfig. If you are connected you will see apache screen
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3. Open the Mobile BI application. 4. Create and configure a connection with these settings: a. Name: SAPDEMO (note the name can be anything you want) b. Server URL: http://server_ip:8080/ c. CMS: server_ip (no port number)* d. Default: ON e. User Name: Administrator f. Password: Welcome1
* Note: If you installed your CMS on a different machine, use the ipconfig on the CMS machine to get the port
Page 11 5. Log in using the new connection 6. The image below shows that you have successfully connected to your Mobile BI connection. There is one report available to download. You will interact with this report in the next activity.
Activity 6 Create a SAP BI URL In this activity you will create an SAP BI URL. SAP BI URLS allow a BI administrator to create a link that automatically generates a connection for SAP BusinessObjects Mobile end users. Instructions 1. Copy and paste the text below into a text editor such as notepad. sapbi://addconnection?name=ConnectionName &server_url= Server_IP:Port &cms= Server_IP:Port &authType=AuthenticationType &default=yes/no &user=User Name &password=UserPassword &save_password=yes/no 2. Modify each of the parameters to match the text below sapbi://addconnection?name=SAPDEMO &server_url= http://server_ip:port &cms=server_ip &authType=secEnterprise &default=yes &user=Administrator &password=Welcome1 &save_password=no
example: example
Page 12
This table explains each of these parameters. Parameter Connection Name server_url Values Enter a name for the connection Enter the IP address and port number of the BI server. For example Enter the IP address of the CMS server. For example The authType can be one of the following: secEnterprise for Enterprise secLDAP for LDAP secWinAD for Windows AD secSAPR/3 for SAP Enter yes to make this the default connection Enter the username for the connection Enter the users password Enter no to require the user enter the password each time they log on (recommended) Enter yes to save the password.
cms authType
3. Delete all carriage returns to create a valid hyperlink. sapbi://addconnection?name=SAPDEMO&server_url= thType=secEnterprise&default=yes&user=Administrator&password=Welcome1&save_password =no
Activity 7 Log in to SAP BusinessObjects Mobile In this activity, you will login to SAP BusinessObjects Mobile. 1. Copy and paste the SAP BI URL you created in the previous activity into an email to an accessible address on your iPad. 2. Open the email on your iPad and tap the link. 3. Tap Save 4. Tape the new SAPDEMO (Default) connection. 5. Type the password Welcome1 and tap Connect.
Page 13 If you have a connection error, ensure that you have given the BI platform enough time to load. You may want to restart your image, and try again once you can log into the BI platform and the CMC. 6. Tap Download. 7. Tap eFashion report. 8. Swipe up and down to view additional rows in the table.
9. Tilt the device to view the report in portrait and landscape view.
Page 14 10. Tap reports in the top right corner and tap Sparklines.
Note that not all chart types are supported in Mobile BI. The initial release of Mobile BI supports standard chart types including Bar, Pie, and Line charts. 14. Tap Home. 15. Tap SAPDEMO and choose LOGOUT. 16. Tap Yes.
Page 16 Activity 8 Interact with tables and charts In this activity, you will open and view and interact with the sample reports that are included with SAP BusinessObjects Mobile. You will open the different reports, retrieve data values in charts, and hide, unhide, and reorganize columns. 1. Open the SAP BI app if it is not already open and tap Cancel. Note: If you are already logged into Mobile, tap the SAPDemo connection and choose Logout. 2. Tap the Sales Analysis report.
5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
Tap Back. Tap Home. Tap the Daily Sales Report. Tap each of the column headers to select them. Double-tap the Qty Sold column and choose Hide Column. Double tap the Discount column and choose Unhide. Tap and drag the Quantity sold column header over the Discount column header.
The default report shows sales by product category. The document also includes a report which displays sales by region. 13. Tap Back. 14. Tap Performance Dashboard.
The performance dashboard is a great example of the dashboard style content that can be shared with Mobile BI.
Page 19
Activity 9 Save a Web Intelligence document for SAP BusinessObjects Mobile In this activity, you will create a web intelligence document with a table and a column chart and view it on an iPad. Part 1 Create the document 1. Open the Web Intelligence Rich Client. 2. Create a Web Intelligence Document based on the Sports_Warehouse universe including Category, Quarter, Net Sales, and Gross Sales, and a 2010 Year filter. 3. Change the title of the report to Quarterly Sales By Category. 4. Copy and paste a duplicate of the default table. 5. Change the duplicate table into a Column chart. 6. Move the legend to the bottom of the chart. 7. Save the report to the SAPDemo system as Quarterly Sales By Category. 8. Assign the report to the Personal Mobile category.
Part 2 View the document 1. Open SAP BI on your iPad and connect to SAPDemo. Note: If you are continuing from the previous activity, you can tap Not Connected and choose SAPDemo to Log On. 2. Tap Download to download the new Quarterly Sales report. 3. Tap Quarterly Sales By Category.
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4. Double-tap the chart. 5. Use the sliders below the chart to zoom in on different categories.
Activity 10 Create a Web Intelligence document with Line Charts In this activity, you will create a Web Intelligence document with 4 line charts and view it on an iPad. Part 1 Create the document 1. Open the Web Intelligence Rich Client. 2. Create a Web Intelligence Document based on the Sports_Warehouse universe including Category, Quarter, and Net Revenue. 3. Add a Query Filter to prompt for the year. 4. Add a Query Filter to show the Bikes category. 5. Add a second query based on the Sports_Warehouse universe including Category, Quarter, and Net Sales. 6. Add a query filter to prompt for the year. 7. Add a query filter to the show Golf category. 8. Click Run queries and click OK.
Page 21 9. Click Insert a table in the current report and click OK.
10. Drag Category (Query 2) over the Category column in the new table.
Repeat steps 5 to 10 to create tables for the Ski and Tennis categories. Rename each block based on the category. For example name the first block Bikes. Change each table into a Line chart. Add a visible title to each chart. Hide the legend for each chart.
Page 22 16. Save the document to the My Favorites folder with the name Quarterly Sales By Category Line Chart and assign it to the Mobile category.
Part 2 View the document. 1. Open SAP BI and connect to SAPDemo. 2. Tap Download to download the new Quarterly Sales report. 3. Tap Quarterly Sales By Category Line Chart. 4. View the report in both portrait and landscape view.
Page 23 Activity 11 Format traffic, arrow, and status icons In this activity, you will create a Web Intelligence document with scorecard features such as traffic icons, trend arrows, and colored gradient fills. Traffic icons and trend arrows display in red and green to indicate high or low, good or bad values at a glance. Gradient fills are used to visualize percentage distributions and can support more complex conditional formatting such as low, medium, and high values.
Documentation Chapter 10: Creating Scorecards for Report Tables on an iPad in the SAP BusinessObjects Mobile for iPad 4.0.3 Installation, Configuration and Deployment Guide
Part 1 Create the document 1. Open Web Intelligence Rich Client if it is not already open. 2. Create a Web Intelligence Document based on the Sports_Warehouse universe including Category, Quarter, and Net Sales. 3. Add a Query Filter to prompt for the year. 4. Add a Query Filter to show the Bikes category. 5. Click Run query. 6. Resize the columns as required. 7. Click anywhere in the Net Sales column. 8. Save the document as Quarterly Sales By Category Trend Icons. Dont forget to assign it to the Mobile Category. 9. Click the Analysis tab. 10. Click the Conditional tab. 11. Click New Rule
12. Click the button and choose Select and object or variable.
14. Select the Less or equal Operator. 15. Type 30000000 in the Operand textbox and click OK 16. Click Save.
Part 2 Format a column to display a Trend Icons 1. Right click the border of the table and choose Format Table 2. Delete the name Bikes. 3. Type ;SC_TT_C_4_R and click OK.
4. Click Save.
Part 3 View the document 1. Open SAP BI and connect to SAPDemo. 2. If you do not see the Quarterly Sales By Category Trend Icons document tap the Refresh button. 3. Download and open the document.
Page 25 Part 4 Format a column to display Trend Arrows 1. Copy and paste the Bikes table to create a duplicate. 2. Right-click the new table and choose Format Table 3. Change TT to TA and click OK.
4. Click Save.
Part 5 Apply conditional formatting rules for low, medium, and high sales 1. Copy and paste the Bikes table to create a third table. 2. Click any value in the Net Sales column in the new table. 3. Click Formatting Rules. 4. Deselect all formatting rules and click OK.
5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
Click New Rule Type the name Low, Medium, and High Sales. Click the button and choose Select and object or variable. Click Net Sales (Bikes) and click OK. Select the Less or equal Operator. Type 30000000 in the Operand textbox and click OK. Click the Add button.
12. Add the condition: Net Sales Greater 13. Click the + button.
Page 26 14. Add the condition: Net Sales Less 15. Click the Add button.
Page 27
Part 6 Format a column to display Gradient Fill Bars 1. Click any value in the Net Sales column in the third table. 2. Click the Analysis tab. 3. Click More and choose Percentage.
6. Click Save.
Part 7 View the document 1. Open SAP BI and connect to SAPDemo. 2. If you do not see the Quarterly Sales By Category Trend Icons document tap the refresh button. 3. Download and open the Quarterly Sales By Category Trend Icons document.
Page 29 Activity 12 Format Micro Charts called Sparklines In this activity, you will create a Web Intelligence document that includes micro charts called sparklines. Part 1 Create the document 1. Create a new query with Product Name, Quarter, and Gross Sales. 2. Add the query filters: Category Equal to [Prompt] And Year Equal to [Prompt]
3. 4. 5. 6.
Click Run query. Right-click the table and choose Turn Into > Cross Table Drag the Product Name column header over the Quarter header. Resize the Product Name column.
Right-click the table border and choose Format Table Delete the name Block 1. Type ;SL_L_Gross Sales 2010_C_2_5. Click OK. Right-click the Cross Table and choose Copy. Scroll down and paste below the first cross table.
Page 30 13. Right-click the table border and choose Format Table 14. Modify the name to ;SL_GF_L_Gross Sales 2010_C_2_5. 15. Save the Report as Gross Revenue Sparklines and assign it to the Mobile category.
Part 2 View the document 1. Open SAP BI and connect to SAPDemo. 2. If you do not see the Gross Revenue Sparklines document tap the refresh button. 4. Download and open the Gross Revenue Sparklines document.
Page 31
2. Tap Edit.
3. Tap +. 4. Enter http://server_ip:8080/explorer Replace server_ip:8080 with the IP address of your image server and port. You can get the IP address by opening a command prompt and typing ipconfig.
Page 32
5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
Tap >. Delete the Connection Name and type SAP Demo. Enter the username Administrator. Enter the password Welcome1. Tap OK. Tap Done. Tap the SAP Demo connection.
Page 33 Activity 14 Search and explore information spaces In this activity, you will search for data, filter data, change the chart type, and email an exploration view. Note that SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for iPad is very similar to the web client. Additional Exercises about SAP BusinessObjects Explorer can be found in Workbook 1. Instructions 1. Type Sales Bikes 2010 and tap Search.
5. Tap 2010.
8. Tap 5. 9. Tap +
Page 35 11. Tap Customer Name and then tap Quarter (4) All.
13. Tap eFashion Store Sales. 14. Tap the search icon. 15. Enter New York and tap Search.
Page 36 16. Tap New York, DC and Massachusetts in the legend on the right.
22. Type a valid email address 23. Type the subject Performance in Eastern States and tap Send.
Page 37 Tutorial Videos SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for iPad 4.0.3: Search for data SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for iPad 4.0.3: Work with measures and facets SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for iPad 4.0.3: Filter the data in facets and charts SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for iPad 4.0.3: Sort and rank data SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for iPad 4.0.3: Change the interface layout SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for iPad 4.0.3: Change the chart type SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for iPad 4.0.3: Save or email an exploration view SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for iPad 4.0.3: Explore augmented information spaces Check here for additional tutorials
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6 7
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Too easy
For which of the following topics would you most like to see similar or additional training? Please check your top five priorities and rank them on the right. Developing BI content for mobile devices Administration and Security (Setting up users and groups, securing content) Universe Design _____ _____ _____
Page 39 Crystal Reports 2011 Crystal Reports for Enterprise Web Intelligence Dashboards Explorer Analysis, version for OLAP Analysis, version for MS Office BI for ERP (A1/B1) Other: ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
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Page 41
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