Kindergarten Welcome Letter
Kindergarten Welcome Letter
Kindergarten Welcome Letter
435 Amsterdam
Detroit, MI 48202
Teacher: Michelle Keane
School Number: 313-309-0552
Welcome to Kindergarten
Welcome! I am thrilled to have your child in my class this year! I look
forward to getting to know him/her and your family! This is sure to be a
fantastic school year filled with fun and lots of LEARNING! As you will find
out (hopefully), I am an organized teacher that tries my best to keep a flow
and routine in the classroom. Here are a few things you and your child should
know about “school-life” with Mrs. Keane.
Guided Reading Books: Your child will be bringing home a book package.
Inside this package will be your child’s leveled reading book along with sight
words to practice. Find a comfortable area in your home for your child to
read to you as well as other family members. The more the merrier
Re-reading the book will build fluency and comprehension skills. Ask your child
questions regarding the book. Discuss the characters and plot of the stories
this will foster oral language development and comprehension skills.
Class Pet: I know students love animals but due to allergies, I will not be
having a live pet in class. In lieu of a live pet, each child will have the
opportunity to take our stuffed class pet home with him/her for the week to
care for. There is a catch your child must take good care of our pet and write
a journal of their activities with our special pet. Forms will be sent home soon
Star of the Week: I think every child deserves time to shine. In our class,
we will have a weekly “Star of the Week”. Forms, dates, and details will
be sent home soon.
Homework Folders: Homework folders will be sent home daily. Please make
sure you are checking these folders daily and returning them the following
day. Each day I will be checking the folders, if you need to write a message
for me please do so in the message area. Reading fifteen minutes a night I
consider homework and should be done daily. Reading daily will improve your
child in all subject areas.
Snacks: We will have a daily snack. Each family will be responsible for
bringing in a snack for the entire class there are sixteen students. Please
send in nutritious snacks only such as graham crackers, fruits, veggies,
pretzels, or crackers. I will have a calendar posted on our door as well as a
calendar will be sent home monthly, indicating who is responsible for that
day’s snack.
Illness: Please do not send your child to school when they are sick. Not only is
it unfair to them, but also the rest of the class. We do everything in the
classroom to prevent the spread of germs. Keep in mind, your child must be
fever/vomit free for at least 24 hours before returning to school.
Volunteers: I welcome family involvement! (After the first six weeks) I will
be conducting workshops for language arts, math and science. I will be in
need of volunteers during workshops. I will be sending home a list of possible
volunteers needed throughout the school year
Gym Shoes: Your child will need to bring and leave a pair of gym shoes to
school. We have a special little place in their cubby where they may keep
them. For the first trimester, we will be having physical education on
Thursdays. Regular brown/black shoes must be worn daily.
Uniform Policy: You should have received a letter from the school reminding you
of our uniform policy. If your child is out of uniform, they will be sent to the
office where they will receive the appropriate attire. If for some reason, we
don’t have an extra in their size, you will be called to bring the necessary items.
Making sure your child is in complete uniform each morning will alleviate any
problems, or missed work.
Attendance: The school day begins promptly at 8:30 – however students are
allowed to enter the class at 8:20. Being tardy is a major distraction to the
entire class. If you child will be absent, please call the school to inform us. Our
school day ends at 3:30.
The state of Michigan has provided a Parent’s Guide of the Grade Level
Content Expectations for each grade level. You may download or view the
document on I will also have a copy for viewing in our