View On Gas
View On Gas
View On Gas
1. Executive Summary
In Winter 2011 we surveyed the views of 428 mathematics graduates from the 2008/9
graduating cohort. Each graduate was asked to reect on the knowledge/skills they believed
that they developed during their mathematical study, and to assess how useful these skills have
been during their career to date. We were also able to benchmark these data against an earlier
survey of incoming undergraduates expectations.
Our overall goal was to determine whether the higher education mathematics syllabus
adequately prepares students for the workplace.
We found a mixed picture:
An overwhelming majority of graduates believed that they successfully developed generic
cognitive skills during their studies (e.g. logical reasoning, critical thinking and problem solving).
Furthermore, there was widespread agreement that these skills are useful in the workplace.
However, fewer students believed that their studies had developed generic non-cognitive
skills such as making presentations, oral and written communication, team working or
computer literacy. All these skills were considered to be useful in the workplace, but are
apparently not well developed by studying undergraduate mathematics. Furthermore, we
found that incoming undergraduates expected to develop these non-cognitive generic skills
during their mathematical study, suggesting that there is a mismatch between students
expectations and outcomes.
When asked to select what skill graduates wished they had had the opportunity to develop
more during their mathematical studies, the most commonly selected was applying
mathematics to the real world. Over 90% of incoming undergraduates expected to develop
this skill, whereas only around 60% of graduates believed that they had.
This report raises two issues to consider. First, whether the mathematical community is (or
should be) satised with the range of skills that graduates perceive the current higher education
curriculum to develop. And second, if the community is satised by the current situation, how
the apparent mismatch we observed between incoming students expectations and graduates
perceived outcomes can be addressed.
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2. Introduction
This document reports the outcome of a survey of recent graduates of mathematics
programmes across the UK. The aim of the study was to explore what parts of the higher
education curriculum graduates value having studied, and what else they feel they would have
beneted from, had it been included.
Several recent studies have focused on the specic mathematical requirements of particular
industries (including banking, nursing and manufacturing, e.g. Hoyles, Noss, & Pozzi, 2001;
Noss & Hoyles, 1996; Smith, 1999), but these investigations are perhaps not of direct use for a
would-be curriculum reformer: clearly, most mathematics graduates will not go into nursing. To
partially address this issue, Wood (2010) interviewed 18 recent mathematics graduates (from
Australian universities) about their transition to the workplace in a variety of different industries.
She found a mismatch between the skills graduates believed they need for the workplace,
and those they believed they developed during their undergraduate studies. In particular, her
participants noted a lack of generic skill development in their courses (communication, team-
working etc.). She concluded:
While it is important that graduates are able to perform mathematical and computing
techniques and know the relevant jargon and notations, it is essential that they are able to
communicate their knowledge in a variety of circumstances and work in multidisciplinary
teams in the workplace. (p. 197).
Our goal in this survey was twofold. First, to ask similar questions to those addressed by Wood
(2010), but in the context of the UK higher education sector. Second, to broaden the scope
of Woods study by asking considerably more graduates to reect on their transition to the
workplace (or further study) than would be possible using an interview approach.
Consequently, we adopted a similar approach to that used by Hanson and Overton (2010a,
2010b) in their study of chemistry and physics graduates, by surveying recent mathematics
graduates from UK universities. We focused on the 2008/9 graduating cohort, so that by the
time of the survey (November 2011 February 2012), participants had had approaching two
and a half years experience of work or postgraduate study. Thus participants would have had
suffcient time to gain an understanding of the skills requirements of their employment (or study),
while still retaining a memory of what they had learnt at university.
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3. Method
3.1 Participant recruitment
We rst approached the head of each UK mathematics department, seeking their support for
the survey. Of the 68 heads contacted, 54 (79%) supported the survey, 1 declined to, and the
remainder did not respond (after a reminder). We then contacted all 68 institutions careers/
alumni ofces with a request that they send an email inviting their mathematics graduates
from 2008/9 to take part in the survey (indicating that the survey had the support of their
mathematics department where appropriate). Graduates who wished to take part in the survey
clicked a link in the email, which took them to the survey website. To encourage email recipients
to complete the survey, a prize draw was offered as an incentive to participants.
The invitation email was sent by 40 institutions (59%). Seven universities explicitly declined to
participate (10%), and the remainder did not reply (after reminders). One institution contacted
their alumni by email and sent copies by post to alumni who did not have a valid email address.
Another used text messaging where email addresses were not available.
After a period of approximately eight weeks, institutions who had sent the email were contacted
again with a request to send a reminder email, 17 institutions (43%) responded that they
had done so. We are extremely grateful for the support of all participating universities and
mathematics departments.
3.2 Survey design
The aim of the survey was to determine graduates views about the skills and knowledge that
they had developed during their mathematics degree programmes, and the extent to which
these had been useful since graduation.
We rst created a list of areas of mathematical knowledgebased on the QAAs (2007)
subject benchmark standardsand a list of generic skills, based on those used by the
More Maths Grads survey of incoming mathematics undergraduates (Challis, Robinson, &
Thomlinson, 2009a, 2009b; Robinson, Thomlinson, & Challis, 2009; Thomlinson, Challis, &
Robinson, 2009). The full list of knowledge and skills mentioned in the survey are shown in
Table 1.
The survey consisted of a website with four pages, and closely followed the structure of Hanson
and Overtons (2010a, 2010b) physical sciences surveys. On the rst page we asked participants
for some background personal information (the university at which they studied, their degree, and
their current employment/study status). On the second and third pages we asked participants to
consider each of the skills/knowledge listed in Table 1, and to answer two questions:
1. How well did your course assist you in developing the knowledge and skills below?
2. Please indicate the importance of the areas of knowledge and skills listed below for your
career so far.
Participants responded using a four-point Likert scale (A lot, Quite a bit, Not much, Not
at all for the rst question above; and Very important, Quite important, Not very important
and Not at all important for the second question).
On the fourth page we asked participants to select up to ve of the items from Table 1 which
they, in retrospect, wished they had been given the opportunity to develop more within their
undergraduate degree. Participants were also asked to state, using a ve point Likert scale
(strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree), the extent to which they agreed
with a quote taken from the Smith Report:
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Mathematical training disciplines the mind, develops logical and critical reasoning, and
develops analytical and problem-solving skills to a high degree. (Smith, 2004, p. 11)
The fourth page also contained several further questions, which participants were invited to
answer using a free text box:
Please provide any comments which you think may be useful in developing undergraduate
mathematics degrees.
If you had had the opportunity to inuence how your undergraduate degree had been taught
in order to improve the learning outcomes e.g. teaching style, mode of delivery, peer tutoring/
mentoring, what would you suggest?
Additionally, if you wish, please explain or expand on any of the answers you have given above.
Finally, participants were thanked for their time, and invited to enter the prize draw.
Mathematical Knowledge
Algebra (e.g. Group Theory, Linear Algebra, Ring Theory etc.)
Number theory
Differential Equations
Fluid/Solid Mechanics
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Modelling
Statistics & Probability
Applied Statistics
Mathematical Computing (e.g. MATLAB, MAPLE)
Mathematics Education
History of Mathematics
Generic Skills
Logical Thinking*
Analytical approach to working*
Applying mathematics to real world problems*
Thinking in abstract ways about difcult concepts*
Research skills*
Time management skills*
Written communication*
Oral communication*
Making presentations*
Computer literacy (e.g. MS Ofce)*
Problem-solving skills
Team-working skills
Independent learning skills
Table 1: The knowledge/skills which we asked participants to reect upon. Items marked with
an asterisk were also included in the More Maths Grads survey (see Section 4.6).
3.3 Response rate
Institutions were asked to advise how many emails had been sent so that response rates to
the survey could be monitored (although this was not possible for ve universities, implying that
all response rate gures reported here are approximate). In total 428 responses were received,
which represented an overall approximate response rate of 13% (402 responses were received
from the 3213 emails sent by universities who were able to keep track of the number they
sent, plus a further 26 responses from universities who were not). There was wide variation
in response rates between institutions. The number of responses received from the different
university mission groups is shown in Table 2.
Mission Group N Approx %
1994 Group 113 16
Million+ Group 4
Russell Group 251 11
University Alliance 8 22
Unafliated 52 18
Table 2: The number of responses (with approximate response rate) obtained from each
university mission group.
One university was able to make their delivery statistics available, shown in Table 3. The survey
response rate for this institution was 12%, near to the overall survey response rate of 13%.
However, as Table 3 indicates, a signicant percentage of this institutions emails were not
opened by their recipients, perhaps indicating that graduates do not always keep universities
informed about the email address they most regularly monitor. If this institutions gures are
representative of the situation across the country, then approximately 46% of alumni who read
our invitation to participate in the survey did so (although we emphasise that given the difculty
of tracking email deliveries, this gure can only be considered a crude approximation).
Email Status N %
Sent 207 100
Not delivered 3 1
Not opened 149 72
Opened 55 27
Survey responses 24 12
Table 3: Email delivery statistics from one participating institution.
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4. Results
4.1 Sample characteristics
A total of 428 responses were received. The majority of participants had studied for a bachelors
degree (73%), with the remainder having studied for an undergraduate masters degree (MMath
or equivalent). To investigate whether participants had taken straight mathematics degrees (as
opposed to joint degrees), we asked them to state how many of their nal year modules had
been mathematics. Responses to this question are shown in Table 4. A minority of participants
(6%) had taken a degree containing an industrial placement.
Number of Final Year Mathematics Modules %
All modules 56
Most modules 23
About half my modules 13
Some modules 4
Table 4: A breakdown of how many nal year modules taken by participants consisted
of mathematics.
A majority of participants stated that their activities since graduating had either involved
mathematics to some extent (30%), to a large extent (19%), or to a very large extent (28%).
A large majority of participants were in employment (75%), while a substantial number were
engaged in further study (37%), around half of whom were studying as their primary activity
(19%). A small minority of participants were unemployed and looking for work (3%). We found
few interesting differences in responses between those who were in work and those in further
study (although note below where these differences did arise).
4.2 Development versus importance
We asked each participant to reect upon the knowledge/skills listed in Table 1 and to
estimate (a) how important each had been in their careers to date (whether working, training or
undertaking other activities), and (b) how well their course assisted them in developing each.
For each entry in Table 1, we calculated the percentage of participants who responded
positively: selected Very important or Quite important for question (a), and A lot or Quite a
lot for question (b). To facilitate interpretation of these data, we standardised these gures and
entered them into a hierarchical cluster analysis (using Wards method and a Euclidean squared
metric). This resulted in four clusters of knowledge/skills.
4.2.1 Cluster 1
Cluster 1 consisted of knowledge/skills which participants perceived as important in their career,
and which they considered had been well developed by their mathematical study. Six different
areas of knowledge/skill fell into this cluster, as shown in Figure 1. These tended to be the cognitive
skills traditionally associated with studying mathematics (logical thinking, problem solving etc).
Recall that we also asked participants to directly respond to a quote from the Smith Report which
asserted that studying mathematics develops generic cognitive skills (Mathematical training
disciplines the mind, develops logical and critical reasoning, and develops analytical and problem-
solving skills to a high degree). Responses to this question are shown in Figure 2. A large majority
of participants agreed with Smiths (2004) suggestion (79%). One participant explained:
A mathematics degree denitely exercises the brain, it requires logic, patience, understanding
and problem solving skills. Its extremely hard work, this statement explains it well.
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Whether or not studying mathematics does develop such skills is a matter of debate among
educationalists and psychologists (e.g., Huckstep, 2000, 2007; Inglis & Simpson, 2009;
Lehman & Nisbett, 1990; Nisbett, Fong, Lehman, & Cheng, 1987; Thorndike, 1924), but it is
clear from these data that there is a widespread belief among mathematics graduates that their
study has indeed had this effect.
Figure 1: The percentage of participants agreeing that skills/knowledge in Cluster 1 were (a)
very/quite important in their career and (b) developed a lot or quite a bit during their course.
Figure 2: Responses to the Smith Report Quote which asserted that studying mathematics is
effective at developing generic cognitive skills.
4.2.2 Cluster 2
The second cluster of knowledge/skills, shown in Figure 3, was formed of those skills which
some participants perceived to be important for their careers, and which were perceived by
a reasonable number of participants to have been developed during their course. The cluster
included some areas of mathematical knowledge (calculus, analysis differential equations etc.),
as well as some generic skills (research skills).
Of particular interest, given the results presented in Section 4.3 was the result for the skill of
applying mathematics to the real world: around 65% of participants believed that this was
important for their career, and a similar number thought it had been developed during their course.
Figure 3: The percentage of participants agreeing that skills/knowledge in Cluster 2 were (a)
very/quite important in their career and (b) developed a lot or quite a bit during their course.
4.2.3 Cluster 3
The third cluster of knowledge/skills, shown in Figure 4, consisted of areas which were rarely
perceived to be important for participants careers, but which were perceived by a reasonable
number of participants to have been developed during their course.
4.2.4 Cluster 4
The nal cluster of knowledge/skills, shown in Figure 5, consisted of areas which were widely
agreed to be important for participants careers, but which were not widely agreed to have been
well developed during their courses. Whereas Cluster 1 consisted of generic cognitive skills
(logical thinking etc), Cluster 4 could be classied as consisting of generic non-cognitive skills:
oral and written communication, team-working, making presentations and computer literacy. All
these areas were considered by the large majority of mathematics graduates to be important for
their careers, but only a minority of participants believed that they had been developed during
their undergraduate studies.
4.2.5 Workplace versus further study
We found few interesting or surprising differences in responses between those who were in
employment as their primary activity, and those who were primarily engaged in further study. We
assessed these differences by comparing responses to the useful/developed questions using
(Bonferroni corrected) Mann Whitney U tests.
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Figure 4: The percentage of participants agreeing that skills/knowledge in Cluster 3 were (a)
very/quite important in their career and (b) developed a lot or quite a bit during their course.
Figure 5: The percentage of participants agreeing that skills/knowledge in Cluster 4 were (a)
very/quite important in their career and (b) developed a lot or quite a bit during their course.
With respect to knowledge/skills developed during their courses, those in employment claimed
to have developed more knowledge about mathematics education and number theory, but
otherwise there were no signicant between-groups differences.
With respect to the usefulness of the various skills, those in employment believed that computer
literacy and team-working were more important to them than those in further study. The reverse
was true for: applying mathematics to the real world, thinking in abstract ways about difcult
concepts, research skills, written communication, making presentations, independent learning,
and many of the areas of mathematical knowledge (algebra, calculus, geometry/topology,
differential equations, uid/solid mechanics, mathematical physics, mathematical modelling and
mathematical computing).
4.3 Underdeveloped knowledge/skills
We asked participants to select the ve of the knowledge/skills given in Table 1 which they
wished they had had the opportunity to develop further during their degree studies. The results
of this question are shown, organised by Cluster, in Figure 6.
Figure 6: The percentage of participants selecting each area of knowledge/skill among the
top ve of those that they wished they had had the opportunity to develop more during their
degree course, by Cluster.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the knowledge/skills in Clusters 1 and 3 (those which either were
perceived as having been well developed, or which were not considered important for
graduates careers) were not often picked by participants when responding to this question. In
contrast, all the generic non-cognitive skills in Cluster 4 scored highly: in particular, participants
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felt that they would have beneted from the opportunity to develop further their skills of
presenting, communication and team-working.
Perhaps more surprising were the scores of the knowledge/skills in Cluster 2. In particular,
participants felt that they would have liked to have developed the ability to apply mathematics to
the real world to a greater extent than they did. Recall that around 65% of participants felt that this
skills was important in their career and around 60% felt it was developed during their course.
4.4 Teaching and delivery
Recall that we asked participants to reect on the teaching during their degree course:
If you had had the opportunity to inuence how your undergraduate degree had been taught
in order to improve the learning outcomes e.g. teaching style, mode of delivery, peer tutoring/
mentoring, what would you suggest?
There were 242 responses to this question, with many offering suggestions for improvement.
We carried out a thematic analysis of their responses which gave rise to the recurring themes
shown in Table 5.
Theme N
Teaching quality 40
Teaching style 31
Real world applications of mathematics 19
Peer support 16
Group work 15
Opportunity to learn transferable skills 12
Course notes 10
Various other comments
Table 5: The themes that emerged from an analysis of participants free text responses to a
question concerning the teaching and delivery of mathematics degrees.
Frequently there were contradictory responses. For example, many participants asked for more
lectures, more tutorials; others for less lectures and less tutorials. Nevertheless the general
message was that participants would have liked to have had more in the way of teaching than
lecturing, more opportunities for problem solving sessions and more opportunities to discuss
mathematics with their lecturers. Participants emphasised the need to see more real world
applications of the mathematics they studied, partly so that they would be better prepared to
use mathematics in the workplace. The development of generic non-cognitive skills was also
emphasised as being important and under developed in university mathematics education. The
issue of teaching quality attracted a large number of suggestions, though the message was
variable: many reported upon the excellent teaching experience they had had, whereas others
clearly felt there was much room for improvement.
4.4.1 Teaching quality
There were forty responses regarding the quality of the teaching provided at university. These
were distinct from responses about the style of teaching (reported below). These comments
showed the greatest amount of variability both within and between institutions. Twelve
participants were fulsome in their praise for the quality of the teaching that they experienced:
I was taught fantastically and there was always support there if needed
All the teachers were very involved and prepared to help all students after hours
I think the teaching at the university was amazing and I couldnt think of an area I would change.
The teaching during my degree was excellent.
On the other hand, 24 participants were highly critical of teaching standards:
[Universities should get] rid of lecturers that are well-known to be bad at lecturing
In my opinion a lot of lecturers I had were good at maths but very poor teachers
Several participants referred to the need to impose training requirements on teaching staff:
More rigorous teaching qualications for lecturersa large number of lecturers were terrible
and a waste of time.
There should be regular departmental assessment of [postgraduate] tutors
Four others noted the variability in their experience, for example:
There is huge variation in the quality of teaching.
Some of the lecturers were really excellent but some were really awful.
Several participants noted that they had experienced foreign lecturers who they found difcult
to understand.
4.4.2 Teaching style
As distinct from teaching quality, 31 participants commented upon the style of university
teaching and how this might be improved. Many referred to the advantages of the traditional
chalk and talk method over Powerpoint delivery:
The learning comes in seeing concepts evolve through lines of logicthis means a lecture
paced at the speed a lecturer can write can work very well.
The teachers should write as much on the board as possible.
The blackboard/whiteboard forces the lecturer to consider what is being written and leads to
more valuable insights being shared than in Powerpoint presentations.
Many wrote about the need to make lectures more interactive and engaging.
I felt I was lectured to and not actively taught.
Lectures are a poor (but necessary evil perhaps) method of conveying the material to large
groups of students. They dont cause one to engage with the material
Less mindless copying of notes during lectures.
Make it more interactive. I stopped going to lectures because I got bored by someone just
talking at me.
4.4.3 The need for more real world applications
Nineteen responses referred to the need to incorporate more real world applications into
undergraduate courses and for teaching staff to have more awareness of mathematical
applications outside of the university environment. Typical comments included:
[There should be a] higher emphasis on applying the concepts learnt to problems currently
faced in industry
Find lecturers who actually apply mathematics in their jobs, not just sit at unitheir lectures
are much more interesting and useful.
My only issue relates to real world experiences as I feel that this is where mathematics
students have been let down. There is little if any mention of how to link mathematics to the
real world of work.
I would have tried to develop modules where the practicality of mathematics into real
world applications would have been more obvious in order to better prepare students for
the job market.
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4.4.4 Peer support
There were 16 separate references to peer support. With one exception, these referred to the
potential value of the university developing a peer support scheme:
If the department had been able to match together people from different year groups who had
taken similar combinations of modules. . .
One participant noted how important it is that the university show that [peer support] is
offered. Whilst one participant thought a formal system was unnecessary as you often make
friends on your course, another noted that perhaps we should be allocated to study groups to
assist those who dont naturally nd friends on the course and end up working alone.
4.4.5 Group/team work
There were 15 responses regarding the benets of including more group-based learning, which,
for example, might provide opportunities to present problems and solutions to peers.
[. . . the course could be improved by] a lot more team work.
One participant noted that the emphasis in his degree on competition and working alone meant
that students missed out on gaining valuable team working skills. Another added Team
working is one of the most important employability aspects and there is little to none of it in the
undergraduate programme.
4.4.6 The development of generic skills
The need to develop generic skillsthose skills which participants believed to be important in the
workplacereceived 15 mentions. Many stated that there was insufcient opportunity to develop
these on undergraduate mathematics courses but that they were essential for the workplace:
I would strongly advise that students desperately need presentation skills, written and oral
communication skills which are generally not obtained during their degrees. While maths
students leave with extensive maths skills their skills are hard to transfer in the workplace due
to inadequate presentation practice.
[There should be more] speaking in front of groups, presentations, organisational skills, soft skills
I think there is a distinct lack of communication skills taught in a maths degree.
4.4.7 Coursework, assessment and feedback
There were twelve references to coursework, assessment and feedback issues. Most
suggested that there should be more continuous assessment and less reliance on a nal
examination. Some suggested the need for more informative feedback:
Ensure there is a decent balance between continuous assessment and examination.
Continuous assessment would have forced me to study harder all the way along.
Explanations of why an answer was wrong can be extremely useful.
4.4.8 Course notes
There were ten references to the provision of course notes with participants suggesting that
a full set of notes at the start is helpful, that pre-printed notes enable students to spend more
time listening and less time copying.
More lecturers to have their notes available for annotation in lectures.
My best lecturer wrote LaTeX notes for his courses which displayed tremendous insight and
were inspiring to read.
One participant suggested that multiple sources of information should be available whereas
sometimes the only source of information was the lecture notes themselves. Another suggested
that all notes should be available online so that that there are not gaps in your learning if you
had to miss lectures. One participant was at odds with the rest, suggesting that printouts of
the notes should not be provided in full at the start of the module.
4.5 Developing undergraduate mathematics degrees
We asked for participants to offer comments that they thought might be useful in informing
development of undergraduate mathematics degrees. 182 participants provided comments.
We carried out a thematic analysis of their responses which gave rise to the recurring themes
shown in Table 6.
Theme N
Generic skills 41
Real world applications of mathematics 34
Module choices 33
Use of software packages and programming 26
Careers and careers advice 13
Various other comments
Table 6: The themes that emerged from an analysis of participants free text responses to a
question concerning how mathematics degrees could be developed.
4.5.1 Generic skills
Forty one participants referred to the development of generic skills. Those specically
mentioned were team working, oral and written presentations, time management, presenting
work to non-mathematicians, research skills, independent study, entrepreneurial skills. The
overwhelming majority thought that these were important and ought to be developed more
during undergraduate studies:
At [my university] there is an obligation to do a small amount of team working and the
occasional presentation, but these skills should be developed FAR more as they will always
be needed in the workplace.
On my degree everything was quite abstractmy mathematical understanding has improved
by teaching othershaving to explain to others by communicating mathematically.
[There should be] more presentations and teamworksomething I struggle with in my
current job
Make writing a compulsory component of the degree
Whilst the mathematics taught was interesting, in my experience what was more useful in my
degree were the non-maths skills that I learnt
More group work and oral presentationsjobs often look for these skills and I do not have
many concrete examples to give.
More opportunities for entrepreneurial development
On the other hand, a small number of participants thought that mathematical material should
not be displaced to make way for key skills development:
I wouldnt want maths degrees to lose any academic rigour in trying to cover more soft skills.
The rigour is what has developed my most important skill: problem solving, analytical thinking
and the tenacity to keep trying until a solution is found.
Some of the skills [listed in Table 1] are relevant to me now, but it would have been
inappropriate to dedicate more time to them during the undergraduate course.
4.5.2 Real world applications
Thirty four participants referred to real world applications of mathematics. The need to see such
applications came through very strongly in participants comments, though not unanimously.
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Many participants asked for more practical uses of mathematics, applying it to real world issues
and problems. Some participants referred to getting people in from industry and the need for a
greater exposure to the business and professional applications of mathematics.
[There was] little or no application to the real worldan improvement could be constant
relating back to practical problems.
Make more relevant to real world situations.
Incorporate industrial case studies
But not all participants agreed:
It is satisfying to learn mathematics for its own sakedont try and make it more applied.
For me the most worthwhile aspects of the degree were those modules I took because they
interested me. Please include the pure modules that may not seem applicable to most careers.
4.5.3 Module choices
Thirty three participants offered suggestions about modules. The majority of these thought
that a broader range of modules from which to choose would be an improvement. Many
referred to the perceived advantage of being able to take modules in nance and related areas
and in statistics. Some were clearly disappointed with the lack of choice and the modules
on offer. Some found it difcult to know in advance what a particular module would be about
and recommended more work be done to assist students making choices. A small number
remarked that learning about the history of mathematics would have been valuable. Some
called for more options and others for more compulsory modules.
A wider choice of modules would have been nice.
Keep the variety of modules open so students can chooseyou enjoy the work more and get
more out of it if you have more control
Make stats compulsoryI chose not to do it and now wish I had.
It would have been nice to study a module that would have helped me directly in my career.
There were not many applied modulesit was largely pure maths but was not advertised
that way.
4.5.4 Use of software packages and computer programming
Twenty six participants offered suggestions in respect of training in the use of software. Many
emphasised how useful this would be in the workplace. With one exception, they asked for
more coverage mentioning particularly Excel, SAS, SPSS, R, C++, Matlab, LaTeX, Fortran, VBA,
Java, .Net. Typical comments included:
A degree should include essential programming languages
There should be better integration of computing within courses.
I denitely think we should have been taught to use Excel. It sounds simpleit wouldnt take
long to teach, but I realised when I started work how little I knew about it. It is certainly the
tool I use most for analysis and I reckon that would be the case for most graduates entering
the corporate world.
Teach programming as compulsory throughout
I think it is important to provide students with skills in the most commonly used statistical
programmes such as SAS.
4.5.5 Careers advice
Thirteen participants referred to careers with many highlighting the need to offer better careers
advice, particularly so that early on in their undergraduate studies they can start thinking about
where they might work:
A better understanding of just how mathematicians are employed in as many different elds
as possible.
Better industrial links would be niceI am nding it hard to nd employment. . .
More industry links so that undergraduate students have an idea about where they could go
after studying. This should happen earlierwe didnt receive any guidance until 3rd year.
There should be third year options available which are directly related to a maths-related career.
Whilst most wanted to see more links between their degree and potential careers that view was
not unanimous:
I think it would be a shame if maths degrees became too career focused. Learning maths for
its own sake was the most enjoyable part of my university experience.
I think maths degrees are generally great. I think adapting them to suit future jobs is nonsensical.
If people want something more applicable to their jobs they should choose a different degree.
4.6 Comparing graduates with incoming undergraduates
As discussed in Section 3, we designed the survey so that the data could be compared
with that collected by the More Maths Grads (MMG) project in their survey of incoming
undergraduate students (Challis et al., 2009a, 2009b; Robinson et al., 2009; Thomlinson et
al., 2009). The MMG surveyed 223 rst year undergraduate mathematics students from three
diverse institutions before they had taken their rst class.
Of particular interest for our purposes was the question in the MMG survey which asked
participants to reect on ten of the areas of knowledge/skill listed in Table 1, and to state to
what extent they expected to develop them during their course (like our survey, participants in
the MMG study were asked to select either a lot, quite a bit, not much, or not at all). We
are grateful to the MMG team for making their data available to us for reanalysis.
We compared the median response to these shared items from graduates and incoming
undergraduates using Mann Whitney U tests, after Bonferroni correction.
Three groups of
skill emerged: (1) those where there was no signicant difference between how well incoming
undergraduates expected to develop the skill during their course and how well graduates
believed they had developed it, (2) those where the incoming undergraduates expected to
develop the skill more than the graduates believed they had, and (3) one skill which graduates
believed they had developed to a greater extent than incoming undergraduates expected to. As
only one skill (written communication) fell into Group 3, in the discussion that follows we have
combined it with those in Group 1.
4.6.1 Group 1
The skills in Group 1those where the retrospective beliefs of graduates were similar to
the predictions of incoming graduatesare shown in Figure 7. Three of the four skills in this
group were the traditional generic cognitive skills from Cluster 1 (see Section 4.2). The other,
written communication, was the only skill which graduates believed they developed to a
greater extent than incoming undergraduates believed they would.
4.6.2 Group 2
The skills in Group 2, shown in Figure 8, represent a mismatch between undergraduates
expectations, and graduates experiences. They included many of the generic non-cognitive
skills from Cluster 4 (see Section 4.2): time management, research skills, oral communication,
computer literacy and making presentations. In each of these cases, incoming undergraduates
expected to develop the skill to a greater degree than graduates felt they had.
When comparing these data it should be born in mind that the sampling method in the two surveys was rather
different: whereas we used an online survey across a very large number of universities, the MMG team used
a pen-and-paper questionnaire in three universities. Nevertheless, we believe that comparing these data does
yield some useful insights.
Craoua&s VJ&ws on n& Uno&rqraoua& Han&naJcs LurrJcuJun
The other skill in Group 2 concerned the application of mathematics to the real world. Over
90% of incoming undergraduates expected to develop this skill a lot or quite a bit during
their studies, whereas only 62% of graduates felt that they had. Recall that this was the skill
most often selected when graduates were asked to select those they wish they had had the
opportunity to develop more (see Section 4.3).
Figure 7: The percentage of
(a) incoming undergraduates
and (b) graduates stating
that skills in Group 1 would
be or were developed a lot
or quite a bit during their
mathematical study.
Figure 8: The percentage of
(a) incoming undergraduates
and (b) graduates stating
that skills in Group 2 would
be or were developed a lot
or quite a bit during their
mathematical study.
Craoua&s VJ&ws on n& Uno&rqraoua& Han&naJcs LurrJcuJun
5. Discussion
We surveyed 428 mathematics graduates from the 2008/9 graduating cohort. We asked
participants to reect on the knowledge/skills they acquired during their degree course, and the
knowledge/skills they found useful during their careers. In this discussion we highlight three rm
messages of these data, related to (i) generic cognitive skills; (ii) generic non-cognitive skills; and
(iii) applicable mathematics.
5.1 Generic cognitive skills
The English philosopher John Locke once asserted that
[Mathematics] should be taught to all those who have time and opportunity, not so much to
make them mathematicians as to make them reasonable creatures (Locke, 1706/1971, p.20)
This beliefthat mathematics should be studied because it develops the generic cognitive
skills of logical reasoning, critical thinking and problem solvingis known to educational
psychologists as the Theory of Formal Discipline. While this theory is controversial in the
psychological community (for a review, see Nisbett et al., 1987), we found that mathematics
graduates strongly endorse it: overwhelming majorities of our participants believed that studying
undergraduate mathematics developed their generic cognitive skills (those in Cluster 1).
Furthermore, our participants overwhelmingly believed that such skills are useful in their careers.
5.2 Generic non-cognitive skills
In contrast to generic cognitive skills, we found that few participants believed that their
undergraduate study had developed generic non-cognitive skills: those of making
presentations, oral and written communication, team working and computer literacy. All these
skills were widely seen by our participants as being of substantial importance in the workplace,
but were not widely seen as having been developed during mathematical study. Our results are
thus consistent with the ndings of Woods (2010) interview study.
Is this nding a cause for concern for the mathematical community? It is clear that many
participants wished that they had had the opportunity to develop their generic non-cognitive
skills more in their degree course (in particular, oral communication and making presentations
scored strongly on this measure), and that they believe that this would have beneted their
career. Consequently it might be worthwhile to consider how these generic non-cognitive skills
could be better catered for within existing degree programmes. However, one might challenge
this suggestion by asserting, as some of our participants did, that the goal of a mathematics
degree should not be adapted to suit future jobs. This position is well illustrated by this remark
from one of our participants:
I think adapting [mathematics degrees] to suit future jobs is nonsensical. If people want
something more applicable to their jobs they should choose a different degree.
Indeed, one could argue that increasing the focus on generic non-cognitive skills, might
inevitably reduce the focus on generic cognitive skills, and therefore be undesirable.
A problem for colleagues who might wish to argue that the focus on generic non-cognitive
skills should not be increased in the mathematics curriculum comes from our analysis of the
differences between the expectations of incoming undergraduates, and the retrospective opinions
of graduates. In particular, there were substantially more incoming undergraduates who expected
to develop generic non-cognitive skills, than graduates who believed that they did (see Figure 8).
Thus, if mathematics degrees are to continue being structured in a way that does not prioritise the
development of generic non-cognitive skills (perhaps for perfectly valid reasons), we suggest that
this focus needs to be better explained to incoming undergraduates. Indeed, glancing through
Craoua&s VJ&ws on n& Uno&rqraoua& Han&naJcs LurrJcuJun
undergraduate prospectuses indicates that many departments explicitly do the reverse, and claim
that their students do develop presentation and communication skills (in an informal analysis
of undergraduate prospectus entries for mathematics we found that 11 of our sample of 25
prospectuses explicitly mentioned oral presentations).
5.3 Applying mathematics to the real world
When asked to select which area of knowledge or skill they wished they had had the
opportunity to develop more during their mathematical studies, over a third of participants
selected applying mathematics to the real world. This view was also strongly expressed in the
free text responses left by participants.
Learning how to apply mathematics appears to be another area where there is a substantial
mismatch between incoming students expectations and graduates experiences: over 90%
of incoming undergraduates expected to develop this skill, whereas only 62% of graduates felt
that they had. Again, this mismatch in expectations and experiences may be related to how
mathematics degrees are advertised: in our informal survey, 20 of the 26 prospectus entries
explicitly mentioned how students would learn how to apply mathematics to real world problems.
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6. Conclusion
We surveyed the views of 428 mathematics graduates from the 2008/9 graduating cohort,
and asked them to reect on the knowledge/skills they believed they developed during their
mathematical study, and how useful or otherwise such knowledge/skills have been during their
subsequent career.
We found a mixed picture. On the one hand, mathematics degrees are perceived as being
extremely successful at developing very useful generic cognitive skills, such as logical thinking,
abstract thinking and problem solving. However, there are a series of generic non-cognitive
skillsoral and written communication, presentations, and team-workingwhich incoming
undergraduates expect to develop by studying mathematics, which graduates believe would be
useful in their careers, but which graduates do not believe were successfully developed during
their studies.
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[21] Wood, L. N. (2010). Graduate capabilities: putting mathematics into context. International
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Cooo PracJc& on JncJusJV& LurrJcuJa Jn n& Han&naJcaJ ScJ&nc&s
Craoua&s VJ&ws on n& Uno&rqraoua& Han&naJcs LurrJcuJun
Over 400 mathematics graduates were surveyed
2.5 years after graduation. They were asked to
reect on the knowledge and skills they believed
that they developed during their mathematical
study, and to assess how useful these skills have
been during their career to date. These data
were benchmarked against an earlier survey of
incoming undergraduates expectations. This
aimed to determine whether the higher education
mathematics syllabus adequately prepares
students for the workplace. This report provides
context, describes and discusses the ndings of
this research.
This work was supported by the Mathematical
Sciences HE Curriculum Innovation Project,
operated by the Maths, Stats and OR (MSOR)
Network as part of the Mathematical Sciences
Strand of the National HE STEM Programme. Find
out more at