Poor Performance of Students in Mathemat
Poor Performance of Students in Mathemat
Poor Performance of Students in Mathemat
Mathematics, which is one of the oldest fields of study in the history of mankind, has
long been one of the most central components of human concept. It has been believed
for centuries that Mathematics sharpens the human brain, develops their logical
thinking, and enhances their reasoning capacity and spatial power. It also, influences
skill or one can develop one daily life based on mathematical skills. According to
Cockcroft (1982) there can be no doubt that every child should study Mathematics at
school. He also stated that, most people regard the study of Mathematics, together
with that of English as being essential. In simple put Mathematics is one of the core
compulsory in primary and secondary levels of education. A major reason for the
persistence of the special place held by Mathematics in the school curriculum is the
way in which it has been used in the last two centuries as a screening device, or filter,
for entry to numerous professions Howson & Wilson (1986).The interest and
enjoyable, clarity, challenges and intrinsic interest that people like is another main
reason for studying Mathematics. The inherent interest of Mathematics and the appeal
which it can have for many children and adults provide yet another reason for
the world, Mathematics enjoys a very high position in school curriculum. One of the
Science and Technology courses is Mathematics. Betiku (2001a) stated that the index
for science, technology and Mathematics education has been acclaimed widely to be a
post-secondary education and the options available to young people (Sells, 1978; Ojo,
The competence gain in the study of Mathematics is widely used in all part of human
life. Mathematics plays a key role in shaping how individuals deal with the various
spheres of private, social, and civil life (Anthony & Walshaw, 2009). This justifies
the compulsion of the study of the subject by all students who go through basic and
contemporary times many students struggle with Mathematics and perform abysmally
in Mathematics at the Senior High School has not been encouraging of late.
are unable to form the appropriate Mathematical models which could be tackled with
the requisite skills” (Chief Examiner’s Report, 2007). It has also been realized that
many students have developed negative attitude towards the study of Mathematics as
a result of mass failure of students of the subject. It is an irrefutable fact that the
classroom, student and teacher factors all impinge on the learning of Mathematics. In
researchers have used a lot of time and energy trying to unravel the possible causes of
students’ poor performance in Mathematics. An area that has not been explored
extensively is the influence of teacher attitude on student attitude towards the study of
the subject. From Noddings (1995), research findings indicate that effective teachers
facilitate learning by truly caring about their students’ engagement and creating the
right atmosphere that enhances student learning. They have high yet realistic
reflect upon and critique their own practice, and they provide students with
opportunities to ask why the class is doing certain things and with what effect
(Watson, 2002). The relationships that develop in the classroom become a resource
The study was design to examine the cause of student’s poor performance in core
Mathematics in the secondary level. Though, researchers have used a lot of time and
Mathematics. The influence of teacher attitude on student attitude towards the study
of the subject has not been explored extensively. Specifically, the study sought to
answer to the research questions base on the following; the school based factors that
affect student performance in core Mathematics in the secondary level, their personal
factors that affect their performance in core Mathematics, and strategies that can be
1.3 Objectives
The main objective of the study is to find out the causes of poor performance of
To determine the school based factors that affect student poor performance in
core Mathematics.
To find out student personal factors that affect student performance in core
core Mathematics?
1.5 Significance of the Study
The aim of this study, which focused on the causes of students poor performance in
school based factors and student personal factors in secondary level. The findings of
o Policy makers: The findings of the study will assist the educational policy
o Mathematics researchers: They will use this study as the basis for further
The study will be restricted to one public secondary school in Ashanti Region. It will
be based on students who are in third and second year. The study will also cover
student’s personal factors, school-base factors, and the strategies to improve student’s
Though Ashanti Region is the one of the largest region in Ghana, it also recorded a
large number of student population. There are many secondary schools in the Ashanti
Region. Due to time, resources and financial constraints, it will not be possible for us
to get all findings. Also, due to easy access to information, we would like to conduct
2.1 Introduction
This chapter discusses previous literature relevant to this study. This study is carried
out with the realization that there is an inadequate related local study concerning
Mathematics education in Ghana. So, most of the literature presented was foreign.
The chapter covers the following areas: but are to discuss as review in this proposal;
Mathematics. It focuses on the content and the tools, methods and the approaches that
essentially practical and dynamic, necessitating new changes in teaching the subject.
According to Busbridge and Womack (1991), there have been many changes in both
the content and the style of Mathematics teaching for the last thirty years. They noted
that modern methods made greater demands for visual and physical aids to help
interactive teaching methods. On the other hand, the introduction of the use of
mentioning recent change in Mathematics. The power of using computers in the
teaching of Mathematics has been emphasized by the Agenda for Action in the
United States as a strategy for developing problem solving skills which was seen as a
touchstone for reform (Morris & Arora, 1992). For this reason, the Agenda advised
that Mathematics education programmes must take full advantage of the power of
calculators and computers at all grade levels. Such recommendations have been
adopted not only in the United States but also in many other countries. It would be
There are various techniques and methods of teaching Mathematics. Every teacher
uses his/her specific way of presenting a lesson. That is why many scholars argue that
there are as many methods of teaching as there are teachers. In addition, the best
method can be the method of choice for all occasions (Miheso, 2002). However,
Mathematics. What is important for every teacher is to select and use the methods
with such characteristics. Rukangu, (2000) stated that the quality of implementing
Many Mathematics teachers support the idea that practice makes man perfect. They
strongly contend that practice alone can help students to master fundamental skills
and procedures. From Morris and Arore (1992), Mathematics teachers at all levels
very common in many classrooms. Usually, Mathematics needs to be play around and
not to be given out. Bergeson et al., (2000) contend that drill with a fact or skill does
not guarantee immediate recall. They stated that student competence with a
mathematical skill does necessitate extensive practice. Reading alone contributes little
requires continuing efforts to learn and improve. Many scholars have addressed
clearly support the use of small groups as part of Mathematics instruction. This
was concluded that students working in small groups significantly outscored students
working individually in more than 40 percent of the studies (Bergeson et al., 2000).
found that, there was significantly greater achievement in cooperative classes than in
the control classes. Douglass and Kristin (2000) stated that considerable research
evidence within Mathematics education indicates that using small groups of various
types for different classroom tasks has positive effects on student learning. Reviews
findings. Research has shown that these programs enhance various effective
are generally positive (Douglas, 1992). From (Posamentier & Stepelman, 1999), a
classroom in which problem solving plays a central role can provide a good
appropriately challenging and interesting problem, students feel both the urge to solve
that problem and the concomitant tension that it arouses. A problem needs two
problem needs the potential to create a learning environment that encourages students
computational procedures within the problem‘s solution. Again, a problem needs the
Mathematics (Bergeson et al., 2000). Similarly, Rachel (2003) found that focusing on
the meanings gives students a strong foundation for learning new related ideas. It also
helps them to know when to apply a particular skills or procedures, because they see
the underlying reasons that these methods work. Research findings was indicated that
classrooms at computational levels. However, differences in achievement were
comprehension levels of cognitive growth (Miheso, 2002:83). She also found in her
research that currently didactic teaching accounted for 75% of Mathematics teaching
and only 25% accounted for classroom interaction. On the other hand, research
suggests that whole-class discussion can be effective when it is used for sharing and
problems. It allows students to see the many ways of examining a situation and the
variety of appropriate and acceptable solutions (Douglass & Kristin, 2000). Some
effective, it should contain various and balanced methods of approaches and activities
so that students with different types of learning styles can be taking care of.
Investigational work.
2.4 Student Attitude towards Mathematics
their school experience and achievement (Borasi, 1990; Shoenfeld, 1985). In general,
the concepts students hold about Mathematics determine how they approach the
This prevents them from experiencing the richness of Mathematics and the many
Attitude can also be gender related. There are many who hold the view that boys do
better in Mathematics than girls. This belief tends to affect the attitude of girls
male and female students towards Mathematics at secondary school level. They rather
found that students’ success in Mathematics depend on attitude towards the subject.
about Mathematics (Casey, Nuttal & Pezaris, 2001).In the study, girls were found to
has also been inconclusive. Researches that have been conducted to determine the
Mathematics have yielded contradictory results. The findings have thus lacked
consistency on the subject. Some studies have demonstrated a strong and significant
between student attitude and student performance was found. Student beliefs and
attitudes were found to have the potential to either facilitate or inhibit learning. In a
found that there is a direct link between students’ attitudes towards Mathematics and
student outcomes. Cheung (1998), in his study of 11-13 year olds, also discovered
showed that the more positive the attitude, the higher the level of achievement in the
student. Some researchers have, however, demonstrated that the correlation between
attitude towards Mathematics and achievement in Mathematics was rather weak and
could not be considered to be of practical significance (Vachon, 1984; Wolf & Blixt,
school children, Ma and Kishor (1997) found that attitude towards Mathematics and
achievement in Mathematics was positively and reliably correlated but not strong.
The correlation was not statistically significant. Flowing from the preceding findings,
studies in different cultural settings are eminent to realize the influence of student
3.1 Introduction
This chapter covers the procedures and strategies used in collecting and analyzing
data. The main sections discussed in this chapter include research design, variables,
This is a descriptive study in which primary data would be adopted. This will enable
the researcher to obtain and assess opinions, attitudes and practices of Mathematics
teachers and form two and three students. A survey study can be used to assess
3.3 Variables
The independent variables of this research are school-base factors, the strategies to be
adopted and the students’ personal towards Mathematics learning. The dependent
The target population for this study was the Mathematics teachers and form two and
three students in Kumasi Anglican Senior High School (KASS) in Ashanti region.
Form two students in General Arts were selected because their course is more of
reading and may not stick to the Mathematics syllabus and would be exposing to
different school-base factors. Therefore, they will provide useful information for this
There were three classes in the General Arts Department and Stratified sampling was
used to group the various classes. Systematic sampling was used to select the student
from each of the different classes. A sample of 60 was used to obtained information
from both students and the Mathematics and 50 were used to collect data from
A pilot study was conducted at Wesley Girls High School before the final collection
of data. The purpose of the pilot study was to determine the validity and reliability of
the instruments. The pilot study was to check the appropriateness of the language to
items. This was to help the researcher to update the research instrument by making
students’ personal factors that lead to student poor performance in core Mathematics,
the school based factors that affect their performance in core Mathematics and the
3.8 Data analysis
Based on descriptive study, the data was analyzed by means of Statistical Package of
4.1 Introduction
In this chapter, questionnaires were designed into two; that is students and
In order to achieve the objectives of the study set out in Chapter One, the researcher
used descriptive statistical tools such as tables and chart in presenting and analyzing
the findings.
In the analysis, we observed that, Yes and No responses were made to students who
likes studying Mathematics and out of this, majority of the students responded to yes
answer (that is 48 out of 50 students who were interviewed) while no response were
few. Again, it was recorded that, most of the students always study Mathematics
corresponding to those who like studying it twice a week, once a week and not at all.
Also, student were ask to list the type of text book(s) they use and the results
indicated that, 30% of the students use concise series, 26% of the students used other
text books (that is, ebony, A+, school text books etc.), 24% responses were obtained
from students who use Aki-Ola and concise series whiles Aki-Ola and Approaches
series were the least responses obtained (18% and 2%) respectively.
Furthermore, students were ask to access the examples in their Mathematics text
book(s) and it was realized that, majority responded that their examples in their
textbook(s) were normal corresponding to 50% and 16% responded quite difficult,
While those who responded too easy, fairly easy and very difficult were less
concerning the meaning of new concepts, words and formulae in Mathematics, 42%
of the students understand them quite well, 26% of students understand them very
well whiles 24 and 8 percent of the student understands the meaning of concepts,
words and formulae fairly well and not at all respectively. From appendix 2, majority
of the students agree that, they like studying Mathematics more than any other subject
whiles few students strongly disagree when they were ask to state whether they like
studying Mathematics more than any other subject. 54% of the students accepted that
is useful in life and out 50 students, 70% of them strongly agree to the statement as
compare to 26 and 4 percent who agree and don’t know respectively. 54% of the
students said they would do Mathematics related career after school and 24% and
22% responded no and don’t know respectively. Out of 100% of the students who
were ask if Mathematics lessons are boring, 44% disagree to the statement, 24%
strongly disagree, and 10% and 6% of the students agree and strongly agree
respectively whiles 16% of the students said they don’t know whether Mathematics
lessons are boring. Also to determine the nature of Mathematics whether it attract one
to learn it more, 80% of the student responded to yes as compared to 20% who said
4.3 Student’s assessment of Mathematics teachers
The views of students were sought to find out how their teachers explained their
course work and upon analysis, it was observed that teachers always explained the
works to students very well. A majority of the students (56%) agreed that their
Also, we noticed that repeating of work when it is not clearly explained, many
students commented that teachers always repeat the work when it is not clear as
also said that teachers never repeat a work. Out of 50 students, 52% of them
responded that teachers always answer questions thoroughly, 42% of them responded
that teachers sometimes answer questions thoroughly and a few (6%) of them said
Upon the views of the students, it can be observed that; majority of the students
(52%) indicated that teachers are sometimes very fast, 26 % of them complained that
teachers are always fast while 22% also complained that teachers are not fast (never).
were interviewed says teachers never concentrate on only brilliant students only, 20
of them complained that, teacher sometimes rely on only bright students and 4
students responded that, teachers always concentrate on the bright students alone.
Out of 50 students interviewed, it was realized that most of the teachers (70%) always
know the subjects they teach very well. 24% of them also said that the teachers
sparingly knew the subjects they taught. 6% of the students also said that some of the
teachers never know the subjects they teach very well. Our analysis indicated that
minority of the teachers (26%) in the school wasted time talking about irrelevant
issues in class. 74% of the students agreed that teachers never wasted time in class
talking about unnecessary things. The survey indicated that most of the teachers
(66%) never responded rudely to the questions of students. A noticeably less number
of students (22%) reported that teachers sometimes responded rudely to the questions
of students. The rest of the students said that teachers always respond rudely to
students’ questions. Concerning teachers being harsh and moody in class, 29 students
replied that teachers are never harsh and moody in class, 14 of the students
complained of teachers sometimes being harsh and moody in class and 7 students also
complained the harshness and moody of teachers in class from the analysis that were
shown. Also, for teachers giving homework, marking and returning of students scripts
the next day, 25 students responded sometimes, 19 of them replied to always and 6
students said never, teachers don’t do so. Out of 50 students surveyed it is indicated
that 48% of students said sometime the teachers help students when they are stuck in
solving problems, 46% responded that teachers always help students when they are
stuck and the rest said that teachers never helped students when they are stuck in
solving problems. With respect to the teacher’s sense of humor, 46% students
indicated that teachers have sense of humor, 34% indicated that teachers have sense
of humor and the remaining said teachers never had sense of humor.
Table 4.3.1: Arranges to meet students outside class to
Always 20
Sometimes 14
Never 16
Total 50
Also, most of the students responded that, teachers always arrange to meet students
outside class to discuss math problems and few responded that their teacher never
Considering the survey that was conducted, we observed that most of the teachers
were males and female teachers were the least as recorded (6 vs. 1). Also, 71.4%
teachers professional qualification. Teachers who were between age 30 and 40, were
57.1 percent, 28.6 percent of the teachers whose age were more than 40 were also
notified and those less than 30 years of age were 14.3 percent.
Source: Survey data
From fig. 4.3.1 above, we observed that most teachers had teaching experience more
than10 year experience, follow by less than 5 years and between 5 and 10 years
Teachers were ask if they use lecture method in teaching the student and upon
interviewing, it was realized that majority of the teachers responded that, they don’t
use lecture methods in teaching the students corresponding to 42.9% and those who
Again, 42.9% of the teachers accepted that, they often group the students into small
group for discussion. Moreover, majority of the teachers responded that they use the
Problems solving methods was another methods of teaching Mathematics and out of
the seven teachers we interviewed, 71.4% of the teachers agreed that, they normally
42.9% of the teachers accepted that, they often apply demonstrating methods in
teaching as compared to 28.6% who often and always use that method in teaching the
Teachers opinions were sought to see whether Mathematics is difficult by nature and
upon interviewing them, it was realized that 42.9% of the teachers strongly disagree
that Mathematics is not difficult by nature corresponding to 28.6% who agree and
of the teachers agreed that everybody irrespective of the person background can learn
Mathematics whiles 42.9% of the teachers disagree to that statement. Teachers were
Again, the researcher was trying to see if Mathematics is very useful in the daily life
of mankind and out of the 7 teachers who were interviewed, 4 of them agreed and 3
of them said they strongly agreed to the assumption. For Mathematics being a vast
collection of fixed and infallible concepts and skills, 85.7 percent of the teachers
agreed while 14.3 percent of the teachers were undecided. All teachers who were
poor performance by rating according to importance and 57.1 percent out of 100%
agreed that teacher’s qualification is one of the most importance factors leading to
student’s poor performance. Also, 57.1 percent confirmed that the methods used in
addition, the attitude of teachers towards Mathematics was rated by the seven
teachers and 42. 9%, 14.3% and 14.3% of them rated the attitudes of teachers towards
leading to student’s poor performance. Teachers also rated the student’s attitudes
toward Mathematics based on importance and 71.4 percent of the teachers said
performance while 14.3 percent said it is less important. The resources used in
teaching Mathematics were also rated by teachers and majority of the teachers
4.8 Strategies to improve students’ performance in Mathematics
From fig.4.8.1 we observed that, the strategies that can improve the performance of
students, teaching and learning materials and motivation of the teachers were
5.1 Introduction
This focuses on summary and conclusions of the study and ends with appropriate
5.2 Summary
The data was employed from Kumasi Anglican Senior High School to determine
phases and from each phase, it was divided into sections to obtained information from
information were obtained from student personal opinion and how students assess
5.3 Conclusion
From the analysis, it was observed from the students that, majority of the teachers do
explained work well in class. Repetition of work when it is not clearly explained,
majority of the students reacted vehemently that always teachers do so if work is not
explained clearly. In addition, teachers were raise to the highest ground by student for
only, knows the subject very well, not wasting time in class talking about irrelevant
issues, not responding rudely to students questions, not harsh and moody in class,
helping students when they are stuck, having sense of humor, teachers arranges class
outside to meet other students to discuss math problem. Though teachers were
praised, 50% of students complained that teacher’s do gives homework, marks and
returns the next day. It was detected from teachers that majority of the teachers never
use lecture method to teach students at second cycle level while few teachers do so.
For small group discussion many teachers said they like discussion sometimes and
often with small group and few never discuss with small group of students. In
very often when teaching and few are always questioning students in class when
teaching, majority of the teachers always solve Mathematics problem with student
when they encountered problem either in class or outside class and few often solve
teaching Mathematics at secondary level as one of the major factors, most teachers
demonstrate in class very often to ginger up students and less than 30% teachers often
Teacher’s qualification is one of the most important factors that influence the
Since there are several methods in teaching, it is advisable for teachers to adopt the
It can be seen that students who have regular teachers performed better than students
In terms of resources used in teaching Mathematics, it has been observed that teachers
who are more equipped with resources for teaching Mathematics, had their students
perform better than teachers who had less resources for teaching Mathematics.
With respect to students attitudes towards Mathematics, it has been observed that
students who had a good and active attitudes towards Mathematics performed
tremendously well than students who lacked attitude towards Mathematics. From the
conclusion, we realized that the school based factors does not necessarily affect
From the survey that was conducted we realized that students like studying
Mathematics always but just few students do not like studying at all though they also
Mathematics in the life mankind. Almost all the students once again responded that
the nature of Mathematics attracts people to learn it more. 46.0 percent out 100% of
the students replied that Mathematics is difficult by nature as compare to 28.6 percent
of some teachers who commented that the nature of Mathematics is difficult and this
implies that teachers who see Mathematics to be difficult by do not teach some aspect
of the subject when it comes critical to students to understand that particular topic.
Since most teachers and students replied that Mathematics is very useful in life then
both students and teachers should take Mathematics serious and not to look at how
difficult Mathematics is which may earn them nothing and also to the loss of
economy in the nation. Because of the subject usefulness in life many students like
studying Mathematics more than any other subject and would like to offer
Mathematics as career in future. We also realized that students who use other text
books including the school text book (government text book) together with other
students who also use Aki-Ola and Concise saw the example in the various text books
to be easy, get the understanding of the meaning and new concepts, words and
formulae very well and normally become quite happy with their examination result.
Due to how students understanding the concepts words and formulae and how they do
assess the examples being solved in the various text books then researchers do not
really expect students to be quite happy with result but rather becoming very happy as
Mathematics lesson to be boring, not useful in life never become happy at all with
their result. Therefore we can say that student’s personal factors or attitudes are a
equipped and encourage by government since they were the most important
5.4 Recommendations
effectively in other to improve the quality of education in Ghana especially in the area
the end of every term but rather visit secondary school surprisingly to see the
administrators should not forget to appreciate the work of teachers by motivation
Furthermore, Mathematics researchers may use this survey to make further research
that may also improve the performance students in Mathematics and other related
practicing Mathematics every day that can lead to the improvement of their
Sample questionnaire for students
Instruction: Tick the letter of the statement that is most appropriate to your personal
view about Mathematics.
[ ] Yes [ ] No
[ ] Too easy
[ ] Fairly easy
[ ] Normal
[ ] Quite difficult
[ ] Very difficult
5) How well do you understand meanings of new concepts, words and formulae in
[ ] Very well
[ ] Quite well
[ ] Fairly well
[ ] Not well
[ ] Not at all
[ ] Very happy
[ ] Quite happy
[ ] Satisfactorily happy
[ ] Disappointed
[ ] Very disappointed
[ ] Strongly agree
[ ] Agree
[ ] Do not know
[ ] Disagree
[ ] Strongly disagree
[ ] Yes [ ] No
[ ] Strongly agree
[ ] Agree
[ ] Do not know
[ ] Disagree
[ ] Strongly disagree
10) Would you do Mathematics or any other Mathematics related career after school?
[ ] Strongly agree
[ ] Agree
[ ] Do not know
[ ] Disagree
[ ] Strongly disagree
Mathematics Teachers’ Questionnaire
Student’s achievement in Mathematics is a serious problem for Mathematics
educators and Mathematics teachers. This study intends to find the factors that
contribute to student‘s poor performance in Mathematics and subsequently make
appropriate recommendations.
The information you provide will not be used in any way against you. The results will
be treated as highly confidential and are for research purposes only. So you are kindly
requested to answer the below questions as honestly as possible.
1) Teachers characteristics
Gender: [ ] Male [ ] Female
Teaching Methods N S O VO A
Lecture Method
Small Group
Problem Solving Method
Demonstrating method
Attitudes SA A U D SD
Mathematics is difficult by
Teaching Mathematics does not
need resources
Everybody can learn
More practice enhances
understanding Mathematics
Mathematics is essential for
daily life
Mathematics is a vast collection
of fixed and infallible concepts
and skills
Mathematics is a continually
expanding field of human
creation and invention
Factors Rating
Teacher’s qualifications
Methods used in teaching Mathematics
Mathematics teachers attitudes towards Mathematics
Resources used in teaching Mathematics
Students attitudes towards Mathematics
List of Tables
yes 48
no 2
Total 50
Aki-ola 9 18.0
Concise 15 30.0
Approachers 1 2.0
13 26.0
textbook and etc.)
Total 50 100.0
Frequency Percent
Normal 25 50.0
Total 50 100.0
Source: Survey data
Frequency Percent
Total 50 100.0
Frequency Percent
Disappointed 10 20.0
Total 50 100.0
Frequency Percent
Agree 20 40.0
Disagree 12 24.0
Total 50 100.0
Frequency Percent
yes 23 46.0
no 27 54.0
Total 50 100.0
Frequency Percent
Agree 13 26.0
Total 50 100.0
Frequency Percent
yes 27 54.0
no 12 24.0
Total 50 100.0
Frequency Percent
Agree 5 10.0
Disagree 22 44.0
Total 50 100.0
Frequency Percent
yes 40 80.0
no 10 20.0
Total 50 100.0
Frequency Percent
Always 24 48.0
Total 50 100.0
Teachers age
Frequency Percent
Total 7 100.0
Frequency Percent
Total 7 100.0
Gender of teachers
Frequency Percent
male 6 85.7
female 1 14.3
Total 7 100.0
Frequency Percent
Total 7 100.0
Lecture method
Frequency Percent
Never 3 42.9
Sometimes 2 28.6
Often 1 14.3
Total 7 100.0
Frequency Percent
Never 1 14.3
Sometimes 3 42.9
Often 3 42.9
Total 7 100.0
Questioning method
Frequency Percent
Often 2 28.6
Always 2 28.6
Total 7 100.0
Frequency Percent
Often 1 14.3
Always 5 71.4
Total 7 100.0
Frequency Percent
Often 2 28.6
Always 2 28.6
Total 7 100.0
Source: Survey data
Mathematics is difficult by nature
Frequency Percent
Agree 2 28.6
Disagree 2 28.6
Total 7 100.0
Frequency Percent
Disagree 5 71.4
Total 7 100.0
Frequency Percent
Agree 4 57.1
Total 7 100.0
Frequency Percent
Strongly agree 5 71.4
Agree 2 28.6
Total 7 100.0
Frequency Percent
Agree 4 57.1
Total 7 100.0
Frequency Percent
Agree 6 85.7
Undecided 1 14.3
Total 7 100.0
Frequency Percent
Sometimes 1 14.3
Total 7 100.0
Frequency Percent
Important 2 28.6
Total 7 100.0
Frequency Percent
Important 1 14.3
Sometimes 1 14.3
Total 7 100.0
Frequency Percent
Important 3 42.9
Total 7 100.0
Frequency Percent
Total 7 100.0
Frequency Percent
Curriculum 1 14.3
Motivation 3 42.9
Total 7 100.0
Frequency Percent
always 28 56.0
sometimes 22 44.0
Total 50 100.0
Frequency Percent
Always 34 68.0
Sometimes 14 28.0
Never 2 4.0
Total 50 100.0
Frequency Percent
Always 26 52.0
Sometimes 21 42.0
Never 3 6.0
Total 50 100.0
Frequency Percent
Always 13 26.0
Sometimes 26 52.0
Never 11 22.0
Total 50 100.0
Frequency Percent
Always 4 8.0
Sometimes 20 40.0
Never 26 52.0
Total 50 100.0
Frequency Percent
Always 35 70.0
Sometimes 12 24.0
Never 3 6.0
Total 50 100.0
Frequency Percent
Sometimes 13 26.0
Never 37 74.0
Total 50 100.0
Frequency Percent
Always 6 12.0
Sometimes 11 22.0
Never 33 66.0
Total 50 100.0
Frequency Percent
Always 7 14.0
Sometimes 14 28.0
Never 29 58.0
Total 50 100.0
Frequency Percent
Always 19 38.0
Sometimes 25 50.0
Never 6 12.0
Total 50 100.0
Frequency Percent
Always 23 46.0
Sometimes 24 48.0
Never 3 6.0
Total 50 100.0
Frequency Percent
Always 23 46.0
Sometimes 17 34.0
Never 10 20.0
Total 50 100.0
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