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Study Habits of Secondary School Students As Related To Family Environment

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International Journal of Advanced Research ISSN : 2394-2975 (Online)

in Education & Technology (IJARET) Vol. 4, Issue 1 (Jan. - Mar. 2017) ISSN : 2394-6814 (Print)

Study Habits of Secondary School Students as

Related to Family Environment
Dr Kanchan
Assistant Professor, Bawa Nihal Singh B.Ed, College, Sri Muktsar Sahib, Punjab, India

The present study has been designed to investigate the study habits of secondary school students as related to family environment.
The study was conducted over a sample of 100 (boys and girls) secondary school students of Muktsar district. Data were collected
by using Study Habits Inventory by Palsane, M.N and Family Environment Scale by Vohra, S (1997). The results revealed that
significant difference between study habits and family environment of boys and girls of secondary school students. Significant and
positive relationship between study habits and family environment of secondary school students.

Study Habits, Family Environment, Secondary school students

Introduction defined family environment as the degree of commitment, help

Education is a powerful mean for providing all kinds of necessary and support of the family members provided to one another. The
information, preparing for suitable educational and vocational climate prevailing in the home varies from culture to culture,
courses and leading to fruitful vocational choices. Thus education society to society, and family to family.
is an indispensable instrument for stability and progress of
individual as well as society. In education, effective learning Review of Related Literature
not only depends upon good teaching but also on satisfactory Chand (2013) to find out the study habits of the students studying
learning procedure i.e. good study habits.learning involves the in government and private schools as well as students belonging
development of proper study habits and skills and habits are not from nuclear and joint family. The finding revealed that there
innate abilities like intelligence, but they are generally formulated, exists no significant difference between secondary school students
acquired, cultivated and fixed by repeated efforts. Good (1973) belonging to nuclear and joint family on different components
defines ‘Study Habits’ as the basic features involved in the of study habits and total study habits. Secondary school students
application of the mind to a problem or subject; the characteristic studying in Govt. schools are significantly better on home
pattern which an individual follows in learning about things and environment and planning of work and planning of subjects than
people.” Psychologists and educationists believe that good study students studying in private schools but private school students are
habits are the gateway of knowledge and wisdom. There are significantly better than Govt. school students on preparation for
many factors like concentration, motivation, keen observation, exam component of study habit. However, no significant difference
adjustment in school, networking etc. which influence the proper exists between Govt. and private secondary school students on
development of study habits. Smith, Sammuel and Field (1948) reading and note taking, concentration, habit and interest, school
“Poor habits of study not only retard school progress but develop environment component of study habit and total study habit.
frustration, destroy initiative and confidence and make prominent Ekeke and Telu (2013) To study investigates the home and its
the feeling of worthlessness towards himself and the subject of influence on students’ study habits. It was found that 134 (67%) of
study whereas effective methods ensure success, happiness and the respondents agreed that motivation from parents like provision
sense of accomplishment” of the recommended books influences them to read at home. Also
Family environment is also play an important role in the some independent variables like parent income, education, living
development of good or bad study habits. Family environment is abode influence their wards’ study habits. The study went further
the most important factor in bringing about proper development of to investigate some practical steps that parent could take in order
personality and leading to the appropriate with self and members to improve their wards’ study habits: which include making home
of the family which moulds individual’s behavior. It is the first a miniature of schools (that is homes should be conducive for
social environment where all physical, mental, cultural and social reading), drawing up reading time table for their children and
development of an individual takes place. The family is a social encouraging them to follow through every evening as well as
institution through which our social heritage is transmitted. The devote their time to teach their children, although, parents level
family’s responsibility for the socialization of children is not less of education could be a set back to the latter.
important than their physical care. It links the individual to the Rani (2013) To study the relationship between study habits
larger social structure. The family climate refers to the physical, and home environment of the science students studying in
social and emotional surroundings that the child focuses in a secondary school of Haryana. The results of the study revealed
family. Newman (1981) “Family environment is the first and that a significantly positive relationship of home environment
perhaps the most enduring context in personality development components of rejection with study habits of boys is revealed,
of child.” In fact, family climate refers to the “sum total of the there by meaning that It can be affected the study habit of
conditions which surrounds man” from the very beginning of his boys. However, the correlation of other components of home
life. The family climate affects the child’s cognitive and social environment is significantly negative with study habits among
development, which in turn influences his/her self-confidence, boys. The study also found that there was no significant difference
self-reliance, assertiveness, personality characteristics, coping of home environment between boys and girls studying in science
skills, academic motivation and success. Moos and Moos (1986) stream of senior secondary school.

© IJARET All Rights Reserved 18 www.ijaret.com

ISSN : 2394-2975 (Online) International Journal of Advanced Research
ISSN : 2394-6814 (Print) Vol. 4, Issue 1 (Jan. - Mar. 2017) in Education & Technology (IJARET)

Objectives Table 2 reveals that Mean and SD for boys are 31.43 and 2.04.
1. To study the difference between study habits of boys and Mean and SD for girls are 25.32 and 4.53. The calculated t- value
girls of secondary school students. is 8.72 which is significant at 0.01 & 0.05 level of significance. It
2. To study the difference between family environment of boys means that there is significant difference in the family environment
and girls of secondary school students. of boys and girls of secondary school students. Hence the
3. To study the relationship between study habits and family Hypotheses 2 that there exist no significant difference between
environment of secondary school students. family environment of boys and girls of secondary school students
has been rejected. Mean scores of girls are lower than of boys
Hypotheses it means that boys have provided good family environment than
1. There exist no significant difference between study habits girls.
of boys and girls of secondary school students.
2. There exist no significant difference between family Table 3 : Coefficient of Correlation Between Study Habits and
environment of boys and girls of secondary school Family Environment of secondary School Students
students. Variable N df Coefficient of Level of Signifi-
3. There exist significant relationship between study habits and correlation cance
family environment of secondary school students
Study Habits 100 198 0.23 Significant at
0.05 and 0.01
Family Envi- 100 level
Sample of 100 students (boys and girls) was selected randomly
from Government secondary school Muktsar district. ronment
• Study Habits Inventory –Palsane, M.N. Table 3 shows that the coefficient of correlation between study
• Family Environment Scale by Vohra, S (1997) habits and family environment of secondary school students as 0.23
which is positive and significant at 0.01 level. This indicates that
Statistical Techniques study habits and family environment of secondary school students
• Mean, SD. And t- test was applied to find the significant are positively correlated. It means that family environment effect
difference between groups. on the study habits of secondary school students. So, hypotheses 3
• Product Moment Correlation was applied to see the significant there exist significant relationship between study habits and family
relationship between variables environment of secondary school students has been accepted.

Results and Discussion Findings

Table 1 : Comparison of Study Habits of Boys and Girls 1. Significant difference between study habits of boys and girls
of secondary school students. Girls have good study habits
S. Vari- Group N Mean SD. SED t- Level of than boys.
No. able ratio Signifi- 2. Significant difference between family environment of boys
cance and girls of secondary school students. Boys have provided
better family environment than girls.
1 Study Boys 50 34.29 3.04 1.44 9.79 Significant 3. Significant and positive relationship between academic study
Habits at 0.05 and habits and family environment of secondary school students.
0.01 level It means that family environment effect on the study habits
2 Girls 50 48.4 6.53 of secondary school students.

Educational Implications
Table 1 reveals that Mean and SD of boys are 34.29 and 3.04. The study revealed that there is a difference in the study habits of
Mean and SD for girls are 48.4 and 6.53. The calculated t- value secondary school students with regard to their family environment.
is 9.79 which is significant at 0.01 & 0.05 level of significance. Parents play an important role in the life of an individual. So the
It means that there is significant difference in the study habits of efforts should be made by the parents to increase their study habits.
boys and girls of secondary school students. Hence the Hypotheses Parents should provide better environment to develop good study
1 that there exist no significant difference between study habits habits among children. It is very important to provide congenial
of boys and girls of secondary school students has been rejected. family environment as it plays an important role in the process
The mean score of girls are higher than that of boys which means of their growth and development.
that the girls have good study habits than boys.
Table 2 : Comparison of Family Environment of Boys and Girls [1]. Chand, S. (2013). Study Habits of Secondary School Students
S. Variable Group N Mean SD. SED t-ratio Level of in Relation to Type of School and Type of Family. Retrieved
No. Signifi- on December 15, 2016 from www.indianresearchjournals.
cance com/pdf/IJSSIR/2013/July/10.pdf
1 Family Boys 50 31.43 2.04 0.7 8.72 Significant [2]. Ekeke, H., & Telu, j. (2013). Influence of home on study habits
Environ- at 0.05 and of secondary school students in Kolo-Creek development
2 ment Girls 50 25.32 4.53 0.01 level centre of Bayelsa State, Nigeria. Retrieved on December 20,
2016 from www.article.sciencepublishinggroup.com/pdf/10

www.ijaret.com 19 © IJARET All Rights Reserved

International Journal of Advanced Research ISSN : 2394-2975 (Online)
in Education & Technology (IJARET) Vol. 4, Issue 1 (Jan. - Mar. 2017) ISSN : 2394-6814 (Print)

[3]. Good, C.V. (1973). Dictionary of Education, Mc-Graw Hill
Company, New York.
[4]. Moos, R. H., & Moos, B. S. (1986). Family Environment Scale
Manual. (2nd Ed.), California: Consulting Psychologists
[5]. Newman, P.R., & Newman, B.M . (1981). The Process of
Adjustment, Home Wood, Illinois: The Dorsey Press.
[6]. Rani, R. (2013). Relationship between Home Environment and
Study Habit of Senior Secondary School Students. Retrieved
on December 10, 2016 from www.raijmr.com/wp-content/
[7]. Smith., Samuel., & Field, L. (1948). An Outline of Best
Methods of Study. New York: Barness and Noble Inc.

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