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8605 Assignment No 1

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Question no 1

Explain the functions of administration and discuss the scope of Islamic administration.

Educational Administration Meaning and Nature

Administration is the machinery that any organization or institution can to be controlled. It is a
means set up for the smooth and efficient functioning of education structure. Educational
administration is management, control and management all matters relating to school affairs.
Direction is guidance within community and school system. Control and management are means
for realization of goals defined in educational planning. Education is in control of the state as
certain controls are at the state level in the form constitutional provisions, legal regulations and
also as an executive activity. Management defines a broad function with related responsibilities
the school, pupils, teachers and other matters connected with the school. Russel T. Gregg
defines: “Educational administration is a process of utilization appropriate materials in such a
way as to effectively promote development human traits. It deals not only with the development
of children and youth, but also with the growth of adults and especially with growth school staff.
Good’s Dictionary of Education defines educational administration as: “All those techniques and
procedures used in running an educational organization v in accordance with established
principles. "Negotiations and coordination are handled by the school administration activities of
groups of people. It is the dynamic side of education. Educational philosophy sets the goal;
educational psychology explains the principles Educational practice is dealt with by the teaching
and educational administration. It is planning, management, management, implementation and
evaluation of the educational process.
The scope of educational administration
It is very broad. It includes every thesis on the effective functioning of educational institutions,
security the greatest benefits to the greatest number by taking practical measures. It interprets
and clarifies the functions and activities of the educational program in a fruitful relationship and
also harmonizes their interaction. Provides sound educational planning, good leadership and
effective and systematic implementation. Good governance is one that best displays human
activity. The components of good governance are:
Associate performance
Human beings work closely together a there is a sharing of responsibility.
Organized purpose 
It is a well- defined purposes are achieved through sharing responsibilities. It is a dynamic
approach to creativity. The group moves towards the goal.
The feeling of success makes the manager take more striving for perfection. Management also
includes different species activities to achieve its purpose and to fulfill functions related to it.
Importance of Educational Administration
The purpose of educational administration is to enable the organization or institutions to
perform their functions with maximum efficiency. It also allows to the right pupils to get the
right education and from the right teachers at a price which should be within the possibilities of
the state and which will enable pupils profit from their learning. The basic purpose is to bring
students and teachers together under such conditions as will successfully enforce the end
education. The main purposes are: Create well-defined policies and programs so that teaching,
learning the situation leads to the growth and development of human beings.
 Achieving goals
Educational administration is not an end in itself; rather it is a means to end goals. It must serve
the purposes of education. If education is a tool for social transformation, must instill and
create a sense of identification and meaning their fellow man. Educational administration deals
with human and material resources. The human elements are pupils, parents, teachers and
others employees in general at different levels. On the material side, it's money buildings,
equipment and teaching aids. Apart from these two elements, ideas, curricula, courses of study,
methods, principles, laws and regulations, community needs and so on. The integration of
these parts as a whole is a challenge to the Administrator; rather, they should be effectively
used to achieve educational goals.

Administrative settings should control whether human material resources should be
economically used to achieve maximum benefits. Waste of any resource should be avoided.
Education in developing countries is consistent poorly served. It involves extremely high
monetary costs and deficiencies planning and coordination. For the most effective mobilization
of the country resources, it is very important that economic development plans and for the
development of human resources should be coordinated.
 Protection of resources
From the point of view of economic development, there are three basic factors natural
resources, physical capital and human resources. Natural resources are not the only
determining factor of economic development. Investment is directly related to economic
development but vary widely in their effectiveness. The problem is not  only an increase in the
share of natural production, but also bring desirable investment allocation. To be full the use of
capital investment, qualified managerial, engineering and labor force is necessary for the
selection, operation and maintenance of such investments. Therefore, to achieve development
through education it is desirable to maintain these three resource types.
 Optimal use of resources
These resources should be used in such a way that one gets the maximum benefit from them
for good and efficient administration.
 Scope of pedagogical administration
Fayol saw administration as a way to plan, organize, command, coordinate and control
education. Planning is an intellectual activity that is done on the basis of facts and principles. He
plans his activities in such a way that they correspond to the goals for which he has them can be
achieved. Arrange the means of arrangement by which the mutual relationship together with
contract for people, materials, procedure, knowledge and work.
Command or control involves the execution of plans, decisions and decisions employees are
doing their job. Coordination requires uniform alignment of all involved elements in program. It
seeks the cooperation of all involved management. By checking, we can see that everything is in
accordance with the rules, which were set in the guidelines, in other words it is an assessment. 
The formula of the administration function was referred to as POSDCORB, comprising.
Creating a formal authority structure through which to work subdivisions are organized, defined
and coordinated for defined objectives.
Creating a formal authority structure through which to work subdivisions are organized, defined
and coordinated for defined objectives.
It is an important aspect of interlinking different parts of the work.
Keeping records of who is responsible to the manager and also to inform him about what is
going on and keeping himself and his subordinate informed through research and records
These are financial planning, accounting and control.
It includes the identification and classification of objectives and scope act. It also investigates to
detect the condition it affects achieving goals.
Organization means taking those steps by which the people involved in it administrations
remain cooperative and prepared to contribute as best they can to the joint activity of their
talents and their energies optimally used.
Decision making:
It is the art of executive decision making to accept relevant questions that are not premature
and which can be effective and put into practice.
A successful administrator will make every effort to provide stimulation to member’s
organization so that their cooperation will spontaneously achieve goals. It does not give a
specific direction, but helps them reach the highest level of creativity.
It is the establishment of appropriate relationships between people and things which are
necessary for the organization to achieve its objectives and includes division of duties and
responsibilities also helps everyone's organization activities of individuals.
It is a process that directs information, ideas, explanations and questions transmitted from
person to person or from group to group. There are three channels of the communication
 Upwards Communication goes from teachers to principals to the district officials and
directorates etc.
  Horizontal communication that takes place at the same level of workers a enables
colleagues to become familiar with the organization's activities. 
  Downward communication where communication ideas flow, suggestions and orders
are from senior officers to juniors.
In this process, any activities performed are tested to find to what extent they ensured success
in meeting the set goals. This is done to reveal weak points and improve it in the future
overcoming shortcomings. Evaluation is done through cooperative studies, surveys, test
programs, opinion polls, etc.
The administrative arrangement should also take into account elasticity and dynamism
introduced into the functioning of the system. Education administration cannot be rigid and
static. Experimentation, trial and error must be allowed freely education administration.
Freedom is the very soul of education. Educational the administration should have the freedom
to formulate goals and ideals and set them into practice. There should be a change in the
approach of administrators who should foster an open mind and a spirit of inquiry rather than a
rule inch approach he tried to stick, established practices even though they they are
meaningless. The practice of holding regular inspections at least once every three five years, it
is an important administrative practice to phase out the old and introduce new procedures,
interstate contacts should be built and their comparative analysis different state practices
should be encouraged. Development of techniques detailed programming of planned projects
and training in them should be the responsibility of the national Institute of Educational
Planners and Administrators. An officer oriented system where most of the work will be done
should be practiced by officers at their own level.
 Approaches to the management and administration of education
In a sense, administration is one of the oldest factors of all mankind effort. The Egyptians
organized and managed vast complex enterprises it required sophisticated planning, complex
organizations, skilled leadership and detailed coordination, at least two thousand years before
the birth of Christ.
Similarly, the Chinese are known to have a highly systematic, large scale systems around the
same time the pyramids were built that used many of the management concepts that are still
used today. Closer to us on time and better most of us are familiar with the ideas and concepts
behind the establishment famous civil services of Europe and Great Britain in the nineteenth
century. Two key nations provided the basic rationale for the civil services.
 The idea that administration is an activity that can be studied and taught separate from
the content of what is being managed.
  Belief that decisions about the policies and intentions of the government belongs to the
realm of political action, but that these decisions are best carried out by civil servants
whose work does not depend on whims politicians and who are free to develop good
administrative practices.
In the United States, the term administration was used in the nineteenth century the context of
government and the idea it represented gave impetus to growth public administration,
although civil service in America has tended to connote a system that is designed to ensure
honesty and fairness rather than expertise associated with the European and British systems.
The industrial revolution brought about a change in the concept of the general administration,
which was subsequently reflected in the management of education and management.
Fredrick W. Taylor developed what later became known as his four principles scientific
management. They were:
 Eliminate guesswork by following a basic rule. Try to find out the approaches in deciding
how each worker must do the job by adopting scientific measurement, divide the work
into a series of small, related tasks.
  Use more scientific, systematic methods for selecting workers and train them for a
specific job.
 Create the concept that there is a clear division of responsibility between them
management and workers because management has to do goal setting, planning and
supervision and personnel performing the required tasks.
  Establish a discipline in which management sets goals and objectives workers work
together to achieve them. These became extremely popular not only in industry, but
also in the management of all kinds of organizations, including family.
At the same time that Taylor's ideas and their applications had such huge impact on American
life; some French industrialist was preparing his own strong thoughts. Unlike Taylor who tended
to see workers as extension of factory machinery, Fayol focused his attention on the role a
manager rather than a worker. He clearly separated the process administration from other
operations in the organization such as production and emphasized the common elements of
the process of administration of various organizations.
Fundamental Principles of Islamic Administration
Islamic administration is based on the sovereignty of Allah (S.W.T): According to Islamic
constitutional theory Absolute sovereignty over the whole the universe belongs to Allah (S.W.T)
but sine Man was appointed as Allah's (S.W.T) representative (Khalifa) on earth, earthly
sovereignty rests in him as a sacred trust from Allah (S.W.T). So a Muslim administrator must
follow adherence to principles for the governance of a state known as an Islamic state.
 Islamic administration will preserve and defend the law of Allah derived from the Qur'an
and the Sunnah.
  All government officials he must devote himself to the defense of God's law. Head the
state should always be Muslim.
  All subjects, Muslim and non-Muslim, shall be guaranteed equal civil rights.
  Men and women enjoy the same basic rights that women can have property in own
  The executive director will be elected by the people and will manage consultation.
  Islam strives to create a just society and therefore attaches the highest the importance
of fairness, justice and fair dealing.
Administration refers to the process of managing and organizing resources, people, and activities to
achieve organizational goals. In an educational context, administration plays a crucial role in the smooth
functioning of institutions and the successful achievement of educational objectives.

The functions of administration in education can be broadly categorized into four main areas: planning,
organizing, directing, and controlling.

Planning: Planning involves setting goals and objectives, identifying resources required to achieve them,
and developing strategies to meet these objectives.

Organizing: Organizing involves the allocation of resources and the creation of structures and systems to
achieve the educational objectives. This includes identifying roles and responsibilities, delegating tasks,
and coordinating activities.

Directing: Directing involves supervising and guiding people to achieve the educational objectives. This
includes providing feedback, motivating staff, and resolving conflicts.

Controlling: Controlling involves measuring and monitoring progress towards the educational objectives
and taking corrective action where necessary. This includes assessing performance, providing feedback,
and taking steps to improve performance.

Islamic administration, also known as administration in Islamic education, is a specialized area of

administration that is guided by Islamic principles and values. The scope of Islamic administration is
broader than traditional administration, as it encompasses both secular and religious aspects of

The scope of Islamic administration includes:

Ensuring that educational goals are aligned with Islamic values and principles.
Developing curriculum and educational resources that are consistent with Islamic teachings.

Establishing systems and structures that support the integration of Islamic values into the educational

Ensuring that the education system is accessible and affordable to all students.

Ensuring that educational policies and practices are consistent with Islamic principles of justice, equity,
and fairness.

Fostering a positive learning environment that is supportive of Islamic values and promotes ethical

In conclusion, administration plays a critical role in the successful functioning of educational institutions.
Islamic administration, which is guided by Islamic principles and values, has a broader scope than
traditional administration and encompasses both secular and religious aspects of education. The
functions of administration in education include planning, organizing, directing, and controlling, and
these functions are critical to achieving educational objectives.

Question no 2

What is management and discuss its importance?

Management refers to the process of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling resources to achieve
organizational goals effectively and efficiently. It involves coordinating people, processes, and resources
to optimize performance and achieve desired outcomes. Management is important because it helps
organizations to achieve their objectives in a structured and systematic manner.

As Robbins said, “Planning gives direction, improves continuity actions and reduces overlapping
and wasteful activities. Through formulation of goals, policies, procedures, rules and other
types direction guides are provided for organizational members.
Once goals and strategies are formulated, organizing helps things are happening according to
plan. Organizing is an operational function that it involved the coordinated effort of the entire
It is a process of finding the right person for each job. It includes matching individual
qualifications and experience with the job specification. Personnel functions, compensation
(salaries and allowances/holiday bonuses), transfers, resignations, retirements, terminations,
pensions, etc.
This is a motivational function. They are trying to get a high level of production from employees
through motivation and leadership.
In modern business, functionalization and division of labor inevitably weigh creating different
problems in each area of management. It is the task of top management to unify and
coordinate the work and interests of the company the individuals who make up the
organization. There is an equal interest in results the process by which results are ensured.
Merely issuing orders is not sufficient to qualify one as an effective leader; rather, it's about
having it power with people rather than over them. It is an energizing force in an organization
that drives collaboration and collective progress toward goals.

This is the creative function of management. Changing times, technology, resources and
conditions require new approaches. Hence the search for a new one and better ways to do your
job, handle staffing, get more money, performance improvement are just some of the creative
(innovative) control function.
The control function monitors the achievement of goals and compares the actual results are
higher than planned, as well as performance past periods. Controlling is directly related to plans
and performances standards set by other management functions. There are several others
functions that are sometimes part of the control function. These include: decision-making,
communication, coordination, human relations, leadership, problem solving, etc.
Budgeting is a means of coordinating the combined efforts of the whole organization into an
action plan that is based on past performance and is governed by a rational judgment of the
factors it will influence functioning of the organization in the future. It's not just a simple check
and forecasting. The overall objectives of the budget are planning, coordination and control.
 Decision making:
This is the most important responsibility of a manager at all levels. Almost all aspects of the
management process involve decision making of one type or type other. There are many
theories about decision making and there are several decision making classification.
Management levels
Top management level:
Relatively few technical skills are used at senior management level. The emphasis here is on
planning and conceptual activities, in particular less effort original in relation to work with
people to carry out concrete activities. There is more interest in the future than in the present.
For examples of major areas of activity include long-term goals and policies.

Middle management level:

Managers are interested in ongoing activities as an observer and director daily operations
necessary to produce goods or services. Center the manager is usually reasonable to oversee
wage and salary systems, motivating subordinates, conducting training meetings, control or
coordination, conducting evaluations and consulting. Personal oriented activities are common
in this group. In short, middle managers they are responsible for the day-to-day results of long-
term goals.
Lower/supervisory management:
Lower or supervisory managers plan and implement day-to-day activities creating certain plans
that should be carried out by workers. The above-mentioned levels of management have an
effect on the performance of the organization or functioning. We mean management between
and within levels as structure. The stiffer or longer the structure, the greater the difficulty
decision-making, communication, coordination, motivation.
Concept of Management in Broader Sense
The model shown here is simply to present a clear picture of management and reduce the usual
and ongoing polemics about the real meaning management. We will assume by keeping in mind
that management in his the broadest context covers the entire activity of the scheduler.  
Objectives of pedagogical/school management
The goals and objectives of the school management are the same that are determined
government of Pakistan in education policy. According to national education; The 1979 policy is
the following aims of education:
 To cultivate in the hearts and minds of the people of Pakistan at large a especially
students, deeply and faithfully loyal to Islam and Pakistan and they cause a living
awareness of their spiritual and ideological identity strengthening the unity of the
outlook of the people of Pakistan on the basis of justice and fair play.
  To create awareness in every student that he is like a member of Pakistani nation he is
also part of the universal Muslim Ummah and that he is expected to do so contribute
fairly to the welfare of fellow Muslims globe on one side and help spread the message
of Islam around the world on the other side.
 To produce citizens who are fully conversant with the Pakistan Movement, their
ideological foundations, history and culture so that they can feel proud of their heritage
and can show a firm belief in the future of the country as an Islamic state.
So we can categorize the main sources of educational problems as follows:
 Procedural issues: 
Administrative and managerial issues such as including power, curricular authority, teaching
strategies, nature of programs and overall production process in education.
 Output problems:
 Number of successful ones students, retention rates. Dropouts or how the education system is
doing meeting the goals for its establishment.
Procedural issues: 
 Curriculum issues (their standards of adequacy, development); Administrative arrangements in
institutions/departments the extent to which they promote or limit effectiveness or efficiency v
educational process?  Methodologies adopted in teaching (how far so do they reflect
acceptable characteristics?    
How adequate or standardized procedures?
 Output Issues: How do we ensure that the output of the system is suitable enough or we
overproduce/not produce some categories output?
 Social issues:  political context: matter arising from the political a system that tends to
influence the educational system;  Problem equal opportunity, equal distribution or access to
educational facilities;
 How far they are protected, promoted and destroyed by education.

School management principles

The principle is a generation that is widely accepted as a real system. Target of serious thinkers
in any discipline is to develop principles about the subject to which they relate. Herut Fayol is
one of the main contributors to management assessment through strongly advocated
development management principles.
Why are policies useful?
The principles are useful to the manager for several reasons. First, they help the manager make
more accurate decisions. To that extent managers can apply principles in any situation and
eliminate guesswork, more intelligently the decision should result. Second, according to the
policy, it saves time. If one learns the principles of management school, for example, less
experience is needed to become an effective manager. Discussions can be conducted more
quickly and accurately if the policies provide for it action instructions.
Third, the principles allow people to not pass any information from one generation to the next.
A great waste occurs when a generation has to learn a lesson only to experience what the
previous generation had already learned thanks to her Experiences.   I mean, waste can be
reduced. The discussion question in this chapter discusses the importance experience versus
formal education in management advancement. Managerial theories and practitioners do not
completely agree on this whether principles of management have been or indeed can be
formed. This lack of agreement is understandable and intellectually sound helps stimulate
debate and research.
Why are there exceptions to the management principles?
The point of view in this text is that some management principles were discovered and others
will be developed as research and contemplation about leadership continues.
Scheduling principles:
Principle of primary objectives: Planning should start with a clear solution primary objective
statement. Without knowing the basics of organization, the senior manager will not make full
use of the organization's human resources and financial resources.

Principles of adequate alternative:

 The greater number and variety alternatives presented to solve the problem, the greater the
probability that the manager makes an acceptable decision. A manager often does not think
deeply enough about the problem that all logical alternatives to its solution appear. PUSH for
example, there may be many alternatives for reducing or increasing costs revenues.
Contingency Policy: 
“The plan should include prescribed actions to cover contingencies.” In other words,
management should be prepared unexpected but possible events.
Organization Policy:
Principle of Unity of Command: When an individual reports to one personal responsibility for
performance should be clear. In practice, however, people often report multiple surveillances.
This leads to confusion, divided attention and other problems.
Principle of adequacy of authority:
 “Sufficient authority to complete the task should be given to the person who is responsible for
the outcome.” People often are a given goal, but they are not given sufficient power or
authority to achieve it. AND for example, a supervisor may be told to greatly increase
production, but he can employees are not authorized to work overtime. Often, however, this
policy is being violated and some people in the organization are confusion about their
intelligence relationships.
The importance of management can be understood from the following points:

Coordination: Management is essential to ensure that all the resources, including people, money, and
equipment, are utilized effectively and efficiently. Managers coordinate and direct these resources to
ensure that they are utilized in a way that maximizes productivity and minimizes waste.
Planning: Management is essential for effective planning. Managers set goals and objectives and
develop plans to achieve them. This helps organizations to focus on their priorities and work towards
achieving their desired outcomes.

Decision making: Management involves making decisions at different levels of the organization.
Managers make decisions based on their experience and knowledge, and this helps organizations to
navigate complex situations and make sound decisions.

Leadership: Effective management requires good leadership skills. Leaders inspire and motivate their
teams, creating a culture of excellence and high performance.

Monitoring and control: Management involves monitoring and controlling the performance of the
organization. This helps managers to identify areas of improvement and take corrective actions to
ensure that the organization is on track to achieve its objectives.

In conclusion, management is the process of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling resources to
achieve organizational goals effectively and efficiently. It is essential for organizations to achieve their
objectives, maximize productivity, and minimize waste. Management helps organizations to coordinate
resources, make effective decisions, provide leadership, and monitor and control performance.

Question no 3

Explain the different types of supervision. Which type is better for our schools and why? Discuss.

Supervision refers to the process of overseeing and managing the work of others. In the context of
education, supervision plays a crucial role in ensuring that teachers are providing high-quality instruction
and that students are making progress towards their learning goals. There are different types of
supervision that can be used in schools, and each has its strengths and weaknesses.

Kinds of Supervision
There are different kinds of educational supervision that each reflects certain goals and
perspectives that relate to teaching, the learning situation, organization and curriculum of the
school. Therefore, the adoption of specific type supervision depends on the educational model
and philosophy it follows country, type of government and education and training in education
officials who are responsible for supervisory work.
Supervision in its earlier form was limited to inspection only the work of teachers and the
person who was responsible for this work and colloquially a school inspector. The inspection
used to be in authoritarian style that was intea4id to find out whether teachers they performed
their normal duties and also replaced the inappropriate ones teachers with appropriate.  
Laissez-Faire supervision is not really constructive supervision at all. It is a policy to let each
teacher teach as he pleases without him reference to effort. Little effort is made to help
teachers improve curriculum, or develop any consensus among teachers philosophical practice.
It is precisely this style that allows the worker to produce everything decisions and principles
but has a wait and see attitude. This guy attributes the lower non-interference of the main and
there is fair high consumption of time to complete the task.
Coercive supervision
It is an authoritarian concept that assigns certain authority omniscience, which is necessary to
make important decisions. Each must abide by these decisions and cannot raise objections or
review the validity of a feasibility of such decisions. Teachers are to follow orders and
enforcement supervision instructions. Such supervisors have it easy believing that the most
effective means of making teachers work is to then force themselves to teach the planned
curriculum using stereotypical methods. Because this concept is closely related to the
curriculum and instructional philosophy that permeated almost all schools in this type of
supervision is attended by the teacher's principal or supervisor. While learning and
shortcomings or good points showed them. They are reeds follow the orders of the leader and
earn increments or prizes based on his personal judgment. He does not respect such
supervision personality of teachers and is not in line with democracy. It violates it principles of
good mental hygiene because pressure is detrimental to growth originality, imagination and
 Training and guidance
It is now increasingly recognized that true learning should be based on understanding the
interests and active participation of students, not rote learning memorization, coercion and
passive listening. Education is a process growth management, "The student's voluntary
cooperation in the learning process is most important. This change brought its impact on
supervision. Instead of trying to get teachers to adopt certain methods, the emphasis is on
teaching teachers. Supervision takes over provision of continuing education and on-the-job
training. So according to these teachers they are motivated to achieve better results and
supervision becomes a teaching process.
As a result, there is a prevailing belief that the supervisor has "the say" and superiority of
greater knowledge and experience. 
Democratic Supervision
Democracy is not just a political organization or procedure, it is a way life and its principles
apply to all aspects of life. Democratic ideals imply faith in the common man, the recognition of
the individual's dignity and anger appreciation of the importance of individual differences I
similarities and assumption of authority by consent of the group. Applied to supervision,
democratic ideals do not allow for the imposition of the sick leading to teachers who cannot go
alone on the other side without help to achieve the goal are commonly determined.
Cooperation teachers and trainers about  the problems of improving teaching the inherent and
fundamental concept of democratic oversight. As Adams and Dickey (p. 8) said, “Democratic
oversight builds on power teachers exercise self-management through their participation in
establishing objectives and formulating methods and procedures for improvement guide. The
main purpose of democratic oversight is therefore "improvement of the overall learning
situation. In this context
S. Nath   rightly developed the concept of “supervision through participation" and Burton and
Brueckner  noted that " teacher improvement is not so much a supervisory function in which
teacher participation, because it is a teacher function that a teacher can participate in and 14 is
a teaching position on which the leaders work together. Supervisory the function is to "release
and coordinate", not to control creative abilities teachers.
 Nature and characteristics of supervision
The concept of inspection must be transformed into sound supervision and leadership. Control
days are sometimes viewed in moderation anxiety, tension, fear and worry. The academic side
is not emphasized. In our country it is done hastily and is criticized as superficial and
It is often said that inspection only creates frustration and dissatisfaction teachers. So now this
unproductive and unpleasant concept is being criticized and tries to replace it with the modern
concept of supervision, which is the process of coordinating the stimulation and guidance of
teacher growth for streamlining the teaching and learning process. All human beings in
Process-students, teachers, administrators and leaders are individual’s value, endowed with
unique talents and abilities.
 Supervision should be democratic and cooperative in spirit Organization. The main
purpose of supervision should be to provide only effective leadership and develop
cooperative working relationships because education is also seen as a cooperative and
creative enterprise in which all teachers, students, parents and administrators and
supervisors participate they are their academic leaders who stimulate, guide and advise
them improving the teaching learning process. So modern surveillance must further goal
toward attitudes, more cooperative efforts, more constructive suggestions, greater "we-
ness" and teaching common goals.
 Supervision should be put in place to maintain satisfactory condition interpersonal
relationships. The productivity of a group is affected by the quality of its human
relationships and the supervisor must constantly work to improve the group cohesion.
Supervision should therefore maintain a high personal standard interaction. Otherwise,
it would be inefficient and unproductive.
 The supervisor deals with communication within the as group leadership depends on
better social interaction-communication which should be a two-way process from the
supervisor. Because of the exchange information always helps in policy planning and
implementation should be comprehensive in scope and should include Program I and
proper articulation, which is essential for regulatory authorities. Today supervision
should improve all factors involved in teaching learning process.
 Supervision should be creative. Teaching is an art; Supervision is creative work. So the
purpose supervision should be to bring out the best in teachers to ignite, their latent
talents, stimulate initiative, support their originality and self-expression. Thus,
supervision should emphasize their success and strength so that their weakness and
failure is a secondary concern. Supervisors should always have new ideas, imagination
and original thinking.
  Supervision should be scientific. A leader should use scientific methods to achieve
improvement in teaching. Through surveys, experiments, action research, he should to
make its performance more scientific and efficient. He will encourage constructive and
critical thinking among teachers and discourage flattery and biased opinion.
 Supervision should be essentially experimental and self-critical. In contrast to the
autocratic and authoritarian type, emerging concept supervision stimulates
experimentalism and self-criticism. So any aspect the learning situation was found to be
ineffective or harmful to her achieving a better situation should be deleted or modified
by the supervisor through leading and guiding teachers to do their jobs in an effective
 Difference between management and supervision
Adams and Dickey (p. 4) rightly said that to separate supervision and management based on
function alone is practically impossible.  Like us you know, the supervisory service mainly deals
with teaching and its improvement. This directly relates to teaching and training and factors
included in and related to these processes – teachers, pupil, curriculum, teaching materials, etc.
On the other hand, administration is aimed at the same objectives as oversight, but not directly,
budgeting, building construction, personnel administration and so on improves educational
programs. Although all these activities result in more effective student learning cannot be
achieved immediately. In other words, administrative functions relate to the material
background, whereas
supervisory services are concerned with the improvement of teaching or academic situation.
The administration needs to see continuous improvement in instruction the surveillance service
program is complete. So the administration creates a supervisory organization that employs,
assigns, manages and oversees supervisors said: “All this means that supervision is part of
administration and is the overall organization of the school system as a whole. Similarly, there
cannot be many administrative problems resolved wisely without care for instruction, which is
of prime concern supervision. The administration is responsible for securing school buildings,
books, teaching aids, selection and appointment of teachers, etc. But so what kind of tutorial
for teachers? With what type and size of classrooms what physical equipment for what kind of
learning program?
Purpose and Need of Supervision
Different educators have presented different views on the purpose supervision. These can
generally be summarized as follows:
 Establish appropriate goals for educational institutions.
  To provide professional guidance to institutions for improvement their work.
 Expand the teacher's concept of the meaning of education.
 To bring the newly appointed teachers to the school and to the school profession.
 To develop an understanding of the place of education in our civilization and special
functions of education.
 To bring about the implementation of local needs and conditions.
 To help teachers critically analyze their own activities.
  To find out the work in which each teacher is most successful and in which is capable of
 Unite teachers into a team, everyone works intelligently and willingly value cooperation
to achieve the same general goals.
 Determine and implement the necessary changes in the organization  administration to
facilitate effective teaching.
The following are some of the most common types of supervision in education:

Direct Supervision: This type of supervision involves regular and frequent observation of teachers by
their supervisors. It is designed to provide teachers with feedback on their teaching practices and help
them improve their instruction.

Indirect Supervision: Indirect supervision involves less frequent observation of teachers by their
supervisors, usually in the form of reviewing lesson plans or student work samples. It is often used as a
way to provide feedback and support to teachers without requiring direct observation.

Collaborative Supervision: This type of supervision involves a partnership between the teacher and the
supervisor, where they work together to improve the teacher's instruction. Collaborative supervision
can involve co-planning, co-teaching, and reflecting on teaching practices together.

Self-Supervision: Self-supervision involves teachers taking responsibility for their own professional
growth and development. This can involve self-reflection, setting goals, seeking feedback from
colleagues, and engaging in professional development opportunities.

The most effective type of supervision for schools depends on the specific context and needs of the
school. However, collaborative supervision and self-supervision are generally considered to be the most
effective types of supervision.

Collaborative supervision can be particularly effective because it creates a partnership between the
teacher and the supervisor, which can lead to more open communication, more personalized feedback,
and a stronger sense of ownership over the teaching process. By working collaboratively, both the
teacher and supervisor can learn from each other, share expertise, and find innovative solutions to
teaching challenges.

Self-supervision can also be very effective because it empowers teachers to take responsibility for their
own growth and development. This can lead to a greater sense of professionalism, self-reflection, and a
commitment to ongoing learning. By engaging in self-supervision, teachers can also become more
independent and self-reliant, which can lead to greater job satisfaction and a stronger sense of personal

In conclusion, the most effective type of supervision in schools is one that takes into account the specific
needs and context of the school. However, both collaborative supervision and self-supervision are
generally considered to be the most effective types of supervision because they promote open
communication, personalized feedback, and a sense of ownership over the teaching process.

Question no 4

Discus the importance of early childhood education and its role in the lives of students.

Until recently, educational planning was carried out as a separate exercise they have no
substantial links to planning in other socio-economic sectors. First the ties took place in a
financial context as it was found necessary to align spending on education with spending in
other sectors. Educators found they were forced to demonstrate that education is not just
consumerism rather, the commodity represented an investment or pre-investment that is vital
for economic development. Economists for their part became interested education and
conducted basic studies on the economic role of education. Such studies have attempted to
quantify the contribution of an educated workforce to the increase in national incomes and
The first indication of the link between education and the economy was the result attempts to
match training facilities with forecasts of manpower requirements various sectors of the
economy. Later, more complex approaches were developed to accept education for general
development. Educational plans were thought out and prepared in conjunction with other
planning activities. Some of the most famous approaches are briefly described. Planners
developed formal methodologies for planning. The three most common methodologies are (i)
Social demand
 Manpower requirements approach; 
  Rate Return access.
Methodology of social demand
The goal is to plan education to meet the demands of society education. He sees education as
something good in itself that requires each individual. If this methodology is adopted,
educational institutions a devices will be placed where they are needed. Companies where this
approach is used are mostly; those that lead to social equality or culture or spread of ideology;
and those (especially political leaders) who have respecting the demands of the public. The
social demand approach requires  a rational way of locating and deploying educational facilities
so that will respect the distribution of the population (by number, age, sex, geographic
densities, etc.). This methodology therefore emphasizes fairness distribution mostly by
universalizing some degrees of education the problem with this methodology is that it easily
leads to over-expansion,
poor equipment, irrelevant curriculum and subsequently poor quality (decreasing standards).
 Manpower Requirements Methodology
This approach focuses on the goal of using education for production necessary workforce for
development. This approach uses several methods predict or project numbers, types, levels and
distribution workforce so that educational plans, content and programs focus to these
identified workforce needs. Some of the methods used include  Employer opinion method
(using which employers provide data about their labor need for the future as these numbers
are used to project manpower requirements by levels, skills, etc.) incremental manpower
Output ratio method (ILOR), in this method there is a fixed relationship it is assumed that there
is between the increment of a certain category of work (e.g. High or Middle Level) and the
growth of the output of the economic sector or national income, International comparison
method: which includes using data or equations based on other developed and developing
countries forecast labor requirements in another country using processes Analogy or Harbison's
rule of thumb (eg that a 1% increase in normal performance should be accompanied by a 2%
increase in seniors, and 3% in International Manpower):  density ratio method (an estimation of
stable ratios between different categories of the labor force).
The Rate of Returns Methodology
This method attempts to determine the private and public costs of education of different types
and levels with anticipated benefits or returns (using cost-benefit analysis) to such education.
This methodology takes that education is essentially an investment that like others investments
should be able to yield certain profits over time, thereafter discounting or adjusting for
unemployment, the ability to waste variable and labor force participation. The problem with
this methodology is the most about the effects or benefits of education (e.g. changes in values,
attitudes and other "spillover effects") are not amenable to exact calculation. In most
developing countries, the tendency was to receive differently methods at different times and
for different levels depending on the imperative the needs of society. Many such countries can
therefore be said to use a synthetic approach (which it implies a methodology that takes a bit of
each of the above methodologies. For example, education  in primary and secondary schools.
 Issues of equality and inequality
Issues are access to the education system by age, gender, geographic, spatial distraction
 Demographic factors
Factors are age, gender, geographical distribution, population dynamics and migration.
Political factors
Factors are Political commitments, policy and administrative support.
Types and goals of educational planning
What is educational planning?
Educational planning, like general planning, is a process of ensemble preparation decisions
about the educational enterprise so that the goals and purposes education will be sufficiently
implemented in the future with available resources. Educational planning is not a panacea for
all real or perceived ills educational system. It focuses on the application of a rational
systematic analysis of the educational production function (past and present) for the purpose of
suggestion (deciding) what actions or measures would enable the production of education
more effective and efficient considering the nature of the objectives society and students,
resources available and time or periods under review: “Educational planning is a continuous
process of acquiring and analyzing facts and, from an empirical basis, providing information to
decision-makers about how well the education system fulfills its objectives, especially in terms
of costs the effectiveness of educational programs and specific projects can be improved."
The main interests of educational planning include:
Educational plans are therefore best viewed as supplements to the overall national plan false.
Planning, whether national, local or institutional, is an attempt to influence the future by
logical, predetermined action in the present through design alternative methods, strategies and
approaches that help the organization achieving the desired goals. Specifically, the focus of
education planning include: formulate a simple or explicitly system philosophy, goals and
objectives for the system and for the requirements; explore alternatives v setting priorities,
ensuring communication and searching for information, analyze resources, evaluate the
achievement of goals and should review them in terms of the future. Conditional on adequate
educational plans are factors o time, cost and planners' abilities. As we know, education is a
process that takes time for a child who is starting his education today one can apply for
admission to secondary education in 5 years’ time. After another 5 years, he may want to enter
college. And 14 years later after starting his studies he will start looking for a job. Because of
the long time periods involved in the educational process, the educational planner and the
administrator must look ahead, must plan so that within devices will be available in time to
provide the child with the correct type from education. It can be said that education is in crisis:
quality is low, content is irrelevant, money unavailable, and graduates unable to find work.
Plans a Programs must be designed to address their problems. Planning is a conscious effort to
influence future developments, but planning is not absolutely necessary, as if there wasn't
planning that people keep asking for universities to adapt etc. if we left education alone it
would be the same expand and grow planning intends to intervene in this natural process of
growth and change its speed or direction.
Types of Educational Planning
Imperative or Centralized Planning
Planning that is done at the federal level or by a central authority as the planning commission
of the government is called imperative planning. The goals and resources to complete the plans
allocated by the federal government. Realizers are land office.
Indicative planning or planning at the local level
This type of planning is done at the local or local level companies. Local people set priorities.
They are preparing projects with the help of experts. Funds are earmarked for completion local
projects by the government. Pakistan started this type planning with the help of the District
Nazims of the concerned areas.

Oral planning section

 Funds are allocated to the department secretary at Project realization. All of them here at once
departments/ministries are busy completing the development activities. There is less
collaboration between departments. Each the department sets its own priorities. Development
work they are scattered all over the country. This type of planning covers everything areas of
the country. The pace of development is slow for this type planning.
 Integrated planning
In this type of planning, a pilot area is selected for development. The entire department
concentrates on the development of this specific area. They prepare projects according to the
needs of the area. All projects have approved funds and are provided simultaneously to all
agencies responsible for implementation. In this way the development of this area is ensured
by all facilities. However, there is a weakness in this type of planning, it is the areas that need it
ignored and after a long time it is their turn. The process of formulating a plan Broad Setting of
Goals and Objectives: The first step in formulating a plan is establishing general goals and
objectives. Socio-economic goals, thus, determined, they indicate the direction in which the
movement of the economy is planned. The various objectives that the plan is normally intended
to achieve include: increase in per capita income, high employment rate, increase in national
income, price stability, rapid industrialization, elimination of inequalities, balance in balance of
payments, elimination of regional differences, diversification the economy and the provision of
social services (or basic needs) such as healthcare, education, housing, water and hygiene. Not
all of these goals are always there consistent. Some of them may be mutually exclusive. The
basic idea of planning is to achieve these goals with an optimal degree of consistency. After
identifying the general goals and objectives in the plan, spelling follows from general physical
targets for various sectors of the economy.  Survey of current economic conditions: The next
step is an inventory of existing ones conditions in the context of the plan perspective. Such a
survey makes it possible identifying areas where a more concentrated effort is needed for the
whole economic growth.
Strategy: Establishing general goals and objectives and reviewing them current economic
conditions help in identifying the strategy to be adopted ensure the successful implementation
of the plan. So strategy refers to a specific method or methods to achieve the goals and
objectives of the plan. That too reveals key areas "which, if not properly addressed as envisaged
in the plan, may lead to its failure. For example, one of the strategies of the fifth five the plan
needs to focus on the rapid development of agriculture based on efficient resource use in terms
of  land, labor and water resources,  expanded and intensified use of modern inputs creation
permanent institutions in this vital sector of the economy.
Early childhood education is a critical period of learning and development that sets the foundation for a
child's future success. It refers to the education of children from birth to the age of eight, which is a
period when they undergo significant cognitive, emotional, social, and physical growth. Here are some
of the key reasons why early childhood education is important:

Brain Development: During the early years of life, the brain undergoes rapid development, and early
childhood education programs can help to support and stimulate this development. Research has shown
that the quality of the early education experiences a child receives can impact their cognitive
development and academic achievement later in life.

Social and Emotional Development: Early childhood education can also support the social and emotional
development of young children. Programs that provide opportunities for children to learn social skills,
develop relationships, and manage their emotions can help set them up for success in future
relationships and interactions.

Language and Literacy Development: Early childhood education programs can play a critical role in the
development of a child's language and literacy skills. Research has shown that children who have access
to high-quality early education experiences are more likely to have strong language skills and a better
understanding of how to read and write.

School Readiness: Early childhood education can also help to prepare children for success in later
schooling. Programs that focus on developing foundational skills such as pre-reading, pre-writing, and
pre-mathematics can help children build the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in later grades.

Closing the Achievement Gap: Finally, early childhood education can play a critical role in closing the
achievement gap between children from different socioeconomic backgrounds. By providing all children
with high-quality early education experiences, we can help ensure that all children have an equal
opportunity to succeed.

In conclusion, early childhood education plays a critical role in the lives of students, and its importance
cannot be overstated. By supporting the development of children's brains, social and emotional skills,
language and literacy skills, and school readiness, early childhood education programs can help set
children up for a lifetime of success.

Question no 5

How much school discipline is important for improving the progress of schools? Discuss.

eaning and Purpose School Discipline

The word "discipline" is derived from the Latin root "disciples", meaning disciple or pupil. The
problem of discipline was naturally brought up behavior of pupils in accordance with the ideas
and standards of the master. The teacher's personality has always been considered noble and
benevolent pupils had to develop the virtue of obedience and plasticity so that the teacher
could imprint your personality on them and shape them in your image. This was it the concept
of the relationship between student and teacher everywhere, far more in the east than in the
west. The modern concept of discipline is very broad and inclusive. It is not recognized
distinction between mental and moral behavior for purpose control, not really, for any other
 "Many and commonly lamented conceive and construct the school as a social institution with a
social life and value in itself.” Every experience—intellectual, moral, civic, and physical value in
terms of the student's development as a member of society; and, on the contrary, the student's
social experiences have an effect on his personal development. Indeed, the individual mind is
conceived of as "a function of social life as unable to function by itself, but as requiring constant
stimulus from society agencies and finding its sustenance in social purpose.' The modern view
of discipline, for which we owe Dewey, requires the same unity in the educational process and
educational material as we find in real life, which is social through and through. The school
must be a social organism, in which social situations should be provided to stimulate and direct
impulses pupils in pursuit of common goals through cooperation or sharing activity. “From
doing things that are supposed to produce results, and from doing them social things to
produce results, and from that to make these social and in cooperative ways a discipline of its
kind and type is born. The whole life of a pupil at school - all his intellectual, social and moral
life movement activities, if they are carried out in cooperation with others and are aimed at the
realization of certain goals - it is disciplinary. The basic purpose of school discipline is the
development of pupils attitudes, habits and ideals of behavior through social life a school
organized on a cooperative basis and inspired by higher ethics teaching religion.

Factors Effecting School Discipline

Currently, indiscipline is a serious problem in our educational institutions. It it ranges from high
schools to universities. In society, we find ourselves several acts of indiscipline and it is
surprising that they are serious impact on educational institutions as well. The following may be
some about important causes of indiscipline in our school.
 Lack of teacher guidance
Teachers today are not held in the same respect in society as they were in society past. As a
result, students also do not show them due respect teachers. Some teachers get involved in the
cesspool of politics and self-interest, lose their ideals and show no interest in student
development. Very often these teachers excite the students and use them as a private teaching
tool, which is the teacher's prestige in the society she fell Added to this are poor economic
conditions. Because of everyone for these reasons, teachers have lost originality in thinking.
Consequently, they are unable to provide advice to students in various life situations. So it is
not surprising that we find indiscipline among students.
The current education system
The current education system is constantly criticized. Therefore, students began to feel that the
education that is given to them not good. They consider it only as a means of getting a job. The
primary goal today's education system has become a guarantee of good division in annual
examinations and students do not stop from adoption any means to achieve those ends. This is
also the cause of indiscipline.
Lack of a permanent ideal among students
Currently, the state of our society is deplorable. Many people because of their own interests
began to attach more importance to the ends that to the means to achieve them. Social values
pass quickly changes; as such the individual is wrong in determining his moral standard. It has
shook the very foundation of our society. Today, the individual is not sure for the safety of his
life and property. That is why there is a shortage a healthy ideal among students. That is why
indiscipline is growing among them.

Economic difficulties
Our economic conditions have deteriorated miserably. The population has increased
unemployment is a nationwide problem. Students they are always haunted by the fear that
their future is dark. So they can't chalk beyond their duties and occasionally behave
undisciplined way. From the above discussion we can conclude that the responsibility for
indiscipline is not only in school, but also in the home, society and the government. Therefore,
for its eradication, the cooperation of all involved it is necessary. Based on the above reasons,
there are some suggestions below to solve the problem of indiscipline.
School discipline and counseling program
Every adult who cares for children has a responsibility to guide, correct and socialize children to
appropriate behavior. Teaching children self-discipline is a difficult task. It takes patience
thoughtful attention, cooperation and a good understanding of the child. That too requires
knowledge of one's own strengths and struggles with disciplinary issues. Unfortunately, the
only preparation for most parents is from their own experience to be parents. Such past
experiences may not always be helpful in parenting today's children.
Proactive strategy
Children's bad behavior cannot be completely prevented. Children are usually curious and
endlessly creative, they are likely to do things that parents and other caregivers have
unexpected. However, there are many positive steps taken by teachers and education the
institution can help prevent bad behavior.
The importance of the classroom and its management
Education is as old as society itself. Even the ancient savage had to learn about it environment
for its survival. Satisfy a basic human desire and need the search for knowledge in a formal and
systematic way many philosophers and educators tried in their own style. Classrooms were
used as needed arena for teaching-educational activities. In the past, education was limited to
elite classes of society, but in the recent past with rapid development in all spheres of life there
was a need for mass education, which resulted in the emergence large classes. Teaching in
normal classes was not a big problem teacher, but large classes certainly hindered smooth
functioning educational activities. Teaching in large classes is a worldwide phenomenon,
especially in developing countries. Large classes use some teaching materials and methods
difficult if not impossible. In certain cases, students feel the content of some of their course
meaningless and inappropriate in relation to the big one class size. Teachers also feel powerless
to impart proper instruction classes. They normally go to these classes just to pass the time
without them they are very concerned about the needs and interest of their students.
However, teachers of all types at all levels agree that large classes create major obstacles in
teaching. Therefore, the need to manage large classes arose.
Techniques for better classroom discipline
Here are eleven techniques a teacher can use in their classroom to help to achieve effective
management and control of the group. They were adapted from article titled: “A Primer on
Classroom Discipline: Principles Old and New” by Thomas R. McDaniel; Phi Delta Kappan, May
Focus: Make sure you have the attention of everyone in your class beforehand you start your
lesson. Don't try to learn through the chatter of students who are he wasn't paying attention.
Inexperienced teachers sometimes think this from the beginning their hour, the class settles
down. Children will see that things are it's underway and it's time to go to work. Sometimes it
works, but children will also think that you are willing to compete with them. You he doesn't
mind talking when he talks. You are willing to speak louder to them they can end their
conversation after you start the lesson. They will get the idea that you accept their inattention
and that they are allowed to talk while you they present the lesson. Focusing techniques means
you will require their attention before you start. That you will wait and not start until they all
have settle. Experienced teachers know that silence on their part is very important effective.
They will break their wait by extending it by 5-10 seconds afterwards the class is completely
quiet. They then start their lesson using the quieter one voice than normal. A quiet teacher
often has a calmer and quieter class than the one with the stronger voice. Her students sit
quietly to hear what she has to say.

Direct Instruction: 
Uncertainty increases the level of excitement in class. A direct teaching technique is to start
each lesson by saying students exactly what will happen. The teacher outlines what he and
what students will do this term. It can set time limits for some tasks. An effective way to
combine this technique with the first is to include time end of period when students can do
activities of their choice. The teacher can complete the description of class activities with" "and
I think we'll have some time at the end of term to chat with friends. The students soon realize
that the longer the teacher waits for their attention, the more time less free time they have at
the end of class.
Monitoring: The key to this principle is circulation. Get up and walk around room while your
students work, do rounds. Track their progress; an effective teacher walks the entire room in
about two minutes after students begin writing a written assignment. Every student checks it
started that the children were on the right page and that everyone had put their name on the
papers. The delay is important. She wants her students to have a problem or two done so that
she can check that the answers are correctly marked or in complete sentences. If needed,
provides individual tuition.   What was scattered or slow to begin with can be jostled together.
The teacher does not interrupt the class or try to make general announcements unless he
notices that several students are having trouble with the same thing. The teacher uses a quiet
voice and her students appreciate her personal and positive approach Attention.
Modeling: McDaniel tells us an adage that says, “Values are captured, no taught. The "Do as I
say, not as I do" teachers send mixed messages that confuse students and challenge bad
behavior. If you want students to use quiet voices in our class they work, you too will use a low
voice as you move around the room young men.
Nonverbal Cuing: A standard subject in the 1950s classroom was office bell.  One tap on button
at the top, caught everyone's attention. The teachers showed great resourcefulness over the
years when using non-verbal cues in the classroom. Some flipping light switch. Others have
clickers in their pockets. Non-verbal signals can also be facial expressions, posture and hand
signals. You need to pay attention to the selection the types of cues you use in your classroom.
Take the time to explain what you want student to do when you use your cues.
Environmental control: The classroom can be a warm, cheerful place. Students enjoy an
environment that changes periodically. Study centers with pictures and colors invite
enthusiasm for your subject. Young people like to know about you and yours hobbies. Put
personal belongings in the classroom. A family picture or several items from the hoppy or
collection on your desk will trigger personal conversations with your students. As they get to
know you better, you will see fewer problems with discipline. As much as you may want to
enrich your classroom, there are times when you may want to impoverish it as well. Some
students get stuck in visual exploration. For them, the splash and color is a siren that distracts
them from the task at hand. Maybe they need more vanilla and a less rocky road.  Leave him
get his work first and then come back to explore, explore and enjoy the rest room.
School discipline is an essential aspect of creating a safe and orderly learning environment for students.
It is a set of strategies and practices that promote positive behavior and prevent disruptive or harmful
behavior in schools. While some level of discipline is necessary for improving the progress of schools, it
is important to strike a balance between maintaining order and promoting a positive learning

Here are some ways in which school discipline can be important for improving the progress of schools:

Improving Attendance: When students feel safe and supported in the school environment, they are
more likely to attend regularly. This can help to reduce absenteeism and increase academic progress.

Reducing Disruptive Behavior: Discipline can help to prevent disruptive behavior in the classroom, which
can help teachers focus on instruction and improve the learning environment for all students.

Fostering a Positive School Climate: Effective discipline can contribute to a positive school climate that
promotes a sense of community, respect, and responsibility among students and staff.

Enhancing Student Achievement: By promoting a positive learning environment, school discipline can
help to enhance student achievement and academic progress.

However, it is important to note that an overly punitive or harsh discipline approach can have negative
effects on students and the learning environment. It can lead to increased student alienation, distrust of
authority, and disengagement from learning. It can also disproportionately impact students from
historically marginalized groups.

Effective discipline practices should be supportive, proactive, and culturally responsive. This can include
teaching social and emotional skills, promoting positive reinforcement, setting clear expectations, and
providing consistent consequences for behavior that is inconsistent with those expectations.

In conclusion, school discipline is important for improving the progress of schools, but it must be
approached in a balanced and thoughtful way. By fostering a positive learning environment, promoting a
sense of community, and supporting the social and emotional needs of students, school discipline can
contribute to improved academic progress and success.

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