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Lanka Electricity CO

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Industrial Training Electrical and Information Engineering


Chapter 1
1.0 Lanka Electricity Company (pvt) Ltd 1.1 Introduction to LECO 1 1

1.2 History of LECO 1. LECO !ision 1." LECO #ission 1.$ LECO %uality &olicy 1.' (ervice )ssurances 1.* Or+ani,ation (tructure 1.- ./e 0ranc/ 1.1 ./e 2epots 1.10 LECO &o3er 2istri4ution )reas 1.10.1 LECO 2istri4ution )reas and 0ranc/es

1 2 2 2

" " " $

Chapter 2
2.0 (ystem modification for t/e increasin+ load 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Load 5orecastin+ 2.2.1 &rocess of 5orecastin+ 2.2.2 ./e 5actors affectin+ t/e accuracy of 5orecastin+ 2. &lannin+ 2. .1 O46ectives of &lannin+ 2." (ystem considerations and features 2.$ (tatutory 7e8uirements Faculty of Engineering-University of Ruhuna ' ' ' ' ' * * * *

Industrial Training Electrical and Information Engineering 2.' &lannin+ Cycle of L! and H! 9et3ork 2.* Lo3 !olta+e (ystem 2esi+nin+ 2.*.1 &ossi4le 7easons for !olta+es 4elo3 statutory limits 2.*.1.1 7emedies 2.- Overloaded 2istri4ution (u4station 2.-.1 Criteria for 6ud+in+ overloadin+ of .ransformers 2.-.1.1 7emedies:&rocedures 2.1 Hi+/ !olta+e (ystem 2esi+nin+ 2.1.1 Load 5lo3 (tudy in LECO #et/odolo+y of Load 5lo3 )nalysis 2efects of t/e e;istin+ Load 5lo3 )nalysis in LECO 1 1 10 10 10 11

Chapter 3
.0 <I(:<&( (=(.E# O5 >LECO? .1 Outstandin+ &urposes of <&(:<I( .2 Overall &rocedure of <&(:<I( (ection in LECO . ./eoretical of &rocess of <&(:<I( system . .1 <lo4al &ositionin+ (ystems (<&() . .2 (ystem (e+mentation ." Ho3 <&( determines a location .$ (atellite Code <eneration .' (tartin+ #et/ods .* 5actors affectin+ t/e accuracy of t/e <&( 7eadin+s .- <&( (ystem E8uipments used in >LECO? .1 .ips in 5indin+ t/e 0est <&( 7eceiver for LECO .10 &ole 9um4erin+ .10.1 E;istin+ #et/od Faculty of Engineering-University of Ruhuna 12 12 1 1" 1" 1" 1$ 1' 1' 1* 1* 111 11

Industrial Training Electrical and Information Engineering .10.2 (u++estions for a ne3 pole 9um4erin+ (ystem .11 @/at messes up t/e <&( si+nalA .12 Ho3 <&( face to 5uture C/allen+es 11 20 21

Chapter 4
".0 2istri4ution Control Centre ".1 Introduction ".2 2CC 7esponsi4ilities ". (ituations under 3/ic/ s3itc/in+ operations /as to 4e done "." &lanned Interruptions ".".1 5actors t/at s/ould 4e considered in plannin+ interruptions ".".2 &rocedure of &lanned Interruption ".$ 5aults ".' Communication in 2CC in LECO ".* 2ata Entry &rocess of LECO ".- <rap/ical 7epresentation of s3itc/in+ instructions ".1 7eports produced 4y 2CC ".10 (ystem &erformance Indices 22 22 22 22 2 2 2 2' 2' 2* 2221

Chapter 5
$.0 LECO 2istri4ution (ystem $.1 Introduction $.2 &rimary (u4station $.2.1 @/y 11 k! for &rimary (u4station $. 11 k! Line B L! 9et3ork $. .1 Conductor and Ca4le 2ata $. .2 &oles Faculty of Engineering-University of Ruhuna 0 0 0 1 1 1 2

Industrial Training Electrical and Information Engineering $. . (3itc/+ear E8uipment $. . .1 Load 0reak (3itc/es $. . .2 Load 0reak Cutouts $. . . Lo3 volta+e pole mounted H7C 5uses $." E8uipments used in C(C storesC&itakotte $.".1 Lo3 !olta+e )rial 0undle Conductors $.".2 Lo3 !olta+e 0are Conductor arran+ement $.". <uys $."." Insulators $.".$ Connectors $.$ &rocedure of selection of e8uipment $.' )uto 7ecloser $.* (ectionali,er $.*.1 7ecloser:(ectionali,er protective system " " " " $ ' * 1 "0 "0 "1

Chapter 6
'.0 Ener+y #eters '.1 Introduction '.2 Induction type Ener+y #eters(k@/ meters) '.2.1 #ain components of induction type meters '. Operation of t/e @att/ourmeter '." #ain cate+ories of induction type meters '.".1 (in+le p/ase k@/ meters '.".2 ./ree p/ase k@/ meters '.". k!) meters(#a;imum 2emand Indicator) '.$ 7epairin+ of induction type meters '.' .estin+ of induction type meters. '.* .estin+ of sin+le p/ase k@/ meters '.*.1 .estin+ &rocedure of induction meter '.- Error Calculation Faculty of Engineering-University of Ruhuna "2 "2 "2 "2 "" "$ "$ "$ "' "' "' "* ""1

Industrial Training Electrical and Information Engineering '.1 )ccuracy Classes for Induction .ype #eters '.10 2i+ital #eters '.11 .ariff '.11.1 O46ectives of .ariff '.11.2 2esira4le c/aracteristics of .ariff $0 $1 $1 $2 $2

Chapter 7
*.0 .ransformers *.1 Introduction *.2 .ap c/an+er $ $ $"

*. (ur+e )rrester


*." 2rop 2o3n Lift Off (22LO)


*.$ )ir 0reak (3itc/es


*.' 52( (5use 2isconnection (3itc/es) *.* .ransformer Eart/in+ *.- .ransformer .estin+

$' $* $-

*.-.1 #e++er .est Faculty of Engineering-University of Ruhuna


Industrial Training Electrical and Information Engineering

*.-.2 7atio .est *.-. Oil .estin+

$1 $1

Conclusion )44reviations 7eferences

'0 '1 '2

List of Figures
5i+ure1.1LECO po3er distri4ution areas 5i+ure .1./e interconnection 4et3een t/e se+ments 5i+ure .2 pointin+ into t/e desired location usin+ t3o satellites 5i+ure . .ime sync/roni,ation of <&( readin+s 5i+ure ." (atellite position for <ood 2O& 5i+yre .$ <&( 7eceiver Faculty of Engineering-University of Ruhuna " 1" 1$ 1' 1* 1-

Industrial Training Electrical and Information Engineering 5i+ure .' 2ata receiverClo++in+ unit 5i+ure .* )ntenna 5i+ure".1#imic 2ia+ram 5i+ure$.1LECO distri4ution system 5i+ure$.2&re stressed concrete pole 5i+ure$. 7C pole 5i+ure$." #anually Operated Load 0reak (3itc/ 5i+ure$.$Construction of a load 4reak cutout 5i+ure $.' )0C arran+ement 5i+ure $.* Dse of 2ead End Clamp 5i+ure$.- .ypes of <uys 5i+ure$.1 .op vie3 of <uy insulator 5i+ure$.10 Components for <uyin+ arran+ement 5u+ure$.11 .ypes of Insulators 5i+ure $.12 .ypes of Connectors 5i+ure$.1 &reformed Connectors 5i+ure$.1" )uto 7ecloser 5i+ure$.1" (ectionali,er 5i+ure$.1$7ecloser:(ectionali,er protective system 5i+ure'.1 Component of #eter 5i+ure'.2 Connection dia+ram of a sin+le p/ase k@/ meter 5i+ure'. Circuit connection of 5i+ure'." #2I 5i+ure'.$ #eter .est 0enc/ 5i+ure'.' Inductive Load )d6ustment 5i+ure'.* 2i+ital #eter 5i+ure*.1 3indin+ dia+ram and &/aser dia+ram of 11 k!:"00! dyn 11 transformers. 5i+ure*.2 Internal structure of a transformer 5i+ure*. Connection dia+ram of a transformer 5i+ure*." 22LO Faculty of Engineering-University of Ruhuna $ $" $$ $' "1 $1 p/ase meter " $ $ ' ' * * 1 "0 "1 "1 "" "$ "' "' "* 1120

Industrial Training Electrical and Information Engineering 5i+ure*.$ )ir 0reak (3itc/ 5i+ure*.' .ransformer Eart/ 0anks 5i+ure*.* ./e connection of eart/ 3ires 5i+ure*.- #e++er O/m #eter 5i+ure*.1 Oil .ester $1 $' $* $$-

.a4le2.1 )llo3a4le !olta+e variances * .a4le .1 Effective 9um4er of satellite .a4le$.1 11k! Conductor 2ata .a4le$.2 k! Conductor 2ata(9ot used in LECO ) .a4le$. 11k! Ca4le 2ata .a4le$." Lo3 !olta+e Conductor 2ata ()0C) .a4le$.$ (ervice Conductor 2ata .a4le$.' Current ratin+s of under+round ca4les .a4le$.* Concrete &oles .a4le*.1 )vaila4le transformer details in LECO .a4le*.2 Capacities:5ull load currents:5use ratin+s in H! side .a4le*. Capacities:5ull load currents:5use ratin+s in L! side .a4le*." details a4out transformer eart/ 4anks $ $' $* $* 1$ 1 1 1 2 2 2

Faculty of Engineering-University of Ruhuna

Industrial Training Electrical and Information Engineering

Faculty of Engineering-University of Ruhuna

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