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Nokia Lumia 520

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Nokia Lumia 520 Price in India - Buy Nokia Lumia 520 Online In India


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Nokia Lumia 520 (Black)

Brand : Nokia (31 e!ie"s# Seller : $eal% )he er*ono+ic Nokia ,u+ia -2& .SM Mobile Phone co+es in an attracti!e tone that adds to its *reat !isual looks/ )his sleek .SM +obile 0ro!id More///

COD Available | EMI Available 1&'(99 Earn 334 Naaptol Rewards/PAYBACK Points
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Prod&#t ,etails
Nokia ,u+ia -2& (Black#
)he er*ono+ic Nokia ,u+ia -2& .SM Mobile Phone co+es in an attracti!e tone that adds to its *reat !isual looks/ )his sleek .SM +obile 0ro!ides 1ou "ith the colour2ul ,i!e )iles 2or 1our !ie"in* 0leasure/ >t co+es "ith a cr1stal clear (/& inch >PS ,C$ ca0aciti!e touchscreen dis0la1 and a - MP ca+era 2eaturin* auto2ocus/ :n?o1 *reat connecti!it1 o0tions "ith this +obile 0hone since it o22ers 3i5=i' 3.' 95.PS and Bluetooth 2eatures/ .et a su0erior +obile e;0erience "hile usin* its 3indo"s 8 @S and +i*ht1 1 .H% $ual Core 0rocessor/ >t also 2eatures 8 .B internal stora*e and -12 MB 9M/ :n?o1 *a+in* and Nokia Ma0s/ @ther ke1 2eatures o2 this li*ht"ei*ht 0hone include H)M,- bro"ser and Peo0le hub 2or access to =acebook' )"itter and +ore/

Related -ideo

No$ia .&mia /01 2Bla#$3 Pri#e in +ndia:415466


Spe#i9i#ations o9 No$ia .&mia /01 2Bla#$3

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Nokia Lumia 520 Price in India - Buy Nokia Lumia 520 Online In India


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+nternet Conne#ti%it! Networ$ "!pe .P S' :$.:' 3. .SM : 9&&C18&&C19&&MH% 3C$M9 E 21&&MH% Sim "!pe 3= Networ$ S&pported Sim <ption .SM Sin*le Si+ Micro S>M

Pro#essor Batter! Sensors Batter! Ba#$&p 1 .H% $ual Core ,i5ion 1(3& +9h Batter1 @rientation sensor' 9+bient li*ht sensor )alk ti+e : 70 to 1( h (& +in (2.# C 70 to 9 h (& +in (3.# Standb1 : (2.# C 70 to 36& h (3.# Music 0la1 : 70 to 61 h -12MB


,imensions eight 119/9 (H# ; 6( (3# ; 9/9 ($# ++ 12( *+s

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Additional ,etails
<ther >eat&res Micro S>M' 3i5=i Securit1' Calculator' Clock' 9lar+' Calendar' .a+es' ,1nc (Cor0orate >M#' MMS :nabled' Call =or"ardin*' Call 3aitin*' ,ost $e!ice )rackin*' Bro"ser >nte*rated 9nti50hishin*' $e!ice ,ock' $e!ice Passcode' @nline Back 70 and estore' 9udio Strea+in*' 9udio ecordin* (Mono#' >nternet adio' Bideo Strea+in*' Boice eco*nition' =ree Cloud Stora*e: 6 .B' )e;t5to5s0eech Messa*e eader' $istribution ,ists 2or Messa*in*' Con!ersational Chat St1le SMS' =ir+"are 70date' :ncr10tion +nternal -i'rating Alert Clo#$ 9lar+ Clock e+ote Securit1 Polic1 :n2orce+ent' $ata

E)pert Re%iew
indows Phone;"he "hird "ri'e >2 1ou ha00en to be a techno0hile alread1 s"oonin* o!er Nokias class1 ,u+ia 2a+il1' 1ou +ost certainl1 ha!e +ore action co+in* 1our "a1/ Nokia has un!eiled its ne"est 0iece de resistance in its neo line5u0 o2 the chic ,u+ia series' and "ith this cute' ine;0ensi!e and 0o"er50acked o22erin*' Nokia see+s to ha!e "ound u0 the roll call 2or outstandin* 3indo"s 0hones/ )he Nokia ,u+ia -2& is bein* touted as an introductor1 3indo"s 0hone caterin* to bud*et bu1ers/ 3ith this brand s0ankin* ne" addition' Nokia can boast o2 ha!in* a 3P de!ice in e!er1 slice o2 the d1na+ic s+art0hone +arket/ )hose e;as0erated o2 0atronisin* either o2 the t"o *i*antic tribes59ndroid or 900le' +a1 "ell *ear u0 2or a bracin* third o0tion in sheer st1le "ithout ha!in* to break the bank !aultF ,apper .oo$s Nokia ,u+ia -2& boasts o2 a sleek and st1lish desi*n' althou*h the *or*eous 0redecessors a00ear to ha!e ins0ired its rather 2a+iliar 2or+ 2actor/ )he si*nature desi*n lan*ua*e o2 the u0scale Nokia ,u+ia 92& is the +use here' hence the handset looks Guite 0re+iu+/ )he 0hone boasts o2 a (5inch >PS ,C$ ca0aciti!e +ulti5touch touchscreen' dul1 cased b1 a stead2ast scratch5resistant *lass/ )he dis0la1 o22ers an a!era*e resolution o2 (8& ; 8&& 0i;els/ )he ri*ht side o2 the 0hone houses a !olu+e rocker' lockC0o"er and ca+era ke1s' "hilst the le2t side has been ke0t stri00ed o2 an1 buttons/ )he ear0hone ?ack 2inds its "a1 ato0 the de!ice' and a hand1 +icro7SB 0ort is located at the botto+/ B1 and lar*e' the resilient 0ol1carbonate casin* a00ears sturd1 enou*h to sa2e*uard 1our 0recious ,u+ia a*ainst s0oradic nicks and ban*s/ 9lso' 0rotot10ical to the ,u+ia series' users +a1 choose 2ro+ a "ide arra1 o2 2unk1 hues to' and deli*htedl1' each colour o0tion e;udes un+atched 1outh2ul e;uberanceF Aou can deli*ht2ull1 custo+ise the colour o2 the li!e tiles to *o "ith 1our +ood o2 the +o+ent' do"nload a host o2 a00s and *a+es or add !ibrant accessories like co!ers and head0hones to re0licate 1our true 0ersona/ +n#redi'le >eat&res )he Nokia ,u+ia -2& is 0o"ered b1 a robust $ual5core 1 .H% 4ualco++ MSM8226 0rocessor' "hich leads to 2antastic +ultitaskin* s0eed' and the o!erall 0er2or+ance is si+0l1 incredible/ )he 0hone boasts o2 -12MB o2 standard 9M and 8 .B o2 internal stora*e' "hich is deli*htedl1 e;0andable to a hu+un*ous 6(.BF 9dditionall1' the 0hone 0ro+ises 6.B 2ree Sk1$ri!e stora*e' so brin*' on all the +ulti+edia antholo*1 1ou ha!e5there is roo+ 2or all o2 it and then so+e +oreF 9lso' +uch to the *lee o2 +obile *a+in* bu22s' the 0hone co+es laden "ith a "hole host o2 0re5loaded *a+es and indul*in* in unre+ittin* *a+in* sessions beco+es a cinch o"in* to the 2ast and 2urious 9dreno 3&- !ideo *ra0hics 0rocessor/ >n addition' the 3indo"s5based s+art 0er2or+er is loaded "ith an 9ccelero+eter 2or auto5rotation o2 the 7> alon* "ith a Pro;i+it1 Sensor' and a hi*hl1 res0onsi!e 7ser >nter2ace/ )he 0hone "orks on the s"i2t and sea+less Microso2t 3indo"s Phone 8 @S' and the relati!el1 nascent @S *i!es users a re2reshin* breather 2ro+ the done5to5death 9ndroid !ersions/ Brilliant Conne#ti%it! Backed b1 cuttin*5ed*e ca0abilities such as .P S' :$.:' 3. and 3i5=i ' the Nokia ,u+ia -2& lets 1ou bro"se the "eb in a s"i2t and sea+less 2ashion/ Besides' adroit Bluetooth (!3/& "ith 92$P# connecti!it1 lets 1ou share all 1our +ulti+edia content "ith 1our 2riends in a "ireless +anner/ 9dditionall1' it co+es "ith HS$P9CHS7P9 technolo*1 that ensures a s"i2t and sea+less data trans2er o!er the 3. net"ork/ ,astl1' the onboard +icro 7SB (!2/&# 0ort allo"s an un0erturbed trans+ission o2 !ital dataC+ulti+edia 2iles across a "hole host o2 co+0atible hard"are/ )he so0histicated H)M,- Bro"ser +akes +obile bro"sin* a bliss2ul acti!it1/ .o ahead and na!i*ate the "eb 2ull5stea+ 2or local and international ne"s' u0dates on "eather' 2ashion and s0orts/ E)#ellent (&ltimedia >eat&res 3ith the Nokia ,u+ia -2&' the users are in 2or an unsur0assed +ulti+edia e;0erience/ Po"ered b1 a stout 9dreno 3&- 2or a .P7' the 0hone nati!el1 su00orts a "hole host o2 audio (MP3' 39B' e99CD and 3M9# and !ideo 2or+ats (MP(' H/26(' H/263 and 3MB#/ Mobile *a+in* bu22s "ould si+0l1 lo!e the 0lethora o2 e;citin* *a+es the de!ice co+es laden "ith/ =o on an Apps SpreeA )he Nokia ,u+ia boasts o2 an i+0ressi!e a00 Guotient' thou*h the a00 bouGuet is not as e;hausti!e as that on 9ndroid5based 0hones that t10icall1 lets users *o on a bender "ith the a00sF )he 0hone co+es 0reloaded "ith brilliant 95.PS su00ort and .,@N9SS so that 1ou are ne!er +arooned "hen !isitin* ne" 0laces/ )he 0hone +akes sta1in* connected e;tre+el1 s"i2t and e22ortless/ Aou "ill ha!e instant access to a "ide5arra1 o2 social net"orkin* ser!ices like =acebook' )"itter' and ,inked>n/ Aou can see current u0dates instantl1 on the ,i!e )iles/ Aou can 2ind e!er1one in one 0lace "ith the Peo0le Hub "here all 1our =acebook' ,inked>n' )"itter' and e+ail contacts are bundled u0 2or eas1 access/ 3hats +ore' 1ou can create *rou0s 2or 2riends and 2a+il1 and 2asten the+ to the Start screen to see "hat 0eo0le around 1ou are u0 to/ >n addition' the 0hone boasts o2 a distincti!e 2eature called SNS inte*ration that lets 1ou check all the u0dates 2ro+ 1our 2riends on =acebook and )"itter/ 3hatHs +ore' essential business tools like $ocu+ent Bie"er' Photo Bie"erC:ditor and Push+ail +ake editin* and readin* docu+entsC accessin* +ails "hile on the *o an absolute bree%eF +mpressi%e Batter! B&i#e Po"ered b1 a stra00in* 1(3& +9h B,5-I batter1' the Nokia ,u+ia -2& 0ro+ises terri2ic batter1 ?uice/ 7sers en?o1 an o0ti+u+ talk5ti+e o2 u0 to 1(/8 hours on a 2. net"ork 9/6 hours on a 3. net"ork' in addition to an i+0ressi!e standb1 ti+e o2 36& hours/ )he batter1 run ti+e is' thus' 2airl1 adeGuate 2or a de!ice o2 this calibre/ Remar$a'le Camera Capa'ilities )he Nokia ,u+ia -2& 2launts a brilliant -MP 0ri+ar1 sna00er ("ith 1C(5H sensor si%e#' and 0ro+ises a decent ca+era resolution o2 2-92H1936 0i;els/ >nclusion o2 so0histicated 2eatures like .eo5)a**in* and 9uto5=ocus cata0ult the ca+eraHs e22ecti!eness and utilit1 se!eral notches and ele!ate the 0hoto*ra0hic e;0erience o2 users to a "hole ne" le!el/ 3hatHs +ore' the ca+era doubles u0 as a su0erb !ideo recorder that lets users indul*e in hassle52ree online !ideo callin* and chats' and record a+a%in* 62&0 !ideosJ3&20s/ Bottom .ine Placed on the lo"er run* o2 the 0rice ladder' the Nokia ,u+ia -2& boasts o2 a +odish desi*n and i+0ressi!e tech s0ecs' re0lete "ith an i+0eccabl1 2luid user

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2/2/2014 1:58 PM

Nokia Lumia 520 Price in India - Buy Nokia Lumia 520 Online In India


inter2ace/ >t is essentiall1 the ne" star in the s+art0hone5*ala;1 to "atch5out "ith abated breath/ Nokia ,u+ia -2& is a brilliant +eans to ca0italise on the +ountin* ca0abilities o2 a Microso2t 3indo"s 8 hi*h5end 0hone at a hunkered 0rice50oint/ )hou*h this is not 1our 0rotot10ical 9ndroid su0er0hone "ith a succulent 9M@,:$ dis0la1' it is !ersatile enou*h to co!er a +a?orit1 o2 the +obile bases and 0ro+ises loads o2 sho" 2or little dou*hF

ritten '!: Keshoo Shar+a

Ease o9 &se: ,&ra'ilit!: C&alit!: >eat&res: ,esign:


<%erall Rating:

>s this re!ie" hel02ulH Aes No ( 81 out o2 8/ people 2ound this re!ie" hel02ul#

All CDA 9or this prod&#t

As$ A C&estion

HD video
Can > 0la1 H$ !ideos in this +obileH B1 9M9 CH97 9S>9 L 3& Ianuar1 2&1( L & 9ns"er(s# L 9ns"er 4uestion ( D # L e0ort 9buse

Camera Quality
Ho" is the ca+era Gualit1 o2 the M Nokia ,u+ia -2&M and ho" is the 0er2or+ance o2 the hand set "hile 0la1in* hea!1 *a+esH $oes it la* a bit or notH B1 sa+ ?aba L 16 Ianuar1 2&1( L 3 9ns"er(s#NN L 9ns"er 4uestion ( D # L e0ort 9buse

-iew All C D A

No$ia .&mia /01 2Bla#$3 Re%iews

see +oreD

rite A Re%iew


>t is a *reat 0roduct 2ro+ Nokia/ >t has - MP ca+era "ith lots o2 2eatures like touch 2ocus' auto 2ocus' 0anora+a +ode etc/ >t has N=C connecti!it1 besides 3i52i'bluetooth/ .reat 0hone 2or e!er1da1 use/ >t has 0re5installed +s o22ice/ But lack o2 2ront ca+era/
e0ort 9buse L 3as this re!ie" hel02ul to 1ouH
( 1 out o2 1 people 2ound this re!ie" hel02ul#

B1 Ka&sto% (ondal
Posted on: 2- Ianuar1 2&1(

Aes L No

see +oreD

Nokia Lumia 520 (Black)

:;cellent 0hone "ith all the reGuired 2eatures/ 9 +id ran*e 0hone that suits e!er1oneOs bud*et/ .ood ca+era and !er1 lar*e internal +e+or1/ Must *rab it/
e0ort 9buse L 3as this re!ie" hel02ul to 1ouH
( 0 out o2 3 people 2ound this re!ie" hel02ul#

B1 S&nit ,as
Posted on: 2( $ece+ber 2&13

Aes L No

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People Activity
1/ Benkatachari )houdo?u added this 0roduct in ,ist/ 2/ $heera? a?ori1a added this 0roduct in ,ist/

3/ 9bhina! Saini added this 0roduct in ,ist/ (/ a+riththu+/// added this 0roduct in ,ist/ -/ I9.P ::)P7/// added this 0roduct in ,ist/

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