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This Works On Both Locked & Unlocked Bootloaders!

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-OP Thanks Meter 29492 Posts: 11,498 Join Date: Jul 2010 Location: Currently: ESSEC Business School,

Paris, France; n!ian nstitute o" #ana$e%ent, &h%e!a'a! ( #&) #O*E +FO>

,*OO-.,/. 0o12to "or rootin$ ne1est "ir%1are 1034313&30324452367

, in"o . So guys I have got root on the newest firmware 10.3.1.A.0.244 / 10.3.1.A.2.67! Since Sony has patched our beloved perf_event e ploit !"ith "hich "e rooted #$% &peria devices' ( had to find an alternate "ay))) so ( did the s*art thin+, -ust used the kernel on "hich the e ploit "orks, root the device and flash back the ne"est kernel. T IS !"#$S "% &"T '"($)* + ,%'"($)* &""T'"A*)#S!

, 8roo" .

, +O- CE .

T IS IS "%'- ."# T ) /0)#IA 1 2(6602/33 .! 10.3.1.A.0.244 / 10.3.1.A.2.67! *" %"T ,S) IT "% A%- "T )# 4A#IA%T/.I#5!A#)!
, sources 9 a!!itional in"o on e:8loit . chec; out this threa! , ho12to . /) Do"nload the three files fro* the do"nload section belo" the kernel of an older fir*"are "hich "as rootable #) 6) 7) 9) 1) A) B) no" once flashin+ is done reboot device and connect to P5 in usb debu++in *ode ('"S) .'AS T""' AAA BBB #P S-EP e tract the file Coo#@o*C=Easy2*ootin$2-ool;it=D18=8er"2eDent2e:8loit3Ei8 to root directory on c:8 e ecute run*e_ file correspondin+ to your :S on desktop P5, this "ill e ecute a SP;5(<L version of *y easy rootin+ toolkit AAA BBB #P S-EP the above step is crucial. if you use any older version of the toolkit then (T =(LL >:T =:?@. after rootin+ is over the device "ill restart you can verify if device is rooted by checkin+ for SuperS4 app !it is the ne"est version'

2. open 0lashTool and flash the <8eria/=C660<=>ernelOnly=10343&303424=?eneric=+@3" t" - 1)/2 M3 file, this is J4ST

/$) once thats done no" po"er do"n device and open 0lashTool a+ain

11. no" flash :

<8eria/=C660<=>ernelOnly=1034313&323673"t" 2 7317 #B :? <8eria/=C660<=>ernelOnly=1034313&303244=BE3"t" 2 7317 #B file to +et back to the true kernel for the fir*"are you "ere currently on /2) thats it after flashin+ is done -ust disconnect and po"er on device and en-oy rooted phone.

If you are fa6ing issue of 7evi6e re8ooting when remounting /system 9artition then 6he6:out the fi; 9oste7 8y <=%,T>

, !onations . if u feel that this work has helped u OR u think that the work i put into making this is worthy of donations, then click on the following link for buying me some coffee/beer/etc P&FP&@ CO+&- O+ @ +> OR you can buy one of my awesome apps from Play Store! 0')AS) *" ("%SI*)# *"%ATI%? AS I A5 #AISI%? .,%*S T" &,- A %)! *)4I() the /9eria 11 2 onami3

, !o1nloa!s .

P@E&SE CO +O- # **O* #F F @ESG

1. 2. 3. /9eria1@(660/@$erneA"nAy@10.3.A.0.423@?eneri6@%'.f tf B 7.12 5& *oo5'o#*@)asyB#ootingBTooA:it@v1C@9erfBeventBe;9Aoit.Di9 B 2.E6 5& /9eria1@(660/@$erneA"nAy@10.3.1.A.2.67.ftf B 7.17 5& "# /9eria1@(660/@$erneA"nAy@10.3.1.A.0.244@&).ftf B 7.17 5&

P3S3: si%ilar instructions 1ill 1or; "or the /9eria 1'/1# 'ut you 1ill nee! to use the 6orres9on7ing :erneAs O+@F "or that !eDiceG

re+ards, DooMLo?D Like my work? Please consider donating ia PayPal @ea! CeDelo8er o" -ea% HtterChaos 9 #e%'er o" -ea% C< Creator o" Coo#>ernel %a;in$ those Sna8!ra$ons "ly hi$her an! "aster An7roi7 *evi6es I use F Sony /9eria 11G 1G S0G TG S Contri'utions : ?eneric &n!roi! 5 <8eria <10 5 <8eria 2011 !eDices 5 Sa%sun$ ?ala:y S2 5 0ua1ei !eos <6 5Sa%sun$ ?ala:y SC@ (i9004) 5 0-C Flyer 5 >in!le Fire 5 0-C JetStrea% 5 <8eria P, Sola, H 5 0-C One < 5 <8eria S 5<8eria -, B, -< 5 <8eria /, /@, -a'let / 5 <8eria SP 5 <8eria /1 #y &88s on ?oo$le Play Store I Follo1 %e on -1itterG H %)! H /9eria #e8oot a99! the "%'- A00 on the ?oogAe 0Aay Store to su99ort #)&""T I%T" .'AS 5"*) for su99orte7 /9eria 7evi6es!

-he Follo1in$ 261 Hsers Say -han; Fou to Coo#@o*C For -his Hse"ul Post: , Clic; to E:8an! .


<ds by Coo+le

Do"nload Mobile Soft"are 0ree Mobile Mana+er Soft"are) ;asy 0ile Transfer) Do"nload >o" . *obo+enie)co*D*obile-soft"are

31st July 2013, 12:10 PM


#2 save this one for later Like my work? Please consider donating via PayPal Le'd Developer o+ 2e', 3tterC&'o% 4 Me,.er o+ 2e', *C5

Recognized Developer -OP Thanks Meter 29492 Posts: 11,498 Join Date: Jul 2010 Location: Currentl ! "##"C $u%ine%% #c&ool, P'ri%, (r'nce) *ndi'n *n%titute o+ M'n'ge,ent, -&,ed'.'d /**M-0 MOR" *1(O>

Cre'tor o+ DooM6ernel ,'7ing t&o%e #n'pdr'gon% +l &ig&er 'nd +'%ter Android Devices I use : Sony Xperia Z1, Z, SP, T, S Contri.ution% ! 8eneric -ndroid 9 5peri' 510 9 5peri' 2011 device% 9 #',%ung 8'l': #2 9 ;u'<ei *deo% 5= 9#',%ung 8'l': #CL /i900>0 9 ;2C (l er 9 6indle (ire 9 ;2C Jet#tre', 9 5peri' P, #ol', 3 9 ;2C One 5 9 5peri' # 95peri' 2, ?, 25 9 5peri' @, @L, 2'.let @ 9 5peri' #P 9 5peri' @1 M -pp% on 8oogle Pl' #tore A (ollo< ,e on 2<itterB * NEW * Xperia Reboo app! "e #N$% APP on "e &oo'(e P(ay S ore o suppor RE)##T INT# *$AS+,#DE -or suppor ed Xperia devices!

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