PLC Comparison
PLC Comparison
PLC Comparison
December 2007.
This is a highly subjective comparison chart or
P!"s available on the mar#et per 2007. $t does not
contain every single P!" brand in e%istence out
there. $ am conident though that $ have not omitted
a P!" brand &ith a mar#et share above '(.
The inormation is gathered rom the &eb) rom
e%perience *or +iemens and ,-.) and rom hear/
say. Do not ta#e it as a '00( correct and proesional
mar#et survey *that &ould cost top dollar to ma#e..
$ do not guarantee the correctness o the data. The
inormation is subjective and presented 0as is0.
-rand name +iemens Mitsubishi 1mron 2E 3anuc Moeller 4itachi +harp - 5 6 ,-- 7oyo *,D. -ec#ho Toshiba !2 Phoeni% "ontact 8ago 9$P, -osch/6e%roth
+7/:00) +7/;00 < series "+') "9' 6=7i) 6=;i ="'00) ="200 4 series) E4/'>0 J8;00 =20 ,">00 D!20>) D!:0> 9 seies) +E2?+T2 63":;0) 63":>0 7>@ 3psigma) 3P2 ;009) ;00+ "M!A>
2@.@ ( 'B.' ( ':.; ( @.; ( @.; ( ;.7 ( 2.: ( '.B ( '.B ( '.> ( C'( C'( C'( C'( C'( C'( C'( C'( C'( C'(
Most important mar#et*s. ED D+ Japan Japan / East asia 3rance D+ ED Japan Japan ED Eone speciically Japan / D+ ED Japan +outh 7orea ED ED Japan ED ED
1ther signiicant mar#et*s. 6est o the &orld 6est o the &orld 6est o the &orld 6est o the &orld ED / D+ F none none none none 6est o the &orld none 6est o the &orld 6est o the &orld none 6est o the &orld 6est o the &orld 6est o the &orld F D+
8ea# mar#et*s. none none none none 6est o the &orld F 6est o the &orld 6est o the &orld 6est o the &orld 6est o the &orld none 6est o the &orld none none 6est o the &orld none none none none F
Partial *+TG+3". ,ll ,ll *H>. ,ll ,ll ,ll none ,ll ,ll none ,ll ,ll ,ll ,ll ,ll Partial *+TG+3". ,ll
6edundancy solutions yes yes yes none yes yes none none none none none none none F yes none none none none none
yes yes non/integrated *H'. non/integrated *H'. non/integrated *H'. F none none none none non/integrated non/integrated yes none non/integrated none yes *H@. none none yes
$ntegrated Motion solutions yes *0unlimited0. yes *0unlimited0. yes *BA a%es. non/integrated yes *H;. yes *HB. none yes *HB. none yes *HB. none non/integrated yes *0unlimited0. none yes *HB. none none yes *''2 a%es. F yes
4M$ solutions many *H2. many *H2. many some many *HA. some some some some some some many some *H7. some some none none some some many
D"+ solution yes yes yes none none yes none none none none yes none none some yes none none none none none
Electrical components many many some many many none many none none none many many none none many some some some none none
Proibus) Proinet "an1pen F "an1pen) Ether"at F $nterbus) *Proinet. Proibus
,si Proi-us *H:. "an1pen) ,si Proibus) Devicenet Modbus "an1pen) $nterbus
Poor &ebsite.
Eotes. H'I +aety is not part o standard P!" solution *but there is a separate saety P!" line..
H2I There are problems &ith latest generation sot&are. These problems are slo&ly being resolved. +tatus as o today is that the sot&are is usable) but &e deinitely havent arrived at 04M$ heaven0 yet.
H;I Dses separate P!"open library or motion.
H:I Proibus via ;rd party products.
H>I $n parallel &ith $E") there are also 0traditional0 programming languages.
HAI 4M$ solutions are split into 2 products *9ijeo 5 "itect. that &ill run side/by/side or Juite some time.
H7I 4as a ull range o panel P"s &ith both 8in"E and 8in=P embedded) 3or 8in=P there is a 4M$ solution) but not or 8in"E. -ec#hoKs o&n 0Target 9isu0 or 8in "E has only minimal 4M$ unctionality.
H@I not sure i the proisae terminals can be used &ith a 8ago P!". There are saety unctions in "oDe+ys) so in theory it should be possible. $E316M,T$1E 8,ETED T1 "1E3$6M16 DEEL T4$+.
HBI $E316M,T$1E 8,ETED T1 "1E3$6M16 DEEL T4$+. ,!+1 $3 T4E6E ,6E ,EL !$M$T,T$1E+ 16 P$T3,!!+.
H'0I 9/series only.
6oc#&ell ? ,llen
2rp. +chneider ?
!atest and greatest P!"
<uantum) M;:0
"= range) $P"
7 series) =2T
series) 2Mseries
4omepage*s. 8arningI
"lic#ing on the cell &ill normally
open the lin#ed &ebsite in your
httpsI?? &&&.roc#& &&&.mitsubishi/ &&& &&&>.htm &&& &&& &&&.hitachi/ &&&.sharp/& &&&.br/ &&& &&& &&& &&& &&& &&&.& &&&.me& httpI??&&&
ome? httpI??&&&
&&& httpI??&
P!" Mar#et share per 200;
*sourceI Milestones in
,utomation) ,rnold Oan#l )
$+-E ;/@B>7@/2>B/B.
+upport or $E"A''';'/;
programming languages
Partial *!DG
Partial *!DG3-D.
$ntegrated machine saety
Primary bus 0amilies0
Melsecnet) ""/
Modbus) Modbus
2enius) Devicenet)
Ethernet?$P F
Ethernet F)
"an1pen) Ethernet
Devicenet) ,rcnet)
Modbus) +;')
Ethernet F
Proprietary remote/
Ethernet F)
Proibus) "an1pen)
+/!in#) ME8EET/
Proibus) ethernet)
+E6"1+ $$$
+econdary net&or#ing?bus
Devicenet) ,si
"an) Devicenet)
DeviceEet) others..
"an1pen) $nterbus
"omments *&arningI highly
-ecause o its mar#et
share and product
range +iemens is the
0Microsot o the
automation &orld0.
The 0other0 player in
the automation &orld.
Too much dependent
on the D+ mar#et
though. 4igh Juality
o both sot&are and
hard&are is
handicapped by being
the mar#et leader
&hen it comes to the
price level.
8ebsite is
ridiculously slo&.
4as a be&ildering
range o P!"s. Eot
only 6= but also t&o
0series B00 and
+urprisingly poor
P!" is a ;+ "oDe+ys
variant. $ &onder i
the respectable 2.:(
mar#etshare is
because all the 0smart
relays0 are counted as
&ell F
Eo presence outside
japan. Poor &ebsite.
Eo presence outside
japan. P!" appears
obsolete &hen
compared &ith the
competition. Poor
&ebsite. 8oe to the
end/customer &ho
purchases a japanese
machine &ith this
8ea# in the P!"
segment) strong in the
D"+ segment.
P!" products are in
the lo& end o the
&ater. !o&
perormance) small
program siPe and i?o
count) &ea#
Translates into lo&
P!" is a ;+ "oDe+ys
variant. 6epresented
every&here and
gro&ing strongly) but
still small in the
Dont #no& much
about them.
$mpressive but also
conusing portolio
&ith too many P!"
types or such a small
player. ,ptly called
0the +iemens o
8ebsite ends oten in
0dead ends0. P!"
products are
secondary to the other
product lines. +trong
as a supplier o i?o
P!" is a ;+ "oDe+ys
variant. P!" products
are secondary to the
other product lines.
+trong as a supplier
o i?o bloc#s.
1nly the lo& to
medium/lo& i?o
count segment is
"ompatible in large
degree) though not
'00() &ith +iemens
P!" is a ;+
"oDe+ys variant.
P!" oering is
ne& / about 2 years
no&. 9ery ast and
strong motion.
Mostly aimed at
application) little
avaliable or micro/
P!" mar#et
-rand name "Ti $E,T +otP!"
,t least partially bac#&ards compatible &ithI Te%as $nstruments T$/>0>.
Listing of very small PLC brands.
-rand name +aia 3esto Jetter 1PT1/22 4oney&ell ,dvantech $dec *$Pumi. Dnitronics 3renPel G -erg $-4 Entertron "ontec
"ommentsI -oard level 0#its0.
Listing of PLC brands that are continuing an
otherwise discontinued PLC type.
httpI??&&& httpI??&&&;::5!M' httpI??&&&
+iemens +>/''>D) +>/';>D) +>/
,llen -radley P!"2)
P!";) P!">) +!">00.
4as a very substantial range o T$/
>0> compatible parts) "PDs) P+Ds)
rac#s and i?o modules.
1nly "PDs. "an &or# &ith either
+> or +7 code.
+ot&are is compatible in
that ,- programs can be
converted &ith a tool. "an
attach i?o via ,- 6$1.
httpI??&&&.start/ httpI??&&&$EetDomino?coorpNsites?en?Aab;B7ed2AeB7c'2>7'':00;adA:.htm httpI??hps&eb.honey&"ultures?en/D+?Products?&intriss?automation?deault.htm &&& httpI??&&& httpI??&&&.renPel/"=:'A.htm httpI??&&& httpI??&&&>20@7>7;ab0.0.html
+ome "PDs are sot&are
compatible &ith +iemens +7) but it
loo#s li#e they are dropping going
in that direction. !atest "PDs are
programmed in $E"A0'';'/;
*"oDe+ys F.
!atest "PDs are programmed in
$E"A0'';'/; *"oDe+ys F.
,ppearantly no online
P!" products appear
orphaned in
4oney&ells range o
services and solutions.
,ll P!"s are P!"?4M$
-oard/level 0#its0 as
&ell as pac#aged
0bloc#s0. Three
styles?product rangesI
$E"*"oDe+ys.) 0+>/
li#e0 and u"
*"?assembler.. Dses
"an1pen bus.
, bit special. Pac#ages
a -ec#ho
8indo&s"E $P" &ith
their +7 sotplc / and
prestoI ,n +7
compatible P!" at a
roc#/bottom price. i?o
must be purchased rom
-oard level "PD.
"laims to be the
astest P!" in the
&orld. Dses an 3P2,
to achieve this. $
guees that means no
online change. Dses
"oDe+ys or