Elementary Korean 1
Elementary Korean 1
Elementary Korean 1
I. Course Description
This course is for students who are learning Korean for the first time. Students will learn the Korean phoneme and alphabet and develop basic conversation skills. Through various instructional materials, students will learn basic grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, conversation, reading, listening, writing, and culture. With phase-in practice leading to socio-cultural level, students will effectively learn basic survival communication skills.
Course Objective
The objective of this course is to teach students minimal language skills for surviving in Korea such as sounds and letters of the Korean language, basic grammar and vocabulary. Students will be able to introduce themselves, find directions, ask about modes of transportation, describe their location, go shopping, tell time, greet others, complement and congratulate others, ask and answer simple questions about everyday activities.
Subject/ Task
Sounds and Letters of the Korean Language 1 Sounds and Letters of the Korean Language 2 Sounds and Letters of the Korean Language 3 Sounds and Letters of the Korean Language 4 Prep 1 Prep 2 Name, countries, jobs, greeting Object names ( ?) Korean numbers, unit nouns ( ?) Nominative Particle, sentence structure, location nouns Unit 1 Find locations. Find out how much things cost. Make a phone call. Find out more about a friend Time expressions (hanja numbers, Korean Ask time, Find out what someone is Introduction. Greeting. Ask questions. Find out object name and who owns it. Give compliments. Prep 3 Prep 4 Place an order. Buy things
planning someone
do, when
Have you
a run
light into
13 14 15 4 16 17 18 19 20
Unit 4 Unit 3
1-2 Review & Quiz Usage of particles (/, ), Verb Usage 2 ( ?) Past tense (-), negative statements ( ), time expressions (,,,), (/ / ?) 3-4 Review Final Written Test Final Interview, Graduation Find out what your classmates like. Ask what their hobbies are and where they like to go. Talk about what you did yesterday, last week, and over the vacation.
IV. Material
Textbook: New Sogang Korean 1A Workbook: New Sogang Korean Workbook 1A, Grammar Word Reference Book, Grammar practice worksheet, communication activity sheet, supplementary intensive learning material Multimedia Resources 1. 2. 3. Sogang Korean Program: http://korean.sogang.ac.kr/ Korean/English Dictionary: http://endic.naver.com CD Writing Practice Manual
V. Grading
Attendance and Participation (10%) Homework (10%) Quiz (30%) Final Written Test (25%) Final Interview (25%)