Abstract This paper provides an overview of the MicroGrid paradigm. This includes the basic architecture, control and protection and energy management. Index Terms MicroGrid, microsources, power electronics, voltage source inverter, microturbines, protection.
I. INTRODUCTION The MicroGrid concept assumes a cluster of loads and microsources operating as a single controllable system that provides both power and heat to its local area. This concept provides a new paradigm for defining the operation of distributed generation. To the utility the MicroGrid can be thought of as a controlled cell of the power system. For example this cell could be controlled as a single dispatchable load, which can respond in seconds to meet the needs of the transmission system. To the customer the MicroGrid can be designed to meet their special needs; such as, enhance local reliability, reduce feeder losses, support local voltages, provide increased efficiency through use waste heat, voltage sag correction or provide uninterruptible power supply functions to name a few. II. BASIC STRUCTURE The microsources of special interest for MicroGrids are small (<100-kW) units with power electronic interfaces. These sources, (typically microturbines, PV panels, and fuel cells) are placed at customers sites. They are low cost, low voltage and have high reliable with few emissions. Power electronics provide the control and flexibility required by the MicroGrid concept. Correctly designed power electronics and controls insure that the MicroGrid can meet its customers as well as the utilities needs. The above characteristics can be achieved using a system architecture with three critical components; Local microsource controllers System optimizer Distributed protection Figure 1 illiterates the basic MicroGrid architecture. In this example the electrical system is assumed to be radial with three feeders A, B and C and a collection of loads. The radial system is connected to the distribution system through a
The work described in this report was coordinated by the Consortium for Electric Reliability Technology Solutions, and funded by the Assistant Secretary of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Office of Power Technologies of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DEAC03-76SF00098 and by the California Energy Commission, Public Interest Energy Research Program, under Contract No. BG 99-396 (00) Robert H. Lasseter is Professor at University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1415 Engineering Dr., Madison, WI 53706 (lasseter@engr.wisc.edu).
Figure. 1. MicroGrid Architecture III. MICROSOURCE CONTROLLER Microsource controller is an important component of the MicroGrid infrastructure. This controller responds in milliseconds and uses local information to control the microsource during all events. A key element is that communications among microsources are unnecessary for basic operation. Each inverter is able to respond to load changes in a predetermined manner without communication of data from other sources or locations, which enables plug and play capabilities. Plug and play implies that a microsource can be added to the MicroGrid without changes to the control and protection of units that are already part of the system. The basic inputs to this controller are steady state set points for output power, P, and local bus voltage, V.
Basic Control of Real and Reactive Power There are two basic classes of microsources; one is a D.C. source, such as fuel cells, photovoltaic cells, and battery storage, the other is a high frequency ac source such as the microturbine, which needs to be rectified. In both cases the resulting D.C. voltage is converted to an acceptable ac source using a voltage source inverter. The general model for a microsource is shown in Figure 2.0. It contains three basic elements; prime mover, dc interface and a voltage sourced inverter. Coupling to the power system is through an inductor. The voltage source inverter provides control of both the magnitude and phase of its output voltage, V. The vector relationship between the inverter voltage, V, and the system voltage, E, along with the inductor s reactance, X, determines the flow of real and reactive power (P &Q) from the microsource to the system.
reactive current droop controller. Basically, as the reactive current generated by the microsource becomes more capacitive the local voltage set point is reduced. Conversely as the current becomes more inductive the voltage set point is increased. The function of the basic controller is shown in Figure 3.0. The Q limit shown in the figure is a function of the volts-ampere (VA) rating of the inverter and the power being provided by the prime mover.
Q2max= VA2- P2
Vset point
Prime Mover +
Inverter V E
DC Interface
Figure 3.0. Voltage set point with droop Fast load tracking and the need for storage A system with clusters of microsources and storage could be designed to operate both isolated and connected to the power grid. In isolated operation, load-tracking problems arise since microturbines and fuel cells have slow response and are inertia-less. The prime movers output power time constants range from 10 to 200 seconds, which is too slow for most loads. It must be remembered that the current power systems have storage provided though the generators inertia. When a new load comes on line the initial energy balance is satisfied by the system s inertia. This results in a slight reduction in system frequency. A system with clusters of microsources designed to operate in an island mode must provide some form of storage to insure initial energy balance. The necessary MicroGrid storage can come is several forms; batteries or supercapacitors on the dc bus for each microsource; direct connection of ac storage devices (batteries, flywheels etc.); or use of traditional generation with inertia with the microsources. If the MicroGrid is not required to operate in island mode the energy unbalance can be met by the ac system without providing storage on the MicroGrid. Frequency droop for power sharing MicroGrids provide premium power through the ability to smoothly move from dispatched power mode (while connected to the utility grid) to load tracking (while in island mode). In the island mode such problems as slight errors in frequencies generation at each converter and the need to change poweroperating points to match load changes imply a need for a complex communication system. This is not so. These issues can be addressed using power vs. frequency droop functions at each microsource without an explicit communication network. When grid connected, the loads in the MicroGrid receive power both from the grid and from the microsources depending on the customer s situation. With loss of the grid
Figure 2.0 Interface Inverter System The P & Q magnitudes are coupled as shown in the equations below. For small changes P is predominantly dependent on the power angle, _p, while Q is dependent on the magnitude of the converters voltage, V. These provide for a basic feedback loops for the control of output power and bus voltage, E through regulation of reactive power flow.
P= Q=
3 VE 2 X 3V
sin p
2X p = V E
(V E cos p )
Voltage regulation through droop Integration of large numbers of microsources, implied in the MicroGrid concept, is not possible with basic P-Q controls. Voltage regulation is necessary for local reliability and stability. Without local voltage control, systems with high penetration of microsources can experience voltage and/or reactive power oscillations. Voltage control requires care to insure that there are not large circulating reactive currents between sources. The issues are identical to those encountered in the control of large synchronous generators. In the power grid the impedance between generators is usually large enough to greatly reducing the possibility of circulating currents. In a MicroGrid, which is typically radial, the problem of large circulating reactive currents is immense. With small errors in voltage set points the circulating current can exceed the ratings of the microsources. This situation requires a voltage vs.
due to voltage drops, faults, blackouts etc. the MicroGrid smoothly transfer to island operation. With separation from the grid the voltage phase angles at each microsource in the MicroGrid change resulting in an apparent reduction in local frequency. This frequency reduction coupled with a power increase allows for each microsource to provide it s proportional share of load without new power dispatch from the Energy Manager. In fact in island operation the Energy Manager is not used except for reconnection to the grid. Consider two microsources, as suggested in Figure 4.0. In this example, the sources are assumed to have different ratings, P 1max, and P 2max. The dispatched power in grid mode (P 01 and P 02 ) is defined at base frequency, 0 . The droop is defined to insure that both systems are at rated power at the same minimum frequency.
smoothly transfer to island operation. With separation from the grid the voltage phase angles at each microsource in the MicroGrid change resulting in an apparent reduction in local frequency. This frequency reduction coupled with a power increase allows for each microsource to provide it s proportional share of load without new power dispatch from the Energy Manager. In fact in island operation the Energy Manager is not used except for reconnection to the grid.
P02 P01
System optimization is provided by the Energy Manager. The Energy Manager uses information on local electrical and heat needs, power quality requirements, electricity and gas costs, wholesale/retail service needs, special grid needs, demand-side management requests, congestion levels, etc. to determine the amount of power that the MicroGrid should draw from the distribution system. Some key functions of the Energy Manager are;
Provide the individual power and voltage set point for each power flow/microsource controller Insure that heat and electrical loads are met Insure that the MicroGrid satisfies operational contracts with the transmission system Minimizes emissions and system losses Maximize the operational efficiency of the microsources. Provides logic and control for islanding and reconnecting the MicroGrid during events. V. PROTECTION Protection must respond to both system and MicroGrid faults. If the fault is on the utility grid, the desired response may be to isolate the MicroGrid from the main utility as rapidly as necessary to protect the MicroGrid loads. The speed of isolation is dependent on the specific customer s loads on the MicroGrid. In some cases sag compensation can be used without separation from the distribution system to protect critical loads. If the fault is within the MicroGrid, the protection coordinator isolates the smallest possible section of the radial feeder to eliminate the fault. Most conventional distribution protection is based on short-circuit current sensing. Power electronic based microsources can not normally provide the levels of short circuit required. Microsources may only be capable of supplying twice load current or less to a fault. Some overcurrent sensing devices will not even respond to this level of overcurrent, and those that do respond will take many seconds to respond, rather than the fraction of a second that is required. The unique nature of the MicroGrid design and operation requires a fresh look into the fundamentals of relaying. One approach that is quite powerful is to develop a real-time fault location technique that will identify the exact location of the fault much more accurately that the classical relaying is capable of doing under any circumstances. These methods may prove to costly. Low cost approach such a CT based zero sequence detection, and differential current and/or voltage methods also show promise. These means are not in common
w1 wmin
P2max P1max
Figure 4.0. Power vs. Frequency Droop Control During a change in power demand, these two sources operate at different frequencies, which causes a change in the relative power angles between them. As this happens, the two frequencies tend to drift towards a lower, single value 1 . Unit 2 was initially operating at a lower power level than Unit 1. However, at the new power level Unit 2 has increased its share of the total power needs. Although power is adjusted within fractions of seconds, frequency restoration can take longer. Because droop regulation decreases the MicroGrid, a restoration function must be included in each controller. The droop control design is based on each microsource having a maximum power rating. As a consequence, droop is dependent on the dispatched power level while the microsources are connected to the grid. MicroGrids can provide premium power through the ability to smoothly move from dispatched power mode (while connected to the utility grid) to load tracking (while in island mode). In the island mode such problems as slight errors in frequencies generation at each converter and the need to change poweroperating points to match load changes imply a need for a complex communication system. This is not so. These issues can be addressed using power vs. frequency droop functions at each microsource without an explicit communication network. When grid connected, the loads in the MicroGrid receive power both from the grid and from the microsources depending on the customer s situation. With loss of the grid due to voltage drops, faults, blackouts etc. the MicroGrid
use on distribution systems but can provide the required functions. The nuances of applying these techniques to distribution systems in a variety of different configurations are not as well understood as overcurrent sensing. Robert H. Lasseter (F92) received the Ph.D. in Physics at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia in 1971. He was a Consultant Engineer at General Electric Co. until he joined the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1980. Research interest focus on the application of power electronics to utility systems and technical issues which arise from the restructuring of the power utility system. This work includes interfacing micro-turbines and fuel cells to the distribution grid, MicroGrids, control of power systems through FACTS controllers, use of power electronics in distribution systems, harmonic interactions, simulation methods, power electronic circuits.. Professor Lasseter is a Fellow of IEEE, an expert advisor to CIGRE SC14 and Chairman of IEEE Working Group on Distributed Generation