Base Paper
Base Paper
Base Paper
DC Micro-Grid System
Abstract—This paper presents an autonomous control scheme disable in this control method. Reference [15] described the
for DC micro-grid system both in grid-connected and islanding hardware architecture and power management scheme in
conditions. The proposed DC micro-grid architecture consists of master-slave mode and experimental prototype was
a wind turbine generation unit, a photovoltaic generation unit, implemented.
two battery stack units, a grid-connected inverter/rectifier and
loads. Corresponding control strategy of each unit is presented. Autonomous control is the alternative method for DC
DC droop control method is adopted into voltage control loop to micro-grid. This method need no communication link and is
suppress the circulating current when two or more voltage completely decentralized. By using the droop control[16],
sources are connected to DC bus. The energy that flows through multiple voltage type converters can connect together through
each unit and different operating modes of the system both in the DC bus and avoid circulating current between each other.
grid-connected and islanding conditions are analyzed. Power In [17], the principle of droop control and the design approach
management method to balance the energy of the system and of droop’s ratio has been presented. In the system, a battery
stable the DC bus voltage is presented. Simulation results verify energy storage unit and an AC grid-connected inverter unit
the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme in various were set as voltage sources, and droop control was added into
operating conditions. the voltage control loop. When the power of DGs were greater
than the loads, the excess power could be charged to storage
Keywords—DC micro-grid; architecture; autonomous control;
unit and inverted to AC grid. When the DGs’ power was
power management; droop control; energy store
insufficient, the needed power could be discharged from
storage unit and AC grid. They could work cooperatively by a
I. INTRODUCTION optimized droop method to ensure that the AC grid-connected
As one part of distributed generations (DGs) system, inverter sent or received power less than storage unit when the
micro-grid is a more economic and efficient way to utilize load was light or the storage unit was charging. In the opposite
renewable energy [1]–[3]. According to the voltage case, the AC grid-connected inverter sent or received power
characteristics of micro-grid’s public bus, it can be divided into more than storage unit. The presented control scheme realized
AC micro-grid and DC micro-grid [4]. A typical DC micro- the seamless switching between AC grid-connected inverter
grid usually consists of DGs (as photovoltaic (PV) generation and storage unit but the system couldn’t operate without AC
and wind turbines (WT) generation), energy storage system grid.
(ESS) and DC load [5], [6]. Compared with AC micro-grid,
DC micro-grid uses dc bus voltage as the control information, II. DC MICRO-GRID ARCHITECTURE
and the DC converters are more simpler and more efficient.
The proposed DC micro-grid system architecture (Fig. 1)
Moreover, DC micro-grid doesn't need to consider the reactive
consists of a PV energy generating unit, a WT generating unit,
power [7]. Since the PV and ESS are DC sources, and more
two BS units, DC load and a bidirectional AC/DC
DC electric devices in families and offices become popular, the
inverter/rectifier connected to the single-phase AC grid. The
DC micro-grid will have a encouraging development.
DC bus voltage is 380V.
Different architectures and control schemes of DC micro-
In PV energy generating unit, PV arrays are connected to
grid have been proposed [8]–[13]. In [14], A master-slave
the DC bus through a boost type DC/DC converter with the
control method has been applied and a large capacity
maximum power tracking function. The WT uses permanent
generating unit was set as a voltage source, while other units
magnet synchronous generator and outputs three-phase voltage.
were set as current sources. A center controller was employed
Through an uncontrolled rectifier, the DC power is sent to a
to regulate each unit power flow to ensure the power balance.
boost type DC/DC converter also with the maximum power
That control strategy can achieve quick adjustment by high-
tracking function. BS units can storage energy and supply
speed communication link and is suitable for a small scale site.
power to the DC bus in charging and discharging status by
However, a long distance between the units might reduce the
using a bidirectional DC/DC converter. The AC grid can
communication speed and the “plug and play” function is also
Where ∆UDC is the DC bus voltage UDC allowed floating C. Control Strategy for Grid-Connected Inverte /Rectifier
value. PR is the rated power of the voltage source. As shown in Fig. 6, when the grid-connected
Fig. 3 shows the CVC control diagram of PV and WT inverter/rectifier unit is running at inverting condition, the DC
converters. It contains the droop control, an outer voltage bus voltage is regulated by a double closed loop. The outer
control loop and an inner current control loop. loop is a voltage control loop and inner loop is a current control
loop. A phase locked loop (PLL) is used to track the AC grid’s
UDC IDC frequency and phase, thus generating a synchronous sinusoidal
PI PI PWM S1 waveform signal. The voltage control loop’s output I*ac
multiplies this synchronous sinusoidal signal and then is
K IDC compared with the inverter’s sample current iac before being
sent it to the current control loop.
Fig. 3. Control diagram of PV & WT converter (CVC)
In islanding mode, the DC bus voltage is controlled by the decreases correspondingly. At 0.6s, the load power is quite
DGs or BSs. The grid-connected inverter/rectifier is always small and BSs stop discharging. DG units return to the CVC
offline. If DGs’ energy is sufficient enough to supply to loads mode.
and the not fully charged BSs, it operates at CVC mode. If the
DGs’ energy is insufficient to supply to load, the units switch In all of the processes above, the DC bus voltage is stabled
to MPPT mode, while the BS units start charging and are by grid-connected inverter/rectifier, DG units and BS units
running at CVC mode. respectively in CVC mode at setting value 380V. When DG
units or BS units are running at CVC mode, the droop control
is available to suppress the circulating current. Even at the
switching moment, the fluctuation of DC bus voltage is smooth
AC Voltage (V)
0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7
AC Current (A)
Fig. 8. Power Management in islanding condition 0
The simulation is constructed in MATLAB/Simulink 1000
environment to verify the proposed DC micro-grid architecture 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7
Time (s)
and control scheme. The simulation parameters are set below:
the DC bus voltage is 380V, the AC grid RMS is 220V, the Fig. 9. Grid-connected simulation result
DGs maximum power is 1500kw, the load maximum power is
2000kw, the each BS unit is 120V/55Ah. 1500
0.3s, BSs start charging and DGs output power increases. In 400
0.4-0.7s, the load power continue to increase. At 0.5s, BSs’ 390
charging current decreases as DGs output power is close to its 380
rated power. At 0.6s, BSs stop charging and DGs’ power is 360
sent to loads only. 3500.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Fig. 11 shows the system operation process at islanding 10
mode and contains a switching process of DG units between
CVC mode and MPPT mode. Before 0.3s, DG units are 0
running at CVC mode and stable the DC bus voltage. At 0.3s,
the load power increases and DGs can’t afford it. BS units start -10
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
discharging and stable the DC bus voltage. DG units switch to Time (s)
MPPT mode to track the maximum power of DGs. At 0.5s, the
load power decreases and the BSs’ discharging current Fig. 10. Islanding simulation result (ESs Charging)
[2] X. S. Zhou, B. Shang and Y. J. Ma, “Overview on Micro-Grid
DGs Power (W)
[6] J. Lee, B. Han and N. Choi, “DC Micro-Grid Operational Analysis with
Detailed Simulation Model for Distributed Generation,” IEEE Energy
Conversion Congress and Exposition, Atlanta, pp. 3153–3160,
September 2010.
[7] M. Kumar, S. N. Singh, and S. C. Srivastava, “Design and Control of
Smart DC Microgrid for Integration of Renewable Energy Sources,”
2012 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, San Diego, pp.
1–7, July 2012.
BSs Current (A)