Tilapia Farming Support Tool TFST 1.0 Users Manual
Tilapia Farming Support Tool TFST 1.0 Users Manual
Tilapia Farming Support Tool TFST 1.0 Users Manual
FOREWORD ................................................................................................... 5 INSTALLING TFST ......................................................................................... 8 STARTING TFST .......................................................................................... 13 THE STRUCTURE OF TFST ........................................................................ 14 THE MAIN MENU.......................................................................................... 16 Tilapia type............................................................................................... 16 Culture type.............................................................................................. 18 Predator type ........................................................................................... 19 Feed type ................................................................................................. 20 The economic menu ................................................................................ 21 Investment and Labor ......................................................................... 22 Input and Feed ................................................................................... 23 Farm Gate Prices ............................................................................... 25 Pond and simulation settings ................................................................... 27 Visualizing the results of your simulation ................................................. 27 Results of a Complete Run................................................................. 28 Results of an Individual Simulation ..................................................... 31 OPTIMISING THE RESULTS OF YOUR POND ........................................... 34 Optimising with a predator ....................................................................... 36 Optimising with all male fingerlings .......................................................... 37 Optimising for the number of days ........................................................... 37 Optimising for different types of feed ....................................................... 37 Start optimise ........................................................................................... 38 Results of optimise................................................................................... 38 SAVING FILES.............................................................................................. 40 Saving the results of your runs................................................................. 40 Saving the graphics of your results .......................................................... 41 AN EXAMPLE ............................................................................................... 42 Mr Koffi Gombo from Ivory Coast............................................................ 42 Main menu-Tilapia type ...................................................................... 43 Economics menu-Investments............................................................ 43
Economic menu-inputs and feed ........................................................ 44 Economic Menu Farm Gate Prices.................................................. 46 Optimising........................................................................................... 47 THE SCIENTIFIC VERSION OF TFST ......................................................... 52 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.............................................................................. 53 REFERENCES.............................................................................................. 54 ANNEX 1: BASIC SETTINGS ....................................................................... 55
Figure 1: Installing TFST ................................................................................. 9 Figure 2: Installation pop-up 1 ......................................................................... 9 Figure 3: Installation pop-up 2 ....................................................................... 10 Figure 4: Installation pop-up 3 ....................................................................... 10 Figure 5: Installation pop-up 4 ....................................................................... 11 Figure 6: Installation pop-up 5 ....................................................................... 11 Figure 7: Installation pop-up 6 ....................................................................... 12 Figure 8: Installation pop-up 7 ....................................................................... 12 Figure 9: The second introduction page ........................................................ 13 Figure 10: The structure of TFST .................................................................. 15 Figure 11: The Main menu ............................................................................ 16 Figure 12: Local and GIFT tilapia of the same age....................................... 17 Figure 13: The Tilapia menu.......................................................................... 18 Figure 14: The Economic menu .................................................................... 21 Figure 15: Farm gate prices .......................................................................... 26 Figure 16: Example of average weight at harvest obtained from 10 simulations of one pond ............................................................................................ 28 Figure 17: Example of net yields (kg/ha/year) obtained from 10 simulations of one pond ................................................................................................ 29 Figure 18: Example of relative biomass obtained from 10 simulations of one pond ....................................................................................................... 29
Figure 19: Example of cost, revenue and profit obtained from 10 simulations of one pond (on a ha basis).................................................................... 30 Figure 20: Example of the development of the average weight in one simulation ............................................................................................... 31 Figure 21: Example of the development of the net yields in one simulation .. 32 Figure 22: Example of the development of the relative biomass in one simulation ............................................................................................... 32 Figure 23: Example of the development costs, revenues and profits of one simulation ............................................................................................... 33 Figure 24: Start Optimise .............................................................................. 34 Figure 25: The Optimise menu ...................................................................... 35 Figure 26: Results of running the Optimise module....................................... 39 Figure 27: Using the results of Optimise again in the main menu. ................ 39 Figure 28: saving your data files.................................................................... 40 Figure 29: Mr Koffis ponds, under construction ............................................ 42 Figure 30: Investments of Mr. Koffi................................................................ 43 Figure 31: Inputs and feed costs of Mr. Koffi ................................................. 45 Figure 32: Farm gate prices of Mr. Koffi ........................................................ 46 Figure 33: Results of the first optimising of Mr Koffi ...................................... 47 Figure 34: Results of optimising with African Catfish for Mr. Koffi ................. 48 Figure 35: Results of the run with catfish. ..................................................... 49 Figure 36: Results of optimising with all male hand sexed fingerlings........... 50 Figure 37: results of optimising with all male sex reversed fingerlings .......... 51
Gertjan de Graaf (NEFISCO1, Amsterdam, the Netherlands) and Pieter Dekker (Xi2, Delft, the Netherlands) developed an Individual-Based Tilapia Farming Simulation Model. The development of this model is the result of G.J. de Graafs experiences with large-scale farming of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in Congo Brazzaville during a FAO/UNDP aquaculture project. In Congo Brazzaville, use of proper feeding and stocking regimes led to productions of 6-8 t/ha/yr. and elimination of the famous tilapia stunting was not a problem. These results were published in a number of scientific articles (de Graaf et al. 1996, 1999). During the analysis of the Congo Brazzaville data and writing of the articles it was realised that there could be some basic biological driving forces behind the failure or success of tilapia farming, especially in rural Africa. Field experiments to test the validity of the ideas were too expensive to conduct. However, the availability of the large data set acquired during five years of tilapia farming in Congo Brazzaville and the development of the computer industry with increased availability of cheap, powerful computers and software, provided the idea: Why not build a simulation model that can identify the most important driving forces within the system?
The tilapia model was built in MATLAB and calibrated with the data set of Congo Brazzaville. The first simulations of the model provided good results and the idea of making a more user friendly version of the model to support tilapia farmers and students in developing countries was introduced.
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Thanks to the financial support of GTZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Technische Zusammenarbeit, German Technical Cooperation) we were able to develop this Tilapia Farming Support Tool (TFST), which you have downloaded free from the Internet.
Before you start using TFST, you should realize two things:
1. TFST is only a support tool, giving you a general idea of what you can do with your pond. However, it will never give you the complete picture and in some cases your reality may be completely different. 2. This is the first version of TFST developed using data obtained from the African continent. We did our best to include the major principles and driving forces in tilapia farming, but we acknowledge some shortcomings in the present version, For example, TFST does not encompass water temperature. Also, the relation between growth and the protein content of the feed can be improved.
For improvement of TFST, we need your help. You can be a passive consumer, (thanks, but TFST isnt working for me), or you can be an active consumer and share your suggestions with us, so that we can incorporate them and improve this free software. I hope you are an active consumer and that you will send your comments to us at degraaf@nefisco.org
The Program
The program is based on population dynamics. In other words, it follows each individual fish in your virtual pond throughout the rearing period. In this respect, it differs from other aquaculture simulation software, which are based mostly on the flow of nutrients into the ponds. Because of this set up, there are two constraints you should realize:
1) Growth of fish depends on water temperature: higher temperatures lead to higher growth. This is not incorporated into the model. The program assumes that the water temperature in your pond NEVER
gets below 23 degrees Celsius. Do not use the program if the water in your ponds gets colder. 2) Growth of fish depends on feeding. If you do not feed your fish they will not grow. The program DOES NOT incorporate natural productivity or the water quality of your pond.
If you correctly downloaded TFST from our websites3 you went through the following menus:
Indicate the subdirectory on your hard disk where you want to save your file, in this example the subdirectory is C:\downloads.
http://www.nefisco.org\sofware.html http://www.xi-advies.nl/project-tilapias.shtml
You will see the progress of downloading. To install TFST, go to the subdirectory where you saved the installation file of TFST, in the example it is C:\downloads, and double click on the installation icon.
The next pop up screens will guide you through the installation process:
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4) Select the subdirectory for the installation or agree with the standard setting: click Next
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Once you have installed TFST properly, you can start TFST by clicking on the icon on your desktop, or by opening it through the menu: start programs TFST TFST
The first time you start TFST you will be guided through two introduction pages, please read them carefully. Fill the check box on the bottom left of the page if you want to skip the introduction pages the next time you start TFST, then start TFST (Figure 9).
If you want to read the introduction again later, go in the main menu to Help and double click on Introduction.
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o The database: This contains all the information you provided on your pond, the type of tilapia, the second species in your pond, type of feed prices, investments, etc. This data is used in the simulation of the optimisation program. o The simulation program: This is the main program, which simulates your pond after you have provided the needed details. Here you can simulate one setting for your pond and rearing system precisely and the results can be displayed with a number of graphics. If you want to see if there are alternative options, which give higher financial benefits, then youll have to run the optimisation program. o The optimisation program: Here you can look for better alternatives. The main settings you used in the simulation program are automatically exported to this program. You can select other rearing systems and different types of feed, look at the number of days you culture your fish, different stocking rates, etc, and see if this improves the financial performance. After running Optimise you can display the three best options: Gold, Silver and Bronze. Then, the settings of the selected option are automatically exported to the main screen of the simulation program, where you can do a new precise simulation with this setting.
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Once TFST is started, you will notice a MSDOS screen is operating in the background.
This is part of the stand-alone version of TFST made in Matlab and has no further function for you. If TFST crashes, you will see here an indication what went wrong in the software. If this is the case, please send us the lines displayed in this screen.
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TFST operates with two types of tilapia (Figure 12): 1. A local strain of tilapia, which is the common tilapia used for years in your area.
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2. A Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia (GIFT strain) developed by ICLARM and a number of fisheries research stations. The growth of this strain is much higher if compared with local strains. However, they are at present only produced in a limited number of countries.
In the tilapia menu, you indicate the type of tilapia you want to use and the weight of the tilapia fingerlings you stock. You enter this menu by clicking on the green arrow.
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First you select the tilapia type (Figure 13). On the right hand side of the screen a small description of your tilapia is displayed. Then you enter the stocking weight of your tilapia fingerlings. Note that you cannot change the stocking density of your tilapia. TFST uses a standard setting of 2.2 fingerlings per m2 or 22,000 fingerlings per ha. When finished, click on the OK button. Your settings will be saved and you will return to the main menu.
TFST can work with four culture types:
1. Mixed without a predator: You stock your pond with un-sexed tilapia fingerlings, in general 50% of the fingerlings will be male and 50% will be female 2. Mixed with a predator: In order to get rid of the excessive fingerling production, predators can be raised in combination with tilapia. In TFST, you can use the African catfish or the African snakehead.
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3. All male culture, sex reversed: with this option, you stock your pond with all male fingerlings that are produced with hormone treatment in their early life. Sex reversed fingerling in general can only be obtained from specialized hatcheries and are 100% male even if you buy them at a weight of 15 grams. 4. All male culture, hand sexed: You stock your pond with all male fingerlings that are obtained by hand sexing. This can be done at a specialized hatchery or you can sex the fingerlings harvested from your own pond. Hand sexing can only be done correctly with fish larger then 35 grams, which means that in the Tilapia type menu you should give a stocking weight of 35 grams. With hand sexing, there is always a small sexing error (5%) which is incorporated in TFST. Standard TFST opens with mixed culture, no predator. In the menu you can select your own option. If you select mixed with a predator, you will see that the menu just below predator type pops up and you have to fill in the information on the predator you use.
If you intend to use a predator in your pond, you first have to indicate which predator you want to use: the African catfish or the African snakehead.
The second step is to provide the density and the weight of the stocked predator.
For the African catfish you can stock up to 1 fingerling per m2 (10,000 per ha) and the
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maximum stocking density for African snakeheads is set at 0.1 fingerling per m2 (1000 per ha). Above these values the results are not coherent with the reality in the field.
NOTE Here, TFST has a geographical problem, as it was developed with data from the African continent. In some countries of Asia, Southeast Asia and South America, the African catfish is imported and raised in ponds and you can use this setting if fingerlings are available. For the African snakehead it is more complicated, as they are only found on the African continent. For Asia and Southeast Asia the snakehead settings could be representative for the use of the Asian snakehead (Channa Striatus). The efficiency of predation for the African snakehead or the Asian snakehead is more or less in the same order, but for growth, we do not know. So please realize that TFST is not calibrated for this option and results can be unreliable.
We need your co-operation to solve this and include more predators in updated versions of FTST
Selecting the type of feed you use is
straightforward: just select one from the menu. You can define one type yourself, if the feed you use is not among the pre-defined ones. You can include your own type of feed in the economic menu.
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In the main menu, you can enter the name of your country and the name of your currency. Automatically, TFST gives all the results in your own currency. You open the sub menus by clicking on the name of the sub menu.
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In this submenu, you provide information on your investment, maintenance and labor costs of your farm.
Please note that TFST calculates on a hectare basis, which means that you have to convert all your costs here, i.e. your pond is 100 m2 or 0.01 ha, and the construction costs for this pond were 200 ZAR. Therefore, your construction costs for TFST are 20000 ZAR/ha. If your pond is 5000 m2 or 0.5 ha and your investments were 1250000 CFA then your construction costs were 2500000 CFA/ha, etc.
For your investments you provide: o Investments made to construct your pond o Investments made in equipment needed to operate your farm o Amortization period, the time period needed to pay off the investments or for equipment that has to be replaced completely at the end of the time period o Interest rate, the annual interest rate you pay to the bank/NGO if you borrowed the money. Even if you constructed the farm with your own money, you have to indicate the interest rate.
TFST automatically converts all your values into costs per hectare, per year.
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Once you have constructed your farm, you have to carry out maintenance continuously to keep it in good order. As a standard, TFST calculates maintenance cost as 3% of the investment costs, but you can change this figure if you think it is higher.
You need people to run your farm. This can be yourself, family members or hired staff, but in all cases, it costs you money. TFST makes a division in Skilled and Unskilled labor. Skilled labor, for example a general manager, is needed if you have a large farm. In the menu you enter the salary to pay per day, and the number of persons you employ (again, calculated per hectare). TFST converts it automatically into annual costs per hectare.
Fingerlings and feed are often the major costs and you enter these costs in the submenu Input and feed
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Fingerling Prices
Fingerling prices are the price per fish and there are five categories as discussed before:
1. Tilapia, mixed male and female 2. Tilapia, all sex reversed 3. Tilapia, all male, hand sexed 4. Catfish 5. Snakehead
Note: please make sure the prices conform to the type and weight of your tilapia fingerlings, for example, if you use GIFT tilapia then also give the price of GIFT fingerlings. The prices are NOT UPDATED AUTOMATICALLY if you change the Tilapia type or stocking weights in the main menu.
Feed Prices
Providing the feed costs is straightforward, just fill in the different cells with the price per ton of feed. TFST converts it automatically into the feed cost per
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ton of fish harvested from your pond, and adapts the growth rate of your fish to the protein content of your feed5.
You can define your own feed. If it is not in the predefined list, enter the name of your feed and the percentage of protein it contains, the latter based on dry matter.
Please Note
It is possible that some of the pre-defined feeds are not available in your country. TFST keeps the standard values if you do not provide a price for these feeds. In this case, you will get ridiculous results in Optimise if you include them in the search. . . . . . . . .
The price for which you sell your fish (farm gate price) in most cases depends on the size of the fish. Therefore, in this menu (Figure 15) you first make the different categories of fish you sell, then give the price per kilogram for each category.
Provide the price per fingerling as entered in the input menu, if you sell fingerlings6 harvested from your pond or stock the fingerlings again in one of your other ponds.
If you do not sell fingerlings, but sell these small fish on the market for consumption then the price will be much lower, but you still have to enter the price per fish. For example, you sell the fish between 20 and 50 g for two ZAR per kg. One kilogram contains 1000/35= 28 fish. Therefore, the selling price is 2/28= 0.07 ZAR per piece.
Click on Ok once you have provided all the economic details of your farm, the data will be saved and you will return to the main menu.
You are almost ready to start your simulation. provide: In the Run parameters
o The size of your pond or farm in m2 o The number of days you raise your fish o The number of simulations you want to carry out. One simulation is a complete rearing cycle. With 10 simulations, you repeat the simulation ten times with the same settings, and TFST shows you the ranges of the results. A set of several simulations is called a run in TFST
Click Start to start your simulation and a bar will appear indicating the progress of your simulation. With small ponds, it takes 1-2 minutes to complete a simulation run. But the larger your farm the more time it takes to complete a run, which is the reality of TFST as it is based on Individual Based modelling and follows each individual fish in your pond.
Once the run is completed, the progress bar disappears and you see that the graphics becomes menu brighter and
you can visualize the results of the simulation with this menu.
o Average weight of your fish at harvest o The net yield at harvest and the development of the yields during the rearing in case you selected an individual simulation o The percentage of the different categories of fish in your pond at harvest or the development over time, in case you selected an individual simulation o Your costs, revenues and profit and their development over time in case you selected an individual simulation Results of a Complete Run
To view the results of a simulation, select the type of graph you want to display in the left menu and it will automatically pop up.
Figure 16: Example of average weight at harvest obtained from 10 simulations of one pond
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Figure 17: Example of net yields (kg/ha/year) obtained from 10 simulations of one pond
Figure 18: Example of relative biomass obtained from 10 simulations of one pond
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Figure 19: Example of cost, revenue and profit obtained from 10 simulations of one pond (on a ha basis)
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If you want to see the results of each individual simulation, you must first select the simulation number in the right menu and the type of graph from the right menu below.
Figure 20: Example of the development of the average weight in one simulation
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Figure 21: Example of the development of the net yields in one simulation
Figure 22: Example of the development of the relative biomass in one simulation
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Figure 23: Example of the development costs, revenues and profits of one simulation
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warning message Did you enter your Stock and Economic settings? will pop up. This is of utmost
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importance, if you did not provide your own data the optimisation would be carried out with our default settings. Click Yes If you are sure that you have provided the proper data. If you are not sure check, and start Optimise again.
When you arrive in the Optimise Menu, you can enter your preferences in the left part of the menu, and in the right part, the results will be displayed after you have run Optimise (Figure 25).
TFST-Optimise looks at: o The type of fingerling you use: mixed, all male, sex reversed, all male hand sexed o The rearing period o The type of feed used o The use of a predator: catfish or snakehead
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o The stocking density of the used predator Please note the phrase Culture type for local Tilapia on top of the input menu. It means that in the main menu the local strain was selected as your Tilapia type. If in the main menu GIFT tilapia is selected you will see here Culture type for GIFT Tilapia.
This means that Optimise ONLY calculates with the selected tilapia type setting. It cannot compare between a local and GIFT strain tilapia. If you want to compare the two you have to run Optimise two times, once for the local strain and again for the GIFT strain.
The Optimise menu opens with the standard scenario mixed, no predator, 300 rearing days and high quality feed but you can replace with your own preferences.
In this menu, you can indicate how you want to search for alternatives, if you intend to use a predator in your pond:
Density range: you can search with a fixed stocking density of your predator, or you can select a range of stocking densities: 0.1-1.0 per m2 (1000-10.000 per ha) for catfish or 0.01-0.1 per m2 (100-1000 per ha) for snakehead.
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TFST automatically defaults to the weight of the predator you entered in the main menu.
During the optimisation you can see if increasing or decreasing the number of rearing days will have an impact on the financial performance. Just select in the Rearing period the maximum number of days you want to raise your fish and Optimise will use the range from 90 this maximum number of days.
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Start Optimise by clicking the Optimise button on the right side below in the screen. After clicking, the Optimise bar will pop up, indicating the number of simulations that will be made, and the progress of the simulation process.
Once Optimise is ready with the calculations, the best results: the gold scenario will be automatically displayed (Figure 26).
In the example displayed, an optimisation was made for: mixed no predator, all male sex reversed and all male hand sexed, 360 days of rearing and a wide range of feed available.
The results indicate that using all male sex reversed fingerlings, rearing them for 263 days and feeding them with our own defined feed will give the highest profit of 690 ZAR for one rearing cycle of the pond/farm.
Select the Silver or Bronze to display the second best or third option.
By clicking on the OK button below right on the screen the displayed option will be automatically saved in the main menu settings (Figure 26, Figure 27) and you can run this scenario to get information that is more precise.
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Figure 27: Using the results of Optimise again in the main menu.
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The save menu will pop up and we recommend you save your data in the data subdirectory:
To open your files again go to File Open or click on the Open file button and select the file you want to run again.
TFST only saves your settings and not the generated data, as this usually results in huge files.
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The save a picture menu will automatically pop up and you can save the file as a Bitmap file (bmp).
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To familiarize you with TFST in this chapter we present you an example.
Note TFST includes variation, so your results of this exercise can differ slightly from the one presented here in the manual
Figure 29: Mr Koffis ponds, under construction Before I start running my farm I want to find the best way to do it and I will use TFST to give me an idea. To carry out this example, open the file Ivory Coast.sim.
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I will use a local tilapia as we do not have a strain GIFT in Ivory Coast and I will stock my pond with fingerlings of 35 grams. Economics menu-Investments
1. The currency in my country is the CFA 2. The name of my country is Ivory Coast 3. To construct one pond of 500 m2 I pay 250.000 CFA. The construction of the 10 ponds cost me 2 500 000 CFA or 5 000 000 CFA/ha 4. To run the farm I bought scales, buckets, a seine net, wheelbarrows, etc, this cost me 25 000 CFA or 50 000 CFA/ha. 5. For the construction of the ponds I borrowed money from the local commercial bank and I have to pay an annual interest rate of 20% 6. Replacement and maintenance is 3% per year 7. My two nephews will operate the farm and I will pay them 1100 CFA per day. My farm is 0.5 ha operated by two nephews, so I need four persons/ha 8. I do not need skilled labor for my farm
In my district I can buy mixed fingerlings, all male hand sexed fingerlings, catfish and snakehead fingerlings. All male sex reversed fingerlings are available from a specialized hatchery, located 200 km from my village.
Fingerlings Mixed male and females All male hand sexed All male sex reversed Catfish Snakehead
Weight (g) 35 35 35 15 15
All feed types are available and in Bobo-town a Tilapia feed, made of cottonseed cake, copra cake and wheat bran is available. It has a protein content of 30% and costs 140 000 CFA/ton. The other prices for feed are:
Feed type High quality Tilapia pellet Home made Tilapia feed Soy bean meal Cotton seed cake Dried chicken dung Ground nut cake Mustard oil cake Wheat bran Rice bran
CFA/ton 250 000 150 000 160 000 180 000 20 000 160 000 160 000 100 000 60 000
Difficult to get
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The values I entered in the Input and feed menu are presented in Figure 31.
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The situation in my country is particular as we like to eat large fish and it is difficult to sell small fish, unless they are really cheap.
Very small tilapia 0-20 g Fingerlings 20-50 g Small tilapia 50-120 g Medium sized tilapia 120-200 g Large tilapia 200 g and bigger Catfish Snakehead
10 CFA/kg 500 CFA/kg or 18 CFA per piece 700 CFA/kg 1000 CFA/kg 1200 CFA/kg 1000 CFA/kg 1000 CFA/kg
I entered these values in the Farm gate prices menu (Figure 32):
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First, I want to know what will be the best feed to use. So, I optimise for mixed culture, 360 days and all the feed types, except dried chicken dung as this is very difficult to get. Optimising takes some time as the farm has an area of 5000 m2. But after a while the results are displayed (Figure 33) and it indicates that I will produce 2695 kg of fish in one rearing cycle of 256 days. The best feed to use is soybean meal, because it is relatively cheap and has a high protein content. However, it also indicates that I will go bankrupt, because I produce too many small tilapia, which are fetching a low price at the market.
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An alternative would be to use catfish as a predator. I optimise again with: mixed with a predator-catfish, 360 days, soybean meal as feed, and select a stocking range of 0.1-1 for the catfish density. Optimising takes even longer than the first time as it has to calculate 10 scenarios: one for each stocking density of catfish. Rearing tilapia with the African catfish will increase my yield to 3164 kg of which 447 kg is the catfish. I use 0.3 catfish fingerlings per m2, but I am still going bankrupt due to the large quantity of small tilapia I am producing.
Figure 34: Results of optimising with African Catfish for Mr. Koffi
I save this option and run it again in the main menu to identify the problem.
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After running this scenario in the main menu it is clear (Figure 35) that the stocked females only reach a weight of about 100-120 gram at harvest, so most likely it is better not to stock females and only use all male fingerlings on my farm.
The alternative is to use all male fingerlings, so I start optimise again and select: All male hand sexed, 360 days, with soybean meal as feed. The results (Figure 36) are much better now as I am producing 3792 kg of fish and make a profit8 of 996 904 CFA per rearing cycle of 259 days.
Without tax
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Figure 36: Results of optimising with all male hand sexed fingerlings
The last option is to look at the use of sex reversed all male fingerlings (Figure 37). I would still make a profit of 638 296 CFA per rearing cycle but here the major bottleneck is the price of the sex-reversed fingerlings.
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Figure 37: results of optimising with all male sex reversed fingerlings
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For more information on the scientific version please contact Nefisco or Xi Info@Xi-advies.nl Info@Nefisco.org
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First, we would like to thank GTZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Technische Zusammenarbeit, German Technical Cooperation) for their financial support to develop this user friendly version of the original Tilapia Simulation Model, and offer special thanks to Mrs. Maike Walthemath of GTZ for making this happen.
Further, we would like to thank Mr. Jean Pierre Marquet and Mr Joris Colman from the PAPPE project in Ivory Coast for providing data for the examples and Mrs. Tami Brunk for editing of this manual
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de Graaf, G.J., Galemoni, F. and Banzoussi, B., 1996, Successful recruitment control of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus by the African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822) and the African snakehead, Ophiocephalus obscuris, A biological analyses. Aquaculture 146: 85-100.
de Graaf, G.J. and Janssen, H., 1996, Artificial reproduction and pond rearing of the African catfish Clarias gariepinus in sub-Saharan Africa, A handbook. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 362. Rome, FAO, 73 pp.
de Graaf, G.J., Galemoni, F. and Huisman, E.A., 1999. The reproductive biology of pond reared Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), Aquaculture Research, 30, 25-33.
in press.
Simulation of the pond rearing of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) through Individual Based modelling, based on population dynamics, Aquaculture Research.
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Growth according to the von Bertalanfy growth curve: Linfinitif (cm) Tilapia ,males Tilapia females 32.5 23.0 K ( year-1) 1.73 1.28
Feed type High Quality Tilapia dry pellet feed Home made Tilapia feed Soybean meal Cotton seed cake Dried chicken dung Groundnut cake Mustard oil cake Wheat bran gluten Rice bran
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